
nexousNETNeed some assistance with setting up my WPC54G v2 network card up in ubuntu.12:01
soundrayZenith2007: run 'sudo strace apt-get update' and see what it does the moment before the crash12:01
variantHaffy: your terminal needs to support it too12:01
cablesUsing network-manager I'm getting a fraction of the wi-fi speed I was getting without it. DOes anyone know what's going on?12:01
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frogzooZenith2007: trying it with strace might give you a clue12:01
Haffyvariant: ok12:02
cablesnever mind about my above question... just turned out to be a coincidence12:02
Zenith2007+++ killed by SIGSEGV +++  is last thing it said before returning to prompt12:02
Haffyvariant: it is only irssi that does not support 12:02
nexousNETcables: what do you use for your wireless?12:02
paiiiiiiHow do i make all .avi play in VLC?12:02
ucordeswill qemu and kqemu be integrated in the repositories now that it is complete under the GPL?12:02
varianti need some help if anyone knows how with running a local apt repo.. i have it set up and working (i can browse it) but the pxe booted installer says that it could not download a specific file (doesnt say which one)12:02
variantHaffy: irssi does support it12:03
=== blackthorne [n=blacktho@unaffiliated/blackthorne] has joined #ubuntu
icebirdHow do you compile a .cpp source code (it is just a test and only displays some words)12:03
cablesnexousNET, were you here before as a different nick? To answer your question, I use a D-Link G650. It has an Atheros chipset, and is supported out-of-the-box with Ubuntu12:03
soundrayZenith2007: you need to look at the last few messages a bit closer. Don't just paste them here. See if it's not finding some file, etc.12:03
gOLdenHaWK3Dpaiiiiii, Right click any .avi file --> Open With --> VLC player12:03
Haffyvariant: yes I know, but I need to tell irssi to use sv_SE12:03
ucordesHaffy: there is also 12:03
variantHaffy: /set term_charset ISO-8859-212:03
nexousNETcables: no, this is my only nick12:03
paiiiiiigOLdenHaWK3D: But everytime12:03
Haffyucordes: I dont have that u at my keyboard12:03
nexousNETcables: well only nick used here.12:03
variantHaffy: ar du svensk?12:03
cablesnexousNET, someone was trying to get that same card set up12:03
paiiiiiigOLdenHaWK3D: even when i dubleclick12:03
Haffyvariant: thanks, do I need to put that in everytime i start irssi?12:03
Haffyvariant: ja12:04
nexousNETcables: I was here earlier with this same nick asking for help.12:04
Zenith2007soundray: thanks im looking at can't see anything obvious, although i'm not sure what im looking for, kinda foreign to me12:04
variantHaffy: kanalen fur svensk ubunutu ar #ubuntu-se12:04
Haffyvariant: thx12:04
gOLdenHaWK3Dpaiiiiii, Right click any .avi file --> Goto Properties --> Open With --> VLC player12:04
=== tc75 [n=tc@lau06-1-82-228-247-28.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
cablesnexousNET, do me a favor and run the command lspci and put it in Pastebin (see channel topic)12:04
variantHaffy: min svensk ar inte sa bra ;)12:04
frogzooicebird: install build-essential, compile with g++12:04
variantHaffy: i dunno if you need to set it every time.. put it in .irssi/config12:05
Haffyvariant: where are you from then? (My eng is not that good ether)12:05
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:05
=== nekr0z [n=nekr0z@229-224-190-89.baltnet.ru] has joined #ubuntu
cablesnexousNET, to copy from the terminal, in case you don't know, use ctrl-shift-c12:05
variantHaffy: scotland, my girl friend is from sundsvall.. i'm moving to uppsala in june :P12:05
nexousNETI know, but my machine doesn't have internet, so I can't upload frm there12:05
nexousNETI'll have to type it all out12:05
tc75what's that directory again where package files build up and fill up your harddrive?12:05
Haffyvariant: Then, Vlkommen till Sverige12:05
cablesnexousNET, never mind12:05
variantHaffy: tack12:05
variantHaffy: lived there before though :) great country12:06
nexousNETcables: okay12:06
ubunttvrhey how do i reboot with terminal ?12:06
icebirdi think i have already installed build essential.  How do i compile it with g++12:06
variantubunttvr: sudo reboot12:06
ubunttvrdont work12:06
variantubunttvr: or sudo shutdown -r now12:06
nexousNETcables: the only wireless i have in the output is..12:06
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nekr0zHello all! What's the command to see the hard disk free space in terminal?12:06
variantnekr0z: df --si12:06
frogzootc75: /var/cache/apt/   - you can clean it out with 'apt-get clean'12:06
ubunttvrvariant thanks12:06
Haffyvariant: Hope you like it in Sundsvall, I have never been there12:06
cablesnexousNET, you don't see anything about broadcom?12:06
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variantHaffy: it pwns.. lived there for a year12:06
ubunttvrsudo shutdown -r 5minutes   is what i want12:06
variantowns :)12:07
=== BrianB04 [n=brianb@c-69-136-128-216.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BrianB04Good evening all.12:07
nexousNETcables: No, I have a wireless controller, but it says from Texas Instruments, it's a linksys one12:07
ucordeshow can i get different keyboard layout ins kubuntu? (they seam to be not installed since i can't select them in control center. the list with keyboard layouts is just empty) if it is of any importance: i have ubuntu edgy installed and switched over to KDE by installing the packages kde and kubuntu-desktop12:07
Zenith2007bb in a bit if i can't get it working.12:07
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ubunttvrvariant what is the -r for ?12:07
soundrayucordes: have you asked in #kubuntu ?12:07
soundrayubunttvr: reboot (-h for shutdown)12:08
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tc75frogzoo: thx...12:08
ubunttvryeh h for hault !!12:08
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frogzootc75: yw12:08
cablesnexousNET, Linksys and most other companies don't actually make the wireless hardware... so you need Texas Instruments drivers. I'm not entirely sure those exist, though... I'll look.12:09
icebirdi think I have already installed build essential.  How do i compile it with g++12:09
nexousNETcables: okay thanks.12:09
=== Onburiiku [n=ubuntu@adsl-145-108-237.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #Ubuntu
soundrayicebird: compile what?12:09
OnburiikuHello! =)12:09
icebirdC++ source code12:09
BrianB04I have an odd question for someone who might have the answer: Is using packages like Ubuntu provides (486) any slower than using pure 686 compiled software?12:09
=== glick [n=myob@cpe-75-84-226-35.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
glickhey does anyone know how i can set it up so i can drag windows between virtual monitors?12:09
variantargh.. can anyone hlep me set up this ubuntu mirror?12:09
variantBrianB04: marginaly12:10
glickvirtual desktops i mean12:10
frogzootc75: you can also tweak settings in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20archive (END)12:10
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ucordessoundray: good idea12:10
progekcan someone tell me where system links are stored when I use the ln command? I'm trying to erase an old link before creating a new one.12:10
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BrianB04progek: A link is just the link file itself.12:11
marshalldoes anybody know where to get better OO.o 2 icons? the default icons are horribly ugly12:11
BrianB04progek: Well, there's more too it, but for all intents and purposes you delete the link, the link is gone12:11
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:11
unopprogek,  a link is stored where you tell it to be stored .. why would you think links would be placed elsewhere -- it wouldnt make sense12:12
progekBrianB04 thanks, where would the link be so I can delete it?12:12
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive12:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about local - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:12
ubotuapt-mirror: APT sources mirroring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.4-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 11 kB, installed size 116 kB12:12
unopprogek,  ln -sf /path/to/target /path/to/link   -- ought to overwrite an existing link12:12
glickis that possible to set up?12:13
progekunop, thanks, I will do that12:13
glickso i can drag windows over to the side and have the switch desktops?12:13
soundraymarshall: there are a few sets in Tools-Options-Openoffice.org-View-Icon size and style12:13
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webbenucordes, Sounds like you may be being bitten by this bug: https://launchpad.net/bugs/5808312:13
marshallsoundray: ok, thanks12:14
icebirdsoundray: C++ source code12:14
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:14
OnburiikuI've got a big problem. I have Ubuntu installed on my external harddrive. A few nights ago I put it into hibernate and went to bed. When I turned the computer on though, it tried to boot to my drive as usual but I got nothing but a blank screen with a flashing bar (Like a command line). Nothing happened when I type anything, and after a bit typing makes the system beep sound. Nothing happens except after about five minutes it says "St12:14
marshallsoundray: do you know where i may get more?12:15
bonesawin VSFTP can someone tell me the command that tells it where users files are stored. i have a webserver and i want to be able to FTP content over.12:15
cablesnexousNET, your card should work natively with Ubuntu 6.06 and up, according to a user at the ndiswrapper wiki.12:16
soundraymarshall: no, sorry12:16
cablesnexousNET, how have you tried configuring it?12:16
glickis there no way to do that?12:16
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marshallsoundray: dang, ok12:16
icebirdsoundray: I need to Compile C++ source code with g++.  Can you tell me how to do this?12:17
nexousNETcables: what am i configuring? I've messed around with administration-> network, and wifi-radar and gtkwifi, but failed for completion.12:17
glickhi can anuone see me?12:17
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pbureauglick, nope not there you are ..12:17
gOLdenHaWK3Dglick, Hah! Nopes!!! lol12:17
cables!patience | glick12:17
ubotuglick: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:17
=== GrimWald [n=Telepath@acces1042.res.insa-lyon.fr] has joined #ubuntu
cablesnexousNET, did your card show up but not work when you tried to connect?12:17
soundrayicebird: have you tried g++ file.cc ?12:18
bonesawanyone have any info for me to setup this webserver?12:18
nexousNETcables: it shows up as texas instruments card yes.12:18
=== JaeSharpWork is now known as JaeSharp
icebirdI am a noob to all that concerns linux so I didn't even know were to begin12:18
charles__anyone know what flags are passsed to gcc whilst building the kernel? I'm getting an invalid module format while building/inserting a 3rd party module12:18
=== matthew1429 [n=tferrero@75-132-143-75.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
nexousNETcables: with gtkwifi and wifi-radar, they say its connected, but i tried pinging google.com and it failed.12:19
cablesnexousNET, it shows up in System>Administration>Networking? What doesn't work about it?12:19
cablesnexousNET, ah12:19
matthew1429what firewall do you guys suggest for someone just wanting to keep ssh, ftp, and apache open?12:19
cablesnexousNET, does that computer have an ethernet adapter?12:19
variantmatthew1429: iptables configured with firestarter gui..12:19
soundrayicebird: what you need, then, is a good book or teacher, not an OS support channel on IRC12:19
nexousNETcables: yes, it's disabled right now.12:19
HP_VueCan I get Linspire as a session type in ubuntu? And is it free?12:19
cablesnexousNET, and does that work?12:19
nexousNETwlan0 (the wireless connection) is the only one active.12:19
frogzoo!docs | icebird12:20
ubotuicebird: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com12:20
cablesHP_Vue, what do you mean as a session type?12:20
nexousNETcables: yes, I've run ethernet off of it before.12:20
nexousNETcables: but being a laptop, I need it to be wireless 24/7 now.12:20
HP_Vuecables, Like if you have kubuntu-desktop, you have to go to the options menue, then session type and select KDE12:20
cablesnexousNET, I understand that. Can you connect that computer to Ethernet so you can paste a few things? Or tell me a few things?12:20
dyrnenexousNET: sudo ifconfig ath0 up; iwlist ath0 scan; sudo iwconfig ath0 essid networkname; sudo dhclient ath0   change ath0 to eth1 or whatever. does everything work but unable to aquire an ipaddress with last command?12:21
glickthats really bad if you cant drag windows across virtual desktops12:21
cablesdyrne, he's not on ath...12:21
OnburiikuI've got a big problem. I have Ubuntu installed on my external harddrive. A few nights ago I put it into hibernate and went to bed. When I turned the computer on though, it tried to boot to my drive as usual but I got nothing but a blank screen with a flashing bar (Like a command line). Nothing happened when I type anything, and after a bit typing makes the system beep sound. Nothing happens except after about five minutes it says "St12:21
glickwhats the point of virtual desktops then?12:21
OnburiikuAny help would be greatly appreicated =)12:21
agliv5Does anyone have any experience with divx 6.1.1 for linux? i.e. how do I ensure that divx 6 is being used and not a ffmpeg or libavc codec?12:21
gOLdenHaWK3Dhi all. I need to know how to start the bittorrent, cuz i think i lost its link from the gnome-menu!!!12:21
=== Pablo [n=Pablo@utdpat241254.utdallas.edu] has joined #ubuntu
whoniccaanyone using xchat with xsys plugin?12:21
soundrayglick: you can drag the mini window symbols in the desktop switcher12:21
matthew1429is it common for console to have a lot of problems reading files when starter firestarter?12:22
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cablesglick, right click on a titlebar and click "move to desktop..."12:22
glicksoundray, yeah but thats tiny and i cant see whats what12:22
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soundrayglick: or use the top left window menu to "Move to Another Workspace"12:22
nexousNETdyrne: sudo ifconfig auth0 up returns "auth0: ERROR while getting interface flahs: no such device"12:22
varianthas anyone set up a local apt repository?12:22
matthew1429here's an example Error reading file /etc/firestarter/outbound/allow-service12:22
soundrayglick: make the panel bigger, then12:22
cablesHP_Vue, no. Kubuntu and Ubuntu use the same packages, but LInspire uses completely different ones.12:22
glicksoundray, yeah i know those methods but you used to be able to just drag to another desktops12:22
=== fnord123 [n=fnord123@user-5445db9e.lns3-c13.telh.dsl.pol.co.uk] has left #ubuntu []
unopnexousNET,  how about -- sudo ifup auth012:22
OnburiikuGoldenhawk3d, right click the applications menu bar and click edit menus. Then, under "Internet", you can enable Bittorrent by ticking the check box.12:22
nexousNETdyrne: do you want ethernet active?12:23
cablesglick, used to be? on what system?12:23
dyrnenexousNET: yes youll replace ath0 with whatever your device name is.  cat /etc/iftab for a list of divices12:23
soundrayglick: yeah, fvwm212:23
cablesunop, dyrne, he's not on an atheros card12:23
glickcables, on gnome12:23
cablesnexousNET, have you enabled DHCP?12:23
nexousNETin gnome network? yes12:23
glickwell what do i need for 3-d desktop? just xgl?12:23
variantHP_Vue: linspire and ubuntu are two different operating systems12:23
cablesnexousNET, do you have an IP address?12:23
cables!beryl | glick12:23
ubotuglick: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects12:23
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cablesglick, no.12:24
gOLdenHaWK3DOnburiiku, U have been of great help! I was struggling with it for almost a week now! Thanx a lot!12:24
glicki dont see beryl on dapper12:24
nexousNETcables: all the machines on the network are,,2,3,++)12:24
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OnburiikuGoldenhawk3d: No problem. Glad I could help =)12:24
gOLdenHaWK3DOnburiiku, Thanx again!12:24
cablesglick, that's because beryl, xgl, and compiz are beta and don't work very well right now with dapper (or edgy, for that matter)12:24
gOLdenHaWK3DOnburiiku, :)12:24
cablesnexousNET, I mean, when your wireless is connected, does your laptop have an IP address? I know it's *supposed* to have one, but does it?12:25
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elementzgot a prob with my wlan pcmcia card-> pc keeps freezing after surfing some time -> using ndiswrapper12:25
nexousNETdyrne: the last command fails12:26
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ucordeswebben: nono. read my question again and you will notice it isn't the right bug12:26
ucordeshow can i get different keyboard layout ins kubuntu? (they seam to be not installed since i can't select them in control center. the list with keyboard layouts is just empty) if it is of any importance: i have ubuntu edgy installed and switched over to KDE by installing the packages kde and kubuntu-desktop12:26
cablesnexousNET, tell me if the computer is recieving an IP address from the router?12:27
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nexousNETcables: in wifi-radar, it says Connected to "mynetworkname" ip(None)12:27
webbenucordes, Oh i see. Sorry.12:27
OnburiikuI've got a big problem. I have Ubuntu installed on my external harddrive. A few nights ago I put it into hibernate and went to bed. When I turned the computer on though, it tried to boot to my drive as usual but I got nothing but a blank screen with a flashing bar (Like a command line). Nothing happened when I type anything, and after a bit typing makes the system beep sound. Nothing happens except after about five minutes it says "St12:27
OnburiikuAny help would be greatly appreicated =)12:27
webbenucordes, you could ask in #kubuntu ?12:27
cablesnexousNET, yes, but can you see somewhere where you can check if there's an IP address?12:27
cablesnexousNET, try pinging your router's IP.12:27
yamanany one knows where can i find libnet-1.0.2a12:27
nexousNETcables: "12:28
nexousNETcables: "connect: Network is unreachable"12:28
ucordeswebben: i'm waiting for help there12:28
dyrnenexousNET: make sure the router youre connecting to is not encrypted and is not filtering by mac address.12:28
cablesokay, sorry nexousNET... don't know how to help you12:28
cablesdyrne, nexousNET, good idea12:28
bonesawcan anyone help me with VSFTP?12:28
nexousNETdyrne: it's a default router, just a different SSID/name12:29
cablesnexousNET, if your ethernet card can connect properly but not wireless, maybe it's your MAC address...12:29
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nexousNETcables: but why would it matter if my router doesn't filter MAC addresses?12:29
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nexousNETcables: is my ethernet connection suppose to be active during this?12:29
nexousNETor just wireless?12:29
yamanhello there any link to the libnet-1.0.2a library ??? please12:29
cablesnexousNET, during what?12:30
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nexousNETcables: pinging. I know I'm trying to use wireless but i wasn't sure.12:30
dyrnenexousNET: only one at a time trying to do both would screw up routing(confuse the poor linux box)12:30
=== Bsims [n=Bsims@74-139-130-132.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
BsimsHow do I tell ubuntu to handle non unicode for usenet12:30
nexousNETdyrne: okay12:30
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=== Bsims whines some of its encoded in good old latin 1
dyrnenexousNET: you might try changing the channel in the router.  i had a solaris box once that had trouble with certain freq or something. im sure thats prob not the issue though12:31
=== omgsunny [n=joe@6532209hfc43.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
patbamsweet jeebus gtkpod is bewildering12:31
OnburiikuI've got a big problem. I have Ubuntu installed on my external harddrive. A few nights ago I put it into hibernate and went to bed. When I turned the computer on though, it tried to boot to my drive as usual but I got nothing but a blank screen with a flashing bar (Like a command line). Nothing happened when I type anything, and after a bit typing makes the system beep sound. Nothing happens except after about five minutes it says "St12:31
OnburiikuAny help would be greatly appreciated. =)12:31
nexousNETi had to change it already for windows :-(12:31
skarfacewhat's the dpkg command to list installed packages?12:31
BsimsHow do I tell ubuntu to handle non unicode for usenet, some if it is old fashoned latin 112:31
dyrnenexousNET: sudo ifdown eth0; then try the sudo dhclient command again12:32
nexousNETdyrne: I'm using sudo ifdown wlan0 thought right?12:32
omgsunnyhello, i need to be able to print from a samba shared printer on a windows XP from my ubuntu box, does anyone have a tutorial, I don't know where to start.12:32
OnburiikuI can access the HD from my LiveCD Ubuntu, is there anything I could change or delete to fix the problem?12:32
dyrnenexousNET: yes but to take down the ethernet device. make sure its down12:32
sander_mHello. I cannot install cupsys. apt-get says "Package cupsys is not available". I've done apt-get update, apt-get clean, etcetera with no result.12:32
nexousNETdyrne: it is12:32
PabloOnburiiku, ur doomed12:32
=== riotkitt1e [n=riotkitt@cpe-72-228-42-90.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nexousNETdyrne: i get, Listening on... Sending on... Sending on   Socket/fallback12:32
riotkitt1eok. stupid question time .12:33
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dyrnenexousNET: any neighbors routers showing up when you iwlist wlan0 scan ? can you connect to any of those?12:33
cablessander_m, it's like it sounds... it's not available. However, try making sure universe is enabled, it might be there.12:33
cablesnexousNET, time for some wardriving :)12:33
OnburiikuNot trying to be rude, but the ":D" wasn't necessary....12:33
riotkitt1eis there anyway to undo ctrl+s in a tty? other than ctrl+q ? because i cant turn it off12:33
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nexousNETdyrne: do i have to run that using sudo?12:34
dyrnenexousNET: not the iwlist command usually12:34
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nexousNETdyrne: I get 'wlan0   Failed to read scan data : Resource temporarily unavailable'12:34
dyrnenexousNET: unplug and replug it and try again12:35
unopnexousNET,  what effect does sudo have on this command?12:35
nexousNETif i unplug card, dont i have to reboot?12:35
OnburiikuCan anyone else confirm what Pablo said? Am I doomed?12:35
dyrnenexousNET: or just sudo ifconfig wlan0 up12:35
matthew1429can someone visit my joomla site please?  for some reason when I try to log in from the front end12:35
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matthew1429it doesn't load css12:35
OnburiikuOr prove otherwise12:35
cablesunop,  same as any other command... runs as root12:35
dyrnenexousNET: its a pcmcia card?12:35
nexousNETdyrne: Scan says : 'wlan0 No scan results.'12:35
cables!offtopic | matthew142912:35
ubotumatthew1429: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:35
nexousNETdyrne: yes.12:35
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dyrnenexousNET: you can plug/unplug as much as you want if everything is working12:36
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Silthrimhmm i guess that worked12:36
OnburiikuI've got a big problem. I have Ubuntu installed on my external harddrive. A few nights ago I put it into hibernate and went to bed. When I turned the computer on though, it tried to boot to my drive as usual but I got nothing but a blank screen with a flashing bar (Like a command line). Nothing happened when I type anything, and after a bit typing makes the system beep sound. Nothing happens except after about five minutes it says "St12:36
OnburiikuI can access the HD from my LiveCD Ubuntu, is there anything I could change or delete to fix the problem?12:36
PabloOnburiiku, i would think that either it is a hardware issue.... or... its mbr related if not hardware... both of which... if you are asking... you are prolly doomed..... what did you change on the machine before making it sleep? have you tried to install the hard drive internally?12:36
dyrnenexousNET: the gui app was showing the network?12:36
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nexousNETdyrne: no12:36
omgsunny hello, i need to be able to print from a samba shared printer on a windows XP from my ubuntu box, does anyone have a tutorial, I don't know where to start.12:36
HP_VueCan I get FreeSpire-desktop on ubuntu, becuase i thought Linspire was based off debian, and I thought ubuntu was to12:37
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sander_mcables: Universe is enabled, as is multiverse. Regardless, cupsys is in main. See my sources.list: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4506/12:37
Silthrimhow can i change the overall GDM theme (panels, etc.)?12:37
cablessander_m, no idea then...12:37
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cablesSilthrim, system>administration>login window12:37
OnburiikuPablo: I don't think I changed anything, I just hibernated before I went to bed. What do you mean by "Install the hard drive internally"? Oh, and if it helps it's a USB drive.12:37
elementzcan somebody help me with my wlan?12:38
unopHP_Vue,  in someways ms-dos and win32 are derived off of unix and so is mac os x .. but that doesnt mean the two share much likeliness, its the same with your supposition12:38
dyrnenexousNET: what model card?12:38
elementzusing pcmcia netgear with ndiswrapper -> computer freezes after some time of surfing12:38
Silthrimhmm maybe i dont know what im talking about but i mean like, change what the panels look like in the desktop12:38
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nexousNETdyrne: wpc54g12:38
PabloOnburiiku,  it is a usb jump drive... or a hard drive with a usb interface?12:38
nexousNETdyrne: v212:38
Onburiiku-Hard drive with a USB interface. 160 gigs.12:38
sander_mcables: Okay, thanks anyway12:38
cablessander_m, keep asking on this channel... I'm not the only one here12:39
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PabloOnburiiku, so remove it from the enclosure and install it in your chachine... I mean that is what I would do...12:39
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whoniccahow do i link my ntfs drives trash can to my desktop trash can12:39
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bobbyyuI need some help12:39
dyrnenexousNET: i see several people using ndiswrapper for that card..12:39
BigToe7000How do I get my phone to send me a file via OBEX?12:39
quaalhello anyone with experience mounting a raid-0 partition possibly know what the problem is here? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2115877&postcount=3812:39
SilthrimPablo: its a good way to get a cheap internal HD too lol12:39
OnburiikuPablo: Would that help the problem?12:39
nexousNETdyrne: i have ndiswrapper on here, but someone told me last night to use wifi-radar or gtkwifi or gnome network.12:40
BigToe7000I can get my PC to send files to it, but can't see how you can do the reverse...12:40
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nexousNETdyrne: how do I go about using ndiswrapper for it?12:40
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup12:40
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dyrnenexousNET: i gotta go but maybe http://antonym.org/node/89   good luck.12:40
elementzanybody here who can help me with pcmcia and ndiswrapper at all?12:40
frasierdogquick question everyone, what should i do if my ubuntu 6.10 live CD doesn't load? It boots and eventually freezes on the orange progress bar12:40
nexousNETdyrne: okay thanks.12:40
cablesnexousNET, that won't help... it's not for your card. I looked already12:40
nexousNETcables: but that is my card.12:41
nexousNETcables: Linksys WPC54G Card12:41
cablesnexousNET, i remember that being for v1 of it... completely different chipset12:41
sander_mIs there someone else who can help me figure out why apt/synaptic think package cupsys doesn't exist? The strangest thing: apt-get can't find it, but apt-cache says it's there. See http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4510/12:41
nexousNETcables: oh okay12:41
=== NiGhTcHiLd [n=eugene@ool-44c7c852.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
cablesnexousNET, http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Installation and http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/List12:41
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Silthrimhow do i change what the panels look like... the color most likely12:41
NiGhTcHiLdis this the ubuntu chat12:41
unopsander_m,  what does  apt-cache policy cupsys  list as the possible repositories for it?12:42
SilthrimNiGhTcHiLd: yes12:42
unopSilthrim,  right click panels, properties ....12:42
sander_munop: See http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4510/12:42
cablesnexousNET, never mind, that might not help... the thing is, it doesn't sound like a wireless problem to me. It's connecting, so it seems to be working... it's just some general networking problem.12:42
NiGhTcHiLdhow can i change me desktop enviroment12:42
HP_VueHow do I get the cube desktop on ubuntu>12:42
mcphailsander_m: i think the "candidate: none" suggests that apt-cache can't find it12:42
bobbyyuAfter downloading 600 updates, my Ubuntu crashed, displaying this message: Failed to start the X-Server (your graphical interface). It is likely that it is not set up correctly. Would you like to view the X-server output to diagnose the problem?12:42
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nexousNETcables: is there anyway to see if the actually device is working?12:42
nexousNETcables: besides the light being on the network adapter.12:43
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cablesif it's connecting to the network, it's working12:43
nexousNETcables: it's got power, but no link.12:43
frogzooHP_Vue: that's beryl (or compiz)12:43
NiGhTcHiLdwhat is beryl use for12:43
Silthrimunop: what about the text color or the theme of the menus themeselves?12:43
frogzooNiGhTcHiLd: it's a desktop manager that does 3d & other cool effects12:43
cables!beryl | NiGhTcHiLd12:43
ubotuNiGhTcHiLd: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects12:43
sander_mmcphail: Yes, but it does list the repository where to find it. I've apt-get updated countless times now. I even did a full refresh my commenting out my sources.list, doing an update, removing the comments and updating again12:43
HP_Vuefrogzoo: I just want the cube, I don't want the wierd window effects12:44
unopsander_m,  it looks like cupsys is a meta-package that has a replacement candidate (one of cupsys-common or cupsys-bsd) as the apt-get errors indicate12:44
cablesnexousNET, if you have Windows on that machine, you can try it on that...12:44
BigToe7000How do I get my phone to send me a file via OBEX?12:44
bobbyyuMy problem start when I downloaded around 600 updates12:44
nexousNETcables: the card worked before with windows.12:44
SilthrimHP_Vue: its all or none.. either way you need to correctly configure your video card12:44
bobbyyuDo you know where I can find help?12:44
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OnburiikuI guess the only thing I can do is re-install Ubuntu12:44
cablesnexousNET, no idea, sorry...12:44
Silthrimmost likely12:44
cablesOnburiiku, what's the problem?12:44
OnburiikuI've got a big problem. I have Ubuntu installed on my external harddrive. A few nights ago I put it into hibernate and went to bed. When I turned the computer on though, it tried to boot to my drive as usual but I got nothing but a blank screen with a flashing bar (Like a command line). Nothing happened when I type anything, and after a bit typing makes the system beep sound. Nothing happens except after about five minutes it says "St12:44
=== mindstate [n=mindstat@pool-71-164-65-55.albyny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
mcphailsander_m: afaik, if there's no "candidate", the packsge doesn't exist any more12:44
HP_VueWhat about XGL?12:45
unopSilthrim,  well, you'll need to find an appropriate theme (or create one yourself) that offers those beautifications12:45
OnburiikuPablo said I was pretty much doomed12:45
cablesHP_Vue, all the effects are optional12:45
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bobbyyuMy X-server failed to start. Where can I find help?12:45
Silthrimunop: what "type" of theme would i look for and is there a program that does this for you? like emerald?12:46
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whoniccaquestion, im using ntfs-3g, when i delete files on my ntfs drive they go into a folder called .trash-user, i was wondering, how can i link this to my desktops trash can and have it so when i select empty trash can it deletes stuff on both drives12:46
sander_munop: Nope. I have both cupsys-common and cupsys-bsd installed. Doesn't work. And the package exists.12:46
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sander_mmcphail: The package exists. See http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/cupsys/12:46
HP_Vuecables, Is there a tutorial on how to get XGL?12:46
mindstatebobbyyu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:46
SilthrimHP_Vue: go to the Beryl wiki12:46
variantwhonicca: ln -s12:46
cablesHP_Vue, do you have an Nvidia card or ATI card?12:47
frasierdogwhat should i do if my ubuntu 6.10 live CD doesn't load? It boots and eventually freezes on the orange progress bar12:47
variantwhonicca: ln -s source desitnation12:47
HP_VueI have ATI12:47
unopsander_m,  the package does not exist anymore -- the size of the packages in the pool indicates that it is purely a metapackage12:47
quaali feel bad for ati people12:47
nexousNETIs there anyway to...12:47
cableshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BerylOnEdgy HP_Vue12:47
cablesHP_Vue, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BerylOnEdgy12:47
HP_Vuethanks alot12:47
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Silthrimquaal: same lmao12:47
quaalSilthrim, heh12:47
nexousNETRun an ethernet cord from ubuntu laptop, windows desktop, and share internet connections via windows wireless?12:47
bobbyyuThat'll fix the X-Server problem?12:47
whoniccavariant, but when i select to empty trash can, it only empties stuff on my nix drive, not my ntfs since its only links12:48
bobbyyumindstate: It started when I downloaded a bunch of updates12:48
quaalSilthrim, i made the mistake of getting an ati radeon 64mb (like first generation). never again.12:48
||arifaXPriceChild: seems to work I defined the password as server password as documented. - fine12:48
Silthrimare there programs to customize the panels?12:48
Silthrimquaal: ^__^12:48
PriceChild||arifaX, wooooooo :)12:48
cablesSilthrim, in gdm?12:48
Silthrimi mean the panels in GNOME12:48
cablesSilthrim, you can do that manually12:49
mindstatebobbyu: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver to configure X12:49
quaalSilthrim, fluxbox12:49
HP_Vuecables, I am using Kubuntu-desktop, so will I need to change back to Gnome?12:49
Silthrimahh ill check that out12:49
elementzanybody here who can help me with my wlan/ndiswrapper problem?12:49
HP_VueBut I am using ubuntu 6.1012:49
||arifaXPriceChild: got to try the alternate one now :)12:49
PriceChild||arifaX_, :)12:49
cablesHP_Vue, for what? I have short-term memory loss :)12:49
unopsander_m,  have you made any recent changes to your /etc/apt/sources.list (sudo aptitude update  if so) -- installing cupsys should bring in the other packages and not complain12:49
sander_munop: It's 1.4 Mb. You can download it and open it in the file-roller and see for yourself: http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/cupsys/cupsys_1.2.4-2ubuntu3_i386.deb12:49
HP_Vuelol cables, For Beryl12:49
mindstatecables: i suffer from the same problem :\12:50
=== Weems [n=frodo@unaffiliated/weems] has joined #ubuntu
OnburiikuCables: The problem is, I have Ubuntu installed on my external harddrive. A few nights ago I put it into hibernate and went to bed. When I turned the computer on though, it tried to boot to my drive as usual but I got nothing but a blank screen with a flashing bar (Like a command line). Nothing happened when I type anything, and after a bit typing makes the system beep sound. Nothing happens except after about five minutes it says "St12:50
bobbyyumindstate: after typing that, what do I do?12:50
cablesHP_Vue, not sure... I just searched it on the ubuntu wiki12:50
UntouchableMXI downloaded a realmedia player, and I want to know how to install it, can some onehelp me???12:50
mindstatebobbyyu: press enter12:50
=== Sleeperknight [n=Sleeperk@c-24-17-155-204.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Silthrimcan i run fluxbox and beryl simultaneously?12:50
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sander_munop: No changes. And I have updated at least two dozen times in the last 24 hours, with both synaptic as apt-get update from the command line12:50
Silthrimor are they programs that "cancel each other out"?12:51
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pfeinany recommended reading for how to maintain (identical) Ubuntu installs across a cluster?12:51
quaalSilthrim, dont know12:51
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cablesUnthouchableMX, unzip it to the desktop, and run the install script in the terminal. I'll be right back if you need more help12:51
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quaalSilthrim, just trying to install fluxbox for the first time now12:51
UntouchableMXwell its just a bin file12:51
Silthrimquaal: tell me if you have any problems because it seems that its not a fan of GNOME12:51
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SleeperknightI have a problem with Wine and registry's, its not showing direct3d in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\ anyone know the problem?12:52
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frogzooSleeperknight: -> #winehq12:52
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NiGhTcHiLdGNOME,BERYL AND KDE are all desktop manager?12:52
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Sleeperknighti did no one is answering12:52
quaalSilthrim, i believe it replaces gnome.12:53
HP_VueThere is a problem, when I type sudo apt-get install beryl emerald-themes in Terminal to install Beryl, I get an error of: E: Couldn't find package beryl12:53
unopsander_m,  errm, try this - sudo aptitude install cupsys=1.2.4   -- or if that fails, try and install that .deb manually with -- dpkg -i file.deb12:53
Silthrimcorrect me if im wrong but GNOME and KDE are desktop managers and Beryl is a window manager12:53
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Silthrimquaal: oh i didnt realize that12:53
White_Lightningok, I've got a really massive problem12:53
elementzis there a way to extract an exe installer on a linux box?12:53
mindstatei think Beryl is a desktop manager12:53
frogzoopfein: you'd do best to replicate at the file system level, with links to a local partition for different configs (off the top of my head)12:53
mcphailsander_m: have you installed any non-ubuntu repos?12:53
White_LightningI edited my xorg file a little bit for my dual screens, same as always12:53
cablesOnburiiku, I'd venture to say that hibernate + external drive = bad. It may be possible to delete the file that told Ubuntu it was hibernated, so it doesn't try to restore from Hibernation again, but I'm not sure.12:53
OnburiikuI'm just going to have to re-install Ubuntu then12:53
White_Lightningit works fine, here's the large problem12:53
mindstateHP_Vue: did u add the repo's to your sources.list?12:54
cablesOnburiiku, read my above message... not much help probably though.12:54
ryanakcahow can I tell the XOrg server version?12:54
HP_Vuemindstate: no.12:54
Silthrimberyl is a window manager that runs inside the KDE or GNOME desktop manager (i believe :P)12:54
quaalSilthrim, http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net12:54
White_Lightningterminal no longer works in the gui, and terminal screens (alt F1-F6) doesn't work correctly12:54
sander_mmpchail: Only my personal one. It contains only gnome-hearts12:54
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unopelementz,  try one of cabextract or unzip -- bear in mind not all .exe files are self-extracting archives tho12:54
mindstateHP_Vue: you have to add them to install beryl via apt-get12:54
Silthrimquaal: yeah thanks12:54
ryanakcahow can I tell the XOrg server version (the command, that works cross-distro)12:54
White_Lightningso I can't use terminal period on my desktop12:54
frogzoocables: Onburiiku you could boot from a live cd & delete the hibernate file12:54
White_Lightningwhy would that happen12:54
Silthrimquaal: brb12:54
OnburiikuxD, sorry. It seems I always give up the second osmeone answers my quiestion12:54
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NiGhTcHiLdonce yyou download a theme from beryl how do you install it12:54
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elementzunop, thx12:54
Jordan_U!return White_Lightning12:55
pbureauWhite_Lightning, embrace the gui interface :) (teasing)...12:55
Jordan_U!return | White_Lightning12:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about return - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:55
cablesOnburiiku, frogzoo: but he'd have to know where that is. I recommend the Knoppix livecd as it mounts drives by default12:55
sander_munop: aptitude says: Unable to find a version "1.2.4" for the package "cupsys"12:55
OnburiikuFrogzoo: Which file is the hibernate file?12:55
mcphailsander_m: maybe the cupsys package conflicts with something else you have installed12:55
Jordan_UWhite_Lightning: Sorry, just don't hit return so often, it makes your comments hard to follow12:55
White_Lightningwell you guys all know that you have to use terminal at one point or another12:55
pfeinfrogzoo: hmm... any clever ways of propogating a list of desired packages & letting apt/dpkg handle it?  FS-level replication is... painful.12:55
MarcoPauanybody knows what this could be? *** glibc detected *** scanimage: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x08054708 ***12:55
OnburiikuCables: I can get to my drive. I just need to know which file to delete12:55
White_Lightningsorry, a little on edge with this issue12:55
mcphailsander_m: i'm on dapper so can't explore any further12:56
cablesOnburiiku, hmm... now you have a more specific question to ask, so maybe people will be able to help you more12:56
Jordan_UWhite_Lightning: What happens when you try to launch an xterminal, in what way does it not work?12:56
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OnburiikuCables: That's good. Thanks for helping me out. =)12:56
quaali <3 apt-get12:56
mindstatequaal: i do too :)12:57
HP_VueFor https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BerylOnEdgy#head-05ba3cff701f95574c3441c08f0c16d354308daf If i get "direct rendering: Yes" then Do I need to skip the Driver install step? If so, were to I pick up?12:57
Silthrimlol quaal12:57
frogzoopfein: dpkg --get-selections ?12:57
White_Lightningif I try launching a terminal window, it opens the icon on the taskbar (starting terminal....) and hangs for a bit, then that icon dissapears and nothing else happens. All other programs appear to be functioning properly12:57
quaalits almost toooo easy12:57
Jordan_UHP_Vue: what GFX card?12:57
unopsander_m,  well, the problem is your apt-cache policy cupsys command shows no candidate for cupsys -- despite it also listing 1.2.4 available in the repos .. try manually installing the cupsys .deb file12:57
mindstate!ati | HP_Vue12:57
ubotuHP_Vue: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:57
Jordan_UHP_Vue: using fglrx or radeon?12:58
NiGhTcHiLdi downloaded a beryl theme how do i apply it now12:58
Jordan_Umindstate: don't just spam ubotu when you see the word ATI :)12:58
Silthrimnightchild: use Emerald12:58
sander_munop: I'll try12:58
mindstateJordan_U: I'm not12:58
NiGhTcHiLdwhen i press fetch theme nothing happens12:58
OnburiikuIn that case, does anyone here know which file tells Ubuntu it's hibernated? I have Ubuntu on an external drive, and hibernation causes it not to boot. I can access my drive from my LiveCD, so all I should have to do is delete the "Hibernation" file. Anyone know which file that is?12:58
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White_Lightningany thoughts?12:59
cablesOnburiiku, try searching for it. Everywhere. And do a file search for "hib"12:59
sander_munop: Ah, progress! --> Package ssl-cert is not installed.12:59
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slyfox What do you people use to do backups ?12:59
sander_munop: Maybe apt will play along when I fix that first12:59
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Silthrimslyfox: copy > paste :)12:59
yamancan't get the libnet-1.0.2a  the site is not running any mirror ?12:59
Jordan_UHP_Vue: Nice, that means that you can use AIGLX and you actually shouldn't follow those instructions as they will install fglrx which is a PITA :) I'll figure out where to go next...12:59
cablesslyfox, i use sbackup01:00
slyfoxcables: is it an automatic one ?01:00
slyfoxcables: with schedule?01:00
NiGhTcHiLdi donwload a theme for beryl  import it but how do i apply it now01:00
slyfoxcables: oh yeah, I tried this one and it does not work in Kubuntu01:00
cablesslyfox, by default it's automatic by time, through cron. However, I set it up with Anacron so I won't miss a backup ifmy computer's off01:00
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unopsander_m,  i dont think so -- apt-cache policy cupsys needs to list an available candidate for apt-get/aptitude to be able to install it -- in any case, if you supposition were true, ssl-cert should be pulled in via depends01:00
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JunK-Ywith the volume control manager, how can i know whats the name of the muted icon?01:01
UntouchableMXneed help, how do I install a bin file???01:01
bobbyyuNow when I log into to recovery mode, I can't type anything!01:01
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frogzooOnburiiku: I'm guessing (only guessing) that if you rename the file, /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume  you'll be able to boot01:01
_bt_HI, mounts aren't appearing on my desktop anymore. does anyone else have this problem?01:01
cablesUntouchableMX, hold on a sec, I'll help you01:01
_bt_its really annoying01:01
UntouchableMXok thanks01:01
cablesUntouchableMX, private chat?01:01
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OnburiikuFrogzoo: Okay, I'll try that.01:01
unopUntouchableMX,  you run it -- chmod a+x /path/to/file.bin; sudo /path/to/file.bin01:01
OnburiikuThanks for the help everyone =)01:01
pbureauanyone use opera and got adobe flash to work with it ?01:01
mcphail_bt_: i think you can change that behaviour in gconf-editor01:01
White_Lightningsorry guys, I hit a segmentation fault. Anyway does anyone know why terminal would stop functioning?01:01
_bt_mcphail, any idea what key to change?01:01
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mcphail_bt_: sorry - you'd need to search01:02
_bt_its NFS and SAMBA mounts that are in fstab aren't showing when mounted anymore01:02
NiGhTcHiLdcan someone help me01:02
sander_munop: Nope, it worked allright. And it even finished installing cypsys now. See http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4526/01:02
Jordan_UHP_Vue: Go to enable compositing X01:02
matteodoes http://linux-ide.org/ ever been so?01:02
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bobbyyumindstate: I can't type anything when in recovery mode. What to do?01:02
mcphail_bt_: it is likely to be somewhere under the "nautilus" tree01:02
NiGhTcHiLdhow do i apply themes to from emearld01:02
_bt_mcphail, thanks am looking01:03
mindstatebobbyyu: what happened when u tried to reconfigure X01:03
bonesawcan anyone help me with VSFTP?01:03
OnburiikuFrogzoo: I don't see any initramfs-tools directory01:03
HP_Vuebash: /etc/X11/xorg.conf: Permission denied01:03
bobbyyuI can't. I can't type anything from the command prompt01:03
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bobbyyu(recovery mode)01:03
mcphail_bt_: apps -> nautilus -> desktop -> volumes visible01:03
bobbyyuI can't get into Ubuntu (X-Server error)01:03
sander_munop: Is there a way to see if there are other packages on my system " not fully installed or removed."? Synaptic never complained about broken packages when ssl-cert was only half-installed01:03
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unopsander_m,  if you have a couple of minutes - please fill in a bug-report so that the dev team knows of this behaviour -- it'll help ubuntu and others facing this situation01:04
_bt_mcphail, thanks!01:04
arnonhow can I create symbolick link /home/aaa/link that connect to /home/bbb/folderlink ? how does the permission need to be setup ?01:04
sander_munop: I'll file a bug01:04
unopsander_m,  usually if you run something like  - sudo aptitude install -f  .. it attempts to fix broken packages and depends01:04
unoparnon,  /home/bbb/folderlink's permissions need to be adjusted to allow the 'aaa' user access01:05
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pfeinfrogzoo: kickstart/preseeds look like a good start too...01:06
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Jordan_UWhite_Lightning: try running this from the run dialog: xterm > xterm-output.txt 2>&101:06
OnburiikuDoes anyone know the file that tells Ubuntu it's in hibernation?01:06
White_Lightningok I'll give that a shot01:06
ZellSFI'm installing Windows now, how would I reinstall grub to allow me to dual boot01:06
Flannel!grub | ZellSF01:07
ubotuZellSF: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:07
sander_munop: Uhh... something is *very* wrong on my system :-( See the output of aptitude instal -f: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4527/01:07
nikitisyay, i installed Windows 9801:07
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ZellSFthat doesn't say if it'll add Windows to the grub menu though :/01:07
Jordan_Usander_m: Did you just upgrade to Edgy by any chance?01:07
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FlannelZellSF: it does.  Grub always does.  Linux plays nicely ;)01:08
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ZellSFah, ok, I guess I'll try that then01:08
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sander_mJordan_U: Yes. A few weeks back, using apt-get dist-upgrade01:08
ZellSFonce I get Windows installed.01:08
unopsander_m,  not to worry -- what you'll need to do manually is to install packages that are required by others -- for e.g. you see in the output there that f-spot depends on lib-mono and lib-dbus -- install those missing packages  and you'll see the situation gradually improve01:09
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Jordan_Usander_m: Always read the documentation before upgrading, that is not the way to upgrade to Edgy, should be fixable though but no guarantee01:09
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dudleyhas sound stopping due to some update been an issue for anyone?01:10
White_Lightningalright guys I'm closer, I can run xterm, but gnome-terminal won't work. Is there any way to reset that01:10
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unopsander_m,  I also have a feeling that you might have a few discrepancies in your /etc/apt/sources.list -- can you pastebin those contents please?01:10
Jordan_Usander_m: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades01:10
OnburiikuHow do I rename something using the terminal?01:10
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ZellSFuse mv01:10
unopOnburiiku,  move the file01:11
arnonunop, both bbb and aaa are in 'wheel' group, /home/bbb/folderlink already has rwx permission for 'wheel' and aaa still can't even create the symbolic link , it got ln: accessing  ...: permission denied01:11
Onburiikuunop: How do I do that?01:11
NiGhTcHiLdhow can i install a theme using emearld01:11
sander_munop: My sources.list is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4506/01:11
quaalthis fluxbox install guide says A .xsession file in your home directory. you may have it or not. if you dont create it.in the terminal type nano ~/.xsession and put this in there01:11
unopOnburiiku,  mv orig new01:11
quaaldoes this mean /home or /home/username01:11
Jordan_Usander_m: Follow all the instructions from the section "Upgrading using apt-get -- NOT RECOMMENDED"01:11
Flannelquaal: ~ is /home/username01:11
unoparnon,  two secs01:11
quaalFlannel, thanks01:11
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NiGhTcHiLdhelp please01:12
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Flannelquaal: /home is just a folder for users home dirs, /home/username is their actual homedir01:12
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HP_VueHow can I get the clock to be 12 hour instead of 24 hour01:12
Jordan_Usander_m: "deb http://packages.jejik.com/ubuntu dapper main" needs to be Edgy also01:12
Onburiikumv orig new... so, it would be "sudo mv /media/usbdisk/etc/mkinitramfs/conf.d /media/usbdisk/etc/mkinitramfs/"01:13
frogzooNiGhTcHiLd: run emerald theme manager, then select 'reload windows decorator'01:13
Onburiikuno wait01:13
Jordan_U!caps | NiGhTcHiLd01:13
ubotuNiGhTcHiLd: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:13
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PriceChildNiGhTcHiLd, #ubuntu-effects deals with beryl/compiz issues01:13
OnburiikuThanks unop01:13
sander_mJordan_U: No worries. It contains only one package for a game I created (gnome-hearts). There is no edgy for it because gnome-hearts is in edgy's universe01:13
unopsander_m,  it seems a bit all-over-the-place -- i suggest using this instead http://pastebin.ca/34337201:13
pbureauanyone use opera and got adobe flash to work with it ?01:14
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At0mic_PCI used to have adblock and had some site where it would help set up the blocking of ads. I can't find it anymore. Anyone have it where they don't mind sharing?01:14
Flannelunop, sander_m, you should be using edgy-commercial not dapper-01:14
pbureau\adblock is an addon for firefox01:14
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White_Lightningerror output: the program 'gnome-terminal' received an x window system error. The error was 'BadValue )integer parameter out of rang for operation)' Details: serial 108 error_code 2 request_code 78 minor_code 001:14
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NiGhTcHiLdstill not working'01:14
unopFlannel,  thanks for pointing that out -- my bad :)01:15
HP_VueReally, how do you get the clock to be in 12 mode, in Kubuntu-desktop?01:15
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At0mic_PCpbureau: Yeah I got the addon I just can't remember the site where it helped set up the blocking of the ads. :)01:15
NiGhTcHiLdi click fetch theme then i go to beryl and select reload dec andnothing happens01:15
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sander_mFlannel: Thanks. And I should replace gb with nl for better speed since I'm in Holland01:15
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Jordan_Usander_m: The main problem is that you didn't run dist-upgrade multiple times so sisvinit was never replaced with upstart, following the apt-get instructions here should sort things out: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades01:15
pbureauAt0mic_PC, no idea...01:15
kbrosnanAt0mic_PC: http://adblock.mozdev.org/forum.html/no_wrap01:15
OnburiikuThank you Frogzoo, cables, unop, and Pablo. I'll be back in a minute after trying everything out.01:15
unopsander_m,  yep :)01:16
unoparnon,  ok, you there?01:16
arnonunop, yes01:16
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unoparnon,  ok, now, which user is logged on and creating the link and how ?01:16
sander_mJordan_U: Would that also explain why my self-written /etc/init.d/backup.sh that I symlinked from /etc/rc0.d and /etc/rc6.d don't run anymore?01:16
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cablesOnburiiku, good luck :)01:17
NiGhTcHiLdcan i get some help drom soneone please01:17
NiGhTcHiLdi only have like 3 questions01:17
hikenboot_hello all--here is a simple question...If I want to make a link to a directory (Because the path contains spaces which nx cant handle) how would i do this...it appears ln -s "/firefox /home/hikenboot/.wine/drive_c/Program files...." creates a link that is more like a file...am I using the wrong switch?01:17
unopsander_m,  you should be using update-rc.d to enable and disable services -- not manually symlinking01:17
NiGhTcHiLdafter you click fetch theme what is the nest step01:18
Jordan_Usander_m: Probably, Upstart is backwards compatible though so once you finish the upgrade it should work again, and what unop said :)01:18
kbrosnanhikenboot_: use \ characters to escape spaces01:18
NiGhTcHiLdafter you click fetch theme what is the next step01:18
NiGhTcHiLdafter you click fetch theme what is the next step01:18
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sander_munop: I did it though update-rc.d :-) But my backup script still refuses to run when I reboot or shut down.01:18
hikenboot_kbrosnan, apparently nx cant handle using the \ character01:18
NiGhTcHiLdafter you click fetch theme what is the next step01:18
ardchoilleNiGhTcHiLd: stop repeating please01:18
sander_mI'll get to upgrading (again) then :-) Thanks for all the help so far01:19
unopsander_m,  does the backup script work when invoked normally?01:19
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Jordan_Usander_m: Follow ALL the other instructions also.01:19
sander_munop: yes. Perfectly01:19
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unopsander_m,  errm, i'd wait till you finished resolving the issues you have at the moment first -- stabilize the system a bit before going on to do it, you might resolve the problem on the way too01:20
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unopNiGhTcHiLd :)01:21
quaaldoes this Use you're start up file. Type nano ~/.fluxbox/startup (if it does not exist, create it) and put this in there01:21
quaalalso mean the /home/username directory ?01:21
NiGhTcHiLdunop:after you click fetch theme what is the next step01:21
unopNiGhTcHiLd,  what are you trying to theme?01:21
adamonline45How would I add a script to rc.d with a parameter? What I'm trying: sudo update-rc.d scriptname parm. This adds the script, but how do I know it's gonna run the script with the requested parameter, parm?01:21
sander_munop: I meant re-doing the Edgy upgrade like Jordan_U suggested, not upgrading to Feisty. Or were you talking about Edgy?01:21
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hikenboot_anyone able to help with the ln switch?01:21
White_Lightninghey I figured it out01:21
NiGhTcHiLdusing emearld to try a new theme but itwont work01:22
=== genii sips a coffee
unopadamonline45,  you should pass arguments to your script from within the script itself (i.e. hardcoded arguments) .. or get your script to pull in args from an external source, like a file, etc01:22
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kbrosnanhikenboot_: ln -s "/firefox /home/hikenboot/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Mozilla\ Firefox/firefox.exe should work01:23
White_Lightningwith dual monitors, xinerama causes an error with gnome-terminal. Shutting xinerama off allows it to work again, and actually, I kind of like it this way. I have two monitors, but one is in a different spot. Now it's more like having two computers with a software kvm running between the two, and I can live with that until xinerama is fixed01:23
White_Lightningthanks guys01:23
unopNiGhTcHiLd,  I think all you have to do is open up the gnome-theme-manager and import the theme, select and apply it01:23
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syntaxxanyone know how can i make an account lock after 3 valid logins?01:23
hikenboot_ah ok thanks maybe its because i used the quotes ...thanks01:23
geniiWhy would you want to run firefox under wine??01:23
syntaxxanyone know or what to read how can i make an account lock after 3 valid logins?01:24
unopkbrosnan,  eh? but /firefox is a non-standard location -- maybe you meant /usr/lib/firefox/firefox01:24
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adamonline45unop: Okay.  I think maybe I'll just create another script that will run at boot, and just call the script I need with the parameter...  thanks :)01:24
Jordan_Ugenii: I used it before flash 9 came out01:24
kbrosnangenii: shockwave01:24
Quintinlgc: nada01:24
hikenboot_kbrosnan, whats the single quote do?01:24
Quintinlgc: you can have vnc over XDMCP though01:24
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QuintinWhat package do I want for my p4/ht processor?01:24
unopadamonline45,  yep, thats another way you can do it -- but that could create additional difficulty if you need to debug your script -- but, your call :)01:24
kbrosnanhikenboot_: the quote was an accident01:24
At0mic_PCIs the flashplayer-mozilla the beta9?01:24
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hikenboot_ah ok01:24
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BsimsI am having a problem with encoding on usenet, slrn isn't handling latin 1 encodings any ideas01:25
sander_munop, Jordan_U: The weird thing is, I upgraded this thing the exact same way that I upgraded my laptop two days earlier and the laptop worked fine (but the laptop was installed from 6.06.1, not 6.06)01:25
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MarcoPaucan you help with this? cp: cannot create regular file `etc/localtime': Permission denied01:25
BsimsMarcoPau: try sudo cp whatever to here01:25
Jordan_Usander_m: I wouldn't be surprised if you looked at your other laptop and it was still using sisvinit01:26
unopsander_m,  well, hopefully the sources.list i gave you is comprehensive enough to allow apt to bring in whatever it needs from the ubuntu repos -- how is it faring?01:26
MarcoPauBsims: that comes from /etc/init.d/postfix restart01:26
sander_munop: so far, so well. Turned out I was missing ubuntu-desktop01:26
musyacan i add more links to my apt sources list? where can i get them from?01:26
unopMarcoPau,  you need to sudo that command --01:26
Jordan_Usander_m: The easiest way to upgrade is just to run: sudo update-manager -c01:26
Flannelsander_m: 6.06 and 6.06.1 are identical once installed.  The latter is just updated installation files.  You should always upgrade completely (with *ubuntu-desktop) before dist-upgrading01:26
sander_mJordan_U: How can I check whether sysvinit or upstart is running?01:26
NiGhTcHiLdunop: i cant change the theme using emearld why is that01:27
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MarcoPauunop: jeez, so stupid. I'm still not used to sudo :)01:27
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Jordan_Usander_m: Check to see if the sisvinit package is installed01:27
dotcomslashnetAnyone here running Beryl on a less-common-than-nvidia-or-ati chipset? Where is best to go for some help?01:27
unopsander_m,  usually if upstart is installed, you know its in-charge01:27
Flanneldotcomslashnet: #ubuntu-effects01:27
=== Bsims grins I am getting used to the fact that there isn't a root login
Bsimsthough sudo -i is close enough01:27
steel_ladyquestion: mysql records data from the base in binary file that I can not open anyhow without mysql?01:27
adamonline45unop: Alright, so, if I wanted to pass an argument from the script to itself, what should I do?  Basically this is a script that under normal circumstances asks me which firewall profile to load, and calls another script that flushes and writes the new rules to iptables.  So if I wanted it to run at boot, with the default profile, do you have any ideas on how I could do that?01:28
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the_plumberinstalled ubuntu on three machines and none of them have working sound. everything seems to work well (no errors, sound card is found etc) but no sound. ubuntu is latest i386 desktop01:28
unopNiGhTcHiLd,  i'm sorry, i dont use gnome very much and i'm not keen on theming things out .. i prefer a run-of-the-mill desktop01:28
ferret_0567Does Evolution in Ubuntu 6.10 do reminders? If so, how memory much does the notification daemon take?01:28
variantlo all, i really need to be able to get a grub shell prompt on a pxe booted laptop.. anyone got some method i can use?01:28
the_plumbersoundcard is built on intel ad1981a01:28
Jordan_Uvariant: pxe?01:29
variantJordan_U: network booted01:29
unopadamonline45,  if you examine other scripts in /etc/init.d/ .. you'll see that they hardcode options and arguments within the script itself in the form of variables .. thats the safest/best way01:29
kercyrI'm trying to get eclipse 3.2 on 6.06.  The repository doesn't have 3.2 as far as I can tell.  Is  my only recourse to download and install it from eclipse.org?01:29
the_plumberanyone know why sound does not work with ubuntu?01:29
At0mic_PChttps://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/1136/ wow cool01:29
the_plumberthree for three and nothing (two different soundcards)01:29
mcphailadamonline45: write another script which calls that script with the correct arguments if you must01:29
adamonline45unop: alright01:30
Flannelkercyr: correct.  Or to upgrade to edgy01:30
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Jordan_Uvariant: Can you boot and change the menu.list or is not being able to boot why you need to get a grub shell?01:30
kercyris upgrading to edgy safe?01:30
BsimsI am having a problem with encoding on usenet, slrn isn't handling latin 1 encodings any ideas, I've already filled a bugreport against it01:30
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Flannelkercyr: why wouldn't it be?01:30
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adamonline45mcphail: That's what I was thinking.  I'll try it out...01:30
kercyr(and easy?)01:30
Bsimskercyr: I am running edgy now01:30
adamonline45thanks you two...01:30
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ferret_0567It could be unsafe...I dunno01:30
variantJordan_U: invalid boot sector.. i need a grub shell so i can reinstall grub.. cant seem to get one fromt he netboot ubuntu image01:30
Jordan_Ukercyr: just run: gksu "update-manager -c"01:30
Bsimskercyr: change your /etc/apt/sources.list to point to edgy and apt get into it01:30
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Flannelkercyr: upgrading is easy, yeah.  Painless unless you've installed software yourself, or some third party repositories01:31
bobbyyuWhat's this message: Can't read CTR while initializing i804201:31
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steel_ladyI am here, please help me to open the file!!!01:31
Bsimsany one ever run into encoding problems due to unicode?01:31
=== ugarit [n=ugarit@208-59-114-73.c3-0.129-ubr3.lnh-129.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
unopsteel_lady,  and which file is this? :)01:31
HP_VueHoe do I check what graphic card I have from ubuntu/01:31
spuddoggDoes anyone know if Ubuntu has a built-in equalizer somewhere?  My music is WAAAAY to bassy01:31
kercyrSo...  is there official instructions somewhere about upgrading to edgy?01:31
Flannel!upgrade | kercyr01:31
ubotukercyr: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:31
unopspuddogg,  alsamixergui01:31
Jordan_Ukercyr: If you have ever used Automatix there is a good chance the upgrade will fail, which is why Automatix is bad BTW :)01:31
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HP_Vue Hoe do I check what graphic card I have from ubuntu?01:32
sander_mHmmm....  I performed the upgrade according to the website now, but apt says: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded. And the kept-back package is cupsys! Grrrr....01:32
Flannelsteel_lady: mysql data files aren't readily readable01:32
unopHP_Vue,  lspci01:32
BsimsHP_Vue: lspci01:32
HP_VueIn terminal01:32
Jordan_UHP_Vue: yes01:32
BsimsHP_Vue: open a terminal and then do lspci01:32
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steel_ladyunop, I want to open the file with the name mysql-bin.000074 anyhow to see characters inside but not to use mysql01:32
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=== francois [n=francois@fctnnbsc15w-156034088093.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
BsimsI am having a problem with encoding on usenet with slrn on ubuntu, it isn't handling latin 1 encodings any ideas, I've already filled a bugreport against it...01:33
musyaHP_Vue: hey01:33
=== manny [n=manny@cpe-24-160-223-78.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bobbyyuWhat's this message? Can't read CTR while initializing i804201:33
unopsteel_lady,  cat the file at a terminal01:33
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Flannelsteel_lady: not really, no.  It would require a lot of knowledge about the file structure.01:33
kercyrhow long does an upgrade take?01:33
unopsteel_lady,  or better use less/more if you think the file is huge01:33
HP_VueHey musya01:33
musyaHP_Vue: sorry about yesturday i forgot the channels name after i restarted, and the screenshot was up anymore01:33
francoiskercyr: to edgy ?01:33
musyayou still on the channel?01:33
HP_VueNP musya01:33
kercyrdapper to edgy.01:33
=== Vuen_ [n=Vuen@bas9-ottawa23-1096655682.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
HP_VueYea, I am in #HPVUE01:34
steel_ladyunop I don't think that the file is huge but I don't have any idea what ayre you talking about. can you give me precize answer?01:34
unopsander_m,  you could try installing cupsys manually again once done01:34
francoiskercyr: took me like 3hrs, but i donwloaded all of it from the internet, and replaced all the packages one at a time,01:34
spuddoggunop, thanks, but I need something to control bass, treble etc...is there such a thing?01:34
pbureauanyone use opera and got adobe flash to work with it ?01:34
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unopsteel_lady,  at a terminal -- type this command  - cat /path/to/mysql-bin.00007401:34
Flannel!opera | pbureau01:34
bobbyyuDid anyone have the same problem I have: Downloaded more than 600 updates at a time and the computer just frooze?01:34
ubotupbureau: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser01:34
francoisI need help making a folder on my desktop accessible to other users, how do I go about this ???01:35
sander_munop: It's installed allright, but kept back because apt thinks there's no such package in the repository. But it didn't delete the one installed.01:35
LjL!permissions > francois    (francois, see the private message from Ubotu)01:35
variantLjL: don't suppose you know much about pxe booting do you?01:35
unopspuddogg,  errm, i'm not sure01:35
kercyrIt's shorter than rebuilding gentoo.  :-)01:35
spuddoggunop, google it is.  thanks man01:35
Bsimsany who... any one else running in to problems due to the fact that ubuntu is unicode by default?01:35
LjLvariant: afraid not01:35
geniivariant What do you want to know about pxe booting?01:36
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LjLBsims: no... at worst, i run into problems due to the fact that other legacy stuff isn't unicode ;P01:36
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variantgenii: how to get a grub prompt via pxe boot01:36
unopsander_m,  well, hopefully things'll be ok now then :)01:36
=== ingwazz [n=ingwazz@i02m-212-194-208-19.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux01:36
kercyrFlannel, Jordan_U , francois (and others)...  Vielen dank!01:36
steel_ladyok unop, thanx!01:36
variantgenii: but i found a grub version that supports pxe so i think i am sorted now :)01:36
bobbyyu!i8042 | bobbyyu01:36
BsimsLjL: problem I am running into is its not handling posts in latin 1 properly01:36
sander_munop: I'll try a reboot and see what I get01:36
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:36
cafuego_variant: Generally PXE uses not-grub, like say syslinux.01:36
=== sasukechaos [n=sasukech@c-67-165-50-176.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
geniivariant I haven't tried to get grub to work that way. I think you would need some binary like pxegrub.0 instead of pxelinux.001:37
cafuego_variant: The grub PXE is a local grub that was recompiled to have a 'network boot' option.01:37
cafuego_variant: ... to the best of my knowledge anyway.01:37
variantcafuego_: i need to load grub on a remote machine via pxe01:37
=== nn-main [n=nn@pool-70-110-174-237.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLBsims: "posts"? as in usenet posts?01:37
BsimsLjL: yuppers01:38
Jordan_U!hi | nn-main01:38
ubotunn-main: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:38
bobbyyuWhere else can I find help on my Ubuntu problems?01:38
geniivariant I'm not sure that can be done sionce usually you are using pxeboot to mount an initrd image or so on01:38
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nn-mainthank you ; whats new in this distro of linux?01:39
HP_VueWhat is the termin command to get beryl?01:39
LjLBsims, well usenet is a bit complicated i'm afraid, because latin1 (or anything beside ASCII) isn't *supported* in theory, as far as i know -- which is why some insist that only ascii should be used. that means that detecting the right encoding is hard...01:39
FlannelHP_Vue: #ubuntu-effects for beryl support, thanks.01:39
=== Bsims laughs I know but debian with a default encoding of C handled it
Bsimsonly problem is those damned " marks01:40
BsimsEh I'll live with it, just was wondering01:40
LjLBsims: i see that in kmail (not tried knode, i don't have it installed) i can choose the encoding to *view* messages... though probably not the one to *send* them in01:40
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variantgenii: i found pxegrub.. just trying to find a dl for it though01:40
SkyConcan anyone recomend a tool for ripping where i can pop a CD in, it will grab the track info from the net, rip the songs to MP3s, write the ID3 tags and RePlay Gain Tags?01:41
musyaanybody have any links to more repos?01:41
LjLBsims, i guess default encoding of C means that, in the end, programs will just attempt to use latin101:41
=== Bsims giggles I did have to give up my mrxvt... it doesn't handle unicode... urxvt is close but no tabs, and gnome term, konsole and xfce term are too heavy for my tastes
variantBsims: try aterm01:41
BsimsLjL: Indeed, that is the case... Eh not a biggy01:41
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Bsimsvariant: hrm does it do tabs?01:42
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geniivariant I'm just curious as to why you want to have grub loading over pxe01:42
variantBsims: there is an aterm mod that does01:42
=== Bsims smiles I got urxvt to do everything but tabs... it does do them but god is it ugly
variantgenii: so i can reinstall grub on the remote machine01:42
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variantgenii: due to a corrupt boot sector01:43
cablesIs there any way to get Nautilus to not show certain moutned drives on the desktop?01:43
variantI suppose i could pxe book a small live cd or soemting01:43
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Bsimsvariant: that would be materm or mrxvt... non unicode unless my google-fu is weak01:43
variantBsims: dunno then.. if your using fluxbox you can make tabs for any window01:44
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geniivariant Just use a regular netboot pxe to a loop-mounted livecd image.then chroot to the old / and do the old grub install with root as where your /boot is01:44
=== Bsims grins I am a kde/wmaker man though gnome is toying with my crotch and whispering suggestively
=== Thuggles [n=thuggles@dynamic-acs-24-144-230-251.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
unop!language | Bsims01:45
ubotuBsims: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:45
Bsimssorry ubotu...01:46
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QRZCould I get someone who is running Edgy to do, "iptables -V" at the command prompt and then tell me what version is reported, please?01:46
BsimsQRZ: iptables v1.3.501:46
QRZBsims: Thanks.01:47
BsimsQRZ: check out packages.ubuntu.com01:47
=== romulo [n=romulo@BHE200139146078.res-com.wayinternet.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
romuloyo, theres any way to enable write access on ntfs?01:47
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)01:47
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Nomad_O_NorthI am totally new to this channel, and have some questions regarding it.01:47
BsimsI used it to install libgpod-common from feisty to get my ipod video to work01:47
sander_munop, Jordan_U: Hi, I'm back after a reboot. The boot was exactly how it's always been as was everything else afterwards, so no upstart?01:47
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Flannel!ask | Nomad_O_North01:48
ubotuNomad_O_North: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:48
QRZBsims: Thanks again.  :-)01:48
=== cdehaan [n=Cody@dynamic-addr-88-162.resnet.rochester.edu] has joined #ubuntu
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Nomad_O_NorthFirstly: Why is no-one here voiced?01:48
Jordan_Usander_m: It should be pretty transparent to the user, other than a possible speed increase01:48
FlannelNomad_O_North: because no one needs to be.01:48
cdehaanHello! How do I configure X so that more resolutions are available (I.e. I have an nvidia card with a DVI monitor supporting 1680x1050... but all I see in the res. tool are up to 1024x768)01:48
=== Bsims smiles, only been running ubuntu for two days myself, but I ran Sid for about four years
fatbrainanyone running pulseaudio with flashplayer9?01:48
Flannel!fixres | cdehaan01:48
ubotucdehaan: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:48
LjLNomad_O_North: this channel is for support questions, please join us in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-ops if you have questions about the channel itself ;)01:48
unopsander_m,  well, check what you have installed -- upstart or sysvinit -- dpkg -l | egrep -i "upstart|init"01:48
Jordan_Ucdehaan: Have you installed the drivers for your card?01:49
cdehaanJordan_U: the driver is listed as nv... am I wrong in assuming that's the nvidia driver?01:49
unopJordan_U,  transparent except for a missing /etc/inittab .. which everyone seems to miss :)01:49
Nomad_O_NorthSo, this channel doesn't use a system such as "op/half-op/administrator/etc."?01:49
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unopNomad_O_North,  sure it does01:49
LjLas i was saying...01:50
FlannelNomad_O_North: but that's hardly important.  Do you have ubuntu related questions?01:50
Jordan_Ucdehaan: Yes, that is the reverse engineered one that is open source, the official nvidia driver is "nvidia"01:50
=== Bsims grins, if you type about:config in firefox... you can set it to do AA... looks much better here
Jordan_U!nvidia | cdehaan01:50
ubotucdehaan: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:50
ubotuevolution: The groupware suite. In component main, is optional. Version 2.8.1-0ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 5022 kB, installed size 38204 kB01:50
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cdehaanJordan_U: Ok, so that leads to another question... how do I configure wireless? I have a card that is detected by Ubuntu, but it only gives me the option of WEP in "Networking"01:51
=== timtrimble [n=ftlguest@c-24-3-50-244.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sander_munop: It's upstart :-) But apt still thinks there's no cupsys in the repro and aptitude install -f still scares me01:51
Nomad_O_NorthYes. I figured I might as well ask them here, since the topic I created takes FOREVER to garner a reply...01:51
=== cables [n=cables@65-78-17-184.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
Nomad_O_NorthAs in DAYS...01:52
sander_munop: When aptitude says: "Keep the following packages at their current version:", does that mean those packages are already at the latest version? Or are they being kept back?01:52
ferret_0567I think you should use NetworkManager, not sure though, as I do not have my own wireless network card for my laptop yet.01:52
Jordan_Ucdehaan: You need to install wpasupplicant and you will probably like network-manager-gnome for dealing with wireless networks, it has a much better GUI IMHO01:52
donovancan anyone suggest some possible causes why mozilla firefox might suddenly quit after clicking on a link?01:52
cdehaanJordan_U: is any of this available on the Ubuntu CD?01:52
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cablescdehaan, network-manager-gnome is cool, but you should also get something called pam-keyring to unlock your wi-fi when you log in rather than having to put in a password every time you connect to wi-fi.01:53
timtrimblemy friend (sasukechaos) is having trouble getting vlc via apt-get on a fresh install of 6.10, can anyone help me/him out?  (he's here too)01:53
ferret_0567Can I modify NetworkManager to not connect to any wireless network automatically?01:53
Jordan_Ucdehaan: wpasupplicant might be, but network-manager-gnome is not, can you connect wired?01:53
=== ugarit [n=ugarit@208-59-114-73.c3-0.129-ubr3.lnh-129.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
cablesIs there any way to have drives not show up on the desktop?01:53
cables!univers | timtrimble01:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about univers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:53
dmOk problems, Baobab and Gnome partition editor are reporting different amount, can anyone help me see why?01:53
LjLtimtrimble: has universe enabled?01:53
Bsimscables: in kde or gnome?01:53
ferret_0567Just a sec...01:53
ismailhi guys im having a problem mounting my   fat32 partition in ubuntu01:53
cablesBsims, gnome01:53
ismailany one can help?01:53
frogzoodonovan: if that page has flash, flash can bomb, so upgrade flash01:53
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cdehaanJordan_U: I cannot at this time... I'm assuming that these were left out to keep Ubuntu one-cd?01:53
cables!universe | timtrimble01:54
ubotutimtrimble: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource01:54
Bsimshrm that I don't know, I know how to do it in kde01:54
cablesBsims, thanks anyway01:54
donovanty frogzoo01:54
=== Bsims smiles not a problem
Bsimshey cables, have you tried saidar?01:54
ubuntuuhi guys, in problems configuring ubuntu to authenticate against ldap servers. I got problem with nssswitch.conf (after configuring to use ldap the system crashes at boot)01:54
Jordan_Ucdehaan: Yes, but they are going to be part of the default install in the next version of Ubuntu01:54
Bsimsit kicks arse... its a console based system stat app01:55
cablesBsims, no... but I found how to hide all volumes through Gconf-editor... but now ALL drives dissapear. I only wanted 2 to be hidden... well whatever.01:55
Jordan_Utimtrimble: what error is he getting?01:55
cdehaanJordan_U: Cool. I'm normally a Fedora user, and they are included, but Fedora is a DVD whereas Ubuntu is a CD. Thanks for your help!01:55
cablesBsims, why would I need that?01:55
=== Bsims grins now to get saidar as part of my background
ferret_0567go into gconf-editor and browse into: "/apps/nautilus/desktop" and in there, there will be a "volumes_visible" key near the bottom. Uncheck it01:55
Nomad_O_NorthI bought an external serial modem after being told that all external serial modems work with Linux. But this one doesn't seem to work automagically. I configured it throughn the "Networking" interface. But when I smacked a modem monitor down on my pannel and right-clicked it, "activate" and "Deactivate" are both greyed out. And I am quite sure that I configured the port and ISP correctly. Why is this occuring?01:55
Bsimscables: I use it daily... shows the load, uptime, space avalaible etc01:55
cablesferret_0567, thanks, but I already found that. The problem is, I only want to hide two of my volumes.01:56
ferret_0567I dunno then01:56
cablesthanks anyway01:56
=== At0mic_PC [n=arch_ato@host-216-77-193-45.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
RxDx"mount -t ........" what does "-t" means?01:56
BsimsRxDx: just a second let me read man mount01:56
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Jordan_URxDx: "type" ie what filesystem type it is01:56
ubuntuuBsims kkkkk01:56
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LjL!modem | Nomad_O_North, check this first if you haven't01:57
ubotuNomad_O_North, check this first if you haven't: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto01:57
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BsimsDuhh type I should have know that01:57
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ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager01:57
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=== Bsims shakes my head... my brain is stuffed with cotton today
Nomad_O_NorthAlready read it, LjL...01:57
RxDxBsims: thanks... i cant read beacause im on windows, cuz im downloading herd3 =X01:57
cablesLjL, I learn new things about ubotu every day :) thanks for inadvertently introducing me to the additional message bit.01:57
Nomad_O_NorthIt says "No special drivers are needed"...01:57
ubuntuuRxDx why dont you download it using linux?01:58
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Nomad_O_NorthAnd I do NOT want to have to use the CLI every time I want to hop on the net.01:58
RxDxubuntuu, cuz i lost one cd using the default ubuntu record cd01:58
RxDxthem... im using nero01:59
sander_munop: Thanks for the help so far. I'm off to bed now. It's 2 AM here and i need to work tomorrow01:59
=== lukaswayne9 [n=lukas@c-68-84-69-12.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cablesNomad_O_North, it's possible to make a script to automate it01:59
ferret_0567I don't want network-manager to connect to wireless networks automatically unless a wireless network has a name of linksys and is encrypted. How can I do this so that I will not have to ask when I get my wireless network card?01:59
LjLNomad_O_North: indeed, they shouldn't be. but not being familiar with the GNOME modem utilities, i'd suggest you try installing "minicom" and making sure the modem responds to commands like "ATZ" and such01:59
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BsimsIf anyone cares/wants it I have a nice script for backing up to a usb device here http://home.insightbb.com/~bmsims1/Scripts/rdiffbackup.sh01:59
ubuntuu[RxDx] : I have used k3b and I nerver lost any recording with it...01:59
coffee-mugdoes anyone know how to stop scim?02:00
geniiYes, minicom is very useful02:00
ismailhi guys im having a problem mounting my   fat32 partition in ubuntu02:00
ismailany one can help?02:00
BsimsI know it works because I had a disc failure saturday02:00
coffee-mugwhat's the process that keeps restarting it?02:00
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:00
cablesferret_0567, it's not promiscuous... you need to select the network first. However, there's one drawback: You need to type a password each time to unlock the "vault" of wireless network encryption keys. There's a way to fix that though, if you need it google "pam-keyring"02:00
Bsimsismail: what is the error it gives02:00
=== Secion8 [n=pete@66-189-67-149.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Nomad_O_NorthI have to install aditional sofdtware? The default isn't enough?02:00
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RxDxubuntuu, is k3b better than ubuntu default recorder?02:00
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BsimsRxDx: I like it better, to the extent that I can't wait for QT4 to use it on winders02:01
cablesRxDx, it's good... but they're probably using the same internal libraries to do the work.02:01
LjLNomad_O_North, i'm just giving you troubleshooting suggestions. all you're saying is basically "the modem doesn't work", and i can't make much of that. consider also that i last used a modem... well, years ago, and same probably goes for most people (which is why the DialupModemHowto is kind of imperfect, by the way)02:01
ubuntuu[RxDx] : well, I dont like to speak like that... some peolpe think it is, I like, that`s all...02:01
donovanevery time i enable my NTFS partition to store files on it, i have to specify a different path. Each time I try to remount with the same path...it won't work. Help! (btw im still on Breezy.)02:01
ismailBsims, mount: can't find /dev/hda4 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab02:01
ismail.. when i mount i typed mount dev/hda402:01
Secion8Can explain some odd behavior? I have Ati big desktop setup here. My main lcd is my laptop screen and the second is an 32" polaroid lcd,02:01
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Bsimsismail: Ah /msg me the contents of /etc/fstab will ya?02:02
RxDxsure.. thanks dudes :)02:02
Nomad_O_NorthHow do I install minicom?02:02
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marshalldoes openoffice.org Writer come with clipart?02:02
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Secion8The problem is that I went into  System>Preferences>Screen Resolution and changed the res to 1024x768 and all of a sudden my screen went into clone mode.02:02
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ubuntuuis anybody using ubuntu with ldap???02:02
Secion8What is up with that?02:02
LjLNomad_O_North: sudo apt-get install minicom. if you have some other kind of connection. if you don't, well... it'll be kind of harder.02:02
not_a_kis it possible to update the list of groups I belong to without logging out?02:02
cablesmarshall, no. There's an extra package for that that's easy to install, though. Let me get the name.02:02
Bsimsdoes it show up in places > media?02:02
marshallcables: ok, thanks02:03
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ferret_0567So, I will have to type my password to get into my own wireless network? That's kind of silly...Windows XP does have that. I don't think Windows is good for anything much though, but I know it will remember a wireless networks password.02:03
Nomad_O_NorthI have no other connection. That WAS supposed to be my connection...02:03
Nomad_O_NorthSo, what shall I do?02:03
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cablesferret_0567, it's just a limitation in Keyring, which is the program used for storing keys. pam-keyring automates the process when you log in.02:04
Thugglesso uhh.. when you install a package, where is it installed to?02:04
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cablesmarshall, "sudo aptitude install openclipart-openoffice.org" will install the clipart library.02:04
BsimsThuggles: a copy is kept in /var/cache/apt/archives/02:04
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At0mic_PCInto the megahurtz02:04
cablesThuggles, it depends on the package02:04
BsimsThuggles: the rest is moved into the filesystem02:04
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Bsimsa deb is just a wrapper around an ar ball02:05
wist_While running mtest , after 60 mins running -> got 3 errors so far... - should i start testing the ram modules 1 by 1 ?02:05
At0mic_PCThuggles: The ones I've seen have a list of where stuff goes.02:05
ThugglesI've been trying to find xchats directory for about 20 minutes02:05
BsimsI have once "unzipped" a deb manualy... just to do it02:05
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BsimsThuggles: try locate xchat02:05
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marshallcables: thanks mang02:05
Bsimsif you mean your own configs try .xchat02:05
Math^hello, how can I reload my new truetype fonts?02:05
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cablesmarshall, no prob02:05
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ferret_0567Is there a good guide to making a GTK theme anywhere on the net'?02:06
geniiwist_ Yes, that will tell you the specific one that is bad02:06
LjLNomad_O_North, try the pppconfig or vwdial instructions...02:06
BsimsThuggles: the . means its hidden02:06
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comicinkerhad anybody experienced firewire problems?02:06
cablesThuggles, Bsims means ~/.xchat02:06
wist_genii: i mean, 1 error is enough to assume theres trouble with the hardware, right ?02:06
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Math^someone know how to reload fonts...?02:06
comicinkerespecially with firewire harddiscs?02:06
Bsimscables: true though most terms open by default in one's home directory02:06
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Bsimscomicinker: dunno, I only have used usb ones02:07
At0mic_PCNomad_O_North: Dialup?02:07
geniiwist_ Yes. Though it may not always be that the ram is actually bad for instance, but perhaps set wrongly in bios (too fast settings for instance)02:07
gpledneed to install video driver.  driver says i can not have x window running.  how to i stop xwindow ?02:07
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donovanevery time i enable my NTFS partition to store files on it, i have to specify a different path. Each time I try to remount with the same path...it won't work. Help! (btw im still on Breezy.)02:07
At0mic_PCWHat modem Nomad_O_North02:07
wist_genii: k i'll test it all out...02:07
comicinkermy pc cannot recognice my firewire, harddisc, if I connect it via usb it works02:08
geniiwist_ np02:08
comicinkerbut I only have USB 1.102:08
Nomad_O_NorthAnd I thought my troubles would all mystically dissappear after I shelled out $40 for a hardware serial modem...02:08
ubuntuuhad anybody experienced problems with nsswitch.conf and ldap?02:08
Thugglesthanks, that helped02:08
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BsimsNomad_O_North: I get my stuff from staples, it has a 14 day no question return policy02:08
Nomad_O_NorthDiamond Supramax.02:08
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zarattustrake pedo?02:09
At0mic_PCNomad_O_North: I'm using a USR Performance Pro modem for dialup.02:09
BsimsNomad_O_North: what version ya running?02:09
At0mic_PCWorks perfectly and should at 90 bucks.02:09
Nomad_O_NorthEdgy Eft.02:09
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BsimsNomad_O_North: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-11894.html02:09
At0mic_PCHas worked with every distro I've tried.02:10
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At0mic_PCThe USR winmodems are not supported in linux.02:10
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White_Lightningok, got my pc up and running well, is there a way to get beryl to run on both monitors?02:10
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Nomad_O_NorthBsims: that's USB. I have serial just to prevent having to do that very thing.02:11
At0mic_PCOh and the performance pro is internal pci.02:11
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=== Bsims nods but the chipset might be the same
mhik1how to set environment setting permanently?02:11
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At0mic_PCNomad_O_North: You've tried wvdialconf?02:11
pwuertzcould someone please help me? there is a java applet I want to show offline... but I cant manage to download the applet :(02:11
gpledhow do i turn off xwindow?02:12
pwuertzcould someone have a look at this?02:12
Nomad_O_NorthNo, not yet.02:12
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Nomad_O_NorthBut isn't that a CLI dialer?02:12
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bobbyyuHow do I go to runlevel 3 using GRUB?02:12
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Math^there's no way to reload my fonts? I have to restart X everytime to load the new fonts?02:12
jribmhiku: put it in the proper file.  What exactly are you trying to set?02:12
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At0mic_PCNomad_O_North: gnome-ppp has a wrapper for it.02:13
jribMath^: fc-cache02:13
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At0mic_PCGUI that just calls stuff for wvdial.02:13
jeffreybLinux Mint 2.2 BETA is sweet!02:13
jribbobbyyu: you realize that in ubuntu runlevel 2 is default and 3 is the same exact thing?02:13
Math^jrib: doesnt work02:13
jribMath^: did you restart the application?02:14
At0mic_PCAnd if you want to use KPPP then wvdialconf will at least tell you what your modem name is.02:14
jribMath^: how are you installing the fonts?02:14
Math^but maybe I have to put in /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ ?02:14
Math^and not in my home-dir ~/.fonts ?02:14
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:14
BsimsMath^: you added a new font right?02:14
Math^Bsims: yep02:14
LycanNYCjeffreyb, heck yea its hot.. that menu shit is awesome02:14
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Bsimssudo fc-cache -fv02:15
Math^Bsims: ok02:15
Bsimsit will rebuild the font cache02:15
jeffreybLycanNYC: I think so02:15
FantasticFoowhat's the package that i need to install to be able to build and install programs from source?02:15
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jribFantasticFoo: build-essential02:15
FantasticFooubuntu-developer-package or something like that?02:15
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bobbyyuI need to solve my Ubuntu troubles02:15
FantasticFoojrib: oh thanks02:15
bobbyyuIs Ubuntu still at 6.10?02:15
LycanNYCjeffreyb, me 2.. but its beta still and anytime I install 3d drivers i have tearing .. LM 2.1 is best right now the dev is fixing the bugs :)02:16
Bsimsbobbyyu: what is the problem exactly... ie what are you trying to do02:16
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Math^Bsims: still not working, lol :P02:16
jribbobbyyu: yes02:16
Aggrav8dHello!  How's everybody doing?  Good?  I hope so!02:16
HP_VueWhat do I do when it says "The packages in the repository are signed with a gpg signature so you can verify that they are valid. To add the gpg key to your keychain, use Synaptic / Adept or invoke the following command:"02:16
BsimsMath^: hrm where did you install the font02:16
jeffreyblycanNYC: The fonts are great too.02:16
bobbyyuI saw a bunch of updates being available02:16
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Math^Bsims: install? I just put the fonts in .fonts/02:16
LycanNYCjeffreyb, lol02:16
LycanNYCim on Feisty now02:16
ryanakcacan someone please help me debug my latex doc? It's a proposal I have to hand to my principal in the morning... but... I can't seem to get the the list to work in LaTeX...02:16
Math^Bsims: I had to make the dir first02:16
LycanNYChaving horrors with ATI X1600 PRO card02:16
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jribryanakca: pastebin it02:17
Bsimsbobbyyu: Heh same release just new packages02:17
jeffreyblycanNYC: I'm running it hard to help beta test it.. Nvidia video... so far no problems.02:17
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BsimsMath^: Ah I used /usr/local/share/fonts/02:17
Aggrav8dI've just followed the steps in the server guide for 6.10 to set up https and when i try it now i get "...has sent an incorrect or unexpected message.  Error code: -12263".  Anyone know what that's about?02:17
LycanNYCjeffreyb, ur good cuz u got nvidia .. thats safe in linux02:17
Math^Bsims: yes, I did that also b4 :)02:17
LycanNYCwell bbl02:17
ryanakcajrib: http://ryanak.ca/~ryan/prop.tex02:17
jeffreybLycanNYC: How does Feisty look compared to Mint?02:17
Math^Bsims: but well... if i can use .fonts/ ...02:17
ryanakcajrib: /msg?02:17
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jribryanakca: sure02:17
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Nomad_O_NorthWhat do I need to download to get gnome-ppp?02:17
mhikuhow to set environment setting permanently in ~/.bashrc?02:17
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At0mic_PCsudo apt-get install gnome-ppp02:18
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jribmhiku: export FOO=bar02:18
=== Bsims grins... true Math^ but just for giggles try moving one to /usr/local/share/fonts/ then doing the fc-cache thing again
Nomad_O_NorthI have NO net connection in Ubuntu...02:18
Math^anyway Bsims jrib thnx. gonna try it from the /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ dir :)02:18
At0mic_PCWHat are you on now?02:18
Nomad_O_NorthWindows XP.02:19
uPromethemHello, I am running Edgy 64 on an AMD 64, and I'm having trouble installing the latest version of GTK. Before I begin, is there any way to get a binary package for GTK somewhere that includes the dependancies glib, pango, cairo, and atk?02:19
At0mic_PCLook the default has the wvdial programs...02:19
At0mic_PCYou just go in and type wvdialconf02:19
Nomad_O_NorthOK...I'll check that out...02:19
At0mic_PCIt'll spit out some stuff02:19
Aggrav8dI've just followed the steps in the server guide for 6.10 to set up https and when i try it now i get "...has sent an incorrect or unexpected message.  Error code: -12263".  Anyone know what that's about?02:19
At0mic_PCThen you do sudo nano /etc/wvdial.conf02:19
At0mic_PCYou'll see ; Phone=02:20
At0mic_PCRemove the ;02:20
At0mic_PCAdd your info02:20
At0mic_PCthen wvdial02:20
Loc-NarSeaMonkey rocks. Ubuntu is pretty cool too.02:20
At0mic_PCSave wvdial.conf first hehe02:20
At0mic_PCThen run wvdial02:20
Math^Bsims: even when putting the new fonts in to /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-somedir/ it will not load, even when I tried sudo fc-cache -fv ://02:21
At0mic_PCOnce you're online just do sudo apt-get update02:21
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Bsimshrm I dunno then... that trick usually works for me02:21
At0mic_PCthen sudo apt-get install gnome-ppp02:21
DSpairOK gang, I hate to admit it, but I am stumped...02:21
Math^Bsims: gonna reload X then...02:21
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Bsimsok Math^02:22
DSpairCan anyone here tell me why my Feisty install on one laptop NetworkManager works great (ala SuSE stylee) and on another laptop is won't?02:22
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DSpairI cannot for the life of me figure out what the difference in the two is.02:22
Math^Bsims: still not working02:22
DSpairData_: Nope, same chipset.02:23
Dubedoes anyone know if its at all possible to mount a HD from a live cd?02:23
Sherlanayone use macbook here02:23
DSpairDube: Yes, it is possible.02:23
Data_are you sure?02:23
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bobbyyuIs there a boot CD that can fix my Ubuntu problems?02:23
BsimsMath^: dunno man... ya did what I would try02:23
DSpairData_: I do know how to use 'lspci'...02:23
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Math^Bsims: uhu... strange02:23
Bsimswhat Math^02:23
x_orI am trying to build my own repository but keep getting this message:  "Failed to fetch http://apt.corp.boxpopuli.com/apt/binary/Release  Unable to find expected entry  Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)"02:23
Math^Bsims: ah, maybe the permissions02:23
jvaihey uall, sorry for the rudeness02:23
uPromethemHello, I am running Edgy 64 on an AMD 64, and I'm having trouble installing the latest version of GTK. Before I begin, is there any way to get a binary package for GTK somewhere that includes the dependancies glib, pango, cairo, and atk?02:23
Data_open terminal and type lspci02:23
x_orI thought I had generated the proper Release file using apt-ftparchive but obviously not.  Anyone have any suggestions?02:24
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=== Bsims laughs that would do it ya try running fc-cache -fv as root
Bsimsor sudo02:24
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ
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pmr_Hello Y'all, Can someone help me connect to my windows computer?02:25
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Bsimspmr_: in what way? I use vnc02:25
DubeIs it possible to mount a HD using a live cd?02:25
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BsimsDube: yeah it usually is02:25
KyouiI'm attempting to install Ubuntu 6.10 on my PC, when I pick to install or run from CD it goes to the splash screen and doesn't proceed further, I'm not sure what's going on, and idea's?02:25
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pmr_Bsims: Need to connect to a share.02:25
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jackson3246hi. I'm trying to install stun (sudo aptitude install stun) and it returns the following error: "No Primary IP given. Exiting. invoke-rc.d: initscript stun, action "start" failed." anybody know how to fix this?02:26
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DubeBsims: it says that it is mounted but i cant change the permissions and/or access it02:26
Bsimspmr_: Ah you need to set up samba, but beyond that I dunno02:26
spasticteapotDoes anyone here have any Webmin or Samba experience?02:26
x_orDube:  once you are running, just mount it:  mkdir cd; mount /dev/hdc cd02:26
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spasticteapotSamba is giving me a headache.02:26
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deadlyallance470how do you install automatix02:26
pmr_Bsims: I can select the computer from the network servers list but it will not accept my credentials. I am 100% sure i got them right.02:26
BsimsDube: is it mounted as root?02:26
x_orAnyone here familiar with apt-ftparchive?02:26
LjL!automatix > deadlyallance470    (deadlyallance470, see the private message from Ubotu)02:26
DubeBsims: how would i mount it as a root?02:26
Bsimspmr_: Hrm I dunno, I've not used samba02:27
rbilpmr_: all u need is smbclient installed on Linux box to connect to Windows shares02:27
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BsimsDube: who does it say in permissons owns the directory02:27
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spasticteapotDoes anyone know how to set up Samba?02:27
spasticteapotI'm at a loss.02:27
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Data_spasticteapot try swat02:27
spasticteapotWebmin seems not to work right.02:27
spasticteapotIs that Ubuntu-compatible?02:27
pmr_I think samba is installed by default on ubuntu 6.10 edgy. Am I wrong?02:27
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spasticteapotI'm using Xubuntu Edgy.02:27
DubeBsims: owner, even with sudo it doesnt let me change perms02:27
Data_yes you are02:27
spasticteapotUbuntu runs like carp.02:27
BsimsDube: I dunno02:28
Kyouicarp don't run, they swim02:28
DubeBsims lol thanks neways02:28
yommbspastic :what exactly is the problem ?02:28
Bsimsspasticteapot: beats me it runs well enough here02:28
rbilpmr_: don't know? check if it's running .... ps ax|grep samba02:28
=== Bsims grins try turning down the eye candy
spasticteapotI'm trying to get a couple windows PCs (fixed IP addresses) to connect to a shared folder on a Linux machine.02:28
spasticteapotI want to be able to turn off X-windows once I get it set up.02:28
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yommbok !02:29
spasticteapotI need some sort of "network password" though, and I don't know wha tit is.02:29
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LjLspasticteapot: you need to use the smbpasswd command02:29
LjL!samba > spasticteapot    (spasticteapot, see the private message from Ubotu)02:29
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BsimsHey what is the chan for ubuntu eye candy discussions02:29
yommbspastic u need to set a samba password for your user ( if your samba security is set to user ) using smbpasswd !02:29
LjL!xgl > bsims    (bsims, see the private message from Ubotu)02:29
Data_users must be same on win$ and Linux computers; password too02:30
jackson3246hi. I'm trying to install stun (sudo aptitude install stun) and it returns the following error: "No Primary IP given. Exiting. invoke-rc.d: initscript stun, action "start" failed." anybody know how to fix this?02:30
spasticteapotOne sec...must reinflate innertube.02:30
Math^Bsims: I see where the problem is02:30
Math^Bsims: its the program that would not load the fonts02:30
BsimsLOL welcome to unix02:30
rbilpmr_: sorry that should be:   ps ax|grep smbd02:30
cchanceHey try a chew on this :D!! How do i block an email address from sending e-mail to users on my network? I do not own the e-mail server that the users sends it to. Can i do filtering for "from" on the mail port?02:30
=== Bsims passes Math^ a glass of scotch...
