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moreati | ddaa: Sorry, I missed your response by about 30 secs, I've made the comment now. I'll know for next time, thanks. | 12:27 |
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bdmurray | Does anybody know if e-mailing edit@bugs.launchpad.net will work for comments too? | 12:55 |
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ddaa | bdmurray: https://help.launchpad.net/UsingMaloneEmail#head-6da6be7b397f62d5af20c015916d9202689bd9e7 | 01:28 |
bdmurray | ddaa: I was curious about https://help.launchpad.net/UsingMaloneEmail#head-6d23e4ac6c68944303952e4be39920a6b1cad97c | 01:30 |
bdmurray | and what would happend with a comment for multiple bugs | 01:30 |
ddaa | multiple bugs? | 01:31 |
bdmurray | e-mailing edit@bugs.launchpad.net is supposed to allow you to change more than one bug | 01:32 |
bdmurray | so there are a couple whose status I want to change but I also want to put a comment in those | 01:32 |
ddaa | I see... | 01:32 |
ddaa | I was not aware of this functionality :) | 01:33 |
ddaa | no idea whether and how you can also add comments in batch | 01:33 |
bdmurray | I was hoping it would be useful | 01:33 |
ddaa | lifeless: do you know? | 01:34 |
ddaa | or know somebody who would know and is around now? | 01:34 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #5575 in launchpad-bazaar "Do we really have to name our branches in Launchpad?" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5575 | 01:56 |
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bdmurray | ddaa: I seem to have found the answer if you are interested. | 02:11 |
ddaa | tell me | 02:11 |
bdmurray | There is a bug against lp about it, but comments are ignored | 02:11 |
bdmurray | when e-mailing edit@bugs.launchpad.net | 02:12 |
ddaa | okay | 02:12 |
ddaa | probably was the simplest thing to implement | 02:12 |
ddaa | it's not terribly harder to write multiple emails | 02:12 |
ddaa | and probably much less error-prone | 02:12 |
ddaa | good night | 02:18 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #83908 in launchpad-bazaar "branch listing should be batched" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83908 | 03:35 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #83909 in launchpad "changing bug visibility page format bad" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83909 | 04:05 |
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jml | is there a shorthand for referring to a spec in a bug comment? | 07:42 |
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stub | jml: I've only see people use URLs | 07:59 |
stub | Might be worth filing a wishlist bug for shorthand and hyperlinking (or a spec stub) | 08:00 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #48813 in launchpad-bazaar "Efficiently mirroring sftp hosted branches with minimal latency" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48813 | 08:00 |
jml | stub: ok | 08:04 |
spiv | Ubugtu: that branch ain't exactly new... | 08:07 |
Fujitsu | It got reassigned, which seems to trigger a new bug email. | 08:09 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #83925 in launchpad "Add a shorthand for referring to specs in bug comments" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83925 | 08:15 |
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poolie_ | spiv, hello | 08:18 |
poolie_ | is irc.canonical down or is it just me? | 08:19 |
spiv | poolie_: just you, I think. | 08:19 |
poolie_ | ok, xchat was confused about the port number for some reason | 08:21 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #83928 in launchpad-bazaar "register launchpad url scheme" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83928 | 08:25 |
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carlos | morning | 08:29 |
LCBP | sorry, morning | 08:31 |
LCBP | i was stil a sleep | 08:32 |
LCBP | is this the RISC OS lauchpad | 08:32 |
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sabdfl | morning all | 08:43 |
sabdfl | SteveA: is brilliant all cooked? | 08:43 |
sabdfl | i don't see any change in the app pages | 08:44 |
LaserJock | hi sabdfl | 08:44 |
sabdfl | hey LaserJock | 08:44 |
mpt | sabdfl, you mean the app home pages? | 08:49 |
sabdfl | yup | 08:49 |
sabdfl | morning mpt | 08:49 |
mpt | morning | 08:49 |
sabdfl | our call is in 13 mins, and i was hoping to see the stuff we discussed last week, implemented | 08:50 |
mpt | Last I saw, Usman was waiting for your go-ahead on one of the layout options | 08:50 |
mpt | but I may not have been CCed on your reply | 08:50 |
sabdfl | hmm... i'm on leave and not watching email this week, so that's not a great result | 08:50 |
mpt | Shall I put them on the wiki for you to look at? | 08:51 |
sabdfl | mpt: or let me know the date of the email | 08:51 |
mpt | February 5th, "App home page updates" | 08:52 |
SteveA | sabdfl, mpt: :I updated brilliant last night. | 08:53 |
SteveA | mpt: anything additional for me to update this morning? | 08:53 |
sabdfl | SteveA: apparently things got jammed waiting for me to make a decision - shouldn't have happened! | 08:53 |
mpt | SteveA, structural object children and other miscellaneous fixes | 08:56 |
SteveA | mpt: where do I update from? I don't see an email from you | 08:56 |
mpt | SteveA, I judged that those changes weren't design-y enough to need merging by themselves | 08:57 |
SteveA | ok. I'd have appreciated an email saying "nothing to merge" | 08:58 |
SteveA | remember that the absence of news isn't the same as the news of absence | 08:58 |
mpt | ok, sorry | 08:58 |
mpt | I still need to work on those "no news" messages | 08:59 |
sabdfl | dialing in now | 09:02 |
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=== mpt misses dilys | ||
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Ubugtu | New bug: #42480 in malone "Report a bug about product that doesn't use Malone should include link to product's official bug tracker" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42480 | 10:31 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #639 in malone "strange choice of front page elements" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/639 | 10:46 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #3797 in malone "Bug mails should explain why the person is getting emailed." [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3797 | 10:46 |
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prov | good morning ! | 12:10 |
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static | oi | 12:52 |
barry | yawn :) | 12:53 |
=== cprov wonders why the channel is so quite today | ||
carlos | cprov: don't worry, in 7 minutes it will be quite noisy | 12:53 |
carlos | :-) | 12:53 |
