
Tonio__StefanS_: I suggest you to have a look at pbuilder and cdbs for packaging12:16
Tonio__StefanS_: cdbs automates the apply-patches and performs the diff automatically12:16
Tonio_just cdbs-edit-patch yourpatch.diff12:17
Tonio_change the files you want12:17
Tonio_and the patch is done ;)12:17
_StefanS_Tonio_: ow sweet12:17
Tonio__StefanS_: yes very cool :)12:17
_StefanS_I was thinking.. (its dangerous I know)12:17
Tonio__StefanS_: but even better12:18
Tonio_you already have your patch, and want to modify it12:18
Tonio_just re-do12:18
Tonio_cdbs-edit-patch yourpatch12:18
Tonio_and you get a modified patch :)12:18
Tonio_cdbs is very usefull for patches12:18
_StefanS_another thing .. I would like to continue contributing stuff to kubuntu, visual stuff - improvements on usuability, unification between the *ubuntu's and so on12:19
_StefanS_is there some sort of list of what is needed in the long run ?12:19
Tonio__StefanS_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto12:20
=== _StefanS_ really has to look at cdbs and pbuilder
Tonio__StefanS_: well we're now entering in bigfix mode12:20
Tonio__StefanS_: new features will  be for the next dev cycle :)12:20
_StefanS_Tonio_: yes, I know12:20
_StefanS_Tonio_: but bugfixing stuff is fine too, I like getting stuff to work properly12:21
Tonio__StefanS_: well you might discuss with riddell12:21
_StefanS_Tonio_: oka, he has sort of the big view of things I imagine12:21
Tonio__StefanS_: he is more involved in the coding part of kubuntu than I am, I'm more configuration, settings, packaging12:21
Tonio__StefanS_: fix the fontconfig bug ;)12:21
Tonio_this one drives me nuts hehe12:21
_StefanS_Tonio_: is it on launchpad?12:21
Tonio__StefanS_: and concerning kde I may have something for you12:22
_StefanS_sweet.. love kde12:22
Tonio_there is a big (but hard to see) bug in the font selection kcm module12:22
Tonio__StefanS_: I didn't report it at the moment, but I'd like to discuss that with you tomorrow, since that requires a bit of explanation ;)12:22
Tonio__StefanS_: you'll see how fun that sounds :) good luck if you start fixing this lol12:23
_StefanS_fine, I will go bed now.. the wife and the kid is sleeping, and I should too.12:23
_StefanS_I will be onlne again at 9.30 am gmt+1 tomorrow12:23
Tonio__StefanS_: have a good night seya tomorrow :)12:23
Tonio__StefanS_: perfect me too12:23
_StefanS_yessir, and have a nice sleep !12:23
Tonio__StefanS_: thanks for the good job !12:24
Riddellrobertknight: pong12:26
Riddellmhb: not /that/ strange that I should go out for an evening surely? :)12:27
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Tonio_Riddell: hi my friend !12:27
robertknightRiddell: I hope this is the right place to ask. Does Kubuntu implement an equivalent of the bits and pieces used to install codecs easily in Feisty?12:27
Tonio_Riddell: I'll pur _StefanS_ work in12:28
robertknightIn the Ubuntu version of Feisty that is.12:28
RiddellTonio_: the logout dialogue?12:28
Riddellrobertknight: amarok has its install-mp3 script (which needs updating for feisty)12:29
Tonio_Riddell: yes, currently locally building with the patch12:29
Riddellit's not as advanced as libgimmie-codecs I suspect, but it does the major use case12:29
Riddelland nothing can touch w32codecs which is the other major problem12:29
Tonio_Riddell: and I don't know if you saw this, but I reuploaded adept and debtags against new apt12:29
Tonio_Riddell: and also fixed the 2 bugs in amarok12:30
RiddellTonio_: logout stuff, great thanks12:30
RiddellTonio_: I saw your adept upload, all good12:30
robertknightRiddell: Looking ahead to Feisty+X I thought it would be nice to have a class in kdelibs which would be a front-end for KDE applications to ask for installation of additional software.12:30
Riddellrobertknight: sounds like a top idea12:30
robertknightRiddell: What I wanted to know is, what would a convenient way to hook the kdelibs class to the distro-specific stuff might be?12:31
Riddellrobertknight: hard to say, I'm sure a sane API could be thought up, looking at libgimmie-codecs might help12:32
robertknightWhere can I find the code for that?12:33
Riddellapt-get source libgimme-codec012:34
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imbrandonRiddell, rockin thanks, ( about the mtp and non-install stuff )02:47
imbrandoni think i have a few other fixes to get updated in the next few hours02:48
imbrandonas long as i can get this system to stay online more than 5 minutes hehe02:48
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=== Jucato waves at Hobbsee! (didn't see her come in)
JucatoHobbsee: could you enlighten me on something in feisty?07:22
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Jucatoabout libxine-extracodecs (in multiverse) now just pointing to libxine-ffmpeg (in main)07:22
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Jucatolibxine1-ffmepg actually07:23
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HobbseeJucato: perhaps.07:26
Jucatohm.. ok...07:28
=== Jucato is still a bit clueless on why/how this happened... and what it means...
Hobbseecant enlighten you on why that is.07:28
Hobbseesome libraries went free or something?07:28
Jucatolike Fluendo's MP3 thingy?07:29
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LureHobbsee (or any other motu): can you review basket sync request and confirm and assign it to ubuntu-archive?09:10
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Jucatohi Lure.09:12
Jucatojust wondering wonder if you could shed some light on libxine1-ffmpeg in main?09:13
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LureJucato: I have no clue about multimedia stuff. I think siretart is xine expert09:14
LureJucato: maybe Tonio_ and Riddell know more09:14
LureJucato: siretart is in #ubuntu-motu09:14
Jucatoah ok.. coz it looks like that libxine-extracodecs (multiverse) in feisty just points to libxine1-ffmpeg (main)...09:14
Nukedis there a way in which I can compile qt4 apps on edgy?09:14
Jucatothanks Lure09:14
Nukedspecfically psi 0.11 dev09:15
LureNuked: yep, you should have pretty recent qt4 in feisty09:15
LureNuked: most of kubuntu specific apps are now PyQt409:15
Nukedbut im not using feisty09:15
LureNuked: right, you said edgy09:16
NukedI wanted to compile psi 0.11 dev for edgy09:16
LureNuked: edgy has qt4, just do not know how old...09:16
Nukedbut I continuously receive an error stating that Verifying Qt 4 build environment ... fail09:17
Jucato4.2 I think09:17
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Nukedno ideas?09:20
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HobbseeLure: i'll look into it.09:23
LureHobbsee: thanks09:23
HobbseeLure: but not this second - going out09:23
LureHobbsee: but today? (then we need UVF)09:23
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HobbseeLure: yep.  i'll do it before i go to bed.09:23
LureHobbsee: ta09:24
HobbseeLure: it's on my todo list, but i'm heading otu to the shops for a bit09:24
HobbseeLure: my main problem with the debian version is that kdepim stuff ends up being a dep of basket, doesnt it?09:27
HobbseeLure: and i'm not sure that's worth the integration with kontact.09:27
LureHobbsee: right, kontact is depends09:28
HobbseeLure: thinking of gnome/xfce users, who might want the functionality (seeing as it's better than tomboy), without all the apps of kdepim09:28
Hobbseethat's the reason i havent requested a sync of it so far, and it's on my "todo" list, instead of my "just ack" list09:28
LureHobbsee: right, we could build-dep and just recommend?09:28
HobbseeLure: i believe kontact will be picked up anyway, due to shlibs?09:28
=== Hobbsee --> out -back later
LureHobbsee: ok, will investigate this a bit further09:29
HobbseeLure: okay.  give me a couple of hours, and i'll be back.09:29
LureHobbsee: ok09:29
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Jucatomight be too late for this, but can something be done with Filelight wrt to UUID?09:31
Jucatobasically, it shows entries for UUID, but they're empty/unusable09:31
serzholinoNuked: pass to ./configure  path to qt4: /usr/share/qt409:33
serzholinoI haven't psi sources here, so can't tell precisely09:34
serzholinobut i'm on edgy and use psi trunk09:34
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Nukedserzholino, Its compiling!10:16
fritsch_StefanS_: have some problem with  your log out dialoge, if you are using other than the default icons (Crystal Clear here), you cannot see the whole writings (Hibernate, Shutdown) anymore10:18
