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Prisoner_ | hello | 03:24 |
Prisoner_ | what's going on? | 03:25 |
Prisoner_ | anyone here? | 03:29 |
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BrendanM | Is there an easy way to take screen captures in Xubuntu? | 03:30 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Yeah, there's a panel plugin. | 03:31 |
BrendanM | fabulous, thanks | 03:31 |
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Prisoner_ | I found out why my Xubuntu box wasn't burning ISO CDs today | 03:32 |
Prisoner_ | I was using xfburn, switched to K3B and it worked | 03:32 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Cool. | 03:33 |
Prisoner_ | it was a funny thing, xfburn will burn data CDs, but acts funny when I try to burn a CD from an ISO file | 03:33 |
Prisoner_ | spent most of this afternoon working in Xubuntu, had fun with it | 03:36 |
Prisoner_ | gathering info on my main machine so I'll have what I need to install it | 03:37 |
Prisoner_ | I have 2 cd drives in my machine, one is a CD-R/RW/DVD Reader, the other is a CDR/RW/DVD writer, one is AOpen, one is Sony | 03:38 |
Prisoner_ | when I try to copy an uncopyprotected DVD, I get an error message, wonder if that'll happen in Xubuntu | 03:39 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Depends on the error. | 03:40 |
Prisoner_ | can't remember the exact error message, it's cryptic. I use Nero under Windows | 03:42 |
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Commander-Crowe | how wouldI go about to get the google search request to stop showing up (like when you go to the google bar a drop down list shows all your google searches | 04:27 |
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PuMpErNiCkLe | Commander-Crowe: Firefox? | 04:44 |
Commander-Crowe | yes | 04:44 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Preferences -> privacy -> [ ] Remember what I enter in forms and the search bar | 04:45 |
Commander-Crowe | hrm | 04:46 |
Commander-Crowe | I want to keep the forms one though | 04:46 |
Commander-Crowe | oh well | 04:46 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | You can set them separately in about:config. | 04:47 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | (That's the way it seems, anyway. It looks like there's an entry for each, individually.) | 04:47 |
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unikon | anyone ever have an issue of openingup a folder on the desktop scroll halfway down and it closes by itself? | 05:05 |
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cellofellow | hello | 05:28 |
Commander-Crowe | hello | 05:29 |
unikon | commander-crowe i currently have an issue of opening up a folder on the desktop scroll halfway down and it closes by itself? | 05:32 |
Commander-Crowe | hrm | 05:32 |
unikon | i made a new folder for misc pics and screenshots and docs and i can open it up fine but i scroll down to view the contents and i am careful to stay on the scroll track and the damn thing just closes 80% thru the viewing | 05:33 |
Commander-Crowe | what version of xubuntu is this? | 05:33 |
unikon | Dapper | 05:34 |
Commander-Crowe | ok | 05:34 |
Commander-Crowe | I'd recommend updating either Xfce to 4.4 or xubuntu up to edgy | 05:35 |
Commander-Crowe | I had the same problem on a few dirs myself back in dapper | 05:35 |
unikon | this only popped up tonight | 05:36 |
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Commander-Crowe | did you install anything recently? or update anything? | 05:36 |
unikon | i just saved a few images from google image search | 05:38 |
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ferad | spanish??? | 06:43 |
malnilion | Necesitas espanol? | 06:45 |
ferad | me refiero si aqui se habla espaol | 06:46 |
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esc_on_anakin | morning all, sup TheSheep .. | 10:22 |
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geo- | anyone here? | 01:02 |
gabkdlly | yes | 01:04 |
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Grey_Loki | !mkv | 01:21 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 01:21 |
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r_a_f | hello ;) | 01:35 |
