=== barry is now known as barry-away | ||
Ubugtu | New bug: #83656 in soyuz "'language-package' uploads should not be announced in 'changeslist'" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83656 | 01:05 |
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mantiena_ | hi all | 02:19 |
=== mantiena_ is now known as mantiena | ||
mantiena | danilos: hi, translations export still doesn't work or I just need to request again (I've requested 3 days ago) ? | 02:21 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #83674 in soyuz "Search package page is broken in beta" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83674 | 03:45 |
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Bhaskar | why we are suffering for download po from launchapad, i have trying from 10 days, but not getting success, i have so urgent, why such problem is not solving by technical team of launchpad ???? | 06:50 |
stub | Bhaskar: The fix is in the process of being rolled out now. Carlos finished the work last night. | 06:51 |
Bhaskar | stub, so how much time it will take? | 06:51 |
stub | Regression tests are running now. Assuming the tests pass everything should be live in about 1 hour. | 06:52 |
Bhaskar | stub, then after 1hr , can i get po? | 06:53 |
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stub | I certainly hope so - one of the the fixes claims to fix po exports. | 06:53 |
Bhaskar | stub, i hope your team may get success | 06:55 |
poolie_ | stub, i just got a 500 error (rather than an oops) from launchpad | 07:16 |
stub | Bah. The load balancer shouldn't have let that happen. I just took half the servers down for a code update, and I think you much have put in your request before the load balancer noticed. | 07:18 |
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stub | Bhaskar: exports should be working again | 07:28 |
Bhaskar | stub, ok | 07:29 |
Bhaskar | stub, very very thanks, i got po | 07:42 |
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carlos | morning | 08:59 |
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shawarma | Hm... http://www.ogmaciel.com/?p=321 <--- That blog post shows a new look of Launchpad.. How can I get to see/test it in action? | 09:36 |
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mdke | shawarma: I believe the secret is to ask kiko. | 09:39 |
carlos | shawarma: it's not yet open to the public, just to a small set of beta testers | 09:44 |
carlos | shawarma: you can also ask SteveA if you are interested (kiko is still sleeping) | 09:44 |
shawarma | carlos, mdke: Oh, i thought it was just a matter of knowing a special URL or something. | 09:44 |
carlos | not yet | 09:45 |
carlos | but will be soon | 09:45 |
shawarma | carlos: Wicked. | 09:47 |
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mantiena | Hi all | 10:26 |
mrevell | mantiena: Hey | 10:28 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #679 in rosetta "firefox template file" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/679 | 10:55 |
Hobbsee | hey mrevell :) | 10:56 |
mrevell | Hobbsee: Hey - how are you? | 10:57 |
ajmitch | hi Hobbsee, mrevell | 10:58 |
Hobbsee | mrevell: good, dealing in uni timetables and the like :) | 10:58 |
Hobbsee | hey ajmitch | 10:58 |
ajmitch | I see the beta ui is leaked on LP | 10:58 |
mrevell | ajmitch: hey | 10:58 |
Hobbsee | oh? | 10:58 |
mrevell | ajmitch: leaked on LP? | 10:58 |
ajmitch | sorry | 10:58 |
ajmitch | on planet | 10:58 |
=== ajmitch is mixed up :) | ||
LarstiQ | moin | 10:59 |
mrevell | ajmitch: Hmm, haven't check the blogs yet today, I'll have a look | 10:59 |
mrevell | LarstiQ: yo | 10:59 |
mrevell | oh, okay | 10:59 |
=== Hobbsee wonders if that was supposed to stay private | ||
Ubugtu | New bug: #40117 in rosetta "products/schooltool says that it doesn't use rosetta, but is open for translation" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40117 | 11:00 |
mrevell | Hobbsee: We were aiming to keep the UI private until the public beta. | 11:01 |
Hobbsee | mrevell: that's what i would have thought. | 11:01 |
mrevell | ajmitch: Thanks for letting me know. It's good to get some interested stirred up in the new UI :) | 11:02 |