_StefanS_fritsch: can you give me a screenshot, and a link to the iconset ?10:18
_StefanS_fritsch: I will go fix it10:18
Nukedserzholino, I have shared your find with the people at psi@jabber.org.ru10:19
Nukedthis way they can wiki it10:19
fritsch_StefanS_: screenshot is not possible, because "print" is logged, but i use my digicam10:19
fritsch_StefanS_: icons are these: kde-icons-crystalclear , it`s an ubuntu package10:19
_StefanS_fritsch: just use ksnapshot with delay10:19
fritsch_StefanS_: i try10:20
_StefanS_fritsch: 5 secs, start, and logout10:20
_StefanS_fritsch: after that you will have it in the clipboard10:20
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=== _StefanS_ just installed kde-icons-crystalclear
_StefanS_fritsch: whats you font settings, btw ?10:21
fritsch_StefanS_: the default Sans and so on in 96dpi10:21
fritsch_StefanS_: but my monitor resulotion says resolution:    75x75 dots per inch10:22
_StefanS_fritsch: I just tried with the crystalclear, and can't really replicate it. I will have to see that screenshot10:22
_StefanS_fritsch: shouldn't matter10:22
fritsch_StefanS_: http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~unatk/stefanslogout.jpg10:22
_StefanS_fritsch: ah I see10:23
_StefanS_fritsch: whats your res ?10:23
fritsch_StefanS_: 1024x76810:23
_StefanS_fritsch: will you be around for some time ?+10:23
fritsch_StefanS_: yes :-)10:23
_StefanS_fritsch: need you to test :)10:24
fritsch_StefanS_: hehe, oki10:24
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=== _StefanS_ is firing up kdevelop..
Nukedserzholino, thanks again!10:27
_StefanS_fritsch: I can sort of replicate the problem10:28
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LureRiddell: debdiff for powerbtn handling: http://lure.lu.funpic.de/kubuntu/feisty/acpid.debdiff10:36
LureRiddell: could not find better way to handle multiple users, so we are keeping old behaviour for multi logins for now10:36
LureRiddell: will update the spec to match the implementation, then if acpid upload is OK, we can mark it as complete10:37
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RiddellLure: looks good11:16
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XVampireXUhm, ok, this was weird... I made a package with checkinstall and it created a tgz package....11:22
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LureRiddell: should we check with mjg59 or Keybuk, or will you just upload?11:24
RiddellLure: I presume you've tested it and it works?11:27
LureRiddell: yes, I tested it without logged user, with one KDE session and two KDE sessions11:27
LureRiddell: and the change of code is in kde specific  if, so should be safe for gnome users11:27
RiddellI'll upload11:29
LureRiddell: thanks11:29
LureRiddell: I am testing more memory leak fixes for python-dbus, cross your fingers11:30
LureRiddell: still the same :-(11:37
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Riddellmy computer just spontaniously hibernated!11:50
LureRiddell: idle?11:50
RiddellI was typing away at the time11:51
Lurecheck /var/log/acpid11:51
LureRiddell: btw, this python-dbus is strange - is I use upstream version it helps, but not if I use the patch11:52
Riddellnothing too interesting in there11:52
LureRiddell: it may be something in our build of package...11:52
_StefanS_fritsch: you there ?11:52
fritsch_StefanS_: yep11:52
_StefanS_fritsch: I need your email so I can send you an update11:53
fritsch_StefanS_: look at the pm11:53
fritsch_StefanS_: restarting kdm after having installed the package?11:54
_StefanS_fritsch: just logout and then in again11:54
_StefanS_fritsch: no need to restart kdm11:54
_StefanS_fritsch: its on its way. adept_notifier will warn you that you need to update since the package is not signed.11:55
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_StefanS_fritsch: after we're done testing, just update to the latest ksmserver from the repos, and everything should be fine11:55
fritsch_StefanS_: oki, dpkg -i was successfull, adept does not say anything11:56
fritsch_StefanS_: see you in 2 mins11:56
_StefanS_fritsch: yes11:56
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fritsch_StefanS_: mmh, it did not change anything?11:59
_StefanS_fritsch: err.. it should - isn't the dialog any higher ?12:00
fritsch_StefanS_: wait i directly compare to my original photo12:00
_StefanS_Tonio_: saw you got the logout in the before freeze12:00
Tonio__StefanS_: yup ;)12:01
_StefanS_fritsch: it might be that i was too conservative on the increasing the height12:01
fritsch_StefanS_: the cancel button is now two times the size height than before12:01
_StefanS_Tonio_: fritsch found a small bug concerning the height of the buttons. We're trying to fix that now12:01
_StefanS_fritsch: ok, I know what is wrong then12:01
fritsch_StefanS_: I "imagine" to see "more" text12:01
_StefanS_fritsch: seen that one before12:01
fritsch_StefanS_: you want an updated screenshot to see yourself?12:01
Tonio__StefanS_: no pb tell me and I'll upload12:01
_StefanS_fritsch: would be fine12:01
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fritsch_StefanS_: http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~unatk/stefanslogout2.jpg12:03
fritsch_StefanS_: http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~unatk/stefanslogout.jpg <- before (old version)12:04
RiddellLure: acpid in12:04
=== _StefanS_ just got a nice Synology NAS by mail today... but has to do bugfixes and real work before play
LureRiddell: python-dbus leak solved!12:05
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_StefanS_fritsch: thanks12:05
RiddellLure: tell me more!12:06
LureRiddell: it was from postinst cleanup (still with 2.4)12:06
LureRiddell: this is why last patches had no effect for me12:06
Riddellso they weren't applied?12:06
LureRiddell: will send you debdiff in couple of minutes12:06
Riddellwhat does postinst have to do with patches?12:06
LureRiddell: they were, but postinst cleanup binary files12:06
LureRiddell: and pyc were not rebuild for some strang reason12:06
LureRiddell: but it is pretty huge upstream patch12:07
_StefanS_fritsch: I simply tried to increase the height of the dialog hoping that it would solve things12:08
_StefanS_fritsch: I will make a modified one with the height calculation of the buttons somewhat changed12:08
fritsch_StefanS_: now you have got my mail, just drop the package in ... i am searching the shower (10 mins approx)12:09
_StefanS_fritsch: sure12:09
LureRiddell: python-dbus memory leak fix: http://lure.lu.funpic.de/kubuntu/feisty/py-dbus.debdiff12:09
Tonio_Lure: want me to upload ?12:10
RiddellLure: python2.[45]   shouldn't that be python2.*  to make it future proof?12:10
LureRiddell: could be, but there is one line which cannot be done for future (unless you do loop)12:11
LureRiddell: and it is only chage to debian, so I want to keep it low12:11
RiddellTonio_: go ahead12:11
RiddellTonio_: but add the patch name to the changelog please12:12
imbrandonapt-get source libmtp12:12
Riddellooh, imbrandon's alive!12:12
Hobbseeyay, imbrandon!12:12
imbrandonhehe yea i have been a few hours trying to fix a ftbs12:12
Tonio_Riddell: sure, thanks12:13
imbrandonlibmtp-dev dosent seeme to be building right so therefor amarok isnt12:13
=== imbrandon is looking now
Riddellimbrandon: it is built12:13
Riddellit just needs to pass binary NEW for the name package name12:13
imbrandonahhh ok12:13
=== imbrandon headdesks for not checking
=== Hobbsee glares at imbrandon sweetly :)
imbrandonHobbsee, konversation ?12:14
Hobbseeimbrandon: yup :)12:14
imbrandonHobbsee, ok i will today, i need to get beryl uploaded too12:14
Hobbseeimbrandon: you've got 8 hours for the latter, iirc.12:14
RiddellTonio_: how did you get the number of desktops down to two?12:14
Tonio_imbrandon: I'm ordering the ibm machine this morning fyi ;)12:14
imbrandonno feb22 for universe , it will never make main12:14
imbrandonHobbsee, ^^12:15
Tonio_Riddell: I didn't why ?12:15
HobbseeLure: did you figure more of basket, btw?12:15
Tonio_Riddell: you mean on my own machine ?12:15
RiddellTonio_: oh, ok, just me then :)12:15
Hobbseeimbrandon: ahhh..  yes, good point.12:15
Tonio_Riddell: I couldn't find how is that done by default, the modified file is a mistery ;)12:15
LureHobbsee: not really, but I would hesitate to remove kontact integration due to gnome/xfce users12:16
HobbseeLure: hrm.  requires more thought.12:16
=== Hobbsee didnt think it integrated in that well anyway?
