pbureau | thompa, whats printer model and how is it connected ? | 12:01 |
LiENUS | CSonicGo, 2.6.x kernels arent "stable" at release | 12:01 |
LiENUS | its up to the distributors to stabilize them | 12:01 |
CSonicGo | oh | 12:01 |
Falladir | LiENUS: will this work on an NTFS partition, through NTFS-3G? | 12:01 |
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thompa | pbureau, its a 1018 laserjet HP, usb, always worked before | 12:01 |
LiENUS | Falladir, ... i think so | 12:01 |
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LiENUS | writing to ntfs is a bad idea though... | 12:01 |
CSonicGo | LiENUS, in that case, do you know the address to the Fiesty Repository? | 12:02 |
pbureau | thompa, and you had that icon for that printer in the admin section ? | 12:02 |
thompa | pbureau, I followed the instructions for installing the driver cause the bottom was cut off, now it wont print at all | 12:02 |
pbureau | humm | 12:02 |
LiENUS | CSonicGo, don't know heh personally im going to wait till it comes out... | 12:02 |
thompa | pbureau, the icon is in the panel | 12:02 |
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linux_kid1 | techwhore: the wiki explains the procedure in both KDE and GNOME, but not in Xfce | 12:02 |
thompa | pbureau, i need to somehow install from scratch everything, | 12:02 |
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thompa | pbureau, its only a problem with ubuntu, i dont want to change distros cause of it | 12:03 |
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thompa | pbureau, I got it to work once before i upgraded, but had to practically remove everything and install again | 12:04 |
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pbureau | thompa, I would delete the printer from cups interface.. click on icon if you have the PDD then link it when it asks forit | 12:04 |
Falladir | LiENUS: the terminal that I ran "dd if=/dev/zero of=tmp.file" in doesn't seem to be responding | 12:04 |
Falladir | LiENUS: should this take long? | 12:04 |
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thompa | pbureau, I did that too, | 12:04 |
thompa | pbureau, right now its easier to just reinstall ubuntu | 12:05 |
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LiENUS | yes | 12:05 |
SmashCat | Falladir: You have to specify the count otherwise you'll fill your filesystem... | 12:05 |
LiENUS | it will take quite some time | 12:05 |
erUSUL | Falladir: untill your disk is full or you interrupt it with crtl + C | 12:05 |
LiENUS | SmashCat, thats the idea he wants to delete data he already deleted... | 12:05 |
SmashCat | ah right ;-) | 12:05 |
pbureau | thompa, I dont know what to say | 12:05 |
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jonw | evening, I've lost my /boot partition, I have the grub directory but need to rebuild the rest .. any help/pointrers ? thanks ;) | 12:05 |
giuseppe | Hi guys, I'v downloaded a lot of themes on gnome-look.org but they didn't work like screenshoot, can you told me why? thanks | 12:05 |
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jrib | TheManiacKY: http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/10/30/1652211 | 12:06 |
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GionnyBoss | does anyone use XLG with compiz? I can't change theme and fonts correctly... can anybody help me, please? | 12:06 |
thompa | pbureau, ill try again, but in ubuntu i think i have to remove almost the entire distro, then put the packages back cups and such to get it too work, unless i knew what the culprit is | 12:06 |
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Byan | how do I install xgl on ubuntu.. I just need someone to do the trigger to give me that link | 12:07 |
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Zenith2007 | hi all, could anyone help please, when installing or removing packages my ubuntu just hangs at Building depency tree... and CPU usage hits 100% and doesn't come back down? any ideas please. | 12:07 |
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pbureau | thompa, weird indeed. | 12:07 |
thompa | pbureau, maybe bad firmware, in debian testing it always works | 12:08 |
GionnyBoss | Byan, I have just installed xgl... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl and then when installed, follow the link at the end of the page to install a composite manager | 12:08 |
jrib | Byan: /msg ubotu xgl you can ask him on your own | 12:09 |
thompa | thats the only thing i dont like, ubuntu in being simple, makes it impossible to figure out | 12:09 |
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Byan | jrib: uh, ok | 12:09 |
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joselito | hola | 12:09 |
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GionnyBoss | Byan, did you get it? installation is very easy if you follow that link... I just don't understand how can I set fonts and theme correctly, but it works! and make sure that you add all plugins with compiz to have all the visual effects | 12:10 |
Kajin | This problem has bothered me all day. I've done a fresh install of Ubuntu Edgy, had some problems with my internet connection, so I set my DNS servers to both my router and the servers supplied by my ISP, I turned of IPv6 and I still can't browse to Yahoo's website (by URL or IP), even though I can ping both Yahoo.com and (Yahoo's IP). As opposed to Yahoo, I can still access Google's site trough both the URL and the IP. Pinging works per | 12:10 |
thompa | pbureau, i snet a test page from cups and right away i get, state: stopped | 12:10 |
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CSonicGo | may I ask that for the new feisty release, that the "drivers" for the RAGE MOBILITY are included :-) | 12:11 |
termos | i just went from breezy -> dapper without any problems, how do I go from dapper -> edgy? | 12:11 |
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pbureau | thompa the first time you installed it, it asked for username/password what did you enter? | 12:12 |
Exabyte | I'm having trouble installing linux on my sony AR series laptop, it has 2x100gb hard drives that are in a RAID 0 configuration and i want to have windows as well as linux on the computer | 12:12 |
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thompa | pbureau, i entered my logon id and pass | 12:13 |
pbureau | useraccount or root as username ? | 12:13 |
Zenith2007 | could anyone help with me Building dependency tree... 50% issue please, it just gets stuck there all the time :\ | 12:13 |
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Byan | ok.. so, how do I make two different sessions.. | 12:13 |
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Byan | gnome w/xgl | 12:13 |
Byan | and gnome without..? | 12:13 |
thompa | pbureau, its frustrating because i know some linux and need my printer or will have to replace ubuntu | 12:13 |
pbureau | thompa useraccount or root as username ? | 12:14 |
thompa | user | 12:14 |
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Lars_G | If I am trying to create a package from source using dpkg-buildpackage and it's being "difficult" and I need to tweak stuff here and there. is there ANY way to have buildpackage NOT recompile everything (runnign make clean) every time I run it? | 12:14 |
XDy | How do I install flash? | 12:14 |
XDy | lol | 12:14 |
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pbureau | thompa, I am asking because first time I installed mine I had something similar and the second time I installed it I used the root/pass combo and it worked fine... could try that | 12:14 |
kalifornia909 | is anyone streaming their media from ubuntu to xbox 360 | 12:14 |
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Byan | XDy: easiest way it just use firefox.. have it install it | 12:15 |
thompa | pbureau, i dont have a root pass do I? | 12:15 |
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Lars_G | please? | 12:15 |
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Spinnaker | How do I install flash (64-bit)? :O | 12:15 |
pbureau | thomas same a SU if not system - admin- user account and put a pssword. I do. | 12:15 |
jrib | !flash | XDy | 12:15 |
ubotu | XDy: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:15 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 12:15 |
tryll1980 | is there a program anywhere designed to remove stuff from system thet don't have any deps anymore? | 12:16 |
jrib | Spinnaker: see the links in the restricted formats page above | 12:16 |
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XDy | thx jrib | 12:16 |
just-this-time | where do I chaneg splash of grub? | 12:16 |
thompa | pbureau, ill try it, i just reinstalled the firmware too | 12:16 |
jrib | tryll1980: deborphan | 12:16 |
mcphail | tryll1980: deborphan | 12:16 |
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Nergar | hello | 12:16 |
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karmatronic | just-this-time, splashimage=(hd0,0)/boot/grub/guitar.xpm.gz | 12:17 |
Sonderblade | how do you get the terminus font to work in ubuntu? | 12:17 |
kalifornia909 | so noone uses ubutntu to stream to their 360 | 12:17 |
karmatronic | just-this-time, look for a line like that in your menu.lst | 12:17 |
karmatronic | just-this-time, and change he .xpm.gz to the one you want | 12:17 |
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termos | my update manager doesn't give me an option to upgrade to edgy, does this mean i have to edit sources.list manually? | 12:18 |
drkm | I am trying to sync my ipod with amarok.. it mounts.. as it says its mounted the /media/ipod but when I click connect it says it can't connect to iPod.. anyone know why? | 12:18 |
just-this-time | tyvm | 12:18 |
jrib | termos: how are you running it? | 12:18 |
termos | from my gnome panel | 12:19 |
jrib | !upgrade | termos | 12:19 |
ubotu | termos: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 12:19 |
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Nergar | can someone please tell me how to check the md5 hash of a file?? | 12:20 |
termos | jrib: thanks | 12:20 |
karmatronic | Nergar, md5sum | 12:20 |
shreeve | md5sum <filename> | 12:20 |
fevel__ | sim | 12:20 |
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ben_ | is anyone familiar with WINE? | 12:20 |
Nergar | thanx karmatronic and shreeve | 12:20 |
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karmatronic | ben42, kind of | 12:21 |
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nexousNET | Hi | 12:21 |
ben_ | okay | 12:21 |
ben_ | what is the beeping? | 12:21 |
ben_ | when i like open up steam | 12:21 |
thompa | my printer says state: stopped when i try to print | 12:21 |
nexousNET | What package do I want for my wireless card? ndiswrapper-source or ndiswrapper-utils? | 12:21 |
drkm | I am trying to sync my ipod with amarok.. it mounts.. as it says its mounted the /media/ipod but when I click connect it says it can't connect to iPod.. anyone know why? | 12:21 |
karmatronic | nexousNET, depends on the wireless card you have | 12:22 |
nexousNET | links wpc54g | 12:22 |
karmatronic | drkm, cos it s aleready mounted ? | 12:22 |
ben_ | does anyone know what it means when it beeps? like when i open up steam | 12:22 |
ben_ | it beeps | 12:22 |
nexousNET | linksys* | 12:22 |
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drkm | karmatronic: yes but you click connect to sync the files.. | 12:23 |
ben_ | hello? | 12:23 |
ben_ | ??? | 12:23 |
karmatronic | drkm, dont know i use gtkpod | 12:23 |
karmatronic | drkm, works fine | 12:24 |
blankfaze | is there a way or a plugin to manipulate labels of desktop icon? i.e. to change font or colour or to add file size display | 12:24 |
drkm | karmatronic: looks like shit.. I wana use amarok | 12:24 |
nexousNET | brb | 12:24 |
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coreire | bugger, was trying to set my res and am now getting "mode not supported" on my screen. Any key combination to get from the kde username/pass screen to the commandline? | 12:25 |
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deafboy | the package w32codecs causes totem to crash while playing any wmv file, is there an alternative? | 12:26 |
moloch | can somebody help me manually compile a file? It has a makefile in its directory | 12:26 |
moloch | I have tried make and it doesnt seem to work gives 2 errors | 12:26 |
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pbureau | moloch, README and INSTALL explain how to compile a program, now if you are getting an error, can you paste the LINE, 1 line , please of error | 12:27 |
karmatronic | drkm, maybe need to run something like gnupod_INIT.pl -m /media/ipod/ | 12:27 |
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moloch | it doesnt have a readme or install file just a sec and i will post one of the errors | 12:28 |
karmatronic | drkm, although i admit its not without danger | 12:28 |
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viniac | hi. whats the keyboard shortcut to invoke the gnome-terminal ( i want to forego the need to click on the icon every time i need to open a gnome-terminal) | 12:28 |
moloch | ok here are the errors | 12:28 |
moloch | e/moloch/liuxwii/src/zd1205.h:1201: sorry, unimplemented: inlining failed in call to zd_writel: function body not available | 12:28 |
moloch | /home/moloch/liuxwii/src/zddebug.c:433: sorry, unimplemented: called from here | 12:28 |
pbureau | muses not compiling apps that tell me what they are doing...lol | 12:28 |
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drkm | karmatronic: I got it wrong :) | 12:28 |
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jrib | deafboy: mplayer, xine, vlc are alternatives | 12:28 |
mcphail | viniac: iirc you can make your own shortcut | 12:29 |
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deafboy | jrib: xine crashes also, vlc doesn't but it gets corrupted easier | 12:29 |
mcphail | viniac: system -> prefs -> keyboard shortcuts | 12:29 |
viniac | ok, thanks mcphail | 12:29 |
jrib | deafboy: what do you mean by "corrupted"? How about mplayer? | 12:29 |
pbureau | moloch, looks like your *.c files have unimplemented commands that are shorting out your compile process, this could be because your missing some modules... I would check with who ever wrote the app to find out what are the dependencies of compiling this app. | 12:30 |
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deafboy | jrib: like it takes longer to render if you fast forward (in vlc), mplayer works but you can't resize the actual vidoe, only the window | 12:30 |
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moloch | they are imposible to get ahold of | 12:30 |
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pbureau | moloch, just wondering, did you do a ./configure before your make ? and you are doing both as sudo right ? | 12:30 |
BetaCookies | Hey | 12:30 |
jrib | deafboy: you can resize video in mplayer, what video output are you using? | 12:30 |
BetaCookies | What should I use to burn an iso? | 12:30 |
moloch | no i didnt try to do that | 12:30 |
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francois | BetaCookies: k3b | 12:30 |
moloch | sudo? | 12:30 |
BetaCookies | k | 12:30 |
moloch | could you give me the correct command tod o it with sudo? | 12:30 |
bruenig | BetaCookies, is it cd or dvd? | 12:30 |
pbureau | moloch, type sudo ./configure | 12:30 |
mcphail | pbureau: why sudo for make??? | 12:30 |
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karmatronic | BetaCookies, mkisofs + cdrecord | 12:31 |
deafboy | jrib: x11 is what i;m using, i have no clue which one i'm supposed to use | 12:31 |
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pbureau | mcphail, old bad habit I always do it.. never failed me yet | 12:31 |
moloch | sudo ./configure | 12:31 |
ardchoille | deafboy, If you change to the XV driver in the video section, you can resize the vieo as well as the window. | 12:31 |
moloch | it says command not found | 12:31 |
At0mic_P1 | I must have an irssi open somewhere lost lol | 12:31 |
moloch | should i try sudo ./make | 12:31 |
pbureau | no | 12:31 |
f|shy | install autoconf? | 12:31 |
BetaCookies | bruenig, its CD iso | 12:31 |
jrib | deafboy: try xv | 12:31 |
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pbureau | moloch, try sudo .configure | 12:31 |
moloch | ok | 12:32 |
bruenig | BetaCookies, just open up a terminal and do cdrecord dev=/dev/hd? whatever.iso | 12:32 |
mcphail | pbureau: risky business. | 12:32 |
bernie | hey, i just installed the 8.33.6 ati driver but i still get the no direct rendering on 200m | 12:32 |
bruenig | BetaCookies, replace ? and whatever | 12:32 |
moloch | command not found | 12:32 |
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pbureau | f|shy, lol and waste all the fun of learning how to compile a program? | 12:32 |
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BetaCookies | bruenig, to burn a CD? | 12:32 |
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f|shy | :p | 12:32 |
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bruenig | BetaCookies, yeah | 12:32 |
pbureau | mcphail, why..? because root is the owner of the compile program versus the user ? | 12:32 |
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ardchoille | deafboy, The xv driver will also allow you to take a screenshot of the ovie with screenshooter, IIRC. | 12:32 |
deafboy | jrib: yes xv works? why are there so many choices | 12:32 |
moloch | i tried sudo make and it gave me the same errors | 12:33 |
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jrib | deafboy: choices are good :) | 12:33 |
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pbureau | moloch, I dont know man... what did you download/compile got a web link I could look at the file | 12:33 |
eternaljoy | f|shy: ROFL | 12:33 |
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mcphail | pbureau: ./configure is just a script which can contain _anything_. There is no need to run it as root | 12:33 |
deafboy | jrib: too bad i know nothing about it, the default crashed mplayer XD | 12:33 |
moloch | ok just a sec and i will give you a web link it is a wifi driver for a wii | 12:33 |
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pbureau | WII ? as in the nintendo box ? | 12:33 |
moloch | yeah | 12:34 |
pbureau | lol | 12:34 |
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moloch | trying to get it connected to my linux system :0 | 12:34 |
pbureau | mcphail, true.. | 12:34 |
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bernie | hey, i just installed the 8.33.6 ati driver but i still get the no direct rendering on 200m | 12:34 |
pbureau | mcphail, like I said.. bad habit. | 12:34 |
deafboy | jrib: is there an mplayer wiki? | 12:34 |
mcphail | pbureau: yep | 12:34 |
pbureau | <- runs SU most of time when working on linux box. | 12:34 |
knovak | Anyone go to the Linuxquestions.org Ubuntu forums? | 12:34 |
moloch | ok here is the link | 12:34 |
moloch | http://us.codejunkies.com/support_article_detail.asp?c=US&cr=USD&cs=$&r=0&l=1&p=18&i=84&g=5&ProdId=26 | 12:34 |
karmatronic | deafboy, yes | 12:34 |
sharms | what is that panel applet with the novell suse type gnome menu called? | 12:34 |
moloch | the linux drivers are in this zip file | 12:34 |
fevel__ | I installed mplayer via apt-get but it gives me an error opening/ initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device | 12:35 |
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abo | what should I use to synch ipod with my ubuntu? | 12:35 |
moloch | in a sub folder named linux :) | 12:35 |
jrib | deafboy: I don't know of one, maybe #mplayer? | 12:35 |
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bruenig | !ipod | 12:35 |
ubotu | For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod | 12:35 |
fevel__ | any ideas? | 12:35 |
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pbureau | moloch, breath in an out for a minute while I look at it. | 12:35 |
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moloch | I got a paper bag here I will try | 12:35 |
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GionnyBoss | I'm using Ubuntu Edgy with XGL and Compiz. Everything looks to work good but, when I maximize a window, window's bottom hides below bottom menu and it's very annoying... for example, when I maximize this xchat window, the textbox down here disappear behind bottom menu. Does anybody have the same problem? Do you know what can I do to resolve it, please? | 12:35 |
=== moloch breathes slowly | ||
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kirby145 | hello i was going to ask is anyone here until 987 useres loaded up | 12:36 |
pbureau | moloch, right at the top of my head.... I read clearly on the web site download page "This driver includes support for Windows XP Professional 64. Download and unzip the drivers. Compatible with Win 98, ME, 2000, XP, XP Pro, XP 64." | 12:36 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ | ||
pbureau | but I am looking at the file now. | 12:36 |
runixd | hello, does anyone run more than 1 xen domU with xen from 6.10 ? | 12:36 |
moloch | yeah but inside it | 12:36 |
moloch | there are linux drivers | 12:36 |
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pbureau | humm.. zip file.. eww... cant they make a tarball...geeez | 12:37 |
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moloch | yeah they have linux drivers but not very friendly | 12:37 |
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kirby145 | hello, can anyone answer some questions about ubuntu for me | 12:37 |
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userundefined | !ask | 12:37 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 12:37 |
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scorphus | ubotu: logs? | 12:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about logs? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:38 |
pbureau | kirby145, sorry well all out of question tickets, please again tomorow thank you | 12:38 |
scorphus | ubotu: logs | 12:38 |
ubotu | Channel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs | 12:38 |
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At0mic_PC | When you chown a file or group of files in ubuntu what is the group? | 12:38 |
nexousNET | Okay, i typed in 'sudo ndiswrapper -i lsbcmnds.inf' and it outputs, installing lsbcmnds couldnt copy lsbcmnds.inf at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper line 135 | 12:38 |
nexousNET | Any ideas? | 12:38 |
At0mic_PC | sudo chown -R atomic:WHAT? /files | 12:39 |
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=== moloch pops his paper bag while breathing in it | ||
At0mic_PC | Or how do I find out what group I'm in... | 12:39 |
kitche | At0mic_PC: you don't need the group actually for chown | 12:39 |
At0mic_PC | kitche: Ok thanks... | 12:39 |
=== ben_ [n=bob@c-24-15-237-105.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ben_ | hey duyz | 12:39 |
ben_ | guyz* | 12:39 |
bruenig | !hi | ben_ | 12:40 |
ubotu | ben_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 12:40 |
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jrib | At0mic_PC: you make it whatever group you want, your files that you create usually end up with the group that has the same name as your user | 12:40 |
moloch | pbureau I have the tarball that was inside the zip if you want me just to send that to you | 12:40 |
ben_ | i remember reading a comand sumwhere about makeing steam games run faster | 12:40 |
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ben_ | anyone know about that? | 12:40 |
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hanasaki | where does the sa-exim system put its rejected email? | 12:40 |
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[H4z3] | Can someone give me links to video codecs pls :) | 12:41 |
[H4z3] | !codecs | 12:41 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:41 |
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pbureau | moloch, I have itlooking at the Makefile right now... hummm | 12:41 |
kirby145 | !ask does ubuntu have easy to use supported wireless internet (for recieving from an XP computer and router) | 12:41 |
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moloch | does it look bad doctor? | 12:41 |
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thoreauputic | !wifi | kirby145 | 12:41 |
ubotu | kirby145: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 12:41 |
ben_ | CAN ANYONE HELP ME | 12:41 |
kirby145 | thanks | 12:41 |
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At0mic_PC | jrib: They were created by another distro of linux. | 12:41 |
thoreauputic | !caps | 12:41 |
ubotu | PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 12:41 |
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fbiljecki | hello | 12:42 |
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pbureau | moloch, I see that since they have hardcoded -> "KERNEL_SOURCE=/usr/src/linux-2.6.9" this would fail. | 12:42 |
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[H4z3] | ben_ whats the problem | 12:42 |
moloch | ? | 12:42 |
jrib | At0mic_PC: k | 12:42 |
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At0mic_PC | Anyway thanks for the help that did the trick. | 12:42 |
moloch | what do u mean? | 12:42 |
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pbureau | moloch, if you open a terminal window and type uname -r what number you get ? | 12:42 |
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ben_ | can anyone helpME! | 12:42 |
moloch | ok just a sec | 12:42 |
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[H4z3] | ben_ : whats your problem | 12:43 |
moloch | 2.6.17-10-generic | 12:43 |
pbureau | ben_, stop asking for help, ask your problem | 12:43 |
ben_ | counter strike seems a little jumpy | 12:43 |
ben_ | i remember a command | 12:43 |
ben_ | to make games run faster | 12:43 |
nexousNET | I'm getting 'FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.15-23-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): invalid arhument' | 12:43 |
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thoreauputic | ben_: be specific about waht you are doing | 12:43 |
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nexousNET | when entering 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper', or 'modprobe ndiswrapper' | 12:43 |
ben_ | i am running counter stirke 1.6 | 12:43 |
pbureau | moloch, not the same number is it, and your linux source (SCR is not located at even the same directory) so I bet this is one big hurdle to compile it.; | 12:43 |
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=== moloch begins to cry | ||
ben_ | and the peopel seem wavy | 12:44 |
[H4z3] | Anyway while im here... can someone hit me up with some video codec links please | 12:44 |
moloch | any sugestions | 12:44 |
pbureau | nexousNET, got ndiswrapper installed with modules for development ? | 12:44 |
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nexousNET | not sure if i have modules for development. | 12:44 |
pbureau | !w32codecs | 12:44 |
ubotu | Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs | 12:44 |
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[H4z3] | Thanks | 12:44 |
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ben_ | can anyone help me.... | 12:44 |
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[H4z3] | wait i looked at the codecs link last time | 12:45 |
nexousNET | I instlaled, ndiswrapper-source, ndiswrapper-utils from repo. | 12:45 |
[H4z3] | can someone run !codecs | 12:45 |
[H4z3] | please | 12:45 |
jrib | [H4z3] : you can: /msg ubotu codecs | 12:45 |
ben_ | look how do you make steam games run faster | 12:45 |
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xaos | anybody have any idea when the next debian 2.6.20 kernel is going to be packaged? i tried compiling and upon boot it cant find the disk... | 12:45 |
kirby145 | @codecs | 12:45 |
[H4z3] | oh | 12:45 |
pbureau | moloch, personally I would "hack it" but I dont have a wii... I would get back to those numchucks and get them to write a better Makefile. (probably wrote it for one pc box his torun under linux (ie not willing to help)) | 12:45 |
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moloch | Probably be better off trying to find some other way to access it | 12:46 |
y0hm | xaos u could try herd ( feisty alplha 3 ) | 12:46 |
CakerX | anyone here have any experiance with alsa? | 12:46 |
kirby145 | ll pbureaull what are you talking about with a wii | 12:46 |
nexousNET | pburera: you get my response? | 12:46 |
moloch | ok I will see what I can do, thanks for the help | 12:46 |
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pbureau | moloch, look at http://www.freshmeat.net/ I seem to recall someone working on wii stuff | 12:46 |
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moloch | ok thanks | 12:46 |
kitche | when I see herd for some reason Hurd pops in my mind lol | 12:47 |
pbureau | nexousNET, yes. but you did not tell me you installed the development modules -dev | 12:47 |
nexousNET | pbureau: that is because I do not know if they are installed. | 12:47 |
pbureau | nexousNET, look ? like in synaptic if your using gnome, and do a search for them? | 12:47 |
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nexousNET | what package am i searching for though? | 12:48 |
nexousNET | ndiswrapper-dev ? | 12:48 |
kirby145 | guys does xubuntu have most same features of ubuntu, like wifi support, i need it mainly JUST for the internet browsing. | 12:48 |
bruenig | !ndiswrapper-utils | 12:48 |
ubotu | ndiswrapper-utils: Userspace utilities for ndiswrapper. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1-5 (edgy), package size 8 kB, installed size 48 kB | 12:48 |
pbureau | nexousNET, do a search for wrapper and look for -dev module | 12:48 |
kitche | kirby145: pretty much | 12:48 |
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CakerX | can anyone here help me with installing my sound card | 12:48 |
nexousNET | pbureau: not seeing any -dev modules in wrapper search | 12:49 |
bruenig | CakerX, put it in and turn the computer on? | 12:49 |
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=== Jonny0stars [n=jonny@82-39-195-42.stb.ubr02.jarr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CakerX | meh | 12:49 |
nexousNET | I have universe and multiverse repos | 12:49 |
Jonny0stars | hello | 12:49 |
CakerX | linux won't see it | 12:49 |
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pbureau | nexousNET, you have the repos on ? | 12:49 |
bruenig | !hi | Jonny0stars | 12:49 |
ubotu | Jonny0stars: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 12:49 |
pbureau | nexousNET, hang on a sec... | 12:49 |
bruenig | nexousNET, what are you looking for? | 12:49 |
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kitche | CakerX: what card is it? | 12:49 |
Jonny0stars | any one use pipex broadband here by any chance? | 12:49 |
nexousNET | pbureau: I'm trying to setup my linksys wireless card reading a guide, and I need to install the ndis items. | 12:49 |
kirby145 | what ubuntu versions is everyone here currently runing | 12:49 |
CakerX | sound blaster live 5.1 | 12:50 |
[H4z3] | edgy ftw | 12:50 |
bruenig | nexousNET, sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils | 12:50 |
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nexousNET | bruenig: ndiswrapper-utils is already the newest version. | 12:50 |
bruenig | nexousNET, sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common | 12:50 |
CakerX | I got all the alsa stuff installed | 12:50 |
BetaCookies | how do I burn an ISO to a CD-R? | 12:51 |
kitche | CakerX: ubuntuforums have a post about your card is mono playback unmuted? | 12:51 |
bruenig | BetaCookies, cdrecord whatever.iso | 12:51 |
nexousNET | bruenig: could not find package ndiswrapper-common | 12:51 |
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bruenig | !ndiswrapper-common | 12:51 |
ubotu | ndiswrapper-common: Userspace utilities for ndiswrapper. In component main, is optional. Version 1.18-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 13 kB, installed size 80 kB | 12:51 |
bruenig | it is in there | 12:51 |
BetaCookies | bruenig, okay, do I have to do anything to select the writer or anything? | 12:51 |
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nexousNET | thats ndiswrapper-source | 12:51 |
bruenig | BetaCookies, it is not necessary | 12:51 |
nexousNET | that was the desc of -source | 12:52 |
BetaCookies | well I'm gonna use K3b XD | 12:52 |
bruenig | you can specify the writer by putting in dev=/dev/hd? | 12:52 |
bruenig | where ? is the letter | 12:52 |
Jonny0stars | or does any one use a speedtouch ADSL modem in the UK ? | 12:52 |
bruenig | hmmm | 12:52 |
BetaCookies | bruenig, there's no hd? in /dev :\ | 12:52 |
ryanakca | how do I make a letter in latex? all I can find are templates that use packages/.sty from universities/colleges/institutes | 12:52 |
kitche | BetaCookies: that's ok your still using cdrecord :) | 12:52 |
bruenig | BetaCookies, /dev/hdc | 12:52 |
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bruenig | or /dev/hdd | 12:52 |
bruenig | or whatever it is | 12:52 |
nexousNET | bruenig: i have ndiswrapper, -source and -utils i got from synaptic. | 12:52 |
saxofoner | hi all | 12:52 |
BetaCookies | okay | 12:52 |
saxofoner | I'm having a big stupid problem | 12:52 |
bruenig | BetaCookies, but it is not necessary to put that in at all | 12:52 |
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nexousNET | bruenig: -source had the description of userspace utilities. | 12:53 |
bruenig | nexousNET, they all have the same description | 12:53 |
kirby145 | i have a microsoft office 2000 on the computer i want to install ubuntu on, and theres no way to get it off, is it possible to install ubuntu with this office 2000 in any way | 12:53 |
nexousNET | bruenig: :/ | 12:53 |
BetaCookies | ooh | 12:53 |
lumgwada | hi all, can any ubuntu ion users point me to the startup file? | 12:53 |
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BetaCookies | k3b has a thingie on the screen for the progress! cool! | 12:53 |
nexousNET | bruenig: how do i get ndiswrapper-common ? | 12:53 |
saxofoner | I somehow totally messed up my user file, because when I made a new user, it all works. Is there a way to reset my file? | 12:53 |
jrib | kirby145: whay do you mean there is no way to get it off? | 12:53 |
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saxofoner | kirby145: What do you want to do? | 12:53 |
bruenig | nexousNET, try sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.8 | 12:53 |
kitche | lumgwada: .ion3rc or might be just .ionrc | 12:53 |
jrib | saxofoner: what file exactly? | 12:54 |
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lumgwada | kitche: cheers | 12:54 |
bruenig | k3b just to burn an iso | 12:54 |
bruenig | overkill | 12:54 |
nexousNET | bruenig: E: Couldn't find package ndiswrapper-utils-1.8 | 12:54 |
saxofoner | jrib: thanks, the xorg? file I think. Since it's not system wide | 12:54 |
=== pbureau watches bruenig work the room and lights a smoke | ||
kirby145 | c://program files/office 2000 and keep only these files when installing ubuntu | 12:54 |
bruenig | nexousNET, what are you on | 12:54 |
bruenig | dapper | 12:54 |
nexousNET | bruenig: 6.06 | 12:54 |
bruenig | nexousNET, oh | 12:54 |
jrib | saxofoner: well /etc/X11/xorg.conf _is_ system wide | 12:54 |
bruenig | Well I am on edgy, so I don't know for sure what you have in your repos or not | 12:54 |
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diskus | kirby145: there's not much you can do with those files in Ubuntu | 12:55 |
kirby145 | is there a way to keep or copy certain files over when installing ubuntu is what i mean | 12:55 |
pppoe_dude | how can i add an ubuntu CD to apt sources using command line? | 12:55 |
kirby145 | [16:55] diskus: kirby145: there's not much you can do with those files in Ubuntu """"what about wine | 12:55 |
saxofoner | jrib: it was WACKY! My numpad was restarting the computer, opening system/prefs/screensavers crashed the system... twinview was messed up. I realize it's not xorg.conf... Is there a user specific file related to the x server? | 12:55 |
diskus | kirby145: well why not using openoffice? | 12:55 |
kitche | pppoe_dude: apt-cdrom | 12:55 |
jrib | saxofoner: not that I know of | 12:56 |
saxofoner | kirby145: you should put all your files on a disk, and then install linux, and then you can use them in OOo. | 12:56 |
diskus | kirby145: I don't think office2000 will work if you just copy files to Linux and try to run it with wine | 12:56 |
pbureau | nexousNET, did you get the dapper or edgy tarball ? | 12:56 |
=== Roscar [n=ross_@S01060050ba863325.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
saxofoner | jrib: Hm... this is a mysterious problem | 12:56 |
Menace_ | I just installed ubuntu and i'm having something weird happen, when i scroll a page its really laggy, and its like a scan line renews the page, this is a newly built computer, can anyone help me out with this problem? | 12:56 |
Roscar | hey, what do you guys use to edit animated gifs? | 12:56 |
VanessaE | The GIMP | 12:57 |
bruenig | gimp | 12:57 |
saxofoner | Roscar: GIMP | 12:57 |
saxofoner | haha | 12:57 |
VanessaE | (each frame becomes a new "layer") | 12:57 |
kirby145 | ok ok i guess ill just ditch the office 2000 thing ill just jack a new one off the internet | 12:57 |
=== Dylnuge [n=Dylnuge@c-24-13-6-251.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
saxofoner | GIMP GAP, if you can make it work... | 12:57 |
kitche | Menace_: change your video driver it might be set to vesa see if it is | 12:57 |
nexousNET | pbureau: not sure, just a zip named wpc54g_v2_driver_utility_v2.0_FILES | 12:57 |
nexousNET | I'm going to try a 3rd party app | 12:57 |
Menace_ | kitche: how can i do this? sorry for my ignorance | 12:57 |
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Dylnuge | hello, having difficulties loading LiveCD, need to have it installed by tomorrow | 12:57 |
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kitche | Menace_: look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf see if it has vesa anywhere in it | 12:58 |
Roscar | saxofoner: is the GIMP GAP part of GIMP? | 12:58 |
saxofoner | gap is part of gap | 12:58 |
=== shrednwai1 [n=hugheml@68-190-22-236.dhcp.mtgm.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Menace_ | kitche: alright hang on | 12:58 |
vox754 | Dylnuge: that is probably an issue with BIOS and motherboard. | 12:58 |
Dylnuge | I get en error: Buffer I/O failure on device sr0 | 12:58 |
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saxofoner | I've never made it work, it's GIMP Animation Package | 12:58 |
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pbureau | nexousNET, check the web sites details to see if there is another package for dapper (this could a edgy solution) | 12:58 |
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pppoe_dude | !OPS | 12:58 |
bruenig | !ops | 12:58 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, or Amaranth | 12:58 |
=== MUDKIPeh [n=ppvktlla@modemcable167.68-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
saxofoner | But I need to unbork my buntu.... I can't figure it out.... | 12:59 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ | ||
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+rR] by LjL | ||
Hobbsee | nalioth: | 12:59 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ | ||
saxofoner | Someone ban the spammer... | 12:59 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-R] by LjL | ||
LjL | !traffic | 12:59 |
ubotu | NOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding! | 12:59 |
pppoe_dude | kitche, thanks | 12:59 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Mez] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+rR] by LjL | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b MUDKIP*!*@*] by Mez | ||
saxofoner | !ban MUDKIPcy | 12:59 |
=== Hobbsee waits for the klines | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b mudki*!*@*] by LjL | ||
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ban mudkipcy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:59 |
Hobbsee | saxofoner: we know | 12:59 |
kitche | pppoe_dude: not a problem | 12:59 |
saxofoner | haha | 12:59 |
LoRez | klined | 12:59 |
saxofoner | I know, I'm just bored | 12:59 |
LjL | !traffic | 12:59 |
ubotu | NOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding! | 01:00 |
saxofoner | haha | 01:00 |
Hobbsee | LoRez: cool | 01:00 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-R] by LjL | ||
kirby145 | duh theres traffic theres almost 1000 people in here | 01:00 |
At0mic_PC | So cool. I can import my inbox from my other distro into evolution. | 01:00 |
At0mic_PC | Very nice | 01:00 |
Dylnuge | hello | 01:00 |
bruenig | hmm, copy over the .directory | 01:00 |
saxofoner | So.. I need to find what could be causing my installation to go completely funky... It all happened when I tried to install Compiz... Damn | 01:01 |
kitche | kirby145: wrong type of traffic | 01:01 |
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Menace_ | be right back kitche | 01:01 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@240.red-217-216-165.user.auna.net] by Mez | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+d qewggrlbkzwxias] by Mez | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b mhtxzn!*@*] by Mez | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!n=nnyqsxzc@*] by Mez | ||
kcinna | !samba | 01:01 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 01:01 |
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Dylnuge | I get this error message: Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 357566 | 01:01 |
kirby145 | are you not talking about people chatting too much kind of traffic? | 01:01 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by Mez | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+d batgmksidcyy] by Mez | ||
At0mic_PC | I wonder if it will import the address book too. | 01:01 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!n=cpuqlm@*] by Mez | ||
Hobbsee | Mez: they're klined - is there any point? | 01:01 |
kitche | saxofoner: sounds ot me like it's a compiz issue | 01:01 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@220.Red-83-56-182.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] by Mez | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+d umocbergjxkvxidbwx] by Mez | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!n=umcf@*] by Mez | ||
kitche | Hobbsee: yes kline is just for one server | 01:02 |
LjL | kitche: not on freenode that i know of | 01:02 |
Mez | kitche, no, kline can be global | 01:02 |
Dylnuge | this is in loading the LiveCD (and yes, it says sR0, not sd0) | 01:02 |
Amaranth | realname, nick, and ident are useless for banning | 01:02 |
Hobbsee | kitche: it's global on freenode | 01:02 |
kirby145 | guys why is one version of ubuntu free to mail and one is not | 01:02 |
Amaranth | i thought kline was network, glib was server | 01:02 |
Amaranth | err, gline | 01:02 |
Mez | Hobbsee, yes, cause the bits other than the host mask will keep them out a little | 01:02 |
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kitche | LjL: hmm I got klined on accident and was still able to get ont he network | 01:02 |
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LjL | anyway dear operators, we're offtopic | 01:02 |
=== sivik [n=sivik@68-113-195-209.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
saxofoner | hmm.. kitche: is there a way to totally remove every trace of something w/o doing it manually? | 01:02 |
bruenig | kirby145, one is LTS and one was a 4 month development unstable version | 01:02 |
saxofoner | I mean... compiz | 01:02 |
saxofoner | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Xgl.2FCompiz_.28Nvidia.29 kitche I used that | 01:03 |
kitche | saxofoner: hmm depedns how you installed it apt-get has a --purge command | 01:03 |
sivik | is there a screw up with the current version of firefox, its freezing on me whenever i try to do something with video | 01:03 |
Dylnuge | Does anyone know what my problem is? For that matter, can anyone see this message (I was having some troubles a few minutes ago when the spammer came in) | 01:03 |
saxofoner | to install it, but it messed up realllly bad | 01:03 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-r] by LjL | ||
saxofoner | Dylnuge: I can | 01:03 |
kirby145 | thats so cool they mail you free ubuntu bu why | 01:03 |
Dylnuge | ok, thanks, now I know this is working | 01:03 |
saxofoner | kirby145: some people have dial up. | 01:03 |
=== _- [n=greenlea@cpc2-nthc11-0-0-cust428.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Menace_ | kitche: im back | 01:04 |
Dylnuge | this channel is crowded, but there are very few posters | 01:04 |
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kirby145 | i have dialup. i was meaning why do they do it for free they dont even charge for the cds or anything | 01:04 |
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kirby145 | or shipping? | 01:04 |
bruenig | kirby145, because they can | 01:04 |
saxofoner | ...tranlate Ubuntu for me. | 01:04 |
kirby145 | wow. | 01:04 |
jrib | kirby145: it's to help spread ubuntu | 01:04 |
saxofoner | then you'll know. | 01:04 |
saxofoner | exactly | 01:04 |
Dylnuge | Ubuntu is a spirt, a way of life in which people are brotherly to each other and help each other out. Ubuntu Linux follows the spirit of Ubuntu by providing a free source and a powerful community | 01:05 |
Dame | peace off bros, linux addicted people gotta sleep too :) | 01:05 |
=== n2diy [n=darryl@ppp-42d429ac.wlks.losch.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | save it for the blog | 01:05 |
sivik | is there a problem with firefox, version 2.0 rv 1.8.1 and video playing? | 01:05 |
saxofoner | haha by dame | 01:05 |
saxofoner | *bye | 01:06 |
bruenig | sivik, no | 01:06 |
sivik | bruenig, cause every time i try to play anything in browser, it freezes firefox | 01:06 |
saxofoner | So.... | 01:06 |
saxofoner | Kitche: From that guide, can you tell me some easy uninstall trick? | 01:06 |
bruenig | sivik, flash or video? | 01:06 |
sivik | bruenig, video | 01:06 |
sivik | like from myspace or youtube | 01:06 |
bruenig | sivik, yeah that is flash | 01:07 |
__mikem | The really funny thing is Mudkip is the name of a pokemon | 01:07 |
kitche | saxofoner: apt-get remove --purge compiz if you installed it that way I can't go to urls do to using a virtual machine and using irc though the shell | 01:07 |
=== zeembo [n=z@adsl-69-235-84-208.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | sivik, what version of flash do you have? flash 9 is very good | 01:07 |
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sivik | bruenig, i have no clue what version i have | 01:07 |
Menace_ | could anyone tell me how to change my video driver accordingly? | 01:07 |
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saxofoner | okay thanks. | 01:07 |
Menace_ | its on vesa right now.. | 01:07 |
kitche | Menace_: what video card do you have | 01:07 |
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sivik | bruenig, how do i go about figuring out what version i have | 01:07 |
Menace_ | its integrated nvidia | 01:07 |
bruenig | sivik, do apt-cache show flashplugin-nonfree | grep Version | 01:07 |
Menace_ | ill go find the specs if you need them? | 01:07 |
kitche | Menace_: you can sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and pick nv for a video driver | 01:08 |
Menace_ | ok thanks a lot kitche | 01:08 |
=== Luuna [n=luuna@dyn-83-156-162-235.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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olafski | how do I install linux-sources in ubuntu? | 01:08 |
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Dylnuge | ok, if anyone knows anything about a buffer io error on device sr0, please post it at the fourm topic: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=354165. I need to get this system up by tomorrow, so any assistance would be greatly appreciated | 01:08 |
=== [] [] [Clint] [] [] is now known as betacookies | ||
bruenig | !info linux-source | 01:08 |
ubotu | linux-source: Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB | 01:08 |
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sivik | bruenig, there are two versions, 9.0.31~ubuntu1~ & 7.0.68~ubuntu3 | 01:09 |
ardchoille | People come in here to cause trouble for a few seconds and they are K-Lined. What's the point? It doesn't do much but waste their time. | 01:09 |
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kirby145 | would ubuntu work on a computer that was runnin windows 95, office 2000, on a celeron processor? im not sure what are the specs of the computer could someone give me a way to look up ones i need | 01:09 |
bruenig | sivik, then I assume you must have the 9 version | 01:09 |
=== betakookies is now known as tez | ||
sivik | bruenig, so whats the issue? | 01:09 |
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olafski | bruenig: thanks | 01:09 |
LjL | !nickspam | tez | 01:10 |
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ubotu | tez: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages (see !Away for more details): use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently | 01:10 |
bruenig | sivik, hard to know exactly what the problem is, it works fine for me. Open firefox and put "about:plugins" in the address bar and see what it says for flash | 01:10 |
Pntkl | yo | 01:10 |
isofunk` | sup | 01:10 |
Dylnuge | kirby145: need more information. click start, run, dxdiag. Xubuntu is a lightweight ubuntu that should work | 01:10 |
coredata | sup | 01:10 |
sivik | bruenig, ok | 01:10 |
=== cables [n=cables@65-78-17-184.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tez | sorry LjL i'm evading bans XD | 01:10 |
olafski | hardly a valid excuse | 01:10 |
olafski | tbh | 01:10 |
LjL | tez: you're banned on this channel? | 01:10 |
olafski | but I'll stay out of that ;) | 01:10 |
=== Zenith2007 [n=matt@82-36-243-40.cable.ubr03.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sivik | bruenig, Shockwave Flash 9.0 r31 | 01:10 |
tez | LjL, no, but you can't change your nick for one channel -_- | 01:10 |
kirby145 | [17:10] Dylnuge: kirby145: need more information. click start, run, dxdiag. Xubuntu is a lightweight ubuntu that should work----k | 01:10 |
Zenith2007 | !resolution | 01:11 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 01:11 |
bruenig | sivik, that's the one | 01:11 |
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=== nexousNET [n=chatzill@plns-64-111-128-76-pppoe.dsl.plns.epix.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nexousNET | Anyone firmiliar with GTKWifi? | 01:11 |
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LjL | tez: true, still try to keep that to a minimum (and evading bans is, well...) | 01:11 |
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SpacePuppy | TheManiacKY: lsof list open files | 01:12 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-ooo Amaranth Hobbsee Mez] by ChanServ | ||
cables | My touchpad is constantly detecting taps when I'm not touching it, which causes all sorts of problems. Could someone help me either A) make it less sensitive (to taps) or B) disable single-finger taps, because that's all it's misdetecting and I only use two and three finger taps anyway. | 01:13 |
cables | Thanks in advance :) | 01:13 |
Menace_ | kitche: should i use kernel framebuffer device interface? | 01:13 |
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kitche | Menace_: no | 01:13 |
Menace_ | many thanks man | 01:13 |
Menace_ | or woman | 01:13 |
Menace_ | w/e | 01:13 |
linux_kid1 | Would anyone like to walk me through configuring VNC on an xubuntu box an then connecting to it on a ubuntu machine? | 01:13 |
=== jim__ [n=jim@CPE-65-25-170-148.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | linux_kid1, absolutely | 01:14 |
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variant | linux_kid1: no, but i can walk you through using google to find howtos and documentation | 01:14 |
linux_kid1 | cables, thanks | 01:14 |
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cables | linux_kid1, are they behind the same NAT? | 01:14 |
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linux_kid1 | cables, same router | 01:14 |
=== Moxxon [n=dumschat@S0106000d888f4259.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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tom__ | If i have a 80gb hard drive, only one partition, could i cut off 10 or so gb to use for another partition without destroying my current one? | 01:15 |
Moxxon | Hello | 01:15 |
Moxxon | Is there a flashplayer for ubuntu? | 01:15 |
variant | tom__: yes, thats what gparted is for.. | 01:15 |
variant | tom__: apt-get install gparted | 01:15 |
LjL | !flash > Moxxon (Moxxon, see the private message from Ubotu) | 01:15 |
tom__ | oh, ok | 01:15 |
funkja | Is there a Disk Utility in Edgy like there was in Dapper? | 01:15 |
yellow | tom__, be very very careful lol | 01:15 |
Moxxon | I have flash | 01:15 |
Moxxon | but I need flashplayer | 01:15 |
LjL | !mount | funkja, this one? no | 01:15 |
ubotu | funkja, this one? no: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 01:15 |
cables | linux_kid1, it should work fine. On the target box, go to System>Preferences>Remote Desktop. Set that up however you like. | 01:16 |
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=== whonicca [n=whonicca@ool-45746dfa.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linux_kid1 | cables, ok | 01:16 |
LjL | Moxxon: err, the *only* flash that is available for ubuntu is the player. what do you think you have? | 01:16 |
=== saxofone1 [n=julian@pool-72-84-132-30.slsbmd.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Moxxon | I have "Macromedia Flash plugin" is this the same as Flash 9? | 01:16 |
sivik | Moxxon, yes | 01:16 |
whonicca | question, has anyone been able to get their ubuntu box to play zshare streams | 01:16 |
whonicca | wmv format i believe | 01:16 |
saxofone1 | hey kitche? you there? | 01:16 |
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LjL | Moxxon: it is the flash player, i cannot say whether it's version 9 or 7 | 01:16 |
cables | Moxxon, it may be Flash Player 7. | 01:16 |
funkja | !DiskMounter | 01:16 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 01:16 |
cables | Moxxon, for 9, download the installer from the Adobe site | 01:16 |
kitche | saxofone1: yeah just trying to figure out some javascript stuff lol | 01:16 |
saxofone1 | I figured out the problem... it was xgl | 01:16 |
=== gop [n=gop@ool-43529905.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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LjL | cables: no need, it's in backports | 01:16 |
LjL | !flash9 | 01:16 |
=== mindstate [n=mindstat@pool-71-164-65-55.albyny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 01:16 |
gop | hey what visual basic ide is thier for ubuntu | 01:17 |
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saxofone1 | kitche: haha, how do you disable xgl? | 01:17 |
LjL | gop: none | 01:17 |
sivik | gop: mono develop | 01:17 |
=== Moxxon [n=dumschat@S0106000d888f4259.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linux_kid1 | cables, its xfce, not gnome. remote desktop isnt appearing in settings. | 01:17 |
cables | LjL, really? I checked and didn't see it. Cool, thanks | 01:17 |
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Moxxon | Oops | 01:17 |
mindstate | !backports | 01:17 |
ubotu | If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports | 01:17 |
cables | linux_kid1, i thought Ubunt was the target box? | 01:17 |
kitche | saxofone1: hmm might want ot ask in #ubuntu-effects about that never used xgl myself | 01:17 |
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whonicca | if so whats the best at doing this, vlc plugin for mozilla, mplayer plugin, or totem plugin | 01:17 |
variant | gop: emacs too if you like that | 01:17 |
cables | linux_kid1, not sure then... sorry about that. | 01:17 |
sivik | whonicca, totem sucks, the other two are fine | 01:17 |
gop | like will it have a gui desinger like visual studio | 01:17 |
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whonicca | at streaming wmv9 | 01:17 |
sivik | gop: mono develop is very close | 01:18 |
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sivik | whonicca, either vlc or mplayer | 01:18 |
bruenig | whonicca, mplayer plugin | 01:18 |
gop | cool | 01:18 |
saxofone1 | ookkkkayy thanks kitche | 01:18 |
bruenig | vlc is awful | 01:18 |
whonicca | ok ill try it out | 01:18 |
variant | gop: there are gui designers but i dont know one that is specific to vb | 01:18 |
linux_kid1 | cables, target box being the one i want to control, or the one im controling from? | 01:18 |
cables | sivik, doesn't VLC plugin have no scrubber bar? I last tried it on Windows though | 01:18 |
whonicca | hopefully it fixes my prob | 01:18 |
Moxxon | Aye I have flash 7 and I need 8 or higher so 9 Is what I need | 01:18 |
cables | linux_kid1, target box is the one you want to control | 01:18 |
variant | bruenig: the interface is not fantastic but its format support pwns | 01:18 |
sivik | cables: not sure, wtf is a scrubber bar | 01:18 |
Moxxon | Im at the Debian wiki and its telling me how to upgrade | 01:18 |
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bruenig | variant, I meant as a plugin | 01:18 |
LjL | Moxxon: ... debian? | 01:18 |
cables | sivik, for dragging to different parts of the media | 01:18 |
LjL | Moxxon: ubuntu != debian | 01:18 |
linux_kid1 | cables, ok, thanks for your help, sorry i want to control the xfce machine | 01:18 |
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LjL | !backports > Moxxon (Moxxon, see the private message from Ubotu) | 01:18 |
variant | bruenig: mplayer-plugins is very good | 01:19 |
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Moxxon | but it says I need to add a line to my /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:19 |
variant | bruenig: mplayer-plugin* | 01:19 |
Moxxon | How do I do that? | 01:19 |
=== bruenig is aware of that | ||
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cables | linux_kid1, see if there's a vnc server built in. It may be the same as the Gnome one. | 01:19 |
LjL | Moxxon: what line does it tell you to add? you SHOULD NOT add repositories intended for Debian to your Ubuntu sources.list! | 01:19 |
bruenig | Moxxon, are you on dapper? | 01:19 |
LjL | Moxxon: read the Backports page instead | 01:19 |
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sivik | cables: not sure | 01:19 |
Moxxon | deb http://www.backports.org/debian sarge-backports main contrib | 01:19 |
cables | Moxxon, you looking for Flash? | 01:19 |
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Moxxon | Thtats what it says to add | 01:19 |
kitche | linux_kid1: you have ot install a vnc version in xfce | 01:19 |
Moxxon | Yes | 01:19 |
LjL | Moxxon: right, doing that is a totally. terrible. idea. | 01:19 |
Moxxon | I want to upgrade to flash 9 | 01:19 |
Moxxon | Ok | 01:19 |
variant | LjL: lol | 01:20 |
Moxxon | Then how do I do it? | 01:20 |
LjL | Moxxon: you'll break your system. use the Ubuntu backports. as i just said. read the page that Ubotu gave you | 01:20 |
sivik | Moxxon: the newest version should be available from apt-get in the multiverse repo | 01:20 |
Moxxon | kk | 01:20 |
Moxxon | Ill take a look at that | 01:20 |
sivik | Moxxon, thats how i have it installed | 01:20 |
variant | Moxxon: from a google search for ubuntu flash9: http://everythingelse.wordpress.com/2006/10/23/howto-install-flash-9-beta-on-ubuntu-the-easy-way/ | 01:20 |
bruenig | Moxxon, just open a terminal and do the following, wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/f/flashplugin-nonfree/flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.31~ubuntu1~dapper1_i386.deb && sudo dpkg -i flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.31~ubuntu1~dapper1_i386.deb | 01:20 |
LjL | Moxxon: DO NOT use Debian packages on Ubuntu, and especially DO NOT use Debian repositories on Ubuntu. do it, and you win a free reinstall. | 01:20 |
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kboutside | I'm having trouble installing Ubuntu 6.10 i boot from cd and the the options menu comes up i select install or run and it freezes at the splash screen... any suggestions | 01:20 |
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kitche | sivik: it's in backports unless of course you use feisty lol | 01:20 |
linux_kid1 | kitche, ok | 01:20 |
sivik | kitche: ok, then the backports should already be in the sources.list, you just have to uncomment them | 01:21 |
tom47 | i have a weird sound problem ... using vlc i am streaming videos from a newspaper and the sound starts silent then comes in in bursts which progressively become more complete until sound is working fine after about have the video | 01:21 |
sivik | i though it was multiverse | 01:21 |
tom47 | have=half* | 01:21 |
variant | LjL: is that not a bit of an exageration? does it apply to some small app that installs a bin to /usr/bin and a manpage or two? nothing system changing.. | 01:21 |
LjL | sivik: backports is there but commented out, multiverse is not there at all (well, it's there in the commented out backports line..) | 01:21 |
sivik | LjL: thats what i just said | 01:21 |
bruenig | I have a debian repo | 01:21 |
LjL | sivik: was confirming. | 01:22 |
sivik | bruenig, thats fine | 01:22 |
mindstate | is there a ssh gui on ubuntu? | 01:22 |
sivik | LjL: ok | 01:22 |
cables | Can someone explain to me the difference between flashplayer-mozilla and flashplugin-nonfree? | 01:22 |
variant | mindstate: yes, putty | 01:22 |
sivik | mindstate: not that i know of | 01:22 |
Moxxon | It appears that the latest version for ubuntu backport or w/e is 7 the one I have | 01:22 |
Moxxon | :/ | 01:22 |
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bruenig | cables, flashplayer-mozilla doesn't work and flashplugin-nonfree does | 01:22 |
variant | Moxxon: you can apt-get install putty | 01:22 |
mindstate | variant, isn't putty just another terminal app? | 01:22 |
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mcphail | mindstate: you can use nautilus | 01:22 |
sivik | Moxxon: dapper or edgy? | 01:22 |
cables | bruenig, thanks :) | 01:22 |
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lightcap | Can someone point me to the RSS feed for USN's? | 01:22 |
Moxxon | edgy | 01:22 |
sivik | variant, theres a putty for ubuntu | 01:22 |
lightcap | or is it just the wiki update RSS? | 01:22 |
variant | mindstate: no, it's a gui interface to ssh,telnet | 01:22 |
LjL | variant, yes it is, however if you don't quite know what you're doing, it's much better to err on the safe side. but anyway, what i'm particularly worried about is the adding of entire *repositories* -- it doesn't matter if you then install "just" one single packages. chances are that you'll find yourself with a newer and "slightly" incompatible version of, say, libc6. | 01:22 |
lightcap | I'm not finding it with a google query | 01:22 |
variant | sivik: thats what i just said | 01:22 |
LjL | variant: and that *does* win you a reinstall... | 01:23 |
mindstate | variant, thanks :) | 01:23 |
bruenig | Moxxon, copy and paste everything after this colon into terminal: wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/f/flashplugin-nonfree/flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.31~ubuntu1~edgy1_i386.deb && sudo dpkg -i flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.31~ubuntu1~edgy1_i386.deb | 01:23 |
Moxxon | variant, how do I apt-get putty? | 01:23 |
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sivik | you just said: variant> Moxxon: you can apt-get install putt | 01:23 |
variant | LjL: yeah, well said | 01:23 |
variant | sivik: yes, and? | 01:23 |
bruenig | Oh wait, he is asking something else now | 01:23 |
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variant | Moxxon: by typeing sudo apt-get install putty | 01:23 |
sivik | variant, ok, just misread | 01:23 |
comicinker | hi | 01:23 |
bruenig | !hi | comicinker | 01:24 |
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ubotu | comicinker: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 01:24 |
gop | k what graphical ide for c++ is thier in ubunjta | 01:24 |
variant | Moxxon: it's really pointless.. why do you need an ssh gui??? | 01:24 |
tom47 | using vlc - streaming newspaper video - starts silent; then comes in in bursts; progressively becomes complete until sound is working fine after about have the video | 01:24 |
Moxxon | Thanks bruenig and variant! | 01:24 |
bruenig | !info anjuta | 01:24 |
ubotu | anjuta: A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.2-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1494 kB, installed size 3760 kB | 01:24 |
variant | gop: use google | 01:24 |
Moxxon | To run a website | 01:24 |
sivik | is there a teamspeak in a repo somewhere | 01:24 |
gop | hmm anujta seems buggy | 01:24 |
variant | Moxxon: that doesn't make sence.. | 01:24 |
comicinker | nice welcome!...I want to remove the link to a linked directory | 01:24 |
gop | k bye | 01:24 |
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sivik | !teamspeak | 01:25 |
Moxxon | variant, why not?> | 01:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about teamspeak - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:25 |
kitche | sivik: not that I know of need to get it from their website | 01:25 |
variant | Moxxon: in a terminal type ssh user@host | 01:25 |
mindstate | variant, thanks putty was exactly wut i wanted | 01:25 |
bruenig | comicinker, the link is a symbolic link? | 01:25 |
comicinker | is rm-d direcotry the correct thing to do? | 01:25 |
variant | Moxxon: or scp user@host:/file user@host2:/file | 01:25 |
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comicinker | I think so. I made it with ln .. ... | 01:25 |
variant | Moxxon: np | 01:25 |
Moxxon | Thy didnt work | 01:26 |
variant | mindstate: np | 01:26 |
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Moxxon | It said ssh:host: Name or service not known | 01:26 |
lightcap | it can't be that theres *only* a mailing list for updates on USN's? | 01:26 |
bruenig | comicinker, was it ln -s? | 01:26 |
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sivik | kitche: ok, i already installed it, but i can't run from the run command line, i have to change to the /opt/Teamspeak folder and run it from the konsole, i need to figure out how to do it from run command | 01:26 |
Moxxon | The other said bash:user@host: command not found | 01:26 |
cables | On that note, if I have a link that I made with Nautilus, will deleting the link delete the folder? | 01:26 |
jrib | cables: no (it shouldn't) | 01:26 |
bruenig | cables, no | 01:26 |
kitche | sivik: add /opt/TeamSpeak to your PATH | 01:26 |
comicinker | Idon't know anymore. Can I check it afterwards? | 01:26 |
variant | Moxxon: replace user@host with the name of the user your ssh'ing as and host iwth the hostname your connecting to | 01:26 |
bruenig | sivik, or you can just put a symlink in /usr/bin | 01:26 |
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Moxxon | variant, how do I know those? | 01:27 |
sivik | i have to figure out how to do that | 01:27 |
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Moxxon | ohh | 01:27 |
Moxxon | like the name@computername | 01:27 |
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comicinker | brueningm you mean sivik? | 01:27 |
variant | Moxxon: how do you intend to use putty if you don't know any username or host? you don't even know why you want an ssh gui? | 01:27 |
bruenig | sivik, what is the path to the thing you are running /opt/Teamspeak/what | 01:27 |
=== ben_ [n=bob@c-24-15-237-105.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ben_ | hey guyz | 01:27 |
Moxxon | Variant, I just want to run a website | 01:27 |
variant | Moxxon: why did you ask for an ssh gui in the first place? | 01:27 |
Moxxon | Variant, I never did | 01:27 |
ben_ | i'm lagging a whole lot in counter strike 1.6 | 01:27 |
Moxxon | When Didd I ask for that | 01:27 |
ben_ | and with windows i don't lag | 01:28 |
Moxxon | I dont know what it is | 01:28 |
sivik | /opt/TeamSpeak2RC2/TeamSpeak | 01:28 |
Moxxon | I just asked how to update flash | 01:28 |
Moxxon | :p | 01:28 |
ben_ | GUYZ | 01:28 |
variant | Moxxon: ahh, lol sorry, i was typeing to you by mistake | 01:28 |
bruenig | sivik, ok do sudo ln -s /opt/Teamspeak2RC2/Teamspeak /usr/bin/teamspeak | 01:28 |
Moxxon | Np | 01:28 |
ben_ | coutner strike 1.6 is lagging | 01:28 |
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ben_ | ALOT | 01:28 |
bruenig | sivik, then you should be able to start it by running "teamspeak" | 01:28 |
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variant | ben_: see #winehq | 01:28 |
comicinker | bruenig: so what does rm -d actually do? delete files? or removes a link? | 01:28 |
nexousNET | Hi, anyone firmiliar with GTKwifi? | 01:28 |
sivik | nope | 01:28 |
ben_ | i'm abnned from there.... | 01:29 |
Moxxon | Lol :( | 01:29 |
ben_ | and i did aboslutly nothing. | 01:29 |
Moxxon | !ati | 01:29 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 01:29 |
sivik | ben_: why, do you ask stupid questions? | 01:29 |
bruenig | comicinker, I would just rm it myself | 01:29 |
ben_ | i don't ask stupid wuestions... | 01:29 |
ben_ | questions* | 01:29 |
variant | ben_: well you wont find help regarding such a problem in this channel | 01:29 |
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nexousNET | I wish there was more documentation on gtkwifi | 01:29 |
chable | anyone knows how to install GRUB after windows reinstall ? | 01:30 |
bruenig | sivik, did that work? | 01:30 |
chable | i cant boot on my ubuntu now | 01:30 |
Flannel | !grub | chable | 01:30 |
sivik | bruenig, i'm trying to see | 01:30 |
ubotu | chable: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 01:30 |
bruenig | !grub | I do chable | 01:30 |
ubotu | I do please see above | 01:30 |
bruenig | that extra I do screwed me | 01:30 |
chable | thank you | 01:30 |
kitche | hmm they added a repsone if someone did it already :) | 01:30 |
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Vaske_Car | what to use to convert from .wave to .mp3? | 01:31 |
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bruenig | !info soundconverter | 01:31 |
kitche | Vaske_Car: that or lame | 01:31 |
ubotu | soundconverter: convert sound files to other formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 48 kB, installed size 300 kB | 01:31 |
Vaske_Car | anything with GUI? | 01:32 |
bruenig | Vaske_Car, soundconverter is gui | 01:32 |
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maxx18 | has anyone upgraded to the new flashplugin-nonfree (from the repos).... is it working? i read something in the forums about ppl having trouble with it... | 01:33 |
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jrib | maxx18: yes | 01:33 |
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bruenig | maxx18, works great | 01:33 |
maxx18 | ok great thanks guyx | 01:33 |
levander | Is there any lighter weight app that I can substitue for evolution when I click on a date in the calendar under gnome? | 01:33 |
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Moxxon | Hey, Im trying to install my ATI driver and it says to make sure fglrx is not disabled and to run a script to open the file and one of the lines in the text body is: DISABLED_MODULES="ath_hal fc fglrx ltm nv" does that mean fglrx is disabled? | 01:33 |
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Moxxon | Anyone know?> | 01:34 |
tom47 | !sound | 01:34 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 01:34 |
diskus | Moxxon: that means that ubuntu will not use build in fglrx | 01:34 |
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ubuntu | when installing ubuntu it askes me to "Resize IDE1 master, partition #1 (hda1) and use freed space" and then at the bottom there is a slider that says "New Partition Size" is it refering to the master partiton i am resizing or thr new partition im installing ubuntu on? | 01:34 |
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Moxxon | diskus, so is that bad? | 01:34 |
At0mic_PC | Anyone have experience importing the abook.mab file into evolution? | 01:34 |
Moxxon | All I want to do is run wow | 01:34 |
diskus | Moxxon: well it depends | 01:35 |
bruenig | ubuntu, new partition you are installing ubuntu on | 01:35 |
diskus | Moxxon: if you install drivers from ati.com then you should disable | 01:35 |
Moxxon | Im using the walkthrugh on the ubuntu site | 01:35 |
bruenig | ubuntu, I would do manually edit just to be certain | 01:35 |
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Moxxon | and it says to "make sure fglrx is not disabled" | 01:35 |
Moxxon | " Make sure fglrx is not disabled: sudogedit/etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common" | 01:35 |
diskus | Moxxon: then yes, remove fglrx from DISABLED_MODULES | 01:36 |
Moxxon | diskus, do I do that by simply removing the last text line | 01:36 |
Moxxon | # DISABLED_MODULES="ath_hal fc fglrx ltm nv" | 01:36 |
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Moxxon | do I just delete that? | 01:36 |
diskus | Moxxon: that # makes it commented out | 01:36 |
diskus | Moxxon: it's not used | 01:36 |
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ZmasteR | ok someone can try and tell me the answer to this,,,im using ubuntu,,,which uses gnome right? well there is a program i want to use but it uses KDE, is there a way i can install the KDE environment whilest keeping gnome and be able to switch between them at login?? | 01:36 |
diskus | Moxxon: there should be DISABLED_MODULES without # bellow | 01:36 |
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ubuntu | can i get a second opnion on that? dont want to ruin my partition | 01:37 |
Moxxon | DISABLED_MODULES="" | 01:37 |
Moxxon | Thats all it says | 01:37 |
bruenig | ubuntu, just go to manually edit | 01:37 |
Moxxon | without the # | 01:37 |
Me | can anyone tell me how to use Synaptic to upgrade to the newest distro of Ubuntu? i'm using Breezy Badger | 01:37 |
Moxxon | so am I ok? | 01:37 |
kitche | ZmasteR: yep just install kde or kubuntu-desktop | 01:37 |
diskus | Moxxon: it's enabled then | 01:37 |
Moxxon | kk thanks a lot | 01:37 |
bruenig | Me, it is probably best to fresh install, because you will have to upgrade to dapper, and then again to edgy which will cause almost certain breakage and headaches | 01:37 |
diskus | Moxxon: but ati is bitch to use with Linux, I never actualy got my old radeon 9600 pro to work properly | 01:38 |
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ZmasteR | kitche: i can just switch between desktops then right? | 01:38 |
kitche | ZmasteR: yes | 01:38 |
Me | dare I ask why? | 01:38 |
erisco | anyone know any stick figure animation programs like pivot? | 01:38 |
ZmasteR | kitche: thx | 01:38 |
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sivik | bruenig, i made the link, but it still doesn't work with the run command in the menu | 01:38 |
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bruenig | sivik, you are certain that /opt/Teamspeak2rblah/Teamspeak is the exact command you used to launch teamspeak | 01:39 |
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bruenig | or is that just the directory with the executable in it | 01:39 |
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chrisjs169 | I'm not getting any sound....any ideas? | 01:39 |
sheldonc | my kubuntu install is being difficult. it is saying that it doesnt know how to talk to my cdrom? | 01:39 |
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=== ryanakca wonders if Seveas has an automated script for banning channel pingers | ||
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imanoob | I have a quick question: I am currently running of the Edgy LiveCD, and my wireless card works great. However, when I run my installed copy of Edgy, my wireless card is detected in device manager but does not appear in System..Admin..Networking | 01:41 |
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cricri | how do you mount a memory card | 01:41 |
makuseru | when installing ubuntu it askes me to "Resize IDE1 master, partition #1 (hda1) and use freed space" and then at the bottom there is a slider that says "New Partition Size" is it refering to the master partiton i am resizing or thr new partition im installing ubuntu on? | 01:41 |
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bruenig | makuseru, use the manual partition, the wording is ambiguous | 01:42 |
chrisjs169 | I'm not getting any sound....any ideas? | 01:42 |
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bruenig | it could mean new partition or it could mean old partitions new size | 01:42 |
cricri | alsaconfig chrisjs169 | 01:42 |
bruenig | very simple, click that circle on the bottom fixes it all | 01:42 |
kirby145_ | crap my old computer only has 62 mb ram | 01:42 |
cricri | fiddle with buttons in alsaconf that usually does it | 01:42 |
chrisjs169 | ok | 01:42 |
makuseru | bruenig: i have it all on one partition and i dont know how to cut a peice off of it doing itmanually | 01:42 |
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imanoob | does anyone here know why my wireless works with liveCD but not with installed copy? | 01:42 |
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bruenig | makuseru, you just right click and select resize | 01:43 |
cricri | sorry alsamixer | 01:43 |
Pntkl | sup | 01:43 |
Menace_ | !mp3 | 01:43 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 01:43 |
kirby145_ | is there any linux that can run with 62mb ram | 01:43 |
makuseru | i cant | 01:43 |
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cricri | chrisjs169 i meant alsamixer not alsaconf sorry | 01:43 |
kirby145_ | like a windows 95 ubuntu | 01:43 |
bruenig | kirby145, damn small might run on it. Xubuntu could too probably but even that would be a stretch | 01:43 |
chrisjs169 | ok | 01:43 |
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kitche | kirby145_: slackware might it runs on 64 megs | 01:44 |
kirby145_ | xubuntu says no | 01:44 |
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olafski | !animagix | 01:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about animagix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:44 |
olafski | ok.. what was it called again :) | 01:44 |
LjL | !automatix | 01:44 |
ubotu | automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 01:44 |
cricri | the changes are instantaneous so play an mp3 and change alsamixer default while music is playing | 01:44 |
Pntkl | interest | 01:44 |
=== bruenig chuckles | ||
makuseru | bruenig: i cant | 01:44 |
olafski | LjL: thanks | 01:44 |
bruenig | makuseru, you should be able to | 01:45 |
dragonfly7 | How do I change the icon theme? | 01:45 |
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coredata | Hello | 01:45 |
makuseru | its greayed out | 01:45 |
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coredata | not sure | 01:45 |
chrisjs169 | cricri: how do I change the sound card in alsamixer? | 01:45 |
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pbureau | imanoob, what card you using ? | 01:45 |
vote4arealclown | how do i reset network services? | 01:45 |
cricri | sorry i thought it was just that you had no sound | 01:45 |
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vote4arealclown | service network restart no love | 01:45 |
antibody | hi all I'm having problems..I have a swap on /dev/sda1/UUID=75b64ee7-06a6-4327-95e5-15964905af4e however I have this line in /etc/fstab : | 01:45 |
cricri | alsamixer is used once you have a working snd card | 01:46 |
antibody | if I swapon /dev/sda1 it works if I do swapon UUID=75b64ee7-06a6-4327-95e5-15964905af4e it doesn't | 01:46 |
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bruenig | makuseru, I don't know. I get tired of graphical problems | 01:46 |
wietze | could anyone give me a quick few pointers how to enable my ubuntu install to be able to actually compile stuff myself :) ? | 01:46 |
chrisjs169 | afaik the card works, on windows it does anyway, just not on Ubuntu | 01:46 |
bruenig | makuseru, I told you that new partition size meant the new partition you were making | 01:46 |
imanoob | pbureau, I am using a d-link airplus G DWL-G510 | 01:46 |
wietze | Im not familiar with the whole apt-get stuff :(, and I seemt o be lacking (but not limited to) glib-cofnig | 01:46 |
bruenig | I have seen that nomenclature before and it always refers to the new thing you created | 01:46 |
chrisjs169 | cricri - the volume is all the way up as well | 01:47 |
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pbureau | imanoob, and it worked when you started livecd you say ? | 01:47 |
siikah | wietze: not sure, but can't you just switch to console and play along? ctrl+alt+f1-6 | 01:47 |
bruenig | wietze, sudo apt-get install build-essential | 01:47 |
imanoob | im on livecd now, using it to connect to this chat | 01:47 |
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imanoob | pbureau, im on livecd now, using it to connect to this chat | 01:47 |
cricri | the card might actually be functional but some device needs to be on and some off in alsamixer assuming you use alsa | 01:47 |
wietze | bruenig: cheerio | 01:48 |
jonw_ | !pastebin | 01:48 |
MrSatanic | Anybody know where I can find a list of #channels | 01:48 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:48 |
pbureau | imanoob, interesting, so open a terminal window , (applications/accesories) and type lspci there should be a notation about your wifi card there can you copy and paste just that line back to me please | 01:48 |
wietze | bruenig: and even then, it says its up to date | 01:48 |
imanoob | ok | 01:48 |
pbureau | MrSatanic, /list | 01:48 |
bruenig | wietze, what? | 01:48 |
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chable | i did what ubotu said | 01:48 |
imanoob | 01:0a.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5005G 802.11abg NIC (rev 01) | 01:48 |
chable | and i still cant boot ubuntu | 01:48 |
chable | it automatically boots windows | 01:49 |
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MrSatanic | Thanks PB | 01:49 |
pbureau | imanoob, ah same card I use. | 01:49 |
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wietze | bruenig: well, Im trying to get some stuff compiled, e.g. own kernel, and some stuff thats not incoperated in apt-get packages; but the ubuntu install lacks some stuff, like glib-config; I'd like to have that installed | 01:49 |
chrisjs169 | cricri - i do you alsa, but the card listed in alsamixer isn't the one that i'm using | 01:49 |
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chrisjs169 | *use | 01:49 |
imanoob | pbureau, now, i am using a grub boot cd to run my ubuntu, which is installed on a usb drive | 01:49 |
LjL | !find glib-config | wietze | 01:49 |
ubotu | wietze: File glib-config found in libglib1.2-dev, libtag1-dev | 01:49 |
imanoob | pbureau, the cd has its own kernel to boot with usb drivers | 01:49 |
bruenig | wietze, what was the bit about "it says its up to date" | 01:49 |
pbureau | imanoob, you will nee to goto system - administration - synaptic, do a search for ndiswrapper and -utils for it, and basically install that, and use the WINDOWS drivers on the cdrom that came with the card | 01:50 |
wietze | bruenig: the result of apt-get install build-essentials | 01:50 |
imanoob | ok, i was hoping to avoid ndiswrapper | 01:50 |
imanoob | pbureau, do you use ndiswrapper? | 01:50 |
cricri | then you need to tell alsamixer to use the card you want to use but i have no idea how to go about it | 01:50 |
pbureau | imanoob, I havent found a way to get mine to work woithout it... yep using it right now.. works like a charm | 01:50 |
bruenig | wietze, right but what was your point? | 01:50 |
wietze | ubotu: you're telling me that cd / && find glib-config will yield me results ? | 01:50 |
imanoob | pbureau, so weird that the livecd works fine | 01:50 |
cricri | there is a sound card specialist in channel #lfd on freenod | 01:50 |
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At0mic_PC | How do you make abook.mab into a csv file? | 01:51 |
bruenig | wietze, it is telling you to do sudo apt-get install libglib1.2-dev | 01:51 |
wietze | oh its a bot | 01:51 |
pbureau | imanoob, try typing, lshw -class network, look under the network card what driver it is use (driver=) | 01:51 |
wietze | sorry, I didnt get that :) | 01:51 |
imanoob | ok | 01:51 |
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jonw_ | I keep getting the stupid ... error opening security policy file /usr/lib/xserver/SecurityPolicy .... when I start x ... what should I do please ? | 01:51 |
wietze | state of the art technology, top of my hat! | 01:51 |
chrisjs169 | cricri - ok | 01:52 |
imanoob | driver = ath_pci | 01:52 |
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grndslm | why is my processor's MHz rating comin' up short when i cat /proc/cpuinfo? i know it is much faster than what it displays! | 01:52 |
imanoob | if i pack that into my boot kernel, you think it will work? | 01:52 |
musya | is codeblocks not available for ubunut? | 01:52 |
musya | http://wiki.codeblocks.org/index.php?title=Compiled_packages_of_Code::Blocks | 01:52 |
Exabyte34 | hello, i have 2x100GB hds that i guess are in a RAID 0 setup (on my sony ar series laptop)- can anyone help me try to make a partition for abuntu, it doesn't seem to recognize the RAID configuration | 01:52 |
pbureau | imanoob, inetresting I never got it to work with that driver, maybe you can try to do a modprobe ath_pci and see how it links it up to the network card on lshw and iwconfig | 01:52 |
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olafski | grndslm: maybe it downclocked itself cause it's not busy | 01:52 |
pbureau | imanoob, but only do that when you reboot your box to the HDD | 01:53 |
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grndslm | olafski: i know it's busy....and it always says that when i cat that file | 01:53 |
imanoob | pbureau, ok, right now when i do that it returns nothing | 01:53 |
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pbureau | imanoob, no it would not. | 01:53 |
olafski | grndslm: hm well then I have no idea, it did this for me though | 01:54 |
pbureau | imanoob, try it when booting from HDD | 01:54 |
musya | Exabyte34: what does it say, when it reads your HDD? | 01:54 |
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imanoob | pbureau, do you think adding the ath_pci to my initramfs/modules will work? | 01:54 |
pbureau | you know what to look for boot up fo lshw -class network look at the driver= line see if it usig the ath_pci one, probably it has nothing | 01:54 |
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Exabyte34 | musya: I'm running Ubuntu off the disc now, when i go into the install and it gives me the option to partition, it shows /dev/sda and /dev/sdb but it says they're both unallocated - but there's a windows partition that takes up like 2/3 of the total 200gigs | 01:55 |
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imanoob | pbureau, right, i will check the lshw from the hdd, be back in a bit | 01:55 |
pbureau | imanoob, I dont know... but try modprobe ath_pci see if it attaches it to the ra0 in iwconfig | 01:55 |
=== GMWeezel [n=james@adsl-68-88-122-118.dsl.lgvwtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GMWeezel | When will the kernel upgrade be released for Ubuntu? | 01:55 |
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musya | Exabyte34: are you wanting to erase the windows partition? | 01:56 |
grndslm | anything better than ktorrent that's more gnome-friendly?? | 01:56 |
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imanoob | pbureau, first, im going to try adding ath_pci to my modules since i need to make a new boot CD anyway | 01:56 |
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Exabyte34 | musya: no i want to keep the windows partition and set aside like 20gigs for ubuntu til i get an external hd | 01:56 |
Moxxon | Hey | 01:57 |
Moxxon | Im having problems with my ati graphics driver | 01:57 |
slvmchn | small annoying bug i think... i upgraded from dapper to edgy, but now if i click and drag any of my quick launch buttons up top of the screen, they lose their icon | 01:57 |
Moxxon | I was using the step guide on ubuntu | 01:57 |
kitche | GMWeezel: feisty | 01:57 |
Moxxon | Then it says touse the fglrxinfo command | 01:57 |
GMWeezel | kitche: so the 2.x.20 Kernel upgrade won't be released for Dapper? | 01:57 |
Moxxon | to make sure the driver is working | 01:57 |
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makuseru | what happens when your resizing a partition and it gets stuck on 0%? | 01:57 |
Moxxon | I get | 01:57 |
Myk0 | ok guys heres the problem: using powerbook g4, 1.33ghz... PPC architecture... tried the following, 6.10 desktop ppc, 6.10 alternate , 6.06 dapper, all lead to one issue. Reboot the comp and it seems to be loading the disk then freezes to a white screen. Reset the nvram, Reset the PRAM, any ideas at all cant seem to figure this one out????? | 01:57 |
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kitche | GMWeezel: no packages are version frozen | 01:58 |
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Moxxon | $ fglrxinfo display: :0.0 screen: 0 OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect OpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.4.1) | 01:58 |
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cpsalvestrini | Hi all | 01:58 |
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cpsalvestrini | ive got a question | 01:58 |
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cpsalvestrini | i would like to create a script to change cpu governors on the fly | 01:58 |
Me | incidentally, is there any list of the various Ubuntu software repositories? | 01:58 |
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Myk0 | anyone using an apple powerbook or ibook?? | 01:59 |
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musya | Exabyte34: i dont think windows will allow you to do that. i think you need to install ubuntu first then windows but i could be wrong, all the past experiences ive had i needed to install ubuntu first. but check in #linuxhelp | 01:59 |
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blimpdude | hi. is there a special keyboard layout for macintosh keyboards that i can use in X? | 01:59 |
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jonw_ | ok, so it's not related to securitypolicy, anyone got a sec to look at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4357/ and advise me please ? | 01:59 |
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Myk0 | any specific PPC support channel?? or is this it? | 01:59 |
Moxxon | Hello, Ive been trying to install an ATI driver using the step walkthrough on the ubuntu site. But I have hit a snag, near the end it says to run the "fglrxinfo" command to make sure everything is working, your supposed to get information about your card but I get a generic message: $ fglrxinfo display: :0.0 screen: 0 OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect OpenGL version string: 1 | 01:59 |
cpsalvestrini | this is mainly to use my ubuntu box with performance settings while it is on power, and with dynamic settings while it's on battery | 01:59 |
bretzel | Hi there, Is there a FTP client ( SSL ) like WinXP: FlashXP ? | 01:59 |
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tat | bretzel: gftp, I think | 02:00 |
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cpsalvestrini | or is it possible to do it via a software package? like kpowersave? | 02:00 |
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bretzel | tat: Yop My first thought was Gftp ... but I read gftp is a bit buggy ? | 02:00 |
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Exabyte34 | musya: it's strange though, if select to manually pick the partitions then it recognizes the primary ext3 partition, but doesn't recognize the swap logical partition.. it thinks it's a primary and labels it as 1kb | 02:01 |
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tat | bretzel: I'm not sure, dont use it myself. | 02:01 |
musya | bretzel: or command line | 02:01 |
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Myk0 | Can anyone help with PPC issues on livecd? | 02:01 |
nexousNET | Hi, anyone firmiliar with GTKwifi on 6.06? | 02:01 |
transgress | okay i was running suse on my laptop and had xgl+beryl running perfect on there... but now i can't get xgl, beryl, or compiz to run properly | 02:01 |
=== NullHead [n=jon@d192-24-65-175.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Moxxon | Hello, Ive been trying to install an ATI driver using the step walkthrough on the ubuntu site. But I have hit a snag, near the end it says to run the "fglrxinfo" command to make sure everything is working, your supposed to get information about your card but I get a generic message: $ fglrxinfo display: :0.0 screen: 0 OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect OpenGL version string: 1 | 02:01 |
=== Kiongku [n=waikeung@ADSL-TPLUS-100-82.telecomplus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
musya | yea that might be windows, is the drive partitioned already? | 02:02 |
grndslm | is there anything out there that's better than ktorrent AND more gnome-friendly?? | 02:02 |
tat | bretzel: lftp is a nice command line client | 02:02 |
bretzel | sftp ... | 02:02 |
transgress | could it be the version of nvidia driver i am using? i have an older nvidia card so it can't use the builtin aiglx | 02:02 |
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deafboy | anyone know how to execute an .sql file via command line? | 02:02 |
|Jason8| | Is it common for an application to just randomly close in Ubuntu without warning. I'll be using Firefox or Xchat or Gaim, and if one of them gets too active (15 tabs open in FF, 4 servers on xchat, etc) it will just close without warning. No little dialogs or anything. | 02:02 |
=== abarbaccia [n=andrew@c-71-58-93-160.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cpsalvestrini | grndslm: try azureus, but you got to have java installed | 02:02 |
grndslm | piss on java | 02:02 |
musya | deafboy: what do you mean by execute? | 02:02 |
chrisjs169 | cricri - i was bounced back here, as they didn't know how to change it either | 02:02 |
musya | grndslm: why you say that? | 02:02 |
chrisjs169 | should i just change the jack? | 02:03 |
grndslm | i've never seen java run well | 02:03 |
Moxxon | !register | 02:03 |
ubotu | Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 02:03 |
=== torr [n=opera@bzq-82-81-147-68.red.bezeqint.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
=== Rubencho [n=Rubencho@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nexousNET | Where can i find more information on gtkWIFI? | 02:03 |
grndslm | toooooo slow on my machines | 02:03 |
grndslm | sep for my c2d | 02:03 |
cricri | no clue sorry | 02:03 |
=== relbs [n=albert@pdpc/supporter/student/relbs] has joined #ubuntu | ||
webmaren | hey guys what's a good place to get a nice, warm jacket | 02:03 |
musya | maybe your machine is slow? | 02:03 |
musya | nah, | 02:03 |
grndslm | java is never light | 02:03 |
deafboy | musya: i have an .sql file that i want to use on my database, in navicat i used to just do "execute batch file" | 02:03 |
grndslm | i like light apps | 02:03 |
webmaren | oops wrong channel | 02:03 |
LiENUS | how can i have different wallpapers on each face of the cube in beryl? | 02:03 |
cpsalvestrini | grndslm: azureus is quite good, and java runtime 6 is actually pretty fast & stable | 02:03 |
chrisjs169 | ok | 02:03 |
grndslm | ktorrent's not necessarily lite either tho | 02:04 |
cafuego_ | grndslm: runs fine on my old amd64 | 02:04 |
=== Alpha232 [i=alpha232@198-144-143-60.dyn.megabroadband.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
musya | yea java is a bit slow even after compiled, id say python or c++ | 02:04 |
relbs | is it possible to get a list of packages, sorted by the amount of disk space used? | 02:04 |
musya | or ruby | 02:04 |
grndslm | i keep java installed, but try not to use it...i will try azureus once more | 02:04 |
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musya | deafboy: oh, dont know then. | 02:04 |
musya | sorry | 02:04 |
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=== MrSatanic [n=mrsiebel@cpe-66-67-151-83.rochester.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
whonicca | to peeps using ntfs-3g, how do u link the trash can created when u delete something on the ntfs drive to the desktop trash can | 02:04 |
=== deg0nz [n=drg0nzo@pD9535D5E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
grndslm | C 'til i die | 02:04 |
|Jason8| | >_> | 02:04 |
Myk0 | ok guys heres the problem: using powerbook g4, 1.33ghz... PPC architecture... tried the following, 6.10 desktop ppc, 6.10 alternate , 6.06 dapper, all lead to one issue. Reboot the comp and it seems to be loading the disk then freezes to a white screen. Reset the nvram, Reset the PRAM, any ideas at all cant seem to figure this one out????? | 02:04 |
LiENUS | how can i have different wallpapers on each face of the cube in beryl? | 02:04 |
=== Menace__ [n=menace@adsl-70-232-98-107.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
|Jason8| | old amd64 | 02:05 |
|Jason8| | psssssh | 02:05 |
jrib | LiENUS: try #beryl or #ubuntu-effects | 02:05 |
Me | can anyone tell me where i can find a list of package repositories for Ubuntu? | 02:05 |
=== wounded [n=wounded@ppp-69-237-105-104.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
grndslm | LiENUS what version of beryl do you have? | 02:05 |
cafuego_ | |Jason8|: it's 3 years old, so yes. | 02:05 |
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jrib | !easysource | Me | 02:05 |
ubotu | Me: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 02:05 |
LiENUS | grndslm, 0.1.9999.1 | 02:05 |
Me | thanks | 02:05 |
=== blimpdude [n=blimpdud@206-248-129-69.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== root [n=root@adsl-70-241-11-51.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
blimpdude | niiice | 02:05 |
HP_Vue | Hey, I already have ubuntu installed, and I want to install Kubuntu, but what will happen at startup? Will there be 2 GRUB's, will Kubuntu be on the OS selector list? what will happen? | 02:05 |
blimpdude | all fixed... it was a driver problem | 02:05 |
root | anyone know how to remove ssh from a server through apt-get? | 02:05 |
musya | HP_Vue: you just install kde | 02:06 |
|Jason8| | cafuego, I'd love to have that thing :p I'm running an AMD K6-2 450 MHz | 02:06 |
musya | no need for another install of OS | 02:06 |
grndslm | LiENUS...well, you should have the feature there....i actually just removed beryl because it's not too compatible with mythtv | 02:06 |
n2diy | I installed Sunbird, but I have to run it from the command line, is there a way to set it up in my applications menu? | 02:06 |
cafuego_ | root: yes. Are you *absolutely* *sure* you want to do that? | 02:06 |
LiENUS | grndslm, where? | 02:06 |
HP_Vue | musya, No need, it comes already installed | 02:06 |
HP_Vue | on the CD | 02:06 |
root | yes, need to reinstall it so it can remake the keys | 02:06 |
cafuego_ | |Jason8|: I'm not saying it's slow, just old ;-) | 02:06 |
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grndslm | ehh...don't remember, look around, the interface is pretty easy to follow nowadays | 02:06 |
blimpdude | yaay | 02:06 |
=== blimpdude is happy now | ||
musya | so just use kde instead of gnome | 02:06 |
LiENUS | look around where? | 02:06 |
=== chrisjs169 [n=opera@pool-71-114-149-130.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
LiENUS | in gnome? | 02:06 |
musya | on startup chose kde | 02:06 |
LiENUS | in beryl? | 02:06 |
Myk0 | anyone help out install on PPC issues | 02:06 |
cafuego_ | |Jason8|: That said, I also run an K6-2/450 somewhere... and a P2/300 ... | 02:06 |
grndslm | LiENUS: beryl-manager | 02:07 |
=== kitche [i=kitche@pool-141-149-249-214.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== covert [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HP_Vue | musya, kubuntu already uses KDE | 02:07 |
musya | HP_Vue: so whats your problem? | 02:07 |
LiENUS | why would it be in beryl-manager since gnome manages the wallpaper? | 02:07 |
covert | Can anyone help me w/ a beryl error? | 02:07 |
LiENUS | covert, what error? | 02:07 |
grndslm | LiENUS: because gnome doesn't normally handle 4 wallpapers | 02:07 |
root | cafuego_, yes i need to reinstall ssh, so i need to know the apt-get command to remove it so it can remake the pub keys | 02:07 |
=== wounded [n=wounded@ppp-69-237-105-104.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HP_Vue | e> Hey, I already have ubuntu installed, and I want to install Kubuntu, but what will happen at startup? Will there be 2 GRUB's, will Kubuntu be on the OS selector list? what will happen? | 02:07 |
LiENUS | grndslm, gnome normally handles 4 desktops | 02:07 |
HP_Vue | thats it | 02:07 |
HP_Vue | Kubuntu uses GRUB, and so does Ubuntu | 02:08 |
covert | Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0". | 02:08 |
grndslm | LiENUS: why not look in beryl-manager | 02:08 |
HP_Vue | It will contridict | 02:08 |
=== subzero2000_ [n=subzero2@c-69-180-224-4.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
grndslm | it's not a feature of gnome, i promise | 02:08 |
LiENUS | grndslm, becaus ei have | 02:08 |
|Jason8| | Is it common for an application to just randomly close in Ubuntu without warning. I'll be using Firefox or Xchat or Gaim, and if one of them gets too active (15 tabs open in FF, 4 servers on xchat, etc) it will just close without warning. No little dialogs or anything. | 02:08 |
whonicca | why not just install kubuntu-desktop | 02:08 |
=== juano__ [n=juano@r190-0-143-76.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
whonicca | so u can have both | 02:08 |
HP_Vue | how | 02:08 |
jrib | |Jason8|: no | 02:08 |
covert | I have an ATI card and I just restored the default xorg.conf. I get this error: Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0". | 02:08 |
musya | HP_Vue: ubuntu and kubuntu are the same OS, one uses gnome one uses kde, so if you have ubuntu installed, just install kubuntu-desktop | 02:08 |
LiENUS | and i see nothing in beryl-manager | 02:08 |
root | anyone know how to remove SSH through apt-get via terminal? | 02:08 |
whonicca | sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop | 02:09 |
HP_Vue | musya, How? | 02:09 |
LiENUS | covert, whats your setup | 02:09 |
grndslm | LiENUS: well, you're not looking in the right place or don't have the right version, 1 of the 2 | 02:09 |
|Jason8| | hrm. | 02:09 |
LiENUS | grndslm, if i update to the svn version theres a wallpaper plugin but it requires killing gnome | 02:09 |
HP_Vue | musya, is it easy? | 02:09 |
|Jason8| | Any idea as to what the random closing would be caused by? | 02:09 |
musya | HP_Vue: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 02:09 |
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=== dimeotane [n=dimeotan@node-503.tor.pppoe.execulink.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
musya | very | 02:09 |
HP_Vue | Link? | 02:09 |
covert | LiENUS: what do you mean by setup? | 02:09 |
=== LinAsH [n=missmagu@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Myk0 | sorry to respam this again :( | 02:09 |
Myk0 | ok guys heres the problem: using powerbook g4, 1.33ghz... PPC architecture... tried the following, 6.10 desktop ppc, 6.10 alternate , 6.06 dapper, all lead to one issue. Reboot the comp and it seems to be loading the disk then freezes to a white screen. Reset the nvram, Reset the PRAM, any ideas at all cant seem to figure this one out????? | 02:09 |
LiENUS | aiglx? xgl? ati? nvidia? propriatary drivers? open source drivers? | 02:09 |
musya | HP_Vue: no its a command linke argument | 02:09 |
jrib | |Jason8|: run the applications in a terminal, wait for them to crash, and see if there is any meaningufl output | 02:09 |
musya | HP_Vue: go to teminal | 02:10 |
musya | open a terminal | 02:10 |
HP_Vue | musya, wiat 1 sec pls | 02:10 |
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=== OrangeRoot1000 [n=oem@kcs4u.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n2diy | I installed Sunbird, but I have to run it from the command line, is there a way to set it up in my applications menu? | 02:10 |
covert | LiENUS: ATI card w/ fglrx | 02:10 |
root | someone know the command to remove SSH through apt-get using terminal? | 02:10 |
LiENUS | depends how you installed sunbird | 02:10 |
HP_Vue | musya, I am on winodws now, but I will switch in 1 sec, all I have to do is type in 1 command line, and I will have KDE on my ubuntu? | 02:10 |
LiENUS | n2diy, are you trying to use aiglx or xgl? | 02:11 |
musya | root: use in terminal this, apt-get remove package | 02:11 |
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grndslm | root: apt-get purge openssh-server | 02:11 |
root | thank you grndslm | 02:11 |
HP_Vue | wait | 02:11 |
n2diy | LiENUS: neither, I think your replying to the wrong nick? | 02:11 |
LiENUS | sorry | 02:11 |
HP_Vue | i will be right back | 02:11 |
=== Moxxon [n=dumschat@S0106000d888f4259.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
musya | HP_Vue: in command line you will get this | 02:11 |
LiENUS | covert, are you using aiglx or xgl | 02:12 |
HP_Vue | yea... | 02:12 |
=== Thuggles [n=Josh@dynamic-acs-24-144-230-251.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LiENUS | n2diy, how did you install sunbird? | 02:12 |
cpsalvestrini | HP_Vue... well, not really one package, you'll download a big amount of packages with the kubuntu-desktop package | 02:12 |
musya | apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 02:12 |
covert | LiENUS: neither fglrx | 02:12 |
musya | then it will as you some yes and no, hit yes | 02:12 |
n2diy | LiENUS: IIRC, with synaptic. | 02:12 |
musya | and then it will download and install by itself, | 02:12 |
covert | LiENUS: Which should I use? | 02:12 |
musya | its a big gfile | 02:12 |
=== khaije1 [n=n1x0r@unaffiliated/khaije1] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HP_Vue | ok, thanks I will be right back if you don't mind | 02:12 |
LiENUS | n2diy, hmm it should have made an icon i thought... | 02:12 |
musya | file* | 02:12 |
=== gaten [n=gaten@cpe-76-166-39-147.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HP_Vue | I need to switch OS's | 02:12 |
LiENUS | covert, you have to use xgl | 02:12 |
musya | to run it go to | 02:12 |
musya | kde on your login | 02:12 |
=== tom__ [n=tom@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LiENUS | http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/XGL | 02:13 |
LiENUS | covert, http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/XGL | 02:13 |
tom__ | if i have a 10 gb partition and 70 free how can i combine the two? | 02:13 |
n2diy | LiENUS: Hmm, maybe it did, but I'd rather have an entry in the apps menu than an Icon on the desktop. | 02:13 |
whonicca | so when new ubuntu releases come out, how do u upgrade | 02:13 |
covert | LiENUS: I'm using Feisty | 02:13 |
jrib | !upgrade | whonicca | 02:13 |
ubotu | whonicca: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 02:13 |
LiENUS | covert, you still have to use xgl | 02:13 |
musya | whonicca: install a new one | 02:13 |
=== ZhongHan [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n2diy | LiENUS: nope, no icon on the desktop either. | 02:14 |
covert | LiENUS: I checked Synaptic...its already installed. What do I do? | 02:14 |
LiENUS | covert, http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/XGL | 02:14 |
=== Me [n=donovan@ip68-1-250-53.dl.dl.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
transgress | yeah that guide didn't work for me at all | 02:14 |
transgress | granted i think it has to do with the version of nvidia driver | 02:14 |
LiENUS | covert, quit asking the same question and expecting a different answer | 02:15 |
=== nzjrs_ [n=john@125-237-239-208.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LiENUS | covert, follow the guide, theres no guide for xgl on feisty fawn, so follow the one for edgy | 02:15 |
covert | k | 02:15 |
=== seax [n=seax@es2i-gx280-03.esil.univ-mrs.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LiENUS | either that or ditch fglrx, go back to "radeon" and use aiglx | 02:15 |
seax | hello all ! | 02:15 |
ardchoille | covert, Shouldn't you be asking in #ubuntu+q or #ubuntu-xgl ? | 02:16 |
=== user__ [n=user@000-006-024.area3.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
covert | I have no idea...I'm a noob :P | 02:16 |
seax | someone could help for nvidia drivers ? | 02:16 |
=== DoUWantMeToStop [i=DoYouWan@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ardchoille | covert, #ubuntu+1 is for feisty users and #ubuntu-xgl is for Compiz/Beryl users. | 02:16 |
DoUWantMeToStop | Mm | 02:16 |
DoUWantMeToStop | Try again :| | 02:16 |
covert | thnx | 02:16 |
jrib | covert: why are you running feisty if you're a noob? | 02:16 |
ardchoille | jrib, You caught that too? | 02:17 |
covert | I'm switching from Fedora | 02:17 |
LiENUS | how is he running feisty if hes a newb? | 02:17 |
=== ian_ [n=ian@220-253-96-103.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ardchoille | covert, You might be better off on Dapper or Edgy | 02:17 |
jrib | covert: you should use a stable release | 02:17 |
LiENUS | i dont even know where the heck to download a feisty iso | 02:17 |
CompEngRH | use edgy | 02:17 |
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HP_Vue | musya, what do I have to do again, and is it just that easy to get Gnome back? | 02:18 |
Myk0 | ok guys heres the problem: using powerbook g4, 1.33ghz... PPC architecture... tried the following, 6.10 desktop ppc, 6.10 alternate , 6.06 dapper, all lead to one issue. Reboot the comp and it seems to be loading the disk then freezes to a white screen. Reset the nvram, Reset the PRAM, any ideas at all cant seem to figure this one out????? | 02:18 |
=== rpereira [n=rpereira@ubuntu/member/rpereira] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== seax : please help | ||
seax | ^^ | 02:18 |
=== variant [n=variant@unaffiliated/variant] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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transgress | when i start Xgl stuff is really messed up looking... the menu doesn't work right... it leaves a trail, my gtk theme is ignored, and it is overall unusable... any tips? | 02:19 |
LiENUS | how does a newb manage to run feisty? | 02:19 |
ardchoille | seax, What's your problem with nvidia? | 02:19 |
HP_Vue | How do I get Kubuntu-desktop? | 02:19 |
LiENUS | transgress, what video card? | 02:19 |
=== revan [n=revan@c-69-245-193-52.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | does anyone know how to set grub to load the atyfb frame buffer module instead of vesafb ? | 02:19 |
transgress | LiENUS: an nvidia 64meg Go card or something like that | 02:19 |
cpsalvestrini | HP_Vue: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 02:19 |
ian_ | When I open the internet browser in ubuntu all I get is the ubuntu welcome screen and no way to get rid of it! how do i remove it? | 02:19 |
chavo | feisty seems pretty stable to me so far | 02:19 |
LiENUS | transgress, use aiglx not xgl | 02:19 |
ardchoille | HP_Vue, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 02:19 |
nexousNET | Is there a way to plug a ethernet from my windows desktop to my ubuntu notebook and get internet on my notebook? | 02:19 |
seax | i can notr install the drivers. I downloaded the RUN file, but a the reboot, the X server crashs down ! | 02:19 |
=== LittleMan [i=LittleMa@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
musya | HP_Vue: can you chat in another window? | 02:20 |
variant | nexousNET: you need to enable NAT on the windows box | 02:20 |
LittleMan | Someone help me | 02:20 |
n2diy | ian_: enter an URL in the address bar. | 02:20 |
musya | you have hotmail? or anything | 02:20 |
Myk0 | how do u gget md5 sum osx | 02:20 |
variant | nexousNET: and a dhcp server | 02:20 |
=== jdautz [n=jdautz@abo-47-6-68.ech.modulonet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HP_Vue | musya: you mean PM? | 02:20 |
LittleMan | Were can I download precompiled CREAM | 02:20 |
musya | yea | 02:20 |
nexousNET | variant: okay | 02:20 |
ardchoille | ian_, Edit -> Preferences, General section | 02:20 |
=== ian_ [n=ian@220-253-96-103.TAS.netspace.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
transgress | LiENUS: i can't even get X to start when i try using aiglx | 02:20 |
ardchoille | !nvidia | seax | 02:20 |
ubotu | seax: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:20 |
gaten | anyone know if the vnc server that comes with ubuntu (remote desktop) supports file transfer? i can't get it to work w. ultravnc client, but i think the server needs to be Ultra too. | 02:21 |
n2diy | I installed Sunbird, but I have to run it from the command line, is there a way to set it up in my applications menu? | 02:21 |
seax | ok thx alot ardchoille | 02:21 |
LiENUS | transgress, well nvidia requires aiglx i thought... | 02:21 |
drx | GPARTED won't let me delete a partition during install & shows a lock -- what do I do? | 02:21 |
musya | HP_Vue: ya | 02:21 |
xtknight | can anyone recommend a cheap DVB (ATSC) tuner that works with linux? | 02:21 |
transgress | LiENUS: no. i had xgl+beryl running fine in suse | 02:21 |
HP_Vue | musya: I just sent you a PM | 02:21 |
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ardchoille | n2diy, What I did was make a new menu item and use the entire path in the command, use the path to the sunbird file that needs to be run. | 02:21 |
musya | HP_Vue: i cant do pm in irc, | 02:21 |
HP_Vue | hmm | 02:22 |
musya | you have hotmail or anything? | 02:22 |
khaije1 | hi | 02:22 |
musya | yahoo | 02:22 |
musya | gmail | 02:22 |
grndslm | why is my processor's MHz rating comin' up short when i cat /proc/cpuinfo? i know it is much faster than what it displays! | 02:22 |
khaije1 | i'm looking for a good proxy prugin for firefox, any suggestions? | 02:22 |
khaije1 | *plugin | 02:22 |
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n2diy | ardchoille: ok, so that would probably be in /bin right? | 02:22 |
seax | see ya! | 02:22 |
superdave888 | is there any danger in installing XAMPP after installing Ubuntu Server with LAMP option? | 02:22 |
HP_Vue | musya: /j #HPVUE | 02:22 |
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=== michaeljsmalley [n=michaelj@c-68-83-100-124.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ardchoille | n2diy, It would be wherever you unpacked Sunbird. | 02:22 |
=== imbecile [n=imbecile@adsl-75-4-29-165.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
musya | HP_Vue:what? | 02:22 |
=== J-_akljsdfk [n=justin@bas4-hamilton14-1177771039.dsl.bell.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
HP_Vue | the channel | 02:23 |
HP_Vue | join pls | 02:23 |
HP_Vue | #HPVUE | 02:23 |
ardchoille | n2diy, How did you install Sunbird? | 02:23 |
HP_Vue | It like a PM | 02:23 |
n2diy | ardchoille: I don't think I unpacked it, I think I installed it with synaptic. | 02:23 |
=== user__ [n=user@000-006-024.area3.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Myk0 | any PPC users here? | 02:23 |
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=== LittleMan2 [i=LittleMa@CPE0020fe1bf715-CM001225418aa4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Peppery [n=pepper@203-109-243-5.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ardchoille | !info sunbird | 02:23 |
ubotu | Package sunbird does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas | 02:23 |
=== ElementC [n=ElementC@adsl-152-219-23.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ardchoille | !info sunbird dapper | 02:23 |
ubotu | Package sunbird does not exist in dapper | 02:23 |
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=== Beverage [n=jon@S0106001346cc2b95.va.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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ardchoille | n2diy, I don't think you used Synaptic, I think you unpacked it. | 02:24 |
variant | anyone know how to specify the frame buffer type in grub>? | 02:24 |
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ubuntu | Hi, i have a 10g partition and 70g of free space, how can i merge them? the resize button is greyed out so it ont do it like that | 02:24 |
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n2diy | ardchoille: I"m checking now. | 02:24 |
imbecile | anyone know where i can get freenx? ive tried several things from the web but none of the worked :( | 02:24 |
FunnyLookinHat | ubuntu, the reason you can't merge them is because you are currently working off that partition I bet. | 02:24 |
ubuntu | im on a live CD | 02:24 |
FunnyLookinHat | ubuntu, hmm | 02:24 |
=== cc_ [n=cc@219-90-155-60.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Beverage | Hello folks, I was wondering if there were any people in the channel who have a decent amount of php access i can ask a structuring question | 02:25 |
ubuntu | it does say "active" though | 02:25 |
ardchoille | n2diy, The usual way to install Sunbird is to dl the package from mozilla and unpack it.. that's what I did. Then you use the path where you unpacked it to add to the command in the menus | 02:25 |
FunnyLookinHat | ubuntu, did you try selecting the partition you want to make bigger? see if any options show then? | 02:25 |
variant | ubuntu: make a partition in the 70g area, transfer the files from the 10g one to the new 70g one then delete the 10g one and expand the 70g one to take up that 10g space | 02:25 |
variant | Beverage: /join #php | 02:25 |
mzuverink | What do I need to install to get amarok to play flac files? | 02:25 |
FunnyLookinHat | ubuntu, or try variant's option. | 02:25 |
michaeljsmalley | Hi all. I'm a bit of a noob here, how do I write a shell script.... Actually, more accurately, how do I take a shell script I find online, and create a runnable script on my computer from it. I already copied it into gedit, and tried to save it to my desktop, but... No good. ANY SUGGESTIONS? | 02:25 |
Beverage | variant: thanks thats what i was lookin' for | 02:25 |
=== dagrump [n=dagrump@216-145-140-199.dsl.dynamic.casstel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu | FunnyLookinHat: it says thats active, could that be stopping me? | 02:25 |
=== deg0nz [n=drg0nzo@pD9535D5E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FunnyLookinHat | ubuntu, yea... that's weird. Unmount the partition if you can | 02:26 |
ubuntu | variant: i cant do that, thats the same thing im trying to do but backwards | 02:26 |
imbecile | anyone know where i can get freenx? ive tried several things from the web but none of the worked :( | 02:26 |
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FunnyLookinHat | michaeljsmalley, well, it should be working.... did you try running it as ./script_name and did you chmod +x the file as well to make it executable? | 02:26 |
variant | michaeljsmalley: save it as a text file and make it executable with "chmod +x /path/to/file" then run it with "sh /path/to/file" | 02:26 |
=== DEinspanjer [n=chatzill@c-24-218-92-153.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FunnyLookinHat | ubuntu, do you know how to mount/unmount via console? | 02:26 |
ubuntu | FunnyLookinHat: its not set as active and i still cant resize | 02:26 |
michaeljsmalley | Will try those things guys... Thanks | 02:27 |
variant | FunnyLookinHat: type umount /path/to/mountpoint | 02:27 |
variant | FunnyLookinHat: as root (with sudo) | 02:27 |
=== cypherdelic [n=cypherde@port-87-234-140-212.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n2diy | ardchoille: Ok, there are Sunbird files in my home directory, and in /sunbird, so my guess is the path is /sunbird? | 02:27 |
FunnyLookinHat | variant, lol I know how, I'm asking ubuntu if he knows how ot | 02:27 |
variant | FunnyLookinHat: or sudo umount /dev/devicehere | 02:27 |
variant | ok, sorry | 02:27 |
FunnyLookinHat | :D | 02:27 |
Moxxon | Weird | 02:27 |
ardchoille | michaeljsmalley, If you want to learn how to write scripts, have a look at this: http://www.cyberciti.biz/nixcraft/linux/docs/uniqlinuxfeatures/lsst/ | 02:27 |
FunnyLookinHat | no worries dude, you're trying to help : ) | 02:27 |
Moxxon | my internet is much faster on linux :/ | 02:27 |
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ardchoille | n2diy, How did you run it from cli? | 02:28 |
FunnyLookinHat | ubuntu, did you try umount /dev/hd0 or whatever the device is? | 02:28 |
variant | Moxxon: that is unlikly, unless you have a virus sucking up bandwidth on windows | 02:28 |
=== ubuntt [n=opera@cpc3-stkn1-0-0-cust479.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Moxxon | Prolly from all my security software variant | 02:28 |
Moxxon | On windows | 02:28 |
ubuntu | FunnyLookinHat: umount: /dev/hda1: not mounted | 02:28 |
FunnyLookinHat | Moxxon, linux is just better : ) | 02:28 |
Moxxon | heh | 02:28 |
=== cypherdelic [n=cypherde@port-87-234-140-212.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FunnyLookinHat | ubuntu, type df -h | 02:28 |
ubuntt | can any one help me "beryl-xgl: No composite extension" | 02:28 |
FunnyLookinHat | ubuntu, tell me what devices it lists | 02:28 |
ubuntt | please | 02:29 |
khaije1 | anyone here using a firefox proxy plugin? | 02:29 |
variant | ubuntt: /join #ubuntu-xgl | 02:29 |
ardchoille | n2diy, To run it from command line, did you cd to a path and then run it using a filename? | 02:29 |
FunnyLookinHat | ubuntt, try asking in #ubuntu-effects | 02:29 |
jonw_ | khaije1: whats a proxy plugin ? | 02:29 |
FunnyLookinHat | variant, they removed that channel | 02:29 |
=== cables [n=cables@65-78-17-184.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | FunnyLookinHat: ah, it's about time | 02:29 |
juano__ | !intel | 02:29 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:29 |
FunnyLookinHat | variant, i know right? haha | 02:29 |
juano__ | !ati | 02:29 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:29 |
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grndslm | why is my processor's MHz rating comin' up short when i cat /proc/cpuinfo? i know it is much faster than what it displays! | 02:29 |
khaije1 | jonw_: an add-on for firefox that adds extra proxy abilities | 02:29 |
=== user__ [n=user@000-006-024.area3.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu | FunnyLookinHat: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4362/ | 02:30 |
cables | Is Gaim Beta 6 ever going to be backported to Edgy? | 02:30 |
jonw_ | khaije1: 'extra' ? | 02:30 |
transgress | okay when i try to run compiz i get the error compiz.real: Another compositie manager is already running on screen: 0 compiz.real: no manageable screens found on display :0.0 | 02:30 |
FunnyLookinHat | grndslm, your cpu may be scaling down because it's in low-use or powersave mode....?? | 02:30 |
variant | grndslm: probably it is doing speedstepping (reducing the Mh/z depending on current load) | 02:30 |
FunnyLookinHat | ubuntu, checking ur paste, one sec | 02:30 |
transgress | anyone have a clue as to why --replace didn't work? | 02:30 |
ubuntu | ok | 02:30 |
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n2diy | ardchoille: ok, it runs with /sunbird/sunbird | 02:30 |
khaije1 | jonw_: in my case i'm looking for the ability to switch between several different proxy profiles, and control what is sent to each | 02:30 |
FunnyLookinHat | ubuntu, ok weird. Try restarting gparted, and then try to resize the partition again. It _should_ work. I've never seen it not work. | 02:31 |
ardchoille | n2diy, So the command ine the menus needs to be /home/USERNAME/sunbird/sunbird ? | 02:31 |
=== FringeJacket [n=katie@m085e36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FunnyLookinHat | ubuntu, what type of filesystem is it? | 02:31 |
=== Dragons [n=Dragons@adsl-146-63-131.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu | etc3 | 02:31 |
khaije1 | jonw_: for example dns requests usually aren't sent through the configured proxy iirc | 02:31 |
DEinspanjer | I'm trying to mount my second HD which has my windows NTFS partition. Following the instructions on the wiki, I can successfully mount it, but the permissions of the directory to which I am mounting it change from the 777 to which the wiki told me to chmod it into 500 permission mask. Does this sound normal? | 02:31 |
ubuntu | ext3* | 02:31 |
FunnyLookinHat | ubuntu, yea then it's definitely supported. try to restart gparted | 02:31 |
n2diy | ardchoille: roger that, tnxs | 02:31 |
ardchoille | n2diy, You're welcome :) | 02:31 |
=== ssweeny [n=scott@c-24-131-16-5.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FringeJacket | anyone know how to adjust the temp a laptop fan kicks in at? | 02:31 |
variant | DEinspanjer: do not use 777, besides ntfs does not support permissions at all | 02:31 |
grndslm | it's gotta pretty heavy load...but according to ubuntu, my 2000+xp processor is slower than my 1600+xp | 02:31 |
jonw_ | khaije1: fair enough no ... havnt seen any ... was just thinking you maybe able to use a proxy.pac to configure things for you | 02:32 |
ubuntu | funnylookinhat: still cant | 02:32 |
transgress | okay when i try to run compiz i get the error compiz.real: Another compositie manager is already running on screen: 0 compiz.real: no manageable screens found on display :0.0 | 02:32 |
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DEinspanjer | variant: The wiki suggested that I sudo mkdir /media/NTFS then chmod 777 it. | 02:32 |
FunnyLookinHat | ubuntu, dang i wish I could VNC into your system to mess with it... heh | 02:32 |
=== rbil [n=rbil@S0106000f6629f355.cc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khaije1 | jonw_: it's all good, i know there are many out there, i was just hoping to not have to research / experiment with them all :-) | 02:32 |
superdave888 | how do you get a list of daemons running and start & stop them? | 02:33 |
DEinspanjer | variant: If that part of the wiki is wrong, that's fine, but is there a way I can make the RO mount visible to my normal user instead of just root? | 02:33 |
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FunnyLookinHat | DEinspanjer, don't bother setting permissions on it unless you are using the ntfs-3g driver to write to it. | 02:33 |
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lgc | nalioth, you there? | 02:34 |
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superdave888 | !daemon | 02:34 |
ubotu | daemon: turns other processes into daemons. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.3-1 (edgy), package size 97 kB, installed size 300 kB | 02:34 |
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Myk0 | problem: using powerbook g4, 1.33ghz... PPC architecture... tried the following, 6.10 desktop ppc, 6.10 alternate , 6.06 dapper, all lead to one issue. Reboot the comp and it seems to be loading the disk then freezes to a white screen. Reset the nvram, Reset the PRAM, any ideas at all cant seem to figure this one out????? | 02:34 |
=== HentaiSushi [n=asdf@ip70-160-222-160.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DEinspanjer | FunnyLookinHat: RO is fine for me, I would just like to be able to access the mount with the normal user instead of having to sudo everything.. | 02:34 |
rbil | superdave888: ps ax | 02:34 |
ardchoille | !sysv-rc-conf | superdave888 | 02:34 |
ubotu | superdave888: sysv-rc-conf: SysV init runlevel configuration tool for the terminal. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99-5 (edgy), package size 23 kB, installed size 104 kB | 02:34 |
DEinspanjer | FunnyLookinHat: Is that possible? | 02:34 |
=== shatrat [n=shatrat@74-137-219-146.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n2diy | ardchoille: can you display your sunbird todo list in its own window? | 02:34 |
nalioth | lgc: howdy | 02:34 |
Myk0 | ^ need help plz | 02:34 |
=== warty [n=warty@cpc1-alde1-0-0-cust689.glfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ardchoille | n2diy, I didn't know you could do that. | 02:35 |
lgc | nalioth, long time no see! How's the weather in Houston? | 02:35 |
FunnyLookinHat | DEinspanjer, yea, add it to your fstab list to be mounted, and do a chmod 333 /path/to/dir | 02:35 |
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ardchoille | n2diy, No, it seems I can't | 02:35 |
nalioth | lgc: come to #ubuntu-offtopic please | 02:35 |
FunnyLookinHat | Myk0, just ask your question and if someone can answer it we will : ) | 02:35 |
n2diy | ardchoille: I don't know if you can or not? that is the only thing it lacks vs korganizer. | 02:35 |
superdave888 | rbil: thanks | 02:35 |
DEinspanjer | FunnyLookinHat: when you say /path/to/dir, do you mean /media or /media/NTFS? | 02:35 |
superdave888 | ardchoille: thanks | 02:35 |
DEinspanjer | Just to make sure | 02:35 |
ardchoille | n2diy, Ah, yeah, true | 02:35 |
Myk0 | funnylookinghat: thanks been posting on the forums and here for a while no luck ! | 02:35 |
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ardchoille | superdave888, You're welcome :) | 02:36 |
FunnyLookinHat | DEinspanjer, well what are you setting as the mount point for the drive? | 02:36 |
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ardchoille | n2diy, Well, kontact is much more robust anyway | 02:36 |
DEinspanjer | FunnyLookinHat: sudo mount /dev/hdc2 /media/NTFS | 02:36 |
FunnyLookinHat | Myk0, well hopefully one of us can fix your issue : ) | 02:36 |