geo- | hi | 01:36 |
r_a_f | how can i change photo- login in xubuntu ? | 01:36 |
geo- | I still dunno, lol | 01:37 |
r_a_f | lol so i am | 01:37 |
r_a_f | a few days ago i have kubuntu too and i can do it easy - but now only xfce and its problem for me | 01:38 |
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geo- | same, went from ubuntu to xubuntu | 01:42 |
r_a_f | yoo - a little bit dficult | 01:43 |
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grazie | r_a_f: not on xubuntu right now, but is there not something under Applications > Settings > Desktop Settings | 01:52 |
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grazie | grazie: or you could launch the application from a terminal and enter 'gdmphotosetup' | 01:56 |
grazie | r_a_f: ^^ | 01:56 |
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geo- | grazie we're talking abotu the login screen | 01:59 |
grazie | geo-: r_a_f was asking about the login screen in xubuntu | 02:03 |
r_a_f | yea thank m8ts its workin OK :D THANKS | 02:08 |
r_a_f | grazie: geo-: ;) | 02:08 |
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r_a_f | hello again :) | 02:49 |
Commander-Crowe | hell | 02:50 |
Commander-Crowe | hello | 02:50 |
Commander-Crowe | :P | 02:50 |
r_a_f | how is trash command in xubuntu? | 02:50 |
Commander-Crowe | hrm? | 02:50 |
Commander-Crowe | you mean rm? | 02:50 |
r_a_f | no no - cammand for start system trash | 02:50 |
Commander-Crowe | I don't think there is one | 02:51 |
Commander-Crowe | ask TheSheep or PuMpErNiCkLe | 02:51 |
r_a_f | is there icon trash and it working ok , but i cant find the command name | 02:51 |
r_a_f | ok thx ;) | 02:52 |
Commander-Crowe | trash:/// | 02:52 |
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adam_ | Hi. How do I change screen resolution? I have an iBook (1024) but I'm getting 800x600, I think | 03:03 |
gabkdlly | adam_: check out Applications->Settings->Display Settings | 03:05 |
adam_ | Doesn't appear there: 1024 is not enabled. | 03:05 |
adam_ | In Ubuntu there is a command line thing that will do it, but "gedit" is not recognized. | 03:06 |
adam_ | Is there a 'gedit' for Xubuntu? | 03:07 |
adam_ | (When I type it, it says "command not found" | 03:07 |
gabkdlly | gedit is not included in a default xubuntu install. you could use mousepad instead. | 03:08 |
gabkdlly | or, you could install gedit | 03:08 |
adam_ | I'd prefer to use the mouse :) | 03:08 |
adam_ | I'm a GUI kind of guy. | 03:08 |
gabkdlly | or, you could install and use any other editor of your liking ;) | 03:08 |
gabkdlly | !xorg | 03:08 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 03:08 |
adam_ | Excellent. I'll start there and come back when I'm in tears. | 03:09 |
adam_ | OK. That didn't work. I opened terminal and entered "sudo nano /etc/x11/xorg.conf" | 03:20 |
adam_ | It said at the bottom "New File" | 03:21 |
adam_ | I think, from what the page says, that I should be seeing the file, not creating a new one. | 03:21 |
adam_ | But let's be clear: I have NO IDEA what I'm doing. | 03:21 |
grazie | adam_: you didn't get the name quite right. I'd advise reading http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto...the link that gabkdlly gave you | 03:24 |
adam_ | Alas, I did. The autodetect section didn't work--but it looked like it wasn't supposed to. | 03:25 |
adam_ | Then I tried to edit the file, as the page says to. What didn't I get right in the name? I tried several times. Here's what the page says: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 03:26 |
adam_ | I entered it, I think, just like that. | 03:26 |
adam_ | I'll try again, just to be triple sure. | 03:27 |
adam_ | Is the trouble that the page seems most concerned with Ubuntu, not Xubuntu? | 03:28 |
adam_ | Triple-checked: I'm still getting a new file, not the display file. | 03:29 |
adam_ | Anyone? | 03:36 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | It's case-sensitive. | 03:37 |
adam_ | I see. I'll try again, then. Thanks pumpernickle. | 03:37 |
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Powha | Is it possible to install konqueror on xubuntu without kde? | 04:18 |
geo- | you can enable kde on xubuntu | 04:21 |
