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juliuxjenda, moin != morning ;)10:49
jendaif you pronounce 'morning' in a very, very slangish way, you will eventually get something very similar to 'moin' ;)10:50
jendabut 'moinmoin' is different ;)10:50
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beunomeatballhat: just did the first push to launchpad  ;)04:58
beunoit's not much, but I did some of the work on the backend and pushed to test04:58
beunogive a look if you can to make sure I didn't break anything04:58
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meatballhatbeuno: excellent :D05:08
=== spenlex [n=martin@pD9E01828.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
jendahello guys05:13
beunohey jenda05:13
=== jenda just stormed the #ubuntu-in channel for vital info :)
jendabeuno, meatballhat - you guys think we could do a meetup next week?05:14
meatballhatI'm up for it :)05:14
beunome too05:14
meatballhatjenda: when are you off to India again??05:15
jendaSaturday in a week.05:16
beunothen it's next week even if we're not up for it  ;)05:16
jendaTechnically, there is no saturday in a week :) but I mean Feb 1705:16
jendameatballhat: do you know where the next UDS is?05:18
meatballhatjenda: I do not05:19
meatballhatoffhand, that is05:19
jendaWell... it's in Spain.05:20
jendaWhich is entirely un-interesting...05:20
juliuxjenda, are you sure that it is in spain?;)05:20
jendabut what is interesting... is where the one after that is...?05:20
jendajuliux: quite, yes.05:20
jendajuliux: doubts?05:20
jendameatballhat: it's in BOSTON!05:20
jendalucky bastard :)05:20
meatballhatWhaaaaaa????   my hometown  :D05:20
juliuxoh no not the ****** us again05:21
jendaconsidering the distribution of users, it seems fair to me.05:21
=== juliux will never travel to the us
=== jenda will travel there anytime someone pays for it :)
poningruooh /me wants to go to boston05:22
jendaponingru: it's next door for you ;) it's new world for us...05:23
juliuxjenda, i will also not travel to the us if somebody pay05:23
=== jenda hides
jendajuliux: you seem to have strong reasons...05:23
jendajuliux: as do I :)05:23
jendajuliux: I love it there :)05:23
meatballhat...then again Boston is about as European a city you'll find in the states, so it's not all bad ;-)05:23
juliuxjenda, yes the country could be nice but not the goverment05:23
juliuxjenda, and als not the laws there05:23
=== jenda doesn't see anything so wrong with that that it would prevent his going there.
jendaExcept that they took my fingerprint - I'm not entirely happy about that.05:24
jendaBut I'm still happier if they have it than, for example, my own government :-D05:24
beunomeatballhat: they have great MySQL meetings over there05:25
poningrujuliux: dont worry working on it ;)05:25
meatballhatbeuno: I just got the mailer for OSCON, yeah  :D05:25
jenda(unfortunately not too funny - our government will start collecting DNA to put in passports soon - and it's in the hands of a very, very suspicious company)05:26
poningruhopefully before this year is over dubya will be out05:26
meatballhatponingru: sure would be nice, however unlikely :D05:26
juliuxponingru, i dont think an other goverment can kill all the stupid law05:26
poningrujuliux: oh trust me it will05:27
jendait doesn't seem to me that there are any more bad laws there than here or in Germany, tbh.05:27
juliuxponingru, you knwo your laws to observe people are stronger then the laws in the German Democratic Republic05:28
beunomeatballhat: http://mysql.meetup.com/137/05:28
beunoI'd kill to go to one of those05:28
poningrujuliux: I know the patriot act and all05:29
beunoI watch the video recordings every time they have a meeting05:29
juliuxponingru, hehe05:29
poningruwill soon be disbanded05:29
poningruand this stupid homeland security crap05:29
juliuxjenda, in germany we have good laws to save your privacy05:29
beunomeatballhat: in fact...  http://mysql.meetup.com/137/calendar/5376966/05:29
jendanixternal: did you know Chicago and Prague are sister cities? :)05:32
beunojenda: now that I think of it, I've been to prague quite some years ago...05:33
jendamissed me by a few, then ;)05:33
beunowhen it was still checoslovaquia I believe05:33
jendaI was a toddler back then ;)05:34
=== jenda is 20 in a week
jendaoh well.05:34
beunowell, I'm 23, so I wasn't that grown05:34
=== jenda thought you were older :)
beunobut I traveled a lot05:34
poningrujenda: you're 20??05:35
beunoit's the beard, isn't it?05:35
MitchM<- 1905:35
juliuxjenda, you are only 20????05:35
jendabeuno: I've never seen a picture of you.05:35
jendaponingru: what did you think? :-D05:35
=== poningru is frackin 22
jendajuliux: :)05:35
=== juliux is 23
poningrujenda: how are you already a lawyer?05:35
beunojenda: I know, it's a joke, I shaved it off anyway, hehehe05:35
beunoponingru: he's not  ;)05:35
jendaponingru: IANALY05:35
beunoaah, so we're all the same age05:35
poningruoh right... 05:35
jendaponingru: I'm studying law.05:35
poningrulame we need some diversity05:35
=== jenda points at meatballhat
=== poningru drags some older people into the group
jendaand at tsmithe05:36
beunowe need women in here (?)05:36
=== jenda points at elkbuntu
=== MitchM checks prices on Sex-changes.