=== heatman [n=kvirc@mctnnbsa24w-142167046218.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FunnyLookinHat | DEinspanjer, then do chmod 333 /media/NTFS | 02:36 |
CompEngRH | chmod 333 /media/NTFS | 02:36 |
Myk0 | funnylookinghat, any experience with ppc macs? | 02:36 |
warty | Hi how do i install to HDD ? | 02:37 |
FunnyLookinHat | Myk0, unfortunately no. Was your question the one up there about you getting the blank screen? | 02:37 |
=== xao1 [n=ray@71-14-74-179.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FunnyLookinHat | !ppc | 02:37 |
ubotu | ppc is PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers, and now a fully supported Ubuntu architecture. | 02:37 |
ubuntu | !fstab | 02:37 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 02:37 |
Myk0 | funnylookinghat: yes | 02:37 |
n2diy | ardchoille: I'll have to look into that. But I need to set up another calendar program like I need a hole in my head. | 02:37 |
=== At0mic_PC [n=arch_ato@host-216-76-226-30.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ardchoille | n2diy, hehe | 02:37 |
=== CSonicGo [n=caf@24-196-2-149.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Myk0 | however no one seems to have any idea on how to fix it, i swear im stumpted. | 02:37 |
ardchoille | n2diy, Do you use Thunderbird? | 02:37 |
FunnyLookinHat | Myk0, hmm. And you are using the PPC CD, right?? | 02:37 |
DEinspanjer | FunnyLookinHat: I do that and then verify it by ls -ld /media/NTFS. It is 333. When I sudo mount though, the permissions change to 500. | 02:37 |
xao1 | !initramfs | 02:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about initramfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:37 |
Myk0 | funnylookinghat: yes | 02:38 |
xao1 | where can i find the initramfs source files? | 02:38 |
FunnyLookinHat | DEinspanjer, the best way to mount the device would be by adding a line to your FSTAB file (should be in the wiki pages somehwere) because you can tell it what permissions to mount as | 02:38 |
Myk0 | right before it boots up , seems to freeze up into a white screen, i have a feeling its somehow hardware related not software | 02:38 |
kingace | hello all | 02:38 |
kingace | Depends: libc6 (>=2.4-1) but 2.3.6-0ubuntu20.4 is to be installed | 02:38 |
kingace | Depends: libglib2.0-0 (>=2.12.0) but 2.10.3-0ubuntu1 is to be | 02:38 |
kingace | i get that error ^ | 02:38 |
DEinspanjer | FunnyLookinHat: Okay, so my problem is that I'm manually mounting it. | 02:38 |
kingace | but those two apps are currently latest version | 02:38 |
n2diy | ardchoille: yes I do. | 02:38 |
DEinspanjer | FunnyLookinHat: Let me go try adding an fstab entry for it. | 02:39 |
FunnyLookinHat | Myk0, That's very weird. And it does it with the alternate install CD and the live cd, right? If so, I'm afraid it is a hardware issue. | 02:39 |
warty | ok thanx have 2 parts ntfs | 02:39 |
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FunnyLookinHat | DEinspanjer, sounds good. | 02:39 |
=== cypherdelic [n=cypherde@port-87-234-140-212.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Myk0 | funnylookinghat: i used the 6.10 desktop ppc, alternate cd and 6.06 dapper | 02:39 |
At0mic_PC | What's the new BMP? | 02:39 |
Myk0 | and still no luck | 02:39 |
=== pedrocr [n=pedrocr@87-196-53-109.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ardchoille | n2diy, There is an extension for Thunderbird that is almost the same thing as Sunbird, but it allows calendaring in Thunderbird. I used it for a while. Just FYI. | 02:39 |
=== Jakob [n=isaac@71-221-163-238.bois.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jonw_ | Myk0: sorry to be unhelpful, but my mac did that for a while ... cant remember why, sorry | 02:40 |
heatman | is gnome the default Xserver of Ubuntu? | 02:40 |
FunnyLookinHat | Myk0, yea, then it's definitely a hardware issue. I have never tested the PPC stuff but I know it's officially supported so I'm sure it should be working. | 02:40 |
At0mic_PC | heatman: Yes. | 02:40 |
=== Blues [n=brian@pool-151-204-5-90.pskn.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jakob | can anyone help me with Xorg | 02:40 |
jrib | heatman: it's the default desktop environment | 02:40 |
FunnyLookinHat | heatman, it's the default window manager, eys | 02:40 |
ardchoille | kingace, Are you on Dapper? Edgy? | 02:40 |
FunnyLookinHat | err, desktop environment | 02:40 |
Myk0 | jonw_ damn that could really help! | 02:40 |
n2diy | ardchoille: Does have a todo list? | 02:40 |
heatman | jrib: that what i meant | 02:40 |
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pedrocr | I need to do some traffic shapping so that a big upload doesn't make my server unresponsive. Common stuff like HTB.init seems very old. Is there anything recent? | 02:40 |
Jakob | i've run Xorg -configure and everything and when i try to startx i get no devices found | 02:40 |
kingace | ardchoille: technically im on dapper, but all my software i up-to-date | 02:40 |
FunnyLookinHat | heatman, you can also install KDE or use KDE right off install with a kubuntu installation | 02:40 |
ardchoille | n2diy, Oh, no, I don't think it does. | 02:40 |
kingace | *is | 02:40 |
ardchoille | kingace, And are you trying to install something from Edgy repos or a debian .deb package? | 02:41 |
quannum | Hi, I have a problem with avahi on edgy whereby I can't start the avahi daemon using $/etc/init.d/avahi-daemon start, yet I can start it using $avahi-daemon. Any ideas where to start debugging? I get no output from running the startup script. | 02:41 |
Jakob | /var/log/Xorg.0.log gets to II primary device is pci 00:02:0 \n EE no devices found | 02:41 |
warty | perhaps boot floppy ? | 02:41 |
Gigs | anyone know how to get spellcheck working in xchat in ubuntu? It worked in debian unstable. The option is in preferences and is checked, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. | 02:41 |
=== shatrat_ [n=shatrat@74-137-219-146.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingace | ardchoille: edgy/dapper repos | 02:41 |
n2diy | ardchoille: Ok, thanks for the FYI. | 02:41 |
jonw_ | Myk0: kinda looks like you screen gets zapped with a ray gun on boot ;) | 02:41 |
imbecile | anyone know where i can get freenx? ive tried several things from the web but none of the worked :( | 02:41 |
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ardchoille | kingace, So you're mixing repos? That's not a good idea IMHO | 02:41 |
=== armadill0 [n=nan0@150-130-223-66.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
heatman | does Ubuntu 6.10 comes with any version of ndiswrapper? Sry if i ask alot of questions but this is the first time I install this Distro | 02:41 |
kingace | ardchoille: ight, lemme fix that | 02:41 |
Myk0 | jonw_ thats exactly it, i have no idea why , and no answeres on google or the forums | 02:41 |
sivik | why is flash being stupid today | 02:42 |
warty | i go to mnt no rw | 02:42 |
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kitche | heatman: have to install it | 02:42 |
=== wis [n=wis@200-148-80-218.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ardchoille | kingace, Kinda looks like you're having a conflict due to mixing versions. | 02:42 |
imanoob | pbureau, you here? | 02:42 |
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shatrat | heatman, its in the repositories i believe, easy to install | 02:42 |
armadill0 | hey, I'm in kde using quanta and the menu bar that has "File, Edit, so on" has disappeared. How do I get that to show up again? Thanks! | 02:42 |
n2diy | ardchoille: How do I create the menu entry for sunbird, with the alacarte menu editor? | 02:42 |
heatman | hehe not when u dont have access to the internet! im on other pc using Suse ;) | 02:43 |
Myk0 | can anyone help with LIVECD problems on a PPC install? | 02:43 |
kingace | ardchoille: mixing versions of what? libc6? or dapper vs. edgy? | 02:43 |
ardchoille | n2diy, You use: /exact/path/to/sunbird/sunbird | 02:43 |
jonw_ | Myk0: sorry cant help ... but suggest dont give up on the hardware yet ;) I wonder if thats why mine is running suse now, lol | 02:43 |
=== FringeJacket [n=katie@m085e36d0.tmodns.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
ardchoille | kingace, Mixing dapper/edgy stuff will cause a mixing of app versions and is not recommended. | 02:43 |
musya | how can i view .chm file? | 02:43 |
kingace | ardchoille: ok, im gonna fix real quick, and then we'll see if it works, and i'll be back | 02:44 |
chavo | armadill0, hit Ctrl-M | 02:44 |
kingace | ardchoille: thanks so far | 02:44 |
jrib | musya: xchm, gnochm | 02:44 |
n2diy | ardchoille: yes, with the alacarte menu editor correct? | 02:44 |
Myk0 | jonw_ im looking into other distros of linux now because of this issue, been dealing with this for 3 days already | 02:44 |
Flannel | musya: theres a few. xchm is one of them. if you search for "chm" you'll get a bunch | 02:44 |
ardchoille | kingace, Which is the reason for the conflict you posted ;) | 02:44 |
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armadill0 | chavo: thanks man, that does it :) | 02:44 |
ardchoille | n2diy, Yes | 02:44 |
chavo | np | 02:44 |
warty | maybe i run demolinux that had install options | 02:44 |
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sivik | i am so going to shoot flash | 02:45 |
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snipes | exit | 02:45 |
ardchoille | n2diy, Also, there is a .xpm file you can use as the icon. I believe it's in the /sunbird/default/icon or something | 02:46 |
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kingace | ardchoille: ok, when i switched everything to edgy, dist-upgrade gives me about 1500 mb worth of packages to upgrade.. this normal? | 02:46 |
ronnyml | hiy guys i need some help, i got a problem i cannot update and install with apt, i got this: E: Problem with MergeList.. E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened, i found in google that the problem is with cache and i edit the /etc/apt/apt.conf and set APT::Cache-Limit "10000000"; but it does not work | 02:46 |
|Jason8| | Hey guys, what are some multi-protocol IM clients for linux other than Gaim? | 02:46 |
ardchoille | kingace, If you're upgrading from Dapper to Edgy, I believe that would be normal as all of your stuff needs to be upgraded to the versions used in Edgy. | 02:46 |
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kingace | ardchoille: i guess ill just upgrade then.. wish me luck | 02:47 |
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kitche | |Jason8|: kde has a program like that think it's Kconv or soemthing like that | 02:47 |
ardchoille | kingace, Good luck! | 02:47 |
n2diy | ardchoille: ok, I don't run stuff from the desktop, so I don't need an icon, unless I want to drag it to my tool bar. anyway, here goes for my first attempt at using Alacarte. | 02:47 |
kingace | thansk | 02:47 |
Vuen_ | kitche, |Jason8|: it's called kopete, and it's not very exciting | 02:47 |
ardchoille | n2diy, :) | 02:47 |
At0mic_PC | |Jason8|: Doesn't gnome-icu do it? | 02:48 |
At0mic_PC | It may not, I'm not totally sure. | 02:48 |
jonw_ | !beryl | 02:48 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 02:48 |
ronnyml | Jason8l kopete is a really nice program | 02:48 |
n2diy | ardchoille: No joy, let me fiddle a bit. | 02:48 |
ardchoille | n2diy, Yeah, I do't use alacarte, I use the openbox desktop menu provided by openbox in gnome | 02:48 |
=== Hoosteen [n=justin@cpe-075-176-161-236.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
warty | fstab file system tab ? | 02:48 |
DEinspanjer | FunnyLookinHat: Do you see something obviously wrong with this fstab entry? "/dev/hdc2 /media/NTFS ntfs user,noauto,umask=555 0 0"? After saving that, when I mount /dev/hdc2, the mount point has 000 umask instead of 555... | 02:48 |
Vuen_ | warty: table | 02:48 |
Myk0 | damnit i give up on PPC | 02:48 |
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ardchoille | n2diy, What is the exact full path to the sunbird file you ran in command line? | 02:49 |
|Jason8| | Will kopete work in GNOME? | 02:49 |
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cafuego_ | |Jason8|: of course | 02:49 |
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|Jason8| | kk, thx | 02:49 |
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FunnyLookinHat | DEinspanjer, at first glance it looks fine, but I've always had to google to find out how to setup an FSTAB entry | 02:49 |
Vuen_ | DEinspanjer: mask is xor. 555 means NOT read and NOT execute | 02:49 |
eidolon | hi folks - i'm running 'edgy eft' - just installed - all apt-got up to date. i'm having a lot of programs triggering the 'stack smashing detected' problem. like 'sysinfo' (which was in apt's universe). is this really a problem with sysinfo or a problem in how ubuntu is configured? | 02:49 |
imbecile | anyone know where i can get freenx? ive tried several things from the web but none of the worked :( | 02:49 |
Vuen_ | DEinspanjer: if you want the files to be read-only, set the mask to 0222 | 02:49 |
DEinspanjer | Vuen_: DOH! okay, thanks. | 02:50 |
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Vuen_ | imbecile: sudo apt-get install nxclient nxserver | 02:50 |
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FunnyLookinHat | Thanks Vuen_ im a poor sort with FSTABs | 02:50 |
syntaxx | anyone know what to read on locking sudoers account after 3 invalid logins? | 02:50 |
Vuen_ | DEinspanjer: note it's 0222, not 222 | 02:50 |
HP_Vue | Has anyone here been able to beat the computer in 4-in-a-row? | 02:50 |
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Vuen_ | syntaxx: not sure if that's possible. it shouldn't be necessary, since sudo sleeps when a login is invalid, so it can't really be brute-forced | 02:51 |
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n2diy | ardchoille: I tried /home/me/sunbird/sunbird, and it errored on child processes, so I tried /sunbird/sunbird, and all is well. :) | 02:51 |
cfusting | .. | 02:51 |
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DEinspanjer | FunnyLookinHat, Vuen_: Thanks very much that got me up and running. | 02:52 |
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=== FunnyLookinHat cheers | ||
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DEinspanjer | Vuen_: Thanks again for that clutch bit of luser slapping. :) | 02:53 |
Vuen | heh. don't worry about it | 02:53 |
Vuen | i had to learn that the hard way >.< | 02:53 |
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cfusting | HI. Rhythmbox music player fails to play mp3/4 despite installation of gstreamer plugins. Has anyone had this issue? | 02:54 |
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imbecile | Vuen, no luck | 02:54 |
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Vuen | imbecile: okay, well i know one thing for sure will work, hold on | 02:54 |
ardchoille | n2diy, Ah, ok, glad you got it working | 02:54 |
imbecile | Vuen, awesome thanks | 02:54 |
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Vuen | imbecile: have you got ssh working on the server machine? | 02:55 |
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FunnyLookinHat | cfusting, did you instal the restricted format libraries? | 02:55 |
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imbecile | vuen i havent set it up yet | 02:55 |
FunnyLookinHat | !restricted | cfusting | 02:55 |
ubotu | cfusting: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:55 |
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Vuen | imbecile: oh. well that's definitely why | 02:55 |
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Vuen | imbecile: you need ssh. | 02:56 |
youser | hey is there a way to share a network on 2 ubuntu computers using dhcp ip's? | 02:56 |
cfusting | FunnyLookinHat: I'll look into that thanks | 02:56 |
newbie41 | help please edgy is up and running penggy dials aol everything works then "could not rename etc/resolv.conf. no such file or directory" should i make one? | 02:56 |
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imbecile | i have ssh i just havent messed with it yet | 02:56 |
youser | we both have internet connection but no connection to each others computers | 02:56 |
Vuen | imbecile: all nx communication goes through ssh. if you don't have ssh installed, nx can't do anything | 02:56 |
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FunnyLookinHat | cfusting, I also STRONGLY suggest using something like amarok or banshee, so much better for music libraries : ) | 02:56 |
Vuen | imbecile: are you sure you can log in? have you checked all your firewall settings? | 02:56 |
icebird | when ever i visit youtube it says i need to enable javascript or install flash player which i have done both and it still says the same thing | 02:56 |
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Vuen | imbecile: best way to test is torify ssh | 02:56 |
Myk0 | problem: cannot install or get livecd booting on powerbook g4, using 6.10 desktop,alternate and 6.06 desktop . i get a white screen and freeze up | 02:57 |
n2diy | ardchoille: Thanks, it was fun, and now I'm thinking of how useful Alacarte will be if I setup a box in the wild, the only trouble is, the regular user has access to alacarte, so they can see what I've hidden from them. So, now I have to figure out how to deny user access to it. | 02:57 |
michaeljsmalley | icebird, download Automatix | 02:57 |
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cfusting | FunnyLookinHat: mmk, I'll give em all a shot ;) | 02:57 |
imbecile | Vuen, i havent done anything because i havent d/led freenx yet | 02:57 |
Vuen | n2diy: could just hop into /usr/bin and chmod it 000 | 02:57 |
icebird | ok | 02:57 |
adamonline45 | How would I open a rar file? | 02:57 |
bruenig | adamonline45, unrar e whatever.rar | 02:57 |
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youser | samba talks mostly about windows seems useless for 2 linux comps, nfs wants static ip's | 02:57 |
adamonline45 | thank you | 02:57 |
n2diy | Vuen: That is an _interesting_ idea. | 02:58 |
youser | ssh i cnt even get to work | 02:58 |
warty | flash & java r scripted "live" | 02:58 |
ardchoille | n2diy, There are apps that can lock things down, hold on and I'll try to find it... | 02:58 |
Vuen | imbecile: first off, if you apt-get installed nxserver, then you've installed nx. second, installing ssh is something you should do BEFORE installing nx | 02:58 |
youser | there has to be an eay way to networ 2 ubuntu computers | 02:58 |
Vuen | imbecile: and third, freenx != nx. read this: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#Remote_Desktop_Access_via_NX | 02:58 |
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adamonline45 | bruenig: Do I need to install something to do that? | 02:59 |
Vuen | n2diy: yes, but more important is to chmod -x those files that actually store the alacart data. | 02:59 |
|aSa| | Does anybody know if there is a way to use the build in search in aptitude to find exact match of package name name? (i know how to work with command line and GUI tools, the question is about aptitude) | 02:59 |
Vuen | n2diy: it doesn't matter if they can run alacarte if their alacarte session can't read the hidden info | 02:59 |
n2diy | Vuen: I actually did that once when I was learning basic cgi/perl scripting, I wonder how the sysops undid that? | 02:59 |
ardchoille | n2diy, You might look into sabayon and pessulus.. lockdown and admin stuff for gnome desktop users. | 02:59 |
bruenig | adamonline45, sudo apt-get install unrar | 02:59 |
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adamonline45 | bruenig: easy enough :) Thanks again | 02:59 |
=== Drekar [n=strongma@cpe-72-190-55-191.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
youser | anyone? linux to linux sharing? | 03:00 |
ardchoille | !automatix | michaeljsmalley | 03:00 |
ubotu | michaeljsmalley: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 03:00 |
imbecile | vuen i have open-ssh-server already | 03:00 |
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Moxxon | Hey, im running wow through wine and its a garbled mess and itheres artifacts but it does run. Anyone know a fix? | 03:00 |
ardchoille | michaeljsmalley, Please don't recommend automatix | 03:00 |
n2diy | ardchoille: Thanks, I have been looking at Pessulus, but haven't had a chance to play with it yet. | 03:00 |
Drekar | Hey... anyone know any good freewar OS pickers on boot? | 03:00 |
michaeljsmalley | I'm pretty sure that you can go to the web site for Automatix2 and get the commands that go in the terminal right there... Great little app | 03:00 |
newbie41 | help dial up problems | 03:00 |
bruenig | ha | 03:00 |
mrwillob1 | I have a GRUB with SATA and USB issue, I wrote it all out here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=353972 can anyone help? | 03:00 |
Moxxon | Hey, im running wow through wine and its a garbled mess and itheres artifacts but it does run. Anyone know a fix? | 03:00 |
youser | arrrrgh networkkk | 03:01 |
rbil | youser: nfs? | 03:01 |
bruenig | !wow | Moxxon | 03:01 |
ubotu | Moxxon: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org | 03:01 |
youser | yeah yeah but i use dhcp | 03:01 |
n2diy | newbie41: what's the problem? | 03:01 |
youser | i couldnt figure out nfs with dhcp | 03:01 |
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Drekar | anyone know any good OS pickers on boot? | 03:01 |
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siikah | grub. | 03:02 |
|Jason8| | Drekar, Ubuntu comes with GRUB | 03:02 |
rbil | youser: I prefer static ip addresses locally if I'm going to be sharing | 03:02 |
CompEngRH | grub | 03:02 |
n2diy | newbie41: what's the problem? | 03:02 |
siikah | lilo | 03:02 |
=== sycho [n=sycho@pool-72-70-128-212.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DEinspanjer | Do most people working with laptop wireless cards have to use this ndiswrapper thing? | 03:02 |
Drekar | right... having trouble getting it to work (I'm clueless) | 03:02 |
siikah | what happens (or not) | 03:02 |
GigaClon_ | mine is dealt with directly but they have a great wiki | 03:02 |
sycho | can anyone tell me where I can find a list of all recorded bugs for feisty fawn herd 3? | 03:03 |
GigaClon_ | !ndiswrapper | 03:03 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 03:03 |
newbie41 | n2diy i just got edgy installed and penggy going everything works then it says "could not rename etc/resolv.config no such file " should i make one? | 03:03 |
Flannel | sycho: #ubuntu+1 for feisty, launchpad has bugs though. | 03:03 |
youser | i dont know how to set static ip addresses on the router cuz our provider uses dhcp | 03:03 |
icebird | how do i download automatix with the command line | 03:03 |
Flannel | icebird: you don't. Automatix is the best way to break your system. | 03:03 |
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youser | would thestatic ip addresses be and so on? | 03:03 |
n2diy | newbie41: what is pennggy? | 03:04 |
icebird | what do you mean | 03:04 |
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Flannel | icebird: automatix breaks systems. So don't install it. | 03:04 |
sycho | thanks | 03:04 |
newbie41 | dont laugh its an aol dialer | 03:04 |
warty | next question CYBIKO to ubunto com port ? | 03:04 |
bruenig | !automatix | icebird | 03:04 |
ubotu | icebird: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 03:04 |
rbil | youser: anywhere between .1 and .255 | 03:04 |
Nergar | HELP! please! | 03:04 |
bruenig | Nergar, vague | 03:04 |
youser | ok | 03:04 |
youser | cuz we can portscan each other | 03:04 |
rbil | youser: u just want to make sure that what you use isn't already being assigned by say a NAT router | 03:04 |
youser | but 192...... is static ip addresses? | 03:04 |
Nergar | i uninstalled opera and now my web browser is the shell!!! | 03:04 |
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Flannel | youser: dynamic IPs start at 100 (usually), so it's safe to go lower than that (but you probably want above at least 3) | 03:05 |
bruenig | Nergar, what do you want it to be, firefox? | 03:05 |
Music_Shuffle | Nergar, one more time..? | 03:05 |
newbie41 | n2diy penggy is an aol dialer | 03:05 |
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Nergar | FF | 03:05 |
simon^templar | how do i un-install hylafax-server package? | 03:05 |
bruenig | Nergar, sudo update-alternatives --set x-www-browser /usr/bin/firefox | 03:05 |
youser | whats the number for dns servers mean then? | 03:05 |
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rbil | youser: let your router's dhcp assign say between .1 and .100 and use say .200, .201, etc for static ip boxes | 03:05 |
icebird | If i have already installed java and flash what can be done to view youtube videos. | 03:06 |
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wist_ | hi guys... i dont know if it's the right thing to do or the right place to ask but....... After installing Edubuntu to my HD, while running from the HD, it just freezes the whole computer, everytime the Updates notification pops up | 03:06 |
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n2diy | newbie41: why are you using an AOL dialer, is that your ISP? | 03:06 |
bruenig | icebird, all you need is flash to view youtube videos, are you sure you have that installed? | 03:06 |
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icebird | yes | 03:06 |
bruenig | icebird, and how do you know | 03:06 |
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wist_ | Hardware: PIII 500 MhZ 456 MB RAM , 40 GB HD | 03:06 |
icebird | i followed the instructions on the flash website | 03:06 |
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White_Lightning | hey | 03:06 |
bruenig | icebird, open firefox and put "about:plugins" in the address bar | 03:07 |
icebird | ok | 03:07 |
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White_Lightning | anyone know the best mirror for the full download of edgy? | 03:07 |
Nergar | bruenig; thanx a lot, why it happened??? | 03:07 |
bruenig | White_Lightning, bittorrent | 03:07 |
kitche | White_Lightning: depends where you live and such | 03:07 |
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=== Onburiiku [n=ubuntu@adsl-145-108-200.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
kitche | White_Lightning: but bittorrent is good | 03:07 |
White_Lightning | bittorrent won't work here | 03:07 |
bruenig | Nergar, opera changes it for whatever reason. And then when you uninstall it, it defaults back to the text browser for some reason. | 03:07 |
Onburiiku | I've got a problem | 03:07 |
White_Lightning | I'll try a different mirror | 03:07 |
White_Lightning | later guys | 03:07 |
heatman | is there a reason why my wireless connection is called etho instead of wlan0 and, why cant i get the option of passphrase in the password type while setting my ethernet card? | 03:07 |
rbil | White_Lightning: found the ca mirrors not too slow | 03:08 |
Nergar | thanx bruenig!! | 03:08 |
n2diy | How do you deal with helping someone is multi-tasking, I ask a question that has a simple yes or no answer, and it takes five minutes to get it!? | 03:08 |
=== doubleA [n=aaron@pool-151-199-26-54.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
icebird | it shows that shockwave flash and the flash plugin are both installed | 03:08 |
bruenig | icebird, then youtube should work | 03:08 |
n2diy | *who is | 03:08 |
Nergar | so now i can install opera and then type sudo update-alternatives --set x-www-browser /usr/bin/firefox to make FF my default web browser?? | 03:08 |
bruenig | Nergar, yes | 03:08 |
warty | hp48g worked ok on xp/win98 /cybiko 512kb CYOS isall menus & games | 03:08 |
icebird | i have restarted firefox and also restarted my computer but it still won't play the videos | 03:09 |
Nergar | thanx a lot bruenig | 03:09 |
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bruenig | icebird, what version of flash does it say? | 03:09 |
Onburiiku | Last night I put Ubuntu into hibernate and went to bed. I just now turned on my computer, and after it turns on and all, it strats to boot from my external drive where ubuntu is. Well, when it does that all I get is a blank screen with a little flashing bar as if it were a command line. If I try and type anything though, it makes the system beep sound. I've tried waiting but nothing happens. WHat's wrong? D: | 03:09 |
frogzoo | n2diy: /lastlog helps | 03:09 |
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frogzoo | icebird: which ubuntu version? | 03:10 |
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doubleA | I am using Evolution with Edgy. How do I automatically import emails from Gmail when I start Evolution? | 03:10 |
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icebird | shockwave flash 9.0 and flash plugin 0.4.12 | 03:10 |
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rly | I've removed the viewports manager by accident, how do I put it back there? | 03:10 |
icebird | i have ubuntu 6.06 | 03:10 |
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warty | all the RF sigs get corrupted | 03:10 |
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Onburiiku | I'm using dapper by the way | 03:10 |
bruenig | icebird, yeah that flash plugin doesn't seem right at all | 03:10 |
icebird | i just downloaded it today | 03:11 |
rbil | doubleA: I have gmail foreward all mail to my pop address | 03:11 |
frogzoo | icebird: there's your problem I think - is edgy an option? or read the flash instructions for dapper | 03:11 |
bruenig | icebird, you should have installed it via apt | 03:11 |
icebird | ok | 03:11 |
icebird | i didn't | 03:11 |
wist_ | hi guys.. After installing Edubuntu to my HD, while running from the HD, it just freezes the whole computer, everytime the Updates notification pops up .. what can i do here ? Maybe disable updates somehow ? | 03:11 |
icebird | how would i do that | 03:11 |
bruenig | I cannot be sure what you did or what you may have screwed up trying to do it manually | 03:11 |
frogzoo | !flash | icebird | 03:11 |
ubotu | icebird: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:11 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 03:11 |
doubleA | rbil: i set evolution to pick up my gmail, but i have to click send/receive to make it work | 03:11 |
bruenig | icebird, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 03:12 |
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frogzoo | icebird: first link from ubotu | 03:12 |
Onburiiku | Last night I put Ubuntu into hibernate and went to bed. I just now turned on my computer, and after it turns on and all, it strats to boot from my external drive where ubuntu is. Well, when it does that all I get is a blank screen with a little flashing bar as if it were a command line. If I try and type anything though, it makes the system beep sound. I've tried waiting but nothing happens. WHat's wrong? D: If it helps, I'm using Dap | 03:12 |
=== lengau [n=lengau@c-68-53-53-39.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rbil | doubleA: so you can't set that account to check for mail every x minutes? | 03:12 |
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GreyGhost-Ubuntu | !mp3 | 03:12 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:12 |
doubleA | rbil: i set it for 5 minutes, but shouldnt it check on opening? | 03:12 |
frogzoo | Onburiiku: very possibly a video driver problem - edgy | 03:13 |
n2diy | doubleA: go into evolutions prefrences, and set it to check for mail every x minutes. | 03:13 |
=== killown [n=killown@201-43-45-84.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frogzoo | Onburiiku: very possibly a video driver problem - edgy's suspend works better, as do more recent vid drivers | 03:13 |
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doubleA | n2diy: do you mean literally "x"? | 03:13 |
=== EviL_GirL [n=augusta@201-14-164-155.fnsce7004.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rbil | doubleA: it does with my pop accounts. never tried to hookup directly to gmail. From the gmail side, I just have it forward all email to my pop account. | 03:13 |
=== derrivative [n=malahoe@CBL217-132-236-187.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n2diy | doubleA: no, x being how often, in minutes, you want to do the check. | 03:13 |
doubleA | rbil: i guess i am not sure what a pop account is | 03:13 |
warty | u tub is all archives stuff | 03:14 |
doubleA | n2diy, I did set it for every 5 minutes, but is still doesnt check when i open Evolution | 03:14 |
rbil | doubleA: typically an email account your ISP provides for you | 03:14 |
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Onburiiku | Frogzoo: It's been working up until now. I can't say I've tried hibernating before though. How can I fix the problem? | 03:14 |
doubleA | I was using verizon, but i am kicking them to the curb, so while i wait for a new cable account, I am just using straight gmail. | 03:15 |
doubleA | rbil, | 03:15 |
n2diy | doubleA: hmmm? I'm using Thunderbird, so I don't think I can help you further. | 03:15 |
Onburiiku | Am I gonna have to go with edgy? | 03:15 |
warty | mc / coded c/de-arched sat linked & then whizzed outer system | 03:15 |
icebird | when i used apt to get flash it says that i already have the newest version | 03:15 |
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doubleA | rbil: you are right, that when i was using verizon. there was no problem. i was wondering what would happen if i tried a strictly web based email like gmail | 03:15 |
bruenig | icebird, so you installed two versions of flash | 03:16 |
=== gre2 [n=Home@71-87-213-215.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
drx | is there great wisdom in having separate boot & system partitions? | 03:16 |
bruenig | icebird, that is probably troublesome | 03:16 |
rbil | doubleA: sorry, but I haven't tried that | 03:16 |
mon^rch | gmail is awesome ! | 03:16 |
gre2 | is there a way to run one port through another? | 03:16 |
doubleA | n2diy, : thanks for the help. How do you like Tbird and why did you use that when Evolution comes with the OS? | 03:16 |
icebird | i am not sure | 03:16 |
youser | with nfs do i need to set up a server and a client? | 03:16 |
bruenig | drx, depends on what you are doing. I have ubuntu only and so it doesn't matter, but if you are dual booting, it wouldn't be a bad idea | 03:16 |
=== derrivative AnyOne Who's in United States and has a PayPal Debit Card - can earn 40 dollars a DAY! Yes, a DAY. Apply to cityzone001@yahoo.com Thank You | ||
=== procyon_ [n=procyon@cpe-76-166-118-101.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rbil | youser: maybe this page will help you? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=249889 | 03:17 |
bruenig | !ops | derrivative | 03:17 |
ubotu | derrivative: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, or Amaranth | 03:17 |
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doubleA | rbil: so you have your gmail account forwarded to your POP account, and then evolution communicates with the Pop account cleanly? I guess I could still use my gmail account publically, right? | 03:17 |
Hobbsee | thanks bruenig | 03:17 |
icebird | how do i get rid of one version of flash and keep the other (or get rid of both and reinstall the newer one) | 03:17 |
=== G-Man is now known as yock | ||
youser | this is ridiculous too its easier to network windows to linux than linux to linux | 03:18 |
icebird | well i am not really sure | 03:18 |
Onburiiku | Frogzoo: You said it might be a video driver problem. Is there a way to fix it? | 03:18 |
icebird | if i installed two versions or not | 03:18 |
rbil | doubleA: yes, evolution works like you want with a pop account | 03:18 |
gre2 | is there a way to run one port through another? | 03:18 |
frogzoo | Onburiiku: yep, upgrade your vid driver | 03:18 |
Dregin | spkg -l to see what's installed | 03:18 |
bruenig | icebird, how did you install the one from the adobe website exactly? | 03:18 |
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Dregin | actually dpkg* | 03:18 |
Dregin | and pipe it through less | 03:18 |
frogzoo | Onburiiku: also, consider edgy if dapper won't work | 03:18 |
bruenig | icebird, where did you copy the libflashplayer.so to | 03:18 |
Dregin | so eh | 03:18 |
Onburiiku | Frogzoo: How do I do that if I can't get into ubuntu? | 03:18 |
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Dregin | dpkg -l | less | 03:18 |
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Dregin | then do apt-get remove on the one you dont want to use | 03:19 |
rbil | doubleA: another nice little program that sits on the taskbar and monitors an gmail account is CheckGmail | 03:19 |
=== mralphabet [n=user_nam@71-89-33-80.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frogzoo | Onburiiku: if ctrl alt f1 doesn't work, & you can't ssh in, and ctrl alt del doesn't work, you'll have to hit the power off | 03:19 |
bruenig | icebird, first maybe try sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree and see if that will leave just the manually installed one | 03:19 |
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heatman | is there a reason why my wireless connection is called etho instead of wlan0 and, why cant i get the option of passphrase in the password type while setting my ethernet card? | 03:19 |
doubleA | rbil; so why do you use T-bird? | 03:19 |
drx | why does gparted reporting a 40GB ext3 partition as 1GB but reports swap OK? | 03:19 |
rbil | doubleA: no | 03:19 |
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rainmakers99 | Can anyone help me with sound? the live cd works but my install doesn't | 03:20 |
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icebird | it was the tar.gz and then clicked on the install file which gave me the option to run in the terminal and i did and it installed it self | 03:20 |
warty | loads of expletives at macromedia | 03:20 |
doubleA | rbil: woops, that was n2diy | 03:20 |
gre2 | is there a way to run one port through another? | 03:20 |
doubleA | rbil; checkgmail comes from the gmail site? | 03:20 |
Dregin | tunneling | 03:20 |
rbil | doubleA: can your gmail account also work as a smtp account? | 03:20 |
bruenig | icebird, that could mean a variety of things, but do the sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree and then see if it works | 03:20 |
UntouchableMX | cool chat room | 03:20 |
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icebird | ok | 03:20 |
wasabi_ | a few days ago when i installed feisty, i noticed taht when i change the volume, an onscreen volume display the volume level that looks just like osx. after rebooting it's gone back to the normal volume indicator. how do i get it back? | 03:20 |
n2diy | doubleA: Ah. :) It works nicely with Firefox. | 03:20 |
craigbass1976 | Anyone pretty good with shell scripts in here? | 03:21 |
rbil | doubleA: sudo apt-get install checkgmail | 03:21 |
rbil | I think | 03:21 |
=== bruenig is mediocre at shell scripts | ||
warty | port on hex at boot | 03:21 |
Onburiiku | Frogzoo: Nothing I type does anything but a system beep. It doesn't really load anything, I just get a black screen with a flashing bar, after the first "DELL" screen. | 03:21 |
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n2diy | doubleA: Ah. :) It is similar to using Mozilla, but not as bloated. | 03:21 |
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scabootssca | hey is there a way to add stuff to Places>Computer like other drives adn stuff | 03:21 |
gre2 | is there a way to run one port through another? | 03:21 |
doubleA | rbil: i havent got that far with ubuntu yet. isnt that a terminal command? can i get it graphically instead? | 03:21 |
frogzoo | Onburiiku: every time you boot? | 03:21 |
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UntouchableMX | hey I have a Problem with my ubuntu, I canot change to my wireless conection need help | 03:22 |
scabootssca | like i have my windows drive mounted in /mnt/windows and would like it in computer | 03:22 |
bruenig | scabootssca, I have searched for such functionality far and wide and never found anything but responses saying that menu is set in stone | 03:22 |
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rbil | doubleA: sure, but this is much easier and faster then clicking thru Synaptic :-) | 03:22 |
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Onburiiku | When I try and boot my installed Ubuntu. I'm on my LiveCD now. | 03:22 |
Onburiiku | @Frogzoo* | 03:22 |
scabootssca | bruenig, thats too bad... oh well | 03:22 |
n2diy | scabootssca: I don't think so, but see if you can do it with apps-accessories-alacarte | 03:22 |
jonw_ | best gui manager for packages under ubuntu would be ... ? synaptic ? | 03:22 |
icebird | i did the apt get remove and it still wont play the videos | 03:23 |
ootm_ | how can I add a custom server in xchat - I can only see a fixed list of servers :S | 03:23 |
bruenig | jonw_, synaptic has all the packages | 03:23 |
=== hyperactivecrond [n=frrunkus@ppp-69-218-47-24.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scabootssca | n2diy, dont have that installed | 03:23 |
scabootssca | gues i'll install it | 03:23 |
frogzoo | Onburiiku: try booting in recover mode | 03:23 |
jonw_ | ta | 03:23 |
scabootssca | i was jsut reading sometihng about that anyway | 03:23 |
bruenig | icebird, ok so you just double clicked on it right? You didn't do sudo ./install-flash-whatever? | 03:23 |
gre2 | is there a way to run one port through another? | 03:23 |
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n2diy | scabootssca: It is standard with Dapper, what version are you running? | 03:23 |
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scabootssca | edgy | 03:23 |
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frogzoo | gre2: iptables can do it | 03:23 |
kitche | gre2: forward the port to another | 03:23 |
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=== jbinder [n=jared@ool-44c2f05c.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frogzoo | iptables can do anything | 03:24 |
n2diy | scabootssca: Ok, another reason for me not to "upgrade." | 03:24 |
doubleA | rbil: gmail has pop3 for incoming and smtp for outgoing. once i run that terminal command that you mentioned, what happens next? | 03:24 |
rainmakers99 | can anyone help with sound in dapper | 03:24 |
stephan21 | im having trouble syncing my ipaq anyone get this to work | 03:24 |
Onburiiku | Frogzoo: Is that an Ubuntu thing? because the only thing I can do anything with is BIOS before it goes to my ext drive and blanks out. | 03:24 |
rbil | doubleA: it will install CheckGmail | 03:24 |
scabootssca | n2diy, well i liek it since it's the only version i actually got my video drivers installed on | 03:24 |
jbinder | rainmakers99: what is the problem? | 03:24 |
rbil | doubleA: will ask u for your password as it requires sudo | 03:24 |
icebird | correct | 03:24 |
=== scabootssca looks for something to do that | ||
doubleA | rbil: i'll write it down this time. c an you repeat the command | 03:25 |
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frogzoo | Onburiiku: hit 'esc' to interrupt the grub timeout | 03:25 |
bruenig | icebird, ok that means that they probably installed it in ~/.mozilla/firefox/plugins | 03:25 |
rbil | doubleA: sudo apt-get install checkgmail | 03:25 |
bruenig | icebird, open a terminal and do: cd ~/.mozilla/firefox && ls, and then paste the output in here | 03:25 |
rbil | copy and paste into a terminal and hit enter and you're on your way | 03:25 |
rainmakers99 | jbinder: i messed up my system and reinstalled gnome when doing so I lost sound I get system beeps still but nothing else | 03:25 |
stephan21 | usb 1-1: PocketPC PDA converter now attached to ttyUSB0.......i can see this but cant sync the ipaq.....anyone have any ideas | 03:25 |
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jbinder | rainmakers99: hmm | 03:25 |
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n2diy | scabootssca: Roger that, if it works for you it is cool. I just don't understand why alacarte would be missing, along with disk manager and some other stuff. Seems like I would be downgrading to Edgy, not upgrading. | 03:26 |
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jd_ | re | 03:26 |
icebird | pluginreg.dat profiles.ini qlep62ja.default | 03:26 |
marcusgrazette | hi, is it possible to force fspot to copy imported photos to a folder other than /home/marcusg/photos? | 03:26 |
scabootssca | n2diy, ya i noticed the disc manager wasnt there | 03:26 |
rainmakers99 | jbinder: for a while i was getting a sound server conflict when starting totem but i don't get that anymore after followoing the ubuntu sound fix | 03:26 |
scabootssca | mabye it's reanamed or something | 03:26 |
bruenig | icebird, ok do "ls .." and paste the output | 03:26 |
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n2diy | scabootssca: Growing pains I guess? | 03:27 |
icebird | that is what ls displayed | 03:27 |
Onburiiku | Frogzoo: Ok, I'll go try all that. Esc, Alt+Ctrl+Del, and Ctrl+Alt+F1. I don't know what "ssh in" means though... | 03:27 |
bruenig | icebird, ls .. with the two dots is different | 03:27 |
jd_ | any tuxguitar user? I've a weird issue... I cannot add a note, keyboard seems to be inactive o_o | 03:27 |
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icebird | oh ok | 03:27 |
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scabootssca | hmm | 03:27 |
scabootssca | i saw alacarte | 03:27 |
ubunttv | any one heve the cario-gnome-clock ? | 03:27 |
icebird | appreg firefox mozver.dat plugins | 03:27 |
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frogzoo | Onburiiku: just hit 'esc' continuously at power on - should get you a grub prompt, then select revovery mode | 03:28 |
scabootssca | yep it's there | 03:28 |
scabootssca | jsut ranemad | 03:28 |
scabootssca | *renamed | 03:28 |
bruenig | icebird, good, I was right. do: cd ../plugins && ls | 03:28 |
Onburiiku | Frogzoo: Okay, thanks. I'll try that. | 03:28 |
=== TomSwift [i=TomSwift@user-142h773.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scabootssca | atleast pretty sure thats it | 03:28 |
n2diy | scabootssca: what did they rename it to? | 03:28 |
ubunttv | how do i getride of the black baorders ? | 03:28 |
icebird | flashplayer.xpt libflashplayer.so | 03:28 |
scabootssca | System>Preferences>Menu Layout | 03:29 |
bruenig | icebird, ok, do the following: cd && rm -rf ~/.mozilla/plugins && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 03:29 |
rbil | doubleA: once installed to have it run automatically everytime you login to the desktop, just add it to Sessions ... Startup Programs ... the command is simply: checkgmail | 03:29 |
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n2diy | scabootssca: Ok, that isn't so bad. | 03:29 |
elijah | hi everyone | 03:29 |
bruenig | !hi | elijah | 03:29 |
=== Menace [n=menace@adsl-70-232-98-107.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | elijah: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 03:29 |
scabootssca | dont see anything for editing computer though | 03:30 |
scabootssca | jsut the top meny | 03:30 |
icebird | is that all on one line or 2 | 03:30 |
scabootssca | *menu | 03:30 |
bruenig | icebird, one line | 03:30 |
icebird | ok | 03:30 |
rainmakers99 | jbinder: any guesses. I checked what i could to get sound maxed out on everything | 03:30 |
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doubleA | rbil: i think it is done. the terminal is back to the home prompt | 03:30 |
jbinder | rainmakers99: check alsamixer? | 03:30 |
aoirthoir | ubuntu is for girls | 03:30 |
jbinder | aoirthoir: no | 03:30 |
aoirthoir | yes it is..girls can use it just like anyone else can | 03:31 |
=== revan [n=revan@c-69-245-193-52.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rbil | doubleA: to launch it type in terminal: checkgmail | 03:31 |
ubuntu | and for what is WIndows \ | 03:31 |
bruenig | it is for people, of whom girls are a part | 03:31 |
aoirthoir | if you dont want girls to use it that is your problem | 03:31 |
jbinder | aoirthoir: sexist ass | 03:31 |
bruenig | that is different than it being for girls | 03:31 |
aoirthoir | bruenig: i agree! | 03:31 |
jbinder | rbil: gmail-notify is good too | 03:31 |
rbil | jbinder: probably is | 03:31 |
brianski | !keys | 03:31 |
icebird | I did all that and then tried you tube again and it still won't work | 03:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about keys - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:31 |
brianski | !key | 03:31 |
=== Menace [n=menace@adsl-70-232-98-107.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about key - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:31 |
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doubleA | jbinder: too late now, i already installed checkgmail | 03:31 |
brianski | !gpg | 03:31 |
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ubotu | gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto | 03:31 |
bruenig | icebird, ls /usr/lib/firefox/plugins | grep flash | 03:31 |
n2diy | aoirthoir doesn't seem to understand what "Ubuntu" is? | 03:32 |
icebird | libflash-mozplugin.so | 03:32 |
ubuntu | hmmm | 03:32 |
ubuntu | all team everyday here | 03:32 |
brianski | heh | 03:32 |
brianski | http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi -> 500 Internal Server Error | 03:32 |
bruenig | icebird, there is the problem | 03:32 |
rainmakers99 | jbinder: master, master mono, and head is at max volume | 03:32 |
icebird | what | 03:32 |
bruenig | icebird, sudo apt-get remove libflash-mozplugin && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 03:33 |
icebird | ok | 03:33 |
ubuntu | one quesiton | 03:33 |
n2diy | ! Ubuntu | 03:33 |
ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome | 03:33 |
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ubuntu | n2diy ok man | 03:33 |
rainmakers99 | jbinder: per the alsa mixer gui | 03:33 |
=== Onburiiku [n=ubuntu@adsl-145-108-200.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
doubleA | rbil: i closed the terminal and now i cant find the program. should it be listed in applications? | 03:33 |
Onburiiku | I'm back | 03:34 |
sycho | I want to partition my HD for root and home. I have 120 gig drive. How much space should I give to root? | 03:34 |
ubuntu | now when Ubuntu 7 be out and everyone install it what will happend with this channel | 03:34 |
=== emiliano [n=emiliano@host108.200-82-105.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
emiliano | holas | 03:34 |
rbil | doubleA: if you ran checkgmail in terminal, should be next to your clock | 03:34 |
bruenig | ubuntu, it will still be here | 03:34 |
n2diy | ubuntu, we'll get some rest. | 03:34 |
Onburiiku | Frogzoo: Didn't work. It won't do anything. ESC gives me a system beep, although alt+ctrl+del reboots the computer | 03:34 |
icebird | it still won't play | 03:34 |
ubuntu | hmmm rest for how time | 03:34 |
doubleA | i did run it but it's not there. it was aksing me to go to cnn.com to download a package | 03:35 |
rbil | doubleA: you'll have to configure it, right click on the "M" on taskbar and set preferences | 03:35 |
n2diy | ubuntu, until the LTS support runs out. | 03:35 |
ubuntu | bruenig and when new version will be out are you going to install it | 03:35 |
bruenig | icebird, are you on edgy or dapper | 03:35 |
icebird | dapper | 03:35 |
bruenig | ubuntu, yes | 03:35 |
ubuntu | !lts | 03:35 |
ubotu | LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. | 03:35 |
doubleA | i just ran it again and not the terminal says checkgmail requires the above packages for encription. g | 03:35 |
=== kewan1 [n=kewang@218-160-76-18.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rbil | ok, for now ... open a terminal and run it like this: checkgmail & | 03:35 |
rbil | then it'll run even though you close the terminal | 03:35 |
ubuntu | n2diy and what will happend when this lts terminated. | 03:36 |
rbil | see my earlier post on how to make it startup automatically | 03:36 |
n2diy | ubuntu, I'll upgrade to the next LTS version. | 03:36 |
ubuntu | bruenig ok man thanks for the reply. | 03:36 |
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bruenig | icebird, ok I am going to bet that you probably don't have the right repos enabled. So this is the last measure, wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/f/flashplugin-nonfree/flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.31~ubuntu1~dapper1_i386.deb && sudo dpkg -i flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.31~ubuntu1~dapper1_i386.deb | 03:36 |
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ubuntu | n2diy thanks man for the reply. | 03:37 |
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n2diy | ubuntu, nada. | 03:37 |
AzMoo | Would it break anything if I changed the /usr/bin/python symlink to point at python2.5 instead of python2.4 ? | 03:37 |
jbinder | checkgmail is better | 03:37 |
rainmakers99 | jbinder: any suggestions? | 03:37 |
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jbinder | i think | 03:37 |
jbinder | rainmakers99: nope | 03:37 |
xtknight | sycho: i would give root 30 gigs and home 90 gigs | 03:37 |
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doubleA | rbil: ok, i set the preferences and got the M next to the volume control which is next to the clock, and i just got a notice about new mail i think. can you send a test? | 03:37 |
ubuntu | n2diy jajaja.OK | 03:37 |
bruenig | 30 gig root, gees | 03:37 |
n2diy | ubuntu, ? | 03:38 |
xtknight | meh my root is 42g | 03:38 |
icebird | thank you | 03:38 |
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bruenig | my root is 10 gigs | 03:38 |
bruenig | only using 3 gigs | 03:38 |
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xtknight | i just compile a lot of stuff :O | 03:38 |
ubuntu | n2diy you write nada and this is Spain | 03:38 |
doubleA | rbil: should i go to cpan to get the password encription feature? | 03:38 |
xtknight | prolly didnt need that much on root actually | 03:38 |
icebird | what did you just do (from now on what do you suggest is the best way to install a program) | 03:38 |
rbil | doubleA: System ... Preferences ... Sessions ... click on Startup Programs tab and Add checkgmail. | 03:38 |
ubuntu | n2diy and here peoples write in English. | 03:38 |
xtknight | i assumed i'd be installing some huge programs thatd take up lots of space | 03:38 |
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n2diy | ubuntu, Ok, so does it translate? | 03:38 |
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rbil | doubleA: sure I can send u an email, what's your gmail address? | 03:39 |
bruenig | icebird, wow, a whole bunch of things happened there, | 03:39 |
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xtknight | sycho: 15 gig root/105 gb home is probably more appropriate | 03:39 |
ubuntu | n2diy hmm,no man don't get it so bad. | 03:39 |
bruenig | icebird, if you pastebin your sources.list, I could probably edit them to enable all the repos. Do "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and pastebin the output | 03:39 |
bruenig | !pastebin | icebird | 03:39 |
ubotu | icebird: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:39 |
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doubleA | rbil: aaronfay@gmail | 03:40 |
n2diy | ubuntu, I'm not experienced with europian spanish, just the american version. | 03:40 |
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sycho | I don't really do much crazy. music, pan, email, eclipse, frostwire, just your typical apps | 03:40 |
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=== mon^rch [n=anonymou@S0106000fea33f1bb.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mhiku | can i install ffmpeg and mplayer even im not a root? | 03:40 |
=== bruenig vomits at frostwire | ||
ubuntu | n2diy hmmm,now i know from where are you,no problem man the different is not much. | 03:40 |
bruenig | mhiku, no | 03:41 |
xtknight | sycho: maybe even 10 gig root then | 03:41 |
bruenig | mhiku, you need to do sudo apt-get install mplayer ffmpeg | 03:41 |
doubleA | rbil: the M is gone. I added it to startup just by clicking hte add button and typing in the word checkgmail | 03:41 |
AdamKili | hey I have a dead computer (nothing happens when i turn it on except the fans run) and I was wondering if it's be ok to put in an Intel Celeron processor in place of the dead computer's AMD Sempron processor, just to check if that is the problem. | 03:41 |
Dregin | does the mozilla VLC plugin stream .mov in firefox? | 03:41 |
mon^rch | what do I need to play a .wma file? | 03:41 |
xtknight | you probably can install ffmpeg and mplayer but only if you compile it yourself | 03:41 |
n2diy | ubuntu, cool, man. | 03:41 |
xtknight | in user mode i mean | 03:41 |
Music_Shuffle | AdamKili, no. | 03:41 |
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Music_Shuffle | AdamKili, nnononono. | 03:41 |
kitche | AdamKili: can't different sockets | 03:41 |
sycho | bruenig, I'm not a huge fan either. I use it maybe 1 a month for a song i want. besides that never use it | 03:41 |
bruenig | Dregin, the mozilla vlc plugin is awful from what I have seen. I can't get it to stream anything | 03:41 |
xtknight | mon^rch: mplayer or vlc should work | 03:41 |
ubuntu | n2diy man don't you have a work. | 03:41 |
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Music_Shuffle | AdamKili, Unless you have a Celeron mobo, its not going to fit. | 03:42 |
icebird | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4372/ | 03:42 |
Dregin | bruenig: ah right. Good to know I'm not the only one :) Can ya recommend me a plugin that'll stream .mov? totem doesnt seem to want to do it either... | 03:42 |
AdamKili | Music_Shuffle and kitche they look like the same socket | 03:42 |
n2diy | ubuntu, yea, but it is only 2141 hrs here, so I have a couple of hours to play before bedtime. | 03:42 |
AdamKili | hang on i'll double check | 03:42 |
Music_Shuffle | AdamKili, uhh...look != are. | 03:42 |
Music_Shuffle | And I assure you they don't share the pin number. | 03:42 |
ubuntu | n2diy play??? on what game are you going. | 03:42 |
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AzMoo | Dregin, the mplayer plugin will do it. | 03:43 |
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Music_Shuffle | Celerons are either 478, 370, or 775. | 03:43 |
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Music_Shuffle | Semprons don't have any of those. | 03:43 |
doubleA | rbil: i am going to restart. BRB | 03:43 |
bruenig | icebird, do the following: sudo sed -e 's/# deb/deb/g' -e 's/dapper universe/dapper universe multiverse/g' -e 's/dapper-security universe/dapper-security universe multiverse/g' -i.backup /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update | 03:43 |
rainmakers99 | jbinder: do you know of a sound support room that may have insight? | 03:43 |
Dregin | AzMoo: right, thanks. I'll give it a go | 03:43 |
n2diy | ubuntu, your the one up after midnight! | 03:43 |
bruenig | icebird, all on one line | 03:43 |
ubuntu | Music_Shuffle and Intel D what are they | 03:43 |
sycho | for some reason for me every time mplayer goes to stream a video it reboots ubuntu | 03:43 |
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icebird | what do you mean | 03:43 |
ubuntu | n2diy yeah man,i like that. | 03:43 |
Music_Shuffle | ubuntu, 775. | 03:43 |
transgress | any bets? any bets? on how this dist-upgrade to feisty will go? | 03:43 |
bruenig | icebird, everything after that colon, copy and paste it into the terminal | 03:44 |
xtknight | transgress: dreadful | 03:44 |
xtknight | ;) | 03:44 |
ubuntu | Music_Shuffle but you say that 775 are Celeron | 03:44 |
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Music_Shuffle | ubuntu, uh...huh..? | 03:44 |
transgress | xtknight: how much you putting on it? | 03:44 |
ReMeMBeR | hi | 03:44 |
deafboy | is there a good c++ ide for linux? i mean to look at a multi-file solution? | 03:44 |
bruenig | !hi | ReMeMBeR | 03:44 |
ubotu | ReMeMBeR: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 03:44 |
Music_Shuffle | There are Core 2 Duo's with 775 pins too. | 03:44 |
n2diy | trangress, I bet you'll be back here. | 03:44 |
xtknight | transgress: root access to your system? :P | 03:44 |
ReMeMBeR | good nights,good works | 03:44 |
Onburiiku | frogzoo: I made some mock-up screenshots in the gimp. This is pretty much exactly what happens: | 03:44 |
Onburiiku | When I turn on the computer I get this: http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/618/dellag6.gif Then once the progress bar loads, I get this: http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/7372/blankhv8.gif | 03:44 |
xtknight | hehe | 03:44 |
AdamKili | Music_Shuffle and kitche: you two are right. i hadn't compared the two processors right next to each other yet. so i guess the only two other things I can try to get the comp working is put in a different ram card and try a new graphics card (the original's built in to the motherboard)? | 03:44 |
Flannel | transgress: #ubuntu+1 for feisty support, once it breaks ;) | 03:44 |
Music_Shuffle | AdamKili, well, what happened again? | 03:45 |
icebird | ok i have done that | 03:45 |
mhiku | can i install ffmpeg manually, i mean i can write at ~/ right? | 03:45 |
bruenig | icebird, alright, you should have all the repos enabled | 03:45 |
xtknight | mhiku: if you compile it | 03:45 |
ubuntu | (21:43:05) Music_Shuffle: Celerons are either 478, 370, or 775. | 03:45 |
mhiku | yes | 03:45 |
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bruenig | icebird, try sudo apt-get upgrade, there are probably somethings needing upgraded from the repos you didn't have enabled | 03:45 |
xtknight | mhiku: specify prefix=~/ffmpeg | 03:45 |
icebird | what do the repos (repositories?) do | 03:45 |
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ubuntu | for that i ask you becouse someone told me that are normal intel. | 03:45 |
Music_Shuffle | ubuntu, uh huh.. | 03:45 |
CompEngRH | deafboy: when I use an IDE I tend to use eclipse with the c++ plugins | 03:45 |
transgress | xtknight: define dreadful? and do i get root on your box if it works fine? or even "not-quite-dreadful"? | 03:45 |
sycho | Wooo! my fiesty alternative-install is done. Time to burn and format! | 03:45 |
AdamKili | Music_Shuffle and kitche: my friend's computer broke and he asked me to fix it. nothing at all happens when you turn it on, nothing on the monitor, only the fans run | 03:45 |
xtknight | icebird: they contain software and are there for easy use | 03:46 |
DEinspanjer | If I see a package on packages.ubuntu.com/edgy but it doesn't show up through Synaptic or apt-get, is there maybe something simple that is out of place? | 03:46 |
Onburiiku | K, well maybe I'll re-tell my story for anyone else who wants to help because I don't see frogzoo | 03:46 |
Music_Shuffle | AdamKili, fried board? =/ | 03:46 |
bruenig | icebird, the repos have all the software. The reason sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree wasn't working was because the repository with that wasn't enabled so you couldn't install it | 03:46 |
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ReMeMBeR | For u which is the best, dreamweaver or frontpage ? | 03:46 |
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Music_Shuffle | ubuntu, multiple chip types can have the same pin number, just usually not between companies :P | 03:46 |
surgy | hi | 03:46 |
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xtknight | transgress: that wasnt part of the deal :P i'll tell you what. i'll bet you your sanity. and dreadful meaning your computer will make a whining noise and then explode | 03:46 |
surgy | can someone help me with my samba problem? i have my documents shared on my windows pc and i want to access it with this linux box, i click system menu > remote places > samba shares and nothing is there, can someone help me trouble shoot this please? | 03:46 |
AdamKili | Music_Shuffle: seems like it. so the only option is to buy a new motherboard? | 03:46 |
ubuntu | Music_Shuffle ok man and this 775 Have 2 NUclke | 03:47 |
DEinspanjer | bruenig: Actually, I think you just answered my question too. :) | 03:47 |
deafboy | CompEngRH: is there a way to view a solution like in windows with VC2k3? | 03:47 |
Music_Shuffle | AdamKili, eh...what sort of PC is it? | 03:47 |
ubuntu | perdon 2 Nucle. | 03:47 |
icebird | you were right there were a lot of programs that needed to be upgraded | 03:47 |
Music_Shuffle | AdamKili, if its too old, you might end up spending a large enough amount that its not worth it. | 03:47 |
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xtknight | ReMeMBeR: i like dreamweaver | 03:47 |
shadowhywind | hay all when i am looking at a folder with say text files with numbers, how can i make it sort by number, instead of by the first digit | 03:47 |
CompEngRH | deafboy: are you trying to view a VC2k3 solution? | 03:47 |
icebird | thank you all for the help | 03:47 |
deafboy | CompEngRH: yes | 03:48 |
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mhiku | im no root, but can i install apache svn php and other stuff using my ~/ access? | 03:48 |
CompEngRH | deafboy: I don't know of anyway to view a visual studio solution in anything else | 03:48 |
deafboy | CompEngRH: like in vc2k3 i could search for something and it would show all the files in the solutoin it was in, i can't do that in linux so far | 03:48 |
ReMeMBeR | xtknight me too | 03:48 |
ubuntu | mhiku you can be root start terminal and then put your password | 03:48 |
CompEngRH | deafboy: but if you create a new workspace and add all the .cpp and .h files its the same type of format | 03:48 |
xtknight | mhiku: probably but again only if you compile it. or maybe extract the deb in user mode | 03:48 |
ubuntu | mhiku put sudo. | 03:49 |
xtknight | lol that's true | 03:49 |
mhiku | i cant be root or su, because its a shared hosting hehe | 03:49 |
ReMeMBeR | Frontpage is too basic as dreamweaver | 03:49 |
mhiku | but its possible right? | 03:49 |
AdamKili | eMachine T3410. it' a bit more than a year old. my friend's family doesn't have much money for a completly new PC. I can reinstall windows (I'll try to get them to use ubuntu ;) for them and everything if needed after getting a new motherboard | 03:49 |
xtknight | mhiku: probably | 03:49 |
n2diy | xtknight: hmm, have you heard from CursOr lately? He insisted he knew how to config his monitor, but I told him, it isn't a good sign when it blinks on and off. He told me I didn't know what I was talking about, and that is the last I've heard of him. :/ | 03:49 |
shatrat | good story | 03:50 |
=== dra [n=dra@nimbus.wh-hms.uni-ulm.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deafboy | CompEngRH in Eclipse you mean? | 03:50 |
ReMeMBeR | n2diy :) | 03:50 |
xtknight | n2diy: me? i dont know who that is ;) | 03:50 |
surgy | what great man is the founder of the ubuntu kernal? | 03:50 |
Music_Shuffle | AdamKili, No idea what Emachines boards run cost-wise, you might be able to. | 03:50 |
=== draky [n=draky@ws051165.housing-tp.siu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | surgy: linus torvalds | 03:50 |
macd | surgy, linux kernel. | 03:50 |
n2diy | surgy: Linus Torvalds. | 03:50 |
CompEngRH | deafboy: Yes, I am not aware of any way to use a VS solution in any other IDE | 03:50 |
macd | there is no ubuntu kernel fellas ;P | 03:50 |
xtknight | the author of the Ubuntu .config file is lesser known | 03:50 |
Onburiiku | I can't get into my Ubuntu that I installed on my external hard drive. Last night I put it into hibernate, and I turned it on today and it won't load. When I first turn my computer on, I get this: http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/618/dellag6.gif , then when the bar loads, this pops up: http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/7372/blankhv8.gif . Nothing happens except the bar flashing like a command line. Typing does nothing, except after | 03:50 |
xtknight | hehe | 03:50 |
macd | linux kernel ;), linux torvalds | 03:50 |
mhiku | is svn.apache.org down? its been a week of maintenance :( or its up and i dont know how to get in? | 03:50 |
Music_Shuffle | lol | 03:50 |
shatrat | there is no kernal either, but who's splittin hairs | 03:50 |
=== adnam [n=adnam@dslb-084-056-038-154.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
surgy | xtknight: lol thats the linux kernal, he didnt make the debian linux kernal, and i dont think he made the ubuntu debian linux kernal | 03:51 |
ReMeMBeR | I am away will coming soon wait me :) | 03:51 |
=== dsnyders [n=dsnyders@206-248-137-198.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Music_Shuffle | shatrat, rofl. | 03:51 |
xtknight | surgy: linus did it all! | 03:51 |
Flannel | mhiku: you might ask in #apache | 03:51 |
AdamKili | Music_Shuffle: i have to get a specific board? maybe I can find the same one and not have to reinstall their OS and loose all their data | 03:51 |
surgy | really? | 03:51 |
deafboy | CompEngRH: thank you :) | 03:51 |
xtknight | surgy: ubuntu contracted linus to do work, and he made the whole ubuntu os | 03:51 |
CompEngRH | deafboy: np, GL. | 03:51 |
shatrat | surgy, kernel.org is where all linux kernels come from, ultimately. | 03:51 |
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xtknight | and every distro | 03:51 |
macd | surgy, you can goto launchpad.net and see who is on the current kernel team. | 03:51 |
mhiku | hehe sorry, maybe someone here have experience it, nevermind | 03:51 |
xtknight | he's the father of linux...literally | 03:51 |
surgy | macd: kewl | 03:51 |
dsnyders | Hi all. I'm looking for a tool to print week at a glance calendars. | 03:51 |
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Music_Shuffle | AdamKili, well, no, you can actually find a lot of cheap generic boards that would do the trick quite well for $50-60 | 03:52 |
rbil | Onburiiku: never tried hibernating to an ext drive. but are you waiting long enuf? Needs to mount the system and restart. | 03:52 |
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Music_Shuffle | And work of course. | 03:52 |
bkudria | is there a repository for envy for edgy? | 03:52 |
surgy | i know who linus is but i was under the impression that he just made the original kernal and the open source community morphed it into the different distros | 03:52 |
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Flannel | surgy: nah, kernels are mostly identical distro to distro. | 03:52 |
shatrat | surgy, linus torvalds is still the central authority on what code is included in the Linux Kernel. Its his job. | 03:53 |
AzMoo | surgy, the kernel is pretty standard across distros | 03:53 |
rainmakers99 | for dapper is there a way to have the system totally reconfigure the sound subsystem from defaults? | 03:53 |
xtknight | surgy: linus started on linux 0.00001 alpha or something, then thousands of people contributed, it became kernel 2.0, and after that still more came and made it what it is today (2.6 with like 2 million lines of code). the kernel team is mostly separate from the distro teams, though redhat/suse employees work on the kernel on a paid basis | 03:53 |
rbil | surgy: no, there's a team of developers, headed by Linus that maintains the Linux kernel for all Linux distros | 03:53 |
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neighborlee_ | running feisty and yeah I know its risky,,,anyway I installed nvida drivers via synaptic and did the whole enable t hing..on reboot im seemingly getting XFS errors, but see nothing about it on forums unless I missed it, ,,so im wondering if anyone knows about this by chance ?? | 03:53 |
Onburiiku | rbil: I've waited a bit, but maybe I need to wait more. I'll try that. *Boots up Xbox preparing for a long, desperate wait* | 03:53 |
tehquickness | How can I prevent hw_random from trying to load during startup? I have readup and tried to find an answer and also check in /etc/modules with no luck. Is it possible to disable? | 03:53 |
surgy | yeah, but what about the "debian" part of the kernal? linus did that too? | 03:53 |
xtknight | naw | 03:54 |
dsnyders | Is TeX good for printing calendars? | 03:54 |
kitche | !feisty|neighborlee_ #ubuntu+1 is for feisty | 03:54 |
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Flannel | neighborlee_: #ubuntu+1 for feisty support, thanks. | 03:54 |
xtknight | surgy: debian is a whole other thing | 03:54 |
macd | xtknight, I saw a kernel dev job from canonnical recently ;) | 03:54 |
n2diy | xtknight: what was the release date for o.oo1 | 03:54 |
neighborlee_ | Flannel: ahh ok sorry NP ;).. | 03:54 |
xtknight | n2diy: no clue | 03:54 |
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neighborlee_ | Flannel: thx for info | 03:54 |
macd | n2diy, 1993~ | 03:54 |
youser | im having troubles with nfs any help? | 03:54 |
AdamKili | Music_Shuffle: I'm not a computer builder, so i have no idea what options are open to me, or how to find a motherboard that would be compatible. | 03:54 |
kitche | ok why did ubotu say that I wanted to edit that lol | 03:54 |
xtknight | macd: oh no...the 'ubuntu kernel' may exist after all ;) | 03:54 |
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jbinder | rainmakers99: #alsa | 03:54 |
macd | hehe | 03:55 |
tehquickness | How can I prevent hw_random from trying to load during startup? I have readup and tried to find an answer and also check in /etc/modules with no luck. Is it possible to disable? | 03:55 |
jonw_ | is there a wine package for ubuntu64 ? | 03:55 |
xtknight | imagine if canonical made a nonfree ubuntu kernel | 03:55 |
xtknight | wouldnt thatbe horrible | 03:55 |
xtknight | lol | 03:55 |
jbinder | lol | 03:55 |
rainmakers99 | jbinder: thanks | 03:55 |
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Flannel | This kernel/linux/distro discussion is really offtopic for this channel, #ubuntu-offtopic is a better place for it. | 03:55 |
macd | http://www.ubuntu.com/employment#head-4e4a648e44afd6bdd01a7b10dccf0efd07be1220 | 03:55 |
macd | yep, its still there. | 03:55 |
=== doubleA [n=aaron@pool-151-199-26-54.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n2diy | xtknight: Sep 17th, 1991. | 03:55 |
Music_Shuffle | kitche, because if you use !factoid is something, its the edit command? :P | 03:56 |
eternaljoy | Fact: Townsend Speakman of Philadelphia mixed fruit flavor with soda water in 1807, creating the first flavored soda pop, he called it Nephite Julep. | 03:56 |
xtknight | :O | 03:56 |
jonw_ | !wine | 03:56 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 03:56 |
doubleA | rbil; thanks for the test email. I have no sound on Edgy. any advice? | 03:56 |
tehquickness | How can I prevent hw_random from trying to load during startup? I have readup and tried to find an answer and also check in /etc/modules with no luck. Is it possible to disable? | 03:56 |
UntouchableMX | hey I need to know how can I change to my wireless conection, I just to do that, but its not showing me that option any more in the list | 03:56 |
xtknight | tehquickness: blacklist it | 03:57 |
tehquickness | I will try that. | 03:57 |
Music_Shuffle | AdamKili, really, you need a motherboard with the same functionality. So...look for one that supports your processor type, number of hard drives, RAM type and quantity, and any other doodads you have. And you'll be set. | 03:57 |
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youser | i have no idea what im doing setting up network | 03:57 |
=== icebird [n=icebird@66-168-83-131.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
youser | these walkthroughs are confusing the hell out of me | 03:57 |
xtknight | tehquickness: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 03:57 |
surgy | so who founded debian? if its a completely different thing? and then who added the stuff to make debian into what i know as ubuntu? | 03:57 |
shatrat | AdamKili, youll probably want a microATX one, since your case is probably pretty small. | 03:57 |
xtknight | surgy: debian is a linux distro, the base for many in fact | 03:57 |
rbil | doubleA: would need far more info. maybe your sound output is muted? | 03:57 |
Music_Shuffle | !OT | 03:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:57 |
Music_Shuffle | ;P | 03:57 |
levander | Is America's Army in the Ubuntu repositories? | 03:57 |
icebird | how do you kill the firefox process when no window is up | 03:57 |
Music_Shuffle | ...lies! | 03:57 |
xtknight | surgy: ubuntu dev team added to debian and made it ubuntu | 03:58 |
shatrat | levander, the latest americas army doesnt work with linux anymore. and I dont believe any version is in repos | 03:58 |
rbil | doubleA: or volume needs to be turned up? | 03:58 |
levander | icebird: "pgrep firefox" - kill the process number that is printed out | 03:58 |
CompEngRH | ps aux | grep firefox | 03:58 |
surgy | kewl | 03:58 |
Music_Shuffle | icebird, terminal and killall firefox-bin? | 03:58 |
CompEngRH | then kill it | 03:58 |
kitche | Music_Shuffle: ummm I did ! but I piped it also oh I see I forgot to space lol | 03:58 |
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Music_Shuffle | Yeah :P | 03:58 |
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levander | shatrat: yeah, i saw that. Can you still play with the internet servers with the latest version available for Linux? | 03:58 |
doubleA | rbil: it's not muted. I did try the alsamixer, and it looks like all that is on high also | 03:58 |
surgy | xtknight: and most of them are employees of conanicle? | 03:58 |
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icebird | that worked thanks | 03:59 |
xtknight | surgy: i'm not sure on that one | 03:59 |
shatrat | levander, nope, you might be able to play on servers that are still running the old version, but i dont know if there are any. | 03:59 |
levander | shatrat: thanks | 03:59 |
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nertil | how do i install the package with gcc | 03:59 |
macd | xtknight, surgy, no, the majority are volunteers | 03:59 |
rbil | doubleA: you might want to try adjusting things from a terminal .... run: alsamixer | 03:59 |
ubuntu | American Army and what is the new killing peoples in the Pakistan | 03:59 |
surgy | can someone help me with my samba problem? i have my documents shared on my windows pc and i want to access it with this linux box, i click system menu > remote places > samba shares and nothing is there, can someone help me trouble shoot this please? | 03:59 |
AzMoo | Does anybody know why my + key on the keypad only works when numlock is turned off? | 03:59 |
xtknight | surgy: but ubuntu is really developed by the 'community'....as people report bugs and contribute | 03:59 |
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doubleA | i did run it yesterday, but i'll try it again today | 04:00 |
kitche | nertil: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 04:00 |
ubuntu | surgy man open | 04:00 |
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shatrat | surgy, you mean Places -> Network Servers? | 04:00 |
rbil | surgy: try clicking Places ... Connect to Server | 04:00 |
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ubuntu | surgy places then computer and write smb:// | 04:00 |
doubleA | rbil: is it ok to download adobe flash and reader from the adobe site, or do i have to go through a downloading program like add/remove? | 04:00 |
surgy | rbil: actually im on kubuntu, but i had no luck in the #kubuntu channel | 04:01 |
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ubuntu | surgy open computer then write there smb:// | 04:01 |
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ubuntu | and after that write the ip. | 04:01 |
rbil | surgy: haven't used KDE in a long time. used to use a program called smb4k or some such name that made it easy to connect | 04:01 |
doubleA | rbil: alsamixer: master is at 79, but master M is at 0. | 04:01 |
ubuntu | surgy are you here. | 04:02 |
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surgy | ubuntu: am i where? | 04:02 |
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fr500 | hello | 04:02 |
ubuntu | surgy did you do what i say | 04:02 |
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fr500 | is there a way to launch alternate installer with the normal install cd? | 04:02 |
surgy | ubuntu: yes i keep getting time outs | 04:02 |
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ubuntu | surgy did you share the folder in WIndows | 04:03 |
rbil | doubleA: don't know what master M is? different soundcards offer different settings | 04:03 |
surgy | ubuntu: by "computer" i think you mean konq | 04:03 |
surgy | ubuntu: yes | 04:03 |
ubuntu | surgy what kono????? | 04:03 |
blameless | rbil: probably master (mono) | 04:03 |
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switchy | hi all, as a recent os x user, is there anyway to let me drag my usb drives from desktop to trash in order to eject them? I know it's subtle, but I've grown used to that as opposed to right click > ejecting | 04:03 |
surgy | ubuntu: konqerer | 04:03 |
ubuntu | surgy noooo | 04:03 |
ubuntu | surgy listen man | 04:03 |
ZeZu | derrivative has an onjoin ad | 04:03 |
doubleA | rbil, i put everything at least at midlevel. do i have to restart? | 04:03 |
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ubuntu | surgy go in places and computer | 04:03 |
ZeZu | someone may want to apply a nice kb | 04:03 |
rbil | doubleA: assume you're plugged into the right plug on back of computer? the green one? | 04:04 |
surgy | ubuntu: you mean remote places? i dont have a "places" | 04:04 |
rbil | doubleA: never any reason to restart Ubuntu unless you're changing kernels | 04:04 |
ZeZu | [22:03] <derrivative> AnyOne Who's in United States and has a PayPal Debit Card - can earn 40 dollars a DAY! ..... | 04:04 |
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Vuen | switchy: sorry, i'm pretty sure there isn't. side note, that seems like a supremely unintuitive interface for safely removing hardware | 04:04 |
surgy | ubuntu: im not using gnome | 04:04 |
n2diy | rbil: or hardware :) | 04:04 |
ubuntu | surgy and what are you using | 04:04 |
AzMoo | ubuntu, he means konqueror. He's running KDE, not Gnome. | 04:04 |
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=== jbinder ews at konqueror | ||
jbinder | yay firefox | 04:05 |
surgy | ubuntu: since i said kubuntu, im using kde, i was listening to you you werent listening to me | 04:05 |
ubuntu | surgy i listen you but i don't understand you. | 04:05 |
Vuen | surgy: your samba is probably just not configured properly. keep in mind you also need to wait for samba to actually find network shares; from starting samba, you should wait five minutes or so before trying to access anything | 04:05 |
rbil | doubleA: what sound are you trying to listen to? | 04:05 |
AzMoo | surgy, can you mount the share? | 04:05 |
jrock | hello all, anyone have a minute or two to help with a video card problem? | 04:05 |
XiCillin | whats good eye candy in gnome besides gdesklets? | 04:05 |
tazz | 'shutdown -h -t 16200' what am i doing worng? | 04:05 |
switchy | Vuen: alright thanks for the info... and I know it's a bit strange, but some habits don't die easily | 04:05 |
Vuen | !ask|jrock | 04:06 |
ubotu | jrock: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 04:06 |
ubuntu | jrock | 04:06 |
n2diy | tazz: what are you trying to do? | 04:06 |
Vuen | switchy: if you really want, you can file a feature request on launchpad. i highly doubt anyone will care though. sorry | 04:06 |
surgy | vuen: azmoo: i open it and wait for it to tell me that there are no shares, and no files, and no directorys. so i cant mount it becuase it says its not there | 04:06 |
kitche | tazz: sudo | 04:06 |
ubuntu | !ati|jrock | 04:06 |
ubotu | jrock: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:06 |
Vuen | switchy: or, as is always the case with foss, you can program it yourself :p | 04:06 |
lightcap | why are packages typically held back when running apt-get upgrade? | 04:06 |
jrock | ok here goes, i've just installed 6.10 and am trying to get my graphics card to display at 1920x1080 | 04:07 |
Vuen | lightcap: packages should not typically be held back. if something is held back, it's usually because there's a problem. | 04:07 |
ubuntu | !ati|jrock | 04:07 |
switchy | Vuen: It doesn't matter that much in any case.... and I'm quite a novice when it comes to programing, haha | 04:07 |
ubotu | jrock: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:07 |
jrock | im running an nvidia geforce4 ti4200 and would like to get at least widescreen functionality | 04:07 |
lightcap | Vuen: so how do I debug that? | 04:07 |
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Vuen | jrock: that's not a video card driver problem. what video card do you have? | 04:07 |
lightcap | I've got 322 packages being held back | 04:07 |
ubuntu | jrock did you see the web site. | 04:07 |
surgy | jrock: im running the same card, go with glx driver | 04:08 |
ubuntu | Nvidia | 04:08 |
jrock | have tried installing the nvidia drivers and editing the xorg.conf file with no luck | 04:08 |
Vuen | lightcap: mm, depends. what packages are being held back? | 04:08 |
lightcap | heh...seems like all of them ;-) | 04:08 |
surgy | jrock: are you restarting X everythime? | 04:08 |
jrock | yes with ctrl+alt+backspace right? | 04:08 |
Vuen | jrock: try running nvidia-settings, see if you can set it in there | 04:08 |
ubuntu | Vuen and what can be the problem for the video. | 04:08 |
surgy | jrock: yes | 04:08 |
tazz | kitche i have a root shell prompt. | 04:08 |
lightcap | wtf, Ive got Package: * pinned at release stable... | 04:08 |
kitche | tazz: then it should work | 04:09 |
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lightcap | and testing but testing has a pin-priority of 800 while stable has 600 | 04:09 |
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tazz | n2diy i want to shutdown my computer after 4 hours | 04:09 |
mon^rch | what is the command to delete a directory? | 04:09 |
lightcap | don't know why that pin is in there... | 04:09 |
doubleA | rbil: too embarrassed to respond to that one. But let's just say that now there is a loud hiss coming from the speakers. i guess I should play around with alsamixer? | 04:09 |
jrock | nvidia-settings doesnt look like it has any options for changing the resolution...am i missing something? | 04:09 |
ubuntu | rd /f | 04:09 |
surgy | can someone help me setup samba correctly? im running kubuntu 6.10 and i know nothing about samba | 04:09 |
ubuntu | rd /f /r | 04:09 |
rbil | doubleA: didn't mean to embarass u, but I've seen it happen :-) | 04:09 |
n2diy | tazz: ok, so that should be shutdown -h -t 240 no? | 04:09 |
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ubuntu | surgy ok moment | 04:10 |
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surgy | jrock: res is in your xorg | 04:10 |
tazz | n2diy 240 sec? | 04:10 |
n2diy | tazz: 240 minutes. | 04:10 |
tazz | t is in sec right? | 04:10 |
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surgy | ubuntu: do you mind pming me? so that it will be easier to follow you? | 04:10 |
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Vuen | lightcap: hmm, that's really wierd. sorry, i don't know much about apt. the #debian crew might know more, they tend to be more technically adept >.< | 04:11 |
n2diy | tazz: or, maybe that should be shutdown -h 240? | 04:11 |
lightcap | Vuen: thanks | 04:11 |
XiCillin | can i use superkaramba in gnome? | 04:11 |
doubleA | rbil: let's say i want it to make a sound everytime someone sends me a comment in xchat. I go to settings>sound, but then what? | 04:11 |
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rbil | doubleA: I don't use xchat. must be some sort of notification there? | 04:12 |
tazz | worked thanks n2diy | 04:12 |
Vuen | XiCillin: i think so, but it won't look great. you'd be better off with wxwidgets | 04:12 |
Flannel | lightcap: what did you do to pin it? Do you use automatix or anything non-official? | 04:12 |
XiCillin | thanks | 04:12 |
tazz | i just got a pm "<derrivative> AnyOne Who's in United States and has a PayPal Debit Card - can earn 40 dollars a DAY! Yes, a DAY. Apply to cityzone001@yahoo.com Thank You" | 04:12 |
n2diy | tazz: nada, and I didn't realize -t specified seconds. | 04:12 |
Vuen | tazz: everyone did, it's just spam. | 04:12 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
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surgy | tazz: click it and give everyone your credit card pin :) | 04:13 |
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lightcap | Flannel: no, I'm sure I added it to fix some package breaking, but I have no idea why now... | 04:13 |
surgy | j/k | 04:13 |
doubleA | rbil: | 04:13 |
ubuntu | surgy now | 04:13 |
doubleA | rbil: i am still not getting any sounds. how can i at least test to see if i am getting sounds? | 04:13 |
=== ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-215-128.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AdamKili | thank you Music_Shuffle and shatrat. Sorry I had to go put the Celeron back in my MythTV computer | 04:14 |
ubuntu | surgy open terminal and write ping | 04:14 |
tazz | sure i will Surgy i will remember to do that. | 04:14 |
Music_Shuffle | AdamKili, best of luck with that. :) | 04:14 |
kalaaron | if you set to run something in the 'sessions' (admin, pref, sessions) what file is that? in other words, I set something to run on boot and it's crashing X for some reason and I need to remove it from the sessions file.. | 04:14 |
surgy | tazz: it was a joke, i whouldnt if i were you and i hope your being sarcastic | 04:14 |
=== th0m [i=HydraIRC@cro34-3-82-236-93-250.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vuen | lightcap: try typing this: aptitude unhold * | 04:14 |
rbil | doubleA: System ... Preferences ... Sound and try playing some of the system sounds | 04:14 |
ubuntu | surgy i can't write becouse the nick is not registered | 04:14 |
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jrock | am i correct in assuming that /etc/X11/xorg.conf contains my current display settings? is it possible to change that? | 04:14 |
shatrat | AdamKili, haha. Well, good luck. If you arent sure if you can fit a new mobo in your case, you can buy a new case for fairly cheap with a PSU and put all your stuff in that instead. | 04:14 |
surgy | ubuntu: join me in #dew? | 04:14 |
Music_Shuffle | jrock, yes and yes. | 04:15 |
ubuntu | surgy enter in surgy ok | 04:15 |
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jrock | how do i know then what is the active/current configuration file? | 04:15 |
tazz | surgy i took it as a joke :-) i dont own a bank account. | 04:15 |
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kalaaron | anyone know where the 'sessions' file is? | 04:16 |
lightcap | Vuen: not sure I want that to work...I'm concerned with why it was done in the first place now...something must've broken and that looks like a quick fix | 04:16 |
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imac_dude | hi what is the command that can show you the key-id or somesuch of any key that is pressed? | 04:16 |
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imac_dude | it keeps doin it for like 30 seconds until it times out coz it takes over the keyboard | 04:16 |
xtknight | imac_dude: xev | 04:16 |
kalaaron | okay how do I make x not start on boot? | 04:16 |
Vuen | lightcap: well then i don't understand what you want us to help you with. | 04:16 |
Vuen | lightcap: you want to unhold everything except certain packages, but you don't know which ones? | 04:17 |
imac_dude | xtknight, thnx that works | 04:17 |
Vuen | lightcap: if this is an important box, like a corporate server or something, my suggestion is to just not upgrade. if you need the upgrades for some reason (most importantly security), then unhold * and upgrade. if something breaks, fix it, or roll it back. | 04:18 |
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lightcap | Vuen: sorry, just trying to figure out why it would be held back... | 04:18 |
lightcap | Vuen: you're exactly right though. | 04:18 |
ubuntu | hey is there a program that can see if there a computer connected in the lan | 04:19 |
kalaaron | i put something in the sessions startup that is crashing x..how do I remove it if I can't get into gdm? (or how do I just make it so gdm wont start on boot, i'm happy w/terminal only..but i need it to not start..) | 04:19 |
Vuen | lightcap: you can check the dpkg log files and the sudo audit file to see what apt commands have been used | 04:19 |
ubuntu | to see they ip. | 04:19 |
eternaljoy | any1 here know how to tell Azuerus to leave beginner mode? | 04:19 |
imac_dude | also... is there a command that lists available keyboard layouts in X? | 04:19 |
kalaaron | ubuntu: can you look in the router? | 04:19 |
kalaaron | ubuntu: if the router assigns the ip you can look there? | 04:19 |
ubuntu | kalaaron some don't have log | 04:19 |
xtknight | imac_dude: well `sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ` will give you the choices | 04:19 |
n2diy | imac_dude: loadkeys? | 04:19 |
ubuntu | kalaaron and if dhcp is switch on. | 04:19 |
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kalaaron | ubuntu: you could use etheral(sp) and scan the network | 04:20 |
xtknight | ethereal^ | 04:20 |
ubuntu | kalaaron ok man thanks. | 04:20 |
kalaaron | xtknight: yeah that one :) | 04:20 |
ubuntu | xtknight ok thanks. | 04:20 |
kitche | ubuntu: use wireshark ethereal doesn't exist anymore in name | 04:20 |
ubuntu | kitche ok i will see,THanks man. | 04:21 |
At0mic_PC | How do you add a launcher to the gnome menu? | 04:21 |
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kalaaron | any ideas on how i can stop X from starting on boot? | 04:21 |
kalaaron | i'd just google it, but i'm not used to using lynx for searching.. | 04:21 |
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n2diy | At0mic_PC: like in the apps menu, or from the tool bar? | 04:22 |
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devilsadvocate | kalaaron, why would you want to do that? | 04:22 |
At0mic_PC | The apps menu. | 04:22 |
xtknight | there's a program for modifying the menu | 04:22 |
xtknight | i forgot the name | 04:22 |
mzuverink | what would be the appropriate channel to ask a simple beryl effect question? | 04:22 |
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xtknight | mzuverink: #beryl | 04:22 |
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doubleA | rbil: not getting anything | 04:22 |
Malachi | What's a good cron gui? | 04:22 |
Vuen | lightcap: cat /var/log/auth.log|grep apt|less | 04:23 |
mzuverink | xtknight, thank you very much | 04:23 |
xtknight | !menu | 04:23 |
Music_Shuffle | yeah | 04:23 |
Vuen | lightcap: cat /var/log/auth.log.0|grep apt|less | 04:23 |
ubotu | menu: generates programs menu for all menu-aware applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.29 (edgy), package size 379 kB, installed size 1580 kB | 04:23 |
Music_Shuffle | #ubuntu-effects @ mzuverink | 04:23 |
rbil | doubleA: what kind of soundcard? | 04:23 |
kalaaron | devilsadvocate: well either that or i need to remove something from the session startup. but i don't know where/what file that is. | 04:23 |
Vuen | lightcap: cat /var/log/auth.log.*.gz|gunzip|grep apt|less | 04:23 |
n2diy | At0mic_PC: apps-accessories-alacarte menu editor. | 04:23 |
kalaaron | devilsadvocate: something on boot is crashing x. | 04:23 |
xtknight | sudo apt-get install alacarte | 04:23 |
At0mic_PC | n2diy: TY | 04:23 |
Vuen | lightcap: you can try grepping hold instead, might help | 04:23 |
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n2diy | At0mic_PC: nada. | 04:23 |
Music_Shuffle | kalaaron, http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fubuntuforums.org%2Fshowthread.php%3Fp%3D1625826&ei=ovTHRdr-E4-agATJ69CmDg&usg=__E0cf1OpJNHyGmTK0sUE4wY_1Lyg=&sig2=6v9fr2YSwsbJdwZuOkRQVQ | 04:23 |
devilsadvocate | kalaaron, i guess it'll be in oe od the rc's :| | 04:23 |
xtknight | how ironic, my alacarte isn't a shortcut | 04:23 |
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kalaaron | Music_Shuffle: thanks. problem is that i'm using iriss right now. and I can't go to the url and it's rather long. | 04:24 |
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rbil | doubleA: lspci | grep Multimedia | 04:24 |
Amaranth | xtknight: in edgy it's System->Preferences->Menu Layout | 04:24 |
doubleA | rbil: it says default sound card intel 82891AA-ICH | 04:24 |
Music_Shuffle | kalaaron, sec, I'll open it :P | 04:24 |
xtknight | Amaranth: ahh | 04:24 |
kalaaron | Music_Shuffle: thanks--i really appreciate it | 04:24 |
At0mic_PC | Not in menu... | 04:24 |
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xtknight | At0mic_PC: see Amaranth's last post | 04:24 |
At0mic_PC | Ironic... :) | 04:24 |
Amaranth | in feisty i'll be System->Preferences->Main Menu (actually it'll be in the control center) | 04:25 |
xtknight | At0mic_PC: deja vu? ;P | 04:25 |
doubleA | rbil: that's greek to me | 04:25 |
Amaranth | or you can just right click on the Applications menu and choose Edit Menus | 04:25 |
At0mic_PC | Indeed lol | 04:25 |
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rbil | doubleA: paste into terminal | 04:25 |
rbil | doubleA: it'll tell us what soundcard it sees | 04:25 |
FireHazard17 | yay i just completely switched from windows | 04:25 |
At0mic_PC | Amaranth: Well that'd be too easy. :) | 04:26 |
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Vuen | FireHazard17: congratulations :) | 04:26 |
FireHazard17 | and btw compiling from source is so much better | 04:26 |
FireHazard17 | thank you! | 04:26 |
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n2diy | FireHazard17: welcome to the bright side. | 04:26 |
xtknight | FireHazard17: better than what? ;P | 04:26 |
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FireHazard17 | apt-get | 04:26 |
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FireHazard17 | apt-get is easier | 04:27 |
Music_Shuffle | kalaaron, Edgy or Dapper? | 04:27 |
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jason__ | excellent, got the resolution working | 04:27 |
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jason__ | thanks for the help | 04:27 |
youser | i need some real hep setting up nfs | 04:27 |
FireHazard17 | but compiling from source is newer almost always | 04:27 |
youser | anyone ever done it? | 04:27 |
FireHazard17 | nfs? | 04:27 |
youser | for networking ubuntu computers | 04:27 |
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xtknight | network file system | 04:27 |
FireHazard17 | oh | 04:27 |
FireHazard17 | no | 04:27 |
xtknight | youser: frustratingly, i have | 04:27 |
doubleA | rbil: i know i am dumb, but it wont cut and paste | 04:28 |
pheezy | i found it pretty easy :/ | 04:28 |
xtknight | samba and nfs==ughhh | 04:28 |
youser | dude | 04:28 |
xtknight | well i was trying to share files with someone over the net | 04:28 |
FireHazard17 | is it a proprietary format? | 04:28 |
rbil | doubleA: highlight with mouse, paste with middle button/wheel | 04:28 |
pheezy | i get better results using cifs instead of smbfs | 04:28 |
lightcap | Vuen: nothing there that's interesting... | 04:28 |
youser | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=249889 | 04:28 |
xtknight | nfs..no | 04:28 |
=== AVN` [n=Light@pool-71-126-136-4.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | smb is | 04:28 |
youser | i tried following this | 04:28 |
youser | lost right off the bat | 04:28 |
kalaaron | Music_Shuffle: edgy | 04:28 |
Music_Shuffle | doubleA, to paste into terminal, use shift+ctrl+v | 04:28 |
lightcap | Vuen I think it's a dist-upgrade issue... | 04:28 |
Vuen | FireHazard17: what's better about compiling from source? | 04:28 |
lightcap | thanks for your help! | 04:28 |
youser | i ned some real damn help | 04:28 |
FireHazard17 | its newer usually | 04:29 |
Vuen | lightcap: no problem | 04:29 |
AVN` | my key repeat keeps getting turned off, what could be interfeering with it? | 04:29 |
xtknight | youser: "Install NFS Server Support" | 04:29 |
FireHazard17 | and its made under your conditions and for your system | 04:29 |
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FireHazard17 | but not always as easy or stable | 04:29 |
xtknight | FireHazard17: yeah true i like it too. most people dont since apt-get is easier and the programs there can be more stable and tested since they haven't been out as long. usually compiling for your system yields 5% perf improvement at max | 04:29 |
youser | its already newest version | 04:29 |
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xtknight | i don't bother compiling just to get a new version i dont need | 04:30 |
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xtknight | but i do compile some things religiously | 04:30 |
xtknight | like the linux kernel and mplayer | 04:30 |
FireHazard17 | im not talking about anything in particular | 04:30 |
Vuen | FireHazard17: newer, i can give you that. i have quite a few programs compiling from source just because i want the new features | 04:30 |
FireHazard17 | yeah me too | 04:31 |
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FireHazard17 | zsnes for one | 04:31 |
FireHazard17 | im new to irc btw | 04:31 |
Vuen | FireHazard17: the "made for your conditions/system" is simply useless | 04:31 |
AVN` | my key repeat keeps getting turned off, what could be interfering with it? | 04:31 |
xtknight | unless you're compiling mplayer for a Blackfin or something :/ | 04:31 |
n2diy | ! hi | FireHazard17 | 04:31 |
ubotu | FireHazard17: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 04:31 |
doubleA | rnil: i'm telling you, it wont drag into terminal. what is that squiggly line in front of the command you wrote? | 04:31 |
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Vuen | FireHazard17: and so is the "not always as stable". you get exactly what you compile; if you compile the stable release, that's no less stable than installing a deb. | 04:31 |
xtknight | Vuen: depends on version though | 04:32 |
Vuen | xtknight: ? | 04:32 |
xtknight | Vuen: repositories certainly dont upgrade to latest stable firefox immediately | 04:32 |
FireHazard17 | thanks all you're real friendly :) | 04:32 |
Vuen | xtknight: i agree. that's my whole point. | 04:32 |
xtknight | Vuen: they backport security fixes to an older trusted one | 04:32 |
Vuen | oh, yeah nevermind | 04:32 |
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Vuen | my point was that if you compile the *same version* as what you get in a deb, you get exactly the same stability. | 04:33 |
youser | for one i cant figure out how to add things to my /etc/exports properly | 04:33 |
Vuen | just poorly worded | 04:33 |
xtknight | yaeh | 04:33 |
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n2diy | ! ubotu | FireHazard17 | 04:33 |
ubotu | FireHazard17: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 04:33 |
xtknight | youser: instead of "sudo vi", i recommend "gksudo gedit" for ease of use | 04:33 |
FireHazard17 | lol | 04:33 |
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Vuen | distros don't backport new stable releases for stability reasons, but you maintain that same stability if you compile the same old version from source. | 04:33 |
xtknight | even the devil hates vi | 04:33 |
youser | i like that better too | 04:33 |
FireHazard17 | i know about ubuntu and linux | 04:33 |
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FireHazard17 | im just new to irc | 04:34 |
youser | if i add something in my exports do i use the ip of my computer or the computer wanting to acces mine? | 04:34 |
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xtknight | youser: "For Full Read Write Permissions allowing any computer from through" | 04:34 |
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xtknight | youser: it's an access control list apparently | 04:34 |
kalaaron | i added something to the sessions start up in my gdm session. how do I now remove it from terminal? | 04:34 |
xtknight | i just let everyone access it quite frankly | 04:34 |
xtknight | everyone on my lan | 04:35 |
xtknight | * i think | 04:35 |
Vuen | the only real reason there is to compile something is if you want a newer version than what is in the repositories. (in which case you SHOULD compile from source rather than installing unsigned debs from unofficial repositories, and you should drop it in /usr/local so as not to disturb dist-upgrades). | 04:35 |
icebird | I want to start a shell script at login. While searching on the internet ther seemed to be a ton of different options. What would some of you guys recomend to be the best. | 04:35 |
n2diy | FireHazard17: a month ago I was new to IRC too, and I tried to have a conversation with Ubotu! :/ | 04:35 |
xtknight | Vuen: yup | 04:35 |
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FireHazard17 | lol | 04:35 |
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Vuen | n2diy: hehe, yeah, people do that all the time. it's hilarious every time | 04:35 |
xtknight | the feisty version of ubotu should have a human emulator | 04:35 |
Vuen | ubotu can you help me fix my computer? | 04:35 |
rbil | youser: exports contains the share on the server end and the ip address of the client | 04:36 |
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Vuen | bah! why isn't it responding? :( | 04:36 |
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FireHazard17 | i cant wait for feisty! | 04:36 |
n2diy | Vuen: Yes it is. | 04:36 |
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fishy | Ok guys. Where can I find the X Menu? There's the GNOME menu editable via Alacarte, but the one used in Xfce and Fluxbox by default is different. How do I edit that menu, which I think is the main X menu? | 04:36 |
youser | ok | 04:36 |
AzMoo | Vuen, it's probably broken. | 04:36 |
Vuen | aww | 04:36 |
rbil | youser: example ... /var/www/html,no_root_squash,rw) | 04:36 |
youser | so instead of /files i should choose any folder i wanna share? | 04:36 |
Vuen | oh, bahaha, the bot pmed me | 04:36 |
Vuen | <ubotu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 04:37 |
xtknight | youser: yes | 04:37 |
doubleA | rbil: thanks for all the help. I'll look for you again. | 04:37 |
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Amaranth | fishy: XFCE uses it's own menu system, it's a bunch of XML files | 04:37 |
Amaranth | fishy: not compatible with any other menu system | 04:38 |
rbil | youser: yes | 04:38 |
Amaranth | fishy: fluxbox uses the debian menu system, dunno how it works though | 04:38 |
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Amaranth | no editor for it either | 04:38 |
youser | ok i added that line now | 04:38 |
fishy | Amaranth: There's that XML file, but it includes a menu called "system." | 04:38 |
fishy | Amaranth: And that "system" menu is identical to the menu in Fluxbox. Although Fluxbox I know uses an independent menu. | 04:38 |
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con-man | I love being able to play videos in linunx | 04:39 |
ReMeMBeR | Sayfanzda, ziyaretinin doldurmas gereken ?Elektronik Posta Adresiniz:? diye bir metin kutusu bulunduunu dnn. Bu kutuya btn ziyaretilerin elektronik posta adreslerini yazacaklarn dnyor ve bu bilgiyi ileyecek CGI programnda, ziyaretinin bu kutuya yazaca bilgiyi, alp doruca Web Server?n ?Mail? programna veriyorsunuz. Peki, ya kullanc adres yerine ?herkimse@herneredeyse.com; mail haydut@soygun.com</etc/passwd? yazarsa? Bu basit elekt | 04:39 |
youser | restared the kernel server thing | 04:39 |
youser | sudo exportfs -a | 04:39 |
fishy | Amaranth: Can I edit the Debian menu via nano or vi? | 04:39 |
youser | did that | 04:39 |
con-man | I love being able to play videos in linunx | 04:39 |
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con-man | porn has never looked so good | 04:39 |
con-man | <3 opensource porn | 04:39 |
IcemanV9 | !pl | ReMeMBeR | 04:39 |
ubotu | ReMeMBeR: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 04:39 |
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youser | now do i need client support on this comp or on the other? | 04:39 |
Amaranth | fishy: you can, if you can find it | 04:39 |
ReMeMBeR | sorry wrong channel | 04:40 |
fishy | Amaranth: /usr/share, perhaps? Do you have any clue where it might be? | 04:40 |
Amaranth | oh, it's /usr/share/menu/ | 04:40 |
fishy | ok | 04:40 |
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con-man | !pl | 04:40 |
ubotu | Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 04:40 |
linux_kid | How do I add a machine to be allowed in MySQL? (Localhost is being given the cold shoulder) | 04:40 |
icebird | I want to start a shell script at login. While searching on the internet ther seemed to be a ton of different options. What would some of you guys recomend to be the best. | 04:40 |
At0mic_PC | What's the program that lets you configure gdm? | 04:40 |
con-man | I love being able to play videos in linunx | 04:40 |
con-man | porn has never looked so good | 04:40 |
con-man | <3 opensource porn | 04:40 |
Vuen | icebird: are you running ubuntu or kubuntu? | 04:40 |
FireHazard17 | lol | 04:40 |
=== threeseas [n=threesea@adsl-145-166-210.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linux_kid | !ohmy | con-man | 04:40 |
icebird | ubuntu 6.06 | 04:40 |
ubotu | con-man: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 04:40 |
con-man | did I swear? | 04:41 |
FireHazard17 | upgrade to 6.10 | 04:41 |
pbureau | con-man, We all heard you the first time | 04:41 |
n2diy | linux_kid: run ifconfig in a terminal, and see what your nic cards ip address is, and try that. | 04:41 |
youser | xtknight, which comp do i need the client support on? | 04:41 |
threeseas | hello | 04:41 |
con-man | apparantly I swore? | 04:41 |
FireHazard17 | i didnt | 04:41 |
xtknight | youser: the one from which you will access the server's shares | 04:41 |
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rbil | youser: the box accessing the share on the server box | 04:41 |
linux_kid | n2diy: the ip is over a router | 04:41 |
youser | alright nows the tricky part | 04:41 |
xtknight | youser: server has the directories, the client will access them | 04:41 |
threeseas | I had an application that required the real time kernel; and now I have removed it... how do I change kernels being used? | 04:42 |
youser | i dont know what to substitute for server.mydomain.com | 04:42 |
con-man | !spam | 04:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about spam - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:42 |
Vuen | At0mic_PC: there aren't really configuration options for gdm... you can dpkg-configure it if you want to switch login managers i think | 04:42 |
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rbil | youser: ip address of server box is fine | 04:42 |
con-man | !pastebin | ReMeMBeR | 04:42 |
ubotu | ReMeMBeR: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:42 |
firefly2442 | How can I check my sound settings? I'm not hearing anything out of one speaker. | 04:42 |
youser | alright | 04:42 |
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At0mic_PC | Vuen: I'm just wanting to auto login. | 04:42 |
youser | how do i find the exact ip of the server | 04:42 |
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n2diy | linux_kid: ok, so add that to whatever you need to, I'm not familiar with mysql config stuff. | 04:42 |
nn531 | is there a site that is spectacular at fixing my windows codec problem? | 04:43 |
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rbil | youser: by having it use a static ip address that you've already set for that box :-) | 04:43 |
bulmer | Vuen whats the /etc/gdm/gdm.conf for? if not as configuration file? | 04:43 |
youser | hmm | 04:43 |
youser | dont believe ive done that | 04:43 |
Vuen | At0mic_PC: oh. that's configurable in gnome. while logged in, hit Settings->Login Manager (i think, i'm not running gnome) | 04:43 |
AdamKili_ | Music_Shuffle and shatrat you still here? do you think a BIOS flash utility will work on my dead computer? | 04:43 |
linux_kid | n2diy: thats the problem, i dont know where to add it :( | 04:43 |
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Vuen | At0mic_PC: there will be an option there to activate auto-login | 04:43 |
youser | i thougt it was what the router gave me.. | 04:43 |
Music_Shuffle | AdamKili_, erm...BIOS flashing is risky. | 04:43 |
rbil | youser: servers should always have a static ip address or else you won't find them later if the address changes | 04:43 |
youser | my isp gives us dhcp addresses | 04:43 |
AzMoo | At0mic_PC, System>Administration>Login Window>Security | 04:44 |
FireHazard17 | i use automatix | 04:44 |
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rbil | youser: you don't have a router? | 04:44 |
youser | yeah | 04:44 |
con-man | ! con-man didnt swear | linux_kid | 04:44 |
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youser | and its hooked up | 04:44 |
youser | we both have internet access | 04:44 |
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AdamKili_ | Music_Shuffle: well the computer already doean't work | 04:44 |
con-man | !con-man didnt swear | linux_kid | 04:44 |
youser | but no networking between comps | 04:44 |
Music_Shuffle | AdamKili_, Usually you do that if your BIOS is truly fried. Try removing the CMOS battery for a day or so to let it discharge, and then see if it works first perhaps? | 04:44 |
n2diy | linux_kid: ok, if you can't find the answer here, you'll probably have to google for mysql config, or find an IRC that deals with it? | 04:44 |
rbil | well, then yoiur isp doesn't give u ip addresses, your router does | 04:44 |
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krang | So if I'm trying to get web access via a SOCKS proxy set up with "ssh -D 8080 username@proxymachine", how does DNS work? Do I need some UDP port forwarding or will it magically happen through the proxy? | 04:44 |
Vuen | bulmer: ah. riveting. i was not aware there was such a large number of configuration options for gdm; still, i stand by my previous statement, in that very few of these options are actually practical. | 04:44 |
At0mic_PC | Thanks guys. I called myself looking for it... | 04:44 |
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con-man | !con-man_didnt_swear | linux_kid | 04:44 |
jquel | what channel should i join regarding beryl? | 04:44 |
linux_kid | n2diy: ok | 04:44 |
shatrat | AdamKili, maybe. Was that how it died, a bad bios upgrade? | 04:44 |
threeseas | can't get the windows wifi driver installer to work -- seems kernel magma doesn't have ndiswrapper in its tree | 04:45 |
threeseas | how do I change kernels | 04:45 |
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rbil | youser: your isp gives your router an ip address, your router gives your lan boxes their ip addresses either through dhcp or better to use static ip addresses internally | 04:45 |
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AdamKili_ | Music_Shuffle: good idea. i wouldn't have known to do that. shatrat: no he was playing games, it messed up, he reset it worked a few times, one time he reset and it wouldn't work | 04:45 |
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n2diy | ! kernel | threeseas | 04:45 |
ubotu | threeseas: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 04:45 |
icebird | <Vuen>I have Ubuntu LTS 6.06 | 04:45 |
bulmer | threeseas: you look in your /boot dir? | 04:45 |
youser | how would i set a static ip in ubuntu ? | 04:45 |
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Office_ | hello everyone just wanted to stop in for a min.. and drop a note: here's a link to speed up firefox all I can say is wow it flys now :).... http://office.homefrontus.com/firefox/ | 04:46 |
Vuen | jquel: #beryl | 04:46 |
youser | my isp also says i cant use any ip besides the one they giv me | 04:46 |
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rbil | first get the dns addresses from your router and record them someplace | 04:46 |
shatrat | Could be bad capacitors or something, I dont think BIOS spontaneously die | 04:46 |
Vuen | jquel: in freenode you can often just guess at channel names. or just ask ubotu | 04:46 |
linux_kid | Office_ #ubuntu-offtopic may enjoy this better | 04:46 |
n2diy | youser: which Ubuntu are you running? | 04:46 |
Vuen | !beryl|jquel | 04:46 |
ubotu | jquel: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 04:46 |
youser | dapper | 04:46 |
jquel | Vuen- I know about that. I thought there was a particular ubuntu/beryl channel | 04:46 |
rbil | then use Network tools to set static ip on a box | 04:46 |
n2diy | youser: good, wait. | 04:46 |
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Office_ | linux_kid, :) | 04:46 |
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thoreauputic | youser: if your ISP uses dynamic Ips you are out of luck - but you can use dyndns for dynamic dns | 04:47 |
Vuen | jquel: apparently it's #ubuntu-effects. that's new; yesterday it was #ubuntu-xgl. looks like they finally changed it :) | 04:47 |
n2diy | youser: go to system-admin-networking | 04:47 |
linux_kid | Office_ :) | 04:47 |
jquel | Vuen: k...thnx | 04:47 |
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Vuen | jquel: anyway most support in #beryl is for ubuntu anyway. i maintain that you're better off in there; those guys really know what they're doing. | 04:47 |
youser | ok | 04:47 |
youser | im in there | 04:47 |
FireHazard17 | yeah beryl rocks | 04:47 |
jquel | k | 04:47 |
fishy | Amaranth: How is the menu compiled in /usr/share/menu? There's no "master" menu file. | 04:47 |
linux_kid | thoreauputic: routers eliminate dynamic ips | 04:47 |
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rbil | youser: as I warned, first get DNS server addresses | 04:48 |
thoreauputic | Linky|Laptop: not if you use ddclient set to get your IP from the web | 04:48 |
youser | hoq do i do that | 04:48 |
n2diy | youser: ok, highlight the interface you want to config, and edit it, or properties, etc... | 04:48 |
rbil | login to your to router and it'll tell u | 04:48 |
thoreauputic | linux_kid: sorry that was for you ^^ | 04:48 |
Amaranth | fishy: like i said, i have no idea how it works | 04:48 |
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n2diy | ! lan | 04:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:48 |
youser | how do i log into my router? | 04:48 |
AdamKili_ | Music_Shuffle: but what i want to know is: Since nothing happens when I turn on the computer (No bootable CD will load) will the BIOS flash work? don't you run it from a CD? | 04:48 |
linux_kid | thoreauputic: sorry :) | 04:48 |
fishy | Amaranth: Nevermind, figured it out. | 04:49 |
linux_kid | youser: find your router's ip and type it in in a browser | 04:49 |
rbil | youser: you'll set your gateway to your router's addy and set DNS servers to what your ISP provides | 04:49 |
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thoreauputic | linux_kid: I use ddclinet here configured that way - my router also has a dyndns client built in so I only need ddclient on my laptop when away from the network here | 04:49 |
Music_Shuffle | AdamKili_, well, when you press the power button, it goes through the POST first, and then loads the OS bit...so if NOTHING shows, and you're sure the poewr connectors are fixed in place right, and the CMOS battery has been reset, then the board's gone kerplunk. | 04:49 |
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rbil | youser: usually or depending on router | 04:49 |
n2diy | youser: try | 04:50 |
Vuen | rbil: it's definitely not, that's not a valid ip | 04:50 |
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AdamKili_ | Music_Shuffle: ok | 04:50 |
youser | ok i found my routers ip and logged into its settings | 04:50 |
xtknight | 1.0 is valid for a gateway isn't it? | 04:50 |
Vuen | rbil: it's 192.168.?.1 . for d-link it's 0, for linksys it's 1, for netgear it's 2 (i think) | 04:50 |
rbil | Vuen, yes, saw the mistake after I typed it | 04:50 |
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youser | its netgear and its 01 | 04:51 |
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linux_kid | Vuen: it can be easily changed | 04:51 |
jonw_ | xtknight: no | 04:51 |
Vuen | linux_kid: yes | 04:51 |
n2diy | Vuen: linksys it is .1.1 | 04:51 |
xtknight | is 0 used for anything? | 04:51 |
Vuen | linux_kid: it can, but it's not necessary | 04:51 |
youser | currently check is.. get dynamically from isp | 04:51 |
XiCillin | has anybody tryed getting snood to work with wine? | 04:51 |
jonw_ | xtknight: 0 is the network adress, never a host address | 04:51 |
rbil | youser: keep it that way | 04:51 |
youser | it shows my subnet mask and my gateway ip | 04:51 |
rbil | youser: it's talking about your router | 04:51 |
linux_kid | Vuen: it'll stall the hacker in my front yard about 10 seconds :) | 04:51 |
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Vuen | xtknight: 1.0 is not valid for a gateway. a gateway is a physical port on the router, which needs a real ip address. | 04:52 |
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xtknight | this is why i'm not a network admin | 04:52 |
xtknight | =] | 04:52 |
n2diy | Now we are getting into cool stuff. | 04:53 |
youser | dns addresses also get automatically from isp | 04:53 |
FantasticFoo | sorry for the dumb question, but how do i know what version of gtk+ i have? | 04:53 |
xtknight | FantasticFoo: are you calling me dumb? :P i have no idea | 04:53 |
n2diy | FantasticFoo: gtk -v | 04:53 |
rbil | youser: yes from your isp, but when setting up static ip for a box, you'll want to know those addresses for dns | 04:53 |
xtknight | gtk-config --version for gtk 1.x branch | 04:53 |
xtknight | but dont know about 2.0 | 04:53 |
rbil | youser: or you won't get back on the Net | 04:54 |
kitche | Vuen: by the way 1.0 is vaild | 04:54 |
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FantasticFoo | n2diy: thanks! | 04:54 |
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xtknight | n2diy: that doesnt seem to work on my machine (gtk is not a program) | 04:54 |
youser | how do i know those dns addresses | 04:54 |
FantasticFoo | n2diy: "gtk: command not found" | 04:54 |
Vuen | kitche: not as a host address, it definitely is not | 04:54 |
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kitche | Vuen: - | 04:54 |
rbil | youser: your router should display them somewhere??? | 04:54 |
AdamKili_ | Music_Shuffle: thank you | 04:55 |
youser | it just says get automatically from isp | 04:55 |
xtknight | FantasticFoo: dpkg -s libgtk2.0-0 | grep Version | 04:55 |
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Music_Shuffle | AdamKili_, best of luck. | 04:55 |
FantasticFoo | xtknight: thanks | 04:55 |
xtknight | FantasticFoo: and it's whatever is before the dash | 04:55 |
n2diy | FantasticFoo: hmmm, see xtknight's suggestion. | 04:55 |
icebird | How do you start a shell script when you login? | 04:55 |
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rbil | youser: I'm not familiar with that particular router | 04:55 |
youser | i could click "set these dns servers" and enter a primary and secondary dns | 04:55 |
thoreauputic | icebird: put it in ~/.gnomerc ( you have to create that file) | 04:55 |
Vuen | kitche: no. .0 and .255 are reserved. .0 is the network address, .255 is broadcast. neither are valid for host addresses. | 04:55 |
icebird | is that the best way (where do you create it) | 04:56 |
youser | or how could i find where my router displays my dns addresses for both computers in ubuntu? | 04:56 |
thoreauputic | icebird: ~/ means your home directory - and note the dot before gnomerc .gnomerc | 04:56 |
rbil | youser: well u can use any dns servers out there ... who is your isp? | 04:56 |
youser | rogers | 04:56 |
xtknight | is a global dns server afaik | 04:56 |
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icebird | would i just type the location of my program or what | 04:57 |
FireHazard17 | is there anyway i can affix the file extension to a batch of about 100 files? | 04:57 |
FireHazard17 | or do i have to do it by hand :( | 04:57 |
ardchoille | icebird, sh /path/to/script.sh | 04:57 |
xtknight | FireHazard17: hold up | 04:57 |
FireHazard17 | ok | 04:57 |
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rbil | youser: do a whois rogers.ca in terminal and it'll give u some NDS addresses | 04:57 |
icebird | what is the sh in the beginning for | 04:57 |
cc_ | I have an accesspoint setup and when i'm connected i get this message in the accesspoint machines logs | 04:58 |
Vuen | FireHazard17: for file in *; do mv $file ${file}.txt; done | 04:58 |
thoreauputic | icebird: umm - if it's a script you can call it by path, if it's a program put the command in there if it is in your $PATH | 04:58 |
Vuen | FireHazard17: replace .txt with whatever | 04:58 |
cc_ | MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:14:bf:7a:4d:2d:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=78 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=128 ID=1522 PROTO=UDP SPT=137 DPT=137 LEN=58 | 04:58 |
FireHazard17 | cool thanks | 04:58 |
cc_ | can someone help | 04:58 |
xtknight | FireHazard17: vuen beat me by a wide mragin | 04:58 |
n2diy | icebird: tell the interpreter it is a shell script. | 04:58 |
FireHazard17 | awesome | 04:58 |
icebird | sorry it is a script | 04:58 |
youser | ns1- netaddress? | 04:58 |
cc_ | because it is connecting from the client but I can't ping or anything | 04:58 |
rbil | right | 04:58 |
cc_ | it just connects and that is it | 04:58 |
holycow | !java | 04:59 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 04:59 |
n2diy | icebird: yes, but the interpreter doesn't know that, until it sees the sh. | 04:59 |
thoreauputic | icebird: if the script is executable ( chmod +x) call it - e.g. /usr/local/bin/myscript | 04:59 |
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youser | so is hould just write down these 4 dns addresses that came up? | 04:59 |
youser | the hostnames too? | 04:59 |
rbil | youser: at least 2 of them, no ipaddresses | 04:59 |
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thoreauputic | n2diy: the interpreter won't have a problem if the script starts #!/bin/bash or #!/bin/sh | 05:00 |
youser | so just write down the hostnames? | 05:00 |
xtknight | if the script isn't +x cant you still run it with sh ./asdf.sh? | 05:00 |
xtknight | i never understood that | 05:00 |
cc_ | can someone help please | 05:00 |
icebird | so if the file permissions are set to 755 do i need to put sh in front the path | 05:00 |
kitche | xtknight: you would just have to do sh no need for ./ | 05:00 |
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n2diy | thoreauputic: ok, I only passed basic cgi/perl. :? | 05:00 |
xtknight | kitche: how come sh can override the +x flag? | 05:00 |
thoreauputic | icebird: fo you have #!/bin/sh or similar as the first line? | 05:00 |
youser | all this to set upa network through 2 computers | 05:00 |
Vuen | FireHazard17: mm, that loop i gave you might fail if your files have spaces. | 05:01 |
kitche | xtknight: sh is a shell can be used to execute files also | 05:01 |
rbil | youser: well u could use samba :-) | 05:01 |
Ayanami | Hellos. My sound doesn't work, for some reason. Its a VIA 8237 on Edgy. | 05:01 |
youser | no way | 05:01 |
Vuen | FireHazard17: use this instead: for file in *; do mv "$file" "${file}.txt"; done | 05:01 |
Vuen | FireHazard17: that should help | 05:01 |
youser | do i write down just the hostnames from the whois ? | 05:01 |
icebird | sorry but what does the #! do | 05:01 |
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xtknight | kitche: right, but if you run ./asdf (sh script without +x) in bash it will say permission denied. if you run it in sh, it will run fine. i'm wondering with bash cares about +x and sh does not | 05:01 |
Vuen | icebird: #! specifies the interpreter to execute the file with. | 05:02 |
rbil | NS2-Netaddress ip address following these lines | 05:02 |
kitche | xtknight: bash doesn't care either you can do bash asdf | 05:02 |
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thoreauputic | icebird: tells the interpreter what to expect :) | 05:02 |
ubuntu | surgy thanks man. | 05:02 |
xtknight | hmm | 05:02 |
cc_ | can someone help please | 05:02 |
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xtknight | cc_: restate your problem | 05:02 |
rbil | youser: those are the name server addresses | 05:02 |
dfwlinuxguy | !ask | 05:02 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 05:02 |
Vuen | icebird: so if you put #!/bin/bash, the file is run with bash. if you put #!/usr/bin/python, the file is run with python. | 05:02 |
icebird | oh, ok | 05:02 |
thoreauputic | icebird: e.g /bin/bash or /bin/dash etc etc | 05:02 |
cc_ | I have an accesspoint setup and when i'm connected i get this message in the accesspoint machines logs | 05:02 |
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surgy | ubuntu: np | 05:02 |
youser | ok and what do i do with these again? | 05:02 |
cc_ | it just connects and that is it | 05:02 |
icebird | ooohhh | 05:02 |
cc_ | MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:14:bf:7a:4d:2d:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=78 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=128 ID=1522 PROTO=UDP SPT=137 DPT=137 LEN=58 | 05:02 |
cc_ | cheers | 05:03 |
icebird | thank you | 05:03 |
xtknight | cc_: no idea dude. try #linux maybe. that's a pretty deep question ;) | 05:03 |
rbil | youser: when you're setting up networking to use static ip, there'll be a place to use those ip addresses for dns | 05:03 |
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zero88 | HELP, how would i be able to play or run a "Catalog cd" becuase i dont think it is a video,becuase it isnt playing as one.it is just opening showing me the contents | 05:03 |
FireHazard17 | wait it doesn't work am i supposed to replace {file} with something? | 05:03 |
cc_ | ok are there any logs for the network | 05:03 |