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tftb | does anyone know if there are any xubuntu-related concept videos anywhere? I mean strictly graphics/ui related, kinda like the one that was on youtube, the one that had windows longhorn in it | 04:23 |
tftb | i was reading some forums and mail groups about xubuntu related stuff and being a graphic designer myself felt a tug of interest | 04:24 |
grazie | Powha: the Xubuntu philosophy is to avoid kde apps if at all possible. It keeps Xubuntu light | 04:27 |
grazie | Powha: it's not possible to install konqueror without some kde libs | 04:27 |
geo- | grazie you have a link to a how to do desktop eyecandy with just xfce and not gnome? | 04:29 |
Powha | yhea, I guess I have to skip it. I just wanted to have it to test some javascript compatibility. | 04:30 |
grazie | geo-: I don't have link...depends what mean by eyecandy?...transparency? | 04:36 |
geo- | like themes and splash screens and stuff, seems everything I can find you have to use gnome | 04:37 |
grazie | geo:- http://xfce-look.org/ | 04:38 |
geo- | how do you install them though? | 04:38 |
grazie | geo-: download theme to ~/.themes (I think that's right) and select from Applications > Settings menus | 04:39 |
grazie | s/theme/them/ | 04:40 |
geo- | ok, thanks | 04:41 |
grazie | geo-: not certain about that directory though...have a look on your machine first | 04:42 |
geo- | might it be /usr/share/themes? cause there isn't a themes folder in the home dir | 04:42 |
grazie | geo-: that the system themes directory. you can put them there yes | 04:43 |
grazie | geo-: yes, but it's good practice to keep your preferences local | 04:44 |
geo- | ah | 04:47 |
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grazie | Powha: I'd use knoppix for that | 04:53 |
Powha | Yhea, good idea :) thnx | 04:55 |
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noname | oops.. all my icons are gone from my desktop and the wallpaper also =/ and when I rightclick on the desktop I don't get the menu up where I can change my background:S | 04:57 |
noname | does anyone know what have happend?:S | 04:57 |
noname | btw I installed previous today | 04:58 |
noname | dont know if it has anything to do with it | 04:58 |
maxamillion | noname: Applications->Settings->Settings Manager->Desktop and click "Allow Xfce to manage my desktop" | 04:59 |
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noname | maximillion: thanks!!! | 05:00 |
maxamillion | noname: anytime ... that is actually an error that has been resolved in the current release of xfce4.4-stable that will be included in Xubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn which will be released in late April | 05:01 |
noname | sounds great :) | 05:01 |
noname | another problem :p as I said I installed kiba-dock earlier. but the icons isnt... hm.. they look pretty stupid. there is no transparency and yeah. how do I fix that?:S someone said I need beryl installed to get kiba-dock to work properly. is that right? | 05:06 |
grazie | maxamillion: I think it must be xubuntu specific as I don't have the same problem with other distros | 05:06 |
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maxamillion | grazie: well we are running xfce4.4-beta2 (on edgy, beta1 on dapper) and i thought that was the reason for the problem ... it could be something to do with the default setup | 05:07 |
maxamillion | noname: i've never heard of kiba-dock so i wouldn't be of any help :( | 05:08 |
maxamillion | brb | 05:08 |
grazie | maxamillion: yes, but a few other distros are too, | 05:08 |
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grazie | noname: not used kiba-dock either | 05:09 |
noname | =/ | 05:11 |
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grazie | noname: just looked at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8469816405464433885...seems a bit silly to me :) | 05:11 |
noname | yep it is:) but I wanted to try if it really is that silly. but I couldnt even get it to work=/ | 05:12 |
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grazie | noname: engage (part of e17) is very nice | 05:13 |
maxamillion | grazie: interesting ... then it might actually just be an issue with the xfce package or possibly something with the default theme/configuration that causes it | 05:13 |