cprov | carlos: ehe, I hope so | 12:54 |
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SteveA | mrevell: I'll add your item to the agenda. | 12:56 |
mrevell | SteveA: thanks | 12:56 |
SteveA | mrevell: when you propose items, please leave the template item intact. | 12:56 |
SteveA | like | 12:56 |
SteveA | * description of item (name of proposer) | 12:56 |
SteveA | that makes it clear what to do for the next person | 12:56 |
kiko-anti-geneva | hi | 12:56 |
kiko-anti-geneva | me + 6m | 12:56 |
mrevell | SteveA: will do, sorry | 12:56 |
carlos | kiko-anti-geneva: use ntp! | 12:57 |
mpt | carlos, that's a time-travelling protocol? | 12:57 |
carlos | mpt: it's more a 'get your computer clock sync with all people time' so the script works as expected ;-) | 12:58 |
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kiko-anti-geneva | carlos: I want something which changes other people's clocks | 12:58 |
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ddaa | kiko: I think they call that a "ring 0 ntp server" or something like that... | 12:59 |
danilos | ddaa: "stratum 0"? | 12:59 |
kiko-anti-geneva | right | 12:59 |
ddaa | danilos: something like that, yes | 12:59 |
barry | mpt: careful. i've borrowed the keys to guido's time machine before. i pre-fixed the bug but ended up with wings and a purple nose, so time travel can be a bit dangerous | 01:00 |
=== CodeDragon [n=None@] has joined #launchpad | ||
SteveA | Welcome to this week's launchpad development meeting! | 01:00 |
salgado | me | 01:00 |
kiko-anti-geneva | welcome SteveA as our hose | 01:00 |
ddaa | barry: that will make you easy to spot at company meetings | 01:00 |
barry | ddaa: i recovered :) | 01:00 |
mpt | barry, can I have a ride? | 01:00 |
kiko-anti-geneva | me | 01:00 |
SteveA | and kiko-anti-geneva as chief cock adjuster | 01:00 |
SteveA | s/cock/clock/ | 01:00 |
SteveA | who's here today? | 01:01 |
ddaa | SteveA: !!! | 01:01 |
mpt | me | 01:01 |
cprov | me | 01:01 |
heno | me | 01:01 |
barry | me | 01:01 |
matsubara | me | 01:01 |
ddaa | me | 01:01 |
BjornT | me | 01:01 |
danilos | me | 01:01 |
static | me | 01:01 |
mrevell | me | 01:01 |
flacoste | me | 01:01 |
jamesh | me | 01:01 |
kiko-anti-geneva | me | 01:01 |
stub | me | 01:01 |
spiv | me | 01:01 |
salgado | me | 01:01 |
carlos | me | 01:01 |
SteveA | this is like that scene in "the sound of music", but all stuck on the same note | 01:01 |
kiko-anti-geneva | thanks SteveA | 01:01 |
SteveA | == Agenda == | 01:02 |
SteveA | * Roll call | 01:02 |
SteveA | * Agenda | 01:02 |
SteveA | * Next meeting | 01:02 |
SteveA | * Activity reports | 01:02 |
SteveA | * Actions from last meeting | 01:02 |
SteveA | * Oops report (Matsubara) | 01:02 |
SteveA | * Bug report (mpt) | 01:02 |
SteveA | * Bug tags | 01:02 |
SteveA | * Production and staging (Stuart) | 01:02 |
SteveA | * Launchpad 1.0 status reports | 01:02 |
SteveA | * Sysadmin requests | 01:02 |
SteveA | ---- | 01:02 |
SteveA | * A top user-affecting issue (mrevell) | 01:02 |
SteveA | * Launchpad buzz report (mrevell) | 01:02 |
SteveA | * (other items) | 01:02 |
SteveA | ---- | 01:02 |
SteveA | * Three sentences | 01:02 |
SteveA | 01:02 | |
SteveA | next meeting, same time same place next week | 01:02 |
SteveA | anyone know they'll be absent? | 01:02 |
SteveA | tim and jml aren't here. who is today's envoy for the bzr-launchpad team? | 01:02 |
danilos | sprint in Brazil | 01:02 |
danilos | but we'll probably be around for the meeting | 01:02 |
kiko-anti-geneva | we'll be around and round | 01:03 |
jamesh | danilos: it isn't too early ... | 01:03 |
spiv | ddaa was the nominated envoy. | 01:03 |
SteveA | thanks. maybe you can give a brief report on how the brazil sprint is going? | 01:03 |
SteveA | thanks ddaa | 01:03 |
SteveA | * Activity reports | 01:03 |
kiko-anti-geneva | me? | 01:03 |
SteveA | I'm not up to date | 01:03 |
kiko-anti-geneva | or next week? | 01:03 |
danilos | SteveA: sure | 01:03 |
kiko-anti-geneva | I'm sprinting | 01:03 |
barry | SteveA: me, jury duty | 01:03 |
ddaa | uptodate | 01:03 |
kiko-anti-geneva | yay | 01:03 |
salgado | up to date | 01:03 |
jamesh | not up to date | 01:03 |
danilos | I'm still behind | 01:03 |
BjornT | up to date | 01:03 |
flacoste | up to date | 01:03 |
spiv | I'm up to date, but I'm guilty of batching. | 01:03 |
stub | up to dadte | 01:03 |
cprov | up to date | 01:03 |
matsubara | up to date, sent a summary with all my missing reports. | 01:03 |
static | I'm not up to date | 01:03 |
mpt | up to date | 01:04 |
=== ddaa has no report of whether tim and jml are up to date, checking | ||
carlos | I'm up to date | 01:04 |
SteveA | 01:04 | |
barry | up2date | 01:04 |
SteveA | 01:04 | |
mrevell | up to date | 01:04 |
SteveA | == People who were lax with activity reporting last week == | 01:04 |
SteveA | * danilos | 01:04 |
SteveA | * jamesh | 01:04 |
SteveA | * kiko | 01:04 |
SteveA | * matsubara | 01:04 |
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SteveA | * static | 01:04 |
SteveA | * SteveA | 01:04 |
SteveA | 01:04 | |
jml | hello | 01:04 |
SteveA | repeaters are SteveA, statis, jamesh, danilos | 01:05 |
SteveA | well done matsubara for getting back on track with activity reports | 01:05 |
SteveA | danilos: please restart after the sprint | 01:05 |
ddaa | thumper uptodate | 01:05 |
danilos | SteveA: sure, I am sending some right now | 01:05 |
SteveA | jamesh, static, please start again today | 01:05 |
ddaa | jml not up to date | 01:05 |
SteveA | hi jml. if it's late/early there, you don't need to be here because ddaa is representing the bzr-launchpad team. | 01:05 |
SteveA | but you're most welcome if you want to be here | 01:06 |
SteveA | * Actions from last meeting | 01:06 |
SteveA | there were none | 01:06 |
SteveA | * Oops report (Matsubara) | 01:06 |
matsubara | I was going to talk about bugs 82938 and 82944, but thumper already took the former and danilos fix committed the later. Thanks guys. Good job! | 01:06 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 82938 in launchpad-bazaar "The ~vcs-imports/+registeredbranches page exceeded its hardlimit and is now broken." [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82938 - Assigned to Tim Penhey (thumper) | 01:06 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 82944 in rosetta "Missing <rosetta> tag in launchpad.conf for production[2,3,4] causes oops." [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82944 - Assigned to (danilo) | 01:06 |
kiko-anti-geneva | SteveA jamesh' sprinting | 01:06 |
jml | SteveA: thanks. I'll just observe :) | 01:06 |
matsubara | Related to beta.launchpad.net, there was some timeouts on code.beta.launchpad.net, which stub fixed by adding new indexes to the Branch table. | 01:06 |