xtknight | FireHazard17: no. i think you have to put his script in a bin bash script | 05:03 |
cc_ | specifically for the network????? so i can analyse what is happening? | 05:04 |
Vuen | FireHazard17: you don't. ${file} is a variable. | 05:04 |
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UntouchableMX | can some one help me, I disabled the desktop icons on system tray, but now I wnat to enable them | 05:04 |
Vuen | FireHazard17, xtknight: no, you don't change the command at all. just paste it into a console, change .txt to whatever extension you want, and hit enter | 05:04 |
=== Ayanami tries again. :) Its crowded in here. Anyone good with ALSA and VIA AC97 onboard? I have no sound. | ||
xtknight | FireHazard17: actually type this in the terminal, seems to wrok for me "for file in *; do mv "$file" "${file}.txt"; done" | 05:04 |
FireHazard17 | oh | 05:04 |
youser | and i can just use any 1 for my static ip? | 05:04 |
n2diy | Vuen: FireHazard17, if it is bash script, just but it in a text file. | 05:04 |
rbil | youser: be prepared to be kicked out of here when u change over to static ip address on the box you're on now | 05:04 |
dfwlinuxguy | cc_ sounds like all your traffic is being routed to the broadcast address | 05:05 |
kitche | Ayanami: do lsmod|grep snd* and see if you have snd_intel8x0 loaded | 05:05 |
xtknight | Vuen: your first cmd didn't work for me i dont think | 05:05 |
cafuego_ | cc_: Port 137 is samba traffic - windows file sharing. | 05:05 |
rbil | youser: u can use whatever your router isn't now assigning ... | 05:05 |
xtknight | Vuen: last one works | 05:05 |
youser | so why did i whois rogers? | 05:05 |
FantasticFoo | can i safely downgrade my GTK to 2.7 from 2.10 on edgy? just to experiment with an app that crashes with gtk 2.8 or higher | 05:05 |
rbil | youser: if your router assigns a bock for dhcp, then use an address outside of that block | 05:05 |
Vuen | xtknight, n2diy, FireHazard17: i just tested it. it worked fine. you do not need to put it in a script. just paste it into a terminal window and hit enter | 05:05 |
nn531 | can anyone refer me to a good guide to install the codes to stream wmv files? | 05:05 |
xtknight | FantasticFoo: interesing. what app would that be? | 05:05 |
Vuen | !codecs|nn531 | 05:05 |
ubotu | nn531: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 05:05 |
FantasticFoo | xtknight: gdesklets | 05:05 |
xtknight | FantasticFoo: i knew one like that, gtkradient in paricular | 05:05 |
xtknight | hmm | 05:06 |
rbil | youser: hold on so I can explain | 05:06 |
cc_ | cheers | 05:06 |
Ayanami | kitche: No. just the via82xx, saa7134, and assorted ALSA modules. | 05:06 |
youser | alright | 05:06 |
xtknight | FantasticFoo: isnt that in repos? | 05:06 |
=== Snake [n=Ken@adsl-65-43-152-13.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dfwlinuxguy | nn531 google for ubuntu restricted formats | 05:06 |
youser | cuz this is mad confusing to me | 05:06 |
FantasticFoo | xtknight: yeah | 05:06 |
Snake | How can I input accented charaters? | 05:06 |
xtknight | FantasticFoo: youre using a newer gtk than repos then? | 05:06 |
rbil | youser: your router will assign automatically ip addresses and somewhere in your router you should be able to state the range it can assign | 05:06 |
Snake | You use alt keys in windows... | 05:06 |
n2diy | Vuen, xtknight, FireHazard17, ok, but if you want to save it, put it in a text file. | 05:06 |
FantasticFoo | xtknight: no | 05:06 |
FantasticFoo | xtknight: it'l install, it just sorta doesnt work properly | 05:06 |
rbil | youser: you want to use ip addresses outside that range | 05:06 |
threeseas | damn I disconnected - did anyone help me with the magma ndiswrapper thing? | 05:06 |
Vuen | FantasticFoo: that's probably a bad idea. what you can do is compile gtk 2.7 into /usr/local, then compile your app and link it to that gtk instead. that way you can safely have both versions, and only that specific app will use the 2.7 toolkit. | 05:06 |
FireHazard17 | no thank you its good | 05:07 |
rbil | youser: it can be anything from to | 05:07 |
xtknight | FantasticFoo: i suggest you notify the maintainer of gdesklets then (dpkg -s gdesklets | grep Maintainer) | 05:07 |
poolboy | hey guys how do I access the process manager? | 05:07 |
youser | the ips y router already assigns is that gateway ip? | 05:07 |
xtknight | FantasticFoo: im not sure how to downgrade gtk, probably not a good idea | 05:07 |
rbil | youser: depends on your router's dhcp settings now | 05:07 |
youser | that shit is impossible to know | 05:07 |
FantasticFoo | xtknight: hm yeah i'll do that | 05:07 |
FantasticFoo | Vuen: oo! good idea | 05:07 |
=== frogzoo_ [n=frogzoo@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | yeah | 05:07 |
FantasticFoo | Vuen: thanks | 05:07 |
youser | how do i find out my routers dhcp settngs | 05:07 |
rbil | youser: your router should tell u | 05:07 |
youser | can i whois my router? | 05:07 |
xtknight | you can have gdesklets just use the usr local gtk somehow | 05:07 |
rbil | youser: there must be menus there to set this stuff up? | 05:08 |
rbil | youser: no | 05:08 |
Ayanami | youser: You go to the web based or serial based configuration tool for your router. Try | 05:08 |
youser | theres a settings page for my router | 05:08 |
n2diy | youser: surf to your router. | 05:08 |
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youser | i am there | 05:08 |
frogzoo_ | youser: check your router's manual | 05:08 |
Vuen | FantasticFoo: no problem. just make sure you specify the proper PREFIX=/usr/local to ./configure while compiling gtk, and the proper gtk location (whatever the variable is) to ./configure while compiling the app | 05:08 |
poolboy | go the web based way | 05:08 |
Ayanami | youser: ... frogzoo_ wings. | 05:08 |
=== help [n=andrew@c211-30-250-83.belrs4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ayanami | wins. | 05:08 |
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=== Jordan_U [n=jordan@h-68-164-89-221.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== help [n=andrew@c211-30-250-83.belrs4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FantasticFoo | Vuen: or could i keep the one i installed from repos and somehow tell it to use another gtk? | 05:08 |
=== j0hn-zo0 [n=drg0nzo@pD9534D71.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jordan_U | join #ubuntu-offtopic | 05:08 |
poolboy | most of the routers have a page wich shows you the config | 05:08 |
n2diy | youser: surf around and see what you can find. | 05:08 |
help | !japanese | 05:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about japanese - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:09 |
Snake | How can I type accented charaters in ubuntu? In windows I hold alt + number combo... | 05:09 |
rbil | youser: do you have any mention there of DHCP Server and number of users and range of addresses? | 05:09 |
help | !scim | 05:09 |
ubotu | Chinese, Japanese, Korean Language input. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SCIM | 05:09 |
Vuen | FantasticFoo: yes. when you compile the app, you would specify a parameter while calling ./configure to tell it which gtk to use. | 05:09 |
n2diy | ! ja | help | 05:09 |
ubotu | help: #ubuntu-jp #kubuntu-jp | 05:09 |
youser | i can find checkbox for get dynamically ip's and get automatically for dns's | 05:09 |
Ayanami | youser: What brand is your router? | 05:09 |
youser | netgear | 05:09 |
rbil | youser: that's it? | 05:09 |
=== Ayanami decides to help while waiting. :) | ||
youser | also i can see my gateway ip and subnet mask | 05:09 |
Vuen | FantasticFoo: it would look something like: ./configure GTK=/usr/local/gtk | 05:09 |
youser | everythign else is zero's | 05:09 |
Vuen | FantasticFoo: that's almost certainly wrong, but you get the idea | 05:09 |
holycow | *hmmm* | 05:09 |
=== pab [n=pab@ip68-98-20-126.ph.ph.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Ayanami | youser: Look for "Advanced" | 05:10 |
xtknight | oh | 05:10 |
help | how do I type Japanese in Ubuntu? | 05:10 |
xtknight | FantasticFoo: usually it's --with-gtk= or something | 05:10 |
xtknight | but that's only for static linking, no? | 05:10 |
threeseas | oh well | 05:10 |
Vuen | xtknight, FantasticFoo: yeah, that sounds right. google that, you should find something | 05:10 |
dfwlinuxguy | japanese | 05:10 |
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n2diy | help: which version of Ubuntu? | 05:10 |
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Snake | How can I type accented chars in Edgy? In windows I hold alt + a key combo | 05:10 |
help | 6.10 edgy eft | 05:11 |
=== cstrippie [n=cstrippi@adsl-69-225-46-227.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | are there latest java binaries available for dapper somewhere or do we haveto still build them our selves? | 05:11 |
xtknight | Vuen: probably place /usr/local/gtk in a higher priority in ldconfig or something for the app if it's dynamically linked so it uses those libs? or put it in the path or somethiing | 05:11 |
Vuen | Snake: yes, i would like to know this too. | 05:11 |
n2diy | help: which version of Ubuntu? | 05:11 |
youser | i found internet port and lan port info | 05:11 |
=== SmAcKaSs [n=smackass@c-67-175-249-159.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
youser | ipaddress' for both | 05:11 |
help | n2diy: edgy eft | 05:11 |
rbil | Snake .. right click on panel and Add To Panel and look for the applet to add characters | 05:11 |
Snake | Vuen: havnt found anythign yet? | 05:11 |
poolboy | I have a small question which i can't seem to find an answer on the web for. I know it must be on the web i'm probably just looking for the wrong thing. but how do I access the process manager in ubuntu? | 05:11 |
Vuen | xtknight: not sure. i don't think you would need to do any of that if you explicitely tell ./configure where it is. | 05:11 |
Snake | rbil: ....are you joking?? | 05:11 |
=== Ayanami wonders what a process manager is. | ||
Snake | thats like typing with an onscreen keyboard... | 05:12 |
Vuen | Snake: nope, sorry :( | 05:12 |
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n2diy | help: hmm, on Dapper it is in system-prefrences-keyboard. | 05:12 |
rbil | Snake: no, that's what I use | 05:12 |
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl805.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vuen | Snake: oh, yeah, there's basically the equivalent of charmap for linux (at least, there is in kde) | 05:12 |
Snake | rbil: Do you use accent chars often? | 05:12 |
Snake | Well yea | 05:12 |
Vuen | Snake: so if you badly need an accented char, you can do that | 05:12 |
Snake | But .... come on | 05:12 |
Vuen | i agree | 05:12 |
Snake | You cant hold a conversation like that | 05:12 |
rbil | Snake: copy and paste .. no not often :-) | 05:12 |
Ayanami | Why not use an accented keyboard layout? | 05:12 |
=== Captain_Redbeard [n=carl@c-8db6e055.449-1-64736c22.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Snake | Ah see, I speak german also, but more so english | 05:13 |
rbil | Snake: ok, find a better way. | 05:13 |
=== gaspipe1_ [n=gaspipe1@cpe-68-173-175-117.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vuen | Snake: you can probably just install a new keyboard layout | 05:13 |
Snake | rbil: o | 05:13 |
Snake | im trying * :-) | 05:13 |
rbil | hehe | 05:13 |
gaspipe1_ | hey people | 05:13 |
xtknight | hmm yeah...i'd like to know the alt-tab equiv too. but just for ascii 0-255 for typing special characters | 05:13 |
xtknight | er not alt-tab, alt numpad | 05:13 |
Ayanami | Snake, what version of Ubuntu? Edgy? | 05:13 |
rbil | Snake: I agree it's a pain and not nearly as easy as in Windoze | 05:13 |
Pelo | gaspipe1_, wrong channel, the users here don't qualify as people | 05:13 |
n2diy | Snake, and on Dapper it is in system-prefrences-keyboard. | 05:13 |
Snake | Ayanami: correct | 05:13 |
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Ayanami | I found layouts in System, Preferences, keyboard. | 05:14 |
dfwlinuxguy | for file in *; do mv "$file" "${file}.txt"; donel,;['./km.,l,./,., ., .,.,.,.,lk.,kl.,kmlkml.kmlkmlkm/.;' | 05:14 |
Snake | n2diy: I know how to remap my keyboard | 05:14 |
Ayanami | But, um, you'll need to switch between US and German. | 05:14 |
youser | my router tells me rthe ip address of bothcpu's | 05:14 |
Jordan_U | Snake: ctrl+ shift+ keycode | 05:14 |
=== Snake sighs and continues googling | ||
n2diy | Snake, ok. | 05:14 |
=== frogzoo_ is now known as drwon | ||
SmAcKaSs | Ubuntu 6.10 -- Broadcom 4306 wireless card -- tried fwcutter and ndiswrapper.... lost, frustrated, need help. | 05:14 |
Snake | Jordan_U: AH HA! let me try it | 05:14 |
nn531 | anyone know where why libdivx4linux isnt found? when ubuntux.org says i should install it? | 05:14 |
gaspipe1_ | Pelo: tell what, everyone has been very help full so far :P | 05:14 |
xtknight | ctrl shift doesnt work here | 05:14 |
poolboy | is there any thing that might even resemble the process manager for windows? I'm a noob when it comes to linux and i would love to know | 05:14 |
Snake | No good here either | 05:14 |
Snake | :( | 05:14 |
xtknight | poolboy: gnome-system-monitor | 05:14 |
Ayanami | Oh, that thing, poolboy? | 05:14 |
Jordan_U | Snake: sorry, I meant ctrl+shift+u | 05:14 |
transgress | herm | 05:15 |
Ayanami | Yeah. gnome-system-monitor, top in console... | 05:15 |
poolboy | yep that thing | 05:15 |
=== drwon is now known as frogzoo | ||
Snake | AH HA! | 05:15 |
xtknight | what | 05:15 |
Snake | Jordan_U: Nice | 05:15 |
Ayanami | Snake found it? | 05:15 |
xtknight | how do you use ctrl shift U? | 05:15 |
Snake | Ctrl Shift U | 05:15 |
xtknight | oh | 05:15 |
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xtknight | i get it now | 05:15 |
rbil | Jordan_U: what does that do? | 05:15 |
xtknight | sorta interesting | 05:15 |
xtknight | 05:15 | |
Ayanami | uef | 05:15 |
Snake | Hmmm.... weird... | 05:15 |
xtknight | supports unicode too? | 05:15 |
Ayanami | Ok, that was... hmm. | 05:15 |
Jordan_U | rbil: Lets you enter Unicode values for characters | 05:15 |
xtknight | coolness. | 05:15 |
xtknight | any way to remap it to alt -xxx | 05:16 |
xtknight | xmodmap? | 05:16 |
Jordan_U | xtknight: The "u" is for unicode :) | 05:16 |
rbil | Jordan_U, how? | 05:16 |
=== orkid_ [n=orkid@bas1-barrie18-1242373986.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Snake | Now I just gotta find the correct number thingys for unicode | 05:16 |
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Jordan_U | rbil: press ctrl+shift+u then type some numbers | 05:16 |
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Ayanami | Anyway... No one's had problems with VIA 82xx and alsa sound? I've unmuted everything, etc, but I get no sound. :( | 05:16 |
coffee-mug | hey everyone | 05:16 |
XiCillin | hi | 05:17 |
coffee-mug | just wanted to say how much ubuntu rocks :) | 05:17 |
help | hey when I chose langauge for session Japanese isn't there | 05:17 |
help | any help? | 05:17 |
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help | language* | 05:17 |
XiCillin | coffee-mug, yea. when did you start usin it? | 05:17 |
Vuen | Jordan_U: does it work with the right ctrl? my left ctrl is broken :( | 05:17 |
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rbil | 0196 | 05:17 |
rbil | nope :-) | 05:17 |
devilsadvocate | !japanese | 05:17 |
SmAcKaSs | Ubuntu 6.10 -- Broadcom 4306 wireless card -- tried fwcutter and ndiswrapper.... lost, frustrated, need help. | 05:17 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about japanese - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:17 |
SmAcKaSs | anyone around to help me? | 05:17 |
n2diy | ! ja | 05:17 |
ubotu | #ubuntu-jp #kubuntu-jp | 05:17 |
Jordan_U | Vuen: I don't have a right control :) try it? | 05:17 |
Vuen | Jordan_U: doesn't seem to work :( | 05:18 |
poolboy | is there a way to create a keyboard shortcut for an app in ubuntu for example to the terminal? | 05:18 |
rbil | 05:18 | |
n2diy | poolboy: yes, read up on aliases | 05:18 |
rbil | Jordan_U tell me how to get this ... | 05:18 |
Jordan_U | Vuen: remap your control key :) | 05:18 |
help | #j kubuntu-jp | 05:18 |
Vuen | Jordan_U: really i should just buy a new keyboard | 05:18 |
Vuen | Jordan_U: i'm having trouble parting with this one because i spraypainted it white | 05:19 |
Ayanami | Help: /join #kunbutu-jp | 05:19 |
poolboy | thanks | 05:19 |
Vuen | Jordan_U: so there are no key labels | 05:19 |
Ayanami | Spelling it correctly, of course. | 05:19 |
n2diy | help /join #ubuntu-jp ? | 05:19 |
frogzoo | rbil: you might try a different kb layout - eg french | 05:19 |
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Vuen | Jordan_U: it's just a panel of a hundred unlabeled keys. it's totally awesome | 05:19 |
rbil | frogzoo: nope don't want to have to do that | 05:19 |
Vuen | Jordan_U: but it was a lot of work, and i don't want to have to do that to a new keyboard :p | 05:19 |
help | thanks but I don't think many people are there | 05:19 |
=== sail [n=tolya@dsl081-242-091.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jordan_U | Vuen: they make keyboards like that, the ones I have seen are overpriced | 05:20 |
Vuen | yeah. they stole my idea | 05:20 |
Jordan_U | though | 05:20 |
Vuen | i did it long before that website popped up | 05:20 |
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=== Pici [n=pcmacman@ool-4355be00.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jordan_U | Vuen: My typing teacher probably did it before you were born :) | 05:21 |
Vuen | i painted this keyboard like three years ago | 05:21 |
Ayanami | Das Keyboard! :) | 05:21 |
=== Snake [n=Ken@adsl-65-43-152-13.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Vuen | oh. well that's less exciting | 05:21 |
=== Ayanami has a keyboard like that next to me, I use it on a headless server. | ||
Vuen | i'm jealous | 05:21 |
=== MonkeyMagic [n=david@60-240-16-119-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ayanami | It cost me 2 dollars, I varnished the keys off. | 05:21 |
n2diy | When I learned Dvorak, I pried all my keys off, and physically remapped them. | 05:21 |
FantasticFoo | n2diy: you use dvorak? | 05:22 |
n2diy | FantasticFoo: yep | 05:22 |
MonkeyMagic | dvorak makes anything a good password | 05:22 |
Ayanami | This is frightening me. I use Gentoo. Yet, I cannot get this sound to work. :( It was working earlier, like 3 reboots ago. | 05:22 |
Ayanami | Then it suddenly died. | 05:22 |
=== Pelo thought he was anal sewing patches on gloves | ||
help | how do I activate universe repositories on apt-get? | 05:22 |
FantasticFoo | n2diy: what makes it better that qwerty | 05:22 |
n2diy | MonkeyMagic: at the local box, yep | 05:22 |
Jordan_U | !universe | help | 05:23 |
ubotu | help: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 05:23 |
Ayanami | Its faster. querty is designed to slow you down. | 05:23 |
rbil | FantasticFoo: no one else can use it :-) | 05:23 |
Pelo | help, you can do it in synaptic, or use the source menu in system admin | 05:23 |
n2diy | FantasticFoo: Qwerty was designed to slow down typist, so they wouldn't jam their mechanical machines, Dvorak is designed to speed up your typing. | 05:23 |
Jordan_U | Ayanami: I have heard that it doesn't actually help much for speed but is good for preventing carple tunnel | 05:23 |
sheldonc | Ayanami: makes you faster on your KB. makes you ridiculously slow on everyone elses. Dvorak is only good if we could shoot all the qwerty lovers. | 05:24 |
FireHazard17 | how do i make it do this? " * Ayanami has a keyboard like that next to me, I use it on a headless server " | 05:24 |
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=== ReKlipz [n=reklipz@ip68-106-209-195.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FireHazard17 | make yourself do stuff | 05:24 |
FireHazard17 | on irc | 05:24 |
=== f|shy [n=fish@dyn-62-56-95-139.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MonkeyMagic | dvorak is designed to make you swich hands more often | 05:24 |
ReKlipz | can someone help me with the azureus install for edgy? | 05:24 |
FantasticFoo | n2diy: ah | 05:24 |
n2diy | MonkeyMagic: what are you talking about, I don't switch hands? | 05:24 |
Jordan_U | ReKlipz: It's available in the repos | 05:24 |
Pelo | ReKlipz, #azureus-support | 05:24 |
FantasticFoo | n2diy: so why is my computer teacher teaching us qwerty in computer class instead of dvorak? | 05:25 |
FireHazard17 | use automatix | 05:25 |
MonkeyMagic | no.. think of the on a qwerty keyboard, it is fast to type as you alternate hands | 05:25 |
ReKlipz | jordan_u, I downloaded it, but everytime it starts, it crashes | 05:25 |
Jordan_U | !automatix | FireHazard17 | 05:25 |
ubotu | FireHazard17: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 05:25 |
ardchoille | FireHazard17, Please do not recommend automatix | 05:25 |
atrus | i can type pretty fast on both now. the big advantage of dvorak that i've noticed is that it seems easier on the wrists | 05:25 |
=== bcampbe81 [n=lou@60-242-29-130.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rbil | FantasticFoo: because only a few people in the world use dvorak | 05:25 |
=== yellowdart [n=yellowda@cpe-24-29-210-190.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ayanami | Firehazard: Use /me | 05:25 |
FireHazard17 | why? | 05:25 |
holycow | actually someone studied the dvorka vs qwerty stuff and it turns out there is no speed difference between the two | 05:25 |
Jordan_U | ReKlipz: Are you using the Sun JVM? | 05:25 |
=== FireHazard17 jump | ||
=== FireHazard17 jumped | ||
=== Ayanami gets a stick. | ||
n2diy | FantasticFoo: The teacher is old school, and probably never heard of Dvorak. Plus, all your keyboards are labeled for Qwerty. | 05:26 |
Jordan_U | holycow: Does help prevent RSI though | 05:26 |
=== FireHazard17 has just jumped for joy | ||
ReKlipz | yep | 05:26 |
ReKlipz | sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre | 05:26 |
bcampbe81 | can someone help me to get my logitech quick cam express working ... new to linux and wanna get it working | 05:26 |
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FireHazard17 | why cant i recommend automatix? | 05:26 |
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FantasticFoo | n2diy: do you feel its more comfortable to type on? | 05:26 |
ardchoille | !automatix | FireHazard17 | 05:26 |
ubotu | FireHazard17: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 05:26 |
Jordan_U | ReKlipz: Set gcj as the default, NOT Sun JVM | 05:26 |
holycow | FireHazard17, because automatix is a piece of crap thats why | 05:26 |
=== CSonicGo [n=caf@24-196-2-149.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n2diy | ! automatic | FireHazard17 | 05:27 |
holycow | all those bozos had to do was create a metapackage that pulls that in | 05:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about automatic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:27 |
holycow | but nooooooo | 05:27 |
=== ruchbah [n=jim@c-69-252-189-204.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ReKlipz | jordan_u, how do i do that? | 05:27 |
Ayanami | I think the bot explained that pretty well. | 05:27 |
rbil | !WorksForMe | 05:27 |
ubotu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 05:27 |
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holycow | they went and created a script that bypasses all the package manager and who knows what else | 05:27 |
holycow | my god, just don't use that piece fo crap | 05:27 |
Jordan_U | holycow: They did in Feisty... | 05:27 |
IcemanV9 | !webcam | bcampbe81 | 05:27 |
youser | do i have to somehow name my server for the client to access it? | 05:27 |
ubotu | bcampbe81: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 05:27 |
holycow | the devs need to be taken out and shot | 05:27 |
FireHazard17 | how do yo make that verical line? | 05:27 |
MonkeyMagic | !WorksForMe | 05:27 |
holycow | Jordan_U, they actually grew a brain cell? | 05:27 |
holycow | wow | 05:27 |
Ayanami | !sound | 05:27 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 05:27 |
youser | why wouldnt ubuntu make networking ubuntu to ubuntu automatic | 05:27 |
holycow | goddamned morons, screwed up tons of peoples systems that come in here asking for help to fix it | 05:28 |
Jordan_U | holycow: Sorry I thought you were talking about the Ubuntu Devs. | 05:28 |
FireHazard17 | !worksfome | 05:28 |
bcampbe81 | thanks heaps | 05:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about worksfome - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:28 |
shatrat | FireHazard17, shift backslash | 05:28 |
Ayanami | This sound be fun... I did most of that. :( | 05:28 |
n2diy | FantasticFoo: yes I do, here is my home row keys "aoeui_htns" all the common letters are on the home row. | 05:28 |
FireHazard17 | | oh cool | 05:28 |
ardchoille | Jordan_U, Does fiesty come with automatix? Is that what you're saying? | 05:28 |
holycow | Jordan_U, no ubuntu devs and debian devs are gods | 05:28 |
FireHazard17 | it even shows it | 05:28 |
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MonkeyMagic | |WorksForMe | 05:28 |
FireHazard17 | wow im dumb | 05:28 |
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shatrat | FireHazard17, and its called a pipe, at least when you use it in terminal. | 05:28 |
MonkeyMagic | ... how do you do that? | 05:28 |
Ayanami | Do, what. | 05:28 |
FireHazard17 | !WorksForMe | 05:28 |
ubotu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 05:28 |
Jordan_U | ardchoille: NO, gog,no, just makes installing proprietary stuff easier | 05:28 |
FantasticFoo | n2diy: cool. | 05:28 |
Jordan_U | *god | 05:28 |
ReKlipz | Jordan_U, how do i set gcj as the default instead of sun jvm? | 05:28 |
FantasticFoo | n2diy: i might have to try learning dvorak now... | 05:28 |
MonkeyMagic | make ubotu say something | 05:28 |
FireHazard17 | whats works for me? | 05:29 |
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holycow | FantasticFoo, why? you won't gain anything | 05:29 |
x80 | i have a usb thumbdrive that i need to access files on, can someone give me a crash course in doing this | 05:29 |
holycow | there is no speed difference | 05:29 |
Ayanami | Use the ! (Exclamation Point) then a word | 05:29 |
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Ayanami | Please don't make it say tons of stuff... :) | 05:29 |
FireHazard17 | plug it in! | 05:29 |
=== NETWizz [n=jbirk@adsl-66-122-245-244.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shatrat | MonkeyMagic, you can /msg ubotu flash9 or whatever and it will PM you the info | 05:29 |
ReKlipz | x80, plug in the thumb drive, browse to /media/usbdisk0/, and your done | 05:29 |
holycow | and if you want to save your wrists get a low profile laptops style keyboard that reduces the amount of keystroke trvel and keypressue | 05:29 |
MonkeyMagic | !ubuntu | 05:29 |
ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome | 05:29 |
NETWizz | How do I get the new kernel on Ubuntu? | 05:29 |
holycow | $20 and your done | 05:29 |
Jordan_U | ReKlipz: | 05:29 |
NETWizz | I would like 2.6.20 | 05:29 |
Jordan_U | sudo update-alternatives --config java | 05:29 |
ardchoille | FireHazard17, If something works for you, it doesn't mean it will work correctly for someone else. I have had zero problems in Ubuntu since Warty, but that's just me. | 05:29 |
ReKlipz | gracias | 05:29 |
Flannel | NETWizz: you wait until Feisty | 05:30 |
x80 | its not there | 05:30 |
x80 | :( | 05:30 |
=== martin91 [n=Miranda@ppp-62-216-198-230.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NETWizz | Feisty? | 05:30 |
n2diy | FantasticFoo: I tried learning Qwerty, and that was harder then learning morse code. So I switched, and in a week I was touch typing. Ubuntu even has a Dvorak tutor package in one of the repos. | 05:30 |
NETWizz | What the hekc is that? | 05:30 |
Flannel | NETWizz: the next version of Ubuntu, to be released in April | 05:30 |
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ReKlipz | jordan_u, i dont have gcj, whats the package name? | 05:30 |
NETWizz | shy so long? | 05:30 |
dude_ | i made it | 05:31 |
NETWizz | Why no update in Edgy? | 05:31 |
Jordan_U | ReKlipz: Sorry, I meant gij | 05:31 |
ReKlipz | kk | 05:31 |
FantasticFoo | holycow: well, i dunno about that one guy's study, but i've heard a lot of people say good things about it | 05:31 |
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Flannel | NETWizz: Each version of ubuntu has fixed verions. Once fixed, the only changes are bug and security fixes | 05:31 |
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FireHazard17 | jokosher is cool | 05:32 |
AngryElf | is it possible to toggle subtitles with mplayer? | 05:32 |
RyanT5000 | how does nfs do authentication by default? does it just trust the client? | 05:32 |
dude_ | now i have it running any suggestion on getting every body else in the house off windows | 05:32 |
FireHazard17 | anyone use jokosher | 05:32 |
FireHazard17 | ? | 05:32 |
holycow | dude_, don't force | 05:32 |
holycow | just give it time | 05:32 |
Ayanami | Ok, this does not sound good. :( I hit "test" in System -> Preferences -> Sound. Its set to autoconf. | 05:32 |
=== Talaman [n=kris@71-93-40-60.static.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ayanami | audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open resource for writing. | 05:33 |
ardchoille | AngryElf, I;d like that myself. If you learnhow to do it without having to start the video all over, let me know. | 05:33 |
Ayanami | I get that ^ ^ ^ | 05:33 |
holycow | make sure you can answer everyones questions before you offer the option | 05:33 |
n2diy | dude_: join /join #ubuntu-marketing and see what they suggest, I'll be eagerly watching. | 05:33 |
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=== Ayanami will be, too. :) | ||
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NETWizz | You are kidding? | 05:34 |
NETWizz | I cannot get an updated Kernel? | 05:34 |
NETWizz | I know with Debian you can update kernel | 05:34 |
NETWizz | I really need that kernel as it patches a bug | 05:34 |
ReKlipz | azureus is telling me it doesnt have permissions to create settings.config (or whatever its called) | 05:35 |
holycow | NETWizz, which part of 'there is a release every 6 months' don't you comprehend? | 05:35 |
kitche | NETWizz: compile it yourself just like debian makes you | 05:35 |
holycow | first 6 months is extremely short | 05:35 |
NETWizz | @ReKlipz, you need to run Azureus as Root | 05:35 |
NETWizz | That fixes that error | 05:35 |
ardchoille | AngryElf, Ah, thank you :) | 05:35 |
=== Ayanami nods. "Manually compile the kernel." | ||
NETWizz | ;-) | 05:35 |
holycow | second there is no way in hell to update kernels in between | 05:35 |
=== Seq [n=chris@CPE000f6690c401-CM0011ae907ae4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | NETWizz, just shush and wait, your lucky you get what you get for free | 05:35 |
ReKlipz | always? | 05:35 |
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NETWizz | @hollycow, that isn't nice | 05:35 |
holycow | your only option is to use another distro, or *gasp* pay ms to NOT update their kernel in anything less than 3 years | 05:35 |
=== ullvarg [n=ullvarg@softbank221029251085.bbtec.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NETWizz | Why should I be luckey I get a free kernel? | 05:36 |
nomasteryoda | NETWizz, no run azureus as root | 05:36 |
NETWizz | Do you think I need Ubuntu? | 05:36 |
nomasteryoda | it works fine as user | 05:36 |
NETWizz | I am kidding | 05:36 |
NETWizz | I know | 05:36 |
nomasteryoda | ok | 05:36 |
holycow | NETWizz, well you seem incredulous that someone somehow won't donate their free time to do something for you on your schedule according to your wants | 05:36 |
ReKlipz | nomasteryoda, how do i change the file permissions? | 05:36 |
NETWizz | I have a problem with NTRS-3G | 05:36 |
nomasteryoda | NETWizz, Ubuntu is nice | 05:36 |
holycow | i dare say, that is FAR more insulting | 05:36 |
holycow | god forbid people actually have a life and pay bills | 05:36 |
NETWizz | @nomasteryoda, I know | 05:36 |
NETWizz | I like Ubuntu more than Suse Linux | 05:36 |
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nomasteryoda | ReK_, chmod 640 if memory serves... someone? | 05:37 |
holycow | if you can't wait 6 months compile a kernel your self or the right modules | 05:37 |
nomasteryoda | NETWizz, me too | 05:37 |
NETWizz | quite simply installing stuff on suse linux enterprise desktop is a pain | 05:37 |
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NETWizz | You have to find all their freaken .rpm stuff | 05:37 |
holycow | NETWizz, still? wow | 05:37 |
nomasteryoda | NETWizz, amen... | 05:37 |
holycow | i left suse for that reason years ago | 05:37 |
holycow | i would of thought they improved | 05:37 |
NETWizz | Ubuntu just has more packages | 05:37 |
holycow | and autoconfigured dependencies | 05:37 |
NETWizz | Ubuntu allows more configureation too; I think | 05:37 |
holycow | allowing coders to do less work and users to autoinstall | 05:38 |
nomasteryoda | holycow, i need 3 package managers and loads of repos to get it functional | 05:38 |
NETWizz | Though Novell's Stuff works better out of the box | 05:38 |
=== joshi [n=joshi@Joshi.wbb.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nomasteryoda | true | 05:38 |
holycow | NETWizz, actually no, all distro have same level of config | 05:38 |
nomasteryoda | and works very well with windows domains | 05:38 |
MonkeyMagic | where should I go for help with networking/internet? | 05:38 |
NETWizz | Oh | 05:38 |
holycow | nomasteryoda, you mean suse? | 05:38 |
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NETWizz | How so? | 05:38 |
nomasteryoda | suse has best set of config tools | 05:38 |
NETWizz | I cannot apt-get in suse | 05:38 |
nomasteryoda | ya | 05:38 |
RyanT5000 | has anyone used sshfs? | 05:38 |
NETWizz | why not | 05:38 |
NETWizz | ? | 05:38 |
holycow | nomasteryoda, wow | 05:38 |
IcemanV9 | guys, please join #ubuntu-offtopic | 05:39 |
nomasteryoda | but i'm using ubuntu feisty now | 05:39 |
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nomasteryoda | and love it | 05:39 |
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nomasteryoda | apt-get upgrade, dist-upgrade and i'm using it | 05:39 |
=== LinX [n=cameron@210-84-51-103.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nomasteryoda | not with suse | 05:39 |
=== Lurker [n=conrad@c-71-62-77-219.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | !java | 05:39 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 05:39 |
Lurker | hello | 05:39 |
nomasteryoda | and that i find to be a major stumbling block to adoption for many people | 05:39 |
ardchoille | AngryElf, I ripped this movie with xdvdshrink and using "v" in mplayer doesn't toggle subtitles :( | 05:39 |
Lurker | i have a quick question | 05:39 |
nomasteryoda | Lurker, howdy | 05:39 |
ReKlipz | how do i change a folder so that im the owner? | 05:40 |
nomasteryoda | chown ReKlipz foldername | 05:40 |
LinX | Hey guys how can i help you | 05:40 |
nomasteryoda | er, add -R for recursive | 05:40 |
holycow | ReKlipz, sudo chown -Ruser.group folder | 05:40 |
nomasteryoda | so all inside will be your's | 05:40 |
nomasteryoda | oh, yea group too | 05:40 |
nomasteryoda | that is the best way | 05:40 |
adammck | hi - i've just rented an ubuntu server, but i'm suspicious of what's going on. i enabled boot logging, and restarted, and this is the contents of /var/log/boot: http://rafb.net/p/WIxSWU94.html - does this mean i'm actually running openbsd? :S | 05:40 |
Lurker | i want to make a .... not sure what to call it "link" maybe, so i click on it and it runs "cd /thule && wine thule.exe" in terminal | 05:40 |
kitche | ReKlipz: what folder is this? | 05:40 |
=== gangien [n=gangien@c-24-16-39-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nomasteryoda | i always add the -R to get everything below that folder thou | 05:41 |
ardchoille | AngryElf, Correction, using "v" to toggle subtitles works if you use "j" to toggle through them after pressing "v" | 05:41 |
nomasteryoda | Lurker, a symlink | 05:41 |
ReKlipz | /home/ReKlipz/.azureus/ | 05:41 |
gaspipe1_ | night all | 05:41 |
Lurker | how do i do that? | 05:41 |
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LinX | no adammck it says OpenBsd because ssh is bsd native (: | 05:41 |
nomasteryoda | Lurker, right-click desktop, create launcher | 05:41 |
mhiku | not an ubuntu question but anyone here knows how to download mysql using svn? | 05:41 |
kitche | ReKlipz: you should own that already | 05:41 |
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adammck | Linx: thanks, that figures :) | 05:42 |
IcemanV9 | adammck: it is just OpenBSD ssh server, not OS ;) | 05:42 |
cafuego_ | mhiku: Why would you do that? | 05:42 |
FireHazard17 | bye all im leaving to compile the new audacity | 05:42 |
Lurker | then what? | 05:42 |
nomasteryoda | if you wantterminal... then application in terminal.. is the choice | 05:42 |
ReKlipz | i dont | 05:42 |
FireHazard17 | and then play trem | 05:42 |
ReKlipz | lol | 05:42 |
nomasteryoda | give it a name, put in that command | 05:42 |
mhiku | i need svn version of mysql hehe | 05:42 |
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nomasteryoda | just as you typed it should make it work... | 05:42 |
nomasteryoda | comment if you need one... click ok | 05:43 |
Lurker | oh so select terminal | 05:43 |
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nomasteryoda | you can also put in an icon by clicking the icon | 05:43 |
nomasteryoda | yup | 05:43 |
Ayanami | So, um... Broken record time. | 05:43 |
nomasteryoda | that way it will do what you want.... | 05:43 |
Lurker | ok one sec leme test that | 05:43 |
nomasteryoda | k | 05:43 |
Lurker | ummm where do i find terminal =/ | 05:43 |
=== Secion8 [n=pete@66-189-67-149.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lurker | oh nvm | 05:43 |
LinX | hey how do i apply to be an op on this channel? | 05:44 |
nomasteryoda | Lurker, edgy, dapper or feisty? | 05:44 |
tritium | LinX: you don't | 05:44 |
nomasteryoda | lol | 05:44 |
Ayanami | You don't? :) | 05:44 |
LinX | why? | 05:44 |
Ayanami | Because those that ask, aren't selected usually on freenode. | 05:44 |
nomasteryoda | unless you are Mark.. hehe | 05:44 |
LinX | ok lol ill stop then | 05:44 |
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tritium | LinX: don't worry, we're around | 05:45 |
Ayanami | heh. | 05:45 |
nomasteryoda | so Lurker any luck? | 05:45 |
nomasteryoda | if you need more you can write a small script | 05:45 |
Lurker | ummm not really | 05:45 |
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Lurker | i tried putting... | 05:45 |
Lurker | gnome-terminal cd /thule && wine thule.exe in the command box | 05:45 |
Secion8 | HymnToLife, your still on! | 05:46 |
=== nelo [n=nelo@63-230-11-43.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ardchoille | Lurker, Try: gnome-terminal -x cd /thule && wine thule.exe | 05:46 |
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nomasteryoda | Lurker, the -x tells it to execute that line.... | 05:47 |
Lurker | oh i see | 05:47 |
Lurker | ... | 05:47 |
nomasteryoda | feisty's gnome launcher is different | 05:47 |
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nelo | Hello, flash 9 does not work... I have tried changing the firefoxrc to use "aoss" and no luck. any other ideas? pls | 05:47 |
nomasteryoda | which is what i was looking at to tell you | 05:47 |
Lurker | strange it loaded terminal but not wine | 05:47 |
nelo | ok the audio does not work. | 05:47 |
MonkeyMagic | hey does anyone know how to get https pages working in ubuntu | 05:48 |
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tritium | MonkeyMagic: nothing special required | 05:48 |
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devilsadvocate | MonkeyMagic, what do you mean get https pages working? | 05:48 |
MonkeyMagic | .... well it doesn't work for me :( | 05:48 |
TuTUx | i have installed the mplayer/totem plugins but firefox doesn't play avi files on my edgy, any help? | 05:48 |
cchance | What would be a command for sharing ppp0? On my network? Ive got the initial network setup i just got to make pp0 accessibal to the clients | 05:49 |
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MonkeyMagic | devilsadvocate: pages like https://help.ubuntu.com, or any pages which start with "https" don't load | 05:49 |
Lurker | thats strange cause if i just open terminal and type the command in it works | 05:49 |
yellowdart | MonkeyMagic, are you serving https? | 05:49 |
=== talvon [n=talvon@cpe-24-26-238-185.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nelo | flash no audio. anyone help? i tried changin the "aoss" in firefoxrc and still does not work.. | 05:49 |
MonkeyMagic | what do you mean by that? | 05:49 |
Secion8 | Anyone want | 05:49 |
nomasteryoda | that is a weird one to troubleshoot for sure | 05:50 |
yellowdart | MonkeyMagic, are you running a server on your machine? ...or are you just trying to browse? | 05:50 |
nomasteryoda | sound with mp3 files? | 05:50 |
devilsadvocate | MonkeyMagic, the problem is likely with your isp.. nothing special is need ed on ubuntu afaik. can you open gmail or any other google servifce? | 05:50 |
MonkeyMagic | no i only installed it a couple of days ago | 05:50 |
nelo | yeah, sound with mp3 works | 05:50 |
MonkeyMagic | devilsadvocate:no i can't open gmail (or hotmail or anything protected) | 05:50 |
nomasteryoda | ah, then look into about:plugins (command run from firefox address bar) | 05:50 |
nomasteryoda | search for sound | 05:51 |
nomasteryoda | or flash | 05:51 |
TuTUx | i have installed the mplayer/totem plugins (and codec) but firefox doesn't play avi files on my edgy, any help? | 05:51 |
Lurker | wait | 05:51 |
=== shnee_ [n=CurtyD13@cblmdm72-241-107-50.buckeyecom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lurker | is there a command to tell terminal not to exit? | 05:51 |
nomasteryoda | TuTUx, i always... always use Mplayer-plugin | 05:51 |
Lurker | i think its running the command then closing terminal down | 05:51 |
nomasteryoda | for those... even in Feisty | 05:51 |
nomasteryoda | Lurker, you on edgy? | 05:52 |
Lurker | yes | 05:52 |
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yellowdart | MonkeyMagic, that sounds like a browser specific problem, not ubuntu.. i'm not sure I know what your problem is.. sorry | 05:52 |
MonkeyMagic | about the https: I know it is not my isp as i have anyother computer which works well | 05:52 |
cchance | What would be a command for sharing ppp0? On my network? Ive got the initial network setup i just got to make pp0 accessibal to the clients | 05:52 |
nomasteryoda | ah, ok ... Lurker let me try something | 05:52 |
nelo | nomasteryoda it shows Shockwave Flash 9.0 r31 | 05:53 |
Lurker | ok | 05:53 |
holycow | TuTUx, try w32codecs and if you are using gstreamer install gstreamer0.10-pitfdll so gstreamer uses the codecs | 05:53 |
MonkeyMagic | ive tried firefox and links but neither work | 05:53 |
nomasteryoda | k | 05:53 |
nelo | i am removing flash altogether and see what happens | 05:53 |
nomasteryoda | that is ok nelo... | 05:53 |
nomasteryoda | nelo, i have seen issues with plugins not symlinked correctly... | 05:53 |
TuTUx | holycow, ok thanks i will try that | 05:53 |
yellowdart | MonkeyMagic, have you tried any other browsers? | 05:53 |
MonkeyMagic | yep: a text only links one | 05:53 |
nomasteryoda | on other distros ... and flash has been at fault before | 05:53 |
MonkeyMagic | "ELinks" | 05:54 |
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mneptok | MonkeyMagic: w3m is installed by default | 05:54 |
coffee-mug | night everyone | 05:54 |
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yellowdart | MonkeyMagic, how about galeon? (apt-get install galeon) | 05:55 |
MonkeyMagic | ill try that | 05:55 |
yellowdart | MonkeyMagic, it's based on mozilla as well | 05:55 |
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fotoflo | hey all | 05:55 |
cchance | What would be a command for sharing ppp0? On my network? Ive got the initial network setup i just got to make pp0 accessibal to the clients | 05:55 |
fotoflo | does ubuntu have anything like YaST? to configure apache and samba and bind and an MTA? | 05:55 |
cafuego_ | cchance: 2 things. | 05:56 |
=== RyanTMulligan [n=rmulliga@74-134-230-178.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitche | yellow: actually galeon is based on gecko not mozilla | 05:56 |
yellow | ? kitche | 05:56 |
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cafuego_ | cchance: 1) Tell the ekrnel to enable forwarding. 'sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip-forward=1' | 05:56 |
RyanTMulligan | Is anyone having problems with pdflatex? | 05:56 |
kitche | yellow: that was for yellowdart lol tab completion | 05:56 |
xelados | kitche: Mozilla (and Firefox) use the Gecko engine, so it's basically the same thing. | 05:56 |
mneptok | Galeon? people still use that? | 05:56 |
yellow | =) | 05:56 |
xelados | Minus extensions, most likely. | 05:56 |
Ayanami | kitche: Any idea about my little sound issue? | 05:56 |
=== mneptok whispers "Epiphany" | ||
RyanTMulligan | I keep receiving "[PDFLaTeX] finished with exit status 255" | 05:56 |
kbrosnan | yellow: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gecko_%28layout_engine%29 | 05:56 |
cafuego_ | cchance: 2) A firewall rule to mask LAN traffic. 'sudo iptables -t nat -a POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE' | 05:56 |
cchance | cafuego, error: "net.ipv4.ip-forward" is an unknown key | 05:57 |
cafuego_ | cchance: ip_forward, sorry | 05:57 |
yellow | argghhh, i think i'm going to register all *yellow* nicks | 05:57 |
yellow | lol | 05:57 |
cchance | cafuego, net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 | 05:57 |
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cchance | cafuego, iptables v1.3.3: Unknown arg `-a' | 05:58 |
cchance | Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information. | 05:58 |
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FragUPlenty | hopin I could get help on enabling universal | 05:58 |
FragUPlenty | dont know what it is | 05:58 |
yellowdart | kitche, you're right.. maybe i've had one too many drinks ...or one too few ;) | 05:58 |
FragUPlenty | and I need to know how to enable it | 05:59 |
nomasteryoda | Lurker, does the command work fine in normal terminal? | 05:59 |
Lurker | yes | 05:59 |
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Ayanami | !universal | FragUPlenty | 05:59 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about universal - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:59 |
yellowdart | yellow, stay away from my yellowdart.. ;) | 05:59 |
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Ayanami | Of course you don't, little bot. That would make sense if you did. | 05:59 |
cchance | !easysource |yellowdart | 05:59 |
ubotu | yellowdart: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 05:59 |
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IcemanV9 | !repo | FragUPlenty | 06:00 |
ubotu | FragUPlenty: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 06:00 |
Flannel | !universe | Ayanami | 06:00 |
ubotu | Ayanami: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 06:00 |
yellow | yellowdart, i'm going to register all *yellow*, then i'm gonna ghost any ass that starts with yellow | 06:00 |
yellow | hehe | 06:00 |
yellowdart | yellow, hehe | 06:00 |
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yellow | :P | 06:01 |
yellowdart | yellow, i'm already registered.. so, anything BUT yellowdart.. alright | 06:01 |
cchance | cafuego_ iptables v1.3.3: Unknown arg `-a' | 06:01 |
cchance | Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information. | 06:01 |
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cafuego_ | cchance: -A, sorry | 06:01 |
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nomasteryoda | Lurker, here's the deal | 06:01 |
cchance | I think it works time to test | 06:01 |
yellowdart | yellow, you've already got #1 billing on "yellow" tab-complete | 06:02 |
Lurker | eh? | 06:02 |
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mhiku | how to test the speed of the processor? | 06:02 |
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yellow | :) | 06:03 |
nomasteryoda | gnome-terminal cd '/home/thule' && wine '/home/.wine/drive_c/thule.exe' should work | 06:03 |
bulmer | ..downloading ubuntu iso and burning it to a cd is so frustrating, there seems to be error lurking just around the corner always.. | 06:03 |
nomasteryoda | Lurker, just make sure you put in the whole path to the exe | 06:03 |
FragUPlenty | ok now that universe is enabled how do I get the openal library | 06:03 |
nomasteryoda | in single quotes | 06:03 |
yellowdart | MonkeyMagic, any luck? | 06:03 |
nomasteryoda | i just started Putty that way | 06:03 |
Lurker | ok lemme try that | 06:03 |
=== Steil [n=Steil@S010600e029837be0.ca.shawcable.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
adammck | hello again. i have an ubuntu server which is acting very strangely. i've dumped the output of some commands here [ http://rafb.net/p/15EbEC94.txt ] if anyone could be kind enough to take a look. the problem is kind of self-explanitory... | 06:04 |
MonkeyMagic | yellowdart: its finished downloadining and now installing | 06:04 |
MonkeyMagic | i have slow internet :( | 06:04 |
Steil | Hello, was just wondering if anyone is using ubuntu on a blade 100 or 150 system? | 06:04 |
IcemanV9 | bulmer: even @ 2x?? | 06:04 |
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adammck | i have lots of daemons running, that don't exist in the filesystem. even after reboot :| | 06:04 |
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mhiku | how to know the processor speed? its not displayed | 06:04 |
bulmer | IcemanV9: no just 4x so far..that may be the only resolution i may have | 06:04 |
Steil | i can't get output for X higher than 640x480, though it'll go up to 1024x768 on my pc | 06:05 |
bulmer | adammck: how did you find that out? | 06:05 |
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IcemanV9 | bulmer: if that is your lowest speed, then you should be alright .. however, did u md5sum the image?? | 06:05 |
bulmer | IcemanV9: yes i have md5sum just the iso, there are several md5sum on subdirs too, which i have not done | 06:06 |
adammck | bulmer: i ssh'd in, and ran 'ps'. things like courier, qmail, and clam are in the list - but they're not installed! | 06:06 |
MonkeyMagic | galeon didn't work either | 06:06 |
Flannel | adammck: not installed? you sure? | 06:06 |
yellow | adammck, that's freaky | 06:06 |
yellow | lol | 06:06 |
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MonkeyMagic | I think my https problem is through the whole computer | 06:06 |
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jdhoreotg | when i update my GRUB menu.lst, do i have to somehow resync Grub or something or am i done? | 06:07 |
yellowdart | MonkeyMagic, what is the error you get?? | 06:07 |
MonkeyMagic | The server may be busy or you may have a network connection problem. Try again later. | 06:07 |
adammck | seriously, i have no idea what's going on. i run two other ubuntu servers which are just dandy. but this thing is crazy | 06:07 |
Lurker | nomasteryoda, will i need to change the second part of that for my system the home/.wine/c_drive/thule.exe part | 06:07 |
nomasteryoda | ya | 06:07 |
adammck | none of these programs exist, but they're all running, complete with open ports which i can connect to with telnet | 06:07 |
nomasteryoda | to what you have | 06:07 |
MonkeyMagic | its very strange :-/ | 06:07 |
Lurker | how do i know what to change it to | 06:07 |
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Flannel | adammck: `dpkg -l | grep courier` doesn't return anything? | 06:08 |
Lurker | or is that for the direct path to my exe? | 06:08 |
nomasteryoda | Lurker, cd to ~/.wine | 06:08 |
nomasteryoda | look for your files | 06:08 |
FragUPlenty | does anyone know how to get openal lib | 06:08 |
=== LinX is back | ||
FragUPlenty | I need it to play Quake 3 | 06:08 |
bulmer | adammck: are you sure you're ssh'ed in the correct box? | 06:08 |
adammck | Flannel: no, nothing | 06:08 |
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nomasteryoda | kinda like in windows... it must be in the path or you link directly to it | 06:08 |
Lurker | k one sec | 06:08 |
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Flannel | adammck: and, usr/sbin/ doesn't have any courier files in it? (might be unreadable by normal users) | 06:09 |
yellowdart | MonkeyMagic, i dont know what is happening then..gmail is working here.. so unless you have some sort of firewall or proxy blocking you i dont know | 06:09 |
=== LinuxNIT [n=LinuxNIT@adsl-70-240-139-52.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
adammck | bulmer: sure as i can be :) | 06:09 |
LinuxNIT | how do i change the login splash screen? | 06:09 |
LinuxNIT | (gnome) | 06:09 |
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adammck | Flannel: i'm logged in as root | 06:09 |
Flannel | FragUPlenty: You install it. Whichever one you might need. | 06:09 |
mhiku | ive installed lame using make and make install, how to make it update in the environment? like i can see its installed in the whereis command? | 06:09 |
MonkeyMagic | yellowdart: could the problem be hardware based? | 06:09 |
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FragUPlenty | ok like how | 06:10 |
FragUPlenty | though | 06:10 |
FragUPlenty | sorry Im new to ubuntu | 06:10 |
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yellowdart | MonkeyMagic, i doubt it..never heard of a hardware problem like that | 06:10 |
FragUPlenty | like what do I type into the console | 06:10 |
bulmer | adammck: you have verified that these processes are there? how? | 06:10 |
Flannel | FragUPlenty: normal installation methods? Oh. Ok. Open up Synaptic Package Manager (System... uh, administration > SPM) search, then install | 06:10 |
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FragUPlenty | k thanks | 06:11 |
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MonkeyMagic | in windows there is a command called ipconfig /renew that rebuilds the network connection. Is there something similar in ubuntu? | 06:11 |
yellowdart | MonkeyMagic, are you on a different network than your other computers (such as you're on wifi and the others are on lan) | 06:11 |
adammck | bulmer: i see them in the 'ps aux' list, and i can connect to them using telnet. they're really there | 06:11 |
MonkeyMagic | no both computers go through the same router | 06:11 |
jason__ | can anyone help me troubleshoot a sound card issue? im getting no sound with dvd or mp3 playback | 06:11 |
yellowdart | MonkeyMagic, yeah.. sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 06:12 |
bulmer | adammck you have their pid's right? verify them if they do exist under /proc | 06:12 |
FragUPlenty | thank you soooo much | 06:12 |
devilsadvocate | MonkeyMagic, "ifdown eth0" and "ifup eth0" | 06:12 |
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Lurker | grr i can't figure out what to make the second part | 06:12 |
devilsadvocate | and yeah, networking restart will do too | 06:12 |
MonkeyMagic | ok ill give those a go | 06:12 |
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nomasteryoda | Lurker, if you open your Places, homefolder | 06:13 |
nomasteryoda | then Ctrl+H to unhide | 06:13 |
Lurker | k | 06:13 |
adammck | bulmer: yeah, they exist in /proc | 06:13 |
nomasteryoda | find the .wine folder | 06:13 |
nomasteryoda | cd to Program Files/.. your file | 06:13 |
jason__ | can anybody point me in the direction to troubleshoot no sounds on my system? | 06:13 |
Lurker | oooooh | 06:14 |
Lurker | ok thanks | 06:14 |
LinX | Hey guys if this channel is to crowded for you and you need some help come to $ubuntu-basic for some basic newbie help | 06:14 |
zoexii | hello, I am having a terrible problem, every time I log in, I am forced to change my password, it says: you are required to change your password immediately (root enforced) If it keeps doing this, I am totally going to forget my password. How can I make it stop? | 06:14 |
Lurker | i didn't know about the unhide =/ | 06:14 |
nomasteryoda | =D | 06:14 |
nomasteryoda | np | 06:14 |
LinX | Hey guys if this channel is to crowded for you and you need some help come to $ubuntu-basic for some basic newbie help | 06:14 |
mneptok | LinX: please do not advertise other channels | 06:15 |
MonkeyMagic | Resetting the network didn't help | 06:15 |
LinX | sorry im only helping ppl | 06:15 |
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nomasteryoda | MonkeyMagic, did you look at .. route -n ? | 06:16 |
nomasteryoda | wait, thats not your problem is it | 06:16 |
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yellowdart | MonkeyMagic, and every other website (non-https) works? | 06:16 |
MonkeyMagic | i got heaps of numbers | 06:16 |
nomasteryoda | MonkeyMagic, did you look at your about:config in firefox? | 06:17 |
MonkeyMagic | yellowdart: yes | 06:17 |
mneptok | zoexii: run "passwd" from a termdnal and see if that stops it | 06:17 |
mneptok | *terminal | 06:17 |
bulmer | MonkeyMagic: whats the problem again? | 06:17 |
Lurker | nomasteryoda, how do u do spaces in terminal? | 06:17 |
Lurker | if its program files what do i type in | 06:17 |
MonkeyMagic | bulmer: i cannot open https pages | 06:17 |
nomasteryoda | 'file name' | 06:17 |
nomasteryoda | quotes | 06:17 |
Lurker | oooh | 06:17 |
Lurker | lol k | 06:17 |
nomasteryoda | or '\ ' | 06:17 |
mneptok | LinX: no need to apologize. just stopping the advertising is apology enough. | 06:17 |
nomasteryoda | escape them with the \ | 06:17 |
kbrosnan | MonkeyMagic: it is a little rough but try http://kb.mozillazine.org/SSL_is_disabled | 06:17 |
lunasea13 | how do I join ubuntu basic? | 06:18 |
zoexii | mneptok, cool, will try | 06:18 |
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MonkeyMagic | yellowdart: i did about:config, where should i go from there? | 06:18 |
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nomasteryoda | MonkeyMagic, looking for ssl | 06:18 |
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nomasteryoda | see if its disabled and change to enabled | 06:18 |
MonkeyMagic | nomasteryoda ok | 06:18 |
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nomasteryoda | worth a try MonkeyMagic | 06:19 |
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MonkeyMagic | okay there wasn't one called ssl but there was many with the same name | 06:20 |
Hmmmm | hey guys, i have a Samsung Syncmaster 740N monitor. the display is rather quirky | 06:20 |
MonkeyMagic | *many with ssl in the names | 06:20 |
lunasea13_ | how do I join Ubuntu-basic? | 06:20 |
damian | Hi guys, How can you know if the update tool is working fine in your panel? | 06:21 |
nomasteryoda | ya | 06:21 |
Polygon89 | Hello, does anyone know how to reset your gnome configuration? a couple of my applets and stuff are misbehaving, like when i click the "quit" button it just logs me out without giving me a choice, and im pretty sure its just my config files messing up as other accounts dont have the same problem. Suggestions? | 06:21 |
mneptok | lunasea13_: with what do you need help? | 06:21 |
cavediver | Hello ther. My wireless card in my Thinkpad X60 is suddenly not found in Ubuntu anymore. Anyone else have this problem? | 06:21 |
curtHendzell | I've been pulling my hair out at this, but I can't get my ATI IXP sound card to work correctly. It will work sometimes, but after restarting, shutting down, etc. my system will come back with no sound | 06:21 |
Lurker | ... | 06:21 |
=== _greenie [n=chatzill@CPE-138-130-203-41.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lurker | nomasteryoda, if i type the command in reg terminal it works perfectly | 06:21 |
holycow | Polygon89, delete your .gnome preferences from your home folder logout and log back in | 06:21 |
poolboy | guys is there any way to report when a part of the wiki needs to be updated? | 06:21 |
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nomasteryoda | damian, run this command in the terminal.. . cat /var/log/dpkg.log | grep "status installed" | grep "`date +%F`" | 06:22 |
MonkeyMagic | also, accessories/dictionary doesn't work | 06:22 |
mneptok | cavediver: check the physical "wireless on/off" switch on the X60 | 06:22 |
Polygon89 | holycow, ok i shall try that. thanks. | 06:22 |
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nomasteryoda | will list all packages installed as of today | 06:22 |
emilia | anyone want to help me with my screensaver? i can see them load fine in the screensaver wndow, and i can even preview them full screen, but when theyre supposed to load, my screen turns black and thats all. | 06:22 |
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poolboy | guys is there any way to report when a part of the wiki needs to be updated? | 06:22 |
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lunasea13_ | how to join ubuntu basic | 06:22 |
cavediver | mneptok: I didn't even now such a button exist. Where can I find that ? | 06:22 |
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mneptok | poolboy: go update it. it's a wiki. ;) | 06:23 |
MonkeyMagic | emilia: check that system/power management doesn't turn your screen off just before your screensaver should start | 06:23 |
mneptok | cavediver: no idea on the X60. on my T60 it's above the keyboard. | 06:23 |
emilia | MonkeyMagic, yeah i've checked that | 06:23 |
cavediver | I don't think mine have such a button... | 06:23 |
cavediver | but i will doublecheck | 06:23 |
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emilia | MonkeyMagic, my lcd light stays green, the screen is getting a signal, after 15 mins it turns off like in power management settings | 06:24 |
poolboy | mneptok: true but I don't know the content I'm reading on it because I want to learn about that specific info and if its guides are out of date and the links are broken i'm not going to have much luck | 06:24 |
nomasteryoda | Lurker, try this site... for an idea of what to do ... you can do all this using gedit | 06:24 |
Polygon89 | poolboy, i think there is a tag like "needs cleanup" or something | 06:24 |
Lurker | ok | 06:24 |
nomasteryoda | http://www.arcknowledge.com/gmane.comp.gnome.os.redhat/2004-01/msg00017.html | 06:24 |
nomasteryoda | just leave out what you don't understand | 06:25 |
Lurker | ok | 06:25 |
Lurker | thanks | 06:25 |
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Lurker | i'll come back if i get to confused lol | 06:25 |
poolboy | thanks | 06:25 |
Lurker | thanks for all your help nomasteryoda | 06:25 |
nomasteryoda | but Exec=/usr/local/foo should be /usr/bin/gnome-terminal | 06:25 |
nomasteryoda | np | 06:25 |
Polygon89 | poolboy, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CategoryCleanup | 06:25 |
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Lurker | ok | 06:25 |
Flannel | poolboy: you'd probably add it to a category, maybe NeedsExpansion, or Cleanup | 06:26 |
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sarracenia88 | how do i do advanced administration on ubuntu? | 06:26 |
cavediver | mneptok: now I found it, it was very well hidden. Have had the laptop 6 month and didnt even know it was there | 06:26 |
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jackson3246 | Hello! I've just installed (after much toil) Ubuntu on a friend's computer. I set up a dual-boot for him on two partitions (the other is Windows XP Home). The only problem I had with installing was that the keyboard, regardless of what I did, would not work while using the Edgy i386 LiveCD. I got around that obstacle by copy/pasting information and changing stuff later via the mouse, but now that it's installed the keyboard on | 06:26 |
Polygon89 | poolboy, there are most likely other categories, try searching the category list and there should be something like "needs work" or something | 06:26 |
nomasteryoda | Lurker, just drag'n'drop the one you made earlier into a gedit window | 06:27 |
MonkeyMagic | nomasteryoda: I enabled security.enable_ssl2 but it didn't help | 06:27 |
nomasteryoda | it will open fine | 06:27 |
nomasteryoda | MonkeyMagic, you have no proxy setup? | 06:27 |
MonkeyMagic | no | 06:27 |
Flannel | poolboy: as you add it, your comment might include what needs updating/changing/etc | 06:27 |
nomasteryoda | well, you seem to have stumped me brains here | 06:27 |
nomasteryoda | looking | 06:27 |
Lurker | ok thanks noomaster | 06:27 |
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smuttyz | Yo, i installed snoopy on my linux server to monitor user commands and my log file for snoopy is spammed full of this Jan 31 23:17:01 laptop CRON[4012] : (pam_unix) session opened for user root by (uid=0) wonder what could be wrong? | 06:28 |
=== Ayanami [n=ayanami@adsl-75-51-6-75.dsl.milwwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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sarracenia88 | could someone help me with an admin question | 06:29 |
Ayanami | Ok! :) I have sound, just not in mplayer. | 06:29 |
cstextiles | There was a page http://ljl.byethost14.com/apt But now it is offline. Can someone help with me? | 06:29 |
=== Beverage [n=jon@S0106001346cc2b95.va.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MonkeyMagic | nomasteryoda: is there anywhere else i could go to get help with this? ive tried the forums but they didn't know either | 06:29 |
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nomasteryoda | Lurker, this is it... so simple | 06:29 |
Beverage | hey folks whats more "eye-candyish" gnome or KDE? | 06:29 |
Ayanami | KDE. | 06:29 |
sarracenia88 | depends | 06:29 |
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Beverage | one what? | 06:30 |
yellowdart | MonkeyMagic, all i can think of... does it allow you to login if you boot from the livecd?? | 06:30 |
xelados | Beverage: Beryl, I presume. | 06:30 |
MonkeyMagic | no | 06:30 |
josys36 | Depends. | 06:30 |
MonkeyMagic | it has never worked | 06:30 |
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=== Ayanami would say Beryl, too. :) | ||
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Beverage | hm | 06:30 |
sarracenia88 | isn't beryl going to be in feisty? | 06:30 |
cafuego_ | no | 06:30 |
=== PWill [n=paul@cpe-24-208-190-43.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego_ | feisty uses compiz | 06:30 |
sarracenia88 | why not? | 06:31 |
josys36 | I thought it was. | 06:31 |
Ayanami | Considering xgl kills my drm, I hope not. | 06:31 |
nomasteryoda | glad i upgraded then ...cause i use beryl... so nice | 06:31 |
cafuego_ | The config UI is too ugly to be allowed in. | 06:31 |
sarracenia88 | beryl runs great on my computer | 06:31 |
jackson3246 | Hello! I've just installed (after much toil) Ubuntu on a friend's computer. I set up a dual-boot for him on two partitions (the other is Windows XP Home). The only problem I had with installing was that the keyboard, regardless of what I did, would not work while using the Edgy i386 LiveCD. I got around that obstacle by copy/pasting information and changing stuff later via the mouse, but now that it's installed the keyboard on | 06:31 |
xelados | Does anyone know where I could go to find a decent list of distros? I'm using (x)ubuntu now, but I'd like to explore my options with other distros. | 06:31 |
josys36 | Where on the ubuntu site does it say that compiz is going to be used? | 06:31 |
=== FallenHi1okiri [n=blitz@p54ACDB49.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cchance | I have installed every plugin and all the programs for a dvd but none will work. Xine will quit after the first 9 seconds. any help? | 06:31 |
yellowdart | MonkeyMagic, it has always worked "out of the box" every ubuntu (or any distro) installation i've ever done.. so i don't know what to suggest | 06:32 |
=== KennethP [n=kpo@x1-6-00-0f-b5-65-5a-c3.k324.webspeed.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mneptok | xelados: Distrowatch | 06:32 |
ardchoille | xelados, http://distrowatch.com | 06:32 |
cafuego_ | josys36: I doubt it says that anywhere. | 06:32 |
cafuego_ | josys36: it's *in* there now though. | 06:32 |
xelados | Thanks a lot. I didn't know about that site. :) | 06:32 |
sarracenia88 | administration question | 06:32 |
=== xelados bookmarks it. | ||
Ayanami | Ask your question? | 06:32 |
MonkeyMagic | yellowdart:could using a proxy help? | 06:32 |
sarracenia88 | does anyone know how to lock a person to what you can do in the menu bar | 06:32 |
nomasteryoda | Lurker, check your other tab | 06:32 |
cafuego_ | josys36: In that when you install 'desktop-effects', it pulls in compiz. | 06:32 |
xelados | jackson3246: could you complete your question/issue? | 06:32 |
sarracenia88 | this is for a school | 06:33 |
josys36 | Hua, I was hoping for Beryl. | 06:33 |
nomasteryoda | josys36, its easy to install | 06:33 |
nomasteryoda | i'm using it now on feisty | 06:33 |
cafuego_ | josys36: Too many features and no stability. | 06:33 |
nomasteryoda | and its very good ... | 06:33 |
jackson3246 | xelados: how? | 06:33 |
cstextiles | There was a PHP based web application which would tell me the list of packages required to be installed given the metapackage and the package to install http://ljl.byethost14.com/apt But now it does not works can anuone help me with that? | 06:33 |
nomasteryoda | and great features.... yes too many, but fun nontheless | 06:33 |
yellowdart | MonkeyMagic, if you cant connect on the network you have, then a proxy wont help.. really a proxy would be to limit what can pass through | 06:33 |
kitche | hmm no stability sounds liek compiz and xgl to me :) | 06:33 |
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cchance | I have installed every plugin and all the programs for a dvd but none will work. Xine will quit after the first 9 seconds. any help? | 06:33 |
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MonkeyMagic | yellowdart: oh okay. | 06:34 |
xelados | jackson3246: It seemed to cut off your chat line, so I don't know what the problem is that you're having with the keyboard. | 06:34 |
cafuego_ | cstextiles: packages.ubuntu.com should do that too, as well as 'apt-cache show' | 06:34 |
MonkeyMagic | ive run out of ideas too | 06:34 |
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jackson3246 | xelados: ohh sory. the keyboard doesn't work often (roughly 12.5% of the time) and the system sometimes restarts when I select Ubuntu in GRUB | 06:34 |
MonkeyMagic | *sigh* back to windows i go :( | 06:34 |
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sarracenia88 | no | 06:34 |
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jackson3246 | xelados: and the keyboard didn't work at all in the LiveCD | 06:35 |
MonkeyMagic | thanks for the help anyway | 06:35 |
xelados | Is the keyboard wireless? | 06:35 |
=== sarracenia88 [n=raptor22@c-24-17-124-178.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jackson3246 | xelados: no. it's PS/2 | 06:35 |
yellowdart | nomasteryoda, beryl is awesome.. i have it on this laptop (ati radeon mobility 9000) and my tower (nvidia 6600gt twinview) | 06:35 |
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=== ReKlipz [n=reklipz@ip68-229-182-36.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nomasteryoda | yellowdart, nice | 06:35 |
Lurker | grrr | 06:35 |
=== Ayanami would like some mplayer to play sound. | ||
nomasteryoda | Lurker, using xchat? | 06:35 |
xelados | jackson3246: That's odd. I can't think of any reason for a PS/2 keyboard to stop working. | 06:35 |
Ayanami | I take it that mplayer doesn't use gstreamer. | 06:35 |
cstextiles | cafuego_: Yes but that tool would also display the packages which the dependent packages dependent on and also hide the package which is already available in the ubuntu metapackage | 06:35 |
yellowdart | MonkeyMagic, sorry i couldnt help further.. if i run across anything i'll let you know | 06:35 |
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=== heartofgold [n=pppoe_du@206-248-129-69.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lurker | lost irc | 06:36 |
MonkeyMagic | thanks | 06:36 |
nomasteryoda | ah | 06:36 |
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jackson3246 | xelados: I would suspect it to be a hardware problem, but it works fine and consistently in windows. could it be a problem with how the kernel is interfacing with the (apparently at least a little bit broken) hardware? | 06:36 |
xelados | jackson3246: How old is the computer? Has it had hardware problems in the past? Are other keyboards (USB or such) installed? | 06:36 |
cafuego_ | cstextiles: I'm having trouble parsing that | 06:36 |
Lurker | i can't send u messages but i got it | 06:36 |
=== Moxxon [n=dumschat@S0106000d888f4259.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lurker | lemme try one sec | 06:36 |
ReKlipz | hey guys, how do i play .mpgs in firefox? i downloaded the mplayer plugin for firefox, but it says i need a decoder, where do i get that? | 06:36 |
=== HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@LNeuilly-152-23-88-99.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Moxxon | Hey | 06:36 |
Moxxon | Im having trouble with getting sound | 06:36 |
cchance | I have installed every plugin and all the programs for a dvd but none will work. Xine will quit after the first 9 seconds. any help?3 | 06:37 |
Moxxon | I have a soundblaster soundcard | 06:37 |
Moxxon | could that be a problem? | 06:37 |
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jackson3246 | xelados: it's about three years old. I'm not sure if you got this part of my message: "The only semi-relevant problem I know of is that his BIOS thinks there's something wrong with his CPU and he has to press F1 every time he boots to get past a weird diagnostic screen." | 06:37 |
ardchoille | cchance, Have you installed libdvdcss2 ? | 06:37 |
=== False_Courage3 [n=False_Co@adsl-68-253-196-118.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cchance | How do i check | 06:37 |
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl805.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jackson3246 | xelados: oh and it's a pentium 4 so nothing strange there. he's not sure what's wrong with it or when the error started occurring | 06:37 |
xelados | jackson3246: That could be it.. I dunno. Have you tried other keyboards with it? The problem with the CPU sounds odd, too. | 06:37 |
ReKlipz | hey guys, how do i play .mpgs in firefox? i downloaded the mplayer plugin for firefox, but it says i need a decoder, where do i get that? | 06:38 |
nomasteryoda | Lurker, right.. i'm registered on freenode... hence the pm to you worked... | 06:38 |
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xelados | jackson3246: I wouldn't be surprised if the CPU error is related to the keyboard error. | 06:38 |
ardchoille | cchance, If it's installed at all, you had to install it. It doesn't come with Ubuntu. | 06:38 |
=== Secion8 [n=pete@66-189-67-149.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== slipslide [n=ubuntu@daveweez.student.umd.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cchance | Im installing libdvdcss2 now | 06:38 |
nomasteryoda | ReK_, install w32codecs | 06:38 |
xelados | ReKlipz: A decoder? Maybe you just need the codecs. | 06:38 |
ardchoille | cchance, Have you installed libdvdread ? | 06:38 |
Moxxon | !sound | 06:38 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 06:38 |
nomasteryoda | er, ReKlipz | 06:38 |
jackson3246 | xelados: really? I was thinking that but I'm not extremely good with hardware problems so I wasn't really sure. I might just try it out with a new processor, then. thanks! | 06:38 |
Lurker | oh | 06:39 |
Lurker | there we go =D | 06:39 |
Secion8 | can someone explain how to get sudo modprobe ndiswrapper to run automatcally at bootup? | 06:39 |
xelados | jackson3246: I'm no expert on hardware. Have you tried posting on the forums? | 06:39 |
nomasteryoda | Lurker, have fun with it.... | 06:39 |
ReKlipz | w32codecs? | 06:39 |
nomasteryoda | yup | 06:39 |
nomasteryoda | !codecs | 06:39 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 06:39 |
Secion8 | I added ndiswrapper to /etc/modules/ But that does not want to work | 06:39 |
slipslide | anyone willing to help a noob out with something that went wrong while trying to install ubuntu on a macbook? | 06:39 |
ReKlipz | are there any better? | 06:39 |
slipslide | made a mistake, wondering if there is a fix | 06:39 |
jackson3246 | xelados: yeah. nobody's responded | 06:39 |
Lurker | wait a sec | 06:39 |
Lurker | the cd part messes it up | 06:39 |
cstextiles | cafuego_: eg. Package a depend on B and B on C. then this tool would display all the list i.e. for A it would list B and C | 06:39 |
cchance | Yes | 06:39 |
cchance | YeS!!!! Its working now Thanks | 06:40 |
ardchoille | cchance, :) | 06:40 |
Pelo | slipslide, what is the mistake ? | 06:40 |
xelados | jackson3246: Sounds like a pretty unique problem, then. More than likely something somewhere is damaged. But it's not good to have a less-than-perfectly operating CPU. I think most people would agree. :P | 06:40 |
=== sarracenia88 [n=raptor22@c-24-17-124-178.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cchance | Star Wars Episode Three | 06:40 |
sarracenia88 | administration support | 06:40 |
slipslide | i kept getting a parted error saying that it could not do anything because the drive name was not recognized or somesuch | 06:40 |
jackson3246 | xelados: yeah. haha. oh well. I think I have an old P4 lying around that I can loan him for experimentation. if not, I think they're pretty cheap nowadays anyway. | 06:40 |
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sarracenia88 | fine i won't ask my question | 06:41 |
AzMoo | Where are the default wallpapers kept? | 06:41 |
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slipslide | so, i looked it up like a good little noob and found a fix (supposedly) that said try to rename /dev/sda | 06:41 |
xelados | AzMoo: /usr/share/wallpapers I think | 06:41 |
slipslide | so i did do that | 06:41 |
slipslide | and disaster strikes | 06:41 |
Pelo | slipslide, was it a sata drive ? | 06:41 |
xelados | Let me go check. | 06:41 |
AzMoo | xelados, negative. | 06:41 |
slipslide | now the drive simply says unallocated space for everything | 06:41 |
slipslide | no, it wasnt | 06:41 |
ardchoille | AzMoo, /usr/share/backgrounds | 06:41 |
slipslide | macbook | 06:42 |
slipslide | so...fairly certain it wasnt | 06:42 |
xelados | Ah, I was close. >_> | 06:42 |
slipslide | these things are pretty cheap | 06:42 |
AzMoo | ardchoille, that makes sense. Cheers. | 06:42 |
Pelo | slipslide, then it shouldn'T have been sda | 06:42 |
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nomasteryoda | an external drive will be /dev/sda | 06:42 |
slipslide | perhaps it was for some reason? because its a laptop? | 06:42 |
slipslide | hmm | 06:42 |
nomasteryoda | sata or otherwise... | 06:42 |
Lurker | hey nomasteryoda | 06:42 |
slipslide | just checked again | 06:43 |
slipslide | definetly says /dev/sda, maybe it has to do with the funky efi stuff this computer does? | 06:43 |
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Lurker | woops | 06:43 |
Lurker | accidently closed down gdm | 06:43 |
slipslide | anyways, my question is...there any way to recover those partitions lost? | 06:43 |
IPKnightly | hello@ | 06:43 |
IPKnightly | hello!* | 06:43 |
nomasteryoda | slipslide, yes | 06:43 |
tonyyarusso | nomasteryoda: (unless your regular drive is sda :) ) | 06:43 |
nomasteryoda | just second | 06:43 |
nomasteryoda | tonyyarusso, true | 06:44 |
nomasteryoda | some laptops do have sata drives | 06:44 |
Lurker | well the command works fine to open the program but i need to be in /home/name/thule for hte program to run | 06:44 |
Secion8 | What file is read at boot time? I need get ndiswrapper to run when the system starts! | 06:44 |
nomasteryoda | newer ones in fact | 06:44 |
IPKnightly | ah yes, I see | 06:44 |
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tonyyarusso | nomasteryoda: Also, heads up, Feisty on everything will be named sd(something) I believe, due to a change in lower level structure. | 06:44 |
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nomasteryoda | Lurker, so you sudo cp file over to your /usr/local/bin/ then make sure it is +x... if this is a script... | 06:45 |
slipslide | hey, i appreciate this help guys...hesitant to bother the people who actually know what they are doing | 06:45 |
pppoe_dude | Secion8, you're probably thinking of /etc/rc.local | 06:45 |
josys36 | Hua? | 06:45 |
josys36 | Where did that come from? | 06:45 |
cstextiles | cafuego_: Does anyone knows about this link http://ljl.byethost14.com/apt | 06:46 |
burner | tonyyarusso: after upgrading to feisty, my stuff remains as hda | 06:46 |
=== Alan71 [n=Alan71@mar44-3-82-235-64-2.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
pppoe_dude | Secion8, i am not familiar with ndiswrapper, but is it a kernel module? | 06:46 |
burner | !ndiswrapper | pppoe_dude | 06:46 |
ubotu | pppoe_dude: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 06:46 |
tonyyarusso | burner: I think we might still be waiting on that change. I heard some folks talking about it this weekend | 06:46 |
Pelo | slipslide, would you prefer to bother ppl who don't know what they are doing ? | 06:46 |
slipslide | heh, prefer not to bother at all | 06:46 |
holycow | !seveas | 06:47 |
yellowdart | tonyyarusso, anything that is a serial connection (sata or scsi) will always be names /dev/sdX | 06:47 |
slipslide | i usually just give up at this point | 06:47 |
slipslide | reinstall | 06:47 |
=== f|shy^ [n=fish@dyn-62-56-95-139.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 06:47 |
burner | tonyyarusso: ooh... sounds like a big change, think i'll stick where i'm at without updating for awhile then since i'm relatively stable :) | 06:47 |
slipslide | go about my way, thats not really a great option right now though | 06:47 |
tonyyarusso | burner: ;) | 06:47 |
Secion8 | pppoe_dude, Thanx for the response, Do you know what I would put in that file to get ndiswrapper to run at boot time? I am a linux newbie | 06:47 |
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Secion8 | So please go easy on me | 06:48 |
pppoe_dude | Secion8, im not familiar with the workings of ndiswrapper | 06:48 |
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burner | slipslide: you renamed a /dev? uh oh... you can prolly boot the cd, chroot and make the change back | 06:48 |
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pppoe_dude | Secion8, but you can write bash commands in /etc/rc.local that will start with any runlevel | 06:48 |
slipslide | i am running the cd right now | 06:48 |
Secion8 | ok thanx, Perhaps you know how to make commands fire at run time? | 06:49 |
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slipslide | command it said to use was to make a new label for the drive | 06:49 |
Pelo | Secion8, how about making your command into a small bash file and then putting that in the session manager so it launches at boot ? | 06:49 |
burner | slipslide: so you can prolly just chroot and copy the livecd's working /dev to the installation's /dev | 06:49 |
pppoe_dude | Secion8, ya... just add them to rc.local before the exit line | 06:49 |
burner | slipslide: oh... use gparted to do so? | 06:49 |
slipslide | no, terminal | 06:49 |
=== felixhummel [n=dfm21@p5496D8C3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aalhamad | what is the deveopment package fro mysql?? | 06:49 |
slipslide | i can try to find it again | 06:49 |
slipslide | may be difficult | 06:50 |
slipslide | mailing list | 06:50 |
=== FragUPlenty [n=aaron@adsl-69-108-0-237.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FragUPlenty | yay | 06:50 |
yellowdart | Secion8, sudo ndiswrapper -m | 06:50 |
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FragUPlenty | I got quake 3 working | 06:50 |
burner | nexuiz > quake 3 :) | 06:50 |
FragUPlenty | anyone know why though the videos wont play | 06:50 |
Secion8 | Pelo, Do you know a how to on making bash files? That would be useful to know in my linux life. | 06:50 |
nomasteryoda | codecs i would guess FragUPlenty | 06:51 |
=== vja2 [n=vja2@dsl093-010-154.cle1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nomasteryoda | missing codecs | 06:51 |
Pelo | Secion8, hold on | 06:51 |
FragUPlenty | yea I guessed that | 06:51 |
nomasteryoda | tonyyarusso, thanks for that heads up | 06:51 |
FragUPlenty | anyone know what codec it uses to play th videos | 06:51 |
aalhamad | can anybody help me plz. | 06:51 |
slipslide | alright, so there was a mac partition, efi partition, 500mb swap, and a reiserfs partition | 06:51 |
slipslide | that one command turned the entire drive to unallocated space | 06:51 |
Pelo | Secion8, http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php http://revision3.com/forum/showthread.php?t=84 | 06:51 |
nomasteryoda | on sd(something) | 06:51 |
tonyyarusso | !bash | Secion8 | 06:51 |
ubotu | Secion8: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 06:51 |
Secion8 | Yellowdart, Thank you I will see if that works | 06:52 |
tonyyarusso | FragUPlenty: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 06:52 |
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Secion8 | Pelo, Thank you | 06:52 |
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Lurker | hey | 06:53 |
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tonyyarusso | aalhamad: What is the message you're getting that makes you think you need a dev pkg for mysql? | 06:53 |
Lurker | how do you copy a folder? | 06:53 |
Lurker | using terminal | 06:53 |
Lurker | so i can sudo | 06:53 |
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slipslide | cp | 06:53 |
Lurker | it says omitting directory | 06:53 |
tonyyarusso | Lurker: cp -R | 06:53 |
Lurker | kk | 06:53 |
Lurker | thanks | 06:53 |
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quaal | has anyone ever dealt with mounting a raid-0 array with an ntfs partition on it? i ahve a sil3112a raid controller. i'm trying to use this guide http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2557 | 06:53 |
FragUPlenty | just got the video working | 06:54 |
FragUPlenty | ok | 06:54 |
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FragUPlenty | so it was the mpeg lib it needed | 06:54 |
Secion8 | ubotu, I am familiar with the terminal and use it quite a bit. | 06:55 |
pppoe_dude | Secion8, ubotu doesn't understand humans | 06:55 |
Pelo | Secion8, ubot8 is a bot | 06:55 |
Pelo | ubotu | 06:55 |
slipslide | heh | 06:55 |
aalhamad | what really i dont know.. a friend of mine is using cgi (perl ) to do proc. he said you have to install the develop pakcges .. so i want to install it until he comes back | 06:55 |
FragUPlenty | now I want to get rid of this annoying window that opens that prompts me what to do with a binary file | 06:56 |
tonyyarusso | Secion8: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/ | 06:56 |
Pelo | !ubotu | Secion8 | 06:56 |
ubotu | Secion8: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 06:56 |
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pppoe_dude | aalhamad, i would guess mysql-dev | 06:56 |
brum_ | i do not have a CD to write the ubuntu ISO to, can i get the installer on a bootable USB or something? | 06:56 |
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witless | i have some Hi-8 analog video/audio that i'd like to convert to high-quality digital. is there anything that works particularly well with ubuntu? | 06:56 |
pppoe_dude | brum_, there is a way to do it | 06:56 |
pppoe_dude | brum_, but you need google to help you with that... not straightforward | 06:56 |
brum_ | i have been googling for the last while | 06:57 |
Secion8 | Pelo, tons at revision3 site, That will keep me going for a while, Thanx, Secion8 goes off to study :) | 06:57 |
FragUPlenty | there must be a way to turn that damn window off | 06:57 |
brum_ | any search pointers? | 06:57 |
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tonyyarusso | !install | brum | 06:57 |
ubotu | brum: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues | 06:57 |
tonyyarusso | brum: maybe | 06:57 |
gansinho | hello, please, how do I create a new entry in gconf-editor? | 06:57 |
pppoe_dude | brum_, i did it once with debian netinst | 06:57 |
AzMoo | brum_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation | 06:57 |
FragUPlenty | it prompts me if I want to run, run in terminal, display or close | 06:57 |
Secion8 | oh, Dont talk to the bot. hehe | 06:58 |
mhiku | how can i add /foo/bar in the search folder for whereis? so i can run command locally? | 06:58 |
pppoe_dude | brum, try also searching for guides to other distros | 06:58 |
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brum | thanks all - i will check out suggestions | 06:59 |
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Hitheck | Anyone remember what file determines the number of ttys? | 07:00 |
Pelo | brum, do a search on digg, there was an article last week about linux on usb drives, that might help | 07:00 |
slipslide | ok, im looking at the GNU Storage Guide and it says label recovery is possible with the command "parted rescue" | 07:01 |
slipslide | however | 07:01 |
slipslide | tried that, get the error | 07:01 |
slipslide | Error: Could not stat device rescue - No such file or directory. | 07:01 |
slipslide | anyone have ideas? | 07:01 |
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bytee_ | Hi. With an Intel Core 2 Duo laptop, would I be installing the 64-bit version of Edgy or the PC install? | 07:02 |
Pelo | slipslide, boot from the live cd, in the menu in system admin you will find gparted, launch it and it will give you the names of the drive it sees, that might help you | 07:02 |
slipslide | yep, i have that | 07:02 |
slipslide | been using it the whole time...trying to recover from changing the label | 07:02 |
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slipslide | not quite sure what you mean? | 07:02 |
Hitheck | bytee: You're probably better off with x86 for compatibility sake (in terms of software, not actual hardware). | 07:02 |
dougb | can i upgrade to feisty by changing the repos? | 07:03 |
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Pelo | slipslide, I thought you needed thenames of the partitions | 07:03 |
slipslide | they were lost because i changed the label | 07:03 |
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slipslide | any way to recover from that? | 07:03 |
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slipslide | i did it from the command line, just saw the option in gpart with the warning about not doing that or you erase everything | 07:03 |
slipslide | bit late however | 07:04 |
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Pelo | slipslide, I don't know, I have never had that problem, maybe the ppl at ##linux can help | 07:04 |
Hitheck | dougb: Pretty much, might run into dependency hell over all the upgraded packages though. Probably best to just do a clean install. | 07:04 |
slipslide | thanks | 07:04 |
dougb | ok thanks Hitheck | 07:04 |
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Lurker | well | 07:05 |
Lurker | im out | 07:05 |
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Lurker | thanks for the help yoda | 07:05 |
Lurker | though i still haven't got it to work =/ | 07:05 |
Lurker | good night *wave* | 07:05 |
bulmer | i've attempting to install unbuntu on a slave drive, I didnt get very far, and it messed up my primary drive, now I cant boot..it clobbered MBR on the primary? | 07:05 |
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Pelo | gtg, g'night folks | 07:06 |
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frogzoo | wowa weewa - using ramdisk as swap is hard core | 07:06 |
anthonyj | so this is the support channel? are there any kind of rules of engagment? | 07:07 |
bytee_ | Hitheck: ok, thanks | 07:08 |
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frogzoo | anthonyj: language & OT - that's about it | 07:08 |
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Gosha | what kind program would i use if i wanted to replace text in a file by using regex? | 07:09 |
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bulmer | Gosch like sed and awk | 07:09 |
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mhiku | how to set path? | 07:09 |
unop | Gosha, a scripting/programming language perhaps | 07:09 |
anthonyj | ok, so i've notived a good amount of question about slow internet. But I have yet to find anything that applies to me. I am running Edgy w/ Firefox amd64 and when I browse internet sites they load slow. Just looking for a pointer here | 07:10 |
=== Yoric [n=yoric@lau18-1-82-246-197-195.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unop | anthonyj, look at disabling IPv6 in the kernel and firefox name lookups | 07:10 |
bulmer | anthonyj: for one, diable ipv6 | 07:10 |
Gosha | oh, geez | 07:10 |
bulmer | disable* | 07:10 |
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cafuego_ | Just disable it in firefox, leave the kernel. | 07:11 |
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bushblows | when i try to do "mysqladmin -h local-machine-name -u root -p password your-new-password" it says "mysqladmin: connect to server at 'nongle' failed | 07:11 |
mhiku | how to add a path in PATH variable in set command? | 07:11 |
bushblows | error: 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query' | 07:12 |
bushblows | any ideas | 07:12 |
Gosha | unop, thanks anyway .. i guess i'll try with perl or python or something | 07:12 |
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=== Explosif [n=me@c-67-165-250-50.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bulmer | Gosha: or sed and awk :) | 07:12 |
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Explosif | !flash | 07:13 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:13 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 07:13 |
unop | Gosha, i'd say experiment and go with what you felt is easiest/best for your job | 07:13 |
Wilbert | Hello | 07:13 |
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Gosha | what is sed and awk then? | 07:13 |
Wilbert | anyone could help me around | 07:13 |
=== navreet [n=navreet@adsl-68-20-39-238.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
navreet | anyone here played with mono under ubuntu? | 07:13 |
Wilbert | Good Night | 07:13 |
unop | Gosha, the predecessors to perl :) | 07:13 |
navreet | does system.windows.forms work? | 07:13 |
Gosha | :O | 07:13 |
bulmer | Gosha: sed is stream editor | 07:13 |
Wilbert | May I ask a question | 07:14 |
Gosha | which one would be the easiest? | 07:14 |
navreet | Wilbert, yes | 07:14 |
unop | !ask | Wilbert | 07:14 |
ubotu | Wilbert: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 07:14 |
Wilbert | sorry if i disturb you | 07:14 |
Wilbert | thanks | 07:14 |
bulmer | Gosha: nothing is easy with regexp :) | 07:14 |
Gosha | well, i managed to make the right regex thing | 07:14 |
Gosha | it's just the replacing left | 07:14 |
unop | Gosha, errm, thats a hard one to answer -- depends on your background (in programming/scripting) | 07:14 |
Gosha | .. uhm ... | 07:15 |
Gosha | like .. | 07:15 |
Wilbert | well i Just installed the ubuntu 7.04 but i Cannot install or find the way to get automatix running | 07:15 |
Gosha | did hello world in perl python c++ and some others .. | 07:15 |
Wilbert | how do i do it, if it is possible? | 07:15 |
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Explosif | hey all, If i need to get the flash plugin, and im downloading Gnash, is there a specific plugin that i need for firefox? | 07:15 |
=== Algorithm [n=Algorith@modemcable128.61-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unop | Gosha, well, in perl you can simply do -- perl -i -pe ' /regex/ and do { $_="replacement text"}' file | 07:15 |
ardchoille | !automatix | Wilbert | 07:15 |
ubotu | Wilbert: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 07:15 |
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sivik | ok, i have a program that runs from /opt and i want to be able to run that application from the run command on the menu, i have already made a link, but that isn't working, what else could i try | 07:16 |
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Gosha | " perl -i -pe ' /regex/ and do { $_="replacement text"}'file' " ? | 07:16 |
bulmer | sivik run command on the menu? this is not microsoft noh? | 07:16 |
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Wilbert | ok i just need to install some more programs I used automatix for instaling and these programas are: win32codecs, libdvdcss, drivers for Nvidia and that all | 07:17 |
unop | Gosha, replace the contents of a line in a file if a line matches a regex | 07:17 |
Wilbert | how do I do that? | 07:17 |
ardchoille | !nvidia | Wilbert | 07:17 |
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ubotu | Wilbert: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 07:17 |
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ardchoille | wilbert, to get libdvdcss2, install libdvdread and then go to /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3 and run the script in the examples directory. | 07:18 |
=== EchoBinary [n=jasonb@dsl092-145-008.wdc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gosha | of a whole line? | 07:18 |
Wilbert | thanks about Nvdia and what about the lindvdcss and win32 codecs | 07:18 |
EchoBinary | hodwy all :) | 07:18 |
Gosha | O_O | 07:18 |
ardchoille | Wilbert, To get w32codes, see the Seveas repo | 07:18 |
ardchoille | !seveas | Wilbert | 07:18 |
ubotu | Wilbert: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 07:18 |
unop | Gosha, yea -- this replaces the whole line | 07:18 |
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Wilbert | thanks alot | 07:18 |
=== Crescendo_ [n=GWing@cpe-024-211-176-110.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
EchoBinary | anyone have any idea how to get an Atheros wifi card up and running under Edgy Eft? (Lenovo x60) | 07:19 |
Wilbert | you have been very helpful | 07:19 |
fokuslee | is lsb-release nolonger packaged with ubuntu? | 07:19 |
Gosha | ... O_o | 07:19 |
ardchoille | Wilbert, As you can see, automatix is not needed :) | 07:19 |
sivik | bulmer, what ever its called | 07:19 |
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sivik | bulmer, i think its called the menu on the gui that i'm running | 07:19 |
Wilbert | yes but i am a newbie at linux | 07:19 |
Flannel | fokuslee: it's lsb_release, not lsb-release | 07:19 |
nomasteryoda | EchoBinary, you need madwifi | 07:19 |
Wilbert | mainly at ubuntu | 07:19 |
nomasteryoda | !madwifi | 07:19 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 07:19 |
fokuslee | oh ok | 07:19 |
fokuslee | thx | 07:20 |
shdwghst457 | can anyone here help me with getting the live cd to boot the gui on an eMac? | 07:20 |
unop | Gosha, yea, you're probably thinking "what the hell .. i dont understand how it works" .. but that's idiomatic perl and the shortcuts (and ease) it provides | 07:20 |
Wilbert | but i Liked this 7.04 alpha version | 07:20 |
ardchoille | Wilbert, Well, you're in the best chanel for learning Ubuntu | 07:20 |
Wilbert | thanks | 07:20 |
ardchoille | Wilbert, If you're on Fesity, you might also wanna /join #ubuntu+1 | 07:20 |
nomasteryoda | EchoBinary, and network-manager | 07:20 |
bulmer | sivik: you want to click an icon ? | 07:20 |
nomasteryoda | or nm-applet | 07:20 |
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nomasteryoda | nn | 07:20 |
sivik | bulmer, no i want to run it from the run command | 07:20 |
Flannel | Wilbert: er... feisty is probably a bad place to start, you probably want to learn on a stable distro, not one riddled with bugs and instability | 07:20 |
shdwghst457 | eMac help please!! | 07:20 |
Wilbert | sorry if i have mispelled words, english is not my native language | 07:20 |
EchoBinary | hmmm | 07:21 |
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unop | Gosha, but then, if you think about it .. it's the shortness/brevity of a language like perl or sed that allows someone to come up with a powerful command in a couple of seconds -- but at a price, you really need to know and understand the languages | 07:21 |
EchoBinary | it appears that Atheros does not appear on the list of supported wifi cards? | 07:21 |
fokuslee | !feisty | 07:21 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 07:21 |
bulmer | sivik: i have not seen that run command, under which menu is that? | 07:21 |
Gosha | unop: i get it ... it's that i'm lazy ... :( | 07:21 |
Gosha | which is not good | 07:21 |
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ardchoille | Can't wait to see what the Ubuntu devs choose as a name when they get to the X's lol | 07:22 |
Wilbert | I am trying the 7.04 because of the multimedia programs, I am a musician and i like the programs it includes in ti | 07:22 |
sivik | bulmer: i'm in e17 | 07:22 |
Wilbert | in it, sorry | 07:22 |
unop | Gosha, well, perl was invented by a lazy (and very smart man) for lazy men -- but there's an initial learning phase you have to get through | 07:22 |
=== jaleskov [n=jaleskov@lws021.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | Wilbert: What does Feisty include that Edgy doesnt? | 07:22 |
jaleskov | YO!!!! | 07:22 |
fokuslee | Flannel Beryl | 07:23 |
adortok | anyone in CS457 | 07:23 |
sivik | Flannel, and a newer kernel native | 07:23 |
ppcguy | hey all.. Getting ready to take a class for .NET. I know I know.. any open source editors avail I can use? I have a copy of wincrap but don't want to install if I don't have too | 07:23 |
shdwghst457 | my eMac wont start GNOME because of the odd built in display, just gives errors please help! | 07:23 |
sivik | ppcguy: have you tried monodevelop | 07:23 |
adortok | anyone go to university of waterloo? | 07:23 |
jaleskov | I do | 07:23 |
=== detectivebob [n=billgaes@adsl70.dyn110.pacific.net.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unop | Gosha, do you have any programming experience? maybe i could suggest something else? | 07:23 |
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adortok | i program | 07:23 |
Wilbert | I dont really know, I used to have Kubuntu and some of my hardware didn not worked fine, but un 7.04 they are working great | 07:23 |
jaleskov | me too | 07:23 |
Gosha | not much programming experience | 07:23 |
adortok | i have a lot | 07:23 |
adortok | senior level programmer | 07:23 |
detectivebob | How do you do security updates via terminal (using ubuntu server 6.06) | 07:24 |
unop | Gosha, what languages? | 07:24 |
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Gosha | a lil' bit of many .. kind of | 07:24 |
tonyyarusso | detectivebob: enable the security repo, and use apt w/ upgrade | 07:24 |
=== frankd3 [n=frankd@cpe-68-203-188-179.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
adortok | java, c++, j#, pascal, COBAL | 07:24 |
tonyyarusso | !offtopic | 07:24 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 07:24 |
Gosha | tried .. let's see here ..python, perl, visual, basic .. c++, c# and java.. i think | 07:24 |
unop | Gosha, well, do tell, as i cant suggest something without knowing where you come from, can i? | 07:24 |
Gosha | but i read pretty much about perl | 07:25 |
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Gosha | visual basic** | 07:25 |
Gosha | .. | 07:25 |
knoppix | #debian-es | 07:25 |
Gosha | perl* | 07:25 |
detectivebob | "upgrade"? doesn't that just update every package to the newest one? | 07:25 |
Gosha | :P | 07:25 |
unop | Gosha, well, sounds like perl is suited for you then | 07:25 |
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tonyyarusso | detectivebob: Yes. Which is what you would want for just security updates. | 07:25 |
Gosha | yes, i know .. but i stopped learning because of the regex XD | 07:25 |
SoundGuy29 | hey . | 07:26 |
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unop | Gosha, but regexes are easy if you have the right resources | 07:26 |
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fokuslee | how many programming courses generally for a CS major? | 07:26 |
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Gosha | yeah, i know | 07:26 |
SoundGuy29 | anyone can help me figure out why i can' tget putty to work with public key auth ? | 07:26 |
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Gosha | .. but in this perl book i read the half book ( it felt like ) was about regex | 07:26 |
tonyyarusso | Programming course chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic please...it's not a support issue. | 07:26 |
SoundGuy29 | i get "server refused our key" | 07:26 |
Gosha | .. and i understood the first part ... and slightly stopped to get it | 07:26 |
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Flannel | sivik, fokuslee, neither of which are reasons for a newbie to be learning on Feisty. | 07:27 |
SoundGuy29 | i put the public ket in .ssh/authorized_keys | 07:27 |
SoundGuy29 | what am i doing wrong ? | 07:27 |
Explosif | hmm, after my updates my flash in mozilla doesnt work anymore, any ideas? | 07:27 |
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SoundGuy29 | is there anyway to debug it ? | 07:27 |
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unop | Gosha, you can always seek guidance and help in #perl | 07:28 |
shdwghst457 | who here has an eMac? | 07:28 |
fokuslee | yep something more stable is nice 6.06 then | 07:28 |
Gosha | that's a good idea XD | 07:28 |
fokuslee | !dapper | 07:28 |
ubotu | dapper is the 4th release of Ubuntu. Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake". | 07:28 |
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Gosha | .. btw, what is the new ubuntu release called? | 07:28 |
SoundGuy29 | anyone can help me figure out why i can't get putty to work with public key auth when connecting to my Ubuntu 6.06 ?? | 07:28 |
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tonyyarusso | Gosha: Edgy Eft 6.10 is current | 07:29 |
unop | Gosha, feisty fawn | 07:29 |
Flannel | Gosha: 7.04 is the next one. (codename Feisty Fawn) | 07:29 |
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Gosha | kay | 07:29 |
Gosha | well, thanks for the help O/ | 07:29 |
SoundGuy29 | anyone can help me figure out why i can't get putty to work with public key auth when connecting to my Ubuntu 6.06 ? | 07:30 |
bonesaw | can anyone that can help me setup vsftp please /msg me got a couple quick ?'s | 07:30 |
tonyyarusso | !pm | bonesaw | 07:30 |
ubotu | bonesaw: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first. | 07:30 |
tonyyarusso | bonesaw: just ask | 07:30 |
unop | SoundGuy29, well, you can enabled debugging in the sshd_config file for the server to log to syslog .. and also using the -d and -v flags to the ssh client | 07:31 |
fokuslee | Flannel when i do lsb_release i get no LSB module found but cat /etc/lsb-release show the info | 07:31 |
unop | s/enabled/enable/ | 07:31 |
bonesaw | i thought i did ask in the channel | 07:31 |
SoundGuy29 | i'll try unop | 07:31 |
fokuslee | Flannel also u were talking about u can't learn 'linux' wut does that mean? | 07:31 |
unop | fokuslee, you need to install the lsb modules :) | 07:31 |
SoundGuy29 | where in ssh_config ? | 07:31 |
tonyyarusso | bonesaw: You only said you had questions, not what they are :) | 07:32 |
bonesaw | oh | 07:32 |
fokuslee | unop in 6.06 they were installed by default rite? but not in edgy? | 07:32 |
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rcrook | /etc/ssh | 07:32 |
unop | fokuslee, can you learn how to live a lifestyle? no, you just go with it, each day presents its own hurdles, you seem to learn .. but everyone at a differrent pace and different things | 07:32 |
rcrook | /etc/ssh/ssh_config | 07:32 |
SoundGuy29 | no where in the file ? what fild IN the file | 07:32 |
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unop | SoundGuy29, man sshd_config | 07:32 |
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Perryman | could anyone recommend a codec pack? | 07:32 |
bonesaw | i need to setup vsftp, setup a user, and a folder to transfer web content to | 07:32 |
unop | bonesaw, man vsftpd :) | 07:33 |
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fokuslee | unop oh lol thats wut flannel meant its more philosophical i was talking about wut i should get first mcse cert or linux cert | 07:33 |
tonyyarusso | bonesaw: The user will just be a regular system user; you don't need to add them to vsftpd explicitly like you would with mysql, unless you're restricting access to certain users, in which case it's a line in the config file. | 07:33 |
tonyyarusso | bonesaw: As far as "set up", just install the package, then think about what your exact reqs are. | 07:34 |
fokuslee | unop im trying to get an IT job | 07:34 |
tonyyarusso | bonesaw: There are options in the config file to chroot certain users to their home directory, which is probably what you want for that third part. | 07:34 |
unop | fokuslee, well, if you want my honest opinion .. the world of computing is dominated by microsoft, so its definitely worth getting an MCSE (or a couple of MCPs) | 07:34 |
bonesaw | ok | 07:35 |
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fokuslee | unop yeah ur soo rite even in my workplace which is OEM for riverbed still 99 percent M$ and the IT admin barely knows linux | 07:35 |
fokuslee | unop but linux is more interesting to learn | 07:35 |
daev | just tried to use bc43xx-fwcutter on the wl_apsta.o driver and got an error... part of it tells me that i should use a newer driver. | 07:36 |
fokuslee | msdos copied linux anywayz | 07:36 |
daev | i can paste, but i will refrain from taking up 8 lines in here | 07:36 |
unop | fokuslee, but again, linux is emerging at a fast pace .. so a couple of linux certs will help , especially now that companies are trying to interoperate microsoft and *nix .. | 07:36 |
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daev | anyone know a good amount about the Broadcom wireless and firmware cutter? | 07:37 |
fokuslee | unop kk thx abunch mate oh does vista still use 3 letter extensiton? | 07:37 |
unop | fokuslee, linux came along a long time after msdos was being phased out -- msdos is derived from cp/m (which is derived from unix tho) | 07:37 |
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fokuslee | unop yeah ur rite linux is 1991 i meant unix | 07:37 |
unop | fokuslee, most definitely -- its how windows identifies files/formats -- an .exe or .dll cannot be so without the extentions | 07:38 |
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sivik | Flannel: i know, but he asked what the difference was | 07:38 |
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deke | has anyone successfully gotten Xen running on Ubuntu 6.10 amd 64 | 07:38 |
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fokuslee | unop ok thx for all ur help time for bed | 07:39 |
Phuzion | Anyone here want to take a shot in the dark why I can't ping anything with my headless machine here? | 07:39 |
unop | Phuzion, can you ping the interface's own ip address? | 07:40 |
threeseas | how do you fix a blank screen after login? | 07:40 |
Phuzion | unop, yes | 07:41 |
unop | Phuzion, can you ping that interface's default gateway? | 07:41 |
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Phuzion | nope | 07:41 |
unop | Phuzion, well, there's your problem then :) is it a wired or wireless link? | 07:41 |
Phuzion | Wired | 07:41 |
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unop | Phuzion, how is the interface getting an IP address?? DHCP or static? | 07:42 |
Phuzion | static | 07:42 |
Phuzion | self-set DNS as well | 07:42 |
unop | Phuzion, well, double check the IP addressing scheme you are using then -- verify that the IP address and subnet mask ensure that that interface is in the same subnet as other machines on the network | 07:43 |
unop | Phuzion, and make sure that the default gateway corresponds to a router (that exists) | 07:43 |
yellowdart | threeseas, are you logging into X? | 07:43 |
Phuzion | unop: the machine had the exact same IP address 5 minutes before I took it down to upgrade a RAM module | 07:44 |
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Phuzion | it was running fine for 56 days | 07:44 |
unop | Phuzion, and were you able to ping then? | 07:44 |
Phuzion | i was able to do lots of things | 07:44 |
Phuzion | pinging was definitely one of them | 07:44 |
meshyf | anyone know how to change a theme via the terminal? | 07:45 |
unop | Phuzion, ok, check the output of ifconfig to see if the link is up and working | 07:45 |
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Phuzion | seems like it should work | 07:45 |
unop | Phuzion, can you !pastebin the output of ifconfig ? | 07:46 |
Phuzion | unfortunately, no | 07:46 |
Phuzion | it's a headless machine, and I have no network connection to it | 07:46 |
Phuzion | and I do not feel like typing this out | 07:46 |
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unop | Phuzion, copy and paste to http://pastebin.ca | 07:47 |
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Phuzion | unop: are you reading what I'm saying? | 07:47 |
AzMoo | unop, he can't copy and paste it. | 07:47 |
Phuzion | its a headless machine with no network connection | 07:47 |
Phuzion | well, not headless right now | 07:47 |
unop | Phuzion, ahh, sorry, wasnt paying good attention | 07:47 |
Phuzion | alright | 07:47 |
Phuzion | anything specific you're looking for? | 07:48 |
AzMoo | Phuzion, don't mean to state the obvious, but have you tested the cable? | 07:48 |
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Phuzion | AzMoo: the machine was up and running 5 minutes ago, the cable got moved maybe 5 inches | 07:48 |
threeseas | how what when where who... do you do to fit a blank screen after login....? | 07:48 |
meshyf | anyone know how to change a theme via the terminal? | 07:48 |
unop | Phuzion, just that ifconfig indicates that the link is up .. you have the right ip address | 07:49 |
AzMoo | Phuzion, yeah, I've seen cables die like that. | 07:49 |
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unop | Phuzion, well, the cable just has to be dislodged by a couple of millimetres for the link to come down -- ensure that the cable is locked in tight (and that LEDs indicate the physical link is up) | 07:49 |
meshyf | !theme | 07:50 |
ubotu | Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 07:50 |
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Phuzion | cable checks out | 07:50 |
ardchoille | mesha, Which theme? Icon theme? GTK2 theme? Metacity theme? | 07:51 |
unop | Phuzion, what does the cable plug into at the other end? | 07:51 |
Phuzion | dumb switch | 07:51 |
Phuzion | which is fine | 07:51 |
unop | Phuzion, does that end indicate the link is up? | 07:51 |
Phuzion | yes | 07:51 |
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Phuzion | the other machine on that switch can also ping to google | 07:51 |
threeseas | nothing like losing your scren when trying to get wireless to work | 07:52 |
unop | Phuzion, what happens when you try and ping the default gateway then? exact error message | 07:52 |
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Phuzion | destination host unreachable | 07:52 |
Phuzion | 15 packets xmitted, 0 recieved, 9+ errors | 07:53 |
threeseas | there are a ton of people here... I guess most all are parking | 07:53 |
beoba | stop, hammertime? | 07:53 |
Phuzion | no, it's | 07:53 |
Phuzion | stop, collaborate and listen | 07:53 |
unop | Phuzion, ok, the following questions are going to be really painful, bear with me ... are you 100% sure that the default gateway exists? | 07:53 |
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Phuzion | unop yes | 07:53 |
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Phuzion | it responds to ping too | 07:53 |
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ardchoille | mesha, To change themes via the terminal, use the gconftool-2. But, the command you use depends on which theme you want to change. Here is how you change the GTK2 theme via terminal: gconftool-2 --type string --set /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme "themenamehere" | 07:54 |
unop | Phuzion, eh? you said "destination host unreachable", no? | 07:54 |
Phuzion | Correct | 07:54 |
AzMoo | Phuzion, then it didn't respond to ping. | 07:54 |
unop | Phuzion, so the pings arent working then | 07:54 |
Phuzion | AzMoo: From a different pc it responds to ping | 07:54 |
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unop | Phuzion, are you sure the IP addressing you are using here is comparable to another machine on the network? | 07:55 |
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Phuzion | and should be comparable, right? | 07:55 |
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unop | Phuzion, well, the subnet masks and default gateways could be differrent and that changes the dynamics totally | 07:55 |
AzMoo | Phuzion, depending on your subnet, but usually yes. | 07:55 |
gmcinnes_ | Hi all: When I'm booting off the install cd for 6.10 the cd reaches a point where the graphics go crazy. I get a mess of stuff on the screen. | 07:55 |
Phuzion | The subnets are the same | 07:56 |
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joshwa | download the alternate iso, gmcinnes. | 07:56 |
ardchoille | meshyf, Which theme? Icon theme? GTK2 theme? Metacity theme? | 07:56 |
gmcinnes_ | where's that? | 07:56 |
joshwa | livecd gives me nightmares. | 07:57 |
AzMoo | Phuzion, you can ping localhost and the ip address assigned to the interface? | 07:57 |
ardchoille | meshyf, To change themes via the terminal, use the gconftool-2. But, the command you use depends on which theme you want to change. Here is how you change the GTK2 theme via terminal: gconftool-2 --type string --set /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme "themenamehere" | 07:57 |
ardchoille | mesha, Sorry, tab completion bit me, lol | 07:57 |
Phuzion | AzMoo, yes | 07:57 |
meshyf | And that should change everything back to the original setting? | 07:57 |
joshwa | you can download it from the homepage. | 07:57 |
meshyf | The problem is that I tried installing a new cursor pack and I guess I botched it. | 07:57 |
gmcinnes_ | joshwa: is it called 'alternate iso' ? | 07:57 |
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gmcinnes_ | I don't really want a live cd. I want to install. | 07:58 |
AzMoo | gmcinnes_, yes, the alternate iso is an install cd | 07:58 |
unop | Phuzion, if you issue a 'route -n' .. does the default route ( have a destination/next hop of your default gateway? also, do you have multiple default routes? | 07:58 |
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pavs | I am king of the world!!! I have succesfully installed wireless card (I had to buy a wireless USB card for 50 bucks) after three days to grueling googling and installing and uninstalling and compiliting and editing configuration files and finishing two cases of redbull I finally installed wireless in my ubuntu :) | 07:58 |
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joshwa | the alternate iso lets you install in a text based mode. | 07:59 |
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Wilbert | Hello, is Seveas around? | 07:59 |
Phuzion | unop, explain more please, I'm a little confused | 07:59 |
Phuzion | Wilbert, I haven't seen him around today | 07:59 |
unop | Phuzion, ok, first off, does the machine have multiple NICs? | 07:59 |
Phuzion | No | 07:59 |
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Wilbert | I tried to download from his page the repositori but it gives me error | 08:00 |
Wilbert | that i cannot download the file i needed | 08:00 |
unop | Phuzion, issue a `route -n` command -- what is the destination of the route? | 08:00 |
meshyf | Could anyone give me the name of a theme that comes with ubuntu? | 08:00 |
AzMoo | meshyf, human | 08:00 |
meshyf | Thanks :3 | 08:00 |
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Phuzion | unop, you mean the one where is in the first column or the second? | 08:01 |
unop | Phuzion, errm, in the first | 08:01 |
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Phuzion | " U 0 0 0 eth0" is the whole column, separated by spaces | 08:02 |
threeseas | man, woireless is such a pain | 08:02 |
meshyf | !gconfigtool | 08:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gconfigtool - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:02 |
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Wilbert | anyine could help me? | 08:02 |
Phuzion | !anyone | 08:02 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 08:02 |
Wilbert | this is the error i got at my terminal after i added the repositories from seveas page | 08:03 |
Wilbert | Err http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl edgy-seveas/all libdvdcss2 1.2.9-0.0ubuntu4 | 08:03 |
Wilbert | 403 Forbidden | 08:03 |
pavs | how can I bridge two wireless connection? | 08:03 |
meshyf | Anyone know how I can revert to a defult theme? The one I tried useing broke my top tray | 08:03 |
gmcinnes_ | "The alternate install CD allows you to perform certain specialist installations of Ubuntu. It provides for the following situations: | 08:03 |
gmcinnes_ | * creating pre-configured OEM systems; | 08:03 |
gmcinnes_ | * setting up automated deployments; " | 08:03 |
gmcinnes_ | perfect! | 08:03 |
gmcinnes_ | sorry for the flood! | 08:04 |
Phuzion | unop: any ideas here? | 08:04 |
unop | Phuzion, do you have a DHCP server on the network? | 08:04 |
Phuzion | Yes, I do | 08:04 |
daev | wilbert: looks like his page has the issue not you | 08:04 |
unop | Phuzion, for the sakes of troubleshooting -- set the interface to recieve a DHCP lease and see if that improves the situation | 08:04 |
threeseas | how do you uninstall someting from the command line? | 08:04 |
unop | threeseas, sudo aptitude remove package | 08:05 |
Phuzion | unop: how should I do that? dhclient? | 08:05 |
Wilbert | what do you mean, daev? that the page is worng? | 08:05 |
AzMoo | Wilbert, the page is saying that you don't have the access to the file you want. There's nothing you can do about that. | 08:05 |
unop | Phuzion, I tend to edit the /etc/network/interfaces file and set the link to "auto" .. pretty much like lo0 .. and comment the rest out -- so that you can come back later and reenable the old config | 08:06 |
Phuzion | ok | 08:06 |
unop | Phuzion, after editing the file -- you need to restart networking -- sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 08:06 |
AzMoo | Wilbert, actually, it looks like your repo line is wrong. | 08:07 |
Wilbert | ok, thnaks | 08:07 |
Wilbert | i did all what tha page indicate me, | 08:07 |
Wilbert | so i am still looking for libdvdcss and win32codecs | 08:07 |
AzMoo | Wilbert, it should be: deb http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl edgy-seveas all | 08:07 |
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Phuzion | umm, unop, it failed to restart networking | 08:09 |
threeseas | is there a way to get a list of the most recent packages installed? | 08:09 |
Phuzion | grep: /etc/network/options: No such file or directory (3x) | 08:09 |
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imbecile | ok you guys.. i just installed asterisk where can i find it? its not in applications/internet | 08:12 |
Phuzion | man, I'm tired, I'll fix this tomorrow | 08:12 |
Phuzion | thanks for the help | 08:12 |
Phuzion | /etc/asterisk maybe? | 08:12 |
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imbecile | i dont mean in command line i meant in my applications menu | 08:13 |
AzMoo | imbecile, right-click on your ubuntu menu, select edit menus and add it in. | 08:13 |
imbecile | AzMoo, thanks :) | 08:13 |
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Meshyf | I tried to change my theme as well as cursors and after restarting ubuntu the load back (after the login screen) the splash screen just hangs there never loading anything. Any ideas on what I could do? | 08:14 |
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Wilbert | http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nlhttp://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl | 08:16 |
Wilbert | Hello AzMoo, | 08:16 |
Wilbert | look this is what I did | 08:16 |
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Wilbert | 1. i open the /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:16 |
AzMoo | Wilbert, can you browse to the file you need in a web browser? | 08:17 |
mhiku | how can i get out a variable in the environment? i set something there, and i want to delete it | 08:17 |
Wilbert | 2. I added the lines from Seveas: | 08:17 |
Wilbert | deb http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl edgy-seveas all | 08:17 |
Wilbert | deb-src http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl edgy-seveas all | 08:17 |
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Wilbert | then i saved the changes at sources list | 08:18 |
AzMoo | Wilbert, can you browse to the file you need in a web browser? | 08:18 |
Wilbert | after that i wrote in a terminal the gpg key provided at the page | 08:18 |
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Wilbert | then i wrote sudo apt-get update | 08:19 |
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chavo | mhiku, unset $VARIABLE | 08:19 |
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KanRiNiN | Has anyone else had a lot of trouble installing mythtv in edgy? I can't seem to do it and I'm not familiar with mysql but I followed the guide and get syntax errors | 08:19 |
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unop | Phuzion, i'm back--- is that the error you get trying to restart networking? | 08:22 |
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laberrabarber | hi | 08:23 |
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unop | !hi | 08:23 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 08:23 |
laberrabarber | simple question... | 08:23 |
imbecile | whats the terminal command to run asterisk? is it "asterisk"? | 08:23 |
rly | !hello | 08:23 |
ubotu | hello: The classic greeting, and a good example. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1.1-4 (edgy), package size 47 kB, installed size 472 kB | 08:23 |
Wilbert | sorry AzMoo | 08:23 |
Wilbert | i Just saw your message | 08:23 |
unop | imbecile, probably -- try it out | 08:24 |
tonyyarusso | imbecile: most likely | 08:24 |
Meshyf | Just so everyone knows. I love you Ubuntu community. <3 | 08:24 |
Wilbert | i tried to browse to the file but it says it is forbidden | 08:24 |
imbecile | dang i had no luck with it :( | 08:24 |
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tonyyarusso | imbecile: One good way to find out commands is to do 'dpgk -L <packagename> | grep bin' | 08:24 |
AzMoo | Wilbert, then it really is forbidden. You'll need to contact seveas to get that fixed. | 08:24 |
imbecile | tonyyarusso, thanks | 08:24 |
unop | Meshyf, we ubuntYOU :) | 08:24 |
laberrabarber | got the LIVE Cd edubuntu, check t out and be impressed, but ss t possible to save personal konfguraton? | 08:24 |
=== Meshyf Laughs out loud | ||
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tonyyarusso | Wilbert: You trying to download the Larts database? | 08:25 |
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tonyyarusso | Wilbert: Oh, no - the repo. Use a mirror. :) | 08:26 |
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laberrabarber | hello?!?! | 08:26 |
clearzen | I am trying to create a database using phpmyadmin but it keeps saying Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' I have set a root pass already. What am I doing wrong?? | 08:27 |
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tonyyarusso | !persistence | laberrabarber | 08:27 |
ubotu | laberrabarber: To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence | 08:27 |
AzMoo | clearzen, can you log in to phpmyadmin? | 08:27 |
laberrabarber | thx | 08:27 |
clearzen | no | 08:27 |
AzMoo | clearzen, can you log in from the terminal mysql client? | 08:28 |
unop | clearzen, can you log into mysql from the command line? | 08:28 |
clearzen | AzMoo: also a no go. But I am trying over ssh | 08:28 |
clearzen | AzMoo: will that make a difference? | 08:28 |
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AzMoo | clearzen, no. How did you set the root password? | 08:28 |
iter | mysql -u root password "yournewpassword" | 08:29 |
iter | from shell prompt | 08:29 |
clearzen | like this mysql -u root | 08:29 |
clearzen | mysql> USE mysql; | 08:29 |
clearzen | mysql> UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('new-password') WHERE user='root'; | 08:29 |
clearzen | mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; | 08:29 |
clearzen | sorry | 08:29 |
laberrabarber | thats great...some german ***** told me that it is not!!! possible to save pers.conf.....thx! | 08:29 |
clearzen | should've used pastebin | 08:29 |
AzMoo | clearzen, yeah, you shouldn't do it like that. | 08:29 |
tonyyarusso | laberrabarber: it wasn't until relatively recentlyish | 08:29 |
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pppoe_dude | !language | laberrabarber | 08:29 |
ubotu | laberrabarber: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 08:29 |
AzMoo | clearzen, you should use mysqladmin. > mysqladmin -u root password yournewpassword | 08:30 |
laberrabarber | sorry | 08:30 |
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iter | whoops yep | 08:31 |
Irc`Helper | !help meeeeeeeeee | 08:31 |
clearzen | AzMoo: Can I save my current install? | 08:31 |
iter | got the binary wrong there | 08:31 |
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iter | clearzen: backup /var/lib/mysql | 08:31 |
AzMoo | clearzen, have you got any data there? | 08:31 |
