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Eleaf | What's up doc? | 04:50 |
Eleaf | Respond doccers. | 04:52 |
LaserJock | not much | 04:52 |
Eleaf | This is vast LaserJock | 04:53 |
Eleaf | How can I make documentation? | 04:59 |
Eleaf | Would a tutorial be considered documentation? | 05:00 |
LaserJock | could be | 05:00 |
LaserJock | are you familiar with the Ubuntu help wiki? | 05:00 |
LaserJock | http://help.ubuntu.com/community | 05:00 |
Eleaf | I am familiar with the wiki | 05:00 |
LaserJock | you can add to that, that's a good way to help with documentation | 05:00 |
Eleaf | is there a difference with putting stuff just in the normal ubuntu wiki vs. documentation wiki? | 05:01 |
LaserJock | you could also help with the documentation that is shipped with Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu/Edubuntu | 05:01 |
LaserJock | yes there is | 05:01 |
Eleaf | what is that? | 05:01 |
LaserJock | the normal wiki (wiki.ubuntu.com) is for development coordination | 05:02 |
LaserJock | specifications, team todo lists, etc. | 05:02 |
Eleaf | I usually see more tutorials on the wiki.ubuntu one. | 05:02 |
LaserJock | they shouldn't be | 05:02 |
Eleaf | Like how to do things | 05:02 |
LaserJock | all "help" type documentation should be on help.ubuntu.com | 05:02 |
Eleaf | like mp3 support, etc. | 05:02 |
LaserJock | nah, that's been moved to the help wiki | 05:03 |
LaserJock | it *used* to be on wiki.u.c | 05:03 |
LaserJock | but it was moved and redirects put up | 05:03 |
Eleaf | oh I guess so. | 05:03 |
Eleaf | I see, redirect. | 05:03 |
Eleaf | What should I write something on? | 05:04 |
LaserJock | whatever you like | 05:04 |
Eleaf | I know but I need suggestions now. | 05:04 |
LaserJock | ok | 05:04 |
LaserJock | I think https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CategoryCleanup is the current list of wiki pages that need work done on them | 05:05 |
Eleaf | LaserJock, is it okay if I make my own art for the pages? | 05:06 |
LaserJock | well, you could | 05:06 |
LaserJock | but you probably want to be careful not to do too much | 05:06 |
LaserJock | you might want to ask the doc team mailing list | 05:07 |
LaserJock | about how to best do it | 05:07 |
Eleaf | my own icons ;) | 05:07 |
Eleaf | or have a waterfall with ponies all over! | 05:08 |
LaserJock | hmm, well those might not be very appropriate for the help wiki | 05:09 |
Eleaf | it could be. | 05:10 |
Eleaf | LaserJock, it says I'm not logged in, but when I log in, it says I'm already logged in. | 05:12 |
Eleaf | now it's working.. | 05:12 |
LaserJock | yeah, so you need to go back to the page you were at before you logged in | 05:12 |
Eleaf | I know but even then it wouldn't work. | 05:13 |
Eleaf | grr, the ubuntu wiki is so slow.. | 05:13 |
Eleaf | especially when saving preferences... Takes about 1 minute to respond.. | 05:13 |
LaserJock | it can be yes | 05:13 |
LaserJock | lots of people use it | 05:14 |
Eleaf | still.. | 05:16 |
Eleaf | xchat annoys me with chanserv, the chanserv output always goes into a random tab I'm not using.. | 05:17 |
Eleaf | random channel. | 05:17 |
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Shankar | hello there, can you direct me to the TAMIL LANGUAGE documentation page for ubuntu | 08:45 |
LaserJock | Shankar: I really don't know, is there a Tamil LoCo Team? | 08:46 |
jsgotangco | hey LaserJock | 08:47 |
mpt | Shankar, http://www.ubuntu-tam.org/tamizh/ is probably the best we have at the moment | 08:48 |
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ShankarGanesh | hello there, can you direct me to the TAMIL LANGUAGE documentation page for ubuntu | 08:49 |
ShankarGanesh | * hello there, can you direct me to the TAMIL LANGUAGE documentation page for ubuntu* | 08:49 |
mpt | ShankarGanesh, try http://www.ubuntu-tam.org/tamizh/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TamilTeam | 08:49 |
ShankarGanesh | thanks guys, i'll definitely contribute | 08:50 |
ShankarGanesh | YOU GUYS ROCK!! | 08:50 |
mpt | ShankarGanesh, are you interested in helping translate documentation into Tamil? | 08:51 |
