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eroniusmaximus | Hello People. | 01:53 |
eroniusmaximus | I would like some help, | 01:59 |
eroniusmaximus | I'm new to Linux and I want to know how to install Edubuntu | 01:59 |
LaserJock | ok | 02:00 |
LaserJock | are you wanting to put Edubuntu on regular machine? | 02:00 |
LaserJock | or do you want to create a thin client server? | 02:00 |
eroniusmaximus | err | 02:00 |
eroniusmaximus | regular laptop | 02:00 |
eroniusmaximus | duel boot - so that i can use XP too | 02:01 |
eroniusmaximus | i downloaded the Edubuntu ISO, | 02:01 |
LaserJock | ok, have you burned it to a CD yet? | 02:01 |
eroniusmaximus | not yet | 02:02 |
LaserJock | what version did you download 6.06 or 6.10? | 02:02 |
eroniusmaximus | 6.10 | 02:03 |
LaserJock | k | 02:03 |
LaserJock | so do you know how to burn an .iso image? | 02:03 |
eroniusmaximus | ya. | 02:06 |
eroniusmaximus | i have to get my ass out of bed to go to the convie to get a CD tho, | 02:07 |
LaserJock | ok | 02:09 |
LaserJock | so right now XP is taking up the whole hard drive? | 02:09 |
nixternal | hehe | 02:14 |
eroniusmaximus | yeh | 02:15 |
LaserJock | ok, well you'll want to make some room first | 02:16 |
eroniusmaximus | do i just stick the linux CD in and it will repartition and install and do everything | 02:16 |
LaserJock | well, it can | 02:16 |
LaserJock | but it's safer to resize the XP partition from XP, in my opinion | 02:16 |
LaserJock | I used Partition Magic to do it with my laptop | 02:17 |
eroniusmaximus | ok | 02:17 |
LaserJock | so you want to be very careful with partitions | 02:18 |
eroniusmaximus | the drive is NTFS, is that ok | 02:18 |
LaserJock | yep | 02:18 |
eroniusmaximus | i repartition with Partition Magic and leave several Gigabytes unassigned, or? | 02:18 |
LaserJock | yeah | 02:18 |
LaserJock | how big is your hard drive? | 02:19 |
eroniusmaximus | 25gb 25gb 2.5gb | 02:20 |
eroniusmaximus | c d e | 02:20 |
LaserJock | 1 hard drive with 3 partitions? | 02:21 |
eroniusmaximus | i dunno, the laptop came like that | 02:22 |
LaserJock | hmm, I'm guessing so, laptops generally don't have more than one hard drive I don't think | 02:22 |
LaserJock | so do you have stuff on all 3? | 02:22 |
eroniusmaximus | ya | 02:23 |
LaserJock | can you move stuff to make one free? | 02:23 |
eroniusmaximus | ill do it on D | 02:23 |
eroniusmaximus | not empty, | 02:23 |
eroniusmaximus | but D currently has 8GB free | 02:24 |
LaserJock | k | 02:24 |
LaserJock | I'd try something like Parition Magic then. That's a fairly complicated partitioning structure | 02:24 |
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eroniusmaximus | ok | 02:30 |
eroniusmaximus | so, what does Edubuntu offer | 02:53 |
cliebow | what doesnt it 8~)\ | 03:21 |
cliebow | wicked good support | 03:21 |
cliebow | 8`) | 03:22 |
eroniusmaximus | hehe | 03:29 |
eroniusmaximus | i figured there isn' much reason why i shouldn't use linux instead of windows | 03:29 |
cliebow | there are a lot of edu programs for windows i havgnt gotten runing on linux..lexia comes to mind... | 03:30 |
cliebow | ticks me off | 03:30 |
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eroniusmaximus | Eh, does Partition Magic cost money? :S | 03:32 |
eroniusmaximus | Eh, Does Edubuntu automatic update? | 03:35 |
cliebow | yes..will more or less self update..very reliable as well | 03:41 |
eroniusmaximus | Is it better than Windows Vista | 03:43 |
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cliebow | eroniusmaximus:No you are far better off with windows | 04:14 |
cliebow | i know when i been had | 04:14 |
eroniusmaximus | eh | 04:17 |
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highvoltage | elmo40: hey there, did you get an answer about the CPU and RAM? | 10:10 |
highvoltage | ah, seems like you did | 10:11 |
smile | huh | 10:12 |
stgraber | morning | 10:37 |
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smile | Is Edubuntu just for schools? | 12:17 |
smile | Should I install Ubuntu rather than Edubuntu? | 12:17 |
jsgotangco | no not really | 12:17 |
jsgotangco | if you want the educational apps you can install edubuntu | 12:18 |
jsgotangco | but even if you are in ubuntu, you can install the education apps | 12:18 |
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eroniusmaximus | so installing ubuntu plus tools is the same as installing edubuntu | 12:55 |
highvoltage | eroniusmaximus: basially, yes | 01:05 |
highvoltage | eroniusmaximus: edubuntu is almost like a quick ubuntu setup for schools | 01:06 |
highvoltage | eroniusmaximus: you can do all of it manuallyin ubuntu, but edubuntu is the turnkey solution | 01:06 |
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elmo40 | highvoltage: i did get some answers. just not the ones i was looking for :-P | 01:29 |
