
drkmI am trying to sync my ipod with amarok.. it mounts.. as it says its mounted the /media/ipod but when I click connect it says it can't connect to iPod.. anyone know why?12:15
Captain_RedbeardSo did anyone try the KDE4 snapshot yet?12:15
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ubotuA Modeline is a configuration line in the X server configuration file that provides information about a connected computer monitor or television and how to drive it at a specified display resolution. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XFree86_Modeline for more details. Here is 2 links to generate modelines which fit your monitor: http://www.bohne-lang.de/spec/linux/modeline/ and http://xtiming.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/xtiming.pl12:17
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rEvolution27anyone reccomend easy ubuntu?12:18
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cntbrEvolution27: I recommend 'sudo apt-get install program '12:21
coreirebugger, was trying to set my res and am now getting "mode not supported" on my screen. Any key combination to get from the username/pass screen to the commandline?12:22
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inteliwaspmy cat had decided to sit on my keyboard, after haveing a billion windows open, my keyboard in X does not work... how can i fix it12:29
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zerakdoes not starting x after hard drive check count as a bug ?12:30
zerakor is it a so called "feature", not starting x12:30
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cntbhahahaha inteliwasp, next time lock session automatically. learn from mistakes12:31
VanessaEif an error occurs that could keep X from starting at all (i.e. your x config gets hosed), it should be considered a feature12:31
ubotujohny: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:31
cntbinteliwasp ctrl alt f112:32
zerakwell it did start the second try12:32
inteliwaspcntb: i'm in terminal mode now12:32
zeraki got a feeling that kubuntu and x.org are not very good friends12:32
VanessaEas for keys being weird, if I remember right, ctrl-shift-NumLock is one way to recover12:32
inteliwaspcntb: oh, and the problen persist after reboot12:32
VanessaEit's some weird keycombo like that12:33
cntbzerak lets you check things out12:33
zerakrecover mode?12:33
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VanessaEzerak: essentially, yeah12:33
VanessaEbut really, it just means X doesn't get started :)12:33
zeraknice combo12:33
cntbinteliwasp do you have alternateCD ?12:33
ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.12:33
inteliwaspi'll try ctl-shft-numb12:33
johny_hey guys I've just resolved the problem with non having fglrx support12:33
VanessaEyou always have those consoles available whether X is running or not12:33
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zerakyes but i prefer yakuake12:34
johny_on the page  the bot links you to  there's an error12:35
zerakshoud learn lynx and the console irc12:35
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zerakhowever i call it a feature and end with that, good night and enjoy the evening/night/morning/day or whatever =)12:36
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neil__anyone here?12:37
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neil__good answer12:37
neil__where are you from cntb?12:38
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Alarmis it possible my K-menu to use any kind of transparency ?12:38
neil__no i dea i just installed this kubuntu thing last night and finally got my wireless network working today.12:38
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SilverCatHere's a wonky one:  I am using a USB to IDE cable from usbgeek called the R-DriverII.  It works just fine under MacOSX, Solaris9 (on Sparc) and Knoppix - KUbuntu (6.10) is refusing to play nicely with it, though it shows up in lsusb and lsscsi.  An lsmod | grep -i usb in Knoppix shows that usb_ohci is being used, but under KUbuntu, it isn't loaded, and neither will modprobe load it for me.  A cursory apt-cache search ochi doesn't12:39
coreirehow do i set the default res for X to start in? I have to do it from command line as X is trying to start with too high a res for the screen12:39
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SilverCatcoreire : order matters in your resolutions line in your xorg.conf.  Whatever you want for your default should be first.12:39
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chavoAlarm,  System Settings -> Appearance -> Style - Effects Tab make menu translucent12:40
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inteliwaspthe cnt-shift-numb did not work...12:40
neil__is there a manual you can download for all the commands for the command prompt?12:40
inteliwaspneil__: yes12:41
neil__where do i download it12:41
coreirethanks silvercat12:41
SilverCatSure, coreire.  Hope it helps.12:41
Alarmchavo,  thank you very much. do u know maybe if there is a way in changing the font colour of the taskbar-ed windows ?12:41
iulia good link for commands12:41
neil__is there a virus checker for kubuntu or do i need one?12:41
VanessaEnormally your system comes with manual pages for the various commands also, i.e. `man something`12:41
chavoneil__, no but lots of howto's on the web12:41
chavoneil__, no need for virus checker for the most part12:42
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chavounless your scanning stuff headed to a Windows box12:42
inteliwaspneil__: wait, i'm not shure for D/L, but orilly's "unix commands in a nutshell" is a god book12:42
SilverCatneil : that's an anormous list.  Phonebook-sized, even.  What you're probably after is a manual like the user's guide, which you can find at The Linux Documentation Project at www.tldp.org12:42
neil__ok i found all the commands thank you12:42
ErikTheRedcan any of you recommend a good piece of software for tagging music12:42
ErikTheRedother than easytag12:42
SilverCatneil: what VanessaE said.  Also, if you're not sure what command to use, it often helps to try man -k <foo> where foo is a relevant word for what you're trying to do.  Alternative to that is 'apropos' which does the same thing.12:43
inteliwaspErikTheRed: i know there are others, but i cant look right now due to being stuck in terminal mode12:44
neil__ok thank you.12:44
neil__i have been trying man <word>12:44
wedgeVErikTheRed: audio tag tool12:44
wedgeVbut easytag works fine for me12:44
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neil__what does the -k do?12:44
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Wazzzaaacan anybody tell me howto get the latest release from SVN ? do i need to add an url to the source.list of apt?12:45
inteliwaspanyone know how to unlock the keyboard? X decided it will not accept it but the tty does12:45
SilverCatsure, man <word> will work, but if and only if there's a command called that.  where man -k <word> will tel you all the stuff related to that word.12:45
chavoyou can edit tags with Amarok also12:45
neil__oh ok thank you12:45
neil__sorry but i am brand new to this. just installed it to try yesterday.12:45
SilverCatWazzzaaa : just use svn from the command line.  There isn't an apt repository for something that fresh.12:46
neil__and totally amazed myself when i was able to get my wireless internet and network working by myself.12:46
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SilverCatWazzzaaa: "man svn" for usage details.  If it isn't installed, then you should be able to "apt-get install subversion"12:46
chavoyou can also try man: in konqueror if you'd like to see man pages like that12:46
coreiresilvercat: just to let ya know changing order worked perfect, thanks a lot man, i was freakin out lol12:47
SilverCatneil__: are you having fun with it so far?12:47
Wazzzaaathnx SilverCat, that second answer helps me :D12:47
neil__well ya its something different.12:47
neil__its definately a challenge12:47
SilverCatcoreire: No problem, man.  That's what we're all here for.12:47
neil__do you run msn sivercat?12:48
SilverCatneil__: To be honest with you, I haven't used Windows since 3.11, so the other way around is a challenge for me.  It's all in what you're used to.12:48
SilverCatneil__: I sure don't.  But I've got AIM12:48
neil__i am using kopete for my msn account12:48
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neil__what is the best linux distro do you think? the most advanced one?12:49
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VanessaEdepends on how you define "most advanced"12:49
inteliwaspneil__: um... if you ask 10 people that, you will get 20 answers12:49
SilverCatHow are you liking Kopete?  It's really fab most of the time, especially with the way it uses knotify.  But it's really starting to piss me off with the way it handles video devices.  But I understand that's new functionality and likely to be buggy for a while.12:49
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neil__i am using kubuntu 6.10 is that a good one12:50
neil__like webcams you mean?12:50
SilverCatneil__: that's the newest Ubuntu distro, until Feisty Fawn (7.04) comes out.12:50
neil__is there a better messenger12:50
SilverCatyeah, like webcams.12:50
neil__is gaim better12:51
SilverCatSome folks really like Gaim, but if you're in KDE, Gaim's just kinda bloatware.12:51
VanessaEif you mean newest software, probably the 'unstable' branch of gentoo.  If you mean the most robust or bug-free, maybe Red Hat or straight Debian (stable branch).  if you mean easiest to use, surely Ubuntu.  So yeah, it depends on how you define "most advanced"12:51
ErikTheRedcan audio tag tool pull from freedb?12:51
neil__the only thing i dont like about this kubuntu is that since i installed it my other work isnt getting done. lol12:52
inteliwaspSilverCat: do you know how to unlock my keyboard when X lockes it?12:52
SilverCatinteliwasp: I'm not sure what you mean by 'lock'.  Do you mean that X is started up and isn't using your KB properly?  Is it configured correctly in your xorg.conf?12:53
neil__what do you run silvercat? kubuntu or debian or what?12:53
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inteliwaspSilverCat: well my cat decided it wanted to sit on my tosty laptop keyboard, thus opening hundresds of windows(had "M" held down, when i came back, the keyboard would not respond and had to restart, after i log on, the kb stops working in X but it was working up till the login screen.12:55
inteliwaspi think that was the longist line i ever wrote in irc...12:56
neil__what do you use silvercat? kubuntu or debian or what?12:57
SilverCatI use KUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) at home and on my desktop at work.12:57
phobiacinteliwasp: You could try reconfiguring X12:57
neil__i see that is what i have installed too. i kinda like it. and i really appreciate your assistance here12:57
phobiacinteliwasp: Can you get to a command line session on the computer?12:58
inteliwaspi a atm...12:58
inteliwaspcrap i gota go12:58
neil__i use the terminal program for a command line12:58
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neil__anyway gotta run. thanks again silvercat. i owe ya one.12:59
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SilverCatOi.  Buddy just showed up with some beers.  I'm gonna say goodnight.01:02
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leiarcan anyone help me to install java 1.5 on kubuntu. I've screwed it up I think by installing deb packages. Now I've got broken dependencies01:04
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository01:04
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leiarobotu: what do I do with broken dependencies?01:08
leiarobotu: I've tried apt-get -f install01:08
VanessaEusually `apt-get -f install`01:08
VanessaEwill do it.01:08
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:08
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:09
VanessaEpaste an example of the error output there ^^^01:09
VanessaEand then let us know the URL of the paste so we can look01:09
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voicucan't i span a movie on the two monitors i have? i have xinerama enabled and (i think) i disabled overlays in vlc, it still doesn't work01:12
voicubtw, how do i disable overlays in kaffeine?01:12
tom__If i have a 80gb hard drive, only one partition, could i cut off 10 or so gb to use for another partition without destroying my current one?01:12
VanessaEI dunno about vlc except that I tried it once and had the same problem - have you tried xine?01:12
voicuVanessaE, did xine work for you?01:13
VanessaEI don't remember :)01:13
VanessaElemme try it01:13
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VanessaEyep, works.01:13
leiarVanessaE: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4354/01:13
voicuhmm, kaffeine uses xine, right? why doesn't it work01:14
=== VanessaE just spanned two xinerama screens
johny_when watching divix, xvid movies in Kaffeine, Totem, vlc they "freeze" only few seconds. Have an idea what it can be?01:14
VanessaEyes, it uses xine's libs, but the problem could be UI-related.01:14
VanessaEtried installing xine-ui and using that?01:14
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voicunope, but that's the plan now :D01:14
VanessaEd'oh - foreign language error msgs :)01:15
leiarVanessaE: Can I change default language in console?01:15
leiarso you can read it?01:16
VanessaEI don't read norwegian01:16
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VanessaEbut it looks like it's saying it wants a different version of libc6 than what's installed01:16
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VanessaEor that it has no installation candidate maybe01:16
leiarCan't i just remove it?01:17
Jucato libc6-i686: Depends: libc6 (= 2.3.6-0ubuntu20.4) but 2.3.6.ds1-11 is installed ?01:17
VanessaEdefinitely not. :)  libc6 is used by pretty much everything01:17
leiarwhat do you suggest, I should'n have fooled around with these deb.packages...01:18
ben_mHow do I find the name of my network card out?01:18
VanessaEnot really sure to be honest; maybe you could download the latest libc6 from ubuntu's repository (or look in /var/cache/apt/archives and see if it's there) and install the deb using dpkg01:19
VanessaEthat *might* fix it01:19
Jucatoleiar: you might have added an unofficial repository that upgraded libc601:19
VanessaEthat's what I was thinking..01:20
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leiarjucato: I think youre right. Let me have a loog at the source.list01:20
VanessaEcheck your /etc/apt/sources.list like Jucato suggests01:20
VanessaEif you can manually restore libc6, you might be able to let apt-get fix things from there.01:21
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leiarYes, universe and multiverse are all uncommented01:21
VanessaEthose are usually safe01:22
voicui don't get it. how did you disable overlays in xine?01:22
VanessaEanything new?01:22
voicustill doesn't work01:22
VanessaEvoicu, why are you trying to disable the overlay anyways?  you need that for fast rendering01:22
voicuwell, i think my video board can only overlay on one of the monitors01:23
VanessaExine -V chanmges video output modes01:23
VanessaE(e.g:  xine -V opengl)01:23
VanessaEyou can select from these:  aadxr3 dxr3 xv SyncFB opengl xshm xxmc none vidixfb vidix fb xvmc01:23
leiarHaven't got anything but ubuntu-links in sources.list01:23
leiarow do i manualley restore libc6?01:24
Jucatoleiar: can you pastebin your sources.list ?01:24
VanessaEleiar, could libc6 have been updated during a manual install, as in dpkg -i *.deb  maybe?01:24
leiarjucato: yes01:24
VanessaElook in /var/cache/apt/archives01:24
VanessaEsee if the original is still there01:24
VanessaEdpkg -i thatfile.deb   if it is.01:24
Jucato<Jucato> libc6-i686: Depends: libc6 (= 2.3.6-0ubuntu20.4) but 2.3.6.ds1-11 is installed ? <-- 2.3.6.ds1-11 definitely doesn't look like an ubuntu version01:25
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leiarjucato: You are right. I downloaded it from a debian site....01:26
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=== Jucato wonders why leiar did that...
Jucatotry this: sudo apt-get install libc6=2.3.6-0ubuntu20.401:27
leiarhow do I remove it (you've probably realized that I am not experienced in Linux by now....)01:27
VanessaEjust for future reference, never ever touch anything that says "glibc" or "libc" (5, 6, 7, whatever).  It's very easy to totally hose your system if you futz with those.01:28
VanessaEjust re-install the 'right' one, it should force the bad version out.01:28
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leiarVanessaE, jucato: thanks. Seems to work now..01:29
VanessaEgood deal.01:29
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leiarBut my java version is 1.4.2 even if I have installed sun-java5-jre01:30
leiarI need java 1.5 for a text-editor on a communication platform at my school (I'm a teacher..)01:31
ubuntuwhen installing kubuntu it askes me to "Resize IDE1 master, partition #1 (hda1) and use freed space" and then at the bottom there is a slider that says "New Partition Size" is it refering to the master partiton i am resizing or thr new partition iminstalling kubuntu on?01:31
Jucatoleiar: sudo update-alternatives --config java01:31
Jucatoleiar: then choose the correct java version01:32
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ubuntuwhen installing kubuntu it askes me to "Resize IDE1 master, partition #1 (hda1) and use freed space" and then at the bottom there is a slider that says "New Partition Size" is it refering to the master partiton i am resizing or thr new partition iminstalling kubuntu on?01:36
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slyfoxCan anyone tell me anything about Kmail vs Gmail ?01:37
slyfoxoffline vs online ?01:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dpms - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:38
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BluesKajubuntu, looks like you have windows installed , that's usually hda101:40
makuserumint linux01:40
Hobbseeslyfox: uh?  kmail and gmail are completely different?01:40
Hobbseeyou can view your gmail mail thru kmail though01:41
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antibodyhi all I'm having problems..I have a swap on /dev/sda1/UUID=75b64ee7-06a6-4327-95e5-15964905af4e however I have this line in /etc/fstab : UUID=75b64ee7-06a6-4327-95e5-15964905af4e none swap noauto 0 0 and I don't have swap after boot.01:41
slyfoxHobbsee: that is what I was thinking, but then if I start using Kmail, my Gmail will turn into mass.. no ?01:42
slyfoxHobbsee: what do you use for mail , To Do list, and Calendar ?01:42
antibody if I swapon /dev/sda1 it works if I do swapon UUID=75b64ee7-06a6-4327-95e5-15964905af4e it doesn't01:42
=== LjL relieves ryanakca from wondering: he does
Hobbseeslyfox: not really.  well, depends what kind of mess you mean.  i'ts a pop3 protocol, so changes in kmail arent seen on gmail, and vice versa01:43
LjLryanakca: err... i though i was on -offtopic. anyway :)01:43
ryanakcaLjL: kk01:43
ryanakcaLjL: lol01:43
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Hobbseeslyfox: my mail's by imap, not pop3.  thunderbird, as kmail sucks for imap.01:43
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slyfoxHobbsee: what about to do lists and calendar?01:44
slyfoxHobbsee: I am debating to use Kontact vs Googel Calander and Rememebr the Milk01:44
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Hobbseeslyfox: well, you can import mail to any client you like, usually.01:45
Hobbseecalender isnt easy to sync.  dont know about that one01:45
=== Hobbsee runs kinda complex mail.
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wordif you run a 64 bit processer on -386...should it go horridly slow?01:45
makuseruwhen installing kubuntu it askes me to "Resize IDE1 master, partition #1 (hda1) and use freed space" and then at the bottom there is a slider that says "New Partition Size" is it refering to the master partiton i am resizing or thr new partition iminstalling kubuntu on?01:45
Hobbseeword: nto really01:46
Hobbseemakuseru: the latter, i think01:46
slyfoxHobbsee: so what do you use for calednar and to do list ?01:46
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wordHobbsee: after switching motherboards and processors on a current install of kubuntu...should it go horridly slow?01:47
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|Soul^Shadow|HELP I need XP to read a linux share, using XP pro sp2 mod I have ip v6 insatlled & any other protocol it has that would relate to this01:48
Hobbseeslyfox: todo i use a program called basket.01:48
Hobbseeslyfox: i dont use calender01:48
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Hobbseeword: if you're on a 64bit processor, why arent you installing from an amd64cd?01:48
|Soul^Shadow|you dont? how do you know what day it is, or do u just play on linux & let the days pass :P01:49
wordHobbsee: i had an amd athlon xp 2900+ installed 32 bit kubuntu...now 6 months later i upgraded my motherboard and processor to a dual core 2.8 ghz 64bit intel01:50
|Soul^Shadow|anyway what protocol do I need to get NT box to read linux network?01:50
|Soul^Shadow|im using samba but only reads 1way01:50
|Soul^Shadow|even have share ccess on01:50
Hobbsee|Soul^Shadow|: i tend to use basket for my todo, and dont track the calender (aside from kcalender) on my computer at all01:51
Hobbseeword: both should install, i would expect.  they should both run fine too.  amd64 would be better though01:52
|Soul^Shadow|zeroconf is enabled & set, XP acts like its not there but when I do add network it sees the computer sorta01:52
Hobbseeassuming it's a core 2 duo, nto a core duo01:52
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Hobbsee|Soul^Shadow|: no idea sorry - it tends to be a black art to me01:52
|Soul^Shadow|ohwho cares :p I need help :*(01:52
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|Soul^Shadow|u tellin me u dont share between a linux & NT box?01:53
wordHobbsee: it's a pentium D01:53
Hobbseeword: ahh.  -i386 is the way to go then.  no idea why it isnt working01:53
|Soul^Shadow|hhmm pentium Doh' I cooked it again01:53
Hobbsee|Soul^Shadow|: sure, but on the odd occasion i do, i dump stuff from here (linux) to an XP box, not the other way around01:53
|Soul^Shadow|I got same 1 way comunication with this sob01:54
|Soul^Shadow|I hate Xp01:54
|Soul^Shadow|but I have to use it01:54
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|Soul^Shadow|I doubt wine could handlethe tax program cus it uses SQL databases01:55
|Soul^Shadow|handle the*01:55
makuseruwhat happens when your resizing a partition and it gets stuck on 0?01:56
wordHobbsee: it's working-ish just going slower than my 3 year old processor01:58
Hobbseeword: odd...01:59
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Hobbseeword: no decrease in ram, presumably?01:59
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Hobbseeword: and which are you isntalling?01:59
Hobbseeoh wait, a p4...it shouldnt matter01:59
makuseruwhat happens when your resizing a partition and it gets stuck on 0%?02:00
wordHobbsee: nope, theoratically the ram should be running faster, this mobo supports dual channel at 400 instead of 333 like the old one02:01
Hobbseemakuseru: it's thinking about it?02:01
Hobbseeword: true02:01
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makuseruwould it be ok to close it02:01
makuseruor would that ruin the partition02:01
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makuserueven thouh its on 0%02:02
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rEvolution27can anyone give me help on how to set up a home wireless network?02:03
rEvolution27i'm connected to a wireless router by LAN02:03
Hobbseemakuseru: not sure, to be honest02:05
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HobbseerEvolution27: install knetworkmanager?02:05
Hobbseeisnt it already set up, if you're connected to it?02:05
Hobbseeroot___: ircing as root is bad, btw02:05
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rEvolution27The network was set up out of the box so I don't really nkow02:07
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rEvolution27i lied... i'm connected to a modem which is connected to a wireless router..02:08
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wordHobbsee: so when i upgrade to fiesty i should use the regular cd not the amd64 one even though i have a pentium D?02:08
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rEvolution27I think amd 64 is only for AMD chips02:08
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wordrEvolution27: ok02:11
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rEvolution27so umm.... k network manager... I got it. How does it work?02:12
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tom__if i have a 10 gb partition and 70 free how can i combine the two?02:12
rEvolution27depending on the physical location of the partitons on the drive, you should be able to resize the 10gb partition02:13
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tom__there right next to eachother02:14
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter02:14
rEvolution27yes then you can just resize the 10gb02:14
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kaihey peoples02:16
kaiQuik question02:16
inteliwaspwhat is the command to reconfigure x?02:16
kaiI have a NTFS external USB, how can I format it for my linux machine02:16
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chavointeliwasp, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:17
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inteliwaspchavo: THANKS02:17
Jucato!xconfig | inteliwasp02:18
ubotuinteliwasp: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  - To configure only the driver and resolution, type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  - See also !FixRes02:18
Jucatoubotu: ping02:18
Jucatointeliwasp: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:18
Jucatoduh... late bot02:18
kaiam I able to do that in linux?02:18
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rEvolution27arrgh even though i set up my network i'm so confused...02:22
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lotekWho here has multiple email accounts setup in Kmail?02:22
rEvolution27ok i'm connected via lan to a router, andother computer is connected via lan to that router.... How can I get them to be friends?02:22
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rEvolution27Kmail annoys me02:23
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lotekYeah.. its annoying me.02:23
lotekDoes evolution support contacts, appointments, etc etc.02:23
lotekI need an all in one organizer.02:24
rEvolution27i'd try thunderbird02:24
ubuntuHi, i have a 10g partition and 70g of free space, how can i merge them? the resize button is greyed out so it ont do it like that02:24
rEvolution27or evolution02:24
rEvolution27Evolution is all in one02:24
madocan you help me please? ... i am just a beginner ... ... is there a free or an open-source program which produces vorbis-files out of mp3-files ?02:24
ubotuaudacity: A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.4b-2.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1850 kB, installed size 5444 kB02:25
madoaudacity? ... erm ... ok ... thank you ...02:25
madohave a nice day02:26
rEvolution27:) k02:26
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madomaybe i'll stay here for some minutes *smiling*02:26
rEvolution27IRC is a very nice  place02:27
rEvolution27great place to learn02:27
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sheldoncanybody had a problem with installer cdrom detection ... after the damn installer has just boot off it?02:28
sheldoncits the weirdest thing ever02:28
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rEvolution27sheldonc:  lol02:29
kaican some one help me out, whats the name a format partioner so i can partion some of my NTFS Drives?02:29
bkudriahmm, is there, perhaps, an ETA for amarok 1.4.5?02:29
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rEvolution27kai: !partitioning02:30
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter02:30
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FringeJacketanyone know how to adjust the temp a laptop fan kicks in at?02:32
|Soul^Shadow|pour some water in there it stay cool LOL02:32
who_any good p2p clients for linux?02:32
inteliwaspmy kb is stll locked after reconfiguring X... any sugestions?02:32
|Soul^Shadow|p2p wtf02:32
|Soul^Shadow|use limewire for linux02:32
|Soul^Shadow|try ctrl alt backspace02:33
|Soul^Shadow|then tap numlock too see if keyboard responds02:33
bkudriawho_: the ubuntu wiki has a nice table02:33
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inteliwasp|Soul^Shadow|: well in tty moke, the kb works just fine, but when X is up, it don't02:34
inteliwaspi should mention...02:35
|Soul^Shadow|there is a keyboard setting sumwhere see if it in another reigon sumhow02:35
inteliwaspthat my cat sat a wile on it too02:35
|Soul^Shadow|well unless ur cat pissed on it It might be just ur keyboard buffer flooded02:35
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|Soul^Shadow|did u do a total restart of linux?02:36
inteliwaspseveral times02:36
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|Soul^Shadow|did u reset or shutdown wait 10 sec then turn on?02:38
hattaomg it's sts902:38
hattayou guys rule02:38
sts9jam out02:38
SchuenemannIs it safe to remove kubuntu-desktop? I'm trying to remove Kmail and adept wants to remove kubuntu-desktop too02:38
inteliwasp|Soul^Shadow|: reboot02:38
hattayes, it's just a dummy package02:38
|Soul^Shadow|lol cus its attached02:38
Schuenemannhatta, too me?02:39
|Soul^Shadow|oohh shutdown wait 10 sec or o let kb buffer clear02:39
Schuenemannhmm thanks02:39
|Soul^Shadow|or so*02:39
inteliwasp|Soul^Shadow|: ok be back in 10 mins then02:39
sts9so, the other day, (using feisty) my Kontrol Center is empty. all the options are gone.  just updated and still no fix.   Is there are way to reset its original state??02:41
sts9Im assuming a config file or xml or something got hosed.  Not sure how.02:41
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Jucato!feisty | sts902:42
ubotusts9: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+102:43
Jucatosts9: afaik, a fix is on the way02:43
sts9ok, so Im the only one02:43
sts9I mean im *not*02:43
sts9the only one02:43
Jucatosts9: no. you're not the only one02:43
sts9ok. fair enough02:43
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sts9works for me. no biggie.  I understood the risk02:44
sts9of feisty02:44
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sts9but, one other issue thats dates back to my edgy days, the links in the "about" page in konqueror dont work.  clicking on the Home Link doesnt take me to my files.  I have to click the "View" button02:46
Jucatoworks fine here02:46
sts9its only a slight annoyance02:46
sts9yeah it works on my girlfreinds computer also02:47
sts9I musta done something. a while ago. and never fixed.  even upgrading to feisty02:47
phobiacOh now this is just awesome. I found someone who wrote a bash script that rips the sound off of youtube videos, gives them (fake yet surprisingly nice sound) stereo, and then outputs it as an mp3.02:48
phobiachttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=328347 For anyone who's interested02:48
phobiacI had to install some packages though, ecasound, mpeg123, and lame.02:49
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bkudriahmm, is there, perhaps, an ETA for amarok 1.4.5?02:49
Jucatosts9: well, if you did something that was saved in your /home settings, upgrades won't reset/remove them02:50
Hobbseebkudria: i'ts released, packages are done for feisty02:50
phobiacIs there anything new coming out with amarok 1.4.5?02:50
bkudriaHobbsee: what about edgy?02:50
sts9yeah I tried just deleting the configs02:50
sts9Im using 1.4.5 right now02:50
bkudriaphobiac: it has some cool features, and a load of bugfixes02:50
sts9not much in day to day use02:50
sts9I havent notice anything02:51
phobiacOh wait, make that mpg123 above. Not mpeg123.02:51
sts9that mp3 store and some equalizer fix02:51
Hobbseebkudria: likely backported in the next few days02:51
phobiacbkudria: Is there a list anywhere?02:51
bkudriaHobbsee: oh, ok, cool.02:51
bkudriaphobiac: http://amarok.kde.org/content/view/10/66/02:52
bkudriaphobiac: also, a link to the AWN on the Dot02:52
sts9I really wish they could remove the small gap between songs02:52
sts9crossfading is ok, but its odd to me02:52
bkudriasts9: not possible?  ask in #amarok?02:53
bkudriasts9: what if the crossfade was really small?02:53
surgyi have my documents shared on my windows pc and i want to access it with this linux box, i click system menu > remote places > samba shares  and nothing is there, can someone help me trouble shoot this please?02:53
sts9well Ill mess with it before I bother them.  just an off hand comment anyways02:53
phobiac"Elapsed time can be shown in OSD. Patch by Christian Engels" I've been waiting for that one, for that alone I can't wait.02:53
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sts9Amarok, owns me02:54
surgysts9: yes it is awsome02:54
PupenoDoes anybody know of a channel where PIC (microchip's) programming is discussed?02:55
sts9the ipod support is just very well designed also02:55
sts9much nicer UI then iTunes02:55
surgypupeno: no but i might have a few really good articles, mind me asking what your project is?02:55
phobiacHeh, with rockbox on it I just have my iPod set as a generic player in Amarok02:56
Pupenosurgy: I want to make a keyboard.02:56
Pupenosurgy: I have some specific questions, which might be too off-topic here. Shall we join another channel?02:56
Pupenosurgy: I created #gnupic.02:57
sts9What is it you like about rockbox that the apple software doesnt have?  Ive looked around at some of the linux on iPod stuff but I never saw what the draw is02:58
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sts9Ive tried them tho.02:58
bkudriaPupeno: maybe, #electronics ?02:58
sts9Im too broke to mess up my iPod,  in fact, that s what made me switch to linux 4 years ago. hard drive crash and no Windows dosk02:59
Pupenobkudria: yes, nice idea. Thanks.02:59
phobiaciPodlinux I didn't like too much. Rockbox is nice for me because with the settings I have it's battery life is a lot longer then with the Apple OS.02:59
sts9Ill have to look on the net for some screenshots of it first...03:00
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sts9cause Im shallow03:00
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phobiacsts9: Rockbox has very very little chance of messing up your iPod. The only possible way to mess it up would be if the bootloader (somehow) was written wrong and then you can't connect with your computer to reformat. Which I have never heard of happening.03:00
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phobiacsts9: www.rockbox.org03:01
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phobiacLook in the iPodWPS section for your iPod's model.03:02
sts9I do really like the Apple interface.  Its very clean.03:02
sts9yeah Im checking it out03:02
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration03:03
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sts9Maybe after I manage to get compiz to work - Ill check out rockbox.  Ive been messing with these GLX settings for hours.  everytime it kills my borders03:05
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sts9I might head over to #compiz or #beyrl if I feel a little less stubborn later03:06
phobiacsts9: I *might* be able to help. What's your video card?03:06
sts9geforce 4 I beleive03:06
sts9the driver meets the 9***+ requirement03:07
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phobiacI have beryl running smoothly (Well, as smooth as a laptop can run it) on this laptop as we speak.03:07
sts9I beleive I can use AIGLX03:07
sts9should I use AIGLX if I can?03:07
phobiacIf you can use it yeah, it's better but I can't recall why.03:07
sts9well from what I hear, AIGLX is the long term solution03:08
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phobiacDo you have your card set up right though?03:08
sts9its merged into xorg 7.103:08
sts9glxgears works good and I see the nvidia splash before Kdm loads03:09
sts9and openGL screensavers work03:09
phobiacAlright, and you're using compiz?03:09
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sts9so I assume everything is ok03:09
sts9well Ive tried both03:09
sts9both of em kill my borders03:10
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phobiacThere's a command to run to test it, hold on a second.03:10
sheldoncfeisty fawn, here we go. if this doesnt fix this "dont know what your cdrom is, sorry" lunacy i think im going to jump off my balcony.03:10
sts9I still get the cube and all that stuff, but the window titlebar is gone03:10
phobiacOh that's odd.03:10
phobiacAnd this is on beryl or compiz?03:10
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sts9well compiz is the last I tried so thats the one installed03:12
rEvolution27sts9 i've had that problem before.... it's a theme problem03:12
rEvolution27can't remember how I solved it...03:13
sts9Im using plastic, but that shouldnt matter does it? they have their own themes/window managers03:13
rEvolution27I don't use compiz though...03:13
phobiacsts9: Have you tried changing themes? It could be the theme.03:13
rEvolution27yes.. make sure the theme manager is set to compiz03:13
rEvolution27although it was always the compiz manager that killed my titlebars03:14
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sts9doesnt compiz load its own theme?03:14
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rEvolution27whenever I lost the titlebar with beryl it was because it was set to the wrong wondow manager03:14
