=== vor [n=Steve@cpe-76-181-146-41.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
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=== Ayanami [n=ayanami@adsl-75-51-6-75.dsl.milwwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Ubuntu-marketing | ||
=== dude_ [n=dude@ACA2D9B8.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
n2diy | dude_: hi dude_ | 05:35 |
dude_ | i just got this box working on the net and i want to get the rest of the house away from windows | 05:35 |
dude_ | n2diy i talked to you an hour ago i think | 05:35 |
n2diy | dude_: nooooo, I just suggested you join here! | 05:36 |
dude_ | i was on the other comp "newbie" why did it pick dude for a nick name? | 05:37 |
n2diy | dude_: you where on ubuntu as dude_, you changed channels to ubuntu-marketing, but the channel server remembered your nick from ubuntu. | 05:38 |
dude_ | my kids like to play games wine wont do any other suggestions? | 05:40 |
Ayanami | What games. | 05:41 |
n2diy | dude_: let them have a winders box that only plays games, and everything else is done on Ubuntu? | 05:42 |
dude_ | sims | 05:42 |
Ayanami | The Windows box for games sounds like a good bet. | 05:43 |
dude_ | this is new should i adress inividuals Ayanami or n2diy | 05:43 |
n2diy | dude_: both? are you familiar with command line completion using the tab key? | 05:44 |
dude_ | no nothing happened | 05:44 |
n2diy | dude_: what happens when you type in n2, and then hit the tab key? | 05:45 |
dude_ | n2diy: | 05:45 |
dude_ | Ayanami: | 05:45 |
dude_ | cool | 05:45 |
n2diy | :) | 05:46 |
Ayanami | :) | 05:46 |
dude_ | ok im 40 and slow please be patient | 05:46 |
dude_ | :) | 05:46 |
Ayanami | I have all the time in the world. | 05:46 |
n2diy | I'm 50, and still slow. | 05:46 |
dude_ | i will ask my kids they have this down pat | 05:47 |
n2diy | I have two goal is life, the first one is to save the universe, so far so good. The second one is to live forever, and , again, so far, so good. | 05:48 |
dude_ | should i hook the two comps up with fire wire or some thing or keep them seperate? | 05:48 |
n2diy | dude_: If all the winders box is going to do is play games, why network it? | 05:49 |
n2diy | dude_: In fact, it would be a point of attack on your network. | 05:50 |
Ayanami | If you are going to network it, buy a router or a second card and throw that in to another Ubuntu box, then let the Windows box have restricted access to the internet. | 05:50 |
Ayanami | Some of the games may want internet access. | 05:50 |
=== Ayanami keeps the boxes here behind a Gentoo edge firewall/server with a restrictive firewall. | ||
Ayanami | One windows lappy, one dual booter. | 05:51 |
n2diy | Ayanami: hmmm, then yes, a router and firewall. | 05:51 |
dude_ | n2diy: i have open office, that should be compatable with ms office for school reports? | 05:52 |
Ayanami | (I'm new to this Ubuntu stuff, I tried it out a few years ago, but didn't see what it was yet. Now, its kinda nice. I'm not ZOMG!!!!! since I'm used to Gnome and stuff, but its a lot easier to shooting myself with Gentoo repeatedly.) | 05:52 |
=== Ayanami honestly wonders why schools want .doc files. Do they really want infected by macro viruses? | ||
Ayanami | And yes, Open Office is functionally compatible with MS Office, I believe. :) | 05:52 |
n2diy | dude_: yes it should, but that is a good reason to keep a winders box handy to, to test it. I haven't any problems with OO, but I'm not doing any mission critical stuff with it, like homework. | 05:53 |
dude_ | the teachers want web pages attached to there work as well | 05:53 |