yommbspastic : u can set your security to guest , so it win't ask for a pass , mind you this is not too secure ...02:30
Data_jackson3246 try sudo apt-get install stun02:30
Aggrav8di keep geting error code -12263 when I try to use apache+ssl.  I turned on mod ssl, I listen on port 443, I modified my virtual host, and I ran apache2-ssl-certificate.  what did i do wrong?02:30
spasticteapotSorry... smbpasswd! is the command?02:31
Math^Bsims: Scribus-lg will not load the new fonts, but Scribus will :/02:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smbpasswd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:31
BsimsMath^: Heh noted so I know to avoid that package02:31
jackson3246Data_: same error02:31
ubotumailfilter: A program that filters your incoming e-mail to help remove spam. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.2-2 (edgy), package size 181 kB, installed size 540 kB02:31
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spasticteapotsmbpasswd without any exclimation points, then?02:32
cchanceOk now how do i incorperate that to over lan use02:32
yommbspastic : u set it like this : sudo smbpasswd yourusername02:32
Math^Bsims: maybe I can set it up in the program it self02:32
pmr_rbil: I got -  6259 pts/0    R+     0:00 grep smbd02:32
mike01i think something is seriously messed up with my sound02:32
sleepy723Anyone know how to fix my menus? Some menus appear white and are unreadable02:32
rbilpmr_: then samba isn't running and probably not installed02:32
mike01sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't02:32
ferret_0567I am running 6.10, so do I have to still use pam-keyring if I want to not have to type my password every time in network-manager?02:32
spasticteapotIt says "failed to find entry for user xxxx"02:33
mike01and right now i cant hear any system sounds, and xmms says its misconfigured02:33
spasticteapotWhich is odd, considering that I'm logged in as user xxxx.02:33
mike01only sounds that work is gaim02:33
rbilpmr_: you only need samba if you're going to setup windoze shares on a Linux box. If you want to access existing shares on Windows boxes, smbclient is all u need on Linux end02:33
jackson3246hi. I'm trying to install stun (sudo aptitude install stun) and it returns the following error: "No Primary IP given. Exiting. invoke-rc.d: initscript stun, action "start" failed." anybody know how to fix this?02:33
cchanceOk nvr mind i guess no one knows. I think ive got a prog02:33
Math^Bsims: Im wrong... an other font Ive installed in to the fonts-dir will load02:33
mike01is there a way to change the default sound device?02:33
yommbspastic : how did you set up your shares on the ubuntu box ?02:33
Math^Bsims: but the new fonts not02:33
ferret_0567If I do have to use it, then do I just have to run "sudo aptitude install pam-keyring" or something else?02:33
=== JaeSharp is now known as JaeSharpZZZ
deadlyallance470whats the name of the next ubuntu release02:34
devilsadvocatedeadlyallance470, fiesty02:34
Math^Bsims: so its still something with the fonts self02:34
spasticteapotyommb: I used webmin.02:34
DubeHey, when i try to change perms on my harddrive it says "Read-only file system", any ideas why?02:34
devilsadvocatedeadlyallance470, fiesty fawn02:34
BsimsI dunno man... I really don't02:34
deadlyallance470fiesty what02:34
spasticteapotI have noo idea what I'm doing, of course.02:34
pmr_rbil: Yes, I only want to access the windows share. It is my media server and I need the video off of it.02:34
yommbspas : it works here ...02:34
devilsadvocateDube, is it ntfs?02:34
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spasticteapotdeadlyallance470: Feisty is the next distro of linux.02:34
mike01anyone know how to make my sound work again?02:34
deadlyallance470will fiesty fawn have support for automatix02:34
rbilpmr_: sudo apt-get install smbclient02:34
spasticteapotyommb: How do I create a user for Samba?02:34
LjLdeadlyallance470: no02:34
mike01hmmm tv card is broken too02:34
devilsadvocatespasticteapot, its the next distro of *ubuntu02:34
deadlyallance470:( why not02:35
spasticteapotI know what Feisty Fawn is.02:35
Loc-NarAny hope for beryl with my 9800pro? how about compiz instead?02:35
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe02:35
LjLbecause of this.02:35
musyadoes anyone know of a good web developer, like dreamweaver?02:35
rbilpmr_: then sniff the Windows shares out from Places ... Connect to Server02:35
spasticteapotDurr...sorry...it's just ubuntu.02:35
spasticteapotBrain is dead.02:35
deadlyallance470but it does work fine now that the bugs are out of it02:35
spasticteapotI need more caffiene.02:35
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about web - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about developmetn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:35
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...02:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about development - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:36
=== demo_ [n=demo@vel78-2-82-243-104-169.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
yommbspas : your user is already a samba user , u need to let yourself access it by setting the password , and then use that log/pass to connect from the windows side !02:36
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musyaanything about web development?02:36
DubeHey when i try to change perms on my hard drive from a live cd, it says Read-only file system and doesnt change perms, any ideas?02:36
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:36
ferret_0567Should I use the instructions on this page to use pam-keyring with NetworkManager so that I don't have to type my password everytime I want to connect to a wireless network?: http://frommars.org/2006/10/edgy-and-pam-keyring.html02:36
ubotuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant02:36
spasticteapotyommb: No, I'm not.02:36
LjL!html > musya    (musya, see the private message from Ubotu)02:36
spasticteapotWe'll call the user "Ben".02:36
pmr_rbil: I try that and it rejects my credentials. If I go to places>Network Server, I see the computer But will not take my credentials. Any ideas?02:36
KyouiCould anyone help me? I am trying to install 6.10 and after I click run or install from disc it goes to the splash screen and just stops, any idea's?02:37
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LjL!install > Kyoui    (Kyoui, see the private message from Ubotu)02:37
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spasticteapotyommb: I enter "sudo smbpasswd ben" and then the new password twice, and it says "failed to find entry for user ben".02:37
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rbilpmr_: u need to login to Windows share using an existing username/password on the Windows box02:37
LjLKyoui: try noapic or acpi=off02:37
spasticteapotIt makes me want to bite things.02:37
FantasticFooi was trying to build a program from source, and it told me that "X wasn't found" and that i need the X development libraries.02:37
Dubearg stupid hard drive :/02:37
FantasticFooanyone know what ubuntu package?02:37
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uboturazor: spam-catcher using a collaborative filtering network. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.810-2 (edgy), package size 114 kB, installed size 520 kB02:37
spasticteapotyommb: I sent you a PM.02:37
spasticteapotI'm part of a student robotics group, and we REALLY need this to work.02:38
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yommbspas , then look up how to add yourself as a samba user mb , but as I said  iNEVER had to add myself as a samba user ...02:38
cchanceSo !razor will not filter network mail?02:38
spasticteapotMoving around source code is frustrating.02:38
pmr_rbil: yes that is what I enter when asked.02:38
yommbspas my pm isnt working02:38
rbilpmr_: do you have simple file sharing setup on Windows box?02:38
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ferret_0567Does Evolution have pretty much the same compatibility's as Mozilla Thunderbird plus more?02:39
pmr_No, I unchecked that so i could set specific permissions. Is that necessary for linux to access the files?02:39
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psychofreakeferret_0567, it is a PIM02:39
psychofreakeferret_0567, mozilla thunderbird is a mail client02:40
spasticteapotAwright...I think I got it!02:40
rbilpmr_: I believe so. I use samba here, so it controls authentication on the workgroup.02:40
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Dubeis there something else then mounting a hard drive to use a hard drive with a live cd?02:40
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pmr_rbil: Will try that. thanx for the help.02:40
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AzMooDube, nope.02:40
Dube:/ then my comp is stupid lol02:40
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AaronHello.  I am trying to checkout the newest SVN code from ZSNES's Bounty Source code repository.  The latest package that is hosted on the official Ubuntu package repository is 1.3.2-3...02:41
AzMooDube, what's the issue?02:41
variantDube: what do you mean?02:41
AaronI get the following output from the terminal whenever I try to checkout:02:41
DubeWell when i try to open my harddrive it says i dont have permission02:41
Aaronaaron@Aarons-Beast:~/src/emulators$ svn co https://svn.bountysource.com/zsnes/trunk/ zsnes02:41
Aaronsvn: This client is too old to work with working copy '.'; please get a newer Subversion client02:41
Dubewhen i try to change permission it says Read-only file system02:41
variantDube: use sudo mount partitionhere mountpointhere02:41
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variantDube: yeah, if it's ntfs its moutned read only02:41
ferret_0567Well, Evolution has E-Mail capability's. Does Evolution have pretty much the same E-Mail features as Mozilla Thunderbird does?02:41
AaronShould I post this in the Ubuntu bug report repository... ?02:42
variantDube: see !fuse or !ntfs-ng02:42
yommbspas : it looks like you have to do a bit of manual reading ..the samba site has excellent faq & how-to .. it's not hard to set up a few shares & access them from LAN etc ...02:42
AzMooDube, how are you mounting it?02:42
ubotuevolution: The groupware suite. In component main, is optional. Version 2.8.1-0ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 5022 kB, installed size 38204 kB02:42
yommbspas : just get familiar with the basics02:42
DubeAzMoo: it says its alkready mounted02:42
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AzMooDube, but when you try and access it it tells you you don't have permission?02:43
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ferret_0567How much memory does the Evolution Notification Daemon take up, too?02:43
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DubeAzMoo: yeah02:43
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AzMooDube, if you open a terminal and run "mount" what does it say for that device?02:44
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DubeAzMoo: mkdir cd; mount /dev/hdc cd02:45
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DubeAzMoo /dev/hda1 on /tmp/disks-conf-hda1 type ntfs (rw)02:45
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blankfazecan someone tell me about setting block size when using mkfs?02:45
blankfazewhat should it be lol?02:46
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mike01how do i switch the default sound device to /dev/dsp1 ?02:47
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ferret_0567I guess I should just check out Evolution for myself...02:48
CaptainMorgananyone know where the command 'service' is located? Im trying to set my PATH appropriately...02:48
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jribCaptainMorgan: I don't seem to have such a command02:48
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AaronNevermind.  I could check out the source code with my current subversion version within another directory on my file system...02:48
AaronThanks anyways. :)02:48
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ferret_0567Does somebody know how to setup "pam-keyring" to work with NetworkManager? I wish I had a link to a guide.02:48
rbilblankfaze: man mkfs.ext3     (or whatever filesystem)02:49
blankfazerbil: yeah i'm looking at that02:49
blankfazebut someone told me what is best last night02:49
blankfazebut i forgot02:49
rbilblankfaze: the -T paramter will set appropriate block size02:49
ferret_0567Searching Google is a good tip, but I would prefer if someone would link me a guide in this case. Thanks02:49
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CaptainMorganjrib, really? for things like, server processes? example: %bash: service mysqld stop02:49
ravaloxHey, I've installed network-manager-gnome and can't seem to figure out how you start it?02:49
jribCaptainMorgan: do you have that on ubuntu?02:49
x_orAnyone here know how to troubleshoot apt-ftparchive results?02:49
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mike01how do i change /dev/dsp1 to /dev/dsp ?02:50
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jribCaptainMorgan: on debian based distros it's usually something like  sudo invoke-rc.d ssh stop02:50
mike01and make /dev/dsp /dev/dsp1?02:50
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LiENUSanyone know why NetworkManager fails at step 2 of 5 for most access points?02:50
jribCaptainMorgan: and that's the same as sudo /etc/init.d/ssh stop02:50
LiENUSthis is on access points without encryption...02:50
CaptainMorganjrib, ah.. thanks02:51
not_a_kis it possible to update the list of groups I belong to without logging out and logging back in?02:51
blankfazeso 1024 is the lowest valid block size?02:51
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, or Amaranth02:51
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tonyyarusso] by ChanServ
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LiENUSsomeones retarded02:52
Amaranthi can't op02:52
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b MUUDKI*!*@*] by LjL
LiENUSme neither someone op me02:52
=== mode/#ubuntu [-R] by LjL
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!02:52
fatbrainWhat's the XShape lib called in ubuntu?02:52
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mike01so how do i get /dev/dsp1 set as the default sound device?02:52
Amaranthstupid script02:52
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cchanceDang how in the world do i get them without going throught the bot02:53
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cchanceim going to strangle them02:53
Nomad_O_NorthHow do I install gnome-ppp?02:53
Amaranthget what?02:53
cchanceMUDDKIPki, MUUDKIPth02:53
KurinShoruGot a TEW-424UB V2, is there anything I need to do to get it to work?02:53
mike01so how do i get /dev/dsp1 set as the default sound device?02:54
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LjLcchance: they'll be "strangled" by freenode staff, don't worry02:54
blankfazerbil:  can you give me an example of a valid mkfs/mke2fs command?02:54
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ravaloxHey, I've installed network-manager-gnome and can't seem to figure out how you start it?02:54
boxubii just touched the chassis of my PC and it shocked me - and at that instant the computer turned off. Now it wont show any signs of life. Does that sound like I killed the PSU?02:55
rbilblankfaze: mkfs.ext3 -b 4096 /dev/hdb102:55
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yommbmuudkipth ...02:55
blankfazerbil: i want a smaller block size though if there will be small files on the disk?02:55
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rbilbut for mp3s, you probably want larger02:56
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blankfazerbil:  well i usually have some photos there too02:56
blankfazei mean i guess i can keep them on my master02:56
rbilblankfaze: then the example I gave is probably the one you'd want if there are photos02:56
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mike01so how do i get /dev/dsp1 set as the default sound device?02:56
superkirbyartistHi, how do I call from Ekiga to Windows Live?02:57
Amaranthsuperkirbyartist: you can't02:57
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aSt3raL_what is the gnome-terminal equivalent in kubuntu?02:57
Amaranthsuperkirbyartist: you need a SIP client on windows02:57
AmaranthaSt3raL_: konsole02:57
superkirbyartistAmaranth: I heard that Gizmo can.02:57
Amaranthsuperkirbyartist: gizmo can talk to ekiga, yes02:57
quaalhello does anyone know what this is talking about in step 8) b) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11675902:57
Amaranthbut not windows live02:57
aSt3raL_does alt+F2 work in kubuntu?02:57
LjLaSt3raL_: yes02:57
blankfazerbil:  so 4096 is a good size if it's only mp3s and movie files on the disk?02:58
superkirbyartistCan a Gizmo account talk to Windows Live, Amaranth?02:58
quaalwhere is ~/.fluxbox/log supposed to be ?02:58
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Amaranthsuperkirbyartist: no02:58
armandocernaI am getting distorted audio only in flash movies, has anyone run into this issues before02:58
Amaranthsuperkirbyartist: not that i've seen02:58
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armandocernai'm running flash 902:58
mike01how do i switch /dev/dsp1 and /dev/dsp?02:58
KurinShoruwhat's the question, quaal?02:58
DeMoNSeEdit's not possible to still get Dapper via shipit??02:58
jribquaal: ~/.fluxbox/log  is where it is supposed to be02:58
KurinShoru~ = /home/yourlogin02:58
quaaljrib, what does ~/ mean ?02:58
rbilblankfaze: the most you'd waste is somewhere around 4K per file that occupies less than a cluster, no?02:58
quaaljust /.fluxbox/log ?02:59
jribquaal: ~ is your $HOME which is usually /home/USERNAME02:59
AmaranthDeMoNSeEd: it's right there on the front shipit page02:59
blankfazerbil: sounds good02:59
mike01how do i switch /dev/dsp1 and /dev/dsp?02:59
KurinShoruno /, quall.02:59
quaaljrib, ok, thats what i thought02:59
AmaranthDeMoNSeEd: "  I want to request free CDs of the older  Ubuntu 6.06 LTS  release"02:59
rbilblankfaze: you have to make that decision depending on what u think you're going to be storing there02:59
quaaljrib,  thanks02:59
aSt3raL_is it Konsole or konsole?02:59
blankfazerbil:  i got that, but i am a noob.  just mp3s and movie files.02:59
quaaljrib,  so /home/username/.fluxbox/log02:59
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rbilblankfaze: then maybe you'd want to go with a larger block size?03:00
jribquaal: right that would work, but your shell will expand ~ for you anyway03:00
AmaranthLjL: was just getting ready to do that :)03:00
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BsimsI got a stupid question, I don't have a windows key (thank gnu) on my keyboard what is my super key03:00
rbilblankfaze: sacrifice so disk usage for speed03:00
AmaranthBsims: you don't have a super key then03:00
KurinShorudoesn't exist, bsims.03:00
DeMoNSeEdAmaranth: , k i see what ya mean, it wasn't/isn't for me, a person i know ordered some, but was refused03:00
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AmaranthDeMoNSeEd: he probably tried to order 50 or something03:01
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BsimsAmaranth: darn I am playing with beryl and I don't wanna give up my model M keyboard03:01
Nomad_O_NorthSo, how do I install gnome-ppp?03:01
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DeMoNSeEd5 KU and 5 UB03:01
spasticteapotDimbass question, but does anyone know how to get Ubuntu to recognize a file shared under Samba?03:01
AmaranthDeMoNSeEd: interesting03:01
rbilblankfaze: 4096 is the largest u can use according to man page03:01
spasticteapotThe Windows PC connects, the Linux PC does not.03:01
spasticteapotIt is most infuriating.03:01
BsimsGod's own keyboard it is03:01
cablesIf Gaim 2.0 Final comes out after Feisty is released, will it be put into the repositories, or will the Feisty repositories still supply Beta 6?03:01
quaaljrib, oh ok thanks03:01
AmaranthDeMoNSeEd: do you have the reason?03:01
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DeMoNSeEdi'll ask, brb03:01
spasticteapotAnyone know how to get Ubuntu to connect to a file shared under Samba?03:01
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tanlaanhey everyone, ive used ubuntu before, but now i want multiple users *only had one before*. Are there any known problems with multi user?03:02
jribtanlaan: no03:02
=== [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-108-49.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
rbiltanlaan: of course not, Linux is a multi-user o/s03:02
tanlaanI mean, lets say i want to be the only person to be able to install things, would i be able to edit all of their menus so they dont have any access to synaptic?03:02
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DeMoNSeEdAmallya: , apparently no reason was given03:03
DeMoNSeEdi'll tell him to retry the request03:03
rbiltanlaan: only root (sudo) can install03:03
LiENUSanyone know why NetworkManager fails at step 2 of 5 for most access points?03:03
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blankfazerbil: well it's a large disk, i probably will not use more than 25-30% of it, so i don't care really if space gets lost or something if thats what you mean03:03
[BTF] Chm0di have an issue with nvidia drivers how can I get nvidia kernel 9746 instead of 8174?  It is mismatched.03:03
DeMoNSeEdoops, should be Amaranth03:03
[BTF] Chm0dand i cannot just reinstall the 9746 drivers03:03
AmaranthDeMoNSeEd: yeah, just try again03:03
jribtanlaan: you might be interested in http://www.gnome.org/~seth/blog/sabayon (it's packaged in ubuntu but this page has info)03:04
DeMoNSeEdcatcha laters, thabks03:04
aSt3raL_what is the package for network monitor?03:04
AmaranthDeMoNSeEd: if you don't get a reason next time tell me (i'm usually here) and i'll find out who to ask about it03:04
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rbilblankfaze: then the example I gave u is your best option03:04
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DeMoNSeEdwill be done03:04
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yommbBTF : try disabling the "nv" module !03:04
blankfazerbil:  thanks.  sorry for being a pickyface03:04
[BTF] Chm0dhow do i do that?03:04
tanlaanis there any way that i can use the music on my network media drive in rythmbox?03:04
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whileiwasgoneHi I have a few Southpark .rm files that won't play in any player. Even RealPlayer 10 says that "The content you are trying to play uses an audio codec that is obsolete and no longer supported. Please contact the content provider about using a supported codec." Can anyone tell me what to do to get it to work?03:04
jribtanlaan: rbil is right though that only users with sudo would be able to install anyway03:05
Amaranthtanlaan: You need to set it up with Places->Connect to Server03:05
Amaranthtanlaan: then afaik rhythmbox can use it03:05
LiENUSwhileiwasgone,  buy the dvds03:05
whileiwasgoneI own all of them Lienus.03:05
[BTF] Chm0dLiENUS: LOL03:05
Amaranthtanlaan: or you can setup a daap server (rhythmbox works for this too) and connect to it that way in rhythmbox03:05
Nomad_O_NorthAnyone know anything about installing gnome-ppp?03:05
[BTF] Chm0dyommb: how do i disable the nv modules?03:06
mon^rchwhats a good movie to download, I need some new media...03:06
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Amaranthwhileiwasgone: obviously the solution is to use the DVDs then03:06
yommbBTF : one sec03:06
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jribwhileiwasgone: try mplayer with w32codecs03:06
blankfazerbil: one last thing, this is an external usb hard drive, how do i know what its path is03:06
[BTF] Chm0dive had this problem before but i dont remember what i did :)03:06
Amaranthjrib: w32codecs are illegal03:06
whileiwasgoneLOL I am going to travel so I dont want to haul DVDs03:06
yommbBTF : I forgot the name & location of the config file , hold on a sec i'll try & look it pup03:06
Amaranthwhileiwasgone: rip the DVDs to your HD then03:06
rbilblankfaze: maybe fdisk -l       will tell you?03:06
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whileiwasgonehmm So what I am seeing is that no one knows.03:07
whileiwasgoneThanks though.03:07
ravaloxHey, I'm trying to configure nm-applet to show me the wireless networking information on my laptop, It seems to default to the wired card03:07
Amaranthwhileiwasgone: it's proprietary03:07
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Amaranthwhileiwasgone: we can't do much03:07
ZellSFwhy not rip them to a better format?03:07
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michaeljsmalleyhello good citizens.  I have a toughie here tonight.03:07
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu03:07
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ravaloxnm-applet is part of the network-manager-gnome package03:07
Amaranth!worksforme | tanlaan03:07
ubotutanlaan: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.03:07
michaeljsmalleyExternal Firewire HD (320GB), formatted as FAT32 by default (from the factory)03:07
jayI'm tryin to do a network install but I'm having trouble finding info on howto03:07
michaeljsmalleyPlugged that baby in, and boom... Detected03:07
fatbrainHow do I get the X11 extensioni XShape!?03:07
rbilblankfaze: more than likely will be sdaX03:07
michaeljsmalleyThen, I go to create some folders on it...  And... :(  NO write permissions03:08
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TheClausI am having trouble with opening a port on Ubuntu 6.10 Desktop Edition03:08
TheClausPort #2800003:08
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TheClausnetstat doesn't show it as listenin03:08
rbilblankfaze: depends on how it's partitioned03:08
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spasticteapotDoes anyone know the command for opening a file on a file server running Samba?03:09
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mike01how do i switch the default sound device from Default (CX88 Digital)   to  1: NVidia CK804 (DUPLEX)03:09
Amaranthmichaeljsmalley: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions might be of some help03:09
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EllixisHi all03:09
michaeljsmalleyTried this.  I can't even format the thing in gparted...  Nothing works but reading from it03:10
ardchoille!hi | Ellixis03:10
ubotuEllixis: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:10
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yommbBTF :03:11
EllixisDoes the Desktop Image CD for Edgy contains a "server installation" ? Or should I download the specific "server iso"  ?03:11
yommbBTF : open this file in your fav editor : /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common03:11
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yommbgot it ?03:11
the79bombHello.  My task bar has completely disappeared and the forums say to execute several commands in the terminal window to fix it but I cannot find the executable in  /bin or /usr/bin for the terminal window.  Would someone tell me it's location?03:12
yommbBTF : then enter this : DISABLED_MODULES="nv"03:12
[BTF] Chm0dim gettin there sorry03:12
Amaranthmichaeljsmalley: the device itself might have some sort of read-only switch03:12
ardchoilleEllixis: I believe you have to dl the server iso, I think that is why it exists03:12
yommbBTF : then reboot & all should be ok !03:12
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jribthe79bomb: /usr/bin/gnome-terminal03:12
LiENUSi gotta poopie03:12
ardchoillethe79bomb: gnome-panel ?03:12
the79bombthanks, jrib.03:13
the79bombi think it's called kicker03:13
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ardchoillethe79bomb: That's for KDE03:13
p34ri just burned the iso off the internet, and when i boot off the cd and press 'install or start ubuntu' it goes through the loading screen, then goes to a black screen and says 'hdc:timeout waiting for DMA' then 'hdc: drive not ready for command"03:13
Nomad_O_NorthGnome-ppp? Anyone?03:13
the79bombWhat is KDE? I installed Edgy03:13
[BTF] Chm0di need to reinstall the 9746 drivers now again though correct yommb03:14
p34ranyone know the problem? this is my first time trying to run ubuntu and it wont even work03:14
Nomad_O_NorthKDE is a desktop environment.03:14
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Nomad_O_Norththe79bomb: KDE is a desktop environment.03:15
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ardchoillethe79bomb: the79bomb Did you install ubuntu or kubuntu?03:15
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blankfazerbil: ok, i think i did it, it seemed like it happened too fast... can you tell me how to remount the drive?03:15
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ZellSFok, I reinstalled grub03:16
ZellSFnow how do I add Windows XP to it?03:16
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the79bombI installed ubuntu.  I just ran gnome-panel and the bar's back!  I don't know why it stopped starting automatically.03:16
rbilblankfaze: if it's an external, plugging it in should automount it03:16
ZellSFEhr, never mind, I can't even run ubuntu now03:16
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yommbor started stopping :p03:16
p34ri just burned the iso off the internet, and when i boot off the cd and press 'install or start ubuntu' it goes through the loading screen, then goes to a black screen and says 'hdc:timeout waiting for DMA' then 'hdc: drive not ready for command"03:16
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ardchoillethe79bomb: Possibly due to a mis-behaving panel applet03:16
Joe_CoTso, raise your hand if you think running vmware server in a chroot will work :-/03:17
ZellSF"error 17: cannot mount selected partition"03:17
briankdoes anybody know a good irc server/channel that I could get some linux security help?03:17
cablesbriank, try #linux as well as here03:17
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blankfazerbil: it's a 160GB drive, should that only take like 3 mins to complete?03:17
ardchoillebriank: You can ask in here and maybe someone can help03:17
Nomad_O_NorthGnome-PPP help?03:17
At0mic_P1Cool I can play DVD's now!03:18
briankthank you, although my problem really isn't ubuntu focused03:18
At0mic_P1Flashplayer 9?03:18
Nomad_O_North'Cause I REALLY need a graphical modem dialer.03:18
briankwhen I run netstat on a computer at work (freebsd), I see a lot of established connections and syn_sent from foriegn hosts using port 25. All the local addresses seem to be incrementing ports in the 50000 - 65000 range. I also noticed that a lot messages where attempted to be relayed to different hosts in the maillog. does anyone know what is going on and how I can fix it?03:18
rbilblankfaze: don't know how long it should take? did it report success after formatting it?03:18
At0mic_P1Nomad_O_North: You got gnome-ppp installed now?03:18
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ZellSFany suggestions?03:18
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Nomad_O_NorthNot yet, but I did get wvdial working. How can I install gnome-ppp?03:19
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At0mic_P1sudo apt-get update03:19
p34ri couldn't find this anywhere on the web. when i boot off the ubuntu CD i get 2 hdc errors03:19
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At0mic_P1sudo apt-get install gnome-ppp03:19
p34rthis is my first time running ubuntu and all i want is to use the live cd03:19
p34rbut its kinda pissing me off heh03:20
At0mic_P1Nomad_O_North: wvdial worked for you?03:20
p34r'hdc:timeout waiting for DMA' then 'hdc: drive not ready for command"03:20
ablyssbriank: what's there to fix?  That sounds normal to me03:20
lowfip34r, is hdc a sata drive?03:20
At0mic_P1 < Nomad_O_North> Not yet, but I did get wvdial working.03:20
At0mic_P1Silly me03:20
p34rlowfi: i have 2 harddrives running RAID03:20
ZellSFno easy way to just go through the grub installation again?03:21
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yommbp34r Ubuntu is probably not recognizing your raid controller03:21
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brianksorry, I should explain more, this server should have no mail incoming to it, and only localhost should be sent out. The logs look like it's being used as an open relay03:21
oljanxhey, when booting edgy on my laptop I see about a 90 second hang when nothing appears to be happening on the graphic boot screen, I haven't seen that on my desktops, how would I find out what the hangup is?03:22
sasukech1osTrying to run flash, and firfox didnt find "a suitible plugin". Any help would be great03:22
TheClausHow do I open up a port in Ubuntu 6.10 Desktop.  Need UDP port 2800003:22
At0mic_P1So... How do I install flashplayer 9 in ubuntu. So far all the google links do not work.03:22
p34ryommb: how could i make it recognize it?03:22
Nomad_O_NorthAt0mic_P1: It didn't work...says it can't find the package...03:22
At0mic_P1Nomad_O_North: You ran sudo apt-get update first?03:22
molochHey simple problem, i hope, my custom sounds arnt playing that i set up in prefrences sound, i dont even hear the ubuntu sound when i log into my account anymore? any ideas03:22
cablesoljanx, if you disable the splash temporarily, you can see what's holding it up03:22
ZellSFTheClaus: ports aren't closed by default03:22
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Nomad_O_NorthAt0mic_P1: Doh!No...I shall try that...03:23
oljanxcables:  how do I disable the splash?03:23
j1Hi, I'm trying to install PostgreSQL but I'm getting a NOT FOUND when it tries to download it.  Can someone tell me what I should do to get it to download?03:23
yommbp34r : I'm not sure03:23
briankand I don't understand why all the various foriegn addresses are all coming/going from port 25 on their end, but a large range of ports on my end03:23
cablesoljanx, in the grub boot menu, highlight the standard one, hit e, hit e again on the kernel line, and backspace through quiet and splash03:23
ablyssbriank: where easy enough to setup up a firewall to block port 2503:23
cablesthen hit whatever you hit to get out of that03:23
p34ranyone know how to make ubuntu recognize my raid array?03:23
cablesand hit b03:23
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cables!enter | cables03:23
javaTNhey all03:23
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javaTNanyone here use Gnome? or is anyone here a good modder (interface)03:24
oljanxcables:  Ahh ok, I think I understand,  Thanks.  I'll go give that a shot.03:24
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.03:24
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cablesoljanx, you'll figure it out when you're in the grub menu03:24
=== moloch pops open the bottle of whiskey
yommbp34r if its an mb onbaord controller u may be out of luck.. u have to check your mb manufacturer to see whether it has a linux driver ...03:24
molochsounds shouldn't be such a hassle03:24
brianktrue, but I would want to figure out where the actual hole is03:24
p34ryommb: yuck ok thanks03:24
sasukech1osStill isnt loading the patch or fiding it, and i did sudo apt-get update03:25
briankI didn't know if this would be an easy thing to troubleshoot or not03:25
javaTNdoes anyone here have good experience with modding linux / interfaces / gnome?03:25
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yommbp34r : I have onboard RAID myself which I cant use on linux ...03:25
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molochHey simple problem, i hope, my custom sounds arnt playing that i set up in prefrences sound, i dont even hear the ubuntu sound when i log into my account anymore? any ideas03:25
yommb!mdadm | p34r03:25
ubotup34r: mdadm: tool to administer Linux MD device arrays (software RAID). In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.1-6ubuntu5.2 (edgy), package size 149 kB, installed size 456 kB03:25
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:25
blankfazerbil:  here is what it said at the end http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4538/03:25
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ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash03:25
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ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports03:26
ablyssbriank: try installing snort on the machine and maybe watch logs for snort alerts03:26
Nomad_O_NorthAt0mic_P1: How large are the updates I am receiving? I am on dial-up...03:26
yommbp34r that is a nice software raid tool !03:26
rbilblankfaze: looks like it did it03:26
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javaTNdoes anyone here have good experience with modding linux / interfaces / gnome?03:26
briankok, good idea, thanks for your help03:26
molochoh screw it03:26
molochhas anyone in here got a wii and got it working on ubuntu yet?03:27
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molochwith there wifi03:27
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At0mic_P1Nomad_O_North: I should take about 15 minutes.03:27
blankfazerbil: ok, i just had to unplug/replug it.  thanks again,03:27
cablesmoloch, yep... worked out of the box.03:27
oldmanstandoes anyone know why firefox would be doing this? i click on a link and it acts like it's loading the new page (connecting, etc shows up in status bar) but then the current page just stays on the screen... so weird, just started today03:27
At0mic_P1If you look to the left it'll show the progress.03:27
rbilblankfaze: no prob03:27
molochhow you set up your network?03:27
molochi go tmy driver working with windows wireless drivers03:28
At0mic_P1If you look to the right it'll show how long it will take.03:28
cablesmoloch, some cards have issues with linux03:28
cables!wifi | moloch03:28
ubotumoloch: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:28
the79bombI have been trying to get IE6 running for weeks and can't get past a slew of "permission denied" errors in the install script while it's trying to remove files it created.  Would much appreciate any help.03:28
KuHliihi all. i have got the gnome network manager installed and my wireless picks up my wireless network, but when i try to connect, it just does not do anything once i input the key03:28
molochok ill check that out03:28
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Nomad_O_NorthOK. Thanks.:)03:28
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KuHliiis there any logs or anything i can find out whats going on?03:28
KuHliiim connected to it by wired now03:29
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jenia6230hi all03:29
quaalhey anyone use fluxbox03:29
jenia6230does eny1 know how to get torrentleech.org invite?03:29
rafael-eci have a problem with ubuntu dapper and apache. I installed apache2 and php5. But when i try to parse a php page it does not parse, instead i get the browser option to download03:29
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quaaljust completed installing and setting it up according to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11675903:29
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oljanxso, my laptop appears to be hanging for about 90 seconds on boot at "Configuring Network Interfaces" which is not followed by any errors that I can catch.03:29
quaaldoesnt seem to give me the option to load it03:29
timtrimblejenia6230, no, go somewhere else, this is a chatroom for ubuntu, not for piracy03:30
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rafael-ecoljanx, you may have configure your network for dhcp and you don not have a dhcp server03:30
quaaltimtrimble, not all torrents involve piracy03:30
ZellSFSo. There's easy way to reinstall grub without reinstall ubuntu? :/03:30
lowfipiracy ?!03:30
maximus2000Can someone help me with a font issue... Any wine app, and console (ie F1, F2) have odd fonts.... screenshot http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s78/rever75/Screenshot.png03:30
bobbydI have a problem with mythtv-database failing to configure, I'd like to edit the configure script, where should i look for it?03:30
the79bombis there a way to give the terminal window administrator access to install programs etc.?03:30
maximus2000How can I fix this03:31
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At0mic_P1Nomad_O_North: You can also check out Applications/ Add/remove to install applications.03:31
quaaland jenia6230 you get an invite to a torrent site by knowing someone who is a member03:31
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KuHliianyone got any ideas?03:31
At0mic_P1There is also Synaptic found in System Administration Synaptic03:31
ablyssthe79bomb: gksu gnome-terminal03:31
fabierHey everyone, I'm showing my wife what IRC is. Say Hi to her :)03:32
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the79bombthanks vmuch ablyss03:32
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At0mic_P1fabier: That's not wise...03:32
timtrimblehi fabier03:32
spasticteapotDoes anyone know how to make this work? http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_access_network_folders_without_mounting03:32
KuHliiHi, fabier's wife...03:32
At0mic_P1fabier: She might find out your secret hiding place.03:32
oljanxrafael-ec:  I have other machines on the network with the exact same installation, as I've just installed edgy on 4 machines and haven03:32
spasticteapotThe PC has a static IP address, the folder shared is /home/samba/share03:32
oljanxmade any changes yet03:32
fabiertrue enough ;)03:32
oljanxany reason the laptop only would be acting up?03:32
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rbilrafael-ec: look into httpd.conf and check on: Addtype application/x-httpd-php .php   (at least older apache/php worked that way)03:32
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At0mic_P1fabier's wife you know we look at pr0n when you're not watching right?03:33
AzMooHow do I reparse /etc/environment ? I've added an envvar for python.03:33
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rafael-ec oljanx, do you have a dhcp server? Can you paste the /etc/network/interfases file?03:33
Nomad_O_NorthAt0mic_P1:  The fist command worked, but not the second. Still says it can't find the package...03:33
frogzooAzMoo: relog03:33
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frogzooAzMoo: or.. '. /etc/environment'03:33
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fabierthanks guys, gotta go continue our education into technology. I'll catch ya'll later.03:34
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At0mic_PCNomad_O_North: Try with the add/remove in your applications menu or synaptic03:34
AzMoofrogzoo, doesn't it require something like #!/bin/bash to be executable like that?03:35
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farskiI'm a complete novice, and I have a question about adding additional hard drives to my ubuntu box03:35
At0mic_PCNomad_O_North: To be honest I used Synaptic...03:35
blankfazerbil: can you tell me how to assign a name to a drive?  after reformatting it mounted as "usbdisk"03:35
rafael-ecrbil, I have that line uncomented on the apache2.conf file03:35
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jenia6230and sorry03:36
jenia6230and it's not for piracy03:36
ivannetoI added a user to a group with: "adduser myuser somegroup". But when I execute the "groups" command, I don't see "somegroup" in the list. Is there some way to make the changes take effect without a reboot (or a change to runlevel 1)?03:37
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ivannetoI added a user to a group with "adduser myuser somegroup". But when I execute the "groups" command, I don't see "somegroup" in the list. Is there some way to make the changes take effect without a reboot (or a change to runlevel 1)?03:37
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jribivanneto: log out and log back in03:37
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oljanxrafael-ec:  sorry I'll get back to ya in a bit, baby woke up, typing one handed is hard03:38
ivannetojrib: logging out (gdm) is enough?03:38
saxofonerI need a real pro, again... I have completely ruined my xserver, while trying to disable xgl.  I'm currently on live cd, and I need to fix my install from the command line, no GUI.  I basically want to reinstall the xserver thing w/o reinstalling Ubuntu, unless there's a better option.  I think I accidentally UNINSTALLED it.....  The whole X thing's just gone.03:38
jribivanneto: should be03:38
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hickswow saxofoner03:39
ademanwill any intel motherboard work with ubuntu?  (assuming that the board was released before the latest kernel release)?03:39
saxofonerhicks: yeah, it's bad.03:39
ivannetojrib: I'll try this. Thanks.03:39
ZellSFanyone can tell me how to get grub to boot my Linux partition? I'd rather not configure everything again.03:39
hickstry to chroot into the partition03:39
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spasticteapotI have a Samba server on my network. How do I access the files from my Linux PC?03:39
zriahHi all.  How do I tell ubuntu to load a module every boot?  What config file?  Works great if I modprobe it, just doesn't do it on reboot.03:39
ZellSFI don't even know what that is :/03:39
saxofonersee, I tried to install xgl/compiz, but it didn't work, so I uninstalled it, but I think I sort of borked Xserver in the process... any advice at all?03:40
saxofonerspasticteapot:  more info, please?  what's connected to what?03:40
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hickshmm have you tried "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"03:40
spasticteapotI have an ethernet switch, my server, and my Linux PC.03:40
hicksand changed the video driver to vesa03:40
spasticteapotThe Windows PC on the network can "see" the server under Network Neighborhood.03:40
darktinkummm hi ppl03:40
saxofonerhm... I'll try that... but what's the vesa thing, hicks?03:41
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spasticteapotsaxofoner: How do I get the Linux PC to "see" the shared network folder?03:41
darktinkjust a question is there anyway i can use  limrwire or bearshare03:41
hicksin place of the ati/nvidia vesa will be used03:41
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hicksI cannot be of much help in this situation as I do not whats causing the xorg server to crash03:42
JunK-Ywith the volume control manager, how can i know whats the name of the muted icon?03:42
spasticteapotsaxofoner: Any tips?03:42
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saxofoneroh... okay.  It's a shot in the dark, but it's all I've got to work with... as long as I don't lose my hard drive, I'm cool with it, I don't care about my install that much... haha.03:43
saxofonerhicks:  I tried this guide:  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Xgl.2FCompiz_.28Nvidia.29 and then it didn't work... so I uninstalled that list of installed things, and now I can't boot.03:43
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saxofonercompiz xserver-xgl libgl1-mesa xserver-xorg libglitz-glx1 compiz-gnome03:44
saxofonerI uninstalled all of those, but I thought I skipped xserver.org... maybe I should reinstall libgl1-mesa?03:44
=== rilak [n=wayward@adsl-70-239-91-220.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
rilakcheers all03:44
rilakwhere can I find a good guide or howto on making Ubuntu-flavored Debian source packages?03:45
saxofonersorry spasticteapot, I have no idea.  Can you connect to the network at all?03:45
poningrurilak: what do you mean?03:45
blankfazecan someone tell me how to rename a hard disk?  it mounts as "usbdisk"... i'd like to change that03:45
poningrulike source of a deb?03:45
briankhow can you tell if something is being sent from your address to a foriegn address or the other way around when you run netstat?03:45
rilakponingru, a .deb that installs with dpkg-source, yes03:46
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poningrupackage guide03:46
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poningru!package guide | rilak03:47
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uboturilak: The packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources03:47
exwhyzedFATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.17-10-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid argument03:47
exwhyzed   How can I fix that?03:47
poningrueXistenZ: a) what wifi card are you trying to use?03:47
exwhyzedponingru, it's an integrated card. atheros 5211 chipset. I couldn't get madwifi to recognize the card03:48
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rilaksweet, thanks a lot.03:48
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poningruexwhyzed: hmm thats weird it should have03:48
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poningruexwhyzed: what version of ubuntu?03:48
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exwhyzedponingru, 6.1003:49
ivannetoI executed "usermod -G src myuser". Then, I loggeg out and now my user is only in the "src" group. It's not in the "sudo" group, so I cannot execute commands with sudo. What can I do to assign all groups back to my user?03:49
poningruthats weird a friend has it in his laptop working with ubuntu out of the box03:49
poningruivanneto: hehe you have to go into single user mode03:49
exwhyzedit didn't recognize the card after the install nor after installing madwifi03:49
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ivannetoponingru: with "init 1"?03:49
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box03:50
poningruivanneto: yeah03:50
poningruand then adduser -ingroup through that03:50
ThugglesHow to I get recognized as owner?03:50
poningruerr usermode03:50
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poningruThuggles: oh blargh?03:50
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poningru!sudo | Thuggles:03:50
ubotuThuggles:: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.03:50
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blankfazecan someone tell me how to rename a hard disk/partition? it mounts as "usbdisk"... i'd like to change that03:51
oljanxrafael-ec:  (if your still around)  I was able to fix the problem I mentioned by removing lines referencing wlan0 in /etc/network/interfaces, the wireless card is still functioning properly.  I wonder why that caused a long hang at boot...03:52
exwhyzedponingru, do you know how I can remedy the error I'm having?03:52
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poningruexwhyzed: looking03:52
poningrusorry hold on03:52
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poningrueXistenZ: right yeah that usually means you put in some wrong stuff for the config03:53
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KuHliianyone know why i would be getting some error messages when trying to use the gnome network manager when trying to connect to wireless network, that are saying ieee80211_crypt_tkip: disagrees about version of symbol ieee80211_unregister_crypto_ops03:54
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KuHliiand then another line saying ieee80211_crypt_tkip: unknown symbol ieee80211_unregister_crypto_ops03:54
exwhyzedhmmm, I'm not sure where I put anything into a config03:54
oljanxwireless networking problems seem to be extremely popular these days...03:54
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vox754LiENUS: did you solve your problems? I just installed network-whatever, what else does it do?03:55
exwhyzedI just did "ndiswrapper -i net5211.inf" "ndiswrapper -l" to confirm it was installed then tried to do "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" and got the error03:55
KuHliioljanx, yeah and do not seem to be easy fix03:55
spencer47wireless problems abound03:55
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KuHliithis one has been getting to me for about a week03:56
KuHliino one seems to be able to know whats wrong?03:56
spencer47I've been struggling with Broadcom03:56
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farskican someone point me in the right direction as far as setting up software raid goes?03:56
vox754oljanx: for wireless, I suggest talking "privately" in #ndiswrapper, help people there, even if you aren't using "ndiswrapper"03:56
spencer47good idea03:57
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roachn00b question:  My Ubuntu server just restarted, and I don't know why.  I'm wondering where I'd start looking to figure out what might have caused the reboot (assuming it wasn't a hardware issue, of course).03:58
mshadefarski: there's a great tutorial at tldp.org03:58
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KuHliican anyone help me with my anoying problem?03:58
mshadefarski: i've used it to set up software raid 1 on slackware03:59
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tanlaanhello everyone, i tried installing wine *succesfully* and running Steam in it. I got it to install, but when it starts up it auto updates, then loads to 26% and shutsdown. Anyone know how i can fix this?03:59
mshadeanyone know about knetworkmanager?03:59
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farskimshade: I can do this after I've installed the OS right? (the boot volume won't be in the raid)03:59
mshadefarski: yeah, absolutely03:59
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KuHliii have read it may be because of versions mismatch, however how can i tell what versions im running and the proper ones to install?04:01
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vox754KuHlii, using ndiswrapper?04:01
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farskimshade: do you happen to know, if I set up a 2 drive array w/ software raid, and someday I switch to hardware, is that possible, or do they work completely differently04:02
KuHliiummm... no using ipw394504:02
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KuHliiwould no know where to start with ndiswrapper04:02
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zero88whats up whats up WHATS UUUUUUp04:02
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Moosejawcan gftp do a recursive chmod command?04:03
mshadefarski: not sure about that.  it would probably depend on the card04:03
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mshadefarski: but under software raid, each disk is identical -- take one away and mount it normally, it'll work fine04:03
vox754KuHlii, could try going here #ndiswrapper04:03
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mshadeanyone work with knetworkmanager04:03
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farskik cool04:03
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farskimshade: can I set up the raid after one disk already has data on it?04:04
tanlaannevermind i found the fix for it04:04
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mshadefarski: yes04:04
farskimshade: nice04:04
GaiaX11KuHlii: What do you want?04:04
mshadefarski: just be sure which drive is used to build the raid from04:04
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Moosejawcan gftp do a recursive chmod command?04:04
mshadefarski: because it's possible to synch the blank drive to the full drive04:04
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farskimshade: yep04:05
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KuHliii want to be able to use my wireless04:05
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PopoiHi, I have installed Firefox 32 on my Ubuntu AMD64, everything works fine! but I want to put this Firefox 32 on spanish using the Mozilla Spanish Package, same way that I have the deafalut Firefox 64-Bits. Somebody know how can I do it?04:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about activex - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:05
vox754mshade, you are using KDE right? Sorry, Gnome here only. I liked KDE but I think Ubuntu is more stable than Kubuntu.04:05
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Moosejawkuhlii u using gnome or kde?04:05
KuHliii have a inte l3945abg card, which seems to pickup my wireless network using gnome network manager04:05
KuHliihowever when trying to connect it does not work04:06
Moosejawkuhlii install network manager04:06
mshadevox754: i'm on an ubuntu install and did apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:06
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KuHliiummm... isnt that the same04:06
GaiaX11KuHlii: You have to install it04:06
KuHliii have the network manager installed already04:07
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Moosejawits not04:07
Moosejawi made the same mistake04:07
=== stephen [n=stephen@ppp-69-218-247-1.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Moosejawits different and far better than the gnome network manager04:07
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vox754mshade: Does it work good? I wanted to do that, but I don't want to break anything, so for the time being I'll continue with Gnome.04:07
=== _Luk1 [n=lucas@201009085190.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
KuHliiok, i just went into add/remove programs and typed in Network manger, and network manager has a tick in the box,04:08
threeseasquestion: secondary ide drive is ubuntu that won't boot to the GUI interface, just installed ubuntu 6.10 on another drive (primary) - and it boots giving me the option to boot the secondary drive system. If I do that it won't screw up the new install?04:08
_Luk1hey ppl04:08
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Moosejawin a terminal type: network-manager04:08
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BrianHarcourtanyone having luck using rhythmbox over an SMB connection?04:09
mshadevox754: works fine for me :)04:09
Moosejawlet me see here.04:09
aSt3raL_its nm-applet04:09
_Luk1i have a soundcard which doesnt works ok (VIA VT82xx) . I tried a lot of things (deactivate esd, configure alsamixer, alsamixergui, etc......)04:09
GaiaX11KuHlii: You need ndiswrapper and wireless-tools and your file.inf to install your wireless04:09
_Luk1but it doesnt works04:09
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vox754Moosejaw: you sure? because I think they are called "network-manager" and "network-manager-gnome", which seems to be like a frontend.04:09
_Luk1the left speakerphone doesnt works04:09
Byananyone know how to get powernowd to work correctly with overclocking?04:09
xtknighthow do the maintainers manage to make all those deb files?  is there some coordinated way to configure source the same way using the same dev packages and compile it bi-arch?04:09
Moosejawvox:  i made a mistake04:10
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Moosejawbut he should install network-manager-gnome04:10
Moosejawi believe04:10
mhikucan i install automake without automake?04:10
aSt3raL_network-manager-gnome is the install04:10
aSt3raL_nm-applet is the file name04:10
KuHliimoosejaw installed, there is a icon in the top right near the time and if i right click on it and click about it comes up with NetworkManager Applet 0.6.304:10
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MoosejawKuhlii do what asteral said04:11
Moosejawit works like a charm04:11
KuHliiits already installed. and it picks up my wireless network, it just does not connect to it04:11
Moosejawu may have to restart04:11
CodyLocoHi, I finally got Ubuntu to load, but now I'm having a crash with x-server.  Can someone please point me towards a troubleshooting page?04:11
vox754_Luk1: motherboard? I think I have the same card, for K8M800.04:11
Moosejawwhat encryption u using?04:11
gkjonesltany 1 remeber the command to free a package that wont remove in adept manager and no updates can proceeed04:11
KuHliii have restarted04:11
KuHliiWPA Personal04:11
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Moosejawdid it give u the option to enter the wpa info?04:12
_Luk1vox754: my motherboard is an Asus p5vdc-x04:12
Moosejawusing network manager?04:12
=== rich__ [n=rich@pool-71-101-108-49.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Moosejawdo you have wpa_supplicant installed?04:12
lowfiKuHlii, have you installed and configured wpasupplicant04:12
Moosejawand wpa_supplicant.conf configured?04:12
Nomad_O_NorthI have Gnome-PPP installed, but can't figure out how to work it.04:12
lowfihaha, ok04:12
KuHliiyes, it comes up with the screen and asks for the key/password and i put it in and it just sits there and does nothing04:13
_Luk1vox754: my left speakerphone stays mute04:13
Moosejawinstall wpasupplicant04:13
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KuHliihowever if i go to System > Administration > System logg04:13
_Luk1vox754, only the right speaker works04:13
Moosejawthan edit /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf properly04:13
linux_kidcan a mounted partition be formatted?04:13
KuHliii get a couple of error which i have no idea what they mean04:13
Moosejawcan anyone tell me if there is an ftp app that will allow a recursive chmod command?04:13
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Moosejawkujlii there is a great howto on wpasupplicant on ubuntuforums.org04:14
xtknighthow do i install all the packages i have on my host to my chroot automatically?04:15
tanlaanhas anyone installed steam on their computer *under linux* and been successful?04:15
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KuHliiMoosejaw, what doeswpasupplicant do and will it fix my problems with ieee80211?04:15
KuHliiim getting the following errors: ieee80211_crypt_tkip: disagrees about version of symbol ieee80211_unregister_crypto_ops04:15
Moosejawkuhlii: wpasupplicant is the security encryption u need configured04:16
Moosejawto use wpa04:16
KuHliiand ieee80211_crypt_tkip: Unknown symbol ieee80211_unregister_crypto_ops04:16
Moosejawif u just want to see if things are working...04:16
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Moosejawremove your encryption from your router04:16
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Moosejawand see if u can connect04:16
KuHliiid prefer not, the router took me ages to get right... lol04:17
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Moosejawu should be an expert at it now04:17
Moosejawall u have to do is turn off the security04:17
Moosejawdo this than...04:18
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Moosejawsudo gedit /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf04:18
Moosejawtell me if there is anything in that file04:18
dwhsixgah - I'm having the oft-reported problem of no audio when playing flash video in firefox (ok swiftfox)04:18
dwhsixtried the various proposed fixes... no luck04:19
dwhsixany further ideas?04:19
felixhummelxtknight, did u get an answer to your "how do the maintainers manage to make all those deb files?" question? I'm curious too04:19
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JunK-Yi cant have more then 32000 dirs with my current fs, how can i increase that value?04:19
vox754_Luk1: I don't really know how to help you. Sound cards are supposed to work... bad luck. Sometimes my card wouldn't start; then, after updates, it doesn't fail anymore.04:19
dwhsixe.g. http://www.macewan.org/2006/06/01/howto-firefox-flash-video-sound-on-ubuntu-linux-dapper/04:19
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xtknightfelixhummel: not really.04:19
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volcomanybody else have problems with gcc compiling after a new install of edgy 1004:20
volcomnate@void:~/code$ gcc addr2char.c -o addr04:20
volcom/usr/bin/ld: crt1.o: No such file: No such file or directory04:20
volcomcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status04:20
KuHliimoosejaw, its blank, i tried to install the wpa supplicant and it said its already at the latest version04:20
Moosejawkuhlii u here?04:20
Moosejawkeep it open04:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about microsoftfont - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:20
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer04:20
ubotumsttcorefonts: Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 22 kB, installed size 164 kB04:20
Moosejawnow cut and paste this exactly and enter your info inside the "'s04:20
aSt3raL_volcom: is there a missing file that is supposed to be included?04:20
Moosejaw# # Only WPA-PSK is used. Any valid cipher combination is accepted.04:20
Moosejaw network={04:20
Moosejaw ssid="yournetwork"04:20
Moosejaw proto=WPA04:20
Moosejaw key_mgmt=WPA-PSK04:20
Moosejaw pairwise=CCMP TKIP04:20
Moosejaw group=CCMP TKIP WEP104 WEP4004:20
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Moosejaw psk="yourpass"04:20
Moosejaw }04:20
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:20
frogzoovolcom: Moosejaw no pasting, kthx04:21
volcomaSt3raL_, no there are no includes needed04:21
mhikuif my ps is access denied, whats the other way?04:21
Moosejawfrogzoo where can i paste it?04:22
Moosejawwhat site again?04:22
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:22
frogzoo!pastebin | Moosejaw04:22
ubotuMoosejaw: please see above04:22
At0mic_PCAnyone know if the current ffmpeg will do 3gp?04:22
volcomsorry frogzoo i didn't count 3 lines of bash flooding the channel04:22
aSt3raL_volcom: what are you trying to compile ill take a look at the src04:22
volcomaSt3raL_, it's not the source04:23
vox754Moosejaw: take it easy on the "enter" button.04:23
vox754!enter > Moosejaw04:23
mojo__lol all the moderation on pasting took up more lines than moosejaw's original faux paux (sp?)04:23
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bruenigthat was because he asked again where it was04:24
bruenighad he not04:24
volcomthe !paste result floods more04:24
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frogzoovolcom: your makefile is broken it seems ld can't find crt1.o:04:24
mojo__hey just having a chuckle is all.. i agree that pastebin is the right answer04:24
bruenigit acts as a future deterrent however, there being ultimately more beneficial04:24
aSt3raL_frogzoo: i dont think hes using a make file04:24
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volcomfrogzoo how would i go about pointing it in the right direction04:25
KuHliimoosejaw, i did and tried the test04:25
volcomi just installed ubuntu04:25
Moosejawkuhlii u here?04:25
volcombeen with gentoo for the last 3 years04:25
aSt3raL_volcom: do you have the libc package installed?04:25
Moosejawkuhlii go here04:25
KuHliiwich failed, saying no such device04:25
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volcomhow do i check04:25
frogzoovolcom: where did you get the source from? read the INSTALL doc that came with it04:25
volcomi wrote the code myself04:25
volcomit compiles fine04:25
Moosejawcut and paste that with your network name and password inside the quotes...save it to /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf and restart your machine04:25
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volcomit's a problem with gcc04:26
Moosejawvox: point taken...sorry04:26
someone3hi all04:26
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volcomaSt3raL_, how do i check for libc04:26
bruenig!hi | someone304:26
ubotusomeone3: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:26
vox754Moosejaw: you can go to #ndiswrapper to talk about wireless, even if your problem is not related to "ndiswrapper". You can talk "privately" there, as there are few users, and some of them may be more experienced.04:26
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frogzoovolcom: did you install build-essential ?04:26
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Moosejawsure thing.  It aint my problem, and it has nothing to do with ndiswrapper.  So I will just leave the subject alone,  I'll stop helping04:27
volcomfrogzoo, i just installed a week ago04:27
frogzoovolcom: did you install build-essential ?04:27
volcomnot that i know of04:27
Moosejawnow if someone can help me.  Is there an ftp app that will do a recursive chmod?04:27
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KuHliimoosejaw, i will try that a reboot.04:27
aSt3raL_volcom: try synaptic package manager, i dont remember how to do it from the command line04:27
frogzoovolcom: well do that & try again04:27
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mister_robotovolcom: build-essential is the package that gives you the compiler and all the support utils04:28
bruenigvolcom, what are you trying to do?04:28
aSt3raL_anyone know how to check to see if a package is installed from the command line?04:28
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volcomalright hold on let me install build-essential04:28
frogzooaSt3raL_: dpkg -l pkg04:28
Lukeeven though I have beagled in my gnome session startup - it doesnt start when gnome starts like it should. anyone know how to fix this?04:30
Lukeyea beagle daemon04:30
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kitcheLuke: how do you know it doesn't start?04:30
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Lukekitche: because when I do a search it says "beagled is not started" and I have to click a button to start it04:32
Lukekitche: also its not in the process list04:32
zcat[1] anyone know how in an openoffice spreadsheet I can fill a cell with a solid single or double line ?04:33
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Jordan_UHow do I run .NET applications in Wine?04:33
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CodyLocoHi, I finally got Ubuntu to load, but now I'm having a crash with x-server.  Can someone please point me towards a troubleshooting page?04:33
VuenQuestion, if i downloaded the iso but i don't have any blank cds, can i burn it to a blank dvd instead?04:34
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CodyLocoVuen: worked for me04:34
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aSt3raL_Vuen: yes04:34
CodyLocoas long as it's burned as burnable and disk-at-once04:34
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aSt3raL_CodyLoco: /etc/xorg.conf04:35
XiCillinanyone here ever heard of APTonCD ?04:35
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CodyLocoaSt3raL_ Please elaborate :(04:35
aSt3raL_CodyLoco: that has all your configuration settings for x04:35
=== TheDebugger slaps aSt3raL_
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_Luksi've just complied the alsa driver in ubuntu04:36
=== CodyLoco is a newbie :(
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jadacyrusIm using twinview and I used to have it when I run a game, my second monitor will automatically be disabled. Im pretty sure I achieeved this through a metamode setting. But since I formatted I lost that info and was wondering if anybody here knows what im talking about?04:36
Lukeeven though I have beagled in my gnome session startup - it doesnt start when gnome starts like it should. anyone know how to fix this?04:36
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aSt3raL_slocate xorg.conf04:36
_Lukswhen i loaded the snd-via82xx module04:36
_Luksgave this error:04:36
CodyLocoI know you don't want to walk me through it, but can  you point me toward a site that maybe has a walkthrough/troubleshooter guide?04:36
frogzooJordan_U: -> #winehq04:36
aSt3raL_CodyLoco: what kind of video card?04:36
_Luks(its a log from dmesg)04:37
CodyLocoit's a built in intel card04:37
volcomok aSt3raL_, build-essential is not installed04:37
volcombut when i go into synaptic to install it04:37
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CodyLocoI just bought the machine last week, it has a onboard intel video chipset04:38
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CodyLocoany way to check from the shell?04:38
aSt3raL_CodyLoco: you sure its intel?04:38
aSt3raL_CodyLoco: what is the computer brand and model?04:39
CodyLocothat's what windows was feeding it04:39
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CodyLocoAcer E70004:39
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CodyLocosec let me get you a link04:39
someone3loco, what crash???04:40
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CodyLocoit just said it failed to load, but a window was going to come up and ask me if I wanted to view the output, but I was in the command04:40
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grunbokDoes anyone know of a driver for an IBM EtherJet PC card04:41
aSt3raL_CodyLoco: its an Intel GMA X3000 video card04:41
jadacyruswhat do I put in my metamode to make my second monitor go blank when I play a game in fullscreen mode? (Twinview)04:41
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volcom-ok how do i get around synaptic failing to mark packages due to failed dependencies04:41
someone3/var/log/X.*.log or something04:41
CodyLocoAh thanks aSt3raL_04:41
CodyLocoso now what do I do?04:42
someone3for X log04:42
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someone3check there what went wrong04:42
lgcWhat is the apt option to retrieve info about a package? Thanks.04:42
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MrSatanicCan anyone help me with vmware04:43
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cableslgc, aptitude show packagename04:43
lgccables (quemados) thanks!04:43
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cablesno prob04:43
lgccables you missed the "quemados" part...:)04:44
someone3satanic, what with?04:44
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MrSatanicI get an error04:44
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MrSatanicWhen I type04:44
lgccables, "quemados" = "burnt", in Spanish. (Bad joke, anyway).04:45
MrSatanicsudo aptitude install qemu04:45
cablesok ;)04:45
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CodyLocoaSt3raL_ so what do I do :(04:45
lgccables, how would it be with apt-get? apt-get show packagename?04:45
someone3where does vmware come in??04:46
Jordan_Ulgc: apt-cache show04:46
Myenhmm, using dapper, dnsmasq seems to keep on going away by itself; any hints on figuring out why it's doing that?04:46
MrSatanicNo it says I must run manually...04:47
lgcJordan_U, thanks! Now to a flames-type question: Which one is better, apt or aptitude?04:47
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someone3satanic, u said u need help with vmware04:47
Secion8Anyone know how to access windows vista network share with smbclient?04:48
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ReK_`laptop`does anyone have experience setting up atheros wireless cards?04:48
MrSatanicI got to have the install04:48
MrSatanicThen it says04:48
five_laptopanyone know how to get vnc to connect to an already active xserver rather than starting a new one?04:48
MrSatanicsudo aptitude install qemu04:48
MrSatanicThen I get an error04:48
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someone3five, append a : and a number04:49
five_laptopi did that... didn't work04:49
Jordan_Ulgc: aptitude has a nice curses interface and before Edgy it was usefull because it tracked what apps were installed with a certain package so when you removed an app it removed all packages it depended on but you no longer need, now with Edgy apt can do this also with apt-get autoremove04:49
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someone3:0 ??04:49
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MrSatanicGot it..04:51
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lgcJordan_U, silly me, I thought that was well taken care of by apt-get! (I'm a day old in Dapper, after Breezy and Hoary).04:51
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someone3satanic, the error is ???04:52
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Jordan_Ulgc: installing dependencies has always been available, automatically removing them is new to apt-get04:52
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bordyheya folks... any chance anyone knows how to fix me not having a shut down or reboot button anymore?04:52
Secion8Any info on connecting to vista share?04:52
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riotkittieReK_`laptop`: set up how?04:53
kitcheSecion8: try this http://www.builderau.com.au/blogs/codemonkeybusiness/viewblogpost.htm?p=33927074604:53
lgcJordan_U, you mean perhaps more thoroughy. Otherwise upgrades would be impossible to handle. Am I right?04:53
ReK_`laptop`it doesnt detect the wifi0 interface04:53
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JaZyOSXi'm having a bit of a problem i was messing with installing ldap, cuz i wanted to use NIS, but now when ever i goto a terminal i get I HAVE NO NAME @myhost :04:54
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JaZyOSXand when i try running something that will require root access04:54
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CodyLocoso how do I edit xorg.conf?04:55
JaZyOSXi get a pop up window (within gnome) about user root not exsisting04:55
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dougbafter the bc43xx-fwcutter extracts the driver from the sys file, what do you do after that?04:55
Secion8kitche: Thank you but I already changed that. I am trying to connect to the windows box from ubuntu box04:55
VuenCodyLoco: hit alt+f2, type: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:55
someone3loco, use mc04:55
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RyanTMulliganWhere does the gnome-session-manager store it's session saving?04:56
kitcheSecion8: yes if you followed that guide it tells you how04:56
Jordan_Ulgc: As an example, if you install the kubuntu metapackage with apt, you will have to remove all the packages it installs seperately , apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop won't remove them, apt-get autoremove will04:56
riotkittieCodyLoco: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf          ...... or gksu editor-of-your-choice-here /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:56
CodyLocothnx this is my first time trying this04:56
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riotkittieReK_`laptop`: is the card listed when you type iwconfig  in a term?04:56
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ReK_`laptop`no, but it is listed in lspci04:56
linuxnoobis anyone able to help me with a command i can issue in CLI that will confirm im running feisty??04:57
mhikuhow can i install autoconf?04:57
bordyAny help? Missing shut down/reboot buttons?04:57
lgcJordan_U, I sort of see your point.04:57
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kitche!version | linuxnoob04:57
ubotulinuxnoob: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell04:57
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kerpalanyone know how to get Ubuntu to read my SATA Drive? I am trying to install via the live regular edgy cd and i get an error saying Couldn't mount device, input/output error, but i can see my other drives partitions perfectly fine04:58
Secion8kitche: I changed Network Security: LAN Manager authentication level. I guess that is not my problem, But thanx for the idea.04:58
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kitcheSecion8: if you did that then you should just be able to configure samba and mount the share04:59
linuxnoobkitche, much thanks.  appreciated greatly!04:59
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PopoiHI, I want to know how can I make Dolphin my deafult File Manager on KDE. Someone know how to do it?05:00
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Secion8I don't have samba installed.  Just smbclient05:01
jmlI'd like /bin/sh to point to bash. Should I change the symlink, or is there a tool to change it?05:01
kitcheSecion8: that is part of samba05:01
lgcJordan_U, what relation do "suggested" packages have to the ones being installed? Are they necessary in any way, or do they provide extra functionality?05:01
PntklI'll find out05:01
someone3section, did u try mount -t smbfs ??05:01
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kitchejml: sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash05:01
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OnburiikuHello =)05:02
Moholeciao a tutti05:02
CodyLocoOK so I have xorg.conf open05:02
Moholeposso chiedere un aiutino?05:02
CodyLocoand editable05:02
CodyLoconow what?05:02
jmlkitche: thanks05:02
someone3non parla italiano!!!05:02
lgcJordan_U, specifically, I've been trying to install openoffice, but there's a big list of suggested packages I've been installing, not really knowing their relative importance.05:02
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Moholecan i have an help with kubuntu?05:03
someone3loco, what was the error??05:03
OnburiikuStill have the same problem05:03
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OnburiikuNothing seems to work.05:03
Jordan_Ulgc: It can't hurt to install them but they are not required.05:03
CodyLocoit just crashed while loading the live CD05:03
OnburiikuI might just break down and re-install Ubuntu05:03
Jordan_UMohole: #kubuntu05:03
Moholeok, i go to the kub channel05:03
CodyLocolike it loaded all05:03
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CodyLocothen it was going to load the gui i think05:03
someone3LOL, loco, where r u gonna save the conf??05:03
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CodyLocoI DONT KNOW!!! :(05:04
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CodyLocoI'm so confused!05:04
someone3did u alreasy install?05:04
CodyLocoNo, because I can't get the GUI to install lol05:04
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someone3u should try a text install05:04
lgcJordan_U, they hurt my HD, for one. OpenClipArt, for example, one of the suggested packages, took about 170 MB!05:04
CodyLocohow can I partition it via text?05:04
PopoiHow can I change my default file manager on Kubuntu?05:04
CodyLocoI want to keep my install of windows vista tho05:04
someone3u can with parted05:05
CodyLoco:( lol that's greek to me05:05
someone3use partition magic in win05:05
CodyLocoand I don't speak greek05:05
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jazzmananyone know a command to display hard disk info like make and serial number05:05
CodyLocoand what partitions do I set up?05:05
Jordan_Ulgc: Then don't install them, if you decide there is a feature that you want but isn't available then install it later :)05:05
someone3it allows u to move data (partitions)05:05
felixhummelCodyLoco, use cfdisk05:06
Jordan_Usomeone3: Why not just use gparted?05:06
someone3none, just empty space, u finish it later in linux05:06
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LarkeyI need to install Windows XP on my second hard drive, if I have Ubuntu on my main hard drive, what do I need to do to dual boot properly?05:06
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felixhummelLarkey, all u need is grub and a little knowledge about it ;)05:06
CodyLocosorry this is just so overwhelming lol05:07
jazzmancant anyone help me05:07
unikonanyone ever have an issue of opening up a folder on the desktop scroll halfway down and it closes by itself?05:07
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lgcJordan_U, I was disappointed finding out that Dapper didn't take good care of the Open Office installation. And when I did it, it OO was not able to read Windoze files! (I hope it's now corrected after some hundreds of megas.)05:07
LarkeyDo I just need to add the NTFS lines into the .conf?05:07
kerpalis there a way for me to partition my SATA drive, i'm getting an input/output error on the live cd05:07
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someone3loco, u'll get there05:07
CodyLocoI wish it would just "work" but I guess that would ruin the fun05:07
CodyLocomy computer got shipped with one of those dumb redundant backups prepartitioned05:07
CodyLococan I use anything to delete that partition and prepare it for linux?05:08
Jordan_Ulgc: What do you mean didn't take good care of it? I can / could in Dapper open .docs by default.05:08
someone3loco, of course05:08
someone3in win or linux05:08
ardchoilleCodyLoco: gparted05:08
five_laptophrm.... why is Xrealvnc only at 3.3.7 in the repositories??  its above version 4.x now05:08
jazzmananyone know a command to display hard disk info like make and serial number05:08
Jordan_UCodyLoco: Yes, it is an option when you install Ubuntu05:08
ardchoillefive_laptop: in Dapper repos?05:09
mojo__jazzman: you are looking for smart utilities... um, 1 sec...05:09
CodyLocoOK give me a bit to make some backup disks of my windows vista install, then I'll be back05:09
felixhummeljazzman, cat /proc/ide/hdX/model where X is (a,b,c)05:09
lgcJordan_U, I mean it removed the versions of OO I had and forgot to install the new one..:(.05:09
ardchoillefive_laptop: When Ubuntu is released, the only updates you get are bug fixes and security updates. Not all apps get updated to the latest version after the release.05:09
five_laptopo wait... its in a separate repo05:09
felixhummeljazzman, start with an ls /proc/ide/05:09
someone3ardchoille, is 'g' in gparted gnome??05:09
Jordan_Ulgc: install Ubuntu-desktop05:09
ardchoillesomeone3: I believe so, it is a gnome2 app05:10
felixhummeljazzman, or just do: cat /proc/ide/*/model05:10
lgcJordan_U, as for Windoze files, I tried to open a .pps file.05:10
jazzmanthnx that worked btw it was scsi05:10
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felixhummelfive_laptop, try apt-cache search vncviewer05:11
someone3u see, loco is having problems running X, so gparted doesn't work05:11
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zerneed help with install05:11
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OnburiikuThat was weird05:12
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oljanxanother noob question:  how can I make my NTFS partition writable from linux?05:12
lgcJordan_U, I would've thought apt-get would simply replace the old Open Office package with the new one (and all the ancillaries).05:12
zerit wont resize the ntfs partion05:12
someone3oljanx, not recomended05:12
OnburiikuI'm hoping someone can help me fix this. If not I'm going ot give up and re-install05:12
BluesKajgparted is a live cd that you download and burn...yer trying to use qtparted05:13
Jordan_Ulgc: It should have05:13
mojo__jazzman: yeah the stuff on /proc ..um i feel dumb.  there are some S.M.A.R.T. utilities for linux too but i think they may be for monitoring temperature and other metrics... m05:13
OnburiikuLong story short05:13
lgcJordan_U, by the way, I couldn't install ubuntu-desktop: broken dependencies. How do I fix that?05:13
Onburiiku'I have Ubuntu on an external hard drive. A few nights ago I put it into hibernate, and when I turned it back on, it wouldn't boot.05:13
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OnburiikuIs there any way I can fix this?05:13
ardchoilleBluesKaj: gparted is a partitioning app, it's in the repos05:13
Jordan_Ulgc: Have you used Automatix or any third party repositories?05:13
OnburiikuI'm running Dapper Drake, and I can access the drive from my LiveCD.05:13
mojo__http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/ is what i was thinking of05:14
unikonin Xubuntu and Ubuntu anyone ever have an issue of opening up a folder on the desktop scroll halfway down and it closes by itself?05:14
someone3Onburiiku, where does it stop??05:14
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lgcJordan_U, let me paste you my sources.list, if it helps.05:14
Jordan_U!ntfs-3g | oljanx05:14
ubotuoljanx: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)05:14
BluesKajno kidding ardchoille, it's also a live cd that you can use outside of the OS , which better for partitioning05:14
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CodyLocoI'll be back in a bit when my backup is done05:14
CodyLocothanks again everyone05:15
someone3k, loco05:15
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Moosejawi wish the guy i was trying to help would come back and let me know if it worked05:15
OnburiikuSomeone3: Very quickly. I get the typical BIOS startup screen ("DELL" in big letters with a smal progress bar), then it evidently boots to the external drive, although absolutely nothing happens. If I wait a while I get a message saying "Press F1 to retry boot"05:15
oljanxJordan_U:  Thanks, I'll try it out on a system with no important data first.05:15
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oljanxhas anyone used and experienced trouble with ntfs-3g before?05:16
OnburiikuSomeone3: The blank screen has nothing but a blinking bar, like a command line, but nothing happens when I type except a system beep.05:16
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:16
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someone3u could try a mbr fix05:17
someone3but thats extreme05:17
Jordan_Uoljanx: According to the site there are no known problems with it but it has some limitations ( for esoteric things you probably don't need ) I would read the wiki05:17
gongzerooljanx: I'm curious about the same thing.  I'm trying to switch over to Ubuntu completely on my laptop05:17
OnburiikuSomeone3: What is an mbr fix?05:18
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five_laptophmm... ok... why would "remote desktop" only allow me to control my desktop from the localhost?05:18
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:18
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someone3where did u put the boot part of OS (i.e. MBR or BOOT sector)05:19
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someone3when u installed05:19
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OnburiikuSomeone3: Uhh... did I do that in the partition phase?05:19
someone3ya, u decide there05:20
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someone3just after partitioning05:20
lgcJordan_U, try http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4546/, please.05:20
OnburiikuI don't know...05:20
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someone3thats the only OS on this drive?05:21
OnburiikuSomeone3: Yes, it's the only OS on the drive. It;s an external.05:21
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someone3ok, here's an idea. . .05:22
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rizzoDo I need to restart gnome for keybinding changes in metacity to take effect?05:22
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cablesWhen using NetworkManager, my connection sometimes drops for several seconds. The lights on my wireless card stop, and I can't load any pages on the internet, but the connection indicator in the notification area still shows connection. Does anyone know what's going on, or how I can fix it?05:22
rizzoI want gnome-launch-box to launch on <Alt>Space05:23
