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pfein | any recommended reading for how to maintain (identical) Ubuntu installs across a cluster? | 12:50 |
=== pfein is fed up with his st00p1d homebrew gentoo solution | ||
maswan | we use FAI | 01:05 |
pfein | maswan: ? | 01:06 |
maswan | pfein: fully automated installer, any major changes? just reinstall the cluster nodes and they'll be sure to be in pristine proper condition | 01:06 |
pfein | hmm, it'd be nice to do upgrades w/o wiping the disk... | 01:07 |
maswan | sure, there is also fai-softupdate that does that, but it requires you to make your customisation scripts to not fail horribly if they get called twice etc | 01:08 |
maswan | so we don't use that (yet) | 01:08 |
pfein | We deploy our in-house code as an SVN checkout (it's all python), which makes updating trivial. | 01:09 |
maswan | the advantage of having a fai setup is that if a disk fails, you can just reinstall into a new disk and get up and running very quickly | 01:10 |
maswan | anyway, there is probably other stuff around too, that's just what we happen to use | 01:11 |
maswan | and now it is time for me to sleep, 'night | 01:11 |
pfein | that's the sort of setup I'm after... also makes bringing new boxes online ez | 01:11 |
pfein | thanks | 01:11 |
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sts | hello folks! | 09:12 |
sts | I just wanted to point out that bug #45694 is still preventing the installation of mysql-server on ubuntu server 6.10. maybe someone could have a look? there hasn't been any comments since 2006-11-23 and since this is one of the main features of ubuntu server that ubuntu's marketing guys are selling, it's pretty awful to see a bug like this open and not beeing worked on. | 09:18 |
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infinity | sts: I assume you're using an Intel amd64 machine (Xeon, or such)? | 09:34 |
sts | infinity: yes. | 09:39 |
infinity | sts: Looking into it. | 09:39 |
sts | infinity: it works if you remove the files /var/lib/mysql/ib* before you fire the mysql server up. | 09:43 |
infinity | sts: Yeah, but that's a red herring. | 09:43 |
sts | infinity: but everytime you restart, it's going to fail again, as long as you don't remove these files. | 09:44 |
infinity | sts: It's just a straight up illegal instruction due to a toolchain that was building with optimisation for Opterons. | 09:44 |
infinity | We'll need to rebuild MySQL, and all should be well. | 09:44 |
infinity | Just tackling our toolchain maintainer to make sure the problem's solved in the toolchain before I rebuild MySQL in edgy. | 09:44 |
sts | infinity: ok. when do you think you are you going release the fixed package? | 09:45 |
=== sts should read what he types | ||
sts | ;-) | 09:46 |
infinity | sts: Assuming the problem is what I think it is, should be under a week before it trickles from -proposed to -updates. | 09:46 |
sts | aight! great, thank you infinity. | 09:46 |
infinity | If it slips off my radar again, please feel free to bug me. | 09:46 |
infinity | This week's feisty's feature freeze, so there's much headless-chicken action going on with the devel team. | 09:47 |
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sts | hehe | 10:29 |
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[miles] | guys, anyone awake? I'm still having a headache at home with getting bind9 to start on boot, I think, cos of upstart | 11:13 |
lionel | hi [miles] | 11:15 |
[miles] | lionel, hello! | 11:15 |
[miles] | lionel, busy? | 11:15 |
lionel | it works well here bind9 on edgy :) | 11:15 |
[miles] | lionel, I don't get it.. | 11:15 |
lionel | less than yesterday :) | 11:15 |
[miles] | lionel, I've got Kubuntu 6.10 running at home yeah | 11:15 |
[miles] | and basically, cos I rob my wireless off various neighbours... | 11:16 |
[miles] | I don't want to use DHCP off their routers, or use their providers lame and slow dns | 11:16 |
[miles] | so I installed Bind9 | 11:16 |
[miles] | it's set in for 235 to start | 11:16 |
[miles] | yet it does not | 11:16 |
[miles] | nothing in the logs | 11:16 |
[miles] | nothing showing on boot | 11:16 |
[miles] | screen | 11:17 |
[miles] | ... | 11:17 |
[miles] | nada | 11:17 |
[miles] | has to be manually started every time | 11:17 |
[miles] | now, its pissing me off | 11:17 |
lionel | hehe | 11:17 |
lionel | you have simlink in /etc/rc2.d ? | 11:17 |
[miles] | yep | 11:17 |
[miles] | to the /etc/init.d/bind9 script | 11:18 |
[miles] | believe me, thats all set correctly. | 11:18 |
[miles] | the S and K | 11:18 |
[miles] | bbiam, just gotta speak with someone | 11:18 |
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[miles] | back now | 11:40 |
[miles] | lionel, any ideas please as to what I could / should check for? | 11:40 |
lionel | not realy | 11:41 |
lionel | did you check malone ? | 11:41 |
[miles] | wots that? | 11:48 |
lionel | bug tracker on launchpad | 11:52 |
[miles] | ah ok | 12:29 |
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\sh | fabbione: any clue on HP P800 SAS/SATA controller and 64bit lba support in our linux kernel? ;) | 05:26 |
fabbione | \sh: what about asking our kernel team? :) | 05:26 |
\sh | fabbione: I thought you have some experience with those hardware stuff ;) | 05:27 |
fabbione | \sh: yes but i am extremely busy and there are 4 kernel team guys that can answer your questions quicker than i can | 05:27 |
\sh | fabbione: kk...I just need some guys with practical experience ;) | 05:28 |
sts | infinity: how is it going with mysql-server? | 05:55 |
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