
UbugtuNew bug: #82976 in firefox (main) "Firefox 1.5.09"Manage Bookmarks" does not import Mozilla Bookmarks from floppy" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8297601:02
Admiral_Chicagosomeone want to look at Bug #8348303:31
UbugtuMalone bug 83483 in firefox "[feisty]  Unable to install an extension" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8348303:31
=== asac_ [n=asac@debian/developer/asac] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
=== armadillo [n=armadill@81-208-31-217.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
asacmy /log does not work in this channel ;)11:04
asacok .. now? test test11:04
asacgreat ... fine11:05
asacgnomefreak: i have found the place to fix the rapid progress-meter for unknown downloads ... though I don't know what is best from a UI point-of-view ... if you can test, let me know!12:04
gnomefreakasac: if you can let me wake up a bit i can test it12:36
asacyeah ... I will have lunch in a about 20 min12:37
asacmaybe afterwards?12:37
asacbtw, morning :)12:37
gnomefreakAlexLatchford: ubuntulog is the log bot for #ubuntu-meeting. they logs are there. we can maybe come up with something to do instead of minutes12:40
asacmaybe we can attach the logs to the minutes page? as a reference?12:40
AlexLatchfordwell there is a Bot underway to get this process defined12:51
AlexLatchfordI am on the Scribes team who are actively setting up a MeetingBot12:51
AlexLatchfordso hopefully by the next meeting it will be sorted so we can use it12:52
asacif we need logs ... i did a dump of the irssi window12:52
asack lunch12:58
gnomefreakso i decline new memebers and ask them to join us in here?12:59
=== jwendell [n=wendell@ubuntu/member/wendell] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
=== gnomefreak found out last night what i was doing wrong while building packages :(
AlexLatchfordI believe so gnomefreak01:29
gnomefreaki wrote him email explaining to join us here01:30
AlexLatchfordnot all new members, just members that appear to have little experience01:30
AlexLatchford(not proven experience)01:30
gnomefreakhe has 0 karma and a member of bugsquad01:30
AlexLatchfordthen he would be a candidate for the mentoring scheme01:30
gnomefreakbugsquad is open team01:30
gnomefreakcouple more coffees and should be ready for patch :)01:33
=== gnomefreak hates confusing ass guides
gnomefreakthe debhelper guide tells you to rename everything -debhelper01:34
gnomefreakthat only applies to this package hello because you are grabbing hello-debhelper01:36
gnomefreakits the only package in repos package-debhelper01:36
asacgnomefreak: you have your slow system at hand?01:36
gnomefreakasac: you changed the settings for speed again?01:36
gnomefreaki wont have that for a few more hours gf is sleeping01:37
asachehe ... yes a new improvement01:37
asacthen I'll wait :)01:37
gnomefreaki think im gonna try building ff again while i have time :(01:38
AlexLatchfordlol fair enough01:38
gnomefreakAlexLatchford: what processor is in your pc?02:03
AlexLatchforderm I believe an AMD 2800+02:03
gnomefreakthats  1.* ghz?02:03
AlexLatchfordabout 4 years old now02:03
AlexLatchfordI believe 2.0802:04
=== gnomefreak thinking about bringing my 450mhz down here with this one but than gf losses pc :(
asacgnomefreak: buy her a new one :)02:07
gnomefreaki might have hands on slow laptop soon02:08
gnomefreakslow == maybe p2 if im lucky02:08
asacyeah ... hopefully we won't need slow machines to reproduce in future ... but coincidentially they only pop up on slow maschines02:09
asaclucky? you expect a p1 ?02:09
gnomefreakyeah and im wondering if maybe that is the cause and tell them to get new proc :)02:09
gnomefreakyes its  a 2000 year build of a dell02:09
gnomefreaki expect it to be slow as crap02:10
asachmmm ... might be PIII then02:10
gnomefreakpIII works for me :)02:10
asacin 2000 ... hasn't there already p4 been shipped (maybe not in laptops)02:10
=== gnomefreak will give her this pc if i go out and get a new one (i wanted to test vista but ram isnt enough)
asacrofl ...  a gnomefreak using vista?02:11
gnomefreaki wanted to test it for my friends they wanted it and i cant get them to use ubuntu, they are scared02:11