Jordan_Ulgc: Try running "sudo apt-get -f install"05:23
oljanxgongzero:  I hear ya, unfortunately I have to keep the dozer around few things still, I'm trying to reduce the number of those things as much as possible...05:23
someone3edit the file /boot/grub/grub.conf or something like it05:23
someone3add the timer05:23
=== GMWeezel [n=james@ppp-70-255-80-10.dsl.lbcktx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
bulmercables: sh..t happens, signal is low, so it locks your systems i/o05:23
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OnburiikuAdd the timer?05:24
cablesbulmer, this only happens when I use NetworkManager...05:24
kris_why wouldn't i have any publically open ports when i'm running httpd and identd? locally they're open.. and when i run firestarter its blocking both those ports, so its coming through my router.. but my daemons aren't giving any response?05:24
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gongzerooljanx: Same here.  I'm still quite a n00b to Linux in general but I'm liking what I see so far.  ;)05:24
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lgcJordan_U, same sh*t. Did you see anything strange in my file?05:24
GMWeezelHas anyone had had any experience with Realtek ALC861 HD sound card with Ubuntu; I am having some sound issues.05:24
bulmercables: only one apps should have access to your wifi, network manager or ... they can not both be controlling your nic05:24
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Jordan_Ulgc: no, can you pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get -f install" ?05:25
OnburiikuSomeone3: Yes? I don't know what you mean by add the timer.05:25
bulmercables: and why do you concern so much about it?05:25
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someone3with a line:05:25
cablesbulmer, when I disable network-manager and use the gnome one, the signal never drops... using NetworkManager, it does.05:25
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lgcJordan_U, do you read Spanish?05:25
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Jordan_Ulgc: No05:26
bulmercables: what are you trying to achieve?05:26
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Jordan_Ulgc: I can probably get the gist of it though05:26
OnburiikuSomeone3: I don't see grub.conf. Or grub.anything05:26
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CaptainMorganIs it possible to put the Home folder on the desktop? It appears that by default it is not as such and I cannot find the setting under Administration or Preferences.05:26
lgcJordan_U, then let me give it a try...05:26
someone3in /boot/grub ???05:26
cablesbulmer, here's what happens: Using the normal networking software built into Ubuntu, I get perfect signal. Using NetworkManager, my signal will often drop for a few seconds. This is a problem.05:26
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kris_really, can someone please help me out05:26
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cables!NetworkManager | bulmer05:26
ubotubulmer: networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager05:26
FalstiusCaptainMorgan: ln -s ~ ~/Desktop/home05:27
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kris_i don't understand why my daemons aren't responding, when the ports are open on my router05:27
OnburiikuSomeone3: Nope. No grub.anything in /boot/grub.05:27
Jordan_UCaptainMorgan: Just make a symlink ( like an alias or shortcut )05:27
kris_and they're open locally05:27
CaptainMorganah, thanks Jordan_U05:27
someone3how about menu.lst05:27
CaptainMorganthanks FallenHi1okiri05:27
CaptainMorganerr.. Falstius05:27
lgcJordan_U, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4548/, if you may.05:27
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CyberSlugjoin #ubuntu+105:28
Onburiikusomeone3: Nope.05:28
bulmercables network manager is used to manage..software built in to ubuntu (which one is that?)  drop for a few seconds? are you transferring files that it concerns you too much?05:28
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someone3how many files are in the dir05:28
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OnburiikuOh wait wait yes yes05:29
OnburiikuI missed it05:29
Onburiikuor lst05:29
someone3its a link05:29
Jordan_Ulgc: and that was from running exactly "sudo apt-get -f install" without any packages, ie *not* "sudo apt-get -f install ubuntu-desktop" ?05:29
cablesbulmer, I'm just thinking there must be a bug... I know that network-manager is using the same drivers as the regular Ubuntu manager, but I'm consistently getting worse wireless performance using networkmanager. If it's dropping connections more than the one built into the system, there's a bug. Maybe its' using a different version/configuration of madwifi?05:30
OnburiikuSomeone3: Should I click it? Edit it?05:30
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atrustotem-xine doesn't seem to be using Xv here. in particular, scaling up to full screen is ALOT slower with totem-xine than it is with xine. suggestions?05:30
lgcJordan_U, no, that was from ...-f install ubuntu-...05:30
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skelterhey - I have a disk with two partitions, one of which is my /home, the other is windows. What's the best way to merge these two together to make a larger /home (without losing the current /home)?05:31
someone3edit, ya05:31
Jordan_Ulgc: give the output of just "sudo apt-get -f install" say no if it asks to remove anything so I can check to see if it's a required package or not05:32
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mborohovhey guys, so i have /dev/sdb1 as another ext3 partition...i threw it into my fstab and it mounts fine, but i want it to be rw by ALL users, not just root. any ideas on how to do that?05:32
=== atlantia [n=sc0tt@cpe-024-088-055-054.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bulmercables: again, you dont have a power meter to accurately measure milliwatts detected by your nic, they are too close, those indicators are just there like an idiot light..not an exact measurements05:32
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shatratskelter, you mean format the windows one and use a logical volume to make /home take up both disks?05:32
someone3any u like, it's in seconds05:32
skeltershatrat: something like that05:32
bulmercables: so blaming one over the other, is futile05:32
lgcJordan_U, wlithout the package name it says "0 updated, 0 to be installed, 0 to be eliminated and 4 not updated".05:32
atlantiais there anyway to disable dma on a drive in a running environment??05:32
shatratskelter, not sure what the easiest way would be, try reading up on LVM05:33
lgcJordan_U, it runs w/o errors.05:33
someone3atlantia, most probably a reboot needed05:33
cablesbulmer, it's not that it says I'm getting lower signal... it's that the connection is actually  completely dropping. As in, it stops working for about 10 seconds every few minutes. Switching between NetworkManager and the regular system, I've noticed that this NEVER happens when not using NetworkManager.05:33
atlantiasomeone3: i can reboot if needed05:34
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skeltershatrat, so, i don't think LVM works on partitions that aren't part of the LVM structure from the get-go...this is a windows partition that predates my ubuntu install.05:34
ardchoillelgc: Have you done sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ?05:34
atlantiasomeone3: whats the way to disable with reboot?05:34
DPathhello, #ubuntu. is there anyone that can help me with a problem? it's posted here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35481105:34
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someone3did u have to enter the line or was it in there??05:34
cablesbulmer, according to this bug report, I'm right. There IS a problem with NetworkManager and madwifi. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/3782105:34
ardchoillelgc: You're using debian repos in Ubuntu?05:34
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lgcardchoille, yes, as of today (I upgraded to Dapper).05:34
shatratskelter, might not be an easy way to do it in that case.  I thought you could add new disks to a volume easily, but maybe i was wrong05:34
someone3uhh, wot???05:34
=== PantsTheLegend [n=zombiepk@pool-71-161-241-194.sctnpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoillelgc: Using debian repos in Ubuntu is a really bad idea.05:35
someone3shutdown -a05:35
cablesbulmer, I should have looked there first... sorry05:35
skeltershatrat, it is likely you know more than me. my experience is very slight.05:35
lgcardchoille, only some...05:35
bulmercables: okay, i believe you..05:35
mborohovhey guys, so i have /dev/sdb1 as another ext3 partition...i threw it into my fstab and it mounts fine, but i want it to be rw by ALL users, not just root. any ideas on how to do that?05:35
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shatratskelter, well, I've never actually used it.  Im a jbod guy, I just add new disks and mount them wherever I see fit ;)05:35
ardchoillelgc: You're asking for problems, but it's your computer.05:35
someone3sry, i get u05:35
=== Jordan_U_ [n=jordan@h-68-164-89-221.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
PantsTheLegendIs there any way to get SLI working in Ubuntu? When I start up my friends Laptop with SLI, it won't run (And his Bios won't let him turn off SLI, we had to rip his laptop open and take out a card to get Ubuntu Working)05:35
lgcardchoille, Jordan_U, BRB!05:36
someone3disable in BIOS05:36
bulmermborohov: there are mount options like mask  ..man mount05:36
EdLinlgc: if you mess up apt-get by having broken dependencies, you pretty much have hosed an important operating system feature.05:36
=== weijie902 [n=chatzill@bb220-255-110-237.singnet.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
skeltershatrat, i didn't ask for LVM or anything specifically. i just resized the partition when i installed ubuntu. does that mean i am using LVM?05:36
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Jordan_U_lgc: What wasn't updated?05:36
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skelterPantsTheLegend, you have a laptop with two video cards? jeez05:36
atlantiaok i got lost, is ide=nodma the proper way to disable dma or in BIOS?05:37
PantsTheLegendNah, Skelter, it's my friends.05:37
shatratskelter, no I dont believe so, but i dont know much about it.05:37
PantsTheLegendHe has SLI in his Sager M595005:37
shatratPantsTheLegend, the official nvidia drivers probably support SLI, I dont really know though.05:37
skelterPantsTheLegend, well I am more just wondering why such a thing exists05:37
Erbasis there a way to install ubuntu from the cd directly, without it loading up the "on-cd" version?05:37
OnburiikuSomeone3: Hmm.. This file is interesting. Look. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4552/05:37
weijie902i read somewhere about this thingy that allows 2 video cards to be used for better performance05:37
PantsTheLegendHaha@Skelter it sure does.05:37
shatratskelter, because people want to try and fit a desktop into a notebook case and dont think about batteries05:37
EdLinErbas: yes, the alternate installer05:37
Jordan_U_lgc: And did it give any reason why those packages weren't upgraded?05:38
PantsTheLegendAlright Thanks Shatrat, is there a series of Console commands I can enter in the recovery console to setup the nVidia Drivers for that?05:38
skelterI was thinking about heat, really05:38
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OnburiikuSomeone3: It says something about "saved", and not booting. Maybe that has something to do with my problem.05:38
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bulmerweijie902: management is telling you that! you have two monitors so you can be twice as productive... lolz05:38
weijie902yeah a hot laptop can reduce battery capacity05:38
Erbasedlin: how do i access that?05:38
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EdLinErbas: its an iso, it's at the same place you downloaded Ubuntu's live installer.05:39
weijie902bulmer: i need another pair of eyes then.. and a way to split my concentration int 205:39
shatratPantsTheLegend, well, you can run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and use the vesa driver or something to get limited graphical functionality, and then use the nvidia how to to install the driver.05:39
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PantsTheLegendAlright Thanks Shat.05:39
someone3ya, interesting file, looks like it was modified05:39
weijie902PantsTheLegend: or apt-get install lynx to surf the web in command line05:39
bulmerweijie902: actually, you know those Forex Traders, they have like five or six monitors during trading hours05:39
someone3u rebooted already??05:39
Onburiikusomeone3: Nope, not yet.05:40
shatratDoes anybody know how to edit what applicatisn are used to open different filetypes?  the right click menu is showing 3 entries for mplayer and it opens with totem if I just left click.05:40
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weijie902shatrat: right click, propreties05:40
Jordan_U_shatrat: Right click on the file and go to properties05:40
shatratI just thought of that, I swear05:40
OnburiikuSomeone3: Hmm... Maybe it needs to be un-modified.05:40
weijie902somthing like that05:40
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shatratthanks weijie902 Jordan_U05:41
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someone3no, no05:41
Arigatowhat is the command line equivalent of end process?05:41
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Erbasfound it, thanks edlin05:41
someone3i don't know what numbers to use exactly05:42
someone3so. . .05:42
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heatmancould someone tell me how i would go about to install KDE in ubuntu so that i may choose between KDE or Gnome at the boot up?05:42
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shatratArigato, killall processname or kill process ID05:42
kerpalcan anyone help put me in the right direction towards trouble shooting a "Failed to mount device, input/output error?"05:42
kilgoreheatman: go to synaptic and install the kubuntu-desktop package05:42
shatratArigato, you can kill it using k in top as well.05:42
atlantiameh we'll see how this goes, have a buddy who has a crapstor {tm} drive headin south, tons of DMA i/o errors... gonna have him reboot -DMA and try to get a small piece of data off05:42
someone3u'll reboot, during the count down u'll stop it to bring up a menu. . .05:43
heatmanKerpal: tyvm05:43
Arigatoshatrat, k in top?05:43
mborohovim having serious issues with this and i dont know why. i can mount it as root just fine, but I want my regular user to be able to create/edit files/folders in this mounted dir. how do i do that? the man page isnt being particularly helpful05:43
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kerpalheatman, what do you mean by that05:43
Jordan_UArigato: top is a terminal app05:43
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someone3Onburiiku, following??05:44
shatratArigato, top is a comand like utility for viewing processes, and you can sort them by user using u and kill specific processes using k05:44
Onburiikusomeone3: Not exactly...05:44
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kitchemborohov: you can use umask or chown but the umask way is safer if you mess up05:44
heatmanoops meant ty Kilgore05:44
mborohovkitche: how do i use the umask?05:44
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someone3u added a 5 second delay (or was it originally there) so u can get to the menu05:45
Jordan_Umborohov: To try to point you in the right direction, man fstab05:45
OnburiikuIt was a 10 second delay05:45
kitche!permission | mborohov you want the filepermissions one then click the volume permission in the page that comes up05:45
ubotumborohov you want the filepermissions one then click the volume permission in the page that comes up: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux05:45
Onburiikubut I don't think it'd doing anything05:45
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Onburiikuafter BIOS starts up, I get nothing but a blank screen05:45
someone3so, then u can just close menu.lst05:45
someone3i think u should try to reinstall grub05:46
OnburiikuGood idea.05:46
OnburiikuHow do I do that?05:46
Jordan_U!grub | Onburiiku05:46
ubotuOnburiiku: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:46
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OnburiikuI'll try that05:47
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someone3ya, so05:47
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mborohovmkdir: cannot create directory `Music': Permission denied05:49
mborohovi still get that05:49
mborohovmy line in fstab is:05:49
mborohov/dev/sdb1       /media/stuff    ext3    rw,defaults,umask=000   0       005:49
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cables!past | mborohov05:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about past - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:51
cables!paste | mborohov05:51
ubotumborohov: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:51
cablesDoes anyone know of any wireless cards that are not Atheros but work out-of-the-box with Ubuntu?05:51
eternalswddoes anyone know what defines a trivial method that can be used from gpl code without permission necessary?05:51
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eternalswdhi cris05:52
=== Pelo cracks and waves cris hello
crisnice, this work05:52
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crisirc client05:52
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someone3eternal, probably something like string routines, things that can't be done in very many ways05:53
crazy_busDoes anyone know how to compile gimp 2.3.  I'm trying to compile it but I'm getting this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4554/05:53
crisstrings routines?05:53
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criswaht are you talking about?05:53
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myconidI am trying to load beryl on my Dell Latitude D800, and when I run beryl-manager the screen goes green, and displays itself twice.05:53
Pelocris,  this is the help channel for ubuntu and ubuntu related things05:53
someone3u fell in the middle, cris05:53
eternalswdhmm, think hiding the cursor using an empty pixmap qualifies?05:54
calvarezquestion: I am trying to change the default program used to open a type of file. I go to a file of that type, I right-click and select properties, then Open With, but it doesn't allow me to make any changes. This is edgy/gnome05:54
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crisi manage to get beryl running one time05:54
calvarezwhy won't it let me change the app that opens that file type?05:54
crisits, really amazing, but then its crashes05:54
myconidit wont evne load for me05:54
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calvarezmyconid, I am running  beryl on a lattitude D800 without problems05:54
atlantia/dev/hdd1: Input/output error05:55
atlantiamount: /dev/hdd1: can't read superblock05:55
myconidcalvarez: nvidia 4200go? 1920x1200?05:55
Pelocrazy_bus,  did you do  ./configure first to make sure you have all the dependencies or did you jump straight to make ?05:55
atlantiaanyone know if disabling dma would help that situation05:55
calvarez5650go 1650x105005:55
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criswell, ok, im an electronic engineering student, does any of you knows a multisim or electronic workbech for lnux?05:55
e\ectro_has anyone else used Rdesktop with Beryl running?  I am noticing some sluggish rendering and my CPU jumps to 100% when I try, for example, to delete mass amounts of email and it refreshs to show them missing.05:55
myconidbetter video, crappier screen :)05:55
OnburiikuI'm going to try a reboot05:55
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OnburiikuSomeone3: I'll let you knwo if it works05:55
someone3Onburiiku, k05:55
calvarezI also use rdesktop and beryl, no problem here05:55
e\ectro_calvarez: nvidia?05:56
calvarezGeForce Go FX 565005:56
e\ectro_any special rdesktop settings?05:56
e\ectro_or Xorg settings for the nvidia05:56
calvarezno, just max settings05:56
calvarezno, only the settings necessary for beryl05:57
crazy_busPelo: I typed ./configure, make, sudo make install05:57
calvarezI forgot the name, somthing about ARGB visuals05:57
calvarezmeh, he left :p05:57
myconideven craps out at 800x60005:57
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calvarezhow do I change the default application for a specific filetype in GNOME/edgy?05:58
myconidno GLX_EXT something somethign somethign comes up when i run it05:58
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calvarezmyconid, I don't if I can help you, doesn't Geforce 4xxx need nvidia legacy drivers? I use most currrent one05:59
myconidIm using the beta drivers?05:59
calvarezbeta drivers?05:59
calvarezthose don't work with your card man05:59
myconidthats cool.05:59
myconidcalvarez: the 4200 is 'legacy' already?05:59
calvareznot sure05:59
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calvarezI think it is05:59
skelterpre 6xxx is legacy i believe06:00
calvarezI'm sure FX aren't legacy06:00
calvarezI don't know about 4xxx06:00
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Oni-DraculaFX seem like legacy...06:00
AzMoomyconid, 4200 is legacy. Anything below the "forceware" series is.06:00
Oni-Draculamy FX5600 is lacking on most hardware specs06:00
myconidso it seems06:00
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calvarezOni-Dracula, 5600 is old06:01
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myconidwhat do i apt-get for nvidia-legacy?06:01
calvarezOni-Dracula, 5600 it's a fine card though06:01
calvareznvidia-legacy-glx I think06:01
calvarezuse synaptic06:01
shaneCOwhat do I have to do to be able to view my shared files on my windows computer on my network?06:01
AzMooI have a 5700LE and it does everything I need it to. Which is basically beryl.06:01
shaneCOwith ubuntu06:01
cablesshaneCO, it's already there06:01
myconidshaneCO: a second livecd06:01
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:02
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OnburiikuI'm back06:02
cablesshaneCO, go to Places>Network Servers06:02
cablesOnburiiku, are you the "hibernate guy?"06:02
OnburiikuSomeone3: Sorry to say , it didn't work... :/06:02
OnburiikuCables, yes, I am.06:02
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Oni-Draculacalvarez, yeah I hope to upgrade it sometime.  My board/mem/cpu first though.  Still got a 2.0 ghz athlon XP 333 mhz FSB06:02
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calvarezhmm, why 'hibernate guy"?06:03
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someone3problem with it06:03
OnburiikuBeen working on this problem since sunday06:03
cablesOnburiiku, how did you kill grub?06:03
calvarezthat reminds me, I also have problems with hibernation06:03
cablescalvarez, he was having problems bringing Ubuntu out of hibernate06:03
Oni-Draculahibernate is the most useless feature of an OS06:03
shaneCOcables: when I do that it shows me windows network, but clicking on it does nothing, and it says 0 bites06:03
OnburiikuHow did I kill grub?06:03
calvarezOni-Dracula, wtf06:03
calvarezOni-Dracula, is perfect for laptops06:03
cablesOnburiiku, I thought I saw a message that said you messed up GRUB.06:03
MegaqwertyI got a new keyboard and now alt-tab doesn't work...Ideas?06:03
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Oni-Draculacalvarez, I find that the bootup time for ubuntu is about the same time for an un-hibernation06:04
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OnburiikuI'm just trying everything to get this to work. I never messed up GRUB though.06:04
JaZyOSXi'm having a bit of a problem i was messing with installing ldap, cuz i wanted to use NIS, but now when ever i goto a terminal i get I HAVE NO NAME @myhost :06:04
JaZyOSXi get a pop up window (within gnome) about user root not exsisting06:04
=== bitMind [n=quino@84-120-248-52.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
someone3not grub, something06:04
JaZyOSXand i can't boot into ubuntu i get an error about LDAP server not ready06:04
someone3reinstalling grub was sugestion06:04
cablesOnburiiku, ah. It would probably make more sense to back up your Home folder and reinstall the OS.06:04
=== BreakDecks [n=BreakDec@adsl-065-006-209-021.sip.mem.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
OnburiikuThats what I was thinking of doing06:05
someone3nice one cables06:05
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cablesOnburiiku, it would take a 10th of the time it's taken you to try to wake up the machine...06:05
BreakDecksOk, my System Monitor says I have 16 Billion Gigabytes of writeable memory...  what exactly is happening here?06:05
myconidedgy doesnt ahve nvidia legacy drivers :(06:05
deafboyI'm having trouble sharing files with a friend of mine who has a windows pc06:05
OnburiikuGood point.06:05
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cablesBreakDecks, you sure it's not bytes? Maybe your computer won the lottery or something...06:05
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calvarezhow do I change the default application for a specific filetype in GNOME/edgy?06:06
cablesdeafboy, how so? He can't open your files?06:06
someone3but then, that's not the way to become a guru, is it, cables06:06
cablescalvarez, right click>open with>choose06:06
BreakDecksNautilus has 16738187209.5 GiB Writeable Memory according to System Monitor06:06
Megaqwertycan anyone help me re-enable alt-tab? It doesn't work06:06
cablessomeone3 :)06:06
deafboycables: i want to transfer a file to his computer06:06
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calvarezcables, it won't do it06:06
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calvarezcables, the radio button doesn't change06:06
cablescalvarez, that's a bug or something...06:06
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cablesdeafboy, through what?06:07
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deafboycable: a wired network06:07
BreakDecksThis glitch isn't causing any problems, not yet anyway, but it certainly is doing something it shouldn't.06:07
deafboycable: i can see his computer06:07
shaneCOthat's what I'm trying to do too cables06:07
deafboycables: i just don't know how to connect to it06:07
OnburiikuOkay, time for a re-install06:07
OnburiikuThank you everyone for all of your help06:07
cablesdeafboy, how are you trying to transfer? over shared files on a network?06:07
MegaqwertyCan anyone help me with my issue with alt-tab?06:08
=== Fedge [n=Fedge@cpe-66-75-62-232.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
cablesshaneCO, no idea about your problem... it should work out of the box.06:08
Onburiiku...meh, I'll do it tommorow...06:08
cablesdeafboy, you need to be more specific...06:08
someone3oh, lol, k06:08
shaneCOk thanks cables06:08
atlantiaanyone here got bad drive expereince i can bound ideas off of?06:08
myconidjust say it.06:08
deafboycables: i have a movie im trying to transfer to him, we are on the same wired lan at college06:09
Fedge I'm looking for help getting 6.10 installed.  I choose "Install to Hard Disk" and then the screen goes black until I reboot.  Any ideas?06:09
cablesatlantia, my little brother jumped on my laptop, killing the HD.06:09
onefishI'd like to be able to change screensaver settings.  But the screensaver dialog doesn't have that option, you only get the default screensaver. :(  Is there a workaround?06:09
cablesdeafboy, are you using FTP? Shared folders? Email?06:09
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cablesonefish, it should let you... it does on my system... something's definitely broken.06:09
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deafboycables: shared folders06:10
bulmerFedge: what kind of computer do you have?06:10
atlantiacables: right now i am trying my damndest to disable dma with n o luck06:10
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Bhaskarwhere can i find libgcj for jre 1.4.2 in ubuntu 6.06?06:10
cablesatlantia, i guess my story won't help you...06:10
=== onefish looks again
FedgePIII 800 MHz, 512 MB, 40GB HDD06:10
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atlantiacables: ehhehe06:11
xerophyte_does anybody know any good nice theme for gnome .. not fancy ..but clean ?06:11
cablesatlantia, are you using hdparm?06:11
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cablesxerophyte, Candido06:12
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bulmeratlantia: hdparm command did not allow dis-abling of dma?06:12
atlantiacables: tried hdparm -d0 /dev/hdd, said "off" rebooted, with ide=nodma at grub and still opcode errors show up for DMA06:12
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eugenewhere can i get a listof cammands for ubuntu06:12
deafboycables: i can see his computer when i go through "connect to server'  but i can't connect to it06:12
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atlantiabulmer: hdparm -d0 /dev/hdd06:12
cablesatlantia, hdparm doesn't stick... i think you need to change it in hdparm.conf or something like that.06:12
someone3atlantia, disable in BIOS06:12
=== PhilKC [i=greece@freenode/staff/about.linux.philkc] has joined #ubuntu
bulmerFedge: sometime the cdrom goes haywire...is the hdd on same controller as the cdrom?06:13
cablesdeafboy, how can't you?06:13
atlantiasomeone3: bios has a bunch of options for DMA but no disable06:13
=== onefish [n=onefish@cpe-24-94-58-90.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
atlantialetme have the tech on the remote end look harder06:13
someone3put it in pio then06:13
Fedgebulmer: No, cdrom is master on one IDE channel, HDD is master on the other IDE channel06:13
deafboycables: it says that "school" (the name of his computer) is not a folder06:13
Bhaskarbieb, where can i find libgcj for jre 1.4.2 in ubuntu 6.0606:14
someone3bulmer, hda == primary master, add == secondary slave06:14
cablesdeafboy, no idea... samba can be weird sometimes06:14
someone3deafboy, append a shared directory name to the path06:15
=== GigaClon [n=gigaclon@n159s030.ntc.blacksburg.shentel.net] has joined #ubuntu
bulmerFedge: how many times this happened, btw it took me like 10 tries before i was able to install  :(06:15
eugenecan someone help me with beryl06:15
someone3u can't write on the computer06:15
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ardchoilleBack in a bit :)06:15
mikejanssenhow would i go about triple booting xp, vista and ubuntu?06:15
Megaqwertyeugene: what is your problem?06:16
someone3it has to go in a sub folder06:16
myconidmikejanssen: carefully.06:16
Fedgebulmer: Every single version of Ubuntu I've tried..... Fedora installs fine, XP installs fine.  It's just Ubuntu06:16
eugenei donwload theme but when i try to apply it nothing happens06:16
atlantiabulmer: seems hdparm says dma=off for that drive now06:16
FedgeI'm using a PCI nVidia 520006:16
Fedgei could swap out for an older AGP card perhaps06:16
atlantiabulmer: you know of any other way to recover a file from a drive that is in this state? Seems the superblock cannot be read06:16
someone3fedge, try installing in text mode06:17
bulmerFedge,  I have great difficulty with ubuntu installs too06:17
atlantiabulmer: thinking ddrescue old drive to a new one and trying again06:17
Fedgehow do i install in text mode?06:17
myconidhow do i install my :libc development package:06:17
BhaskarFedge,  where can i find libgcj for jre 1.4.2 in ubuntu 6.0606:17
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bulmeratlantia: can you fsck the drive? before it is mounted off course06:17
someone3at the boot: prompt u can usualy press F2 - F5 for additional instructions06:18
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someone3try that06:18
bulmerFedge: one of those ubuntu disk has text mode..i cant recall which06:18
eugenehow do you apply theme when using beryl06:18
Megaqwertysorry eugene, you need to say my name in the chat when talking to me06:18
Megaqwertyeugene: I have like 13 windows open, so I'm sorry about that. You need to import the themes using emerald06:19
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bulmerBhaskar I can swear that gcj jre is stock with dapper 6.06..i saw it earlier during my install..I myself is trying to get ubuntu to recognize the Sun java jre06:19
Fedgebulmer: Text mode is a no go, i'm gunna throw in my other GPU06:19
eugeneMega, when i click fetch theme in emearld nothing happens06:19
Flannel!java | bulmer, the command is on this page (update-alternatives)06:20
Flanneler..  hmm.06:20
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository06:20
atlantiabulmer will try, tech on local side says he did, i shall try again06:20
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someone3try using vesa driver06:20
AzMooeugene, say the complete name. That way alert him to the fact that you've said something.06:20
bulmer!java | bulmer06:21
Megaqwertyeugene: are you trying to get one specific theme you have already downloaded?06:21
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Fedgesomeone3: is the vesa driver on the 6.10 desktop or server CD?06:21
eugeneMegaqwerty, When i click fetch theme in emerarld nothing happens06:21
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Megaqwertylemme check mine06:22
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someone3i suppose desktop, but i dont know06:22
someone3it should come with every X server06:22
mikejanssenso no real way to triple boot......?06:22
Flannelmikejanssen: sure there is.  It's identical to dualbooting.06:23
Megaqwertyeugene: you need to install the subversion packages from synaptic06:23
mikejanssenbut last time i tried i messed up xp06:23
Flannelmikejanssen: oh, there may be no way to have both XP and Vista... I don't know.06:23
Flannelmikejanssen: but, As for linux/grub, they don't care.06:23
Fedgesomeone3: i'm not sure i can get far enough to use the vesa driver.  When do I select it?06:23
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someone3i belive at the boot: prompt06:24
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kerpalanyone know how to trouble shoot a problem mounting an sata drive in gparted? i keep getting a input/output error06:24
someone3linux driver="vesa" or something06:24
Fedgeok, i'll try that, my other GPU didn't work06:24
someone3read about it06:25
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someone3im not sure about it06:25
=== holycow [n=buzz@S01060016b6b53675.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
onefishcables: what screensaver manager are you using?06:25
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cablesonefish, whatever's in gnome...06:25
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eugeneMegaqwerty how owuld i install that by going into Synaptic package manager06:25
someone3kerpal, I/O error usualy means dead hardware06:26
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kerpalthe hardware is most certainly not dead, though06:26
someone3oh, it works on other OSs/machines06:26
kerpalit's my SATA drive, right06:26
Megaqwertyeugene: System>Administration>Synaptic Package Manager06:26
someone3drivers probably06:27
Megaqwertythen you need to install the subversion packages06:27
eugeneThe name is subversion06:27
Megaqwertyeugene: I'll get you the names of them...hold on06:27
kerpalso if its a drivers conflict do i look for drivers for my SATA controller?06:27
someone3i would think so06:27
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someone3the disk is internal??06:28
kerpalright, it's an SATA 300 gb seagate drive06:28
myconidubuntu doesnt support seagate 300gb drives06:28
kerpalthe controller is built into the motherboard06:28
kerpaloh really?06:29
myconidi had th esame issue.06:29
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Fedgesomeone3: vesa didn't work, but i found something that did06:29
kerpalso i'm screwed if i try to use this drive?06:29
myconidno no im just kidding06:29
someone3ya i figured as much06:29
kerpallol, then what's up06:29
someone3ya? wot?06:29
Fedgesomeone: changed from VGA to 1280x1024x3206:29
Megaqwertyeugene: yeah, it is called subversion06:30
someone3LOL, nice06:30
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Fedgeit must've been drawing at a VGA resolution out of range of my monitor06:30
Megaqwertyinstall it, and you should be good to go06:30
kerpalmyconid did you just say that cause you have had bad luck with seagates or just to confuse me ;<06:30
myconidjust to confuse you, im sorry.06:30
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eugeneMegaqwerty i dont see it in synaptic package manager06:31
kerpalarggh i want to install ubuntu :( :(06:31
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someone3kerpal, anyway u would probably need MoBo drivers06:31
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Megaqwertyeugene: open up a terminal06:32
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lgcJordan_U, Hi, I'm back!06:32
kerpalwell where do i get those drivers? i doubt MSI supports linux06:32
Megaqwertyeugene: and type this: "sudo apt-get install subversion" (after you close synaptic)06:32
someone3u don't have the CD?06:33
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Jordan_Ulgc: Hi, can you remind me what problem you are having?06:33
onefishhundreds of screensavers but no way to change their individual settings :(06:33
Jordan_Uonefish: yea, I don't get that decision by Gnome either, it is possible to change them though it is annoying06:34
eugenemegaqwerty ok now where do i go06:34
Madpilotonefish, known bug in the gnomescreensaver app - the developer of which is a bit strange06:34
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Megaqwertyeugene: did you get subversion installed from the terminal?06:35
lgcJordan_U, I ended up with broken dependencies. Someone in the channel told me it was a bad idea to have Debian repositories enabled in my sources.list...06:35
eugenemegaqwerty correction yes i did06:36
Jordan_Uonefish: According to the lead dev "Screensavers that need to be configured are inherently broken" ( paraphrased from memory )06:36
shatratthe world is full of wierd devs, and not enough valium06:36
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lgcJordan_U, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4547/.06:36
Jordan_Ulgc: I remember now, what packages were not being upgraded?06:36
lgcJordan_U, serpentine and deskbar-applet. Only.06:37
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cablesubuntu bug 4029306:38
Jordan_Ulgc: I would remove those packages, remove the debian repository, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -f install06:38
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Megaqwertyeugene: then try restarting emerald and trying to update again06:38
Jordan_Ulgc: Then try to install Ubuntu-desktop again06:38
cablessry, didn't mean to put that in this channel06:38
lgcJordan_U, that sounds sound!06:39
ubotusp: James Clark's SGML parsing tools. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.4-1.2.1-47 (edgy), package size 158 kB, installed size 564 kB06:40
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository06:40
daanesro1alguien me puede ayudar con apollon06:40
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:40
eugeneMegaqwerty: After i clcik fetch theme. Should the theme change right away06:40
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Megaqwertyeugene: it might, but I doubt it06:41
Megaqwertyeugene: I think you will need to select it for it to change06:41
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.06:41
eugeneMegaqwerty: How would i select it06:41
Megaqwertyeugene: just click it06:42
=== Onburiiku [n=ubuntu@adsl-145-108-237.asm.bellsouth.net] has left #Ubuntu []
Megaqwertyin the window, it will show all of the themes you can choose from06:42
Megaqwertysimply select it, and it should change06:42
eugeneMegaqwerty: when i click it nothing happens06:42
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CaptainMorganis anyone famiar with KDevelopC/C++ ? Im trying to see if there's a way to set Show Line Numbers by default; I don't see a setting in Configure/Settings.06:43
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lenoxxwhat's the maximum priority that i can assign something with in update-alternatives?06:43
lenoxxis there some sort of MAX constant?06:43
Megaqwertyeugene: I am terribly busy now, but I think that if you joined #beryl, you could get more help, I'm sorry, but I really do have to leave06:44
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eugeneMegaqwerty: thank for your help06:44
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deafboycables: it was stupid norton that kept me out XD06:44
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kristoferI found this howto.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixCompleteVirtualMailSystemHowto, but it's not complete. any ideas where I could find something similar, but finished?06:46
eternalswdis there a guide for determining the dependencies for checkinstall made debs.  I'd like to be able to share precompiled stuff with others.06:46
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_`XeOn_how to install a .tar.gz ??06:47
someone3deafboy, the movie went now??06:47
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blankfazedoes anyone know if it's possible to manually set the height of titlebars in gnome?  i like having a small font in the titlebar but it makes the min/max/close buttons too small06:47
eternalswd_`XeOn_, I'm guessing you downloaded a source tarball of something?06:47
_`XeOn_an script for xchat06:48
ardchoilleblankfaze: I know that it is not possible. But, you caninstall another window manager to replace MEtacity. I replaced MEtacity with openbox and it it quite themeable.06:48
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deafboysomeone3: yep06:48
_`XeOn_is in tar.gz06:48
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blankfazeardchoille:  that runs on top of gnome, right?  i.e. i would still have my gnome panels and such?06:49
eternalswd_`XeOn_, ah, okay.  cd to the place where you saved and and use...  tar -xzf "file".tar.gz  ...replace "file" with the actual name06:49
_`XeOn_sorry i dont get it06:50
nexis_anyone know why i might not be able to accept dcc in xchat?06:50
eternalswd_`XeOn_, okay, let's take it one step at a time.  open up a terminal06:50
shatrat_`XeOn_, I hate your name.06:50
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_`XeOn_its ok06:50
ardchoilleblankfaze: Metacity runs as your default windowmanager in gnome. If you replace Metacity with openbox, you would still have all your gnome stuff. The only diff is that openbox would run and handle window management instead of Metacity.06:50
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eternalswdnexis, connecting to someone or someone connecting to you?06:51
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eternalswd_`XeOn_, do you have a terminal open?06:52
ardchoilleblankfaze: I believe you can do that with almost any window manager. If you're interested in seeing how it works, I wrote a tutorial about it:  http://www.gnomehelp.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Gnome212.WindowManager06:52
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onefishJordan_U, madpilot: well that makes screensavers pretty much useless then, I really like to be able to change RSS options06:52
eternalswd_`XeOn_, okay, do you know how to change directories via terminal?06:52
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_`XeOn_yes i did the first step06:52
Madpilotonefish, I know - like I said, the developer of gnome-screensaver is... odd. Jordan_U quoted him accurately06:52
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eternalswd_`XeOn_, okay, what's the name of the tar.gz file?06:53
_`XeOn_tar -xzf IRCinfo.tar.gz06:53
_`XeOn_its done06:53
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fulaany one have proplems whit p4m890m motherboard06:53
_`XeOn_now what?06:53
dwi1im having trouble installing hexen 2 it says gedit has not been able to detect the character coding.06:53
dwi1Please check that you are not trying to open a binary file.06:53
eternalswd_`XeOn_, okay, ls -t should tell you the newest folder, I'm guessing it's IRCinfo06:54
onefishJordan_U, what's the workaround?06:54
_`XeOn_yes it is06:54
eternalswdcd into it06:54
onefishconf file?06:54
Jordan_Uonefish: They can be changed, I made a program last year to sync preferences from xscreensaver with gnome-screensaver http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19880906:54
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_`XeOn_and now?06:54
onefishok, thank you06:54
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eternalswd_`XeOn_, ls and look for a README06:54
duckyHello hello good evening!06:55
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eternalswd_`XeOn_, less README and see if it tells you how to install06:55
fula_rebbot problems whit mp4890m motherboard  msi06:55
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_`XeOn_yeah ty06:56
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duckyFor much of the day today I have been installing Edgy64!  I finally have it up and running perfectly EXCEPT...06:56
fula_any one knows about a chat that could help me06:56
ducky32 bit firefox w/plugins06:56
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fula_ani one can suggest me acht abput computer problems06:57
blankfazei like metacity.  i just want it to do more06:57
eternalswdfula_, are you using ubuntu?06:57
duckyAnyone dealt with that before?06:57
pseudomorphducky: there is a great guide I have used many times on the forums here http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19120506:57
fula_an windows too06:57
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eternalswdfula_, what kind of reboot problems are you having?06:58
fula_it reboot by it self06:58
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pseudomorphducky: it runs through flash, adobe, java, win32 stuff etc.06:58
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eternalswdfula_, does it fully boot and then reboot at random times or does it reboot while booting?06:58
duckypseudomorph: I have been looking at this howto, as well as this other one with a script that I have tried.06:58
duckypseudomorph: I can't even get firefox32 installed.06:59
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fula_random times06:59
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patbamhi folks06:59
eternalswdfula_, does it do this for both OSes?06:59
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duckypseudomorph:  When I follow that howto, I get the two packages, the i32 and the firefox32 and every time and every package I download, it tells me the package is invalid.07:00
patbamanyoen know why my sound would stop responding to the volume control? it's all the way up & i think i'm going to wake my neighbors :P07:00
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*=concept1@*.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] by Madpilot
pseudomorphducky: in the first post there is a link to win32codecs that shows how to install firefox32, have you looked at that?07:00
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eternalswdfula_, you said you used Ubuntu and Windows, does it do it for both?07:00
someone3unplug the jack, and plug in a headset07:00
fula_yes sir07:00
fula_or ladie07:00
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pseudomorphducky: are you talking specifically about the mplayer plugin firefox32 or firefox32 itself?07:01
_`XeOn_whats a .pl ?07:01
eternalswdfula_, it's likely a hardware issue then.07:01
someone3(so u don't wake anyone, lol)07:01
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eternalswd_`XeOn_, is that from the xchat script?07:01
vmwareHi guys I am using vmware's browser appliance and I added edgy to the update source list and I ran into a problem and need your guys valuable help07:01
someone3xeon, it's a python script07:01
_`XeOn_is another107:01
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duckypseudomorph: Well, I want to get flash and stuff working, and most of the howtos including the one you sent says that it's usually easier to just install firefox32 with the plugins... and it links to this other howto that I've been trying to follow that doesn't make any sense to me somehow.07:02
fula_look  yes  I read about  a bios problem whit my motherboard it is by the way msi p489007:02
pseudomorphducky: is this the one you're following? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20253707:02
eternalswd_`XeOn_, it's just a script file if it's just by itself, copy it to your ~/.xchat2/plugins/07:02
lgcJordan_U, everything done, to no avail. I still end up with broken dependencies. However...07:03
fula_there is a way to check if the unbuntu is proprely install07:03
duckypseudomorph: I was considering trying the w32 codecs one next, but it didn't seem necessary, since I can play wmv9 in vlc... although the previews don't show up... yes, that's the howto,07:03
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eternalswdfula_, have you tried running the livecd for extended periods of time?  also have you tried running memtest?07:03
pseudomorphducky: ok, you might have to bear with me, I'm new to doing this myself however I have installed ff32 a few times using this method... lets see what we can do07:04
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duckypseudomorph: I am patient and quite thankful.  ^_^07:04
pseudomorphducky: have you enabled universe and multiverse repos?07:04
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duckypseudomorph: As I read that howto, it says:07:04
duckyoh yes repos enabled.07:05
duckyautomatix installed and run and all.07:05
fula_no I have not I will try it thanks a lot07:05
eternalswdfula_, also, are you running your computer on fluctuating powerlines?07:05
fula_but what is memtest07:05
duckypseudomorph: It says "Browser + Base Script Download = base-plugins-browsers-0-5.tar.gz"07:05
fula_I am obiusly a newbie07:05
eternalswdmemtest tests your system's memory for possible failures07:05
pseudomorphducky: forget the script, there is a manaul howto a little further down07:05
duckypseudomorph: But I don't know what the hell it means by browser....07:06
lgcJordan_U, I even did a dist-upgrade!07:06
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fula_well not exacly but a I dont have ground connction07:06
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lgcJordan_U, (after correcting the sources file).07:06
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pseudomorphducky: as i said, forget the script, the manaul howto isn't hard to follow and works just as well.07:07
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FedgeHow do I install gnome on a basic console system?07:07
rabidphagegreetings folks07:07
eternalswdfula_, I know when I was in the Philippines, sometimes electricity problems would cause reboots.  How long have these reboots been occuring?07:07
duckypseudomorph: I tried that... I instaled all the apt-get packages in the list, and then I downloaded the two packages, and the first one installed fine and the second, the 32bit firefox (which seems to be 1.# not 2.0) says it's corrupted...and I have redownloaded it several times and tried the 2.0 .deb file higher up.07:07
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fula_Do you know a hardware Irc chat07:07
rabidphagewould cp -r copy hidden files also?07:07
montcalmemerge gnome, and grab a pot of coffee.07:07
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Polygon89Hello, i was wondering why ubuntu is not giving me the option to suspend to ram, this option only available for laptops running on a battery or something? I can only hibernate, and i dont like it as the sound screws up after i come out of it.07:08
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fula_I am sure that is not the power supplies07:08
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pseudomorphducky: ok, now let me think. I know i had an issue that installing that version of ff downgraded my ff64, from memory i installed the latest ff32 from www.getfirefox.com07:08
fula_I upgrade my computer and since that I heve this problems07:09
FalstiusPolygon89: suspend to RAM requires hardware support ... maybe your computer doesn't support it?  A desktop more than 3 years old might not.07:09
eternalswdfula_, I'm not really sure of a hardware chat, you could try the third one at http://searchirc.com/dir/Computers/Hardware07:09
Shadow_milhow can I install man pages section 2 & 3 for ubuntu?07:09
Polygon89Falstius, well my brothers computer which is ancient compared to mine can do it, and i can also do this in windows, so i dont see where the problem lies...07:09
someone3fula, it could be your power supply07:09
mike01anyone know of a speed typing tutor for ubuntu?07:09
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lgcJordan_U, ardchoille, is a punctuation of -109 good for responding "y" to aptitude (in trying to install ubuntu-desktop).07:10
someone3buy 350W07:10
mike01trying to get my dvorak to break 100wpm07:10
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duckypseudomorph: Should I just download the tarbal?07:10
Shadow_milmike01: I have seen one before07:10
fula_how can check if the system is OK07:10
mike01do you know the name?07:10
someone3fula what did u upgrade?07:10
Shadow_milmike01: checking07:10
pseudomorphducky: the tarball should be fine, you're after the i386 tarball though I believe07:10
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ardchoillelgc: What is punctuation of -10907:10
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fula_I mean ubuntu07:10
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mike01i just wan't a program that makes my type lots of stuff... I already know where all the keys are07:11
someone3since u installed ubuntu???07:11
ardchoillelgc: To install more than one app at a time: sudp aptitude install app1 app2 app3 app407:11
taxonrathi installed apache2, but i cant do anything with it beacuse its telling me that im not the owner of it. how can i fix this?07:11
lgcardchoille, I wish I knew. I'm using aptitude for the first time.07:11
Jordan_Ulgc: All I can think of is to try to remove any packages that you may have gotten from the debian repo and then install ubuntu-desktop, I would go on a package removing spree and just be ready to be stuck with only a terminal or a chroot ( using a LiveCD ) it may be easier to re-install though07:11
FalstiusPolygon89: I dunno, I was just offering a possibility.  You might check your BIOS to enable support for "S3" (suspend to ram)07:11
vmwarewhen in synaptic i  mark all upgradable packages and then when it finished downloading like 700 packages it suddenly saying that it cannot overwrite columeid as /sbin/vol_id exiss in the same package07:11
someone3its not your power supply07:11
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ardchoillelgc: What exactly are you trying to do?07:11
fula_how can I check the system status07:11
eternalswdfula_, this wouldn't be an ubuntu problem if it's happening in windows as well.  If ubuntu starts and you can log in, it should be good.  You can check for broken dependencies using synaptic07:11
Shadow_milmike01: I found a few, two that look are "tuxtype" and "typespeed"07:12
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Polygon89Falstius, ok i will check that. Maybe it is a hardware problem as in windows it does not shut off my fans when i do suspend to ram. thanks07:12
duckytar h: Got it... now is this what it meant with the script, just put that tarbal in the base-plugins directory and run the script then?07:12
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fula_thanks again I see you07:12
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mike01ok will dl them07:12
Shadow_milmike01: typespeed is in universe packages07:12
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taxonrathi installed apache2, but i cant do anything with it beacuse its telling me that im not the owner of it. how can i fix this?07:12
ardchoillelgc: Are you running gnome installed from the ubuntu cd?07:12
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Shadow_milhow can I install man pages section 2 & 3 for ubuntu?07:13
lgcJordan_U, that seems quite severe to me!07:13
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mike01Shadow_mil: thanks, installing them07:13
Shadow_milmike01: good luck with your goals :D07:13
lgcardchoille, no, I've always upgraded from the repos.07:13
FalstiusPolygon89: If the fans are going, then it is probably only doing "S1" which is really just spinning down the disks and turning off the monitor.07:13
=== obstfliege [n=obstflie@xdsl-87-78-87-139.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
mike01i think i can consistently break 100wpm in 2 months07:14
eternalswdtaxonrath, what are you having trouble with apache config or editing the site pages?07:14
duckypseudomorph: For whatever it's worth, I'm running the script again... it sure seems to be working, right now downloading a file called firefox32-2.0-ubuntu-amd64.deb07:14
mike01probably be over 90 in a month07:14
Polygon89Falstius, ok i shall check in my bios now. thanks07:14
pseudomorphducky: on the howto page there is a link to a 32bit version of firefox 2.0. this is the one I used.07:14
Shadow_milmike01: you might be interested in this to "dvorak7min is a typing tutor to help you learn dvorak. Also included are a pair of useful scripts to easily change between qwerty and dvorak layouts."07:14
ardchoillelgc: If you have run upgrades with debian repos in your /etc/apt/sources.list, then you have probably polluted your system and will have problems from here on. If it were me, I'd re-install Ubuntu and remember to never use debian sources or .deb packages in the future.07:14
pseudomorphducky: let me know how you go07:15
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agliv5Greetings :) I'm trying to install the avidemux_2.3.0-0.0ubuntu1_i386.deb that I downloaded and it says: "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libasound2" but libasound2 is installed and already the newest version??? what's up with that?07:15
_`XeOn_whats this location  ~/.xchat ?07:15
duckypseudomorph: dpkg: error processing /home/ducky/Desktop/base-plugins/firefox32-2.0-ubuntu-amd64.deb (--install):07:15
ducky cannot access archive: No such file or directory07:15
duckyErrors were encountered while processing:07:15
ducky /home/ducky/Desktop/base-plugins/firefox32-2.0-ubuntu-amd64.deb07:15
arrenlexardchoille: *chokes* reinstall ubuntu?!07:15
duckychmod: cannot access `/usr/local/bin/firefox32': No such file or directory07:15
Jordan_Ulgc: You need to get rid of any debian packages and when you re-install all your preferences will still be there, I did this once on accident ( removed all but the base system ) but after re-installing ubuntu-desktop it was literally like it had never happened.07:15
Shadow_milmike01: though from the sounds of it, your pretty good07:15
arrenlexardchoille: All you have to do is put three lines in /etc/apt/preferences and apt-get dist-upgrade!07:15
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Shadow_milducky: if your text > 3 lines, please use pastebin.ca07:15
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mike01yeah i learned with dvorak7min07:16
arrenlexardchoille: Thus: http://arrenlex.ls.la/b07:16
FedgeDoes the 6.10 server disk install gnome?07:16
ardchoillearrenlex: ok, ok07:16
Shadow_milmike01: cool ^_^07:16
eternalswd_`XeOn_, if you have a ~/.xchat, that's either a mistake or leftover from a really old xchat07:16
mike01heh heh was just playing with the tux game... its pretty cool07:16
Jordan_Uarrenlex: I hope you aren't giving instructions for upgrading to Edgy.07:16
arrenlexardchoille: Sorry, thus:
Shadow_milmike01: I never used dvorak before07:16
rabidphagehow can i find the mounted devices and their rexpective points in linux?07:16
eternalswd_`XeOn_, only place should be ~/.xchat207:16
mike01dvorak7min doesn't have enough with all the keys tho07:16
_`XeOn_i downloaded chanserv.py07:16
Shadow_milmike01: I would go insane, I think07:16
arrenlexJordan_U: No. ardchoille says that if they'd run an apt-get upgrade with debian repos in the sources, they would reinstall.07:16
mike01you should try it when you don't have to do a lot of typing07:16
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frogzoorabidphage: df or mount07:16
arrenlexJordan_U: I am suggesting a method to go back to a pure ubuntu system in this situation.07:17
mike01cause it killed my qwerty speed07:17
_`XeOn_its in /usr/lib/xchat ?07:17
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mike01i have to look at the keys for qwerty now... lol07:17
daxxarCan I make ubuntu unload my wlan driver before hibernating, and loading it after resuming? I've got a problem with my ipw3945 not properly "powering up" after a hibernate: The device is there and everything, but it doesn't automatically associate with any WLAN. (And I can't seem to get it to do so by /etc/init.d/networking restart or ifdn eth1 && ifup eth1)07:17
pseudomorphducky: looks like the script is trying to do a chmod on a file it cannot find, is it possible it has gone into a different location?07:17
rabidphagefrogzoo: thanks07:17
cod1Anyone know of a reliable text editor that has the ability to edit files through ftp? I've tried using curlftpfs to no success. I can connect and mount an ftp site, but as soon as I get a few levels into my site structure, it hangs. I've tried jedit which works until I try to load a file to edit. Am I going to have to run dreamweaver in wine?07:17
Shadow_milmike01: I work at PC shop, we only use qwerty07:17
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Shadow_milmike01: if I started using dvorak, my boss would kill me07:17
lgcardchoille, not that I cling to my position, but I enabled the debian repositories to install Scribus. Nothing else seems bad except for those 2 packages, "deskbar-applet", and "serpentine", which is a CD writer.07:17
duckypseudomorph: I just tried again like you said with the .deb from that page and this time... low and behold.. it seems to have installed.07:17
eternalswd_`XeOn_, wait, are you trying to install chanserv.py and it's telling you to edit something?07:17
agliv5Is it possible to remove libasound2 and then install the deb, or is that a bad idea?07:17
mike01yeah lol07:17
frogzoocod1: I'd be amazed if emacs wouldn't handle it07:18
_`XeOn_it said to be placed in ~/.xchat207:18
eternalswdagliv5, it's probably not a recent enough version07:18
arrenlexlgc: a) Isn't scribus in the ubuntu repositories? b) Couldn't you have compiled it instead? Or found a package?07:18
pseudomorphducky: yep, looks like the script couldnt find the package... this should be all you're missing07:18
Shadow_milmike01: though I like the idea of dvorak, wish they thought of it earlier, so it would be stander07:18
mike01yeah its been around since the 30s07:18
eternalswd_`XeOn_, okay, so that's where you put it07:18
lgcarrenlex, it wasn't when I installed it, in October.07:19
agliv5eternalswd, you wouldn't happen to know a good source?07:19
Jordan_Ulgc: you enabled main though, so that means that any packages that were newer in debian were installed from the debian repo automatically, and that could be a lot of packages07:19
Shadow_milmike01: lol07:19
duckypseudomorph: Wow, working now... thanks so much, brother!07:19
pseudomorphducky: i also edited my desktop shortcut to launch 'firefox32' not just 'firefox', you may want to do that.07:19
=== cafuego_ [n=cafuego@caffeine.mel.cc.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoillelgc: running an upgrade with debian sources can replace many other system packages with newere "debian" packages. You'd have to hunt for those too and replace them. arrenlex seems to know how to revert back to pure Ubuntu, ask him.07:19
eternalswdagliv5, you're trying to build avidemux?07:19
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weijie902Shadow_mil: you were talking about the layout?07:19
pseudomorphducky: anytime mate, I still need a lot of help getting things working :)07:19
_`XeOn_it said to be placed in ~/.xchat2 so it will autoloaded but ma question is if that folder is usr/lib/xchat/ ?07:19
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Shadow_milweijie902: yeah07:19
someone3xeon, the ~ means user's home folder07:19
duckypseudomorph: What's not working for you?07:19
arrenlexlgc: scribus has existed in ubuntu since warty, which was 2004.07:20
_`XeOn_aaah that answer everything to me :)07:20
pseudomorphducky: mplayer32, having video output problems07:20
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eternalswdagliv5, or wait you wanted to install an avidemux deb didn't you?  I'm not sure about that, but compiling avidemux works assuming you have the dev packages it needs07:20
duckypseudomorph:  Well, I might try it next so we'll see how I do.  :)07:20
pseudomorphducky: and by extention mpayer firefox plugins07:20
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weijie902Shadow_mil: do you use it? i was wondering if its possible to know both qwerty and dvorak at the same time07:21
ardchoillearrenlex: I guess I would be willing to re-install Ubuntu since it only takes 30 minutes while I go have a bite to eat. Seems quick and the system does everything for me.07:21
Shadow_milweijie902: possible, maybe, if you go insane, with out a doubt07:21
pseudomorphducky: good luck with it... i've spent hours! Think it might be a video issue though07:21
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arrenlexardchoille: I assure you that creating a text file, running a five-minute command, and then removing it is faster, and better :)07:21
weijie902Shadow_mil: lol07:21
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weijie902Shadow_mil: my phone is qwerty and im thinking of making my laptop dvorak07:22
agliv5eternalswd, yes trying to install avidemux 2.3.0 and libasound is 1.0.11-7ubuntu3.  I don't think that there is a newer version....07:22
ardchoillearrenlex: Which I didn't know about, which is why I told lgc to talk to you :)07:22
lgcarrenlex, I remember I went through dire straits installing that package, but I don't remember exactly why (I was in a hurry to make a presentation for a meeting, and I even ended up using Scribus in ...Windoze (pardon me!!) because it was the only version that worked well).07:22
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aaronDo any of you guys know where I can get a fortran compiler, and a pascal compiler?07:23
sosdiodehi all07:23
lgcarrenlex, do you know how to purge my system of debian packages without reinstalling everything?07:23
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arrenlexlgc: Yep. Do you run edgy or dapper?07:23
sosdiodechec it out07:23
sosdiodemy music07:23
lgcarrenlex, Dapper.07:24
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eternalswdagliv5, edgy or dapper?07:24
ryjydhello fello ubuntu users07:24
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:24
someone3aaron, google it up07:24
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arrenlexlgc: First of all, go into /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the debian repositories, if there are any.07:24
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lgcarrenlex, di.d that already07:24
ubotulirc: Linux Infra-red Remote Control support. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.0-5ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 308 kB, installed size 1544 kB07:24
arrenlexlgc: Secondly, create the file /etc/apt/preferences (it probably won't exist) and put this in it:
agliv5eternalswd, compiling doesnt work because of an error in conjunction with spidermonkey... spent the better part of the day trying to get it fixed to no avail...07:24
=== clever slaps ubotu
arrenlexlgc: Then run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:25
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arrenlexlgc: Then remove that file when you're done.07:25
zoexiihello, I need help making Ctl+mouseclick=rightmouseclick (I have a one button trackpad unfortunately)07:25
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agliv5eternalswd, I can never keep straight which is which ;) Im on 6.1007:25
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ryjydright, so we cant have all this quiet...07:27
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lgcarrenlex, it's purring... needs to download 431 MB!07:27
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mike01http://www.powertyping.com/typing_test/typing_test.shtml :D07:28
ryjydI'm trying to add a module to a bootup list (not sure on the verbage there...)07:28
Polygon89Falstius, thanks, there was an option in my bios about enabling suspend to ram,  even though i could do it in windows (kinda) with it disabled. But anyway, after i come out of it, gnome complains that unsafely removed my external usb hard drive,07:28
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ryjydI found a soundcard module that doesn't work on bootup, I have ot run it manually... I want to stop doing that, essentially07:28
lgcarrenlex, meanwhile, would you mind explaining me such fine trick?07:28
someone3xeon, is it working?07:28
arrenlex!pin | lgc07:28
ubotulgc: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto07:29
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CapRiCoRN^80hi can i install ubuntu edgy on sun sparc system ?07:31
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ApixxCan someone help me? I've got a little graphics problem... I want to put my monitor in 1152x864 resolution @ 85Hz , but it doesn't seem to be allowed by ubuntu :( And it's supported by my monitor. I'm using nvidia-glx drivers @ 6600GT... Also Synaptic doesn't allows me to download nvidia-setting, it prompts to remove the glx driver :-O07:31
Polygon89Falstius, anyway thanks for your help. Ill figure out the "unsafe removal" thing later07:31
arrenlexCapRiCoRN^80: No. Ubuntu only supports amd64, i386 and powerpc officially. You could install debian, though; it supports a lot more architectures.07:31
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CapRiCoRN^80well i have seen some thing related to it . wait i tell u the link07:32
arrenlexCapRiCoRN^80: And debian is essentially ubuntu.07:32
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ryjydApixx, have you tried the proprietary nvidia driver?07:32
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Apixxryjyd: I'm with it07:32
pk_butuI am newbie.....can any body help me how to run 2 linux distribution (ubuntu & centos) in one PC/hardisk...07:32
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ryjydk... might have to "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" (I think that's it)07:34
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zYewhat is some good video editing software?07:35
agliv5zYe avidemux :) or mencoder :) :)07:35
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Jordan_Upk_butu: The installer for the distributions should let you deal with that, just make one partition for each07:35
zYewhich one ? :)07:35
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agliv5zYe: depends on what you're looking for... generally mencoder is better but harder to use...07:36
zYewhich is more complex and have more features07:36
Jordan_Upk_butu: GRUB will automatically detect the other distro and everything should just work :)07:36
zYemencoder then07:36
agliv5zYe mencoder definately07:36
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zYeis it in the mutimedia universe?07:37
zYei dont see it O_o07:37
agliv5zYe what do you want to do? perhaps I can give you some insite?07:37
Jordan_Uagliv5: Does mencoder do editing or just encoding?07:37
zYei just want it in case i run into something in the future07:37
agliv5zYe, mencoder is part of mplayer07:37
arrenlexzYe: mencoder is a linear editor. You're probably looking for a nonlinear editor.07:37
emxsihow do i reconfigure the network card. I am getting an IP from DHCP but can't ping nor browse... Happened after I upgrade from 5.10 to 6.06? ty07:37
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agliv5I would recomend compling yourself, then it works better07:38
Apixxit supports only 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 and 1600x120007:38
Apixxand only at 85Hz07:38
Apixxis there anyway to overwrite the dependency and force install the nvidia-settings ?07:38
ryjydnot sure if anyone saw it: I have a module for my soundcard that does not load up on boot for ATI IXP... tok me a while, but I figured out what it was and how to load it... I have sound now, but I am force to re-run the command to do that... how do I get it to work at the start?07:38
agliv5mencoder does everything he he he07:38
arrenlexzYe: I.E. Mencoder is exactly what it says -- an encoder. i.e. you can reencode a movie, or apply video filters, or cut it, or pull it up, or other technical things. But you can't splice a clip of your horse onto a clip of your daughter and add shiny text.07:38
arrenlexzYe: Also, mencoder is commandline07:38
agliv5Jordan_U got that?07:38
eternalswdagliv5, if you download http://cs.wheaton.edu/~mbucy/files/spidermonkey.tar.bz2 and untar to your home directory, you can add --with-jsapi-include=/home/`echo $USER`/js and avidemux should compile.  let me know if it doesn't07:39
zYeok, im looking for something like inal cut pro or adobe premire07:39
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agliv5zYe any other questions?07:39
arrenlexzYe: As to those, Linux is sadly lacking. :(07:39
arrenlexzYe: You could try blender's movie compositor. Or heroine.07:39
Jordan_Uagliv5: I don't think so, what was I supposed to get?07:39
ryjydApixx: that may be all you can work with unless you try the linux-made drivers rather than the proprietary...07:39
zYei might try premire on wine i guess07:40
agliv5eternalswd, why does spidermonkey have to be in the home dir?07:40
QuantumKillazYe: Have you tried Kino?07:40
arrenlexzYe: No, heroine is the association... the editor is called cinelerra07:40
zYedunno how that will go though O_o07:40
arrenlexzYe: http://i.iinfo.cz/r/photos/video/cinelerra.png07:40
zYei have no idea, kinda new to the linux world :)07:40
ademanhey, my friend has a usb keyboard on his computer, and GRUB doesn't recognize it at boot time, and as a result he can't select his operating system at boot time.  I presume this has something to do with USB drivers not being loaded or something, is there anything we can do about this?07:40
arrenlexzYe: This closer?07:40
agliv5Jordan_U, that it is recomended to compile yourself and that mencoder does everything ;)07:40
arrenlexzYe: This is a new screenshot http://www.videohelp.com/toolsimages/cinelerra_250.jpg07:40
zYeyea but man that is hella ugly :)07:40
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Jordan_Uagliv5: Yes, I got that :)07:41
vmwarehey guys can anybody help em with my screwed up edgy upgrade from breezy badger07:41
eternalswdagliv5, doesn't just so you could follow the config line.  You can put it wherever you want.  in face if you've installed firefox-dev you might be able to do --with-jsapi-include=/usr/include/firefox/js but I couldn't remember if I downloaded it separately07:41
eternalswd*fact in place of face07:42
kercyrI just upgraded from Dapper to Edgy...  But, Xinerama stopped working.07:42
CapRiCoRN^80arrenlex: check this07:42
eternalswdkercyr, check your xorg.conf?07:42
agliv5eternalswd, I've already got spidermonkey installed and running in /usr/local/spidermonkey and using the --with* option, but something is still wrong...07:42
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CapRiCoRN^80Supports UltraSPARC T107:42
kercyreternalswd, It's the same as before the upgrade.07:42
eternalswdagliv5, spidermonkey is outdated, that's why id doesn't work07:43
eternalswdkercyr, is it loaded as a module?07:43
vmwarewhen trying to ugrade initramfs it needs volumeid but volumeid could not be upgraded as /sbin/vol_id already exists07:43
agliv5eternalswd, I've already tried firefox and mozilla devs... It partially works, but not completely...07:43
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CapRiCoRN^80its mentioned in on http://www.ubuntu.com/server that it Supports UltraSPARC T107:44
eternalswdkercyr, xinerama AFAIK it's a kernel module07:44
agliv5eternalswd, then I'll download from the source you suggested and re-install :)07:44
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kercyreternalswd, I don't think so...07:45
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agliv5zYe, it appears you're still having problems, what's up?07:45
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CapRiCoRN^80i asked that can we install ubuntu on sun sparc systems07:46
CapRiCoRN^80n i got answer no07:46
CapRiCoRN^80but i think we can07:46
CapRiCoRN^80its mentioned in on http://www.ubuntu.com/server that it Supports UltraSPARC T107:46
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ademanCapRiCoRN^80: it may only be for the server install07:46
rangansguys can anybody help me with synaptic upgrade to edgy problem07:46
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arrenlexCapRiCoRN^80: That appears to be a server system. Don't expect to run gnome on it.07:47
ademanrangans: use the update manager, or just fresh install, there's a lot of dapper->edgy upgrade problems, but if you do it with the update manager it's supposed to be pretty decent07:47
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eternalswdkercyr, not sure what you need to do then :(07:47
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arrenlexCapRiCoRN^80: Whereas with debian, I know for sure that all the packages are ported.07:47
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rangansI am getting an error that vol_id could be upgraded as dpkg is trying to overwrite /sbin/vol_id which is in the same paaaackage07:47
rangansi tried to do sudo apt-get install volumeid07:48
rangansthen I tried dpkg -i --force-yes volumeid07:48
rangansthey all fail with the same error07:48
kercyrhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4558/ is my xorg.conf07:48
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ranganssince this package is reported broken synaptic would not upgrade anymore either07:48
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eternalswdkercyr, did you recompile fglrx?07:49
FedgeI'm trying to install 6.10 and i get this error: "timeout writing for DMA, drive not ready for command"07:50
eternalswdkercyr, at least the kernel module?07:50
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kercyreternalswd, I've tried replacing fglrx with radeon and ati... Neither worked.07:50
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kercyr(but no, I didn't recompile it)07:51
CapRiCoRN^80<arrenlex> CapRiCoRN^80: That appears to be a server system. Don't expect to run gnome on it.. then wat will i get ?07:51
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QuantumKillarangans: This is a total shot in the dark but did you try apt-get -f --fix-broken?07:51
eternalswdkercyr, whenever you install a new kernell, you need to compile the kernel module portion against the new kernel.  maybe it'll work after that07:51
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CapRiCoRN^80coz i m thinking of installing ubuntu on Sun Blade 1500 workstations07:52
CapRiCoRN^80coz i m thinking of installing ubuntu on Sun Blade 150 workstations07:52
arrenlexCapRiCoRN^80: If you want to use them for servers, go ahead.07:52
arrenlexCapRiCoRN^80: I've never done it, though. If the internet says you can, I guess you can. Good luck.07:53
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kercyreternalswd, that makes sense if I were working on my gentoo machine, but I don't understand that for ubuntu... as far as I know, I never had to compile anything.07:53
agliv5eternalswd, getting the same error as with the mozilla-dev version of spidermonkey let me pastebin...07:53
rabidphagehi.. how can i monitor the progress of a copy task that has already been commited other than watching the LED blink07:53
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rangansquuantumkilla, I had not I tried now it looks like I am getting the syntax wrong it comes back with a list of options and fix-broken isnt one of them07:54
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QuantumKillawhat about just -f07:54
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eternalswdkercyr, okay, you're using the repositories version?07:54
rangansQuantumkilla, sorry I got your changing your nickname07:54
kercyrI was.07:54
rabidphagehi.. how can i monitor the progress of a copy task that has already been commited other than watching the LED blink07:54
QuantumKillalol, s'okay np07:54
eternalswdkercyr, okay, I haven't a clue then why xinerama isn't working07:54
kercyrwe're in the same boat.07:55
AzMooI'm trying to give my user write access to /var/www via a 'www' group that I've created. My user is a member of the group and I did a sudo chown -R root:www /var/www and sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www but if I try and open that directory it gives me a permission denied error.07:55
d3ck4booduck = wizard07:55
agliv5eternalswd, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4559/07:56
QuantumKillarangans: try: 'sudo apt-get install --fix-broken'07:56
QuantumKillahonestly i'm not a pro with this stuff or anything07:56
QuantumKillaso take what I say with a grain of salt, lol07:57
rangansquantumkilla, you mean sudo apt-get -f that comes with same problem but I did try sudo apt-get -f install volumeid and this is what I get07:57
rangansdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/volumeid_093-0ubuntu18.0edgy2_i386.deb (--unpack):07:57
rangans trying to overwrite `/sbin/vol_id', which is also in package udev07:57
eternalswdagliv5, was that with the js folder from me in /usr/local/spidermonkey?07:57
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eternalswdagliv5, does ./configure --with-jsapi-include=/usr/include/firefox/js  give the same error?07:58
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rangansquantumkilla,me neither but greatly appreciate your help07:58
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silyaHi all! I need FPinger alternative in linux. Any suggestions?07:59
QuantumKillahahaha, wish i could help more.. sorry07:59
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agliv5eternalswd, I think exactally the same, but I'll check...08:00
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agliv5eternalswd, exactally the same error...08:01
rangansquantumkilla, np thaks for your time08:01
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cizrahttp://releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent - can this CD do install on LVM2?08:02
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eternalswdagliv5, try copying the js folder directly from the tarball to /usr/include/firefox/ and try again.  I am not getting that error.08:03
AzMooLooks like you have to re-login for your groups to be updated. Makes sense I guess.08:04
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agliv5eternalswd, still getting the same error; however I am using the mozilla-dev and not the firefox-dev at the moment but I don't think that would make a difference... could it be that it's not working because the files have wrong permissions because of their location?08:10
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eternalswdagliv5, mine are all root rw-r--r-- in the js folder08:12
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eternalswdagliv5, firefox-dev may actually be more recent than mozilla, I'm not sure, regardless, the js folder in the tar file is definitely good to go08:13
lgcarrenlex, ardchoille, Jordan_U08:13
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agliv5eternalswd, let me try the firefox-dev... but I did so yesterday and I seem to recall that it didn't work...08:14
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lgcardchoille, the downloading from *pure* Ubuntu sources is progressing quite slow. It'll take a couple of hours more to complete. Since it's 1:15 A.M. local time, I think I will retreat to my chambers to pay a visit to Morpheus.08:15
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Alarmhello, when i sometimes recet my computer (cause it crashes) , linux start to make an fsck on a fat32 partition, and as a result to erase sometimes data from it , although those files werent being used at the time that the system was reseted. why does that happen ? (for example. i had a compressed file that i moved from ubuntu ext3 partition to fat32 . after several hours something happened and the system crashed. when reseting and getting again i08:17
Alarmnto the system, i saw that the compressed file was missing)08:17
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lgcardchoille, thank you and good night from Mexico City.08:17
yellowhey guys where is it that synaptics save all its package files ?08:18
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high-freqheya guys....um i just did a distro-upgrade and now sound don't work...is there a command i do to restore it?08:18
eternalswdagliv5, have you tried what I suggested in copying my js folder directly to /usr/include/firefox08:19
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eternalswdagliv5, I have a feeling I overwrote the headers there with a newer version08:20
weijie902yellow: try using "locate .deb", mabye it will work08:20
weijie902yellow: but do apt-get clean first08:20
weijie902or cd / and then find | grep deb08:20
yellowweijie902, what does apt-get clean do?08:20
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weijie902yellow: clears out previously downloaded deb files (from apt)08:21
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high-freqfor alsa all i see is alsactl and alsamixer....is there somethin else i need to install in order to get this sound working again.  It was working before the distro-upgrade08:21
weijie902if i apt-get install foobar foobar.deb is stored somewhere08:21
weijie902apt-get clean deletes foobar.deb as its not really needed anymore08:22
weijie902like clearing a web browser's cache08:22
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yellowthanks weijie902 , exactly what i'm after08:23
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donovanhelp...for some reason whenever i try to go into the Terminal i get an error message "there was an error creating the child process for this terminal"08:24
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weijie902yellow: im not sure whether the cache and synaptic's "download deb files only but do not install them" location are the same08:24
agliv5eternalswd, yes but with the mozilla-dev and it didn't work... currently installing firefox-dev and will do the same...08:25
yellowweijie902, uhm so how to clear out both ?08:25
weijie902umm... do apt get clean first08:25
weijie902then search for deb files, maybe this wll give you the location of the synaptic cache08:26
weijie902i dont know where it is, thats why im suggesting that08:26
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yellowthe only deb files are the ones i downloaded manually so it's all good now08:26
mystaI'm trying to install totem-gstreamer firefox plugin, but it will not let me. Aptitude has a v flag next to the file?? what does this mean?08:27
chavothe cache is in /var/cache/apt/archives08:27
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chavoapt-get autoclean will remove all but the latest versions08:27
yellowthanks chavo , one more to do08:28
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kerpalanyone know how to trouble shoot a problem mounting an sata drive in gparted? i keep getting a input/output error08:29
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yellowok, that's it, now i can download that big p0rn file now08:29
yellowthanks to chavo and weijie90208:29
weijie902yellow: no problem08:29
donovanim getting the same error message trying to open the shared folders window...08:30
yellowhehe, that cleared out about 300 megs of gunk08:30
donovansomeone please aid me! :P08:30
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chavodonovan, if anyone knows they'll help08:30
agliv5eternalswd, still getting the same problem... could it be a problem that can be fixed with Linux_All_DBG.OBJ or export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/spidermonkey ?08:30
donovanlol i know08:30
donovanjust tired and annoyed....08:31
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mysta!wmv | mysta08:31
stormIn 6.10, how can I make disk icons appear on the desktop as in 6.06?08:31
eternalswdagliv5 if you're using firefox-dev, it should be /usr/include/firefox/js not /usr/local/spidermonkey, what are you passing to ./configure?08:32
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KuHliihmmm... i still seem to be having issues with my wireless in 6.1008:32
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KuHliithe wireless network gets picked up by network manager, however fails to connect08:32
okgohello, has somebody problems with not having minimize/maximize/close buttons with compiz and beryl in feisty?08:33
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KuHliiseem to be getting the error ieee80211_crypt_tkip: disagrees about version of symbol ieee80211_unregister_crypto_ops in system log08:33
CodyLocoI actually got Ubuntu live CD to boot using safe mode and a ton of tweaks08:33
CodyLocobut now I have a desktop wallpaper and a cursor I can't move08:33
KuHliialso ieee80211_crypt_tkip: Unknown symbol ieee80211_unregister_crypto_ops08:33
agliv5eternalswd, my last post was a typo... the last ./cofigure was with /usr/include/firefox/js/ after coping from the tarball...08:34
CodyLocoAnyone have any ideas as to what to do?08:34
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CodyLocoPercent Complete:  65%08:35
CodyLocoFiles Uploaded: 0 of 108:35
CodyLocoCurrent Position: 5189 / 7980 KBytes08:35
CodyLocoElapsed time: 00:04:3908:35
CodyLocoEst Time Left: 00:02:3008:35
CodyLocoEst Speed: 19 KB/s.08:35
CodyLocoits shweet imo08:35
=== donovan makes a note to contact the dev team of Ubuntu and suggest that they add a new error message: "Warning-End User Error, Please Replace User."
