
LjLmikeo2: never tried12:01
ompaulmagicks, please stop changing your nick so off there are 1k others in here12:01
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mikeo2http://rougebob.com/Running-a-Windows-Partition-in-VMware.htm thats what i did12:01
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=== magicks hugs ompaul
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floatingredwagonLjL - That got me past it!   Thank you!12:02
mikeo2it works with my old xp partition, but only boots in vmware as root12:02
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tdelaIf i have a nvidia 6800 video card, do i need to install the drivers in a new kernel?12:02
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LjLmikeo2: make your user a member of the "disk" group12:02
Ascbertrand: Unless you explicitly told it to install GRUB on the windows partition, it shouldn't have....  Hopefully it's just a configuration problem.12:02
tdelatrying to get beryl running here but it seems i dont have the video drivers.12:02
ubotuiptraf: Interactive Colorful IP LAN Monitor. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.0-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 161 kB, installed size 740 kB12:02
bertrand_so i'll try again. note i have read on some websites that you musn't install grub on a windows partition12:02
godtviskenIn the ubuntu installation of postgresql, where are the database file stored?12:02
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mikeo2LjL: how do i do that?12:03
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LjLmikeo2: sudo adduser yourself disk12:03
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freeit ce ne sono12:03
LjL!it | free12:04
ubotufree: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:04
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Ascbertrand_: I think it's more of a boot sector thing, so installing it on a partition could be bad.  I'm no expert on the topic though.12:04
mikeo2hmmm still can't boot it, oh well will just keep running it as root12:04
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LjLmikeo2: close the terminal and open it again. or even restart X. it'll probably work12:04
cyberyakif I blacklist 2 of the modules that are dependencies of ubuntu-desktop, will it still allow me to install it?12:04
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mikeo2ok will do12:04
LjLcyberyak: doubt it12:05
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cyberyakso do I, which is why I am asking.12:05
=== cyberyak has never blacklisted modules before, so I don't know how they react.
LjLcyberyak: perhaps make an equivs package instead of blacklisting12:05
LjLah *modules*? so not *packages*?12:05
=== ooglaboogla is away: Gone away for now.
cyberyakmy bad12:06
Led-HedCan anyone point me to a Howto or explain how to extract the usplash boot image for editing12:06
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LjLcyberyak, wait, blacklisting modules is a different thing from blacklisting packages12:06
ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add "blacklist modulename" to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type "sudo update-initramfs -u"12:06
LjLis this what you did?12:06
cyberyakno, we're talking packages12:06
cyberyakI mistposke12:06
LjLok then you could try an equivs12:06
cyberyakand mistyped12:06
ubotuequivs: Circumvent Debian package dependencies. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.7 (edgy), package size 18 kB, installed size 128 kB12:06
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LjLcyberyak: make newer (fake) versions of those packages using equivs, instead of blacklisting them, and APT should be happy12:07
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kbrooksCan I ask a question please?12:07
LjLcyberyak: "equivs-control" to set it up, and "equivs-build" to make the package12:07
kbrookser, wrong channel12:07
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:07
jinhoi-kido: http://pastebin.ca/33922912:07
I-kidojinho ok tnx12:07
LjLcyberyak: (with some parameters, check the manpages)12:07
jinhoi-kido: sorry took so long paste-bin was acting up12:08
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I-kidojinho no prob,  can u pm me?12:08
exwhyzedI installed madwifi through the pacakage manager, but my wireless card is still not recognized. can anyone help?12:08
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mike01LjL: it booted in vmware as my user12:08
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quaalin sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg will it detect the correct drivers automatically12:10
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bertrand_Asc: It don't work12:10
quaalfor my geforce 6800 it goes to vesa12:10
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xaosi'm using dapper, and i broke my software index. when i run apt-get install -f , it tells me i have to remove 821 mb worth of packages. is there a way to remove the packages i installed (edgy libc6 libs, and others) without removing my entire system? or should i let it remove all teh files and run update manager to upgrade to edgy?12:11
gardarWhat's the current version of NeroLinux?12:11
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ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE12:12
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LjLmike01: cool, note however that it means that now your user can do anything to the *entire* hard drive. drives, actually.12:13
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LjLmike01: your user has basically become very close to root. so, ponder whether you might not just run vmware as root instead12:13
LjLmike01:  sudo deluser yourself disk  will restore the previous situation, if you need that12:14
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bertrand_Asc ?12:15
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jcvasquezthello everyone12:15
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gabaryahhow do i change desktop res using kde12:15
mon^rchI swear to God moving files on my ntfs systems is like a dream come true12:15
juano__!hi | jcvasquezt12:16
ubotujcvasquezt: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:16
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gabaryahneed help please12:16
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LjLgabaryah: assuming that System Settings / Monitor & Display doesn't work, try  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg 12:16
Hansin321mon^rch: Are you using the NTFS-3G driver?  Just curious.12:16
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Hansin321Curious if Feisty will use them be default.12:17
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gabaryahdon't see Monitor & Display12:17
jcvasquezti need help with my wireless connection....anyone please...i have a ipw2200 on a toshiba laptop12:17
juano__mon^rch: you can write with ntfs-3g12:17
Hansin321NTFS-3G driver that is.12:17
juano__!wireless | jcvasquezt12:17
ubotujcvasquezt: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:17
mon^rchits just great12:17
LjLgabaryah: that would be weird. what are the icons under "System Administration" in System Settings?12:17
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LjL"Computer Administration" that is12:17
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Asc__bertrand_: got disconnected.  Try mounting the partition under Linux; if GRUB is on it, it should be damaged and not mount.  The command 'sudo mkdir /mnt/windows;sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows' ought to work.12:18
jcvasquezti tryied that, but i get an error with sh remove-old12:18
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zcat[1] is there any easy-to-use tool to control how much time my kids can have on the computer? I want to restrict them to an hour a day...12:20
bertrand_It doesn't work12:20
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zcat[1] looking through synaptic I can't find anything though...12:20
Asc__bertrand_: Okay.  What was the error message?12:20
particlemanone minute my hard drive in a usb box is working fine12:20
LjL!workrave | zcat[1] , perhaps this12:21
ubotuzcat[1] , perhaps this: workrave: RSI prevention tool. In component main, is optional. Version 1.8.3-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 635 kB, installed size 1884 kB12:21
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particlemannext reboot and suddenly it's saying it's a readonly drive12:21
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brainly-greenhow do I have a script that runs every time I receive an email?12:21
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LjL!timeoutd | zcat[1] , this too, though probably harder to configure12:22
ubotuzcat[1] , this too, though probably harder to configure: timeoutd: Flexible user timeout daemon with X11 support. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.5-10 (edgy), package size 20 kB, installed size 120 kB12:22
particlemanit's a vfat partition12:22
particlemanhowdy all12:22
juano__particleman: cat /etc/fstab12:22
juano__particleman: /etc/mtab12:22
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superdave888does anyone know how to change apt-get install source to internet instead of cd12:22
jcvasquezt...anyone, please, i've been trying to set up my wireless for a while, but i've been unable to make it work. i try already the documentation in ubuntu, but with the instructions they have there i always get an error when: sudo sh remove-old12:22
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LjLUbotu, tell superdave888 about easysource | superdave888, see the private message from Ubotu12:23
LjLUbotu, tell superd about repos | superd, see the private message from Ubotu12:23
zcat[1] timeoutd looks perfect12:23
enixwhat file whould i edit to keep from mounting my windows partition in linux12:23
particlemanwhat am I looking for?12:23
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reklipzHello everybody!12:23
gabaryahChecking for non power of two texture support   : failed12:23
siikahhi :)12:23
gabaryahwhat does this mean12:23
deepHi reklipz (:12:23
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superdave888sorry for disconnect, I had asked about changing apt-get install source to internet12:24
deepAnd hi, the rest. :)12:24
reklipzI recently switched from Windows XP to ubuntu on my laptop12:24
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eternaljoydeep: hey hey12:24
LjLUbotu, tell superdave888 about repositories | superdave888, see the private message from Ubotu12:24
juano__particleman: an entry for your USB device12:24
superdave888thx ljL12:24
reklipzEverything is running fine, except for one small glitch12:24
eternaljoysuperdave888: :)12:24
deepreklipz, okay? (:12:24
eternaljoywill Ubuntu install OK on a notebook?12:24
reklipzya, its on here just fine12:24
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eternaljoyreklipz: what type?12:25
reklipzthe only problem is i cant use the brightness / volume keys, it corrupts the display every time12:25
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juano__particleman: you trying to mount a USB device ?12:25
mike01LjL: think ill just run vmware as root12:25
gabaryahwhen i start beryl from konsole i'm getting a message "Checking for non power of two texture support   : failed"12:25
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juano__gabaryah: sudo beryl-manager12:25
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reklipzthere anyway to fix this?12:25
Mosquitonif i will install ubuntu on my laptop, will the actual OS (XP) be deleted will all the data and files ?12:25
reklipzdepends on how you install it mosquiton12:26
particlemanit mounts, either through the gnome automounter or manually12:26
zcat[1] gabaryah: what card? I get that error with my TNT2 cards and it means the card is just too old to run beryl12:26
LjLMosquiton: if you don't tell it to delete it, no. the installer gives you a choice12:26
particlemanand I can read the files just fine12:26
deepgabaryah, have you checked the beryls website? (:12:26
eternaljoyreklipz: what type?12:26
reklipzwhat type of?12:26
gabaryahwas working fine12:26
reklipzits a gateway 200ARC12:26
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particlemanbut now it tells me everything is read only12:26
eternaljoyreklipz: you said ubuntu installed on your notebook12:26
reklipzwith an intel 825/855 chipset12:26
ublenderhas anyone mastered the art of video encoding for the ps3 in ubuntu?12:27
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eternaljoyreklipz: what type?12:27
particlemanjust ran fsck on it12:27
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NeoClon1hi evrybody12:27
reklipzIts a gateway 200ARC12:27
particlemanlet's see if that helps12:27
gabaryahstopped working after sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg12:27
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reklipzIntel Centrino 1.4GHz12:27
eternaljoyreklipz: you have alZeimers? LOL12:27
eternaljoyreklipz: u dual boot from ms windows?12:27
NeoClon1i need some help12:27
LjLgabaryah: that command modified your xorg.conf. including the parts of it that you (most likely) had manually modified to make Beryl work. you must re-add those.12:27
reklipzi was thinking about it though12:27
juano__particleman: pastebin you /etc/fstab  and your /etc/mtab please12:27
particlemanno luck12:27
mon^rchis there a tutorial on getting a highid from amule?12:28
deepNeoClon1, just ask. :)12:28
hdibanihi everybody, does anybody know of a gnome equivalent to klibido? i would prefer using a GTK tool. thanks12:28
zcat[1] gabaryah: oh.. yeah, what ljl said :)12:28
eternaljoycan I install Ubuntu on a notebook and have it keep MS windows on it?12:28
particlemanto the chan?12:28
siikahsuperdave888, depends on which country you're from. it's all in the /etc/apt/12:28
juano__no no12:28
reklipzeternaljoy, yes12:28
MosquitonLjL: does it means that i'll have 2 os on my lptp and that i will be able to chose wich one to start any time i'll turn on the pc ?12:28
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gabaryahso i have to reinstall beryl?12:28
eternaljoyjuano__: why not?12:28
bertrand__error message : mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1, missing codepage or other error. In some cases useful infos is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so12:28
juano__!paste | particleman12:28
ubotuparticleman: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:28
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particlemanah ok12:28
LjLUbotu, tell Mosquiton about dualboot | Mosquiton, see the private message from Ubotu12:28
LjLMosquiton: yes12:28
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eternaljoyreklipz: how can I install ubuntu and for it to keep ms windows and to create a dual boot menu?12:28
NeoClon1how can i change the sound codec of asa12:28
juano__eternaljoy: he should use pastebin not flood the channel12:28
tsmitheNeoClon1, how do you mean?12:28
xaosi'm using dapper, and i broke my software index. when i run apt-get install -f , it tells me i have to remove 821 mb worth of packages. is there a way to remove the packages i installed (edgy libc6 libs, and others) without removing my entire system? or should i let it remove all teh files and run update manager to upgrade to edgy?12:28
gabaryahso i have to reinstall beryl?12:28
particlemannot a prob :)12:28
eternaljoyjuano__: who?12:28
hdibanieternaljoy: sure you can, you need to create another parition for linux though12:28
LjLUbotu, tell eternaljoy about dualboot | eternaljoy, see the private message from Ubotu12:29
NeoClon1now it's ALC883 et i would like to force ALC88012:29
NeoClon1i mean, the sound works12:29
NeoClon1but partially12:29
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eternaljoyhdibani: its already got a freee partition! now what?12:29
zcat[1] gabaryah: there will be a backup of your working xorg.conf, just copy it back and then manually edit what you ere trying to do with that reconfigure...12:29
NeoClon1not all the outputs are working12:29
eternaljoyLjL: ty, cheers12:29
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juano__eternaljoy: <eternaljoy> juano__: why not?12:29
reklipzeternaljoy: I'm not 100% sure as to how to do it, but I know that it will use GRUB for the bootloading menu, and I believe there is an option when installing to do that12:29
LjLxaos: you have got Edgy's libc6 installed on a Dapper system? you might as well reinstall from scratch, i think.12:29
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NeoClon1the headphone and speakers doesn't works12:29
LjLxaos: or just upgrade to Edgy if you feel like12:29
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Mosquitonmmm i've cheked the links... but i still have many questions12:29
gyaresuAnyone know of any movies/clips about "Why you should use Linux"?12:30
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particlemanjuano- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4036/12:30
LjLMosquiton: ask12:30
xaosi have amd64 so i want wireless function, edgys 64 kernel didnt work with wireless12:30
hdibanieternaljoy: ubuntu will automatically discover windows for you and create a boot menu. just make sure you install into the free partition12:30
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devilsadvocategyaresu, google for the beryl 3d window layering plugin video on youtube :D12:30
unopgyaresu,  are you that much of a skeptic?12:30
reklipzCan someone tell me if its possible to get my brightness / volume keys to work on my laptop? RIght now it just corrupts the screen whenever i press one12:30
Asc__bertrand_: Yeah, it sounds like the header's broken.  Linux should be able to mount FAT or NTFS without a problem.12:30
gyaresudevilsadvocate: No. More like a presentation...12:30
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Dimensionsif booting from usb hdd ... what should be my setting in grub.conf ? for initrd and kernel and is my root going to be hd0,1 or something else ?12:31
xaosin order to upgrade i have to uninstall that 800mb packages first...12:31
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LjLgyaresu, try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic12:31
zcat[1] Nobody should run Linux. It's a terrible OS!!12:31
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bertrand__ok, but i must leave now, i'm sorry12:31
gyaresuunop: I'm an advanced linux monkey. I'm looking for ways to convert :)12:31
gluemonkeyzcat shutr it12:31
=== ublender slaps zcat[1]
xaosi should be able to copy the list, and reinstall them later right?12:31
zcat[1] hehe...12:31
gyaresuLjL: :) sure.12:31
=== jcvasquezt [n=jcvasque@cable200-116-176-189.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu
LjLUbotu, tell xaos about cloning | xaos, see the private message from Ubotu12:31
LjLxaos: yes12:31
devilsadvocatexaos, back up your important data first12:31
NeoClon1is it possible in mp?12:31
bertrand__thanks a lot foryour help, is it something i must know before leaving ?12:31
Asc__bertrand__: Hope you don't loose anything too important.12:31
particlemanjuano-any ideas?12:31
unopgyaresu,  then you should know of enough reasons to "not use videos" in your evangelism :)12:31
juano__particleman: seems fine, can you rw now ?12:31
=== BlackMad [n=BlackMad@106.red-62-57-17.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu
jcvasquezthello everyone12:32
eternaljoyhdibani: ok12:32
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juano__particleman: sudo mount /dev/sdb412:32
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bertrand__important files are on others ntfs partition, no problem for this. good bye and thank you12:32
=== VSpike [i=e9343050@carlyleclarke.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu
gyaresuunop: I'm the only Linux guy for 100Km. I can't do all the talking :)12:32
roboukneed help before i reinstall windows! im fairly new to linux. its yet another resolution problem, running ati radeon 9800. my xorg.conf shows the 9800 with all the nice resolutions but im stuck in 640x480, thanks for your help!12:32
juano__particleman: try sudo umount /dev/sdb4 and then sudo mount /dev/sdb412:33
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Asc__bertrand__: Not really.  I don't know of any free software that can fix it.  At least partial recovery of files should be possible, but that might require buying software for it.12:33
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zcat[1] beryl's finally getting to the point where I can do useful stuff (videos and games) without it messing up all the time. Still a few bugs though...12:33
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LjLrobouk: perhaps xorg.conf lists refresh rates that are not adequate for higher resolutions? try a  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  and see if you can set them to something better (ideally, look them up on your monitor's manual)12:33
__mikemLjL, you know that guy seveas got 2 days ago for bann evasion?12:33
particlemanand...bugger all12:33
LjLUbotu, tell robouk about fixres | robouk, see the private message from Ubotu12:33
unopgyaresu,  what i meant was - it's easy to dress up (dress down) videos and presentations to make a point, they dont necessarily reflect the truth12:34
thugis there anyway to install noia icons for gnome ? if yes .. then how ?12:34
hdibanihi everybody, does anybody know of a gnome equivalent to klibido? i would prefer using a GTK tool. thanks12:34
reklipzUbotu, tell reklipz about stuff12:34
unophdibani,  what does klibido do?12:34
juano__particleman: mm, does the icon appear on desktop ?12:34
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VSpikeApologies, because this is a bit OT but I'm sure someone can help. I have two drives, in Grub terms hd0 and hd1.  Kubuntu is installed on hd0.  If I want to install Windows in hd1, can I swap the boot order in the BIOS and then install XP on it, to avoid it stomping my MBR?  And then swap back in BIOS afterwards and let Grub boot it?12:34
jcvasquezti have a dual system with winxp and ubuntu, i'm trying to move to ubuntu but not everything is working properly, i got the LAN to work, but the wireless...i've been trying it for a long time and i just couldnt. i have a toshiba laptop and a ipw2200 with a router using wpa2 security....anyone???12:34
=== McDiddy [n=Jeff@mn-10k-dhcp1-6779.dsl.hickorytech.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
hdibaniunop: klibido is a binary news downloader12:35
roboukLjL: thanks! will do some reading on it, ill hang around incase i have trouble though12:35
gyaresuunop: Yes but it's all about the marketing. Lots of average people can't get their info through reading.12:35
=== Asc__ is now known as asc_
thug Drag and drop this theme into the theme manager to install   = the format its invalid12:35
reklipzI have an ipw2100, and it worked flawlessly12:35
thugdoes anyone know how to install them ?12:35
particlemansame problem12:35
gyaresuunop: anyway... I'm in #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to discuss ;)12:35
ardchoille42thug, What kind of theme?12:35
gluemonkeywho is using xchat????????12:35
toM|vendettAhi how can i open a .7z file???????????/12:35
particlemannow it's saying that the owner of the drive is root12:35
thugardchoille42 icons ...http://art.gnome.org/themes/icon/49712:35
devilsadvocategluemonkey, me12:35
LjLUbotu, tell toM|vendettA about 7z | toM|vendettA, see the private message from Ubotu12:35
particlemanregardless of the fact that I'm logged in as my regular username12:35
NET||abuseaoupi, hey man, so i went and purged potfix, allowing it to remove courier-imap and courier-pop along iwth courier-imap-ssl and courier-pop-ssl,,12:36
=== verma [n=verma@12-210-137-165.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression12:36
unophdibani,  do you mean news off of NNTP servers?12:36
=== particleman prepares to headdesk
gluemonkeyhow do i get to see whos in the room?12:36
vermawhat is the package name to install tcl?12:36
NET||abuseaoupi, but now when i restart postfix i get shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory12:36
LjLgluemonkey: /names #ubuntu12:36
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eternaljoyhdibani: do I need a separate hard drive to install Ubuntu?12:36
unopverma,  probably tcl8.0 -- you can search through available packages using aptitude search tcl12:36
hdibaniunop: yes exactly12:36
thugardchoille42 is says Drag and drop this theme into the theme manager to install  but doesnt work .. i get the format its invalid12:36
zcat[1] gluemonkey: click where it says "nnn users" and a list pops up.12:36
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LjL!tcl8.4 | verma12:37
ubotuverma: tcl8.4: Tcl (the Tool Command Language) v8.4 - run-time files. In component main, is optional. Version 8.4.12-1.1 (edgy), package size 1104 kB, installed size 3148 kB12:37
ardchoille42thug, That is an icon theme. Unpack it to ~/.icons for your user only, or unpack it to /usr/share/icons if you want all users on that box to use it.12:37
juano__particleman: sudo umount /dev/sdb4  then sudo mkdir /media/sdb4  then sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb4 /media/sdb412:37
unophdibani, well, whats wrong with something like evolution or thunderbird (if you want something new , experiment with - aptitude search news)12:37
LjLgluemonkey: anywhere. best in the status window if you have one.12:37
thugardchoille42 ok thanks12:37
vermathanks LjL unop12:37
quaalis there a way for me to check that this is what ubuntu 6.10 is using for its nvidia support http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_1.0-9746.html12:37
ardchoille42thug, Yeah, the theme manager installer *tries* to install when you D&D, but the theme installer sucks out loud. It's better to unpack themes manually.12:37
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particlemanstill listed as owned by root12:38
jcvasquezt?????i have problems with my wireless card...can anyone give some advice?12:38
hdibanieternaljoy: no you dont, you need different partitions that's all (c: d: in the windows word). you can now even run ubuntu inside the windows partition and start the installation from windows12:38
thugardchoille42 but the ~/.icons its empty .. its that how it should be ?12:38
ardchoille42thug, It12:38
particlemanjuano-thanks for the help12:38
ardchoille42thug, Itll be empty until you put icons i there, yes that is normal12:38
particlemanbut my frustration level is starting to build :-p12:38
LjLquaal: lshw -class display12:38
thugardchoille42 works ... thanks12:38
juano__particleman: lol sec12:38
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particlemanshould I try rebooting again?12:38
juano__particleman: nah, one sec12:39
LjLquaal: if you see you're using the "nvidia" driver, "apt-cache policy nvidia-glx" will tell you the version12:39
eternaljoyhdibani: how can I now run ubuntu inside the windows partition and start the installation from windows?12:39
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particlemanI've already tried powering down the hd and the comp12:39
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ardchoille42thug, The system gets icons from /usr/share/icons. The user accounts can override the system icons if the user has icon themes in ~/.icons.  the same goes for /usr/share/themes and ~/.themes.12:39
MosquitonLjL: if i give ubuntu  "10 GB" of my D: partition, will the others "windows" files be recognized when xp is running ?12:39
hdibaniunop: i use pan when i want to read news, klibido automatically decodes binary attachement to a specified folder.12:39
fnord123anyone know of any network games like maelstrom for linux? I want to play subspace/continuum... :-/12:39
particlemanand seriously...one minute it was working fine12:39
particlemanthen next reboot it wasn't12:39
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=== particleman wonders if it was a buggy update
Music_Shufflefnord123, zomg! I want to too!12:39
thugardchoille42 ok thanks a lot .12:40
LjLMosquiton, you can't give Ubuntu *part* of a partition. it needs a partition *for itself*. however, if you don't have a spare partition, the installer is able to shrink Windows partitions to make some space12:40
eternaljoyhdibani: how can I now run ubuntu inside the windows partition and start the installation from windows?12:40
fnord123i installed maelstrom and it gave me a hankering for ye olde subspace12:40
juano__particleman: whats the gid set too ?12:40
unophdibani,  i'm quite sure tbird has something to download binaries (an extension if not built-in)12:40
juano__particleman: in the mtab12:40
LjLMosquiton: obviously, resizing partitions is a sensitive operation. you should not do it if, for instance, the power may go out during the process. you should have a backup of important files.12:40
ardchoille42thug, yw12:41
quaalLjL, http://pastebin.ca/33927312:41
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quaali dont see where it says what i'm using ?12:41
hdibanieternaljoy: there is a new ubuntu installer that comes as exefile to be run from windows, i will find you a link12:41
doofy2is it possible or is there a keyboard shortcut to switch between workspaces?12:41
timewriteranyone in here can help me with a bios related issue ?12:41
particlemanjuano-don't see one for that drive12:41
MrKeunerhi, i am having problem to get sound from an external device that I have connected to the mic port of a r52 thinkpad. When I plug a mic in that port the inbuilt mic stops inputting and new external mic starts working and skype works with both without any problems. What must I do?12:41
jcvasqueztjuano, i tryed the howto's in ubuntu documentation, but there is always an error when: sudo sh remove-old, and it wont let me finish all the steps...any help?12:41
Mosquitoni see..  i think i'll wait for a new pc.  and then use this one for some experiments12:41
hdibaniunop:  the problem is that tbird does not read nzb files (xml files that contain the list of files to be downloaded)12:41
Mosquitonthank you LjL12:42
juano__particleman: /dev/sdb4 /media/sdb4 vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,quiet,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8 0 0   ----->put in fstab12:42
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LjLquaal: ah, indeed, it doesn't say. it does for me. try  grep nv /etc/X11/xorg.conf 12:42
particlemanLJL-be wary though...I haven't had much luck getting vfat disks formatted under linux to read back in windows12:42
juano__particleman: then sudo mount -a12:42
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LjLparticleman: hm? i never talked about formatting FAT disks...12:42
eternaljoyhdibani: thanks12:42
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gluemonkeystill cant find users list perhaps ill read some instruction or something hideous like that!!12:43
particlemanjust trying to provide marginally relevant information :-p12:43
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quaalLjL, lsmod | grep nv gives this nvidia_agp              9628  112:43
quaalagpgart                34888  1 nvidia_agp12:43
particlemanand...same problems12:43
roboukhow to restart X from terminal? i assume startx starts it again?12:43
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository12:43
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:43
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LjLquaal, not sure about that, i think that's a module from the binary driver, but i can't say for sure12:44
hdibanieternaljoy: here is the link, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/install.exe/Prototype  this is still new, so make sure you read more before trying it, altough i have tested it and it works great, you install ubuntu inside windows, if you wanna remove it, you go to the add/delete windows on yor windows and remove ubuntu12:44
quaalLjL,  Driver          "nv"12:44
quaali get from grep nv /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:44
LjLquaal: then you're using the open-source driver12:44
juano__particleman: cat /etc/passwd | grep yourusername12:44
juano__particleman: what ID num ?12:44
eternaljoyhdibani: prob better to install it using Ubuntu CD and placing it on hdb112:44
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quaalLjL,  should i try the nvidia one ?12:44
gluemonkeyAnyone tried feisty???12:45
iulian_I get this error when trying to start dhcp on ubuntu 6.10: dhcpd failed to start - check syslog for diagnostic12:45
quaali can only get 1024x768 currently12:45
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juano__particleman: should be fine then12:45
iulian_anyone know why?12:45
jcvasquezt....come one please, i'm new to ubuntu, and not having the wireless working is very annoying...i've tryed a lot of things and still, cant get it to work...12:45
LjLquaal: if you need 3D performance, yeah... no, for the resolution, that shouldn't be the problem. try  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg  instead12:45
quaaljcvasquezt,  can you get it to work in windows ?12:45
thugafter i load new icons ... the mixer volume failed to start any idea ?12:45
eternaljoyjcvasquezt: relax, chill!12:45
hdibanieternaljoy: i agree12:45
quaalLjL, ok12:45
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Hansin321join #ubuntu-dev12:45
hdibanigluemonkey: i am on it for a month now12:45
eternaljoyhdibani: it seems easy anyway doing it from CD!  simply tell it to use 2nd partition12:45
=== _`XeOn_ [n=xeon@pool-72-88-225-174.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
hdibaniyes, very easy indeed :)12:46
quaalLjL, i've been reading this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=454217 and [trying]  to follow it12:46
fngdhmjfhi, im trying to install ubuntu 6.10, but when i select "start or install ubuntu blahblah", some orange bar moves around, then it like loads, then white _ appears, then monitor blinks twice, and now monitor is black and computer has crashed (num neiter capslock is working). Can anybody help my about this? currently i used some old ubuntu live cd 4.x, this one booted w/o problems.12:46
_`XeOn_hi i wanna run an irc server on my local machine what to do?12:46
gluemonkeyhdibani did your update and add/remove break?12:46
quaalLjL,  but then some people told me to use the sudo command you just mentioned12:46
jcvasqueztquaal, yes, it works on windows12:46
eternaljoyhdibani: do I need 3 parts!  one where Ms windows is, c:, and d: for Ubuntu and e: for swap?12:46
particlemanjuano-and yet it isn't12:46
hdibanigluemonkey: i have updated to it from mint linux (ubuntu derivative)12:46
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hdibanigluemonkey: i did not have any problems12:47
particlemanand here's the wierd part12:47
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particlemanthe drive itself is owned by root12:47
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particlemanbut all the directories are owned by the user name12:47
BlueLagunais there any easy way to combine two video files?12:47
Music_Shuffle!es | sixtynine12:47
LjLUbotu, tell sixtynine about es | sixtynine, see the private message from Ubotu12:47
ubotusixtynine: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:47
=== BHSPitMonkey [n=stephen@adsl-66-139-217-94.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
particlemanexcept that even though I'm logged in as the username12:47
virtuhi.. i am getting some error when I type sudo nano test nano wont open, the same with sudo apt-get install12:47
particlemanI can't change any permissions12:47
gluemonkeyhdibani hey i want to try mint it looks good12:47
juano__particleman: ls -a /media/sdb412:47
LjLquaal, that basically explains the same things, except... in a bit of a confused manner perhaps :-) try that command, for starters, then restart X, and if it still doesn't work, try it without the "-phigh"12:47
hdibanieternaljoy: yes you need a small partition that is the same size as the ram you have on your machine for swap12:47
particlemanjust 3 dashes12:48
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hdibanieternaljoy: you can create it from the installer12:48
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LjLquaal: that'll let you select refresh rate. choose the "medium" option, and make an educated guess12:48
rlysometimes when I open an aplication it's all black12:48
jcvasquezteternaljoy: i want a chill but is frustrating12:48
juano__particleman: sudo ls -a /media/sdb412:48
quaalLjL,  ok12:48
quaali have the specs of my lcd monitor12:48
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particleman3 dashes again12:48
quaalthe horizontal sync and vertical refresh12:48
hdibanigluemonkey: if you are lazy like me yes :)12:48
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quaalwhich i edited xorg.conf with12:48
eternaljoyjcvasquezt: even the experts have challenges12:48
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particleman.  .. to be precise12:48
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particlemanok, 3 periods12:48
LjLquaal: then choose the "advanced" option, not the "medium", and put them straight in12:48
eternaljoyjcvasquezt: its not what happens that counts, its how you deal with it that matters :)12:49
LjLquaal: well, does xorg.conf also list the target resolution that you want?12:49
juano__particleman: sudo mount /dev/sdb4 /media/sdb412:49
juano__particleman: what does that say ?12:49
LjLquaal: (at the bit depth that you want)12:49
eternaljoyjcvasquezt: a mans character is revealed in how he handles himself when challenges arise12:49
eternaljoyjcvasquezt: and atm, you arent handling that well at all12:49
particlemanno error messages12:49
gluemonkeyhdibani I read somewhere that feist will have all the propritry drivers and codec as default when its ready in april12:49
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LjLgluemonkey: it will probably just give an easier way to install them.12:50
juano__particleman: sudo ls -a /media/sdb412:50
eternaljoyhdibani: but does the installer create the swap file using the d: partition? so no need for an e:?12:50
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jcvasquezteternaljoy: thats true....but, i've been working on it for a long time...12:50
enixfor some reason only my linux partition12:50
eternaljoyjcvasquezt: welcome to Linux :)12:50
quaalLjL,  didnt seem to ask for H/V settings12:50
virtuwhats wrong with this -> http://paste.ubuntubrasil.org/151412:50
eternaljoyjcvasquezt: but you are growing and learning12:50
gluemonkeyLjL yea automatix and easyubuntu dont really seem to all the codec installed12:50
LjLquaal: no, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" won't, but "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" will12:51
=== demente [n=demente@CPE-124-190-160-131.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
particlemana whole bunch of files :)12:51
hdibanieternaljoy: it will try to put the swap first, so hdb2 will be swap, then hdb3 will be your /12:51
LjL!automatix | gluemonkey12:51
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ubotugluemonkey: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe12:51
jcvasquezteternaljoy: thanks......12:51
juano__particleman: well there you are12:51
Kud|What's the command to get a specific version of a file with apt-get?12:51
eternaljoyjcvasquezt: :)12:51
juano__particleman: thats your usb disk12:51
LjLKud|: apt-get install package=version i think12:51
jribKud|: apt-get install package=VERSION12:51
eternaljoyjcvasquezt: i can empathise with u! I been there, done that ;)12:51
enixwont mount cdrom either12:51
I-kidovirtu after install u need to type the package name12:51
particlemanok, I'm sorry12:51
particlemanI don't know that I was explaining myself clearly12:51
particlemanI've been able to do that12:51
Kud|LjL , jrib: Thank you12:51
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particlemanbut I can't change, delete, or edit any of the files on the disk12:52
eternaljoyjcvasquezt: in 1 year when you are very experinced, you will look back on this day and smile :)12:52
virtuI-kido, the same error I got with I put a package name12:52
quaalLjL,  ok without the -phigh it asks for the PCI card bus properties12:52
particlemanthat's what's frustrating12:52
gluemonkeyLjL yea I use automatix but i find i still have to hunt foe extra stuff now and again in order to play new files i acquire over the net12:52
quaalLjL,  it is PCI:2:0:0 by default12:52
jcvasquezteternaljoy: i just need to figure out whats wrong....12:52
juano__particleman: sudo chmod 777 /media/sdb412:52
LjLquaal: oh, nevermind all that, just press Enter on the defaults12:52
quaalLjL, will it go to the right one ?12:52
rlyhey sometimes when I open an aplication it's all black... can anyone help with that?12:52
eternaljoyjcvasquezt: u installed Ubuntu did you today?12:52
renfieldeternaljoy: stop with the evangelizing and cuddling already12:52
virtuI-kido, brb... will log out to see it still hapens12:52
MaicolHi, Ubuntu 6.10 it's compatible with motherboard asus p5b?12:52
LjLquaal: it will just leave the selections that were there previously12:52
juano__particleman: how about now ?12:52
I-kidook virtu12:52
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eternaljoyrenfield: are yu an op here?12:52
quaalLjL, thanks12:52
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juano__particleman: also sudo chmod +w /media/sdb412:53
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renfieldeternaljoy: no. it just makes me squirm seeing this gay handholding dog training stuff with so much extraneous12:53
jcvasquezteternaljoy: i did, but not today, a couple weeks ago12:53
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momofor F*&^ sake.. i am at my limit. who want to remote to my laptop and fix my issue for me!!12:53
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LjL!language | renfield12:53
uboturenfield: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:53
quaalLjL,  hmmm it says keyboard variant and it is blank. leave it blank i presume?12:53
LjLquaal: yes12:53
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jcvasquezteternaljoy: i already got almost everything working...but the wireless is kicking my ..12:54
eternaljoyrenfield: what on earth makes you think I give a damn about your opinioons?  Now go take your medication for depression and go to sleep for 1 hour! you will feel better then :)12:54
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juano__particleman: is filesystem fat32 u sure ?12:54
momoi need to get the TV out function working on my laptop but i cant do it for the life of me.!12:54
LjLeternaljoy, renfield: would you take to care non-support related matters somewhere else, please?12:54
eternaljoyjcvasquezt: ok12:54
LjLcare to take12:55
eternaljoyLjL: yes, understood12:55
momoexperience with this?12:55
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renfieldeternaljoy: pls dont write gaynerd messages to me secretly. i dont like it. do it on this channel.12:55
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particlemanso now it looks like I can write to the drive12:55
particlemanwhich is good12:55
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b renfi!*@*] by LjL
thescoobsteri need help installing my printer12:55
juano__particleman: do u have 2 usb disks connected now ?12:55
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particlemanI do12:55
juano__particleman: ok12:56
particlemanI just can't change permissions in gnome12:56
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juano__particleman: so you can write to the file12:56
jcvasqueztby everyone, thanks for the help12:56
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juano__particleman: disk i mean12:56
particlemanI...think so12:56
Triumph|TKdoes anybody know how to add a user to a group in ubuntu server please will be GREATLY appreciated12:56
juano__particleman: sudo mkdir /media/sdb4/mytest12:57
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Kud|How do you determine what versions of a package are available from a repository with apt-get?12:57
LjLTriumph|TK: sudo adduser <user> <group>12:57
juano__particleman: if you can do that then you can write12:57
tonyyTriumph|TK: sudo adduser username groupname12:57
Triumph|TKTY SOO MUCH12:57
LjLKud|: apt-cache policy <package>12:57
virtuI-kido, every command that I do with sudo nothing happens12:57
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momoplease somebody give a solid suggestion for enabling my tv out laptop function key!12:57
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ubotuFor help with enabling the TV-Out, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition (Nvidia cards) or http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Tvout (ATI cards, *untested*)12:57
virtuI-kido, sudo nano /etc/apache/httpd.conf and nano didnt open12:57
thescoobsteri bought a samsung ml-2510 and it shows in my printers but when i print12:57
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momoubotu: i love you12:58
virtuI-kido, sudo gedit (gedit didint open)12:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i love you - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:58
I-kidovirtu did u try gedit12:58
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I-kidomaybe ur missing packages12:58
virtuI-kido, every comand12:58
virtuI-kido, everything was working12:58
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:58
quaaldamn you guys are awesome12:58
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quaalthanks LjL12:58
eternaljoyquaal: they are the best!12:58
I-kidovirtu can u tru gksudo?12:58
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thompaanyone know how to simply record my audio?12:59
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows12:59
Triumph|TKtonyy do you by any chance know how to add a home directory to a group12:59
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RicketHow do I restart the samba server without rebooting?12:59
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:00
tonyyTriumph|TK: Could you clarify?01:00
virtuI-kido, virtu is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.01:00
thompaaudacity says unable to record i/o error01:00
Triumph|TKim trying to make a group with access to 1 ftp directory01:00
particlemanback to the same problem01:00
particlemanit's like I can only write to the drive for so long before it turns into a read only drive01:00
RicketHow do I restart the samba service without rebooting?01:00
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tonyyTriumph|TK: So what you want is to make a directory writable and readable and such by all members of a particular group, no?01:01
Triumph|TKyes tonyy01:01
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particlemanwonder if the drive just overheated, and needs some time to cool down a bit01:01
particlemanor if the usb box is bad01:01
ferret_0567Where is MadWifi in Ubuntu 6.10? Inside the "linux-restricted-modules" package?01:01
tonyyTriumph|TK: sudo chown groupname:groupname /path/to/dir && sudo chmod g+rwx /path/to/dir01:02
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ferret_0567This is a repo to get the latest beta of Gaim01:02
ferret_0567: http://repository.debuntu.org/01:02
enixanybody else had problems with mounting scd001:02
ferret_0567If you want to try it01:02
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:02
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oddmanouthi all01:03
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oddmanouthow do I adjut/turn off the touchpad controls in ubuntu for a latptop?01:03
Triumph|TKtonyy groupname:groupname ?01:03
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oljanxanyone else have trouble receiving a channel list in XChat?01:04
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tonyyTriumph|TK: Yeah, b/c the group is also a user generally01:04
flubsunop: are you still available to answer questions about cpan?01:04
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ferret_0567I'm going to try that repo01:04
Triumph|TKi made the group using addgroup and when i typed that command it says unknown user01:04
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ferret_0567Especially since this particular beta has some Google Talk features in it01:04
ferret_0567Hopefully, file transfer for Google Talk01:05
thescoobsterthere is no way whatsoever to get a printer that ubuntu does not to support to work?01:05
LjLoljanx: that's quite normal in every client. the list is too long and will flood you out of the network. try with wildcards - if you want a list of ubuntu channels, type /list *ubuntu*01:05
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oljanxLjL:  thanks, I'll give it a go01:06
particlemanso any ideas?01:06
particlemanI switched usb boxes01:06
particlemansame effect01:06
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particlemanI'm thinking I may have to back everything up and reformat the drive01:06
particlemanwhich will just be very annoying01:06
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:06
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flubsHas anyone experience trouble installing XML::Parser from CPAN?01:06
thugis anyone here using listen for ipods ?01:06
LjLflubs: why don't you just install the package instead?01:07
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LjLflubs: i mean the ubuntu package01:07
flubsLjL: ???01:07
cchanceDoes any one know of a GUI Dj Setup similar to SAM in windows? It needs to be able to encode, do statistics, and perform audio stuff.01:07
flubsLjL: can I get it through synaptic?01:07
LjL!info libxml-parser-perl | flubs01:08
ubotuflubs: libxml-parser-perl: Perl module for parsing XML files. In component main, is optional. Version 2.34-4 (edgy), package size 285 kB, installed size 708 kB01:08
LjLso yes01:08
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Triumph|TKtonyy its not recognizing my group it keeps saying invalid user01:08
flubsThanks all, I'll give libxml-parser-perl a try01:08
tonyyTriumph|TK: Did you create it?  Perhaps if it's only a group and not a user you'll need to set the user otherwise...01:09
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tonyyTriumph|TK: Maybe ftp:groupname or sth01:09
superdave888hello anyone, when connecting via XDMCP to my ubuntu server, I see only a fuzzy grey screen in Cygwin01:09
superdave888any advice01:09
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Joe_CoThey, is there a way to figure out what driver i need for my touchpad? the Xorg.0.log says it's not synaptics01:10
mister_robototonyy: what's he trying to do, change the group of some file(s)?   is he using chgrp?01:10
=== thescoobster cries
tonyymister_roboto: a directory01:10
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mister_robotochgrp <groupname> <dir|file>01:11
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ImsdleCan anyone help me? I just upgraded to a new version of Ubuntu and I am getting a /dev/hda1 does not exist dropping to a shell! busy box v 1.0101:12
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thescoobsterso either i have to install xp as a dual boot or drop linux all together?01:13
roboukany obvious reasons why im not getting sound from my alsa mixer? audio files say 'cannot connect to sound server' - cheers for help, appreiciated again :-)01:13
LjLImsdle: is /dev/hda1 the right partition, to your knowledge?01:13
glue_Anyone!! what is the command to start jacksound????????????01:14
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thescoobsterno1 is here01:15
Imsdleyes .. to my knowledge01:15
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Imsdlehda is the boot01:15
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Imsdlehda1 is ubuntu01:15
shafiresomeone uses feisty as server?01:15
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Flannelshafire: #ubuntu+1 for feisty, thanks01:16
Shadow_xhello everyone01:16
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shafireFlannel, okay01:16
Enselic``Can X produce HDMI output?01:16
sovieticoolhi all01:16
sovieticooli have a problem :(01:16
mister_robotodoes anyone know the current state of 64-bit ubuntu? i was googling around and there was no java or flash and many problems i was reading about, but it was all old stuff. i'm hoping things have changed a lot in the meantime01:16
glue_hi all does anyone know the command to start jack server???01:16
Shadow_xcan anyone help me with ndiswrapper01:16
Pelosovieticool,  how very nice for you01:16
sovieticoolmy mplayer give me a error when i try to open a movie01:16
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Enselic``sovieticool: try to start from command line with the -xv flag01:17
thescoobsterwell then how do i install the cups server?01:17
thescoobsterin kde?01:17
sovieticoolit's say error selected video_out(-vo) device01:17
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robouk!sound server01:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sound server - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:17
Pelosovieticool,  I have the same problem, I am not bothered with it , I use totem or vlc instead01:17
Enselic``sovieticool: with -vo sv     i mean01:17
Enselic``sovieticool: -vo xv01:17
Pelothescoobster,  use kde's pakcage manager, I forget it's name01:18
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thescoobsteri looked in it01:18
sovieticooli have ubuntu special edition 6.1001:18
thescoobsterbut i didn't see it01:18
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Flannelmister_roboto: java is now available (since it's now open source). but still no flash (because adobe hasn't made a 64bit flash binary)01:18
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sovieticoolmaybe that be the prob ?01:18
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Pelosovieticool,  I had the same problem in  6.06,  I think something else is interfering, it just stoped working for me one day01:19
quaalwhy is the mousewheel making the track go forward and reverse now in xmms01:19
quaalinstead of adjust volume like its supposed to01:19
Flannelsovieticool: what on earth is the "Special Edition"?01:19
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aoirthoiri want special edition01:19
mister_robotoFlannel: any other things that are a real pain that you know of? driver issues with anything? software not ported? that sort of thing? are the repositories reasonably complete for 64 bit programs?01:19
PeloFlannel,  it's a special one you only play 100$ for01:19
sovieticoolis the next version of Christmas edition01:19
thescoobsteri really really like ubuntu but to spend weeks and weeks on one thing is such a nightmare01:20
KhaledI'm having a little bit of trouble installing the latest inkscape from source.01:20
ublenderspecial edition: LTS edition?01:20
sovieticool:)), Pelo01:20
thescoobsterit makes me want to commit suicide01:20
aoirthoirthescoobster: i didnt have to spend weeks on it and I am using it in a business environment01:20
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Khaledwhenever I try and compile using the make command I get this back:make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop.01:20
aoirthoirthescoobster: have you gone through the entire faq at ubuntuguide.org?01:20
Flannelsovieticool: you mean "Ultimate Edition"?  We don't support that (it uses Automatix).  And, you got ripped off, because everything available in that edition is available in every other ubuntu edition.01:20
thescoobsterbut just little things like getting my printer ot work01:20
Pelothescoobster,  that' s just the learning curve,  you'll get the hang of it eventualy01:20
Khaledany ideas?01:20
fransthhi all01:20
thescoobsteri really need this printer01:20
thescoobsterthe rest i got01:20
thescoobsteri mean i know it good01:21
fransthanyone can help vga problem in my notebook01:21
thescoobsteri've done everything with it01:21
thescoobsterbut the printer01:21
PeloKhaled,  have you done ./configure first ?01:21
mister_robotothescoobster: suicide? isn't going back to windows a little better than that?  :)01:21
fransthi use knoppix the VGA run well, but ubuntu01:21
thescoobsteri have 2 printers and neither are working01:21
thescoobsterthere has to be something01:21
thescoobsteru can't tell me u install ubuntu01:21
aoirthoirthescoobster: if you cant get the printer you can always post online or call canonical for support...01:21
thescoobsteru buy a new printer01:21
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KhaledPelo, yeah01:21
aoirthoirthescoobster: its working with all my printers except the label printer from UPS...01:21
=== Dave [n=Dave@c-71-61-160-190.hsd1.wv.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Khaledbut I've not done this from root, does that matter?01:21
mister_robotothescoobster: what printers?01:22
PeloKhaled, make doesn,T need root01:22
sovieticoolyeah, Flannel that's is01:22
KhaledIt shouldn't but I've never been able to make make actually work01:22
thescoobstersamsung ml-251001:22
thescoobsterand lexmark x7501:22
aoirthoirthescoobster: in fact it recognized a printer that doze woudnt see01:22
sovieticoolso that is not goof ?01:22
sovieticoolgood ?01:22
thescoobsterit shows but when i print01:22
PeloKhaled,  does the folder contain a  install.py  file or something ?01:22
KhaledI've checked that it's installed properly and it has01:22
=== Dave is now known as Khev
thescoobsterin 6.0601:22
aoirthoirthescoobster: well lexmark deliberately tries to keep people from working with their printers01:22
thescoobsterthe light blinked01:22
thescoobsterand the 2550 driver01:22
thescoobsterit hummed01:22
aoirthoirthescoobster: they even sued a company that made replacement ink cartidges01:22
thescoobstermade me excited01:22
=== QMario [n=QMario@cpe-67-10-53-189.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
gluemonkeyhi room01:23
thescoobsterwhich made me madder01:23
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Flannelmister_roboto: Um.  I believe binary drivers are available.  I'm not certain though.  But, all OSS is available in 64bit, because... that's the nature of OSS.01:23
aoirthoirhi glue01:23
thescoobsterthat's why i bought the samsung01:23
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thescoobsteri thought i bought the 215001:23
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Khaledpelo it's got an instal-sh file but not an install.py01:23
thescoobsterwhich ubuntu supports01:23
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thescoobstergot me numbers switched01:23
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thescoobsterand i got it online so it's not like i can return it01:23
SYS0110hi all01:23
Khaledit's got a couple of makefiles: makefile.am, .in .mingw01:23
mister_robotoFlannel: it's the nature of OSS that stuff CAN be recompiled, just wondering if it HAS been   :)01:23
aoirthoirthescoobster: you can return it even if you got it online01:23
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PeloKhaled,  the proceedure is a bit different then,  read the install file and the readme files01:23
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thescoobsteris that worth it though?01:24
Peloand Khaled   this might be usefull to you in the future  http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/01:24
aoirthoirthescoobster: in any case you can try the closest drivers..and you can also email or call samsung and tell them you want gnu/linux drivers for it..that will pressure them01:24
SYS0110i wanna use multi language on gnome(i mean switch between 2 languages)01:24
lufisHey guys. Tried to install feisty via dist-upgrade but got a fatal error when installing the packages. How do I restart the process?01:24
thescoobsteri mean i will have to pay shipping trade for anther model01:24
aoirthoirthescoobster: in the future definitely make sure its the same printer as you wanted01:24
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thescoobsterso then i thought well hmm01:24
thescoobsterwhat if i hook it to the laptop01:24
thescoobsterand use a cups server01:24
aoirthoirthescoobster: that depends...did you order the incorrect model or did they send you the incorrect model?01:24
SYS0110i wanna use multi language on gnome(i mean switch between 2 languages)01:24
SYS0110i wanna use multi language on gnome(i mean switch between 2 languages)01:24
thescoobsterit was my bad01:25
thescoobsteri was so excited about the price01:25
Shadow_xcan anyone help me with my e170501:25
aoirthoirthescoobster: doesnt matter if you use cups..it still has to have the correct print driver01:25
thescoobsteri didn't look real hard01:25
thescoobsteri saw the numbers 215001:25
PeloSYS0110,  look it up in the forum01:25
thescoobsterand in my mind i saw 251001:25
thescoobsterbut it says linux support01:25
thescoobsterso i can't see why it's a prob01:25
sovieticoolFlannel, what is that sovieticool: you mean "Ultimate Edition"?  We don't support that (it uses Automatix).  And, you got ripped off01:25
thescoobsteri'm thinking maybe i have to fiddle and tweak01:25
Pelothescoobster,  check the maker's site then01:25
aoirthoirthescoobster: what says linux support? the website?01:25
sovieticooli am ripped ?01:25
thescoobsteri have the drivers on the cd01:26
sovieticoolmy password are stolen or what ?01:26
thescoobsterbut the unified linux driver install gui01:26
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thescoobsterwon't run01:26
thescoobsterso i dl it01:26
thescoobsterand that runs01:26
aoirthoirsovieticool: he means there is no "ultimate" edition of ubuntu01:26
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thescoobsterbut it sticks at 95%01:26
thescoobsterif i'm lucky01:26
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:26
aoirthoirsovieticool: that is part of the promise of ubuntu.....01:26
Flannelsovieticool: What about it?  It uses Automatix.  We don't support Automatix (as it's the best way to break a perfectly good installation).01:26
khaije1is there anyway to tell if my X server and kdm are working properly via remote ssh?01:27
sovieticoolhmm that's why i have a lot of error01:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mesa - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:27
Shadow_xcan anyone help with a broadcom wireless card and nidwrapper?01:27
thescoobstersometimes the helps aren't very helpful01:27
sovieticooli need a good version where to download it ?01:27
Pelosovieticool,   that ultimate edition is just a special make with certain packages that install automaticaly,  nothing you can't get free from the net or from the regular channels,  you only got taken if you paid for it01:27
thescoobsterone prob i had was after i installed xubuntu01:27
aoirthoirsovieticool: the difference between ultimate editions..home editions and so on..is not new features or better..it is deliberately crippled features..ubuntu wont do that01:27
fnord123when i run glxgears, it flickers hella bad01:27
SYS0110what forum01:27
SYS0110cant u tell me?01:27
thescoobstermy screen res was 600x680@6001:27
fnord123however, compiz works a treat01:27
thescoobsterand nothing else01:27
thescoobsternowhere did anyone say01:27
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PeloSYS0110,   the forum for ubuntu01:28
thescoobstergo to system setup01:28
thescoobsterand select ur monitor model01:28
glimmungcan anyone tell me what do I do with an "apt source"?01:28
thescoobstersimple as that01:28
thescoobsterthey all said yadda yadda xorg.config01:28
Pelothescoobster,    enter key is not punctuation,  stop the vertical spaming please01:28
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Flannelsovieticool: you're best off getting Regular Ubuntu (The "Ultimate Edition" thing is not an official project, and probably violates IP using the Ubuntu name, but anyway) and installing everything you want01:28
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fnord123its worth knowing your way around xorg.conf in case a driver prevents X from loading.01:29
SYS0110do u use live cd?01:29
jribglimmung: what do you mean exactly by that?01:29
thescoobsterfor my printer?01:29
flubsdoes anyone have experience installing Avant window manager?01:29
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Shadow__xhello everyone01:29
SYS0110u said ur resolution was 800*60001:29
thescoobsteram i typing to fast?01:29
Peloflubs,  there is an ubuntu package for it01:29
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sovieticool_yeah this is good he have a lot of stuff01:30
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thescoobsterit wasn't at first then when i rebooted01:30
thescoobsterit was01:30
sovieticool_i will get a new version !!!01:30
aoirthoirhere is the website for that stuff: http://ubuntusoftware.info/ultimate/index.html01:30
superdave888hello, when installing nx client on 6.10, it says missing glibc libaries... how can I find these libraries?01:30
flubspelo: I checked synaptic for it...what's it called?01:30
Shadow__xcan anyone help me with ndiswrapper and a broadcom card01:30
thescoobsterand i couldn't change it so then i went and just configed my monitor and changed it from generic to ibm g7001:30
thescoobsterand rebooted and my res was just fine01:30
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glimmungjrib: I dont know what the instructions on this page are telling me to do with the "apt source" http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.4.php01:30
Peloflubs,  sorry I meant a deb pakcage,  not in synaptic,  let me lookup the link for you01:30
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Peloflubs,  it's not great01:31
jribglimmung: it's a line for /etc/apt/sources.list01:31
aoirthoirall it is is ubuntu with additional preinstalled software....which you can get for free from the repositories01:31
jrib!repos | glimmung01:31
ubotuglimmung: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource01:31
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thescoobsteru know i installed ubuntu so many times i think the needle in my cdrom messed the cd up so i found a 6.06 alternative version01:31
tencohow's the developer channel named?01:31
flubspelo: haha, it's not so good?01:31
thescoobsterand then upgraded to 6.10 it took 4 hours01:31
aoirthoirthescoobster: first go with 6.1001:31
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aoirthoirthats one01:32
jribtenco: #ubuntu-devel01:32
SYS0110i wanna use multi language on gnome(i mean switch between 2 languages)01:32
SYS0110i wanna use multi language on gnome(i mean switch between 2 languages)01:32
aoirthoirtwo read ubuntuguide.org01:32
tencojrib: thanks.01:32
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aoirthoirfinally call canonical..they have great support and you can get cheap per incident support by phone01:32
superdave888does anyone know how to get glibc libraries?01:32
Peloflubs,  it needs work,  there realy isn'T a good reason for the "active window" 's icon to disapear from the bar as far as I am conserned01:32
Peloflubs,  http://blog.paulbetts.org/index.php/2007/02/01/avant-window-navigator-for-ubuntu-edgy/01:33
thescoobsteror i could call samsung and get it for free01:33
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Shadow__xndiswrapper anyone?01:33
aoirthoirthescoobster: you could try samsung...if the printer claims linux compatible then it is01:33
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thugls Lokkit a good firewall ?01:33
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sovieticool_someone kill that sovieticool guy without _01:33
thescoobsterthe directions came in only french01:33
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FantasticFooanyone here have the GNANT icon theme? i can't find it for download anywhere. if someone has it can they send it to me?01:33
aoirthoirthescoobster: if i only got directions in french i would call the website i bought it from01:34
thescoobsterwell the setup directions but there where pics01:34
flubspelo: Do you have another recommendation for an object-dock?01:34
thescoobsterthe rest is english but i just saw something looks like 2570 is the same01:34
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Peloflubs, avant isn'T an object dock,  it's an active windows display, like you get in the bottom panel in ubuntu,  it's not a launcher,  if you want one fo those try in gdesklets or in adesklets01:35
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reklipzHey everyone, I need to find a way to transfer 4GB of music from my windows desktop to my ubuntu install on my laptop. Ive got a crossover cable running between the two, what do i do now?01:36
thugwhat would you guys suggest me  to use for a gui firewall ?01:36
flubspelo: Bleh, the active window display is what I meant01:36
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Peloflubs,  that's pretty much it01:36
ufarekpliz>> share the folder in windows01:37
reklipzufa: k, done01:37
xtknightwhy is X corrupting its gamma tables after the screensaver exits?  i get mangled colors (but not gamma=1.00) after the screensaver exits01:37
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Peloflubs,  give it a try anyway,  I'm not much on candy so I am not a good sounding board01:37
ufaaccess the shared folder in ubuntu01:37
reklipzdo i need to setup an IP for ubuntu? I set my desktop's ip to
ufamaybe no01:38
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xtknightsuperdave888: you should already have glibc01:38
ufatry places>>network servers01:38
ghataki want to mount ext3, what should i add is in fstab, /dev/sda1 /mount ext3 rw.users,uid=999,gid=999 0 0 ?01:38
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:38
reklipznoice, It found it01:38
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:38
reklipzmuchas gracias01:38
flubspelo: haha, will do.  I can't work unless my workspace looks good01:38
devilsadvocatesovieticool_ try using the nickserv ghost command01:38
Peloflubs,  I'm the same but it doesn'T have to be candy01:39
ufai have a good ATi01:39
superdave888xtknight: when I try to install NX client it says a dependency is not met for libstdc++2.10-glibc2.201:39
xtknightghatak: there's a dot instead of a "," after "rw" and before "users".  other than that, probably.01:39
reklipzthats really cool, but why didnt I need to setup the ethernet card on ubuntu?01:39
ufaradeon 9200, very good performance01:39
sovieticool_thank's devilsadvocate but i will try01:39
loca|hosti've added a second NIC interface to my DELL Optiplex server, and now eth0 is set on the new inserted NIC, and i have conflicts with the first NIC that has worked before adding a new interface : http://pastebin.ca/33934201:39
Peloomg there is an ubuntu satanic edition01:39
ufaits better than my geforce mx 44001:39
LjLreklipz: because your internet service has DHCP i suppose01:40
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reklipzbut i just ran a crossover between the two putes01:40
xtknightsuperdave888: what is nx client ? where did you obtain it?01:40
ufaubuntu may got assigned a automatic ip01:40
reklipzmaybe they're both on the same wireless network...01:40
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LjLreklipz: hmm... then it did it by magic :P01:40
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reklipzlets see what happens when i unplug the magical crossover...01:40
LjLreklipz: possibly (though wireless working out of the box is a rare occurrence of its own ;)01:40
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superdave888xtknight: from nomachine.com01:41
reklipzLJL, it did for me01:41
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reklipzLjL i used it to download packages during a minimal install01:41
ufai need help in apt! :(01:41
xtknightsuperdave888: what version of ubuntu are you running?01:41
reklipzwhatsamatta, ufa?01:41
LjLreklipz: "minimal install" you mean from the minimal CD?01:41
gaminggeekFor some reason I can't turn on my swap :/01:42
Spee_Derufa, what's up ?01:42
LjLreklipz: that's interesting to know, i was asked about that yesterday, and i believed the minimal CD didn't have wireless drivers01:42
reklipzLjL, it isbecause of the wireless network, its not using the crossover01:42
superdave888xtknight: ubuntu 6.10, I found the package on debian.org just now, installed it, and it removed the dependency. I think my problem is solved. thanks01:42
ufai am having a hard time01:42
reklipzIt does, I was amazed also01:42
LjLreklipz: well, i based my assumption on the fact that 8Mb seemed a bit too little01:42
xtknightsuperdave888: installing debian packages on ubuntu is not a good idea, especially if they were from the sid or experimental branches01:42
reklipzLjL, as did I =)01:43
Spee_DerOk, I will go look. I think reklip is also trying to help.01:43
reklipzEven windows XP doesnt come with the drivers for the wireless card01:43
superdave888xtknight: oops!01:43
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Pelorofl  http://parker1.co.uk/satanic/01:43
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mike01canon sucks01:43
superdave888xtknight: should I use the tarball version of programs instead of the DEB version then?01:43
xtknightsuperdave888: don't worry  it's not that bad, but we should go about it another way.  you may have fixed the installer's detection but you may run into further problems01:43
mike01stupid ip300001:43
xtknightsuperdave888: just uninstall the deb you downloaded01:43
Zambezisuperdave888, You probably solved one problem, but got a few others. Run sudo apt-get uprade and see.01:43
reklipzSpee_Der: Yes, I'll try to help, as son as I start copying over these files01:43
loca|hosti've added a second NIC interface to my DELL Optiplex server, and now eth0 is set on the new inserted NIC, and i have conflicts with the first NIC that has worked before adding a new interface : http://pastebin.ca/33934201:43
mike01how am i supposed to switch to linux if i cant even print01:44
LjLsuperdave888: when there are no proper Ubuntu packages, it's often a better idea, i suppose01:44
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ubotuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro01:44
Spee_Derufa, hang on I'm trying to load that page yet.01:44
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ufathank you01:44
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reklipzPAge loaded for me01:45
=== andre [n=andre@fctnnbsc16w-156034222233.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
andrehey guys01:45
quaalhello i was trying to get my intellimouse optical buttons to work with ubuntu01:45
quaali followed this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-3828.html01:45
quaaljust noticed its kind of dated though01:45
reklipzis wesnoth the libsdl package, just in portuguese?01:45
quaaldoes that method no longer work?01:45
bulmerloca|host: reboot and see if problem goes away01:45
loca|hostbulmer, :)01:45
SYS0110i wanna use multi language on gnome(i mean switch between 2 languages)01:45
andreanyone here running a dual monitor setup?  if so can anyone drop icons onto the second monitor?01:45
SYS0110i wanna use multi language on gnome(i mean switch between 2 languages)01:45
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marmeris it correct for decompressing it sudo gzip -drc jpegsr6.zip01:46
ufaportuguese is cool!01:46
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reklipzhaha, i have no idea waht the problem would be, sorry m801:46
blamelessmarmer: have you tried unzip?01:46
reklipzI hope Spee_Der can help01:46
HymnToLifemarmer, gzip != zip, methinks01:46
bulmermarmer i use jar like tar  so it would be like jar xvf jpxxx.zip01:46
`Shawnandre: I have a dual monitor setup, It has 1 workstation on one and another workstation on the other. Yes I can drag and drop items between them.01:46
thugwow mandrivia interactive firewall its awesome01:46
justin420hi all. anybody tell me how to use a certain network interface by default? I have a wired connection (eth0) and a wireless connection (eth1) and it appears to be using eth1 to send/recieve everything.  I want to use my wired connection to do everything and just use my wireless connection for things like kismet and such. anybody help me or point me to a good howto for edgy?01:46
vlt|homeHello. Is there a program to create avi from vob files? I know dvd::rip but not how to import pure vob files there (w/o ifo), and avidemux seems to handle only one audio track ... Any suggestion?01:46
ferret_0567Where is MadWifi in Ubuntu because in this channel, someone said that a D-Link DWL-G650 worked without any extra drivers. I believe it is in "linux-restricted-modules" but not sure.01:47
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HymnToLifevlt|home, I use avidemux01:47
thugone again ... what would be the best gui firewall out there right now ?01:47
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vlt|homeHymnToLife: How to handle deveral audio tracks in avidemux?01:47
HymnToLife(sorry, didn't see the last part)01:47
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justin420thug: i use to use firestarter, which is just a gui frontend for iptables...01:47
xtknightsuperdave888: here is a detailed list of libraries needed to install NX client: http://www.nomachine.com/documents/client/install.php   using these we can find the ubuntu equivalents and use those instead of the debian packages01:48
bulmerjustin420: you need to learn about default gateways..check the result of your netstat -ran01:48
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thugjustin420 yeah .. i had it too doesnt do much01:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eyetoy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:48
HymnToLifevlt|home, dunno, I alway extract the audio tracks from the VOBs at rip time01:48
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ImsdleCan anyone help me? I just upgraded to a new version of Ubuntu and I am getting a /dev/hda1 does not exist dropping to a shell! busy box v 1.0101:48
ufajustin> install network-manager01:48
=== mode/#ubuntu [+rR] by LjL
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, or Amaranth01:48
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HymnToLifewow, that was quick :p01:48
ferret_0567I got the Eyetoy working with Linux01:48
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mindstateFerret, do you have the eyetoy mini working?01:49
superdave888xtknight: with a list of libraries like that where would I go to cross reference them to ubuntu packages?01:49
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mindstateFerret, what drivers are you using ?01:49
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b ublender!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by LjL
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xtknightsuperdave888:  http://packages.ubuntu.com/  " Search the contents of packages "01:49
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b reklipz!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by LjL
superdave888xtknight: excellent, thanks!01:49
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b fr500_!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by LjL
Spee_Derufa, I can not help at this time. Busy with dogs again, most sorry.01:50
kowakowalskiSeveas: danke01:50
ferret_0567I have to log out of IRC, I am trying out gaim-text out of the latest Gaim01:50
kowakowalskiLjL: danke01:50
=== ferret_0567 is using 2.0.0beta6.
ufathank you Spee_Der01:50
HymnToLifewhat's with all the mutes LjL ?01:50
xtknightsuperdave888: you will have to omit the parantheses for some of them like libpthread.so.0(GLIBC_2.0)... just put libpthread.so.001:50
mindstateanyone got any info on the eyetoy mini working on edgy?01:50
LjL!exploit | HymnToLife01:50
ubotuHymnToLife: There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit01:50
mabu33my printer doesnt works: /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed for germans: http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/72113/01:51
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xtknightsuperdave888: i think you just need the libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2  package01:51
mabu33my printer doesnt works: /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed                             |||for germans: http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/72113/01:51
=== artbird309 [n=artbird3@68-190-158-139.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:51
xtknightsuperdave888: did you uninstall the debian ones?01:51
superdave888xtknight: ok, will get that one. how do you uninstall something?01:52
xtknightsuperdave888: what was the filename of the debian one you downloaded?01:52
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ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras01:52
blamelessLjL: is there a way to determine if my router would be vulnerable to that exploit?01:52
=== mode/#ubuntu [-r] by LjL
xtknightyou probably would have just gotten kicked a second ago if it was vulternable01:53
LjLblameless: i can test you01:53
LjLthough, yeah, what he said01:53
mabu33can anybody help me?01:53
mabu33my printer doesnt works: /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed                             |||for germans: http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/72113/01:53
blamelessok then.  thank you :)01:53
LjLblameless: you aren't vulnerable01:53
blamelessthank you :)01:53
=== mode/#ubuntu [-r] by LjL
dimeotanea little observation I made this evening... over 50% of my neighbourhood isn't using WEP ... make sure YOU have some protection for your wireless router!01:53
ImsdleCan anyone help me? I just upgraded to a new version of Ubuntu and I am getting a /dev/hda1 does not exist dropping to a shell! busy box v 1.01 .... anyone?01:53
blamelessi don't exactly have the highest faith in this cheapy router that came with my dsl01:54
justin420bulmer: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4044/ .  I think everything looks ok, but I do not know because stuff is not working the way I want ( to use my wired connection eth0 before my wireless eth1 ).  Could you point me in the right direction or something?01:54
darkbishopi need help.what is the command to show how many file in certain location?01:54
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superdave888xtknight: libstdc++2.10-glibc2.201:54
SYS0110any help here01:55
xtknightsuperdave888: sudo dpkg --purge --force-all  libstdc++2.10-glibc2.201:55
SYS0110i wanna use multi language on gnome(i mean switch between 2 languages)01:55
SYS0110i wanna use multi language on gnome(i mean switch between 2 languages)01:55
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xtknightsuperdave888: after that, do `sudo apt-get install libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2` to obtain the one from the ubuntu repositories instead.01:55
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xtknightsuperdave888: i also recommend a `sudo ldconfig` after apt-get to register the library just in case01:56
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thuglooks like no one its using a god dam gui firewall :)01:56
ferret_0567Gee...how do you use FireStarter?01:57
LjL!language | thug01:57
ubotuthug: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:57
taxonrathis there an i tunes for linux or an equivelent program to work with my ipod?01:57
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).01:57
justin420thug: i dont feel i need one01:57
thugLjL ok01:57
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FluxARHello !! .. I have a problem. Recently my Ubuntu Edgy updated automatically several packages and now I can't start Xorg with Nvidia :( I only can run X with Vesa enabled :( How can I reinstall Nvidia and make it automatically detect settings?01:57
superdave888xtknight: done. will try to get nxclient working now. do you do remoting by XDMCP from windows at all? if so which client do you use for that. my difficulties getting cygwin/x to work are what led me to nxclient01:57
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xtknightsuperdave888: i have no idea what a "thin client" or xdmcp are so i'm probably not the best person to talk to.  i have heard of cygwin and i do ues VNC though ;)01:58
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justin420FluxAR: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia?highlight=%28nvidia%2901:58
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MoxxonI have a question01:59
Moxxonanyone here01:59
barry_is there a apt-get source available that provides libasound2 1.0.12?  I can't install ufo:ai because of this  broken dependency  ufoai: Depends: libasound2 (> 1.0.12) but 1.0.11-7ubuntu3 is to be installed01:59
barry_E: Broken packages01:59
xtknightsuperdave888: xdmcp seems well documented though01:59
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xtknightbarry_: is ufo:ai from the repositories?02:00
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MoxxonWhats the ubuntu interface like?02:00
SYS0110how to make install?02:00
SYS0110make file?02:00
LjLMoxxon, there are screenshots on the site i think02:00
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quaalhas anyone actually got this to work02:00
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MoxxonLjL whereabouts?02:00
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barry_no ufo:ai is an effort to remake the xcom games on quake 2's engine02:00
SYS0110it depends on kernel 2.6 amd debian and the enviroment is gnome02:00
LjLMoxxon: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop02:00
MoxxonOk thanks02:00
bulmerjustin420: ill give you a hint, notice the G on the result of netstat -ran?  what do you think it meant?02:00
MoxxonIs there like an MSN for it?02:00
SYS0110how to make install?02:00
SYS0110how to make install?02:00
Moxxonand AIM and stuff?02:01
darrenTehNewbis this the same channel as the freenode ubuntu channel?02:01
SYS0110yahoo and msn and skype02:01
MoxxonNice nice02:01
jribdarrenTehNewb: yes02:01
=== reklipz__ [n=reklipz@ip68-106-209-195.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
darrenTehNewbi JUST installed ubuntu for the first time. wee!02:01
MoxxonWhat about Firefox?02:01
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SYS0110but yahoo and msn are on text only :(02:01
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MoxxonWhats text only mean?02:01
reklipz__OK, I've enabled the sharing on a folder on my windows XP machine, and I want to get its contents to my ubuntu machine. Whenever I try to open the machine, it tries to sign in as guest@desmas-d, but I want to sign in as a different user, what shud i do?02:01
xtknightbarry_: but did you get it from the ubuntu repositories or off the web?02:01
SYS0110the default browser is firefox02:01
SYS0110no voice or cams02:01
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SYS0110but in skype02:01
GreyGhost-UbuntudarrenTehNewb ,nice to hear that... how was the exerience?02:01
SYS0110u can use voice and cam02:02
MoxxonIs there a word combatible program?02:02
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FlannelMoxxon: OpenOffice Writer02:02
MoxxonWhat about like Excel?02:02
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FlannelSYS0110: that's because the protocols aren't open.  Ekiga supports a bunch of standards for voice and video though.02:02
jribMoxxon: OO cac02:02
darrenTehNewbGreyGhost-Ubuntu: it was a bit rough to be honest. this laptop dvd drive is very particular and i had some trouble getting the cd to boot and to read at a decent pace. but its in now so im going to see what i can do with it02:02
FlannelMoxxon: open office... er, I dont remember what.  But yes.02:02
xtknightbarry_: programs that aren't in the repositories sometimes have dependency problems.  you can't install UFO:AI on Ubuntu Edgy without screwing with its internals a bit, which isn't too hard02:02
jribMoxxon: calc*02:02
GreyGhost-UbuntuMoxxon ,excel has OO spread sheet02:02
darrenTehNewbill probably read the help thing. i have to learn all these wacky directories.02:02
SYS0110so ppl02:03
darrenTehNewbbut i wanted to make sure i had easy access to the chat room just in case i had a quick question.02:03
SYS0110how can i make file02:03
GreyGhost-UbuntudarrenTehNewb ,ok02:03
SYS0110i wanna install wine02:03
jribSYS0110: touch file02:03
Flannel!wine | SYS011002:03
ubotuSYS0110: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.02:03
MoxxonIs there a burning program?02:03
xtknighti think he means make a Makefile02:03
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SYS0110i know02:03
Flannel!burn | Moxxon02:03
ubotuMoxxon: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto02:03
GreyGhost-UbuntudarrenTehNewb ,feell free to ask here anytime ..02:03
xtknightin that case follow wine's compiling instructions02:03
darrenTehNewbhey actually02:03
darrenTehNewbi have a question already02:03
GreyGhost-UbuntuSYS0110 ,sudo apt-get install wine02:03
darrenTehNewbso im running the out of the box gaim which is 3.102:04
darrenTehNewbhow would i update it02:04
=== ferret_0567 [n=ferret_0@cpe-72-183-231-110.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
MoxxonThanks ubuto02:04
GreyGhost-Ubuntuoh oh . gota go .. cya all. ..02:04
darrenTehNewberr 2.0 beta 3.102:04
SYS0110and how can i whisper to other chatters :D ?02:04
xtknight!thanks | Moxxon02:04
MoxxonSo is there any reason to buy Vista?02:04
ubotuMoxxon: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)02:04
jribSYS0110: /msg02:04
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=== FartingLady has a terrible gas problem
=== FartingLady farts
FlanneldarrenTehNewb: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html/index.html  and http://www.secguru.com/files/linux_file_structure.jpg02:04
=== FartingLady farts again
=== thescoobster cries
=== FartingLady farts again
FartingLadyoh shit that one was rancid02:05
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@64-4-124-79.dmt.ntelos.net] by Seveas
thescoobster2010 driver02:05
mindstateFerret, i got the mini to work :)02:05
xtknightyou might have to fart in the general direction of #ubuntu-offtopic02:05
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mindstateFerret, the ov511 driver02:05
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ferret_0567I used a driver for my EyeToy which did JPEG decompression inside the kernel. Very bad stuff!02:05
__mikemhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0w2ozB8fM1o&NR <-- Wow02:06
xtknightferret_0567: what do you mean jpeg compression inside the kernel?02:06
mindstateFerret, i was going to ask the samething02:06
__mikemoh crap02:06
__mikemsorry I thought I was in offtopic02:06
ferret_0567Takes the JPEG image from the camera and then decompresses it02:06
xtknightwell, bad thing?  how do you conclude tat?02:07
SYS0110how can i install makefile?02:07
mindstatemake install02:07
xtknight!compile | SYS011002:07
ubotuSYS0110: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)02:07
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FlannelSYS0110: Why are you compiling wine?02:08
L0cKd0wNhey guys, my ubuntu is looking really weird, the icons and windows are like ghosted or something, there's an imprint to the right, like the display is offset02:08
xtknightL0cKd0wN: crt or lcd?  sure it's not a monitor problem?02:09
xtknightL0cKd0wN: is it hooked up via DVI?02:09
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SYS0110i wanna install it02:09
ferret_0567Gosh, it's JPEG, a image file format. Sometimes GThumb crashes, or another image viewer, whether viewing JPEG files or not. Do you want the whole computer to completely crash when the JPEG decompresser crashes02:09
xtknightL0cKd0wN: press the auto-adjust button on your lcd02:09
loca|hostany one can suggest me a good iptable GUI based firewall ? am trying to reconfigure my network on iptables but i think that it would be simpler to get a simple GUI for it02:09
FlannelSYS0110: whats wrong with the ones in the repositories?02:09
L0cKd0wNhmm ok one sec02:09
SYS0110i downloaded it as .tar.bz202:09
Flannel!firestarter | loca|host02:09
ubotuloca|host: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).02:09
SYS0110what is repositories02:09
ferret_0567err..when the JPEG Decompresser goofs02:09
loca|hostFlannel, web based ..02:10
Flannel!repositorie | SYS011002:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repositorie - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:10
xtknight!repository | SYS011002:10
ubotuSYS0110: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource02:10
L0cKd0wNdid it02:10
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs02:10
L0cKd0wNstill appears kinda weird02:10
Triumph|TKhow do i give a user access to ftp but not ssh or anything else?02:10
ConstyXIVis there anyway to get Mac-style command-clicking on gnome02:10
Kud|Is the resolution "1280x1024" supported by the open source ATI driver?02:10
ferret_0567!repository | SYS011002:10
L0cKd0wNwish i could describe it better02:10
ubotuSYS0110: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource02:10
FlannelSYS0110: repositories are places where you download software that's prepackaged for use with ubuntu.02:10
darkbishopi need help.what is the command to show how many file in certain location?02:10
Flannel!wine | SYS0110, this page has instructions on how to install wine02:11
ubotuSYS0110, this page has instructions on how to install wine: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.02:11
xtknightferret_0567: i guess my question is: how did you conclude that this was going on within the kernel.  you've experienced crashes first hand from this?02:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about loggingdaemon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:11
SYS0110ty flannel02:11
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ferret_0567My system froze once while using the driver02:11
L0cKd0wNshould i try rebooting maybe?02:11
L0cKd0wNi've never seen this happen b402:11
ferret_0567Not sure if it was the driver or something else] 02:11
Triumph|TKcan anybody answer :(02:11
xtknightferret_0567: is this a driver in the official kernel tree?02:11
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xtknightferret_0567: what's the name of it?02:12
ferret_0567I haven't used it for a long time02:12
MoxxonIs ther a torrent client and can I watch AVIS on the computer?02:12
ferret_0567Not sure what it's called02:12
ferret_0567Just a sec...I'll Googleq "Eyetoy in Linux"02:12
Triumph|TKhow do i give a user access to ftp but not ssh or anything else?02:12
ConstyXIVIs there any way to set up GNOME to use winkey+click for right-clicking, like on MacOS?02:12
xtknightferret_0567:  ov51x?02:12
Flannel!torrent | Moxxon02:12
ubotuMoxxon: Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt)  -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html02:12
mindstatextknight, thats what im using now seems alright02:13
=== wimpies [n=u19809@cable-195-162-217-191.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu
Flannel!avi | Moxxon02:13
ubotuMoxxon: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:13
L0cKd0wNwell i guess a reboot can't hurt....02:13
=== AnythingJ [n=dan@c-75-72-254-213.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
wimpiesanybody suggestsion for a good firewall debugger ?02:13
rbilTriumph|TK: do u have a hardware router?02:13
xtknighti was going to say that if it was in the official kernel tree then it was rigorously tested to get in there, and they wouldn't do stupid things.  but then again this one is not in the kernel tree so i'm not sure what they did02:13
ConstyXIVwimpies: find your neighborhood script kiddie :)02:13
ferret_0567I think it has been superseded by other projects02:14
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rbilTriumph|TK: then close all ports but the one for ftp02:14
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wimpiesreading the script is not the problem .. trying to track packages through a large script is02:14
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Triumph|TKthats a good idea but theres no command to restrict certain users from ssh?02:14
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whileiwasgonequestion whats differentiates Ubuntu from Fedora for the most part is it really just the software distrobution system?02:15
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AnythingJWhat is the difference between kernel headers and kernel source? do I have to patch the source?  I am trying to add suspend 2 support and it looks like I only have linux headers and no source, is that usual?02:15
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Flannel!kernel | AnythingJ02:15
ubotuAnythingJ: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild02:15
=== quaal [n=dephtu@246-197.186-72.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
quaalthat was odd02:15
quaalis this the best fstab line to use for mounting a ntfs drive /dev/hda1 /mnt/win ntfs nls=iso8859-1,ro,umask=0 0 002:15
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ConstyXIVAnythingJ: You need to install the full source02:16
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quantsI just installed dapper to try it out for a Windows ME user02:16
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LjLUbotu, tell quants about codecs | quants, see the private message from Ubotu02:16
mindstateME? wow02:16
quantsI see nothing to compare to WMP?02:16
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AnythingJokay, thanks ConstyXIV02:17
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Moniker42sean@sean-desktop:~$ sudo ./doom3-linux-
Moniker42sudo: ./doom3-linux- command not found02:17
LjLUbotu, tell quants about mplayer | quants, see the private message from Ubotu02:17
ConstyXIVquants: rythymbox + banshee02:17
xtknightwhileiwasgone: philosophy between the two distributions is different.  also they may not have the packages set up the same way (xorg.conf is in a different path for example).  one might have more GUIs than the other for specific operations.  the boot process for them is not the same and they may use different versions of packages and kernels02:17
quaalquants: VLC Media player02:17
quaalquants, far superior to WMP02:17
Moniker42sean@sean-desktop:~$ ./doom3-linux-
Moniker42bash: ./doom3-linux- Permission denied02:17
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Moniker42(sorry wrong paste there)02:17
mindstatequaal, i agree02:17
ConstyXIVquants: rythymbox + totem, i mean02:17
ferret_0567Totem-Xine is a good one too02:17
LjLMoniker42: chmod +x doom3-linux*02:17
xtknightMoniker42: type sh ./doom3.....run02:17
ferret_0567Lot's of choices here02:17
ConstyXIVthat's what's installed by default02:17
ConstyXIVi use banshee and vlc02:17
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quantsthese are not in the package manager02:18
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moonikerHello! Anyone happen to know how to do a server install with a desktop ISO?02:18
ConstyXIV!universe | quants02:18
ubotuquants: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource02:18
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LjLquants: which? vlc, mplayer, rythmbox, totem all are02:18
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LjLquants: ah yeah, of course, if you don't enable them they aren't02:18
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ConstyXIVquants: you need to enable the universe repository02:18
rbilTriumph|TK: http://www.trustix.org/wiki/index.php/Restrict_SSH_per_user02:18
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xtknightwill feisty have universe enabled by default maybe?02:18
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ConstyXIVmooniker: dont02:18
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LjLxtknight: don't think so. but it should be easier to enable, probably02:19
quantsso default install, then activate universe?02:19
Flannelxtknight: not likely02:19
ConstyXIVmooniker: as in you cant02:19
LjLquants: yes02:19
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LjLquants: and multiverse02:19
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omgsunnyexcuse me. but what file manager is this person using? http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/7228/444301fj9.jpg i know he is using murrine and a vista theme and rhythmbox, but what file manager?  if it's nautilus mine lools totally different02:19
ferret_0567One EyeToy driver: http://www.ovcam.org/ov511/   Another: http://eyetoy.co.nr/02:19
moonikerWhat about xubuntu? Do I have to download specific ISOs?02:19
LjLUbotu, tell mooniker about xubuntu | mooniker, see the private message from Ubotu02:19
=== whileiwasgone [n=richard@pool-71-121-78-180.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ConstyXIVmooniker: the desktop disc more or less dumps an image of the livecd on to your hard drive02:19
xtknightomgsunny: looks like nautilus to me02:19
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shoumikit is02:20
ConstyXIVmooniker: to install one to start, yes02:20
xtknightomgsunny: he is using a drastically different theme Engine.02:20
whileiwasgoneis fiesty out and stable yet02:20
mindstateomgsunny, that almost looks freespireish02:20
moonikerOh, then that's my problem. My computer can't handle the live.02:20
ConstyXIVmooniker: but you can install the rest later02:20
LjLwhileiwasgone: no, and no02:20
shoumikumm i need some help02:20
shoumikmy mouse is lagging02:20
omgsunnyxtknight, how can i get my nautilus to look like that02:20
LjLUbotu, tell whileiwasgone about feisty | whileiwasgone, see the private message from Ubotu02:20
xtknightwhileiwasgone: there are only testing versions of feisty02:20
ConstyXIVmooniker: you need the alt cd02:20
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LjLor the minimal02:20
ubotuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD02:20
quantsif this is to be useful for migraters, a media package needs to be installed by default02:20
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omgsunnyxtknight, not the icons or the style, mine just looks sorry, i will show you a screen shot02:21
xtknightomgsunny: use his theme engine and his metacity theme02:21
NoxilenticusUbuntu sees my wireless card in the Device Manager but when I do a ifconfig -a, nothing other than lo and sit0 show up, is this a driver problem then?02:21
LjLquants: it is.02:21
xtknightomgsunny: ok02:21
ConstyXIVquants: totem and rthymbox come default02:21
LjLquants: there's Rhythmbox  for music and Totem for video02:21
quantsno in dapper it's not02:21
Noxilenticusmplayer is my fav02:21
LjLquants: they just don't support patented formats by default. yes in dapper too02:21
Noxilenticusit plays anything02:21
xtknightNoxilenticus: might need to do sudo ifconfig eth0 up   or something02:21
moonikerWell, that answers my question. Thanks, ConstyXIV.02:21
whileiwasgoneI have a machine that I have Ubuntu Edgy eft and want to installl it but the upgrades are like 300 megs to download02:21
quantsLjL: yes my point02:21
Noxilenticusthere is no eth0 xtknight and that doesn't work, i've tried02:21
ConstyXIVquants: id say use vlc, but that's my opinion02:21
Noxilenticusit is a wireless PCMCIA card02:22
LjLquants: well, Canonical doesn't fancy being sued you know.02:22
mindstatequants, vlc :)02:22
Noxilenticusit would probably be wlan002:22
ConstyXIVwhileiwasgone: that's normal02:22
Noxilenticusbut ifconfig up wlan0 doesn't work either or wlan102:22
xtknightwill Feisty support restricted formats by default then?  or nvidia/ati binary blobs?  i thought there was some change that favored the end user but didnt favor the "linux philosophy" and people were up in arms02:22
quantsthe patented stuff it needs as well02:22
shoumikneed help!!!!!!! My mouse is lagging after some pc. Sometimes when i restart the computer its fine. Is there a permanat solution?02:22
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shoumikpc use*02:22
omgsunnyxtknight, http://i18.tinypic.com/2vim4wh.png02:22
ConstyXIVxtknight: it will install them when you try to play them02:22
quantsanyway, thanks for the pointers02:22
xtknightNoxilenticus: odd.  i think ath0 is also a valid name for atheros cards02:22
LjLFeisty discussion in #ubuntu+1 please02:22
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Noxilenticusstill no luck xtknight02:23
shoumikanyone there?02:23
bulmerI just realized its not wise to put the CDROM (for ubuntu install) and hard drive on same controller, master n slave..makes for a very very slow install..02:23
xtknightomgsunny: first of all you dont have the toolbars enabled02:23
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xtknightomgsunny: and youre definitely using a different icon theme02:23
Noxilenticusit is a ZyAIR B-120 PCMCIA card02:23
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KudWhat's the command to go into the video card configuration for default drivers?02:23
omgsunnyxtknight, i want the toolbars02:23
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Noxilenticusi posted on the forums cause i've seen so many problems about it, but I am pretty sure it is a driver issue02:23
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Noxilenticusi've been trying to figure it out for a couple days now02:23
LjL!xconfig | Kud02:23
ubotuKud: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  - To configure only the driver and resolution, type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  - See also !FixRes02:23
xtknightNoxilenticus: look in dmesg, maybe the driver will show you what nodes or devices it craeted02:23
jwtod1hi ... i'm trying to install 6.10 desktop on a new system and am gettting an x problem "no device found" ... pretty fundamental. card is installed and it's fan is spinning. ideas? thx.02:23
cinnixcan some help me with an ATI DRI issue?02:24
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cinnixctrl alt f1 issue on ATI02:24
xtknightomgsunny: goto the View menu02:24
bulmerjwtod1: what device not found? what device is it looking for?02:24
Noxilenticusall it says is registering new device pcmcia0.002:24
jwtod1x is looking for the video card. "no device found" is from02:24
xtknightNoxilenticus: if it's in device manager that doesnt mean it has a driver02:24
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Noxilenticuswell it is smart enough to name it02:25
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Noxilenticusthat is why i asked02:25
Noxilenticusand assumed02:25
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jwtod1x error log02:25
xtknightNoxilenticus: yes.  it may have a pci id and description in a database but still no driver.02:25
Noxilenticusthat if it doesn't work it has no driver02:25
omgsunnyxtknight, what under view?02:25
bulmerjwtod1: you need to prefex your response with a nick so we dont miss it02:25
cynei have shared a folder with SMB sharing on Ubuntu and set my workgroup the same as an XP computer. I also made a user who cannot access the SMB share when they enter their user/pass combination on XP. any dieas?02:25
jwtod1thx :)02:25
xtknightNoxilenticus: well i dont' know if your card has a driver or not off the top of my head.02:25
cynethey are able to make the connection, it just refuses to give them access02:26
cinnixultimate goal: Direct rendering on ATI x800 in order to run beryl. secondary goal: get ctrl + alt + f1 to work on ATI in order to run tseliot's Envy script (which funny enough worked on a previous installation)02:26
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xtknightomgsunny: erm..the toolbars02:26
xtknightomgsunny: main toolbar, location bar, whichever you want02:26
shoumikanyone i can talk to about mouse lagging?02:26
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Otherworldlyhey, never used Linux or anything like it before. current system set up is a dinosaur... 733Mhz, 256MB SDRAM, an eTower...would it be easy to configure Ubuntu to run quickly with no lag due to bloated GUI?02:27
omgsunnyxtknight, there is no option for that02:27
xtknightshoumik: sure....what do you mean by mouse lag exactly?02:27
omgsunnynot under pref or view drop down02:27
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LordUltimaDavidi am helping a friend use ubuntu (im not him(using aim)) what is the easiest way to find out what graphics card he is using(nvidia,ATI,Intel)?02:27
xtknightomgsunny: are you using kubuntu, ubuntu, or xubuntu?02:27
LordUltimaDavidim not with him02:27
FlannelOtherworldly: yeah.  You might think about Xubuntu, but that should work no problem.02:27
omgsunnyxtknight, ubuntu with beryl if it matters02:27
rbilOtherworldly:  you might try running a lighter GUI like Xubuntu02:27
xtknightomgsunny: ubuntu 6.10?02:27
bulmerOtherworldly: umm am trying to install it on an HP vectra 4L  500MHz with 192 meg...just for comparisons :)02:27
omgsunnyxtknight, yep.02:27
xtknightomgsunny: there's no "main toolbar" under nautilus's menu?02:28
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cinnixultimate goal: Direct rendering on ATI x800 in order to run beryl. secondary goal: get ctrl + alt + f1 to work on ATI in order to run tseliot's Envy script (which funny enough worked on a previous installation)02:28
Otherworldlybulmer: lol02:28
jwtod1bulmer: i'm installing 6.10 on a new system, video card is asus en8800gtx (nvidia) and mogher board is evga nforce680isli.02:28
jwtod1bulmer: installing from a freshly burned 6.10 cd02:28
omgsunnyxtknight, i'm really not seeing anything.02:28
xtknightomgsunny: click on the View toolbar and take a screenshot of what you see under View02:28
jwtod1bulmer: x complains about no device found.02:28
Noxilenticusxtknight, i tried looking all over for drivers for my card, but the maker didn't have one and ndiswapper doesn't work02:29
bulmerLordUltimaDavid: i learned it from a guy here today. use   lshw02:29
xtknightomgsunny: hold up.  guess you can't take a screenshot while a menu is open02:29
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NoxilenticusI think it is a Prism 2.5 chipset from a post i was reading so i downloaded the wlan-ng package, but i don't know how to install the drivers other than modprobe pcmcia2_plx02:29
Noxilenticusand it still doesn't work after that command02:29
ferret_0567Here is the particular driver I used for my Eyetoy: http://www.rastageeks.org/ov51x-jpeg/index.php/Main_Page02:29
omgsunnyxtknight, okay02:29
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xtknightomgsunny: what's it say under Help->About?02:29
bulmerjwtod1: do you ever see the 1st menu during boot on the liveCD ?02:29
Jamowhat is apxs/apxs2 (mod_jk build refers to it, but I can't seem to figure out what it is) THX!02:30
jwtod1bulmer: card looks to be seated ok. video card fan is spinning.02:30
jwtod1bulmer: yes02:30
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omgsunnyxtknight, nautilus 2.16.102:30
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jwtod1bulmer: neither safe graphics start or the install from cd options work. same error.02:30
bulmerjwtod1: can you then press F5 i think or F3 to select the lower resolution?02:30
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xtknightomgsunny: i guess your nautilus is destroyed then if there's no "main toolbar" option under the "View" main menu.  i have no oidea02:30
Jamodoes anyone know if I can get mod_jk via apt-get? I can't seem to find it in any repositories or discussed in the context of apt.  how can I find this type of thing out?02:30
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thuganyone using guarddog ?02:31
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xtknightomgsunny: go to Places->Home at the top of your screen, and then try with that window?02:31
cinnixplease help me getting direct rendering on ATI x800 in order to run beryl. secondary goal: get ctrl + alt + f1 to work on ATI in order to run tseliot's Envy script (which funny enough worked on a previous installation) either one will help me a lot.02:31
bulmerJamo its from an apache site02:31
omgsunnyxtknight, i can PM you the options02:31
xtknightomgsunny: ok02:31
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Jamobulmer what is?02:31
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LjL!info libapache2-mod-jk | Jamo02:31
LjLUbotu, tell Jamo about packages | Jamo, see the private message from Ubotu02:31
ubotujamo: libapache2-mod-jk: Apache 2 connector for the Tomcat Java servlet engine. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.2.18-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 83 kB, installed size 300 kB02:31
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).02:31
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bulmerJamo mod_jk,, btw Tomcat is as capable as apache02:32
LjLJamo: in this case, i did "apt-file search mod_jk", guessing that "mod_jk" would be a file02:32
shoumikCan i talk to someone aobut my mouse. Its acting up its USB and wont stop lagging.02:32
LordUltimaDavidwhat is the best torrent program for ubuntu/gnome that is in the repos02:32
ubotuTorrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt)  -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html02:32
shoumikdo u have automatix02:32
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe02:32
shoumikget frostwire02:32
Noxilenticuswow that is pretty cool02:32
ubotudonkey: One Time Password calculator.. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5-17 (edgy), package size 19 kB, installed size 88 kB02:32
Noxilenticusi like bots02:32
AnRkeyis there any1 here that can help me with passwordless logins02:32
Polygon89thats pretty annoying...02:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mule - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:32
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about emule - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:33
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LjL!msg the bot | biza02:33
ubotubiza: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...02:33
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Polygon89does it automatically say something if someone says it02:33
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Polygon89as in if i say torrent will it tell me about torrents?02:33
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto02:33
LjLPolygon89: do you see the exclamation mark?02:33
LjLUbotu, tell Polygon89 about bot | Polygon89, see the private message from Ubotu02:33
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire02:33
jordo23How do you setup a microphone in Ubuntu?02:33
Polygon89i know about it02:33
LjL!msg the bot | shoumik02:33
ubotushoumik: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...02:33
shoumikcan !msg biz02:34
bulmerjordo23: you plug it in the correct socket02:34
shoumik!msg biz02:34
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about msg biz - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:34
Polygon89but i thought you were a bot cause every time someone said something you automatically told the bot to say stuff02:34
LjLshoumik: /msg ubotu something02:34
jwtod1bulmer: i bet that was it :)02:34
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shoumik\msg ubotu02:34
jwtod1bulmer: we'll see. it was on vga and my card has only dvi :)02:34
bulmerjwtod1: which? to select a lower resolution?02:34
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jwtod1bulmer: change from vga basically. still not proven yet though.02:34
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Otherworldlyfor xubuntu, what is the difference..I search for torrent and get these.. desktop i386, alternate i386, and vm 1.02 . I am running a crappy Celeron, desktop i386 correct to use?02:35
bulmerjwtod1: during install its max is 800x600 res02:35
=== raven [n=raven@lns-bzn-57-82-249-13-109.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLUbotu, tell Otherworldly about alternate | Otherworldly, see the private message from Ubotu02:35
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thugwhat do i have to check in guarddog to be able to receive files via dcc connection on irc ?02:35
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bulmerjwtod1: so that people that are el cheapo like me can afford an old vga cards..lolz02:35
_ceed_Anyone here know why it seems impossible to install Flash-nonfree?02:35
Noxilenticus!info urlsnarf02:35
ubotuPackage urlsnarf does not exist in any distro I know02:35
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Noxilenticusyea sure well you better update your knowledge ubotu02:36
jwtod1bulmer: still not it :(02:36
Polygon89I have a problem, every time i click the "quit" button in ubuntu, it automatically logs me out without giving me the choice to restart, shutdown, hibernate, switch users, etc. any ideas?02:36
omgsunnyxtknight, lemme know if you got the PM02:36
jordo23bulmer: It's plugged in....02:36
jwtod1bulmer: i can now display the x "no device found" in a nice resolution02:36
xtknightomgsunny: i did.  check yours ;)02:36
LjLNoxilenticus: why? i don't see any urlsnarf package available02:36
linuxfanstardoes the 7.10 herd cd have xgl or nvidia drivers isntalled yet?02:36
Noxilenticusnot in ubuntu LjL, try Backtrack02:36
jwtod1bulmer: i'll try again w/ a lower res02:36
LjLlinuxfanstar: it's 7.04. ask in #ubuntu+102:36
jordo23bulmer: Logitech USB Mic....02:36
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omgsunnyxtknight, i didn't get anything02:37
LjLNoxilenticus: uh? what is backtrack? anyway this is an ubuntu channel you know02:37
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Noxilenticussecurity tools LjL02:37
xtknightomgsunny: i just sent u a PM again...you're not seeing it?02:37
JamoLfL how do I do this apt search you spoke of02:37
omgsunnyxtknight, nah.  just send it on here?02:37
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xtknightomgsunny: ok ill just repeat what i said here02:37
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LjLNoxilenticus: well the bot knows about what's available in Ubuntu. that is in the official repositories02:37
Polygon89I have a problem, every time i click the "quit" button in ubuntu, it automatically logs me out without giving me the choice to restart, shutdown, hibernate, switch users, etc. any ideas?02:37
xtknightomgsunny: odd well mine has a toolbar list right above reset views02:37
bulmerjwtod1 out of curiosity, can your bios detect that video card?02:38
shoumikhey anyone i can talk to this is getting frustrating02:38
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xtknightomgsunny: maybe beryl is screwing something up.  try without it?  i dont know.  i really doubt it but that's all i can think of02:38
OtherworldlyWhat is the difference? I search for xbuntu torrent and get these results: desktop i386, alternate i386, and vm 1.02. I am running slow Celeron chip, desktop i386 correct for me?02:38
xtknightomgsunny: what happens if you do reset view to default?02:38
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LjLOtherworldly: how much RAM02:38
shoumiki lol02:38
Noxilenticusoh i see LjL02:38
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Noxilenticus!info wlan-ng02:38
ubotuPackage wlan-ng does not exist in any distro I know02:38
omgsunnyxtknight, nah nothing.02:38
shoumikLjL help me out02:38
linuxfanstarby the way if i originally isntalled with ubuntu and then isntalled kubuntu-desktop but dont want gnome anymore is there a way to remove gnome?02:39
OtherworldlyLjL: 256MB SDRAM02:39
xtknightshoumik: sure....what do you mean by mouse lag exactly?02:39
shoumikits very slow to respond02:39
shoumikwhen i move it it moves a few seconds later. Half the speed i orignaly moved it02:39
Noxilenticuscan't you go into synaptic and remove it linuxfanstar?02:39
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xtknightshoumik: ah hmm.  you could try using a different mouse driver02:39
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Polygon89I have a problem, every time i click the "quit" button in ubuntu, it automatically logs me out without giving me the choice to restart, shutdown, hibernate, switch users, etc. any ideas?02:40
omgsunnyxtknight, how would i reinstall nautilus02:40
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linuxfanstaryes but i dont know what files are part of the ubuntu base that i need to remove02:40
shoumiki did't even install a mouse driver. I tried 2 diff. USB mouses and same problem02:40
jwtod1bulmer: i'll check02:40
shoumikwhen i restart it sometimes get better02:40
Polygon89linuxfanstar: you could see if "ubuntu-desktop", and try removing that, its a meta package that has all of the gnome files as dependencies and might remove it02:40
quaali am getting this error http://pastebin.ca/339383 when using this in my fstab to mount an ntfs drive: /dev/hdd /mnt/win80 ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 002:40
bulmerjwtod1 and also, if you can ctrl+alt+f2 and type lshw   to see if the video card is detected? am guessing here, i dont know if this command is available at install02:40
LjLOtherworldly: the Desktop CD should do. Alternate is needed only if you have little RAM; or the Desktop CD gives you problems for some reason. the Ubotu bot has sent you a message about it02:40
xtknightomgsunny: umm..... type this in the console: "sudo apt-get --reinstall install nautilus"02:41
quaalanyone know what i'm doing wrong ?02:41
LjLshoumik, i have hardly a clue02:41
Jamohow can I learn about what the colors mean when I do ls -al02:41
linuxfanstari would reinstall from scratch but i cant figure out how to set up my wireless in kde without kwifi02:41
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cinnixctrl + alt + f1 does not work as is should..i get a corrupt display and no terminal. can anyone help me?02:41
shoumikin some ubuntu forum someone made a post about it but no one responded.02:41
shoumikIt was a year and a half ago02:41
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xtknightshoumik: well it is using a default driver somewhere.  what kind of mouse is this?02:41
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shoumikI first tried a ge notebook mouse02:42
LjLUbotu, tell _ceed_ about away | _ceed_, see the private message from Ubotu02:42
bulmerJamo  look for the option --colors on ls02:42
shoumikthen i used a dell desktop mouse02:42
jwtod1bulmer: another data point. this system has sata disks vs ide. they are detected by bios so i assumed all is well. perhaps that is blocking install.02:42
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shoumikthey both have similar issues02:42
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xtknightshoumik: this doesn't happen under windows?02:42
Polygon89linuxfanstar: you could see if "ubuntu-desktop", and try removing that, its a meta package that has all of the gnome files as dependencies and might remove it02:42
bur[n] eranyone have experience with a mac mini and Ubuntu?02:42
Polygon89crap ignore that02:42
Jamols --colors, -colors, ls help, none of that helps, what is dark green?02:42
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shoumikIt was fine in windows.02:43
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bulmerjwtod1: it seems people are having difficulties with SATA drives..i dont know if its really true though..02:43
linuxfanstarthanks, i will look into that02:43
Polygon89Hello, i have a problem. whenever i click the "quit" button in ubuntu, it automatically logs me out, it does not show the box that lets me choose to switch user, lock screen, restart, shut down, etc. How do i fix this?02:43
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xtknightJamo: ask in #linux02:43
ferret_0567Just a sec...02:43
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=== _ceed_ is sorry for the public away. on a new irc client.