LureHobbsee: I more care about kde/kubuntu integration as for lone gnome/xfce users - they have tomboy and mono nightmare ;-)12:16
HobbseeLure: good point12:17
RiddellLure: what's to be done with networkstatus?12:23
HobbseeLure: done12:24
LureHobbsee: thanks12:24
=== Hobbsee wishes that people wouldnt expect support for versoins that arent in the archive
Riddellok, why is my laptop hibernating again?!12:25
imbrandonRiddell, its tired/sleepy still?12:25
LureRiddell: I did not have much time to play with it. I think Tonio_ confirmed it works for kontact (Tonio_ right?), but I want to implement kopete changes today12:25
RiddellLure: does it need added to the seed?12:26
LureRiddell: good is that we have public holiday and weather, so I may have time to code it inbetween playing games with my ids ;-)12:26
_StefanS_fritsch: sent you a mail12:27
Tonio_Lure: yes works with kontact12:27
LureRiddell: yes, we should add it to seed, knetworkmanager is already in archive, just kopete patch is missing12:27
Tonio_Lure: for kopete, only supported in the groupwyse protocol12:27
Tonio_Lure: every protocol need patching12:28
LureTonio_: exaclty, I will implement the same for Jabber & MSN (which I use), could also add others if testers are willing to test12:28
Lures/weather/bad weather/ ;-)12:29
=== Hobbsee wonders what this is about
Tonio_Lure: great12:29
LureHobbsee: KubuntuFeistyNetworking12:29
LureHobbsee: kopete will autoreconnect when network gets available again12:29
LureHobbsee: no need to set Online manually12:29
HobbseeLure: ahhh, neat.  can you force it to not show up all the dialogs when it cant find a network connection in the first place, though?12:29
LureHobbsee: did not look in the code, but networkstatus may have already removed this12:30
=== Hobbsee doesnt need 6 or so damned boxes telling her the same thing! gah!
RiddellLure: so it should work with kontact already?12:30
LureHobbsee: yep, but it seems that is current design - each protocol does connection on their own and they are not synchronized12:31
HobbseeLure: ugh.  that does suck12:31
LureRiddell: according to Tonio_, yes - just install latest knetworkmanager and networkstatus12:31
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LureTonio_: thanks for python-dbus upload12:33
Tonio_Lure: you're welcome12:36
fritsch_StefanS_: brb12:37
=== fritsch [i=cGyBWrjZ@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
fritsch_StefanS_: now there is no writing at all12:38
_StefanS_fritsch: ah crap.. back to the coding12:38
_StefanS_fritsch: no need for at screenshot12:38
fritsch_StefanS_: if interested, i already made on .. same url as before, but now with s'/$2\.jpg/3\.jpg/'12:40
_StefanS_fritsch: oka, thanks. I might need to go down to 1024x768 to test it.12:41
_StefanS_fritsch: hate doing that in blind12:41
_StefanS_fritsch: I will mail you when I think its done.12:41
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=== Lure downloads kopete source...
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LureRiddell: I have updated spec with current status: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyNetworking01:09
LureRiddell: will you update seeds (have marked it as in progress)01:09
sebasLure: So the dbus-python memleak is fixed?01:10
Luresebas: yes, huge patch for python-dbus01:11
sebasAye. Good.01:11
Luresebas: python-dbus 0.80 is major rewrite and needs time to polish01:11
Luresebas: they will release 0.80.2 soon01:11
sebasYeah, I gathered that it's a rewrite01:11
=== sebas is doing house-cleaning stuff.