=== diogenes [n=diogenes@hoas-fe35dd00-37.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #launchpad | ||
danilos | matsubara: I still need to ask for that to be cherrypicked | 01:07 |
matsubara | Apart from that oops are pretty much under control. The only one still bothering me is the timeout in the +translate page, but I'm sure mpt will address that ;-) | 01:07 |
matsubara | danilos: please do. | 01:07 |
SteveA | kiko-anti-geneva: thanks for pointing that out. so, jamesh should re-start activity reports after the sprints | 01:08 |
matsubara | address that in his Bug report report, I meant | 01:08 |
carlos | matsubara: mpt? isn't kiko working on it? | 01:08 |
matsubara | I'm done here SteveA | 01:08 |
kiko-anti-geneva | carlos yeah, I am. | 01:08 |
SteveA | thanks matsubara | 01:08 |
SteveA | * Bug report (mpt) | 01:09 |
matsubara | carlos: yes, I meant, he'll nag kiko about that | 01:09 |
mpt | There are 2045 known bugs in Launchpad without released fixes, of which 10 are Critical. Of these, the oldest six are: | 01:09 |
mpt | * Bug 30602 (Timeout errors in +translate), Critical, In Progress, kiko | 01:09 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 30602 in rosetta "Timeout errors in +translate" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30602 - Assigned to Christian Reis (kiko) | 01:09 |
carlos | matsubara: oh, I see :) | 01:09 |
matsubara | there you go | 01:09 |
mpt | kiko, nag nag nag, etc. Did you land your first lot of fixes? | 01:09 |
kiko-anti-geneva | no. | 01:09 |
carlos | matsubara: :-) | 01:09 |
mpt | * Bug 46982 (Need to support KDE like plural forms), Critical, Confirmed, danilo | 01:09 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 46982 in rosetta "Need to support KDE like plural forms" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46982 - Assigned to (danilo) | 01:09 |
kiko-anti-geneva | it doesn't entirely work yet either! | 01:09 |
mpt | danilo or carlos, there is a request for an ETA in that bug report. Could you reply to it, so that KDE translators don't give up on Launchpad as a lost cause? :-) | 01:09 |
danilos | mpt: I'd love to, but ask kiko about ETAs and me :) | 01:10 |
mpt | kiko-anti-geneva, will it start working soon? | 01:10 |
carlos | mpt: it depends on danilo completely. I cannot help there right now | 01:10 |
mpt | kiko, what's this I hear about ETAs and danilos? | 01:10 |
mpt | * Bug #48813 (Efficiently mirroring sftp hosted branches with minimal latency), Critical, In Progress, jml | 01:10 |
mpt | * Bug #49989 (branch puller reports failure for new hosted branches), Critical, In Progress, jml | 01:10 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 48813 in launchpad-bazaar "Efficiently mirroring sftp hosted branches with minimal latency" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48813 - Assigned to Jonathan Lange (jml-mumak) | 01:10 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 49989 in launchpad-bazaar "branch puller reports failure for new hosted branches" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49989 - Assigned to Jonathan Lange (jml-mumak) | 01:10 |
danilos | mpt: in all honesty though, firefox is getting up for review, and the next fix after that is that bug | 01:10 |
mpt | jml, will either of those be fixed over the next week? | 01:10 |
carlos | mpt: we cannot say when will it be done if we don't know when will it be started (hopefully, we should be able to start once we are back from Brazil) | 01:11 |
jml | mpt: most likely | 01:11 |
mpt | jml, both of them, even? :-) | 01:11 |
carlos | danilos: I wonder whether should I a take care of it while you do OO.org support | 01:11 |
jml | mpt: they are both _almost_ the same bug | 01:11 |
mpt | kiko-anti-geneva, ok, as long as you're still working on it | 01:11 |
jml | mpt: so, yes. | 01:11 |
mpt | cool | 01:11 |
jml | mpt: (currently waiting on reviews and for a db patch to land) | 01:12 |
mpt | * Bug #74839 (Dropdown menus in 1.0 UI do not drop down), Critical, Confirmed, mpt | 01:12 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 74839 in launchpad "Dropdown menus in 1.0 UI do not drop down" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74839 - Assigned to Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) | 01:12 |
mpt | This is still hanging around (or not hanging around) and I don't have a good excuse. I'll try to fix this first thing when I wake up today. | 01:12 |
SteveA | mpt: I'll look at this today | 01:12 |
mpt | * Bug #78033 (private), Critical, Unconfirmed, mpt | 01:12 |
Ubugtu | Bug 78033 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/78033 is private | 01:12 |
mpt | I don't think this is Critical, but I'll look at this today too. | 01:12 |
danilos | carlos: well, we can sure arrange that (my plan was to make KDE support automatic so as not to add a new import/export mode, but recognize such files on-the-fly) | 01:12 |
mpt | And that's all. Thanks SteveA. | 01:12 |
SteveA | mpt: it is critical. people don't realize that oops pages on beta are oops pages | 01:12 |
SteveA | it doesn't need to be a private bug | 01:13 |
mpt | ok then. | 01:13 |
SteveA | so, essentially, our oops pages on beta aren't working | 01:13 |
carlos | danilos: let's talk about it next week in Brazil | 01:13 |
danilos | carlos: sure | 01:13 |
SteveA | mpt: finished the report? | 01:13 |
mpt | yes. | 01:13 |
SteveA | thank you mpt | 01:13 |
SteveA | * Bug tags | 01:14 |
SteveA | no proposed new tags this week | 01:14 |
SteveA | * Production and staging (Stuart) | 01:14 |
stub | All the systems are behaving themselves (launchpad.net, staging.launchpad.net, edge.launchpad.net, beta.launchpad.net) which is nice, except for the mirror prober which had been having trouble. A final cherry pick is needed to stop it sending email until we are more confident with it. | 01:14 |
stub | The staging database has been moved to Carbon, so edge and beta should no longer have any load issues when the staging database is being rebuilt. | 01:14 |
stub | The launchpad_langpack database has been rebuilt and ready for testing updated open-feisty-for-translation scripts when they are ready. | 01:14 |
stub | Next full production rollout will be done once pending database patches have been collected and landed. Maybe tomorrow, maybe Monday I hope. Downtime should be the usual 10 mins. I expect at the very least some database patches will be mereged to launchpad/devel tomorrow which will stop edge code updates until the production rollout is completed. | 01:14 |
SteveA | how is demo.launchpad.net ? | 01:14 |
danilos | stub: are carlos and myself able to access launchpad_langpack db again? | 01:14 |
stub | jamesh: ? | 01:14 |
SteveA | stub: when will we be ready for a database-patch-drought | 01:15 |
SteveA | ? | 01:15 |