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phobiacsts9: I'm not too sure, I've never used compiz. Only beryl.03:14
sts9well beryl and comiz are less then a year apart,  Im almost certain it is an issue with both03:15
Jucatocj_: hi03:15
cj_can you give a link in ph chanel03:15
sts9Im positive if beryl will work compiz will too.  the problem started with beryl03:15
rEvolution27I know onn beryl I right click on the jewel and choose select window manager>beryl03:15
Jucatocj_: just type /join #ubuntu-ph03:16
cj_thanks jucato03:16
sts9do I need the aquamarine theme?03:16
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rEvolution27I can't help you though since I know nothing about compiz03:17
sts9Feisty still has that adept upgrade to new release crash.  Synaptic is my new friend03:17
sts9ok Im gonna install beryl03:17
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rEvolution27when I used compiz I got the problem you have, beryl worked fine03:18
rEvolution27I followed a guide to install beryl with AIGLX03:18
phobiacsts9: You have edgy?03:19
phobiacIf so try this guide: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Edgy_with_AIGLX03:19
sts9I have feisty03:20
sts9should it matteR?03:20
sts9just as long as Im not using dapper I assume03:20
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rEvolution27goodnight all03:22
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lengauHi everyone.03:24
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lengauDoes anyone know when Amarok 1.4.5 is going back into Edgy?03:24
kaican some help me mount this external hdd03:24
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kaiIm doing something wrong but I don't know what03:25
lengau@kai: What did you do to try and mount it?03:25
hyperactivecrondkai: plug it in, run from a terminal "dmesg | tail | grep sd*"03:25
kaiI tried to format in windows and reformat it in linux but I don't know how to do it03:26
hyperactivecrondkai: tell us what that outputs03:26
surgycan someone help me with my samba problem?  i have my documents shared on my windows pc and i want to access it with this linux box, i click system menu > remote places > samba shares  and nothing is there, can someone help me trouble shoot this please?03:26
kai[17180133.324000]  attempt to access beyond end of device03:26
kai[17180133.324000]  sda1: rw=0, want=4, limit=203:27
kai[17180133.324000]  EXT3-fs: unable to read superblock03:27
kai[17180167.404000]  attempt to access beyond end of device03:27
kai[17180167.404000]  sda1: rw=0, want=4, limit=203:27
kai[17180167.404000]  EXT3-fs: unable to read superblock03:27
kai[17180176.388000]  attempt to access beyond end of device03:27
kai[17180176.392000]  sda1: rw=0, want=4, limit=203:27
kai[17180176.392000]  EXT3-fs: unable to read superblock03:27
kai[17180318.200000]  loop: loaded (max 8 devices)03:27
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kaiwhat does this mean?03:28
hyperactivecrondkai: i think your drive's ext3fs may be corrupt03:28
kaiwill in windows it was fine03:29
kaiIt hasn't been partioned yet, I don't want to use NTFS03:29
hyperactivecrondkai: you probably then want to format it with fat32 if u want to use it w/ windows and linux03:30
kaiThat was thing03:30
kaiI have winXP and I never got an option for fat3203:30
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hyperactivecrondcan someone tell kai how to make a vfat fs?03:32
kaiIf yu can tell me program I can use, Im clueless as to how to do this03:33
sts9ok here goes nothin03:33
sts9I think03:34
sts9its called03:34
sts9its kinda buggy tho03:34
sts9hasnt been updated for years03:34
hyperactivecrondkai: sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sda103:34
hyperactivecronduse that03:34
kaihow do you know that its /dev/sda1??03:35
kaiIm just curious03:35
hyperactivecrondkai: it's in your dmesg03:35
hyperactivecrondwhich is the kernel's message log03:35
kaioops :)03:36
kaiAttempting to create a too large file system < --- Thats what it tells me03:36
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sts9im sick of my window borders disappearing03:36
surgyi really wished i could get my samba to detect my other computer03:37
sts9stupid 3d.  im just gonna give up and dust off my commodor 64 out and play rambo03:37
theshadowI some how while getting my video driver to work killed my audio... can anyone give me a hand?03:37
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johny_theshadow: what ditro are you using?03:40
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:42
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johny_!audio|theshadow maybe can help03:43
ubotutheshadow maybe can help: please see above03:43
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shadowhywindhay all when i am looking at a folder with say text files with numbers, how can i make it sort by number, instead of by the first digit03:46
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surgy can someone help me with my samba problem?  i have my documents shared on my windows pc and i want to access it with this linux box, i click system menu > remote places > samba shares  and nothing is there, can someone help me trouble shoot this please?03:48
shadowhywindsorry i would help, but me + samba = a guessing game and prays that it works03:49
surgyshadowhywind: ok03:49
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youseranyone wanna help me set up my ubuntu to ubuntu network?03:58
djwilcoxhi can anyone recommend a good ssh program03:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about openssh - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about open-ssh - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:59
underdog5004djwilcox, openssh03:59
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djwilcoxi use fugu on the mac03:59
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ubotuopenssh-client: Secure shell client, an rlogin/rsh/rcp replacement. In component main, is standard. Version 1:4.3p2-5ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 597 kB, installed size 1392 kB04:00
nertilhow can i install the gcc package04:00
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)04:00
Jucatonertil: basically, install "build-essential"04:00
djwilcoxis there a ssh with a gui instead of the command line04:00
nertilapt-get install build-essential ?04:00
Jucatonertil: yes04:00
theshadowalright I read everything at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting and acording to it... everything is working :S04:01
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Jucatodjwilcox: something like sftp:/ or fish:/ in Konqueror?04:01
djwilcoxok cheers04:02
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theshadowAlright ... I can't figure out why I can't play audio all of a sudden. Can anyone give me a hand please??04:09
slyfoxAnyone knows anything about Keep - backup program? What does "Exclude special files" mean ?04:10
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Gretlanother ( maybe broken) app using the sound daemon?04:11
theshadowGretl: how could I tell?04:12
Gretllook at your system monitor what is running04:12
Gretlif there is any audio app04:12
theshadowI did the only thing using sound right this second is Gaim, lsof /dev/snd/* returns /dev/snd/controlC004:14
Gretllook at your mixer if all settings allright04:15
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theshadowGretl: yea all the levels are fine and nothing is muted04:16
Gretlhm maybe you just restart the session if nothing very important is running04:16
Gretltry logging ou and in again04:17
theshadowGretl: yea I've done that too but let me try it again04:17
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slyfoxHas anyone ever used Keep - backup utility ?04:19
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theshadowOk... I don't know why but a cold reboot fixed my audio problem.04:26
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Gretlok enjoy ;)04:28
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mbellezawant to ask on how to unzip the zip files..04:31
Gretljust right click and you get the options in konqueror04:31
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mainwut up04:36
mainanyone there04:36
mainyeah ineed help04:36
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maini cant open .avi files04:37
mainis there a package in package manager i need to get?04:37
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:37
Jucato!libxine-extracodecs | main04:37
ubotumain: libxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.2-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1118 kB, installed size 2676 kB04:38
nibletsWhen I try to use my iPod nano (2nd gen) with Amarok, I get the following message when I plug it in while Amarok is running "04:38
nibletsKLibLoader could not load the plugin:04:38
nibletsError message:04:38
niblets/usr/lib/kde3/libamarok_ipod-mediadevice.so: undefined symbol: _ZN6amaroK9StatusBar10s_instanceE04:38
Jucato!pastebin | niblets04:38
ubotuniblets: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:38
nibletsAhk, sorry04:38
maini was looking for it for a while i could find it lol04:38
Jucatoniblets: try asking in #amarok04:38
nibletsWill do04:38
Jucatomain: you need to have multiverse enabled04:38
mainit is04:38
maini guess i just missed it when i was looking thru04:39
mainalso 1 last thing04:39
maini heard there was a package i can get with wine codecs and everything in it already04:40
mainsomething called like animatix04:40
mainor matrix04:40
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe04:40
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ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs04:40
deathnotehey.. when after i edit the group or passwd file, how do i make it take effect? only after reboot?04:40
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mainman u guys are a big help04:40
thoreauputicdeathnote: logout-login04:40
deathnoteor is there something to restart04:40
deathnotethoreauputic: how do i log out all the users on my server?04:41
theshadowout of curiosity04:41
nibletsWhen I try to use my iPod nano 2nd gen with Amarok, I get the following message (Pastebin) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4374/04:41
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.04:41
thoreauputicdeathnote: you don't :) But next time they login their perms will change04:41
thoreauputicdeathnote: or perhaps I misunderstood what you want to do ?04:42
deathnoteok...actually its a web server handling some files but couldn't access the file because ownership..04:43
deathnoteso maybe in this case i just restart my apache or mysql after adding it into group?04:43
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thoreauputicdeathnote: yes, if it's app specific you can usuallt just restart ( send a HUP or use /etc/init.d/foo restart04:44
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dbgltis it possible to spin down your main HDD when not in use? Are there a lot of applications which passively access the HDD rather than stuff stored in ram?04:49
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bitbytehave i gone blind, or does my shiny new ubuntu 6.10 installation not have firefox in it?04:53
bitbyteerrrr, kubuntu, sorry04:53
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theshadowAnyone here work in kdevelop?04:58
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johnyhey, how to see the names of the users who has got accounts in the system?05:04
surgyhow do i add items to my system menu?05:04
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johnysurgy: what you mean?05:05
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theshadowok what the heck is the alocal command?05:05
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE05:05
surgyjohny: there is a little popup menu by kmenu its called "system menu" it has remote places and bluetooth and stuff in it, i want to add my shortcut to a network share in there05:06
johnysurgy: ok, try pointing it with mouse and then clicking with the RMB on it and choose "modify"05:08
johnysurgy: I meant on the system tab ;)05:09
surgyjohny: i dont think you know what your talking about, there is no modify05:09
johnysurgy: in my system it is indeed05:10
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surgyin your system........ what do you mean your system?05:11
surgynot kmenu05:11
johnysurgy: klick on the kmenu then point over system, next click on it with right mouse button and choose modify this menu, or sth like that05:11
surgythe one NEXT to kmenu called system menu05:11
surgyjohny, i dont want to modify kmenu i want to modify syetem menu05:11
johnysurgy: ok, we got misunderstood05:12
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bitbytehow do i get firefox into my fresh kubuntu 6.10  installation? adept shows firefox but it's greyed out05:12
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johnysurgy: what you want to add exactly?05:12
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eulchenJohny in your terminal try who  or w command to get info on users05:13
surgyjohny: nevermind man.05:13
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins05:14
johnyeulchen: thanks but I'd like to see accounts that are in the system not only logged users.05:14
devilsadvocatebitbyte, why dont you try to use the command line and apt-get :)05:15
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surgycan someone tell me how to modfy the "System menu"  ?05:15
surgybitbyte: its in the repos05:16
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surgyno one knows how to modify the "system menu" ?05:18
eulchenJohny perhaps cat /etc/passwd helps more?05:19
johnyeulchen: the unique option?05:19
bitbytedevilsadvocate just seems odd it shows up in add remove programs, but it's greyed out05:20
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LeeJunFansurgy: right click the K menu icon and choose menu editor?05:20
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devilsadvocatebitbyte, you might have to enable another repo oor something. did you run update?05:20
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LeeJunFansurgy: nevermind - I see your previous now :(05:20
devilsadvocateLeeJunFan, that only edits the kmenu. not the system menu afaik05:20
LeeJunFansurgy: Don't think that can be modified - it's in the source, it's an applet rather than a real "menu" per se.05:21
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johnyjulio: hey05:21
surgyleejunfan: well that sucks05:21
devilsadvocatesurgy, i'm sure there must be a way to modify. you could google around a bit.05:22
bitbytedevilsadvocate i'm running adept now, i told it to do a full upgrade05:22
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surgydevilsadvocate: nah its cool thnx though05:22
bitbytenot sure what kinda trouble thats going to get me into05:22
devilsadvocatebitbyte, probably none :P05:23
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johnyLeeJunFan: but it's possible to add a non-kde apps to it, isn't it?05:23
julioI have another question05:23
bitbytehope springs eternal devilsadvocate05:23
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LeeJunFanjohny: not the system button on the taskbar, to the system menu yes. The thing surgy is talking about is the system applet you can add to the taskbar.05:24
devilsadvocatejohey, the one next to the kde symbol05:24
juliomy english is nogood and Iwould like put on practice05:25
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julioanibody can helpme05:26
johnyLeeJunFan: what applet I completelly got confused05:26
surgyjulio what do you need?05:26
juliosomebody to tallk05:26
LeeJunFanjohny: the system applet, which is a button on the taskbar, as opposed to the system menu which is in the k-menu.05:26
joheydevilsadvocate: I'm not really sure that was for me.05:27
surgyjohny: lol its an application that opens into a menu on the taskbar next to the kde menu button which is in the botttom left hand corner the system menu is just to the right of that05:27
devilsadvocatejohey, it was. that is the system menu05:27
surgyjulio: this is a support channel05:27
surgyjulio: send me a pm05:27
devilsadvocate!offtopic | julio05:27
ubotujulio: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!05:27
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joheydevilsadvocate: I don't remember myself asking or talking about some menu.05:28
johnyLeeJunFan: the one which has home folder, storage devices ecc.. in it?05:28
juliothankyou friens05:28
LeeJunFanjohny: right.05:28
surgyjohny: thats the one05:28
surgyjulio: i sent yo a message is your nick registered?05:29
johnyLeeJunFan: ok, but if he need to add sth to it it's possible, isn't it?05:29
LeeJunFanMental note to self: setting super glue next to nasal spray on the desk - very bad idea.05:29
juliohow I can geit05:30
surgyjulio: if you register your nick with /msg nicks serve register [password]  [email]  i can talk to you in a pm05:30
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johnysurgy: you wanto to add a path there?05:31
julioI tryed also  amoment ago but nither culdnt05:31
surgyjohny: umm i want to add a link to an ip there05:31
julioit mark me a mistake05:32
surgyjulio: join #dew05:32
bitbytedo the #dew05:32
Dr_willisdo the #dont05:32
LeeJunFan#dewd - enough already.05:32
surgythats my nick in rl05:32
Dr_willisYou have a nick in real life?05:33
juliothis is my first time that I using linux05:33
surgyjulion: type /join #dew05:33
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surgyhow do i register that channel ?05:34
johnysurgy: don't know how to do that, but I belive it's possible05:34
surgyjohny: yeah we went over that allready, but thanx anyways05:34
johnysurgy: try to ask on #kde05:34
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julionow what?05:36
ErtainThough my webcam is connected and recognized, I can't seem to pick up anything through Kopete.05:36
surgyjulio: click on that channel and talk :)05:36
Dr_willis!info avahi05:37
ubotuPackage avahi does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas05:37
Dr_willis!find avahi05:37
ubotuFound: libavahi1.0-cil, monodoc-avahi-manual, wzdftpd-mod-avahi, avahi-daemon, libavahi-client-dev (and 20 others)05:37
johnysurgy: let me ask: why don't you add the link to the favourites? It'd be accessible easily05:37
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surgyjohny: becuase i use linux becuase i like things EXACTLY how i want them, totaly custome05:38
johnysurgy: ok05:38
=== Mater [n=pablo@230.pool85-54-133.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #kubuntu
bitbytedevilsadvocate, sos what's this "full upgrade" in adept do anyhow? just update anything that needs updating?05:39
devilsadvocatebitbyte, pretty much05:40
JucatoFull Upgrade in Adept = apt-get dist-upgrade05:40
mbellezahello...do you know how to play .flv video in kubuntu???05:40
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)05:40
Jucatombelleza: sorry, don't know. try Googling about it...05:40
devilsadvocatembelleza, you should be able to play it in mplayer, maybe eve kaffiene05:40
surgymbelleza: patients is a virtue, if your pushy you wont get answers05:40
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johnymbelleza: what's the problem?05:41
mbellezai cant play .flv...video in kubuntu..05:42
mbellezado you know how??05:42
devilsadvocatembelleza, sudo apt-get install mplayer05:42
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mbellezaok..il try05:43
mbellezai have to download first the mplayer05:43
K`zanAnyone here running mythtv in ubuntu ?05:43
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johnymbelleza: just paste that line in terminal05:44
mbellezaReading package lists... Done05:45
mbellezaBuilding dependency tree... Done05:45
mbellezaNote, selecting mplayer-custom instead of mplayer05:45
mbellezaSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have05:45
Jucato!pastebin | mbelleza05:45
mbellezarequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable05:45
ubotumbelleza: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:45
mbellezadistribution that some required packages have not yet been created05:45
mbellezaor been moved out of Incoming.05:45
mbellezaSince you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that05:45
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Jucato] by ChanServ
mbellezathe package is simply not installable and a bug report against05:45
mbellezathat package should be filed.05:45
mbellezaThe following information may help to resolve the situation:05:45
mbellezaThe following packages have unmet dependencies:05:45
mbelleza  mplayer-custom: Depends: aalib1 (>= 1.2)05:45
mbellezaE: Broken packages05:45
mbellezathats..the error05:45
mbellezasori im new to this irc05:45
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o Jucato] by Jucato
johnymbelleza: use that link the baot gave you and paste the content there, then save and paste the final link here05:46
=== devilsadvocate wonders if taking channel op is the irc way of drawing swords :P
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mbellezai dnt get it...05:47
surgydevilsadvocate: no thats the irc way of sniping someone in the leg05:47
devilsadvocate!pastebin | mbelleza05:47
ubotumbelleza: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:47
ernieanyone know if Konqueror can do Content Searches on Samba shares - its having kittens at the moment05:47
johnymbelleza: look carefully05:47
Dr_willisernie,  you may have ffaster/better luck by mounting the samba shares05:47
johnymbelleza: http://paste.... you see it?05:48
devilsadvocateernie, i dont think it can. yuo can only search a single share05:48
erniethey is mounted - I'm editing the file where I've cut the search term from...05:48
devilsadvocateernie, if you want to search the text files the fastest way in the short term iis to mount and do a recursive grep05:49
ernieahh ok - the ole fashioned way05:50
devilsadvocateernie, if you want a long term soulution, look at beagle05:50
devilsadvocateproblem with beagle is it takes time for it to crawl, so it wont work especially well on smaba shares05:51
erniedevilsadvocate: ok thanks - shall do05:51
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devilsadvocateernie, btw, beagle has a gui for kde called kerry and another called yabi .. you dont _have_ to use the gtk one it ships with05:52
johnymbelleza: try to paste this in terminal and paste what's comes out apt-cache search mplayer --names-only05:53
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jean-bhi there05:54
deathnotewhat's the software that drives php when we click on a php file? apache?05:54
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:55
jean-bis there an equivalent of skype for kubuntu?05:55
Dr_willisinstall skype..05:55
jean-bDr_willis: =)05:55
devilsadvocatedeathnote, its called php :P05:55
Dr_willisor some of the other net-phone tools (not that ive ever used any of the others)05:55
jean-bDr_willis: is there an open source skype?05:55
mbellezajohny: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4376/05:55
deathnotedevilsadvocate: any idea what user or group when it access files in php?05:55
Dr_willisjean-b,  not that i know of.05:55
Dr_willisbut i dont skype much any more05:55
devilsadvocatedeathnote, you want to test your php files?05:56
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jean-bDr_willis: i'm in a foreign country, and i want to get in touch with relatives by phone05:56
devilsadvocatedeathnote, or do you want to do run a server?05:56
jean-bthe most intersting software is skype?05:56
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Dr_willisjean-b,  pc to pc calling.. or pc to real phone?05:56
jean-bpc to real phone05:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xampp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:57
deathnotedevilsadvocate: yea i got a php in my server which suppose to read another file.. if i set read access to "others" then it can read..but if i off it it couldn't read05:57
Dr_willisscype costs money for that now - i belive.05:57
deathnotedevilsadvocate: so now i trying to find out which user is accessing it so i can add in the group05:57
jean-byes i know, but it is still good prices05:57
devilsadvocatedeathnote, you have the server software then?05:57
devilsadvocatedeathnote, i suppost that would depend on the user that is running apache/php05:58
jean-bDr_willis: do you know a free service to call pc to phone?05:58
devilsadvocatedeathnote, i believe usually that is root or a daemon05:58
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deathnotelemme try05:58
Dr_willisjean-b,  nope.05:58
geniusvickshow do I enable java in konqueror?05:59
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:59
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Dr_willisinstall it.. restart konwueror.. and it should see it.05:59
johnymbelleza: you have to find good mplayer repository...05:59
jean-bthanx Dr_willis06:00
johnymbelleza: the package you have to install is "mplayer"06:00
deathnotewow.. thanks a million!!! its daemon06:02
surgymbelleza: do you know how to enable repositorys?06:02
deathnotei added daemon into my video group.. and restarted apache..it worked06:02
johnysomeone knows where to find a good mplayer repository?06:02
surgymbelleza: if so then make sure all your repositorys are enabled then "sudo apt-get install mplayer06:02
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ForgeAushey all06:03
ForgeAusum having a little bit of trouble again06:03
surgyhey forgeaus06:03
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:03
devilsadvocatenp deathnote06:03
ForgeAustrying to use ark to copy a file... but like always I have root priveleges problems06:03
mbellezain synaptic right?06:03
ForgeAushow do I run ark from within ark as su?06:03
johnymbelleza: yeh but not only06:04
johnymbelleza: try from synaptic06:04
Dr_willisksudo ark or whatever the thing is06:04
JucatoForgeAus: kdesu ark06:04
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Dr_williskdesu ?  i always forget06:04
JucatoDr_willis: huh?06:05
=== Dr_willis is old-skool and uses 'sux' :)
ForgeAusI wish if it come across something like "you do not have the priveleges to do that"  it'd just come up a password window instead of forcign me to quit the app backtrack to where I come from, run the program from console with kdesu infront of it each time06:05
surgyforgeaus: cp [file directory and file]   [the directory and file to copy it to]   like this "cp /user/home/file  /user/home/storage/file"06:05
mbellezajohny: there's alot of mplayer-doc, mozilla-mplayer06:06
Dr_willisForgeAus,   figure out a way of doing that then....06:06
Dr_willisForgeAus,  its a lot harder task then it seems.06:06
ForgeAusI think running sudo mc in console is the best file manager!06:06
Dr_willisForgeAus,  from what i hear Windows Vista has a simile rfeature to that.. and its constantly nagging people.06:06
ForgeAusthe gui ones you need to set up a root mode one for...06:06
mbellezawhat would i enable???06:06
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johnymbelleza: mbelleza : try to find "mplayer" without nothing06:06
Dr_willisForgeAus,  thats EXactly   what i use.. mc in a terminal.06:06
ForgeAusDr Willis yeah I heard06:06
mbellezatheres no mplayer06:07
Dr_willisForgeAus,  given the Amount of spyware/malware out there.. i think limiting users.. is a good thing06:07
Dr_willis!info mplayer06:07
ubotumplayer: The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:0.99+1.0pre8-0ubuntu8 (edgy), package size 3461 kB, installed size 8624 kB06:07
ForgeAusDr Willis I just wish there was a gui app that I could drag and drop files and not have things constantly complain I can't do this because of root priveleges with no way to get around it but exit the app and rerun it06:07
geniusvickshow do I enable java in konqueror?06:07
ForgeAus(as a diff user)06:07
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johnymbelleza: what wersion of Ubuntu are you using?06:07
Dr_willisForgeAus,  amazing thing is.. for me.. i rarely have to do ANYTHING as root user  these days...06:07
mbellezaim using kubuntu06:08
Dr_willisForgeAus,  perhaps edit a /etc/ file every once in a while...06:08
ForgeAusDr Willis ur lucky then06:08
ForgeAusyeah them too06:08
ForgeAuslike my fstab06:08
Dr_willisbut i got the system setup..  and it just runs and runs.. :)06:08
ForgeAusand stuff06:08
ForgeAusI'm not so concerned about the system if it falls over I got support here and the LiveCD to help get it back up06:08
johnymbelleza: ok, but which one "Edgy Eft" "Dapper"?06:09
ubotudapper is the 4th release of Ubuntu.  Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake".06:09
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ubotumbelezza: please see above06:09
ubotumbelezza: Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes06:09
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erniedevilsadvocate: I solved the problem by mounting the share and searching through that - Its now finding things :)06:10
devilsadvocateDr_willis, then i would say you arent having enough fun :P06:10
devilsadvocateernie, searching using?06:10
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Dr_willisdevilsadvocate,  off to play some Oblivion i think. :) i got the game.. and havent played it much.. byeeee. :)06:10
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erniekonqueror - it has trouble do a content search on a samba share06:10
surgymbelleza: what is the problem your having exactly?06:11
devilsadvocateernie, ah. great :P06:11
ernieits all good when its mounted06:11
ForgeAuswell kinda feisty is the latest but its still in alpha (or is it beta) mode06:11
ForgeAusIv'e never heard of a delta or gamma app... lol06:11
matt0507my search feature from the kmenu doesnt work, i even specfied a folder full of that porn files and when i clicked search it finds nothing, but when i try locate: in konqueror it works fine,anyone know whats wrong with the search feture?06:11
erniebeagle was going to be a real bugga to install - went for the path of least hair pulling :)06:12
mbellezasurgy: i want to view my .flv video...06:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:13
mbellezai cant update this computer..coz its not mine..this is own by our company06:13
devilsadvocateForgeAus, its alpha. and there is no gamma or delta06:14
surgymbelleza: do this for me: open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install mplayer06:14
johnymbelleza: look here :https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#head-8a18d4250a1c368b58239ba0d6fcc4e5639fa42f06:14
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surgymbelleza: and then got to www.pastebin.ca and paste everything out of that window and then give me the url of the paste so that i can look at it and see if you need a repo or you have errors06:14
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mbellezaok..tanx to all06:15
mbellezatanx to johny..surgy...ubotu....06:15
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johnymbelleza: is everything ok now?06:17
ForgeAushmmm why doesn't ark automatically run kdesu for me? when it comes across a privileges thing?06:18
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surgymbelleza: its working now?06:18
hardtofindanickfor some odd reason katapult doesn't work all of a sudden06:18
hardtofindanickany ideas anyone?06:18
ForgeAusif I don't have or know the pass then I don't get in... thats fine no trouble there..06:18
mbellezanot yet...06:18
erniehardtofindanick: is the rubber band broken?06:18
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hardtofindanickernie: rubber band?06:18
johnymbelleza: now you know how to make it work?06:19
erniewell thats more suited to a sling shot :)06:19
mbellezayah..but il try...06:19
johnysomeone who's got "mplayer" in the repos could paste all the link ready to be pasted do sources.list. It could help06:19
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hardtofindanickernie: what is a rubber band?06:20
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bill57785how do I get the packages it mentions I need to install06:20
surgyjohny: do you know what your doing? becuase that last sentence didnt make any sense06:20
erniehardtofindanick: dont worry - it was my poor attempt at being funny06:20
devilsadvocatemplayer is in universe/main/multiverse i believe. all i did was to uncomment the lines to install more or less everything i needed06:20
hardtofindanickernie: sorry, I just didn't get it :$06:21
hardtofindanickernie: anyway, any ideas?06:21
bill57785everytime I got to install something, it always give me that commend to put in, but then it tells me those files dont exist so it cant be installed06:21
johnysurgy: why? We need only alink from someone's repos to "mplayer" package, am I right?06:21
devilsadvocatehardtofindanick, details of the problem?06:22
surgyjohny: no06:22
hardtofindanickdevilsadvocate: well, Alt-Space all of a sudden doesn't bring up katapult anymore06:22
johnysurgy: explain then06:22
hardtofindanickdevilsadvocate: if I type katapult in the console, I get the message that it is running06:22
surgyjohny: a link to someones repos package mplayer doesnt make any sense a repository is where you get your packages from and in this case the package is called mplayer06:22
hardtofindanickdevilsadvocate: but it doesn't work06:22
wordHobbsee: I changed some things in the bios including forcing the memory to ddr400 which got it to just above my old performance i'm going to upgrade to fiesty (have no patience ;p) and see if that does even more for it.06:23
devilsadvocatehardtofindanick, i'd say the problem is with your keybindings and not katapult06:23
hardtofindanickdevilsadvocate: why did the key bindings change all of a sudden?06:23
surgyjohny: and sense the package is called "mplayer" and he has all of his repositorys activated then all he has to do is "sudo apt-get install mplayer" and it will download and install the package mplayer as root06:23
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hardtofindanickdevilsadvocate: how do I change them back?06:23
johnysurgy: didn't get it, sorry06:23
devilsadvocatehardtofindanick, look at the katapult settings and anything where you may have edited the keybinding06:23
hardtofindanickdevilsadvocate: you are talking to a newbie, how do I get to the katapult settings?06:24
johnysurgy: but he's already tried to do it and apt-get broke06:24
erniehardtofindanick: when you get your katapault running - try running from within your KDE - it bings up a picture of a slingshot for some reason :)06:24
bill57785anyone at all that can help me?06:24
devilsadvocatehardtofindanick, most kde applications have their settings in one of the menus on the top of the window, called 'configure k****'06:25
johnysurgy: the problem was she/he didn't have "mplayer" package after apt-cache search --names-only06:25
surgyjohny: lol you should look into it, and "apt-get broke" doesnt work well here its too vague. you need to use pastebin and give us errors to look at06:25
devilsadvocatehardtofindanick,otherwise maybe you can rightclick and try06:25
hardtofindanickdevilsadvocate: but what am I clicking on? katapult just runs in the background doesn't it?06:25
devilsadvocatehardtofindanick, i havent used katapult much :) . doesnt it open a window of some sort?06:26
johnysurgy: I know it's already've been pasted06:26
devilsadvocateyou say it works from the terminal?06:26
surgyjohny: that means that he is missing the required repository in /etc/apt/sources.list06:26
hardtofindanickdevilsadvocate: no, it just shows the box that it is running06:26
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johnysurgy: hi man, high time06:27
devilsadvocatehardtofindanick, then right click on the box06:27
hardtofindanickdevilsadvocate: its just a tooltip, it doesnt' give any options06:27
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johnysurgy: I proposed to give to msbelezza one's repos with good directions to mplayer06:27
hardtofindanickdevilsadvocate: try it, type katapult in the console and you'll see06:27
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johnysurgy: If i'm not right, correct me it's perfectly ok to me.06:28
devilsadvocatehardtofindanick, try folling around with thaat icon - click, double click, right click. thats basicaly where you can access it now. if not, try to restart your computer.. it_might_ help06:28
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devilsadvocatehardtofindanick, not on kde now06:29
Fenix-Darkis that kwireless setup utility kubuntu only?06:29
surgyjohny: i was told not to do that, by someone i forgot who, but if you accidently gave them a bad repo or something of that nature you could screw everything up06:29
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zakameafternoon all06:29
johnysurgy: ah ok, is there any solution to that, I tried to find mplayer's repos on the web. Maybe you know a page?06:30
=== specialbuddy [n=matt@24-236-212-154.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
specialbuddyhow do I change the kdm them06:30
Jucato!changethemes | specialbuddy06:31
ubotuspecialbuddy: [Ubuntu]  Install gnome-themes or go to menu, system settings, appearance. [KDE]  For a good KDE guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu06:31
zakamefor great justice06:31
surgyjohny: it should be in the multiverse universe or restricted modules, they are allready in your sources.list you just need to uncomment them06:32
Jucatozakame: ??06:32
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Jucatozakame: wrong channel? :P06:32
johnymbelleza: have you got all the repositories unblocked?06:32
zakameJucato: no, just agreeing with ubotu :P06:32
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johnysurgy: yeah but mbelezza doesn't know what version of kubuntu is using...06:33