Riddelllinspire based on Kubuntu!  http://www.linspire.com/lindows_news_pressreleases.php01:13
RiddellLure: yes01:13
RiddellLure, Tonio_: when I run networkstatus and run kontact without a network configured in knetworkmanager it just complains as normal01:14
LureRiddell: is Linspire KDE based?01:14
LureRiddell: cool01:15
Tonio_Riddell: hu ?01:15
Riddellhalf way down http://www.linspire.com/linspire_letter_archives.php?id=4001:15
Tonio_let me test01:15
Tonio_Riddell: the kded service is running ?01:15
RiddellTonio_: what should it say?01:15
Tonio_Riddell: nothing01:15
RiddellTonio_: dcop kded says it is01:15
Tonio_Riddell: when knetworkmanager isn't conected, nothing happened01:16
Tonio_Riddell: okay let me test01:16
Riddellif I click on Check Mail it just gives me the normal error of "host foo.com not found"01:16
Tonio_Riddell: of course ;)01:17
Tonio_Riddell: the point isn't to remove this01:17
Riddellso what's changed?01:17
Tonio_Riddell: if you set kmail to autocheck at startup, it will not check01:17
Tonio_no autocheck every 5 minutes until the network is connected01:17
Tonio_Riddell: it is meant to manage when to perform the mail check, not to change the way the mail check works01:18
LureRiddell: it might be that manual ops still do what user ask them to do01:18
Tonio_Riddell: maybe that can be patched too01:18
Tonio_Riddell: just tested here, works for me01:18
Riddellwhere do I set the auto mail check?01:19
Tonio_in the accounts config on the bottom01:19
Tonio_Riddell: check "get mails at startup"01:19
Tonio_Riddell: but I agree patching the check mail functionnality would be nice too01:20
Tonio_not that hard to patch though01:20
Riddelldunno, it's nice to be able to override network manager when it's being silly01:20
Riddellhmm, I get "unknown host" at startup now01:21
Tonio_Riddell: hum....01:22
Tonio_Riddell: up to date ?01:22
Riddelldist-upgrade yesterday01:22
Tonio_strange works here....01:22
Tonio_Riddell: your knetworkanager version ?01:22
Tonio_ubuntu8 here01:22
=== Riddell upgrades
Tonio_that's it ;)01:23
Tonio_you don't have the patched version01:23
Tonio_you should dist-upgrade, ubuntu8 is published !01:23
=== Riddell fires up the dist-upgrade tool
Tonio_Riddell: hehe01:24
Riddellwhich is sort of available for general testing if anyone wants to01:24
Riddellhmm, oops, it crashes if I don't have a network connection01:25
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Tonio_what crashes ? kontact ?01:26
Lurehi allee_01:26
Riddellno, dist-upgrade tool01:30
Tonio_Riddell: hehe okay01:30
=== Tonio_ goes in a bug-triage day today
Tonio_starting with kds01:31
doelmanthat's the name of my soccer team ;)01:33
Tonio_Riddell: interesting bug report01:34
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Tonio_Riddell: someone mentions that when using an kde app on ubuntu/gnome default settings are not applied01:34
JucatoTonio_: speaking of kds, last time in Edgy, the Default color scheme used on an install doesn't seem to match the .kcsrc file in kds01:34
Tonio_Riddell: shouldn't ubuntu-desktop depend on kds ?01:35
Tonio_Jucato: it does afaik ;)01:35
Riddellmmm, I doubt we'll get them to do that01:35
Tonio_Riddell: yes but well for example cursor doesn't work, as defined in kds01:35
JucatoTonio_: not for the color of inactive window borders. that's the only diff01:36
UbugtuMalone bug 35969 in kubuntu-default-settings "Default mouse cursor does not revert when uninstalling Kubuntu" [Low,Confirmed] 01:36
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Tonio_Jucato: will look01:36
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JucatoTonio_: anyway, that was for edgy... dunno what's happening in feisty01:36
Tonio_Jucato: will tell you  :)01:36
Jucatois the UUID thing (libata?) going to be a permanent thing in *buntu?01:37
Tonio_Riddell: well, I may just discuss this with seb128 to get his feeling01:37
Tonio_Riddell: amarok is widelly used by gnome users too, so a good integration might be interesting for them too01:37
Riddellworth a shot01:37
Tonio_Riddell: and second point, why can't kdesu remember the password ?01:38
Tonio_Riddell: is there technical issue on that point ?01:38
Riddellyes, it's not easy to fix01:38
Riddellbut sudo does remember the password, it's just that kdesu asks for it again anyway (you can use the wrong password and it will still work)01:38
Tonio_yes I noticed this01:40
Tonio_Riddell: concerning the media patches, if we decide to remove them, that'll not go against the feature freeze right ?01:42
Riddellwhy would we remove then?01:44
Tonio_Riddell: seb128 suggests making kdelibs4 recommending kds01:44
Tonio_Riddell: I think that makes sense no ?01:45
Tonio_Riddell: bah it's been decided that I make a page with all fixed and new issues and that we vote to keep them or not in the next meeting01:45
Tonio_Riddell: that's what we all agreed :) (you included)01:46
Tonio_Riddell: I must say I wrote a 1st shot of that list, and it seems to create more issues than it resolves....01:46
RiddellTonio_: seems like a sensible idea, I'm not sure what the state of package managers doing anything useful with recommends is though01:49
RiddellTonio_: Sime said he was looking to fix some issues in media patches01:49
Tonio_Riddell: I should give him a list then....01:49
RiddellTonio_: sorry, I thought you ment multimedia simplification for some reason a minute ago01:50
Tonio_Riddell: but some of those are unfixable appart from removing part of the patches01:50
Tonio_Riddell: ah okay :) I couldn't understand hehe :)01:50
Tonio_Riddell: for example the "unmount" missing, we simply have to abort that part of the patch cause that creates major issues when using qtparted or any tool that needs the partition to be unmounted01:51
Tonio_Riddell: I'll connect with Sime on that point01:51
LureRiddell: umount missing is not Sime_'s patch - it is KDE issue!01:54
LureTonio_: ^^^01:54
Tonio_Lure: are you sure ?01:55
LureTonio_: yep, this was discussed also on bko01:55
Tonio_Lure: I was pretty sure that was part of the simplification done by those patches01:55
LureTonio_: they changed to hal stuff and cannot implement it properly (no preumount event or something)01:56
Tonio_Lure: how do you explain prople meeting this issue are building kdebase without the patch to get it to work ? :)01:56
Tonio_Lure: not that issue01:56
Tonio_Lure: I talk about the "right click > unmount" on the desktop icon01:56
LureTonio_: ok, that is different - I though about umount not indicating when done01:56
LureTonio_: that is for me bigger concern than other issues, but it looks like no easy fix :-(01:57
Tonio_Lure: hehe, don't worry I perfectly know that is kde issue, we spent about 2 month discussing this here :)01:57
Tonio_Lure: well if you need to format an external drive, you simply cannot except unmounting with cli01:57
Tonio_that's a major issue in my opinion too01:57
Tonio_same if you want to recover files or do anything related to partitions01:58
LureTonio_: yep01:58
Riddellburning rewritable CDs is affected too01:59
Riddellok, groovy, got kontact working with networkstatus01:59
Tonio_Riddell: ah ? didn't figure out this one ;)01:59
Tonio_Riddell: in fact everything that is just not "easy media" things is affected01:59
Tonio_as long as you don't just "plug and open"02:00
Tonio_and about integration...... crappy icon names, empty things in /media etc....02:00
Tonio_I hope Sime can improve this but that sounds like lots of things to change and test before the release02:00
Tonio_Riddell: cool :)02:01
Tonio_Riddell: I was surprised it didn't work for you as I spent about 1 full day testing this ;)02:01
Tonio_I'm fixing beagle for kde autostart02:03
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Jucatohm... on Edgy, "kompile: Depends: kdesu which is a virtual package."02:04
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Tonio_Riddell: I'm concerned about the beagle configuration app02:09
LureTonio_: who cares about beagle ;-)02:10
Tonio_Riddell: kerry duplicates this as it also allows to configure beagle, so I think that should be hidden in kmenu02:10
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Tonio_Lure: lots of people unfortunatelly :)02:10
Riddelldifficult one that02:11
Riddellpeople might install beagle and wonder why it doesn't show up02:11
Lurekopete is so strange - they have proper networkstatus support in libkopete, but then they use it in each protocol... And only smppdcs uses it. :-(02:12
Jucatoexcuse, what's the package again that you need to install so that debugging symbols will be enabled in, for example, Kopete?02:12