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agliv5eternalswd, I have previously installed and compiled spidermonkey using following guide "http://gopalarathnam.com/weblog/2007/01/08/building-spidermonkey-on-ubuntu.html" so perhaps some system links are wrong...08:36
CodyLocowoooaa wrong channel sorry guys08:36
ardchoilledonovan: hahaha08:36
stormdonovan: It's considered bad form to laugh at your own comments :-)08:36
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donovannot when im making fun of myself08:36
stormAh, I see08:37
donovanwondered why i couldnt open some of Breezy's stuff like Terminal and Shared Folders...seems like it has to do with the new kernel i had just put in...lol08:37
donovanprobably documented somewhere...oh, ok ill shut up now08:37
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ardchoilledonovan: That'll teach you to mess around with the kernel.08:38
donovanthank god the old one was still available...anyone know how to get rid of the new one from the bootloader/system?08:38
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zoexiihello! how can I find the block device for my dvd burner (attached via usb to ide cable)?08:38
illriginalMy sound keeps shuttin off...08:39
illriginalhow can i keep my sound workin forever without any problems?08:39
johan__is default ubuntu fluxbox bare by default how come i dont have a default menu08:40
eternalswdagliv5, okay echo your $PATH and then export all of it except /usr/local/spidermonkey then try configuring again08:40
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rajiv9Hi need a little help with bluetooth dialup08:40
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dezinezanhi there08:42
dezinezanahm, im looking for some help..08:42
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johan__just state problem in question08:42
dezinezanits probably not hard, but i wasnt aware my mom bought a computer with linux gnome on it08:42
rajiv9I am using Kbuntu08:42
dezinezanim trying to get a dialup connected to it08:42
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dezinezani have a wireless router.. but its not working as planned.. so we will have someone come out and look it up for us08:43
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johan__whats wrong with router08:43
dezinezanbut my main question, at the moment is how do i get internet working using a dial-up08:43
dezinezanwith Gnome08:43
illriginalcan someone plese help me get my sound working?08:43
dezinezanillriginal, how long has sound nto been working?08:44
johan__look at alsamixer illriginal08:44
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illriginalnevermind, i did it on alsamixer :P08:44
johan__did what08:44
dezinezananyway, johan08:44
dezinezanis there anything you could say or do to help me out with this?08:44
agliv5eternalswd, still getting the same error :(08:44
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johan__it's all about getting the modem working08:45
eternalswdagliv5, can't explain it...where is the source from?08:45
dezinezani havent ever used linux or gnome, or a mac computer overall, and this is a pain in the ass, because we have everything working correct..08:45
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dezinezanwe just dont know HOW exactly to get a new connectino going08:45
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agliv5eternalswd, what source?08:45
AmaroqWolflol illriginal. dezinezan, how come the wireless router isn't working? Are you using a desktop right now or a laptop?08:45
eternalswdagliv5, for avidemux, did you get a tarball or download via svn?08:46
johan__if modem works connection will be easy to setup08:46
dezinezanwhen i try to install wireless router.. i put the disc in and go through the process..08:46
agliv5eternalswd, good question... hang on...08:46
AmaroqWolfDo you have a wireless network card? Or is your wireless router connected to the desktop via ethernet?08:46
stshello folks. I have trubles installing mysql on my ubuntu server 6.10 system.08:46
AmaroqWolfsts, you want a mysql server?08:47
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dezinezanit closes my internet connections, and then i have to REmake it inorder for it to even connect.. so the process fails, and it doesnt go all the way through everything08:47
stsAmaroqWolf: yes08:47
AmaroqWolfsudo apt-get install mysql-server I think.08:47
dezinezanthis computer im on now looking for help on how to get the gnome comp to internet is running windows xp home08:47
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johan__this is confusing08:48
agliv5eternalswd, originally from the hompage... looking it up, but since then I downloaded from http://mirror.in.th/ubuntu/archive/pool/multiverse/a/avidemux/08:48
AmaroqWolfAre you running ubuntu, dezinezan? My ubuntu auto-detected my ethernet card.08:48
dezinezanany suggestions?08:48
stsi installed it with apt-get install mysql-server, afterwards i changed the password using mysqadmin, but when i try to restart it i get:  mysqld got signal 4; his could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built or misconfigured. .....08:48
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dezinezani just had sister shut it down08:48
dezinezanand its that08:48
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eternalswdagliv5, is that where you got the deb that you wanted to install as well?08:49
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dezinezanUbuntu is what it says08:49
AmaroqWolfOkay. Are you trying to get your computer to network wirelessly with the router, or are you just going to connect it with an ethernet cable?08:49
AmaroqWolfsts, I don't know how to help you with that error.08:49
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agliv5eternalswd, yes ;) I found the site where I originally downloaded... it's http://download.berlios.de/avidemux/avidemux_2.3.0.tar.gz08:49
dezinezanumm.. honestly im not sure.. ANYWAY that will get internet on BOTH computers will do for now08:49
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dezinezanmy dad used to always install all this stuff.. but my dad left long time ago08:50
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AmaroqWolfWell, do both computers have network cards? They'll each have what looks like a phone line plug, but larger, if they do. And do they both sit near the router?08:50
dezinezanand my step dad we having problems with, he doesnt want to help at all08:50
dezinezanso i want to get it working for my sister08:50
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dezinezanthey both have that plug in08:51
dezinezanand they are sitting right next to each other08:51
dezinezanon a new desk we got08:51
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AmaroqWolfDo you have cables for that plug in that can reach the router?08:51
BaB00guys..i have a question08:52
MadpilotBaB00, just ask, don't ask to ask :)08:52
felixhummelBaB00, just ask08:52
=== donovan jumps in line..."just ask" :)
dezinezani got a phone cord and pluged it into the phone outlit like a friend suggrested and then plugged the other end into the comp08:52
dezinezanto try to get dial-up08:52
dezinezanand for the last 3 hours  i have been looking and calling people08:52
n4chthey guys, may i ask a question?  </sarcasm>08:52
AmaroqWolfWell, do you have ethernet cables to plug those computers into the router?08:52
BaB00how do i connect thru a direct connection (com1 - win) to an equipment08:53
dezinezanyou guys have been the most help i have ever had, one ladie i coudnt even understand on the phone because of her accent..08:53
donovandezinezan is the connection dialup or high-speed?08:53
ryan__what karma zachtib?08:53
dezinezanits highspeed dsl08:53
dezinezanbut im not exactly sure how to get it on THE OTHER COMPUTER08:53
dezinezanas well as this one08:53
donovanwell i had a problem when i installed my cable modem on my router08:53
dezinezanat the SAME time08:53
AmaroqWolfDo you have cables like this? http://blog.hiwired.com/archives/ethernet%20cable%201%20thumb-thumb.jpg08:54
donovanso it's already working on one, you just want to set the other one up on it?08:54
AmaroqWolfthey don't have to be that color. Just that shape.08:54
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dezinezanbut one is mac08:54
dezinezanand this one is.. well it uses windows xp08:54
dezinezanlike im used too08:54
dezinezanand i have no idea how to use mac08:54
donovanok are you trying to use wireless or wired?08:54
AmaroqWolfThey're ethernet cables. If they fit, they'll work.08:54
n4chtdezinezan, you'd need a switch or a router.  (another piece of hardware) since most DSL modems double as single-port routers, you can likely go the cheaper route and just pick up a switch for about $20USD.08:55
dezinezanthe router my mom got says wireless08:55
=== PlanarPlatypus [n=alucard@81-179-83-59.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
donovanand do you know if your mac has a wireless adapter?08:55
AmaroqWolfWell, if you look on the back of the router, ther'll be plugins like the ones on the back of your computer.08:55
someone303L8R all08:55
n4chtcheck the bottom of the DSL modem itself.  it'll say if it's a router or not.08:55
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high-freqcan someone plz tell me what file to edit to change my locale08:55
donovandezinezan, do you know if the Mac has a wireless network adapter installed?08:56
AmaroqWolfOn the back of your router, should be three or four plugs close to eachother, with another plug off to the left sorta by itself.08:56
dezinezanok i have the modem that CAME to set up the highspeed DSL, then the other day we bought a D-Link  Wireless Router08:56
pearl_blacki install the mplayer and have one fine image and everything but ... the sound have noiseeeeee ... :x is cruisel the flashplayer plays the sound very fine. SOmeone knows how can i resolve this?!08:56
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dezinezanim not sure.. we just bought it from a guy he used it for gaming and he was always on the net08:57
agliv5eternalswd, you still with me?08:57
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donovanok well that's kind of crucial08:57
AmaroqWolfLook on the back of your router, there should be those plugins that look like the big phone cord plugin.08:57
donovanif your mac doesn't have a wireless adapter, you can't connect wirelessly08:57
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eternalswdagliv5, yeah, I'm loading the repository listing into synaptic to see what's what08:57
dezinezani dont mind connecting with wires, or wireless.. i just wanna get it on the net.. lol08:58
high-freqcan someone plz tell me what file to edit to change my locale08:58
n4chtdezinezan, excellent.  ok, all you need to do is plug an ethernet cable between the mac and the router, and the rest should be pie.   (however, you might want to check the model of your mac on the apple website, it likely has a wireless adapter built-in.)08:58
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT08:58
donovanrock on08:58
musyawhats a good torrent program ?08:58
dezinezanthe new router we have has 1-4 and  LAN08:58
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dezinezannot to sound stupid but.. would i need to another cord to connect to the 2nd slot for the second computer.. or how exactly do i do this? cause i have another cord from old stuff08:59
AmaroqWolfdezinizan, you can plug a cable from your modem into the LAN slot. That'll give the internet to your router. Then you can plug one computer into the 1 slot, and another computer into the 2 slot.08:59
MM2aargh! just installed 6.06 server. It had troubles during install, so I had to reconfigure HD partitions. It did not asked for any username or password... darn!08:59
dezinezaninto the LAN?09:00
BaB00how do i connect using serial cable to an equipment ?09:00
BaB00I mean direct connection to the equipment (telnet)09:00
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donovaninto one of the four ports on the back of your router, yea09:00
MM2How I log into the system?09:00
n4chtLAN or any of the 1-4 ports.09:00
agliv5eternalswd, thanks for all your help :) I've been working on this for days...09:00
AmaroqWolfn4cht, I think the modem has to go straight into the LAN.09:00
dezinezanok so..09:00
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AmaroqWolfthe LAN is like the in, and the 1-4 is like the out.09:01
eternalswdagliv5, that repository is really, really slow right now :(09:01
n4chtAmaroqWolf, oh.. absolutely.  I thought we were trying to figure out where to connect the mac.  You're absolutely right.09:01
kerpalhow can i find out what version kernel i am using?09:01
dezinezanwhen its all plugged in how the guide that came with the disc said.. ALL the lights are light up AND it works going through the modem that came WITH the internet, and the new router..09:01
dezinezando i just plug another cable in like SLOT 2 and then to the 2nd comp?09:01
high-freqkerpal: type in uname -a09:01
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n4chtdezinezan yep.09:01
AmaroqWolfn4cht, well, if the Mac also has an ethernet slot, it could probably hook up to a slot 1-4 as well couldn't it? I don't know abot macs.09:01
donovanthere should be an ethernet port on the back of your Mac thatyou can plug that cable in to09:01
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high-freqcan someone plz tell me what file to edit to change my locale09:02
dezinezanwhen its plugged09:02
black_perli install the mplayer and have one fine image and everything but ... the sound have veryyyyyyy noiseeeeee o0 0o ... :x is cruisel strange the flashplayer plays the sound very fine. SOmeone knows how can i resolve this?! i got 3 sounds cards detected :|09:02
hayden /join #macosx09:02
dezinezanwhen its plugged in.. how exactly i connect the internet? will it notice the plug/software stuff and also do it? or what because i cant find a connect anywere09:02
n4chtdezinezan, what port on the back of the router is the modem plugged into?09:02
n4chtthat's a very crucial step.09:02
dezinezanactually i unplugged EVERYTHING and stuck with JUST the modem for now until i could find further help09:03
AmaroqWolfzezinezan, if everything is connected right, it should automatically be connected. No dial in required.09:03
donovandezinezan, sometimes yes, sometimes no. Windows frequently auto-detects the network but idk about other OS's...however, there should be a control panel option somewhere in there to configure networking09:03
AmaroqWolfdangit I keep mispelling his name.09:03
=== lagerhall [n=lagerhal@t10o907p7.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
n4chtah!  ok, plug the modem into the LAN port, and then connect the Mac to one of the other ports, 1-4.09:03
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n4chtThat should about do it.09:03
AmaroqWolfUbuntu autodetects networks too.09:03
Kazincan someone help me with a video driver problem?09:04
AzMooDo you guys have any clue what you're talking about?09:04
felixhummelI just configured my Network adapter with ifconfig, but at reboot, /etc/interfaces is loaded with wrong settings. Can I save the ifconfig settings with one command?09:04
donovani had to input mine manually09:04
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dezinezanill plug everything back in the way i had it, the way it was working before, and explain what im doing and hopfully that wil help give a description on how im doing it..09:04
dev1I configured vsftpd with virtual user support. And after that local user can't connect to server in their home directories that listed in chroot_list. What is the problem?09:04
dezinezanone sec..09:04
donovancourse that's probably because of the WEP key...09:04
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AmaroqWolfAh. I use a wired network.09:04
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n4chtUbuntu is Fantastic at autodetecting and configuring most networks, with the exception of connections coming from a Prism-based USB wireless adapter.  (I'm currently using one now.) that thing is hell to set up.09:04
donovandezinezan, try restarting the Mac after you plug in the cable...one never knows but that Mac OS might recognize it.09:04
donovann4cht, im using a linksys USB...and no kidding09:05
AmaroqWolfOuch, n4cht. Yeah, I'm using an ethernet for my networking.09:05
donovanive had to put in the WEP key at least 6 times now09:05
donovanbut i dont want to run cable...09:05
n4chtdonovan, if i even close network-admin, my connection craps.  lol.09:05
satix_Hey everyone..09:05
agliv5eternalswd, I didn't load the repository into synaptic... I downloaded from the url I sent you...09:05
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satix_Anyone in New York?09:05
donovanplus Cat5 is expensive around here...09:05
bgehlHi everybody, I have a slighty uncommon question: If I know of a driver I'd like to be included in Feisty - who should I asked?09:06
AzMoodonovan, where are you? Antarctica?09:06
donovanexpensive from my point of view09:06
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n4chtbgehl, check for a contributor's page at ubuntulinux.org09:06
donovanbut then...i'm a cheapskate09:06
dezinezanwhen i do this.. it sometimes d/c's me so if i go and im gone.. i WILL be back, because you guys/girls have helped me more than ANYTHING or ANYONE!! Thank you SOO Much!09:06
donovani balked at 5 bucks for a 3 foot Cat5 at RadioShack...09:07
AmaroqWolfAlways happy to help dezinezan09:07
donovan10-4, good buddy09:07
bgehlthanks n4cht, I'll try (... ahm Germany?)09:07
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n4chtiter, personally, would like to see linux-wlan-ng included in feisty.  chances of that are looking pretty slim though.09:07
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n4chtokgo, that was supposed to be "i, personally"  lol.  stupid nick auto-complete.09:08
AmaroqWolfteehee, I never thought I'd know enough actually provide useful help in a place like this. Just a few months ago, I was the newb coming in rooms like this asking everybody to help me. I still sorta am. *chuckles*09:08
=== n4cht dies laughing... and turns auto-complete off.
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Kazinyeah me too09:08
donovanhell this is my first day...but im in school for network admin'ing...lol09:08
Kazincan anyone help? :D09:08
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n4chtAmaroqWolf: we all have to start somewhere.09:09
n4chtKazin: Whatcha need?09:09
eternalswdagliv5, it's possible that deb is for feisty09:09
donovansadly, the Network+ class does not deal with OSX...09:09
h1st0I'm having a problem creating a user.  Here's what happened.  I originally had a user named kimmy I deleted her.  Now when i'm trying to re create that user with user&groups.  I create it then when I close the dialog the user is gone.09:09
Kazinmy nvidia card doesn't seem to be being put to use at all09:09
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agliv5eternalswd, perhaps...09:10
Kazini can't go above 1024x768 at 60hz09:10
AzMoo!nvidia | kazin09:10
ubotukazin: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:10
AmaroqWolfI remember my first time in a room like this. I was a nightmare for whoever it was who tried to help me. I still had windows, and no CD burner. And I wanted to see if I could install of of a USB stick, and eventually learned that my PC's motherboard can't boot from USB.09:10
eternalswdagliv5, 2.3 isn't showing up for me from edgy or edgy-backports09:10
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n4chth1st0: try 'adduser' in a terminal window instead.09:10
n4chtor, rather, sudo adduser09:10
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agliv5eternalswd, so does that mean that 2.3 doesn't run on this version of ubuntu?09:10
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h1st0n4cht: any idea why users & groups wouldnt' work for just this one user name?  I can create others there.09:11
BaB00anyone ?09:11
eternalswdagliv5, it means the person running that repository doesn't have a deb for edgy, someone else might though09:11
AmaroqWolfOnce I ordered the free Ubuntu CD, I was set.09:11
h1st0n4cht: like if I pick any other name than kimmy it works.09:11
AzMooBaB00, what was the question?09:11
n4chtjust out of curiousity, is there a way to upgrade to a newer version of ubuntu without a full reinstall?  like a dummy, my /home is on my / partition.09:11
h1st0n4cht: yes09:11
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AmaroqWolfn4cht, my /home is on my / partition as well.09:12
h1st0n4cht: just change your sources.list to reflec the version09:12
BaB00how do i connect thru a serial cable to an equipment ?09:12
h1st0n4cht: or use update-manager09:12
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n4chth1st0: and then apt-get dist upgrade?09:12
h1st0!tell n4cht about upgrade09:12
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h1st0n4cht: did you get the message from ubotu09:12
AmaroqWolflol h1st0, changing the version isn't going to make it the new version.09:12
eternalswdagliv5, try http://www.getdeb.net/app.php?name=avidemux09:12
h1st0I know he needs to do a dist-upgrade aftwerwards09:13
AmaroqWolfoh, okay09:13
donovan-well id better get some sleep.09:13
h1st0AmaroqWolf: or he can use update-manager09:13
donovan-night all09:13
h1st0n4cht: you might want to try update manager instead09:13
n4chtsure did.09:13
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:13
AzMooBaB00, use minicom09:13
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AmaroqWolfWhat version are you trying to upgrade to?09:13
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marekshow to do x-forwarding on ubuntu server edition?09:14
h1st0So back to my user question.  For some reason I can't create a user named kimmy I can create a user by any other name.  I used to have a user named kimmy but need to recreate them.09:14
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musyaanybody know of a good site for torretns?09:14
AzMooh1st0, can you add the user through the terminal?09:14
h1st0AzMoo: i'm going to try hold up09:14
AzMoomusya, I'm pretty sure linking to piracy sites would be against #ubuntu rules.09:14
AmaroqWolfh1st0, maybe there's some file(s) left behind that weren't deleted when the user first was?09:14
musyano i meant legal onces09:15
h1st0AzMoo: no because htee group already exhists09:15
h1st0AzMoo: that must be the problem there is a group named kimmy still.09:15
AzMooh1st0, probably. Bit weird though. I would've thought that the manager would've been able to figure that one out. Delete the group and give it a go.09:15
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h1st0AzMoo: yeah that was it.09:16
_mackinac_legal torrents of what09:16
h1st0AzMoo: craziness I swear this stuff only happens to me.09:16
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h1st0musya: well ubuntu.com has torrents of their iso's09:16
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rc-1how do i block a site from loading in firefox?09:16
n4chtwow.  update-manager makes this extremely painless.09:17
musyarc-1: dont open it09:17
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AmaroqWolfn4cht, what version are you upgrading from/to?09:17
AmaroqWolflol musya09:17
rc-1musya, i need other tabbs in the session and it crashes firefox09:17
n4chtfrom breezy to dapper, then from dapper to edgy.09:17
AmaroqWolfrc-1, does the site that crashes firefox have any flash files embedded into it?09:18
rc-1AmaroqWolf, yes09:18
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eternalswdagliv5, yes, the avidemux from the site you originally downloaded from was compiled for feisty, the other deb should work fine09:18
AmaroqWolfrc-1, you need the newest flash.09:18
AmaroqWolfThen it won't crash.09:18
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n4chti'm just worried that at some critical point during the upgrade it's going to require a connection after a restart, which leaves me without a connection due to having to manually deal with this stupid usb wireless adapter.09:19
AmaroqWolfCan someone give rc-1 instructions for putting flash on? I don't remember how I did it.09:19
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musyaactually firefox has been crashing on me too lately09:19
musyabut just randomly09:19
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rc-1Amaranth, i accidentally clicked on an add, and its something that deliberately crashes it09:19
rc-1can i just disable flash somehow?09:19
musyarc-1: sudo apt-cache search flash09:19
n4chtmusya, I can share the pain with you on that one.09:19
musyasee what it give you then apt-get install packageName09:20
AmaroqWolfOh. For me, my firefox just crashed whenever it loaded some sites with flashes.09:20
musyashould be like flash free09:20
musyaor something09:20
cypher1musya: fyi.. i think apt-cache search does not need sudo privs.09:20
BaB00AzMoo: thanks.. any software with an GUI ? for direct communication i mean ..  my boss is not a big fan of the terminal :D09:20
scvAmaroqWolf, ???09:20
n4chtso, i keep hearing about beryl.  is it any good?09:20
AzMooBaB00, not that I know of, sorry.09:20
AzMoon4cht, it's awesome.09:20
rc-1is there a way i can edit what sites the session loads, or turn off flash, or block a site from loading?09:20
BaB00no problem.. thanks09:20
=== grol [n=grol@p50843492.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
musyan4cht: do you know why it crashes?09:21
n4chtAzMoo, sweety.  once I upgrade from breezy, I'll have to try it out.  Is it a pain to install?09:21
musyamaybe just a firefox bug?09:21
scvAmaroqWolf, my ff 2.0 is ok on windows09:21
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AmaroqWolfOh, when it comes to flashes?09:21
n4chtmusya, nope.  i haven't stopped being lazy enough to fire up firefox (har!) from command line without & to catch the verbose end of things yet.09:21
AzMoon4cht, it can be. The latest version doesn't work with XGL for me so I had to drop one back, but it's worth it.09:22
AmaroqWolfIt seems to just be on linux that it crashes for flashes if the flash isn't the newest.09:22
groli have great problems with my USB WLAN Adapter, who can help09:22
rc-1anyone know how to turn off flash in firefox, totally block a site, or edit what sessions it loads?09:22
scvgrol, d-link?09:22
Kazinubotu, thanks that helped me get the driver installed, and now i can use the proper refresh rate, but im still stuck at low resolution09:22
twistiesCan I install KDE without all the extra programs it comes with? Tried it on my mates computer but it installs hundreds of unnecessary apps09:22
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AzMooKazin, ubotu is a bot ;)09:22
musyatwisties: maybe they are nessasery then?09:22
AmaroqWolfsvc, in fact, when I was having trouble with my firefox crashing from flashes, I installed a windows version of firefox under wine as a substitute. lol09:22
Rajiv2Hi... can anyone help me get my blue tooth dial up going09:22
grolscv - yes d-link - dwl-g122 -09:23
eternalswdrc-1, if you uninstall flash, that should do the trick, or try the FlashBlock extension.09:23
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AzMooKazin, you'll need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:23
Kazinazmoo :P09:23
twistiesover 300 games/edugames/image stuff/chat stuff?09:23
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frogzoo!me being a bot09:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about me being a bot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:23
scvgrol, I have a g13209:23
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rc-1eternalswd, i cant install the plugin without losing my session :(09:23
AmaroqWolfeternalswd, I think he should install the flash package neccesary to avoid firefox crashing from flashes in the first place.09:23
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scvgrol, g-122 is junk now09:23
n4chtKazin: that's not just your nvidia card.  ubuntu's loading default setting for your monitor, you might want to consult your mfg provided manual for the proper settings and get your hands dirty with manually editing the X conf.09:23
musyatwisties: yea you can manually choose from all of the kde packages, just install kde and the libs for it,and other need packages it requires, then install what apps you want from kde.09:23
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Rajiv2Hi... can anyone help me get my blue tooth dial up going09:23
musyatwisties: apt-cache search kde09:24
AmaroqWolfrc-1, by session do you mean the tabs, or do you mean session sessions?09:24
musyatwisties: have fun09:24
twistiesk thanks :) Just want to see if its better with Beryl than Gnome09:24
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eternalswdrc-1, it's easy to install flash 9, just download the installer from adobe and copy the plugins to ~/.mozilla/plugins, or it should be in backports09:24
grolscv - what do you mean with "junk know"09:25
rc-1eternalswd, thats not the problem, i have flash 909:25
n4chtRajiv2: you just made me cry a little inside.  i tried doing that myself through my sprint vision pcs phone, since it doubles as a modem... and it was a terrifying experience that i never want to relive.  however, chances are one of these fine chaps will be able to get you up and running!  full of knowledge they are!09:25
rc-1its something that makes firefox jump around the screen, and spam porn adds09:25
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Rajiv2Man.. I got the phone modem quried.. works fine09:25
AzMoorc-1, serious? wow. Can you pm me the link?09:26
Rajiv2When I try to dial out gets stuck on the step that says intializing modem09:26
grolscv, i tried first with ndiswrapper but found on dapper rt247009:26
eternalswdrc-1, ah, then I'd suggest installing adblock plus09:26
scvgrol, iirc, its chip is not good09:26
=== peace-keeper [n=peace-ke@pnsgw1-client141.demo.tuwien.ac.at] has joined #ubuntu
AmaroqWolfrc-1, here's a little trick. If you wan't to close firefox without losing your tabs. Forecequit it, go into your system manager, and end anything firefox. Then next time you start it, it'll ask you if you want to restore the session. :P09:26
AmaroqWolfI think you gotta have firefox 2 though, for that.09:26
n4chtRajiv2: AH!  You just reminded me of the olden days, which I won't get into lest I date myself, but that really just means you need to find out with that proper init string for the modem is.09:26
AzMooAmaroqWolf, or the tab mix plus plugin.09:26
eternalswdrc-1, it'd also be a good idea to install noscript and only allow trusted sites to run javascript.  that'll kill a bunch of the problems09:27
scvgrol, iirc, g-132 was even supported by bsd09:27
rc-1Amaranth, yes i do that, but when i do it reloads the crashing site09:27
AmaroqWolfAzMoo, I always wondered if there was a plugin for saving tabs.09:27
rc-1eternalswd, its flash i already have adblock/noscript09:27
Rajiv2I have a init string from my service provider but where do I paste it09:27
Rajiv2In initialisation string 109:27
frogzooAmaroqWolf: there is09:27
rc-1AzMoo, ill pm u the link once i can see what it is09:27
n4chtRajiv2: That sounds about right.09:27
AzMoorc-1, hah, thanks.09:27
eternalswdrc-1, then just uninstall flash or install the flashblock extension09:27
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Rajiv2And the result is that it still goes no where09:28
grolscv, but i found a driver in ubuntuforum called rt247009:28
Rajiv2The AT strings work fine09:28
frogzooAmaroqWolf: Tab Saver09:28
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Rajiv2I can query the modem just fine09:28
scvgrol, I don't know09:28
rc-1eternalswd, ill have to uninstall flash, i cant install a plugin when it crashes on load!09:28
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grolscv, ok, thanx09:29
lars__I have a problem with gcc.. when i install it it only get the i486 compiler executables.. i want the i68609:29
lars__how can i fix that09:29
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n4chtRajiv2: Weird.  You've got me totally stumped then.  If the init phase is what hangs, but the init string is supposedly the proper one (according to your isp) then the only thing I can suggest is double checking that init string through the mfg of the modem.09:29
AmaroqWolfHere's an interesting question. I have a CD rom drive. It has a button on the door. It pops out when I press it. However, when I have a CD in it, and I press the button, it does nothing. I have to eject the CD via telling it to eject from the system for it to eject. Is there a way I can make the button eject when there's a CD in it?09:29
=== sby_twenty is now known as cwek
rc-1eternalswd, thanks i wish there was a better way though :( whats the command to remove flash? (i cant use firefox to lookup! :(09:29
eternalswdrc-1, then uninstall it, install flashblock and reinstall it, then you should have control over what flash content is actually used.09:29
Rajiv2n4cht is there anyway I can get a hold of you I have to go out for a meeting09:29
n4chtAmaroqWolf: You have to unmount the drive.  :)09:29
Rajiv2I like Kubuntu but if it can't get me online its pointless09:30
eternalswdrc-1, did you install from the repository?09:30
rc-1AzMoo, did it crash your firefox too (if that was it)09:30
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n4chtRajiv2: I'll be around here a lot.09:30
rc-1eternalswd, ya i think09:30
Rajiv2see you in an hour09:30
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AmaroqWolfn4cht, I can right click the CD icon and tell it to eject, and it pops open. Unless I'm not understanding what unmount means.09:30
FedgeCan someone help me install gnome from command line?09:31
eternalswdrc-1, then just open up synaptic and search for flash the right click mark for uninstall and apply09:31
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=== NoEvidenZ [n=kyle@220-245-129-15.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
AzMoorc-1, that's pretty crazy, I want to know how they did that.09:31
NoEvidenZCould someone direct me to a channel where I can find out about games on Linux?09:32
n4chtAmaroqWolf: That's actually how it's supposed to work.  You can alternately type "sudo umount /media/cdrom" and then press the eject button on your drive.  :)09:32
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AmaroqWolfn4cht: ah, okay. Isn't there a way to make it unmount and eject by pressing the button?09:32
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rc-1AzMoo, yeah it was the most awful popup ive ever seen in firefox09:32
AzMoorc-1, just press ctrl-w to close the tab to stop it though.09:32
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n4chtAmaroqWolf: There sure is.  I just can't remember how to do it without the package you can snag via Automatix (Which, of course, is not supported nor generally discussed here.)09:33
AmaroqWolflol rc-1, I'm curious about this ad that apparently shakes the screen and such.09:33
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs09:33
musyaNoEvidenZ: #linuxhelp09:33
AmaroqWolfI've heard that automatix is ebil. It can break your system.09:33
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:33
NoEvidenZmusya: Thanks09:34
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org09:34
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FedgeHow can I install gnome from the command line?09:34
n4chtIf not used properly, it sure can.  Or, at the very least, totally break apt.09:34
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rc-1NOONE ELSE CLICK THIS AmaroqWolf click at your own risk doom3.zoy.org DONT CLICK09:34
cypher1Fedge: i guess sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:34
musyaFedge: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:34
AzMoorc-1, did it actually crash firefox for you?09:34
rc-1AzMoo, yes :(09:35
Fedgemusya: thanks a lot, i've been struggling for an hour09:35
AzMoorc-1, just kept jumping around the screen for me, no crash.09:35
n4chtThat link ROCKS rc-109:35
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AmaroqWolfrc-1, holy shit09:35
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rc-1n4cht, AmaroqWolf i warned you09:36
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eternalswdrc-1, my school blocks that site :p09:36
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AmaroqWolfWhat I'm curious about is how it can control my window this much.09:36
mindampi just did a fresh install of edgy desktop..09:36
mindampand it didnt ask to create a user..09:36
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eliassonHi, anyone know why i get this errors: http://www.coreinet.com/error09:36
mindampso i had to boot into recovery mode and create a user, but when i try to add him to the admin group... there is no admin group!09:36
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Fedgemusya: once installed, "startx" starts up gnome, right?09:37
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mindampi have done several installs, and the only other time i have seen this i just reinstalled...09:37
mindampany suggestions?09:37
AzMooMadpilot, that's a bit harsh. He actually asked for it and there was plenty of warning and description first.09:37
AmaroqWolflmfao, firefox has blocked 704 popups.09:37
mindampfedge.. startx starts X09:37
Fedgeas in X1109:37
lars__I have a problem with gcc.. when i install it it only get the i486 compiler executables.. i want the i68609:37
Flannelmindamp: Sounds like you didn't actually finish the install.  Did anything happen befre it finished?09:37
Fedgewhat starts up gnome then?09:37
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MadpilotAzMoo, posting links known to be dangerous is never cool. He can come back in 48hrs09:37
mindampeven got to the "take cd out and hit continue"09:37
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Flannelmindamp: This is the alternate CD? or the Desktop CD?09:38
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mindampcan i boot the cd again, and somehow just get into the group and user creation part?09:38
mindampthe desktopCD09:38
mindampedgy 5.1009:38
AmaroqWolfI thought linux is all secure and crap. How can something take control of my window, un-maximise it, resize it, and move it around the screen randomly so I can't catch it to close it?09:38
mindampor can i just create the admin group?09:38
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Flannelmindamp: hmm, very odd.  Edgy is 6.10 ;)  but.. um, no, I dont believe you can skip forward.  Try reinstalling, I guess.09:38
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mindamp"so i cant catch it to close it"?09:39
AmaroqWolfThat link rc-1 gave me. xD09:39
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musyaFedge: you can change the session type in the login screen09:39
mindampwhats your ip AmaroqWolf?09:39
n4chtAmaroqWolf: xkill = your friend.  :D  After the initial novelty of it wore off, I killed it dead.09:39
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Fedgemusya: could you elaborate a bit?09:40
AmaroqWolfIt resized my firefox, began endlessly and randomly moving it around my screen, and repeatedly playing "hey, I'm looking at gay porno", while mplayer tried (unsuccessfully, thank god), to load something. And n4cht, I did forcequit it.09:40
AzMoon4cht, ctrl-w closes the tab ;)09:40
FlannelGuys, it's not appropriate, let alone ontopic.  drop it.09:40
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n4chtAmaroqWolf: Just be glad that didn't happen at work or something.09:41
AmaroqWolfxD Yeah.09:41
musyaFedge: in your login screen once you restart, you will see a menu option there go to session type, and choose gnome09:41
AmaroqWolfn4cht, firefox also blocked 704 popups.09:41
n4chtthat's funny.09:41
musyahey firefox is not doig anything its not loading my pages09:41
AmaroqWolfxD Indeed.09:41
Fedgemusya: this is after ubuntu-desktop is installed?09:41
musyaany suggestions to fix it09:41
frogzooeliphas_: you trying to install audacious on dapper?09:41
musyaFedge: correct09:41
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n4chtStill chugging away at upgrading to dapper.09:41
AmaroqWolfmindamp, why would you like to know my IP address?09:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:42
Fedgemusya: is there anyway to install gnome without having to DL and install the full blown desktop version?09:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about slap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:42
mindamp-thinkingAmaroqWolf.. it was a joke, I know your IP address :-P09:42
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n4cht8 minutes left on downloading the packages.  repo is soo slow.09:42
AmaroqWolfOh haha.09:42
mindampso whats wrong with gay porn anyways?09:42
=== daaku [n=daaku@c-67-169-24-230.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
AmaroqWolfI believe I know your IP address too. :P09:43
mindampwell i guess if they are guys... that me a little much.09:43
mindamper may be a little much09:43
musyaum yea i suppose you can do what twisties did and install each package at a time, but good luck with that one, though he's installing kde, but to find the packages do this, apt-cache search gnome09:43
mindampits late, later geeks.09:43
AmaroqWolflater mind09:43
daakuanyone know how i can find all the names attached to an IP address (i think nslookup can do it - but i cant figure out how)09:43
n4chthey!  I resemble that remark!09:44
Fedgemusya: sounds like i should just stick to the whole thing09:44
musyatis not late, its early09:44
AmaroqWolfnames, daaku?09:44
musyaFedge: thats the easiest way to go09:44
Fedgei just don't need open office and everything09:44
daakuAmaroqWolf: cnames i guess - my network terminology is not very good09:44
Fedgebut it begins DLing OO and everything else09:44
n4cht"One to two inches of snow" my EYE!  It's up to 3 inches already and isn't showing any signs of letting up.  bollocks.09:45
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AmaroqWolfdaaku, I was just curious. I'm not familiar with that.09:45
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musyaFedge: well i suppose you can delete it later,09:45
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musyaif you already have it, it wont download it09:45
Fedgei don't have it, i was just trying to avoid downloading it09:46
Fedgei'll just let it go, and check on it in the am09:46
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musyajust set it to download while you sleep09:46
yommbFedge : thats cose ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage09:47
yommbjust try installing gnome2 & some other stuff you need09:47
yommbfor a functional desktop09:47
agliv5eternalswd, WOW I finally got it installed after only 3 days!!! Thank you so very much :)  Someone should provide a link to this deb on the homepage....09:47
Fedgeyommb: is there an easy way to just install gnome?09:48
Fedgelike apt-get install gnome-everything?09:48
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musyaFedge: he said gnome209:48
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gawd!avi | gawd09:48
AmaroqWolfThat page still bugs me...09:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:48
ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.09:48
Fedgei know nothing about gnome209:48
musya!gnome install09:49
ubotugnome: The GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (edgy), package size 12 kB, installed size 44 kB09:49
AmaroqWolfNot only are we using linux, but firefox. That's like, doubly secure. A page like that should only be able to take control like it did on something like Internet Explorer.09:49
n4chtI've never even heard of Gnome209:49
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musyaok, Fedge09:49
yommbFedge : I don't know exactly what the pakages are but its no hard finding out : Try looking dor gnome2 , gnome-desktop .. stuff like that !09:49
yommbin apt09:49
musyaapt-cache search gnome09:50
yommbor synaptic09:50
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FlannelAmaroqWolf: It's over.  Go to #ubuntu-offtopic if you still want to talk about it.  And, if you want to stop it from doing that, get a javascript blocker.09:50
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=== AmaroqWolf nods.
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musyayou will get a large list of packages,09:50
AmaroqWolfI'm sorry.09:50
yommbmusya : about 114 :)09:51
musyafind the ones that you think gnome needs and install those only, im not going to find them for you, what ever sounds important basically,09:51
n4chtAmaroqWolf: That's not a security problem, really.  Though it's annoying as hell, it does no real damage.  It's not malicious in nature, so it's not a security risk at all.  It's just a bunch of harmless javascript and html thrown together carefully to be exactly what it is; the most irritating thing on the internet since star wars kid.09:51
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musyaand when you install it will say whats needed, so you'll install them as well09:51
yommbfedge : synaptic will also take care of the dependencies ; so , you you shoulnt have too much trouble ..09:51
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Fedgehow do i lauch synaptic?09:52
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bumiiiHi, anyone know why i get this errors: http://www.coreinet.com/error ?09:52
musyaFedge: in terminal type synaptic09:52
AzMoon4cht, keep it to #ubuntu-offtopic before Flannel kicks you ;)09:52
n4chtAzMoo, already took it there.  :)09:52
AmaroqWolfI'm in there now.09:52
Fedgei must not have it installed, i get command not found09:53
Fedgeall i've got is apt from the basic 6.10 server install09:53
musyayour on a server install?09:53
Fedgeyes, should've mentioned that, sorry09:53
FlannelFedge: you won't have synaptic then.  You'll use apt-get, or aptitude, if you want a ncurses based GUI09:53
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Fedgei'm just trying to find a simple way to get a gui up09:54
musyayou might just want to install the desktop ubuntu system from a disc instead09:54
musyai think it has it anyway09:54
musyamight be faster instead of downloading09:54
FlannelFedge: well, which GUI would you like?  theres... lots!09:54
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Fedgegnome is my preference09:55
dezinezanim back09:55
musyaanybody know of ubuntu hacks?09:55
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musyaFedge: either reinstall ubuntu with the desktop09:55
yommbFedge : sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg will install basic x server for you ! Install that and start it with startx ; then install synaptic , or google for the correct gnome2 packages u need for a minimal gnome desktop !09:55
=== Vema [n=Vema98@h65n2fls301o1036.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
musyaor do apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:55
musyaor choose the packages yourself09:55
yommbFedge : sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg will install basic x server for you ! Install that and start it with startx ; then install synaptic , AND *google for the correct gnome2 minimal desktop ckages gnome desktop !09:55
musyaif you install the ubuntu-desktop you can then go back and remove unwanted apps09:56
FlannelFedge: Theres a bunch of GUIs you can use.  Depending on how heavy you want your WM to be.  From ratpoison to fluxbox to gnome/kde/etc.  What do you intend on using it for?  A real desktop?09:56
Erbascan anyone tell me how i'd configure ubuntu for an optus cable modem?09:56
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AmaroqWolfI told a friend of mine that I'm working on making my first .deb package. Which would be easier/better, making a .deb, or making a .rpm and aliening it?09:56
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AzMoomusya, bit of a waste of bandwidth though.09:56
VemaHow do i mount a read only cdrom in ubuntu? I can't browse it in GUI filebrowser, only in console as root.09:56
yommbPeople should really do a bit more reading before they start blasting away on #ubuntu ...09:56
yommbits quite annoying actually ...09:57
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musyaAzMoo: yea but he was starting to annoy me09:57
yommblazyness .; I guess09:57
Fedgeyommb: i'm sorry if that's directed at me, i've been doing as much research as I can, i just not familiar with commandline linux09:57
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FlannelFedge: if you just want gnome, you can install generic gnome.  If you want the full blown ubuntu package set, install the "ubuntu-desktop" package.  Also, you'll want to install the desktop kernel and get rid of the -server one.09:58
musyaFedge: its ok, dont worry about that people who complain about others just think too highly of themselves09:58
yommbFedge , no it' just that the channel sometimes is flooding with useless Q's & stuff , it's not directed at you ...09:58
Fedgewell, I appreciate all the help very much09:59
musyaFedge: id suggest installing the ubuntu-desktop and getting familiar with the terminal09:59
musyaor ussing putty on windows to ssh into your box09:59
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musyato get use to the terminal09:59
Fedgei guess i just need practice setting everything up commandline10:00
yommbmusya : u must admit that sometimes its a bit over the top .. peepz enetering this channel , really asking useless stuff , or asking : Why is my samba server not working , without having read a single letter of the Samba manual or docs ... see my point ?10:00
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musyaAmaroqWolf: read about both and then let us know10:00
musyayommb: yea stuff like that is, you need to search first then ask,10:01
musyaask google before asking irc. www.justfuckinggoogleit.com10:01
Flannel!jfgi | musya10:01
ubotumusya: Words like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.10:01
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dezinezanmy second computer is gnome (i have no idea how to use it or anything) but im trying to set up the internet for both computers, when i run the CD that came with the router, it doesnt work, it fails, but the internet will still work going through the  router and modem that i had before... You guys told me to find another cable and insert it into the 2nd slot and then into the 2nd (gnome) computer... I DID that and the wireles10:02
yommbmusya : I always want to help people who are stuck ; just not those who are lazy :)10:02
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black_perli install the mplayer and have one fine image and everything but ... the sound have veryyyyyyy noiseeeeee o0 0o ... :x is cruisel strange the flashplayer plays the sound very fine. SOmeone knows how can i resolve this?!10:02
Flannelmusya: that's not how this channel operates10:02
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yommbFlannel : he knows we were just discussing that point :)10:03
yommbread my former comment10:03
musyaFlannel:  yommb was right about one thing, people come in asking quesiotns without searching first10:03
yommb2 up !10:03
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Flannelmusya: and there's nothing inheritly wrong with that.  But this is offtopic.10:04
dezinezanand iv came back and said exactly what has happened or worked or ect.... how do i tell if the 2nd is actually connected? do i have to do something on the 2nd computer (mac/linux/gnome) to get the internet set and running? like on this computer, (windows xp home) i have to go to Start/Connect/DSL10:04
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Flanneldezinezan: if you have a router, and both computers are plugged into the router, they should work out of the box.10:05
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Flanneldezinezan: oh, with DSL... you need to dialout.  Most of the time you set that up on the router itself, so it knows how to dialout (and stays connected all of the time).  Then as far as the computers are concerned theyre on the internet, and don't care how10:06
AmaroqWolfdezinezan, just start a browser and try to go to a page.10:06
dezinezanyes it shows that BOTH are working.. like the 1 & 2 are both lite up...  but my stepdad is on the other comp, the mac, and im not seein the internet working.. and im not sure if i have to DO something to get it going.. like on this one, i have to connect it manually10:06
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musyaanyway GNight Guys its late10:07
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maverickhey guys stupid question but i thought i would ask. basically my net is capped and i wont til install ubuntu on my laptop, only problem is the only disk i got is the x64 (laptop is 32bit) is it possible to install 32 bit of the 64 bit disk???10:08
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Flannelmaverick: nope10:08
bernie_hey guys, i have working xgl, i just have one problem, i cant change my emerald theme10:09
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dezinezanmy stepdad opened a online game on the 2nd comp and now its windowed some how and we cant get it closed.. the ctrl+alt+del doesnt work like on this one..10:09
dezinezanand we forced to reboot it10:09
NoEvidenZHey guys. My friend's trying to boot Ubuntu. When he puts in the live cd, it boots to the selection screen, then when he chooses to Install, instead of loading to the GUI, it loads for a while, then shows up as a black screen with a flashing cursor in the top corner. Can anyone help?10:09
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dezinezannot sure why he did online game10:10
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dezinezani wish i could uninstll this and install windows, but it doesnt work..10:10
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icatalinai'm having problems with the video playback10:11
aalhamadhow can i customize the lock screen ?10:11
icatalinawhen i play video the Xorg process goes to 80%~100% of CPU10:11
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icatalinait's only happens when i play video with subtitules and i don't know why....10:11
dezinezani opened browzer10:12
dezinezanand it says...10:12
dezinezanLooking up google.com...10:12
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dezinezanbut does NOTHING at all10:12
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dezinezanwhy is this making this so complex, i did everything it said.. and nothing is seeming to work..10:13
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dezinezanthis is using java10:13
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dezinezani used to know ALL the server and chanserv, nickserv, operserv and everything10:14
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dezinezanoh well10:14
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dezinezan5mins later..10:14
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Flannel!enter | dezinezan10:14
ubotudezinezan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:14
dezinezanit says.. Server not Found?10:14
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aalhamadhow can i customize the lock screen ? plz help10:15
Flanneldezinezan: has he restarted since being plugged in to the router?10:15
Flanneldezinezan: and, you're online while he's doing this, right?10:15
NoEvidenZCan someone help me with an Edgy i386 problem? When my friend puts in the Live CD, it doesn't load the GUI properly. It loads for a while, then sits at a black screen with a cursor in the top left instead of booting into the OS.10:15
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dezinezanon this comp10:15
Hmmmmhi guys, any familiar with managing bugzilla?10:15
dezinezanbut on macs/linux/gnome..10:15
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Hmmmmi want bugzilla to use the htaccess auth used by svn10:16
dezinezando you have to do anything like go to Start.>Connect.>DSL10:16
dezinezanor SOMETHING.. im not sure because i have never used mac before, and im not absolute10:16
philosophusdezinezan: Err, why would you need that, and what would it do?10:16
Flannel!dsl | dezinezan, this would be the equivalent10:16
ubotudezinezan, this would be the equivalent: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE10:16
dezinezanthis.. ?10:17
dezinezanthis what?10:17
Flannelbut, really... if your router is setup correctly, you don't need that.  since the router takes care of conencting.10:17
Flanneldezinezan: follow the link10:17
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philosophusdezinezan: And since you were asking about macs, and I just happen to be using one right now - the configuration for it is in the PPPoE tab of the Network preference panel.10:18
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dezinezangerr... its at the "sudo ppoeconf" and i hit enter, and it says.. Password:10:20
Flanneldezinezan: that's your password, for sudo.10:20
Lynouredezinezan: yes, yours10:20
Flannel!sudo | dezinezan10:20
ubotudezinezan: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:20
NoEvidenZAnyone even heard of this error before and could point me in the right direction?10:20
dezinezanit wont let me type a password..10:21
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dezinezanit says blank10:21
AzMoodezinezan, it will always stay blank.10:21
dezinezanah ok10:21
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dezinezani didnt knowthat...10:21
Flanneldezinezan: that's so people over your shoulder don't see your password10:21
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AzMoodezinezan, stops people from seeing how many characters your password is.10:21
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ifndefx2hi, I had installed linux on my laptop (macbook) and have noticed that the sound volume is really low, when I reboot into Vista or XP the sound volume is good. I checked the volume control and it was at maximum. Does any one how to resolve this issue ?10:21
dezinezanoh ok10:21
dezinezanit says..10:22
LynoureNoEvidenZ: I had similar problem with Breezy live cd, but worked fine with Dapper. Some hardware incompability, possibly or faulty cd.10:22
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AzMooifndefx2, If you find the answer to that can you let me know? I'm having the same issue on another box. I've just cranked the speakers up to full.10:22
theherbalizerhow can i copy a hard drive? i have a 120gb with 6.10 currently installed on it, but i want to move it over to a 300gb drive.10:23
ifndefx2ahhh kool its not just me10:23
FlannelNoEvidenZ: did he burn at 4x or so?  does the CD integrity check?10:23
NoEvidenZRunning the check cd thingy now.10:24
dezinezan" I found 1 ethernet device: eth0     Are all your ethernet interfaces listed above? (If No, modconf will be started so you can load the card drivers manually). Or press ESC to abort here.10:24
Flanneltheherbalizer: all the files can just be copied.  You'llneed to reinstall grub to the MBR though.10:24
Flannel!grub | theherbalizer10:24
ubotutheherbalizer: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:24
Flanneltheherbalizer: obviously, partition it up how you want first10:24
theherbalizerdone, used qtparted10:24
Flanneltheherbalizer: that first link (the lost after windows) gives instructions on how to reinstall grub to the MBR10:24
theherbalizer5 gigs for swap sound adequate?10:24
AmaroqWolftheherbalizer, you only need as much swap as you have ram.10:25
theherbalizerrock on, then10:25
Flanneltheherbalizer: How much RAM do you have?10:25
dezinezanumm.. not to sound stupid, but what exactly do i do after it says that?10:25
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Flanneltheherbalizer: traditionally swap has been double your RAM, but I'd never make swap more than 1-2G, unless you know you need it.10:26
theherbalizerwith another 2 in the mail from newegg10:26
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Flanneltheherbalizer: well, if youre having 4GB of ram, and plan on hibernating, you'll need 4GB swap at least10:26
theherbalizerwell, i have 300 gigs and three other 120gb harddrives, so space isn't too much of an issue for me10:26
Flanneltheherbalizer: you might actually want to look into LVM10:27
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO10:27
theherbalizeroh, raid, i see what you're doing there10:27
FlannelLVM allows you to massage partitions however you'd like10:27
Flannelno, not RAID, LVM10:27
dezinezanall the lights are on everything is working as it says its supposed to look like when the lights are lite up.. and i .......... GERR10:27
dezinezanit says..10:27
theherbalizerset up a mirror and seperate them?10:27
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Flanneltheherbalizer: LVM is not anything to do with a RAID.  LVM sets up an additional abstraction layer, allows you to ignore hardware storage.10:28
Flannelfor instance, you could have... two 180GB partitions, if you'd like10:28
dezinezanSorry I scanned 1 interface, but the access concentrator of your provider did not repond. Please check your netword and modem cables. Another reason for the scan failure may also be another running pppoe process  which controls the modem"10:28
theherbalizeralright, copy files and work on grub. i'll look into this, thanks!10:28
FlannelOr, if you have less than 300GB of data (with both HDs you currently have), move everything onto the 300gb, yank the 120, and add in another one.  without much hassle.10:29
dezinezanthis is why i useally deal with something other than mac's like.. windows or something,  because this isnt working when it says it is10:29
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theherbalizerFlannel: that's what i was thinking of doing10:30
dezinezani typed.. "pon dsl-provider" and its running somethnig and making funny codes10:30
Flanneltheherbalizer: IBM appears to be down... but: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-lvm/ has a great rundown of what it is and stuff.10:31
theherbalizerbesides, the 300 is sata and this 120 is ide, a little speed boost might be nice10:31
Flanneltheherbalizer: with fancy pictures and everything10:31
theherbalizergoogle cache to the rescue10:31
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ifndefx2AzMoo: I think I found it to make it abit better which might assist you, I opened up volume control > file >Change Device > and I had another device which was a little lower, I've increased that and it has made it better. try that dude10:32
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dezinezan*sigh... idk what the heck is wrong. and iv never used mac before and when i try doing or following what something says, it just fails.. it doesnt work out for me, yet the router shows the 2nd light lite up like its working.. but im not even sure how to get it working.. when i ask you guys.. you give me a link, i follow the link as much as i can, then it leads me to a failed connect10:32
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Occasuswhat is up dezinezan10:33
Flanneldezinezan: macs aren't ubuntu, they'd be completely different.  And, all the light (usually) means is the hardware link10:33
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dezinezanwhats ubuntu exactly and what is gnome, because when my mom bought the computer it came like this10:34
FedgeFlannel: I think i've gnome all installed, but when I try to start it up i get "no screens found"10:34
dezinezanand my dad always used to set everything up10:34
AmaroqWolfThere should be a seperate light on the router for it's connection to the modem. And another light or two on the modem for it's connection to the internet.10:34
dezinezanhes long gone10:34
AmaroqWolfgnome is a desktop enviromnent10:34
dezinezanlike WindowBlinds?10:35
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BhaskarFedge, can i get this file : libgcj.so.7 in ubuntu 6.06 from where ?10:35
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AmaroqWolfuh, I dunno what WindowBlinds is.10:35
AmaroqWolfBut it's basically what you see when you log in.10:35
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dezinezanits a program that lets you change your theme on windows10:35
AzMooifndefx2, winner. I didn't think of OSS10:36
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dezinezansomething that would help me MUCH more and ALOT better..10:36
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AmaroqWolfI think windows can already change theme. xD But you gotta know how.10:36
AmaroqWolfAnd in gnome, I think you can change the theme too.10:37
dezinezanDOES ANYONE know how to UNiSNTALL and get RID of gnome or ubuntu or what ever this 2nd computer has, and INSTALL windows, so its something im used too, THEN i will know what to do10:37
Madpilotdezinezan, AmaroqWolf - in Gnome, go System->Preferences->Theme10:37
dezinezani dont want to or need to change my theme..10:38
AmaroqWolfdezinezan, what do you need help with? Is your router setup working yet?10:38
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dezinezanno its messing up still.. if i could uninstall THIS whats on it and came on it.. the unbuntu/gnome, then INSTALL windows xp on the computer..it would make this alot easyer..10:39
dezinezanwhen we put the disc in for windows xp home, at the start-up, it said it couldnt be ran10:39
AzMoodezinezan, you can't "uninstall" it. It's an operating system. You just install windows over top.10:39
Rajiv0Hi... anyone know how to get your bluetooth dialup setup10:39
dezinezanthats what i thought..10:40
Hobbseedezinezan: then you'd have to ask in ##windows, surely, as that's a windows question?  install windows over the top, and tell it to take all the disk10:40
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dezinezanbut everytime we run the disc.. it says.. "theres no preesisting windows"10:40
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Hobbseedezinezan: is it an upgrader disk, by any chance?10:40
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dezinezanits the windows xp home that we installed on this.. its .. DAMIT, stepdad just looked it IS upgrade.. we will have to get the FULL program10:41
dezinezanis there a way..10:41
unskawhere can i set swap drive from?10:41
dezinezanwe could install e-machines over it, and on the e-machines disc it has the actuall full windows10:41
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Hobbseedezinezan: you'd really hvae to ask in ##windows.  most of us dont try reinstalling windows.10:42
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Rajiv0If you have not preinstall a swap drive you will have to resize the  partition by starting the seutp again10:42
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dezinezanim not REstinalling..10:42
unskaRajiv0, i have a 2gb empty partition10:42
AzMoodezinezan, we can't help you with windows here. Go to ##windows and ask there.10:42
unskai just want to set it as swap for ubuntu10:42
dezinezanbut im not looking for help with windows10:43
Rajiv0Okay.. here is what you do.. boot from the linux disc10:43
Hobbseedezinezan: you're installing windows over the top?  getting rid of ubuntu?10:43
dezinezanim looking for help on how to get rid of this .. Ubuntu10:43
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Hobbseedezinezan: when you install windows, that automatically happens.10:43
Rajiv0run setup and when it asks you for options10:43
dezinezanthat would help10:43
Rajiv0Select manually select the partitions10:43
Flanneldezinezan: you don't "get rid" of operating sstems, you just install other stuff (windows, in this case) over top of it.10:43
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Hobbseedezinezan: sure, you can delete ubuntu - but then you wont actually have *any* operating system on your computer, so it wont run.10:43
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:44
dezinezani see what you are saying..10:44
Rajiv0and then it will show you the blank partitions10:44
dezinezanim typing most of what my stepdad is saying..10:44
AzMoounska, mkswap /dev/xxx10:44
dezinezanim starting to understand more just from yuor help10:44
AmaroqWolfYou gotta make sure your windows CD is an installing one, not an upgrading one.10:44
Rajiv0then select swap partition option10:44
Hobbseedezinezan: and your attempt to install windows on the empty partition will give you the same problem - the blank disk doesnt know about windows.10:44
Hobbseedezinezan: :)10:44
Rajiv0that is the most user friendly way10:44
dezinezanso later i can get windows, the full version10:44
Hobbseedezinezan: you cant really do anything until you get the windows full version.10:44
Hobbseeunless you keep using ubuntu10:45
dezinezani didnt relize it was a UPGRADING until JUST NOW10:45
dezinezanso sorry to look so stupid10:45
Hobbseeheh, fair enough :)10:45
Hobbseeit's fine :)10:45
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dezinezanbut you have helps very much10:45
Hobbseenot a problem10:45
Flannelunska: you just edit the fstab, to include that partition as swap10:45
liuwei /join #ubuntu-cn10:45
dezinezanits been like 5-6 years since i have membered or used operserv or any of these commands ..10:46
AmaroqWolfdezinezan, I think you should give ubuntu a chance. I'd never want to go back to windows, and I doubt anybody else here would either. :P10:46
dezinezanis it still... ./join ##windows10:46
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dezinezanwell.. amaroq..10:46
dezinezanmy sister would be using it..10:46
Hobbseedezinezan: yes10:46
AmaroqWolfit's just /join #windows10:46
dezinezanwe just really need just the net working on it10:47
HobbseeAmaroqWolf: both work, but the official channel name is ##windows.10:47
HobbseeAmaroqWolf: FYI10:47
dezinezanif the net was working.. we would keep using it10:47
dezinezanno problem, no mind of what OS it is10:47
cypher1dezinezan: what is keeping you from using net in Ubuntu10:47
AmaroqWolfIf the net isn't working on your router now, it probably wouldn't work on windows either. Ubuntu auto detects wired networks, as does windows. It's in the router setup, not the OS.10:47
cypher1dezinezan: can you ping your router ?10:49
=== Rebecca [n=Rebecca@220-245-18-211.free.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Rebeccahey peoples10:49
Junkydoes anyone know a distro that will work on my P965 motherboard (JMicron controler) ?10:49
dezinezanwell.. i havent ever used or setup or ANYTHING on this.. so im not absolute if on this i have to do something before, and someone sent me to this.. (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE) and im trying to get it running10:49
AmaroqWolfIf you use a linksys router, try ping
dezinezani have everything plugged right im sure, and when i run the "wireless" router D-Link disc10:49
dezinezanI WANTED LINKSYS my mom got D-LINK10:50
dezinezanwe had used linksys in the past10:50
dezinezanbut my mom wanted me to try something new10:50
AmaroqWolfwell, you said now you have a linksys wireless router10:50
Flanneldezinezan: those disks don't do a whole lot, if anything at all.10:50
dezinezansorry, i dont mean to type and press enter on so many lines..10:50
Chousukewhat model would you have gotten?10:50
Junky[10:49]  Junky: does anyone know a distro that will work on my P965 motherboard (JMicron controler) ?10:50
Junkyplease help me !!!10:50
Chousukethe newer WRT54Gs are bad.10:50
AmaroqWolfin your terminal, try typing ping
Chousukethey do their job I suppose but you can't hack them ;(10:51
Rebeccaim having a problem with the auto mount feature. when i plug in my camera (it's a standard usb mass storage device to the system) the automount tries to load "camera://Olympus X-450@[usb:004,022] /" and the normal /media/usbblah mounting fails.. occasionally it works but only when im repeatedly plug/unplugging it and i somehow confuse the camera mounting feature long enough for a standard usb mount to work. does anyone know how to disabl10:51
Rebeccae this camera mounting thingy?10:51
=== YoshiG3 [n=YoshiG3@75-132-182-28.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
dezinezanno i said i have a D-Link Wireless Router10:51
YoshiG3Wow, ubuntu is really turning out great10:51
cypher1dezinezan: you can use "iwconfig" command to see whether your router has been recognized10:51
AmaroqWolfoh, D-Link10:51
AmaroqWolfI'm not sure what IP address those use.10:51
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YoshiG3Able to play all my games in wine, and it runs much faster, I'm extremely happy with ubuntu :D10:51
dezinezanalright.. do i type that in the terminal?10:52
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cypher1dezinezan: yes10:52
AmaroqWolfI believe so10:52
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dezinezani heard linux was a hacking/gaming based OS10:52
dezinezanhonestly.. im not sure10:52
cypher1dezinezan: you can paste it @ pastebin10:52
cypher1!pastebin | dezinezan10:52
ubotudezinezan: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:52
AmaroqWolflol that's for wireles10:52
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AmaroqWolfdezinezan, try ifconfig.10:52
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cypher1dezinezan: i thought you were trying for wireless! pls correct me if not10:53
frogzoodezinezan: to be pedantic, ubuntu is based on the linux kernel, gnu tools, and gnome/kde desktop with sun's openoffice as the office suite10:53
AmaroqWolfHe does have a wireless router, but he doesn't care whether it's wireless or wired. He just wants internet.10:53
dezinezanim trying to do anything that will get internet on the 2nd computer.. wireless or not10:53
AmaroqWolfIs internet working on the 1st one?10:53
dezinezanTHANK YOU Amaroq10:53
cypher1dezinezan: cool then start with "wired"10:53
dezinezanthats the one im on10:53
Junky[10:49]  Junky: does anyone know a distro that will work on my P965 motherboard (JMicron controler) ?10:54
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Junkyplease ?!10:54
AmaroqWolfWhere is it hooked up to on the router?10:54
frogzooJunky: google linux  P965 motherboard (JMicron controler)10:54
dezinezanthe first slot?10:54
dezinezanbut i had to create a new connection10:54
cypher1dezinezan: please do "netstat -in" and "netstat -rn"10:54
dezinezanand on the other.. im not sure how to do it on mac10:54
dezinezani typed the last thing you said10:54
AmaroqWolfwell, then hook up to the second one to the second slow10:54
dezinezanthe ifconfig10:54
Rebeccadoes anyone know about my mounting issue?10:54
dezinezani cant paste from the other comp10:55
AmaroqWolfgo to pastebin, and paste what it said so we can see10:55
AmaroqWolfis there a section that says eth0?10:55
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cypher1Rebecca: i am not sure.. but i guess you can read about udev rules10:55
frogzooRebecca: sys -> prefs -> removable media -> camera - may help10:56
Rebeccafrogzoo: do you know how it could help?10:56
Rebeccai have looked there already10:56
dezinezanone sec10:56
frogzooRebecca: you can disable the automount that way...10:56
AmaroqWolfdezinezan, when you did ifconfig, there should be two sections, eth0 and lo, right?10:56
dezinezanill see if i can put on disc and put on this.. so i can paste.. not sure if it will work10:56
=== Rebecca checks
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dezinezaneth0 & lo10:57
AmaroqWolflo is local, and eth0 is your ethernet card.10:57
AmaroqWolfunder the eth0 one, what does it say for inet addr: ?10:57
frogzooRebecca: oh, only the autoimport can be disabled, not the mounting itself10:57
cypher1frogzoo: will udev rules help for Rebecca ?10:57
Rebeccafrogzoo: are you talking about peripherals -> digital camera in Kcontrol?10:58
frogzoocypher1: the whole HAL/udev thing is black magic to me10:58
dezinezanO_O ?10:58
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AmaroqWolfthat's your IP address.10:58
frogzooRebecca: for kde, I suppose so10:58
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Rebeccai use kubuntu.. but you guys have been vastly more helpful than ##kubuntu thus far10:58
dezinezanwhat exactly i do?10:58
AmaroqWolfwhat happens if you open a browser?10:58
AmaroqWolflike firefox or something10:59
Rebeccawhere are udev rules configured?10:59
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dezinezanit says..10:59
cypher1Rebecca: /etc/udev/rules.d10:59
dezinezanWelcome to Ubuntu 6.1010:59
AmaroqWolfwhat happens if you try to go to a web page?10:59
dezinezanits just info for that, and its already ON the computer10:59
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AmaroqWolflike www.yahoo.com or something10:59
cypher1Rebecca: but i am not sure.. you need to read before you try anything there10:59
dezinezanit just sits there for a sec10:59
dezinezanthen says..10:59
frogzooRebecca: you might check /var/log/messages for whinges11:00
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Rebeccaargh.. this is so frustrating.. can i just remove the 'feature' somehow?11:00
dezinezanit just says.. "Looking up yahoo.com" at the bottom11:00
dezinezanand then stays doing that for about 5mins11:00
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cypher1dezinezan: do you have "default" in "netstat -rn" output ?11:00
AmaroqWolfwell, I have an idea. I dunno if it's the problem, but it's worth a shot.11:00
dezinezanhonestly cypher, i have no diea what you just said11:01
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dezinezandefault or netstat -rn?11:01
dezinezanok Wolf11:01
cypher1dezinezan: you can type "netstat -rn" in a terminal and see whether the output has an entry with "default"11:01
dezinezankk ill try that real fast11:01
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Rebeccathis would be a show stopper for a lot of people :/11:01
AmaroqWolfhmm, I'm doing it too. my default is inet11:02
dezinezanim not sure exactly what im looking for.. it says..11:02
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dezinezansome code or somethnig then it says..11:02
dezinezandefault: inet, is that what your asking..?11:02
frogzooRebecca: HAL is going through major changes atm11:02
dezinezanit finally said on the browser..11:02
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cypher1dezinezan: sorry you need to type "netstat -an".. sorry for that11:03
dezinezan"Server not found ... Firefox cant find the server at www.yahoo.com."11:03
cypher1dezinezan: sorry you need to type "netstat -ar".. sorry for that11:03
Rebeccafrogzoo: what is HAL?.... other than the 2001 computer i assume11:03
dezinezanno problem cypher11:03
=== stubblechin [n=fizz@adsl-146-130-51.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
dezinezanwhat i looking for now?11:03
ardchoilleRebecca: Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)11:03
cypher1Rebecca: HAL == Hardware Abstraction Layer11:03
Rebeccaardchoille: ok11:04
AmaroqWolfwow, the output for that is long cypher111:04
cypher1dezinezan: for "default".. what does it say11:04
dezinezanit says Default
cypher1dezinezan: can you please ping that ip address ?11:04
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stubblechinhi, i've installed an ubuntu dapper system with debootstrap. however, it's behaving like a plain debian, not like ubuntu. i log in as root, and any user i create can su to root. there's no admin group. how can i turn this install into a real ubuntu? am i missing a step?11:04
cypher1AmaroqWolf: thats your routing table :)11:04
dezinezaniv always heard the term "ping" but not sure what that means.. :(11:04
cypher1dezinezan: do "ping" in a terminal11:05
dezinezanah ok11:05
ifndefx2hey does anyone know if there is a program which copies the music from an IPOD to my computer ?11:05
AmaroqWolfI don't see a default on it11:05
AmaroqWolfcan I just pipe it to grep default?11:05
cypher1AmaroqWolf: did you try "netstat -ra" only ?11:05
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dezinezanits like "flooding" with info11:06
AmaroqWolfI did -an11:06
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AmaroqWolfdezinezan, it's pinging the same address over and over again.11:06
AmaroqWolfWhat's it saying?11:06
dezinezanyes..? im not sure what ping is11:06
cypher1dezinezan: do you similar to "64 bytes from..."11:06
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dezinezanit says that11:06
cypher1dezinezan: cool11:06
AmaroqWolfpinging is sending a packet to that address and measuring the time it takes to return.11:06
metamossifndefx2: I think there's a program called gtkpod that will do it11:07
Rebecca /var/log/messages was no help. anywhere else i can look.. im only trying to mount a usb drive... :/11:07
dezinezanoh ok11:07
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Rajiv3Man I swear soemone shoudl make ubuntu more bluetooth friendly11:07
stubblechinifndefx2-i think Amarok does that. http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Media_Device:IPod11:07
dezinezancypher1: "cool" ?11:07
cypher1dezinezan: can you please ping
ifndefx2metamoss : cool thanks i 'll give it a go11:07
dezinezanhow do i stop the currect11:07
frogzooRebecca: if you run 'dbus-monitor --system' it will spit out some debug info if you insert the device11:07
dezinezanits still pinging11:08
Rebeccafrogzoo: ok11:08
dezinezanthank you11:08
metamossifndefx2: if you're using KDE, stubblechin's suggestion of amarok might be easier though11:08
ifndefx2stubblechin: Amarok ?11:08
stubblechinyes, it's an iTunes clone11:08
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AmaroqWolfContrary to popular belief, I did not take my name from Amarok. lol11:09
dezinezanit says unreachable11:09
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cypher1dezinezan: ah11:09
stubblechinLOL AmaroqWolf11:09
AmaroqWolfctrl+c again, to stop it.11:09
cbx33Hi all if I have a line like this in my fstab....... /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 /11:09
Rebeccafrogzoo: dbus-monitor: command not found11:09
ifndefx2no I'm using gnome, rhythmbox seems to be a Itunes clone, but it can only copy to the ipod and not the other way around.11:09
cbx33is there any way to mount just the home dir that's under it?11:09
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AmaroqWolflol stubblechin, I actually got it from a book, julie of the wolves.11:09
cypher1dezinezan: can you log in to your router and see you are connected to the internet ?11:09
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cbx33ctaully don;t worry11:09
cbx33I thikn I'l do it another way11:09
dezinezanlogin to my router?11:10
stubblechinAmaroqWolf, never heard of it, is it good? Should i look it up on amazon?11:10
AmaroqWolfin your browser, dezinezan, type your router's IP address.
