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nixternal | edubuntugirl: gimme a hug! | 01:22 |
edubuntugirl | hug! | 01:22 |
nixternal | thank you | 01:22 |
LaserJock | geeze, you need to get a woman | 01:27 |
ajmitch | heh | 01:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 01:30 |
Burgwork | heh | 01:30 |
nixternal | I have one, anyone want her? | 01:32 |
LaserJock | no thanks, I like mine just fine | 01:34 |
nixternal | oh well, I tried | 01:35 |
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thisisnotreal | why is there a dvd? it contains nothing!!! | 06:40 |
thisisnotreal | very disappointed. | 06:40 |
thisisnotreal | a dozen 'educational' apps, gnome, OOo, and firefox. | 06:40 |
thisisnotreal | why 3+ Gb ? | 06:40 |
thisisnotreal | only one window manager | 06:40 |
thisisnotreal | can anyone explain all the bloat? | 06:41 |
thisisnotreal | i know gnome is large, but not this large!! | 06:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | probably lots of stuff not installed by default | 06:41 |
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thisisnotreal | not installed? they all compressed on the disc? | 06:43 |
thisisnotreal | when i run apt-get, it calls a remote server, not the compressed files. | 06:43 |
thisisnotreal | nor the CD | 06:44 |
thisisnotreal | now i ask, how am i supposed to access all this 'hidden data' that fills this DVD ? | 06:44 |
thisisnotreal | wow, /usr/lib is 650+ Mb. How many libraries does one distro require? | 06:45 |
thisisnotreal | and i thought winVISTA was heavy... | 06:46 |
thisisnotreal | yes, i am complaining. I would like to know why it is so large... what is all this? If I installed it, will it expand to 7Gb? | 06:47 |
thisisnotreal | besides, i only see a handful of actual 'educational' software on here. There are hundreds of GNU apps floating around (sf.net is a good start) why not add them? | 06:48 |
Kamping_Kaiser | why not add the kitchen sink? | 06:50 |
thisisnotreal | well shit, it IS almost 4Gb. | 06:50 |
thisisnotreal | why not give people what the name implies ? | 06:50 |
thisisnotreal | EDU-buntu | 06:50 |
thisisnotreal | something for educational | 06:50 |
thisisnotreal | why 600+ Mb in libs? What applications require all those libs? | 06:51 |
RichEd | thisisnotreal: there's a full LTSP server setup on the CD so it is an education server as well as a workstatin edition. | 06:51 |
RichEd | it also runs KDE apps as well as gnome | 06:52 |
thisisnotreal | ltsp has a small footprint. | 06:52 |
thisisnotreal | 8mb of KDE libs. | 06:52 |
thisisnotreal | perl is larger then the kde library | 06:52 |
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RichEd | you can check more details with ogra when he is around later | 06:53 |
thisisnotreal | i see some of the 'issues' here... the language pack is over 200Mb | 06:54 |
thisisnotreal | just to make it clear... i am not angry, only disappointed. | 06:56 |
thisisnotreal | i expected MUCH more from 4Gb in the way of 'educational' software. | 06:56 |
RichEd | thisisnotreal: as I said, check with ogra ... the DVD was a way of getting around the space limitation of the CD, not really an attempt to fill a full DVD. the next release will be on 2 CDs, which is a closer fit to the actual reailty size | 06:59 |
RichEd | *reality | 06:59 |
thisisnotreal | well, i guess the main question i have is... what differentiates edu from ubuntu? only edubuntu-desktop? or are there other things? | 07:01 |
RichEd | language pack for example is significant for "foreign" countries with poor internet connectivity | 07:01 |
thisisnotreal | RichEd: ya, i guess language is important (though a EN version would be dl'd more often then a multi-lang one) | 07:02 |
thisisnotreal | btw, what is the screenshot app? | 07:03 |
thisisnotreal | i am not familiar with gnome | 07:03 |
RichEd | lemme check ... give me a min | 07:04 |
thisisnotreal | gnome-screenshot ;) | 07:05 |
RichEd | was about to paste that :) | 07:05 |
RichEd | thisisnotreal: suggestions and comments are welcome ... phrase them in terms of how you'd like to see us improve :) | 07:06 |
RichEd | the edubuntu-devel mailing list is best | 07:06 |
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thisisnotreal | one last question before i turn in for the night... why are all the 'educational' apps KDE based while Gnome is the window manager of choice? Did someone not think this through? http://img370.imageshack.us/img370/2854/edupackagespe7.png 13 'educational' apps, all KDE based... just seems odd to me. | 07:15 |