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gnomefreakJucato: either -dbg (with normal repos) or -dbgsym (for pittis repo)02:13
Jucatoso kdenetwork-dbg for kopete right?02:14
Lureok, even smppdcs does not use it really ;-)02:14
Riddellwould be nice if konqueror had networkstatus support02:14
gnomefreakJucato: something like that but should kopete have its own package02:14
Jucatognomefreak: tried to check. nada. maybe because it's in kdenetwork02:15
LureRiddell: or firefox... ;-)02:15
Jucatognomefreak: btw... have you noticed problems with the recent updates made available?02:15
RiddellLure: were you asking about setting kubuntu-feisty-networking to implemented earlier?02:16
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gnomefreakJucato: no ive been in an edgy chroot for last week02:16
LureRiddell: we can, if you seed networkstatus02:16
LureRiddell: I am not sure if kopete will get in (it will need FF exception for sure)02:16
LureRiddell: I would personally like to get it in, as I hate to forget to set status Online at work when changing places whole day (meetings)02:17
Tonio_Lure: hum, not a new feature as it exists in groupwise02:17
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Riddell   * Added networkstatus to desktop-i386, desktop-amd64, desktop-powerpc,02:17
Riddell     desktop-ia64, desktop-sparc, desktop-hppa02:17
Jucatognomefreak: oh... seems like some people (inlcuding me) got some held back packages... linux- stuff02:17
RiddellLure: go go implemented!02:17
LureRiddell: thanks02:17
Tonio_Lure: can be considered an extension of existing feature no ?02:17
=== gnomefreak hasnt seen held back packages in feisty
gnomefreakbut i have 73 waiting for me as of yesterday02:18
Tonio_Riddell: I was waiting for people feedback to change the seeds hehe :)02:18
Jucatognomefreak: I mean on edgy02:18
LureTonio_: if Riddell is happy, others are happy too ;-)02:18
=== Riddell always happy
Tonio_Lure: yes, I forgot this, stupid of me :)02:19
gnomefreakJucato: i have a minimal edgy chroot no kde02:19
Luredo we need Zero Conf config in kde-systemsesttings?02:19
Lurethat is another point from the spec02:19
LureAny avahi/zeroconf user here?02:19
Tonio_Lure: why not ?02:19
Jucatognomefreak: ah.. but the problematic packages are linux-headers and stuff... anyway. thanks02:20
LureTonio_: if it is zeroconf, it should not have config, right?02:20
=== Lure -> lunch, bbl
gnomefreakhavent seen them02:20
RiddellLure: no reason why not02:20
Tonio_Lure: haha :)02:20
RiddellLure: /etc/default/avahi-daemon still exists02:21
RiddellLure: and people will want to turn it off02:22
RiddellLure: i use zeroconf all the time02:23
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LureRiddell: I am talking about Network Settings -> Zeroconf Service Discovery02:40
LureRiddell: I really do not know when would this make sense - zeroconf has no side effect if you have regular net, afair02:40
LureRiddell: and it should be secure, that why it is default02:40
LureRiddell: but we can also drop that idea from spec if you think it is needed02:41
RiddellLure: it's still needed, same as it always has been02:46
LureRiddell: ok, will remove it from spec02:47
LureRiddell: spec marked as Implemented - all credits to Tonio_ ;-)02:49
LureRiddell: should we mark samba spec as Deferred?02:54
LureTonio_: ^^^02:57
Tonio_Lure: yes, we should, samba looks like broken on fristy btw02:58
LureTonio_: will you do it?02:59
Tonio_Lure: not for feisty, too late for this02:59
LureTonio_: no, marking it as Deferred ;-)02:59
Tonio_Lure: ah yes, I will :)02:59
LureTonio_: I am sure you can manage this before FF ;-)02:59
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Tonio_Lure: hard to test the plugin for kde is samba doesn't work right ? ;)03:01
LureTonio_: yep, but you can fix samba first ;-)03:01
Tonio_Lure: ouch, I know samba quite well, but that's not an easy job you know :)03:02
LureTonio_: yep, I know samba codebase, as we wanted to add support for offline files...03:03
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nixternalwell, it looks official, Ubuntu will be using CNR from Linspire03:09
Lurenixternal: yep, and Linspire will be Kubuntu based ;-)03:10
nixternalwell Linspire being Kubuntu based is F'N AWESOME!03:11
nixternalDude, Linspire is a decent seller in our local computer shops for people looking for inexpensive pc's03:11
Jucatois this for real?03:11
nixternalJucato: yes03:11
nixternalit has been in talks for a couple of months now03:12
nixternaltoday they went and put out the pr reports03:12
Jucatothey didn't put out pr reports for the community?03:12
Jucato(ubuntu community, that is...)03:12
Jucatooh well, what's done is done. if it's for the greater good, so be it :D03:13
=== Jucato goes afk in the meantime...
nixternalJucato: I will leave that one alone of course03:15
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Riddellnixternal: s/using/having available/03:21
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nixternalRiddell: sorry about that :) yes, making it available, we will always use the repos :)03:22
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nixternalI guess a lot of people expressed interest in the product. I haven't messed with it in about 6 months probably, so from what I heard it has gotten better03:23
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mhbRiddell: of course not :o) I would only expect a different evening other than FF evening :o)03:32
mhbgood afternoon to everyone03:33
JucatoRiddell: thanks for clarifying that :)03:34
=== Jucato has been confused a lot lately, about some Kubuntu things...
HobbseeJucato: i wouldnt worry03:36
=== Hobbsee is often confused.
Jucatoheh :)03:36
JucatoI still haven't gotten that libxine-extracodecs/libxine1-ffmpeg thing sorted out... but I just realized I shouldn't really be thinking much about it :P03:36
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Jucatohi manchicken03:52
manchickenvmware is sucking today.  Man I hate this setup.03:57
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bddebianOh sure Jucato, no hi for me today eh? :-)03:59
Jucatooh lol sorry. I was afk :)03:59
Jucatohi bddebian!! :)03:59
Jucatomanchicken: have you tried virtualbox?03:59
=== Jucato is currently organizing his blog categories under a "linux" category for a free software feed
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Tonio_Jucato: talking about virtual things, kqemu has been released with gpl licence :)04:15
Tonio_Jucato: we should look at packaging this04:15
Tonio_that makes qemu 4-5 times faster04:15
Tonio_Jucato: the "k" isn't for "kde" :)04:16
Jucatolol I Know :)04:16
Jucatodoesn't the KVM in the 2.6.20 kernel also make Qemu faster?04:16
Tonio_Jucato: yes it does, but not as much as kqemu04:16
Tonio_we should also look at the kde solutions for qemu04:17
Tonio_hum, interesting !04:18
Tonio_would be nice if that was integrated to amarok via a key combinason04:18
Jucatokde-apps is a gold mine (and a mine sometimes)04:18
n8k99hi everybody04:18
n8k99basket 0.6.0 is listed on its home page as being able to integrate with kontact - but i can not make taht work04:22
Tonio_Riddell: I have 45 minutes to upgrade ksynaptics :)04:22
Tonio_before the freeze !04:22
Jucaton8k99: compiled or .deb?04:23
n8k99as is packaged in feisty04:23
=== Jucato tries to install the .deb
Tonio_Jucato: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=5078004:27
Tonio_interesting ;) deserves testing I think04:27
Jucatoooh definitely04:28
Tonio_updated 2005...04:29
Jucaton8k99: hm... it might be a kontact bug from KDE 3.5.6... because I remember not being able to integrate basket (compiled) into kontact 3.5.6 (from SVN) either04:29
Tonio_oups 2007 sorry :)04:29
Jucato05 Feb 2007 :)04:29
n8k99Jucato: i became aware of this from one of the kde mailing lists-04:30
n8k99Jucato: it seems that building basket from svn rather than kunbutu repos solves it04:30
Jucaton8k99: hm... the basket I compiled was from their own site (.tar.gz)04:31
n8k99Jucato: hmmm... then i guess you are right it is a kontact issue04:31
JucatoTonio_: have you seen this? http://sourceforge.net/projects/kqemu/04:31
Jucaton8k99: I'll ask04:31
n8k99Jucato: should be able to integrate by chosing components04:32
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n8k99Jucato: like adding Kalarm, etc.04:32
Jucatoiirc, I was able to do that in basket 0.6.0 and kontact 3.5.504:32
Jucatowb manchicken04:32
Tonio_Jucato: that kommander shit.....04:32
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:32
=== manchicken stabs windows multiple times with a rusty blade...