grazie | maxamillion: dunno...not worth worrying about :) | 05:14 |
noname | grazie: what is engage? | 05:14 |
maxamillion | !engage | 05:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about engage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:14 |
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grazie | noname: it's another dock and comes from e17 project | 05:15 |
grazie | !e17 | 05:15 |
ubotu | Enlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version. | 05:15 |
maxamillion | i thought it would be a separate package ... guess i assumed e17 to be as modular as xfce | 05:16 |
grazie | maxamillion: yes it is separate | 05:16 |
maxamillion | if e17 EVER goes stable, i will give it a shot ... because it really is very eye pleasing and capable for how light it is on the system but its been in development for far too long and i keep getting the idea that the project is going nowhere | 05:17 |
grazie | dreamlinux uses it to good effect with xfce (I think) | 05:17 |
maxamillion | grazie: oh ... maybe its just not packaged in the repos then | 05:17 |
noname | hm. isnt there anything called enlighenment 16 also= | 05:17 |
noname | ?* | 05:17 |
maxamillion | yeah, dreamlinux has a very good implementation of engage+xfce | 05:17 |
grazie | noname: yes that's quite stable..but not pretty | 05:18 |
maxamillion | noname: yes, enlightenment16 is the stable release ... enlightenment17 is the development version (that has been in development for almost a decade now) | 05:18 |
grazie | maxamillion: i think the e17 team are just doing a very thorough job...it will be very big! | 05:19 |
noname | but how is e16? is it usefulL? stable to use? good-looking? | 05:19 |
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noname | worth to try? | 05:19 |
maxamillion | grazie: yeah ... i know, i can understand what they are doing but even the debian team doesn't take that long to stablize an entire operating system and there isn't anything on the planet that is more stable then debian stable branch ;) | 05:20 |
maxamillion | noname: stable, yes ... goodlooking, it can be ... but it has little annoyances that i don't like about it ... i would prefer to use fluxbox over e16 (but that is just my opinion) | 05:20 |
grazie | maxamillion: yeah, but noone is getting paid though | 05:21 |
maxamillion | grazie: up until 6 months to a year ago, nobody on the debian devel team was getting paid either | 05:21 |
grazie | I'd much rather use xfce than e16 | 05:21 |
noname | i just installed beryl. and then the kiba-dock started to work like it should :S strange. to bad that beryl doesnt work good on my computer =/ | 05:21 |
grazie | maxamillion: but they are a big team | 05:22 |
maxamillion | oh yeah ... xfce in my opinion is the perfect balance of features to performance and i think it has a very clean professional look to it | 05:22 |
maxamillion | grazie: true, but they work on an entire operating system | 05:22 |
noname | but is it able to not to use any of the animations and the 3d deskop in beryl? to inactivate them? | 05:22 |
grazie | maxamillion: true | 05:22 |
maxamillion | noname: i dunno to be honest .... i wouldn't think you can, 3d is kinda the only reason beryl exists | 05:23 |
noname | hm yeah i know =/ | 05:23 |
grazie | maxamillion: but enlightenment looks at things very differently to all that's gone before | 05:23 |
maxamillion | grazie: yeah, i think its a complete rewrite from e16 so i do understand their lengthy development cycle | 05:24 |
grazie | noname: if your interested in e16/e17 give elive a try | 05:24 |
noname | grazie: I dont know if Im really intrested. well im intrested in tryng new things :) | 05:25 |
noname | grazie: I dont really know what enlightenment is. is it a windowmanager?:S | 05:26 |
maxamillion | yes, elive is a very good representation of e16/e17 and actually has e16 customized to be very eye pleasing and useful ... more so than any other configuration of e16 i have ever seen | 05:26 |
grazie | e17 too | 05:26 |
maxamillion | but i actually am on a personal boycott of eLive because the lead developer won't let you download the image at any faster than like 10k/s unless you donate money, which really annoys me | 05:26 |