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RichEd | thisisnotreal: the more educational apps you can make us aware of or recommend, the better | 07:27 |
RichEd | we've been building a stable server (LTSP) and desktop ... and aimed originally at pre-primary | 07:27 |
RichEd | now we are trying to expand the application set ... especially at senior school level and university | 07:27 |
RichEd | we'll be starting a process of listing applications people make us aware of, and getting users to review them for usefulness, age group, and running smoothly under edubuntu | 07:28 |
RichEd | when we see good reviews, we'll check out licencing issues, full testing, and then start the process of moving them into main if it all fits together | 07:29 |
LaserJock | hi RichEd | 07:59 |
RichEd | hi LaserJock | 08:00 |
LaserJock | RichEd: how's it going? | 08:00 |
RichEd | okay ... busy planning trips again ... looks like 2.5 weeks away from home at the end of the month | 08:01 |
RichEd | and your side ? all well ? | 08:01 |
RichEd | how's the laser work going ? | 08:01 |
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LaserJock | RichEd: well, it's going | 08:11 |
LaserJock | I'm really really busy | 08:11 |
LaserJock | trying to git various things done | 08:11 |
LaserJock | *get | 08:11 |
RichEd | yup ... life seems to speed up as it goes along ... more threads ... less closure ... memory leaks :) | 08:11 |
LaserJock | too many deadlines | 08:15 |
LaserJock | I keep running into deadlines | 08:15 |
LaserJock | or rather running right past them :/ | 08:15 |
RichEd | that's funny ... i thought they ran past me | 08:16 |
LaserJock | heh, relativity | 08:17 |
LaserJock | just depends on your frame reference | 08:17 |
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willvdl | I think I figured out the 3 Handbook thingy | 09:54 |
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willvdl | hey cbx33 | 09:56 |
willvdl | think I've figured out the Handbook versions thingy :) | 09:56 |
willvdl | https://wiki.edubuntu.org/HowToCookEdubuntu/Chapters is what was used just before DocBook | 09:57 |
willvdl | and the one on help.u.c is older. | 09:57 |
willvdl | seems there where two independant CookBook efforts in the past | 09:57 |
cbx33 | yes | 09:59 |
cbx33 | there were | 09:59 |
cbx33 | hi willvdl by the way :p | 09:59 |
cbx33 | I seem to have a ton of lag here | 10:00 |
cbx33 | could be due to how much I'm downloading | 10:00 |
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cbx33 | do i see that the set time option has been removed from ubiquity? | 10:31 |
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juliux | morning | 10:38 |
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juliux | morning cbx33 | 10:57 |
cbx33 | mornin juliux | 11:02 |
RichEd | hi cbx33 & juliux | 11:07 |
cbx33 | hey RichEd | 11:07 |
juliux | hey RichEd | 11:08 |
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juliux | RichEd, any idea how much developers edubuntu has in germany, europe, worldwide? | 11:28 |
RichEd | juliux ... not really easy to qualtify seeing as we have only 2 canonical developers and the rest are volunteers | 11:29 |
RichEd | I always just say "a strong community of devlopers in many countries" | 11:29 |
juliux | RichEd, the linuxtag wants numbers:( | 11:29 |
RichEd | well I'd say the only way to find out is to send a mail to edubuntu-devel asking people to identify themselves if they are in germany | 11:30 |
juliux | hmpf | 11:32 |
juliux | i will write nothing in there, it is a stupid question | 11:33 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 11:33 |
juliux | who is a developer? somebody who commit one patch a week? a month? | 11:33 |
Kamping_Kaiser | juliux, someone who writes doco, tests work? :) | 11:35 |
RichEd | answer them: Lots, but not enough. Volunteers please to visit #edubuntu on freenode | 11:38 |
juliux | RichEd, that is good;9 | 11:40 |
juliux | we can make a big poster, we need you, join today edubuntu dev community ;) | 11:40 |
RichEd | :) | 11:40 |
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pips1 | hi everyone | 12:42 |
RichEd | ==== edubuntu meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 13 mins ====== | 12:47 |