=== Ayanami keeps a copy of 2k3 around just in case someone sends me something that I HAVE to open. | ||
Ayanami | They want what. | 05:54 |
Ayanami | notepad. :) | 05:54 |
Ayanami | notepad makes web pages just fine. | 05:54 |
n2diy | dude_: So the kids are turning in there homework on floppies, or what? | 05:54 |
n2diy | *in on | 05:55 |
dude_ | when the kids do reports the teachers want web pages attached to the report | 05:55 |
=== Ayanami bets USB or burned to CDROM. | ||
dude_ | flash memory sticks | 05:55 |
Ayanami | Thought so, flash sticks. | 05:55 |
Ayanami | They must have those XP boxes locked down tight, or they must not realize what they're doing. | 05:55 |
n2diy | dude_: I don't see any problem with that. | 05:55 |
n2diy | Ayanami: Yep, just a new way to spread stuff. | 05:56 |
dude_ | thank you tonight is my night to make sure teeth are brushed gotta go | 05:56 |
Ayanami | Welcome. | 05:57 |
n2diy | dude_: Ayanami, yep me too, I'm going to turn into a pumpking soon, ttyl. | 05:57 |
Ayanami | Night. :) | 05:57 |
Ayanami | Oh! | 05:57 |
Ayanami | Is there a primer I can read on why Ubuntu is "better" than other distros? | 05:57 |
=== Ayanami is one of those bad people who boots Ubuntu, CentOS, and the rest, and only sees Gnome. | ||
n2diy | Ayanami: your reading it! | 05:58 |
Ayanami | Heh. :) | 05:59 |
n2diy | Ayanami: where else would you find real time support like this? | 05:59 |
Ayanami | I tried #Gentoo once. | 06:00 |
Ayanami | NEVER AGAIN. | 06:00 |
Ayanami | I think help is decided on how l33t your system specs are. | 06:00 |
n2diy | Ayanami: ah, noobs not welcome? | 06:00 |
Ayanami | My system wasn't l33t enough to attract any attention. | 06:00 |
n2diy | Ayanami: umm, what's l33t? | 06:00 |
Ayanami | As in, "Define the term" or "what do they consider a computer system to be l33t?" | 06:01 |
n2diy | Ayanami: ok, but I still don't know what's l33t? Are you going to make me google for it ? :0 | 06:02 |
Ayanami | No, you don't need to. :) | 06:02 |
Ayanami | l33t is a leetspeek term meaning "elite." | 06:02 |
Ayanami | It was originally a letter substitution cypher used by BBS people to hide the fact they were talking about illegal software from BBS word filters. | 06:02 |
n2diy | Ayanami: well, if you don't tell me, I will need to! Or don't you know either? | 06:02 |
n2diy | Ayanami: Ah, I see, tnx, good night. | 06:03 |
Ayanami | Now, it's a term that denotes "cool" or "elite" on the internet. Such as, "My system is l33t." | 06:03 |
Ayanami | You are welcome. :) | 06:03 |
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sladen | are people gobbying the latest UWN? | 11:09 |
sladen | somerville32: gobby? | 11:09 |
sladen | is it on gobby.ubuntu.com? | 11:09 |
=== jenda [n=jenda@ubuntu/member/jenda] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
elkbuntu | sladen, not afaik.. gimme a sec, i'll find details | 11:11 |
sladen | elkbuntu: thanks, ta | 11:12 |
elkbuntu | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies | 11:12 |
elkbuntu | i hope the right ip is in there... if not.. it'll be something to do with juliux | 11:13 |
tonyyarusso | ubuntu.juliux.de | 11:13 |
sladen | elkbuntu: groovy, excellent | 11:13 |
tonyyarusso | I think | 11:13 |
juliux | sladen, the host is ubuntu.juliux.de | 11:14 |
tonyyarusso | I rock | 11:14 |
tonyyarusso | :) | 11:14 |
elkbuntu | the password as as per the wiki page though | 11:14 |
elkbuntu | s/as as/is as/ | 11:14 |
juliux | elkbuntu, the ip is right | 11:14 |
elkbuntu | cool | 11:15 |
=== vor [n=Steve@cpe-76-181-146-41.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