elmo40 | what are the apps called that edubuntu uses so i can install them in a 'regular' ubuntu computer? | 01:30 |
highvoltage | elmo40: the easiest way to get them all is to install the edubuntu-desktop package | 01:51 |
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rbs-tito | Hi | 02:29 |
elmo40 | highvoltage: that is good to know :) | 02:31 |
elmo40 | this package is available in the regular repo's? | 02:32 |
rbs-tito | Does anyone know of someone I can talk to, I'm looking to write about Edubuntu for Linux+ DVD magazine and was hoping to get an interview from someone involved with the project. | 02:34 |
elmo40 | it has been dead in here for a while... i suggest leaving your contact info and someone will get back to ya. | 02:35 |
rbs-tito | Leaving my contact information here? | 02:36 |
rbs-tito | I'm Roberto Sarrionandia, you can reach me on irc.freenode.net as rbs-tito, or contact me through email rbs.tito@yahoo.co.uk | 02:37 |
elmo40 | someone will read this, inform the correct channels | 02:38 |
highvoltage | elmo40: yes, it is | 02:39 |
highvoltage | rbs-tito: you will most probably want to talk to Richard Weideman | 02:39 |
elmo40 | rbs-tito: what brought you to write about edubuntu? | 02:39 |
highvoltage | rbs-tito: he is the education manager for Canonical: richard@ubuntu.com | 02:39 |
rbs-tito | OK, I'll write an email. I am interested in Edubuntu and have been working with my local government to get it introduced into schools; I also write for a magazine and thought the publicity would do it good | 02:43 |
elmo40 | where is this 'local' gov't? ;) I am in Canada | 02:45 |
rbs-tito | Pembrokeshire, Wales, the United Kingdom | 02:45 |
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cbx33 | hey all | 05:43 |
cbx33 | ping ogra_ | 05:43 |
nixternal | hrmm, I need to edit a wiki page w.e.o/EdubuntuHandbook but it is locked, what gives :) | 05:46 |
nixternal | hiya cbx33 | 05:46 |
nixternal | heh, how do you log into the Edubuntu wiki? am I that e.tarded that I don't see, or do you currently have it on lockdown | 05:48 |
cbx33 | nixternal hmm | 05:48 |
cbx33 | it shouldn't be | 05:48 |
cbx33 | lemme see | 05:48 |
nixternal | every page says "Locked Page" for me | 05:49 |
cbx33 | are you logged in? | 05:49 |
nixternal | I have no clue, I don't even see a login button | 05:49 |
cbx33 | hehe | 05:49 |
nixternal | gahaha | 05:49 |
nixternal | shush, i see it | 05:49 |
cbx33 | hehe | 05:49 |
=== cbx33 pokes nixternalin jest | ||
nixternal | MAKE IT BIGGER | 05:49 |
cbx33 | yeh i know | 05:49 |
cbx33 | that has been said many a time | 05:49 |
nixternal | heh, I can't believe I studied that header for a good 2 minutes | 05:50 |
cbx33 | hehe :p | 05:50 |
nixternal | the one bad thing about IRC, I can scroll up and erase my e.tardedness :) | 05:50 |
cbx33 | hehe | 05:51 |
cbx33 | it will be importalised for ever | 05:51 |
cbx33 | immortalised | 05:51 |
cbx33 | damn it | 05:51 |
cbx33 | now I'm stooopid too | 05:51 |
nixternal | lol | 05:53 |
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nixternal | Alrighty, I have gone through and cleaned up the Handbook, added a little content, and straightened out the chapters. | 09:13 |
nixternal | There are still quite a few sections needing someone to adopt them and rock and roll | 09:14 |
nixternal | I also fixed the Makefiles to start building Edubuntu docs again. I need to fix the sidebar at doc.ubuntu.com to include Edubuntu docs. So far so good though | 09:14 |
highvoltage | edubuntugirl: nixternal++ | 09:15 |
highvoltage | nixternal: do you have a link perhaps, or is it in subversion somewhere? | 09:16 |
nixternal | subversion is on the Ubuntu Doc Project server now | 09:20 |
nixternal | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/Repository | 09:20 |
Burgundavia | hey highvoltage | 09:22 |
Burgundavia | triaging compiz bugs is fun! | 09:22 |
highvoltage | hey burgs | 09:24 |
bronze | I thought triage was a special kind of foiliage.... | 09:29 |
highvoltage | only when bugs grow on trees | 09:30 |
bronze | "tree-age" pruning a corrupted B-tree. | 09:32 |
Burgundavia | the really fun part of about compiz is the sheer number of non-standard packages | 09:33 |
Burgundavia | thankfully the xgl craze has died away | 09:34 |
Burgundavia | mostly I just have to deal with gandalfns packages now | 09:34 |
nixternal | alrighty, release notes updated, doc.ubuntu.com sidebar updated, and working on creating the initial Edubuntu 7.04 doc package | 09:47 |
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pygi | edubuntugirl, tell ogra to poke me once he's around pls, thanks | 09:52 |
edubuntugirl | Righto, pygi! | 09:52 |
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