johnysurgy: any way to find that out?06:33
surgywhen did he download it?06:33
Jucato"lsb_release -a"06:34
johnysurgy: I was going to ask if sh's here06:34
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johnymbelleza: when did you download Kubuntu?06:34
specialbuddyso what is fiesty going to have that edgy doesn't?06:35
mbellezalast december 200606:35
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devilsadvocatespecialbuddy, kde3.5.6 for starters06:35
johnyJucato: thanks06:35
surgyif he downloaded recently he has kubuntu edgy 6.1006:35
Jucatombelleza: try running this command in Konsole to see your Kubuntu version: lsb_release -a06:36
surgymbelleza: maybe its time to get the new cd image?06:36
devilsadvocatesurgy, that isnt entirely necessary. dapper and edgy are show side by side ...06:36
johnymbelleza: paste this in your terminal and tell us what comes out lsb_release -a06:36
mbellezajohny: ok06:36
specialbuddydevilsadvocate, what's good about that?06:36
mbellezajohny: 6.0606:36
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devilsadvocatespecialbuddy, its newer. a few less bugs, a few more features06:37
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:37
=== sts9 [n=sts9@CPE-72-128-110-34.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
manchickendevilsadvocate: I wouldn't encourage people to move to feisty yet.06:37
manchickenThere are still some serious issues.06:37
surgydevilsadvocate: when i first tried linux it was on dapper, and i found it a bit harder, for some reason but it might just be me06:37
devilsadvocatemanchicken, neither do i06:37
mbellezajohny: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4379/06:37
johnymbelleza: you can add the page ypu paste on to the favourities06:37
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manchickenOh... nevermind.  I totally read that wrong.06:38
manchickenMy ad.06:38
devilsadvocatehe just asked what fiesty _will_ have06:38
manchickenYeah, just fixed a nasty issue with adept yesterday ^_^06:38
Menawhat is the deffrent between  beryl  with XGL and beryl with AIGLX06:38
johnymbelleza: you're using dapper, remember that Kubuntu Dapper06:38
draik!beryl | Mena06:38
ubotuMena: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects06:38
manchickenOkay, bed time.06:38
johnysurgy: she's using dapper, does it change sth?06:39
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surgyjohny: not sure on that one06:39
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surgyjohny: to be honest i dont know what sth is06:39
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neilanyone know if there is a shockwave player for linux?06:40
johnysurgy: Sorry i meant something06:40
ubotuShockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave06:40
devilsadvocatembelleza, open up a terminal, type "sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list" . in the text file that opens up, remove the '#' from the beginning of all pf the lines that start with the word "deb"06:41
neilok where do i get wine>06:41
surgyjohny it means he is using an old version, if he upgrades to edgy he will have the latest version with the latest stable security fixes and software support06:41
devilsadvocateneil, look at gFlashPlayer06:41
devilsadvocatesurgy, that is not true. dapper is LTS06:41
surgyneil: sudo apt-get install wine06:41
neili am using kubuntu 6.1006:41
surgydevilsadvocate: johny: i stand currected06:42
johnysurgy: so apt-get dist-upgrade . right?06:42
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surgyjohny: i have never done an upgrade i backup everything and then download the new live cd burn it and reinstall06:43
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neilsays apt command not found06:43
surgyjohny: devilsadvocate knows way more than i do about this and he said your fine with dapper06:43
Jucatoneil: it's "sudo apt-get install wine"06:43
surgyneil: audo apt-get install wine                 make sure it is exact06:43
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surgyman i cant type06:44
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johnydevilsadvocate: I was thinking of givig to mbelezza this http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/06:44
neilpackage wine has no installation canidate06:44
johnysurgy: Ok06:44
sts9alright, anyone have issues with amarok 1.4.5 and their iPod?  just talked to the amarok people and they said it updated its libgpod requirements to .0.4.2     Im using feisty and still its 0.4.0  so thats prob why its not working06:45
ForgeAuswhat glibc has kubuntu edgy got?06:45
mbellezajohny: all the lines that strt with deb has no # at the beginning06:45
sts9so Im assuming the edgy people could have the same problem06:45
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johnymbelleza: which is perfectly fine06:45
devilsadvocatejohny, sure. but i dont think its necessary06:45
devilsadvocatembelleza, 'all' of them?06:46
johnydevilsadvocate: no, now i know that she's got all the repos unblocked06:46
mbellezajohny: yap....06:46
surgyneil: you need to add your repos06:46
devilsadvocatembelleza, do "sudo apt-get update"06:46
neili am doing the update thing06:47
johnymbelleza: and then try to install mplayer by sudo apt-get install mplayer06:47
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devilsadvocatembelleza, johny then do "sudo apt-get install mplayer" and post the errors on pastebin06:47
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sheldonchas anybody successfully installed kubuntu to an external usb drive ?06:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:48
mbellezajohny: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4380/06:48
neili really appreciate you guys on this channel. you are very helpfull. i just installed yesterday and kinda got it working today.06:48
neilhow do i get my repos or whatever?06:49
devilsadvocatembelleza, can you patebin your sources.list please?06:49
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devilsadvocateneil, /etc/apt/source.list is your apt sources list06:49
surgyneil: type sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list          and then remove the # from everyline that says #deb06:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:50
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devilsadvocateneil, s/source/sources06:50
neilsounds good how do i edit the file?06:50
mbellezajohny: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4381/06:50
mbellezadevilsadvocate: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4381/06:51
devilsadvocateneil, sudo kate (or nano or vi) <filename>06:51
mbellezathat is my sources.list06:51
neilok thank you06:51
devilsadvocatembelleza, that list can cause serious breakage, you are using dapper / hoary / warty all at the same time06:51
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surgynot good06:52
devilsadvocatembelleza, remove the last line from your sources.list06:52
neilits still doing the upgrade so i will have to wait06:52
surgydevilsadvocate: does edgy automaticly back up the sources.list?06:52
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devilsadvocatesurgy, edgy is a distribution. it has nothing todo with backing up the list06:53
mbellezadevilsadvocate: ill just put # sign to the last line..is it ok??06:53
devilsadvocatembelleza, sure. while you're at it., i'd suggest doing the same for the 2nd last line06:53
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surgydevilsadvocate: i was refering to the kubuntu operating system, sorry for the bad use of proper words.06:54
devilsadvocatesurgy, still incorrect. its the app which edits the list that should back it up.06:54
mbellezadevilsadvocate: im afraid it will cause damage to the compt06:55
neilhow often should i run this update thing?06:55
mbellezadevilsadvocate: this is not mine...this is company's unit06:55
devilsadvocatembelleza, the last line you can remove safely06:55
mbellezadevilsadvocate: but wat about the last second line??06:55
surgydevilsadvocate: it whould be nice if it was incorperated into the OS though along with fstab and xorge. so that we could have restore points :)06:55
devilsadvocatethe 2nd last one is a non-standard repo, and i dont know which packages you are using from it06:56
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devilsadvocatembelleza, ok. leave the 2nd last as is.06:56
johnydevilsadvocate: she's got multiverse category in backports, is it correct06:56
mbellezadevilsadvocate: ok try...hope this will work06:57
devilsadvocatei guess. its unlikely she added it herself06:57
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devilsadvocatejohey, it might be easier and safer to give her the sources.list generator06:58
devilsadvocatethere is some insane breakage here06:58
johnydevilsadvocate: i thought so06:58
surgyneil: after you do the big update adept will tell you when the smaller updates are available06:58
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joheydevilsadvocate: Still, I don't see how I am involved. ;)06:58
ubotusshfs: filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6-1 (edgy), package size 29 kB, installed size 116 kB06:59
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johnymbelleza: go to http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/ and try to generate the file filling all the matches06:59
neilhow long does this update thing take>06:59
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johnymbelleza: your release is 6.06 Dapper07:00
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neilno 6.10 edgy07:00
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neilsorry thought you were talking to me07:00
johnyneil: np07:00
surgygaim can chat with msn clients right?07:00
surgyi dont like kopete07:01
neili use kopete is gaim better?07:01
surgyneil: its personal preference07:01
neili see07:01
rexbronhey I am having some trouble with sshfs07:02
neilkopete is the only one i have tried so i guess its my preference. lol07:02
rexbronI am mounting it to /media/rampage07:02
johnyfor me kopete has all , but surgy is right- personal preference07:02
rexbronbut I get this:07:02
rexbronroot@mayhem:/media# cd rampage07:02
rexbronbash: cd: rampage: Permission denied07:02
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rexbronor rather wtf ftw07:02
surgyrexbron: your permissions on the mount point are set to where root cant read it?07:03
johnymbelleza: you know how is your computer architecture?07:04
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neilhow long does this update thing take?07:05
surgyneil:depends on your hardware and i-net connection07:05
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neilits at get:62 do you know how far it goes?07:05
rexbronsurgy: cd claimes that it is not a dir, even though I just mkdir'd it and then tries to sshfs to mount on it07:06
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surgyneil: nope it told you how many packages close to the beginning07:06
neiloh i must have missed it. i will scroll back and look.07:06
surgyrexbaron: sorry i dont know anything about that, my first assumption was a guess at best07:06
neili feel so dumb. lol07:06
mbellezajohny: what's that for?????07:07
neilholy 103 packages07:07
johnymbelleza: what you mean ?07:07
surgyneil: and your on 62 :)07:07
neilwell 68 now07:08
surgyneil: over halfway07:08
johnymbelleza: i send you a link to sources generator07:08
neilya it should be done by morning07:08
surgyneil: are you on dial up?07:08
neilhow often do you do this upgrade thing07:08
neilevery day or when?07:08
surgyneil: adept will tell you when updates are needed07:10
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surgyneil: consider this first long upgrade like windows xp getting sp207:10
neilwhat is adept?07:10
Mena!kdm theme07:10
ubotukdm: X display manager for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3.2 (edgy), package size 611 kB, installed size 1480 kB07:10
neili see07:10
surgyadept is the package manager that is defualt on kubuntu, it is the gui way of doing what you are doing now07:10
=== Jucato is wondering who's looking about kdm themes
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neili can do this upgrade through the gui and dont have to do it through the terminal window?07:11
mbellezajohny: i copied the sources.list which is the multimedia package..but error occurs looking for mplayer package07:11
surgyneil: yes, but if it takes a long time i whould suggest using the terminal. i find adept to be a little unstable, so if its not just a quick download i use terminal07:12
neilok i will remember that. thank you for the info07:13
surgyno problem07:13
neilcan i run 2 terminal windows at the same time? like edit the source file and do the upgrade together?07:15
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surgyneil: yes07:15
neilit wont hurt anything?07:15
surgyneil: but if you try to access apt again it will be locked07:16
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neiloh so you cant use the same command at the same time but you can use anyother command07:16
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surgyand i might be wrong here but i think you can only sudo one instance of a given file at a time07:16
surgyfor instance you cant sudo kate /user/home/poop in one window and do it again in another but i might be wrong07:17
neilok no prob but i can do the update and sudo kate the source file at the same time07:17
surgybut you can sudo kate [another file besides poop] 07:17
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Jucatokdesu kate07:17
surgyi whouldnt07:17
Jucatobot lag...07:17
ubotuIn KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo07:17
johny_mbelleza: how's going there?07:17
surgyneil: dont chnage your sources.list while apt is using it thats bad07:18
neilok so wait till the update is done07:18
surgyi whould07:19
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neilok well i am going to leave it work by itsself and i am going to go to bed. i will see it tomorrow when its done.07:19
surgyok good night07:19
neilthank all you people for your help.07:19
neili will learn eventually. i just installed yesterday and finished today so i am very new to this/07:20
SovietKidis there a way to intergrate konversation with firefox, so when i click an irc link it opens in knoversation?07:20
surgyneil: i am still a noob, and everyone here was once07:21
neilwell thanks again and have a great night.07:21
surgysovietkid: not that i know of, but i think there are irc plug ins for firefox, also you might look at opera, it has a nice irc client and bitt torrent client built in07:22
SovietKidokay thanks07:22
SovietKidill look into it07:22
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surgygood night slaves of linus, and sweet dreams........07:28
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deathnoteanyone knows why my ktorrent keel stalling ? i have to manual annouce after some time07:29
shdwghst457anyone here able to help me with getting a GUI running on an emac?07:29
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n8k99./configure can not find X includes - how do I fix that?07:29
Jucaton8k99: install xorg-dev07:30
shdwghst457xorg.conf is what i'm told my emac problem is but i dont know what to do to fix it07:30
n8k99shdwghst457 you have been able to login into a terminal screen, right?07:31
shdwghst457i boot from the live cd and hit enter, it goes through a long load screen and then when it tries to boot the gui it says it cant07:32
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n8k99then where does it take you?07:32
shdwghst457to a terrible bluish screen that tells me something's wrong with the xorg.conf file (emac display is an unusual dimension)07:33
n8k99what happens when you ctrl-alt-f1 ?07:34
shdwghst457it seems to be a common problem on the emac but i just dont know how to fix it07:34
shdwghst457will ctrl alt f1 work on a mac?07:34
n8k99it did on my powerbook07:34
shdwghst457hm do you have aim?07:34
n8k99yeah- same nick07:35
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.07:36
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deathnoteanyone knows why my ktorrent keep stalling ? i have to manual annouce after some time.. my internet is stable no disconnect at all..07:37
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deathnoteshdwghst457: u installing kubuntu on ur mac?07:38
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Mena!kdm theme07:43
ubotukdm: X display manager for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3.2 (edgy), package size 611 kB, installed size 1480 kB07:43
JucatoMena: ?07:44
Menajucato, yes ahh.. what is the command for installing kdm07:44
Menawhat its name07:44
Menakdm theme ?07:44
ubotukdmtheme: theme manager for KDM. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.2-1 (edgy), package size 100 kB, installed size 264 kB07:44
Jucatothat one?07:44
JucatoKDM is already installed by default.07:44
Jucatokdmtheme is a GUI KDM Theme manager07:45
Menano no the login screen manager07:45
JucatoMena: did you remove it?07:45
Menajucato, no07:45
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=== Saints [n=luna6_@wsip-70-183-113-7.no.no.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
JucatoMena: what are you trying to do?07:45
Menajucato, i wanted ti install new login screen and i forget the name07:45
jordo23Jucato: Do you know of a KDE/QT paint program that supports .TGA?  For second life?07:46
Jucatoit lets you add new KDM themes07:46
JucatoKDM = login screen07:46
Menajucato, okay07:46
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Jucatojordo23: not really sure. can't open with Krita?07:46
jordo23Jucato: Can't save to that format in Krita...07:46
ForgeAusso instead of the purple login screen you can alter it to look like other things07:47
Jucatojordo23: try export?07:47
jordo23Does installing the Gimp install the entire GTK library?07:47
jordo23No....will try now...07:47
ForgeAusark linux is interesting07:47
ForgeAususes kynaptic07:47
Saintsim in using kubuntu in feisty ...how do you get the taskbar to show apps from only that desktop....rather than all desktops?07:47
ForgeAusand introduced me to platero (ala kde mldonkey front end)07:47
JucatoSaints: right-click on the panel -> Configure Panel -> Taskbar options07:48
jordo23Jucato: Nope....cant export in Krita to .tga....07:48
Menajucato, the utiltie to add new one wich i was can open from Kcontrol>>>appearnce>>KDM theme07:48
Jucatojordo23: not really sure what else there is.... alhough it might due to a bug in KOffice 1.6.x07:48
ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.07:48
JucatoMena: kdmtheme07:48
Saintsjucato.....i dont see an option for that in the in taskbar options....07:48
JucatoMena: also, it's KControl - Administration -> KDM Theme Manager07:49
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire07:49
Saintsjust sort alphabetically, minimized windows, application icons, window list button07:49
JucatoSaints: [ ]  Show windows from all desktops?07:49
JucatoSaints: do you have a taskbar at all?07:49
Menajucato , why i cant install it07:49
Jucatothe taskbar applet, I mean07:49
JucatoMena: what do you mean?07:49
Menajucato , last time used it ....to use it i installed that utiltie to change the login07:50
JucatoMena: yes. I know. what do you mean "can't install it"07:50
JucatoSaints: the Panel is not the taskbar, so you might have a panel, but no taskbar applet07:50
Saintsah how do i get the taskbar applet?07:50
Menajucato, yes and i know that but how i try too many ways of commands07:51
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JucatoMena: sudo apt-get install kdmtheme07:51
JucatoMena: or use Adept07:51
JucatoSaints: right-click on the panel -> Add Applet to Panel -> look for Taskbar and click Add to Panel07:51
Menahe couldnt find it do i need to add repos07:52
JucatoMena: make sure universe is enabled07:53
Saintshmm i tried that and i do have a taskbar...i can see icons for opened apps on the taskbar...but it shows all the apps from all desktops...07:53
Menai didnt guess that it would be the reason ..ok07:53
JucatoSaints: now look at the Taskbar options again07:53
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Saintsright click configure panel - taskbar ...i have 4 boxes i can check (alphabetically, minimized windows, application icons, window list button)07:54
JucatoSaints: hm... strange...07:55
Saintsalong with gruop similar task, appearance, and actions for left, middle and right button07:55
Saintsyeah...maybe chane in feisty?07:55
Jucatomight be a bug in feisty. in any case, try asking in #ubuntu+107:55
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Saintsi havent used kde in awhile..been using gnome..but using kde again...usually right click and taskbar option ...has that for show all windows07:55
n8k99so now ./configure can not find kde07:56
JucatoSaints: why using feisty?07:56
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Jucaton8k99: install kde-devel07:56
n8k99yeah thought you were gonna say that!07:56
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n8k99:P your self ;-)07:57
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Menajucato ,Yoy use beryl right07:57
Menajucato ,You*07:58
JucatoMena: no07:58
Saintsah ...i dont know...i like it so far :)07:58
Menajucato ,okay07:58
Saintsi dual boot with edgy...but use feisty more these days07:58
Menacool you can use the both07:59
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JucatoSaints: given that feisty is still alpha, a lot of things are bound to be broken/missing/not working properly07:59
Jucatoso it shouldn't come as a surprise. all that's needed is to confirm/report bugs, in #ubuntu+107:59
Saintsim just hoping they didnt disable that feature...it would be dumb07:59
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Jucatoof course they didn't/won't08:00
Jucatoit's obviously a bug08:00
=== n8k99 loves obvious bugs and more launchpad karma
Saintsim thinking a bug just wouldn't work...not have that option completely gone08:01
Saintsbut i hope you're right jucato08:01
Jucaton8k99: heh, unfortunately, karma has been a bit reduced08:01
JucatoSaints: bug = anything that makes a program not work the way it's supposed to08:01
n8k99yeah, they was compounding it daily!08:01
Jucatootherwise, we call it a "feature" :)08:01
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JucatoLaunchpad thingy08:03
n8k99sort of like nerdpoints08:03
ForgeAusohhh kay... dunno much about it08:03
ForgeAusfiesty should get mldonkey and platero... easier than installing the manual way like I've been trying to08:05
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mldonkey - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:06
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ubotukmldonkey: KDE GUI for MLDonkey. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.1-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 853 kB, installed size 2932 kB08:07
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neilquick question for someone08:14
neilwhy when i put in my root password wont it let me change my network settings and stuff. i am running kubuntu 6.1008:15
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neilwhy when i put in my root password wont it let me change my network settings and stuff. i am running kubuntu 6.1008:16
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neilwhy when i put in my root password wont it let me change my network settings and stuff. i am running kubuntu 6.1008:16
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xsachaneil: sudo password ..08:17
neilok i will try that again08:18
neilthank you08:18
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orient2000Anybody has an idea what to do with this link /./?08:19
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orient2000W: Failed to fetch http://ubuntusoftware.info/./gaim-data_1-0x1.9df1a08932275p-22.0.0+beta6-0ubuntu4_all.deb08:19
orient2000  404 Not Found08:19
orient2000W: Failed to fetch http://ubuntusoftware.info/./gaim-data_1-0x1.9df1a08932275p-22.0.0+beta6-0ubuntu4_all.deb08:19
orient2000  404 Not Found08:19
neilnow it wont let me edit and it doesnt even ask me for the password08:19
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geno-irssiis anyone around?08:21
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geno-irssianyone awake mind helping me?08:23
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malikgeno-irssi: whats goin on?08:24
orient2000can you tell me your problem? I just loged in.08:25
geno-irssifor some reason, whenever im in the console08:25
geno-irssi(either log on console, or press ctrl-alt-fx)08:26
geno-irssilike not in x08:26
geno-irssii have lines going horizontally down my screen08:26
geno-irssiand im not sure why :/08:26
malikhave u tried restarting x server?08:27
geno-irssiyea, but I dont think thats it08:27
geno-irssiconsidering im not in x08:27
geno-irssix runs fine08:27
geno-irssiits just in the fullscreen console :/08:27
geno-irssii know its not a lot of information :/08:29
geno-irssii figured i would give it a try08:29
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orient2000what kind of lines? letters? text? or just lines?08:29
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geno-irssijust lines really08:30
geno-irssias you can see im in irssi...08:30
geno-irssiand it has the blue header at the top08:30
geno-irssiso there are blue lines going all the way down my screen08:30
geno-irssiif im not in irssi, then there are black lines going down the screen :/08:31
orient2000maybe it is wrong frequency of a monitor. Do you have auto button on yor monitor? try lower the resolution...08:31
geno-irssilaptop screen08:32
orient2000lower the resolution08:32
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geno-irssihow can I lower it from console08:32
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orient2000lower from desktop and then try console08:33
orient2000goto system settings08:33
orient2000and then to monitor08:34
geno-irssiwell the resolution in x is fine :/08:35
orient2000maybe is fine but driver maybe can not handle correctly. Maybe be you have to correct refreshing frequency of a screen.08:36
orient2000If you lower resolution to 480x768 and problem disapear that mens you have this problem.08:37
deathnotei've got this error kernel: saa7134[0] /audio: audio carrier scan failed, using 5.500 MHz [default] 08:38
geno-irssiill give it a try08:38
geno-irssialso deathnote is great :)08:38
geno-irssithanks orient200008:38
deathnotewhat does it mean? my /dev/ doesn't have saa7134[0] 08:39
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orient2000about saa7134. This is a v4l2/OSS device driver for saa7130/34 based capture / TV ... Note that the saa7134 driver also is included in the 2.6.x kernels. ...08:40
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Ch1ppyHello, I just installed Kubuntu and I don't have any sound, which is strange because my previous install (Ubuntu 6.06 upgraded to 6.10 with KDE installed) had great sound.  Can anyone help me out?08:47
Alzi2How to play FLV files on kubuntu?08:47
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deathnotehi sir, i'm using 2.4.20-xfs kernel for my machine..hehe08:47
dinosaur-rusAlzi2: use mplayer08:47
Alzi2Isn't there any codec for it? I mean.. for kaffeine?08:48
dinosaur-rusCh1ppy: does testing in KDE Control Center work?08:48
deathnote[15:40]  <orient2000> about saa7134. This is a v4l2/OSS device driver for saa7130/34 based capture / TV ... Note that the saa7134 driver also is included in the 2.6.x kernels. ... <-- i'm using a 2.4.20-xfs ..what should i do?08:48
Ch1ppydinosaur-rus: nope08:48
dinosaur-rusAlzi2: oh... I don't use Kaffeine :P08:48
JucatoAlzi2: if you have mplayer installed, you can let Kaffeine use mplayer as the engine instead of xine. not sure if that will let you play .flv in kaffeine08:49
Alzi2Jucato: Oh, that's neato!08:49
dinosaur-rusCh1ppy: hmm08:49
Ch1ppydinosaur-rus: my thoughts exactly :)08:50
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dinosaur-rusCh1ppy: what device is seleted in KDE (Hardware tab in sound settings)?08:51
Ch1ppydinosaur-rus: the right one... but grrr, just got it... for some reason, the default mixer settings had one of the options down, and that wasn't letting sound through... :(08:52
dinosaur-rusCh1ppy: lol08:52
Ch1ppydinosaur-rus: llaaammmeeee08:53
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Ch1ppydinosaur-rus: thanks for the help though :)08:53
neilhow do i install an rpm file?08:53
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=== ForgeAus debreaks packages!
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ForgeAusneil you don't08:53
neilwhat do i do with it?08:53
dinosaur-rusneil: why should you use RPMs in Kubuntu?08:54
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)08:54
deathnotehow do i find out what version of drivers i'm using for saa7134 ??? what's the command to check08:54
neili downloaded a theme which is a rpm file08:54
ForgeAusperhaps you can open it in an archiver and check whats in it..08:54
ForgeAusif its binaries you may be able to just copy them and run them but if its source code you'd have to try it manually...08:55
ForgeAusand I can't promise that it will work at all08:55
deathnotehow do i find out what version of drivers i'm using for saa7134 ??? what's the command to check in console08:55
ForgeAusalso RPM's often have dependancy issues08:55
ForgeAusif the package is available in a .deb or on the ubuntu repositories your better to get the ubuntu equiavelnts08:56
neilok thank you08:56
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Menajucato, what is the name of sun java plz i alaways i think wuould keep this thngs in a text09:00
Menato install it i mean09:00
Jucatosun-java5-bin or sun-java6-bin09:00
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Jucato(sun-java6-bin is in -backports)09:01
Menajucato , is that save if i installed 609:01
Menaany conflicts would happened09:01
Jucatoyou will be warned if there are conflicts. but it's safe09:01
Menajucato , okay thanks09:02
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_rawrHELP PLZ09:03
_rawrwho's up?09:03
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_rawrgot a question09:03
_rawrI have windows on one HDD & kubuntu on the other HDD & both in the same comp, took the kubuntu HDD out, & got a grub boot error, WHY?09:04
_rawrshould it have copied any files to the windows09:05
_rawrwhile I was installing kubuntu on the other?09:05
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_rawryall suck09:08
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_rawr#ubuntu pwns yall. k? k09:09
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raizehullo. i'm trying to pick a good gui ftp program for kubuntu, but there are a lot of choices. any recommendations? i liked the layout of smartftp when iw as using windows.09:10
raize*i was09:10
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ernieriaze - I have the same question - but for now I'm using gFTP09:13
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raizewell, i just grabbed kftpgrabber, and it seems to be laid out similarly to what i've used in the past09:13
raizewhether that's a good thing or not, i dunno.09:14
raizei'd love to make my kubuntu actually look good too :/09:14
erniewell this is still all pretty new to myself09:15
raizeme too, so far so good though09:15
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raizeonly thing that's going to be a bit of a pain seems to be my webcam.09:15
ninHerg'day all09:15
erniethat I haven't tried yet09:15
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ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd09:16
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ubotukasablanca: fast and free ftp client for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 160 kB, installed size 612 kB09:18
ubotukftpgrabber: KDE FTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.0beta1-0ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 989 kB, installed size 2792 kB09:19
JucatoKonqueror can also be easily used as an FTP client09:19
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JucatoKonqueror can do (more than one) split views (horizontal or vertical)09:19
JucatoCtrl+Shift+L splits left-right, Ctrl+Shift+T splits top-bottom, Ctrl+Shift+R closes the current view09:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kanyremote - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:20
raizei see..09:20
raizethat's pretty cool, thanks for the info09:21
Jucatobiohazard: #ubuntu-pl09:22
Jucato!pl | biohazard09:23
ubotubiohazard: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl09:23
biohazardnie moge zalapac gdzie to mam wpisac zeby wyskoczlo mi  pl09:24
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thill2708what program should I use to extract img files?09:34
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PupenoHow can I turn a HTML into a spreadsheet?09:38
deathnotekernel: Pinnacle PCTV: unknown key: key=0x5f raw=0x5f down=0 means what?09:39
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seven11someone know a good audio converter09:42
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tanlaanhello everyone09:43
seven11flac2mp3 ?09:44
tanlaanmy computer has finally crapped out *the one i share with my brothers and sister*. It had windows xp, and that is all they are used to. Do you think I might be able to switch over to ubuntu/kubuntu without confusing them TOO much, haha. Basically I want to know if anyone else has had a family computer that they switched to ubuntu/kubuntu and how their family reacted09:45
seven11everything2something_else ?09:45
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Lynouretanlaan: What did they use WinXP for?09:47
raizei recently switched09:48
Lynouretanlaan: If for office things, email and web, they'll prolly be fine with ubuntu.09:48
raizemy xp crapped out, and i decided to give kubuntu a shot because i'm probably going to buy a tablet pc soon anyway09:48
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raizeso far, the only difficulty i've had is getting skype working09:48
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[StingRay] tanlaan, prepare for a lot of questions from your family. Maybe you should try a dualboot at first.09:49
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raizebut, to be honest i don7t use my pc for much outside of irc and internet options, and media (movies/music). but for thers, you'll probably end up being tech support for them09:49
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raizeif it's dualboot though, they'd probably not use kubuntu :)09:50
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ernieinstall VMserver on it and install XP as a virtual machine :)09:50
raizewell, off to study.09:50
notechheh, all the questions and advice and he's not responded to any yet09:50
SovietKidhow do i make konquer open irc links with konversation, at the moment it opens with kopete09:53
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lotekHey everyone.09:55
lotekDoes anyone else notice.. when I try to open adept, or kaffeine and a few other applicaionts, from the launch menu (aka start menu) the apps act like they are going to open, and I can see the program in the task bar, but they never open.09:55
lotekIve been running kubuntu for almost a year.. never had this problem.09:56
lotekThis is a new laptop, new install.09:56
lotekIf I run the same command from the command line, it starts just fine.09:56
lotekstrange problem.09:56
lotekI cant figure it out.09:56
deathnotetry openning it manually and see the error09:56
deathnoteeg..typing kaffeine in the console09:57
lotekIt opens..09:57
deathnoteno error?09:57
lotekI get some..09:57
lotekbut it still opens.09:57
deathnotewhat is it?09:58
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deathnotewhat if..u press alt f2 and type kaffeine in?09:58
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lotekf2 does nothing.09:58
underdog5004I meant, lol09:59
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underdog5004it's one o' clock in the morning...I'm tired...09:59
deathnotei mean alt-f2 not f209:59
lotekIt just keeps trying to run.09:59
lotekLittle icon keps bouncing.09:59
lotekthen it goes away.09:59
deathnoteu were saying there are errors?10:00
deathnotecheck ur /var/log/messages (bottom most) to see any unusual problem?10:00
deathnotesyslog too10:01
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lotek-deathnote: I msged you the errors.10:02
stamenmy problem is with usb data crash transfer10:02
lotek-Minf taking a look, see if they look familair10:02
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stamenwhen I connect a USB stick the transfer is stalled and then it crashes10:02
stamenwhat to do10:02
qrtt1Anyone can help me, my system has no /dev/sda but lspci can find usb device10:03
stamenand after remove that device the KB and mouse and whole system stills and is blocked, then I have to reset my box10:03
underdog5004I prefer lsusb to find usb devices10:03
qrtt1i try it now :P10:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i810 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:04
qrtt1i try lsusb but terminal is blocked10:06
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stamenunderdog5004: and than what10:07
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stamenunderdog5004: it find the device10:07
[StingRay] stamen, do you use usb kbd or mouse?10:08
underdog5004stamen, uh...I wasn't trying to help you w/ your problem, just telling you that lsusb is faster for detecting attached devices, and more informative...10:08
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stamen[StingRay] : yes, I have usb mouse10:08
=== cc-dash is away: Zur Zeit nicht da.