stub | danilos: I never revoked your access. Carlos has been testing, so he certainly has access. | 01:15 |
jamesh | SteveA: nothing new to report. It has the Zope 3 bug import running on it, but I haven't had any feedback from the zope guys in a week | 01:15 |
carlos | stub: psql is not working | 01:15 |
danilos | carlos: ? | 01:15 |
SteveA | mrevell: please ping the zope people | 01:15 |
carlos | stub: although scripts work... | 01:15 |
SteveA | let's get this finished | 01:15 |
stub | SteveA: Depends on when the final db patches land. There is one still I need to review, and I think one more that hasn't got to my review queue yet. | 01:15 |
ddaa | the two db patches from jml (branch mirror request and branch-revision) need to go in before drought | 01:15 |
mrevell | mrevell: I'm waiting on responses and will continue to chase | 01:15 |
stub | carlos: That would be user error I'm afraid. | 01:16 |
SteveA | ok. thanks stub | 01:16 |
=== TeTeT [n=spindler@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #launchpad | ||
SteveA | * Launchpad 1.0 status reports | 01:16 |
carlos | carlos@carbon:~$ psql -d launchpad_langpack -U ro | 01:16 |
carlos | psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "ro" | 01:16 |
carlos | stub: ^^^ | 01:16 |
carlos | same problem with rosettaadmin | 01:17 |
danilos | Rosetta 1.0 weekly report: | 01:17 |
danilos | - firefox import/export: part by part up for review (DB patch, more cleanups) | 01:17 |
danilos | - oo import/export: no progress this week | 01:17 |
danilos | - essential docs: no progress this week | 01:17 |
danilos | - TranslationImportContinuityThreshold: no progress this week | 01:17 |
SteveA | carlos: please sort this out with stub outside the meeting | 01:17 |
danilos | - UI stuff: bug 79674 (no progress, start page modified, new page missing) | 01:17 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 79674 in rosetta "List translatable upstreams on separate page, sample on front page" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79674 - Assigned to (danilo) | 01:17 |
mpt | UI 1.0: | 01:17 |
mpt | * Much of structural object children done, thanks to SteveA. | 01:17 |
mpt | * Application front pages still being re-redesigned. | 01:17 |
mpt | * Pillargotchis still missing. (salgado?) | 01:17 |
BjornT | Malone 1.0: | 01:17 |
BjornT | malone-essential-docs: No progress since last week. bjornt still to send an e-mail to matthew r describing what information the different sections should contain in more detail. | 01:17 |
carlos | stub: ok, sorry | 01:17 |
flacoste | Support^WAnswer Tracker 1.0 | 01:17 |
flacoste | SupportTrackerRename: in progress, all of UI was renamed, missing URLs, code and doc updates. | 01:17 |
cprov | = Soyuz-1.0 Report = | 01:18 |
cprov | * Archive Rework: tested SoyuzTestSystem, waiting for sprint | 01:18 |
cprov | * PPA backend: pending pass over SoyuzSystemTest (ACL and better policy | 01:18 |
cprov | checks) and waiting for sprint. | 01:18 |
cprov | * Fixes Done this week: | 01:18 |
cprov | * #59443 (do not announce uploads to BACKPORTS & announce SECURITY): | 01:18 |
cprov | RF 4511 + RF 4517, cherrypicked in drescher (cprov, r=flacoste) | 01:18 |
cprov | * #76591 (Reliable PackageRelationShip parser/render): | 01:18 |
cprov | RF 4516 + RF 4522 (cprov, r=spiv) | 01:18 |
cprov | * Fix #82798 (/+last-uploads restricted by the distrorelease context) | 01:18 |
cprov | RF 4514 (cprov, 1.0) | 01:18 |
cprov | * Incoming Fixes: | 01:18 |
cprov | * #74965 (failure on +queue page permission check for empty queues): | 01:18 |
cprov | needs-review (cprov, r=jamesh) | 01:18 |
cprov | * #82389 (Store the person who signed the changes file in an upload): | 01:18 |
cprov | needs-review (cprov. r=bjornt) | 01:18 |
salgado | mpt, I have a branch here which uses the icons on all pillar pages. just need to finish it; shouldn't be more than a few hours work | 01:18 |
cprov | * #83548 (feisty non-release pockets need to be regenerated): | 01:18 |
cprov | needs-review (cprov, r=spiv) | 01:18 |
cprov | * #62584 (Deathrow doesn't guarantee stay of execution time): | 01:18 |
cprov | needs-review (cprov, r=spiv) | 01:18 |
SteveA | thank you | 01:19 |
SteveA | * Sysadmin requests | 01:19 |
SteveA | 5 | 01:19 |
SteveA | 4 | 01:19 |
mpt | salgado, neat :-) Remember the icon in main-template.pt too. | 01:19 |
SteveA | 3 | 01:19 |
SteveA | 2 | 01:19 |
SteveA | 1 | 01:19 |
SteveA | ok | 01:19 |
SteveA | * A top user-affecting issue (mrevell) | 01:19 |
mrevell | We had two main user-affecting issues this week: | 01:19 |
mrevell | * we removed unnecessary translation packages from Ubuntu | 01:19 |
mrevell | * we fixed the somewhat long-running PO export issue. | 01:19 |
mrevell | Interestingly, so far, we've had more feedback on the removal of translation packages. This was another issue where we were able to learn the benefits of communicating up-front with our users. | 01:19 |
mrevell | Both issues confirmed the need for the previously discussed status page and about.launchpad.net. Thanks for people's feedback on those. | 01:19 |
SteveA | what was the "unnecessary translation packages" thing? | 01:20 |
mrevell | SteveA: carlos can explain more fully than I can | 01:20 |
SteveA | unnecessary for what? | 01:20 |
ddaa | mrevell: positive feedback is always more scarce than negative feedback | 01:20 |
kiko-anti-geneva | salgado, mpt: why isn't the person's hackergotchi used as the "context image" (in place of the orange square)? | 01:20 |
carlos | SteveA: we removed documentation and .deb package template translations that were not used at all in Ubuntu | 01:20 |
carlos | so translators can focus on resources Ubuntu can actually use | 01:21 |
SteveA | ok | 01:21 |
SteveA | and what was the reaction? | 01:21 |
mpt | kiko-anti-geneva, right, that's what I meant by "the icon in main-template.pt". | 01:21 |
salgado | kiko-anti-geneva, because I'm using the nyet image for all of them. (the branch I have here uses the correct one, though) | 01:21 |
mrevell | SteveA: People wondered why the number of packages still to translate had dropped. | 01:21 |
carlos | they said 'the amount of things to translate has been reduced'! | 01:21 |
mrevell | SteveA: We explained and they were okay. | 01:21 |
SteveA | I see | 01:21 |
SteveA | thank you | 01:21 |
salgado | mpt, that's not the orange square | 01:21 |
SteveA | * Launchpad buzz report (mrevell) | 01:21 |
mrevell | Each week, I shall post a report, to the launchpad ML, about Launchpad's usage and what people are saying about it. I posted the first last night, followed by a corrected version this morning. | 01:21 |
mrevell | Please let me know if you would like me to use this meeting to post brief highlights from the report. | 01:21 |