jsgotangco | hi | 12:50 |
jsgotangco | ohhh i get to catch a meeting | 12:51 |
RichEd | hi there mr philippine's | 12:51 |
jsgotangco | its nice to catch up | 12:52 |
highvoltage | RichEd: I have another meeting at 14:00, so I'll have to miss it unfortunately | 12:55 |
highvoltage | RichEd: Could you please pass my apologies? | 12:56 |
=== RichEd will certainly pass highvoltage's apologies ... | ||
RichEd | ==== edubuntu meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 2 mins ====== | 12:58 |
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cbx33 | hi all | 01:12 |
juliux | hi cbx33 | 01:12 |
cbx33 | I have an lvm partiton which I'm mounting in the fstab, but it's mounting read - only | 01:12 |
juliux | cbx33, we have weekly edubuntu meeting at the moment;) | 01:12 |
cbx33 | any reason why? | 01:12 |
cbx33 | oh yeh | 01:12 |
cbx33 | shute | 01:12 |
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=== thisisnotreal [n=ubuntu@CPE0017ee09ce6d-CM000039f56261.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #edubuntu | ||
thisisnotreal | RichEd: electrical/cad apps (gschem, oregano, ksinus, geda, ktechlab, freecad, gcad3d) chemistry apps (gOpenmol, jchempaint, jMol) math/sci apps (oregano, scilab, labplot) and maybe some development apps(eclipse, kdevelop, bluefish) | 02:04 |
thisisnotreal | RichEd: sorry for the late reply, i fell asleep ;) | 02:05 |
RichEd | thanks ... can you whack me an email ? i'm in a meeting and multi-multi tasking ... I'll send you a reply as well. | 02:05 |
thisisnotreal | as far as i know, all those apps are GNU licensed | 02:05 |
RichEd | richard@ubuntu.com | 02:05 |
thisisnotreal | k | 02:05 |
RichEd | we'll check them out | 02:05 |
pips1 | thisisnotreal: the apps you mention, do they exist in debian as packages? | 02:11 |
thisisnotreal | most, yes | 02:14 |
thisisnotreal | ktechlab is there | 02:14 |
thisisnotreal | oregano | 02:14 |
thisisnotreal | scilab, i think | 02:14 |
thisisnotreal | bluefish for sure | 02:14 |
thisisnotreal | kdevelop, possibly | 02:14 |
thisisnotreal | but for being 4Gb in size, i expected them to already be there! | 02:15 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i sugest you get over the 4 gig thing - it doesnt contain 4 gig of what you think it should, but probably 4 gig of what someone else does | 02:18 |
thisisnotreal | umm, no it doesnt | 02:19 |
thisisnotreal | but still | 02:19 |
thisisnotreal | i guess they wanted to have the repo in it | 02:19 |
thisisnotreal | that is why it is that large. | 02:19 |
thisisnotreal | besides, 13 apps does not make this an Educational distro. | 02:21 |
thisisnotreal | It NEEDS to be full of school apps. | 02:21 |
RichEd | thisisnotreal: "future applications to include in Edubuntu " thank you kindly | 02:21 |
thisisnotreal | no problem | 02:21 |
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RichEd | thisisnotreal: b.t.w if you feel like joining us at some stage, we meet every wednesday, time alternates between 12:00-14:00 UTC and 20:00-22:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting | 02:24 |
RichEd | see: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | 02:25 |
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tom47 | does edubuntu require the use of XFS file system? | 02:54 |
tom47 | why? because that file is corrupted on the iso i have | 02:55 |
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ogra | edubuntu uses ext3 by default like ubuntu and kubuntu do | 02:56 |
tom47 | ogra ok so i should be able to happily use that cd huh | 02:56 |
ogra | not if its corrupted ... did you do a selftest of it ? | 02:56 |
ogra | it has a menu item for that | 02:56 |
tom47 | yes thats where the error is in the XFS file | 02:57 |
tom47 | dXFS deb file | 02:57 |
ogra | then you either have a corrupted download, corrupted media or you burned it to fast | 02:57 |
tom47 | so it should not even want to use it | 02:57 |
ogra | no | 02:57 |
ogra | it will load it though | 02:57 |
ogra | the instaler loads all available modules ... in case you would want xfs you could have it | 02:58 |
ogra | but it wont be used by default | 02:58 |
tom47 | funny it isn't installed in ubuntu | 02:58 |
tom47 | ok think i will try it | 02:58 |
tom47 | thank you | 02:58 |
ogra | burn a new disk ... not faster than 8x as the wiki suggests | 02:58 |