beunoaaah, right05:36
poningruMitchM: doesnt count05:36
juliuxwe need not only students;)05:36
MitchMponingru, tom-foolrey !05:36
jendaand bapoumba comes in every now and then.05:36
poningruelkbuntu kinda dropped out on though :(05:36
beunoMitchM: women != "men - mensprivate parts"05:36
=== poningru drags elkbuntu back to marketing
jendainteresting... we're basically all 4 years of each other.05:37
poningrudamn it stupid apache does not wanna use the user_mod.conf05:38
beunoyeap, although I believe tsmithe is much younger05:38
poningruerr userdir05:38
jendahe's 14, I think.05:38
jendamaybe 1505:38
juliuxwhat is with cody?05:38
jendaoh, he's 19... or almost 1905:38
MitchMhurrah for the 19's05:38
jendaand not present.05:38
=== MitchM gives Jenda a high-five.
beunohe's been a bit scarce lately05:39
=== jenda highs back ;)
juliuxso we should change the channel name to ubuntu-under-25 ;)05:39
jendaMitchM: I'll be leaving the club on Valentine's day, though :)05:39
MitchMyou stud you.05:39
jendajuliux: no - we have meatballhat :) he's older :)05:39
juliuxjenda,  a few expetions are allowed05:39
juliuxjenda, in the under23 football teams are also 5 players ofer 23 allowed05:40
jendaI had an exam today, but the hard days aren't over... I still have latin left on friday...05:40
jendaso, I'll have to run off.05:40
juliuxjenda, good luck05:40
jendaAfter friday, I'll be back for a week, and then off to india for a month.05:40
jendalaters :05:40
=== beuno feels for jenda
beunolatin...  crazy person you are...05:41
=== beuno remembers endless naps in latin class
juliuxjenda, good for latin, i had it six years at school;)05:41
beunoaaaah, it's every where!05:41
juliuxjenda, good luck for latin, i had it six years at school;)05:41
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nixternaljenda: yes :)05:48
meatballhatwhy were we talkin about age??  :D05:55
=== meatballhat is 26 btw
poningruget your free linux router06:12
poningruand flash that sucker06:12
beunoponingru: that's the fonero spirit!06:17
poningru!!! :D06:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about d - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:17
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rpereiraHi, someone knows how is responsible for Academic Partnership with Universities on Ubuntu?06:58
Burgworkrpereira: umm, where do you see that?07:00
=== tsmithe was gonna post, "say what?" but then didn't cos he reread rpereira and noticed the channel was not -offtopic. oh, and he doesn't know.