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cypher1dezinezan: yes ... you can do ""11:10
dezinezanon this comp?11:10
AmaroqWolfstubblechin, if you like wolves, it's a good book. Especially the third in the series.11:10
cypher1dezinezan: yes11:10
AmaroqWolfdezinezan, on the ubuntu one11:10
stubblechincool! i'll check it out11:10
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dezinezanon the ubuntu one11:10
dezinezanor THIS one?11:11
AmaroqWolfIf you can get to it on the ubuntu one, it'll mean you are connected11:11
cypher1dezinezan: THIS one11:11
cypher1dezinezan: sorry ubuntu one11:11
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cypher1i guess both should be ok :)11:11
Rebeccafrogzoo: ?11:11
AmaroqWolfYeah, they should be okay actually. Since he pinged it earlier.11:11
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dezinezanit went to a login11:11
AmaroqWolfno username, password admin.11:12
dezinezani dont remember settnig up a password or anything11:12
AmaroqWolfI think11:12
AmaroqWolflinksys does it that way anyway11:12
ifndefx2ahhh kool GTKPOD does what I wanted it to do. Thanks heaps11:12
AmaroqWolfIt should have some default password, dezinezan. It's manual should be able to tell you what it is.11:12
frogzooRebecca: seems you don't have dbus-1-utils for some reason11:12
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cypher1dezinezan: probably.. admin and admin ;)11:13
lowfidezinezan, i'd guess it's admin/123411:13
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dezinezanwould the password be made when installing the router?11:13
Flanneldezinezan: the password would probably be whatever the routers default is11:14
dezinezanadmin.. fail .. 123 .. fail11:14
mistformor you can just reset the router and then get the default password11:14
AmaroqWolftry administrator11:14
dezinezanim not even sure the default11:14
Rebeccafrogzoo: installing now11:14
AmaroqWolfas the pass, the username should be blank11:14
dezinezanadministrator - fail11:14
AmaroqWolfhmm, off the current task a little bit... try to ping www.yahoo.com11:16
dezinezanit does nothing at all11:16
CheshireVikingdezinezean: i set up a linksys router for my parents a couple of days ago, the login & password for that was Admin & Admin (maybe admin & admin) hope that helps11:17
Rebeccafrogzoo: am i looking for something particular in the output?11:17
metamosscould someone please tell me how to permanently store an alias I've created?11:17
AmaroqWolfCheshireViking, my linksys was blank for user and admin for password.11:17
AmaroqWolfwhat'd it do dezinezan?11:17
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dezinezanDAMIT, people keep making me want linkskeys more.. i wanted it.. not D-Link11:17
dezinezanit said..11:17
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dezinezanping: unknown host www.yahoo.com11:18
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lowfimetamoss, add it to ~/.bashrc11:18
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Rebeccadezinezan: d-link blows.. i know.. i have one :)(11:18
cypher1dezinezan: can you please do "cat /etc/resolv.conf" ?11:18
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dezinezanthey said it was better11:18
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dezinezani knew i wanted linkseys11:18
AmaroqWolftry ping
metamosslowfi: ah, thanks!11:19
Rebeccadezinezan: never listen to 'they' again...11:19
CheshireVikingAmaroqWolf: this was a recently bought one - i'm just checking what the model number for that one was11:19
dezinezani wont. thank you Rebecca11:19
cypher1Rebecca: ???11:19
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Rebeccai only have d-link because when my last modem died, also a dlink, i was in a hurry to get it replaced and the stores only had... D-Link! argh11:19
AmaroqWolfdezinezan, I have a list of d-link routers on my browser now. What model is yours?11:20
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cypher1dezinezan: AmaroqWolf i have a doubt on DNS server settings11:20
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Rebeccad-link's firmware web config is also very fussy. often you can't admin it using firefox. requires IE for some stupid reason..11:20
lowfiphenoelit ,lol11:20
cypher1dezinezan: AmaroqWolf we cannot rely on ping of IP addresses since the router may be blocking it11:20
dezinezanwhat exactly does that mean..? cause im lost11:21
cypher1AmaroqWolf: i meant the ping replies11:21
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cypher1dezinezan: can you please do "cat /etc/resolv.conf" ?11:21
dezinezanrouters blocking what now?11:21
dezinezani did11:21
dezinezanit says..11:21
dezinezanbash: cat/etc/reolv.conf: No such file or directory11:21
dezinezanim thinking they just wanted me to buy D-Link because it costed more..11:22
cypher1dezinezan: there is no space between cat and rest11:22
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Rebeccayou about frogzoo ?11:22
cypher1its "cat /etc/resolv.conf"11:22
caturOKhow to set eth0:0 at shorewall interfaces11:22
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dezinezanoh i spelled it wrong back to you..11:22
dezinezanit says..11:23
Enola_Gayhi all11:23
Enola_GayIs there a reason why laptop-mode has no entry under the rcS?11:23
dezinezanbash: cat/etc/resolv.conf: No such file or directory11:23
AmaroqWolfyou gotta space between cat and /etc11:23
cypher1dezinezan: do you know the IP address of your DNS servers ?11:24
AmaroqWolfcat is a command11:24
dezinezancypher1: i dont..11:24
dezinezanso how exactly i type it in?11:24
cypher1i gotta run out for 5-10 min.. sorry..11:24
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AmaroqWolfcat /etc/resolve.conf11:24
dezinezancat/ etc ... ?11:24
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dezinezanah ok11:25
cypher1|awaycat /etc/resolv.conf11:25
dezinezanit says..11:25
dezinezansearch myhome.westell.com11:25
AmaroqWolfah, I was wrong. no e in resolv11:25
dezinezannameserver and my ip11:25
dezinezani know its going thru11:25
dezinezanbecause i never put any westell on that computer11:26
Rebeccadoes anyone know how i can reconfig auto mount to NOT mount my usb mass storage device as a 'camera'?11:26
AmaroqWolfhmm, I have nameserver three times, and a different IP for each.11:26
dezinezanthe reg. modem is westell11:26
dezinezanthats what it said11:26
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AmaroqWolfwhat is the IP after nameserver?11:27
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AmaroqWolfit's using your router as a nameserver. While mine is not. Is that right cypher111:27
dezinezanim totally lost.. the only thing im doing or keeping up by is answering questions your asking11:27
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dezinezancypher had to run out for 5-10mins im not sure if hes there still.. he mite be afk11:28
AmaroqWolfoh, okay.11:28
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AmaroqWolfWe may have found the problem. Just gotta wait till he gets back.11:28
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dezinezani really hope so11:28
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lowfiRebecca, disable hotplug for mass storage devices or usb, there must be an option somewhere in kcontrol11:29
Rebeccalowfi: ill look11:29
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lowfiRebecca, i don't use kde, but there is one in gnome11:29
dezinezani really hope we go through all this and come out with SOMETHING new or working.. because im lost.. im putting full trust into you guys to help me through this11:29
AmaroqWolfcypher1|away, we may have found the problem. Just gotta wait till you get back since I don't know what to do now.11:30
dezinezanand i thank you for helping me, because i wouldnt have gotten this far without your help11:30
AmaroqWolfx3 we're glad to help.11:30
Rebeccalowfi: not sure how to do that :/11:30
dezinezanWolf you have access to operserv?11:30
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AmaroqWolfWhat is operserv?11:30
dezinezaneveryone is blue im just trying to see who is oper11:31
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AmaroqWolfnope, no access11:31
dezinezanoperserv has commands like lock, kill, klone11:31
dezinezanyou are just here to help?11:31
AmaroqWolfEveryone is basically.11:31
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AmaroqWolfWe ask for help when we need it, and give help when we can.11:32
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dezinezanaww i cant use /info11:32
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dezinezanOperServAccess Denied - no O-line11:33
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dezinezanoh well11:33
dezinezandont want it anyway11:33
dezinezanjust here for help11:33
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dezinezanits weird though, i havent seen this type of chat for long time11:33
VoXhey, how do i temporarily disable automount?11:33
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=== AmaroqWolf chuckles. "About that full faith thing. If anybody ever tells you to rm -rs, or any thing similar, especially with sudo before it, you can seriously question their motives."
Amon-sanhi, is there a distcc howto available? i searched the wiki but did not find anything useful11:34
CryoniqI been wondering about something in my system.. When I run an application in gnome etc. It feels like CPU load affect graphics.. like when I move windows etc they glitch a little. What could be the cause of that? CPU shouldnt affect GFX stuff like this.. hmm11:34
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dezinezanah wow11:34
dezinezanit still has ChanSev11:34
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AmaroqWolfdezinezan, did you see what I just said? xD We just had someone tell a newbie to do that, and wiped his entire drive.11:35
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dezinezantod o what?11:35
dezinezan*to do11:35
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Bogaurdhey, i'm trying to do apt-get install linux-k7-smp, which says it's been installed, but it shows as having installed a 25kb package... and def does not install the kernel11:36
dezinezansorry, i didnt see the nickserv, and chanserv commands where scrolling past11:36
Bogaurdany ideas?11:36
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AmaroqWolfAn hour or two ago, someone told a newbie to sudo rm -rs. It deleted his entire hard drive.11:36
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dezinezanwould that help>?11:36
AmaroqWolfnooo, that's very dangerous11:36
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dezinezanprobably be bad for computer11:36
AmaroqWolfyou lose everything11:37
metamossdezinezan: the result of 'cat /etc/resolv.conf' for you was 'nameserver', yes?11:37
dezinezanright now it wouldnt lose nothing11:37
dezinezani have nothing on that computer..11:37
Chousukewhat does the -s switch do?11:37
AmaroqWolfno, you'd lose everything literally11:37
yommbamaroq : serious ?11:37
AmaroqWolfUbuntu, everything11:37
dezinezanyes metamoss11:37
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dezinezanweb cyper11:37
AmaroqWolfrm is remove11:37
AmaroqWolfthe -r flag is recursive11:37
Chousukerm is, yes.11:37
Chousukebut -s?11:37
cypher1i guess we can try putting a public DNS nameserver ip in /etc/resolv.conf and see whether it works11:37
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AmaroqWolfI'm not sure about -s11:37
ahaveanyone know of a ubuntu torrent that is active?11:37
metamossit seems like dhcp isn't working11:37
Cryoniqaye.. that command removes ALL files on whole system from root and up11:37
ChousukeIt's not in the manual page.11:37
HaffyHow do I install freenx, I need Seveas.. How do I fix that?11:38
metamossmy /etc/resolv.conf has my ISP's DNS in it11:38
metamossor are we way past that all?11:38
cypher1metamoss: yes most should have like that only11:38
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AmaroqWolfcypher1, is there a way to make it auto-detect some nameservers?11:38
Bogaurdwhat's the correct way to install the right kernel for my machine? apt-get install linux-k7-smp isnt working.11:38
cypher1AmaroqWolf: DHCP11:38
AmaroqWolfI know I didn't enter my three nameservers. lol11:38
Cryoniqrm and a few other commands should be handled with great care when one have root clearance11:38
AmaroqWolfMaybe his router doesn't have DHCP set up on it, cypher111:39
=== metamoss slinks back to his corner
cypher1AmaroqWolf: does anyone know of a public DNS ip address ?11:39
snailBogaurd: "apt-cache search k7-smp" will find the names of packages to install11:39
=== dezinezan sits back with metamoss
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HaffyHow do I install Seveas packages, so I can install FreeNX??11:39
AmaroqWolfcypher1, could I give him one of my current nameservers?11:39
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cypher1AmaroqWolf: yes we can try that11:40
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Cryoniqhe he I knew a guy who was administering a SQL Informix server handling tons of requests for 10's of thousands of users.. and he was tired that morning.. I heard a .. ooops.. then a.. shi.. and then an almost crying voice.. oh no!11:40
cypher1AmaroqWolf: is he on a pm ?11:40
CryoniqBackups ftw is all I can say :)11:40
AmaroqWolfI'll give all three.,,
AmaroqWolfNo, no pm11:40
=== dezinezan sits back, hoping something will help, thanks everyone for helping, even though hes not sure what hes full doing
AzMooAmaroqWolf, it's not -rs it's -rf, recursive and force.11:41
cypher1AmaroqWolf: ok11:41
AmaroqWolfAzMoo, okay.11:41
AmaroqWolfI forgot.11:41
=== Fedge [n=Fedge@cpe-66-75-62-232.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
BarreHi. I'm trying to install 6.06 on a HP DL380 G5, but the installation doesn't find the NIC's. I've tried to modprobe the tg3 but no luck. Can anyone point me to a solution?11:42
dezinezanim not sure what to do11:42
cypher1dezinezan: can you please do "sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf"11:42
dezinezanwas those codes for me?11:42
AmaroqWolfcypher can help you with those11:42
=== blahish [n=Dogbert@124-168-105-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
AmaroqWolfI gave them so cypher can tell you what to put in.11:42
cypher1dezinezan: then add "nameserver"11:42
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cypher1dezinezan: in the next line "nameserver"11:43
dezinezanis it ..11:43
dezinezanvi /11:43
dezinezanor ..11:43
=== Vema [n=Vema98@h65n2fls301o1036.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
AmaroqWolfyes, a space11:43
dezinezanits space11:43
cypher1dezinezan: in the next line "nameserver"11:43
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@c-71-202-49-23.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
blahishjust wondering if someone can help me. after 3 failed download attempts i finally got ubuntu to download properly. when i checked it with the winmd5sum thingo is says the check sums are different. what on earth does this mean11:43
cypher1dezinezan: OT.. btw where are you from ?11:43
dezinezantype the very first thing first, then type the add, then type that 3rd?11:43
AmaroqWolf / is the root directory11:43
dezinezanfrom Alaska ^^11:44
AmaroqWolfso /etc is the etc folder in that.11:44
Bogaurdsnail, it only lists 2.4 kernel packages11:44
AmaroqWolfno, just type nameserver
AmaroqWolfthen do the next ones he told you11:44
=== CyberSlug [n=themadha@ppp6-31.lns1.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bogaurdit says it's obsoleted by linux-generic11:44
dezinezanahmm.. it asking for password11:44
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cypher1dezinezan: pls type your password11:45
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snailBogaurd: then there are no packages in the repositories you have in your sources.list for your architecture for anything else11:45
dezinezanwasnt sure what pass11:45
AmaroqWolfIt just wants the password because you're editing a system file.11:45
dezinezannow add..?11:45
dezinezanyea, i wasnt sure the pass11:45
dezinezancause its new comp. its taped on front.. but wasnt sure11:46
=== GatoLoko [n=GatoLoko@224.Red-81-33-38.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
dezinezangot it though11:46
dezinezanwhat now?11:46
cypher1dezinezan: yes11:46
dezinezanits beeping11:46
AmaroqWolfcypher1, there's alot of tildes I see11:47
dezinezanand i cant go to a next line11:47
dezinezanit just beeps11:47
AmaroqWolfperhaps we should have had him use gedit11:47
blahishno one can help me?11:47
dezinezanand the 1 went away11:47
lowfiblahish, the file is (probably) corrupt.11:47
AmaroqWolfterminal editors = complexity11:47
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blahishanother one i downloaded had different checksums 211:48
blahishwhy is everyone im downloading faulty?11:48
cypher1dezinezan: sorry disconnected11:48
dezinezanit just beeps, and the 1 in the IP thing got deleted11:48
dezinezani cant go to the next line..11:48
dezinezanits ok11:48
dezinezanWolf said..11:48
blahishive wasted over 2 gig of my quota :(11:48
cypher1dezinezan: press i.. then type "nameserver"11:49
dezinezanAmaroqWolfcypher1, there's alot of tildes I see11:49
AmaroqWolfcypher1, perhaps we should have him use gedit. terminal editors are complex.11:49
cypher1AmaroqWolf: yes :(11:49
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cypher1dezinezan: can you press ":q!"11:49
lowfiblahish, just burn it and try - better than downloading it again11:49
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dezinezanim not being able to type anything at the moment11:49
dezinezanits doing something weird..11:50
blahishso its not going to blow up my computer or put anything nasty on rofl!11:50
dezinezanit says..11:50
Bogaurdsnail: should I need to add any repositories?11:50
AmaroqWolfwhat happens if you press q?11:50
dezinezanNameserver 192.168.0iiiiiiiii11:50
Bogaurdsnail: it says i already have the latest version... first time i tried to install it installed something 25kb big11:50
AmaroqWolfhmm. I suppose you can just close your terminal and reopen it.11:51
Bogaurdnot the actual kernel though.,11:51
snailBogaurd: i have no idea, i know almost nothing about the kernel11:51
dezinezanahm,.. with all the people typing, i lost on what to do if i where to "start over" closing the terminal and reopeing11:51
=== wiredog [n=wiredog@idefix.cosy.sbg.ac.at] has joined #ubuntu
aalhamadhow can i put a clock or a weather detector or Calender .. etc on my desktop?11:51
AmaroqWolfinstead of vi, try  sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf11:51
snailBogaurd: is there a specific reason for needing the custom kernerl for your architecture?11:52
ahaveahave ahave: hi11:52
=== jengc0il [n=jengc0il@unaffiliated/jengc0il] has joined #ubuntu
Bogaurdsnail: well my cpu has dual cores, i'd prefer to take advantage of that, rather than just running a 286 kernel..11:52
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Bogaurd286, rather**11:52
Bogaurd386, damnit.11:52
metamossaalhamad: if you right-click on the panel, and select "add to panel" from the menu that pops up, you can add all sorts of applets like that11:52
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snailBogaurd: have you checked that your current kernel isn't already taking advantage?11:53
dezinezanWHAT the11:53
AmaroqWolfIt should open a new window11:53
dezinezanoh.. thats normal11:53
AmaroqWolfgedit is a text editing program11:53
dezinezanok it flooded the other termial screen11:53
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AmaroqWolfwell, vi is too. But gedit does it in a window11:53
AmaroqWolfwell, my gedit didn't flood it. xD11:54
Bogaurdwell it's just 2.6.17-10-386... so it's the 386 kernel, no?11:54
dezinezanit says..11:54
aalhamadmetamoss, yes but i want it to be shown11:54
dezinezanGtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: ..11:54
dezinezanan says that OVER and OVER11:54
aalhamadplz chech http://www.gentoo.org/main/en/shots.xml for seeing what i mean :)11:54
AmaroqWolfoh. That sounds like a gedit problem.11:55
AmaroqWolfwell, there should be two lines in the window right?11:55
=== Jonty [n=Jontydog@cpc2-macc2-0-0-cust355.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
dezinezanim not sure what gedit program even is11:55
AmaroqWolfsearch and nameserver11:55
AmaroqWolfadd the following lines:11:55
dezinezanhi jenc0il11:56
AmaroqWolfThen save the file11:56
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dezinezandoes Save or Save As make a difference?11:57
=== Yoric [n=yoric@lau18-1-82-246-197-195.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
metamossaalhamad: ok, that's a KDE desktop. Are you using KDE or Gnome?11:57
AmaroqWolfyou want to save the changes to the current file, not save a new one.11:57
dezinezanthat way it saves over it.. right?11:57
dezinezanyea, i see what you mean, just not understanding at all11:58
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ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto11:58
aalhamadmetamoss, im using gnome11:58
AmaroqWolfOnce you do that, close everything, log out of the computer, then log back in and try to use the internet.11:58
felixhummelhow can I enable mouse support on the console?11:58
Baossdoes Xfmedia program plays m2v format11:58
dezinezango to login screen.. or shut it down?11:58
AmaroqWolfwell, logging out would log outta everything anyway xD11:58
AmaroqWolfum, I think login screen should be good enough11:59
AmaroqWolfI'm not sure though.11:59
Baossdoes Xfmedia program plays m2v format?11:59
dezinezanso reboot?11:59
AmaroqWolfYour choice. Either log out and in, or reboot.11:59
dezinezanstepdad gonna reboot11:59
dezinezani would ask cypher and wolf ... "asl?" but i dont wanna get told this isnt a "chat channel, its a help channel" :(12:00
lowfifelixhummel, install gpm12:00
dezinezancomputer rebooting12:00
=== AmaroqWolf chuckles.
metamossaalhamad, alright, there's a program you can use called gkrellm12:00
AmaroqWolfI'm 20, male, Illinois, if you're curious.12:00
AzMooYou shouldn't need to reboot or logout for resolv.conf12:00
aalhamadok thanks12:01
AmaroqWolfOh, you shouldn't?12:01
metamosssearch for it in synaptic, and you'll find plugins for it, like a weather monitor, etc.12:01
=== AmaroqWolf chuckles.
dezinezanO_O Illinous12:01
AmaroqWolfIllinois, indeed. :P12:01
dezinezanits up again12:01
dezinezantry internet?12:01
=== Cappy [n=Cappy@ip70-185-166-198.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
AmaroqWolfgo to something like, www.yahoo.com12:01
BaossIdleOne does Xfmedia program plays m2v format?12:02
dezinezanits doing the same thing :(12:02
dezinezanfrom the info i gave you.. does that give any hint on if everything IS or ISNT connected 100% CORRECT?12:02
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@124-168-101-56.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Bogaurdhow can this be :S12:03
AmaroqWolfwell, I have one idea. sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf again12:03
Bogaurdi'm using the sam repositories as always12:03
Rebeccahow do i enable ssh.. it's installed and running but connections are refused12:03
Bogaurdbut i can't install linux-k7-smp12:03
=== kingbot [n=kingbot@cpc1-staf1-0-0-cust32.sol2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
AmaroqWolfthis time, remove the nameserver that has your router's IP address.12:03
Bogaurdit says its the latest version already12:03
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Bogaurdbut it's not installed!12:03
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AmaroqWolfand leave the other three there. Then try your internet again.12:03
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AzMoodezinezan, what's going on?12:04
AmaroqWolfUnless... what does it say in that now? Does it have what you put in there before, or is it back to the way it was?12:04
AmaroqWolfhis nameserver is his router's IP address.12:04
MarcoPaua program installer asks for where the kernel headers are. I have both linux-headers-2.6.20-6/ and linux-headers-2.6.20-6-generic/. Which one am I supposed to pick?12:04
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AzMooThat's not necessarily a problem.12:04
AmaroqWolfIt isn't? I have three nameservers, and none of them are my router's IP.12:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about console - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:05
ubotulinux-k7: Obsoleted by: linux-generic. In component restricted, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB12:05
AzMooAmaroqWolf, It depends entirely on your network setup. Many routers will forward dns requests to the nameservers defined, or work as caching name servers.12:05
BogaurdObsoleted by linux-generic12:05
Bogaurdwhat the hell does that mean?!12:05
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ubotulinux-k7-smp: Obsoleted by: linux-generic. In component restricted, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB12:06
AmaroqWolfdezinezan, what do you see in the window?12:06
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lowfifelixhummel, did you see my answer?12:07
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AzMooBogaurd, it means that the package you're looking for (linux-k7) is obsolete and has been replaced with linux-generic12:07
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felixhummellowfi, yes. I just needed to enable universe ;)12:07
felixhummellowfi, "gpm has no installation candidate" - universe and multiverse enabled12:08
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felixhummelthat's weird... gpm should be in universe (http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/edgy/misc/gpm), but i can't install it (enabled universe and multiverse, did sudo apt-get update). can someone test that please?12:11
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livingdaylightis #ubuntu back to normal?12:12
lowfifelixhummel, it's in universe here, but i'm on feisty.12:13
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metamossfelixhummel: I'm showing gpm in universe as well (also on feisty)12:13
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WowbaggerSound doesn't work after installing new updates. Please help.12:14
AmaroqWolfdezinezan, click the System menu, then go to administration, then go to networking12:14
AmaroqWolfif it asks you for password, enter it12:14
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=== KuHlii [n=trev@CPE-138-130-200-88.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
mistformI don't want to upgrade to edgy :(12:15
AmaroqWolfIs there a part that says Ethernet connection The interface eth0 is active?12:15
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livingdaylightis #ubuntu safe now?12:15
=== Griver [n=Griver@81-231-250-204-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
AzMoolivingdaylight, safe from what?12:15
KuHliihey, i seem to be having issues when  trying to instal ndiswrapper12:15
livingdaylighti don't wanna be told i got to sign in again12:15
AmaroqWolfwhat is on it?12:15
dezinezanit says...12:15
livingdaylightAzMoo, don't it went crazy yesterday12:15
felixhummellowfi, metamoss, thank you. I just downloaded the .deb, got unmet dependencies, did apt-get -f install, and it works like a charm :)12:15
dezinezanWired Connected: Address: DHCP12:15
dezinezanModem connection: This netword interface is not configured12:16
dezinezanthatsa ll12:16
dezinezan*thats all12:16
AmaroqWolfah. Your wired is probably the same as eth012:16
dezinezanunder the  "Connections tab12:16
mistformKuHlii, why are using ndiswrapper?12:16
WowbaggerSound stopped working after installing updates, please help12:16
AmaroqWolfclick wired, then click properties12:17
MarcoPauWhat is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running12:17
MarcoPaukernel? [/usr/src/linux/include]  /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-6-generic/include12:17
MarcoPauThe directory of kernel headers (version @@VMWARE@@ UTS_RELEASE) does not match12:17
MarcoPauyour running kernel (version 2.6.20-6-generic).  Even if the module were to12:17
MarcoPaucompile successfully, it would not load into the running kernel.12:17
dezinezanit does say..12:17
=== _magez_ [n=magez@cable-roi-fedfdd00-224.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
AmaroqWolfwhat's in there?12:17
KuHliii have tried the command 'sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils' however i get the error saying it can not fetch from cd however it does get to the first prompt for the y/n12:17
MarcoPauanybody can help with this?12:17
dezinezanSettings for interface eth012:17
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dezinezanEnable this connection.. (its checked)12:17
dezinezanConnection Settings..12:17
AzMooMarcoPau, you using feisty?12:18
dezinezanCOnfiguration: Automatic Configuration(DHCP)12:18
freaky_heya, anyone know how to connect to a serial console? using kermit now to connect to a symantec security appliance (it runs linux, see the bios and such but if i press del to enter it nothing happens, also kermit disconnects 2 times during boot)12:18
dezinezanID address: (blank)12:18
dezinezanSubnet Mask: (blank12:18
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dezinezanGateway address: blank12:18
livingdaylightok, i gotz a question: I've installed two apps. Azureus and Nicotineplus from sourcforge. I.e download tarball, extract and execute as you all know. My problem is i want to create a launcher from Applications Menu and i don't want to have these folders in my home directory where i downloaded the tarballs. How can i move it to /usr/local or soemehwer appropriate? please?12:18
AmaroqWolfsounds about right.12:18
felixhummelhow do I disable beeps on console (tty01, NOT xterm/gnome-terminal)?12:19
KuHliimistform, because im trying to setup my wireless intel 3945abg, and i keep getting errors in system log saying ieee80211 saying unknown symbol... and i have asked in here and under #linux and no one seems to be able to help, and someone said install ndiswrapper.12:19
MarcoPauAzMoo: yessir12:19
KuHliiso i am?12:19
AmaroqWolfcancel out of that12:19
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KuHliiis that not correct?12:19
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AzMoodezinezan, go to applications, accessories and terminal and type in "ifconfig". What does the inet addr say?12:19
AzMooMarcoPau, #ubuntu+112:19
KuHliii have install network manager and it detects my wireless network, however just does not connect12:19
AmaroqWolfgo to the hosts tab12:20
mistformKuHlii, I have a bcm43xx chipset and I found another way to get it to work12:20
felixhummellivingdaylight, to move it, just type sudo mv yourfolder /usr/local12:20
KuHliihow was that?12:20
MarcoPauAzMoo: ok12:20
livingdaylightfelixhummel, ok, thanks12:20
mistformbut right now, for some reason, my device disables itself every time I try to connect with wifi-radar12:20
dezinezanifconfig..  im sure i already tryed that12:20
livingdaylightfelixhummel, so to move the whole folder like that is correct?12:20
dezinezanwhere is hosts tab?12:21
KuHliioh ok12:21
felixhummellivingdaylight, yep. I think so. ;)12:21
aalhamadgkrellm is great.. but is there a clock theme i can enable it on gnome...12:21
AmaroqWolfdezinezan, in the Network Settings window. If you closed that properties of eth0 one.12:21
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felixhummela man gotta eat.12:21
VoXhow do i stop udev/hal from automounting a/any usb device?12:21
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livingdaylightfelixhummel, how do i then make laucnher from applications menu.? menu edit and browse and point path to usr/loca/folder/...?12:21
dezinezanok host is up12:21
blahishok folks, off to try the cd! [seemed to burn fine?] 12:22
miles_Hey guys, what should I do when thunderbird is frozen and I'd want to restore the mail I was typing?12:22
AmaroqWolfis there one that says 192.168.0.something12:22
dezinezannope, not at all12:22
AmaroqWolfany that start with 192 at all?12:22
KuHliimistform, so how did u get it to work?12:23
AmaroqWolfwhat does the second line say?12:23
AmaroqWolfit probably has a 12712:23
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AmaroqWolfactually you probably have two 127's12:23
livingdaylightfelixhummel, and put sudo because /usr/local is not home directory and requres root priviledges, right?12:23
AmaroqWolfI had the same problem.12:23
miles_f*cking unreliable email client12:23
dezinezanthat looks like something i have seen before, like using  whois programs, for a default ip or something12:23
AmaroqWolfThere should be two's, one with your computer name, and another with localhost and your computer name12:24
dezinezanit says 127 stuff12:24
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AmaroqWolfclick the one that says your computer name, without the localhost12:24
dezinezanthats there12:24
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AmaroqWolfthen click properties12:24
dezinezanok clicked..?12:24
AmaroqWolfin your terminal, do ifconfig again to see what your IP address is.12:25
mistformKuHlii, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1071920&mode=linear12:25
=== flag [n=freundel@p54B5CE91.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
dezinezanthats already  up12:25
=== Mr_SpOOn [n=ilsignor@85-18-66-26.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu
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dezinezanit says..12:25
AmaroqWolfin inet addr12:25
=== fil_ [n=fil@i07m-89-86-77-60.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
dezinezanput a diff name or anything?12:26
dezinezanor just change the ip12:26
AmaroqWolfokay, you have that little window that says IP Address:, Alia your computer name?12:26
dezinezanchange ip, and click ok?12:26
dezinezanAliases: Kepnuk12:26
AmaroqWolfyes, change IP to
=== Tetsuo [n=jared@d58-104-68-147.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
dezinezanyep, changed12:26
AmaroqWolfthe same as your IP12:26
AmaroqWolfthen click okay12:26
dezinezandont touch the aliases?12:26
AmaroqWolfand then click okay again.12:26
=== tschaka [n=tschaka@p54B38467.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
AmaroqWolfnope, aliases stay12:26
dezinezantheres no ok again12:27
dezinezantheres Close12:27
AmaroqWolfI'm not sure if that fixed it, but there is a problem it'll fix12:27
=== Mr_SpOOn [n=ilsignor@85-18-66-26.ip.fastwebnet.it] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
AmaroqWolfyes, close12:27
AmaroqWolftry your internet again12:27
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rox - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:28
=== tomce [n=thomas@dslb-084-060-001-128.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
dezinezanlooks as if its doing the same thing12:28
dezinezanits just "thinking"12:28
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AmaroqWolfare you in firefox?12:29
TetsuoOMG I'm using Ubuntu :P12:29
dezinezanthats the only browser i see12:29
dezinezanim not likeing Ubuntu12:29
AmaroqWolfgo to edit, preferences12:29
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dezinezannow it says... Looking up www.yahoo.com.. VERY SLOW12:29
dezinezan>_< ..  its just sitting there12:30
AzMoodezinezan, AmaroqWolf, what's the issue here? Please, this is painful to watch.12:30
AmaroqWolfHis net isn't working. xD12:30
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dezinezanit failed12:30
AzMooIs the internal network working?12:30
dezinezanServer Cant be Found12:30
AmaroqWolfHis windows computer hooked up to his router has net, but his ubuntu one isn't, AzMoo12:30
AmaroqWolfHe can ping his router12:30
AzMooGood start.12:30
AzMoowhat about routes?12:31
dezinezani have NO idea whats going on.. im just following what hes saying..12:31
WowbaggerSound stopped working after installing updates, please help12:31
AzMoodezinezan, in your terminal type in "route -n"12:31
tomcemy wireless-network-device is shown as wired. any ideas?12:31
AzMoodezinezan, there should be two rows.12:31
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Genscherhey :)12:31
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AzMoodezinezan, and press enter :)12:31
AmaroqWolflol hit enter12:31
dezinezani did12:31
dezinezanwhy wouldnt i12:31
Genscheris there a shell command which lists all open ports?12:32
dezinezanit shows 2 lines with ip's and codes looks like12:32
AzMoodezinezan, ok, yeah, there should be two rows. one that starts with and one that starts with
dezinezanthats right12:32
jengc0ily.. my mozilla firefox cant verify a sys12:32
AzMooWhat's the gateway of the one that starts with
jengc0ilhi AzMoo12:33
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dezinezanthe or the one under it?12:33
AmaroqWolfunder Gateway, on the line that starts with
AzMoodezinezan, On the row that starts with, what's the ip next to it?12:33
KuHliii honestly did not think it would be this hard to setup wireless under linux... haha12:33
AzMoohi jengc0il12:33
dezinezan192.168.0.1 ...  the number that we been messin with12:33
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AzMooalright, routes are good.12:34
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jengc0ilAzMoo: i need help12:35
livingdaylightanyone know about Azureus?12:35
AzMoodezinezan, can you "ping" ?12:35
jengc0ily mozilla can verify java scrpt12:35
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AmaroqWolfAzMoo, what's the destination on the first line say?12:35
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dezinezannope, i cant12:35
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AzMoodezinezan, but you can ping ?12:36
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AmaroqWolfI mean dezinezan12:36
dezinezanyou can just type zan for short if you want..12:36
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livingdaylightWhen i open Azureus i get an X Error: UpnP: Mapping 'Incoming Peer Data Port (UDP/45491)' failed. Can someone help me understand and equally importanly fix this ?12:36
dezinezanbut i tink we tryed pinging that already12:36
dezinezanill try again12:36
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KuHliidoes anyone have or anyone had any issues with the ieee80211 version not matching?12:36
AmaroqWolfzan, what does the first line under Destination say?12:36
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HeroinCan someone explain me  howto install the GD2 libary?12:37
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dezinezanthat code is pinping12:37
AmaroqWolfwhen you did route -n12:37
pbureaulivingdaylight, looks like your incoming share port is blocked (firewall perhaps) ??12:37
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AmaroqWolfthat seems right too :P12:38
lowfilivingdaylight, take a look at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4568/12:38
livingdaylightpbureau, i got a linsys router and i've added azureus12:38
dezinezaneverything is right?... but im still having a problem.. mant his sucks12:38
AzMoodezinezan, responded and didn't?12:39
pbureaulivingdaylight, and did you tell your router that udpd port 45491 is permissible to be used ?12:39
dezinezanyea AzMoo12:39
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livingdaylightpbureau, yes, and when i do the test i pass withe flying colors! :)12:39
AzMoodezinezan, ok, try: traceroute
livingdaylightpbureau, you know the test whether the port is open12:39
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dezinezanit says Command Not found..12:40
AmaroqWolfsame for me12:40
livingdaylightpbureau, i put 45491 in the port column my internal ip tick enable and saved settings, and it told me it was fine, so i don't understand the error12:40
AzMooAh, you'll need to install it. sudo apt-get install traceroute12:40
IdleOnewhat is the command to install a .deb package I have downloaded to my desktop12:41
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dezinezantype that..?12:41
AzMoodezinezan, yep.12:41
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KuHliiOn this page http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Intel_PRO/Wireless_3945ABG_Mini-PCI_Express_Adapter it says that this car works out of the box in edgy, anyone have nay ideas why mine doesnt annd i get errors in ieee80211 saying unknown symbol?12:42
AzMooIdleOne, man dpkg12:42
livingdaylightlowfi, not sure what to do with the link you giave me? First of all i downloaded the tarball from srouceforge to my home directory and moved it to /usr/local Is that ok?12:42
KuHliicar = card12:42
dezinezanits unpacking something12:42
pbureaulivingdaylight, linksys router ?12:42
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AmaroqWolfit's installing traceroute12:42
AzMoodezinezan, yeah, it's just installing the traceroute program. This will show us where the issue is.12:42
dezinezanit didnt work12:43
dezinezanit says..12:43
AmaroqWolfxD I was about to say, how can he install something when his net isn't working.12:43
livingdaylightpbureau, correct linksys WRT54GS12:43
AzMooOff the CD?12:43
pbureaulivingdaylight, let me check something12:43
dezinezanTemporary failure resolving 'us archive.ubuntu.com'12:43
livingdaylightlowfi, are you suggesting i need to change something in the script?12:43
livingdaylightpbureau, ok12:43
lowfilivingdaylight, yes that's ok and the link is a desktop entry file to get azureus in the menu.12:44
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AmaroqWolfdezinezan, I think you can put your ubuntu CD in the drive and try that command again.12:44
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lowfilivingdaylight, put a file in called azureus.desktop in /usr/share/applications12:45
livingdaylightlowfi, i did it through Menu Editor. I added and browsed to /usr/local/azureus/launcher12:45
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zathrascan anyone help me with grub?12:45
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dezinezanwe never got that CD12:45
lowfilivingdaylight, ah ok.12:45
dezinezanwe bought this computer and it came like this12:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about networking - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:45
dezinezanwith speakers and everything12:45
pbureaulivingdaylight, and trying to get Azureus to run right ?12:45
livingdaylightlowfi, what file? and what how will that resolve the error message i'm getting?12:45
AzMoodezinezan, damn. Hrm.12:46
dezinezani was under the impression it was windows type12:46
dezinezanturned it on and was diff12:46
AmaroqWolfDid you get it cheap? lol12:46
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livingdaylightpbureau, indeed. I don't like to see an error message telling my about ports which i know have been correctly set up12:46
pbureaulivingdaylight,  check this out. _ linksys/azuerus setup: http://ryanslife.net/2006/07/24/bittorrent-port-forwarding-with-a-linksys-wrt54g-router-and-azureus/12:46
AmaroqWolfah. I was gonna suggest maybe it's previous owner broke the net, and dumped it on you. xD12:46
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lowfilivingdaylight, not at all, i was referin to "felixhummel, how do i then make laucnher from applications menu.? menu edit and browse and point path to usr/loca/folder/...?" :)12:47
dezinezanin July im picking up new computers, 2 computers and 1 laptop, the computers made and upgraded by him, and12:47
dezinezanthe laptop just upgraded..12:47
dezinezanbut thats long away12:47
dezinezanand we needed something that had net12:47
AzMoodezinezan, ok, might be able to get around it.12:47
livingdaylightlowfi, ok, thx. I've managed that part now :) Just trying to resolve the error message i get12:47
dezinezanbut the guy was the type to come out and see whats wrong with the comp12:47
=== AmaroqWolf nods
AzMoodezinezan, click on your system menu>Administration>Network tools12:48
dezinezanif we called him, he probably come out and look at comp12:48
livingdaylightlowfi, When i open Azureus i get an X Error: UpnP: Mapping 'Incoming Peer Data Port (UDP/45491)' faile12:48
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BalchDHi. Does an Ubuntu system have a list of currently installed packages that could be read when re-installing?12:49
AzMoodezinezan, then click on the traceroute tab, put into the text box, and hit the trace button.12:49
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AzMoodezinezan, what do the first couple of rows say?12:50
livingdaylightpbureau, thx for digging that up. I've saved it and will go through it properly later, as i gotta go soon12:50
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livingdaylighthopefully it'll fix it12:51
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dezinezanone sec12:52
DocTomoeI have a problem with cryptsetup, which throws "Aufruf fehlgeschlagen: Incompatible libdevmapper 1.02.07 (2006-05-11)(compat) and kernel driver" at me... Googleing resulted in the wisdom to sudo cryptsetup, what I did in the first place ... any ideas on this one? (this is an Edgy)12:52
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pbureaulivingdaylight, your welcome..12:52
livingdaylightjust finally and quickly: how do i remove kde desktop? i run gnome in ubuntu and added apt-get install kde-desktop i think but don't seem to be able to remove it12:52
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AzMoodezinezan, any more?12:54
dezinezanthere is also dslrouters too12:54
pbureauDocTomoe, the only thing that comes to mind is that it is looking for a version of libdevmapper, now you may want to check with the INSTALL/READ documents of your application to see what dependencies are needed and use apt-get install to download packages or if you prefer gui (gnome) system-admin-synaptic and try to update (with a search) your libdevmapper file to perhaps a more recent one available12:54
AzMoodezinezan,  dslrouters ?12:54
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libdevmapper - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:55
localverbHi guy's ..... I extremely like ubuntu but there is one thing that makes me very unsure about its future....many of you claim that free and open source software are much better in quality than others....but this is not the case with games........why??? aren't they software ? why all GNU/Linux games so poor? Please answer my question12:55
AzMoodezinezan, are you running internet connection sharing on your windows pc?12:55
=== AmaroqWolf thinks that should be
dezinezanyes the first computer is running windows12:56
AzMoodezinezan, is it running internet connection sharing?12:56
livingdaylightadding kde-desktop has messed up and cluttered my gnome desktop with a busy Applications menu. How do i remove it?12:56
adam_localverb, games take a long time to create and most of the game developers were rather get paid to make those games.. im guessing? not 100% sure12:56
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pbureaulocalverb, its realy not the forum to debate open source software quality. this is a help channel run by volunteers trying to give back and help others with their problem.. look for a debate channel12:56
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Daverockslocalverb: games are different to other types of software in that you need to pay lots of people to design graphics models, maps, etc. the big game companies don't build their games to run on linux because it doesn't have much market share12:57
dezinezanwhat do mean12:57
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AzMoodamn, I don't have a windows pc here.12:58
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dezinezanTHIS computer is running windows.. the other we thought was windows when we saw it for sale.. but it turned out to be Ubuntu, which i have never heard of because i dont usally use mac's12:58
localverbI see thanks for your clarifying this to me12:58
AmaroqWolfHas your windows computer been set up to share it's internet connection with other computers?12:58
Toma-actually, its not that hard to port games to linux12:58
dezinezantheres gotta be a way to "share" the internet connection through windows?12:58
AzMoodezinezan, I think there may be a conflict between your windows computer and your router.12:58
dezinezanim not sure..12:59
dezinezanand im not sure12:59
Toma-i mean, look what icculus.org does12:59
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AzMoodezinezan, yeah, I'm just trying to remember exactly what you need to do to check. Give me a minute.12:59
localverbI think porting games will not solve the problem12:59
Daverocksi _love_ how i can play unreal tournament natively on linux... epic games people are awesome for doing that12:59
AmaroqWolfThere's one way he could test that. Unplug the windows comp from the router. That would disconnect though.12:59
adam_are there linux drivers or anything like ndswrapper for Linksys Wireless USB Network Adapter?01:00
dezinezani went to this..01:00
dezinezanwent to the connection i use to connect to the net.. on the windows computer..01:00
dezinezanwent to propertys..01:00
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dezinezanwent to advanced..01:00
AmaroqWolfadam_, there's a room. #ndswrapper I believe.01:00
Daverockslocalverb: if linux had a lot of market share, the "good games" problem would be solved pretty much instantly. i don't know how many good FOSS games we'd see though.01:00
dezinezanAllow other network users to connect through this computer's internet connection (was unchecked)01:01
dezinezanis that important or what i needed?01:01
dezinezanHome Networking Connection..01:01
dezinezanLocal Area COnnection01:01
dezinezanLocal Area Connection 201:01
frogzoodezinezan: dude, for windows support -> #windows01:01
Toma-Daverocks: its more a point of lazy game develoment houses.01:01
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dezinezanfrogzoo i KNOW that01:01
AzMoofrogzoo, not windows support.01:01
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adam_AmaroqWolf, I understand that - I'm trying to figure out if there are drivers for my USB Adapter01:02
dezinezanim only answering questions they asked01:02
AmaroqWolfWe're trying to figure out if his windows computer is conflicting with his ubuntu one on the wired network01:02
intelikeywhat am i missing here ?01:02
intelikey(synaptic:5229): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:01:02
AmaroqWolfadam_, oh okay.01:02
DaverocksToma-: hmm.01:02
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AzMoodezinezan, that "Allow other network users ..." is unchecked ?01:02
dezinezanit WAS01:02
dezinezani checked it now..01:03
Toma-Daverocks: i mean, it would only take 1 email to Icculus to get a port for whatever to linux :) check this out... http://icculus.org/~icculus/resume.txt01:03
dezinezanit says to select ..01:03
AmaroqWolfI think you want it to stay unchecked.01:03
dezinezanLocal Area Connection01:03
newim new to linux, but i was wondering if i could have both ubuntu and windows xp on my computer at the same time?01:03
dezinezanLocal Area Connection 201:03
intelikeyi'm running gksudo synaptic in a terminal and tetting that error message   "(synaptic:5229): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:"   ?01:03
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Kunalagondoes somebody maybe know why when I restart comp. volumes disapperad on my desktop and nautilus, but I have hald and dbus succesfuly started on boot, and I have mounted volumes in my mount point ?01:03
dezinezanstay unchecked..01:03
pbureauDocTomoe, dunno if you checked but in synaptic with repos all turned on I get aq libdevmapper-dev file 1.02 did you install that ?01:03
dezinezanokie, its unchecked again01:03
AzMoodezinezan, don't check it.01:03
AmaroqWolfcheck all of the network connections01:03
DaverocksToma-: wow, he did _everything_01:03
AmaroqWolfand make sure they're all unchecked.01:03
Toma-yeh :D01:03
verb_Thanks to all those responded to my question ......01:03
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Daverockssomebody should give that guy a medal01:04
newim new to linux, but i was wondering if i could have both ubuntu and windows xp on my computer at the same time?01:04
AmaroqWolfnew, yes you can01:04
Toma-new: you sure can01:04
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ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)01:04
newsweet, so i dont have to lose all my current media files etc ?01:05
dezinezanAmaroqWolfcheck all of the network connections01:05
dezinezanAmaroqWolfand make sure they're all unchecked.01:05
AmaroqWolfthe share internet checkbox01:05
AmaroqWolfmake sure they're unchecked in all of the networks01:05
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AzMoodezinezan, what's the name of the computer you're on now?01:06
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dezinezannot sure01:06
dezinezanon the com name01:06
AzMoodezinezan,  right-click on My Computer, click on the computer name tab.01:07
AzMooer, my computer>properties01:07
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AzMoothen computer name01:07
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newis ubuntu more safe from spyware/adware etc compared to windows?01:09
AzMoonew, yes.01:09
Daverocksnew: yes01:09
Toma-new no spyware+adware exists for ubuntu01:09
dezinezanFull Computer Name: home-htcrahb9l101:09
Toma-also, you can really shell up by editing your /etc/hosts file and add all the adservers01:09
Daverocksno spyware exists as linux binaries, heh01:09
Toma-completely remove ads from websites :)01:09
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rpvhi all01:10
newi just got my copy of ubuntu in the mail today, about to install it01:10
AzMoodezinezan, ok. Here's the problem. You've got two different networks at your house. One of them is and the other is How do you have your router set up?01:10
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dezinezanim not sure01:11
dezinezani just put the cords together how the guide said.. but when i tryed running the install router..01:11
AzMoodezinezan, physically I mean. What plugs into it, what does it plug into?01:11
DexterFanyone here using midnight commander regularly with german i18n?01:11
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AzMoodezinezan, also, what brand and model number is it?01:11
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AzMoodezinezan, no, what computers is it plugged into, and is it plugged into any other devices?01:12
dezinezanD-Link: Model: DIR-62501:12
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dezinezanno.. a subwoofer..01:12
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dezinezanINTO the router.?01:13
dezinezanJUST the 2 computers01:13
nurdyxit is possible to have vlc in destop01:13
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assasukassehi everyone, if i click on properties on a video file, open then choose which player it should be opened by default, i have two VLC voices there, how can i get rid of one?01:13
AzMoodezinezan, and the router plugs directly into your phone line? Or are you using cable?01:14
DYnamo_Question: Anyone has any experience in dealign with or any links that deals with Global Load Balancing? We wanted to implemente it but it's hard to fine resources that deal with it. Any ideas?01:14
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MonkeyINAbaGheyas... i just cloned an edgy box, and the clone gets past grub and perpetually reboots, and i cant figure out why....01:14
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dezinezanphone line01:15
dondanielonurdyx : what do you mean by that?01:15
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dezinezanwhich is plugged into the original modem still, it never told me to plug it in anywere else01:15
newis there any additional drivers/files i need to get before i install ubuntu?01:15
AzMoodezinezan, what's the brand and model of the original?01:15
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twisties!gnome dock01:16
ubotugnome: The GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (edgy), package size 12 kB, installed size 44 kB01:16
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DYnamo_We were looking to implement something like this01:16
dezinezanLOL. as soon as i put them back on top of each other nice and neat i get asked to look at them again01:16
dezinezanone sec.. ill look01:16
ubotugnome-dock is a MacOS X -like dock for the gnome desktop, see www.gnome-dock.org01:16
twistiesAnyone else here using gnome-dock with beryl?01:16
kumahi, i'm having problems mounting a DVD-RW to burn, can somebody jelp me?01:16
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nurdyxdondanielo  i woud like to have  a movie  in full screen to  my destok01:17
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dezinezanWestell  DSL2 + Router01:17
MonkeyINAbaGtwisties) nope, but i have a beryl box here, want me to test it01:17
dezinezanoh model..01:17
AzMoodezinezan, ok, there's the problem.01:17
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AzMoodezinezan, you've got 2 routers on the same network.01:17
twistiesMonkeyINAbaG: I've installed the dock and it seems to work fine except the only Icon that displays is DC++.01:17
dezinezancan i make it so its just the new one working so its 1 router?01:17
kumahow can i mount a device with all the permisions?01:18
MonkeyINAbaGwell, thats not fine :)01:18
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soundrayMonkeyINAbaG: does the same thing happen when you boot in recovery mode?01:18
AzMoodezinezan, that's what you want to do.01:18
dezinezanwhere did the other guy go?01:18
twistiesrofl. no i guess its not "fine"01:18
Jowitwisties, if i remember correctly you set up the icon paths in the source code and recompile01:18
dezinezanoh ok01:18
dezinezanthats what i WANTED TO DO01:18
dezinezanbut when i went through the guide it SAID to do it like THIS01:18
MonkeyINAbaGsoundray) i changed the uuid stuff in fstab and menu.lst back to the good ol /dev nodes01:18
AmaroqWolfI'm gonna go to sleep. If you need him to modify router settings AzMoo, here's a list I found. http://www.phenoelit.de/dpl/dpl.html01:19
AzMoodezinezan, whatever guide you're using is wrong.01:19
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dezinezanWHAT THE FREAK01:19
frogzooMonkeyINAbaG: sudo update-grub won't be happy01:19
dezinezanit came with the new router01:19
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MonkeyINAbaGsoundray) i just see 'starting up' on the screen for a split second, then it reboots without warning01:19
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soundrayMonkeyINAbaG: oh, so it reboots quite early in the process01:20
dezinezani know how these bots work, if i said any curse words, it would ban me, then wheres my help..?01:20
dezinezanok 1 problem..01:20
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MonkeyINAbaGdoesnt even load the kernel i suspect01:20
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MonkeyINAbaGno errors :)01:20
DexterFis midnight commander utf-8 capable?01:20
lucioI compiled a 2.6.20 kernel on a ubuntu dapper and I got this error at boot: udevplug make-queue unable to create /dev/.udev/queue :-(01:20
soundrayMonkeyINAbaG: can you boot that machine from a CD?01:21
dezinezanthe USB that is on the OLD dsl+router thing is got 1 end like a firewire, and the other USB, im not sure i could use that cord on the new router as it has NO firewire01:21
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IdleOnedezinezan: the bot wouldnt ban you but chances are you would be warned about your language i.e !language or !ohmy and then if you did it again you would see !ops ( /msg ubotu ops ) then you would be banned :)01:21
frogzoolucio: dunno if you'll get 2.6.20 to work with dapper01:21
dezinezanif you have msn or something.. i can take pics of what i DO have and how its up, and show you01:21
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AmaroqWolfdezinezan, is your USB and your ethernet connected at the same time?01:21
dezinezanis it NOT supposed to be...? it never told me NOT to?01:21
MonkeyINAbaGwtf is a ?01:22
AmaroqWolfIt's only supposed to be one. The ethernet is recommended.01:22
dezinezani feel so stupid.. i was just following what it told me to do01:22
frogzooMonkeyINAbaG: it's a battle squid01:22
AmaroqWolfThe USB is only for computers that don't have ethernet.01:22
IdleOneMonkeyINAbaG: looks like the Ebola Virus hehe01:22
soundrayMonkeyINAbaG: perhaps you can chroot your root partition from the live CD and reinstall the kernel01:22
dezinezanlet me see if i can hook it up01:22
dezinezando you have msn?01:22
AzMoodezinezan, wait. If you start playing with the modem now it'll disconnect you.01:23
AmaroqWolfI'm using a linux messenger01:23
dezinezanyea i know that01:23
MonkeyINAbaGsoundray) i can def chroot from the boot or install cd, you think reinstalling the kernel will work?01:23
dezinezani wasnt going to RIGHT NOW01:23
dezinezani wanted to make a plan or something01:23
AzMoook, good :)01:23
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dezinezanlike if you have msn01:23
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MonkeyINAbaGsoundray) its something i havent tried01:23
cbx33hey guys01:23
dezinezani can contact you back easyly without having to open browzer01:23
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MonkeyINAbaGi will let you know if it works :)01:23
AmaroqWolfoh okay01:23
AzMoodezinezan, I've pm'd you.01:23
cbx33I have an lvm partition that I'm trying to add the fstab01:23
dezinezanim not sure how to get to THIS with mIRC01:23
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cbx33it works but it's only read only01:23
soundrayMonkeyINAbaG: I'm not sure if it will, but I think it's worth a try01:23
cbx33how do i get it writeable?01:23
cbx33is the line i have01:24
luciofrogzoo: ... you mean that is a coimmon problem in ubuntu dapper?01:24
cbx33 /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 /old_drive               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       101:24
cbx33is the line i have01:24
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frogzoolucio: udev is going through major rework between versions atm, & tracks new kernels, so I'm not that surprised it hasn't worked01:25
Heroinhow do i ban an IP from my server, like 100% so he cant even fucking attempt to login ;X01:25
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:25
perplexityuse iptables and drop all traffic from that IP on the floor01:25
Heroinperplexity how do i do that?01:26
MonkeyINAbaGsoundray) :) anything else you can think of doing before i reboot?01:26
frogzooHeroin: you can install fscking xhosts01:26
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Heroinfreaking hack monkeys01:26
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user___hey i tried rebooting my pc with the ubuntu cd in the drive, but it wont start ubuntu, instead windows loads?, how do i get ubuntu to run at reboot?01:26
Heroinfrogzoo whats xhosts?01:26
frogzooHeroin: best soln for you might be iptables01:26
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IdleOneuser___: set your bios to boot cdrom first01:26
soundrayuser___: you need to change the boot sequence in the BIOS setup01:26
Heroinfrogzoo yah so how do i enter and as banned?01:27
perplexityHeroin: iptables -A INPUT -s (ip address here) -p tcp -j DROP01:27
frogzooHeroin: sudo iptables -A INPUT  -s a.b.cd -j DROP01:27
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perplexityoh yeah, forgot you can leave the proto out01:27
user___can i only change the bios setup when i reboot? or can i do it in windows?01:27
Heroin2 difrent entries01:27
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Heroinfrogzoo is corret?01:28
perplexityyup, 2 different entries01:28
IdleOneuser___: when rebooting it tells you to probably hit esc to enter setup01:28
user___okie, brb01:28
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perplexityHeroin: frogzoo is correct.. better than mine01:28
Heroinperplexity which one would more effecient?01:28
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Heroinperplexity thanks mate01:28
Heroinfrogzoo thanks aswell01:28
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frogzooHeroin: both will work - but you need to tinker to make those rules start up after a reboot - best bet in 2nd thoughts might be install firestarter01:28
perplexityHeroin: either or.. you won't notice a difference01:29
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nox-Hand_Straight after installing Ubuntu on a Dell M65, my friends PC would not play no music/go on wireless internet in Windows XP. Is there an explaination? o_o01:29
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PhilippeDRdamn, that's a lot of users :)01:29
A[D] minS!voice chat01:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about voice chat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:29
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IdleOne!sound | nox-Hand_01:30
ubotunox-Hand_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:30
nox-Hand_IdleOne: No, not in Ubuntu, in XP o_O01:30
PhilippeDRok, i have a problem: had a breezy install, updated to dapper and then to edgy (2 days ago). The upgrade didn't install a new kernel, i did (from the repo), but now my xserver keeps on crashing01:30
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frogzoonox-Hand_: as linux doesn't touch anything in firmware, that's a pretty long stretch that linux broke anything - turn the power off at the wall for 30secs & see01:30
nox-Hand_IdleOne: I am wondering whether Ubuntu install did it. After installing Ubuntu it died in XP01:30
PhilippeDRdoesn't crash with the old kernel though01:30
IdleOnenox-Hand_: try ##windows for help with XP sorry I dont use it01:30
nox-Hand_frogzoo: laptop though, but yeah01:31
IdleOnenox-Hand_: I would be surprised if ubuntu had anything to do with it01:31
DYnamo_what if we do something like this: DNS with short TTLs, using status info for the servers to pick the IP to return to the dns query01:32
nox-Hand_IdleOne: Same here. Also, I assured him it was safe :P This is his school PC, so he is in trouble now for not having it for school ^^01:32
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IdleOnenox-Hand_: he installed ubuntu on a pc that he doesnt own?01:32
frogzooIdleOne: people will play...01:33
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CheshireVikingnox-Hand: was the installation on a pre-existing partition, or did the Ubuntu installer repartition the drive?01:33
IdleOnefrogzoo: yeah ... but I dont play with other ppl's money :/01:33
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nox-Hand_IdleOne: He owns it, yeah. As such. He has bought it and will completely own it in two years. If he drops out of school, he must return it.01:33
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nox-Hand_CheshireViking: We partitioned before. Layout has a FAT drive for DellUtilities, an NTFS for WIndows, 1gb swap and 7gb EXT3 for Ubuntu01:34
IdleOnenox-Hand_: well if the only problem is no sound it really isnt a big deal but again I seriously doubt ubuntu had anything to do with it and as for the wireless connection ubuntu probably didnt affect that either. unfortunate coincidence I would say. ##windows can probably help you01:35
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nox-Hand_IdleOne: Right, I am sure Ubunt uis innocent. I believe in  Linux being God ;) Asking in ##windows :)01:36
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frogzoonox-Hand_: does this laptop use an external cd drive?01:36
LifeguardBobHi fellows, completely new to ubuntu or linux for that matter, just finished installing the OS and was wondering if anyone knows of a good begginer's site01:36
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chplanetI would like to know if automatix is safe?01:37
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IdleOneLifeguardBob: wiki,ubuntu.com01:37
frogzoochplanet: ask in #automatix...01:37
IdleOnechplanet: NO IT ISNT01:37
CheshireVikingnox-Hand: when i repartitioned a drive similar to the allocation you've mentioned, windows worked ok, but one application had to be reinstalled because the partitioning broke something, maybe some of the drivers have gotten corrupted during the partitioning - I had a problem even though the drive had been fully defrag'd and free space consolidated01:37
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LifeguardBobthanks IdleOne01:37
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nox-Hand_CheshireViking: Right, thanks :()01:38
IdleOne!repos | LifeguardBob  enable universe and multiverse01:38
ubotuLifeguardBob  enable universe and multiverse: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource01:38
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Igor_V2hey....is possible to i upgrade my ubuntu to the new version int the apt??01:38
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:38
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frogzooIdleOne: I don't get the hostility to automatix hate, they're just another bunch of people doing foss, but let them support it if it breaks sure01:38
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Daverockshey, how do i get gdm to start when i connect to my ubuntu box via vnc?01:39
Daverocksat the moment i'm just getting an X root screen01:39
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chplanetIdleOne: why is it not safe & how?01:39
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IdleOnefrogzoo: I have nothing against it . I have used it myself 1 time it worked fine and another time it broke my install and I had to do a full clean install. reason whyI say it isnt safe is because I would hate to see a newbie give up on Ubuntu just because some third party app broke theyre system01:40
=== silver_ [n=silver@dsl-kvlmmlgw1-feb2fa00-198.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
IdleOne!automatix | chplanet01:40
ubotuchplanet: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe01:40
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chplanetubotu: thks!01:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thks! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:41
IdleOnechplanet: ubotu is a bot01:41
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:44
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rage_Is there a package with pam_abl -- pam automatic host blacklisting for ubuntu?01:45
twistiesanyone have experience with gnome-dock?01:45
IdleOneapt-cache search pam | less01:45
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krmnay alguien x ahi01:45
rage_IdleOne: very good.01:45
rage_IdleOne: try it.01:45
nozeyanyone here already made a local repository? i need some help01:46
IdleOnerage_: you want me to try it?01:46
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IdleOnesalut chplanet01:46
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nozeyno one?01:46
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chplanetjust checking if the bot answers to all languages available....:)01:47
riotkittienozey: not i. sorry.01:47
IdleOnebot only answer to !triggers01:47
nozey): ...damm ... i give up!01:47
riotkittiedoes not.01:47
IdleOnenozey: in #ubuntu-offtopic01:47
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Daverockshow do i get gdm to start on the vnc server?01:48
IdleOnesomebody may be able to help but need to be patient01:48
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IdleOne!falcon | nozey01:48
ubotunozey: falcon: Falcon repository creator. In component extras, is optional. Version 1.5.4-0ubuntu2 (edgy-seveas), package size 175 kB, installed size 508 kB01:48
LycanNYC-workAny ATI X1000 users here?01:49
nozeyheres my problem: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=351860&highlight=how+to+create+local+repository01:49
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hackjack82hi, i'm tring to monitor a eth interface with bwm-ng01:52
hackjack82but even if I set the refresh interval to 10 msec01:52
hackjack82I get only one real result each second followed by many 0 kb/sec results!01:52
hackjack82why? it seems to monitor only once a second!01:53
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idefixwhy is it that on some webpages you see a flash of a site and then you're relinked and you cannot see the old site? what is that for? Is it a bug?01:56
rage_IdleOne: Yes you can find lots of pam packages. pam_abl is not included.01:56
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frogzoohackjack82: you might be able to get a better res'n through /proc01:57
hackjack82frogzoo: also bwm-ng can use /proc, but I still have the same problem01:59
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newhey there, just installed ubuntu02:00
newwhat option should i use to partition the drive, for full installation, i want to keep windows xp on my computer also though02:01
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bauer77are you using two seperate drives new or just one?02:02
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rage_new: so you havnet installed it uet...02:02
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bauer77rage_: I guess we helped him02:05
RonnieUKhi there02:05
RonnieUKanyone awake?02:06
rage_bauer77: Dang you're good.02:06
rage_RonnieUK: Boo!02:06
hackjack82no help?02:06
bauer77So I have been told02:06
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RonnieUKI jst installed ubuntu and it wont accept my username and password, any ideas what I can do?02:07
johan_try booting in recovery mode02:07
johan_and then change password or add users02:07
RonnieUKhow do I do that?02:07
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yommbin what config file do I set my display manager ?  ( xdm , kdm ,gdm...)02:08
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johan_RonnieUK, right before ubuntu starts to boot, you can hit ESC to bring up a boot menu02:09
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RonnieUKah ok, Ill try that thanks02:10
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bauer77hey when I just booted Ubuntu it says it hasnt checked hda2 to for  a certain amount of days (I am assuming it was checking the file system). Any ideas what would bring that on? maybe if I shut down wrong?02:11
DYnamo_redirection with load balancing is the issue, how can we redirect traffic using weights or something02:12
jussi01hei all, Im trying to install a nokia c-111 wireless card on an old machine... its supposed to be supported by linux-wlan-ng which I installed... what do i do now?02:12
rage_bauer77: It is an option02:12
rage_bauer77: default is check after 30 days.02:12
bauer77thanks rage02:12
mcphailbauer77: switch it off. it isn't needed02:12
rage_bauer77: nothing is wrong, just leave it to it.02:12
bauer77I thought so just wanted to make sure02:13
jussi01is there a command i have to run?02:13
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rage_Better that windows that doesn't check untill something goes wrong and then finds that it has been messing up for years. :)02:13
bauer77I hear you there02:13
jussi01iwconfig only gives me lo, irda0 and sit002:14
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mcphailthe check is a hangover from ext2. it isn't needed02:14
bauer77I was running a vista cd right before i happened on another another boot on this computer so I was curious if had done something since I hadnt seen it before02:14
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bauer77man someone told me there is an asterisk room in here but it wont let me go there02:15
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bronzeRonnieUK: did u add your username when you installed ?02:15
bauer77jussi what are you trying to do?02:15
bronzeRonnieUK: did u add your username when you installed ?02:15
bronzenetwork drop here, sorry02:15
bauer77bronze:  he is long gone...02:16
jussi01bauer77: Im trying to install a nokia c-111 wireless card on an old machine... its supposed to be supported by linux-wlan-ng which I installed... what do i do now02:16
seravitaehey guys, i can irc and use torrents fine02:16
seravitaebut http i get "The connection was reset" constantly02:16
seravitaelike i have to visit a page 10 times to actually get one that works. any ideas wtf is going on02:16
bauer77did you go into your wireless connection and see if its listed there?02:17
frogzoohackjack82: what are you like with kernel internals? you help to enable CONFIG_FAST_TIMER - dunno02:17
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felixhummel_is there an enhanced version of mc (midnight commander) or do I have to hack the source if I want some shortcuts?02:17
frogzoo!ipv6 | seravitae02:17
ubotuseravitae: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv402:17
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jussi01It doesnt seem to show up anywhere02:18
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jussi01I thought about trying it with ndiswrapper, but the windows driver i found is a installing exe... with a whole program etc02:20
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seravitaefrogzoo: my net isn't slow02:22
seravitaei get 'connection was reset' instantly02:22
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seravitaei just checked and restarted local dns caching, it's still doing it.02:22
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seravitaepings are fine02:23
frogzooseravitae: wireshark02:23
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infornographyI have an intel centrino dual core processor. Will ubuntu detect and use both cores out of the box?02:26
seravitaeinfornography: yes but you must force the -generic kernel02:26
seravitaethe -386 standard kernel will not02:26
infornographyoh ok02:26
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seravitaefrogzoo: wireshark installed02:27
infornographyDo I need the alternate install CD to do that?02:27
seravitaewireshark doesnt see any of my interfaces02:27
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seravitaeahh, had to be in root.02:27
frogzooseravitae: yep02:27
seravitaeokay so what should i do02:28
seravitaecapture eth002:28
DYnamo_Here is what we are thinking of, We haev a DNS Server, in New York Location. We have 2 content servers, one in California and one in Germany. When a request comes in to NewYork, the DNS server looks at it (I guess using goip), is the requester closer to Cali or Germany? Ok he is in Japan, ok send him to Germany server. We need something like that.02:29
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:29
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frogzooDYnamo_: interesting question02:31
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seravitaefrogzoo: i get some wierd things02:31
seravitae'unreassembled packet [incorrect TCP checksum] '02:31
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seravitaealso my modem is not doing anything at all, no downloads, yet i'm seeing like 100 packets a second thru eth0..02:32
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oxygenhelp me pls02:34
frogzooseravitae: but ftp etc are full speed?02:34
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IdleOneoxygen: with?02:34
oxygenhow can I make it show how much time is left when doing a cp02:34
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frogzooseravitae: incorrect checksums are usually because you have got your ethernet duplex setting wrong02:35
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kristoferI found this howto.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixCompleteVirtualMailSystemHowto, but it's not complete. any ideas where I could find something similar, but finished?02:35
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seravitaefrogzoo: okay, i think mines on auto detect02:35
IdleOneoxygen: try cp -v ( verbose )02:35
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seravitaei have a 100mbps switch02:35
seravitaeeverything's autosensing.02:36
IdleOnenot sure if that will give you time remaining though02:36
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oxygenIdleOne: i try it ..02:36
seravitaefrogzoo: today i was getting max speed off torrents, browsing the net fine02:36
seravitaelater today, a simply http request errors immediately02:36
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seravitaeand if i hit refresh about 50 times, eventually one gets thru, the rest just die straigth away02:36
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seravitaeFirefox can't establish a connection to the server at www.google.com.au.02:37
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seravitae^^ it's that bad.02:37
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frogzooseravitae: install net-tools & use mii-tool to force 100baseTx-FD, reset the modem & see how you go02:37
ctkroekerseravitae: works fine here02:37
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seravitaectkroeker: if google is down, it means that i am down, not google heh02:37
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ctkroekerseravitae: got in the conversation late, ;)02:38
Rafa_Viva_Rev_hi... i'm new here.. i dont speak to good english... but i need some help with.. i have a amd dual core and installed ubuntu 32 bit...in system monitor shows only one cpu02:38
seravitaeroot@eureka:/home/seravitae# mii-tool02:38
seravitaeeth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD, link ok02:38
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frogzooctkroeker: google can't afford to lose seravitae02:38
seravitaedanm straight. :P bbs, gonna walk.02:38
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:38
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ctkroekerfrogzoo: me not either02:38
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Rafa_Viva_Rev_my questions is... it is working only one cpu? if not... what can i do to shows me the twos cpus?02:39
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frogzooRafa_Viva_Rev_: you running dapper?02:39
ctkroekerRafa_Viva_Rev_: a dual core is actually 1 cpu, as I understand it, it won't show up as 2. I thinkl02:40
sjoerdctkroeker: it's 2 cpu's on one chip02:40
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Rafa_Viva_Rev_but in the past i have ubuntu dapper 64 bits and it shows me the monitor of two cpus02:40
ctkroekerRafa_Viva_Rev_:  especially since your running 32-bit, you probably won't be able too utilize all that power and features02:41
frogzooRafa_Viva_Rev_: if you're running dapper, install the 686 kernel image02:41
Rafa_Viva_Rev_but exist a kernel k7 with smp02:41
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Rafa_Viva_Rev_thanks.. i will try02:41
frogzooRafa_Viva_Rev_: if you're running edgy, both cores are running02:41
oxygenit s not work02:41
Tomibis it possible to play bf 2142 with linux??02:41
Rafa_Viva_Rev_and k7 with smp dont?02:41
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Rafa_Viva_Rev_oks.. thanx02:42
oxygenIdleOne: cp -v does not show time02:42
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IdleOneoxygen: sorry I dont know how to show the time remaining02:43
seravitaeis 64 bit worth it02:44
Rafa_Viva_Rev_another question... i installed beryl and xgl.. but beryl only runs with Gnome Session.. some tip?02:44
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frogzooseravitae: on desktop, no - for servers, sure02:45
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seravitaei run a pretty beasty desktop though02:47
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Lunar_Lampseravitae, I installed 64 desktop about 9months ago (so development will have happened), and it was frustrating the number of things I had to chroot into a 32bit environment.02:48
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Lunar_LampThe hassle wasn't worth it in the end.02:48
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seravitaecool, i wont touch it then02:48
frogzooseravitae: beasty desktops probly want/need flash & vmware, so no dice02:48
Lunar_LampOfc, there may well be more 64-bit packages around now.02:48
ctkroekerseravitae: I had the 64-bit version for a while and it's a pain to setup codecs, flash, dvd viewing, skype, etc.02:48
seravitaeah yeah.02:48
seravitaeim happy with my setup right now.02:48
seravitaedont really feel like messing with it unless the gain is huge.02:48
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yommbctkroeker : agreed : everything ( well , a lot .. ) is a pain to install on 64bit02:49
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dono-sleepcan anyone tell me where to install sound decoders from for Ubuntu?02:50
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frogzoo!restricted | donovan-02:51
ubotudonovan-: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:51
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Lunar_Lampdonovan-, I don't think you mean "sound decoders" :-/02:51
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Lunar_Lamp(sound decoders would be the aural circuitry in your brain ;-) )02:51
donovan-sound codecs like are used by a media player02:51
Lunar_LampCheck out the links that ubotu gave you at the request of frogzoo02:51
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Lunar_LampThey should give you all the information you need :)02:52
donovan-checking, thankie frogzoo and Lunar_Lamp02:52
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mhikuhow to extract tbz202:53
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soundraymhiku: 'tar jxf file.tbz2'02:53
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dmHELPPP! ! ! trying to network print..  and when i even try to access the printer through "network servers" it asks me for login information, i never set any login information up , please help02:55
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soundraydm: don't access it through network servers, then02:56
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dmsoundray i cant get it to work through add printer.02:56
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hitammanisGood morning02:56
soundraydm: well, you definitely won't get it to work through Network Servers02:56
dmsoundray any suggestions?02:57
soundraydm: be a bit more precise about the Add Printer failure02:57
hitammanisDo anyone uses qemu in windows to boot ubuntu?02:57
JaZyOSXi'm having a bit of a problem i was messing with installing ldap, cuz i wanted to use NIS, but now when ever i goto a terminal i get I HAVE NO NAME @myhost :02:57
JaZyOSXand i can't boot into ubuntu i get an error about LDAP server not ready02:57
dmsoundray i have a laserjet4000 on the network with a printbox, i have added the printer and it says ready, when i print a test page nothing happens and it stays status: printing.02:58
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soundraydm: does the printbox have an IP?02:58
dmgood question i cant find one02:58
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soundraydm: does your network have a DHCP server?02:59
dmanyway to find it via terminal?02:59
dajorudm: what the printer configuration page say?02:59
soundraydm: go to your DHCP server and check its status pages to see whether it has assigned an IP to your printbox02:59
hitammanisguess not, thnaks03:00
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dmsoundray ok maybe i was mistaken , no DHCP server, just a router and automatic DHCP03:00
soundrayhitammanis: this is a support channel. If you have a support question, ask.03:00
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soundraydm: the router probably runs the DHCP server. Check its status pages03:01
pisiHi. If running 6.10 is there an easy way to get a newer kernel than 2.6.17 ?03:01
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soundraypisi: yes, you can compile one, but it's not recommended. Why do you want a newer kernel?03:01
HymnToLifepisi, compile it yourself, it's the only way03:01
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dmsoundray aye im at the status page.03:02
pisiso no aptgettable kernel ?03:02
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HymnToLifeunless you upgrade to feisty, which is not stable yet03:02
soundraydm: can you tell whether it has assigned an IP to your printbox?03:02
Picipisi: not unless you want to upgrade to unstable feisty03:02
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medflyi need to have glib to compile something, what do i need to install from the package system?03:02
pisiI'm debugging a strange problem that might come from the kernel and i hoped there is a lazy way.03:02
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HymnToLife!find glib03:02
ubotuFound: glibc-doc-reference, libarts1-mpeglib, libdbus-glib-1-2, libdbus-glib-1-dev, libglib-perl (and 35 others)03:02
dmsoundray there are no labels, i have 6 diff IPs, ( 5 computers )03:03
=== soundray thinks that feisty rocks. #ubuntu+1
HymnToLifemedfly, install libglib-dev, or something like that03:03
medflyok, thanks03:03
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donovan-quick question ya'll, can anyone think of any reason why using a router to connect to a cable modem and then connecting the comp to the router would make the comp's connection uber-slow?03:04
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donovan-it's a wireless router03:04
soundraydm: you could load all the IPs in firefox in turn. Maybe the printbox will tell you that it is the printbox that way.03:04
Picimedfly: its libglib1.2-dev or libglib2.0-dev depending on what version you need03:04
hitammanissoundary: I'm using windows and qemu to boot ubuntu from a usb pen drive, but during the boot up process (Mounting root file system) it stop and give an error message something like "/bin/sh: could not load tty". What am I doing wrong?03:04
dajorudm: I you see nothing on the config page you better read the manual of your printer03:05
dajorudm: and activate the god interface03:05
medflythanks! :-) yeah, i think i needed 2.003:05
dmdajoru god interface?03:05
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catalinahola todos03:06
dmdajoru good interface ? lol03:06
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dajorudm: what about your printer?03:07
dmwhat do you mean03:07
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soundrayhitammanis: does ubuntu load via grub within your virtual machine?03:07
hitammanissoundray: yes03:08
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hitammanissoundray: here is my syntax  for qemu: qemu -L . -hda //./PhysicalDrive103:09
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soundrayhitammanis: you could edit the grub kernel line (hit 'e' when you get to the boot menu) and remove 'quiet splash'. This should tell you more about what's going on. Also, make sure there is a 'root=' kernel option that points to whatever your vm provides as the root partition.03:10
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hitammanissoundray: here is my errr msg: /bin/sh: can't access tty : job control off03:11
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hitammanissoundray: here is my grub command:  /casper/vmlinuz boot=casper persistent ramdisk_size=1048576 root=/dev/ram rw splash--03:12
soundrayhitammanis: I'm not sure that root=/dev/ram is right. -- Have you seen this page: http://homepage.sunrise.ch/mysunrise/ekeller00/EricKellerUbuntuPage.html03:12
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Lunar_LampAren't you missing the kernel option?03:13
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Lunar_LampShouldn't it be "kernel=/casper/vmlinuz"?03:14
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Lunar_Lamp(I don't know much about grub and this is just from memory - so feel free to ignore me)03:14
swiitchguys ive been using cat to append/copy mulitiple files i was wondering what the sytax is for cp. like in xp copy file+file newfile03:14
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hitammanisthis is how is looks:  kernel/casper/vmlinuz boot=casper persistent ramdisk_size=1048576 root=/dev/ram rw splash--03:15