asacyeah ... i always say to my friends ... if you use windows then you are alone :)02:12
asaci won't help you ;)02:12
gnomefreakgood point02:12
gnomefreakwhen dh_make asks what type of package always want single binary? unless using cdbs ofcourse?02:14
asacyou want single package ... unless you prepare a more complex package02:19
asace.g. firefox is not a single package02:19
asacas there are various binary packages produced from it02:19
asacbut if you use dh_make ... you should probably go for single package02:19
gnomefreakok cool02:19
asaci don't use dh_make :) ... but for getting started its ok02:20
gnomefreaknow that im past the package-debhelper issue i should be better now. you do it manually?02:20
asacusually yes.02:20
asacif lazy I take another package I find well packaged and use that as a template :)02:21
asacbut initial package with dh_make is good way to go.02:22
gnomefreakseems almost like im doing double the work. without dh_make you change files by hand (for most part) and i still check them after using dh_make02:22
asacyeah ... but maybe you won't know which files are needed without dh_make02:25
gnomefreakrule, changelog, control for the most part02:26
=== gnomefreak has already tried making those for an unpackaged packagge adn failed badly
gnomefreakthis guide is so wrong02:29
gnomefreakbrb but if anyone can make sense out of this please try: http://gnomefreak.pastebin.ca/34265102:30
asacgnomefreak: what are you trying to do?02:35
asacsetup a completely NEW firefox package from scratch?02:35
asacit complains that your directoy is just names firefox not firefox-
gnomefreakim not building from scratch02:37
asacthen you won't need dh_make :)02:37
asacdh_make is just used for initial package creation02:38
asac... or upgrading upstream source02:38
asacbut that would fail for a package like firefox :)02:38
asacbuilding is pretty simple02:38
asacapt-get source firefox02:38
asacthen switch to firefox dir02:38
asacand run02:38
asacdpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot02:38
asacyou need fakeroot package as well as build-essential installed to get this going02:39
gnomefreaki have it02:39
asacthen the build will complain about any missing build-dependencies02:39
gnomefreakdoes pbuilder reun dpkg-buildpackage?02:39
asacyes ... dpkg-buildpackage is the normal way to do it02:39
asacpbuilder invokes that02:39
asac+ installs your dependencies02:40
asachowever if you want to develop (e.g. try patches) on your source ... don't do pbuilder02:40
gnomefreakok change files that debuild -S -kKEYID than use pbuilder?02:40
asacdebuild is more high-level than dpkg-buildpackage02:40
asacbut should work as well02:40
gnomefreakok lets try this :)02:41
asacgood luck :-P02:41
gnomefreakso far so good :)02:47
gnomefreakshould i have removed all *.CVS?02:56
UbugtuNew bug: #83564 in firefox (main) "Firefox crashes on click to focus" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8356402:56
asacno atm02:57
gnomefreakok got alot of warnings about them02:58
asacduring generation of diff.gz?02:58
asacrunning debbuild?02:58
asacor dpkg-buildpackage?02:58
gnomefreakdebuild -S  will run litian for you02:59
gnomefreakand thats where the errors came from02:59
asacactually its bad practice ... but you can ignore the warnings :)02:59
asaceven errors?02:59
gnomefreakno just warnings sorry02:59
asacyeah ... just ignore them ... its been forever that way ... its indeed good, because upstream wants patches to submitted only if generated with cvs diff03:00
gnomefreakit built the sources fine from what i was able to tell03:00
asacyeah ... you ended up with generated .deb files?03:00
gnomefreakdoing that now03:00
gnomefreakpbuilder is doing that03:00
asacah ok ... debuild and dpkg-buildpackage should do it too03:03
gnomefreakdebuild builds source and dpkg-buildpackage builds the debs?03:03
asacno ... both do everything ... if you don't pass any special options03:04
asacfor instance03:04
asacdpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -kkeyid03:04
asacwill build and sign with keyid03:04
asacdunno about debuild ... quite a bit since I used it last time03:04
asacbut afaik just debuild -kkeyid should do the trick03:05