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mpt | ShankarGanes1, are you interested in helping translate documentation into Tamil? You could start here: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/edgy/+source/ubuntu-docs/+translations | 08:56 |
ShankarGanes1 | thankyou, mpt | 08:56 |
mpt | Ah, I was just about to suggest you get in touch with the Tamil translation team, but I see you're already a member :-) | 08:58 |
ShankarGanes1 | yeah | 09:00 |
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mpt | Dodgy Indian Internet connections | 09:16 |
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CIA-4 | Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r3746 ubuntu/keeping-safe/C/keeping-safe.xml: Reworked keeping-safe and added new section to it | 11:10 |
mdke_ | yay! | 11:26 |
jsgotangco | yay | 11:26 |
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popey | mdke: when you are about, I need to speak to you about how we might kick the screencast project up the butt | 02:14 |
popey | (including mine) | 02:14 |
mdke | popey: ok, later will be better I hope | 02:25 |
popey | ok | 02:26 |
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CIA-4 | Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3747 ubuntu/ (8 files in 8 dirs): fixing lots of links, adding script used to repository for temporary use | 02:47 |
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CIA-4 | Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3748 edubuntu/ (4 files in 4 dirs): renaming Edubuntu directories to match the rest of the repo | 05:41 |
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CIA-4 | Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3749 /trunk/Makefile: adding Edubuntu to Makefile for building | 06:02 |
CIA-4 | Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3750 edubuntu/ (3 files in 2 dirs): cleaning up and fixing makefiles for Edubuntu | 06:11 |
CIA-4 | Ubuntu Documentation: lucius * r3751 xubuntu/desktopguide/C/introduction.xml: patch from vincent | 06:46 |
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nixternal | who is lucius? | 07:16 |
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tonyyarusso | no idea | 07:17 |
nixternal | hiya jjesse | 07:22 |
jjesse | hiya nixternal | 07:24 |
jjesse | still snowing here rich :) | 07:26 |
nixternal | jeesh, it is cold, but still sunny | 07:26 |
jjesse | yeah, well the snow slowed its mostly blowing | 07:26 |
jjesse | its up to my knee :) | 07:26 |
mdke | nixternal: he's one of the xubuntu guys | 07:29 |
nixternal | never seen him before. Cool, wish we had more Edubuntu and Kubuntu guys :) | 07:30 |
mdke | he's been vaguely around for several cycles now | 07:30 |
mdke | was originally the only xubuntu guy | 07:30 |
mdke | now joined by Cody | 07:30 |
nixternal | cool | 07:30 |
nixternal | where are all of the Edubuntu people hiding? | 07:31 |
mdke | are there edubuntu people? | 07:31 |
nixternal | me | 07:31 |
nixternal | there is an Edubuntu Documentation team and Handbook Team, but where they all went I have no clue | 07:32 |
jjesse | nixternal: I find it funny they are complaining about the rain in miami when we have more snow to deal w/ then we know what to do | 07:32 |
nixternal | hehe | 07:34 |
nixternal | spam alert | 07:34 |
CIA-4 | Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3752 edubuntu/handbook/C/introduction.xml: Handbook introduction.xml cleaning and additional content | 07:34 |
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nixternal | spam alert | 09:10 |
CIA-4 | Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3753 edubuntu/handbook/C/ (bookinfo.xml contribute.xml standalone.xml using.xml): cleaning up the Edubuntu Handbook | 09:10 |
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CIA-4 | Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3754 teamstuff/doc.ubuntu.com/sidebar.inc.php: added Edubuntu Release Notes to the sidebar at d.u.c | 09:22 |
CIA-4 | Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3755 edubuntu/releasenotes/C/releasenotes.xml: cleaning up release notes for Edubuntu | 09:42 |
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jjesse | wow i'm re-working on my book chpt and it seems like there were a ton of gramatical problems | 10:20 |
mpt | "re-working on"? | 10:25 |
=== mpt flees | ||