ajmitch | oh well :) | 11:02 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #3190 in rosetta "Last few translations missing" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3190 | 11:05 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #57460 in rosetta "Add a new translation mode" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57460 | 11:06 |
carlos | mantiena: btw, this morning, .po exports were fixed (you asked me to tell you it once it's done) | 11:16 |
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mantiena | carlos: thanks, I already noticed ;) | 11:31 |
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carlos | mantiena: :-P | 11:32 |
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cprov | good morning ! | 12:05 |
Spads | morning | 12:07 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #44808 in rosetta "Some translation templates in dapper don't contain any items" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44808 | 12:21 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #83736 in malone "Advanced search form should include checkboxes for known tags" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83736 | 12:21 |
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kiko-anti-geneva | hi there | 12:56 |
kiko-anti-geneva | how's wednesday | 12:57 |
Hobbsee | almost gone now | 12:58 |
kiko-anti-geneva | thank god for that! wednesdays are usually full of bad news | 12:58 |
Hobbsee | kiko-anti-geneva: i'm sure thursdays are too. | 12:59 |
kiko-anti-geneva | ah, but thursdays are a rest day for me, so I always look forward to them | 12:59 |
kiko-anti-geneva | jamesh http://codebrowse.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/gaim/main/revision/Arch-1:gaim@products.ubuntu.com%gaim--MAIN--0--patch-13623?start_revid=Arch-1%3Agaim%40products.ubuntu.com%25gaim--MAIN--0--patch-13641#src/gtkdialogs.c | 01:16 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #83707 in launchpad "attach crash report immediately and automatically (dup-of: 30856)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83707 | 01:46 |
Hobbsee | kiko-anti-geneva: when will you find a time machine, so i can skip to sunday? | 01:48 |
kiko-anti-geneva | working on it | 02:00 |
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Hobbsee | kiko-anti-geneva: good. when's the ETA? | 02:04 |
kiko-anti-geneva | anything but RSN. | 02:04 |
=== Hobbsee doesnt want to work where people respond to her question with a "no", then get all furious, and act like an idiot, when I do what they tell me too! gah! | ||
Hobbsee | kiko-anti-geneva: damn. | 02:05 |
kiko-anti-geneva | Hobbsee, that was a particularly confusing statement. | 02:05 |
Hobbsee | kiko-anti-geneva: ah. check out chick. "do you want a bag" "no" *customer stares at me like an idiot because they didnt get a bag for their items" | 02:06 |
Hobbsee | er, s/"/*/ | 02:06 |
Hobbsee | er, like *i'm* an idiot | 02:06 |
ajmitch | such an arduous life you lead | 02:06 |
kiko-anti-geneva | don't you charge for bags in .au? | 02:06 |
Hobbsee | when i get it for most customers, it's bloody annoying! | 02:07 |
Hobbsee | kiko-anti-geneva: not most of them :( | 02:07 |
kiko-anti-geneva | how 1960s | 02:07 |
Hobbsee | heh. perhaps i should start, with "hobbsee-bag-tax" | 02:07 |
=== beuno [n=martin@68-155-114-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #launchpad | ||
kiko-anti-geneva | when I was first in ireland I was kind of fucked over by having to buy all those bags because I didn't bring my own | 02:08 |
kiko-anti-geneva | then I learned | 02:08 |
Hobbsee | wow, really? | 02:08 |
Hobbsee | so they dont have plastic bags? neat | 02:09 |
Hobbsee | well, only ones you can buy.... | 02:09 |
kiko-anti-geneva | right. you need to buy any kind of bag to take stuff home | 02:09 |
kiko-anti-geneva | and it's not cheap | 02:09 |
kiko-anti-geneva | kind of like 60p | 02:09 |
Hobbsee | nice :) | 02:10 |
=== Hobbsee doesnt deal in weird money. | ||
kiko-anti-geneva | 60p is like 1.5au maybe? | 02:10 |
Hobbsee | ouch! | 02:10 |
Hobbsee | right | 02:10 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #83761 in launchpad-support-tracker "Broken +addticket link on DistroRelease context" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83761 | 02:51 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #39619 in rosetta "Abiword doesn't use rosetta and yet has imported translations" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39619 | 03:56 |