maxamillion | kinda defeats the purpose | 05:27 |
grazie | maxamillion: it's on the linux torrents site | 05:27 |
maxamillion | oh ... didn't know that, it didn't used to be and i actually got into an arguement with one of the developers of the project in their irc channel once about it ... it was bad :( | 05:28 |
grazie | it's very hard getting the balance right | 05:29 |
maxamillion | balance? | 05:30 |
maxamillion | grazie: actually ... we should move to #xubuntu-offtopic | 05:30 |
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grazie | maxamillion: I think I'm done....it's kinda related...and we've been answering queries too | 05:34 |
cyberyak | the curiously unstable notebook is still up and running. | 05:37 |
maxamillion | grazie: fair enough | 05:37 |
maxamillion | cyberyak: care to elaboratE? | 05:38 |
maxamillion | errr .... -E +e | 05:38 |
maxamillion | well .... -E & +e ... better notation :) | 05:38 |
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maxamillion | ok, i have class ... bbl | 05:45 |
slow-motion | hallo | 05:46 |
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rob_7 | hi, I'm a newbie on linux and I'm having an issue with xubuntu. I updated my puter and rebooted it and now my screen is blank. no menus at all. I can access my workspace's and menu's by middle and right clicking my mouse.....how do I turn the menu back on? thanks | 06:01 |
TheSheep | rob_7: press alt+f2 and type 'xfce4-panel' in there | 06:02 |
TheSheep | rob_7: then press enter | 06:02 |
rob_7 | THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 06:05 |
rob_7 | will I need to save anything to keep from having to do this everytime I shut down my computer? | 06:05 |
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TheSheep | rob_7: yes, save the session on exit | 06:21 |
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cheatersrealm | anyone have a torrent app suggestion? | 06:23 |
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grazie | I've just lost loads of disk space doing an rsync. does anyone know where it's work space is? | 06:50 |
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Joe-ay | Excuse me, I'm attempting to install Xubuntu on an old computer. The CD loads, I select the install icon on the desktop, and right before it loads the language list it crashes. Is there a way to fix this? The CD works on my other (newer) computer. | 06:55 |
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grazie | Joe-ay: how much ram does your machine have? | 07:05 |
grazie | Joe-ay: you probably need the alternative CD for your older machine | 07:06 |
slow-motion | bye | 07:22 |
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therapy | does anyone know how to avoid transparency of the taskbar when using xgl/beryl/compiz? | 07:24 |
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agrei1 | does anybody know how can I upgrade xfce from 4.3.99 to 4.4.0? | 07:27 |
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grazie | agrei1: are you using edgy? | 07:28 |
agrei1 | I use xubuntu 6.10 | 07:28 |
grazie | agrei1: yes that's edgy. you'd have to download from xfce.org and install outside the package manager. not recommended really | 07:30 |
agrei1 | The next version of xubuntu will contain 4.4? | 07:30 |
grazie | agrei1: yes | 07:31 |
agrei1 | Is there a schedule when? | 07:32 |
grazie | agrei1: planned release is mid April | 07:32 |
agrei1 | ok, thanks | 07:33 |
grazie | np | 07:34 |
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Pekke | how can i update from xubuntu 6.06.1 to 6.10? | 07:46 |
Pekke | i have n ocd rom | 07:47 |
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Commander-Crowe | Pekke, change the sources.list to edgy and then do a "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 07:50 |
Pekke | how do i know if this is edgy or dapper, and what is the actual difference? | 07:53 |
TheSheep | Pekke: edgy is 6.10, dapper is 6.04, you can check the file /etc/issue to check that | 07:55 |
Pekke | ok... and then final question, how can i change the sources list to edgy? | 07:56 |
TheSheep | Pekke: sudo mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:57 |