gnomefreakit does same Now we build the source package using debuild, a wrapper script for dpkg-buildpackage:03:05
asacok ... i talked to pitti ... the idea is that for now we (developers) to run apport-retrace and don't ask the user to do it for us... later this will be automated in launchpad03:09
gnomefreakok so only devels have to run it?03:09
asacyeah ... our team :)03:09
gnomefreakas long as it has the full coredump03:09
asacare there reports without?03:10
gnomefreakasac: used to be i think now they should all have them03:10
asacok ... then lets just look ahead :) ... for those that don't have ask the user to reproduce and send new report (with coredump) ... if he cannot reproduce, close.03:11
gnomefreakafter this is built i will try the apport-retrace on a bug see what happens03:11
asacgreat ... let me know if there are any problems ;)03:11
gnomefreakshould we upload the retrace to bug report?03:11
asacmaybe add a tag needs-retrace until this is done03:12
asacor need-retrace03:12
asacbut lets wait till the tag page is set up03:12
gnomefreaki think a wiki for "us" on how to run retrace might be helpful (for atleast the new members)03:15
gnomefreakmight have one already03:17
gnomefreakim looking at it03:18
gnomefreakthis is gonna be hard if we have to have smae version installed with same plugins03:34
asacat least for same version03:34
asacfor same plugins ... lets see how it works out03:34
gnomefreakis fiestys differnet than edgys in that sense03:34
asacyou can setup chroot for edgy/feisty/dapper et al03:34
gnomefreakmight have to03:35
asaci think edgy + feisty would be enough for now03:35
asaci currently have no dapper either ... though if there are lots of reports on dapper I will setup one in future03:35
=== gnomefreak gonna learn hwo to set up a chroot now :)
asacsudo debootstrap edgy /to/some/dir/where/you/want/the/chroot :)03:36
gnomefreakthats it?03:37
asacafter that you can chroot /to/some/dir/where/you/want/the/chroot03:43
asacmight need to setup /etc/apt/sources.list etc.03:43
asacbut in general ... yes03:43
asachave not yet managed (nor really tried) to start a special gnome session inside a chroot ... but usually one does not need that03:44
asaci have http://pastebin.ca/342750 in my /etc/fstab03:46
asacin that way I have the same home directory in the chroot03:46
asacand proc is always good to have too03:46
asacin addition you can put a file called /etc/debian_chroot (within the chroot) and put some name for the chroot in there03:48
asacin that way base extends its prompt so you can tell in what chroot you are03:48
gnomefreakeverything goes into the chroot dir?03:49
asacthere will be a complete system installed in it (except kernel)03:49
gnomefreakthe crash report?03:49
asacyou can do anything you do in your normal system when in a chroot03:49
gnomefreakso like i would cd /dir/edgy-chroot than run anything at that point?03:50
asacyou say03:50
asacchroot /dir/edgy-chroot03:50
asacto switch into it03:50
asacthen you can run anything you want03:51
asacyou might need to adduser first03:51
asacdoes that answer your question?03:51
gnomefreakah ok03:51
gnomefreakk ill try it03:52
gnomefreakok update: pbuilder is being a b*tch witha  few packages so i put that on hold. chroot is installing atm. gf isnt feeling good she came down and asked me to run for cold meds so im gonna do that in a bit but im not gonna beable to get to the p2 for a while :(04:27
UbugtuNew bug: #83578 in firefox (main) "when X server is configured with 16bit color firefox crashes on some pages" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8357804:52
UbugtuNew bug: #83536 in firefox (main) "X.org crashes when scrolling in Firefox" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8353604:57
Admiral_Chicagoi freaking hate users.05:19
AlexLatchfordwhats happened this time..05:20
Admiral_Chicagohold on, pulling up the bug report.05:20
Admiral_ChicagoBug #8308405:20
UbugtuMalone bug 83084 in bugzilla "Printing of java applets doesn't work with firefox" [Unknown,Rejected]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8308405:20
Admiral_ChicagoI don't ever remember being able to print java applets05:21
Admiral_Chicagowell it was rejected upstream, closing it now05:21