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meatballhat | is Launchpad built entirely within Zope? Is any of it based on Plone? thanks in advance! | 04:56 |
jamesh | meatballhat: Launchpad uses the Zope 3 component architecture | 04:58 |
jamesh | but it isn't something that you could plug into an existing Zope site | 04:58 |
ddaa | the notion of "plugging launchpad" into something is vaguely amusing... | 05:06 |
ddaa | "my electric razor needed power, so I plugged a nuclear power plant into it" | 05:06 |
meatballhat | jamesh: thanks for the info :) ... I'm just starting to poke at Zope and I was curious | 05:07 |
ddaa | I think historically launchpad started based on plone or something, hence the look | 05:08 |
ddaa | and the portlets | 05:08 |
ddaa | but all the ploneness has been actively ripped out | 05:09 |
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cyberix | Who sets bug importance and status, when and why? | 05:13 |
jamesh | ddaa: the original CSS was from plone | 05:14 |
jamesh | ddaa: I don't know if we've ever used any plone code | 05:14 |
ddaa | Well, we used limi, that surely qualifies as using a Plone component! | 05:15 |
ddaa | cyberix: whoever, whenever, becausever | 05:16 |
ddaa | cyberix: maybe ask a more specific question? | 05:16 |
cyberix | I'm just wondering, if anyone will proces the bugs I've reported/subscribed | 05:18 |
ddaa | depends where you reported the bugs... | 05:19 |
cyberix | Ubuntu bugs in Launchpad | 05:19 |
ddaa | cyberix: it's not the right place to ask | 05:20 |
ddaa | I mean, this channel | 05:20 |
cyberix | #ubuntu-dev then? | 05:20 |
ddaa | cyberix: probably, yes | 05:20 |
ddaa | cyberix: but if you reported any bug about launchpad, I'll be happy to help :) | 05:21 |
radix | I wonder if #sourceforge gets lots of people asking about bugs in projects hosted on SF. I guess many have the assumption that "Launchpad the Ubuntu bug tracker", exclusively. | 05:22 |
radix | (which I probably held myself some time in ancient history) | 05:22 |
ddaa | radix: yes, there's a positioning problem with launchpad | 05:22 |
ddaa | but I think most Launchpad folks do a good enough job at being ignorant of Ubuntu stuff to get the point across. | 05:23 |
radix | heh, good strategy :) | 05:23 |
jamesh | "Launchpad the Launchpad bug tracker" | 05:23 |
ddaa | But there's apparently a meme around like "Launchpad = Ubuntu's new bugzilla" | 05:24 |
jamesh | ddaa: that probably won't change til we have a few more high profile users | 05:24 |
ddaa | I guess... | 05:25 |
ddaa | "How do I file a bug on foo" | 05:25 |
ddaa | "Go on launchpad" | 05:25 |
ddaa | "No, I want to file a bug on foo, not on Ubuntu, I use debian you moron" | 05:25 |
ddaa | "Go on launchpad" | 05:26 |
jamesh | we'll have Zope on board sooner or later | 05:26 |
radix | ddaa: yeah, when Ubuntu "switched from bugzilla to LP", without any context, that sounds like LP is just bug tracker software. | 05:26 |
radix | jamesh: oh, really? that'd be awesome. I absolutely hate Collector :) | 05:26 |
matsubara | cyberix: #ubuntu-bugs would be more appropriate | 05:26 |
ddaa | "You are obviously an evil minion of baby-eating pan-african imperialist, I'm going to tell all of debian-legal about you" | 05:27 |
radix | ddaa: man, you are bitter :) | 05:27 |
ddaa | Me, I'm not :) | 05:27 |
radix | hehe | 05:27 |
ddaa | but some debian folks sound like they are, sometimes. | 05:27 |
=== cyberix [n=cyberix@hoas-fe17dd00-69.dhcp.inet.fi] has left #launchpad ["thanks"] | ||
jamesh | radix: https://bugs.demo.launchpad.net/zope3 is the test import I did | 05:28 |
kiko-anti-geneva | hi | 05:28 |
kiko-anti-geneva | SteveA where can we move canonical.foaf.nickname? | 05:28 |
salgado | kiko, is it used in more than one place? | 05:29 |
jamesh | kiko-anti-geneva: yes! | 05:29 |
radix | jamesh: cool | 05:29 |
jamesh | kiko-anti-geneva: I think that code only has one user -- so you could bung it in database/person.py | 05:29 |
flacoste | kiko-anti-geneva: what do you have against geneva? | 05:30 |
kiko-anti-geneva | flacoste the geneva convention. | 05:30 |
kiko-anti-geneva | but nicks are limited length | 05:30 |