OnbutiikuI've got a problem with partitioning02:43
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xtknightshoumik: well all i can suggest is changing the mouse driver in your xorg.conf file.  you will need to find out which input driver you are using now for your mouse02:44
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shoumikthx for your help02:44
ferret_0567linuxfanstar: Are you using Ubuntu 6.10 or 6.06 and what desktop enviroment are you trying to remove?02:44
bulmerJamo man ls  its there explained well02:44
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xtknighti didn't see anything about the colors really meant in 'man ls'02:45
OnbutiikuI'm trying to install ubuntu on my external HD. When I go through the install I choose to reformat the ext drive and use that. Well, about 5-15% through the install it always says "Failed to create file system". What do I do?02:45
bur[n] erOnbutiiku, pre-format it before installing using gparted?02:45
Onbutiikulol, I just noticed I spelled my name wrong. I don't know exactly, I'm installing Ubuntu from the live CD.02:46
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OnbutiikuDapper Drake02:46
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OnburiikuAnd when it gets to the partitioning part I tell it to format the drive and install it from that.02:47
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bulmeri forget..can linux be booted off of a slave drive or not? or that depends on the bios?02:47
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gezzabobmorning all02:47
Moniker42hey i can't unrar my rars!02:47
OnburiikuI'm pretty sure it works02:47
X5-452What should I do if I get the "Broken packages" error message? I'm trying to install "libfox1.2c2", but it can't meet the "libcupsys2-gnutls10" dependency02:48
OnburiikuI've halfway ran Ubuntu from the HDD before02:48
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Onburiikuit failed to mount a bunch of stuff though02:48
jwtod1bulmer: i'm still stuck. i don't see the video card from bios but it does flash by quickly02:48
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Moniker42apt-get unrar and unrar-nonfree give me "E: Package unrar has no installation candidate"02:49
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OnburiikuBulmer: Plus, there's a "USB Device" option in the boot menu thing02:49
X5-452Have you added the extra repositories?02:49
jwtod1bulmer: the disks are sata on this box, vs ide, so i wonder if that is causing an install problem. all disks and cd (ide) look to be recognized by bios though.02:49
=== LordUltimaDavid [n=david@c-71-225-178-47.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bulmerjwtod1  is the sata drive recognized?02:50
quaalanyone know why the usb ntfs drive that ubuntu automatically mounted is there without an fstab entry?02:50
jwtod1they look to be. 2 of them.02:50
X5-452Moniker42, take a look here: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_RAR_Archiver_.28rar.2902:50
bulmerOnburiiku: what about it? i asked about if linux can boot off of a slave drive02:50
LordUltimaDavidwhere could i find a good guide to install nvidia beta drivers02:50
OnburiikuBulmer: My HD is connected Via USB.02:51
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Moniker42X5-452, E: Package rar has no installation candidate02:51
OnburiikuAnd my BIOS recognises it02:51
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ferret_0567linuxfanstar: are you here?02:51
jwtod1bulmer: perhaps i should try installing on an ide disk initially.02:51
bulmerOnburiiku: sorry i was not following your question earlier..what is the problem during install?02:51
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SirBob1701so anyone ever get ubuntu's surround sound to work with an Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe?02:51
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:52
bulmerjwtod1: maybe you can try it like that..i try to stay away from Sata drives..02:52
OnburiikuI'm trying to install Ubuntu on my HD, and I choose to completely format it and install from there. When it starts the installation though, about 15% through it says "Failed to create file system"02:52
jwtod1bulmer: k02:52
X5-452Moniker42, did you add the extra repositories?02:52
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linuxfanstarwhat is the program to set up wifi in kubuntu?02:53
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Moniker42X5-452, yes02:53
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Moniker42mutliverse is enabled in Software Sources02:53
bulmerOnburiiku: there is an option on grub to disable apcm or apci something (the auto power conservation) so if you are not typing anything it should not go to sleep mode02:54
ReKlipzHow do i set up my ethernet card for a crossover cable? IE, how do i assign it a custom IP?02:54
ferret_0567linuxfanstar: is your DDC working?02:54
ferret_0567I am trying to PM you02:54
OnburiikuBulmer: What does that have to do with it?02:54
bulmerOnburiiku: also, do you know if your Bios supports booting off of a USB drive?02:54
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bulmerOnburiiku: during install, USB is put to sleep?02:55
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OnburiikuBulmer: I see...02:55
bulmerwhile the cdrom is read..02:55
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linuxfanstaryes it is working02:55
linuxfanstari am answering you back but you cant get them02:55
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unopReKlipz,  use ifconfig to assign an ipaddress02:55
OnburiikuI'm pretty sure my BIOS iwll boot from the HD though, because I managesd to install ubunut on it before with a different CD, but it gave alot of errors when it tried to start up.02:56
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SirBob1701so anyone ever get ubuntu's surround sound to work with an Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe?02:56
ReKlipzunop: sorry, im real noob, but whats the syntax look like, ifconfig eth1 <xxxxxxx>02:56
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ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome02:56
X5-452Moniker42, try only this: "sudo apt-get install rar unrar", it should be enough to unzip your .rar files02:56
unopReKlipz,  man ifconfig should tell you (and even give you an example too)02:56
ferret_0567Huh...what is the DDC port because apparently my firewall is blocking incoming connections from you02:56
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ReKlipzunop: will do, thanks02:56
totoi am a noob02:57
bettspFeisty Fawn never finds the suspend info it wrote when it reboots, any ideas?02:57
totohow are you?02:57
linuxfanstardont know, why dont you just talk to me here?02:57
bettspIn other words, it suspends to disk, then when I reboot, it says swap is corrupted and tries to boot normally02:57
bulmerOnburiiku: if you are sure your BIOS can support booting off a USB..go for it!02:57
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SYS0110do u play online rpg games?02:57
cinnixctrl + alt + f1 does not work as is should..i get a corrupt display and no terminal. can anyone help me?02:57
linuxfanstardoes anyone know the program for configureing wifi in kubuntu?02:57
godtviskenWhat should I use to stream my music outside of my LAN?02:57
ferret_0567What desktop enviroment do you want to remove linuxfanstar>02:57
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ferret_0567XFCE or KDE?02:58
bulmercinnix: how about ctrl+alt+f2 or f3 or f4 ?02:58
OnburiikuI'm jut gonna keep trying o install it02:58
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cinnixbulmer: none of them02:58
ferret_0567Ubuntu 6.10?02:58
unoplinuxfanstar,  network-admin perhaps02:58
SYS0110ctrl + alt + f7 or f802:58
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rey_can anybody help me with pcmcia config?02:58
X5-452linuxfanstar, maybe GTKWifi?02:59
bulmercinnix can you reboot? and see if they can recover?02:59
ferret_0567Here you go linuxfanstar: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde02:59
rey_I have a atmel_cs wlan card02:59
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bettspDoes anyone have Feisty installed and working suspend to disk?02:59
rey_which is not auto-detected02:59
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unopReKlipz,  yep02:59
ferret_0567For others, look at the side-bar on that page if you only want certain DE's02:59
ReKlipzunop: I tried: sudo ifconfig eth1 inet netmask
rey_it used to work with pcmcia-cs if I dropped a config file in /etc/pcmcia02:59
ferret_0567linuxfanstar: wait02:59
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cinnixbulmer: reading the forums say that it was x keyboard setup... it wasn't. some say its ATI, things is I had it working before in a previous installation. I dont knw whats different with this one02:59
rey_but I can't get it to work with pcmciautils02:59
ReKlipzsaid: cannot assign requested address03:00
ferret_0567Check the command for email programs or other programs that you might want to keep03:00
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ReKlipzunop: im noob =03:00
bulmerbettsp umm i dont have feisty but, i would not trust suspending to disk..specially for a production system, for a toy..well maybe03:00
ReKlipzgotta do io_addrr03:00
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SYS0110may be ur installation is corrupted03:00
SYS0110it happened with me before03:00
ferret_0567Make sure that when you execute that command, it doesn't say it's going to remove anything you don't want it to remove03:01
bulmercinnix this the first time you installed ubuntu on your machine?03:01
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SYS0110no graphical session03:01
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SYS0110but when i reinstall it03:01
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ferret_0567That is all03:01
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SYS0110it worked :)03:01
cinnixbulmer: third or fourth...03:01
unopReKlipz,  yep, the command isnt formulated right  -- you probably want ifconfig eth1 inet netmask
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ferret_0567It's up to you to trim down that long command to only what you want to remove03:01
cinnixbulmer: second edgy install03:01
bulmercinnix: and everytime you lose the access to your consoles?03:01
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ReKlipzunop: ok, will try03:01
ferret_0567My question is: Is NetworkManager very good for wireless users?03:01
bulmerferret_0567: yes03:02
cinnixbulmer: only this time, i cant see what is different, asides from perhaps some drivers from the repo03:02
ReKlipzunop: thx :)03:02
ferret_0567Do you think I should use it when I get my new D-Link DWL-G650 Wireless G CardBus card?03:02
cinnixbulmer: regardless, i cant even get a console in vesa graphics drivers03:02
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unopReKlipz,  no, i'm not sure that is right either (i'm not on linux to be sure) let me find a page for you03:02
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ferret_0567I am currently tethered with a very long ethernet cable03:03
linuxfanstarif it works out ya03:03
bulmercinnix:  i meant if losing the console everytime you install..that is not right..but for some odd reasons, things gets out of whack, one time deal is no big thing, thats why i ask if you reboot , can it recover03:03
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ReKlipzunop: its working, so it must be03:03
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SYS0110i want some 1 to help03:03
ferret_0567I need to leave to install Ubuntu's gaim again...03:03
ReKlipzunop: much faster over crossover than via wireless03:03
cinnixbulmer: oh right, no ive tried this now with alt cd and live cd, both have the same result03:03
ferret_0567I have a newer one I got from another repo03:03
ferret_0567for now03:04
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ReKlipzferret_0567: sudo apt-get install gaim03:04
linuxfanstarbye thanks03:04
unopReKlipz,  thats right yes - :)03:04
cinnixbulmer: multiple boots as well :(03:04
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bulmercinnix and you have not modified the keyboard mappings?03:04
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SYS0110hi all03:05
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SYS0110any help here?03:05
MrShiathi all03:05
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MrShiati was also wondering if there was any help in here03:05
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vicenteMrShiat: yes there is if you ask03:06
SYS0110i downloaded the wine it was zipped like .tar.bz203:06
SYS0110then i unzipped it03:06
ReKlipzunop: so when im done,  I should exec: sudo ifconfig eth1 down, or will it automatically turn it off on reboot?03:06
MrShiatI am currently running a laptop with no CDROM drive. It has a blank hd and i am using feather linux. is there an easy way to get ubuntu installed on this thing?03:06
cinnixbulmer: nah they are the same i have all the time, default GB. the key combo actually works, the screen goes black, then distrost with green and blue lines ontop of the usplash, sometimes the screen is flooded with pastel colors. ctrl alt f7 brings it back03:06
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ReKlipzmrShiat: either a net install or a USB install03:06
SirBob1701can someone point me to a good surround sound guide?03:06
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MrShiatis there a good FAQ for the net install?03:07
unopReKlipz,  do you want the interface to be disabled on next boot?03:07
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ReKlipzunop: well, since i'm not using it, shouldnt it be?03:07
bulmercinnix: GB?03:07
MrShiatReKlipz: can i do a net install from feather linux?03:08
unopReKlipz,  well, to avoid complications (especially if another interface uses the same ip address settings) you should, yes03:08
cinnixbulmer: no moddifications.. great britain03:08
unopReKlipz,  sudo sh -c "ifconfig eth1 delete; ifconfig down"  ought to do it03:08
ReKlipzmrshiat: i'm not sure, since feather linux is runnin on your lappy that you want to install ubunto on, probably not03:08
ReKlipzunop: k, thanks03:09
MrShiatReKlipz: feather is actually running off of a usb stick03:09
ReKlipzmrshiaT: then i would suggest you run the ubuntu install off of a usb stick too03:09
MrShiatReKipz: thanks for the help03:10
MrShiathave a good one03:10
ReKlipzCan someone tell me how to get my brightness keys on my laptop keyboard working? Any of the function keys that put a display on the screen cause the screen to corrupt and ubuntu to crash. the mute key and the LCD/CRT keys work, but not the volume/brightness keys (they are the ones that put stuff on the screen).03:10
ReKlipzmrshiat, no problem, hope it works03:10
bulmercinnix: am stumped..need something to eat..be back laters03:10
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cinnixbulmer: no worries, thanks03:11
jwtod1bulmer: same problem :(03:11
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jwtod1bulmer: i removed the sata's and went w/ a single ide master03:12
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mon^rchcan anyone help me get a highid in amule?03:12
rbilReKlipz: don't know if this will help at all, but check and see whether you have the package libxosd2 installed03:13
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cinnixguys, tty will not display, can anyone help?03:14
ReKlipzrbil: whats the easiest way to do that via apt-get at terminal?03:14
sudamawow, something amazing just happened in #debian...suckers03:14
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rbilReKlipz: sudo apt-get install libxosd203:14
ReKlipzhah, ok03:14
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sudamawhats the problem with tty, cinnix?03:14
ReKlipzits not installed03:15
jwtod1i'm having trouble w/ a 6.10 install on a new box. nvidia 8800 card. x reports "no device found". ideas?03:15
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rbilReKlipz: well try installing it. but like I said, don't know that this will fix your prob but won't do any harm03:15
sudamajwtodl,, what does scanpci says?03:15
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jwtod1sudama: this is a new box. i don't have the kernel up yet on it.03:16
tencohow do install a complete gnome desktop? which package do i need to install?03:16
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jwtod1sudama: even running in safe mode fails03:16
unoptenco,  ubuntu-desktop03:16
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ReKlipzribl: do i need to restart quick?03:16
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FotfI can't figure out how to install my printer drivers, can someone give me a hand?(I am an ubuntu newb)03:17
rbilrestart what?03:17
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ReKlipzmy machine03:17
ZVMHurdyGurdyMani would like to use Ubuntu off a live CD but I have this problem with using the internet. I have a Linksys G Wireless USB thing for my PC and I dont know how to get it to recognize it.03:17
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sudamaso, if I understand, WHICH SOFT did U install already? or you have just the new box, empty  disk?03:17
tencounop: no. _all_ gnome software which a vanilla gnome release contains, even those in universe or multiverse03:17
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jwtod1sudama: yep. new h/w across the board.03:18
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jwtod1i've installed ubuntu on a few systems b4. haven't run into this problem though.03:18
FotfI put the CD with my printer drivers in my machine03:18
unoptenco,  you can install _all_ gnome software by something like  sudo aptitude install `aptitude search gnome | cut -c 3-30 | xargs`03:18
sudamaokay, do you have the cd, or the iso file, or what?03:19
FotfAnd there is a folder called Linux03:19
ZVMHurdyGurdyMansnd me a message if you can help.03:19
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melonok.. can somebody pretend i'm not super lazy 'n paste me the link that gets pasted every time somebody asks how to get mp3s working on ubuntu :)03:19
tencounop: hmm. no. that's too much. contains things like r-gnome, e.g. :)03:19
FotfAnd I see a bunch of files03:19
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FotfI am spoiled by the evil windows and is usless without an automated installer03:20
tencounop: and meta-package gnome is version 2.14.3 ^^03:20
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sudamaMO: sudo apt-get install automatix. the install codecs, etc etc :)03:20
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FotfHow do I install drivers?03:20
Kud|How do you edit processes that load up in a session via a terminal?03:21
sudamaU heard me, MELON ??03:21
FotfI crawled the net and can only find tutorials on how to install drivers for graphics cards03:21
unoptenco,  i find that installing ubuntu-desktop brings in most gnome packages you'd use on a day to day basis -- anything extra can always be installed at a later time03:21
rbilFotf: what drivers do you want to install?03:21
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jwtod1sudama: i just put 6.10 (not LTS) iso on a cd and am trying to install and/or boot from it. same problem in starting x.03:21
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ferret_0567Can NetworkManager be made to use static IP Addresses03:21
melonlol.. no?03:21
Kud|anyone? I can't load any desktop environment at the moment because of one program that is starting at the boot of an X server :(03:22
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bur[n] erferret_0567, I'm not using it for just that reason :\03:22
sudamadoes it boot ? do you get the options screen? do you get it runnig, at least, in text mode ?03:22
zcat[1] Fotf: what printer?03:22
FotfRibil, could you  /msg nickserv set unfiltered on?03:22
bur[n] erferret_0567, if you get it working, let me know :)03:22
campbellhey i have an e250 sandisk mp3 player how would i get ubentu to pick it up?03:22
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Kud|sudama: I can get to a terminal, that's about it03:22
FotfA laser printer from samsung03:22
rbilit's on03:22
Fotfhold on03:22
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bur[n] ercampbell, use banshee?03:22
tencounop: i'm testing 2.17.90 here on feisty. thus i need all gnome packages a vanilla gnome release contains. installing those without doing this boring task manually would be nice :). maybe i should grep for 2.17.90 versions...03:23
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campbellwhats banshee03:23
sudamar u sure is right iso for your processor?03:23
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jwtod1susama: no. i get the "install or start in safe mode" menu but after which it dies because of x. i should start it in txt mode.03:23
bur[n] er!banshee | campbell03:23
ubotucampbell: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs03:23
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ReKlipzribl: i tried it without rebooting, it still crashed03:23
Kud|sudama, it was installed fine earlier. I just added a program to the startup of a session and it completely screwed up my boot03:23
Fotfsamsung SCX-420003:23
FotfI have the CD03:23
sudamasorry, late... do u have gnome /kde installed?03:24
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rbiland the CD has drivers for Linux?03:24
Kud|sudama, gnome03:24
unoptenco,  you'd probably find like-minded people, approaches and ideas in #ubuntu+1 where testing on fesity happens03:24
EnsignRedshirtTo load a module at boot, I put the name in /etc/modules.  I am running dapper.  Is this the same in all versions of ubuntu?03:24
Fotfit has a folder called linux in it03:24
Fotfhold on03:24
tencounop: ok03:24
sudamaoh, I ssee.. check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:25
FotfHAs a bunch of .SH files in it03:25
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Jamois mod_jk.so the same as jk.load ?03:25
Fotfand a couple files that I thought were executables03:25
FotfAlso, an autorun03:25
rbilFotf: no readme file?03:25
Fotfalong with it's inf03:25
FotfA manual03:26
rbilLinux doesn't use inf03:26
Fotfthat points me to a non-existing section03:26
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ferret_0567Can NetworkManager be told to use static IP addresses?03:26
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FotfThe cd is for Macs, Linux and Windows03:26
Fotfa compatilation03:26
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bur[n] er!enter03:26
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:26
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Kud|sudama, where would it be listed under in my xorg.conf?03:26
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rbilyou could try add printer in Administrator ... Printing ... and see whether pointing to Linux directory on cd does it03:27
LiENUShow much longer till something like beryl will be default in ubuntu?03:27
rbilor maybe there's a sh file called install.sh?03:27
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EnsignRedshirtcompatilation = compatible compilation? Cool new word...03:27
ReKlipzberyl is easy to install, its just beta still03:27
rbilreally u need to read instructions03:27
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sudamau now how to use a terminal? (sorry, don mean anything)... type     less /etc/X11/xorg.conf.Does gnome start manually?03:27
ReKlipzrbil: so that may / may not have worked?03:27
FotfInstall.SH and commoninstall.SH03:28
Jamocould someone help me with an apache2 tomcat connection issue03:28
sudamato start gnome, type    gdm03:28
rbilFotF: well possibly running install.sh will do it? surely there's a readme03:28
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Kud|sudama, I don't have any problems starting gnome, once it starts and runs the process I added to the startup, gnome freezes and reboots X03:28
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EnsignRedshirtIs putting the module name in /etc/modules the correct way to load a module at boot in the latest versions of ubuntu?03:29
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sudamawich processe?03:29
sudamasorry, shit keyboard03:29
jwtod1sudama: any ideas on how to install 6.10 via text mode? bypassing x for now?03:29
Kud|sudama, it was compiz03:29
Fotfrbil: So, .sh's are basically like .exe's in windows?03:30
ReKlipzjwtod1: you could do the minimal install c03:30
sudamawait, I check something...hold on :D03:30
Kud|whatever the "compiz-tray-icon" is exactly what it was I believe03:30
jwtod1reklipz: is that a boot arg?03:30
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rbilFotf: yeh, in a terminal go to the directory holding that file and run ./install.sh03:31
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jwtod1i have never had initial install issue like w/ ubuntu b4. odd.03:31
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zcat[1] sh's are like .bat's in windows, kinda03:31
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ReKlipzwhats the issue>'03:31
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ReKlipzanyone know of a real good intro to linux tutorial that will show me the ropes, not like a noob to ubuntu thing, but something about the roots of linux03:32
livingdaylightis eMule not in repositories?03:32
Fotfrbil: How do I get into the directory via terminal?03:32
rbilFotf: you might have to run as sudo ... like this ... sudo ./install.sh03:32
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livingdaylightalso i downloaded bittornado but i don't see it in menu03:32
jwtod1reklipz: burned 6.10 desktop iso to cd. tyiing to install on a new box. video card is asus en8800gtx (nvidia). fails at startx because of "no device found" ... just for an install.03:32
Fotfoh oh ohhhh, lemme try something here03:33
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FluxDHi I am having a problem staring programs at startup everything i add into sessions is deleted when i login and therefore they dont start. Can anyone help?03:33
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livingdaylightand i went to Menu edit and added bittorrent but when i click on down load i still only find default Azeurus, which doesn't work03:33
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ReKlipzjwtod1: I had a similar problem: my cd rom drive was so shitty that i couldnt do anything on the desktop when i booted from live cd, so i couldnt click the install icon, i downloaded the alternate install cd, and it worked fine03:33
livingdaylightwhen i look in /usr/bin/ i don't see bittorrent or bittornado i just installed via synaptic03:33
Fotfso, do I type in the drive letter or the CD name?03:33
livingdaylightAny ideas?03:33
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livingdaylightif bittorrent is not in /usr/bin/ then where is it?03:34
Fotfrbil: so, do I type in the drive letter or the CD name?03:34
jwtod1reklipz: i was just thinking of going w/ an older install cd03:34
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FluxDlivingdaylight all programs are not necessarily in usr/bin03:35
unoplivingdaylight,  use  which bittorrent  to find out03:35
OneOfTheManyis there any way I can create a linux software RAID 5 partition and share it with windows?03:35
rbilFotf: no, find the cd mount point and go there03:35
sudamacheck this... http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/install.html#2    and if not, this...https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/WindowsServerNetboot    this is what u need03:35
ReKlipzwell, you could try that, and find what drivers make x work, and then use that on 6.103:35
livingdaylighti downloaded bittornado but i don't see it in menu03:35
livingdaylightand i went to Menu edit and added bittorrent but when i click on down load i still only find default Azeurus, which doesn't work03:35
Simpletonwhats up with all the dcc spamming03:35
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Simpletonits been happening for 9 hours now03:35
livingdaylight when i look in /usr/bin/ i don't see bittorrent or bittornado i just installed via synaptic03:35
FotfHow do I find a cd mount point?03:35
rbiltry cd /media/cdrom03:35
livingdaylightunop, don't understand03:36
TooR4uhow to mount NTFS file system in ubuntu .....03:36
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zcat[1] !ntfs | TooR4u03:36
livingdaylightFluxD, that is why i 'm asking where would bittorrent be ?03:36
ubotuTooR4u: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse03:36
unoplivingdaylight,  at a terminal - which bittorrent03:36
ReKlipzlivingdatlight, ya what unop said03:36
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dimeotaneanyone know what hidden folder my gnome panel setting are saved in?  Its really weird. .I rebooted and my gnome panels are all back to default03:36
rbilFotf: then cd to the directory that contains the linux install03:36
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ReKlipzspeaking of bittorrent, what is the best linux client?03:36
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arrenlexIs there a way to symlink recursively?03:36
unoplivingdaylight,  or better -- type -a bittorrent03:36
=== zcat[1] likes rtorrent
livingdaylightunop, got nothing03:36
rbiluse the command ls to see files/directories03:37
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OneOfTheManyis there any way I can create a linux software RAID 5 partition and share it with windows?03:37
unoplivingdaylight,  do you know what command launches bittorrent?03:37
livingdaylightunop, -a command not found03:37
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livingdaylightunop, i use gui03:37
unoplivingdaylight, you forgot to type type before -a -- type -a command03:37
livingdaylightunop, Applications/Internet/bittorrent03:37
ReKlipzlivingdaylight: which -a bittorrent03:37
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ReKlipzlivingdaylight: type -a bittorrent03:38
kk_ist hier jemand der deutsch spricht03:38
ReKlipzi prolly just confused him03:38
Fotfrbil: only my desktop and the example folder03:38
zcat[1] "type type -a bittorrent" :-)03:38
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FluxDHi the session startup tab feature is not starting my progras at startup03:38
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rbilin a terminal do this ... cd /media/cdrom03:38
rbilthen ls03:39
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ReKlipzFluxD, i just used it and it worked for me03:39
livingdaylightReKlipz, says not found03:39
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Fotfno such directory03:39
sudama<jwtod1> i heard lots of people with your card installed Kubuntu..just this :)03:39
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livingdaylightReKlipz, but i can see it in my menu, lol03:39
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FluxDReKlipz whatever I add there is deleted on login what do i do? is ther an alternate way?03:39
FotfI know this would have worked if I was running my Knoppix LiveCD though03:39
jwtod1i get a diff error now w/ ubuntu 603:39
ReKlipzFluxD, not sure, maybe someone else will know03:39
jalvaradolivingdaylight, maybe it wasnt good installed, try to do it again03:40
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unoplivingdaylight,  well, it's probably a command that starts with bt - something like bt-launch or something obscure -- try tab-completing it a terminal03:40
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zcat[1] "apropos bittorrent" perhaps?03:40
livingdaylightjalvarado i'm using bittorrent, its fine03:40
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jalvaradolivingdaylight... try to install it again03:40
jalvaradoyes... its good03:40
jalvaradoits been a long time03:40
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Telrothcan someone help me with kernel booting problems? My system refused to boot after a hardware upgrade and even the lilvecd isn't loading. The kernel simiply hangs while booting up03:41
livingdaylightunop, when i try auto complete i get bitmap03:41
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rbilFotf: try this then ... cd /media/cdrom003:41
MarcNTelroth: what did you add/replace?03:41
Telrothprocessor, motherboard, graphics card, ram :)03:42
gpmhey all, is it possible to convert flv video to h264 (for video ipod) using mencoder?03:42
EnsignRedshirtIs adding the module name to /etc/modules the correct way load a module at boot in 6.10?03:42
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Telrothknoppix 4.0 boots fine, and so does windows.03:42
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Telrothlet me boot up the live cd with nosplash to get the line where it hangs03:42
FluxDHi is there an alternate way to start programs at login other than sessions?03:43
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jalvaradoFluxD. i have done it with Unix but i dont remember03:43
ReKlipzFluxD, im looking03:43
jalvaradolet me find some info03:43
jwtod1now i am getting acpi issues03:43
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ReKlipzI did it with beryl03:43
Fotfrbil: No dice03:43
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rbilthe cd is showing on desktop?03:44
FluxDjalvarado ReKlipz ty03:44
FotfSHould I just right click the thing and select run in terminal?03:44
atrus"lpinfo -v" isn't showing my usb printer, and it doesn't show up in the "detected printers" section of the web interface. I know that it used to. what's likely to be wrong or worth investigating?03:44
rbiland you've opened a terminal?03:44
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bulmerFluxD: how are you even adding it to a session?03:44
rbilwhat does this show ...03:44
unoplivingdaylight,  are you trying to autocomplete "bit" or "bt" ? ;)03:44
rbills -l /media03:44
motin_newly written - please do comment - http://wiki.motin.eu/BeginnersGuideToInstallingProgramsInUbuntu03:44
EnsignRedshirtFluxD: Perhaps in ~/.bash_profile03:44
livingdaylightunop, bit03:44
FluxDbulmer I goto the session and browse to the program03:45
ReKlipzPM me03:45
unoplivingdaylight,  try completeing bt03:45
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Fotfls: invalid option03:45
rbilLS ... ls03:45
FluxDEnsignRedshirt how?03:45
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Fotfthat is what I did though03:45
Fotfit says03:45
Fotfls: Invalid Option -- /03:46
rbiltoo strange03:46
bulmerFluxD: adding to a session is after the login, you said before login?03:46
rbiltry cd /03:46
livingdaylightunop, i get a huge list03:46
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rbilthen ls -l03:46
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TelrothMarcN: booting the live cd shows me the following things: resource allocation errors for a sata/ide controller (the secondary one, JMicron in brand), then about 50 complaints that my cd rom drive is confused, a pointer (seems to describe cd rom error), and it then tells me it's disabling IRQ #5003:46
Fotfsays CD does not exist03:46
jalvaradolivingdaylight, have you try with locate?03:46
jalvaradoit can give you a smaller list03:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:47
SuBLiMeestoy configurando mi servidor vsftpd con usuarios fantasmas y me da error 530 al intentar conectarme03:47
bulmerTelroth: and jwtod1  both of you have SATA drives..seems to cause major problems03:47
FotfShould I copy the files onto my desktop and then try running from the desktop?03:47
FluxDbulmer I meant after login sorry like after it shows the gnome splah screen03:47
SuBLiMealguien podria intentar entrar ?03:47
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GIgsI can't seem to get 3D working with the ATI binary driver...   it says: (EE) fglrx(0): GART is not initialized, disabling DRI03:48
Telrothbulmer, i've used ubuntu for 4 months without any errors with my sata drives03:48
jalvaradoSuBLiMe a donde quieres que entre?03:48
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rbilFotf: you can try making a new directory in your home directory and copying files to there03:48
rbilI wouldn't put them on desktop03:48
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unoplivingdaylight,  i think the easiest way to determine which executable launches bittorrent is to probably -- drag the bt icon from the menu to the desktop and examine it's properties via right-click, properties, etc03:49
jalvaradoFotf: you want the programs to run in terminal or in graphic mode?03:49
livingdaylightunop, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4055/ what am i supposed to do with this ?03:49
EnsignRedshirtFluxD: .bash_profile is a bash script that is run when you login in.  I think you could add commands to that file, but I haven't tried it, so maybe there are reasons it wouldn't work.03:49
livingdaylightunop, i see03:49
rbiljalvarado: it's a bash script so probably wants to run in a term03:49
FotfNow, when I double click the SH, a window pops up and a terminal quickly pops up and dissapears when I select "Run from terminal"03:50
FluxDEnsignRedshirt any idea ho to use it?03:50
rbilFotf: did u copy to a dir in your home directory, what's it called?03:50
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Telrothbulmer, all of my drives (sata, ide, dvd burner, etc.) were working and fully functional on Edgy (I actually have an installation of edgy on the sata drive, never had any trouble with it)03:51
bulmerFluxD: try to open that file. it is just a script..add what you wanted at the end03:51
Fotfcopied to a folder on desktop called linux03:51
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FluxDbulmer in home dir?03:51
Fotf*Called linuc03:51
bulmerTelroth: oh okay, the other user here can use your install skills with Sata..he's having a major issues03:52
rbilOK, then do this ... cd ~/Desktop/linux03:52
bulmerFluxD: yes, at the home dir of user03:52
Telrothbulmer, heh, It Just Worked (TM) for me :<03:52
EnsignRedshirtFluxD: Well, my first test would be to edit the file, and add, for example, "firefox &" (without the quotes) at the end, and see if that started firefox when I logged in.  (I would test it now, but I don't want to logout at the moment :)  Smarter people than me might know right away whether that will work.03:52
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FotfAgain, says does not exist03:53
TelrothEnsignRedshirt, it shoudl work03:53
AmadeoDoes anyone know how to fix the regedit problems in wine 0.9.30?03:53
rbilFotf: how is that possible? you said you copied it03:53
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FluxDEnsignRedshirt thx :)03:53
rbilFotf: you must be doing something really wrong03:53
Fotfrbil: I do not know03:53
rbilI guess you don't have ssh installed? :-)03:53
TelrothEnsignRedshirt 'echo "firefox &" >> ~/.bash_profile' <-- easy way to append commands on the end of your .bash_profile03:54
FotfI don't think so03:54
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rbilFotf: you registered with this channel?03:54
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Fotfrbil: nope03:54
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uberspacedwhat/s the name of a termal program that does shells that isn't tied to gnome or kde?03:54
EnsignRedshirtSpeaking of smarter people... In 6.10, is it still correct to add the module name to /etc/modules if you want the modules loaded at boot?03:54
uberspacedkindof like konsole, but something that i'd be able to use with a pretty simple window manager?03:54
rbilFotf: is it ubuntu you're running?03:55
Telrothuberspaced, sh, bash, xerm ?03:55
livingdaylightunop, any reason why emule is not in repositories?03:55
Fotfsays so on the splash screen03:55
Toma-uberspaced: xterm03:55
Fotfhas the ubunto logo on the top left03:55
rbilFotf: and you've opened a terminal?03:55
jalvaradolivingdaylight try with other name... maybe amule03:55
uberspacedTelroth, one that has multiple tabs; i'm too lazy to read the screen man page ;)03:55
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rbilwhat does ls say in the terminal03:55
uberspacedor maybe I should just get really good at using screen.03:55
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Fr3e-DoMsudo apt-get install amule03:55
uberspacedi dunno.03:55
Fotfdesktop examples03:56
Fr3e-DoMOr check your sources list03:56
livingdaylightjalvarado, thx03:56
rbilok, try cd desktop03:56
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livingdaylightjalvarado, presumably its the same application03:56
spasticteapotDoes anyone know how to set the IP address for a wireless connection?03:56
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spasticteapotNo GUIs seem to work - I've just been using iwconfig.03:56
rbildo ls now03:57
FotfNo such file or directory03:57
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rbilpaste the prompt here03:57
Telrothuberspaced, konsole will run on a lightweight WM, you just have to have kdelibs installed03:57
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uberspacedI guess screen will have to do for now.03:57
jalvaradolivingdaylight, about emule-amule?03:57
Fotfusing bro's laptop03:57
Fotfbecause the wired internet's down03:58
bulmerspasticteapot: i would assume you'd modify /etc/network/interfaces and assign it with static address03:58
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Fotfwireless is the only thing that's working03:58
GIgsis it OK that agpgart kernel module loaded even though I don't have an AGP video card?03:58
Telrothuberspaced, i replied to your question in case you missed it03:58
Fotfit just says03:58
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livingdaylightjalvarado, yes03:58
uberspacedTelroth, yes, i read it; thanks for the response.03:58
rbilFotf: so you aren't working on the computer you want to install the printer on?03:58
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jalvaradolivingdaylight, yes is the same app03:58
Fotfbash: cd: desktop: No such file or directory03:58
uberspacedwhen you said 'xerm' you meant 'xterm' right?03:58
syockGuys, you know how I can make my apps launch faster? I saw this Beryl demo where the terminal launched in below 2 seconds. Mine takes 7 seconds before it`s ready to use.03:59
FotfI am physicaly beside the one I want the drivers to work on03:59
livingdaylightjalvarado, http://www.jamendo.com/en/?album_id=347&p=p2pdl you see i need emule03:59
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livingdaylightjalvarado, ahh...ok, so that's good03:59
rbilwhat does the prompt say?03:59
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bulmersyock is it the first time it was launched? or perhaps 2nd or 3rd?04:00
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Telrothuberspaced, yes, my mistake04:00
Fotfbash: cd: desktop: No such file or directory04:00
jalvaradolivingdaylight, you also can download another program like limewire, i used and it works fine04:00
jalvaradoused in ubuntu04:00
rbilFotf: you don't know what a prompt is obviously. what does pwd     say?04:00
usr13Fotf: He wants you to show him what is to the left of the cursor.04:00
livingdaylightjalvarado, but that particular link i gave you ask for either emule or bittorrent04:00
Telrothjalvarado, if livingdaylight is looking for a bittorrent program, i recommend azureus04:00
FotfI thought synax and prompt were the same04:01
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livingdaylightTelroth, Azeurus don't work for me04:01
ReKlipzazureus, does that require the jvm on linux?04:01
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TelrothReKlipz, yes04:01
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TelrothReKlipz, apt-get install sun-java5-jdk04:01
livingdaylightReKlipz, jvm?04:01
rbilresults of the pwd command?04:01
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ReKlipzjava viirtual machine04:01
Telrothlivingdaylight, jvm = java virtual machine. required to run java programs, like azureus04:01
spasticteapotDoes anyone know of a good wiffi manager for linux that actually works?04:01
jalvaradolivingdaylight, Java virtual machine04:02
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Fotfsays /home/fotf04:02
ReKlipzis there a utorrent port to linux?04:02
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rbiland ls   doesn't list directories?04:02
Simpletonyour a torrent'04:02
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vray_ubIs xchat-gnome known to work with the Fish encryption plugin?04:02
ReKlipzls not listing directories is bad04:02
DritzenAnyone having difficulties with nautilus after an update?04:02
Fotfsays Desktop and Examples04:03
ReKlipznautilus, that KDE or GDM?04:03
mrwillob1I cannot connect to the internet with Ubuntu after a reboot04:03
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ReKlipz(im new to this stuff, but getting the hang of it)04:03
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DritzenActually, nevermind.  I got nautilus working again04:03
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mrwillob1is there a way to undo the last update or something?04:03
DritzenNautilus runs on gnome04:03
rbilFotf: then do ... cd ~/Desktop04:03
rbilI told u that before04:03
OnburiikuOkay, good news and bad news.04:03
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usr13mrwillob1: What kind of internet connection do you have?04:04
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mrwillob1T1 or something04:04
FotfOkay, the prompt is at the desktop04:04
ReKlipzhow do you list the packages that match a string in apt-get?04:04
EnsignRedshirtIf you are using edgy (6.10): Does the file /etc/modules exist?04:04
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DritzenWhen I'm unmounting a windows share, nautilus keeps crashing.  Hm..04:04
mrwillob1I'm connecting through school04:04
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rbilFotf: do ls and u should seee linux dir?04:04
FluxDReKlipz it didnt start gaim04:04
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usr13mrwillob1: show us output of command:  ifconfig04:04
rbilcd linux04:04
earthmeLonHey buddies. I am having a problem. I keep hitting shift+bkspc and my screen turns black. How do i disable this, or just get back to my windows manager?04:05
mrwillob1I'm on openSUSE right now04:05
usr13or, look for IP address04:05
rbildo ls and u should see files04:05
Toulousehey guys, are amd processors typically linux friendly? i'm about to get an AMD athlon 64 +340004:05
jalvaradomrwillob1, but is wireless or wire?04:05
amac777does ekiga phone work? I keep getting errors about my "registration failed" even though I have a valid sip account. It half worked one time but the incoming audio was not played due to some kind of a sound driver duplexing problem. I'm using alsa so I don't understand why this would happen. Wondering if anyone has got ekiga phone working?04:05
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mrwillob1ifconfig does not have an IP address, I noticed that04:05
usr13Fotf: or, look for IP address04:05
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cchanceHow do i install [plugins for supybot)04:05
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usr13mrwillob1: restart the network04:05
jalvaradomrwillob1, have you checked if you've got an ip?04:05
rbilok, do this ... ls -l04:06
Fotfokies, now, I just run install.sh?04:06
mrwillob1yes, I did ifconfig and there was no IP address listed, how do I restart the network?04:06
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jalvaradomrwillob1, ifconfig eth0?04:06
rbiland post results to here .... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/04:06
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jalvaradolet me remember04:06
aMohammeddoes gaim support live protocol ?04:06
morphishhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/x11/xserver-xorg-video-unichrome in this link there are unichrome chipsets listed as supported that http://unichrome.sourceforge.net/ lists as not supported, does ubuntu actually work on their own unichrome drivers?04:06
bulmermrwillob1: are you using DHCP or static ip address?04:06
usr13mrwillob1: /etc/init.d/networking restart04:06
Fotffiles listed04:06
usr13mrwillob1: dhclient04:06
FotfI can't04:06
earthmeLonWhy do i keep getting people trying to send me 0kb files with no names?04:07
Fotfwired internet does not work04:07
EnsignRedshirtWhere are all the kernel gurus tonight?04:07
usr13mrwillob1: issue command:  dhclient04:07
rbilFotf: oh right04:07
rbilno readme there?04:07
Fotfit just lists my files04:07
rbilno isntructions there?04:07
jalvaradousr13, mrwillob1,  thats right04:07
aMohammeddoes gaim support live protocol ?04:07
Fotfonly something called rd04:07
mrwillob1alright, I will go try that, I have to boot back into it04:07
Fotfis remotely close to readme04:07
OnburiikuGood news is I was able to install Ubuntu on my external HD. The bad news, is when I boot it up it asks for a login and password. Nothing I try will work. During the setup it asked for the name of the computer and a password, but no other login/password stuff after that. It won't even login using the computer name and password. One thing that seems relevant though, is after it installed everything, there was just a black screen with two 04:07
cablesm102aMohammed, live protocol?04:07
rbilthere's an install.sh04:07
mrwillob1what should I expect to happen?04:08
aMohammedyeah ! @live.com04:08
jalvaradomrwillob1to start the network04:08
cablesm102aMohammed, isn't that the same as MSN?04:08
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rbilif so .... I guess try this .... sudo ./install.sh04:08
mrwillob1alright, I will reboot and hope it works04:08
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aMohammedyes ! i tried to log in with my live account but failed !04:08
cablesm102aMohammed, try setting it up for MSN but use your Live name and password.04:08
cchanceHow do i install supybot plugins04:08
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cablesm102aMohammed, let me look at something04:09
wimpiesHI all, I get connection refused when running smbclient -L
Fotfsudo: ./install.sh: command was not found04:09
wimpieswhat might be wrong ?04:09
aMohammedk , will do04:09
FearMothhow can I stop apt-get from finishing downloading a package (flashplugin-nonfree) and installing it? it's taking forever to download04:09
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syockAfter a fresh reboot, my virtual terminal takes about 7 seconds to start up. If not closed, subsequent terminal launches takes only 1.5 seconds each. But after all of them are closed, it will again take long time to start up a new one.04:09
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bulmerFearMoth: ps -aux|grep apt-get  then kill that pid04:09
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cablesm102aMohammed, I'd try using Gaim as if it were an MSN account.04:10
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OnburiikuNobody said anything so I'll just copy and paste this...04:10
OnburiikuGood news is I was able to install Ubuntu on my external HD. The bad news, is when I boot it up it asks for a login and password. Nothing I try will work. During the setup it asked for the name of the computer and a password, but no other login/password stuff after that. It won't even login using the computer name and password. One thing that seems relevant though, is after it installed everything, there was just a black screen with two 04:10
cchanceHow do i install plugins for supybot04:10
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jalvaradoby the way guys... with suse i mouted a network shared folder like this... smbmount //server/sharedFolder /home/alvarado/folder, now how do i do it with ubuntu?04:10
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aMohammedi'm downloading the latest beta now04:11
rjm1982FearMoth, also...if your using firefox, just go to a page that requires flash 9 and it will auto download now that the office plugin is out04:11
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DarthShrinebulmer, Shouldn't a ^C on the apt-get work too?04:11
FearMothbulmer: but then the next time i run apt-get dist-upgrade it says 1 not fully installed or removed in the packages to install and asks if i want to continue. if i press y, it tries to download it, and if i press n it just aborts apt-get and does the same thing next time04:11
rjm1982err, office = official, sorry04:11
Fotfsudo: ./install.sh: command was not found04:11
bulmerDarthShrine: i doubt it..but if its in same tty maybe..try it04:11
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jwtod1i have an intel e6600 chip. do i want the intel x86 iso? vs the 6b4 amd iso?04:12
syockIf I`m to build a deb out of a source, do I fakeinstall as in Debian?04:12
jalvaradoby the way guys... with suse i mouted a network shared folder like this... smbmount //server/sharedFolder /home/alvarado/folder, now how do i do it with ubuntu?04:12
bulmerFearMoth: umm im not familiar with how apt-get does its download04:12
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usr13jalvarado: sudo  smbmount //server/sharedFolder04:13
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usr13(I think)04:13
rjm1982Anyone here installed Ubuntu on an intel mac mini?  I'm thinking of getting one because of the small size...i dont like osx at all though..so it would be strictly a linux bx...anyone had any experience with it and or knows of hardware issues?04:13
DarthShrinejalvarado, I think you install smbfs and just use the mount command.04:13
jalvaradousr13, yea i tried that already04:13
bur[n] errjm1982, me too!!  I'm so curious... i know there were issues with wifi card awihle ago04:13
GMWeezelOnly one application is allowed access to my sound output or input at one time; how can I fix this?04:13
Fotfrbil: sudo: ./install.sh: command was not found04:13
rbilFotf: post results of this ... ls -l install.sh04:13
bur[n] errjm1982, system76.com has some small form factor ubuntu boxes as well... though I'm curious about a mac mini still04:13
EnsignRedshirtrjm: "...because of the small size..."  You can get pretty small PCs, too.04:13
usr13jalvarado: just issue comand  smbmount04:14
FearMothrjm1982 do you know how to cancel apt-get from installing an incomplete package?04:14
Fotflaptop fell down04:14
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rjm1982Ensign...not that small :)04:14
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ccvpUFC 67 is Live on PPV NOW04:14
rjm1982but yeah, you can get close04:14
system_hello all04:14
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usr13jalvarado: it will give  you instructions.04:14
ccvpultimate fighting championship 67 - on PPV now04:14
ccvpif you have WINAMP - you can view UFC 6704:14
ccvpFOR FREE04:14
syockCool it shoots out that many k`s when it fell?04:14
system_i wanna install real player for ubuntu04:14
jalvaradousr13, sure04:14
ccvpin WINAMP04:14
ccvpFOR UFC 6704:14
EnsignRedshirtFotf: So that's what a falling laptop sounds like on irc.04:14
bur[n] er!ops04:14
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, or Amaranth04:14
system_i wanna install real player for ubuntu04:14
system_i wanna install real player for ubuntu04:14
system_i wanna install real player for ubuntu04:14
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Madpilotsystem_, please don't repeat04:15
OnburiikuGood news is I was able to install Ubuntu on my external HD. The bad news, is when I boot it up it asks for a login and password. Nothing I try will work. During the setup it asked for the name of the computer and a password, but no other login/password stuff after that. It won't even login using the computer name and password. One thing that seems relevant though, is after it installed everything, there was just a black screen with two 04:15
Hobbsee!real player04:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about real player - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:15
rbilis it executable?04:15
system_no 1 wanna help04:15
rbilwhat are permissions?04:15
Hobbsee!patience | system_04:15
ubotusystem_: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:15
cablesm102system_, be nice and maybe someone will04:15
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:15
FotfI am the only user04:15
Fotfso I guess admin04:15
DarthShrineOnburiiku, Did you do an OEM install?04:15
bur[n] er!real | system_04:15
ubotusystem_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:15
FearMothrjm1982: yes, it still wants to install it next time04:15
OnburiikuDarhtshrine: yes04:16
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DarthShrineOnburiiku, So you've tried the user oem with your password?04:16
jalvaradoDarthShrine, i installed smbfs and now is displaying some options, it didnt before04:16
system_lol , so iam not nice04:16
jwtod1ok ..  looks like i have ubuntu 6.10 live running in text mode. any ideas as to how to get it installed? and get x happy :)04:16
FluxDSo whatever I do ubuntu wont let me stat programs at startup. Is this a bug? or soething wrong on my part?04:16
DarthShrinejalvarado, :)04:16
rbilFotf: post first colum of the results of ls -l install.sh04:16
OnburiikuOoh, so the username would be OEM? No, I haven't tried that.04:16
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jwtod1btw, i am now running w/ my old cd drive vs the new one04:16
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DarthShrineOnburiiku, In lower case though, I would think.04:16
cablesm102FluxD, how are you setting up the startup programs?04:16
syocksystem_: Computer name is not user name. When logging in, you input your user name.04:17
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Fotfonly one thing in one collumn04:17
OnburiikuOkay, thanks. I'll go try that. I'll be back if it works or not. I'll let you know. =)04:17
rbilu didn't do ls -l04:17
rbilthat's a lower case "L"04:17
FotfI know04:17
sudamasomebody is good in hacking? i m getting a lot of strange things here ..04:17
FluxDcablesm102 I tried sessions but didnt work then someone told me using a sh script didnt work and I dont know how to do using .bash_profile file04:17
cablesm102sudama, how 'bout describing them?04:17
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rbilmust be something similar to -rw-r-- etc04:18
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usr13jalvarado: Nautilus will mount it for you.04:18
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cablesm102FluxD, how did you try sessions? What did you put for the command in Startup Programs04:18
Fotffotf@fotf-desktop:-Desktop/linux$ ls 01 install.sh04:18
Fotffotf@fotf-desktop:-Desktop/linux$ ls -1 install.sh04:18
bulmerFearMoth can you try apt-get remove ?04:18
FearMothrjm1982: yup, I just tried that and it worked :) thanks04:18
usr13jalvarado: Places --> Netowrk Servers04:18
jwtod1i am now running live text mode. "startx" reports "no device found". ideas? thx.04:18
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jalvaradousr13, yes but i need it to know by terminal for some scripts that i have04:18
usr13jalvarado: o04:19
system_i want real player setup .deb file04:19
DarthShrineFotf, It's ls -l (that is a lower case L)04:19
sudamalots of connections to my 4662 port ... i have no emule, but i guess if u nmap me, is the only 1 u get becouse is the only NAT open one..but there is a firewall, before, anyway..04:19
system_i cant find it04:19
jwtod1my graphics card is an en880004:19
jalvaradoDarthShrine, usr13, now i mounted thanks guys04:19
rbilFotf: no ... it's ls -l    that's ls hyphen lowercase L04:19
ferret_0567NetworkManager can use static IP addresses, right?04:19
DarthShrinejalvarado, No problem.04:19
FluxDcablesm102 /usr/bin/gaim I pasted that04:19
syocksystem_: I think you can get an install script from Real`s site if I`m not mistaken04:19
cablesm102FluxD, get rid of the usr/bin part04:19
jalvaradoferret_0567, yes04:19
cablesm102FluxD, try just "gaim"04:19
bur[n] ersystem_, totem plays all .rm files for me04:19
bulmerferret_0567: yes04:20
FluxDcablesm102 ok04:20
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bur[n] erbulmer, how?04:20
sudamacables, i have no emule...04:20
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system_i even tryed to get rm plug in forxmms04:20
cablesm102system_, there's a package for it called realplay.04:20
bulmerbur[n] er: me? whats the issue?04:20
system_but i founf the link s broken04:20
FluxDcablesm102 I will logout and come back04:20
system_but i dont see that package!04:20
sudamasystem, u tried automatix??04:21
system_i searched for it04:21
Fotf                                                                                                                              -rw-r--r-- 1 fotf fotf 16240 2005-11-17-05-56 install.sh                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ...04:21
cablesm102system_, don't use automatix04:21
bur[n] erbulmer, don't you still use the control center's network control thing to set it?  or is it really done through network-manager?04:21
cablesm102system_, i'll show you how04:21
Flannelsudama: please don't recommend automatix04:21
rjm1982Anyone know a good linux equivalent of TextPad?  I dont like vi and I cant seem to find anything that "feels" right04:21
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Flannelsudama: it's the best way to break a perfectly good system04:21
sudamait worked 4 me04:21
syocksystem_: You`re on AMD64?04:21
cablesm102sudama, it's very bad for your system.04:21
rbilFotf: ok, you need to make that bash script executable04:21
Fotfso just rename it .exe?04:21
FluxDcablesm102 I just looked in sessions again and gaim is not an entry after I just addes it04:21
system_intel x8604:21
bulmerbur[n] er: i only use command line, editing config files..but in network manager, it does similar thing04:21
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cablesm102sudama, but it will stop working for you when you upgrade.04:21
rbilFotf: do this chmod +ax install.sh04:21
Flannelrjm1982: GUI is gedit (gnome), kate (gnome), mousepad (xfce), terminal you might try nano04:21
cablesm102system_, go to System>Administration>Software Sources04:22
Flannel!worksforme | sudama04:22
ubotusudama: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.04:22
jwtod1what's the command to see if my video card is recognized?04:22
jwtod1i now am at a live cd text mode prompt04:22
cablesm102system_, check off multiverse, then close04:22
syock!worksforme | syock04:22
sudamai had no idea, thanx.. in fact, i have 2 install it 3 times till i got the right good working way; but messes a lot your dpackage, etc04:22
ubotusyock: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.04:22
bur[n] erbulmer, i use command line too... but I think you're wrong about network-manager04:22
syockOooh okay04:22
cablesm102system_, then run this: sudo aptitude install realplay04:22
Flanneler, syock, sorry.  that was for sudama.04:22
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FluxDcablesm102 I just looked in sessions again and gaim is not an entry after I just addes it04:23
syockFlannel: no i did it myself. My bad!04:23
system_there is no Software Sources04:23
cablesm102system_, but what?04:23
cablesm102system_, are you on Dapper or Edgy?04:23
bulmerbur[n] er: okay..i dont use gui as much04:23
cablesm102FluxD, that's weird...04:23
Fotfsays Ax is an invalid command04:23
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system_iam on ubuntu , gnome!04:23
sudamahum thax, boys... i just get rid of it !..new 2 uuntu, always use debian...04:23
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cablesm102system_, then open System>Administration>Synaptic Package Manager04:24
cablesm102FluxD, are you sure you clicked OK?04:24
cablesm102system_, can I help you in pm?04:24
FluxDcablesm102 where is the actual location of this startup file so i can manually add it?04:24
syockI also don`t have realplay on my packages list. Enabled everything tho04:24
cablesm102FluxD, I have no idea04:24
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system_i cant pm04:24
cablesm102syock, perhaps it's only in Edgy?04:24
system_ya u can help :)04:24
FluxDcablesm102 I just tried it again same deal04:24
syockcablesm102: Well I`m on Edgy :) but it`s AMD6404:24
cablesm102system_, I'm going to look into something04:25
syockcablesm102: and his is x8604:25
system_what u mean?04:25
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jwtod1i ran lspci and see a "vga compatible controller" ... does this imply my video card is recongized?04:25
Fotfrbil: says Ax is an invalid mode04:25
FluxDcablesm102 is there a way to reinstall sessions lol?04:25
cablesm102system_, hold on a sec... just looking up whether Real is in Dapper's multiverse repositories. One minute please.04:25
=== Onburiiku [n=ubuntu@adsl-34-237-6.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #Ubuntu
mrwillob1I had no luck with dhclient04:25
system_ok man04:25
system_sure :)04:26
syocksystem_: Real`s link works for me. Try again? http://forms.real.com/real/player/download.html?f=unix/RealPlayer10GOLD.bin&product=playerplus&system=linux&pageid=unagi.8902005&pageregion=A1&src=rpchoice_linux_0_1_1_0_0_3_0&pcode=rn&opage=rpchoice_linux04:26
mrwillob1or /etc/init.d/networking restart04:26
system_ok 1 sec04:26
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bulmermrwillob1: what error do you get if any?04:26
mrwillob1let me see, I saved the output, just a sec04:26
rbilFotf: do this then ... chmod 755 install.sh04:26
OnburiikuDarthshrine: That got me in, but all I got was a command line. What do I do to get into the graphical OS?04:26
syocksystem_: maybe you`d better go to http://www.real.com/player yourself and click the link there04:26
ircdoes anyone know how to send a password with a command? eg, with vnc, send a passowrd with it?04:26
cablesm102system_, I'd just install from the site.04:26
OneOfTheManymrwillob1 try: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart04:26
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cablesm102irc, VNC is graphical.04:27
mrwillob1that's what I did04:27
system_its is .bin04:27
system_its not working04:27
cablesm102system, how did you try to open it?04:27
DarthShrineOnburiiku, I don't really know much about OEM installs, but I'm guessing you'll have to install ubuntu-desktop or similar.04:27
Fotfnothing seems to have happened04:27
system_just double click04:27
rbilFotf: it did :-)  do ls -l and tell me what permissions are now04:27
cablesm102system_, there are 2 more things I'd like to try. Can I help you in PM? or no?04:27
OnburiikuDarthshrine: Should I try again with a different kind of install?04:28
mrwillob1first thing that looks like an error: There is already a pid file /var/run/dhclient.eth0.pid with pid 13499341604:28
FlannelOnburiiku: OEM install installs a GUI, but you want the regular one...04:28
OnburiikuI've tried installing it from my Live CD but it gives me an error about 15% through04:28
syocksystem_: Check the installation instructions. First you need to make it executable04:28
mrwillob1then later: No DHCPOFFERS received.04:28
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bulmermrwillob1: then remove that lock file04:28
DarthShrineOnburiiku, Well to install OEM you have the alternate CD? You can just use the top option when you boot it.04:28
rbilFotf: should be some x's in the permissions now04:28
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FlannelOnburiiku: Alternate CD is stabler and more reliable than the Desktop one.  But you want a regular 'desktop' install, from the alternate CD04:28
system_it is .bin04:28
system_it is already executable04:29
bulmermrwillob1: your cat 5 cable is good right?04:29
rbilanyway, you can now try running the command .... sudo ./install.sh04:29
Fotfx's spewed out everywhere04:29
mrwillob1yeah, I'm on it right now in another OS04:29
syocksystem_: Start a terminal. And do " chmod a+x RealPlayer10GOLD.bin "04:29
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OnburiikuSo the alternate install doesn't install the actual ubuntu GUI?04:29
syocksystem_: Uh, where did you save your RealPlayer10GOLD.bin again?04:29
OnburiikuOr does it...04:29
DarthShrineOnburiiku, It does.04:29
OnburiikuHow do I get to it?04:29
FlannelOnburiiku: yes, it does.04:29
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system_on desktop04:30
FlannelOnburiiku: the first install option.04:30
Fotfnow I am getting a buch of errows04:30
Fotflike source not found04:30
OnburiikuText install?04:30
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FlannelOnburiiku: yes04:30
DarthShrineOnburiiku, That's the one.04:30
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Fotfintstall ... done04:30
bulmerOnburiiku: you have determined acpi does not affect you?04:30
syocksystem_: If you managed to chmod it, you can run it by " ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin "04:30
rbilFotf: ok, I have no idea how that bash script is supposed to run. I'd have to read it.04:30
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rbilFotf: I suspect the errors are not good04:30
system_1 sec04:30
mrwillob1alright, should I delete all of them, I got one for eth0 and eth104:31
OnburiikuBulmer: I haven't, but I don't think that's a problem anymore.04:31
rbilFotf: but not knowing what they are , doesn't help me help you04:31
mrwillob1and I only have one network adapter04:31
Fotfunexpected operator04:31
OnburiikuOkay then, I'll be back in about an hour after I re-install04:31
DarthShrineHave fun, Onburiiku :)04:31
OnburiikuThanks for the help Darthshrine and Flannel!04:31
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rbilFotf: sorry, flying totally blind here. is there any file with a ppd extension in that directory?04:31
oljanxAnyone else have issues with keyboard input using wine?  I'm having trouble finding information on the issue.04:32
Fotflibstdc++ v3 (gcc 2.96) not found, intstall ... done04:32
bulmermrwillob1: you said you are not getting any ip address from the DHCP server?04:32
Fotfhold on04:32
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mrwillob1in Ubuntu only04:32
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syockOkay, after a long time not starting one, my virtual terminal now takes 5 seconds to start.04:32
syockHow`d that Beryl Demo guy make it so fast? Is it because his is KDE?04:33
rbilFotf: ok, it's a script that is trying to compile a bunch of C code.04:33
ravaloxHey, I'm trying to get the files off an ipod to my computer04:33
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ravaloxI have gtkpod04:33
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linuxnewbie756i setup tor and xchat. i can use xchat for everything, but #ubuntu won't let me because  i am "blocked". in #tor, they mentioned something about in #ubuntu someone making me +E or something, please, does anyone have a clue what i am talking about?04:33
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FotfI see04:33
jalvaradomrwillob1, do you know if your interface is up?04:33
rbilFotf: this is becoming much more complex to try and resolve over IRC04:33
DarthShrineravalox, As in the music files?04:33
FotfDamn, all I know is basic Html and JAva04:33
bulmermrwillob1: did you use  System --> administration --> network to configure your nic card?04:33
rbilIf you want to keep trying, you might install the GCC compiler04:33
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jalvaradomrwillob1, ifconfig eth0 down, ifconfig up04:33
mrwillob1no, it was always working, until I restarted04:33
jwtod1anyone else install on an asus en8800gtx card?04:34
mrwillob1I'm on the same box in openSUSE right now and have an IP and all is good04:34
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rbilFotf: but all this is just to complicated for trying to help over irc.04:34
jwtod1someone mentioned kubuntu worked04:34
oljanxlinuxnewbie756: your in #ubuntu04:34
jwtod1the x var log file basically tried tons of nv drivers to no avail04:34
bulmermrwillob1: i dont follow you, what about opensuse?04:35
rbilFotf: if you had an internet connection and sshd running, I could get into your box and do it all. But in IRC, like this, too much04:35
mrwillob1that is what I am on in order to chat here, I only have one computer04:35
mrwillob1so I know the cable and connection are good04:35
rbilFotf: have u searched for a DEB package for that printer?04:35
linuxnewbie756i know, but you see, oljanx, i am using chatzilla, but i don't want to have to open firefox to chat irc. i want to use xchat with tor, but i am blocked in here when i use that. so is there someway someone here can "unblock me?"04:35
temujoeanyone know what a .so file is?04:35
bulmermrwillob1: and can you please prefix your response with whom you're talking to? we might miss it04:35
Fotflocally? nope04:36
bulmertemujoe: its a dynamic library04:36
mrwillob1bulmer: will do04:36
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temujoebulmer: ty man04:36
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jalvaradomrwillob1, ok lets start04:36
=== Gog123 prays for jim gray
Fotfrbil: could you give me your e-mail and then when my internet is fixed, tell me how to install sshd and resolve it later?04:36
JamoI did an apt-get install subversion and it gave me an out of date version, what can I do to get the latest?04:36
rbilFotf: mayb this will help http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-245545.html04:36
ReKlipzOMG transparent beryl is pwntacular but uber slow!!!!04:36
mrwillob1bulmer: so if I run ifconfig eth0 down, and then run ifconfig up, that might do something?04:36
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arnnnnsudo cd /var/lib/mysql gives me sudo:cd:command not found, help04:37
Gog123any of you knew jim gray?04:37
bulmermrwillob1: try it04:37
Gog123he worked for microsoft research group04:37
syock"Experimented users would take a look at Automatix a powerful script who allow to install lot of softwares not included in Easy Ubuntu !" Gah I`m experimented!!!04:37
DarthShrineravalox, Select the music you would like to copy, right click and click Copy To Filesystem.04:37
jalvaradomrwillob1, is just to know if your interface is down04:37
jalvaradoit may be down04:37
mrwillob1bulmer: alright, I'm going to have to reboot and give it a shot04:37
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oljanxlinuxnewbie756:  Have you tried connecting to chat.freenode.net/8001 instead of the default Ubuntu server?04:37
rbilFotf: read shyster's posting04:37
joelgomezalguien me podria ayudar04:37
oljanxI had to do that to get into #ubuntu...04:38
EnsignRedshirt!es | joelgomez04:38
ubotujoelgomez: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:38
JamoI did an apt-get install subversion and it gave me an out of date version, what can I do to get the latest?04:38
oljanxI forget who it was that explained it to me, had something to do with a possible exploit04:38
linuxnewbie756oljanx, well, i am not sure. i edited the freenode server, so that it would connect from a proxy server. but, i am not sure what you are talking about. can you explain?04:38
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mrwillob1anyone, quick question before I go, how do I get back my normal IRC name which is mrwilloby not mrwillo1?04:38
joelgomeznecesito un soporte sobre beryl04:38
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bulmermrwillob1: you have to /part04:38
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joelgomezsomebody can help me?04:38
xtknightyou have to /quit actually04:38
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oljanxlinuxnewbie756:  I'll try to dig up the forum post that someone pointed me to04:39
xtknightjoelgomez: #beryl04:39
linuxnewbie756oljanx, thank you, but will it let me connect using tor?04:40
joelgomezi've ubuntu 6.06 and i wants install beryl...04:40
Flanneljoelgomez: #ubuntu-effects (theres a howto in the topic)04:40
joelgomezi tryed but i've so much errors04:40
rbilFotf: looks like quite a hassle :-) but he says he got it installed that way04:40
jwtod1i wonder if i should build/install from source given i need an geforce 8800 support, on a new x64 system. vs the 6.10 iso which is failing me.04:40
FluxDWhere is the location of the startup file that session uses to start programs?04:40
FotfI know04:41
jwtod1i have live ubuntu running in text mode now. thoughts? i see the nv gf8800 driver on nvidia.com04:41
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system_syock iam back , then?04:41
zythCan anyone direct me to a document explaining how to move my /home dir from its current drive to a whole other drive I want to solely mount as /home ?04:41
jalvaradoFluxD, a startup file?04:41
bulmerjwtod1: all along i thought you were in a 32-bit...now you tell us you're in 64-bit..lol04:41
joelgomezmy video card is intel i91504:41
jwtod1yup :)04:41
jwtod1u/g a 5yr system04:41
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jwtod1bulmer: do i need a diff iso?04:41
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JamoI did an apt-get install subversion and it gave me an out of date version, what can I do to get the latest?04:42
bulmerjwtod1: it must be for a 64bit04:42
FluxDjalvarado the file that has all the programs to start at startup04:42
jwtod1bulmer: download notes say amd chips. ignore that? as i'm on intel.04:42
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linuxnewbie756does #ubuntu allow gpg-tor users04:42
bulmerjwtod1: i guess so, i cant afford a 64bit yet..so i wish you luck04:42
jwtod1newegg blew me away :)04:43
jwtod1couldn't resist04:43
mrwillob1bulmer: thanks for the suggestion, but I restarted into Ubuntu for the 4th time and it works suddenly04:43
arnnnnhow can I do sudo with cd ?04:43
joelgomezthanks for yours supports04:43
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michael117ughh... I'm about to go ape shit right now trying to get DRI working with the fglrx ati driver04:43
bulmermrwillob1: congrats..i dont know what to tell you, your stars suddently lined up? lolz04:43
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Flannelarnnnn: you don't.  Why do you need to?04:44
mrwillob1bulmer: does running dhclient take a reboot in order to work?04:44
FluxDHow can I submit a bug report to ubuntu about my sessions problem?04:44
bulmermrwillob1: i believe ifup also calls dhclient internally04:44
arnnnnFlannel, sudo cd /var/lib/mysql/test04:44
mrwillob1bulmer: I didn't even have to do that04:44
bulmerif it figures the interface has been configured for dhcp04:44
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arnnnnFlannel, without sudo, that vies me permission denied04:44
mrwillob1bulmer: so I'm not sure what went right04:44
arnnnnFlannel, view = gives04:45
ravaloxHey, I'm trying to get the files off an ipod to my computer, I have gtkpod and it seems to crash when I tell it to transfer files to my harddirve04:45
Flannelarnnnn: what are you cding for?04:45
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bulmermrwillob1: are you sure no one have jiggled your cat 5 cables? hehehe04:45
arnnnnFlannel, I need to go inside /var/lib/mysql/test04:45
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DarthShrineravalox, You can always copy them by hand from /media/ipod/iPod_Control04:45
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bulmermrwillob1: this is the most difficult problem to solve, intermittent cable connectivity04:45
Flannelarnnnn: what are you doing once there?04:46
mrwillob1bulmer: I was online with the same cable earlier, so strange04:46
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:46
_rawrI'm not permitted to run this java update 5.004:46
arnnnnFlannel, I need to copy everything from there04:46
_rawrhow do I get access.04:46
mrwillob1bulmer: what was the thing you told me about /part the channel?04:46
bulmermrwillob1: maybe you pulled the cable while moving your laptop around..04:46
mrwillob1I don't know what that does04:46
Flannelarnnnn: so what you do is give cp a full path... cp /var/lib/mysql/test/etc /new/path04:46
mrwillob1it's a desktop!04:46
bulmermrwillob1: when you ask about regaining your same nick,04:46
arnnnnFlannel, I want to go inside first if possible04:46
jwtod1bulmer: upon reading the ubuntu dl mirrors a bit more the x64 is for xeon and such as well, not just amd although the file name says amd.04:47
_rawrI'm not permitted to run this java update 5.004:47
mrwillob1bulmer, so I just type that in here and then what?04:47
jwtod1downloading now :)04:47
Flannelarnnnn: alright, what you'll have to do is open a shell (sudo -i) then cp there, and stuff04:47
arnnnnFlannel, I want to look inside04:47
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LeeJunFanAnyone know how to take a multiplex mpeg .iso file to something I can actually burn? It's a legal DVD video from bittorrent.04:47
arnnnnFlannel, thank you04:47
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bulmermrwillob1: you /part channel-you-are-on04:47
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_rawrok, if someone wants to help, PM me.04:47
Flannel_rawr: what are you doing?  installing java?04:47
Flannel!java | _rawr04:48
ubotu_rawr: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository04:48
unpersonI've installed Xgl as one of the session options in gdm.  I'd like to set it up to run compiz automatically when I login with Xgl but not otherwise.  How do I set this up?04:48
_rawrfrom the terminal?04:48
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Flannelunperson: #ubuntu-effects for XGL support04:48
bulmerjwtod1: am not sure how compatible amd and intel are when it comes to 64bits..04:48
unpersonI created a startup script for Xgl (/usr/bin/startxgl.sh) as per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl.  Is there a way I can add the commands for starting compiz to that script?04:48
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ReKlipzwoob I found a bug in beryl04:48
syocksystem_: I`m back. What happened?04:48
_rawrnot found Flannel04:48
Flannelravalox: you need to enable multiverse first.04:48
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Flannel_rawr: you need to enable multiverse first.  And, doesn;t matter where/how you install it04:49
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darrenTehNewbhey all... so im in ubuntu right now and reading the ubuntu help center (big blue circular question mark) and i am wondering if all this information is somewhere in such a cohesive format online so i can read it on my windows box when i get some free time. anyone know?04:49
=== Kud|_ [n=sp0ro1@adsl-69-108-66-135.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
FluxDSomeone plese help me repair "session" or tell me an alternate way to start programs at startup after login04:50
bradleyyou know when you try to open a file with a different application then the recommended one and you choose the browse button which opens up to the home folder, where do you find the apps? what folder are they in?04:50
FlanneldarrenTehNewb: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/index.html  has all that information, I believe.04:50
kitchebradley usually /usr/bin04:51
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linuxnewbie756    quote makepass <password>04:51
bradleyflannel, cheers that should be some good reading!04:51
syockaww so many sound events in XChat, I don`t know which one to use when someone`s trying to notify me04:51
bradleykitche, thanks.04:52
darrenTehNewbFlannel: thats not EXACTLY the same but yea i think thatll probably do. ty for the link04:52
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FluxDSomeone plese help me repair "session" or tell me an alternate way to start programs at startup after login04:53
AgiofwsHOW do i get direct rendering  to YES ON ubuntu04:53
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AgiofwsHOW do i get direct rendering  to YES ON ubuntu  please can anyione aswere04:53
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genildo_aew manow04:53
darrenTehNewboops closed the window. lol.04:53
syockAgiofws: What`s that? Are you trying to use GLX or something?04:53
genildo_qual  o canal do ubunto-br04:53
ardchoille42FluxD, System -> Preferences -> Sessions .. Startup Programs tab ?04:53
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EnsignRedshirtFluxD: While the best approach is to fix Sessions, I don't know how to do that.  Did you try adding a command to .bash_profile?04:54
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Agiofwsand i can't get direct rendering to yes04:54
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Agiofws#ubuntu-br ?04:54
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FluxDardchoille42 something wrong with that I add an entry then click ok then i go there again and it is not there04:54
ReKlipzEnsignRedshirt: I had him try changing gnome.desktop to run a shell script which did not load gaim, but apparently worked because it loaded gnome04:54
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syockThat`s brazillian channel, yes?04:55
FluxDEnsignRedshirt how?04:55
jenia6230hi all. how do i load a perel script into xchat ? 10x04:55
ardchoille42FluxD, That may happen if the entry you add isn't valid. What is the entry you are adding?04:55
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ademanhey is it "safe" to resize a NTFS partition with GParted?04:55
_rawrbash: /home/bman/javalinux: Permission denied04:55
FluxDardchoille42 I tried gaim I also tried usr/bin/gaim04:55
jenia6230<ademan> yes04:55
syockAgiofws: ATI video card?04:56
mphillI am trying to stream music and video from a Windows Share in edgy, the files fail to play however I can open documents directly from the share.  Any ideas?04:56
Agiofwssyock,  yes04:56
jenia6230<ademan>did it couple of times04:56
ReKlipzcan u get gaim to run from terminal by typing gaim?04:56
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Agiofwsorry, yes... for us on Ubuntu it is /etc/modprobe.d/ - I pasted in the solution the other user found. I know how frustrating it is - it turned out to be a simple solution on the i810 - the DefaultDepth (bits-per-pixel) had to be set to 16 in xorg.conf to enable DRI.04:56
EnsignRedshirtFluxD: Do you have a favorite editor? (E.g. gedit, vim, whatever?)04:56
ademanjenia6230: thanks, i've done it too, it's just not my data i'm mucking with right now04:56
ardchoille42FluxD, Ok, looks like you have a bigger problem. I just added it and it stayed.04:56
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ademanjenia6230: wanted to make sure i didn't just get lucky with mine04:56
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FluxDEnsignRedshirt gedit04:57
jenia6230then backup all of it even when you do everything by the book something may fu** up04:57
FluxDardchoille42 how do i fix sessions?04:57
AgiofwsSection "DRI"04:57
Agiofws        Mode    066604:57
Agiofws  what do i do with thsi section ?04:57
ardchoille42FluxD, I don't know :(04:57
FluxDAnyone know how to reinstall "session"?04:58
jenia6230<ademan> always backup when you messing with stuff that belong to others04:58
ReKlipzfluxd, try: sudo apt-get install gnome-session04:58
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jenia6230hi all. how do i load a perel script into xchat ?  (it's an xdcc script)04:59
syockAgiofws: You mean DRI is turned off or something?04:59
darrenTehNewb"To get a working install of Kubuntu on an Ubuntu04:59
darrenTehNewb install, install the kubuntu-desktop package.04:59
darrenTehNewbOnce kubuntu-desktop is installed, one04:59
darrenTehNewbcan choose to use either a Gnome or KDE desktop environment."04:59
EnsignRedshirtFluxD: What command do you want to run?  (This is for trying to put it in .bash_profile.)04:59
FluxDReKlip says already new version04:59
darrenTehNewbhow.... through synaptic package?04:59
FluxDEnsignRedshirt run gaim04:59
Agiofwssyock,    I WANT  direct rendering to on05:00
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syockAgiofws: you`re not running any composite programs, are you?05:00
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ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/05:01
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Agiofwssyock,  do you know what to edit  on xorg.conf05:01
linuxnewbie756_how would one register their nickname with freenode?05:01
ubotugnome-session: The GNOME 2 Session Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 244 kB, installed size 2376 kB05:01
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:01
_rawrQUESTION: how would I configure this trackpad I'm using?!05:01
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_rawrQUESTION: how would I configure this trackpad I'm using?!05:01
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syockAgiofws: Apparently, I`m no ATI user.05:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about session - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xsession - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about trackpad - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:01
=== omgsunny [n=joe@6532209hfc43.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
EnsignRedshirtFluxD: OK, try this (no promises, though): Start gedit (Applications->Text Editor).  In gedit, File->Open, then right-click and any file, and select "Show Hidden Files".  Then scroll down and select .bash_profile.  Go to the end of the file, and add the line "gaim &" (but without the quotes).05:02
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_rawrhow would I configure this trackpad I'm using?05:02
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EnsignRedshirtFluxD: s/and any file/on any file/05:02
cyberyaksyock, I came in late.  Which ATI controller are you using and is it a laptop?05:02
darrenTehNewbthe help pages say.... "To get a working install of Kubuntu on an Ubuntu install, install the kubuntu-desktop package.  Once kubuntu-desktop is installed, one can choose to use either a Gnome or KDE desktop environment.".... so how would one do that?05:02
FluxDEnsignRedshirt ok I will try that what does the & sign mean?05:02
_rawrhow would I configure this trackpad I'm using?05:02
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kitchedarrenTehNewb: before you log in you can choose kde or gnome int he session menu05:03
EnsignRedshirtFluxD: Save the file, and try logging out and in again.  The & runs the program "in the background"--not attached to a terminal.05:03
bulmerFluxD: the & means put it in background05:03
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syockcyberyak: Like I said, I`m not. Agiofws is.05:03
darrenTehNewbkitche: how would i get that install though05:04
darrenTehNewbthrough add programs??05:04
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kitchedarrenTehNewb: ikubuntu-desktop is in synaptic apt0get and aptitude install it htough one of those05:04
FluxDok I will try that05:04
syockperlbox doesn`t work on my box. Something seems to be wrong with Sphinx2 program. Can anyone recommend any other (free) voice-recognition software?05:05
cyberyakmy bad, Agiofws, what ATI card are you using and is it a laptop?05:05
darrenTehNewbkitche: so... open synaptic package manager and search for "kubuntu desktop"?05:05
darrenTehNewbthat would work?05:05
syockAgiofws: if you have time to spare, may checkout http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Problems_with_fglrx i don`t understand anything on it05:05
kitchedarrenTehNewb: yes05:05
darrenTehNewbk ty05:05
jmazaredoi got 5.04 on my system and a 6.10 iso image can i use the image without burning to upgrade my system05:06
Agiofwscyberyak,  m30005:06
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cyberyakas in Compaq Armada m300?05:06
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=== NinaOdell [n=chatzill@dsl3-63-249-70-157.cruzio.com] has joined #ubuntu
FluxDensignredshirt that worked05:07
Perrymanis there a way to set the resolution higher than 1024*768 ?05:07
NinaOdellHello - I recieved my CDs a while back and I'm havin trouble05:07
FluxDlol but my session is sobroken :(05:07
NinaOdellcan anyone help?05:07
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cyberyakAgiofws, as in Compaq Armada m300?05:07
ardchoille42Perryman, Yes, you can edit xorg and restart X05:08
dimeotaneanyone using beryl?05:08
Perrymani am05:08
ardchoille42!fixres | Perryman05:08
ubotuPerryman: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:08
EnsignRedshirtFluxD: Cool, but yeah, it's just a work-around.  Hopefully you can get the Session stuff fixed.05:08
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blamelessNinaOdell: if you ask questions to the masses, someone might answer05:08
Flanneldimeotane: #ubuntu-effects for beryl support/howtos/etc05:08
cyberyakAgiofws, or as in ATI Express m300 something something something.05:08
NinaOdellthank you Blameless05:08
dimeotanePerryman: any sugguestions for how to make f8 switch smoother?05:08
Agiofwscyberyak,   amili m 1451g   its an ati card05:09
Agiofwsmati mobilitu m30005:09
dimeotanePerryman: it jumps around like crazy when i select a window05:09
NinaOdellI have Windows XP, and when I try to reboot with the CD in, it doesn't read the CD or something05:09
FluxDReKlipz how would i switch back the setting whatever u told me to change?05:09
NinaOdellI'm desperately trying to get rid of my Windows XP05:09
ReKlipzi can tell u in a pm05:09
NinaOdelland get Ubuntu05:09
ardchoille42NinaOdell, Does it boot to Windows?05:09
dimeotaneNinaOdell: i know the feeling05:09
FluxDReKlipz thx05:09
ardchoille42NinaOdell, Have you set your BIOS to boot from CD?05:09
NinaOdellmy BIOS?05:10
Agiofwscyberyak,  ATI Express m30005:10
FluxDNinaOdell if u put in cd does it boot from it?05:10
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NinaOdellit used to05:10
NinaOdellbut it isn't now05:10
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ardchoille42NinaOdell, When you reboot, during the inital phase, there should be a key combo you can press (eg, ESC or F1, etc) that will take you into the BIOS prefs screen.05:10
=== Apollo [n=jw@c-67-176-187-206.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
NinaOdellI see05:10
CapNbeefyhey im trying to run a perl script and i keep getting 'cant find file or folder' does this script need to be in a certain directory?05:10
NinaOdellif I turn the machine completely off you mean05:10
ardchoille42NinaOdell, Then you need to find your BIOS boot prefs and change them to boot from cd.05:11
ardchoille42NinaOdell, yes and restart it05:11
EnsignRedshirtNinaOdell: You might see something like "Press F1 for setup" (depends on your computer)05:11
NinaOdellI see05:11
NinaOdellI'll try that05:11
NinaOdellthank you so much05:11
ardchoille42NinaOdell, yeah, what EnsignRedshirt said05:11
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NinaOdellif it doesn't work, I'll come bacl05:11
NinaOdellthank you again05:11
fiveironanyone play openarena?05:11
jenia6230<NinaOdell> check in the bios there should be an option that allow  you to boot from cd make sure it's turned on05:11
=== Jordan_U [n=jordan@h-68-164-89-221.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
oearthmeLnhey guys.  I am using Gnome-terminal and was wondering how to create a new tab?05:12
ardchoille42oearthmeLn, right-click the term and choose from the menu ?05:13
ReKlipzoearthmeLn, very, very carefully05:13
turboloverhey whats the command for finding your ip address?05:13
syockabout time i start 2ch-anneling05:13
oearthmeLnis there a shortcut buddies?05:13
ardchoille42oearthmeLn, Or SHIFT+CTRL+T05:13
oearthmeLnthanks ardchoille4205:13
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bulmerturbolover: ip address show eth005:13
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bulmerassuming your nic is eth005:13
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jenia6230hi i m using xchat 2.6.6 and when i try to dl some thing from bots i get : "** You have a DCC pending, Set your client to receive the transfer"05:14
jenia6230how to fix this?05:14
cyberyakAgiofws, and you are using the "ati" in xorg.conf05:15
ardchoille42jenia6230, Settings -> Preferences, File Transfers, Auto accept?05:15
=== maxluebbe [n=mluebbe@c-67-175-161-49.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
AgiofwsOPK cyberyak  no05:15
Agiofwscyberyak,  fglrx05:15
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cafuego_ardchoille42: You should *never ever* auto accept DCC transfers.05:15
jenia6230did it still nothing05:15
cyberyakAgiofws, sorry, I came to the party late.  what is the issue.05:15
ardchoille42cafuego, I agree05:15
Agiofwsglxinfo | grep -i render05:15
AgiofwsXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".05:15
Agiofwsdirect rendering: No05:16
=== tritesnikov [n=trijon@c-24-118-82-185.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuego_jenia6230: Type '/dcc get <remote nick>'05:16
Agiofwscyberyak,  how do you enable  rendering in ubuntu05:16
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cafuego_jenia6230: Of course, a firewall might be preventing data transfer05:16
omgsunnyhello, i cannot adjust my clock.  everytihng i go to "adjust time and date" the window freezes after i enter my password05:16
=== pierreth [n=pierreth@ip216-239-73-83.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu
jenia6230how do i set my fire wall? i m new to linux05:17
tonyy!firewall | jenia623005:17
ubotujenia6230: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).05:17
ardchoille42cafuego, Are we not allowed to answer questions in this channel? I simply answered a question.05:17
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tritesnikovhi all, stupid question: How do you disable virtual screen resolution in X, without changing the Mode configs in xorg.conf?05:18
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pierrethHello, I have a very slow computer, it is a pentium 3 500MHz with 512MB, what OS can I run to make it useful?05:18
tritesnikovi like to have my resolution at 1152x864 normally, but I don't want to disable 1280x960 resolution because I like to run games at that level05:18
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:19
jenia6230<ubotu> 10x05:19
blamelesspierreth: try xubuntu05:19
ReKlipzhow do i install the java runtime environment?05:19
pierrethblameless: are you on xfce?05:19
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cchanceHow do i set up eggdrop?05:19
blamelesspierreth: at this particular moment no05:19
ubotuReKlipz: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:19
ardchoille42pierreth, You might look into Xubuntu05:19
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blamelessthis machine has both xfce 4.4 and gnome installed.  i'm in gnome at the moment05:20
ReKlipzmultiverse, thx kitche05:20
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource05:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about weather - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:20
pierrethblameless: so you think that it is the interface that is making the machine slow?05:20
syockElse it would have been cool05:20
pierrethI am on KDE with PCBSD now05:21
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blamelesspierreth: well no.  the machine is "slow" as its just older05:21
=== Acu_01 [n=ida01@71-215-165-178.roch.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
blamelessif you can deal with kde on that machine, then kubuntu probably wouldn't be any slower05:21
menahi ....i cant conect to the internet with kubuntu ...nay idea05:21
pierrethblameless: is KDE slower that XFCE?05:21
syock500MHz is fast enough for me. What kind of PC age has it come to nowadays?05:21
cyberyakAgiofws, in your xorg.conf do you have a section that reads Section "Extensions"05:21
cyberyakOption "Composite" "0"05:21
blamelessi haven't used kde since the 2.x days so i really can't comment05:21
cchance-------How do i set up eggdrop05:21
=== Rav [n=x22436@adsl-70-240-210-83.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu []
pierrethsyock: I have an IBM05:22
kitchecchance: #eggdrop prehaps might help you05:22
Acu_01if I want to play from youtube  I have no sound - is the flashplayer problem and I do not know how to fix it05:22
=== FB33 [n=andy@c-71-234-120-155.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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pierrethsyock: it is fast enough to move the mouse05:22
FB33how do i get device id for graphics card???/05:23
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FB33sorry for questions marks05:23
FB33not ment05:23
=== mzanfardino [n=mark@ppp-71-140-1-94.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
menai was befor05:23
pierrethMy PC is slow for writing text with Konversation05:23
pierrethit is too slow to write mail and browse the web05:24
Agiofwscyberyak,  no05:24
EnsignRedshirtHow can I find out the cpu type and speed of my computer?05:24
cyberyakFB33 does lspci give you the info you are looking for?  or do you want something more.05:24
=== Gog123 [n=ajulius@207-38-193-181.c3-0.wsd-ubr5.qens-wsd.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
blamelesspierreth: well, the more things you have open, the more memory you are going to eat up05:24
unopEnsignRedshirt,  cat /proc/{cpuinfo,meminfo}05:24
nrdbI would like to display a error/succes dialog from a C program, is there an easy way to do this, without building a window etc via gtk ?05:24
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bulmerEnsignRedshirt: try this command  lshw05:24
tom47FB33 System>Administration>Device Manager05:24
FB33anything besides ls commands??05:24
cyberyakAgiofws, it is posible that composite isn't supported by the ati driver.05:25
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EnsignRedshirtunop: Thanks.05:25
pierrethblameless: it is true, I guess there is nothing to do05:25
mzanfardinohey guys, anyone know anything about pythoncad and can direct me to a channel ?05:25
FB33but im on kde05:25
Gog123Je suis fier d'tre le Qubec au Canada et je ne suis aucun canuck.05:25
bulmerFB33 also try same   lshw command05:25
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mzanfardinoOr, can anyone direct me to CAD related programs for Linux?05:25
tom47!r > Gog12305:25
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tom47!fr > Gog12305:25
pierrethGog123: ?05:26
EnsignRedshirtpierreth: I have a laptop with a Pentium 3, 850Mhz, 512Meg ram, running Ubuntu 6.06.  Works fine.  I just watched a DVD a little while ago.05:26
cyberyakOption "Composite" "0"05:26
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mzanfardinoNo CAD suggestions?05:26
cablesm102mzanfardino, can you elaborate on what CAD is?05:26
bulmerCAD as in computer aided design?05:26
syockpierreth: What? 500MHz could do wonders (10 years ago)! What has OSes nowadays become of?05:26
pierrethEnsignRedshirt: I have not able to wath a dvd with Kubuntu on my computer, it is too slow05:26
cablesm102oh, CAD05:26
cablesm102now i feel stupid05:26
cyberyakAgiofws, adding those 3 lines might take care of it.05:27
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blamelesssyock: computers became fast and cheap05:27
menaany one know why i cant conect to the internet with kubuntu and i can with Xp bec i was be able to conect to the net with kubuntu but i dont know what happened05:27
bulmerbut CAD could mean a development tool not necessarily a drawing package tool05:27
=== Tater [n=tyler@d209-89-242-26.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
nrdbsyock: more layered and sophisticated.05:27
cablesm102mena, are you connected to a network?05:27
pierrethsyock: I guess the OS is getting heavier, the web pages are more complex too05:27
menacablesm102, yes05:27
mzanfardinobulmer, yes, I was thinking CAD as in Computer Aided Drafting05:27
Agiofwscyberyak,  i just whant renering thats all05:27
=== bsims [n=msims@74-139-130-132.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
Agiofwsno composite05:27
mzanfardinoAgiofws, what about povray?05:28
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bulmermzanfardino: sorry i dont use drafting tools other than pencil and paper an erase :)05:28
syockSo can XFCE relive the experiences of 10 years ago? Maybe not with the latest internet trend. Sigh...05:28
Agiofwsguys i first have tet direct renedering  to get eye candy05:28
pierrethsyock: your computer is faster and its architecture may be better too05:28
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blamelessxfce has been getting heavier of late.  still probably lighter than kde or gnome05:28
bsimsok I am pissed, install fails at buildep on my machine, I tried a new HD, and I am running memtest now, it has failed Debian install and ubuntu and kubuntu05:29
cyberyakAgiofws, I assume you have a DRI section and the driver loads.05:29
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bsimsany ideas05:29
syockpierreth: AMD Athlon 2700+ w00tn3ss. But I wish people would still work harder to make things save processing power more and more05:29
unopsyock,  if you want the experiences of 10 years ago, you'll probably need to run software that's atleast 10 years old :)05:29
=== Onburiiku [n=josh@adsl-34-237-6.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #Ubuntu
pierrethblameless: OK, but not that much, I think05:29
syockunop: But still you can`t change the Internet05:29
OnburiikuFlannel, Darthshrine, I owe y'all!05:29
bsimsI have been working at this from noon today05:29
OnburiikuIt worked!05:29
OnburiikuThank you thank you!05:30
blameless10 years ago i was running debian bo or hamm or something.  that might work :)05:30
bsimsI am about ready to fscking kill something05:30
unopsyock,  well, most software will run on a 500mhz .. but most desktops nowadays need a multitude of applications, hence the need for more processing power05:30
Agiofwscyberyak,   i do05:30
pierrethsyock: I don't know what an Athlon 2700+ is05:30
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=== bsims weeps tears of frustration and rage...
syockpierreth: You`re just way far too advanced. You don`t know what this ancient talk is all about :)05:30
cyberyakAgiofws, so this is the next thing that may interfere with the rendering to yield that error.05:30
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tyler_I just installed xfce4 but gnomes session manager dosn't see it how can I start up xfce4 instead of gnome??05:30
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nrdbsyock: Xfce is ok, try it and see if it responds quick enough for you, I am running Ubuntu on a 500Mhz machine, it just takes a bit longer to load the programs etc.05:31
pierrethsyock: I don't PC, I was from the Mac world05:31
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unoptyler_,  errm, have you got the xubuntu-desktop package installed?05:31
=== Minuo [n=Minuo@ool-45770a38.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== bsims Grrs the three times damned instaler gets to 97% done... any one have a free clue
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Gog123Gog123 chewed up his momma05:32
pierrethWe are in 2007, we do more with computers than we did in 200005:32
Gog123oh nos05:32
tyler_unop, I'm pretty sure I did a sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop05:32
nrdbbsims: does it run OK from the CD ?05:32
Gog123pierreth:  Yes we have great Artificial intelligence05:32
syockActually I was thinking what I should do with my old PC back at home. When I go back to my home country this spring, I want to try ubuntuing that old hardware05:32
cyberyakAgiofws, supporting documentation:  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=206964105:32
pierrethGog123: Artifical stupidity, you mean?05:32
syockBut having only dial-up really hurts05:32
unoptyler_,  well, verify that it is indeed installed -- dpkg -l | grep -i xubuntu05:32
Gog123pierreth:  I keep thinking about Jim Gray who was lost at sea.05:32
bsimsit seems to run Ok from the cd, at least for about half an hour or so05:32
Gog123pierreth:  No AI05:32
=== rainwalker [n=riley@cpe-76-185-170-31.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
EnsignRedshirtWe have transparent consoles that make it hard to read them...05:32
jenia6230hi whoever told me about the firewall stuff 10x05:32
dimeotanewhat command invokes the system monitor pls05:33
knovakHaving trouble getting sound to work... im on edgy, and my sound card is a Soundblaster Audigy. In Sound Preferences, all that is appearing in the default card box is "CA0106". Any tips?05:33
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Gog123perreth:  Jim Gray worked for microsoft, he was involved with tons of great projects I use /used05:33
unopdimeotane,  gnome-system-monitor05:33
pierrethGog123: Who is he?05:33
omgsunnywhenever i try to chang my time in ubuntu, the time manager crashes after i enter my password05:33
dimeotanethx unop05:33
Gog123pierreth you heard of Terraserver and Microsoft Virtual Earth?05:33
=== bsims whines its been a rock with Sid till now, /me grins the guts of the old HD now decorate my desk.
pierrethGog123: not sure...05:33
syockEnsignRedshirt: I have a transparent Firefox making my desktop and XChat visible while at the same time destroying my eyes05:33
tyler_unop, that command returns nothing but when I do an slocate xubuntu it returns lots05:34
blamelessomgsunny: have you tried sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org05:34
tom47!offtpic > Gog12305:34
Gog123pierreth:  http://research.microsoft.com/~Gray/05:34
omgsunnyblameless, no.05:34
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:34
Gog123Gog123 > tom4705:34
Gog123now please stop05:34
unoptyler_,  errm, if that command returns nothing, it's likely the package isnt installed05:34
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pierrethok we close the topic05:34
EnsignRedshirtsyock: :)  Transparency makes no sense to me, but it sure looks cool.05:35
=== bsims whines I just want the fscker to work...