kiko-anti-geneva | salgado rocks as usual | 01:22 |
SteveA | mrevell: kiko you and I should talk about posting that report to launchpad-users in future | 01:22 |
carlos | mrevell: is that report supposed to be private? | 01:22 |
=== carlos just wonders | ||
mrevell | carlos: The first one was, just to test the waters | 01:22 |
carlos | ok | 01:23 |
ddaa | mrevell: if it's going to launchpad ML, we are all going to read it sooner or later... maybe if there's something urgent for people to know about... | 01:23 |
mrevell | ddaa: Okay, that sounds reasonable. | 01:23 |
SteveA | * (other items) | 01:23 |
mrevell | SteveA: Yes, I'll organise a meeting, if you'd like me to | 01:23 |
SteveA | heno: anything from you today? | 01:23 |
flacoste | SteveA: what about the switch to beta as mainline? | 01:23 |
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heno | SteveA: no, nothing new | 01:23 |
SteveA | flacoste: that happens as soon as we have a database-patch-drought | 01:24 |
flacoste | great! | 01:24 |
heno | we are running more LP style meeting i the ubuntu team now though :) | 01:24 |
SteveA | so, it's blocked on these patches in stub's queue, or shortly before stub's queue | 01:24 |
heno | short and structured :) | 01:24 |
SteveA | heno: interesting. I'd like to have a call with you about that after this meeting. | 01:24 |
heno | SteveA: great, please do | 01:25 |
SteveA | we're running very much ahead of time today | 01:25 |
SteveA | so, thank you everyone for being well-prepared and keeping discussions brief | 01:25 |
mpt | yay, early bedtime | 01:25 |
SteveA | * Three sentences | 01:25 |
mpt | DONE: nearly vanquished launchpad.css, structural children | 01:25 |
mpt | TODO: bug fixes, app front page changes, finish off launchpad.css | 01:25 |
mpt | BLOCKED: no | 01:25 |
mrevell | DONE: Returned from BZR NL sprint, produced generic brochures for Bazaar and Launchpad, produced then corrected first Launchpad buzz report. | 01:25 |
mrevell | TO DO: Bazaar quick-start guides/tutorials, FiF, review static's Take a Tour page content, finalise elevator pitches with static, chase Zope's Christian re Zope import, Rosetta presentation in time for SkyCon, travel to SkyCon. | 01:25 |
mrevell | BLOCKED: None. | 01:25 |
flacoste | DONE: some support tracker renaming, bug fixes, add ticket search to project, reviews | 01:25 |
carlos | DONE: bug #45196, #81278, #70074, #73875, #44808, #83801, announcement about templates removed from Ubuntu, planned a new strategy to open Feisty translations. | 01:25 |
flacoste | TODO: support tracker renaming, bug fixes, write SupportFAQ spec | 01:25 |
flacoste | BLOCKED: waiting on merge of ui-one-zero and devel to land first batch of renames | 01:25 |
carlos | TODO: bug #83801 (Required to open Feisty to translations), open Feisty and sprint in Brazil. | 01:25 |
carlos | BLOCKED: no | 01:25 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 45196 in rosetta "Suggestions appear too late" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45196 - Assigned to Carlos Perell Marn (carlos) | 01:25 |
Ubugtu | Bug 81278 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/81278 is private | 01:25 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 83801 in rosetta "Opening a new distro release to translations should be done with a live system" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83801 - Assigned to Carlos Perell Marn (carlos) | 01:25 |
barry | DONE: RocketFuelSetup; submitted branch for review; local launchpad.dev running; REST/XMLRPC research | 01:25 |
ddaa | DONE: supermirror oopses, supermirror latency | 01:25 |
ddaa | TODO: supermirror oopses, supermirror latency | 01:25 |
ddaa | BLOCKED: jml's db patches (branch mirror request, complete branch-revision) | 01:25 |
spiv | DONE: reviews, bzr smart server work | 01:25 |
BjornT | DONE: code reviews. fix 1.0 ui bugs. | 01:25 |
BjornT | TODO: code reviews fix 1.0 ui (and a few other) bugs. | 01:26 |
BjornT | BLOCKED: no | 01:26 |
salgado | DONE: Lots of mirror prober testing/fixing, a bunch of fixes to the karma caching to prevent timeouts, code review and other random fixes | 01:26 |
spiv | TODO: bzr smart server work, reviews | 01:26 |
spiv | BLOCKED: no | 01:26 |
salgado | TODO: Land the karma fixes, finish using the icons in all pillar pages, more code review and UI 1.0 work | 01:26 |
salgado | BLOCKED: no | 01:26 |
ddaa | <thumper> DONE: team aware branch listings, code.beta.launchpad.net population, more work on explicit-branch-type spec, bug-branch badges up for review, started dbschema refactoring | 01:26 |
ddaa | <thumper> TODO: fix products with code to be batched, branch email, spec out private branches | 01:26 |
ddaa | <thumper> BLOCKED: no | 01:26 |
barry | TODO: launchpad.dev project po/pot files approved; start to map out remote functionality; mm work; PQM request | 01:26 |
kiko-anti-geneva | DONE: storm sprinting, launchpad report, lots of random assistance to others | 01:26 |
cprov | DONE: bug fixing (see soyuz report) and testing Xen-based buildd | 01:26 |
cprov | TODO: test a solution for Warty & Hoary archive removal, buildd-ui browsing by time for rebuild analysis | 01:26 |
cprov | BLOCKED: no | 01:26 |
SteveA | DONE: some ui 1.0 work, admin, management, recruitment | 01:26 |
SteveA | TODO: some ui 1.0 work, admin, management, recruitment | 01:26 |
SteveA | BLOCKED: no | 01:26 |
kiko-anti-geneva | TOOD: more sprinting | 01:26 |
ddaa | <jml> DONE: Fixed bug 81544, posted supermirror improvements that should significantly reduce latency, got a handle on Launchpad development workflow. | 01:26 |
ddaa | <jml> TODO: Implement complete-branch-revision spec and work with ddaa and thumper to reduce supermirror latency (see faster-pull-scan spec). | 01:26 |
ddaa | <jml> BLOCKED: Waiting for DB patch 79-02-0 to land before landing | 01:26 |
ddaa | supermirror changes. [maybe also blocked on db patch for complete-branch-revision] | 01:26 |
Ubugtu | Bug 81544 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/81544 is private | 01:26 |
kiko-anti-geneva | BLOCKED: no | 01:26 |
=== niemeyer [n=niemeyer@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad | ||
barry | BLOCKED: launchpad.dev translations confusion; PendingReviews | 01:26 |
static | DONE: recruitment (and a hire!). customer meetings, pycon materials, signed up as session chair for pycon, working on specs. | 01:26 |
static | TODO: Finish specs, fix some bugs, meet BC in person. | 01:26 |
static | Blocked: No | 01:26 |
jamesh | DONE: sprint, redirect-beta-testers branch, get http://codebrowse.launchpad.net online | 01:26 |
jamesh | TODO: sprint | 01:26 |
jamesh | BLOCKED: no | 01:26 |
stub | DONE: Database & production stuff, OpenId research | 01:26 |
stub | TODO: OpenId | 01:26 |