Spads | maybe he's on the global antipode of geneva | 05:30 |
SteveA | kiko-anti-geneva: that's about generating a Person.name for a given email address? | 05:31 |
kiko-anti-geneva | yeah | 05:31 |
SteveA | if so, make it a method on IPersonSet | 05:31 |
kiko-anti-geneva | this is non-urgent btw, I am just curious | 05:31 |
kiko-anti-geneva | I'm probably not going to actually do it right now | 05:31 |
kiko-anti-geneva | Spads: I am in favor of torture in certain situations | 05:31 |
kiko-anti-geneva | and this is the second time in six months I consider resorting to it | 05:32 |
jamesh | kiko-anti-geneva: you aren't meant to call it torture | 05:32 |
kiko-anti-geneva | the first time was when danilos emailed somebody and they reposted the private email to a list | 05:32 |
kiko-anti-geneva | today was the second time | 05:32 |
flacoste | what's the occasion? | 05:32 |
SteveA | kiko-anti-geneva: if you don't do it right now, then either file a bug or add a comment to the source. | 05:33 |
kiko-anti-geneva | SteveA: sure. leave it to me. | 05:33 |
SteveA | kiko-anti-geneva: otherwise, this conversation was a waste of time for both of us ;-) | 05:33 |
kiko-anti-geneva | thanks | 05:33 |
kiko-anti-geneva | I like your attitude btw | 05:34 |
kiko-anti-geneva | the POP THE TRUNK attitude | 05:34 |
SteveA | what's the anti-geneva story, man? | 05:34 |
=== SteveA reads the scrollback | ||
flacoste | yeah, kiko, who should be "questioned strongly"? | 05:35 |
ddaa | flacoste: I think he means torture as punishment | 05:35 |
ddaa | not as a way of obtaining information | 05:35 |
flacoste | then he should renamed his nick to kiko-anti-human-rights, geneva convention is restricted to the case of captured soliders | 05:36 |
kiko-anti-geneva | we are at war my friends | 05:37 |
flacoste | i guess i will have to read the IRC log for the story | 05:37 |
kiko-anti-geneva | yes some of us are busy killing sqlobject | 05:39 |
=== marcus_notebook [n=mholthau@pub082136116166.dh-hfc.datazug.ch] has joined #launchpad | ||
salgado | hey flacoste. I heard kiko will tell you the whole story as soon as you review some changes he did while sitting at my desk and committed using my name (https://devpad.canonical.com/~jamesh/pending-reviews/salgado/launchpad/one-zero-gaps/full-diff ;) | 05:40 |
carlos | kiko-anti-geneva: is there a plan when that migration will happen? | 05:40 |
salgado | flacoste, he said you're the only one that's brave enough to review that | 05:41 |
flacoste | salgado: ok, i can review that, should I mail kiko or you with my results? | 05:41 |
kiko-anti-geneva | flacoste yes, review that and I will tell you a story about torture | 05:42 |
kiko-anti-geneva | >>> p = Person.get(1) | 05:42 |
kiko-anti-geneva | >>> p._get_store() | 05:42 |
kiko-anti-geneva | <storm.store.Store object at 0x41fa4eac> | 05:42 |
salgado | flacoste, me; I don't expect he'll give me any further help with that | 05:42 |
kiko-anti-geneva | I have helped that code as much as I cna | 05:42 |
flacoste | kiko-anti-geneva: i don't want "a story", I want "the story" ;-) | 05:42 |
kiko-anti-geneva | the only person who could make it better would be GOD | 05:42 |
kiko-anti-geneva | but he is busy in the middle east | 05:43 |
flacoste | salgado: while I'm reviewing yours, can you take a look at my ITicketCollection refactoring: https://devpad.canonical.com/~jamesh/pending-reviews/flacoste/launchpad/refactoring/full-diff | 05:43 |
flacoste | salgado: which you've been assigned as formal reviewer btw | 05:43 |
salgado | flacoste, I was going for the fix-it-friday first. which one you prefer? | 05:44 |
flacoste | salgado: refactoring, i have another branch that depends on it, fix-it-friday waited nearly two weeks, it can wait a few more days ;-) | 05:45 |
salgado | and I also have your tt-email-fixes, so you can choose the order you prefer. :) | 05:45 |
salgado | fair enough | 05:45 |
kiko-anti-geneva | SteveA where can helpers.check_permission() go? | 05:47 |
kiko-anti-geneva | webapp.adapter? | 05:47 |
SteveA | no | 05:47 |
SteveA | webapp.adapter should be webapp.dbadapter | 05:48 |
kiko-anti-geneva | SteveA: any other suggestions? webapp.menu is importing helpers which gets me in a loop | 05:48 |
SteveA | and check_permission has nothing to do with dbadapter | 05:48 |