tonyyarusso | anybody know what educational background would be necessary to work for Canonical? | 11:18 |
elkbuntu | not the foggiest | 11:18 |
tonyyarusso | hrm | 11:19 |
tonyyarusso | elkbuntu: do you work in tech professionally at all? | 11:19 |
elkbuntu | tonyyarusso, no | 11:19 |
tonyyarusso | dang | 11:19 |
elkbuntu | tonyyarusso, as tech as i get is web dev | 11:19 |
tonyyarusso | I'm soliciting people's brains to try to find out some stuff | 11:19 |
tonyyarusso | I'm trying to figure out if there is such a thing as a degree that focuses on using software rather than making it. As in, Apache config and maintenance, desktop use, multi-user system administration, etc., but with very little emphasis on coding. All I can find is computer science stuff that's all like "we'll teach you C, you figure the rest out later" | 11:21 |
elkbuntu | well.. over here you go to tech colleges for that sort of edu | 11:23 |
KenSentMe | tonyyarusso: it is possible | 11:23 |
KenSentMe | In Holland we have such courses | 11:23 |
tonyyarusso | KenSentMe: Know what it's called in English? | 11:23 |
KenSentMe | tonyyarusso: no idea | 11:23 |
tonyyarusso | KenSentMe: Know what it's called in Dutch? | 11:24 |
KenSentMe | tonyyarusso: communication technology is one | 11:25 |
tonyyarusso | I wonder if the sounder ML would be useful for this... | 11:25 |
tonyyarusso | Or maybe Canonical HR, if they have any spare time | 11:25 |
tonyyarusso | This looks somewhat appealing: http://www.flemingc.on.ca/Full-time/ProgramDisplay.cfm?ProgramCode=CTY | 11:28 |
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nixternal | juliux: you got mail! | 03:42 |
juliux | nixternal, seems paypal is a strange company | 03:45 |
nixternal | yes they are, but they fixed it, just took them forever | 03:46 |
juliux | hehe | 03:47 |
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nixternal | that's good, I left you email in my inbox so I wouldn't forget about it | 03:49 |
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jenda | juliux: stickers on their way :) | 05:51 |
juliux | jenda, to you or to me? | 05:52 |
jenda | well, on their way to me for now... ;) | 05:52 |
juliux | cool | 05:52 |
jenda | Are you OK with getting them around tuesday-wednesday next week? | 05:52 |
juliux | yes it's ok | 05:52 |
jenda | I'd greatly prefer not having to go to the office till friday. | 05:52 |
jenda | cool | 05:52 |
juliux | jenda, if you find time take a look at http://ubuntu.juliux.de/edubuntu_back.png and http://ubuntu.juliux.de/edubuntu_front.png | 05:59 |
jenda | looks goo | 06:03 |
jenda | d | 06:03 |
jenda | Ubuntu and Xubuntu should be capitalised, juliux | 06:03 |
juliux | hmpf | 06:03 |
juliux | kubuntu not? | 06:03 |
juliux | ah you mean only the word not the logo right? | 06:03 |
jenda | yep | 06:04 |
jenda | Kubuntu already is. | 06:04 |
jenda | and the official URL for ubuntu is ubuntu.com | 06:04 |
juliux | i kno | 06:05 |
juliux | w | 06:05 |
jenda | please use that, not ubuntulinux.org | 06:05 |
jenda | oh, and Edubuntu should be capitalised too :) | 06:05 |
jenda | and now, I'm off. | 06:05 |
juliux | but i looks strange if you have a .org address by xubuntu and kubuntu and a .com bei ubuntu | 06:05 |
juliux | it | 06:05 |
jenda | hm | 06:05 |
juliux | also .org by edubuntu | 06:06 |
jenda | still better than having ubuntulinux next to xubuntu and kubuntu as opposed to xubuntulinux etc, IMO. | 06:06 |
juliux | hm | 06:06 |
jenda | I gotta study, sorry. | 06:06 |
=== jenda out | ||
=== rbs-tito [n=roberto@host86-128-219-33.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