Pekke | thanks | 07:57 |
TheSheep | and then do 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' and it will download new versions of packeges and install it | 07:58 |
TheSheep | them | 07:58 |
Pekke | so i need to change every 'dapper' word to 'edgy'? | 07:58 |
TheSheep | yes | 07:59 |
Pekke | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 08:01 |
maxamillion | Pekke: "sudo apt-get update" and then do "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 08:02 |
Commander-Crowe | TheSheep I usually send hem off to source-o-matic | 08:02 |
TheSheep | :) | 08:02 |
Commander-Crowe | its 10X easier | 08:02 |
Pekke | thanks =) | 08:02 |
TheSheep | Commander-Crowe: I don't know, it requires you to open your browser ;) | 08:03 |
Commander-Crowe | hehe | 08:03 |
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agrei1 | Where can I find binaries for apache 2.2? Synaptic mentions only 2.0.55. | 08:12 |
maxamillion | agrei1: its not available for edgy, it will be a part of the feisty repositories though (it is already in feisty if you are adventurous enough to run an alpha os webserver) | 08:14 |
Commander-Crowe | google deb packages | 08:14 |
maxamillion | or that | 08:15 |
agrei1 | in only want to use it for development on xubuntu | 08:15 |
TheSheep | agrei1: what do you need apache for actually? | 08:15 |
maxamillion | agrei1: what shortcomings does 2.0 have that you need from 2.2? | 08:16 |
agrei1 | I dont know exactly, but I want to use mod_python with it. Unfortunately mod_python inthe repositories ist outdated too (3.2.8) the latest stable is 3.2.10 | 08:17 |
agrei1 | In production we have 2.2 | 08:18 |
maxamillion | if you are just doing development, anything that will run on apache 2.0 with mod_python 3.2.8 will run on apache 2.2 with mod_python 3.2.10 .... so there wouldn't be any compatibility issues and i honestly couldn't tell you what the feature list is that makes them different | 08:19 |
TheSheep | mod_python has its weirdnesses | 08:20 |
maxamillion | yes .... yes it does | 08:20 |
agrei1 | which dou you mean? | 08:21 |
maxamillion | it randomly does strange things | 08:21 |
TheSheep | it's not that bad >_< | 08:22 |
agrei1 | I use it with sqlalchemy and had no problems. But my site is not so highly frequented :) | 08:22 |
=== maxamillion jsut realized that 3.2.10 probably has python2.5 support | ||
TheSheep | yay for python2.5 | 08:23 |
agrei1 | and New req.is_https() and req.ssl_var_lookup() methods | 08:23 |
maxamillion | i have 1 issue with python2.5 ... it ignors things like... | 08:23 |
maxamillion | x= | 08:23 |
agrei1 | but I dont need https :) | 08:24 |
maxamillion | that is valid in 2.5, it _should_ be an error | 08:24 |
maxamillion | in a language like python, varibales without an assigned value should cause an error in my opinion | 08:25 |
maxamillion | gotta run | 08:26 |
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nonlocal | Hi. On my windows machine pressing the middle mouse button brings up a fast scrolling cross-thing. I would like this in Xfce as well, is there a package which does that? | 08:27 |
agrei1 | nonlocal: #xfce | 08:28 |
TheSheep | nonlocal: it's application-specific (in windows too) | 08:28 |
nonlocal | TheSheep: Ah, I thought it was done by the mouse drivers in win. | 08:28 |
TheSheep | nonlocal: you can enable it in firefox and it's enabled by default in the pdf viewer, I think | 08:28 |
TheSheep | nonlocal: try to search for firefox extension called 'mouse gestures' | 08:29 |
nonlocal | agrei1: Since xubuntu runs Xfce and I am looking for a ubuntu package ideally, I thought this would be as good a channel as any. | 08:29 |
nonlocal | TheSheep: Yeah I have gestures but no middle mouse button fast scroller. Maybe I'm using the wrong gestures extension as there are a number. | 08:30 |
agrei1 | yes, I like this channel too, but maybe the specialized #xfce has more answers. | 08:30 |
nonlocal | Fair enough. | 08:30 |
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kick52 | hello | 09:20 |
kick52 | anyone know of any howtos on getting xubuntu networked with mac os x? | 09:20 |
kick52 | i'm a noob at networking.. | 09:21 |