clearzen | AzMoo: not yet so it doesn't matter really | 08:32 |
tonyyarusso | !helpme | Irc`Helper | 08:32 |
ubotu | Irc`Helper: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 08:32 |
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clearzen | AzMoo: I just wanted to know for future referance | 08:32 |
imbecile | tonyyarusso, dpgk -L asterisk | grep bin ? | 08:32 |
iter | clearzen: use mysqldump to make backups | 08:32 |
tonyyarusso | imbecile: if the package is asterisk, which I think is right | 08:32 |
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iter | you can also backup that directory but dumping tables is better | 08:33 |
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tanlaan | hey everyone | 08:33 |
Meshyf | !smb | 08:33 |
clearzen | iter: thanks for the tip | 08:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about smb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:33 |
tanlaan | has anyone heard of linspire? | 08:33 |
iter | #linspire? | 08:33 |
clearzen | iter: I haven't done anything with mysql before | 08:33 |
imbecile | its said "bash: syntax error near unexpected token `|' " | 08:33 |
tonyyarusso | tanlaan: yes, but haven't used. #linspire does exist for more :) | 08:33 |
AzMoo | clearzen, I'm not 100% sure how ubuntu's done it. If I'd compiled it myself I would delete the data directory and run mysql_install_db, but I don't know if that'll work here. | 08:33 |
Irc`Helper | fuck you | 08:34 |
tanlaan | tonyyarusso: well i was gonna make fun of it, i dont think it would go over that well :D | 08:34 |
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tonyyarusso | tanlaan: Not in the support channel anyway :) | 08:34 |
clearzen | AzMoo: It's actually on a debian server but I thought someone could help me in this channel | 08:34 |
iter | clearzen: if you have no data in the db just apt-get remove mysql-server && apt-get install mysql-server && dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server | 08:34 |
imbecile | cant say i didnt see that coming ;P | 08:34 |
tanlaan | tonyyarusso: okk fine :D | 08:34 |
Meshyf | Can ubuntu connect to a windows shared network? I.e. grabbing files off my XP machine using my Ubuntu Laptop | 08:34 |
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anthonyj_ | Hello everyone,I was just following the instructions to disable ipv6 since I was experincing slow internet, I ran across this issue where the bad_list file under /etc/modprobe.d did not exist until I created it. I'm running Edgy amd64. Is this normal, or is something missing? | 08:35 |
tonyyarusso | imbecile: a sec... | 08:35 |
iter | Meshyf: yes, no proble | 08:35 |
iter | Meshyf: places menu, connect to server | 08:35 |
iter | (iirc) | 08:35 |
clearzen | iter: thanks again I'll do that and set up the root password the right way this time | 08:35 |
AzMoo | clearzen, basically, don't work on the mysql database manually | 08:36 |
Meshyf | iter: Thanks. I just managed to ocnnect to a diffrent computer, it must be something with this PC :P | 08:36 |
tonyyarusso | imbecile: that should work.... dpkg -L asterisk | grep bin should take the output of dpkg -L asterisk, pipe it to grep, which will return any results with bin in the path | 08:36 |
AzMoo | clearzen, everything you need can be done with specialized programs and queries. | 08:36 |
tonyyarusso | !samba | Meshyf | 08:36 |
ubotu | Meshyf: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 08:36 |
Meshyf | THanks Tony | 08:36 |
clearzen | AzMoo: So you want to use phpmyadmin and such to create users and databases then | 08:36 |
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AzMoo | clearzen, yep. Set your root password using mysqladmin and use phpmyadmin for the rest, if you don't want to learn the queries. | 08:37 |
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anon__ | is there any way to force a debian package to install, ignoring dependencies? | 08:38 |
imbecile | tonyyarusso, maybe i didnt install it correctly :( | 08:38 |
imbecile | tonyyarusso, ahhh you typoed the first time | 08:39 |
pppoe_dude | anon__, yes | 08:39 |
iter | anon__: yes, man dpkg | 08:39 |
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anon__ | a package I have isn't reading libpango1.0-0 correctly | 08:39 |
iter | basically you use -force-something | 08:39 |
tonyyarusso | imbecile: ohp, whoops | 08:39 |
pppoe_dude | anon__, dpkg --force-all -i <package> | 08:39 |
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pppoe_dude | anon__, you need to specify the path for the package tho | 08:39 |
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iter | I think it's dpkg -force-depends -i libpango1.0-0 | 08:40 |
iter | ooh there's an --ignore-depends too | 08:40 |
adamonline45 | !gtk | 08:41 |
ubotu | GTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI | 08:41 |
imbecile | imbecile@DEXTER:~$ dpkg -L asterisk | grep bin imbecile@DEXTER:~$ | 08:41 |
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adamonline45 | !GIMP | 08:41 |
ubotu | gimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information. | 08:41 |
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imbecile | still no luck for me :( | 08:41 |
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ldy | I have a question about block No. and file name. If I have a broken disk and I get the block No. by badblocks commands. How can I know which file are using this block? | 08:41 |
Steil | is there anyway to get ntfs support on the sparc release? | 08:41 |
threeseas | oh well.... the blank screen problem is a death blow to new users - isn't there a way to just reinstall without losing ones files? | 08:41 |
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adamonline45 | Gimp, the graphics program, forms gnome? | 08:42 |
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pppoe_dude | adamonline45, no | 08:42 |
AzMoo | adamonline45, gtk forms gnome | 08:43 |
pppoe_dude | AzMoo, no | 08:43 |
Flannel | Steil: you already have it, don't you? | 08:43 |
laberrabarber | hhh....http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/6331959.stm | 08:43 |
imbecile | is linux+ test a good way to learn linux? | 08:43 |
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pppoe_dude | AzMoo, gtk is the application widgets part of gnome | 08:43 |
matey | I'm looking for a way to sort of secure standard NFS. Is there any way to find, say with nmap, which folders you can mount with NFS on my machine? | 08:43 |
pppoe_dude | AzMoo, :) | 08:43 |
Steil | Flannel, when i try to mount a ntfs partition it says that ntfs is an unknown fs | 08:43 |
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clearzen | AzMoo: It is still telling me Access denied for user 'root' @ 'local host' could I use mysql -u root -p password to gain access? | 08:44 |
adamonline45 | AzMoo: Okay, that makes sense, thanks. can I integrate someting made on GTK with a bash script? | 08:44 |
AzMoo | clearzen, did you set the password using mysqladmin ? | 08:44 |
iter | clearzen: is mysql running ? | 08:44 |
AzMoo | iter, yes, it is, otherwise it would return a can't connect to socket error. | 08:45 |
clearzen | iter: yes it is...I started it. I tried to set the pass with mysqladmin but it denied me access. | 08:45 |
yellowdart | clearzen, did you type 'localhost' or 'local host' | 08:45 |
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Flannel | Steil: what command are you using? | 08:45 |
clearzen | yellowdart: good question | 08:45 |
KenSentMe | clearzen: default the root user has no password in mysql | 08:45 |
Steil | mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 --o umask=000 | 08:45 |
Steil | er wait | 08:45 |
AzMoo | clearzen, it probably didn't remove the data directories when you uninstalled it. | 08:45 |
Steil | no -o | 08:45 |
Steil | i'm diong it optionless | 08:46 |
clearzen | I should use --purge I guess | 08:46 |
Flannel | Steil: try giving it a -t ntfs | 08:46 |
Steil | well it told me that ntfs wasn't a known filesystem type or something | 08:46 |
Flannel | Steil: and actually, ntfs uses dmask and fmask | 08:47 |
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Flannel | Steil: er... no it doesn't. b | 08:47 |
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Steil | anyways yeah it keeps throwing me "mount: unknown filesystem type 'ntfs'" | 08:50 |
Flannel | Steil: What version of ubuntu are you using? | 08:50 |
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Steil | 6.04 | 08:50 |
mistform | ay | 08:50 |
Steil | er 6.06 i guess it'd be | 08:50 |
unop | !ntfs-3g | Steil | 08:50 |
ubotu | Steil: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 08:50 |
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Steil | unop, isn't that only for 32bit i386? | 08:51 |
Flannel | Steil: I guess yeah, for some reason your kernel doesn't have ntfs support built in, you'll have to look towards the other stuff, find an open source one (not a wrapper of XP libraries) | 08:52 |
unop | Steil, ohh errm, to be honest, i dont really know | 08:52 |
OMERSIAR | i want to install my on board graphic card that is via unichromo | 08:52 |
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OMERSIAR | how can i install | 08:52 |
Steil | heh | 08:52 |
KenSentMe | OMERSIAR: doesn't it work out of the box? You have no desktop? | 08:53 |
mistform | herro | 08:53 |
OMERSIAR | i want 3d support | 08:53 |
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unop | Steil, yep, it looks like the ntfs support is exclusive to 32 bit systems for the moment | 08:53 |
mistform | I'm using dapper, and my wireless card keeps disabling itself whenever I try to connect to my network with wifi-radar | 08:53 |
Steil | ahh | 08:53 |
Steil | i need something for sparc | 08:54 |
imbecile | is linux+ test a good way to learn linux? | 08:54 |
gmcinnes_ | what's the best way to automate an ubuntu install. I want to install very few packages. | 08:54 |
unop | Steil, heh, now you're asking for more than is allowed :) have a look here http://www.ntfs-3g.org/support.html#endian64 | 08:55 |
OMERSIAR | i found this http://www.openchrome.org/ | 08:55 |
OMERSIAR | but i can not install the correct one | 08:55 |
mistform | imbecile, linux+ is very basic, but you would most definately learn alot from it | 08:55 |
OMERSIAR | please help me | 08:55 |
mistform | the majority of linux users learn from experience using and toruble shooting their linux boxes | 08:55 |
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unop | imbecile, yes and no .. linux+ is focused on installing and administering for the use in business networks -- but linux on the otherhand doesnt cover a niche, it's just not confined that way | 08:56 |
KenSentMe | OMERSIAR: maybe you could search the forums at http://ubuntuforums.org. I see there are some people that have the same card | 08:56 |
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OMERSIAR | okey i will try | 08:57 |
Steil | Anyone in here manage to get feisty running on a Blade 100/150? | 08:57 |
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unop | imbecile, there are some ubuntu certifications that probably hold more credibility than the linux+, you probably also learn more (about ubuntu) | 08:57 |
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iter | personally I wouldn't be too happy hiring someone who says they have an "ubuntu cert" | 08:58 |
iter | don't get me wrong, I love ubuntu and debian though | 08:58 |
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unop | iter, personally i dont think a cert should have any bearing on whether a person gets a job -- I was answering the question of "what would be worthwhile attempting to _learn_ about linux" | 08:59 |
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iter | no cert is worthwhile if you just want to learn | 09:00 |
iter | they cost $ | 09:00 |
ardchoille | I'd rather hire someone who can do the job rather than someone who has a "cert". I've seen a few RHCE's that can't even set up squid. | 09:00 |
iter | just get a book if you don't want to teach yourself | 09:00 |
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AzMoo | ardchoille, how do you know if they can do the job? | 09:00 |
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iter | but if you aren't interested in learning about it boy is it going to be a tough row to hoe | 09:01 |
mistform | never heard that one, before, iter | 09:01 |
mistform | "tough row to hoe" | 09:01 |
unop | ardchoille, well, i've seen veterans with 20+ years experience behind them and get stuck with something as simple as setting up samba .. but thats the world of open-source, no one can be profecient in absolutely anything and everything | 09:01 |
iter | haha "simple as setting up samba" | 09:01 |
mistform | yes, very true | 09:01 |
mhiku | LD_LIBRARY_PATH, where is it? | 09:02 |
mistform | it really depends on what you have personally experienced | 09:02 |
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iter | samba is a well known biyatch | 09:02 |
AzMoo | mhiku, not set by default. | 09:02 |
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AzMoo | mhiku, if you want to set it put it in /etc/environment | 09:02 |
iter | mhiku: set it (in bash) with export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=blah | 09:02 |
unop | !language | iter .. kids do walk in the room | 09:02 |
ubotu | iter .. kids do walk in the room: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 09:02 |
iter | well, that's why I used the too short spelling | 09:03 |
iter | to keep it family friendly ;) | 09:03 |
imbecile | ubuntu | 09:03 |
imbecile | oops | 09:03 |
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unop | iter, come on, thats not addressing the real issue :) | 09:03 |
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iter | what, that samba is tehsuck | 09:04 |
iter | a necessary evil I suppose | 09:04 |
imbecile | unop, do you know the names of any ubuntu certs? | 09:04 |
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unop | imbecile, have a read here http://lwn.net/Articles/178373/ | 09:05 |
imbecile | thanks | 09:05 |
unop | imbecile, or http://www.ubuntu.com/news/ubuntucert | 09:05 |
=== _rawr [n=bman@c-24-125-237-128.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_rawr | <_rawr> got a question | 09:05 |
_rawr | * lotek has quit (Remote closed the connection) | 09:05 |
_rawr | <_rawr> I have windows on one HDD & kubuntu on the other HDD & both in the same comp, took the kubuntu HDD out, & got a grub boot error, WHY? | 09:05 |
_rawr | <_rawr> should it have copied any files to the windows | 09:05 |
_rawr | <_rawr> HDD | 09:05 |
_rawr | <_rawr> while I was installing kubuntu on the other? | 09:06 |
_rawr | anwer plz | 09:06 |
_rawr | answer* | 09:06 |
KenSentMe | imbecile: i know there are some poeple gathered in Geneva right now to make the tests etc. | 09:06 |
iter | nice maybe I can get work to pay for a trip to joburg | 09:06 |
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iter | _rawr: boot to recovery mode w/windows cd and run fixmbr | 09:06 |
_rawr | what does that do? | 09:06 |
iter | fixes the mbr | 09:07 |
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unop | _rawr, errm, how do you expect grub to behave if you remove the disk that contains the OS? :) | 09:07 |
iter | which was overwritten by grub | 09:07 |
_rawr | I hear ya. | 09:07 |
_rawr | & thank you iter | 09:07 |
iter | sho | 09:07 |
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b0c1 | hi | 09:08 |
AzMoo | hi b0c1 | 09:08 |
_rawr | thanks again | 09:08 |
_rawr | ill be back if I have trouble. =( | 09:08 |
_rawr | =)* | 09:08 |
_rawr | night | 09:08 |
iter | 99 | 09:08 |
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b0c1 | anybody can install libapache2-mod-mono in edgy? | 09:08 |
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KenSentMe | b0c1: why can't you? Do you get an error? | 09:09 |
b0c1 | Yepp | 09:10 |
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KenSentMe | b0c1: maybe it's a good idea to share that error | 09:10 |
=== AzMoo chuckles. | ||
=== Nuscly [n=nuscly@29-231.206-83.static-ip.oleane.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
adamonline45 | !perl | 09:10 |
b0c1 | KenSentMe: copy here or nopaste? | 09:10 |
ubotu | perl: Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language. In component main, is important. Version 5.8.8-6 (edgy), package size 3287 kB, installed size 11436 kB | 09:10 |
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adamonline45 | !python | 09:11 |
mistform | what is the bash command for enabling/disabling network devices? | 09:11 |
ubotu | python: An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.4.3-11ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 37 kB, installed size 208 kB | 09:11 |
unop | mistform, ifup and ifdown or ifupdown | 09:11 |
iter | mistform: ifconfig ethX down | 09:11 |
=== meshyf [n=meshyf@cpe-76-166-133-5.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
b0c1 | KenSentMe: http://rafb.net/p/YCsJ7L61.html | 09:11 |
KenSentMe | b0c1: use the pastebin at paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 09:11 |
b0c1 | :) | 09:11 |
meshyf | !.rar | 09:11 |
ubotu | rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 09:11 |
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meshyf | !info unrar-free | 09:12 |
mistform | down disables? | 09:12 |
meshyf | !unrar-free | 09:12 |
mistform | or enables? | 09:12 |
ubotu | unrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20060609-1 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 80 kB | 09:12 |
unop | mistform, yes, quite naturally :) | 09:12 |
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mistform | ........ | 09:12 |
unop | mistform, it takes a link "down" | 09:12 |
b0c1 | mistform: down is shutdown the device :D | 09:12 |
mistform | SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such device | 09:12 |
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KenSentMe | b0c1: have you got mono-apache-server(2) installed? | 09:13 |
b0c1 | yepp | 09:13 |
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unop | mistform, you need to sudo that command -- it requires superuser privs | 09:13 |
mistform | I did | 09:13 |
unop | mistform, did you specify a device to bring down? sudo ifdown eth0 | 09:13 |
b0c1 | ii mono-apache-server2 backend for mod_mono2 Apache module | 09:13 |
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b0c1 | KenSentMe: this is the problem ;) | 09:13 |
b0c1 | I think it's can't decide which installed, so I install one... | 09:14 |
b0c1 | but nothing happened... it's difficult solve this? | 09:14 |
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KenSentMe | b0c1: i wouldn't know. Maybe you should ask in general in this channel (so not only ask me), and someone can help you. I don't know how to solve this | 09:15 |
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_3uG_ | hi.. quick question: a friend is trying to install ubuntu on a system where the first hd port is sata instead of ide. the installer claimed to have written to the mbr, but he is unable to get into his installation. what should he do? i suggested using a livecd to run grub-install to fix it. | 09:16 |
b0c1 | KenSentMe: can you tell me another package which can't decide between two or more package? | 09:16 |
mistform | unop, pastebin is being slow right now | 09:16 |
_3uG_ | he's also running a dualboot system and the install seems to have corrupted his xp installation | 09:16 |
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unop | mistform, use http://pastebin.ca | 09:16 |
iter | _3uG_: does he get an error? | 09:16 |
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mistform | unop, http://pastebin.com/876497 | 09:16 |
b0c1 | I think this is the problem: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.4-1), apache2 (>= 2.0.50), mono-jit (>= 1.0.1), mono-apache-server (>= 1.1.13) | mono-apache-server2 (>= 1.1.13), mono-apache-server (<< 1.1.14) | mono-apache-server2 (<< 1.1.14) | 09:16 |
KenSentMe | b0c1: i wouldn't know any | 09:16 |
b0c1 | :| | 09:17 |
=== jordo23 [n=jordo23@CPE-70-94-33-31.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_3uG_ | iter, yes.. something to the extent of "invalid partition" (sorry to not have specifics... i'm many miles away) | 09:17 |
b0c1 | maybe it's required less than 1.1.14 version of mono-apache-server... | 09:17 |
=== skillet is now known as LoHung | ||
llama32 | automount died in the ass, any suggestions? i screwed up my group/user stuff a while ago [ie i had to add myself to some groups again] , so im guessing it's due to this | 09:17 |
KenSentMe | b0c1: just ask again in this channel, but then with a complete layout of your problem | 09:17 |
mistform | unop, http://pastebin.ca/342395 << that's the whole message it gave me | 09:18 |
mhiku | LD_LIBRARY_PATH, where to point it? | 09:18 |
meshyf | !unrar-free | 09:18 |
ubotu | unrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20060609-1 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 80 kB | 09:18 |
b0c1 | KenSentMe: I reported this bug, and it's confirmed, so I wait.... | 09:18 |
iter | _3uG_: well, he can at least boot from a dos disk and run fdisk /mbr or boot from windows cd into recovery mode and run fixmbr to restore windows | 09:18 |
iter | _3uG_: but I would bet a couple changes to grub would sort it right out | 09:18 |
b0c1 | KenSentMe: I only asked , maybe somebody can another way to solve this... | 09:19 |
b0c1 | KenSentMe: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mod-mono/+bug/82934 | 09:19 |
b0c1 | ;) | 09:19 |
iter | _3uG_: /boot/grub/menu.lst is the file | 09:19 |
KenSentMe | b0c1: then you have to wait indeed. Have you searched the forums at http://ubuntuforums.org? | 09:20 |
=== Bauffman [n=iets@host02.hosts.gpsupport.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
iter | _3uG_: I'm just guessing but probably just need to change (hd0,0) to something like (hd1,0) | 09:20 |
_3uG_ | iter, he tried to windows cd recovery mode to replace the files that were supposedly corrupted, but it just made his computer hang. i don't know if he's tried the fdisk /mbr trick yet (i told him to try that). 10 to 1 it is just somethign that needs a quick grub-install (and possible menu.lst manipulation). i think that the ubuntu installer may not like systems with sata first | 09:20 |
unop | mistform, errm, is eth1 the interface you want bringing up? are you sure? | 09:20 |
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b0c1 | KenSentMe: nope... thnx the idea... | 09:20 |
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mistform | unop, I have eth1 and eth0. eth1 is my wireless adapter and eth0 what i'm wired to right now | 09:20 |
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_3uG_ | iter, when i talk to him tomorrow, i'll see if he can get in to change it to (hd0,1) (b/c it's the first hd but the second partition on it) | 09:21 |
b0c1 | ehhehhh | 09:21 |
b0c1 | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=325576&highlight=libapache2-mod-mono | 09:21 |
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_3uG_ | iter, oh.. by the way: does it does it matter that xp is first and /boot is well after the 8gb mark? | 09:21 |
mhiku | LD_LIBRARY_PATH, where to point it? | 09:21 |
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unop | mistform, errm, you might need to use iwconfig to bring up a wireless link instead .. i'm not too sure | 09:21 |
tanlaan | !ipod | 09:21 |
ubotu | For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod | 09:21 |
iter | _3uG_: not to my knowledge | 09:21 |
_3uG_ | iter, i didn't think so.. as long as you write grub to the mbr. but who knows, i've been linux-only for well over a year. maybe two | 09:22 |
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iter | right if grub is in the mbr you can pretty much boot from wherever | 09:23 |
iter | afaik | 09:23 |
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iter | he could also try hitting e to edit when he sees the grub booting prompt | 09:23 |
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iter | try changing that (hd0,0) to (hd0,1) and then hitting b to boot | 09:24 |
iter | sucks about the corrupt files though, does windows start to boot and then barf? | 09:24 |
=== chavo [n=chavo@67-22-97-187.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_3uG_ | iter, yeah, it gets to the splash screen and then complains | 09:25 |
_3uG_ | iter, i wish that i could somehow do remote control, but i don't know how possible that would be with the ubuntu live cd | 09:25 |
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iter | well if he can get into the livecd you can ssh in probably | 09:25 |
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iter | depending on his router/network etc | 09:26 |
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iter | acutally, crud, does the livecd have openssh-server even | 09:26 |
_3uG_ | iter, we've setup his router to work.. maybe i'll have him configure ssh so that i can get it.. if it does have openssh-server | 09:26 |
iter | I seem to remember it not and being a huge PITA because of that | 09:26 |
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mhiku | ive installed manually checking for ogg >= 1.0... checking for Ogg... no, but ive installed it compiling libtheora | 09:27 |
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_3uG_ | iter, but if it has vino, i can vnc in | 09:27 |
iter | yep | 09:27 |
_3uG_ | iter, which i'm *pretty sure* is installed by default in gnome.. i think. | 09:27 |
_3uG_ | iter, thanks for your help. it gives me some ideas to try... | 09:27 |
macd | when I use windows to browse to a samba shared dir on ubuntu it asks for a user/pass this is not my linux user/pass what would I login with? | 09:27 |
_3uG_ | iter, once he can get ubuntu up and running, xp should be simple to fix | 09:28 |
iter | np | 09:28 |
iter | yep | 09:28 |
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iter | macd: can you do Guest w/no password? | 09:28 |
macd | no | 09:29 |
_3uG_ | have fun, everyone | 09:29 |
macd | this is windows ---> ubuntu (samba) shares | 09:29 |
_rawr | lul | 09:29 |
iter | macd: ah you'll need to set it up w/smbpasswd | 09:29 |
macd | k | 09:30 |
mneptok | macd: it wants your Ubuntu login info. | 09:30 |
macd | mneptok, no it doesnt ;) | 09:30 |
mneptok | macd: you need to set a Samba password on the Ubuntu machine with smbpasswd | 09:30 |
mneptok | macd: yes, it does. | 09:30 |
macd | well ubuntu login/pass dont work, using smbpasswd to change results in the following error: | 09:31 |
macd | Could not connect to machine NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE | 09:31 |
iter | ah the dreaded NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE | 09:31 |
=== AzMoo cowers in fear. | ||
LoHung | use swat to create samba user/pass | 09:31 |
iter | there you go | 09:31 |
mneptok | sudo ugh | 09:32 |
mneptok | ;) | 09:32 |
macd | swat is gui? | 09:32 |
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mneptok | please don't use SWAT | 09:32 |
mneptok | it's pretty deprecated. | 09:32 |
iter | it has a lot to go wrong w/it | 09:32 |
iter | is there a better tool though ? | 09:32 |
SWAT | macd, Samba Web Administration Tool is pure evil, don't use it | 09:32 |
mneptok | and if you want to use Samba, the best idea is to (*gasp*) learn to use Samba. | 09:33 |
iter | I just edit smb.conf | 09:33 |
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iter | but that's pretty BS, frankly | 09:33 |
LoHung | there is nothing wrong with swat | 09:33 |
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mneptok | why? | 09:33 |
macd | I want to use individual user mapping as later it will join an domain | 09:33 |
LoHung | esp. for new users its fine | 09:33 |
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AzMoo | LoHung, yes there is. It's horrible. | 09:33 |
macd | and finction as a NFS--> samba head. | 09:33 |
LoHung | i disagree | 09:33 |
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macd | Im not a new user. | 09:33 |
macd | I just dont do samba. | 09:33 |
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mneptok | LoHung: "new users" shouldn't be running around networks playing sysadmin. | 09:34 |
LoHung | on their home network they can | 09:34 |
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iter | macd: check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=280702 | 09:35 |
mneptok | LoHung: GUIs like SWAT are basically like a simple interface to a 747's controls. and dude, i don't want to fly on any plane with a pilot taht doesn't know what they're doing. ;) | 09:35 |
thill2708 | what program should I use to extract img files? | 09:35 |
iter | good info on joining a domain w/ubuntu | 09:35 |
tim167 | how can I send a mail via the commandline ? | 09:35 |
macd | I know howto to make linux join a domain. | 09:35 |
iter | tim167: mailx | 09:35 |
macd | I have several working in a large forrest right now. | 09:35 |
tim167 | iter thanx :) | 09:35 |
=== therapy [n=tommycat@d54C63FE0.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LoHung | mneptok, i agree with that statement | 09:36 |
tim167 | iter: i get command not found, i have to install mailx , right ? | 09:36 |
iter | tim167: yes apt-get install mailx | 09:36 |
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cmt^^ | How do I download pine? sudo apt-get install pine doesn't find any packages | 09:36 |
JHSands | do I need the " additional Windows codecs" in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats to play .wmv and .avi files? | 09:36 |
iter | wow I can't believe no pine | 09:37 |
thill2708 | anyone? anyone know how to extract img files? | 09:37 |
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mneptok | cmt^^: use Mutt. it's there by default. | 09:37 |
Tomcat_ | JHSands: Only if they contain a special codec. | 09:37 |
macd | smbpasswd -a myuserhere solved the problem | 09:38 |
macd | man pages ftw. | 09:38 |
ftopz | what's the system requirements to install xgl desktop? | 09:38 |
Tomcat_ | JHSands: Some AVI files will work, and maybe also some WMVs. | 09:38 |
pavs | get vlc player to play any formats | 09:38 |
tim167 | iter: what's this postfix configuration? i have to do it ? | 09:38 |
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iter | thill2708: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=276743 | 09:38 |
Tomcat_ | JHSands: But for most files, yes. Or get vlc, as pavs says. | 09:38 |
=== phos-phoros [n=Donovan@unaffiliated/phos-phoros] has joined #ubuntu | ||
iter | tim167: choose internet host | 09:38 |
Dh3Y0 | !libsndfile | 09:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about libsndfile - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:38 |
ftopz | !beryl | 09:39 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 09:39 |
tanlaan | hey everyone, this was pretty funny but i just plugged in my ipod and opened up the music player and played a song off of my ipod *played more than one* and it was sped up at like 2x speed, so everything was high pitched lol. well i opened up gaim to get on here, and it decided it was gonna play at normal speed again. So i guess its fixed but i just thought it was interesting :P | 09:39 |
thill2708 | iter : thanks but I would rather just extact files from them, instead of the whole mounting business | 09:39 |
tim167 | iter: 'internet site' or 'internet with smart host' ? | 09:39 |
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iter | internt site | 09:39 |
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JHSands | pavs: where do I get such... the vlc player | 09:40 |
Tomcat_ | JHSands: sudo apt-get install vlc | 09:40 |
JHSands | thanks :) | 09:40 |
pavs | use synaptic to look for vlc player | 09:41 |
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PORDO | anyone here have a sip phone? | 09:41 |
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pavs | apt-get install vlc | 09:42 |
pavs | oops | 09:42 |
pavs | late | 09:42 |
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dougb | i have my home directory installed on another partition, and after reformatting, the permissions are still set for my old linux setup to own the folder and the contents. is there a command to run to change the permissions of all of the folders and files to become mine? | 09:42 |
yommb | enjoys himself messing with Metisse :) | 09:42 |
bXi | dougb: chmod and chown | 09:43 |
iter | chown -R user /home/user | 09:43 |
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unop | or better - chown -Rv $USER /home/$USER | 09:43 |
dougb | bXi: i tried that, it is what gave me permissions to own the /home/doug folder, but the files all still have little locks over them saying that i'm not the owner | 09:43 |
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chavo | might want to check the gid too | 09:44 |
iter | unop snazzy :) | 09:44 |
dougb | unop: that would give me permission to all of the contents? | 09:44 |
unop | chavo, good point | 09:44 |
brosio | how can i identify to the serveer ? | 09:44 |
JHSands | I would like to thank all of you for making such an easy linux distro to use. Plug in your usb key and it works without any problems... much easier than redhat 6 lol and windows networking is also a breeze. Thank you! | 09:44 |
unop | or better - chown -Rv $USER.$USER /home/$USER | 09:44 |
chavo | some distros start at 500 | 09:44 |
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chavo | ubuntu starts at 1000 | 09:44 |
unop | dougb, you probably need to sudo that command tho | 09:44 |
unop | dougb, yea, it should give you ownership of your homedir | 09:45 |
brosio | how can i identify to the freenode serveer ? | 09:45 |
dougb | i think it's working | 09:45 |
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dougb | thanks unop! | 09:45 |
Juhaz | brosio, /msg nickserv help | 09:45 |
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brosioz | thx | 09:46 |
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tanlaan | my computer has finally crapped out *the one i share with my brothers and sister*. It had windows xp, and that is all they are used to. Do you think I might be able to switch over to ubuntu/kubuntu without confusing them TOO much, haha. Basically I want to know if anyone else has had a family computer that they switched to ubuntu/kubuntu and how their family reacted | 09:47 |
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medfly | how do i check if i have a package installed? | 09:47 |
tim167 | so, iter, how do i specifie my mail adress / password / pop3 / smtp for mailx ? | 09:47 |
AzMoo | tanlaan, what do they do with it? | 09:47 |
macd | tanlaan, I suppose that depends on what they use it for. | 09:48 |
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iter | tanlaan: they will freak out due to lack of smiley toolbars | 09:48 |
macd | offt gaim has em ;P | 09:48 |
iter | tim167: mailx I just use to send mail | 09:48 |
valehru | Hey guys, I need an opinion for an ftp client, sick of gftp, I find it very buggy. Any good alternatives out there besides the console? | 09:48 |
macd | but there is no globalsearch bar! or zango! | 09:48 |
iter | valehru: lftp ftw | 09:48 |
iter | valehru: it's console though | 09:49 |
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__sha__ | medfly: launch synaptic, search for your software, the icons tell you clearly if some software is installed or not | 09:49 |
AzMoo | valehru, nautilus? | 09:49 |
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__sha__ | valehru: konqueror is great | 09:49 |
unop | tanlaan, well, as long as your family was open to exploring and were a little patient at first .. the transition should be quite smooth, a lot of the interface and applications are made to bear a resemlance .. you might be stuck with a few things like games and hardware tho | 09:49 |
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JHSands | so many games for KDE in the synaptics package manager | 09:49 |
patbam | hi folks | 09:49 |
tim167 | iter so: mailx somefile.txt someone@somewhere.com ?? something like that ? < iter | 09:49 |
valehru | I need it to support fxp though...not sure if nautilus or konqueror do either of those | 09:49 |
tanlaan | well, mostly for music and internet. My brother has an ipod and so do i. Umm, dvd playablility, burning cds audio, files, and iso's. | 09:49 |
__sha__ | valehru: no idea what is fxp, but konqueror has broad support of plenty of protocols | 09:50 |
macd | tanlaan, most people do all those things, out of the box. | 09:50 |
tanlaan | I am the only person who really plays games on it *the video was messed up before the computer died* | 09:50 |
burepe | Anyone know anything about azureus updates not taking? Says it can't write to the directory? Everything works it is just that the updates keep displaying because I can't finish them | 09:50 |
iter | tim167: I dunno that you can attach files w/mailx either | 09:50 |
thill2708 | tanlaan - you might want to worry about the ipod thing a little bit. I know that the ipod libraries for linux don't connect to certain ipods. | 09:50 |
iter | tim167: I just use it for quick and dirty fire off an email type mails | 09:51 |
iter | tim167: if you want a full featured mail client for the console, try mutt | 09:51 |
tanlaan | thill2708: hmm, i mean i have my ipod connected right now. i just havent tried syncing. | 09:51 |
valehru | tanlaan, I find banshee and gtkpod work perfectly for the ipod... | 09:51 |
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iter | tanlaan: I heard good things about amarok | 09:51 |
patbam | tanlaan: i've not really figured ouyt how to write to my ipod, it seems to read out of the box | 09:51 |
tanlaan | patbam: yea i know | 09:52 |
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burepe | patbam what are you connecting the ipod with? | 09:52 |
iter | http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Media_Device:IPod | 09:52 |
patbam | amarok struck me as kind of complex. all i want out of an ipod app is something that looks like a folder with a "save" button :) | 09:52 |
burepe | patbam what program | 09:52 |
tanlaan | hmm, i guess ill actually have to consult with them. Although if I do get the computer to work again, im gonna keep an install of ubuntu on the hard drive *save myself around 20 gigs for it :D* | 09:53 |
burepe | patbam try floola. It runs from inside the ipod | 09:53 |
patbam | burepe: rhythmbox saw my ipod | 09:53 |
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patbam | burepe: thanks, i will check it out | 09:53 |
tim167 | iter: no i want also it for quickly sending some small text mails, its just strange that i didnt specify anything, my address and such... | 09:53 |
tanlaan | hmm well its like 1 am and i have school tomorrow | 09:53 |
burepe | patbam there are windows and mac versions too so you can listen to your ipod on anycomputer | 09:53 |
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tanlaan | so i should be getting off, ill probly wander back here sometime in the near future :D | 09:54 |
tanlaan | bye | 09:54 |
iter | tim167: the "from" address will be the account and account name that you're sending from | 09:54 |
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patbam | burepe: is it compatible with rockbox? i've been thinking about trying that. | 09:54 |
tim167 | iter, typing mailx brings me into some interactive mode ? i have an &-prompt, do i type 'send' now ? | 09:54 |
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iter | tim167: mailx joe@oh.no | 09:55 |
iter | enter subject | 09:55 |
Tehlak | brb | 09:55 |
iter | type letter | 09:55 |
iter | finish with a period (.) on a line by itself | 09:56 |
patbam | burepe: can you install floola from linux? | 09:56 |
JHSands | pavs: that sudo command does not work and VLC is not under multimedia in the synaptics package manager | 09:56 |
yommb | !rockbox | 09:56 |
ubotu | rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for MP3 players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started! | 09:56 |
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yommb | JHSands : eenable all your repos | 09:56 |
mohooo | Is it possible to remove the borders compleatly from aterm? | 09:57 |
burepe | patbam it doesn't install. It runs from the ipod | 09:57 |
mohooo | just a black backgrund witht the contens? :) | 09:57 |
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burepe | patbam it is like a portable itunes that allows you to add and take out music | 09:58 |
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burepe | patbam banshee is also good for the ipod. There is an itunes music store plug in | 09:59 |
fatbrain | very annoying, my sound-card gets enumerated as audio-device #1 sometimes and #2 other times when I boot my system, and my audio output only seems to work when it's #1..... How can I solve that!? | 09:59 |
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yommb | fatbtain : specify the correct modules to load using modprobe & modules.conf or modprobe.conf | 09:59 |
unop | fatbrain, probably use asoundconf to set the default sound device for your session | 10:00 |
patbam | burepe: hmm. i never use itunes tho :) | 10:00 |
medfly | is anyone else having problems with silky on i386 | 10:00 |
tim167 | iter: ok tried mailx address@place.com, then typed testmail, ended with dot (.) on one line, it seemed to go ok, but the mail didnt arrive, it didnt ask me 'From' either... | 10:00 |
burepe | patbam: I am just saying it works good with the ipod like itunes. | 10:00 |
yommb | anyone using Metisse here ? | 10:00 |
fatbrain | yommb, unop: hrm, dont see how I would go about fixing that, but I'll give google try, thanks | 10:01 |
unop | tim167, errm, make sure the mail hasnt been filtered out by a spam filter -- check the trash/bulk/spam folders | 10:01 |
unop | fatbrain, man asoundconf or asoundconf --help | 10:01 |
fatbrain | unop: Yes, I got that much. I already tried set-default-card and reset-default-card with no success | 10:02 |
fatbrain | unop: do I need to reset alsa somehow? | 10:02 |
unop | fatbrain, are you using the device names suggested by asoundconf list with the set-default-card ? | 10:02 |
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fatbrain | unop: yes. | 10:02 |
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tim167 | unop, no its not in my junk mail either | 10:03 |
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patbam | burepe: yeah, thanks. i'm trying it, it looks pretty nice | 10:03 |
unop | fatbrain, well, did the command return an error? | 10:04 |
yommb | fatbrain : example : my tuner from my tv card cot recoggnized uncorrectly all the time , so I added this to the bttv mudule.conf : modprobe bttv card=100 tuner=38 .. and now it loads the correct tuner everytime I boot ! | 10:04 |
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unop | tim167, check your local MTA's log file to see if the mail was delivered | 10:04 |
yommb | fatbrain : so maybe u have to do something similar with your soundcard ( may be .. it's just a possibilty :) ) | 10:05 |
fatbrain | yommb: yea, I had to add that crap for my tv-card as well | 10:05 |
tim167 | unop, where / what's my local MTA's log file ? | 10:05 |
fatbrain | unop, no, no errors | 10:05 |
fatbrain | unop, I'll tweak and test some more, thanks | 10:05 |
unop | tim167, what is your MTA ? sendmail, postfix. etc? | 10:05 |
fatbrain | (probably messed something up when I installed pulse-audio) | 10:06 |
patbam | is there any way to get my laptop & my desktop to either a) use the same 192.168.1.XXX value every time i boot them or, b) associate whatever value they get assigned with a host name, so i can book mark them in my Places menu? | 10:06 |
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unop | fatbrain, if no errors were returned, success is to be assumed .. try restarting alsa | 10:06 |
fatbrain | using /etc/init.d/alsa-utils ? | 10:06 |
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fatbrain | if so, done that already. | 10:06 |
tim167 | unop saw something about postfix when installing mailx, what's an MTA ? | 10:06 |
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fatbrain | btw, my pulse-audio works perfect, just alsa / oss / esd apps that don't know how to use it :''( | 10:07 |
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unop | tim167, Mail Transfer Agent -- something like the mail service -- postfix is one example | 10:07 |
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unop | fatbrain, you could also try playing around in gnome-sound-properties | 10:07 |
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tim167 | unop: in thunderbird i have pop3 for recieving / smtp for sending | 10:08 |
fatbrain | unop: will do | 10:08 |
fatbrain | unop: think it's pulse-audio crap that's messing with the other crap | 10:08 |
unop | tim167, but that configuration is likely to bypass the local MTA totally and use an external mail server instead | 10:08 |
yommb | fatbrain : which leads to mrore crap :) | 10:08 |
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fatbrain | indeed | 10:09 |
yommb | lol | 10:09 |
fatbrain | if only they could release feisty sooner than asap | 10:09 |
fatbrain | audio-crap in ubuntu is a bunch of crap... </end-of-nag> | 10:09 |
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tim167 | unop if i simply do mailx then i get undelivered mail messages | 10:09 |
yommb | fatbrain : did u try the alpha3 ..I'm running it & it's very nice & stable I must say | 10:10 |
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unop | tim167, you could try sending a mail with sendmail and your smtp server you use in tbird | 10:10 |
fatbrain | yommb: no, hanv't tried the alpha3 | 10:10 |
gunavara | guys pls help me, how can i make the nicknames in xchat-gnome visible on my right side, not down as a button :( ? ?? | 10:10 |
tim167 | unop is senmail another program ? | 10:10 |
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yommb | running Feisty with beryl & Metisse & all multimedia & nvidia | 10:10 |
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silya | Hi all! Why swap do not 'on' if swap partition presents during installation process? | 10:10 |
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unop | tim167, yea, like mailx but "better" :) | 10:10 |
yommb | nnnnnnnnnnnice ... | 10:10 |
=== tim167 is reading man sendmail | ||
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unop | silya, how do you know that swap is not "on" ? | 10:11 |
fatbrain | yommb: PulseAudio? | 10:11 |
silya | in console i run `top` and see it | 10:11 |
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yommb | !pulseaudio | 10:12 |
silya | in ubuntu and kubuntu | 10:12 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pulseaudio - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:12 |
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yommb | fat : nope , what's that ? | 10:12 |
fatbrain | the new sound daemon in feisty that's suppose to render alsa / oss / esd crap obsolete | 10:12 |
yommb | aah i have to check that | 10:12 |
fatbrain | btw, what's Metisse? | 10:12 |
unop | silya, top is unlikely to show you swap usage that way -- it's handled by the kernel almost behind the scenes | 10:12 |
yommb | !metisse | 10:12 |
battlesqu1d | i've messed up my /etc/group file, and now sudo doesn't work | 10:12 |
ubotu | Metisse is Mandriva's composite window manager. For more information, see http://www.mandriva.com/projects/metisse | 10:12 |
fatbrain | why run both beryl & metisse? | 10:13 |
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yommb | fat :but you can compile source 4 every distro .there's even debian packages out there | 10:13 |
unop | battlesqu1d, how did you mess it up? | 10:13 |
yommb | fat : just testing that's all :) | 10:13 |
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yommb | fat : metisse is quite different then beryl | 10:14 |
silya | unop, I have 384 Mbytes of RAM and without swapon everything works so slow :( | 10:14 |
silya | during install | 10:14 |
unop | silya, well, what does the mount command tell you? is swap mounted ? | 10:14 |
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silya | :) of course not! | 10:15 |
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unop | silya, that more RAM than i use -- and i rarely find the system using more than 2% swap | 10:15 |
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silya | proc: 950MHz | 10:15 |
yommb | fat : but i'm not running them at the same time ( though it is possible , but buggy (what'ya expect ??? ) | 10:15 |
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tim167 | unop i cant figure out how to set the correct smtp for sendmail :/ | 10:16 |
unop | silya, you sound too sure for me to be unsure -- ubuntu would have complained to you if a swap partition wasnt created and mounted | 10:16 |
silya | On startup memory usage : 380 from 384 | 10:16 |
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lmsgruppe | how can i restore this file, now that noone on the system is in sudo group? | 10:17 |
lmsgruppe | /etc/groups | 10:17 |
tim167 | i just want to be able to send a little mail without having to open thunderbird for that | 10:17 |
unop | lmsgruppe, the ability to sudo depends on the /etc/sudoers file -- just ensure your user is listed in there | 10:17 |
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silya | unop, I have already installed another distro and try install (k,x)ubuntu. And it is very interesting for me why swap do not on automatically? | 10:18 |
silya | bug? | 10:18 |
lmsgruppe | unop, but i can't even look at that file now as sudo doesn't work and the file is owned by root | 10:18 |
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unop | silya, it is "on" automatically | 10:19 |
unop | silya, i just think you dont notice it | 10:19 |
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yommb | silya , did u install using manual partioning ? | 10:19 |
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vegiVamp | lmsgruppe: if you've got no way to become root anymore, you'll need to reboot, append "init=/bin/bash" to the boot parameters | 10:19 |
fatbrain | yommb: mm, I tried running wow.exe on beryl, that was fun ^^ | 10:19 |
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yommb | what is wow.exe ? | 10:19 |
unop | lmsgruppe, or log in single user mode and edit those files | 10:20 |
vegiVamp | lmsgruppe: when it booted, you'll need to "remount / -oremount,rw", and then you'll have write access to the entire filesystem | 10:20 |
fatbrain | World of Warcraft, win32 executable | 10:20 |
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yommb | and ? | 10:20 |
fatbrain | ran it through wine | 10:20 |
fatbrain | got the rotating cube with my fullscreen opengl game | 10:20 |
fatbrain | *joy* | 10:20 |
LoHung | fatbrain, thats badass | 10:20 |
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LoHung | fatbrain, how does wow run in linux....nice or shitty | 10:21 |
yommb | I succesfully ran Tactical Ops , Quake III & Unreal Tournament on Ubntu/Nvidia/Beryl ... | 10:21 |
lmsgruppe | unop, how would i enter single user mode? | 10:21 |
fatbrain | LoHung, nice | 10:21 |
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fatbrain | LoHung, only problem I had was that I was unable to use the key left to backslash ingame | 10:21 |
LoHung | fatbrain, was it a pain to get working | 10:21 |
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unop | lmsgruppe, errm, usually you have an option in the grub menu that points to "recovery", "repair" or "single user" mode | 10:21 |
yommb | Lohung , install wine & click the executable :) | 10:21 |
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LoHung | yommb, thats insane | 10:22 |
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fatbrain | LoHung, it was a few versions ago (wine-wise) but now it's a piece of cake | 10:22 |
yommb | yeah ; I was surprised too the first time | 10:22 |
yommb | fat : I bought wow yesterday :) | 10:22 |
lmsgruppe | unop, ok so all i need to do is boot that entry and i will have root access? | 10:22 |
unop | lmsgruppe, but beware that you are not presented with any graphical interfaces there -- and i'm not sure how ubuntu handles it as you need the root password to enter it -- worth a try -- if you can't, you can try repairing via a liveCD | 10:22 |
LoHung | hrmm i might try that right now considering windows decided it wasnt going to boot this evening | 10:22 |
yommb | mind you , Lohung not all games work | 10:23 |
fatbrain | LoHung, hehe | 10:23 |
yommb | under wine | 10:23 |
LoHung | yommb, wow is the only game i play | 10:23 |
fatbrain | not all?! only matters if that one game works :P | 10:23 |
unop | lmsgruppe, well, try it out -- i've never encountered a situation where i need to boot into single-user mode in ubuntu (yet) | 10:23 |
LoHung | fatbrain, haha | 10:23 |
yommb | :) | 10:23 |
LoHung | did you use automatix to install wine or synaptic | 10:24 |
lmsgruppe | unop, a problem is the root password is scrambled by default (i know this) so i cant log in as root | 10:24 |
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lmsgruppe | i think i have to reinstall | 10:24 |
yommb | fat : I need my occasional mega bombastic UT2004 fragging :) | 10:24 |
fatbrain | LoHung, apt-get | 10:24 |
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JHSands | i enabled universe and multiverse and still no VLC | 10:24 |
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unop | lmsgruppe, i recall reading something about the root password being "enabled" and different in the single user/recovery mode | 10:25 |
fatbrain | yommb: yeah, ut2k4 is heaps of fun also, havn't played it in a while tho | 10:25 |
fatbrain | yommb: I'm waiting for ut2k7 | 10:25 |
fatbrain | that will be sweet. | 10:25 |
yommb | JHSands : what ubuntu r u using , | 10:25 |
yommb | fat : me tooooooooo | 10:25 |
fatbrain | JHSands, strange. | 10:25 |
LoHung | that game is gonna be nuts | 10:25 |
lmsgruppe | unop, thanks, but i just installed so i might as well reinstall :) | 10:25 |
fatbrain | JHSands, did you do a apt-get update? | 10:25 |
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Exabyte | Hello everyone - i'm tryin to make a partition on my laptop that has 2x100gb RAID 0 configuration, it currently has windows which i need to keep and i want to make a partition for ubuntu but linux doesn't seem to recognize the RAID configuration, anyone know what i can do? | 10:26 |
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unop | Exabyte, are you using the liveCD ? | 10:26 |
yommb | Exabyte laptop onboard raid ? | 10:26 |
fatbrain | Exabyte, try install lvm2 (<- that's me guessing) | 10:26 |
fatbrain | I <3 lvm2 | 10:27 |
Exabyte | unop i was using the livecd | 10:27 |
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fatbrain | reboot, updated my alsa-driver | 10:27 |
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Exabyte | yommb yeah it's a laptop and it's onboard | 10:28 |
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unop | Exabyte, well, i've found that using the alternate CD works best when you do something non-standard like RAID, etc | 10:28 |
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yommb | Exabyte : Ubuntu didn't recognize my onboard raid either | 10:28 |
Exabyte | yommb it's configured with Intel Matrix Storage Manager | 10:28 |
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yommb | Exabyte : on both my laptop and my amd system ... | 10:28 |
JHSands | yommb: 6.1 i believe | 10:29 |
yommb | jhSands then is HAS to be in the repo ... | 10:29 |
JHSands | fatbrain: no | 10:29 |
yommb | unless you changed them | 10:29 |
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yommb | *deleted the defaults | 10:29 |
Exabyte | unop if i boot up with the alternate cd should it detect it automatically? | 10:29 |
JHSands | vlc... right | 10:29 |
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JHSands | well I searched and found it | 10:30 |
JHSands | but it was not under multimedia... | 10:30 |
yommb | Exabyty ; when u installed windows u needed to prive a driver disk ; right ? | 10:30 |
yommb | Exabyte : *provide | 10:30 |
Exabyte | yommb i got the computer with windows installed | 10:30 |
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imbecile | hey guys.. just wanted to let ou know this channel is in an oreilly book.. thought some of you may find that interesting | 10:31 |
JHSands | is there a wireless card that supports wpa/wpa2 that works with linux "out of the box" | 10:31 |
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yommb | Exabyte : It's probably the case of Ubuntu not having the right driver .. U can look for one ( if there exists one 4 linux for your model ... ) | 10:32 |
JHSands | imbecile: oreilly auto parts? | 10:32 |
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Exabyte | yommb ok i'm kind of new to this, what kind of driver would i look for, something to do with the RAID? | 10:32 |
imbecile | JHSands, no oreilly publishing | 10:32 |
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silya | unop, where I can read about optimizing ubuntu speed? Why so large memory use by default without any user apps running? | 10:33 |
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DraxNS | hello.. fglrx anyone? | 10:34 |
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yommb | Exabyte ; I'm not well aware of linux hardware raid compatability , but i'm guessing you need to find out the name or your raid-controller ( check manual & bios ) & then search some ubuntu/debian forums | 10:35 |
silya | And... about ubuntu-server: nude ubuntu :( without any grands :/ | 10:35 |
Madpilot | silya, Linux will use all the memory it can find, and it's very, very good at swapping stuff in and out of memory. Don't worry about memory usage. | 10:35 |
Exabyte | yommb alright i'll try it out, how would i go about installing that driver when using the linux install disc | 10:36 |
JHSands | is there a wireless card that supports wpa/wpa2 that works with ubuntu "out of the box" | 10:37 |
mneptok | JHSands: PCI? PCMCIA? | 10:37 |
DraxNS | any prism/orinoco/atheros wifi would work | 10:37 |
yommb | Exabyte , If you DO find a driver ( which ,I think is the main issue here ,whether one exist .. ) , there will be instructions provided most likely ! | 10:37 |
mneptok | DraxNS: MadWiFi does not work "out of the box" | 10:37 |
Exabyte | yommb alright great, thanks | 10:37 |
DraxNS | ahhh sorry.. I have overlooked | 10:38 |
DraxNS | I thought it is just card q. | 10:38 |
yommb | Exabyte : but as I said ? i'm not a hw raid expert , so pls keep in mind this advice is not absolute :) | 10:38 |
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DraxNS | anyway ... how can I force fglrx to load at boot? It works only afer I do ctrl+alt+backpace | 10:39 |
Exabyte | yommb lol np, i'm trying anything that I can | 10:39 |
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rellik | anyone here use ruby on rails? I'm having trouble getting it installed | 10:39 |
DraxNS | I used driver from repository | 10:40 |
mneptok | DraxNS: is the fglrx driver specified explicitly in xorg.conf? | 10:40 |
DraxNS | yes | 10:40 |
DraxNS | glxgears work | 10:40 |
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mneptok | have you restarted X? | 10:40 |
mneptok | (i.e. reboot) | 10:40 |
DraxNS | it says ATI not MESA | 10:40 |
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DraxNS | etc | 10:40 |
DraxNS | yes.. if I just rastart X it works | 10:41 |
DraxNS | but if I reboot.. it does not work | 10:41 |
DraxNS | until I restart X again | 10:41 |
yommb | !raid | 10:41 |
ubotu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO | 10:41 |
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JHSands | mneptok: PCI | 10:41 |
yommb | !raid | Exabyte | 10:41 |
ubotu | Exabyte: please see above | 10:41 |
mneptok | JHSands: mini or regular? | 10:42 |
JHSands | mneptok: regular | 10:42 |
mneptok | DraxNS: the 'ati' driver in xorg.conf is the open source driver. | 10:42 |
DraxNS | instead of ati in xorg.. I have fglrx.. as I have installed fglrx from repository | 10:43 |
mneptok | JHSands: "out of the box" will be difficult. a card that relies on the linux-restricted-modules package far less so. | 10:43 |
DraxNS | as well as restricted modules | 10:43 |
mneptok | DraxNS: pastebin the xorg.conf | 10:43 |
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DraxNS | agh.. it is on my laptop.. at home... :-( | 10:44 |
mneptok | DraxNS: and ensure you fossow this to the lenner - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI | 10:44 |
mneptok | *follow | 10:44 |
DraxNS | I think I used it.. wait | 10:45 |
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DraxNS | yes.. I used it | 10:45 |
hagabaka | hmm | 10:45 |
Dh3Y0 | how do i stop "make" | 10:45 |
HymnToLife | Dh3Y0, Ctrl+C | 10:45 |
DraxNS | I have not installed fglrx-control | 10:45 |
=== PWill [n=paul@cpe-24-208-190-43.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yommb | how is Feisty's webcam support ? | 10:46 |
hagabaka | is the default version of readline in utuntu edgy libreadline5? | 10:46 |
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ldy | hello, Anybody can tell me how to judge file system type of a partition? | 10:46 |
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DraxNS | fglrxinfo produce Card model and vendor | 10:46 |
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hagabaka | i find some programs using readline having problems with tab completion; they're completing against local files instead of customized commands etc | 10:47 |
x_or | Can anyone assist me with Release and Packages files in my repository. I am unsure how to properly generate them. I am running " dpkg-scanpackages apt/binary /dev/null > apt/binary/Packages" and " apt-ftparchive -c apt.conf release apt/binary/ > apt/binary/Release" but the paths look wrong to me, and even when I edit and sign what looks like a valid Release, the apt client complains on the other end. | 10:47 |
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yommb | !mount | ldy | 10:47 |
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ubotu | ldy: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 10:47 |
Hektik_Ninja | anyone up? | 10:47 |
Hektik_Ninja | Please Help | 10:47 |
hagabaka | bash and zsh work fine, but irb and microdc2 are having such problems | 10:47 |
x_or | The apt client complains with: "Failed to fetch http://apt.corp.boxpopuli.com/apt/binary/Release Unable to find expected entry Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)" | 10:47 |
yommb | ldy : type mount in terminal | 10:47 |
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x_or | hagabaka: Did you run ". /etc/bash_completion" | 10:47 |
DraxNS | glxgears produce ~400 if gears window is up and around 2000 if minimized | 10:47 |
Hektik_Ninja | Can Anyone help me with bootsplashes?? | 10:48 |
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hagabaka | i don't use bash, and the problems aren't occuring in bash | 10:48 |
yommb | ldy : otherwise use fdisk /dev/yourdisk* | 10:48 |
DraxNS | OpenGL screen saver works... | 10:48 |
JHSands | mmeptok: I bought a wireless bridge but I was wanting to use airsnort :S | 10:48 |
yommb | !fdisk | ldy | 10:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fdisk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:48 |
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yommb | ? | 10:48 |
DraxNS | everything is working.. 'till reboot | 10:48 |
ldy | yommb, ubotu I have not mounted it yet. | 10:48 |
Hektik_Ninja | anyone know anything about bootsplashes?? | 10:49 |
yommb | lol ubotu don't know fdisk | 10:49 |
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yommb | ldy : ubotu is a bot :) use fdisk then ! | 10:49 |
ldy | mount is a good choice. | 10:49 |
yommb | ldy : in what environment are you ? | 10:49 |
ldy | yommb, how fdisk disply the file system type? | 10:49 |
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Hektik_Ninja | fdisk! bootsplash | 10:50 |
ldy | I found it can only display the partition type. | 10:50 |
mneptok | yommb: why would a Linux bot have factoids for Windows apps? | 10:50 |
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DraxNS | while boot-ing... there was an error in Xorg.0.log about AIXGL (somewhat).. but I got read of it... | 10:50 |
yommb | !wine | mneptok | 10:51 |
ubotu | mneptok: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 10:51 |
yommb | LOL | 10:51 |
Hektik_Ninja | Anyone help me with bootsplashes please, I'm new to ubuntu | 10:51 |
yommb | mneptok : just cos it's pretty widely used :) | 10:51 |
DraxNS | so only thing left is.. to start fglrx at boot :-) | 10:51 |
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mneptok | yommb: so are Britney Spears CDs. doesn't mean i want to hear them. | 10:52 |
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yommb | mneptok : I was waiting for your snappyness :) | 10:52 |
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yommb | ldy : try fdisk -l | 10:52 |
yommb | itlists your mounted partitions | 10:53 |
Hektik_Ninja | Bootsplash help | 10:53 |
Hektik_Ninja | plez | 10:53 |
elkbuntu | !au | 10:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about au - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:53 |
elkbuntu | bah! | 10:53 |
mneptok | !.au | 10:53 |
=== rgiskard [n=rgiskard@a193-229-91-157.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
elkbuntu | mneptok, it was put in before his brain surgery :( | 10:53 |
Hektik_Ninja | why can't anyone help me :/ | 10:53 |
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yommb | ldy : if youre device is not yet mounted , use fdisk /dev/yourdisk ( try installing linuxfdisk ) | 10:54 |
mneptok | Hektik_Ninja: try waiting more than 4 minutes ;) | 10:54 |
elkbuntu | Hektik_Ninja, becuase 'bootsplash help' doesnt give anyone anything to help you with | 10:54 |
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elkbuntu | !au | 10:55 |
ubotu | au is the Australian LoCo Team has a channel at #ubuntu-au | 10:55 |
elkbuntu | yay! | 10:55 |
Hektik_Ninja | well #Kubuntu was faster with my question | 10:55 |
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maxx18 | hey does anyone here know when beryl 0.2.0 will be in the repos? | 10:56 |
ldy | I do not know. | 10:56 |
yommb | maxx : : /join #beryl | 10:56 |
yommb | they know :) | 10:56 |
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maxx18 | cheers | 10:56 |
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DraxNS | is there #fglrx ? ;-) | 10:56 |
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kurisutofuaa | How do I enter the BIOS? (I am trying to do this-->BIOS Advanced -> CPU Configuration -> Execute Disable Function to ENABLED<-- but I cant figure out where this is.) | 10:57 |
DraxNS | press delete on boot | 10:57 |
DraxNS | to enter bios | 10:57 |
mneptok | DraxNS: you 100% sure of that? | 10:57 |
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mneptok | ;) | 10:57 |
DraxNS | well it usually is delete | 10:58 |
DraxNS | I know it can be F2 or somewhat.. | 10:58 |
mneptok | or F2, or F10, or Backspace, or any key .... | 10:58 |
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kurisutofuaa | The forums post refers it to being software side. | 10:59 |
mneptok | kurisutofuaa: you need to look at the manual for your machine/motherboard | 10:59 |
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DraxNS | but still... at least on 90% of PC-s I have seen... it was delete :-) | 10:59 |
kurisutofuaa | For what I am trying todo | 10:59 |
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kurisutofuaa | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=254167&page=3 | 11:00 |
yommb | !Battlestar Galactica | 11:00 |
skillet | yommb, what version of wine were you using. it just craps out here with ver 9.3 | 11:00 |
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kurisutofuaa | Second post form the bottom. | 11:00 |
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simon^templar | how/where do i download FreeBSD 6? | 11:01 |
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DraxNS | simon^templar, wron channel | 11:01 |
AquaX | hai ther | 11:01 |
DraxNS | wrong | 11:01 |
yommb | skillet : it was a while ago . i used the repos from this page ( mind you newer versions may exist ..) : http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy | 11:01 |
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burepe | join #xchat | 11:02 |
burepe | oops | 11:02 |
skillet | thanks man | 11:02 |
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ullvarg | anyone that could tell me how to acctivate a root account? | 11:02 |
tonyyarusso | !root | ullvarg | 11:02 |
mneptok | ullvarg: you don't. you use sudo. ;) | 11:02 |
ubotu | ullvarg: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 11:02 |
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yommb | skillet : but they shouldn't be TOO out of date .. ! | 11:02 |
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ullvarg | but i still want a root account to for easyer editing of the system :) | 11:03 |
patjio | Hey, i just did 'apt-get upgrade' with some unstable packages and when i rebooted the laptop the xserver tell me: "Error Opening /dev/wacom: No such file or directory" | 11:03 |
patjio | :(( | 11:03 |
yommb | darn , metisse is slow with video ... | 11:03 |
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ullvarg | mneptok* | 11:04 |
ullvarg | sorry | 11:04 |
ullvarg | for instance i have problems removing packages with sudo | 11:05 |
mneptok | ullvarg: "easy sytem administration" is why Windows is a security nightmare. don't. ;) | 11:05 |
ullvarg | wich would be easy with full root | 11:05 |
mneptok | ullvarg: which packages? | 11:05 |
ullvarg | some media players | 11:06 |
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mneptok | ullvarg: and FYI, sudo does absolutely nothing differently in taht regard. | 11:06 |
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patjio | Anyone with the "wacom" error before? :/ | 11:06 |
yommb | ullvarg u can have a sudo session so you dont have to type sudo all the time | 11:07 |
DraxNS | ullvarg, use sudo su in terminal | 11:07 |
ullvarg | then its something wrong with this system, because I installed a mediaplayer that is dependet on other packages which also was installed, and now when I whant to remove it it say i cant due to dependensis | 11:07 |
DraxNS | so you will stay "root" | 11:08 |
mneptok | ullvarg: that has nothing to do with sudo. | 11:08 |
yommb | ullvarg : what has that do to with sudo ? | 11:08 |
ullvarg | sudo is still limited to protect the system stabillity, root is not | 11:08 |
DraxNS | with root you will just remove all dependencies :-) | 11:08 |
patjio | . | 11:08 |
mneptok | ullvarg: no, it is not | 11:08 |
patjio | !wacom | patjio | 11:09 |
yommb | ullvarg : wrong | 11:09 |
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yommb | darn mneptok stop typing so fast :) | 11:09 |
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Alarm | goodmorning. while using an other OS , i could simply have the os on a small disk sized disk, and all the applications installed on another disk , that was speeding up things a lot. as each disk had to do different job and not one disk both OS+software. what would be the best way to do that with kubuntu . i mean which folder should i mount/create on another disk so that i will just run the os from the disk , and all the files that are needed for a | 11:09 |
Alarm | pplication from another | 11:09 |
ullvarg | with suse I could do anything when I tested it, for instanse remove any package I whanted, but with ubuntu I cant | 11:10 |
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yommb | ullvarg : it sounds like you mixed up your repos ! | 11:10 |
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mneptok | ullvarg: that has nothing to do with having a root account | 11:10 |
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ullvarg | so that has to do with the way they wrote the repo? | 11:11 |
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mneptok | ullvarg: that's like me having a broken arm and insisting that a by wearing different pants i could be immune to ever breaking bones. | 11:11 |
patjio | What is the command to auto-configurate xserver-xorg (not dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg), i mean the thingy ubuntu do in the startup/installation... | 11:11 |
mneptok | patjio: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ;) | 11:12 |
DraxNS | Alarm, you can use first disk as / and second disk for /home .... | 11:12 |
ullvarg | sorry for my ignorance :/ I dont realy have a long experience with linux | 11:12 |
yommb | or this ? : sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 11:12 |
DraxNS | maybe another disk for /usr ? | 11:12 |
mneptok | ullvarg: THAT is the reason you don't login as root ;) | 11:13 |
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DraxNS | root is cool ;-) | 11:13 |
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Alarm | DraxNS, true, but on home arent being saved applications, just local settings and maybe some downloads. i want the hard stuff to be done by another disk . for example lets say gimp to run from another disk and not from the one that the os is installed | 11:13 |
mneptok | DraxNS: you need to get out of the hause more, guy ;) | 11:13 |
yommb | ullvarg : cos you'll break things being root all the time & n,ot being experienced | 11:13 |
mneptok | *house | 11:13 |
ullvarg | one of the resons I swiched to linux was to get more freedome with my system and to learn | 11:13 |
patjio | mneptok: that's not the automatic thingy :( | 11:13 |
mneptok | Alarm: disks, or partitions? | 11:14 |
yommb | ullvarg : even with experience , root is tricky, you have to be very very careful :) | 11:14 |
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Alarm | disks... | 11:14 |
patjio | please hightlight me | 11:14 |
apokryphos | patjio: no | 11:14 |
patjio | thanks :) | 11:14 |
yommb | !rootbeer | 11:14 |
mneptok | Alarm: use the alternate CD and use a seperate partiton for /home | 11:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rootbeer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:14 |
ullvarg | on both suse and zenwalk I played around in there quite allot :P | 11:14 |
Alarm | running those things from another partition doesnt make it faster ,as its the same disk, so it would be the same as having all the dirs under the same partition . i want to do something like (hda1=winxp , hdb1=programs files) | 11:14 |
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patjio | !wacom | 11:15 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wacom - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:15 |
patjio | :(( | 11:15 |
apokryphos | !msgthebot | 11:15 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 11:15 |
patjio | Hey, i just did 'apt-get upgrade' with some unstable packages and when i rebooted the laptop the xserver tell me: "Error Opening /dev/wacom: No such file or directory", any suggestions? | 11:15 |
mneptok | Alarm: no disk/partiton schema is going to drastically increase performance. | 11:15 |
Alarm | mneptok, i am repeating then, /home doesnt save anything more than just local files , app config files , and no applications run from that dir . so it wont make any difference | 11:15 |
DraxNS | programs run in memory | 11:15 |
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ullvarg | any advice about how to force removals of pacages then? | 11:15 |
yommb | patjio , a dirty fix might be to delete those offending sections in your xorg.conf | 11:16 |
DraxNS | they use /tmp and /swap | 11:16 |
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mneptok | ullvarg: man dpkg | 11:16 |
DraxNS | it does not matter where your OS or applications are | 11:16 |
KomiaPoika | when i try to compile exim with ssl, i get: http://pastebin.ca/342474 if someone woulc care to have a look? | 11:16 |
Alarm | mneptok, that method does, i use it many years under M$ win. it increases performance as one disk handles just the os , and the other the applications | 11:16 |
zcat[1] | putting /tmp and swap on a second drive supposedly makes a difference... | 11:16 |
KomiaPoika | would* | 11:16 |
DraxNS | as long as you have enough RAM and SWAP | 11:16 |
patjio | yommb: then i get alot of other stuff :P | 11:16 |
yommb | yes wacom tablet , & other input devices , right ? | 11:17 |
mneptok | Alarm: that's a deficit of Windows, then. not a value in multiple partitions | 11:17 |
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DraxNS | while partitioning create / , swap and preferably /home ... in this order | 11:17 |
patjio | yommb: more like 'failed to initialize core devices' | 11:17 |
DraxNS | so swap will be closer to disk start.. and shoud work faster | 11:17 |
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zcat[1] | Alarm: unless you're using a completely different physical drive on a completely different IDE controller, I wouldn't expect any difference at all... | 11:18 |
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mneptok | i can 100% guarantee that Linux will be faster on a single 7000RPM disk than on multiple 5400RPM disks | 11:18 |
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bonez56 | hi all, how is ubuntu 64 bit these days? i'm running vista 64 bit and it appears to be great, am I likely to run into any problems with the edgy 64 bit version in terms of software and driver availability? | 11:18 |
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mneptok | bonez56: no Flash. | 11:18 |
yommb | patjio , I had the same thing quite a few times , once i solved it by removing all the offending sections in xorg.conf , the other time I restored and old xorg.conf backup (which DID have those input settings ) | 11:18 |
bonez56 | mneptok: is there *no* flash at all? cause i like my youtube :( | 11:18 |
Alarm | zcat[1] , as u said. different ide channel , makes things faster | 11:18 |
mneptok | bonez56: other than that, it's fine. | 11:18 |
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robert11 | Your more likely to run into driver problem with Vista that Ubuntu | 11:18 |
bonez56 | robert11: that's great news... this flash thing concerns me a bit though | 11:19 |
ullvarg | mnebtok: any advice about were I can find mor info on man dpkg, didnt find anything helpfull in the wiki | 11:19 |
yommb | patjio , but still it worked despite have the same wacom input stuff ... | 11:19 |
DraxNS | bonez56, cedega will not work well.. if it will work at all | 11:19 |
Alarm | each channel can use the maximum. with what u say then raid-0 with 2 disk wouldnt have a bigger performace than 1 disk alone . | 11:19 |
mneptok | ullvarg: type that command into a terminal ;) | 11:19 |
patjio | yommb: thanks, ill reinstall and don't try to use unstable packages ;) | 11:19 |
yommb | patjio : i dont think theres need for a reinstall | 11:19 |
robert11 | you can pull flash 7 beta from macromedia | 11:19 |
bonez56 | DraxNS: that's okay, im not a gamer... anyone got more info about no flash? | 11:19 |
robert11 | or is it flash 8 | 11:19 |
yommb | patjio r u using nvidia ? | 11:19 |
Alarm | i just try something similar, but without raid. to use 2 disk , one for the os , and one for the apps that are going to run from a different disk | 11:20 |
patjio | yommb: no | 11:20 |
patjio | hmm | 11:20 |
yommb | ati ? | 11:20 |
patjio | intel chipset | 11:20 |
patjio | from gfx | 11:20 |
DraxNS | bonez56, flash can be emulated.. there are some apps that emulate 32bit | 11:20 |
bonez56 | what about using automatix or easyubuntu? will they work ok with the 64 bit versions? | 11:20 |
ullvarg | ah, that gave allot, thanks allot mneptok | 11:20 |
mneptok | bonez56: don't | 11:20 |
yommb | patjio : do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in terminal | 11:20 |
yommb | and see what that does | 11:20 |
patjio | yommb: i've done 1000 of times :( | 11:20 |
bonez56 | mneptok: ok so i'm probably better off going for edgy 32 bit then :) | 11:20 |
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mneptok | bonez56: do not use ANY of those automated scipts. ever. on any platform. | 11:21 |
DraxNS | bonez56, search for Swiftfox Athlon 64 | 11:21 |
zcat[1] | Alarm: well you can try.. the apps are mostly under /usr so put that on the second drive. I | 11:21 |
robert11 | awwww. Spoil sport | 11:21 |
bonez56 | mneptok: well that's really up to the individual... some prefer it and some recommend against it.. i like it for simplicity | 11:21 |
yommb | patjio : try this : sudo Xorg -configure | 11:21 |
tonyyarusso | bonez56: well, considering he does support professionally, I'd take his recommendation over other individuals ;) | 11:22 |
Alarm | zcat[1] , okie, thank you a lot. thats what i wanted to know, what dir i should put on another drive. :) | 11:22 |
ullvarg | -b | 11:22 |
patjio | yommb: 'xorg: command not found' | 11:22 |
mneptok | bonez56: i recommend against it. i'm a Senioer Ubuntu Support Analyst for Canonical. make of that what you will. | 11:22 |
bonez56 | tonyyarusso: lol, ok well can't really argue then can I :) | 11:22 |
tonyyarusso | :P | 11:22 |
yommb | with capitals | 11:22 |
yommb | & sudo | 11:22 |
DraxNS | Alarm, it will not do what you expect... but suite yourself | 11:22 |
patjio | yommb: im already root :) | 11:22 |
zcat[1] | Alarm: personally I'd just put /home on the second drive.. won't make any difference to performance but it makes reinstalling a lot easier :) | 11:22 |
patjio | let's see... | 11:22 |
bonez56 | mneptok: ok no worries... all good. I think I will go for Edgy 64 bit and build the system up myself with as many 64 bit apps as I can... instead of taking the easy way out this time :) | 11:23 |
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mneptok | bonez56: aptitude loves you | 11:23 |
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bonez56 | mneptok: indeed it does... as does google :) | 11:23 |
DraxNS | synaptic is also good | 11:23 |
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frying_fish | bonez56: looking at 64bit? tbh, the only 32bit stuff I now have on this system is firefox and wine. | 11:23 |
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yommb | patjio : always a good idea to backup your working xorg.confs :) | 11:23 |
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bonez56 | ok well here goes... i'm gonna reboot and install... talk to you guys when I get back :) | 11:23 |
mneptok | bonez56: Macodobe has hinted at an x86-64 Flash this year. we'll se .... | 11:23 |
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mneptok | *see | 11:23 |
Alarm | zcat[1] , thought that, but i dont know what size i will need for the home partition. sometimes 2gb are enough for my home dir, and other times i have over 10gb on the disk. so i want that a bit independent... thats why i am not doing that | 11:24 |
frying_fish | wine through forcing debs, and firefox just directly from mozilla as always. | 11:24 |
patjio | yommb: 2 late ;) | 11:24 |
bonez56 | frying_fish: great, thanks for that.. gives me more confidence | 11:24 |
xikitilla | hello! | 11:24 |
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patjio | yommb: just 'startx' again? | 11:24 |
frying_fish | bonez56: just need to install the ia32 stuff. | 11:24 |
xikitilla | xD | 11:24 |
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patjio | yommb: you have ANY idea why i sometimes got /dev/input/ and some i dont... input directory is away | 11:25 |
patjio | when i reboot, it MIGHT be there | 11:25 |
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yommb | patjio : actually .. no :) | 11:29 |
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yommb | patjio : what did that last command give you ? | 11:29 |
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DraxNS | so.. no fglrx experts online? :-) | 11:31 |
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DraxNS | !au | 11:32 |
ubotu | au is the Australian LoCo Team has a channel at #ubuntu-au | 11:32 |
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yommb | !ubuntuppc | 11:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntuppc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:33 |
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yommb | !ppc | 11:33 |
ubotu | ppc is PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers, and now a fully supported Ubuntu architecture. | 11:33 |
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yommb | is there a ubuntu ppc channel ? | 11:33 |
TheInfinity | no | 11:34 |
KomiaPoika | why do you want ubuntu when you have macosX? | 11:34 |
TheInfinity | here you have a ubuntu all channel ;) | 11:34 |
yommb | Komia : I have an old G3 laptop | 11:34 |
osfameron | KomiaPoika: I've considered buying an iBook to put ubuntu on | 11:35 |
yommb | and im installing ubuntu ppc as we speak :) | 11:35 |
osfameron | I quite like the laptops, whereas I don't really like OSX | 11:35 |
yommb | Komia : Ubuntu works great on macs | 11:35 |
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yommb | Komia : Os X is too heavy for the G3 ..Ubuntu isn't ! | 11:35 |
b0c1 | any plan for mono 1.2 support in ubuntu edgy? | 11:36 |
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b0c1 | yommb: Right ;) | 11:36 |
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b0c1 | motherboard : PowerMac1,1 MacRISC Power Macintosh | 11:36 |
b0c1 | detected as : 66 (Blue&White G3) | 11:36 |
b0c1 | :) | 11:36 |
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b0c1 | I'm now compile mono 1.2 for this hw ;) | 11:37 |
persen | Hi, i'm looking for a method to view all network interactions i initialize? Is this possible in nicely matter? | 11:37 |
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mneptok | persen: netstat | 11:38 |
unop | persen, netstat -ano -p tcp | grep -i established | 11:38 |
yommb | b0c1 : right ;what ? | 11:38 |
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KomiaPoika | osfameron: why don't you like OS X ? it's based on a BSD layer you can terminal all you want | 11:38 |
b0c1 | yommb: OSx too heavy for machintos G3 ;) | 11:38 |
persen | Its for debugging what my java http client is doing. | 11:39 |
subzerounderdawg | does anyone know any cyber managerment cum cyber billing soft for linux just like CafeSuite for Win | 11:39 |
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KomiaPoika | and it has elite interface that vista barely manages to imitate | 11:39 |
TheInfinity | KomiaPoika: server things on mac is nat that nice ;) | 11:39 |
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TheInfinity | *not | 11:39 |
yommb | b0c1 : for this G3 laptop is sure is | 11:39 |
DraxNS | bye all | 11:39 |
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b0c1 | yommb: My machine is an old G3 ;) | 11:39 |
persen | netstat doesnt give me information about the content of the packages? I want to view it in a gui | 11:39 |
yommb | its one of the first 350MHz g3's | 11:39 |
osfameron | KomiaPoika: I don't like the GUI, I don't like the fruit pastel things, I hate not being able to maximize a window, that sort of thing | 11:39 |
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mneptok | KomiaPoika: Finder is anything but "elite." it's a train wreck. but this is better suited to #ubuntu-offtopic | 11:39 |
persen | ala wireshark on windows. | 11:39 |
unop | persen, wireshark then -- it'll give you some very verbose output | 11:40 |
persen | hehe | 11:40 |
b0c1 | yommb: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_Macintosh_G3_(Blue_&_White) | 11:40 |
persen | just found it with aptitude | 11:40 |
osfameron | KomiaPoika: I mean, OSX is ok, I'm sure it's very nice for a lot of it, but I just get on very well with ubuntu. Sleep/hibernate works much better on OSX than anything else I've seen though, I'll give it that, there are lots of great things about mac, just not really my thing. | 11:40 |
yommb | os x on my laptop ( either 10.1 10.2 10.3 or 10.4 )is like a snail that just consumed a bag of weed | 11:40 |
mneptok | yommb: please do not diss weed on this channel | 11:40 |
mneptok | :) | 11:40 |
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persen | unop: any other tool you can recommend? | 11:41 |
yommb | sry :/ | 11:41 |
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TMark | hi, i'm getting an error when i want to install edgy from the live CD, "There was an error strating the GNOME Settings Daemon. Some things, such as themes, sounds, or background setting may not work correctly. Didnt receive a reply. Possiblee causes include: the remote app didnt send a reply, the msg bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired or network connection was broken." | 11:41 |
unop | persen, I dont think wireshark can be beaten, can it? :) | 11:41 |
koray | hello there | 11:41 |
TMark | can someone help me please ? | 11:41 |
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yommb | b0c1 ,I have that laptop for seven years now , i know how it works , thank you ! | 11:42 |
whyme | hi all, can anyone remind me what the function is that detects hotkeys like volume control on my keyb? | 11:42 |
koray | can ubuntu be updated from internet ? | 11:42 |
Slike | hello | 11:42 |
yommb | *performance-wise , that is ! | 11:42 |
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unop | whyme, xev ? | 11:42 |
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Slike | i'm having a problem to configure 3 nic's in 1 pc | 11:42 |
mneptok | koray: yes | 11:42 |
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Slike | lspci shows all of them, while ifconfig shows only 2 | 11:42 |
TMark | does anyone have an idea how can i fix my problem, please ? | 11:43 |
unop | Slike, try ifconfig -a | 11:43 |
mneptok | b0c1: you actually might want to try Xubuntu | 11:43 |
koray | I have just set up ubuntu and i liked it | 11:43 |
Slike | when I try to bring op the 3th, it says no such device | 11:43 |
persen | unop: its good | 11:43 |
b0c1 | mneptok: ? | 11:43 |
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mneptok | b0c1: http://xubuntu.org | 11:43 |
whyme | unop: nah, that just tells me the code... I'm looking for the one that sets it up for you - i'm lazy and there's a reason the software was written... | 11:43 |
snail | TMark: try the alternative cd install if things are going badly | 11:43 |
TMark | snail: and from where can i get? | 11:44 |
b0c1 | mneptok: agh... thnx but it's running Ubuntu server ;) | 11:44 |
koray | how can I run windows app.? I cannot found wine | 11:44 |
mneptok | b0c1: ahhh | 11:44 |
b0c1 | mneptok: I only want mono 1.2 in packages :D | 11:44 |
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unop | whyme, gnome-keybinding-properties maybe? | 11:44 |
mneptok | koray: the best dea if you want to run a Windows app is to just boot Windows. | 11:45 |
Slike | unop: thanks, discovered that the 3rd card is bound to eth3 | 11:45 |
snail | TMark: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/GetUbuntu/download like the other stuff. click on "alternative" rather than "desktop" | 11:45 |
koray | ahhah :) | 11:45 |
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whyme | unop: nearly... when you install ubuntu, it runs this automatically to set the keybinding properties for you. that's what I'm looking for... | 11:46 |
unop | Slike, can i ask why you use 3 cards? aint that a bit overboard? :) | 11:46 |
ullvarg_ | ok, now that I have done some spring cleaning, anyone that could point me in the right direction of vlc player dvd support and mozilla plugin? | 11:46 |
koray | is there any program like wine ? | 11:46 |
Kajin | Heh, I should stop trying to do mess with my computer early in the morning before I had my coffee. I was in the case trying to insert another NIC when I realized all the fans were still spinning.. | 11:46 |
mneptok | koray: the best idea if you want to run a Windows app is to just boot Windows. | 11:47 |
unop | whyme, so this isnt it then? | 11:47 |
robert11 | or Vmware | 11:47 |
Slike | unop: where trying to reconfigure a gateway that should provide access to 3 different networks | 11:47 |
Kajin | s/do mess/mess/ | 11:47 |
Slike | unop: we're ... :P | 11:47 |
Slike | ;) | 11:47 |
unop | Slike, ahh ok, router :) | 11:47 |
koray | ok Im sorry cause Im a new linux family user | 11:47 |
whyme | unop: not quite... the one I'm on about sets gnome-keybinding-properties for you, automagically. | 11:47 |
unop | Kajin, some computers support hot swappable hardware :) | 11:48 |
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TMark | snail: ubuntu-6.10-alternate-i386.iso ? | 11:48 |
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mneptok | koray: no need to apologize. but WINE is not trivial to set up. at all. learn to walk before you try running. | 11:48 |
snail | TMark: yep | 11:48 |
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unop | whyme, errm, ive never ever encountered anything like that .. but cant you use g-k-p to set your shortcuts for you? | 11:48 |
TMark | snail: the size of that image is 697MB... | 11:48 |
koray | thanks | 11:48 |
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TMark | snail: should i download it? | 11:49 |
mneptok | koray: what Windows app did you want? | 11:49 |
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TMark | snail: i'm in the live cd now and i have to go on my ubuntu dapper to download that .iso and burn it. | 11:49 |
koray | for example some visual basic applications | 11:50 |
snail | TMark: it's an altertaive CD to download and burn if the primary install CD doesn't work | 11:50 |
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koray | some exe files I created | 11:50 |
mneptok | koray: coding them? or running them? | 11:50 |
bonez56 | hi all, im trying to install edgy 64 bit and i have 2 HDD's... one of them is an IDE drive that I use for storage only, and the other is a SATA which is my primary drive. in the installer, i selected to install grub to [sd0] is that correct? cause the installer failed... by default it was set to [hd0] - which one should i be using? | 11:50 |
whyme | unop: not the point. I'm looking for the automated method... I think it's got to do with /etc/init.d/hotkey-setup | 11:50 |
koray | especially runing | 11:50 |
unop | koray, wine should attempt to run them and in most cases is successful .. have you tried it? | 11:50 |
whyme | looking at it now | 11:50 |
snail | bonez56: at what step did the installer fail? what was the message? | 11:51 |
TMark | snail: ok, i'll try that. thanks | 11:51 |
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koray | I heard that wine but I caould not found in ubuntu | 11:51 |
whyme | !hotkey | 11:51 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hotkey - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:51 |
koray | name is different ? | 11:51 |
whyme | meh...:( | 11:51 |
bonez56 | snail: it failed at 94% installing, when issuing the grub-install [sd0] command... i cancelled it so the error is gone now :( but it was quite a big error, it told me to log a bug or something? | 11:51 |
mneptok | koray: Visual Basic is a proprietary language that only runs on Windows. if you're going to enter the Linux world, you need to leave VB behind. | 11:51 |
yommb | Hotkey is a very nice app indeed ! | 11:51 |
unop | !info wine | 11:51 |
koray | hmmm | 11:51 |
ubotu | wine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.22-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 9001 kB, installed size 42452 kB | 11:51 |
whyme | yommb: only if it works... | 11:51 |
koray | Its a completely different world........ | 11:52 |
yommb | Hotkey is one of the reasins i'm still running windows | 11:52 |
snail | bonez56: ok, that's like updating the MBR | 11:52 |
unop | !info wine dapper | 11:52 |
ubotu | wine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 8578 kB, installed size 40460 kB | 11:52 |
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bonez56 | snail: correct... should [sd0] be the sata drive? or should it be [hd0] | 11:52 |
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koray | It will be difficult that I give up my past habbits | 11:52 |
mneptok | koray: http://realsoftware.com | 11:52 |
whyme | yommb: as I said, there's an automated, painless way to get the hotkeys working, I just can't remember what it is atm | 11:52 |
koray | thank you it may be usefull for me | 11:53 |
mneptok | koray: no need to give them up. just use a better language. ;) | 11:53 |
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koray | hmmmm | 11:53 |
unop | bonez56, sata and external drives tend to take on sd# for device names | 11:53 |
yommb | whyme :under wine ? | 11:53 |
whyme | nope | 11:53 |
yommb | that would b awesome :) | 11:53 |
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snail | bonez56: trying to install on the other disk is a sensible approach. the actual names shouldn't matter (i've never reallt understood the device naming system) | 11:53 |
bonez56 | unop: even when we are talking about grub? | 11:53 |
AquaX | hey guys | 11:53 |
yommb | how ? | 11:53 |
whyme | yommb: it's got to do with /etc/init.d/hotkey-setup | 11:53 |
AquaX | someone i know doesnt have a grub.conf file | 11:53 |
AquaX | is this normal :S | 11:53 |
AquaX | i don't use ubuntu | 11:53 |
mneptok | koray: 90% of your VB skills will translate to RealBasic. and using RB, you can write apps for Windows, Linux, and OSX. | 11:53 |
whyme | yommb: we're talking about volume and media control, right? | 11:54 |
yommb | whyme : but its an exe .. ? | 11:54 |
unop | bonez56, errm, grub uses a differrent way of identifying physical disks and partitions -- | 11:54 |
bonez56 | ok so i've just re-run the installer, and i'm at the screen that says: GRUB will be installed to [hd0] | 11:54 |
yommb | so how u run it ? | 11:54 |
koray | I also coding asp and asp.net pages on win platrofms...from now is it difficult to addapte ? | 11:54 |
whyme | yommb: *you're* and exe... | 11:54 |
csg | hello people, can anybody help me please? i installed limewire throw alien, and the limewire icon in in aplications-internet i give click and dont opent it, i put it in the desktop and in then pannel and nothing! can u help me please | 11:54 |
bonez56 | unop: so should I just leave it as it's default of [hd0] and hope it installs grub on the right disk? | 11:54 |
yommb | ? | 11:54 |
mneptok | koray: ASP runs only on Windows. | 11:54 |
whyme | just type 'sudo /etc/init.d/hotkey-setup' | 11:54 |
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koray | hmmm | 11:54 |
whyme | yommb: well, not so sure about it... | 11:54 |
yommb | I'm talking about the scripting app | 11:54 |
whyme | it *should* be hotkey-setup | 11:55 |
whyme | oh... | 11:55 |
yommb | whyme : ok diff things ;) | 11:55 |
koray | PHP is the main language on linux world am i right ? | 11:55 |
whyme | :P | 11:55 |
AquaX | anyone ? :/ | 11:55 |
mneptok | koray: it is usually safe to assume that any technology Microsoft pushes at you will only work on Windows. | 11:55 |
koray | yes I think so | 11:55 |
unop | bonez56, the guys in this forum talk about detecting the various drives -- http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-277879-highlight-satanv+boot+error.html | 11:55 |
Nikolas | koray, no | 11:55 |
tonyyarusso | koray: Depends on the kind of thing you're doing. | 11:55 |
rellik | I installed phpmyadmin but when I go to localhost/phpmyadmin it tries to open some ".phtml" file (I checked, there is no file with that extension in /usr/share/phpmyadmin).. when I go explicitly to localhost/phpmyadmin/index.php apache apparently doesn't know how to parse and display PHP, because firefox just tries to download the file.. I installed apache2 and php5.. what else do I have to do? | 11:55 |
koray | hm | 11:55 |
Nikolas | PHP us used on webservices | 11:55 |
Nikolas | *is | 11:55 |
bonez56 | unop: thanks ill check it out | 11:55 |
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tonyyarusso | koray: PHP, C, C++, Python, and a few others are all significant players. | 11:56 |
mneptok | koray: C, C++, Python, Ruby, PHP, Java, Mono, etc etc etc etc etc | 11:56 |
unop | mneptok, except the stuff that requires "windows genuine advantage" :) | 11:56 |
csg | hello people, can anybody help me please? i installed limewire throw alien, and the limewire icon in in aplications-internet i give click and dont opent it, i put it in the desktop and in then pannel and nothing! can u help me please | 11:56 |
tonyyarusso | oh yeah, Mono | 11:56 |
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koray | The latest edition of windows is very cheap and still make us like robot | 11:56 |
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maxx18 | is there a gui for managing apt-keys... can i do it thru synaptic? | 11:56 |
koray | sorry | 11:56 |
koray | expensive | 11:56 |
bonez56 | rofl, did anyone see the Linux genuine advantage article on digg? | 11:56 |
ardchoille | !alien | 11:56 |
ubotu | RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 11:56 |
unop | bonez56, what? | 11:56 |
Nikolas | All editions of windows are shit | 11:56 |
ardchoille | csg, You realise alien is dangerous to use? | 11:56 |
mneptok | csg: i'll bet US$5 you never installed a JRE. | 11:56 |
ardchoille | mneptok, lol | 11:57 |
bonez56 | unop: http://linuxgenuineadvantage.org | 11:57 |
yommb | Nikolas : why is windows such sh*t ? | 11:57 |
csg | well i am newbie what can i do | 11:57 |
tonyyarusso | !limewire | csg | 11:57 |
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mneptok | Nikolas: don't answer that, please. | 11:57 |
ubotu | csg: limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative. | 11:57 |
yommb | mneptok : always curious :) | 11:57 |
koray | is it really customize linux for individual usage ? just like for me ? | 11:58 |
koray | is it really possible ? | 11:58 |
tonyyarusso | koray: you could, yes. Takes some skill, but anything is indeed possible. | 11:58 |
csg | ok i ll consider, by the way, alien i to dangerous? it is not good? | 11:58 |
mneptok | koray: you can do whatever you want with Linux, given endless time and coding skills | 11:58 |
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tonyyarusso | koray: However, even with minimal skill, you can do quite a lot. For instance, I currently have five different desktop environments installed, each of which can be further themed and customized. | 11:59 |
unop | bonez56, errm, thats some kookoo humour there :) | 11:59 |
Nikolas | 12:57 < yommb> -Nikolas : why is windows such sh*t ? <-- Bad memory management, bad gui, no posix compliancy | 11:59 |
Nikolas | Loads of bugs and security holes | 11:59 |
koray | I want to say sorry again for my questions...because my questions may seem to you stupid | 11:59 |
unop | !language | Nikolas | 11:59 |
ubotu | Nikolas: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 11:59 |
Dh3Y0 | i m trying to install libsndfile-1.0.17 but at the end this shows up "Compiling some other packages against libsndfile may require the addition of "/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig" to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable." how do i complete the installation? | 11:59 |
mneptok | koray: there are no stupid questions. only stupid answers. | 11:59 |
koray | I am 10 years experienced on windows | 12:00 |
tonyyarusso | koray: heh, I like them. They reflect the wonder and curiosity of a new user :) | 12:00 |
bonez56 | unop: sure is... great read though :) | 12:00 |
incorrect | what is a good simple lable printer i can use from linux? | 12:00 |
incorrect | i want to use it to write labels for my tapes | 12:00 |
koray | and I decided to leave windows slowly | 12:00 |
mneptok | koray: which do you do more, VB coding or ASP? | 12:00 |
tonyyarusso | incorrect: glabels has been recommended to me - haven't tried it yet. | 12:00 |
csg | ubuntu is very hard but is better than windows | 12:00 |
Nikolas | koray, use linux for awhile and you see how lousy windows really is | 12:00 |
koray | VB coding | 12:00 |
mneptok | csg: not hard. "different" | 12:01 |
koray | VB 2005 studio | 12:01 |
tonyyarusso | csg: I find it's only hard for a little while. How long you been at it? | 12:01 |
incorrect | tonyyarusso, what i was after was the hardware | 12:01 |
koray | hmmm | 12:01 |
Nikolas | 13:00 < csg> -ubuntu is very hard but is better than windows <-- Uuh, no it's not | 12:01 |
incorrect | i will just write a script on the backend of bacula to send it data | 12:01 |
maxx18 | guys? is there any gui for apt-key? | 12:01 |
mneptok | koray: i think, then, your first move is to move yourself from VB to RealBasic. | 12:01 |
csg | hehe, only since friday | 12:01 |
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tonyyarusso | incorrect: Aaah. Any supported printer I guess. Anything by HP or Epson is reasonably safe. | 12:01 |
unop | bonez56, I like this one http://www.loconet.ca/?p=64 | 12:01 |
koray | RealBasic...hmm | 12:01 |
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yommb | !Realbasic | 12:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about realbasic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:02 |
mneptok | koray: http://realsoftware.com | 12:02 |
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incorrect | tonyyarusso, but a label printer, ie has a roll of labels for my tapes | 12:02 |
om3ga | Hi | 12:02 |
tonyyarusso | csg: Ah. :) Give it oh, a month, and see. A week should do most of it, after a month or two you'll be surprised. | 12:02 |
koray | code architecture is different ? | 12:02 |
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om3ga | Anyone in here have a Wii? | 12:02 |
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mneptok | koray: not at all. you'll find it really easy. | 12:02 |
unop | I think all the talk about basic and VB (very basic) should be off-topic-ed :) | 12:02 |
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maxx18 | om3ga, yeah i have one of those but my mom told me not to talk about that ;) | 12:02 |
Slike | unop: i just rebooted, now the nics are eth0, eth1, eth2.....previous boot it was eth0,eth1, eth3. is there a way to keep these settings? | 12:02 |
tonyyarusso | incorrect: I was thinking like regular Avery sheet labels. Not sure I know what you're talking about now, but the brand thing still applies if they make them... | 12:02 |
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osfameron | Nikolas: it's probably silly to say that ubuntu isn't hard. There are certain things about ubuntu that are harder than windows (configuring dual head monitors? getting wireless to work... at least before gnome-network-applet or whatever it's called) | 12:03 |
osfameron | really depends on what you're doing with it | 12:03 |
om3ga | maxx18, what? | 12:03 |
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maxx18 | lol nvm | 12:03 |
unop | Slike, errm, yea, there is a way .. i think it's one of the files in /etc/network .. options i think | 12:03 |
bonez56 | unop: ha ha, that's the best grafiti i've ever seen... and i'm microsoft certified and still studying :) | 12:03 |
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mneptok | koray: http://realsoftware.com/users/visualbasic/ | 12:03 |
om3ga | anyone want a free wii? | 12:03 |
koray | I join from Turkey and the companies in my country use windows % 95 ratio | 12:03 |
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yommb | the thing is , you can use it the way you want it | 12:03 |
om3ga | http://wii.om3ga.co.uk/ | 12:03 |
om3ga | ;) | 12:03 |
Slike | unop: ok, i'll have a look | 12:04 |
Alarm | is there a way to clean up a bit my memory/swap from the unused data ? | 12:04 |
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koray | no one knows linux like europe | 12:04 |
unop | bonez56, likewise .. those linux guys really took advantage of the fact there are no M$ accredidations on that ad | 12:04 |
unop | :)) | 12:04 |
Dh3Y0 | i m trying to install libsndfile-1.0.17 but at the end this shows up "Compiling some other packages against libsndfile may require the addition of "/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig" to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable." how do i complete the installation? | 12:04 |
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mneptok | om3ga: this is your first and last warning about advertising in this channel | 12:04 |
om3ga | okay | 12:04 |
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mneptok | thank you | 12:05 |
bonez56 | lol | 12:05 |
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bonez56 | livecd = so slow... wish it would install so i can reboot and get stuck into it :) | 12:05 |
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koray | where do I have to start learning linnux | 12:05 |
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unop | Slike, sorry no -- it's this one /etc/iftab | 12:06 |
bonez56 | koray: www.ubuntuguide.org is helpful, as well as the people here, and of course your old buddy google | 12:06 |
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mneptok | koray: download the RealBasic demo for Lunux or Windows. start moving your brain to a cross-platform world. :) | 12:06 |
yommb | bonez : let's not forget our friend ubotu :) | 12:06 |
koray | hmm ok | 12:06 |
bonez56 | yommb: of course :) | 12:06 |
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yommb | !ubotu | koray | 12:07 |
ubotu | koray: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 12:07 |
bonez56 | it's been a while since i've been in the linux world... i let it all go for about 5 months while i did some intensive M$ study/certs so it's great to be back.. dual booting though unfortunately | 12:07 |
Dh3Y0 | anyone please help, i m tryint to install the drum machine called hydrogen for that it needs the libsndfile, i cant install the libsndfile | 12:07 |
koray | ok thank you | 12:07 |
No1Viking | Hey you guys! Are there any game out there, like Wolf ET, that I can download, install and play that you can recommend? | 12:07 |
CheshireViking | koray: i found the best place to learn about linux, was sat at the keyboard in front of your computer - reading about it was one thing, but doing something in practice was a lot better | 12:07 |
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yommb | koray : u can ask for things like this : !linux | 12:07 |
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yommb | koray : try it ! | 12:07 |
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koray | ok | 12:08 |
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bonez56 | ubotu: tell koray about ubuntu | 12:08 |
unop | CheshireViking, i think the secret to learning is striking a balance between reading and doing .. no point doing if you dont know what you're playing at, no? | 12:08 |
bonez56 | dunno if that works or not :) | 12:08 |
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koray | I set it up today | 12:09 |
bonez56 | yay grub installed | 12:09 |
koray | and it looks so nice | 12:09 |
bonez56 | ill brb after a reboot | 12:09 |
=== Prometheus [n=quant@p54BE5B21.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CheshireViking | unop: very true, i read a lot before i installed anything, when i started installing i was reading up all the time & trying things out | 12:09 |
yettenet | Good day! I'm thinking about switching to Ubuntu (from WinXP, meh), but I don't know the difference between Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu | 12:09 |
yettenet | Could anyone explain them for me? | 12:10 |
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koray | and mail program is the simple and more usefull than MS Outlook | 12:10 |
osfameron | yettenet: ubuntu is the default, officially supported version | 12:10 |
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HymnToLife | osfameron, wrong, Kubuntu and Xubuntu are officially supported too | 12:11 |
unop | CheshireViking, yea, we find that people asking questions in the room don't read enough -- and when asked to complain that it takes too long to achieve anything .. dont understand why they dont stick with windows then :) | 12:11 |
osfameron | HymnToLife: ooo! | 12:11 |
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koray | at start first, some things appears difficult but after serching . you can find and solve | 12:11 |
osfameron | didn't realise. Has that changed? | 12:11 |
osfameron | I seem to remember them being community efforts originally | 12:11 |
HymnToLife | yettenet, the difference is the desktop environment they install by default | 12:11 |
serishema | anything unfamilar seems impossible at first | 12:11 |
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mneptok | HymnToLife: Kubuntu and Edubuntu are also officially supported. | 12:11 |
mneptok | HymnToLife: Xubuntu is not. | 12:12 |
serishema | i had trouble moving from BSD to linux, though immagine that wouldn't be as much as a shock as moving to ubuntu from windows | 12:12 |
koray | what do u think about other linux distributions ? which one is more usefull ? | 12:12 |
yommb | bsd is nice though :) | 12:12 |
mneptok | koray: wrong channel for that question. | 12:12 |
yommb | for servers imo bsd rules | 12:12 |
Slike | unop: strange stuff: /etc/network/interfaces, eth0/1/2 settings specified == @boot eth0,1,3 , if eth0/1/3 settings specified == @boot eth0,1,2 as if the eth2 settings cause ubuntu to skip that and assign eth3 or vice versa... | 12:13 |
koray | hmm ok | 12:13 |
unop | Slike, did you check /etc/iftab? | 12:13 |
serishema | koray: FC5 is nice for a server, or if you have crap internet. But I ended up going back to ubuntu after trying lots cos with ubuntu everything just works | 12:13 |
osfameron | windows is fairly nice these days. Some stuff works very well. Not great for perl dev cos it doesn't have the tools | 12:13 |
fatbrain | bah, I failed, reinstall ubuntu *yeey* | 12:13 |
fatbrain | see ya all in 40min | 12:13 |
Occasus | osfameron: traitor ;) | 12:13 |
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mneptok | serishema: FC? for a server? are you mad?! ;) | 12:13 |
Occasus | i use OpenBSD for any internet facing server | 12:14 |
Occasus | can't beat PF | 12:14 |
unop | serishema, Fedora would be cool if it didnt have the red_hat affiliation :) | 12:14 |
Occasus | hehe | 12:14 |
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CheshireViking | unop: I had to read, i (maybe insanely) installed Slackware as my first introduction to Linux & ran that for 3 months gettinig used to terminal commands to do things before I tried ubuntu, in a way, i'm glad i did that though | 12:14 |
osfameron | Occasus: that's silly talk :-) anyway, I use ubuntu on my own machines when I can. Doesn't mean windows doesn't have its own good points. | 12:14 |
Nikolas | wadap | 12:14 |
Slike | unop: thx, only eth0 and eth1 are specified there, i'll change that | 12:14 |
Occasus | osfameron: agreed, i quite like Server 2k3 | 12:14 |
rellik | anyone here good with apache? I installed apache2, php5, and libapache2-mod-php5 and restared apache.. but it offers php files for download instead of parsing them | 12:14 |
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HymnToLife | CheshireViking, yep, the hard way is the best way to learn | 12:14 |
koray | for ex : I have a creative web cam...and its drivers is for windows...can I set it up for ubuntu ? there is not driver for linux :( | 12:14 |
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mneptok | rellik: check apache's mime handler | 12:15 |
Occasus | rellik: i hda that happen, did you make sure the module is being loaded | 12:15 |
serishema | rellik: : you have to edit some files in /etc/apache2 to make it load the modules | 12:15 |
unop | Slike, you can specify additional interface maps there - just follow one of those entries as a template and create new ones | 12:15 |
KenSentMe | rellik: have you tried running 'sudo aeenmod php5' ? | 12:15 |
HymnToLife | !webcam | koray | 12:15 |
ubotu | koray: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 12:15 |
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syock | I`ve heard of the normal practice of chrooting by AMD64 users when they want to do 32-bit tricks | 12:15 |
syock | My question is, can people who installed 32-bit Ubuntu on their AMD64 system chroot to 64-bit instead? | 12:15 |
apokryphos | syock: yes | 12:16 |
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rellik | Keneo, mneptok Occasus seravitae I ran 'a2enmod php5'.. shouldnt that take care of loading the module? or I have to do something else? | 12:16 |
frying_fish | syock: no | 12:16 |
apokryphos | syock: it's a poor situation, but unfortunately debian/ubuntu systems are like that | 12:16 |
syock | which one? | 12:16 |
CheshireViking | HymToLife: that was my idea - 6 months as a Linux user doesn't make me an expert, I'd still say i was a "newbie" - a lot to learn yet | 12:16 |
unop | syock, you can create as many chroots in an install as you want -- and any linux distro you like, 32 or 64 bit | 12:16 |
apokryphos | frying_fish: you can't have an amd64 chroot? Sure you can. | 12:16 |
frying_fish | the kernel you are running will need to be 64bit, as 64bit kernels can run 32bit code, but not the otherway round. | 12:16 |
Occasus | rellik: that seems right, check /etc/apache2/mods-enabled | 12:16 |
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Occasus | and see if PHP is in there | 12:17 |
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frying_fish | apokryphos: sure, you can if you have a 64bit kernel running. but not from a 32bit kernel. | 12:17 |
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apokryphos | I see | 12:17 |
syock | frying_fish: I see. so it`s impossible... | 12:17 |
Filox | hello i have installed ndiswrapper and my wifi card seem to function properly, but after 20 mins when i try to access to pc, wifi connection is down.... What can i do please? | 12:17 |
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Occasus | Filox: when you say connection is down what do you mean | 12:18 |
rellik | Occasus, mods-enabled/php5.conf has php, phtml, etc | 12:18 |
Filox | that i cannot access pc | 12:18 |
rellik | Occasus, but still.. they aren't being parsed :( | 12:18 |
Filox | via any software like ssh vnc etc | 12:18 |
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Occasus | rellik: Ya.. that's really weird, check your /var/log/apache2 and check to see if there are any errors | 12:18 |
Occasus | Filox: firewall? | 12:18 |
Filox | no | 12:18 |
soundray | Filox: check your /var/log/syslog for any messages relating to that driver or interface during those 20 minutes | 12:18 |
Filox | mmm | 12:19 |
Filox | my router sais s STA expired.... | 12:19 |
mneptok | Filox: power management? | 12:19 |
Filox | my ap sorry | 12:19 |
Filox | power management? | 12:19 |
mneptok | power management. | 12:19 |
Filox | is disabled | 12:19 |
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Filox | on my card | 12:19 |
mneptok | like, is the machine putting itself to sleep? | 12:19 |
mneptok | if so, buh-bye network. | 12:20 |
Filox | but is disabled by default power manag | 12:20 |
Occasus | what router are you using | 12:20 |
mneptok | Filox: and the BIOS? | 12:20 |
Filox | i use an ap ovislink | 12:21 |
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Filox | bios of motherboard? | 12:21 |
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finalbeta | Anyone knows a color palette tool? I always end up with way to dark colours : http://foldersync.sourceforge.net/ | 12:21 |
mneptok | yes | 12:21 |
rwc | does anyone know about Chinese IMEs? | 12:21 |
Filox | in bios i disabled power management too | 12:21 |
Filox | but card enter in power management if there is no traffic right? | 12:22 |
ardchoille | finalbeta, I like that colour scheme | 12:22 |
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rellik | Occasus, no errors in the apache log.. I'm pretty stumped on this.. been searching the net for a while but can't seem to figure it out. | 12:22 |
mneptok | Filox: no. | 12:22 |
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Occasus | rellik: have you tried purging | 12:23 |
mneptok | Filox: check Ubuntu's power settings. | 12:23 |
finalbeta | ardchoille: It's not bad, but no good for a product. It can't scare some people :p | 12:23 |
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Occasus | rellik, for example dpkg --purge apache2 php-whatever... blah blah | 12:23 |
Filox | ubuntu power setting are disabled too eheh :) | 12:23 |
Occasus | then reinstall | 12:23 |
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Filox | isn' t a problem of ndiswrapper? | 12:24 |
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soundray | Filox: check your /var/log/syslog for any messages relating to that driver or interface | 12:25 |
Filox | okz ill chech | 12:25 |
Filox | thanks | 12:25 |
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soundray | Filox: copy the messages to the pastebin if you want us to have a look at them; | 12:26 |
soundray | !pastebin | Filox | 12:26 |
ubotu | Filox: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:26 |
fong_ | !rar | 12:26 |
ubotu | rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 12:26 |
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fong_ | !info unrar-free | 12:26 |
ubotu | unrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20060609-1 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 80 kB | 12:26 |
Filox | ok thanks to all!!!!!!! | 12:26 |
ardchoille | finalbeta, Something like this? http://gnome-apps.berlios.de/apps.php?action=view&id=34150 | 12:27 |
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Occasus | relikk: how's it going so far? | 12:27 |
=== ucordes [n=ucordes@dslb-084-062-002-231.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Occasus | jeez its cold here | 12:28 |
ucordes | same here | 12:28 |
Occasus | where are you ucordes | 12:29 |
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ucordes | germany | 12:29 |
klm- | -20 celsius here | 12:29 |
Occasus | holy cow! | 12:29 |
Occasus | klm - canada/ | 12:29 |
klm- | Finland | 12:29 |
Occasus | ah | 12:29 |
Occasus | i just came back from canada - ottawa | 12:29 |
Occasus | they have -36 | 12:29 |
Occasus | now _thats_ very col | 12:29 |
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klm- | that gets rid of hobos very fast | 12:30 |
Occasus | lol indeed it does | 12:30 |
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Occasus | they issued a frostbite warning | 12:30 |
Occasus | so cold | 12:30 |
unop | no wonder canadian girl give you a "cold" shoulder :( | 12:30 |
unop | girls* | 12:30 |
Occasus | lmao | 12:30 |
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Occasus | well, my girlfriend is canadian, an di can vouch for that | 12:30 |
unop | lol | 12:30 |
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Occasus | She's FRENCH canadian :-| | 12:30 |
babwe2 | hi all | 12:30 |
Occasus | heya | 12:31 |
unop | even worse -- trop froid :( | 12:31 |
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Occasus | lol | 12:31 |
Occasus | ! | 12:31 |
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babwe | having problems installing xchat with plugin fish in dapper drake running on a 64bit pc, anyone t assist me | 12:32 |
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ucordes | ahhhhhhhhh shift backspace drives me crazy | 12:32 |
Occasus | you know what annoys me | 12:32 |
soundray | ucordes: what does that do? | 12:32 |
Ruri | hi everybody ! | 12:32 |
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Occasus | accidentally pressing alt, ctl and bakspace! | 12:32 |
ucordes | it makes my X restart | 12:32 |
Occasus | yes | 12:32 |
Occasus | ucordes, i can sympathise | 12:33 |
ucordes | (edgy, gnome, beryl XGL) | 12:33 |
=== CrakeHunter [n=none@p57B8C89A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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soundray | ucordes: I had that problem when I tried compiz... | 12:33 |
ucordes | same in kde | 12:33 |
CrakeHunter | hello! is there any chance that next ubuntu might support fakeraid? | 12:33 |
Ruri | someone knows how repair GRUB (error 24)? | 12:33 |
ardchoille | finalbeta, I just found this and it has Ubuntu .deb's in the download section: http://home.gna.org/colorscheme/ | 12:33 |
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soundray | CrakeHunter: this is not a good place to ask. Probably best to file a wishlist bug: | 12:34 |
soundray | !but | CrakeHunter | 12:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about but - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:34 |
soundray | !bug | CrakeHunter | 12:34 |
ubotu | CrakeHunter: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 12:34 |
frogzoo | Ruri: do you have multiple hard drives? | 12:34 |
Ruri | no frogzoo | 12:34 |
ucordes | soundray: did you fix it when you tried compiz? | 12:35 |
frogzoo | Ruri: that's odd - which distro? & ide or sata? | 12:35 |
Ruri | ubuntu | 12:35 |
soundray | ucordes: no, I went back to xorg. Sorry | 12:35 |
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cromo | anyone is able to tell me what is the name of that nice cursor package that ubuntu comes with? The one based on jimmac theme. | 12:36 |
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Ruri | well yesterday ubuntu works in the laptop... today when I turn it on shows this message | 12:36 |
babwe | getting this error when trying t load plugin in xchat ../home/poul/.xchat2/xfish.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 12:36 |
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ucordes | ardchoille: "apt-cache search agave" => "agave - Color schemer application for GNOME" | 12:37 |
ardchoille | ucordes, It's not in the Dapper repos, you must be on Edgy or Feisty. | 12:38 |
ucordes | i installed KDE yesterday and i'm wondring how i can make it have more than the US keyboard layout. clue anybody? | 12:38 |
ucordes | ardchoille: i'm on edgy. so much about Long Term Support of dapper :P | 12:38 |
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ardchoille | ucordes, LTS means security and bug fixes :P | 12:39 |
frogzoo | and not so much the bug fixes... | 12:39 |
ucordes | ardchoille: ah well i allways thought it would also mean program support / compabillity | 12:39 |
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ardchoille | ucordes, Nope :) | 12:40 |
soundray | Ruri: do you have a live (desktop) CD handy? | 12:40 |
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frogzoo | ucordes: sounds like you want edgy | 12:40 |
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KomiaPoika | ucordes: activate alternate layouts in the control panel | 12:41 |
Ruri | yes | 12:41 |
KomiaPoika | then you can chose other layouts on the go | 12:41 |
soundray | ucordes: if I remember correctly, you can add keyboard layouts via Control Center - Language settings | 12:41 |
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=== SoulChild [n=eshat@ip171-3.vpn.uni-bielefeld.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SoulChild | hi all | 12:42 |
soundray | Ruri: boot from it and run 'sudo e2fsck -y /dev/hda1' (assuming that /dev/hda1 is your root partition) | 12:42 |
SoulChild | i have this strange problem, that my sounds works correctly but if i plugg in headphones on my notebook, i hear nothing, any ideas ??? | 12:42 |
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fra | ciao | 12:42 |
fra | ubuntu-it | 12:42 |
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Occasus | define: ciao | 12:42 |
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fra | ho bisogno | 12:42 |
fra | di un aiuto | 12:43 |
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Ruri | ok, i'll do it | 12:43 |
soundray | SoulChild: doubleclick on the volume icon in the panel and check if you have a separate headphones volume slider | 12:43 |
fra | occasus | 12:43 |
frogzoo | SoulChild: sound -> vol control -> switches -> tick external amp & headphone jack sense | 12:43 |
hbaigu | !it | fra | 12:43 |
ubotu | fra: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 12:43 |
fra | scusa | 12:43 |
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tonyyarusso | prego | 12:44 |
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SoulChild | soundray: no i do not have a headphones slider | 12:44 |
ucordes | KomiaPoika: there are no layouts to chose from - that's my problem. you know i came from gnome and installed the metapackage KDE | 12:44 |
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SoulChild | frogzoo: i do not have a amp & headphones jack sense | 12:44 |
soundray | SoulChild: do you have another set of headphones for testing? | 12:45 |
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SoulChild | soundray: headphones are okay | 12:45 |
frogzoo | SoulChild: edit -> preferences -> select headphone/headphone jack sense/external amp | 12:45 |
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KomiaPoika | ucordes: try apt-get install kde* | 12:46 |
SoulChild | frogzoo: i checked already there is no check button for headphones :( | 12:46 |
soundray | SoulChild: install gnome-alsamixer and see if any of the additional controls fix your problem | 12:46 |
SoulChild | soundray thanks i ll try | 12:46 |
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frogzoo | SoulChild: you have to enable the button: in edit -> preferences | 12:46 |
SoulChild | frogzoo: i think soundray is right, gnome-aslamixer wasnt installed... | 12:47 |
SoulChild | soundray: i think thats it thanks | 12:47 |
Kajin | I just got 3D rendering working by using fglrx, now which tutorial should I follow to get Beryl working, XGL or AIGLX? | 12:47 |
rellik | Occasus, after about an hour trying on IRC and the wiki and google, etc, I figured it out.. just had to clear firefox's cache :) | 12:47 |