Tonio_Jucato: that's kommander sweet !04:33
Jucatooh yeah.. lol04:33
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Tonio_Riddell: concerning voip, should we reconsider providing twinkle ?04:39
Tonio_Riddell: version 1.0 looks stable and mature, and has a few UI improvements (not simple but better)04:39
Tonio_the only big issue is 3 deps in universe.....04:40
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Tonio_too late for ksynaptics.... requires lib update too :'(04:43
RiddellTonio_: which library need updated?04:45
RiddellTonio_: we have no space on the CD04:45
Tonio_Riddell: libsynaptics04:46
Tonio_Riddell: yes that was my guess too.... no space....04:46
RiddellTonio_: well they're both in universe04:46
Tonio_Riddell: that'll be a nightmare for further development...04:46
Tonio_Riddell: yes but the freeze is in 10 minutes now :) I'll probably do UFV exceptions later04:47
Riddellwhere do you get this 16:00 freeze time from?04:47
Tonio_Riddell: ubuntu-motu list04:47
Tonio_Thursday the 8th at 16:00 UTC will start the Feisty Upstream Version04:48
Tonio_Freeze (UVF) for Universe/Multiverse. [0] 04:48
Tonio_ho 16 utc ! one hour left....04:48
RiddellTonio_: just do it04:50
Riddellpoint any blame at me :)04:50
=== bddebian points at Riddell
RiddellTonio_: http://qsynaptics.sourceforge.net/ only lists the same or older versions as we have in feisty04:52
Tonio_Riddell: kde-apps ;)04:52
Tonio_updated yesterday04:53
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RiddellTonio_: did you do ksynaptics?06:32
Tonio_Riddell: nope, sorry, I was on phone for 1 hour...06:32
Tonio_Riddell: I'll do it toonight and make UVF exceptions, no big deal06:33
tomafeature freeze today?06:33
Tonio_Riddell: I'll ping mdz, he's generally very respondive06:33
Tonio_toma: upstream version freeze for universe...06:33
Tonio_Riddell: sorry but mum is prior to kubuntu packaging :)06:33
tomaTonio_: already in effect, or today last day?06:33
Tonio_toma: in effect for 2 hours06:34
RiddellTonio_: it's the motu-uvf team you want to ping06:34
tomaTonio_: ah, i saw a new version of kscope was packaged for debian06:34
Tonio_Riddell: indeed that's universe sorry ;)06:34
Tonio_Riddell: that'll be done toonight06:35
RiddellLure: did you or anyone e-mail ubuntu-devel with that list from KubuntuApps?06:35
LureRiddell: no, I wanted to get it review first and then discuss it with tfheen06:36
LureRiddell: even better if you do it06:36
RiddellLure: yep, I'll do it06:37
tomashould i wrap up kscope 1.5.0 or rather not?06:39
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tomaor file a sync request06:41
tomadinner, bbl06:41
Riddelltoma: you need to follow https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2007-February/001256.html06:42
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tomaRiddell: no reasons for an exception request07:08
tomanothing ubunutuish on fosdem?07:13
Riddellno, hasn't been in previous years either07:13
Riddellexcept for jdub talking07:13
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manchicken_Riddell: Do you have any more adept features you want me to shoe-horn in before feature freeze?07:19
manchickenThe only thing I have left with changelog support is getting it to not crash in updater (no idea why it crashes in updater but not manager).07:20
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Riddellmanchicken: changelogs is flaky, if you look at one package it works, but then look at the next package and it shows the changelog of the first07:27
apokryphosLinspire based on Kubuntu now? Interesting =)07:28
superstonedRiddell: congrats on the debconf-kde-frontend integration. nice work...07:29
manchickenRiddell: Really?07:29
manchickenThat's neat.07:29
manchickenI'll have to squish that feller.07:30
manchickenI didn't notice that same behavior, but I don't have my development box on me right now, so I can't verify that it's not just my memory that is mistaken.07:30
Riddellmanchicken: but also see #ubuntu-meeting log, there's something needs done for apport, although I'm not quite sure yet what that is07:31
=== manchicken is blanking...
Riddellcrash handler07:33
Riddellwhich someone has done a qt port of apparantly07:33
manchickenInstead of drkonqi?07:33
Riddellit would only be for non KDE/c++ apps for now07:34
sebasFor the python part, I can't think of a way how to add crash catching07:34
manchickenIs that where KDE is moving?07:34
Riddellsebas: well this should do it magically :)07:35
sebasI mean, if we know about some crash, we can add an exception handler anyway07:35
manchickensebas: I know in Perl you can trap die, I'd be surprised if you couldn't do that in Python.07:35
=== sebas wouldn't know how.
Riddellsebas: we can, but it's nicer if something does it magically for us, like happens in c++ KDE apps07:35
sebasHm, magic is beyond me today, I'm afraid.07:35
manchickenWell, it happens in KDE apps because that's part of KApplication or whatever IIRC.07:35
manchickenOr KMainWindow07:36
Riddellsys.exceptionhandler = myExceptionHandler07:36
manchickenIt's just trapping signal 11.07:36
Riddelldef myExceptionHandler(self):07:36
Riddell  print "uh oh"07:36
manchickenActually, I think it's trapping more than just 11.07:36
manchickenThere's more than just SIGSEGV that could be crashy ^_^07:37
manchickenbtw Riddell, sweet hackergotchi.07:37
manchickenExcellent hat.07:37
RiddellI thought so too, nixternal made it for me07:37
Riddellthe hackergotchi, not the hat07:37
manchickenHe's doing a lot of that.  he07:37
manchickenHe did mine, too.07:38
manchickenMad gimp skillz07:38
sebasRiddell: Heh, nice :)07:38
manchickenThat'd be awesome if he made the hat, too.07:38
manchickenI could use a nice hat.07:38
manchickenAnyway, Riddell, my one and only task this weekend--other than the AJAX Perl speech I'm giving--is to get changelogs working and sucking less.07:39
manchickenThe not updating properly bit and the crashing in updater are the only two issues I'm aware of with it.07:39
manchickenI liked sticking it into the tab.  I think it makes sense there.07:39
Riddellyes, it does07:40
Riddellwhat's the updater crash?07:40
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nixternalI had to run home and meet the UPS man, he had my mem upgrade for my lappy. Now I have to drive all the way back to school07:55
nixternalyes, Riddell hackergotchi rocks. He didn't even realize he had that picture. I stumbled acrossed it on his blog/webpage07:56
manchickenThe updater crashes when you hit the details button with that patch.08:03
Riddellmanchicken: found another bug, when run on edgy and pointed at http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-development it doesn't prompt for upgrade08:05
manchickenYou updated the upgrade*.cpp in kubuntu_upgrader?08:05