Lunar_Lampswiitch, cp /File/i/want/to/copy /place/i/want/to/copy/it/to03:15
LjLswiitch: uhm, i'm not sure there *is* such syntax... that's why we have cat in the first place03:15
soundrayswiitch: stick with cat for concatenating multiple files03:15
quaalhow do i make a shortcut to a program, like azureus for example is in /home/username/.azureus and i have to run ./azureus from terminal to open it03:15
quaalis it just like ./home/username/.azureus/azureus ?03:15
swiitchok somone asked me why i just didnt use cp. i thought i was missing something03:15
hitammanisis that line in my menu.lst wrong?03:15
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Jowiswiitch, cp does not have a function like that03:16
Lunar_Lamphitammanis, you might be better asking in #qemu03:17
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hitammanisLunar_Lamp: Tried yesterday, try told me to come here.03:17
Lunar_LampLol, ok.03:17
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Lunar_LampThat's all I can think of to help :-/03:19
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soundrayhitammanis: did you get my link?03:19
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bulmerquaal: append the current dir "." on the environment variable PATH03:19
soundraydm: how are you getting on?03:20
hitammanissoundray:Yes,  See problems is that I'm strap for space so I can't create an image or iso file03:20
soundraybulmer: that's a security risk03:20
Spaghetti_KnifeHi, I have a question. I xkilled my firefox, and now it won't open. A window opens that says that it's already running but not responding. How do I kill the firefox job for real?03:20
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bulmersoundray: what are you talking about? if you are not root..you follow?03:20
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PiciSpaghetti_Knife: try killall firefox in the terminal03:21
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bulmersoundray: can you elaborate on this risk you speak of? we'd like to learn03:21
Spaghetti_KnifePici: "firefox: no process killed"03:21
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Jowiswiitch, you can use "cat file1 file2 > newfile"03:21
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soundraybulmer: is this really necessary? This risk is extremely well known.03:22
hitammanissoundray:That why I'm trying to boot from my usb pen drive that already has ubuntu install on it inside of windows03:22
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PiciSpaghetti_Knife: try ps aux | grep firefox and see if its known by another name, like mozilla-firefox or similar03:22
bulmersoundray: yes it is necessary, elaborate on your understanding of the so called risk please03:22
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soundraybulmer: I don't like your tone. If you want something from me, you will have to ask nicely.03:22
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Lunar_Lampsoundray, could you tell me please then? I don't know of the security implications.03:23
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bulmersoundray  im merely disputing your so-called risk..you are not telling the whole story03:23
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esaymwhere do I go for info on how to make ubuntu packages03:24
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Spaghetti_KnifePici: Thank you very much. It was called "firefox-bin."03:24
soundrayLunar_Lamp: $PWD in the path can be used by an attacker to trick you into running an executable you didn't intend to run.03:24
Gurpartapis the an application to manage to-do/tasks, etc? :)03:24
PiciSpaghetti_Knife: Sure thing03:24
devilsadvocateesaym,  #ubuntu-motu03:24
devilsadvocatei believe03:24
Gurpartapfree one generally :)03:24
soundrayLunar_Lamp: they could plant a malicious program by the name of 'ls' in /tmp for example.03:24
Lunar_LampSoundGuy, that makes obvious sense.03:25
esaymwell I was looking for a how to but I will ask there03:25
Lunar_Lamper, soundray even.03:25
Gurpartapdevilsadvocate: hey, what's going on?03:25
soundrayLunar_Lamp: if you happen to do a 'cd /tmp ; ls' you will run a program that you didn't intend to.03:25
bulmersoundtay: so what..if you are not root, you expect the program to execute with higher privilege?03:25
Lunar_LampSoundGuy, I mis-interpreted where they said to put "." in $PATH03:25
Lunar_Lampbulmer, no, but what if the program was "rm -rf ~"03:26
devilsadvocatehello Gurpartap . midsems just got over :D03:26
Lunar_LampIt would be very frustrating03:26
krampoHello, does anyone knows where to get planet.ubuntu.com template ?03:26
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soundraybulmer: doing damage to a system doesn't always require root rights.03:26
bulmerlol..you expect to run to execute a program in a directory you are not normally even able to get into?03:26
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saispoanyone have a good docs about metapackage with dh_make ?03:27
soundraybulmer: test this: 'echo 'rm -rf $HOME' >/tmp/ls ; cd /tmp ; ls' (I mean, don't)03:27
Gurpartapdevilsadvocate: aha, great ;-)03:27
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:28
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bulmersoundray umm is that executable ? missing a step to make it executable03:29
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ruhi. could anyone point me in the right direction with changing the default save file format in abiword? Thanks!03:30
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soundraybulmer: there are other steps missing as well. It does prove the principle, though.03:30
jaycieqwerty in nz?03:30
soundraybulmer: if you're finding that too hard to grasp, maybe you shouldn't second-guess people warning about security risks.03:30
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bulmersoundray to each his own03:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:31
swiitchok one more question.. the file name is file01.txt to file20.txt because of the other 0 i cant do one command using `seq 1 20`so.. id do like "cat file01.txt > newfile.txt;for i in `seq 2 9`; do cat file$i.txt >> newfile.txt; done;for i in `seq 10 20`; do cat file$i.txt >> newfile.txt; done   theres a better way right? i have hundreds of these files03:31
devilsadvocateswiitch, a bash script03:31
soundrayswiitch: seq -w03:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:32
ph8hi guys - my printer doesn't work under feisty - does anyone know which error logs i should be looking at?03:32
soundrayswiitch: or 'cat file??.txt >newfile.txt'03:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glxinfo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fglrxinfo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:32
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:34
soundrayph8: /var/log/cups (and go to #ubuntu+1 for feisty issues)03:34
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swiitchok guys thx. this is actually turning out to be easier than dealing with batch files :)_03:35
heatmanis there a know error with ubuntu 6.10 that make the os to freeze all the time?03:35
soundrayheatman: no03:36
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quaalanyone have any idea on this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35548803:37
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Amon-sanwhat program would i use on ubuntu 6.10 to print cd covers?03:39
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soundrayAmon-san: LaTeX03:40
soundrayAmon-san: that was a semi-serious suggestion.03:41
soundrayAmon-san: http://vigna.dsi.unimi.it/cd/03:41
Amon-sanlet me specify what easy-to-use program03:41
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LjLAmon-san: apt-cache search cd cover ;)03:41
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Drittponkenwhy can't i change the screen resolution in ubuntu? the highest alternative is 1024x76803:42
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soundray!fixres | Drittponken03:42
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ubotuDrittponken: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:42
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shadukanhi i have the following error message from glxinfo:03:42
jayis it any simpler to get ubuntu to share printer and files on network than xp?03:42
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soundrayshadukan: don't paste03:43
shadukanglxinfo: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open s03:43
shadukanject file: No such file or directory03:43
shadukansorry u r right03:43
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dennishi! ich habe das proble, dass ich die alt gr (rechte alt taste) nicht mehr nutzen kann, auch strg + alt + f1 zum switchen in die konsole geht nicht mehr, finde bei google zwar viele mit dem problem aber keine lsung - kann mir hier vielleicht jemand helfen?03:43
soundray!de | dennis03:43
ubotudennis: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de03:43
soundraydennis: try 'sudo chvt 1' in a terminal to switch console03:44
shadukanok..it seems that the system cannot load libGL.so.103:44
shadukanand i cant find it nowhere in my system...i tried apt but nothing03:44
shadukanany suggestions?03:44
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dennissoundray: problem is that i cannot use that special braces for programming "alt gr + 7"...03:44
khermansis there a way to set the nice value of the invoked sshd and bash processes on ssh login?03:44
jayis it any simpler to get ubuntu to share printer and files on network than xp?03:45
IdleOne!samba | jay03:45
ubotujay: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT03:45
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jaythanks ubotu...03:45
jayim sick of xp for sure03:45
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Piciubotu is one smart guy03:46
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scratchmeHi, there's a file when you compile in ./debian/changelog   What is the best way to clear that file and related files, to reset the compile conditions?03:46
soundrayshadukan: the library normally comes with the support packages for your accelerated driver03:46
Drittponkenokay that didnt work03:46
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scratchmeI tried make clean, but it doesn't remove that.03:47
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soundrayshadukan: ie. nvidia-glx for xorg-driver-fglrx or libgl1-mesa-glx03:47
shadukanif i don't have it...i use radeon driver03:47
xerophyte_is there any html2pdf program under linux ?03:47
shadukani will try that03:47
scratchmexerophyte_: Yes, I've seen some.  Usually they convert to postscript (ps) first.03:47
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Drittponkeni have installed all nvidia drivers and shit. but my highest resolution avalible is 1024x768. geForce 203:47
Picixerophyte_: theres html2ps03:48
majortomanyone use any open firmware on their routers03:48
unop!language | Drittponken03:48
ubotuDrittponken: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:48
shadukani didn't have any problem with nvidia drivers03:48
xerophyte_Pici, scratchme thx let me try that03:48
soundraymajortom: of COURSE03:48
LjL!xconfig | Drittponken03:48
ubotuDrittponken: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  - To configure only the driver and resolution, type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  - See also !FixRes03:48
LjL!fixres > Drittponken    (Drittponken, see the private message from Ubotu)03:48
bulmerxerophyte_: do a 'apropos convert' see it is in that list03:49
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scratchmeLjL, there's a file when you compile in ./debian/changelog   What is the best way to clear that file and related files, to reset the compile conditions?03:49
majortomsoundray: which one do you use? i was thinking about dd-wrt, i would like to use no-ip, but my linksys doesn't support it on their firmware, and i would rather run it on the router than in the app that is provided by no-ip03:49
soundrayDrittponken: pay attention to the last link in fixres03:49
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bnorthamhello, does Kopete save your chat logs somewhere?03:49
scratchmeLjL: I tried make clean, but that's apparently not it.03:49
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Drittponkenyes om sorry. my first time in this channel ;)03:50
soundraymajortom: I use OpenWrt03:50
LjLscratchme, changelog itself should just be a plaintext list of change, as far as i know... try a make distclean instead03:50
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scratchmeLjL: Thanks, I'll try that.03:50
majortomsoundray: do you use a DDNS?03:50
soundraymajortom: yes03:50
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scratchmeLjL: I'm trying to clear an error that was created by me asking for appending text, so it seems to be saving that somewhere.03:50
scratchme(To the kernel identifier)03:50
majortomsoundray: but not no-ip?03:51
soundraymajortom: no, at least I don't think so03:51
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majortomsoundray: ok cool, thanks for the talk03:51
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soundraymajortom: sorry, I got it wrong, I'm not updating dyndns through my router03:53
majortomoh, well thats cool03:53
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hitammanisIf may machine can't boot from a usb drive is there a way to boot for a cd and then continue to boot from the usb drive?03:55
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hitammanisnot may * my03:55
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scratchmeLjL: That still didn't clear it.  The specific error message I'm getting is:   "the changelog says we are creating xyz-minimini However, I thought we were creating xyz-mini"03:56
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hitammaniscorrection: If my machine can't boot from a usb drive is there a way to boot from a cd and then continue to boot from the usb drive?03:56
scratchmeI had apparently told it to append the mini portion 2x in one place, so I was trying to clear it out.03:56
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LjLscratchme: something like that happened to me when trying to compile a kernel, however to be honest i didn't really investigate. what about a "grep -R minimini *" and see where that appears?03:57
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brankinhujoin #ubuntu-br03:59
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dennisLjL: in console mode it works! but not in X...03:59
Skew-982 here :O03:59
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m4ytthi could some 1 tell me how i can give myself privaleges or take ownership of my hardrive with xp installed. i try to access it but it says i do not have the neccessary permissions03:59
scratchmeLjL: ./debian/control has the most references.03:59
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dennishow can i reinstall the configuration files only? i don't want to uninstall/install cause there are a lot of dependencies...04:00
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LjL!xconfig | dennis04:00
ubotudennis: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  - To configure only the driver and resolution, type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  - See also !FixRes04:00
LjLdennis: see if it boils down to this, for starters...04:00
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LukeSkyGuys I'm crazying04:00
LukeSkyso, I have installed04:00
LjLdennis: perhaps try starting X in safe mode, too, and see if it still happens. if it doesn't, it's definitely not a KDE problem04:00
LukeSkykerberos on my ubuntu04:00
LukeSkymy kerberized telnet service don't work04:01
LukeSkyI have specificly explain my problems on ubuntu forum04:01
LukeSkythis is the post:04:01
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LukeSkyplease read!04:01
LukeSkycan you help me?04:02
m4ytthi could some 1 tell me how i can give myself privaleges or take ownership of my hardrive with xp installed. i try to access it but it says i do not have the neccessary permissions04:02
apokryphos!enter | LukeSky04:03
cappizm4ytt, access in what whay?04:03
core123Howto add a program to autostart in gnome ?04:03
scratchmeWhat's the desired method of resetting the ./debian/control file when trying to reset the compile conditions for compiling a kernel?  I'm googling but apparently not doing it right for this subject.04:03
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cappizcore session04:03
m4yttaccess my files that are stored on it04:04
cappizcore session, startup applications04:04
core123!autostart | core12304:04
m4ytti cant open it04:04
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cappizmount it with uid=1000,gid=100004:04
core123ah ok thx04:04
freezeyi started my vsftp service... and played with the .conf file... now how do i access the dam thing haha...04:04
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scratchmeOr also workable, how do you reset the kernel compile back to freshly downloaded source?04:04
cappizmount -t ntfs -o uid=1000,gid=100004:05
m4yttdo i jus type that name into the box on the disk screen04:05
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cappizfreezey. access the ftp?04:05
cappizm4ytt, ah, i use commands to mount disk/partitions04:05
m4yttcappiz do i type that in the terminal box04:05
cappizfrom the terminal.04:05
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bluefox83i'm having issues downloading security updates in edgy O.o04:06
cappizm4ytt, yeah. Do you have ntfs write support installed?04:06
hitammanisIf my machine can't boot from a usb drive is there a way to boot from a cd and then continue to boot from the usb drive?04:06
m4yttdont know what that is cappiz04:06
bluefox83hitammanis, probably, but it's probably rather complicated...04:06
cappizm4ytt, usualy you can only read from the ntfs disk. not write to it. Like creating new files/folders.04:07
Slartbluefox83, hitammanis: that answer works for many thing where linux is involved ;)04:07
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Spaghetti_KnifeHi. Where is the wifi-radar help channel? I checked #wifi-radar and #wifiradar, and they're both empty.04:07
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bluefox83Slart, yes, but some things are more complicated than others04:08
knoppixI am having trouble booting ubuntu from a live cd.  It hangs up at the part I would think it is detecting my display04:08
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Spaghetti_KnifeIs it on some other server or something?04:08
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cappizhitammanis, did you try to install ubuntu on a usb-drive?04:08
m4yttcappiz do i need to do that on my ubuntu hard disk or on the xp os04:08
cappizin you ubuntu system04:08
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PriceChildSpaghetti_Knife, probably best to ask your question here seen as its in our repos :)04:08
cappizm4ytt, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009&highlight=ntfs-3g04:08
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bluefox83knoppix, make sure your bios has the right video card selected...and be sure that it's got the right amount of ram on it in the bios04:09
farskihow do I know if something (like dhcp3-sever) will run on startup?04:09
syzygyBSDare there any hints for debugging the ubuntu disk during bootup04:09
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syzygyBSDbluefox83: thanks, I will double check those04:09
Spaghetti_KnifePriceChild: Okay. My problem is that when I use wifi-radar, it takes, like, 5 tries to find the IP address. When I'm using Windows and the company-distributed driver, it doesn't have this problem.04:09
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Spaghetti_KnifePriceChild: How do I fix this problem?04:09
cappizfarski, see if its in the /etc/init.d/ dir and look for a file in /etc/defaults/04:09
PriceChildSpaghetti_Knife, I personally don't know much about it... I've always found gnome-network-manager to work brilliantly04:09
Spaghetti_KnifePriceChild: Hmmm.... i'll try that.04:10
bluefox83syzygyBSD, during bootup it has an option to check the disk for damage, select that04:10
cappizhitammanis, did you work it out?04:10
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PriceChildSpaghetti_Knife, you'll have to log out and in to get it to appear in the notificatino area04:11
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Spaghetti_KnifePriceChild: Should I use add/remove or synaptic?04:11
=== bluefox83 ponders why the hell he's getting < 1kbps dl speeds right now o.o
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distro-testerhello all04:11
unopLukeSky, i have a feeling you havent enabled the kerberized telnetd in xinetd - have a look here towards the end http://aplawrence.com/Linux/enable_telnet.html04:11
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hitammaniscappiz: yes i can boot from my usb-drive, but i'm now tyring to boot from it in qemu in windows04:12
ubotwoMark "sabdfl" Shuttleworth is our favourite cosmonaut, the founder of Canonical and the primary driver behind Ubuntu. You can find pieces of his thinking at http://www.markshuttleworth.com04:12
PriceChildSpaghetti_Knife, "sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome" in a terminal would be the easiest way :)04:12
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syzygyBSDbluefox83: I have run a memtest and checked the disk for damage, no problems04:12
farskicappiz: /etc/defaults? or default?04:12
zoli2kHi! I have installed Ubuntu since Hoary. Now, I run on Feisty. My problem is that distribution upgrades does not cover some features, which are set as default in newer versions. For example: after edgy sysvinit is replaced by upstart,04:13
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syzygyBSDI have also tried installing the 32bit version of the LTS04:13
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lawli56hi, i'm considering putting ubuntu 6.06 on my acer laptop. How will i control power management? Is it built into the OS or will I need some other software?04:13
bluefox83syzygyBSD, then i'd say it's the bios04:13
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syzygyBSDk, I am getting on on my laptop and rebooting this machine04:13
zoli2kbut dist-upgrade does not suggest the replacement of sysvinit04:14
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frogzoolawli56: you'd do better with 6.10 I'd suggest04:14
unopzoli2k,  upstart is standard on feisty04:14
syzygyBSDis there anyway to put ubuntu into text mode for bootup, so I see more than just the loading screen?04:14
Spaghetti_KnifePriceChild: How do I open network-manager-gnome now?04:14
bluefox83syzygyBSD, my girlfriend's crappy computer was not letting her use her nvidia card because the bios was not giving an option to ignore the onboard video card04:14
cappizfarski the one you got present, im not at my linux syste,04:14
hitammaniscappiz: have you tried that before?04:14
zoli2kunop, I upgraded to feisty, but upstart was not default.04:14
PriceChildSpaghetti_Knife, either run nm-applet in a terminal or log out and in04:14
cappizok hitammanis04:14
farskicappiz: k thanks, looks like it's all set04:14
unopsyzygyBSD,  edit grub's menu.lst and remove the splash keyword from the kernel entry you boot into04:14
cappizfarski, good :)04:15
bluefox83syzygyBSD, and as a result it kept stalling where it was detecting devices on the installer04:15
lawli56frogzoo: i thought 6.06 was the supported distro?04:15
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frogzoosyzygyBSD: remove the "quiet" flag from kopt in /boot/grub/menu.lst & then 'sudo update-grub'04:15
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hitammaniscappiz: huh, I don't get your answer04:15
frogzoolawli56: 6.10 is latest supported - edgy04:15
syzygyBSDsorry all, I meant when booting from the live cd04:15
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unopzoli2k,  ahh if you upgrade then the upgrade tries to keep what you already had -- so yes, it'll continue using sysvinit instead04:15
frogzoo!edgy | lawli5604:15
ubotwolawli56: Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes04:15
Spaghetti_KnifePriceChild: Okay, I tried typing "nm-applet" in my command line, and it froze my terminal. I'll try logging out and in.04:15
Spaghetti_KnifePriceChild: Do you mean it'll show up in my start menu when I log back in?04:16
cappizhitammanis, ok. i though you couldt boot the device from your computer. But you said you manage to do that now.04:16
bluefox83syzygyBSD, yeah, i was talking about that ;)04:16
Skew-what is the difference between root terminal and terminal?04:16
Slasheranyone here who can walk me through setting up ndiswrapper on ubuntu 6.06 please?04:16
frogzoolawli56: how well power mgt is supported depends on hardware04:16
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PriceChildSpaghetti_Knife, nope... top right where icons like gaim appear when you run them04:16
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syzygyBSDbluefox83: :) ok, I am checking everything mentioned so far04:16
Slashertried a guide i found online yesterday and messed everything up lol04:16
bluefox83Skew-, root terminal uses root access by default, regular terminal uses regular user permissions..04:16
unopSkew-,  one logs you in as root, another doesnt :)04:16
frogzoo!wifi | Slasher04:16
ubotwoSlasher: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:16
GoopyMonkeycan someone help me withrecuding partition side?04:17
bluefox83syzygyBSD, would the machine in question be a compaq by any chance?04:17
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zoli2kunop: this is my problem. How can I be sure, that my system upgraded  Hoary -> Dapper -> Edgy -> Feisty contains the packages recommended by the ubuntu default installations.04:17
GoopyMonkey* with reducing04:17
Slashermines a compaq :@04:17
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Pres-GasHey all, I would like to use wyrd, but it is not showing up like my other ncurses apps (centericq, pine).  How should I start troubleshooting this?  The "windows" show up as strange characters instead of ascii lines.04:17
Spaghetti_KnifePriceChild: Okay, I'll log out and back in. Thanks. :D04:17
frogzooGoopyMonkey: run gparted from a live disk04:17
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hitammaniscappiz: ok, have you tried that before, booting ubuntu in qemu from a usb drive?04:17
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frogzooGoopyMonkey: that works for all partitions but ntfs04:18
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GoopyMonkeyhold on, I'll check my partition type04:18
bulmerPres-Gas: can you try launching it from a console..you know ctrl-alt+f1 and see if it you can launch it from there?04:18
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Pres-Gasbulmer, I am ssh-ed into it now...no physical access at this time04:18
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unopzoli2k,  errm, afaik there are no recommended defaults -- and the only major change from dapper upwards has been upstart, which you can manually install yourself04:19
Pres-GasI am using screen as well from the ssh session.04:19
GoopyMonkeyfrogzoo: uh-oh, I have an NTFS drive04:19
bulmerPres-Gas: how did you ssh in?  which option you have used?04:19
Spaghetti_KnifePriceChild: Okay, I logged out and logged back in. Where do I find network-manager-gnome in the GUI?04:19
frogzooGoopyMonkey: then it's imperative you backup before proceeding04:19
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PriceChildSpaghetti_Knife, jsut to the left of the clock and the volume thing on the top right panel04:20
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crazy_penguinHello all!04:20
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Pres-Gasbulmer, I am using cygwin and an xterm from that, bulmer.  I echo $TERM and it says screen.04:20
zoli2kunop: but for example a festy upgraded from edgy will be different as a fresh installation of feisty.04:20
bluefox83is there an apt-spy for ubuntu?04:20
GoopyMonkeyfrogzoo: my guess is that I need to reformat my hard drive to FAT?04:20
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bluefox83in debian you use apt-spy to create a list of the fastest downloads in your area04:20
Spaghetti_KnifePriceChild: Okay... now what do I do with it? I'll disconnect with wifi-radar and see what to do.04:20
Spaghetti_KnifePriceChild: What do I do?04:20
Zdrahi, I compiled metacity with compositor enabled in feisty. It links on libcm.... but when I start it I see no 3d effects...04:21
PriceChildSpaghetti_Knife, left click it and the networks availiable should be listed...04:21
Zdrahow do I activate the compositor ?04:21
Zdrausing compiz it works04:21
frogzooGoopyMonkey: tbh ntfs is a better file system than fat, only gparted 1.0 is bugged. if you can find a bootable cd with gparted 2.0 use that04:21
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SlartZdra: I don't think the compositor makes 3d by itself.. something else has to do that.. but that "something else" probably needs the compositor to do that04:21
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server3Hi all04:22
e\ectro_what is the package name for kerne-source ?04:22
e\ectro_I need 2.6.1704:22
bluefox83Zdra, you might want to try beryl, it has excellent eye candy :)04:22
cappiznever tried qemu hitammanis04:22
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cappizi only boot it from my usb-thumbdrive04:22
hitammaniscappiz: kewl, thanks04:22
=== Ron` [n=Ron`_@82-71-1-140.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
GoopyMonkeyfrogzoo: So I can reduce partition size from a LiveCD as long as it has gparted 2.0?04:22
Zdrabluefox83: I know, but I want something very basic04:22
unopzoli2k,  quite naturally, because you will have made significant changes to the system that the upgrade just cannot possibly handle (considering how many people make changes to their systems) .. what you are expecting is that all these changes be undone -- but it's nothing serious tho -- if you want the settings of a fesity fresh-install, all you need to do is backup your home folder, install and import it once done04:23
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Zdraand I want to give a try to metacity04:23
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lawli56frogzoo and ubotwo thanks for the info... ooh i hate how long this takes to download.04:23
Zdracompiz and beryl are nice for demonstrations but are purely unusable04:23
AzMooBeryl is so not unusable.04:23
=== nomasteryoda [n=nomaster@160.sub-75-203-157.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu
bluefox83Zdra, beryl is pretty basic...and if you want you can add scripts04:23
=== lukas2 [n=lukas@p57A88E7C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
geo-wtf lol04:23
syzygyLapduring bootup from a live disk, after "starting Kernel Logs" it goes to a screen with a cursor blinking for a couple seconds, then goes to an all black screen04:24
server3I installed exim4 by package manager, but I can't tune it for work with mysql04:24
Pres-Gasbulmer, any ideas?04:24
frogzooGoopyMonkey: my bad - gparted 0.2 - but ubuntu uses 0.1 so you'll need something else04:24
bulmerPres-Gas: that seems okay..i cant think of anything that ssh will not pass through04:24
syzygyLapnone of the escape keys I know of work04:24
calvarezberyl is totally useful04:24
geo-Zdra you have a slow system or something?04:24
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geo-like really slow04:24
Zdrageo-: not at all04:24
Pres-Gasbulmer, I am guessing term or termcap is my issue, but am not sure of the ideal solution.04:24
bulmerPres-Gas: if server uses X, maybe you can try ssh -X  to bring over the X..04:24
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AzMooZdra, then why do you find it unusable?04:24
Zdrabut I'm sick with too many effects04:24
calvareznot the wobbly windows, but the scaled windows are useful when getting stuff done04:24
frogzooGoopyMonkey: it sounds clumsy, but you might have better luck with an ubuntu cd, and the latest gparted on usb, that might be possible04:24
bluefox83Zdra, just turn the ones you don't want, off04:25
Pres-Gasbulmer, too slow for now.04:25
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calvarezZdra, I found that scaling (pressing F8) is pretty nice and useful. Other features may not be, but that one is04:25
Zdrabluefox83: yes but for example it change de desktop switch behavious04:25
Pres-GasI would actually love to bring a ton of X stuff over, but the connection is slower than I'd like04:25
syzygyLapis it possible to upgrade from a debian build to ubuntu without an ubuntu CD?04:25
GoopyMonkeyfrogzoo: But what's the difference between a liveCD and a Ubuntu CD?04:25
Spaghetti_KnifePricechild: Ummm... is the network-manager-gnome application the two-screens icon?04:25
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PriceChildSpaghetti_Knife, yes04:26
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ZdraI can't have 7 desktops without that stupid slow effects with the cube04:26
Spaghetti_KnifePriceChild: Because when I click that, no list of networks comes up.04:26
server3Anywhere in manuals adviced only handmake build it from Makefile and there written how to configure Makefile04:26
AzMooZdra, turn off the cube.04:26
bulmerPres-Gas: i think you are right, the termcap may not be set right04:26
frogzooGoopyMonkey: some ubuntu cds will run ubuntu when they're booted04:26
bluefox83Zdra, you can turn it off if ou want..make it do things the way you want04:26
PriceChildSpaghetti_Knife, right click it and ensure wireless is enabled04:26
unopsyzygyLap,  well, that could leave you with serious problems -- if you are brave enough, it's definitely possible04:26
server3 I installed exim4 by package manager, but I can't tune it for work with mysql04:26
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server3Help. I installed exim4 by package manager, but I can't tune it for work with mysql04:26
bluefox83server3, i don't think anyone here knows how to help..sorry04:27
syzygyLapunop: I would feel comfortable debugging it if I had some tips04:27
Zdrahm... in the it's not my question, I want to make metacity work, that's all :)04:27
AzMooZdra, metacity doesn't have any effects that a compositor will help with.04:27
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GoopyMonkeyfrogzoo: So, from what I've gathered, I need to put gparted 0.2 onto a USB flash drive, then boot Ubuntu using a Ubuntu CD, not a liveCD. Right?04:27
bulmerserver3 whats exim4 is supposed to do?04:27
ZdraAzMoo: I don't want effets, I just need a compositor running04:27
server3Because it is possible only manually04:27
bluefox83Zdra, did you compile metacity? it's in the repos you know O.o04:27
unopsyzygyLap, errm, be warned that if you do attempt that and you run into problems -- most people here will be hesitant in helping04:27
m4yttcappiz thanks for your help with ntfs read\write just while im here could you tell me how to put your name before my writing04:27
frogzooGoopyMonkey: the edgy cd will work as a live cd04:28
Zdraand compiling metacity with compositor enabled seems to not be enough04:28
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syzygyLapunop: meh I just need some pointers, not expecting anyone here to do it for me04:28
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unopsyzygyLap,  and why would you want to "upgrade" from debian to ubuntu -- why not just stay with debian?04:28
cappizm4ytt, which IRC client do you use?04:28
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cappizshould work with the tab04:28
GoopyMonkeyfrogzoo: ah, thanks. So gparted .02 on flash drive, boot ubuntu from edgy cd then reduce partition size?04:28
syzygyLapunop: well, I want to try ubuntu, but the install CD isn't working for me04:28
cappizTAB, tabulator04:29
Zdrabluefox83: yes of courses I compiled it with compositor enabled, and it now link on libcm so I guess it should be ok04:29
bluefox83Zdra, install metacity from the repos, install beryl..it gives you the option to use beryl or metacity inside the settings manager on your taskbar04:29
cappizjust type my first letters, and complete it with TAB04:29
GoopyMonkeyfrogzoo: oops, 0.204:29
server3I suppose to use exim4 as mail-server for internet04:29
frogzooGoopyMonkey: that's safest, but if you value your data, you'll backup first04:29
zoli2kunop: I installed ubuntu on  many computers, mostly for  non-experienced linux users. They love the ubuntu graphical upgrade system, but probably they are not able to handle a crash from X to terminal. Do you think is upgrading ubuntu  safe? I always had the development version installed, so I am not surprised if something falls.04:29
=== emosamurai_ [n=emosamur@24-196-159-66.dhcp.fdul.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
m4yttcapwheres tab04:29
GoopyMonkeyok, if I take that road instead of a new hard drive, I will backup. :D04:29
bluefox83Zdra, why are you compiling instead of installing from the repos?04:29
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Zdrabluefox83: because in the repos metacity doesn't have the compositor enabled04:30
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bulmerserver3: is the problem  interfacing with mysql or just to get exim4 running?04:30
unopsyzygyLap,  well, the way to go is edit the /etc/apt/sources.list and add in the ubuntu repositories -- then use apt-get to dist-upgrade .. and then spend quite sometime stablisizing the system afterwards:)04:30
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cappizm4ytt, TAP is the button right above "Caps Lock"04:30
syzygyLaphuh... in safe graphics mode it doesn't have output on either of my monitors04:30
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bluefox83zoli2k, once in a while, packages get stuck when upgraded, but for the most part it's pretty safe04:30
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bluefox83Zdra, you don't need it...04:31
frogzoozoli2k: so far only fairly basic setups have been able to upgrade without any problems04:31
Spaghetti_KnifePriceChild: Heya, it's me. I logged in and out like you said, and is the icon for the gnome network manager the two-screens thing that I see at the right?04:31
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Spaghetti_KnifePriceChild: Because I bring it up, and I don't see a list of available networks.04:31
freezeycappiz: yeah i want to see my FTP the folders that i have inside of their04:31
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heatmanwhat are the pc requirements for ubuntu 6.10 and also, what could cause the pc to freeze everytime i use apt-get/synaptic or other updating tools?04:31
PriceChildSpaghetti_Knife, on the right click menu is wireless enabled?04:31
unopzoli2k,  well, thats the thing with upgrading anything -- you cannot guarantee everything is going to work as in a fresh install -- there will always be small nagging problems .. in ubuntu, most of them are definitely rectifiable -- but to answer your question -- it's definitely better to upgrade than do a fresh install04:31
cappizfreezey, are you able to login to the server?04:32
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frogzooheatman: minimum I think is 5gig + 1gig cpu04:32
freezeycappiz: na thats what i am sayin how do i even hit that?>04:32
bulmerheatman: i just installed on an hp vl8 its a 550MHz with 192Meg of ram, anything better i suppose is okay04:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about enlightnment - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:32
Spaghetti_KnifePriceChild: Am I supposed to be looking at a double-screen icon? If so, then nothing comes up when I right-click it about wireless being enabled or not.04:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rox - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:32
cappizfreezey, telnet localhost 2104:32
ubotuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.04:32
cappizsee if you get any result :)04:32
bluefox83frogzoo, minimum requirements are on the download webpage04:32
unop!info rox-filer04:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about burp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:33
uboturox-filer: A simple graphical file manager for X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.5-1build1 (edgy), package size 1436 kB, installed size 3992 kB04:33
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muuhDBX!info rox-filer04:33
ubotuhate is a thing we don't encourage - why waste your energy04:33
distro-testergood answer04:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about god - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:33
ubotuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.04:33
PriceChildSpaghetti_Knife, If you right click it then you see "enable wireless" and "enable networking?"04:33
Zdrabluefox83: ok I found, there is a gconf key to set :)04:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about religion - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:33
=== bluefox83 is awaiting E17's release into the ubuntu edgy repos
PriceChild!botabuse | distro-tester muuhDBX04:33
ubotudistro-tester muuhDBX: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...04:33
=== hedix [i=usr18281@c1.edrana.lt] has joined #ubuntu
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cappizm4ytt, try to se if the autocompletion is on04:34
PriceChildBlueByte, It won't be added04:34
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:34
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about princechild - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:34
m4yttcappiz, i have to write your whole name in04:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about warez - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:34
Spaghetti_KnifePriceChild: All I see is the usual, "properties," "Lock to Panel," etc.04:34
unopmuuhDBX,  please take the bit into PM -- /query ubotu04:34
server3I got exim running, now I want to configure it to work with mysql04:34
Spaghetti_KnifePriceChild: Nothing special.04:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about india - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:35
PriceChildSpaghetti_Knife, I'm confused... are you sure you're clicking on the network-manager applet?04:35
hellmetwhat the ?? :P04:35
cappizm4ytt, go to Settings - interfaces - Input bot, Nick completion04:35
PriceChild!botabuse | hellmet04:35
ubotuhellmet: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...04:35
cappizInput box*04:35
freezeycappiz: 500 OOPS: cannot locate user entry: ftpsercure    child died04:35
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unopfreezey,  do you have a user called ftpsecure created?04:35
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Spaghetti_KnifePriceChild: If I see the two-screen icon, is that the network-manager applet icon? Because I keep right-clicking it, and nothing special comes up.04:36
freezeyunop: yeah04:36
cappizfreezey, you got local_enable=YES ?04:36
freezeycappiz: yes04:36
PriceChildSpaghetti_Knife, yeah that sounds like it... but i'm confused why you're not getting any menu :(04:36
Spaghetti_KnifePriceChild: How do I access it from terminal if GUI won't work?04:36
frogzoobluefox83: they were there, can't see them atm04:37
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m4yttcappiz, yep got it mate cheers i think it was because theres other ppl with the begining of your name04:37
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cappizyeah m4ytt04:37
freezeycappiz: yeah04:37
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unopfreezey,  have you spelt the username correctly?? 500 OOPS: cannot locate user entry: _ftpsercure_04:38
freezeycappiz: ok so i added a diff user to see what happens... now when i run that telnet 21 command it gets me in... how do i hit it from my web browser?04:38
freezeycappiz: and where does it look for files stored?04:38
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cappizfreezey, ftp://localhost04:39
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edit_21hi all whats the latest 64 bit release please04:39
zoli2kfrogzoo: bluefox83, unop:  I think users with "sophisticated" ubuntu installations are able   to solve problems with upgrades. I only want to be sure, that users with "I able to click on firefox logo" knowledge will happy with ubuntu. Thank you for sharing your experience.04:39
fromvegaIs there a way to use only one user account with all the server services like mail, ftp, apache, ssh? Because I'm a little confused about all the user that I need to create and configure for all the services. Which is the best way to manage and organize user accounts?04:39
freezeycappiz: what dir does it look in?04:39
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edit_21need support for 965 intel chipset04:39
PriceChildSpaghetti_Knife, I don't know really... if you're not getting a right click menu then I haven't got a clue how to fix that04:39
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freezeycappiz: and say i wanted to add another user... so they can sign in from outside my machine04:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about realtek - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:39
Spaghetti_KnifePriceChild: Thanks.04:40
freezeycappiz: lol sorry and say i wanna take it off of localhost04:40
Spaghetti_KnifePriceChild: How do I terminal access this app?04:40
PriceChildSpaghetti_Knife, its not a terminal app04:40
cappizfreezey, find you external IP, if you are behind a firewall you need to forwar port 21, and the passive port range.04:40
=== Slasher [n=craig@host86-141-112-78.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
SlasherWOOOOOOOHOOO thanks everyone for the help! its working now :D04:41
unopzoli2k,  thats a tough question to answer -- for the most part, i'll say yes -- but there might be instances for e.g. that firefox or one of it's plugins will have failed to work after the upgrade .. so, then you do need to troubleshoot small issues afterwards -- but the same thing happens when you upgrade windows even, small issues persist afterwards04:41
=== masater [n=masater@czd62.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
Jeevai installed samba & created a user, but when i go to the pc path \\, it says, network path not found04:41
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muuhDBXSlasher: you will be eternaly idebt04:42
muuhDBXSlasher: you will be eternaly indebt04:42
Spaghetti_KnifePriceChild: Thanks.04:42
=== andy [n=andy@80-219-163-250.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
andyanyone knows a good php editor for gnome?04:42
SlashermuuhDBX: ???? lol04:42
steooops, isnot the communauty french04:42
bluefox83Jeeva, did you create a mount point, and mount the share?04:42
stebye !04:42
unopJeeva, is the samba machine ? try accessing a share  \\\sharename04:42
zoli2kunop: but this firefox thing is nothing serios. ;)04:42
frogzooandy: emacs?04:42
=== jaycie [n=Abc_@cetn-04-3715.dsl.iowatelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
devilsadvocatewhat are seveas's repositories?04:42
freezeycappiz: ok i am just going to NAT the box out... because i am behind a firewall.. so basically once i have that port natted out it should be cool?04:43
andyfrogzoo, how's the learning curve?04:43
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PriceChild!Seveas | freebsd_fan04:43
ubotufreebsd_fan: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages04:43
PriceChildfreezey, ^^^04:43
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unopzoli2k,  to you the firefox thing is not serious -- but to someone who just "points, clicks and hopes to get by" it sure is :)04:43
frogzooandy: I don't think anyone knows all of emacs04:43
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freezeyPricechild: what are you trying to tell me?04:43
andyfrogzoo, but is it hard to learn?04:44
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unopRMS might know all of emacs ... even his beard tells emacs tales :)04:44
PriceChildfreezey, whoops... not you either... I meant devilsadvocate..... sorry I'm being poor today :)04:44
jayciei would like to know if ubuntu networking networkign is easier to get to work than xp.. so i can throw xp where it belongs.. in the gargabe04:44
freezeyPricechild: its alright haha04:44
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frogzooandy: there's cheat sheets for the basic commands, then enable php mode & figure out tags & you're in business04:44
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andyfrogzoo, alright ;)04:45
unopandy,  its considerably easier than vi/vim to learn .. but much harder than the average-joe editors .. so it's somewhere inbetween04:45
zoli2kunop: Nothing serios from my viewpoint. I mean, in such a case I am able to login via SSH  and solve the problem without physical access.04:45
andyunop, should be perfect for me then04:45
=== Alucart [n=arne@p54873C4E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
GoopyMonkeyfrogzoo: OK, thanks, I'e had a look around at things, but will I need to boot ubuntu from the CD to actually use gparted?04:46
freezeycappiz: how do i enable it to prompt you to sign in?04:46
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Alucartgooood morning vietnam ^^04:46
GoopyMonkeyfrogzoo: sorry, *I've04:46
unopzoli2k,  ok, i'll make it easier on you -- over time, the ubuntu upgrades have become much more consistent and successful .. does that make you feel happy now? :)04:46
Jeevaunop: where can i see my samba users04:46
bluefox83jaycie, in my oppinion ubuntu networking is infinantly easier than windows cus when stuff breaks you can actually fix it, and not hope windows can do it right04:46
frogzooGoopyMonkey: that sounds like a good approach, but still backup any data you can't replace04:46
Slasherright well thats ndiswrapper fixed, now to go break something else04:46
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freezeyunop: do u know how i would make this prompt you to sign into the machine?04:47
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cappizfreezey, try ftp://user:pass@localhost first04:47
GoopyMonkeyfrogzoo: OK, I'll back up my sisters MP3's and my flash 8 things :)04:47
Alucartis eanybody able to explaine me how i activate the fullduplex off my soundcard?04:47
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freezeywell i just want it to prompt you to sign into the FTP04:47
freezeyi think i have anon access setup tho04:47
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freezeycappiz: i think i have anon access setup tho so i am guessing if i take that off it will prompt me04:48
bluefox83Alucart, fullduplex?04:48
jayciebluefox83 ok do u network and can share printer? if theres a web site i will look04:48
zoli2kunop: I am allways happy ubuntu user :) I jumped over Mandrake, Red Hat, Gentoo, Suse, Debian, and Ubuntu is my favorite. So forgive me my critical eye :)04:48
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hellmet yep, Ubuntu rules04:49
Alucartevery new soundcard is able to use fullduplex thats mean you can talk on teamspeak with some guys and to listen music04:49
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unopfreezey,  what prompt is that -- ftp?04:49
unopJeeva,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2361604:49
bluefox83jaycie, when my girlfriend ran xp i used to share files with her back and forth easily, she uses ubuntu now though and it's as easy as moving a file into a folder now :). as for printer sharing, i knwo there's oodles of tools out there for it, i just don't have a printer to try them on >.>04:49
habeeb Hello I want to allow a user to read/write two certain directories, in which right now he doesnt have even read access. How can I do that?04:49
jayciethank u bluefox8304:49
jaycieah ok04:50
bluefox83jaycie, no problem :)04:50
jayciewell xp works only if it wants to04:50
freezeyunop: well what i am sayin is that... when people from the outside goto hit my ftp service i want them to use the credentials i gave them04:50
unophabeeb,  chmod u+rw dir1 dir204:50
jayciebluefox83 u use ubuntu 6.10 edgy?04:50
Alucartjaycie: but you can use dna-driver for ati graphiccards ^^04:50
freezeyunop: and another thing is say i have videos on this FTP service... how do i make it so they stream the video instead of having to download it?04:50
unophabeeb,  thats for when the user is the owner of the two directories there04:50
bluefox83jaycie, yes, and she uses breezy04:51
jaycieAlucart i'm NEW so alot is greek to me04:51
jayciebreezy is which?04:51
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MsgToThePplanyone can help me with a usb card reader ?04:51
cappizfreezey, yeah.04:51
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andyfrogzoo, I installed emacs snapshot with gtk support, is that enough?04:51
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unopfreezey,  to answer the first question -- just as long as you have disabled anonymous login, the users _must_ use credentials you give them .. the second one depends on the browsers that the users use -- some browsers "stream" multimedia content, some dont04:52
andybecause I can't see emacs in my applications menu04:52
bluefox83jaycie, breezy is 6.06 but i would suggest edgy as it's got newer software available ;)04:52
Alucartjaycie: i use debian etch or other distris but not since 1990 ^^ i dont know everything, too04:52
habeebHe is not unop04:52
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jaycieok blue thanks.. rite04:52
jaycieok Alam_Ubuntu04:52
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jaycieAlucart i meant04:52
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frogzooandy: I guess you'll want to install 'php-mode' as well04:52
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Alucartjaycie: to install the system and all drivers bring up to work is a war for me ^^04:52
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jayciei have an old laptop and a new one i can't get printer to share anymore and i'm tired of the xp mess04:53
bluefox83Alucart, whats the matter?04:53
yommbwhat  good lightweight file managers are out there for ubuntu ?04:53
jaycieAlucart war as in pain?04:53
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jayciein a min gonna try to find some online help for sharing on ubuntu then thanks04:54
unopyommb,  rox-filer and gnome-commander are two i like04:54
jayciei am gonna04:54
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jayciethanks .. have a great day.. bye04:54
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Alucartjaicie: yeah it is what i mean04:55
bluefox83you too jaycie04:55
jayciewon't be good for me then Alucart i bet04:55
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bluefox83what the hell04:56
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Alucartbluefox83: i am not able to hear music an play or talk in teamspeak04:56
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bluefox83you shouldn't tell people it's hard to do stuff just cus you can't get it working...other people can and by saying it's hard you discourage users from trying ubuntu >.>04:56
pirxhey! isnt it a bit crappy that the default media player (totem) cant play a single f***ing video file out there? :)04:56
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bluefox83Alucart, what kind of headset are you using?04:57
santahi all04:57
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Alucartbluefox83: it is a standard headdy04:57
bauer77pirx do you have the codecs to play the files installed?04:57
santaare the repositories a little bit messed up today ?04:57
Slackwisepirx: That's Gstreamer's fault for not having the right codecs :P04:57
unoppirx,  please mind the language ... and have you got some codecs installed?04:57
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bluefox83Alucart, and your speakers and headset don't plug into the same hole?04:57
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Alucartbluefox: no ^^04:58
Alucartbluefox: do you use windows as a second system?04:58
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bluefox83Alucart, i doubt it's a problem of drivers, i believe you have a seperate sound device for each output04:58
bluefox83Alucart, i only use ubuntu ;)04:58
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Alucartbluefox: there you can listen to musik and watch films with sounds too04:59
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freezeyunop: do u know of any apps where i can setup a streaming server?04:59
bluefox83Alucart, yeah, i can do that now O.o04:59
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andywhen I try to remove vmware-player, I get an error message and so now everytime I install a package, the same error occurs, is there a way how I can fix that?04:59
santacould someone paste me a sources.list04:59
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bluefox83Alucart, fullduplex probably creates a second sound device listing04:59
Alucartbluefox, this means that i must recompile the drivers of alsa and if that dont works the kernel?04:59
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unopfreezey,  apache can do it -- but i think you need to have the multimedia in a set format04:59
bauer77VLC you can Freezey05:00
freezeyunop: know of any documentation?05:00
bluefox83Alucart, no05:00
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freezeybauer77: yeah but i ahve an entire directory of files that needed to be streamed not just 105:00
bluefox83Alucart, it means you need to find out what all of your audio output /dev listings are, and then make sure teamspeak and your music player are pointing to different ones ;)05:00
unopsanta,  http://pastebin.ca/34337805:01
santathank you05:01
Alucartbluefox, how can i do this?05:01
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bauer77ah ok05:01
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bauer77when you find the answer let me know...hehe05:01
bluefox83Alucart, poke around man..that's how you learn...05:01
freezeybauer77: haha u talkin to me?05:01
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pirxSlackwise: yeah, at least some files should be playable:) do you know which package to install to get more codecs?05:02
gpledtrying to understand why ubuntu updates are so slow?  only getting 19kB/s .  Is their mirrors i should be using, that are faster?05:02
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roadtonhi there05:02
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bluefox83Alucart, i would try something like skype first, to check out your audio input/output stuff, while playing music in something like amarok or xmms ;)05:02
Alucartbluefox, then i must read a lot x-D i hate it to read ^^ i like to listen but festival can help05:02
HymnToLifegpled, in which part of the world do you live ?05:03
bluefox83gpled, hey i had that issue..sept i was getting speeds of less than 1k05:03
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Alucartbluefox, thats my prob i cant do that05:03
bluefox83Alucart, it's not hard, just try different listings till something works05:03
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bluefox83Alucart, why not?05:03
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Vuenhi, how can i check in a bash script whether a file exists?05:04
roadtonI've tried a lot but I can't get my AccessRunner DSL to work on ubuntu05:04
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Alucartbluefox, for example when i had open for example totem and whant to hear music in beep then i get a meassage that the is sounddevice is in use05:04
AVN`I can't get Last.fm and festival to work at the same time05:05
bluefox83i don't get that issue to my knowledge..05:05
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onatshi, what program controls the physical volume control?05:05
bluefox83onats, gnome volume control05:05
gpledHymnToLife: in the part05:05
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Vuenanyone? i need to check via the command line whether a file exists05:06
hbaiguroadton, do you have the cxacru-fw.bin05:06
onatsbluefox83, so how do i change which slider the physical volume control changes when i adjust the volume?05:07
AVN`I can't get Last.fm and festival to work at the same time, any suggestions? Festival says it can't access /dev/dsp05:07
rapidVuen, type ls, if you see it it probably exists.05:07
Vuenrapid: i need to check this in a script. nevermind i found it, it's if [-e <file>] 05:07
unopVuen,  if [ -e file ] ; then echo exits; fi05:07
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Jeevawhere does windows /hosts sits again05:07
andycan I somehow force to delete a package?05:08
bluefox83onats, it's usually master control/ master output  or pcm, try it and find out05:08
unopJeeva,  %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts05:08
guest_urisHi everyone, has anyone had any luck installing Ubuntu on a western digital 1600 sata hard drive?05:08
roadtonhbaigu: yes, I've already extracted the firmware05:08
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unopandy,  usually - sudo dpkg --purge package  does it05:08
andyunop, it gives me an error05:09
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unopandy,  i'd be interested in that if you're interested in me giving you an interesting suggestion :)05:09
hbaiguroadton, and what is in the output of dmesg05:09
scratchmeWhen building a kernel, how do you create an install from the kernel package (.deb file) to be placed on a new install?  Like if I wanted a small ubuntu distro.05:09
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andythe problem is the error is in german so I don't think it will be a big of a help but let me check real quick05:10
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scratchmeRather than only updating your current install/boot kernel.05:10
soundrayandy: plenty of German language competence here05:10
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andyalright, I gonna post it on a paste service(anyone knows one by heart? :D)05:10
Slackwisepirx: Search synaptic for "gst" :P05:10
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soundray!pastebin | andy05:10
ubotuandy: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:10
HymnToLife!find kpkg05:11
bluefox83anyone here familiar with apt-spy in ubuntu?05:11
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ubotuFile kpkg found in initramfs-tools, kernel-package, zsh, zsh-beta05:11
unopandy,  Ich knnte es ins Englische bersetzen :)05:11
ubotuapt-spy: writes a sources.list file based on bandwidth tests. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1-14 (edgy), package size 27 kB, installed size 176 kB05:11
unopandy,  pastebin.ca05:11
gpledbluefox83: where you able to find a way to speed up downloads?05:11
soundrayunop: ich kanns aber besser ;)05:11
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HymnToLifescratchme, kernel-package is what you want, see also !kernel05:11
spuddoggHas anyone else had trouble installing w32codecs?  I added the repo to /etc/apt/sources.list, but i get errors when I 'apt-get update'.  The connection to the repo is timing out.  Are there other repos where I can get w32codecs?05:12
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andyhttp://pastebin.ca/344170 <-- that's the error05:12
roadtonhbaigu, I'll check and tell you05:12
bluefox83gpled, no...trying to get a faster mirror list..but it doesn't seem to be working in apt-spy, it's gathering the list from debian.org05:12
Jeevawhere can i change ISPconfig config ?05:12
gpledguest_uris: i have installed a sata drive05:12
hellmetJeeva: HowtoForge05:12
bluefox83!mirror list edgy05:12
ubotumirror: keeps FTP archives up-to-date. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.9-53 (edgy), package size 188 kB, installed size 780 kB05:12
hellmetshud help u05:13
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mirrorlist - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:13
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes05:13
guest_urisgled: i have been trying for the past couple days, with xubuntu edgy05:13
gpledusing 6.0605:13
guest_urisgpled: it doesn't detect the hard drive05:13
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soundrayunop: are you on the case?05:13
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zoli2kscratchme, you should visit the #ubuntu-motu channel05:14
hellmetsince when is the bot around??05:14
gpledguest_uris: this the first time you putting a sata in that motherboard?05:14
hellmethow many days?05:14
unopsoundray,  ohh please contribute if you know of a suggestion -- there is no exclusivity in here :)05:14
guest_urisgled: first time I a m working with sata05:14
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guest_urisgpled: XP installed fine, but ubuntu can't see the hard drive.05:14
gpledguest_uris: need to make sure your bios is set right for it to work05:14
andyunop, so, could you now maybe give me a suggestion what to do? :D05:15
soundrayunop: I have a suggestion, but it's a dirty hack. There may be a canonical way of dealing with this problem05:15
gpledguest_uris: you using 6.10?05:15
guest_urisgpled: yse05:15
guest_urisgpled: yes*05:15
hellmeti've never had problems with Sata..05:15
gpledguest_uris: try 6.06. bet it works05:15
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unopsoundray,  ok, what is it? might be the same thing i am thinking off05:15
guest_urisgpled: ok, was thinking about using OpenSuSE if it doesnt work, or buy an IDE.05:15
yellowdartguest_uris, does grub show the drive when you boot?05:16
gpledhave had nothing but trouble with 6.10.  all the people in our lug have had trouble with it.  we all went back to 6.0605:16
guest_urisyellowdart: i cant even install grub05:16
soundrayandy: edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/vmware-player.postinst and force it to 'exit 0' instead of the positive return code resulting from that networking error05:16
unopandy,  do this -- find /var/lib/dpkg/ | grep -i "vmware" | grep -i "post"   and show us what is returned05:16
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yellowdartguest_uris, i see05:16
gpledguest_uris: if this is for a server, give centos a try05:16
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guest_urisgpled: ok, it is for a server, to host an EMR for a small hospital05:17
andyok, I gonna try soundray's suggestion first and if that doesn't work, unop's :)05:17
bezibaerchenwie setzt man die default-route REBOOTFEST?05:17
soundrayandy: I think unop will agree that you can safely skip his ;)05:17
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gpledguest_uris: think you will be happy with centos for production05:17
unopandy,  thats fine- i was getting to the same thing -- althought i would comment out a line that says "set -e" instead of changing "exit 0"05:17
babbognuI need help for to install05:17
gpledguest_uris: also, great support in centos channel05:18
hellmetCentOS is pretty good05:18
babbognuubuntu on my mactel05:18
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soundrayunop: oh, that's smart (andy)05:18
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a-l-p-h-aDo I have to login first before I can VNC into a session?  Or can I start a session via VNC?05:18
babbognusomeone can help me05:18
guest_urisgpled: thhanks, will give it a try. but I am running short on time, so have to do it with Ubuntu for now.05:18
gpledhellmet: should be.  companys shell out big bucks to redhat for it :)05:18
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soundraybabbognu: ask05:19
dremonjust 2 cents about sata: there are many problems with fake raids on the motherboard. So they should be disabled in BIOS05:19
hellmetgpled: But, I find it pretty difficult to se, after getting used to Ubuntu..05:19
hellmetgpled: use*05:19
gpledguest_uris: sata is great, but can be tricky at your fist try.   if you can go ide, that will get you going fast.  but i would stay away from 6.10 for production05:19
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babbognuor give me a link where i can download ubuntu install05:19
andy invoke-rc.d vmware-player start || exit $? is that maybe the line?05:19
unopa-l-p-h-a,  a vncserver instance must be running before you can connect to it .. so you do need to login before a vncserver instance can be started05:19
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babbognufor mac05:20
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babbognuI have mac book05:20
soundraybabbognu: download the i386 Desktop CD. It will boot on your Mac.05:20
gpledhellmet: i hear you.  redhad does some errr, new things.  it is tricky to setup a service, but it works good, once you understand what they did.  love yum :)05:20
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes05:21
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soundraybabbognu: ^^ see the "Downloading" link05:21
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hellmetgpled: Me trying to 'use' CentOS.. you know.. I plan to fix Linux as my career.. I love *nix05:21
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UberPsyXhi, does anyone know how to bridge my connection from my wifi card to my ethernet port?05:21
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hellmetgpled: But, the #centos channel is pretty non-helpful.. completely in contrast to this channel.. Trying everything on my own!! :-(05:22
gpledhellmet: you any good with bash scripts?05:22
a-l-p-h-aunop, thanks.  thought so, but was hoping I was wrong.05:22
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Myrt2hi, when I'm trying to open php file from local apache it shows download dialog with PTHML file - what do I need to change in default ubuntu apache2 pkg config to make it work?05:22
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roadtonhbaigu: I followed these instructions http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145138  and my modem light blinks but nothing works05:22
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soundrayUberPsyX: not sure about bridging, but this kind of problem can be solved with NAT (network address translation), and that is easy to set up with firestarter05:23
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unopa-l-p-h-a,  well, what i do is login via ssh to start the vncserver -- so that means i dont have to leave the remote machine running vncserver all the time05:23
lealThere is a tool to let a "user" update from dapper to edgy graphically?05:23
hellmetgpled: Nope.. Am pretty new to core Linux.. All I can do is setup a computer for a windows migrant.. and configure small things like TV, etcetera05:23
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soundrayleal: yes05:23
soundray!upgrade | leal05:23
ubotuleal: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:23
guest_urisgpled: is CentOS Debian-based?05:23
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unopUberPsyX,  this might help http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Ethernet-Bridge-netfilter-HOWTO.html05:23
a-l-p-h-aunop, okay... ssh, login, and how do I start vncserver? cli> vncserver?05:23
gpledguest_uris: it is redhat enterprise05:24
zoli2kleal: you need to edit the /etc/apt/source.list by hand.05:24
hellmetguest_uris: Nope05:24
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farruinnMyrt2: in your httpd.conf, search for an AddType line that includes .php and .phtml05:24
guest_urisok, thanks05:24
UberPsyXsoundray|its just i have a desktop on wifi card and wanted to hook my xbox up via xlink kai and the router is an unsuitable place to play so i wanted to plug into the ethernet port and connect via that05:24
soundrayleal: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades -- look out for the update-manager instructions05:24
unopa-l-p-h-a,  i think that depends on the vncserver package you use -- usually, you just need to type in - vncserver&  at the command line05:24
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andysoundray, hm, I replaced two "exit $?" with exit 0 but the same error occured.05:24
farruinnMyrt2: You should have something like "AddType  application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml"05:24
gpledso anyone know how i can get better update speeds with 6.06?05:24
unopandy,  comment out the line that says "set -e" in the script05:25
soundrayandy: you must have missed unop's last suggestion, which was to...05:25
soundraythere you go05:25
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lealsoundray: thanks, i will look it..05:25
andydid that too, didn't work, same error.05:25
unopandy,  or if that doesnt exist -- change the shbang line (first line) and remove the -e from it -- i.e. #!/bin/sh -e to #!/bin/sh05:25
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hbaiguroadton, see if in the output of dmesg says ' ADSL line: up'05:26
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soundrayandy: stupid question, have you saved those changes?05:26
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lvshello, i am on LinuxMint (an edgy based distro) and i screwed my sys last night.. i lost my DE... using apt-get i got it back...but i don't have a terminal or Add/Remove in the Menu and no sound either..what can i do?05:26
soundrayandy: and which file are you editing?05:26
unopandy,  errm, actually to think about it -- you'll need to remove "|| exit $?" ass that will exit the script if the command before it fails05:26
farruinnMyrt2: looking at mine, (/etc/apache/httpd.conf) it's commented out and only includes .php, not .phtml05:26
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andysoundray, jep, saved it.05:27
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heatmanis there a way to make the failsafe shell take the entire page instead of beeing confined to a corner of the screen?05:27
Vueni'm angry05:27
JackOfSpadesI just installed ubuntu, but there is no windows option in the grub menu, so I edited my /boot/grub/menu.lst and uncommented the lines for windows, but now I get following error:  Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x705:27
Vueni wrote a script to anti-alias amsn on the ubuntu forums05:28
lealsoundray: perfect. is a friend of mine... i did show the ubuntu to him, as an "easy to use distro" :))05:28
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Vuenand some guy just blatantly copied my script, stripped my name off and reposted it05:28
JackOfSpadesI get it when wanting to start windows05:28
andyit seems like the changes doesn't affect the command at all05:28
roadtonhbaigu: ok, I'll check, thanks05:28
hbaiguroadton, do you know if you isp uses pppoe05:28
heatmano.0 thats not cool Vuen05:28
lealsoundray: i will create a icon for him... for future upgrades. thanks a lot.05:28
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Vuenwhat should i do? should i report it to the mods? he's made some dangerous changes that could really screw up people's computers too05:28
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Vuenhe gzipped the script to try to hide to fact that he copied it from me05:28
unopandy, did you remove "|| exit $?" from that line?05:29
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andyunop, yep.05:29
roadtonhbaigu: yes, it does05:29
lvshello, i am on LinuxMint (an edgy based distro) and i screwed my sys last night.. i lost my DE... using apt-get i got it back...but i don't have a terminal or Add/Remove in the Menu and no sound either..what can i do?05:29
unopandy,  and commented out set -e too?05:29
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soundrayVuen: aren't you glad he didn't leave your name in?05:29
andyunop, yes05:29
gpledis everyone else getting fast updates? or just having the same problem?05:29
Vuensoundray: i suppose...05:29
unopandy,  ok, lets see the output now then05:29
hellmetmy updates are OK05:29
andyunop, http://pastebin.ca/344193 <-- that's the output05:29
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hellmetit is ofcourse slower than torrents.. but its fine05:30
UberPsyXsoundray| can you send the link again please, x chat closed unexpectedly :P05:30
soundrayVuen: it's not a fair thing to do, I do feel your pain -- but I don't think there's anything you can do05:30
JackOfSpadesI get it when wanting to start windows05:30
JackOfSpadesI just installed ubuntu, but there is no windows option in the grub menu, so I edited my /boot/grub/menu.lst and uncommented the lines for windows, but now I get following error:  Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x705:30
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unopVuen,  if you are so worried about Intellectual Property -- why paste your work on a public forum -- there's no way to enforce action now however unfortunate that is05:30
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=== robert_ yawns
hbaiguroadton, if so, you have to put 'plugin rp-pppoe.so' in the /etc/ppp/peers/<isp file>05:30
lealSomebody here could connect the wii console to ubuntu, without a wireless router (just a wireless card)?05:31
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BonezI keep losing my wifi and mouse.....can someone please help05:31
bluefox83where can i find a mirror list for edgy?05:31
gpledJackOfSpades: can you boot off a disk, and edit it back?05:31
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lvshello, i am on LinuxMint (an edgy based distro) and i screwed my sys last night.. i lost my DE... using apt-get i got it back...but i don't have a terminal or Add/Remove in the Menu and no sound either..what can i do?05:31
Vuenunop, soundray: yeah, i know it's not a big deal. i'm just a little sore is all.05:31
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UberPsyXdoes anyone know how to bridge a wireless connection to an ethernet port?05:31
zoli2kJackOfSpades: Are you sure you have entered the root() for the right windows partition?05:31
soundrayUberPsyX: I don't think I linked you to anything05:31
bluefox83lvs, this isn't #linuxmint we have no idea how to fix your distro, sorry05:32
heatmanis there a way to make the failsafe shell take the entire page instead of beeing confined to a corner of the screen?05:32
UberPsyXsoundray| yes, it was the wifi bridging thing05:32
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soundray<soundray> UberPsyX: not sure about bridging, but this kind of problem can be solved with NAT (network address translation), and that is easy to set up with firestarter05:32
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unopVuen,  well, i dont think you should be -- it's trivial -- if i were you i'd be happy someone else is happy with a bad conscience :)05:32
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onatshow do i change which slider the physical volume control changes when i adjust the volume?05:32
andyit works now juhu05:32
UberPsyXsoundray| yes then after that you linked me to a how to05:32
andygot rid of it05:32
hellmetonats, I'd like to know that too05:33
unopandy, it works now?05:33
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soundrayUberPsyX: no, I definitely didn't... but try this:05:33
soundray!firestarter | UberPsyX05:33
ubotuUberPsyX: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).05:33
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roadtonhbaigu: ok, I'll try that, thanks a lot05:34
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bzaksIs there a good source for evolution extensions? I'd like to create a pop up that just tells me every morning what I have for the day05:34
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soundrayUberPsyX: found it: <unop> UberPsyX,  this might help http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Ethernet-Bridge-netfilter-HOWTO.html05:34
unopUberPsyX,  it was me who suggested the howto -- didnt it work?05:34
andyunop, I got it removed with a suggestion from the ubuntuforums :)05:34
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UberPsyXsoundray| thanks, but one thing, i havent got a problem its just i want to link my xbox to my pc so i can use xlink kai (free xbox live) and it cant find a connection and i know a few friends have it working05:35
unopandy,  nice one, can you post the link please :)05:35
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hbaiguroadton, if your isp uses pppoe you need also the tool br2684ctl, that is in the repositories05:35
andyunop, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=315493&page=3 third page, first post05:35
UberPsyXunop| i dont know i was going to copy the link and give it to a friend whose good with pc's to see if its the right thing05:35
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lealSomebody with a DWL-G122 usb wireless adapter?05:35
hellmetHas anyone seen ubuntuforums.INFO ??05:36
MacLinuxMasterI'm having a system lockup while erasing cdrw. Someone have this problem ? When I blank a cdrw with cdrecord or cdrdao my system became locked until it end.05:36
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soundrayUberPsyX: what would you like me to do or say?05:36
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unopUberPsyX,  the PC you want to create the bridge on -- does it run ubuntu/linux?05:36
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UberPsyXunop| ubuntu05:36
JackOfSpadesI just installed ubuntu, but there is no windows option in the grub menu, so I edited my /boot/grub/menu.lst and uncommented the lines for windows, but now I get following error:  Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x705:36
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JackOfSpadeswhen trying to boot windows05:37
unopUberPsyX,  then do what soundray suggests and enable NAT05:37
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UberPsyXunop|with the firestarter thing05:37
guest_urisgpled: 6.06 isn't installing either, can't find the hard drive. I guess will wait for the IDE drive to reach.05:37
bzaksIs there a good source for evolution extensions? I'd like to create an alarm that goes off at a certain time every morning that basically tells me everything to do for the day.05:37
unopUberPsyX,  yep indeed05:37
carbineI'm trying to set up an IRC server, and I feel I have completely screwed things up..05:38
UberPsyXunop| ok thanks a lot ill go and try it05:38
hbaiguroadton, see this for pppoe, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21737405:38
MacLinuxMasterHow is the behavior of  your system, it became locked while erasing a cdrw ?05:38
Luk0rcarbine: which IRCd are you using?05:38
soundrayJackOfSpades: those lines need to be adapted probably. I suggest you put them up on the pastebin05:38
soundray!pastebin | JackOfSpades05:38
ubotuJackOfSpades: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:38
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unopsoundray,  what about IP addressing for the xbox .. sorrry, i know little of xboxes .. would be need to assign one to it or what?05:38
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soundrayJackOfSpades: paste the entire file, and the output from 'sudo fdisk -l' please05:38
carbineSo could someone help me set up an IRC server with services?05:39
Luk0rcarbine: which IRCd are you using?05:39
soundrayunop: I know who makes Xboxes, which is enough for me not to make further enquiries, if you get my gist05:39
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carbineWell, I was trying to use ircd-ircu, but I couldn't figure out how to install services with that, so I tried bahamut, now I've got everything screwed up.05:39
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MacLinuxMasterNobody ever erased a cdrw ?05:40
Luk0rcarbine: I personally recommend unreal-ircd, it's very user friendly and easy to configure05:40
unopsoundray,  true true -- but this is networking, we have to put egos aside and just get on with it, if you know where i am coming from :)05:40
soundray!dma | MacLinuxMaster05:40
ubotuMacLinuxMaster: dma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing. It makes hard disks & optical drives transfer data faster, and is almost always enabled in Ubuntu 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA05:40
carbineJust trying to install ircd now I get ": No such file or directory05:40
carbinePlease create this file and/or rerun `configure' using --with-Cpath and recompile to correct this.05:40
yommblol if I move my mouse my vlc video output starts flickering :)05:40
MacLinuxMastersoundray: I have sure my drives had dma enabled (udma2)05:40
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soundrayunop: I'm happy to answer networking related questions (if indeed I know the answer). When it comes to configuring an Xbox, I'm lost.05:41
Luk0rcarbine: I could guide you through installing unreal, but I don't really use much else05:41
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carbineSounds good05:41
ubotuapt-mirror: APT sources mirroring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.4-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 11 kB, installed size 116 kB05:41
carbineIf you're willing to help.05:41
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hellmethas anybody successfully used Beryl iwth AIGLX on Intel 915GAV??05:41
bluefox83mirroring tool/05:41
scvcarbine? are you a rifle?05:41
carbineThanks much!05:41
zoli2kHi. Since I wrote "rm -rf /" in putty I can not login to my linux box.05:41
soundrayzoli2k: oh dear05:42
bluefox83what exactly is a mirroring tool?05:42
unopzoli2k,  thats a pretty silly thing to do after all that talk earlier :)05:42
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MacLinuxMastersoundray: Your system is not monopolised while erasing ?05:42
soundrayzoli2k: you're just trying to pull our collective leg, aren't you?05:42
soundrayMacLinuxMaster: no05:42
scvtry format c: netxt time05:42
Luk0rcarbine: check your PMs05:42
forngrenHow do I start a program from shell and returning to shell directly afterwards with program still runing?05:42
MacLinuxMastersoundray: So maybe a broken hardware05:42
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unopforngren,  append a & after the command05:43
soundrayforngren: append ' &' (with a space)05:43
zoli2kOnly joking:) thank you for your help I always enjoy this channel. bye05:43
carbineHold a sec, mIRC is being moody with me05:43
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carbineBe back in a sec..05:43
unopsoundray,  space not needed :)05:43
forngrenunop, soundray: thanks05:43
Hmmmmguys, im trying to setup a dns server on an ubuntu machine. its not working. anyone got a good link for that?05:43
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soundrayMacLinuxMaster: no, I think your dma configuration is broken05:43
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JackOfSpadessoundray: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4592/05:43
soundrayunop: I know, but it's good practice05:43
carbineThere we go..05:43
MacLinuxMastersoundray: Strangely music don't stop playing05:43
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carbineNow try. =P05:44
robert_I wish there was an easy way to setup a 32-bit jail05:44
zoli2kunop: sorry for the joke05:44
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MacLinuxMastersoundray: But I can' t even start a new shell05:44
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unopHmmmm,  http://langfeldt.net/DNS-HOWTO/BIND-9/05:44
Luk0rcarbine: get that?05:44
Hmmmmunop, thatnks05:44
carbineOddly, no..05:44
scvrobert_, to use a fake64 then to setup a 32bit-jail?05:45
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robert_scv: eh?05:45
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andyunop, how can I get php-mode running in emacs?05:45
scvrobert_, are you on amd64?05:45
=== bluefox83 is fuzzy on what apt-mirror is for >.>
carbineGod.. IRC hates me.. All of it.05:45
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Luk0rcarbine: try XChat ;)05:45
scvthat's too bad05:45
Lunar_LampIs it possible to control how much CPU a screensaver will use? That is, limit it so that when the screensaver is running it will never use more than 50% of the CPU (for example) as some of the cool screensavers stress my CPU quite a lot, which is kinda silly as otherwise it would be just idling.05:46
hellmethellmet is trying to figure out beryl05:46
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soundrayJackOfSpades: I think that grub might be seeing your /dev/hda1 as (hd0,0). Drop to the grub shell (hit 'c' at the boot menu) and run geometry (hd0), geometry (hd1) etc. to identify your grub disk names.05:46
unopandy,  ohh, no idea -- i'm a VIM fan, hate emacs :)05:46
bluefox83carbine, are you using mirc in wine?05:46
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MacLinuxMastersoundray: It's like the ide channels became locked. Its a very strange problem05:46
andyunop, ah ok, thought you recommended emacs ;)05:46
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carbineI'm unregistered. =P05:46
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scvwhat's wine?05:46
Luk0rcarbine: sudo apt-get install xchat05:46
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Pici11:46 <carbine> God.. IRC hates me.. All of it.05:47
unopandy,  i was just giving you an objective opinion of emacs at the time :)05:47
carbineI'm on Windows right now. =X I remote into the server05:47
bluefox83scv, windows api layer for running windows software in linux05:47
ubotuoops: caching HTTP proxy server written for performance. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.23.cvs-2.2ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 315 kB, installed size 960 kB05:47
soundrayMacLinuxMaster: did you have a look at your /var/log/syslog ?05:47
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JackOfSpadessoundray: tried with hd1,0, hd2,0 ...05:47
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Luk0rcarbine: oh ok, use xchat anyway (it has a windows version)05:47
JackOfSpadesindeed, hd0,0 is just a linux partion05:47
PiciDont mind me..., I'm having hand-eye coordination issues05:47
unopandy,  doesnt php-mode have any documentation that could help you with it?05:47
soundrayJackOfSpades: same error each time?05:47
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Luk0rcarbine: http://www.silverex.org/05:47
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JackOfSpadeshd1,0 and up give that error05:47
JackOfSpadeshd0,0 not05:47
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pbureaumorning to all big and tall05:47
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scvpbureau, huh?05:48
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MacLinuxMastersoundray: Yes, theres not wrong there05:48
scvpbureau, did you say hi to longmen?05:48
pbureauscv, lol no its a saying, means hello to all05:48
forsen{hi, im a newbie trying to install gDesklets...when i write "sudo apt-get install gdesklets gdesklets-data" it just says "E: Couldn't find package gdesklets"....but i now from guides that this should work05:48
duckyFinally I got firefox32 installed in Edgy64, but although Flash9 is there where it's supposed to be, it doesn't come up.05:48
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hellmethas anybody successfully used Beryl iwth AIGLX on Intel 915GAV??05:49
metal03Hi there, I have problems with OpenOffice, I'm trying to set it so it will do to spellcheck in french, but it's not working at all...  anyone can help?05:49
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soundrayforsen{: it's in universe05:49
duckyHas anyone successfully got firefox32 working on amd64 with flash and such?05:50
soundray!universe | forsen{05:50
ubotuforsen{: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource05:50
=== steel_lady [n=steel_la@9.pool85-54-226.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #ubuntu
m_o_kducky, you can try automatix2 and swiftfox + plugins05:50
soundrayducky: yes05:50