stub | BLOCKED: No | 01:26 |
matsubara | DONE: oops report analysis, triage, bug filing, start tests for oops scripts | 01:26 |
matsubara | TODO: more of the same, implement oops stuff for scripts | 01:26 |
matsubara | BLOCKED: no | 01:26 |
barry | stub: i'd like to talk with you some time about openid | 01:26 |
carlos | barry: what do you mean with 'launchpad.dev translations confusion' ? | 01:27 |
SteveA | stub: note that <jml> BLOCKED: Waiting for DB patch 79-02-0 to land before landing | 01:27 |
stub | barry: Ok. After lp meetings is best for us as we are 12 hours apart. | 01:27 |
barry | carlos: i'm having trouble with my local launchpad getting translations to show up in the project | 01:27 |
ddaa | OMG, that was MUXed... barry: please type ahead of time, and paste in the chan to reduce the MUXing | 01:27 |
SteveA | and ddaa> BLOCKED: jml's db patches (branch mirror request, complete branch-revision) | 01:27 |
stub | SteveA: Yup. | 01:27 |
barry | ddaa: i pasted but only one at a time. next time in batch | 01:28 |
barry | stub: cool | 01:28 |
ddaa | SteveA: no worry, I have a few other pipelines, but these two are needed for you PyCon lightning thing | 01:28 |
=== jwendell [n=wendell@ubuntu/member/wendell] has left #Launchpad ["Bye"] | ||
SteveA | flacoste: I note that you're blocked on merging ui into mainline. | 01:28 |
carlos | barry: +translations pages for IProject URLs? | 01:28 |
barry | carlos: it's a little more detailed, can we talk after mtg? | 01:29 |
carlos | barry: sure | 01:29 |
SteveA | that's it. a record 30 minute meeting. | 01:29 |
barry | carlos: thx (i'm sure it's just my noob confusion about things) | 01:29 |
SteveA | thanks everyone | 01:29 |
SteveA | MEETING ENDS | 01:29 |
kiko-anti-geneva | thanks stever | 01:29 |
mrevell | thanks all | 01:29 |
kiko-anti-geneva | man | 01:29 |
SteveA | heno: can I call you now? | 01:29 |
carlos | thanks SteveA | 01:29 |
=== fabbione [n=fabbione@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #launchpad | ||
ddaa | congrats! | 01:29 |
=== mrevell -> lunch | ||
barry | carlos: will you be around for a while? | 01:30 |
heno | SteveA: yep | 01:30 |
carlos | barry: yeah | 01:30 |
danilos | DONE: some more bug 116 work (fif), tiny fixes around ("translated & reviewed by", "into" -> "in"), configuration problem (bug 82944), firefox support cleanup (prepared DB patch for review, resolved conflicts, message import order) | 01:30 |
danilos | TODO: have ff reviewed and landed, Brazil sprint, week of vacations | 01:30 |
danilos | BLOCKED: no | 01:30 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 116 in rosetta "Special msgid 'translator-credits' should be handled automatically" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116 - Assigned to (danilo) | 01:30 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 82944 in rosetta "Missing <rosetta> tag in launchpad.conf for production[2,3,4] causes oops." [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82944 - Assigned to (danilo) | 01:30 |
danilos | (my missing 3 sentences) | 01:30 |
kiko-anti-geneva | SteveA: I have a page with launchpad rendered using storm | 01:31 |
kiko-anti-geneva | niemeyer IS THE DUDE | 01:31 |
SteveA | kiko-anti-geneva: awesome! | 01:32 |
kiko-anti-geneva | mpt: yes | 01:33 |
kiko-anti-geneva | did I? | 01:34 |
kiko-anti-geneva | dude bitchx is confusing | 01:34 |
matsubara | yes, you did kiko | 01:35 |
kiko-anti-geneva | the only reason I am actually here is because niemeyer and jamesh hassle me to be on IRC | 01:42 |
niemeyer | kiko-anti-geneva: Not sure, but if it was a problem, it must be your fault. | 01:43 |
kiko-anti-geneva | niemeyer: I hear the earth is warming | 01:46 |
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kiko-anti-geneva | jdahlin over my dead body | 02:08 |
mpt | kiko-anti-geneva, dude, jdahlin isn't here either | 02:18 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #83976 in soyuz "-security vs. -updates/-proposed version comparison needs to be removed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83976 | 02:40 |
kiko-anti-geneva | niemeyer: https://sodium.ubuntu.com/~andrew/paste/filebQWbTh.html | 02:42 |
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ddaa | kiko: so what practical benefits does storm bring to launchpad, apart from maybe removing a couple of layers of soul-burning ugliness? | 03:14 |
kiko | ddaa, it's a more flexible and cleaner ORM, which will be able to give us a lot more in the medium term | 03:25 |
kiko | ddaa, for instance, doing queries for us that fetch objects and aggregate functions in one go | 03:26 |
ddaa | Cool exactly what I wanted to hear. | 03:26 |
ddaa | So we can use the real expressive power of sql to make launchpad not suck performance-wise | 03:27 |
ddaa | instead of being harmstrung by an autistic ORM | 03:27 |
kiko | adding storm to launchpad is a non-trivial endeavour though | 03:27 |
kiko | emulating sqlobject is not without its pains | 03:27 |
kiko | and migrating all our codebase at once is not doable | 03:27 |
ddaa | why is it not, I thought all problems could be solved using a layer of indirection | 03:28 |
kiko-anti-geneva | ddaa: the layer is non-trivial | 03:32 |
ddaa | I mean, "why migrating all our codebase at once is not doable?" | 03:33 |
kiko-anti-geneva | ddaa: because changing every single use of SQLObject API is impossible. | 03:34 |
ddaa | gotcha | 03:34 |
kiko-anti-geneva | (and the API semantics differ between SQLObject and storm) | 03:34 |
ddaa | that's what you need a 95% emulation layer | 03:34 |
kiko-anti-geneva | that's what we're working on | 03:35 |
ddaa | and why we have a huge test suite | 03:35 |
LarstiQ | a huge testsuite? I hadn't noticed on pqm. | 03:35 |
=== LarstiQ submits another merge request for bzr 0.14.1 | ||
kiko-anti-geneva | it only takes like 1h to run | 03:35 |
ddaa | kiko-anti-geneva: I thought you were saying that there was some unsolvable watershed problem | 03:36 |
salgado | on a ultra-fast machine with loads of IO power | 03:36 |
ddaa | yup... | 03:36 |
ddaa | on a normal workstation it takes... hours | 03:36 |
ddaa | once I tried running it on my iBook 600 | 03:36 |
ddaa | it ran all night and did not complete | 03:37 |
ddaa | that's when I realised I needed a new rescue laptopt... | 03:37 |
salgado | it'd be nice to have a separate pqm just for abuse purposes | 03:37 |
ddaa | YES PLEASE! | 03:38 |
ddaa | the current situation is wrong | 03:38 |
salgado | something that would not commit after the tests | 03:38 |
ddaa | people submit code for review _before_ running the test suite | 03:38 |
ddaa | more often than not, people need to do fixes (sometimes not trivial) after review | 03:38 |
ddaa | salgado: I've been asking about a no-commit PQM for months | 03:38 |