rellik | Occasus, wish I'd tried it from another machine on the local network :) | 12:48 |
Filox | hello i have controlled /var/log/syslog but it didn't sais anything about wifi card errors | 12:48 |
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frogzoo | Kajin: xgl for fglrx - & #ubuntu-xgl for beryl issues | 12:48 |
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Kajin | frogzoo: Alright, thank you! | 12:49 |
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soundray | SoulChild: I was a bit misleading -- you can have all the controls through the Volume Control thing -- just edit the preferences | 12:49 |
Filox | su | 12:49 |
=== kontingenz [n=benjamin@brln-d9b80b23.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KomiaPoika | sudo su | 12:50 |
KomiaPoika | there is no root user by default | 12:50 |
frogzoo | KomiaPoika: exactly | 12:50 |
soundray | Filox: then it must be the router disconnecting you | 12:50 |
kontingenz | hi, I it possible to user Ndiswrapper with a windows-webcam-driver? | 12:51 |
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babwe | anyone ...where do I cp xfish.so to in xchat2.66 on a 64bit pc | 12:51 |
Filox | okz | 12:51 |
Filox | thanks soundray | 12:51 |
Filox | i'll checkit | 12:51 |
soundray | Filox: you can probably stop this by running a regular ping on the router in the background: 'ping -i 20' (assuming that is your router address) | 12:51 |
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Filox | but wthat's the meaning of sta expired? | 12:52 |
Filox | yes cool idea!!!! | 12:52 |
soundray | Filox: I don't know, it's not an Ubuntu question ;) | 12:52 |
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Filox | okz thanks you rocks!!!!! | 12:52 |
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=== soundray is on the rocks | ||
bonez56 | hi all, i just installed ubuntu onto my sata drive and I get to the stage 1 grub screen, then select the first image and I get error 25: disk read error... also I can't boot vista any more either, i get the same error. can anyone please help? i've done a google and not found much | 12:53 |
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soundray | bonez56: is this a huge drive? | 12:54 |
edlang | Hi -- I'm trying to do a netinst on an IBM X41 laptop. The installer seems to be very flakey. It consistently hangs when it tries to set the clock. Is this a known issue? | 12:54 |
bonez56 | soundray: it's 320gb... i've got vista installed on a 50gb partition (#1) and a 220gb storage partition (#2 - ntfs) #3 is swap 1gb and #4 is ext3 19gb | 12:54 |
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qos | hey guys ... i have succesfully established a vpn connection to my university. know i wants to gets routed all traffic throught that tunnel ... but how do i define the route? | 12:55 |
frogzoo | edlang: tried booting with passing option from grub of 'acpi=off' ? | 12:55 |
ucordes | KomiaPoika: apt-get install KDE* installs nothing. :( | 12:55 |
Chuck_ | Can someone me, I installed Kubuntu yesterday and my wireless adapter won't turn on, it's fine in Windows though | 12:55 |
Occasus | qos, # man route | 12:55 |
bonez56 | ucordes: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 12:55 |
soundray | bonez56: the problem may be that your Ubuntu partition's offset from the start of the disk is too big. | 12:55 |
bonez56 | soundray: how can I fix this? | 12:55 |
edlang | frogzoo: No. The installer isn't hanging the machine, but do you think that may fix it? | 12:55 |
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qos | Occasus, thanks for the tip ... but my question wasn't how to open the manpage ... | 12:56 |
frogzoo | qos: add a line to your eth0 def'n in /etc/network/interfaces " gateway x.x.x.x" | 12:56 |
ucordes | bonez56: that gets me 256mb plus. i hope the keyboard layouts will be included there. | 12:56 |
Occasus | qos, i know the man page will yell you how to define the route | 12:56 |
soundray | bonez56: put your ubuntu partition between the Windows system and storage partitions. | 12:56 |
ucordes | between how can i add programs to KDE startup? | 12:56 |
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Occasus | frogzoo, qos, if he did that, when he was off the VPN his connection wouldn't work | 12:57 |
bonez56 | soundray: is this the only way I can do it? cause it's not really an option | 12:57 |
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kontingenz | is it possible to use a windowsdriver to get a webcam on linux working? | 12:57 |
soundray | bonez56: you could install ubuntu on a second hard disk drive | 12:57 |
Occasus | qos, type route show, see the * thats the default gateway just change that to what ever the gateway is on your VPN | 12:57 |
k0balt | can somebody help me?? when i use scrolling in Firefox or nautilus for exaple, i see unreal brakes in my system | 12:57 |
frogzoo | Occasus: that's true, hmmm | 12:57 |
paiiiiii | Hi, i cannot do 'ifconfig eth0 up' since it says: 'eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device', this happend after my xorg.conf got totaly screwed. | 12:57 |
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bonez56 | soundray: i only have 1 disk... | 12:57 |
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soundray | kontingenz: not as far as I know | 12:57 |
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soundray | !webcam | kontingenz | 12:58 |
ubotu | kontingenz: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 12:58 |
Occasus | frogzoo, qos, if you're using openvpn for the link you can tell openvpn to redirect all traffic there | 12:58 |
soundray | bonez56: want me to sell you one? :) | 12:58 |
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qos | Occasus, its via pptp ... | 12:58 |
bonez56 | soundray: not really, but thanks for the offer :) surely grub does not have such a crappy limitation... | 12:58 |
Occasus | qos, i see... D'Oh | 12:58 |
soundray | bonez56: it's not a grub limitation, it's a BIOS limitation. | 12:58 |
kontingenz | Soundray ubotu: thx | 12:58 |
ante_ | can anybody tell me how to install winrar on linux | 12:58 |
Occasus | qos, i cant remember if there's a way to change the "default" interface | 12:59 |
soundray | bonez56: at this stage, grub has to rely on BIOS methods for accessing the disk. | 12:59 |
Occasus | ante_, apt-get install rar :P | 12:59 |
bonez56 | soundray: i've never come across this problem before... how come it doesn't affect windoze? | 12:59 |
soundray | bonez56: there is a small chance that a BIOS flash update might fix it. | 12:59 |
paiiiiii | Hi, i cannot do 'ifconfig eth0 up' since it says: 'eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device', this happend after my xorg.conf got totaly screwed. ... :( | 12:59 |
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ryuujin_ | oh. .amazing | 12:59 |
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frogzoo | paiiiiii: if a reboot's an option, give that a go | 12:59 |
ryuujin_ | so much people! | 12:59 |
soundray | bonez56: it would affect Windows, too, if you tried to install Windows on your ubuntu partition | 12:59 |
Occasus | paiiiiii, do ifconfig you can see the device name there | 12:59 |
k0balt | can somebody help me?? when i use scrolling in Firefox or nautilus for exaple, i see unreal brakes in my system | 01:00 |
paiiiiii | frogzoo: i've done that 3 times :( | 01:00 |
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ante_ | occasus, can you help me? | 01:00 |
paiiiiii | Occasus: only localhost (lo) | 01:00 |
bonez56 | soundray: argghh... what a mess. so it looks like i have to repair my vista install, then go back in and adjust all my partitions | 01:00 |
soundray | bonez56: no | 01:00 |
Occasus | ante_, type apt-get install rar | 01:00 |
ante_ | where | 01:00 |
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Occasus | paiiiiii, thats bad, check /var/log/messages | 01:00 |
Occasus | ante_, into the terminal | 01:00 |
soundray | bonez56: you could boot ubuntu desktop and resize your partitions with gparted. | 01:00 |
ante_ | wait | 01:00 |
bonez56 | soundray: i'm using the live cd right now so ill give it a shot | 01:01 |
=== Tschaka [n=tschaka@p54B3CCA7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | bonez56: all you need is a tiny boot partition at the end of your Vista system one. | 01:01 |
qos | Occasus, u are too fast for me. i have a normal internet connection (with a router) at home. but know, i want to connect to my university via pptp (i got i running with a new device ppp0). so, the last step is to route all traffic over ppp0 ... a already add a new gw but it didn't changed anything ... | 01:01 |
ryuujin_ | paiiiiii: ifconfig -a | 01:01 |
paiiiiii | Is it possible to install ubuntu via a USB-stick that is 256mb (im thinking of booting and then make a netinstall) | 01:01 |
ryuujin_ | paiiiiii: dmesg | grep -i eth | 01:01 |
bonez56 | soundray: oh i see now... let me try that | 01:01 |
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ante_ | occasus, what next | 01:02 |
soundray | bonez56: then you have to format it (ext3), copy the contents of (ubuntu root)/boot over there, add a line to your /etc/fstab and reinstall grub | 01:02 |
k0balt | ante, thats all=) | 01:02 |
frogzoo | qos: maybe add option 'defaultroute' in /etc/ppp/peers/provider | 01:02 |
Occasus | ante_ what is on your screen | 01:02 |
ryuujin_ | paiiiiii: then? | 01:02 |
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paiiiiii | ryuujin_: "dmesg | grep -i eth" is not showing anything :( | 01:03 |
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soundray | paiiiiii: no, that's too small | 01:03 |
bonez56 | soundray: it's telling me i can't have more than 4 primary partitions now | 01:03 |
Occasus | qos, 2 sec | 01:03 |
ante_ | access denied!!! | 01:03 |
SoulChild | hey my sound over headphone still doesn't work :( without headphones its perfect | 01:03 |
Occasus | ante_, sudo apt-get install rar | 01:03 |
soundray | bonez56: well, that's correct | 01:03 |
qos | Occasus, dont hurry, be happy :) | 01:03 |
Occasus | qos, hehe i am happy ;) | 01:03 |
ante_ | unable to lock the list directory - he says | 01:03 |
Occasus | qos, but anyway, what you need to do | 01:03 |
GreyGhost | paiiiiii ,u "could" theorotically install using the minimal cd ... and try ... | 01:03 |
soundray | bonez56: would it be a pain to reinstall ubuntu from scratch? | 01:03 |
paiiiiii | hmm | 01:03 |
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bonez56 | soundray: so i have 1x ntfs windows partition, 1x ntfs storage parition, 1x 100mb /boot partition and 1x 19gb ext3 partition, now there's no room for a swap | 01:03 |
ante_ | now he wants some password | 01:03 |
paiiiiii | how can i make a usb-stick bootble? | 01:03 |
Occasus | qos, theres a way to set the default INTERFACE using route | 01:03 |
Occasus | qos, i cant remember what command that is | 01:04 |
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bonez56 | soundray: not at all, i've just deleted my ubuntu partition so i will have to reinstall anyway | 01:04 |
SoulChild | paiiiiii: bios settings | 01:04 |
Occasus | ante_, did it work? | 01:04 |
k0balt | can somebody help me?? when i use scrolling in Firefox or nautilus for exaple, i see unreal brakes in my system | 01:04 |
paiiiiii | SoulChild: i mean, do i just unpack everything to the stick? | 01:04 |
paiiiiii | and modify bios-boot | 01:04 |
paiiiiii | and that's it? | 01:04 |
=== sorush20 [n=sorush20@87-194-99-254.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dh3Y0 | i ve installed the latest version of FLAC using the apt-get command, but when i try to configure Hydrogen( what i m relaly trying to install) it says "FLAC++ library not found." please help | 01:04 |
soundray | bonez56: when you recreate the ubuntu partition, make sure it's a logical one. | 01:04 |
ante_ | no | 01:04 |
SoulChild | paiiiiii: actually yes, but u need to copy a bootable system to your usb | 01:05 |
bonez56 | soundray: ok, ill try that now | 01:05 |
Occasus | ante_ what happens when you type sudo apt-get install rar | 01:05 |
qos | frogzoo, nice suggestion but its already in my config | 01:05 |
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bonez56 | soundray: it will only let me create 'extended' not 'logical' is that ok? | 01:05 |
soundray | bonez56: gparted will automatically create logical partitions inside an extended one, so then you will have three primaries (vista, boot, storage)... | 01:05 |
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soundray | bonez56: yes | 01:05 |
ante_ | i think that he wants to type it aggain | 01:05 |
frogzoo | qos: kk, it works for ppp connections, I don't know much about pptp | 01:05 |
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paiiiiii | SoulChild: hmm, do you know if it's possible to put an like... "small linux" on a usb stick, download the image and boot from it.. | 01:05 |
ante_ | this is the situations | 01:05 |
IdleOne | ante_: sudo apt-get install rar and where it ask for password you type in your password ( you will not see it ) and then hit enter | 01:05 |
paiiiiii | just as an "boot" stick | 01:05 |
=== samAA [n=sam@CPE-60-229-222-44.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mark_ | hi all, it has been a while since I had to do an upgrade. I am at a breezy machine, I have a DVD of Edgy. What is the best way of upgrading? Do i just open the cd:/// repo and alter the version name in sources.list? | 01:06 |
k0balt | can somebody help me?? when i use scrolling in Firefox or nautilus for exaple, i see unreal brakes in my system | 01:06 |
Occasus | mark_ : dist-upgrade | 01:06 |
qos | Occasus, problem is that when i change the default route i kill my ptpp connection because it runs over the old route. | 01:06 |
bonez56 | soundray: yay, i think I got it. i'll pm you what it looks like now | 01:06 |
soundray | bonez56: and the swap partition can go inside the extended one along with your root | 01:06 |
Jowi | !upgrade > mark_ | 01:06 |
Occasus | qos, thats a pain in the ass im must admit, maybe use a firewall to redirect traffic? | 01:06 |
qos | frogzoo, thanks anyway | 01:06 |
soundray | bonez56: okay | 01:06 |
ante_ | but i type sudo apt-get install rar, and nothing | 01:06 |
mark_ | thakns Jowi Occasus :) | 01:07 |
frogzoo | qos: that should be /etc/ppp/peers/PROVIDER - where PROVIDER is the name of the provider for this connection, passed from /etc/network/interfaces | 01:07 |
SoulChild | paiiiiii: an option is to caopy DAMN Small Linux on the stick and add the file, so u can boot in to a live system and then do the things with your files u want to | 01:07 |
Occasus | mark_ np | 01:07 |
SoulChild | paiiiiii: understood ? | 01:07 |
sorush20 | !3gp | 01:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 3gp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:07 |
Occasus | ante_ copy and paste the output | 01:07 |
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sorush20 | how do I play 3gp on ubuntu | 01:07 |
Jowi | mark_, not likely a good idea to upgrade from breezy directly to edgy (see the link from ubotu). better to do a fresh Edgy install or upgrade to Dapper from Breezy. | 01:07 |
Dh3Y0 | i ve installed the latest version of FLAC using the apt-get command, but when i try to configure Hydrogen( what i m relaly trying to install) it says "FLAC++ library not found." please help | 01:07 |
Occasus | sorush20: VLC | 01:07 |
paiiiiii | SoulChild: sort of, will i be able to boot "DAMN Small Linux", download the ubunutu and run the image and continue installing? | 01:08 |
k0balt | can somebody help me?? when i use scrolling in Firefox or nautilus for exaple, i see unreal brakes in my system | 01:08 |
ante_ | always the same | 01:08 |
qos | frogzoo, i also added it in /etc/ppp/peers/university ... no success at all ;) | 01:08 |
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ante_ | do i have to download something from internet | 01:08 |
Keneo | k0balt, what do you mean? | 01:08 |
Keneo | like, scrolling is awfully slow? | 01:08 |
Occasus | ante_, thats what apt-get does | 01:08 |
soundray | k0balt: perhaps you should enlighten us as to what "unreal brakes" are | 01:08 |
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frogzoo | qos: how are you bringing up the link? | 01:08 |
Jowi | !info libflac++-dev | 01:08 |
ubotu | libflac++-dev: Free Lossless Audio Codec - C++ development library. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.2-5ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 46 kB, installed size 280 kB | 01:08 |
ante_ | can we get private talk | 01:08 |
Occasus | yes | 01:08 |
Dh3Y0 | why is everyone ignoring me??? | 01:08 |
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Jowi | Dh3Y0, that's the package you installed? | 01:09 |
SoulChild | paiiiiii: i don't understand your point, why u dont simply install ubuntu to your USB stick(too small???) otherwise burn the ubuntu live system to cd and boot from cd and install it ;) | 01:09 |
qos | frogzoo, dont know to answer, but whats about this? "sudo pon uni debug dump logfd 2 nodetach &" | 01:09 |
infornography | Has anybody had a problem with the 6.10 installer? I can't get it to progress past the time zone selection. | 01:09 |
Dh3Y0 | Jowi; i did sudo apt-get install flac | 01:09 |
paiiiiii | SoulChild: since i dont have any cd-reader :) | 01:09 |
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IdleOne | Dh3Y0: morning | 01:09 |
frogzoo | qos: so do you have a 'defaultroute' option in /etc/ppp/peers/uni ? | 01:09 |
Jowi | Dh3Y0, did you install hydrogen from the repos or are you compiling it yourself? | 01:09 |
Dh3Y0 | IdleOne; yay, morning | 01:09 |
qos | frogzoo, yeah | 01:10 |
Dh3Y0 | Jowi; by myself | 01:10 |
SoulChild | if your usb is big enought 1024 MB you shoul be able to copy ubuntu system to it ,.. and thats it | 01:10 |
frogzoo | qos: & 'replacedefaultroute' also? | 01:10 |
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Jowi | Dh3Y0, you shouldn't need to. hydrogen is in the repos. if you insist of compiling it yourself you will need the "dev" packages for the libraries it ask. "flac" is not enough. | 01:10 |
qos | frogzoo, no ... wait it test it | 01:10 |
IdleOne | Dh3Y0: best to always install apps from repos when possible this way you know that it will go get the dependecies it requires | 01:11 |
infornography | Better yet, is there a way to install it like in the older versions of ubuntu? Without a GUI | 01:11 |
Jowi | !info hydrogen | 01:11 |
ubotu | hydrogen: Simple drum machine/step sequencer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-2 (edgy), package size 3267 kB, installed size 9192 kB | 01:11 |
Keneo | infornography, that's on the alternate install cd | 01:11 |
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IdleOne | Dh3Y0: sudo aptitude install hydrogen should fix it all | 01:11 |
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infornography | oh ok, I don't know how that escaped my attention. Thanks | 01:11 |
Dh3Y0 | IdleOne; thanks | 01:11 |
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Dh3Y0 | i ll try that | 01:11 |
Jowi | Dh3Y0, it's in the universe repo | 01:11 |
Keneo | np | 01:11 |
GreyGhost | infornography ,had that problem with 6.06 (didn try with 6.10 ) try alternate cd.. | 01:11 |
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pbureau | Morning | 01:11 |
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SoulChild | I am out... byebye guys | 01:12 |
IdleOne | Dh3Y0: thanks to Jowi also :) | 01:12 |
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Jowi | morning pbureau | 01:12 |
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Dh3Y0 | hehe | 01:12 |
Dh3Y0 | yeah | 01:12 |
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Jowi | np Dh3Y0 ;) | 01:12 |
Dh3Y0 | thanks Jowi | 01:12 |
Occasus | qos, FYI i'm reading about default routes, pptp apparently creates its own default route so it *should* automatically go over the VPN | 01:12 |
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k0balt | soundray, Keneo: I mean that I have dumbs | 01:12 |
qos | am i back? | 01:12 |
Keneo | bumps? | 01:13 |
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pbureau | vpn humm, Id do it, if linux had a "cisco" style vpn app :) then I could from home using a linux box instead of the windows box | 01:13 |
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koray | may I ask a question my friends ? | 01:13 |
ante_ | occasus, where are you | 01:13 |
Occasus | ante_: I messaged you | 01:13 |
frogzoo | pbureau: there is a cisco vpn client for linux | 01:14 |
ante_ | where | 01:14 |
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pbureau | frogzoo, oh? there is ? | 01:14 |
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Keneo | you just did koray | 01:14 |
Occasus | what IRC client are you using | 01:14 |
pbureau | Ill have to investigate that | 01:14 |
pbureau | Occasus, xchat | 01:14 |
koray | :) | 01:14 |
=== TeTeT [n=spindler@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Occasus | ante_, what client/ | 01:14 |
soundray | koray: and you didn't even ask! | 01:14 |
soundray | :) | 01:14 |
frogzoo | pbureau: there is - can't find it in the repos though, but it does exist | 01:14 |
ryanakca | what the lightest WM you can think of (mem wise and dep wise... I don't care about eye candy or ease of use...) | 01:14 |
IdleOne | Dh3Y0: when your online talking to your friends and you hear about this cool program and want to try it. dont go to the official website first. first you apt-cache search packagename if it returns it to you then you know it's in repos if it doesnt then you goto packages.ubuntu.com and search for it if it still isnt there then you come here and ask and if you still cant find it then go get it and compile yourself :) | 01:14 |
ante_ | what is client | 01:14 |
pbureau | frogzoo, Ill check freshmeat | 01:14 |
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soundray | ryanakca: ratpoison | 01:15 |
Occasus | ante_ what program are you using to connect to this iRC channel | 01:15 |
ryanakca | soundray: kk | 01:15 |
freaky_ | hola, how do i have cups search for printers? perviously i had gentoo and that would detect the printers when the service started, now it keeps listing printers from the location i was when ubuntu was first started (laptop) but i'm somewhere totally different now | 01:15 |
ryanakca | thanks | 01:15 |
koray | I am a new l'nux user and I cannot set up my wireless device | 01:15 |
ante_ | x mule | 01:15 |
pbureau | Occasus, dude why you keep asking...? | 01:15 |
qos | Occasus, but i does not ... i am using no proxy and i still have to same ip address ... i should have one of the university ones ... i am sure the tunnel gets created. no errors at all and i can ping one of our internal university servers. | 01:15 |
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Occasus | pbureau, im trying to find out what client ante_ is using :) | 01:15 |
soundray | koray: there is a help page made for you: | 01:15 |
brianski | the kernel keeps getting confused on my machine, which has multiple ethernet interfaces, and between boots will change which it thinks is eth0, and which is eth1 - anyone know how to fix this? | 01:15 |
soundray | !wireless | koray | 01:15 |
ubotu | koray: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 01:15 |
koray | Intel Pro wireless | 01:15 |
Occasus | ante_, i see i should appear on another tab | 01:15 |
koray | thanks | 01:16 |
=== Hellevator [n=rko618@cpe-75-83-161-227.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pbureau | koray, I may possibly help open a terminal window and type, lspci , now copy and paste the line about your network wifi card (only that line please) | 01:16 |
=== fabbione [n=fabbione@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
qos | frogzoo, the last option did something. but my connection was completely gone ... not the appropriate effect ;) | 01:16 |
Occasus | qos, does your Uni have proxy servers | 01:16 |
ante_ | i dont understand you | 01:16 |
soundray | brianski: /etc/iftab | 01:16 |
freaky_ | brianski: different kernels or something? never seen it switching with the same kernel... | 01:16 |
=== mythos [n=mythos@85-124-124-163.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
qos | Occasus, sure | 01:16 |
pbureau | Occasus, easier to do a /ctcp client than asking :) | 01:16 |
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Occasus | pbureau, thanks ;D | 01:16 |
Occasus | ante_, never mind can you do sudo ls and tell me if it works | 01:16 |
Dh3Y0 | IdleOne; i didnt know that, thanks, i m just trying to create a rough recording of some tracks, i ll do that next time. :) | 01:16 |
brianski | soundray, thanks | 01:16 |
=== brianski grumbles something about freebsd never doing that :) | ||
Occasus | qos, try using one of their proxy servers | 01:16 |
Occasus | qos, your uni's that is | 01:17 |
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ante_ | no | 01:17 |
pbureau | koray, what chipset/model of intel card you have ? | 01:17 |
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freaky_ | pbureau: unless it's blocked or returns incorrect information :) some ppl set it up to report different software/version | 01:17 |
Occasus | ante_, what is the problem | 01:17 |
qos | Occasus, instead of using vpn/pptp? | 01:17 |
koray | and...I install ubuntu first...now can I install other operating system ? | 01:17 |
ante_ | he isnt showing me anything | 01:17 |
pbureau | freaky_, and I just had him stop asking...lol your no fun.... | 01:18 |
=== agwibowo [n=agwibowo@203-214-15-182.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ante_ | what should i do | 01:18 |
Occasus | ante_, there must be some output? | 01:18 |
agwibowo | hello all | 01:18 |
IdleOne | Dh3Y0: there are thousands of apps in the repos pre-compiled for ubuntu. wich means that the package you want already has all the dependencies it needs and they are also in the repos so you want hydrogen it looks for it finds it and all the files it needs to install and does it for you ... cool stuff huh :) | 01:18 |
koray | offffff there are too many things I have to learn :( | 01:18 |
freaky_ | pbureau: hehe sorry missed the rest :) | 01:18 |
ante_ | can we please talk private | 01:18 |
Occasus | ante_, yes i just messaged you on private.... | 01:18 |
Keneo | koray, yes you can :) | 01:18 |
Occasus | koray: there's always stuff to learn :( | 01:18 |
ante_ | no | 01:18 |
agwibowo | i've just installed ubuntu server.. internet is fine.. but everytime i wanted to access a site, i have to ping that site before i can go to it (using lynx & irssi)... can anyone tell me how I can fix this? | 01:19 |
Dh3Y0 | IdleOne; yeah that makes it so much easier. I ve got a couple cigars here, wish i could give you one. | 01:19 |
GreyGhost | koray ,u can .. if u decide to install windwows thouigh.. it'll overwrite ur mbr.. which u can then overwrite with GRUB pretty easily .. | 01:19 |
Occasus | err thats weird | 01:19 |
IdleOne | ante_: busca una ventana con el nombre de Occasus , la oprimas I ayi puedes ablar in privado | 01:19 |
Occasus | agwibowo: is your DNS right? | 01:19 |
koray | hmm | 01:19 |
Occasus | Idleone, thanks | 01:19 |
agwibowo | Occasus: yeah. | 01:19 |
IdleOne | Occasus: np | 01:20 |
ante_ | who are you man | 01:20 |
pbureau | koray, what chipset/model of intel card you have ? | 01:20 |
agwibowo | Occasus: otherwise i wont be able to ping those sites, right? | 01:20 |
Occasus | agwibowo: try telnet <<sitename>> 80 | 01:20 |
Occasus | ya | 01:20 |
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Occasus | agwibowo: make sure sitename is one you havent tried yet | 01:20 |
soundray | agwibowo: did you try restarting lynx? | 01:20 |
Occasus | IdleOne, can you tell him i've messaged him on private | 01:20 |
IdleOne | Dh3Y0: I like Cubans :) | 01:20 |
agwibowo | Occasus: i just did this: telnet www.google.com 80... and somehow it translated that to | 01:20 |
=== lengau [n=lengau@c-68-53-53-39.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ante_ | im first time using this, i odnt understand anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 01:21 |
Occasus | agwibowo: WOAH nice one | 01:21 |
Occasus | ante_ look for a box named "occasus" | 01:21 |
Occasus | agwibowo: tell me your /etc/resolv.conf file | 01:21 |
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ante_ | on right | 01:21 |
cmt^^ | hur configar man mutt? | 01:21 |
cmt^^ | oh sorry | 01:21 |
frogzoo | qos: you could try altering the route directly, "sudo route add default dev VPN_DEVICE" | 01:21 |
cmt^^ | wrong channel | 01:21 |
Dh3Y0 | IdleOne; I got two cases of German cigars for my birthday | 01:21 |
koray | I work for an IT specialist at my company....I use win2003 server domain network...its possible to switch all server network systems to linux ? | 01:21 |
IdleOne | ante_: escribes /join #occasus | 01:21 |
agwibowo | Occasus: name server: (the ip address of my router box) | 01:21 |
Kajin | Sorry about the incredibly stupid question, but how do I switch Beryl themes? I can click them just like the Gnome theme manager, but nothing happens. | 01:21 |
=== martinbuntu [n=martin@82-68-75-30.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IdleOne | ayi te ayudamos | 01:22 |
ante_ | and than what | 01:22 |
Occasus | agwibowo: type dig www.google.com @ | 01:22 |
frogzoo | Kajin: right click red emerald - reload window decorator | 01:22 |
agwibowo | Occasus: umm.. and? | 01:22 |
IdleOne | ante_: do you have a new window with me and Occasus in it? | 01:22 |
Occasus | agwibowo: what dns address was returned | 01:22 |
Merijn | anyone here familiar with configuring phpmyadmin for mysql 5? | 01:23 |
=== Astaroth_ [n=tobi@dslb-084-056-207-231.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
edlang | frogzoo: thanks for the suggestion about acpi=off, that worked well. | 01:23 |
Merijn | I've been meddling for two days now | 01:23 |
Kajin | frogzoo: Ah, I was doing Reload Windows Manager before, but that didn't work. | 01:23 |
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Kajin | frogzoo: Thanks! | 01:23 |
frogzoo | edlang: nice | 01:23 |
ante_ | i dont have anything. nothing is showing on | 01:23 |
agwibowo | Occasus: where can i find that? | 01:23 |
frogzoo | Kajin: yw | 01:23 |
Occasus | agwibowo: what was output when you typed "dig www.google.com @" | 01:23 |
agwibowo | Occasus: umm. quite a lot... i am using ubuntu server atm... cant copy paste.... | 01:24 |
IdleOne | ante_: what program are you using to talk in here? | 01:24 |
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agwibowo | Occasus: but it says SERVER: | 01:24 |
Occasus | agwibowo: is there a "reply" like www.google.com A <<ip>> | 01:24 |
ante_ | X-chat | 01:24 |
agwibowo | Occasus: yeah | 01:24 |
IdleOne | ante_: did you type /join #occasus? | 01:25 |
Occasus | agwibowo: what's the ip address you get for google.com | 01:25 |
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ante_ | where????????????? | 01:25 |
IdleOne | in this window | 01:25 |
agwibowo | Occasus: i remember in the past, I have to enter the IP address of the DNS server in my router box (the web interface) for all my linux distro | 01:25 |
=== oripi_ [n=oripi@tal33-1-82-225-21-156.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
qos | frogzoo, i am trying this at the moment. but "sudo route add default dev ppp0" completly disables all internet connection ... | 01:25 |
agwibowo | Occasus: with Windows box, i can just use the ip address of the route box... | 01:25 |
Occasus | agwibowo: change the IP address dns server to something else, try using a different server (your ISP's?) | 01:25 |
agwibowo | Occasus: | 01:25 |
=== Mortuis [i=jmort@nat/ibm/x-dcf306fcfd4f3e2e] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ante_ | occasus give me fakin private talk!!!!!!! | 01:26 |
frogzoo | qos: but ppp0 isn't the right device, there's got to be an additional device for pptp | 01:26 |
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Occasus | ante_ calm down dude, i've given you private talk | 01:26 |
IdleOne | ante_: we are trying but you are not listening | 01:26 |
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agwibowo | Occasus: i guess i'll do that.... i wasnt aware of /etc/resolve.conf before.... i changed it inside /etc/network/network.conf only | 01:26 |
Occasus | ah | 01:26 |
IdleOne | ante_: you are spanish yes? | 01:26 |
qos | frogzoo, i have no idea which device ... | 01:26 |
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agwibowo | Occasus: i mean /etc/network/interfaces | 01:26 |
Occasus | agwibowo: copy your resolve.conf to private | 01:26 |
frogzoo | qos: does ifconfig show it? | 01:26 |
ante_ | but how you two guys dont understand that i am here first time, i am not getting anything | 01:27 |
qos | frogzoo, "Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/2" | 01:27 |
frogzoo | ante_: private chat isn't part of the deal here, btw | 01:27 |
ante_ | frogzoo, fuck you | 01:27 |
qos | frogzoo, i think it IS ppp0 | 01:27 |
frogzoo | qos: but you're running pptp on top of the dial up link | 01:27 |
IdleOne | ante_: I understand you are new to this now listen. in this window please type /join #occasus | 01:27 |
frogzoo | ante_: please dude, take it easy | 01:27 |
Occasus | frogzoo, lol | 01:27 |
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qos | frogzoo, yeah | 01:27 |
frogzoo | !patience | ante_ | 01:28 |
ubotu | ante_: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 01:28 |
tonyyarusso | !ohmy | ante_ | 01:28 |
ubotu | ante_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 01:28 |
IdleOne | ante_: aste con las parablas buey | 01:28 |
agwibowo | Occasus: umm.. solved for now... i just used the ip address of the dns server in the router's web interface | 01:28 |
Occasus | agwibowo: okay, let me know if you have any more trubl | 01:28 |
Occasus | e | 01:28 |
agwibowo | Occasus: thx | 01:28 |
ante_ | im not fakin spanish, i live in croatia!!! | 01:28 |
IdleOne | ok | 01:28 |
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IdleOne | sorry | 01:28 |
Occasus | agwibowo: np | 01:28 |
IdleOne | I thought you were spanish | 01:28 |
yommb | mb leave out all the f*kin... | 01:29 |
agwibowo | another question... since i am using lynx... and everytime i want to download a file from the web... it opens it directly in the browser.. i guess i have to use wget... but i dont know the url for the download.. can anybody suggest me a solution? | 01:29 |
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KomiaPoika | press d | 01:29 |
soundray | agwibowo: hit 'd' when you are on a link you want to download | 01:29 |
Merijn | nvm, fixed it | 01:29 |
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ravehanker | Can someone tell me how my USB flash disk i automounted when i plug it in | 01:30 |
agwibowo | soundray: thx1 | 01:30 |
ravehanker | I'm looking at udev rules and i don't find any explicit mount commands | 01:30 |
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Perryma1 | has anyone experience difficulties with azureus's notification window being un-closeable in dapper? | 01:30 |
mapedan | Hi! I'm haveing some trouble with sound in movies! I have installed all the codecs (I think) but I can't seem to get the sound to work in movies! | 01:30 |
mapedan | Could someone help? | 01:30 |
Occasus | mapedan, what client are you using | 01:30 |
Jowi | ravehanker, they are in /etc/fstab | 01:30 |
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ravehanker | Jonbo:- Damn! Thanks | 01:31 |
mapedan | well, I tried lots | 01:31 |
frogzoo | Perryma1: yes, and the solution is install azureus from sourceforge | 01:31 |
mapedan | :) | 01:31 |
mapedan | VLC, Kaffeine | 01:31 |
mapedan | etc | 01:31 |
Occasus | mapedan, VLC didn't work? | 01:31 |
mapedan | no | 01:31 |
Perryma1 | frogzoo: err... just install it over the one i got from the repository? | 01:31 |
Occasus | mapedan, VLC has all the codecs built in | 01:31 |
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Occasus | mapedan, sure it's not your movie file? ;) | 01:31 |
frogzoo | !azureus | Perryma1 | 01:31 |
ubotu | Perryma1: azureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo | 01:31 |
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mapedan | It could have something to do with the fact that I tried to make my sound card work on 6 channels | 01:31 |
mapedan | I'm sure their video files | 01:32 |
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mapedan | (I have image) | 01:32 |
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Occasus | mapedan, it could be, are you sure your sound is working? | 01:32 |
Perryma1 | odd that the version in the repository would be out of date? | 01:32 |
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mapedan | yes | 01:32 |
haxxxxx | haloo | 01:32 |
NIkkeonvaanproo | waht | 01:32 |
mapedan | i'm listening to some music | 01:32 |
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haxxxxx | voisko joku auttaa ongelmassa | 01:32 |
Occasus | mapedan, i see... turn the music off then try playing the movie, linux doesnt like sharing /dev/dsp | 01:32 |
agwibowo | umm.. whats that package that contains all the development software? apt-get install compile-essentials ?? | 01:32 |
mapedan | that I did not try... hope it works | 01:33 |
Occasus | mapedan, when replying to me, can you please do occasus, (so i know its to me - it highlights it in red) | 01:33 |
soundray | agwibowo: build-essential | 01:33 |
agwibowo | thx again! | 01:33 |
GreyGhost | agwibowo , build-essentials | 01:33 |
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mapedan | Occasus, will do... sorry! | 01:33 |
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Occasus | mapedan, np. | 01:33 |
agwibowo | i love this irssi btw | 01:33 |
agwibowo | it is simple... :) | 01:33 |
ravehanker | Jowi:- Will i be able to run a special program when i mount flash disk using fstab entries? | 01:34 |
Occasus | mapedan, the thing is linux sound architecture is pretty bad... it needs to be updated... two things cannot use /dev/dsp at the same time, so i suggest you look into something called AOSS | 01:34 |
Jowi | ravehanker, oh you mean that you want the usb device to mount when you plug it in? as it does in gnome? | 01:34 |
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Edward_ | Hello | 01:34 |
mapedan | Occasus, it worked!! It seems like there was a problem between keyboard and chair... Thanks! | 01:35 |
soundray | Occasus: don't say things like that, that's nonsense | 01:35 |
GreyGhost | Edward_ ,hello | 01:35 |
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agwibowo | oh... anyone knows a command line client for newsgroup ? | 01:35 |
=== Edward_ needs help | ||
frogzoo | ravehanker: under gnome: sys -> prefs -> removable drives -> auto run programs on new drives & media | 01:35 |
Occasus | mapedan, no problem | 01:35 |
ravehanker | Jowi:- it already does that, But i want to know how,i want to be able to run my code which will take the path to the new usb drive and do someone stuff with it | 01:35 |
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Occasus | soundray, what do you mean | 01:35 |
GreyGhost | !ask | Edward_ | 01:35 |
ubotu | Edward_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:35 |
ravehanker | Jowi:- It's a part of my college project | 01:35 |
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=== Edward_ and he cant tell youwhat he needs now cause hes got yet more chores to do | ||
soundray | Occasus: what you just said about the linux sound architecture | 01:35 |
Occasus | soundray, thats what i read? :P | 01:36 |
agwibowo | !ubotu help | 01:36 |
ravehanker | frogzoo:- ^^ | 01:36 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 01:36 |
agwibowo | !ubotu newsgroup | 01:36 |
ubotu | There are Ubuntu newsgroups via NNTP at news.gmane.org | 01:36 |
Jowi | ravehanker, well the "gnome-volume-properties" does that for you. if you want to do a standalone script I guess it is HAL that make it all happen and not udev directly. | 01:36 |
soundray | Occasus: what you read is circa seven years out of date then. | 01:36 |
Occasus | soundray, maybe so then :P | 01:36 |
Occasus | soundray, i just heard that /dev/dsp cannot be shared | 01:36 |
ravehanker | Jowi:- oh, So, can ubotu tell me something about HAL and where to find resources on it? | 01:36 |
agwibowo | !ubotu newsgroup client | 01:36 |
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Occasus | soundray, and i know thats true with my system (becuase it frequently irritates me) | 01:37 |
agwibowo | !ubotu newsgroup-client | 01:37 |
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soundray | Occasus: that's right, but /dev/dsp is part of the OSS concept, which has *long* been overtaken by ALSA | 01:37 |
soundray | Occasus: (although ALSA still emulates OSS) | 01:37 |
pbureau | ravehanker, HAL is in synaptic, if your looking to install it | 01:37 |
Perryma1 | curious, i go to software properties in the menu but nothing happens | 01:37 |
agwibowo | hmmm.... ubotu doesnt know command line newsgroup client | 01:37 |
Occasus | soundray, thats where AOSS comes in, no/ | 01:37 |
Occasus | *? | 01:37 |
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=== Hazem [n=Hazem@dxb-b18822.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Hazem | !grub | 01:38 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 01:38 |
soundray | Occasus: you need to configure your sound applications to use ALSA backends instead of OSS/ /dev/dsp | 01:38 |
Orbitize | Hello! I hope someone could help me getting my WLAN working. I am able to detect the network when I use iwlist scan, but I cannot connect to it, I suspect it is because the network is WPA encrypted | 01:38 |
ravehanker | pbureau:- I'm not looking to install it, I'm looking to program with it | 01:38 |
Occasus | soundray, yes i know but i gave up on doing that - it's just a little annoyance ;) | 01:38 |
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Jowi | ravehanker, good question... maybe hal-find-by-property could be useful | 01:38 |
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ravehanker | Jowi:- thanks! Will chekc that out | 01:39 |
soundray | Occasus: then don't let your laziness translate into disseminating rubbish about Linux's sound architecture. | 01:39 |
pbureau | Orbitize, check your private messages I just sent you | 01:39 |
Occasus | soundray, ooo harsh ;) | 01:39 |
soundray | Occasus: yes, too harsh | 01:39 |
soundray | Occasus: I apologize. | 01:39 |
Occasus | soundray, no need ;) | 01:40 |
Jowi | ravehanker, oh, found a better one: "lshal" | 01:40 |
ravehanker | Jowi:- Thanks! | 01:40 |
CheshireViking | would somebody check whether the web access for the factoid database at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi is working, if i try going to it, i get an internal server error message - just wondered whether there's problem, or if its just my connection | 01:40 |
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soundray | CheshireViking: no, I get that error, too | 01:41 |
CheshireViking | thanks | 01:41 |
=== joyoftech [n=joyoftec@68-70-143-149.lkwnny.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frogzoo | is there any good doc that explains hal's black magic ? | 01:41 |
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soundray | CheshireViking: Seveas must be working on it | 01:41 |
Seveas | soundray, ? | 01:42 |
Occasus | brb | 01:42 |
Seveas | ah yah, that's broken atm | 01:42 |
CheshireViking | soundray: no probs, i'll do some searching later | 01:42 |
Seveas | and will be broken for the next 8 hours or so | 01:42 |
haxxxxx | can sum1 help me at prob | 01:42 |
=== cadwallon [n=cadwallo@unifluxi.wiwi.uni-oldenburg.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | Seveas: http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi is down | 01:43 |
Seveas | <Seveas> ah yah, that's broken atm | 01:43 |
Seveas | <Seveas> and will be broken for the next 8 hours or so | 01:43 |
soundray | Seveas: okay, thanks | 01:43 |
=== cadwallon [n=cadwallo@unifluxi.wiwi.uni-oldenburg.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | :) | 01:43 |
GreyGhost | !ask | haxxxxx | 01:43 |
ubotu | haxxxxx: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:43 |
=== richard__ [n=richard@nblzone-208-40.nblnetworks.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Edward_ | OK I installed ubuntu worked great internet worked to without driver installation but after running the updater it no longer works | 01:44 |
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f|shy^ | Orbitize, install network manager it sure makes things easy | 01:44 |
MaximLevitsky | I am looking to buy a new computer. I want to buy a ASUS P5LD2 motherboard. I already searched the web and found almost no info about it's support for linux. Do you know whenever it will work under linux ( I of cource checked all o/b chips and they do have drivers under linux) I am now worring about bios bugs like I/O APIC problems , SMP problems and so on... thanks in advance | 01:44 |
=== riotkittie resists the urge to mention that the factiod site is down :x | ||
Edward_ | Thanks in advance | 01:44 |
=== fr34k [n=fr34k@kiel-4db2586e.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GreyGhost | Edward_ ,what doesn't work ? | 01:44 |
MaximLevitsky | In generall how well asus motherboards work under linux ? | 01:45 |
Edward_ | Internet | 01:45 |
riotkittie | Edward_: wired connection? wireless ? | 01:45 |
Edward_ | wired | 01:45 |
Orbitize | f|shy^: How? | 01:45 |
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Edward_ | asus p4p800 se motherboard | 01:45 |
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GreyGhost | Edward_ ,sorry...i missed that part ... | 01:45 |
Edward_ | No prolem | 01:45 |
f|shy^ | what varient are you using? | 01:45 |
GreyGhost | Edward_ ,tried looking up the configurations again ? in case the updater might have reset them? | 01:46 |
f|shy^ | gnome / kde? | 01:46 |
=== Edward_ is complete newb | ||
=== tynky [n=tynky@171.Red-81-37-130.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tynky | hola | 01:46 |
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Edward_ | the ne from the website with LTS | 01:46 |
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Orbitize | gnome | 01:46 |
f|shy^ | ok | 01:46 |
tynky | lguien habla ESPAOL? | 01:46 |
f|shy^ | start synaptic | 01:46 |
riotkittie | !es | tynky | 01:47 |
f|shy^ | update | 01:47 |
ubotu | tynky: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 01:47 |
f|shy^ | search for network manager | 01:47 |
Orbitize | but I dont have an internet connection (running wXP on dual boot now) | 01:47 |
=== Perryman [n=perryman@71-209-56-234.bois.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tynky | como? | 01:47 |
f|shy^ | oo what fun | 01:47 |
Orbitize | so I need to download the stuff I need, slap it on a CD and get it locally if thats possible | 01:47 |
Perryman | !azureus | 01:47 |
ubotu | azureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo | 01:47 |
Edward_ | synaptic? | 01:47 |
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f|shy^ | yeah its possible | 01:47 |
tynky | ESPAOL | 01:47 |
AzMoo | Edward_, how do you connect to the internet? | 01:48 |
soundray | tynky: /join #ubuntu-es | 01:48 |
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riotkittie | Edward_: i am pretty useless when it comes to networking, but open a term, type ifconfig ... do you see any interface there other than lo ? | 01:48 |
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f|shy^ | Orbitize, are you running edgy | 01:48 |
tynky | what? | 01:48 |
Orbitize | correct | 01:48 |
Edward_ | term | 01:48 |
Edward_ | ? | 01:48 |
soundray | !es | 01:48 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 01:48 |
f|shy^ | ok | 01:48 |
Edward_ | oh terminal | 01:48 |
riotkittie | terminal | 01:48 |
=== bruenig [n=a@adsl-69-155-91-38.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tynky | thank you! | 01:48 |
GreyGhost | Edward_ ,one sec | 01:49 |
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Edward_ | without having doe anything its working | 01:50 |
Edward_ | now next problem | 01:50 |
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leobuntu | im stuck @ modprobe ndiswrapper with broadcom4318 on an ancer 3004wlmi | 01:50 |
Edward_ | nvidia drivers | 01:50 |
Edward_ | I have downloaded them | 01:50 |
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Edward_ | now what? | 01:50 |
leobuntu | and same at boot time, seems to HANG then but luckyly there is magic sys rq | 01:50 |
soundray | Edward_: delete them | 01:50 |
Perryman | "Install Azureus and Sun Java by installing the following packages: *azureus *sun-java5-jre" how do they mean to install those packages? | 01:50 |
soundray | Edward_: and follow the instructions | 01:50 |
soundray | !nvidia | Edward_ | 01:50 |
ubotu | Edward_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 01:50 |
=== william [n=william@149-135-31-178.dsl.dodo.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jowi | !packages | Perryman | 01:51 |
ubotu | Perryman: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways! | 01:51 |
f|shy^ | http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/net/network-manager-gnome | 01:51 |
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f|shy^ | you will need to get the dependancies too | 01:52 |
Jowi | Perryman, "packages" are bundles of programs and their configuration files | 01:52 |
fra | we | 01:52 |
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Perryman | ok | 01:52 |
fra | per ubuntu italiano | 01:52 |
Perryman | i was following instructions from !azureus to fix my install | 01:52 |
fra | PER UBUNTU ITALIANO | 01:52 |
fra | HELP | 01:52 |
Perryman | si | 01:52 |
frogzoo | !it | 01:52 |
Jowi | !it | fra | 01:52 |
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fra | passami il canale | 01:52 |
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Perryman | io parlo un poco l'italiano | 01:52 |
fra | senno nn riesco | 01:53 |
=== Steve^ [n=Steve@host86-130-222-196.range86-130.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fra | ad entrare | 01:53 |
pbureau | !it | fra | 01:53 |
Perryman | what's the italian channel | 01:53 |
fra | mandami tutto io canale | 01:53 |
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Perryman | he wants to know | 01:53 |
=== riotkittie checks the bot for a pulse | ||
Steve^ | Hey, is there anywhere I can download a pre-built version of Gaim beta 6? | 01:53 |
Jowi | #ubuntu-it perhaps. not sure | 01:53 |
pbureau | #unbuntu-it | 01:53 |
riotkittie | i imagine #ubuntu-it ? | 01:53 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 01:53 |
ubotu | fra: please see above | 01:53 |
fra | grazie | 01:53 |
Perryman | prego | 01:53 |
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frogzoo | !anything | 01:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about anything - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:53 |
Edward_ | thanks | 01:53 |
agwibowo | exit | 01:53 |
agwibowo | quit | 01:53 |
riotkittie | its aliiiiive! | 01:54 |
leobuntu | :< | 01:54 |
=== pbureau hands the bot another cup of coffee obviously its not awake today | ||
f|shy^ | probably from the feisty repos Steve^ | 01:54 |
Perryman | always knew my 11 years of italian in school weren't wasted :) | 01:54 |
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riotkittie | Perryman: 11? wow. | 01:54 |
leobuntu | any ubuntu wlan help channel? | 01:54 |
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Perryman | yeah i started in first grade and finished in junior year of high school | 01:54 |
leobuntu | !wlan | 01:54 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wlan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:54 |
riotkittie | leobuntu: what wlan issues are you having? | 01:54 |
f|shy^ | !wifi | 01:55 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 01:55 |
leobuntu | acer 3004 wlmi laptop with broadcom 4318 | 01:55 |
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leobuntu | a dozen guides on the forum | 01:55 |
yommb | can i install compiz alongside beryl without causing too much havoc ? | 01:55 |
leobuntu | none helps | 01:55 |
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Kajin | Do you guys recommend Automatic, Easyubuntu or any other methods for getting various music and video codecs to work on a new Ubuntu install? | 01:55 |
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Perryman | !fishing | 01:56 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 01:56 |
koray | I have downloaded Realbasic2007 for linux on my desktop. How do I install it ? | 01:56 |
riotkittie | ah. ive got no broadcom experience. | 01:56 |
quaal | what is the command to get the ls to go by page | 01:56 |
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quaal | so you can press enter and see the next part of the list | 01:56 |
jrib | quaal: ls | less | 01:56 |
frogzoo | !restricted | Kajin | 01:56 |
ubotu | Kajin: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 01:56 |
riotkittie | Kajin: DO NOT use automatix!! it tends to break systems. | 01:56 |
quaal | jrib, thanks | 01:56 |
=== Atomic001 [n=atomicfi@82-38-195-78.cable.ubr04.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frogzoo | Kajin: just install the codecs manually | 01:56 |
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=== bhagabhi [n=bhagabhi@h87n4c1o269.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IdleOne | !automatix > Kajin | 01:56 |
Kajin | Yeah, that's Easyubuntu and Automatic do, right? Just automated. | 01:57 |
Kajin | *Automatix | 01:57 |
Kajin | *that's what | 01:57 |
Kajin | Wow, I'm severly typo'ing today. | 01:57 |
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devilsadvocate | Kajin, they tend to screw up your sources.list , for starters | 01:57 |
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quaal | damn | 01:58 |
Kajin | devilsadvocate: That's what Automatix did on my previous system. >,< | 01:58 |
quaal | still no luck finding /dev/mapper | 01:58 |
frogzoo | Kajin: the questions not really if they work or not, but what you can do when they bork your setup | 01:58 |
quaal | anyone tried mounting a ntfs raid-0 partition ? | 01:58 |
quaal | using this guide http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2557 | 01:58 |
Kajin | frogzoo: Good point, I think I'll just install everything manually, just to be sure. | 01:58 |
devilsadvocate | Kajin, :D . thats why you dont use them | 01:58 |
quaal | cant find the /dev/mapper in step 5 | 01:58 |
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koray | I have downloaded Realbasic2007 for linux on my desktop. How do I install it ? | 01:59 |
Kajin | frogzoo, riotkittie, devilsadvocate, thank you all for the advice! | 01:59 |
IdleOne | koray: extract the folder and read the README file | 01:59 |
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barracuda | hey everyone | 02:00 |
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IdleOne | heya barracuda | 02:01 |
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barracuda | hey Idleone | 02:01 |
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=== Myk0 [n=mikeball@89-139-156-197.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== Steve^ [n=steve@host86-130-222-196.range86-130.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
barracuda | I wonder if someone can help me sort out my codecs problem in kubuntu 6.10, I can't seem to be able to play avi files | 02:02 |
Kajin | This is awesome, the Windows XP desktop switcher used to make screenshots of all my desktops when previewing, so they wouldn't update. But with Beryl I can just rotate to one side, check up on IRC and rotate back without going out of cube-spinning-mode. | 02:03 |
Kajin | I'm loving this. | 02:03 |
=== OrT [n=xtreme@d54C1EAB0.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Myk0 | problem: been trying to install ubuntu PPC on my powerbook g4, ran into error on livecd, tried 6.10 desktop / alternate 6.06 desktop all PPc properly burnt isos..... restart the comp , and it read the disk then just freezes in a white screen..... tried to reset NVRAM AND PRAM didnt help even tried to boot from opensource still no help .... any ideas guys????? | 02:03 |
frogzoo | !restricted | barracuda | 02:03 |
ubotu | barracuda: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:03 |
Jowi | ravehanker, guess what. run "dbus-monitor" in a terminal and plug in a usb device. I think that's the easiest info util you can find. | 02:03 |
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ravehanker | Jowi:- ok | 02:03 |
Myk0 | any ideas guys? | 02:04 |
AzMoo | Kajin, Yeah, beryl is sweet. I love it. | 02:04 |
yommb | lsusb ? | 02:04 |
Steve^ | I'm trying to install gaim beta 6 using these instructions: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2039621&postcount=3 But when I ./configure, I get an error: C compiler cannot create executables. Any ideas? | 02:04 |
=== prower [n=prower@CPE00c0f02bcce7-CM00169243ec4c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
barracuda | cheers Ubotu.. even if you happen to be a bot :) | 02:04 |
=== MKA [n=MKA@p54A83973.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IdleOne | Steve^: sudoa pt-get install build-essential | 02:04 |
IdleOne | Steve^: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 02:04 |
prower | Hello :> Anyone know what might be causing this to show up in my logs? APIC: error on CPU0: 60(60) | 02:04 |
=== seraphim [n=seraphim@e179132233.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
agliv5 | Greetings :) got a few diffrent issues with ubuntu, but first does anyone have experience with using ares galaxy to download torrents? | 02:04 |
Myk0 | idleone, im back :P | 02:04 |
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=== Narses [n=Narses@ABordeaux-256-1-14-73.w90-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IdleOne | Myk0: yeah I see :) | 02:05 |
Steve^ | thanks IdleOne | 02:05 |
Myk0 | idleone: someone must have answers!!!! im telling u im really loosing hope | 02:05 |
IdleOne | Steve^: that will solve the C issue then try install gaim beta again | 02:05 |
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soundray | prower: I get those all the time, they don't seem to cause any further trouble... but I, too, would like to know what's going on | 02:05 |
IdleOne | Myk0: I had same issues with my G3 I gave up on it when I smashed the machine :( | 02:05 |
andy | hello there, how can I change the font of the topbar in gnome? | 02:05 |
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Myk0 | god damn pcc, i386 so much easier | 02:05 |
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hayden | where can i find the source code for rm and mv? | 02:06 |
Myk0 | idleone: i want to throw the laptop out the window | 02:06 |
Perryman | i've followed the instructions at !azureus but the message still seems stuck... perhaps i need a reboot? | 02:06 |
Myk0 | and buy a dell!!! :P | 02:06 |
IdleOne | Myk0: no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 02:06 |
IdleOne | hehe | 02:06 |
NET||abuse | hey guys.. does anyone have a good method for making a flexible dual-head configuration for their laptop, which may be plugged into different screens at different times .. or not at all,, | 02:06 |
prower | soundray: Yeah, they don't seem to cause much trouble...I know that if I put pci=noacpi in the boot options for grub they go away, but I'd rather not entirely disable ACPI just for the sake of that, you know | 02:06 |
jrib | hayden: apt-get source coreutils | 02:06 |
hayden | jrib, thanks | 02:06 |
AzMoo | Perryman, unless you're playing with your kernel you don't need a reboot. | 02:06 |
tonyyarusso | hayden: in the source of the coreutils pkg most likley | 02:06 |
Myk0 | idleone: damnit im sick of apple issues, with osx i just want to go back to linux, this is the only distro ive ever had problems installing | 02:06 |
Myk0 | its driving me nutz! | 02:06 |
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=== TaraVie [n=taranis@chello212186070124.1.14.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | prower: my BIOS has an APIC related option. If I disable that, I don't get the error any more. | 02:07 |
Myk0 | how much better is ubuntu than standard debian? | 02:07 |
agwibowo | any idea with the following: W: GPG error: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com edgy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because ? | 02:07 |
soundray | !best | Myk0 | 02:07 |
ubotu | Myk0: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. | 02:07 |
IdleOne | Myk0: have you tried posting to the ubuntu forums? might be ppl there who know the answer | 02:07 |
NET||abuse | I'd be happy to keep the configuration so that it always sits to the left or right of the laptop screen, just that it can extend the desktop into to 2 regions, for each screen?? anyone managed this before? | 02:07 |
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Myk0 | idleone: yea i have been posting for a week now, seems that some people have hte same issue! | 02:07 |
Perryman | AzMoo: i was told of some method to fix dialogs not going away in azureus when you click them, and the link i was given told me to install certain packages but the problem still seems to be there | 02:07 |
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Myk0 | anyone know how much ubuntu is easier to install than debian 3.0? | 02:08 |
prower | soundray: Hmm...maybe I'll have to check that out, thanks | 02:08 |
=== blahish [n=Dogbert@124-168-105-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Myk0 | damn live cds hate my comp! | 02:08 |
Perryman | Myk0: have you tried the alternative install | 02:08 |
blahish | <--- :S | 02:08 |
AzMoo | Perryman, I don't know the answer. I was just mentioning that with linux you very, very rarely need to reboot. | 02:08 |
Perryman | it solves a lot of the issues | 02:08 |
NET||abuse | or is there some kind of atidriver config for the open source driver like there is fglrxconfig | 02:08 |
Myk0 | perryman , im going to recopy the issue | 02:08 |
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Perryman | AzMoo: ah. i just installed linux-686 though so i do need one now :) | 02:08 |
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Myk0 | problem: been trying to install ubuntu PPC on my powerbook g4, ran into error on livecd, tried 6.10 desktop / alternate 6.06 desktop all PPc properly burnt isos..... restart the comp , and it read the disk then just freezes in a white screen..... tried to reset NVRAM AND PRAM didnt help even tried to boot from opensource still no help .... any ideas guys????? | 02:09 |
IdleOne | Myk0: the ubuntu install is 6 clicks and enter name and password. when it works for you but with ppc it seems to be difficult for some reason | 02:09 |
blahish | anyone have time to help a newbie? | 02:09 |
AzMoo | Perryman, hah, yes, indeed you do. | 02:09 |
agwibowo | quit | 02:09 |
IdleOne | blahish: ask away someone will try to help | 02:09 |
Myk0 | idleone: that easy huh! | 02:09 |
Edward_ | OK looks like ive installed my graphics | 02:09 |
blahish | or, a wouldbe newbie haha | 02:09 |
Myk0 | ahhhhh i want | 02:09 |
Myk0 | perryman: any ideas? | 02:09 |
Edward_ | are there any cool 3d apps installed i can test it with | 02:09 |
ipv144 | hi @ all, i wanna load an modul "dazuko" permanently. i addet it in /etc/modules but it isnt loaded. | 02:09 |
Perryman | myk0 have you tried any other boot cds | 02:10 |
ipv144 | dmesg sais : [17179603.296000] dazuko: failed to register | 02:10 |
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soundray | Edward_: 'glxgears -printfps' | 02:10 |
blahish | well, i currently use windows and im thinking about switching to linux. but im clueless and terrified hahah | 02:10 |
ipv144 | anybody can help? | 02:10 |
Myk0 | perryman: tried 6.10 edgy desktop & alternate and 6.06 dapper desktop cd | 02:10 |
Se1 | hello, who can help me to find an "Qt library" ? | 02:10 |
Perryman | Myk0: do you just get sad mac? or do you g et a specific error | 02:10 |
blahish | this is what happens when you get stuck in windows land for way too long | 02:10 |
Myk0 | sad mac? | 02:10 |
Se1 | configure: error: "Qt library is required to compile VyQChat!" | 02:10 |
AzMoo | blahish, don't be scared. Worst that happens is you end up reinstalling windows. | 02:10 |
soundray | blahish: what's the worst thing that could happen if something goes wrong? | 02:10 |
yommb | never had probs with ppc | 02:10 |
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Perryman | oh is it a new mac | 02:10 |
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IdleOne | blahish: you can try the ubuntu Live CD it runs completly off the cd and doesnt touch your HD until you are ready for a complete insall | 02:10 |
Edward_ | lol ty | 02:10 |
Edward_ | I said COOL | 02:11 |
Myk0 | perryman: just boots with the live cds, goes gray, then refresh and goes blank white screen | 02:11 |
Myk0 | its a 2 year old 1.33 ghz powerbook g4 | 02:11 |
Se1 | is on ubuntu this package?? | 02:11 |
Perryman | the live cd gives you the boot menu? | 02:11 |
blahish | it just seems difficult thats all. i read one thing and it lists other things i need to look at and those things list more things i need to read and im just getting confused | 02:11 |
Jowi | Se1, "apt-cache search -n libqt dev" | 02:11 |
Myk0 | perryman: no it doesnt, i dont get that far | 02:11 |
soundray | Edward_: I can't think of anything cooler than glxgears -- maybe planetpenguin-racer ;) | 02:11 |
AzMoo | hah tuxracer! | 02:11 |
Myk0 | even tried opensource boot --livecd , and it says cant load yaboot | 02:11 |
Myk0 | it seems as if its not bootable | 02:11 |
Myk0 | the disk maybe | 02:12 |
Perryman | how far does the alt install go | 02:12 |
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IdleOne | blahish: remember the first time you tried to walk? that was scary also but if you dont take the first step you wont get anywhere :) | 02:12 |
Myk0 | perryman: as far as the damn white screen!!! | 02:12 |
Perryman | same thing? | 02:12 |
Se1 | jowi found something | 02:12 |
Perryman | hm | 02:12 |
Occasus | IdleOne, thanks man :) | 02:12 |
Perryman | i dunno my ppc doesn't support linux | 02:12 |
Edward_ | hat wont run | 02:12 |
Edward_ | no screen savers or something | 02:12 |
Myk0 | i wonder if its a.) hardware related or b. ) just hates linux | 02:12 |
Perryman | so i havent really had the chance to test those builds out | 02:12 |
blahish | and i keep readng things about partitions etc and argh. | 02:12 |
IdleOne | Occasus: no problem :) | 02:12 |
Jowi | Se1, check which one you need and "sudo apt-get install packagename" | 02:12 |
Perryman | ppc + linux is very tough | 02:12 |
Occasus | i'm actually at work atm :P | 02:12 |
Myk0 | perryman: ive seen videos online with alot of peoploe with ubuntu powerbooks | 02:12 |
Perryman | and not extremely popular | 02:13 |
Myk0 | how is this possible, ! | 02:13 |
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Perryman | i have a powerbook 166cx | 02:13 |
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daveyates | i am running ubuntu 6.10 on a ppc g4 | 02:13 |
Myk0 | perryman: could it be the bootdisks? livecds? | 02:13 |
Perryman | it specifically does not support ppc linux.. heh | 02:13 |
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Myk0 | perryman: it can load osx no problem , there boot disk | 02:13 |
GreyGhost | Myk0 ,i read long ago .. on some site about enabling some flag in case u have boot prolems.. | 02:13 |
blahish | so using it from a cd is like a test run and wont hurt anything? | 02:13 |
soundray | blahish: the ubuntu installer takes care of most of the complicated stuff. Backup your data, then if something goes wrong, nothing is lost. | 02:13 |
Myk0 | greyghost: which flag ??? | 02:13 |
soundray | blahish: exactly | 02:13 |
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IdleOne | blahish: thats right | 02:14 |
blahish | and what happens if i needed to run a windows program? | 02:14 |
Myk0 | could it be because i already have osx on my drive and its not a clean install? | 02:14 |
Perryman | nah | 02:14 |
Edward_ | Can I change display resolution to 1600X1200 | 02:14 |
Occasus | blahish: wine :P | 02:14 |
Perryman | it's booting the cd | 02:14 |
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Perryman | and something is going wrong | 02:14 |
soundray | blahish: ubuntu installs dualboot by default. Each time you boot, you will be asked which OS you want to run | 02:14 |
Myk0 | yea its like the video card is freezing up or something | 02:14 |
Perryman | there may be some other step you have to take | 02:14 |
Perryman | it's most likely a hardware issue | 02:15 |
blahish | oh really? well that solves that problem!! | 02:15 |
Kajin | Whenever I start my Beryl Session, beryl-manager auto-loads, but I have to right-click it and select Beryl instead of Metacity everytime I log in. Is there a way to change that so it loads Beryl by default? | 02:15 |
Myk0 | i tried resetting power management, and NVRAM | 02:15 |
blahish | phew | 02:15 |
Jowi | !resolution | Edward_ | 02:15 |
ubotu | Edward_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 02:15 |
Myk0 | like it said on the forums, didnt help | 02:15 |
Perryman | for example i have a SATA dvd combo drive that slows linux down by 3 -5 minutes | 02:15 |
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Perryman | and causes numerous crashes | 02:15 |
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Sender | hello | 02:15 |
Edward_ | "event not found" | 02:15 |
Perryman | it could be un-fixable, the best you can do is keep looking and asking | 02:15 |
blahish | and ubuntu is good for beginners yes? [cant believe how many linux distributions there are!!!] | 02:15 |
Myk0 | perryman: i do have a dvd rom thats aftermarket apple | 02:16 |
Sender | anyone here cross compiled glib before? | 02:16 |
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Myk0 | but i doubt that will do it | 02:16 |
soundray | blahish: I can't think of a better one for beginners | 02:16 |
AzMoo | blahish, in my opinion ubuntu is the best for beginners. | 02:16 |
Sender | im gettting an error concerning gettext while gettext is installed... | 02:16 |
GreyGhost | Myk0 , try searching Ggoogle ..i forgot which one it was :( | 02:16 |
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AzMoo | :p | 02:16 |
Steve^ | In these gaim installation instructions, it says "sudo (checkinstall) make install", what exactly is the checkinstall bit? Does it want () round it? | 02:16 |
Myk0 | greyghost: what should i search cuz ive searched the ENTIRE google. i finished the internet :) | 02:16 |
Perryman | how does wine handle programs that need direct x? | 02:17 |
GreyGhost | Myk0 ,it was on ppcnerds or something ... | 02:17 |
blahish | and can linux do practically everything windows can? [not exactly, like equivalents of programs etc] | 02:17 |
jrib | Sender: do you have the dev packages for gettext? you know glib is packaged right? | 02:17 |
blahish | i must sound like such an idiot | 02:17 |
Myk0 | greyghost: what exactly am i searching for | 02:17 |
koray | I downloaded Realbasic2007 and extracted all the f'les to my desktop....what should I do now ? | 02:17 |
Perryman | blahish: in most cases linux is superior to windows | 02:17 |
AzMoo | Perryman, that's a bit subjective ;) | 02:17 |
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Perryman | well, if i didn't play so many games, i wouldn't need windows | 02:17 |
Steve^ | I'd say it's better than windows in everything but the range of software | 02:17 |
Sender | jrib...got the libgetttextlib library installed...(cross compiled as well)....what do u mean abour glib? | 02:18 |
Perryman | i havent been playing any in a few days and i've been using ubuntu since | 02:18 |
tonyyarusso | blahish: It is slightly lacking in book publishing and games, greater in server applications and customizability, equivalent in just about everything else. | 02:18 |
Steve^ | and then it depends on your taste of software | 02:18 |
peace-keeper | how can i set ubuntu to boot in text (console) mode ? | 02:18 |
GreyGhost | Myk0 something like "ppc ubuntu boot problem" ..thats what i remember someone els asked and i searched...i dont remember if it worked for him or not.. | 02:18 |
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soundray | blahish: most programs have equivalents. Linux has some weak spots, mostly where proprietary technologies are concerned. For example, there is no editor for flash animations as far as I know. | 02:18 |
=== Keneo [n=jens@86-39-0-134.customer.fulladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blahish | so i will need to play games in windows? or is there a program i can use to play them in linux? | 02:18 |
reysan | hello | 02:18 |
Occasus | hi | 02:18 |
Sender | the error i get when configuring glib is : "You must have either have gettext support in your C library, or use the GNU gettext library. (http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/gettext.html" | 02:18 |
koray | I downloaded Realbasic2007 and extracted all the f'les to my desktop....what should I do now ? | 02:18 |
GreyGhost | Myk0 ,"People having problems at the boot can follow the suggestions given at the prompt: appending an use offb option to the kernel parameters." | 02:19 |
=== mobal [n=mobal@dsl51B7B86A.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AzMoo | blahish, you can use wine to play some, but most new ones will require windows. | 02:19 |
geo- | blahish you can get some to run in wine, may be a pain to get the game you want working though | 02:19 |
Myk0 | greyghost: can u link me that url | 02:19 |
Occasus | blashish: i managed to get World of Warcraft to work in linux (ubuntu 6.10 Edgy) | 02:19 |
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soundray | blahish: just explore the games that are available for Linux already | 02:19 |
blahish | ahh k. and is there an easy way to switch between linux and windows? do i have to reboot everytime to go back and forth? | 02:19 |
geo- | I also play wow in edgy | 02:19 |
AzMoo | soundray, they don't really compare. | 02:19 |
koray | I downloaded Realbasic2007 and extracted all the f'les to my desktop....what should I do now ? | 02:19 |
jrib | !info libglib2.0-dev | Sender | 02:19 |
ubotu | sender: libglib2.0-dev: Development files for the GLib library. In component main, is optional. Version 2.12.4-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 520 kB, installed size 2052 kB | 02:19 |
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grndslm | why is my processor's MHz rating comin' up short when i cat /proc/cpuinfo? i know it is much faster than what it displays! | 02:20 |
jrib | Sender: I mean there's no point in compiling it since it is packaged | 02:20 |
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soundray | peace-keeper: 'sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove' | 02:20 |
Occasus | does anyone play Unreal tournament on ubuntu | 02:20 |
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Sender | jrib...that will not help me... | 02:20 |
koray | I downloaded Realbasic2007 and extracted all the f'les to my desktop....what should I do now ? | 02:20 |
peace-keeper | i dont want to remove it, just set it not to start automatically | 02:20 |
soundray | grndslm: because it scales the frequency down if there aren't any heavy tasks to do | 02:20 |
jrib | Sender: how come? | 02:20 |
Occasus | peace-keeper: it doesnt remove it, it just removes it from the bootup :) | 02:20 |
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soundray | peace-keeper: this command won't remove it, just disable it. | 02:21 |
peace-keeper | ah :) | 02:21 |
Occasus | ;) | 02:21 |
peace-keeper | and how do i start it manually later ? | 02:21 |
Sender | im cross compiling gtk for ARM ....in order to do that i need ARM binaries of glib...downloading a binary will be of no use | 02:21 |
blahish | anyone? | 02:21 |
soundray | peace-keeper: re-enable with 'sudo update-rc.d -f gdm defaults' | 02:21 |
Occasus | peace-keeper /etc/init.d/gdm start | 02:21 |
Perryman | blahish: yes | 02:21 |
grndslm | soundray: i have an amd 2000+xp & 1600+xp...but according to cat /proc/cpuinfo....the 1600 is always faster | 02:21 |
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mistform | damnit | 02:21 |
mistform | upgrdae | 02:21 |
mistform | uupgrdade | 02:21 |
mobal | hy' | 02:21 |
mistform | upgrade | 02:21 |
mistform | I SPELLED IT right | 02:22 |
Perryman | blahish: you can partition your hard drive, or use multiple hard drives, and use a partition manager which gives you a menu of which operating system you wish to boot when you reboot | 02:22 |
soundray | grndslm: which particular figure are you looking at? | 02:22 |
barracuda | Question on how codecs are used in Linux, Does evey multimedia applicationn needs the codec to be installed in one particular path or installing the codec will allow all multimedia apps access to that codec? | 02:22 |
Myk0 | ok no luck im going to repost again sorry guys | 02:22 |
Perryman | np gl | 02:22 |
Sender | what i do not understand is why the configuration cant find gettext.... | 02:22 |
Myk0 | problem: been trying to install ubuntu PPC on my powerbook g4, ran into error on livecd, tried 6.10 desktop / alternate 6.06 desktop all PPc properly burnt isos..... restart the comp , and it read the disk then just freezes in a white screen..... tried to reset NVRAM AND PRAM didnt help even tried to boot from opensource still no help .... any ideas guys????? | 02:22 |
AzMoo | barracuda, use mplayer, then you don't need to worry about codecs :p | 02:22 |
blahish | so i cant just flick between windows and linux. i have to reboot everytime? | 02:22 |
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AzMoo | blahish, yep. | 02:22 |
jrib | Sender: try sudo apt-get build-dep libglib2.0-dev then | 02:22 |
Steve^ | Gaim says I need an SSL Library to use MSN on it.. which library would that be? | 02:22 |
grndslm | soundray: sorry to cut & paste | 02:23 |
grndslm | model name : AMD Athlon(TM) XP 1600+ | 02:23 |
grndslm | stepping : 2 | 02:23 |
grndslm | cpu MHz : 1396.727 | 02:23 |
grndslm | model name : AMD Athlon(tm) | 02:23 |
grndslm | stepping : 2 | 02:23 |
Perryman | myk0 have you tried posting at linuxquestions and ubuntu forums? | 02:23 |
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grndslm | cpu MHz : 1250.181 | 02:23 |
blahish | hmmm | 02:23 |
barracuda | azMoo I installed mplayer and I still can't see or hear a thing :( | 02:23 |
Sender | i keep getting ""You must have either have gettext support in your C library, or use the GNU gettext library" | 02:23 |
koray | I downloaded Realbasic2007 and extracted all the f'les to my desktop....what should I do now ? | 02:23 |
grndslm | soundray: the latter is the xp 2000+ | 02:23 |
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Myk0 | perryman: yes ive been posting on ubuntu forums for a week no 1 seems to know | 02:23 |
Sender | but getttext is installed and in the path | 02:23 |
AzMoo | barracuda, what filetype are you trying to play? | 02:23 |
blahish | that seems inconvenient if i just wanted to use something in windows for 2 seconds | 02:23 |
soundray | grndslm: don't cut and paste | 02:23 |
blahish | rebooting everytime :/ | 02:23 |
soundray | !pastebin | grndslm | 02:23 |
ubotu | grndslm: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:23 |
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GreyGhost | Myk0 ,official link broken , (google cache | 02:23 |
AzMoo | blahish, most likely anything that takes two seconds in windows can be done in linux. | 02:23 |
Perryman | blahish: you can get a windows emulator for that, but how often would you really want to boot into windows | 02:24 |
Perryman | blahish: what do you mainly use your computer for | 02:24 |
barracuda | Azmoo just the usual avi, mpeg | 02:24 |
Myk0 | greyghost: just read it, doesnt seem to have an eanswer | 02:24 |
Occasus | blashish: there's always the option of using VMware | 02:24 |
blahish | an emulator? | 02:24 |
grndslm | soundray: sorry, didn't think it was too long...anyways, the xp 2000+ should be a good bit faster | 02:24 |
blahish | pretty much just surfing the net and a few games | 02:24 |
peace-keeper | can i disable the graphical splash screen during boot ? | 02:24 |
AzMoo | barracuda, codecs aren't the issue. Mplayer can play all that by default. | 02:24 |
GreyGhost | Myk0 , :( | 02:24 |
jeroenvrplaptop | > I have a RT2500 Ralink wifi usb stick -- I see in Adept that I can/must build the driver/module myself; is there also a binary version somewhere? | 02:24 |
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soundray | grndslm: it probably is, independent of the clock frequency | 02:24 |
Perryman | peace-keeper: yes | 02:24 |
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koray | please help me | 02:25 |
koray | heeeeelp | 02:25 |
koray | I downloaded Realbasic2007 and extracted all the f'les to my desktop....what should I do now ? | 02:25 |
peace-keeper | how? :) | 02:25 |
Perryman | peace-keeper: one of the conf files.... not sure | 02:25 |
grndslm | soundray: so, i shouldn't worry about it? is there any otherway to check for processor info? | 02:25 |
Edward_ | I remember seeing something about ubuntu haveing a cube that you could rotate to see different desktops | 02:25 |
Myk0 | damnit | 02:25 |
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Perryman | peace-keeper: possibly in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 02:25 |
Edward_ | or is that a different distro | 02:25 |
Perryman | when it boots there's a command line option for no splash | 02:25 |
jrib | Edward_: you can use compiz or beryl for that | 02:25 |
soundray | peace-keeper: remove 'splash' from the line in /boot/grub/menu.lst that starts with "#kopt=" then run 'sudo update-grub' | 02:26 |
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barracuda | AzMoo I have another installation of ubunto and now I upgraded to kubunto because I prefer working in kde, everything worked fine before but this install of kubunto is all problematic | 02:26 |
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Steve^ | Once I've installed Gaim beta 6, how do I remove it? (I need to try again with SSL) | 02:26 |
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GreyGhost | Myk0 , edgy right? | 02:26 |
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Myk0 | greyghost: edgy and dapper | 02:26 |
GreyGhost | !beryl | Edward_ | 02:26 |
blahish | ok, well. im off to download the cd. wish me luck everyone! | 02:26 |
ubotu | Edward_: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 02:26 |
soundray | grndslm: you could write a script that executes some typical tasks that you use your machines for and compare how fast it runs on the two machines | 02:26 |
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Occasus | beryl rocks | 02:27 |
Occasus | ;) | 02:27 |
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AzMoo | barracuda, can't help you withthat one, sorry. I know absolutely nothing about kubuntu. | 02:27 |
peace-keeper | ahhhhh! i disable gdm; and now at the end of booting the splash screen stays FOREVER and i can do nothing !! | 02:27 |
GreyGhost | Myk0 ,hmm.. known problem wwith dapper it seems... dont know tbout edgy ..https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/42305 | 02:27 |
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barracuda | Cheers AzMoo :) | 02:27 |
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peace-keeper | shit | 02:27 |
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soundray | !ohmy | peace-keeper | 02:27 |
ubotu | peace-keeper: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 02:27 |
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freaky_ | anyone know what package provides cd-info? | 02:28 |
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soundray | peace-keeper: boot in recovery mode and re-enable gdm | 02:28 |
Myk0 | greyghost im waiting for it to laod | 02:28 |
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AzMoo | Edward_, beryl can be an absolute bitch to get running. If you're willing to learn a lot, take a look. Prettiest window manager I've ever seen. | 02:28 |
frogzoo | freaky_: dpkg -S | 02:28 |
grndslm | soundray: i do believe that the athlon xp 2000+ isn't getting recognized as that since it's not listed as the "xp 2000+" model and also in the /proc/cpuinfo file, the "bogomips" are faster on the xp 1600+...2796 to 2503.... | 02:28 |
freaky_ | frogzoo: does that work if i don't have it yet | 02:28 |
grndslm | something's not right | 02:28 |
Edward_ | ok thanks anyway | 02:28 |
frogzoo | freaky_: no it doesnt' | 02:28 |
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taizi | hello | 02:28 |
freaky_ | frogzoo: quite useless then :) | 02:29 |
jrib | Steve^: how did you install it? | 02:29 |
soundray | grndslm: the bogomips don't mean a thing with regard to the speed of real computing tasks. | 02:29 |
frogzoo | freaky_: check ubuntu packages then | 02:29 |
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freaky_ | frogzoo: couldn't find it, only see vcd info library | 02:29 |
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kolla | gdm as login manager, select KDE as session, log in.. fire up konsole and try to configure it to use transparent background | 02:30 |
kolla | here it worn work | 02:30 |
peace-keeper | ah theres a stupid "splash" flag in boot which messes my screen up | 02:30 |
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kolla | tab 2+ in konsole gets solid colour background | 02:30 |
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kolla | with kdm it works | 02:30 |
Edward_ | Well im extremly impressed with the 3d screen savers | 02:30 |
koray | I downloaded Realbasic2007 and extracted all the f'les to my desktop....what should I do now ? | 02:30 |
yuesefa | i don't want my lighttpd start automaticlly. Could i just delete the file /etc/init.d/lighttpd? | 02:30 |
barracuda | Kaffeine is a decent player, I can even scan successfully for channels, the picture is also ok .. but the sound is totally absent ? I also get codec missing error when I try to play an avi file, is there a codec package that I can install to help with this prob ?? | 02:30 |
grndslm | soundray: so would it help to switch processors in these mobos? and see if the other one recognizes the 2000+? or should i just time some heavy command? | 02:30 |
soundray | peace-keeper: did you follow my suggestion re. /boot/grub/menu.lst ? | 02:30 |
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frogzoo | Edward_: rss-glx ? | 02:30 |
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phrozen_one_ | can anyone help me? I want to be able to have the hw address for my pcmcia atheros card to be changed after plugging it in. I have been working with /etc/network/interfaces but that doesnt do it either? | 02:31 |
peace-keeper | soundray yeah thx | 02:31 |
Edward_ | rss glx??? | 02:31 |
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Myk0 | grehghost: i swear i thinks its the video card!!! | 02:31 |
Steve^ | jrib, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2039621&postcount=3 | 02:31 |
Edward_ | anyone know of andy linux demoscenes | 02:31 |
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frogzoo | !rss-glx | Edward_ | 02:31 |
ubotu | edward_: rss-glx: Really Slick Screensavers GLX Port. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.1-3ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 3123 kB, installed size 4308 kB | 02:31 |
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jrib | Steve^: that's ambiguous, did you use checkinstall or make install? | 02:32 |
frogzoo | Edward_: which 3d screen savers did you mean? | 02:32 |
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Jowi | Phrozen_One, you mean change it from eth0 to eth1 or something? | 02:32 |
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soundray | grndslm: personally, I wouldn't be bothered. Both your CPUs run at reasonable speed, and a clock frequency difference of twenty or thirty percent goes unnoticed during regular desktop use anyway. | 02:32 |
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peace-keeper | how do i enable dhclient ? | 02:32 |
Lynoure | phrozen_one_: Are you asking help for spoofing the MAC or something else? | 02:32 |
Steve^ | jrib, make install, as I didn't understand the checkinstall bit | 02:32 |
phrozen_one_ | Jowi, the mac address of the card | 02:32 |
phrozen_one_ | Lynoure, yes pretty much | 02:32 |
Edward_ | the ones that come with the LTS version | 02:32 |
Lynoure | phrozen_one_: Tell me why, first. :) | 02:33 |
jrib | Steve^: you can try 'sudo make uninstall' in the same place you ran the command 'sudo make install' but there are no guarantess that an uninstall rule exists | 02:33 |
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jrib | !checkinstall | Steve^ | 02:33 |
ravehanker | How can i find out the path to a newly mounted Flash disk , when it's being mounted | 02:33 |
ubotu | Steve^: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running! | 02:33 |
phrozen_one_ | Lynoure, I know how to do so using ifconfig, but not through ubuntus scripts | 02:33 |
Jowi | !info macchanger | 02:33 |
ubotu | macchanger: utility for manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.5.0-1 (edgy), package size 85 kB, installed size 320 kB | 02:33 |
frogzoo | ravehanker: df or mount | 02:33 |
soundray | ravehanker: 'mount | tail -n 1 ' | 02:33 |
phrozen_one_ | Jowi, I don't want the utility, I just want to know how to add the command to a script so it runs upon being inserted | 02:34 |
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ravehanker | Soundray:- frogzoo:- I want to programmatically scan the files of a USB disk when it's mounted | 02:34 |
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Steve^ | jrib, so I would type "sudo checkinstall", rather than "sudo make install" ? | 02:34 |
phrozen_one_ | Lynoure, its to gain access to my school network, my wired interface is "on" the net, and I want to use my wireless interface atm | 02:34 |
jrib | Steve^: yeah | 02:34 |
jbinder | hi | 02:35 |
Jowi | Phrozen_One, can't help with that | 02:35 |
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jrib | phrozen_one_: you can probably write a udev rule | 02:35 |
un0p | ravehanker, and acomplish what exactly by scanning those files? | 02:35 |
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ravehanker | un0p:- Print them :) It's a part of my college project | 02:35 |
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soundray | ravehanker: are you on gnome? | 02:35 |
Myk0 | where do i check the right md5 in order to compare the downloaded isos i just got??????? | 02:35 |
phrozen_one_ | jrib, I only know of udev as being associated with the kernel, possibly a filesystem related thing? | 02:35 |
un0p | ravehanker, this simple command should help -- find /path/to/flashdisk | 02:36 |
jrib | phrozen_one_: oh I thought you were the one asking about the usb stick, but I guess that is ravehanker | 02:36 |
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soundray | Myk0: README.md5sums where you got the isos. | 02:36 |
Myk0 | ^ | 02:36 |
gili | hello | 02:36 |
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un0p | !hi | 02:36 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 02:36 |
Lynoure | phrozen_one_: So, what's wrong with just using hwaddress ether? | 02:36 |
gili | what port does Remote desktop use in edgyt | 02:36 |
gili | ? | 02:36 |
ravehanker | Soundray:- yes, right now i'm planning to do it on gnome, I will later have to do the same thing on a network processor running Snapgear linux | 02:36 |
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Myk0 | soundray: i did a md5 iso.iso in terminal it gave me one long number, in the readme file theres a lot of md5s in there | 02:36 |
Myk0 | ! | 02:36 |
un0p | gili, 590x depending on the desktop used | 02:37 |
phrozen_one_ | Lynoure, I would like it automatically done transparently to me....aka "lazy" | 02:37 |
GreyGhost | Myk0 , ok .. totally out of the world plan ... try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD i dont know if there is a ppc image acvailable thugh.. | 02:37 |
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Slike | hello, how do i change the default runlevel in ubuntu edgy (since there is no inittab)? | 02:37 |
gili | un0p: ok | 02:37 |
Lynoure | phrozen_one_: hwaddress ether is damn lazy in the interfaces file | 02:37 |
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phrozen_one_ | oh, sorry Lynoure misunderstood you | 02:37 |
jrib | ravehanker: use a udev rule that runs a script when you plug in the usb stick | 02:37 |
gili | i thought that . but it saays online somewhere that it is 3389 | 02:37 |
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Myk0 | greyghost: which one should i try??? | 02:38 |
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phrozen_one_ | Lynoure, I tried what I feel is the correct way to implement that into the file, it didn't change the hw address though? | 02:38 |
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soundray | Myk0: well, you know which one you downloaded, and the README should state the names, too. | 02:38 |
grndslm | soundray: the thing is that I'm trying to use the faster one on my mythtv backend...so that it can automatically flag commercial breaks, etc.... | 02:38 |
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Lynoure | phrozen_one_: Did you bring the interface down and up to test it? | 02:38 |
gili | so when i config my wireless router to accepts the incoming vnc connections i set the por of the application to 5900??? | 02:38 |
Lynoure | phrozen_one_: pastebin your interfaces, please | 02:38 |
edlang | Hi again -- I've got Ubuntu 6.10 running on my IBM X41 laptop. However, the sound driver doesn't seem to be correctly recognising when I plug in headphones. Is there some trick to making that work? | 02:38 |
Myk0 | soundray: where is the readme i see readme disk defines and md5txt | 02:38 |
soundray | grndslm: for your purposes, you can treat both CPUs as equally fast | 02:39 |
ravehanker | jrib:- then my question is , how do i get the path to the mount point rather than the device itself from udev.rules | 02:39 |
phrozen_one_ | Lynoure, I unplugged the card, plugged it back in, and restarted the networking service. | 02:39 |
soundray | Myk0: what web page are you looking at? | 02:39 |
GreyGhost | Myk0 , the edgy one...i'm still not sure whether its a ppc image or not... err... u might already have looked this up right? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/PowerPC | 02:39 |
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grndslm | soundray: they're not equal....i'm gonna swap 'em out to see if the other mobo recognizes it as the processor it was meant to be! doubtful, but oh well | 02:40 |
grndslm | thanks soundray | 02:40 |
Myk0 | greyghost: yea i read that already, they dont have a ppc minimal install | 02:40 |
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jrib | ravehanker: I'm not that familiar with it, look for the "writing udev rules" guide. I think you can specify the name for a symlink to be created and that then you can use in the script | 02:40 |
Lynoure | phrozen_one_: I cannot tell you much more without seeing where you put it. :) (thus the pastebin request) | 02:40 |
GreyGhost | Myk0 . again :( | 02:40 |
phrozen_one_ | Lynoure, on it | 02:40 |
Myk0 | greyghost: im out of luck man im telling you! | 02:41 |
Myk0 | im download the 6.06 alternate cd just for a last test, if not im going to move onto debian unfortunately i wanted to try ubuntu! | 02:41 |
ravehanker | jrib:- thanks | 02:41 |
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GreyGhost | Myk0 , err.. netboot install ? | 02:41 |
Myk0 | havnt tried | 02:41 |
AzMoo | !installation | Myk0 | 02:42 |
ubotu | Myk0: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues | 02:42 |
phrozen_one_ | Lynoure, http://pastebin.ca/342662 | 02:42 |
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Occasus | hey peopl | 02:42 |
Occasus | e | 02:42 |
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_nano_ | is there a separate channel for fiesty related discussion? | 02:42 |
geo- | can anyone tell me what the install DVD has on it that the CD doesn't? | 02:43 |
jrib | _nano_: #ubuntu+1 | 02:43 |
Occasus | giesty? | 02:43 |
_nano_ | thanks jrib | 02:43 |
GreyGhost | Myk0: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot worth a try ? i dont know how u moduify it for ppc though.. | 02:43 |
Occasus | *feisty | 02:43 |
Lynoure | phrozen_one_: you have two wireless cards in the computer? Have you verified which is which? :) | 02:43 |
jrib | !feisty | Occasus | 02:43 |
ubotu | Occasus: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 02:43 |
Occasus | Cool! | 02:43 |
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Occasus | thanks for that | 02:43 |
Myk0 | greyghost: thanks alot for your help | 02:43 |
Occasus | i was trying to find out the new name | 02:43 |
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GreyGhost | Myk0 ,would be nice if the devs would fix that bug though :( | 02:44 |
soundray | ravehanker: did you know that mountpoints are named after the label of the filesystem on the partition? | 02:44 |
phrozen_one_ | Lynoure, atheros drivers do something freaky with two interfaces, I *assumed* since ath0 had a valid hw address before that that was the physical interface | 02:44 |
=== kaNet [i=kanet@mek33-4-82-236-44-225.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Myk0 | yea no kidding :( | 02:44 |
kaNet | hey all | 02:44 |
peace-keeper | when a new release comes out, is it possible to fully update an existing ubuntu ? | 02:44 |
soundray | peace-keeper: yes | 02:44 |
kaNet | anyone could aswer a simple question ? | 02:45 |
soundray | !upgrade | peace-keeper | 02:45 |
ubotu | peace-keeper: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 02:45 |
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jrib | !anyone | kaNet | 02:45 |
ubotu | kaNet: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 02:45 |
ravehanker | soundray:- yes, which is why i wanted to find out where exactly this is done, so that i can pass the path as a parameter to my code | 02:45 |
kaNet | i'm looking for a good and simple ftp server app | 02:45 |
kaNet | any names ? | 02:45 |
Occasus | kaNet: proftpd | 02:45 |
Lynoure | phrozen_one_: But actually I'm not sure that you can spoof to mac you already have. | 02:45 |
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kaNet | thanx :) | 02:45 |
Occasus | kaNet: apt-get install proftpd :) | 02:45 |
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phrozen_one_ | Lynoure, ifdown eth0 first? | 02:45 |
Irix | I have a small problem... I need to uninstall mysql-server-5 and install mysql-server-4.11 making a downgrade.. but apt-get always chooses the newst version.. how do I force it do make install of version 4.11.. ? | 02:45 |
peace-keeper | lol "aggressive adoption of emerging desktop technologies"... that means that the fawn desktop will be a vista clone? :D | 02:45 |
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Lynoure | phrozen_one_: if eth0 is not your atheros, no | 02:46 |
Occasus | Irix: try apt-cache search mysql |grep 4 | 02:46 |
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Occasus | then apt-get install <<packagename that was shown>> | 02:46 |
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phrozen_one_ | Lynoure, why wouldn't you be able to have two interfaces with the same mac? is it a network issue there or software? | 02:46 |
Myk0 | greyghost: going to try gentoo installer see if it works at all ? if not my comp is messed | 02:46 |
Occasus | Irix: mysql-server-4.1 - mysql database server binaries | 02:46 |
kaNet | !apt-get install proftpd | 02:46 |
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kaNet | oops | 02:47 |
Occasus | xD | 02:47 |
Lynoure | phrozen_one_: Like I said, I'm just not sure. | 02:47 |
un0p | phrozen_one_, two interfaces with the same MAC address is likely to confuse the kernel and possibly other network devices too | 02:47 |
Occasus | Irix: did you get it? | 02:47 |
phrozen_one_ | Lynoure, your effort was well received by me, thank you | 02:47 |
Lynoure | phrozen_one_: you are welcome. :) | 02:47 |
=== SoulChild [n=eshat@dslb-084-060-061-064.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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SoulChild | hey I hear nothing when i plugg in my headphones, without my sound works??? | 02:48 |
GreyGhost | Myk0 ,ok | 02:48 |
peace-keeper | thats normal, sound often doesnt work in linux ;) | 02:49 |
Myk0 | greyghost: how hard is it to install standard debian as oppsed to gentoo or ubuntu? | 02:49 |
Irix | Occasus thank you I just tried it.. it still choose the version 5... could it be that I didn't uninstall all mysql5 ? | 02:49 |
Occasus | peace-keeper: lol | 02:49 |
SoulChild | peace-keeper: it works, but not with headphones | 02:49 |
peace-keeper | oh | 02:49 |
GreyGhost | Myk0 ,dont know... ubuntu is my fist experience after FC .. | 02:49 |
AzMoo | SoulChild, do your headphones work? | 02:49 |
un0p | Myk0, debian is probably just like ubuntu -- just a little different | 02:49 |
peace-keeper | sounds like hardware problem then | 02:49 |
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Myk0 | un0p: is it as user friend as ubuntu | 02:50 |
GreyGhost | Myk0 ,though i suppose it should be fairly simple | 02:50 |
SoulChild | AzMoo: yes they work | 02:50 |
Myk0 | hehe linux user friendlu :P | 02:50 |
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Occasus | Irix: I pm'ed you | 02:50 |
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Occasus | Myk0: lol | 02:50 |
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un0p | Myk0, that depends on what aspect of debian you talk about -- almost everything in ubuntu is derived off of debian, the only differrence nowadays is that ubuntu tends to be creating it's own packages and diverging from some of the core technologies -- but the user interfaces like gnome or kde or xfce are the same | 02:51 |
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Irix | Occasus I think I can't write pm because I need to registrate first | 02:52 |
Myk0 | un0p: still a user interface installer, and is it simply installed or more confusing | 02:52 |
SoulChild | which package is needed for sound ? | 02:52 |
un0p | Myk0, i've found debian to be 95% the same to ubuntu -- or should i say it's the other way around | 02:52 |
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Myk0 | really. | 02:52 |
Occasus | Irix: i see | 02:52 |
Occasus | Irix: well uninstall mysql server | 02:53 |
Myk0 | does it have something like synapse in it? | 02:53 |
un0p | Myk0, well, thats one aspect of ubuntu thats different -- the installer -- debian tends to let it be more controlled -- so i'd say it's installer is like that of the ubuntu alternate CD .. quite differrent tho | 02:53 |
Irix | Occasus okay.. | 02:53 |
TABASCO | Hi! Does anyone know a good animation programm to create flashlike little animations? I know, Flash is Adobe, so it is not free, so that it is possible to create opensource animationprogramms. But maybe there is a possibility to create mpg, gif, avi or ogg movies? | 02:53 |
Occasus | Irix: then type apt-get install mysql-server-4.1 | 02:53 |
Occasus | and tell me how you get on | 02:53 |
un0p | Myk0, synapse -- you mean synaptic? | 02:53 |
Irix | Occasus with ordinary remove | 02:53 |
Myk0 | yea | 02:53 |
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soundray | ravehanker: not sure if it helps, but 'man lshal' | 02:53 |
Myk0 | typo :P | 02:53 |
Occasus | Irix: yes | 02:53 |
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Irix | Occasus 2 sec | 02:53 |
seax | helle | 02:53 |
Occasus | Irix: kk | 02:53 |
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ravehanker | soundray:- thanks :) | 02:54 |
un0p | Myk0, yep -- synaptic is a debian package not originally ubuntu's | 02:54 |
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soundray | TABASCO: gimp has animation functions | 02:54 |
Myk0 | un0p i see thanks man! | 02:54 |
TABASCO | so? does it need a plug-in? | 02:54 |
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soundray | TABASCO: no | 02:54 |
Ghiles | could you help me my sound card is not found :s | 02:54 |
Ghiles | please | 02:54 |
Occasus | Ghiles: | 02:54 |
Occasus | Ghiles: look in dmesg or /var/log/messages | 02:55 |
Pntkl | yo | 02:55 |
soundray | !sound | Ghiles | 02:55 |
ubotu | Ghiles: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 02:55 |
Occasus | xD | 02:55 |
malex0 | sup | 02:55 |
Ghiles | Ok thx | 02:55 |
Occasus | sky ^^ | 02:55 |
Myk0 | un0p: have u tried mandriva 2007? | 02:55 |
un0p | Myk0, some things to watch out for -- debian is really really strict in licensing issues -- and for that rigidity, they have decided not to include some software, drivers, etc | 02:55 |
SoulChild | can i unistall ALSA and use OSS instead ??? | 02:55 |
un0p | Myk0, nope, dont think i want to either, is it good? | 02:56 |
soundray | SoulChild: no | 02:56 |
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TABASCO | soundray: do you know where I can find this tool? I've looked into the manual, but I can't see anything about animation | 02:56 |
Myk0 | un0p so whats a user friendly, PPC linux version tha ti can install and get XGL working | 02:56 |
SoulChild | soundray why does oss need alsa ? | 02:56 |
Pntkl | investigating | 02:56 |
malex0 | out of interest | 02:56 |
Myk0 | gentoo?> | 02:56 |
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un0p | Myk0, ubuntu :) | 02:56 |
Irix | Occasus after remove I make a install and it still chooses mysql 5 I tried to make a apt-cache search mysql and see mysql-server-5.0 only not 4.1 | 02:56 |
Myk0 | it hates me ubuntu | 02:56 |
un0p | Myk0, or debian | 02:56 |
Myk0 | i cant get it installed on this machine | 02:56 |
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Occasus | Irix: type /join #occasus | 02:56 |
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Myk0 | eats ever livecd, and freezes | 02:56 |
Myk0 | un0p are you running PPC? | 02:57 |
soundray | SoulChild: ubuntu doesn't have OSS any more. There's only an emulation layer. OSS doesn't support modern soundcards. | 02:57 |
un0p | Myk0, i dont like the liveCD -- i prefer the alternate CD | 02:57 |
SoulChild | soundray: okay thanks | 02:57 |
un0p | Myk0, nope .. someday maybe | 02:57 |
daviey | un0p, why? | 02:57 |
Myk0 | un0p i tried the 6.10 desktop ppc and alternate dont work , and 6.06 and they all end up at one point a frozen white screen on boot | 02:57 |
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un0p | daviey, why to which one? | 02:57 |
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un0p | Myk0, hmmm, you could try debian :) | 02:58 |
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Myk0 | un0p: i just hope its easy to install , im no linux expert but used to run slack back in the day ... | 02:59 |
soundray | TABASCO: you create each frame in a layer. Use Filters-Animation-Playback to play. | 02:59 |
un0p | Myk0, are you comfortable with ubuntu? | 02:59 |
Myk0 | un0p: i would be if it ever worked | 02:59 |
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Myk0 | cant get any method of livecd or installer to boot on this ppc | 02:59 |
un0p | Myk0, well, i think you should be ok -- debian's much easier to handle than slack | 03:00 |
soundray | TABASCO: check out http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Simple_Animations/ | 03:00 |
Devn | what package is the 'tee' utulity in? | 03:00 |
GreyGhost | Myk0 ,if nothing works i'd suggest try and figure out net install .. | 03:00 |
apokryphos | Devn: /msg ubotu packages | 03:00 |
Myk0 | un0p: i installed slakc without knowing one thing about linux so i hope ill be fine on debian | 03:00 |
Myk0 | greyghost: i dont think they have ppc net installs | 03:00 |
soundray | Devn: coreutils | 03:00 |
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un0p | !info coreutils | Devn | 03:00 |
ubotu | devn: coreutils: The GNU core utilities. In component main, is required. Version 5.96-5ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 1334 kB, installed size 8804 kB | 03:00 |
tapas | when the live cd is installed to the root fs on the hd | 03:00 |
Devn | thanks | 03:00 |
tapas | are the contents of the squashfs simply copied? | 03:01 |
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GreyGhost | Myk0 ,hmm... | 03:01 |
tapas | or are there package files on the cd? | 03:01 |
tapas | which get installed? | 03:01 |
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un0p | Myk0, there's a PPC netinstall here - http://www.debian.org/CD/netinst/ | 03:02 |
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icehammer | hey.. i need some imp help - asap | 03:02 |
ssuz | ? | 03:02 |
un0p | !ask | icehammer | 03:02 |
ubotu | icehammer: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 03:02 |
icehammer | linux stopped recognizing my drive.. | 03:02 |
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bulmer | what exactly happens during install from a liveC?, it seems it keeps reading everything from the cd instead of what is on the ramdisk..which makes the install very slow.. | 03:02 |
icehammer | i had to format it, i did it using windows.. | 03:02 |
icehammer | how do i mount it back? | 03:02 |
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bulmer | livCD* | 03:03 |
Myk0 | un0p: i just saw that , u think the net install will be ok and i can figure out how to get the rest of the packages? | 03:03 |
GreyGhost | !mount | icehammer | 03:03 |
ubotu | icehammer: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 03:03 |
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icehammer | i tried Gparted, it shows my drive.. but how do i mount it? | 03:03 |
chrisjs169 | i've got sound coming out of onboard sound, but not through my sound card...how do i switch that? | 03:03 |
icehammer | it says "not mounted".. | 03:03 |
icehammer | i can show u a screenshot.. | 03:03 |
bulmer | icehammer: i dont believe windows can format drives to ext3 or linux FS formats | 03:03 |
GreyGhost | !fstab | icehammer | 03:03 |
ubotu | icehammer: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 03:03 |
un0p | Myk0, if you get the base installed -- its just a matter of adding entries to the sources.list and then going your way to building a system -- quite easy and definitely fun :) | 03:03 |
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icehammer | its a fat32.. | 03:03 |
Myk0 | un0p ok cool mi going to try that out | 03:04 |
icehammer | i tried editing /etc/fstab... no avail.. | 03:04 |
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distro-tester | !mark | 03:04 |
ubotu | Mark "sabdfl" Shuttleworth is our favourite cosmonaut, the founder of Canonical and the primary driver behind Ubuntu. You can find pieces of his thinking at http://www.markshuttleworth.com | 03:04 |
un0p | bulmer, well, not all the contents of the CD can fit in RAM .. especially after decompression -- and also the liveCD needs its own working set to keep the kernel, desktop and services running | 03:04 |
chrisjs169 | i've got sound coming out of onboard sound, but not through my sound card...how do i switch that? | 03:04 |
bulmer | icehammer: you formatted a hd in windows to a fat32 format? | 03:04 |
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icehammer | correct.. | 03:05 |
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icehammer | ever since that, linux stopped showing it.. | 03:05 |
un0p | chrisjs169, use asoundconf to set the default card | 03:05 |
tapas | ok, who can i talk to about the details of the live cd? | 03:05 |
GreyGhost | !DiskMounter | icehammer | 03:05 |
ubotu | icehammer: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 03:05 |
chrisjs169 | ok, thanks | 03:05 |
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un0p | !ask | tapas | 03:05 |
ubotu | tapas: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 03:05 |
soundray | chrisjs169: Systemp-Preferences-Sound-Sounds-Default Soundcard | 03:05 |
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icehammer | lemme try.. will get back to u.. | 03:05 |
bulmer | unOp oh okay that makes sense | 03:05 |
icehammer | thanks | 03:05 |
Myk0 | un0p; so im guesiing it will auto config my dhcp and then just plug in ethernet dirrect to comp | 03:05 |
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tapas | ubotu: fucking sdtupid bot, i asked the question one million times before | 03:05 |
tapas | i hope it's ok to swear at the bot ;) | 03:05 |
chrisjs169 | soundray: Thank you! | 03:06 |
someothernick | :/ | 03:06 |
jrib | tapas: it's not ok to swear, please don't | 03:06 |
soundray | tapas: no, it isn't | 03:06 |
un0p | Myk0, hopefully yes -- depends if your network card is detected (which is almost always guaranteed) | 03:06 |
GreyGhost | tapas ? | 03:06 |
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Myk0 | well its a ppc install so i figure its prebuild for mac comps | 03:06 |
GreyGhost | !language | tapas | 03:06 |
ubotu | tapas: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 03:06 |
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Myk0 | onboard ethernet | 03:06 |
GreyGhost | tapas ;) | 03:06 |
tapas | oh the PC attack is coming at me :) | 03:06 |
un0p | Myk0, the only way to find out for sure is to try the install out | 03:06 |
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Myk0 | lol heheheheh | 03:07 |
Myk0 | i guess so | 03:07 |
un0p | tapas, did you have a question to ask? | 03:07 |
icehammer | ubotu >> this says that its for when the entry for the drive does NOT exist in /etc/fstab.. but in my case, it does.!!! | 03:07 |
bulmer | un0p: pc does need a network connectivity for an install right? a pc not networked to any.. | 03:07 |
tapas | un0p: yes and i will ask it again :) | 03:07 |
Odd_Bloke | Is there a recommended way to switch from 64-bit Ubuntu to 32-bit Ubuntu? | 03:07 |
soundray | Odd_Bloke: backup your data and reinstall | 03:07 |
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tapas | hwill modifications i make to the squashfs root fs of the live cd be transferred to the installed root fs? | 03:08 |
bulmer | icehammer can you try mounting manually before using the fstab? | 03:08 |
un0p | bulmer, you dont need a network card no -- why is it important -- you might want to run a network-less computer, no? :) | 03:08 |
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Myk0 | un0p: does debian have gnome or kde built in | 03:08 |
un0p | tapas, no | 03:08 |
un0p | Myk0, not the netinstall no | 03:08 |
Odd_Bloke | soundray: OK, thanks. Good job I decided to install my root in a different partition to home this time around. :p | 03:08 |
agliv5 | Hi all :) I'm trying to compile avidemux using the following guide "http://www.avidemux.org/admWiki/index.php?title=Compiling_Avidemux" and spidermonkey "http://gopalarathnam.com/weblog/2007/01/08/building-spidermonkey-on-ubuntu.html" but ./configure is still not working... does anybody have expierence with spidermonkey? | 03:08 |
icehammer | how do i mount manually?? the entry in fstab has been there ever since.. | 03:08 |
un0p | Myk0, the full install set does tho | 03:08 |
tapas | un0p: is there a simple way to install additional files on the root fs of the installed system? | 03:08 |
Myk0 | un0p: will the package selection be more like a point and click | 03:08 |
bulmer | un0p: good, that eliminates one possibility of my issues | 03:08 |
Myk0 | or all termnial | 03:09 |
soundray | Odd_Bloke: it's worth backing up /etc still | 03:09 |
un0p | Myk0, you can always install your desktop environment once you have the base installed | 03:09 |
Myk0 | i know | 03:09 |
jrib | tapas: use the package manager | 03:09 |
Occasus | what does etc stnad for | 03:09 |
GreyGhost | kqemu is GPL !!! | 03:09 |
un0p | tapas, well, not until after the install is finished | 03:09 |
Myk0 | just wondering i have to do it from ternimal, since this is my only comp i dont want to not have internet connection | 03:09 |
jrib | Occasus: google for "FHS" | 03:09 |
soundray | Occasus: et cetera | 03:09 |
bulmer | icehammer: what the name of the hdd from dmesg once you installed it? | 03:09 |
tapas | jrib: it's a custom software i have written and would like to ship to the customer | 03:09 |
duval | Hi, I am trying to install a version of flex (2.5.3a) but I am not able to do it with apt because there is no other version than the current, is the only way to install another to install it from source? | 03:09 |
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jrib | tapas: package it as a deb | 03:10 |
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un0p | Myk0, the netinstall is purely command line unfortunately -- but thats a price you pay for keeping it cheap, if you know what i mean? | 03:10 |
tapas | jrib: that's what i wanted to avoid :) | 03:10 |
jrib | tapas: that would be easiest for the customer | 03:10 |
quintin | On the alternate install disc, there is a "Start install in OEM mode" .. what does this mean? | 03:10 |
tapas | jrib: ah well, where do i put the deb on the live cd? | 03:10 |
Myk0 | un0p: so maybe ill go full cd instead | 03:10 |
tapas | i know i need to alter the manifest to get it installed, too | 03:10 |
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un0p | Myk0, as you wish :) | 03:10 |
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icehammer | its /media/hda1 | 03:11 |
icehammer | i just deleted the entry for fstab.. | 03:11 |
Odd_Bloke | soundray: OK, will do. Thanks again. | 03:11 |
icehammer | even after that, diskmounter says the entry exists.. | 03:11 |
icehammer | what to do now? | 03:11 |
tapas | jrib: so i suppose i could alternatively hack the python code of the installer | 03:11 |
bulmer | icehammer am referring to something like /dev/hda /dev/hdb or /dev/hdc? which? | 03:12 |
tapas | to copy stuff to the target root fs after the install.. hmmm | 03:12 |
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bulmer | ahh nm | 03:12 |
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icehammer | its /dev/hda | 03:12 |
un0p | tapas, or just have a post-install script on a webpage that the client can use later? :) | 03:12 |
icehammer | its the primary partition on hda | 03:12 |
jrib | tapas: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization might help | 03:12 |
bulmer | icehammer: mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /media/hda1 | 03:12 |
tapas | un0p: not such a bad idea either.. i kinda shy away from creating .deb packages | 03:12 |
tapas | this is a while new skill | 03:12 |
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bulmer | icehammer: you are booting off of a second drive or a slave drive? | 03:13 |
tapas | jrib: yah, that's where i got my current infos from. maybe it ha been updated rereading | 03:13 |
icehammer | no, its the same drive.. | 03:13 |
un0p | tapas, .deb's are the easiest of packages to create -- except the tarball derivatives | 03:13 |
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icehammer | my primary partition isn't showing up.. | 03:13 |
icehammer | ubuntu is installed in an extended parition in the same drive.. | 03:13 |
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Myk0 | un0p check pm | 03:14 |
icehammer | the boot is in /media/hda1.. but ubuntu doesn't show any file in the drive.. | 03:14 |
bulmer | icehammer: do this, fdisk -l | 03:14 |
un0p | Myk0, nothing yet | 03:14 |
icehammer | wait.. | 03:14 |
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Myk0 | wat do eird | 03:14 |
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Myk0 | you see that pm? | 03:14 |
un0p | Myk0, you registered on freenode? | 03:14 |
Myk0 | nope | 03:14 |
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Myk0 | you mean my nick? | 03:15 |
icehammer | ok, got the output.. now what? | 03:15 |
un0p | Myk0, you need to be to send pms | 03:15 |
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un0p | Myk0, yep | 03:15 |
tripitaka | hi, anyone nkow if I can get beryl to run on ubuntu with a matrox g550? | 03:15 |
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un0p | !register | 03:15 |
ubotu | Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 03:15 |
atollena | hi | 03:15 |
bulmer | icehammer: you need to prefix a nick to your responses, i sure missed the responses, i get confused | 03:15 |
Myk0 | un0p now? | 03:15 |
soundray | tripitaka: not sure but my guess is no | 03:15 |
icehammer | sorry.. will do.. | 03:15 |
un0p | Myk0, ok, i just replied | 03:15 |
icehammer | bulmer >>> got the output, now what to do? | 03:16 |
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un0p | Myk0, ahh just chat in here, its much easier :) | 03:16 |
bulmer | icehammer: what the output says ? its recognized? | 03:16 |
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icehammer | bumer >>> its showing in the list, yes.. | 03:17 |
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Myk0 | ok un0p im on the debian download page, and im in a powerpc folder for 3.1 r_4 and there is 15 isos! | 03:17 |
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bulmer | icehammer: and when you just type mount is it same info? | 03:17 |
Myk0 | i see disk 1 - 15 | 03:17 |
soundray | tripitaka: I take it back -- it might work | 03:17 |
un0p | Myk0, send me the URL | 03:17 |
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Myk0 | http://ftp.ticklers.org/debian-cd/3.1_r4/powerpc/iso-cd/ | 03:17 |
icehammer | bulmer >> on mount, the drive does NOT show up.. | 03:18 |
soundray | tripitaka: 32MB is tight, though | 03:18 |
ubunttv | how do i change the loading splah screen ? | 03:18 |
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ubunttv | splash | 03:18 |
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soundray | !usplash | ubunttv | 03:18 |
ubotu | ubunttv: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork | 03:18 |
agliv5 | can someone help me with compiling avidemux and spidermonkey? | 03:18 |
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tripitaka | soundray: the card's not that powerful. Just wondered if someone had got it to work | 03:18 |
bulmer | icehammer: mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /media/hda1 | 03:18 |
quintin | On the alternate install disc, there is a "Start install in OEM mode" .. what does this mean? | 03:18 |
icehammer | bulmer >> lemme try.. | 03:18 |
un0p | Myk0, odd -- i dont know why that is -- perhaps theres a note on a previous page explaining what and why | 03:19 |
tapas | un0p: i don;t even know what you mean by "tarball derivatives" | 03:19 |
Myk0 | un0p every site is like that | 03:19 |
Myk0 | i checked | 03:19 |
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reiki_work | I find it odd (slightly) that even though I have the new nVidia driver, and I do NOT have teh line in xorg.conf that turns off the nVidia splash screen.... I've never seen that splash screen. And the driver IS loaded. Is that weird? | 03:19 |
icehammer | bulmer >> should i replace ext3 with vfat?? its a fat32 drive.. | 03:19 |
bulmer | icehammer: yeah | 03:19 |
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ardchoille | quintin: That installs the OS as if you are going to give the machine away and allows the setting of the admin password until the new user fires it up. | 03:19 |
Occasus | It's weird coming onto this channel, i've been using ubuntu for ages but i never really knew how many problem's ive had until i realised that i've suffered all the things the guys do here :) | 03:19 |
bulmer | icehammer: its actually -t vfat | 03:19 |
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soundray | quintin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview | 03:20 |
un0p | tapas, tarball's are tar.gz, .tar.bz2, tar.Z, tar.zip, .tgz, etc | 03:20 |
icehammer | bulmer >> thanks..!!! | 03:20 |
icehammer | its showing now.. | 03:20 |
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icehammer | but, it still doesn't show on Nautilus or the desktop.. | 03:21 |
icehammer | bulmer > but, it still doesn't show on Nautilus or the desktop.. | 03:21 |
soundray | reiki_work: maybe you have to turn it on explicitly | 03:21 |
un0p | Myk0, I'd just go with the netinstall -- and download just what i need to later and save the hassle of many CDs :) | 03:21 |
Pig-wrangler | Heres my problem my syslog piped into mysql database is filling up the drive and thus bringing everything to a halt. i figure i will add another drive and use it as /var. so i simply add a fstab line to mount that drive as /var and copy the current /var directory onto that drive? | 03:21 |
tapas | un0p: i kknow that :) | 03:21 |
bulmer | icehammer: does ls -la /media/hda1 show anything? | 03:21 |
Myk0 | un0p tnx :) | 03:21 |
tapas | un0p: just not what you know by "derivatives" | 03:21 |
reiki_work | Soundray, maybe... I've just never seen that anywhere... seems it's supposed to be there by defauult and the instructions tell you how to turn it off. :) | 03:22 |
tapas | un0p: and yes i know the literal meaning of that word, too, thanks :) | 03:22 |
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un0p | tapas, well, like slackware uses .tgz package, bsd uses .tbz , etc -- they are tarballs but quite different, hence derived :) | 03:22 |
icehammer | bulmer >> as in, i can see the contents of the drive, but the drive isn't showing up on the desktop, or "Computer" under Nautilus.. | 03:22 |
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soundray | Pig-wrangler: yes. To prevent unforeseen effects, do the copying after booting from a live CD. Make sure you use cp -a (preserve timestamps, ownership etc) | 03:22 |
tapas | un0p: ah, now i get your drift.. | 03:22 |
bulmer | Pig-wrangler: not the easy, other logs will get demolished..so be careful | 03:22 |
tripitaka | the tbz is just a tarball compress with bzip, no? | 03:22 |
soundray | reiki_work: yes, it is strange | 03:23 |
un0p | tripitaka, i think so yes | 03:23 |
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bulmer | icehammer: big deal :) just get used to the command line.. hehehe | 03:23 |
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tripitaka | but for slackware they are actually packages, a bit like rpms | 03:23 |
reiki_work | soundray, maybe my machine is just so darned, blazingly FAST with Ubuntu... that it goes by so quick I don't see it.... :) | 03:23 |
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Pig-wrangler | soundray: i did almost that but my mysql wont start now | 03:23 |
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=== tripitaka remembers slackware package dependancy with a certain fondness | ||
un0p | tripitaka, they are packages but also archives -- just like .debs and .rpms are archives too | 03:24 |
=== tapas loves the ambiguities of spoken and written language | ||
soundray | reiki_work: that was my first thought, although I do see the splash on my blazingly fast Mac Pro ;) | 03:24 |
reiki_work | heheh | 03:24 |
icehammer | bulmer >> but is there anyway to get it to show everywhere.. | 03:24 |
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tapas | can't everybody use second order predicate logic? | 03:24 |
tapas | :) | 03:24 |
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kaNet | hay... any ftp server *with a graphical interface* available ? | 03:25 |
bulmer | Pig-wrangler: just adding a hdd and moving /var to it may just not do it, i have experienced big problem moving it like that because some log files are not there as needed by the system | 03:25 |
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un0p | kaNet, IIS | 03:26 |
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bulmer | icehammer: add the entry to /etc/fstab and next reboot it will recover | 03:26 |
tripitaka | kaNet: virgoftp? | 03:26 |
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icehammer | bulmer >>> i can't do anything to that drive, it says i don't have permissions to acess parent folder.. | 03:26 |
kaNet | IIS/virgoftp ? the most simple of ? | 03:26 |
soundray | Pig-wrangler: in the mysql online manual, there is some advice on moving databases between machines. Maybe that applies to your situation, too. | 03:26 |
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tripitaka | depends whether you're running NT or linux | 03:26 |
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kaNet | linux | 03:26 |
kaNet | desktop ubuntu... | 03:27 |
kaNet | yeah i know it's lame but i just begin to unix | 03:27 |
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bulmer | icehammer: do it as root, and once added to /etc/fstab at next boot, it should be okay | 03:27 |
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icehammer | bulmer >>> ok, but to add to fstab, how do i get the UUID?? | 03:27 |
tripitaka | kaNet: you need a *server* or a *client*? | 03:28 |
Pig-wrangler | soundray: ill check it out. I didnt do the -a which might be the cause but i've went through and synced up the permissions to the best of my knowledge. Which fixxed my php problem | 03:28 |
kaNet | a server | 03:28 |
Hobbsee | icehammer: ls -lh /dev/disk/by-uuid | 03:28 |
un0p | kaNet, just go with it -- you'll never learn by pussy-footing around actually configuring a server the way its always been done -- the best way to learn | 03:28 |
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soundray | Pig-wrangler: another good way is in the Tips-HOWTO | 03:28 |
kaNet | go with what ? | 03:28 |
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spy10k | kaNet: glftpd with glmonitor (wintool)... | 03:28 |
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un0p | kaNet, configuring a server _without_ a GUI | 03:28 |
ubunttv | what dose this mean ? configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 03:29 |