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kick52 | i got them both on dchp, but ubuntu isnt picking up an i[ | 09:21 |
kick52 | *ip | 09:21 |
kick52 | ubuntu recognizes my ethernet card | 09:22 |
kick52 | but i'm not getting an ip on ifconfig eth0 | 09:23 |
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fxr | cant you try giving them static ips? | 09:26 |
kick52 | hmm | 09:27 |
kick52 | ok.. it seems to work | 09:27 |
kick52 | i can ssh into the ubuntu | 09:27 |
kick52 | but password is denied.. | 09:27 |
kick52 | even though i know i am typing in the right thing | 09:27 |
fxr | mate i know nada about ssh, maybe one of the sages' on here can help out... <--------------------------------- | 09:29 |
kick52 | ok | 09:29 |
agrei1 | I have a bash question: how can I set PATH for all sudo commands? | 09:30 |
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kick52 | anyone know if there is a place for allowing ssh logon? | 09:38 |
kick52 | i can get ubuntu to access my ibook now | 09:38 |
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agrei1 | kick52: what was the problem? | 09:41 |
agrei1 | kick52: I mean how did you solve it? | 09:42 |
kick52 | the ssh thingy | 09:47 |
kick52 | my ibook still wont connect to the ubuntu box though.. | 09:47 |
kick52 | wait,, | 09:47 |
kick52 | i think its because i screwed up the ipds | 09:48 |
kick52 | *ips | 09:48 |
kick52 | aha | 09:49 |
kick52 | works now | 09:49 |
kick52 | i get connection refused | 09:49 |
kick52 | now i only need someone to kindly tell me where i can turn on ssh logon | 09:50 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | You'd need to install an ssh server, if you haven't already done so. | 09:50 |
kick52 | oh. | 09:51 |
kick52 | thought it would be included | 09:51 |
kick52 | ok. | 09:51 |
kick52 | thanks | 09:51 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Not for the default desktop installation. Only the client is included. | 09:51 |
kick52 | ok | 09:51 |
kick52 | how can i setup my ethernet connection so that the ubuntu box can be connected to the internet? like a wireless setup; no config? | 09:52 |
kick52 | bbl; ibook is crashing. | 09:54 |
kick52 | well my sys. prefs. is | 09:55 |
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Bico_Fino | hey guys, I can install xubuntu with windows without lose my partition? (I mean resize the partition NTFS) | 10:28 |
nonlocal | yes | 10:28 |
Bico_Fino | this is a option on install ? | 10:28 |
nonlocal | yes | 10:28 |
Bico_Fino | ty | 10:29 |
Bico_Fino | :D | 10:29 |
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rippawallet | hey | 10:38 |
rippawallet | can i get some help? | 10:38 |
TheSheep | !ask | rippawallet | 10:38 |
ubotu | rippawallet: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:38 |
rippawallet | ok | 10:38 |
rippawallet | lol | 10:38 |
rippawallet | while installing xUbuntu off the live CD, when mounting the partitions, it says no root system file, when i mounted one of them as / | 10:38 |
rippawallet | lol | 10:39 |
TheSheep | rippawallet: I think there was a bug in the installer that prevented xubuntu from installing to an existing partition | 10:39 |
rippawallet | hm | 10:39 |
rippawallet | is there a way to fix | 10:39 |
TheSheep | I'm not sure, there are workarounds | 10:40 |
rippawallet | do you know of any | 10:40 |
TheSheep | for instance, you could delete that partition and ask the installer to create it when installing... | 10:41 |
rippawallet | i have 3 partitions | 10:41 |
rippawallet | one is a windows | 10:41 |
rippawallet | 1 is unused | 10:41 |
rippawallet | 1 is for xubuntu | 10:41 |
rippawallet | do i _need_ a swap partition | 10:42 |
TheSheep | rippawallet: it comes in handy if you run out of ram | 10:43 |
TheSheep | rippawallet: how much ram do you have? | 10:43 |
rippawallet | err | 10:43 |
rippawallet | like | 10:43 |
rippawallet | not much | 10:43 |
rippawallet | thats why im using the minimal cd | 10:43 |
rippawallet | 193mb | 10:43 |
TheSheep | then swap is definitely a good idea | 10:43 |
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rippawallet | ok | 10:43 |
rippawallet | erll | 10:44 |
rippawallet | well | 10:44 |
rippawallet | ive found a way | 10:44 |
rippawallet | dont know how to do it though | 10:45 |