mpt | jjesse, which book was this? | 10:25 |
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nixternal | jjesse: there were more than grammatical unfortunately | 10:44 |
Burgundavia | mpt: likely the official one, given jjesse wrote the Kubuntu chapter of the first one | 10:55 |
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Burgundavia | mpt: can you fix LP so it guesses URLs better? | 10:58 |
Burgundavia | so when I enter lp.net/83118 it goes to the bug number? | 10:59 |
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mpt | Burgundavia, Launchpad is more than just a bugtracker | 11:19 |
mpt | and lp.net is taken :-) | 11:20 |
Burgundavia | mpt: regardless, hitting a number is unlikely to be anything but a bug number | 11:20 |
Burgundavia | I was shortening launchpad | 11:20 |
Burgundavia | at least you should replace the 404 page with a search page, ala moin | 11:20 |
mpt | Yes, one day we will have global search | 11:20 |
Burgundavia | why not now? | 11:21 |
mpt | </stargazing> | 11:21 |
Burgundavia | is the db so badly broken? | 11:21 |
mpt | Anyway, this is the wrong channel for such talk | 11:21 |
Burgundavia | true | 11:21 |
CIA-4 | Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3756 ubuntu/ (6 files in 3 dirs): moving some things around | 11:42 |
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CIA-4 | Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3757 /trunk/ (6 files in 4 dirs): splitting "Windows" document into a separate folder, updating debian/rules accordingly | 11:45 |
tonyyarusso | Sometimes I'm disappointed by how small the Server Guide is (I bought it from lulu). Can someone recommend a more comprehensive text for that sort of thing? | 11:57 |
nixternal | howtoforge :) | 11:57 |
tonyyarusso | Anything in print? | 11:58 |
nixternal | not that I know of | 11:59 |
CIA-4 | Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3758 ubuntu/ (3 files in 3 dirs): fixing some more links | 12:04 |
CIA-4 | Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3759 ubuntu/keeping-safe/C/keeping-safe.xml: fixing remaining links | 12:05 |
nixternal | slow down mdke! | 12:08 |
LaserJock | :-) | 12:08 |
=== mdke is done | ||
nixternal | DA BEARS! | 12:09 |
LaserJock | bah | 12:09 |
LaserJock | Colts are gonna kick there butt | 12:10 |
nixternal | hehe, I will have some more tonight. I have created an Edubuntu-docs package so I will have the debian/ directory up later | 12:10 |
nixternal | omg LaserJock, you just lost friend points | 12:10 |
LaserJock | hehe | 12:10 |
nixternal | you made me want to cry, I thought there was love, but no! | 12:10 |
nixternal | haha | 12:10 |
mdke | is your edubuntu-docs package different to ogra's? | 12:10 |
LaserJock | well, I like Manning, but it's been a while for the Bears | 12:10 |
nixternal | mdke: yes, as it contains the handbook, and more | 12:11 |
LaserJock | mdke: ogra wanted us to replace his with what we're doing with the doc team reapo | 12:11 |
LaserJock | *repo | 12:11 |
nixternal | he told me to make a package a couple of weeks ago, but I tried to put it on LaserJock, and I kind of dropped the ball | 12:11 |
nixternal | so I have been busting my ass trying to put a smile on his face | 12:11 |
LaserJock | now that there's a bit more activity | 12:11 |
LaserJock | ugg, I totally forgot | 12:11 |
nixternal | don't worry LaserJock, I have it under control | 12:12 |
LaserJock | I worked on it for a bit a while ago | 12:12 |
LaserJock | but I've been so insanely busy lately | 12:12 |
nixternal | I just installed Herd 3 so I can test my package and perfect it | 12:12 |
LaserJock | trying to get RL back in order | 12:12 |
nixternal | same here, DA BEARS are on, gotta go :) | 12:12 |
crimsun | I hope they LOSE. | 12:12 |
nixternal | jesus, none of you people like me | 12:13 |
LaserJock | that's just cruel ;-) | 12:13 |
nixternal | that's it, I quit | 12:13 |
crimsun | yeah, gimme your bandwidth | 12:13 |
nixternal | haha | 12:13 |
nixternal | later | 12:13 |
mdke | LaserJock, nixternal: sounds good | 12:14 |
=== mdke beds | ||
LaserJock | cya mdke | 12:15 |
nixternal | g'nite mdke | 12:16 |
nixternal | commercials | 12:16 |
nixternal | ;) | 12:16 |
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