SteveA | what's it importing from helpers? | 05:48 |
SteveA | just this? | 05:48 |
kiko-anti-geneva | SteveA yes, just this. | 05:48 |
SteveA | what is helpers importing? | 05:49 |
SteveA | to make a loop? | 05:49 |
kiko-anti-geneva | dbschema | 05:49 |
kiko-anti-geneva | and it's hard to fix helpers | 05:49 |
SteveA | why should it do that | 05:49 |
kiko-anti-geneva | because helpers is the devil's spawn | 05:49 |
SteveA | why is helpers importing dbschema? | 05:49 |
SteveA | that sounds wrong to me | 05:49 |
kiko-anti-geneva | it violates the geneva convention and the warsaw convention in at least 9 instances | 05:49 |
SteveA | any generic dbschema helpers should go in dbschema | 05:49 |
kiko-anti-geneva | well | 05:49 |
kiko-anti-geneva | the reason helpers imports dbschema | 05:50 |
SteveA | and any specific onces should be importing specific dbschema entries | 05:50 |
kiko-anti-geneva | is because it defines some crazy functions | 05:50 |
kiko-anti-geneva | and module-level dictionaries | 05:50 |
kiko-anti-geneva | SteveA: should check_permission not live in webapp you think? | 05:50 |
SteveA | I'll answer that in a moment | 05:50 |
SteveA | but I want to know why helpers is importing dbschema | 05:50 |
kiko-anti-geneva | ok., | 05:51 |
kiko-anti-geneva | SteveA helpers.py:getFileType(), BINARYPACKAGE_EXTENSIONS | 05:51 |
SteveA | the appropriate place for check_permission is living in launchpad/webapp/authorization.py | 05:51 |
SteveA | getFileType shouldn't be in helpers.py | 05:52 |
kiko-anti-geneva | agreed | 05:52 |
kiko-anti-geneva | helpers.py should be empty. | 05:52 |
SteveA | and helpers.py should not import dbschema | 05:52 |
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SteveA | getFileType is used only by gina/hadlers.py | 05:53 |
SteveA | so ffs, put it in gina/handlers.py | 05:53 |
kiko-anti-geneva | done. | 05:54 |
SteveA | you're hot. let's make out. | 05:54 |
kiko-anti-geneva | now? | 05:54 |
SteveA | no later. people might see us. | 05:55 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #83791 in blueprint "The 'Choose' link in the beta blueprint front page is broken" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83791 | 05:55 |
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=== bdmurray [n=bdmurray@c-24-21-235-175.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #launchpad | ||
bdmurray | I'm trying to use the e-mail interface to Malone and it didn't work the way I expected. | 06:01 |
matsubara | bdmurray: could you elaborate on it? | 06:03 |
bdmurray | matsubara: I was able to add a comment to the bug but the status change & assignee change did not take effect. | 06:04 |
matsubara | bdmurray: did you gpg signed the message? | 06:04 |
bdmurray | matsubara: yes | 06:05 |
matsubara | bdmurray: which bug? | 06:05 |
bdmurray | 82709 | 06:05 |
matsubara | bdmurray: I can't see the commands in your last comment. Would you send a copy of the email you sent to me? matsubara at canonical dot com? | 06:07 |
bdmurray | matsubara: looking at the sent e-mail I don't see the commands so perhaps it is my mail client. | 06:08 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #83794 in launchpad "canonical.foaf.nickname should be a method of IPersonSet" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83794 | 06:10 |
matsubara | bdmurray: I found an email from you in the lp-error logs but it's related to another bug. | 06:13 |
bdmurray | matsubara: I seem to be squared away now. I modified 82709 sucessfully. | 06:14 |
bdmurray | matsubara: What was the error you found about? | 06:14 |
matsubara | bdmurray: I mean, the error message I found is about "Signature couldn't be verified" when you tried to modify bug 77125 | 06:14 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 77125 in ubiquity "Feisty crashes on install" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77125 - Assigned to Brian Murray (brian-murray) | 06:14 |
matsubara | the 'affects /distros/ubuntu/linux-source-2.6.20' is in the same line as the Organization header. | 06:16 |
matsubara | bdmurray: a copy of it: http://librarian.launchpad.net/6324298/hmmhdg7YIAKq6zxWapsIGdQF6RH.txt | 06:16 |
bdmurray | matsubara: okay thanks. is affects the right way to change the source package? | 06:18 |