tripitaka | http://www.howtoforge.com/proftpd_web_interface_gui_tools | 03:29 |
Data_ | hi | 03:29 |
soundray | Pig-wrangler: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Tips-HOWTO.html section 2.6 | 03:29 |
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tripitaka | or try installing webmin | 03:29 |
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tripitaka | but doing it without a gui is by far the best way to do it | 03:29 |
soundray | ubunttv: probably that you need to install the build-essential package | 03:29 |
kaNet | sec plz brb | 03:29 |
Pig-wrangler | http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Tips-HOWTO.html section 2.6 | 03:29 |
No1Viking | Are there any game out there, like Wolf ET, that I can download, install and play, that you can recommend? | 03:29 |
ubunttv | thank you | 03:29 |
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un0p | No1Viking, moon-buggy :) | 03:30 |
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No1Viking | un0p: Thanks | 03:30 |
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intelikey | i seem to have a broken xserver. it will run for root but not for anyone else. thoughts? | 03:31 |
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intelikey | dapper drake | 03:32 |
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un0p | intelikey, error messages? | 03:32 |
intelikey | none. | 03:32 |
intelikey | well other than the normal keymap errors. | 03:32 |
Hobbsee | intelikey: define broken in this instance? | 03:32 |
snuff | Hi. I just started using Linux for the first time a few weeks ago. I have been using Fedora and I my application is Java web development. Would there be any advantages to using Ubuntu instead? | 03:32 |
intelikey | Hobbsee wont run. gets to the x cursor and aborts. | 03:33 |
Hobbsee | intelikey: gdm or kdm? | 03:33 |
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intelikey | gdm but i tried with startx looking for errors also | 03:33 |
soundray | intelikey: have you got a full disk? Have your users got write permissions in /tmp/ ? | 03:33 |
barracuda | question is the xvid codec for ubuntu/kubuntu available ? | 03:33 |
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intelikey | drwxrwxrwt 9 root root 4.0K 2007-02-06 08:29 tmp | 03:34 |
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intelikey | 991M 75% / | 03:34 |
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soundray | intelikey: how are you starting X? | 03:34 |
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intelikey | see the post ^ | 03:35 |
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intelikey | <intelikey> gdm but i tried with startx looking for errors also | 03:35 |
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intelikey | note it will run for root. | 03:35 |
barracuda | Do debian packages work in ubuntu ? | 03:35 |
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soundray | intelikey: start it with 'X' when logged in as user | 03:36 |
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intelikey | i owned all the user home dirs just incase that was it... no help. | 03:36 |
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barracuda | I only found xvid for debian, would htat work in debian ? | 03:36 |
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metellius | barracuda: www.ubuntuguide.org for the xvid thing | 03:36 |
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soundray | !restricted | barracuda | 03:36 |
ubotu | barracuda: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:36 |
apokryphos | barracuda: take a look at the FAQ <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions> as linked to in the channel /topic | 03:36 |
hayden | barracuda, some may work, but it isn't advised to use packages designed for debian | 03:36 |
LjL | !debian | 03:36 |
ubotu | Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! | 03:36 |
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intelikey | soundray ok. it seems that it will run with no wm. | 03:37 |
soundray | intelikey: in that case, I would check $HOME/.xsession-errors for relevant messages | 03:38 |
barracuda | Metillius it wasn't much help i'm afraid, I've spent 6 hours trying to find out how to install an open source free codec that's available all over then net :( it's very frustrating | 03:38 |
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sasoyna | hi guys i return here because i can't resolve.From 2 days now i enter in my (k)ubuntu box "manually".i mean trough failsafe-->startkde how can i return to the normal "automatic" (next login i normally enter in my box)mode? | 03:38 |
barracuda | uboto which I guess is a bot has gave useful links but nothing to deal specifically whith the problem | 03:38 |
soundray | intelikey: check permissions on $HOME/.dmrc -- should be owned by user and set to 600 | 03:39 |
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siikah | barracuda: have you tried multiverse? | 03:39 |
ubunttv | some times when i install stuff it says the Package requirements are not met, "libpng" but when i install "libpng dev" it works , is this normal ? | 03:39 |
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kaNet | <un0p> kaNet, configuring a server _without_ a GUI | 03:39 |
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kaNet | yeah you're probably right | 03:40 |
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agliv5 | I'm having problems compiling avidemux, can anyone help? | 03:40 |
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kaNet | but when i see all the customization I did for configuring ftp server on windows | 03:40 |
barracuda | siikah i'm still in this universe... after this one it will be the all dreaded new Vista, but I'm gonna try for a bit longer before formatting | 03:40 |
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kaNet | it will be a LOT of cmd line :/ | 03:40 |
santa | hi all im searching a desklet - widget to monitor the use of my network interface | 03:40 |
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barracuda | by the way i'm using kde in kubuntu | 03:41 |
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santa | any ideas | 03:41 |
yipe | my kaffeine is broken, it's installed, but when I try to run it it doesn't start up and when I try it from the command line, it just gives me another prompt, as if it were "done" with that, no errors, nothing :( | 03:41 |
intelikey | soundray; only thing in the xsession-errors is ***Failed to start message bus: Failed to read directory "/usr/share/dbus-1/services": Permission denied *** but i checked the perms. dirs are 755 files are 644 | 03:41 |
|brad| | barracuda, enable multiverse in your source list... | 03:41 |
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barracuda | brad.. looking.. | 03:42 |
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soundray | intelikey: fishing in the dark here, but maybe try 'sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart'? | 03:42 |
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water | how to install aps of IBM T43 on Edgy | 03:43 |
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intelikey | <soundray> intelikey: check permissions on $HOME/.dmrc -- should be owned by user and set to 600<<< owned all homes first thing. and perms are ok. 600. restarted dbus one time no help. | 03:43 |
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ubunttv | how am i saposed to find a packeage called "ice" | 03:44 |
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soundray | intelikey: have you ensured that no X server is already running? | 03:45 |
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intelikey | yes | 03:45 |
barracuda | did I say I was running kde ? | 03:45 |
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siikah | barracuda: yes you did.. so what? | 03:45 |
IdleOne | ubuntulog: in terminal apt-cache search ice | less | 03:45 |
hayden | ubunttv, apt-cache search ice | 03:45 |
Pig-wrangler | how would i go about removing a package fully from my system such as apache | 03:45 |
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matttty | im having a problem with video playback, i dont have sound on my computer so its crashing, how do i disable sound all together so it does not crash? | 03:45 |
Lunar_Lamp | What is the default runlevel for ubuntu? | 03:45 |
ubunttv | i think i found it :P not easy | 03:45 |
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barracuda | siikah I don't know how to get to your multiverse.. i'm still in this one ;) | 03:46 |
intelikey | soundray what are the perms on passwd group shadow and gshadow please ? | 03:46 |
siikah | barracuda: ok :> | 03:46 |
johansalim | hi | 03:46 |
Pig-wrangler | Lunar_Lamp: i think u can see that in the inittab | 03:46 |
siikah | barracuda: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu | 03:46 |
barracuda | gnome had that option .. I can't find it in kde | 03:46 |
|brad| | barracuda, you were told how to fix the problem... .now just go do it | 03:47 |
intelikey | soundray i was working on a printer errors last. and copied some /etc/files from and old install that may be what's happened here. | 03:47 |
barracuda | thanks kiikah .. reading again, i've done alot of that today brb | 03:47 |
Lunar_Lamp | Pig-wrangler, thanks :-) | 03:47 |
Lunar_Lamp | I didn't think to look there, hehe. | 03:47 |
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barracuda | sorry I meant siikah :) | 03:48 |
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Jonny0stars | hello | 03:48 |
intelikey | soundray passwd group shadow gshadow | 03:48 |
siikah | try "Kubuntu" at the end of the url instead of Ubuntu... if you also need a kde-tool walkthrough | 03:48 |
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Jonny0stars | any one use a speedtouch modem ? | 03:48 |
barracuda | ok | 03:48 |
soundray | intelikey: gshadow and shadow are root.root and 640 | 03:48 |
ubunttv | even found googleearth | 03:48 |
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intelikey | k | 03:48 |
Jonny0stars | ? | 03:48 |
Jonny0stars | im having some real problems setting mine upo | 03:48 |
matttty | anyone know how to disable sound system wide? alot of my apps crash because they try to use sound and i dont have a soundcard.. | 03:48 |
Jonny0stars | up* | 03:48 |
soundray | intelikey: group and passwd are root.root and 644 | 03:48 |
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kamikaze064 | hello | 03:49 |
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evilogre | j #ubuntu | 03:49 |
Lunar_Lamp | I have about 2500 music files in a folder, of which about 1800 are in m4a format. I don't want them in that format, so would like to change them to another format? What is the simplest way to change JUST the m4a files to mp3/ogg. Is there a way to make Listen play m4a files? | 03:49 |
evilogre | join #ubuntu | 03:49 |
kamikaze064 | i use a wg111 v2 with the chipset r8187 | 03:49 |
Kajin | Is there a way to force gdesklets to Beryl's Widget layer? | 03:49 |
intelikey | soundray k testing again. | 03:49 |
Keizer | Is it possible to upgrade from 6.06 to 6.1 ? | 03:49 |
soundray | intelikey: have to go, hope you can fix it | 03:49 |
kamikaze064 | i plug it with my kubuntu6.10 | 03:49 |
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soundray | !upgrade | Keizer | 03:49 |
ubotu | Keizer: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 03:49 |
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kamikaze064 | it load the driver with the kernel r8187 | 03:50 |
Jonny0stars | any one used or know anything about speedtouch modems ? | 03:50 |
zen-froglet | evilogre: your already in the channel. | 03:50 |
evilogre | italian channel irc of ubuntu? | 03:50 |
kamikaze064 | when i do iwlist scan wlan0 scan | 03:50 |
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IdleOne | !modems | 03:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about modems - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:50 |
intelikey | soundray well that wasn't it. but thanks. | 03:50 |
kamikaze064 | it returns me no result | 03:50 |
Lunar_Lamp | !m4a | 03:50 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:50 |
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barracuda | Siikah thanks .. i'm now reading through the instruction .. cheers | 03:50 |
kamikaze064 | someone can help me | 03:50 |
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kamikaze064 | to work my usb dongle wifi | 03:50 |
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IdleOne | !modem | Jonny0stars | 03:51 |
ubotu | Jonny0stars: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto | 03:51 |
intelikey | who is good at finding xorg problems ? | 03:51 |
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simj | test | 03:51 |
IdleOne | answer | 03:51 |
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Jonny0stars | IdleOne: thanks i will take a look | 03:51 |
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freezey | what app can i use to convert wmv to mpeg4? | 03:51 |
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IdleOne | freezey: soundconvert | 03:52 |
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reotus | Can anyone give me some help on why 6.10 always freezes after being booted for about 30 seconds? | 03:52 |
Jonny0stars | IdleOne: nah my modem is a USB ADSL | 03:52 |
IdleOne | !adsl | 03:52 |
ubotu | Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE | 03:52 |
KenSentMe | freezey: ffmpeg | 03:52 |
freezey | IdleOne: yeah but they are videos | 03:52 |
Jonny0stars | IdleOne: thanks though | 03:52 |
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ootm | hi, everytime i want to use my digital-tv card i have to do several modprobes - how do i make that automatic? | 03:52 |
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HighLife | Has anyone here tried LTSP over edubuntu? | 03:52 |
freezey | Kensentme: ffmpeg is a good one? | 03:52 |
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kamikaze064 | no-one can help me | 03:52 |
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IdleOne | freezey: yeah sorry try ffmpeg like KenSentMe SUGGESTED | 03:53 |
blankfaze | hi all -- i've been able to get SOUND fine until today... possible some kind of drivers problem or something? | 03:53 |
GreyGhos1 | !wifi | kamikaze064 | 03:53 |
ubotu | kamikaze064: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 03:53 |
blankfaze | i've verified all the connections and all | 03:53 |
Occasus | hey | 03:53 |
IdleOne | !adsl | Jonny0stars | 03:53 |
ubotu | Jonny0stars: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE | 03:53 |
Lunar_Lamp | !ffmpeg | 03:53 |
ubotu | ffmpeg: multimedia player, server and encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:0.cvs20060823-3.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 175 kB, installed size 612 kB | 03:53 |
Occasus | blankfaze: got any output? | 03:53 |
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blankfaze | nothing | 03:53 |
Occasus | hmmm | 03:53 |
Jonny0stars | IdleOne: i followed that guide to do it lol | 03:53 |
Occasus | try planing something with myplayer | 03:53 |
quintin | ardchoille: ty | 03:53 |
KenSentMe | freezey: yes it's good. Just try it | 03:54 |
blankfaze | mplayer? | 03:54 |
quintin | ardchoille: Can you also install other packages besides the base system in OEM mode? | 03:54 |
kamikaze064 | yes | 03:54 |
Occasus | ya | 03:54 |
=== AcKRoNiC [n=Danilo@host27-161-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Occasus | blankfaze: go into terminal, "mplayer >>mp3 file<<" | 03:54 |
Kajin | Is there a way to force gdesklets to Beryl's Widget layer? | 03:54 |
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blankfaze | oh, i know how, but you said "myplayer" first | 03:54 |
blankfaze | :-) | 03:54 |
Occasus | ah | 03:54 |
Occasus | my bad | 03:54 |
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kamikaze064 | but i read that the ubuntu 6.10 already havethe driver r8187 | 03:54 |
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reotus | Can anyone give me some help on why 6.10 always freezes after being booted for about 30 seconds? | 03:54 |
quintin | ardchoille: ignore that question | 03:54 |
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kamikaze064 | and my wg111 v2 have a chipset r8187 | 03:55 |
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Occasus | reotus: tell me the output of /var/log/messages (the last entries) | 03:55 |
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kamikaze064 | normally when i plug it, its work | 03:55 |
Occasus | I have a question :) | 03:55 |
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Occasus | For some reason after running for a long time XGL decides it wants to use ALOT of CPU power, why is this | 03:55 |
reotus | Occasus: umm how am i supposed to get that when it freezes every time? | 03:55 |
Occasus | reotus: can you boot into non-graphic mode | 03:55 |
ardchoille | quintin: ok | 03:55 |
=== itaca [n=itaca@cm-85-152-148-136.telecable.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dimensions | hi guys its really urgent i just updated one of my friends laptop and hes going for a meeting ... it had dual boot but now dual boot is gone for windows option how do i bring it back or what do i need to add in menu.lst | 03:56 |
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IdleOne | !grub | Dimensions | 03:56 |
ubotu | Dimensions: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 03:56 |
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itaca | mjj | 03:56 |
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reotus | Occasus: i dunno ill try it, is there a boot command to do that or an option in grub? | 03:56 |
Dimensions | IdleOne: i have just hardly five minutes | 03:57 |
kamikaze064 | it recognize it when i do iwconfig and ifconfig | 03:57 |
Dimensions | isn't there a way i can bring it back i think it installed new kernel image or something | 03:57 |
itaca | poopoo | 03:57 |
IdleOne | Dimensions: well then you need to allocate some time or be late for the meeting | 03:57 |
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HighLife | You can also use the ubuntu alternative disk and reinstall grub throught recovery mode | 03:57 |
Occasus | reotus: hm... i dont know, try just pressing ctrl + alt + f1 and loging in, typing /etc/init.d gdm stop | 03:57 |
kamikaze064 | when i do iwlist wlan0 scan its return no results | 03:57 |
Lunar_Lamp | !listen | 03:57 |
ubotu | listen: A nice music player and manager for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.3-1 (edgy), package size 326 kB, installed size 1276 kB | 03:57 |
Occasus | Dimensions you need to edit /boot/grub/menu.list | 03:57 |
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hitammanis | Good morning everyone | 03:58 |
Occasus | Dimensions: | 03:58 |
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Occasus | # title Windows 95/98/NT/2000 | 03:58 |
Occasus | # root (hd0,0) | 03:58 |
Occasus | # makeactive | 03:58 |
Occasus | # chainloader +1 | 03:58 |
Dimensions | Occasus: i know that but i dont have that windows option there i know its mounted on hda1 but how do i put it there ? | 03:58 |
reotus | ok will try back i a bit | 03:58 |
blankfaze | occasus: nothing out of mplayer | 03:58 |
Dimensions | ahhhhhhhhhhh thats what i was looking for ... | 03:58 |
Occasus | blankfaze: what was the output | 03:58 |
unska | anyone know whats wrong. i followed the beryl-project.org guide to install xgl and all my graphics got messed up | 03:58 |
Occasus | blankfaze: it should of shown some debug info | 03:58 |
unska | the login screen is messed up, i can barely view anything when on xgl | 03:58 |
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HighLife | unska: what video card do you have? | 03:59 |
unska | NVIDIA 7950 GTX | 03:59 |
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unska | should be enough ;) | 03:59 |
GTX | lol | 03:59 |
zyth | why are you using XGL? | 03:59 |
zyth | nvidia supports AIGLX. | 03:59 |
HighLife | unska: do no install XGL | 03:59 |
HighLife | Install nvidea drivers | 03:59 |
unska | i have nvidia drivers installed | 03:59 |
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HighLife | Yes, use the nvidea beryl howto | 03:59 |
unska | lgxinfo | grep direct returns yes | 03:59 |
unska | glx* | 04:00 |
HighLife | let me get you a link | 04:00 |
unska | okay | 04:00 |
hitammanis | I'm using Ubuntu from a USB Pen Drive, in windows is there a way to boot Ubuntu in Qemu without using an image or iso? | 04:00 |
Occasus | im currently running Xgl | 04:00 |
Occasus | msimpson@msimpson:/boot/grub$ glxinfo |grep direct | 04:00 |
Occasus | direct rendering: No | 04:00 |
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Occasus | :( | 04:00 |
agliv5 | Greetings :) can anyone help me with compiling avidemux? | 04:00 |
HighLife | I have a 7600gts and it worked perfectly for me :) | 04:00 |
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Occasus | agliv5: whats the problem | 04:00 |
unska | HighLife, did you find the link? | 04:00 |
Dimensions | Occasus: its going to be hd0,0 or hd0,1 ? | 04:01 |
HighLife | getting it right now | 04:01 |
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unska | ok | 04:01 |
Dimensions | its currently mounted into /media/hda1 | 04:01 |
blankfaze | occasus: oh. i'm dumb...mplayer is my fault, apparently i didn't enable the right codecs or something | 04:01 |
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HighLife | http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Edgy_with_nVidia | 04:01 |
HighLife | Your using edgy right? | 04:01 |
Occasus | Dimensions: 0 i think, depends 0 = first, 1 = second et cetera | 04:01 |
agliv5 | Occasus, it can't find spidermonkey.. | 04:01 |
Occasus | blankfaze: I see :) | 04:01 |
hitammanis | Anyone? | 04:01 |
blankfaze | i have banshee installed though, and totem, and they bother play the file but i get no sound :-/ | 04:01 |
Occasus | blankfaze: let me know if therse anything else i can do | 04:01 |
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blankfaze | lol i dunno. | 04:01 |
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Occasus | blankfaze: look for something like gspot that analyses the codecs | 04:01 |
unska | HighLife, how can i uninstall beryl and xgl | 04:01 |
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Occasus | agliv5: type apt-cache search spidermonkey | 04:02 |
agliv5 | Occasus, I was following this guide to install spidermonkey http://gopalarathnam.com/weblog/2007/01/08/building-spidermonkey-on-ubuntu.html | 04:02 |
HighLife | synpatice | 04:02 |
Occasus | 2 sec | 04:02 |
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HighLife | or rewrite over them | 04:02 |
HighLife | just go through the howto agian | 04:02 |
Occasus | agliv5: 2 sec whole i open it | 04:02 |
unska | ok | 04:02 |
HighLife | it should work | 04:02 |
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Occasus | agliv5: where did you get up to | 04:03 |
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agliv5 | Occasus, I completed the guide and spidermonkey runs, but gcc doesn't find it when I try to compile avidemux | 04:04 |
Occasus | O.o | 04:04 |
Occasus | oh | 04:04 |
Occasus | whats the error it gives out | 04:04 |
agliv5 | Occasus, was using following guide to compile avidemux http://www.avidemux.org/admWiki/index.php?title=Compiling_Avidemux | 04:04 |
Occasus | agliv5: type export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/spidermonkey then try and run it | 04:04 |
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agliv5 | Occasus, try to run what? | 04:05 |
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Occasus | the compile | 04:05 |
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Occasus | The requested URL /admWiki/index.php was not found on this server. | 04:05 |
Occasus | Apache/1.3.37 Server at www.avidemux.org Port 80 | 04:05 |
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GionnyBoss | I'm using Ubuntu Edgy with XGL and Compiz. There is a very annoying thing. Where I maximize the window, window becomes too large that I can't see the bottom of the window. So I can't just maximize, but I have to resize it manually, very annoying.. Does anybody have the same problem? Do you know how can I resolve it, plese? I can't find this anywhere on google... | 04:06 |
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=== Disconnect [n=dis@c-68-48-132-97.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HighLife | GionnyBoss:I don't have an answer to your question, but why compiz and not beryl :P? | 04:07 |
agliv5 | Occasus, here's where it fails "checking for jsapi.h." | 04:07 |
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Occasus | agliv5: do you know where it's checking | 04:07 |
Occasus | agliv5: goto / type find . |grep jsapi.h | 04:07 |
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Disconnect | ok so google isn't being very helpful.. lets say I managed to stagger through an oem config (bad cdrom drive, so...) what do i need to do to trigger the firstboot questions? | 04:07 |
=== Sianis_ [n=Sianis_@pool-01d06.externet.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GionnyBoss | HighLife, reading on the ubuntu wiki, it looked that Compiz was more stable... do you suggest me beryl? I will try if you say that it's good ;) | 04:07 |
Sianis_ | hi all | 04:07 |
Sianis_ | i use Edgy | 04:08 |
Disconnect | (bad cdrom mentioned because i'd -really- rather not have to start over) | 04:08 |
Sianis_ | but my touchpad doesn't work | 04:08 |
=== philip [n=philip@adsl-69-230-216-32.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Occasus | GionnyBoss: Beryl rocks, | 04:08 |
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Sianis_ | what is the problem? | 04:08 |
HighLife | Beryl has become much more stable just in the last month, I know use it full time. | 04:08 |
Lunar_Lamp | GionnyBoss, #ubuntu-xgl may be more useful :-) | 04:08 |
agliv5 | Occasus, the problem is that installing spidermonkey via the guide that I mentioned doesn't generate that file anywnere on the system... | 04:08 |
Occasus | GionnyBoss: switch to beryl, i used to use compiz and gave up | 04:08 |
Kajin | Beryl is kickass. | 04:08 |
Occasus | agliv5: og dear | 04:08 |
GionnyBoss | Occasus, thanks for the help :) | 04:08 |
Occasus | GionnyBoss: Np | 04:08 |
GionnyBoss | I will try it right now | 04:08 |
HighLife | GionnyBoss: What card do you use, if it's an nvidea card I would say switch to beryl right now | 04:08 |
Occasus | agliv5. did you google for that | 04:08 |
GionnyBoss | I have an nvidia ;) 6600 GT PCI-EX, I think it should work well ;) | 04:09 |
blankfaze | occasus: pcm was turned all the way down... i turned it up and i have sound... wtf is pcm? | 04:09 |
GionnyBoss | thanks HighLife | 04:09 |
HighLife | GionnyBoss: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Edgy_with_nVidia | 04:09 |
Disconnect | blankfaze: pcm is what windows calls 'wav' | 04:09 |
agliv5 | Occasus, I must correct myself, the file in question is in the tarball from the source but it's not working... | 04:09 |
HighLife | GionnyBoss: use that howto | 04:09 |
Occasus | blankfaze: pulse code modulation apparently | 04:09 |
GionnyBoss | HighLife, thanks a lot :) | 04:09 |
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Occasus | agliv5 : apt-get install spidermonkey-bin | 04:10 |
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agliv5 | Occasus, configure: WARNING: Then use --with-jsapi-include=/path/to/jsapi.h/ | 04:10 |
Occasus | blankfaze: PCM and Master must be above 0 to hear anything | 04:10 |
GionnyBoss | now I close here that I disinstall Compiz first an restart XGL :) bye | 04:10 |
Occasus | agliv5, you can install spidermonkey from apt, try that | 04:10 |
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blankfaze | occasus: well that's weird. | 04:11 |
agliv5 | Occasus, spidermonkey is already the newest version... | 04:11 |
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Occasus | blankfaze: always has been, always will be ;) | 04:11 |
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Occasus | agliv5: damnit lol.... did you do the find . |grep jsapi.h | 04:11 |
barracuda | why is it that I have " main restricted in the supositories" in the adept manager ? | 04:11 |
blankfaze | if i turn PCM all the way up sound is distorted as heck | 04:12 |
Occasus | blankfaze: ya :\ | 04:12 |
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Occasus | blankfaze: i never really looked into what it does | 04:12 |
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barracuda | could these problems I'm having are due to installing the "amd64" distro of kubunto ?? | 04:12 |
agliv5 | Occasus, yes and it's in the temp dir where I downloaded the sources, but I also copied it to the installation dir just in case, but it is still not working... | 04:12 |
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Occasus | try the | 04:12 |
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Occasus | ./configure --with-jsapi-include=/where/jsapi.h is | 04:13 |
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Occasus | where is your jsapi.h file? | 04:13 |
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lisette | gjgjjg | 04:13 |
Gigs | it's weird, apt-file can see mplayer packages, but apt-get won't install them... this is probably something stupid, any ideas? I ran update on both of them. | 04:13 |
AzMoo | Can anybody recommend a decent mysql client gui? | 04:13 |
Occasus | lisette: i agree | 04:13 |
Occasus | AzMoo mysqladmin | 04:13 |
Linuturk | got an issue with my ubuntu server. The machine's load increases dramatically as the system stays up for a few days | 04:14 |
Lunar_Lamp | Gigs, what's the error? | 04:14 |
Occasus | Linuturk: type top | 04:14 |
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AzMoo | Occasus, mysqladmin? That's not gui, that's a cmd line tool. | 04:14 |
Occasus | Linuturk: what's using resources | 04:14 |
Gigs | Lunar_Lamp: Couldn't find package mplayer-686 | 04:14 |
Occasus | AzMoo: i know, i was being sarcastic ;) | 04:14 |
barracuda | now i've lost Adept manager after I enabled multiverse :( I can't start it anymore ? | 04:14 |
Lunar_Lamp | Gigs, hmm. | 04:14 |
Gigs | Lunar_Lamp: apt-file search mplayer -l -> mplayer-686 (and lots of others) | 04:14 |
Lunar_Lamp | Gigs, have you tried the 586 package or similar? | 04:14 |
Gigs | yeah | 04:14 |
Occasus | AzMoo: What about phpmyadmin? | 04:15 |
blankfaze | occasus: what do you like to use to play music, if i may ask | 04:15 |
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Linuturk | Occasus: I've checked top, and there doesn't seem to be anything eating up resources | 04:15 |
Occasus | blankfaze: myplayer all the way ^^ | 04:15 |
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Occasus | Linuturk: whats your load average | 04:15 |
Linuturk | Occasus: but the load is still increasing | 04:15 |
ndee | hello there, how can I add the beagle search bar into my top bar? | 04:15 |
Occasus | Linuturk: type who :P | 04:15 |
Linuturk | Occasus: before my last restart, it hit 6.0 | 04:15 |
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Occasus | Linuturk woah theres a leaky process | 04:15 |
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AzMoo | Occasus, nah, I don't want to install a web server, or php for that matter. Amusingly enough I just found one in synaptic called mysql-admin :p | 04:15 |
Occasus | Linuturk: Sure you're comp hasn;t been comprozed? | 04:15 |
Occasus | AzMoo: nice one lol | 04:15 |
Supre_Me | Hey! I'm installing Ubuntu as I speak. I have a 80 gig harddisk and I want my partitions to be as good as possible. Is 1gig swap, 128 boot, 10 gig / and 73,40 gig /home a good setup? Thanks | 04:16 |
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Linuturk | Occasus: I'm sure, it isn't exposed to the outside. We have it behind a corporate level hardware firewall | 04:16 |
phazeman | Hi all. did anyone ever installed edgy on an external usb2 HD ? | 04:16 |
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Occasus | Supre_Me: I suggest you use / as one big partition, as then it's easier to manage ;) | 04:16 |
Lunar_Lamp | Supre_Me, sounds good to me. That should be plenty for everything. | 04:16 |
HighLife | Supre_Me: you probalby only need 512mb swap | 04:16 |
blankfaze | occasus: thumbs down to the CLI though | 04:16 |
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Occasus | Linuturk: okay thats fine, try shutting down services from /etc/init.d | 04:16 |
Occasus | blankfaze: You could use xmms, thats kickass | 04:16 |
blankfaze | i mean i like CLI but i need a gui for music lol | 04:16 |
pietro_ | someone can help me to install avast for linux. the file name is "avast4workstation-1.0.7.tar.gz" | 04:17 |
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blankfaze | xmms reminds me of winamp too much | 04:17 |
Occasus | blankfaze: xmms or vlc | 04:17 |
Supre_Me | alright, I'll go with what I have. | 04:17 |
blankfaze | i miss FOOBAR | 04:17 |
Supre_Me | thanks | 04:17 |
Linuturk | Occasus: how do I sort top by memory and cpu ? | 04:17 |
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blankfaze | foobar on windows is so nice and configurable | 04:17 |
IdleOne | why do I always have 2 users when I do " who " ? same username ? | 04:17 |
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xtknight | IdleOne: one is the X server and one is a virtual terminal or terminal maybe | 04:17 |
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Occasus | Linuturk : 2 sec ill find out | 04:17 |
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ardchoille | IdleOne: You are logged in (1 user) and you have an open term (2nd user) | 04:17 |
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Occasus | IdleOne: where are the connections coming form | 04:18 |
IdleOne | xtknight: ardchoille so its normal | 04:18 |
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xtknight | IdleOne: yes | 04:18 |
Linuturk | Occasus: figured it out | 04:18 |
ardchoille | IdleOne: yes | 04:18 |
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IdleOne | Occasus: beats me lol | 04:18 |
Occasus | Linuxturk: how | 04:18 |
Linuturk | Occasus: my biggest users are mysql and apache2 | 04:18 |
LjL | !away > danilo_Away (danilo_Away, see the private message from Ubotu) | 04:18 |
Occasus | IdleOne: whats the output of "who" | 04:18 |
phazeman | trappist: here ? | 04:18 |
agliv5 | Occasus, it's like the file from the package is a default that first needs to be system-specficly created or something... in anycase both ./configure --with-jsapi-include=/usr/local/spidermonkey and -with-jsapi-include=/usr/local/spidermonkey/jsapi.h don't work... could it be that the permissions are wrong? | 04:18 |
Occasus | Linuturk: turn apache2 off | 04:18 |
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Linuturk | Occasus: umm, it is a web server dude | 04:18 |
trappist | phazeman: hey | 04:18 |
Occasus | agliv5: could be try it | 04:19 |
Supre_Me | I got another question before I install. swap=Linuxswap, home=ext3, /=ext3, /boot=ext2? Is that correct? | 04:19 |
IdleOne | idleone pts/0 2007-02-06 07:08 (:0.0) | 04:19 |
NET||abuse | hey guys,, i got a dual-head config more or less working, the mouse seems to travel over the other side of the two monitors,, but the external monitor isn't getting a picture, it's on as if a signal is being sent,, but no image shows up | 04:19 |
Occasus | Linuturk: DUDE do you have mod proxy on? | 04:19 |
GionnyBoss | HighLife, I saw that there is a script to install Beryl, but I already have XGL and Nvidia drivers... will that script do a mess if I already have them? | 04:19 |
Linuturk | Occasus: mod proxy? | 04:19 |
Occasus | Linuturk: do this command | 04:19 |
phazeman | trappist: hey there ! | 04:19 |
HighLife | No, you don't wwant XGL with your nvidea card | 04:19 |
Linuturk | o, and there are like 10 apache2 processes | 04:19 |
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Linuturk | o, and there are like 10 apache2 processes Occasus | 04:19 |
Occasus | Linuturk: ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ | 04:19 |
HighLife | The native nvidea drivers will be much faster | 04:19 |
Occasus | Linuturk do that command | 04:19 |
TigerWolf | if i suspend a process how do i get it back? | 04:19 |
phazeman | trappist: i'm about to install the ubuntu on some external usb2hd at home and was wondering if anyone has some info about it | 04:19 |
geeksauce | ran into a problem after unbuntu install... GRUB loads and ubuntu says starting up... then monitor shuts off. if i turn it back on i can briefly see a slew of error messages and lines of code and something about a kernel panic before the monitor shuts itself off again | 04:19 |
Occasus | Linuturk tell me if mod_proxy is there | 04:19 |
MystaMax | HighLife, do the native drivers get installed automatically? or do i have to grab something from synaptic | 04:20 |
phazeman | trappist: i think my mobo will allow booting from usb | 04:20 |
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Linuturk | Occasus: no, it isn't there. cgi.load; php5.conf php5.load userdir.conf userdir.load are the only ones | 04:20 |
HighLife | The script will do all the work for you, don't worry about it ; ) | 04:20 |
mahatma | hello; I'm on edgy and I got a problem launching an application; I'm getting: 2007-02-06 15:37 XLoadQueryFont: failed creating font set -*-lucida-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646,-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-5,-*-*-*-r-*-*-10,*. Anyone know what I may be missing?. I've installed all fonts I could find | 04:20 |
Occasus | hmmm | 04:20 |
trappist | phazeman: I've never done it, but I've seen it done and it's not very straightforward | 04:20 |
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pietro_ | Hi! Please someone can help me to install avast for linux. the file name is "avast4workstation-1.0.7.tar.gz" | 04:20 |
Occasus | Linuturk: goto /var/log/apache2 and look at your error.log see if there's anything stanage in there | 04:20 |
ardchoille | !avast | 04:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about avast - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:21 |
IdleOne | !fonts mahatma | 04:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fonts mahatma - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:21 |
Linuturk | pietro_: the avast forums have detailed instructions on that | 04:21 |
IdleOne | !fonts mahatma | 04:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fonts mahatma - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:21 |
xtknight | mahatma: it could be an xorg.conf problem | 04:21 |
IdleOne | !fonts | mahatma | 04:21 |
ubotu | mahatma: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 04:21 |
agliv5 | Occasus, permissions are -rw-r--r-- 1 , do you think it needs to be writeable or perhaps executeable? | 04:21 |
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xtknight | pietro_: extract the file | 04:21 |
HighLife | Why do you want avast for linux? | 04:21 |
Occasus | agliv5: maybe so, change the permission | 04:21 |
pietro_ | done | 04:21 |
TigerWolf | if i suspend a process how do i get it back? | 04:21 |
Gigs | !MPlayer | 04:21 |
ubotu | mplayer is a media player. Enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer To compile it from source see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile | 04:21 |
ubotu | For Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips. | 04:21 |
pietro_ | xtknight done | 04:21 |
xtknight | pietro_: what does the INSTALL file say? | 04:21 |
HighLife | I use it for windows, but a virus scanner for linux, seems pretty worthless to me | 04:21 |
Kajin | Is there a way to force gdesklets to Beryl's Widget layer? | 04:21 |
phazeman | trappist: you know i'm not affraid of troubles... :-) but i can't seem to find any info about it on the forums... i've been told that there is some how to there though | 04:21 |
pietro_ | Because I need an antivirus | 04:22 |
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Gigs | that wiki page is broken | 04:22 |
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MystaMax | Hello, I accidently removed network-manager from my panel. How do I restore it? I don't see from the add to panel screen | 04:22 |
HighLife | Unless your planning to use it to scan your windows partition, it will be ttly worthless | 04:22 |
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Cheetah | hey folks ;) | 04:22 |
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pietro_ | why should it be worthless, explain me | 04:22 |
andy912 | hey Cheetah | 04:23 |
xtknight | pietro_: there is also clamav which is in the repositories if you haven't considered that. anyhow what does it say in the INSTALL File? | 04:23 |
HighLife | Becuase you'll never have a linux virus | 04:23 |
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Cheetah | I'm trying to make the icons on my desktop smaller and have their caption/name right of it instead of under it in order to save space on my desktop. Any suggestions as there are no options to do that by default | 04:23 |
HighLife | Virus scanners in linux are usually used to scan windows partitions :P | 04:23 |
ardchoille | pietro_: Because writing a virus for Linux is pretty much a waste of time so no one does it anymore. | 04:23 |
Linuturk | Occasus: nothing out of the ordinary. This server is running Cacti, and sometimes a host won't respond. | 04:23 |
pietro_ | ok | 04:23 |
Gigs | Lunar_Lamp: any ideas? I really don't know what to do. | 04:23 |
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Occasus | Linuturk: Right i see, is this a production system? | 04:24 |
trappist | phazeman: the only think I know is that you'll probably have to rebuild the initrd to include usb drivers and such | 04:24 |
blankfaze | kde apps can generally run fine under gnome right? | 04:24 |
MystaMax | anyone? | 04:24 |
pietro_ | Does noone write virus for linux? | 04:24 |
ardchoille | blankfaze: yes | 04:24 |
mahatma | ubotu: hmm, yeah, I'll try to get gsfonts-x11, thanks; I've got the msttcorefonts, though; thanks; i'll try this;) | 04:24 |
xtknight | pietro_: linux viruses are extremely rare | 04:24 |
Lunar_Lamp | Gigs, sorry, I'm not sure. Have you tried another apt-get update? | 04:24 |
HighLife | pietro: It's worthless | 04:24 |
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geeksauce | anyone know what could be causing this problem? | 04:24 |
reiki_work | this thing don't have a "boss key" :) | 04:24 |
unska | HighLife, i followed the instructions and again. all gfx are destroyed | 04:24 |
Gigs | Multiverse is definitely enabled, as apt-file can see the mplayer package manifests. Another apt-get update didn't help. | 04:24 |
TigerWolf | thanks guys - all i needed to know was to type "fg" | 04:24 |
zyth | How can frostwire be running when I've not only told it to close, but killed the process? | 04:24 |
unska | i can't even read anything from the screen | 04:24 |
AzMoo | pietro_, it's pointless. Almost all users run without root privileges, so the only thing it can really affect is your home directory. | 04:24 |
unska | its totally messed up | 04:24 |
Gigs | Maybe mplayer packages are broken right now in the repos? | 04:24 |
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ardchoille | Gigs: I run mplayer on Dapper with no problems | 04:25 |
Linuturk | Occasus: yes, production | 04:25 |
phazeman | trappist: looks like ive found something on the forums.. gonna read now :) | 04:25 |
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MystaMax | geeksauce, has the computer ever booted correctly? did you recently update? | 04:25 |
reiki_work | "hello... I am a linux vires" .... "OH! Hi there! You don't have permission to do anything" .... "darn....." | 04:25 |
HighLife | unska: The dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 04:25 |
Gigs | ardchoille: did you install it in the last few days? | 04:25 |
Linuturk | Occasus: internal network only, no outside exposure | 04:25 |
Occasus | Linuturk: so disabiling some services isn't an option,, hm | 04:25 |
phazeman | trappist: pay attention to my netmask... ;-) you da man :) | 04:25 |
ardchoille | reiki_work: lol | 04:25 |
ardchoille | Gigs: I installed it on Sunday | 04:25 |
HighLife | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xerver-xorg* | 04:25 |
Linuturk | Occasus: it only has a load of 57 clients | 04:25 |
pietro_ | just to be sure I'll installa an antivirus | 04:25 |
ardchoille | Gigs: What is the problem? | 04:25 |
Occasus | Linuturk : it has _only_ 57 atm? | 04:26 |
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HighLife | use clam-av | 04:26 |
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matrix_ | somebody know configure pam_usb? | 04:26 |
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Occasus | how processor intensive are your webapps | 04:26 |
xtknight | reiki_work: well the virus could still wipe your home dir which is arguably worse than replaceable system files | 04:26 |
Linuturk | Occasus: it only monitors 57 servers/workstations | 04:26 |
Gigs | ardchoille: multiverse is on, apt-file even has the manifests from the mplayer packages, and apt-get won't install it. "Cannot find package: mplayer-686" or whatever mplayer package I try to install. | 04:26 |
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Occasus | Linuturk: I see, i think you'll need to disable apache, if only for a few minutes to see what's causing this laod | 04:26 |
trappist | phazeman: nice :) | 04:26 |
tuskernini | i have a usb problem... i can only connect one of my memory keys to the bottom usb port... not a mouse | 04:26 |
=== aaale [n=aaale@host136-188-dynamic.2-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ardchoille | Gigs: sudo apt-get install mplayer ? | 04:27 |
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Gigs | ardchoille: same thing | 04:27 |
Linuturk | Occasus: have you ever seen a cacti server? It polls computers via SNMP and puts that info into a sql database. It then generates graphs via the web interface so you can monitor stuff | 04:27 |
=== SteveC_ [n=steve@host-87-74-36-247.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
agliv5 | Occasus, I think I figured out the problem, though I don't know how to fix it... it's saying "did not find a working copy of jsapi.h and the associated library" and "make sure the library is in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH and/or LDFLAGS" also "The ones from mozilla-dev or firefox-dev are ok" What library is it talking about and should I try installing mozilla-dev and/or firefox-dev? | 04:27 |
ardchoille | !mplayer | 04:27 |
ubotu | mplayer is a media player. Enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer To compile it from source see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile | 04:27 |
ubotu | For Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips. | 04:27 |
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Gigs | ardchoille: well not quite the same, it says it's referred to but not available | 04:27 |
ardchoille | Gigs: You on Dapper? Edgy? | 04:27 |
Occasus | Linuturk: never heard of it, that could be causing high load? | 04:27 |
Gigs | ardchoille: Dapper | 04:27 |
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blankfaze | amaroK looks nice but possibly bloated | 04:28 |
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ardchoille | Gigs: Can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list ? | 04:28 |
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Linuturk | Occasus: well, I didn't have any problems until I installed and then removed postfix and courier | 04:28 |
geeksauce | MystaMax yes, the pc recently was running windows, albeit horribly, but it was running. i wiped the whole hdd, created 2 partitions: 2 gb swap and 38 gb root | 04:28 |
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Linuturk | Occasus: I tried to add a mail server to it | 04:28 |
Gigs | ardchoille: it's just the default one with everything uncommented but I can, one second | 04:28 |
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Linuturk | Occasus: but I purged all the packages when I couldn't get the setup I wanted | 04:28 |
Occasus | agliv5: okay, right, add the temp path to /etc/ld.so.conf | 04:29 |
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Gigs | ardchoille: http://www.pastebin.ca/342777 | 04:29 |
Occasus | agliv5: theres a way to reload that conf file but i forgot it >_< | 04:29 |
Occasus | Linuturk: i see, that shouldnt be causing a problem | 04:29 |
Occasus | linuturk: does the file still exist in /etc/init.d/ for the mail server? | 04:29 |
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secureboot | anyone know how I can see the md5sums of each file in a package? | 04:29 |
matrix_ | somebody have pam_usb? | 04:30 |
Gigs | ardchoille: apt-file search mplayer lists all the packages and files from the packages that apt-get claims aren't there | 04:30 |
HighLife | md5sum filename | 04:30 |
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ardchoille | Gigs: You only have multiverse in backports, that's the problem | 04:30 |
Linuturk | Occasus: I'm not seeing anything . . . | 04:30 |
MystaMax | geeksauce, if the computer hasn't booted properly since installing, I'd try and reinstall. I had the same issue on a server, and it was b/c of the CD I used. I had to burn at a lower speed, and it worked fine. | 04:30 |
Occasus | Linuturk: okay, this is really strange | 04:30 |
Linuturk | MystaMax: yeah, always md5 your cds before installing | 04:30 |
Occasus | Linuturk: i suggest you take this machine offline and take a few services offline one by one and see what happens to the load average | 04:30 |
secureboot | i meant: given a file, how do I see if it belongs to a package, not just by name, but by hash or something similar? | 04:30 |
hitammanis | I'm using Ubuntu from a USB Pen Drive, in windows is there a way to boot Ubuntu in Qemu without using an image or iso? Please help please | 04:30 |
Gigs | ardchoille: oh... hmm weird that apt-file was able to get manifests regardless, let me add the other repo, one sec | 04:30 |
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Linuturk | Occasus: I think I'll wait for the load to spike up again, and then take a look at op | 04:31 |
unska | HighLife, i did it and my gfx are still messed up | 04:31 |
geeksauce | MystaMax: okay i'll try again. i burned it at 24x. i'll burn slower and verify this time | 04:31 |
Linuturk | Occasus: top* | 04:31 |
Occasus | Linuturk: okay great, let me know what happens | 04:31 |
unska | ffs! how can i get the xgl to work. damn it | 04:31 |
Occasus | unska: whats the problem | 04:31 |
ardchoille | Gigs: here's mine for Dapper: http://www.pastebin.ca/342781 | 04:31 |
Linuturk | thanks for the help Occasus | 04:31 |
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Occasus | Linuturk: np | 04:31 |
MystaMax | geeksauce, i burned it at 4x just to be safe. Not hurry to install :) | 04:31 |
HighLife | What driver did you select at the beginning? | 04:31 |
Gigs | ardchoille: thanks that did it | 04:31 |
blankfaze | is there an easy way to create a desktop shortcut to a folder on an external hard drive? | 04:31 |
unska | Occasus, i installed the xgl but it destroyed all my gfx in beryl and x | 04:31 |
Gigs | ardchoille: I wonder where apt-file was getting the information from though | 04:31 |
ardchoille | Gigs: :) | 04:31 |
Occasus | unska: that sucks, try this | 04:32 |
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Gigs | ardchoille: that it could see them even though the repos weren't there | 04:32 |
yossi | I can only get very low resolutions (up to 800x600) on the HDTV connected to this machine. I've used dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but it doesn't help. | 04:32 |
ardchoille | Gigs: No idea, but I knew it was a sources prob | 04:32 |
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Occasus | unska: is your nvidia-glx still working? | 04:32 |
Gigs | ardchoille: yeah I didn't notice multiverse was only backports.. thanks | 04:32 |
unska | how can i see that? | 04:32 |
unska | the grep thing? | 04:32 |
BetaCookies | Should I go with ATi or nVidia? I want to use Beryl smoothly, and my integrated graphics just cant handle it! [Even though they handle all the special effects of Vista, even though that sucks] | 04:32 |
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HighLife | unska: did you install the nvidea drivers or the XGL agian? | 04:32 |
Occasus | unska: reconfigure your X file, do this from command line... nvidia-xconfig | 04:32 |
MystaMax | BetaCookies, nVidia drivers are better | 04:33 |
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pietro_ | I'm installing clamav, thank's | 04:33 |
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unska | HighLife, it says that i already have the newest nvidia-glx | 04:33 |
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unska | Occasus, what's the whole command | 04:33 |
yossi | how do I get high resolutions on an HDTV? (Gnome, Edgy) | 04:33 |
BetaCookies | MystaMax okay, do you know about windows drivers? I'm dual booting.. | 04:33 |
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HighLife | unska: alright is your xserver ttly down? | 04:33 |
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unska | how do i see that | 04:33 |
jisatsu | does ubuntu support encrypted swap? | 04:33 |
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MystaMax | beta, it doesn't matter who u go with when it comes to windows, they are both very good on windows. | 04:34 |
Occasus | unska: nvidia-xconfig | 04:34 |
HighLife | Well can you even get to your desktop? | 04:34 |
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mhiku | for binaries, its $PATH, what for libraries and includes? | 04:34 |
unska | HighLife, yes | 04:34 |
darren_derwood | hi is there any that can help set up a controller for my pc | 04:34 |
PiNE | hi. my sound card in my laptop died and i have to get an external one. what is one that works well with ubuntu (and is pretty cheap)? | 04:34 |
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HighLife | unska: alright srry you had me confused :P | 04:35 |
unska | Occasus, Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf". ERROR: Unable to write to directory '/etc/X11'. | 04:35 |
unska | HighLife, just the graphics are messed up | 04:35 |
agliv5 | Occasus, I added both the spidermonkey and the temp dir to ld.so.conf I also installed the firefox-dev package and it's still not working :( | 04:35 |
MystaMax | BetaCookies, I'm usually a ATI user, but if they don't provide some help w/ *nix drivers, then im off to nvidia | 04:35 |
HighLife | unska: yes try Occasus's command | 04:35 |
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Occasus | unska: try using sudo infront of it | 04:35 |
St3ffen | unska, do sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 04:35 |
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blankfaze | is there an easy way to create a desktop shortcut to a folder on an external hard drive? | 04:35 |
ardchoille | St3ffen: Not a good idea to use sudo with GUI apps | 04:35 |
Occasus | agliv5: I see... :( that sucks, i have no idea what's going on ;( | 04:36 |
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BetaCookies | MystaMax I have integrated ATi graphics, and the drivers SUCK | 04:36 |
HighLife | ardchoille: why not? | 04:36 |
ardchoille | unska: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 04:36 |
unska | Occasus, it bacced up the file and created a new one, is this what i was after? | 04:36 |
ConstyXIV | are there any decent GUIs for Q-Emu? | 04:36 |
yommb | better do a gksu ... | 04:36 |
Occasus | unska: ya now restart X | 04:36 |
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Occasus | unska: (or Xgl) | 04:36 |
ConstyXIV | yommb: gksudo | 04:36 |
ardchoille | HighLife: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo | 04:36 |
blankfaze | whats the difference between sudo and gksudo | 04:36 |
HighLife | ctrl+alt+backspace | 04:36 |
blankfaze | oh link | 04:36 |
ConstyXIV | blankfaze: gui | 04:36 |
ardchoille | blankfaze: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo | 04:36 |
unska | i pressed ctrl+alt+backspace | 04:36 |
blankfaze | i saw :-) | 04:36 |
Occasus | unska: whats going on? | 04:37 |
MystaMax | BetaCookies, yea I've heard that. I'm lucky to have nvidia on my laptop | 04:37 |
unska | now im on a blank screen o.O | 04:37 |
unska | all black | 04:37 |
ConstyXIV | blankfaze: one sits in the terminal, one pops a huge graphic | 04:37 |
Occasus | unska: is it not starting at all? | 04:37 |
agliv5 | Occasus, ok, thanks anyway :) perhaps you could help me with some other compiling problems... | 04:37 |
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Occasus | unska: /join #occasus | 04:37 |
yommb | Const : gksu works fine , no . I almost always use it | 04:37 |
unska | well if ctrl+alt+backspace should restart it then no | 04:37 |
Occasus | agliv5: ya, whats up? | 04:37 |
BetaCookies | MystaMax yeah you're lucky! | 04:37 |
Occasus | HighLife: /join #occasus if you want too | 04:37 |
MystaMax | Hello, I accidently removed network-manager from my panel. How do I restore it? I don't see from the add to panel screen. | 04:38 |
ConstyXIV | MystaMax: run nm-applet | 04:38 |
agliv5 | Occasus, trying to compile amule and it says wxWidgets can't be found but I installed via synaptic... | 04:38 |
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ConstyXIV | agliv5: sudo apt-get build-dep amule | 04:38 |
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Occasus | agliv5: amule... hmm... thats not in synaptic, no? | 04:39 |
ConstyXIV | yeah, amule is | 04:39 |
agliv5 | Occasus, of course amule is in synaptic, but not the newest ;) | 04:39 |
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Occasus | agliv5: Lol! i see, hmmm.. try googling it? | 04:40 |
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Zan | Hey, could anyone give me advice about IPC and shm? | 04:40 |
Zan | I keep getting this kind of errors: ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:846:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to create IPC shm instance and ALSA snd_pcm_open error: No space left on device | 04:40 |
ConstyXIV | agliv5: that command i told you will apt-get everything you need to build amule | 04:40 |
agliv5 | Occasus, how do I determine where synaptic installed wxWidgets? | 04:40 |
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Occasus | agliv5: the long boring way... | 04:41 |
Occasus | agliv5: cd /;find . |grep wxWidgets | 04:41 |
ConstyXIV | agliv5: you probably didnt install the -dev package of wxwidgets | 04:41 |
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agliv5 | ConstyXIV, thax trying it now ;) | 04:41 |
Occasus | ConstyXIV: good one :) | 04:41 |
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ConstyXIV | apt-get build-dep is your friend if youre trying to compile something, regardless of where it came from | 04:42 |
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agliv5 | sorry guys I'm just slowly learn to compile programms myself ;) | 04:42 |
agliv5 | thanks for your patience :) | 04:42 |
intelikey | *** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (!prev): 0x0816e838 *** Entity: line 2486: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document </printer> ^ printer HP-PSC_750 not found! kdeprint: WARNING: PPD syntax error, PPD parse failed. | 04:42 |
ConstyXIV | agliv5: everyone learns once | 04:43 |
ConstyXIV | or twice | 04:43 |
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ConstyXIV | or a hundred times :) | 04:43 |
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reotus | Occasus: hi, you still there? | 04:43 |
intelikey | is that a bug in foomatic database ? | 04:43 |
Occasus | reotus: yeaup | 04:43 |
hitammanis | Hello | 04:43 |
Occasus | hey | 04:43 |
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GionnyBoss | I tryed to install Beryl but it doesn't work... when I try to select Beryl Window Manager, it does nothing and comes back to Metacity Windows Manager (default GNOME). Can anybody help me, please? | 04:44 |
mindstate | hello all | 04:44 |
hitammanis | Occasus: Can you help me? | 04:44 |
hitammanis | he | 04:44 |
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reotus | Occasus: i tried looking in the messages file but each time it crashes it has a different last few lines, and there was about a 5 minute gap between those lines and the actual freeze | 04:44 |
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Occasus | reotus: could it be a hardware thing | 04:44 |
reotus | it seems to freeze mainly when opening a program like gedit or firefox | 04:44 |
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Occasus | hitammanis: whats up | 04:44 |
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hitammanis | I'm using Ubuntu from a USB Pen Drive, in windows is there a way to boot Ubuntu in Qemu without using an image or iso? | 04:44 |
Occasus | hitammanis: what's Qemu | 04:45 |
agliv5 | ConstyXIV, after the build-dep it worked!!! | 04:45 |
reotus | Occasus: the only thing i can think of is that ive got a hauppauge pci tuner card but i havent heard of anyone having a problem with it | 04:45 |
ConstyXIV | agliv5: congrats | 04:45 |
Occasus | aglib: well done | 04:45 |
Occasus | reotus: well this is the fun part | 04:45 |
mindstate | how could i add certain commands to be automatically started when X starts? | 04:46 |
Occasus | reotus: try removing things that could be causing trouble / disabling services and stuff | 04:46 |
d0dge- | How can I see my ip in console? | 04:46 |
Occasus | mindstate: are you using gnome | 04:46 |
agliv5 | ConstyXIV, I wonder if build-dep would help me out with compiling avidemux??? will have to try later... | 04:46 |
Occasus | d0dge-: ifconfig | 04:46 |
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mindstate | Occasus, using XFCE4 | 04:46 |
hitammanis | Occasus: Qemu is a processor emulator | 04:46 |
ConstyXIV | in qemu news, the kqemu module is gpl now | 04:46 |
Occasus | mindstate: i only know of the gnome session startup things :\ | 04:47 |
mindstate | Occasus, i have a webcam and i always have to do modprobes to get it to work i just want to automatically have the commands ran | 04:47 |
mindstate | Occasus, :/ | 04:47 |
ConstyXIV | mindstate: add the module to /etc/modules | 04:47 |
Occasus | mindstate: oh i see | 04:47 |
Occasus | mindstate: constyXIV got it | 04:47 |
mindstate | ConstyXIV, thanks! | 04:47 |
ConstyXIV | welcome | 04:47 |
agliv5 | ConstyXIV, build-dep amule says that the dependencies can not be sufficed... what's up with that? | 04:48 |
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agliv5 | ConstyXIV, not amule, avidemux... | 04:48 |
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ConstyXIV | agliv5: one moment | 04:48 |
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ByronFortescue | Hello all! | 04:49 |
IdleOne | hello ByronFortescue | 04:49 |
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dfwlinuxguy | does anyone know how to disable scrolling in the gnome menus? It is beyond annoying | 04:50 |
ByronFortescue | can someone remind me where to paste large texts? | 04:50 |
IdleOne | !paste | 04:50 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:50 |
ConstyXIV | agliv5: not a clue, mabye it has wierd deps that arent in the reps. try looking at the readmes in the source, and make sure you're installing the (package)-dev packages | 04:50 |
ByronFortescue | ty ^_^ | 04:50 |
IdleOne | yup | 04:50 |
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ByronFortescue | i have a question, when i run apt-get update i get this error at the end | 04:51 |
ByronFortescue | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4424/ | 04:51 |
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yommb | Byron : is is from a repo key that isn't authenticated ! | 04:52 |
ByronFortescue | it doesn't go away when i run apt-get update some more | 04:52 |
Kajin | What do I have to install to get support for .rar archives? | 04:52 |
Occasus | Kajin: apt-get install rar | 04:53 |
Kajin | D'oh. | 04:53 |
Kajin | Thanks. xD | 04:53 |
ConstyXIV | Kajin: sudo apt-get install unrar | 04:53 |
dfwlinuxguy | does anyone know how to disable scrolling in the gnome menus? | 04:53 |
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Occasus | ConstyXIV: isn't it the rar package? | 04:53 |
ByronFortescue | yommb: what to do? | 04:53 |
Kajin | Alright. | 04:53 |
yommb | either get the key , or remove the repo ! | 04:54 |
ByronFortescue | hmm | 04:54 |
Kajin | Yup, that worked. | 04:54 |
ByronFortescue | how to get the key | 04:54 |
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Kajin | Thanks, both of you. | 04:54 |
ByronFortescue | ^_^ | 04:54 |
Occasus | Kajin np | 04:54 |
yommb | Byron : if you still remember where you got it ; | 04:54 |
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ByronFortescue | well, it does get keys automaticly right? | 04:54 |
yommb | Byrin : no | 04:54 |
ByronFortescue | it is from the main repo's | 04:54 |
Belboz99 | hey, I just compiled the 2.6.20 kernel and it stops just after loading the HID device driver, any ideas? | 04:54 |
yommb | if it is from the main repos , you shouldn't worry too much about it | 04:55 |
ByronFortescue | wait, let me paste the whole output | 04:55 |
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yommb | Byron : it won't do you any harm | 04:55 |
ConstyXIV | Occasus: nope, most definitley unrar | 04:55 |
ConstyXIV | !rar | 04:55 |
ubotu | rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 04:55 |
ConstyXIV | !unrar | 04:55 |
ubotu | unrar is rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 04:55 |
ByronFortescue | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4425/ here it is | 04:55 |
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Occasus | lmao | 04:56 |
Occasus | ConstyXIV kinda the same eh | 04:56 |
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Occasus | is this channel always this busy | 04:57 |
adortok | http://networks.ecse.rpi.edu/~vastola/pslinks/perf/node38.html#SECTION00034200000000000000 | 04:57 |
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ByronFortescue | any ideas? | 04:58 |
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agliv5 | ConstyXIV, the readme in the tarball is empty... trying to download from another source... | 04:58 |
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Lunar_Lamp | Occasus, pretty much | 04:58 |
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Occasus | Lunar_Lamp: pretty good channel though, keeps me busy | 04:58 |
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yommb | Byron : did u modify your /etc/apt/sources list ? | 04:59 |
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ByronFortescue | yommb: yeah, prolly right after I installed kubuntu | 04:59 |
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ByronFortescue | I always tick the other repo's on.. | 04:59 |
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yommb | i think it's just a syntax error | 05:00 |
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ByronFortescue | hmm ok | 05:00 |
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yommb | or your repo server is offline | 05:00 |
ICQnumber | is it easy to set up an ati graphic driver in ubuntu or kubuntu? | 05:01 |
ICQnumber | !ati | 05:01 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:01 |
ByronFortescue | ok, cuz it now gives timestamp errors when I try to install something | 05:01 |
ByronFortescue | not that that keeps from installing, but it's not so very clean | 05:01 |
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dfwlinuxguy | does anyone know how to disable scrolling in the gnome menus? | 05:01 |
Odd_Bloke | How do I go about burning an ISO? | 05:02 |
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Occasus | Odd_Bloke: use cdrecord | 05:02 |
Occasus | !cdrecord | 05:02 |
ubotu | cdrecord: command line CD writing tool. In component main, is optional. Version 4:2.01+01a03-5ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 567 kB, installed size 1176 kB | 05:02 |
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Occasus | Odd_Bloke cdrecord -v -pad speed=1 dev=0,0,0 src.iso | 05:04 |
boxubi | wow, this room has a lot of members! | 05:04 |
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Occasus | boxubi: sure does | 05:04 |
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hitammanis | can someone give a hand with configuring qemu to boot Ubuntu from a Usb pen drive | 05:04 |
MarcN | Odd_Bloke: or use nautilus -- view the folder and then right click on the .iso file | 05:04 |
hitammanis | in windows without creating an image or iso file | 05:05 |
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Odd_Bloke | Occasus, MarcN: Thanks. | 05:05 |
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Occasus | Odd_Bloke: np | 05:06 |
=== bulmer rants freaking ubuntu alternate downloads are so freaking hard to burn even at 2x..too freakin many errors when verified | ||
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ByronFortescue | bulmer: try another mirror ? | 05:07 |
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agliv5 | Trying to install avidemux 2.3 on edgy and there is apparently a deb for daper drake, would that work for me too? | 05:09 |
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bulmer | ByronFortescue: maybe, ubuntu downloads are just too difficult and frustrating to deal with...seems always done by amateurs | 05:10 |
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jrib | !info avidemux | agliv5 | 05:10 |
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ubotu | agliv5: avidemux: a small editing software for avi (especially DivX). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:2.1.2-0.0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 2738 kB, installed size 6956 kB | 05:11 |
pietro_ | sorry, someone can remember me how to access like root in the terminal? | 05:11 |
ByronFortescue | sudo | 05:11 |
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ByronFortescue | sudo bash | 05:11 |
pietro_ | just sudo? | 05:11 |
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ByronFortescue | there is no real root in ubuntu, only root access | 05:12 |
gOLdenHaWK3D | hi all | 05:12 |
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jrib | ByronFortescue: there is a real root... | 05:12 |
ByronFortescue | but i would only recommend sudo bash for the more experienced user | 05:12 |
noober | I have php installed and everything works fine. I just can't send mail through php, because I haven't a properly configured mail server. I have also tried to send mail using another smtp server but I can't get it work. Need help! | 05:12 |
agliv5 | jrib, thanxs but I don't the older version... | 05:12 |
jrib | !sudo | pietro_ | 05:12 |
ubotu | pietro_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 05:12 |
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jrib | agliv5: just compile the new one then | 05:13 |
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LjL | ByronFortescue: what is wrong with a plain "sudo -i" compared to the awkward sudo bash? | 05:13 |
reotus | is it right that amd64 processors have some trouble on ubuntu? i was wondering if that might be the reason why it always freezes when i use it | 05:13 |
agliv5 | jrib, I've been trying for a very long time and it's not working... | 05:13 |
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ByronFortescue | LjL: nothing, i've just been used to sudo bash ^_^ | 05:14 |
jrib | agliv5: I can try to help you but why do you need this new version? What is wrong with the one in the repositories exactly? | 05:14 |
ByronFortescue | LjL: but yes, sudo -i is better | 05:14 |
agliv5 | jrib, it's got something to do with spidermonkey, which I have installed, but gcc apparently find something... | 05:14 |
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jrib | agliv5: do you have the -dev package for it? | 05:14 |
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jrib | agliv5: this will probably get you what you need: sudo apt-get build-dep avidemux | 05:15 |
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NoEvidenZ | if i were to run "apt-get install kde | shutdown -P 1" would that wait for apt-get to finish before it shuts down? | 05:15 |
agliv5 | jrib, I don't know if anything is wrong with the old version, but moreover am hoping for new / better functions in the new version.. | 05:15 |
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jrib | agliv5: I see | 05:15 |
bobby_ | NoEvidenZ: use ; instead of | | 05:16 |
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agliv5 | jrib, build-dep avidemux says that the dependencies can not be surficed... tried looking in the tarball readme and it's empty... | 05:16 |
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NoEvidenZ | bobby_: Why's that? | 05:16 |
jrib | agliv5: pastebin your sources.list | 05:16 |
Dimensions | hi guys ... how do i make a udev rule that a script runs when i plug a usb drive into the machine ? | 05:17 |
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agliv5 | jrib, so I was looking for alternative sources | 05:17 |
bobby_ | NoEvidenZ: so apt-get can finish before reboot | 05:17 |
agliv5 | jrib, hang on... | 05:17 |
NoEvidenZ | bobby_: So a | would run the shutdown command right after it ran the apt-get? | 05:17 |
NoEvidenZ | bobby_: Rather than waiting for it to finish? | 05:17 |
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bobby_ | No, it would wait, but it pipes the output to the second command which in this case I assume is not what you want to do. | 05:18 |
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NoEvidenZ | bobby_: Oh, ok. Thanks. (I'm still learning, obviously. I just wanted to understand it before I used it.) | 05:19 |
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ConstyXIV | what sort of bot is ubotu? | 05:19 |
jrib | ConstyXIV: supybot | 05:19 |
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reotus | is it right that amd64 processors have some trouble on ubuntu? i was wondering if that might be the reason why it always freezes when i use it | 05:20 |
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ConstyXIV | jrib: can you feed supybot info from within irc? | 05:20 |
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agliv5 | jrib, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4429/ I think there is a duplicate entry there somewhere... | 05:20 |
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jrib | ubotu: tell ConstyXIV about yourself | 05:21 |
mysta | ConstyXIV: I don't get any feedback when i run nm-applet | 05:21 |
jrib | ConstyXIV: yeah | 05:21 |
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mysta | to restore network-manager panel icon | 05:21 |
yommb | !ati | 05:21 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:21 |
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NoEvidenZ | reotus: I couldn't get Ubuntu Edgy to run on my amd64, but Feisty ran fine (despite the obvious drawbacks of not being a stable release) | 05:21 |
ConstyXIV | mysta: just run nm-applet, and it should pop into the systray | 05:21 |
jrib | agliv5: k, pastebin the output you grom from apt-get build-dep avidemux too | 05:22 |
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adortok | windows vista is SICK | 05:22 |
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frobro360 | i've been trying to disable ipv6 and I am having some trouble, running Edgy amd64 | 05:22 |
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Souljah | Hey how do we contact repository authors | 05:22 |
NoEvidenZ | reotus: If you want to use Edgy, I'd suggest installing the i386 distro on your amd64. My friend does that and tells me it runs fine. | 05:22 |
jrib | !ipv6 | frobro360 | 05:22 |
ubotu | frobro360: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 05:22 |
adortok | u should try using windows instead of ubuntu | 05:22 |
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jrib | agliv5: why are you using http://mirror.home-dn.net/debian-multimedia ? | 05:23 |
mysta | ConstyXIV: still no feedback... | 05:23 |
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frobro360 | the bad_list file did not exist previously, and after making the change to /etc/initprobe.d/bad_list I got nothing after restarting | 05:23 |
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frobro360 | ipv6 still seems to be running | 05:24 |
frobro360 | sorry /etc/modprobe.d/bad_list | 05:24 |
adortok | easy fix. BUY VISTA | 05:24 |
agliv5 | jrib, it just says that the dependencies coud not be met... except in german ;) | 05:24 |
frobro360 | i've got vista | 05:24 |
deinspanjer | Is there any simple reason that Ubuntu Edgy is not executing the ~/.bash_profile script that it created? | 05:24 |
jrib | agliv5: get rid of the debian repo | 05:24 |
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deinspanjer | Sorry, this is when I start up a terminal through the Applications menu | 05:25 |
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Dimensions | any one with help on udev to run a script when usb key is plugged in ? | 05:25 |
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jrib | frobro360: ip a | grep inet6 return anything? | 05:25 |
frobro360 | yes, two lines | 05:25 |
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SilverCat | deinspanjer: .bash_profile only gets called upon instatiation of bash. So if you're using a windowing environment, it doesn't get called unless you open a terminal window, and then only applies to that terminal. | 05:26 |
frobro360 | jrib: yes, it returns two lines | 05:26 |
jrib | frobro360: did you try the dapper method at the bottom of the wiki page? | 05:26 |
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SilverCat | deinspanjer: oops, sorry. So, maybe when you start a terminal window through the Apllications menu, it is not actually starting bash, but a different shell altogether (csh/ksh/yash?) | 05:27 |
deinspanjer | SilverCat: I'm sorry if I'm being dense, but are you saying that I shouldn't expect it to be evaluated if I open a new terminal window through the panel menu Applications | Accessories | Terminal | 05:27 |
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deinspanjer | SilverCat: I don't think so, because .bashrc is evaluated properly. | 05:27 |
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SilverCat | deinspanjer: Hm. Standby while I fiddle. | 05:28 |
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jrib | deinspanjer: that's proper behavioir, see 'man bash' | 05:28 |
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jrib | deinspanjer: behavioioioior even :) What do you want to do in ~/.bash_profile? | 05:29 |
hitammanis | Is anyone familiar with Qemu for windows? | 05:29 |
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deinspanjer | jrib: Well, .bash_profile was created by my Ubuntu install, and I always thought that .bashrc was for non-interactive commands and .bash_profile was for login terminals. I want the bit at the bottom that adds ~/bin to the path to work. | 05:30 |
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SilverCat | deinspanjer: man bash under INVOCATION describes the different between an "interactive" shell and a "login" shell. ./bash_profile only gets evaluated for a login shell. a terminal window is by definition an interactive shell. | 05:30 |
deinspanjer | jirb: obviously, I could just copy and paste that code to .bashrc, but it doesn't seem right. | 05:30 |
^Ocean^ | Okay I have the Ubuntu 6.10 CD when i try and install it, the Xwindow installer shell thing, Detects the wrong resolution for my monitor, thus it shuts down... How do i get aruond this to install ? | 05:30 |
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uiiu | hi, does anyone know what command shows me the IP of my dhcp server? thanks | 05:30 |
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elementz | hi everybody | 05:30 |
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jrib | deinspanjer: ah, just drop it in ~/.xprofile or ~/.gnomerc | 05:31 |
Dimensions | uiiu: ifconfig ?? | 05:31 |
agliv5 | jrib, mirror.home-dn.net ... I, at some point thought it to be usefull... will remove the deb repo.. | 05:31 |
elementz | could someone please help me with this errormessage: | 05:31 |
elementz | bash: git: command not found | 05:31 |
quintin | ^Ocean^: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf or use the alternate install disc. Or try adding some options to boot: when you startup | 05:31 |
deinspanjer | SilverCat: I see.. so I guess my problem is that I am too used to terminal only installs. This is the first GUI distro I've ever worked with. | 05:31 |
legos | IRCnet | 05:31 |
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^Ocean^ | quintin: what options at book would i want too add ? | 05:31 |
quintin | elementz: that's pretty self-explanatory. git isn't in your $PATH, and probably not installed. ... what do you think it means? | 05:31 |
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quintin | ^Ocean^: hell if I know. I look like a guru or something? :P I'd just install in text-mode, it's faster anyway. | 05:31 |
ubunttv | just been playing on tuxracer :p | 05:32 |
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jrib | deinspanjer: if you want, you can just source ~/.bash_profile in ~/.xprofile | 05:32 |
elementz | quintin, installed it via apt-get install git | 05:32 |
deinspanjer | When I ssh into a server, .bash_profile gets evaluated because it is a login prompt. I didn't realize that X created terminals don't have the same consideration. | 05:32 |
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Crescendo | Gaaaahhhh I'm getting so fsking PISSED at this computer - every dmned time I am editing SSH files... it works fine for a while, then finally dies and tries to connect using any operation - I have reload GNOME to make it work again. ADSFASDFASDFDSAF!!!!! | 05:32 |
deinspanjer | jrib: I'll probably do just that. | 05:32 |
Crescendo | ADSGFADSFSADGF | 05:32 |
^Ocean^ | quintin, How do i start a txt mode install :D ahaha | 05:32 |
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SilverCat | deinspanjer: *nodnod*same here. it was a difference that I was unfamiliar with until just now. | 05:32 |
elementz | quintin, how do i add it to my path dir? | 05:32 |
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Crescendo | I'm so FLIPPING IRRITATED. | 05:32 |
quintin | elementz: try 'which git' 'whereis git' | 05:32 |
uiiu | dimensions: in and of itself "ifconfig" doesn't seem toshow anything but the broadcast and my own IP, i'll try to use man on it....any other ideas (thanks :) | 05:32 |
deinspanjer | Thanks veyr much to both SilverCat and jrib for the help! | 05:32 |
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quintin | ^Ocean^: You get the alternate install disc. | 05:32 |
Guvrok | Hey everybody. Is there a music handling/recording software similar to CUBASE compatible with Ubuntu? | 05:32 |
^Ocean^ | hmmm okay | 05:32 |
^Ocean^ | quintin, no way todo it with the stalk ? | 05:32 |
^Ocean^ | and does the Net install disk support DHCP ? | 05:33 |
^Ocean^ | sorrt PPPOE | 05:33 |
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elementz | quintin, which git gives me nothing, whereis gives me 'git:' | 05:33 |
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agliv5 | jrib, you mean the universe repo? | 05:33 |
quintin | Guvrok: Not sure what you are looking for, but 'audacity' works quite well. apt-get install audacity | 05:33 |
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quintin | elementz: Are you sure it's installed? Try a 'dpkg -i | grep git' | 05:33 |
jrib | agliv5: nope, that one is fine, the debian one at the bottom | 05:33 |
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Guvrok | quintin: thanks, but I have that already. I was more looking for a program where you can compose music by adding/emulating different instruments, etc | 05:33 |
Crescendo | Words don't even describe how retarded this is. And how pissed I'm getting at it. | 05:34 |
quintin | ^Ocean^: Pretty sure that it does, yes. Wouldn't be very useful if it didn't. | 05:34 |
=== juano__ [n=juano@r190-0-129-14.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
quintin | Guvrok: Like, a MIDI synthesizer? | 05:34 |
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Guvrok | yeah, think so. add guitar, drums, bass, etc | 05:34 |
Dimensions | sorry uiiu no idea then ... :( | 05:34 |
quintin | Crescendo: Why don't you state your problem instead of bitching randomly, kthnx. | 05:34 |
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lgc | Hello all! My upgrade process went wrong at some point (momentary power failure). How can I fix it? | 05:34 |
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Guvrok | through the program, that is. (I don't actually own drums :/) | 05:34 |
quintin | Guvrok: Have you searched google for "midi linux compose" or such? Might try that. | 05:34 |
defrysk | rosegarden perhaps ? | 05:34 |
Guvrok | ah, thanks, I'll try it, quintin | 05:34 |
quintin | lgc: apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:34 |
=== AnisEstrellado [n=xam@213-140-17-101.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
uiiu | dimensios: no prob, :) thanks though, i should've googled it first (lazy ;) if i find out, i'll post the answer... | 05:35 |
Crescendo | quintin, how about not, no one from this dmnd community (open source in general) is hardly ever any help. Things just don't work, and getting the answers is impossible. | 05:35 |
AnisEstrellado | Hi all anyone have experience with roper usb dongle | 05:35 |
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agliv5 | jrib, home-dn-net? gone | 05:35 |
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quintin | Crescendo: Dude, stfu or ask me a question :P | 05:35 |
ubunttv | any more game like tuxracer i can install | 05:35 |
AnisEstrellado | i've almost tried everything | 05:35 |
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AnisEstrellado | but it didn't work | 05:35 |
quintin | !doesn't work | 05:35 |
juano__ | Crescendo then why are you here ? | 05:35 |
AnisEstrellado | :( | 05:35 |
ubotu | Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 05:35 |
lgc | quintin, when I do the last, it threatens to download the whole GB of data again, should I take it seriously? | 05:35 |
defrysk | !info rosegarden | 05:35 |
ubotu | rosegarden: music editor and MIDI/audio sequencer. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.2.4-1 (edgy), package size 3244 kB, installed size 7768 kB | 05:35 |
=== Lapfunc [n=adrian@cpc3-cwma3-0-0-cust35.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
quintin | lgc: yes. Is that an issue for you? narrow band connection? | 05:36 |
elementz | quintin, got it working thx for your help | 05:36 |
Dimensions | uiiu: lol np thats what i do too ... to get answer quickly ... instead of googling ...i ask in forums ... | 05:36 |
Mumbles | right. who wants to help me troubleshoot connection problem ? | 05:36 |
jrib | agliv5: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get build-dep avidemux | 05:36 |
quintin | elementz: Glad I could be of assistance | 05:36 |
Mumbles | ive tried eveything i know | 05:36 |
Crescendo | juano__, I'm here in hopes that FOSS is better than the other retarded solutions out there, and that the community will help solve problems it has | 05:36 |
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Crescendo | Gah, I'm sorry, though. I'm just irritated. | 05:36 |
Crescendo | Pissed. | 05:36 |
juano__ | Crescendo hehe yep | 05:36 |
lgc | quintin, no. But I wonder if there is any case in downloading everyhing again, good or bad. | 05:36 |
quintin | Crescendo: What is your problem? | 05:36 |
=== preaction___ [n=doug@static-72-1-4-143.ntd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
juano__ | Crescendo peace ! :P | 05:36 |
alex__ | HI all, I have installed windows on my C partition but now grub is gone. How can I reinstall it ? | 05:37 |
Crescendo | I'm too mad at my computer right now to even begin describing my problem. | 05:37 |
quintin | lgc: No. Things will be redownloaded if checksums don't match. Just do apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade. | 05:37 |
elementz | quintin, one more thing: when i launch any program from terminal, the terminal gets blocked until i close that program -> is there any way to keep the console open for input? | 05:37 |
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Crescendo | Give me a few minutes. | 05:37 |
alex__ | Also, I want to dual boot so I need to add an entry to the menu.lst to boot windows. Any URL For examples ? | 05:37 |
jrib | Crescendo: take a break, go for a walk | 05:37 |
boxubi | im using airport and ethernet... will the computer just use both equally? | 05:37 |
juano__ | Crescendo: yep, jrib good advice | 05:37 |
AnisEstrellado | elementz, you can add & after the command | 05:37 |
rbil | Crescendo: don't get mad, get even :-) ... ask for help and hopefully someone here can help you | 05:37 |
quintin | alex__: Boot from the LiveCD, open a terminal, and do 'sudo grub-installer' or 'sudo grub-install' and whatever your hard drive is as the argument. Probably /dev/hda | 05:37 |
Jowi | alex__, see here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 05:37 |
elementz | AnisEstrellado, thx | 05:37 |
lgc | quintin, that's good to know! How about the "--fix-missing" option? Do you know how to use it? (I says I should try it). | 05:38 |
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quintin | elementz: Yes. Use the "&" character at the end of your command when you launch program. Keep in mind it is still tied to your term though, and that if you close your terminal it will close all programs launched from it. | 05:38 |
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Quintin | elementz: YOu might also try "man exec" | 05:38 |
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elementz | Quintin, thx | 05:38 |
agliv5 | jrib, says the same thing as before | 05:38 |
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Quintin | elementz: You're welcome | 05:38 |
juano__ | alex__: you need to know at what /dev/ your root partition is | 05:38 |
juano__ | alex__: booting in live cd | 05:39 |
felipe_eletro_bo | #ubuntu-br | 05:39 |
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Quintin | juano__: I don't think that matters, since GRUB would be installed to the master boot record of the hard disk by default. | 05:39 |
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defrysk | /j #ubuntu-br | 05:39 |
Crescendo | I connect to an SSH server using Nautilus to do my file editing on my site (Because there _isn't_ an appropriate usable equivalent of Dreamweaver on Linux. Irritating, again.) - it works fine for a few minutes, maybe a few hours. Then randomly, when I'm changing directories or trying to open a file, or whatever, it just sits there, trying to connect. | 05:39 |
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jrib | agliv5: LANGUAGE=en_US apt-cache policy avidemux on pastebin please | 05:39 |
juano__ | Quintin: yeah but then hes gonna have to make changes | 05:39 |
lgc | Quintin, Quintn? | 05:39 |
Quintin | lgc: You type --fix-missing .. :P I'd just do update and dist-upgrade, as I said | 05:39 |
juano__ | Quintin: if he doesnt specify root dir | 05:39 |
Quintin | lgc: huh? | 05:40 |
lgc | Are you Spanish? | 05:40 |
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juano__ | grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/hdd /dev/hda | 05:40 |
lgc | Quintin, are you Spanish? | 05:40 |
rbil | Crescendo: do u have control of the server? | 05:40 |
Quintin | juano__: Why woul dhe need to make any changes?? /boot/grub/menu.lst etc are still going to be the same files they were before Windows overworte the master boot record. | 05:40 |
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jrib | agliv5: actually hold on, maybe this package is buggy. Because I can't get build-deps either | 05:40 |
Quintin | lgc: No, pero hablo espanol. un poquito :p | 05:40 |
Crescendo | rbil, of course, I own the thing | 05:40 |
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Crescendo | !es | 05:41 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 05:41 |
lgc | Quintin, ya veo. De dnde eres? | 05:41 |
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juano__ | Quintin: mm maybe your right | 05:41 |
Quintin | lgc: los Estados Unidos. y tu? | 05:41 |
juano__ | Quintin: Grub autodetects every partition then ? | 05:41 |
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Crescendo | I'm going to stomp this thing into the ground. | 05:41 |
Quintin | juano__: Of course... it's me... ;) | 05:41 |
acemo | what boot options should i use with the uubuntu live cd when i want only the text base? | 05:41 |
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lgc | Quintin, de Mxico (vivo en el D.F.) | 05:41 |
juano__ | Quintin: ;-) | 05:41 |
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Quintin | juano__: This was handled in the initial install, and the conf files are in /boot/grub .. I don't think anything else needs to be done besides putting GRUB back on the MBR for things to function correctly. | 05:42 |
juano__ | Quintin: i see, i first mounted root partition then specified root dir | 05:42 |
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Lapfunc | hi. a file created in windows has weird characters instead of double quotes and such in gedit. i'm guessing this is a charset issue, but why doesn't gedit just detect the charset? | 05:42 |
juano__ | Quintin: while i installed grub | 05:43 |
Quintin | Lapfunc: "Pretty quotes" or whatever, is probably what that is supposed to be. | 05:43 |
Quintin | It's snowing! | 05:43 |
deinspanjer | jrib: Just a spot more help if you can. I tried creating a simple script that sources .bash_profile. I tried each of the following names: .xprofile, .Xprofile, and .gnomerc but none of them are being evaluated when gnome-terminal is run. I did a man gnome-terminal hoping it would mention default files to be evaluated as man bash does, but it doesn't give anything useful. | 05:43 |
Quintin | lgc: el D.F.? | 05:43 |
jrib | agliv5: yeah it has libsdl-dev as a dep which doesn't exist... ok, do this: 'apt-cache showsrc avidemux' and make sure you install all the build dependencies listed (excluding libsdl-dev of course). For libsdl-dev just find what the right package name is | 05:43 |
Lapfunc | Quintin: right, but the thing is gedit seems to save them as an unknown instead of what they were originally | 05:44 |
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jrib | deinspanjer: it gets evaluated when you log into X | 05:44 |
vox754 | Crescendo: I think most people in this channel are actually newbies and know little about ssh. Probably best looking in the forums. | 05:44 |
Crescendo | Raaaaaawr. | 05:44 |
acemo | is there a way to use Option "MonitorLayout" "LVDS,AUTO" on booting the live cd? | 05:44 |
jrib | deinspanjer: well after gdm | 05:44 |
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lgc | Quintin, yes, that's where I live, but I was born a stone's throw away (literally) from your country. | 05:44 |
deinspanjer | jrib: Ah, so I have to log out and log back in. Wow.. It's just like being back in Windows! ;) | 05:44 |
Quintin | Crescendo: You still haven't said what your issue is. | 05:44 |
Lapfunc | Quintin: which means once the file is edited those characters are lost forever | 05:44 |
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iosdfjdosi | hi all | 05:45 |
Quintin | lgc: what is D.F. though? :) | 05:45 |
deinspanjer | jrib: Which of those names is the most proper one? | 05:45 |
juano__ | Quintin: yes he did | 05:45 |
Quintin | Lapfunc: What is the source of the document in question? | 05:45 |
vox754 | !offtopic > lgc | 05:45 |
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jrib | deinspanjer: .gnomerc will only work for gnome of course, I think .xprofile should work with anything you log into from gdm | 05:45 |
Quintin | juano__: I asked him to repeat it, I don't want to search my buffer | 05:45 |
Lapfunc | Quintin: it's a sql dump | 05:45 |
=== Carnage` [n=carnage@dslb-084-057-234-020.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Crescendo | I connect to an SSH server using Nautilus to do my file editing on my site (Because there _isn't_ an appropriate usable equivalent of Dreamweaver on Linux. Irritating, again.) - it works fine for a few minutes, maybe a few hours. Then randomly, when I'm changing directories or trying to open a file, or whatever, it just sits there, trying to connect. | 05:45 |
juano__ | Quintin: ^^ | 05:45 |
Lapfunc | Quintin: that's all i know | 05:45 |
yossi | how do I set the dpi for the display? | 05:45 |
lgc | Quintin, Distrito Federal (Mexico City). | 05:45 |
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deinspanjer | jrib: Okay, thanks. Let me go re-log and tryt hat out. | 05:46 |
Quintin | lgc: Oh, I see. | 05:46 |
jrib | deinspanjer: I think you might be able to alt-f2 and run it from there too | 05:46 |
Quintin | lgc: We had better continue on yahoo! IM or something before the off topic police arrive. :p | 05:46 |
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agliv5 | jrib, it's showing 3 dependecies which I will install and report back... | 05:46 |
lgc | Quintin, the offtopic-police (nice name!) just arrived. Can you P.M. me? | 05:47 |
acemo | is there a way to use Option "MonitorLayout" "LVDS,AUTO" on booting the live cd? | 05:47 |
rbil | Crescendo: just a thought ... are u using static ip's? Is it possible that DHCP lease has expired? | 05:47 |
Wortel | Hey hello anyone has experience with installing Kubentu on a Laptop with a X700 GFX card? since ill hear the sound it booted from live-cd but my screen turns black | 05:47 |
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Crescendo | rbil, all static IPs, and it connects fine when I restart GNOME. | 05:47 |
Crescendo | :/ | 05:47 |
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Quintin | Crescendo: Odd. I would ask in #gnome. have you tried using sshfs instead of the GNOME connection? 1) there are several WYSIWYG editors for linux. nvu is one that comes to mind. 2) WYSIWYG is for idiots IMNSHO. I do everything from scratch with vi 3) dreamweaver runs with WINE compatibility layer. | 05:47 |
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juano__ | Crescendo: using fish ? | 05:48 |
Quintin | acemo: Have you tried nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and restarting X ? | 05:48 |
yossi | where is the DPI setting stored? | 05:48 |
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Quintin | !dpi is http://scanline.ca/dpi/ | 05:49 |
Quintin | dumb bot | 05:49 |
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Quintin | yossi: Read that link please. | 05:49 |
Crescendo | Quintin, I use DW for the coding shtuff. And, while I am a geek, I don't like this "linux crap" - vi, nano - zomg, use this tool, no use this one. But anyways. Yeah, it's just too much of a hassle (for me) to get a copy (!) and wine it. | 05:49 |
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Crescendo | I'm just using Gedit right now. | 05:49 |
yossi | thanks Quintin | 05:49 |
Crescendo | juano__, no fish | 05:49 |
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blankfaze | i have an external mounted ntfs hard drive ... how can i set it so it is read/write and not just read only?? | 05:50 |
jrib | !ntfs-3g | blankfaze | 05:50 |
IdleOne | !fuse | blankfaze | 05:50 |
ubotu | blankfaze: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 05:50 |
juano__ | blankfaze: ntfs-3g | 05:50 |
ubotu | blankfaze: Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse | 05:50 |
=== Mumbles kicks ubuntu. why did it just stop getting a dchp offer from the firewall | ||
Quintin | Crescendo: Get a copy of what, WINE? It's free. apt-get install wine. boom, done. As long as you do it all from scratch and don't use the GUI bull :P. I tried a demo of dw for 1h or so and hated it, but it may be useful :) | 05:50 |
blankfaze | why is it very unsafe? | 05:50 |
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IdleOne | blankfaze: because MS sucks | 05:50 |
Odd_Bloke | I have two soundcards in my machine, but the Sound preferences dialog is only displaying one of them as an option. I know they both are recognised by the system because alsaconf shows them both with -c0 and -c1. The card currently visible in the configuration screen is the first ALSA card (-c0). How do I use the second (-c1)? | 05:50 |
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Quintin | blankfaze: I use captive-ntfs | 05:51 |
jrib | blankfaze: because it has to be reverse engineered since Microsoft isn't very helpful | 05:51 |
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yossi | Quintin: so how do I set a lower dpi than default? | 05:51 |
Quintin | lgc: Did you get my PM? | 05:51 |
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Crescendo | Quintin, nah - a copy of DW. :P The only thing that it provides over Gedit + Nautilus + SSH is tag completion, library lookups for languages I'm working with, and FTP instead of SSH. | 05:52 |
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Quintin | Crescendo: Wait, if you aren't currently using and thus dependent on functionality in DW, why are you complaining about it? | 05:52 |
lgc | Quintin, back in the good-old days I could respond to PMs. with no extra red tape. Now I can't! I have to register... | 05:53 |
rbil | Crescendo: look here ... http://home.frognet.net/~aalug/docs/ssh/node16.html ... play with KeepAlive setting | 05:53 |
Quintin | lgc: It's not difficult. /msg nickserv register <password> :p | 05:53 |
=== JDStone [n=JD@adsl-64-170-164-98.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lgc | Quintin, let me try... | 05:53 |
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blankfaze | i don't really have a choice. my ntfs drive has all my music. no way i am reformatting that. | 05:53 |
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juano__ | blankfaze: | 05:53 |
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Moniker42 | do i need to Edit PHP Configuration to Work With MYSQL in edgy? | 05:53 |
Odd_Bloke | blankfaze: Do you need to write to the drive? | 05:54 |
juano__ | blankfaze: pastebin your fstab | 05:54 |
Quintin | blankfaze: I *do* hope you regularly backup that stuff. Hard drive failure is _when_ not if. | 05:54 |
=== bastian [n=bastian@pD9E5E984.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blankfaze | i need to delete things. | 05:54 |
IdleOne | lgc: registering your nick is to protect you from other ppl using it and also to avoid the stupid botnet kiddies from joining and floding every user with useless spam in pm's | 05:54 |
=== Pesa [n=dodger@p5081F1CB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blankfaze | quintin: i know. i don't. i should. i am a bum. | 05:54 |
Quintin | blankfaze: You might want to consider using ext3 instead. You can access ext3 from windows | 05:54 |
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lgc | Quintin, it says my nickname is already registered (by me, if I am right). How can I "log in"? | 05:54 |
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Quintin | lgc: /msg nickserv identify <password> | 05:54 |
Moniker42 | lgc, "/msg nickserv identify <password>" | 05:55 |
Odd_Bloke | lgc: /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password> | 05:55 |
Moniker42 | ;) | 05:55 |
Odd_Bloke | I lose. | 05:55 |
Moniker42 | i came in 2nd place... | 05:55 |
lgc | Thanks all! | 05:55 |
Quintin | !win quintin | 05:55 |
blankfaze | quintin: i don't need to access it from windows. windows is no longer a part of my life :-). but i don't have another HD to transfer my music to in order to reformat the one its on | 05:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about win quintin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:55 |
IdleOne | lgc: ^^^ LOOK UP LOL | 05:55 |
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Quintin | Ok, your bot is an idiot. | 05:55 |
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kiratik | How do i check disk integrity on server ? | 05:55 |
juano__ | !pastebin | blankfaze: paste your /etc/fstab | 05:55 |
ubotu | blankfaze: paste your /etc/fstab: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:55 |
lgc | Ha! I'm in! | 05:55 |
Moniker42 | Quintin, ubotu has feelings you know | 05:55 |
St3ffen | hi | 05:55 |
Crescendo | Quintin, just ranting. If I had tab completion in Gedit, I wouldn't worry about it. :) | 05:55 |
IdleOne | !windows | Quintin | 05:55 |
ubotu | Quintin: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 05:55 |
Crescendo | SSH is fine for me. | 05:55 |
rbil | Crescendo: and look here at ClientAliveInterval setting ... http://www.brandonhutchinson.com/OpenSSH_ClientAliveInterval.html | 05:55 |
St3ffen | when i run 'beryl' i get the following error | 05:55 |
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St3ffen | Detected xserver : AIGLX | 05:56 |
St3ffen | Checking Display :0.0 ... | 05:56 |
St3ffen | Checking for XComposite extension : failed | 05:56 |
Crescendo | Thanks, rbil - | 05:56 |
cryingfreeman | Hi. Anyone knows if there is some official Ubuntu artwork (logos, slideshows etc) that one can take part of? Can | 05:56 |
Quintin | IdleOne: Ehm, why are you sending me that. | 05:56 |
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St3ffen | everything is installed correctly, i think | 05:56 |
Crescendo | Again, what frustrates me is that a normal user can't make these changes, and more particularly, doesn't want to. | 05:56 |
Crescendo | They'd rather go use Windows. | 05:56 |
IdleOne | Quintin: you did !win I assumed you were looking for a windows factoid | 05:56 |
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Crescendo | Or MacOS. | 05:56 |
Quintin | Crescendo: What changes? | 05:56 |
Crescendo | Because it works. | 05:56 |
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Crescendo | Quintin, this keepalive crap. | 05:57 |
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Quintin | IdleOne: No. A common bot has a lot of cute 'Congratulations <nick> youv'e won a <funny thing>!' messages. :p | 05:57 |
rbil | Crescendo: since when did Windoze start doing ssh? | 05:57 |
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Crescendo | This is why Linux hasn't exploded: things simply don't work. | 05:57 |
bigcx2 | ghs | 05:57 |
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Crescendo | rbil, it doesn't - but you download an SSH client, and it works _fine_ | 05:57 |
Quintin | Crescendo: Ehm. It works quite well. | 05:57 |
Crescendo | SSH on a Mac works beautiful, too. | 05:57 |
Quintin | The uptime on my firewall is well over one hundred days | 05:57 |
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Quintin | well that's BSD Unix, but still good stuff. | 05:58 |
Crescendo | Quintin, sure - I agree. The technical merit of Linux is great. | 05:58 |
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Crescendo | Hold on, client phone | 05:58 |
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reiki_work | SSH works great for me in Ubuntu ... at least since AUGUST of '05 when I started USING it. :) | 05:58 |
Quintin | THe 'user-friendliness' is not on par with other commercial projects, yet. But as far as "working" .. tends to work much better than alternatives. | 05:58 |
IdleOne | Quintin: ubotu is not a common bot it isnt here for amusement it is here for informational use only but if you want to play with it try /msg ubotu trigger or #ubuntu-bots | 05:58 |
Quintin | IdleOne: all bots are here for my amusement! | 05:58 |
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IdleOne | Quintin: then go ahead and play with it and see how long that lasts for you :) | 05:59 |
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blankfaze | does anyone know if compiz has an official channel? | 05:59 |
GoopyMonkey | hello | 05:59 |
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juano__ | blankfaze: #compiz ? | 06:00 |
infidel | !glx | 06:00 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about glx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:00 |
Mak76 | !Feisty | 06:00 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 06:00 |
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infidel | !compiz | 06:00 |
vox754 | cryingfreeman: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate | 06:00 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 06:00 |
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Crescendo | We're not just talking about SSH though. It's any feature that doesn't work as cleanly, as crisply, as flawlessly - as in MacOS, or Windows, or whatever. | 06:01 |
blankfaze | thank you infidel | 06:01 |
Crescendo | Users should _never_ be forced to terminal, nor should they ever have to do any technical configuring. | 06:01 |
Crescendo | It should be possible, but never required. | 06:01 |
IdleOne | !offtopic | 06:01 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 06:01 |
Crescendo | :/ | 06:01 |
rbil | Crescendo: methinks you're still grumbling. I haven't experienced problems with Ubuntu like I've had with XP. | 06:01 |
Quintin | IdleOne: I don't see anything offtopic. | 06:02 |
IdleOne | Crescendo: I agree but discuss it in #ubuntu-offtopic :) | 06:02 |
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juano__ | Crescendo: well your right in some things about that | 06:02 |
vox754 | Crescendo: Come on man. You are just ranting. This is a support channel. | 06:02 |
Crescendo | rbil, sure you have. | 06:02 |
GoopyMonkey | can anyone help me out on what i need to upgrade from windows XP to linux? | 06:02 |
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infidel | blankfaze, for what? | 06:02 |
Crescendo | rbil, ever been to a site that requires flash9? | 06:02 |
IdleOne | sorry caps | 06:02 |
juano__ | Crescendo: but i think even in windows users dont feel comfortable and cant make much things work | 06:02 |
Quintin | Crescendo: I somewhat agree. I don't think ubuntu users are forced to do such. When they are the documention is very *very* specific about what to do. SSH works great for me | 06:02 |
killermach | how do I swith desktops in gnome with the keyboard? | 06:02 |
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xtknight | killermach: ctrl alt left arrow or right arrow | 06:03 |
rbil | Crescendo: no, I hate flash and avoid it if possible. | 06:03 |
Quintin | GoopyMonkey: Computer maybe. | 06:03 |
juano__ | Crescendo: without help, that is | 06:03 |
Crescendo | Quintin, sure, and that's all well and dandy. Problem is, users _don't_ reat documentation | 06:03 |
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Crescendo | rbil, then you're not a normal user: you're a technical user. | 06:03 |
Quintin | Crescendo: Ubuntu is not for that person at the present time. | 06:03 |
Crescendo | red* | 06:03 |
Crescendo | Quintin, true | 06:03 |
Aspid | hello everybody | 06:03 |
xtknight | i'm using flash 9 in 64 bit firefox with no problems | 06:03 |
Crescendo | Quintin, we're gearing for that direction, though. | 06:03 |
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xtknight | not that hard, they just have to make a gui for nspluginwrapper and flash | 06:03 |
killermach | xtknight: thanks :).. I'm new to gnome, been using KDE since about 1998 | 06:03 |
Crescendo | xtknight, great - but would my grandma be able to make it work? | 06:03 |
Aspid | do you speak in Ukrainian& | 06:04 |
reiki_work | The users that don't read documentation are teh same ones currently standing at our Service counter waiting to drop off their machines 'cause they screwed them up. Ubuntu can be a better OS but it doesn't change teh user. :) | 06:04 |
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Quintin | Crescendo: Rome wasn't built in a day. | 06:04 |
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GoopyMonkey | I have read it, I just have some questions. | 06:04 |
LjL | #ubuntu-offtopic awaits you all... | 06:04 |
vieirar | Hi I am running Ubuntu Edgy Eft. For some reason I am running out of disk space. So I did an #df -h it tells me I am Size 71G Used 57G Avail 11G Used 85% | 06:04 |
Crescendo | reiki_work, correct - and we just need to make sure we're on the path to change the software to support that user. | 06:04 |
Quintin | xtknight: Do you have 32bit libs? | 06:04 |
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Crescendo | Hey, I work tech support - but I willingly will put myself out of a job | 06:04 |
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kiratik | Is there any way of checking the integrity of the disk without unmounting it - i need to keep this server up but i suspect the file_system may be going bad - i just need to diagnose - if its bad i'll be able to take it offline and treat it - but is there any way to tell without takign everything offline ? | 06:05 |
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GoopyMonkey | Does Ubuntu support a USB network adapter? | 06:05 |
killermach | xtknight: is there a "point-click" setup for xinerama in gnome ? I have a laptop an added a monitor, but currently I just have two copies of the same screen | 06:05 |
vieirar | However when I highlight all folders and files from the root directory it shows only 44.6GB being used. Where is the hidden files and folders taking the other 10+ GB | 06:05 |
vox754 | GoopyMonkey: it does, but USB is always tricky. | 06:05 |
Quintin | kiratik: Anyway to check a filesystem without going offline? Maybe, don't know. If you want to know physical drive health, use SMART tools. apt-get install smartmontools | 06:05 |
xtknight | Quintin: no | 06:05 |
GoopyMonkey | Ah. That's what I was afraid to hear. :P | 06:05 |
xtknight | Quintin: well i do, but yuo dont need em | 06:06 |
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Quintin | vieirar: Your user account probably doesn't have read perms for everything. | 06:06 |
reiki_work | Crescendo: I'm not disagreeing that there are improvements to be made... goodness know I've screwed up the install of an nVidia driver on THREE (count 'em THREE) installations in a row. Stuff like that should be a no-brainer.... however I've also watched windows systems do an MS Meltdown just from trying to upgrade something that MS said should work... *shrug* | 06:06 |
LjL | vieirar: files take up more disk space than the actual sum of all sizes would make one believe. small files are particularly sensitive to that | 06:06 |
kiratik | Quintin: those are not GUI based are they? I don't want the overhead of installing X on the server | 06:06 |
Quintin | xtknight: I should think they're needed for flash. Isn't it 32bit only? | 06:06 |
vieirar | Quintin, I did this from the ROOT user | 06:06 |
xtknight | killermach: i don believe so | 06:06 |
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^Ocean^ | hey, is there an easy way of turning IP masq on, so i can share the network's internet connection ? | 06:06 |
Quintin | kiratik: No, they are not. | 06:06 |
xtknight | Quintin: nspluginwrapper wraps 32bit to 64bit | 06:06 |
LjL | vieirar: try making 1000 files of one byte each - they won't take up just 1000 bytes, for sure | 06:06 |
Quintin | vieirar: You logged into GUI as root? That's a no-no | 06:06 |
vox754 | GoopyMonkey: you should look at compatibility hardware lists somewhere. State your hardware, manufacturer, chipset. For desktop, PCI is better. | 06:07 |
Quintin | vieirar: The size of all files isn't going to == your used disk space. Each file takes up a minimum of 1 cluster on the disk. | 06:07 |
kiratik | Its installed - just google it ? | 06:07 |
vieirar | Quintin, no I am not logged in as root I have a script that allows me to start nautaluis up as root | 06:07 |
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Quintin | vieirar: Which is probably going to be 4096 bytes, unless you did something special in your install | 06:07 |
vieirar | Quintin, like using gksu | 06:07 |
paiiiiii | Im currenly running the live-cd, is it possible to look at the current xorg.conf the live-cd is using? | 06:07 |
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killermach | xtknight: ok.. Ihave it workin on my main workstation so I have an xor.conf example, just not sure the settings on the laptop | 06:07 |
LjL | paiiiiii: sure... gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 06:08 |
GoopyMonkey | vos754: OK, just for the record I am using a Belkin 54g USB Network Adapter | 06:08 |
vieirar | Quintin, Ahhh ok I did not think of cluster sizes,. | 06:08 |
Quintin | paiiiiii: Uhm, nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 06:08 |
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priboy | can anybody suggest a pic viewer? | 06:08 |
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IdleOne | f-spot | 06:08 |
xtknight | killermach: nvidia-settings maybe | 06:08 |
Quintin | priboy: Picasa2! ;-) | 06:08 |
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Pretor1ab | hello | 06:09 |
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dyrne | priboy: for console or what? i use gqview and then fbi in cli | 06:09 |
IdleOne | priboy: mirage | 06:09 |
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Pretor1ab | i have installed ejabberd and am trying to view the web admin page | 06:09 |
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Pretor1ab | except the page is just blank | 06:09 |
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vox754 | GoopyMonkey: I think I've heard it. Gotta check. | 06:09 |
priboy | thx all, i will take a try | 06:09 |
Quintin | Pretor1ab: What do the logs say? | 06:09 |
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g333k_work | hello, I see ugly characters when I read text in Spanish in the bash, how can I fix that? | 06:10 |
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Quintin | g333k_work: What local are you using? | 06:10 |
Quintin | g333k_work: s/local/locale | 06:10 |
Crescendo | reiki_work, _exactly_ - things need to be painless for the enduser. I like the way Ubuntu is progressing, though. It's getting there. 7.04 has that proprietary downloader - with a warning. Which is the way it should be. One thing I hate about the Linux community is the cult/hive/hippie mind. Sure, in principal, all software is free, all codecs are free, everything simply works, and is available: but fact of the matt | 06:10 |
Crescendo | er is, there are proprietary softwares - we can't keep shooting for a goal that isn't attainable | 06:10 |
g333k_work | Quintin, how do I find this information? | 06:10 |
kiratik | How do i find out what filesystems are actually filesystems on the machine ? like is /home/shlave isn't on /dev/hda (doesn't exist) - what is the device name of the root filesystem ? | 06:10 |
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Pretor1ab | ../va/log/ejabberd.log look okay | 06:11 |
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vox754 | GoopyMonkey:check this out http://czarism.com/easy-peasy-wireless-w-ubuntu-debian-linux | 06:11 |
Pretor1ab | just a load of http requests | 06:11 |
Occasus | my head hurts :( | 06:11 |
blankfaze | so, what is the "preferred" filesystem on linux? ext3? | 06:12 |
kjm | kiratik - look at /etc/fstab and the mount point for / - should also tell you FS type | 06:12 |
Pretor1ab | a typical line says: | 06:12 |
Occasus | blankfaze: reiserFS FTW :) | 06:12 |
Pretor1ab | =INFO REPORT==== 2007-02-06 17:07:39 === | 06:12 |
Pretor1ab | I(<0.228.0>:ejabberd_listener:90): (#Port<0.357>) Accepted connection {{192,168,0,4},58087} -> {{192,168,0,100},5280} | 06:12 |
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kjm | blankfaze - that is like asking : "Which is better - vi or emacs?" | 06:12 |
Quintin | g333k_work: You shoulhave configured it when you installed ubuntu. | 06:12 |
Quintin | kjm: That's a stupid question. | 06:12 |
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g333k_work | Quintin, I think US english, how can I change it to spanish? | 06:12 |
dyrne | blankfaze: depends on what youre using it for. you might want /tmp on another partition as xfs for example | 06:12 |
kjm | Quintin - was my point..........read | 06:12 |
Quintin | kjm: vi is obviously superior! | 06:13 |
kjm | Quintin - sure, until you learn emacs :) | 06:13 |
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Quintin | kjm: die. | 06:13 |
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Quintin | blankfaze: Depends on what your goal is. What is your goal? | 06:13 |
Occasus | kjm: vi rocks :) | 06:13 |
Crescendo | I wonder, if I have GLX installed on Eft right now, how will the Fawn upgrade go? | 06:13 |
blankfaze | quintin: to able to read and write. | 06:13 |
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Quintin | blankfaze: ext3 is the most reliable and generally easiest to recover data from, but it's also going to be the slowest for a lot of things. In part because by default it syncs every *five* seconds. | 06:14 |
blankfaze | i am asking what to reformat my ntfs disk to | 06:14 |
kjm | Quintin: heh. Sure, vi rocks - but I seem to prefer emacs........but to each their own. | 06:14 |
Occasus | hehe :) | 06:14 |
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Quintin | blankfaze: Something like, e.g. JFS or XFS is going to cache much more aggressively. | 06:14 |
vox754 | blankfaze: yes is ext3. Though, the first time I installed SUSE 10.0 it used ReiserFS. | 06:14 |
Pretor1ab | anyone able to help me with ejabberd please | 06:14 |
blankfaze | quintin: well, what would you use, for a disk dedicated to music and pornography? | 06:14 |
dyrne | emacs is a better gaming platform i guess.. | 06:14 |
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Pretor1ab | i just get a blank page after logging into the webmin config page | 06:14 |
kjm | blankfaze - you get right to the point there :P | 06:14 |
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Quintin | blankfaze: If it is a lone hard disk? ext3, with large cluster size, of course. | 06:15 |
blankfaze | lol. now that i think about it, i don't even know HOW to reformat a disk in linux. i guess i should learn that first. | 06:15 |
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blankfaze | quintin: i don't know what a cluster is :-) | 06:15 |
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Pretor1ab | okay how about a link to an ejabberd help room ? | 06:15 |
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hitammanis | help | 06:16 |
Quintin | blankfaze: A tiny slice on the hard disk. If you are putting a lot of large files on a disk, and not any small ones, you want at least 1024kbyte clusters, maybe even 4096kbyte. | 06:16 |
kjm | with what? | 06:16 |
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blankfaze | well, there will be some picture files... | 06:16 |
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Quintin | blankfaze: Two years ago I probably would've said reiser, but I was young then :P | 06:16 |
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kjm | idealistic youth | 06:17 |
blankfaze | anything with a name that stupid can't be any good | 06:17 |
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K1GPL | are sata drives identified as sda, sdb, etc? | 06:17 |
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hitammanis | kjm: I'm using Ubuntu from a USB Pen Drive, in windows is there a way to boot Ubuntu in Qemu without using an image or iso? | 06:17 |
Quintin | K1GPL: yes. | 06:17 |
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g333k_work | !locales | 06:17 |
ubotu | To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf | 06:17 |
K1GPL | thanks, Quintin | 06:17 |
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kjm | hitammanis - how would I know? | 06:17 |
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killermach | xtknight: this one is ATI and I havn't gotten openGL working yet either.. | 06:17 |
Quintin | hitammanis: /join #qemu ? | 06:17 |
zac1 | !x | 06:17 |
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ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 06:17 |
vox754 | GoopyMonkey: you can check what has worked here http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/List | 06:17 |
Quintin | !xxx | 06:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xxx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:18 |
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Quintin | pffffffffffffft | 06:18 |
kjm | is ndiswrapper required to run a USB bluetooth dongle using a broadcom chip? | 06:18 |
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hitammanis | kjm: thanks | 06:18 |
vox754 | Quintin: where the heck are the ops today. Maybe asleep. | 06:18 |
alex-weej | anyone know how to resize an ext3 disk image? i've run ext2resize on it and it's changed the size of the file system to 70GB but the file itself is still 110GB (unchanged) | 06:18 |
baracuda | Hi Guys! I wonder if someone would heltp through installing libdvdcss on a new Kubuntu installation, I have just enabled multiverse and downloaded this file libdvdcss-1.2.8.tar.gz Can anyone help ? | 06:18 |
hitammanis | Quintin: thanks | 06:18 |
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cybermatt | question where is ircd.conf when install via apt-get | 06:19 |
jrib | !dvd | baracuda | 06:19 |
ubotu | baracuda: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 06:19 |
christopherl | I'm using ftp in the command line, how do I send folders to my ftp server? | 06:19 |
Quintin | vox754: dunno. WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY? :p | 06:19 |
paiiiiii | Do the LIVE-CD have any "built-in" burner-app? | 06:19 |
=== MrSprout [n=MrSprout@host81-155-113-10.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dyrne | cybermatt: find / -name ircd.conf | 06:19 |
vox754 | cybermatt: "locate <filename>" | 06:19 |
vox754 | Quintin: you know. Everybody is flooding the channel. | 06:20 |
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juano__ | christopherl: send ? | 06:20 |
scratchme | Hi all. | 06:20 |
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cybermatt | ohh | 06:20 |
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scratchme | What's the easiest way to get gcc 2.9x onto Ubuntu 6.10? | 06:20 |
ndee | hey there, how stable is feisty fawn at the moment? I wanna play around with it a little bit on my notebook to see how well it works. | 06:20 |
baracuda | Jrib you meant what by " !dvd" ? | 06:21 |
blankfaze | is there a way to change just the date in the clock applet to a different language? | 06:21 |
Quintin | baracuda: ndee Use at your own risk. Try #ubuntu+1 or whatever. | 06:21 |
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GoopyMonkey | vox754: Thanks! | 06:21 |
dyrne | scratchme: sudo apt-get install gcc-2.95 ? | 06:21 |
Quintin | blankfaze: Without changing everything else? | 06:21 |
daedra | hey low | 06:21 |
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vox754 | GoopyMonkey: join #ndiswrapper for more info | 06:21 |
scratchme | dyrne: I didn't try that, but I guess I assumed since it wasn't in synaptic it wouldn't work if I did gcc-get. | 06:21 |
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scratchme | er apt-get | 06:22 |
christopherl | juano__: put | 06:22 |
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jrib | baracuda: !dvd tells the bot to give you information about "dvd". ubotu gave you a link to a wiki page about Seveas' packages. Seveas' packages contain libdvdcss | 06:22 |
paiiiiii | Do Ubuntu have any cd-burner application in the live-cd? | 06:22 |
juano__ | christopherl: ahh ok | 06:22 |
dyrne | scratchme: well it might not be. id did an apt-cache search gcc| grep 2.9 in dapper | 06:22 |
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Quintin | paiiiiii: Yes. | 06:22 |
spy10k | paiiiiii: i think yes | 06:22 |
paiiiiii | what cmd? | 06:22 |
daedra | cdrecord! | 06:22 |
Quintin | paiiiiii: I'm running off of an ubuntu livecd now do to some sysadmin chores, and I've used it to burn 3 CDs already. | 06:23 |
vox754 | ndee: join #ubuntu+1 | 06:23 |
Quintin | paiiiiii: Nautilus has built-in CD burning capabilities or you can use a command line tool | 06:23 |
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spy10k | paiiiiii: "k3b" maybe.. | 06:23 |
dyrne | paiiiiii: it should be just open cd and drag and drop. though im not exp in gnome/nautilus | 06:23 |
Occasus | im off guys | 06:23 |
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Occasus | speak to you all tomorrow! | 06:23 |
blankfaze | does anyone have any opinions about XFS? | 06:23 |
cybermatt | find -name ircd.conf -print what is wrong with this command i know ill be hitting myself later | 06:23 |
Quintin | paiiiiii: You can, of course, install anything you want while running on the livecd | 06:23 |
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Amaranth | blankfaze: don't use it unless you have a UPS | 06:23 |
blankfaze | haha | 06:23 |
blankfaze | k | 06:24 |
Amaranth | blankfaze: it does not react well to unsafe shutdowns | 06:24 |
Quintin | btw, this livecd is almost as fast as an actual install for me... I guess lots of RAM helps | 06:24 |
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vox754 | cybermatt: use "locate <filename>", is easier. | 06:24 |
Quintin | blankfaze: Yes. It's super! | 06:24 |
jrib | baracuda: I'm not sure if that page is very explicit about how to add the repositories. If you aren't sure just ask | 06:24 |
dyrne | blankfaze: if you lose power for some reson corruption often insues. though it is good for systems with power backaup and for /tmp | 06:24 |