stamenunderdog5004: ok10:09
qrtt1hmmm.. but lsusb jsut blocked the terminal :(10:09
stamen[StingRay] : and10:09
[StingRay] stamen, I am far from expert, but if I were you I would try only the usbstick w/o mouse just in case. After this I would try to mount the stick with different options than the standard10:10
qrtt1if i have the /dev/sda file, how can i mout a usb hard disk?10:10
[StingRay] stamen, try different usb ports too10:10
underdog5004you may have borked your install somehow...did you compile your own kernel?10:10
qrtt1i dont have10:10
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stamen[StingRay] : I have tried different slots but all is the same, and before upgrading to edgy all was ok, but now with edgy it crashes10:11
underdog5004qrtt1, sudo mount /dev/sda110:11
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qrtt1undergog5004, i have no custom kernel the system is installed yesterday using the ubuntu cdrom10:11
[StingRay] stamen, try to mount manually the flash10:11
underdog5004qrtt1, are you sure the cd image is good?10:12
qrtt1yeah, i have use it sereval times10:12
qrtt1underdog5004, i have use it many times10:12
underdog5004qrtt1, yeah, but did you ever do a "Check this disk for errors" ?10:13
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underdog5004qrtt1, just something you may want to think about10:14
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[StingRay] stamen, am not sure if this might be of help but I was having transfer problems due to wrong irq mappings. Don't really know if this might be of help but give it a try (irqpoll): http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=274764&highlight=8139+realtek10:16
stamen[StingRay] : ok, I will see10:17
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qrtt1underdog5004, thanks for your suggestion :)10:18
underdog5004qrtt1, lol, np10:18
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berkesdoes anyone know of there is a setting / thingy that allows me to widen the area in wich the window-resize-pointer is active?10:22
berkesI very often 'grab' a border but just miss the area, the window behind it then gets activated.10:23
berkesIMO they are a little too narrow, especially on a large screen. I really need to concentrate on the pointer when resizing. I prefer to grab it in a wider area.10:23
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chavoberkes, no but you can also resize windows with alt-button310:24
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chavovery handy10:24
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underdog5004I believe that there is a way to make borders around windows so that they aren't too narrow10:27
underdog5004lemme google around...h/o10:27
=== underdog5004 looks around
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deathnotehi how do i see what is my video from console?10:30
deathnotei know its an ati but how i know which one in /dev ?10:30
underdog5004berkes, Sorry, man, can't help you10:30
underdog5004deathnote, use lspci10:30
underdog5004in a konsole10:31
deathnote01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M9+ 5C61 [Radeon Mobility 9200 (AGP)]  (rev 01)10:31
deathnoteso..which one in /dev ?10:31
underdog5004deathnote, I have no idea...what are you trying to do?10:31
deathnotecreate a link /dev/video to my graphics..10:31
underdog5004hmmm, sorry, I'm no help there...10:32
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berkeschavo: underdog5004: I found a setting in the window-style dialogs, its Crystal specific though.10:32
underdog5004berkes, cool10:32
berkesit looks horrific, but it serves what I need :)10:32
underdog5004berkes, nice10:33
berkesthe border in Crystal is only 3px wide. On a >1800xXX that is really bad IMO.10:33
chavodid you try alt-button3 I prefer that method anyway10:34
chavoyou can do it from anywhere in the window10:34
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berkeschavo: yea. I did,10:35
berkesbut somehow rightbutton (3) icw keys does not work in my brain yet10:35
PupenoAny other recomended cheap DIY AVR programmer?10:36
Pupenowrong channel.10:36
=== berkes puts on his todoliwt 'practice ALT+Rightclick' ;)
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about avr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:36
=== ady33 [n=ady33@host81-154-7-94.range81-154.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
ady33Hi can anyone help. Whenever I try to intsall software and get talked through it I always get "E: Couldn't find package". This seems to be confusing everyone I know who uses kubuntu. I am trying from route...10:39
underdog5004!repos | ady3310:39
ubotuady33: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu10:39
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underdog5004ady33, you need to enable certain repositories10:40
underdog5004repositories are like shelving units for software. Different types (free, nonfree) go on different shelves.10:40
ady33tnx just taking a look now10:41
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deathnotemy mplayer is having vo: couldn't open the X11 display ()!10:48
deathnotewhat packages shd i install ?10:48
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:48
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underdog5004deathnote, X is automatically installed w/ kubuntu...10:49
underdog5004you're having a problem w/ your video card driver10:49
underdog5004which card do you have?10:50
deathnotei'm trying to ssh into a server to stream from its tv card in lan10:50
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deathnoteso there's a script which have this line..10:51
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underdog5004deathnote, not sure that you'll be able to do that10:51
deathnotemplayer-0.90 -quiet -vo xv -nosound -aspect 4:3 -tv on:driver=v4l:width=352:height=288:input=$INPUT:norm=$NORM:device=/dev/video 0 123 2>&1 >/dev/null10:51
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Hektik_Ninjaubuntu are fags, can someone help me with bootsplashes10:51
underdog5004!language | Hektik_Ninja10:52
ubotuHektik_Ninja: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:52
Hektik_NinjaIts just that they never answre me10:52
Hektik_Ninjaand I would like to know this10:52
ubotuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.10:52
underdog5004there you go10:53
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ady33Hi I have managed to change my repositories and listed all software packages. I have downloaded brutalchess ok but can not see it in my start menue under games or anywhere else??10:53
underdog5004ady33, my advice? look again. If it really isn't there, run the command for it from the konsole10:53
ady33tnx any idea how I find the command to type?10:54
underdog5004if you don't want to do that everytime you play, then you can make a desktop icon to click10:54
Hektik_Ninjaunderdog5004, where would that splash manager be, sorry I'm kinda a noob to all of this10:54
underdog5004I would try brutalchess or bchess10:55
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underdog5004Hektik_Ninja, np, just do this10:55
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underdog5004sudo apt-get install !gnome-splashscreen-manager10:55
ady33tnx will try now10:55
Alarmgoodmorning. while using an other OS , i could simply have the os on a small disk sized disk, and all the applications installed on another disk , that was speeding up things a lot. as each disk had to do different job and not one disk both OS+software. what would be the best way to do that with kubuntu . i mean which folder should i mount/create on another disk so that i will just run the os from the disk , and all the files that are needed for10:55
Alarmapplication from another10:55
Hektik_NinjaOkay Thank you underdog500410:55
underdog5004Alarm, I would make two different partitions, on for / and one for /home10:57
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Alarmunderdog5004,  home is not the directory where the applications run from10:57
underdog5004ummm, ok10:57
underdog5004maybe /usr or /bin10:57
Alarmlocal data , like settings are saved there10:57
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Hawai`isomeone can help?10:58
Hawai`imy system froze up.. and I am on boot disk..10:58
Hektik_Ninjaumm install again?10:58
Hawai`iwondering how I can check to see what made system freeze in first place..10:58
Hawai`iand also.. how to restor10:58
underdog5004Alarm, yeah, but if you have / on a seperate partition, that encompasses everything _but_ /home10:59
Hawai`iinstall again??10:59
Hawai`ithat's a good one10:59
Hektik_Ninjause the recovery in the grub screen?10:59
Hektik_NinjaI'm a noob I don't know much10:59
underdog5004Hawai`i, I would use the recovery console10:59
Hawai`iyes.. where is recovery console.. I am newb also10:59
underdog5004Hawai`i, how good are you in command line?10:59
Hawai`iI can handle myself in the Terminal11:00
underdog5004Hawai`i, are you getting some kind of error when you boot?11:00
Hawai`inope.. no errors..11:00
underdog5004Hawai`i, so...what's the problem?11:00
Hawai`iit goes through sys checks.. passes all... then freezes right before going to login screen11:00
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Hawai`iI've had it running now for almost a month with no problems11:00
underdog5004hmmm, boot into the recovery console and take a look at the syslog...11:01
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Hawai`ihow do you boot into recovery console please11:01
Hawai`iI haven't had to do yet11:01
Hawai`i<-- very new11:01
underdog5004hit ESC when booting11:01
underdog5004before grub loads11:02
Hektik_Ninjagrub screen should have something on it11:02
Hawai`iI'll try that.. thanx11:02
underdog5004np, you know where the syslog is?11:02
underdog5004where is it? I can't find it, lol11:02
Hawai`ibbiab if I can't figure it out11:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about syslog - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:03
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underdog5004lol, anyone know where the syslog is?11:04
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Pooh22underdog5004: try /var/log/syslog11:12
underdog5004thanks so much, pooh11:12
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mem_Hey.. everyone11:19
mem_I'm about 2 days new to linux.. downloaded & ran the Live CD for Kubuntu on my laptop.. but I can't figure out how to get sound working11:20
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:21
mem_Thanks, will check it out but these pages seem familiar :)11:22
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underdog5004Hawai`i, what's up?11:27
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Hawai`iyeah.. I found the syslog11:27
Hawai`ibut I have no idea how to read it11:27
underdog5004can you pastebin it?11:27
Hawai`iit's awfully big.. sure you want me to do that?11:27
underdog5004do you have a usb stick? if so, sudo cat /var/log/syslog > /mnt/sda1/file.txt11:28
underdog5004Hawai`i, sure11:28
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underdog5004I think that'll work....11:28
Hawai`ijust a moment11:28
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mem_I don't know if the guy who gave me the link was a bot or not, but thanks. I found that I wasn't part of the group allowed to access the sound device :-D Working, thanks.. even if you are a bot11:30
Jucatogood job :)11:31
mem_hehe OK, so you're alive :) Thank you.. this has had me for 2 days11:31
mem_Well not 2 solid days, but 2 evenings11:31
Jucatoyep. I'm alive. whether I'm a bot or not... that still needs to be seen :)11:31
=== cobra_ [n=cobra@250.49-200-80.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu
cobra_someone here?11:32
underdog5004I am11:32
cobra_somebody knows how i acces the build in ftp programm?11:32
cobra_kftp i believe11:33
Jucatoftp:/ in Konqueror11:33
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Jucatoor sftp:/ for SSH11:33
underdog5004I love ssh11:33
underdog5004I ssh every day11:33
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=== Jucato thinks teachers love ssh even more.. "ssh keep quiet"
underdog5004So, I was reading this article on DIGG about how ubuntu is better than windows at wireless, and they were talking about !knetwork manager. So I figgered, hey, why not give it a shot, right? Well, I installed it, and it didn't even _detect_ my wireless card...11:35
Hawai`iwhy isn't there a way to get to a recover in a GUI........ :PP11:35
cobra__same here underdog :)11:35
mem_I'm a little confused by the kubuntu live cd .. operation...11:35
underdog5004Hawai`i, if you know what you're doing, you can boot from the ubuntu liveCD or from another version of linux, like DSL11:35
underdog5004mem_, in what way?11:35
mem_My boyfriend plays around in a text... based ... thing11:35
Hawai`iI am booted from liveCD11:35
mem_looks like the konsole11:35
underdog5004mem_, lol, the konsole?11:36
mem_where he installs things... has various umm.. windows11:36
mem_nono, I'm just comparing it to the konsole11:36
underdog5004mem_, ah, ok, keep going11:36
mem_He types in commands there, and can log in and out through a text area..11:36
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mem_and he starts up KDE by11:36
mem_start x?11:36
JucatoKonsole is a program. Konsole is a terminal (console) emulator :)11:36
mem_Where is this? lol11:36
underdog5004sounds like he's booting into the CLI and starting X11:36
JucatoCommand line11:37
underdog5004mem_, it's just a recovery console, or basically, it's just a Command line11:37
underdog5004startx to get a gui11:37
mem_its just a little confusing to me.. because it was too easy to get in11:37
mem_if you get what I mean? lol11:37
underdog5004mem_, I don't, please explain11:37
mem_He had to set up his linux machine through .. whatever area you just called that. At first it didn't even have a gui, he had to install things through.. a blue & red kernel configurator?11:38
mem_Me.. I just put in the disc and everything worked11:38
underdog5004mem, he used the alternate install disk11:39
underdog5004you used the liveCD11:39
eeosamarok 1.4.5 is out! no pacages for kubuntu yet, what a shame. :P11:39
eeoshi everybody, by the way11:39
Jucatoeeos: patience is a virtue11:40
underdog5004eeos, you could just compile11:40
mem_Thanks underdog :)11:40
underdog5004mem_, lol, np11:40
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mem_I kind of wish I'd found the alternate one.. I wanted this to be harder11:40
subzerounderdawgdoes anyone know any cyber managerment cum cyber billing soft for linux just like CafeSuite for Win11:40
mem_Can you tell me where it is?11:40
underdog5004not often I meet a girl in the #kubuntu channel...11:40
mem_Yea but I'm all geeky and stuff11:40
eeosunderdog5004 co - mp -i -l, I think I heard this word before :P11:40
underdog5004rofl @ eeos11:40
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cobra__ok another question i have ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run how do i execute it? sudo exec ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run won't work11:41
cobra__sudo sh11:41
cobra__stupid me11:41
=== eeos busy compiling amarok and destroying all other players on the system
underdog5004eeos, not so fast...kaffeine is pretty good11:41
eeosunderdog5004 yes, I use for watching dvd'S11:42
mem_so many programs for the same kind of thing11:42
mem_its sooooo bloated! >.<11:42
underdog5004yeah...my kaffeine is killin' me right now11:42
eeosunderdog5004 would be nice to do everything with the sam player11:42
underdog5004Kaffeine does everything for me11:42
underdog5004mp3, avi, mpeg, dvd, even access remote files on my server11:43
cobra__yeah me to especially staying awake:d11:43
cobra__-e ==================================================11:43
cobra__-e  ATI Technologies Linux Driver Installer/Packager11:43
cobra__-e ==================================================11:43
cobra__./ati-installer.sh: 165: Syntax error: Bad substitution11:43
cobra__Removing temporary directory: fglrx-install11:43
Jucato!pastebin | cobra__11:43
ubotucobra__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:43
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underdog5004It's not bloated, it's big boned11:43
Hektik_Ninjaunderdog I found out the splash btw11:44
underdog5004Hektik_Ninja, very cool11:44
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underdog5004got it all figured out?11:44
mem_Well I'm super happy to have sound now.  Do you guys have Beryl?11:45
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underdog5004mem_, I will in a week or so, getting a new computer11:45
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mem_I'm putting on this, a crappy little laptop11:46
mem_just because I can11:46
underdog5004well, new to me, anyway11:46
mem_Preloved :P11:46
underdog5004mem_, if it's old, you may be interested in Xubuntu...less eyecandy, but also less overhead11:46
Jucato(also a bit less features)11:46
mem_Its about 2 years old.. not too shabby really.11:47
mem_It was old enough to say.. I have another computer.. time to do whatever I want with the laptop11:47
mem_Then someone showed me a Beryl video on YouTube.11:47
mem_I knew what I had to do...11:47
underdog5004mem_, oh, not at all...didn't realise it was so recent....I run kubuntu edgy pretty well on my 933Mhz box w/ 512Mb RAM11:48
underdog5004just can't do pretty things yet11:48
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mem_Laptop = Skype, Beryl & Portabl music device. So it won't die11:48
underdog5004mem_, lol, odds are it won't work for you, the beryl11:48
mem_I can try though :D11:48
zorglu_installed beryl this weekend on my alternate laptop, and loving it :)11:48
mem_If it doesn't there are 2 other computers I can mess with to try it11:49
mem_:D lucky sucker11:49
=== Jucato wished he could love beryl... but w/o window borders... finds it hard to do so
zorglu_Jucato: you got no window border when you launch beryl ?11:49
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mem_Oh yeah, I think I chose Kubuntu because KDE was supposedly prettier, and easier to install Beryl with or something? Anyway thats how I got here :S11:50
underdog5004I'm so ready for a _really_ pretty desktop...I was satisfied for a while with KDE...now I want more11:50
Jucatozorglu_: uhuh.. and no wavey splash screen either11:50
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zorglu_Jucato: i got this bug during the weekend, first it worked, then no window decoration, and now it works ok :) i havent done anything in between11:50
Jucatowhich is a bit puzzling.. since when I installed beryl last january, I had both, until an X restart...11:50
cobra__i saw a 3d way in the faqs of kubuntu11:50
mem_The Beryl-gicians vixed it - zorglu11:51
mem_fixed, even11:51
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zorglu_Jucato: what is weird is that the window decoration part is the same for all (only the 3d backend change with the various cards) so the bug you got should be experienced by a lot of people, no ?11:51
Jucatozorglu_: it's an intermittent bug experienced by a lot of people11:51
zorglu_mem_: i guess :)11:52
zorglu_Jucato: ah ok, so it is the one i got too :)11:52
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Jucatoyep. and there are fixes for it or ways to go around it... but I just reinstall beryl this morning (it's evening now) and haven't had the time to play around11:52
zorglu_which is good because it mean they will work on fixing it :)11:52
mem_Anyway, thanks guys. I'll probably be back in a couple of days with another problem :( :)11:53
=== Jucato doesn't absolutely need beryl... but would be nice to try...
zorglu_Jucato: yep my spirit too, i force myself to use it to find out how it can be usefull11:53
=== underdog5004 agrees w/ Jucato
Jucatozorglu_: I know how it can be useful for me. mostly the transparencies, the improved performance in terms of redrawing windows, etc. and entertainment to keep me from snoozing11:54
Jucatoonly 2 things I don't find remotely useful would be wobbly windows and the cube...11:54
JohnFluxI tried beryl, liked what I saw, but had to disable it pretty quickly because I missed kwin :/11:54
JucatoJohnFlux: I share your sentiments... which is why I can't wait for *you know what*11:55
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JohnFluxactually the cube is really useful11:55
JucatoI mean, the stability and features of kwin plus the eye-candy of beryl... where can you go wrong?11:55
JohnFluxI don't tend to use multiple desktops because for some reason I just can't deal with it spacially11:55
JucatoJohnFlux: not as useful as the "grid" (pager), although more beautiful11:55
JohnFluxbut the cube makes all the desktops fit together in my mind11:56
Jucatoif you've seen Metisse, you'd know what I mean11:56
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JohnFluxdunno what metisse is11:56
=== Jucato looks for a link
underdog5004a beautiful thing...I'm u/l the torrent right now11:56
Jucatoanother compositing window manager. Mandriva's the proponent thiss time11:56
Jucatoit implements thing differently though... and imho has more useful applications (except 1)11:57
=== dbglt [n=dbglt@60-242-135-20.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
underdog5004I gotta say, it looks pretty cool _and_ functional11:57
zorglu_Jucato: a fork or written from scratch ?11:57
JucatoMandriva One 2007 CD has it.. except it's GNOME!!!11:57
Jucatozorglu_: from scratch, but seems to have been in development earlier and longer than Compize11:57
Adrossis just install kubuntu-desktop from my ubuntu system. For some reason whenever i try to boot into kde, it freezes after a few seconds. I'm guessing this isn't design behaviour, so how do i fix it?11:57
Jucatobut nothing beats Enlightenment when it comes to "been in development longer"11:58
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underdog5004lol @ Jucato11:58
JucatoJohnFlux, zorglu_: http://www.mandriva.com/projects/metisse11:58
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Jucatodriva's behind it now, but it was an independent project before, afaik11:58
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zorglu_http://honeybrown.ca/Pubs/BumpTop.html <- jucato, have you seen the bump3d stuff ? another use of 3d to make it more then pure eyes candy11:59
zorglu_definitly worth to watch the video :)11:59
JucatoI've seen that months ago :)12:00
userbnhai...kenalan donk12:00
zorglu_Jucato: damn im late :) what do you think about it ?12:00
underdog5004zorglu_, yeah, that's pretty old...12:00
underdog5004looks cool12:00
JucatoAdross: are you sure you have completelyu downloaded all files needed kubuntu-desktop? can you try installing kubuntu-desktop again to be sure nothing is left behind?12:00
Jucatozorglu_: the technology used to implement it is useful, but the concept is a bit.. um... well...12:01
AdrossJucato: all in12:01
JucatoLet's just say that I'm not a fan of the whole desktop metaphor12:01
zorglu_underdog5004: it try to promote this video to get it known. but almost all people say 'just eyes candy' :)12:01
Jucatough! why do I get drawn into these offtopic things :P12:01
JucatoAdross: hm..12:01
Adrossi've deleted ~/.kde12:02
zorglu_Jucato: hehe ok :)12:02
Adrossno effect12:02
zorglu_gcc  -g -O2 -Wall  -o ez-ipupdate  ez-ipupdate.o conf_file.o md5.o cache_file.o pid_file.o12:02
zorglu_/usr/bin/ld: errno: TLS definition in /lib/libc.so.6 section .tbss mismatches non-TLS reference in conf_file.o12:02
JucatoAdross: er... don't do that again, btw. deleting ~/.kde12:02
Jucatounless you have a backup12:02
zorglu_ok on topic, trying to config a dnydns i got this weird gcc error, any suggestion ?12:02
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AdrossJucato: kk12:03
=== Jucato loves indecipherable error messages :)
JucatoAdross: at what point does KDE freeze?12:03
Alarmis there a way to clean up a bit my memory/swap from the unused data ?12:04
JucatoAlarm: huh?12:04
Adrossthe dialogue of starting services disappears, gives me the desktop for 0.5 seconds, then freezes12:04
MidMarkwhat is the command to view all groups like apache group?12:04
AlarmJucato,  under windows for example that do make a memory clean up and free some memory, if there is something that i could use in linux as well12:05
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JucatoAlarm: Linux handles memory differently and better than windows. there's no need for freeing memory12:05
ubotuA quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html12:05
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Jucatoa bit of reading you might want to look into ^^^12:05
Jucatonot for the faint of heart though :P12:05
underdog5004Alarm, that was probably a scam piece of software that did nothing but move stuff from RAM to the page file...lol12:06
AlarmJucato,  why do i see then 300mb of RAm memory free, and the system is using 200mb from my swap ?12:06
underdog5004basically, you WANT your RAM to be maxxed out12:06
JucatoAlarm: how much RAM do you have?12:06
Alarm512 .12:06
Jucatoand where are you seeing this?12:06
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underdog5004Alarm, I generally only have about 50 Mb free at any given idle time12:06
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Alarmthe system is using 150mb from my ram, and the rest 300 is being stored in the swap although there are like 350mb available in the ram12:06
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JucatoAlarm: where are you seeing that the system is only using 150MB of RAM?12:07
cobra__yea me is wondering that also :)12:07
JucatoAlarm: launch KInfoCenter (from K Menu -> System) and go to the Memory Section. to see a sort of visual representation of memory usage12:07
AlarmJucato,  ksysguard12:08
underdog5004or top12:08
MidMarkhow can I show system groups in console?12:08
AlarmJucato,  thats what i did :)12:08
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JucatoAlarm: kinfocenter, not ksysguard...12:08
Alarmapplication takes 150-200mb , and the rest is cachable12:08
JucatoAlarm: and?12:08
Jucatoin the Swap portion?12:08
Alarmand although there is plenty of free space in the ram, i see 300mb more used in the swap12:08
Alarm300mb in the swap for applciation12:09
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Jucatoby applications?12:09
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Alarmwant a snaphost ?12:09
Jucatohm.. ok.. that is definitely not normal, if I'm understanding you correctly12:09
cobra__i only have 3mb available :)12:09
Jucatoyes please12:09
Alarmhold on12:09
=== Jucato 's swap is unused... but has 1GB RAM anyway :P
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underdog5004I've got 57 Mb RAM free...and 167Mb Swap used...12:10
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Skrot-<- 331MB used, 1.74GB free =)12:11
Alarmunderdog5004,  thats exactly what i mean. why is the swap being used when there is free memory . an hd is always slowler than physical memory12:11
JucatoAlarm: I don't have DCC (port 8001)12:11
AlarmJucato,  dcc not working ?12:11
Alarmok hold on12:11
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underdog5004Alarm, whoops...just did a sudo apt-get autoremove, and my RAM went down to 6Mb free12:12
Jucatothat ain't kinfocenter12:12
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JohnFluxAlarm: the theoritical reason is because imagine you have an app that's allocated memory, but you're not using12:12
JucatoI said KInfoCenter12:12
Alarmunderdog5004,  autoremove just removes unneeded packages12:12
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JohnFluxAlarm: so the best thing for the OS to do is to swap out that app12:12
AlarmJucato,  ok wait to check in the kinfo center12:12
JucatoAlarm: kinfocenter please12:12
underdog5004Alarm, I know12:12
JohnFluxAlarm: then use the memory as cache/buffers for your running apps12:12
JohnFluxAlarm: theoritically, it is possible for it to be faster for it to use swap then to not12:13
AlarmJucato,  http://alarm.kicks-ass.net:443/mem5.jpg12:13
JucatoBasic Linux Memory Fact: Linux uses up all physical RAM first before using swap. If application Data doesn't consume all RAM, Linux uses the remaining memory for Disk Cache. when applications need more RAM, it frees up some amount from Disk Cache to give to applications. if even that runs out (it keeps a certain amount of RAM for DiskCache always), then it uses swap12:13
aldelvI want to have a 'window resize' sash in the lower right corner of the window.  How can I get this ?12:14
Jucatolooks perfectly normal Alarm12:14
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JohnFluxJucato: not 100% right - read what I wrote :-)12:14
JucatoJohnFlux: any comment on the KInfoCenter screen?12:14
JucatoJohnFlux: heheh12:14
AlarmJucato,  if its right, when i got more than 200mb free ram, (even cached) , why doesnt my system handle that ram , instead of writing to the swap . thats my question12:15
JohnFluxJucato: the kernel tries to be clever about prematurely swapping out apps12:15
JohnFluxi.e. before they are needed12:15
JohnFluxJucato: it it swaps out too late, then the computer can suddenly freeze12:15
JohnFluxif it swaps out too early, it's annoying12:15
JucatoAlarm: 178.61MB is being used for Disk Cache12:15
JohnFluxJucato: to fine tune this, there's a kernel parameter called "swapiness"12:15
Jucatoafaik, it absolutely has to leave some data in RAM as Disck Cache12:16
JucatoJohnFlux: oh I've heard of that swapiness :)12:16
underdog5004I love linux, what other OS has a variable entitled "swapiness"?12:16
AlarmJucato,  i can see that. the point is that even if i would have 2gb of ram, it system would cache the memory , and would write on the swap. whats the sense in that ?12:16
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JucatoJohnFlux: can you comment if Alarm's KInfoCenter screenshot is reporting a normal situation?12:16
JohnFluxAlarm: echo 0 >  /proc/sys/vm/swappiness12:17
JucatoAlarm: with 2GB of RAM, your swap will never be used12:17
JohnFluxJucato: I don't know12:17
JohnFluxAlarm: if it's annoying you, try decreasing your swappiness12:17
JohnFluxthe "0" is from 0 to 10012:17
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Alarmi will check that.12:17
JucatoAlarm: Linux adjusts the amount of Disk Cache it uses, but it still has to keep a certain amount in Disk Cache12:17
JohnFluxcat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness  to see what it is currently12:17
JohnFluxmine is 6012:18
=== Jucato is set to 60
Alarmgot it .12:18
JohnFluxtry making it 30 or something first12:18
JohnFlux"If swappiness was set to zero (echo 0 >/proc/sys/vm/swappiness), the kernel would give up cache to anything that wanted ram"12:18
Alarma last question, i did run vmware before, and as it seems the memory it used didnt was never unallocated again (thats why the high swap usage) . can that be freed manualy ?12:18
AlarmJohnFlux,  got it. i will read also the manual for more detailed info about that. just didnt know that i could do something like that12:19
JohnFluxthere's a manual for that?12:19
Alarmi want to hope so...12:20
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Jucatoif you do find one, please give a link to JohnFlux :)12:20
JucatoI bet he'll want it12:20
Alarmhehe , ok. i will find then on the net something :) anyway , thanks a lot for ur answers12:20
Alarmhelped somehow figuring out12:21
JohnFluxAlarm: http://kerneltrap.org/node/300012:21
JohnFluxthat explains both sides12:21
JohnFluxbtw, I have 1GB of mem, and 256MB of swap is used ;-)12:22
cobra__i installed wine how can i acces it? <===total newbie12:22
Jucatocobra__: in the command line. "wine filename.exe"12:23
cobra__it's for the gnome but i was told that can be used on kde aswell12:23
cobra__no gui?12:23
AlarmJohnFlux,  got it12:23
Jucatonone that I know of12:23
cobra__k let's try it hehe12:23
Jucatoand Wine is for all desktops, not just GNOME12:23
cobra__going to test msn messenger allthough i know kopete has this too12:24
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cobra__won't work :(12:27
Jucatocobra__: http://appdb.winehq.org12:28
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cobra__hehe mostly games12:31
Alarmby default swappines on my system uses 100% ?12:32
Alarmoh its on 6012:34
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cobra__cobra@linux:~/tmp/cpu-z-138$ wiwineserver: could not save registry branch to /home/cobra/.wine/system.reg : Permission denied12:37
cobra__how can i make it permission enabled?12:37
underdog5004cobra__, sudo12:38
cobra__i did12:38
underdog5004hm, I don't know12:38
cobra__i did sudo wine cpuz.exe12:38
Alarmalarm@rockpc:~/Desktop$ sudo echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness12:39
Alarmbash: /proc/sys/vm/swappiness: Permission denied12:39
Alarmsomehow i dont have access on that... how come12:39
cobra__maybe same as mine :p12:39
Alarmcobra__,  u dont need sudo for wine12:39
Alarmonly if you dont have the right permitions on cpuz.exe12:40
Alarmafter all i dont know how well will cpuz run under linux as linux uses lm sensors for the things u want to get informed about ur system12:40
cobra__but i still get an error on permission denied12:40
Alarmcobra__,  ls -l to check the permitions u got on that file as simple user12:41
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cobra__wineserver: could not save registry branch to /home/cobra/.wine/user.reg : Permi12:43
cobra__ssion denied12:43
cobra__-rw-r--r-- 1 cobra cobra 966873 2006-11-22 20:27 cpuz.exe12:44
cobra__all files like that12:44
Alarmcobra__,  i think thats happening because u created for the first time .wine dir as sudo12:45
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Alarmgo to ur home directory cd ~/12:45
Alarmand rm -R .wine12:45
Alarmand run cpuz again just with "wine cpuz.exe"12:45
Alarmit will created the .wine directory for the specific user u are running right now12:45
cobra__rm: afdalen in voor schrijven beschermde map `.wine'?12:46
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cobra__sorry dutch12:46
Alarmcobra__,  also ur cpuz file is just 'read' for user, not write not executable12:46
Alarmtranslate please ;)12:46
underdog5004chmod +x12:47
Alarmunderdog5004,  thats what i adviced also, but what i can also guess is that he created the .wine dir with sudo, thats why he doesnt ahve any access on the reg file12:47
underdog5004chown username /path/of/wine/dir12:48
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cobra__it's fixed12:48
cobra__the error is gone :)12:48
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Alarmcobra__,  info about ur cpu (not temp or fan rpm and so on) , you can get with cat /proc/cpuinfo12:49
Alarmas i told u. cpuz wont work (i think so) under linux12:50
cobra__well it does12:50
cobra__it works12:50
Alarmokie then... good12:50
cobra__not 100% though12:50
cobra__memory won't show12:50
cobra__but cpu info does12:50
Alarmcobra__,  u dont need a whole winapp to see cpu info. u can simply cat /proc/cpuinfo12:51
XVampireXDoes anyone here use the KDE4 packages?12:51
cobra__nice alarm12:53
cobra__but i don't know any commands yet hehe12:53
cobra__ls etc i know12:54
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Russelwill there be amarok 1.4.5 packages for dapper?#12:57
cobra__i heard something about u could compile it yourself12:57
cobra__don't ask me how :)12:58
Russelt want to12:58
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sorush20hi, how do I play movies from my 3g phone on my kubuntu computer please12:59
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kollawith gdm as login manager, tab 2+ in konsole refuse to be transparent, with kdm as login manager it works fine - what gives?01:07
kollahappens with both dapper and edgy01:08
delightIs amarok 145 in the kubuntu edgy oven ? when is it time for lunch ?01:09
underdog5004delight, not yet01:09
delightunderdog5004: ;) well, hope soon ... longing to take a bite ;-)01:09
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underdog5004lol, I dont see why everyone like amarok so much...xmms for quick and dirty audio, kaffeine for everything else01:10
delightwell i even use kaffeine for audio quick and dirty ... its more stable then kaffeine01:11
delightbut ... u'll know when u get more then a playlist of songs ;)01:11
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kollakaffeine is more stable than kaffeine?01:11
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delightslept 2 hours ... lol ... kaffeine more stable then xmms01:11
Skrot-So is amaroK :>01:12
kolladoes xmms even exist? didnt it change name?01:12
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ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs01:12
kollaor maybe I think of zinf01:12
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kollaanyways.. anyone want to give gdm login and then konsole a go?01:13
kollagdm as login manager, select KDE as session, log in.. fire up konsole and try to configure it to use transparent background01:13
kollawould be nice to know that it's not just here it happens01:14
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hyper_chhiho, what's the name of that other virtualization software (not vmware)?01:20
Jucatovirtualbox? qemu (actually an emulator)? xen?01:20
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hyper_chI think it's virtualbox01:21
underdog5004or qemu01:22
ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo01:22
kollanoone wants to try it, huh?01:23
kollatypical :P01:23
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karmikazehey is there a way to get apt or adept to use a proxy01:28
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waylandbillkarmikaze: I think it should follow the HTTP_PROXY environment variable01:36
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waylandbillkarmikaze: or ftp_proxy if you do it that way01:37
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karmikazeok thanks waylandbill01:40
karmikazethat worked :)01:40
hyper_chso, I'm testing now virtualbox :)01:40
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mefor some days i get always a black screen after boot. but i can start the graphical interface with init 5. maybe ive made some shit with the system services. can anyone help me maybe?01:44
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Menais there cdoecs i can install to make amrok work for all media types instead of installingany another media player01:44
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Jucato!codecs | Mena01:45
ubotuMena: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:45
karmikazewhat are you trying to play01:45
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JucatoMena: libxine-extracodecs for most media, w32codecs for Windows Media and Real Media (I think)01:45
MenaKarmkaze , mp3 rm ram etc..01:45
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Menajucato , okay01:45
Jucatolibxine-extracodecs: MP3, AAC, AVI, MPEG01:45
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Menajucato , okay01:47
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karmikazedo you still need libmpeg3 if you get libxine-extracodecs01:48
scribzanyone know how to change the console keymap ? i tried loadkeys but /usr/share/keymaps is empty, on edgy so install-keymaps don't work01:48
Jucatokarmikaze: no01:49
karmikazescribz: theres files you can edit01:49
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scribzi just read to install console-common01:49
mecan anyone say me where i can find the services or processes which will be start at the linux start?01:49
karmikazeusually in /etc/X11/xkb/ scribz01:49
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scribzkarmikaze: aren't those ones just for x though ?01:50
karmikazescribz: /etc/X11/xkb/symbols01:50
karmikazeyeah scribz01:50
Menajucato , i must disbale packborts to enable install the libs right becits told mei have but it is avialible for another source01:50
scribzi'm looking to change the console keymap01:50
Menajucato , so i geuus its the reason01:51
karmikazei imagine theres a similar type of file somewhere for console01:51
scribzthing is when i change the keymap under gnome, my up arrow only works 40% of the time01:51
JucatoMena: no. you don't need to do disable backports.01:51
scribzfrom us to uk01:51
scribzin us, up arrow works 100% of the time01:51
Menajucato, okay01:51
JucatoMena: you need to enable the multiverse repository01:51
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Jucato!multiverse | Mena01:51
ubotuMena: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu01:51
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Menajucato , i enabled them all befor01:53
JucatoMena: can you pastebin your sources.list?01:53
Jucato!pastebin | Mena01:53
ubotuMena: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:53
scribzyeah got it working, apt-get install console-common, then install-keymap uk, then loadkeys uk01:54
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Menajucato , sudo kate /etc/source.list i do this and i got empty source am i miss something01:59