matsubara | bdmurray: not sure as I never used that command (https://help.launchpad.net/UsingMaloneEmail might make things clearer) | 06:19 |
bdmurray | matsubara: okay. Thanks again for the help. | 06:19 |
matsubara | bdmurray: you're welcome | 06:20 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #53652 in rosetta "Manually changing the alt language code in +translate leads to an OOPS" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53652 | 06:25 |
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kiko-anti-geneva | matsubara: bzr+ssh push is really fast with 0.14 | 06:31 |
kiko-anti-geneva | the progress is good | 06:31 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #83801 in rosetta "Opening a new distro release to translations should be done with a live system" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83801 | 06:35 |
flacoste | kiko-anti-geneva: I'm ready to hit 'send' on the review, so what about that torture story? | 06:44 |
salgado | flacoste, he didn't tell you that the story will only be told if the review includes an r=flacoste. :p | 06:46 |
kiko-anti-geneva | flacoste: I can't have private chats here, not registered :-( | 06:46 |
flacoste | the excuse! | 06:47 |
flacoste | salgado: review sent, there are two changes that I cannot understand: some changes to sampledata and the removal of results from a doctest | 06:48 |
flacoste | salgado: if you can make sense of these, I'll happily give you r=flacoste | 06:48 |
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salgado | flacoste, cool; the only intentional sampledata changes I did are the ones on Karmacache/karmatotalcache. the other ones seemed to be just our sampledata generation thing removing newlines. I'll reply shortly, anyway | 06:50 |
=== carlos -> out | ||
carlos | see you! | 06:54 |
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kiko-anti-geneva | salgado: ping? | 07:06 |
kiko-anti-geneva | File "/home/kiko/devel/trivialities-20070205/lib/canonical/launchpad/database/person.py", line 1208, in topPeople | 07:06 |
kiko-anti-geneva | top_people.sort(key=lambda obj: (obj.karma, obj.id), reverse=True) | 07:06 |
kiko-anti-geneva | File "/home/kiko/devel/trivialities-20070205/lib/canonical/launchpad/database/person.py", line 1208, in <lambda> | 07:06 |
kiko-anti-geneva | top_people.sort(key=lambda obj: (obj.karma, obj.id), reverse=True) | 07:06 |
kiko-anti-geneva | File "/home/kiko/devel/trivialities-20070205/lib/canonical/launchpad/database/person.py", line 625, in karma | 07:06 |
kiko-anti-geneva | cache = KarmaTotalCache.selectOneBy(person=self) | 07:06 |
kiko-anti-geneva | salgado: can we make topPeople stop traversing obj.karma? | 07:06 |
salgado | it looks like a traceback to me | 07:07 |
kiko-anti-geneva | it issues one query per person, which is kinda evil. | 07:07 |
kiko-anti-geneva | you should just join in the karma in the first query. | 07:07 |
salgado | did I write this code? | 07:07 |
=== salgado checks | ||
kiko-anti-geneva | maybe not. but you own it. :-P | 07:07 |
ddaa | "ya maybe not guilty, but ya're responsible" | 07:08 |
salgado | kiko-anti-geneva, I've never seen this code before | 07:09 |
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mpt | Gooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders! | 07:31 |
jelmer | hey mpt | 07:33 |
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LaserJock | hi mpt | 07:35 |
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kiko | salgado, nice :-( | 07:48 |
salgado | kiko, I don't think doing that is a problem in this case, since it limits the number of results to 5 | 07:49 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #83828 in soyuz "+last-uploads should be +latest-uploads" [Low,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83828 | 08:35 |
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kiko-anti-geneva | morbec: claro | 09:03 |
kiko-anti-geneva | 19:50 aqui | 09:03 |
salgado | kiko, wrong tab | 09:03 |
salgado | kiko-anti-geneva, ^ | 09:03 |
kiko-anti-geneva | I don't know how to use bitchx | 09:03 |
kiko-anti-geneva | danilos: any clue why +translate is still not being indexed? | 09:08 |
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danilos | kiko-anti-geneva: no clue, maybe we should try with Google sitemaps as well? (though, that's going to be a job in itself) | 09:09 |