=== omgsunny [n=joe@6532209hfc43.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
knovakblech, can anyone help?05:35
tyler_unop, hmmm thats odd because I just went through my command history and sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop is in there and I don't remember seeing any errors on its completion05:35
=== _Andrew_ is now known as _Andrew
bsimsEnsignRedshirt: Heh I use mrxvt... all the bells and whistles and boots faster than xterm05:35
syockEnsignRedshirt: Cool if you just want to look at it for a couple of seconds :)05:35
tyler_it was doing something for 30 minutes lol05:35
=== LinX [n=cameron@210-84-51-103.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
omgsunnyit worked, blameless, thank you.05:35
blamelessomgsunny: you should be able to do that anytime to sync up05:36
FluxDEnsignRedshirt how can i report my gnome-session bug to ubuntu?05:36
cchance---------Where is libtcl.so05:36
cchanceit has to be installed05:36
unoptyler_,  and you sure the GDM has no entry for XFCE?05:36
Gog123etal foo05:36
omgsunnyall rigth cool, thanks blameless05:36
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bsimsHrm is there anyway to test my ide controler from a live CD05:36
cchancesince its checked in synaptic05:36
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EnsignRedshirtI think we have *too much* CPU power... we add bouncing cursors, morphing windows, and 3D desktops to keep our CPUs from getting bored.05:36
tyler_unop nope just GNOME failsafe gnome and failsafe xterm05:36
Gog123gnome porks05:37
xtknightEnsignRedshirt: GPUs* ;)05:37
ardchoille42EnsignRedshirt, I agree05:37
pierrethI have the DVD of Kubuntu 6.10 from 2006-11-28, is it up to date?05:37
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bsimsEnsignRedshirt: Heh ya want to keep your CPU active install vista, the clock takes 30% of a modern CPU from what I read05:37
xtknightno it polls 30 times per second for drm05:37
blamelesspierreth: probably the newest install dvd.  after installing, run the updates05:37
xtknightbut it doesnt take 30% of your cpu05:37
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EnsignRedshirtbsims: Right, Microsoft Vestige knows what its all about.05:38
FluxDpierreth no but it will install updates after install05:38
xtknighttakes like 2% for me, no biggie05:38
bsimsxtknight: I blame slashdot that is what I heard05:38
Gog123its now 2006 and gnome sucks bad still05:38
Gog123err 2007 in fact ;p05:38
xtknightlet's take it to #ubuntu-offtopic   they dont like us talking about other stuff here05:38
pierrethCan I install XFCE after?05:38
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bsimsEnsignRedshirt: hrm anyone have any ideas why my intall dies at depmod?05:38
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blamelesspierreth: well yes.  if you have the harddrive space, installing xubuntu-desktop after kubuntu is installed will give you both kde and xfce on the system05:39
ardchoille42pierreth, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop should do that for you05:39
knovakHaving trouble getting sound to work... im on edgy, and my sound card is a Soundblaster Audigy. In Sound Preferences, all that is appearing in the default card box is "CA0106". Any tips?05:39
cyberyakAgiofws, sorry I don't have anything else beyond config the DRI section and that ati composite issue for that chipset.05:39
EnsignRedshirtFluxD: https://bugs.launchpad.net/05:39
_Andrewknovak, Could you describe what actual problems your having?05:39
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pierrethOK, but do I have to do someting special to have the choice I am loging in?05:40
bsimsits a perfectly normal asus an8n-e motherboard05:40
tyler_does anyone know how to fire up xfce from a command prompt?05:40
unoptyler_,  does locate/slocate find you a xfce.desktop file?05:40
iceeeyhow do i see the output instead of the progress bar when booting up?05:40
tyler_unop hold on I'll check05:40
menacablesm102, are you searching ....are you ther05:40
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cablesm102mena... what?05:40
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pierrethHow I can I choose KDE from XFCE when I start a session?05:41
tyler_unop, negative, but all the friggin icons and language packs for xfce are installed05:41
tyler_what the heck05:41
_Andrewiceey, delete the lines -quiert and -splash from the boot line in grub05:41
knovakAndrew: simply, sound is not playing at all. I reinstalled Edgy today (I had to move my system to a new hard drive), and I just cant get it to work in any program05:41
cablesm102mena, i have no idea what the problem is. I didn't realize you thought I was helping you... sorry.05:41
unoptyler_,  if you installed xfce since the last updatedb .. you'll need to run it again05:41
ardchoille42tyler_, Are you wanting to start the xfce desktop from within gnome or something?05:41
knovakwhereas on my last system, it was working05:41
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iceeey_Andrew, any way to do it on the fly? like pressing a key05:41
menacablesm102, ohhh no pr05:41
tyler_unop, lol well the install just finished 5 minutes ago I guess I could just try it again05:41
_AndrewNot that i know of05:41
cablesm102mena, sorry... should have been clearer05:42
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FluxDEnsignRedshirt To report a bug about gnome-session, please use its official bug tracker. What do i do?05:42
tyler_ardchoille42, no I just want the GDM to see it or even start it up manually05:42
unoptyler_,  run updatedb and then try locate again05:42
system_hi again05:42
pierrethOK, thank you for the information05:42
Gog123etal foo\05:42
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ReKlipzanyone know how to get brightness keys working with a window manager?05:43
tyler_unop will do05:43
system_how can i install programmes with makefile?05:43
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b tido*!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by nalioth
_AndrewFluxD, to report a bug go to http://www.launchpad.net/ubuntu05:43
EnsignRedshirtFluxD: Sorry, I haven't reported a bug since they started using launchpad.  I'm don't know what the "official bug tracker" is.05:43
sobersabrehi which channel discusses feisty ?05:43
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xtknightsobersabre: #ubuntu+105:43
blamelesssobersabre: #ubuntu+105:43
bur[n] eranyone know what the window decorator is that compiz uses?  beryl uses emerald.  compiz uses ____?   I have no titlebars05:43
sobersabreok thanks!05:44
xtknightbur[n] er: gnome-window-decorator ?05:44
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nrdbFrom C is there an easy way to display a dialog ?05:44
unopiceeey,  at the grub menu you select the kernel entry you want to boot up into -- press 'e' to edit it .. and at the end, delete the splash/quiet keywords and enter05:44
bur[n] erxtknight: i'll try, thanks05:44
knovakso uhh... any tips?05:44
FluxD_Andrew ty05:44
system_i want any programme hat run rm files05:44
cablesm102system_, didn't realplayer install?05:44
iceeeyunop, nice, still not as good as hitting a key while seeing the progress bar :)05:45
bur[n] erxtknight: supposedly that is part of compiz-gnome which I have... know how to configure it?05:45
EnsignRedshirtnrdb: "easy" has different meanings to different people.05:45
=== DarkED [n=Darkused@adsl-065-012-158-225.sip.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
DarkEDis there a way to manually install ndiswrapper if you cant access internet in ubuntu 6.10?05:45
system_but it says05:45
blamelessdownload the tar.gz, burn it to cd, and put the cd in the ubuntu box05:45
system_Cannot open the audio device. Another application may be using it.05:45
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:45
unopiceeey,  I just edit the menu.lst to ensure i dont have a splash screen -- dont see the point of one05:45
xtknightbur[n] er: no idea really.  visit #beryl or #ubuntu-xgl05:46
DarkEDI need it to get a USB WPN111 wifi card to work, unfortunately it's my only way of connecting to the internet =(05:46
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bur[n] erxtknight: cool, thanks anyway05:46
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iceeeyunop, well i suppose if you want to make it look all fancy like windows :P but yeah i agree05:46
cablesm102system_, i can help you with that05:46
xeno_How can I uninstall nVidia drivers? I'm running 974605:46
EnsignRedshirtnrdb: There are several GUI toolkits you can use: GTK, FLTK, wxWidgets, Qt.  Whether you find these easy depends on your experience.05:46
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unopsystem_,  make sure you close down all other applications that maybe using sound -- that includes firefox and other apps that may do so05:46
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unopiceeey,  windows has no key to press to give you verbosity while booting up :p (and dont even talk windows in here) :)05:47
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turboloverhey will feisty fawn support the aero interface?05:48
=== turbolover snickers
unopnrdb,  zenity lets you create some simple dialogs/prompts05:48
=== QMario [n=QMario@cpe-67-10-53-189.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
tom47unop what is the key ???05:48
=== ReKlipz [n=reklipz@ip68-106-209-195.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
OnburiikuSpeaking of windows, I will probably never use windows again.05:48
system_firefox! ohh thats it05:48
=== McJerry [n=bryanj02@ip68-1-156-192.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu
unoptom47,  i dunno? what key?05:48
turbolover!getting dates with women05:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about getting dates with women - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:48
OnburiikuUbuntu PWNS!05:48
tom47unop for bootup verbosity05:48
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EnsignRedshirtunop: Is there a C interface to zenity?  I've only seen it used in a shell.05:48
unoptom47,  in ubuntu or windows?05:49
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=== tom47 only uses linux
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dating - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:49
=== bsims cries in annoyance... work you <burst of profanity deleted as the very air turned red>
=== bsims cries in annoyance... work you <burst of profanity deleted as the very air turned red>
unopEnsignRedshirt,  nahh, i meant using zenity using a C system() call .. but i'm sure there are libs to zenity that can be called ffrom C05:49
=== F28 [n=F28@nc-71-2-93-76.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
F28Ubuntu in ancient african means 'Couldnt figure out Debian'05:50
unoptom47,  there is no single keystroke -- you'll need to edit the grub menu on the fly using 'e'05:50
omgsunnyhow do i make my terminals black and some-what transparent?05:50
F28shoot them05:50
tom47unop ok sorry must have misread yr earlier comment05:50
bsimsF28: I happily ran Sid till this morning05:51
unopomgsunny,  would these terminals be the gnome-terminal?05:51
Asc__omgsunny - are you useing gnome-terminal?05:51
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omgsunnyunop Asc_. yes05:51
_Andrewomgsunny, make a black and transparent image and tile it on the menu05:51
unopomgsunny,  edit the current profile ..simple really05:51
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@c-71-202-49-23.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
omgsunny_Andrew. thanks05:51
FluxDEnsignRedshirt I found a solution :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=169434605:51
omgsunnyunop, what do you mean05:51
=== sasoyna [n=sasoyna@ppp148-70.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
ladykeidenhi all. i chaged all my package repositories to feisty and updated everything from edgy. now my wifi is broke and i'm too new to linux to know what to do about it. i knew that the 2.6.20 kernel has issues with wifi, so i am booting the 2.6.17 kernel from edgy, and i copied the initrmfs thingy from a working edgy install into my broke install. the wifi light on my lappy lights up, and the  networ manager shows a good signal05:52
ladykeidenstrength, but firefox and gaim cant connect to the net.  my working install, on the same lappy, is fine. the wifi card is a broadcom 4318. any ideas?05:52
=== tickus_24 [n=nick@host-67-55-146-20.DynamicIP.milfordcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
unopomgsunny,  Edit -> Current Profile - Colors , etc05:52
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Asc__omgsunny - right-click the terminal area, and go to 'edit current profile'.  Under 'colors' unchech 'use colors from system theme', and on the 'build in schemes' menu select 'white and black'.  Then go to effects, select 'transparent background' and most the transparency shader as desired.05:52
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EnsignRedshirtFluxD: Looks like you weren't the only one.  That's a pretty annoying bug.05:53
blamelessladykeiden: did you actually get that card to work on edgy even?05:53
tickus_24Im looking for some help getting ubuntu installed on a ABIT IT7 Max2 sata drive.  grub fails everytime.05:53
_rawrhow would I configure this trackpad I'm using?05:53
_rawrhow would I configure this trackpad I'm using?05:53
ladykeidennetwork manager shows wlan0, not eth0. i saw that as being a potential issue.05:53
unopladykeiden,  verify that the interface has an ipaddress -- at a terminal - ifconfig -a05:53
FluxDEnsignRedshirt how would I get permission to edit that folder?05:53
=== minerale [i=gtg793x@about/cooking/alfredo/Minerale] has joined #ubuntu
ladykeidenworks perfect in edgy.05:53
unopladykeiden,  wlan0 is normal05:54
OnburiikuI am now a proud new user of Ubuntu Dapper Drake =D05:54
ReKlipzFLuxD - use sudo05:54
omgsunnyunop, that was really simple. thanks!05:54
FluxDEnsignRedshirt nvm05:54
=== krang [n=krang@CPE0008c7c91ddd-CM0000390d1a5e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
blamelessi couldn't get the broadcom cards to work at all properly.  i took mine out and smashed it with a hammer.  then put in the intel card with opensource drivers05:55
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unopomgsunny,  sometimes you just have to look :)05:55
EnsignRedshirtsometimes you just have to pull out the hammer05:55
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omgsunnyunop, truly, i  wouldn't have ever thought about that.05:55
ladykeidenunop: after seting up the wifi, it showed as eth0., so i changed the alias to wlan0, as per a forum thread. works fine in degy05:55
=== TomSwift [i=TomSwift@user-142h773.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
knovakHaving trouble getting sound to work... im on edgy, and my sound card is a Soundblaster Audigy. In Sound Preferences, all that is appearing in the default card box is "CA0106". Any tips?05:56
unopladykeiden,  right, the name of the interface has no bearing on how it works .. now, does the interface have an ip address assigned?05:56
tickus_24I need some assistance with a highpoint onboard hpt374 sata controller.  ubuntu wont install on my sata drive.  Anyone have some advice05:56
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=== stormy| [n=irc@pool-72-64-127-43.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
stormy|how do I create a program launcher that will actually launch my executables? I can't get my launchers to do anything....05:58
ladykeidenunop: just checked....wlan0 doesnt even show. rebooting. maybe i came up in the 2.6.20 kernel...05:58
EnsignRedshirtWhat would I use to create a .iso image of a CD?05:58
tickus_24use k3b to make iso of cd05:58
blamelessEnsignRedshirt: dd ?05:58
omgsunnyladykeiden, are you trying to ndiswrapper?05:59
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EnsignRedshirtblameless: I was wondering if dd might work.05:59
menaintelikey, first i didi it and nothing happend and i got some chosise and then i opened the nano and i found the gateway is right bec its the one i use on xp so any idea05:59
unopEnsignRedshirt,  if its a data CD you can mount it via a loopback fs05:59
tom47stormy| usually if you copy and past the command that works in cli into the launcherthat works05:59
menasorry not here05:59
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EnsignRedshirttickus_24: Would I use Tools -> Copy CD?06:00
stormy|well... I dont know how to generically start a program crom cli tom47 :x06:00
blamelessEnsignRedshirt: dd should work provided the cd is unmounted06:00
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tom47sormy what is the program?06:00
tom47stormy|: what is the program06:00
EnsignRedshirtblameless: Is it as simple as: dd if=/dev/hdd of=cd.iso  ?06:00
stormy|It's a version of blender I compiled tom4706:00
blamelessEnsignRedshirt: i believe so.  wikipedia suggests that as well06:00
bulmerEnsignRedshirt: you can also use mkisofs06:01
=== gibbs [n=gibbs@88-105-224-151.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
tickus_24EnsignRedshirt yes just choose copy Cd and then check the box to create image06:01
tom47stormy|: has it run at all since you recompiled it??06:01
ladykeidenomgsunny: yes i used ndiswrapper to setup the card, both in my broke and working install. wifi worked till i changed sources to feisty. unop: wlan has an ip, and it is dhcp.06:01
gibbsHello all I'm new and apparently I have a "Major Failure"06:01
gibbsI have a problem with my sources.list06:02
gibbsHow can I change permissions via the terminal?06:02
bulmerEnsignRedshirt: mkisofs allows you make the iso image Rockridge and joiliet readable06:02
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=== darrenTehNewb [n=mortimer@S0106000fb56f9e55.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
blamelessif you're building an image yes, but dd will make an exact copy of the data cd06:02
unopladykeiden,  ok, well, verify that you can ping the follwing addresses .., the interfaces IP address and the IP address of the default gateway06:02
stormy|tom47, I've run another build of mine before on another computer... but I dont remember how I ran it :x06:02
Acu_01does anyone knows where are Konqueror plugins ? I want to install flashplayer and realplayer so Konqueror can use them06:03
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bulmerblameless: an image is not bit for bit copy like dd?06:03
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=== bsims howls... Ok X freezes solid on detecting hardware.. anyone have a clue what is fscked up with my computer
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tom47stormy| ummm there are so many possibilities ...... its a matter of finding where the program is to begin with ..... run sudo updatedb then search for it06:04
unopAcu_01,  I believe you need to get konqueror to seek out the plugins from within it06:04
darrenTehNewbhey so im on an ubuntu machine trying to play a file over the network which is on a windowsxp computer. i installed VLC and im right clicking and trying to open with VLC but its not working. that, plus the default movie viewer doesnt seem to want to handle the file... im assuming it doesnt support xvid videos?? any ideas?06:04
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ladykeidenunop: pinging works, with a time of about 0.075 ms. Dumb windows veteren ping question....how do i stop the ping?06:04
blamelessi've only ever used mkisofs to make an isofs from a filesystem.  not to copy a cd06:04
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bsimsI don't care what fixes it... I will ups the person who gets it going a bottle of any booze up to $50usd06:04
menahey any one have experince in networking or there are  a channel06:04
stormy|tom47, I have the executable's folder....06:04
darrenTehNewbcan i mount the remote directory or something to get this to work?06:04
menafor it06:04
mena?? plz06:04
unopladykeiden,  ctrl+c06:04
tickus_24I need some assistance with a highpoint onboard hpt374 sata controller.  ubuntu wont install on my sata drive.  Anyone have some advice06:05
omgsunnyladykeiden, what card and you upgraded from edgy to the beta?06:05
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tom47stormy| in a terminal window execute it by giving its full path name as well as file name06:05
=== jarrod [n=jarrod@c-68-58-44-155.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
blamelessunop: but you can ping localhost even on a machine that doesn't have a network card in it06:05
jarrodhello does anyone know how to get x sensors working06:05
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ubotuYou might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto06:06
ladykeidenthe card is a broadcom 4318, in a presario lappy. and i upgraded from edgy to alpha. feisty is still alpha.06:06
unopblameless,  not if the tcp/ip stacks's wonky :)06:06
bulmertickus_24: you're about the 5th person i noticed having problems with Sata drives :(06:06
Acu_01unop: thanks I am going to look now into it06:06
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stormy|bulmer, tickus_24, my SATA drives work fine...?06:06
blamelessunop: true, but on a broadcom card, i'm guessing it is more likely the card, or ndiswrapper getting confused, or the bcm driver being loaded by the kernel06:06
jackson3246hey for some reason my keyboard (PS/2 connection) refuses to work with edgy live. the numlock light stays green, but pressing the numlock (or ANY other) key does nothing. any ideas why?06:06
=== FluxD [n=FluxD@resnet-33-215.dorm.utexas.edu] has joined #ubuntu
tickus_24I use ubuntu for everyting in my house.  My servers and mythtv and stuff but its giving me hell with this onboard sata controller and I cant get help in forums or anywhere.06:06
blamelessbut i don't believe the bcm driver supports the 4318 yet06:06
bulmerstormy|: you're an exception :)06:07
cyberyakbsims, what are you trying to resolve?06:07
unopblameless,  true, pinging is just a formality that i tend to follow06:07
tickus_24stormy,  what kind of sata controller you have?06:07
FluxDHi on startup along with gaim my home folder and the session feature pops up but I have not added them to startup how can i disable them from starting up06:07
blamelessunop: okies :)06:07
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omgsunnyladykeiden, i had success with 431106:08
darrenTehNewbso does anyone have any idea how i can open a file on a nework using VLC06:08
ladykeidenblameless: i did a fresh install of edgy and of feisty herd 2 last week on the same lappy, and wifi worked fine with ndiswrapper and the windoes driver.06:08
menaplz i need to solve a problem with my internet connection is there any channel06:08
darrenTehNewbwhen i open vlc and try to open file, i have no option to get to the network to browse to the file06:08
unopdarrenTehNewb,  why dont you mount the windows share locally and then get your media players to access the files "locally"06:08
=== bsims winces... had a HD failure and ubuntu install dies on detecting hardware
darrenTehNewbokay HOW06:08
darrenTehNewbthats what i was thinking06:08
darrenTehNewbbut i have noooo clue.06:08
bsimsGah is it the mainboard?06:08
blamelessladykeiden: ndiswrapper was always a bit off on my laptop here.  sometimes i'd have to ifdown the whole interface, rmmod the ndiswrapper, and then reload the module06:09
ladykeidenand if i reboot and go into my "repair" install on the same lappy, all is fine with all my hardware.06:09
unopdarrenTehNewb,  you can use smbmount06:09
darrenTehNewband how do i access that/run it06:09
stormy|bsims, check for power on the HDD? see if it sounds like it's accessing itself?06:09
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tickus_24bulmer:   do you use sata drives06:09
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT06:09
jackson3246hey for some reason my keyboard (PS/2 connection) refuses to work with edgy live. the numlock light stays green, but pressing the numlock (or ANY other) key does nothing. any ideas why?06:09
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ladykeidenblameless: can you hold my hand thru those steps?06:09
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unopladykeiden,  if the interface has an IP address, it's likely that ndiswrapper and your card are working and that it's a configuration issue that need to be addressed06:10
bsimsstormy|: best I can tell its good06:10
ubotugparted is gparted is a GUI partitioning program, "sudo apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php06:10
blamelessladykeiden: sure, its not that hard.  are you using wpa_supplicant?06:10
bulmertickus_24: not i, am in an old pc, cant boot on a usb either06:10
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bsimsI opened the HD today if that is what you mean06:10
LinXhey guys who needs hel006:10
tickus_24I think its my sata hpt374 controller.  I notice its detected during boot and I can install any linux distro but ubuntu.06:10
bsimsstormy|: if not that what else do you mean06:11
kartoffelsnackmy fonts are looking strange with my new TFT monitor, how to change that?06:11
ewan_i need some help06:11
ladykeidenblameless: brb unop: what config would break on an upgrade, still leaving dhcp leases good?06:11
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tickus_24LinX I need help with onboard hpt374 sata controller06:11
juanchito2006How can I free HDD space06:11
LinXewan what do u need help with06:11
juanchito2006or resize partitions06:11
Hmmmmhey guys i wana upgrade my gaim to v2 beta 6. anyone have a deb link for edgy?06:11
LinXjuanchito try  sudo apt-clean06:11
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bulmerjuanchito2006: you can delete files too?06:11
LinXand juanchito sudo apt-get install gparted06:11
blamelessladykeiden: my guess there would be the wireless tools or wpa_supplicant if you're using it06:11
ladykeidenblameless: what is wpa_supplicant. I'm guessing i'm not using it.06:11
blamelessladykeiden: it would be needed if you were doing wpa encryption06:12
ewan_i have a i386 copy of ubuntu 6.10 to install on my other computer but the screen garbles after the boot screen06:12
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unopladykeiden,  well, i was getting you to find out -- by pinging those addresses, i hoped you could eliminate possible issues -- another thing to check would be the /etc/resolv.conf for DNS servers and whether you can do DNS lookups alright06:12
LinXtry updating bios06:12
blamelessif you are just using wep, or no encryption, then you wouldn't be using it06:12
jackson3246hey for some reason my keyboard (PS/2 connection) refuses to work with edgy live. the numlock light stays green, but pressing the numlock (or ANY other) key does nothing. any ideas why?06:12
LinXi g2g sorry06:12
=== system_ is now known as system_TUX
ladykeidenblameless: no encryption. wide open for the world06:12
darrenTehNewbokay i think i got it ubotu06:12
tickus_24I have the latest bios installed.06:12
darrenTehNewbright click link06:12
unopjackson3246,  is it a non-standard keyboard?06:12
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darrenTehNewberr make link rather06:13
system_TUXisnt there is any games06:13
system_TUXi wanna have  fun06:13
darrenTehNewbthanks wee :)06:13
system_TUXcool games06:13
system_TUXnot that standrd games :(06:13
blamelessladykeiden: then something like, ifdown <interfacename> would bring the device down, rmmod ndiswrapper, modprobe ndiswrapper and then ifup <interfacename> would cycle the entire process06:13
ewan_is there anyone that can help me work out why ubuntu wont work?06:13
ladykeidenunop: would an update break dns?06:13
kartoffelsnackmy fonts are looking strange with my new TFT monitor, how to change that?06:13
jackson3246unop: I can't imagine it is. it's just a US English PS/206:13
xtknightkartoffelsnack: is it hooked up via DVI?06:13
blamelessladykeiden: i would also check iwconfig to make sure you are associated to the correct AP06:13
unopladykeiden,  it's quite likely .. but verify you can ping your own ip address and that of the default gateway06:14
bsimskartoffelsnack: try changing the fontconfig06:14
kartoffelsnackyes, xtknight06:14
sladencinnix: not restoring the video on resume is a bug.  Please can you file a report at  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support/+filebug  saying that you need to do a double-switch using ctrl-alt-f1 and back06:14
xtknightkartoffelsnack: enable lcd subpixel hinting ?06:14
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unopladykeiden,  and lock down that wireless connection -- how can you be sure no one else is using it for fraudulent/malicious purposes?06:14
tom47system_TUX: try  http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/edgy-seveas/seveas-meta/06:14
blamelessladykeiden: i have to ask the rather silly question of, if edgy works, why upgrade to fiesty now?06:14
exwhyzedIf I'm using MergedFB to have 2 monitors, can those monitors have different resolutions? If so, how?06:15
kartoffelsnackdo i have to restart X after setting that, xtknight?06:15
xtknightkartoffelsnack: no06:15
cchanceIn supybot, i get the error Error: No module named privmsgs  Where do i get that06:15
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jarrodthanks you very much on the help about the sensor06:15
bsimsgroan is there anyway to check the ide controler itself from the live cd?06:15
kartoffelsnackits better now, thanks06:15
tom47jarrod get it working?06:15
unopjackson3246,  hmm, can you verify that the keyboard works sometime during the bootup of the live CD?06:16
tickus_24I really need to find someone with a onboard highpoint sata controller.06:16
jarrodi missed the loading step i have completely gotten rid of winblows and this is very good to see thisstuff06:16
jarrodyeap now i amabout to reboot and see if it says loaded06:16
jarrodthanks again06:16
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ladykeidenblameless: openoffice 2.1, newer evolution, and I wanna play with kvm06:16
exwhyzedCan I use MergedFB with 2 different resolutions?06:16
blamelessladykeiden: hmm, fair enough06:16
system_TUXtom47 , what is taht?06:16
jackson3246jackson3246: nope. it works on an installed edgy system and windows, though06:16
jumbersHow can I flush my DNS cache?06:17
unopjumbers,  restart the networking service06:17
blamelessi use vmware, abiword, and gmail so have no experience with any of those things06:17
tom47system_TUX: there are some games there that i use sometimes ... see the meta package on games06:17
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jumbersunop: The interface? Or which service do you mean?06:17
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unopjumbers,  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart06:17
ladykeidenunop: when i ping the router at I get this. ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted06:17
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DritzenAnyone know the solution to this?  Having nautilus problems06:18
Dritzen** ERROR **: file nautilus-file.c: line 207 (nautilus_file_new_from_relative_uri): should not be reached06:18
Dritzen** (bug-buddy:6483): WARNING **: Could not load icon for Open Folder06:18
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unopladykeiden,  first off, is that the address of the router?06:18
DritzenI've been looking around, I even reinstalled nautilus.  can't seem to find the solution06:18
turboloverwhats a good X client?06:18
turboloverlike say i want to have an X session on tyhe headless sun box next to me06:18
ladykeidenbut when i ping my wlan0 ip i get good result with a time of about 0.078 ms06:18
blamelessladykeiden: did the ndiswrapper get updated when you moved from edgy to fiesty?06:18
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ladykeidenyes it is the router address06:19
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ladykeidenblameless: not sure. i'll chech. will that matter?06:19
system_TUX100 game?06:19
blamelessladykeiden: possibly, but you rebooted after the update i take it to get the new kernel anyway06:19
Jewfro-Macabbianyone know where stunnel.conf is located?06:20
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blamelessladykeiden: the module should match the kernel.  ndiswrapper does show up in a lsmod|grep ndis right?06:20
unopladykeiden,  well, here's your problem -- you'll need to verify that ndiswrapper is configured well and working06:20
system_TUXi want good game06:20
system_TUXlike online rpg game06:20
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ladykeidenyes, but i can't use the new kernel according to the forum cuz it has issues with my wifi card06:21
unopJewfro-Macabbi,  locate stunnel.conf  shoould locate for you06:21
system_TUXnot that stuff like blackjack ,lol06:21
blamelessso you're downgrading the kernel to the edgy kernel06:21
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=== EdLin [n=jlee@pool-71-247-189-97.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
unopladykeiden,  errm, but you are using ndiswrapper so that shouldnt apply to your card06:21
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Jewfro-Macabbiunop, thanks so much, what a useful command.06:21
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EnsignRedshirtsystem_TUX: If you want to blow up space ships: chromium06:22
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unopJewfro-Macabbi,  indeed -- you might be interested in slocate and updatedb too -- check the relevant manpages06:22
blamelessladykeiden: are you sure the issues reported with that kernel weren't talking about the bcm4xxx driver - the opensource broadcom driver?  that driver is not really finished and indeed, won't work with a 4318 card06:22
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Jewfro-Macabbiunop, thanks06:22
ladykeidenblameless: which module should match the kernel?06:22
blamelessladykeiden: the ndiswrapper version, should match the kernel06:23
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ladykeidenblameless: unop: ndiswrapper-common is 1.3 and ndiswrapper -utils is 1.18, but a 1.3 is available. should these match06:24
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blamelessi have 1.18 on edgy06:24
unopladykeiden,  i'm not too sure .. i should imagine that to be the case but i've never used ndiswrapper06:24
bulmershouldn't the Alternate install cd should fit in a 650MB cdrom disk? its like 696.5MB ?06:24
ladykeidenblameless: i assumed that bcm4xxx was all bcm cards. wasn't aware of a open sourcs driver.06:24
unopbulmer,  650MB disks tend to allow for a little extra .. so that might fit but just about06:25
ladykeidenblameless: the highest ndis anything is 1.306:25
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blamelessladykeiden: it is an attempt at an OS driver for broadcom but it involves reverse engineering and is less than stable06:26
bulmerunop i guess not..i have a cd-rw06:26
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ladykeidenso i can use the windoze driver with 2.6.50?06:26
blamelessladykeiden: the ndis-common should match the kernel version.  so if you're using the edgy kernel, you should be using the edge ndis-whatevers06:26
unopbulmer,  i'm guessing you have tried to fit it on then -- you probably need a 700MiB disk then06:27
blamelessi'm not familar with ndiswrapper beyond edgy.  i plopped down the 35 bucks for a new card so i could stop fighting with it :)06:27
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tom47blameless excellent investment imho06:28
ladykeidenblameless: so i should get the 1.3 ndis common and utils, remove and reinstall the windows driver, and *should* have working wifi?06:28
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bulmerunop: yes i tried burning em, didnt noticed the size until it got ejected.  and I didnt know there are cdroms that are over 650MB, i thought 650MB is max06:29
unopladykeiden,  i'd completely purge and reinstall ndiswrapper and ndis-common too06:29
blamelessladykeiden: aye.  if that doesn't work, i would advise keeping the kernel you have now, removing the ubuntu packages and downloading the source for ndiswrapper from sourceforge and building it yourself06:29
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blamelessbut for now i'm going to go off to bed.  best of luck to you and your card :)06:30
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unopbulmer, the standard capacities for CD-Roms are 650MiB and 700MiB .. there are other non-standard ones which accomodate more or less06:30
bz029Does anyone use UBUNTU ON a powerbook G4?06:30
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zbadoneI'm looking to burn a lightscribe Ubunut Server 6.1, is there any premade label images out there?06:30
bulmerunop: thanks for the info06:31
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=== EnsignRedshirt whispers 6.10
ladykeidenunop: blameless: I'm gonna go do that. remove old ndis whatever and install 1.3, then use the feisty kernel. one last question. what package do i get to replace my initramfs with the one for feisty kernel?06:32
w00dyhi folks. having trouble getting the flash 7 plugin. automatic install keeps failing. any advice?06:32
Flannelw00dy: you might as well grab flash 906:32
unopzbadone,  this might need a little tweaking - http://miniman.googlepages.com/nubcdcoverpng.png06:32
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unopladykeiden,  the initramfs image is usually automatically created as and when you install a kernel image06:33
w00dyyou don't have to do 7 first?06:33
zbadoneunop, looks ok, but Im looking for something with a little more POW06:33
Flannelw00dy: no way.  One will replace the other anyway, I believe.06:33
unopzbadone,  i picked that one off of google.images -- i'm sure you'll find a few there06:34
w00dyi tried to do 9 and had problems too, but don't remember the details. i'll try again and get back to you06:34
zbadonegood idea, never thought of google images06:34
bz029Does anyone use Ubuntu PPC on Powerbook G4???06:34
ladykeideni replaced the initramfs with the one for the 2.6.17 kernel to fix a kernel panic. so do i get the kernel image for feisty?06:34
Flannel!backports | w00dy06:34
ubotuw00dy: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports06:34
Flannelw00dy: flash 9 is in the backports06:35
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unopladykeiden,  yep, just install the latest one avaialable to feisty06:35
Acu_01guys - I want to make ANY browser (Konqueror, Firefox, Iceweasel) play realplayer and flash movies - any ideea how to do that06:35
w00dythanks. (i guess i should note that i'm an extreme newbie)06:35
Brian_I'm trying to install ubuntu on my computer and it really doesn't like my graphics card/mobo for some reason, any ideas?06:36
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ladykeidenso i could have wifi and the alpha kernel together? WhooWHOOOO  pring on the breakage!06:36
Acu_01Brian_: be more concrete - were do you get stuck06:36
Vaske_Carhow to record streaming audio? What application (with GUI) can do that?06:37
zoli2kBrian_: Can you specify the card type?06:37
Acu_01Vaske_Car: vlc does video06:37
Brian_well, I can install it, but the boot screen is extremely glitchy as it loads the live CD06:37
Brian_radeon x800XL06:37
Vaske_CarI need something to be able to record music from online radio station06:37
Brian_nVidia Nforce406:37
unopAcu_01,  iceweasel and firefox are straight forward -- you can create symlinks for /usr/lib/iceweasel/plugins and /usr/lib/firefox/plugins to point to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins .. konqueror i'm not so sure off, but i did help someone in here the otherday who managed to get konqueror pick up the plugins from one of those directories06:37
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zoli2kBrian_: At least, it should work with the VESA driver.06:38
pradaloverI need help with an update06:38
Brian_I tried the AMD specific 6.10 installer and vesa was default for some reason06:38
Brian_I had to change it to radeon to get it to work at all06:38
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Brian_with what I do have installed it refuses to access the internet through either of my wireless cards (used seperately)06:39
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Brian_and the boot agent has a hard time actually getting ubuntu to boot06:39
Brian_if it boots at all06:40
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zoli2kBrian_: Please one problem in one time.06:40
Brian_heh, sorry06:40
Acu_01unop: so you install the plugins in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins then create symlinks from those two - how do you create the symlinks ?06:40
Brian_I installed the non-AMD specific 6.10, and now it runs, but it is very glitchy while it is booting if it boots06:41
stranger_stonei'm sorry the question but i'm try to install compy but i have one error whith "direct rendering: No" i have the ati  graphic installed and nathing :|06:41
Brian_I have not tried changing the device to radeon or to vesa with the non-AMD specific version on install, but I wasn't sure that it would help06:41
zoli2kBrian_:  and after your window manager starts is the graphics ok?06:42
=== hydro [n=bat@cpe-67-49-155-154.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
pradaloverwhenever i try updating...I get an error message06:42
pradaloverlease insert the disk labeled:06:42
pradaloverUbuntu 6.10 _Edgy Eft_ - Release i386 (20061025)06:42
pradaloverin drive /cdrom/06:42
unopAcu_01,  when you install a plugins package under ubuntu -- they get installed to that folder -- and if i remember right, all the mozilla packages pick plugins up from that directory .. so you shouldnt need to reconfigure any mozilla packages .. just get konqueror to pick up plugins from that location and you should be ok06:42
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zoli2kBrian_: changing the xorg graphics driver does not affect the bootup screen.06:42
Brian_I thought it might keep it from preforming so poorly after the desktop boots though06:43
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tom47!repositories | pradalover06:43
ubotupradalover: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:43
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tom47!Easysource | pradalover06:43
ubotupradalover: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:43
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pradaloverI could hug you ubotu06:44
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tom47pradalover please do not interfere with the help bot :)06:45
jakeyfu__So many people06:45
ReKlipz!man | ReKlipz06:45
ubotuReKlipz: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands06:45
zoli2kBrian_: there is a discussion about those cards: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=200769706:47
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hydroI am wondering if someone can offer a suggestion ...06:47
hydroMy laptop running Ubuntu Edgy suddenly will not allow me to boot up fully06:48
hydroI get a Grub error, specifically06:48
tom47!anyone > hydro06:48
hydroGrub loading stage 1.506:48
ladykeidenwhere do i go to download packaged for ubuntu when the box that needs the package cant get on the net.06:48
zoli2kBrian_: I am not sure whether you need the nvidia drvires or ATI drivers.06:48
hydroGrub loading, please wait ....06:48
hydroError 1706:48
ReKlipz!anyone > ReKlipz06:48
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ReKlipzsounds like a bad grub install06:48
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ladykeideni saw a page with a list of all packages for each version, with a tab for each.06:49
hydroReKlipz but why would this happen suddenly (a bad grub install?) I have been using the computer for two months now and now problems until now06:49
hydroReKlipz and the install by the way was from the Edgy Live CD06:49
ReKlipznot sure, maybe something went bad one time while you were installing06:49
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hydro(originally several months ago)06:49
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ReKlipzwehile you were booting06:49
ReKlipzand it corrupted one of the grub files06:49
hydroReKlipz: any suggestion on how restore the grub files?06:50
ReKlipznot sure06:50
ReKlipzare you booting from the live cd?06:50
Brian_zoli2k: thanks06:50
tom47!grub > hydro06:50
hydrono, I'm not booting from the livecd06:50
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hydrotom47 sorry I don't understand06:50
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:50
Acu_01unop: or anybody else who knows - I can see the flash movie in konqueror but I have no sound - why is that ?06:50
ReKlipzdo the first link06:51
ReKlipzor the grub howto06:51
ReKlipzit will tell you how to restore grub06:51
hydroReKlipz thanks a ton ... I'll look there first06:51
tonyyarusso/"/cs op #ubuntu"06:51
ReKlipzno prob06:51
ReKlipzif that doesnt work, then there is a deeper issue at hand06:51
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system_TUXcan i get lilo in etc?06:52
system_TUXcuz grub really sux06:52
Acu_01why if I click on a realmedia - it opens the realplayer but the link is local not where the file shouhlb e bplayed06:52
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ReKlipzi gotta go06:52
ReKlipzlater guys06:52
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unopAcu_01,  what version of flash would that be?06:53
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Acu_01unop: Flash 706:54
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unopAcu_01,  yep, there's an issue with flash 7 where sound doesnt seem to work -- you might be interested in flash v9 although it's still beta06:55
_Lukshey ppl06:55
_Luksmy sound device06:55
_Luksmy sound device doesnt works normal06:55
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_Luksthe left audiospeaker doesnt works06:56
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_Luksonly the right.06:56
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ladykeidenwhere do i download manually the packages i need to fix my install?06:56
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Jewfro-Macabbi_Luks, try alsamixergui06:56
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pradaloverJewfro-Macabbi.........HELP me Pleassssssse06:58
_LuksJewfro-Macabbi: i tried everything with alsamixer06:58
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arrenlexGood evening, all!06:58
_LuksJewfro-Macabbi: the problem is the driver06:58
Nick0razHmm, having some uhh.. problems.  Mouse nor keyboard work in Ubuntu 6.06 or 6.10.  Or any linux distro for that matter.  I don't get it. o.O06:58
pradalovershutup luks06:58
_Luksgood evening06:58
pradaloverstop hogging the board06:59
Nick0razfeafoeawij -_-07:00
Jewfro-Macabbipradalover, help with?07:00
pradaloverLuks...I have been having same problem...i tried and tried to fix ..Never could, so go to bed07:00
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Jewfro-Macabbi_Luks, no driver? what's the problem exactly?07:00
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pradaloveri can't up grade07:01
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esc-quick question: i've seen people using a winamp skin for xmms (namely the orbital skin) and i was curious of how they managed to use that skin for xmms and how to install it.07:01
_Luksmy left speakerphone doesnt works07:01
Jewfro-Macabbipradalover, I only had audio in one speaker on my six speaker system, I installed alsamixergui, tweaked the surround settings, all is good now.07:01
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_Luksand sometimes07:01
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_Luksthe left speaker BEEPS everytime!!07:02
pradaloveryippy skippy for you07:02
arrenlexesc-: Doesn't putting the skin into ~/.xmms/skins or whatever it's called work?07:02
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Nick0razIt's because you love the right one more07:02
esc-i have no idea.07:02
ZilliotFlashGet for Windows,????.......  for Ubuntu. Send me link downloader for ubuntu.07:02
Jewfro-Macabbi_Luks, did you try fiddling with the settings in alsamixergui at all? It can't hurt.07:02
esc-it's a winamp skin (i installed linux yesterday, go easy) and i was wondering how i could get that to work?07:02
_Luksok, ill try :)07:03
arrenlexesc-: I'm not familiar with winamp or xmms, sorry.07:03
esc-thanks for trying.07:03
Nick0razblah.  anybody know why my keyboard+mouse wouldn't work in the livecd?07:03
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system_TUXman , do u have rm plugin for xmms?07:03
tom47ladykeiden: i think you could use apt-get with the -d option and then copy the file across to the target system ...... alternatively you could boot with the livecd and mount a partition or a flash drive and similarly use the apt-get -d option07:03
Jewfro-Macabbiesc, google it, "installing winapm skins in xmms", might find something07:03
virtuanyone knows how to set my city at gdesklet?07:04
system_TUXman , do u have .rm files plugin for xmms?07:04
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Imsdlei have just spent the last two days doing upgrades.. just got broadband and used up all of my quota! and now I can't even boot!!! lucky i have a spare laptop.07:04
unopesc-,  all you need to do is unzip the skin into .xmms/Skins/ and then get xmms to browse for it07:04
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esc-finally found it.07:05
pradaloverI am trying Ubuntu women and no one is HOME07:05
esc-thanks guys.07:05
ImsdleI am getting segmentation failure. can't find /dev/hda107:05
ImsdleALERT! /dev/hda1 does not exist. Dropping to a shell!07:05
Nick0razthe world.. has ended. =O!07:05
linux_kidNick: why has it ended07:05
Nick0razbecause.. my keyboard and mouse won't work in the livecd. XD07:06
pradaloverI hate men07:06
Nick0razor any distro.  isn't that weird?07:06
linux_kidthats REALLY odd07:06
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pradaloverthey ALL SUCK07:06
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Nick0razit's worked before..07:06
system_TUXthat is ur prblem07:06
Nick0razbut it's all like.. no.07:06
_LuksJewfro-Macabbi: it didnt work :(07:07
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pradaloverEverylast one of you07:07
=== tom47 decides its the last time he will help pradalover in that case
Nick0razhelp meeee.07:07
system_TUXshut up parda07:07
Jewfro-Macabbi_Luks, that was my only idea, you could try searching the wiki, maybe someone else had the problem07:07
arrenlextom47: Don't comment on the trolls, please.07:07
pradaloveru never tried07:07
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_LuksJewfro-Macabbi my soundcard is: HDA VIA VT82xx07:07
system_TUXtried what07:07
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Imsdlei am googling.. how do you uninstall a kernal and reinstall?07:07
system_TUXWTH r u talking about?07:07
_Luksill look info on this card07:08
Nick0razi'm talking about teh end of tha world.07:08
system_TUXno its not the end07:08
system_TUXu can go and buy new mouse :P07:08
Nick0razmy mouse has nothing to do with it rly.07:08
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Nick0razit's worked before.07:08
pradaloverwomen are so much more patient than you boys07:08
system_TUXand r u working with what?07:08
khaije1hi folks!07:09
system_TUXty pradalover for your nice comment , now shut the hell up , this is tech chat channel *07:09
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khaije1anyone know of a way that I can test my X server remotely via ssh?07:09
Nick0razmhm, i need tech help. XD07:09
system_TUXok 0raz07:09
system_TUXso what r u working with now?07:10
pradaloverHey you Tux....if it wasn't for us women you butt wouldn't be here07:10
khaije1i'm at work atm, but have a ssh connection and some free time07:10
Nick0razit's actually a microsoft keyboard and mouse setup.07:10
pradaloveryou shutup07:10
Nick0razbut i have this crappy durabrand keyboard that I used for linux07:10
Nick0razwhich doesn't work either.07:10
Nick0razlinux shows meh no love.07:10
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linux_kidNick0raz: don't troll07:10
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pradalovermeant your07:10
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Nick0razi'm not trolling?07:10
system_TUXdont panic man07:10
OnburiikuI need some help.07:11
OnburiikuMy firefox is freezing up07:11
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Onburiikuand it won't even force quit07:11
OnburiikuWhat do I do?07:11
system_TUXprada , do u have linux problem?07:11
Nick0razlinux_kid: why did you say that..?07:11
w00dyThanks Flannel. Worked like a charm.07:11
pradaloveryes you lil butthole...I do07:11
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, or Amaranth07:11
system_TUXmaybe u have problem with linux , and as long as linux is a boy(Male) so u hate men :P07:11
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fouadzhi, I can see my webcam device in Device Manager (Gnome) but no of my application can use it. I doesnt find the path /dev/video0 , any idea to fix the prolem ?07:11
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naliothunop: yes?07:11
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Jewfro-Macabbi_Luks, I tried googling that, didn't find much, but you can look through: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=HDA+VIA+VT82xx+%2Bubuntu&btnG=Searc07:11
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o DBO] by ChanServ
tolumbaandre, indeed07:12
unopnalioth,  pradalover needed moderating (language)07:12
linux_kidops, Nick0raz it trolling07:12
OnburiikuHow do I close a freezing application that won't even force quit?07:12
=== pradalover [n=pradalov@cpe-67-11-204-48.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
naliothunop: i see he got some moderation  :)07:12
Hobbseeunop: he's removed07:12
DBOlinux_kid, ok I will watch him07:12
system_TUXyaaa i see u 0raz07:12
tolumbakillall -KILL app-name07:12
Hobbseelinux_kid: he's left07:12
Toma-Onburiiku: killall -KILL appname07:12
tolumbaOnburiiku, what i said07:12
Jewfro-Macabbifouadz, you install a driver?07:12
nalioth!guidelines | pradalover07:12
ubotupradalover: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:12
pradaloverdid you just boot me07:12
tonyyarusso!ohmy | pradalover07:12
ubotupradalover: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:12
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Hobbseepradalover: exactly.  please follow the guidelines, and dont troll.07:13
tolumbawhat's trolling07:13
pradaloverI am not07:13
fouadzJewfro-Macabbi, If the drivers where not installed , how can i see it in the device manager ?07:13
tolumbaisnt it fooling around07:13
system_TUXwhat is trolling?07:13
tolumbalike, killing somebody.07:13
tolumbai mean07:13
tolumbanot killing07:13
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Hobbseetolumba: being a general pain07:13
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ladykeidentom47: thanks. they are downloading now. when i install a package with synaptics or apt-get, are the downloaded packeges deleted after they are installed? if not, where are they saved to?07:13
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tolumbaa common type. aaah.07:13
pradaloverOh god! I wanna strangle you all07:13
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tolumbathanks, Hobbsee07:13
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Jewfro-Macabbifouadz, the hardware is still there, it needs drivers to work correctly...07:13
arrenlextolumba: In Internet terminology, a troll is a person who enters an established community such as an online discussion forum and intentionally tries to cause disruption, often in the form of posting messages that are inflammatory, insulting, incorrect, inaccurate, or off-topic, with the intent of provoking a reaction from others.07:13
system_TUXwhere is he now?07:13
vikwhat's better under edgy: automatix or easyubuntu?07:13
arrenlextolumba: (wikipedia)07:13
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Hobbseevik: easyubuntu07:13
tonyyarussovik: Following the wiki ;)07:14
tolumbapoor trolls07:14
fouadzJewfro-Macabbi,  any special place to find the drivers ?07:14
tolumbai mean, the real ones07:14
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Hobbseepradalover: that's hardly support.  that's also against the !coc (code of conduct)07:14
crazy_busCan anyone please help me?  My apt-get isn't working anymore and is comming up with errors07:14
tom47ladykeiden i lived in fear of that question ... sorry right ni=ow i can't answer it :/07:14
Hobbseecrazy_bus: what errors?  please paste them to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and give us the link07:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about doesn'twork - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:14
Jewfro-Macabbifouadz, if there's one available, google on it, you'll have to get some info from you camera, and search for a driver, been a while since I did it.07:14
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masticatehi guys... i just got my xinerama working but I am unable to start up gnome-terminal.... where would this startup error log to?07:14
_LuksJewfro-Macabbi: i googled too, im trying to listen to music in mpg12307:14
arrenlex!doesn't work|crazy_bus07:14
ubotucrazy_bus: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)07:14
system_TUXhey iam nice , u talk about ur self07:14
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system_TUXiam cool too :P07:14
fouadzJewfro-Macabbi, thanks I will try07:15
tolumbahmm, does it signify anything that i cant see my friends queries sent to me07:15
viktonyyarusso: which wiki?07:15
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tolumbawith /msg name messg07:15
OnburiikuTolumba: How do I know what the name of the app is?07:15
system_TUX    msg nickserv set unfiltered on07:15
tonyyarussovik: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:15
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tolumbaOnburiiku, Well, xchat...07:15
OnburiikuFirefox is freezing up07:16
arrenlexcrazy_bus: apt-get install libxml207:16
Onburiikuwhat's the actuall name of the firefox app?07:16
HobbseeOnburiiku: firefox-bin07:16
tolumba(theres 10^3 people in this channel!)07:16
Onburiikuk, thanks! =)07:16
ladykeidentom47: y in fear of that one? i'm more afraid of the question "how do i use remote assistance on a linux box?" remote desktop is just not as slick yet.07:16
arrenlexOnburiiku: firefox-bin07:16
=== mneptok arises, summoned back from behind the curtain of death by the mention of autamated installer scripts
=== dost [n=dost@a81-197-233-173.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
esc-command to uninstall?07:16
esc-sudo apt-????07:16
mneptokwhose blasphemy disturbs my slumber?!07:16
tonyyarussomneptok: vik ;)07:17
arrenlexesc-: apt-get remove07:17
pradaloversystem_tux are you ignoring me07:17
tonyyarussomneptok: asking, not telling though, so we'll let him live07:17
crazy_busarrenlex: I typed in that command and I got this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4070/07:17
masticatehi guys, my "gnome-terminal" isn't working... I just configured my xorg.conf for xinerama... where would this type of error log to?07:17
arrenlexcrazy_bus: apt-get install --reinstall libxml207:17
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Hobbseeyay, mneptok!07:17
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pradaloverare you07:18
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system_TUXi dont know any women at 1st place07:18
=== mneptok *raaars* at Hobbsee
=== Hobbsee throws mneptok at system_TUX
=== arrenlex hopes mneptok is sharp and\or explosive.
riobeing picky here, but how do you move the userlist so that it is displayed on the right side of the xchat window, as opposed to the default, where the users are displayed when you push a button?07:18
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mneptokHobbsee: that wasn't hard enough to knock him into #ubuntu-offtopic07:19
fr500is there anything like orb for mycasting for linux?07:19
Jewfro-Macabbianyone know how to re-start stunnel?07:19
Jewfro-Macabbiwithou rebooting07:19
Hobbseemneptok: no.  but i could do that.07:19
pradaloverturn the system off07:19
crazy_busarrenlex: I typed and got this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4071/07:19
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mneptokpradalover: be nice.07:20
fr500Jewfro-Macabbi: what kind of tunnel?07:20
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arrenlexcrazy_bus: An IO error, eh? o__O07:20
arrenlexcrazy_bus: What did you do to your poor system?07:20
Jewfro-Macabbifr500, "stunnel", I'm trying to configure stunnel w/Pan07:20
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fr500Jewfro-Macabbi: no clue wht that is sorry07:20
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Jewfro-Macabbifr500, SSL proxy essentially07:20
crazy_busI was just trying to install the package gstreamer-editor and then it all stopped working07:21
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fr500sooo, does anyone use www.orb.com?07:21
arrenlexcrazy_bus: Installing a package didn't cause that. It looks like something significant.07:21
Jewfro-Macabbimneptok, would doing a etc/init/d/networking restart possibly restart stunnel?07:21
Jewfro-Macabbiinit.d even07:21
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crazy_busIs there anything I can do?07:22
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aalhamadhow do i clean the torroent?07:22
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Jordan_UWhat package do I need to install to get w32codecs to work with gstreamer ( I have already installed w32codecs )07:23
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onatshi, what's the command to launch the applet for the volume control?07:26
Hobbseetonyyarusso: you sure that's safe?07:27
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onatsnot found07:27
tonyyarussoHobbsee: No.07:27
arrenlexJordan_U: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/libs/gstreamer0.10-pitfdll This what you want?07:27
unoponats,  gnome-volume-control07:27
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Jordan_Uarrenlex: yes, thank you.07:27
arrenlexJordan_U: (insert "used package search and haven't used this package disclaimer")07:27
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onatsunop, right, thats the one. how do i add it to my system tray?07:28
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crazy_busarrenlex: is there anyway to fix my problem?07:29
ardchoilleonats, Right-click the panel and choose add to panel.07:29
arrenlexcrazy_bus: No idea. I've never seen it.07:29
unoponats,  ermm, no real idea -- i just add it to the panel07:29
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ardchoilleonats, It's in the system and hardware section of the add to panel window07:29
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onatsardchoille, got it! thanks07:31
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hdzcan someone help me out setup wireless?07:33
mneptoknot if you don't ask a question.07:34
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masticatehi guys07:34
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mneptoktom47: gesundheit07:34
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masticatemy gnome-terminal isn't working... i just reinstalled but it's still not working...... any suggestions for a different terminal?07:34
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tom47hdz what seems to be the naure of the problem?07:35
onatswhats a nice terminal in lieu of the default one included in ubuntu?07:35
hdz i use a linksys usb to connect to others, i dont have my own network, what program would i use in ubuntu to get a broadcast working to connect to ppl i usually connect to, and is eth0 for my network card getting in the way07:35
unopmasticate,  I use urxvt (rxvt-unicode)07:35
Imsdlecan someone tell me how to reinstall linux root?07:35
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Imsdlei tried to do an upgrade and it turned to custard.. i do not want to delete my data in /home07:36
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onatsunop, can you put in backgrounds to that terminal?07:36
unopImsdle,  define "custard"07:36
unoponats,  if i remember correctly, yes07:36
hdzlike i dont know how to configure this to broadcast, it recognizes the device the usb linksys, i think its looking at eth0 anyone set up wireless?07:36
tom47!wifi > hdz07:36
hdzthink i gotta bridge em07:37
GMachine_24Anyone use a good program to backup a computer with say 60GB of information across multiple DVDs without having to split a tar file into 2.5GB files. Yes, I basically want an idiot-proof program I can start, point it at all the data I want to back up and then insert a new DVD when required.07:37
Imsdleyellowish desert... usually good with ice cream07:37
hdzonboard backup utils07:37
musyahey guys i have ubuntu 5.04 and i see that my gnome enviroment does not look like 6.10 or 6.04 how can i update that?07:37
musyawithout haveing to reinstall07:37
GMachine_24hdz: the program is called 'onboard'?07:38
tom47musya by far the shortest route will be to install 6.1007:38
Imsdlei tried to upgrade .. and now i get ALERT! /dev/hda1 does not exist. Dropping to a shell!07:38
GMachine_24My past attempts to use 'upgrade' to move up to the latest Ubuntu release met with disaster.07:39
musyawill it erase all my files or can i just upgrade?07:39
masticateunop, thanx... i'm trying it out now07:39
Imsdlesame here07:39
Imsdlei don't want to have to copy everyting off and back on again07:39
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aalhamadtom47, yes?07:39
GMachine_24Save your data, make a list of programs you want on your 'new' computer and install 6.1 fresh. That's what I did.07:39
musyawill only my interface look different? is everything the same as 6.10?07:39
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musyais there a program to burn discs in ubuntu?07:40
fokusleeFlannel are u still here?07:40
arrenlex!upgrade | musya07:40
ubotumusya: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:40
tom47musya there are too many upgrades to do to achieve what you want and it is very doubtful imho that you would in any case be pleased with the result ..... backup your /home directory and install 6.1007:40
GMachine_24muysa: yes. many.07:40
arrenlex!burn | musya07:40
ubotumusya: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto07:40
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GMachine_24Am I allowed to post a link to a forum page in here for the CD burning question?07:41
tom47aalhamad i was looking to see if you had asked your question more clearly .... sorry did not mean to type in the message bar07:41
ardchoilleGMachine_24, Others do and I don't see anything wrong with it07:41
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GMachine_24ok thank you07:42
tom47GMachine_24: yes i believe so i have been doing so and have not had my fingers smacked so far07:42
aalhamadtom47, if i want to clean the torerent how can i do it?07:42
GMachine_24muysa: check out this page http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23440&highlight=dvd+record+multi+discs07:42
tom47aalhamad i do not understand what you are trying to do07:42
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g-unotim new to ubuntu, and do i download .deb packs from the internet07:43
GMachine_24Does anyone know if k3b does dvd backups that span multiple dvds?07:43
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aalhamadtom47, sometime i download a lot of file with bittoretent,but i dont know where it is .. in other word i want to remove them to make sure they are cleaned out my system.. hw can i do that?07:43
GMachine_24g-unot: or ask for them next christmas in your stocking (or under the menorah, whatever)07:43
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ardchoilleGMachine_24, Did you write that article?07:43
GMachine_24arcchoille: no07:44
g-unotGMachine_24: well im asking wut ubuntu is compatible with07:44
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GMachine_24g-unot well read that forum post07:44
musyaGMachine_24: thanks07:44
tolumbag-unot, you use synaptic to download most of your packages07:44
musyaill upgrade to 6.10 then install them i might need though to burn the iso07:44
rocketwolfhow can I install a desktop with a LAMP (near total newb)07:44
g-unottolumba: i do but for ones that arnt avalible on there07:44
TieduPwhat do you do if the computer that has ubuntu on it has no internet connection and you want to install some stuff07:44
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Beveragehey folks im trying to get frostwire working with beryl ,i know they have conflicts anyway i followed 3 guides on how to fix i am having the exact same issues nothing is doing it for me anyone got some suggetsions?07:45
cafuego_TieduP: apt-zip07:45
GMachine_24aalhamad: every time you d/l a torren you get a window that pops up and you choose a location to d/l the .... file, movie, whatever. It tells you there what the path is to your bittorrent d/lded files07:45
GMachine_24musya: your welcome. good luck.07:45
g-unotGMachine_24: wheres the forum post07:45
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cafuego_TieduP: it creates a nice download script that you cna run on another amchine.07:45
ardchoilleg-unot, The best way to handle .deb's is to a) Use the package manager, b) only use .deb's that were designed for Ubuntu  if you can't find anything in those two suggestions, compile the app yourself. But, it's not a good idea to use any old .deb on Ubuntu.07:45
aalhamadok thanks07:45
GMachine_24g-unot: someone is not paying attention. here it is again http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23440&highlight=dvd+record+multi+discs07:45
cafuego_!info apt-zip07:45
ubotuapt-zip: Update a non-networked computer using apt and removable media. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.15 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 116 kB07:45
TieduPlets say i wanted to install some of the ubuntu games, where do i find the files07:46
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GMachine_24man find07:46
mad_dogSomeone knows why my direct rending is disabled?07:46
ardchoilleTieduP, You can search in Synaptic, there's lots of games there.07:46
cafuego_TieduP: You don't find files. You use apt-zip to create a script that downloads all the packages you need and put them on disc.07:46
pradaloveranyone older than 25 here07:47
Beverageubotu: resolution07:47
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:47
GMachine_24pradalover: moi07:47
tonyyarusso!offtopic | pradalover07:47
ubotupradalover: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:47
system_TUXhow can i see my network , and show the network icon on icon tray ?07:47
TieduPok that a script i can use on a windows box?07:47
system_TUXhow can i see my network , and show the network icon on icon tray ?07:47
fokusleedoes anyone have a premade kiba-dock deb for amd64?07:47
Beveragehey folks im trying to get frostwire working with beryl ,i know they have conflicts anyway i followed 3 guides on how to fix i am having the exact same issues nothing is doing it for me anyone got some suggetsions?07:47
GMachine_24pradalover: got a parent fixation?07:47
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cafuego_TieduP: if the windows box has cygwin (free) then yes.07:47
arrenlexmad_dog: What card? What driver?07:47
GMachine_24system_Tux: what network are you referring to?07:47
padgeHow do you shut down gnome and the X server?07:47
GMachine_24padge: man kill07:48
ardchoillepadge, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop07:48
mad_dogarrenlex gigabyte ati x1600 driver allrady instaled07:48
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cafuego_I-StyLe: Please stop spamming07:48
arrenlexmad_dog: What driver?07:48
mad_dogati from ati.com07:48
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arrenlexmad_dog: ati is the free driver. The one from ati.com is fglrx.07:48
system_TUXi mean07:48
padgeSo there's no "clean exit" from the X server?  I have to kill the process?07:49
mad_dogarrenlex correct fglrx07:49
ardchoillepadge, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop  is the proper way to do it.07:49
GMachine_24I am having trouble with my Savage 2000 video card under 6.1. I cannot set the parameters to get other than 60 MHz refresh rate on some settings07:49
jwtod1ok. i'm trying to install x64 6.10 latest iso on a new box and am getting an xserver problem. video card is en8800gtx. any ideas?07:49
padgeardchoille: thanks07:49
cafuego_padge: ctrl-alt-backspace will quit X, but normally the display manager (gdm) would restart it.07:49
jwtod1i see the 8800 driver on nvidia.com.07:49
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arrenlexmad_dog: Pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log please.07:49
Beveragehey folks im trying to get frostwire working with beryl ,i know they have conflicts anyway i followed 3 guides on how to fix i am having the exact same issues nothing is doing it for me anyone got some suggestions?07:49
cod1installed azureus with the linux jre, had trouble connecting to some trackers. installed the sun jre, but still have problems. do i need to force azuereus to use sun's jre?07:49
padgecafuego_: That was the problem I was having07:50
TieduPinstalling cgywin07:50
cafuego_cod1: yes07:50
padgeHow is it that that functionality isn't worked into the interface at all?  Somewhere in the shut down options07:50
jwtod1i am getting an x error "no device found"07:50
cod1how would i do that. should i remove and re-add azureus?07:51
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cafuego_padge: Because quitting X would leave you on tty7 with nothing to do normally.07:51
cafuego_cod1: sudo update-alternatives --config java07:51
mad_dogarrenlex in the xorg i only have one dri problem07:51
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rocketwolfhow can I install a desktop with a LAMP (near total newb)07:51
mneptokcod1: update-java-alternatives -l    <--- what does that command shom you07:51
arrenlexmad_dog: Pastebin it, please.07:51
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arrenlex!pastebin | mad_dog07:52
ubotumad_dog: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:52
padgecafuego_: Well, I do need to install a driver that mentions that the X server shouldn't be running... is that out of the ordinary for things like that?07:52
cod1mneptok: java-1.5.0-sun 53 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun07:52
ReKlipzWhats the default folder where background images for gnome are stored?07:52
cod1only line i get back07:52
jwtod1anyone install ubuntu on an asus en8800 video card?07:52
mneptokcod1: then the only JRE you have is Sun's07:52
arrenlexReKlipz: /usr/share/wallpapers AFAIK07:52
cod1wierd, maybe a reboot?07:53
cafuego_padge: Then the normal procedure is to either not start into X or turn it off manually by first switching to tty1 (ctrl-alt-f1), logging in and stopping gdm.07:53
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mneptokcod1: if it's "some trackers" i suspect port forwarding issues07:53
GMachine_24Just curious: How many of you people have a detailed Linux command, editing and programming book?07:53
cafuego_padge: Besides, the nvidia driver is on crack, X doesn't need to be stopped at all.07:53
GMachine_24My point: It's worth the money spent and time invested.07:53
cod1i'm pretty sure my port forwarding is fine. i'll try a reboot07:53
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cod1thanks for the help07:53
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GMachine_24Does Automatix for 6.1 totally . . . is is bad?07:54
ardchoilleGMachine_24, Everything I have learned about Linux I have learned from IRC and forums. Need some good links?07:54
ReKlipzarrenlex: you mean /usr/share/backgrounds ?07:54
padgecafuego_: Well, be that as it may, the shell script refuses to run if X is running, unless you know a switch or something to force it07:54
cafuego_padge: Switch to tty1, login, stop X, install, start X.07:55
arrenlexReKlipz: Is that what it's called on your system? The folder's called wallpapers for me, but ymmv.07:55
padgecafuego_: Thanks for your help, I appreciate it07:55
GMachine_24ardchoille: sure, I'm always willing to collect info sources. I'm just saying a lot of these questions are easily answered by a resource manual.07:55
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HellBoundmorning ppl07:55
digin4anyone got a good guide for compiz on edgy? it's crashing here07:55
tom47!automatix > GMachine_2407:55
cafuego_digin4: short of "don't" ? ;-)07:55
GMachine_24ardchoille: but fire away07:55
ReKlipzarrenlex: yep, its called backgrounds for me, no wallpaper07:55
GMachine_24tom47: what does that mean07:55
jwtod1any info on installing linux on a system w/ an asus en8800gtx card?07:56
digin4cafuego, what do you mean?07:56
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe07:56
ReKlipzthere is a gnome-background-properties with two xml files which are what show up in the backgroundswitcher07:56
HellBoundis anyone working on using 3G Data Cards in Ubuntu? I heard that the cards aren't supported :(07:56
cafuego_digin4: Not using it makes it not crash.07:56
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digin4cafuego, well i gotta fix it first, then i might not use it :P07:56
ardchoilleGMachine_24, I generally recommend these: http://ubuntuforums.org/  http://www.tldp.org/  http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/  http://www.onlamp.com/linux/cmd/07:56
wikitylerhow do i find out what software is supposed to be handling embedded quicktime files in firefox?07:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 3g - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:56
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ReKlipzarrenlex: anyways, when i try to copy images, it says i cant07:56
Mazusanyone know how to fix the overscan with nvidia cards using tvout?07:57
ReKlipzso i tried to copy using sudo, it didnt work07:57
arrenlexReKlipz: Copy images to it?07:57
arrenlexReKlipz: "didn't work"?07:57
ReKlipzya, i want to add some bg images to the list07:57
ReKlipz1 sec07:57
ReKlipzwhen i copy as root, they dont show up in the background chooser app07:57
ReKlipzsays 0px x 0px07:57
Beveragehey folks i followed http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2073656 this guide to fix frostwire anyway everytime i open terminal it comes up with all this fatal error stuff etc...I want to get my reg terminal back...!!!07:57
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ardchoilleGMachine_24, This is a nice one too: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index07:57
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mindstate!ntfs-3g | HellBound07:58
ubotuHellBound: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)07:58
GMachine_24ardchoille: thanks. can i cut and paste from the forum?07:58
arrenlexmindstate: (23:56:12) HellBound: is anyone working on using 3G Data Cards in Ubuntu?07:58
HellBound(mindstate): i know about the ntfs-3g ... i am talking about using 3G internet connection07:58
HellBounddata card in my laptop07:58
wikitylerbeverage: do you get an error about ) and wanting } ?07:58
HellBoundapparently they arent supported07:58
mindstateHellBound, My mistake :)07:58
ardchoilleGMachine_24, These are also helpful: http://ubuntuforums.org/  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UserDocumentation07:58
HellBoundI wanted to know if this is true07:59
arrenlexReKlipz: Pastebin your exact commands and their output, please.07:59
HellBound(mindstate): np07:59
ardchoilleGMachine_24, It's good to use the pastebin for more than 4 lines.07:59
ReKlipzarrenlex, anyway i can copy commands from tty2?07:59
Beveragewikityler: i get about a page of errors then frostwire launches and my terminal is bakc to normal...but i dont want my terminal to launch forstwire everytime i open it07:59
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ardchoilleReKlipz, Copy them to what? So you can use them when you log into the desktop?08:00
GMachine_24ardchoille: well no i meant to copy the links you gave me. I copied everything to a file and will just delete what I don't want. Thanks again.08:00
arrenlexReKlipz: Don't you have X?08:00
ReKlipzi do08:00
unopReKlipz,  you could use script to create a transcript for you08:00
ReKlipzi have theimages on a flash drive08:00
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arrenlexReKlipz: Then why are you on tty2?08:00
ReKlipzill just rerun the commands08:00
ReKlipzi didnt want to open a terminal08:00
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unopReKlipz,  bahh08:00
musyaanybody know of a good IDE for ubuntu?08:01
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ardchoilleReKlipz, You can open a terminal and run the 'history' command to see which commands you previously ran08:01
ReKlipzIDE for what08:01
ReKlipzah ok08:01
codiok, tried rebooting, and now azureus starts up and then closes?08:01
musyaReKlipz: for Development08:01
ardchoilleGMachine_24, You use XChat?08:01
musyalike coding c,c++08:01
ReKlipzdevelopment in what language08:01
GMachine_24ardchoille: yes08:01
jwtod1does anyone know of anyone running ubuntu on an asus en8800gtx card?08:01
musyausing gnome08:01
GMachine_24ard*: I copied everything. Thanks again!08:02
ardchoilleGMachine_24, You should be able to right-click on a link in XChat and choose Open in browser from the context menu.08:02
onatswhat are graphic intensive games on linux?08:02
Beveragewikityler: okay i kind of fixed it on my own but how can i run .bashrc without my terminal going crazy>?08:02
musyai used kdevelop but i want to still with gnome08:02
unopmusya,  anjuta is a good one for C/C++08:02
HellBoundso .. any1 know bout 3G on linux?08:02
system_TUXwhy when i open 3d game , it is too slow like i didnt identify my vga card?08:02
musyai heard emacs is good but complicated to use08:02
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unopBeverage,  souce ~/.bashrc08:02
GMachine_24Hellbound: I'm ignorant. What is 3G?08:02
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ardchoilleMusic_Shuffle, emacs is a nice OS, hopefully someone will write a decent editor for it ;)08:03
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jwtod1intellij is an amazing ide. not free but worth the $L. they license it free to open source work.08:03
TieduPits the wireless cell broadband service08:03
Beverageunop: that makes it so it runs everytime08:03
TieduPfrom sprint08:03
HellBound3G is a wireless interenet connection .. mainly used in cell phones but u can get data cards for computers08:03
codii can't remember who i was talking to about azureus and jre?08:03
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unopBeverage,  runs everytime? what do you mean?08:03
ReKlipzpastebin is sooooo slow08:03
HellBoundand its what i use to connect to the net .. so if i cant get it to work in linux, then there is no point me installing ubuntu08:04
GMachine_24TieduP: That's the only 3G I knew of - I haven't kept up on it. Went to an international symposium on it on the island of Cyprus in like 1997 if you can believe that.08:04
unopReKlipz,  there's many others - i use http://pastebin.ca08:04
TieduPok i got cgywin running whats the command to get these files on my flash drive08:04
musyais eclips java based?08:04
ReKlipzarrenlex: http://pastebin.com/87490508:04
Beverageunop: no matter what when i open my terminal the errors come, but when i take my script out then its fine...i wanna know away that i can make a script run when i click the frostwire icon08:04
system_TUXwhy when i open 3d game , it is too slow like i didnt identify my vga card?08:04
unopmusya,  yep, it's one thing that makes eclipse a little slow08:04
GMachine_24HellBound: Ubuntu being different than Linux??08:04
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musyawell in that case id probably use jedit08:05
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ubotuapt-zip: Update a non-networked computer using apt and removable media. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.15 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 116 kB08:05
jwtod1anyone know of a x64 linux dist that supports asus en8800 video card?08:05
=== robert_ ./configure's quakeforge-0.5.5
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GMachine_24Hellbound: Anyway I'll be quiet as I do not know the answer to your question.08:05
gaminggeekHellBound, why do you need 3g?08:05
unopBeverage, the frostwire icon?? is that an icon on your desktop that launches something called frostwire?08:05
GMachine_24gaminggeek: because he is a tech god08:06
GMachine_24gods need 3g08:06
musyabut eclips does every language support? well most syntax?08:06
GMachine_24OFF TOPIC | Anyone planning on going to DefCon in Las Vegas in August?08:06
ReKlipzmusya, eclipse is fairly good, very "well rounded"08:06
tonyyarusso!offtopic | GMachine_2408:07
ubotuGMachine_24: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:07
gaminggeekjwtod1, I assume that is the new nvidia driver?08:07
Beverageunop: its in my internet menu, its a p2p file sharing program but for it to work i have to run a script from /usr/local/bin/ can i add ./usr/local/bin/frostwire_fix to a icon so it starts when i click it?08:07
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TieduPhow do i use apt-zip with cgywin08:07
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HellBoundi need 3G because i dont have adsl08:07
unopmusya,  it's eclipse* and yea, it has good support for most languages08:07
HellBoundand i get 3g for free08:07
jwtod1gaminggeek. looks that way08:07
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gaminggeek*new nvidia card08:07
GMachine_24Oh. It's another server or something. Sorry.08:07
HellBoundbut its kewl .. i'll post on th eforum and see what comes up08:07
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jwtod1gaminggeek i'd be happy to install x-less for now and then pull the drivers from nvidia.ocm08:07
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Riskiewhat's ubuntu?08:07
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arrenlexReKlipz: Well yeah, you're trying to copy without using sudo.08:07
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arrenlex!ubuntu | Riskie08:07
ubotuRiskie: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome08:07
system_TUXseems like gnome really sux08:08
gaminggeekjwtod1, there is a repo that has the latest nvidia drivers in it08:08
gaminggeekso yes ubuntu does them08:08
unopBeverage,  well, i was going to suggest pointing the frostwire icon's exectutable to your own wrapper script that executes the other script first and then frostwire afterrwards08:08
jwtod1gaminggeek ... where?08:08
GMachine_24Ubuntu is why I don't have to pay $$$$ to Bill Gates any more.08:08
jwtod1i need x6408:08
mindstatewhere could i get some themes for xmms08:08
ReKlipzarrenlex: so i then did sudo, and it was, weird08:08
gaminggeekjwtod1, look on the forum :)08:08
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Beverageunop: okay how would i go abouts doing that?08:08
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system_TUXany help here08:08
musyawhen i dot apt-get upgrade i get 0 not updated 0 no installed and 2 not upgraded08:08
system_TUXwhy when i open 3d game , it is too slow like i didnt identify my vga card?08:09
jwtod1gaminggeek aight. list forum?08:09
musyahow do i upgrade those two?08:09
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ardchoillemindstate, http://xmms.org/skins.php08:09
GMachine_24system_Tux: help for what? Are you still looking for help setting up a home network?08:09
ice63hay can i install my ati video card useing ubuntu ?08:09
gaminggeekjwtod1, look for nvidia driver repo on the ubuntu forum08:09
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stephanswhy is there such a lack of configuration tool sin Ubuntu?08:09
gaminggeekice63, what card is it?08:09
ardchoillemindstate, More xmms skins:  http://tinyurl.com/35mva908:09
arrenlex!ati | ice6308:10
ubotuice63: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:10
unopBeverage, errm, well, firstly create the script -- place it in /usr/bin and make it executable -- verify it works -- once you are happy -- edit the frostwire icon's entry in /usr/share/application/...08:10
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thespirithey i have a prob in my laptop anybody help me plz08:10
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arrenlex!ask | thespirit08:10
ubotuthespirit: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:10
stephansThere are plenty of tools to configure Xwindows, services, etc.. in RedHat...  Python based... easy to copy!08:10
thespiritthe thing is that08:11
stephansI dont get it... there tools are needed.08:11
thespiriti don know how to install huawei Mobile Connect08:11
GMachine_24system_Tux: I type answers to your questions in the private chat but apparently you don't see them....??08:11
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thespiritplz help me08:12
thespiritanybody there?08:12
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jwtod1gaminggeek? ... i'm not having luck w/ the forums08:12
GMachine_24thespirit: sorry. i don't know anything about huawei.08:12
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gaminggeekjwtod1, ok well have you got ubuntu installed yet?08:13
jwtod1for a repo w/ en8800 driver baked into the repo, vs downloading it and installing08:13
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jwtod1virgin system08:13
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jwtod1gaminggeek: running ubuntu on my old box. this one is new.08:13
gaminggeekwell install ubuntu the 8800 should work with the nv driver08:13
musya3danybody know what the latest kernel realese is?08:13
thespiritGMachine_24 whom shall i ask?08:13
gaminggeekand then if you want 3d get the driver08:14
TieduPhow do i use apt-zip in cgywin08:14
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GMachine_24thespirit: have you tried the forums? here if people don't have information about your topic they typically don't respond - otherwise the room would be filled with "I don't know" posts.08:14
system_iam back08:14
jwtod1gamingeek: that would be fine but i'm getting an x error "no device found" and the installation stops08:14
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system_pm me08:14
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jwtod1gaminggeek: ubuntu has always installed much more cleanly for me in the past.08:15
ReKlipzarrenlex: http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/4716/screenshotbackgroundsfiqn0.png08:15
thespiritthat is the only way to connect internet for my laptop08:15
system_pm me man08:15
gaminggeekjwtod1, oh..08:15
arrenlexReKlipz: And what does the command "file /usr/share/backgrounds/Machinae-Supremacy-Orange.png" say?08:16
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jwtod1gaminggeek: i am fsck'd at present :(08:16
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jwtod1new shiny box )08:16
lorihello all. I am continuing my assault on my wireless problems (ubuntu edgy) tonight.08:16
jwtod1dead :(08:16
gaminggeekwell send it here then :P08:16
jwtod1not that dead yet :08:16
ReKlipzfile /usr/share/backgrounds/Machinae-Supremacy-Orange.png08:16
ReKlipz/usr/share/backgrounds/Machinae-Supremacy-Orange.png: writable, executable, regular file, no read permission08:16
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jwtod1how can i install x64 curses/text?08:17
jwtod1and i'll worry about x later08:17
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gaminggeekjwtod1, I think the alternitive installer is like that but I don't know08:17
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jwtod1gaminggeek ... think the install is even finding my video card?08:17
loriwhen i load my new ubuntu install, i see the gnome keyring pop up twice.  do any of you have any idea why that happens?08:17
gaminggeekthats what happens when you get bleeding edge hardware :P08:17
ardchoillejwtod1, The alternate cd has a text-based installer.08:18
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gaminggeekjwtod1, doesnt sound like it08:18
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arrenlexReKlipz: There you go ;) sudo chmod 700 /usr/share/backgrounds/* && name=`whoami` && sudo chown ${name}:${name} /usr/share/backgrounds/*08:18
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gaminggeekbut yea that alternate cd has a text based installer08:18
rrhow to install rar ?08:18
GMachine_24thespirit are you still here08:18
mindstateardchoille, sorry for the delay , thanks :)08:18
ardchoillemindstate, You're welcome :)08:19
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jwtod1someone said kbuntu worked on an en8800. i'll give that a go first.08:19
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arrenlex!rar | rr08:19
uboturr: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free08:19
ReKlipzwhats the minimize all command in gnome? like <Super>+ M in windows?08:19
Beverageunop: okay so how would I go abouts changing the command of a icon in /usr/share/applications ?08:19
user_by golly!08:20
loriIf anyone has any insight as to why gnome keyring appears twice when starting ubuntu edgy it'd be much appreciated.08:20
GMachine_24just a general word: a lot of questions can be answered with a simple internet search. thespirit was looking for information on huawei (sp?) and linux. I searched using AltaVista and found a site with instructions that would have helped him... but he left. In short: do a little footwork before coming here.08:20
jwtod1anyone know if kubuntu feisty herd 3 is stablish?08:20
unopBeverage,  yes, under one of the directories there you should have an entry named frostwire.desktop or the like .. edit that file to reflect the change08:20
dark_lightthere are any .rmvb driver for amd64 platform (specially open source)? i don't want to install w32codecs or realplay packages just to see a video08:21
GMachine_24Can I send a message to someone who has logged off?08:21
codican anyone help me with a crashing azureus. it was sort of working until i upgraded my jre?08:21
jwtod1perhaps going 6.10 alternate text and then apt'ing gnome and then installing the en8800 from nvidia.com is the way to go.08:21
GMachine_24codi: what version of azureus; do you get crashing errors and if so what do they say?08:22
codi2.5.0.0 and yes i get some errors08:22
gaminggeekjwtod1, yea that will work08:22
GMachine_24codi: and when you say "sort of working" what does that mean - was it working or not?08:22
dark_light(actually i gave up and i am installing realplay, but this is actually a very sad thing)08:22
GMachine_24codi: what do the errors say?08:22
gaminggeekas long as you don't need any other closed drivers08:22
jwtod1cool. thx :)08:22
codiit was, torrents downloaded slow, and some trackers denied me due to an old version of the jre08:22
GMachine_24(should he post them in paste bin??)08:23
codihotspot virtual machine says an unexpected error occured08:23
user_working on it...08:23
GMachine_24codi: what version of jre are you using and what version of ubuntu08:23
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codi1.5 of the jre and 6.10 of ubuntu08:23
hdzdamn this wifi seems tricky08:24
GMachine_24codi: have you tried bittorrent and if so do you get the same result?08:24
GMachine_24codi: plus, you can always uninstall your update and can usually go back to the previous version of some software that worked for you using synaptic or command line if you are one of those types.08:25
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Beverageunop: OH snap! thanks for your help it was awwwesome!08:25
unopBeverage,  it work alright? :)08:25
GMachine_24xeno: we are here. speak.08:25
Beverageunop: works beautifully08:25
=== Mumbles mumbles something about coffie and it being to early
user_got it!08:25
unopBeverage,  cool :)08:26
xeno_well I have tried to install several times but I never make it past the inital splash screen08:26
coditrying bittorrent08:26
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Beverageunop: now i can download all the music i want...i love free stuff...opensource for the win.08:26
hdzis root passwd what you set up during install, having problems sudo root08:26
codiit's not working, but it's not not working08:26
user_parsing now...08:26
GMachine_24xeno_ you have tried to install what several times please be specific.08:26
codinow it's working, and fast08:26
xeno_ubuntu its self08:26
GMachine_24codi: bittorent?08:27
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GMachine_24xeno_ which version08:27
GMachine_246.10 lts?08:27
Beverageunop: before i leave, im trying to save my desktop resolution it keeps reverting to the original but i want it to stay at 1440x900 any ideas?08:27
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jakeyfu6.06 lts08:27
xeno_I think so one sec I have the file name08:27
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Ranbeehi, does anyone know if xchat comes pre-installed on ubuntu?08:27
mnk0anyone run ubuntu on laptops?08:28
GMachine_24ranbee: yes08:28
unopBeverage,  probably set it in gnome-display-properties and check the option to apply it globally08:28
synicmnk0: yup08:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pgp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:28
ANTDx1x-chat-gnome comes pre-installed with Ubuntu08:28
mnk0what kinda laptop ?08:28
GMachine_24xeno_ i had the same problem.08:28
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ubotugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto08:28
Ranbeethanks GMachine_24 :) and codi if you were talking to me :)08:28
xeno_I have an athlon 64 3200 and a nvidia 680008:28
codii guess i don't mind bottorrent as a client08:28
ANTDx1if you want normal x-chat, you must download it from the repositories08:28
synicmnk0: I've had it on a few, currently it's on a presario v200008:28
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mnk0ohh k08:28
user_try xcompile subcode08:28
mnk0ibm thinkpad?08:28
synicI had it on a thinkpad.08:28
Beverageunop: okay thanks im gonna quick restart see if that does it forme08:28
synic.. then it got stolen.08:29
mnk0just wonder if all hw is suppored by ubuntu08:29
mnk0bad luck08:29
mnk0sorry to hear08:29
synicthinkpads + ubuntu == great08:29
xeno_user: are you talking to me ??08:29
mnk0ohh kk08:29
synicthinkpads have some of the best linux support08:29
mnk0ohhh k08:29
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user_gotta go08:29
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RanbeeANTDx1: so the gnome-xchat comes preinstalled? it doesn't matter though. i just want to tell someone who's trying out ubuntu they can use xchat on IRC.08:29
GMachine_24xeno_ i went back and burned the .iso again but at a slower rate (like 8x) to the cdrom. began reinstall again and it worked perfect. this has happened to me with several different programs - seems if you burn them too fast, even though they verify ok, they don't install well.08:29
mnk0what about for the tumbprint shit?08:29
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synicmnk0: never used it.  Mine didn't have one.08:30
mnk0ohh kk08:30
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GMachine_24ranbee: i am using xchat now08:30
mnk0all good then08:30
Hektik_NinjaI need help on Linux Themes08:30
Hektik_NinjaI'm new to linux08:30
RanbeeGMachine_24: great, thanks.08:30
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ReKlipzmnk0, just try the live cd08:30
Kud|Is there a default password for anonymously logging into CVS servers?08:30
ANTDx1Ranbee, I believe X-chat comes pre-installed.08:30
xeno_Machine: that is interesting. what kind of drive ?08:30
mnk0nah i gonna install it08:30
Beverageunop: so that didnt work, btw im setting the resolution in my nvidia drivers program, then i click apply and save to xorg.conf08:30
mnk0and save 10g for xp08:30
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ReKlipzwell then08:30
GMachine_24ranbee: oh and it install as part of the basic 6.1 lts package08:30
ReKlipzthere you have it, lol08:30
Hektik_NinjaPlease help with linux themes08:30
GMachine_24and it's in 5.1 too08:30
mnk0all good08:30
mnk0linux themes?E08:30
mnk0just click ok08:31
ReKlipzi just installed ubuntu on my lappy08:31
mnk0and u good08:31
BeverageHektik_ninja, what do you need help with?08:31
mnk0what kinda lappy?08:31
ReKlipzits a gateway 200arc08:31
Hektik_Ninjawhat I I need to run themes exactly :/08:31
onatsis there any way to change the "theme" of the ubuntu desktop?08:31
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ReKlipzwith a 1.4GHz centrino08:31
GMachine_24xeno: must use full names to get that 'highlighted' look so people know you are responding to them. the answer: several different burners and different discs.08:31
ReKlipzonats, using beryl, yes08:31
mnk0onats yeah thers option  from menu08:31
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy08:31
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects08:31
=== guiguine [n=guiguine@ver44-2-82-242-129-161.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
BeverageHektik_ninja, www.gnome-look.com download them then go to system>preferances>themes and add then find the theme you downloaded and install ^.^08:32
ReKlipz!theme > onats08:32
RanbeeGMachine_24: right, ok, that's great. i'll let my friand know about it.08:32
GMachine_24Ranbee: 10-408:32
Kud|Is there a default password for anonymously logging into CVS servers?08:32