JucatoMena: kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list02:00
Menajucato , ok02:00
cobra__diffrence between sudo and kdesu?02:00
Jucato!kdesu | cobra__02:01
ubotucobra__: In KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo02:01
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cobra__thx for the teaching02:02
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devilsadvocatei realize this will be a wierd question, but what is katapult?02:04
scribzkde app launcher02:04
scribzhit alt-space and it lets you run commands on the fly02:05
Menajucato , i had made some changes i remebered see it and told me http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4406/02:05
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Jucato!katapult | devilsadvocate02:05
ubotudevilsadvocate: katapult is the new application launcher for KDE, to be used with applications, bookmarks, and Amarok playlists. Once you have installed, hit Alt+f2 -> katapult, then hit Alt+Space, and type what you want.02:05
scribzgood for opening terminals and browsers etc, has command completion on it, well handy, i use it all the time under gnome02:05
devilsadvocatehow is this different from alt+f2?02:05
Jucatodevilsadvocate: Alt+F2 requires you to know the executable name of the app02:05
devilsadvocatecommand completion as in tab completion?02:06
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scribzhow come the ubuntu channel is not open ?02:06
Menajucato , i took the two lines after or updates from the Ubuntu security team. and put them under ## team.02:06
devilsadvocatescribz, it is02:06
scribzsays i'm banned, although i've never been there02:06
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Jucatoscribz: try asking in #ubuntu-ops02:07
scribzah cheers02:07
Menaafter 0r "updates from the Ubuntu security team."*02:07
JucatoMena: lines 20 and 21, add "multiverse" beside "universe"02:07
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Menajucato , okay02:08
JucatoMena: so that it, for example, line 20 will look like "deb http://eg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy universe multiverse"02:08
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Menajucato , okay done thanks02:10
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jeroenvrplaptopI have a RT2500 Ralink wifi usb stick -- I see in Adept that I can/must build the driver myself; is there also a binary version somewhere?02:11
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jeroenvrplaptopdoes anyone have a n answer on my question!!!?02:22
jeroenvrplaptopIs there a binary module for the rt2500 usb wifi02:23
Jucatozorglu_: well what do you know.. I have window borders *now*02:24
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wheatiejeroenvrplaptop, have you seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/RalinkRT2500Old ?02:27
wheatieor https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT250002:27
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kurtzciao a tutti02:30
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GalaZanyone know how to install libdvdcss2?02:31
caris_merecould someone help me with a webcam?02:31
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ubotuFor multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications02:32
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HobbseeGalaZ: ^02:32
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caris_mereany help with the webcam? I've been to the Ubuntu sites02:34
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MidMarkamarok 1.4.5 will be packaged for Edgy?02:36
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markcI'm trying out knetworkmanager and not having any success, I can ifup eth1 and get a simple wireless connection but there are no settings or networks seemingly available via knetowrkmanager in the systray... any clues where to look to configure it ?02:37
guglielfLjL: query02:38
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jeroenvrplaptopwheatie: thanks, I followed the instructions, but in networksettings the rausb0 card is listed, but disabled. If I enable it, it stays enabled for only 1 sec.02:39
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markcno one using knetworkmanager ?02:41
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sleepy745How do I set up Thunderbird to get my Yahoo e-mails?02:41
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JohnFluxsleepy745: you say "Get! Get!"02:44
JohnFluxsleepy745: But just so I'm not a total ass, I'll google it and paste the first link: http://digg.com/software/Check_Hotmail_and_Yahoo_e-mail_in_Thunderbird_02:45
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markchere's another one ... http://webmail.mozdev.org/02:47
JohnFluxyou just pasted the second link from google02:47
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markcis there a kubuntu+ channel for feisty users ?02:48
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Hobbseemarkc: #ubuntu+102:49
egecki need a good soundcard for less than 50 euro02:49
markcHobbsee, thanks, probably not kde friendly but I'll try02:50
caris_merecan anybody help me with a webcam?02:50
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egeckliving in germany, got (k)ubuntu 6.1002:50
Hobbseemarkc: not too bad.  any kde specific stuff, ask here, or try there, then here.02:50
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markcwell I tried here so I guess I'll try there now02:50
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Gretlegeck - just make sure hardware is no on blacklist02:52
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AzzcoI need help editing fstab, I want to add swap at boot.02:55
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caris_mereanybody using a webcam?02:57
HymnToLife!anyone | caris_mere02:57
ubotucaris_mere: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:57
HymnToLifeAzzco, what exactly do you need help with ?02:57
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AzzcoHymnToLife: I'm a bit afraid of editing fstab as I don't understand it. but I want to add swap to it02:58
AzzcoI only know the device name02:59
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LjLAzzco: meaning the device name for the partition, hopefully02:59
Azzcoyyes of course02:59
LjLUUID=4c6af297-e238-45bd-a092-0dd108258070 none            swap    sw              0       002:59
LjLthis is my swap line02:59
HymnToLifeAzzco, then spot the line for the existing swap and att the same thing03:00
LjLyou can either use the UUID or the partition name03:00
ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)03:00
HymnToLifebut with the new device name03:00
caris_mereI've got a Logitech Webcam Chat, and ubuntu says it is supported, but when I try camorama, it says it's not connected03:00
h3sp4wn /dev/disk/by-uuid is also ok03:01
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LjLh3sp4wn: well but then just use the UUID= syntax, no? it boils down to the same thing03:02
Azzcothx I'll try it03:02
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h3sp4wnLjL: The label syntax is probably better03:03
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LjLh3sp4wn: can you label a swap partition though? i thought labels belonged to the filesystem03:04
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h3sp4wnor you can just name your disk as you want with a udev rule using the serial number of the disk - call it disk003:05
h3sp4wnNever tried labeling a swap partition03:05
AzzcoHmm it had the wrong UUID....03:06
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Azzcochanged it into the one I got from blkid03:06
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dominikI have a problem in Kubuntu I can't set 1024*768/85Hz permanently, every time I restart I have 75Hz instead of 85Hz03:08
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dominikdoes someone know know what to do?03:08
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nuxilis ther a tool that allows me to convert from ntfs to ext2|3 ?03:09
h3sp4wndominik: edit xorg.conf change 1024x768 to 1024x768_8503:09
Azzconuxil: I think you'll have to recreate that partition...03:10
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dominikh3sp4wn: there's no 1024x768 I have something like that: ModeLine       "1024x768@85" 94.5 1024 1072 1168 1376 768 769 772 808 +hsync +vsync03:12
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h3sp4wndominik: change the @ to _03:14
h3sp4wndominik: Are you using nvidia or not ?03:15
dominikyes I'm using nvidia03:15
h3sp4wnYou don't need modelines at all03:15
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h3sp4wnModes           "1280x1024_60" "1024x768_60" "800x600_60" "640x480_60" (that is what I use - I have used mode lines before but you don't need to)03:15
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h3sp4wnremember if you are using 9xxx you need Option          "DynamicTwinView" "False" otherwise xrandr etc won't display the real modes03:16
dominikYou mean in the xorg?03:17
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h3sp4wnmaybe you should read some stuff in /usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx03:18
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fernandoHi, I have install the nvidia drivers for kubuntu 6.10 and they work, but after I restart my computer I get these messege:03:20
fernandoError: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has the version 1.0-7184, but03:20
fernandothis X module has the version 1.0-9746.  Please make sure that the kernel03:20
fernandomodule and all NVIDIA driver components have the same version.03:20
fernandoin the install process, the compile recompile the drivers for 1.0.7184...03:20
fernandobut the configuration was write with 1.0.974603:21
fernandowhere is the file to correct this problem??03:21
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h3sp4wnYou need the legacy drivers probably if its trying to load 718403:22
h3sp4wnremove nvidia-glx and install nvidia-glx-legacy03:22
fernandoI use the command "sh mydrivres.run" to install.. how can I removed?03:23
fernandoand how I install this legacy drivers?03:23
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fernandoanyway.. the drivers work.. with 3D acceleration.. if I install the drivers.. and I use "startx" everything is just fine..03:24
fernandothe problem is only if I restart the computer03:24
h3sp4wndon't use nvidia's installer - it will only cause you load of problems03:24
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fernandook.. so..how I remove it?03:25
h3sp4wnuse the uninstall option of the .run file03:25
h3sp4wnsh whatever.run --help03:26
h3sp4wnI think its sh whatever.run --uninstall03:26
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=== Jucato is actually using the NVIDIA*.run rivers... guess he's lucky
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distro-testerzzzhello jucato and and good rest to me later03:27
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h3sp4wnUsing those .run's is fighting against the package manager03:27
xsachafight fight fight!!!03:27
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 03:28
Jucatoh3sp4wn: not if you uninstall nvidia-glx (and nvidia-kernel-common)03:28
h3sp4wnJucato: and if you get a mesa update ?03:28
h3sp4wnJucato: will overwrite libGL.so.103:29
Jucatowell, I'll have to see. so far, no updates yet :)03:29
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h3sp4wnnvidia-glx (even if you need to build from debian for a newer version) diverts it so its clean you could do it manually I suppose03:29
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dominikok I'll do it thanks03:31
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sasoynahi guys i return here because i can't resolve03:32
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sasoynaFrom 2 days now i enter in my (k)ubuntu box "manually"03:33
sasoynai mean trough failsafe-->startkde03:34
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sasoynahow can i return to the normal "automatic" mode?03:36
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yipemy kaffeine is broken, it's installed, but when I try to run it it doesn't start up03:38
yipeand when I try it from the command line, it just gives me another prompt, as if it were "done" with that03:38
yipeno errors, nothing :(03:38
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GalaZhave anyone call of duty 2?03:41
GalaZyipe: try to restart pc03:41
yipeI've done that several times since this error started occuring03:42
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Hobbseehey yipe03:43
yipehi Hobbsee03:44
Hobbseeyipe: tried rm'ing the relevant config files?03:44
GalaZhave anyone call of duty 2?03:44
yipeHobbsee, which ones are those?03:44
HobbseeGalaZ: try in #winehq03:44
yipeI did try apt-get remove --purge kaffeine and then reinstalled03:44
Hobbseeyipe: .kde/share/apps/kaffeine and .kde/share/config/kaffeine*03:44
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yipesame thing right?03:44
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=== Hobbsee doesnt know how thorough a job purge does
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yipeokay, I removed those files03:46
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yipeno change :(03:46
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Jucatopurge only removes system installed files. configs/data in /home won't be removed03:47
yipeoh okay03:47
LjLbut aside from that, it should do a pretty thorough job03:47
yipeso now what?03:47
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AattilaHi! I want to install sun-java5 but I can't click ok in the licence agreement. How can I continue the installation?03:48
LjLaside from purging and removing the files in .kde/ that the hobbsee mentioneth? no idea. that should work in theory, if it doesn't it most likely means that kaffeine just *is* broken03:48
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LjLthere were a couple of updates today and the past few days03:48
yipeLjL, this problem started a week or two ago03:49
LjLyipe: perhaps run kaffeine under strace. if you manage to make sense of the mess, perhaps you can spot some file that it's unable to load03:49
yipeI have no idea how to do that03:49
LjLstrace -f -e trace=file kaffeine03:50
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LjLwill show all the files that kaffeine attempts to open or check03:50
=== Hobbsee broke kaffeine under edgy too, actually
LjLat least it should03:50
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intelikeywho is good at finding xorg problems ?03:52
intelikeyi've got a broken X03:52
LjLxorg *is* the problem :P03:52
LjLvirtual terminals are the solution :P03:52
intelikeyyeah  but that don't help :)03:52
LjLwell, i'm not good at unbreaking axes... but expose your problem :P03:52
yipethere, there's a million files not found03:53
intelikeyok xorg won't run for anyone but root.   i owned all homes and checked perms on every thing i could think of..03:53
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LjLuhm yipe, yeah, at a quick glance, it seems to me that quite a few of those files *should* exist03:54
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LjLyipe: check if /usr/lib/libexpat.so.1 exists03:54
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LjLintelikey: meaning if you use "startx", if KDM?03:55
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LjLsecond if=or03:55
intelikeyi'm not getting any error messages it just aborts at the first x cursor   for gdm and startx for everyone but root.   however X will run for users.03:55
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h3sp4wnintelikey: Have you nosuid on  /usr ?03:55
Hobbseeintelikey: you logging into kde, or gnome?03:55
LjLintelikey: meaning that if a user types "X", it starts? that's interesting, what happens after that should be entirely in userland...03:55
=== Hobbsee wonders about it being a config file issue or something
h3sp4wnintelikey: (I remember you did at one point)03:56
intelikeyh3sp4wn good call but no this is not my box.  it's default03:56
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intelikeyHobbsee both.  installed ubuntu and kubuntu on this one.03:56
yipeno libexpat.so.1 but there is a libex.so.203:57
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intelikeydev/hdb1 on / type ext3 (rw)03:57
intelikeysee it even has partitions ^03:58
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LjLyipe: are you sure kaffeine isn't really missing some dependencies? apt-get upgrade works as advertized?03:59
yipeyes it does03:59
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yipeoh jeez, I just found libexpat.s0.104:00
=== yipe decides that grep really is a better searcher than I am
intelikeyLjL "what happens after that should be entirely in userland..." <<< yeah.  thus the first thing i did was own all homes.   what ever the issue is it's permissions related somewhere  but i haven't really done anything to this install.  was just trying to help setup a printer and the next day no X04:00
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intelikeyi found it.  well fixed it without finding it...  something in /usr/share    i issued chmod 755 /usr/share/*   and it's working now.04:03
LjLintelikey: maybe do a "find /usr -perm /=s" to find suid binaries04:03
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intelikeyLjL too late.04:03
LjLdrwxr-xr-x    2 root root04:03
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LjLevery file in /usr/share is like this for me04:03
LjLwell, every directory, since they're all directories04:04
intelikeynow on to the printer problem...04:04
intelikeyLjL yep now these are.04:04
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LjLyipe: basically after every library it tries to load, it complains about missing /etc/ld.so.nohwcap - but i don't have that file either, and there's no such complaints for me04:05
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intelikeywhat would cause all usb devices to disapear ?04:05
intelikeyexcept lsusb still sees them ?04:05
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spawn57removing the driver??04:07
LjLyipe... i really think i don't have a clue04:07
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yipeokay lol04:07
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:07
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yipeLjL, wanna hear something REALLY bizarre? I created a blank file called /etc/ld.so.nohwcap, and strace still says it can't find it04:09
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LjLyipe: try stracing other KDE programs if they do the same...04:10
LjLprograms that work, i mean04:10
LjLyipe: ah but wait, i *do* also get that error... lots of times... it's just that the strace output is so long that i totally missed it :\04:11
LjLi thought i was looking at the same part of it as the one you pasted, but i wasn't04:11
LjLyipe: what about kaffeine --verbose04:12
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yipejohn@Michelle:~$ kaffeine --verbose04:12
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LjLhm, not too surprising, since the first messages that i get from it come after the window has already opened04:13
LjLyipe: wait you don't happen to have an instance already running (or pretending to)? ps aux | grep kaff04:13
yipejohn      4678  0.0  1.0  32408 10764 ?        S    Feb04   0:00 kaffeine -session 10b2d5cfcd000116916235600000045080152_1170600913_40028804:14
yipejohn     31716  0.0  0.0   2796   752 pts/2    R+   09:17   0:00 grep kaff04:14
yipelooks like I do04:14
LjLyipe: kill it and try "kaffeine --verbose" again04:15
yipeit seems to bve working!04:15
LjLyipe: well but anyway you said this is going on for a week... i suppose you've restarted X once or twice during this time? =)04:15
yipeyes I have04:15
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LjLyipe: how do you start it normally? menu? click on a video file?04:16
yipemostly click on a video file04:17
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LjLif you start it by clicking on a video file, perhaps it just doesn't like the file and stays stuck - running but with no window04:17
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yipemaybe, but now everything seems to be running normally04:17
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LjLweird nuff04:17
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endo602hello there04:23
endo602is there anyways that i can make a shortcut key that pastes my password?04:24
endo602its annoying to keep typing my password04:24
endo602im the only one that uses this computer04:24
juan_I dont know im a newbie04:25
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HymnToLifeendo602, which password ?04:25
micheleendo602: use kwallet04:25
michelefor passwords04:25
endo602my root password04:25
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micheleyou could select your password with mouse04:26
HymnToLifeendo602, use sudo ans nopasswd in your /etc/sudoers04:26
micheleand then center click any time you need to type04:26
micheleHymnToLife: i did not consider the unsafe way :)04:26
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HymnToLifeyeah, it's a bad idea indeed04:27
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linux_hi all, I'm busy with a academy project, how can I install office on linux ?04:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about office - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:31
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malik!opn office04:32
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opn office - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:32
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malik!open office04:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about open office - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:32
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ubotua free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org04:32
maliklinux_: sudo apt-get install openoffice.org04:33
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maliklinux_: or u looking for MS Office?04:34
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linux_for ms office04:35
malikGuyz any idea when kde4 coming out?04:35
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hattakde4 is gay?04:35
LjLhatta: excuse me?04:35
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:35
nuxilhatta, how can a software be gay04:36
hattaI dunno, ask malik04:36
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maliklinux_: for that u ll need Wine or VMWare04:36
malikdont ask me i didnt bring up that rasict crap04:36
linux_oke, thanks malik I will look :)04:37
djwilcoxhi has anyone managed to connect to itunes daap stream in edgy04:37
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nuxilhatta, luckely you have choises in linux. if you dont like the upcomming kde4 use another wm|de. such as gnome xfce etc etc04:37
hattajeeze, it was a pun04:37
ubotulinux_: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.04:37
djwilcoxmy itunes daap stream shows up in rhythm box but doesnt connect04:38
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djwilcoxi have zero config turned on in system prefs04:38
malikGuyz any idea when kde4 coming out?.....................any suggestions?04:38
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malik!kde 404:41
ubotuFor information on KDE 4 (not to be released for quite some time yet), see: http://www.canllaith.org/svn-features/kde4.html. Also worth checking are: appeal/phonon/plasma/solid.kde.org04:41
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intelikey*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (!prev): 0x0816e838 *** Entity: line 2486: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document </printer> ^ printer HP-PSC_750 not found! kdeprint: WARNING: PPD syntax error, PPD parse failed.04:42
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olimpicoCan someone please tell me a repository to download "konverter"?05:01
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:02
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ICQnumberyour repo server is offline05:04
ICQnumber<ICQnumber> is it easy to set up an ati graphic driver in ubuntu or kubuntu?05:04
ICQnumberyour repo server is offlineyour repo server is offline05:05
ICQnumber<ICQnumber> is it easy to set up an ati graphic driver in ubuntu or kubuntu?05:05
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:05
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:07
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olimpicoCan someone please tell me a repository to download "konverter"?05:09
ByronFortescuehttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4425/ what's up with that?05:09
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deathnotehi.. what's alglx and glx ?05:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:09
ByronFortescuedeathnote, nice 3d stuff05:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alglx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:09
deathnotedoes it got to do with ati or nvidia?05:10
ByronFortescueeeh, yeah, it works on only one of em05:10
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ByronFortescuecan't remember which05:10
ByronFortescueprolly the nvidia05:10
deathnotei was about to try to install beryl05:10
olimpicoDoes someone here uses "Konverter"????05:10
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deathnotehow to make my firefox as default browser? it keeps openning konqueror05:12
ByronFortescuedeinstall konqueror ^_^05:12
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ByronFortescuedoesn't firefox ask to be default browser?05:13
deathnoteany environment parameters i can edit?05:13
bubu1uknot really, u can setup it in settings05:13
bubu1ukfirefox is default for ubuntu, not for KDE05:13
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE05:13
ubotukdm: X display manager for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3.2 (edgy), package size 611 kB, installed size 1480 kB05:14
deathnotek.. confused by ubuntu..kde..kdm05:14
GalaZraga qualcuno di voi ke ha installato una skeda video ati?05:14
GalaZops sorry....05:14
deathnotewhere in settings can i set default for firefox?05:15
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ByronFortescuedeathnote, you have an easy package to set up kde on ubuntu05:16
ubotuk/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.05:16
bubu1ukdethnote: ur' on kubuntu? KDE?05:16
deathnotei think my dapper kubuntu already have kde.. (or x windows if u call it?)05:16
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deathnotekubuntu dapper05:16
bubu1ukif it's kubuntu, then u have KDE05:17
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deathnoteubuntu is gnome right? hehe yeah05:17
deathnoteso.. xwindows is just kde right?05:17
deathnoteor xserver05:17
erhanrgij-4.1 eats much memory . how about you ?05:17
bubu1ukdeathnote: go to system settings> default applications and change default web browser05:18
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bubu1ukxwindows = Xorg server05:18
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:18
ByronFortescuedeathnote: no KDE is a window manager.. it manages your windows.. it works on top of xwindows05:18
theshadowThat help is out of date05:18
deathnotethere's no default applications under system settings.. hmm05:18
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bubu1ukstandard applications?05:19
bubu1ukcant remember how exactly it's called in english, use other language now05:19
bubu1ukat personal folder05:19
olimpicoCome on guys, I can't believe nobody has ever used konverter?????05:19
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deathnotegot it05:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about konverter - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:19
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deathnoteits Kde Component05:20
bubu1ukwhat for?05:20
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bubu1ukwhat is konverter for?05:20
slyfoxDoes anyone know what can I use to do automatic backups of folders ?05:20
olimpicoI'm trying to switch from Gentoo to Kubuntu, and that's the only application I'm missing, can someone please tell me if there is a repository which has this app?05:20
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olimpicobubu1uk: To convert videos05:20
ByronFortescuetry the Debian debs?05:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about soundkonvertor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:20
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ByronFortescueslyfox: maybe submersion?05:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about submersion - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about konverter - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:21
BluesKajolimpico, have you looked at tovid or devede ?05:21
bubu1ukolimpico: soundkonverter?05:21
ubotusoundkonverter: KDE frontend to various audio converters. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1047 kB, installed size 1980 kB05:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tovid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:21
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ubotudevede: Video DVD creator. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 243 kB, installed size 664 kB05:21
olimpicoBluesKaj: I'm really new to kubuntu, I have just started to use it can you tell me what is that?05:21
ByronFortescuekonverter packages05:22
ubotukeep: backup system for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.0-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 189 kB, installed size 836 kB05:22
slyfoxKeep does not work - http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/5758/keeprg3.jpg05:22
bubu1ukslyfox: !keep05:22
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bubu1ukdamn, not that way. lol05:22
deathnoteok i'm installing beryl.. at the part where it says linux-dri-modules-2.6.15-27-386 IS not up, and needs to be fixed.05:22
deathnotemy kernel is 2.6.15-27-386.. how do i install that package then? apt-get install isn't up with for this05:23
BluesKajtovid is a dvd dvd maker , author and convertor all rolled into one ...there is a terminal interface and and a graphics user interface05:23
slyfoxIs konserve any good ?05:23
olimpicoBluesKaj: I don't want a DVD converter, I want to be able to convert video and audio codecs and formats without having to use the bloody mencoder in the console. Actually converter uses mencoder but with graphics ans nice windows.05:23
ByronFortescueslyfox: write your own script ^_^05:23
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ubotukonserve: KDE system tray application that performs periodic backups. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.3-3ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 501 kB, installed size 1476 kB05:24
ByronFortescuetry it out i would say05:25
slyfoxByronFortescue: I am just a noob05:25
bubu1ukslyfox: i found only soundkonverter in my repos.05:25
slyfoxByronFortescue: konserve is kind of old, last updated back in 200405:25
ByronFortescueslyfox: don't worry me too, ah, hmm05:25
bubu1ukis that what u want?05:25
BluesKajolimpico, that's what tovid does , but mencoder is used as a tool in this case AFAIK : http://tovid.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page05:26
slyfoxbubu1uk: dont; think so. sound is not what I need. I need a simple gui backup utility05:26
ByronFortescueslyfox: and keep is also not worth it?05:26
bubu1ukslyfox: ah, sorry, got confused with too many conversations. :p05:26
bubu1ukslyfox: why keep doesnt work?05:27
Ace2016Hi all05:27
ByronFortescueHi ace201605:27
slyfoxByronFortescue: keep is grea,t But I get this when backing up to a network folder which is mounter with full write premission: http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/5758/keeprg3.jpg05:27
slyfoxbubu1uk: http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/5758/keeprg3.jpg05:27
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ByronFortescuehmm, maybe you can build it from source?05:28
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bubu1ukor just try to reinstall.05:28
ByronFortescueyeah, together with pyton maybe05:28
slyfoxbubu1uk: keep works fine when backing up to local fodlers05:28
slyfoxByronFortescue: I am only a noob05:28
bubu1ukah, i c05:28
ByronFortescueweird problem05:29
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ByronFortescuesomething to do with how the network share is formatted?05:29
uboturdiff-backup: remote incremental backup. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.5-1 (edgy), package size 168 kB, installed size 664 kB05:30
caris_mereWhen trying my webcam I get this error can't open /dev/video0: No such file or directory05:30
caris_mereany ideas?05:30
ByronFortescuecaris: does it work in other programs?05:30
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olimpicoBluesKaj: The same as konverter05:31
MidMarkamarok 1.4.5 will reach edgy?05:31
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olimpicoBluesKaj: And tovid is a gnome app? which repository??05:32
ByronFortescuecaris: have you installed a driver for your webcam?05:32
caris_mereByronFortescue: I think so, I have been all over trying things05:32
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caris_mereByronFortescue: I have a Logitech QuickCam Chat, and I have installed spca5xx*05:33
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ByronFortescuecaris_mere: have you built the driver from source? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=303330&page=205:35
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yaccinis there already a repository for amarok 1.4.5?05:36
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alex__HI all, I have installed windows on my C partition but now grub is gone. How can I reinstall it ?05:36
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ubotuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.4 for Edgy and packages are  available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok05:36
bubu1ukamarok latest? maybe05:36
virnikjust tryed cedega, latest05:36
virnikand World of WarCraft05:36
virnikpiece of cake05:36
caris_mereByronFortescue: I did this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-75284.html05:36
virnikand its running so fast!05:36
alex__Also, I want to dual boot so I need to add an entry to the menu.lst to boot windows.  Any URL For examples ?05:36
virnikI do not need windaz anymore05:36
virnikI have used them only for WoW, and now... :-)05:37
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:37
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ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents05:37
bubu1uklol. not this one05:37
virnikwindaz sucks05:37
virnikeveryone know that05:37
virnikbut still, some games like wow, better runs in windaz05:37
ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)05:37
virnikno more of this :-)05:38
bubu1ukalex_: have a look at ubuntuguide.org. might be there something05:38
ByronFortescuecaris_mere: that looks like something that should work :) i dunno how to help you out, maybe you can post your q to the forums or someone else maybe has an idea to help you out here..05:38
bubu1ukcant remember where i seen how to repair grub05:39
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vistta - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:39
ubotuvista is the new operating system by the evil overlords from Redmond. For more information, see http://www.badvista.org05:39
caris_mereByronFortescue: Thanks, I guess I will try restarting and praying and then maybe posting05:40
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acemowhat boot options should i use with the kubuntu live cd when i want only the text base?05:40
|Toadi need help with kubuntu05:41
h3sp4wnVista has a nice colorscheme nice and dark - too much white annoys me05:41
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ByronFortescueToad: what's the problem?05:42
|Toadi'm trying to install my printer, but it cant find the drivers05:42
|ToadUnable to load the requested driver:05:42
|ToadUnable to create the Foomatic driver [Epson-ActionLaser_1100,omni] . Either that driver does not exist, or you don't have the required permissions to perform that operation.05:42
ByronFortescuedo you run the thing with root permissions?05:43
Lam_h3sp4wn: too much dark can get old after a while though. i like a mixture of white and gray05:43
|Toadi also can play videos or mp3s, and i cant install firefox, but the printer is top priority05:43
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|Toadthat is with root permissions in system settings05:43
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:43
Dr_willisclarify the problem?05:43
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Dr_willisHmm.. i just realized that the adapt-notify thing tells me there are updates.. but ive never noticed a way to have it 'auto update'05:44
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acemois there a way to use Option "MonitorLayout" "LVDS,AUTO" on booting the live cd?05:44
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Dr_willisacemo,  what video card ya using? nvidia and 2 monitors?05:44
BluesKajwill nero .nrg files burn as iso in K3B ?05:44
ByronFortescuetoad: can you maybe try to use a generic printer driver?05:44
acemoits a ATI x70005:45
Dr_willisBluesKaj,  ive seen some that can and some that dont.05:45
Lam_Dr_willis: i don't think it bodes well with freedom of choice if updates are automatic :/05:45
BluesKajwell, i'm about to find out , Dr_willis :)05:45
killermachI have a laptop and an extra monitor installed. how do I setup xinerama?05:45
Dr_willisLam_,  but look at it this way... my wife is on.. she sees updates.. i may go weeks without ever gettting on the machine.. so NO updates till i manually go to each machine.05:45
Dr_willisLam_,  for freedom - there should be that option.05:45
BluesKajit's burning , but i dunno if the video will turn out05:45
Dr_willissince i always install all the updates anyway05:45
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Lam_Dr_willis: yeah, i do too. i want an option like that as well05:46
costysal allll05:46
|Toadany printer driver i choose says that05:46
Dr_willisLam_,  i imagine theres a way to do it.. just not obvious. :)05:46
costysunt roman05:46
Gretli dont know your wife but i strongly guess she is able to click at that sign updates05:46
ubotufoomatic-db-engine: linuxprinting.org printer support - programs. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.2-20060925-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 261 kB, installed size 832 kB05:46
acemoDr_willis: u know how to do such an option to the live cd? as my friend has too little knowledge about linux to install from konsole05:46
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Dr_willisGretl,  but she needs the 'admin user' password to actually install them.05:47
Dr_willisGretl,  which she dont have. :)05:47
|Toadso, how do i make sure i have foomatic installed?05:47
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Dr_willisacemo,   not that i am aware of.. other then going to the console.  id say search the forums for boot/kernel/cheatcodes for the live cd.05:47
ByronFortescueToad: open up a terminal or synaptic05:48
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Gretlthen you need to wirte a short script with root privileges for apt- get update05:48
ByronFortescuetoad: in the terminal, type sudo apt-get install foomatic-db-engine and it will say if it's already installed05:48
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|ToadReading package lists... Done05:49
|ToadBuilding dependency tree... Done05:49
|Toadfoomatic-db-engine is already the newest version.05:49
|Toad0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.05:49
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Dr_willisthere was no reall nead to paste that. :)05:50
|Toadtrue, sorry05:50
Dr_willisheh heh.05:50
ByronFortescuewell,  hmmm..05:50
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about confmiss - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:51
h3sp4wnIf its not working maybe you need to do confmiss05:51
h3sp4wnapt-get install --reinstall -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confmiss -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confnew foomatic-db-engine05:51
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|Toadresintall is not possible, it cannot be downlaoded05:52
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|Toadi'[m running kubuntu 6.06.1 i386 dvd install05:58
|Toadthe sad thing is that it seemed to have ran better off the livecd compared to hte actual install05:58
=== Dr_willis missed the original problem somewhere...