kiko-anti-geneva | danilos: I don't know how sitemaps works. | 09:10 |
kiko-anti-geneva | danilos: can we tell it to start indexing everything? :-) | 09:10 |
mpt | kiko, have you tried yourself to get to the translation page while logged out? | 09:10 |
danilos | kiko-anti-geneva: it probably does, but that may take anything from 1 to 6 months :) | 09:10 |
kiko-anti-geneva | mpt yes. it works. | 09:10 |
kiko-anti-geneva | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/dapper/+source/launchpad-integration/+pots/launchpad-integration/af/+translate | 09:11 |
mpt | kiko, by "get to" I mean navigate from https://launchpad.net/ | 09:12 |
danilos | kiko-anti-geneva: it actually seems to index them | 09:13 |
danilos | kiko-anti-geneva: try searching for "site:translations.launchpad.net gegl" | 09:14 |
danilos | kiko-anti-geneva: in 4-5 places, I see Ukrainian and zh_TW translations | 09:14 |
danilos | inside Dapper, so it's probably about page ranking (i.e. seldomly linked pages are not indexed or searched) | 09:15 |
mpt | "You are browsing gnome-desktop into Ukrainian" | 09:16 |
mpt | Ah, the power of browsing | 09:16 |
=== ddaa giggles | ||
kiko-anti-geneva | danilos: can you fix that? :) | 09:17 |
kiko-anti-geneva | it should say | 09:17 |
kiko-anti-geneva | you are browsing gnome-desktop in Ukranian | 09:17 |
kiko-anti-geneva | that's the simplest change | 09:17 |
kiko-anti-geneva | jamesh: https://sodium.ubuntu.com/~andrew/paste/filedXnCtK.html | 09:17 |
ddaa | Hu... what about "gnome-desktop in Ukranian"... users know they are browsing... | 09:18 |
danilos | kiko-anti-geneva: I can't fix my blog to get onto Google, but sure I can fix that "into" :) | 09:18 |
kiko-anti-geneva | danilos: heh | 09:18 |
mpt | danilos, "You are translating" -> "Translations for" | 09:19 |
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mpt | err, what am I talking about | 09:20 |
mpt | "Translations of" "gnome-desktop into Ukrainian" | 09:21 |
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danilos | mpt: ? you want me to replace 'You are translating' as well (the one shown when someone is logged in)? | 09:22 |
=== bugman_ [n=bugman@host-84-221-7-189.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #launchpad | ||
danilos | I'll just fix the 'into'/'in' bug, file bugs for anything else :) | 09:24 |
jwendell | hi, LP guys. | 09:24 |
LarstiQ | hi jwendell | 09:25 |
jwendell | any idea why i'm subscribed to bug 82956? | 09:25 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 82956 in slab "gnome-main-menu only retains 6 favorite applications" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82956 | 09:25 |
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matsubara | jwendell: because you're the registrant of the gnome-main-menu product | 09:29 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #83846 in launchpad-support-tracker "Comments are not threaded under the original notification" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83846 | 09:35 |
jwendell | matsubara, thanks. i just changed the 'owner' | 09:36 |
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kiko-anti-geneva | jwendell: you can reassign it to "registry" if you like. | 09:41 |
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jwendell | kiko-anti-geneva, i guess i can't do it anymore. i've changed the 'onwer' to desktop-bugs... | 09:41 |
kiko-anti-geneva | jwendell: I think that's actually bad, so let me fix that. | 09:41 |
jwendell | kiko-anti-geneva, thanks | 09:42 |
kiko-anti-geneva | fixed jwendell | 09:48 |
jwendell | kiko-anti-geneva, thanks | 09:48 |
kiko-anti-geneva | jwendell: no estou registrado :-( | 09:49 |
jwendell | kiko-anti-geneva, no entendi | 09:50 |
kiko-anti-geneva | o /msg no funciona se no estou registrado | 09:50 |
kiko-anti-geneva | jwendell: /j #async | 09:50 |
LaserJock | kiko-anti-geneva: any word on bug #79671 ? what does the fix-it-friday tag actually do? | 09:55 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 79671 in malone "Allow +filebug?tag=... URLs for pre-setting tags" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79671 | 09:55 |
kiko-anti-geneva | LaserJock it makes the bug considered for f-i-f | 09:56 |
kiko-anti-geneva | not necessarily that it will happen | 09:56 |