manchicken(I still don't think meta-release should be hard-coded)08:06
RiddellI did08:06
Riddellmanchicken: not much choice for this time anyway08:07
manchickenRiddell: I'm about to make a hardcodes.h and move those into there.08:08
manchickenI'd rather a named constant hardcode that a literal constant hardcode.08:08
Riddellmanchicken: doesn't make much difference, but it should be overridable in a config file08:10
manchickenYeah, but I think it's easier to maintain with named constants.  Either way it's nit-picky at this point.08:10
manchickenI just need to get changelog working.08:10
=== _StefanS_ [n=sfs@cpe.atm2-0-52148.0x535a54ca.naenxx10.customer.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddelloh man, kubuntu-users has gone off topic again08:20
SimeIs there anything interesting going to happen on the audio front for feisty?08:20
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SimeRiddell: thats some very interesting news wrt linspire.08:21
RiddellSime: konsole seems to have a new beep sound.  not sure what you mean otherwise08:21
Riddellit is indeed08:21
Simeanyone non-arts08:22
_StefanS_hi there08:22
RiddellSime: jack isn't in main08:22
SimeRiddell: I remember danimo calling about patches for amarok a long time ago.08:23
RiddellSime: I don't remember that08:25
SimeRiddell: ...long time ago.08:25
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_StefanS_fritsch: had to do some regular work, so I haven't gotten a fix for you yet.08:36
Riddelloh man, kubuntu-users is getting worse08:37
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Tonio__StefanS_: fancy tracking a little kaffeine bug ?08:54
Tonio_shouldn't be hard to fix, but too complicated for my super limited c++ capabilities :)08:54
_StefanS_Tonio_: Sure, I thought I would have time to play with my new NAS today - but just gimme the info, and i'll have a look :)08:57
Tonio__StefanS_: see https://launchpad.net/bugs/2290208:57
UbugtuMalone bug 22902 in kaffeine "kaffeine ignores xine engine even if installed" [Medium,Fix released] 08:57
Tonio_I can confirm the issue, it appeared with version 0.8.108:58
_StefanS_err "Fix released" ? ..08:58
_StefanS_still an issue08:58
Tonio__StefanS_: previously fixed but the problem reappeared08:58
_StefanS_oh regressions08:58
Tonio__StefanS_: ya ! well the point is just that the kparts are not listed in the "configuration" menu, that's all08:58
Tonio_should be easy to fix I assume08:59
_StefanS_yes probably08:59
Tonio_Riddell: I'm now doing the synaptics fix09:00
Tonio_"ufv" sorry :)09:00
_StefanS_Tonio_:  did anyone else besides fritsch complain about the new logout ?09:00
Tonio__StefanS_: nobody :)09:00
_StefanS_Tonio_: good, I will also have a go at fixing that very soon.09:01
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Tonio__StefanS_: just my opinion, very nice ! except maybe the logout icon could be better, but I'm sure you already know this and that's in the work09:02
_StefanS_Tonio_: yes, I like it too :)09:03
_StefanS_Tonio_: and I agree on the logout, maybe we should just have used the back icon, as it seemed more equal to the others09:04
Tonio_yup maybe, well we have time to change this09:05
_StefanS_yes now that the feature is in :)09:05
_StefanS_I was a little worried it wouldn't make it hehe09:06
Tonio_hehe :)09:07
_StefanS_Tonio_: the previous fix of that kparts issue, you are sure it was inside kaffeine  ?09:08
Tonio__StefanS_: the issue was different09:08
Tonio__StefanS_: the point is the last post should be a new bug09:08
_StefanS_Tonio_: oka09:09
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yuriy_StefanS_: bug 8396809:28
UbugtuMalone bug 83968 in kdebase "New KDE Logout window has no possibily to choose kernel version to boot from" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8396809:28
yuriythough i didn't realize that ever worked in the first place..09:28
_StefanS_yuriy: actually I just ignored it, since I couldn't find any way to get to show  :)09:29
_StefanS_yuriy: err.. get it to show09:29
_StefanS_must be tired09:29
_StefanS_I will fix it09:30
=== hunger [n=tobias@p54A72A72.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Lureyuriy: it worked if you set "savedefault" in menu.lst09:35
Lure_StefanS_: there is option is System Settings -> Advanced -> Login Manager (or Session Manager?)09:35
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_StefanS_Lure: hmm I dont see it.. only an option for changing the boot manager09:36
yuriyLure, _StefanS_: bug 2968409:37
UbugtuMalone bug 29684 in kubuntu-default-settings "Proposal: Set the bootmanager option in KDM by default to Grub" [Wishlist,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/2968409:37
Lure_StefanS_: Login Manager -> Shutdown -> Boot Manager = GRUB09:37
Lure_StefanS_: it is not very obvious ;-)09:38
Lureyuriy: yep, but we have non-GRUB platforms too (ppc)09:38
_StefanS_You wouldn't have a map around ? .. I can set up my GPS to find it using coordinates09:38
yuriyoh and bug 57066 which i don't get if it's actually fixed or not09:39
UbugtuMalone bug 57066 in kdebase "Choosing which grub item to boot into when restarting doesn't work" [Medium,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5706609:39
yuriybut anyways, 29684 is why i thought it never worked in the first place09:40
yuriyhaven't tried it myself since then09:40
_StefanS_this is just hilarious : "// this section is copied as-is into ubuntulogout as well"09:41
_StefanS_just didn't do it hehe09:42
=== paines [n=paines@xdsl-87-78-142-43.netcologne.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
paineshow do i enable playing of encrypted dvd's / or where to get libdvdcss for feisty09:45
_StefanS_paines: add the plf repositories09:46
_StefanS_paines: check the private msg09:47
paines_StefanS_: thanks dude09:47
_StefanS_paines: please remember that it contain illegal packages depending on your country... and blahblah09:48
_StefanS_can contain hehe09:48
painesi justed poured a vodka organge together, and thought its a good moment to watch "fear and loathign in las vegas". No goverment on earth could be against this.09:50
sebaspaines: Sure a vodka-orange is enough? ;-)09:54
painesit better09:54
=== Lure [n=lure@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Lure_StefanS_: it would be cool if I could still use keyboard to select option in shutdown menu09:56
Lure_StefanS_: I am heavy keyboard user and was used to do logout selection with keyboard too09:57
Lure_StefanS_: icons that you use, are from IconLoader, right?09:57
Tonio__StefanS_: plf is dead, medibuntu now :)10:01
Tonio_paines: use the edgy medibuntu repo and install libdvdcss210:01
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=== yuriy just read Riddell's blog, good news. Does this mean the adept user input bug(s) can be closed?