Admiral_Chicagogotta run05:23
AlexLatchfordhmm I think we need to change the BugMail settings05:23
Admiral_Chicagoto do what?05:23
Admiral_ChicagoI think David controls that05:23
AlexLatchfordchange the bugs to be posted onto this list05:23
AlexLatchfordso people can choose whether or not to be subscribed to all bugs05:23
Admiral_Chicagoi had seen that list before. I can email david about it05:24
AlexLatchfordIt doesn't bother me much, but its something that should be changed05:24
AlexLatchfordwell ill email him about it now05:24
Admiral_Chicagookay you mail him. I still have to send a follow up05:25
Admiral_Chicagobtw, I hate the way Karma is done on LP now05:25
Admiral_Chicagofirst they take away 3/4 of my karma, then it went down again, now it hasn't update in several days.05:26
Admiral_Chicagothis is really annoying...well i have to get ready for my day05:27
AlexLatchfordhmm, mine updated yesterday I think05:28
asacbug 83084 was a duplicate05:30
UbugtuMalone bug 83084 in bugzilla "Printing of java applets doesn't work with firefox" [Unknown,Rejected]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8308405:30
asacAdmiral_Chicago: better keep bug open and change upstream url to https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=178930 ?05:32
UbugtuMozilla bug 178930 in Printing "java applet rendering doesn't show in print preview and doesn't print" [Major,Resolved: worksforme] 05:32
asacso keep eyes open what malone interprets as REJECTED in upstream :)05:32
asacDUPLICATE are obviously not rejected ;)05:32
Admiral_Chicago asac can you do that, I have to start my school day05:33
AlexLatchfordasac: can you take a look at bugs. #70875 #72018 #83564 they all seem to be narrowing down on a single problem05:37
AlexLatchfordto my eyes that is05:37
AlexLatchfordbug #7087505:38
UbugtuMalone bug 70875 in firefox "crash gtk_style_realize" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7087505:38
AlexLatchfordbug #7201805:38
UbugtuMalone bug 72018 in firefox "crash gtk_style_realize Segfault when clicking back after failing to watch a video" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7201805:38
AlexLatchfordbug #8356405:38
UbugtuMalone bug 83564 in firefox "Firefox crashes on click to focus" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8356405:38
asacAdmiral_Chicago: actually me is blind ... it is worksforme. sorry for the noise ;)05:39
asacAlexLatchford: ... looking05:42
asacAlexLatchford: hmmm .... wasn't there a report somewhere that rm ~/.gtkrc-2.0 (what is the exact filename?) helps for some? ... or did I dream that ;)05:45
AlexLatchfordnot sure05:45
AlexLatchfordhaven't seen it anywhere05:45
asacso what distribution is reporter of bug 83564 running? edgy?05:47
UbugtuMalone bug 83564 in firefox "Firefox crashes on click to focus" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8356405:47
AlexLatchfordYes in the Report is said Edgy05:48
AlexLatchfordthink they might be linked?05:52
asacthe first two yes05:54
asacthe last cant tell without symbols05:54
AlexLatchfordOk, well I have made the request for information, I will watch those reports and ping you when I get the information required05:55
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=Freddy@st074039212101.monm.edu] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
gnomefreakwhere are we on the tag wiki? (if started)06:18
asacnot seen anything :)06:18
asacmaybe I will start to set some content up tomorrow on general bug things - as a proposal06:19
asacmaybe I come around to tags then too :)06:19
=== gnomefreak still working as off on getting chroot up and running
asacas a starter06:21
gnomefreakasac: can i change echo mychroot > etc/debian_chroot to use edgy_chroot instead of debian_chroot?06:26
asactry what happens06:27
asacyou should then see (mychroot) in front of the prompt06:28
asacby default I see nothing06:28
gnomefreakits not letting me in the chroot now06:28
asacwhat you doing?06:28
gnomefreaksudo chroot /var/chroot but its yelling at me saying wrong password06:29
gnomefreaktells me this guide is screwed since i have followed it word for word06:30
gnomefreakok fixed sort of06:35
gnomefreaknow to redo it06:35