ddaa | but nobody listens to me | 03:39 |
salgado | hmmm. maybe we can help you with that | 03:39 |
LarstiQ | ddaa: the use of that would be quicker hardware to find testfailures? | 03:39 |
salgado | I know that kiko-anti-geneva would like something like this too | 03:39 |
ddaa | LarstiQ: pretty much, other reasons too | 03:39 |
matsubara | +1 on no-commit PQM!!! | 03:39 |
=== LarstiQ is all for it | ||
ddaa | LarstiQ: such as allowing people to run partial test suite on their workstation while the full test suite for their code is running on the server | 03:40 |
=== kiko-anti-geneva is now known as kiko_ddt | ||
=== kiko_ddt is now known as kiko-ddt | ||
ddaa | which is not possible now because there's only one test database | 03:40 |
ddaa | (on each system) | 03:40 |
ddaa | LarstiQ: in a ideal world, the no-commit PQM could even be tied to review system | 03:41 |
ddaa | "Won't review this, the test pqm tells me it has failures, go do your homework first" | 03:41 |
LarstiQ | "it's a transient failure!" | 03:41 |
salgado | when idle, it could pick up branches from the pending-reviews page, merge them, run the tests and store the results somewhere | 03:42 |
salgado | I think we should go on a strike until we get this non-commit PQM | 03:42 |
ddaa | also, the good thing with no-commit pqm, is that it does not need to be sequential | 03:44 |
ddaa | so it can easily be parallelized to deal with load | 03:44 |
ddaa | so in the end, it can lead to less waiting | 03:44 |
ddaa | and less roundtripping with the real pqm | 03:44 |
ddaa | making it easier for everybody too meet deadlines | 03:45 |
ddaa | and to get laid | 03:45 |
=== cprov is now known as cprov-lunch | ||
kiko-ddt | heh | 04:07 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #83994 in launchpad "Unavailable facet should be greyed out" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83994 | 04:15 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #83998 in launchpad-development-infrastructure "graphviz-cairo package configuration uses a unrecognized option" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83998 | 04:46 |
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=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch | ||
Ubugtu | New bug: #84012 in launchpad "Major action button order differs on distrorelease and distribution" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84012 | 05:20 |
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humboldt | Wouldn't it be cool, if you could vote on bugs and specs? | 05:38 |
humboldt | This would be yet another way for Ubuntu to get in contact with it's user base. | 05:38 |
zvenlix | I want to give a suggestion about audio encoding on gnome. I want to rip my cd's in .flac, but I don't find any tutos about it! Is Gstreamer can do it? | 05:40 |
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oojah | zvenlix: I think so, but I've no idea how. | 05:43 |
humboldt | Do you know the vote on bugs feature KDE has in it's bug tracker? | 05:46 |
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zvenlix | oojah : Xfca can do it, but it isn't present in repositories. the web site is http://bulin.claude.neuf.fr. do you know it? The problem is that xcfa is only a front-end and he need some multiverse program to work! but it install automaticly de codecs and lib to convert and rip cd's on gnome. | 06:00 |
oojah | zvenlix: I'm afraid not. | 06:01 |
Laser_away | mrevell: do you guys ever do a "Here's what's in the next rollout" email to launchpad-users? | 06:03 |
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mrevell | Laser_away: We do a report when we do a rollout. I'll be putting one out next week, hopefully, to cover the most recent rollout | 06:04 |
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Laser_away | mrevell: but you generally don't do it before the rollout? | 06:05 |
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LarstiQ | Laser_away: not in general afaik | 06:05 |
mrevell | Laser_away: No we don't. I could look into whether that would be possible. | 06:05 |
alefteris | Hi everyone! How can i register a bazaar branch for a new product? Does launchpad provide hosting for the branches or I need to find somewhere else? | 06:06 |
Laser_away | seems like more of a "this is what to expect" rather then "oh, btw, this is what we did" might help | 06:07 |
Laser_away | like for the karma thing, etc. | 06:07 |
oojah | Laser_away: That sounds sensible. | 06:12 |
LarstiQ | alefteris: bzr push sftp://login@bazaar.launchpad.net/~team/product/branch, also see https://code.launchpad.net/ | 06:15 |
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iwj | Hi. Another one for you guys: | 07:10 |
iwj | There are 1 problems with the information you entered. Please fix them and try again. | 07:10 |
iwj | (u'ubuntu_usplash.assignee', u'Assigned to', Assignee not found) | 07:10 |
kiko-ddt | iwj: known and assigned to flacoste | 07:10 |
iwj | What does it mean ? Is there a workaround ? | 07:11 |
iwj | Oh, I see, if I type the LP username into the box to the left of the dropdown where it told me what the right username was then it works. | 07:12 |
kiko-ddt | iwj yeah. | 07:14 |
iwj | Fair enough, thanks. | 07:15 |
flacoste | kiko-ddt: actually, there are two different bugs there | 07:17 |
flacoste | kiko-ddt: one is the 'There are 1 problems' and the other one is the weird field error | 07:18 |
flacoste | kiko-ddt: and I've unassigned the first one since it's a bug only present in the bugtask template which doesn its own error handling | 07:19 |
flacoste | s/unassigned/unassigned me/ | 07:19 |
kiko-ddt | you evil evil flacoste | 07:19 |
flacoste | i could fix it though, it's not that complicated | 07:20 |
flacoste | trickiest part is finding the right place to put the test in the miriad of tests present in the bugtracker | 07:20 |
ddaa | flacoste: just make up your own place :) | 07:21 |
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flacoste | bug 5835 | 07:22 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 5835 in malone "On +editstatus, don't say "There are 1 problems with the information you entered"" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5835 | 07:22 |
flacoste | the other one is 78889 | 07:23 |
flacoste | bug 78889 | 07:23 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 78889 in malone "Changing bug's product to an unregistered one gives unhelpful "Invalid value" error" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78889 | 07:23 |
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cprov | guys, is PQM under update or is it broken ? | 07:53 |
kiko-ddt | cprov it's working, just the output is ruined | 07:53 |
salgado | cprov, just the web UI | 07:53 |