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thisisnotreal | RichEd: thank you for the invitation | 03:03 |
thisisnotreal | i must head off to work now, have a good day! | 03:03 |
Kamping_Kaiser | RichEd, can i pm you a few links? sorry about not typing the lams stuff up yet, but its on the todo list. | 03:04 |
RichEd | no problem ... can you dump them in /msg and then dump those into a mail ? | 03:05 |
RichEd | too many threads today | 03:05 |
=== RichEd rolls eyes | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | heh. np. | 03:05 |
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guigz | hello | 03:11 |
=== RichEd -> collection 20 mins | ||
guigz | I have a tiny problem: progress bars don't look well.I have edubuntu edgy installed. | 03:12 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | RichEd, sent you the email. hope its sojjme help. | 03:18 |
Kamping_Kaiser | *some | 03:18 |
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pips1 | cu | 03:39 |
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tom47 | i only have one network card in the server .... what do i have to do, to enable the clients and the internet to be attached to the same router please | 03:48 |
tom47 | i only have one network card in the server .... what do i have to do, to enable the clients and the internet to be attached to the same router please | 04:03 |
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bddebian | Heya | 04:12 |
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tom47 | bddebian it may be that you and i are the only ones here | 04:19 |
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bddebian | tom47: Nah, there's 47 of them, they're just hiding from us :) | 04:19 |
tom47 | i had a question but got no response .... | 04:28 |
tom47 | i only have one network card in the server .... what do i have to do, to enable the clients and the internet to be attached to the same router please | 04:29 |
bddebian | Is the server the router? | 04:30 |
tom47 | no | 04:38 |
tom47 | the router is an adsl router with wireless and 4 ethernet ports | 04:39 |
hj | hey RichardD, are you around ? | 04:57 |
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tom47 | hope i did not mis an aswer because xchat aborted on me :( | 05:07 |
tom47 | question - can i use a single ethernet on my edubuntu server for both client and internet access (they would be thrugh my adsl router) | 05:08 |
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ogra | yes, but you should disable a dhcp server thats possibly running on the router | 05:09 |
tom47 | ogra ah thank ou very much yes there is one there | 05:09 |
tom47 | ogra is there anything special i need to do / be aware of in installing edubuntu in respect of this? | 05:11 |
tom47 | ..... oh and is there a dhcp that runs under edubuntu then? | 05:12 |
ogra | you should pick an ip from 192.168.0.X for your interface and configure it as a static one during install | 05:12 |
ogra | then you dont need to touch anything | 05:12 |
tom47 | my router is presently | 05:12 |
ogra | fi you want a different net, you need to adjust /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf accordingly | 05:12 |
ogra | and restart the dhcp server | 05:13 |
tom47 | ogra ok think i have worked through that ...... dhcp off in router, dhcp will be served from the server .... and if i use as my gateway to internet that should do it? | 05:15 |
ogra | right ... best is to switch off the dhcp on the router before you install ... | 05:16 |
tom47 | yes i will do that ty v much | 05:16 |
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tom47 | ogra ru there? | 06:52 |
tom47 | i editted /etc/ltsp/dhcp.conf ..... now seem to have errors in it when i try to restart it | 06:54 |
tom47 | .... no specific error message though ... its blank | 06:55 |
tom47 | dhcpd.conf to be more accurate | 06:56 |
=== RichEd-1 [n=richard@dsl-241-47-52.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu | ||
=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock | ||
LaserJock | bah, I'm always mising RichEd | 07:17 |
cbx33 | hey LaserJock | 07:27 |
LaserJock | hi Pete | 07:35 |
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cberl1 | Is there any reason a kernel panic wouldn't leave some kind of log on the system when it appears? Something strange going on with one of my servers. | 08:04 |