asacyou need your own password for that06:39
gnomefreaki did the dchroot (non-root) config06:41
gnomefreakpbuilder hates me something awful. it doesnt want to grab any of the libavahi packages it needs06:52
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=Freddy@st074039212101.monm.edu] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
asacin chroot?07:05
gnomefreakAlexLatchford: and Admiral_Chicago if you guys want to join ubuntu-qa team join #ubuntu bugs and speak up07:11
gnomefreakhes taking applications for it now07:11
gnomefreakgoes for anyone else working on bugs for a while07:12
asacwho is he?07:24
AlexLatchfordsfllaw is the QA Admin07:24
asacis he online?07:24
gnomefreaksimon law07:24
gnomefreakasac: yes in #ubuntu-bugs07:24
gnomefreakasac: you already have qa access :)07:25
asacok ... just wondered because he is not on any other channel i am in07:25
gnomefreakhe should be in -devel also07:25
asacunfortunately my account will be added to core-dev on Feb 12 ;)07:25
asacnext technical board meeting07:25
asactill then I have to creep around a bit :) ... anyway, almost anything I want to edit atm I can do :)07:27
asacif not ... I just ask you :)07:27
asacok ... I now started to go through thunderbird bugs :)07:28
asacwhat a mess ;)07:28
gnomefreakshould i just install firefox or all of ubuntu-desktop?07:28
asacbut its pretty ok ... for those I know there is an upstream bug I added a remote bug without url07:28
gnomefreakfor chroot07:28
asacinstall firefox and thunderbird :)07:29
gnomefreakbtw i had idea07:29
asacif you want to test the complete desktop feeliung you might need to install ubuntu-desktop07:29
asacand use vncserver or something instead of X-server in chroot07:29
gnomefreakdepending on how many people are gonna be doing retraces i think most should use a 32bit and one or 2 have 64bit chroot07:29
asacah ... ok07:30
asacyes :)07:30
asaci have 64 bit chroots by definition :)07:30
gnomefreaki dont07:30
asachave not yet even set up 32bit07:30
asacmaybe then I can take over retracing 64bit reports for now ... while all that have i386 try to do so for 32bit reports?07:31
gnomefreaki have ffeling we are gonna see alot more 32 bit than 64 bit crashes07:31
asacI will setup 32bit chrrots too at some point07:31
gnomefreaki will once i get done with it07:31
gnomefreakso far me and you are only 2 i know of wokring on bugs with a chroot07:32
asacgnomefreak: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mozilla-thunderbird/+bug/4676007:34
UbugtuMalone bug 46760 in mozilla-thunderbird "no icon for mozilla-thunderbird in KDE Panel" [Medium,Confirmed] 07:34
asacgnomefreak: .... actually we should add content on wiki that its good to have chroot for testing bugs07:35
gnomefreakagreed but i dont know enough yet to make it :(07:37
gnomefreakfrom chroot will i have accesss to my $HOME dir?07:38
gnomefreakAlexLatchford: you have 64 bit edgy installed by chance?07:40
gnomefreakshot i forgot nano :(07:42
asacits in the introduction on how to make home accessible07:42
asac-> fstab07:42
AlexLatchfordlol strangely no07:42
gnomefreakk im just thinking about staying away from the whole root part of guide07:43
gnomefreakAlexLatchford: edgy at all?07:43
gnomefreakgoodie :)07:45
gnomefreakthats not gonna go over well at all07:45
gnomefreakAlexLatchford: if you run retraces please make a seperate dir. to keep it neat :)07:46
gnomefreaki need to friggin sleep07:49
gnomefreakthese people are gonna work on my nerves today07:49
=== gnomefreak might leave it to asac to screw with it
gnomefreakthat didnt go as planed at all08:00
gnomefreakhow do i run firefox from chroot (making sure it uses edgys)08:10
gnomefreakfixed it :)08:15
Admiral_Chicagosounds like a good time08:16
UbugtuNew bug: #83607 in firefox (main) "firefox won't attach/send jpg's" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8360708:20
gnomefreaknot as much as a good time as it sounds :)08:23
gnomefreakasac: got a sec08:24
gnomefreakto change to chroot i will need sudo chroot /var/chroot still by the looks of it. is that ok for doing the retrace in $HOME08:25
=== gnomefreak thinks mkdir ~/retrace#<bugid> and wget the crashreport than retrace it in same place is that ok as root?