rpereiratsmithe: sorry I just don't know where else to ask this info.07:02
tsmitheyou may get more luck on the mailing list. i'm not even sure it exists07:03
rpereiraBurgwork: I'm a university professor in Brazil. Mandriva and Novell (Suse) offered to my university "Mandriva Academic Partner" or "Suse/Novell Academic Partner"07:03
rpereiratsmithe: OK. I'll try on maling lists. Thanks. And sorry again. :)07:04
rpereiratsmithe: s/maling/mailing/07:04
tsmitheno need to apologise :)07:04
tsmitheoh wait07:05
tsmithei misread the thing again07:05
tsmithei think there's a link that may be of interest07:05
tsmithehttp://www.ubuntu.com/partners ?07:05
tsmithethat's probably a good place to start?07:05
rpereiraOK. I'll try it.07:06
tsmitheand do ask on the mailing list. i'm sure the relevant canonical people are subscribed there07:06
rpereiraYou're saying ubuntu main mailing list? Or another list in specific?07:08
tsmitheubuntu-marketing :)07:10
rpereiraThanks again.07:10
tsmitheno problemo07:13
tsmithego to lists.ubuntu.com and see the multitude of available lists :)07:13
rpereiraAnother question. This is definitely a marketing question :). Ubuntu won a prize in Brazil, I would like to communicate to marketing group.07:20
rpereiraThe better way is by the e-mail list?07:20
rpereiras/-/which is the better way of communication? E-mail list?07:20
beunorpereira: yes, the marketing mailing list07:23
beunodefinetly the way to go07:23
rpereiraThanks again.07:23
=== jenda waves at rpereira
beunorpereira: thank you for the info  ;)07:29
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rpereirabeuno: You're welcome.07:34
jendarpereira: that should be put on fridge.ubuntu.com as well as in the UWN07:37
rpereirajenda: OK.07:38
jendarpereira: wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter07:40
jendaactually :)07:40
jendaopen it up, add it in the press section!07:40
jendaand as for the fridge... umm... you'll have to join #ubuntu-fridge and ask there. iDunno about that.07:40
beunojenda, rpereira, the current UWN is on gobby07:41
rpereirabeuno: What is gobby?07:41
jendaThe Collaborative Editor.07:42
jendaIt's multiplayer notepad :)07:42
rpereiraOh.... :-)07:42
rpereiraSo will I have to wait?07:43
jendanot at all07:43
jendajust apt-get install gobby07:43
jendafire it up07:43
jendaenter ubuntu.juliux.de07:43
jendabeuno: what's the port again? :)07:43
jendaand the password is ufl@ftw07:44
juliuxjenda, one more then the normal gobby port07:44
beunostandard+1, like juliux said  ;)07:44
jendahahah :)07:44
jendastanda is a czech name :)07:44
=== jenda gotta go.
beunoyeah... uhm... that's what I was aiming at... random czech names07:45
beunogo, have fun with latin07:45
rpereiraI got this on Gobby: Howl initialisation failed. Probably you need to run mDNSResponder as root prior to Gobby. Zeroconf support is deactivated for this session.07:47
rpereiraHow do I run " mDNSResponder as root prior to Gobby"?07:48
Burgworkignore that, not an issue07:48
juliuxjenda, alea iacta est07:48
=== jenda twitches
Burgworkrpereira: ah, for the academic partner, you shoudl contact canoical07:48
juliuxjenda, Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas ;)07:50
rpereiraBurgwork: I sent and e-mail to billy.cina@canonical following tsmithe's link.07:50
jendajuliux: curiosity killed the cat? :-D07:51
juliuxjenda, lol07:51
juliuxjenda, i found a website with all the latin quotes;)07:51
jenda-all- of them? ;)07:51
jendaso what does this one mean?07:51
juliuxjenda, best of;)07:52
jendajuliux: so what does this one mean?07:53
=== jenda has trouble putting the sentences together from the individual words :(
juliuxjenda, i have only a german translation07:54
jendaFelix - who - could - thing - know - cause07:54
juliuxjenda, the first one ist luck07:54
jendaof course :)07:54
juliuxLucky, whom it succeeded to recognize the reason of the things. 07:55
juliuxthat is the google translation;)07:55
jendaLucky is he, who understand why things are, perhaps? :)07:56
jendahaha /me just struck a funny word in the dictionary: sub-bibo07:57
jendait means 'sip', while the words are under-drink :)07:57
rpereiraJenda: do I have to write about the prize in which section?07:57
jendarpereira: 'In the press' I think?07:57
=== jenda goes off to study. for real this time :)
rpereiraAnother question: I'm writing about a prize for Ubuntu, but I don't know if I have to put the link on UWN or the text (In gobby on "In the press" section just have links).08:01
beunorpereira: that's because I'm lazy and haven't gotten to writing the summary08:03
beunoplease see past UWNs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue2908:03
rpereira:-) OK. No problemo.08:04
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rpereirabeuno: Do I have to save the doc (UWN)? Or just close?08:35
beunorpereira: just close, it streams everything to the server, so it's saved08:45
rpereirabeuno: Thanks.08:46
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tsmithejenda, i thought you had gone off to study (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))09:22
tsmitheor is that just the isp?09:22
jendano, that was the ISP09:22
jendaI don't close bip when I go study.09:22
jendaBut I'm studying right now :)09:22
jendasub hast09:23
tsmithelatin eh09:23
=== tsmithe doesn't know what jenda means by sub hasta
tsmithei thought a hasta was a spear...09:24
tsmitheand sub underneath...09:24
jendamagnae poenae... multis causis... bonae amicae...09:25
jendahasta is actually an auction in this case.09:25
jendait's related - the auctioneer always held a spear, which marked him.09:25
jendaand I'm saying it just because it's what i'm currently translating :)09:26
jendacum poet... magn industri.09:26
jendadone, lesson 109:26
jendaI might actually be able to do this in time - I only have 10 lessons, and I have all of tomorrow to work on it.09:27
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