|Toadi cant get it to see any printer drivers05:59
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Dr_willisusing the kde printer control panel thing you mean?06:00
|Toadi go to system setting,s click printers, put in the password, ckick add, lpt1, pick a driver from the list (every driver does it), and it says that it cant find the driver or i dont have permissions06:00
Dr_willisHmm.. so you did go in to admin mode by putting the password in at the bottom...06:00
Dr_willisyou got an actual parrallel port printer? heh :)06:01
|Toadan actual epcon actionlaser 150006:01
|Toadbuilt in 9306:01
|Toadthe actionlaser 1100 drivers worked in debian06:01
Dr_willisive not used 6.06 in ages.06:02
|Toadi was told to use 6.06 cuz 6.1 was stoll buggy or something06:02
Dr_willisbuggy? never noticed..06:02
slyfoxI am noob, can someone help? Is there anyway to make this command auto run? "rdiff-backup source destination"  like maybe with that crone thing ?06:02
Dr_willisyou may want to fire up the pacakge manager and search for 'foomatic' and install all the foomatic packages06:02
devilsadvocate|Toad, that was a while ag, i presume :)06:02
|Toadi was first told to use debian, i got it and installed it, asked for help and they were like, if your such a noob, why did you pick debian06:03
|Toadno, i was told that 2 days ago06:03
|Toadin ##linux06:03
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=== bubu1uk wonders where is his xubuntu cd gone.
devilsadvocate|Toad, 6.10 is fine, and so is 6.0606:04
Dr_willisslyfox,  you could set up a cron job yes.. that would proberly be the best way to get it to run once a day, or every hr, or whatever06:05
bubu1ukslyfox: there is KDE frontend for cron.06:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kron - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:05
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ubotukcron: the KDE crontab editor. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 187 kB, installed size 544 kB06:05
Dr_willisi do recall the cups stuff not installing ALL the varooud printer drivers by default..   i guess some of the older ones are in other packages..  i needed some for my old printers06:06
slyfoxDr_willis: but how do I do it? "rdiff-backup source destination" that is just a line I have to manually type into Konsole? How do I make it a one click job or an executabel or a program or whatever it msut be ?06:06
Dr_willisslyfox,  now would be a good time to read a cron tutorial or 2.06:06
Dr_willissince id have to go read some to remeber... :)06:07
jhutchins_wkslyfox: Did I give you that dos/windows/linux HOWTO?06:07
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nuxilhi all06:07
slyfoxjhutchins_wk: no06:07
jhutchins_wkslyfox: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/DOS-Win-to-Linux-HOWTO.html06:08
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nuxilhow can i play wmv files.. i have installed the xine extra codes. but still it wount play thouse files06:08
Dr_williswowsers kcron can be a little bit intimmidating..06:08
Slackwisenuxil: I would recommend installing "VLC Media Player" simply because it plays everything :P06:08
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:08
jhutchins_wkslyfox: What you want to do is to test your command from the console.  If it works as expected, you can either make a shortcut on your desktop to run it manually, or you can schedule it with chron.06:08
Dr_williskcron -> system crontab --> Tasks -> make new task :)06:09
angasuleSlackwise: it's horrible, though :( the interface, I mean06:09
Slackwiseangasule: Yea :(06:09
SlackwiseThe default interface is terrible. True.06:09
bubu1uknuxil: follow guide in ubuntuguide.org > multimedia codecs06:09
h3sp4wnmplayer plays everything I have thrown at it06:09
nuxilok thanks06:10
slyfoxjhutchins_wk: So I would have to create one of those bash scripts ?06:10
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jhutchins_wkslyfox: No, you can put a command directly in a shortcut or in a crontab.06:10
jhutchins_wkslyfox: If it's a multi-line command, several commands to do in order, then you create a script and schedule that.06:10
Dr_willisof course you may want to modify the command/script so any output gets logged somewhere.06:10
jhutchins_wkDr_willis: Output from a cron job should be emailed to the owner.06:11
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Dr_willis'should' :) and he may or may not want that..06:11
slyfoxMy head is spinning06:11
Dr_willistime to learn some basics and get reading i guess slyfox06:12
h3sp4wnfcron is quite nice06:12
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ubotufcron: cron-like scheduler with extended capabilities. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.0.0-2 (edgy), package size 175 kB, installed size 668 kB06:12
Dr_willisits all rather straight forward. :)06:12
slyfoxWhat would I do with this line? "rdiff-backup source destination" ?06:12
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jhutchins_wkWhat did I just suggest?06:13
Dr_willisslyfox,  http://www.unixgeeks.org/security/newbie/unix/cron-1.html06:13
jhutchins_wkTry it from the console.06:13
jhutchins_wkIf it works, make a shortcut to run it manually or schedule it.06:13
slyfoxjhutchins_wk: it works fine from console and does the job06:13
jhutchins_wkslyfox: Excellent.  What do you want to do with it?06:13
slyfoxjhutchins_wk: but hwo do I make that shortcut ?06:13
Dr_willisedit the crontab file by hand.. or use that kcron tool.06:14
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jhutchins_wkRight click on the desktop and see if you can stumble your way through.06:14
slyfoxjhutchins_wk: I want this commadn to auto run evey 3 days06:14
=== Dr_willis wonders where this 'shortcut' stuff is comming from.
jhutchins_wkslyfox: In that case, you'll want to schedule it using cron.06:14
bubu1ukslyfox: u been told to use kcron few times here06:14
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jhutchins_wkDr_willis: I think slyfox may think that to run in a gui there has to be a clickable icon.  Not necessary in this case though.06:14
DaSkreechtwo questions :)06:14
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DaSkreechHas anyone installed the amarokFS script?06:15
nuxilbleh.. typical.. only for 32 bit system06:15
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Dr_willisHmm.. not sure how ya tell it every 3 days....06:15
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jhutchins_wkslyfox: You will want to read the manpage for cron.  You won't understand most of it, but those words will lurk in your brain.  Eventually, as you learn other stuff, they'll come together.06:15
slyfoxWith all the info you gave me, I am a bit confused, I have this command running fine in the konsole. just need to get it auto run evey 3 days. Right click - make a shortcut for what? A text file ?06:15
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BluesKajDr_willis, had a successful iso burn of a nero nrg file ...this one worked! :)06:16
Dr_willisslyfox,  get AWAY from the 'makle a short cut' thing....06:16
jhutchins_wkslyfox: No, you don't need a shortcut.  You need to read some of the stuff we've given you about cron.06:16
ubotu   #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke06:16
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jhutchins_wkAfter you've read the manpage, either experiment on your own, or come ask us for specific help.06:16
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Dr_willisslyfox,  in a nutshell.. you edit the /etc/crontab file.. putting in a proper entry to run a speficic command with the secific settings to tell cron WHEN to run it.06:16
slyfoxBlueehh. why can't simple Gui applciaitosn work06:16
Dr_willishttp://www.clockwatchers.com/cron_general.html       Looks nice.06:17
jhutchins_wkDaSkreech: What's it supposed to do?06:17
Dr_willisslyfox,  KCRON is a gui to the cron system..06:17
jhutchins_wkslyfox: With great power comes great responsibility.06:17
DaSkreechIt turns amarok into a Front Row like interface06:17
slyfoxOk, I will read06:17
bubu1ukslyfox: system >> kcron06:17
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jhutchins_wkslyfox: If you want a simple all-graphical system where you don't have to learn about what's going on, you need a Mac.06:17
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Dr_willisjhutchins_wk,  you dont want to get me started on some of the Mac Disasters ive had. :)06:18
jhutchins_wkDaSkreech: Unfortunately, I have no clue what "Front Row" might be.06:18
nesciushello, anything for partisioning new disks?06:18
jhutchins_wkDr_willis: Still, if that's what he wants, he wants a Mac, not Linux.06:18
jhutchins_wkLinus is not for everyone.06:18
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Dr_willisnescius,  im old skool and  use parted/gpartd/qtpared then edit the fstab.06:18
jhutchins_wkEr, nor is Linux.06:18
nesciusbubu1uk, thanks06:18
Dr_willisThinking is not for Everyone. :)06:18
slyfoxbubu1uk: KCron asks for an executable file? No idea how to make line "rdiff-backup foo bar" exectuable06:19
Dr_willisrdiff-backup IS an executable file06:19
jhutchins_wkslyfox: Did you read the man page, or any of the other stuff we sent you?06:19
bubu1ukthanx Dr_willis06:19
Dr_willisHowever you may want to give the full path to the command. and to the files it will be reading/using.06:19
slyfoxjhutchins_wk: Ok, I will read.06:19
DaSkreechjhutchins_wk: Have you ever seen a 10 ft interface?06:20
jhutchins_wkDaSkreech: Given that that's a  pretty vague question, yes.06:20
DaSkreechsecond is why would a dig <url> not give me an answer section06:20
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Dr_willisI saw a Gameboy tht was like 10 ft tall once....06:20
jhutchins_wkHmmm.  It would appear that "Front Row" is some sort of Apple thingie.06:21
Dr_willisjhutchins_wk,  :) wonder who they stole that idea from...06:21
Dr_willisOh wait did i say that outloud....06:22
rahmetliis there any command or script to install the same packages in the nubuntu for kubuntu?06:22
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Dr_willisnubuntu? - if they got a repository add it to the apt.sources and you should be able to use all their packages06:22
Dr_willis!info nubuntu06:22
ubotuPackage nubuntu does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas06:22
jhutchins_wkAmazing that google can find something on "Front Page music".  That's a pretty generic concept, but it does grab it.06:22
Dr_williswe need a wiki site just for all the ubuntu variants06:23
abhinayiam getting the fallowing error (pastebin), when i open any KDE application http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4439/06:23
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rahmetlibu the way i am using dapper,does it matter to install those software?06:23
jhutchins_wkDaSkreech: As for the dig question, either because you passed it a URL instead of a host name, or because it doesn' t have any information on that host.06:23
DaSkreechjhutchins_wk: Entertainment systems like Windows MPC or Apple or MythTV have what is called a 10 ft interface06:23
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DaSkreech you can navigate and use it from 10 ft away06:24
DaSkreechjhutchins_wk: It's not a url it should be a host name06:24
jhutchins_wkabhinay: what did you most recently change?06:24
DaSkreech I can get an answer section on teh other machines06:24
abhinayjhutchins_wk: nothing06:25
abhinayjhutchins_wk: i just installed kubuntu-desktop recently06:25
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jhutchins_wkDaSkreech: Then your DNS tree doesn't have any info on that host.06:25
abhinayjhutchins_wk: iam using KDE now06:25
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jhutchins_wkabhinay: did it ever work correctly?06:25
abhinayjhutchins_wk: the application opens & works fine06:26
DaSkreechjhutchins_wk: They all have the same dns server06:26
abhinayjhutchins_wk: but, iam getting those messages06:26
jhutchins_wkDaSkreech: So like an IR or Bluetooth or other wireless control.06:26
Dr_willisrahmetli,  from what i am reading about nubuntu - its a minimal desktop ubuntu variant - with lots of security packages installed by default..06:26
Dr_willisrahmetli,  so installing those packages shouldent hurt a ubuntu install.06:26
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Dr_willistheir official support place ------->   irc.kaffeinenet.com #nubuntu06:26
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jhutchins_wkabhinay: It could be that something's wrong, it could be that it's checking to initialize stuff you don't have.06:26
rahmetliok Dr_willis thanks.06:27
jhutchins_wkabhinay: You could try restarting.06:27
abhinayjhutchins_wk: samething happens06:27
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larsivido anyone know if it is possible with multiple (two) displays on the i915 laptop chipset?06:27
jhutchins_wkDaSkreech: Are these public or private?06:27
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jhutchins_wkabhinay: You mean happens after restarting?  Where do these errors appear?06:27
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abhinayjhutchins_wk: konsole06:28
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abhinayjhutchins_wk: i also tried restarting06:28
jhutchins_wkabhinay: Are you launching the apps from konsole?06:28
abhinayjhutchins_wk: sometimes i launch applications from konsole06:28
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dominikDoes someone know how to make Beryl start on startup on KDE?06:30
Dr_willisthe beryl wiki/docs i saw the other day covered that topic06:30
jhutchins_wkabhinay: Ok, here's a guess:  For some reason, a lot of Xorg setups have configuration for a drawing input tablet made by Wacom.  It's even required by the 2.6 kernel on Gentoo.  Although nobody has these things, the setup is woven through all the default xorg and application configurations for some reason.  This means that all your apps try to initialize it when you start them, but because it's not there, they get an error.06:30
jhutchins_wk  They may try more than once, possibly for more than one model of the stupid thing.06:30
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jhutchins_wkabhinay: So I wouldn't worry about it.06:30
Dr_willisthey made a custome kde_beryl.desktop entry for KDM - that launched it..  that way you could NOT start it if youy wanted to.06:30
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Dr_willisI always edit out the wacom entrys in the xorg.conf  :)06:31
dominikDr_willis: I did this wiki but something is wrong06:31
jhutchins_wkDr_willis: Or if it's broken, which it almost always is.06:31
Dr_willisjhutchins_wk,  which wiki? i tryed beryl the other day.. and bereyl was broken.06:31
Dr_willisso i will wait another 5 mo befor trying it again06:32
the_hammerSysInfo: Linux 2.6.20-rc6-amd64 |  AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+ 1000.000 MHz | Bogomips: 2011.55 | Mem: 299/500M [||||||||||]  | Diskspace: 227.83G Free: 213.57G | Procs: 96 | Uptime: 3 hrs 47 mins 39 secs | Load: 0.08 0.13 0.09  | Vpenis: 58.1 cm | Vboobies: 42F | Screen: ATI Technologies Inc RV370 [ATI Sapphire X550 Silent]  @ 1024x768 (32 bpp) | eth0: In: 56.66M Out: 2.66M06:32
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Dr_willisI did like some of the features of that Mandriva Mettis Live cd with its fancy desktop.06:32
Dr_williswell bbl.06:32
jhutchins_wkDr_willis: Yeah, I'd say they're ~5,6 months from a beta release.06:32
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DaSkreechjhutchins_wk: Bluetooth? Sorry?06:33
Dr_willisjhutchins_wk,  yep.. thats why i aint even worrying about it at this time. :)06:33
jhutchins_wkDaSkreech: Wireless.06:33
DaSkreechFor DNs?06:33
jhutchins_wkThat sort of thing.06:33
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jhutchins_wkNo, for remote control of a media server.06:33
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DaSkreechjhutchins_wk: Oh right :) sorting out the convos now :)06:36
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DaSkreechRight but AmarokFS is a script that gives amarok a 10 ft interface so you can have a party and control the flow from across the room06:37
jhutchins_wkDaSkreech: What do you use for a remote?06:37
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DaSkreechjhutchins_wk: I can't get it to work first of all :)06:40
waylandbillDaSkreech: never heard of it. Is it a theme or something?06:41
bubu1ukif i got less than 128 MB memory. should i use alternate CD for installation?06:41
DaSkreechbut My major issue is I can't see the dag.wieers.com site06:41
DaSkreechwaylandbill: Eh?06:41
DaSkreechwaylandbill: What's a theme?06:41
DaSkreechbubu1uk: can't kill :)06:41
bubu1ukwell, normal ubuntu/kubuntu cd's dont work. will stop at boot process. lol06:42
DaSkreechwaylandbill: 10 ft interface for amarok06:42
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slyfoxjhutchins_wk: I read some stuff but still am confused, I went to KCrone and chose variables and chose SHELL and there for the value I entered: "rdiff-backup source destination" and I cannot run it ?06:43
waylandbillDaSkreech: yeah. you said that. I was looking for more details.06:43
slyfoxjhutchins_wk: I also tried to mkae the bash with thie line inside ""rdiff-backup source destination"" and it does not launch06:43
bubu1ukslyfox: choose tasks not variables.06:43
slyfoxbubu1uk: But I cant figure out how to make "rdiff-backup source destination" an executable06:44
slyfoxbubu1uk: .txt file and bash do now work06:44
slyfoxdo not work06:44
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bubu1ukyou type it same as command in console06:44
DaSkreechwaylandbill: Its in the latest AWN06:45
jhutchins_wkDaSkreech: dag's site loads here just fine, check your spelling (it was correct above).06:45
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slyfoxbubu1uk: where the program is in there I type in "rdiff-backup source destination" ?06:45
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jhutchins_wkDaSkreech: IP is
DaSkreechjhutchins_wk: It's correct Just from this one machine I can't resolve some server names06:45
jhutchins_wkDaSkreech: Remote control interface for Amarok.  You need a remote control device.06:46
jhutchins_wkDaSkreech: Something wrong in your DNS setup.06:46
DaSkreechThe standard ones like google.com yahoo.com cnn.com all resolve06:46
waylandbillDaSkreech: ok. I'll take a look there then. thx06:46
binks_workok peeps big prob with my web server apache2 wont load i gat an error06:46
binks_work(98) Address already in use06:46
jhutchins_wkDaSkreech: AWN?06:46
binks_workthats 98 btw06:47
DaSkreechjhutchins_wk: I figure but the machines seem to have the same setup06:47
DaSkreechjhutchins_wk: Amarok Weekly Newsletter06:47
jhutchins_wkbinks_work: You have defined the same listen-to port or address in more than one place.06:47
binks_workbut it worked untill today06:47
jhutchins_wkDaSkreech: So I'm still intrigued, what do you plan to use for your remote device?06:48
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rahmetlito install programs using make and make install what do i have to install?06:48
DaSkreechjhutchins_wk: IR blaster?06:48
binks_workhow can i fix it the server only runs lamps with x on top06:48
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jhutchins_wkbinks_work: EIther you changed a configuration file, or you installed an update that moved/duplicated a configuration line.06:48
DaSkreech!b-e | rahmetli06:48
uboturahmetli: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:48
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binks_workcan i tell wats connected already06:49
jhutchins_wkrahmetli: First, make absolutely sure they're not available in deb packages or rpm's.06:49
jhutchins_wkrahmetli: Next, un-tar the package and read the INSTALL file.06:49
rahmetlii know, but it cant find make command.06:49
rahmetlisudo: make: command not found06:50
jhutchins_wkDaSkreech: What I know of the IR blaster is that it's an OUTPUT control device to control things like CD players, tuners, Cable boxes, etc.06:50
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DaSkreechjhutchins_wk: Still needs a remote06:50
jhutchins_wkrahmetli: Want to bet that that tip page tells you how to get it?06:50
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rodrigosoy nuevo aqu...06:51
rodrigopueden verme..?06:51
rodrigo1.. 2... 3... probando..06:51
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:51
rodrigothank you06:52
jhutchins_wkrahmetli: The answer to your question is one line from the bottom when I open that page.06:52
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rahmetlii am checking jhutchins_wk ty.06:53
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jhutchins_wkDaSkreech: Did you know about #amarok?06:54
jhutchins_wkDaSkreech: There may also be other remote control solutions, take a look at the MythTV project - I know they do remotes.06:55
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DaSkreechWell I was just more interested in the Full screen quality06:55
crubeIs there a command to reinstall a program with apt, instead of first removing and then installing again06:55
DaSkreechjhutchins_wk:  And Yes I knew about #amarok :)06:56
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jhutchins_wkcrube: Most of the package managers I know of don't do that.06:56
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jhutchins_wkcrube: There should be some form of -force that works, but often there isn't.06:57
crubejhutchins yeah, I just need to reinstall kaffeine, and I came to think if there's a command I could later have use for06:57
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DaSkreechAlias I guess06:58
jhutchins_wkcrube: Should be fine to just uninstall then install.06:58
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=== jhutchins_wk waits hopefully for someone who knows apt to answer crube...