=== logankoeste3 [n=Logan@c-24-34-214-122.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hektik_NinjaBeverage, no program needed?08:32
ReKlipz!CVS | Kud|08:32
ubotuKud|: cvs is the Concurrent Versions System, the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system; it helps to manage releases and to control concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. See: https://www.cvshome.org/08:32
xeno_<GMachine_24>like so08:32
ReKlipzhah, i doubt that will help08:32
GMachine_24or just GMachine_2408:33
BeverageHektik_Ninja, nope this isnt windows you dont need programs to overlap your reg themes everything is free!08:33
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Hektik_NinjaOkay Thank you very much08:33
xeno_GMachine_24 I see08:33
Beverageno problem enjoy08:33
GMachine_24xeno_ it highlights in my screen, not yours08:33
xeno_I see08:33
onatswhere can i download themes?08:33
Hektik_NinjaI have windowblinds, and some more stuff on my windows (other hardrive)08:33
logankoeste3hey, I'm running ubuntu in vmware as a development lamp server (only one or two client machines) - how much ram would be best to allocate?08:33
logankoeste3it's not running X or anything08:33
ReKlipzlogankoeste3: 808:34
user_ohh kee doh! kee08:34
Hektik_Ninjawow this is a really big channel08:34
=== Hektik_Ninja just noticing
logankoeste3gee thanks ReKlipz08:34
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BeverageHektik_ninja, just for future info if you like the media center theme google Royale Theme and it will come up with one you can download it was leaked so you can get it free without any extra progs like windows blinds, one of my personal favorites08:34
ubotuelectricsheep: screensaver showing collective dream of sleeping computers. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.8-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 2668 kB, installed size 3444 kB08:35
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unoplogankoeste3,  allocate about 128MB for ubuntu and the like and whatever else your LAMP applications require08:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about whywontelectricsheepshowupingnomescreensaverlist - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:35
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logankoesterunop: sounds good08:35
ReKlipzbrb guys08:36
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onatswill this theme work with ubuntu: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/files/45837-desk-internet.svg08:36
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Beveragewow what was that?08:37
unopmass kick-off08:38
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Toma-its a netsplit. nothing to worry about08:38
Beveragewhats a netsplit?08:38
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lenoreSoo... I deleted my /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf ... any idea how I can replace this?  0_o (Yes, I'm a sharp one)08:38
Kud|in other news, anyone around that can help a noob out with "make" installs? I keep getting an error when I try :/08:38
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Hektik_Ninjawww.gnome-look.com is not a good site :(08:38
unoplenore,  purge and reinstall alsa :)08:39
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BeverageHektik_ninja what dont you like about it?08:39
Hektik_Ninjaits a google search site08:39
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nixeHektik_Ninja what would you suggest instead08:39
Hektik_NinjaI don't know :(08:39
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Hektik_Ninjathat is why I asked08:39
unopKud|,  whats the error you seem to be getting?08:39
Kud|unop: 1 sec, i'll pastebin the entire log for you08:39
darkmatterHektik_Ninja, *.org ;)08:40
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BeverageHektik_ninj, so sorry ig ave you wrong link08:40
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ReKlipzI'm using beryl as my window manager, and I'm wondering how I go about changing the look of the panels (the top bar and bottom bar) that are always shown on the screen, any ideas?08:40
Hektik_Ninjaits okay beverage08:40
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Hektik_Ninjathank you though08:40
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Kud|unop: http://pastebin.ca/33971808:40
Hektik_NinjaI downloaded one earlier, but extraction is way different on here08:40
nixewhat about xfce skins ??08:40
BeverageReKlipz, its got a bunch of pre installed ones if you want more http://www.gnome-look.org/08:41
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ReKlipzBeverage: so its these themes we've been talking about then?08:41
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Hektik_Ninjawhere is the preinstalled ones on the site if you don't mind me asking?08:41
ReKlipzi can change the window themes using the Emerald Theme Manager for beryl08:41
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Hektik_NinjaBeverage, pre installed themes?08:42
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BeverageHektik_ninja, go system>preference>themes08:43
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unopKud|,  well, does a ./configure script exist in that folder? if so, have you run it? to make sure consult the README or INSTALL files08:43
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Hektik_Ninjaokay I'm there08:43
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BeverageHektik_ninja, Im not very fond of thoughs so i downloaded and installed more08:43
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ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy08:44
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Hektik_NinjaI don't know how to install them on here though08:44
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BeverageHektik_ninja, have you downloaded the theme you want?08:44
Hektik_Ninjayes I did but its all weird :/ told me to type in a lot of commands08:44
Kud|unop: there's no configure script, or readme, or install :P08:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usbdrive - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:45
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flashdrive - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:45
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Kud|unop: website says to extract and then use make on the directory08:45
ReKlipzanyone know if i need to eject my usb drive everytime i want to remove it?08:45
Hektik_NinjaI would just incase of file loss08:46
Hektik_Ninjaits did it to me before08:46
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BeverageReKlipz, you dont have to but its a good idea, i always do08:46
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user_ weird theme submeme factoid08:46
SmAcKaSsTrying to configure wireless card on my network, but have a bit of trouble. anyone around to help?08:46
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Hektik_Ninjabeverage: I have a theme but its a .tar.bz208:47
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user_you;re magnetic ink08:47
ReKlipzhah, cool, ubuntu yelled at me for removing it without eject08:47
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lenoreAaahh... I deleted /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf and I can't possibly get sound working.. >_<08:47
BeverageHektik_ninja, okay go to system>preferences>theme>install now find that file and select it then follow basic messages08:47
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Hektik_Ninjaokay will try to do so08:48
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SmAcKaSsiwconfig finds my wireless card, but not able to get connection...08:48
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ReKlipzwhats the shortcut for terminal?08:49
jbinderi didn't think there was one.08:49
unopKud|,  README and INSTALL are case sensitive -- not the same as readme or install08:49
Hektik_NinjaI clicked open, and it just went in the folder to all of the files08:49
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Kud|unop: trust me, they're not in the directory. check your pm08:49
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BeverageHektik_ninja, hmmm thats strange, sorry im a bit of a newb when it comes to linux still sorry >.<08:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about installingthemes - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:51
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Beverageubotu, themes08:51
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy08:51
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Hektik_Ninjaits okay :/ I just wish I could get them running.  Where did you say preinstalled themes were, kinda like the preset ones08:52
lenoreHelp me. :-( I deleted my /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf and I don't know how I can replace it!08:52
=== Hit3k [n=allan@142.091.dsl.mel.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Beveragethey are in the System>Preferences>Theme just scroll up and down theres a bunch08:52
Kud|unop: are you registered?08:52
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Hektik_Ninjabut where can you get more??08:52
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unopKud|,  errm, no, but i did get your PMs .. just wondering if you have the prerequisites installed .. i.e. gtk and curl08:53
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jbinderHektik_Ninja: it gave you a few links08:53
Beveragewww.gnome-look.org .... the ones you see there are the preinstalled ones for more you have to download and install yourself08:53
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy08:53
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:53
Beverageanyway im heading to bed g'night all08:53
unoplenore,  did you reinstall alsa like i suggested?08:53
Hektik_Ninjabut I can't find preinstalled themes anywhere, I just want a dowload to be easy08:54
user_downloaded tarball. hep me08:54
jbinderHektik_Ninja: the download is easy08:54
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jbinderuser_: tarball for what?08:54
ReKlipzlenore, sudo apt-get install alsa08:54
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Kud|unop: yes sir I do :)08:54
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Hektik_Ninjaokay well installing it isn't :( its confusing to me08:54
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jbinderHektik_Ninja: eh... you just download the tar.gz, and select it in the GUI theme manager08:55
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jbinderHektik_Ninja: there is no installing08:55
jbinderjust download and select08:55
Hektik_NinjaI tried that just now and it didn't work :/08:55
Hektik_NinjaI will try again08:55
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jbinderwhat theme?08:55
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Hektik_Ninjaumm domino-0.308:55
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FantasticFoothere's this annoying key combo that i always hit, and it logs me out every time i hit it. i think its shift+backspace or something, but every time i hit it it logs me out and its really annoying. i keep hitting it08:56
FantasticFooanyone know how to disable this?08:56
unopKud|,  well according to the pastebin errors, it suggest you dont have curl libraries installed -- something like libcurl or the like08:56
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ReKlipzunder keyboard shortcuts, fantasticfoo08:56
Kud|unop: let me check08:56
jbinderFantasticFoo: ctrl alt backspace08:56
jbinderis that it?08:56
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FantasticFoojbinder: no08:56
FantasticFoojbinder: i think its just shift backspace08:56
jbinderi'm scared to try08:56
sesswhat can I use to search with beagle in gnome?08:56
jbinderon my computer it's ctrl alt backspace08:57
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sesslike a gnome beagle gui08:57
Kud|unop: I have libcurl3 installed, think forcing a downgrade might work?08:57
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ReKlipzFantasticFoo: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts08:57
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Kud|unop: nm there isn't anything to downgrade to heh08:57
FantasticFooReKlipz: thanks08:57
Hektik_Ninjafile format is invalid08:57
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unopKud|,  yep, you'll need these 3   sudo aptitude install libcurl3 libcurl3-dev libcurl3-dbg08:57
jbinderHektik_Ninja: er08:58
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Hektik_Ninjatry another?08:58
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onatshi, need some help regarding authentication keys08:58
unopKud|,  libcurl3-dev is the one required to build other software with08:58
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onatsim trying to add a repository, but it give this erro: W: GPG error: http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org edgy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 3FF0DB166A7476EA08:58
tonyyarussojbinder: pleasewatchyourlanguageanywaythanks:)08:58
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jbindertonyyarusso: lol08:58
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ReKlipzi see a space!!!!!!!!!!108:58
Kud|unop: ah I see, thanks for pointing that out. didn't realize there were dependencies. let me try this now :)08:58
jbinderReKlipz: autocomplete08:58
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ReKlipzhow do u do that?08:59
ReKlipzomg i got it08:59
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy08:59
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ReKlipzjbinder, just autocomplete all the time08:59
ReKlipzand remove th words around the space08:59
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ReKlipztry space in tty208:59
flowhat does this line nmi_watchdog=0 should do in the grub menu.list? what does'it meen?08:59
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jbinderit works09:00
unoponats,  http://diantn.free.fr/dp/?q=node/25 and search for 3FF0DB166A7476EA ..09:00
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ReKlipzhow can i asdd a shortcut to open a terminal?09:01
FantasticFooit's shift backspace allright, but its not listed under keyboard shortcuts...09:01
FantasticFoohow do i disable?09:01
ReKlipzi tried using the shortcut manager, but it didnt work09:01
unoponats,  gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv 3FF0DB166A7476EA && gpg --export --armor 3FF0DB166A7476EA | sudo apt-key add -09:01
user_subharmonic digitized amplified feedbackloop flyback implosion09:01
Hektik_Ninjaokay themes are acting really gay, it says file format invalid09:02
tonyyarusso!ohmy | Hektik_Ninja09:02
ubotuHektik_Ninja: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:02
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Hektik_Ninjaoh sorry09:02
onatsunop, ok thanks.. found a way already.. downloaded the gpg file and added it to ths package maneager09:02
jbinderHektik_Ninja: wtf? the tar.gz should be it09:02
jbinderHektik_Ninja: is the file type a tar.gz?09:02
Kud|unop: still getting that error :(09:03
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Hektik_Ninjait is tar.gz09:03
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Hektik_Ninjaand I tried a tar.bz2 also09:03
jbinderhold on09:03
Hektik_Ninjamaybe I should run my updates?09:03
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jbinderidk that shouldn't really do anything09:04
jbinderat all09:04
Hektik_Ninjawill you check it out for me please?09:04
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alex777how do I completely remove and reinstall lircd ?09:04
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alex777since when I did the first install I messed up, I want to try it again from scratch09:04
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unopReKlipz,  http://www.captain.at/howto-gnome-custom-hotkey-keyboard-shortcut.php09:04
jbinderHektik_Ninja: you are clicking "install theme..." at the top right corner of the theme preferences?09:05
Hektik_Ninjajust put the cd in and boot from alex09:05
Hektik_Ninjayes I am jbinder09:05
alex777but when I tried to reinstall it didn't create any /etc/lircd/lircd.conf09:05
Silver When i install Ubuntu will it erase my existing OS?09:05
Hektik_Ninjayes it will if you want it to09:05
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jbinderalex777: so you can make that file?09:05
Hektik_Ninjayou can partition if you want09:05
Silver i cant seem to partition?09:05
unopKud|, are you sure it's the exact same error -- a word or two can change the dynamics completely09:05
Silver i have tried09:05
alex777jbinder I guess I could09:05
Hektik_Ninjayeah I don't mess with partitions either09:05
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alex777jbinder but since the file isn't created, I'm afraid it's not the only thing missing09:06
Silver oh, i mess with em i just cant find a program lol....09:06
bpaternidoes anyone still use windows09:06
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jbinderalex777: once i had a problem like that. i just made the file and it worked fine, luckily09:06
HellBoundhey ppl09:06
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unopbpaterni,  sure09:06
Silver a friend told me it automaticly partitions, false right?09:06
Hektik_Ninjajbinder was that the one I was supposed to click?09:06
Kud|unop: don't have the pastebin or the same terminal open anymore so I can't tell, but it looks about the same09:06
jbinderalex777: sudo touch /etc/lircd/lircd.conf09:06
jbinderHektik_Ninja: yes09:06
Hektik_Ninjayeah I did :(09:06
jbinderthen you browse for the tar.gz09:06
alex777jbinder I used the guide from here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Install_Lirc_Edgy09:06
HellBoundcan some1 please help me setup a partition to install linux on...09:06
jbindertry a different tar.gz to see if maybe that file is corrupt or something09:07
unopKud|,  http://pastebin.ca/339718 :)09:07
jbinderHektik_Ninja: bz2 won't work... needs to be tar.gz09:07
Silver yes, same for me Hellbound09:07
Hektik_Ninjaoh okay09:07
Hektik_NinjaI tried 2 tar.gz's though09:07
HellBoundin PM8, do i use linux ext 2 or 3 or linux swap?09:07
Kud|unop: ty09:07
jbinderHellBound: PM8?09:07
jbinderidk what you are talking about09:07
HellBoundpartition magic 809:07
jbinderext3 for most of it09:07
jbinderHellBound: wait09:07
jbinderHellBound: you can just use the ubuntu disc to do it09:08
jbinderit is a lot easier09:08
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jbinderit does all of the paritioning for you09:08
Hektik_Ninjaext3 is what I used I think O.o09:08
jbinderyou just select a radio option button09:08
HellBoundthing is09:08
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sMaCk|away<Leaving> Reason:[auto away after 20 minutes of inactivity]  Pager:[off]  Time is now: <2:08am> <UPP>09:08
HellBoundi am trying to install it on my external hdd09:08
HellBoundand my external already has stuff on it .. and it wouldnt let me partition just the free space in the ubuntu setup09:08
Silver It does the partitioning for me? that means it wont overwrite my XP?09:09
HellBoundso i thought i would make a partition for it09:09
jbinderHellBound: i know for a fact that the ubuntu setup lets you do free space09:09
Hektik_Ninjajbinder, still didn't work :(09:09
jbinderHellBound: i did that using the ubuntu one09:09
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ReKlipzunop, I tried that, didnt work, although it showed the shortcut there09:09
jbinderHellBound: i installed it only on my free space09:09
jbinderHektik_Ninja: wtf?09:09
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HellBoundhmmm .. then it might be cause it aint reading my external properly09:09
Hektik_Ninjathis is really aggrivating09:09
jbinderHektik_Ninja: give me the URL for the tar.gz. let me try it09:09
Silver jbinder: it does all of the paritioning for you......Is that true09:09
HellBoundcause it didnt even show the main parition .. but it did identify the hdd09:09
jbinderSilver: yeah09:09
Hektik_Ninjaokay jbinder09:09
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Silver it wont overwrite XP?09:10
Kud|unop: it's actually completely different now, heh sorry. http://pastebin.ca/339746 <--new one, can't really tell where it's going wrong. I'm pretty new to linux :(09:10
Hektik_Ninjahttp://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=37030, jbinder09:10
jbinderSilver: it will only overwrite XP if you select "install ubuntu on entire harddrive09:10
user_funky tarball try gz in vi furball09:10
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unopReKlipz,  verify two things -- that you arent using an already dedicated shortcut sequence and that the command you are using can indeed be invoked in such a way09:10
jbinderSilver: select "install on unallocated/free space"09:10
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Silver but what if there isn't any?09:10
Silver i mean09:10
Hektik_NinjaI have one hd with windows xp pro, and one with ubuntu09:10
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jbinderHektik_Ninja: i get the same problem09:11
HellBoundso i wanna make a partition on my external hdd just to see if the installer sees it .. otherwise i will have to just parition my main hdd.... do i need to make a linux swap partition?09:11
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Hektik_Ninjahave you ever used one jbinder?09:11
ReKlipzRun a Terminal: <Control><Alt>B09:11
ReKlipzdoesnt work09:11
jbinderHektik_Ninja: i installed one a few weeks ago09:11
jbinderdays ago*09:11
jbinderno problem with the format09:11
Silver I have a 80 gig HD, and XP is on the main C drive. The option will just take part from the C drive? or do i have to partition myself?09:11
jbinderthe tar.gzs may be buggy... mine worked fine09:11
jbinderHellBound: the ubuntu one makes the swap automatically for you09:12
user_mine works great09:12
Hektik_Ninjai will look for another one then09:12
jbinderHellBound: but if you make it manually... yes, you need swap09:12
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HellBoundjbinder: yeah .. i just wanna try do it manualy to see if the installer can see the new partition on my external drive ... how big does the swap need to be?09:12
ReKlipz!theme > ReKlipz09:12
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Silver I have a 80 gig HD, and XP is on the main C drive. The option will just take part from the C drive? or do i have to partition myself?09:12
jbinderHellBound: how much RAM do you have?09:13
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HellBoundsilver: yeah .. it should allow u to partition some of the free space on your 80 gig to use for ubuntu and leave the rest for xp09:13
HellBound256mb ram09:13
Silveroh, thank god.09:13
jbinderHellBound: and how big is the harddrive?09:13
user_mine's huge09:13
HellBoundyeh .. and u should be able to do it in the installer09:13
Silverhow will it ask? or is that a stupid question? i just  want to know what to expect so i don't lose data09:13
HellBoundjbinder: 120gb but i am making a 10gb for linux just to check09:13
unopKud|,  even a seasoned linux user would find it difficult troubleshooting this -- it's a C++ issue -- please make sure you have the GTK dev libraries installed and also the C++ dev libraries too09:14
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Hektik_Ninjanumber4 didn't work :/09:14
jbinderHellBound: you could make a 512mb swap, or 1gb09:14
tomcatt#ubotu samba09:14
jbinderjust do 1gb to be safe09:14
HellBoundjbinder: kewl09:14
Kud|unop: will do, let me double check09:14
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HellBoundyeh .. no prob ... thanks :)09:14
jbinderSilver: i don't remember word for word09:14
HellBoundsilver: u ever paritioned a drive for xp? or in fdisk or something?09:14
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Silveri have before09:14
SilverBut my hardrive is wacky09:15
HellBoundit should be pretty self explanitory then09:15
Silvernot even my brother could get it, and he has done it before09:15
HellBoundjust read everything carefully09:15
ReKlipzunop: Run a Terminal: <Control><Alt>b, doesnt work09:15
system_which is the best torrent  downloader?09:15
HellBoundit will always warn u09:15
Silverok, bbl09:15
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Silverwill it ask in the six steps? or will that overwrite? quick check before i go09:15
unopReKlipz,  whats the exact command you are using here?09:16
tonyyarusso!rtfm | user_09:16
ubotuuser_: Words like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.09:16
flohow can i make a module load automaticaly on bootup?09:16
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jbindersystem_TUX: http://azureus.sourceforge.net/09:16
jbindersystem_TUX: that is a good torrent manager09:16
tonyyarussoflo: edit /etc/modules I think09:16
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system_TUXreally good or piece of shit?09:17
jbindersystem_TUX: ??... it's good.09:17
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Silverwill it ask about taking gigs in the six steps? or will  that overwrite it completely? quick check before i go09:17
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Kud|unop: any idea what the c++ dev libraries are offhand09:17
brianskiazureus is kind of crashy in my experience09:17
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esc-i was wondering if anyone had the time to help me out with a metacity theme installation question.09:18
esc-i have found one i like... but don't know how to install/use it.. :\ :P09:19
jbinderesc-: ok?09:19
system_TUXi have registerd my nick name09:19
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jbinderesc-: what file type is the theme?09:19
system_TUXand i want to login with it09:19
jbinderesc-: good09:19
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jbinderesc-: do you have gnome?09:19
incorrectberyl is far too cool,  i am sorry, i cant do any work today just draging windows around the cube is too much fun09:20
nixieok Im back and still having issues with the install09:20
esc-(just installed edgy last night. )09:20
jbinderesc-: k09:20
jbinderso... at the top09:20
Hektik_Ninjahmm >:(09:20
jbinderclick "System"=>"Preferences"=>"Theme"09:20
jbinderesc-: then at the top left click "Install Theme..."09:20
jbinderesc-: then navigate to the tar.gz file, and select it?09:21
unopKud|,  something like lib32stdc++09:21
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Kud|unop: thanks09:21
Hektik_Ninjaesc did it work for you?09:21
jbinderesc-: and then click Open09:21
tearlowAnyone with exceprience with NSF (Nintendo Sound File) that might be able to assist with Amarok?09:21
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esc-it did.09:21
Hektik_Ninja:( :( :(09:21
jbinderHektik_Ninja: :\09:21
esc-and i love linux even more.09:21
Hektik_Ninjanot fair09:21
jbinderesc-: good09:21
unopKud|,  it's probably lib64stdc++ if you are on a 64 bit system09:21
esc-thanks jbinder.09:21
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jbinderHektik_Ninja: :(09:22
Kud|unop: bleh there are a ton of GTK+ libraries and no i'm not on a 64bit system09:22
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Hektik_NinjaI can figure it out :)09:22
esc-i've had it for a few hours and i already want to uninstall my windows partitions.09:22
Hektik_Ninjayou guys every under slashnet?09:22
Kud|unop: any idea which ones I should get, or just get them all? -.-09:22
nixieI cant get ubuntu to install. it hangs after the inital loading screen and then turns my monitor on and off in 5 sec cycles anyone have any Ideas09:22
jbinderesc-: lol09:22
geoaxiscan a network guru (with some spare time look at this ) i have detailed my question here : http://www.gliffy.com/pubdoc/1152933/L.jpg09:22
Hektik_NinjaI have 2 hardrives windows and Linux so I'm good :)09:23
CyberCodnixie, how much ram you got on that system? and what is the video hardware?09:23
Hektik_NinjaI just want my themes to work :(09:23
nixie1gig ram and it has a nvidia 6800 by bfg09:23
jbinderHektik_Ninja: do you have gnome?09:23
Hektik_Ninjaor no?09:23
Menisknixie, I want that computer.09:23
jbinderHektik_Ninja: ummm09:23
CyberCodnixie, you could try the alternate cd09:23
Menisknixie, I have a crap graphics card.09:23
Kud|unop: I only see lib64stdc++ libraries, can't seem to find the 32bit versions09:23
nixiewhat can I do with it ??09:24
jbinderHektik_Ninja: when you click "System" at the top, does it say "About GNOME" as one of the choices?09:24
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Hektik_Ninjah/o I will tell you09:24
CyberCodnixie, you can install via a text interface09:24
nixieCyberCod Im trying to get xubuntu to install09:24
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jbinderyay xfce09:24
CyberCodxubuntu has an alternate cd as well, though with decent hardware, I find ubuntu is a much better system09:25
nixiejbinder lightweight fast and 3d09:25
unopKud|,  they seem to be listed here - http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=c%2B%2B&searchon=names&subword=1&version=edgy&release=all09:25
nixieok Ill get the alt cd and try again09:25
unopgeoaxis,  what connects the win2000 comp upto wifi?09:25
CyberCodxfce is nice for older hardware, I've just got a sweet-tooth for eyecandy09:25
Hektik_Ninjabrb gotta restart09:25
Hektik_Ninjasorry :/09:26
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Kud|unop: check pm in a sec09:26
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CyberCodcan you use compiz on xfce?09:26
esc-how is it that these clever folks have clear terminals?09:27
esc-i desire one.09:27
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geoaxisunop : I have a dlink wifi card , and wifi enabled laptop on other end, I dont know which scheme to use..infrascture etc09:27
esc-rather, transparent.09:27
FlannelCyberCod: #ubuntu-effects would probably be able to answer that09:27
MeniskCybercod, if you like eyecandy have you tried beryl.09:27
Tessadoes someone know a software which works flawlessly together with flickr and offers uploading, creating flickr albums and writing descriptions?09:27
jbinderesc-: do you have a good gfx card?09:27
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esc-so, i would assume so.09:27
CyberCodI'm just asking for curiosity's sake09:27
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jbinderesc-: you can try xcompmgr09:27
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jbinderbut that might slow down your computer a lot09:27
jbinderdepending on your hardware09:28
nixieCyberCod how differnt is the text install than say Debian??09:28
esc-it's decent, but i'd rather not.09:28
CyberCodTessa i think Flock works with Flickr09:28
unopgeoaxis,  errm, is there a wireless access point intermediate to win2000 and the wifi laptop?09:28
esc-any other options?09:28
TessaCyberCod: bus isnt that a browser?09:28
Flannelnixie: not.  Well, it's got fewer options, but really, theyre the same software09:28
jbindersome say the newer ubunty feisty will have transparency09:28
geoaxisunop : nopes , I want to have a point to point connection (I suspect its possible)09:28
CyberCodNixie, i find the text install is quicker, due to less resources being used, and you can specify your timezone instead of trying to find a city in the same timezone (which aggravates me to no end)09:29
jbinderesc-: you can also get xgl or aiglx09:29
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unopgeoaxis,  sure, although it's called an ad-hoc connection with regards to wireless09:29
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jbinderesc-: either compiz xcompmgr, or beryl09:29
Kud|esc- you could try beryl or compiz09:29
CyberCodTessa, yes, its a browser, based on firefox, that has special plugins for interacting with flickr and photbucket09:29
jbinderKud|: lol yeah09:30
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Kud|esc- either way, you're going to need to enable AIGLX with an nvidia card09:30
nixieCyberCod I hate that as well09:30
Hektik_Ninjawhere did you tell me to go?09:30
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Kud|unop: did you get my pm?09:30
unopgeoaxis,  ok, all you have to do is share the ISDN connection on win2000 for the other two to be able to get on the internet - provided IP addressing and other config options are set right09:30
esc-one sec. may have found something.09:30
Hektik_Ninjaesc can you send me a link to where you got yours09:30
AzMooHey, I have my two windows (ntfs) partitions mounted, but it seems I'm unable to share directories within those mounts. Does anybody know why? I can access everything fine, but I want to share them with samba.09:30
Hektik_Ninjalike exact link09:30
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CyberCodnixie, with the alt cd you can at least get it installed and then change the video drivers via the command line if its still having trouble using your video09:31
nixieFlannel the only reason that Im going to *buntu is because it is updated more frequently than Debian09:31
geoaxisunop:  right .... can I connect to multiple wifi cards in adhoc mode..09:31
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unopKud|,  ahh, it refers to this one libstdc++09:31
nixieCyberCod that sounds like a plan09:31
CyberCodthough I recommend either printing out instructions or having another computer nearby09:31
incorrectwhat is a good php/html editor for gnome?09:31
esc-it's dflt in edgy.09:31
geoaxisunop:  right .... or does it have to be point to point connection09:31
Flannelnixie: Download the alternate CD.  It's more robust, and the liveCD is sort of silly unless you need a liveCD, to 'test linux' or whatever.09:31
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esc-terminal > edit > profiles > edit >effects09:32
Kud|unop: I have the libstdc++5 library installed already, so I am guessing it has to be one of the GTK+ dev librariers09:32
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Kud|unop: which I have no idea which ones I would need09:32
Hektik_Ninjaesc: where did you get your theme? please help09:32
nixieFlannel sweet-action09:32
ubuntu-l1nuxhello all09:32
Hektik_Ninjawhat was the format?09:32
esc-so, no controls.09:32
esc-haven't got that far yet.09:32
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unopgeoaxis,  sure -- you can connect multiple wifi devices up in ad-hoc mode -- afaik, there is no point-to-point terminology when it comes to wifi09:33
esc-although, i'm sure gtk will work the same, someone correct me if i'm wrong.09:33
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nixieone last thing. where is a good place to find xfce themes09:33
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unopKud|,  it doenst look like a GTK issue from here .. looks like certain templates for C++ are missing tho09:33
Tom1hi. how to update gnome in 6.10 (via 7.04 repos)? what should i checked in synaptice to update all the gnome?09:33
ubuntu-l1nuxI have a problem recently, I get the following error when I try to  uplaod the apt uploads:09:33
Hektik_NinjaI can't get my themes to work at all :/\09:33
ubuntu-l1nuxFailed to fetch http://jp.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/binary-powerpc/Packages.gz  Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)09:33
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tonyyarusso!ohmy | toodrytodie09:34
ubotutoodrytodie: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:34
Kud|unop: Are templated supplied by libraries?09:34
mikeeeeeeedo as ubotu says!09:34
unopKud|,  yep, but i cant seem to find out which packages supply them tho09:34
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pppoe_dudeis dapper more stable than edgy?09:34
FlannelTom1: you don't want to do that.09:34
toodrytodiei'm soo bored......09:35
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ubuntu-l1nuxanyone can help me with apt-get09:35
Kud|unop: heh probably gonna be something ancient :P09:35
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pppoe_dudefor a production system09:35
unopKud|,  try installing this one  libstlport5.0-dev09:35
Tom1Flannel - i do09:35
Kud|unop: ok, 1 sec09:35
musya3dubuntu-l1nux:  what do you need?09:35
Tom1Flannel - gnome is stable09:35
ubuntu-l1nuxI get "Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)" when I try to upload apt-get.09:35
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unopgeoaxis,  as for getting the gentoo server visible to the internet you'll need a 3rd party port-forwarder for win2000 so it forwards required traffic on09:36
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jbinderbtw that terminal transparency isn't true transparency09:36
musya3dubuntu-l1nux: upload as in how?09:36
jbinderit doesn't show windows behind the terminal09:36
jbinderjust the wallpaper09:36
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mikeeeeeeewhats another good distro?09:36
FlannelTom1: mixing repositories isn't.09:36
musya3dmikeeeeeee: gentoo09:36
aalhamadis there thesaurus in openoffice??09:36
unopgeoaxis,  I have a very similar setup here -- but i use win2k3 and RAS instead .. it's much more versatile than what is provided by win200009:36
Tom1Flannel - i`m a programmist09:36
jbinderaalhamad: yes09:36
geoaxisunop : I have cygwin , and with it lots of unix goodies..can i use some thing open source09:36
ubuntu-l1nuxmusya3d: "sudo aptitude update" or "sudo apt-get update"09:36
mikeeeeeeedoesnt that take days?09:37
aalhamadhow can i enable it?09:37
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ubuntu-l1nuxSorry update I mean09:37
Tom1Flannel - but i don`t know what should i checked in synaptic to update gnome09:37
nixiemusya3d isnt that a pain to intall09:37
jbinderaalhamad: it doesn't appear at right click09:37
jbinderi think it is f709:37
unopgeoaxis,  errm, i'm sure there is something that cygwin can contribute -- although i'm no master at cygwin09:37
Hektik_Ninjajbinder I got one working09:37
musya3dyea it is09:37
aalhamadu can see that..09:37
jbinderlol k09:37
aalhamadi have to go to tools >> language09:37
Kud|unop: lol the list of errors is getting shorter and shorter, so you must be telling me to do something right every time :P09:38
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musya3dubuntu-l1nux: what error you get again?09:38
geoaxisunop : i am being recomended ipcop and pfsense from another channle09:38
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Hektik_Ninjawould I do the same for the mouse, icons, and borders???09:38
musya3dgentoo is for picky pros09:38
wmnhow can i change a user name?09:38
ubuntu-l1nuxmusya3d: Failed to fetch http://jp.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/universe/binary-powerpc/Packages.gz  Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)09:38
ubuntu-l1nuxReading package lists... Done09:38
ubuntu-l1nuxE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.09:38
mikeeeeeeeim an easily pleased linux noob09:38
mikeeeeeeehence, gentoo is simply not for me.09:38
unopKud|,  nice, lets see what errors you have now09:38
wmnhow can i change a user name in console?09:39
ubuntu-l1nuxmusya3d: I always get the same error for main and universe09:39
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Kud|unop: http://pastebin.ca/33975809:39
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unopgeoaxis,  well, the question to be asked is are those applications cygwin/win32 compatible09:39
mikeeeeeeesomeone sent me a computer virus in the mail once09:39
Hektik_Ninjajbinder: same for mouse, icons, and borders???09:39
musya3dubuntu-l1nux: edit your repositories, if that isnt it, i think i had this problem but we'll see09:39
nixiemikeeeeeethey basicly took debian and started updating way more often and a little spit and plish09:39
mikeeeeeeefor gentoo?09:40
jbinderHektik_Ninja: wtf?09:40
jbinderwhat did you do?09:40
CyberCodok... back, needed to switch client09:40
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jbinderHektik_Ninja: idk09:40
mikeeeeeeegood to know you didnt trip and fall09:40
jbinderHektik_Ninja: hmm hold on09:40
Hektik_Ninjaahh okay09:40
Hektik_Ninjaokay I will h/o09:40
nixiemikeeeeeee no for ubuntu09:40
ubuntu-l1nuxmusya3d: Whay should I change it to?09:40
marmer_can someone help me with this dependency please. libmcrypt, this is the error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4078/09:40
jbinderHektik_Ninja: you mean mouse pointers?09:40
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mikeeeeeeei like ubuntu so far09:40
jbinderHektik_Ninja: you use the ones that are already preinstalled09:40
jbinderidk how to add on a mouse pointer09:40
musya3dmikeeeeeee: gentoo is very cool i think, but a pain to get running, and maintaining sometimes i just stick with ubuntu bacause its easier and i have no time :D09:40
nixiemikeeeeeee anything in the *buntu universe09:41
jbinderHektik_Ninja: and icons and borders are part of themes :(09:41
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Hektik_Ninjabut if I want this theme to look like the one on site i have to do more than on package thing09:41
musya3dubuntu-l1nux: uncomment out all the commented sources09:41
Hektik_Ninjaokay thank you that is all I needed to know I think09:41
wmnis the new version of xchat available?09:41
nixiewmn yep09:41
mikeeeeeeewhat languages does linux use09:41
nixieI think09:41
mikeeeeeeeaside from java09:41
mikeeeeeeeor rather09:41
mikeeeeeeewhat are the main ones09:41
wmnnixie, can you tell from where i could get it?09:42
jbindera lot?09:42
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nixiewmn for linux? or win >09:42
ubuntu-l1nuxmusya3d: They are "main" and "universe" repositories. Do you think it is fine to comment "main" ubuntu ropository?09:42
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ubuntu-l1nuxmikeeeeeee: I believe it is C and perl09:42
marmer_for changing tag with xchat which keys?09:42
geoaxisunop : how to share inetenet connection , NAT , Proxy , Port fowarding ...09:42
mikeeeeeeeall i know is java09:42
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wmnnixie, linux09:42
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jbinderubuntu-l1nux: eh... well the only one that should be commented out is the backports one09:43
Hektik_Ninjaokay I can't get the border to work :/ don't know h ow09:43
nixiewmn xchat.org but you may have to compile from soruce09:43
jbinderHektik_Ninja: lol09:43
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unopgeoaxis,  one sec09:43
mikeeeeeeeim cluttering this chat! i must be stopped!09:43
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musya3dubuntu-l1nux: 1 sec i think yougot something wrong or i forgot09:43
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unopKud|, try this -- sudo aptitude install  libstlport5.0-dev  libstlport5.0-dbg  libstlport5.009:44
ubuntu-l1nuxjbinder: the backports are fine. the main ones are not working fine.09:44
nixiewmn current version looks like 2.8.*09:44
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geoaxisunop : this question is more on the lines of ..which is the best , most suitable option09:44
musya3dedit this09:44
ubuntu-l1nuxjbinder: I have to say I use the powerpc architecture09:44
ubuntu-l1nuxmusya3d: OK09:45
jbinderubuntu-l1nux: you have a Mac?09:45
musya3dubuntu-l1nux: /etc/apt/sources.list09:45
unopgeoaxis, to share a connection - control panel > network connections > right click connection > properties > advanced > share connection with other users on network (or something similar)09:45
Kud|unop: will do, I'll tell you how it goes in a minute09:45
hydrodoes anyone here know of someone in Shanghai, China who has solid Ubuntu installation and support experience? I need someone to help re-install MBR with grub on my friend's computer in Shanghai but I am in another country and have not been able to do this over the telephone with my friend (she is not an IT person)09:45
ubuntu-l1nuxjbinder: yep09:45
nixieumbuntu-linux power pc for desktop09:45
charlesehi does anyone know where there are instructions on compiling gtk+; I need atk pango and cairo09:45
ubuntu-l1nuxmusya3d: OK, I am already there09:45
nixieumbuntu-linux Never mind ppc = mac09:45
jbinderppc = OLD mac09:46
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jbinderyay intel macs09:46
thirdalbumSome would say "ubuntu == REAL Mac"09:46
jbinderthey are so much leeter09:46
jbinderintel macs09:46
thirdalbumSome would say "ppc == REAL Mac", I mean :-)09:46
nixiejbinder how well does umbuntu run on a mac book09:46
geoaxisunop : this option is avaialble from windows xp onwards09:46
musya3dubuntu-l1nux:  ok uncomment out he commented sources09:46
sessyech, intel mac, what a waste of money09:46
jbindernixie: an intel macbook?09:46
unopgeoaxis,  well, the best option is probably ipcop and pfsense as you said (although i dont know if they work on cygwin as well as they do otherwise)09:46
g-unotwhen i try to install ubuntu 6.10 i setup a root and swap partition and it still says no root file system selected09:47
nixiejbinder yes, fairly well?09:47
CyberCodah, much better forgot how much I like Konversation09:47
ubuntu-l1nuxmusya3d: They are not commented.09:47
jbindernixie: it works fine... no problem.09:47
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unopgeoaxis,  win2000 can share connections too -- the wording is a bit differrent albeit09:47
nixiejbinder will intel macbooks boot from firewire/usb??09:47
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jbindernixie: idk... i don't have one09:48
ubuntu-l1nuxI found Intel Mac more stable than my IBM-base PowerBook09:48
musya3dubuntu-l1nux: none of your sources were commented?09:48
ubuntu-l1nuxmusya3d: No09:48
musya3dmacs are over rated09:48
nixiejbinder then I must find a mac usere09:48
g-unotwhen i try to install ubuntu 6.10 i setup a root and swap partition and it still says no root file system selected is this a problem with 6.10 because 6.06 installs just fine09:48
jbinderi like macs09:48
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thirdalbumnixie, yes apparantly they will boot from USB or Firewire09:48
musya3donly good for editing video, better than windows,09:48
ukubuntusomeone needs to reload the ubuntuguide wiki http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Main_Page09:48
thirdalbumBye jbinder09:48
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musya3dubuntu-l1nux: ok.... did you get them previously?09:48
unopgeoaxis,  you should see this under the properties of the connection http://www.annoyances.org/pictures/articles/ics_2000_2.gif09:48
nixiemusya3d not for recording they are the bo-bomb-digity every thing just works09:48
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g-unotanybody have the same prblem?09:49
musya3dnixie: what do you mean? english?09:49
nixiethirdalbum sweet action09:49
musya3dg-unot: what problem?09:49
ubuntu-l1nuxmusya3d: I had ubuntu on this computer since Hoary and they used to work fine09:49
g-unotwhen i try to install ubuntu 6.10 i setup a root and swap partition and it still says no root file system selected is this a problem with 6.10 because 6.06 installs just fine09:49
musya3dubuntu-l1nux: err, do this, sudo apt-get update09:50
musya3dthen sudo apt-get upgrade09:50
nixiemusya3d professional recording, the industy standard is protools and it runs best on mac because of "locked in" hardware and can be speficly designed for it09:50
g-unotmusya3d does it do it for u to?09:50
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thirdalbumnixie, not quite true: The hardware is a good factor, but Apple have also designed Mac OS so it can route audio and MIDI with less latency than Windows09:51
Kud|unop: still the same undefined references. :( http://pastebin.ca/33976509:51
g-unotor did u upgrade a certain way because maybe u should do that09:51
ubuntu-l1nuxFailed to fetch http://jp.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/binary-powerpc/Packages.gz  Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)09:51
ubuntu-l1nuxFailed to fetch http://jp.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/universe/binary-powerpc/Packages.gz  Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)09:51
ubuntu-l1nuxReading package lists... Done09:51
ubuntu-l1nuxE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.09:51
scott-hey can anyone tell me the path to the kernel in 6.1009:51
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ubuntu-l1nuxI got the aboove error.09:51
ukubuntuthis is now on the ubuntuguide wiki main page == CLUBE SAFO BRASIL FRUM DE DISCUSSO SOBRE HOMOSSEXUALIDADE09:51
ukubuntuENTRE AQUI[1]  ==09:51
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dbglthi everyone09:51
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thirdalbumubuntu-l1nux, try getting rid of the "jp." from the addresses - your Japanese mirrors might be down09:52
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dbgltI'm using ubuntu on a laptop... and when I use the inbuilt keys (Fn+UP/DOWN) to toggle the screen's brightness, the brightness is adjusted... but X resets (it is as if I had just done ctrl-alt-bkspc) - any ideas what this issue could be?09:52
wmnhi how can i change my screen resolution?09:52
nixiethirdalbum very true they also dont have to worry about weather its a via or nvidia chipset. they dont have to use a broadsword they can be exact09:52
matthew1429hey guys, I'm trying not to enable root login, all I want to do is extract to a directory using archive manager and it won't let me09:52
marmer_someome can help me09:52
matthew1429what do i do?09:52
farruinnwmn: System > preferences > screen resolution09:52
esc-can't seem to start compiz... any help?09:53
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musya3dg-unot: nope09:53
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wmnfarruinn, but im using debian09:53
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dbgltesc-: #ubuntu-xgl would probably be your best bet. Try to be a bit more verbose, too09:53
matthew1429<---- noob just trying to extract into a /www dir and it says I don't have permission to do this09:53
scott-err, got dced09:53
matthew1429what do i do?09:53
ubuntu-l1nuxthirdalbum: I have tried main ubuntu.com servers09:53
ubuntu-l1nuxthirdalbum: and also us / uk and other mirrors too09:53
ubuntu-l1nuxthirdalbum: same result09:54
musya3dubuntu-l1nux: honestlty dont know, may be your apt is loosing its super cow powers09:54
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thirdalbummatthew1429: in the terminal, type: gksudo file-roller09:54
ubuntu-l1nuxI have thiis problem since 3 days ago09:54
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musya3dubuntu-l1nux: what changes have you made to your system?09:54
thirdalbumThen in File Roller, you can extract the archive to anywhere you want09:54
ubuntu-l1nuxmusya3d: I think I have to buy some new super cows... LOL09:54
wmnfarruinn,  but the max is only 840*...09:54
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wmnfarruinn, im not getting 1024*..09:55
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ubuntu-l1nuxwell, nothing... I just was abroad and was not using this laptop for 2 weeks09:55
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farruinnwmn: in that case you either need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf or run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:55
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AzMooHey, I have my two windows (ntfs) partitions mounted, but it seems I'm unable to share directories within those mounts. Does anybody know why? I can access everything fine, but I want to share them with samba.09:56
musya3dubuntu-l1nux: i would suggest reinstalling ubuntu check out ubuntu for laptops09:56
nixieNight all09:56
musya3dthat might be why, apt might not be configured properly for your laptop, i dont know much about it but i had issues with my laptop and linux as well.09:57
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aalhamadis there like a test layout in openoffice?09:57
wmnfarruinn, but its telling that xserver-xorg is not installed09:58
musya3dany way to upgrade to 6.10 from 5.04 without reinstalling?09:58
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ubuntu-l1nuxDoes anyoone knows how can I removed the package index downloaded by apt-get previously?09:58
ubuntu-l1nuxmusya3d: Thanks anyway09:58
aSt3raL_where are the grub settings?09:58
musya3dubuntu-l1nux: np09:58
farruinnwmn: you should get on #debian or a debain forum then. xorg is the default xserver for Ubuntu. You can try again with xserver-x11 instead09:59
ubuntu-l1nuxaSt3raL_: in /boot/grub/menu.lst09:59
CyberCodAzMoo, if they're not mounted with ntfs-3g then you may only be able to share them with root access, not sure though09:59
musya3dubuntu-l1nux: sorry i couldnt be of more help.09:59
ubuntu-l1nuxmusya3d: You where a great help. Thanks09:59
ubuntu-l1nuxmusya3d: were I mean09:59
matthew1429how do i change permissions with sudo?10:00
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ubuntu-l1nuxmatthew1429: what permissions?10:01
matthew1429I'm installing joomla on my apache server10:01
thirdalbummatthew1429: In the terminal, type gksudo nautilus, now you can browse the filesystem and make whatever changes you want with impunity10:01
aalhamadis there like a test layout in openoffice?10:01
matthew1429so I am doing a recursive change for the time being10:01
thirdalbummatthew1429: Just be careful :-)10:01
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matthew1429yeah, I'll put it back when I'm done hopefully10:01
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matthew1429it's nautilus great10:01
Lynoureubuntu-l1nux: apt-get clean could help, but I'm not 100% sure. Can you uncompress gzips? It looks a little like a gzip problem. If so, reinstalling that can help10:02
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matthew1429that's what I'll need if I ever need to copy/move too10:02
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system_TUXhi all10:02
system_TUXi have question here10:02
thirdalbumsystem_TUX: Go ahead10:02
system_TUXwhen u try to copy anything to /etc it says that i dont have permissions!?10:03
CyberCodmathew1429, you may also hit ALT+F2 and type in gksudo nautilus, you'll get the same effect without a terminal window hanging around doin nothin10:03
ubuntu-l1nuxLynoure: nice idea. I am going to gunzip them10:03
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system_TUXgowcome , as i copied some files to it before i reboot10:03
system_TUXhowcome , as i copied some files to it before i reboot *10:03
thirdalbumsystem_TUX, press Alt-F2 and type "gksudo nautilus", now you can copy to /etc10:03
system_TUX1 sec10:04
thirdalbumsystem_TUX: Open /etc into the new Nautilus window10:04
AzMooCyberCod, what's ntfs-3g ?10:04
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CyberCod!ntfs-3g |AzMoo10:04
ubotuAzMoo: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)10:04
FantasticFooanyone know how i can transfer my playlist from audacious to xmms?10:05
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system_TUXby the way10:05
AzMooCyberCod, that looks pretty funky, cheers.10:05
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system_TUXhow can i make my keyboeard multi language !10:05
CyberCodAzMoo, it is still in beta, but I've never had any problems with it10:05
thirdalbumsystem_TUX: What do you mean by that?10:05
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thirdalbumsystem_TUX: BTW it's handy to create a launcher on your Gnome panel for the command "gksudo nautilus", it saves you having to remember the command10:06
ubuntu-l1nuxLynoure: I can gunzip the packages index10:07
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CyberCodhehe, gksudo firefox is also good... it lets you surf about without the wife tracking your every move10:09
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devilsadvocateis there any way to disable apt-index-watch ?10:10
scott-anyone know the path if im trying to patch to the edgy kernel?10:10
marmer_someome can help me?10:10
CyberCodmarmer_ only if you actually ask a question10:10
devilsadvocate!question | marmer_10:10
ubotumarmer_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:10
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EdLinCyberCod: also a good way to make a minor exploit more serious, firefox is safer than IE, but not *that much* safer.10:10
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CyberCodtrue true10:11
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system_TUXi have another question10:11
EdLinCyberCod: add a new user instead sounds like a good idea.10:11
system_TUXwhen i open games i mean 3d games , it run too slow10:11
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system_TUXwhen i open games i mean 3d games , it run too slow , why???10:11
Lynouremarmer_: What did you need help with?10:12
EdLinsystem_TUX: have you installed 3D video drivers?10:12
CyberCodsystem_TUX:  most likely your video hardware10:12
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marmer_Lynoure:  which is the problem here?   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4078/10:12
kmitch87system_TUX: do you have 3d acceleration, drivers?10:12
system_TUXi didnt10:12
CyberCodsystem_TUX:  what is your card?10:12
system_TUXi thought linux do it automatic!10:12
system_TUXi dont really know the model10:13
system_TUXi know that it is intel10:13
CyberCodsystem_TUX:  3d support is lacking somewhat in opensource drivers10:13
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Lynouremarmer_: problem? in that pastebin file the command seemed to go fine.10:13
CyberCodsystem_TUX:  if you want good 3d support, best bet is nvidia10:13
EdLinsystem_TUX: unfortunately I'm only familiar directly with nvidia drivers, and somewhat aware of ATI drivers.10:13
CyberCodEdLin, aware of how much they suck10:14
system_TUXso what should i do at the first place?10:14
EdLinCyberCod: so I've heard....10:14
marmer_when i configure steghide says that miss lbmcrypt10:14
devilsadvocatesystem_TUX, most intel cards work pretty much out of the box10:14
devilsadvocatesystem_TUX, if you have a relativey newer card, you could look through the forums10:15
CyberCodEdLin  I created the wiki article found in ubotu's !tvout factoid... took 3 days to find the information10:15
Lynouremarmer_: you can get libmcrypt as a package, too, see  apt-cache show libmcrypt410:15
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=== EdLin has a tv tuner so he has video-in. ;-)
CyberCodthe one for ati i mean, not the nvidia one10:15
kmitch87system_TUX: open a terminal & type lspci to find your card model10:15
EdLinCyberCod: ATI used to be much better about publishing their specs.10:16
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system_TUXwell it says , Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]  /GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device10:16
CyberCodEdLin:  thats not so hard, I managed to get my TVWonder working pretty painlessly... tvout on older ati cards is extremely difficult10:16
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EdLinCyberCod: I use a PCI WinTV Happaugue card, it works great, though old kernels needed to be told what type of tuning it had.10:17
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CyberCodyeah, when I was all about Windoze, I was an ATI man all the way... but I dropped them like a hot stone when I got to Linux10:17
devilsadvocatesystem_TUX, type "glxinfo |grep rendering"10:17
marmer_Lynoure: i've already libmcrypt10:17
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CyberCodsystem_TUX:  so its onboard hardware...10:17
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marmer_but when i go to configure steghide it says that i' haven't10:18
Lynouremarmer_: you can even get steghide as a package10:18
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EdLinCyberCod: well, I've been using Linux since before PCs had affordable *2D* acceleration. :-)10:18
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onatsquestion, how do i install downloaded packages when they are in a TAR format?10:18
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marmer_Lynoure:  where?10:19
system_TUXbuilt in10:19
Lynouremarmer_: see apt-cache show steghide10:19
CyberCodyou've got one up on me, I've been using it for about five months... so more than one up, probably a couple thousand10:19
kmitch87onats: tar format is like a zip file10:19
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kmitch87onats: right click it and select to unzip it10:19
EdLinCyberCod: you seem to be pretty knowledgable anyway.10:19
onatskmitch87, yes.. so it doesnt automatically install itself right?10:19
Lynouremarmer_: It's in the universe repository10:19
onatskmitch87, or can it just run once i extract it?10:20
kmitch87onats: well if it is in tar format is is most likely source code10:20
waterhow to control mouse scroll speed10:20
kmitch87onats: which means you must compile it from scratch10:20
marmer_Lynoure:  perfect10:20
CyberCodEdLin:  thanx for the compliment  I've almost got a computer version of OCD... I've installed ubuntu (in the various different versions) on 9 PC's so far10:20
CyberCodKubuntu Xubuntu Edubuntu Ubuntu and Mint10:20
onatskmitch87, do you know of a guide to help me with programs ilke this?10:20
crazy_busI typed sudo badblocks -wp5 /dev/hda1 and it didn't come up with any messages.  Does that mean I don't have bad sectors?10:21
kmitch87onats: what are you trying to install?10:21
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waterhow to install aps drive of IBM t43 to Ubuntu edgy10:21
EdLinCyberCod: I'm a confirmed distro-hopper, but I've found Ubuntu is one of the best and its the one I always recommend or give to people.10:21
onatsfirst, DBDesigner4. but now, i'm downloading my sql gui tools. its basically in tar.gz format10:21
ArafangionI've installed dovecot, but it doesn't work:10:21
wmnwhere can i get glib version >2.0.310:21
onatsthus the question10:21
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Arafangion$ sudo invoke-rc.d dovecot restart10:21
ArafangionRestarting mail server: dovecotError: Can't use mail executable /usr/lib/dovecot/imap: No such file or directory10:21
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ArafangionHow can I fix this?10:21
wmnwhere can i get glib version >=2.0.3?10:22
waterhow to control scroll speed of mouse10:22
kmitch87onats: unzip the tar.gz archive10:22
EdLinwmn: maybe its on the gtk website.10:22
CyberCodEdLin: I think I'm gonna stick with ubuntu, the community is just so very helpful10:22
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EdLinCyberCod: yep. :-)10:23
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EdLinonats: ./configure && make && sudo make install10:23
wmnEdLin, can u name the site?10:23
CyberCodEdLin:  thats why I find myself in here trying to field the easy questions, so the gurus can concentrate on the hard ones10:23
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kmitch87onats: open a terminal and go into the directory of the extracted archive10:23
EdLinwmn: I'd have to google for gtk+10:23
EdLinwmn: probably www.gtk.org, but my memory could be wrong10:24
wmnEdLin, ok10:24
EdLinwmn: is this a package with a version in Ubuntu's repositories?10:24
onatsthere's no cnfigure file10:24
onatsbut the directory already contains executable10:24
EdLinonats: are you in the directory?10:24
kmitch87onats: try running the executable then...10:25
kmitch87onats: ...from the shell10:25
EdLinonats: nm, sorry10:25
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onatswhat's a desktop configuration file?10:25
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kmitch87onats: a desktop config file describes certain gui stuff10:26
EdLinwmn: if it's got a version in Ubuntu's repositories, run "sudo apt-get build-dep foo" on it.10:26
EdLin(where foo is the program)10:26
kmitch87onats: like how icons are displayed and other stuff like that10:26
padgeI have some questions about compiling a kernel10:26
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Arafangionpadge: Exciting.10:27
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padgeArafangion: Terrifying.10:27
system_TUXso what10:27
onatskmitch, noted10:27
kmitch87padge: what do you want to know10:27
system_TUXno hope ti fix it?10:27
CyberCodI'm getting a weird thing happening when trying to open some media files which normally are associated with VLC... it tells me that the file content shows it to be AVI and that I should only open it if I trust the source or created it myself... anyone know whats happening here?10:27
Arafangionpadge: Incorrect, it's generally a good sign when people have a question. It's a sign of intellect.10:27
EdLinsystem_TUX: your video card should be fine for running rogue. ;-)10:28
padgeI'm using the xconfig program to configure the ... whatever-it-is-that-tells-the-compiler-how-to-make-the-program.10:28
CyberCodThere are no stupid questions, but there are inquisitive idiots10:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libborqt-6.9-qt2.3.so - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:28
system_TUXEvery 1 just make fun of me10:28
padgeThe thing is, there's a good deal of it I don't understand.10:28
system_TUXno help10:28
padgeI'd like my system not to support things it doesn't have and will never have, such as the ISA bus10:29
=== Arafangion hasn't compiled a kernel since the 2.4.x days.
CyberCodsystem_TUX:  sorry I've got that on my desktop background right now... couldn't resist10:29
EdLinsystem_TUX: sorry, I couldn't resist. Maybe you can get a new video card for it, if you can disable the onboard one.10:29
padgeHowever, there are some things I don't know about, for example, MTD, or Memory Technology Devices10:29
system_TUXresist what10:29
system_TUXwho cares10:29
EdLinsystem_TUX: the joke, of course.10:29
kmitch87padge: until you get enough experience, I wouldn't try to "over customize" your kernel10:29
Arafangionpadge: If you're lucky, you'll get a brief description of an MTD in the help.10:30
padgeThere seems to be a set of defaults, many of which seem to want to make modules10:30
system_TUXshould i laugh10:30
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CyberCodresist saying a funny comment... i didn't even notice who was the butt of the joke10:30
kmitch87padge: I have tried to do the same thing and got many unbootable systems10:30
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EdLinCyberCod: I'm the butt of the joke. lol10:30
Arafangionpadge: What are you attempting to gain?10:30
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system_TUXohh , really , nice , then have fun10:30
Arafangionpadge: An extra 30 kb of ram for your 2 GB system?10:30
padgeArafangion: You're going to think this is rediculous...10:31
kmitch87padge: modules are a good thing. they are not loaded by default in the kernel. only when they are needed10:31
padgeArafangion: nVidia drivers.10:31
AzMookmitch87, well you should've backed up your original kernel before you started playing with it. There's nothing wrong with modifying your kernel, as long as you back it up first.10:31
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system_TUXi dont have to buy another vedio card10:31
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Arafangionpadge: What does NVidia drivers have to do with this?10:31
CyberCodsystem_TUX:  I would recommend an nvidia card, even an old one, over onboard graphics10:31
EdLinsystem_TUX: I feel your pain, my computer has an old TNT2 video card, lots of stuff, in spite of there being drivers, doesn't run.10:31
system_TUXi will just install windows and play on it10:31
padgeArafangion: I'm glad you asked.10:31
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ArafangionCyberCod: Would you recommand an onboard nvidia card?10:31
ImsdleI've spent my whole weekend upgrading ubuntu... only for it to fail.. installed 6.10 from scrtach after backing up my computer and now it won't load10:32
padgeArafangion: In order to install my nVidia drivers, I need headers for the version of the kernel I'm running.  I'm currently running 2.4something10:32
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kmitch87AzMoo: I do back up my kernel...10:32
wmnEdLin, thank you man im trying it10:32
AzMookmitch87, then you shouldn't have had an unbootable system...10:32
padgeArafangion: I don't want to be running 2.4something anymore since I can't find the stuff I need, and can't convince the nVidia installer where to find it10:32
Arafangionpadge: Here's the thing.10:32
Imsdleit just has an annoying curser in the top left hand corner.... then it flashes and has the mouse thing.. then freezes.. loads fine in safe mode10:32
EdLinwmn: it will provide the headers the configure script may be looking for.10:32
system_TUXbut i thik that intel chipset s not that bad!10:32
Arafangionpadge: WHenever an application needs the kernel headers, they need the kernel headers that GLIBC WAS COMPILED WITH.10:32
padgeArafangion: Besides, I want to run the bleeding edge kernel anyway... that way I'll have the headers and the nVidia installer will just shut the heck up and get on with it10:33
wmnEdLin, yah10:33
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system_TUXwhy is my torrent too slow10:33
Arafangionpadge: Good luck.10:33
system_TUXsome 1 answer me10:33
padgeArafangion: What exactly is GLIBC?10:33
=== EdLin wishes all distros would start including headers for their packages. Disk space just isn't that scarce.
CyberCodArafangion:   i never dealt with an onboard nvidia card before10:34
system_TUXit downloads with 500 bytes only10:34
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CyberCodArafangion:  so i have no opinion on that10:34
Arafangionpadge: It's the massive library that sits between the kernel and everything else.10:34
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CyberCodsystem_TUX:  is it a ubuntu disk torrent?10:34
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wmnEdLin, im on to download glib 2.8.010:35
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padgeArafangion: Does the version of GCC used to compile the kernel and the glibc play into this?10:35
ArafangionCyberCod: NVidia must be pissed at MS at the moment, eh?10:35
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Arafangionpadge: In general, you need to keep the toolchain consistent.10:35
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CyberCodI dunno... but I toss this out there for anyone wanting to install nvidia's proprietary drivers, theres a VERY nicely written script called "envy" to install those drivers automatically which can be found at http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html10:36
matthew1429for some reason changin permissions as sudo nautilus doesn't update the file permissions10:36
n0madhi hmkn where is a file containing my ifconfig and routing sets ?10:36
EdLin!search libglib10:36
matthew1429what would you guys suggest?10:36
padgeArafangion: So, does that mean that if I compile the kernel with 4.0.2 or whatever, that I should compile the GLIBC and the GNU tools with that as well?10:37
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EdLin!info libglib210:37
ubotuPackage libglib2 does not exist in any distro I know10:37
padgeArafangion: I apologize if I'm being an inquisitive idiot.10:37
matthew1429for some reason changin permissions as sudo nautilus doesn't update the file permissions what would you guys suggest?10:37
Arafangionpadge: No, it just means that if any package is asking for the kernel headers, it is not neccessarily asking for the current running kernel source code.10:37
EdLin!info libglib2-010:38
Arafangionpadge: Why don't you just add the repositories, and just apt-get install nvidia or something ;)10:38
david__Linux isn't really for the technologically challenged is it?10:38
n0madei  does someone sees me ?10:38
EdLindavid__: depends on what your needs are10:38
ubotuPackage libglib2-0 does not exist in any distro I know10:38
padgeArafangion: Well, then in the short term, before I build the experience necessary to redo the whole mess, I do want to get the drivers going10:38
Arafangionpadge: Then I suggest just using the precompiled stuff :)10:39
[maxx] how can i transcode 15 files to mpeg2 with just 1 command ?10:39
EdLinwmn: do this instead: apt-get build-dep libglib2.0-010:39
padgeArafangion: I can't answer your question because I don't know what the entire question means10:39
Arafangionpadge: Actually, last time I touched nvidia I was using Debian.10:39
=== EdLin grumbles at the weird package name
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padgeArafangion: I'm using the Synaptic Package Manager currently, and I don't see nVidia drivers10:39
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padgeArafangion: I'm not afraid of using a CLI to get things done, but I don't really know how to use apt-get and I don't know what the phrase "add the repositories" means10:40
Imsdlecan anyone help me please.... i have just installed 6.10 and can get it working in safe but not in normal10:40
Arafangionpadge: Try apt-cache search nvidia10:40
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Arafangionpadge: You need to add the multiverse and universe repositories.10:40
[maxx] how can i transcode 15 files to mpeg2 with just 1 command ? anybody an idea ?10:40
EdLinpadge: to find out how to use apt-get, use the "man" manual command. "man apt-get"10:40
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Arafangionpadge: See the topic, specifically the "commonquestions".10:41
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Arafangionpadge: And click your way thorugh to installing nvidia drivers.10:41
burepeCould updating from php4 to php5 disrupt mysql? I am having trouble installing drupal which I had worked once before I upgraded to php5.10:41
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Arafangionburepe: That is not an insignificant change.10:42
CyberCodmatthew1429:  are you trying to change the permissions of the mount folder of an ntfs partition?10:42
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burepeArafangion: can you clarify?10:44
Hobbseegezzabob: please remove the away message10:44
matthew1429CyberCod: no10:44
Arafangionburepe: php4 != php510:44
matthew1429I'm trying to change permissions of an ext3 partitions in /www10:44
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n0madhu...plz mm help me locate file with my eth0 config :S10:44
CyberCodmatthew1429:  ok, I was having that problem with an ntfs partition10:44
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matthew1429all i should have to do in nautilus is just change it to read and write and hit apply to folders contained10:45
matthew1429but it doesn't update10:45
matthew1429im installing joomla10:45
dennisthunderbird copies my emails from gmail into my thunderbird, but it cut's my emails from hotmail to thunderbird...how can i copy them just as thundb with gmail does?10:45
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CyberCoddid you try the chmod command (of which i know nothing about)?10:46
farruinnn0mad: /etc/network/interfaces10:46
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse10:46
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kairu0does anyone else think that gtk widgets are bulky or know of a way to reduce the size?10:46
Imsdlei have just installed 6.10 and can get it working in safe but not in normal10:46
Imsdleor should i go an buy vista10:46
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n0madmm and with exact comand to restart eth0*10:46
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cowbud/etc/init.d/network restart10:46
matthew1429tried chmod10:47
matthew1429and i cant get that command to work10:47
farruinnmatthew1429: what's not working with it?10:47
CyberCodmatthew1429:  sudo chmod?10:47
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assasukassehi everyone10:47
jussi01hei all - quick noob question... whats the directory that I put web pages in when I want to run a server using apache?10:47
matthew1429perhaps I'm confused by the context10:47
farruinnn0mad: ifdown eth0; ifup eth010:48
matthew1429i type in chmod --help10:48
matthew1429and dont have a solid example in help10:48
assasukassei have a problem, in my laptop, when i close the lid, the wifi speed drops to 010:48
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CyberCodi've only ever used chmod in cut and paste situations10:48
assasukasseif i am downloading something10:48
farruinnmatthew1429: what permissions are you trying to change?10:48
matthew1429I want to make a folder and everything in it have read and write permission10:48
matthew1429not delete10:48
farruinnmatthew1429: for everyone?10:48
matthew1429or execute10:48
CyberCodassasukasse:  could it be a "feature" that you can turn off in the bios?10:48
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matthew1429welll it's a joomla site10:49
farruinnmatthew1429: er... I don't think you can have write access and disallow deletion ;)10:49
matthew1429its a joomla/mambo site on my local server10:49
farruinnmatthew1429: chmod a+rw /foo10:49
assasukasseCyberCod no there is no such voice in the bios10:49
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Zap-Wanyone into iproute2 ?  anyway i can make a specific service in my linux per example l2tp-control command to look at a custom table not the main table  the main table dosent have the right default gateway for this service10:49
EdLinmatthew1429: you may be able to do that with chattr10:49
onatshi, how do i create desktop icons that are shortcuts to programs in other directories?10:50
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CyberCodassasukasse:  sorry, was just a suggestion, I don't own a laptop10:50
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assasukasseCyberCod the problem is that it doesn't go to 0 but drops alot until 5-9kb10:50
farruinnonats: right-click on the desktop and select "create launcher"10:50
padgeI think I'm hooked up10:50
padgeThanks guys10:50
=== Lattyware [n=Latty@host86-133-36-41.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
onatsfarruinn, what should be the type?10:51
CyberCodassasukasse:  could be a low power mode problem maybe? just guessing again10:51
assasukasseCyberCod i suppose that's the problem, but where should i look for the solution10:51
jussi01hei people, please help: whats the directory that I put web pages in when I want to run a server using apache?10:51
farruinnonats: application10:51
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CyberCodassasukasse:  I dunno, you may try looking for information on your particular model on how to change the lid-closing options10:52
wmnwhat is a good channel for unix shell related discussions?10:52
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EdLinwmn: #bash10:53
wmnEdLin, hanx10:53
Imsdlecan someone tell me whre i can find the error logs in a system so i can figure out what he @#$ is going on with my install10:53
EdLinwmn: np10:53
jussi01I have apache installed...where do i put the pages so they show when I log onto the website?10:53
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exsguys, where is azureus stored on ubuntu linux?..Azureus is trying to update its .jar file, but it doesn't do it properly so I'm trying to manually move the file over and replace it, although I have no idea where the original .jar file is.10:53
CyberCodi gotta go to bed people... good luck10:54
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matthew1429okay, someone helped me a TON10:54
matthew1429by typing that chmod command10:54
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matthew1429whoever it is im too tired to search10:54
farruinnjussi01: by default it is /var/www10:55
onatshow do i change the icon to be the icon on the binary?10:55
jussi01Thanks farruinn!!!10:55
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EdLinmatthew1429: lots of clients have /lastlog for that.10:55
farruinnjussi01: you can change it in /etc/apache/http.conf at the DocumentRoot line10:55
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CyberCodmatthew1429:  it was farruinn10:56
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ardchoilleOk, who shot the bot?10:56
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farruinnhis quit message was "brb" :)10:56
EdLinardchoille: it's gone. :)10:57
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CyberCodAlas poor ubotu, i knew him Horratio10:57
n0madmm with exact comand to fine shutdown ? im trying sudo shutdown (but missing something ?)10:57
ardchoilleEdLin, He's back :)  Hard to keep a good bot down.10:57
ImsdleCan someone message me.... i can't seem to install 6.1010:57
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farruinnn0mad: shutdown --help10:58
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n0madbut im not clear10:58
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farruinnn0mad: you probably want shutdown -h now10:58
n0madsudo shutdown -P ?10:58
farruinnn0mad: you have to specify a time10:58
n0mada now i geting point10:58
n0madt.y. :)10:59
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dizistaranyone know why my nvidia driver won't enable?10:59
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assasukassedoes anyone use laptop-mode ?11:03
Imsdledoes anyone here know how to get 6.10 working? mine freezes on startup after a fresh install.. installed it 3 x with 2 different disks.... im pulling my hair out..11:03
Imsdlei can start in safe mode.. and have installed ssh11:04
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system_TUXppl , what do u thing about fedoracore6?11:05
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assasukassesystem_TUX seems fine but i've never liked it11:05
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anAngelHello Beagle don't index anything from crawl files in /etc/beagle. Any help?11:06
enkiduwhat is the command that allows to convert many images at the same time from a format to another ?11:06
cafuego_enkidu: `convert'11:06
enkiducafuego_: no, convert just do one by one11:07
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cafuego_enkidu: for i in *.jpg; do convert $i $(basename $i .jpg).png; done11:08
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cafuego_disclaimer: needs quoting if filenames contain spaces11:08
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anAngelBeagle don't index anything from crawl files in /etc/beagle. Anyone any help?11:09
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enkiducafuego_: thanks a lot :)11:09
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vegan!Mark Shuttleworth11:11
ubotuMark "sabdfl" Shuttleworth is our favourite cosmonaut, the founder of Canonical and the primary driver behind Ubuntu. You can find pieces of his thinking at http://www.markshuttleworth.com11:11
amorphous_I've started trying to use the user-switching applet in gnome, but am getting full system crashes and changing ~/.dmrc permissions preventing me from getting back in when I restart my machine. I'm also using pessulus. Anyone know why this could be? I've searched but can find nothing - .xsession-errors says its evolution-alarm-notify-message -- that make any  sense?11:11
=== Arafangion just got a new spam message: Says nothing other than: "PLEASE! Don't write me anymore!", and doesn't try to sell anything, or even display any graphics or crap.
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ubotuMark "sabdfl" Shuttleworth is our favourite cosmonaut, the founder of Canonical and the primary driver behind Ubuntu. You can find pieces of his thinking at http://www.markshuttleworth.com11:12
farruinnYou can pm ubotu11:12
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n0madmmm. :S but i cant find /etc/init.d/ there is no one like that11:14
n0madwhats on this dir must be ?11:14
AMAGCould anyone tell me which package I should install to get the kernel source tree used to build the kernel on the ubuntu x86_64 alternate install disc?11:14
AMAGI need to build a driver against it11:14
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farruinnn0mad: what are you trying to do?11:15
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ewan_hi, can anyone help with booting issues for the live cd?11:16
robert_anybody here ever gotten quakeworld to work properly?11:16
farruinnewan_: there's probably someone around who can. try being more specific11:16
=== hjmf [n=hjmf@87.Red-83-40-226.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
n0madim tryed to resrt eth0 ..and i wana to save setngs of eth0 (after reboot it sets to default - im kinda new here)11:16
farruinnn0mad: are you in gnome right now?11:17
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n0madno in flux11:17
n0madso i have only abiword or console for now...11:17
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farruinnn0mad: alright, run gksu network-admin from a terminal. You can configure your settings rather easily that way11:18
Imsdlei have just isntalled 6.10 from scratch.. but can't seem to boot. i can boot and ssh and safe mode but not in normal.. i would apprechaite someones help11:18
=== kynspi [n=kynspi@nor75-19-82-244-48-35.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ewan_im having display issues with ubuntu 6.10, i get to the boot menu, choose either start or safe graphics mode and loading bar comes up fine, then goes to a blank screen for a sec with cursor blinking up the top, then the screen gets filled with bright vertical lines11:19
Imsdlethats the same!11:19
=== chavo [n=chavo@69-167-76-73.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
system_TUXthen wait11:19
system_TUXuntill the login menu show up11:19
Imsdlemine locks up11:19
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ewan_I am running Athlon XP 2800+, 1GB RAM, GF 6800XT 256MB graphics card11:20
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lesshasteanybody got a linux solution for collaborative whiteboarding?11:20
system_TUXidk , it happened with me 1 time11:20
=== Enselic` [n=martin@kr-lun-58-151-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
system_TUXalt + ctrl + f7 or f811:20
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages11:21
ewan_can anyone help?11:21
Imsdlei have cut 2 x disks and reloaded 3 times11:22
erUSULewan_: can you boot in recovery mode? when have this start happening? if you boot in recovery mode take a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:22
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n0madfarruinn, mm comand acepted but nothing hapening :S11:22
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ewan_how do you boot in recovery mode? im new to ubuntu11:23
n0madfarruinn, mm command acepted, but nothing hapening :S11:23
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swami hmm  anyone knows a humn interface fpr workong with sockets...11:23
farruinnn0mad: no output in the terminal either?11:24
n0madno nothing11:24
Imsdlewhy does mine say i have a elographics touch screen???11:24
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Imsdlein my log file.. i have a philips 10711:25
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tom47ewan_ try the failsafe option on the bootup (grub) menu .... btw in replying to someone if you include their nick yr mesage is highlighted to them11:26
geeksauceanyone running edgy eft on an intel mac?11:26
amorphous_Hi - did anyone get back to me re: the .dmrc thing above? sorry - i had another crash. It's only in gnome, but it changes the perms for all users? that normal?11:26
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ewan_tom47 thanks for the tip, but i dont have the grub menu cause im trying to boot live cd (ie. it's not installed on the hdd)11:27
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tom47ewan_ ah ok then someone may give you different advice now :)11:28
BsimsI got it working but I have a quick question how do I get gaim to stay running when I click close, I no longer get it minimized to system tray11:28
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ewan_tom47 thanks anyway, lol11:28
BsimsNever mind found it11:29
farruinnn0mad: what is the exact problem you're experiencing?11:29
n0madwhere can i find some netvorks config file to look at it ? some example on inet thx ..11:29
shaneCOI'm trying to set up my networking/ internet on my new Ubuntu installation.  when reading the documentation, I see "to activate/deactivate network connections, select your connection and click activate or deactivate".  The problem is, in network settings I don't see a "activate / deactivate" option11:29
tom47ewan_ mabe if you rephrase the question mentioning that its in relation to the livecd someone may spot it11:29
=== rage__ [n=rage@host-84-9-136-100.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ewan_im having display issues with ubuntu 6.10, i get to the boot menu, choose either start or safe graphics mode and loading bar comes up fine, then goes to a blank screen for a sec with cursor blinking up the top, then the screen gets filled with bright vertical lines (this is to boot live cd, as i haven't got it installed on hdd)11:29
=== Tom1 [i=Tom@ckc238.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
n0madfarruinn, im just wna save changes that i seting with ifconfig ant route add11:30
tom47snap :)11:30
ewan_tom47 thanks11:30
geeksaucedo i need to do anything special to install 6.10 on an x86 macbook?11:30
Tom1hi. which distro has the fastest reactions for new addons?11:30
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shadowmaneuh bonjour tt le monde11:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:30
farruinnn0mad: hrm, I should get to know those tools better. I usually just use network-admin :S11:30
riotkittie!fr | shadowman11:30
ubotushadowman: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:31
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n0madfarruinn, (after pc restart all gone.. so i ) mm maybe i dont have how to install it ?11:31
n0madwhat to look11:31
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Tomcat_Tom1: What do you mean, "new addons"?11:31
shaneCOI would really like to use Ubuntu, but if I can't get this internet thing worked out I'll have to give up11:31
Tom1Tomcat_: new gnome etc.11:31
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Tomcat_Tom1: If you are looking for something bleeding edge, you need Gentoo.11:32
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Tomcat_Tom1: Ubuntu will give you new features every 6 months.11:32
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farruinnshaneCO: you selected System > Administration > Networking, right?11:32
ewan_im having display issues with ubuntu 6.10, i get to the boot menu, choose either start or safe graphics mode and loading bar comes up fine, then goes to a blank screen for a sec with cursor blinking up the top, then the screen gets filled with bright vertical lines (this is to boot live cd, as i haven't got it installed on hdd)11:32
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jumpfroggyewan_: Know what graphics card you have?11:33
ndeehello there, I somehow fvcked up my xorg configuration, now my resolution is not set correctly etc. how can I somehow "reset" my xorg.conf file?11:33
Tom1Tomcat_: is there distro that has new official version in more little time?11:33
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Tom1tomcatt: 5 months etc.11:33
geeksauceeh, plenty of documentation on PPC macs.  don't see anything for intel.11:33
Tomcat_Tom1: As I said, Gentoo.11:33
farruinnndee: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:33
shaneCOfarruinn: yes, that gives me the network settings window and shows me Wireless, wired, and modem.  I want wired11:33
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ewan_jumpfroggy Yeah, i have a XFX GeForce 6800XT 256MB11:34
farruinnshaneCO: in that main window there should be a deactivate and activate button to the right11:34
n0madfarruinn, i checked i have gksu but it not started with your comand.. :S weird11:34
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Tomcat_Tom1: Gentoo has new stuff almost immediately. It's great fun to always have the latest bugs & security holes. ;)11:34
Tom1Tomcat_: Gentoo`s official are like betas in my opinion11:34
ndeefarruinn: I'm using xgl, so would it be xserver-xgl? I tried that but nothing happens somehow.11:34
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=== geeksauce goes for broke and attempts ubuntu install on macbook
farruinnn0mad: weird, maybe try just sudo network-admin11:34
geeksaucewish me luck11:34
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jumpfroggygood luck11:35
shaneCOfarruinn: directly across from wireless connections I have properties, and way below that there's close.  no activate deactivate11:35
jumpfroggyPost up your results somewhere11:35
Tomcat_Tom1: Well they shouldn't be betas.11:35
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Tomcat_Tom1: afaik it's only released software.11:35
geeksaucejumpfroggy will do.  if i fuxor up too bad i'll scoot over to the desktop and maybe you guys can bail me out :)11:36
farruinnshaneCO: that's pretty bizarre. Are you using feisty or something? You should have those buttons11:36
jumpfroggyyeah.  I want to get a macbook as my next notebook, but I'll prob. have to do some linux too.11:36
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jumpfroggyshane: you see 3 network connections, but do they have checkboxes to the left of each name?11:36
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srikanthssnhelp needed on remote ssh access.. i want to access my ubuntu through ssh..is there anything special that i have to do for enabling remote access on my ubuntu. Anyone have idea about configuring SmartAX Huawei modem. I guess i configured port forwarding correctly.. I guess prob is on router11:37
shaneCOfarruinn: I don't know what feisty is.  I downloaded the normal iso disk and just installed it11:37
ewan_ im having display issues with ubuntu 6.10, i get to the boot menu, choose either start or safe graphics mode and loading bar comes up fine, then goes to a blank screen for a sec with cursor blinking up the top, then the screen gets filled with bright vertical lines (this is to boot live cd, as i haven't got it installed on hdd)11:37
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jumpfroggyewan_: sorry, no idea.  Is there a text mode boot option?11:37
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masterkcan someone help me configure kismet?11:37
geeksaucejumpfroggy they're nice notebooks.  wish i had waited for core 2 duo though.  i bought this in august.  i love OSX but i'm getting spoiled.  too easy!11:38
jumpfroggyshaneCO: do you have the checkboxes next to each networking thing?  If so, that's the "activate/deactivate" option11:38
ewan_jumpfroggy not that i could find11:38
masterkor at least tell me where i can find the config file11:38
tom47ewan_ have you checked the cd???11:38
jumpfroggyewan_: hmm... no idea.11:38
jumpfroggyshaneCO: Or you could go properties, then "Enable this connection"11:38
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ewan_tom47 yeah, it works on my other PC, Core 2 Duo E6300, 1GB RAM, GeForce 7600GS11:39
shaneCOjumpfroggy: ok, I have done that, and honestly I can ping my router and my modem, but I can't get to any web sites on firefox11:39
tom47ewan_ ah ok11:39
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srikanthssn help needed on remote ssh access.. i want to access my ubuntu through ssh..is there anything special that i have to do for enabling remote access on my ubuntu. Anyone have idea about configuring SmartAX Huawei modem. I guess i configured port forwarding correctly.. I guess prob is on router11:39
esculapiusanyone knows how to chance permissions for /mnt/win11:39
jumpfroggyshaneCO: if you can ping router, then your network interface is prob. ok11:39
ewan_ im having display issues with ubuntu 6.10, i get to the boot menu, choose either start or safe graphics mode and loading bar comes up fine, then goes to a blank screen for a sec with cursor blinking up the top, then the screen gets filled with bright vertical lines (this is to boot live cd, as i haven't got it installed on hdd)11:39
esculapiusso that it could be possible open it also for a common user?11:39
jumpfroggyshaneCO: I'd check DNS next11:40
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jumpfroggygoto the DNS tab in "network settings"11:40
esculapiusanyone knows?11:40
jumpfroggywhat you have there?11:40
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shaneCOjumpfroggy: ok, how do I go about that?11:40
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jumpfroggySystem -> Administration -> Networking11:41
jumpfroggyThen, DNS tab11:41
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jumpfroggyhaesem01: hi!11:41
shaneCOjumpfroggy: ok, so what do I want to have as servers?11:41
jumpfroggyesculapuis: I faintly remember trying to do that.  You're mounting an NTFS or FAT32 volume, right?  Gotta change the mount options, maybe in fstab.  I don't think you can change the permissions after you mount, I"m not sure.11:42
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assasukasseif i want to use ondemand governor when on battery where should i edit files?11:42
jumpfroggyshaneCO: What do you have there?  I have my internal router IP address,
shaneCOjumpfroggy: right now I have nothing... i'll try my router ip11:42
jumpfroggyYeah, try that11:42
jumpfroggyif you can ping IP's, but not names, then it's your DNS config11:43
tom47ewan_ can confirm that others have run debian etch with that card11:43
Nana`hi i've tryed to take the update dapper => edgy and now i have a grey ubuntu logo on boot and it's freeze after the grey logo appears, and when i boot on another grub option i have Assembling RAID arrays Failed, Mounting file system Failed and Loading hardware drivers Failed, what can i do ?11:43
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jumpfroggytry pinging (www.l.google.com) to see if you have network connectivity11:43
asfalthello, i am running ati x1600 card, i tried so far the fglrx driver from restricted repos but don't even get to the login screen, machine hangs with corrupted screen (green and blue line). about to try manually installing the driver now, but wonder if there is anything else i can check? default installation places "vesa" driver in xorg.conf11:43
ewan_tom47 thanks, so what do i do now?11:43
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shaneCOjumpfroggy: You're the best, it's all good now.  thank you11:44
Mez!fglrx | asfalt11:44
ubotuasfalt: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:44
jumpfroggySUCCESS!!  Have fun.11:44
jumpfroggyOk, my issue: how do you configure wifi in ubuntu?11:44
Mezjumpfroggy, www.l.google.com ??11:44
jumpfroggyjust something I figured he could ping.11:44
Mezjumpfroggy, sudo apt-get install network-manager :P11:44
jumpfroggyIs that already in the Administration menu, or is it add-on?11:44
ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager11:44
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tom47ewan_ hang in there will continue hoping you get someone to actctually "help" :)11:44
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jumpfroggyk, thanks11:45
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ewan_tom47, lol, thanks11:45
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asfaltthanks mez, i did that however just realised i had left out the last step that is "sudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv"11:45
n0madegzist skype on ubuntu (in synaptic) ?11:46
jumpfroggyubotu: thanks11:46
system_TUXi heard about a programme that runs win under linux , but i dont know if ut was VM or what!?11:46
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)11:46
Mezasfalt, no problems11:46
farruinnewan_: you can try posting to ubuntuforums.org too11:46
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jumpfroggyMez: if I apt-get, will it sync with Synaptic Package Manager?11:46
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ewan_farruinn ok11:46
whadarhello. can i change the text of an existing zenity window?11:46
Mezjumpfroggy, yep, apt and synaptic use the same things11:46
Tom1Tomcat_: i need a new stable official distro11:46
ubotudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.11:46
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Tom1Tomcat_: and new ubuntu will be in april11:47
jumpfroggysystem_TUX: check out WINE (can run win programs under linux).  VMware is a way to run a whole OS under another, ie you can run Linux on windows in it's own window11:47
n0madwhy is not icludet ?11:47
Mez!feisty > Tomcat_11:47
jumpfroggyn0mad, you have to add the repository...11:47
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n0madmm :/11:48
n0madhow :)11:48
jumpfroggyhold on, looking (I just did it earlier)11:48
jumpfroggyn0mad: do this -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype11:48
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system_TUXmaybe i have problem with my VGA Card :(11:48
jumpfroggyI did it earlier, worked really easy11:48
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jumpfroggyI was surprised how quick it installed Skype, no config questions, just worke.11:48
n0mad:) thank you :)11:49
jumpfroggyoh man, I love apt-get.  So much easier than the old stuff (slackware manual package installation)11:49
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Spee_Dersystem_TUX, what's up ?11:50
jumpfroggyn0mad: np.  I did it a few hours ago, skype works pretty well11:50
Spee_DerGood morning everyone.11:50
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Tomcat_Tom1: Well, Ubuntu is stable, but you'll still only get new features every 6 months. If you want bleeding-edge (and unstable) you need Gentoo.11:50
=== Spee_Der having first coffee of the morning.