forsen{ok, will look into it05:50
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steel_ladyquestion: ubuntu doesn't let me to empty garbage bin?05:50
JackOfSpadessoundray: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4593/ updated05:50
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Zaggynlmetal03, 'sudo apt-get install myspell-fr', set the language in open office to french, and set it at linguistic to french too05:51
duckysoundray: Well, firefox32 is running, located in /usr/local/firefox32 and all the plugins are in the plugins directory, but still they don't work.05:51
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Zaggynlmetal03, at least that's what I did for Dutch (with sudo apt-get install myspell-nl)05:51
Jowihellmet, what is the video chipset?05:51
soundrayducky: try putting them in the plugins directory in your $HOME05:51
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duckym_o_k: Installing from automatix won't try to put it into the firefox64 that's also installed?05:51
metal03Zaggynl : Trying it now...05:51
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ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:52
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soundrayducky: don't use automatix05:52
Luk0rcarbine_: can you not see what I'm sending?05:52
hellmet:Jowi hmm... i81005:52
carbine_Not at all05:52
m_o_kducky, i have swiftfox and firefox amd64 up and running05:52
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steel_ladysimple question: I can not empty my garbage bin! hat is the problem?05:53
Jowihellmet, "glxinfo | grep direct" give you yes or no?05:53
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Luk0rcarbine_: you must have blocked ports or something, it's definately not working05:53
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duckym_o_k: with flashplayer?05:53
Luk0rcarbine_: anyway, installation's pretty straight forward, just follow this guide: http://www.vulnscan.org/UnrealIRCd/unreal32docs.html#installation05:53
hellmet:Jowi YES05:53
soundrayJackOfSpades: does your BIOS see those extra drives?05:53
m_o_kducky, yes at the moment i'am watching a clip on youtube05:53
Jowihellmet, are you using dapper or edgy?05:53
JackOfSpadesyes soundray05:54
=== nikitis [n=nikitis@24-116-9-62.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
hellmetI actually was able to start Beryl. but what happened was that:: titlebars and borders vanished05:54
hellmetAm on Edgy05:54
duckym_o_k: Right on!  With firefox32 or firefox64?05:54
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soundraysteel_lady: try 'sudo rm -rf /home/steel_lady/.Trash' (assuming that your username is the same as your nick)05:54
nikitisHey guys, anyone have experience with VMWare?  I can't get a USB GPS device to be recognized using Windows 2003 in VMWare05:54
carbine_So pretty much, follow that and it'll have me on my way to an irc server with services?05:54
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hellmetJowi: I actually was able to start Beryl. but what happened was that:: titlebars and borders vanished05:54
hellmetAm on Edgy05:54
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Luk0rcarbine_: for services you need to read http://wiki.anope.org/index.php/Documentation:Install05:55
Jowihellmet, it should work just fine. all you need to do is to add the "composite" option to your xorg.conf and restart. after that login normally into gnome and type "beryl-manager"05:55
uttaracan anybody help me with configuring "azureus"? I am getting a "green coloured smiley" for "NAT". yet my speeds are around 1.5KBps (The max speed I have been able to get on Bittorrent client (windows) is 30KBps).05:55
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carbine_Alrighty, thanks much!05:55
pbureauanyone use a VPN client to connect to a cisco vpn based system at their work ? I am wondering what client you are using.05:55
unopsoundray,  rm -rf ~/.Trash would do -- or in your thing - sudo rm -rf /home/$USER/.Trash05:55
steel_ladysoundray, I will have to do it every time like that?05:55
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m_o_kducky,  swiftfox32+plugins05:55
soundrayJackOfSpades: are sda and sdb SATA or SCSI05:55
metal03Zaggynl: Something is not working...  When I do the spellcheck, it doesn't correct errors (I did write something with spelling mistakes voluntarely)05:55
scvis the 64-bit version of app faster than the 32-bit one?05:55
soundraysteel_lady: no05:55
numistwhere can I get a livecd for testing?  newest I can see is dapper...05:55
JackOfSpadessata soundray05:55
unopsteel_lady,  hopefully only this time05:55
Luk0rcarbine_: no problem05:55
soundrayunop: I had a reason for suggesting it my way05:55
Zaggynlmetal03, okay, well I'm not that experienced with OO, can't help you further I'm afraid :(05:55
numistscv: it can be, but doesnt have to be.  usually yes05:56
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hellmetJowi: Where do I add 'composite' in xorg.conf05:56
duckym_o_k: I haven't tried swiftfox.05:56
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scvnumist, how much is the performance gain?05:56
soundrayscv: it depends on 'app'. If it's transcode, then yes05:56
soundrayunop: stop trying to outsmart me ;)05:56
unopsoundray,  i was just simplifying it :)05:56
m_o_kducky, it's  still firefox :d05:56
numistscv: I'm measuring in cycles/cpu time to completion of program05:56
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hellmetjowi: Like after which line..05:56
numistscv: what soundray said05:56
unopsoundray,  ohh no, now why would you think i was doin' that, eh? :>05:56
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steel_ladyunop, soundray, It removed garbage but I still have the 'trash inside' icon05:57
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duckym_o_k: okay, well, what install process?05:57
soundrayunop: did you notice I asked her to use sudo?05:57
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JackOfSpadessoundray: I just found this link explainging a possible cause, althougt this is for suse, is there a ubuntu solution? because there are no lba settings for sata disks in the bios. Link: http://en.opensuse.org/SDB%3AWindows_No_Longer_Boots_Following_the_Installation_of_SUSE_LINUX_9.105:57
Tido`is there any e-mail servers for *nix that rival M$ Exchange?05:57
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scvnumist, 1GB ram amd64 v.s 4GB ram amd32?05:57
Jowihellmet, at the end. have a look here and see the "Enable compositing in X" headline and only do what's written for "Intel" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BerylOnEdgy05:57
unopsoundray,  did you notice i suggested sudo on my implementation of your command? :)05:57
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rolerI have a problem with my WinXP and Ubuntu partitions. When I boot between the two, the clock changes drastically. It will be 3 or 4 hours off. Both are set to the same time zone. What gives?05:57
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metal03Anyone got exprience with Open Office?05:57
numistscv: I'd go amd64..  as long as you dont need the RAM (most systems wouldnt if you were running linux)05:57
m_o_kducky, i got automatix 2 started it, installed swiftfox+plugins and then all things run out of the box05:58
unopsoundray,  but again, there's no need to sudo that, all the files in her trash would be hers alone05:58
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Rumpametal03, what about ooffice?05:58
hellmetJowi: I also get this when I typed ur command  :  libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x5b05:58
soundrayJackOfSpades: I've been thinking along those lines05:58
unopsteel_lady,  but are there any files in trash now?05:58
numistscv: if you really use 4GB of ram, and you aren't in research, you ought to rethink your algorithms05:58
soundrayunop: why, then, wouldn't she be able to delete them?05:58
scvnumist, the 90% apps need ram05:58
metal03Rumpa: I'm trying to make the spellcheck work in french...  and I'm unable to05:58
steel_ladyunop, it is empty05:58
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mhikuwhere can i find tgetent05:58
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:58
Jowihellmet, that is normal. you can ignore that message. 0x5b is not used05:58
phos-phoros I'm attempting at mass renaming some files with the naming scheme of "title [some text E = mc] .number.file-extension" to "title.number.file-extension", any tips on how to do this?05:59
unopsteel_lady, what happens if you try and empty trash now?05:59
phos-phorosin using rename and tab to autocomplete the file name, I get as far as 'rename "title\ \[some\ \text \E \=\ \mc"' only., and not the special character.05:59
steel_ladyunop, no change. I have to go now, be back in 15 min or so05:59
hellmetJowi: OK.. will try and inform you in a moment :-)05:59
mhikuwhere can i find tgetent?06:00
unopsoundray, it could be anything but permissions -- odd characters in filenames, problems with gnome-vfs , etc -- if other users deleted files, they'd be placed in those user's ~/.Trash directories not hers06:00
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Jowi!find tgetent06:00
ubotuPackage/file tgetent does not exist in edgy06:01
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duckym_o_k: Trying it now from automatix2.  ;)06:01
soundrayunop: you're making to many assumptions. Just running sudo rm on the directory would be a catch-all for all kinds of troubles. That's why I suggested it. Quick-fix, no extra diagnostics required.06:01
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe06:01
Rumpametal03, http://fr.openoffice.org/DicOOo/index_dicooo.htm06:01
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Picim_o_k, ducky : We do not encourage the use of automatix, please see !automatix for details why06:02
Jowimhiku, google is probably the best choice. the file does not seem to be in edgy.06:02
sebwinnewbie question: what's Ubuntu's equivalent of System Profiler on Mac?06:02
soundrayunop: like, when someone's appendix is inflamed, you cut it out. You don't just go searching for the shotgun pellet that may have caused the inflammation06:02
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ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe06:02
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...06:02
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sebwinI want to find out how much memory the machine's got.06:02
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unopsoundray,  well fair enough -- but she was in here the otherday complaining she was on a corporate network with no access to sudo , and also, thats inappropriate use of sudo (me thinks) :)06:02
duckyI've had remarkably good luck with it.06:03
mhikuyes i know google LOL06:03
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Luk0rHey, I have i386 ubuntu installed right now on my Athlon64 machine, would it be worth me reinstalling with 64bit?06:03
Yanchohi, how can i make a folder in /home/yancho/public_html be seen from php please? i dont want to do it for all the usernames just for yancho only. thanks06:03
Luk0ri wasn't sure about compatability06:03
soundrayphos-phoros: still looking?06:03
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Rumpametal03, Did it help?06:04
duckyLuk0r: my home machine is that, and I am currently setting up Edgy64 for my friend, and it is rather more difficult, but not too bad... I am tempted to try to install it on mine... I don't know how much speed increase I'd see.06:04
unopYancho,  check the mod_userdir documentation for apache06:04
Luk0rducky: You mean it's difficult to find packages?06:04
lealSomebody with a DWL-G122 usb wireless adapter?06:04
sebwinSystem Profiler, anybody?06:04
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sebwinLinux-dummy want's to know how much memory he's got.06:05
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Luk0rsebwin: tried 'top' in terminal?06:05
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duckyLuk0r: There's a few things that are hard to get working because they aren't available for 64bit, but it's mostly flash, wmv9 as far as I can tell.06:05
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unopYancho,  http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_userdir.html06:06
Luk0rducky: okay, thanks, I think I'll give it a few months then06:06
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geniiop please kick Miko-Chan , is some adbot06:06
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dyrneducky: your friend is aware of some of the issues with 64 right now?06:06
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fuchsI got some problem with booting ubuntu after having it installed.06:06
nikitisAnyone know VMWare really well?06:06
duckyLuk0r: Me too probably on my home machine.06:06
ubotuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro06:06
nikitisI have a troubleshooting question to ask06:06
fuchsdoes not boot anyway - just when using external boot-manager from dvd06:07
duckydyrne: Well, yeah he's aware, and I am not going anywhere, so will be around to help in future.06:07
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mhikuwhich is the latest? ncurses, curses or termcap?06:07
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duckydyrne: I must admit that I have been tempted several times since last night to just format and put i386 on here.06:07
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duckydyrne: But it's running really well now, and I have only to get flash and previews for wmv9 files to work and it's perfect.06:08
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unopmhiku,  they're all different software packages doing different things -- and each has new revisions06:08
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farskianyone know of a good tutorial about setting up Ubuntu as a file server?06:09
mhikuunop: but those packages owns tgetent06:09
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unop!samba | farski06:09
ubotufarski: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT06:09
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HAL9003hello guys06:09
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HAL9003any idea how i can stop "resolvconf" to change my /etc/resolv.conf after reboots?06:09
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unopmhiku, what is the absolute path of tgetent?06:10
core123aclocal: configure.in: 13: macro `AM_PROG_AS' not found in library06:10
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Linux_ftwCan anyone tell me what the system requirments are for alinux 13.8 is?06:10
core123What to do ? :/06:10
farskiubotu: pretty much going to connecting to the server with OS X machines, should I look into NFS? or stick with SMB?06:10
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hellmetJowi: Cool.. thanks a TON for that link and your help..06:11
hellmetIt works gud now06:11
mhikuunop: its only a man page06:11
JowiHAL9003, I think you can just remove the DNS request in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf06:11
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mhikubut definitely important when compiling06:11
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unopHAL9003, well, the usual way is to remove the resolv.conf package -- but that would leave your system borken -- what i find is that you can configure the /etc/resolvconf/* files to append your original resolv.conf to the new one each time it is created06:11
Jowihellmet, no problem. :)06:11
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hellmetJowi: But..hey.. the Panel on TOP vanished...06:12
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Jowihellmet, no idea about that. I don't use gnome.06:12
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unopmhiku,  i cant seem to find any package by that name or any package containing a file by that name -- as per http://packages.ubuntu.com/06:12
vox754I installed Ubuntu 6.10 on a desktop PC. The hibernation feature worked perfectly at first. Then, after some use or updates, it doesn't work anymore. Where can I reinstall or repair this. Send me a private message or answer here #vocx06:12
a-l-p-h-aI have tightvncserver running, however I only get gnome-terminal, how come it doesn't have a full gnome desktop running?  Did I screw something up?06:12
hellmetJowi: Ohh ok.. I'll look into it. then06:12
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sebwinLuk0r: thanks, that does it, though it's really an activity monitor. I really wanted a hardware info.06:13
mhikuits a function not a package, and ncurses,curses, termcap have, i dont know which one to use06:13
unopa-l-p-h-a,  you'll need to edit your ~/.vnc/xstartup file to start the appropriate window manager/desktop environment06:13
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grumillois it better to pick amd64 or 32bit for a laptop with core 2 duo? thanks06:14
Jowihellmet, people in #ubuntu-xgl might have some ideas06:14
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ZaggynlHow do I find out the remaining battery time on my laptop?06:14
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unopa-l-p-h-a,  by default tightvnc starts 'twm' because duplicate instances of say gnome or kde could cause problems -- and that they tend to be heavyweight over slow connections06:14
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:14
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Zaggynlwith a bash command06:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about battery - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:14
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hellmetJowi: Its fine now.. and thanks for that tip06:15
hellmetJowi: my desktop looks loverly06:15
ircusrhi all06:15
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Jowihellmet, I know that feeling hehe06:16
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Yanchoguys where is the apache config file in ubuntu pls ?06:16
bulldogg597hi, im having some trouble booting from cd with ubuntu 6.06, the bios is all set to cd boot first and it works with other boot cd's but when i boot with the burned ubuntu cd it just goes straight to windows06:16
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hellmetJowi: Yesterday, I successfully setup VMWARE with CentOS , and today I have Beryl.. I feel on top .. :D06:17
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a-l-p-h-aunop, thanks... looking into it right now06:17
edgybulldogg597: did you check the md5sum of the cd before burning06:17
freezeymy PHPMyadmin is not working... how can i make this work... everytime i try to access it it prompts me to download a file06:17
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ircusrhow did you enable opengl on vmware????06:17
HAL9003even /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf is reset to a default without any nameserver entries, after reboot. and i see no config file to change that. any ideas?06:17
bulldogg597@edgy - no and i dont know how to lol, this is my first time with linux06:18
bulldogg597well ubuntu anyway06:18
farskiif I'm not worrying about windows, what's the way to share files (i.e. with other Unix/Linux PCs)06:18
unopHAL9003,  can you pastebin the output of this command for me - find /etc/resolvconf06:18
edgybulldogg597: after you download the .iso file use a command like $md5sum you-ubuntu-image.iso06:18
defryskbulldogg597, probably a bad cd06:18
ircusrmet, how did you manage to run opengl under vmware?06:18
unopfarski,  nfs06:18
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HAL9003unop, why would you need that info?06:19
unopfarski,  or something like FTP or webDAV06:19
ircusri can only run apps in ubuntu under vmware in software mode06:19
bulldogg597@edgy - is this in windows dos?06:19
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edgybulldogg597: it would give you some numbers that you can compare with the numbers published on the same directory from which u downloaded your file06:19
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unopHAL9003,  because i dont have resolvconf here and forgot which file you need to edit06:19
fuchsMy problem is, that ubuntu does not even try to start, but with a boot manager on cd/dvd ubuntu and/or windows both can be loaded from hdd06:19
bauer77aitor00: you mean hola?06:19
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farskiunop: can I run NFS for local sharing and WebDAV for remote connecting?06:19
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edgybulldogg597: for windows there is also a program that checks md5sum. just use google to find it06:19
dyrneHAL9003: im normally lazy and just add cat newfile > /etc/resolv.conf   to one of my /etc/init.d/ scripts06:19
bauer77cdcheck I think edgy06:20
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ZaggynlHow can I control the beeping when my battery on my laptop is running low? It's quite deafening ><06:20
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mindstatehow do i find out if i have files/config's that are dead and just taking up space?06:20
bulldogg597ok ill give that a try thanks06:20
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HAL9003dyrne, yeah. but that does not make sense, that the system changes the resolv.conf on every reboot, and that i override that every time06:20
unopfarski,  sure, good idea actually -- because you'll need to protect external access and webdav is quite good with that06:20
ircusrcan someone help?06:20
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ircusrim trying to run opengl apps under vmware06:20
farskiunop: where should I start to figure this all out?06:20
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HAL9003and i have neither dhcp nor ppp installed06:21
Occasushey dudes06:21
ircusri can't, they only run in software acceleration, not hardware one06:21
HAL9003so its pointless06:21
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Occasusanyone suggest a good "movie maker" for linux06:21
unopHAL9003,  thats because the resolvconf startup script recreates your /etc/resolv.conf on every boot06:21
mindstatehow do i find out if i have files/config's that are dead and just taking up space?06:21
mindstatehow do i find out if i have files/config's that are dead and just taking up space?06:21
LjL!repeat | mindstate06:21
ubotumindstate: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:21
LjLmindstate: define "dead"06:21
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JowiHAL9003, did you check the file I mentioned?06:21
unopHAL9003,  what happens when you try and remove the resolvconf package?06:21
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HAL9003i do that right now :P06:21
mindstateLjL: not being used by me and is not a dependency for any other program06:21
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LjLmindstate: are you on Edgy?06:22
mindstateLjL: Yes06:22
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about encryptfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:22
LjLmindstate: then apt-get autoremove will remove all packages that were installed automatically (i.e. as dependencies of something else) but no package is using anymore06:22
rockzmanDoes anyone know a good program to record to a CD an iso image06:22
piratepenguinrockzman, gnome-cd-burner..06:23
mindstateLjL: is that it? cause i've been doing that, and i feel like stuff is getting left behind06:23
piratepenguinrockzman, right click the ISO in nautilus..06:23
doronhi, I have 8 computers with the same hardware. I want to install on them the same packages. is there a way to make a one big archive file of these packages ?06:23
unop!cloning | doron06:23
ubotudoron: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type "dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages", move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type "sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade"06:23
LjLmindstate: configuration files are left behind, unless you use the "--purge" option with apt-get. however, it's unlikely that those take up much space06:23
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doronthanks unop !06:24
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mindstateLjL: ah alright, thanks dude, and sorry for the repeat, but i've sat here for 20 minutes before and no response ;006:24
LjLmindstate: perhaps you could use deborphan or debfoster to do a more thorough job, but you need to take care (and some time)06:24
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mindstateLjL: thanks :)06:24
HAL9003okay guys, when i remove the "resolvconf" package, my /etc/resolv.conf is left alone and it seems no other package depends on it06:25
ircusrcan i run beryl in ubuntu under vmware?06:25
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ircusror will it run slow06:25
Occasusircusr: it will run very slow06:25
unopHAL9003,  you should be ok now .. the /etc/resolv.conf should remain unchanged on boot06:25
Occasussorry man :P06:25
ircusrbecause of the hardware acceleration, right?06:25
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vox754I installed Ubuntu 6.10 on a desktop PC. The hibernation feature worked perfectly at first. Then, after some use or updates, it doesn't work anymore. Where can I reinstall or repair this. Send me a private message or answer here #vocx06:26
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Occasusircusr: yes becuase of HW accel06:26
LjLmindstate: remember also that the package files (the .deb files, that is) that you download are not automatically removed, but are left in /var/cache/apt/archives, and you can remove those with apt-get clean06:26
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farskiis there an easy way to make my services available locally at something like "Ububtu.local"? Maybe using zeroconf?06:26
ircusroccassus, is it possible to enable hw accel in vmware?06:26
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Occasusircusr: no, sorry, it emulates a standard VGA Graphics card06:27
unopmindstate,  you can also cleanup locale-specific files with the localepurge package06:27
LjLmindstate: also aptitude *might* (and i say might) have a heavier hand when removing dependencies than apt-get autoremove -- but that'll be useless right now, because for aptitude to manage auto-installed dependencies, one must have used aptitude to install the stuff in the first place06:27
Occasusircusr: *generic06:27
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Occasusircusr: why do you want to run ubuntu in vmware anyhow?06:27
dyrnevox754: maybe you could sudo dpkg-reconfigure hibernate   but then things are rarely that easy.. :)06:28
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ircusrbecause i dont want to partition my hard drive to install ubuntu on it06:28
ircusri have a usb hard drive06:28
Occasusircusr: I see, fair point06:28
doronone more question about cloning ubuntu distro to multiple pc's06:28
Occasusdoron: go for it06:28
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doronI dont have a network connection so I need all the packages06:28
yommboccasus : it's awesome to have a test version of the os u r running under vmware , that way you can xperiment like hell :)06:28
Occasusyommb: you're right there06:29
doronis ubuntu saving the deb packages somewhere ?06:29
Occasusdoron: /var/apt/cache06:29
ircusrbut i would like to have hw accel in vmware06:29
unopdoron,  you can setup your own local repository with apt-cache (i think)06:29
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Occasusunop, doron, use something called apt-mirror, i set something up like that at my company06:29
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Occasusircusr: im sorry, they havent implemented that feature ;(06:29
ircusris there an emulator that has hw accel?06:29
Occasusircusr: dont think s06:29
unopor apt-proxy would be better06:29
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Occasusunop: never heard of apt-proxy?06:30
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ircusrvmware is the only emulator right?06:30
doronwell, my plan is to stuff it all in a Disk on Key and just plug it one by one and let it install everything06:30
doronis it possible ?06:30
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bulldogg597ok, on 6.06 there are a few windows open source programs on the cd too, is there any way to just bur the install fiels to the cd06:30
Occasusircusr: xen, microsoft virtual machine et cetera06:30
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yommbOccasus , u should try it ; also it can save you tons of time trying to figure out how to install stuff , you dont have to reboot endlessly .. once you figure out how it's done , you do it on your real machine ;)06:30
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Occasusdoron, certianly06:30
doronbecause we dont have the network gear and we need them all up and running with XGL06:30
bulldogg597i have all the files in the iso in a folder, which ones need to go on the cd for install06:30
Hausbergdoes anyone shine on vmware? I got installation prob06:30
Occasusyommb: yea the problem is i currenly have two virtual machines running :P06:30
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lealAnyone with problems with iwconfig to set the "essid"??06:30
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yommbI have 2 running & like 10 on my drive :)06:31
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unopOccasus,  basically shares what you download on one machine to a repo so that other machines can use them .. rather than you setting up a list of files to be downloaded seperately (like in apt-mirror)06:31
doronOccasus: so what do I do ? copy /var/apt/cache and that list of installed packages ?06:31
pbureauleal, no then again I use network-manager-gnome06:31
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Occasusyommb: my specs are Dualcore 2.4Ghz, 2048mb Ram, 80GB hdd.. its a laptop :-|06:31
geniiDoes anyone know why plain old xdm won't install?06:31
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Mrulezwhat is the topic here06:31
yommbshould run vmware nicely :)06:31
Occasusunop: apt-mirror just copies an entire repos?06:31
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pbureauMrulez,  Ubuntu of course06:31
tuxubis there any IRC channel for ubuntu server related stuff?06:31
PriceChildMrulez, support06:31
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Occasusdoron: loook into setting up apt-mirror, copy the main deb repos to your disk, then you have a complete copy of the repos06:32
unopOccasus,  i dont think it copies entire repos, does it? just a subset of packages you specify ..06:32
Mrulezsupport what06:32
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PriceChildtuxub, this is as good as ever06:32
icheyne!topic | Mrulez06:32
ubotuMrulez: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic06:32
Occasusunop: it copies entire repos, i set it up at work :)06:32
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doronOccasus, thanks06:32
pbureauMrulez, which part of UBUNTU you dont understand?06:32
Occasusdoron: np06:32
tuxubcan anyone recommend a good URL with a guide to implement a ubuntu based ldap server (optionally with a samba pdc) ?06:32
Mrulezsorry ive nerer used IRC06:32
Occasusunop: We use alot of ubuntu machines at work, so i copy the ubuntu main repos every night06:32
geniino, apt-mirror copies the entire repos. About 31Gb if you have all of them listed06:32
unopOccasus,  the reason i suggest apt-proxy is .. you only share what you download on the main machine (where apt-proxy runs) .. overall thats time saving and bandwidth considerate06:32
HausbergI get following in /tmp/vmware-config1/control-only/make.log ... mkdir /usr/local/man: File exists at /usr/share/perl/5.8/ExtUtils/Install.pm line 11206:32
Hausbergmake: *** [pure_site_install]  Error 1706:32
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Occasusunop: agreed, but if some machines want diffferent packages its better to have the repo06:33
doronOccasus, one more thing, how do I get this apt-mirror ? :)06:33
nikitisDoes anyone know how to go from fullscreen to windowed mode using VMWare?06:33
Hausbergcould not find a solution to it but seen somebody asking the same ...06:33
Mrulezu should see my site www.freewebs.com/mrulez/06:33
Occasusdoron: lol give me 2 sec06:33
icheyneMrulez, welcome!06:33
unopOccasus,  then apt-proxy downloads the ones the other machines need :)06:33
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Occasusunop, true :)06:33
vox754dyrne: Thanks for trying.06:33
Occasusunop: we have 100mbit, and i was thinking of becoming an official mirorr06:34
unopOccasus,  it is by the very definition of a proxy a proxy06:34
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Mrulezreally you should see it06:34
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lealpbureau: thanks, i will try it.06:34
pbureauMrulez, and your site is about ? (I just hate clicking on unknown web links that will poop all over me with porn stuff)06:34
saftsackhi is it possible to install ubuntu without having X on the livecd?06:34
MarcoPauisn't w32codecs right to play mpg videos?06:34
Occasusdoron: im just finiding the howto atm06:34
unopOccasus,  you could .. and then i'll leech from you :)06:34
Mrulezit is about air planes06:34
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PriceChild!offtopic | Mrulez06:34
ubotuMrulez: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:34
ircusrdoes QEMU support HW accel?06:35
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PriceChildircusr, i wasn't aware that it did really...?06:35
bulldogg597which files on the unubtu 6.06 iso are needed for the install from cd06:35
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Mrulezok whell i made atheme06:35
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Occasusunop: it's possible, still gota speak to management *sigh*06:35
ircusri hope it does06:35
bulldogg597i wish to have just the install files on a cd without the extra software06:35
unopbulldogg597,  to be safe -- all of them :)06:35
Yanchothis is my config atm .. http://www.pastebin.ca/344280 but it is still not allowing me to read a .php file from my /home/yancho/public_html :(06:35
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geniisaftsack Yes you can install without X from the server CD for instance. Then do something like apt-get install ubuntu-dekstop  or xubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop06:36
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unopYancho,  i think you need to set /home/yancho/public_html to be execCGI for a .php file in that location to be executale06:36
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Mrulezwhe i first got ubuntu i thought it was as dumb as fuck but now i like it06:36
Yanchoubotu from where pls ?06:36
geniisaftsack Also on the alernate install CD is a text based install for X06:36
unop!language | Mrulez06:36
ubotuMrulez: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:36
PriceChildMrulez, This channel is for support only... If you would like to chat then please join #ubuntu-offtopic06:37
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Yanchounop from where pls shall i do that ? :)06:37
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Occasusdoron: you there?06:37
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PriceChild!bot | Yancho06:37
ubotuYancho: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:37
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freezeywhats the switch to view a locate by certain amount of results?06:37
Occasusdoron: http://www.howtoforge.com/local_debian_ubuntu_mirror06:37
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pbureaufreezey locate --help06:38
doronOccasus, thanks ! :)06:38
JeevaISPconfig tells me i need to go to https://www.wi9.co.za:81, but i'm running it on, local network06:38
Jeevadoesn't have access to inet yet06:38
Jeevaand now i cannot access it06:38
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Occasusdoron: np06:38
unopYancho,  http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/core.html#options06:38
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Mrulezi only know windows stuff need help with windows vista?06:38
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Jeevawhere can i change ISPconfig conf, that it runs on and now the domain06:38
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saftsackgenii, and theres no possibilty to install without X on the normal install cd?06:38
PiciMrulez: go help people in ##windows then06:39
nikitisVMWare Fullscreen to window.  Anyone know how?06:39
mindstateisnt it like F1106:39
unopYancho,  edit the site config file and for the location directive of  /home/yancho/public_html (create one if it doesnt already exist) set the execcgi option in it06:39
pbureauMrulez,  then why are you hanging in a LINUX chat room ?06:39
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lilgeekshopWho do I talk to for ubuntu support for my website???06:39
pbureau!ask lilgeekshop06:40
nikitisircusr, that will make it fullscreen, but it won't bring it back to window06:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask lilgeekshop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:40
MrulezI dont know06:40
ircusrit does06:40
pbureau!ask | lilgeekshop06:40
ircusri use it all the time06:40
ubotulilgeekshop: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:40
a-l-p-h-awith tightvnc, I just add to ~/.vnc/xstartup at the end of the file "gnome-session".  Now I get an error message about dbus-deamon.  Anyone know what this is?06:40
ircusrto swich back and forth06:40
geniisaftsack no, not from the regular CD. Only from the alternate or the server cds06:40
nikitisircusr, it's not working from fullscreen to window06:40
saftsackis this just a script what is missing or more? (i have ssh to the machine)06:41
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nikitisircusr, if I just push ctrl+alt though, it does06:41
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nikitisircusr, thanks, i wouldn't have figured that out06:41
Mrulezwhat is up with u06:41
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lilgeekshopI'm starting up a business and want the ubuntu community to help support my selling of Linux products and wanted to know the right channels to go thru..06:42
geniisaftsack It is the entire installation backend, not just some missing script06:42
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Mrulezi remember linux06:42
PriceChildlilgeekshop, What support do you need?06:42
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Mrulezcute little panguin06:43
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Mrulezi dint't know this was linux06:43
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lilgeekshopAdvertisement and help in my forums from other Linux users and any programs and games they want listed on my site or anyone that wants advertisement of there distro.06:45
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PriceChildlilgeekshop, I'm not sure you'll get much advertisment for free unless people start using and enjoying your service, this is more of a #ubuntu-offtopic conversation really06:46
Picililgeekshop: I think you might be looking for something like: http://www.ubuntu.com/partners/become06:46
scratchmeHow do you create a floppy image file of unusual size, like the 1772KB ones or 2.88MB ones?06:47
scratchmeAssuming you don't have the media, but you want to make a blank image file.06:47
cyziejust curious if the laptop/desktos has RAM >=1GB, is it adviceable to install the stock kernel with bigmem support? and why is it so ?06:47
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Hausbergcan someone help with vmware installation?06:48
unopscratchme,  you want to create an image of a floppy drive when the media doesnt exist?? can you please explain that again?06:48
lilgeekshopYea I got a application and filled it out for the partner....but I was tring to put free help and video plus podcasting for linux users...kinda like a full linux media place...06:48
=== TheDebugger [n=Algorith@modemcable128.61-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
PriceChildHausberg, are you installing from source? or ubuntu's repos?06:48
geniicyzie Only if you are over 4Gb06:48
Hausbergfrom source06:48
lilgeekshopfor newbies and what not06:48
metal03Hi there ppl, anyone know the program Antidote (french spelling corrector)06:48
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HausbergPricechild is it also in repo?06:48
Urthmoverhello all06:48
jugheadI'm very new to networking and I have a computer running ubuntu 6.10.  I would like to know what program I need to get to run commands on the computer if there is no monitor or keyboard plugged into it.06:49
scratchmeunop: Basically I need an image file like the ones you would dd over to a floppy, but for a blank media.06:49
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scratchme(like unformatted floppy)06:49
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Urthmoverwhat is the process to enable the mic on this HP omnibook laptop (Edgey)06:49
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unopscratchme,  i dont think i follow -- you have a blank floppy and you want to write an image to it?? is that it?06:50
geniicyzie The stock i386-based kernel cann address up to 4Gb but after that you need the bigmem support06:50
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PriceChildHausberg, I think player is in the edgy repo and I "should" advise you to install from there,  but secretly #I'd still advise installing from vmware.com tarballs personally.06:50
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Urthmoverdoes anyone know how to enable a mic on ubuntu if it wasn't detected on install?06:50
warriorf1rgodI am running vsftpd and it is working except it is sharing my entire root folder.  What config file do I modify to change this?06:50
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PriceChildUrthmover, depends on the make/model of the mic?06:50
unopwarriorf1rgod,  the vsftpd.conf file06:50
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cyziegenii, yea.. i know that but have read an article saying if you have RAM >=768MB, get bigmem .. im wondering why he make that statements. maybe there is reason behind but i like to know06:51
HausbergPriceChild what is the difference between player and server?06:51
Mrulezhow do u get a psp to work on ubuntu06:51
Urthmoverok well once I find that out on the HP.com specs site...whats next?  (googling away for the make.model)06:51
warriorf1rgodunop: What specifically am I looking for in the config?06:51
PriceChildHausberg, player only lets you use images... server gives you a lot of advanced things to create them etc.06:51
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PriceChildMrulez, it should be detected as a flash drive when you plug it in afaik06:52
White_Lightningwhat's the difference between a metacity and a GTK theme?06:52
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HausbergPriceChild, I assume I want server, anyway I started with tarball and got some funny error06:52
pbureauPriceChild, unless it using MTD then its an complete other ballpark06:52
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unopwarriorf1rgod,  errm, i dont remember the exact name of the directive in there -- the manpage of vsftd should tell you -- man vsftpd/vsftp.conf06:52
geniicyzie Offhand I dunno. But I would guess memory allocation may be handled somewhat more efficiently06:52
ubotumetacity: A lightweight GTK2 based Window Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.16.3-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 385 kB, installed size 764 kB06:52
warriorf1rgodok thx.06:52
PiciWhite_Lightning: metacity is just the window borders, gtk provides the buttons and other window decorations06:52
PriceChildWhite_Lightning, I may be wrong... but metacity is window borders wheras gtk is the insides06:52
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jendaMrulez: afaik = as far as I know06:52
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PriceChildWhite_Lightning, yeah judging by that factoid i'm wrong :P06:52
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luiX_anyone who knows how to set up the fans?06:53
White_Lightningthat's what I thought, so would I be right in saying that it seems most GTK themes have metacity themes imbedded in them? or at least part of them. because changing GTK themes ususally changes the window along with it06:53
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PriceChildluiX_, what needs setting up?06:53
HausbergPriceChild in the log I have mkdir /usr/local/man: File exists at /usr/share/perl/5.8/ExtUtils/Install.pm line 112 I can't find anything like this anywhere?06:53
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Mrulezi still dont get it it works with windows06:53
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amortvigilhey i just installed new samba updates it returned an error are there more with this error?06:53
Yanchohttp://yancho.no-ip.org/~yancho/info.php anyone know how i can fix this please? http://www.pastebin.ca/344309 is my current conf file06:53
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defouledWhen is the next release of ubuntu coming out06:53
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unopI think the gtk themese correspond to icons, decorations for button, drop down menus, etc06:53
geniiWhite_Lightning: Metacity is a window manager based on gtk2 . a gtk theme is a skin you apply to a gtk based window manager06:54
cyziegenii, that comes to my mind first too after read his statement. but i guess the bigmem means if you have more than 4GB of RAM, then in order for the kernel to utilize the memroy space, then you need to install with bigmem support.06:54
PiciWhite_Lightning: the themes control panel in Gnome changes both the gtk and the metacity theme, if you go into Edit theme, you can choose the specifics06:54
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luiX_PriceChild, need something to control the fan's speed and to show the state of the fan06:54
PriceChildHausberg, I'm sorry I don't understand the question or what you're doing... :)06:54
PriceChildluiX_, I have a link to a nice little howto on the forums to get "lm-sensors" working... one moment06:54
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HausbergPriceChild I am trying to install from tarball - the configuration gives that error in the log06:55
Mrulezanyone going to anser my question06:55
unopPriceChild,  i am un_operateur, yes :)06:55
icheyne!feisty | defouled06:55
ubotudefouled: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+106:55
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unopor i was06:55
PriceChildluiX_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2780 still valid despite how old06:55
luiX_PriceChild, thanks06:55
defouledicheyne: ah.06:55
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PriceChildunop, I knew it was too big a coincidence :)06:55
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lololehi. what is the mail server installed by default with edgy-server?06:55
cyziegenii, i had a box with 16GB memory and it can be detected and kernel can address all the memory space06:55
geniilolole exim406:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about encryption - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:56
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unopPriceChild,  i had to "shorten" the name as too many people were complaining (because they didnt know how to tab-complete) :)06:56
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PriceChildunop, aww :)06:56
Mrulezgod danit06:56
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Gothfuncanyone here run linux on a htc?06:57
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Mrulezpsp works on windows but not on ubuntu why06:57
geniiMrulez If no one is currently answering your question, it is likely there no one in here rright now that has an answer. Perhaps try later when different people are here that may know.06:58
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unopMrulez,  psp??06:58
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ZanHi. How can I increase memory allocated to IPC? (or something, I get IPC shm errors about not enough free space, and shm has 0 usage)06:58
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PriceChildMrulez, so you're plugging it in via usb and it isn't being detected?06:58
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geniicyzie If it sees all the ram then I wouldn't worry much about ti06:59
KajinIs there a way to use the additional button on my Logitech G7 mouse and map it to something in Beryl, like rotating my Desktop Cube?06:59
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luiX_i'll take a look right now06:59
Mrulezwhats rong my friend did the same thing and i didn't work and his is brand new06:59
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saftsackgenii, apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, or what?07:00
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PriceChildMrulez, I'm afraid I don't have a psp with me so you'll have to wait to see if there's someone else with one that could help you07:00
luiX_PriceChild, i've missed something between step2 and 3, where do you run the script?07:00
Mrulezall right07:00
unopKajin,  if there is a command to "rotate the desktop cube" .. its possible to bind a key-stroke/mouse-button to that command07:00
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geniisaftsack Yes, for Gnome. If you want KDE then kubuntu-desktop. If you want xfce then xubuntu-desktop07:00
irishboxeranyone help a newbie with repository probs.07:00
PriceChildluiX_, is this sensors?07:00
Mrulezsee ya07:00
geniisaftsack You may want to use sudo if you are not as root07:00
PriceChildirishboxer, ask :)07:01
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Vuenhey guys, what's a command line utility to edit xml files?07:01
cyzie genii yea.07:01
luiX_Mrulez, ubuntu autodetects and automounts a psp perfectly07:01
luiX_just plug it in and selecto de usb option in the psp menu07:01
Vueni should say, to edit xml files in a non-interactive way07:01
unopVuen,  any plain-text editor will do07:01
Kajinunop: There is, I used my scrollwheel-button to rotate it before, but I'm not sure if the Logitech mouse's additional button is recongnized on Ubuntu Edgy, since it doesn't appear to do anything.07:01
Vueni want to do it in a script.07:01
PriceChildluiX_, thanks for the clarification, I was sure it did ( Mrulez )07:01
Kajinunop: Is there a way to read the output when I press it in some program?07:01
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unopKajin,  detect the mouse-button press?07:02
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geniiRun it from a console/terminal07:02
luiX_woa, a lot of lag, i'm going through a ssh tunnel07:02
Kajinunop: Would that be possible?07:02
irishboxerI can't install any progs from synaptic, add-remove or apt-get. in synaptic it tells me my repos may not be activated or installed07:02
unopVuen,  you want to edit a xml file from a script?07:02
luiX_PriceChild, what sensors?07:02
Mrulezmabey its my psp its umd doesn't wor anyway07:02
ZanNo one knows about that IPC thing?07:02
unopKajin,  sure -- check out !xbindkeys07:02
Vuenunop: yeah07:02
ubotuxbindkeys: Associate a combination of keys or mouse buttons with a shell command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.1-1.1 (edgy), package size 26 kB, installed size 148 kB07:02
PriceChildluiX_, sorry I've forgotten what i was helping you with :)07:03
luiX_PriceChild, i mean, the how-to tells nothing about getting the source, but step2 sais to run that script on the souce folder07:03
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ubotuevilwm: a minimalist window manager for X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.21-1 (edgy), package size 25 kB, installed size 104 kB07:03
PriceChildluiX_, is this the lm-sensors howto?07:03
luiX_the one you gave to me07:03
unopVuen,  why not get the script to create the xml file --  a contrived example - echo "<xml> .. </xml>" > xml-file.xml07:03
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KajinMrulez: When I connect my PSP trough USB it immediately gets recongnized as external media.07:03
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Vuenunop: unfortunately it's an xml file that already exists.07:04
KajinMrulez: Have you tried a cardreader instead of your PSP trough USB?07:04
Vuenunop: i'm going to look into editing it with sed.07:04
Mrulezi do have an extremely old version on my psp and of ubuntu07:04
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PriceChildluiX_, ah don't worry about that... just run the script as suggested :)07:04
unopVuen, yes, if "changing" the contents of the file is what you are after07:04
luiX_PriceChild, ....i don't know what is suggested07:05
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PriceChildluiX_, copy the text into a file, make it executable and then run it07:05
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luiX_PriceChild, it sais to run it in the source but the 1st step sais to install it from apt07:05
KajinMrulez: I've connected my PSP (version doesn't really matter) succesfully trough USB in Ubuntu 6.06 and 6.10.07:05
PriceChildluiX_, just do the second bit in your home dir07:05
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luiX_so, where's the source?07:06
PriceChildluiX_, don't worry about that bit07:06
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ThugglesI backed up an ISO before I installed ubuntu. I just got it back and all of the files and folders in the iso appear to have been renamed with a bunch of underscores07:06
luiX_PriceChild, ok, i know what it does, and it was the problem i had (i guess)07:06
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Mrulezi dont now wat my version is but i got it in 200107:06
PriceChildluiX_, it worked fine for me...07:06
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irishboxerPriceChild: I can't install any progs from synaptic, add-remove or apt-get. in synaptic it tells me my repos may not be activated or installed07:07
gilhi, peoples!07:07
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PriceChildirishboxer, could you pastebin the output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"07:08
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mike-ekimim havin a problem with my sound07:08
mike-ekimxmms plays, but i hear no output07:08
PriceChild!sound | mike-ekim07:08
ubotumike-ekim: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:08
mike-ekimcan someone help me troubleshoot07:08
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Urthmoverpricechild is there a way to look at the mic device to get the label?  kinda like a Plug n play label?07:08
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kyngbuenas tardes07:08
UrthmoverI can't find anything telling me what the make/model of the mic put in this thing07:08
KajinMrulez: Do a 'uname -a' in a terminal.07:09
soundrayThuggles: do you mean that *all* the characters in the filenames have been replaced, or only some of them?07:09
KajinMrulez: What does it say after Linux?07:09
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mike-ekimsudo apt-get install alsa-oss slsaplayer mpg32107:09
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irishboxerPriceChild: sorry, but how do you pastbin?07:09
Mrulezit works!!!!!!!!!!07:10
PriceChild!paste | IRCAr75307:10
ubotuIRCAr753: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:10
PriceChildwhoops sorry07:10
KajinMrulez: Ah, awesome. :D07:10
PriceChildirishboxer, ^^^07:10
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Mrulezaccually i just fixed the umd drive buttt07:10
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Urthmoverpricechild will the device manager give me any information to figure out what the model of mic put in by hp?07:11
ThugglesAll, soundray07:11
PriceChildUrthmover, "lspci" maybe?07:11
PriceChildUrthmover, I'm not an expert at this sorry07:11
soundrayThuggles: have you mounted it in ubuntu?07:12
Urthmovergoogling lspci07:12
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anirbanHi my nvidia driver is not wokring after doing apt-get update && apt-get upgrade07:12
unopUrthmover, what kind of mic is this? plain old analogue one with a jack?07:12
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PriceChildUrthmover, no just type lspci07:12
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PriceChildUrthmover, usually gives idents of I dunno... ignore me!!! :)07:13
Urthmoverunop....it is the one built-in to this HP notebook (omnibook xe3-gc)07:13
Urthmoverthe sound is a ESS allegro I believe07:13
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soundrayUrthmover: microphones aren't usually identifiable devices.07:13
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unopUrthmover,  try lspci and lshw -- the gnome-sound-properties utility might already know about it too07:13
Urthmoveragreed soundray07:13
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Urthmoverok....looking soundray / unop07:14
PriceChildunop, wooo I was ont he right track! :)07:14
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Mrulezahh now it is showing up on my computer07:14
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qatsihello everyone !07:14
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PriceChild!hi qatsi07:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hi qatsi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:14
PriceChild!hi | qatsi07:15
ubotuqatsi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:15
qatsi:D hehe07:15
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unopPriceChild, arent you always on the right track? :> you are in #ubuntu after all :)07:15
Urthmoverno dice...lshw  does not identify a micraphone07:15
geniiThe ubotu needs sustenance for good work now and then :)07:15
Mrulezcan't touch this nanananaaaaaaaaaaaa can't touch this07:15
andihitdoes anybody knows if there is a workaround for the amd64 - mysql-server - bug?07:15
qatsiI'm trying to enable BigDesktop in the Xorg.conf, and...well everything works great as long as i startx as root, if i do it as a normal user, i just have the images mirrored. Why could that be? thank you :)07:16
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soundrayandihit: what bug is that?07:16
Urthmoverunop / soundray    I'm really at a loss to know what to do next07:16
irishboxerPricechild here is the pastebin. Sorry. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4602/07:16
UrthmoverI just want skype....grrr07:16
totall_6_7can anyone tell me what doing: cd // in terminal is getting me ?07:16
unopUrthmover,  did you try the gnome-sound-properties util?07:16
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PriceChildIRCAr753, that looks perfectly fine. Could you please explain further on what you're doing and what its telling you?07:16
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Urthmoverlemme try again unop...thx07:16
PriceChildirishboxer, that was meant for you again07:17
Picitotall_6_7: it should give you your root directory /07:17
andihitsoundray, it's more an gcc bug - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/edgy/+source/gcc-4.1/+bug/6670207:17
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qatsianyone with the xorg.conf thing ?07:17
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totall_6_7ahhhhh yeah thanks Pici07:17
Kajinunop: When I do a xbindkeys -k I get the little box, but it doesn't respond to any mousebuttons being clicked inside it, only keys on the keyboard.07:18
PriceChildqatsi, ?07:18
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Dimensionshiya .... i have a script to copy data automatically from flash drive when we insert it ... my question is does all usb flash drive in ubuntu get mounted to /media and does all of them have the name as /media/usbdisk ???07:18
Urthmoverunop / soundray   what is a good sound recording app (default preferably)  that I can testif its working?07:18
unopKajin,  hmm, how about when you launch  it like this - xbindkeys -mk07:18
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qatsiPriceChild: i have BigDesktop enabled in the xorg.conf and it only works if i startx as root, not with a normal user...why is that and how do i enable it for the users?07:18
unopUrthmover,  :)07:18
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Kajinunop: Still nothing.07:19
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unopqatsi,  does startx complain when you start it under a normal user? any error messages or the like?07:19
unopKajin,  let me try this -- one sec07:19
soundrayandihit: well, from the discussion I reckon the workaround is to swap your Intel board and CPU for an AMD one...07:19
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qatsiunop: no, nothing, it just starts gnome with the mirrored image, not the dual monitor thing...07:20
irishboxerPriceChild here is another pastebin of an error I got when trying to download xine. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4603/07:20
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merkidemisDoes anyone know how to disable the Shift-Backspace shortcut key to log out?07:20
andihitbut i won't by a amd cpu only for the mysql thing ;)07:20
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andihitamd64 is generic, so it should work with intel too ;)07:20
PriceChildmerkidemis, that's xgl isn't it... support in #ubuntu-effects07:21
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merkidemisok, I'll try there07:21
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PriceChildirishboxer, can you "ping" ?07:21
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soundrayandihit: I have a Xeon machine with feisty. Would you like me to install and test mysql on it?07:21
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PriceChildirishboxer, I've got to step out for a few minutes sorry07:22
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soundrayandihit: I'd only do it if upgrading to feisty was an option for you.07:22
unopKajin,  xbindkeys -k - seems to work for me if i click inside the box -- lists sequences like this http://pastebin.ca/34435307:22
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irishboxerSorry I know how to ping in dos but not in the terminal can someone help?07:23
andihitto hurd 3? hm.. it's a desktop-system (no server), i've heard that it's not so stable07:23
unopirishboxer,  simply type - ping hostname/ip.add.re.ss07:23
Kajinunop: How odd.07:23
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unopirishboxer,  to stop press ctrl+c07:23
unopKajin,  do you not get that too?07:23
geniiirishboxer just: ping some.url.here    (or use an IP)   then  ctrl-C  to halt the stream07:24
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Urthmoverunop/soundray "sound recorder" says "Your audio capture settings are invalid. Please correct them in the Multimedia settings."   I have tried changing the Prefs > Sound > ALSA, OSS, Allegro      none of them work07:24
lgcardchoille, Hi!07:24
ZanHow do I remove a package (oss-linux from opensound) that failed to install and now requires reinstall but fails allways, no matter what I do?07:24
billybobHello, I was wondering, if anyone would know, what speeds (reads / writes) I should expect to get using Samba on GbE ? (Edgy)07:24
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soundrayUrthmover: does your 'groups' output contain 'audio'?07:24
Kajinunop: I don't get anything, for some reason.07:24
UrthmoverI DO have working audio07:25
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unopKajin,  and you are sure you are clicking within the confines of the whitebox that appears?07:25
soundrayUrthmover: does your 'groups' output contain 'audio'?07:25
Urthmoverthe test sound even works under the audio capture part07:25
Urthmoverhow do I check that soundray?07:25
soundrayUrthmover: enter 'groups07:25
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soundray' in terminal07:25
Kajinunop: Yeah.07:25
irishboxerwhat would I put as the hostname for PriceChilds ping07:26
Urthmoveryes groups DOES have audio in it07:26
Kajinunop: Also, I don't get any results, unless I do right-click and the logitech-button at the same time.07:26
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Kajinunop: Resulting in b:807:26
soundraybillybob: 20 to 30 megabytes per second07:26
lgcI don't know what "puctuation" in aptitude, before the "Do you accept this solution?" question is. Is anyone familiar with this? Thanks.07:26
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unopKajin,  it probably has to be something with the mouse you are using now07:26
trghello everybody07:27
billybobsoundray: so ~35MB/s-45MB/s is good ?07:27
soundraybillybob: excellent07:27
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Urthmoveryep billybob07:27
unopKajin, how does a key-stroke/mouse-button-press combination do?07:27
billybobreads are slower though07:27
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Urthmoversoundray  any other suggestions?07:27
Urthmoveror unop07:27
soundrayUrthmover: have you gone through the wiki suggestions on sound?07:27
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soundray!sound > Urthmover07:28
Kajinunop: I tried a letter when holding down the logitech key, but it simply gave me the same result as if I would press the letter normally.07:28
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unopUrthmover,  errm, not really .. have you tested sound-capture in gnome-sound-properties, does the test pass?07:28
trgcan someone tell me if i install ubuntu across 2 hard drives if each drive needs a swap partition?07:28
lgcAnyone knows about dependency solving in aptitude?07:28
soundraytrg: no, it doesn't07:28
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billybobsoundray: anything I could do to possibly improve that ? Ive adjusted log level, socket option (till im blue in the face).07:28
zythtrg, I have one drive as / and one drive as /home, and it works fine with only 1 swap part ;)07:28
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trgso it can make use of one swap on the main drive?07:28
unopKajin, yea, looks like your mouse is the source of the problem -- i dunno what to suggest :(07:28
trgexcellent thanks for the reply07:29
zythtrg, yep.07:29
unoplgc,  well, are you reading what aptitude is suggesting to you before that prompt there?07:29
trgthank you07:29
soundraybillybob: I don't think there would be much upside.07:29
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Kajinunop: Ah, alright. Thanks anyway!07:29
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Urthmoveryes unop  I have been testing using sound recorder......and changing the cature (in gnome properties)  to each of the different selections   ALSA, OSS, Allegro     the test sound DOES pass and I do hear something07:29
UrthmoverI know that the mic does work...it worked in windoze07:29
lgcunop, yes, it says it'll keep such and such packages. And then the punctuation (-43).07:29
billybobsoundray: I dont know, maybe im just expecting too much, I am the constant tinkerer07:30
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unopKajin,  you could try messing about in the gnome-mouse-properties util to get ubuntu to detect the mouse differently, just a jab-in-the-dark07:30
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soundraybillybob: are your GigE cards on PCI? Maybe if you swap them for PCIe or PCI-X cards...07:30
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Kajinunop: I'll give it a shot.07:31
billybobsoundray: Intel pro1000 PT (PCIE) WinXP / Onboard RTL8169 Edgy07:31
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unoplgc, the higher the score aptitude calculates, the better the solution suited for you -- but dont pay much attention to that, do or dont you accept the suggestion it is giving you, thats what matters07:32
FedgeCan someone give me a hand with xorg.conf?07:32
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billybobsoundray: MTU == 9000 on Edgy 9014 bytes on XP07:32
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lgcunop, thanks. I wanted to know just that...:).07:33
FedgeX won't start up, and I've been editing my xorg.conf to no avail07:33
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unopUrthmover,  errm, i dunno what else you could do -- maybe sound-recorder has a way to bypass alsa/oss/allegro and get to the input device directly07:33
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Urthmoverwell I'll keep digging with google and the wiki07:34
Urthmoverthanks for trying guys07:34
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soundraybillybob: ask yourself  whether the time you spend tinkering will ever be compensated by faster transfers07:34
Urthmoverno skype/soup for me07:34
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billybobsoundray: that seems to be the common responce in the Linux community ;)07:34
MonsieurBonanyone here knows devilspie? I try to move thunderbird to desktop one. Syntax is correct. It doesn't work though. Tried with different application names already!07:34
unopFedge,  log on as root -- sudo -s .. then type these commands out -- X -configure; X -config /root/xorg.conf .. if you get the grid and mouse displayed .. press CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE to return to the console, let us know what happens then07:34
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core123I'm trying to install E17. Now the configure says me that libmpd is not found, but libmpd and libmpd-dev is installed, what wrong ? :/07:35
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_Archangelcan you guys help me with setting up sshd ?07:36
Fedgeunop: will do, thanks07:36
core123_Archangel, apt-get install openssh-server07:36
billybobapt-get install openssh-server ?07:36
_Archangelmust not have the reposotiry selected or something, says it can't fin package sshd07:36
=== billybob nods
core123apt-get update07:36
unop_Archangel,  sshd != openssh-server :)07:36
dyrneanyone know if there is a limit on io in linux. like solaris i run into the 256 limit sometimes.. sry for not google'n it but i cant seem to find the anserwer07:36
billybob_Archangel: apt-get update (after setting up source.list)07:36
unopdyrne,  ulimit maybe?07:37
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soundrayMonsieurBon: you could try to feed the window id to devilspie. Find it out with 'xwininfo -root -children | grep -i thunderbird'07:37
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_Archangelok newest version, so i need to strat it ?07:37
lgcunop, why is it that, if I do 'aptitude dist-upgrade' again I get an even lower punctuation?07:37
MonsieurBonsoundray: is that always the same?07:38
Kajinunop: I got it to work with xev. :D07:38
soundrayMonsieurBon: no, that's why you have to use xwininfo07:38
SpinnakerI'm installing 32-bit chroot!07:38
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unopKajin,  interesting .. hmm well, good for you :D07:38
Kajinunop: xev told me that the button number was 8, just like xbindinfo said when I did it together with the right-click.07:38
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MonsieurBonah, ok! :)07:38
_Archangel/etc/init.d/sshd start ?07:38
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MonsieurBonsoundray: don't know it that works...07:38
Fedgeunop: after running X -configure, i get "Xorg is not able to detect your mouse"07:38
Kajinunop: So I just enter Button8 in the Beryl settings and it worked.07:38
hitammanisHow can I uninstall grub on a usb flash drive07:38
Kajinunop: Thanks for your help!07:38
unoplgc,  things could have changed since you last ran the same command07:38
unopKajin,  you're welcome :)07:39
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lgcunop, I just did, nothing changed except for what aptitude did itself.07:39
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unopFedge,  hmm, is it a non-standard mouse ?07:39
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Fedgeunop: running the second command does produce the grid, however07:39
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Fedgei've got a standard PS/2 mouse plugged in07:40
Fedgealso have a pretty generic USB mouse07:40
unoplgc, well,  again, dont pay too much attention to the score, its not important really07:40
r3m0tI am using WG111v1 on 32-bit Edgy using ndiswrapper. My computer hangs (and doesn't respond to pings) regularly after I start browsing through wireless. the ethernet connection works. any suggestions?07:40
core123I'm trying to install E17. Now the configure says me that libmpd is not found, but libmpd and libmpd-dev is installed, what wrong ? :/07:40
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lgcunop, what I would expect is that the working of aptitude is self-consistent, meaning by that that if I do "aptitude dist-upgrade" repeatedly, I will soon arrive at a point where nothing has to be done.07:41
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unopFedge,  does the mouse work when the grid comes up?07:41
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Vuenhey guys, how do i figure out within a script whether the user is using kde?07:41
dyrneunop: ulimit -a  gave me the answer i think. thx07:42
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Urthmoverparse dmesg or something Vuen07:42
lgcunop, I get that gnome-app-install is not empty and will not be removed (as it should, as was diagnosed by aptitude).07:42
porsche911turbodoes ubuntu dapper support intel p4 hyperthreading?07:43
unopFedge,  i should think it is safe to copy the /root/xorg.conf to /etc/X11/xorg.conf (after backing up the orginal) and try restarting X07:43
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Fedgeunop: ok, i'll give that a shot07:43
scratchmeIf there were 1-2 books you could recommend for ubuntu/linux newbs who want to get do things like recompile their kernel, and create a small distro w/ just a kernel, and a few services from scratch, what would you recommend?07:43
billybobsoundray: anyhow, I was hoping for NFS like speeds, without all the hassle of NFS under WinXP ( or windows period), iSCSI seems slow, as does ATA over ethernet. Basically, I was looking for a FAST way to do backups of massive amounts of media / important data files, so, I guess I'm stuck with speeds less than I expected :/07:43
soundrayVuen: 'w | grep username | grep startkde' perhaps07:44
apokryphosVuen: if kdesktop is running, kde is probably running.07:44
apokryphosor startkde, sure07:44
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unoplgc, you could try resolving depends using apt-get instead of aptitude .. sometimes aptitude works too much to try and resolve broken depends when infact an easier solution can be found07:44
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soundraybillybob: rsync?07:44
soundraybillybob: unison?07:44
Fedgeunop: where is /root/xorg.conf?07:45
Fedgeunop: logged in as root, there's nothing in the root folder07:45
billybobnot familiar with unison, but if its similar to rsync, its not really what I want07:45
unopFedge,  thats like asking where is london? :) just where it is, at that location :)07:45
lgcunop, are you not one of those who thinks it is not wise to use apt-get and aptitude together?07:45
Fedgei know it's a silly question, but it's not there07:45
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Vuensoundray, apokryphos: ah. right now i was just doing -e '/etc/init.d/kdm'. your way is probably better07:45
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apokryphosVuen: yeah; kdm does *not* have to be around for you to use kde07:46
unopFedge,  are you sure -- check the location again -- you just told me that  X -config /root/xorg.conf brought up the grid .. so it must exist there07:46
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soundrayVuen: gnome sets DESKTOP_SESSION to gnome -- have you done a 'env | grep -i kde' for environment variable candidates?07:46
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unoplgc,  it doesnt really matter -- apt-get and aptitude are just different front-ends to APT07:47
Vuensoundray: ooh. yeah, i have DESKTOP_SESSION = kde here07:47
andycan someone please post me the default groups which a user is in when he just installed ubuntu?07:47
apokryphossoundray: kde uses that too, in fact.07:47
soundrayVuen: that'll be the most reliable one07:47
Vuensoundray: should i do if [ "$DESKTOP_SESSION" = "kde" ] ?07:47
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Fedgeunop: when i bring up the grid, the following text appears in the console: "(EE) Unable to locate/open config file: "/root/xorg.conf"07:47
unoplgc,  the only difference between the two is that aptitude will try and remove unneeded packages while apt-get's a bit timid that way07:47
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soundrayVuen: yeah, why not07:48
unopFedge,  ahh, so that file is not created -- try running  - X -configure  again07:48
Fedgeunop: and (==) Using default built-in configuration07:48
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billybobwell, that, and aptitude does install dependancies a bit better07:48
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billybobive had apt get stuck on dependancies07:48
unopFedge,  yea, that explains why you get the grid, it's using the default xorg.conf instead07:48
Fedgeunop: ok, i got a /home/me/xorg.conf.new07:49
andythe problem is, when I click on "System"-> administration, I don't see menu entries like "user and groups" etc.07:49
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lgcunop, thanks.07:50
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:50
unopbillybob, well, aptitude install suggestions -- but both should bring in the right depends but aptitude has a better dependency-resolution algorithm so it fares better when there are no clear solutions07:50
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Vuensoundray, apokryphos: works perfectly, thanks guys07:51
unopFedge, you could try this then -- X -config /home/me/xorg.conf.new07:51
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Fedgeunop: yeah, i did, and my system rebooted, and didn't start up gnome again07:51
billybobunop: try installing X from scratch using apt, it will have a hard time, aptitude works great (at least last time i tired over a year ago)07:51
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unopFedge, was the reboot unintentional?07:51
r3m0tI am using WG111v1 on 32-bit Edgy using ndiswrapper. My computer hangs (and doesn't respond to pings) regularly after I start browsing through wireless. the ethernet connection works. any suggestions?07:51
billybobwell, that is, unless you know exactly which packages you need07:51
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r3m0tin terminal 1 I get "BUG: soft lockup detected on CPU#1!"07:52
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Fedgeunop: yeah, after i tried the xorg.conf.new, the system rebooted completely on its own07:52
porsche911turbodoes ubuntu dapper support intel p4 hyperthreading? ????07:52
zaggynl^laptopWho knows what to do against these errors: "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server \nXlib: No protocol specified"07:52
soundrayporsche911turbo: yes it does (what a juvenile nick you have ;)07:52
porsche911turbothat's immaterial07:53
zaggynl^laptopI'm trying to start firestarter with 'gksudo firestarter --start-hidden"07:53
porsche911turbothanks for answering my question though07:53
soundrayporsche911turbo: yes, it's virtual even07:53
unopFedge, hmm .. sounds baad -- try creating a new one  -- X -configure (you must be logged on as root for this)07:53
porsche911turboyes well I am annoyed07:53
billybobporsche911turbo: apt-cache search linux-image | grep hyperthreading <--- should answer your question, but I think so yes.07:53
soundrayporsche911turbo: you need to make sure you run a SMP kernel to make use of hyperthreading07:53
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lgcunop, I think I finally achieved self-consistency.07:54
porsche911turboI'm so confused as to why I bought this cool laptop that has windows XP home07:54
porsche911turboit's intel pentium 4 (prescott core) with h/t07:54
unoplgc,  cool :)07:54
porsche911turbobut xp home doesn't support damn hyperthreading07:54
soundrayporsche911turbo: s/cool/hot/ ;)07:54
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billybobejsy srvoce pack ?07:54
billybobSP2 should address that07:54
porsche911turbono it doesn't07:55
billybobwhat service pack*07:55
porsche911turbomy task manager only shows one processor performance07:55
billybobporsche911turbo: thats funny, because it does on this side of the planet ;)07:55
mothyhas anyone in here used any pro / pro-sumer audio cards in ubuntu? like echo audiofire or MOTU ultralite, or any M audio stuff.?07:55
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andyoops, weird problem: I changed the groups of my current user and now he is only in 1 group. Now, I can't even do a "sudo" anymore. Can I fix that somehow?07:55
billybobwhat does hardware properties sat in hardware manager07:55
soundrayporsche911turbo: hyperthreading is often disabled in the BIOS setup07:56
billybobsat = say*07:56
fatbrainWhat would I write in "Mount point" when setting up the swap partition?07:56
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soundrayfatbrain: 'none'07:56
fatbrainsoundray: thanks07:56
thekidriodumb question but tee -a is append right?07:57
thekidrioi seem to be missing the man page for that07:57
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soundraythekidrio: yes. 'man tee' to be sure ;)07:57
thekidriosoundray, i am missing that man page haha07:57
unopandy,  ouch -- you'll need to get to single-user/recovery mode and edit the /etc/groups or /etc/sudoers (if you want this user to sudo without going through groups) file07:57
thekidrioerr yeah07:58
r3m0tthekidrio: I think googling "man tee" usually works07:58
billybobgoogle young padawan07:58
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thekidriohaha if only i were young07:58
lgcunop, say, I upgraded to Dapper and I got a Debian menu under "Applications". Is that normal?07:58
thekidrioi just suck at lynx nav07:58
=== billybob knows the feeling
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andyunop, can you maybe post me default user groups?07:58
unoplgc,  yes -- it doesnt have anything under it tho, does it? it's probably also greyed out07:59
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tuna-fish-andy: reboot, select single user mode from grub and log in as root07:59
andytuna-fish-, but don't I need to know in which groups I have been?07:59
EdgEyi set up a shared folder using the wizard in ubuntu's control center (feisty)07:59
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unopandy,  errm, my system is very non-standard that way -- ask tuna-fish- to post his07:59
EdgEysamba, however it asks me for a password when i try to use it on a connected computer07:59
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andyunop, ok :)07:59
EdgEyhow can i un password it?07:59
andytuna-fish-, can you maybe post me the default user groups? :)07:59
tuna-fish-andy: tuna adm dialout fax cdrom floppy tape audio dip plugdev scanner admin07:59
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tuna-fish-(replace tuna with your user name)08:00
unopEdgEy,  enable guest access to that share08:00
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EdgEyunop, how?08:00
OrbitizeI am able to find the wireless network I try to connect to, however I cannot join, as I cant chose TKIP key, my only choices are WEP 64 and 128 bit. Does anyone know what could be wrong?08:00
lgcunop, on the contrary, it has "Apps", "Games", "Help", "Screens" submenus, all leading to other stuff.08:00
billybobEdgEy: you should man samba08:01
unopEdgEy,  check the "guest access" section here http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/samba/chapter/book/ch06_02.html08:01
Wookstacan anyone point me in the direction of a page which tells me how to enable printer sharing for my local network?08:01
billybobbasically you setup  guest account = ok, or somethign similar08:01
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billyboberr access08:02
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=== billybob doesnt use guest accounts on his Samba share
unoplgc,  how odd -- well, i'm sure you can do away with that submenu -- it should have an entry in /usr/share/applications/ somewhere08:02
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billybobguest ok = yes actually08:03
billybobman smb.conf08:03
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unop< enables the guest account on read-only shares08:03
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kyngbuenas tardes08:03
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iosdfjdosibuenas tarde08:03
billybobgood afternoon :)08:03
kyngtengo un problema con un archivo08:04
billybobstill morning here though . . .08:04
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:04
lvaluehi, my sound stopped working.. i get write error: Input/output error  when I try to cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp08:04
lvalueany suggestions how to solve this ?08:04
kyngel problema es que tengo que encontrar el codigo de administrador  de energia de xscreensaver08:04
unoplvalue,  try a sudo with that command08:04
smoenuxor output to your home dir08:05
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lvalueunop, i'm trying that as root already08:05
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klm-kyng: #ubuntu-es08:05
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lgcunop, that didn't happen when I had debian repositories enabled on my sources.list (which is why I had to reinstall by "pinning" on Dapper).08:05
jhtnis it possible to setup a usb printer through ssh?08:05
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kynggood bye08:06
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unoplvalue, errm, i wonder if you have the appropriate sound modules loaded for you sound card08:06
thekidriojhtn it should be08:06
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EdgEyi set samba to share to all.. still get a password box08:06
smoenuxlvalue try: cat /dev/urandom > ~/dsp08:06
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unopsmoenux,  errm, that would just create a file by that name in his home folder08:07
lvaluethe uptime of this mashine i almost 10 days, the sound did work up until now08:07
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billybobEdgEy: have you added a user to samba yet ?08:07
smoenuxunop: I know, but he was trying to do that in the dev folder, which is root access08:07
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smoenuxI assume he just wants to view the output08:08
mike1odoes anybody know how to play ps2 games? i've tried pcsx2 & epsx without success...08:08
unopsmoenux,  ahh but the /dev/dsp is not a normal file -- catting something to it should get your speakers crackling08:08
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smoenuxunop: ooh, ok... That, I did not know.... you learn something new every day :P08:08
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unoplvalue, errm, have you done anything recently that might have made it not work? installed or configured something sound-related maybe?08:09
ZanDoes anyone know how to increase IPC (or shm?) size? Though /dev/shm has 255 MB free?08:09
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lvalueunop, i was listening to music as usual.. then i opened an .mpeg file within firefox, and the sound stopped..08:10
unopZan,  what does this return - cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax08:10
lvaluehowever fuser /dev/dsp shows no processes using the device08:10
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Zanunop, 3355443208:10
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lvaluei restarted udevd several times as well.. nothing08:11
unoplvalue,  have you tried a reboot?08:11
lvalueunop, i'm not running windows08:11
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unopZan,  try increasing that to 6710886408:11
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unoplvalue,  ha ha -- it probably might work tho :)08:11
billyboblsmod . . .08:12
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billybobsee if its running :)08:12
billybob(sound driver module)08:12
thekidrioanyone here use UniTTY?08:12
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arvidjoHello. Can anyone tell me in which package Xlib.h is in?08:12
fatbrainxlibs-dev (guessing)08:12
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lvaluei was seeking a solution that would not involve restarting the machine08:13
Astaroth_is there a package which has all the important compiler tools in it?08:13
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fatbrainAstaroth_: build-essential08:13
unoplvalue,  try billybob's suggestion - check if your sound-modules are still loaded08:13
lvaluei compiled them in the kernel08:14
thekidriolvalue, sounds like you are making a change to the hardware abstraction layer (atleast thats where the problem probably is) so a restart is usually likely08:14
billyboblvalue: best thing I could suggest, is google your symtpoms, and see if anything turns up (although, i suspect you already have ?)08:14
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unoparvidjo,  libdevel/libx11-dev08:14
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unoparvidjo,  good tool -> http://packages.ubuntu.com/08:15
billybobthats tone of the wonderfull things abotu Ubuntu, usually, if there is a problem, someones already had the same problem, and possibly have a 'solve' for it08:15
Zanunop, ok, let's see08:15
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lvaluegoogle is shit the past 5 years.. it indexes mailing lists.. lots of people asking all kind of questions and no solution to any of them08:15
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Pici!ohmy | lvalue08:15
ubotulvalue: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:15
billybobwell if that doesnt work try yahoo08:15
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unoplvalue,  how true? and how selfish those people who ask for all that help and dont let anyone know what has worked for them08:16
lvaluebut yeah, i did search on google first08:16
billybobi mean IF you havent try, what does it hurt to look, and look at the first few pages ?08:16
billybobi would have to agree with you however.08:16
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Zanunop, still same error. especially with alsa: alsa-lib: pcm_dmix.c:846:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to create IPC shm instance   and   alsa-init: playback open error: No space left on device08:17
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korayhi everyone08:17
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koraymay I ask a question ?08:18
KasioExcuse me, could someone please help me install an application, or atleast configure it, then thing is I start it but it just keeps showing the terminal and shutting down (very fast)08:18
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korayI have a notebook and I cannot use wireless08:18
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KasioIm trying to install Kismet.08:18
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:19
indrohi @ all08:19
agliv5Greetings all :) I was looking for a x264 gui and found one as an rpm... I tried to use alien to convert it, but without any previous expierence it didn't work... can anyone help?08:19
indroanyone get avant-window-navigator working?08:19
=== crazy_penguin is away: Gone to walk my conscience. Hopefully I can clean it !