dyrne | blankfaze: very fast | 06:24 |
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blankfaze | well i'm torn between reiser and ext3 then. | 06:24 |
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GoopyMonkey | will I be able to install linux with only one hard drive? When I try to make a partition, it says only 8MB free in the new partition. | 06:24 |
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Mak76 | I agree with Crescendo. We have to face the fact that the end-user does not want to carry with to operating systems forever in his computer. One for complete multimedia and gaming experience and the other for the rest.The problem is : if I want a complete experience, I'll always need proprietary plugins in order to have all the joy from my pc or laptop. Ubuntu and other linux distros will never be 100% OpenSouce unless someone just needs a syste | 06:25 |
Mak76 | m to do some programming, use openoffice or.. as a server | 06:25 |
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paiiiiii | Quintin: can you recommend any dvd-burner app? | 06:25 |
daedra | i like me some ext3 because its backwards compatible | 06:25 |
blankfaze | i've moved all my music over to my mast so i can reformat. i'm too lazy to backup my pornography. | 06:25 |
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Amaranth | blankfaze: reiserfs is abandonware | 06:25 |
Dasnipa` | blankfaze, well reiser is going thru some unstable development time due to the selling of the owning company | 06:25 |
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rbil | blankfaze: it's not a life threatening decision ... your music/porn will live happily on either filesystem | 06:25 |
Amaranth | blankfaze: reiser4 is still rather unstable and may stay there | 06:25 |
defouled | I have a friend that wants to learn how to program in C under ubuntu, he's complaining that he can't compile stuff, what does he need to apt-get? | 06:25 |
Pretor1ab | anyone got ejabberd installed okay? | 06:25 |
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Amaranth | blankfaze: so really, for a desktop ext3 is the sanest choice | 06:25 |
Quintin | paiiiiii: k3b | 06:25 |
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^Ocean^ | Any easy way too set up NAT from my internet netwok too my PPPOE ? | 06:26 |
vox754 | GoopyMonkey: you need at least 3GB dedicated to a linux partition | 06:26 |
Dasnipa` | Amaranth, is not... its just uncertain because of mr reisers legal troubles/selling of reiser for legal fees | 06:26 |
Amaranth | paiiiiii: nautilus can burn DVDs | 06:26 |
baracuda | So I executed wget http://free.linux.hp.com/~brett/seveas/freenx/1135D466.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - and now what ? | 06:26 |
dyrne | defouled: build-essential then just gcc file.cpp -o whatever | 06:26 |
blankfaze | amaranth: it's a bad idea to smush words together like that. it pisses on the sanctity of the English lanaguage. | 06:26 |
paiiiiii | Amaranth: how, i can't find it. | 06:26 |
defouled | dyrne, what about man pages? | 06:26 |
baracuda | ooops sorry my mistake | 06:26 |
Amaranth | Dasnipa`: reiserfs is abandoned, it's the name for v3 | 06:26 |
GoopyMonkey | So if I wanted to install linux, I would need to replace windows, or buy a new hard drive? | 06:26 |
daedra | what is it mr. rieser is supposed to have done? | 06:26 |
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Amaranth | !ohmy | blankfaze | 06:26 |
ubotu | blankfaze: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 06:26 |
Quintin | daedra: suspected of murdering his wife. | 06:26 |
blankfaze | rbil: i'm too lazy/scared to deal with fuse so i need to reformat my ntfs drive which the music and porn are on | 06:26 |
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paiiiiii | is it possible to resize a partion? i want to resize the partion /dev/hda1 to 15gb and still have the things on it (total right now: 9gb) | 06:27 |
daedra | zomg | 06:27 |
Amaranth | paiiiiii: Places->CD/DVD Creator | 06:27 |
blankfaze | ZOMG | 06:27 |
Amaranth | paiiiiii: and you need to use gparted from a livecd to resize a partition | 06:27 |
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daedra | that shouldn't really affect the current versions of reiserfs ... | 06:27 |
dyrne | defouled: dunno | 06:27 |
daedra | but may affect future releases | 06:27 |
defouled | dyrne, i see. | 06:27 |
dsjgndsgsa | Can anyone tell me how install a theme from www.gnome-look.org/? (Already downloadede one).. | 06:27 |
Pretor1ab | ejabberd anyone ? | 06:27 |
paiiiiii | Amaranth: hmm, just drag n drop to that? | 06:28 |
Amaranth | paiiiiii: yeah | 06:28 |
vox754 | GoopyMonkey: you don't need to replace it; you may "resize" the windows partition in order to free space. | 06:28 |
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Amaranth | dsjgndsgsa: open System->Preferences->Themes, drag the .tar.gz for the theme onto the Themes window | 06:28 |
blankfaze | dsjgndsgsa: go into your theme preferences and click the install button | 06:28 |
GoopyMonkey | would that limit how many applications i can install under windows? | 06:28 |
Pretor1ab | shite | 06:28 |
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blankfaze | or what amaranth said | 06:28 |
dsjgndsgsa | oket thanks will try that! | 06:28 |
IdleOne | blankfaze: I honestly dont care what you have on your drive so can you keep the porn refferences to a minimum please. we have kids as young as 10 that come in here and I doubt that it would make a good impression on theyre parents to see you talking about that | 06:28 |
scratchme | dyrne: So do you have advice for me to get gcc 2.9x ? | 06:28 |
dyrne | dsjgndsgsa: unpack the tar.gz then move the themedirectory to /usr/share/themes/ i think | 06:28 |
dsjgndsgsa | ?? | 06:28 |
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blankfaze | idleone: haha, alright. | 06:29 |
Amaranth | GoopyMonkey: resizing your windows partition to make room for linux would reduce the space you have for windows apps, yes | 06:29 |
vox754 | GoopyMonkey: of course, it is just "space"; buying a new hard drive seems a good option nowadays. They are affordable. | 06:29 |
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cybermatt | for give my seaming lack of know how | 06:29 |
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IdleOne | blankfaze: ty :) | 06:29 |
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cybermatt | i come from slackware | 06:29 |
blankfaze | dsjgndsgsa: ignore that, it's easier the other way | 06:29 |
blankfaze | for you | 06:30 |
dsjgndsgsa | ah okey | 06:30 |
dsjgndsgsa | thanks | 06:30 |
blankfaze | ok, incoming noob question: what is the easiest way to reformat a drive? | 06:30 |
vox754 | !ask > cybermatt | 06:30 |
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IdleOne | blankfaze: pop in the ubuntu cd and let it do its thing | 06:30 |
dyrne | blankfaze: mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda1 | 06:30 |
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LjL | blankfaze: you format partitions, not drives. mkfs is the command | 06:30 |
vox754 | blankfaze: use the Knoppix CD, or the Ubuntu Live CD, or GPrted CD, many "easy" options. | 06:31 |
daedra | drives are an abomination | 06:31 |
daedra | arrg | 06:31 |
blankfaze | lol | 06:31 |
blankfaze | i'm too stupid! | 06:31 |
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daedra | though in windows world they are the same thing :S | 06:31 |
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dyrne | blankfaze: its a lot to take in :) | 06:31 |
Amaranth | daedra: they are not | 06:31 |
scratchme | I did: apt-cache search gcc-2 However it doesn't show any entries. Any suggestions on how to get gcc 2.9x on Ubuntu 6.10? | 06:31 |
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rbil | blankfaze: have you looked at System ... Administration ... Disks? | 06:32 |
LjL | !info gcc-2.05 | scratchme | 06:32 |
Amaranth | daedra: most people have just 1 partition for windows on their drive but windows still shows them as different things in disk management :) | 06:32 |
LjL | !info gcc-2.95 | scratchme | 06:32 |
ubotu | scratchme: Package gcc-2.05 does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas | 06:32 |
blankfaze | dyrne: yeah, it is. i can do anything on windows, i feel like a moron in linux | 06:32 |
ubotu | scratchme: gcc-2.95: The GNU C compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.95.4-24 (edgy), package size 926 kB, installed size 2344 kB | 06:32 |
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Amaranth | rbil: that only exists in dapper | 06:32 |
daedra | Amaranth: windows assigns a drive letter to each partition, making it _appear_ as a whole hard drive of its own | 06:32 |
Quintin | scratchme: apt-get install gcc-2.95 | 06:32 |
rbil | Amaranth: lost in edgy? | 06:32 |
jrib | 2.95 is in there, anyone have recommendations for getting g++2.72? | 06:33 |
SilverCat | scratchme: Why do you want GCC-2 rather than the newer releases? | 06:33 |
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Amaranth | daedra: and i've got a "Windows" icon on my desktop with an icon of a HD | 06:33 |
Amaranth | rbil: yeah, it was buggy and insecure | 06:33 |
scratchme | Quintin: says not available but referenced. | 06:33 |
blankfaze | i miss drive letters | 06:33 |
Quintin | Amaranth: I don't think disk management does any such thing. It shows graphical representation of partition sizes | 06:33 |
scratchme | SilverCat: Trying to build this: http://the.earth.li/~martin/sisela/ | 06:33 |
LjL | jrib: no, but i can suggest you take a sheet of paper, a pencil, print a table of x86 opcodes, and compile :P | 06:33 |
Quintin | blankfaze: Drive letters are an abomination, and we will speak of this no more! | 06:33 |
Amaranth | Quintin: Developers think you're wrong. :) | 06:33 |
jrib | LjL: heh | 06:33 |
dyrne | blankfaze: a useful tip is the man -k or apropos command. like apropos ext3 would list several possible commands. it basically searches manual pages for you | 06:33 |
RyanTMulligan | Has anyone gotten Jedit to work on Ubuntu recently? | 06:34 |
daedra | im a scared of compiling kernels :S | 06:34 |
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Amaranth | Quintin: or do you mean you don't think it can format partitions? | 06:34 |
scratchme | I get this output from make: http://pastebin.ca/342840 | 06:34 |
cybermatt | ok locate -u ircd.conf give me return to bash | 06:34 |
Quintin | Amaranth: I'm talking about the Logical Volume manager in the Computer Managment Console | 06:34 |
RyanTMulligan | I try to follow: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~djm/ubuntu/#jedit and the package indexes seem to time out. | 06:34 |
Crescendo | Oh man, you've got to be kidding me. | 06:34 |
Crescendo | It's still doing it. | 06:34 |
cybermatt | after few secs | 06:34 |
=== Prometheus [n=quant@p54BE5B21.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Amaranth | Quintin: let me check | 06:34 |
Crescendo | And I set the timeouts, too. | 06:34 |
Crescendo | :/ | 06:34 |
scratchme | Google results seem to indicate that I need to upgrade the kernel used in the make, or downgrade gcc to 2.9x | 06:34 |
LjL | scratchme, it's in Universe, do you have Universe enabled? | 06:34 |
vox754 | cybermatt: then there is no such file. You sure? | 06:35 |
rbil | Crescendo: and restarted sshd after making changes? | 06:35 |
scratchme | LjL: No, let me see how to do that. | 06:35 |
LjL | !universe > scratchme (scratchme, see the private message from Ubotu) | 06:35 |
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Crescendo | rbil, of course | 06:35 |
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rbil | Crescendo: running nautilus from the server side? | 06:35 |
cybermatt | I just installed ircd via ap-get | 06:35 |
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DShepherd | is there a video player for linux that allows you to bookmark different points in the video? | 06:36 |
vox754 | LjL: watch for Crescendo! | 06:36 |
IdleOne | LjL: do you type this out everytime (scratchme, see the private message from Ubotu) or do you have a shortcut setup? | 06:36 |
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cybermatt | then it should work | 06:36 |
cybermatt | ??? | 06:36 |
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SilverCat | I'm not finding in the sisela docs where it indicates that you have to use an antiquated version of GCC | 06:36 |
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SilverCat | will modern GCC fail to compile it correctly? | 06:37 |
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daedra | woah try http://distrowatch.com/ | 06:37 |
cybermatt | thats why i asked if anyone knew where it was | 06:37 |
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Quintin | Amaranth: done checking? | 06:37 |
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Amaranth | Quintin: yes | 06:37 |
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daedra | http://distrowatch.com/ "Forbidden - You do not have permission to access / on this server" | 06:37 |
daedra | :( | 06:38 |
Amaranth | Quintin: disk management shows it as a drive with partitions | 06:38 |
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vox754 | cybermatt: I've never used it, so I don't know what you are up to. | 06:38 |
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IdleOne | daedra: works for me | 06:38 |
cybermatt | ive been trying to find it for 15mins | 06:38 |
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vox754 | !ircd > cybermatt | 06:38 |
cybermatt | forget it | 06:38 |
daedra | IdleOne: hmm, Konqueror doesn't work for me | 06:38 |
Quintin | daedra: hax | 06:39 |
alecjw | daedra, WFFM | 06:39 |
daedra | Quintin: care to elaborate? | 06:39 |
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cybermatt | just compile it my self | 06:41 |
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daedra | alecjw: what does WFFM mean?! | 06:41 |
alecjw | daedra, works fine for me | 06:41 |
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cybermatt | and kernel comp is a sanap | 06:41 |
eidolon | hi folks. i'm having all sorts of problems workin with Edgy Eft (6.10). i'm following hte instructions in the add/remove applications for running the nvidia driver, but it fails to actually load anything | 06:41 |
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eidolon | it specifically says "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" - which I do, and I get "Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! be sure to have installed the nvidia driver for your running kernel." | 06:42 |
daedra | I see. Well Konqueror is returning "Forbidden" for that site alone | 06:42 |
eidolon | nowhere in the installer does it say waht that is. | 06:42 |
cybermatt | if you know what you are doing | 06:42 |
daedra | whereas firefox/elinks work | 06:42 |
juano__ | eidolon: did you install the nvidia driver ? | 06:42 |
dyrne | eidolon: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx does that show the package already installed? | 06:42 |
igcek | ive got wifi on my com, and im wondering how to scan availuble networks? | 06:43 |
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alecjw | daedra, that's impossible. access forbidden is a server error. not clien | 06:43 |
tzbishop | How much space does a Server installation of Ubuntu takes on HD? | 06:43 |
eidolon | Reading state information... Done | 06:43 |
eidolon | nvidia-glx is already the newest version. | 06:43 |
vox754 | igcek: join #ndiswrapper | 06:43 |
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daedra | alecjw: I know!? | 06:43 |
Crescendo | And can someone, for the love of god tell me whose idea it was to forget that "Enter your default password to unlock your keyring" involves typing something and pressing enter, and then letting a window pop up on top of that that says "connecting to <server>", where the only option is cancel? | 06:43 |
alecjw | tzbishop, ~500mb i htinl | 06:43 |
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juano__ | !wireless | 06:43 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 06:43 |
dyrne | igcek: from terminal do "iwlist ath0 scan" or eth1 or wlan0 im not sure about a gui tool | 06:43 |
Quintin | eidolon: lsmod | 06:43 |
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daedra | alecjw: have I been banned from using Konqueror to access them? | 06:43 |
Quintin | eidolon: lsmod | grep nvidia | 06:43 |
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eidolon | lsmod | grep nv returned nothing | 06:43 |
Quintin | daedra: ..? That's an apache error, not a conq error | 06:44 |
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alecjw | daedra, you cant have been. have you tried refresign it? | 06:44 |
eidolon | if i do 'sudo modprobe nvidia', it says "Not loading nvidia module; not used in /etc/X11/xorg.conf' | 06:44 |
Quintin | eidolon: So, _obviously_ the kernel module is not installed. | 06:44 |
tzbishop | alecjw, I'd like to compile KDE optimizing for my arch like I have done with my Slackware. Is it easy to do? And how would I create the DEB, via checkinstall too? | 06:44 |
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mindstate | anyone know why i get this error "libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b" when i run a glxinfo | grep direct | 06:44 |
Amaranth | eidolon: you need to change the driver in xorg.conf from 'nv' to 'nvidia' | 06:44 |
Quintin | eidolon: What is your 'driver' in xorg.conf? is it 'nv'? | 06:44 |
daedra | dman | 06:44 |
eidolon | Quintin, yes, i got that. but a) the installer should have done that from synaptic (or whatever add/remove programs is) or commented on it in the release notes. | 06:44 |
Amaranth | mindstate: you can ignore it | 06:44 |
daedra | *damn thats weird | 06:44 |
Amaranth | mindstate: it's from aiglx | 06:44 |
eidolon | i'm running a stock 6.10 install. | 06:44 |
vox754 | mindstate: seems a problem with your video card. | 06:44 |
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=== mindstate confused now | ||
paiiiiii | What filesystem shall i use? | 06:45 |
alecjw | tzbishop, yes. and you can get the kde souce by doing apt-get source kde4, and get kde's dependedncies by running sudo apt-get build-dep kde4 | 06:45 |
daedra | alecjw: yes, refreshed, changed browser identification to IE/Mozilla/XP EVERYTHING | 06:45 |
mindstate | Can i ignore it or is there something wrong lol | 06:45 |
Quintin | paiiiiii: For what? | 06:45 |
scratchme | Is the easiest way to add the packages from the source-o-matic to take the output save it as a shell script, then run it? | 06:45 |
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daedra | I guess I can access it via Firefox | 06:45 |
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eidolon | the 'Driver' in xorg.conf is 'nv' | 06:45 |
eidolon | should it be 'nvidia' ? | 06:45 |
paiiiiii | Quintin: one for "/", one for "/home", and one for "/boot" | 06:45 |
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juano__ | eidolon: yes, that is if you want 3d rendering | 06:46 |
juano__ | eidolon: better graphics for games | 06:46 |
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eidolon | i want any performance at all. right now it's terrible :) | 06:46 |
juano__ | eidolon: etc. | 06:46 |
Quintin | paiiiiii: Well, what do you want the machine to do? If you don't know, you should probably just use ext3 for everything. And you don't need a separate /boot | 06:46 |
tzbishop | alecjw, apt-get source retrieves kdebase-source from an ubuntu rep, for example. It compiles too? | 06:46 |
vox754 | mindstate: you may ignore it. I had the same message when I try to watch TV. Somethings may not work though. You must be specific. | 06:46 |
Quintin | eidolon: Yes, change it to nvidia | 06:47 |
paiiiiii | Quintin: workstation :) | 06:47 |
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eidolon | AAARGGHGHHHH | 06:47 |
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alecjw | tzbishop, no. you compile it the normal way, but then sudo checkinstall rather than sudo make install | 06:47 |
daedra | this is so quirky | 06:47 |
eidolon | now when i do 'sudo nvidia-glx-config enable' it says "Your x configuration has been altered" | 06:47 |
IdleOne | paiiiiii: then go with ext3 | 06:47 |
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Quintin | paiiiiii: ext3. If you have very regular backups, etc, you might use something else. For most people ext3 | 06:47 |
juano__ | eidolon: after making the change you need to restart X | 06:47 |
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eidolon | do i need to run this installer anymore? | 06:47 |
mindstate | vox754, well it doesnt really interfere with anything, it comes up when i turn on xawtv for my webcam, but the cam seems to be alright | 06:47 |
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mindstate | vox754, i was just wondering why | 06:47 |
eidolon | or did i just do what the installer would have done anyway? | 06:47 |
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juano__ | eidolon: after changing it to nvidia , hit ctrl + alt + backspace to restart X | 06:48 |
tzbishop | alecjw, ok. So apt-get source is useful when you want to get the sources from Ubuntu.... I would compile KDE like I have compiled on Slackware? | 06:48 |
juano__ | "nv" to "nvidia" | 06:48 |
baracuda | Guys Newbie here can anyone help ... I've been following your links and got absolutely nowhere .. can someone tell me if after entering this command "" wget http://free.linux.hp.com/~brett/seveas/freenx/1135D466.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add "" in the terminal I have now updated the repositories ??? appreciate your help | 06:48 |
baracuda | man this is frustrating :) | 06:48 |
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Quintin | tzbishop: that's not advisable. | 06:48 |
vox754 | mindstate: Same thing with me, with "xawtv", I have a VIA S3 Unichrome Pro. | 06:48 |
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eidolon | i'm pretty depressed about how bad the state of 6.10 is :( | 06:48 |
baracuda | don't tell me .. welcome to the club | 06:48 |
juano__ | baracuda: sint it easier to edit sources.list ? | 06:48 |
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juano__ | baracuda: then do sudo apt-get update | 06:48 |
Crescendo | No, really. I'd love an answer. | 06:48 |
hrnt | is it possible to install ubuntu without a cd drive? | 06:49 |
Crescendo | And can someone, for the love of god tell me whose idea it was to forget that "Enter your default password to unlock your keyring" involves typing something and pressing enter, and then letting a window pop up on top of that that says "connecting to <server>", where the only option is cancel? | 06:49 |
SecrethX | lol I just found out I have 40g of unformatted HDD space, how can I enlarge my / ? | 06:49 |
=== Wooksta [n=Wooksta@82-41-99-118.cable.ubr03.dund.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
daedra | Kubuntu 6.06.1 is awesome | 06:49 |
mindstate | vox754, im using a ATI Radeon 7000 so i guess all is well heh | 06:49 |
alecjw | tzbishop, yep, sut sudo checkinstall indead of sudo make all | 06:49 |
Wooksta | has anyone managed to get AllTunes working on ubuntu? | 06:49 |
Quintin | baracuda: It looks like you're trying to add a public key. If you want to add a repo, you need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list or do system > admin > software sources , then apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade | 06:49 |
Crescendo | 6.06.1 = Ubuntu LTS, SP1?! | 06:49 |
baracuda | how do I edit source list ? if you mean enable multiverse I already haave | 06:49 |
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IdleOne | !gparted | SecrethX | 06:49 |
ubotu | SecrethX: gparted is gparted is a GUI partitioning program, "sudo apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php | 06:49 |
juano__ | baracuda: you can add new repos there | 06:49 |
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juano__ | baracuda: vim /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:50 |
fra | #ubuntu-it | 06:50 |
mindstate | baracuda, or you can sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:50 |
alecjw | daedra, can you give me a screenshot please? | 06:50 |
SecrethX | IdleOne, I know about gparted, but it is my / I want to enlarge, so I should unmount it, but if I unmount it, how do I run gparted then? o_O | 06:50 |
juano__ | !gksudo | mindstate | 06:50 |
ubotu | mindstate: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using sudo <GUI-application> | 06:50 |
tzbishop | alecjw, I am used to use checkinstall -S to generate a TGZ packages. How could I generate a DEB package? | 06:50 |
vox754 | mindstate: I think if you see the manual page for your driver "man ati", or similar, you get further instructions on how to enable 3D. You may need to download a new kernel and compile it. | 06:50 |
daedra | alecjw: ya sure | 06:50 |
alecjw | tzbishop, just plain checkinstall | 06:50 |
baracuda | hmm.. I have to absorb all this .. and get back to you guys | 06:50 |
daedra | alecjw: recommed any uplad sites? | 06:50 |
IdleOne | SecrethX: with the live cd I guess . I have never tried it myself so Im not certain how it is done | 06:50 |
daedra | *upload | 06:50 |
mindstate | juano__, why should i avoid using sudo | 06:51 |
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clearzen | I have installed mysql and given the root user a password. However when I use phpMyAdmin to login it gives me a accesss denied error for user root @ localhost. I am trying to log on remotely. Am I doing something wrong? | 06:51 |
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alecjw | daedra, http://xs.to | 06:51 |
SecrethX | IdleOne, ok, ill look onto that :) thanks anyway | 06:51 |
juano__ | mindstate: for graphical apps | 06:51 |
baracuda | I am not sure I get any of it .. all I am trying to do is install codecs so I could watch my movies :(( | 06:51 |
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juano__ | baracuda: why dont you use synaptic ? | 06:51 |
mindstate | vox754, well i've got 3d enabled when i run glxinfo | grep direct ..direct rendering says yes | 06:51 |
juano__ | baracuda: isnt that easier ? | 06:51 |
Quintin | vox754: there is no need to compile kernel | 06:51 |
tzbishop | alecjw, thank you very much | 06:51 |
baracuda | xvid is free source and I don't understand why they didn't include it as default | 06:51 |
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fra | #bigbug | 06:51 |
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baracuda | juano I use kubuntu .. I can't see the synaptic manager | 06:52 |
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clearzen | baracuda: try automatix, it has all the codecs. Or easy ubuntu | 06:52 |
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IdleOne | !automatix | clearzen | 06:52 |
ubotu | clearzen: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 06:52 |
tonyyarusso | !automatix | clearzen, baracuda | 06:52 |
ubotu | clearzen, baracuda: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 06:52 |
tonyyarusso | don't | 06:52 |
mindstate | juano__, thanks :) | 06:52 |
Quintin | automatix is crap. | 06:52 |
vox754 | Quintin: I'm not sure. But I kind of read that for my case. Maybe compile a driver module. | 06:52 |
Quintin | Bassguy: avoid automatix, kthnx. | 06:52 |
baracuda | where do I get this automatix ? | 06:52 |
juano__ | mindstate: no prob :-) | 06:52 |
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IdleOne | baracuda: you dont want it | 06:52 |
juano__ | mindstate: in KDE its kdesu, GNOME is gksudo | 06:52 |
tonyyarusso | baracuda: A few levels past purgatory | 06:52 |
Quintin | vox754: to get dri compiling kernel module is often necessary | 06:53 |
clearzen | baracuda: It has a wiki google it | 06:53 |
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tonyyarusso | baracuda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats instead | 06:53 |
daedra | alecjw: http://xs312.xs.to/xs312/07062/distropoo.png | 06:53 |
baracuda | ok @Idleone :) | 06:53 |
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fra | #ubuntu-it | 06:53 |
Quintin | baracuda: follow that pasted link, it will do about everything you need. also, get mplayer or vlc. 'totem' is useless crap! | 06:53 |
juano__ | Quintin: your right, automatix sux | 06:53 |
IdleOne | clearzen: please do not recoomend automatix here. it breaks systems and we cannot help him if he uses automatix. baracuda you want to reinstall then go ahead but you will be on your own if you use automatix :/ | 06:53 |
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mindstate | juano__, im using XFCE4 gksudo works | 06:54 |
maddash | Quintin: what's wrong with totem? | 06:54 |
maddash | !automatix | 06:54 |
=== Kyral [n=kyral@Hikari.graham.clarkson.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 06:54 |
juano__ | mindstate: well yeah, if its installed it will work in any DE | 06:54 |
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clearzen | omg, sorry...wow | 06:54 |
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baracuda | yeah quintin I perfer vlc because they usually include some codecs | 06:54 |
juano__ | mindstate: just that each one has its own i think | 06:54 |
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juano__ | mindstate: im not sure about XFCE4 | 06:55 |
Quintin | maddash: it's crap. It's slow, and it's crap. | 06:55 |
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baracuda | ubotu I guess automatix is out then :) | 06:55 |
mindstate | juano__, well if gksudo is working then i guess its ok :) | 06:55 |
juano__ | mindstate: yeah | 06:55 |
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daedra | http://xs312.xs.to/xs312/07062/distropoo.png | 06:55 |
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maddash | Quintin: you didn't answer my question... | 06:55 |
juano__ | mindstate: look it up though, im sure XFCE has one of its own | 06:55 |
Quintin | maddash: yes I did. | 06:55 |
daedra | thar be my unsuccessful konqueror page load | 06:55 |
maddash | baracuda: uBOTu is a bot | 06:55 |
clearzen | Can I log in as root remotely using phpmyadmin? | 06:56 |
juano__ | maddash: decent player is mplayer | 06:56 |
mzuverink | whats the proper way to chmod to read/write, recursive for a whole dir? | 06:56 |
mindstate | juano__, yeah im checking it out now | 06:56 |
daedra | !ubotu | 06:56 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 06:56 |
juano__ | maddash: but mostly depends on the codecs you have | 06:56 |
clearzen | log on as root to my sql that is | 06:56 |
juano__ | maddash: not the player | 06:56 |
baracuda | yeahhh Maddash he's just sent me a message... I am talking to bots now .... how frustrating ;0 | 06:56 |
hitammanis | Trying to boot Ubuntu in Qemu I get this error: /bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off | 06:56 |
hitammanis | Please help | 06:56 |
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Quintin | mzuverink: cd /my/dir && chmod -R xxx . | 06:56 |
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anthonyj | how do you make bootdisks? | 06:57 |
tzbishop | How can I install Ubuntu using ReiserFS? | 06:57 |
anthonyj | nevermind | 06:57 |
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Quintin | tzbishop: Select reiser when you get to formatting partitions .. ? | 06:57 |
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gibbs | Oh wow! Xchat hid the usernames (feels stupid) | 06:58 |
mzuverink | Quintin, the xxx stands for what, i want it to be read/write by all, is that lik 777? | 06:58 |
alecjw | daedra, hmmm.... have you tried restarting konqeror? if not, i don't know waht else to suggest other htan asking in #kubuntu. sorry | 06:58 |
maddash | mzuverink: 666 | 06:58 |
vox754 | tzbishop: I think the Live CD doesn't allow you to create ReiserFS but you can create it with the Knoppix CD, then install normally. I did it once because I had SUSE which used ReiserFS. | 06:58 |
maddash | mzuverink: not 777 | 06:58 |
daedra | kk | 06:58 |
Quintin | mzuverink: yes. you win. | 06:58 |
daedra | I will restart x.org | 06:58 |
baracuda | tell me guys doesn't ubunto have a synaptic manager ? | 06:58 |
daedra | alecjw: thanks | 06:58 |
LycanNYC-work | !vmware | 06:58 |
ubotu | VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware | 06:58 |
IdleOne | baracuda: yes | 06:58 |
juano__ | !xsudo | 06:58 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xsudo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:59 |
mzuverink | Quintin, I win? | 06:59 |
juano__ | !kdesu | 06:59 |
ubotu | In KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo | 06:59 |
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baracuda | I mean kubuntu actually soory .. I am using the kde version of ubuntu | 06:59 |
mindstate | juano__, lol | 06:59 |
Quintin | mzuverink: 777 gives all perms to all users. | 06:59 |
alecjw | baracuda, yes. system>>administration>>synaptic (or package manager or osmething) | 06:59 |
juano__ | mindstate: hehe | 06:59 |
Quintin | mzuverink: if you want just rw, but not x, it would be 666 | 06:59 |
IdleOne | baracuda: kubuntu uses Adept package manager | 06:59 |
mzuverink | Quintin, I thank you kindly | 06:59 |
Quintin | mzuverink: no problem | 06:59 |
alecjw | baracuda, ok. then it has adept isntead. you can porably isntall synaptic via sudo aptitude install synaptic | 06:59 |
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baracuda | idleone that's what I thought .. I guess I was asking for too much :) | 07:00 |
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IdleOne | baracuda: but yeah you can install synaptic | 07:00 |
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mindstate | juano__, i dont think theres one for XFCE just for gnome and kde | 07:01 |
baracuda | my first task now is to update the adept manager with the new repositories I guess .. | 07:01 |
juano__ | !xsu | 07:01 |
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ubotu | xsu: Allow users to run commands as root, after prompting for password.. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.3-2 (edgy), package size 90 kB, installed size 176 kB | 07:01 |
mindstate | ha! | 07:01 |
juano__ | mindstate: heheh | 07:01 |
mindstate | juano__, i tried that cmd and it didnt work | 07:01 |
mindstate | juano__, before u showed it :) | 07:02 |
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juano__ | mindstate: sudo apt-get install xsu | 07:02 |
mindstate | yeah | 07:02 |
mindstate | juano__, thats good stuff | 07:02 |
uiiu | hi, dows anyone know how to find out the IP of your internet gateway or dhcp server? thanks | 07:02 |
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uiiu | (from the command line) | 07:02 |
mindstate | juano__, guess i can remove gksudo | 07:02 |
Quintin | uiiu: man ifconfig | 07:02 |
baracuda | brb , gonna do some more reading :) | 07:02 |
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daedra | alecjw: could you paste me back my screenshot link | 07:03 |
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juano__ | !gnome-sudo | 07:03 |
uiiu | quitin: maybe i'm just slow...but i tried that. with ifconfig i can see the broadcast, my own IP etc....but not the gateway or the default dhcp... | 07:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gnome-sudo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:03 |
juano__ | mindstate: well | 07:03 |
alecjw | daedra, http://xs312.xs.to/xs312/07062/distropoo.png | 07:03 |
daedra | alecjw: just bringing the topic over to #kubuntu, thanks | 07:03 |
nitro4ce | i need to install codeblocks codeblocks.org isn't there a package in the repo for this app? | 07:03 |
juano__ | mindstate: lets see if there is another | 07:03 |
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juano__ | mindstate: sec | 07:03 |
Quintin | uiiu: sudo dhclient eth0 | 07:03 |
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mindstate | juano__, ok | 07:03 |
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Juhaz | there's nothing gnome specific about gksudo, it's gtk app, just as home in xfce as in gnome | 07:04 |
nitro4ce | http://codeblocks.org | 07:04 |
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uiiu | quintin: perfect. THANKS. | 07:04 |
mindstate | Juhaz, seeme'd like it too | 07:04 |
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Quintin | uiiu: <high five> | 07:04 |
juano__ | !gksu | 07:04 |
ubotu | If you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using sudo <GUI-application> | 07:04 |
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Majinho | Hi! Can someone help me? | 07:05 |
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uiiu | <slap!> | 07:05 |
befa | olaaaaaaaaaaa | 07:05 |
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maddash | Juhaz: you're wrong. have you taken a look at gksu depends? | 07:05 |
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Majinho | Can someone help me? | 07:06 |
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LinuxHelp | !kqemu | 07:06 |
ubotu | kqemu is non-free kernel module for speeding up the !QEMU virtual machine. Installation instructions can be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/KQEmu - see also !qvm86 | 07:06 |
maddash | !ask | Majinho | 07:06 |
ubotu | Majinho: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 07:06 |
IdleOne | !someone | Majinho | 07:06 |
ubotu | Majinho: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 07:06 |
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vox754 | juano__: never used "gksu", it gave me this "GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed." | 07:06 |
Majinho | Aaah ok :-) | 07:06 |
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juano__ | vox754: yea, i use gksudo or kdesu , i was just checking out what others were there to use, thanks :-) | 07:07 |
vox754 | juano__: the only "graphical" application I used with root privileges is "gedit". Is this a problem? | 07:07 |
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Majinho | I downloaded ubuntu 6.10 for x386, but I have some video problems when starting the CD... Even when I choose 800x600 and 640x480 @ vga... The screen is unreadable... What is the refresh rate? | 07:07 |
maddash | vox754: that's fine | 07:07 |
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Gl3nn | Say a good mp3player, so can play shoutcast steams? | 07:07 |
fra | #ubuntu-it | 07:07 |
juano__ | vox754: not at all | 07:08 |
russ_ | is there a way to find out what Vertrefresh/horiz sync my monitor support. In windows I can get 1024x768 no problem, under ubuntu I cant get anything more than 800x600 | 07:08 |
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clearzen | Does anyone know where the .pid file that contains the server's process ID for mysql is located in ubuntu? | 07:08 |
Myk0 | hi guys. | 07:08 |
mzuverink | Ive got a WD Passport usb hd, its labled as WD Passport, mounted as /media.WD Passport. Its /dev/sda. For some reason chmod does not like the space in the drive name. How do I rename that drive to something like "Portable"? | 07:08 |
maddash | Majinho: have you tried the appending "vga=771" at the end of "boot: "? | 07:08 |
maddash | russ_: edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 07:08 |
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lawine | clearzen: /var/run/ ? | 07:09 |
SecrethX | !partiton | 07:09 |
maddash | russ_: or run `sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg` and select 1024x768 when asked for screen resolutions | 07:09 |
SecrethX | argh | 07:09 |
Skyrail | Anyone know of what programs I could use for music production, i.e. synthesizer software, MIDI stuff | 07:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about partiton - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:09 |
Myk0 | Question: been trying to install 6.10 desktop / alternate 6.06 desktop /alternate PPC ubuntu and debian ppc on my powerbook g4 1.33 and it seems as if no linux livecd works it stalls up in a white screen after boot | 07:09 |
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clearzen | lawine: I'll check | 07:09 |
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dyrne | Myk0: yellowdog maybe? i dont know much about ppc sorry | 07:09 |
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Myk0 | dyrne: seems as if its hardware related | 07:10 |
IdleOne | Myk0: I know you have tried several different cd's but you sure you are burning properly and also where are you getting the iso from? official site or torrent ? | 07:10 |
Myk0 | just cant boot any ppc loader i dont know why | 07:10 |
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LinuxHelp | Erm, this guide, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo , says that I must install the kqemu-source package, but I can't find that under Synaptic, where do I get it? | 07:10 |
Myk0 | idlelone: from ubuntu.com offical and burning them properly | 07:10 |
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vox754 | mzuverink: have you tried "chmod <whatever> /media/WD\ Passport" | 07:10 |
clearzen | lawine: Dosen't look like it. I think I'm just going to remove/reinstall mysql I think that will be the quickest route | 07:10 |
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russ_ | madfash: Aparintly that package is not installed | 07:11 |
russ_ | I am running off of the Install CD tho | 07:11 |
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Myk0 | ive been googling forever havnt found any answers to linux boot problems of this sort | 07:11 |
IdleOne | Myk0: you could go to local pc place and trade in that G4 for a nice little x86 machine :/ but you probably dont want to do that | 07:11 |
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slyfox | Can someone please help. I am a noob and I simply want to have a scheduled backup of my specific folders. I cant understand how to make "rdiff-backup source destination" automatic with schedule? I jsut dont get how to put this into Crone as Crone asks for an executable file and "rdiff-backup source destination" is just a command for the Terminal.. Please help. | 07:11 |
lawine | clearzen: have a look first in /etc/init.d/mysqld | 07:11 |
Myk0 | idleone im considering buying a dell xp 12" | 07:11 |
Myk0 | XPS | 07:11 |
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lawine | clearzen: maybe there's a path to the PID file in there | 07:11 |
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bauer77 | anyone in here familiar with configuring asterisk? | 07:12 |
GaiaX11 | How do I now my memory amount? | 07:12 |
Myk0 | idleone: am i the only one with this problem | 07:12 |
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IdleOne | Myk0: I have had 4 dells 3 desktop 1 laptop and have had 6 HD failures | 07:12 |
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bauer77 | I have it installed and running, but not sure how to configure it | 07:12 |
LinuxHelp | kqemu-source, type "free" in the console | 07:12 |
bauer77 | dont but a dell IdleOne :-) | 07:12 |
LinuxHelp | er, GaiaX11 | 07:12 |
clearzen | lawine: Yeah, I'll look. I figured out if I locate the file I can reset my root password so I can log in the phpmyadmin | 07:12 |
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IdleOne | Myk0: probably not the only one but it could be a hardware problem. does OSX install ok? | 07:12 |
nitro4ce | i need to install codeblocks http://codeblocks.org isn't there a package in the repo for this app? | 07:12 |
neighborlee | where is the feisty chanel ;) | 07:13 |
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russ_ | When i change the xorg.conf file to use default depth of 16 I can get X windows strted in 800x600 video mode, no bigger. When I use default depth 24 X starts but my monitor is just blank, and eventualy goes into power save mode. | 07:13 |
shwag | #openslug | 07:13 |
lawine | clearzen: on a debian machine it's located in /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid | 07:13 |
shwag | oops | 07:13 |
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Myk0 | idleone: osx works perfectlly | 07:13 |
russ_ | Does the default ubuntu cd have a console bassed Install mode ? | 07:13 |
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Quintin | russ_: no. use the alternate install cd | 07:13 |
IdleOne | Myk0: I remember reading something about bootstrap issue with ppc not sure if that helps you in any way | 07:14 |
slyfox | Can someone please help. I am a noob and I simply want to have a scheduled backup of my specific folders. I cant understand how to make "rdiff-backup source destination" automatic with schedule? I jsut dont get how to put this into Crone as Crone asks for an executable file and "rdiff-backup source destination" is just a command for the Terminal.. Please help. | 07:14 |
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GaiaX11 | LinuxHelp: I mean which is the command for that? | 07:14 |
russ_ | That means i gota spend hours downloading another CD GAH! | 07:14 |
Myk0 | idleone: do you remember what it said | 07:14 |
clearzen | lawine: What if it isn't there? What would that mean? | 07:14 |
delta | hey neighborlee! | 07:14 |
vox754 | slyfox: sorry, no help, I haven't tried backups nor "cron" | 07:14 |
mzuverink | vox754, now it says missing operand after 777 what does that mean? I am trying to chmod /media/WD Passport/Music to 777 | 07:14 |
russ_ | if i install in 800x600 mode, can i then fix it afterwards ? | 07:14 |
neighborlee | russ_: I may be wrong, but I have the livecCD, and I could have swore there is a text installer | 07:14 |
clearzen | lawine: Does it mean mysql isn't running? | 07:14 |
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mindstate | GaiaX11, free -m | 07:14 |
IdleOne | Myk0: there was a fix on some obscure website. try googling bootstrap ubuntu ppc | 07:14 |
cricri | how do you mount ms-card | 07:14 |
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neighborlee | delta: eek | 07:15 |
cricri | which /dev would it be | 07:15 |
neighborlee | delta: LOL | 07:15 |
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russ_ | i think i have the Live CD as well | 07:15 |
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lawine | clearzen: is mysqld running? what does "ps ax |grep mysqld" say? | 07:15 |
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delta | what's your question neighborlee? | 07:15 |
neighborlee | russ_: one moment to verify..I might well be thinking of alternate | 07:15 |
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neighborlee | well | 07:15 |
GaiaX11 | mindstate: thx :-) | 07:16 |
delta | neighborlee, nm :) | 07:16 |
neighborlee | DEEP subject < | 07:16 |
mindstate | GaiaX11, no problem | 07:16 |
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russ_ | okay, and is there any way to get the netinstall CD too work with pppoe ? | 07:16 |
Quintin | russ_: fo sho | 07:16 |
vox754 | mzuverink: "info chmod", you could try using the "chmod ugo+rwx" way | 07:16 |
IntuitiveNipple | How do I stop a bash script from doing variable-expansion on an awk variable $5 in "awk '{print substr( $5, 1, length( $5 )-1) }'" ? | 07:16 |
Quintin | IntuitiveNipple: give me $5 and I'll tell you. | 07:16 |
clearzen | lawine: 8029 pts/0 S+ 0:00 grep myspld | 07:16 |
IdleOne | hehe love that nick IntuitiveNipple | 07:16 |
piratepenguin | how many ubuntu developers are paid full time for by canonical, approx? | 07:16 |
neighborlee | I have installed feisty and its kicking my you know what..anyway on reboot after enabling nvidia 'the ubuntu way' as it were...I get XFS errors..not sure its releated to my FS, but I do have XFS installed on /home and ext3 on /..any clues of a fix here ??lol | 07:16 |
russ_ | Quintin how? I get options for DHCP and that times out and i can't seem to find a PPPOE option anywere ? | 07:16 |
Quintin | russ_: hell if I know! | 07:17 |
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russ_ | lol, but you know it can be done ? | 07:17 |
Quintin | piratepenguin: ask some canonical PR person | 07:17 |
lawine | clearzen: no other output? then mysqld is not running (which explains why you can't find the .pid file) | 07:17 |
Quintin | russ_: No I don't, sorry. | 07:17 |
IntuitiveNipple | No one knows? hmmm | 07:17 |
vox754 | !feisty | 07:17 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 07:17 |
russ_ | lol then why did you say for sure! ahaha | 07:17 |
russ_ | sigh :P | 07:17 |
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baracuda | I must have downloaded the worst version out there, I downloaded Kubuntu 6.10 dvd for amd64, pehaps I should have opted for a .86 distro ? | 07:17 |
clearzen | lawine: omg lol thanks for the help that explains a lot | 07:17 |
piratepenguin | Quintin, hmm I was hoping to just get a quick idea. | 07:17 |
Quintin | russ_: cause I'm fo sho it supports it. it would be dumb if it didn't.. | 07:17 |
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mindstate | baracuda, Xubuntu :) | 07:18 |
IdleOne | russ_: because there is always a way just a question of finding it :) | 07:18 |
lawine | clearzen: np :) | 07:18 |
Quintin | piratepenguin: someone else may know, I don't. | 07:18 |
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Quintin | baracuda: do you have an amd64 cpu ? | 07:18 |
russ_ | okay im gonna try an older CD hold on... | 07:18 |
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Trixsey | Stupid lexmark, I download their linux driver package for my printer and it includes ALL printer drivers.. EXCEPT mine | 07:18 |
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Trixsey | like wtf :P | 07:18 |
Quintin | Trixsey: lol | 07:18 |
baracuda | lol @ mindstate .. I don't know if that's a joke or shall I look for it :)) | 07:18 |
=== Trevi [n=Trevi@adsl-71-75.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mindstate | baracuda, you should look for it lol | 07:18 |
IdleOne | Trixsey: probably can use one of the other drivers | 07:19 |
mindstate | !xubutun | baracuda | 07:19 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xubutun - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:19 |
mindstate | !xubuntu | baracuda | 07:19 |
ubotu | baracuda: xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels | 07:19 |
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alecjw | Trixsey, lexmark doesnt have very good linux support. if buying a new printer (ebay your lexmark?) is an option, epsons and HPs are good. | 07:19 |
neighborlee | russ_: ok sadly I am mistaken..I have not used altenate for ages, so I might be thinking of a diff. distro entirely ;( | 07:19 |
baracuda | mindstate I've given up .. this mess can't be sorted, I can't even start kaffeine now that I enabled multiversee :( .. it could be another reason too . | 07:19 |
lawine | Trixsey: indeed, WFT, sounds like HP, (on windows, but anyway, their driver download is over 100Megs); another wtf :) | 07:19 |
delta | neighborlee, do you have an error line to paste? | 07:20 |
alecjw | Trixsey, my parents got an HP all in one machine (printer, scanner,copier) for about 30GBP | 07:20 |
vox754 | baracuda: yes, it's better to get x86 even for AMD64 processors. Get it now. | 07:20 |
neighborlee | delta: no I dont, I would have to reboot it and write down and return, which is doable | 07:20 |
neighborlee | delta: ill do that right now | 07:20 |
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vox754 | mzuverink: I'm not sure if it is possible to change permissions of mounted usb sticks the way you want. I've never tried it. | 07:21 |
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baracuda | vox754 I'll give it a consideration but right now I'm off to see my matee bill gates.. got some work to do, thanks for the support guys ... bye all | 07:21 |
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mindstate | baracuda, boo | 07:22 |
baracuda | don't worry mindstate ... i'll be back ;) | 07:22 |
baracuda | bye | 07:22 |
neighborlee | delta: brb | 07:22 |
scratchme | Is the easiest way to add the packages from the source-o-matic to take the output save it as a shell script, then run it? | 07:23 |
kane77 | hi... | 07:23 |
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mzuverink | vox754, nothing seems to work, my hypothisis is that you can do it on a portable media | 07:23 |
kane77 | how does the vlc skins work?? | 07:23 |
vox754 | !hi | kane77 | 07:23 |
ubotu | kane77: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 07:23 |
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piratepenguin | !ati | 07:23 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 07:23 |
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=== Errpast5 [n=errpast-@host82.155.212.198.conversent.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IdleOne | scratchme: what is it you are trying to do? enable universe and multiverse? | 07:24 |
scratchme | Yes, I basically need gcc 2.9x | 07:24 |
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scratchme | Which apt-cache search gcc-2.9 returns no results. | 07:24 |
=== gisasi [n=giasai@ip-240-130.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IdleOne | !repos | scratchme follow this link to enable the repos | 07:24 |
ubotu | scratchme follow this link to enable the repos: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 07:24 |
Quintin | vox754: you use the bot to say hello for you? does it scratch your ass too? :P | 07:24 |
mindstate | lol | 07:25 |
gisasi | hello | 07:25 |
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mindstate | hello gisasi | 07:25 |
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gisasi | any help for me with ubuntu/asterisk? | 07:25 |
LiENUS | how do i use network manager instead of the default ubuntu manager? | 07:25 |
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Heroin | Can someone tell me howto create a bittorent tracker? | 07:26 |
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vox754 | Quintin: ha, no, just wanted to give it a try. In my opinion it should says something like "don't say hi!, just ask your question" | 07:26 |
vox754 | !ask > gisasi | 07:26 |
gisasi | please, let me know | 07:26 |
kaoz | how do I format my Swap Partition... it is full | 07:26 |
Quintin | Heroin: the 'utorrent' windows BT client has a built-in tracker that works. | 07:26 |
vox754 | Heroin: you should ask on a bittorrent tracker forum. | 07:27 |
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piratepenguin | Quintin, doesn't the official client too? | 07:27 |
priboy | what should i do when there is a zombie process? | 07:27 |
dyrne | Heroin: or try ubuntuforums.org maybe | 07:27 |
Quintin | piratepenguin: no idea. the official client is crap anyway. | 07:27 |
Quintin | priboy: kill | 07:27 |
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kaoz | quintin do you know anything about swap partitions? | 07:27 |
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AmaroqWolf | Does anybody know where .desktop files are located? | 07:27 |
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Heroin | Quintin well i need a CLI client + tracker | 07:28 |
Quintin | priboy: If that doesn't work, extreme measures are needed. Advise consulting http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.monzy.com%2Fintro%2Fkilldashnine_lyrics.html&ei=ncjIRei9Moj8wAKo2-GsDw&usg=__lYfnTVtzdPu-e-uTeJ715dsZX-8=&sig2=WNxRQ-YkSBFV4QmJeW2vvg Complete with MP3 audio. | 07:28 |
vox754 | !swap > kaos | 07:28 |
freezey | whats the best FTP service for ubuntu? | 07:28 |
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piratepenguin | Quintin, I disagree. Have you used it lately? Since 5.0? You might wanna reevaluate it, I used to hate it too, it's much improved | 07:28 |
IdleOne | !swap | kaoz | 07:28 |
ubotu | kaoz: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info | 07:28 |
kaoz | !swap | 07:28 |
Quintin | freezey: FTP is inherently insecure, recommend you don't use it. | 07:28 |
Quintin | kaoz: Yes. What's up? | 07:28 |
alecjw | AmaroqWolf, they're stord in differnt places for differnet thigns. things in your menus would be soredi n differnt places to htingsi n your taskbar, for example | 07:28 |
mindstate | ssh is better :) | 07:28 |
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freezey | Quintin: the ftp service is just used to host videos inside of a firewalled network | 07:28 |
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Quintin | freezey: Why not SMB? | 07:29 |
AmaroqWolf | alecj, ah, okay. Where are the ones for the menus stored? | 07:29 |
kaoz | ok... i am trying to patch world of warcraft and i get a message saying i am out of harddrive space... i looked on swap partition and it is showing full | 07:29 |
scratchme | Hey, you guys are great. Adding the universe repository was exactly what I needed. | 07:29 |
AmaroqWolf | *alecjw | 07:29 |
scratchme | Thanks guys! | 07:29 |
spacebear | hey just installed ubuntu without kde or gnome... how do i get programs to be able to open displays with graphic now ? | 07:29 |
kaoz | i have a 5gig partition setup for swap | 07:29 |
freezey | quintin: Its for teachers to be able to login and upload their videos so i can stream them through a website for them | 07:29 |
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scratchme | Hopefully I can compile this build now. | 07:29 |
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kaoz | so do i need to format swap? | 07:30 |
=== Dimensions [n=filter@bb-87-80-0-37.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cricri | how do you mount a memory card with linux | 07:30 |
IdleOne | scratchme: you probably want to sudo aptitude install build-essential before trying to compile | 07:30 |
kaoz | or how can i look on that partition to see whats there? | 07:30 |
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freezey | quintin: what would you recommend | 07:30 |
Quintin | freezey: I see. I would use SMB. There is proftpd, vsftpd, wuftpd for linux. | 07:30 |
vox754 | kaoz: 5 GB is too much; 2 GB is enough. | 07:30 |
freezey | quintin: it needs to have sso | 07:30 |
Quintin | freezey: Samba. | 07:30 |
IdleOne | kaoz: no you dont swap is used like a temporary storage/ram when your system needs it | 07:30 |
freezey | quintin: does SMB have sso? | 07:30 |
Quintin | freezey: sso? | 07:30 |
kaoz | i let the installer automatically set it when i installed ubuntu | 07:31 |
freezey | quintin: single sign on... yeah well samba doesnt have that | 07:31 |
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Dimensions | hiya i have backup my Thunderbird mails a while ago ... now how do i restore those mails ? | 07:31 |
kaoz | ok so what would cause a messag syaing I am out of hardrive space? | 07:31 |
Quintin | kaoz: man mkswap man swapon man swapoff | 07:31 |
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vox754 | kaoz: if it says you need Hard drive, then your disk is full not your swap. How do you know your swap is full in the first place? "free -m" | 07:31 |
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freezey | quintin: which one of those FTP services has a GUI? | 07:31 |
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Quintin | freezey: You can make a public share quite easily. | 07:31 |
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kaoz | oh swap isnt full | 07:32 |
Quintin | kaoz: open a terminal and type df -h | 07:32 |
IdleOne | kaoz: you probably downloaded to many copywritten mp3's or something :) and now you need to start burning to cd's and making room :) | 07:32 |
kaoz | so what would cause a message like that? | 07:32 |
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freezey | quintin: yeah that is pretty true... | 07:32 |
mindstate | IdleOne, lol | 07:32 |
kaoz | i have over 100gigs free on my ubuntu install | 07:32 |
freezey | quintin: but policy i have to follow they want an FTP... | 07:32 |
kaoz | it isnt a space issue | 07:32 |
IdleOne | mindstate: :) | 07:32 |
freezey | quintin: easy to use for teachers etc... so which one of these has a GUI | 07:32 |
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Quintin | freezey: That's why you tell them where to shove the policy, that it's your way or no way, and that this is how it's going to be done! | 07:33 |
alecjw | AmaroqWolf, i don't know. sorry | 07:33 |
=== JDStone [n=JD@adsl-64-170-164-98.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kane77 | I try to use skins2 interface of vlc, but it gives me 2 instances of the same window running.. even after I close them they stay in taskbar... what am I doing wrong? | 07:33 |
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Quintin | freezey: I'm not into GUIs on servers. GUI for what ?? Admin of the ftpd? | 07:33 |
kaoz | the exe file i am trying to run is ran through WINE | 07:33 |
AmaroqWolf | alecjw, okay. Thank you for your help. | 07:33 |
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prad | hi, just wondering if there is any way to have compiz running when you logon ? | 07:33 |
kaoz | does wine have a "virtual" hardrive size i need to adjust? | 07:33 |
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Quintin | prad: #ubuntu-compiz or something might be better | 07:33 |
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prad | Quintin, thanks | 07:34 |
eLLino | :D | 07:34 |
freezey | quintin: not for admi n | 07:34 |
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mindstate | anyone know how i figure out what Socket type my Pentium 4 MOBO is? sorry for the unrelated question | 07:34 |
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Quintin | freezey: For what? | 07:34 |
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Quintin | mindstate: Open the case and look. | 07:34 |
kaoz | probably 478 | 07:34 |
Terminus | either 478 or 775. | 07:35 |
Quintin | 775 isn't a socket, it's PGA! | 07:35 |
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VxJasonxV | Can anyone give me a hand with some wireless issues? I thought I have it fully configured, but I'm missing something. I have the drivers (broadcom, fwcutter already used, etc.), I have set the ESSID of my AP, and it sees a mac address. | 07:35 |
=== ziro [n=ziro__@doc-24-206-254-136.nixa.mo.cebridge.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vox754 | mindstate: socket? um, ... internet. | 07:35 |
mindstate | Quintin, couldnt find where it might say it at | 07:35 |
VxJasonxV | I have the WPA key saved into a configuration file. | 07:35 |
Quintin | kaoz: read this please: wine disk full regedit | 07:35 |
mindstate | i think its 478 | 07:35 |
vox754 | VxJasonxV: join #ndiswrapper | 07:35 |
VxJasonxV | All I'm doing it just: ping -I eth1 google.com | 07:35 |
=== Tomasso [n=tomasso@210-208-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
VxJasonxV | I'm not using ndiswrapper | 07:35 |
Quintin | kaoz: read this please http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Install_and_update_World_Of_Warcraft_with_wine#Not_Enough_Hardrive_Space_error | 07:35 |
Terminus | fine. PGA. =P | 07:35 |
=== firephoto [n=tom@pool-71-115-214-25.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kaoz | was that suppose to be a link? | 07:36 |
=== Xanaron [i=Tony@S010600115b2bb619.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Quintin | VxJasonxV: dhclient wlan0 ? | 07:36 |
=== mindstate is away: im away | ||
kaoz | oh cool... ill read it now | 07:36 |
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VxJasonxV | Quintin, eth1 | 07:36 |
Quintin | mindstate: I mean physically remove the processor and look. | 07:36 |
VxJasonxV | it's not an IP problem, I have that | 07:36 |
IdleOne | !away > mindstate | 07:36 |
mindstate | so sorry lol | 07:36 |
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=== vliegje20 [n=patrick@cp36923-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
maswan | mindstate: the easisest way would be to just read the manual for the motherboard | 07:37 |
mindstate | Quintin, there is no processor inside of the board, thats why i wanted to know which type i should put into it | 07:37 |
IdleOne | mindstate: just letting you know because the ops will kick/ban/brand you with a scarlette letter :P | 07:37 |
vliegje20 | i just installed blue soleil with wine, then i started it but it doesnt recognize my bluetooth usb stick do i have to install drivers for it or not? | 07:37 |
mindstate | IdleOne, so i've heard lol | 07:37 |
=== DBFT_ [n=sunderla@82-39-175-97.cable.ubr01.jarr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
freezey | quintin: do you know anything about streamin media? | 07:37 |
Quintin | mindstate: well, is it a socket or PGA ? | 07:37 |
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Xanaron | anybody have any idea as to why this box (XP) is connected but my Ubuntu computer won't connect? | 07:38 |
Quintin | freezey: audio yes. video, not so much | 07:38 |
LiENUS | i just installed network-manager-gnome and logged out/loggged back in | 07:38 |
AmaroqWolf | vliegje20, there is a #winehq room on this server I believe. | 07:38 |
LiENUS | networkmanager applet showed up... but its not showing wireless networks.. | 07:38 |
mindstate | Quintin, i think its Socket | 07:38 |
LiENUS | im using ndiswrapper and my wireless card is eth1 | 07:38 |
vox754 | Xanaron: wireless issues? click #ndiswrapper | 07:38 |
Quintin | mindstate: Is it a bunch of tiny "holes" ?? | 07:38 |
freezey | quintin: with ubuntu do i have to install some form of a streaming server service? so they can just access the link to the video and it will open up in a desgnated player?> | 07:38 |
=== McJerry [n=bryanj02@ip68-1-156-192.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
mindstate | Quintin, yes | 07:38 |
Xanaron | it's not wireless, it's all wired | 07:38 |
LiENUS | anyone know how to fix this? | 07:38 |
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Quintin | mindstate: Oh. You can also just count them. if it's 500ish or 800ish :D | 07:38 |
vox754 | LiENUS: join #ndiswrapper | 07:39 |
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mindstate | Quintin, haha :\ no way | 07:39 |
VxJasonxV | vox754, #ndiswrapper handles everything even if we don't use ndiswrapper? | 07:39 |
LiENUS | vox754, ndiswrapper is working fine | 07:39 |
mindstate | Quintin, i'd lose count at around 80 or 90 | 07:39 |
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mindstate | lol | 07:39 |
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LiENUS | its not a ndiswrapper issue | 07:39 |
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vox754 | VxJasonxV: I'm in #ndiswrapper giving support to all fellows | 07:39 |
IdleOne | mindstate: count 1 row horizontal and one row vertical then multiply hehe | 07:39 |
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Quintin | mindstate: If it's got holes for pins then it's a socket, thus it is socket 478. Unless it's an old junker then mebbie it's something else. | 07:39 |
freezey | quintin: unsure? | 07:40 |
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mindstate | Quintin, well i got it direct from IBM a couple years ago | 07:40 |
Quintin | freezey: sorry, didn't see question. If you use samba they can just open the file like it is local | 07:41 |
mindstate | Quintin, just been sitting around my house i figure'd i should do something with it | 07:41 |
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vox754 | Xanaron: your problem is weird. All wired connections should work perfectly. | 07:42 |
geeksauce | attempt #2 on ubuntu install. i think i was a little too hasty when i manually edited my partition tables the first time. can incorect settings there cause kernel panic? | 07:42 |
freezey | quintin: with ubuntu do i have to install some form of a streaming server service? so they can just access the link to the video and it will open up in a desgnated player? | 07:42 |
=== coe [n=coe@0x50a45fe0.odnxx4.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
spacebear | what do i use for terminal emulator? | 07:42 |
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jrib | spacebear: what do you mean? | 07:42 |
Xanaron | vox754: that's what I thought, I recently moved and it was working fine until I plugged it in at my new place | 07:42 |
agliv5 | Greetings :) I'm having problems compiling avidemux, can anyone help? | 07:42 |
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vox754 | Xanaron: "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" | 07:43 |
Quintin | freezey: Click what kind of link? What are the client computers running? | 07:43 |
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jrib | agliv5: pastebin the error | 07:43 |
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IdleOne | agliv5: sudo aptitude install avidemux wont do it for you? | 07:44 |
LiENUS | networkmanager applet showed up... but its not showing wireless networks.. im using ndiswrapper and my wireless card is named "eth1", anyone know what to do to fix this? | 07:45 |
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freezey | Quintin: say i have a website and i have a videos linked to numerous websites all over the place... and the person just wnats to watch the commercial video i have on my website... without having to download it.. it will just open up in a designated player whichever one they use to watch videos... | 07:45 |
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hitammanis | Trying to boot Ubuntu in Qemu I get this error: /bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off | 07:45 |
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dondanielo | !ubuntu | 07:46 |
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ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome | 07:46 |
dondanielo | !beryl | 07:46 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 07:46 |
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Quintin | freezey: really depends on how the clients are configured. | 07:46 |
fra | #ubuntu-it | 07:46 |
hrnt | hmm.. i' | 07:46 |
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Xanaron | vox754: I got a lot of no such device and errors after typing that | 07:46 |
hitammanis | Anybody | 07:46 |
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hrnt | oops :) i'm installing ubuntu at the moment.. it just resized my NTFS partition and now it doesn't do anything. i'm still at the partition resize screen and nothing is happening | 07:47 |
vox754 | Xanaron: "ifconfig" | 07:47 |
IdleOne | hrnt: how long as it been? | 07:47 |
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freezey | Quintin: with the windows machine we have right now it acts as a streaming server... we have the files setup on an FTP and they are linked to a website... and then they click on the video and it plays in like windows media player | 07:47 |
IdleOne | s/as/has | 07:47 |
Quintin | hrnt: pray | 07:47 |
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hitammanis | Please | 07:47 |
Marupa | is there a task manager style process manager? Besides top? | 07:48 |
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LiENUS | htop | 07:48 |
freezey | quintin: i wanna move it over to linux... so i am just curious if i have to have some form of service installed because windows has some stupid server service | 07:48 |
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Wonderful00t | Hello Im having trouble getting vmware server to install on my ubuntu box when Im using my rt kernel.. this is the error i get: The directory of kernel headers (version 2.6.17-10-generic) does not match your | 07:48 |
Wonderful00t | running kernel (version Even if the module were to | 07:48 |
Wonderful00t | compile successfully, it would not load into the running kernel. | 07:48 |
hrnt | idleone: well, it did something with my hard disk for something like 15 minutes (resizing a 230gb partition to 200gb), then the "forward button" became available again, i pressed it and now it's just waiting | 07:48 |
agliv5 | IdleOne, the version in the repositiories is REALLY old... | 07:48 |
Marupa | that's not any better, LiENUS | 07:48 |
hrnt | idleone: there is this spinning disc thingy spinning around but i don't think it's really doing anything | 07:48 |
=== Bsims [n=Bsims@74-139-130-132.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bsims | I got amarok to transfer video but it doesn't show up on the menus anywhere and there is no meta-data on the file, is there something I am doing wrong? | 07:49 |
Xanaron | vox754: what do I do with the information it just gave me? | 07:49 |
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AmaroqWolf | alecjw, oops. xD I can't believe I asked the wrong question. I already know where .desktop files for the menus are located. They're in both ~/usr/share/applications and in /usr/share/applications. What I meant to ask is where .directory files are located. | 07:49 |
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scott__ | hi, can anyone tell me what version of the nvidia drivers are in the official ubuntu restricted modules package?? | 07:49 |
IdleOne | hrnt: be patient takes some time . might take a little while depending on your machine. give it a another 10-15 minutes or do like Quintin said and pray :/ | 07:49 |
spacebear | where do i download beryl package... apt-get didnt find anything | 07:50 |
Wonderful00t | so how to get vmware server to work with a custom kernel? | 07:50 |
LiENUS | Marupa, didnt i put you on ignore? | 07:50 |
hrnt | idleone: i straced it, it's reading something from descriptor 0 "METAGET partman/text/end_the" | 07:50 |
alecjw | AmaroqWolf, never heard of .directory fiels. sorry | 07:50 |
hrnt | constantly, it's just looping between read and write | 07:50 |
Marupa | How should I know, LiENUS. | 07:50 |
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exs | guys, the top menu bar I accidently dragged onto the side of the screen, but there's too may icons for me to grab it again. how do i make it go on the top? | 07:50 |
IdleOne | hrnt: well then it is reading so let it do its thing for now | 07:50 |
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Quintin | freezey: Dunno. Are you sure it is streaming and is not downloaded first on the machines now? How large are the files? I would really just use samba. If this is a local webpage you can make your web urls \\myserver\myfile.ext | 07:50 |
Bsims | exs: hrm can ya close one to get a handle so to speak on it | 07:50 |
vox754 | Xanaron: "ifconfig" gives the list of your network devices, type it. | 07:50 |
Quintin | hrnt: You *do* have a recent backup, yesssss? | 07:51 |
exs | Bsims: but I don't want to loose any icons | 07:51 |
kaoz | quintin i read that post you gave me and there is no Environment Variable key in my regedit | 07:51 |
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Xanaron | vox754: I did that, It shows eth0 and lo and some information on them | 07:51 |
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IdleOne | exs: you have to remove those icons right click and remove then you will have room to move it back | 07:51 |
Bsims | exs: ya can add it again once its back up there | 07:51 |
valberg | anyone know how the modules in reconstructor works ? | 07:51 |
exs | I don't really want to remove the icons | 07:51 |
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Quintin | kaoz: sux2bu | 07:51 |
coobra | ;s | 07:51 |
vox754 | Xanaron: "eth0" is your wired? What are you using right now? | 07:51 |
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hrnt | quintin: well, i don't have any critical data if that's what you mean... but if there is a possibility that this ntfs resize thing messes partitions, then there should be a warning in the installer, imho :P | 07:52 |
Bsims | hrnt: use rdiff-backup it's great | 07:52 |
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Quintin | hrnt: There is a warning. | 07:52 |
A[D] minS | !!BCM44xx | 07:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bcm44xx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:52 |
A[D] minS | !BCM44xx | 07:52 |
IdleOne | exs you can put them back after | 07:52 |
A[D] minS | ok | 07:52 |
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Bsims | hrnt: a resizer borking a partition is always a possiblity, even on windows | 07:52 |
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Xanaron | vox754: I keep trying to set it to eth0 but it seems to be stuck on wanting to use lo | 07:52 |
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clearzen | Does anyone know how I can load a script to create a database table structure using phpmyadmin? | 07:52 |
pexi | A[D] minS, i recomend you that use ndiswrapper and not bcm44xx | 07:52 |
agliv5 | Does anyone have expierence with spidermonkey? that seems to be the reason that avidemux isn't compiling correctly... | 07:52 |
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Bsims | I got amarok to transfer video but it doesn't show up on the menus anywhere and there is no meta-data on the file, is there something I am doing wrong? | 07:53 |
Xanaron | vox754: also, it won't let me configure eth0, it says I don't have permission | 07:53 |
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hrnt | anybody knows how this partman works btw? it seems to be running over and over again the same scripts | 07:54 |
vox754 | Xanaron: use "sudo" before each command | 07:54 |
fra | glese | 07:54 |
hrnt | "/lib/partman/choose_partition/60partition_tree/choices" | 07:54 |
fra | nn solo nn mi riesce ed anche in inglese | 07:54 |
fra | :( | 07:54 |
vox754 | Xanaron: join #ndiswrapper general networking there. | 07:54 |
Xanaron | vox754: I have been, I'm just unsure of which commands to use | 07:54 |
IdleOne | fra /join #ubuntu-it | 07:54 |
freezey | i need a good open source streaming server for linux... can anybody assist? | 07:54 |
vox754 | A[D] minS: join #ndiswrapper | 07:55 |
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hrnt | it looks like it's running it about 100 times per second | 07:55 |
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AmaroqWolf | alecjw, I'm viewing the file /etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu in my text editor because I wanna figure out how to manually modify the menus. It appears that there are <Category> tags in this file, and between the category tags is something like, say, for multimedia, text that says AudioVideo. There is a .desktop file that has the line in it: Categories=Application;AudioVideo. I know what I need to know to edit the items in the | 07:55 |
AmaroqWolf | menus themselves I suppose, but if I wanted to make new submenus, etc, I'd probably need to know where the .directory things are so new ones could be made if needed. :P I'm gonna try to make a .deb package, so I was trying to learn about that stuff so I could know how to add/remove the shortcuts from the menus. *shuts up now* | 07:55 |
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lazrpark93 | how's it going ubuntu? | 07:55 |
AmaroqWolf | meep | 07:55 |
jon_ | anyone out there got a psp_ | 07:55 |
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IdleOne | !anyone | 07:55 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 07:55 |
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Bsims | I know I can transfer videos to my ipod but it doesn't show up in any of the video or song menus any ideas | 07:56 |
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alecjw | AmaroqWolf, i suppose you can have al ook at a pacakge which adds a menu item | 07:56 |
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IdleOne | Bsims: shot in the dark but is there a tmp folder on the ipod? I dont know I dont have an ipod Im poor :( | 07:56 |
jon_ | I need help with my psp... trying to run devhook.... | 07:57 |
IdleOne | jon #psp maybe | 07:57 |
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Bsims | IdleOne: Heh nope, but it doesn't show on the menus that its here | 07:57 |
jon_ | thanx | 07:57 |
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AmaroqWolf | alecjw, I did. :P I spose I know enough about it. The .directory thing is only for if I wanted to add submenus I think. Perhaps I can look at wine's package, I think that adds a submenu. | 07:58 |
lazrpark93 | How do you change your window theme in Ubuntu to something cool other than the standard ones? | 07:58 |
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IdleOne | Bsims: I have no idea sorry | 07:58 |
hendry | how does one set an Australian keyboard in edgy? | 07:58 |
IdleOne | !eyecandy | lazrpark93 | 07:58 |
ubotu | lazrpark93: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 07:58 |
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lazrpark93 | w00t | 07:58 |
alecjw | AmaroqWolf, winde doesnt add anyt menu entries, and i'm not sure you can evfne have submenus | 07:59 |
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AmaroqWolf | oh | 07:59 |
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fra | Ragazzi qualcuno sa come mettere ubuntu in italiano? | 07:59 |
craigbass1976 | Any bash scripters in here? | 07:59 |
Bsims | IdleOne: thanks anyway | 08:00 |
Bsims | craigbass1976: I have done some why | 08:00 |
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IdleOne | Quintin: how does fra set his locale to italian? | 08:00 |
craigbass1976 | Having trouble with one | 08:00 |
crazy_penguin | Hi all! | 08:00 |
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swimmerino88 | hello!how can I install the italina language pack for xubuntu?because I have it in english! | 08:00 |
AmaroqWolf | alecjw, when you install a program under wine, most of the time it adds a menu item to Applications > Wine > Programs. I wonder if the Programs submenu item gets added when a program is installed, or when wine is installed. | 08:01 |
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SecrethX | how can I enlarge my /? (home is on another partition) I just found out I have 40G of unallocated space and I want to enlarge my /, im on the live cd backing up / | 08:01 |
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alecjw | AmaroqWolf, i have wine, but no submenu. it adds the shortcuts to the desktop. | 08:02 |
craigbass1976 | Bsims, http://rafb.net/p/7ZhpU583.html $FITEMID ends up with a space or something in front of it, and I get no result | 08:02 |
AmaroqWolf | alecjw, yours acts differently than mine does. I wonder which is the normal behavior. | 08:02 |
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AmaroqWolf | Er, wait. alecjw, I think mine does both. | 08:03 |
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variant | !install | 08:04 |
ubotu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues | 08:04 |
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Bsims | craigbass1976: no idea it lools good | 08:04 |
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wbvmwareimage | m | 08:04 |
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yommb | how can ~I do a apt-get install and leave out packages e.g: I want to install xubuntu-desktop , but without gimp & openoffice .. ! | 08:05 |
Bsims | Any one know how to get video on an ipod I can transfer the video but it doesn't show up as video on the idpod | 08:05 |
SecrethX | how can I enlarge my /? (home is on another partition) I just found out I have 40G of unallocated space and I want to enlarge my /, im on the live cd backing up / anyone? | 08:05 |
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quitte | has someone got nsswitch-ldap installed and working in edgy? while i had no trouble getting it to work in debian in edgy it has no effect at all. | 08:05 |
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craigbass1976 | Bsims, I just found out (and I wondered about something liek this) that I was getting a header as part of the $FITEMID, so mysql, in the last query, was looking for space $variable... | 08:05 |
|thunder | hey all, is it possible to run a bash command from xchat? like. could I "uname -r and get output in xchat ? | 08:06 |
=== linuxero_ [n=ivan@127.Red-81-34-166.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bsims | cool, glad ya figured it out | 08:06 |
yommb | man apt-get | 08:06 |
mindstate | SecrethX, gparted can do that | 08:06 |
IdleOne | |thunder: try it | 08:06 |
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IdleOne | uname -r | 08:06 |
IdleOne | lol nope | 08:06 |
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SecrethX | mindstate: yea I thought someone might say that, but I have no idea how.. | 08:07 |
Occasus | bo | 08:07 |
Occasus | o | 08:07 |
AmaroqWolf | SecrethX, I think there is a disk utility that allows you to change the size of partitions. I don't remember the name. You have the right idea about backing up though. It's reccomended to back stuff up before you go messing with partitions. | 08:07 |
IdleOne | |thunder: /exec uname -r | 08:07 |
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IdleOne | |thunder: /exec uname -a | 08:07 |
mindstate | SecrethX, i had to resize my drives to make room for Linux and Swap so i know u can i think u right click on the drive u want to extend | 08:08 |
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=== mindstate is back (gone 00:32:09) | ||
mindstate | sorry :) | 08:08 |
=== AmaroqWolf just wiped his drive and got rid of windows, then let the Ubuntu installation handle the partitions itself. | ||
SecrethX | mindstate: I have it like this, hda1 is my home, hda2 is / and hda3 is swap | 08:08 |
craigbass1976 | Bsims, Too bad it took me all morning. This script is going to be bad enough without getting tripped up over something so trivial... | 08:09 |
mindstate | SecrethX, thats how mine is | 08:09 |
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Bsims | craigbass1976: Heh its always the little things | 08:09 |
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mindstate | SecrethX, where is the unallocated space | 08:09 |
SecrethX | mindstate: after hda3 | 08:09 |
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mindstate | SecrethX, hold on | 08:10 |
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AmaroqWolf | Oh my, I only have two partitions. Partition 1, and Swap Partition. | 08:10 |
Slasher | hey | 08:10 |
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SecrethX | mindstate: of course :- | 08:10 |
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kane77 | hindley, is there any program (script) that would scan ftp for new things? (or create database of stuff that's on it) | 08:11 |
Slasher | anyone around whos good with wireless? | 08:11 |
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AmaroqWolf | SecrethX, how did you find out you have unallocated space? | 08:11 |
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SecrethX | AmaroqWolf: I remembered it.. I forgot about the unallocated space when I was installing ;O | 08:12 |
yellow | Slasher, just ask, if there's someone who knows, they'll answer | 08:12 |
Slasher | kk | 08:13 |
Slasher | ty | 08:13 |
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AmaroqWolf | *chuckles* SecrethX, I wonder if there's a way to check with some utility or something. | 08:13 |
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SecrethX | AmaroqWolf: you can check it with gparted | 08:14 |
fil_ | et merc avi :( | 08:14 |
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Slasher | im messing about with ndiswrapper at the minute, just installed ubuntu (used to use winblows but trying so step away from microsoft as vista totally sucks and i dont fancy sticking to xp either), i have used ndiswrapper before on SuSE, however I got some ubuntu cd's here so i installed that. the problem is at the moment, i was wondering if there is something to scan for wireless networks like in suse | 08:14 |
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AmaroqWolf | SecrethX, hmm. The command gparted in my terminal didn't do anything. | 08:15 |
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Quintin | Slasher: iwconfig wlan0 scan ? | 08:15 |
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Slasher | wlan0 isn't listed in iwconfig for some reason :| | 08:15 |
SecrethX | AmaroqWolf: sudo apt-get install gparted | 08:15 |
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SecrethX | and then do it again | 08:15 |
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cables | Slasher, Wifi-Radar and network-manager work, but I think I read something about them not working with ndiswrapper | 08:15 |
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Marco_ | What is the best dvd player ? | 08:15 |
Slasher | darn | 08:15 |
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cables | Marco_, they're all pretty good. I've had problems with VLC missing like 5 seconds when it doesn't spin up the disk in time though... | 08:16 |
jzl | hi mates, is it possible to use ntfs-3g to read/write to a mounted share (that is physically located in a windows2k3 file server)? | 08:16 |
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greg_ | hello everyone....i am fairly new to ubuntu and i had installed it on my system with out a duel boot of windows xp.....now i had recently got a cell phone which requires me to download a driver which is in windows format any suggestions on what i can do to open that file??? | 08:16 |
cables | jzl, if it's shared, it shouldn't matter what FS it is. | 08:16 |
AmaroqWolf | SecrethX, thank you. *chuckles* I find that error message funny, for when you try to run it without root. | 08:17 |
cables | greg_, if the driver is in Windows format, you can't use it with linux. | 08:17 |
jzl | cables.. thanks :) | 08:17 |
SecrethX | AmaroqWolf: haha, yes | 08:17 |
bfdhud_ | I have a simple shell question if anyone can help | 08:17 |
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cables | greg_, you need Windows to use a Windows driver | 08:17 |
cables | !ask | bfdhud_ | 08:17 |
ubotu | bfdhud_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 08:17 |
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dondanielo | !dvd | 08:17 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 08:17 |
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jzl | cables, yeah.. but I cant write to the directory. | 08:18 |
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Marco_ | cables, sometimes I copy some movies to the hard disk. Is there a dvd player that can play movies splited in several files ? like cyberlink power dvd | 08:18 |
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cables | jzl, that's a matter of permissions, not filesystem. You don't have permission, then. | 08:18 |
agliv5 | I'm trying to compile avidemux using the following guide: "http://www.avidemux.org/admWiki/index.php?title=Compiling_Avidemux" and make -f Makefile.dist is returning 2 errors that I don't understand... could someone please look into this? http://paste.uni.cc/13014 | 08:19 |
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cables | Marco_, not sure... you mean a video_ts folder or something? Or VOB files? VLC can play decrypted VOBs. | 08:19 |
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cables | jzl, if it's shared across the network, a filesystem driver can't help you. | 08:19 |
AmaroqWolf | SecrethX, hmm. I do have three partitions. /dev/hda1, /dev/hda2, and dev/hda5. Hm... 5 is under 2. Are they the same thing? | 08:19 |
jzl | cables, that makes sense. :doh: | 08:19 |
jzl | I mounted the share via smbfs | 08:20 |
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jzl | I guess :\ | 08:20 |
cables | jzl, just make sure the server is set up to allow access from your computer. | 08:20 |
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SecrethX | AmaroqWolf: what filesystems? | 08:20 |
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AmaroqWolf | ext3, extended, and linux-swap | 08:20 |
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Marco_ | cables, yes. I try with Kaffeine but, when it jumps to the next file I have to select my language again | 08:20 |
yommb | !gdeb | 08:20 |
ubotu | gdeb: graphical package inspection tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.9-1.1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 30 kB, installed size 168 kB | 08:20 |
domi | hey sorry mal ne frage... | 08:20 |
=== SiyahKaR hi everyone.. | ||
olopez | hi , are there navit iptables layer7 support or any ubuntu version? or i need recompile the kernel ? | 08:20 |
domi | or is this in english? | 08:20 |
cables | Marco_, not sure... | 08:20 |
yommb | !gdebi | 08:20 |
ubotu | gdebi: Simple tool to install deb files. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.6ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 31 kB, installed size 680 kB | 08:20 |
domi | it is (: | 08:20 |
Marco_ | cables, thanks anyway | 08:21 |
SecrethX | swap and ext3 are different AmaroqWolf | 08:21 |
Lunar_Lamp | Is it possible to get Listen (also Listen, Just Listen) to play m4a/aac files? I can play them in other programs without issue, but want to play them in listen. | 08:21 |
domi | can anyone help me? i wanted to know hot the amarok thing is called which generates the playlist from some songs... i forget -.- | 08:21 |
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AmaroqWolf | The one with linux-swap is 5, and it's under 2, which is extended. And they're the same size. | 08:21 |
AmaroqWolf | ext3 is by itself. | 08:21 |
NeoMatrixJR24 | ok, I know I'm not supposed to ask about asking a question, but it's a long question...anyone mind if I ask a multi-line question in here? | 08:22 |
cables | domi, see #amarok | 08:22 |
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domi | thx... how can i switch the chan -.- i forget too -.- | 08:22 |
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domi | didnt hat linux for a while | 08:22 |
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cables | domi, /join #amarok | 08:22 |
domi | thx -.- | 08:22 |
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AmaroqWolf | lol, nice namd XD | 08:22 |
AmaroqWolf | *name | 08:22 |
XD | :P | 08:22 |
XD | ty | 08:22 |
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AmaroqWolf | I use that emoticon so much. | 08:23 |
SecrethX | AmaroqWolf: doesnt matter then, the extended holds the swap so you basicly have one big partition and one swap (someone correct me if Im wrong) | 08:23 |
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AmaroqWolf | SecrethX, yes, it appears to hold the swap. Is it okay that I don't have seperate partitions for home and /? | 08:24 |
NeoMatrixJR24 | Well...I'm going to take that as a yes anyways..... Sorry this is so long, but I wanted to be descriptive | 08:24 |
domi | lol there is noone -.- | 08:24 |
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NeoMatrixJR24 | I am having a hardware problem with Edgy.... I am using 2 Promise Ultra66 IDE controllers (2 ports, 4 drives per card) to run 3 hard drives (boot drive is on onboard ide). All 3 drives are set as the master of one of the ports, 1 card contains 1 drive (currently the first, hde - master IDE1) and one card contains 2 drives (card 2 master on ide 1 and 2, hdi, hdk). One of my drives on the... | 08:24 |
NeoMatrixJR24 | ...card with 2 HD's always has a problem with DMA/IRQ. (See dmesg: http://rafb.net/p/4UBWR633.html) When I try and transfer large files the drive times out and won't work right. You can imagine the problem with this since I'm trying to create a RAID 5 with said drives (not the boot drive, just the 3 on the Ultra66 cards). Does anyone have any thoughts? | 08:24 |
Lunar_Lamp | NeoMatrixJR24, it might be an idea to use pastebin for the question, and put a brief topic/subject along with pasting the url in here. | 08:24 |
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NeoMatrixJR24 | too late...... | 08:24 |
dromer | hi, what program lets me see all active users on the computer again? | 08:24 |
dromer | I forgot :# | 08:24 |
cables | Is there any way to configure network-manager to save the network keys without Keyring? I don't like having to put my password in a second time after I log on. | 08:24 |
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SecrethX | AmaroqWolf: well, its better if home and / are on different partitions, for like a crash you only need to overwrite / and so home gets saved but it isnt really needed | 08:25 |
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AmaroqWolf | SecrethX: ah, okay. I suppose that is useful, but oh well. It's too late now. | 08:26 |
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jzl | cables, I have full rights to the directory. (im term served into the windows server now) yet I am still getting "You do not have permissions to write to this folder." when trying to throw a simple file in it. | 08:26 |
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cables | jzl, is it password protected? | 08:27 |
jzl | yes | 08:27 |
jzl | and I have it set in the fstab | 08:27 |
orangey | hey all. | 08:27 |
cables | jzl, try remounting it (sudo mount -a) | 08:27 |
orangey | anybody know where the evolution IRC channel is? | 08:27 |
jzl | 10-4 | 08:27 |
NeoMatrixJR24 | Same IRQ/DMA question on nopaste for all that non-autoscroll goodness: http://rafb.net/p/yFpLgX72.html | 08:28 |
cables | Another network manager question: is there any way to get my computer to connect to my wireless network BEFORE I log on? I have a network share that is auto-mounted in fstab, and it would be nice if that was mounted before I logged in. | 08:28 |
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Redhammer_the_Ol | hi anybody know how I can ensure that the right click menu "send to" function allows me to use thunderbird ? | 08:28 |
orangey | I am having an evo problem.. my emails with attachments from ONE of my servers show up as text instead of attachments. In dapper, this was solved by specifying that the server was imap1 or what not, but that option is not there anymore | 08:28 |
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Slasher | aargh opera wont install :( | 08:28 |
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AmaroqWolf | NeoMatrixJR24, if you wanted to, you could use pastebin. It can be set to delete the stuff you put in it after a certain amount of time, which is useful so your question/pasted stuff doesn't sit around and take up space after your question has been resolved. | 08:29 |
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AmaroqWolf | Rather than pasting your problem in an html page. | 08:30 |
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cables | AmaroqWolf, it looks like he's using a pastebin to me... | 08:30 |
=== AmaroqWolf clicks | ||
NeoMatrixJR24 | AmaroqWolf: eh...the page I use is "nopaste" I think it works the same way. | 08:30 |
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AmaroqWolf | NeoMatrixJR24, oh. Okay. xD The extention was .html, so I assumed you uploaded an html file somewhere. | 08:31 |
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NeoMatrixJR24 | AmaroqWolf: no...I think it just generates an HTML file. Don't know how he does it, but I know they disappear later. | 08:32 |
jzl | cables, same thing. HMMMMM | 08:32 |
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guddy | anyone here? | 08:32 |
dondanielo | yep | 08:33 |
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guddy | great | 08:33 |
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cables | guddy, tons of us... | 08:33 |
HymnToLife | yes | 08:33 |
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guddy | i'm kinda new to the whole linux thing | 08:33 |
cables | jzl, this may sound stupid, but make sure the password's right in fstab. If you still can't get it working, try removing the password protection and test it to see if you can change it when it's not password protected. | 08:33 |
NeoMatrixJR24 | anyways...anyone have any thoughts to the question itself? | 08:33 |
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paiiiiii | what was name of the mp3 player that was like xmms but very nice | 08:33 |
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paiiiiii | hmm | 08:33 |
Heroin | i need a C++ compiler version 4.0.3 i think ;X like i have GCC and GCC-BASE but it doesnt compile C++ | 08:33 |
paiiiiii | a hard name... | 08:33 |
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dondanielo | paiiiiii : maybe bmpx? | 08:34 |
Lunar_Lamp | Heroin, you need a different compiler I think. | 08:34 |
dondanielo | beep media player | 08:34 |
mindstate | beep | 08:34 |
HymnToLife | Heartsbane, install build-essential | 08:34 |
paiiiiii | dondanielo: no | 08:34 |
guddy | can I ask you guys something? I don't want to interrupt... | 08:34 |
cables | guddy, sure | 08:34 |
AmaroqWolf | NeoMatrixJR24, perhaps whatever server side scripting language he uses, simply wrote your question to a .html file, and some program on his server just deletes it after a certain amount of time. I know php, so I figure it can be done with that. Though I don't know how to make it dissapear after a certain time. Or .html files can be set up to be parsed by php. As for the question itself, I have no idea. *chuckles* | 08:35 |
guddy | I was using the vista beta, but it was too heavy on my system... I have two hard drives... I can't seem to access the second one, used previously in windows (NTFS) | 08:35 |
cables | guddy, you're _supposed_ to interrupt | 08:35 |
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SteveC_ | Hi. I'd like to do some debugging of my USB, what debug kernel package should I install? | 08:35 |
jzl | cables, dont sound stupid at all | 08:35 |
cables | jzl, ok | 08:35 |
cables | :) | 08:35 |
HymnToLife | ubotu, tell ntfs about ubotu | ubotu, see the private message from ubotu. | 08:35 |
guddy | just being polite | 08:35 |
HymnToLife | oops | 08:35 |
Heroin | Lunar_Lamp like what? iam really confused i need to compile a C++ thing and i need a C++ compiler :P | 08:35 |
HymnToLife | my scrit messed up :p | 08:35 |
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recon | Does anybody know where I should put a major mode I downloaded for emacs? | 08:35 |
Lunar_Lamp | Heroin, yeah, give me a minute, I;m just checking. I don#'t use C++ much. | 08:35 |
guddy | the online help says something about SYSTEM - ADMINISTRATION - DISKS... I cant find it | 08:36 |
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magda | hola} | 08:36 |
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recon | Heroin: have you tried gcc? | 08:36 |
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cables | guddy, you're using Ubuntu? | 08:36 |
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guddy | yes... ubuntu | 08:36 |
magda | alguien que hable espaol | 08:36 |
Lunar_Lamp | Heroin, g++! | 08:36 |
ismail | good day all | 08:36 |
recon | magda: /join #ubuntu-es | 08:36 |
cables | guddy, i think they meant to do that in the livecd during the installer. | 08:36 |
guddy | latest version | 08:36 |
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Heroin | Lunar_Lamp Got it.. apt-get gave me a 4.0 version :D | 08:36 |
guddy | oh... how can i do that in the installed OS, then? | 08:36 |
cables | guddy, hold on | 08:37 |
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Lunar_Lamp | Heroin, hmm, you need a later version? | 08:37 |
ismail | i have a question has anyone been able to install ubuntu on a core duo notebook? | 08:37 |
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dondanielo | guddy : 6.10 ? | 08:37 |
guddy | I mean, get access to the second (backup... all images, music, work, etc.) drive | 08:37 |
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HymnToLife | ubotu, tell guddy about ntfs | ntfs, see the private message from ubotu. | 08:37 |
jzl | cables, "You do not have permissions to write to this folder." | 08:37 |
HymnToLife | better like this :p | 08:37 |
magda | hello | 08:37 |
magda | hello | 08:37 |
magda | hekki | 08:37 |
HymnToLife | hmm not yet | 08:37 |
jzl | cables, is it worth mentioning that it is NTFS | 08:37 |
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cables | jzl, no... just that it's samba. | 08:38 |
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magda | alguien que hable espaol | 08:38 |
cables | magda, #ubuntu-es | 08:38 |
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ndr | ciao | 08:38 |
ismail | i have a question has anyone been able to install ubuntu on a core duo notebook? | 08:38 |
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ndr | italiani^ | 08:38 |
ndr | ? | 08:38 |
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jzl | cables, I used //servername/sharename /mountdirectory smbfs username=windowsusername,password=windowspassword 0 0 | 08:39 |
cables | guddy, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions?action=show&redirect=NTFSReadWrite and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountNtfsOnBoot?highlight=%28ntfs%29 | 08:39 |
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Orbitize | Hello. How do i configure my WLAN card to connect to a network with AES-TKIP encryption? | 08:39 |
aalhamad | how can i get the desktop of Plastic window decorations similar to vista? | 08:39 |
paiiiiii | someone told me a really great mp3 player yesterday with a odd name, can somebody remember a mp3-player with a strange name? :) | 08:40 |
cables | jzl, that may be your problem... Samba shares by default do not have passwords. If your samba share does, it's probably set differently than your Windows password | 08:40 |
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dondanielo | paiiiiiii : beep media player? | 08:40 |
ismail | aalhamad. what gui are u using?..gnome orkde? | 08:40 |
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Zaggynl | %Q#%)98 | 08:40 |
aalhamad | gnome | 08:40 |
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Zaggynl | gedit crashed on me T_T | 08:40 |
cables | paiiiiiii, vlc, amarok, xmms, beep, Rhythmbox, Listen... | 08:40 |
olopez | hi , are there navit iptables layer7 support or any ubuntu version? or i need recompile the kernel ? | 08:40 |
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olopez | native | 08:41 |
ismail | hmmm cant really in gnome. though u canuse beryl to get some of the effects | 08:41 |
jzl | cables, the password is the same | 08:41 |
ismail | there are alot of themes for kkde | 08:41 |
cables | jzl, try leaving the username blank | 08:41 |
jzl | cables, that is what I set in the fstab | 08:41 |
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cables | jzl, can you access it when you go to Places>Network Servers? | 08:42 |
stjepan | anyone wants to try my new terminal app? | 08:42 |
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AmaroqWolf | My video card isn't as fast as it used to be when I had windows. Two games that I try to play under wine go much slower than I remember. It's like my card either can't handle it anymore, or it's not being used to it's full potential. The card is an IBM i810 series... so I don't think either nvidia or ati drivers will help it any. I eventually succumbed to my friend's suggestion that I use easyubuntu, but it didn't help at all. | 08:42 |
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aalhamad | ismail, gnome | 08:42 |
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dondanielo | AmaroqWolf : try windows, if you expect something like windows! ;) | 08:43 |
ismail | aalhamad, there are a few themes in beryl that can give u the effects of vusta. but really the best vista them is in kde | 08:43 |
redbox | anyone know where I can find ubuntu packages for the latest mondorescue ? | 08:43 |
paiiiiii | someone told me a really great mp3 player yesterday with a odd name, can somebody remember a mp3-player with a strange name?? :) | 08:43 |
jzl | cables, DUDE.. I can write to it that way! | 08:43 |
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jzl | using the smb:// | 08:43 |
cables | jzl, does it ask for your password when you do that? | 08:44 |
Tw1stStorm | 08:44 | |
jzl | yeah | 08:44 |
ismail | paiiiiii.amaro? | 08:44 |
jzl | cables, and the workgroup | 08:44 |
ismail | amarok | 08:44 |
paiiiiii | ismail: hmm, no | 08:44 |
Tw1stStorm | ? | 08:44 |
Tw1stStorm | ? | 08:44 |
paiiiiii | another :/ | 08:44 |
Tw1stStorm | 08:44 | |
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aalhamad | ok thanks | 08:44 |
ompaul | english only please | 08:44 |
bhearsum | i'm trying to use 'root=/dev/hda4' as a kernel option. i'm getting told that it cannot be resolved....how do i re-enable this? i know ubuntu likes to use UUIDs but that's not going to work for me | 08:44 |
cables | ompaul, i don't think that was any language... | 08:44 |
Tw1stStorm | do you speak russian ? | 08:44 |
Tw1stStorm | do you speak russian ? | 08:44 |
Kajin | I've installed VMWare Workstation this morning on Ubuntu Edgy, but when I run Windows XP in it I only get a black screen. On the GUI installer that is, I could see the text installer (where you do the partitioning and everything) just fine. | 08:45 |
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Tw1stStorm | do you speak russian ? | 08:45 |
ziadoz | is it possible to get a wireless device working on an ubuntu live cd? | 08:45 |
ompaul | !ru | 08:45 |
ubotu | #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 08:45 |
AmaroqWolf | lol dondanielo, I would much rather get it working fully on ubuntu than use windows. I have found out though, that it can't do direct draw unless it's set to 16 bit color. And the card only supports 24 bit color. | 08:45 |
Zaggynl | ... | 08:45 |
Tw1stStorm | !ru | 08:45 |
Zaggynl | now just gedit doesn't start | 08:45 |
aalhamad | ismail have to use kubuntu then? | 08:45 |
Zaggynl | no console output | 08:45 |
Tw1stStorm | ? | 08:45 |
Zaggynl | just...won't start | 08:45 |
ismail | paiiiiii, xali? | 08:45 |
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paiiiiii | ismail: no :) | 08:45 |
Tw1stStorm | i no speak english | 08:45 |
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Tw1stStorm | i no speak english | 08:45 |
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ompaul | !ru | 08:45 |
ubotu | #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 08:45 |
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Lunar_Lamp | !ru | 08:45 |
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Tw1stStorm | 08:45 | |
Tw1stStorm | ? | 08:45 |
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ziadoz | is it possible to get a wireless device working on an ubuntu live cd? | 08:45 |
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cables | ubotu, tell Tw1stStorm about ru | 08:46 |
ismail | aalhamad, yup.. actually u can use both kde and gnome at the same time. just go to synaptic and download the kde packages,, then when u log in change the sesion | 08:46 |
ompaul | cables, I already did | 08:46 |
jzl | cables, yeah it did and the workgroup... which i entered correctly | 08:46 |
cables | ompaul, doesn't seem like he got it... | 08:46 |
dondanielo | obotu, tell dondanielo about ru | 08:46 |
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Memener | Hello i was wondering if there is anyone that can help me with kubunt 6.10 wireless network. Im having a really hard time getting this working. In the network setting it shows it as disabled but when i enable it get a green check then goes back to the red x. I have it congfiged for my network but just wont enable | 08:46 |
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aalhamad | ok thanks | 08:47 |
aalhamad | i can upgrade to Ubuntu 7.04 right? | 08:47 |
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cables | aalhamad, that's still in early development | 08:47 |
ismail | paiiiiii, xmms.....noatm.....eythembox | 08:47 |
aalhamad | ismail i also can upgrade to Ubuntu 7.04 right? | 08:47 |
cables | jzl, i don't really know... try reinstalling smbfs (sudo aptitude reinstall smbfs) and rebooting the computer. If that doesn't work, smack the computers or the equipment connecting them. | 08:47 |
paiiiiii | ismail: no :( | 08:47 |
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cables | aalhamad, 7.04 is in Alpha. | 08:47 |
paiiiiii | ismail: something with a..... in the beginning | 08:47 |
ompaul | ubotu tell r3set about nickspam | 08:48 |
aalhamad | ok i c thanks :) | 08:48 |
jzl | cables, will a good pimp slap work? | 08:48 |
ismail | paiiiiii, hehehe ok i give up. \ | 08:48 |
paiiiiii | thanks anyway | 08:48 |
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ismail | aalhamad, yeah u can... just follow the instruction in the site | 08:48 |
AmaroqWolf | When I looked up my card on IBM's site, they listed it as an i815. But my xorg.conf has it as i810. If I try to change it to i815, well... you know what happens when your system can't load the xorg.conf. Not pretty. So I had to change it back to i810. | 08:48 |
r3set | okay, okay =) | 08:49 |
dondanielo | ubotu, tell dondanielo about nickspam | 08:49 |
cables | jzl, just make sure you apply the right amount of force. | 08:49 |
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=== jzl breaks his hand. | ||
ismail | paiiiiii, u dont mean audacity do u? | 08:49 |
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ompaul | dondanielo, do this >>/msg ubotu KeyWord<< | 08:49 |
paiiiiii | ill might, hold | 08:49 |
^Ocean^ | okay fresh ubuntu install. Were is the pppoe config option ? | 08:49 |
cables | paiiiiii, that's an audio editor. | 08:49 |
paiiiiii | oh | 08:49 |
cables | paiiiiii, a2mp3? | 08:49 |
ismail | exactly | 08:49 |
paiiiiii | no, it's very liktly to xmms | 08:50 |
cables | paiiiiii, nvm, that's not a player | 08:50 |
paiiiiii | very very likly to xmms | 08:50 |
DrZeus_ | hi all. Anyone had success installing windows with vmware server? Because i have errors in the part of formatting the virtual hard drive | 08:50 |
core123 | Hi, I installed xgl on my dapper with berly, but every time when I start berly-manager the windows still kepps white (when I move my mouse to the right top corner there appear the windows I have opend in white, too) | 08:50 |
core123 | whats wrong ? | 08:50 |
ompaul | ^Ocean^, just use System Administration Networking | 08:50 |
ismail | the best player iv used is amarok | 08:50 |
cables | core123, xgl and beryl are beta products. Probably a bug. | 08:50 |
NeoMatrixJR24 | ok, how about this question. I also have edgy on a Compaq Presario X1000 laptop. Anyone know of a good way to get the external VGA to work (hopefully including the fn f5 (i think f5) to switch monitors? | 08:50 |
paiiiiii | Is it possible to remove all packages that are begin used by "audacity" without removing any packages that might be used by other apps in the system? | 08:50 |
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ismail | has all the features u need in a player | 08:50 |
dondanielo | core123 : installed nvidia/ati/intel drivers? | 08:50 |
Kajin | I've installed VMWare Workstation this morning on Ubuntu Edgy, but when I run Windows XP in it I only get a black screen. On the GUI installer that is, I could see the text installer (where you do the partitioning and everything) just fine. | 08:50 |
core123 | dondanielo, yes, nvidia driver is installed | 08:51 |
ompaul | core123, go to #ubuntu-beryl | 08:51 |
cables | paiiiiii, if you install and remove via Aptitude, it'll do that automatically. | 08:51 |
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paiiiiii | "apt-get install audacity" i did | 08:51 |
bonesaw | anyone know of any sites outlining steps to setup ubuntu as a webserver? new to linux, looking for info on apache2 and vsftp | 08:51 |
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atomiku`irssi | looks like im getting a ddos, linux is taking it well... still up... just... how do I change my MAC address? | 08:51 |
ismail | Kajin. have u tried virtual box? | 08:52 |
cables | paiiiiii, aptitude is better than apt-get... it keeps track of what Audacity uses. Try "sudo aptitude remove audacity" to remove it and anything it installed. If it's already been removed, install it first with "sudo aptitude install audacity" | 08:52 |
noodles12 | When trying to burn a cd in edgy, i keep getting I/O errors with serpentine, and other errors with k3b and brasero =/ | 08:52 |
Kajin | ismail: Virtual box? | 08:52 |
Heroin | atomiku`irssi if your getting DDOS'ed set up some ip filters | 08:52 |
Kajin | ismail: Is that an alternative to VMWare? | 08:52 |
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ismail | yup | 08:52 |
atomiku`irssi | Heroin: how? | 08:52 |
Memener | also when i type dmesg | tail i get this error 5 times 17181489.392000 bcm43xx: Error: Mictocode "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" not available or load fail. but the last 6 numbers after the . (dot) in that frist part change | 08:52 |
Teodros | toshiba tecra s3: the internal bluetooth device does it work with it's own driver? | 08:52 |
Zaggynl | I can't start gedit with 'sudo gedit' or 'gksudo gedit' anymore, the terminal gives some errors about 'Authentication Rejected' and gives me no gedit | 08:52 |
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Kajin | ismail: Alright, I'll check it out. | 08:53 |
ismail | Kajin, search for it in the community group in ubuntu | 08:53 |
paiiiiii | cables: it won't destroy other packages then? | 08:53 |
cables | Zaggynyl, can you do anything else with sudo? | 08:53 |
atomiku`irssi | quick | 08:53 |
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Kajin | ismail: The community group? | 08:53 |
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NeoMatrixJR24 | bonesaw: what version of ubuntu are you using? | 08:53 |
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atomiku`irssi | Heroin: how lol | 08:53 |
ismail | ill give u a link | 08:53 |
Zaggynl | cables, I can start apt-get just fine | 08:53 |
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Mys_Teri | Hello everyone. | 08:54 |
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ismail | Kajin, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox | 08:54 |
cables | paiiiiii, Aptitude will remove everything that isn't used any more by any program. I'm not sure if it works if you haven't installed it with aptitude, though... but give it a try | 08:54 |
Kajin | ismail: Awesome, thank you! | 08:54 |
Jowi | Zaggynl, if you type "groups" in the terminal do you see "admin" there? | 08:54 |
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Kreker | hello how can i start to learn linux? | 08:54 |
cables | Zaggynyl, have you tried rebooting the computer? That happened once, I rebooted, and it was fine... | 08:54 |
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atomiku`irssi | Heroin: :O | 08:54 |
Zaggynl | Jowi, yep | 08:54 |
bonesaw | nickspoon neomatrix Ubuntu 6.10 | 08:54 |
Zaggynl | Really really weird, gedit just gave an error and crashed | 08:54 |
Zaggynl | then refuses to start with sudo | 08:54 |
cables | Kreker, here is fine, if you have any questions... I'll find a link to some tutorials though. | 08:55 |
Zaggynl | normal gedit works | 08:55 |
atomiku`irssi | ahh crap | 08:55 |
Memener | is there someone i can PM that knows alot about wireless networking? I having some really wired problems..... | 08:55 |
Jowi | Zaggynl, do "sudo fdisk -l" give output? | 08:55 |
atomiku`irssi | Can someone tell me how to set up the IP filters please | 08:55 |
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Zaggynl | Jowi, yep | 08:55 |
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DrZeus_ | hi all. Anyone had success installing windows with vmware server? | 08:55 |
DrZeus_ | Because i have errors in the part of formatting the virtual hard drive | 08:55 |
NeoMatrixJR24 | bonesaw: desktop or server? | 08:55 |
jzl | lol memener IRONY | 08:55 |
stjepan | at first load, GNOME was loading very fast for me... after a month or so it loads MUCH slower... why is this? | 08:55 |
atomiku`irssi | looks like im getting a ddos, linux is taking it well... still up... just... how do I set up the IP filters? | 08:55 |
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Jowi | Zaggynl, try to restart Xorg, type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" | 08:55 |
Zaggynl | meh okay | 08:55 |
cables | Zaggynyl, or just use ctrl-alt-backspace | 08:56 |
cables | Zaggynyl, close all programs first | 08:56 |
DrZeus_ | vmware server anyone? | 08:56 |
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Kreker | i wanna know somfin to know a lil' what linux to install what are the base commands and etc... | 08:56 |
Mys_Teri | I'm new to Ubuntu and Linux. I need help with my sound card. Only one distro I used when playing around was able to find it and it searched alsa then I believe it found it in legacy. I have an es1868 or es1869. Would downloading the alsa modules help? | 08:56 |
Jowi | cables, (too late) :) | 08:56 |
yellow | atomiku`irssi, firestarter ? | 08:56 |
atomiku`irssi | i need exact details lol | 08:56 |
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bonesaw | eoMatrixJR24 i picked the desktop after i had no success with server, what i mean is im using the gui to navigate around til im familiar, ultimately i want it on server | 08:56 |
cables | ouch | 08:56 |
atomiku`irssi | sigh | 08:56 |
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Memener | my wired lan works but i get eth1: interrup(s) dropped! but my wireless lan is eth0. but yet my wired lan works fine | 08:57 |
ompaul | !nickspam boredandblogging | 08:57 |
Memener | my head herts | 08:57 |
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ompaul | !nickspam boredandblogging | 08:57 |
ompaul | arrr | 08:57 |
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atomiku`irssi | brb th en | 08:57 |
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cables | Kreker, having trouble finding a tutorial I bookmarked... if you have any questions about linux, ask them here and I'm sure someone will be able to answer them. | 08:57 |
NeoMatrixJR24 | Bonesaw: no prob, I was there too...still kinda am. Are you familiar with Synaptic Package Manager and/or apt-get? | 08:58 |
Memener | im tring to use a linksys WPC54g | 08:58 |
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AmaroqWolf | Hmm, quick CUPS question. I have a lexmark z611 printer, and I installed the z600 series driver. The printer is hooked up to my windows machine, however. I seemed to be able to set everything up okay, but when I try to print anything to it, the print job sits in the que for a little while and then cancles. What might I be doing wrong? | 08:58 |
Memener | its a pcimca card | 08:58 |
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Kreker | ol | 08:59 |
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Kreker | *ok | 08:59 |
Jowi | Zaggynl, better now? | 08:59 |
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Zaggynl | Jowi, starting gedit through 'sudo nautilus', but gives nothing back | 08:59 |
Kreker | what is the benfites of the linux versions? | 08:59 |
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bonesaw | NeoMatrixJR24 yeah, thats what i used to grab apache and vsftp, but now i want to ftp over web content and i dont know how to tell vsftp the directory to drop stuff in | 08:59 |
DrZeus_ | aahhh, has someone used vmware server for installing wind0ws?? | 08:59 |
Zaggynl | Jowi, (with edit file) | 08:59 |
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cables | Kreker, stability, openness, customizability, | 08:59 |
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cables | Memener, can you do this command for me? "lspci | grep Network | 09:00 |
Teodros | do i really need to backup my data to install ubuntu for a dual boot with xp sp2? | 09:00 |
Belboz99 | Hey all, I'm getting this error when using the Master Kernel Thread: | 09:00 |
Belboz99 | make: *** No rule to make target `oldconfig'. Stop. | 09:00 |
Jowi | Zaggynl, why do you use nautilus with sudo? try in a terminal "gksu gedit" that work? | 09:00 |
Memener | k 1 sec | 09:00 |
ismail | DrZeus. alot of ppl used vm ware to install it | 09:00 |
Zaggynl | Jowi, I did before (editing files in my apache dir) and it worked fine | 09:00 |
boredandblogging | whats with with the nickspam? | 09:00 |
Jowi | Zaggynl, never a good idea to use nautilus with sudo. it messes things up. | 09:00 |
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cables | Memener, never mind... use this: "lspci | grep Broadcom" | 09:00 |
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AmaroqWolf | Er, I meant to say my computer is networked to my windows computer, but I can't print to the printer even though I have it shared over the network. The print job sits there for a while and then dissapears. | 09:00 |
Zaggynl | Jowi, anyway, 'gksu gedit' gives me: '(gedit:13357): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager: | 09:00 |
Zaggynl | Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.' | 09:00 |
NeoMatrixJR24 | bonesaw: I'm afraid I'm not too familiar with vsftp, (also...make sure you got apache2 not apache). have you tried "man vsftp" in the console? or google "vsftp config" and see if you can find where the config file should be | 09:00 |
ompaul | changing your nick in a channel with 1k+ users --- | 09:01 |
Kreker | what are the must needed commands in linux? | 09:01 |
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Memener | k didnt get any errors | 09:01 |
Jowi | Zaggynl, which version of ubuntu are you using? | 09:01 |
cables | Kreker, there are a lot of command used a lot... cp, ls, cd, mv, rm, rmdir, sudo, less, grep, tee... | 09:01 |
Zaggynl | Jowi, 6.06 (dapper) | 09:01 |
ompaul | !cli | Kreker | 09:01 |
ubotu | Kreker: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 09:01 |
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bonesaw | NeoMatrixJR24 yeah i have apache2, i have apache setup...i get the apache webpage, now i just need to find a smoother way to transfer my own content | 09:02 |
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Belboz99 | anyone know why I don't have an 'oldconfig' make target? | 09:02 |
Zaggynl | screw this, I'm rebooting | 09:02 |
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firepig | having wifi problems | 09:02 |
firepig | can anyone help? | 09:02 |
cables | firepig, keep going... | 09:02 |
cables | firepig, depends on the problem... | 09:03 |
orangefly | i have an ubuntu server at work....my boss wants me to stop people from being able to access porn and poker....any suggestions....???.... | 09:03 |
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NeoMatrixJR24 | bonesaw: a quick google search as suggested indicates your config file for vsftpd should be at /etc/vsftpd.conf | 09:03 |
firepig | okay I am using a netgear wireless card | 09:03 |
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ompaul | orangefly, squid + dansguardian | 09:03 |
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firepig | I have windows drivers configured for it | 09:03 |
Kreker | r those commandes work in all linux version? | 09:03 |
cables | !enter | firepig | 09:03 |
ubotu | firepig: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 09:04 |
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orangefly | ok....ty.... | 09:04 |
ompaul | Kreker, most of the time | 09:04 |
cables | Kreker, depends... most do | 09:04 |
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Memener | i think firepig is in the same boat im in | 09:04 |
MaxTPayne | nabend | 09:04 |
freezey | is anybody familiar with ffmpeg? | 09:04 |
cables | Memener, did you run the command? Tell me what the output is... | 09:04 |
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ompaul | !restricted | freezey | 09:04 |
ubotu | freezey: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 09:04 |
Memener | lol there was no output | 09:04 |
firepig | I can get it to find the card in the hardware manager and even connect to my 2wire but I can't acces the internet with it | 09:04 |
cables | Memener, did you try the one with Broadcom in it? | 09:05 |
freezey | ompaul: it has to do with converting the file formats | 09:05 |
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bobbob1016 | Hi all, I have a question about mounting a HFSplus partition. I read around the forums, and they said you have to disable journaling in OSX. But it is having problems, and only Edgy can see it. I went to backup my home directory on it (plugged in through firewire and through a drive enclosure), but I don't have proper permissions on it, it is 501. I try to chmod 777 but it says it's read only. | 09:05 |
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Memener | yeah | 09:05 |
cables | Memener, "lspci | grep Broadcom" | 09:05 |
cables | ok | 09:05 |
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cables | Memener, what card do you have again? | 09:05 |
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Memener | linksys WPC54g | 09:05 |
[reed] | How do I change the balance of my speakers? | 09:05 |
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qmf_ | does anyone have a link to a page that has an estimated size of the linux community? i'm writing something up and i cant seem to get any results on google | 09:06 |
hume | anyone got advice on how to archive old mail folders when using imap and thunderbird? | 09:06 |
cables | !wifi | Memener, firepig | 09:06 |
ubotu | Memener, firepig: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 09:06 |
ompaul | qmf_, tens of millions, or everyone online if you include those who use Google online | 09:06 |
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bonesaw | NeoMatrixJR24 ok i see it now, i just need to find out how to specify where it puts my files now | 09:07 |
qmf_ | ompaul: what do you mean? | 09:07 |
qmf_ | ompaul: i need something i can quote/link to. | 09:07 |
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webben | qmf_, What do you mean by "the Linux community"? | 09:07 |
NeoMatrixJR24 | bonesaw: no prob! | 09:07 |
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ompaul | qmf_, well in that case you can't cos there is no "static figure" | 09:07 |