gnomefreakah nevermind as long as i dchroot -d will give me my promtp as $08:28
UbugtuNew bug: #83612 in firefox (main) "Firefox crashes about one minute after closing" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8361208:30
gnomefreakok adding comments to bugs stating im retracing the crash reports and will upload than see what we can do. (until tags get ready)08:35
gnomefreakor should i assign it to myself until report is uploaded?08:35
=== hjmf [n=hjmf@87.Red-83-40-226.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
gnomefreakAlexLatchford: are you busy?08:37
Admiral_Chicagoi'm not if you need something08:38
gnomefreaki would likesome to go over what we do help him out. jhnjwng applied and i sent him email to join us here to learn and work at it before i can accept his app for membership08:38
gnomefreaks/likesome/like someone08:39
Admiral_Chicagooh i see08:39
gnomefreakif you hav etime for a little bit to get him started (if questions i can answer most of them08:39
gnomefreakim working on getting a retrace done atm08:40
Admiral_Chicagogive me a second to finish this work up.08:40
gnomefreakthats fine. im not in a hurry but i forgot to bring it up this morning (i have a sick gf here ive been running up to take care of08:41
asacgnomefreak: is your question void?08:41
gnomefreakhe may not even be around08:41
gnomefreakabout assigning it to me while running retrace?08:42
gnomefreakthat way i have easy way to pull it up while im working on it08:42
Admiral_Chicagoactually, I have to run right now, I didn't realize how close it was to my class right now08:42
gnomefreakonce uploaded reassign to noone than maybe ping someone to decode the cryptic ass errors :)08:43
asacgnomefreak: so you want to assign bugs to yourself to indicate that you work on them?08:44
gnomefreakone at a time ofcours08:44
asacsounds reasonable ... you could even vade through and grab multiple ones in that way.08:45
asaci am currently working on wiki info ... will try to include that08:45
gnomefreakok and than reassign to noone :)08:45
asacactually you reassign back to mozilla team08:45
asaceither with a new bug state ... or with a new tag added08:45
gnomefreaknot sure what to use as tag at that point. tag == needs reading lol08:46
asacso other see what has to be done. before this can migrate from unconfirmed->needs info or any other transition08:46
gnomefreakonce the retraces are done they are pretty much confirmed08:47
asacyeah ... I hope to set lots of infos up as a proposal ... we can then discuss and improve that08:47
gnomefreakshould we be retracing all reports on each bug?08:47
asacyeah ... actually i would like to have a more fine grained workflow with some slightly different definitions of what each state means08:47
asacif they are not from the same incident, then yes08:47
asacits likely that people post "me too" statements that are not true08:48
asacwe should sort that out ... and either point him to the right bug or open a new for him.08:48
gnomefreakim gonna run them all on each bug until we refine everything i think08:48
asacyeah ... maybe introduce a tag 'retrace'08:49
asacand add that to the ones you see that have untraced reports in08:49
asacof course if it suites your workflow only08:49
asaci think it would be worth to go through all bug reports once before we start with the actual retracing and add such a tag to all of those that contain crash reports :)08:50
asacwhen retrace is done, the tag can be removed by the one who retraced08:50
gnomefreakok works for me08:51
asacah ... when retrace is done, i think we should only attach the most important info ... unless someone explicitly requests more infos08:52
asacusually backtrace info is enough08:52
gnomefreakok tag set on the bug im working on08:52
asacwhich one?08:52
=== gnomefreak cant read them good so only important info is gonna be hard
gnomefreakretrace == grabbing retraces of the reportws08:53
asacyeah ... I will outline in wiki what is usually sufficient08:53
asacwhich bug are you on?08:53
gnomefreakbug 4756408:53
UbugtuMalone bug 47564 in firefox "closes when scrolling" [Medium,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4756408:53
asacok i add a link to get all "retrace" bugs to wiki08:54
asacunfortunately the advanced search mask does not yet support this08:54
gnomefreakok cool08:54
asacso we use the wiki link workaround08:55
gnomefreakare you working on the apport page?08:57
=== gnomefreak wondering if we need to apport -d file.crash | tee 2&1 or whatever it is
asaci am not08:59
=== gnomefreak running out of commands
gnomefreakapport-retrace -d [filename]  doesnt work09:07
=== gnomefreak feels stupid now ill let you know how it goes
asachmmm ... maybe a bug in apport?09:13