LarstiQ | sorry! :) | 07:53 |
cprov | kiko-ddt, salgado: tks | 07:54 |
salgado | LarstiQ, ah, you're the one who sent a URL with bzr+ssh:// to it! ;) | 07:54 |
LarstiQ | salgado: heh no, but my multiline subject is a good candidate for the breakage | 07:54 |
kiko-ddt | salgado: did you add the "bugs assigned to" portlet to assignedbugs? | 07:54 |
cprov | kiko-ddt: btw, did you and mdz reach an agreement about #83976 ? | 07:55 |
kiko-ddt | cprov: I don't think mdz contacted me. | 07:55 |
salgado | kiko-ddt, eh? | 07:55 |
kiko-ddt | salgado, ok, n/m. | 07:55 |
mdz | kiko-ddt: I did | 07:55 |
kiko-ddt | mdz: I didn't see that | 07:55 |
cprov | dudes ?! | 07:55 |
mdz | mizar:[~] tail -1 ~/.xchat2/xchatlogs/Canonical-kiko.log | 07:56 |
mdz | Feb 08 09:56:13 <mdz> good afternoon | 07:56 |
salgado | kiko-ddt, the portlet which contains links to the assignedbugs of your teams? | 07:56 |
kiko-ddt | mdz: I'm not kiko. I'm kiko-ddt. | 07:56 |
kiko-ddt | salgado: yes. | 07:56 |
salgado | kiko-ddt, I added it in Montreal, I think | 07:56 |
kiko-ddt | salgado: hmmm. | 07:57 |
kiko-ddt | mdz: I take it you have an opinion about how that bug should be fixed? | 07:57 |
kiko-ddt | mdz: the reason I don't like the rushed fix that cprov did is that I'm not sure we have thought this problem through enough. | 07:57 |
kiko-ddt | mdz: so I expect us to have to do this again... | 07:57 |
cprov | kiko-ddt: at least, after that patch, the expected fixes will go in the right direction "from less restrictive to more restrictive", currently we are too fascist (and sometimes wrong) about version consistency across pockets. | 08:00 |
mdz | kiko-ddt: I would not be so bold as to hold a position about how it should be fixed | 08:00 |
mdz | kiko-ddt: however, I have strong opinions about *when* it should be fixed | 08:00 |
cprov | kiko-ddt: but it's just MHO. | 08:01 |
mdz | kiko-ddt: this bug is causing a problem for all of our users right now | 08:01 |
kiko-ddt | mdz: hmmm. what concerns me is that this problem was caused by us rushing a fix to a similar problem before. | 08:03 |
kiko-ddt | mdz: we didn't use to have version checks for backports -- when we added them, we created this problem | 08:04 |
cprov | kiko-ddt: just a note, the current problem isn't caused by BACKPORTS checks, it's just similar to it. | 08:04 |
mdz | kiko-ddt: none of our users can install their security updates because of this bug. it's not OK to let it stay that way for any length of time | 08:05 |
cprov | kiko-ddt: we do wrong with when we check versions across ALL pockets | 08:05 |
kiko-ddt | cprov: really? I must have misread the patch then | 08:05 |
mdz | kiko-ddt: you're kiko on the Canonical IRC server, which is where I messaged you | 08:05 |
kiko-ddt | yeah, that's another computer. | 08:06 |
cprov | kiko-ddt: the core-fix is in getPublished{Sources, Binaries} when we restrict lookups to RELEASE pocket | 08:06 |
kiko-ddt | mdz, cprov: how about trying to find someone else to look at this code? I am in the middle of other work | 08:06 |
mdz | kiko-ddt: this is a critical situation | 08:06 |
cprov | kiko-ddt: fine by me, but do we have rs=kiko for the cherrypick ? | 08:07 |
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kiko-ddt | cprov, no, no rs=kiko because I don't like the patch. | 08:07 |
mdz | kiko-ddt: I understand if you can't deal with it personally at the moment, but it needs attention from someone immediately | 08:07 |
kiko-ddt | but find someone else who does, or give me some time to clear my stack | 08:07 |
cprov | salgado: do you have time for it ? | 08:09 |
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kiko-ddt | ok | 08:11 |
kiko-ddt | hang on. | 08:11 |
kiko-ddt | SteveA ping? | 08:24 |
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kiko | ok | 08:33 |
kiko | cprov, mdz: hey | 08:33 |
cprov | kiko: yes | 08:33 |
kiko | cprov, this patch removes /many/ comments and adds very few. | 08:33 |
cprov | kiko: that's more or less the same it does for code | 08:34 |
kiko | let me chat this over with mdz | 08:34 |
cprov | kiko: version checking become very straight-forward now | 08:34 |
kiko | and likely broken | 08:34 |
cprov | kiko: why broken ? | 08:35 |
kiko | I suspect because the situation is not well understood | 08:35 |
kiko | but let me check with mdz | 08:35 |
radix | uneeet tiiiiists | 08:35 |
cprov | kiko: ok | 08:35 |
kiko | there are tests for this; unfortunately I don't think we know what needs to be done. | 08:36 |
cprov | kiko: we got convinced the it was the minimal (right) checks we can do. | 08:37 |
cprov | s\the\that | 08:37 |
kiko | yeah. | 08:38 |
kiko | ok, tell mdz to ping me when he's up | 08:38 |
cprov | kiko: okay | 08:38 |
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mdz | kiko: ping | 08:41 |
kiko-ddt | mdz: now you find me. | 08:42 |
mdz | I was eating | 08:42 |
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cprov | kiko: ping | 09:29 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #84071 in launchpad "Crash while drag the scroll bar" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84071 | 09:55 |
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jamesh | lifeless: I think most developers are using pqm-submit from the packages on lpdebs.canonical.com | 10:08 |
lifeless | jamesh: ah. | 10:10 |
=== lifeless didn't consider that | ||
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bdmurray | lifeless: I have a question about the ubuntu-bugs mailing list | 10:14 |
lifeless | ... | 10:14 |
bdmurray | when an intial bug is reported it uses the reporters e-mail address and there is no reply to address for the bug number. this seems to make it challenging to triage bugs via e-mail. | 10:15 |
lifeless | thats a good point | 10:16 |
bdmurray | the same is true for the desktop bugs mailing list | 10:16 |
lifeless | can I suggest you have a look at the open bugs on malone - https://launchpad.net/malone/+bugs - and if there is not one there that matches, file a bug about it ? | 10:16 |
bdmurray | sure I wasn't sure if there was something I was missing | 10:17 |
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kiko-ddt | jamesh: https://sodium.ubuntu.com/~andrew/paste/file8H3lUT.html | 10:25 |
=== kiko-ddt laughs | ||
bdmurray | lifeless: I have submitted a bug about it. Thanks for the help. | 10:37 |
lifeless | np | 10:41 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #84078 in malone "not possible to reply to bug number via ubuntu-desktop bugs mailing list" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84078 | 10:46 |
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kiko-ddt | niemeyer: https://sodium.ubuntu.com/~andrew/paste/fileWwWeN0.html | 11:53 |
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