LaserJock | so a "we'll think about it" ? ;-) | 09:56 |
kiko-anti-geneva | LaserJock: it means there's a strong chance it'll go into A friday, but not always this friday | 09:58 |
kiko-anti-geneva | the reason it's not done is that I'm very busy these weeks | 09:58 |
kiko-anti-geneva | otherwise it would have been | 09:59 |
kiko-anti-geneva | you can ping BjornT who unlike me isn't sprinting | 09:59 |
LaserJock | k, np. I just wondered how the f-i-f workflow worked | 09:59 |
LaserJock | does beta run on similar hardware to the current LP? | 10:19 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #83866 in launchpad "text input box is too small in 1.0 bug filing UI" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83866 | 10:30 |
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mdke | where does one see changelogs in LP? | 11:00 |
mdke | ah, under build | 11:00 |
mdke | my bad | 11:00 |
mdke | probably they should be available from the source package page | 11:01 |
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ddaa | jml: hello | 11:20 |
jml | hi | 11:21 |
ddaa | how's coffee this morning? | 11:21 |
jml | ddaa: not strong enough | 11:23 |
jml | and I think the guy who made it overheated the milk | 11:23 |
ddaa | ha, you drink this .au "white coffee"? | 11:24 |
jml | ddaa: cafe latte. | 11:24 |
jml | ddaa: in the mornings, and then espresso afterwards. | 11:25 |
ddaa | I see you share the same coffee habit as thumper and I :) | 11:25 |
jml | ddaa: glad to hear it :) | 11:26 |
ddaa | That's good, so we can have virtual coffee machine chats :) | 11:26 |
jml | heh heh | 11:26 |
ddaa | for a minute I feared I would have watercooler chats with you :) | 11:26 |
jml | perhaps I should come and visit -- I hear they have good cafes in Paris :) | 11:26 |
ddaa | Sure, but you'd need to come in May to have the real Paris cafe experience. | 11:27 |
ddaa | before, it's too cold to have a coffee on the terrace | 11:27 |
jml | ddaa: oh yeah. that crazy northern hemisphere. | 11:28 |
ddaa | hey, with a fancy you could regard the plane trees as shedding their bark, like your crazy .au trees | 11:30 |
ddaa | besides _we_ do not walk upside down | 11:30 |
=== Fujitsu bounces around on his head. | ||
ddaa | jml: how's work going? | 11:31 |
ddaa | mh... s/plane trees/sycamores/ | 11:32 |
jml | ddaa: alright. I'm feeling the lack of a fast linux-friendly machine. | 11:32 |
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jml | ddaa: I was wondering what a plane tree was :) | 11:33 |
ddaa | jml: here, the branch-puller splitting is going well, I expect to have it up for review tonight before going to bed | 11:35 |
jml | ddaa: cool | 11:36 |
jml | ddaa: also, you work strange hours. | 11:36 |
ddaa | some people work stranger hours | 11:36 |
jml | ddaa: in Australia, all the hours are upside down | 11:36 |
ddaa | yeah... just thinking that you could disprove the cat theorem | 11:37 |
ddaa | take a .au cat on the northern hemisphere, and it will probably be confused and fall on its back :) | 11:38 |
jml | ddaa: I know just enough for that to make my brain hurt _really_ badly. | 11:38 |
jml | ddaa: oh, I thought you were talking about Schroedinger's Cat | 11:38 |
ddaa | oh... I do not believe in Shroedinger's cat | 11:39 |
ddaa | quantum mechanics are just fancy mathematical model that happens to have interesting explanatory properties | 11:39 |
ddaa | but I do believe it actually bears any resemblance to reality | 11:39 |
ddaa | s/do/do not/ | 11:40 |
jml | well, you see, that's about where my physics knowledge ends :) | 11:40 |
=== ddaa did take a couple of quantum mechanics class | ||
ddaa | just enough to be convinced this model is too kludgy to be true | 11:41 |
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=== moreati [n=alex@user-54442aad.lns2-c10.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #launchpad | ||
moreati | Hi. When adding a comment/patch to a bug report, is there a syntax for autolinking to other bugs? Or should I instead paste the full URL? | 12:13 |
ddaa | "bug 1234" will generate a hyperlink in a comment | 12:18 |
Ubugtu | Bug 1234 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/1234 is private | 12:18 |
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