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Tomcat_Tom1: I know of no other distro that has a shorter release cycle while being stable (though this doesn't say much)11:50
Spee_Dersystem_TUX, you havin video troubles ?11:51
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reflectfor ubuntu server, what's the correct way of adding the other repositories to apt? I seem to be getting 2b/s from help.ubuntu.com right now, so I can't check :(11:51
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages11:51
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Mez!sources.list | reflect11:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wlan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:51
ubotureflect: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource11:51
riotkittieslapt-get <311:51
Tom1Enselic``: no11:51
=== emile [n=emile@cp665411-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Tom1Enselic``: better solutions is URE11:51
Mez!easysource | reflect11:52
tom47ewan_ are you there?11:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ure - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:52
ubotureflect: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:52
Enselic``Tom1: whats URE?11:52
=== Kenneth_ [n=sumfing@0x573374ef.svgnxx3.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has left #ubuntu []
ewan_tom47 yep11:52
Tom1Enselic``: Ubuntu Restricted Extras (by Canonical)11:52
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Enselic``Tom1: sounds nice, how do I get it?11:52
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tom47ewan_ there is a thread in ubuntu forums that has a suggestion that may help you ... a post on the thread by Bluedog260 .....http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=330118&page=211:53
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Mez!ubuntu-restricted-extras | Enselic``11:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-restricted-extras - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:53
Nana`hi i've tryed to take the update dapper => edgy and now i have a grey ubuntu logo on boot and it's freeze after the grey logo appears, and when i boot on another grub option i have Assembling RAID arrays Failed, Mounting file system Failed and Loading hardware drivers Failed, what can i do ?11:53
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ewan_tom47 thanks11:53
Tom1Enselic``: it`s in Feisty repo11:54
ewan_tom47 ill take a look11:54
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Tom1Enselic``: and will be (optional) part of 7.0411:54
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genzoNana, I have the same problem as you, but updating from windows11:54
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priboyinfo Nana`11:54
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Enselic``Tom1: that's great, except that I don't have Feisty...11:54
ulfstandhi, I'm having problems to get my soundcard to work (Realtech ALC888) someone that have a hint?11:54
jumpfroggyFollow-up: after I install network-manager, where would it show up in the menu?11:54
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages11:54
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Spee_Derulfstand, which distro is it in ?11:55
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ulfstandSpee_Der: etch, with 2.6.17 64-bit kernel11:55
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Tom1Enselic``: but you have acces to Feisty repo11:56
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Nana`and so how to resolve ?11:56
Nana`u don't know ?11:56
Spee_Derulfstand, ok. I would have to junt down solution.11:56
Mezulfstand, what do you mean by "problems"11:56
AlexC_Is it possible to center the page in Open Office Write like in Word?11:56
Enselic``Tom1: ah ok11:56
Enselic``Tom1: now?11:56
Spee_Derulfstand, I keep losing my sound in one program but it works in all others, go figure.11:56
AlexC_With Openoffice it's always shown to the left, instead of center which I prefer11:56
farruinnjumpfroggy: I haven't used it, but if memory serves it's a gpanel applet11:56
ulfstandSpee_Der: junt down?11:56
Tom1Enselic``i have Control Panel this way11:56
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tom47!sound | ulfstand11:56
ubotuulfstand: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:56
ulfstandMez: like, no sound at all,11:56
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Mezulfstand, gnome or KDE?11:57
ulfstandMez: gnome11:57
Mezthats easier11:57
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ulfstandtom47: thx11:57
Mezulfstand, can you pastebin the output of11:57
Mezulfstand, aplay -L11:57
Enselic``Tom1: but how do I add the Feisty repo?11:57
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Tom1Enselic``list of Feisty`s repos: http://forum.ubuntu.pl/viewtopic.php?t=16289&sid=9e804c2edadaa48134e78a223dcffac311:57
redestighi, im having my first cup of ubuntu (6.10) on my laptop. network-admin crashes on startup --- does anyone know how to solve that?11:57
genzohello, can someone help me? I'm trying to install ubuntu 6.10 but I get stuck in the installation screen where the logo is shown in grey11:58
Tom1Enselic``edit file with repos`s adresses11:58
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Mezredestig, file a bug ? ?11:58
Conrad_Hi! I'm having a problem with installing Ubuntu 6.10 DVD edition on my Toshiba M60-161 with Ati Radeon X700; when installing I see a splash screen but afterwards the screen becomes black. I tried to find something on Ubuntu forum but I found nothing. Can someone please be so kind and help me?11:58
Enselic``Tom1: well, I get my DVD almost working, the sounds works, but the screen is blue11:58
Tom1Enselic``add the Feisty`s line, simple11:58
ulfstandMez: http://pastebin.se/708211:58
jumpfroggyfarruinn: where do I get the gpanel? (sry, new to gnome)11:58
redestigMez, its already in gnome bug repository but couldnt see any posted solutions...11:58
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MezConrad_, it's due to a problem with the VESA driver selecting the wrong display mode.11:58
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MezConrad_, your best bet is the alternative install CD11:59
Tom1Enselic``: i had similiar problemm with movie files under "custom" codecs in Edgy. but URE works with it ok11:59
farruinnjumpfroggy: it's the panel at the top of your screen11:59
Enselic``Tom1: I see, thanks, ill try feisty repos11:59
farruinnjumpfroggy: right-click on it, and I think network-manager should be an option11:59
Enselic``Tom1: do you run Edgy btw?11:59
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genzohello, can someone help me? I'm trying to install ubuntu 6.10 but I get stuck in the installation screen where the logo is shown in grey11:59
Conrad_Mez:  thanks, but what do you mean by alternative install cd?11:59
ulfstandI do se that I seems to use OSS driver, and I need to change to alsa.11:59
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Mezulfstand, and aplay -l12:00
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MezConrad_, one second12:00
jumpfroggygot it, found the icon... not listing my wirless connection so far12:00
Tom1Enselic``: yes, updated Edgy with some addiotions from Feisty`s repos12:00
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farruinnjumpfroggy: my laptop has been dead for some time now, but iirc you have to add it. right-click properties, etc12:00
ulfstandMez: http://pastebin.se/708312:01
assasukassecould someone tell me why if i disable laptop-mode then my screen doesnt go off anymore12:01
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RickSeymourHello all, currently switching over from Gentoo to Ubuntu firstly for my server then (maybe) for my desktop... I have a Via C3 (Ezra)... Installed 6.10 Server.. however on harddrive boot the message Starting up flashes on then the system reboots.... ideas?12:01
genzohello, can someone help me? I'm trying to install ubuntu 6.10 but I get stuck in the installation screen where the logo is shown in grey12:01
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MezConrad_ http://gb.releases.ubuntu.com/edgy/ - see the alternative install CD section12:01
Conrad_Mez: thanks12:02
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Mezulfstand, ok, theres a start, it's registering your card12:02
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system_TUXhow to update xine ?12:03
ulfstandMez: yes. But as a alc883, the computer support said that i have a alc888. I guess they are wrong...12:03
ulfstandMez: how do I proceed?12:03
Mezulfstand, if you run alsamixer, does it show12:03
ndeehello there, how can I change the keyboard layout in gnome? I tried System -> Preferences -> Keyboard and selected my layout but it doesnt get applied.12:03
ulfstandMez: alsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: Invalid argument12:03
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Mezulfstand, 888 and 883 are more than likely the same thing12:03
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ulfstandMez: okej.12:03
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system_TUXhow to update xine ? how to update that lib?12:04
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farruinnsystem_TUX: how do you mean? sudo apt-get upgrade isn't working?12:05
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system_TUXi dont know12:05
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system_TUXbut amarok and kaffeine didnt run realplayer files12:05
Mezulfstand: cd /proc/asound && cat *12:06
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ErbIn Firestarter, under the Policy menu, the Add Rule option is greyed out.12:06
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MezErb, are you running it as root ?12:07
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ulfstandMez: http://pastebin.se/708412:07
ErbMez, no, but I tried as root and they were still greyed out12:07
EmxBAdoes anyone here have any drupal theme that might look like ubuntu-es.org, ubuntu.com or ubuntu.cz?12:07
Enselic``I have sound, but the screen is blue when I play a DVD, What can I do?12:07
MezErb, run the command "gksu firestarter"12:07
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egroEmxBA, this is english room about ubuntu...12:07
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EmxBAI know, egro , i've spent lot of time here :)12:08
SoulChildHI all: Where to copy the XMMS Skins???12:08
Mezulfstand, does gnome-alsamixer work ?12:08
genzohello, can someone help me? I'm trying to install ubuntu 6.10 but I get stuck in the installation screen where the logo is shown in grey12:08
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IlovemypuppyI just wante d to thank you guys, im not even using ubuntu but a lot of your howtos cross over and help out with debian12:08
pwuertz_hi, does someone know how to delete all data from evolution? I would like to start over and setup evolution from scratch, but deleting ".evolution" does not work12:08
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Shaffoxafter many problems my grub finally works,i get the boot menu, and when i click ubuntu, kernel (...), it says: error 21 selected disk does not exist.  What to do now ? can anyone help please ?12:09
farruinnIlovemypuppy: the same to debian! a lot of those docs are very helpful12:09
Enselic``pwuertz_: really? it really should, the data is stored there12:09
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ErbMez - I get (firestarter:23377): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:12:09
ErbAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.12:09
ErbFirewall started12:09
MezIlovemypuppy, we aim to help ;) and we are based on debian :D12:09
Enselic``pwuertz_: if you remove it from the computers there is no way evolution could have it afaik12:09
ulfstandMez: yes, but now alsamixergui.. strange12:09
IlovemypuppyI got that Forum site set up correctly with debian testing using an ubuntu howto12:09
MezErb, no ideas12:09
pwuertz_Enselic``: right, but even after deleting .evolution, it rememberes anything12:09
Mezulfstand, ??12:09
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ndeeit seems like my keyboard layout isnt applied in gnome. How can I apply a keyboard layout in gnome?12:09
ErbMez, thanks, I'll look up the error.12:09
Enselic``pwuertz_: well, then it must store that some otherplace, or you are deleting the wrong .evo12:10
MezErb, sorry, Gnome isnt my forte12:10
ulfstandMez: alsamixergui is a fltk frontend for alsamixer. but gnome-alsamixer works.12:10
pwuertz_Enselic``: ok, some cached mails are gone, but the setup are preserved12:10
pwuertz_hm ok12:10
Mezulfstand, fltk - urgh ;) :P12:10
Jowindee, set the layout in "gnome-keyboard-properties"12:10
ndeeJowi: I did set it there but it doesnt get applied.12:10
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Mezulfstand, gnome is quite resiliant ;)12:10
ulfstandMez: an other gui library :). Althoug still no sound..12:10
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Shaffox after many problems my grub finally works,i get the boot menu, and when i click ubuntu, kernel (...), it says: error 21 selected disk does not exist.  What to do now ? can anyone help please ?12:11
Jowindee, be sure to select the correct keyboard model. if it fail try the Generic 105 keys one12:11
ektaBhaskar, hello12:11
livingdaylightmy Azeurus just crashes12:11
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bat_Bonjour  tous12:12
infuhello men12:12
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ndeeJowi: I selected the Generic 105-key (Intl) PC and the Swiss German Keyboard layout but it still doesnt get applied.12:12
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Mezulfstand, is PCM selected in the input ?12:13
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Jowindee, can you poste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to the pastebin please12:13
jumpfroggywoot, got wifi working.  Thanks guys!12:13
ulfstandMez: where do I check that?12:14
EvilMikeI'm trying to bind the side buttons of my mouse (buttons 8 and 9) to be the same as pressing alt and tab on my keyboard. I want to be able to alt+tab with my mouse because I'm lazy. Is there any good way to do this? I haven't had any success12:14
Mezulfstand, not too sure, but there should be an input tab or a switches tab or something12:14
Jowindee, btw, if you select just "switzerland" does that work?12:14
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Mez!js2key | EvilMike12:15
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ndeeJowi: http://onlyfree.de/php/pasteservice/show.php?id=156312:15
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about js2key - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:15
barry__will I have sound problems if I install libasound2 1.0.13 on edgy?12:15
ulfstandMez: the only tab I have is a Realtek ALC888 tab. I got a PCM volyme control there althought, and it is at max12:16
ndeeJowi: tried Switzerland but its also not working.12:16
bat_I'm looking for someone with an ATI X200M  :)12:16
EvilMikeMez: Thanks... I'll google that I guess :P12:16
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Jowindee, what is the two letter word for your layout?12:16
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Mezulfstand, is there a checkgbox/radio button somewhere there?12:17
ndeeJowi: I think it is ch but Im not sure. with previous x-servers, it was de_CH IIRC12:17
Shaffoxcan anyone help me with grub ?12:17
MotorCityMadManunder system settings/kde components/default app/setting firefox as default will not stick. any help on this ?12:17
ulfstandMez: yes, all are checked except those "Mute" that are unchecked12:18
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ndeeJowi: Im using xgl with beryl, so that might influence something.12:18
Jowindee, "setxkbmap de" or "setxkbmap de_CH.UTF-8" work?12:18
EvilMikeMez: What is this j2skey thing? I can't find anything about it12:19
Mezulfstand, I've no idea without poking around your system12:19
Mezit should work12:19
Mez!info js2key12:19
ubotuPackage js2key does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas12:19
barry__I installed the libasound2 1.0.13 and I want to go back to libasound2 1.0.11-7ubuntu3 how do I do this?12:19
MezEvilMike, it might not be called that - lemme google12:19
ulfstandMez: :(, this sucks... I will try a bit on my own12:19
ndeeJowi: setxkbmap ch worked12:19
ndeeso do I have to put that into my "session", in the startup?12:20
ulfstandMez: thank you for yout help12:20
Jowindee, don't know why that would work and not setting it in the gnome props. yeah, you can do that.12:20
barry__any idea how to back to libasound2 1.0.11-7ubuntu3?12:20
jumpfroggyfarruinn: for some reason, I could get it to work in just Administration->Networking ( just specified the ESSID)12:20
ndeeok, cool. Thanks for the help!12:20
jumpfroggyBut network-manager doesn't recognize the wlan012:20
Mez!info joy2key | EvilMike12:20
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ubotuevilmike: joy2key: Translate joystick movements into equivalent keystrokes. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-3 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 92 kB12:20
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ndeeJowi, could I also put it in the xorg.conf as an option? Like: Option "XkbMap" "ch" ?12:21
Enselic``I have sound, but the screen is blue when I play a DVD, What can I do?12:21
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EvilMikehm from that description it doesn't sound like it can translate keyboard buttons (alt+tab) to mouse buttons but I'll look at it12:21
enyc** edgy certainly has a bug such that capslock light does not work on the console.. also note that cops behaviour is different (activates shift basically including symbols* ** -- various people hav confirmed the no-caps-led-problem. Is there a bugreport that anybody knows about ?12:21
Mez!restrictedformats | Enselic``12:21
ubotuEnselic``: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:21
enycI cant see an appropriate bug report -- this is under edgy (kernel 2.6.17 etc.)12:22
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Jowindee, you already have it there12:22
bat_I'm looking for someone with an ATI X200M  :)12:22
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farruinnjumpfroggy: that stinks. I don't know why it wouldnt' recognize it.12:23
ndeeJowi: oh ok12:23
Shaffox after many problems my grub finally works,i get the boot menu, and when i click ubuntu, kernel (...), it says: error 21 selected disk does not exist.  What to do now ? can anyone help please ?12:23
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MezShaffox, didnt the installer work /12:24
enycShaffox: that sounds like the root hd(0,0) not right....12:24
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barry_hallo deutsche hier?12:24
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Shaffoxmez, that should be oke now, i had a problem with that yesterday, and after 3 hours it should be oke now12:25
rc-1why isnt apt up to date on alot of stuff12:25
enycbarry_: there is a '#ubuntu-de'  and other such channels ...12:25
Shaffoxenyc, yes, could be, but what to do about it ?12:25
Jowi!de | barry_12:25
ubotubarry_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:25
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enycShaffox: well remember that (hd?) relates to BIOS supported disks...12:26
enycShaffox: and the ,?) is the partition number12:26
Yanchofrom where i can change the default programms to start the types pls? like .avi and .mp3 with vlc ?12:26
enycShaffox: tre using the root (hd0,0) command ... etc?12:26
semenjest ktos z polski !!!12:26
enycShaffox: you need to find which partition is your /boot or / ...12:26
Jowi!cz | semen12:27
ubotusemen: esk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.12:27
Shaffoxenyc, i have 2 harddisk on my pc, 1 big with windows, and 1 with ubuntu on it12:27
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semencze jowi12:27
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enycShaffox: then you may want root (hd1,0) or similar12:27
Shaffoxenyc, and i installed everything on the second one, the little hdd12:27
jumpfroggyfarruinn: yeah, don't know why.  Don't really need it though, I'm only going to be using one ESSID at home (media computer) so it wont matter12:27
Shaffoxenyc, how can i type that ?12:27
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jumpfroggyanother question: for a ATI Radeon 8500, where should I start looking for tv-out enabling?12:27
semenczemu mi tu nie dziaa cdrom ?? w tym linuxie12:28
enycShaffox: well try "root (hd1,0)"12:28
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enycShaffox: which means partition 0 or disk 1 (first partition on second disk)12:28
ndeeJowi: hm, it somehow doesn't work when I put it into the sessions startup. Oh well, I will figure it out sooner or later :D12:28
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EdgEymy sound is really quiet in ubuntu, i've tried alsamixer it's maxed out there12:29
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Jowindee, you run beryl with gnome or standalone?12:29
EdgEyi could just turn up the volume on my speakers but then windows would be loud12:29
enycShaffox: if you had both disks connected when you installed the system it should have set this up for you..... normally12:29
MezEdgEy, er, in alsamixer, is the "PCM" mixer up ?12:29
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MezEdgEy, turn that all the way up12:30
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bat_I'm looking for someone with an ATI X200M. does anyone use it?12:30
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semenszukam kogos z polski !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!12:31
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Jowi!pl | Jowi12:31
ubotuJowi: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl12:31
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shadowmanhello tou le monde12:32
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Mez!fr | shadowman12:32
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ubotushadowman: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:32
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theopyeanyone mind helping a poor soul?12:33
FFF34enyc, did it, but it doesn't work :s12:33
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jurajI need vu meter for xmms does anybody heav it?12:35
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Yanchofrom where i can change the default programms to start the types pls? like .avi and .mp3 with vlc ?12:35
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kairu0yancho, right click the file, properties, then choose the program12:36
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rellikhow do i mount a daa that is divided across three files? (abc.part1.daa, abc.part2.daa, abc.part3.daa)12:37
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CaffeineHey guys.12:37
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farruinnrellik: cat abc.part1.daa abc.part2.daa abc.part3.daa > abc.daa12:37
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Azeqssdoes anyone else knows a solution for grub ? when i want to boot ubuntu kernel it says 'disk does not exist'12:37
farruinnrellik: then open abc.daa12:38
[miles] good afternoon #ubuntu12:38
CaffeineI was wondering if someone could recommend me a browser that allows the viewing of thumbnails when uploading images and files?12:38
rellikfarruinn open?  I'm logged in to a console12:38
[miles] I keep seeing this error http://pastebin.ca/339888 many times when executing an application from console... anyone aware of it please? (Kubuntu 6.10)12:38
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farruinnrellik: it's an archive broken over 3 files, right?12:40
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farruinnrellik: concatenate them with that command, then mount the resulting file12:41
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YBH_1anyone know the name of the *Windows explorer* shell extension to check md5 and sha1 sums12:41
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YBH_1It is a free program12:41
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Azeqss does anyone else knows a solution for grub ? when i want to boot ubuntu kernel it says 'disk does not exist'12:42
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devilsadvocateAzeqss, what changes have you made recently?12:42
pbureauYBH_1, check http://www.freshmeat.net/12:42
amorphous_is it just me or does anyone else's machine hang when using the user switcher in gnome?12:42
NikDoofwhats the "BurnFree" option for in GnomeBaker?12:42
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geoaxisAzeqss , i gather you are not on the same machine , or same os as ubuntu12:43
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zythNikDoof,  it turns the support for Buffer Underrun Free writing  on.12:44
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Azeqssdevilsadvocate, none, i wanted to install ubuntu for the first time yesterday, i get always an error, after many hours, with some help from juano(reinstalled 3 times, coded many times again), i don't get the error anymore, but i am in the boot menu from grub, and when i press ubuntu kernel it errors12:44
zythonly some drives support it12:44
yourself_myselfhello all!12:44
Azeqssgeoaxis, what do you mean ?12:44
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[miles] ah found it12:44
NikDoofzyth, thanks12:44
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zythcdrecord man page is helpful ;)12:45
yourself_myselfdoes anyone know when will kde 3.5.6 be included in the ubuntu repositories?12:46
ndeeJowi, I run beryl with gnome.12:46
yourself_myself(will it?)12:46
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DeviadHello, I downloaded the testing version herd 3 and the installer gets stuck at some point12:47
livingdaylightcan anyone herel help me setup aMule?12:47
ulfstandhi again. Still having problems with my sound. Can someone please take a look at my kern.log I think the problem is there.. http://pastebin.se/708512:47
DeviadMy HW configuration is the following: ASUS P5B Deluxe, E6400, ATI X1800XL12:47
livingdaylighti'm out of my depth with aMule12:48
Jowindee, so using the gnome-keyboard-properties should work fine12:48
livingdaylightdon't know how to setup port in my router12:48
bubu1uklivingdaylight: what u mean u dont know how to setup port on router?12:48
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CaffeineDoes anyone know if it's possible in Ubuntu to view thumbnails when uploading images onto the web, I'm guessing it's not.12:49
artemis_a po polsku to kto tu pisze12:49
livingdaylightbubu1uk, i did test on http://www.amule.org/testport.php12:49
bubu1uklivingdaylight: can u login to router?12:50
farruinnCaffeine: in what application? Nautilus?12:50
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl12:50
CaffeineIn my web browser Farruinn.12:50
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CaffeineSay, uploading to imageshack, or Photobucket.12:50
livingdaylightbubu1uk, and i get this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4105/12:51
livingdaylightbubu1uk, yes, i can login to router12:51
farruinnCaffeine: oh, so you want the thumbnail in the open file dialog. Yeah, sorry, no idea :S12:51
ulfstandhi again. Still having problems with my sound. Can someone please take a look at my kern.log I think the problem is there.. http://pastebin.se/708512:51
CaffeineIn Winblows, I normally have the option to view thumbnails and skim through to the image I want to upload, but it doesn't do it in Firefox or Opera in Ubuntu,12:51
rc-1how is ubuntu different than debian?12:51
CaffeineOk, thanks Farruin :] 12:51
zythGrr I can't get Postal 2 to release my 2#$@ mouse w/o me quitting the game, even in windowed mode12:52
farruinnCaffeine: here's an alternative though: browse for it in Nautilus where you *do* get thumbnails, then you can drag the icon onto the open file dialog in firefox12:52
bubu1uklivingdaylight: did u setup router? did u try it?12:52
CaffeineNautilus eh? Ok, thanks man.12:52
livingdaylightbubu1uk, i don't know how to12:52
yourself_myselflivingdaylight: depending on your router you have to set it up to allow connections on 466212:52
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bubu1uklivingdaylight: can u login to router?12:52
yourself_myselfthis is typically referred to as NAT12:52
livingdaylightyourself_myself, yes, i am looking for someone to tell me how to12:52
livingdaylightbubu1uk, yes12:53
yourself_myselfcan you see anything like it in the router's menu?12:53
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bubu1ukcan u get to section firewall there?12:53
livingdaylightbubu1uk, i don't have firewall in ubuntu12:53
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bubu1uklivingdaylight: firewall setup on router.12:54
CaffeineHey, that did help. Thanks Farruinn, you're awesome :] 12:54
bubu1ukwhat router u have?12:54
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livingdaylightbubu1uk, yes, and 'block unrequested internet requests' is unticked12:54
Azeqssguys, i want to overwrite grub with windows installer, how to do that ? what command do i have to type in windows recovery thing ?12:55
yourself_myselflivingdaylight: judging by the error message you need to setup Port Forwarding (NAT) on the router12:55
bubu1uklivingdaylight: u have to setup on incoming connection to open port 4662 and point it to IP address of ur ubuntu box.12:55
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:55
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yourself_myselflivingdaylight: tell us the make and model of your router so we can help you better12:56
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livingdaylightyourself_myself, Linksys wrt54gs12:56
yourself_myselflet me see12:57
erUSULAzeqss: fixmbr iirc12:57
jurajhi i know it's not topic but my k3b doe's not read my mp312:57
bubu1ukjuraj: it is ok to ask this here. doesnt k3b need plugin for that?12:57
erUSULjuraj: install libk3b2-mp312:57
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CaffeineK3b never did when I was in Suse >_>12:57
livingdaylightyourself_myself, yea, don't know how to setup port forwarding (NAT) if that is what i need12:57
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erUSULlivingdaylight: install a firewall front end12:58
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).12:58
livingdaylightbubu1uk, that is way beyond me. Perhpas if you break it down and help me12:58
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yourself_myselflivingdaylight: ok, i'm checking to see how it's done on your router12:58
erUSULlivingdaylight: firestarter can configure nat and port forwarding12:58
livingdaylightbubu1uk, is what your suggesting different from what yourself_myself is saying. Or is it the same thing?12:59
bubu1ukyourself_myself: do u know that linksys model so u can help him better step by step. i use netgear. dont remember how exactly it's on linksys12:59
bubu1uklivingdaylight: same12:59
yourself_myselfbubu1uk: no, i dont. i'm searching the docs :-)12:59
bubu1ukerUSUL: no need for extra firewall. just easily setup port forwarding. :)01:00
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livingdaylighterUSUL, i need a firewall frontend? is that a gui? Are you implying that i have firewallrunning underneath the hood anyhow? but need the frontend to manipulate settings?01:00
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livingdaylightbubu1uk, so, 'No' i don't need firestarter?01:01
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ZaggynlAny sound guru's in here?01:01
bubu1uklivingdaylight: no u dont need extra firewall if u got one in router.01:01
ZaggynlLies, It's never wrong to use firestarter01:02
livingdaylightbubu1uk, aha!^^ and Linksys does, doesn't it?01:02
erUSULlivingdaylight: read the ubotu msg, yes all linux kernel have fw built in but if you need to enable nat in another machine (a router) you will have to check the manual for that machine to see how it is done... if it is the ubuntu box the one acting as router then yes install firestarter and give it a spin01:02
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yourself_myselferUSUL: don't confuse him, he doesn't need forwarding ON his maching, he needs forwarding on the router to get TO his machine01:02
livingdaylighterUSUL, but bubu1uk just said i didn't need to?01:02
livingdaylightyourself_myself, ok, thanks01:03
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erUSULyourself_myself: that's what i just have said... in my last msg01:03
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SoundGuyhow do i add users as admins so they can do sudo ?01:05
yourself_myselflivingdaylight: you need to go to the "Applications and Gaming" tab of the menu01:06
erUSULSoundGuy: add them to the admin group01:06
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SoundGuyhow ? by editing passwd ?01:06
yourself_myself(supposing you have the latest wrt54gs, version 6)01:06
SindriHeyya, guys. I just installed ubuntu for the first time.01:06
erUSULSoundGuy: System>Admin>Users and groups01:06
JowiSoundGuy, "adduser username admin"01:06
SoundGuyi'm on server01:06
SindriI have a really fast question for you. :)01:06
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erUSULSoundGuy: there is a gui to do all that stuff01:06
ZaggynlAny sound guru's in here?01:06
SoundGuyi'm sans X01:06
SindriI can't get my screen resolution off of 640 x 480, nor can I get my refresh rate above 60 Hz.01:07
JowiSoundGuy, "sudo adduser username admin"01:07
erUSULSoundGuy: then use the comand jowi show you01:07
erUSUL!fixres | Sindri01:07
ubotuSindri: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:07
SoundGuyi've already aded the user01:07
livingdaylightyourself_myself, not sure of the version01:07
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Sindrisystem > preferences > screen resolution only gives the options of what I already have.01:07
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yourself_myselflivingdaylight: no matter, is there a tab named "applications and gaming"?01:07
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JowiSoundGuy, "adduser username admin" will add username to the admin group01:07
livingdaylightyourself_myself, its relatively new, a year and a half or so01:07
livingdaylightyourself_myself, indeed01:07
SindriThanks, erUSUL. :)01:07
FearMothhow can I remove the totem package without all of ubuntu-desktop being removed also? Totem was installed when I installed ubuntu-desktop package on a server install. I'm running Edgy if that matters.01:07
yourself_myselflivingdaylight: go there01:08
storkmehelp, i can't get tv-out working :(01:08
SindriThough I didn't need the definition of X, the url will hopefully be helpful. ;)01:08
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livingdaylightyourself_myself, done01:08
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yourself_myselflivingdaylight: now do you see many text boxes?01:08
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livingdaylightyourself_myself, sure01:08
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MarcoPauthis is stupid: I just installed ubunti and it didn't ask me to set a root pwd... how do I su now??01:08
yourself_myselflivingdaylight: you need to enter in the first line the following01:08
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yourself_myselflivingdaylight: application: amule01:09
JowiFearMoth, ubuntu-desktop is a meta package and can safely be removed01:09
erUSUL!sudo | MarcoPau01:09
ubotuMarcoPau: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:09
yourself_myselflivingdaylight: start: 466201:09
ubotuk/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.01:09
FearMothJowi: thanks01:09
yourself_myselflivingdaylight: end: 466201:09
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yourself_myselflivingdaylight: protocol: TCP01:09
MarcoPauerUSUL: huh? it works differently from debian?01:09
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yourself_myselflivingdaylight: IP: here you enter the internal IP address of your machine01:10
livingdaylightyourself_myself, and tick enable, yes?01:10
erUSULMarcoPau: yes your first user is in the admin group and she can sudo by default01:10
yourself_myselflivingdaylight: if you don't know it, we'll find it01:10
yourself_myselflivingdaylight: yes01:10
erUSULMarcoPau: read the ubotu msg and the help page01:10
MarcoPauerUSUL: mm? strange... so am I not supposed to use the first user regularly for security issues?01:11
bubu1ukMarcoPau: root user is disabled by default for security.01:11
MarcoPauyeah I'm reading01:11
yourself_myselflivingdaylight: note that the IP must be the *internal*  one, typically 10.0.0.x or 192.168.0.y ...01:11
livingdaylightyourself_myself, i thought it was but it said invalid I.P address01:11
bubu1ukMarcoPau: u can enable it tho. but no need to. ;)01:11
yourself_myselfok let's find it01:11
yourself_myselflivingdaylight: open up a terminal01:11
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bubu1uklivingdaylight: is routers IP. u'll probably have something like .2 at end. depends how many machines u have.01:12
livingdaylightyourself_myself, /me loves yakuake01:12
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erUSULMarcoPau: yes you can use this user regularly that's the whole point of sudo...01:12
yourself_myselflivingdaylight: and type: ifconfig eth001:12
bubu1uklivingday: ifconfig command in terminal01:12
JowiMarcoPau, safer that way. if you enable root password a hacker only need to find the root password. with sudo he need to find a valid user on the system + its password and hope it got admin rights.01:12
yourself_myselflivingdaylight: then you'll see something like:01:12
yourself_myselflivingdaylight: (basically many lines, but one like this:)01:13
psycosehi, does mkswap -c /dev/hdXY avoid bad sectors when creating the swap partition ?01:13
yourself_myselflivingdaylight:           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
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yourself_myselflivingdaylight: NOT the inet6 one, if any01:13
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livingdaylightyourself_myself, this is what i got http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4106/01:14
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:14
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bubu1uklivingdaylight: command ifconfig (without eth0) and give us output01:14
yourself_myselflivingdaylight: ok, then eth0 isn't your interface01:15
yourself_myselflivingdaylight: type simply ifconfig01:15
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yourself_myselflivingdaylight: what do you get?01:15
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livingdaylightyourself_myself, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4107/01:16
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livingdaylightbubu1uk, thx01:16
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ltibor65I have an Asus laptop. I use skype 1.3 I hear the voices of others, but the others don't hear my voice? What can the problem be?01:16
yourself_myselflivingdaylight: then you're on wlan001:16
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livingdaylightyourself_myself, yes!01:16
yourself_myselflivingdaylight: and you see your IP as
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yourself_myselflivingdaylight: that's the IP to enter01:17
MarcoPauok thanks, see ya01:17
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livingdaylightyourself_myself, ok01:17
yourself_myselflivingdaylight: so now click to save settings and try again01:17
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RickSeymourHi... having issues getting ubuntu 6.10 to install on my server... instantly reboots...01:17
aliesomeone please help me01:18
yourself_myselflivingdaylight: has this fixed the problem?01:18
andcoralie: ask your question01:18
livingdaylightyourself_myself, let me hit the test page again01:18
yourself_myselflivingdaylight: ok01:18
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:18
ltibor65How can I record sounds with microphone in ubuntu?01:18
aliei dont know how to change my screen resolution to 1280x80001:18
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livingdaylightyourself_myself, yipppy!01:18
aliethere're only 640x480, 600x800 res01:19
bubu1uklivingdaylight: good01:19
Jowialie, what video card do you have?01:19
andcoralie: which graphic card are you using ?01:19
Shaffoxi was rally excited for installing ubuntu and trying it, but after all this problems, i give up, i guess i'll stay with windows :s01:19
livingdaylightbubu1uk, yourself_myself you guys are great, thx!01:19
alieintel 945M01:19
livingdaylightyourself_myself, the line inet addr: tells me this is my internal IP address?01:19
alecjwhi. does anyone know what the closeest linux equivelant to apple's garage band (http://www.apple.com/ilife/garageband/) is?01:19
Jowialie, you need to install 915resolution from the universe repository01:20
aliei can use 1280x800 in windows01:20
aliebut cant in ubuntu01:20
livingdaylightbubu1uk, and now i'm ready to go with aMule?01:20
andcortry dpkg-reconfigure xserver-Xorg in an terminal01:20
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Jowiandcor, no no no.01:20
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wmncan anyone tell how can i uninstall a an installation done using make install01:20
andcorJowi: why01:21
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yourself_myselflivingdaylight: yes, it tells you the IP of the interface, in our case wlan0 which is your wireless01:21
bubu1uklivingdaylight: u should be. try it. :)01:21
Jowialie, after you have installed 915resolution you will need to manually put the resolution into xorg.conf. in a terminal type "gtf 1280 800 60 -x"01:21
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Jowiandcor, I got the same chipset. the resolution he wants won't be there01:21
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SindriCOOL! Thanks for the help. :)01:22
Jowialie, tell me when you're done with what I told you or tell me to repeat/rephrase if you don't understand01:22
SindriScreen resolution looks great now. I just need to get the refresh rate up and running. ^_^01:22
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alieooh ic01:22
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aliehow to isntalled 925resolution :D01:23
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DeviadI'm having some troubles with Ubuntu 7.0.4 herd 3 installation.01:23
Jowialie, have you enabled the universe repository before?01:23
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aliei dont know how to do that01:24
erUSUL!repos | alie01:24
ubotualie: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource01:24
aliethis is my first time use linux01:24
alieand i like it so much01:24
DeviadI have tried to install that both from my IDE DVD device and another IDE device plugged into the USB port via an IDE to USB connector01:24
Jowialie, then that's the first step. read the link that ubotu just spat out01:24
aliei think i'm falling in love with linux01:24
Deviadcan you pls help me to do start the installation?01:24
k0phello. In live cd of ubuntu it found wifi networks, but after installation it don't found anything... is it a know trouble?01:24
RickSeymourWhere can i download the -386 kernel?             I'm currently installing the -server distro and at grub the machine reboots (Via c3)01:25
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livingdaylightbubu1uk, on www.jamendo.com one can download using bittorrent or emule. When i hit the download with emule bottton i get a dialog pop up telling me that: "Firefox doens't know how to open this address, because the protocol (ed2k) isn't associated with any program"  ??01:25
erUSULDeviad: why not trying firts with the *stable* version ??01:26
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mr_danielI have copied a complete DVD on my harddisk, with all .ifo .vob and .bup files01:26
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erUSULDeviad: Herd is not even *beta*01:26
DeviaderUSUL, I thought 7.0.4 had a more updated kernel01:26
mr_danielnow, how I can see this files like a normal DVD01:26
farruinnDeviad: latest isn't always greatest01:26
mr_danielwith menu and so on01:26
erUSULDeviad: yes it has but it has a lot more bugs too01:26
mr_danielis there any good program, which can help me ?01:26
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erUSULDeviad: also for help with her #ubuntu+1 is the right channel01:28
bubu1uklivingdaylight: dont know that. u might need plugin for firefox or something. some links on web doesnt' work exactly as in windows cuz of diff between programs.01:28
LattywareHey, I'm running Ubuntu with the nVidia drivers, and I want to know how I can make the primary monitor change.01:28
DeviaderUSUL, ok, thx for the info. :)01:28
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LattywareAt the moment, the left one displays the login screen etc... and I want it on the right.01:28
erUSULDeviad: no problem ;)01:28
LattywareAnyone know the answer?01:28
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Shaffoxi was rally excited for installing ubuntu and trying it, but after all this problems, i give up, i guess i'll stay with windows :s it's kinda sad, isn't it ..01:28
LattywareShaffox: What problems?01:29
psycoseWe have the following configuration Client1 run a remote gdm xdmcp session at boottime on Server1. The problem is i don't know how can i shutdown Client1 (because of the remote gdm session on Server1) any tips ?01:29
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Shaffoxlattyware, especially with grub01:29
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LattywareHow so?01:29
bubu1ukShaffox: not patient enough?  typical windoze user. :p01:29
Shaffoxdude, yesterday i was busy with it for 8 hours01:30
PeterSkeetyor obsessively persistant beyond reason = linux users :)01:30
Shaffoxrebooting,reinstalling,waiting etc01:30
PeterSkeetyI class my self as that :)01:30
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livingdaylightbubu1uk, so nothing to do with configuration and setting up of aMule anylonger?01:30
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bubu1uklivingdaylight: dunno what u mean. if u can start downloading? yes u should be able.01:31
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livingdaylightbubu1uk, well, i tried to explain exactly what happens when i hit download botton on jamenda.com01:31
livingdaylightbubu1uk, how else can i tell if i canstart downloading or not?01:32
gnomefreak.win 2001:32
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Shaffoxbubu1uk, now tell me again i'm not patient enough ><01:32
bubu1uklivingdaylight: u can use amule client to download when u connect to one of p2p networks.01:33
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AMAGHey guys, installation question01:33
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bubu1uklivingdaylight: do u have amule gui installed? or just console version?01:33
livingdaylightbubu1uk, is jamenda.com not a p3p network?01:33
LattywareHey, I'm running Ubuntu with the nVidia drivers, and I want to know how I can make the primary monitor change.01:33
livingdaylightbubu1uk, gui01:33
LattywareAt the moment, the left one displays the login screen etc... and I want it on the right.01:34
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AMAGI'm installing from 6.10 x86_64 alternate media, but it doesn't support my 3ware 9650SX raid controller.  I built a 3w-9xxx.ko module that loads into the installer's kernel so I am now able to partition my disk, etc.01:34
bubu1uksuppose it is. as i said. in firefox u need somehow to setup let it point that kind of link to program (amule) u want to use.01:34
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AMAGI'm probably going to need the kernel to have the 3ware driver so I can boot the system though, so I may need to build a new kernel ....01:34
livingdaylightbubu1uk, yes, i'm looking in preferences (don't knw where else) but don't see any link for that. Also in ubuntu system /preferences01:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ed2k - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:35
bubu1ukthought so. :p01:35
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bubu1uklivingdaylight: give me a sec.01:36
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bubu1uklooking 4 it01:36
livingdaylightbubu1uk, sure01:36
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bubu1uklivingdaylight: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/609/01:37
bubu1uklivingdaylight: not sure if it will help01:37
livingdaylightbubu1uk, ok, let me see01:37
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bubu1ukbut points links ed2k:// to emule (posibly amule?)01:37
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bubu1uklivingdaylight: also read 2nd comment on that page. says bout edonkey and linux. might help01:38
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bat_re all01:39
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Shaffoxare  there other linux distributions that may actually work without the problems ?01:39
bat_Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".01:39
skivehi all01:39
bat_cel signifie?01:39
bubu1ukShaffox: maybe SuSe or Fedora.01:40
masshow i can stop sniffing on tcpdump01:40
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skivecan anybody help me with openvpn setup? i've got some problems...01:40
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RomanKHi all!01:40
bubu1ukalthought, fedora might work 'out of box' bit less that ubuntu01:40
EdgEyum, how can i disable spell-checking in X, i don't know what's causing it01:40
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EdgEyred wavy lines under text, annoying01:40
Jowibat_, that DRI is not enabled. run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and press "yes" when asked about DRI.01:40
RomanKI'm looking for a non-QT-Alternative for Gaim. I use Jabber, ICQ and MSN. Any suggestions?01:40
RomanKtelepathy doesn't look ready yet :P01:41
AlexC_RomanK: Gajim for Jabber, or aMSN for MSN01:41
Jowibat_, si vous besoin aide en francais va a #ubuntu-fr01:41
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massRomanK: PSI?01:41
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RickSeymourDoes anyone have a kernel/initrd with 586/via c3 as the processor type... ie ... not 68601:42
lesshasteare there any good collaborative whiteboard solutions for linux?01:42
RomanKmass: psi is qt01:42
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JowiRickSeymour, via epia motherboard?01:44
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Shaffoxbubu1uk, what do you recommend ?01:44
bouterhi   anyone here with exp in wifi-radar?01:44
AlexC_!anyone | bouter01:44
ubotubouter: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:44
RickSeymourJowi: Yes indeedy01:44
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ZaggynlHow do I disabled ESD?01:45
bubu1ukShaffox: as 4 beginner? Suse probably01:45
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Shaffoxbeginner yes, allright, i think i'll give that a try, next week or so ><01:45
bouterI upgraded from dapper to edgy today but my wireless connection is being a pain01:45
RickSeymourCan i actually use Ubuntu (ie prebuilt) distro or am I going to have to build things from source with 586 instructions01:45
JowiRickSeymour, using dapper?01:45
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bouterI 'm used to using wifi-radar and it works great01:46
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bouterbut now it' s not responding01:46
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livingdaylightbubu1uk, in the comments you pointed me to. The second set of instructions'right-click' new character chain' ? My experience is when i right click i have under new 3 options: 1.string 2. Integer, 3 Boolean. I hit new boolean and inserted the first part of the hack but not sure how to complete his instructions01:46
RickSeymourJowi: ubuntu-6.10-server-i386.iso01:46
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bouterI see my network but I can ' t connect to it    clicking it to configure my WEP andso  just doesnt work01:46
bouterit' s like it' s not repsonding01:47
JowiRickSeymour, hmmm, thought that c3 was enabled in the 686 kernel...01:47
RickSeymourJowi: oh i think thats edgy01:47
RickSeymournope... its CONFIG_M68601:47
RickSeymourmy system just reboots after grub (or during grub.. i cant tell)01:47
bubu1uklivingdaylight: it's actually 3rd comment. sorry.  and it's in comments on that page i gave u. comment is called edonkey and linux.01:47
livingdaylightbubu1uk, would new character chain be the same as 1.String? new string?01:47
bouterI installed networkmanager  and I can connect to my network with that     but I allways have to enter a password to unlock (keyring...)01:48
livingdaylightbubu1uk, sorry, yes, that is what i was following, did i say second? my mistake01:48
livingdaylightbubu1uk, so, ignore Second comment. I followed the 3rd comment01:49
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Shaffoxbubu1uk, i have tried it with ubuntu 6.06, you think 'll have to try 6.10 ? would that matter/go better ?01:49
RickSeymourBug 59338 i think01:49
bubu1ukShaffox: might do. what kinda problem u had? with grub?01:49
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Shaffoxyes, first a grub error file not found01:50
bouterI can press the edit button for my connection   but it not doing anything01:50
JowiRickSeymour, think you need to build your own kernel unfortunatley01:50
bubu1uklivingdaylight: Rigth click and select new boolean value:01:50
RickSeymourcrappy crap :) i think i'll still use ubuntu.....01:50
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Shaffoxafter an hour of 3 searching and many reinstalling, i finally get the boot menu, but when i click boot linux, it says disk not found, but that can't be, tried like everything i could, :s01:50
bubu1uklivingdaylight: u also might need to restart browser.01:50
JowiRickSeymour, I did it in beezy and wrote a how-to so that is no use for you (hopelessly outdated that guide)01:51
RickSeymourcan i chroot into an installed ubuntu system and build a kernel with make menuconfig? what commands do i issue once chroot'd01:51
livingdaylightbubu1uk, that was the first part of his hack. I did that. Now the second part: Right click again and select new charachters chain: When i right-click i dont' see that choice. I have string, integer, and boolean. Would new string correspond to new character chain?01:51
bubu1uklivingdaylight: boolean? it says in instructions boolean. dunno never did that.01:52
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RickSeymourie does ubuntu have gcc make etc etc to build source01:52
AlexC_RickSeymour: sudo apt-get install build-essentials01:52
chrisx86hi, can i select which components to install with the "alternate install cd" ?01:52
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chrisx86anybody used it?01:52
AlexC_I think that's how you spell it lol :P01:52
RickSeymourjowi: would you like me to post the kernel somewhere once its built01:52
AlexC_chrisx86: no you can't, afaik01:52
livingdaylightbubu1uk, he gives two instructions or two parts the first is entering new boolean and the second new character string01:52
livingdaylightbubu1uk, i did the first part stuck on the second part. Or was it either /or?01:53
bubu1uklivingdaylight: dunno, never played with it.01:53
chrisx86AlexC_ damn now the download has nearly finished ;) , i want a clean ubuntu , i think the standart is too overloaded too many apps etc but i like the community and the repos :)01:53
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livingdaylightAnyoen here know what new character sting is?01:53
JowiRickSeymour, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild01:54
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Shaffoxbubu1uk, what do you think?01:55
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livingdaylightbubu1uk, if you use firefox would you try in a new tab typing -   about:config and then see when ou right-click whether you get the option new character chain? Maybe it was different in firefox 1.5 but i don't have that option when i right-click01:55
RickSeymourjowi: hmmm i think i'll try the make menuconfig route :)01:56
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livingdaylightbubu1uk, i'm still wondering whether new string is the same as new character chain?01:56
RickSeymourdoes ubuntu HAVE to have a initrd?01:56
JowiRickSeymour, this is outdated but you might want to use it for reference when you select what you want in the kernel https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ViaEpiaDriHowto01:56
bubu1uklivingdaylight: might be01:56
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RickSeymourJowi: much appreciation for the help i'll let you know of any differences to the config options01:57
kenthomsonCan someone tell me how can i use a new mouse pointer theme and how can i use a new GDM theme?01:57
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bubu1ukShaffox: did u setup partitions and mount points correctly?01:58
bubu1ukShaffox: at install01:58
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DasporHello people01:59
JowiRickSeymour, the only thing you need to be careful about is to select the mounse as a module and not compile it in. if you compile it in, Xorg will not find the mouse. must be a module.01:59
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Shaffoxbubu1uk, i have 2 seperate harddisks, so i set it up at one01:59
kenthomson Can someone tell me how can i use a new mouse pointer theme and how can i use a new GDM theme?'01:59
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Shaffoxbubu1uk, and and yes, ive been reinstalling it with help of juano, and it really was right01:59
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kenthomsonCANT ANYONE HELP ME02:00
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bubu1ukShaffox: well u can give it try with suse or ubuntu 6.10. hard to say, if that will solve problem.02:01
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Shaffoxbubu1uk, pfft, :s, i just want to have linux on my second disk :s i hadn't espected it would be so hard, everyone said it was so easy etc :s02:02
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bubu1ukShaffox: i have ubuntu + win on 2 hdds02:03
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Shaffoxbubu1uk, yeah, and i want that too, but it just won't work :s02:04
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grogoreois it best to use CMSMS's inbuilt pretty URIs or use Apaches Rewrite ones?02:05
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Fleebailey33how come i can't copy files larger then 4 gigs to FAT3202:05
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pinchmeshsudo is ok, but how do i add a root passwd??02:07
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Jowi!root | pinchmesh02:07
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SpareXXanyone can recommend a video editing program that is almost like sony vegas for ubuntu?02:08
pinchmeshi can't get to /etc/group to edit it unless i'm root02:08
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Jowipinchmesh, "sudo -i" will give you a root shell02:08
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pinchmeshah, cool... leme try it02:08
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dreckslordhey dudes02:10
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dreckslordis there someone who could help me to install acerhk drivers?02:10
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pirate-kinganybody have a nvidia 5200 and has configured drivers for it?02:10
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Red-SoxHi I need to mount a windows drive from the live CD02:11
Red-SoxI'm in the live CD right now02:11
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pirate-king<Red-Sox> you can't02:12
Red-Soxerror: device /dev/sda1 is not removable02:12
Red-Soxerror: could not execute pmount02:12
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Red-Soxwhen I try to click on it in nautilus:02:12
Red-Soxerror: device /dev/sda1 is not removable02:12
Red-Soxerror: could not execute pmount02:12
JowiRed-Sox, find what is the name of the partition you want to mount. open a teminal. type "sudo -i", type "mkdir /windows", type "mount /dev/yourwindowspartition /windows"02:13
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Red-SoxJowi: you mean like sda1?02:14
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JowiRed-Sox, yes02:14
pirate-kingjowi can you do that from live cd?02:14
Red-Soxso it's /dev/sda102:14
JowiRed-Sox, you should know :)02:14
Jowipirate-king, should work fine.02:15
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pirate-kingok I learnt something02:15
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pinchmeshk, got it.. thanks02:15
JowiRed-Sox, not sure if you will have write capabilities if it is an NTFS partition but you should be able to read from it.02:15
SpareXXwhat should i type as space in the terminal?02:15
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JowiSpareXX, what do you mean?02:16
Mightily-Oatshas anyone had experience with usb headsets in linux (or routing sound from one sound card to another?)02:16
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jt_a7x_3How can i go about setting Ubuntu 6.10 or 6.06 on my laptop, it has disk troubles, so I can't use a CD.02:16
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SpareXXJowi, when i'm typing etc wine jfjef/jerje kk/dfo it stops at jfjef/jerje if you understand02:17
dreckslordneed help plz qry02:17
erUSUL!install | jt_a7x_302:17
ubotujt_a7x_3: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues02:17
erUSUL!ask | dreckslord02:17
ubotudreckslord: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:17
JowiSpareXX, use quotes. wine "fjsfsdj/fjdajfdla fjlakjfds" works02:17
jt_a7x_3erUSUL, thanks for directing that to me.02:17
SpareXXJowi,  ok, thanks02:17
dreckslord-.- pros... then help me to install my wlan02:18
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Supre_Mehello! I'm trying to convert a .img to a .iso, because as far as I know I can't burn a img file the same way as I burn an iso file. I'm using ccd2iso to convert it but I get the error: "Segmentation fault (core dumped) any help on this? thanks02:18
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Kirkhello! I am a fresher. It seems that my microphone dose not wock when I use skype.02:18
Mightily-Oatshas anyone had experience with usb headsets in linux (or routing sound from one sound card to another?)02:18
maRz`can some one please help me, im pressing the letters U I O J K L and M , but only numbers 1 to 6 are comming up on my screen02:19
maRz`do i have to disable somthing ?02:19
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Mightily-OatsmaRz`: ur on a laptop?02:19
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pirate-kinganybody have geforce fx go5200 drivers installed?02:19
KirkAre you using a laptop?02:19
pirate-kingyes I am02:19
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Mightily-Oatsis there a function button that enables and disables the extra keys?02:20
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maRz`thats what i have come here for02:20
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AMAGdoes the partitioning tool on the ubuntu installer disc ("partman") not work with > 2TB volumes?02:20
Kirkyou can use the ken Fn+num to switch.02:20
AMAGI'm having serious problems with it02:20
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neo_Bah, anyone up to helping me out with the troubles I have with this nvidia driver isntallation.02:20
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breedar1ppl ... does anyone know how to open a password protected pdf?02:21
pirate-kingwhich nvidia card neo????02:21
Mightily-OatsmaRz`: usually there is a button around somewhere that u press to enable and disable extra keys on the keyboard... but u could go to systemsettings and change ther keyboard there02:21
neo_GeForce 680002:21
neo_I installed it from the guide....(The binary drivers, btw)02:22
Jowibreedar1, acroread?02:22
pirate-kinghmmm I got the Go520002:22
neo_But after changing the "nv" to "nvidia" in the xorg.conf guide it won't boot up02:22
breedar1does anyone know how to open a password protected pdf?02:22
pirate-kingyeah my drivers only gave me one resolution02:22
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Jowibreedar1, try with "acroread" (Adobes acrobat reader)02:23
breedar1mmm let me try02:23
breedar1oks ill try02:23
pirate-kingIm running the beta drivers02:23
Mightily-Oatshas anyone had experience with usb headsets in linux (or routing sound from one sound card to another?)02:23
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pirate-kingbut my screen is a wide screen'02:23
Thug-N-Mewhere do i have to copy a script to be loaded at boot ? its a iptables script02:24
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dreckslordwho is my hotplug agent looking for firmware?02:24
alecjwneo_, did it install the 386 kernel?02:24
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Supre_Mecan gnomebaker burn .IMG files?02:25
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KirkWhen I install the kde and then uninstall it I found that the ie6 can start. anybody can tell my why?02:25
KirkWhen I install the kde and then uninstall it I found that the ie6 can't start. anybody can tell my why?02:25
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alecjwKirk, do you still have the cabextract package?02:26
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neo_Yeah, that's what my guide told me to do.02:26
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alecjwneo_, and are you using it?02:27
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KirkI use the firefox,ie6 only for some special webs? now it can't start it.02:28
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dreckslordI need help installing the ieee80211 subystem, the 2200bg firmware and driver02:29
Thug-N-Meanyone sing iptablesl log web based ?02:29
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neo_When I isntall the binary drivers, it goes great02:29
neo_I do the ctrl + alt + backspace02:29
neo_And it still works02:30
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neo_I see the nvidia logo02:30
neo_And all that02:30
neo_But then when I do a full restart.....02:30
neo_X Server doesn't start02:30
Mightily-Oatshas anyone had experience with usb headsets in linux (or routing sound from one sound card to another?)02:30
alecjwneo_, using the same kernel?02:30
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neo_Says it "Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module"02:30
neo_I think so....02:30
neo_How can I check what kernel I'm using?02:30
neo_I mean, I'm using the i38602:30
Thug-N-Meno one ? dam cannot belive this ;)02:30
neo_I downloaded that at least02:30
LynoureThug-N-Me: no one what?02:31
alecjwneo_, it means that the nvidia driver wasnt compiled for your kernel....02:31
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jt_a7x_3What's my hostname suppose to be?02:31
neo_how do I check my kernel?02:31
LynoureThug-N-Me: you asked something about singing?02:31
Jowineo_, which version of ubuntu are you using and what cpu do you have?02:31
neo_As in, what it is?02:31
gmaneo_: uname -r02:31
Thug-N-MeLynoure no .. about iptables log web based02:31
gmaneo_: (to check kernel)02:31
jt_a7x_3Lynoure : I think he means Using them...02:31
neo_Edge Eft, and I have the AMD 64 Athlon but I'm running the i38602:31
jt_a7x_3not singing.02:31
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neo_That's what I'm using.02:32
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LynoureThug-N-Me: You can use many things to make your iptables logs to be viewable throught http. What are your requirements for it?02:32
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neo_I tried reinstalling it all...I'll brb as I try to reboot.02:32
neo_Don't go any where.02:32
Thug-N-MeLynoure i installed iptables_logger_v0.4.tar.gz02:33
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive02:33
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Jowineo_, is linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-generic (or 2.6.17-10-386 if that's what you use) installed?02:33
Thug-N-MeLynoure works fine but when i browser to it doesnt shows me any logs ... but if i browser myself to /var/log/firewall are plenty of logs in :)02:33
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SindriRefresh rate is perfect, resolution is perfect.... awesome.02:34
dreckslordCan Somebody explain me how to install those intel 2200bg wlan drivers?02:34
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dreckslordi only get errors02:34
chrisx86dreckslord ipw2200?02:34
jt_a7x_3Im using this Instlux, I ran the install, now I'm at the screens for install and asks for mirror site, how do I access the internet.. via ethernet cord?02:34
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jt_a7x_3Because right now my wireless card is in the slot.02:34
LynoureThug-N-Me: Did you check with the people who made the software? as it not being .deb makes it sound it is not packaged for Ubuntu02:34
chrisx86dreckslord apt-get install ipw2200-fw i guess02:34
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dreckslordhe cant find the package02:35
dreckslordi installed them on my own manual02:35
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dreckslordi copy the files in /lib/firmware02:35
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Thug-N-MeLynoure there are a lot of packages out there that are not .deb .. but there all are for linux .. isnt ubuntu linux ?02:36
dreckslordif i type make the says smtn with ieee80211.h not found in /lib/modules/2.6-....02:36
Thug-N-MeLynoure it should work ... as long as the depends are ok ... it says on the main page of that package02:36
whileiwasgonewhere are the docs from synaptic saved to when downloaded02:37
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RickSeymourjowi: having issues... the terminal on the server iso cant load up an ncurses system, so having to get a gentoo iso instead :)02:38
LynoureThug-N-Me: yes, but would you call Microsoft for Eudora support? :) That is, people here cannot know details on everything that runs on Linux. But if you point me to their website, I can take a look and see if I could see what is wrong. Permissions seem likely problem02:38
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onatsquestion, is ubuntu a less powerful version than other distros?02:38
abhinayhow to install minimal kubuntu-desktop in ubuntu-desktop ?02:38
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n2diyonats: nope02:40
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JowiRickSeymour, can't you just install ncurses?02:41
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pk_butuI have soundcard CMI8738 but not detected ... I am a newbie.02:41
Thug-N-MeLynoure hmm shouldnt be02:41
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guitarogreetings all, has anyone been having any problems with their network not working at boot? I keep having to use the ifdown/up command02:42
Red-Soxhow do I make a drive that I've mounted not read only?02:42
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LynoureThug-N-Me: If it is http://www.gege.org/iptables, have you configured it following http://www.gege.org/iptables/doc/faq.html#id2716868 ?02:42
TMT[fi] Hello02:42
=== Red-Sox is now known as Red-Sox[away]
LattywareCan anyone tell me how to change which monitor is my primary one (the one the login screen is on, windows open on first, etc...) while using TwinView?02:43
TMT[fi] How can i set what sound device use in blender. It says no available sound devices. Sound works everywhere except in blender.02:43
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Thug-N-MeLynoure have a look here please  http://www.iptablesrocks.org/guide/analyze.php02:43
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dreckslordis there nobody who can really help me?!02:44
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guitarowhats wrong drecks?02:44
neo_Sweet!! It worked!!!02:44
neo_That was the problem, I was working with the i386 kernel instead of the generic one.02:44
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Red-Sox[away] how do I make a folder not read only on a mounted drive?02:44
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digitomI've installed now ubuntu 6.10 and most of my hardware works fins, expect the rt61 wlan card. the rt61pci module was loaded, and i can scan my ap, but theres no device-file under /dev/ ? what is wrong?02:45
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neo_I'm planning on installing Beryl would you recommend me trying to set up my second monitor first? Or first should I install beryl?02:45
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Fenix-Darkhow can i get my mouse wheel's side scrolling ability to work in ubuntu?02:45
Thug-N-MeLynoure looks like it doesnt read the /var/log/firewall :(02:46
guitarook for your wlan card type lspci and tell me what it says02:46
onatsdo computer shops in the US give you the option not to purchase laptops with microsoft?02:46
Lattywareneo_: Doesn't make must difference. I set up dual monitors first.02:46
JowiRickSeymour, or do you mean that the screen is too small for it?02:46
Fenix-Darkonats, microsoft is a company, i havne't seen many laptops sold with companies02:46
Yanchohow do i know which tcl/tk version i have please?02:46
neo_Okay....how do I do that?02:46
digitomok. one moment please. have to boot the workstation :)02:47
onatsfenix, sorry, i meant windows:P02:47
Fenix-Darkonats, most have windows preinstalled, so i dont think you have that choice02:47
pirate-kinghow do you edit font on login screen02:47
Lattywareonats: Apparently Dell will refund you if you don't use it.02:47
LattywareThere was a story on it02:47
Jowipirate-king, you need to edit the gdm theme02:47
onatsi just finished watching the code on youtube02:47
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Fenix-DarkLattyware, but it took so much time and effort, you spent more time than the $60 refunded is worth02:47
LynoureThug-N-Me: See the url I gave you. It might be your firewall rules are not logging02:47
LattywareFenix-Dark: I'm not saying it was a great idea :P02:48
Thug-N-MeLynoure to me looks pretty same02:48
pirate-kingjowi in themes then?02:48
onatsi guess laptop manufacturers dont have much of a choice02:48
Jowipirate-king, should be located in /usr/share/gdm/themes/yourtheme/yourtheme.xml02:48
neo_Anyone know how to help me out with dual monitors?02:48
Lattywareneo_: Doesn't make must difference. I set up dual monitors first.02:48
Lattywarewrong one :?02:48
neo_lol yep! :)02:49
LattywareCan anyone tell me how to change which monitor is my primary one (the one the login screen is on, windows open on first, etc...) while using TwinView?02:49
neo_lol I just need to figure out how to get twinview to work!02:49
Lattywareneo_: How do you want to set them up?02:49
LynoureThug-N-Me: Are you on dapper or edgy?02:49
onatshow do i use the icon that's on a binary for my shortcut?02:49
LattywareOK, it's not hard.02:49
Thug-N-MeLynoure edy02:49
Lattywarefirst, have you got the official nVidia drivers installed?02:49
digitomNetwork controller: Ralink RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI02:49
neo_Yes, jsut did that02:49
digitomsays lspci ...02:49
neo_And I have the GeForce 680002:49
neo_DVI and VGA02:50
neo_Teh VGA is working now02:50
LynoureThug-N-Me: And you did do sudo /etc/init.d/iptablelog start ?02:50
LattywareOK, then you need to do a 'sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf'02:50
dreckslordi cant install my ipw2200 drivers cuz my ieee80211 subystem wont install02:50
SindriPray god that 'teh' was intentional.02:50
HymnToLife!gksudo | Lattyware02:50
ubotuLattyware: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use  gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using  sudo <GUI-application> 02:50
Thug-N-MeLynoure sure02:50
LattywareHymnToLife: What?02:50
Lattywarefair enough02:50
neo_Talking to me, latty?02:50
LattywareI would have sworn I'd written nano over gedit.02:51
Lattywarebut meh02:51
Lattywareneo_: Yeah02:51
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LynoureThug-N-Me: I think my pro-bono support ends here. Good luck.02:51
LattywareJust do a 'gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf'02:51
SindriHey, stupid question.02:51
neo_Okay.... can I back it up first?02:51
neo_And yeah, I have it open now.02:51
HymnToLifedreckslord, you don't needs to instal the ieee80211 subsystem, it's already there02:51
SindriHow can I change the size of the icons on my desktop background in gnome / ubuntu?02:51
Lattywareheh, I was just about to say that02:51
neo_lol okay, how do I do that then?02:51
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Lattywareyeah just to file->saveas->xorg.conf_back or something02:52
dreckslordthen tell me how to install those drivers if the dont find this system?02:52
Lattywarejust give it a name you can remember which won't interfere with anything.02:52
Lattywarethen open the origonal version again02:52
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Sindrisamename.backup is good ;)02:52
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SindriChanging the desktop background icon size in gnome/ubuntu, anyone?02:52
alecjwdigitom, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=296822&highlight=rt6102:52
neo_Done, latty.02:53
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LattywareOK, so you are editing the origonal config file?02:53
SindriThat link?02:53
Sindrithe ubuntuforums.org link?02:53
dreckslordHymnToLife if i type make he says ERROR: ieee80211.h not found in '/lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/include'.02:53
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Sindrithat guy's avatar is from an old DOS game called ONE MUST FALL: 209702:53
Lattywareand then you'll need to find 'driver "nv"' and replace it with 'driver "nvidia"'02:53
neo_I did that already to make the nvidia driver work02:54
SindriCan anyone at all here help me change the icon size for my desktop background icons in ubuntu/gnome?02:54
Lattywareah, fair enough02:54
HymnToLifedreckslord, do you have your kernel headers installed ?02:54
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digitomok. that or other drivers right ? ubuntu has default loaded rt61pci, and that one are the rt61?02:54
Lattywareok, then you need to add in the twinveiw lines02:54
neo_I see the nvidia logo when i boot up, so I'm pretty sure nvidia driver is installed.02:54
neo_Okay, what are those?02:54
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neo_Ah, I foudn them...02:55
neo_Step three?02:55
LattywareOK, yours will look different, but http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4112/ is my xorg.conf02:55
neo_Just hte problem with that is I don't know what to replace "string' with02:55
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dreckslordhymtolife i dont know, i dont think so i only installed the standard ubuntu system02:55
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Lattywareyeah, I found that that doesn't work with the current driver, I have to give specific metamodes.02:56
neo_The monitor I'm using now is an LCD connected by VGA....but I'm trying to make the other LCD that is on the DVI work02:56
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neo_What congi do I use?02:56
neo_Okay, please help me with that02:56
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neo_Because that's how I got caught last time.02:56
Lattywareok, the VGA one will be CRT, the DVI one will be DFP02:56
dreckslordhymtolife Linux kernel headers for version 2.6.17 on x86/x86_64 these one are installed02:56
dreckslordHeader files related to Linux kernel version 2.6.17 and these one02:56
neo_So, what exactly do I replace "String" with?02:56
digitomis there are a problem ith the default rt61pci driver?02:56
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LattywareOption "MetaModes" "CRT: 1280x1024 +0+0, DFP: 1280x1024 +1280+0"02:56
LattywareSomething like that, depending on resolution, obviously.02:57
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LattywareOh, any you will need Option "TwinView" "1" aswell02:57
spuddoggDoes anyone know why every time I reboot my machine I have to re-share all of my shared folders?02:57
wadehelhow to use akregator as default feedreader in firefox2?02:57
neo_So, I replace the option line that it has here with the one you gave me?02:58
Lattywarethen once you are done, close any apps that will mind crashing, and then hit ctrl+alt+backspace (restart X)02:58
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neo_So, replace this: Option "MetaModes" "1280x1024,1280x1024; 1024x768,1024x768"02:58
Lattywareafter saving etc... obviously.02:58
HymnToLifedreckslord, this should put you on the right track : http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/net/ieee80211-source02:58
LattywareWell, what Res do you run your monitors at?02:58
neo_Yeah, I can screw around with that later on....02:58
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neo_But what do I replace "String" with?02:59
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LynoureSindri: There seemed to be a lot of answers to that on the web, tried any of them yet? e.g. http://blog.shabdar.ws/2006/11/27/change-desktop-icon-size-in-gnome/02:59
SindriThanks, Lynoure. I'll give it a shot.03:00
LattywareNo, just add this line03:00
LattywareOption   "MetaModes"   "CRT: 1280x1024 +0+0, DFP: 1280x1024 +1280+0"03:00
pirate-kinghow do you get firestarter to start on login when you need SU privleges03:00
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neo_Okay....and I"m leaving the other option line the way it is, right?03:00
LattywareWait, pastebin your xorg.conf03:00
Lattywareeasiest way03:00
neo_Okay, I'll pastebin what I've done so far.03:01
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pirate-kingthanks Jowi I changed my font03:01
neo_(Good idea about the pastebin, btw)03:01
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ReTyPei had nvidia drivers installed for my nvidia card, but with updated kernel (.50) it didn't work anymore, i changed nvidia to nv in xorg.conf, how do i reinstall my nvidia drivers ?03:02
LattywareReplace String with DFP if you want your DVI monitor to be the primary one, or CRT for the VGA one.03:03
dreckslordhymntolife same as before the dont find those ieee80211.h file03:03
Lattywarethen try restarting X03:03
neo_Okay, how do I restart X?03:03
csilvatengo problemas al correr nubuntu03:03
neo_ctrl + alt + backspace?03:03
LattywareWhich actually sorts my problem.03:03
csilvakien me puede ajudat03:03
LattywareIt'll close apps03:03
HymnToLifedreckslord, can't help you further, sorry, I never compiled my ipw driver in UBuntu03:03
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neo_Okay, brb03:03
Jowinp pirate-king03:04
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dreckslordnp, but thx for trying03:04
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dreckslordcan somebody help me to compile my ipw2200 driver?03:05
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neo_No luck, latty.03:06
julgasScuse me, someone can help me ? I want to limit a process to a single cpu (I have a dual core), is there a way to do it ?03:06
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neo_Exactly the same thing.03:06
neo_No change.03:07
seravitaeis there anything cooler than gnome-panel?03:07
neo_Are you sure I don't have to install some program called twinview?03:07
seravitaejulgas: it will already be limited to a single cpu as long as the program only uses one thread03:07
Thug-N-Mewhats the port i need to open to be able to receive files via dcc on irc ?03:07
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SindriI've just spent 5 minutes trying to open nautilus.03:07
SindriI have failed miserably.03:07
SindriPerhaps if I knew what it was, my progress would be better..03:07
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SindriThere's no wikipedia article on it. :/03:08
neo_lol in case you didn't get my message Latty, it didn't work :(03:08
neo_Exactly the same as before03:08
LattywareHow so?03:08
julgas<seravitae> : I use vmware player and it run too fast, i remember than under windows, we can fix it by limiting the process to only one core.03:08
neo_Yeah, one interesting thing is that in the Nvidia X server Settings...it doesn't detect my second monitor03:08
neo_Even when it's plugged in.03:08
Lattywarethat's weird03:08
neo_Yeah, monitor displays "No signale"03:09
LattywareI actually tried to set my primary monitor03:09
julgas<seravitae> : There is no way to limit to one core, or for test purpose, to desactivate one core ?03:09
ompaulsincero, click on places and home - you will have started nautilus03:09
LattywareI think I may have it03:09
zzz_dreckslord: I might be able to help you!03:09
LattywareTry removing the line with string in it03:09
SindriThanks! :p03:09
SindriFile browser. I see.03:09
neo_The whole option, you mean.03:09
dreckslordzzz_ ok then lets try03:09
neo_Okay, I did that.03:09
LattywareBecause I tried to set my primary monitor with that, and it made my VGA monitor stop working] 03:10
Lattywareso try restarting x03:10
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neo_Oh really?03:10
rlySystem->Administration->Software Properties  I don't have that folder03:10
rlyanyone can help?03:10
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zzz_dreckslord: what have you done? Can you let me know the steps you took?03:10
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dreckslordcan i qry you?03:11
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seravitaejulgas: you're not listening03:11
seravitaesingle threads can only occupy one core03:11
zzz_dreckslord: I am not registered so I cannot reply your query. Sorry.03:11
seravitaei am running vmware workstation with windows xp03:11
seravitaeand it will *never* consume more than 50%, because it is single threaded and i have a dual core cpu.03:11
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michukdizzy1: if you are looking for information about One Laptop per child project in a nutshell, this article might be helpful: http://digg.com/hardware/One_Laptop_Per_Child_Between_B1_and_B2_Progress_Report03:11
tsmithe`tsmithe, come out with your hands up03:11
dreckslordi downloaded the ipw2200-fw -  drivers and the ieee80211 subsystem03:11
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dreckslordfirst i copied the files from ipw2200-fw in /lib/modules/firmware03:12
zzz_dreckslord: did you download and extract the source distribution?03:12
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dreckslordsource distrubtion of ieee80211?03:12
zzz_No, ipw2200.03:12
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dreckslordim not sure i downloaded a package from ipw2200.sf03:13
zzz_Did you download the following? http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/ipw2200/ipw2200-1.2.1.tgz?download03:13
dreckslordyes this one03:13
zzz_Okay. One sec.03:13
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Fonzycan somebody help me with Wireless networking? I have ndiswrapper installed and it says the Driver & Hardware are present, but it won't recognize the Access Point03:14
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FonzyCard: Linksys WMP54G03:14
neo_Dang, no luck Latty.03:15
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silvertip257I'm trying to boot off of a LiveCD and I get the message about needing a system disk - I know it's b/c of my DVD/CD drive being on the same PATA cable as my primary hd, but idk why it errors like that - help please? and thanks03:15
CyberCodFonzy, you sure thats not the router name?03:15
LattywareUrm, I don't know what else to suggest03:15
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neo_Any other ideas?03:15
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Fonzyyes CyberCod03:15
neo_Well, thank you very much for helping me out with this.03:15
FonzyIt just seems it knows I have the card, but isn't working oO03:15
neo_I appreciate your effort.03:15
onatsmy laptop seems to be running full power all the time..03:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about power - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:16
zzz_dreckslord: Have you downloaded, compiled and installed ieee8021103:16
onatsdoes anything know about power management?03:16
CyberCodFonzy:  ok, i just have a linksys router with a very similar name... have you tried using iwconfig?03:16
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neo_I'm going to try xinerama03:16
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dreckslordzzz_ mom03:16
AMAGman, what sick, twisted individual wrote this ubuntu installer?03:16
AMAGi can't BELIEVE this ever works03:16
Fonzyit says it's installed03:16
Fonzybut doesn't have an Acces point03:16
FonzyI tried changing it03:16
Lattywareneo_: Proably something stupid I'm overlooking, someone else may spot it straight away.03:16
fdwho speak polisk lang ?03:16
Fonzyusing iwconfig AP & ESSID & key03:16
Fonzybut it won't connect03:16
silvertip257ineo_ cool:  keep us updated, I've failed at getting xinerama to work, but dont have much time now03:16
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zzz_dreckslord: I could not understand what you tried to say.03:16
LattywareAMAG: Is that the windows one?03:16
Fonzyiwconfig eth2 scanning -> nothing03:16
ReK_anyone here have an atheros wireless card? madwifi is supposed to be packaged in ubuntu, but it doesn 'Just Work'03:17
CyberCodok, try  sudo iwconfig essid any03:17
AMAGNo, I'm using the text installer on the 6.10 alt CD03:17
dreckslordso i compiled it again03:17
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neo_lol okay, silver.....but does anyone else have any ideas about how to get twinview to work?03:17
dreckslordzzz_ i downloaded it, unpacked it and typed make03:17
Fonzyit has a key though, will that matter?03:17
dreckslordthere was no error... what is the next step?03:17
LordUltimaDaviddoes anyone know if the nvidia beta drivers work with "NV17 [GeForce4 MX 420] "03:17
AMAGApparently the fdisk on it doesn't work with large disks, nor does the partitioning component of the text menu system03:17
Fonzycomes up with Access Point: Invalid still03:17
CyberCodcan you take key off temporarily?03:17
onatsfonzy, what seems to be the problem?03:17
FonzyI'll be disconnected from this internet for a second then :p03:17
pirate-kingneo you get your drivers to work?03:17
CyberCodwe'll still be here03:18
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Fonzyalright, back in a second03:18
neo_I get the nvidia logo, so that supposedly means they are working.03:18
AMAGSo I finally partitioned kinda ghetto, created filesystems, mounted them; and after EVERY SINGLE STEP in the menu system it unmounts all my filesystems and tries to force me into the partitioning tool again03:18
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pirate-kingyeah you can disable that logo03:18
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dreckslordzzz_ i compiled it (sudo ./make)03:19
Fonzyshould work now?03:19
neo_It jsut doesn't detect my other monitor.03:19
CyberCodFonzy:  you back?03:19
dreckslordwhat is my next step?03:19
CyberCodtry to connect to it03:19
Fonzystill nothin03:19
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neo_Oh well, thanks for the help guys...I'm sure I'll be back soon with some other problem after I solve this one :)03:19
CyberCodok, you try   sudo iwconfig essid any?03:19
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zzz_dreckslord: Do the following under ipw2200's extracted directory. (ipw2200-1.2.1) make IEEE80211_INC="directory of ieee80211"03:19
Fonzyit now says03:19
FonzyESSID: off/any03:19
FonzyAcces Point: Invalid03:19
bonezAnyone willing to answer a noobie question03:20
CyberCodFonzy, is that card pci or usb?03:20
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CyberCodFonzy, brb, gotta look up what I was usin the other day that may help03:20
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dreckslordzzz_ done, no errors03:21
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ompaul!dual head03:21
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama03:21
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ompaulahh he gone03:22
zzz_dreckslord: try sudo make install03:22
CyberCodoh yeah,     that should have been  sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid any     by the way03:22
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Fonzyyea, mine is eth2 (?) but I did that idd :003:22
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dreckslordzzz_ much errors :)03:22
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silvertip257I'm trying to boot off of a LiveCD and I get the message about needing a system disk - I know it's b/c of my DVD/CD drive being on the same PATA cable as my primary hd, but idk why it errors like that - help please? and thanks03:22
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zzz_dreckslord: can you paste the errors into a pastebin service?03:23
ReK_is there any way to disable the fsck on boot?03:23
variantsilvertip257: the POST routine gives you the error?03:23
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TekNoLyZehi everyone03:23
variantReK_: yes, open /etc/fstab and make two 0 0 at the end of the line you want to disable disk checking on03:23
dreckslordi think so but i dont know whats a pastebin service?03:23
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LjLUbotu, tell dreckslord about pastebin | dreckslord, see the private message from Ubotu03:23
bonezAnyone willing to answer a noobie question?03:23
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:24
TekNoLyZeI'm having problems with grub and HDD connected to a ITE m/b controller; it won't boot - error 21; installed /dev/hdh (WD 40 GB HDD) and grub on /dev/hda (Maxtor 160 GB)03:24
variantbonez: just ask argh03:24
bonezI just installed ubuntu and have never messed with linux.......do I need a virus scanner?03:24
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zzz_dreckslord: paste the errors into the form in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and let me know the url.03:24
CyberCodsudo iwconfig wlan0 rts 1000 frag 120003:24
LjLbonez: i'd say no, but opinions will vary...03:24
LjLUbotu, tell bonez about virus | bonez, see the private message from Ubotu03:24
variantbonez: only if you want to be paranoid or if you want to use it to scan your windows partition03:24
Fonzyoki 1 mom03:24
Cyanhi guys03:24
variantbonez: clamav is an excellent scanner..03:25
variantbonez: the windows clamwin is based on i03:25
dreckslordzzz_ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4116/03:25
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LjLvariant: excellent? what about that guy who couldn't boot anymore because his kernel (or initrd, or something) had been quarantined? :P03:25
variantLjL: lol! really?03:25
Fonzythe essid is no longer off/any03:25
silvertip257yes variant:  it wont boot to anything03:25
Fonzybut the RTS & fragment have changed03:25
dreckslordsome parts are german zzz_ if you need them to understand i will translate it03:25
CyberCodand access point?03:25
LjLvariant: well, he was here few days ago, he was talking about klamav but i suppose that's a frontend03:26
Fonzyjust "03:26
variantsilvertip257: take a look in your bios and see if you can change the boot priority, disable the hard disk entirely (ubuntu should still be able to see it)03:26
Fonzyoh, AP03:26
FonzyAP: Invalid03:26
FonzyESSID: ""03:26
variantLjL: ah..03:26
zzz_dreckslord: Are you sure that the 'make IEEE80211_INC="directory of ieee80211"' command completed successfully?03:26
CyberCodnow try     sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid <your essid>    again03:27
silvertip257but variant:  this hdd has winblows on it b/c of my parents and it wont boot up when both are on the same cable too03:27
siriusr u setting up w/ wifi??03:27
LjLFonzy: try to keep stuff in one line if you can =) you looked like line noise :P03:27
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variantsilvertip257: once you have installed ubuntu along side windows you can set the hard disk back to being hte boot device03:27
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dreckslordzzz_ if the meaning of "directory of ieee80211" the directory of the extracted parts means, yes03:27
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Fonzy:( still nothing03:27
zzz_dreckslord: Is there a file named ipw2200.ko in ipw2200-1.2.1 directory?03:28
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CyberCodok, sorry I couldn't help, perhaps someone else here can, those commands worked for me the other day03:28
silvertip257umm variant ok ... i'm not sure what to do - only b/c if winblows cant boot now w/ both on the same EIDE PATA cable, then wtf do i do later?03:28
Fonzyalright thanks anyways03:28
variantsilvertip257: you mean the cdrom and hd on the same cable?03:28
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silvertip257yes variant03:29
silvertip257they have to be so i can fit my drives03:29
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zzz_Okay, then try the following: copy that file to /lib/modules/"kernel version"/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2200.ko03:29
CyberCodFonzy, i take it the card was not installed naturally?  I've see a couple linksys cards supported automatically03:29
silvertip257and the cheap ass who built it only gave us one EIDE PATA cable to begin w/03:29
variantsilvertip257: do what i said.. disable the hd in the bios, install ubuntu, undisable the hd and you can boot to windows and ubuntu03:29
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silvertip257variant:  are puttin money on the line! =O03:30
bonezvariant even if i got a scanner i wouldn't know how to install it ...but thanks for the info'03:30
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variantsilvertip257: lol, it's nothing serious03:30
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variantbonez: apt-get install clamav03:30
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silvertip257i'm playin variant03:30
variantbonez: you should have a firewall though. i reccomend firestarter03:30
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dreckslordzzz_ done03:31
bonezvariant thank you03:31
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zzz_Okay. Have typed sudo make install under ieee80211 directory?03:31
dreckslordzzz_ no03:31
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dreckslordony make03:31
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zzz_dreckslord: okay, then type "sudo make install" under the ieee80211 directory03:32
variantdreckslord: make on it's own builds it, you could load the module from there but make install will copy it to the correct location03:32
dreckslordno errors03:32
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onatshow do i know my kernel version?03:33
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zzz_Okay. Now try the following: "rmmod ipw2200; depmod; modprobe ipw2200"03:33
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siriusuname -a03:33
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variantonats: uname03:33
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knovakMy ubuntu (6.10) keeps freezing on boot now. Even in recovery mode.03:33
variantknovak: what does it say?03:33
DavidHKMrPowersactually, for a web site like sourceforge, how many servers are needed to host it?03:33
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silvertip257variant:  HDD is set to MA w/ SL present & DVD/CD is set to SL, but HDD is on the <GRAY> EIDE connector & DVD/CD is on the <BLACK> EIDE connector - as far as I know gray=slave & black=primary, but how to override the EIDE crap???03:33
knovakstops after it detects my DVD drive03:33
CyberCodknovak  power failure?03:33
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variantDavidHKMrPowers: that depends if you include the mirrors or not03:34
knovakdon't think so03:34
knovakumm.. not sure what it says03:34
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variantDavidHKMrPowers: probably not so many but with a lot of bandwidth and a large SAN03:34
knovakin recovery mode it says something about scsi and my DVD drive (toshiba odd-dvd)03:34
DavidHKMrPowersonly the sourceforge, not including the mirrors03:34
knovakI mean, it loaded fine last night03:34
CyberCodknovak:  i meant did you have a power failure recently?03:34
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dreckslordzzz_ ERROR: Module ipw2200 does not exist in /proc/modules03:35
dreckslord if i type mmod ipw220003:35
variantDavidHKMrPowers: storage area network03:35
knovakAll I did between last night and today was: change ALSA drivers (reinstalled that is), took out some old games and added new ones03:35
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newubuntuhi all03:35
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newubuntuwho can help me to install ati drivers?03:35
zzz_dreckslord: Okay. Try "depmod; modprobe ipw2200"03:35
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DavidHKMrPowersvariant : in what situation is a web site need to have more than one server?03:35
knovakright now im getting Ubuntu 6.06 ISO and I plan to reinstall becuase I'm just pissed off03:35
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:35
knovakI've spent my entire weekend working on my computer and now its just freezing03:36
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dreckslordsudo modprobe ipw220003:36
dreckslordFATAL: Error inserting ipw2200 (/lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2200.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)03:36
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CyberCodknovak... i know the feeling,03:36
variantDavidHKMrPowers: well, if you want to have it load balanced is one situation.. when the maximum number of sessions you server can handle reasonably i sless than the total number expected03:36
knovakI know im probably being stupid by doing this, but meh03:36
zzz_dreckslord: what does the end of "dmesg" show? Any errors?03:36
knovakI read somewhere that 6.10 has more bugs than 6.0603:36
CyberCodknovak:  much as I hate to say it, re-installing would probably be faster than troubleshooting03:36
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CyberCodthough you might try fsck from the live disk03:37
variantDavidHKMrPowers: a well optimised server with gnu/linux you could expect to handle 1000's of sessoins.. depends on hardware and network of course03:37
knovakI mean, luckily I didnt have that much on my system since i just redid it yesterday03:37
Jakeyfu_dapper runs better than eft03:37
knovakjust need to reconfigure my video drivers03:37
dreckslordzzz_ i paste it in pastebin ok?03:37
zzz_dreckslord: okay.03:37
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CyberCodknovak, what vid card you got?03:37
Deep7has anyone gotten 5.1 surround to work in Edgy using a CK804?03:37
knovakNVidia Geforce MX 400003:37
DavidHKMrPowersvariant : no. of sessions depends on RAM?03:37
knovakI've set it up so many times now in Ubuntu I can do it while sleeping03:38
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variantDavidHKMrPowers: in a big way yes.. cpu also03:38
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variantDavidHKMrPowers: depends what kind of stuff the serv3er is doing also..03:38
dreckslordzzz_ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4118/03:38
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Dreginis it possible to use my lifecam VX-6000 with ubuntu yet, does anyone know?03:38
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CyberCodknovak:  check pm03:39
DavidHKMrPowersvariant : sometimes a web site is slow or does not response, is it mainly related to bandwidth ?03:39
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DavidHKMrPowersdo you concern some other problems such as the linux may hang?03:40
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zzz_dreckslord: are you sure that "make install" under ieee80211 directory worked flawlessly? There is something wrong.03:40
variantDavidHKMrPowers: it can be any number of reasons.. if it's a popular server it could be struggleing to cope with the load.. they might have plenty of bandwidth to spare though.. or theother way round03:40
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dreckslordzzz_ i didnt saw any errors i can do it again if you want03:40
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whoppixhey all:) im just wondering if there is a special reason, why "libpoe-perl" is in version 0.3203 in edgy, while the official stable version is 0.9917? (CPAN) the old version in the repositorys is kinda outdated, the api has changed, and its not really compatible to the new POE modules.03:41
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DavidHKMrPowersvariant : if bandwidth is not a problem, would a web site does not response?03:41
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DavidHKMrPowerssorry wrong grammar03:41
variantDavidHKMrPowers: what do you mean? I'm not an expert anyway..03:41
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imc_Squid problem: I have squid running and the tunnel I create to the server is sudo ssh -C -c blowfish -L 8080: user@host.com - but when I surf to a page I'm getting: "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_3.9p1 Protocol mismatch."03:42
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DavidHKMrPowersI want to set up an email server for a college but this server cannot be down anyway03:42
zzz_dreckslord: What does "make check_old" under ieee80211-1.2.16 show?03:42
variantDavidHKMrPowers: ah..03:42
DavidHKMrPowerswhat do I need to do to ensure this? variant03:42
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:42
dreckslordzzz_ the want to delete some old files03:42
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variantDavidHKMrPowers: you can't ensure 100% uptime.. you can do your best but something always happens.. my advice is to pay someone else to do it (oneandone.co.uk for example)03:43
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variantDavidHKMrPowers: then blame them when it goes wrong03:43
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alecjwhi. is there any way of gettign winblows' original bootloader back after it's been overwritten in grub?03:43
onatshow long would it take to patch/compile a later kernel?03:43
zzz_dreckslord: okay, let it delete them. and type "make ; make install"03:43
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dreckslordzzz_ rm -rf ieee802 ; tar -xzf ieee802.tar.gz make; make install no errors03:44
whoppixalecjw, insert a win 98 bootdisk, enter the command prompt, type FDISK /MBR03:44
dreckslordi did the same with ipw 220003:44
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dreckslordno errors03:44
DavidHKMrPowersvariant : okok :D03:44
alecjwwhoppix, thanks. btw, i'm not doing this myself, it's for a friend03:44
alecjwin case hed does wnat ot remove ubuntu03:44
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zzz_dreckslord: did you "make install" under ipw2200-1.2.1 ?03:44
variantDavidHKMrPowers: seriously.. an email server is a lot of work to set up and manage.. pay someone else to do it03:45
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jribalecjw: you can use an xp disk too, then it's "fixmbr" in the recovery console of the install disk03:45
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whoppixalecjw, why would he want to remove grub anyway? its way better than the win bootloader03:45
dreckslordyes no errors03:45
variantDavidHKMrPowers: it's not that expensive (it is expensive to set up and host your self though)03:45
mindstateim trying to play this .avi file says i need a vp7 codec to play it, anyone have any info on this ?03:45
whoppixalecjw, and if he dont want linux/whatever anymore he can just kick it out03:45
zzz_dreckslord: Okay, then "depmod; modprobe ipw2200" should work.03:45
alecjwwhoppix, in case he wants to get rid of ubuntu (which he won't)03:45
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variantim off03:45
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jribmindstate: no but I can tell you what mplayer does with it if the file is online somewhere03:45
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DavidHKMrPowersvariant : thx :D03:46
andyanyone knows a good php editor?03:46
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dreckslorddreckslord@drexbook:~/Desktop/ipw2200-1.2.1$ sudo depmod; modprobe ipw220003:46
dreckslordFATAL: Error inserting ipw2200 (/lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2200.ko): Operation not permitted03:46
variantDavidHKMrPowers: what country you from/?03:46
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whoppixalecjw, well, if he puts the grub config on some seperate partition he can keep using grub,03:46
zzz_dreckslord: try the following: "sudo depmod; sudo modprobe ip2200"03:46
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mindstatejrib, i got the file via bittorrent03:46
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DavidHKMrPowersvariant : HK, = Hong Kong03:46
dreckslordFATAL: Error inserting ipw2200 (/lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2200.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)03:46
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variantDavidHKMrPowers: cool, you will be better to find a local hosting provider instead of oneandone.co.uk then :)03:47
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variantDavidHKMrPowers: ireland (im scottish though)03:47
dreckslordsudo rmmod ipw220003:47
dreckslordERROR: Module ipw2200 does not exist in /proc/modules03:47
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zzz_dreckslord: if everything went fine with the "make install"s then it should work... If I had ssh access I could help you better.03:47
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ubuntuhay all how does one mount a linux parititon rw in a live cd?03:47
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dreckslordthere is no problem with giving you the sshd rights03:48
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DavidHKMrPowersvariant : yes.. but it's actually quite expensive to pay someone to do this....03:48
whoppixubuntu, you could pass "mount" the options "-o RW"03:48
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variantDavidHKMrPowers: not in this country..03:48
dwhsixthis should be easy: how do I flush the dns cache?03:48
zzz_dreckslord: what is your IP address, can you query me and give me the login details?03:48
DavidHKMrPowersvariant : much expensive than hosting a site, as what I know...03:48
variantDavidHKMrPowers: like 15 - 20 euro a month03:48
ubuntuwhoppix so would it be mount -o RW /dev/sda6 /media/locatioon ?03:48
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variantDavidHKMrPowers: seriously, take a look at the services offered by oneandone.co.uk03:49
dreckslordyes wait a moment im not sure if ssh is installed03:49
whoppixubuntu, mh, put the -o at the end03:49
DavidHKMrPowersvariant : yes I've read it :D03:49
=== _3lj [n=jay@80-41-231-46.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
variantDavidHKMrPowers: it's a lot cheaper than buying your own server, buying bandwidth and fixing hardware when it fails.. not to mention keeping backups etc03:49
ubuntuso  mount -o /dev/sda6 /media/location RW03:49
ubuntuoh doh!03:49
ctothejThe installation of Blackdown java overwrote my default java to 1.4, how can i change this back? do i have to recreate sym links?03:50
ubuntumount RW /dev/sda6 /media/location -o03:50
DavidHKMrPowersvariant : i would rent a dedicated server instead of buying one03:50
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whoppixubuntu, put the RW at the end too and i think it should work.03:50
variantDavidHKMrPowers: if you want, i think you shoudl go for a managed server though seeing as your not that experienced03:50
variantDavidHKMrPowers: im off, later03:50
DavidHKMrPowersvariant : but I am not sure how many servers are needed in real situation..03:50
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DavidHKMrPowersvariant : okok, thx , see you :D03:50
jribzyth: but /how/ can you see if your hardware works with linux?03:51
_3ljhi all, quick question, i currently have windows xp & ubuntu dual booting together, but i want to reformat the windows partition and re-install windows vista, if i do this will it break the grub boot loader and mean i wont be able to get into linux?03:51
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ubuntuit came up with wrong fs type, bad option03:51
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HymnToLife!grub \ _3lj03:51
ubotugrub: GRand Unified Bootloader. In component main, is optional. Version 0.97-11ubuntu14 (edgy), package size 359 kB, installed size 764 kB03:51
HymnToLife!grub | _3lj03:51
ubotu_3lj: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:51
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_3ljthankies :-D03:52
onatsis it advisable to patch the kernel? i want to use suspend2 but its not supported in the current kernel version03:52
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ctothejhow do i check my environment variables?03:52
variant_3lj: yes, but you can reinstall grub from the live cd. don't do any of that full disk encryption that visat offers.. it will hose ubuntu03:52
dreckslordzzz_ what is the port for ssh?03:52
zzz_dreckslord: ssh port is 2203:53
jribctothej: printenv03:53
csilvaayuda con netcat03:53
variant!suspend | onats03:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:53
_3ljvariant: thanks for the advice, wont do that then03:53
dreckslordlook @ qry03:53
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ctothejjrib: thanks.03:54
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild03:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vp7 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:54
zzz_dreckslord: I did not recieve any query messages.03:54
srikanthssnanyone using SmartAX Huawei ADSL modem.. im trying to ssh to my system from remote.. i guess modem's firewall causing some problem.. any help..03:54
dreckslordu got icq/msn?03:54
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects03:54
zzz_dreckslord: no03:54
ctothejwhere can I change the default location for looking for java? i have 1.5 installed, but ubuntu is still using 1.4 as default (which is needed for firefox).03:55
=== Bridawg [n=oem@82-35-211-96.cable.ubr01.linl.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
alecjwhi. when my friend boots up an ubuntu cd, it says: "I/o error on device hdb , logical block 48752". what can i do about this? i think /dev/hdb is the cd drive03:55
jrib!multijava | ctothej03:55
ubotuctothej: To set which java version/implementation is to be used as default, use sudo update-java-alternatives03:55
dreckslordhow to qry in xchat?03:56
zzz_dreckslord: I am using Konversation. Sorry.03:56
cirowho can give me repos to install beryl?03:56
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tom47alecjw the first thing to do is to check that the cd is burned correctly either through the menu entry when you boot the cd or if it does not get that far then using md5sum03:56
dreckslordcan you try to qry me?03:57
dreckslordjoin my channel drx03:57
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alecjwtom47, it downlaoded ok, but he gets that error when he checks the disc for errors. he's re-burnt it 3 times to no avail03:57
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zzz_dreckslord: I am in #drx right now03:57
tom47has he checked the downloaded iso before burning?03:58
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tim3My friends windows crashed and the partitons show as unknown partition... can I recover the data03:58
tim3I use Hoary03:58
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alecjwtom47, he downloaded it over bittorrent, twice03:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vcd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:58
tom47alecjw ah ok03:58
Buffalohi somebody could help me to install cstrike server?03:58
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biberaoany of you could help me with my nic card? honeywell iac unknown device 8139 (rev 10)03:58
ctothejjrib:thank you again. here is the result of listing "java-1.5.0-sun 53 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun" . What is the 53? and i am not sure how to set it as default.03:58
jt_a7x_3How can I install ubuntu on a computer that has CD troubles. I tried doing instlinux or whatever, but that failed setup.03:59
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tom47alecjw: you can of course check the cd for md5sum errors without booting it03:59
OneOfTheManyis there a raid-gui for gnome to help me setup my raid disks easily?03:59
tom47just seens weird03:59
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Buffalohi somebody could help me to install cstrike server?04:00
=== dyofol [n=dyofol@xdsl-565.zgora.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu
alecjwtom47, could it be the cd drive that's broken?04:00
variantOneOfTheMany: don't think so04:00
tom47alecjw very easily04:00
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jt_a7x_3Buffalo: If I recall, if you go to steampowered.com and go to their forums, search through the forums and you'll find a thread that will help you.04:00
jribctothej: 53 is the priority I think04:00
OneOfTheManyvariant: thanks - any pointers to get me started?04:00
RandomtimeMy USB connection isn't working, does anyone  know how to fix it04:00
alecjwtom47, and in what way? dirty lens, or actually properly knackered?04:00
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=== JerryWalgreens [i=reboxxx@CPE-65-29-140-213.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
tom47thats why its worth seeing if the cd can be verufued maybe on another pc without booting it  .... there is an md5sum.txt file on the cd which you can use04:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about toast - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:01
jribctothej: sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-1.5.0-sun      to set the default04:01
JerryWalgreensn-e-1 aware of linksys (non)firmware hacks thru which one might mod the external mac address?04:01
biberaohelp pls04:01
jt_a7x_3How can I go about doing a Network install of ubuntu.04:02
JerryWalgreenswrong window04:02
biberaoany of you could help me with my nic card? honeywell iac unknown device 8139 (rev 10)04:02
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soundrayJerryWalgreens: it's set in NVRAM afaik04:02
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mindstatewhats the best tool to burn avi's as vcd ?04:02
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ctothejjrib: you are the man. thank you.04:02
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tom47tim3 why is this an ubuntu support problem?04:02
Randomtimedoes anyone know hot to fix usb on ubuntu?04:03
erUSULbiberao: if it's a rt8139 it is supported by default just go to System>Admin>Net04:03
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JerryWalgreenssoundray cld u expound or shld i google04:03
tim3I am using ubuntu on my system..that`s my friend`s hdd04:03
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tim3I thought I could use ubuntu and mount the corrupt partition04:03
soundrayJerryWalgreens: please pm me, since we're offtopic04:03
jribtim3: what happens when you try to mount them?04:03
erUSULRandomtime: state your exact problem "fix usb" is too vague04:04
JerryWalgreenswill 1c i reg04:04
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tim3it says wrong fstype or bad block04:04
jt_a7x_3I need some help with booting from LAN.04:04
jribtim3: how are you trying to mount them?04:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dmesg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:04
tim3/dev/hdc2           21326       38776     8795304    f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)04:05
tim3/dev/hdc5   ?      811168     2648612   904:05
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tim3I want to retrive the data on hdc504:05
erUSUL!paste | tim304:05
ubotutim3: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:05
=== adamswe_ [n=adam@c83-248-254-56.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
RandomtimeerUSUL: My usb ports won't connect to anything: drives, mice, etc.04:05
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tim3sorry.. I would have used the paste bin is it was more than 4 lines04:05
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alecjwtim3, try dosfsck'ing it04:06
tim3jrib, any idea what I can do ?04:06
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soundrayJerryWalgreens: I'll join #ubuntu-offtopic -- try me there if you prefer04:06
Anarkyhi there04:06
tim3alecjw, how do i do that ?04:06
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erUSULtim3: in a ~1000 people channel even two lines are too much ;)04:07
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tim3sorry :)04:07
AnarkyI've got a computer unable to boot from USB (bad bios) and a system installed on an USB drive04:07
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jt_a7x_3So what's so good about Feisty Fawn?04:07
alecjwtim3, if it's fat32 or fat16, sudo dosfsck /dev/hdxx, if it's ntfs, cry04:07
tim3alecjw, dosfcsk does not support04:07
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jt_a7x_3What's all different from 6.10 and Fawn?04:07
erUSULRandomtime: can you post your dmesg and lsusb output in a pastebin?04:07
Anarkyis there a way to make a CD that chain boot to the USB drive ?04:07
spuddoggDoes anyone know why every time I reboot my machine I have to re-share all of my shared folders?04:07
erUSUL!pastebin | Randomtime04:07
ubotuRandomtime: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:07
tim3alecjw, its fat3204:07
RandomtimeerUSUL: I know about pastbin04:08
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alecjwtim3, so what'as wrong iwth dosfsck then?04:08
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mikerobiis there a dedicated Feisty channel?04:08
tim3alecjw, Currently, only 1 or 2 FATs are supported, not 157.04:08
jribmikerobi: #ubuntu+104:08
tim3what does that mean ?04:08
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soundray!feisty | mikerobi04:08
ubotumikerobi: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+104:08
alecjwtim3, i dont know sorry.04:08
tim3ty anyway04:09
=== delta-storm [n=delta-st@at01-m52.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:09
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onatsdoes anyone have any experience with crossover linux?04:09
RandomtimeerUSUL: I've got my dmesg but don't know what a lsusb is, i've put it into termanal but got no output.04:09
thugshouldnt sudo mount smbfs //test/d /media/path mount the shared folder ?04:09
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thugwhat the correct command for that ?04:09
tim3anyone else has any ideas ?04:10
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delta-stormCan someone reccomend Nero like burning software for Ubuntu (high quality, with many features)? thx :)?04:10
soundraythug: sudo mount -t smbfs ... rest looks right04:10
jribdelta-storm: k3b04:10
=== gustavnilsson [n=gustav@81-231-90-231-no41.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
RandomtimeerUSUL: http://pastebin.ca/340082 is my dmesg04:10
tim3delta-storm, gnome baker04:10
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GreyGhost delta-storm ,i think theres this once called k3b04:10
erUSULRandomtime: lsusb is a sort of lspci for the usb bus it should output a list of device id's and things connected to them04:10
soundrayRandomtime: you need to install usbutils to be able to use lsusb04:10
jt_a7x_3Can I burn an ISO to a cd-rw and boot from it? Or does it have to be a cd-r?04:10
RandomtimeerUSUL: how would I get this output?04:11
SecrethXwhy cant ubuntu detect my printer? :S04:11
thugsoundray mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on  ...04:11
soundrayjt_a7x_3: CD-RW will work just as well04:11
GreyGhostjt_a7x_3 ,rw should be fine afaik..04:11
jt_a7x_3okay thanks.04:11
xtknightis there a way to have something execute every time the screensaver exists?04:11
=== Lattyware [n=Latty@host81-154-244-166.range81-154.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
soundraythug: you have to install smbfs04:11
simoneohello guys04:11
simoneoi have one question04:11
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RandomtimeSecrethX: usb or searial connection?04:11
simoneoto make04:11
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SecrethXRandomtime, usb, its a Epson Stylus Photo 87004:12
GreyGhost!k3b |  jt_a7x_304:12
erUSULRandomtime: just run lsusb in a terminal if you do not get anything something is very wrong with your usb...04:12
ubotujt_a7x_3: k3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto04:12
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jt_a7x_3Thanks, but I'm burning it from my windows.04:12
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GreyGhost!ask | simoneo04:12
ubotusimoneo: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:12
RandomtimeerUSUL: something is very wrong with my usb...04:12
xtknightwhat's up04:12