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crubejhutchins_wk:hehe. It's okay :P06:59
DaSkreechcrube: It's pretty simple to make it into one step if you want06:59
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DaSkreechshort script in /bin :)06:59
waylandbilljust removing and then installing again only removes the files and unpacks the deb from the apt cache07:00
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crubeI used the command "sudo apt-get remove kaffeine" and now it's going to remove kubuntu-desktop with it, Is that alright?07:00
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waylandbillno. that aint right.07:01
waylandbillthere's an option for apt-get. apt-get install --reinstall. That basically unpacks the deb again.07:02
crubeThat's what I was looking for thanks07:02
jhutchins_wkDaSkreech: just &&07:02
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jhutchins_wkwaylandbill: Thanks!07:02
DaSkreechjhutchins_wk: Yeah but I'm talking about the really really lazy07:02
DaSkreechread that as programmer07:03
crubeOk, my kaffeine still isn't working. I guess it's becouse of the codecs I installed or something.07:04
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waylandbilldaedra: it's mario's fault. :-)07:04
daedrawaylandbill: lol, but seriously, distrowatch won't load for me in Konq07:05
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daedraIt loads in Firefox, Lynx etc, but not Konqueror!?!07:05
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daedraI found an alternative http://distrowatch.serve-you.net , but its annoying to be denied access to http://distrowatch.com :(07:06
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daedraIt must be server side right? Not my fault?07:07
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waylandbilldo you have it doing some browser identification for distrowatch?07:07
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daedrawaylandbill: no07:07
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DaSkreechdaedra: I only go to distrowatch in konqui07:08
waylandbillthat's about my only guess other than it's not going to the place you think it is.07:08
DaSkreechI was just reading the news07:08
daedranothing I do seems to solve it07:08
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daedrait works fine in my other browsers but I prefer Konqi07:08
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waylandbillyou could try putting in the ip address directly to make sure konq is actually going to the right place.07:09
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daedrawaylandbill: no luck07:10
daedrapinging works fine07:10
jhutchins_wkcrube: I've never found kaffein easy to get working.  I use mplayer and amarok, and that pretty much covers everything.  Lately I've been using xine because as far as I know it's the only player that works with DVD menus, and I've been messing with those.07:10
jhutchins_wkdaedra: - are you behind a firewall or on a corporate or school network maybe?07:10
daedrajhutchins_wk: thats distrowatch07:11
daedrajhutchins_wk: i'm just behind my router07:11
jhutchins_wkdaedra: I thought you couldn't reach it?07:11
waylandbilldaedra: you could try using browser identfication for it and making it report that it is firefox or something07:11
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daedranot through Konqueror07:11
daedraI can reach it through everything else07:12
daedrawaylandbill: tried that - no use07:12
waylandbilldaedra: I'm fresh out of ideas then. :-)07:12
jhutchins_wkDistrowatch comes up fine in konq here.07:12
daedraive just accessed it through elinks, firefox, ping, traceroute....07:12
jhutchins_wk3.5.5 on edgy.07:12
daedraall fine07:12
DaSkreechjhutchins_wk: So why would two machines with the same DNS server give different answers to a dig?07:12
jhutchins_wkDaSkreech: Cached info?07:13
DaSkreechcache of Null?07:13
jhutchins_wkLocal caching server?07:13
daedrajhutchins_wk: thats what I _thought_07:13
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DaSkreechDoesn't seem reasonable07:13
jhutchins_wkDaSkreech: Yeah, they'll do that.07:13
DaSkreech I think there may be a squid07:13
daedrabut thats their problem right?07:13
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jhutchins_wkdaedra: No, the problem is with something in your setup.07:14
DaSkreechWell this one is deeper in the network07:14
jhutchins_wkdaedra: Why do you think you're "denied access" - how about you tell us what actually happens?07:14
DaSkreechIt's a production server though so no rebooting07:14
daedraI type http://distowatch.com07:14
jhutchins_wkDaSkreech: You could check for DNS processes and restart them or flush the routing table.07:15
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daedrabrowser loads "Forbidden"07:15
jhutchins_wkdaedra: Be specific - in the address bar in konq?07:15
daedramy screenshot was up there07:15
daedrayes in the address bar07:15
daedraI could execute it from console too07:15
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jhutchins_wkWaiting for your screenshot to load...07:16
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jhutchins_wkThat does appear to be a configuration on their end.07:16
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daedraIt seems that way, however, Firefox copes just fine07:17
jhutchins_wkIt's not like they're going to block bt.07:17
daedrathey're not (firefox can do it)07:17
jhutchins_wkSome difference in how your konq configuration is addressing that page... try distrowatch.com/index.html07:17
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waylandbilltry http://distrowatch.com/index.php07:18
jhutchins_wkOr that.07:18
daedraneither function07:18
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jhutchins_wkdaedra: By which you mean "same error".07:18
jhutchins_wktry http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20070205#feature07:19
daedracoincidentally, distowatch.com/poo gives same error lol07:19
daedrasame error07:19
waylandbillyou can't tell me that it's getting forbidden on /  when you put index.php07:19
daedrano it gets forbidden on index.php07:19
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jhutchins_wkdaedra: Any other users set up on this box?07:20
waylandbilloh.. ok.. i thought same error meant truly the same. :-D07:20
daedrajhutchins_wk: nope07:20
daedrawaylandbill: sorry about that07:20
jhutchins_wkSet up a new one, change logins, see what happens.07:20
jhutchins_wk(easier than messing with your .kde files.)07:20
jhutchins_wkdaedra: The theory is that something in your knoqueror configuration is off.07:21
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jhutchins_wk(I ALLWAYS type k-n-o-q - if I dont' catch it, that's what goes out.)07:21
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caris_mereIf I have installed a driver for a webcam and it is the wrong one, do I need to deinstall or do something before I try a new one?07:21
daedraok brb07:22
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leiarwhat do i install to get amarok to play mp3?07:25
DaSkreech!mp3 | leiar07:26
ubotuleiar: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:26
daedrawell I created a new user, and on login received an error box reading "Could not start kstartupconfig.07:26
harmentalhey guys ...i've noticed that my swap went down (AGAIN) at startup.....i tried swapon -a and i got:07:26
harmentalswapon: /dev/hda6: Operation not permitted07:26
sb9whats the ntpd for ubuntu ?07:26
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nagyvharmental: try it with sudo07:26
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grout_how do you install themes?07:27
harmentalnagyv: now i get swapon: /dev/hda6: Invalid argument07:27
harmentalthis is my fstab: /dev/hda6 none swap sw 0 007:28
jhutchins_wkharmental: fsck /dev/hda607:28
nagyvharmental: I don't now the swapon command, try man swapon to figure out what should you use07:28
daedraany ideas?07:28
jhutchins_wkThat's indicating a bad swap partition.07:28
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jhutchins_wkdaedra: Sorry, haven't been there with kubuntu yet, shall I play along and see?07:29
harmentaljhutchins_wk: but until last week it worked just fine07:29
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jhutchins_wkI'll try to be good and stick to the GUI, no CLI shortcuts...07:29
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vliegje20evening i have a question about bluetooth07:29
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jhutchins_wkharmental: That's why hardware has a MTBF.  It's the "F" part.07:29
eidolonhi folks - i'm working on an article describing Ubuntu Gnome vs Kubuntu KDE  setups... and my experience with KDE was that when starting a new user, the first thing the user had on their desktop was a Home folder and a Trashcan icon and maybe a few other icons.  When i first logged in with this user on my Kubuntu install, I got a blank desktop with just the toolbar on the bottom.  is that normal?07:29
daedrawell jhutchins_wk I created a user with useradd then passwd [user] 07:30
daedrait doesn't seem to like my new user07:30
jhutchins_wkeidolon: Yeah, I think that's what I got.07:30
jhutchins_wkdaedra: Ah. Did it create the user's home directory?07:30
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daedra(I am teh noob)07:31
vliegje20i installed with wine BlueSoleil. It starts and works but it doesnt recognize my bluetooth usb stick how can i make contact with it?07:31
harmentaljhutchins_wk: ok.....so failures are fine with me as long as i can repair them...07:31
harmentalany ideas?07:31
jhutchins_wkdaedra: Ok, adduser is _supposed_ to create the homedir by default, but some distros mess with that.07:32
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DaSkreecheidolon: As far as I know it's blank07:32
daedrajhutchins_wk: well this is just kubuntu 6.06.107:32
eidolonhuh.  okay.  that's yucky :)07:32
daedrashould I create it manually, and if so, what di I do?07:33
jhutchins_wkdaedra: Er, useradd needs -d to create the home dir, just userdel, useradd -d07:33
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daedraok thanks07:33
jhutchins_wkdaedra: adduser defaults to creating it.07:33
jhutchins_wkharmental: fsck /dev/hda607:33
daedra"invalid home directory `test'"07:34
jhutchins_wkharmental: You may end up having to remove and recreate the swap partition with fdisk, or use qparted.07:34
jhutchins_wkdaedra: useradd -d <user>?07:34
harmentaljhutchins_wk: i get07:34
harmentalfsck: fsck.swap: not found07:34
harmentalfsck: Error 2 while executing fsck.swap for /dev/hda607:34
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daedrajhutchins_wk: yep I did that07:35
jhutchins_wkdaedra: Hmm.07:35
harmentali'm trying mkswap now....07:35
Aattiladoes anybody know how to install sun-java5-bin?07:35
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jhutchins_wkdaedra: I get the same thing.  I suspect something's not set up right.07:35
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nagyvAattila: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin07:36
jhutchins_wkdaedra: do "adduser test"07:36
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daedrayeah that works, but as I said before, no home dir is created07:36
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daedraoh! it worked07:37
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daedraok back to the task at hand07:37
jhutchins_wkIt's even verbose.07:37
DaSkreech!java | Aattila07:38
ubotuAattila: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository07:38
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harmentaljhutchins_wk: it worked....first i used mkswap , then swapon -a07:38
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harmentali hope i wont have to do that et every startup.....07:38
jhutchins_wkharmental: Shouldn't.07:39
harmentaljhutchins_wk: thx anyway....07:39
jhutchins_wkharmental: You might keep an eye on the log files to make sure it's not failing.07:39
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harmentallog files?07:39
jhutchins_wkDon't know why fsck.swap isn't available.07:39
harmentalwhere are thos?07:39
jhutchins_wkuse the demesg command, and or /var/log/messages07:40
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jhutchins_wk(Kubuntu may use some different files in /var/log, but the important stuff should be there.)07:40
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:40
daedra_well the new user loaded correctly, and Konqueror loads distrowatch.com correctly07:40
daedra_so I suppose the problem is somewhere within Konqis configuration07:40
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter07:41
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jhutchins_wkdaedra_: Inescabable.07:41
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse07:41
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions07:41
jhutchins_wkdaedra_: So you can try to fix it with the settings menu, or just clean it out of .kde (if you can figure what files are involved).07:42
daedra_well I'm not up for kde config07:42
daedra_settings won't be detailed enough07:42
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daedra_I'll just settle for Firefox07:42
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daedra_I've left the settings of Konqi pretty intact, not sure how this happened07:43
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter07:44
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse07:44
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daedra_jhutchins_wk: thanks07:45
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GillesMI have a problem since an update : I can log into kdm but just after I don't have any keyboard in KDE any idea ?07:47
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sb9does anyone know, whether openntpd requires an additional ntpdate to sync with a timeserver ?07:48
goodthinghey guys, beryl not working kwin, is that a faillure in my side or is that more or less normal?07:49
jhutchins_wkdaedra: It's possible something got corruped by a completely different process.07:49
sb9i.e. to match not just sync the time07:49
jhutchins_wksb9: If you're off by quite a bit, it's a good idea to do an ntpdate first, then run the daemon.07:50
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jhutchins_wkgoodthing: Normal.07:51
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goodthingthanks jhutchins_wk, now i can chillout :)07:58
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goodthing(and know i did something right for the first time this day)07:58
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crazy_penguinHi all!08:00
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BsimsAny one know how to get video on an ipod I can transfer the video but it doesn't show up as video on the idpod08:05
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BsimsI got amarok to transfer video but it doesn't show up on the menus anywhere08:06
caris_mereNeed a little help with a Logitech QuickCam Chat08:07
Lam_Bsims, what's the extension on the file?08:09
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BsimsLam_: .mp408:10
Bsimslet me guess I need m4v08:10
Lam_Bsims: actually, mp4 is the correct format, but i'm not sure if the Ipod Video will support anything other than an h.264 encoded mp4 file08:10
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=== Bsims nods I think I encoded it with h.264
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Lam_Bsims: i haven't a clue then. i myself don't own the ipod video yet :(08:11
shane__Hi all.  Hey, I'm new at this whole linux thing, and I'm trying to download the linux version of real player, but I can't figure out how to install it. any help?08:11
BsimsLam_: I don't get the meta data on the file08:11
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erhanrcaris_mere: did you read  http://qce-ga.sourceforge.net/  ?08:12
caris_mereerhanr: nope, might be the only thing I haven't read lol08:12
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Lam_shane__: $ sudo apt-get install realplay08:13
caris_mereerhanr: My webcam isn't listed in that group08:14
shane__do I have to specify the file location?08:14
Lam_shane__: apt will handle all installation parameters since it was designed for the ease of installation08:14
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shane__I'll give it a shot, thanks08:14
julienhelllo, i want to go to ubuntu.fr chat08:15
julienhow can i do?08:15
erhanrsorry then08:15
HymnToLifejulien, /join #ubuntu-fr08:15
caris_mereerhanr: Do you know why I would say that it can't find my webcam?08:15
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erhanrhmm .08:16
julienthank you Hymntolife08:16
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erhanrcaris_mere: what is your webcam's whole name ? and what writes when you type lsusb when you plug webcam ?08:17
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ubuntuplz how can i use dd command to backup my disks?08:19
caris_mereerhanr: it is a Logitech QuickCam Chat, and lsusb states 046d:092e Logitech, Inc.08:19
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shane__do I just type that into a terminal window or what?08:20
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ubuntui know but08:20
ubuntulastly i was doin it it made it just copied my root folder to home the whole partition08:21
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ubuntuand was large 14 gb08:21
shane__or is there somewhere in apt that I'm supposed to open that I'm missing?08:21
ubuntui want only it as iso and be as big as space used on partiotion of 14 gb08:21
ubuntucan anyone help me plx?08:21
goodthingubuntu: i would use "cp -va ./folder-to-backup /path/to/destination/."08:23
Rumo_dd -if /dev/hda5 of=backup08:23
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Rumo_something like that08:23
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Rumo_what do you want ubuntu?08:24
goodthingubuntu: not that my command does not follow symlinks, IIRC08:25
Rumo_backup is just a name you can use xyz.abc08:25
ubuntuforgot to write szmbol so bot can answer me i am not used to using english kezboard08:25
ubuntui know08:25
caris_mereerhanr:  Do you have anthing?  Otherwise I am calling it a night.  Thanks for you help08:25
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erhanrwell  better is read it page08:26
hyper_chanyone uses virtualbox in here?08:26
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ubuntuRumo_:  ubuntu webpage says this dd -if /dev/hda1 > partitionimage.dd08:26
ubuntubut aint of missing there?08:27
Rumo_no everything should be fine08:27
ubuntubut it will backup hda1 right?08:27
Rumo_i am using -of instead of >, but should work, too08:28
Rumo_to the file specified by -of08:28
Rumo_you can copy it back with dd -if partionimage -of /dev/hda108:28
Rumo_simple as that08:28
ubuntuso if i have my root disk as hdb308:28
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ubuntui will write08:28
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ubuntudd -if /dev/hdb3 -of /dev/hdb4/home/etc08:29
ubuntuhdb4 is home and hdb3 root08:29
ubuntuwell this will copy08:29
Rumo_hmm, don't know if it works like that08:30
ubuntuso dd -if /dev/hdb3 -of backup.iso08:30
ubuntuthis is correct?08:30
Rumo_would use a mounted partion08:30
Rumo_yes that should work08:30
ubuntuwell but where it will create that iso file?08:30
Rumo_in your current directory08:31
ubuntui am on live cd08:31
ubunturead that cant do dd from active disk08:31
Rumo_you can mount a partion and put it there08:31
ubuntuor when apps or OS is running frm it08:31
ubuntuRumo_: u have few mins for me<08:31
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Rumo_you can't copy a mounted partition but you can copy a partition to a mounted partition08:32
Rumo_inside the directory tree08:32
shane__I'm still haveing trouble installing realplayer, I don't know how to use apt very well I guess.08:32
shane__where do I type the command $ sudo apt-get install realplay08:32
BluesKajerr why realplayer...there are better ones08:32
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ubuntuRumo_: so i will tell u i  have hdb3 as root and hdb4 as home08:32
shane__cause I'm new and don't know any better08:33
shane__what else is there?08:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about commercial - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:33
h3sp4wnrealplay is in the canocial commercial repositories08:33
ubuntuif i make iso file of hdb3 to hdb4 how large it will be as big as whole partition?08:33
h3sp4wnyou would need to enable them (probably there is a factoid08:33
Rumo_ubuntu: simple: the size of the partition08:34
h3sp4wnubuntu: iso is for cd's not linux partitions08:34
ubuntulets say i have 10 gb root then  iso  will  have 10 gb?08:34
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Rumo_dd makes a bitwise copy of a partition08:34
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ubuntuis there any command that can only backup files and not also free space?08:34
Rumo_you can use tar for example08:35
ubuntuso  if i use tar08:35
ubuntuthe end file will  be like 2 GB and not 10 GB?08:35
Rumo_may well be08:36
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True_FriendI want to install java plugin for swiftfox 2.1 on kubuntu edgy i have java 6 plz guide me to install plugin manually08:36
ubuntuRumo_: so i use tar is best for this?08:36
Rumo_i don't know if it is best for it08:37
Rumo_the easiest method is dd - but it needs lots of space08:37
ubuntuwell my   home folder is 100 GB08:37
goodthingpics of 8K for question purposes are allowed here right?08:38
Rumo_i would use dd08:38
ubuntuwell but i want only files backup not free space :/08:38
hattadd will copy the partition bit for bit, which isn't what he wants08:38
hattatar will archive all your files08:38
ubuntuand sbackup suite08:39
ubuntuor wat is that08:39
hattabut it will be up to you to recreate your partitions in the event of a disaster08:39
ubuntuis also for kubuntu ?08:39
Rumo_ubuntu: don't know many backup tools08:39
h3sp4wndd if=/dev/hda conv=sync,noerror bs=64k | gzip -c (you can do that)08:39
Rumo_i'm only using tar -cvzf, tar -cvjf and dd08:39
ubuntuRumo_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem/SimpleBackupSuite08:39
Rumo_i think h3sp4wn as the answer for you08:40
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Rumo_it will take quite some time, though08:40
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ubuntuso it will only backup files or whole partition?08:40
Rumo_it will backup the whole partition and compress the image08:41
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h3sp4wncompress it to stdout though - gzip -c > image.gz to save to a file08:41
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goodthingthe structure of this setting here is weird to me -> http://img363.imageshack.us/img363/7417/foo1st9.png08:42
Rumo_i don't speak dutch ;-)08:42
goodthingit should tell me something different than the x, i assume08:42
goodthingno it's not about the text08:42
ubuntuso i just use DD and then compress with gzip right?08:43
Rumo_yeah, you can zip it afterwards too08:43
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ubuntuthx i wil try08:43
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h3sp4wnthere is dump as well08:44
goodthingi mean the lines inside the checkbox, i have no clue about that08:44
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Rumo_or dd_rescue if the partition is broken - saved my life yesterday ;-)08:45
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Rumo_don't know either, goodthing08:45
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DaSkreechjhutchins: Thanks08:45
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Rumo_i think it's just because it's a text setting, goodthing08:47
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ubuntuwell Rumo_ wat is better to use GUI or try a bit with terminal?08:47
Rumo_ubuntu: i would use the terminal08:48
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Rumo_but it's your choice08:48
Rumo_i don't trust GUIs when it comes to backups08:48
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h3sp4wnI have only used dd to clone when I was using identical sized disks08:49
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ubuntuRumo_: is it possible to backup through dd/tar also NTFS partitions?08:51
Rumo_it copies every single bit so it does not depend on the partition type08:51
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Rumo_correct me if i'm wrong...08:51
h3sp4wnI only know for certain it works when the partition size is the same08:52
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h3sp4wn(I always copied the bootsector also though)08:53
h3sp4wndisk size sorry08:53
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Rumo_yeah, if you copy it to another partition08:53
Rumo_but if you copy it to a file, it's ok, and it does not depend on disk size afaik08:53
Rumo_i mirrored my ubuntu installation to another partition on the same disk to install feisty08:54
h3sp4wnso if you do dd if=/dev/hda5 of=backup.img then that is ok (and you can just put it back with dd also ?)08:54
h3sp4wnbecause the partition table is not involved08:55
ubuntuRumo_: wat does this mean plz tar -cvpzf /backup.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backup.tgz --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys /?08:55
Rumo_yes h3sp4wn08:55
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ubuntuthat it wont backup lost+found mnt and sys?08:55
ubuntuand where do i set location of end tar?08:55
=== Gala [n=Gala@host-84-222-113-63.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu
h3sp4wnproc and sys you don't want to back up - mnt not either you probably don't want to backup /media either08:56
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GalaZhi guys.. have anyone the ATI?08:56
ubuntuyeah but how can i set end destination of that file?08:56
rcrookWhen doing a full backup remember to be in single user mode.08:56
Rumo_ubuntu -c create -v verify -p don't know yet -z zip -f file -exclude exclude directory  and finally /: whole directory tree08:57
Rumo_you should --exclude=/home, too08:57
Rumo_-p is same permissions08:57
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:57
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ubuntuso i am not retarted then after i type tar -cvpzf /backup.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backup.tgz --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys / for example  i need to wrrite where i want the backup to be saved?08:58
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Rumo_yes ubuntu08:58
ubuntuand Rumo_ that tar i should do from livecd or installed linux?08:59
Rumo_you should use /backup.tgz because otherwise you would not need to exclude it08:59
Rumo_doesn't matter08:59
ubuntui give it a try08:59
ubuntuneed to go now will be back in few mins08:59
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raeezI Need help with my ATI card before I go crazy!!!!!!!! :(09:01
raeezHas anybody here installed the propriety ati drivers?09:02
raeezand got 3d accelleration to work (and opengl without shearing) ?09:02
Tm_TSure, many of us.09:02
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:02
ubuntuanywhere speak spanish09:02
Tm_TChecked already?09:03
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:03
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ubuntugracias ubotu09:03
raeezthanks TmT i havent tried that link out yet09:03
raeezthanks Tm_T i havent tried that link out yet09:03
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ubuntusoy nuevo conoces algun canal en espaol ubotu09:04
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ubuntuenviamelo porfa09:04
compgoodanyone know anything about using pipes? (not pipes in the console, but pipes using the pipe() function for ipc)09:05
GalaZhi guys.. have anyone the ATI?09:05
LjL!es | ubuntu09:05
ubotuubuntu: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:05
GalaZ!it | kubuntu09:05
ubotukubuntu: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:05
ubuntugracias muy amable,09:05
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GalaZhi guys.. have anyone the ATI?09:10
GalaZcan anyone help me to install an ATI Graphic Card?09:11
pointyquick question: I should be able to connect to a sftp server with fish://<ip address>:<port> right?09:11
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Rumo_yes pointy09:13
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h3sp4wnsshfs or shfs is as nice though09:15
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Lam_i popped in a cd into my drive and it stalled during mounting or something, and when i tried to eject it just now, the green light blinks repeatedly. is there a way to force cancel the mount via terminal?'09:16
erhanr!ati  GalaZ09:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ati  galaz - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:16
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:16
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about umount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:17
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GalaZerhanr: this guide is for ubuntu or kubuntu?09:19
erhanrGalaz must be same09:19
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GalaZala@Gala-Desktop:~$ fglrxinfo09:25
GalaZdisplay: :0.0  screen: 009:25
GalaZOpenGL vendor string: Tungsten Graphics, Inc.09:25
GalaZOpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R300 20060815 AGP 1x TCL09:25
GalaZOpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.3 Mesa 6.5.1)09:25
h3sp4wnWhy do you want fglrx ? you won't have aiglx then09:26
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h3sp4wnr300 is working by the looks of it09:26
h3sp4wn(just get rid of fglrx to remove the diverts and it will be fine)09:26
GalaZh3sp4wn: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI09:27
GalaZis in the guide :|09:27
h3sp4wnYou only need fglrx if the other drivers are not working well enough for you09:28
GalaZand so what command i need to do for install?09:28
=== dan_ [n=dan@host33-232-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu
h3sp4wnYou need to install fglrx possibly - what do you want fglrx for ?09:29
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dan_Qualcuno ha installato limewire?09:29
h3sp4wnuninstall fglrx sorry09:30
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:30
h3sp4wnThat is a stupid factoid09:30
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:30
h3sp4wnand doesn't take any account of the fact that fglrx is rarely necessary <=X85009:30
dan_did anyone install limewire? (is it right?)09:30
Little_Eagleh3sp4w3:  Are we going to debate the need for real ATI drivers?09:31
GalaZh3sp4wn: how can i disinstal fglrx?09:31
h3sp4wnGalaZ: sudo aptitude purge fglrx~i09:31
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h3sp4wnLittle_Eagle: real ? anything less than <=X850 works fine with r30009:32
GalaZand now?09:32
GalaZfor my drivers ati what i need to do?09:32
h3sp4wnGalaZ: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:33
h3sp4wnGalaZ: please don't pm me09:33
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h3sp4wnopen a terminal09:34
GalaZgala@Gala-Desktop:~$ grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:34
GalaZ        Driver      "kbd"09:34
GalaZ        Driver      "mouse"09:34
GalaZ        Driver      "wacom"09:34
GalaZ        Driver      "wacom"09:34
GalaZ        Driver      "wacom"09:34
GalaZ        Option      "VendorName" "ATI Proprietary Driver"09:34
GalaZ        Driver      "ati"09:34
GalaZ        Driver      "fglrx"09:34
GalaZsorry wrong09:34
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:34
GalaZh3sp4wn: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4459/09:35
h3sp4wnGalaZ: probably easier to run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:35
Little_EagleIt looks to me like he's got both.09:35
h3sp4wnIt does to me also09:36
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h3sp4wnif you really want fglrx you can use kano's install script09:36
GalaZh3sp4wn i need a stuff for work my games... with wine09:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-fix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:37
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 09:37
h3sp4wnGalaZ: buy nvidia then09:37
h3sp4wnGalaZ: wget -Nc -O/usr/local/bin/install-fglrx-debian.sh http://kanotix.com/files/install-fglrx-debian.sh09:38
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h3sp4wnGalaZ: actually first run sudo -i09:38
kosmo_hi somone can help me to mount my new hardisk09:38
h3sp4wnGalaZ: chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/install-fglrx-debian.sh09:38
raeezDoes everybody have poor performance on an ati card?09:38
h3sp4wnGalaZ: install-fglrx-debian.sh09:38
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h3sp4wnraeez: ati's driver suck other than the r200 cards that are very old09:39
kosmo_ok i add new hardisk in the /dev/hdb how i can mount it09:39
raeezI have an ATI X1900XTX :(09:39
h3sp4wnis it formatted?09:39
jonathan__anyone here know how to get broadcom wireless cards working?  I'm totally new to this, so go slow09:39
hattadon't worry jonathan__ we'll be gentle since it's your first time09:39
kosmo_i format it in the install09:39
raeezhow are the opensource drivers compared to the prop drivers?09:39
BluesKajati cards can work on some stuff depending on the drivers09:39
timsterWhats the best logon screen manager?09:39
kosmo_i want to mount it but it dont in the /etc/fstab09:39
h3sp4wnraeez: good for playing games in windows though (my brother has an X1950XTX)09:40
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h3sp4wndecent picture quality09:40
raeezh3sp4wn my X1900XTX is killer in windows but it sux in linux09:40
GalaZi've ATI Radeon 9800 pRo 256mb09:40
h3sp4wnI have used an ati radeon 9800pro with the free drivers fine09:41
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h3sp4wnalso with fglrx09:41
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kosmo_so you know how to help me09:41
timsterWhats the best kdm theme manager?09:41
Little_Eaglekosmo_: mkdir /whatever  && mount -t auto /dev/hdb1 /whatever09:41
BluesKajraeez, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#head-c966b2cb7c82944d6883f27a2896725db3b90a3a09:41
GalaZroot@Gala-Desktop:~# chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/install-fglrx-debian.sh09:41
GalaZroot@Gala-Desktop:~# install-fglrx-debian.sh09:41
GalaZError: No KANOTIX found. Do not ask for support!09:41
GalaZError: Can`t be run within X! Use a text console (ALT-CTRL-F1)09:41
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Little_Eaglereplace auto with whatever type (ext3 etc) it is.09:42
jonathan__I found a program called ndiswrapper, but I have no idea how to use it to make the drivers work on the wireless card09:42
Little_Eagleand use sudo first09:42
h3sp4wnGalaZ: run it from text console09:42
h3sp4wnGalaZ: alt + ctrl + f109:42
raeezGalaZ thanks but ive done that09:42
raeezI still get choppy video playing in xine,mplayer and any opengl situation09:42
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h3sp4wnGalaZ: (you will need to run sudo -i there)09:43
kosmo_kosmo@kosmo-pc:/media$ sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hdb1 /dev/hdb109:43
kosmo_mount: /dev/hdb1 is not a block device09:43
GalaZnow still downloading a stuff ati09:43
kosmo_what i need to do09:44
h3sp4wnGalaZ: Is it running in the text console now ?09:44
jonathan__anyone kow how to make broadcom wireless cards work?09:44
GalaZonly in alt+ctrl+109:44
Little_Eaglekosmo_: then it isn't hdb1.  You sure it's hdb and not hbc?09:44
h3sp4wnGalaZ: that is what I ment (ctrl alt f1)09:44
kosmo_i am sure09:44
kosmo_how i can check it09:45
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h3sp4wnGalaZ: at some point it will kill and restart X (and after that the drivers should be working right)09:45
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Little_Eaglewell, your system isn't seeing it.09:45
GalaZwhen download is finished what i need to do?09:45
kosmo_i am sure that is a hdb09:45
h3sp4wnsudo fdisk -l /dev/hdb09:45
h3sp4wnGalaZ: Nothing it takes care of fixing xorg.conf etc09:46
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:46
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h3sp4wnGalaZ: (and if it doesn't it should09:46
kosmo_sec i show you in the pastebin09:46
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Little_Eagleaha,  same command as above but hdb3 insead of hdb109:47
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hazardAnyone know of any linux software that will allow for control of sony ACPI fan controllers?09:50
Little_EagleI'm suprised kano's script would work.  Know what he's doing now that kanotix is dead.  Is he going to help with Sidux?09:51
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crubeI've been using Linux for a while now, and I thought of a couple of things: Is there a defragmentation tool, or do I even need one? And do I ever need to run a virus scan, and is there a good program for that?09:52
h3sp4wnLittle_Eagle: he fixed it for ubuntu quite a while ago09:52
uhahahaselam .... Trk varm..?09:52
h3sp4wnLittle_Eagle: next kanotix will be based on feisty I think09:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:52
hazardcrube: no, and unlikely.09:52
uhahahabir soru soracam bu kubuntu ilee...09:53
crubehazard: alright thanks09:53
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ubotuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.09:53
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nagyv!tr | uhahaha09:53
ubotuuhahaha: please see above09:53
uhahahayaa ben ikinci hardiski tantamadm.. giremiyorum ikinci hardiskin iine... nasl yapabilirm yardm edebilecek varm acaba09:53
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jhutchinsWho was it who was looking to put video on his iPod?09:53
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Little_EagleTR? Shame on me.09:54
Lars_GRiddell: Are you around sire?09:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:54
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nagyvubuntu: it can happen that there is no slovakian ubuntu local community09:55
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ubuntunagyv:  u from svk?09:55
nagyvubuntu: Hungary :)09:55
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Lars_GI guess he's not around but I'll wait so I can be a prick to him :)09:56
ubuntuhmm if i wanna backup my root forlder with tar should i exclude /dev?09:56
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Lars_Gubuntu: A simpler way would be to tell it to keep to your original device (not traverse to other mounts).09:57
Lars_Gubuntu: Thought, you might want to backup dev's structure (but not file contents :))09:57
ubuntuLars_G:  so u think i shhould back my root folder on my root folder? :)09:57
ubuntuLars_G:  so do i need to backup /dev and its files or no?09:58
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Lars_Gubuntu: You shouldn't listen to me on backups. sorry man09:59
nagyvubuntu: you can also make an image file from your root partition, in this case it is much easier to put it back09:59
ubuntuwith dd?10:00
nagyvno, with partimage10:00
Alzi2How to get Konqueror's fonts in webpages to get bigger? anyone?10:00
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ubuntuhmm wanna use either dd, tar or anything else10:00
hattaput your face closer to the screen10:00
ubuntuwanna see power of shell :p10:00
nagyvbut for this the partition has to be unmounted, so it is a good idea to use a live CD, that has partimage installed -> Knoppix10:00
ubuntui have livecd ubuntu :S10:00
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nagyvAlzi2: you can set it under the settings, but probably Ctrl + will also work10:01
Little_EagleAlzi2: Tools -> Configure Konquerer click Appearance.  ctrl+ for just that page.10:02
Alzi2Little_Eagle: I tried that one but that didn't help.10:02
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nagyvubuntu: Knoppix is also a KDE based Live CD, give it a try10:02
Little_EagleAlzi2: Which website?  Paste link.10:02
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Alzi2Little_Eagle: Every. Or do i have to restart Konq?10:03
ubuntunagyv:  hmm who cares i will try with tar was talking with guys  here  2 hours ago10:03
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Alzi2Little_Eagle: I tried restarting. Didn 't help, either.10:03
Little_Eaglemsg Alzi2 Shouldn't have to restart.10:03
nagyvAlzi2: you can also do it if you have a mouse wheel, Ctrl+wheel up10:04
Little_Eagleone little slash!10:04
AzzcoHi, I've messed up a bit here. I acctidenticly made kate the standar app to read html.10:04