asacwhat happens?09:13
hjmfgnomefreak, what error is giving you apport09:14
gnomefreakTraceback (most recent call last):09:17
gnomefreak  File "/usr/bin/apport-retrace", line 189, in ?09:17
gnomefreak    debug_dir = prepare_debugdir(report, options.cache_dir)09:17
gnomefreak  File "/usr/bin/apport-retrace", line 147, in prepare_debugdir09:17
gnomefreak    needed_deps.add((pkg, dependency_versions[pkg] ))09:17
gnomefreakthats with apport-retrace -d filename09:17
gnomefreakin a edgy chroot09:17
asaccan you install feisty apport.deb by hand?09:18
hjmfNot sure if this helps, but at Bug #65914 there is a patch that worked for me09:18
UbugtuMalone bug 65914 in apport "apport-retrace -d fails with KeyError" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6591409:18
hjmfthough I still having errors :S09:20
asacbut it works?09:20
asacor not?09:20
gnomefreakasac: i think so but on an edgy chroot?09:20
asacgnomefreak: maybe package installs on edgy?09:21
gnomefreakput deb anywhere and in the chroot just dpkg -i it?09:21
gnomefreakhjmf: those kind of errors?09:22
asacgnomefreak: maybe09:22
asacif it installs than chances are high that it might work09:22
hjmfnope, but:09:22
hjmfTraceback (most recent call last):09:22
hjmf  File "/usr/bin/apport-retrace", line 165, in ?09:22
hjmf    report.load(open(reportfile))09:22
hjmf  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/problem_report.py", line 72, in load09:22
hjmf    (key, value) = line.split(':', 1)09:22
hjmfsorry, I have to go now.09:23
gnomefreaklooks like martin is working on the edgy one?09:23
asacdunno exactly ... will ask him tomorrow09:23
hjmfI'll take a look later to the log to see if you get something clear09:23
asacat least we need a solution that we can install to retrace09:24
asacif not for all edgy users09:24
gnomefreakim gonna try feistys version09:24
gnomefreaki dont think this is gonna work it cant find the -dbgsym packages :(09:39
gnomefreaki will let you know when its done09:39
UbugtuNew bug: #83622 in firefox (main) "Gros plantage firefox avi aprs clic sur enregistrer cible" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8362209:40
gnomefreakfound a big problem with this. alot of people only sent reports for non-up-to-date firefox :( you can only run one per chroot09:45
asactry to set MOZ_NO_REMOTE=109:45
asacso it does not contact your main firefox09:45
gnomefreakin the apport command?09:46
asaci think i misunderstood then ... what is your problem?09:49
gnomefreakthe user uploaded version 2.0+0 and version ff in edyg is now
asacah ... what happens if you run apport on the crash?09:50
gnomefreakit complians about the version and alot of depends issues09:51
gnomefreaklet me see if i can pipe it to a seperate file and go through it09:52
asachow to add a watch to a bug?09:57
asacbug 82641 should have a watch on bug 5454809:57
UbugtuMalone bug 82641 in firefox "[feisty] firefox full screen" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8264109:57
UbugtuMalone bug 54548 in vlc "90% vlc full screen" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5454809:57
gnomefreakwhat do you mean by watch?10:01
gnomefreakonly thing close would be marking it as a dupe10:02
gnomefreakim leaning torward that being a vlc issue more than ff.10:04
gnomefreaki remember that bug10:04
gnomefreakasac: here is what i get when i ran it on different version of ff http://gnomefreak.pastebin.ca/34320410:07
asachmmm takes time to open10:10
gnomefreakthat pastebin is slow today10:10
gnomefreaksome of those i think im gonna have to install ubuntu-desktop :(10:11
gnomefreakalong with java flash and so on10:11
asacdoes it actually do something on the file?10:12
asaci mean is it modified?10:13
asacor a new one created?10:13
asacthere isno error10:13
gnomefreakdont know cant open the file or i will crash10:13
asacyou will crash?10:13
asachow that?10:13
gnomefreakyes its too big10:13
asactry less10:13
asacthat should work10:13
gnomefreaki tried that before and froze up big time10:13
asachmm less should definitly work10:13
gnomefreakok ill find out10:14
gnomefreakyes it did :)10:15
gnomefreaki will upload it to bug and put test on it take a look see what else needs to be done10:15
asacplease not the full file10:16
asacjust the backtrace10:16
asacand the thread traces10:16
asacits too huge10:16
gnomefreakStacktrace: Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/libthread_db.so.10:16
gnomefreakyou mean those?10:16
gnomefreaknothing there :(10:16
gnomefreaknothing says backtrace but looks like most of symbols are there and that is pretty much the full file (it also looks smaller than normal10:18
asacls -l ?10:19
asachow big?10:19
gnomefreaksee what i mean by seems smaller10:20