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qmf_ | webben: total linux users i guess, you're right i didn't word it right | 09:08 |
qmf_ | ompaul: that is why i said estimate | 09:08 |
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cables | what's happening with ompaul? | 09:08 |
qmf_ | ompaul: like when microsoft say they have x ammount of users. | 09:08 |
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webben | qmf_, Where do they say that? | 09:08 |
ompaul | qmf_, there is no one figure that is canonical for this | 09:08 |
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Zaggynl | Jowi, reboot fixed it, I hope it won't crash again :/ | 09:09 |
qmf_ | webben: microsoft? i dont know. it was an example of a company saying it has x ammount of users for a certain product when they have no exact way of knowing.. | 09:09 |
hume | anyone got ideas on how to store and archive mailfolders locally when using thunderbird and imap? | 09:09 |
hitammanis | Hello | 09:09 |
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hitammanis | again | 09:09 |
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webben | qmf_, I think you'll find it's not easy to get accurate figures about the size of the Windows userbase either. | 09:09 |
cables | !hi, enter | hitammanis | 09:09 |
ompaul | qmf_, you are offtopic for a "help channel" | 09:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hi, enter - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:09 |
cables | !enter | hitammanis | 09:10 |
ubotu | hitammanis: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 09:10 |
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ompaul | qmf_, discuss it in #ubuntu-offtopic | 09:10 |
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hitammanis | hey cables | 09:10 |
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Jowi | Zaggynl, if it do fail again, check "gconf-editor" and browse to the apps/gksu and see if "sudo-mode" is active. | 09:10 |
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Zaggynl | Jowi, okay | 09:11 |
Memener | do you have to config apt-get so it can find the packages? or is it already configed? | 09:11 |
qmf_ | i asked a simple question about linux in a channel full of linux users about linux users.. if you don't know you don't have to reply.. | 09:11 |
cables | !offtopic | qmf_ | 09:12 |
ubotu | qmf_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 09:12 |
cables | qmf_, #linux | 09:12 |
ziadoz | if i install ndiswrapper when using an ubuntu live cd, will it work without rebooting? | 09:12 |
ompaul | qmf_, I am willing to discuss it in #ubuntu-offotpic not here | 09:12 |
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Memener | im asking becuase i typed sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter and got E: Couldn't find package bcm43xx-fwcutter | 09:13 |
qmf_ | i'd rather just throw my toys out of the pram and give in thanks | 09:13 |
Memener | because* | 09:13 |
bobbob1016 | Can someone help me mount my hfs+ drive and make it writable? | 09:13 |
ompaul | qmf_, this is a ubuntu support channel not a chat channel | 09:13 |
cables | Memener, do you have Universe enabled? | 09:13 |
ziadoz | if i install ndiswrapper when using an ubuntu live cd, will it work without rebooting? | 09:13 |
cables | !universe | memener | 09:14 |
ubotu | memener: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 09:14 |
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hitammanis | I am trying to boot Ubuntu in Qemu in Windows via Usb Pen Drive using the syntax : qemu.exe -L qemu/ -localtime -hda //./PhysicalDrive1, and it start to boot but when it get to "Mounting root file system" it is blank instead of ok, and then I get this msg: /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off. Can someone please help please? | 09:15 |
s0nix | Hi, anyone has tryed this Kate cppdevelop plugin: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=51805 | 09:15 |
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firepig | my wireless network assigns me an ip adress but I cannot access the internet. Is this a driver problem I have the windows drivers installed with ndswrapper and it says that my hardware is missing while the hardware appears in the hardware manager | 09:15 |
Stormx2 | Is there a nice function to get the size of a remote file (using http). I think file size is sent by the headers? | 09:15 |
s0nix | im trying to install it but no success... kate does'nt seem to detect it | 09:16 |
cables | firepig, if you have an IP address, it should be working... | 09:16 |
Memener | lol i have 50+ windows open on how to get my wireless working this is crazy.... :) | 09:16 |
firepig | it should but its not | 09:16 |
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cables | Memener, you don't have a Broadcom chipset because the command I sent you didn't return anything. | 09:16 |
guddy | okay... I'm back and still no second HD available | 09:17 |
guddy | isn't there some kind of app that does this graphically? | 09:17 |
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Memener | its a linksys card | 09:17 |
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cables | Memener, I'm just saying that you're trying to install the firware cutter thingy when it's not even a broadcom chipset. | 09:18 |
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Memener | 1 sec | 09:18 |
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firepig | why would I have an ip assigned but not be able to access the internet? | 09:18 |
guddy | any help? | 09:19 |
hitammanis | Can someone please help? | 09:19 |
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guddy | I need to mount a second HD, formated for windows XP/vista | 09:19 |
guddy | in ubuntu | 09:19 |
bobbob1016 | guddy: Try this http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#Windows | 09:20 |
Kajin | In Ubuntu Edgy, is there an easy way to make an iso out of an existing CD? | 09:20 |
ompaul | !ntfs | guddy | 09:20 |
ubotu | guddy: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 09:20 |
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erUSUL | Kajin: cat /dev/cdrom > image.iso | 09:20 |
cables | Kajin, yep. Right click it, go to Copy Disc, and choose Image instead of whatever burner it has there. | 09:21 |
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bobbob1016 | ubotu I was asking about the mac partitions, I can browse most of it, just not the stuff I want to recover because of permissions | 09:21 |
hitammanis | Can anyone see me? | 09:21 |
Kajin | Awesome, thanks, both of you. :D | 09:21 |
cables | hitammanis, yep... what was your question? | 09:21 |
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hitammanis | cable: I am trying to boot Ubuntu in Qemu in Windows via Usb Pen Drive using the syntax : qemu.exe -L qemu/ -localtime -hda //./PhysicalDrive1, and it start to boot but when it get to "Mounting root file system" it is blank instead of ok, and then I get this msg: /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off. Can someone please help please? | 09:21 |
hitammanis | *cables | 09:22 |
pbureau | firepig, are your DNS IP entered in /etc/resolv.conf ? | 09:22 |
cables | hitammanis, can't help you there | 09:22 |
firepig | I don't think so | 09:22 |
Jowi | bobbob1016, ubotu is a bot | 09:22 |
firepig | the ip isn't static | 09:22 |
bobbob1016 | oh, nm then, lol | 09:22 |
pbureau | firepig, that could be why | 09:22 |
hitammanis | okay, thanks.... anyone else | 09:22 |
firepig | so what should I do then? | 09:22 |
cables | doesn't Ubotu bug you when you say its name in a message, telling you it's a bot? | 09:22 |
pbureau | firepig, but the DNS addreses are:) | 09:22 |
cables | test: thanks for helping, ubotu. | 09:23 |
cables | hmm, Ubotu isn't doing that any more | 09:23 |
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firepig | I get a permission denied with the /etc/resolv.conf | 09:24 |
hitammanis | Do any one uses Qemu in Windows | 09:25 |
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bobbob1016 | is there any way I can mount the drive and ignore permissions? | 09:25 |
Memener | sorry it took so long but heres a screen shot | 09:26 |
Memener | http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/2192/bahqc8.png | 09:26 |
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Belboz99 | bobbob1016: you can mount it as a normal user | 09:26 |
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Milo- | is it possible to 'upgrading' from ubuntu to kubuntu with apt-get? | 09:27 |
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Subhuman | hi - is there any disadvantage to partitioning /etc ? just i want a system i can wipe clean but i'd like to keep my settings intact each time? | 09:27 |
Subhuman | Milo-, yes" sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" | 09:27 |
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bobbob1016 | mount /dev/sdg3.... "Only root can do that" | 09:27 |
Milo- | Subhuman thanks | 09:27 |
Belboz99 | compiling kernel right now, have to wait a second | 09:27 |
AmaroqWolf | My graphics card only supports 24 bit color, and it can only do direct draw on 16 bit color. I think the answer to my problem of it being slow might be in setting my system to 16 bit color. Is there a way to do that, or possibly a way to make my display automatically revert to 16 bit whenever a program wants to use direct draw? | 09:27 |
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paiiiiii | What is the argument for aterm to make it transparant? :) | 09:28 |
YuceL | bobbob1016: sudo mount /dev/sdg3.... | 09:28 |
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hitammanis | quess not | 09:29 |
SecrethX | wasnt there some sort of installer you could run on windows to install ubuntu? | 09:29 |
IdleOne | SecrethX: yes | 09:29 |
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AmaroqWolf | Secreth, yeah there is. I ordered a free CD though. | 09:29 |
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SecrethX | IdleOne where can I find it? | 09:29 |
bobbob1016 | yeah, it's a USB drive, but if I sudo it, how is that mounting as a normal user? | 09:29 |
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IdleOne | SecrethX: google ubuntu.exe | 09:30 |
SecrethX | AmaroqWolfI have it here too.. but well.. my desk is a mess and I cant find it | 09:30 |
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AmaroqWolf | SecrethX, lol. If you have a burner you can just burn an ubuntu CD for yourself. | 09:30 |
YuceL | bobbob1016: u can later change permissions (i guess) | 09:30 |
SecrethX | AmaroqWolf but then i need to download it again ;) | 09:30 |
hitammanis | Did I say something wrong | 09:31 |
paiiiiii | Is it possible to get it "real" transparant in aterm, now it's showing the background... i want to show the items behind... | 09:31 |
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Skyrail | Anyone know of any good Audio Production programs? | 09:32 |
AmaroqWolf | SecrethX, it'll have you restart and then it'll boot from that program I think. I don't remember what it said when I read that page. But if you want to delete the partition your windows is on, I don't think you'll be able to since the exe will be running off of that partition. If you want to wipe everything when you install, you'll need to boot from something that isn't on the hard drive methinks. | 09:32 |
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AmaroqWolf | Or at least not on the partition(s) you want to delete. | 09:33 |
SecrethX | AmaroqWolf I just installed windows ;) I want a multiOS just so my parents wont harras me minute after minute ;) | 09:33 |
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bobbob1016 | I can't, I do chmod 777 on it, and it says "Read-only filesystem" | 09:33 |
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agliv5 | Hi all :) trying to install qemu via https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo but there is no linux dir in /usr/src ... what's up with that? | 09:34 |
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bobbob1016 | The forums I've read say to disable journaling in OSX, but I can't boot OSX to do that | 09:34 |
SecrethX | IdleOne google just gives me all french pages :x | 09:34 |
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guddy | i belive my problem is that it is not a second partition... but a second hard drive | 09:34 |
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cberl1 | (Just posted this on #edubuntu, but maybe someone here can help?) Hi folks. Got a bit of a problem that I need help figuring out: I ran into Kernel Panic today, and I'm not sure how to get data about what happened. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm on Edgy, and all up to date. | 09:35 |
AmaroqWolf | SecrethX: Ah, I know how that is. How sad it is that we must support our computer illiterate relatives by placing the evil windows on our systems. You'd think ubuntu itself would be easy enough for people to use. My sister can use it with no problems, once I set up a few things for her like launchers for firefox and GAIM on her desktop. For my mom and her boyfriend, I still have my older windows computer. This comp is pure | 09:36 |
AmaroqWolf | ubuntu, and I wouldn't have it any other way. | 09:36 |
hitammanis | Please help please!!! | 09:36 |
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SecrethX | AmaroqWolf well, windows comes in handy when it comes to playing games that I always used to play :) | 09:36 |
Wortel | can someone help me with some basic questions in PM? please PM me if you got the time ;-) | 09:36 |
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Flannel | !ask | Wortel | 09:37 |
ubotu | Wortel: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 09:37 |
AmaroqWolf | SecrethX, that's true. There's also Wine though. Alot of windows things work when you install/run them under that. | 09:37 |
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Jowi | hitammanis, maybe you have better luck asking in #windows or in a qemu forum | 09:38 |
SecrethX | AmaroqWolf I know, but WineCVS.sh script just wont compile cedega cvs :( dunno why though need to look into that, but hell, now my parents are satisfied :). | 09:38 |
SecrethX | AmaroqWolf I just found the cd :) see ya in a bit :) | 09:39 |
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hitammanis | Jowi: Tried #qemu it does not seem to be a qemu problem... ps. they were very helpfull | 09:39 |
superdave132 | I had bad install of the kubuntu desktop, uninstalled most of it, except the start up screen can anybody help me get it back to the ubuntu loading screen? | 09:39 |
hendry | /to/quit | 09:40 |
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ziadoz | can anyone tell if my wireless is any more likely to work if i install ubuntu over trying on a live disc? | 09:40 |
hrnt | hmm... which package brings the boost library? | 09:40 |
Jowi | hitammanis, I think most people here run ubuntu natively. or maybe run win98 in qemu under linux. not very likely the other way around... | 09:40 |
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ubunttvr | can any one tell me where to get the opera plugins ? | 09:40 |
ubunttvr | i nedd the file dirrectory | 09:40 |
guddy | when I try to manually mount the partition through the terminal (using the guide), I get the following: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdd1, | 09:40 |
guddy | missing codepage or other error | 09:40 |
guddy | In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try | 09:40 |
guddy | dmesg | tail or so | 09:40 |
LjL | !paste | 09:40 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:41 |
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yogi | How does one change mouse from two-click to one-click type? | 09:41 |
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Jowi | yogi, in which application? | 09:41 |
guddy | sorry... is it forbidden to paste? | 09:41 |
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hitammanis | Jowi; Okay, I'll guess I'll just give it up | 09:41 |
ubunttvr | yehj | 09:41 |
gkjones | best router for wireless internet with voip phone connections please | 09:41 |
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yogi | Jowi:In general | 09:41 |
ubunttvr | itscalled fludding | 09:41 |
Jowi | guddy, yep. use the pastebin | 09:41 |
guddy | sorry | 09:41 |
hitammanis | Thanks anyway | 09:42 |
yogi | Jowi: double-click is on the desktop & I cannot find where it chages. | 09:42 |
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Memener | sudo gedit is suppost to opena window right? | 09:42 |
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juano__ | Memener: yes | 09:42 |
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juano__ | Memener: but you should so gksudo gedit | 09:42 |
agliv5 | ziadoz, my wireless worked both on the liveCD and the install... however linux sometimes doesn't like encryption even if the key is correct, so try connecting w/o encryption to see if that's the problem ;) | 09:42 |
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juano__ | Memener: gksudo is for GUI apps | 09:42 |
Jowi | yogi, again i ask - which application. are you using gnome? if you are that is probably somewhere in nautilus settings (nautilus handles the desktop in gnome) | 09:42 |
Memener | ahh thx | 09:43 |
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yogi | Jowi:Sorry... it is Gnome, yes. | 09:43 |
Secion8 | has anyone here ever gotten a dual monitor setup with Ati fglrx drivers? Ati radeon xpress 200m Monitor 1 is laptop lcd and monitor 2 will be a 32" polaroid lcd hdtv with vga output. | 09:43 |
ubunttvr | opera pluggins dirrectorry ? | 09:43 |
yogi | Jowi:I will check Nautilus and see. Thanks. | 09:43 |
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gkjones | adept manager cant delete a broken dependancy file so nothing will apdate. Command please? | 09:44 |
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superdave132 | how do you change the loading screen? | 09:44 |
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Jowi | yogi, found it (not using gnome myself) enter "gconf-editor" and go to apps/nautilus/preferences/click_policy. change "double" to "single" | 09:44 |
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guddy | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4462/ | 09:44 |
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guddy | this is the message I get | 09:45 |
yogi | Jowi:Just did that. Seems to work. Again, many thanks! :-) | 09:45 |
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Jowi | yogi, np | 09:45 |
agliv5 | ubunttvr, the linux version of opera does not have a plugins dir... | 09:45 |
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yogi | I'm new to Gnome. Can't tell, can you. lol | 09:45 |
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hasta2003 | hi | 09:46 |
hasta2003 | I've a problem with acpi on my laptop | 09:46 |
Bsims | I can transfer a video to my ipod but it doesn't show up in the menus any ideas | 09:46 |
Jowi | yogi, I wouldn't know the difference. gnome is getting weird for me with the gconf system (i don't enjoy poking in the registry) | 09:46 |
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hasta2003 | it doesn't wake up after stand by | 09:46 |
Skyrail | Anyone know of good music/audio production/editing programs? | 09:46 |
ubunttvr | agliv5 i have done it before | 09:46 |
hasta2003 | any help? | 09:47 |
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ubunttvr | copy and paste the flash pluggin | 09:47 |
silya | Hi all! In xubuntu only gxine present as mediaplayer? | 09:47 |
agliv5 | Having problems installing qemu via https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo can anyone help me out? | 09:47 |
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mby | How can I check which user was using which applications on my station ? Is there any log for that ? | 09:47 |
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Secion8 | Anyone? Please? I am trying to setup my laptop to server video with VLC | 09:47 |
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Memener | this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/LinksysWPC54GS-UK?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDevice%29 tells me to type: sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter after i type this i get E: Could't find package bcm43xx-fwcutter.... | 09:48 |
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zoli2k | how can I drag and drop an application launcher to the panel in xfce4? | 09:48 |
agliv5 | ubunttvr, well I don't have a plugins dir... in the preferences tab you can tell opera where to look for plugins if that's what you mean... | 09:48 |
Memener | and i did edit the sources.list | 09:48 |
Quintin | Anyone know any internet cafe software that's good? | 09:48 |
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towlieban | hi | 09:49 |
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Hoosteen | ok...generic question...what desktop environment most people use? i'm new to ubuntu and to linux and general.... | 09:49 |
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Memener | i removed the # from infornt of all of the addresses and then saved it | 09:50 |
Bsims | Hoosteen: I like kde myself | 09:50 |
ubunttvr | application/x-opera-nsplugin | 09:50 |
Secion8 | Gnome and Beryl | 09:50 |
towlieban | i just started using ubuntu today | 09:50 |
maddash | Quintin: I heard that http://google.com has a vast repository... | 09:50 |
Jowi | Hoosteen, Standalone Beryl here. Sometimes e17 or openbox. | 09:50 |
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Quintin | maddash: Looking for personal experience. | 09:50 |
towlieban | has anyone here run ubuntu under vmware ? | 09:51 |
ubunttvr | usr/lib/opera/plugins/ | 09:51 |
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Hoosteen | hmmm...quite a range of desktop environments people use...lol | 09:51 |
boredandblogging | Hoosteen, gnome myself | 09:51 |
paiiiiii | Is it possible to get it "real" transparant in aterm, now it's showing the background... i want to show the items behind.... | 09:51 |
scott__ | hey, anyone here use democracyTv? im trying it and can use it fine to download etc, but it won't actually play any of the files it downloads? anyone got any help/suggestions? | 09:51 |
Memener | and whats funny i have been working on this for 3 days now and have gotten no-where | 09:51 |
Cyrus25801 | i used to run XP and went over to ubuntu. It seems that my Internet connection is slower. why would that be | 09:51 |
AmaroqWolf | I use gnome too. | 09:51 |
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ubunttvr | *k | 09:51 |
Secion8 | Hoosteen, Really comes to personal preferrence | 09:51 |
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dondanielo | Cyrus25801 : lan, wlan, modem? | 09:52 |
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Cyrus25801 | adsl through router | 09:52 |
Hoosteen | very true...i'm just new to this and don't want to install something and hose everything up...lol | 09:52 |
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bubbz | Whats probally the best linux control panel besides webmin for linux | 09:52 |
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Jowi | Hoosteen, well, there isn't so many desktop environments to chose from, but a whole lot of good window managers (pekwm is a favourite for me) :) | 09:52 |
dondanielo | Cyrus25081 : configured your network card as dhcp or static adress? | 09:52 |
Hoosteen | ok...lets try this...what's the difference between a desktop environment and a window manager? | 09:53 |
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Secion8 | Any Dual monitor support here for ati radeon 200 | 09:53 |
AmaroqWolf | I think a window manager is sort of like... a thing that tracks which windows are open and places them on your taskbar, and allows you to alt+tab between them. | 09:53 |
Cyrus25801 | dondanielo: configured as dhcp | 09:53 |
melon | how does one install firefox 2 on Dapper? i downloaded the file.. but can't seem to figure out how to install it | 09:53 |
ubunttvr | i have not install flgrx and google earth is very slow | 09:54 |
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Flannel | !firefox | melon | 09:54 |
ubotu | melon: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins | 09:54 |
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lgc | Hello, I'm back after an almost-glorious Dapper Drake debut on my machine (I mean, with little collateral damage)! Alas... | 09:55 |
AmaroqWolf | How can I reduce my color from 24 bit to 16 bit? | 09:55 |
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dondanielo | Cyrus25081 : tried to give it a static adress? | 09:55 |
Jowi | Hoosteen, a window manager only handles the windows and keybindings normally. a desktop environment icludes the works - window manager, panel, app integration, desktop (with background changer) etc etc. | 09:56 |
Cyrus25801 | no i havent | 09:56 |
ompaul | AmaroqWolf, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and only adjust the settings you want | 09:56 |
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Cyrus25801 | dondanielo: how do i check what the current ip is | 09:56 |
Jowi | Hoosteen, gnome uses metacity as a window manager by default. it is nicely integrated but it can be replaced. | 09:56 |
lgc | does anyone know why I ended up with 2 versions of Open Office completely swiped out during the upgrade from Breezy to Dapper? | 09:56 |
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Wortel | Would someone mind helping me? im new too Kubentu and when i installed my Ati drivers for linux on my machine it works but after i cant go in the Display configuration module... | 09:56 |
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firepig | in iwconfig my connection is showing but I can't acces the web here is a copy of the info. ath0 IEEE 802.11g ESSID:"2WIRE939" Nickname:"2WIRE939" | 09:57 |
firepig | Mode:Managed Frequency:2.437 GHz Access Point: 00:18:3F:32:DB:11 | 09:57 |
firepig | Bit Rate:48 Mb/s Tx-Power:18 dBm Sensitivity=0/3 | 09:57 |
firepig | Retry:off RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off | 09:57 |
firepig | Power Management:off | 09:57 |
firepig | Link Quality=45/94 Signal level=-50 dBm Noise level=-95 dBm | 09:57 |
firepig | Rx invalid nwid:1423 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0 | 09:57 |
firepig | Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0 | 09:57 |
Wortel | and my resolution is set too the size of my tv | 09:57 |
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Jowi | firepig, use the pastebin | 09:57 |
Occasus_ | back for some trouble solving! booya | 09:57 |
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Secion8 | Booya! | 09:57 |
Hoosteen | Jowi, thanks a lot..that helps...some...lol..i'm so new to this i dunno what is what | 09:58 |
Occasus_ | how is everyone | 09:58 |
firepig | wishing my wireless was working... | 09:58 |
Jowi | Hoosteen, but this is offtopic for this channel - /join #ubuntu-offtopic if you don't need technical help. | 09:58 |
=== nikitis [n=nikitis@24-116-9-62.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Occasus_ | firepig: whats up? | 09:58 |
lgc | ompaul, you're an expert in installation problems... | 09:58 |
Hoosteen | kk..i'll hop over there :) | 09:58 |
bayle | !paste | 09:58 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:58 |
firepig | my connection is displayed and I have an ip but I cannot connect to the web | 09:58 |
=== zaggynl_ [n=zaggynl@dsl-083-247-110-137.solcon.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | lgc, no I am not, got a specific question? | 09:58 |
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Occasus_ | firepig: can you ping an external address? | 09:59 |
firepig | I've checked iwconfig and it shows everything is fine but... no web | 09:59 |
lgc | Do you happen to know why I ended up with 2 versions of Open Office completely swiped out during the upgrade from Breezy to Dapper? | 09:59 |
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nikitis | Is there any good GPS Navigational Software for Ubuntu? | 09:59 |
Occasus_ | firefig: you've obtained an IP from the DHCP server/ | 09:59 |
Occasus_ | *? | 09:59 |
xez | hello , can i broadcast a message to all tty's from root account to all users ? | 09:59 |
kingace | hi, im updating ubuntu to edgy, and it just got to reloading apache 2 webserver.. and now i've seem to hit a stall | 09:59 |
firepig | yes | 09:59 |
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kingace | im getting the error apache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName | 09:59 |
Occasus_ | firepig: whats your default gateway set to | 09:59 |
nikitis | firepig, what is it? | 10:00 |
=== hairulf1 [n=rune@3505ds1-ryv.0.fullrate.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jowi | Hoosteen, it will be second nature in no time. try a few. on a linux system you're not limited to what's in it as default :) | 10:00 |
Occasus_ | kingace: that's a warning, not a fatal error | 10:00 |
=== hasta2003_ [n=juri@host228-43-dynamic.60-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | lgc, I would guess that you did some software that was not in the repos for the upgrade and you got burnt by that | 10:00 |
hairulf1 | Hellloo | 10:00 |
Cyrus25801 | dondanielo:i havent tried static ip. how do i check what the current ip is | 10:00 |
AmaroqWolf | hmm, I did the autodetect thing. It's asking me things, ompaul. The settings it's autodetecting for me seem familiar. Now it's asking me about memory to be used by my video card. It says the i810 has very little of it's own memory, and could need to borrow system memory. How many kb should I put in this field? | 10:00 |
kingace | Occasus: well, it's stalling there | 10:00 |
firepig | im not sure where would I check and ill get back to you in a sec | 10:00 |
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Occasus_ | kingace: check your logs /var/logs/apache2/ see if theres anything abnormal | 10:01 |
matlock | firepig: Try to ping an ip: ping | 10:01 |
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ompaul | AmaroqWolf, do nothing until it gets to colour depth (yes that word does have a u in it)) | 10:01 |
nikitis | Question: Is there any gps navigation software for linux? | 10:01 |
yellow | hey guys is there something to quickly modify the names of files in a folder ? | 10:01 |
=== nexousNET [n=chatzill@plns-64-111-128-76-pppoe.dsl.plns.epix.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Bsims grins check out saidar folks its cool | ||
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lgc | ompaul, hmmm... It was a clean 'uninstall' and even a clean icon upgrade on the panel, but linked to nothing... | 10:01 |
Occasus_ | firepig: cat /etc/network/interfaces |grep gateway | 10:01 |
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ompaul | nikitis, apt-cache search gps | 10:02 |
=== LinuxHelp [n=misha@dsl-243-52-05.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
firepig | I was able to ping | 10:02 |
AmaroqWolf | ompaul, use kernel framebuffer device interface? No is already highlighted. | 10:02 |
Occasus_ | okay then its dns | 10:02 |
Occasus_ | firepig: ping www.google.com :) | 10:02 |
=== Slasher [n=craig@host86-141-112-78.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Quessir | I got some strange thing with nvidia driver, it compiles and runs fine, but after restart modprobe cannot locate it. Any ideas? | 10:02 |
nexousNET | Is anyone firmiliar with GTKwifi? | 10:02 |
=== jughead [n=jughead@c-75-66-252-151.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | AmaroqWolf, so that is a default - the only thing you want to change is numbers if you can help it | 10:02 |
hairulf1 | So, the default spellchecker (I use Gnome), how do I set that up to include one more language? Is it enough downloading some package wit synaptic? | 10:02 |
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ziadoz | whats the minimum hard disk space ubuntu needs? | 10:02 |
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=== Matt____ [n=chatzill@cable-102-74.sssnet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LinuxHelp | Lets say I have a module installed in /usr/src/linux/modules/kqemu Now how do I build that module? | 10:02 |
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ompaul | lgc, without the machine being in front of me I am not willing to make further guesses | 10:03 |
=== macsim [n=macsim@cpc1-lewi5-0-0-cust261.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slasher | 2gb according to the cd case | 10:03 |
lgc | ompaul, what would be better to install, the gnome version or the GTK one? | 10:03 |
=== Trixsey [n=Trixsey@c-3a9072d5.012-2011-73746f31.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
firepig | so what do I do with the dns? | 10:03 |
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ompaul | ziadoz, 2.3 but if you want to be able to use it do about 5 | 10:03 |
Occasus_ | firepig: cat /etc/resolv.conf | 10:03 |
Occasus_ | tell me what your dns server is | 10:03 |
Cyrus25801 | how does one check your ip address | 10:03 |
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lgc | ompaul, I suppose there's never a perfect upgrade...:)! | 10:03 |
ompaul | lgc, well I should do gnome | 10:03 |
Quessir | Cyrus25801: ifconfig | 10:03 |
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Occasus_ | sorry dudes, i have to go! | 10:04 |
Cyrus25801 | Quessir: thanx | 10:04 |
firepig | search gateway.2wire.net | 10:04 |
firepig | nameserver | 10:04 |
=== NET||abuse [n=lukeab@87-198-27-172.ptr.magnet.ie] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lgc | ompaul, gnome is it, then. Thanks. | 10:04 |
nexousNET | Whats another way to get my linksys card working in ubuntu(gnome), ive tried using gtkwifi but no luck. | 10:04 |
matlock | firepig: Are you using a router? | 10:04 |
firepig | yes | 10:04 |
=== comradeC [i=comradeC@das186.das.psu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Quessir | nexousNET: Have you tried wifi-radar? | 10:05 |
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comradeC | is there a howto on how to get grub working again if you had to install windows again | 10:05 |
nexousNET | Quessir: I installed the package, but didn't know where to go from there. | 10:05 |
=== deafboy [n=deafboy@wlan-ems-quad-150.imt.uwm.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== xtknight [n=xtknight@c-68-43-122-102.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deafboy | amarok keeps replicating itself and the process "gdb" is hogging my cpu? what's going on? | 10:06 |
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xtknight | deafboy: it seems to have crashed, and gdb is performing a backtrace (programmer debug info) | 10:06 |
LinuxHelp | comradeC, How many hard drives do you have? | 10:06 |
comradeC | 1 | 10:06 |
LinuxHelp | comradeC, And how many partitions? | 10:06 |
comradeC | 3 | 10:06 |
comradeC | windows swap and ext3 | 10:06 |
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Quessir | nexousNET: In gnome: Application menu > Internet > Wifi radar | 10:06 |
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LinuxHelp | Ok.. | 10:06 |
=== flx [n=flx@gprs-pool-1-027.eplus-online.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LinuxHelp | type "sudo grub" | 10:07 |
deafboy | xtknight: how can i completely kill amarok it's "sleeping" but it has about 25 processes | 10:07 |
nexousNET | Quessir: i didn't even see that there, thanks | 10:07 |
comradeC | i cant get into linux though | 10:07 |
comradeC | cause of windows | 10:07 |
xtknight | deafboy: killall -9 amarok | 10:07 |
=== peresko [n=peresko@59pc233.sshunet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
comradeC | i reinstalled windows and it just boots right up into windows | 10:07 |
LinuxHelp | comradeC, boot disk? DSL? Knoppix? Ubuntu? | 10:07 |
comradeC | ubuntu | 10:07 |
LinuxHelp | Insert the Ubuntu CD | 10:07 |
comradeC | i used the ubuntu cd to install it | 10:07 |
Quessir | Anyone has nvidia driver working in Edgy? | 10:07 |
comradeC | inside windows? | 10:07 |
comradeC | or boot from the live cd | 10:07 |
hasta2003_ | my laptop freeze after wake up from stand by.. what can I do? | 10:07 |
LinuxHelp | Reboot, with the CD in your drive | 10:08 |
matlock | firepig: And the ip of your router is | 10:08 |
hasta2003_ | Acer Aspire 1356LCi | 10:08 |
Slasher | hmm | 10:08 |
Slasher | am i still on? | 10:08 |
=== ubunttvr [n=opera@cpc3-stkn1-0-0-cust479.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deafboy | xtknight: what is the '-9' parameter? | 10:08 |
AmaroqWolf | ompaul, I've made the change. Can I attempt to play the games now, or should I ctrl+alt+backspace first? | 10:08 |
LinuxHelp | comradeC, before you close your IRC.. | 10:08 |
Slasher | brb | 10:08 |
nexousNET | Quessir: do you know if wifi-radar connects to the network on startup? | 10:08 |
comradeC | LinuxHelp, and what do I do after it boots sudo grub? in the live cd enviroment? | 10:08 |
peresko | Thunderbird question: Autospell Bugs anyone? | 10:08 |
=== firepig [n=firepig@71-223-45-13.phnx.qwest.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
LinuxHelp | comradeC, you need to remember to type: "sudo grub" and then "root (hd0,2)" and the "setup (hd0)" | 10:09 |
ompaul | AmaroqWolf, log out and back in - ctrl alt bksp is not for every day use | 10:09 |
Quessir | nexousNET: Not sure, I think yes | 10:09 |
AmaroqWolf | Okay. | 10:09 |
Cyrus25801 | how does one check what your default gate way is | 10:09 |
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=== Sonderblade [n=bjourne@h-235-183.A189.cust.bahnhof.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ZiG | Does anyone have a walkthrough for installing video drivers? | 10:09 |
peresko | thunderbird crashes when autochecking the spelling. It consumes 99.7 % cpu....it hangs | 10:09 |
xtknight | deafboy: it sends signal 9, which is a force close signal. without the -9 it may not end as forcefully. | 10:09 |
AmaroqWolf | ompaul, okay. I'll do that. | 10:09 |
LinuxHelp | comradeC, you type that at the terminal | 10:09 |
Terminus- | Cyrus25801: run `route` there should be a default destination entry there. | 10:09 |
=== riotkittie [n=riotkitt@cpe-72-228-42-90.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | deafboy: though kill without the -9 is still pretty forceful, you said it was sleeping or zombied so -9 will kill it | 10:09 |
hasta2003_ | any help with acpi? | 10:09 |
xtknight | deafboy: actually it doesn't kill zombies, only sleepers ;P. to kill a zombie you kill the parent process | 10:10 |
bubbz | Whats probally the best linux control panel besides webmin for linux | 10:10 |
nexousNET | Quessir: I go to connect, it goes Acquiring IP address, then i go to browse google.com or whatever, and it says page not found. | 10:10 |
peresko | a zombie is already dead. | 10:10 |
Terminus- | aren't zombies a lot harder to kill than that? last time i had a zombie, i had to reboot. | 10:10 |
LinuxHelp | comradeC, do you want an explanation of those commands? | 10:10 |
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=== Alarm [n=rock@ppp79-93.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Sonderblade | how do you install the terminus font so that gnome can use it+ | 10:10 |
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Secion8 | Anybody willing to help me setup my ati radeon 200 laptop for dual monitor display? I want clone mode | 10:11 |
comradeC | LinuxHelp, nah I get it | 10:11 |
Alarm | hello, i try to change the swappines. but i get the following error: salarm@rockpc:~$ sudo echo 30 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness | 10:11 |
Alarm | bash: /proc/sys/vm/swappiness: Permission denied | 10:11 |
deafboy | xtknight: either way it fixed the problem :) what is process nfsd? | 10:11 |
peresko | zombies aren't consuming resources...my thunderbird is!!! | 10:11 |
peresko | any help? | 10:11 |
LinuxHelp | comradeC, I'm impressed :) | 10:11 |
xtknight | deafboy: NFS daemon, the network file system server | 10:11 |
Quessir | nexousNET: It shall display something like "connected (ip)" | 10:11 |
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nexousNET | Connected to "mynetworkname...." ip(None) | 10:11 |
comradeC | LinuxHelp, do i have to include a spot for the windows to boot too though hd1? | 10:11 |
ZiG | secion8, I'm in the same boat with my ATI card.. are you using a default driver right now? | 10:12 |
LinuxHelp | comradeC, worry about that when you're in linux | 10:12 |
LinuxHelp | comradeC I mean, after grub works | 10:12 |
Quessir | it shall display ip | 10:12 |
xtknight | peresko: do you have a real problem or do you just like saying zombie? | 10:12 |
nexousNET | Quessir: do I have to create an ip for it? 192.168.1.# is what all my pc's use | 10:12 |
Secion8 | Zig, I use the fglrx drivers | 10:12 |
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LinuxHelp | comradeC, you just add a line to /boot/grub/menu.lst if neccessary | 10:12 |
peresko | xtknight: YES i have a real problem and everything I said about zombie's IS TRUE | 10:12 |
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zaggynl^laptop | Can anyone help me with this odd sound problem? I hear the drum sound at the login screen, after that, I can't get sound working, alsamixer won't even start | 10:13 |
peresko | xtknight: a zombie consumes around 140 bytes for a exit status | 10:13 |
=== dondanielo [n=daniel@p54AEB498.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Quessir | if you click edit, you'll get options screen, adjust it to your network, maybe your AP does not accept connection | 10:13 |
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Flannel | !sound | zaggynl^laptop | 10:13 |
ubotu | zaggynl^laptop: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 10:13 |
ZiG | secion8, Oh, sorry, I wouldn't know about that then. | 10:13 |
peresko | xtknight: but my problem is different. My thunderbird consumes 90% cpu when it autocheck spells | 10:13 |
dondanielo | !mp3 | 10:13 |
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ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 10:13 |
LinuxHelp | Lets say I have a module installed in /usr/src/linux/modules/kqemu Now how do I build that module? | 10:14 |
xtknight | peresko: hmm. no idea | 10:14 |
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Secion8 | Zig, Did you get dual working with "ati" in the xorg.conf | 10:14 |
zaggynl^laptop | Flannel, hmyes, gstreamer-properties gives me a working test sound, but the volume app doesn't work, nor does alsamixer, aplay or speaker-test | 10:14 |
xtknight | peresko: does anything else consume that much during spellcheck, like firefox, xchat, or gaim | 10:14 |
ZiG | secion8, No, I haven't messed around with that yet. I can't seem to get any drivers working right now. | 10:15 |
nexousNET | Quessir: It's taking a long amount of time to load a page, so I'm not sure if will Timeout due to server, or Page not found, due to no connection. | 10:15 |
peresko | xtknight: nope, only thunderbird, when i start typing, it completly hangs | 10:15 |
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xtknight | peresko: file a bug perhaps | 10:15 |
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peresko | xtknight: i will | 10:15 |
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linuxnewbie756 | i have a file, ~~.x86. how can i run it? its supposed to update punkpuster | 10:16 |
xtknight | linuxnewbie756: sh ~~.x86 | 10:16 |
nexousNET | Quessir: My AP? | 10:16 |
Cyrus25801 | i'm trying to speed up my internet connection. i've set a static ip address. but that hasent helped. any other advice anyone. it was always faster on xp | 10:16 |
=== FaTTonY [n=fattony@p85.212.48.211.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linuxnewbie756 | cannot execute binary file | 10:16 |
xtknight | Cyrus25801: dns config the same? | 10:16 |
AmaroqWolf | Well, my video card certainly seems faster now. Graphics are still slightly slow though. And now all of my sounds are playing slightly faster with a slightly higher pitch. | 10:16 |
nihilocrat | linuxnewbie756: chmod +x ~~.x86 | 10:17 |
xtknight | linuxnewbie756: type "file ~~.x86" and report the results | 10:17 |
Flannel | Cyrus25801: static IP helps bootup time, not faster interblags. You might try turning off ipv6 | 10:17 |
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=== jos [n=jos@s55928834.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nihilocrat | linuxnewbie756: then ./~~.x86 | 10:17 |
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Quessir | nexousNET: check options, maybe you need to set wifi options | 10:17 |
nexousNET | Quessir: I have already changed the options. | 10:18 |
=== HoORnet [n=llsojdt@ARouen-156-1-90-188.w90-17.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Quessir | nexousNET: Ok, is your connection encrypted? | 10:18 |
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nexousNET | Quessir: No no security. | 10:18 |
Cyrus25801 | xtknight: i dont follow could you explain | 10:18 |
nexousNET | Quessir: Would gtkwifi interfere with it? | 10:18 |
xtknight | Cyrus25801: if you're using a static ip i assume you have the dns servers also entered in manually? | 10:19 |
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Quessir | don't know... | 10:19 |
nexousNET | Quessir: well i don't need it, I'm removing it. | 10:19 |
Quessir | you got static ip, or dhcp? | 10:19 |
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nexousNET | not sure. | 10:20 |
brann | hello. i've not been able to install the flash plugin for firefox so far... I'm using ubuntu 6.10 64bit. What should I do? | 10:20 |
Slasher | hmm my head is about to explode lol | 10:20 |
Cyrus25801 | xtknight: yes | 10:20 |
=== qmario_ [n=QMario@cpe-67-10-53-189.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
=== Alzi2 [n=robin@h8441230009.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nexousNET | is DHCP, the same IP every connection time? | 10:20 |
=== [miles] [n=sysadm@unaffiliated/miles/x-000000001] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slasher | no | 10:20 |
=== Ajedrez [n=ricardo@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | nexousNET: typically you have the same ip for a lease time, but then it can change (not that it always does) | 10:20 |
nikitis | Does anyone know how to make sure a garman usb gps is working in ubuntu? | 10:20 |
Quessir | that possible | 10:20 |
Slasher | dynamic host something protocol | 10:20 |
[miles] | good evening #ubuntu | 10:20 |
=== rich__ [n=rich@pool-71-101-108-49.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | nexousNET: my cable modem has had the same ip for a year and it's dhcp, but it has changed twice or so | 10:20 |
xtknight | dynamic host configuration protocol | 10:21 |
steel_lady | pregunta: I was using apache server with win. now in linux I am not sure how to access its options, how can I see which folder it uses for www folder? | 10:21 |
Slasher | thats it | 10:21 |
xtknight | [miles] : hallo | 10:21 |
Slasher | lol | 10:21 |
nexousNET | I'm not sure, because through the router, every computer is,2,3,++++) | 10:21 |
xtknight | Cyrus25801: well i was going to suggest that. sorry i'm not sure how to make your net faster | 10:21 |
Slasher | anyone else good @ wireless/ndiswrapper? | 10:21 |
xtknight | Cyrus25801: try the following | 10:21 |
xtknight | !ipv6 | Cyrus25801 | 10:21 |
ubotu | Cyrus25801: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 10:21 |
Flannel | steel_lady: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ has the sites files | 10:21 |
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Quessir | if you're the only AP user, probably you'll get always the same ip | 10:21 |
Slasher | before my compaq lappy goes out the window lol | 10:21 |
peresko | !info metapixel | 10:21 |
ubotu | metapixel: generator for photomosaics. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-1 (edgy), package size 42 kB, installed size 148 kB | 10:21 |
xtknight | Slasher: not 'good' with it but i'll try | 10:21 |
Cyrus25801 | xtknight: thanx | 10:22 |
=== Music_Shuffle [n=kumar@unaffiliated/musicshuffle/x-303664] has joined #ubuntu | ||
peresko | metapixel is awesome guys | 10:22 |
[miles] | guys, I've got Kubuntu 6.10 running here, and I installed Bind9 pacakge, configured it, and it works. However, it does not start on boot. It shows in the rc's that its set to start, but does'nt.. have to start it manually.. iirc, Ubuntu 6.10 and up changed something with rc scripts... anyone who can advise me how to fix this please? | 10:22 |
towlieban | has anyone here run ubuntu under vmware ? | 10:22 |
nexousNET | Quessir: this laptop wouldn't be the admin of it. | 10:22 |
Slasher | k, i managed to get it working on suse, but MS joined up with that | 10:22 |
DrZeus_ | steel_lady: it is not /var/www? check it | 10:22 |
Slasher | with novell | 10:22 |
nexousNET | twolieban: me. | 10:22 |
=== juraj [n=juraj@83-131-72-12.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slasher | and i got some ubuntu CDs not long ago | 10:22 |
xtknight | towlieban: i run windows under vmware under ubuntu | 10:22 |
towlieban | hey nexousNET im a first time ubuntu user but ive used linux for a while | 10:22 |
Flannel | [miles] : 6.10 uses upstart instead of init | 10:22 |
Slasher | so i installed that, and thats what i am on right now, however my wireless card wont work | 10:22 |
linuxnewbie756 | niholocrat, i don't know what to do with the .x86 file | 10:23 |
xtknight | Slasher: ok. so what have you tried so far? | 10:23 |
peresko | btw, are there any vmware tools for ubuntu? | 10:23 |
towlieban | is it possible to run beryl/xgl in ubuntu under vmware ? | 10:23 |
xtknight | Slasher: to get it working on ubuntu | 10:23 |
Slasher | erm eek | 10:23 |
Slasher | lol | 10:23 |
[miles] | Flannel: ah, yes | 10:23 |
=== phab [i=phab@n162s041.ntc.blacksburg.shentel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slasher | im on 6.06 btw | 10:23 |
xtknight | towlieban: i don't believe so. possibly with better 3d acceleration support in the guest | 10:23 |
[miles] | Flannel: so how do I control that please? | 10:23 |
Flannel | towlieban: #ubuntu-effects will be able to answer that. I imagine... not. | 10:23 |
=== Ronnie_vd_c [n=chatzill@ip5453f7ef.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | linuxnewbie756: type "file ~~.x86" and report the results | 10:23 |
Flannel | [miles] : I'm not exactly sure... but. | 10:23 |
steel_lady | DrZeus, does it have some options where I can change what it uses for www folder? | 10:23 |
linuxnewbie756 | you mean type this? | 10:24 |
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xtknight | Slasher: you'll have to prefix your messages with "xtknight" somehow so i see them easily | 10:24 |
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Flannel | !upstart | [miles] , this page has lots of documentation | 10:24 |
ubotu | [miles] , this page has lots of documentation: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ | 10:24 |
xtknight | linuxnewbie756: type it | 10:24 |
linuxnewbie756 | file /home/matt/Data/Programs/Army/System/pb/pbweb.x86 | 10:24 |
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xtknight | linuxnewbie756: yes | 10:24 |
towlieban | wow ubuntu is a nice distro | 10:24 |
Flannel | steel_lady: in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ is a file, in it is two things you'll need to change to modify that. | 10:24 |
linuxnewbie756 | matt@matt-desktop:~$ file /home/matt/Data/Programs/Army/System/pb/pbweb.x86 | 10:24 |
linuxnewbie756 | /home/matt/Data/Programs/Army/System/pb/pbweb.x86: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, In tel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.0.0, dynamically linked (uses share d libs), for GNU/Linux 2.0.0, stripped | 10:24 |
[miles] | ok, thanks guys.. I'll hit the docs | 10:24 |
Slasher | yeah it is, but it would be better if i could do my wifi :( | 10:24 |
[miles] | many thanks.. ciao | 10:24 |
Slasher | anyways | 10:24 |
=== Falstius [n=airen@c-71-227-117-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slasher | i looked at this and tried it out | 10:24 |
linuxnewbie756 | looks like i need a dependancy don't i? | 10:24 |
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Slasher | http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Dapper_with_AIGLX | 10:25 |
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Slasher | damn | 10:25 |
Slasher | wrong link lmao | 10:25 |
xtknight | linuxnewbie756: chmod +x ~~.x86 && ./~~.x86 will execute it | 10:25 |
=== Rawr [n=mike@cpe-74-73-245-82.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | linuxnewbie756: let me make that clearer | 10:25 |
ubunttvr | should i install ati drivers ,cast you votes now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 10:25 |
Slasher | srry i meant this http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Windows_Wireless_Drivers_.28Ndiswrapper.29 | 10:25 |
xtknight | Slasher: you'll have to prefix your messages with "xtknight" somehow so i see them easily | 10:25 |
ubunttvr | or should i stick with radeon ones | 10:25 |
Slasher | ok | 10:25 |
xtknight | linuxnewbie756: chmod +x /home/matt/Data/Programs/Army/System/pb/pbweb.x86 | 10:25 |
xtknight | linuxnewbie756: /home/matt/Data/Programs/Army/System/pb/pbweb.x86 | 10:25 |
nikitis | With GPS Drive, can you download the whole map of america? | 10:25 |
Slasher | xtknight: i tried this http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Windows_Wireless_Drivers_.28Ndiswrapper.29 | 10:25 |
xtknight | linuxnewbie756: those two commands ^^ | 10:26 |
=== RetLaw [n=RetLaw@082-146-105-148.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | Slasher, xtknight, ubuntuguide is unsafe. use the ubuntuwiki instead | 10:26 |
xtknight | ah ok | 10:26 |
mindstate | ubunttvr, i stuck with the radeon and im fine | 10:26 |
xtknight | Slasher: you said you're on dapper right? | 10:26 |
Flannel | !ndiswrapper | Slasher | 10:26 |
ubotu | Slasher: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 10:26 |
Slasher | xtknight: yep | 10:26 |
ubunttvr | mindstate can you do me a favoure | 10:26 |
xtknight | Slasher: what wireless adapter? | 10:26 |
ubunttvr | a huge favour | 10:26 |
Slasher | ubotu: i will check that ty | 10:26 |
xtknight | !bot | Slasher | 10:27 |
ubotu | Slasher: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 10:27 |
mindstate | ubunttvr, yes? | 10:27 |
xtknight | :) | 10:27 |
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ubunttvr | install googleearth | 10:27 |
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xtknight | !thanks | 10:27 |
ubotu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 10:27 |
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ubunttvr | mindstate find out if its too slugish to use | 10:27 |
linuxnewbie756 | xtknight, it works, thanks. so, why did i have to chmod it? | 10:27 |
Slasher | xtknight: grr i forgot, how do i find out? | 10:27 |
nikitis | ubunttvr, does garman gps work with google earth? | 10:27 |
nexousNET | My wireless isn't working :-( | 10:27 |
=== Owdgit [n=ron@88-110-127-232.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubunttvr | sudo apt-get install googleearth | 10:28 |
xtknight | linuxnewbie756: +x means give execution permissions. | 10:28 |
mindstate | ubunttvr, what do you mean..which driver? | 10:28 |
cchance | Where is the image located that is on the default gnome Login Screen? | 10:28 |
xtknight | Slasher: is it pci or usb? | 10:28 |
Slasher | xtknight: pci i would think since its built into m laptop | 10:28 |
ubunttvr | mindstate its an application | 10:28 |
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linuxnewbie756 | oh, so anything like that that doesn't work, +x will fix it, right? .run sometimes and .x86? | 10:28 |
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eisma | where/how do i download/install new themes for ubuntu? | 10:28 |
ubunttvr | mindstate sudo apt-get install googleearth | 10:28 |
Alzi2 | How to add an entry to the menu in Konqueror that will convert FLV files for me using ffmpeg? | 10:28 |
paiiiiii | Hey, how can i assosiate .avi with the application "vlc"? | 10:28 |
paiiiiii | so it allways opens in VLC | 10:29 |
ubunttvr | eisme gnome look | 10:29 |
dondanielo | eisma : check gnome-look.org | 10:29 |
=== Cruz [n=pcruz@201-0-15-224.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nexousNET | In Connection properties, im getting signal strength 84% but it's disconnected? any ideas? | 10:29 |
xtknight | cchance: /usr/share/gdm/themes perhaps | 10:29 |
dyrne | cchance: sudo gdmsetup | 10:29 |
towlieban | im using xchat-gnome. is there a way to connect to more than 1 server at a time ? | 10:29 |
cchance | xtknight thanks | 10:29 |
eisma | dondanielo then how do i install themes? | 10:29 |
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xtknight | Slasher: correct, type "sudo lspci -vv" and post it on !pastebin | 10:29 |
=== FLiPeR [n=fliper@ppp087-213.dsl.hol.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | !themes|eisma | 10:29 |
ubotu | eisma: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 10:29 |
eisma | dondanielo i was actually there, downloaded a theme, extracted it, then what? | 10:29 |
cchance | dyrne, im not liiking for the setup | 10:29 |
mindstate | ubunttvr, ok ill try | 10:29 |
xtknight | eisma drag the tar .gz file into the themes preferences dialog | 10:30 |
ubunttvr | ok thank you | 10:30 |
haxality_ | towlieban: ctrl-t IIRC | 10:30 |
dondanielo | eisma : no need to extract | 10:30 |
akruth | i made my gnome-panel transparent, but the "show desktop"-icon has a white background?! | 10:30 |
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ubunttvr | remove it and replace it | 10:30 |
towlieban | haxality_: i tried that and nothing happened | 10:30 |
mindstate | ubunttvr, theres no package for googleearth in any of my repo's heh | 10:30 |
haxality_ | towlieban: is there an option for 'open new server tab' anywhere in the menu on the top of the screen? | 10:30 |
towlieban | no | 10:31 |
=== DigitalNinja [n=dhull@134-7-178-69.static.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slasher | xtknight: k 1sec | 10:31 |
FLiPeR | Well anyone had I/O erros on his disk making it inaccessible until restart using torrent clients........? | 10:31 |
ubunttvr | ermm try synaptic | 10:31 |
haxality_ | none of them say anything like that? | 10:31 |
towlieban | when i was using xchat under kde i could open a new server tab | 10:31 |
xtknight | FLiPeR: it wouldn't happen to be the kernel data corruption torrent bug would it? | 10:31 |
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haxality_ | wow, I'm kind of baffled | 10:31 |
haxality_ | towlieban: if you hold for like 2 minutes I'll install it and find it | 10:31 |
eisma | it says that it is not a valid format when after i drag it into the themes manager | 10:31 |
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xtknight | FLiPeR: not sure if the ubuntu kernel versions are affected | 10:31 |
towlieban | haxality_: ok | 10:31 |
nexousNET | Anyone know why wifi-radar would say I'm connected, but it can't view websites? | 10:31 |
dondanielo | eisma : is it a .tar.gz ? | 10:31 |
xtknight | eisma: what file format is it. tar gz, tar bz2.. ?? | 10:31 |
DigitalNinja | I'm having trouble with a belkin 4 port KVM. My mouse is all jerky. I can't use it at all. However, if i plug it into the computer it work fine. Any ideas? | 10:32 |
xtknight | i think bz2 works too? | 10:32 |
FLiPeR | ill read about it ..one min .... | 10:32 |
haxality_ | nexousNET: can you ping websites from a terminal? | 10:32 |
Slasher | !pastebin | 10:32 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 10:32 |
eisma | tar bz2 | 10:32 |
=== tuskernini [n=chris@84-75-71-145.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nexousNET | haxality_: is it just 'ping domain.com' ? | 10:32 |
eisma | xtknight tar bz2 | 10:32 |
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Slasher | nvm | 10:32 |
Slasher | http://pastebin.com/877013 | 10:32 |
haxality_ | nexousNET: yes, I usually do 'ping www.google.com' minus the quotes | 10:32 |
=== Marchange_ [n=marchang@gra86-1-82-239-89-165.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slasher | xtknight: http://pastebin.com/877013 | 10:32 |
xtknight | eisma: extract it to /usr/share/themes (for example if the tarbz2 contained a dir called ThisTheme), then the files would be located under /usr/share/themes/ThisTheme. type 'gksu file-roller' to start a archive manager in super user mode so you can extract to /usr/share/themes | 10:33 |
nexousNET | haxality_: okay, i'm not getting a response, it's just flashing a typing cursor. | 10:33 |
paiiiiii | Hey, how can i assosiate .avi with the application "vlc" so all .avi opens with "VLC" | 10:33 |
=== sirius [n=sirius@125-24-241-15.adsl.totbb.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nexousNET | haxality_: okay, there it goes, "ping: unknown host google.com" | 10:33 |
Cruz | #ubuntu-br | 10:33 |
Slasher | 0000:02:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03) | 10:33 |
xtknight | Slasher: you should use this pastebin instead but it's cool for now | 10:33 |
xtknight | !pastebin|Slasher | 10:33 |
ubotu | Slasher: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 10:33 |
haxality_ | ah | 10:33 |
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haxality_ | ok. | 10:33 |
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Milo- | what can cause IRC-protocol not to work on ubuntu? | 10:33 |
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eisma | xtknight could you walk me through extracting it? | 10:33 |
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haxality_ | towlieban: hit ctrl-n | 10:33 |
Slasher | yeah pastebin.com was taking ages to load but when i pasted into the ubuntu one that one loaded lol | 10:33 |
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xtknight | eisma: did you try my instructions? | 10:34 |
ubunttvr | mindstate maybe you dont have restricted modules installed? | 10:34 |
xtknight | eisma: first type 'gksu file-roller' in the terminal | 10:34 |
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haxality_ | nexousNET: that means either you aren't connected to the network, or the network isn't connected to the internet | 10:34 |
=== Lattyware [n=Latty@host86-133-32-41.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Milo- | networking works just fine but can't connect to any IRC networks :/ | 10:34 |
xtknight | Slasher: taking ages here too. mind if you repost into ubuntu pastebin? | 10:34 |
eisma | it said extract command not found | 10:34 |
towlieban | haxality_: ahh i see it automatically opens a new server tab | 10:34 |
Slasher | sure | 10:34 |
xtknight | eisma: see above | 10:34 |
soundray | mindstate: I think PLF provides it | 10:34 |
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nexousNET | haxality_: well, I'm on a windows machine connected to the same network, and i'm online :P | 10:34 |
soundray | !plf | mindstate | 10:34 |
ubotu | mindstate: The Penguin Liberation Front is dedicated to distributing software that cannot be included in Linux distributions for various reasons - See http://plf.zarb.org/ (not yet fully functioning) - See also !Medibuntu and !Seveas | 10:34 |
haxality_ | yeah, towlieban, sometimes apps are a little too user-friendly | 10:34 |
Slasher | xtknight: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4474/ | 10:34 |
towlieban | haxality_: in the past you had a choice | 10:34 |
nexousNET | haxality_: so how would I go about troubleshooting the problem in ubuntu? | 10:34 |
eisma | xtknight ok now what? | 10:35 |
dyrne | Milo-: you behind a firewall? like at work or campus? | 10:35 |
haxality_ | nexousNET: ok, you're using wifi-radar, right? | 10:35 |
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nexousNET | haxality_: yes | 10:35 |
xtknight | Slasher: looks like Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03) on a HP laptop | 10:35 |
Milo- | dyrne should be set to bridged | 10:35 |
haxality_ | nexousNET: what are the stats of the wireless network? WEP, hidden SSID, MAC filter, etc? | 10:35 |
xtknight | eisma: alright now open the tar bz2 with file rolle | 10:35 |
towlieban | haxality_: you could connect to a server in the existing tab or open a new server tab and connect to the server in there | 10:35 |
ubunttvr | use the paste bin for christ sake | 10:35 |
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=== Ronnie [n=chatzill@ip5453f7ef.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
haxality_ | towlieban: yeah, I used xchat for a looong time | 10:35 |
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eisma | xtknight how do i do that? | 10:35 |
nexousNET | haxality_: theres just changes to the SSID/networkname | 10:35 |
Slasher | xtknight: yeah its a hp compaq presario r3000 | 10:35 |
=== Anacsot is now known as Anacsot- | ||
xtknight | eisma: file->open in file roller | 10:35 |
towlieban | haxality_: actually ive used linux for a long time but am switching to os x | 10:36 |
nexousNET | haxality_: and it runs on channel 1 | 10:36 |
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xtknight | Slasher: make a mental note: 'bcm43xx kernel module' ;) | 10:36 |
haxality_ | nexousNET: ok, so it has no WEP/WPA/whatever and it's just mostly standard | 10:36 |
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nexousNET | haxality_: correct. | 10:36 |
haxality_ | nexousNET: are you using GNOME, or another WM? | 10:36 |
Slasher | ok | 10:36 |
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nexousNET | haxality_: gnome | 10:36 |
haxality_ | towlieban: if I had a mac I would use OSX probably :P | 10:36 |
Milo- | dyrne but nothing has changed in last 2 hours when he last connected in, except, he installed kubuntu-desktop using apt-get | 10:36 |
haxality_ | nexousNET: are you averse to using NetworkManager? | 10:36 |
eisma | xtknight i dont see anything in there. i have to go to class though, thanks for your help anyway | 10:36 |
towlieban | haxality_: i dont have a mac but im using os x ;) | 10:36 |
haxality_ | nexousNET: it's way better than wifi-radar in my experience | 10:36 |
xtknight | eisma: ok | 10:36 |
haxality_ | towlieban: heh, I would, except none of my hardware is supported by osx86 | 10:37 |
towlieban | haxality_: im using osx86 on my gateway laptop.... | 10:37 |
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nexousNET | haxality_: I'm not sure, Don't really know where to go. | 10:37 |
towlieban | haxality_: how old is it ? | 10:37 |
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haxality_ | towlieban: 3 or so years, but it has a weird video card | 10:37 |
towlieban | oh yea | 10:37 |
paiiiiii | Hey, how can i assosiate .avi with the application "vlc" so all .avi opens with "VLC"? | 10:37 |
MacLinuxMaster | Hi, good boys | 10:37 |
xtknight | Slasher: now pastebin 'sudo lshw -class network' | 10:37 |
thug | i just downloaded java jpkg jre-6-linux-i586.bin now i try to create the deb file but i get a error No matching plugin was found | 10:37 |
towlieban | haxality_: i just bought my comp not too long ago. i want to sell it though so i can buy a macbook pro | 10:37 |
nexousNET | haxality_: I don't really care what it uses to connect, as long as it works and doesnt disconnect every minute | 10:38 |
thug | any onw knows how to get any of the required plugins ? j2sdk.sh j2re.sh j2sdk-doc.sh j2sdk.sh j2se.sh sun-j2re.sh sun-j2sdk-doc.sh sun-j2sdk.sh ? | 10:38 |
haxality_ | one sec nexousNET | 10:38 |
akruth | is there any way to make a panel totally transparent including the arrows? | 10:38 |
haxality_ | I'm still here | 10:38 |
nexousNET | haxality_: okay | 10:38 |
haxality_ | :P | 10:38 |
thug | java-package its installed already | 10:38 |
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haxality_ | ok | 10:38 |
MacLinuxMaster | I'm having a system lockup while erasing cdrw. Someone have ? | 10:38 |
=== thug is now known as Thug-N-Me | ||
haxality_ | nexousNET: do this in a term: 'sudo aptitude install network-manager-gnome' | 10:38 |
=== Trevi [n=Trevi@adsl-ull-16-190.41-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Slasher | lol it told me im trying to spam the pastebin | 10:38 |
=== amki [n=amki@p50837282.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slasher | xtknight: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4476/ | 10:39 |
xtknight | :O | 10:39 |
tuskernini | can anyone HELP with a USB port that only reads SOME hardware? | 10:39 |
xtknight | Slasher: odd. seems to be disabled, but driver is loaded | 10:39 |
haxality_ | nexousNET: also, you need to do 'sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces' and comment out everything except the lines with 'lo' in them | 10:39 |
nexousNET | haxality_: do i need the internet on it? | 10:39 |
xtknight | Slasher: "*-network:0 DISABLED" | 10:39 |
haxality_ | nexousNET: oh, crud | 10:39 |
haxality_ | heh | 10:39 |
Milo- | What could be the problem as IRC-protocol all suddenly decided to not work, after installing kubuntu-desktop with apt-get.. everything worked fine before the installation. | 10:39 |
haxality_ | one second, let me see if I have the .deb | 10:39 |
soundray | tuskernini: it's probably USB 1.1 | 10:39 |
xtknight | Slasher: type this and see what happens 'sudo ifconfig eth1 up' | 10:39 |
nexousNET | haxality_: okay. | 10:39 |
=== Vandalay [n=bart@535020EF.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
haxality_ | nexousNET: try opening wifi-radar and removing the network from the list, then re-adding it | 10:39 |
=== Pensa`MIA [n=pensacol@157.39-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
haxality_ | nexousNET: also, what version of ubuntu are you using? | 10:40 |
agliv5 | Greetings :) I'm trying to compile qemu and it says I have to use gcc 3.x, I have both gcc-3.3 & gcc-3.4 but neither seem to work with ./configure -cc=gcc-x ??? Can anyone help please? | 10:40 |
tuskernini | soundray, i have two memory keys and it only reads one... and it reads an external laptop hard drive? | 10:40 |
=== sirius [n=sirius@125-24-241-15.adsl.totbb.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nexousNET | haxality_: 6.06, and it wont remove the network lmfao | 10:40 |
xtknight | agliv5: sure you even need to specify -cc? | 10:40 |
nexousNET | haxality_: there it goes. | 10:40 |
=== acemo [n=acemo@ip5657ebcc.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
haxality_ | nexousNET: yeah, wifi-radar is finnicky | 10:40 |
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haxality_ | nexousNET: try adding it back, in my experience that magically fixed anything wifi-radar had a problem with | 10:40 |
xtknight | agliv5: try `sudo apt-get install build-essential` and then just `./configure` with no paramters | 10:40 |
Thug-N-Me | no one knows how to get from jpkg jre-6-linux-i586.bin deb file ???? | 10:41 |
tuskernini | soundray, it does not read the mouse or webcamera or the other usbstick | 10:41 |
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=== Hatter [n=rwh@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Milo- | What could be the problem as IRC-protocol all suddenly decided to not work, after installing kubuntu-desktop with apt-get.. everything worked fine before the installation. anyone? :( | 10:41 |
tuskernini | soundray, any ideas? testing ideas? | 10:41 |
Slasher | SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory | 10:41 |
soundray | tuskernini: is it a "mini-hub", ie. without its own power supply? | 10:41 |
nikitis | Thug-N-Me, don't think it's been developed yet | 10:41 |
xtknight | Slasher: erm....totally wasn't expecting that one :D | 10:41 |
nikitis | Thug-N-Me, just use synaptic to get java 6 | 10:41 |
tuskernini | soundray, i have no clue it is on a laptop ibm t40 | 10:41 |
xtknight | Slasher: could you pastebin the whole thing>? | 10:41 |
nexousNET | haxality_: do i have to set ip and all? | 10:41 |
tuskernini | soundray, the bottom port | 10:41 |
Thug-N-Me | nikitis it will only give me sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin | 10:42 |
=== goodthing [n=ident@a80-126-145-212.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
haxality_ | nexousNET: no, you should be able to use DHCP | 10:42 |
agliv5 | xtknight, yes it says warning: gcc looks lie gcc 4.x ... looking for gcc 3.x ... ./configure: 372 Syntax error: Bad fd number.... | 10:42 |
xtknight | agliv5: looks like a problem in the configure script to me | 10:42 |
soundray | tuskernini: oh, and the top one works? | 10:42 |
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Vandalay | mb u need an gcc-compat pack | 10:42 |
tuskernini | soundray, yes it works for everything i plugged in so far | 10:42 |
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nexousNET | haxality_: i tried pinging, unknown host google.com again | 10:42 |
haxality_ | hmmmm | 10:43 |
haxality_ | alright | 10:43 |
haxality_ | here's what we will do | 10:43 |
haxality_ | close out of wifi-radar | 10:43 |
agliv5 | xtknight, qemu can not be compiled with gcc 4.x according to their hompage... | 10:43 |
Vandalay | just use fedora | 10:43 |
Slasher | xtknight: thats all i got m8 | 10:43 |
MacLinuxMaster | I'm having a system lockup while erasing cdrw. Someone have ? | 10:43 |
MacLinuxMaster | When I blank a cdrw with cdrw my system beacame locked until it end | 10:43 |
haxality_ | nexousNET: go to 'system > administration > networking' from the gnome menu | 10:43 |
xtknight | Slasher: hmm. can you pastebin 'dmesg'? | 10:43 |
nexousNET | haxality_: okay | 10:43 |
MacLinuxMaster | Any tips ? | 10:43 |
haxality_ | nexousNET: open up the config page for your wireless card, and fill in the various options | 10:43 |
xtknight | agliv5: symlink /usr/bin/gcc to /usr/bin/gcc-3.4 instead | 10:44 |
haxality_ | nexousNET: let me know if anything I say goes over your head | 10:44 |
soundray | tuskernini: I suggest you buy an external hub with a power supply, and connect that to the top port. Everything will work with that -- except possibly the webcam. Webcams sometimes insist on being connected directly to the mainboard hub. | 10:44 |
=== DamonCanine [n=damon@24-55-133-170.miamfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | agliv5: sudo rm -f /usr/bin/gcc && sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-3.4 /usr/bin/gcc | 10:44 |
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nexousNET | haxality_: in the config, whats my key type suppose to be? | 10:44 |
=== LordSkylark [n=raven@host176-102-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Thug-N-Me | nikitis dead ? | 10:44 |
haxality_ | leave it blank | 10:44 |
Milo- | hey, i need some help here, HOW can I fix my friend's ubuntu that can't connect to IRC at all after installing Kubuntu-desktop package with apt-get | 10:44 |
nexousNET | haxality_: and for connection settings, do i want it on static IP, or DHCP? | 10:44 |
haxality_ | nexousNET: if your network doesn't use WEP, you don't need to fill in that box | 10:44 |
haxality_ | nexousNET: and DHCP unless you use a static IP and know all the info | 10:44 |
Jowi | MacLinuxMaster, sounds strange. same if you use a frontend such as graveman? | 10:45 |
barry | What the story with libasound2 I can't even install gdb now because of this dependancy why is edgy's apt-get dependency's so bloody broken? | 10:45 |
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haxality_ | nexousNET: basically DHCP is automagic IP and static is.. static | 10:45 |
nexousNET | haxality_: No, not WEP KEY, the Key Type "Hexadecimal or Plain ASCll" | 10:45 |
=== matthew1429 [n=tferrero@75-132-143-75.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | barry: libasound2 in the repos is fine for me | 10:45 |
haxality_ | nexousNET: just leave it, it doesn't care unless you put something in the 'key' box :P | 10:45 |
tuskernini | soundray, but there is now way you think i can test the port? thanks for the info.. i was hoping it is a driver problem.. the hub is a pain if i travel and need a mouse and cam... | 10:45 |
nexousNET | haxality_: okay. | 10:45 |
nexousNET | haxality_: "Activating interface "wlan0" | 10:45 |
xtknight | barry: paste the whole error of installing gdb | 10:45 |
soundray | barry: it isn't. Please post the output from 'sudo apt-get -f install' on the pastebin | 10:46 |
tuskernini | soundray, i have a hub.. | 10:46 |
haxality_ | nexousNET: hopefully it will connect and get an IP | 10:46 |
barry | what version do you have I have 1.0.11-7ubuntu3, having this stops me from installing pretty much everything | 10:46 |
matthew1429 | I'm trying to set up a firewall | 10:46 |
matthew1429 | and I had installed firestarter, but then had problems | 10:46 |
nexousNET | haxality_: where is that going to come up with connection status and IP? | 10:46 |
matthew1429 | then installed lokkit | 10:46 |
xtknight | barry: that's the official version. | 10:46 |
matthew1429 | and now have these issues | 10:46 |
barry | barry@Trinaderry:~/dev/ufoai/trunk$ sudo apt-get install gdb | 10:46 |
barry | Reading package lists... Done | 10:46 |
barry | Building dependency tree | 10:46 |
barry | Reading state information... Done | 10:46 |
barry | gdb is already the newest version. | 10:46 |
barry | You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these: | 10:46 |
Slasher | xtknight: sec | 10:46 |
Milo- | IRC-clients are unable to connect to ANY irc-networks.. how to fix? everything worked just fine before installing Kubuntu-Desktop package. | 10:46 |
barry | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 10:46 |
barry | ufoai: Depends: libasound2 (> 1.0.12) but 1.0.11-7ubuntu3 is to be installed | 10:46 |
=== SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
barry | E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution). | 10:46 |
=== Latty [n=Latty@host86-134-67-230.range86-134.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
userundefined | !pastebin | barry | 10:46 |
ryanakca | !paste | barry | 10:46 |
ubotu | barry: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 10:46 |
sacater | type /j #sacater | 10:46 |
haxality_ | nexousNET: basically, it should drop you back to the config page again, and then you should try pinging again | 10:46 |
Milo- | cmon i dont want to spam this channel with same stuff for over and over again | 10:46 |
tuskernini | does anyone perhaps know how to TEST a USB port... ? | 10:46 |
nexousNET | haxality_: okay | 10:46 |
xtknight | barry: use pastebin next time, but 'ufoai' is obviously not from the repos. | 10:46 |
=== daveyates [n=daveyate@user-11203f2.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Milo- | IRC-clients are unable to connect to ANY irc-networks.. how to fix? everything worked just fine before installing Kubuntu-Desktop package. | 10:46 |
=== daviey [n=dave@cpc1-sout2-0-0-cust111.sotn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
barry | sorry lads I'll pastebin i forgot | 10:47 |
=== tripitaka_ [n=chatzill@82-34-250-191.cable.ubr06.enfi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slasher | xtknight: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4481/ | 10:47 |
xtknight | barry: you might have to compile ufoai since the deb you got is for a newer version of ubuntu or debin | 10:47 |
=== Sonderblade [n=bjourne@h-235-183.A189.cust.bahnhof.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MacLinuxMaster | How is your behaviour while erasing a cdrw ? Wour system lockup ? | 10:47 |
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mariusz | ello | 10:47 |
MacLinuxMaster | How is your behaviour while erasing a cdrw ? Your system lockup ? | 10:47 |
xtknight | barry: perhaps you need to overwrite the libasound2 on your system with a newer one which is a little risky. | 10:47 |
=== albatross [n=a@81-233-22-28-no26.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | Slasher: bcm43xx: Error: Microcode "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" not availabl e or load failed. | 10:47 |
barry | I've tried that, it stops the sound from working in ufo2 | 10:48 |
rly_ | how can I run XP inside ubuntu? | 10:48 |
cjl7 | Hi all, I'm trying to figure out my routing table and why it doesn't work. I have two nic's on different networks. Both have a default gw. But whatever I do I can't seem to use the "other" gw?! | 10:48 |
soundray | tuskernini: you could run 'tail -f /var/log/syslog' and follow the messages while you plug your various devices into the upper and lower socket. | 10:48 |
barry | so I reverted back and than it works | 10:48 |
ryanakca | can someone please help me debug my latex doc? It's a proposal I have to hand to my principal in the morning... but... I can't seem to get the accents to work (LaTeX yaps about math mode... ).. | 10:48 |
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FLiPeR | xtknight:u think that 6.06 LTS kernel is affected with that bug?about the torrs... | 10:48 |
Slasher | hmm | 10:48 |
xtknight | Slasher: ok, you need the firmware for your card. that is contained in the windows drivers. you use something called 'bcm43xx-fwcutter' to grab it | 10:48 |
=== noite1 [n=noite1@c91164cc.rjo.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tuskernini | soundray, thank you | 10:48 |
xtknight | FLiPeR: no i dont think so | 10:48 |
nexousNET | haxality_: same, unknown host google.com | 10:48 |
barry | having gdb is more important than sound now tho | 10:48 |
Slasher | i have the windows drivers on my desktop if they are any use | 10:48 |
=== Bassguy [n=Bassguy@dpc6744177076.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
barry | why does ubuntu have its own version of libasound2? | 10:48 |
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FLiPeR | URL to read about it?...Forum at ubuntu? | 10:48 |
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soundray | ryanakca: I can try, but I think we're offtopic. Do you want to pm me? | 10:49 |
mariusz | i'm looking for a future, somebodys help me?? | 10:49 |
xtknight | barry: well then try this. 'sudo dpkg --purge --force-all libasound2 ; sudo dpkg --purge --force-all libasound2-dev'. | 10:49 |
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xtknight | barry: then grab the latest versions from somewhere | 10:49 |
barry | ok thanks | 10:49 |
Slasher | xtknight: i have the windows drivers on my desktop if they are any use | 10:49 |
matthew1429 | someone please visit http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4483/ | 10:49 |
ryanakca | soundray: just, thanks :D | 10:49 |
dondanielo | !player | 10:49 |
matthew1429 | I'm trying to setup a firewall | 10:49 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about player - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:49 |
=== rich__ [n=rich@pool-71-101-108-49.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
matthew1429 | and I get that error with lokkit | 10:49 |
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dondanielo | !mp3 | 10:49 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 10:49 |
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barry | purging libasound2 wont force remove the packages that rely on libasound2 will it? | 10:49 |
wigsta | for some reason my screen resolution has defaulted to 640x480 and I cant change it to anything else. Any ideas? | 10:49 |
xtknight | barry: no | 10:49 |
matthew1429 | and don't want to reinstall ubuntu just to get this working :p | 10:49 |
ndee | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/deskbar-applet/+bug/35475 <-- anyone has the same problem like that? I'm using beryl and xserver-xgl and cannot enter the deskbar text field. | 10:49 |
barry | ok thanks xtknight sorry was just frustrated | 10:50 |
xtknight | barry: i386 right? | 10:50 |
barry | everything else in ubuntu has been so slick/easy was like a nasty wart | 10:50 |
Bsims | Ok I got a video on my ipod but how do I delete it, I went in manualy and deleted it than ran amarok's file repair util but that is ugly and silly is there a better way? | 10:50 |
tuskernini | soundray, does this mean anything to you... device descriptor read/64, error -71 | 10:50 |
barry | yup | 10:50 |
Milo- | IRC-clients are unable to connect to ANY irc-networks.. how to fix? everything worked just fine before installing Kubuntu-Desktop package. | 10:50 |
xtknight | barry: http://debian.mirror.frontiernet.net/debian/pool/main/a/alsa-lib/libasound2_1.0.13-1_i386.deb | 10:50 |
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barry | cool thanks | 10:50 |
cjl7 | don't know if I'm at the right place, can anybody help me with my routing stuff? | 10:50 |
xtknight | barry: also for the dev pkg http://debian.mirror.frontiernet.net/debian/pool/main/a/alsa-lib/libasound2-dev_1.0.13-1_i386.deb | 10:50 |
matthew1429 | has anyone seen my pastebin request? | 10:50 |
Bsims | Oh never mind I see it | 10:50 |
_Freedom0_ | !msg the bot> | 10:50 |
=== RichiH [i=richih@freenode/staff/richih] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | barry: save these. install with 'sudo dpkg -i libasound2.....deb' | 10:50 |
MacLinuxMaster | I'm having a system lockup while erasing cdrw. Someone have ? When I blank a cdrw with cdrw my system beacame locked until it end. How is your behaviour while erasing a cdrw ? Wour system lockup ? | 10:50 |
Vandalay | !aah | 10:50 |
nexousNET | haxality_: same, unknown host google.com | 10:50 |
xtknight | Slasher: yes they are of use | 10:50 |
Milo- | IRC-clients are unable to connect to ANY irc-networks.. how to fix? everything worked just fine before installing Kubuntu-Desktop package. | 10:50 |
rich__ | ok guys i just lost my sound on ubuntu for some reason. All i did was start up quake3 and the computer froze. Now I have no sounds and when I reboot my volume contol is crossed out saying something to the effect of either not have the gstreamer plugins or soundcard not found any suggestions? | 10:50 |
=== Bsims does the happy dance | ||
RichiH | did you just get spammed? | 10:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about aah - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:51 |
=== crimson [n=tim@pool-71-168-112-12.cncdnh.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | Barry, Slasher: sorry i have to eat dinner now, i can assist later if needed | 10:51 |
barry | thanks xtknight you're a real help | 10:51 |
soundray | tuskernini: yes, I've had this with a DVB stick. It went away when I tried with kernel 2.6.18 instead of 2.6.17 | 10:51 |
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barry | enjoy buddy | 10:51 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@adsl-dyn233.91-127-58.t-com.sk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
agliv5 | xtknight, please explain the symlink a bit more... the manpage for sysmlinks isn't really all that great... | 10:51 |
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soundray | tuskernini: what I'm saying is that this could be a driver issue. | 10:51 |
xtknight | Slasher: basically use fwcutter to grab the firmware from the windows drivers. there's docs around, and fwcutter is in repos ' sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter' | 10:51 |
Milo- | IRC-clients are unable to connect to ANY irc-networks.. how to fix? everything worked just fine before installing Kubuntu-Desktop package. | 10:51 |
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Bsims | Yay!!! I gots my video ipod to work... kind of a pain in the ass that I can't use only one app but such is life | 10:51 |
tuskernini | soundray, that is great news... | 10:51 |
xtknight | agliv5: sudo ln -s REALFILE /fake/file | 10:51 |
xtknight | agliv5: it makes a link to a file, but doesnt actually copy it | 10:52 |
xtknight | agliv5: gotta go | 10:52 |
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Slasher | xtknight: ok thanks will try | 10:52 |
agliv5 | xtknight, /usr/bin/gcc does not exist... | 10:52 |
Milo- | IRC-clients are unable to connect to ANY irc-networks.. how to fix? everything worked just fine before installing Kubuntu-Desktop package. ANY HELP APPRECIATED! | 10:52 |
Vandalay | so install it | 10:52 |
cjl7 | help? | 10:52 |
nikitis | how well does dual monitors work with ubuntu? | 10:52 |
=== matthew1429 [n=tferrero@75-132-143-75.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vandalay | just read some basic things about linux, & install fc6 | 10:53 |
=== Vandalay [n=bart@535020EF.cable.casema.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
matthew1429 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4483 | 10:53 |
matthew1429 | please review this | 10:53 |
matthew1429 | I'm trying to setup a firewall | 10:53 |
matthew1429 | with lokkit | 10:53 |
nexousNET | Okay, I came here last night, wondering how to use my windows wireless connection, and use ethernet cord frmo laptop to desktop, and share connection. | 10:53 |
Slasher | blah im gonna try again another day | 10:53 |
=== ondicz [n=ondicz@65.214.netopen.cz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slasher | thanks everyone for the help | 10:53 |
matthew1429 | and I so don't wanna reinstall | 10:53 |
Milo- | IRC-clients are unable to connect to ANY irc-networks.. how to fix? everything worked just fine before installing Kubuntu-Desktop package. ANY HELP APPRECIATED! | 10:53 |
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=== Bsims grins I used the ipodvidenc script to encode it, then thinliquidfilm to upload it, and amarok to delete it... works a treat, if a pain in /dev/arse | ||
mindstate | Milo, how r u on IRC now ? | 10:53 |
Milo- | other computer | 10:54 |
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mindstate | Milo, ah ok | 10:54 |
Milo- | ... | 10:54 |
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Milo- | still no help then | 10:54 |
mindstate | Milo, im not sure of the answer lol | 10:54 |
ikonia | Milo-: whats up | 10:55 |
Milo- | cant connect to IRC servers with ubuntu, after installing Kubuntu-desktop package | 10:55 |
ikonia | whats the problem | 10:55 |
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Milo- | unable to connect | 10:55 |
agliv5 | Greetings, I'm trying to compile qemu, but it says that it can't be compiled with gcc 4.x... I have gcc-3.4 & gcc-3.4 but neither work with ./configure -cc=gcc-3.x ??? can anyone help me out? | 10:55 |
Milo- | that's the problem | 10:55 |
ikonia | is that it - thats the error ? | 10:56 |
Milo- | 23:51 -!- Irssi: Unable to connect server irc.quakenet.org port 6667 [Connection timed out] | 10:56 |
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Milo- | ikonia that's the error | 10:56 |
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ikonia | Milo-: have you tried for example freenode | 10:56 |
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Milo- | ikonia yes | 10:56 |
Milo- | same thing | 10:56 |
Milo- | also few other servers | 10:56 |
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Milo- | also with different irc-clients | 10:56 |
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ikonia | ok so can you telnet to that server on port 6667 | 10:57 |
marshall | sup gangsters | 10:57 |
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siikah | Milo-: how did you get here? webirc? | 10:57 |
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Milo- | siikah other comp | 10:57 |
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siikah | ok | 10:57 |
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Milo- | SSH rocks :< | 10:57 |
marshall | does anybody know where to get better OO.o 2 icons? the default icons are horribly ugly | 10:57 |
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ikonia | marshall: download them ? | 10:58 |
siikah | Milo-: what happens if you try to telnet to an irc server? | 10:58 |
mindstate | lol | 10:58 |
marshall | ikonia: i asked where | 10:58 |
siikah | on the appropriate port i mean | 10:58 |
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ikonia | gnome-look.org | 10:58 |
ikonia | or just google | 10:58 |
mindstate | marshall, try google.. | 10:58 |
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farruinn | siikah: you could, you know, just try that | 10:58 |
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siikah | farruinn: I'm not talking about myself.. he has a problem connecting to irc servers... | 10:59 |
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farruinn | siikah: ah, sorry ;) | 10:59 |
ikonia | I've already told him to try | 10:59 |
siikah | ok | 10:59 |
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mindstate | Milo, maybe ports are being blocked | 10:59 |
siikah | too much join/leave spam atm :> | 10:59 |
kralos | siikah: take me back to yaw house yaw house | 10:59 |
Milo- | mindstate yeah well how to unblock them? | 10:59 |
Clarus | if anyone has some time, I could use a little help with my NIC | 11:00 |
ikonia | Milo-: try telneting | 11:00 |
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paiiiiii | Hey, how can i assosiate .avi with the application "vlc" so all .avi opens with "VLC"? | 11:00 |
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farruinn | siikah: /ignore #ubuntu JOINS PARTS QUITS makes it much more readable | 11:00 |
dyrne | paiiiiii: its magic | 11:00 |
pianoboy3333 | Can anyone here help me build the latest alsa drivers? I have a sigmatel chip on an hda intel card | 11:00 |
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paiiiiii | dyrne: tell me the secret ;) | 11:00 |
rich__ | my sound works right before login but after I login there is nothing any suggestions? Or where to look in /var/log to figure out what is wrong? | 11:00 |
scv | hahaha | 11:00 |
siikah | farruinn: thanks for the tip, but it didn't work. xhcat. | 11:00 |
mindstate | Milo, is the computer ur on now on the same netconnection as the box that wont work? | 11:00 |
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scv | secret? | 11:00 |
paiiiiii | ...the magic | 11:00 |
scv | to dead? | 11:01 |
farruinn | siikah: I don't know what the command is for that, but it's probably got something similar | 11:01 |
kralos | anyone here got an EPIA mobo to work with ubuntu? | 11:01 |
scv | s/dead/die | 11:01 |
marshall | does anybody know where to get better OO.o 2 icons? the default icons are horribly ugly | 11:01 |
adamonline45 | How do I test if a user running a script is root? | 11:01 |
Milo- | mindstate nope | 11:01 |
kralos | adamonline45: w | 11:01 |
brann | hello. could someone help me install nspluginwrapper? I have downloaded the .rpm, done a sudo alien -i ns*.deb, but there's nothing in /usr/lib ... where should i check ? | 11:01 |
Milo- | this computer is my local computer | 11:01 |
siikah | farruinn: yeah probably. I've done it sometime before. haven't had time to do it yet | 11:01 |
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Jowi | kralos, yep, you need to compile the kernel to support the c3 cpu (686 is not enough) | 11:01 |
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Milo- | and that other computer is my friend's computer with almost fresh ubuntu installation | 11:01 |
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mindstate | Milo-, is there other computer on a router? | 11:02 |
Milo- | hmm | 11:02 |
Milo- | for some reason | 11:02 |
Milo- | the problem just solved | 11:02 |
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kralos | Jowi: so just download the Dapper 6.06.1 src and follow a how to? | 11:02 |
siikah | adamonline45: from within a script or checking which user "something" is running by ? | 11:02 |
rich__ | !gstreamer | 11:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gstreamer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:02 |
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dyrne | paiiiiii: i dont really know gnome but if i recall you just right click on one of the files and select "Open with other applicaton" | 11:02 |
Jowi | kralos, ubuntu should work with the 386 kernel but you really should compile it yourself for c3 | 11:02 |
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dyrne | paiiiiii: then there should be an option to set from now on | 11:02 |
Jowi | kralos, not sure there is a howto for dapper. | 11:03 |
u0392185 | Hey everyone, I need some help | 11:03 |
rich__ | hmm my sound just quits just like that :( works on boot up but not after I log in | 11:03 |
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kralos | Jowi: i can install fine but as soon as i get to the bootloader trying to load the kernel img it locks up | 11:03 |
kralos | no logs or anything | 11:03 |
Jowi | kralos, I created one for breezy but it is waaaaay outdated (don't think you need the kernel patch for one). if you want to have a look it is here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ViaEpiaDriHowto (I'm not supporting it :)) | 11:03 |
kralos | i386 that is | 11:04 |
adamonline45 | siikah: From within a script. I just have a simple if then statement that should check if the script is bein run as root, and if not it'll exit. I don't know what to put, exactly... something like if [ %u != "root" ] ; then... | 11:04 |
Jowi | kralos, oh really? the 386 locks up? | 11:04 |
u0392185 | Does anybody know how to add a printer onto the parallel port manually? | 11:04 |
kralos | yep | 11:04 |
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Jowi | kralos, did you disable acpi? | 11:04 |
kralos | tried edgy, and warty too | 11:04 |
u0392185 | Are there special printer codes for different printers? | 11:04 |
kralos | nope | 11:04 |
mindstate | Milo-, its working? | 11:04 |
Jowi | kralos, you should disable acpi. | 11:04 |
Clarus | Can someone help me with my NIC, Ubuntu sees it, however I can't recieve any DHCP info. The whole setup works fine in OS X though. | 11:04 |
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kralos | Jowi: can u disable it in the installer? | 11:04 |
Milo- | mindstate i think so :o | 11:04 |
adamonline45 | siikah: I'm just trying to exit the script instead of letting it try to run everything in it (which you need to be root for) and throwing a ton of errors if you're _not_ root when you run it... :) | 11:05 |
u0392185 | My parallel port isn't showing up anywhere | 11:05 |
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mindstate | Milo-, weird lol | 11:05 |
aoirthoir | join #phpmyadmin | 11:05 |
kralos | Jowi: the thing is debian sarge runs fine | 11:05 |
siikah | adamonline45: if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ] ; then echo "I'm root!" fi | 11:05 |
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siikah | root = 0 | 11:05 |
marshall | does anybody know where to get better OO.o 2 icons? the default icons are horribly ugly | 11:06 |
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adamonline45 | siikah: I'll try it out, thanks :) | 11:06 |
siikah | np | 11:06 |
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Jowi | kralos, yeah. i think (this is a long time ago for me) you use "pci=noacpi" (think that the F7 page in the installer say that) and you might want to disable the framebuffer as well... | 11:06 |
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windmill | Hi I would like to print from an Edgy laptop to a printer on a windows machine, what do I need to install? | 11:06 |
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Jowi | kralos, never tried sarge :/ | 11:06 |
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u0392185 | windmill, shouldnt you install the appropriate printer drivers from linuxprinting.org? | 11:07 |
Jowi | kralos, but there was a guy in here just a day ago doing the install for a epia M board. maybe you should ask him.... let me try to remember the name | 11:07 |
dyrne | !samba| windmill | 11:07 |
ubotu | windmill: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 11:07 |
u0392185 | they have network drivers and tutorials there | 11:07 |
dyrne | windmill: i believe smbprint but im not familiar with it | 11:08 |
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rich__ | is there a command to configure your sound card in terminal? for some reason I have lost my sound in gnome | 11:08 |
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Odd_Bloke | Ubuntu is loading my sound cards in varying orders at boot. I only want to use one of them. How do I go about either forcing an order or disabling the unused sound card? | 11:08 |
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paiiiiii | I'm trying to find out which mp3 player that have the same look as xmms buy its gray/silver and i think the name starts with an "a". | 11:08 |
siikah | paiiiiii: audacious | 11:08 |
kralos | Jowi: I used to have a M10000 and it was the same | 11:08 |
paiiiiii | yes, thanks | 11:08 |
kralos | kept lockin up | 11:08 |
matthew1429 | if I do an install with dapper will it automatically "upgrade" to edgy? | 11:08 |
mindstate | paiiiiii, is it beepmediaplayer? | 11:08 |
windmill | dyrne, I do have samba installed, and swat, I'll check out the links | 11:09 |
Jowi | kralos, proud owner of that motherboard :) | 11:09 |
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pbureau | Odd_Bloke, remove the modprobe driver for that sound card | 11:09 |
adamonline45 | paiiiiii: audacity? | 11:09 |
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paiiiiii | no, its audacious | 11:09 |
Odd_Bloke | pbureau: Which config file? | 11:09 |
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kralos | Jowi: My PD is just a twin eth version fo the same board basically, but no s-vid etc | 11:09 |
paiiiiii | thanks anyway | 11:09 |
matthew1429 | when you install older ubuntu will it auto upgraded to edgy through the updates manager? | 11:09 |
adamonline45 | paiiiiii: oh okay :) knew audacity, not audacious :) | 11:09 |
kralos | i'm using it as a router | 11:09 |
siikah | bmp merged into audacious :) | 11:09 |
paiiiiii | hehe | 11:10 |
siikah | and bmpx | 11:10 |
siikah | :) | 11:10 |
limetang | Wouldn't that be forked? | 11:10 |
matthew1429 | hello? | 11:10 |
matthew1429 | seems like a simple question | 11:10 |
siikah | yeah probably. i'm not too hot with the correct terms | 11:10 |
siikah | matthew1429: don't expect to get help. be grateful if you do. | 11:10 |
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matthew1429 | silkah: good pint | 11:10 |
Odd_Bloke | matthew1429: Yeah, seriously, we failed to read it the first time. Bugging us again is bound to work. | 11:10 |
unska | is there a apt for avi, mpeg and wmv decoder? | 11:10 |
rich__ | matthew1429: its advised that you didn't do it that way | 11:11 |
rich__ | although you can do it | 11:11 |
limetang | sudo apt-get install vlc :P | 11:11 |
=== matthew1429 is just frustrated, I'm sorry, it's not justifiable | ||
rich__ | ive heard alot of people having issues when upgrading from dapper to edgy | 11:11 |
limetang | Can't remember if it's universe. | 11:11 |
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matthew1429 | you are very correct in reminding me that this is totally voluntary | 11:11 |
Odd_Bloke | unska: Or Google for win32codecs... | 11:12 |
pbureau | Odd_Bloke, well you need to know which modules those parts of soundcard load (probably looking into dmesg or /etc/messages and then run modprobe -r drivername and if that works then you could do a permanent rmmod drivername. it should stop it from loading | 11:12 |
siikah | I've been in the deep of the debian-unstable deps-hell. I REALLY do not recommend that you do it that way. it _might_ work. | 11:12 |
paiiiiii | How can i know which version of ubuntu im using? "etch", "sid", "dapper", "edgy"? | 11:12 |
rich__ | matthew1429: did you get what i said? | 11:12 |
FragUPlenty | sup | 11:12 |
cafuego_ | paiiiiii: We;;, not etch or sid. | 11:12 |
rich__ | knock knock | 11:12 |
pbureau | paiiiiii, 6.06 = dapper 6.10 = edgy | 11:12 |
matthew1429 | I'll just bite the bullet and reinstall and rich: yes I did | 11:12 |
paiiiiii | okay | 11:12 |
FragUPlenty | hey does anyone know what glibc is | 11:12 |
rich__ | ok | 11:12 |
FragUPlenty | and how to update it | 11:12 |
rich__ | jsut checking | 11:12 |
cafuego_ | paiiiiii: 'lsb_release -a' should tell you. | 11:12 |
matthew1429 | but reinstalling seems to be easier than figuring out what I put in the pastebin | 11:12 |
rich__ | you can try updating it by sudo apt-get dist-upgrad | 11:12 |
rich__ | but like i said not recommended :) | 11:13 |
FragUPlenty | ok | 11:13 |
matthew1429 | <--- still noob | 11:13 |
Odd_Bloke | pbureau: Won't it just be modprobe'd next startup? | 11:13 |
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matthew1429 | okay | 11:13 |
rich__ | ubuntu is a good dist | 11:13 |
siikah | matthew1429: why not install edgy if you're going to reinstall anyways? | 11:13 |
pbureau | FragUPlenty, its a library for compiling programs with gcc, as for updating you could do apt-get install <nameof module> it shoudl upgrade if tehre is one | 11:13 |
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pbureau | Odd_Bloke, rmmod removes the drivername.o file.. hard to reload it afterwards | 11:13 |
rich__ | the new ubuntu still in beta is fiesty correct? | 11:13 |
pbureau | yes | 11:13 |
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Odd_Bloke | pbureau: OK, thanks. | 11:14 |
matthew1429 | silkah: good point... i'm just frustrated and figured trying something new would be the idea | 11:14 |
matthew1429 | cya later guys! | 11:14 |
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Jowi | kralos, can't remember his name atm... but if you use the alternate cd you should be able to disable acpi and the framebuffer if needed. I clearly remember acpi locking up my system. | 11:14 |
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FragUPlenty | it says error couldnt find package | 11:14 |
cchance | On my computer start up i get the error "The greeter application appears to be crashing. Attempting to use a different one." Any one know how toy fix? | 11:14 |
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pbureau | FragUPlenty, libgc is not the complete/proper package name for it | 11:15 |
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FragUPlenty | ok | 11:15 |
FragUPlenty | so how do I find that out | 11:15 |
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cchance | Then it goes into the "default login" An aplication box that has the Gnome Image on the left | 11:15 |
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paiiiiii | <- how can i fix that? :S | 11:15 |
paiiiiii | :( | 11:15 |
pbureau | FragUPlenty, if you use gnome, goto system-admins-synaptic in settiung enable all repos and then do a search for libgc I bet you will will alot of variants, but yours will have a green square (installed) look for a newer version on the list | 11:16 |
paiiiiii | oh, hold | 11:16 |
Odd_Bloke | pbureau: I can't modprobe -r, as it's being used. lsmod doesn't list what's using it... | 11:16 |
limetang | matthew1429, it won't automatically upgrade. | 11:16 |
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Moniker42 | what does STFB stand for? | 11:16 |
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zsakr | nyone know how to use the text installer on ubuntu 6.10? | 11:16 |
Clarus | can someone please help me connect my ubuntu box to the internet? or even my dhcp router? | 11:16 |
FragUPlenty | ok | 11:16 |
crazy_penguin | Good night all! | 11:16 |
FragUPlenty | thanks mate | 11:16 |
paiiiiii | http://www.coreinet.com/error <- How can i fix that error? | 11:16 |
limetang | But it should theoretically be very easy to upgrade (although you're likely to run into problems) | 11:16 |
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xtknight | agliv5: still around? | 11:17 |
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b0ef | ehlo | 11:17 |
cchance | On my computer start up i get the error "The greeter application appears to be crashing. Attempting to use a different one." Any one know how to fix? | 11:18 |
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pbureau | Odd_Bloke, use -e | 11:18 |
FragUPlenty | got it thanks | 11:18 |
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zsakr | how do i run the text installer? | 11:18 |
jrib | !alternate | zsakr | 11:19 |
ubotu | zsakr: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD. | 11:19 |
=== hambone1943 [n=jack@cpe-071-075-127-242.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
limetang | Etch and sid are Debian/ | 11:19 |
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jmibanez | hello there... | 11:20 |
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limewang | I hate my connection. | 11:20 |
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jmibanez | has anyone had success associating a madwifi (atheros) wifi card with NetworkManager using WEP? | 11:20 |
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sander_m | Hello. How can I force apt to re-download all Packages.gz files from the repositories in full and build me a new database? Mine has become corrupted I fear. Apt keeps saying that cupsys is not available but I can see it listed in the Packages.gz file. apt-get update, apt-get check or apt-get clean don't fix it. | 11:20 |
jmibanez | on feisty, i mean | 11:20 |
cchance | On my computer start up i get the error "The greeter application appears to be crashing. Attempting to use a different one." Any one know how to fix? | 11:20 |
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jmibanez | (keywords: feisty, madwifi, NetworkManager, WEP) | 11:21 |
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yaman | hi i am new user for ubuntu and linux and i am finding very bad times tring to install the programs like using make and install and this commands on the terminal is there a better way for doing this with out starting the terminal thing | 11:21 |
yaman | ? | 11:21 |
jmibanez | madwifi+NetworkManager+WEP on edgy worked for me, but something broke in feisty (i know, bleeding edge), and i'm trying to trace what exactly it is | 11:21 |
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paiiiiii | how do i take a screenshot? | 11:22 |
limewang | Try Synaptic, yaman | 11:22 |
jmibanez | the ath_pci crashes were fixed as of 2.6.20-6... | 11:22 |
jmibanez | anyone? | 11:22 |
whonicca | printscreen | 11:22 |
whonicca | if on ubuntu | 11:22 |
limewang | Applications -> Accessories -> Take Screenshot, I think. | 11:22 |
yaman | limewang : thanx am gana dl it and try it | 11:23 |
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hambone1943 | anyone have time for a question? | 11:23 |
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jmibanez | ?? | 11:23 |
limewang | It's already installed, yaman. | 11:23 |
Wowbagger | I'm having trouble playing RTSP streams in totem-mozilla | 11:23 |
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limewang | I *think* it's in System -> Administration -> Synaptic | 11:24 |
zsakr | 6.10 needs to boot into live cd? | 11:24 |
yaman | limewang: yeah sorry thats right :P | 11:24 |
XD | any xchat experts in here | 11:24 |
pbureau | jmibanez, I have ath_pci driver bu oon edgy without madwifi, you may ask in the feisty channel #ubuntu+1 | 11:24 |
jmibanez | pbureau: thanks | 11:24 |
pbureau | limetang, yep your right | 11:24 |
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limetang | Urgh, I somehow ended up being connected twice. :( | 11:25 |
cchance | On my computer start up i get the error "The greeter application appears to be crashing. Attempting to use a different one." Any one know how to fix?.. | 11:25 |
fnord123 | hi all. anyone know where i might be able to get some help with rhythmbox and it's zeroconf client? | 11:25 |
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ucordes | how can i get different keyboard layout ins kubuntu? (they seam to be not installed since i can't select them in control center. the list with keyboard layouts is just empty) if it is of any importance: i have ubuntu edgy installed and switched over to KDE by installing the packages kde and kubuntu-desktop | 11:27 |
cchance | !away din_away | 11:27 |
ubotu | away: A terminal locking program. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.5-3 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 124 kB | 11:27 |
cchance | lol | 11:27 |
=== Jordan_U [n=jordan@h-68-164-89-221.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cchance | Come one know one can help me | 11:27 |
cchance | On my computer start up i get the error "The greeter application appears to be crashing. Attempting to use a different one." Any one know how to fix? | 11:27 |
agliv5 | xtknight, yes I'm still here | 11:27 |
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gOLdenHaWK3D | !gprolog | 11:28 |
xtknight | agliv5: get it working? | 11:28 |
ubotu | gprolog: GNU Prolog compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.18-16 (edgy), package size 1208 kB, installed size 3660 kB | 11:28 |
lgc | Quintin, what does XDMCP have to do with VNC? | 11:28 |
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agliv5 | xtknight, and still having problems, although I don't remember what we were talking about... | 11:28 |
hambone1943 | any know how to solve the problem of getting the error "C compiler cannot create executables" when doing a ./configure? tia | 11:28 |
cchance | On my computer start up, and on logout i get the error "The greeter application appears to be crashing. Attempting to use a different one." Any one know how to fix? | 11:28 |
xtknight | agliv5: i was suggesting linking gcc to gcc 3.4 instead of specifying -cc on the command line of configure | 11:28 |
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gOLdenHaWK3D | !torsmo | 11:29 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about torsmo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:29 |
sander_m | Hello. How can I force apt to re-download all Packages.gz files from the repositories in full and build me a new database? Mine has become corrupted I fear. Apt keeps saying that cupsys is not available but I can see it listed in the Packages.gz file. apt-get update, apt-get check or apt-get clean don't fix it. | 11:29 |
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cchance | ljl, help me | 11:29 |
cchance | please | 11:29 |
paiiiiii | http://www.coreinet.com/error <- How can i fix that error? | 11:29 |
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agliv5 | xtknight, ok I'm also trying to compile avidemux and it's not working either so that's why I asked... anyway I don't know how to do what you are suggesting... | 11:31 |
icebird | when i use synaptic and try to update the list it gives me this error. Duplicate sources.list entry http://security.ubuntu.com dapper-security/multiverse Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_dapper-security_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages) | 11:31 |
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limetang | You need to edit sources.list | 11:32 |
icebird | what should i change | 11:32 |
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fnord123 | paiiiiii: http://www.coreinet.com/success | 11:32 |
limetang | You've got the same line twice, if I remember correctly. | 11:32 |
limetang | Look for duplicate lines. | 11:32 |
icebird | ok | 11:32 |
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tapas | is mp3 support included on the ubuntu dvd iso? | 11:32 |
=== pianoboy3333 [n=alex@ool-43567d61.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cchance | Some one please HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 11:33 |
cchance | On my computer start up, and on logout i get the error "The greeter application appears to be crashing. Attempting to use a different one." Any one know how to fix? | 11:33 |
paiiiiii | limetang: you mean me? | 11:33 |
lgc | Quintin, ests ah? | 11:33 |
limetang | I meant icebird. | 11:33 |
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cchance | Am i invisibal? | 11:34 |
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limetang | Yes. | 11:34 |
Jordan_U | I have a card with an Atheros chipset and I can connect to open networks but not WEP protected networks | 11:34 |
cchance | Ok so im not. Is this that complicated? to solve? | 11:34 |
agliv5 | xtknight, could you please explain how to change the linkage of gcc? | 11:35 |
fnord123 | man o man rhythm box needs some kind of progress bar for things like 'retrieving songs from music share'. at least this version tells you what it's doing, i guess | 11:35 |
limetang | Google is your friend: | 11:35 |
limetang | 1. Select System -> Administration -> Login Window | 11:35 |
limetang | 2. Go to the tab "Accessiblity" | 11:35 |
limetang | 3. Uncheck "Enable accessible login" | 11:35 |
quaal | fnord123, what the hell is rhythym box | 11:36 |
cchance | On my computer start up, and on logout i get the error "The greeter application appears to be crashing. Attempting to use a different one." Any one know how to fix? | 11:36 |
cchance | On my computer start up, and on logout i get the error "The greeter application appears to be crashing. Attempting to use a different one." Any one know how to fix? | 11:36 |
Jordan_U | cchance: It may or may not be complicated to solve, I don't think anyone at this point knows what is causing the problem :) Be patient, if nobody answers nobody knows. | 11:36 |
LoRez | cchance: repeating yourself so frequently is likely to get you kicked out. | 11:36 |
cchance | Im going to get banned for this im almost sure | 11:36 |
limetang | cchance, perhaps you should read what I just said... | 11:36 |
cchance | i wasnt here to see what you said | 11:37 |
limetang | Look up? | 11:37 |
fnord123 | quaal Applications-> Sound and Video -> Rhythmbox | 11:37 |
cchance | its a dang gnome error and no one in #gnome would answer | 11:37 |
quaal | fnord123, no xmms ? | 11:37 |
soundray | limetang: please use nicknames when you reply | 11:37 |
Jordan_U | cchance: " Google is your friend: | 11:37 |
Jordan_U | 1. Select System -> Administration -> Login Window | 11:37 |
Jordan_U | 2. Go to the tab "Accessiblity" | 11:37 |
Jordan_U | 3. Uncheck "Enable accessible login"" from limetag | 11:37 |
quaal | fnord123, are you the fnord i know ? | 11:38 |
cchance | Google is a bunch of mix up, i get nothing | 11:38 |
quaal | (and love) | 11:38 |
fnord123 | no | 11:38 |
=== Hoosteen [n=justin@cpe-075-176-161-236.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
limetang | Sorry, soundray. | 11:38 |
quaal | oh. | 11:38 |
fnord123 | that one i dont know and may as well no exist | 11:38 |
icebird | i don't see any duplicate lines | 11:38 |
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Jordan_U | I have a card with an Atheros chipset and I can connect to open networks fine but not WEP protected networks for some reason | 11:39 |
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kalifornia909 | has anyone streamed media to thier 360 from a network linux drive successfully | 11:40 |
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Redhammer_the_Ol | hi how do I change the context menu send to thunderbird | 11:41 |
whonicca | kalifornia909, find an answer to that let me know =) | 11:41 |
whonicca | id also like to know | 11:41 |
whonicca | another reason why i have media center still on my other drive | 11:41 |
quaal | whats the command to check your kernel | 11:41 |
quaal | uname | 11:41 |
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quaal | uname -r | 11:42 |
whonicca | any benefits from compiling ur own kernel vs generic | 11:42 |
whonicca | noticeable | 11:42 |
soundray | whonicca: it's a learning experience | 11:42 |
whonicca | ive done it many times on gentoo | 11:42 |
quaal | whonicca, i think people only compile their kernel if some piece or hardware isnt supported in the current kernel | 11:42 |
whonicca | but was just wondering if theres any noticeable performance gains | 11:43 |
quaal | unless you just like fuckin around | 11:43 |
cchance | :'(:'(:'(:'(:'( | 11:43 |
whonicca | nah i dont | 11:43 |
whonicca | but on gentoo u were kind of forced to do it | 11:43 |
soundray | !language | quaal | 11:43 |
ubotu | quaal: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 11:43 |
limetang | I would presume that you could get slight performance increases, whonicca | 11:43 |
soundray | whonicca: you have to have at least 30% speed gain to notice it in desktop usage. You won't get that from compiling your own. | 11:44 |
quaal | whonicca, yea i'm pretty sure gentoo is a text based install right | 11:44 |
quaal | with every option put in manually | 11:44 |
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whonicca | yes | 11:44 |
whonicca | they do have genkernel which generates a generic kernel | 11:44 |
quaal | yea | 11:44 |
whonicca | but that kernel is crap | 11:44 |
suv | hehe | 11:44 |
whonicca | u definitely feel performance gains there from compiling ur own | 11:44 |
=== kriel [n=eri@c-67-175-175-231.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
suv | not only the kernel.... | 11:45 |
cchance | Come on no one can help me with a gnome error? | 11:45 |
soundray | whonicca: the ubuntu stock kernel does some runtime optimization. Check out this link from ubotu: | 11:46 |
suv | you need a fast gcc too | 11:46 |
soundray | !generic | whonicca | 11:46 |
ubotu | whonicca: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed) | 11:46 |
limetang | Can bigdesktop or Xinerama support 3 screens? | 11:46 |
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kriel | okay. i know x86_64 works using 2 processor cores. so, if i install x86_32, would i only be using one core? (effectively only using half of my processor?) | 11:46 |
suv | ??? | 11:46 |
whonicca | thanks ill read up on that | 11:46 |
=== Zenith2007 [n=matt@82-36-243-40.cable.ubr03.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
icebird | can i post my sources list somewhere so someone can see what is going on | 11:46 |
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cchance | This is ticking me off im in 5 different channels and no one has any answer to this | 11:46 |
MarcoPau | is it possible not to block the audio device when something else is playing? | 11:47 |
cchance | I dont know why linux gets me this far pissed of but it does | 11:47 |
shatrat | MarcoPau, with alsa it is | 11:47 |
suv | the sound server | 11:47 |
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frogzoo | kriel: you only need CONFIG_SMP, which the 32 generic has | 11:47 |
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yommb | grunts | 11:48 |
HP_Vue | Hey, Whenever I am on ubuntu, my internet is REALLY slow, but when I am on windows, it is fast | 11:48 |
cchance | Please tell me i dont have to reinstall the os? I got a lot of stuff on here | 11:48 |
kriel | cchance: chances are that nobody knows. people are here to help, but they're not going to say anything if they don't know. | 11:48 |
Zenith2007 | Hi folks, could anyone help me fix a segmentation fault with apt-get please? | 11:48 |
frogzoo | !ipv6 | HP_Vue | 11:48 |
ubotu | HP_Vue: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 11:48 |
=== assasukasse [n=assasuka@host-84-223-144-103.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HP_Vue | thanks | 11:48 |
cchance | I realize that kriel but over a thousand people dont know? | 11:48 |
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kriel | frogzoo: uh...? -blinks at that answer- That dosen't make sense to me. What im asking is, do I really lose half of my processing power by bumping down to 32bit? | 11:48 |
frogzoo | !patience | cchance | 11:49 |
ubotu | cchance: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 11:49 |
Sonderblade | how do you install termcap-compat? apt-get says it has no "installation candidate" | 11:49 |
charles__ | so I'm having quite a bit of trouble building a 3rd party kernel module in ubuntu edgy. After the module builds I get "Invalid module format", i've tried rebuilding with gcc-4.0 and gcc-4.1 with no avail | 11:49 |
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kriel | cchance: have you tried all the search engines? [sorry if i'm repeating past help] | 11:49 |
yommb | cchance : not all 1000 are waiting & hanging over their keyboard waiting to answer your question ... | 11:49 |
MarcoPau | shatrat: I think that's what I'm already using | 11:49 |
frogzoo | kriel: no | 11:49 |
=== b_52GM [n=skimo@adsl196-92-39-217-196.adsl196-10.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kriel | frogzoo: mmkay. thanks. -goes off to google what you said- | 11:50 |
soundray | cchance: have you disabled "Accessible login"? | 11:50 |
yommb | cchance : some patience ; some googling ; some manual reading ; and you'll be able to fix your problem most likely :) | 11:50 |
HP_Vue | I clicked the link, but I do not understand the givin instructions, "gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/bad_list" What does that mean> | 11:50 |
suv | are we still need the search engines nowadays? | 11:50 |
shatrat | MarcoPau, Im not an expert on the whole software mixing thing, you might check the multimedia forums at ubuntuforums.org, there is a sticky post about diagnosing sound problems. | 11:50 |
MarcoPau | shatrat: ok | 11:51 |
cchance | I keep hearing the same thing over and over i dont wana talk about alternatives. I come here to get answers becasue google is not giving it strait too me. I know your not paid hell i can come in here and do the same thing. This is a gnome related problem, something that is supported by ubuntu id t hink at lease some one would know | 11:51 |
yommb | cchance : don't except irc to B be the one stop answer box , its not that simple | 11:51 |
icebird | i get an error duplicate lines in my sources list. can someone take a look at it please!!! http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4495/ | 11:51 |
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yommb | cchance : what seems to be the problem ? | 11:51 |
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nexousNET | Hi | 11:51 |
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nexousNET | Really having trouble with my wireless card in ubuntu | 11:52 |
cchance | On my computer start up, and on logout i get the error "The greeter application appears to be crashing. Attempting to use a different one." Any one know how to fix? | 11:52 |
adamonline45 | How would I add a script to rc.d with a parameter? What I'm trying: sudo update-rc.d scriptname parm. This adds the script, but how do I know it's gonna run the script with the requested parameter, parm? | 11:52 |
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soundray | cchance: will you please answer my question | 11:52 |
FragUPlenty | ok there now I am registered | 11:52 |
yommb | cchance : it means some application ( maybe something x related ) is crashing | 11:52 |
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cchance | Sound ray, ive just disabled tham | 11:53 |
cchance | them* | 11:53 |
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Redhammer_the_Ol | hi how do I change the context menu send to thunderbird I am stuck with evolution | 11:53 |
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fnord123 | cchance: the greeter app, is that gdm? | 11:53 |
cchance | Yes | 11:53 |
cchance | Its all gnome | 11:53 |
gOLdenHaWK3D | cchance, This might be of some help to you https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/48936 | 11:54 |
fnord123 | did you install some dodgy beta themes? | 11:54 |
fnord123 | and apply them in sudo gdmsetup? | 11:54 |
=== Adlai [n=adlaiff6@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nexousNET | Need some assistance with setting up my WPC54G v2 network card up in ubuntu. | 11:54 |
charles__ | other reasons a kernel module would have an invalid format? | 11:54 |
=== cables [n=cables@65-78-17-184.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ThomazLeite | j #huahuahua | 11:55 |
cchance | gOLdenHaWK3D, i think it might im loading | 11:55 |
ThomazLeite | How can I solve this? "Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-security/main/source/Sources.bz2 MD5Sum mismatch | 11:55 |
ThomazLeite | " | 11:55 |
gOLdenHaWK3D | cchance, :) | 11:55 |
variant | lo all, I have set up a local ubuntu mirror and am pxe booting a machine on the local network, the mirror is working properly as i can browse to it from other machines but i am gettin a mesage that "the installer faild to download a file from the mirror" anyone know what could be the problem? | 11:56 |
Phrozen_One | does anyone have experience with using Ubuntu in a Samba Domain enviroment? I'm just looking for confirmation that I can authenticate the local client against the domain, instead of a local copy of all domain users on each workstation. | 11:56 |
=== arustyspork [n=Rusty@rrcs-70-60-133-11.central.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== cchance [n=owner@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | anyone has set up a local ubuntu mirror? | 11:56 |
cchance | soundray, your a genius! It ran now, and it looks like i dont like that theme. THanks ThanksThanksThanksThanks thanks | 11:57 |
=== JKent [n=kents@red-corp-] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== sig [n=sig@unaffiliated/sig] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Haffy [n=Haffy@213-65-29-28-no21.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== soundray wonders if he deserved this, for repeating limetang's advice... | ||
Haffy | Hi all | 11:59 |
Haffy | I need som help with irssi, how do I get Swedish lang and so on? | 11:59 |
=== LiENUS [n=quake@wsip-70-164-50-146.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | Haffy: set the charset to UTF-8 | 11:59 |
Haffy | Inside irssi? | 12:00 |
=== hq4ever [n=hq4ever@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zenith2007 | anyone please help, ive searched everywhere and tried a number of things and cat get it working. apt-get just keeps returning segmentation fauly no matter what i do, even with just apt-get update etc | 12:00 |
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