thekidriolvalue, sounds like you are making a change to the hardware abstraction layer (atleast thats where the problem probably is) so a restart is usually likely08:19
korayI activated wireless device on netwrking and entererd the wep key but I failed08:19
thekidrioerr oops08:19
thekidrioi mean anyone here use secure vnc?08:19
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korayI have IntelProWirelessBG......etc..08:20
korayplease help me08:20
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ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)08:22
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tuxubwhat is the package name where the samba.schema can be found for the openldap server?08:22
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indrotuxub: debian-edu-config08:23
koraycan anyone hel me ?08:23
FedgeWhen I try to install 6.10 desktop, my monitor goes out of range.  Is there a way to tell the installer to output at 60z?08:23
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KajinHow do I fix "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables"?08:24
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JowiKajin, you need to install "build-essential"08:24
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korayI have a wireless trouble....can u help me ?08:24
tuxubindro, debian-edu-config? whats that package for?08:24
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indrotuxub: thats the package.08:25
KajinJowi: Alright, thanks!08:25
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tuxubindro, okok08:25
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medic30420Fedge, if you are installing then maybe just get the 'alternate install' CD and do a text based install, else you will have to edit the startup options on the regular install cd (F2 or F5 or something)08:25
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SpudDoggIs it just me or have the repos been really slow lately?08:25
dyrnekoray: id do a google search like "site:ubuntuforums.org wirelesscardmodel" you might have more luck with the forums08:26
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SpudDoggI usually download from the repos at like 800-900KB/s, but lately its been running at like 50KB/s.  Anyone else having problems?08:26
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tuxubindro, you rule... its there! but can you explain me that? maybe I need that for my installation... I am building a samba+ldap server08:27
dyrneSpudDogg: you might sudo gedit /etc/apt/soureces.list and remove the us or other country prefix from the urls08:27
dyrneSpudDogg: well i mispelled sources.list but you get the idea then sudo apt-get update08:28
=== Myk0 [n=mikeball@89-139-155-194.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
Myk0can anyone tell me why when i install PPC ubuntu, or debian my powerbook just ends up at a white screen????08:28
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SpudDoggdyrne, you think that might speed things up?08:29
jendaIs there a way to add highligth schemes to gedit? I like to use it for taking notes, and if I had something like a moinmoin wikiformat highlighter, it would make it really, really cool.08:29
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indrookay, werd mal schauen, danke ;)08:29
felixhummel_Does someone know how to password protect a web page? A link to the most appreciated way would be wonderful. I know it's a little off topic, but... ;)08:29
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Myk0felix cgi08:30
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Myk0anyone do a PPC UBUNTU install???08:30
dyrneSpudDogg: im not sure but id think you would notice a difference08:30
limetangOr you could use htaccess, felixhummel_.08:30
jenda(I'm currently using the changelog highlighting, because it highlights titles beginning with =)08:30
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jenda!de | indro08:30
ubotuindro: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de08:30
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felixhummel_limetang, I'll google for it, thx08:31
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lgcDoes any one know this error: 'xtApp.Value, "prettyName")] );'? I get it by trying to download something from my freshly-upgraded Firefox.08:31
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nexis_anyone alive?08:34
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:34
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Myk0can anyone tell me why when i install PPC ubuntu, or debian my powerbook just ends up at a white screen????08:34
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Goshadeb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-145 edgy main <-- how would that be translated into ubuntuish?08:35
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nexis_i cannot seem to establish a dcc file transfer i dont have a router or anything just ubuntu installed08:35
heatmanive was installing beryl when my pc froze. i then rebooted and finished the install in a non gui state. now when i try to log in ubuntu, i ge the following error: Failed to start the X server (your graphical interface). It is likely that it is not set up correctly... does anyone know what to do to fix that?08:35
nexis_with xchat08:35
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dyrneMyk0: havent made any progress since yesterday?08:36
Myk0tried everything u have no idea08:36
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dyrneMyk0: one word. ebay :)08:37
scratchmeIf there were 1-2 books you could recommend for ubuntu/linux newbs who want to get do things like recompile their kernel, and create a small distro w/ just a kernel, and a few services from scratch, what would you recommend?08:37
agliv5Does anyone know of a x264 gui for ubuntu?  I found a rmp package, but can't install it...08:37
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Myk0dyrne: i swear im coming close !08:37
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Myk0dyrne: i think im going to drop this powerbook and buy a dell xps m121008:38
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lgcagliv5, you can use alien to make it .deb.08:38
badrulhello .. can u help with atheros wireless setup08:38
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Zanunop, you don't know anything else that would help this?08:39
godhellIs there a way to get the ubuntu you have installed on one computer and install it to have it the exact same way on another computer, without swaping HDD's?08:40
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badrulhi guys i am new to ubuntu .. can someone help in setting up the wireless artheros ar5005g pci08:40
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medic30420badrul, sorry I can't be more specific, but from what I remember you need to download madwifi-ng and build, then modprobe ath_pci, then iwconfig ath0 essid {whatever your essid is}, ifconfig eth0 down, ifconfig ath0 up, dhclient ath008:40
lgcunop, does 'xtApp.Value, "prettyName")] );' tell you anything?08:40
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medic30420edit you rc.init (or something) and add the line modprobe ath_pci08:41
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medic30420happy googling08:41
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godhellany1 or an idea how to?08:42
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medic30420godhell: is it the same architecture?08:42
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godhellmedic30420; yes08:43
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Myk0any ppc experts in here ??? :P08:43
badruljust a comment .. i am so glad i found ubuntu .. i will not go to fedora core 508:43
godhellmedic30420; both are gonna run x8608:43
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medic30420godhell: i would try rescuecd (a linux distro) and make an image, then extract it to the new computer and fire up nano to fix any problems08:44
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eXistenZI find gnome kinda sluggish compared to KDE, I'm not sure why =/08:45
medic30420godhell: systemrescuecd that is (it is like norton ghost, but a command line interface)08:45
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justin007hi, I searched google for an UI to configure shorewall service on ubuntu but could not comeup with any.  are there any good ones on ubuntu?08:46
medic30420justin007: webmin08:46
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godhellmedic30420; thanks08:47
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medic30420godhell: good luck with it, and consider diff if you can install a base system first, either way it is an uberhack08:47
LattyI'm going to be buying a new PC to build myself, and I just wondered if anyone could run over my component selection and tell me if I've gone wrong anywhere in particular.  Case: Antec Nine Hundred, CPU: Core 2 Duo E6600, Mobo: Asus P5B Deluxe/WiFi-AP, PSU: 600w Seasonic S12-600, Graphics: 512mb XFX 7600GS, RAM: CorsairTwinX XMS2 512MB pair. Cooling: Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro HDD: Two IDE drives ripped out of my current08:47
Lattymachine, with this http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/ProductInfo.asp?WebProductID=480713 - as the Mobo has no IDE ports (SATA) And again, optical drives ripped out of my old machine. Note I'm not a big gamer, but want an nVidia card with Dual DVI ports for dual monitors, and will be running Ubuntu on it.08:47
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justin007medic30420: I tried webmin but found that it was bit complex, are there any simpler ones to use08:47
medic30420justin007: shorewall is pretty complicated itself, is firestarter not ok?08:48
medic30420justin007: personally, i bought an old pentium II for $50 and put ipcop on it08:48
agliv5lgc, I tried but without any previous expierence it failed...08:49
dimitridoes anyone know how i can execute a command @ a certain time every day? i only need to execute two different commands once a day. thanks08:49
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medic30420dimitri, crontab -e08:49
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dimitrimedic30420: thanks08:49
medic30420dimitri: man crontab for the syntax08:50
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justin007medic30420: I unfortunately need it for shorewall.  Have you come accross anything other than webmin08:50
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lgcagliv5, did you manage to produce the .deb?08:50
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medic30420justin007: not really, maybe just steal someone else's ruleset08:50
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agliv5lgc, yes here's what happened http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4612/08:51
herbertls -trqw08:51
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ZanWhat in the world is wrong with this ipc shm thing :E08:53
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lgcagliv5, it did generate the .deb file. Did you try to install with 'dpkg -i' as root?08:54
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agliv5lgc, yes it created a dir with a .png in it...08:54
ZanI wonder if it is a kernel thing or a userspace thing that's wrong08:54
metal03Hi there, I have a .rar file...  how can I decompress that file?08:54
lgcagliv5, is that all?08:55
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agliv5lgc, I'm not sure, but kfind only found one new entry for x264.. it was a dirrectory and nearly empty...08:56
metal03Anyone knows how to extract the content of a .rar file??08:56
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dyrnemetal03: sudo apt-get install unrar; unrar e file.rar08:57
shatratunrar e archive.rar08:57
lgcmaybe if you do 'updatedb', although you should be able to invoke the manual.08:57
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pbureauagliv5, run updatedb & and once the hdd stop spinning, try locate again08:58
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lgcagliv5, but I see that this package IS at least on the Dapper repositories.08:58
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FLiPeRanyone a URL about the kernel torrent bug?08:59
FLiPeR(I/O write error)08:59
EspenBeany java-experts here?  I try to install a program depending on java on my Edgy-box, but it fails to install and returns an error message: "Exception in thread main ....."09:00
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EspenBehow can I solve this stuff?09:00
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, or Amaranth09:01
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numistnice, gnomefreak09:02
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robdemanmm what the F09:02
cleveryay notice spam:P09:02
dyrnethats a good illustration of why i never leave irssi up on my monitor at work..09:02
EspenBebecause of the spamming - here we try again: any java-experts here?  I try to install a program depending on java on my Edgy-box, but it fails to install and returns an error message: "Exception in thread main ....."09:02
EspenBehow can I solve this stuff?09:02
numistdyrne: hah09:02
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numistEspenBe: usually that's a sign that the java program's classpath is incorrect09:03
robdemanhi folks, which command can I run that will tell me what kind of machine I have? wheter its 64 bits.. how much ram.. etc?09:03
numistEspenBe: check $CLASSPATH and make sure that your jdk is actually installed correctly09:03
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EspenBeI set CLASSPATH=/usr/lib/j2se/1.4/jre/lib/rt.jar09:03
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dyrnerobdeman: cat /proc/cpuinfo   or meminfo is a good start09:03
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dyrnerobdeman: /proc directory has all kinds of useful stuff09:04
EspenBenumist: I installed j2re1.4 using synaptic09:04
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robdemanwhat exactly is a 2.6.15-23-amd64-server ?09:04
robdemanis it 64 bits?09:05
mindstatehaving trouble autoloading certain modules, i tried adding to /etc/modules, but still no luck..any help?09:05
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pbureaumindstate, you did a modprobe -i driver , then modprobe -m ?09:06
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lgcrobdeman, indeed. I suppose that's what you get from 'uname -a'.09:07
SDBolts21n56hi all, noob here. what replaces inittab in ubuntu?09:07
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mindstatepbureau: no, to get it to work i do a couple of modprobes and a couple of insmod's ..its a usb webcam09:07
saftsackmy firefox is terminating itself without opening a window :( (ubuntu 64bit 6.10)09:07
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:07
mindstatepbureau: i want it so my cam just works, without having to run commands09:08
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CSWookieWhat is the command to make ubuntu rediscover it's X display settings?09:09
SDBolts21n56hi all, noob here. what replaces inittab in ubuntu?09:09
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mindstateCSWookie: to reconfigure X u can type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver09:10
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mindstateCSWookie: if thats wut u meant09:10
D4wNWhat is the command for know the version to use ( edgy, dapper or breeezy )09:10
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Pici!version | D4wN09:10
ubotuD4wN: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell09:10
pbureaumindstate, I not really sure once it is in /etc/modules they should load up on boot, if the usb device is reconized on boot that is09:10
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D4wNThx !09:11
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SDBolts21n56CSWookie, are you sure it is not type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?09:11
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Myk0how do i check my hd and partitions in a shell?09:12
D4wNit's dapper ;)09:12
CSWookiet may well be.  I've never had to do it before.09:12
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gstreamer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:12
SDBolts21n56what replaces inittab in ubuntu?09:13
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pbureauCryoniq, its a package in apt-get09:13
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mindstateMyk0: cat /proc/partitions09:13
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CSWookieSo, when I restart X, it says it's trying to autocoinfigure, and then moniter goes back to saying input not supported.09:13
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gobanwhats a really good (with nice gui) thing like quicken, and for making CSS? trying to get my dad to switch to ubuntu09:13
D4wNDo you know if I can play Lineage II in linux ???09:13
CryoniqCan someone explain to me what Gstreamer actually is? Is it a player, or a library and functions that has its basic foundation upon plugins for codecs etc?09:14
CryoniqD4wN: probably not..09:14
pbureaugoban,  I dont think you will find a 'comparable' Quicken software in linux, you could try to make it run under WINE, but I dont know how it would work/react.09:14
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SDBolts21n56mindstate,  are you sure it is not type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?09:14
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D4wNCryoniq: and with Wine ?09:14
CryoniqD4wN: I tried Rappelz under Wine and Cedega and their anti hack program starting with it just hates it09:14
eduedixhow come openoffice is totally 64M in ubuntu ? how do devs compile the packages?09:14
mindstateSDBolts21n56: Yes youre right, my mistake :) lol09:14
pbureauCryoniq, if you go to synaptic (system-admin) and do a search for it, you will get a description of what it is/does09:14
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mjrCryoniq, a library architecture and a collection of libraries for codecs and media manipulation, recording and playback09:15
D4wNCryoniq: Thank you. But, do you speak french ?09:15
SDBolts21n56what replaces inittab in ubuntu?09:15
CryoniqD4wN: and Rapellz is very similiar to Lineage2 as a software.. but.. I havent tried with LineageII so you should try it at least :)09:15
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D4wNCryoniq: Ok09:15
Cryoniqmjr: thanks :) What players use it? VLC?09:15
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delightI'm using an edgy with mysql5 server ... does someone know where to set mysql to use unicode instead of latin1 ?09:16
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Cryoniqmjr: ah here.. reading that Mplayer does not use the framework.. hmm..09:16
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bronzehi all. only near ubuntu package I can find for "fslint" is a "deb" package.  Does anyone know if that would be compatible/usable with apt-get install ?09:16
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Cryoniqmaybe movie player etc does then..09:16
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medic30420delight, that is done table by table if needed, else you may have to recompile it :(09:17
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Cryoniqoh well.. guess I wont "die" to try installing plugins etc and try if it works ^^09:17
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D4wNCryoniq: what is Rapellz ?09:17
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D4wNCryoniq: a game ?09:17
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CyberSnooPDoes anyone know what could cause crappy font display in wxWidgets software like this: http://bram.vleur.nl/tijdelijk/aangifte200609:18
delightmedic30420: thanks, wondering why on a completly set to unicode system that is set to latin1 ... maybe that is something for a bugreport on launchpad ?09:18
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CSWookieWeird.  The monitor displayed the start and end splash screens when I rebooted, but it won't display X proper.09:18
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SDBolts21n56I can not find the inittab in ubuntu, was it replace by somthing else?09:19
maddlerhmmm... could anyone try writing something starting with "zic*"?09:19
D4wNAre they a chanel fr ?09:19
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:19
maddlerI get: zicorp200401300290192809:19
D4wNThcnaks ;)09:19
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D4wNthanks *09:19
maddlerwrong chan!09:19
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:20
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fslint - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:20
piratepenguincan you easily encrypt single files on ubuntu?09:20
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RalthanorMy system does not recognize my USB hard drive.  I think I can get it to mount if it would only recognize it.  Any ideas?09:21
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SDBolts21n56I can not find the inittab in ubuntu, was it replace by somthing else?09:21
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chrisjs169I just upgraded to Feisty, but I think it partially killed my GUI.  startx dies after saying 'Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module.  Please ensure there is a supported NVIDIA GPU in this system, and that the NVIDIA device files have been created properly. [...] '09:21
bronzepiratepenguin: PGP09:22
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Picipiratepenguin: gpg09:22
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EchoesEdgy is the latest ubuntu? i need to upgrade from breezy. is it enough to change sources.list and do apt-get distro-upgrade?09:23
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delightmedic30420: can i set utf8 only table-wise or is there a way to tell mysql that a whole db-instance is utf8 .. something lie "create database foo character set uf8;"09:23
piratepenguinbronze, Pici, I can use GPG (since today XD ), I'm wondering if there are plans to integrate this with the OS, e.g. with nautilus09:24
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thekidrioappleheads what what09:24
thekidriomt heh09:24
Myk0anyone running PPC ubuntu here?09:24
dyrnechrisjs169: sudo sed -i 's/nvidia/vesa/' work?09:24
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dyrnechrisjs169: er sed -i '' /etc/apt/sources.list09:24
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chrisjs169dyrne: yeah09:25
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chrisjs169dyrne: I got it working, the dist-upgrade had written a new xorg file, and replacing it worked....for now09:26
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dyrnechrisjs169: the nvidia-glx package though is that working or not? just curious09:27
chrisjs169dyrne: not sure, hold on09:28
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chrisjs169dyrne - I'm not sure how I'd go about figuring that out...09:28
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ReliantIn /proc/cpuinfo, I have an AMD Sempron 3400+, but it's only showing 1000 Mhz (the 3400+ should be 1800-2000 Mhz, depending on the model)09:29
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RalthanorMy system does not recognize my USB hard drive.  I think I can get it to mount if it would only recognize it.  Any ideas?09:29
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zool2005Good evening all09:30
kupesoftHow come when I plug from the NIC on my laptop to the NIC on my router without a hub/switcher nothing happens but, if I put a hub/switcher in between everything works well?09:30
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Khemwhat can I use for graphical display of CVS tree ?09:30
zool2005I have a hardware question.... can I put a SATA drive in my box alongside an IDE drive?09:30
yellowzool2005, yes09:31
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yellowas long as you have the cable / slot /power / shelf for it09:31
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enr1xhi guys! i have just installed ubuntu onto an acer laptop and, when using the headphones, the sound is still directed to the builtin speakers. What is the problem?09:31
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bronzezool2005: but you have to get an exception from the local IDE union hall.09:31
zool2005bronze, !!09:31
enr1xi have already looked in google but the question seems to not to have been answered09:31
enr1xthanks in advance :)09:32
yellowhehe bronze09:32
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yellowi forgot about the union hall09:32
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enr1xbad kernel module?09:32
zool2005yellow, the box won't mind if I'm running XP on the IDE drive?09:32
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bruenigthe box always minds09:33
zool2005bruenig, point taken!09:33
yellowzool2005, :O i thought you're running ubuntu09:33
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zool2005yellow, I am but I need more capacity09:33
enr1xanyone knows what the solutinon can be?09:33
yellowthe almighty xp will come down and zap you09:33
enr1xi am already experienced in installing/urnning linux09:33
EchoesEdgy is the latest ubuntu? i need to upgrade from breezy. is it enough to change sources.list and do apt-get distro-upgrade?09:33
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bruenigEchoes, fresh install probably is best, if you go the upgrade route, you will need to go to dapper and then again to edgy09:34
zool2005yellow, at the moment I have two IDE drives but I want to upgrade one09:34
bruenigbut there will be almost certain breakage09:34
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yellowzool2005, as long as your motherboard support it09:34
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zool2005yellow, thanks09:35
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:35
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spinsterHello, i running linux ubuntu and when i play some sound mp3 i have error: Audio codec 'MPEG 1layer 3.....09:35
spinstercan somebody help me to i can listen mp3 too a ?09:36
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bruenig!quicktime | spinster09:36
ubotuspinster: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:36
spinsterbruenig: can you help me ?09:36
Echoesbruenig, i'm on 5.10 breezy. what exact upgrade do i need?09:36
bruenigspinster, do what ubotu said09:36
bruenigEchoes, get the edgy iso and fresh install09:37
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ardchoillelgc: Still there?09:37
Echoesbruenig, fresh install?? is it really neccessary?09:37
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spinsterbruenig: i dont now good english can you give me a wget and to i apt-get install the codesc pls ?09:37
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bruenig!upgrade | Echoes09:37
ubotuEchoes: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:37
Echoesbruenig, ok, i'll read09:38
spinsterbruenig: pls09:38
bruenigspinster, get the gstreamer ones09:38
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spinsterwhat to get ?09:38
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bruenigspinster, sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-pitfdll gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gxine libxine-main1 libxine-extracodecs ogle ogle-gui09:38
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spinsterbruenig: ok09:39
Echoeswhat kernel does 6.10 have?09:39
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spinsterin terminal i type sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-pitfdll and now what i need to do ?09:40
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bruenigspinster, the whole command09:40
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spinsterin term to i type sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-pitfdll gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gxine libxine-main1 libxine-extracodecs ogle ogle-gui09:41
bruenigspinster, yep09:41
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spinsterbruenig: after that ?09:42
spinsterits 100%09:43
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spinsterSetting up libglade0 (0.17-5) ...09:43
spinsterSetting up libxine-extracodecs (1.1.1+ubuntu1-2) ...09:43
spinsterSetting up ogle (0.9.2-2.2) ...09:43
spinsterSetting up ogle-gui (0.9.2-2) ...09:43
spinsterdone you see.09:43
spinsteri see i listen mp3 :)09:43
spinsterty ALL !09:43
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CSWookieI have a pretty new monitor, and I can't use it. :-(09:44
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Echoeswhat kernel does 6.10 have?09:45
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kestazbruenig, how to get newer kernel ?09:46
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild09:46
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kestazbruenig, i don't want to compile custom..09:46
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eXistenZIs it possible to change the highligting colors of bash?09:46
bruenigkestaz, then you don't get a newer one09:46
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:47
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Linkmasta23hi peoples09:47
Linkmasta23im new here09:48
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babodoes anyone know how to access virtual mailboxes from the commandline / pine ?09:48
farruinnbabo: what's a virtual mailbox?09:48
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Linkmasta23who reccomends ubuntu for me? im thinking of getting it09:49
x3nu__i got an quick question09:49
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x3nu__how to set up keyboard so i can write "at" and other third level caracters09:50
fredlwhere can you request things to be packaged for Ubuntu?09:50
farruinnLinkmasta23: that's a decision you need to make for yourself. it depends on a lot of things09:50
thekidriofredl you can rebuild your own ubuntu packages eh09:50
thekidrioubuntu is nice and easy, get the live cd and check it out09:50
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farruinnfredl: get in touch with the MOTU folks maybe (#ubuntu-motu)09:50
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fredlthekidrio, ehr...09:50
thekidrioi even got it working on my old sparc ultra 5 heh09:51
kestazbruenig, i can just install feisty kernel ;p09:51
fredlthanks farruinn.09:51
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x3nu__i tried on the configuration menu but it keeps telling me that something is wrong the x serv09:51
thekidriohrmm what is your hardware?09:51
x3nu__mine ?09:51
thekidrioyeah for the xerv09:52
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thekidrioyour vid hard ware09:52
assasukassehi everyone09:52
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x3nu__ati x70009:52
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thekidriohrmm that ati should work fine09:52
Linkmasta23would ubuntu work on 130 mb ram, 800mhz procceser, and a soon to upgrade 8 mb of hardrive space?09:52
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assasukassei have a question: i have a test computer on which edgy is installed, it has a 6 Gb root partition, now i wanted to try feisty but i cant upgrade since says there is not enough space in /archives what can i do?09:53
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thekidrio130 megs.... tough one09:53
x3nu__everything is running fine, mom gonna copy the error message09:53
assasukasseshould i wait for final then use the cd to upgrade?09:53
thekidriolook at minix or damn small linux09:53
farruinnLinkmasta23: it would "run" but you'd probably want more ram09:53
SDBolts21n56I can not find the inittab in ubuntu, was it replace by somthing else?09:53
Wodgervery slowly would be my guess09:53
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SDBolts21n56I can not find the inittab in ubuntu, was it replace by somthing else?09:53
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rambo3Linkmasta23, ask ubptu about lightweight09:53
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thekidriomy ubuntu runs fine on my p3 90009:53
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Linkmasta23yeah im getting more ram09:53
adarananyone know how to get 5.1 sound working on alsa?09:53
thekidriobut i have 30 gig hd and 512 ram09:53
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x3nu__Fehler beim Aktivieren der XKB-Konfiguration.  means fault in activating xkb-configuration09:54
Wookstacan anyone point me in the direction of a tutorial which tells me how to enable printer sharing for my local network via ubuntu?09:54
Linkmasta23so i think it might be good dont ya think?09:54
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jmm0906I need a driver for my Philips Sp300nc webcamera ...can anyone help me? i cant find it on phips.com09:54
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farruinnSDBolts21n56: you don'th ave it at /etc/inittab?09:54
eternaljoyanyone here use broadband from Optus in Australia?09:55
Echoeshow do i recome all X11 stuff from ubuntu? i want only console09:55
SDBolts21n56farruinn, is it a hide file?09:55
SDBolts21n56because i do see it09:55
SDBolts21n56dont see it09:55
thekidrioapt-get uninstall ubuntu-desktop echoes09:55
Cyrus25801can some one help me with a wine problem09:55
thekidriobut if you want just console09:55
Echoesthekidrio, thanks09:55
thekidrioi would install a lamp server09:55
thekidrioget the server install CD's09:55
thekidriono X on those ones09:56
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farruinnthekidrio: why the heck would he want to run amp?09:56
thekidrioa bit cleaner install then removing desktop from normal install09:56
Echoesthekidrio, i don't have the time to reinstall now09:56
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thekidriolinux + apache + mysql + php,perl,python not amp heh09:56
Cyrus25801with winecfg i'm trying to specify a program but it keeps telling me "err:commdlg:IShellBrowserImpl_BrowseObject could not browse to folder09:56
thekidrioechoes, yeah then that should work09:56
thekidrioyou can also just disable it09:56
farruinnthekidrio: I know what it is. You don't need that for just console use though09:56
thekidriono just the lamp install disk, sorry heh09:57
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thekidriomean server install disk not lamp09:57
farruinnthekidrio: isn't there a server disk and a minimal disk? separate?09:57
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farruinnSDBolts21n56: it's not hidden, it'd be /etc/.foo then. I dont' know what the deal is.09:57
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thekidrionot sure about minimal disk probably though heh09:57
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thekidriojust finished setting up 4 lamp servers, so i have it on the brain09:58
SDBolts21n56farruinn, i tried to find it but nothing09:58
farruinnSDBolts21n56: what are you trying to do?09:58
jmm0906I need a driver for my Philips Sp300nc webcamera ...can anyone help me? i cant find it on philips.com09:58
bruenig!webcam | jmm090609:59
SDBolts21n56farruinn,  chagne the defualt run level09:59
ubotujmm0906: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras09:59
jmm0906thank you09:59
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bruenig!thanks | jmm090609:59
ubotujmm0906: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)09:59
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Cyrus25801can some one help me with a wine problem. with winecfg i'm trying to specify a program but it keeps telling me "err:commdlg:IShellBrowserImpl_BrowseObject could not browse to folder"10:00
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farruinnSDBolts21n56: what are you trying to accomplish by that? debian/ubuntu have done away with the idea of runlevels for the most part.10:01
epimerhi guys10:01
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bruenig!hi | epimer10:01
ubotuepimer: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:01
Echoesthekidrio, ubuntu-desktop is not installed yet still xorg* packages are10:01
EchoesEchoes, why?10:01
epimeri'm not sure, but i think i may have hosed my python stuff10:01
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=== bruenig is confused by Echoes> Echoes, why?
epimeri've had problems with exaile and beryl since installing python2.510:02
SDBolts21n56farruinn, so there is no way to change run levels?10:02
heatmanive was installing beryl when my pc froze. i then rebooted and finished the install in a non gui state. now when i try to log in ubuntu, i ge the following error: Failed to start the X server (your graphical interface). It is likely that it is not set up correctly... does anyone know what to do to fix that?10:02
Echoesbruenig, lol, typo :)10:02
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heatmanive was installing beryl when my pc froze. i then rebooted and finished the install in a non gui state. now when i try to log in ubuntu, i ge the following error: Failed to start the X server (your graphical interface). It is likely that it is not set up correctly... does anyone know what to do to fix that?10:02
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farruinnSDBolts21n56: I'm sure if you wrote your own inittab from scratch it'd work, but I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish by this.10:02
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heatmanoops sry for saying it twice10:02
epimerso now, running exaile with "python /usr/bin/exaile" and "python2.5 /usr/bin/exaile" fails with the error that it cannot find gobject, but "python2.4 ...." works fine10:02
epimerany idea what i;ve done?10:02
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bruenigepimer, just go back to 2.410:03
=== Echoes now upgrading breezy->dapper
variantthe wow starts now..10:03
=== Echoes hopes itll go ok
SDBolts21n56farruinn, i need to be at rl 3 for this app i am using10:03
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=== Echoes only 250mb to dl... not much
bruenigthe wow started 5 years ago..10:03
Cyrus25801heatman: if you backed up you xorgconf file restor it and trying installing it again. that's the onlt thing i can think of10:03
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epimerbruenig, i removed 2.5 in synaptic, but still trying to open exaile only works if i specify 2.410:04
epimeri.e. "python /usr/bin/exaile" and just plain "exaile" return the cannot find module gobect error10:04
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=== Echoes searching for a monitor right now to attach to the upgrading box.....
CheshireVikingis there a way I can copy copy my Ubuntu installation which is on hdb1 to hdb4? I want to install a second copy of Ubuntu for testing purposes so that I don't cripple my working copy?10:04
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ompaulCheshireViking, why not just install on hdb4 it will work and your boot manager will be happy10:05
thekidrioechoes, hrmm couple things do apt-get remove xorg10:05
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jmm0906hmm... nothing on philips sp300nc webcamera. damn ..isnt there someone here who uses or knows somebody who kows about someone else using it ? :P ..help me out mates10:05
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bruenigepimer, you can just setup the menu to run whatever the python 2.4 specified command is10:05
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thekidrioand/or echo "false" | sudo tee /etc/X11/default-display-manager10:06
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epimerbruenig, i'm sorry, i don't understand what you mean10:06
thekidriothat will disable it from launching anyway10:06
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anirbanHow to install nvidia driver on Ubuntu 6.06 LTS10:06
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bruenigepimer, nevermind, you can symlink all the 2.5 stuff10:06
thekidrioumm anirban, get automatix210:06
farruinnSDBolts21n56: Ok, that's still not telling me anything, but if you're interested I've pasted my inittab here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4623/10:07
Echoesi'm distro upgrading without the ubuntu-desktop package? is it ok?10:07
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thekidrioeasiest way to install em10:07
bruenig!automatix | thekidrio10:07
ubotuthekidrio: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe10:07
thekidrioyeah echoes thats cool10:07
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anirbanwhat is it thekidrio10:07
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EchoesEchoes, is it safe?10:07
bruenig!nv | anirban10:07
ubotuanirban: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:07
thekidriohrmm seems it causes problems, but it allows automatic installation of some useful stuff10:07
SDBolts21n56farruinn, thanks10:07
thekidrioi have not had any isues with it though10:08
Cyrus25801anirban: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Latest_Nvidia_Dapper?highlight=%28nvidia%2910:08
Echoesi don't want to upgrade all those kde* and gnome*10:08
CheshireVikingompaul: thats the other option, however I'd prefer to keep my original grub settings without creating a new grub on hdb4 in case the system on hdb4 (which will only be used for testing and might get trashed), because I've got a couple of other linux installations on hdb3 &hdb6 as well as windows on hda1 i suppose i could reinstall grub back to hdb110:08
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thekidrioechoes, hrmm yeah it might, what install media did you use? regular install cd?10:09
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Echoesthekidrio, yes.10:09
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anirbanubotu I tried the BinaryDriverHowto10:10
anirbanbut did not work10:10
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ompaulCheshireViking, so make something else the primary booting engine - a perhap if you have a floppy that is removed when you running the system and not playing with grub10:10
Echoesthekidrio, what about this "Make sure that you have ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, or edubuntu-desktop installed (depending on which distribution you are using). This is VITAL for apt to perform the upgrade successfully. "10:10
farruinnanirban: ubotu is a bot10:10
anirbanactually the driver was working before the system upgrade10:10
ubotugdm: GNOME Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.1-0ubuntu4.1 (edgy), package size 1687 kB, installed size 12300 kB10:10
Echoesthekidrio, is there an ubuntu-server package?10:10
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thekidriohrmm, lets see there is ubuntu-minimal10:11
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farruinnEchoes: you only need those installed if you want the upgrade to upgrade your desktop successfully10:11
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Echoesfarruinn, ah, good, i don't need the desktop stuff10:11
blomhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/allpackages  doesn't seem to list pam at all... does anyone know if it has 0.99 ?  (ie. does pam_keyring work yet)10:12
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Cyrus25801anirban: well try to install the driver again. i think something might have gone wrong with your up grade. never have upgraded so wouldn't be able to help you there10:12
heatmanis there a command to downgrade distro to original stage?10:12
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farruinnheatman: like from edgy -> dapper?10:13
CheshireVikingompaul: I'll have alook & see what I can do, if I can, i'll try a straight copy, if not, I'll do a fresh install on hdb4, thanks for the suggestion anyway10:13
Cyrus25801anirban: and i gave you a link for the latest driver page not the binary driver howto10:13
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ompaulfarruinn, going backwards is not supported - that is called fresh install10:13
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PPAAUULLIt MintLinux like a flavour of ubuntu?10:13
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farruinnompaul: I know, just trying to figure out what heatman's talking about ;)10:14
heatmanfarruinn: nah from edgy to edgy... meaning every update or install will be deleted10:14
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CSWookieIs there a way for me to see what X settings ubuntu uses for it's startup and shutdown screens?10:14
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anirbanI am trying that10:14
CSWookieMy monitor displays those fine, so I'd be happy to just crib them over.10:14
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Cyrus25801anirban: every time you upgrade you need to reinstall driver read on the link i gave you10:15
CSWookieSince it can't seem to display X once it gets started.10:15
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ompaulheatman, too hard to make work - you install extra stuff you can find yourself with a mess - if it is from outside the standard repos you have no real chance if you value your time - reinstall and get it right ;-)10:15
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Cyrus25801can some one help me with a wine problem. with winecfg i'm trying to specify a program but it keeps telling me "err:commdlg:IShellBrowserImpl_BrowseObject could not browse to folder"10:16
babwe Im trying t setup  xchat with this http://fish.sekure.us/ but its failing t find the xfish.so on 64 bit pc10:16
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heatmanompaul: was afraid that you gonna say that!10:16
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ompaulheatman, well now you know what you knew but would not admit ;-)10:16
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Crazytales2Can someone help me with an X problem? I've just upgraded the NVIDIA drivers through Update Manager. Now I can't get X at all and I get some error about the kernel module not matching the X module.10:16
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heatmanompaul: hehe!10:16
=== ompaul remembers this channel with like less than 200 in it
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=== ompaul blinks
Crazytales2ompaul: I prefer smaller channels, but not so small that nobody ever says anything.10:17
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Crazytales2I like channels with about 50-100 members.10:17
Cyrus25801ompaul: could you help me with the problem i mentioned above.10:17
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heatmanis there a good way to install beryl... followed the instruction on its site (the one specificly for ubuntu) and that the source of my problems with Xserver10:18
Cyrus25801anirban: how r things looking?10:18
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ompaulheatman, go to #ubuntu-beryl10:18
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heatmanompaul: ty bud10:18
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Cyrus25801heatman: if you get it right maybe you can help me10:19
ompaulCyrus25801, don't know anything about wine - however that looks like a permission issue10:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pam - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:19
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:19
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Cyrus25801ompaul: i know so i tried running the command with sudo but that didn't work either. but thanx10:20
ompaulCrazytales2, so are these native nvidia drivers or the nvidious ones from nvidia?10:20
Crazytales2The binary ones ompaul10:20
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ompaul!nvidia | Crazytales210:20
ubotuCrazytales2: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:20
babweanyone pls assist cant get xchat t work with fish on a 64-bit pc runnung Ubuntu10:20
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=== ompaul thinks that binary drivers suck but then I would
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Crazytales2ompaul: yeah, being a Gnewsense friend10:21
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crazy_penguinGood night to all!10:21
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Cyrus25801does anyone here know anything about wine. having problems with dvd shrink10:22
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ompaulbabwe, is that by any chance a 32bit application?10:22
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babwemaybe fish is10:23
babwenot xchat10:23
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Echoeswhat is the point of having ubuntu-desktop packages??10:23
thekidriobasic funtctionality for a workstation10:23
blomto drag down other packages10:23
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ompaulEchoes, to make it easy to intall a workstation - gdm kdm and some reasonable stuff10:23
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Echoesit's annoying for advanced users10:23
flyinghippoAre there any free DVD encoders for Ubuntu/Linux?10:23
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ompaulEchoes, so then you know how to work beyone that10:24
thekidrioits annoying for a server, but i like it for my laptop10:24
thekidriokeeps my battery running a lot longer10:24
Echoesit's ok for desktops10:24
Echoesit makes sense10:24
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KasioHey guys10:24
babweflyinghippo decode t what10:24
thekidriothey do have a server install though echoes with no desktop stuff installed10:24
KasioWould an installation of Ubuntu help my booting issue ( cant get to choose between BackTrack and Windows XP)10:24
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KasioSo I thought installing Ubuntu will fix it so I get to choose between WIndows and Ubuntu (of course removing Backtrack)10:25
Cyrus25801flyinghippo: check the fourms. u can use k9copy but there are other packages you need to install as well10:25
indigoparrothey all, can anyone help me.  There's a bug in Kopete to do with webcams, and i've found a bug fix, i'm just not sure how to compile it.10:25
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flyinghippoThank you, Cyrus.10:25
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Echoesthekidrio, i would like that server install, can i convert the existing ubuntu-desktop to it?10:25
Cyrus25801flyinghippo: do you want to rip (backup) your dvd's10:25
flyinghippoNo, I wish to view them.10:25
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thekidrioyeah you can, ummm lemme find the lamp install line10:26
thekidriothat is if you want a lamp server10:26
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thekidrioif you just want one or two of those you can just grab those10:26
Echoesthekidrio, no lamp, just samba10:26
Cyrus25801flyinghippo: i had the same prob last week. let me see if i can find something for you. install xine so long10:26
indigoparrotcan anyone help me with compiling Kopete, or should i try in a KDE channel?10:26
thekidrioahh ok10:26
adaptrindigoparrot: why would you need to compile it ?10:26
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Echoesindigoparrot, why would you like to do that??10:27
adaptrinidnm, I saw it.. what do the people in #kubuntu say ?10:27
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indigoparrotadaptr: i want to add a bug work-around.  It doesn't work properly with my webcam and I've found a section of code i have to add/edit in an existing source file10:27
flyinghippoCyrus25801: I will try that, thanks.10:27
Echoesindigoparrot, just install the package10:27
indigoparrotEchoes: i can't, i need to edit the source, then compile10:27
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rippawalleti need a lil bit of help10:28
mistforminternet keeps timing out unless I'm hardwired10:28
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Echoesindigoparrot, then it should be easy, just make sure you have kde*-dev packages installed10:28
rippawalletcan i have help please? :)10:28
indigoparrotEchoes & adaptr: the fix is here - http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14052810:28
mistformrippawallet, ask your question and be patient. not everyone you see in the userlist is at their keyboard right now10:28
Echoesindigoparrot, better yet, download ubuntu's kopete source package and modify10:28
rippawalletok sorry10:28
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adaptrindigoparrot: get kopete source package, patch it, compile it ? If you don't have KDE headers now, you need to get all kdelibs-dev that kopete needs - which may be quite a few...10:29
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indigoparrotEchoes: what package name would i be looking for? Kopete-sources?10:29
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Cyrus25801flyinghippo: here is a link i used https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs?highlight=%28dvd%2910:29
adaptragain asking why you're in #u and not #ku ?10:29
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rippawalletwhile installing xUbuntu off the live CD, when mounting the partitions, it says no root system file, when i mounted one of them as /10:29
Echoesindigoparrot, apt-get source kopete AFAIR10:29
Cyrus25801flyinghippo: and thank you for saying thanx10:29
AbstI was wondering what is a good command-line IRC client, excluding irssi10:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bicthx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:30
thekidriosamba is pretty easy, to get going lets see its uhh sudo apt-get install samba smbfs10:30
indigoparrotadaptr: i'm running Ubuntu, but i can't get the webcam to work on aMSN either :(10:30
ubotubitchx: Advanced Internet Relay Chat client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.1-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1507 kB, installed size 6516 kB10:30
adaptrdamn silly bot10:30
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rippawalletwhile installing xUbuntu off the live CD, when mounting the partitions, it says no root system file, when i mounted one of them as /10:30
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rippawalletmistform: :)?10:30
adaptrindigoparrot: skype on wine seems to work according to some...10:30
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mistformrippawallet, I'm not as experienced as many of the guys in here, and I dont' know exactly what your problem is...10:30
thekidrioechoes, full instructions http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Samba_Server_for_files.2Ffolders_sharing_service10:30
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indigoparrotadaptr: ideally, i don't want to have to play with wine, i'd like to have it all kosher linux10:31
Abst!es | adaptr10:31
ubotuadaptr: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:31
mistformrippawallet, but I've had some problems like that with a fresh install, I just reinstalled and everything worked fine10:31
Cyrus25801flyinghippo: here is a link i used https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs?highlight=%28dvd%2910:31
mistformI've had error with root fileystem, unable to read drive format, etc10:31
rippawalleti see10:31
mistformmy hard drive is so messed up right now10:31
flyinghippoThanks again, Cyrus25801.10:31
mistformI have 18gb of the 40gb formatted to my main partition10:31
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mistformthe rest is unusable10:31
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mistformit won't format and keeps generating errors10:32
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mistformit would always fail formatting at 46-48%10:32
Cyrus25801flyinghippo, no prob10:32
=== rippawallet trys
mistformrippawallet, have you asked in ##LInux?10:32
mistform##linux ****10:33
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stephansdoes it work now?10:33
stephanscan anyone see me?10:33
rippawalletmistform: ill try now10:33
Crazytales2Hi stephans10:33
rippawalletyeah is ee you10:33
Abststephans: we cant see you10:33
Cyrus25801stephans, no where r u10:33
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jamesbroseI am unable to install beryl, everytime I start it it crashes X. Can anybody help? (running edgy 6.10)10:33
anirbanI tried the link Cyrus2580110:33
stephansWhat happened? What is this new niserv identify stuff?10:33
anirbanbut did not work10:34
indigoparrotEchoes: now i've run the apt-get, where do i find the source packages?10:34
anirbanX server refues to start10:34
ompauljamesbrose,, go to #ubuntu-beryl10:34
stephansOK -- never mind...10:34
anirbanI can not even modprobe nvidia10:34
Echoesindigoparrot, in the current dir10:34
indigoparrotok, cheers10:34
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stephansdoes anyone know anythin about dhcp10:34
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Abstno one does10:34
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thekidriowhats the question stephens10:34
otroeanHi. My volume icon in the newest ubuntu version says "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found". But it plays the sound before i log in...10:34
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anirbangetting error Unknown symbol in module10:35
Cyrus25801anirban: if you followed and it didn't work you will have to ask the experts10:35
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Echoesindigoparrot, then after modifying the src compile the new package10:35
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Random_Transithey, if i use LVM to merge partitions that already have data on them, will that data get wiped?10:35
nexousNETAnyone setup a WPC54G v.2 on ubuntu 6.06 successfully?10:35
stephansthekidrio, OK i want ot have 2 server and have them work together...10:35
Cyrus25801i think10:35
MonsieurBondoes anybody know how to display a terminal (or any other) window on each of the four desktops?10:35
MonsieurBonwith devilspie?10:35
thekidriolike ns1 and ns2?10:35
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mluser-workHello, I just installed vmware-player, and every time I run aptitude it tries to reconfigure the vmware setup script10:36
stephansthekidrio, load balance each other and failover10:36
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thekidrioright-o you are using bind?10:36
Random_Transitmluser-work, i had that same problem10:36
thekidrioerr are you using bind stephans?10:36
mluser-workRandom_Transit: How did you solve it?10:36
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stephansthekidrio, in the windows infrastructure you can have several dhcp servers....10:36
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mluser-workRandom_Transit: I cant even uninstall it now :(10:37
thekidrioyeah you can in linux :)10:37
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thekidrioerr sorry i was thinking dns haha10:37
stephansyes i have bind10:37
mistformdns :O10:37
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thekidriohaha yeah, dhcp failover... hrmm10:37
FaugnMonsieurBon: yes, I have this rule for mplayer: (if (is (application_name) "MPlayer") (begin (pin) (undecorate) ) )10:37
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jetsaredimanyone have experience with cisco vpn10:37
thekidrioi am not sure about that actually10:37
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Cyrus25801MonsieurBon: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Devilspie?highlight=%28devilspie%29 and http://www.burtonini.com/blog/computers/devilspie10:37
thekidrioi would be shocked if you could not10:37
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indigoparrotEchoes: ok, assume i'm some kind of useless ape, what commands do i need to run to compile it now?10:37
Faugnleave the undecorate and keep the pin10:37
thekidriolemm read something one moment10:38
MonsieurBonFaugn: an then it shows on every desktop you have?10:38
Echoesindigoparrot, i don't remember, read the manual, man apt-get10:38
FaugnMonsieurBon: I put it in ~/.devilspie/mplayer.ds10:38
Random_Transitmluser-work, yeah....it's a bitch to get rid of...i had to apt-get remove it and then remove everything referring to it from /etc and then grep /var for anything relating to it and zap that too10:38
Random_Transitquestion, if i use LVM to merge partitions that already have data on them, will that data get wiped?10:39
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imbecileis there anything that tells when updates are rolled out that is not on my pc?? I got a suspicious 9 updates last night i want to verify10:39
jetsaredimI seem to be having problems with cicso vpn - it keeps replacing the vpn's resolv.conf with the original one10:40
jetsaredimanyone seen that before?10:40
MonsieurBonFaugn: wow, that really does it, can you explain why?10:40
FaugnMonsieurBon: ?10:40
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FaugnI just followed the documentation/examples10:41
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imbecileis there anything that tells when updates are rolled out that is not on my pc?? I got a suspicious 9 updates last night i want to verify10:42
MonsieurBonFaugn: I did not get that from the examples. Muss I missunderstood pin10:42
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MonsieurBonFaugn: s/muss/but10:42
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thekidriostephans: www.madboa.com/geek/dhcp-failover10:43
MonsieurBonFaugn: thx and cu10:43
kane77anybody knows of a program (script) that would scan the ftp for files (changes) and then export it into file (which would then be parsed into mysql database.. but I can do that in php...)??10:43
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Echoesindigoparrot, so, have you found the command?10:44
indigoparrotEchoes: i have run configure10:44
farskiIf I'm setting up a file server using NFS and WebDAV, and I want authentication for both to be the same, do I use LDAP or something else?10:44
Echoesindigoparrot, don't! compile the package not the source10:44
indigoparrotechoes: it gave an error, saying it can't find the X libraries10:44
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Echoesindigoparrot, wait10:45
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FanskapetXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0".10:45
Fanskapetdisplay: :0.0  screen: 010:45
FanskapetOpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.10:45
FanskapetOpenGL renderer string: MOBILITY RADEON X700 Generic10:45
FanskapetOpenGL version string: 2.0.6011 (8.28.8)10:45
indigoparrotechoes: oh ok10:45
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Fanskapetanyone know how to solve that problem?10:45
kane77!paste | Fanskapet10:45
ubotuFanskapet: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:45
FanskapetI only get the Xlib problem booting the XGL session10:45
FanskapetI know what pastebin is.10:45
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Fanskapetalthough it's pretty useless to use pastebin for 4 rows10:45
Fanskapet6 even10:46
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Echoesindigoparrot, run "sudo dpkg-buildpackage" in the src directory10:46
kane77the rule is if its >3 then >> pastebin :D10:46
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Fanskapetanyone have solved this problem?10:46
thekidriofanskapet, that was a bot heh10:46
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Random_Transitquestion, if i use LVM to merge partitions that already have data on them, will that data get wiped?10:46
Echoesindigoparrot, that's the right way to recompile the package after modification10:47
indigoparrotechoes: thanks :)10:47
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Echoesindigoparrot, does it work? i'm talking out of memory10:47
indigoparrotechoes: on the phone at the mo, will try in a minute10:48
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indigoparrotechoes: "cannot open debian/changelog to find format: no such file or directory..." etc error :(10:50
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Echoesindigoparrot, do you run as root, sudo?10:50
stephansthekidrio: thank you for the link.10:50
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EchoesEchoes, you must be in the package directory10:50
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Echoesindigoparrot, , you must be in the package directory10:51
indigoparrotechoes: i'm an idiot, running in the correct directory i got this error - "Build dependencies..."10:51
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farskiIf I'm setting up a file server using NFS and WebDAV, and I want authentication for both to be the same, do I use LDAP or something else?10:52
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xelados:window close 210:52
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POVaddctxelados: using irssi? :)10:52
indigoparrotechoes: "...dependencies/conflicts unsatisfied: aborting (used -d flag to override.)"10:52
xeladosPOVaddct: indeed :p10:52
POVaddctxelados: i think /window close can be abbreviated by /wc10:53
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indigoparrotEchoes: "cdbs docbook-to-man kdelibs4-dev (>= 4:3.5.0) libgadu-dev libslp-dev automake1.9 libglib2.0-dev" - those were the unmet build dependencies10:55
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Random_Transit!lvm | Random_Transit10:55
thekidrioi am not sure about losing the data random10:55
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO10:55
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:55
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imbecileis there anything that tells when updates are rolled out that is not on my pc?? I got a suspicious 9 updates last night i want to verify10:57
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Echoessindigoparrot, i suggest you to play a little with dpkg-buildpackage, read the manual, it's useful knowledge :)10:58
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eyelasersimbecile, can you clarify that?10:59
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geniithe man page for dpkg generally is extremely enlightening10:59
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j1pIs there any editor that has syntax highlighting for MIPS? Or an easy way to do it in gedit?11:00
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CryoniqHmm anyone know what is needed to play .mkv video files (matroska)?11:01
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Cryoniqwooha netsplit galore...11:02
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Echoesswtf is netsplit?11:02
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xeladosHow do I make Fluxbox start when Xorg starts without using GNOME or KDE? I tried putting 'exec startfluxbox' in my ~/.xinitrc, but didn't have any luck. Could I get a push in the right direction?11:02
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Crazytales2Echoess: it's when a server loses itc connection with the network11:03
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Crazytales2thus isolating all users connected to the server11:03
Echoessxelados, cnfigure *dm accordingly11:03
cpk1nothing beats spam like a netsplit11:03
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xeladosI don't have a DM installed.11:03
EchoessCrazytales2, thanks for enlightenment :)11:03
Faugnxelados: which session do you choose on startup?11:03
Cryoniqtrue.. reminds me of good old days back in the 90's11:03
Faugndid you give execution right to the file?11:03
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Cryoniqahum.. guess my question was missed.. :)11:04
xeladosFaugn: I'm not sure. How do I check? I'm on a server installation, so no DM.11:04
CryoniqHmm anyone know what is needed to play .mkv video files (matroska)?11:04
=== xelados would prefer not to use GNOME or KDE, and thus gdm/kdm.
Faugnxelados: chmod +x ~/.xinitrc11:04
Echoessxelados, then ~/.xinitrc should work11:04
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:04
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dyrnexelados: that should work.11:04
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ompaulEchoes, when irc servers can't keep in sync they split and rejoin11:04
Faugnxelados: and try again11:04
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Faugnalso, what do you have on the first line?11:04
imbecileanybody on dapper get like 15 updates lastnight?11:04
nexousNETAnyone successfully setup a wpc54g v.2 on ubuntu 6.06?11:04
xeladosFaugn: ~/.xinitrc's contents are nothing but 'exec startfluxbox'11:05
eyelaserslol, netsplit11:05
geniixelados If you make some entry to .xinitrc .xinit or .Xsession or so on to run something, put a & after the name.11:05
Cryoniqwpc54g.. what is that?11:05
Faugnxelados: add: #! /bin/sh11:05
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nexousNETCryoniq: a linksys wireless adapter.11:05
eyelasersimbecile, dunno, I'm not living in the past, lol11:05
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j1pIs there any editor that has syntax highlighting for MIPS? Or an easy way to do it in gedit?11:05
xeladosFaugn: Will do.11:05
Faugnas the first line, + execution rights11:05
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CryoniqAh :) I suspected it was but had to ask :)11:05
Faugnjip: MIPS?11:05
Echoessxelados, don't but the & on the last item11:05
zerooninjai need help with this11:06
imbecileeyelasers,  your not living with lts either ;P11:06
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zerooninjai lag when playing CS11:06
j1pFaugn, Assembly language for embedded devices11:06
zerooninjaand with windows i don;t11:06
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zerooninjai don't know if i have drivers for my video card11:06
eyelasersimbecile, who needs support? this is linux! we support ourselves!11:06
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zerooninjathen leave eyelasers -__-11:06
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Faugnj1p: there is probably a syntax file for VIM somewhere11:06
thekidriohaha i had to get LTS to convince my boss to switch to ubuntu heh11:06
imbecileouch.. hehe11:07
xeladosStill only loads X...11:07
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zerooninjawhere would i get my video card drivers?11:07
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zerooninjacuz they ones on my cd only support windows =(11:07
thekidriowhats your video card?11:07
xeladosI added in the /bin/sh line and chmodded the xinitrc for +x across the board11:07
dyrnezerooninja: youll have to write your own shouldnt take too long :)11:07
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:07
Faugnxelados: how do you start X?11:07
zerooninjaradean X300 se11:07
Faugnxelados: use the command startx11:08
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xeladosFaugn: I type in "Xorg"11:08
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Faugnnot directly X, or Xorg11:08
xelados'startx' doesn't work11:08
thekidrio!ati | zerooninja11:08
ubotuzerooninja: please see above11:08
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xelados'command not found' for startx11:08
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xeladosWhich is weird11:08
Faugnxelados: it should now that the rights/contents are OK11:08
mc2003Anyone heard about the kernel corrupt I/O error on torrents?11:08
thekidrioubotu an eggdrop?11:08
zerooninjaand dyrne that isn't really funny....11:08
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ubotuan: very fast anagram generator. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.95-3 (edgy), package size 13 kB, installed size 84 kB11:08
Faugnxelados: any error message?11:08
rpchow do you become another user as root?11:08
rpci forgot the damn command lol11:09
thekidrioubotu eggdrop?11:09
xeladosFaugn: From 'startx'? None. bash just acts as if it doesn't exist.11:09
ubotueggdrop: Advanced IRC Robot. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.6.17-3 (edgy), package size 459 kB, installed size 1144 kB11:09
Faugnrpc: sudo -u user -i11:09
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thekidrioubotu ubotu?11:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubotu? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:09
xelados'locate startx' returns an empty set, too11:09
rpcFaugn thank you, so sudo as root to become another user?11:09
thekidriopoor bot11:09
thekidrionot self aware11:09
rpci thought sudo was just for non-root users11:09
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imbecileubotu pancakes?11:09
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rpctricky :)11:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pancakes? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:09
imbecileim hungry11:09
rpcubotu: botsnack11:10
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Faugnxelados: do you have the xinit package installed?11:10
genii!botsnack | imbecile11:10
ubotuimbecile: please see above11:10
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thekidrioubotu pancakes are all exciting at first, but by the end you are sick of htem.11:10
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rpclmao genii11:10
xeladosLet me check.11:10
Crazytales2ubotu ubotu11:10
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:10
zerooninjahey guyz wats ubuntu?? is it linux x86 or linux x86_6411:10
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zerooninjai have edgy11:10
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ompaulzerooninja, both11:10
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xeladosFaugn: Hah, nope. Installing now.11:10
Crazytales2zerooninja: therer are versions available for both archs11:10
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zerooninjaso should i just see which one works11:10
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zerooninjalol xD11:11
geniirpc :)11:11
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ompaulzerooninja, do you plan on doing multimedia stuff?11:11
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zerooninjayea kinda i animate ALOT11:11
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mc2003thats a netsplit i suppose?11:12
geniizerooninja: The default kernel is a plain vanilla type for any i386 box. You can install a more specific kernel later if you like eg: 686 or so11:12
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zerooninjawaiting for money so i can get a tablet11:12
zerooninjawait wat?!11:12
ompaulzerooninja, multimedia is better on 32bit atm11:12
zerooninjaexplain more to me genjj11:12
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zerooninjai downloaded that one11:12
zerooninja=) i have a amd anthlon 64 tho =P11:13
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zerooninjaanyways thanks guyz11:13
xeladosSweet. Fluxbox loads now. Two last questions and I'll be set:11:13
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zerooninjai'll let you all know if it works, i just went to the ati site, thinking they wouldn't have linux drivers but they proved me wrong =)11:13
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xelados1) How can I get X to start when I log in, or will I need to login to bash and type 'startx' every time?11:13
xelados2) Why doesn't Ctrl+Alt+F# work to get to the ttys? :(11:14
Faugnxelados: you could install a graphical login manager11:14
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geniizerooninja: If you have an AMD 64 bit based cpu then the i386 kernel works fine. the amd64 distribution still has some odd problems that are being worked out. But anyhow, the i386/586/686 based kernels will still run along great on an AMD11:15
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Thug-N-Mewill azureus be installed without java ?11:15
Faugnxelados: a lightweight one like xdm for example11:15
mikefooHey guys I have ntpd running but my time still drifts off, what am I doing wrong?11:15
Thug-N-Mei mean if i dont have java installed can i still install azureus ?11:15
mikefootime still gets out of sync with time servers11:15
xeladosFaugn: Is it tied to a DE like gdm or kdm?11:15
geniimikefoo If your system is overclocked that can explain it11:15
eyelasersThug-N-Me: no11:15
Faugnxelados: nope11:16
mikefoogenii: it isn't11:16
Faugnit's ugly, but light11:16
Thug-N-Meeyelasers then how do you explain this ? >>> azureus exec: 40: java: not found11:16
eyelasersThug-N-Me try ktorrent :-)11:16
adaptrxelados: update-rc.d xdm defaults will start a graphical login manager on boot11:16
Thug-N-Meeyelasers i use gnome11:16
menace_can anyone point me in the direction of the tutorial on how to enable mp3/mpg/etc.. support?11:16
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notgodOkay, I am a FreeBSD user, and I am felling in love with ubuntu.  Great work, and I am really enjoying it...11:16
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ubotuFor multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications11:16
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menace_thank you11:16
xeladosFaugn: Alright, cool. Thanks a lot. You saved me a lot of headaches. :)11:16
notgodbut the networking on this laptop is completely maddening.11:16
eyelasersThug-N-Me - the dependencies system currently allows azureus to be installed against gcj, but it doesn't work11:16
zerooninjagenjj where would i get the kernals?!11:16
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:16
Faugnxelados: for the VT problem, do you have the DontVTSwitch option in your xorg.conf?11:16
eyelasersThug-N-Me - or your system's just b0rk3d11:17
xeladosI'm not sure, let me check.11:17
eyelaserszerooninja - kernels? maybe kernel.org?11:17
Thug-N-Meeyelasers well this is stupid ... if azureus wouldnt run without java ... and i dont have java installed why did it pass the install depends11:17
Thug-N-Meeyelasers hell yeah i think " ubuntu its broken "11:17
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geniimikefoo Other than some european 50hz weirdness vs 60hz north american cycle powering the clock, I don't know. I've seen time acceleration on european systems that were put on a north american poer supply for instance11:18
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notgodI use both wireless and wired networks, and it seems I can only get one or the other to work -- not both.11:18
xeladosFaugn: vim didn't find "Dont" in its search, so I presume it's not there.11:18
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notgodFor example, I had wireless working last night, came into work, plugged in the wired network, and it didn't work.11:18
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Thug-N-Menotgod wanna connect with both ? at the same time ?11:19
xeladosFaugn: I have to go to work now though; if you could /msg me the tips I'd be grateful.11:19
notgodso I had to go to System -> Administration -> Networking and enable the wired network...11:19
Faugnxelados: ok, it default to off, so I have no other idea11:19
notgodwhich broke wireless.  :)11:19
geniimikefoo conceivable your cmos battery is dying11:19
notgod(i.e. I no longer get the option to enable wireless in NetworkManager)11:19
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pbureaunotgood are you using network-manager-gnome ?11:20
notgodThug-N-Me: not connected at the same time, but both configured to work (e.g. not having to go through a half hour process to set up wireless to ahve it break in 10 seconds when I need to get the machine on a wired connection)11:21
notgodpbureau: yes11:21
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notgodpbureau: I need WPA for my home network.11:21
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pbureaunotgod, what chipset you god on that wifi card ?11:21
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davieyHi, anybody here access a wireless network that requires TTLS auth?11:21
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notgodpbureau: Broadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1470 DualBand WLAN (rev 02) (according to lspci)11:22
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notgodpbureau: using the ndiswrapper11:22
zerooninjaguyz how do i fix lag in games11:22
zerooninjalike counter strike 1.611:22
pbureaunotgod, iwlist <cardid> scanning give you what (ie: ifconfig reports my card as being ra0 so iwlist ra0 scanning)11:22
eyelaserszerooninja, lots of ways - define lag11:22
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notgodpbureau: it's eth111:23
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zerooninjawhen i see someone on my screen11:23
pbureaunotgod,  and ifconfig sees an eth1 ?11:23
eyelaserszerooninja - do you have a high ping response, i.e. high latency? do you have a low framerate, i.e. choppy?11:23
zerooninjait starts to jerk a bit11:23
zerooninjano no jigh ping11:23
notgodpbureau: nope -- unless I ifconfig -a11:23
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zerooninjalike i used to get 120 fps with windows11:23
j1pdoes anyone know a good editor for mips source code that isn't vi or emacs, I want something with a little bit of syntax highlighting11:23
zerooninjaand now i get 40-7011:23
zerooninjawith linux11:24
notgodeth1      No scan results11:24
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eyelaserszerooninja, that's choppy? lol - my graphics card sucks :-\11:24
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eyelaserszerooninja, what model card do you have?11:24
zerooninjasomething is up with the OS11:24
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zerooninjaati readean X30011:24
pbureaunotgod, okay lets take is a step back if you enter - lswh -class network -  what does it say your card is and what driver is it using (we can take this to #helpya if you like for cut/paste11:24
notgodpbureau: but I usually dont get any networks fromt his location.11:24
eyelaserszerooninja, same card as me, lol - you need fglrx to use it right - the open drivers have bad 3-d and also don't work well with shared mem atis11:25
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zerooninjawait urs visiontek?11:25
eternaljoyeyelasers: how are they after the surgery?11:25
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notgodpbureau: thanks for the help.  Can't seem to find lswh11:25
notgodbash: lswh: command not found11:25
pbureaunotgod, humm.. sudo ?11:25
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eyelaserseternaljoy - actually, http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Image:Eyelasers.jpg (I think)11:26
eternaljoyeyelasers: :>)11:26
jribnotgod: it's lshw11:26
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pbureauopps I am beiung dislectix..lol11:26
zerooninjahow can i fix this lag11:26
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notgodlisdexic, right.  :)  says the wireless interface is disabled.11:26
eyelaserszerooninja - what drivers are you using?11:26
zerooninjaso far11:27
zerooninjanone that i know of11:27
pbureaunotgod, then the driver = line is empty right ?11:27
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zerooninja(first time with linux)11:27
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eyelaserszerooninja, ok - do you know how to use a terminal?11:27
notgodpbureau: driver=ndiswrapper11:27
zerooninjalol yes11:27
notgodpbureau: I have the 1.8 ndis wrapper in there, and it seems to load on bootup ok.11:27
pbureaunotgod, humm11:27
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zerooninjaheere dude oepn a side dialouge11:27
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zerooninjaso we dun take up chat space11:28
pbureaunotgod, modprobe -i <driver name> should tell you its loaded already11:28
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notgodpbureau: I also have "blacklist bcm43xx" in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist11:28
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Cryoniqhmm anyone had trouble playing .mkv video files on Ubuntu 6.10? Installed plugin for Gstreamer that had it in it, but when starting movie player resize bigger and it is black and no sound. If I move window I can quickly see video and it flicker back to pitch black again =/11:29
pbureaunotgod,  /join #helpya for a minute lets check stuff out11:29
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notgodpbureau: does the gnome applet, in some way, interfere with the networking control panel?  A lot of the help pages say stuff about clearing out /etc/network/interfaces11:29
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hackeronhey, is it possible to move from 32bit ubuntu to 64bit ubuntu without reinstalling?11:30
wdnvghi , im trying to install from livecd..gparted is messing with me , in that it wont let me use / as ext3 and /home as xfs without saying: xfs may not be used on the filesystem containing /boot, but actually I told gparted to use EXT3 as /, so is this some osbcure bug ? ;))11:30
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ubotulirc: Linux Infra-red Remote Control support. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.0-5ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 308 kB, installed size 1544 kB11:32
ferret_0567How do I get lirc to work on Edgy?11:32
Linkmasta23hi pplz11:32
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ferret_0567My laptop has a integrated infrared port so I figured I would try it out11:32
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Linkmasta23is transfer from microsoft to ubuntu easy?11:33
nexousNETThere's no way to actually 'restore' default settings is there in ubuntu11:33
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FaugnnexousNET: depends, settings for what?11:33
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nexousNETFaugn: Well, I've made a lot of changes and added multiple things, that I want completely restored to stock.11:34
jribnexousNET: define "things"11:34
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Faugnyes, but what?11:34
ferret_0567I found a guide11:34
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Linkmasta23can anyone hear me?11:34
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ferret_0567Ubuntu Community Docs are great! : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Install_Lirc_Edgy?highlight=%28LIRC%2911:34
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nexousNETNvm, I'm just gonna upgrade it to 6.1011:34
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jribLinkmasta23: no, but I can read what you type :)11:35
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webmarenmy openoffice.org won't start up11:35
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jribwebmaren: any interesting output when you try to open it from a terminal?11:35
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nexousNEThmm, now to find my 6.10 cd11:35
mrintegrityanyone know java here please?11:35
TatsterHi.  Has anyone tried using 2X terminal server from ubuntu?11:35
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jribmrintegrity: try ##java11:36
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mrintegrityjrib: yeah thanks11:36
nexousNETI have a 500gb hd, but I still store things on disks, wtf?11:36
compengihow to create a network between linux and windows machine?11:36
compengisorry linux and linux machine11:36
Faugncompengi: to share some file?11:37
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Faugnyou can use a variety of things, like NFS/SAMBA/...11:37
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mistformcompengi, it's called "hard copies" lol11:37
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webmarenjrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4638/11:38
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terapicodavehmm strange, edgy's livecd doesn't give me a command line when x fails to start but dapper does, any ideas why that would be?11:38
Linkmasta23is the transition between windows and ubuntu easy?11:39
terapicodaveLinkmasta23 easy is a relative term11:39
FaugnLinkmasta23: depends...11:39
shatratLinkmasta23, it depends on what you do with your computer.11:39
bruenigLinkmasta23, depends on you11:39
terapicodaveLinkmasta23 do you ever use notepad or cmd?11:40
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jendaany tips as to how to measure the bandwidth used by IRC?11:40
TatsterLinkmasta23:  I'm currently about 7 days into switching over to Ubuntu.  So far so good!11:40
Linkmasta23i have a good knowledge in computers and already use some opensource softwar.11:40
webmarenjenda: shut off all apps, measure bandwidth. turn on irc, measure bandwidth. mathematics11:40
bruenigI just dove into it formatted the whole drive, probably not the best advice, but doing that forces you to get it really quick.11:40
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bruenigor I suppose fail miserably and never come back11:41
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webmarenbye guys11:41
terapicodaveLinkmasta23 just try it out, you'll learn how to fix the probs you run into11:41
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TatsterLinkmasta23: you could always try a LiveCD and see how you like it11:41
TatsterThat's what I did11:41
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Linkmasta23yeah live cds arent too great (tried slax linux before)11:42
localverbguys ....I really need your help......I am using headphones but the mic doesn't work....how can I get it working? thanks in advance11:42
jendaIf I could only tell webmaren that I'm simply not gonna shut down IRC.11:42
Faugnjenda: maybe use iptraf11:42
bruenignot as a permanent OS but as a try it out and see, it is pretty great11:42
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localverbI am using Edgy11:42
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terapicodavethe greatest feature in that new other os is that it lets you shrink partitions to install edgy ;)11:42
Faugnlocalverb: did you check the level?11:43
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terapicodavei'm just about fully switched over to edgy, only run the other in a vm11:43
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jendaFaugn: thx, will check.11:43
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localverbbut it doesn't seem to work11:43
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localverbalthough it works on windows11:43
Faugnlocalverb: I have micboost setting on my card, did you check that?11:43
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localverbHow to do that?11:44
Faugnusing alsamixer in a terminal11:44
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Tatsterterapicodave:  I'm also trying to get a VM running with 2X terminal server to publish a couple of legacy apps.  Just having a few probs getting it running!11:44
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localverbFaugn: I am new to ubuntu11:44
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Faugncheck gstreamer-properties too, to see if it's configured to use the right input source11:45
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localverbok I'll check it now11:45
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localverbFaugn: where to find gstream-properties?11:46
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Faugntype gstreamer-properties in a terminal11:47
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localverbFaugn: ok :)11:47
Faugnor somewhere in the preference menu11:47
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Faugndon't remember which item (it changed in feisty)11:47
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m_billybobhmm, is THIS thing on, now ?11:48
notgodpbureau is the best.  :)11:48
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CrescendoI'd like to see how long I can keep Ubuntu running on a failing HDD - what commands can I run to be sure filesystem integrity is green?11:48
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FaugnCrescendo: badblocks11:49
m_billybobhas this network always been nickserv, or is this recent ?11:49
localverbFaugn: Default input plugin ALSA ....This appeared in a window after typing the command in the terminal11:49
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Belgainquick question: how can i track down samba streaming performance problems? When trying to stream mp3s to my laptop from another machine, I get pauses every minute or so of music11:49
Belgaini don't have the same problem if i play files locally11:50
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Faugnlocalverb: ok, and did you try alsamixer to check for any mic related setting?11:50
m_billybobBelgain: first off, whats you throughput speed ?11:50
m_billyboband line speed to boot11:50
FaugnCrescendo: and use smartmontools11:50
Belgainit's on a "b" wifi connection11:50
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Belgainso should be around 5MBps i guess11:50
Belgaincertainly plenty for mp311:50
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m_billybobhave you tuned samba yet ?11:51
frogzooCrescendo: you can use fsck, but that only checks the directories, you should install smartmontools which will reveal the whole ugly story11:51
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pbureaulol notgod11:51
m_billybobBelgain: then i would sugest google -> Samba tuning11:51
mistformdamnit.... where am I supposed to go to install a KDE theme?11:51
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy11:52
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localverbFaugn: Yeah it's full but same problem11:52
ubotu[Ubuntu]  Install gnome-themes or go to menu, system settings, appearance. [KDE]  For a good KDE guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu11:52
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Faugnlocalverb: and nothing to boost the input?11:52
m_billybobBelgain: as an example, i recently tuned Samba, on a GbE connection, and raised my speeds by about 5x faster11:53
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Faugnit's not muted? ;)11:53
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Belgaina quick file copy test shows that samba throughput between the two machines is over 400 kilobytes per second11:53
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Moniker42anyone know of a good wysiwyg web editor for ubuntu?11:53
m_billybobthat is pretty slow11:53
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Belgainwhich is confortably an order of magnitude faster than mp3 bandwidth11:53
m_billybobBelgain: what log level are you using ?11:53
Belgainsamba log level?11:53
m_billybobin smb.conf, what is the log level set to ?11:53
frogzooBelgain: but latency for sound is also a big issue11:54
m_billybobnano /etc/samba/smb.conf11:54
bruenig!info nvu11:54
ubotunvu: Complete Web Authoring System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0final-2ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 8373 kB, installed size 26448 kB11:54
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frogzooBelgain: try bumping up the buffer on your mp3 client if you can11:54
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Belgaintried that - doesn't help11:55
mistformit was in preferences11:55
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m_billybobanyhow log level set higher than log level 2 usually seriously degrades Samba performance11:55
mistformthe Login Window setting...11:55
Belgainlog level is 011:55
m_billybobits documented11:55
terapicodavewhat mp3 client?11:55
m_billybobssend / read buffer sizes ?11:55
localverbFaugn: sorry ...I didn't see your reply quickly......I've boosted it to the max ...but same problem11:56
Faugnno more ideas, sorry!11:56
m_billybobBelgain: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/samba/chapter/book/appb_01.html11:56
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Belgainoh hang on... i can't seem to find a log level parameter in smb.conf..... i've posted it here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4642/11:57
Belgainthat's the client smb.conf file11:57
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frogzoom_billybob: gxine at least lets you increase the read buffer11:57
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m_billybobBelgain: that looks like a stock smb.conf11:59
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m_billybobhelp on a second, let me fire up the ole edgy box, and ill take a gander12:00
m_billybobhold on a sec*12:00
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=== ^genius [n=maksym@fft186.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
obstfliegeDo ypu use HDD/System encryption?12:00
Belgainok, i'm using rhythmbox and banshee and neither have a setting for read buffer size... i must have been misremembering when i said i'd changed them12:00
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