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LaserJocknixternal: around?05:14
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nixternalLaserJock: yo yo05:40
LaserJocknixternal: looking at your edubuntu-docs package05:42
nixternalthat bad?05:42
LaserJockheh, no05:42
LaserJockwhat did you base the package off of?05:42
LaserJockor the existing edubuntu-docs?05:43
LaserJockI think you can take out the Uploaders: field in debian/control05:43
LaserJockalso the debian/copyright needs a tweak05:43
LaserJockare the Edubuntu docs dual GFDL/CC-BY-SA05:44
nixternalGFDL as of right now05:44
LaserJockI thought the Ubuntu docs are CC-BY-SA05:44
nixternalWill said to do whatever Ubuntu does though05:44
nixternalbrb, reboot this lappy05:45
nixternalk, back05:47
LaserJockI think the Ubuntu docs are CC-BY-SA05:48
LaserJockyou also don't need the packaging guide mentions in debian/copyright05:57
LaserJockand you might to dep on ubuntu-docs05:58
nixternalUbuntu docs are CC-BY-SA, I will go through the copyright, and dep on ubuntu-docs06:11
nixternalnow, if Will and Rich decide to do CC-BY-SA, then I will have to change the xml files as well06:11
=== nixternal holds his tongue on the licensing
LaserJockthey said GFDL?06:20
nixternalwho said GFDL?06:22
nixternaledubuntu-docs are currently GFDL \o/06:23
nixternalbut Will said he would rather do the same as ubuntu-docs06:23
LaserJockwhy are they GFDL?06:23
nixternalBecause whoever decided to use the GNU license was smart? :)06:24
nixternalI think I am lost06:24
nixternalremember, I didn't start the edubuntu-docs, somehow I have taken them over06:24
nixternalone day I offer to help, the next everyone is coming to me, scary06:25
crimsunnixternal: so um, I happened to have the docs open, and https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/trunk/libs/global.ent and https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/trunk/kubuntu/libs/kde.ent both seem outdated ;)06:25
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LaserJockwell the handbook seems to be CC-BY-SA06:26
crimsunin the latter, <!ENTITY kde-version '3.5.5'> should be bumped06:26
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3771 kubuntu/libs/kde.ent: who says they are outdated?06:26
nixternalyay emacs!06:26
nixternalthanks LaserJock for starting the bug06:27
LaserJockyour welcome06:27
crimsunin the former, <!ENTITY linux-kernel-version "2.6.17"> , <!ENTITY glibc-version "2.3.6-2"> , and <!ENTITY python-version "2.4.4c0"> need to be adjusted06:27
nixternalwhat is the new glibc version?06:28
nixternalpython is 2.5, that I know06:29
nixternalno way we missed that many updates :)06:29
nixternalI thought 2.4 was the latest06:30
crimsundpkg -l libc6 python2.5 |grep ^ii |awk '{print $3}'06:31
nixternalwow, 2.5 is the new one06:32
nixternalwell, 29-sep-200606:32
crimsunthis is a fresh upgrade from a Kubuntu Herd-3 alt install06:32
LaserJockcrimsun: you needed awk for that?06:32
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3772 libs/global.ent: up to date06:32
nixternalhow else could you ahve done it w/o awk?06:33
crimsunremember, Jordan's a deity. He Thinks, and It Is.06:33
nixternalKrimsun, I see the closet door finally opened!06:33
nixternalheh, ratemyprofessor has some silly stuff. You can see which students are stupid and which aren't06:34
crimsunI'm not about to unleash GNOME on several thousand unsuspecting engineering students, no06:34
nixternalsmart man06:35
crimsunI'm not about to unleash KDE, for that matter =)06:35
LaserJockI would've done openbox, but whatever06:35
LaserJockactually, their engineering students06:35
LaserJockthey get ratpoison06:36
nixternalI am thinking about electronics engineering as my next educational journy06:38
crimsunguess you'll be using ratpoison06:39
nixternalas you can tell, I need to journy (where did that e go) in english a lil06:39
nixternalI need to get rid of the Chibonix06:39
nixternalda tree of us went out to da bears game06:40
nixternalnow mix the Chibonics (not x) with a lil bit of a southern draw, and you get da nix06:40
nixternalOK, I need to do something, brb06:41
LaserJockgeeze, I can't even imagine06:42
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r3773 ubuntu/files-and-docs/C/files-and-docs.xml: Added clipart and sending docs section to files-and-docs08:51
mdkephilbull doesn't come on irc?08:57
LaserJocknot a lot08:57
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r3774 ubuntu/ (files-and-docs/C/files-and-docs.xml office/C/office.xml): Reverted doc-file-fldr change and moved changes to office09:19
mdkethat was fast09:21
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UbugtuNew bug: #67949 in ubuntu-docs (main) "no "Preferred Applications" in "K-Menu->System Settings->User Account" " [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6794912:58
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UbugtuNew bug: #84050 in ubuntu-docs (main) "Undefined entities in contribute.xml" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8405008:05
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willvdlmdke, I sent through a patch. Did it come out right?10:14