cberl1 | Put a different way: how can I figure out why a server would be "randomly" crashing (giving kernel panics)? | 08:07 |
LaserJock | can you try a different kernel? | 08:07 |
LaserJock | I don't know about your original log question | 08:08 |
cberl1 | LaserJock: Sure, which would you suggest? I'm running Edgy, with SMP, using the LTSP to server 30 clients. | 08:08 |
cberl1 | currently using: 2.6.17-10-generic | 08:08 |
LaserJock | hmmm | 08:08 |
LaserJock | actually maybe you should as #ubuntu-kernel real quick about the log issue. Edgy shouldn't be radomly giving kernel panics | 08:09 |
LaserJock | but I'm certainly no kernel expert | 08:09 |
cberl1 | Okay, I'll give it a go. | 08:09 |
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hj | btw, como les gusta codename ukibuntu | 09:09 |
hj | ups wrong room, sorry guys | 09:13 |
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=== rippawallet [n=ubuntu@82-32-33-117.cable.ubr05.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #edubuntu | ||
rippawallet | educational ubuntu :D | 10:40 |
LaserJock | wahoo! | 10:44 |
rippawallet | my school uses windoez | 10:45 |
rippawallet | lol | 10:45 |
LaserJock | bummer | 10:45 |
rippawallet | indeed. | 10:46 |
rippawallet | not only that | 10:46 |
rippawallet | but like | 10:46 |
rippawallet | windoes 98 | 10:46 |
rippawallet | >_< | 10:46 |
LaserJock | yikes | 10:47 |
hj | hey at my school, we didnt had computers jajajajaja ! | 10:47 |
rippawallet | :O | 10:47 |
hj | but well fix that pretty soon | 10:47 |
hj | :D | 10:47 |
hj | thanks to free software yeeeei | 10:47 |
hj | jajajaja | 10:47 |
rippawallet | hai2uthxbai | 10:51 |
hj | So anyone here has played around with persistent LiveUSB ? | 11:00 |
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=== tom47 [n=tomedu@124-168-26-214.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #edubuntu | ||
tom47 | i seem to have borked my dhcp | 11:13 |
tom47 | i get an error when i restart dhcp "error in dhcpd.conf" but no further diagnostic | 11:15 |
tom47 | is ogra there? | 11:15 |
hj | i havent heard of ogra for a while now | 11:18 |
tom47 | ah i was talking with him/her last night | 11:18 |
tom47 | about 4 hours ago | 11:19 |
hj | well he was online a few hours ago | 11:19 |
tom47 | ah i see what you mean sorry | 11:19 |
hj | 10.16 am (its now 4.19 for me gtm -6:00) | 11:19 |
tom47 | he gave me some suggestions on how to set up edubuntu with only one ethernet connection on the edubuntu server | 11:20 |
hj | mhhh , we've done it with mandriva... | 11:20 |
hj | if its really urgent let me know and i'll ask one of our guys to come and explain... (im not that hardcore) | 11:21 |
tom47 | i made the changes to lstp.conf but i may have gotten it wrong | 11:21 |
hj | mhhh, surely out of my league jajaja, | 11:22 |
hj | gimme a sec, let me see if our guy is free | 11:23 |
tom47 | ty | 11:23 |
hj | you can take a look at the /var/log/messages log file to see more detailed error messages coming from dhcp server | 11:29 |
tom47 | ok | 11:29 |
hj | just tail -f /var/log/messages and watch it as you bring you server up | 11:29 |
hj | it will tell you exactly what is wrong with the configuration | 11:30 |
tom47 | ok will try it | 11:30 |
ogra | tom47, hey | 11:30 |
tom47 | ogra hi | 11:30 |
ogra | tom47, so what did you break ? and how ? :) | 11:31 |
tom47 | oh ... i editted lstp as i had in mind to do from our discussion and it says there are errors in it when i restart dhcp | 11:32 |
ogra | thats a stadard edubuntu install from the server CD, right ? | 11:32 |
tom47 | yes it was but i am trying to set up with the adsl router being used to attach the clients | 11:33 |
=== willvdl [n=will@vc-196-207-41-253.3g.vodacom.co.za] has joined #edubuntu | ||
ogra | did you disable the dhcpd on the router before install as i suggested ? | 11:34 |
tom47 | i just retated dhcp3 and it fails in self test and displays no messages | 11:34 |
tom47 | yes its disabled on the router yep | 11:34 |
LaserJock | hi ogra | 11:34 |
ogra | so the installer asked you for static IP settings, right ? | 11:35 |
tom47 | dhcpd self-test failed. Please fix the config file. | 11:35 |
tom47 | The error was: | 11:35 |
ogra | hey LaserJock | 11:35 |
LaserJock | ogra: at home? seems like you are endlessly traveling | 11:35 |
ogra | LaserJock, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportCryptsetup have fun with your MIRs ... | 11:35 |