Little_EagleI am going to stop sending private messages.  I have no secrets.10:04
nagyvAzzco: not a bed idea! :)10:04
Alzi2nagyv: That's temporary10:04
nagyvAlzi2: that's true :)10:04
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:04
Alzi2Little_Eagle: You mean "character size" right?10:04
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Little_EagleAlzi2: Same problem with firefox?10:05
Alzi2nagyv: Yeah, not a bed idea! just a little sleepy and comfy! but not bed!10:05
Alzi2Little_Eagle: No.10:05
AzzcoI haven't got a clue on how to switch back so I can browse the web in konqueror..10:05
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kosmo_can tell me what i need to do10:05
Alzi2Little_Eagle: Ctrl+ works though10:05
kosmo_do fix that error10:05
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Alzi2Little_Eagle: So does mousewheel up10:05
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eismai just installed xemacs through synaptic, how do i get it on my applications menu?10:06
Little_EagleShould be under settings, configure, appearence.  Font size.10:06
NewuserUmm, I am having trouble trying to install a program called SuperKaramba10:06
AzzcoNewuser: What is the problem?10:07
Alzi2Little_Eagle: YES I GOT IT FIXED! it was under fonts.10:07
nagyveisma: it can happen that you have to log out/log in10:07
ubuntuis /sys important for backup? :S10:07
Alzi2Little_Eagle: The small letters were the only reason i was using Opera10:07
eismanagyv: that's it?10:07
nagyveisma: yes, what?10:07
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Little_EagleI like opera, but I don't like that it isn't open.10:07
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eismanagyv that's all i have to do for xemacs to show up on my applications menu, is to log out then in?10:08
h3sp4wnIts good that opera static can run on amd6410:08
nagyveisma: yes10:08
Alzi2It runs on my wii.10:08
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ubuntu /sys is important for backup someone plz10:08
kosmo_[23:05]  <kosmo_> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4467/10:08
kosmo_[23:05]  <kosmo_> somone10:08
kosmo_[23:05]  <kosmo_> can tell me what i need to do10:08
d03boyanyone know how I connect to a VPN via kubuntu?10:08
kosmo_to fix that error10:08
Little_EagleI was shocked when I clicked on a torrent and opera leeched without opening anything else.10:08
h3sp4wnd03boy: what type of vpn ?10:09
NewuserWell, I cant install it (I am used to the windows *.exe installation) and I downloaded the package itself. I tried to use Synaptic Package manager and its not listed.10:09
d03boyh3sp4wn, no clue...10:09
h3sp4wnthere is loads of types10:09
d03boyhow do I check? its my school's vpn10:09
h3sp4wnask them ?10:09
AzzcoNewuser: have you checked the ubuntu wiki?10:09
Alzi2How to set the engine Kaffeine uses?10:09
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Alzi2It does not list mplayer. Only the embedded mplayer plugin in konqueror.10:10
AzzcoYou might need to edit the repositorys10:10
h3sp4wn!info kvpnc10:10
ubotukvpnc: vpn clients frontend for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 1374 kB, installed size 3924 kB10:10
Little_Eaglekosmo_: try auto instead of ext3.  But what did you format it as?10:10
NewuserWell, I tried that and I dont know how to get it to fetch the file itself10:10
h3sp4wnmaybe try that - maybe you need ipsec or maybe openvpn or maybe some other type of vpn10:10
Alzi2How to set the engine Kaffeine uses?10:11
Alzi2It does not list mplayer. Only the embedded mplayer plugin in konqueror.10:11
h3sp4wnkaffeine can only use xine I think not mplayer10:11
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Little_EagleI would suggest you format it again if you can't mount it and you KNOW that it's ext3.10:11
Alzi2it should be able to...10:11
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Little_Eagleof course that would mean you loose anything there.10:12
Little_Eagledamn I can't type.10:12
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fernandosomeone know the repository for the nvidia legacy drivers??10:12
Alzi2h3sp4wn: it should be able to..10:12
kosmo_i dont format it as type10:13
kosmo_in cfdisk10:13
kosmo_its type linux10:13
AzzcoNewuser: I see it in adept...10:13
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NewuserIt keeps telling me that the file has moved permanately when I tried that10:13
eismanagyv i even rebooted my machine, and it didn't show up anywhere10:13
eismai get this message when i try to compile c++10:14
eismag++ hw1.cpp -o hw110:14
eisma/bin/bash: g++: command not foun10:14
eismahow do i fix this?10:14
nagyveisma: it's strange, as far as i know it should show up, but it can happen that you will have to wait a bit. If you are impatient, then you can add it to the desired location with kmenuedit10:14
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nagyveisma: you have to install the build-essential(s) package10:15
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nagyv!build-essentials | eisma10:15
ubotueisma: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)10:15
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fernandosomeone know the repository for the nvidia legacy drivers??10:15
nagyv!nvidia | fernando10:15
ubotufernando: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:15
ubuntuguys if i want to backup do hdb4 and it is not mounted do i need to mount it?10:15
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nagyvubuntu: it depends on the way you would like to backup it. with tar it has to be mounted.10:16
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Alarmhello, i try to change the swappines. but i get the following error: salarm@rockpc:~$ sudo echo 30 >  /proc/sys/vm/swappiness bash: /proc/sys/vm/swappiness: Permission denied10:16
sorush20anyone here know of a good service menu for kubuntu to allow me to make a new compression package ?10:16
nagyvubuntu: with partimage it should not be mounted10:16
fernandothanks obutu :-)10:16
d03boycool. im on my vpn now haha10:16
d03boyusing the pptpconfig program10:16
nagyvubuntu: sorry, I was wrong it has to be mounted too10:16
sorush20like create a zip package with options etc?10:17
ubuntunagyv:  i will have to DL knoppix and am too lazyfor it and wanna have it done today :S10:17
nagyvubuntu you just don't have to use it (set it read-only)10:17
Alzi2Let me be more specific: I need to play FLV files with KDE. How?10:17
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nagyvubuntu: no prob10:17
ubuntunagyv:  :D and how do i set read-only? :D10:17
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nagyvubuntu: khmm, ... I don't really know, just on Knoppix10:18
Little_Eaglekosmo_: Your hdb3 is defined but not formatted.10:18
kosmo_how i formatted it10:18
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jhutchinsubuntu: in the mount command, in the fstab entry, or in a GUI.10:18
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kosmo_but mount command not work10:18
kosmo_five me the command10:18
jhutchinskosmo_: mkfs -t <type> /dev/hdb310:19
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ubuntuso if i have hdb4 as home and hdb3 as root and want backup root with tar i need to mount hdb4 and type tar -cvpzf /backup.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys --exclude=/home /dev/hdb4/home/xxx so it will be stored at my home folder?10:19
jhutchinskosmo_: fdisk and cfdisk create the partition, mkfs creates the filesystem and formats it.10:20
Little_Eaglekosmo_: mk2fs -j /dev/hdb310:20
kosmo_ mk2fs -j /dev/hdb310:20
jhutchinsubuntu: Um, no.10:20
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ubuntujhutchins:  and how plz :/10:20
Little_Eagleyou can do it twice.10:20
kosmo_look at this error10:20
jhutchinskosmo_: Looks good to me ;)10:21
jhutchinsubuntu: Patience, please, multi-tasking heavily.10:21
jhutchinskosmo_: fdisk -l /dev/hdb10:21
kosmo_are you look at this error10:21
ubuntujhutchins:  i know10:21
jhutchinsubuntu: Ok: you want to back up /home, right?10:21
ck_42Not sure if I missed a package or what...but where's the KDE Admin Console deal?  Need to add a printer.10:21
ubuntuno root10:21
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jhutchinsubuntu: Ah, you want to back up _everything_.10:22
ubuntuand that  final tar file is stored at my home fodler10:22
ubuntuwell no home10:22
ubuntuonly system10:22
jhutchinsOk.  Easy enough.10:22
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pixelationis there a kde proggy that is like Nvu (which is totally gnome?)10:22
Little_Eaglekosmo_: looks fishy to me.  fdisk says it's there.10:22
kosmo_i change now i formatted it10:23
kosmo_what now10:23
jhutchinsfirst, the backup file /backup.tgz would be in root, so you want something like just backup.tgz (for the dir you're in) or ~/backup.tgz for your home dir.10:23
pixelationNvu (gnome software) works very similar to dreamweaver, is there a KDE equivelent?10:23
jhutchinsnext, your source should just be / .10:23
Little_Eaglekosmo_: if it's formatted, then you can mount it.10:23
jhutchinsubuntu: You probably want to exclude /dev and /tmp as well.10:24
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jhutchinskosmo_: now you should be able to mount it.10:24
Little_Eagledon't do /proc either.10:24
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Little_Eaglekosmo_: you all set now?10:24
ubuntujhutchins:  i want exclude /mnt /dev /media /home /lost+found /tmp but tell me10:25
ubuntuwhich i should and i shouldnt10:25
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kosmo_but what i need to type10:25
kosmo_in the10:25
jhutchinsubuntu: also exclude /sys and /proc10:25
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kosmo_for this mount in the start10:25
Little_EagleI thought you said you DIDN'T want it in the fstab.10:25
jhutchinskosmo_: Where do you want to mount it?10:25
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ubuntujhutchins: so i will start with mounting root and home folder right?10:25
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Little_Eaglejhutchins: You tell him.  I am going to go get a snack.10:27
jhutchinsecho "/dev/hdb3 /media/hdb3 defaults,noatime 1 1" >> /etc/fstab10:27
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fernandoubotu: I can install the nvidia legacy drivers, because even after I have enable all the restricted repostories (and of course update the data base) I can see any legacy drivers10:27
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jhutchinskosmo_: ^10:27
eismawhere can in install and download other themes for ubuntu?10:27
jhutchinsmake sure that's >>10:27
Alzi2How to add an entry to the menu in Konqueror that will convert FLV files for me using ffmpeg?10:27
jhutchinskosmo_: Probably a good idea to cp /etc/fstab fstab.bac10:27
jhutchinskosmo_: BEFOER you do that echo.10:27
jhutchins(Now I tell him...)10:28
ubuntujhutchins:  when i want to mount hdb3 mount: can't find /dev/hda5 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab10:28
fernandosomeone know how to find the nvidia-glx-legacy drivers??10:28
jhutchinsubuntu: Where do you want to mount it?10:28
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ubuntuaf forgot10:28
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fernandoI have already enable the restricted repositories and update the apt-get10:28
fernandobut anyway I don't see any nvidia-glx-legacy driver10:29
jhutchinsubuntu: Something like "mount /dev/hdb3 /mnt/foo"10:29
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jhutchinsubuntu: If it's not defined in your fstab, you need to specify mount <what> <where> (at minimum).10:29
ubuntujhutchins:  got them mounted10:29
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fernandosomeone know how to find the nvidia-glx-legacy drivers??I have already enable the restricted repositories and update the apt-get but anyway I don't see any nvidia-glx-legacy driver10:30
kosmo_now its mount10:30
kosmo_but no the partiton10:30
kosmo_now work10:30
jhutchinskosmo_: You sure it's mounted?  Does "mount" list it?10:30
kosmo_/dev/hdb1 on /media/hdb3 type ext3 (rw)10:30
kosmo_in the mount command10:31
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jhutchinstouch /media/hdb3/foo; ls /media/hdb310:31
kosmo_its work10:32
kosmo_only in sudo10:32
kosmo_not good10:32
jhutchinssudo chmod a+rwx /media/hdb310:32
ubuntunow need to specify wat to backup so i will start with tar -cvpzf /backup.tgz --exclude=/dev --exclude=/proc --exclude=/home --exclude=/lost+found /mnt/hdb4/home/xxx ???10:32
Tm_Tfernando: It's in multiverse.10:32
jhutchinsubuntu: Isn't it already mounted as /home?10:32
kosmo_now i can10:32
ubuntujhutchins:  dunno10:33
jhutchinsubuntu: "mount" will tell you.10:33
fernandotm_T where ist?10:33
ubuntujhutchins:  wat to type mount wat10:33
jhutchinsubuntu: Just "mount".10:33
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jhutchinsIt seems like --exclude=/home conflicts with /mnt/hdb4/home.10:34
ubuntu/dev/hdb4 already mounted or /mnt/hdb4 busy10:34
ubuntumount: according to mtab, /dev/hdb4 is already mounted on /mnt/hdb410:34
fernandoTm_T: do you know the repository???10:34
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ubuntujhutchins: i just want to have image to be saved at /mnt/hdb4/home/myusername10:34
Tm_Tfernando: Err, sure.10:34
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu10:35
fernandoTm_T: thanks a lot :-)10:35
ubuntujhutchins:  can u help me plz?10:35
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ubuntujhutchins:  wat am i doing wrong?10:35
Little_Eaglekosmo_: Work now?10:35
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jhutchinsubuntu: You're not holding your tounge right.10:36
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kosmo_thanks guys10:36
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kosmo_=] [10:36
kosmo_=] 10:36
jhutchinsubuntu: It's a little daunting to figure out.10:36
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jhutchinsI think this is what you want:10:36
ubuntujhutchins:  just ask i will try to asnwer10:36
ZmAYhello, i am having cd burning problems in K3B (error 255), any help?10:36
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jhutchinstar -czvf /mnt/hdb4/home/myusername/backup.tgz / --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/dev --exclude=/tmp --exclude=/sys --exclude=/proc10:37
jhutchinsThat make sense?10:37
cgeohello!anybody knows a lan messaging software working both in linux and windows???10:37
GalaZh3sp4wn: i've installed the drivers... and when the pc is rebooted i was a big error resolution 1280x1024 and when i've does login turn to 1024x748 then i can't login10:37
jhutchinsubuntu: You may need to put the / after the excludes.10:37
hattacgeo, jabber10:37
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cgeohatta:yes but as far as i know you must set up a server10:38
ubuntujhutchins:  oh i now know where i made mistake behind tar -cvzpf i need to put a location where image will be stored or a partiotion i want to make tgz from?10:38
jhutchinscgeo: Windows Messaging Services will work.10:38
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fernandoTm_T: but do you know if I can add a repository instead a manual process??10:39
cgeojhutchins:where can i find this??10:39
jhutchinstar -cf means tar create file, so the next thing you name is the file to create, full path.10:39
Little_Eaglekopete can talk to just about any network.10:39
jhutchinsubuntu: Then you specify the source to create it from.10:39
LynoureIs there some trick to get dvd menu to work after ripping the disk with original menus with k9copy?10:40
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jhutchinscgeo: Yes, look at kopete, that's what I was thinking of.10:40
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jhutchinscgeo: It's the windows pop-up message interface.10:40
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sorush21aren't there any good compression programs out there that allow selection of compression level?10:40
ubuntujhutchins:  so this tar -czvf /mnt/hdb4/home/myusername/backup.tgz / --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/dev --exclude=/tmp --exclude=/sys --exclude=/proc will make backup from /mnt/hdb4/home/myusername/backup.tgz ?10:40
LynoureI do see the original menu, but it is not interactive10:40
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jhutchinscgeo: You'll have to enable it in windows, and I don't know the status of whatever client for Windows is.10:40
d03boysorush21, does 7zip run on linux?10:40
ZmAYanyone here for burning CDs problems10:40
jhutchinsubuntu: ...will make a backup FROM / TO ...backup.tgz10:41
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cgeojhutchins:so i can use this to send messages from my linux box to a windows computer??thanx a lot10:41
LynoureZmAY: If you just tell what the problem is, someone might help you.10:41
ubuntujhutchins:  thx but both partiotions must be mounted10:41
jhutchinscgeo: Yes, the service has to be enabled on the windows box.10:41
jhutchinsubuntu: Yes.10:42
d13gothis is a chat beetween linux users?10:42
ubuntujhutchins:  and dont need i use tar -cvzpf instead of cvzf?10:42
d13goi install linux kubuntu today sorry10:42
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ZmAYwhen i try to burn it in K3B it says: "No media, please insert ..." and then cdrecrot returned unexpected error 25510:43
jhutchinsd13go: This is support for kubuntu linux.10:43
fernandohow can I install a deb file??? is the nvidia-glx-legacy_1.0.7184+
jhutchinsd13go: Between users.10:43
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d13gook.. thank you10:43
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h3sp4wnfernando: sudo dpkg -i nvidia-glx-legacy_1.0.7184+
fernandoh3sp4wn: thanks10:44
Little_Eaglefernando: click on it works.10:44
ubuntujhutchins:  and dont need i use tar -cvzpf instead of cvzf? just curious?10:44
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gab_alguien espaol10:44
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:45
jhutchinsubuntu: p is "preserve permissions", I believe it defaults that way...10:45
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LynoureZmAY: Does it do that will any blank cd or have you just tried with one?10:45
ubuntujhutchins:  so i should not bother with it then thx man10:45
ZmAYwith all, not just one10:45
ZmAY3 days back worked fine10:46
LynoureZmAY: What has changed since?10:46
jhutchinsZmAY: What changed since then?10:46
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jhutchinsTouche!  He's all yours Lynoure.10:46
ZmAYmaybe update -- not sure, nothing else10:46
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excitatoryhey, could someone recommend a good web host?  all i need it for is image hosting, a small personal website (perhaps wordpress for this), a handful of email addresses with forwarding, subdomains, and at least 200gb of bandwidth..  (i've been doing it from my box at home, but i would really like to move it off my residential net connection)10:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:48
ubuntujhutchins:  one more question should i put there --exclude=/home ?10:48
Admiral_Chicagoexcitatory: dreamhost. but thatt's offtopic10:49
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excitatoryAdmiral_Chicago: er sorry.. you're right.10:49
excitatorythanks, though.10:49
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Admiral_Chicagoexcitatory: DH is pretty solid. you'll get that much bandwidth for ~10 USD a month10:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:50
ZmAYLynoure: any suggestions?10:50
ubuntujhutchins:  i got this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4485/10:50
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Milo-IRC-clients are unable to connect to ANY irc-networks.. how to fix? everything worked just fine before installing Kubuntu-Desktop package.10:51
ubuntujhutchins: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4485/10:52
fernandoI have install the legacy drivers of nvidia manually (sudo dppg -i drivers.deb) but.. if I try "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" then I get:10:52
fernandoError: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed10:52
fernandothe nvidia driver for your running kernel.10:52
LynoureZmAY: I'm pretty sure the cause is something that has changed. But if you do not know what has, why not try plain cdrecord for recording? That succeeding or failing can help isolate the problem10:53
ubuntuanyone can help me with backuping disk using tar?10:53
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ZmAYplain cdrercord for recording? - can u tell that with other words10:54
Milo-IRC-clients are unable to connect to ANY irc-networks.. how to fix? everything worked just fine before installing Kubuntu-Desktop package. ANY HELP APPRECIATED!10:54
jhutchinsubuntu: Sorry, I guess.  You decide what you want to exclude.  Since you've excluded /mnt there's no conflict.10:55
ubuntujhutchins:  i am on livecd10:55
ubuntujhutchins: so wat the problem then?10:55
jhutchinsubuntu: Sorry, I don't have a complete picture of what you're doing.10:56
jhutchins/dev/hdb4 is /home?10:56
ubuntujhutchins: tar -czvf /mnt/hdb4/home/xenol/backup.tgz / --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/dev --exclude=/tmp --exclude=/sys --exclude=/proc10:56
ubuntuonly this10:56
ubuntuand it shows http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4485/10:56
jhutchinsLet me understand more about what you're doing.  I understand now you're on the live CD, trying to back up the system disk(s).10:57
ubuntujhutchins:  yeah root disk i have it as hdb310:57
Little_EagleMilo-: Sounds to me like a firewall problem.  Check to make sure port 6667 is open.10:57
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jhutchinsubuntu: So when you boot to the disk, is /dev/hdb3 /home or is it /?10:58
ubuntujhutchins:  my home folder is hd4 and i want to have my tgz of hdb3 stored there10:58
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ubuntujhutchins:  hdb3  is /10:58
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jhutchinsubuntu: these are both mounted now?10:58
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ubuntujhutchins:  yeah hdb3 and also hdb410:58
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ubuntui just unmouted em10:59
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jhutchinsubuntu: Ok, try your command again, but: remove the lone / , then at the END of the command put /mnt/hdb3/10:59
Milo-Little_Eagle yeah but this router is in "bridged" position and all ports should be enabled..10:59
Milo-nothing has changed after installing kubuntu-desktop package10:59
jhutchinsubuntu: WHups, wait...11:00
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=== mjw- sighs, sorry about that :-P
Little_EagleMilo-:  You on a live CD now?11:00
jhutchinsubuntu: Tricky stuff this.  You don't want to exclude /mnt, you want to exclude /mnt/hdb3/mnt11:00
ubuntuso i need to put it there right?11:00
jhutchinslikewise with the other directories.11:00
Milo-Little_Eagle nope, i'm on my own computer11:00
Milo-helping my buddy with ubuntu installation stuff11:01
Little_EagleSo why are you complaining?  You're on IRC.11:01
Milo-he installed ubuntu but now he wants kde -_-11:01
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jhutchinsubuntu: You don't need to exclude /mnt/hdb3/home, because it's just a mount point.11:01
LynoureZmAY: try burning a cd with cdrecord directly (sorry for the delay, it's midnight here and I was getting ready to sleep soon)11:01
ubuntujhutchins: so i need to add /mnt/hdb3/ before /sys /proc /tmp etc?11:01
jhutchinsubuntu: You do want them munted.11:01
jhutchinsubuntu: I would.11:02
ZmAYdont know how11:02
jhutchinsubuntu: THere's always more than one way to do it.11:02
mjw-could anyone help with troubleshooting audio problems? (more specifically, not having any)11:02
ubuntujhutchins:  and wat with /mnt/hdb3/home need it there or no?11:02
Milo-Little_Eagle because my friend needs to be able to connect as well -_-11:02
Milo-but it's solved now11:02
mjw-just did a fresh install on kubuntu11:02
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Milo-no idea what was wrong11:02
Milo-but it's fixed11:02
ksnipaanyone c++ programmers here familiar with libmtp?  I got mtp compiled and working fine, but when I try to make calls to its api from a script I keep getting reference errors on compile...11:03
jhutchinsubuntu: you can look with ls /mnt/hdb3/home and see, should be empty.11:03
neil__hi there everyone. day 3 and loving my kubuntu so far11:03
Little_EagleMilo-:  Magic!11:03
jhutchinssince /home is hdb4.11:03
Milo-Little_Eagle indeed -_-11:03
Little_Eagleneil__: Good for you.11:03
ubuntujhutchins:  ye11:03
Milo-now is just his keyboard layout11:03
neil__what is the best browser for kubuntu and is there a midi sequencer for it?11:03
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LynoureZmAY: I can point you to instructions. But first, did you cancel a burn before this one failing?11:04
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=== jhutchins must go disassemble a dying server, back in a bit.
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:04
ubuntujhutchins:  so wat to do now?11:04
Little_Eagleneil__: Browser choice is personal.  I use three.  As for sequencing software, enable your extra repositories and search with adept.11:05
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neil__what name would i search for?11:06
neil__and what browsers are good?11:06
LynoureZmAY: and if there is an option to use TAO as a writing mode, try that11:06
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ZmAYsame shit11:07
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Little_Eagleaccording to my search, muse looks promising.11:07
jhutchinsubuntu: Um, did you try that command?11:07
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ksnipaneil__; I've always preferred firefox overall, but konqurer looks much better in kde11:07
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ubuntujhutchins:  i added /mnt/hdb3 before those excludes and same stuff11:07
jottneil__: opera, konqueror and firefox are good browsers..11:07
goodthingneil__: konqueror kicks some serious ass though can be a little overwhelming for starters11:07
neil__how do i get adept to open11:08
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ZmAYLynoure: is there a way i can see which things were updated today?11:09
neil__it doesnt seem to open just asks for my password then doesnt open11:09
jhutchinsubuntu: Fire away!  The worst that can happen is you can fill up your target hard drive.11:09
ubuntujhutchins:  hmm i dont have permission?11:09
neil__sudo passwd to change my root password or permissions?11:10
Little_EagleK-menu -> System -> Adept, or just press Alt-F2 and type kdesu adept11:10
ubuntujhutchins:  thx for help man i musst go sleep and think about11:10
ubuntujhutchins:  can tar be done from hdd where linux is made or i need to use livecd?11:10
Little_Eagleneil, use your password, not root password11:10
ZmAYLynoure: or tell me the name of some other burning tools for linux11:11
neil__cammand adept not found11:11
Little_Eaglesudo passwd will enable the root account, and you don't want (or need) to do that.11:11
jhutchinsubuntu: It can be done from the HD.  You have to think out what to exclude so you don't end up trying to tar the tar as you create it.11:11
ubuntuok gn11:12
neil__nope still dont open11:12
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just-this-timeubuntu sudo solution view sounds strange but efficient11:12
Little_Eagleneil__: are you the only user on the system and did you install it?11:12
ksnipaneil__: sudo apt-get install adept11:12
just-this-time!sudo | neil11:13
ubotuneil: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:13
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LynoureZmAY: There must be, but I cannot think of a way right now.11:13
HoxxinWhat is yout favorite digicamera program? i tried digikam but it seems a bit buggy with the camera11:13
Little_Eaglejust-this-time: I hated it at first.  Now I like it.11:13
=== TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-36-117-85.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
just-this-timeubuntu is ok for me  fedora was  and maybe still is for a beginner11:14
just-this-timefedoar was a nightmare I mean for beginners11:15
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just-this-timeand maybe still is11:15
neil__no idea i cant get the darn thing to open. i have the icon in the bottom right task bar but i enter my password and it just takes it and nothing happens11:15
just-this-timeopen what eexactly neil11:15
ubotuIn KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo11:16
Little_EagleAdept should be installed by default.11:16
ZmAYLynoure: ok, can u just tell me how to burn with cdrecord11:16
hattacdresord file.iso11:16
just-this-timehw does neil check if installed Little_Eagle ?11:16
hattacdrecord file.iso11:16
hattacouldn't be easier11:16
neil__its in the taskbar but it wont open. it asks for my password then when i enter it it just goes away and nothing happens.11:16
crazy_penguinGood night all!11:16
just-this-timeadept I mean Little_Eagle11:16
HoxxinSo can anyone suggest a good digicamera program, not digikam11:17
just-this-timeright neil . go figure11:17
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just-this-timelinux has that oddities11:17
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just-this-timefirefox jums like that on some not fully installed graphic cards11:18
neil__if my permissions are messed up by sudo how do i fix them?11:18
hattawhat do you need a digicam program for? Just plug it in, mount it and use it like a USB key11:18
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hattano special software required11:18
Little_Eaglelocate adept returns quite a bit of info...11:18
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just-this-timeneil do you know howto kill apps from konsole ?11:18
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just-this-timethen ensure privileges with kdesu neil11:18
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neil__no this is day 3 with this operating system. i am a newby11:18
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just-this-time!kdesu | neil11:19
ubotuneil: In KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo11:19
TheGateKeeperjust-this-time, use killall11:19
Little_EagleI did say that.11:19
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LynoureZmAY: I'm not sure ubuntu has any other graphical cd burners for KDE. The distribution is quite focused in best-of-breed. cdrecord can be confusing to use if you are not used of doing things on the command line. But the basic form of the command is   sudo cdrecord dev=/dev/yourcdburnerdevice speed=6 -v somedisc.iso11:19
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Little_EagleDon't use apt-get either.  Use aptitude instead.11:20
just-this-timewhat apt command in konsole will give me a short explanation of a package?11:20
neil__how do i fix my permissions file if its corrupt?11:20
just-this-timeLittle_Eagle: i use apt-get all the time11:20
Little_Eagleapt-cache show packagename11:20
just-this-timetyvm Little_Eagle11:20
neil__i have used sudo and apt-get both so mabey my permission files are screwed and thats my problem11:21
Little_Eagleread: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/aptitude11:21
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Little_Eagleneil, paste your error.11:22
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ubuntu_hi, currently using a live kubuntu cd to repair a windows laptop.. im trying to get access to the hardrive; when i mount i dont have permission to se files, ive tried several chmod attempts to enble be access but no luck. how may i get full acess to this hardrive from kubuntu. what is the root password on a live cd?11:22
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:22
neil__i dont get an error just i enter my password and nothing happens.11:22
Little_Eagleneil__: what happens if you try from a terminal?11:23
neil__just a second i will try it.11:23
just-this-timeI will transfer most used  goodies (links) to my http://del.icio.us11:23
neil__kdesu adept right?11:24
jhutchins!sudo | ubuntu_11:24
ubotuubuntu_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:24
neil__X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16611:24
neil__  Major opcode:  14411:24
neil__  Minor opcode:  311:24
just-this-timeubuntu_ change /nick  add some personality11:24
neil__  Resource id:  0x011:24
neil__Failed to open device11:25
just-this-time!paste |nei11:25
ubotunei: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:25
neil__X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16611:25
neil__  Major opcode:  14411:25
ZmAYLynoure: fuckit, going to sleep, tnx anywhy11:25
neil__  Minor opcode:  311:25
neil__  Resource id:  0x011:25
neil__Failed to open device11:25
neil__xauth: (argv):1:  bad display name ":0.0" in "list" command11:25
neil__kdesu (kdelibs): WARNING: No X authentication info set for display :0.011:25
neil__xauth: (argv):1:  bad display name ":0.0" in "list" command11:25
just-this-time!paste | neil11:25
neil__kdesu (kdelibs): WARNING: No X authentication info set for display :0.011:25
ubotuneil: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:25
Little_Eagleneil__:  That;s because you don't have a wacom touchpad.  Paste it on pastbin11:25
ubuntu_live kubuntu cd root password  any 1?11:26
neil__i pasted it11:26
LynoureZmAY: sleep well11:26
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Little_Eagleoh, it's called apept_manager.  Shows you how much I use it.11:27
Little_Eaglenow tell me the link to the pastebin.11:27
=== ubuntu_ :(
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Little_Eagleneil_: looks to me like you were root.11:29
neil__ok so why didnt it open11:29
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Little_Eagleroot can't get a graphical interface.11:29
neil__ok so how do i become myself again?11:30
neil__su neil11:30
=== HoaX [n=HoaX@c-76-20-46-244.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== HoaX is now known as mjw--
Little_Eaglebut how did you become root?11:30
neil__i dont know i am new to this11:31
_paulIs there any way to copy an image to the KDE clipboard in firefox?11:31
neil__mabey when i tried to set the root password by sudo su root passwd11:31
ubuntu_anything other than chmod to enable me access to a folder?11:32
mjw--can anyone help with accessing alsamixer?11:32
mjw--I'm not able to get any sound out of my onboard intel hd audio :(11:32
mjw--I'm not sure if it's muted or not11:32
mjw--but when I type alsamixer in terminal I get an error saying I can't access the shared library11:33
Little_EagleI find that hard to beleive.  You must have given root a password.  Doesn't matter.  When you are prompted with a password screen from KDE, use YOUR password, not root password.11:33
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ubuntu_any1 know an efnet server so i can get some help11:34
ubuntu_yer kk11:35
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Little_Eagleneil__: no, that's not it, but if you sudo passwd, that will do it.11:37
soulriderubuntu_: can you use krfb ?11:37
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:37
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Little_Eagleneil__: read that page.11:38
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Little_EagleI need to go.  Beddy-bye time.  'night all.11:38
maverickola alguien de espaa?11:39
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:39
markcis it possible to import a normal sqlite db into kexi ?11:39
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jim46ciao a tutti11:41
jim46qualkuno puo aiutarmi....11:41
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neil__how do i reset my permissions file back to original incase its screwed up?11:51
just-this-timehi resolutions low before graphics drivers11:51
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D4rklyhow can i upgrade dapper to latest build ?11:52
just-this-timewhen to dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg before or after nvidia-glx install?11:52
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neil__how do i reset my permissions file so i can get into stuff again? i am locked out of my networking and everything11:53
just-this-timesudo nvidia-xconfig11:53
just-this-timesudo: nvidia-xconfig: command not found11:53
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wordneil__: do you still have root access? from there you can at least manually change things back through system settings11:54
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neil__i can get to root in terminal11:54
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D4rklyhow can i upgrade dapper to latest build ?11:54
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neil__i am at root in the terminal now11:55
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dist_upgrade - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:56
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neil__<word> what do i do now that i am at root to reset my permissions?11:57
wordneil__: you don't need to be root in terminal you just need access you can go from kmenu->system settings->advanced->whatever to change permissions back11:57
dwidmannjust-this-time: try sudo nvidia-glx-config11:57
neil__under system services or what would it be under? session manager?11:58
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neil__where in system settings /advanced do i reset my permissions?12:02
olegI have a problem: when multiple users are logged in and someone inserts a usb stick, ther users get access to it, leaving whoever inserted in denial12:03
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phobiacGeez, I seem to have an issue every week. Oh well it's expected when I'm constantly messing around with new programs. Anyway I'm getting an odd error (and because of it) sudo as well as kdesu don't work. When I type "sudo something" it says there's syntax errors in the sudoers files on lines 0-9, and says the sudoers file is /etc/sudoers..12:04
=== diala [n=diala@4aa54-2-82-225-80-51.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
phobiacoleg: It sounds like you have to change mounting permissions, but I can't recall where you would do that. You probably have to turn off the options that let things be readable to the group.12:06
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dwidmannphobiac: You'll need to boot in recovery mode and fix the sudoers file12:07
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phobiacdwidmann: When I boot in recovery mode I'll be able to read/write to the file? I have a live CD too if that might help.12:08
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phobiacOkay yeah, that logs me in as root.12:09
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phobiacWell that's incredibly odd.12:10
ucordeshow can i get different keyboard layout ins kubuntu? (they seam to be not installed since i can't select them in control center. the list with keyboard layouts is just empty) if it is of any importance: i have ubuntu edgy installed and switched over to KDE by installing the packages kde and kubuntu-desktop12:10
ucordesbtw hi all :)12:11
phobiacI think I should log this as a bug but I'm not sure how. Somehow the begining of my sudoers file has an error written to it.12:11
raeezHelp: I have installed beryl and now my kde desktop takes forever to load (the desktop in particular) and the desktop crashes after a few minutes. what can i do?12:11
flaccid0ucordes: i can't remember, but the guys in #kde will if no luck here12:11
Ch1ppyhello, I am running dual screens and I wish to have a second panel on my right screen.  Problem is, I want it to be tiny (24 px) instead of "Normal" (48 px?), and it will not resize.  Right clicking on the panel and selecting configure only brings me to a window that affects only the main panel...  Can anyone point me in the right direction?12:11
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phobiacucordes: I had that issue. I had to put a symlink somewhere to fix it.12:12
BluesKajucordes, i hate to state the obvious , but have you checked keyboards in system settings12:12
olegphobiac: Thats the problem: I need to find out how to change these permissions12:12
phobiacucordes: Give me five minutes and I should be able to find what Idid about.12:12
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phobiacoleg: I can't rememember how to. Try /msg the bot and investigsting with it.12:13
olegphobiac: I don't know how to use msg bot :(12:14
ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux12:14

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