Tonio_yuriy: yeah10:04
yuriyis the fix going to be backported?10:05
yuriyi'm also surprised linspire is being based on ubuntu. though i didn't know they were already based on debian10:06
Tonio_yuriy: dunno for a backport.....10:09
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yuriywth i can't install flash10:16
Riddellyuriy: yes to edgy10:16
yuriyi wanted to check the qt debconf thing, so i removed flash with adept10:16
yuriyand now clicking install won't do anything both in the manager and in the installer10:16
yuriyin the installer clicking the checkbox just does nothing, doesn't check it off10:17
yuriyother packages work fine10:17
_StefanS_Tonio_: i sent him medibuntu :)10:20
_StefanS_Lure: Do you mean the & shortcuts ?10:20
_StefanS_Lure: they are from iconloader, DesktopIcon10:20
Lure_StefanS_: Tab + cursor keys + Enter10:20
_StefanS_sorry I was just out watching tv10:20
Lure_StefanS_: no problem, enjoy tv ;-)10:21
_StefanS_Lure: arrow up/down to select between buttons you mean ?10:21
Lure_StefanS_: yes10:22
_StefanS_oka I will just have to fix that10:23
_StefanS_Well I'm back now, my wife shut of the tv and went to bed while i was in here for 1 minute hehe10:23
_StefanS_Lure: can you test that boot stuff for the logout ?10:23
_StefanS_Lure: aw wait, there was an error10:24
Lure_StefanS_: I can - just pass me .deb or patch10:24
_StefanS_Lure: yep I have to figure out some stuff first10:25
_StefanS_Lure: will do10:25
RiddellLure: did your dbus fix get uploaded?10:25
LureRiddell: yes10:25
LureRiddell: should be in the archives (did not get updated here as I have my own built one)10:25
LureRiddell: having apport for qt sound nice - will we install it by default?10:26
RiddellLure: that's yet to be seen, I h10:27
Riddellhave to investigate the package, which I think pitti will upload today or tomorrow10:27
yuriyhmm the software-properties command i used might be screwed up10:27
yuriyalso not available anymore, because it should be -gtk or -kde and -kde is still not there10:27
_StefanS_Lure: could you add the following to ksmserverrc: [Logout] \n doUbuntuLogout=0 \n and then give me a screenshot of the dropdown box ?10:28
_StefanS_Lure: just use ksnapshot with a delay to catch the logout screen10:29
_StefanS_Tonio_: I've got an edgy here to compare with the kaffeine bug, it seems like the ServiceTypes are okay, but I will investigate more10:29
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=== Lure selected Restart by accident ;-)
Lure_StefanS_: yes, list of boot options work10:34
Lure_StefanS_: will make snapshot now10:34
_StefanS_Lure: was it a nice restart ? :D10:34
=== _StefanS_ did the exact same thing once or twice as well
Lure_StefanS_: yep, with fade in the back ;-)10:34
_StefanS_wasn't there a sticky notes application sometime that was named kbasket ?10:35
Tonio__StefanS_: edgy has 0.8.0 right ?10:36
Lure_StefanS_: http://lure.lu.funpic.de/tmp/Shutdown.png10:36
Tonio__StefanS_: seems to me that the issue is due to 0.8.110:36
Lure_StefanS_: it is named basket and I just requested a sync for 1.0 version today ;-)10:37
LureTonio_: edgy has 0.6.010:37
Tonio_Lure: no10:37
Tonio_Lure: talking about kaffeine10:37
LureTonio_: sorry, I meant basket10:38
Tonio_Lure: no pb ;)10:38
_StefanS_I tried knotes, but that doesn't really cut it10:38
Tonio__StefanS_: edgy has 0.8.2 we have 0.8.310:38
Tonio_difference might be there I assume10:39
Lure_StefanS_: bug 8393010:39
UbugtuMalone bug 83930 in basket "sync 1.0~rc2-1 from debian/experimental" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8393010:39
_StefanS_Lure: like the resolution, hehe10:39
_StefanS_Lure: well I will try to fix that10:40
Lure_StefanS_: yep, and that is on 15.4" LCD10:40
_StefanS_Lure: are you on a thinkpad?10:40
=== Lure really likes high DPI screens
Lure_StefanS_: HP nw824010:40
_StefanS_ah thats good too10:40
_StefanS_Tonio_: okay, I can look into that version stuff10:41
yuriywow nice resolution indeed10:41
Tonio__StefanS_: thanks10:42
yuriyhmm adept really ought to show download speed10:44
_StefanS_Lure: I'm curious.. does that extra dropdown appear when you have more than the 3 default entries?10:45
Lureyuriy: true, now that it is really usable you notice this small details ;-)10:45
Luremanchicken: ^^^10:45
yuriyheh true, i almost never used it until about a week ago10:45
Lure_StefanS_: you need to press on button and hold in order to get the list10:45
Lure_StefanS_: I would suspect it gets populated if more than one entry10:45
Lure_StefanS_: there is code in shutdowndlg.cpp10:46
_StefanS_I know ;)10:46
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_StefanS_I kinda been there alot10:46
Lure_StefanS_: I just know that code by accident when I implemented HAL suspend/hibenrate buttons10:46
Lure_StefanS_: ;-)10:46
_StefanS_you did that10:46
_StefanS_I wrapped the stuff I did around your code as best as I could10:47
Lure_StefanS_: it works, that is what it counts ;-)10:47
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manchickenwuddup Lure?10:48
Luremanchicken: we are missing troughput numbers in download bars in adept ;-)10:48
Luremanchicken: [22:44]  <yuriy> hmm adept really ought to show download speed10:49
manchickenGuess.  That's what I do.10:50
=== yuriy was about to file a bug on it
manchickenWould that be a bug or a feature?10:50
manchickenI don't know which I'd call that.10:50
yuriyi guess that would be a feature10:51
manchickenMaybe we could *call* it a bug so we could scope-creep it past feature freeze :P10:51
manchickenThough I wouldn't advocate that.10:52
yuriywell anyways i'll file it so it won't be forgotten10:52
Luremanchicken: I am sure this is regression caused by your patches ;-)10:52
manchickenI'm not.  My code is perfect.  Shame on you for suggesting otherwise.10:52
Luremanchicken: we *have* to fix it ;-)10:53
manchickenYou *have* to fix it perhaps :P10:53
_StefanS_Lure: I need some help enabling rebootOptions to show that dialog10:53
yuriynavigating launchpad is still a bit confusing sometimes, but the really annoying thing is it's so slow!10:54
yuriyis that just me?10:54
Riddellyuriy: software-properties is still stuck in binary NEW10:54
Lureyuriy: yep, recently it is slower10:54
Riddellyuriy: it should be processed tomorrow10:54
yuriyRiddell: kk. but the gtk version doesn't work anymore, get a python TypeError10:55
Lure_StefanS_: how can I help?10:56
Riddellyuriy: not my fault :)10:56
yuriyi know :)10:56
_StefanS_Lure: find the option that enables the dropdown. Its called rebootOptions probably somewhere in your local profile, or in kdmrc10:57
_StefanS_bootOptions sorry10:58
Lure_StefanS_: nothing named with boot in ~/.kde/share/config/*11:00
_StefanS_Lure: nope its a method somewhere, sorry I will figure it out11:00
Lure_StefanS_: yep, DM().bootOptions11:01
Lure_StefanS_: it is from kdm11:01
Lure_StefanS_: http://developer.kde.org/~ossi/files/kdm/README11:01
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_StefanS_Lure: kdmlib/dmctl.h11:02
_StefanS_Lure: ah I just need to logout for it to be affected.. brb11:03
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_StefanS_Lure: there it was..  :)11:04
yuriyok how do i get flash or java to pop up the license again11:07
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oslohi i'im on feisty11:31
osloit works perfectly exept video in fullscreen11:31
oslonow it's like when i try to see video on edgy with beryl activated11:32
_StefanS_does beryl have xv support ?11:32
oslowhat i like is can disable XGL or AIGLX just before run video in fullscreen11:33
oslo_StefanS_> on feisty beryl isn't installed11:33
oslomy old distro is still on another partition11:33
oslothe edgy one .11:33
osloso do u know how can i isable XGL or AIGLX just before run video in fullscreen11:34
_StefanS_oslo: hmm nope not without restarting the xserver11:34
oslo_StefanS_> its not a problem, how do this way ?11:35
_StefanS_oslo: say what ? :)11:35
oslohow can i do that, i mean disable XGL or AIGLX on feisty, by restarting the xserver.11:35
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_StefanS_oslo: check the pm11:37
oslo_StefanS_ check the pm11:39
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vinboyi couldn't get my Test 3 cd to boot11:47
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Riddellvinboy: then it's a local problem12:01
oslo__StefanS_> thanks12:02
_StefanS_oslo_: np12:02
oslo_it was i was looking for this is greaaaaaaaaaat12:02
oslo_by the way you don't know have true transparency for yakuake, konsole & kicker  on feisty ??12:03
_StefanS_oslo_: nope, I dont think you will get that until kde412:04
oslo_thank you very much12:05
=== orkid [n=orkid@bas1-barrie18-1242377046.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu-devel
oslo__StefanS_> by the way it's sad because i can have it in the menus ..12:07
_StefanS_oslo_: well transparency is not very good in kde3 as I said. Most is pseudo implementations, faking it12:08
oslo_not for the menu in 3.5.612:10
oslo_i dont know for 3.5.512:10
oslo_but in 6 it's true transparency in the menus12:10

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