tom47 | ummmm could not be completely certain about that ogra | 11:35 |
ogra | iwj is doing main approval now | 11:35 |
LaserJock | ogra: hmmm | 11:36 |
ogra | tom47, well, if you disabled the dhcp on the router, the edubuntu installer shouldnt have gotten an IP address and asked you for one | 11:36 |
ogra | did it ask you ? | 11:36 |
tom47 | ogra my memor of what it asked is a bit hazey sorry | 11:36 |
ogra | ok | 11:36 |
LaserJock | ogra: it's hard. people want software, but getting into Main seems awefully difficult | 11:37 |
ogra | LaserJock, it was never difficult with pitti | 11:37 |
hj | tom47: is there any other box running services that could have dhcp enabled ? | 11:37 |
LaserJock | ogra: I was wondering if a edubuntu-universe tasks package would be helpful | 11:37 |
LaserJock | like the DebianEdu stuff | 11:37 |
tom47 | hj i have two other boxes running but they were formerly using dhcp on the router | 11:37 |
ogra | tom47, can you paste your /etc/network/interfaces file and the /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf file to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ please | 11:38 |
tom47 | ok wilco | 11:38 |
ogra | LaserJock, indeed it would | 11:38 |
ogra | LaserJock, but dont expect that you can file scripted MIRs with iwj as reviewer ... see his comments ... | 11:39 |
ogra | obviously CVE and secunia entries are not enough for him as well ... | 11:39 |
LaserJock | ogra: yep, well I'll see what I can do | 11:40 |
LaserJock | yeah, that seems odd | 11:40 |
ogra | thats iwj | 11:40 |
LaserJock | ogra: did you get the email I sent you yesterday? | 11:40 |
ogra | nope | 11:40 |
=== ogra digs | ||
tom47 | ogra http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4639/ | 11:40 |
ogra | i only got a linkedin update from you ... thats the last mail containing your name here | 11:40 |
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LaserJock | hmm | 11:41 |
LaserJock | I sent it to ogra at ubuntu.com | 11:41 |
ogra | tom47, ok, and the /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf file as well | 11:41 |
LaserJock | ogra: is ^^ the right address? | 11:42 |
ogra | Subject: 2nd CD MIRs | 11:42 |
ogra | aha | 11:42 |
ogra | landed i my spamfilter | 11:42 |
LaserJock | yeah, that's it | 11:42 |
LaserJock | opps | 11:42 |
ogra | this bogofilter setup isnt really working with evo | 11:43 |
tom47 | ogra http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4640/ | 11:43 |
ogra | my spamassasin on the server is far more reliable | 11:43 |
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ogra | LaserJock, i agree about the menu spec ... lets keep it for feisty+1 ... then we'll have plenty of space as well :) | 11:44 |
LaserJock | mhm | 11:44 |
LaserJock | I want to get the GUI right | 11:44 |
LaserJock | and I think things might change with the 2nd CD stuff | 11:45 |
ogra | tom47, change: range; to range; | 11:46 |
tom47 | k | 11:46 |
ogra | so the dhcpd doesnt try to hand out the routers ip or your own one | 11:46 |
ogra | but that shouldnt stop dhcpd from starting | 11:47 |
tom47 | just in ltspd.conf i guess? | 11:47 |
ogra | ltspd.conf ? | 11:47 |
ogra | what should that be ? | 11:47 |
nixternal | LaserJock: did we figure out if we are keeping Ubuntu docs, or are we going to incorporate them into the new Edubuntu package? | 11:47 |
ogra | you mean dhcpd.conf :) | 11:47 |
tom47 | sorry | 11:47 |
tom47 | dhcpd.conf | 11:48 |
ogra | right :) | 11:48 |
LaserJock | nixternal: we need to test what we *can* do. I remembered mdke saying something about the yelp frontpage being partly determined in the yelp package itself | 11:48 |
LaserJock | nixternal: we need to have a system fast, we need to get edubuntu-docs promoted if we want to ship it on the CD | 11:49 |
tom47 | ogra still the same message after i enter the restart command | 11:50 |
ogra | right, check /var/log/syslog and /var/log/daemon.log for messages | 11:50 |
LaserJock | Feature Freeze is killing me :/ | 11:51 |
ogra | as i said, the change wont fix the issue, but the fixed config will prevent errors | 11:51 |
ogra | LaserJock, dont tell *me* | 11:51 |
ogra | feisty is the worst release i had ... | 11:51 |
ogra | 3 out of 8 specs only | 11:51 |
LaserJock | :( | 11:51 |
LaserJock | it has been really rough this time | 11:52 |
LaserJock | Edgy was chaotic, but that's because we had so little time | 11:52 |