asacthen upload it to bug10:22
asaci will look :)10:22
gnomefreakbug 4756410:23
UbugtuMalone bug 47564 in firefox "closes when scrolling" [Medium,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4756410:23
gnomefreakits there10:23
gnomefreakim installing flash and java now10:24
gnomefreakbut im thinking since coredump is gone that means its all there10:24
asacnot the info i hoped for10:25
asacwe need stack traces10:25
gnomefreaki was afraid of that10:25
gnomefreakkeescook: you around?10:25
keescookgnomefreak: yup!10:25
gnomefreakhave you been following?10:26
keescookI haven't been, no, let me catch up10:26
gnomefreaki got a retrace done it has no stacktrace10:26
keescookhm... that's weird10:26
keescookthis is from 47564?10:26
gnomefreakthats the warnings i got you see anything usful?10:27
keescookwhich version of apport do you have installed?10:27
gnomefreakafter i get all these packages installed i will run it on the same version of ff that i have10:27
gnomefreakon edgy chroot10:28
gnomefreakthats why the warnings i bet10:28
keescook(that pastebin is still loading.... wild)10:28
gnomefreakits not that big either :(10:28
gnomefreakwasnt. the file i sent output to is empty all of a sudden10:28
keescookcan you repaste warnings to pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org?10:29
gnomefreakill let you know but i would have to rerun it again unless i can get my pastebin to open10:30
gnomefreakdoesnt look like it. let me run the other one maybe ill get same warnings10:31
gnomefreakha found it10:34
gnomefreakthe warnings10:35
gnomefreaktoo many terminals open :)10:35
gnomefreakthose are warnings10:35
asacWARNING: version 2:1.firefox2.0.0.1+0dfsg-0ubuntu0.6.10 of dependency package libnspr4 is installed, but version 2:1.firefox2.0+0dfsg-0ubuntu3 is required for retrace. Skipping.10:36
gnomefreakthe chroots are gonna have to be full i think10:36
asaci guess that says it10:36
asacexact same version is needed10:36
gnomefreak2.0+0dfsg-0ubuntu3 is required for retrace.10:37
gnomefreakhe needs to update his crash report thats all10:37
asacstill in your cache?10:38
=== gnomefreak thinks it not feisable to install 4 chroots
asachmm is there a thing like archives.debian.net for ubuntu?10:38
gnomefreak2.0.0.1 is latest installing ff in chroot never grabbed it10:38
asacyes but that has no history?10:39
gnomefreakthats the only thing i know fo close10:40
gnomefreaki think its pittis edgy repo if you ask me10:40
gnomefreaki dont think he updated it when packages updated10:40
asachmmm ... maybe the package he initially used is still in the main repository and the new one is in security archive?10:44
asachow many versions do you get with apt-cache show firefox ?10:44
gnomefreaksearch doesnt give versions10:45
gnomefreakoh show10:45
keescook   firefox | 2.0+0dfsg-0ubuntu3 | http://archive.ubuntu.com edgy/main Sources10:45
keescookyeah, you should be able to downgrade it10:45
gnomefreakhold on i ran one on the version i have10:46
gnomefreakone of the reports on that bug was and other was 2.0+010:46
gnomefreakhere are the warnings on the one with same version http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4482/10:48
gnomefreakmy tee command isnt working either10:48
asacinstall with =version :)10:48
asacok i am off for a while10:48
UbugtuNew bug: #83634 in firefox (main) "Crash upon deleting bookmark" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8363410:50
gnomefreakthe one i ran has a stacktrace and a huge coredump still (size of report 36177277)10:51
gnomefreakhow do you downgrade with apt?10:53
gnomefreakok installing the older version of firefox to run the retrace on it10:55
gnomefreakkeescook: is this right  "command | tee 2>&1 debuginfo"11:07
keescookfor saving stderr to the tee too?  Nah, gotta move it earlier:  command 2>&1 | tee debuginfo11:08
gnomefreakah ok11:08
keescookall of stderr (2) gets redirected (>&) into stdout (1).  everything after the pipe is the next process11:08
gnomefreakah ok :) im running the first one i ran with correct version of ff lets hope its good11:10
gnomefreakthat worked ty :)11:10
=== gnomefreak is off for now ill leave it running the retrace but i think its stalling out.
=== asac me back ... for a while :)
gnomefreakyour not gonna like this asac12:25
gnomefreaki recommend any crash report that is not the updated version of ff we need to ask for a new one. ive been running this retrace on the downgraded version and it will not complete. about 1 and half hours it stalled in one place and wont move12:26
gnomefreaki got a great retrace of the up to date one. i have a stacktrace that looks full on the older version but thats about it12:27

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