delta-stormDoes anyone have experience with the game Brutalchess (chess game) for linux-ubuntu, I installed it but when I try to run it it says:   (*) Direct/Memcpy: Using MMXEXT optimized memcpy()04:13
delta-storm(!) Direct/Util: opening '/dev/fb0' failed04:13
delta-storm    --> No such device04:13
delta-storm(!) DirectFB/FBDev: Error opening framebuffer device!04:13
delta-storm(!) DirectFB/FBDev: Use 'fbdev' option or set FRAMEBUFFER environment variable.04:13
GreyGhost jt_a7x_3 ,oh then try CDburnerXPPro or something like that ...many are available..04:13
delta-storm(!) DirectFB/Core: Could not initialize 'system' core!04:13
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delta-storm    --> Initialization error!04:13
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xtknight!pastebin | delta-storm04:13
ubotudelta-storm: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:13
delta-stormVideo initialization failed: DirectFBCreate: Initialization error!04:13
xstWhere do I get the newest version of blender for ubuntu?04:13
erUSULRandomtime: this is my output  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4123/04:13
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tim3alecjw, anyone tools on windows to recover ?04:13
xtknightxst: repositories for latest ubuntu-maintained version, or www.blender.org04:13
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LattywareI need two programs to start at boot, I add them to my sessions section, but Azureus and Fancontrol both don't start, although others (like xChat) do.04:13
alecjwtim3, in windows, there's chkdsk04:13
LattywareNote that fancontrol needs to be run as root, but Azureus doesn't.04:13
LattywareCan anyone help?04:13
=== giggsey [i=giggsey@local.giggsey.com] has joined #ubuntu
thugsoundray thanks04:14
RandomtimeerUSUL: nothing comes up when I enter it in termanal, it just goes down a line.04:14
xstxtknight: ok, thaks04:14
giggseyCan I search for wireless networks in edgy?04:14
jt_a7x_3GreyGhost: I have no trouble burning it, i just didn't know if cd-rw were able to boot :D04:14
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erUSULRandomtime: can you post your dmesg then? and lspci -v ??04:14
SecrethXSystem -> administration -> printers cant find my printer, whilest it is supported (its an epson stylus photo 870), lsusb outputs that it is connected04:14
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akrushello everyone04:14
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GreyGhost jt_a7x_3 sorry , i meant that for , delta-storm04:15
simoneohow is the exspert here04:15
RandomtimeerUSUL http://pastebin.ca/340082 is my dmesg04:15
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simoneobecause i have some problems with x server04:15
GreyGhost!ask | simoneo04:15
ubotusimoneo: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:15
GreyGhostsome expert will read it and answer ..04:16
=== torr [n=opera@bzq-82-81-147-68.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hausbergis there a firewall or something on Ubuntu as a default?04:16
RandomtimeerUSUL: no output for lspci -v04:16
soundray!firewall | Hausberg04:16
ubotuHausberg: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).04:16
alecjwHausberg, yes. iptables. if you needto modify it, use firestarter04:16
simoneoyestrday i had istalled nvidia driver version 974604:16
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simoneoand beryl04:16
=== GottferDamnt [n=teva@AMontsouris-151-1-59-50.w82-123.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
thugsoundray how do i mont it with write permission for user ?04:17
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erUSULRandomtime: !!??04:17
alecjwsimoneo, #ubuntu-xgl is a better place for beryl suppoort04:17
simoneoand when restart linux say thet there is incompatibility04:17
LjLalecjw: #ubuntu-effects04:17
RandomtimeerUSUL: I don't get any output04:17
LattywareI need two programs to start at boot, I add them to my sessions section, but Azureus and Fancontrol both don't start, although others (like xChat) do.04:17
LattywareNote that fancontrol needs to be run as root, but Azureus doesn't.04:17
LattywareCan anyone help?04:17
alecjwLjL, so what's #ubuntu-xgl then?04:17
simoneobetwine kernel and driver04:17
LjLalecjw: a channel that doesn't exist anymore04:17
erUSULRandomtime: no output from 'sudo lspci -v' !!!???04:18
=== AnythingJ [n=dan@c-75-72-152-172.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
zzz_Is there anyone who compiled and installed a 2.6.19 kernel?04:18
xtknightzzz_: yes04:18
Randomtimei'll try again04:18
alecjwLjL, so it's been renamed to #ubuntu-effects. ok. thanks04:18
=== Dybber [n=Dybber@0x535df571.hinxx4.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
erUSULzzz_: me04:18
Hausbergubotu, so some ports are closed as per default?04:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about so some ports are closed as per default? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:18
zzz_Have you had trouble regarding the specification the root partition? My root is /dev/hda204:18
LjLalecjw: yes. no big deal if you direct people to #ubuntu-xgl - they get forwarded to there anyway. just FYI04:18
xtknight!bot | Hausberg04:18
ubotuHausberg: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:18
soundraythug: for the first user you created, it would be 'sudo mount -t smbfs -o uid=1000,gid=1000 ...' (rest as before)04:18
idncould you not set the program to run as gksudo x in the sessions startup apps list?04:18
zzz_But 2.6.19 sees my hda as sda. so I had to change hda2 in my grub config file to sda204:19
Hausberguhoh :)04:19
=== KenSentMe [n=KenSentM@a82-92-80-8.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
idnthis would mean you would have to enter the password everytime u log in tho04:19
RandomtimeerUSUL: it won't let me type sudo password04:19
=== i386DX [n=lionel@d54C32A50.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
xtknightzzz_: nope.  parallel ATA drives or SATA ones?04:19
zzz_xtknight: parallel ATA.04:19
xtknightzzz_: what controller are they hooked up to?04:19
erUSULRandomtime: ??04:20
RandomtimeerUSUL: sorry, i type: sudo lspci -v then I type my password.04:20
zzz_xtknight: This is an old pentium4 based system with a parallel ata only motherboard.04:20
=== Deviad [n=chatzill@81-208-83-249.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
RandomtimeerUSUL: then i get the termanal input screan04:20
xtknightzzz_: do you know the chipset of the IDE controller or the chipset of the motherboard?04:20
=== nanda [n=nanda@80-42-80-7.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
DeviadI tried to install Ubuntu 6.10 and Ubuntu 7.0.4 herd 3 without any success.04:20
erUSULzzz_: that's why in edgy disks are adressed by uuid that does not change when you change the drivers used to access them04:20
=== tomy [n=tomy@h36188188.baiamare.ipn.ro] has joined #ubuntu
DeviadThe installation get stuck at the beginning04:20
nandaanyone know of any good guides for setting up dual screens?04:20
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HymnToLifeRandomtime, that's becuse sudo "remembers" the password for a little while, 15 minutes IIRC04:21
Randomtimeerusul: I get no output04:21
soundraynanda: on NVidia cards?04:21
zzz_xtknight: lspci prints the following about the chipset: 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82845 845 (Brookdale) Chipset Host Bridge (rev 03)04:21
HymnToLifea bit like a cookie on a webv page04:21
DeviadCan anyone help me to figure out what is wrong?04:21
=== dimeotane [n=dimeotan@node-3637.tor.pppoe.execulink.com] has joined #ubuntu
RandomtimeHymnToLIfe: I don't get any output04:21
HymnToLifeRandomtime, when you do what ?04:21
=== CapitanKork [n=Kirk@p54B38470.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
nandasoundray: yes, nvidia04:21
=== Elischa [n=rassihu@M3710P003.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu
DeviadMy HW configuration is this: E6400, ASUS P5B Deluxe, ATI x1800xl04:21
DeviadCan anyone pls help me?04:21
Randomtimewhen i type: sudo lspci -v04:21
=== sakari [n=sakari@hoas-fe23dd00-252.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
xtknightzzz_: hmm.  interesting.  i'm not sure why it's detecting the drive as sata.  must be some new libata thing.04:21
knovakAbout to go reinstall my Ubuntu system... wish me luck04:21
=== sakari is now known as lgo
HymnToLifewhy use sudo ?04:22
xtknightDeviad: what problems are you having?04:22
Randomtimeeven when i've typed a password04:22
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soundraynanda: /usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx/README.txt.gz (look for info on TwinView)04:22
RandomtimeI was told to04:22
lgohello .. anybody know if is it possible to run an external monitor on a laptop with the laptop screen turned off completely ?04:22
nandasoundray: thanks, I'll have a look04:22
Randomtimeit dosn't work with or without sudo04:22
zzz_xtknight: That's what I thought too. I even tried not compiling libata...04:22
Deviadxtknight: the installation gets stuck when it shows the orange bar going from left to right04:22
=== Timox [n=Timox@host40-6-dynamic.1-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #ubuntu []
xtknightzzz_: check dmesg, perhaps.04:22
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thugsoundray i still cannot write to it :(04:22
SecrethXSystem -> administration -> printers cant find my printer, whilest it is supported (its an epson stylus photo 870), lsusb outputs that it is connected04:22
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xtknightDeviad: have you tried updating your bios?04:23
erUSULRandomtime: that's very strange lspci shpould show you your pci devices including vga, ethernet cards, usb host controlers...04:23
HymnToLifeRandomtime, does lspci alone work ?04:23
Deviadxtknight: no, why?04:23
y0hmis it possible to resize a disk  (containing Ubuntu Edgy) when installing a fresh Ubuntu (Feisty) , & keeping the old OS (Edgy) intact ?04:23
soundraythug: make sure it's unmounted before you try the mount command with the uid and gid options04:23
kumahi, I'm having problem installing the multilanguage input support, can somebody help me?04:23
erUSULRandomtime: can you post the output of cat /proc/mounts ??04:23
xtknightDeviad: core 2 duo motherboards are known for having corrupt ACPI irq mappings in the bios04:23
FunnyLookinHatWell I'm stumped, XMMS can play mp3 files, but Banshee cannot.  And nothing on my system can play a streaming mp3.  Any ideas?04:23
thugsoundray i did04:23
bulmeris the ./pool/main/p/perl/libper15.8_5.8.7-10ubuntu1_i386.deb file important? my cdrom failed this test04:23
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soundraythug: do you get an error as you mount?04:23
Deviadxtknight: mmmm04:23
xtknightDeviad: specifically your board04:24
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thugsoundray no . no errors04:24
xtknight!core2duo | Deviad04:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about core2duo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:24
=== bakert [n=bakert@82-69-214-14.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Deviadxtknight: OK, I'll update now. I'll google around for the tool to update my bios and the newest one04:24
xtknightDeviad: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Core_2_Duo_Support04:24
=== jughead [n=jughead@c-75-66-252-151.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
erUSUL!es | ruben04:24
uboturuben: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:24
soundraythug: and did you give it your own local uid and gid? Check with the 'id' command04:24
xtknightDeviad: i'm using a core 2 duo on a gigabyte ga-965p-ds3 at the moment with Ubuntu edgy04:25
RandomtimeerUSUL: how to you input that into termanal, with a return within each one?04:25
thugsoundray its 1000 so it should be right04:25
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kumahi, i'm installing SCIM multi-language support for Kubuntu, following this guide:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SCIM/Kubuntu i've encountered a problem in step 5, can someone help me?04:25
xtknightDeviad: i should probably have you do some debugging before you try to update your bios.  i just wondered if you had or not since it's the first thing lots of overclockers or enthusiasts do.04:25
Deviadxtknight: OK, so I need to update the bios. I have already connected the IDE DVD device via an IDE to USB converter04:25
erUSULRandomtime: just type this 'cat /proc/mounts' and hit enter04:26
Deviadxtknight: not yet, I didn't have much time for that lately04:26
soundraythug: are you able to read files from the mounted share?04:26
=== larson9999 [n=larson9@74-129-102-59.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
CyberCodI'd like to try to get my Handspring Treo 300 working with ubuntu, anyone have any tips? it just freezes whenever I try to sync it via usb cable04:26
yellowhey guys what's the feisty fawn herds  mean ?04:26
erUSULRandomtime: the others comand where the same 'sudo lspci -v' and then hit enter...04:26
xtknightDeviad: if it's a normal thing for you then updating the bios is probably a good idea right now then.04:26
=== MrSprout [n=MrSprout@host81-155-113-10.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
thugsoundray yes04:26
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KiFkajak cos04:27
KiFkano ale04:27
xtknightyellow: #ubuntu+1   herds are different levels of Feisty04:27
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xtknightyellow: different levels as in different stages of the testing04:27
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yellowxtknight, thanks!04:27
andyjeffriesIs there an easy way of listing the applications I have installed on Ubuntu?  My desktop PC has lots of apps on it and I'd like the same set installed on my laptop (but can't necessarily remember what I need until I'm on site and find I don't have it installed).04:28
y0hmdeviad : just b cautious & read the instructions carefully when flashing your BIOS !04:28
soundrayCyberCod: I had the same problem with edgy, but got it to work with dapper (Palm TX)04:28
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xtknightyellow: herd 3 is the latest.  you dont need herd 1 if you want herd 304:28
soundraythug: the problem could be on the server side then.04:28
bulmerandyjeffries: maybe dpkg -l  might lead you to some04:28
Deviady0hm: I'm looking for the utility to flash the bios while on windows04:28
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dreckslordzzz_ ?04:28
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yellowxtknight,  so herd3 is sort of like alpha ?04:28
RandomtimeerUSUL i did that04:28
thugsoundray works .. i just changed the permission myself . thanks04:28
xtknightyellow: exactly04:29
RandomtimeerUSUL: her it comes04:29
soundraythug: do you have write permissions on the shared folder when you u...04:29
soundraythug: good!04:29
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yellowxtknight, time for me to get the old box out  then ^^!04:29
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xtknightDeviad: use asus's utility called "ASUS Update"04:30
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ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/04:30
kumain this SCIM tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SCIM/Kubuntu on step 5 it says I vave to copy some xinput files to my home folder. The problem is that my home folder doesn't have that folder, what sould I do?04:30
=== MissCapriz_ [n=biskvitk@lan4-134-138.interbild.net] has joined #ubuntu
andyjeffriesbulmer: Thanks mate, that's a start (although it literally lists everything not just those that I've installed, but I guess the technical answer is I did install them all during installation :-) )04:30
xtknightDeviad: ASUS Update V7.05.01 Install Program for Windows 2000/XP/2003 and Windows 64bit XP/2003.   http://dlsvr01.asus.com/pub/ASUS/misc/utils/AsusUpdt_V70501.zip04:30
jt_a7x_3I downloaded the mini iso file for 6.10, and burnt as image iso... now i load in my pc, and it just sits at a black screen with a flashing underscore.04:31
srikanthssn!port forwarding04:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about port forwarding - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:31
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xtknightDeviad: wait a minute.  "Please update AsusUpdate to V7.09.02 or later prior making this update.**"04:32
soundray!msgthebot | srikanthssn04:32
ubotusrikanthssn: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...04:32
=== jatt [n=user@pD9E9D6E3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
xtknightDeviad: i'm not sure but somewhere you need a newer version than i posted04:32
GreyGhost jt_a7x_3 ,mini iso?04:32
jt_a7x_3yes, the minimal installation04:32
mindstatesrikanthssn, http://portforward.com/04:32
thugwhy its firefox saving zip files as filename.zip.bin instead of filename.zip ?04:32
erUSULRandomtime: your usbfs has not been mounted... no surprises as the system thinks that you do not have usb contrlers and does not even show any output with 'lspci' i bet that it is a kernel bug or incompatibility with your system04:32
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GreyGhost jt_a7x_3 , hmm.. the livecd image u mean?04:33
yellowxtknight, what's the package for preventing me from closing down the wrong windows ? :P04:33
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nandasoundray: I found the info on TwinView, but where can I edit this information to get it to work?04:33
soundraythug: mine doesn't04:33
xtknightyellow: not sure what you mean04:33
soundraynanda: /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:33
RandomtimeerUSUL: the only thing it shows I can mount is floppy04:33
=== Rainman [n=garyt33@c-69-137-23-70.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nandado I need to add the extra lines at the bottom?04:33
yellowlol xtknight , such as when i click on the X on xchat and it quits ?04:33
thugsoundray :)04:34
pk_butulinux does not detecting my PCI card04:34
xtknightyellow: yeah ?04:34
=== digitom [n=tom@p5487DA6D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
pk_butucan any body help04:34
erUSULRandomtime: i do not know what else do to help you out. maybe trying some boot options like noacpi or acpi=off or pci=routeirq04:34
system_TUXimagine the owrld with out Linux .  Its SUX04:34
=== Elischa [n=rassihu@M3710P003.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu
erUSUL!boot | Randomtime04:34
ubotuRandomtime: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto04:34
yellowxtknight, any package to kick me or something when I do that ?04:34
GreyGhost jt_a7x_3 ,i'e never used it sorry ..04:34
soundraythug: does it happen with zip files everywhere, or just one location?04:34
xtknightyellow: oh you mean close your irc socket when xchat is quitted ?  it doesn't already?04:34
erUSULRandomtime: if that does not help i recomend to post a bug report against the kernel in launchpad04:34
erUSUL! bugs | Randomtime04:35
ubotuRandomtime: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots04:35
jt_a7x_3I'm just gonna try burning to cd-r04:35
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GreyGhost jt_a7x_3 ,that will not be the problem ..04:35
thugsoundray just in the mounted samba shared folder04:35
jt_a7x_3Well I'm gonna try this new program anywa04:36
digitomHi volks! I've problems with my RT61 based wlan card. I've installed the card like it is show in this HOWTO http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=296822&highlight=rt61.  But it won't work. The output from iwconfig looks very fine, but i cant ping my AP.04:36
Deviadxtknight: OK, I'm looking for the updated version of the software04:36
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soundraythug: you're looking at the shared directory with firefox?04:36
thugsoundray no im saving a zip file into that directory04:36
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fatbrainHello, anyone running PulseAudio sound-daemon?04:37
cirothere is something similar to coolstreaming which works under ubuntu?04:37
internet_hi 2 all,anyone can tell me which one is file sharing tool for ubunto04:37
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Toxhi, how to launch gnome netstat applet in kubuntu ?04:37
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bulmerinternet_: file sharing? as in chmod to change ownership so it can be read by anyone else?04:38
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jt_a7x_3Yah, other program didnt burn it as bootable image.04:38
thugsoundray looks like i dont have full permission to that mounted directory  :(04:38
internet_i mean how can i download songs and movie04:38
jt_a7x_3Got it working now.04:38
CyberCodsoundray:  I'm in dapper now, and i believe there are subtle differences between handspring and palm that just won't let it work right04:38
SecrethXCan someone please help me with my printer? lsusb shows it, but CUPS doesnt recognize it :(04:38
RandomtimeerUSUL:Great when I rebooted to get bootoptions i get an error (before grub menu comes up) of: verifing DMI pool data error04:38
GreyGhost jt_a7x_3 , ok good04:38
Toxi mean it was ubuntu but i downloaded and install kde04:38
kumahi, i'm installing SCIM multi-language support for Kubuntu, following this guide:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SCIM/Kubuntu i've encountered a problem in step 5, can someone help me?04:39
jt_a7x_3Didn't know minimal cd needed internet..04:39
=== alie [n=alie@bb121-6-57-75.singnet.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
jt_a7x_3be back04:39
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ghatakI have two hard drives, one on which i have unbuntu and the other which i use for strorage, it is currently mounted at /Storage, but only root has rw access, how do i allow myself full access to that drive ? do i need to change fstab or just chmod that folder ?04:39
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erUSULRandomtime: have you ever get this error before? have you changed anything in your bios? any recent kernel upgrade?04:39
soundrayCyberCod: btw, I had fewer troubles with wireless network hotsync than with the USB/cradle connection04:39
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xtknightDeviad: http://dlsvr01.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/flash/AsusUpdt_70902.zip04:39
xtknightDeviad: it was under ASUS P5W DH deluxe "Utilities" on asus downloads.  hard to navigate04:39
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CyberCodsoundray:  how does that work?  you mean via infrared?04:40
internet_which is the songs and movie sharing tool04:40
spuddoggDoes anyone know why every time I reboot my machine I have to re-share all of my shared folders?04:40
=== thug sick of reading man pages
RandomtimeerUSUL: most recent upgarade was install, I havn't changed my bios but I have looked into it to get information04:40
superdave888hello, need help detecting and formatting a pre-existing FAT32 partition from within Ubuntu.04:40
soundrayCyberCod: no, by wireless I mean WLAN according to IEEE 802.11b04:40
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RandomtimeerUSUL: i've had it before running a windows installation but not since install of ubuntu04:41
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=== soundray learnt to write good English through reading man pages ;)
=== gus [n=gus@cm35014.red83-165.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu
MUTUi put in the ubuntu amd64 dvd. i want to install ubuntu but i am not sure which is the hard disk i need to choose during installation. what can i do to view the hard disk contents? i want to check hdb, but i am out of ideas...04:42
digitomHi volks! I've problems with my RT61 based wlan card. I've installed the card like it is show in this HOWTO http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=296822&highlight=rt61.  But it won't work. The output from iwconfig looks very fine, but i cant ping my AP.04:42
=== system_TUX is now known as sys0110
erUSULRandomtime: maybe a bios bug...? can you upgrade it? or maybe a incompatibility kernel<->bios...04:42
=== bonez [n=njkahre@74-137-223-149.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
bulmerghatak: try modifying your /etc/fstab04:42
cirohow can I install mercury messanger on ubuntu?04:42
silvertip257later all04:42
silvertip257ciro:  you need to follow the directions:  it's tricky, but you can04:43
CyberCodsoundray:  i cannot connect my treo to wlan... just phone networks (disabled) and usb.  No slots either04:43
=== killown [n=killown@201-27-175-192.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
SecrethXCan someone please help me with my printer? lsusb shows it, but CUPS doesnt recognize it :(04:43
jykke__how do I allow usage of port 21000 with iptables?04:43
soundrayCyberCod: what stage does it get to before it crashes?04:43
CyberCodsoundray:  but I do have an infrared usb adapter... you may have helped me more than you know04:43
jribLjL: heh, nope04:43
=== DreamThief [n=mathias@unaffiliated/dreamthief] has joined #ubuntu
RandomtimeerUSUL: I havn't a clue on upgrading BIOS, on reboot it stopped one further at the ATAPI CD-ROM bood04:43
silvertip257ciro:  if i remember right you need to do some sneaky stuff to enable the sys tray04:43
MUTUhow do i get a file listing of hdb please?04:44
CyberCodsoundray:  right at the start of the sync04:44
silvertip257g'luck ciro:  hope that helps a lil04:44
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soundrayCyberCod: well, IR can be a can of worms, too...04:44
CyberCodsoundray:  ends up needing a hard reset via the pinhole in the back04:44
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LjLjrib: it was fun to watch, you used three different words for it within 5 minutes (four, if you consider the misspelled desckeckar, which was the funniest of it all ;P)04:44
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ghatakbulmer: currently is it set to defaults, what do i need to change, suggest please ?04:44
soundrayCyberCod: oh, it's the Treo crashing, not ubuntu?04:44
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ublender_ah! making an ubuntu video-convert script is too complicated!!!04:45
CyberCodsoundray:  yes, the treo is crashing04:45
=== JaeSharpZZZ is now known as JaeSharp
MUTUhow do i get a file listing of hdb please?04:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bios - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:45
CyberCodubuntu is like completely oblivious and doesn't care04:45
newbie77First I would like to say thank you and congratulate all contributors of Ubuntu!04:45
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Randomtime!getting a life04:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about getting a life - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:45
ghatakbulmer: i want it to automount, dont want to allow myself to mount or unmount, but i want full read write access....04:45
=== grndslm [n=grndslm@host-12-168-179-219.nctv.com] has joined #ubuntu
thugsoundray why it tries to save "file.zip" as "file.zip.bin " in the mounted directory ?04:45
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jakeyfu_mount /dev/hdb then dir04:46
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soundraythug: I'd tell you if I knew04:46
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soundraythug: try renaming and unzipping it04:46
fatbrainWhere can I so system-wide alsa-configurations?04:46
thugsoundray ok thanks04:46
=== Dreams [n=Dreams@ip565881f8.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu
aliei watn install skyp in my ubuntu04:46
aliebut i cant find any skype for ubuntu04:46
MUTUjakeyfu_: mount: can't find /dev/hdb in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab04:46
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aliecan i install skype for suse?04:47
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newbie77If there is any space left on the CD I would like to suggest to add the tiny applications ddrescue AND dd_rescue and dd_rhelp04:47
RandomtimeerUSUL: Do you know how to upgrade bios?04:47
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jakeyfu_mutu: you should mount /dev/hdb to /media/04:47
GreyGhostalie ,try "apt-cache search skype04:48
MUTUjakeyfu_: how do i do that though please?04:48
bulmerghatak: man mount and also look for dmask and fmask options04:48
srikanthssnmutu, tats the command04:48
erUSULRandomtime: well it depends on the mb model but most of them offer windows or DOS programs to do the update. check in the mb manufacturer site for instructions04:48
=== w1jrm [n=w1jrm@209-102-166-172.adsl.coastalnow.net] has joined #ubuntu
srikanthssnmount /dev/hdb /media/hdb04:48
RandomtimeerUSUL: ok04:48
w1jrmhey how is everyone doing04:48
GreyGhostalie , or read this http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Messenger_.28Skype.2904:49
soundraynewbie77: this isn't the best place to say this04:49
=== `Shawn [i=Shawn@cpe-76-179-56-225.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
soundraynewbie77: file a wishlist bug on launchpad04:49
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soundray!bug | newbie7704:49
ubotunewbie77: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots04:49
=== jackson [n=jackson_@ppp127-16.lns2.bne4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
ghatakbulmer: thanks04:49
bulmeris the ./pool/main/p/perl/libper15.8_5.8.7-10ubuntu1_i386.deb file important? my cdrom failed this test04:49
w1jrmi am having a little diffuclty getting libdvdcss2 and w32codecs installed on my linux04:49
GreyGhostalie ,tahts for edgy ... if u want for dapper... look at the top of the page..04:49
saispohi, it's possible to use lvm at ubuntu edgy installtion ?04:49
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erUSUL!seveas > w1jrm04:50
jakeyfu_e.g. if you mount it to /media/mutu. first ,you mkdir /media/mutu, second,command as :mount /dev/hdb*(such as hdb5,and so on).04:50
newbie77ok, thanks04:50
erUSULw1jrm: seveas repo has the two packaged for easy install04:50
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RandomtimeerUSUL: is there a free BIOS upgrade or do i have to fork out $3004:50
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blind_gunmanHi all04:50
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blind_gunmanHow are you today?04:50
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:50
erUSULRandomtime: they are free afaik04:51
EnsignRedshirtHey dual-monitor experts, I currently have a single monitor. The resolution is 1600x1200, and that is the max that my video card can provide.  The card has both DVI and VGA output, and I am currently using DVI.  Will I be able to add a second monitor?  Does adding a second monitor 'take away' graphics card memory from the first?04:51
blind_gunmanI want to try ubuntu04:51
=== `Shawn [i=Shawn@cpe-76-179-56-225.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
blind_gunmancan it run on  mac?04:51
coobrablind_gunman: yes04:51
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soundrayblind_gunman: yes, roughly from G4 upwards04:51
w1jrmerusul thank you i will check it out04:51
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erUSULRandomtime: e.g this is the page where i can dl the last bios upgrade for my mobo http://www.asrock.com/mb/download.asp?Model=AM2XLI-eSATA2&s=AM204:52
jakeyfu_mutu: have you done it?04:52
blind_gunmanis there a seperate version for mac? or simply download the version available on the site?04:52
riddleboxhow do I create a dvd from a .mpg file?04:52
coobraEnsignRedshirt: its esy i hawe that on work04:52
Moniker42i get this problem with doom 3... it just randomly crashes to the desktop - freezing my mouse pointer (keyboard is still active) and i have to restart X. Also, the resolution of the desktop is the 1600x1200 of the game, whereas my desktop res is normally 1920x120004:52
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RandomtimeerUSUL: My manufature's site says this: http://tinyurl.com/2z3hgo04:52
soundrayblind_gunman: the PPC images are for older Macs04:52
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jacksonhi, does anyone know if there's a boot option to disable X's composite extension?04:52
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soundrayblind_gunman: the more recent Intel Macs run with either i386 or amd64 once you prepared the Mac with bootcamp04:52
jacksonedgy won't boot at all....04:52
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thugwtf happen ? when i right click on a zip file so i can extract the contend ... the zip file itself become a text file type how ?why ?04:53
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pk_butuis there any way to detect my PCI sound card by ubuntu?04:53
grndslmi'm trying to use lvm...but i need to know what's a good size extent for a 600GB volume group that will be holding mostly 1~3GB+ videos, with only 20GB or so going toward 4MB+ songs...04:53
pk_butuplease help...04:53
grndslmor should i split them up into two separate volume groups and give each directory a different size extent?04:53
soundrayblind_gunman: it's worth searching the web for installation reports of ubuntu or other distributions on your specific model.04:53
erUSULRandomtime: do not go to the manufacturer of th bios (award) go to the site of the manufacturer of the mobo (asus, gigabyte, msi, etc)04:53
MUTUI have a  SATA hard disk, a IDE master and an IDE slave. the SATA is the first in the BIOS list. i'm installing ubuntu on the ide slave. where do i need to install the grub to? by default it says '(hd0)'04:53
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blind_gunmanbasically i have the Macbook pro 2.16ghz04:54
jndHi, I am trying to instal LTSP on 6.10 and when I do  sudo ltsp-build-client, I get this error: ln: creating symbolic link `/dev/fd' to `/proc/self/fd': File exists. I tried it few times before, first I have other eroor, but even if I delete link /dev/fd I get this...04:54
=== OneOfTheMany [n=pete@ip-81-170-100-46.cust.homechoice.net] has joined #ubuntu
thugi saved the file with wget into that path right ? now right click on it so i can extract it (via gui ) no manuall extract .. but the file will become text :)) and its asking me if i want to open it with gedit ;))04:54
EnsignRedshirtcoobra: I guess my (probably naive) question is whether using two monitors on one card requires twice as much graphics card memory, so if I am already maxed out with my current configuration, I can't add a second card. (Obviously, I have no idea how graphics card memory is actually used.)04:54
RandomtimeerUSUL: how would I find out that manufaturer04:54
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grndslmMoniker42:  so your resolution is never 1920x1200 now??04:54
thugseems like something its getting crazy here ... firefox ? samba ? or the whole ubuntu system ?04:54
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EnsignRedshirtcoobra: I meant "...current configuration, I can't add a second *monitor*."04:55
Moniker42grndslm, what? no.04:55
quaalhello anyone know how to mount ntfs drives? i'm getting this error message http://pastebin.ca/339383 after I put this fstab line /dev/hdd /mnt/win80 ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 004:55
larson9999hmmm, javaws works for me in kde but not gnome :(04:55
soundrayblind_gunman: I recommend installing edgy i386 for most desktop tasks. There are several install reports available for Macbook Pro.04:55
grndslmMoniker42:  just in doom3?04:55
thugso no one say anything about this bloody error ?04:55
MUTUI have a  SATA hard disk, a IDE master and an IDE slave. the SATA is the first in the BIOS list. i'm installing ubuntu on the ide slave. where do i need to install the grub to? by default it says '(hd0)'04:55
quaali'm following this guide http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows04:55
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aliethanks greyghost, skype installed in my pc now04:55
blind_gunmanscoundray: thanks, i will go check it out on google now :)04:55
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erUSULRandomtime: it is a prebuild computer? which model? maybe the manufacturer of the whole computer is the one that offers the bios upgrade?04:56
pk_butubuffer I/O error while booting from Ubuntu 6.10 LiveCD04:56
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blind_gunmanI actually have anther question. I use program like Photoshop, Flash and Dreamweaver, do they support linux yet?04:56
dimeotaneanyone find that ubuntu has this weird blue window when moving a window movie?04:56
RandomtimeerUSUL: prebuilt time computer04:56
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RandomtimeerUSUL: i'll check there site04:56
dimeotaneIt's even worse with beryl04:56
xtknightblind_gunman: you can run photoshop cs2 in wine04:56
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soundrayblind_gunman: no, if you want to use these specific programs, stick with Mac OS X04:57
dimeotaneI play a movie in totem and if I move the window around the window becomes a blue rectangle04:57
=== subzero2000 [n=subzero2@c-69-180-224-4.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
xtknightyou can also run them under vmware unless you use a color profile for photoshop04:57
Wookstais there a good tutorial for getting read-write support with ubuntu for NTFS partitions? (im assuming using NTFS-3g)04:57
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xtknighti used dreamweaver under vmware for quite a while.04:57
xtknightworked great04:57
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soundrayblind_gunman: for web development on Linux, you'd use other programs like gimp, screem, nvu and (shock, horror) emacs04:57
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blind_gunmanis there any alternative for those programs?04:57
dimeotaneanyone else have anything like that?04:57
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xtknightdimeotane: the blue is probably the overlay thing.  use a different video renderer like xv04:58
soundrayblind_gunman: what's your motive for installing Ubuntu?04:58
netpythondimeotane: yes,stop moving the window :-)04:58
grndslmblind_gunman:  if you like ubuntu, but wanna run other OSes, look into setting up VMware or KVM (dunno if this one's as stable yet, tho)04:58
GreyGhostdimeotane , me too... never figured it out...04:58
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OneOfTheManyis there anything 'better' than fdisk for formatting and creating partitions?04:59
blind_gunmansoundray: i just want to try it out, i saw a demo on youtube, it seems to kick mac and windows' asses.04:59
erUSULgrndslm: there's a new (and gpl) kid in the block virtualbox04:59
xtknightOneOfTheMany: gparted04:59
blind_gunmanwindows vista makes me laugh :)04:59
erUSUL!virtualbox | grndslm04:59
ubotugrndslm: VirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox04:59
xtknightvista bwahaha04:59
soundrayblind_gunman: grndslm's is a good suggestion, but I'd run Parallels on Mac.04:59
netpythonhasta la vista04:59
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:59
OneOfTheManyxtknight: Thank you!04:59
xtknightvirtualbox eh?04:59
jndOneOfTheMany: cfdisk or gparted live cd is the best04:59
blind_gunmansoundray: i'll definietely try that, thanks a lot.04:59
blind_gunmanvista is so cute ;)05:00
pk_butubuffer I/O error while booting from Ubuntu 6.10 LiveCD05:00
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xtknightLjL: did you mean offtopic for vista talk or offtopic for virtualization talk? :O05:00
pk_bututried with irqpoll...and some other boot option05:00
blind_gunmani stilld on't know what aeroflow is for05:00
EnsignRedshirtblind_gunman: For photoshop, here are some of the usual linux suspects: gimp, gimpshop, pixel, lightzone (a free linux version is available).  None are perfect... whether they will be suitable depends on your needs.05:00
pk_butubut failed :-(05:00
=== Data_ [n=dod@host-85-27-67-131.brutele.be] has joined #ubuntu
OneOfTheManyjnd: Thanks !05:00
LjLxtknight: virtualization is fine, actually i'm trying to push virtualbox myself...05:00
blind_gunmanensighredshirt: are they as good as photoshop?05:00
Moniker42grndslm, what?05:00
soundrayblind_gunman: it's great to have Windows around (our houses would be dark and stuffy without them)05:00
Moniker42grndslm, what?05:01
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Moniker42i get this problem with doom 3... it just randomly crashes to the desktop - freezing my mouse pointer (keyboard is still active) and i have to restart X. Also, the resolution of the desktop is the 1600x1200 of the game, whereas my desktop res is normally 1920x120005:01
grndslmMoniker42:  is the problem with the gnome desktop's resolution or just doom3's resolution?05:01
fnfpk_butu: Where did it stop when you didn't use quiet boot option ?05:01
Moniker42the problem isn't the resolution grndslm05:01
grndslmMoniker42:  sounds like it's only a problem in the game, which i can't help with05:01
=== Liothen [n=liothen@24-116-111-41.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
Moniker42doom 3 crashes05:01
EnsignRedshirtblind_gunman: I all use Picture Window Pro 3.5 in wine, and it works fine.  "As good as photoshop?"  Well, that's a sensitive question.05:01
xtknightcan someone explain qemu, kqemu, kvm to me and what the differences is?  i'm interested in specifics, like what is each of these and what is their function in getting windows to run in a window on my system.  i know what kvm is (a module in the kernel), however does kvm always use the CPU instructions?  kqemu is accelerated qemu, but does that acceleration always use kvm?  what's up with all this stuff?05:01
grndslmMoniker42:  then why mention the resolution at all?05:02
netpythonxtknight: google05:02
=== Halfdream [n=thib@AToulouse-156-1-136-41.w90-30.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
EnsignRedshirtblind_gunman: And since I have never used photoshop, I can't answer that.05:02
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pk_butusame..after the initial screen...05:02
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xtknightnetpython: same could be said for billions of questions in here...what's the point ??05:02
pk_butuit gives me the I/O boot error..05:02
soundrayxtknight: here's not a good place to ask. I found that Wikipedia has reams of useful info.05:02
pradeephow do I lock a package from being upgraded?05:02
Moniker42grndslm, because the resolution of doom 3, which is 1600x1200 doesn't change to 1920x1200 when the game crashes05:02
jrib!pinning | pradeep05:03
pk_bututried with: pci=noacpi ide=nodma ide=reverse boot option also..05:03
ubotupradeep: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto05:03
fnfpk_butu: What did it say on the lines near the last line ?05:03
pk_butudoes not seemed to work :-(05:03
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fnfpk_butu: It may happen for some particular devices, in your case it might be caused by the HDD or the optical drive, try disabling each of them.05:04
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=== Bobsworth [n=james@188.Red-80-35-22.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
Moniker42can anyone help? i get this problem with doom 3... it just randomly crashes to the desktop - freezing my mouse pointer (keyboard is still active) and i have to restart X. Also, the resolution of the desktop is the 1600x1200 of the game, whereas my desktop res is normally 1920x120005:04
erUSULxtknight: qemu (no harware accel) qemu + propietary kernel module (hardware accel; qemu + kvm (harware accel via the virtualization extensions of newer cpus amd venice and intel whatever)05:04
=== tsmithe [n=tsmithe@unaffiliated/tsmithe] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tsmithe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:04
xtknighterUSUL: ok so kqemu is not kvm i take it?05:04
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erUSULxtknight: the propietary kernel module of qemu is not free in either meaning of the word kvm is free05:05
xtknighterUSUL: kqemu is a proprietary module then, which qemu uses?05:05
LjL!kqemu | xtknight05:05
ubotuxtknight: kqemu is non-free kernel module for speeding up the !QEMU virtual machine. Installation instructions can be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/KQEmu - see also !qvm8605:05
chervaanyone having a problem with skype (taskbar indicator not blinking on new massages)05:05
LjLxtknight: which the qemu author *made*05:05
xtknightthank you that's what i wondered05:05
erUSULxtknight: yes05:05
xtknightand kvm is a fully free kernel module that uses amd-v (pacifica) and intel vt (vanderpool)05:06
SecrethXCan someone please help me with my printer? lsusb shows it, but CUPS doesnt recognize it :(05:06
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grndslmMoniker42:  you should try rewriting your question and asking is less frequently  ;-)05:06
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tbfwhy doesn't the wine package interface with binfmt-support?05:07
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ubotuqvm86 is an open-source alternative to the proprietary !KQEmu "accelerator module" for !QEmu. See http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/qvm86/05:07
larson9999something muse have been jacked with my installation.  upgraded to jre6 and all is well in gnome.  i'll have to see if i dorked up kde :)05:07
CyberCodThe mooninites are now stipulating that you cannot view them on anything less than a 55inch screen, and you must charge money, lots of money, and send it to them.  Oh, and Urrr is flipping you off.05:08
pk_butuit is showing Bffer I/O error on device hdc, logical block 3***05:08
Unknownhave a bit of a problem: when choosing install ubuntu on system startup... it first loads some stuff (yes i know how stupid that sounds) then the ubuntu logo shows up below theres a line saysing it's loading some more stuff (yes i know how stupid that sounds too) after that it gives me some sort of a console process saying "Loading kerenel" and stops. like nothing never happened. i can spam the console window with some writing... if05:08
Moniker42grndslm, i don't think there's anything wrong with my question - and things to flying off the screen in this channel in a matter of seconds reposting is the only way to get an answer05:08
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pk_butumy xubuntu installation is working fine...but problem with ubuntu...only05:08
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Unknownso... what do i do?05:09
soundrayMoniker42: no, you received some good advice from grndslm05:10
grndslmMoniker42:  "the resolution of the desktop is the 1600x1200 of the game"05:10
soundrayUnknown: rewrite your problem description and get to the point05:10
sputnik_ukHi all, having a problem with /etc/fstab.  What codepage do I need to mount an ext2 partition (hda4).  Can use mount fine.05:10
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Unknownpoint: i cant install ubuntu05:10
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fotoflohow do i setup mail forwarding on my system?05:11
xtknight /opt/VirtualBox-1.3.2/src/SUPDRVIOC.h:78:25: error: sys/ioctl.h: No such file or directory   ---- any ideas?  i have libc6-dev05:11
soundrayfotoflo: general or per user?05:11
Moniker42can anyone help? i get this problem with doom 3... it just randomly crashes to the desktop - freezing my mouse pointer (keyboard is still active) and i have to restart X. Also, the resolution of doom 3 is 1600x1200 whereas my desktop res is normally 1920x1200 - it doesn't change back to 1600x1200 when the game crashes.05:11
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Moniker42is that better?05:11
fotoflosoundray: uhm both05:11
LjLxtknight: you need to install linux-headers i suppose05:11
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fotofloSoundray: what do you mean, actully?05:12
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xtknightLjL: have that as well, and /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h05:12
grndslmi'm trying to use lvm...but i need to know what's a good size extent for a 600GB volume group that will be holding mostly 1~3GB+ videos, with only 20GB or so going toward 4MB+ songs...  should i allocate the size extents into 256K chunks, 1M chunks, or put the songs somewhere else and use 50M chunks for just the vids??05:12
sputnik_ukconnection just dropped, please repaste anything missed.05:12
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues05:12
pk_butuCan any body help me ..with Buffer I/O problem during booting...05:12
pk_butuI have tried all option given in the forum...but not seemed to working..05:12
soundrayfotoflo: the easier way is per user: install procmail and call it from a $HOME/.forward file for each user.05:12
SecrethXCan someone please help me with my printer? lsusb shows it, but CUPS doesnt recognize it :(05:12
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LjLxtknight: you used the .deb package i assume?05:12
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fotoflosoundray: err i need more flexibility then that05:13
LattywareHey all, running Ubuntu and civclient-xaw3d and I can't get it to work, bugs out with this upon start: 0: Unable to open fontset: -*-*-*-*-*--14-*05:13
jannu1can i record dvb stream with xine ?05:13
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soundrayfotoflo: procmail is very flexible05:13
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fotoflosoundray: Im going to write a perl script that dynamicly adds and deletes users to the mail forwarding rolls.05:13
xtknightLjL: correct.  guess i missed some dependencies, i'm trying again05:13
fotofloSoundray: s/to/to and from/05:13
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fotoflosoundray: use procmail?'05:14
LjLxtknight: i suggest perhaps "strace -e trace=file virtualbox"05:14
xtknightLjL: im also using linux32 to install virtualbox since i have a 64bit machine..not sure if that's possible or what05:14
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LjLxtknight: so you can check where it's actually looking for that include file05:14
svannessI'm having an issue with the "recent documents" section.  places-->recent documents shows only documents that are in certain folders and ignores more recently used documents.  Does anyone know where to change this setting?05:14
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xzkWhat is a good Wireless Network Manager for Ubuntu Linux ?05:14
drkmhow do I view a windows shared folder from ubuntu?05:14
LjLxtknight: oh. not sure either05:14
soundrayfotoflo: no, it sounds like you're looking for an enterprise type solution. I can't help with that. Please ask the channel again.05:14
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st00nerif i ran the command cp -r / /mnt/root would my home partition be coppied also? i want to copy /home to a different partition than my root05:15
drkmhow do I view a windows shared folder from ubuntu?05:15
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st00nermnt/root is a differnt partition than my actual root, its on a new hard drive05:15
soundray!smbfs | drkm05:15
ubotudrkm: smbfs: mount and umount commands for the smbfs (for kernels >= than 2.2.x). In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.22-1ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 375 kB, installed size 900 kB05:15
LjLst00ner: use the "-x" option to avoid copying mountpoints. see the cp manpage. i also suggest you use "-a" for those kind of copies05:16
Unknownproblem: cant install ubuntu reason: the installing process stops at a console telling me kernel is loading description: using AMD xp 2800+ using ubuntu desktop i386 using a DVD drive.05:16
fotofloHI All, I want to setup simple mail forwarding for lots of users - I basicly am looking for soemthing with a list of mail-forwarding address that i can dynamicly add to and subtract from05:16
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ryan8403good day all, was wondering if anyone is running Fedora Directory Server on ubuntu 6.10?05:16
fotoflosoundray: thanks05:16
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LjLst00ner: if you don't use "-x" to copy /, anyway, you'll probably end up with a stuck cp, since it'll try to copy things like /proc and /sys as well05:16
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st00nerok thanks LjL05:16
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drkmsoundray: er, what?05:16
chervawhen i chat with skype and i minimize a person when he chats to me the window in my taskbar is not blinking any help to fix this its very annoying to scroll trough all people you are chatting with on the "bep"05:16
quaali open azureus and it pops up then disappears. anyone know whats happening to it ?05:16
xtknightLjL: hmm.  not sure how i'd trace a dpkg post install script>>05:17
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Wookstais ntfs-3g stable / safe for read-write support of NTFS partitions?05:17
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drkmhow do I mount a windows shared folder from ubuntu?05:17
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forgeukquaal: I had that all the time, it works again if you delete the .azureus folder, but then it just comes back again, so I switched to "deluge" instead05:17
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soundraydrkm: there are two ways to view Windows shares: 1) Gnome VFS (Places - Connect to Server), and 2) permanent smbfs mounts. For the latter, you need the smbfs package.05:18
ryan8403anyone running Fedora Directory Server on ubuntu 6.10 and would be able to help with debugging?05:18
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Vuenhey all, i'm trying to back up my windows drive to switch to ubuntu05:18
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quaalforgeuk: deluge torrent program.. any good ?05:18
LjLxtknight: oh it's the postinst? hm. that's annoying quite.05:18
Vuenbut windows keeps complaining about locked files and canceling the ENTIRE freaking copy operation when it encounters a busy file05:18
drkmsoundray: I use kde, how do I run Gnore VFS?05:18
Vuenhow can i just copy the damn files over having it ignore the ones it can't read?05:19
xtknightLjL: ill try the distro-neutral one.05:19
forgeukquaal: its a bit more basic than azureus, but works very well and stable.05:19
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Unknown problem: cant install ubuntu reason: the installing process stops at a console telling me kernel is loading description: using AMD xp 2800+ using ubuntu desktop i386 using a DVD drive.05:19
soundraydrkm: I'm sure there are equivalent ways for KDE. Have you asked in #kubuntu ?05:19
LjLxtknight: well you still need to remove the package though, i suppose, or your APT will be broken05:19
mqueirosHello. I'v been looking for Partimage in Dapper but haven't find it... Partimage doens't exists in Universe in dapper ?05:19
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xtknightLjL: yeah, done, i think..purge force all05:19
drkmsoundray: I have just asked but not had a response yet.. any other ideas?05:19
GMWeezelHow can I make the terminal stay open after I execute a program?05:20
LjLxtknight: well, yeah, with gentle manners anything can be obtained :P05:20
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VuenGMWeezel: what do you mean?05:20
quaalforgeuk, basic is fine with me. function > form05:20
erUSUL!info partimage dapper05:20
ubotupartimage: backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-14 (dapper), package size 261 kB, installed size 936 kB05:20
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erUSULmqueiros: partimage does exist in dapper universe05:20
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soundraydrkm: install smbfs and run 'sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=drkm,uid=1000,gid=1000 //host/share /mnt'05:21
xtknightLjL: errrrr the distro neutral is also a script05:21
GMWeezelVuen: I have nautilus-actions set so I can right click on certain scripts but when I click on them, because they don't prompt for input, it closes right after it's done but I want to view the output.05:21
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xtknightLjL: i doubt it works on amd64, theres no way it's going to compile a 32bit kernel module on my 64bit kernel05:21
frederificI've just chownd the whole of /usr/bin to myself by mistake, should they all be owned by root? Or is there an undo button? :(05:21
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erUSULdrkm: in kde kioslaves are the equivalent of gnome vfs (more advanced even)05:21
soundraydrkm: substitute the correct uid, gid (run 'id' to check), hostname and share name.05:21
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VuenGMWeezel: ah. you can edit the scripts and add a command to pause at the end. i don't know of such a command off the top of my head...05:22
SecrethXOkay, CUPS cant find my printer, nor can hplip toolbox, lsusb shows it as connected, dmesg also shows it as connected, and I dont know what to do!05:22
forgeukquaal: good, you'll like it then, you can find it in Synaptic package manager05:22
mqueirosok, thanks for the info on partimage on Dapper. I will have another look !05:22
VuenGMWeezel: you can also just run those scripts inside a terminal05:22
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drkmerUSUL: how do I run kioslaves?05:22
pradeepthanks for the pinning link jrib :) ... I made an entry in my /etc/apt/preferences file but when i do a apt-get upgrade, it still offers me a package upgrade :/05:22
jribpradeep: apt-get update maybe05:22
xzkWhat is a good Wireless Network Manager for Ubuntu Linux ?05:22
GMWeezelVuen: Yea but it's more convenient to right click; makes things faster.05:22
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pradeepjrib, yes did that before doing an upgrade05:22
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EnsignRedshirtfrederific: An undo for mucking about with the file system would be great, but unfortunarely there isn't one.05:23
soundray!network-manager | xzk05:23
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jribpradeep: what does your file look like?05:23
filenotfoundhelp plz...05:23
erUSULdrkm: you do not "run" kioslaves programs like konqueror or kate use them to access files in many different ways (over ssh in smb shares in ftp etc...)05:23
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pradeepjrib, Package: ffmpeg \n Pin: version 0.cvs20060823-105:23
erUSULdrkm: the same with gnome vfs05:23
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BobsworthGMWeezel: you can change the terminal settings in Edit > Current Profile > Title and Command05:24
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ryan8403any chance someone might be able to help debug Fedora Directory Server on ubuntu 6.10?05:24
EnsignRedshirtfrederific: And, unless there are exception I don't know about, the files in /usr/bin/ should be owned by root.05:24
soundrayubotu has gone missing...05:24
OneOfTheManyim using mdadm to create a raid device - do i name the new device /dev/md0 OR /dev/.static/dev/md0 ?? what's the difference?05:24
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jribpradeep: how about Pin-Priority?05:24
pradeepjrib, I didn't specify the priority05:24
GMWeezelBobsworth: Thanks; just a found a post on in it in the Ubuntu forums.05:24
drkmerUSUL: so if I don't run it, how do I use it?05:24
jackson3246how do I find my IP address in a terminal?05:24
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ReK_anyone know of a good dock program for gnome/gtk?05:24
grndslmi'm trying to use lvm...but i need to know what's a good size extent for a 600GB volume group that will be holding mostly 1~3GB+ videos, with only 20GB or so going toward 4MB+ songs...  should i allocate the size extents into 256K chunks, 1M chunks, or put the songs somewhere else and use 50M chunks for just the vids??05:24
filenotfoundhello, any1 ever installed ubuntu on HDD that is connected via USB ?05:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ifconfig - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:24
soundrayxzk: try 'apt-cache show network-manager'05:24
SpudDogg_Does anyone know why every time I reboot my machine, I have to reshare all of my shared folders?05:25
soundray!network-manager | xzk05:25
ubotuxzk: networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager05:25
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Bobsworthjackson3246: ifconfig05:25
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xzksoundray: I05:25
xtknightSpudDogg_: your ubuntu machine?  what sharing protocl are you using?  maybe the daemon isn't being started at init05:25
bulmerfilenotfound: yes, on a laptop with external usb hd05:25
jackson3246Bobsworth: ah yes. thank you@05:25
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spuddoggSpudDogg_, listen to him05:25
SecrethXOkay, CUPS cant find my printer, nor can hplip toolbox, lsusb shows it as connected, dmesg also shows it as connected, and I dont know what to do!05:25
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erUSULdrkm: i told you programs use it e.g in konqueror afaik you can put 'ftp://ftpserver/path/to/file' and you will browse the ftp server as it was your local hard drive through a kioslave05:26
SpudDogg_xtknight, im trying to use smb05:26
drkmerUSUL: yes, but //computer name doesn't work! so how do I connect to a share!?05:26
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xtknightSecrethX: maybe you need to load the ppdev kernel module, or change the Version in pnm2ppa.conf05:26
filenotfoundbulmer> it getting stucked...05:26
xtknightSpudDogg_: see if the samba service is started at bootup?05:27
bulmerfilenotfound: getting stucked where?05:27
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SecrethXxtknight, where is the conf located?05:27
xzksoundray: I've tried Network Manager before, it works but it doesn't show me each WiFi spots Signal Strength correctly, it shows them all at 100% strength. It also won't let me connect to my own secured/password WiFi, yet it will connect to my neighbors that isnt secured05:27
jt_a7x_3I'm having a little bit of trouble running ubuntu.05:27
SpudDogg_xtknight, if it is not, how do I set it to start on boot?05:27
pradeepjrib, I added 'Pin-priority -1', it still offers me an upgrade05:27
jribpradeep: try 1000105:27
jriberm 100105:27
grndslmif i'm storing a whole buncha 1~3GB+ videos, with only 20GB or so going toward 4MB+ songs...  should i allocate the size extents into 256K chunks, 1M chunks, or just move the songs somewhere else and use ~50M chunks for just the vids??05:27
BlueEaglegrndslm: I am guessing here but bigger chuncks = more chunks availible and there would not be any reason to increase chunck size on a drive as small as 600GB as the default chunk size will be plenty. However if you start getting drives that are 600TB you might need to increase the chunk size. As for performance issues I don't know.05:27
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erUSULdrkm: in konqueror use smb://win/export (win is the name or ip of the win machine and share the name of the share)05:28
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jt_a7x_3I downloaded the minimal cd, install ubuntu desktop etc... How do I boot ubuntu desktop though05:28
grndslmBlueEagle:  do you know what the default would be?05:28
nox-HandWhen installing from a 6.06 CD, can I update the installer inside the liveCD?05:28
filenotfoundbulmer> it stucked when partitioning the HDD05:28
xtknightSecrethX: /etc/pnm2ppa.conf05:28
xtknightSpudDogg_: system->admin->services maybe05:28
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xzksoundray: Is that normal?05:28
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jt_a7x_3How do I access ubuntu-desktop?05:29
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drkmerUS: thanks05:29
pradeepjrib, it works thanks :)05:29
grndslmBlueEagle:  man vgcreate tells me that the default is 4MB05:29
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SecrethXxtknight, im a noob :(05:29
BlueEaglegrndslm: It would be total_disk_size/chunks_availible%std_chunk_size methinks.05:29
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xtknightSecrethX: what printer do you have05:30
grndslmdo you think 4MB is a good default?05:30
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BlueEaglefilenotfound: Does the installer need updating?05:30
SecrethXxtknight, an Epson Stylus Photo 87005:30
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spuddoggxtknight, those are selected in there...all the samba ones anyway05:30
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soundrayxzk: I don't know, I haven't had this type of difficulty. But then my environment is simpler.05:30
GreyGhostjt_a7x_3 , u are using the minimal install i believe?05:30
huascar80:O K3b doesn't support DVD+DL !!! What do i do now!05:30
jt_a7x_3GreyGhost: Yes05:30
BlueEaglegrndslm: I see no reason to think otherwise. If it had been a bad choice it would probably not have been the default.05:31
xtknightspuddogg: i'm afraid i don't know05:31
xzksoundray: simpler?05:31
filenotfoundBlueEagle> i dont know... it doesn't say anything05:31
spuddoggxtknight, thats cool...thanks man05:31
xtknightspuddogg: look on the forums i guess or maybe ask in #linux or if there's a samba channel05:31
bulmerfilenotfound: what kind of error are you getting if any?05:31
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xzksoundray: have you ever heard of someone not being able to see the 'true' strength before. mine are all showing up as 100% wifi stength05:31
GreyGhostjt_a7x_3 ,i havent ever used it ..but i think u'll need to download and install the gnome desktop ... one sec.. if the minimal install comes with "apt" that should be prettty easy..05:31
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filenotfoundbulmer> no error, just getting stuck...05:31
grndslmBlueEagle:  doesn't that mean that if i have a 5MB song, it's going to use up 2 chunks for that one song???05:31
xtknightSecrethX: if it's epson you probably don't need to edit pnm2ppa.  but hplip wont work for epson printers either05:31
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BlueEaglefilenotfound: Installing Kubuntu or Ubuntu?05:32
soundrayxzk: there is just one AP I want to connect to, unencrypted. I don't get interference from the neighbours' networks05:32
SecrethXxtknight, well yea, but even CUPS doesnt recognize my printer05:32
bulmerfilenotfound: perhaps during install or boot, you need to disable apci so it does not go to hibernate mode?05:32
xtknightSecrethX: try `sudo modprobe ppdev` in the terminal, and then try using CUPS config (or 'install my printer') to detect your printer05:32
huascar80No idea on how to burn DVD DL on Ubuntu?05:32
jt_a7x_3Yes, I was just wondering because on 6.10 iso I had on my other PC, it had a graphical interface, I'm guessing the minimal is just command line.05:32
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filenotfoundbulmer> it never went to hibernate mode... not that I know05:33
BlueEaglegrndslm: I think it means that if you've got a 150 byte read-me it's going to use a 4M chunk.05:33
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bulmerfilenotfound: why not disable apci just for kicks and see if it makes a difference?05:33
SecrethXxtknight, "no printers detected"05:33
filenotfoundok, how ?05:33
bulmerfilenotfound: btw, how big is your hdd?05:33
grndslmBlueEagle:  exactly...alright, thanks for the explanation05:33
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soundrayxzk: the wrong signal strength indicator is a driver problem, I believe05:34
bulmerfilenotfound  during boot, at the grub command line  apci=disable05:34
BlueEaglegrndslm: I'm not done yet.05:34
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BlueEagleJees. :p05:34
xzksoundray: Yeah, I'm using the ndiswrapper thing05:34
xtknightSecrethX: are you sure your printer is supported?05:34
newbie77Hi again, could someone please tell me how I could install dd_rescue (not ddrescue) and dd_rhelp? They are not listed at Applications =>add/remove05:34
filenotfoundbulmer> ok, 10x, i'll try05:34
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SecrethXxtknight, yes, by gutenprint05:34
GreyGhost jt_a7x_3 ,,u want gnome or kde?05:34
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SecrethXxtknight, printconf gives me this error; (ill pastebin it)05:35
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:35
jt_a7x_3GreyGhost: gnome05:35
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soundrayxzk: have you found the docs in file:///usr/share/doc/network-manager ?05:35
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SecrethXxtknight, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4129/05:35
xzksoundray: no, what is that05:36
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xtknightany different between the kernel parameters `noacpi` and `acpi=disable`?05:36
soundrayxzk: a local directory containing documentation05:36
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xzksoundray: what version of Network Manager do you use05:36
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GreyGhost jt_a7x_3 ,try "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"05:37
sdaxc1hi,  i installed tomcat 5.5 on my xubuntu edgy through synaptic.  Anyway the server correctly serves the default page at "http:localhost"  but when i try to open the proveded example servlets at "http://localhost/servlets-examples"  i get a 404 NOT FOUND error.   tomcat is running...so am i trying the wrong url ?05:37
gaspipe1_sup people05:37
sdaxc1more info:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4130/05:37
GreyGhost jt_a7x_3 ,i think thats the one ..05:37
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xtknightSecrethX: interesting..05:37
diablos_raventhis is probably a really weak question but i was moving icons around on my menu panel and they started disappearing and i know thats not normal05:37
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jt_a7x_3Hold on, have to go to my wired connection.05:37
soundrayxzk: the one in dapper. Sorry, I'm not working on the machine in question right now.05:37
xtknightSecrethX: try reinstalling gutenprint?05:37
sdaxc1any ideas why this could be happening... not sure if its related os or not05:37
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gaspipe1_anyone know what the "tray list" on xp is called on Ubuntu?05:37
jonycan someone help me with my connection..?:-)05:37
SecrethXxtknight, already done that 4 times05:37
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xtknightgaspipe1_: system tray, notification area you mean?05:38
quaalhow do i get the drive i mount to show up in the list of other drives that automatically mounted?05:38
xtknightSecrethX: with --purge (remove conf)?05:38
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soundrayxzk: it's 0.6.2-0ubuntu705:38
xtknight!fstab | quaal05:38
ubotuquaal: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions05:38
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quaaldo i have to mount it in /media/something ?05:38
jonyhElLO..Can anYOne hElP ME?:-)05:38
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quaalxtknight, i have the drive mounted already its just not in the drive list05:39
xtknight!ask | jony05:39
ubotujony: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:39
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gaspipe1_xtknight: ahhh not sure.. lets say in gaim when I close it, it doesn't exit, it minimizes on the tray... (top panel)05:39
SecrethXxtknight, ehh.. if I remove libgutenprint2 it will remove ubuntu-desktop too05:39
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xtknightgaspipe1_: yes, just system tray/notification area (same thing) in gnome i guess.05:39
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jonyxtknight: well .. im connected on BitcHX now From Ubuntu 6.02.. and evrytime when i want to connecto to something..like to www.google.com .. i got to make connection..(sudo pppoeconf..)05:39
xtknightSecrethX: use `sudo dpkg --purge --force-all libgutenprint2`05:40
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gaspipe1_xtknight: awsome... do you know how I can add it to panel again?05:40
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xtknightquaal: drive list?  you mean under "My Computer"?05:40
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diablos_raventhis is probably a really weak question but i was moving icons around on my menu panel and they started disappearing and i know thats not normal05:41
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quaalxtknight, under "places" in the File Browser05:41
quaalxtknight,  where the auto-mounted drives are listed05:41
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SecrethXxtknight, no difference, output of printconf is still the same, CUPS still cant detect my printer05:41
jonyxtknight: well .. im connected on BitcHX now From Ubuntu 6.02.. and evrytime when i want to connecto to something..like to www.google.com .. i got to make connection..(sudo pppoeconf..)05:41
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xtknightquaal: oh..umm.. i have no idea how to get it there to be honest05:41
quaalxtknight, ok thanks05:41
xtknightSecrethX: odd.  guess your only solution left is google, sorry05:41
nicobrainhallo, sind hier auch welche die deutsch sprechen?05:41
jonyxtknight ?:S05:42
xtknightjony: i'm not sure.  i'm not good with dsl05:42
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SecrethXxtknight, I already tried googling the errors printconf gave me, no results :x05:42
jonytnx anyone05:42
xtknightSecrethX: does "/usr/share/foomatic/db/source/driver/gutenprint.xml" exist?05:42
huascar80anyhow if anybody is interested in the answer gnomebaker seems to work with DVD DL05:42
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CharbaxHello, I got a Windows Dell laptop, How do I get rid of Windows XP and install Ubuntu?05:42
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SecrethXxtknight, no,05:43
CharbaxI got the Ubuntu 6.10 iso image file burnt05:43
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xtknightSecrethX: what about this http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org/msg261392.html05:43
CharbaxHow do I format?05:43
nicobrainhello, can anybody help me to connect my mobile with ubuntu?05:43
soundrayCharbax: boot it and follow the instructions. There is an option to "Use the whole drive"05:43
kumahi, i'm installing SCIM multi-language support for Kubuntu, following this guide:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SCIM/Kubuntu i've encountered a problem in step 5, can someone help me?05:43
xtknightSecrethX: never mind, no answer there i05:43
gaspipe1_xtknight: it's under notification reminder when you loko to add to panel....just found it. Thanks again05:43
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Rp3charbax boot and it will allow you to format05:43
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Charbaxsoundray, when I booted it, I clicked perform install but I didn't get any option to "use the whole drive" ?05:44
steven_can someone help me with my sound? its being weird...its overdriving my guitar when i plug it in...although the regular sound (music and stuff) is normal..05:44
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soundrayCharbax: what did you get?05:44
CharbaxAnd then when I restart the computer it keeps getting into Windows05:44
thugcan someone please help me mounting one of my shared directory from the other windows machine with write permission for the user ?05:44
soundrayCharbax: you need to follow through with the installation.05:44
CharbaxLet me check the exact iso file05:44
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steven_can someone please help me with my sound??05:45
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CharbaxI got "Ubuntu 6.10, the Newest Ubuntu Release" on http://www.ubuntu.com/products/GetUbuntu/download?action=show&redirect=download05:45
nicobrainhello, can anybody help me to connect my mobile with ubuntu?05:45
xtknightSecrethX: all i can suggest is compiling a new version of gutenprint :O05:45
Rp3charbax when you boot to the live cd, there is a Install option, double click that and one of the first options is where it will go if I remember correctly05:45
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SecrethXxtknight, interesting if I knew how :P05:45
xtknight!compile | SecrethX :)05:45
ubotuSecrethX :): Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:45
soundraysteven_: output levels from instruments are way higher than from hifi equipment05:45
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xtknightSecrethX: i'll walk you through it05:45
Music_ShuffleEpiphany users?05:46
SecrethXxtknight, okay, first im gonna find the tarballs05:46
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CharbaxRp3, ok I will start again05:46
steven_soundray so what do i do lower output lvls?05:46
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xtknightSecrethX: link me to the tar bz2/gz you get05:46
Deep7guys is feisty anywhere near usable yet?05:46
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thugohh please do not help me all at the same time :))05:46
thugits too much for me .. ;) cant type that fast05:46
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT05:46
xtknightDeep7: #ubuntu+1   feisty is usable imo, not stable05:46
Rp3I just did the install on a laptop, and it asks if you want to use the whole drive, at least it did for eme :)05:46
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dremonnicobrain: how to you want to connect your mobile and for what? internet access?05:47
SecrethXxtknight, http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=1537&package_id=143930&release_id=43570605:47
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diablos_raventhug, just mount the shared folder in your personal dir05:47
soundraysteven_: I don't know, it depends on your equipment05:47
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newbie77Sorry for insisting, but could someone please help me to install Hi again, could someone please tell me how I could install something not listed at Applications =>Add/Remove?05:48
soundraysteven_: it's possible that your guitar amp has a hifi-level output05:48
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xtknightSecrethX: gotcha.  i guess we will just install over the deb package to avoid package manager issues.  bit messy but what the heck05:48
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thugdiablos_raven yeah nice help . thanks a lot ? hello ? wake up " i want write permission to it " to can mount something i need sudo right ? sudo mount will mount it with root permission isnt it ?05:48
newbie77sorry for the pasting mess05:48
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steven_soundray im plugging my guitar directly into my computer...05:48
SecrethXxtknight, okay :) I already extracted the files05:48
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soundraysteven_: I know. You shouldn't do that.05:48
HiP_Phmmm having getting swat to work.... its in the inetd.conf its just not working05:48
soundraysteven_: unless what you want is a fried soundcard.05:49
HiP_P*having trouble05:49
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xtknightSecrethX: ok lets see if we need any configure options for the epson05:49
newbie77apt-get tells me that it can not find the package dd_rhelp05:49
steven_soundray: alright so i plug from amp to computer?05:49
CharbaxOK when I boot the laptop with the Ubuntu CD in, it says "Start or install Ubuntu", "Start Ubuntu in safe graphics mode", Check CD for defects, memory test, Boot from first hard disk05:49
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soundraysteven_: worth trying05:50
CharbaxWhen I click "Start or install Ubuntu" there is no option to Delete windows on the hard disk05:50
steven_soundray: when i used windows everything would sound perfect...nothing overdrived...but now im using linux and its overdriving..05:50
xtknightSecrethX: type "./configure" and paste the output on pastebin if there are no errors05:50
OneOfTheManyCharbax: It should as you if you want to remove everything from your hard drive when you come to the partitioning section05:50
ompaulsteven_, and you did not know your hardware could be - now you can find the point that suits your ear most and not have some random setting in your way05:50
Rp3correct, just let it boot, that is the live CD booting, then once it comes up there will be an install icon double click that to install.05:51
xtknightSecrethX: mine personally says " Build EPSON Stylus utility:                 yes05:51
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CharbaxIs it better to get "Ubuntu 6.06 LTS" ?05:51
soundrayCharbax: when you choose "Start or install Ubuntu", you should boot into a graphical desktop. There is a program there called "Install Ubuntu" or similar05:51
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Rp32 answers are better than one :)05:51
SecrethXxtknight, ok, configuring now05:51
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soundraysteven_: you could reduce your input levels using the mixer (doubleclick the volume icon on the top panel)05:52
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HiP_Pand iam using 6.0605:52
SecrethXxtknight, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4134/05:52
soundraysteven_: but what you're doing is not safe -- probably not in Windows, either05:52
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:52
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CyberCod!envy | winston05:53
ubotuwinston: envy is a Python script that eases installation of the official Nvidia and ATI drivers. Please see http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html . Developers may be interested in https://launchpad.net/products/envy - See also !Nvidia05:53
xtknightSecrethX: could you post the log prior to that?  seems that on your system CUPS will not be built05:53
steven_soundray: so going through my amp is a better option05:53
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forgeukAnyone know a good wallpaper manager like Webshots, I've tried "kWebuilder" and "wallpaper tray" and "bg-change". they either dont work, or dont work how I want, I just want to point to a folder, and have it change to a random image every hour.05:54
soundraysteven_: it may or may not be, depending on the output levels that your amp has05:54
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CyberCodforgeuk yes, i think its called drapes05:54
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CyberCodforgeuk: it runs using mono05:54
SecrethXxtknight, hold on, the pastebin thinks im spamming05:54
forgeukCybergod, ah yes, tried that one too, it seems to shutdown right after starting05:55
xtknightSecrethX: lol05:55
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soundrayCharbax: which version did you get?05:55
CyberCodhello lulu05:55
xtknightSecrethX: well just see why cups didnt get automatically selected for building05:55
GreyGhost jt_a7x_3 .did that work ? i mean GNOME?05:55
=== Thug-N-Me brb
CyberCodforgeuk, you had mono installed, yes?05:55
xtknightSecrethX: was cups-config not found or something?05:55
soundrayCharbax: that's fine, you just have to follow it through.05:55
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soundrayHave to go.05:55
CharbaxNow I'm booting into the graphical mode, will try to execute the "Install" icon that is on the desktop, but it just seems not to work05:55
lulucybercode:you are a man05:56
SecrethXxtknight, ill do grep cups, that makes it easier05:56
forgeukCybergod, I guess I didn't have mono installed, as I dont remember installing it05:56
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CharbaxIt says "There was an error starting GNOME settings daemon"05:56
xtknightSecrethX: do grep -i cups  actually so it's case insensitive05:56
CyberCodlulu, yes... is that a problem for you?05:56
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Charbaxstuff like that, I just guess it might be a smoother install if the hard drive was formatted first05:56
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jt_a7x_3GreyGhost: It's still downloading.05:56
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GreyGhostjt_a7x_3 ,ah ok .. i've gotta go though.. cya .. hope it works ..05:57
SecrethXblah, im still spamming according to the pastebin05:57
jt_a7x_3GreyGhost: Thanks for the help, have a good one.05:57
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HiP_P"swat            stream  tcp     nowait.400      root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/swat" thats right isnt it?05:57
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CharbaxThere is only 256mb ram in this laptop, that might be a reason why it doesn't install correctly?05:58
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forgeukCybergod: how do I go about installing Mono, I see about 100 things called mono in Synaptic Package manager05:58
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pirate-kinghow do you change the color on the nautilus screen05:58
LjLUbotu, tell gardar[away]  about away | gardar[away] , see the private message from Ubotu05:58
CyberCodcharbax, thats enough, it only requires 19205:58
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gaspipe1i'm looking to install a driver for my Brother MFC 5100C. On Brother's website is asks which linux (ubuntu) I am using For Red Hat / Mandriva (Mandrake) / SuSE / FedoraCore Users or Debian?05:58
xtknightgaspipe1: debian05:58
CyberCodforgeuk, i think its the package "mono"   not trying to be a smartass... its just that is all it says05:59
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HymnToLifegaspipe1, Debian is your best bet05:59
OneOfTheManywhats the most popular app for watching digital television in a window on my desktop?05:59
steven_ompaul: im getting a high pitch/crappy sounding sound when i playback what i record (sound not overdriving now)05:59
lulucybercode:where are you05:59
gaspipe1HymnToLife: ok thanks05:59
CyberCodOneOfTheMany: depends on if you mean streaming, or via a capture card05:59
andyis there a tool in gnome for mounting my windows partition?05:59
CyberCodlulu check pm05:59
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gaspipe1HymnToLife: too bad I'm using 64bit and it only offers 32 bit lol06:00
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OneOfTheManyCyberCod: I have a digital tv card06:00
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forgeukCyberCod: Mono - Dot net runtime...ok, I'll give that a go06:00
SecrethXxtknight, http://pastebin.ca/34020306:00
lulucybercode i have a question06:00
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:00
gpm_andy: do you know what device it is?06:00
OneOfTheManyCybercod: it works fine with mythtv.. but i cant run that in a window06:00
ompaulsteven_, well have a look at the mic and its settings - and if it is in the machine (like for instance a laptop) I point at the need for a different mic06:00
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HymnToLifeubotu, tell HymnToLife about botsnack | HymnToLife, see the private message from ubotu.06:00
CyberCodOneOfTheMany:  just one moment, I'll have to look.06:00
w00dyy'all know anything about this error: usb 3-3: device descriptor read 164, error -11006:00
HymnToLife(sry, just testing)06:00
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ferret_0567Can I use bootchart and the dependency' it installs with Sun's Java JDK on Ubuntu 6.10 without messing anything up?06:01
xtknightSecrethX: `sudo apt-get install libcupsys2-dev` then do ./configure again06:01
ferret_0567I still want my Sun Java to work after installing bootchart06:01
xtknightSecrethX: and verify cups is getting configured this time06:01
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ferret_0567I am interested in how fast Ubuntu 6.10 actually boots up06:02
rEvolution27hey guys, just did a fresh install on an older system... how do i check what graphics card i have? so i can get the driver. I know it's an nvidia06:02
SecrethXxtknight, ill do it again with grep :)06:02
xtknightSecrethX: sounds goood06:02
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HymnToLiferEvolution27, lspci | grep VGA06:02
GMWeezelI have found a bug in gedit; where can I report it?06:02
CharbaxSo when I install Ubuntu, it shows the "Examples" and the "Install" icons on the graphical desktop. I double click on "Install" but nothing happens. I guess this laptop is broken or something? Maybe the 256mb ram are corrupted, maybe I should try to get he Windows partition formatted before getting into this graphical desktop Ubuntu installation?06:02
xtknight!launchpad | GMWeezel06:02
ubotuGMWeezel: launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/06:02
HymnToLife!hi | lulu06:03
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ubotululu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:03
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SecrethXxtknight, http://pastebin.ca/34020706:03
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xtknightSecrethX: looks good to me. type `make` now06:03
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CharbaxMaybe I should read the tutorial for a command line installation of ubuntu06:03
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SecrethXxtknight, ok doing make now06:03
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CyberCodOneOfTheMany:  tvtime i found to be best (though it doesnt record I think) and kdetv was ok06:04
ubotuhello: The classic greeting, and a good example. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1.1-4 (edgy), package size 47 kB, installed size 472 kB06:04
TheGateKeeperCharbax, you need to create a partition for linux to be installed onto, if it is all windows you will need to shrink it with something like gparted06:04
LvanderReeHello can someone tell me why my multimedia keys (logitech dinovo) aren't recognized in gnome, but work fine in kde. Just give me some hints and I will figure out the rest, but don't know where to start looking now...06:04
CyberCodCharbax:  you could get an alternate cd06:04
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kumahi, i'm installing SCIM multi-language support for Kubuntu, following this guide:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SCIM/Kubuntu i've encountered a problem in step 5, can someone help me?06:04
quaalis raid supported in edgy ?06:05
Rochvelloni've got a javabased program, which can minimized to tray. what can i do that this program appears in this tray? ubuntu 6.1006:05
SecrethXxtknight, got an error06:05
CyberCodlulu, its not cybercode, its CyberCod06:05
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xtknightSecrethX: was it about -lcupsimage?06:05
quaali have a Sil3112 raid controller06:05
quaalwith 2 sata drives in raid-006:05
SecrethXxtknight, yes06:05
CharbaxCyberCod, what is the alternate CD?06:05
zzz_xtknight: I figured out why 2.6.19 names my hard disk as sda. It is because the module named ata_piix recognizes my IDE controller and registers it as sda. So ide-generic module cannot recognize my hard disk as hda anymore....06:05
xtknightSecrethX: hold up, trying to fix that myself06:05
SecrethXxtknight, ok ok :)06:05
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CyberCodCharbax:  its a text based ubuntu install disk, you'll need to download and burn an iso06:05
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harrydoes anybody here use lirc with an ati remote wonder or know where I can find help please?06:05
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CyberCodlulu, can I help you with something?06:06
Charbaxok I will look for than thanks06:06
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quaalis editing the kernel as detailed in this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2557 the only way to get a raid-0 array working in 6.10 ?06:06
lulucybercod:yes  i have a question06:06
CyberCod!alternate cd06:06
ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.06:06
fotofloOY VEI06:06
LvanderReekuma: what is your problem with step 506:07
CyberCodlulu, shoot06:07
gpm_fotoflo: indeed06:07
fotofloUbuntu screwed my windows partition up!06:07
kumaLvanderRee: I don't have that directory06:07
lulucybercod what06:07
harryquaal: no - i think you can use the alternate cd which is why cybercod got ubuntu to shout about it i assume06:07
fotofloeverything is now read-only06:07
fotofloeven when i boot into windows06:07
harryfotoflo: even in windows?06:07
kumaLvanderRee: in my home folder, i mean, shoul i create it?06:07
xtknightSecrethX: "sudo apt-get install libcupsimage2-dev"  then 'make' will continue where it left off06:07
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xtknightzzz_: ahh.06:07
quaali already have ubuntu instaleld06:07
harryfotoflo: look on the wiki for mounting fat partitions06:07
OneOfTheManyCyberCod: thanks - i tried that a while back - never seems to detect my digitaltv (just the analog in on my tv card) - I must be missing something06:08
fotoflonow im back in windows06:08
quaalharry, i just want to be able to access these 2 raid-0 ntfs drives06:08
gpm_harry: he can't write to the windows partition in windows06:08
ferret_0567Has anyone tried Ubuntu 6.10 and bootchart with Sun Java?06:08
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LvanderReekuma: I think sudo apt-get install  scim-pinyin  should do the trick06:08
CyberCodOneOfTheMany:  sorry, missed the part about it being digital signal06:08
SecrethXxtknight, ok doing make again06:08
ferret_0567Sun Java 6 from the multiverse repo to be exaxt06:08
LvanderReeow sorry. your homefolder, I think you have to create it yourself06:08
zzz_xtknight: I have to specify which modules load in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules to work around this problem...06:08
CyberCodlulu, just ask ok?06:08
harryquaal: i dont know enough about raid for that - sorry06:08
fotofloand windows is extra slow because there is no scratch disk anymore06:09
kumaLvanderRee: ok, will try that06:09
LvanderReekuma: the folders with a dot in front of it are hidden, you can see them with " ls -a "06:09
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kumaLvanderRee: yes, i already tried that06:09
harrygpm_: mounting it correctly in ubuntu may help solve that - then he can chown in ubuntu i would think06:09
lulucybercod myquestion is you are speek espanish06:09
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gpm_harry: you can't set permissions on fat or ntfs06:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-es - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:09
CyberCodlulu, sorry no, solo um poco... not enough to help06:09
LvanderReekuma: but if it doesn't excists, you can create it with "mkdir  .xinput.d"06:09
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:10
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abhinayhi all06:10
harrygpm_: well i know there is an odd way of mounting it so you can write in ubuntu (using umode=0666 i think)06:10
LvanderReekuma: usually the application then find these new directories themselves (sometimes after you have logged in again)06:10
kumaLvanderRee: yes, but should i create it, or maybe i'm missing an app06:10
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harrygpm_: its a start06:10
gpm_harry: you can only mount with certain permissions which can't be changed...plus iirc, there's NO write support at all for ntfs06:10
Linuxd00dhey guys06:10
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lulucybercod you want tak whit me06:11
abhinayis that possible to change the font in tty1, tty2, tty3... as in previous versions of ubuntu (I'm using Edgy)06:11
ubotubootchart: boot sequence auditing and chart generator. In component main, is extra. Version 0.9-0ubuntu6 (edgy), package size 96 kB, installed size 192 kB06:11
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gpm_harry: yes, what you're talking about is mounting it with pre-defined permissions, but that won't help him mount it in windows06:11
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harryi am having problems with lirc - the /dev/lirc device node isn't working - anybody have any ideas?06:11
MoxxonWould it be possible to run WOw through wine?06:11
Linuxd00dagain still having problems with nvidia card, will not even let me install06:11
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gpm_Moxxon: very possible06:11
harryMoxxon: yes-tutorials on the web06:11
SecrethXxtknight, its done06:11
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CyberCodyou can mount ext3 partitions in windows using ext2fsd06:11
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harrygpm_: oh ok - then i dont know, sorry06:11
LvanderReekuma: no sometimes you have to create these folders yourself, when they are located in your home folder, some apps make them theirselves, and others use the default in /etc when no folder in home/. excists06:11
xtknightSecrethX: 'sudo make install'06:12
gpm_harry: i don't either, it's a weird problem06:12
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CyberCodlulu, yes?06:12
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about htpc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:12
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kumaLvanderRee: ok, i'll try creating it and then i'll restart my PC06:12
LvanderReekuma: so if you make changes in the home/. folder you overwrite the preferences of the default settings stored in /etc06:12
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LvanderReekuma: just log-out and log back in again should be enough I think06:12
kumaLvanderRee: Isee, well thganks, i'll do that right away06:12
rEvolution27how do i check the amt of space on a partition?06:12
kumaLvanderRee: ok06:13
LjLrEvolution27: df -h06:13
rjg_I have a application called JAckfield that I'd like to build from SVN. It's repository is:06:13
rjg_and I do have the subversion packages installed....Can someone give me a step by step walkthroughon how to build it?06:13
lulucybercode you understend me my english is bad06:13
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nn531im going to throw together an home theatre pc sometime later this week, is there any real benefit of putting linux on there?06:13
LvanderReeHello can someone tell me why my multimedia keys (logitech diNovo) aren't recognized in gnome, but work fine in kde. Just give me some hints and I will figure out the rest, but don't know where to start looking now...06:13
SecrethXxtknight, done, now try printconf again?06:13
LvanderReerEvolution27: du -h06:13
harrynn531: im kinda trying that at the moment - very easy till i started using a remote with it06:13
harrynn531: tho it seems some remotes are harder than others06:13
LvanderReerEvolution27: in the console ofcourse06:13
xtknightSecrethX: hmm.  what is printconf a part of?  gutenprint?06:13
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up365Linuxd00d: have you been to the http://www.ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=138 Ubuntu Mutimedia & Video forum use pasted link if not06:13
CyberCodlulu, try going to http://babelfish.altavista.com/  there is an online translator06:14
LvanderReerEvolution27: sorry df -h06:14
nn531harry: yeah I can imagine that would be difficult, what kind of remote are you using?06:14
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SecrethXxtknight, i dunno, it was in synaptic, while i was searching for gutenprint06:14
xtknightcool "make -j 3" will use dual core cpus06:14
LvanderReerEvolution27: it stands for disk free, and h is human readable06:14
tuxubhi, is there any software in ubuntu for accessing a remote macosx?06:14
MoxxonHey can someone help me with installation of Ubuntu?06:14
gpm_LvanderRee: system->prefs->keyboard shortcuts06:14
HiP_Pcybercod: do you use swat?06:14
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harrynn531: an ati remote wonder - i know it works as geexbox uses it06:14
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TrixseyWhat is VMWare? Remote desktop?06:14
CyberCodHiP_P:  sorry, no06:14
LvanderReerEvolution27: du stands for disk usage06:14
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harrynn531: its just my lirc install which is playing up06:15
MoxxonCan soemoen help me?06:15
MoxxonLike in another chat real quick?06:15
xtknightSecrethX: we need to use the new gutenprint somehow, it's in /usr/local/06:15
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HiP_Pcybercod: ahhh ok. cheers anyways06:15
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MoxxonSo I got Ubuntu on a CD now06:15
Trixseyor vitalization?06:15
lulucybercode sorry but i not understenyoui need hablar with you in espanish u can06:15
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MoxxonDo I hvae to uninstall windows?06:15
=== Trixsey kicks on spelling
Moxxonto use it?06:15
SecrethXxtknight, and how do we do that then? :o06:15
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nn531harry: ok, i was just wondering about software issues with my hardware... i.e video cards06:15
xtknightSecrethX: im really not sure how to do that, though.  you might have to recompile cups too ;)06:15
ReKlipz!mp3 > ReKlipz06:15
quaalMoxxon, no.06:15
LvanderReegpm_ I know, but when I press a key, it doesn't do a thing06:15
gpm_Moxxon: no06:15
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MoxxonQuaal: Do I just put the CD in when its booting?06:16
CyberCodlulu no habla espaniol06:16
quaalMoxxon, you can have many operating systems on one computer06:16
quaalMoxxon, yes06:16
Rochvelloni've got a javabased program, which can minimized to tray. what can i do that this program appears in this tray? ubuntu 6.1006:16
gpm_LvanderRee: oh. but it works with kde?06:16
SecrethXxtknight, I just love to break thing :)06:16
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LvanderReegpm_: in kde the keys work fine, but in gnome I don't receive any feedback06:16
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CyberCodI think cybercod must mean "patient helper" or "patsy" in spanish06:16
gpm_LvanderRee: did you try messing with the keyboard prefs?06:16
lulucybercode:si me entiendes lo q digo06:16
LvanderReegpm_: also when running xev I don't get feedback from multimedia keys in gnome06:16
LvanderReegpm_: nope all out of the box06:17
TooR4uhow to capture sereaming video ...?06:17
TooR4ui mean  rtsp://
TooR4uhow to capture the video in this link06:17
TooR4uthe file is *.rm format06:17
w00dyanyone know about this error: usb 3-3: device descriptor read 164, error -110? got it when i booted up this morning.06:17
gpm_LvanderRee: check out that: system->prefs->keyboard prefs06:17
HiP_Ptoor4u: mplayer06:17
SecrethXxtknight, printconf is just the same, cups still doesnt recognize my printer :p06:17
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Rugmonsterhowdy everyone. I'm looking for something that will lock my screen after, say 45 minutes of use and then unlock it after a rest period. I thought xscreensaver had that functionality, but I can't find it now. Any suggestions?06:17
gpm_then go to the layout tab06:17
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xtknightSecrethX: same gutenprint error though?06:17
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SecrethXxtknight, yes06:17
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gpm_LvanderRee: try another layout, it might work06:17
TooR4uHiP_P, how to record that files?06:17
LvanderReegpm_: in there I selected the dinovo keyboard from the list, but no reaction06:18
xtknightSecrethX: woohoo!  we get to recompile cups now :P06:18
SecrethXxtknight, lol :D06:18
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SecrethXxtknight, ok how to do that ? :D06:18
HiP_Ptoor4u: it dumps it the stream06:18
rizohow can i antialias helvetica and family fonts?06:18
HiP_P*toor4u: it dumps the stream06:18
xtknightSecrethX: well it should be self explanatory from here06:18
rizoin ubuntu dapper06:18
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xtknightSecrethX: download tarball, configure, make, sudo make install06:18
SecrethXxtknight, oh ok :p06:18
TooR4uhow to save that?06:18
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SecrethXxtknight, not following me now? :D06:18
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HiP_Pthat is it saved06:18
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LonerVamplol cod06:19
TooR4uit is possible to save that file ...Hip_p..?06:19
xtknightSecrethX: pretty much same for everything.  just make sure you ./configure cups with the right options.  well i would follow you but im compiling something and its taking 100% cpu at the moment so it's hard me to do aynthing06:19
gpm_LvanderRee: huh. well then kde is adding some functionality or gnome is taking some away. you could try running xev in a fluxbox or blackbox and see if there's a response then to know for sure if it's gnome sucking extra hard or kde being extra cool06:19
LvanderReegpm_: nothing, maybe after i logged in again06:19
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gpm_LvanderRee: maybe06:19
SecrethXxtknight, oh ok :p06:19
HiP_Pmplayer url -dumpstream06:19
LvanderReegpm_: nice idea06:19
CyberCodlulu :Estoy apesadumbrado que el lulu, yo no entiende espaol, yo est utilizando un programa del traductor para escribir esto, usted puede ir # ubuntu-es para la ayuda en su lengua. Si ste es Kris Perry que ensucia con m, despus playin parado.06:19
gpm_LvanderRee: that's weird though....i had some stupid hp keyboard with extra buttons and it worked right away06:19
LvanderReegpm_: I will try that06:19
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xtknightSecrethX: you might need to ./configure cups with some epson driver.  or maybe not06:19
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gpm_LvanderRee: well that will just tell you what the problem is06:19
gpm_LvanderRee: not really a solution06:19
MoxxonWhen I put the CD into the computer it loads the splash screen and gives me a few options06:19
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MoxxonWhen I enter at Start or INstall06:20
gpm_LvanderRee: the only solution at this point is to use kde06:20
SecrethXxtknight, ill check it out06:20
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Moxxonit says "Error reading boot CD"06:20
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LvanderReegpm_: thanks anyway, I will try it, so I have some clues of where to look futher06:20
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gpm_LvanderRee: good luck06:20
up365Rugmonster: system-preferences-screensaver, I see option to set session as idle up to 2hrs , activate , and lock screen06:20
CyberCodMoxxon, one of the options should be check disk for errors.. try that, make sure it burnt correctly and downloaded correctly06:20
MoxxonLoading IsoLinux: Disk error 28, AX=420006:20
LvanderReegpm_: jep but i prefere gnome, I think... So I will think its worth the look06:20
Rugmonsterup365: no, I need it for x mins of activity. not inactivity06:20
LvanderReegpm_: so thanks again, and bybeye06:21
gpm_LvanderRee: bye06:21
madman_hi people, i installed compiz with xgl, when i do compiz start with the --replace gconf the compiz starts but i get no themes :(06:21
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up365Rugmonster: oh I see06:21
HiP_Pcybercod: your free of lulu06:21
Rugmonsterup365: yeah, I'm just going to get the timer off the stove and set it for 45 minutes06:21
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CyberCodHiP_P:  babel fish comes in handy sometimes06:22
madman_i got the emerald themes but i cannot apply them :S06:22
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MoxxonHow large should the file be for ubuntu?06:22
Moxxon698 MBs?06:22
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up365Rugmonster: I hope thats a Linux based timer and not Windows06:22
Zaggynluse the md5sum to check06:22
CyberCodi told him I didn't know spanish, and to go to #ubuntu-es, and that if it was a certain friend of mine, that they needed to quit playin06:22
zythmaddler, restart the window decorator in the beryl menu06:22
zyther madman_ even06:22
Zaggynl!md5 > Moxxon06:22
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zythknown bug.06:22
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RugmonsterMoxxon: if you want to make sure you downloaded the file correctly, check the MD5SUM06:22
HiP_Pyeah so you can say "i can speak your language" in some many languages06:23
madman_how do i do that06:23
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HiP_P*cant even06:23
CyberCodHiP_P:  yeah, i explained I was using a translator to make that text, else he would have thought I was full of it for saying I didn't know spanish06:23
frederificWhen I try to log in to GNOME, it says my session lasted less than 10secs. The errors I get are: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4137/06:23
alekzandri have edgy and I want to set up a keyboard shortcut to switch desktops, but under keyboard shortcuts there is no option for desktop switching like the ones i see in the howto on ubuntuforums any idea why?06:23
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HiP_Poh well you can but try06:24
MoxxonWhere do I download MD5SUM06:24
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HiP_Platers cybercod06:25
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madman_hi people06:25
CyberCodHiP_P:  adios lol06:25
madman_i started beryl and i did not see nothing06:25
madman_the interface loads06:25
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madman_but i see white squares and rectangles06:25
jonah1980_2hi guys, i've removed some lines out of xorg that i shouldnt have is there a way to autoreconfigure it without losing my compiz settings/entries? thanks06:25
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TooR4uwhat is the equivalent to wmr recorder in linux......?06:26
CyberCodjonah1980_2:  make a backup, reconfigure it, then copy from your backup to the new one06:26
rizo  URW provides metric and shape compatible fonts for these 10 Adobe families.06:26
rizo  -->06:26
rizosorry wrong window06:26
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CyberCodjonah1980_2:  it helps if you can do all that in command line06:26
Henry_BeanHello, i'm having an strange problem... if i run vmplayer from my user it doesn't run throwing this error several times in console "/libpixbufloader-png.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" but if i run it as root (sudo vmplayer) everything goes fine... somebody knows what may be going on?06:26
jonah1980_2CyberCod, thanks that's a good plan, how do i reconfigure it? which command is it?06:27
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TooR4uwhat is the equivalent to wmr recorder in linux......?06:27
CyberCodjonah1980_2:  i forget, not enough sleep... sorry...06:27
CyberCoddoes anyone else know?06:27
TooR4ui want to capture the streaming video files ....06:27
madman_so i start beryl and i see nothing06:27
madman_it loads but after i get no themes06:27
madman_i can switch applications but that's all06:28
CyberCodmadman, sounds like a window manager problem06:28
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frederificWhen I try to log in to GNOME, it says my session lasted less than 10secs; and doesn't start. The errors I get are: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4137/06:28
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frederificany ideas anyone?06:28
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TooR4uwhat is the equivalent to wmr recorder in linux......?06:28
TooR4ui want to capture the streaming video files ....06:28
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madman_i think its because there is no default theme applied to beryl06:28
TooR4ucan any one help me..06:29
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jonah1980_2hey guys anyone know what command is to auto reconfigure xorg.conf?06:29
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MarcNjonah1980_2: sudo dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg06:30
enycjonah1980_2: well i know "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" ...06:30
CyberCodfrederific: from your errors sounds like something is amiss with dbus06:30
enyc** bugs with # 78005 77485 (SRU updates for qpsmtpd) need other people to install the package, configure it todo something (like deliver all mail to a maildir/) ('sudo dpkg-reconfigure qpsmtpd') and reboot, check the service still running and post "WorksForMe" comments, thanks ;-) **06:30
jonah1980_2thanks that's great guys06:30
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alekzandrTooR4u,  try this website: http://all-streaming-media.com/record-video-stream/all-streaming-video-recording-software.htm#recmp06:30
TooR4ui have tried06:30
TooR4ubut it is not free software ...06:30
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rjg_I have a application called JAckfield that I'd like to build from SVN. It's repository is:06:31
rjg_and I do have the subversion packages installed....Can someone give me a step by step walkthroughon how to build it?06:31
TooR4uwe have to pay $1906:31
frederificCyberCod, is it possible to reinstall it?06:31
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jt_a7x_3I just ran `sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop` and now how do i run it/06:31
CyberCodfrederific:  i have no clue, i just know that the dbus service is used for sending messages between applications... its a place to start looking06:32
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alekzandranyone know about desktop switching keyboard shortcuts?06:32
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CyberCodfrederific:  perhaps you inadvertently turned off that service somehow06:32
SecrethXxtknight, that didnt work either06:32
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madman_i missed the beryl packages :)06:32
rjg_alekzander: ask that at the channel: #beryl06:32
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CyberCodjt_a7x_3:  you select a gnome session at the login screen06:32
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jt_a7x_3No, I'm in a command line interface.06:33
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jt_a7x_3I used the minimal install cd.06:33
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frederificCyberCod, thanks06:33
CyberCodjt_a7x_3: startx06:33
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jt_a7x_3command not found.06:33
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xtknightSecrethX: it compiled fine though? and installed file?06:34
CyberCodjt_a7x_3:  sorry, never used minimal install before, was just a guess06:34
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imc_SQUID question:: Having trouble logging into squid server; getting  "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3 Protocol mismatch." The  /var/log/auth.log on the squid proxy side  says: blackrock sshd[11270] : Bad protocol version identification 'GET http://mail.google.com/mail/?ik=[session stuff removed] ' from UNKNOWN. Remote Gentoo server where squid is running runs OpenSSH_4.3p2, OpenSSL 0.9.7e 25 Oct 2004;  this machine runs OpenSSH_4.3p2 Debian-5ubunt06:34
jt_a7x_3Theres not really any documentation on it06:34
CyberCodjt_a7x_3:  somethign to do with gdmstart i think06:34
SecrethXxtknight, it did install and compile fine, but it didnt install the missing file06:34
jt_a7x_3CyberCod: okay.06:34
SecrethXxtknight, gnome-cups-add in console return a whole bunch of errors like this:06:34
CyberCodjt_a7x_3:  try gdmsetup06:35
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rjg_I have a application called JAckfield that I'd like to build from SVN. It's repository is:06:35
rjg_and I do have the subversion packages installed....Can someone give me a step by step walkthroughon how to build it?06:35
CyberCodjt, sorry,    sudo gdmsetup06:35
SecrethXxtknight, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4141/06:35
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jt_a7x_3sudo: gdmsetup : command not found.06:35
black_13does ubuntu have a analogue of debian's make-live live cd creator?06:36
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CyberCodjt_a7x_3:  clueless again, perhaps you can google a howto?06:36
xtknightSecrethX: argh06:36
xtknightSecrethX:  i dont know.  apparently epson printers are hell under linux.  those dont really look like errors though06:36
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:36
Asl[a] nGuys, how do i configure a serial port- it can be easily accessed from windows using Start-> accessories-> communications-> hyper terminal06:36
SecrethXxtknight, no they are warnings :p apparently I have gutenprint5.1 installed, whilest I just compiled 5.006:37
ltbarclyis there any way to get the console resolution up to 1600x1200?06:37
Asl[a] nI've never configured any serial devices (COM1/COM4 etc.) on linux before06:37
CyberCodsorry, wrong one06:37
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xtknightSecrethX: lol that sucks06:37
SecrethXxtknight, well, yea :P06:37
squid_moronNo squid geniuses out there, eh?06:37
digitomneed help with my rt61 based wlan card.I've installed the card like this howto. but it won't work. i think there is an error in my encryption config.06:37
CyberCodltbarcly:  you may need to add that mode to your xorg.conf file, and only if your card and monitor support it06:37
SecrethXxtknight, how can I remove one of the two?06:37
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ltbarclycybercod: not xorg, console06:38
jt_a7x_3Is minimal CD the same at Alternate CD?06:38
digitomahh, like this howto: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=296822&highlight=rt6106:38
ltbarclycybercod: I don't even know if the kernel can do that06:38
Asl[a] n!serial port06:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about serial port - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:38
CyberCodltbarcly:  sorry didn't read fully06:38
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Lunar_LampE: Malformed line 3 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dapper-multiverse.list (dist parse) <== I get that error when doing an apt-get update. What on earth is it reading from there for?!06:38
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CyberCodjt_a7x_3:  no alternate cd installs full desktop, and from what i gather from you minimal only gives command line06:39
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xtknightSecrethX: :/06:39
jt_a7x_3Well, the alternate cd i have to boot the desktop to install don't I?06:39
xtknightSecrethX: remove the gutenprint in /usr/local/ i guess...im not sure06:39
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st00nerHi, i just moved my ubuntu from my Sata drive to my IDE drive, i updated the FSTAB file just fine, and added an entry to my menu.lst in grub, but when i boot, it hangs on Begin: Waiting For Root...06:39
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digitomeverytime i start "iwconfig" it shows my other encryption keys. but i don't know what is wrong06:40
st00nerdid i do something wrong with FSTAB?06:40
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jt_a7x_3How do I remove everything from my drive in linux commandline so I can start a fresh install?06:40
bleinmonodid you update grub?06:40
Asl[a] njt_a7x_3, try : rm -rf /06:40
idnjt_a7x_3: do you want to back anything up first?06:40
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idnjt_a7x_3: just format the drive during the install - no need to delete everything06:41
jt_a7x_3okay, was wondering if the install could do that.06:41
Asl[a] njt_a7x_3, seriously- you can do everything from your livecd06:41
dreckslordhi all, is there someone who can tell me how to install a windows-network printer in linux?06:41
CyberCodjt_a7x_3:  the alternate cd installs the desktop via a textual interface06:41
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st00neryes bleinmono: i made a new entry pointing to my new root06:41
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variant!cups | dreckslord06:41
jt_a7x_3Okay, this is my problem.06:41
ubotudreckslord: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:41
st00neri get the splash screen, but it hanggs with that message06:41
idnjt_a7x_3: yeah, just make sure you format the right partition :) I wiped a bunch of files I needed theother day06:41
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jt_a7x_3My CD drive works sometimes, so I rarely use it.06:42
CyberCodjt_a7x_3: you can wipe partitions once you're using the alt cd06:42
digitomHello all. is it possible to get debug-messages from my rt61 driver module ?06:42
variantdreckslord: those links should point you in the right direction06:42
bulmerdreckslord: umm what is the printer model?06:42
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Asl[a] njt_a7x_3, insert the cd and when it comes to gparted (partitioning your drives) choose to delete existing ones and create new ones06:42
jt_a7x_3I have a 6.06 Live CD, can I install from boot screen, or do I have to load Desktop and click install icon?06:42
nox-HandHow do I upgrade version of Ubuntu? i am on 6.0606:42
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dreckslordsamsung ml1610. the printer is installed on an windows server and shared over the network06:43
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variantjt_a7x_3: you can install from the login prompt (not under x)06:43
digitomcan anybody help my with my rt61 driver problem ?06:43
quaalhas anyone dealt with accessing an ntfs partition on a raid-0 array? i found this guide but does it work? it deals with patching the kernel. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2557 is this necessary in 6.10?06:43
CyberCodst00ner:  try hitting escape before it hangs... should show you more output06:43
idnjt_a7x_3: just insert the cd and restart your computer, then when the menu loads just select the start/install ubuntu option. this would load the live CD ith the install on it. The installer should be on the desktop, so just open that and follow the instructions and u should be good06:43
bulmerdreckslord: installe on a windows printer as in attached to the parallel port of that server?06:43
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variant!install > jt_a7x_306:43
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spuddoggIn Edgy server, does anyone know how to display directory listings by page?  The problem is that sometimes when I 'ls' I cannot see the entire list on my screen.  Is there an 'ls -p' or something?  I tried 'ls --help' but I cannot see the top of that list either.06:43
=== magicks [i=magical@jennifer.anistor.and.sandra.bullok.are.hot-hot-chicks.info] has joined #ubuntu
rjg_I have a application called JAckfield that I'd like to build from SVN. It's repository is:06:43
rjg_and I do have the subversion packages installed....Can someone give me a step by step walkthroughon how to build it?06:43
variantspuddogg: ls | less06:44
jt_a7x_3idn: It's just a pain to load the cd desktop on my laptop. But I can run things off HD fine.06:44
bulmerspuddogg: ls -la|more06:44
st00nerCyberGod: im booting without the splash screen so i can see all the information. after hardware detection, it hangs on waiting for root06:44
CyberCodspuddogg:  i think ls |less does it06:44
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idnspuddog: add | more06:44
idnls | more06:44
spuddoggvariant, bulmer, CyberCod:  thanks06:44
idnthen you can press enter to see more06:44
variantspuddogg: more or less in other words :)06:44
jt_a7x_3But, I'm saying, If I put in the Live cd, and I install it without going to Desktop?06:44
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CyberCodspuddogg: |less is for one line at a time i think06:44
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dreckslordbulmer it is not a standalone network printer, it is connected over usb, but there are linux drivers on the web for it06:45
p33k4yhow can i make all mp3s open with XMMS by default when i double click them ?06:45
variantjt_a7x_3: yeah, there is a boot option to not load x.. i forget what it is. press f3 etc at hte boot menu06:45
idnif you dont want to GUI installer use the alternative cd, it has a text based installer06:45
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jt_a7x_3Okay, so that it 6.06 Live cd that i'd be using, once I install, and get to desktop that is run off my HD, can I upgrade to 6.1006:45
variantjt_a7x_3: yes..06:45
jt_a7x_3Or should I just burn 6.10 iso image file to cd and use?06:45
bulmerdreckslord: ahh, again, one more time, it is attached to the windows server(which version?) via a usb ?06:45
jt_a7x_3Would it take long to upgrade?06:45
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variantjt_a7x_3: less time than downloading a new cd, unless you have a very fast connection06:46
dreckslordwait bulmer i need to translate attached. :)06:46
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CyberCodp33k4y: right click any mp3 hit properties and click the "Open With" tab, add a new entry of "xmms -e" if you want them added to the playlist, and select that entry and hit ok.  Now all mp3's should open upxmms and add themselves to the playlist06:46
CookedGryphonhey, since i upgraded to edgy, i've not had a usplash theme. I used to have a custom usplash but can't seem to get the default one to work again, i've done update alternatives etc to make sure its set on the default one, and completely removed/replaced usplash, no luck06:46
jt_a7x_3Well I have the iso on my pc already.06:46
variantjt_a7x_3: although, you have to apply updates then do the upgrade.. so probably downloading a new cd would be best06:46
digitomhow to get debug messages from my RT61 based wlan driver? it's not connectig, and i don't know why !!!??06:46
jt_a7x_3Okay. I already have the 6.10 image on my desktop so I can burn right now.06:46
idnyeah get a fresh instal i would06:47
jt_a7x_3Was just wondering which would be better.06:47
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dreckslordbulmer windows server 2000 advanced, usb 2.006:47