rbs-tito | hi | 06:09 |
jenda | hey rbs-tito | 06:16 |
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tsmithe | jenda, i thought you were out? | 06:26 |
jenda | tsmithe: I am :) | 06:29 |
jenda | I just walk around the computer every now and then. | 06:29 |
jenda | out = couch. | 06:30 |
tsmithe | hehe | 06:30 |
tsmithe | i thought your pc rung when you were pung? | 06:30 |
jenda | tons of printed pages, pens, pot of tea, dictionay couch | 06:30 |
tsmithe | :) | 06:30 |
jenda | |couch - computer| = not much | 06:30 |
jenda | :) | 06:31 |
=== jenda out | ||
=== tsmithe just does work on his bed... don't have my own couch. the only couch is too near the tv | ||
jenda | hehe | 06:31 |
tsmithe | then again, the bed is too near the laptop | 06:31 |
tsmithe | so either way i get distracted | 06:31 |
jenda | hehe | 06:31 |
=== tsmithe really needs to be "out" | ||
tsmithe | so.. i'm off | 06:31 |
jenda | speaking of which, I'm really out ;) | 06:31 |
jenda | 06:31 | |
tsmithe | stopit!: P | 06:32 |
tsmithe | i really should fix utf | 06:32 |
tsmithe | now... if my locale is "en_GB.UTF-8" why can't i see it? | 06:39 |
jenda | hey meatballhat! | 06:54 |
jenda | (just noticed you joined 3 hours ago...) | 06:54 |
jenda | I'll finally have some time for teh project after friday. | 06:55 |
tsmithe | diy? | 06:55 |
tsmithe | or summat new? | 06:55 |
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meatballhat | jenda: hallo? | 07:24 |
jenda | oy | 07:27 |
jenda | tsmithe: diy | 07:27 |
=== beuno hides | ||
=== jenda drags beuno back into the picture | ||
jenda | :) | 07:27 |
=== jenda moves on to the next chapter: parliamentarism | ||
beuno | lol | 07:28 |
=== jenda has got these left: head of state, executive power, courts, local authorities... | ||
=== jenda sighs and gets back to work :) | ||
beuno | have fun jenda | 07:31 |
jenda | I won't, I can guarantee that :) | 07:37 |
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beuno | jenda: ping, and good luck with it, I went a bit overboard | 10:14 |
jenda | beuno: gotcha. | 10:14 |
jenda | whew | 10:16 |
jenda | beuno: can I quote parts to jono later on? | 10:16 |
jenda | beuno: contacting carlos is a great idea. | 10:17 |
jenda | I'll pay it more attention after friday. | 10:17 |
jenda | thanks for the email :) | 10:17 |
beuno | jenda: you can do resend, quote, publish | 10:19 |
beuno | you con creative commons license on that ;) | 10:19 |
beuno | *con = got | 10:20 |
beuno | np, I'll be on a mini vacation from friday to sunday, so I won't be much on IRC, but will answer/read emails | 10:20 |
=== beuno goes back to DIY website | ||
beuno | !seen somerville32 | 10:21 |
jenda | hehe :) ok | 10:22 |
jenda | ooh, thanks :) - i'll get back to that next week, too. | 10:22 |
jenda | FIY, I'm going to be fafk Feb 17 - Mar 18 | 10:22 |
jenda | fafk = far away from keyboard | 10:22 |
beuno | I'll have most of my part finished by next week | 10:23 |
beuno | aaah, that's a long time! | 10:23 |
beuno | it's going to be pretty quite around here! | 10:23 |
beuno | quiet | 10:23 |
beuno | oh, jenda, quick question, #uluga channel lost the redirect :/ any idea why/how? | 10:26 |
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=== Red_Herring|zzzz is now known as red_herring | ||
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=== Vorian_ is now known as Vorian | ||
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=== ausimage [n=owner@pool-129-44-212-45.syr.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
ausimage | Hello I was wondering what issue of UWN is next, so I can post an article for the Scribes Team. | 10:58 |
