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XVampireXHello Mr Anderson, I'll be your guide for today ;)05:22
XVampireXIs there an Israeli LoCo?05:23
elkbuntuXVampireX, check https;//wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamsList05:25
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airjumpWhy are all Ubuntu people in the IRC? Jabber is nevertheless much better! ubuntu@conference.jabber.org a good room07:30
crimsun"better" is obviously subjective.07:31
crimsune.g., I prefer IRC, because I'm an old fart and grew up on IRC.07:32
Vorianairjump, jabber is cool too :)07:33
airjumphave you an account07:33
Vorianprivate, however :)07:34
airjumpi am in the room ubuntu@conference.jabber.org07:34
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tsmitheirc is plaintext and ubiquitous07:37
tsmithejabber is not07:38
tsmitheplaintext is also faster and some may say easier to process than xml07:38
tsmithealso, this isn't really "marketing" talk07:39
airjumpok i go07:39
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juliuxjenda, ping08:19
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jendajuliux: pong08:41
juliuxjenda, hi;)08:42
juliuxcan you e-mail the details for the stickers08:42
juliuxso i can pay them;)08:42
jendaDetails? :)08:43
juliuxyes;) for example your paypal account;908:43
jendaThere's no more details than my email address and the price: jenda at ubuntu dot com and 250 :)08:43
juliuxwhen do you get the stickers?08:44
tonyyarusso250 euros worth of stickers?08:44
tonyyarussohow many did you get?08:44
juliuxtonyyarusso, i think 1500 ubuntu, 1000 kubuntu, 500 xubuntu, 500 edubuntu08:45
jendatonyyarusso: 350008:45
juliuxtonyyarusso, they are for the german locoteam;908:45
jendajuliux: I should have them by wednesday.08:45
juliuxtonyyarusso, we will give them away on expos08:45
tonyyarussojuliux: gotcha08:45
=== juliux is the ubuntu germany logistic company;)
juliuxtonyyarusso, i have here around 40 ubuntu shirts, 700 ubuntu edgy dvds, 10.000 ubuntu flyers;908:46
juliuxtonyyarusso, and all the stuff for a stand at a expo08:46
tonyyarussoI want a shirt...08:47
tonyyarussoThose the polos?08:47
juliuxtonyyarusso, you are in the us?08:47
tonyyarussojuliux: Sometimes.  I toggle between US and Canada08:47
juliuxtonyyarusso, where in the us?08:47
tonyyarussojuliux: Minnesota.08:48
juliuxtonyyarusso, i will sent nixternal some polos08:48
tonyyarussojuliux: nixternal is Chicago, right?08:48
Admiral_Chicagotonyyarusso: yes08:48
juliuxi think so08:48
tonyyarussoI drive through Chicago en route.08:48
=== Admiral_Chicago resides in Chicago as well
tonyyarussoAdmiral_Chicago: never would have guessed that one08:48
juliuxbtw i start to desing a edubuntu leaflet;) http://ubuntu.juliux.de/edubuntu_front.png http://ubuntu.juliux.de/edubuntu_back.png08:50
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Admiral_Chicagojuliux: i see a few errors08:52
juliuxAdmiral_Chicago, the text is still the one from the ubuntu leaflet08:52
juliuxAdmiral_Chicago, i only changed the desing08:53
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Admiral_Chicagooh i see, okay then. the design does look good08:53
juliuxAdmiral_Chicago, my english is to bad to make a "offical" text for a leaflet;908:53
juliuxtonyyarusso, if you want a shirt i can send it together with nixternal so it is a little bit cheaper for you;)08:54
tonyyarussojuliux: Could you send me details including fabric makeup, pictures, how European sizes might match here, and total price?  this nick at ubuntu is fine.08:55
Admiral_Chicagojuliux: I could proof read it more thoughtly if you would like08:56
juliuxtonyyarusso, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1885720#post188572008:56
juliuxAdmiral_Chicago, willdiv will do the english text08:57
tonyyarussojuliux: still doing one color?08:57
juliuxtonyyarusso, yes only navy blue08:57
Admiral_Chicagookay good08:57
tonyyarussojuliux: http://ubuntu.juliux.de/polo.jpg 404s08:58
juliuxtonyyarusso, omg08:58
tonyyarussoFound it under /shirt08:58
tonyyarussoSite itself is fine08:58
juliuxah good08:59
tonyyarussojust broken link on forums - breathe08:59
juliuxi moved around all the stuff there, because i was everything in /08:59
tonyyarussoQuality looks okay - what are your opinions on the manufacturer?08:59
juliuxall the ubuntu related from over 1,5 year;)08:59
juliuxtonyyarusso, made in germany;)09:00
tonyyarussoDo you make shirts like you make cars?09:00
juliuxit is a good quality09:01
juliuxa normal poloshirt has 180-220gr/sqm we have 220gr/sqm09:01
tonyyarussoI spent part of last summer selling school uniforms, and it's amusing how some of those are great and some are cheap POS09:01
juliuxi think i washed my shirt now 10-15 times and every thing is fine09:02
juliuxit has still the original size09:02
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