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ZMSwhats the difference between nvidia-glx in the repositories and the ./nvidia-installer at the nvidia site?06:47
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rjg_I have a application called JAckfield that I'd like to build from SVN. It's repository is:06:47
rjg_and I do have the subversion packages installed....Can someone give me a step by step walkthroughon how to build it?06:47
p33k4yCyberCod, thanx, working :)06:48
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jt_a7x_3wtf? It just ejected and said it was done06:48
forgeukCyberCod: Got "Drapes" working, many thanks!06:48
bulmerdreckslord: does the windows 2000 advanced have a service called LPD printer services?06:48
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newbie77Could someone tell me if it its possible to read correct data from /dev/sda with dd if at the same time the partitions on sda are mounted? Thanks06:48
CyberCodman, I'm on a roll today06:48
jt_a7x_3no way a ~700mb image was burnt in 10seconds06:48
dreckslordoha w8 a moment06:48
idnlol my friend just sent me a link to this blog about this guy who took a few hundred dollars of his dad to install vista for him, he installed ubuntu with beryl and kept the money, now his dad boasts about how good vista is compared to his sons mac lmao06:48
variantnewbie77: yes, it makes no difference06:48
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xzkidn: I SAW THAT TOO LOL06:48
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newbie77variant: thanks06:48
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CyberCodidn, yeah I saw that on digg the other day06:49
xzkidn: he said hes going to tell his dad the truth in a few months haha06:49
CyberCodidn: pretty funny...06:49
jt_a7x_3my cd-rw are only 700mb06:49
jt_a7x_36.10 won't fit on there.06:49
variantjt_a7x_3: yes it will06:49
xzkWhat time does the Super Bowl start?06:49
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jt_a7x_3I tried burning using Infra Recorder and it said it can't06:49
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jt_a7x_3I'll try a different cd.06:49
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idnjt_a7x_3: it should it on a normall CD06:49
variantjt_a7x_3: your on windows now?06:49
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jacquesptdi have a big big big big big big problem06:49
jt_a7x_3I'm both.06:50
CyberCodThe leader of Romania thanking Bill Gates for having such easily pirated software was a real kick in the pants06:50
jacquesptdi had a crash of electricty06:50
variantjacquesptd: just ask06:50
=== Tatster [n=tatster@80-193-5-25.cable.ubr06.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
jacquesptdand then as usual06:50
jacquesptdmy etc had disapeared06:50
jt_a7x_3I have windows on my main PC, because it's Media Center and it's connected to majority of the appliances in the house.06:50
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jacquesptdgrub ok06:50
jt_a7x_3I run 6.10 currently via vmware on it.06:50
jacquesptdwhen it begins to start06:50
jt_a7x_3but my laptop will have 6.10 from now on.06:50
dreckslordbulmer yes06:50
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jacquesptdit stop at 1/20 of the orange bar on edgy loading06:50
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RouninHi... How do I see what files a package has installed and where?06:50
jacquesptdand then a straight flashing06:50
RouninWith apt-get if possible06:50
jacquesptdso nothing06:50
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newbie77variant: I assume that it will also be possible to read something from /dev/sda1 with dd despite sda1 having been mounted?06:51
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jacquesptdrecovering mode say at the last thing done06:51
a71HI! Could somebody recommend me a good IRC Proxy? :)06:51
jacquesptdbut you can do anything06:51
variantnewbie77: yup06:51
jacquesptdi go on livve cd06:51
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RouninSometimes I install a program, but I don't know where it is06:51
jacquesptdi mount my disk06:51
jacquesptdand no /etc anymore06:51
jacquesptdbut a file named etc06:51
CyberCodjacquesptd: try hitting escape before it crashes, and you'll get more information of what is happening when it crashes.06:51
newbie77variant: are you sure that this would not alter data at all?06:51
bulmerdreckslord: find out which port that LDP services on your win2K is and see if you can telnet to it, most likely port 515 but verify anyways06:51
jacquesptdthis lready happenend06:51
CyberCodjacquesptd: also, try logging in in recovery mode06:51
variantjacquesptd: try speaking all on one line, it's intensly annoying to have someone talk you currently are in a busy channel06:51
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jacquesptdCyberCod: read juste uper06:51
variantnewbie77: yup06:51
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variantnewbie77: unless you mess up the command06:52
TatsterHi all.  Please forgive me if this is a bit of a newbie question.  I have a FC6 server running in my loft - what is the best way to share file on that to my Ubuntu machine??06:52
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variantTatster: nfs or samba..06:52
CyberCodjacquesptd: juste uper?06:52
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AshnalI was wondering why i cant uninstall some of the apps that come with a default install of 6.10?06:52
newbie77variant: alright, thanks again06:52
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variantAshnal: for example06:52
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Andy80sound stopped working on my ubuntu... for example if I try to play something from command line "totem song.mp3" I get this error: Creating link /home/andy80/.kde/socket-notebuntu.06:52
Andy80can't create mcop directory, how can i fix this?06:52
Ashnalummm, evolution mail06:53
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Lunar_LampE: Malformed line 3 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dapper-multiverse.list (dist parse) <== I get that error when doing an apt-get update. What on earth is it reading from there for?! How can I fix this?06:53
Ashnalsays other things depend on it06:53
farruinnHas anyone here install Ubuntu on a Sparc?06:53
Tatstervariant: I was guessing that it would be nfs or samba - just curious about which would be best?06:53
jt_a7x_3Is a linksys wireless network card going to be a pain to configure for ubuntu 6.10?06:53
jacquesptdso in fact after having tried all what you told me just right now cuz i know ubuntu a bit i cant do anything neither on recovering neiher anywhere else i dont have access to command line to i tried live cd and mounted the partition and saw i didnt had anymore any etc folder but file named etc06:53
alekzandrcan someone check if they have entries for desktop switching under System->Preferences->Keyboard shortcuts?06:53
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jacquesptdand when i try to access it it says input/ouput error06:53
jacquesptdsomthing like taht06:53
CyberCodAndy80: make sure your sound card is plugged in firmly, maybe move it to another slot, or in case of onboard hardware, be sure its turned on in bios06:53
pirate-kinghow do you get rid of the nautilus brown?06:53
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Deep7has anyone backported 1.0.13 to edgy at all?06:53
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DanieldlsgnkdfHi.. Thinking about installing ubuntu on my computer (using windows unstable now :), but are there any good software for webdevelopment with ubuntu?06:54
Deep7alsa 1.0.13 that is ?06:54
CyberCodpirate-king:  themes06:54
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variantTatster: samba is good.. you can also use window on that too if you feel the need.. nfs is unix only (there might be some suport for windows with 3rd party apps)06:54
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:54
Andy80CyberCod: I've a notebook...06:54
Asl[a] ncan anyone suggest a graphical editor for perl with syntax-highlighting, debugging and the works?06:54
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pirate-kingevey thing but the nautilus is changed06:54
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Tatstervariant: ok - thanks.06:54
Ashnalhow can i check what apps have what dependencies?06:54
jacquesptdand im trying to backup all on an external disk but all i try to copy says operation not permitted so im lost and it's my only free day of work and im so sad06:54
farruinnalekzandr: I do06:54
pirate-kingnot in there06:55
alekzandrDanieldlsgnkdf, we do web dev and find we are more productive under linux than windows, there are great tools now06:55
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masterninjawings 3d wont load06:55
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jacquesptdubuntu@ubuntu:/media/hdc8$ cd etc06:55
jacquesptdbash: cd: etc: Input/output error06:55
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alekzandrfarruinn, thanks, what version of ubuntu are you running?06:55
pirate-kingthe nautilus splash screen from brown06:55
Danieldlsgnkdfokey nice06:55
jt_a7x_3alekzandr: What IDE do you use for programming?06:55
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Andy80CyberCod: mplayer gives me more debug info... do you wanna see them?06:55
jacquesptdso the solution of someone is try to rinstall on it without formatting do you think it's the right thing i have to do ?06:56
farruinnalekzandr: dapper06:56
jarhead756for gxine movie player, what package should i install so i can playback wmv?06:56
jacquesptdcant i transform this etc file in a folder again ,06:56
alekzandrjt_a7x_3, i just started using kdevelop, it's pretty good06:56
CyberCodAndy80:  pastebin it06:56
tuxub /join #ubuntu+106:56
jt_a7x_3Alright, I'll have a look.06:56
Andy80CyberCod: http://pastebin.ca/34028806:56
Danieldlsgnkdfsomething i'm not happy about, is the missing photoshop ?06:56
alekzandrfarruinn, : it looks like those went away in edgy, I don't know how to get them back, and I miss the keyboard shortcuts06:56
NET||abusehey all, can anyone help me with something here.. trying to get bind to start up.. i get an error in /var/log/syslog,, " couldn't open pid file '/var/lib/named/var/run/named.pid': No such file or directory \n named[2868] : exiting (due to early fatal error)"06:57
Asl[a] nguys, i cannot login to a gnome-session. even failsafe-gnome fails :(06:57
farruinnalekzandr: should be able to reset them easily enough06:57
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NET||abuse/var/lib/named is the chroot i've set for bind, and bind is set to run as user bind06:57
Asl[a] nwhat should i do? reinstall gnome?06:57
jacquesptdok so many people asking question i will never have a solution :-06:57
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alekzandrDanieldlsgnkdf, gimp is really amazingly capable, lat night I got my wacom graphire working with it and works very well06:57
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ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:58
Danieldlsgnkdfokey sounds good, will try ubuntu then..06:58
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alekzandrfor web work i really don't need extremely advanced photoshop features, gimp does everything we have needed so far06:58
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Inangayz !06:59
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masterninjaWings 3d is not load up does anyone know how I can get it to boot up thanks!06:59
CyberCodandy80, my professional opinion is ... thats pretty messed up06:59
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alekzandrfarruinn, how can i reset them?06:59
jt_a7x_3I'll keep windows for my graphic design needs :D06:59
Danieldlsgnkdfah okey..06:59
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CyberCodAndy80: see what options you have for the default sound device in "Sounds" under "Administration"06:59
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Andy80CyberCod: now works again. Maybe I found the cause: probably not all processes were killed when I logged out from Scratchbox07:00
alekzandrjt_a7x_3, what do you need to do that you can't under linux?07:00
assasukassehello everyone how can i stop compiz when susped?07:00
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assasukassecan i add a script in /etc/acpi/suspend ?07:00
farruinnalekzandr: Ah right, the actions are missing, not just shortcuts for those actions. Sorry, I'm running on no sleep right now.07:00
jt_a7x_3alekzandr: It's not so much of a lack of features, It's because I'm more comfortable with Adobe enviroment.07:01
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CyberCodhmmm... did someone cry "wolf"? i could have swore i just heard someone say that.... just kidding, glad its working again Andy8007:01
Vuenhi, is there a command line utility for tagging ogg files? (like eyeD3 but for ogg)07:01
alekzandrno prob, i wanted to see if this was removed, it looks like it is07:01
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alekzandri wonder who to contact about it, probably a gnome issue07:01
masterninjaWings 3D is not booting up, does anyone know why? :(07:01
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farruinnalekzandr: You *can* however go into gconf-editor and edit apps/metacity/global_keybindings07:01
Andy80CyberCod: probably it's a Scratchbox bug: I've upgraded it yesterday... since yesterday I had not this problem07:02
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alekzandrjt_a7x_3, yeah, they have really made a nice suite of apps, th linux world is much more primitive07:02
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sUsquick newbie question: I have a .deb file, which command shall I type in order to install it?07:02
alekzandrfarruinn,  thanks, i will look at that now07:02
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jt_a7x_3sUs: you can double click it, most likely.07:02
sUsthank ^__^07:02
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CyberCodsUs: you could just double click it07:02
superdave888hi anyone: anything wrong with a LAMP server acting also as a mail server? or should this be two separate boxes?07:03
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jt_a7x_3superdave888: Not sure if I'm right but, it should be fine as long as they aren't using the same ports.07:04
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superdave888jt_a7x_3: thanks07:04
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farruinnsuperdave888: you'll be fine07:04
quaalis this what i do to install the kernel source https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelSourceDriver07:04
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brngynI need help07:05
alekzandrsuperdave888, we do it all the time, running qmail and vpopmail07:05
ikoniaqmail and vpopmail is a strong solution for vhosting07:06
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jt_a7x_3brngyn: ask a question, don't ask to ask.07:06
lordkeidenwifi problem - i can ping and (dhcp lease address for the wifi card according to ifconfig), and i can get a lease from the router, but i cant ping my wifes lappy. she can ping me. i cant ping anything outside my own lappy. any ideas...please07:06
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frederificWould I be right in thinking that the top error of http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4137/ means that *something* called by gtk is trying to run setuid or setgid?07:06
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ikonialordkeiden: firewall ?07:06
brngynI have been installed the Ubuntu in my laptop, My Video Driver is Nvidia Ge Force 2 16Mb07:06
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brngynI changed after so much time trying07:06
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brngynthe resolution07:07
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brngynbut I could not fix the colors07:07
opensourceje2Alloha what are the minimum cpu and mem i can use for ubuntu?07:07
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=== ReKlipz [n=reklipz@ip68-106-209-195.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
brngynsome one knows help me ?07:07
M_Fatihhi, i need fiest fawn herd 3's download mirror... where i can find?07:07
ikoniaopensourceje2: 256ram and a P3 700 is really usable07:07
alekzandrqmail is awesome, we have been using it for 12 years now07:07
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opensourceje2ok tnx for the nfo07:08
=== Byan [i=nullstri@wmcnair-234-121.resnet.mtu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
jt_a7x_3alekzandr: are you a part of a web firm?07:08
alekzandrjust hard to get runnung under debian07:08
ikoniaalekzandr: I agree, but there are some glitches that need to be patched out, like the double bounce issue - but thts not really for this channel07:08
lordkeidenikonia: removed dansguardian and tinyproxy... no firewall in that I installed, and i dont think ubuntu puts in a firewall by default does it?07:08
Byanhow do I make a directory writable for a user?07:08
alekzandrjt_a7x_3, i own one07:08
opensourceje2tnx bye07:08
ikonialordkeiden: no - ubuntu has no firewall07:08
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pirate-kinghow do you change nautilus color07:08
lordkeidenikonia: but thats what it ats like.07:08
alekzandryeah, the double bounces are a pita07:08
ikonialordkeiden: your spot on , whats your wifes IP07:08
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:08
farruinnHow do I find out what kernel modules are included on an install disc? I have a scsi cdrom that's been giving me trouble.07:08
xzkWhere can I get more good Repositories?07:09
jt_a7x_3alekzandr: mind chatting more in private or an IM? If you don't mind, I want some more information about.07:09
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs07:09
=== capt-rogers [n=teddymil@bas14-toronto63-1177911154.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:09
ikoniaalekzandr: if your interested I'm putting a qmail and vpopmail package together at the moment for ubuntu - and its NOT going to run from daemon tools07:09
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lordkeidenikonia: i'm on the problem lappy now, just in a differant instalation.07:09
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farruinnReKlipz: can you please just PM ubotu?07:09
bulmerfarruinn: do you have another linux machine you can use to mount this cdrom disk?07:09
jt_a7x_3alekzandr: are you registered on freenode?07:09
Neopathhey guys, I'm running beryl and I "forced" xgl by mistake.. and now my desktop freezes when I start beryl-manager..I want to go back to aiglx and I can't seem to find which text file to edit...07:09
frederifichow can I tell what processes are being run when I login?07:09
alekzandrikonia, i am interested, but why not daemon tools?07:09
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lordkeidenikonia: so wifi hardware is all good.07:09
ikonialordkeiden: what IP does your wife get07:10
alekzandrjt_a7x_3, yup07:10
ReKlipzfarruinn, im done, but next time I will07:10
ikoniaalekzandr: I don't have a problem with it - but I've had a lot of requests to allow init to control it07:10
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lordkeidenikonia?on her lappy07:10
ikonialordkeiden: yes07:10
farruinnbulmer: yes, I did 'mount -o loop ubuntu-<>.iso /temp/foo' but I'm not finding the filesystem that gets loaded07:10
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ikonialordkeiden: and your ip was07:10
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alekzandrikonia, ot works so perfectly, i would be loathe to touch it07:10
ikoniaalekzandr: maybe i'll do too packages07:11
bulmerfarruinn: look around carefully, the file must be there, it can not just appear from anywhere07:11
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drkmcan anyone recommend some bulk file rename application?07:11
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ikonialordkeiden: just a thought, if your default gateway is the router - perhaps its trying to route you through the internet rather than NOT using a gateway as it should07:11
ikoniadrkm: "mv"07:11
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jribdrkm: "rename"07:11
ReKlipzlater guys07:11
farruinnbulmer: I have an older Sun server (c. 98) and I want to make sure the installer has the kernel module for recognizing the cdrom.07:11
alekzandri would love not have to install from source and create a damn fake package to stop debian from install exim over qmail every time i do an update07:11
capt-rogersI use Edgy and a IBM Redwheel USB optical mouse. Is it just with optical/usb mice..or does the mouse pointer have the odd feeling of not being precise? It just slides around in the general direction of where your going ? Playing with the mouse settings does not change the 'mouse sliding around'07:12
ikoniaalekzandr: yes, thats part of the reason I'm packaging it up07:12
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bulmerfarruinn: once you mount the cdrom, look around to see if the module is there07:12
digitomhow to get debug messages from my RT61 based wlan driver? it's not connectig, and i don't know why !!!??07:12
quaalis this what i do to install the kernel source https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelSourceDriver07:12
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alekzandrwell, how do i keep informed about the status of your package?07:12
lordkeidenikonia: i'm in ofer my head a bit here... is that possible even though I am using the same lappy now but in a working install?07:12
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ikoniaquaal: what are you trying to do07:13
ikoniaalekzandr: are you a regular in here ?07:13
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ikonialordkeiden: yes that is possible07:13
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Solecitohi all o/07:13
Solecitodon't suppose there's anyone in here who can help me with an ubuntu webserver setup question?07:14
AskHLHey, I have trouble with the ATI driver for Mobility 9700. I followed the guide on the ubuntu wiki, but even so fglrxinfo still just says it's the Mesa driver which is used (and the performance agrees with that). Are there some *other* guides which may work? The installation procedure worked well in Dapper and Breezy.07:14
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quaalikonia, i am trying to do this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=255707:14
lordkeidenikonia: now i'm lost. so it *is* a problem with my install, right? and how can i fix it?07:14
ikoniaSolecito: just ask it07:14
quaalikonia, unless there is a better way to access ntfs partitions on a raid-0 array in 6.10 ?07:14
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ikonialordkeiden: not really, you could just have picked up a rogue gateway07:15
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ikoniaquaal: the windows partition is raided yes ?07:15
alekzandrikonia, depends on how busy i am ;-)07:15
quaalikonia, yes 2 sata drives on a Sil3112 raid-0 array07:15
ikoniaalekzandr: fair enough, I just ask as your one of the rare who uses it, and I would appriciate outside testing07:15
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theshadowAskHL: did you edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to use fglrx ?07:15
ikoniaquaal: I wouldn't bother if I was you07:15
antibodyhi all one simple question! why isn't NetworkManager+gnome/kde in the CD default install?is there any reason?where can I make a official request to put it in it?07:15
quaalikonia, what ?07:16
lassehi. Im having trouble changing the program to handle downloaded m3u, i have already configured firefox to open it with totem, but now i want to change it to xmms. Im running on Ubuntu07:16
lordkeidenikonia : what can i do to fix it then?07:16
farruinnbulmer: It's not laying around in the disk. I think it's in boot/initrd.gz or isofs.b, but I don't know how to access/mount those07:16
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thompahi, I cant get my laserjet to print anymore07:16
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ikonialordkeiden: check your routing table07:16
quaalikonia, why is that07:16
lasseand that was for firefox07:16
alekzandri think we could work up some testing environment, i can pm you my email07:16
SolecitoI've got the server set up and it' sport forwarded thru my router.. it connects fine from outside my lan, but internally I have to use the box's internal address.. the external link won't work. Is that usual?07:16
ikoniaquaal: playing with windows "fake raid" drivers on linux - is just too much effort07:16
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quaalikonia, i'm pretty sure i got it to work in mandrake a few years ago07:16
ikoniaalekzandr: please do so07:16
alekzandrall of our servers are colocated and running debian sarge,07:16
lordkeidenikonia: in the router?07:16
quaalikonia, hmm07:16
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ikonialordkeiden: no on your laptop07:16
quaali'd like to access the files so i guess its worth the effor07:16
Ashnali was wondering how i can uninstall the evolution mail client without screwing everything up....im using 6.1007:17
ikoniaquaal: well, your not getting very far07:17
AskHLtheshadow, I have tried entering "ati" as the Driver as well as "fglrx". If I type "ati" the system behaves as before. If I type "fglrx", it is as before EXCEPT that a graphical artifact appears below the mouse pointer07:17
bulmerfarruinn: once you mount an iso and you see the file there, you can always expand a *.gz with your tar command07:17
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brngynI'm trying to install CrossOver # ./install-crossover-standard-demo-5.0.3.sh    but I receive the message: -su: ./install-crossover-standard-demo-5.0.3.sh: No such file or directory07:17
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quaalikonia, ok.07:17
brngynpls help me07:17
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farruinnbulmer: you would think so, but I tried and it replied "read only filesystem"07:17
AskHLtheshadow, ...so apparently there is a difference. But fglrxinfo says the same either way, theshadow07:17
ikoniabrngyn: the file is missing07:17
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brngynikonia: but the file is there07:17
SolecitoI think my router is thinkin the request is for its OWN webserver and not forwarding it, because it's an internal request.. does that sond possible?07:18
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bulmerfarruinn: what were the commands you used? and which file from the iso?07:18
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transgress_where are the torrent files for ubuntu?07:18
ikoniabrngyn: is it executable /07:18
brngynikonia: I think so07:18
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farruinnbulmer: gunzip boot/initrd.gz07:18
ikoniabrngyn: check07:18
lordkeidenikonia: (swallowing well earned geek pride...ouch) um..so...how do i do that? i thought ifup/ifdown would do that, but i've done that 4 times on 4 differant reboots...07:18
brngynikonia: I installed my ubuntu right now07:18
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brngynDo I need install something to use .sh files ?07:18
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ikonialordkeiden: ifup has nothing to do with your route - netstat -rn shows it07:19
ikoniabrngyn: check your file is executable07:19
theshadowAskHL: in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file there is a "Device" section. in there you need to change the driver to "fglrx"07:19
HymnToLifebrngyn, a shell, and you most likely already have one :p07:19
brngynikonia: how ?07:19
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bulmerfarruinn: let me load my iso and look at that file07:19
ikoniabrngyn: right click properties on it07:19
ikoniaor ls -la07:19
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salimhi, how can I boot ubuntu again?07:19
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ikoniasalim: what ?07:20
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brngynikonia: application/x-shellscript07:20
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ikoniabrngyn: what about being executable07:20
AskHLtheshadow, that is where I have changed the identifier. When it is "fglrx", the graphical artifact appears below the mouse (and the performance is as sluggish as otherwise)07:20
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salimI installed another distribution for testing and it installed its bootmanager grub on my /boot partition, and now Idont know how to set its boot manager to be able to boot ubuntu07:20
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lordkeidenikonia how do i flush it...of force it to rebuild...07:20
dreckslordare u still there?07:20
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brngynikonia: how can I see that?07:21
ikonialordkeiden: don't flush it - check its right07:21
bulmerfarruinn: am getting an error using tar -tvzf install/initrd.gz07:21
ubuntnubcan anyone help me with something: I am trying to burn an eltorito boot CD07:21
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farruinnbulmer: it's not a tarred file...07:21
ciusI've just complete a fresh install of dapper and for some reason firefox is not launching when I click it in the applications menu or launch it from a terminal07:21
ikoniabrngyn: click on the permissions tab07:21
frederificwhat command can I run to find all executables whose permissions contain "s" (suid)?07:21
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brngynikonia: ok, and ?07:21
ikoniabrngyn: is it executable ?07:22
salimand, can somebody help me?07:22
lordkeidenikonia - what do i do if it isnt? is there a file from this working install i can opy to that  broken one?07:22
portekPolak moe jaki jest ? :)07:22
=== waecky [n=waecky@p549CDDEA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
salimmy ubuntu /boot is vanished07:22
ikonialordkeiden: no - compare the routing tables07:22
salimand on my ubuntu partition itself the /boot folder is empty07:22
ikoniasalim: re-install07:22
xtknight!pl | portek07:22
ubotuportek: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl07:22
=== XiCillin [n=mike@dpc67142105197.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
salimthere must be a better solution than reinstalling!07:22
ubuntnubwhenever someone is able, i have a question about burning an eltorito boot CD07:22
portekPolska fajna jest. :D07:22
ikoniasalim: I'd just re-install if I was you07:22
brngynikonia: only have Execute a checkbox on front but it was unchecked07:22
bulmerfarruinn: okay, i can use zcat initrd.gz07:23
lordkeidenikonia - to what? i don't know what "good" looks like.07:23
salimthen I'd lost all my files and home folder07:23
brngynand I already checked07:23
XiCillinanybody here using 64-bit edgy?07:23
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ikoniabrngyn: check it then07:23
ikonialordkeiden: the working install is "good"07:23
XiCillini'm woundering how ubuntu64 is now07:23
ikoniaXiCillin: its fine if you require 64bit07:23
brngynikonia: ok I did! and I tried to run again by Terminal07:23
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brngynand I receive the same message07:23
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ikoniabrngyn: run "file" against the problem file07:23
ikoniabrngyn: show me the output from ls -la $file07:24
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theshadowAskHL: sorry can't help much more :S if you have the driver correct and your monitor is correct and you have restarted there isn't much else i can provide :S07:24
XiCillinikonia, i don't 'require' it. if you don't require it go with 32-bit?07:24
lordkeidenikonia - oh...yeah... good answer. (blushing at the obvious)07:24
ikoniaXiCillin: pretty much07:24
=== decherdtt [n=scott@ppp-70-253-42-77.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntnubwhenever someone is able, i have a question about burning an eltorito boot CD, please send me a private chat07:24
brngynikonia: -rwxr-xr-x  1 brngyn brngyn 20090933 2007-02-04 15:03 install-crossover-standard-demo-6.0.0rc2.sh07:24
ikonialordkeiden: don't worry07:24
ublender_does anyone here know anything about nautilus scripting?07:24
ikoniaubuntnub: whats elroito ?07:24
ikoniaeltorito ?07:24
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AskHLtheshadow, okay, thank you very much anyway.07:24
CyberCodi've got a problem I'm sure no-one here will be able to fix07:24
ikoniabrynk_: run sh $file07:25
=== FordPrefect [n=acoliver@cpe-071-077-006-045.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntnubeltorito is way to boot07:25
bulmereltorito is the term for bootable cdrom07:25
lordkeidenand if they are differant? is there a text file to edit? seemd *nix is all text files...i so dig that.07:25
ciusanyone have an idea as to why firefox would not launch after a fresh dapper install07:25
ikonialordkeiden: depends how they are different07:25
ubuntnubEl Torito is a specification for bootable CD using BIOS functions.07:25
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ikoniais Eltorito an ubuntu product ?07:25
XiCillinikonia, thanks, i have the athlon64 x2 4800+, i tryed 64-bit on breezy , it was alright everything didn't work right though.07:26
lordkeidenso should i compare and do a pastebin? so you or others can see?07:26
ubuntnubikonia, i am unsure.07:26
CyberCodsomehow, due to having both onboard sound and a sound card (default device), my media keys on the keyboard for volume and mute no longer effect the volume, or mute the sound07:26
pirate-kinganybody know how to change the color in nautilus07:26
riotkittiecius: try launching from a term and see if you get some kind of error?07:26
ikoniaXiCillin: define what your problems where07:26
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ikonialordkeiden: just compare it - it should be obvious if something is wrong07:26
ciusriotkittie, i did that, it just throws me back to prompt, doesn't spit out anything.07:27
XiCillinif i remember correctly, i ran into problems installing software and dependencies and stuff07:27
bulmerdreckslord: yes?07:27
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ikoniaXiCillin: that sort of thing should be fine, but things like flash plugins, codecs, etc etc are still incompatible07:27
ikoniacius: do a "which firefox" then do a "file" against that file07:27
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ubotuxmodmap: X input map modification. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.0.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 18 kB, installed size 76 kB07:28
lordkeidenikonia - rebooting into my broken - be bak soon. thanks07:28
bulmerdreckslord where you able to telnet to that LDP services running on your w2k ?07:28
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dreckslordbulmer my windows server has an protocol installed to share the printer with unix systems07:28
farruinnbulmer: I'll just burn the disc and see what happens when it boots07:28
XiCillinikonia, yea those were the other issues07:28
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dreckslordbulmer no im not cuz of some ntlm protocol07:28
ikoniaXiCillin: yeah - they aren't going away on any 64bit os for a while07:28
bulmerfarruinn: i wish you luck07:28
urfhi, when i try to install realplay with synaptic i get "depends: xlibs but it is not available" any ideas?07:28
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ciusikonia, /usr/bin/firefox: symbolic link to `../lib/firefox/firefox'07:29
XiCillin5.04, was breezy right?07:29
XiCillinwhat was 5.10?07:29
ikoniaurf: xlibs is not available - check if you can see it in the search07:29
XiCillinoh wait07:29
ikoniaXiCillin: doesn't mater - its the same old07:29
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ikoniacius: run it against the links target07:29
bulmerdreckslord: google for this " heretrythis windows linux printing  " thats the guide i used07:29
urfikonia: there is an xlibs-dev, but no xlibs07:29
ikoniaurf: hmmmm there you go07:29
farruinnbulmer: thanks, though I dont' have high hopes :) The relevant module is causing a kernel panic in the debian installer. This is just a crapshoot that ubuntu's will work07:29
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ferret_0567Has anyone tried bootchart with Sun Java installed? Did the installation of bootchart and it's deps mess up anything Sun Java related?07:30
urfikonia: by search i presume you mean in synaptic right?07:30
ikoniaurf: spot on07:30
ciusikonia, it spat the same file back out at me, I'll try executing it directly07:30
urfikonia: ok, so i should try installing htat first & then realplayer again?07:30
ikoniaurf: if you can't find the package - there is no point07:30
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ikoniacius: how can a links target spit the same file out07:31
Mixxi can't seem to figure out how to do this in windows, so I thoguht I'd give it a try through SAMBA in Ubuntu:  I have a windows directory full of shortcuts to some favorite pictures.  How can I copy and paste the ACTUAL files from the shortcuts into another directory?07:31
bulmerfarruinn: maybe try suse, those are much stabler imho07:31
ferret_0567I want to install bootchart, but it is not going on this machine until I know it's not going to touch my Sun Java JDK07:31
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ikoniacius: follow the links through to the real file07:31
ubuntnubif anyone knows where i can get a stage2_eltorito file, I would be much obliged07:31
farruinnbulmer: ok, thanks for the tip07:31
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urfikonia: oh, i was under the impression that you were saying xlibs-dev might be equivalent to xlibs07:31
ciusikonia, /usr/lib/firefox/firefox must be the real file, when I did a which on it, it spat that same file back at me07:31
vox754News: If you are having problems with your wireless card, try downloading the latest "ndiswrapper 1.37". My card works now.07:31
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ikoniaurf: it maybe - but realplayer doesn't want a package called that - so it will fail07:32
ikoniacius: run file against it07:32
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urfikonia: i see. is there any other way to install realplayer?07:32
ciusikonia, ah, ok, file tells me its a shell script executable07:32
ferret_0567A D-Link DWL-G650 should work without any configuring on Ubuntu 6.10, others said07:32
ikoniaurf: not from within an ubuntu package07:32
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ferret_0567That card is coming in the mail07:32
ikoniacius: view the script and see what its trying to launch07:32
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ikoniaferret_0567: we don't need a running comentry of what your getting and how07:33
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lassehi. Im having trouble in Firefox with changing the program to handle downloaded m3u, i have already configured firefox to open it with totem, but now i want to change it to xmms. In file types it just sais SPL.  Im running on Ubuntu Edgy07:33
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ikonialasse: firefox doesn't select what it opens with07:34
urfi have seen some mentions of something called a "commercial repository" with a realplayer .deb07:34
mjpollock87i tried installing ubuntu today,  and it came up saying "Uncompressing linux...  Ok, Booting the Kernel"   then says "   [17179569, 14000] ]  ACPI: Unable to locate RSDP   "   then just hangs there,  anyone know what the problem could be?07:34
ikoniaurf: there is a commercial repo in ubuntu - and you use it the same was as all the others07:34
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AlexC_urf: yes, just enable it07:34
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XiCillindoes ubuntu have a page with the differences in dapper and edgy?07:34
ikoniaXiCillin: not that I'm aware of07:34
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ForgeAusum distrowatch has some information07:35
urfi don't see a commercial repo in the synaptic repo options07:35
ForgeAuslike versions07:35
ikoniaurf: search the wiki07:35
ForgeAusbut as for things missing or added? I don't know07:35
urfikonia: ok, thanks.07:35
ShadowX^hi all07:35
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ForgeAusdistrowatch only tracks some key packages anyway07:36
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Rappermascan you set up software raid between a SATA and PATA hard drive?07:36
lasseikonia: I pressed the always open this kind of file with this program in the download dialoge07:36
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SolecitoI've got the server set up and it' sport forwarded thru my router.. it connects fine from outside my lan, but internally I have to use the box's internal address.. the external link won't work. Is that usual?07:36
SolecitoI think my router is thinkin the request is for its OWN webserver and not forwarding it, because it's an internal request.. does that sond possible?07:36
ikonialasse: I suspect the OS is overriding it07:36
mjpollock87i tried installing ubuntu today,  and it came up saying "Uncompressing linux...  Ok, Booting the Kernel"   then says "   [17179569, 14000] ]  ACPI: Unable to locate RSDP   "   then just hangs there,  anyone know what the problem could be?07:36
ForgeAusRapper interesting question, I have no idea!07:36
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ikoniaSolecito: do you know your public IP07:36
cablesm102Does anyone know why "core.xxxx" files are showing up in my home folder?07:36
ciusikonia, it looks like the script is running /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin07:37
Solecitoikonia, yes07:37
lasseikonia, where could i change the .m3u handling in ubuntu?07:37
Rochvelloni've got a javabased program, which can minimized to tray. what can i do that this program appears in this tray? ubuntu 6.1007:37
ikonialasse: not sure07:37
ciusfile /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin07:37
bulmercablesm102: it created a core dump?07:37
lasseikonia, i dont thing youre right07:37
ikoniacius: so execute that file from a terminal07:37
ikonialasse: o07:37
cablesm102bulmer, any reason they show up in my home folder?07:37
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Rappermasshould be interesting to see....07:37
lasseikonia, check your edit - prefrences - content - file types07:37
ikonialasse: I don't need to thanks07:37
bulmercablesm102: i thought thats where it gets dump if you were the owner of the apps07:37
lasseikonia, :) ok07:37
Solecitoikonia.. that's the one I'm having a problem with07:38
Solecitomaybe I didn't explain properly07:38
ciusikonia, that did it, gave me an error I can work with :-)07:38
cablesm102bulmer, seems like it should put them in /var/crash... but whatever.07:38
ikoniacius: good man07:38
ciusmissing libmozjs.so07:38
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ikoniacius: did you get firefox from the ubuntu repo ?07:38
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mjpollock87i tried installing ubuntu today,  and it came up saying "Uncompressing linux...  Ok, Booting the Kernel"   then says "   [17179569, 14000] ]  ACPI: Unable to locate RSDP   "   then just hangs there,  anyone know what the problem could be?07:39
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ciusikonia, kep the install that came on the dapper desktop install, even tried reinstalling through synaptic, still no dice07:39
phpnubmjpollock87: you should use the install NOACPI07:39
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CrossFirehow to deinstall the videoplayer in ubuntu???07:39
ikoniamjpollock87: you may want to try disabling acpi - but you'll need to search the wiki for that as if I try to talk you through it you may start with "what - and "how"07:39
ikoniaCrossFire: apt-get remove07:39
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mjpollock87ikonia: i checked my bios for the power management,  and turned it off,  if that is what your talking about,  and i still have the same problem07:40
ikoniamjpollock87: no - in the linux kernel07:40
mjpollock87hmmmm got'cha07:40
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phpnubI did a new install last night and I can't get Xorg to draw the cursor.07:40
vox754mjpollock87: you should give your motherboard details, brand, laptop/PC, ...07:40
phpnubI've tried several different drivers but I still get the same thing07:40
mjpollock87heh,   really old computer07:41
CrossFireit sais: cant find videoplayer package07:41
phaedramjpollock87,  try typing noacpi at the boot prompt07:41
mjpollock87its a school project,   its an old cyrix 180mhz,  80mb of ram...07:41
Lunar_LampI have a strange issue with my keyboard. Some shortcuts only work when numlock is ON (alt+tab) and others only when it is off (ctrl+c).  I think this is an issue to do with alt/ctrl - how do I fix it?07:41
ikoniamjpollock87: no way is that going to boot07:41
mjpollock87well... i'm not using for a nice GUI and everything07:41
bulmermjpollock87: you may try DSL distro..07:41
ikoniamjpollock87: it won't boot07:41
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phpnubmight want to try xubuntu07:42
mjpollock87i need just some development tools on it,  a command line,  and ssh server07:42
urfwoot! thanks guys, it worked07:42
ikoniaphpnub: thats just a different front end ? how wiill that help07:42
CrossFirei cant uninstall the videoplayer, it sais: cant find videoplayer package07:42
ikoniamjpollock87: it won't boot07:42
mjpollock87hmmm okay07:42
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mjpollock87is there any way i could put any form of linux on the machine,  or is it hopeless?07:42
Rappermashas ZFS been released yet?07:42
bulmermjpollock87: you may try DSL distro..damn small linux07:42
ikoniamjpollock87: dsl maybe07:42
phpnubless ram needed for xubuntu to run07:42
ikoniaor an OLD distro07:42
Lunar_LampCrossFire, that's because the package isn't called "videoplayer". There are lots of different videoplayers out there, you need to say which one you want.07:42
mjpollock87okay thank you07:43
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variantmjpollock87: youc an use gentoo np.. will take yo ua few weeks to install though :)07:43
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cablesm102CrossFire, the default one in Ubuntu is Totem. But it's part of the ubuntu-desktop package, so you may have to remove both07:43
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CrossFirein the option "add/remove software" it named video-player07:43
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cablesm102!ubuntu-desktop | CrossFIre07:43
ubotuCrossFIre: k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.07:43
mjpollock87what is gentoo? lol07:43
variantmjpollock87: a from source distro..07:44
cablesm102mjpollock87, it's a distro that compiles everything when you install it07:44
ikoniavariant: I disagree - the 2.6 kernel will not boot07:44
defryskgentoo is a file manager ....07:44
variantikonia: disagree with what?07:44
ubotuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)07:44
ikoniadefrysk: that is also true07:44
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kontingenzcan someone advice a mp3 tagging tool with oddb support?07:44
ikoniavariant: that gentoo will work on his hardware07:44
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phaedramjpollock87, You might get slackware to boot/run on that...07:44
defryskkontingenz, easytag perHAPS ?07:44
phpnubbah I'm loading centos07:44
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mjpollock87actually yes07:45
variantikonia: I installed gentoo ona  386 with 2.6 kenrel07:45
mjpollock87see,  i tried fedora 2, and 6,  neither would boot07:45
variantikonia: (cross compiled of course)07:45
ikoniavariant: really, I'm very surprised you got away with that07:45
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ikoniavariant: of course07:45
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jonah1980_2dudes can anyone tell me how to restart my desktop but without closing X etc cos i'm backing some work up and can't close X but i've lost my desktop icons07:45
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variantikonia: why? I assure you it's true07:45
defryskmjpollock87, low on ram ?07:45
kontingenzdefend, i have seen easytag. perhaps I should try this07:45
mjpollock87now i cant get ubuntu to boot.. but i did notice slackware would boot and install,  the only problem was that it had a scratch in the cd and could not install packages i needed07:45
ikoniavariant: I don't doubt you, I'm just surprised07:45
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jonah1980_2and nautilus isnt working07:45
defryskmjpollock87, make sure to get a txtbased intaller07:45
variantikonia: why are you suprised?07:45
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bulmerjonah1980_2: can you try to do your stuff in a console ie command line?07:46
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CrossFirei removed totem, but is always open giga-tv streams witj it07:46
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ikoniavariant: well, becaseu 1.) the 2.6 kernel has a mimum ram requirement of 24 meg and old boxes like that are normally lacking 2.) some of the newer stuff wasn't implimented on that period hardware07:46
jonah1980_2bulmer, no cos it's half way through but's taken a few hours already...07:46
jonah1980_2bulmer, so i'd lose what i've done so far07:46
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jribjonah1980_2: why do you need desktop icons to backup your work?07:46
ikoniavariant: don't think its impossible, just an effort07:46
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bulmerjonah1980_2: killing your desktop is worst, again can you not use the console?07:47
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CrossFirethe giga-tv stream always open with Totem, but i want to open it with VLC or mPlayer07:47
defryskCrossFire, sudo apt-get remove totem-mozilla07:47
variantikonia: yeah, but when you configure the gentoo kernel you don't add any of the "newer stuff" as i'm sure you know. plus, the 386 i had had exactly 32mb ram and 500mb swap space :)07:47
dimeotaneanyone know how to turn off the entery and exit messages ?  I'm using gaim07:47
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jonah1980_2bulmer, but something seems to have crashed... i just cant use my machine while it's backing up, cos i can't use nautilus and can't see stuff on desktop and there's some files i wanted to put on my pen drive but can't see them as desktop is crashed. though panel works and programs like firefox etc07:47
variantikonia: it was only as much effort as any other gentoo install.. :)07:48
ikoniavariant: your lucky on the ram front, and yes you can disable a lot of the features, but at the same time it sort of removes some of the base funcitonality eg, it will boot - but will it do anything07:48
ikoniavariant: I know it will do "stuff" but I mean anything worthwhile07:48
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variantikonia: yes, it had full networking support, iptables, tinyhttpd, ssh, nfs07:48
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bulmerjonah1980_2: once more, all the gui click can be had via a command line...try the command line method and do not depend on the gui stuff07:48
ikoniavariant: thats not bad on that little box07:48
defryskCrossFire, for vlc : mozilla-plugin-vlc  for vlc07:48
santaanyone knows a script which changes the the graphical server from xgl to xorg07:48
variantikonia: and a 300MB scsi hard disk iirc07:48
marmer_which line fore harware list in shell07:48
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ikoniaI'm pleasently surprised07:49
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marmer_which line fore harwdare list in shell07:49
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ikoniamarmer_: which tecnique to not ask the same question 2 times in a minute07:49
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sacaterwhen i compile stuff from source, wheres the uninstall script script07:49
ikoniamarmer_: which tecnique to not ask the same question 2 times in a minute07:49
ikoniasacater: there isn't one07:49
variantikonia: yes, performance was acceptable too. providing it wasn't asked to do more than one thing at a time :)07:49
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jstarcherIs there anyway to get more desktops in fluxbox?07:49
bulmerjonah1980_2: you understood what I meant by a console right? like  control+al+f207:49
marmer_ikonia: sorry!07:49
Red-Sox[away] I can't write or delete files on my NTFS drive07:50
sacaterikionia: then how do i get the stuff off my machine07:50
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse07:50
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variantjstarcher: yes, been so long since i used it that i cant remember how though, i am sure there is a menu option07:50
variant!fuse | Red-Sox[away] 07:50
ubotuRed-Sox[away] : Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse07:50
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jstarcherRed-Sox[away] : http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Edgy#How_to_mount.2Funmount_Windows_partitions_.28NTFS.29_manually.2C_and_allow_all_users_to_read_only07:50
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variantRed-Sox[away] : and the bit about it being "very unsafe" is a fairly big exageration07:50
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jribjstarcher: they're callecd "workspaces", look for options about that07:51
k0k0hi guys07:51
Red-Sox[away] k07:51
variantikonia: you know who administers the ubotu bot?07:51
jstarchervariant, jrib, okay thanks07:51
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org07:51
CrossFireCrossFire, sudo apt-get remove totem-mozilla = ive do it, and its still open when i open streams^^07:51
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)07:51
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ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse07:51
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jstarchervariant, jrib, ahh yes, it's right on the menu :) Thanks!07:52
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nonameI have seen screenshots of xfce that are pretty nice. in some of them the panel has round corners. how do I make my panel have round corners?07:52
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k0k0thanks ubotu07:52
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k0k0can i import my firefox settings,themes and extensions somehow?07:53
vox754!ubotu | k0k007:53
ubotuk0k0: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:53
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unopk0k0,  sure .. just copy over the .mozilla/firefox directory07:53
CrossFirewhen i try to install mozilla-plugin-vlc it sais: Error: Depency is not satisfiable: vlc-nox07:53
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jonah1980_2bulmer, yeah i can get to a console but if i restart the gdm i'll lose what i've done half of... wont i?07:54
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pirate-kinganybody know how to change the brown on nautilus?07:54
bulmerjonah1980_2: do not start the gdm, just do the moving from the command line07:54
WowbaggerHey, I'm running ubuntu 6.10 on a Dell D820. I can't connect to neither WEP nor WPA-secured networks. Can anyone help me? I'm a total Linux n00b.07:55
CrossFirewhen i try to install mozilla-plugin-vlc it sais: Error: Depency is not satisfiable: vlc-nox07:55
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k0k0i'll try that, thanks07:55
jribCrossFire: is that the entire error?07:55
bulmerjonah1980_2: besides, be patient and let the system finish your backup okay? dont rush :)07:55
vox754News: If you are having problems with your wireless card, try downloading the latest "ndiswrapper 1.37". My card works now.07:55
k0k0rather impressed, tried ubuntu a year ago, it has come far07:55
jonah1980_2bulmer, but it's already doing the moving, i just figured i could do some other stuff while it was from gui, but looks like i'll have to wait til it's finished and then reboot...07:55
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CrossFirethe error appears, when i open the .deb package07:55
jonah1980_2bulmer, yeah i'll have to wait this one out. thanks though07:55
jribCrossFire: why are you using a .deb pacakge instead of the ubuntu repositories?07:56
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Lunar_LampCrossFire, that's because the package isn't called "videoplayer". There are lots of different videoplayers out there, you need to say which one you want.07:56
bulmerjonah1980_2: what exactly you want to do while the backup is happening?07:56
CrossFirei dont find other07:56
Lunar_LampI have a strange issue with my keyboard. Some shortcuts only work when numlock is ON (alt+tab) and others only when it is off (ctrl+c).  I think this is an issue to do with alt/ctrl - how do I fix it?07:56
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jrib!info mozilla-plugin-vlc | CrossFire07:56
ubotucrossfire: mozilla-plugin-vlc: multimedia plugin for web browsers based on VLC. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-svn20061012.debian-1ubuntu1.1 (edgy), package size 26 kB, installed size 116 kB07:56
vox754Wowbagger: join "#ndiswrapper"07:56
LaurenceRandom question... Back in my (sorry!) Windows days, there was a program called DivxFix for re-indexing partially downloaded avi files... Does anyone know of something similar for Ubuntu? (in apt would be nice, but I'm sure I can manage from elsewhere)07:56
jribCrossFire: have you enabled universe?07:56
CrossFirewhats that, im a newbie07:57
jrib!universe | CrossFire07:57
WowbaggerWell, I can connect to unsecured wireless networks. So I assume there's nothing wrong with my network card?07:57
ubotuCrossFire: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource07:57
vox754Wowbagger: join "#ndiswrapper"07:57
bulmerLunar_Lamp: umm look to using keymaps to see how the keys are mapped, am not familiar enuff with it though07:57
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variantLaurence: mplayer --forceidx /file.avi or whatever07:58
CrossFirewhats !universe, event not found07:58
variantLaurence: you can use mencoder to make that permanant07:58
LaurenceAh, thanks! I'll give that a shot.  :-)  Will that just reindex and play it, or does it overwrite?07:58
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jribCrossFire: !universe tells the bot to talk to you, read what he said :)07:58
LaurenceGreat! Thanks very much. I'll give it a shot.07:58
variantLaurence: that will just index it, (it might be -idx actualy) use mencoder to encode that07:58
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource07:59
variantLaurence: mplayer/mencoder are the same program (apt-get install mplayer) will giv eyou both07:59
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noname_hey. I have xfce. does anone know where I can download plugins/items for the panel? hm. i hope someone understand what i mean07:59
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dimeotanenoname_: you tried synaptic?08:01
dimeotanethere's a few there08:01
ReK_i'm having some trouble installing ubuntu. it always stalls at the same place (text install, alt cd for amd64), and it's not the cd because it stalled at the same place, though eventually finished, using the kubuntu dvd08:01
noname_dimeotane: yup. I didnt find so many there =/08:01
ReK_it stalls at the 'select and install software' stage at 6%, the dialog simply says please wait08:02
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quaaldimeotane,  what is synaptic ?08:02
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about synaptix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:02
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto08:02
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quaalMusic_Shuffle, thanks08:03
theqkashhello, did anyone from there installed sipX?08:03
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prowerHello :> Kind of an off topic question, since I'm using MEPIS...but on topic in a way ;> What happens when Canonical decides to drop support for the Dapper repositoriess?08:03
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jribprower: no more security updates08:03
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ubotudeluge is a new Bittorrent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured client to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce - See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information08:04
dungodungroot is the owner of my vfat partitions. I want to make myself the owner.08:04
prowerjrib: Oh, I see :/ And how long is their support for Dapper going to continue on for?08:04
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ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.08:04
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jribprower: dapper is lts so the above applies08:04
dungodunghow do I make myself the owner of those partitions08:04
nicoHirvinen, i'm trying to make my vnc4server work but when i try to connect i get the folowing error:08:05
prowerjrib: Oh, I see...that must mean that support for dapper w/r/t deskto packages is about to run out, then :<08:05
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nicoSun Feb  4 20:04:32 200708:05
nico CConn:       connected to host localhost port 590108:05
nico CConnection: Server supports RFB protocol version 3.808:05
nico CConnection: Using RFB protocol version 3.808:05
nicoSun Feb  4 20:04:35 200708:05
nico main:        End of stream08:05
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k0k0anyone have 2 minutes spare time please?08:05
jdhorehi, if i decide to run/install feisty Herd 3 will it automatically update to the packages for final when final comes out?08:05
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sys0110i have 1 question08:05
nicodoes anybody know why the stream ends?08:05
HymnToLife!ask | sys011008:06
sys0110asnt there is any rm files player?08:06
ubotusys0110: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:06
jribjdhore: yes if you update the packages on that day (or after).  But feisty quesitons should be in #ubuntu+108:06
nicoI had to give the vnc password08:06
dreckslordis there something like ares or kazaa 4 linux?08:06
jdhoreoh, ok, i didn't know what the Feisty channel was...i'm sorry08:06
HymnToLifesys0110, the realmedia codecs are in !w32codecs, there is also a realplayer for Linux IIRC08:06
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ModdehThis may sound dumb, But is there a way I can upgrade my whole distro from the command line :/08:07
sys0110but real player sucks08:07
knoppixhay all, i have a problem. When i select linux in grub, it comes with Error 15: File not found08:07
dungodungor better yet: does anyone know the command to enable "users" group to access certain mounted drives and/or folders08:07
sys0110it doest have play list08:07
sys0110its shit08:07
zeembohi all, is there an easy way for me to get dual screen working on my comp?  either mirrored or extended desktop is fine.08:07
siikahModdeh, if youre running ubuntu.. apt-get update && apt-get upgrade08:07
sys0110isnt there is any player supports .RM Files08:08
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Moddehsiikah - Doesnt that just do individual packages?08:08
jribsys0110: mplayer with w32codecs08:08
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siikahModdeh, yeah, but all which needs updating. you might want to take a look at apt-get dist-upgrade08:08
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sys0110ok , 1 sec i will try it08:09
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ModdehOkey, I thought that was just the kernel =/  I'd like to be able to upgrade my Ubuntu version so I access to more packages through apt-get08:09
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ModdehAs different distros use different servers for the packages dont they?08:09
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ModdehOr do they =/08:09
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alekzandrfarruinn,  what did you say i could do with gconf-editor to fix the missing keyboard shortcuts?08:09
stormy|how do I see the partitions on my computer? (or drives..) I'm trying to mount my NTFS partition...08:09
siikahModdeh, yes they do.. I'm not sure what you want to do actually. update everything on your debian box?08:10
unopstormy|,  fdisk -l08:10
defryskstormy|, mount08:10
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unopdefrysk,  mount doesnt show devices that are unmounted08:10
defryskooh sorry08:10
ModdehOk, Theres packages I cant download with apt-get, but I *can* with a newer distro...08:10
ModdehSo thats my reasoning for wanting to upgrade my distro08:11
ModdehUnless theres an easier way.08:11
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Moddeh(Editing a file which contains the list of servers or something? )08:11
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unopModdeh,  what packages are you after?08:11
ModdehI forgot now =/08:11
sys0110and why when i open amarok and kaffeine it says that xine is corrupted or something like that  (i think it needs KDE Libs)08:11
ModdehI did have a little list.08:11
thugcan anyone please explain me why azureus keeps crushing ? i cannot even open it anymore08:12
thugAborted (core dumped)08:12
thugthats what i get08:12
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stormy|unop:  it's not showing my drives... what about the partitions i have mounted as of now?08:12
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the_hammerhi all08:12
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stormy|nvm found it i think :)08:12
the_hammerdoes anyone here at all have a pcmia wireless card?08:12
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siikahModdeh, apt-get downloads from the sources/servers specified in /etc/apt/sources.list. you might want to compare that one on the two boxes.08:12
unopstormy|,  mount lists currently mounted partitions -- /etc/fstab contains a lit of partitions to be mounted at boot08:13
Moddehsiikah! Thanks! Thats what I wanted to know :D08:13
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MudkipRapeSo i herd you liek mudkips?08:13
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siikahsomeone stepped on a cable?08:13
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pirate-kinghow do you change nautilus splash screen color?08:14
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pirate-kinghow do you change nautilus splash screen color?08:14
Simpletoni dont get it, how can a dcc packet crash routers08:14
the_hammeri highly doubt this many ppl there isnt gonna be 1 wireless pcmia user08:14
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unopSimpleton,  bad router08:15
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pirate-kingwhere are the gurus?08:15
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unoppirate-king,  lurking, i think08:15
thugwhen is feisty coming out ?08:15
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SimpletonEveryone should just go out and buy a wrt54g08:16
Simpletonor a usr431108:16
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Simpletonlast time i checked compusa had them for like $1.99 after rebates08:16
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sys0110why when i open amarok and kaffeine it says that xine is corrupted or something like that  (i think it needs KDE Libs)08:17
jribpirate-king: what is the nautilus splash screen?08:17
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thuganyone installed qbittorrent on ubuntu ?08:18
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pirate-kingjrib the screen you see after you login08:18
sys0110hey thug08:18
black_13does ubuntu have an analogue of debian's make-live tool?08:18
jrib!splash | pirate-king08:18
ubotupirate-king: To change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.08:18
pirate-kingit is bron08:18
thugsys0110 hey what ?08:18
sys0110which torrent is good08:18
ConstyXIVcan you get mac-style ctrl-clicking on ubuntu?08:18
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jribpirate-king: or do you mean the solid brown in the back?08:18
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thugsys0110 dont know ... azureus its keep crashing because of java08:18
LvanderReeHello can anyone tell me why my multimediakeys (logitech dinovo) don't work in gnome and xfce, but are working in kde. When I run xev I only get feedback in kde08:18
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jribpirate-king: system > preferences > login screen   change the color somewhere in there08:19
pirate-king !gconf-editor08:19
ubotugconf-editor: An editor for the GConf configuration system. In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.0-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 131 kB, installed size 1684 kB08:19
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jribwhat do you mean?08:19
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pirate-kingI can change the brown there but not in that nautilus bar it is still brown08:20
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jribpirate-king: the actual thing with icons you see is the gnome splash screen.  To change that just follow what ubotu said08:21
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ubotugnome-splashscreen-manager: manage your GNOME splash screen images. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-3 (edgy), package size 14 kB, installed size 152 kB08:21
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ubuntnubCan anyone help me with an external drive mounting problem?08:21
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ConstyXIVive got an apple pro mouse (1-button), and I want to know if I can get right-clicking by holding down ctrl or winkey, like on the macs08:21
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iFreakHow come all the control themes I install look so ugly?08:22
iFreakThey are all the same square thing08:22
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thugno one knows how to get the god dam qbittorrent installed ? i cannot get all the depends08:22
pirate-king !gconf-editor08:22
ubotugconf-editor: An editor for the GConf configuration system. In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.0-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 131 kB, installed size 1684 kB08:22
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DEinspanjerI need some help with initramfs.  Without going into a long sad sorrid tale, I have a install of Ubuntu 6.10 that worked fine when the drive it was installed to was the primary drive, but when I physically relocated the drive to the place it had to go moving forward, Ubuntu fails to boot. I see the grub splash, then an Ubuntu logo splash, then I get dumped into a "BusyBox v1.1.3 ash shell...08:22
DEinspanjer...with an (initramfs) prompt.08:22
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prowerHmm...how much desktop support is left for Dapper according to their LTS scheme? I'm assuming not much :>08:23
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DEinspanjerIs there a way I can one-time boot by running certain commands in this shell so I can go in and tweak config to get Ubuntu to recognize that it is the second physical drive now?08:23
prower(Which is too bad, since Edgy is unstable on my system)08:23
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litheumprower: there are years of support left for 6.06, i believe08:23
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ubuntnubcan anyone help me with a mounting problem? i am unable to write to my external drive08:24
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sys0110what is qbittoreent anyway08:24
sys0110i think ktorrent is ok08:24
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prowerlitheum: Oh yes, but that's for server support :> Desktop support is a different story...I'm sure there's vulnerabilities in kdelibs that haven't been found yet, for example08:24
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litheumprower: i was not aware there was a difference between server & desktop support for this, hm08:25
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ubuntnubcan anyone help me with a mounting problem? i am unable to write to my external drive "you do not have permissions to write to this folder"08:25
prowerlitheum: 3 for desktop and 5 for server, I believe08:25
sys0110how can i change the bash backgroud color08:25
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sys0110or the console text08:26
jribprower: dapper is 6.06 so support for desktop ends in 6.09,  June 200908:26
sys0110or the console text color08:26
litheumprower: well , if it's 3 for desktop there are still 2.5 yrs of support, right?08:26
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jribprower: erm that should be 9.06 but you get the idea08:26
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prowerjrib: Ahh, okay...great :> Unfortunately the lab machines here are unstable on 6.10, so 6.06 has to keep running until there's a viable alternative08:27
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ubuntnubcan anyone help me with a mounting problem? i am unable to write to my external drive "you do not have permissions to write to this folder"08:27
litheumprower: why would you be trying to deploy experimental software on all of your lab machines?08:27
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wachuneiubuntnub, me sure you mount it with your gid08:27
prowerlitheum: Usual upgrade churn cycle that people seem to think is necessary ;> Tested it on one of the machines rather than all of them at once, obviously...but 6.10 froze up a lot, whereas 6.06 was fine08:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:28
jriblitheum: 6.10 isn't experimental08:28
litheumjrib: ah, ok then08:28
ubotujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia08:28
ModdehUhmmmm... My /etc/apt/sources.list file is empty :|08:28
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litheumsure seemed like it should be "experimental" when i tried to install it ;)08:28
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:28
jriblitheum: heh, I just mean it's technically a stable release :P08:29
ubuntnubwachunei, i tried to sudo cp something to it, it still gave me a 'read-only' error08:29
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anonymeeeedrag....just spent the morning trying to install avg antivirus on this ubuntu box...and it doesn't work!08:29
prowerI just hope there's no distro that's going to take Beryl in it's current state and force you to use it, rather than turn it on and off :> Whole lot of bug fixing to be done on that, and if your computer's more than 2 years old it's slow08:29
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anonymeeeeanyone know how to use clamv?08:30
knoppixanyone around that can help me reconfigure grub08:30
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ConstyXIVanonymeeee: you do realize the chances of getting a virus on linux, right?08:30
james-iI'm having problems when trying to install the base system, ubuntu says it cannot write to hard drive08:31
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litheumConstyXIV: if he's willing to spend all day trying to install some crazy software, maybe his chances of getting a virus are higher than you think? :)08:31
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felixcanis11i have a question....can someone help me?08:31
anonymeeeeConstyXIV: I'd like to scan stuff on my linux box b4 it gets to my windows box08:31
ConstyXIVanonymeeee: oh.08:32
nicodoes anybody knows how to get vncserver work on ubuntu?08:32
jribfelixcanis11: our mind-reading abilities are broken today, we can't know if we can help you until you explain your problem :)08:32
ConstyXIVanonymeeee: sudo apt-get install clamtk08:32
ConstyXIVanonymeeee: graphical frontend to clamav08:33
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anonymeeeecool thank you ConstyXIV08:33
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felixcanis11i'm kind of new to ubuntu, i've been using gentoo for a while but got sick of it and now i'm confused cause i'm not sure how ubuntu works in some respects...so i'm trying to add/remove programs and it says i have to manually run "dpkg --configure -a"......but when i enter that in the Terminal it says i need superuser access......so how do i get that? i feel dumb :(08:33
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ConstyXIVnico: System-> Prefrences-> Remote Desktop08:34
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anonymeeeehow do I invoke the graphical frontend to clamav08:35
Byanfelixcanis11: man sudo08:35
ConstyXIVfelixcanis11: sudo (command), your password08:35
ConstyXIVanonymeeee: clamtk08:35
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anonymeeeesudo -i08:35
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anonymeeeeroot@imatech-desktop:/# clamtk08:35
anonymeeeeGtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:   at /usr/bin/clamtk line 22.08:35
p33k4yhello again08:36
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hyperb0lixAnyone have problems with devices not being recognized when plugged in? (Dapper Drake)08:36
ConstyXIVhyperb0lix: what devices?08:36
p33k4yi have 1 more qusetion .. i am on a ppc, using  a lcd screen , and the maximum resolution in ubuntu is 1024x768 .. how can i change to higher resolutions ?08:36
hyperb0lixConstyXIV: USB devices like flash drives and iPods08:37
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b cablesm102!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by tonyyarusso
DEinspanjerI'm trying to explore grub to see if I can guess the right command to change to get it to boot since I moved the physical drive Ubuntu 6.10 is installed on from my laptop's internal HDD bay to the media bay.  When I tell my BIOS to boot from the media bay, I see GRUB come up, and I hit escape and then edit the config.08:37
hyperb0lixConstyXIV: It just stopped working all of a sudden...08:37
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nicothx ConstyXIV08:37
ConstyXIVhyperb0lix: pull up a nautilus window and see if they are listed to the side08:37
hyperb0lixConstyXIV: Nope08:37
mon^rchdoes anyone know how I can get Ahighid in emule08:37
felixcanis11wait...so i enter sudo then command then enter, then the password?08:38
hyperb0lixConstyXIV: I've had this problem before, but I don't know what causes it08:38
DEinspanjerFirst thing I find odd is that grub's command line completion still finds my ext3 fs on (hd0,0).  If I open a grub command prompt and type the following to explore using completion "root (hd0,0)/dev/h<TAB> it doesn't show /dev/hda1 (or any /hdxx's for that matter).08:38
DEinspanjerDoes that sound normal?08:38
ConstyXIVfelixcanis11: "sudo (command)", then your password08:38
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hyperb0lixConstyXIV: [17245890.240000]  sd 5:0:0:0: Attached scsi removable disk sda08:38
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hyperb0lixConstyXIV: System recognizes it, but I can't mount it in any way08:39
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kitcheDEinspanjer: yes sicne root (hd0,0)/dev/hd is wrong08:39
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saispoanyone have edgy eft with celeron M processor ?08:40
AlexC_DEinspanjer: do you have a SATA hard drive?08:40
AlexC_!anyone | saispo08:40
ubotusaispo: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:40
astrobitlets see... when installing ubuntu, i create ONE extended partition... inside this partition go TWO ext3 partitions for the ( /) and the (/home)... and one other partition for the linux-swap. my problem is at the moment of assigning the mount points...which one should be the /boot ?08:40
DEinspanjerAlexC_, No, both bays are IDE08:40
ModdehI've managed to update the whole distro08:40
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Moddeh=] 08:40
Moddeh<3 Google.08:40
AlexC_DEinspanjer: ok, just checking because other wise it would have been sda1 or what ever instead of hda08:40
DEinspanjerkitche: I was just trying to see commandline completion  if I do something like "kernel /boot/vm<TAB>, I see the kernel.08:41
saispoceleron M frequency scaling work on ubuntu edgy ?08:41
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kitcheastrobit: /boot should be primary08:41
DEinspanjerkitche: but if I do "kernel /dev/<TAB>", I see no hd devices08:41
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LiENUSsaispo,  you need to install the cpufreqd package i believe08:41
BrendanMCan somebody help me, I'm trying to install a program from source, I do ./configure, make, and then I try to do checkinstall, but I get an error that says I'm missing  "module pyGTK2"  even though make says I have that package fine.08:41
saispoLiENUS: ok, thanks :)08:41
kitcheDEinspanjer: yes that is normal08:42
astrobitkitche... but which one?... the " / " partition? or do i need to create another partition only for the /boot?08:42
tyler_anyone know how I can add a start up program to the session manager?  I am using xubuntu08:42
DEinspanjerSo when the drive was located in the internal HDD bay, Ubuntu installed on it fine and the grub config it set up says "root (hd0,0); kernel /boot/vmlinuz.. root=/dev/hda1 ..."08:42
marmer_LiENUS:  wich is the error here ??  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4150/08:42
kitcheastrobit: you need a primary partition for /boot you just made a extended one08:42
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BrendanMTyler, you might ask in #xubuntu08:43
DEinspanjerUsing tab completion, I can see that (hd0,0) is still the physical drive containing my Ubuntu install (I assume that the number didn't change because the BIOS boot option does something to make it 0 when I boot from it.08:43
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astrobitkitche... ohh, i see...in the guides they always say u need only 3 partitions...a swap...a /home...and a /08:43
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tyler_BrendanM, already did but no one is home :(08:43
Ramsedin #gnome08:43
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LiENUSmarmer_, what problem are you having?08:43
kitcheastrobit: yes but you made an extended partition you need three primary if you actually go by the guides but / can be in extended also /home can but /boot must be on a primary08:44
tyler_I assume that xfce4 uses gdm as its login/session manager and figured someone in here might know which file I need to edit to add a session to it08:44
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astrobitthanks a lot kitche08:44
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Rochvelloni've got a javabased program, which can minimized to tray. what can i do that this program appears in this tray? ubuntu 6.1008:44
marmer_boot to slow after try to setting eth008:44
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DEinspanjerkitche: It is normal to not be able to see hda1 in a grub tab competion of /dev/?08:45
jt_a7x_3How do I install ubuntu 6.10 without launching to desktop.08:45
LiENUSjt_a7x_3,  for servers?08:45
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jt_a7x_3no desktop.08:45
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Rochvellonjt_a7x_3: with the alternate-cd08:45
AlexC_jt_a7x_3: you mean so you don't have to boot into live cd? download the alternate cd08:45
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jt_a7x_3I have Desktop cd.08:45
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astrobitkitche... and how big should this /boot partition be?08:45
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LiENUSjt_a7x_3, you want a command line only linux or you want to install a normal desktop linux without the livecd?08:46
kitcheDEinspanjer: yes since grub doesn't know which drives you have, it only auto completes what it knows08:46
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kitcheastrobit: hmm depends but 50 megs is good08:46
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jt_a7x_3I want the normal gnome ubuntu or whatever, just I don't want to have to boot to desktop from the cd to install08:46
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LiENUSthen get the alternate cd08:46
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DEinspanjerOkay, so I guess I jumped the gun with thinking I knew what the solution might be before I completely understood the problem. :)08:46
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andy/dev/hda1       /mnt/c  ntfs    ro,user 0       0     that's my line for mounting my windows partition, but when I try to enter the mountpoint, it always tells me permission denied, even with root08:46
Max_-In what file should I put lines of bash script I want executed at startup????08:47
RamsedIs there a way to add an applet to a panel without using a "right-click" of the mouse?08:47
LiENUSoi andy... mounting ntfs is a bad idea....08:47
andyLiENUS, also read-only?08:47
LiENUSread only i guess is useable i just shudder whenever someone uses ntfs...08:47
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DEinspanjerNew question:  When I boot, I see grub loading followed by a quick Ubuntu logo splash, then I get dropped into a (initramfs) prompt with the error "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off".  Does anyone have any pointers? I've googled the message and found a few news group posts that *seem* somewhat unrelated, but I'm not sure what I'm looking for.08:48
andyLiENUS, I still have all my data on the windows partition so I wanna mount it :)08:48
trollboywhere does ubuntu keep the kernel source?08:48
kitchetrollboy: you have to install the package then it's in /usr/src08:48
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andyand I also wanna install the windows fonts.08:48
=== [KoW] Pwnstarr [n=arthur@ip70-174-146-181.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
BrendanMthere's a package for the windows fonts08:49
LiENUSandy theres a better way to install windows fonts08:49
Max_-In what file should I put lines of bash script I want executed at startup????08:49
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LiENUSdownload easyubuntu08:49
BrendanMit's in multiverse I think08:49
LiENUSBrendanM, easyubuntu installs windows fonts faster...08:49
andyalright, I gonna check that but I still want to access also my pictures :D08:49
BrendanMI've heard easyubuntu can screw things up08:49
BrendanMHow can it be faster than installing a package with synaptic?08:49
LiENUSBrendanM,  it hasnt for me..08:49
LiENUSBrendanM,  because you click a checkbox08:49
LiENUSthen click ok08:49
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BrendanMI've heard bad things about easyubuntu/automatix08:50
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu08:50
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe08:50
LiENUShavent had any trouble myself...08:50
trollboyI don't see the 2.6.15-27-386 src in synaptic kitche08:50
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Yancho[moo]  [OS]  Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 2 (5.1 - 2600) [Uptime]  2d 17h 36m 12s [CPU]  1-AMD , 2236MHz (14% Load) [RAM]  Usage: 884/1024MB (86.33%) [|||||||||-]  [Hard Drive]  C:\ (43.59GB Free, 51.39GB Total), D:\ (43.59GB Free, 51.39GB Total), G:\ (2.73GB Free, 9.77GB Total), H:\ (6.29GB Free, 39.06GB Total), I:\ (0.06GB Free, 58.59GB Total), J:\ (0.32GB Free, 7.06GB Total)08:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about moo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:50
BrendanMthey install stuff without leaving any record in apt, so there's no good way to remove things, and I've heard they can break updates08:50
LiENUSeasyubuntu uses apt...08:51
bulldogg597howdy, ive burned the ubunti 6.06 to cd from an iso, and when i select install it says something about cd error or something, any ideas08:51
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BrendanMok, well, whatever. Use easyubuntu if you want. I don't think checking the "mark for install" in synaptic is very hard.08:51
Max_-In what file should I put lines of bash script I want executed at startup????08:51
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Winter-1does anyone know how i can play gnome-mud08:52
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itchywormbulldogg597: how'd you "burn" it?08:52
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LiENUSBrendanM,  do you know what package?08:52
LiENUSdo you know how to force X to reload its font cache?08:52
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bulldogg597@itchyworm - just downloaded the iso and burned it directly to cd with nero08:52
bulldogg597@itchyworm - could it just of burned wrong?08:52
trollboyI'm running 2.6 kernel and all I see in synaptic is 2.4 kernel source, anyone know where I can get 2.6 kernel source?08:53
BrendanMmsttcorefonts is the package name08:53
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itchywormbulldogg597: like wrote the ISO file itself?08:53
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LiENUSBrendanM,  and how do you reload the font cache?08:53
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LiENUS+ easyubuntu installs more than just corefonts08:53
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bulldogg597@itchyworm - yea, i used nero to burn the iso, it unpacks it and pts the files on the cd, i havent just put the iso on the cd on its own08:53
BrendanMok, well, I'm sure easyubuntu is fabulous08:53
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itchywormbulldogg597: um, you have to burn an image from the ISO. not burn the ISO itself :-)08:54
vox754News: If you are having problems with your wireless card, try downloading the latest "ndiswrapper 1.37". My card works now. Join "#ndiswrapper".08:54
zythdoes botsnack still work?08:54
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zythyep :)08:54
=== Randomtime [n=chatzill@88-109-178-80.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
bulldogg597@itchyworm - thats what ive done, i just said it wrong lol08:54
itchywormbulldogg597: :)08:54
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Randomtime!Getting a life08:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about getting a life - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:55
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bulldogg597u dont need a like u need ubuntu :D08:55
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DEinspanjerif grub thinks that my ext3fs is (hd0,0), and it shows (hd0,1) as "unknown partition", do I want my grub root command to be ,0 or ,1?08:55
DEinspanjerI'm assuming root means the root FS which shoudl be ,0, right?08:56
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Randomtime!my personal problem08:56
trollboyanyone see my kernel source question?08:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about my personal problem - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:56
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campbell way to install adobe shockwave player?08:56
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AlexC_there is no native version of Shockwave player for Linux, campbell08:56
LiENUSi dont think there is a way to install shockwave on linux08:56
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kitchetrollboy: I told you install the kernel-tree package and it will be in /usr/src08:56
ublender_horray! i just finished version 0.1 of the PlaysationPortable/Ps3 video encoding nautilus script!08:56
=== ublender_ celebrates
trollboykitche, there's a version issue08:56
trollboyI'm running 2.6 kernel and all I see in synaptic is 2.4 kernel source, anyone know where I can get 2.6 kernel source?08:56
Seveas!botabuse | Randomtime watch out08:57
ubotuRandomtime watch out: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...08:57
Randomtimeoh sorry08:57
=== Carnage\ [n=carnage@p549FDBCB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
trollboyI don't feel like downgrading my kernel for this08:57
Seveastrollboy, linux-source-....08:57
marmer_LiENUS:  boot is very very slow, like 4 minutes08:57
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itchywormtrollboy: search for linux-source08:58
LiENUSno clue08:58
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AlexC_If I install Ubuntu on a amd64 system with an ATI X800XT graphics card at 5:30PM, then once I've installed Ubuntu I then use it for 52 mins - what color are my eyes?08:58
trollboyI was searching for "kernel"08:58
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itchywormAlexC_: same as mine :)08:59
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duanebthe ultimate showdown: x86 vs. amd64?08:59
AlexC_itchyworm: ah, thanks! been bugging me all day! =)08:59
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superdave888hi, anyone have time to give partitioning advice for ubuntu server?09:00
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AlexC_!anyone | superdave88809:01
ubotusuperdave888: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:01
superdave888what is the recommended partitioning for an ubuntu LAMP server09:01
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AlexC_superdave888: I'd have /home on a different partition, then the other partitions as normal09:02
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itchywormsuperdave888: i'd use 256MB for /; (2xRAM) for swap; and the rest for everyone09:02
trollboyis there a fun and easy gui based way to set up nfs shares, or do I do it the old fashioned way with cli?09:02
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trollboyonly reason I ask is I wanna make sure I do things the "ubuntu" way09:02
superdave888AlexC_: other partions being /, /root, /var, /tmp ?09:02
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marmer_LiENUS:  my boot is too slow like 4 minutes09:03
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LiENUSmarmer_,  ok?09:03
AlexC_superdave888: I think just swap, / and /home09:03
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aciddropswhats the best way to make a webpage with fancy lad stuff in linux09:04
DEinspanjerAlright. I'll have to look at this again later, no Ubuntu for me for now.  Thanks for the help you tried to provide AlexC_ and kitche.09:04
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PntklI'll think about it09:04
AlexC_aciddrops: gPHPedit09:04
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marmer_LiENUS:  did u read paste?09:05
AlexC_aciddrops: you don't have to code PHP to use gPHPedit09:05
gaspipe1is ubuntu a (tar. .gz) or a (.rpm) type of linux?09:05
AlexC_aciddrops: it's just my prefered IDE,09:05
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graulichhow do I find out where in /dev my Windows partitions are?09:05
AlexC_gaspipe1: neither, a .deb =)09:05
LiENUSmarmer_, pasting the output of dmesg and saying "my compuer takes 4 minutes to boot" tells me nothing09:05
LiENUSmost likely its not even hanging during the kernel boot09:05
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LiENUSmost likely its hanging elsewhere09:05
gaspipe1AlexC_: lol so I guess adobe doesn't work on firefox09:05
AlexC_gaspipe1: adobe is a company, not software09:06
AlexC_gaspipe1: Adobe what?09:06
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RyanT5000i switched from gnome to ion3, and now it doesn't plug-n-play USB devices; what do i need to run to fix that?09:06
itchywormgaspipe1: if you've got the tarball it can be made to work09:06
gaspipe1AlexC_: thier reader ahhh.. Acrobat09:06
kitcheRyanT5000: nothing ion3 doesn't support that feature09:07
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gaspipe1AlexC_: also flash wouldn't work either09:07
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mon^rchanyone want to compress an album by "Bug Wreck" and send it to me?? :-)09:07
RyanT5000kitche: what? can't i just run the appropriate daemon?09:07
AlexC_gaspipe1: yep it does09:07
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RyanT5000kitche: e.g.: i can run gnome-settings-daemon09:07
gaspipe1itchyworm: i'm new to this...whats tarball?09:07
AlexC_gaspipe1: any Linux distro can installed .rpm or .deb or .tar.gz (which is normally just source). You can convert other packages (say RPM) to .deb files using a program called "alien"09:08
Red-Sox[away] variant: I followed the guide but it still doesn't wanna work09:08
titushi all, where can I check out potential problems with my laptop & upgrading Dapper->Edgy09:08
ubotuFiles with ".tar.gz", ".tar.bz2" or ".tgz" extensions are compressed archive formats, similar to ZIP files. See !tar for extracting them. Some of these files contain programs in source code form; see !compile for getting them to run.09:08
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gaspipe1AlexC_: so i would need to install alien...convert the programs then install?09:08
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kitcheRyanT5000: not that I know of with ion3 you have to manually do everything09:09
itchywormtitus: potential problems?09:09
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AlexC_gaspipe1: yes, sudo apt-get install alien    then if you find a .rpm file you can open up terminal and type "alien my_rpm_file.rpm" and it will create a .deb file which you can just doube click on09:09
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AlexC_gaspipe1: but if you download tar.gz it's usualy just source, so you'll need to compile it09:09
AlexC_!compile | gaspipe109:09
ubotugaspipe1: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)09:09
gaspipe1AlexC_: ok cool thanks..... so much to learn....;(09:10
=== arentoine [n=robillal@bas11-montreal02-1128535136.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
titusitchyworm, how likely am I to hose my setup and spend days/weeks putting things back together :-)09:10
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marmer_LiENUS:  what i've sayng for let you helping me09:10
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LiENUSmarmer_,  i'm going to go ahead and put you on /ignore now...09:10
AlexC_gaspipe1: =) you'll get use to it. But be sure to check if the software is in the repositories first - which is the prefered way to install software ( System->Admin->Synaptic )09:10
AlexC_By the way....how the hell do you say "repositories" ?09:11
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itchywormtitus: check www.linuxlaptops.net for your laptop model. if you find it there you have 90% survival. also, it depends on how you install :)09:11
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SHRIKEEhi all,09:11
ModdehNo wait09:11
=== rich__ [n=rich@pool-71-101-108-49.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
SecrethXis there some tool to "record" your desktop?09:12
SHRIKEEquestion, can anyone tell me if the ati radeon x1300pro is supported well in ubuntu?09:12
AlexC_Moddeh: I keep wanting to say "RE-SPOR-I-TORY09:12
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rich__SecrethX: look for xvidcap09:12
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=== fnord123 [n=fnord123@i-83-67-108-38.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
rich__does anyone have there ipod nano working in ubuntu?09:12
titusitchyworm: when you say depends how, is upgrading with apt likely to be risky, and should I download the disk?09:12
kitcheSHRIKEE" with fglrx probably09:12
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trollboyhaving some problems installing cisco vpn09:12
AlexC_!anyone | rich_09:12
SHRIKEEfglrx is a driver?09:12
uboturich_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:12
quaalcan i play .nsv with vlc media player ?09:12
mc44AlexC_: rep-os-it-ory09:12
AlexC_!ipod | rich_09:12
uboturich_: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod09:12
gaspipe1AlexC_: awsome thanks again09:12
RyanT5000so, how do i force a rescan of USB?09:13
rich__been there09:13
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AlexC_gaspipe1: you're welcome09:13
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SHRIKEEkitche: thats a driver?09:13
kitcheSHRIKEE: yes it's the ati binary driver09:13
AlexC_mc44: sounds so weird lol, doesn't sound like a word at all09:13
=== SHRIKEE looks into that
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itchywormtitus: sorry i thought it'll be a fresh install. go ahead and do an update09:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about music - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:13
ubotuSHRIKEE: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:14
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SHRIKEEthanks again!09:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mediaplayer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:14
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AlexC_Lunar_Lamp: what you after?09:14
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titusitchyworm: I tried to go from breezy to dapper with apt and I *regretted* it09:14
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Lunar_LampAlexC_, alternative media players to amarok. I like it, but would prefer to have something a little more responsive under gnome.09:14
dungodungI need some help09:14
gaspipe1bye all09:15
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Lunar_Lampdungodung, just ask away.09:15
dungodungI accidentally rm -fr'ed a bunch of files09:15
AlexC_Lunar_Lamp: Audacious?09:15
dungodungI need to get them back09:15
fnord123is there a tool in ubuntu for dealing with unmounted drives?09:15
Lunar_Lampdungodung, you can't get them back :-/09:15
AlexC_dungodung: good luck109:15
Moddehrm is permanent.09:15
kitcheLunar_Lamp: banshee it's gnomes' amarok09:15
itchywormtitus: ahh. upgrading from one version to the next using apt is not for the faint-hearted :) you should have used update-manager or an alternate install CD09:15
Op3rhow can you stop xchat for flooding with channel listing?09:15
rich__its funny how the howto says just plug your ipod in and an ipod icon will appear on the desktop LOL.....NOT09:15
bob_hi all i am a noob how do i open file /etc/apt/sources.list   or just what do i put in front of it09:15
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fnord123when i installed i wanted 10gb for /home and 60 for / but now all i have is the 10 for / for some reason. :(09:15
pbureauhello to all09:15
AlexC_titus: upgrading from Dapper->Edgy is risky09:15
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kitcherich_: it does if you have your ipod in disk mode09:16
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titusitchyworm: yes, after that experience I am now numbered among the faint-hearted :-) Thanks for your help, I'll check the laptop site09:16
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fnord123oops i found it in nautilus. damnit im stupid09:16
itchywormAlexC_: not so. just did last :)09:16
Lunar_Lampkitche, I'll check out banshee then. AlexC_ is that in the repositories?09:16
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itchywormusing apt09:16
vox7540p3r: Excellent question. When you find out, let us now.09:16
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rich__kitche:  can you elaborate on that09:16
=== Moddeh feels bad now hes upgrading by apt
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AlexC_Lunar_Lamp: Audacious? Erm....I can't remember to be honest,09:16
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AlexC_Lunar_Lamp: serach for it, if not - then check out there website09:17
vox754bob_: "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"09:17
wceoscarHow can i mount my stoage drive (fat32 (already plugged)09:17
Op3rvox754: never got it fixed?09:17
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jrib!vfat | wceoscar09:17
ubotuwceoscar: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse09:17
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bob_thank vox09:17
kitcherich__: ipod has a disk mode which makes it look liek a usb disk drive09:17
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itchywormtitus: since you've managed to install dapper you laptop is supported. in case you're still interested and have a running dapper i can guide you on upgrading to edgy effortlessly (well 90%) :)09:18
rich__kitche: how do you enable that?09:18
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LiENUSitchyworm, i made the mistake of doing apt-get distupgrade09:18
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AlexC_rich__: probably in the options/settings of it somewhere09:18
LiENUSwhat a mistake that was :/09:18
kitcherich__: though itunes09:18
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bob_later guys shure ill be back with more ??09:18
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soundrayLiENUS: why?09:19
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AlexC_kitche: what?! you have to control such a simple thing as that via iTunes?! there even worse than I thought!09:19
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LiENUSSoundGuy,  because dist-upgrade is apparently a bad idea theres a better way of doing it09:19
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs09:19
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itchywormLiENUS: actually, it should not be a mistake09:19
titusitchyworm: thanks! one of the problems last time was my unsupported wireless setup, which needs ndis and was broken after upgrade...09:19
jbindergksu "update-manager -c"09:19
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LiENUSitchyworm, the docs on ubuntu.com say otherwise...09:19
kitcherich__ AlexC: you can press certain buttons also on boot but I don't remember them since I did it long ago and don't even bother with any music software with my ipod now09:19
reconWould anybody know offhand how to change the coloring in xterm to white on black?09:19
LiENUSjbinder's method == better09:20
soundrayLiENUS: it's fine if you install ubuntu-desktop and all its dependencies beforehand09:20
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LiENUSdist-upgrade broke usplash, networking, and a few other things09:20
kitcheAlexC: of course it's a firmware feature09:20
jbinderLiENUS: yeah09:20
jbindermy usplash broke09:20
soundrayLiENUS: and in any case, any breakages should be not too difficult to fix09:20
rich__http://www.ipodlinux.org/Installation_on_Nano im reading this kitche09:20
LiENUSsoundray,  i have a problem wherein xorg isnt installed09:20
AlexC_kitche: yeah, but I don't need any special program to change USB mode on my Sandisk Sansa.....09:20
LiENUSi do apt-get install xorg09:20
trollboyanyone see my kernel issue?09:20
LiENUSxorg: Depends: libgl1-mesa-glx but it is not going to be installed09:21
AlexC_kitche: all I do is go to Settings->USB Mode and change it .. done =)09:21
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soundrayLiENUS: the command should be 'sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg'09:21
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LiENUSxserver-xorg is already the newest version.09:21
=== MiKi [n=miguel@j234035.upc-j.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
LiENUSX works09:21
LiENUSjust the xorg package isnt installed...09:21
kitcheAlexC_: now I think about it think it's the middle button and menu to do it but I did it though itunes and don't bother with itunes or any software now09:21
marmer_LiENUS:  sorry09:21
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OneOfTheManyi have an extra drive which is ext3 - when i mount it, it belongs to root - how do i change this to another user because I cant create files on the new drive09:22
soundrayLiENUS: that's fine though, as long as your X works09:22
LiENUSbut what dependencies will it break09:22
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kitcheLiENUS: if xserver-xorg works then you have xorg installed just that xorg is a meta package09:22
soundrayOneOfTheMany: it's easiest to create a directory on that filesystem that is read/writable to the user09:22
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pbureauYEAH ! got my bcm4036 to work ! whoot !@09:23
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soundrayLiENUS: no dependencies are broken, unless you get errors from 'sudo apt-get -f install'09:23
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Max_-Hello, what's the file we put lines we want executed on startup in????09:23
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LiENUSyes but im worried about my feisty fawn install...09:23
LiENUSwhen it comes out...09:23
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XiCillini have a 200 gift certificate to compusa, but i'm not sure what to get. (my computer rocks so no need to upgrade anything) what would you get humm?09:23
XiCillin200 dollar*09:23
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LiENUSbuy me ram?09:24
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soundrayMax_-: /etc/rc.local09:24
LiENUSi could use extra laptop ram09:24
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OneOfTheManydamn my xchat just crashed09:24
LiENUSi only have 1 gig right now...09:24
giuseppecan ask y'all for some help?09:24
pbureauXiCillin, yep 2GB extra ram for that amount of cash or a top of line video card09:24
Max_-soundray thanks09:24
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LiENUSor a new hard drive my hard drive is only 20 gigs in my laptop...09:24
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soundrayLiENUS: why don't you do a fresh install with feisty then09:24
LiENUSsoundray,  thats what i think im going to have to do09:24
LiENUSits just a pain in the ass heh09:24
XiCillini have 2gigs of DDR2 and geforce 7800GT09:24
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XiCillindont' need either09:24
XiCillini was thinkin a 12gig flash drive09:25
XiCillinthey ahve one on sale for 9909:25
soundrayLiENUS: it need not be. Especially if you have a separate home partition09:25
pbureaubuy an ipod like everyone else does :) (yes I am being sarcastic)09:25
giuseppeI'm italian and i wanna configure kooka with my x1155 lexmark printer...09:25
LiENUSsoundray,  i have a 20 gig drive09:25
LiENUSnot enough space for a seperate home partition09:25
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madman91can someone please point me to a simple linux backup method?09:25
pbureaubuy an ipod like everyone else does :) (yes I am being sarcastic)09:25
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LiENUSXiCillin,  you can buy me a new hard drive09:26
pbureau!it | giuseppe09:26
ubotugiuseppe: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:26
soundrayLiENUS: there's no logic in what you are saying. I used to have separate home, var and root partitions in the days of 512 MB drives.09:26
XiCillinpbureau, ha. i never bought one, my gf just gave me her old nano09:26
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XiCillinLiENUS yea right!09:26
soundray!sbackup | madman9109:26
ubotumadman91: sbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe09:26
ubotumadman91: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:26
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LiENUSsoundray i have to know how much space il'l need for system binaries and how much il'l need for user data to have seperate partitions09:27
LiENUSXiCillin,  i really need one heh, 20 gig drive :/09:27
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XiCillinLiENUS 20 gig ? thats it!09:27
kitcheLiENUS: most linuxs work within 7 gigs09:27
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LiENUSyeah XiCillin  :/09:27
Lunar_LampI just installed banshee, but when I start it up, it seems to crash when "initialising background processes" and take 100% CPU.  Command line start doesn't give any help either.09:27
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DonkramHow much money does it cost for ubuntu to give out free cds? millions?09:28
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XiCillinLiENUS damn that sucks. i got a 250, 150, 55, 60 gig hd09:28
soundrayLiENUS: so, do a 'du -s /home' and subtract the result from the "Used" column in 'df -h | grep /$'09:28
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OneOfTheManyi have loads of files to sort out - whats a good filemanager for gnome?09:28
LiENUSsoundray,  my useage varies greatly09:28
MarcoPauhello, what's the package to be installed in order to see wmv and such?09:28
LiENUSas i install vms from time to time09:28
XiCillinLienus i was thinkin bout getting another harddrive09:28
XiCillinjust cus you can never have too much space these days09:29
LiENUSheh it sucks having a 20 gig drive heh09:29
titusanyone use gaim for irc?09:29
ConstyXIVtitus: aye09:29
cchancetitus, me09:29
liquidiani've got really weird trouble with my usb-harddrive - at first i can write to it, but after a short while (several minutes) it goes to readonly mode. when i do a "mount EXTERNE -o rw,remount" i have write-access again - until, several minutes later it goes to readonly mode again. any one any idea?09:29
DonkramAnybody know how much the owner of Ubuntu spend on all the free CDs?09:29
pbureauwhy not use xchat so much better ?09:29
tituscchance: how to join #ubuntu? what's the syntax to enter name of room?09:29
cchanceDonkram, probrubly only 500$09:29
ConstyXIVpbureau: because gaim's already running09:30
Donkramcchance: on all?09:30
cchancetitus /join #ubuntu09:30
kitcheDonkram: press cds only cost about 10 bucks to make09:30
pbureauConstyXIV,  lol09:30
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cchanceDonkram, Cds are only 5 bucks for a pack of 20 done here09:30
soundrayliquidian: the Linux kernel does that when a drive behaves inconsistently. Rescue your data and get a new drive.09:30
ConstyXIVtitus: or buddies, join chat09:30
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Donkrama lot of people order them though09:30
LiceHow do i get VLC to only run in one instance?09:30
tituscchance: huh? don't you need to join the server first?09:30
MiKihas anyone and idea when i disconnect my mouse X doesn't after a reboot (followed the ubuntu wiki mx1000 guide)09:30
soundrayliquidian: what filesystem(s) do you have on that drive?09:30
cchancetitus, You dont have an account made on gaim for it do you?09:31
liquidiansoundray: vfat09:31
ConstyXIVtitus: you have to be connected first, of course09:31
Donkramthey could bought other things for all the money xD like new computers09:31
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cchancetitus, make an account then add #ubuntu to the list of chats09:31
liquidiansoundray: i didn't have any trouble until now, with that drive. no data losses or anything09:31
pbureauXiCillin, maybe get a dual core pc ?09:31
n2diyDonkram: if you order them from Ship It they are free.09:31
tituscchance: no I just use gaim with a yahoo account...I'm clueless re IM & chat09:31
Donkramn2diy: free for me but not for ubuntu!09:31
cchancetitus, the sane way to added the yahoo add the irc09:32
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soundrayliquidian: I suggest you unmount and run dosfsck on it. Check out the various options described in the manpage09:32
Max_-XiCillin Sell it if you don't need it...  You'll at least have 100$ cash to use on something useful.09:32
rage_how can I search through apathy? apt-get ______ ???09:32
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liquidiansoundray: good idea, thx!09:32
lwizardlhas ntfs support been added properly yet ?09:32
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n2diyDonkram: Ok, I don't understand your question then.09:32
AlexC_rage_ sudo apt-cache search program09:32
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pbureauConstyXIV,  the point is though I dont necceseraly want to be in GAIN but I want to be in CHAT, and I like things automated (liek no join/out, server messages all that crap removed making my chat screen nice and clea with just chat, not events)09:33
rich__blah i give up on the nano and ubuntu it isnt nearly as easy as they say it is09:33
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kitcheDonkram: anyways mark Shuttleworth is a rich so don't think ubuntu really puts much of a rift in his money09:33
LiENUSDonkram,  /hop and /quit are in a boat, the moon is a waxing crescent and it is 35 degrees out, how much marzipan can a giraffe eat in an hour?09:33
AlexC_rich__: don't troll.09:33
XiCillinpbureau, dual-core? yea, i have the Athlon64 X2 4800+09:33
Cyrus25801hey guys i'm using gnomebaker, but i want to copy one data dvd to the other what program do i use09:33
soundraylwizardl: there is no way to support NTFS "properly", because it is proprietary and poorly documented09:33
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apecatrich__: but you can't beat the price ;P09:33
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rage_next question: what's the package that contains the full kernel source?09:33
Donkramn2diy: Let's say a CD cost 1 bucks, 50 000 people order them them then the leader of Ubuntu has to pay for all that, while he could've spent it on other things09:33
AlexC_rich__: going "oh I give up it doesn't work! It's not easy as they say! waa waa waa" - just trolling,09:33
=== narg [n=narg@dsl-72-55-216-113.tcq.net] has joined #ubuntu
pbureauXiCillin,  then but something for wife/wife to be/wife that doesnt know she is being stalked by you09:34
rich__stfu AlexC_09:34
LiENUSDonkram, cds cost closer to 10 cents09:34
ConstyXIVrich__: have you tried in banshee?09:34
=== mikea [n=mikea@acxw238.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
cchanceWhat is the website for Launchpad?09:34
soundrayDonkram: this isn't a support question. Please go to #ubuntu-offtopic09:34
tonyyarusso!ohmy | rich__09:34
uboturich__: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:34
atruscups problem: /usr/lib/cups/backends-available/usb shows my printer, but lpinfo -v doesn't show it. suggestions?09:34
AlexC_rich__: don't tell me to shut the f*** up09:34
lwizardlsoundray, hmm ok becuase I have a usb 160gb drive that is ntfs that I would like to use on my ubuntu box09:34
tituscchance: ah, I see...and xchat looks much nicer! but like you say, gaim is running. Thanks.09:34
rich__you have no idea how long i have worked on this09:34
ConstyXIVcchance: launchpad.net09:34
cchancetitus, np09:34
kitcheDonkram: Mark Shuttleworth paid 20 million dollars jsut ot go to space so you can guess how much he spends on ubuntu09:34
Cyrus25801hey guys i'm using gnomebaker, but i want to copy one data dvd to the other what program do i use09:34
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cchanceconstyXIV, thanks09:34
n2diyDonkram: I see, well like it has been said, he is rich, he even to a vacation on the Space Station!09:35
soundraylwizardl: reformat it with ext3, and use ext2fsd if you have to access it from Windows09:35
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LiENUSrich__,  i just plugged my ipod shuffle in and it appeared on my desktop immediately09:35
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distro-testerhello all09:35
rich__im using nano LiENUS09:35
nox-HandWhere is the repository file?09:35
DonkramShame he doesn't buy computers and give them out, like microsoft does lol09:35
nox-Handdeb file09:35
kitcherich__: the enw nano?09:35
AlexC_nox-Hand: /etc/apt/sources.list09:36
LiENUSrich__, they both use usb do they not?09:36
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lwizardlsoundray, ok and that will let me use it from any windows pc?09:36
ConstyXIVmy 5g ipod works in banshee plug/play, the nano shoudn't look any different to banshee09:36
rich__yes kitche the new nano09:36
LiENUSDonkram, and who would he give the computers to?09:36
LiENUSfor that matter when the hell has microsoft given out computers?09:36
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kitcherich__: hmm might want to look around for that but you probably want gtkpod09:36
LiENUSmicrosoft usually donates copies of its software09:36
Cyrus25801AlexC_: could you help me.no one is answering my questions09:36
LiENUSwhich costs them nothing09:36
rage_what's the package name for the kernel source?09:36
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DonkramLiENUS: they gave them to bloggers :/09:36
soundraylwizardl: any Windows PC where you install ext2fsd. You could make a small FAT32 partition on it and store the installer on the disk.09:36
rich__thast what i was using or trying to09:36
LiENUSDonkram,  when?09:36
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vIR_uSrage_: www.kernel.org09:37
rich__i know my problem but dont know how to solve it.09:37
pbureaurich__, have you installed the package called iPodLinux09:37
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ConstyXIVrage_: linux-source-`uname -r`09:37
LiENUSare you talking about them buying pcs to give to their off the books pr department?09:37
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AlexC_Cyrus25801: probably because you have waited 1 minute for a response - wait longer, if still no anwser - repeat question09:37
rich__no pbureau i have not09:37
imc_Couldn't figure out how to securely surf with Squid Proxy, so I wrote I how-to: http://nickselby.com/articles/technology/index.htm?a=181009:37
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lwizardlsoundray, I can do that09:37
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pbureaurich__,  opps never midn I read that wrong, that is for linux on nano..lol09:37
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lwizardlI have a 5gb fat32 partition on it for storing apps like nero etc on09:37
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rich__i was just at that page09:38
khatahnhi, i just changed from CRT monitor into widescreen LCD monitor. what should i do to get the proper resolution for this? edit xorg.conf by hand?09:38
rich__i think you have to do that on windows first09:38
pbureaurich__, what does your nano do when you plug it in ?09:38
rich__it does nothing09:38
pbureaurich okay plug it in...09:38
rich__just lights up09:38
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Cyrus25801i'm using gnomebaker, but i want to copy one data dvd to the other what program do i use09:38
rich__its plugged in09:38
ConstyXIVkhatahn: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, i think09:38
LiENUSThe blogger received two identical notes which he says seems to confirm that the gift is related to the Windows Vista launch. Describing the laptop 'a nice surprise,' Beale surmises that Microsoft may have shipped him the notebook to reach out to Mac users09:38
soundraykhatahn: either that, or look at the options described in the wiki:09:38
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apecatkhatahn: yes, you should probably edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:38
mikeahi, I'm having a troubles with touchpad which isn't a synaptics touchpad - i haven't a InputDevice section in xorg.conf. I have a Asus A6j notebook. The touchpad works in the same time as usb mouse. I would like to turn it off/on using keyboard keys combination but i don't want where and how I can configure it.09:38
LiENUSthats called a pr move09:38
soundray!fixres | khatahn09:38
ubotukhatahn: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:38
pbureaurich then in a terminal window, type lsusb does the system reconize it ?09:38
LiENUSthey "donated" it as A) a tax writeoff and B) publicity for windows vista09:39
LiENUSmicrosoft does not give out free pcs09:39
apecatkhatahn: or yes, do as ConstyXIV said09:39
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rich__Bus 002 Device 009: ID 05ac:1260 Apple Computer, Inc.09:39
pbureauLiENUS,  not as funny as an editorial I read some time back about windows press release, and all guys there were taking notes with Imacs, :)09:39
ConstyXIVrich__: sudo apt-get install banshee09:40
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rich__i have it installed09:40
LonerVampI'm sure that tax writeoff sure did put a dent in M$'s taxes....09:40
jribmikea: you can use synclient09:40
ConstyXIVrich__: pull it up, it should work09:40
pbureaurich__, congrats its reconized, now what do you want ? play/transfer files ? then get AMAROK09:40
ConstyXIVpbureau: not in gnome09:40
mikeaso what i can do?? i woul like how to configure it at all09:40
ConstyXIVgnome = banshee kde = amarok09:40
pbureauConstyXIV, why not I have it on gnome09:40
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LiENUSLonerVamp, considering they got to write it off as a donation when it was really an advertising cost09:41
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LiENUSit put a bigger dent in their taxes than it should have09:41
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=== LonerVamp shrugs
evan_hey guys whats up09:41
ConstyXIVpbureau: gnome apps work better in gnome then kde, and vice versa (you dont have to load the other libs)09:41
rich__its not recognizing when i pull up banshee09:41
nuggzI just upgraded to 6.10, but my upgrade from postgres 8.0 to 8.1 didn't really happen09:41
pbureauConstyXIV, ah okay...09:41
nuggzany ideas?09:41
rolerWhat email pop3/imap servers support microsofts SPA?09:41
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rich__dunno how to transfer files ipod doesn't show up09:41
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jribmikea: for example http://blog.nixternal.com/2007.01.19/2-mice-are-not-better-than-1/09:42
pbureauroler, Evolution09:42
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trollboyanyone here ever installed cisco vpn on ubuntu?09:42
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rolerpbureau, not clients, but servers09:42
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soundraynuggz: it's not supposed to. Install postgresql-8.109:42
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soundray!postgresql-8.1 | nuggz09:42
pbureauroller I guess evolution-server then..:)09:42