jenda | #30 | 11:01 |
jenda | beuno: what redirect? | 11:02 |
jenda | beuno: oh | 11:02 |
ausimage | I will post there... what is the date it will be released? | 11:02 |
beuno | from #uluga to #ubuntu-ar | 11:02 |
jenda | beuno: you didn't set mlock | 11:02 |
jenda | beuno: /cs set #uluga mlock +if #ubuntu-ar | 11:02 |
jenda | ausimage: not sure... | 11:03 |
beuno | aaah, right, done, thanks ;) | 11:03 |
ausimage | jenda we have our next meeting on the Feb 15th... | 11:03 |
jenda | I'll be 20 years and one day on that day :) | 11:05 |
jenda | ausimage: feel free to add a notice to the UWN. | 11:05 |
jenda | it should be out very soon. | 11:05 |
Vorian | woo hoo happy soon to be birthday jenda :) | 11:05 |
ausimage | jenda you in gobby with it?? | 11:05 |
jenda | ausimage: no idea | 11:06 |
jenda | ausimage: check the wiki - if it doesn't say gotogobby, you can edit there. | 11:06 |
ausimage | it does say that | 11:06 |
ausimage | where is UWN30 in gobby | 11:06 |
jenda | hmm | 11:07 |
jenda | ubuntu.juliux.de | 11:07 |
jenda | I think. | 11:07 |
ausimage | jenda it was a password there | 11:08 |
jenda | ufl@ftw | 11:09 |
ausimage | *wants | 11:09 |
jenda | that's teh passwordz | 11:09 |
ausimage | does not like that password | 11:10 |
jenda | gah | 11:10 |
jenda | no idea... | 11:11 |
ausimage | jenda is there a different place I can send or post the article | 11:12 |
jenda | umm... | 11:13 |
jenda | umm... | 11:13 |
jenda | iDunno :) | 11:13 |
jenda | you can try cody somerville | 11:13 |
ausimage | stumped the pannel ;) | 11:14 |
jenda | elkbuntu - you know anything 'bout it? | 11:14 |
ausimage | jenda not sure if this help but edit line on UWN 30 say last edited 2007-02-05 19:12:36 by PaulSladen | 11:15 |
jenda | well... hm... | 11:16 |
=== jenda prods the UWN folks | ||
jenda | ausimage: please try that password, it should work. | 11:18 |
jenda | ufl@ftw | 11:19 |
ausimage | it does not :( | 11:19 |
beuno | ausimage, jenda, the UWN is on gobby | 11:20 |
jenda | beuno: yeah, but the password doesn't seem to work. | 11:20 |
=== jenda sighs and fires up gobby. | ||
beuno | well, it's a different port | 11:20 |
jenda | lol | 11:20 |
beuno | 6523 | 11:20 |
jenda | which one? :) | 11:20 |
ausimage | ahhhh there the issue! | 11:20 |
ausimage | bingo thanks beuno.... | 11:21 |
beuno | np | 11:21 |
ausimage | beuno all I have to do is just place the article... then I can quit right, no other steps?? | 11:25 |
beuno | ausimage: yeap, anything you write gets saved automatically | 11:25 |
beuno | it streams everything in real time | 11:25 |
ausimage | cool first time using it.... | 11:25 |
ausimage | thanks | 11:25 |
beuno | np, you'll get used to it fast | 11:26 |
ausimage | beuno you know about Scribes Team right??? | 11:26 |
beuno | ausimage: I've seen it here and there, but I honestly don't know what it is ;) | 11:27 |
ausimage | beuno we a team that is working to improve the meeting process... | 11:27 |
beuno | really? that sounds great! | 11:28 |
ausimage | right now we are focusing on getting good agendas logs and summaries... | 11:28 |
ausimage | and having them located centrally.... | 11:28 |
beuno | I love the idea, it will be very usefull | 11:28 |
=== beuno searches for the wiki | ||
ausimage | beuno: you should join us.... pop into #ubuntu-scribes or ScribesTeam on the wiki | 11:29 |
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=== vor [n=Steve@cpe-76-181-146-41.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
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