rippawallet | :D | 10:45 |
rippawallet | http://life-of-a-nus-computing-student.blogspot.com/2006/11/my-first-experience-with-linux.html | 10:45 |
rippawallet | it says ther | 10:45 |
rippawallet | e | 10:46 |
TheSheep | rippawallet: use 'mousepad' instead of gedit | 10:48 |
rippawallet | i just opened it as you said that | 10:48 |
rippawallet | :P | 10:48 |
rippawallet | it says | 10:50 |
rippawallet | cant open file to write | 10:50 |
rippawallet | >_< | 10:50 |
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rippawallet | TheSheep: any ideas? | 10:51 |
TheSheep | rippawallet: did you put 'sudo' before it? | 10:51 |
rippawallet | i manually went there ._. | 10:52 |
rippawallet | ok then | 10:52 |
nonlocal | rippawallet: 'sudo' gives you temporary root powers | 10:54 |
rippawallet | :0 | 10:54 |
TheSheep | rippawallet: you can do it manually, but run Thunar with sudo first :) | 10:54 |
=== rippawallet does | ||
rippawallet | ok | 10:54 |
TheSheep | rippawallet: like, press alt+f2 and type 'gksudo Thnar' there | 10:54 |
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rippawallet | i run gksudo Thunar? | 11:00 |
rippawallet | TheSheep: :)? | 11:01 |
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nonlocal | rippawallet: If you run gksudo Thunar you will have root access in Thunar in order to manually edit whatever you like | 11:02 |
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Pekke_ | hmmh | 11:03 |
Pekke_ | how long will the updating from dapper to edgy take? it downloaded 656Mb, and now i guess it's installing them... | 11:04 |
rippawallet | ok | 11:04 |
rippawallet | ill try | 11:04 |
MagicFab_ | does anyone know how to hide the mouse cursor in X ? I need this for a kiosk mode setup | 11:04 |
MagicFab_ | using Xubuntu 6.06.1 | 11:04 |
rippawallet | ok thanks thesheep | 11:05 |
rippawallet | its edited | 11:05 |
rippawallet | now ill try ot install | 11:05 |
rippawallet | lol | 11:05 |
drx0drx | can anyone assist with the installation of an RPM update package? | 11:08 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Just curious - why rpm? | 11:08 |
drx0drx | that's how it came. | 11:08 |
TheSheep | drx0drx: better look for a deb | 11:09 |
rippawallet | oh great | 11:09 |
rippawallet | now the install file wont run | 11:09 |
rippawallet | _ | 11:09 |
TheSheep | rippawallet: what does it say? | 11:09 |
rippawallet | nothing | 11:09 |
rippawallet | it just doesnt appear | 11:09 |
rippawallet | unless its lag | 11:09 |
rippawallet | LOL | 11:09 |
TheSheep | rippawallet: try to run it in a terminal | 11:09 |
rippawallet | ok | 11:10 |
rippawallet | and see if an error comes up? | 11:10 |
TheSheep | yes | 11:10 |
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noname | grazie: don't you ever sleep?:P | 11:39 |
grazie | noname: course not. do you? | 11:43 |
Pekke_ | hey, i get an error, that /usr/X11R6/bin -directory is not empty, and i should empty it --> i moved xbattbar to my home folder and rerun the upgrade command, but it says that there was errors while processing /var/cache/apt/archives/bin/x11-common_1%3a7.1.1ubuntu6.2_i386.deb. E: sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1). can someone help? | 11:44 |
noname | grazie: yeah, but waaaaay to little:p | 11:46 |
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noname | this is a bit ambarrassing to ask.. but you know that it is able to "lock" windows on the screen. so you cant move them. and them the list on top of the window dissapears. I have, somehow, managed to do that on all my windows :@ how do I get it back to normal? | 11:52 |
noname | oh :i if I run xfwm4 in the terminal, then it works :S | 11:54 |
noname | very strange I think | 11:54 |
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Pekke_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4641/ there is terminal when giving the error while upgrading.. | 11:57 |
grazie | noname: it's not that uncommon on edgy | 11:59 |
noname | grazie: hm ok. you learn something new every day :) | 12:00 |
noname | btw has anyone used gdesklets? | 12:01 |
Pekke_ | what is that X11-common anyway? it keeps giving the error every time | 12:02 |
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