ubotunuggz: postgresql-8.1: object-relational SQL database, version 8.1 server. In component main, is optional. Version 8.1.4-7ubuntu0.1 (edgy), package size 3081 kB, installed size 12872 kB09:42
=== Pengo [n=allan@13.091.dsl.mel.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
khatahnConstyXIV, soundray, apecat: thanks :)09:42
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=== goldeagle [n=goldeagl@bordoleza.redesul.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:43
=== Pengo is now known as Hit3k
nuggzSoundGuy: I did install it, but how do I migrate my data and make sure the setup works? my apps don't work right now09:43
nuggzsoundray taht was for you09:43
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ConstyXIVnuggz: ive backed up by copying and redumping my homedir, then reinstalling my apps09:44
musyais codeblocks available for ubuntu?09:44
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about codeblocks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:44
AlexC_musya: yes, it is09:44
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soundraynuggz: I don't know much about postgres. In mysql, I would use mysqldump to transfer databases between versions or installations.09:44
ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type "dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages", move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type "sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade"09:44
=== tanlaan [n=tanlaan@c-67-168-212-26.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nuggzsoundray, thanks, guess I have a bit of a problem then09:45
marshallhey guys09:45
mikeathanks i will try it09:45
AlexC_musya: it's not in the repo's though, afaik09:45
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musyaAlexC_:  ah, ok09:45
AlexC_musya: so you'll have to download the .rpm and convert it to a .deb via the alien command09:45
LiENUSis there a way to do a netinstall of ubuntu so i dont need to waste a cd?09:45
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musyado i need to download the sdk? or the source files? or what?09:45
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ConstyXIVAlexC_: definitley not in there, just checked09:45
soundrayLiENUS: yes09:45
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musyaerr, that sounds painfull09:46
soundray!install | LiENUS09:46
ubotuLiENUS: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues09:46
=== decherdtt [n=ubuntu@ppp-70-253-42-77.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
marshalldoes for some reason i am unable to atomatically get album art with quod libet through any of the plugins that come with the package or in quodlibet-plugins09:46
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ConstyXIVmusya: i know its not codeblocks, but there is eclipse-cdt09:46
AlexC_musya: infact...hold on09:46
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AlexC_musya: there is a .deb packages Ubuntu - hold on09:46
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=== defendguin [n=supertux@cpe-72-181-7-135.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
marshallfor some reason i am unable to atomatically get album art with quod libet through any of the plugins that come with the package or in quodlibet-plugins, does anybody know how to solve this?09:47
=== kamui [n=kamui@ip24-252-113-227.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
AlexC_musya: http://wiki.codeblocks.org/index.php?title=Compiled_packages_of_Code::Blocks09:47
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LiENUSsoundray,  is there an alternative to syslinux that works with usb sticks bigger than 2 gigs?09:47
=== eltech [i=G00Ds@ool-457c93b6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
AlexC_marshall: please wait more than 1 minute to repeat your question!09:47
kamuiis there a way for me to configure my wifes laptop so that it will automatically connect to multiple access points when they're in range under gnome?09:48
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soundrayLiENUS: I don't know09:48
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LiENUSargh :/09:48
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ConstyXIVLiENUS: you could reformat your stick to ext3, but you wouldn't be able to use it in windows...09:48
tanlaanhello everyone09:48
marshallAlexC_: sorry, the first time i asked the question the biginning didnt really make sense :\09:48
LiENUSConstyXIV,  i need to use it in windows09:48
Shaffoxcan anyone help me with error 17: cannot mount selected partition when i press boot ubuntu kernel on the grub-menu ?09:48
ConstyXIVne'er mind then09:48
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soundrayLiENUS: or partition your stick09:48
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LiENUSboth horrible solutions :/09:49
ConstyXIVshaffox: have you reinstalled windows or ubuntu recently?09:49
marshallLiENUS: are you trying to install linux to a usb stick that you can plug into any computer and boot your os and software, essentially making any computer with the capability of booting from usb yours?09:49
tanlaani need help with two things, one is how to make wlassistant run with sudo when i click the shortcut for it in menu, and the other is help with my bcm43xx wireless card which seems to only like channel 5 and has problems with channels 1, 6, and 11 *that i know of*09:50
=== [KoW] Pwnstarr [n=arthur@ip70-174-146-181.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
LiENUSmarshall,  yes09:50
kamuiis there a way for me to configure my wifes laptop so that it will automatically connect to multiple access points when they're in range under gnome?09:50
marshallLiENUS: awesome, me too09:50
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marshallLiENUS: do you have jabber?09:50
ConstyXIVkamui: do you mean more than one at once?09:50
tanlaanmarshall: you can use dsl09:50
=== TomB_ [n=tomb@host81-156-203-232.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
LiENUSmarshall,  if your stick is 1 gig or less i suggest qemu-puppy09:51
kamuiConstyXIV: no, I mean so that when she's at work, it connects to the work ap, and when she's at home, it will connect to the home ap09:51
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marshalltanlaan: yeah i know, but i want to make it full custom09:51
marshallLiENUS: my stick is 2 gigs09:51
=== ReKlipz [n=reklipz@ip68-106-209-195.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ConstyXIVkamui: sudo apt-get install network-manager network-manager-gnome09:51
tanlaanmarshall: you can customize it...09:51
marshallLiENUS: do you use jabber? msn?09:51
marshalltanlaan: yeah i know. thanks09:51
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kamuiConstyXIV: Ill try that, isn't that the network applet that allows multiple "profiles"09:52
kamuiI had problems with it on my other laptop09:52
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ConstyXIVmarshall: you could just /msg LiENUS him09:53
killownwhen kde 4 to be released?09:53
ConstyXIVkamui: yup, and sits in the tray09:53
Stormx2killown: Ask in #kde :P09:53
ConstyXIVkillown: estimates are late summer i think09:53
ubotuFor information on KDE 4 (not to be released for quite some time yet), see: http://www.canllaith.org/svn-features/kde4.html. Also worth checking are: appeal/phonon/plasma/solid.kde.org09:53
=== rabe [n=Elive_us@xdsl-81-173-157-58.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
ladykeidenwifi problem - and a linux newbie too -i have 2 installs of ubuntu on my lappy - work and recovery- work cant ping anything outsied itself, but it can get a lease from the router. i can ping and (my leased ip according to ifconfig) when i ping my wifes lappy (i am actually lordkeiden) or the router i get ping:sendmsg:operation not allowed. route table in both installs match. uninstalled tinyproxy. have09:53
ladykeidennot intentionally installed a firewall. wifes lappy can ping my lappy in both installs fine. whats next?09:53
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baba-andreahi guys, someone can help me whit beryl 3d09:54
lwizardlanyone use exim4 on ubuntu ?09:54
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Music_Shuffle!hi | dans09:55
ubotudans: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:55
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cchanc1Why would i get  * Starting DHCP server:                                                 [fail]    Whene starting this? I installed it via Synaptic09:55
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dansno hablo ingles09:55
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ConstyXIV!es | dans09:55
soundraycchanc1: it won't start until you've configured it09:55
ubotudans: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:55
=== emile [n=emile@cp665411-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Music_Shuffledans, Puede usar #ubuntu-es09:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screencap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:55
cchanc1Sontray, Ok, so where is this config file im after09:55
ReKlipz!hello > ReKlipz09:56
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rabewhat is the equal for strg + alt + del in ubuntu09:56
transgressi can't use apt-get because it says my timestamp is too far in the future09:56
MarcoPaumy printer drivers require ghostscript and cups... which packages am I supposed to install?09:56
soundraycchanc1: somewhere under /etc, depending on which DHCP server you installed09:56
transgressany help with that?  which file is it looking at?09:56
ConstyXIVrabe: ctrl + alt + del09:56
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cchanc1soundray, its version 309:56
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rabeyes in windows there is taskbar09:56
ConstyXIVrabe: or do you mean the task manager?09:56
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rabewhere u can kill applicantion not longer responsing09:57
NaPsTeR_how do i use a rar file?09:57
inimesekeneso ubuntu gonna get a new look too? the man said "we have to make linux gorgeus" after all09:57
=== Glenn [n=glenn@ti541210a080-8515.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
rabeConstyXIV, yes the taskbar09:57
Lunar_LampOk, banshee may be good, but it's not stable at all. I can't get it to be stable and it keeps crashing. So, what other alternatives are there?09:57
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs09:57
ConstyXIVrabe: one moment09:57
rabeim looking for a key combination to kill not working apllications09:57
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Music_ShuffleLunar_Lamp, answered your own question? Or still needing help?09:57
=== stormy| [n=stormy@pool-72-64-127-43.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Music_Shufflerabe, xkill?09:57
mikeawhen i try to run the script I has ./touchpad: line 9: syntax error near unexpected token `fi'09:57
mikea./touchpad: line 9: `fi'09:57
soundraycchanc1: it's /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf then09:57
Lunar_LampMusic_Shuffle, well, looking for a gnome-y one really. Amarok  like but is slowish09:58
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NaPsTeR_how can i use a rar file?09:58
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cchanc1soundray, yep i fond it09:58
LiENUShth do i install clamav?09:58
soundray!rar | NaPsTeR_09:58
ubotuNaPsTeR_: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free09:58
kamuiConstyXIV: how do I launch it?  it doesn't appear in my add to panel options, I remember having to launch it with flags from the command line the first time before too09:58
ConstyXIVrabe: you can hit the close button, and after a few secs, it will pop up a "Force Quit" box09:58
Music_ShuffleLunar_Lamp, RhythmBox?09:58
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ConstyXIVkamui: nm-applet09:58
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stormy|What is the command for starting the partitioning application? (I need to do it via command line completely)09:58
Tu13esI'm using a ubuntu live-cd to try and salvage some files off my friend's dying windows XP laptop..I booted to Ubuntu and mounted the NTFS drive, but when I try to access the drive I get "Permission denied".  Any ideas?09:59
Bobsworthrabe: System > Administration > System Monitor09:59
rabeConstyXIV, and if it is no more working09:59
GlennHey. I have problems to use WPA with my wireless card in Ubuntu 6.10. It is a Linksys WMP54G v4.0. I tried to set up wpa_supplicant. network manager is also installed. Any ideas?09:59
transgressi need some help here... i can't use sudo because the timestamp is set too far in the future... therefore i can't do anything09:59
ConstyXIVkamui: it should be in your gnome startup now also09:59
marmer_ConstyXIV:  wich keys for reboot please ?09:59
ConstyXIVtransgress: boot in recovery mode09:59
kamuiok, ill restart X09:59
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rabesometimes x-window is out of order09:59
LiENUSanyone know how to install clamav09:59
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atrusanybody know how to manually print double-side? ie, print all the odds or evens, move the paper around, print the remaining pages...09:59
pbureauGlenn I can help09:59
soundrayTu13es: get a shell with root permissions: 'sudo -i'10:00
Music_ShuffleLiENUS, sudo apt-get install clamav?10:00
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Tu13essoundray: will tru that10:00
LiENUSMusic_Shuffle,  dependency errors10:00
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ConstyXIVmarmer_: Ctrl + Alt + Delete to reboot, and Ctrl + Alt + Backspace to restart x10:00
Glennpbureau: yea?10:00
erUSULtransgress: set a correct system time... ??10:00
Music_ShuffleLiENUS, did you try Synaptic-ing it?10:00
GuerillaTactiksHello, I just installed VMWare server on my ubuntu installation, but I have no icons, please could someone tell me how to launch it10:00
LiENUSdpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of clamav:10:00
LiENUS clamav depends on clamav-freshclam | clamav-data; however:10:00
LiENUS  Package clamav-freshclam is not configured yet.10:00
LiENUS  Package clamav-data is not installed.10:00
LiENUS  Package clamav-freshclam which provides clamav-data is not configured yet.10:00
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:00
Tu13essoundray: that appears to work, you rock, thanks :)10:00
=== Eons [n=Eons@host-84-221-198-173.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
LonerVampGuerilla: mine is under Applications -> System Tools10:01
Music_ShuffleLiENUS, Synaptic?10:01
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=== tim167 [n=tim@d515373C6.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
GuerillaTactiksThere is no Applications->System tools on mine :(10:01
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Eonswhen other users try to open my shared dirs, a login window ask them a password10:01
tim167hi, question about QEMU, how do i force-quit an application inside qemu ? (ctrl+alt+backspace exits x on main platform) thanks !10:01
LiENUStim167, ctrl+alt+210:01
Eonshow do i remove that login?10:02
LiENUSor wait10:02
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=== cchanc1 runs around the room chanting " i got it i got it
LiENUSwhat exactly do you mean?10:02
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LiENUSforce quit X inside qemu?10:02
ConstyXIVtim167: ctrl-alt-2, sendkey (keys)10:02
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tim167LiENUS: i mean switching to a terminal10:02
=== Level15 [n=ejortega@Dynamic-IP-cr20011869155.cable.net.co] has joined #ubuntu
ladykeidenwifi problem - have 2 installs of ubuntu on my lappy - work and recovery- work cant ping anything outsied itself, but it can get a lease from the router. i can ping and (my leased ip according to ifconfig). when i ping my wifes lappy or the router i get ping:sendmsg:operation not allowed. route table in both installs match. uninstalled tinyproxy. have not intentionally installed a firewall. wifes lappy10:02
ladykeidencan ping my lappy in both installs fine. whats next?10:02
marmer_ConstyXIV:  ctrl alt delete not rebooting on my ubuntu? is there a command on shell10:02
LiENUSthen ConstyXIV 's10:02
ConstyXIVmarmer_: sudo reboot10:02
=== dans [n=itaca@cm-85-152-148-42.telecable.es] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"]
kamuithanks ConstyXIV, seems to have worked like a charm :)10:02
Music_Shufflemarmer_, like...sudo reboot10:03
GuerillaTactikslonervamp : I converted the rpm to .deb using alien and installed that, no menu items :(10:03
Music_ShuffleToo late :(10:03
SeanTater!es | dans10:03
ubotudans: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:03
ConstyXIVmarmer_: or if you rather, sudo init 6, sudo shutdown -R now10:03
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transgresstaha fixed it w/o going into recovery mode10:03
tim167LiENUS, ConstyXIV: thanks i'll try that10:03
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transgressi am a freaking genius10:03
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ConstyXIVkamui: no problem10:03
Level15hey. I'm thinking about switching form slackware tu ubuntu, but i have a question. say i d/l and install ubuntu. then in install mysql, apache and mysql. then i install postgres. do i have to reinstall php in order to get it working with postgres?10:03
Music_ShuffleConstyXIV, too late, I think he didn't modify it, cuz he's gone :P10:03
XiCillinanyone here testing feisty?10:03
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ConstyXIVoh well :)10:04
Music_Shuffle!lamp | Level1510:04
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ubotuLevel15: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:04
soundrayGuerillaTactiks: to see the installed binaries, do a 'dpkg -L packagename | grep bin/' (packagename being the name of the converted .deb, up to and not including the '_')10:04
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soundrayXiCillin: yeah, but this isn't the channel. Any questions? I'll join #ubuntu+110:05
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Level15musif_shuffle: i know what lamp is, but my question (in a more general way) is: if i install software A, then i install software B, do i need to reinstall A if i want it to use B?10:05
XiCillinlevel15, idunno, but if that is so, it'll be a piece of cake10:05
GuerillaTactikssoundray : thanks Ill try that now10:05
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imbecilehi guys, Im pretty new to linux and I have a desktop with ubuntu installed, I was wondering what i would have to get to log in remotely from my win laptop and be able to use my linux box from my win laptop?10:06
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soundrayLevel15: not normally, no10:06
Waff3lhi any kmymoney users around ?10:06
LiENUSok clamav wont install unless i install clamav-freshclam10:06
ConstyXIVimbecile: system - prefs - remote desktop10:06
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LiENUSbut clamav-freshclam wont install if i have clamav-data10:06
MoxxonIm installing Ubuntu10:06
SHRIKEEubuntu crashes on boot of the live cd when i try to start it with my x1300pro videocard, any ideas?10:06
LiENUShow do i install clamav?10:06
Moxxonand My city isnt even there10:06
rabeis there a shortcut or key combination to start something like xkill10:06
LjLLiENUS: sudo apt-get install clamav10:07
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MoxxonWhat do I choose if my city isnt there lol10:07
soundrayimbecile: on Windows: vncviewer, on the ubuntu side, 'System-Preferences-Remote Desktop'10:07
ConstyXIVimbecile: then install a vnc viewer like tightvnc on your winbox10:07
variantMoxxon: the nearest10:07
imbecileConstyXIV, i'll check it out.. thank you :)10:07
Waff3ljust have a probem with kmymoney2 since I upgraded to edgy10:07
LiENUSit wont install10:07
ConstyXIVrabe: there is a panel app for it10:07
variantMoxxon: which city would that be?10:07
LiENUSdependency errors10:07
cchanc1Is DHCP required for firestarter to share the internet connection?10:07
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Waff3lI don't have anymore the ofx plugin10:07
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variantMoxxon: choose the next nearest city or the capital10:07
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LjLLiENUS: decide whether you want clamav-freshclam *or* clamav-data - for obvious reasons you can't have both10:07
Waff3lany idea how to reanable hte plugin ?10:07
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GuerillaTactikssoundray : says its not installed, wheras gdebi installer told me it installed fine :(10:08
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LiENUSLjL, what obvious reasons?10:08
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LiENUSclamav requires clamav-data to run10:08
imbecilesoundray, ConstyXIV , thanks thats why i reinstalled ubuntu I knew how helpful all of you in this channel are10:08
LiENUShowever it also requires clamav-freshclam to update its antivirus database10:08
LjLLiENUS: uh... look at the description for both packages. they both contained antivirus data. but freshclam fetches them from the 'net, while data uses a very old version10:08
cchanc1ljl, is DHCP required for firestater to share internet?10:08
soundrayGuerillaTactiks: did you stick to my instruction *strictly*? Did you use the same cApItAlIsation?10:08
ConstyXIVLiENUS: i think freshclam is a fresh av defs10:08
LjLLiENUS, no clamav requires *either* clamav-freshclam *or* clamav-data10:08
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LjLthat's what the Depends line is telling me10:09
LjLDepends: libc6 (>= 2.4-1), libclamav1 (>= 0.88.4), zlib1g (>= 1:1.2.1), clamav-freshclam | clamav-data10:09
ConstyXIVLjL: do you ever sleep?10:09
SHRIKEEubuntu crashes on boot of the live cd when i try to start it with my x1300pro videocard, any ideas?10:09
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LjLConstyXIV: in the morning10:09
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marshalldoes anybody here have Sonata?10:09
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soundray!bootoptions | SHRIKEE10:09
ubotuSHRIKEE: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions10:09
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cchanc1 Is DHCP required for firestarter to share internet10:10
SHRIKEEmmhm how could ihave missed the save mode... however doing that now... it doesnt look good :(10:11
rabeis htop working in ubuntu?10:11
rabeor is there anything equal10:11
variantrabe: htop?10:11
soundraycchanc1: no, but it helps if the machines you're providing shared access to change a lot10:11
ConstyXIVrabe: yes, just not installed by default10:11
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GuerillaTactikssoundray : Sorry didnt understand which "_" you meant before, but now I do, and it shows some output, seems its in /usr/lib , usr/sbin and /usr/bin10:11
WowbaggerI can't connect to secure wireless networks. The card's driver works fine, I can connect to unsecure wireless networks, but not secure.10:11
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ConstyXIVvariant: htop is a console process manager10:11
variantrabe: ah nm10:11
rabeConstyXIV, is there a key combination to start that10:11
variantConstyXIV: yeah, worked that out10:11
cchanc1spundray, id rather have them with one ip so i can remember it10:11
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ConstyXIVrabe: start a terminal, htop10:11
soundrayGuerillaTactiks: the ones in /usr/bin/ will be ones that you can start as a user10:12
cchanc1soundray, ^10:12
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ladykeidenwifi problem - have 2 installs of ubuntu on my lappy - work and recovery- work cant ping anything outsied itself, but it can get a lease from the router. i can ping and (my leased ip according to ifconfig). when i ping my wifes lappy or the router i get ping:sendmsg:operation not allowed. route table in both installs match. uninstalled tinyproxy. have not intentionally installed a firewall. wifes lappy10:12
ladykeidencan ping my lappy in both installs fine. whats next?10:12
pbureauWowbagger, wifi problem ?10:12
MoxxonIts asking me what I want to do with Hard drive space what should I do?10:12
sixpointeighthow do I make a system backup disk?10:12
MoxxonIm installing ubuntu10:12
Wowbaggerpbureau: yeah10:12
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MoxxonIts asking me how I want to partition the disk?10:12
GuerillaTactikssoundray : Okay thankyou, hope there is a GUI for it :)10:12
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sixpointeightHow do I make a system backup disk?10:13
variantConstyXIV: wow, very nice tool10:13
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variantConstyXIV: just tried it :)10:13
MoxxonCan someoen help real quick10:13
ladykeidenwifi = wireless network card10:13
rabeMoxxon, do u want to make a tabula rasa10:13
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MoxxonWhats that10:13
soundrayladykeiden: it's very likely a firewall problem. Do a 'grep -l iptables /etc/init.d/*' to see if you have any packages installed that set firewall rules on boot.10:13
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MoxxonI just want linux since I have a small HD10:13
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rabeMoxxon, complete new start or do u want to keep your previos os10:14
ConstyXIVvariant: friend of mine hooked me on it, mostly because i cant stand top10:14
eXistenZHow can I get back gnome-panel after I killed it?10:14
=== gaten [n=gaten@cpe-76-166-39-147.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
MoxxonI want to new start10:14
MoxxonI dont want old OS10:14
Rob_Camhello guys10:14
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rabethan just keep the default partition advice of that agent10:14
ladykeidensoundray could the dhcp lease happen before the firewall rules are loaded.10:15
Rob_Camcan I make a question about the gaim messenger?10:15
cchanc1What aould the problem be if the client can ping my ip but not google.com10:15
soundrayladykeiden: possibly10:15
_Freedom0_!seen eisen10:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen eisen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:15
bousket#connect internetreplaychat10:15
MoxxonRabe: What should I set for partition size?10:15
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bousketcomment on fait pour se connecter a un server?10:15
vIR_uScchanc1: Nameserver prob10:15
LjL!fr | bousket10:15
ubotubousket: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:15
vIR_uStry; nslookup google.com10:15
LjLbousket: /server name-of-server10:15
bousketk, thx !10:16
cchanc1And my pc can only ping google.com10:16
rabeMoxxon, u should make a swap doppel size of your ram installed, and a root partition10:16
gatencan someone tell me how to set up the x server for listening? changing the line 'DisallowTPC' to 'false' in /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf isnt working10:16
Rob_Camhello, I would like to use a webcam with the gaim messenger. Could anybody tell me where I can read about it?10:16
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AFII have a quick question.  I've got a HDD (hdb1) that I need to mount and retrieve files from.  I don't need to write to it.  It's NTFS.  I have successfully mounted the drive using "sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /media/mediahd" but im not able to access the folder in GUI, just terminal.  I forgot how to copy multiple folders under Terminal. If someone could either a) tell me how to access this mounted drive under UI or b) tell me how to copy multiple folders under Term10:16
AFIinal then it would be much appreciated.10:16
rabeMoxxon, that is what is needed at least10:16
LjLUbotu, tell AFI about ntfs | AFI, see the private message from Ubotu10:17
soundray!webcam | Rob_Cam10:17
ubotuRob_Cam: webcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras10:17
cchanc1so its this:10:17
cchanc1Client,   Ping Me    Not Ping Google10:17
cchanc1Me,      Ping Google  Not Ping Client10:17
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soundrayrabe: that's not true10:17
bousketserver freenode10:17
rabeMoxxon, how large is your hdd10:17
ladykeidensoundray thanx i am at work and will check on that when i get home. If i find no firewall rules what would your next step be?10:17
MoxxonJust 20gb10:17
LjLAFI: either mount it with proper permissions for your users to read from it, or use sudo to copy10:17
Rob_Camthaks a lot guys10:17
MoxxonIts a new comp got it for 70 dollars10:17
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rabesoundray, why not?10:17
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OneOfTheManyhow do i stop drive icons and network places appearing on my desktop ?10:18
cchanc1Would Samba eliminate this problem?10:18
haesem01Robcam, I don't think videochat is possible with gaim as of now10:18
raberoot and swap should be fit for start10:18
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soundrayladykeiden: there must be firewall rules for this error to occur... I would recursively search /etc for a file containing iptables commands10:18
Moxxonwhats that mean10:18
tim167when i do startx there's another app that starts up along with ix, how can i suppress this ?10:18
OnburiikuI got a small question10:18
MoxxonIm leaving the default partition but what size sohuld the partition be?10:18
Music_ShuffleSo ask it :D10:18
OnburiikuI remember I tried to install wine a while back10:18
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OnburiikuI'm on my new Ubuntu10:18
Yashyonly large questions please10:19
zythOnburiiku, sudo apt-get install wine10:19
Onburiikuand I got it with apt-get install10:19
jbinderthat is the old version10:19
jbinderapt-get gets the old version btw10:19
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rabeMoxxon, how large is your hdd10:19
OnburiikuBut I remember I needed to type something after that10:19
AFILjL I sent you a PM10:19
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jbinderwine ___.exe?10:19
soundrayrabe: with RAM sizes typically in use today, you don't need twice the amount in swap. 128MB will do for the vast majority of installations.10:19
MoxxonRabe sent you a PM10:19
LjLAFI: no, you didn't. you can't send PMs unless you are registered and identified. if you look at your status window, you'll see it was rejected10:19
tim167when i do 'startx' there's another app that starts up along with ix, how can i suppress this ?10:19
cchanc1How can i make my network share my connection by static ip?10:20
Onburiikujbinder: Thanks, but I don't think that was it...10:20
LjL!register | AFI10:20
ubotuAFI: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration10:20
gatencan someone tell me how to set up the x server for listening? changing the line 'DisallowTPC' to 'false' in /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf isnt working10:20
ladykeidensoundray, thanx. check it at home.10:20
AFI!register | AFI10:20
cchanc1Cant i just say to ubuntu share ppp0 then clients connect to my pc and get through10:20
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rabesoundray, thank you10:20
LjLAFI: try sending it again10:20
ladykeidensoundray, can tinyproxy cause that error?10:20
cchanc1Afi, do you own a webserver?10:20
OnburiikuI type sudo apt-get install wine, then yes, then what?10:20
LjLAFI: i should be set for accepting messages from unregged users now (but you still should register)10:20
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MoxxonCan someone eplase tell me10:20
soundrayladykeiden: sounds possible, although I don't know anything about it.10:20
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MoxxonIm at prepare hard drive partition10:21
MoxxonWhat do I choose?10:21
LjLOnburiiku: then wait for it to install... and then you have it installed?10:21
Music_ShuffleOf which options?10:21
rabeMoxxon, is asking how large should the root partion at least so that he could work fine10:21
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boyracer__how can i mount a drive connected to an ubuntu machine in os x over a LAN?10:21
Lastenthi how can i read files from a OnTrackDM16 partition?10:21
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vray_ubis there anyone who might be able to figure out how to get oidentd working behind a router?10:21
soundrayMoxxon: follow your intuition. Since you don't want to save your old OS, you have nothing to lose.10:21
rabehow much space is ubuntu requiring for default ?10:21
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rabeabout 4 gb ?10:21
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soundrayrabe: no, less than 310:22
kamuiConstyXIV: not sure why, but network applet wont actually configure the network card :(10:22
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kamuishows teh local ssids, but wont connect to mine10:22
ConstyXIVkamui: ???10:22
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OnburiikuLjL: Yes, I did. I'm supposed to type something though. I can't remember what it was.10:22
rabeso if he make a root partition with 4 gb it should be enough10:22
soundrayrabe: dapper was less than 2GB, I haven't checked with edgy10:22
LjLOnburiiku: do you have universe enabled?10:22
boyracer__is there a way to share a folder in ubuntu and mount it from os x?10:22
ConstyXIVkamui: have you clicked on it yet?10:22
kamuiConstyXIV: it shows the local networks, but wont' actually establish teh connection to mine, which is hidden and wep protected10:22
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mon^rchhe should make the root part 6-10gb10:22
soundrayrabe: let the installer do its job and autosize the partitions.10:23
kamuiConstyXIV: yea, it SAYS connected but an ifconfig on the device shows otherwise10:23
OnburiikuLjL: The universe?10:23
ConstyXIVkamui: Connect to Other Wireless Network10:23
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kamuiConstyXIV: I did, thats how I got my network in the list at all10:23
kristoferanybody here have experience with dovecot?10:23
LjLUbotu, tell Onburiiku about universe | Onburiiku, see the private message from Ubotu10:23
rabethat is a good idea10:23
ladykeidensoundray, thankx very much.10:23
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rabeMoxxon, u should let the installer do its job and let it autosize the partition10:24
ConstyXIVkamui: networkmanager also seems to go through its own channels to connect.  see if you have a connection by pinging google or something10:24
boyracer__Ubotu, tell boyracer__ about mounting Ubuntu from os x10:24
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mikeahow to enable SHMConfig?? I haven't the Touchpad section in xorg.conf. Synclient doesn't work because it can't access shared memory10:24
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stormy| How can I set up a static IP on ubuntu?10:24
MoxxonRabe Im just wiping it or w/e10:24
kamuiConstyXIV: ifconfig reports no ip address assigned to my wireless card, or rather, the suspect 169._._._ addy10:24
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soundraystormy|: on the command line?10:25
MoxxonThe second option10:25
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stormy|soundray:  I don't know the comand...10:25
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rainwalkerCan someone here explain what XGL is?10:25
OnburiikuReally though. Last time I did this someone told me to install wine to type sudo spt-get install wine, yes, then type something else. Something kinda simple and I can't remember what it was.10:25
MoxxonI dont really have anything to lose no files or anything10:25
zythOnburiiku, winecfg10:25
soundraystormy|: I'm asking, do you have the GUI back or are you still restricted to a command line interface?10:25
stormy|Onburiiku: , you mean apt-get?10:25
OnburiikuDoes anyone know what that could be that I was supposed to type?10:25
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Moxxonworst thing that could happen is that it crashed and I dont have an OS then I can just boot into the disc so doesnt really matter10:26
boyracer__Ubotu, tell rainwalker about xgl10:26
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OnburiikuStormy|: That was it! Thanks!10:26
KDanOnburiiku: wine ????.exe10:26
stormy|soundray, I have GUI... but I can't SSH in anymore.. so i need to set up the ip on the machine itself10:26
rabeSoundGuy, soundray do you know an usb soundcard working out of the box with ubuntu ?10:26
LjLOnburiiku: "sudo apt-get install wine" is *all* that you need to type, *if* you have previously enabled Universe. after that, WINE will be installed.10:26
soundrayrabe: I don't know of any that don't10:26
MoxxonWho pays for teh free cds that are sent?10:26
ubotuMark "sabdfl" Shuttleworth is our favourite cosmonaut, the founder of Canonical and the primary driver behind Ubuntu. You can find pieces of his thinking at http://www.markshuttleworth.com10:26
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IA-Outdoorsis there a query capability for apt?10:27
IA-OutdoorsI need to know which version of imagemagick is installed10:27
soundraystormy|: System-Administration-Network (select interface) Properties10:27
LjLIA-Outdoors: apt-cache policy packagename10:27
IA-Outdoors...commandline only10:27
stormy|IA-Outdoors: , use * maybe?10:27
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Music_ShuffleKDan, Self-Appointed Benevolent Dictator For Life.10:27
stormy|thanks soundray10:27
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects10:27
rabeany usb soundcard work with ubuntu? that is nice to hear10:27
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rabewould your recommend some cheap usb for people only listening to messenger or skype10:28
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soundrayrabe: I've heard that the Griffin iMic is good10:28
soundrayrabe: not necessarily for skype though10:28
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boyracer__if i have an external drive connected to an ubuntu box on my lan, can i access that drive from a mac?10:29
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cchanc1Ok if i am to upgrade to edgy, how in the world do i setup my modem?  Will the steps i took in dapper also work in edgy to setup the modem?10:29
soundrayrabe: do you need line in?10:29
boyracer__i know i can mount from the terminal, but how do i make the drive available10:29
rabeline in is for ... ?10:29
rabemictophone ?10:30
rabeim not sure10:30
LjLrobert_: mic is for microphone. line in is for things with less impedence10:30
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LjLrabe ^10:30
ahFeelhi all10:30
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ahFeelsomeone knows a way to copy a file with a chosen copy speed ?10:30
LjLrabe: line in is for, like, your hifi's line-out10:30
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soundrayrabe: if you need microphone or hifi stereo input, get a Griffin iMic. It costs ca. 30 Euros, but it's probably worth it.10:31
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OnburiikuI have a big question10:31
rabethank you10:31
sdac221x_can someone tell me how to modify the default system beep sound in xubuntu edgy ?  thanks10:31
LiENUSbig question, tiny penis10:31
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:31
=== fredl [n=ok@a171080.upc-a.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ljl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:32
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...10:32
fredlanybody happen to know a channel that's specific to configuring wireless on Ubuntu?10:32
gatencan someone tell me how to set up the x server for listening? changing the line 'DisallowTPC' to 'false' in /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf isnt working10:32
LjLfredl: no such thing10:32
fredlsince I dont think that the question I have is entirely aprorpiate on this channel.10:32
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aboyousiffredl, is it got drop after a while ?10:33
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LjLfredl: configuring wireless on Ubuntu is totally appropriate for this channel10:33
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kristoferdovecot isn't getting the domain name (%d), so when I log in to imap I don't have permission to open the directory. any ideas why?10:33
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fredlLjL, alright then, here goes :) I'm trying to get wpa_supplicant to talk to my EAP-TTLS talking access point....10:33
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OnburiikuAnyway, I have Ubuntu installed on my external drive, and windows in my normal drive. I can see my windows drive but when I click on it it says "Unable to mount the selected volume" "Error: device /dev/hda2 is not removable" "Error: could not execure pmount."10:34
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LjL(note i didn't say i know anything about it ;)10:34
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LjLUbotu, tell Wesleysld|Gone about away | Wesleysld|Gone, see the private message from Ubotu10:34
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fredlmy wpa_supplicant config is on http://pastebin.ca/34049510:34
OnburiikuCan I fix that?10:34
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ubuntu_hay all having a bit of problem installing. When i get to prepare mount points, it complains about No root file system10:34
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NaPsTeR_how do i get the svn command to work in the terminal?10:34
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Wesleysld|Gonesorry Ljl10:34
skurlatjoin #ubuntu-fr10:34
PriceChildNaPsTeR_, what do you want to do?10:34
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kitcheNaPsTeR_: install subversion then you iwll have svn command10:35
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LordSavageis there a possibility to minimize xchat gnome to tray?10:35
Music_ShuffleLordSavage, you can click the tray icon10:35
vox754NEWS: If you are having problems with your wireless card, try downloading the latest "ndiswrapper 1.37". My card works now. Join "#ndiswrapper".10:35
avaloncioLordSavage, try clicking on Xchat icon10:35
LordSavagei use x-chat gnome10:35
OnburiikuI have Ubuntu installed on my external drive, and windows in my normal drive. I can see my windows drive but when I click on it it says "Unable to mount the selected volume" "Error: device /dev/hda2 is not removable" "Error: could not execure pmount."10:36
ubuntu_any one10:36
LordSavagethere is no icon in tray10:36
Music_ShuffleLordSavage, Uhh...really?10:36
mjrclarkreally. me too.10:36
=== Music_Shuffle writes down +1 reason to hate XChat-gnome
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LordSavageare there any plug ins to do it?10:36
Music_ShuffleUse the regular XChat?10:36
anorexiai have a question: trying to install ubuntu to my laptop, i get "Kernel Panic: VFS error. Unable to install root fs on unkown block (1,0)" (or so). i put the desktop cd into my other computer (this one) and booted into it. it worked fine. i was wondering, would it work if i was to connect my laptop hdd to this computer, and install ubuntu to that laptop hdd, and try to boot it like that?10:36
soundrayOnburiiku: are you sure that it is 'pmount' that doesn't execute, or is that a typo?10:37
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OlgaBbrb coffeee10:37
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OnburiikuSoundray: Yes, it says "pmount"10:37
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LordSavageso, is there any possibility to minimize xchat gnome to tray?10:39
pbureauLordSavage, using gnome or Kde?10:39
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soundrayOnburiiku: I suggest you make an entry for your windows partition in /etc/fstab -- ubotu has a link with details:10:39
soundray!ntfs | Onburiiku10:39
ubotuOnburiiku: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse10:39
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pbureauLordSavage, click on Applications - internet - xchat and left click on it (add to panel)10:39
Abnixcan anyone tell me how to get around this? I just fired up a ubuntu rig that hasn't been run in months, updated some, rebooted, now every time I run the updater I get a message of only one package manager is allowed to run at a time, and I KNOW that there is not a package manager running (verified with ps ax and a healthy helping of kill-9)10:40
rayokhelp! I got ubuntu 6.10 installed via the alternative iso, now it won't boot into the OS :(10:40
Music_ShuffleLordSavage, or this thread:
Lastenthi i have a partition, and when I do "fdisk -l" i get OnTrackDM6 as the system, how can i mount this partition?10:40
cchanc1How do i setup static ip and have my internet connection shared10:40
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avaloncioAnyone knows how to configure the zoom when playing with the cube in Beryl?10:40
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LjLUbotu, tell avaloncio about beryl | avaloncio, see the private message from Ubotu10:40
ConstyXIVAbnix: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock10:41
anorexia<anorexia> i have a question: trying to install ubuntu to my laptop, i get "Kernel Panic: VFS error. Unable to install root fs on unkown block (1,0)" (or so). i put the desktop cd into my other computer (this one) and booted into it. it worked fine. i was wondering, would it work if i was to connect my laptop hdd to this computer, and install ubuntu to that laptop hdd, and try to boot it like that?10:41
soundrayAbnix: try 'sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock'10:41
soundrayAbnix: if a package manager crashes, it can leave its lock file behind in that dir10:42
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cchanc1How do i setup static ip and have my internet connection shared10:42
LjL!adeptfix | soundray, Abnix10:42
ubotusoundray, Abnix: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 10:42
=== Onwlyix [n=Onwlyix@adsl-219-23-201.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #Ubuntu
LjLkubuntu specific but...10:42
Lastenti have a partition, and when I do "fdisk -l" i get OnTrackDM6 as the system, how can i mount this partition?10:42
vox754anorexia, How do you plan to connect your laptop drive to your other machine?10:42
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anorexiavox754 - i have a laptop to ide afapter10:43
soundray!repeat | Lastent, cchanc1, anorexia10:43
ubotuLastent, cchanc1, anorexia: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:43
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phireIs there a download manager for ubuntu that supports muitable connections to servers for 1 download?10:44
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs10:44
vox754anorexia: my suggestion is don't do it, since the installation needs to detect your laptop hardware not your desktop's10:44
jbinderbanshee is the best10:44
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Lunar_Lampjbinder, it crashes non-stop for me :-p10:44
MoxxonWhats the MSN client for Ubuntu called?10:45
jbinderLunar_Lamp: lol i love it10:45
cchanc1How do i setup static ip and have my internet connection shared10:45
LjLMoxxon: Gaim10:45
erUSULMoxxon: gaim10:45
jbinderbanshee + mplayer = the best10:45
Music_Shuffleworks for MSN.10:45
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soundrayLastent: the partition type indicates that it is an Ontrack Disk Manager partition.10:45
pbureauMoxxon,  aMSN10:45
kitcheMoxxon: there is couple amsn is another10:45
Lunar_LampMoxxon, GAIM is the most commonly used.10:45
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zythamsn actually supports webcam/nudges/winks/etc10:45
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zythif you use that stuff.10:45
pbureaugaim isnt good with video cam though through MSN ..10:45
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soundrayLastent: I don't think you can use this in any way with ubuntu, as Ontrack is a manufacturer of closed, proprietary software10:45
rayokhelp! I got ubuntu 6.10 installed via the alternative iso, now it won't boot into the OS :(  after the progress bar its just blank. have an ati 9800 pro10:45
Lunar_LampYes, amsn is a little uglier, though you can make it look nice with a little work, and has best MSN support.10:46
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zythrayok, change your video driver from vesa to ati in xorg.conf (hit ctrl+alt+f2 to open a console)10:46
cchanc1Guys my dad comes home in 5 days. I need to get the internet shared otherwise hes going to have my ***. Anything besides DHCP will work for me10:46
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Moxxonits not downloading10:46
pbureauI hate the fonts displayed ion aMSN, and I dont do video cam ....10:46
zythLunar_Lamp, mine has nice antialiased fonts and everything :)10:46
rayokonly way i can get to the console is recovery mode10:46
imbecilehow do i determine my host, host:display ?10:46
soundrayrayok: you probably haven't installed grub. The fix is the same for when windows destroys grub:10:46
MoxxonIm at the download page and it isnt opening10:46
pbureaucchanc1, dont you have a router at  the house ?10:46
soundray!grub | rayok10:46
uboturayok: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:46
vox754rayok: why did you installed that way? Is it old hardware?10:47
Lunar_Lampzyth, indeed, it just doesn't do all that by default ;-)10:47
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zythpbureau, you can fix the fonts, use a 0.96 and tcl/tk 8.510:47
unopimbecile,  echo $HOSTNAME10:47
kitcheMoxxon: umm use the package manager10:47
cchanc1psureau, i dont have DSL or T1 so no10:47
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zythLunar_Lamp, true, true.  There's a script someone made on the ubuntuforums to do it though.10:47
imbecileunop,  thanks10:47
rayokgrub is installed, i get the OS selection box10:47
pbureaucchanc1, dialup..?10:47
unopimbecile,  or even hostname10:47
cchanc1pbureau, yep10:47
Lunar_LampOo, zyth if you can find me a link, I might switch from Kopete!10:47
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pbureaucchanc1, dear lord..10:47
zythLunar_Lamp, sec.10:47
rayokjust when i try to boot, nothing.. had to use the alt CD because the desktop CD would do the same thing, no graphics10:47
cchanc1pbureau, lol10:47
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rayokso going to try the vesa -> ati fix :)10:48
lskd-255phire, were you asking about Bit Torrent?10:48
MoxxonI downloaded it10:48
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Moxxonwhen I try and open it10:48
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pbureaucchanc1, get a phone line splitter and set up the account on his pc.. faster than trying to share usb-usb to serial-modem thru linux box... eww10:48
Moxxonit says I need charachters or somethign10:48
helpubuntuguyhelp me with ubuntu someone10:48
tonyyarussocchanc1: I think there's an easy way to do that using Firestarter.10:48
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soundraycchanc1: were you trying with firestarter?10:48
kitcheMoxxon: what are you installing10:48
tonyyarusso!helpme | helpubuntuguy10:48
ubotuhelpubuntuguy: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:48
kitcheMoxxon: sudo apt-get install amsn10:48
=== Dagaka [n=mark@80-47-36-118.lond-hex.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
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helpubuntuguyi cant get the wireless internet to work...can someone help10:48
pbureauhelpubuntuguy,  yep  see private message10:49
Moxxonwhat kitche?10:49
riotkittiehelpubuntuguy: what kind of chipset?10:49
xenoterracideanyone know how to get iproute2 on ubuntu?10:49
masterninjaI cant install Jahshaka it wants libboost-filesystem1.33.0 and I can't find it on the web.10:49
Moxxonwhats sudo apt-get10:49
ddahi everyone, I'm on 6.06 on amd64, how do I install firefox2?10:49
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LjL!tell Moxxon about sudo | Moxxon, see the private message from Ubotu10:49
cchanc1soundray, tonyyarusso: I have tried it wil firestarter with static ips but nothing. The IWndows client tryes and acts like its connecting but them times out. I think it has something to to with the name servers but they are as they are on my pc so i duno10:49
LjL!tell moxxon about apt-get | moxxon, see the private message from Ubotu10:49
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kitcheMoxxon: it's how you install stuff on ubuntu it's a command line package manager10:49
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MoxxonThanks Ljl10:49
nixieI need help from someone that is very familliar with ubuntu because all my attempts have failed before install10:49
Moxxonbut how do I run said scripot10:49
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tonyyarussocchanc1: Hrm.  Checked the wiki/forums?  never tried to share dialup before10:49
masterninjasudo apt-get is a install thingy in the terminal10:49
quaalcould anyone explain to me why deluge's site says it is available in the ubuntu universal supository, yet when i try to install it i get E: Couldn't find package deluge10:49
soundraydda: you don't. Stick with 1.5, or upgrade to edgy10:49
zythLunar_Lamp, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29767610:50
quaalthis is my sources.list http://pastebin.ca/34059710:50
=== xored [n=gasdasdf@199.vauban.fr.studentenwohnheim-bw.de] has joined #ubuntu
Lunar_Lampquaal, do you have all the repositories enabled?10:50
cchanc1tonyyarusso: i have but that method is only and it wont work il get the website10:50
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LjLMoxxon: you don't run any script. aMSN can be installed from the Ubuntu repositories, you don't need to download or run anything10:50
masterninjayou type sudo apt-get and then the file you want10:50
Dagakahow do I install the drivers for a Rage Mobility laptop?10:50
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quaali believe universe is enabled10:50
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Lunar_Lampzyth, thanks.10:50
imbecileunop,  i'm tryying to setup tightvnc I type my hostname inbut it isnt working.. I think i may be doing it wrong. any idea?10:50
LjLmasterninja: package10:50
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Music_Shufflequaal, ...check?10:50
quaalMusic_Shuffle, what ?10:50
zythLunar_Lamp, np10:50
soundraycchanc1: the way forward is probably to install a proxying nameserver on the router you are setting up10:50
Moxxonwhere do I type sudo apt-get?10:50
LjLmasterninja: after apt-get install comes a package name, not a file name10:50
Music_Shufflequaal, check if the uni repos are enabled?10:50
unopimbecile,  have you got a vnc server instance running under your user account on the server?10:50
ddasoundray, thanks. but it sounds too restrictive. pardon me, but in windows I can install both easily!10:50
Music_ShuffleMoxxon, in a terminal.10:50
ConstyXIVimbecile: try system -> prefs -> remote desktop10:50
quaalMoxxon, in the terminal.10:50
LjL!tell Moxxon about terminal | Moxxon, see the private message from Ubotu10:50
nixieI need a butt load of help !!!10:50
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands10:51
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cchanc1soundray, no router sorry10:51
Lunar_Lampzyth, do I need to have amsn installed before I run the script?10:51
quaalMusic_Shuffle, http://pastebin.ca/340597 i believe they are10:51
Music_Shufflenixie, so start asking :P10:51
masterninjaisnt a package a file :P10:51
soundraycchanc1: what you are trying to configure *is* a router10:51
nixiewell I need to talk to some one that knows alot10:51
masterninjaits a file of files :)10:51
soundraycchanc1: your ubuntu PC will act as one10:51
quaalnixie, how bout you ask.10:51
cchanc1tonyyarusso, its what launchpad gave mehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing10:51
zythLunar_Lamp, nope.  Make sure you read the comments about TLS in the thread.  You have to manually point your account at it.  It's simple10:51
LjLmasterninja: yes but what apt-get install expects is not a filename. it won't work if you specify a filename -- even if that's a package.10:51
Lunar_Lampzyth, ok, thanks a lot!10:51
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imbecileunop, ive got a tight vnc session running under win and im trying to log in10:51
zythLunar_Lamp, np :)10:52
vox754!deb | masterninja10:52
ubotumasterninja: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)10:52
cchanc1soundray, ive had this setup before and i didnt need a nameserver on my pc10:52
masterninjaI m a poor film student and Jahshaka wants a old dead file called libboost-filesystem1.33.0 where can I get it.10:52
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LjL!find libboost-filesys10:52
ubotuFound: libboost-filesystem-dev, libboost-filesystem1.33.110:52
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soundraydda: the advantages that ubuntu has over that proprietary OS you are mentioning are partly due to the fact that ubuntu keeps to a timetable10:52
imbecileConstyXIV,  I got that set up already.. im trying from the win side to connect10:52
soundray!timetable | dda10:52
masterninjait doesnt like the new version it wants the old one10:52
ubotudda: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases10:52
LjLmasterninja: see above10:52
=== victor_ [n=victor@84-217-91-11.tn.glocalnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
masterninjaill slap it in the terminal10:52
quaalMusic_Shuffle, my sources.list has universe enabled, correct ?10:53
nixieI have been trying to install xubuntu but have had no luck I have done the alt cd and used the text install because the live cd didnt work, the alt cd install didnt work either after inital reboot I got a screen full of black fuzz.10:53
LjLmasterninja: then you're out of luck i'm afraid, you'll have to download it from somewhere and put it into your library path10:53
=== ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-215-128.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
unopimbecile,  ok, first try logging into vnc from the windows machine itself -- try logging into
=== cchanc1 fears he will never get the internet shared.
=== jens_ [n=jens@xdsl-81-173-187-19.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
masterninjayeah if i could find it10:53
nixieUbuntu didnt work either weahter I tried the live or alt CD10:53
helpubuntuguycan anyone help me? i dont have internet on my uvuntu machine10:53
Music_Shufflequaal, http://pastebin.ca/34060310:53
=== mojo_ [n=mojo@c-68-52-116-85.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Music_ShuffleIs mine.10:53
helpubuntuguycan someone help me10:53
unopimbecile,  actually? does the windows machine happen to run windows XP pro?10:53
Music_ShuffleCompare, fix.10:53
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vox754nixie: describe your hardware, laptop, pc, motherboard, graphics card10:53
soundraydda: ff2 just doesn't fit in well with dapper. Yes, you can install it, but it will be a hack and will make it difficult to keep up with security fixes.10:53
ConstyXIVimbecile: run ifconfig, find your ip, and use that10:53
=== eguzkia [n=Luca@h213-213-35-251.rm2.albacom.net] has joined #ubuntu
ron_video driver issue10:53
imbecileunop,  yes10:53
=== maszlo [n=maszlo@c-71-60-96-56.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
eguzkiahello someone knows an utility tuo tuse irda?10:54
helpubuntuguyO_O i will asume noone can10:54
unopimbecile,  why dont you use the windows remote desktop then?10:54
boyracer__is there a way to configure sharing via cli? for some reason right clicking and selecting 'configure sharing' isn't working in kubuntu10:54
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eguzkiahello someone knows an utility to use irda?10:54
masterninjathe whole of the internets doesnt have libboost-filesystem1.33.010:54
ConstyXIVunop: hes trying to get TO his ubuntu box10:54
mjrclark cchanc1; community docs has a page about internet connection sharing; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing?highlight=%28sharing%29%7C%28internet%29%7C%28connection%2910:54
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imbecileunop,  hehe i spose i could10:54
vox754!info irda10:54
ubotuPackage irda does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas10:54
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Abnixok, got the retardedness fixed on this ubuntu rig, somehow dpkg had crashed, and all the lock files rm'd in the world didn't help....finally was told after running synaptic to run dpkg --configure   crap works now10:54
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unopConstyXIV,  he said he was trying to login to a VNC session on a windows box10:54
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soundray!dnsmasq | cchanc1, you need the DNS proxy part of this10:54
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ubotucchanc1, you need the dns proxy part of this: dnsmasq: A small caching DNS proxy and DHCP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.33-1 (edgy), package size 174 kB, installed size 580 kB10:54
ddasoundray, i see.. actualy I upgraded from 5.10 to 6.06, it was a lot of downloads (I received 5.10 CDs by post), and now I downloaded 6.10 and it's installer wont start X on my laptop! So, I decided to stay for a while on 6.06 (it's LTS, right?), but I'd like to have FF2, as it is really nicer than 1.5.10:54
=== Abnix [n=abner@c-67-163-87-131.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
nixieok, desktop, nvidia 6800 agp, 1gig ram, athlon 64 3200, via chipset.10:55
pbureaumasterninja try apt-get install libboost*-dev libboost.*1.33.010:55
ConstyXIVunop: yes i know.  win remote desktop doesn't do vnc10:55
nixieall of it works execpt for the video10:55
cchanc1mjrclark, thats the one i did and it dosent work10:55
rayokhow does one change xorg.conf from vesa to ati driver? link? :)10:55
quaalMusic_Shuffle, is that yours? it has less enabled than mine does ?10:55
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unopConstyXIV,  I know that and never implied it did :)10:55
helpubuntuguyok can anyone help me10:55
xprimarysuspectxwhoa, i wanted to ask a question, but there are a million questions being asked o.O10:55
cchanc1soundray, installing dnsmasq10:55
=== moloch [n=moloch@ip68-106-195-216.pn.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
xprimarysuspectxyou guys rule10:55
masterninjathe computer says E: Couldn't find package libboost.*1.33.010:55
Music_Shufflequaal, but the uncommented ones in mine, are all the ones you need.10:56
eguzkiaqualcuna sa cosa posso usare per la gestione della porta infrarossi?10:56
=== skurlat [n=skurlat@ip-25.net-81-220-68.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu
helpubuntuguyubuntu wont go wireless...it wont pick up the wireless internet10:56
Music_Shufflexprimarysuspectx, so ask away10:56
cchanc1soundray, how do i set up dnsmasq10:56
soundraydda: did you get the desktop or alternate of 6.10?10:56
nixievox754 I even tried to swap the nv drivers in the xorg.conf to vesa but still it didnt work10:56
quaalMusic_Shuffle, ok10:56
masterninjaim going to set fire to this and buy a mac10:56
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masterninjathen i can get my homework done10:56
pbureaumasterninja, lol10:56
ConstyXIVrayok: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, find/replace vesa for ati10:56
vox754rayok: "man xorg.conf"10:56
eguzkiahewhat can i use to manage IRDA?10:56
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Xenguymasterninja: hah10:56
soundraycchanc1: I don't know, look at the docs in /usr/share/doc/dnsmasq10:56
molochcould someone help me figure out how to install and setup a linux program? I have uncompressed the tgz file now what?10:56
superdave888any harm in installing ubuntu-desktop on a LAMP server? will it adversely affect LAMP performance?10:56
=== stevenb486 [n=sbozak@dynamic-addr-85-208.resnet.rochester.edu] has joined #ubuntu
soundraymoloch: delete it and get the ubuntu package10:56
unopimbecile,  if you use tsclient/rdesktop you can access your windows machine provided it's allowing remote desktop connections10:56
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ConstyXIVsuperdave888: likely10:56
soundraymoloch: what are you trying to install?10:56
masterninjaim the only one in my film uni whos trying to edit on jahshaka instead of final cut pro the teacher thinks im mad10:57
Ardeni_pl #ubuntu-pl10:57
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molochI dont think they have a ubuntu package10:57
marmerhy how can i delete quiet and splash in kernel please?10:57
xprimarysuspectxthanks. im installing ubuntu right now..well, trying too, and when im doing the installation i am selecting manuall edit partition tables, and im trying to specify hda1 as root "/" and reformat, but for some reason i still get a flag that states"no root filesystem"10:57
soundraymoloch: what are you trying to install?10:57
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vox754nixie: "man nv"10:57
molochit is wifimax datal drivers10:57
mjrclarkcchanc1; dnsmasq is covered (as well as yet another approach) on the lower half of that page.10:57
molochtrying to hook my wii up to my comp10:57
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MoxxonIm using the add/remove program thing10:57
ConstyXIVmasterninja: with good reason10:57
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Moxxonbut its downloading so slowly10:57
Moxxonanyone know why10:57
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victor_how do i access an NTFS drive?10:57
Xenguymasterninja: what about kino (only heard of it, not used it) - is that an option?10:57
NaPsTeR_how do i get gnome-dock?10:57
vox754!ntfs | victor_10:58
ubotuvictor_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse10:58
ConstyXIVfinal cut pro rocks10:58
ddasoundray, I downloaded CD ISO image, yes, correct, desktop10:58
molochThree is a makefile10:58
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unopsuperdave888,  it's likely to affect performance if you use something resource intensive from the desktop -- I suggest you use something lighter if you require LAMP to run unhampered10:58
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nixievox754 I think I found the problem but I dont know how to fix it10:58
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OnburiikuIt says that Beryl on Dapper isn't supported10:58
nixievox754 the OS is looking for the vid card at pci:0:0:110:58
OnburiikuWill it work anyway?10:58
firefly2442Are there any other tools besides "network-manager-gnome" for viewing available wireless APs?10:59
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superdave888unop: any specific suggestions on a lighter graphical client?10:59
nixievox754 and it is a agp10:59
pbureaufirefly2442, why doesnt it work?10:59
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=== Xenguy wonders whether there is any point to beryl besides the eye-candy factor...
NaPsTeR_how do i get stuff off a repository10:59
firefly2442pbureau: well, I would like more detailed information about each connection10:59
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ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse10:59
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OnburiikuXenguy, that is the point xD10:59
unopsuperdave888,  fluxbox is a good one10:59
pbureaufirefly2442, depends kde or gnome11:00
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OnburiikuThe whole point11:00
xprimarysuspectxNTFS write..ohh, scary11:00
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XenguyOnburiiku: OK, honest answer :-)11:00
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ddasoundray: it did not detect my laptop monitor properly, I tried to edit xorg.conf, but without success11:00
soundraydda: have you tried the 'vga=771' boot option?11:00
firefly2442pbureau: either, preferably Gnome though :)11:00
imbecilecould one of you guys give me an example of what i type in in remote desktop connection to connect to my linux box?11:00
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vox754firefly2442: "iwlist wlan0 scan"11:00
masterninjaanyone here got jahshaka working?11:00
OnburiikuDoes anyone know if it'll work right though and not mess anything up?11:00
NaPsTeR_!ubotu repositories11:00
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource11:00
molochi have tried using the make command and it says unimplemented: called from here11:00
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xprimarysuspectxhmm. might i post my question again?11:00
firefly2442vox754: thanks! :)11:00
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cchanc1ok i guess il go with firestarter. this is getting way to complicated to do by hand, but when i go to configre the sharing. I have the DHCP3 server setup and going but11:01
cchanc1it wont detect it and it wont llow me to check it11:01
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soundraymoloch: to compile something, you probably want to install build-essential first: 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'11:01
=== ladykeiden_ [n=ladykeid@68-188-193-5.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
vox754xprimarysuspectx, YES. Fast.11:01
xprimarysuspectxim installing ubuntu right now..well, trying too, and when im doing the installation i am selecting manualy edit partition tables, and im trying to specify hda1 as root "/" and reformat, but for some reason i still get a flag that states"no root filesystem"11:01
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mikeo1anyone know of any word editors with a grammar checker?11:01
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imc_mikeo1 - none you should trust - trust me11:01
imc_OOo has one11:01
jt_a7x_3Hi, I have Alternate cd... Which mode do i install in?11:01
mikeo1its nice how the spell checker is everywhere but could really use a grammar checker11:01
=== riotkittie [n=riotkitt@cpe-72-228-42-90.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
superdave888unop: I had just started the install of ubuntu-desktop. I broke it with ctrl-c. If I now do sudo dpkg --purge --force-all  ubuntu-desktop will I have it cleanly out, or should I reinstall my server from scratch to be safe?11:02
=== microchip_ [n=microchi@cable-213-132-154-79.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu
vox754xprimarysuspectx: have you committed the changes?11:02
soundraycchanc1: quit firestarter, start it again from a terminal and see if the error messages in the terminal tell you more exactly what is going on11:02
molochok ill install build essental then11:02
MoxxonIm installing aMSN but its stuck at Configuring Galeon-Common is it supposed to11:02
pbureaufirefly you can check add/remove or better yet goto synaptic and serach for wireless or wifi for numerous choices11:02
xprimarysuspectxmer? i try to but it wont let me11:02
imc_mikeo1- I write for a living and can promise you that depending on a program for grammar is really a bad idea11:02
xprimarysuspectxit just states no root selected11:02
=== XDy [n=gio@rrcs-67-78-34-18.se.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
eguzkiahewhat can i use to manage IRDA?11:02
eguzkiawhat can i use to manage IRDA?11:02
mikeo1i like the one in office 2k7 tho11:02
xprimarysuspectxalthough "/" is selected11:02
=== capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-69-149-52-150.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
unopsuperdave888,  errm, uninstalling ubuntu-desktop has no real effect since it's just a meta-package11:03
XDywhats the best way to dual screen11:03
ddasoundray: yes, first time I was unable to switch to any text console (they were unreadable), then I specified correct VGA mode, and text consoles become accesible, and I tried to tweak xorg.conf, analyze X logfile, but then gave up.11:03
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XDyvia ubuntu11:03
unopsuperdave888,  let me grab you a link to help you with this11:03
cchanc1soundray, i started it from terminal (sudo firestarter) it started with out errors, but itstill wont allow me to check off the box for DHCP11:03
imc_Yeah, problem is it's right until it's wrong and you have no way of knowing which is which, mikeo1 ;)11:03
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mikeo1hmmm i guess ill just write all my stuff in office through vmware running my xp or vista partitions11:03
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mikeo1just need to get the usb bridge working so i can use my cannon printer11:04
wheels3572does anyone know if there is a program that will do macro keys?11:04
OnburiikuMy friend is trying to figure out how to get his laptop connected to his wireless network in Ubuntu. Where can he find some instructions for that?11:04
xprimarysuspectxmikeo1 - openoffice doesnt check grammar?11:04
soundraydda: sorry to hear that. What type of laptop is it?11:04
mikeo1canon sucks for grammar11:04
mikeo1or rather11:04
=== amki [n=amki@p508359F3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
mikeo1canon sucks for drivers11:04
XDyI have two nvidia cards11:04
unopsuperdave888,  first section here http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde11:04
XDywhats best thing to use for them11:04
vox754xprimarysuspectx: have you checked "http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232059"?11:04
=== jensleo installed ubuntu first time today
masterninja2 nvidia cards! Greedy boy!11:04
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XDytwinview or xinerama11:04
xprimarysuspectxi have not, but i will11:04
superdave888unop: thanks for link11:04
mikeo1there arn't any plugins for aspell?11:04
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cchanc1XDy, i was wondering where my other card went! :P11:05
OnburiikuCongrats jensleo! I installed mine yesterday for the first time ^^11:05
mjrclarkmikeo1 Abiword apparantly has a grammar checker- ver 2.4 accoring to el goog.11:05
masterninjadual screen killed the x server permanently last week this is a fresh install im on11:05
OnburiikuMy friend is trying to figure out how to get his laptop connected to his wireless network in Ubuntu. Where can he find some instructions for that?11:05
XDymasterninja, me too11:05
jensleoOnburiiku, cool. it's very neat!11:05
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pbureaumikea, aspell has additonal modules use synaptic and search aspell you will find them there11:05
masterninjacrappy display settings on ubuntu :P11:05
cchanc1Any ideas soundray?11:05
vox754NEWS: If you are having problems with your wireless card, try downloading the latest "ndiswrapper 1.37". My card works now. Join "#ndiswrapper".11:05
XDymaterninja, dual booting cista11:05
masterninjai wont buy vista11:06
masterninjaits evil11:06
masterninjaand expensive11:06
ddasoundray: MSI 635. And 5.10 installed our of the box! Moreover, I installed 5.10 64 bit, then upgraded to 6.06 64 bit, and no I decided to install fresh 6.10 32 bit, because I found that too many things are not available for 64 bit... E.g. some audio codecs, flash player, opera, etc...11:06
mikeo1i got it through msdnaa11:06
vox754!repeat | XDy masterninja11:06
ubotuXDy masterninja: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:06
pirate-kingand can only install 2 that's it11:06
soundraycchanc1: have you changed the dhcpd.conf by hand?11:06
jensleoa question... i have an onboard soundcard and one m-audio pci (two is convenient for switching between headset and external speakers sometimes)... but ubuntu uses onboard as default for playback, where/how do i change that?11:06
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OnburiikuMy friend is trying to figure out how to get his laptop connected to his wireless network in Ubuntu. Where can he find some instructions for that?11:06
cchanc1soundray, i have11:06
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pbureaujensleo, system,-preferences - sound11:06
masterninjai never repeated a question11:06
=== Mark88 [n=mark@83-131-12-216.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
stevenb486jensleo: try disabling the onboard sound in bios11:07
livingdaylightI got problems with Azureus. So, i used synaptic to uninstall it and tried reinstalling itbut it still has the same stuff in it. How do i make a clean install11:07
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ddasoundray: s/no/now11:07
vox754!enter | XDy masterninja11:07
ubotuXDy masterninja: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:07
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masterninjayes sir11:07
nixieIs it possible to take ubunutu server and turn it into a desktop Like I have done with debian or are the repos different11:07
mjrclarknixie; just done it11:07
masterninjano idea11:07
ScreaminIkei want to join the freenet network. but i can't seem to even init a local server. how do i fix this?11:07
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livingdaylighthow do i first of all completely remove /purge Azureus?11:07
soundraycchanc1: I think that's why firestarter refuses to interfere with it. Go back to the default config, and let firestarter do the necessary modifications.11:07
jensleosteven, i want to keep both. pburea - thanks, so obvious hey : )11:07
masterninjai use linux for emulators and video editing thats all i dont do fancy things11:08
ompaulnixie, the repos are the same - just check your kernel for  a desktop one11:08
livingdaylighti need a complete fresh reinstall11:08
ompaulnixie, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop will help a lot11:08
cchanc1soundray, ive tryed that. Firestarter gave an error when i first installed it11:08
unopnixie, ususally you can use the same repos .. it shouldn't matter .. but you might need to enable other repos in /etc/apt/sources.list11:08
soundraydda: it's probably worth searching on tuxmobil.de for reports on edgy installations on your particular model11:08
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livingdaylightcan someone help me with that?11:08
nixiemjrclark sweet I cant get ubuntu to correctly setup X it trys to put my agp card into a pci call for some reason11:08
vox754livingdaylight: "locate azureus"11:08
cchanc1soundray, when iv enaled DHCP when i first installed DHCP firstarter errord me11:08
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livingdaylightI got problems with Azureus. So, i used synaptic to uninstall it and tried reinstalling itbut it still has the same stuff in it. How do i make a clean install11:09
wheels3572livingdaylight, hold on one second11:09
soundraydda: for me, breezy, dapper and edgy worked on a Megabook 27011:09
livingdaylighthow do i first of all completely remove /purge Azureus?11:09
masterninjaeveryone keeps saying linux is for servers but thats all wrong its meant for freeloading teenagers to play quake and mega drive emulators11:09
ompaullivingdaylight, how did you install it initally?11:09
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unoplivingdaylight,  sudo aptitude purge azureus11:09
vox754!repeat | livingdaylight11:09
ubotulivingdaylight: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:09
OnburiikuIs there a way to get Ubuntu to see my webcam?11:09
livingdaylighti need a complete fresh reinstall11:09
ScreaminIkei have sun java 1.5  installed. and i have the freenet 0.7 tarball untarred. but initing the scripts gives me a TON of errors.11:09
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cchanc1MASTERNINJA< RIGHT On!!!!11:09
soundraycchanc1: my theory is that firestarter wants a fresh, "unenabled" dhcpd.conf11:09
ddasoundray: okay, I will, thanks. but anyway, somehow I can install FF2 in /usr/local and run it from there? :)11:09
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pbureaulivingdaylight,  synaptic - search module then complete remove module11:09
OnburiikuPreferrably as a microphone11:09
livingdaylightompaul, synaptic or apt-get i don't remember11:09
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cchanc1soundray, ok il try11:10
masterninjatheres webcam program on the ad/remove program thing11:10
wheels3572livingdaylight, goto a terminal window and type apt-get remove Azureus11:10
ubotuazureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo11:10
masterninjai installed it but i havnt used it yet with my luck it proberbly doesnt work11:10
ddasoundray: I unedrstood that FF2 will not be included in 6.06 repos...11:10
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livingdaylightwheels3572, that doesnbt completely remove it11:10
hbaigulivingdaylight, you need to remove the azureus config in you home directory11:10
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MoxxonIm in AMSN11:10
soundraydda: yes, you can use the installer from mozilla.org -- it'll put it in /opt I think11:10
ompaullivingdaylight, so sudo apt-get remove --purge azureus11:10
Moxxonand its giving me a message11:10
livingdaylighthbaigu, that sounds better11:10
MoxxonThe following message could not be sent:11:10
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LjL!away > AFK-nixie    (AFK-nixie, see the private message from Ubotu)11:10
unoplivingdaylight,  purge via - sudo aptitude purge azureus11:10
newbiehow do you change permissions i tried chmod11:11
masterninjadoesnt amsn have webcam thingys in it?11:11
ddasoundray: thanks again for your help!11:11
soundraynewbie: sudo chmod11:11
LjL!permissions > newbie    (newbie, see the private message from Ubotu)11:11
LaurenceHeh, speaking of bit torrent... I'm using btdownloadcurses, but it doesn't seem to be opening ports properly. I've nmapped localhost, and 6881 to 6889 are all closed, despite 4 torrents running.11:11
livingdaylightompaul, that sounds good, is that gonna do what simple -remove wouldn't ? including config files?11:11
ScreaminIkechown/chmod, newbie11:11
OnburiikuMy friend is trying to figure out how to get his laptop connected to his wireless network in Ubuntu. Where can he find some instructions for that?11:11
soundraydda: yw11:11
ompaullivingdaylight, global ones11:11
jensleocan anyone recommend an ubuntu mediaplayer? similar to itunes perhaps11:11
OnburiikuNothing seems to work for him11:11
MoxxonIn aMSN its giving me a message that the message I sent didnt get through11:11
ScreaminIkejensleo, amarok11:11
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unoplivingdaylight,  if you purge a package -- all the config files are removed too11:11
pbureauMoxxon,  are you connected ?11:11
FragUPlentyhows it hangin11:11
masterninjavlc looks like i tunes i think11:11
jensleoScreaminIke, alright. thanks.11:11
masterninjasort of11:11
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FragUPlentyI was wondering if someone can help me11:12
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cchanc1soundray, i just removed DHCP3-SERVER and reinstalled it, went back to firestarter after closing it out and reopening from the command line and tryed the wizard and still dhcp is not avalibal for checking11:12
livingdaylightompaul, does aptitude work even if i used apt-get previously?11:12
crimsunmasterninja: that's ... a stretch.11:12
jensleomasterninja, i dont know about that. i use vlc for video only :)11:12
ScreaminIkeyou can even buy tracks licensed under CC from amarok11:12
pbureauFragUPlenty, to the left, whats your question?11:12
FragUPlentyum please11:12
livingdaylightunop, -purge is good then11:12
unoplivingdaylight,  sure11:12
NaPsTeR_i just added an unknown repository into the synaptic manager...how do i fix it...there is a error message coming up11:12
vox754!ask | FragUPlenty11:12
ubotuFragUPlenty: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:12
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masterninjayeah but vlc does actually have the playlist menu look like itunes11:12
compengiis there a talk of releasing a new version of ubuntu?11:12
FragUPlentywas wondering how to install the open al so that I cna play Quake 311:12
unoplivingdaylight,  just do it with aptitude -- sudo aptitude purge packagename11:12
soundraycchanc1: ah, you have to use purge (sudo apt-get --purge remove dhcp3), then reinstall. Otherwise, it won't touch the config.11:12
ompaullivingdaylight, both work better to stick to the one you use more regularly and apt-get is a super set of aptitiude11:12
CrowleyI would like to know how to install plugins into firefox. i.e. Flash11:12
newbiescream what is chown?11:12
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Moxxonpbureau I am11:13
MoxxonI am connected11:13
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands11:13
livingdaylighthbaigu, -purge is the way to remove config files11:13
pbureauCrowley,  in firefox click on tools -addons... search and install it11:13
NaPsTeR_so wat do i do?11:13
masterninjayou've reminded me i havnt installed flash11:13
cchanc1 * Stopping DHCP server                                                  [fail] 11:13
cchanc1Purging configuration files for dhcp3-server ...11:13
jensleoi saw a setup of ubuntu that featured icons similar to those in mac-os at the bottom of the screen. icons bounced around and stuff. very snazzy and blingbling. what is that addon?11:13
pbureauMoxxon, so each time you type something it says that ?11:13
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MoxxonI was talking with 3 ppl11:14
OnburiikuMy friend needs help setting up his wireless network.11:14
Moxxon2 ppl it gave me the message11:14
OnburiikuNothing seems to work for him11:14
mjrclarkjensleo: kooldock. with kubuntu.11:14
OnburiikuANy ideas?11:14
Moxxonthe other one it gave me the message11:14
Moxxonbut then11:14
masterninjagnome look is a website that has lots of blink for linux try that11:14
jensleojrclark, thanks man.11:14
Moxxonthe person talked back11:14
wheels3572can anyone help me with macro keys if that's possible in linux11:14
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Moxxonand others can talk to me11:14
pbureauOnburiiku,  can your buddy get online with regular network card ?11:14
cchanc1sundray, and still nothign11:14
pbureauMoxxon, dunno I doint use aMSN11:14
soundraycchanc1: make sure that there is no /etc/dhcp3 before you reinstall11:14
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Ezechielis this an ubuntu bug, or do I have to install anything else: Emacs jde error, when trying to use bsh.jar:  bsh: Specified BeanShell jar filed does not exist: /usr/share/emacs21/site-lisp/java/lib/bsh.jar11:15
unopwheels3572,  macro keys? what do you mean exactly?11:15
jensleojrclark, hold on. im sure he was using ubuntu and not kubuntu. hm. guess ill have to ask him.11:15
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vox754!quake | FragUPlenty11:15
ubotuFragUPlenty: Quake runs natively under Ubuntu - See http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/quake4/ for details11:15
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pbureauEzechiel, in synpatic is Bean installed ?11:15
unopEzechiel,  did you install the bsh?11:15
wheels3572unop, well i need to preset some command keys to spit out some stuff I wanna spam into a room11:15
mjrclarkIt might work under gnome too I guess.11:15
CrowleyI am curious to know why using add/remove programs and synaptic package manager say the Flash is installed. But firefox still won't play flsah??11:15
FragUPlentynot quake 4, quake 311:15
Ezechielpbureau - yeb it is11:15
jensleoso if I wanted to try kubuntu, i'd have to reinstall it all?11:16
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pbureauEzechiel, maybe it need bean libs.. not sure.11:16
jensleofresh format11:16
unopwheels3572,  we dont condone spam :| it's not a nice thing to do11:16
mjrclarkjensleo; not at all11:16
wheels3572unop, im in yahoo in a yahoo room11:16
Ezechielpbureau - ok will check that11:16
wheels3572unop, not here or anything like that11:16
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soundrayCrowley: have you restarted firefox?11:17
livingdaylightAzureus still crashes on me11:17
unopwheels3572,  errm, it doesnt matter where you do it -- it does not make it ok if it's not IRC eh11:17
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livingdaylighti've reinstalled it and it still seems to remember what was in it before which seems to be causing it to crash11:17
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soundrayCrowley: check that you see the plugin when you load 'about:plugins' as the url11:17
jdhorei don't need a mountpoint for swap, do i?11:17
mjrclarkjensleo;  I have just installed kooldock on gnome, and it works.11:17
ompaullivingdaylight, then you seem to have something in your home directory - why not go looking there for it11:18
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pbureaulivingdaylight, probably has a /home/.Azureus directoty, uninstall and delete that directory (its invisible)11:18
unopjdhore,  technically you do but that's already handled by your /etc/fstab11:18
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masterninjai got a question11:18
jdhoreok, but i don't when i'm partitioning?11:18
jensleojrclark, thanks. i'm reading up on kubuntu.com11:18
livingdaylightpbureau, how do i do that buddy?11:18
masterninjawings 3d wont load11:18
unopjdhore,  if you are asking because you are planning a new install -- then yes, you do need a swap partition11:18
masterninjawhys that?11:18
pbureaulivingdaylight, remove Azureus ? or the directory ?11:18
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soundraypbureau: hint: use $HOME, otherwise people go looking for the /home/.Azureus dir11:19
cchanc1soundray, now firestarter wont start. It gives that the device eth0 is not ready. I went to networking and it is enabled and set to static ip and that the blanks are filed in except for gateway11:19
wheels3572unop, i know what your saying just hard to explain except to say.  If im in a yahoo pool room and im running a pool game people would like to know how to join it so i would spam and show them is all i mean by that.  Was just wondering if it was even possible to do in Linux11:19
pbureausoundray, good point11:19
ddasoundray: btw, http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all.html says: "Firefox 1.5: This version of Firefox will be supported until April 24, 2007 with security and stability updates. We strongly encourage all users to upgrade to Firefox 2." So, should FF2 be added to 6.06 repositories (theoretically)?11:19
jdhoreunop, i know i need a swap, i just don't know if i need to add a mount point for it or not11:19
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Ezechielpbureau - nope there justs exists bsh packet (and doc)  - java is installed, but i use jdk611:19
Crowleysoundray: Not it's not there. I am going to try to get it done manually.11:19
OnburiikuWhat's the terminal commant to open and edit xorg.conf? I forget how to open stuff11:19
Ezechielsorry jdk511:19
ompauljdhore, you should give it one11:19
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mjrclarkjensleo; (on ubuntu, all I did was "sudo apt-get install kooldock" then after it had installed "kooldock" and it worked.11:19
wheels3572Onburiiku, have you tried vim and the path to xorg.conf11:20
pompel<--- linux newbie. I upgraded from Ubuntu 5.10 to 6.06 and now i  can only get 640*480 res. How do i fix this?11:20
jdhoresomething like /swap?11:20
ompauljdhore, but selecting the "type = swap" will look after that11:20
wheels3572if not sudo vim and the path to xorg.conf11:20
vox754livingdaylight: see hidden files "ls -l .*" remove with "sudo rm -R ~/.Azureus"11:20
unopwheels3572,  i'm a yahoo user too -- and it's that kind of advertising that brings yahoo chat rooms into disrepute -- please dont do that11:20
pbureaueww vim...11:20
OnburiikuWheels3572: I don't think so. I jsut want to open the file in gedit. I need to use sudo though and I can't remember how to actually open something11:20
ompauljdhore, no it will get that label11:20
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jensleojrclark, wow, excellent, seems to be working11:20
jdhoreok, cool11:20
soundrayCrowley: make sure you've fully restarted firefox, i.e. do 'killall firefox-bin' until it says 'No process killed' before you launch it again11:20
livingdaylightvox754, they could be anywhere though11:20
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pbureauOnburiiku,  sudo nano <filename>11:21
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masterninjaWings 3D doesnt load when I click the icon11:21
unopjdhore,  if you are using the graphical parition tool, it should handle it all for you -- all you do is dedicate some space to be used as a swap parition11:21
vox754Onburiiku: "gedit /etc/xorg.conf"11:21
soundraydda: that's a developer decision11:21
CrowleyIn terminal killall firefox-bin  ?11:21
vox754livingdaylight: "locate Azureus"11:21
cchanc1Internal network device eth0 is not ready. Aborting..11:21
cchanc1Firewall script saved as /etc/firestarter/firewall11:21
cchanc1Internal network device eth0 is not ready. Aborting..11:21
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ompaul!paste | cchanc111:21
ubotucchanc1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:21
cchanc1ompaul, its only 4 lines no need to11:22
soundraycchanc1: at points like this, I remember my DOS days and do a cold reboot...11:22
stevenb486is there an equivalent of ctrl+alt+del in windows to see running processes in ubuntu?11:22
ompaulcchanc1, more than two you do need to11:22
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unopstevenb486,  not really, you can create your own custom keyboard shortcut sequence that launches the gnome-system-monitor tho11:22
soundraycchanc1: rule #1: never talk back to ompaul ;)11:22
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vox754stevenb486: "top"11:23
FragUPlentyme want play quake 311:23
GunrunHello? can anyone explain what has happened here: http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/8308/p1010507lz1.jpg11:23
Gunrunit isn't good11:23
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cchanc1soundray, i guess im just going to have to face it that my dad going to get T-O11:23
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OnburiikuThis is peculiar... When I open xorg.conf, the file is comletely empty.11:23
Crowleysoundray: I did that. Then I checked about:plugins again. It's not there. I downloaded the tar file.11:23
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noxxikgetting this when running gnome-background-settings: http://enlisy.org/~noxxik/files/control-center-bugreport.txt11:23
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soundraycchanc1: no, this is definitely some strangeness in firestarter, try a reboot first, it might work11:24
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ReKlipzhey guys, can someone help me getting electric sheep to work on ubuntu?11:24
soundraycchanc1: sorry, have to go.11:24
pompel<--- linux newbie. I upgraded from Ubuntu 5.10 to 6.06 and now i  can only get 640*480 res. Does anyone know how to help?11:24
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cchanc1soundray, alright...        bye...11:24
soundraycchanc1: you'll get there in the end, I'm sure.11:24
unopGunrun,  it could be that the configuration files for your desktop's applets have been corrupted -- you can always delete these applets and add them in at a later time11:24
vox754Onburiiku: my bad "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"11:24
cchanc1soundray, unless i die11:24
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jensleohm, making tv-out work on ubuntu with ATI radeon, should that be a problem?11:24
OnburiikuStill comes up empty11:25
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Gunrununop, I would11:25
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Gunrunbut its on a CD11:25
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mjrclarkpompel, not certain, but I restarted and my res went back to normal after this happened.11:25
Gunrunthats what happens when I liveCD11:25
noxxikdo anyone know how to fix this: http://enlisy.org/~noxxik/files/control-center-bugreport.txt11:25
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Gunrunmore there11:26
rainwalkerDoes anyone know why Scribus, a KDE-style publishing app would lag as I type? I'll press the keys and it takes a little while for the letters to appear11:26
ompaul!enter | Gunrun11:26
ubotuGunrun: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:26
Onburiikuvox754: The file is still empty...11:26
ompaul!repeat | noxxik11:26
ubotunoxxik: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:26
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vox754Onburiiku: "man xorg.conf", reconfigure it "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"11:26
aeon_jest jakis polak moze? :)11:26
=== noxxik feels that he always gets ignored
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hbaigu!pl | aeon_11:27
ubotuaeon_: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl11:27
unopGunrun,  hmm, well, you dont really need those applets to continue using the desktop or liveCD -- so you can continue what you were doing -- i think this might be because the image you downloaded wasnt written to CD properly or the CD is indeed faulty/corrupt11:27
Gunrunwell, I can't run the install11:27
Gunrunso... it makes it rather hard to continue what I was doing11:27
noxxikif I say like this: Im not a newbie. And not running ubuntu, just developing my own distribution11:27
Gunrunsorry about the lines :(11:27
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FragUPlentyis there an rpm package manager for ubuntu or a way to install rpms in ubuntu11:27
Onburiikunevermind, I got it11:28
pompelI tried that..several times. When i run the live cd of the 5.10 (doing that right now) the res is back to the normal 1280*1024...but when i boot up from the 6.06 on the hd it goes back to 640*480...11:28
vox754!alien > FragUPlenty11:28
Onburiikuit just kinda randomly worked11:28
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about portage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:28
pbureauFragUPlenty, use ALIEN to convert it to .deb but Iwould rather compile a tarbal than use an rpm, safer11:28
lupine_85gah, that's distro-ist, that is11:28
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unopGunrun,  what happens when you try and log off (not shutdown/restart)11:28
ompaulFragUPlenty, don't use rpms they really can break your machine badly11:28
lupine_85depends on what's in the rom11:28
Gunrununop, it goes to the login screen11:28
Gunrunwith the box in the middle11:28
livingdaylightvox754, how do i add the /grep to that coz its so long11:28
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FragUPlentysorry I am very new to linux11:29
ompaullupine_85, find thumb, apply rule of11:29
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FragUPlentybasically I need to get openal on my system11:29
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lupine_85rule of thumb: most user programs will work, anything else is generally bad11:29
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noxxikdamn wimp users :p11:29
lupine_85e.g. openal would be bad :)11:29
mjrclarkpompel; presuming the menu System>Prefs>ScreenRes is useless. if so, out of my league.11:29
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vox754livingdaylight: what grep?11:29
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unopGunrun,  errm, so something is working alright then -- can you log back in (the username is user, i think) ?11:29
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lupine_85!info libopenal0a edgy11:29
ubotulibopenal0a: OpenAL is a portable library for 3D spatialized audio. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.8-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 119 kB, installed size 348 kB11:29
ScreaminIkei need some help running freenet in ubuntu.11:29
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livingdaylightvox754, ls -l etc |grep so i can see what comes11:29
GunrunI will try, one moment11:29
lupine_85why not install that instead, FragUPlenty ?11:29
pompelyep...640*480 is the only one listed :(11:30
Gunrungah it happened with a newly burnt CD11:30
pompelthanks anyway, though11:30
FragUPlentyhow do I?11:30
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lupine_85apt-get install libopenal0a, after enabling universe11:30
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource11:30
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livingdaylightvox754, ls - .* |grep ?11:30
lupine_85or do it in synaptic, of course11:30
MoxxonMy computer is 1.6 ghz with a decent gfx card and 512 MB ram can I run Wow in wine?11:30
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FragUPlentywhat is that11:30
GunrunOh wait I found the install thing under system11:31
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noxxikok, whats the bare minimum packages I need to install to run gnome?11:31
FragUPlentyI am totally n00b so how do i enable that11:31
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noxxikand not talking about ubuntu-desktop11:31
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MarcoPauwhat's the name of the printing group?11:31
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ompaulnoxxik, install server and sudo apt-get gnome xserver-xorg - but to get something sensible do a base ubuntu install - otherwise you will hurt your head11:31
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Lunar_Lampzyth, thanks for the amsn pointer. It's great thanks. Do you have icons in your panel though? On my panel and task-switcher I don't have any amsn icons, just the default application one.11:32
Gunrundamn, the installer crashed11:32
vox754livingdaylight: yeah, try it. You can scroll up and down. Try nautilus, it lets you view hidden files.11:32
gabrielai want to conect my pocketpc any ideas11:32
gabrielahello everyone11:32
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gabrielawant to conect my pocketpc11:33
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unpersonI have an Athlon 64 processor in my system.  Is it possible for me to use i386 binary packages if I want when no 64 bit version is available?  If so, how do I get dpkg to install it?11:33
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vox754!repeat > gabriela11:33
ompaul!nickspam | inuyasharenegade11:33
livingdaylightvox754, its not letting me scroll up and down with |grep11:33
ubotuinuyasharenegade: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages (see !Away for more details): use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently11:33
gabrielaanyone know how to do it?11:33
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zythLunar_Lamp, odd, I have the regular green msn-ish icon, did you try restarting gnome?11:33
xpdoes anyone know why my wifi shows up as eth0 instead of wlan0?11:33
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unpersonIn this particular case I want w32codecs, so compiling from source isn't an option.11:33
vox754livingdaylight: "ls -l .* | grep .a11:33
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs11:34
inuyasharenegademy nick died11:34
Lunar_Lampzyth, not yet,  perhaps they'll come back when I do then :-)11:34
Keith_Sompaul: hows it goign !11:34
pbureaugabriela, http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=ubuntu+pocketpc&btnG=Google+Search11:34
inuyasharenegadei am not spamming !11:34
Keith_Sgnu fish and chips ?11:34
gabrielapbureau: thanks11:34
IVBelaguys, just a quick question: what's the difference between su and gksu? (or sudo and gksudo...)11:34
=== ompaul falls off chair laughing at Keith_S's comment
gabrielagonna check it11:34
unpersonompaul, If that was directed toward me, it doesn't really answer my question generally.11:35
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vox754livingdaylight: actually I forgot what you were asking. Is this something to do with azureus?11:35
Keith_SAny iptables experts here? I need to firewall my web server... wats best option? iptables by hand or shorewall or???11:35
mjrclarkIVBela gk is for graphical programs e.g. synaptic, rather than command line ones like cp or rm.11:35
Jowi!gksu | IVBela11:35
ubotuIVBela: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use  gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using  sudo <GUI-application> 11:35
livingdaylightvox754, yes11:35
Hattershorewall is great11:35
lskd-255IVBela, I think it's sudo for terminal and gksudo for graphic interface11:35
Hattermakes iptables easy11:35
ompaulunperson, it tells you how to get them and you can message the bot >>/msg ubotu  codecs<< and then you will find out all sorts of things11:35
Keith_SHatter: really ?11:36
livingdaylightvox754, just wanted to check my hidden files and confirm that there are no more .hidden .files11:36
Keith_SHatter: you use it? wat version is in ubuntu currently?11:36
IVBelamjrclark: thank you11:36
Gunrundamn, failed install11:36
IVBelaubotu: thank You too11:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thank you too - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:36
Hatterkeith_s: i use it on around 20 servers. but i am using debian sarge on them so don't know what version is in ubuntu11:37
OnburiikuI just did a bunch of stuff for beryl11:37
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=== Gunrun cries, he shall never be rid of OS9
unpersonompaul, But did you read the original part of my question?  I want to know if in general it is possible for me to install i386 packages.11:37
IVBelai meant Jowi11:37
Keith_SHatter: the box im firewalling is deb sarge :D11:37
OnburiikuIf I messed up xorg.conf, I need to know how to restore the backup; xorg.conf.old. How would I do that if the new xorg.conf doesn't work?11:37
ompaulunperson, did not note that let me scroll back11:37
Keith_SHatter: do you use the version in deb main repos or backports ?11:37
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mjrclarkOnburiiki; using the command line; on startup select a recovery or single user mode.11:38
vox754Onburiiku: "sudo rm xorg.conf && sudo mv xorg.conf.old xorg.conf"11:38
HatterKeith_S: shorewall is not a program per-se but a config tool for iptables, I use the latest tarball from the website11:38
ompaulunperson, your talking about mixing i386 32bit and 64 bit?11:38
OnburiikuThanks, both of you. =)11:38
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Keith_SHatter: I know wat it is. How come you dont use the dpkg ?11:38
Hatterkeith_s: www.shorewall.net, you have some reading to do :)11:38
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ubotuscreen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen11:39
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Hatterkeith_s: I was using it, i wanted some features in the newer one11:39
Keith_She he  i read it didnt make any sence realised the version in deb main is really old...11:39
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Hatterkeith_s: its easy to use the latest one11:39
Keith_Syeah think ill do that...11:40
Keith_SHatter: ill try find a dpkg tho.11:40
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unpersonompaul, Right.  I mean, in general is it possible for me to install packages that are marked as being for the i386 arch?  I mean, I thought the athlon 64 is capable of running 32-bit x86 instructions.11:40
Marthey guys, just wondering if I could have a hand modifying my fstab so I could read and write to my ntfs please11:40
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Hattermart: another way is using mount -t smbfs11:40
HymnToLifeubotu, tell Mart about ntfs | Mart, see the private message from ubotu.11:40
unpersonompaul, I thought that was what originally gave them the edge over the itaniums.11:40
unopunperson,  you'll need to run the 32 bit applications in a partitioned chroot11:40
ompaulunperson, taking you said yes to my last question is this: at this stage of development I know of no way other than "chroot" and if you are using a desktop then installing 32bit is the way forward, in 64bit the gains are only there for people with huge databases11:40
Gunruncan linux do read and write to ntfs yet?11:41
vox754NEWS: If your wireless card is not working, try the new "ndiswrapper 1.37". My card didn't work a month ago, now it does. Join "#ndiswrapper".11:41
Martcheers, I'll take a quick look11:41
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fredlwell I have a working wpa_supplicant.conf now and I think I know what's the problem with Network Manager....11:41
kitcheunperson: you need to use a chroot do to the fact that the libs for x86_64 are just for that11:41
unpersonompaul, btw thanks for the help on the specific question of the codecs.11:41
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HymnToLifegunne, not natively, there is a tool for it but it's still considered beta11:41
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse11:41
Slarthmm.. I force installed 32-bit firefox and it works great on my 64-bit ubuntu system11:41
fredlNetwork Manager doesn't allow me to set phase2 authentication method.11:41
superdave888unop: if you are still around, I am trying to install fluxbox, but apt-get install fluxbox doesn't find the package. any advice?11:41
ompaulGunrun, with "fuse" you can - I don't suggst you use it as it called beta at this stage11:41
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SlartI don't know if that falls under the "works for me" or "works for firefox" but it does =)11:42
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ompaulGunrun, but consider this, personally in work on production machines I am thinking of using it11:42
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HymnToLifeubotu, tell superdave888 about fluxbox | superdave888, see the private message from ubotu.11:42
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Gunrunjust I was considering dual booting XP and ubuntu, but with my past troubles and my current one I may just give up on linux all together11:42
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kitche!away > night|away11:42
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fredlHmm, no Network Manager guys around? :)11:42
Martsorry, having difficulty, I've installed fuse and set my permissions but didn't detect. had to revert to backup to detect.11:42
fredlfigures :P11:42
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vox754!ext3 > Mart11:43
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felixcanis11help! it keeps freezing...do i need more ram or what?11:43
HymnToLifefelixcanis11, define "it"11:43
unopsuperdave888, you probably need to enable the right repositories for fluxbox -- one sec11:43
unpersonkitche, ompaul: thanks11:43
vox754felixcanis11: how much do you have, and your swap?11:44
felixcanis11hehe sorry hymn11:44
xpis 3gb of swap space overkill?11:44
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ompaulunperson, welcome11:44
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felixcanis11um, not sure11:44
HymnToLifefelixcanis11, which part of Ubuntu ?11:44
jt_a7x_3I'm using the ALT cd for 6.10, I get "[!!]  Configuring Installation step failed: an installation step failed. you can try to run the failing item again from the menu, or skip it and choose something else. The failing step is: SELECT AND INSTALL SOFTWARE"11:44
ubotureiserfs is a journalling file system, in benchmarks it outperforms many others on I/O operations, but they take notoriously long to mount.11:44
sorahnhey guys, does anyone know if there is a version of ubuntu that is optimized for parallels on the mac?11:44
vox754felixcanis11: "free -m"11:44
felixcanis11well the whole thing....the mouse freezes, nothing moves, and i can't do anything, so i have to restart11:44
ompaulxp, 99.5% of the time it is, how much ram have you got and is it a server if so of what11:44
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xp1.5gb and no11:44
unop!info fluxbox | superdave88811:44
ubotusuperdave888: fluxbox: Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 899 kB, installed size 2888 kB11:45
HymnToLifefelixcanis11, live CD ? how much RAM do you have ?11:45
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felixcanis11it's installed11:45
marshalldoes anybody here have Sonata?11:45
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Gunrunwill the ubuntu liveCD run on 320 meg of ram?11:45
ompaulxp, I would set it to 1G in that case, if you are running into swap issues at that point something else is the issue11:45
felixcanis11i have crappy ram, i don't know exactly how much but it's like 300-something11:45
HymnToLifegunne, not very smoothly but it will run11:45
ompaulGunrun, not great but you can11:46
xpi wish ubuntu would recognize my ipw2200 as wlan. anyone know how?11:46
pd_THORI'm not very familiar with Ubuntu (read: at all); is there a grand master list somewhere of supported hardware and peripherals?11:46
Gunrunso that isn't why it isn't running then11:46
HymnToLifea Live CD _never_ runs smoothly anyway11:46
ubotuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions11:46
kitcheHymnToLife: some can at least not many though11:46
ompaulGunrun, ^^ check that list out11:46
HymnToLifeyeah, the GParted one doesn't count:p11:46
livingdaylightis it better to install Azureus from sourceforge or from repositories?11:46
jt_a7x_3I'm using the ALT cd for 6.10, I get "[!!]  Configuring Installation step failed: an installation step failed. you can try to run the failing item again from the menu, or skip it and choose something else. The failing step is: SELECT AND INSTALL SOFTWARE" Anyone have any idea?11:46
HymnToLifeit's better not to install Azureus at all :p11:46
GunrunI don't get any of those11:46
kitchelivingdaylight I would say from it's official website11:46
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GunrunI get a fugly command prompt11:47
xputorrent under wine?11:47
livingdaylightkitche, thx11:47
HymnToLifeKTorrent ftw.11:47
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ubotuazureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo11:47
mjrclarkgunrun; I have had ubuntu live cd run fine on 128 of ram.11:47
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HymnToLifemjrclark, which Ubuntu ?11:48
xpcan u load ubuntu livecd into ram?11:48
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xpnm, found my answer11:48
vox754jt_a7x_3: Why the alternate CD?11:48
marshallxp: Deluge for ubuntu (gnome)11:48
CrowleyIs there a way to get all the commonly used codecs for Firefox and Totem video player all in one package??11:48
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HymnToLifeCrowley, yes, make one yourself :p11:48
jt_a7x_3vox754: because I was told earlier today to use that rather than regular.11:48
sessafter upgrading to edgy, gnome wont start anymore, I just get a grey box in teh top left hand corner of teh screen11:48
sesswhats going on?11:49
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jt_a7x_3I wanted to be able to install from the boot of the cd and rather than waiting for desktop to load install icon etc.11:49
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Damehow do I change gnome splash screen on edgy?11:49
vox754jt_a7x_3: Your system specifications please.11:49
CrowleyHymnToLife: Second day of Linux. A bit frazzled.11:49
linxehhi - is ubuntu edgy going to support kernel 2.6.20, or will it be always on 2.6.17 ?11:49
jt_a7x_3I tihnk i only have like 256mb RAM plenty of space,11:49
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HymnToLifeCrowley, then ask someone else to make one for you, or google for it to see if someone has madeo one yet11:50
imbecilehow do i fix this error?  E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)E: Unable to lock the list directory11:50
sessis there some sort of gnome log I can look at to see whats going on during a gnome boot?11:50
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HymnToLifelinxeh, it will never change11:50
HymnToLifethat's the whole point of a release-basd distro11:50
HymnToLifebut you can always build it yourself, it's not very hard and there are lots of nice guides on the !forums11:50
MoxxonI think add/remove is frozen11:51
sys0110hi all11:51
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Moxxonis there any like ctrl alt delete?11:51
vox754!kernel > linxeh11:51
linxehHymnToLife: sure, I've been on slackware since 95/9611:51
sessAnyone having gnome trouble after upgrading to edgy?11:51
sys0110which sh does gentoo use?11:51
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HymnToLifesys0110, by defauld, Bash I think11:51
=== Rhisiart_ap_Pedr [n=lll@cpc4-ptal1-0-0-cust408.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
HymnToLifebut I haven't used Gentoo for a while11:51
vox754sess: No. Fresh install here.11:51
jt_a7x_3So anyone know why "Select and install software" fails during 6.10 ALT installation?11:51
sys0110but its colored:P11:51
linxehHymnToLife: fairly new to ubuntu (at least as far as the policy regarding package versions anyway) - been happy with stock kernels until recently11:51
kitchesys0110: umm why not ask #gentoo lol but yeah it's bash11:51
HornyPonyhi, how do i disable sata_via driver and replace it with a generic driver?11:52
imbecilehow do i fix this error?  E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)E: Unable to lock the list directory11:52
MoxxonAdd remove programs is frozen11:52
=== rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
MoxxonHOW DO I close it11:52
sys0110i wanna make my shell colored too11:52
=== CyberCod [n=CyberCod@51-068.dsl.duo-county.com] has joined #ubuntu
sys0110which command?11:52
Music_ShuffleMoxxon, xkill it?11:52
MoxxonHow do I do that11:52
linxehHymnToLife: ok, so will feisty use 2.6.20 ?11:52
MoxxonDoes it just take a long time?11:52
MoxxonCause Im trying to get wine11:52
HornyPonybetter yet11:52
jensleohm i've set my second sound card as primary for playback in system - settings - sound, but amarok plays songs on the first soundcard...11:52
HornyPonytell me how to upgrade to a newer kernel?11:52
HymnToLifelinxeh, dunno, try asking in #ubuntu+111:52
HornyPonynewer than 2.6.1711:52
vox754!kernel > HornyPony11:53
HymnToLifeubotu, tell HornyPony about kernel | HornyPony, see the private message from ubotu.11:53
=== androo [n=androo@] has joined #ubuntu
Moxxonhow do I xkill?11:53
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:53
sesswell, is there any way to completely remove ALL gnome configuration files on the system and start over?  I can't get in to turn on my wireless networking so an apt-get remove isn't gonna work too well11:53
CyberCodMoxxon, with an xknife?11:53
androoHow exciting11:53
HymnToLifehi | androo11:53
SleeperknightI need some help launching Battlefield 2 in wine from the terminal, it won't let me get into the /EA GAMES/Battlefield2/ folder11:53
vox754Moxxon: "man xkill"11:53
HymnToLife!hi | androo11:53
ubotuandroo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:53
androo!hi | you all11:53
ubotuyou all: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:53
superdave888unop: hi, I have deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy universe main restricted11:54
superdave888 in my sources list, and a matching deb-src line, but still do not find fluxbox. any advice?11:54
HymnToLifeSleeperknight, what happens when you try ?11:54
ubotuacpi: displays information on ACPI devices. In component main, is optional. Version 0.09-1 (edgy), package size 10 kB, installed size 72 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 amd64)11:54
kitcheMoxxon: open up a terminal and type in xkill should have an x for your cursor and click on the app you want killed11:54
marshalldoes anybody here have Sonata?11:54
sessis there like a gnome startup log I can check to diagnose why gnome isn't starting up, but just hanging with a rectangle in the upper left hand corner of the screen?11:54
=== transgres_ [n=transgre@] has joined #ubuntu
androoI have converted my friend to ubuntu!11:54
Sleeperknightsays directory not found11:54
HornyPonyvox754, that speaks of a custom kernel11:54
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jt_a7x_3So anyone know why "Select and install software" fails during 6.10 ALT installation?11:54
SleeperknightI got into wine with Cd ~/wi and tab11:54
HornyPonyi need a precompiled package which is newer11:54
kitcheHornyPony: yes you need to build a kernel11:54
vox754marshall: no sorry.11:54
=== transgress_ [n=transgre@] has joined #ubuntu
HymnToLifeSleeperknight, bash doesn't like spaces in folder names11:54
MoxxonIm really noob how do I open terminal11:54
androoand they in turn have converted thier friends11:54
HornyPonykitche, nothing prebuilt yet?11:54
HymnToLifeuse a backslash to escape it, or Tab11:54
androoubuntu is love11:54
jensleoall other media-apps play sounds on the designated soundcard in ubuntu, except amarok11:54
sessis there like a gnome startup log I can check to diagnose why gnome isn't starting up, but just hanging with a rectangle in the upper left hand corner of the screen?11:54
transgress_is there any quick way of just install a 32bit package for firefox?11:54
Sleeperknightso how do i get past it?11:55
=== doubleA [n=aaron@pool-151-199-26-54.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
vox754HornyPony: guess you should be able to download a new kernel and compile it the way it tells you.11:55
transgress_in amd64 that is11:55
=== lunchbox [n=mbauer@hq.fw.americanis.net] has joined #ubuntu
kitcheHornyPony: probably for feisty but packages don't get updated unless there is a fix11:55
mjrclarkmoxon; applications>Accessories>Terminal11:55
HymnToLifeSleeperknight, cd EA<tab>11:55
vox754!terminal > Moxxon11:55
androoi have a question11:55
sessafter upgrading to edgy, gnome wont start anymore, I just get a grey box in teh top left hand corner of teh screen11:55
HymnToLifeSleeperknight, or cd EA\ GAMES11:55
linxehjensleo: amarok is a KDE application, so will probably use the default KDE sound device rather than the gnome one (ubuntu being gnome based)11:55
HymnToLifeor cd "EA GAMES"11:55
Sleeperknightok thx11:55
vox754!ask > androo11:55
Sleeperknighti got in now11:55
doubleAEdgy installer was crashing and ikonia told me it was hardware.  Turned out to be the RAM was dirty.  Thanks for the help.11:55
=== wceoscar [n=wceoscar@tdev236-86.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
vox754!offtopic > androo11:56
HornyPonywell sata_via driver just freezes and the processes end up on status D11:56
jensleolinxeh, i see. what can i do about it?11:56
=== Yvonne [n=01101110@pdpc/supporter/active/Yvonne] has joined #ubuntu
HornyPonyneed to switch to libata somehow11:56
linxehjensleo: configure KDE I guess11:56
androo!ask | how do i stop XGL closing when i press shift and backspace11:56
ubotuhow do i stop XGL closing when i press shift and backspace: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:56
wceoscarHEY, what partitions should i create to install ubuntu?11:56
wceoscari forgot11:56
=== briancann [n=brian@host86-147-48-115.range86-147.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
sys0110how do i make my terminal colored ?11:56
jensleolinxeh, so, first of all install KDE?11:56
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=== La_PaRCa [n=La_PaRCa@cable201-233-71-106.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu
wceoscarwhat partitions should i create??? Home Swap, what else?11:57
=== Bagoor [n=bagoor@ner-as18179.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu
linxehjensleo: if you are running amarok you must have KDE (or major parts of it) installed I guess. I don't use it - KDE looks too fugly for me11:57
lskd-255sys, pardon, it's profiles11:57
transgress_wceoscar: /boot and /11:57
Tux_0wnz_J00I know this isn't exactly about ubuntu, but does anyone know how to disable that light-bulb assistant guy in OpenOffice?11:57
=== kevum [n=kevin@D-128-208-62-154.dhcp4.washington.edu] has joined #ubuntu
sys0110lskd , hanf on i will try11:57
linxehjensleo: you might find advice from #kubuntu on configuring the audio11:57
jensleolinxeh, i see. can you recommend some gnome mediaplayer?11:57
=== Xanthomryr_ [n=User@xdsl-195-14-206-42.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
linxehjensleo: rhythmbox? or something like songbird ?11:58
jt_a7x_3So anyone know why "Select and install software" fails during 6.10 ALT installation?11:58
briancannhey guys trying to identify and install my onboard graphics card with direct rendering enabled so I can use the AIGLX with Beryl11:58
jensleolinxeh, ill have a look. thanks.11:58
=== Illuvator [n=james@jvc26.clare.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
briancannwhere do I begin11:58
=== jwtod1 [n=james@adsl-67-113-25-210.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
tatjensleo: its enough with a few kde-libs to run amarok under gnome.11:58
linxehjensleo:  rhythmbox comes as standard with ubuntu iirc11:58
lskd-255sys0110,  you're using gnome I take it11:58
=== PInKY [n=enrico@adsl-ull-143-68.51-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
mjrclarkjensleo; longshot, try changing the config in amoroak (settings>configure amorak>engine) to something else.11:58
wceoscarOK, so Home Swap /boot and / what size shouuld boot and / be?11:58
jwtod1hey all. hey bulmer.11:58
Tux_0wnz_J00jensleo, if ur running gnome, Gxine is great for almost all codecs11:59
Tux_0wnz_J00much better than totem11:59
androono one?11:59
jensleook, thanks all11:59
androobye all :(11:59
=== acuster [n=acuster@pool-141-156-230-31.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
sys0110ok , thats cool11:59
androonice to have met you all11:59
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource11:59
Tux_0wnz_J00so anyone know how to disable the assistant in OpenOffice?12:00
mjrclarkjensleo; specifically the "output plugin"12:00
sys0110black ground with green text12:00
lskd-255shame jt_a7x couldn't get any help12:00
jwtod1i now have 6.10 x64 installed in text mode. i also have the nv8800 install script on the same box. i am running commandline. anyone know the apt-get necessary for the nv driver install? it needs at least the kernal libc headers. thx.12:00
lskd-255sys0110,  so you're cruisin'12:00
=== thaly [n=ttodorov@port-83-236-63-42.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu
vox754lskd-255: too bad. This is life.12:00

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