LaserJock | and we still got a fair amount done | 11:52 |
tom47 | ogra complains about bad subnet mask | 11:53 |
nixternal | LaserJock: if you need some help, i have an hour and a half to help out with something | 11:53 |
tom47 | on line 3 | 11:53 |
ogra | tom47, so change line 3 :) | 11:53 |
LaserJock | Feisty seems like growing pains, a lot more bureaucracy, too much to do with too few people, or something like that | 11:53 |
ogra | tom47, netmask should be: netmask | 11:54 |
tom47 | ogra ty | 11:54 |
LaserJock | nixternal: -> -doc | 11:54 |
ogra | tom47, same for line 9 option subnet-mask; should be option subnet-mask; | 11:54 |
tom47 | as simple as the ... places index finger to forehead | 11:55 |
nixternal | LaserJock: package? | 11:55 |
nixternal | content? | 11:55 |
tom47 | ogra hj ty | 11:55 |
tom47 | ogra retarted just fine | 11:55 |
ogra | great :) | 11:55 |
hj | sweet | 11:56 |
hj | so ogra, do you remember that distribution i talked to you about months ago ? booting from a live usb for students | 11:57 |
ogra | only very rough | 11:57 |
hj | okz... well so it comes that i got our ministry of science and technology and our council of social development to support the idea | 11:57 |
hj | along with the worldbank that now is evaluating the budget (in order to approve some funds) | 11:58 |
hj | the main idea is to fight the digital divide in mexico, using among other tools a persistent liveusb | 11:58 |
hj | pretty much a similar philosophy as that to OLPC | 11:59 |
hj | but we take care not only for hardware but for schooling systems and social development... | 11:59 |
hj | i will be needing gather up some volunteers in order to create this specific ubuntu distribution... do you guys have any idea on where should i start from ? | 12:00 |
hj | i talked with some guys from the mexican community and they adviced to start a google group to gather volunteers ... is there any other proccess that i should undertake ? | 12:00 |
tom47 | ogra works just fine ty | 12:01 |
ogra | :) | 12:02 |
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=== tomedu is really tom47 in my first client session | ||
ogra | yay | 12:06 |
tomedu | yay indeed heheheheheh | 12:08 |
Burgwork | hj: so you want to build a specific build of edubuntu for a USB key? | 12:10 |
hj | yup yup but with certiain requeriements | 12:10 |
hj | it has to be persistent... | 12:10 |
hj | this is, children must be able to preserve their files and configurations | 12:10 |
hj | and must be able to update from distributed sources (not a priority) | 12:11 |
hj | The thing is, my company will take care of the learning management system and social networks for free, give it as opensource to every school and ngo... but we can't handle the linux distribution we only have one real linux developer, hence i'm turning to the ubuntu community for help | 12:12 |
Burgwork | well, the ubuntu live stuff does persistence | 12:13 |
hj | no way | 12:14 |
Burgwork | just take the edubuntu-workstation live iso and tweak it | 12:14 |
Burgwork | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence | 12:14 |
hj | great, it will be much more simpler that i thought | 12:14 |
Burgwork | just not a trivial thing to setup | 12:14 |
Burgwork | be nice if somebody could write a nice utility turn it on | 12:15 |
Burgwork | or maybe hack the installer to make a liveusb drive | 12:15 |
nixternal | Burgwork: we did one for our LUG with DSL, you can run it from a USB Key and then you can also save to a seperate location on the USB and access it later rather easy | 12:15 |
Burgwork | yep | 12:16 |
hj | Great, and how should i ask for help ? do i have to setup a formal request ? | 12:16 |
Burgwork | no | 12:16 |
Burgwork | I would lay out exactly what you want and start asking around | 12:16 |
hj | i started a google group, as some users in mexican community advised, im right now writing the requierements and start asking for volunteers, | 12:17 |
hj | so it seems the solution is not that complex as i thought | 12:17 |
Burgwork | likely it will be pretty easy | 12:17 |
hj | nixternal: do you have any documentation available ? | 12:17 |
nixternal | hj: we used documentation availabe from the Damn Small Linux site | 12:18 |
nixternal | there is one about setting up a r/w USB distro iirc | 12:19 |
hj | thanks | 12:19 |
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