mdkewillvdl: yeah, I haven't looked at it though, I assume nixternal will deal with it10:15
willvdlsweet, thanks10:15
willvdlyeah good point, it was for the handbook10:15
=== mdke nods
mdkenice to have you working on that10:15
willvdlIt's my prime priority for this month10:15
willvdlcan only work with it during April again and then June which is a bit thin10:21
willvdlmdke, I had a chat with Sean Wheller recently10:21
mdkeah yeah?10:22
willvdlhe has some resources that could prove quite useful for the handbook10:22
willvdlHandbook style docs are very popular at the mo10:22
willvdlwith every NGO doing ICT10:22
mdkewhat sort of thing?10:22
willvdllots of wheels out there and he has collected some of it it seems10:22
willvdlWell, a handbook needs quite a bit of "background" stuff, e.g. what is a network10:24
willvdl..the pointy end goes up etc10:24
willvdlwheels as in reinvented docs saying the same thing (outside of ubuntu)10:24
willvdlgeneral ICT background stuff10:24
willvdlI'd like to see how we can build the Handbook from resources that he already has10:24
mdkeah right10:24
mdkeany license issues?10:24
willvdlcc-by SA?10:25
mdkeI would have thought all our docs can benefit by "what is a network" stuff, tbh10:25
mdkewhether you call it a handbook or a help system, doesn't matter10:25
willvdlwell, topic based is perfect10:25
willvdlI generally assume that the new edubuntu reader is less experienced than the new ubuntu reader which is probably wrong10:26
LaserJockmdke: btw, are all the docs switched to CC-BY-SA only now?10:26
mdkeLaserJock: that's the idea, no?10:26
willvdlapparently handbook needs to switch10:27
LaserJockwell, I mean, is it actually there in the XML?10:27
LaserJockif it is we should adjust debian/copyright10:27
mdkewillvdl: hmm. I think the idea we've had is that we should cater for people who have no experience at all too10:27
steliswillvdl: It's probably a fair assumption - in .edu people with Office/developer skills get pressganged into being the network admin10:27
willvdlmdke, onw idea is to label chapters according to "Background Reading", "Essential Reading", "Advanced" etc10:28
mdkeLaserJock: certainly is for the Ubuntu docs10:28
willvdlthat way folks are bombarded with info that is not relevant to them10:29
LaserJockmdke: and the packagaging guide is still shipped, but no in the frontpage?10:30
mdkeno, it's not shipped at the moment10:31
mdkeshould we ship it?10:31
LaserJockwell, I thought I saw it in the .install10:31
LaserJockno, I don't think we should ship it10:31
mdkesome loose files in .install, I'll tidy10:32
LaserJockI think I'll keep it on doc.u.c and then have a standalone package for Feisty+110:32
mdkegood idea. Or maybe wiki it?10:33
LaserJockI'm still debating10:33
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3775 debian/install: deleting loose ends from packaging guide10:33
LaserJockwiki might work, but right now I don't think we are set up very well for it10:33
LaserJockit's a bit too book-like IMO for it right now10:34
LaserJockis it CC-BY-SA 2.0 or 2.5?10:34
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3776 /trunk/ (debian/rules ubuntu/getting-help/): removing getting-help, stop shipping contribute.xml10:34
mdke2.0 atm10:35
mdkeat least the one we're shipping is :)10:35
LaserJockhmm, ok10:36
LaserJockthe server guide on doc.u.c says 2.510:36
LaserJockabout ubuntu says 2.5 also10:37
mdkeoh yeah, my bad10:37
mdkeLaserJock: they all use the same legalnotice.xml10:37
mdkehowever, common/C/ccbysa.xml is 2.0, we need to update that10:38
LaserJockinteresting, have you heard of CC-GNU GPL?10:40
LaserJockmdke: I'm on it10:40
mdkehaven't heard of that no10:40
LaserJockapparently CC is doing stuff with GPL LGPL10:40
LaserJockugg, CC licenses are a pain in the but10:42
willvdlwhy so?10:46
LaserJockthe distribution is different10:47
LaserJockit's supposed to be embedded10:47
LaserJockI at least found the plain text version10:47
LaserJocknow I gotta docbookize it10:47
willvdloh, right. the graphics thingies?10:48
willvdlok, outa here. night10:54
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3777 ubuntu/ (18 files in 18 dirs): fixing get-pot.sh10:59
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3778 generic/server/C/ (17 files): updating with serverguide directory11:02
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mdkeLaserJock: how can I clean a source tree after I've run debuild?11:36
mdkeit seems to have left crud around11:37
mdkebah, will try in the morning11:45
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mantha * r3779 /trunk/ (common/C/ccbysa.xml debian/copyright):12:06
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: * updated ccbysa to 2.512:06
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: * updated debian/copyright to reflect that all docs are now CC-BY-SA 2.5 only12:06
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mantha * r3780 common/en/ccbysa.xml: oops, need to update the english version too I guess12:10
LaserJockmdke: sorry, was fixing licenses. Ideally you wouldn't use debuild to build the .deb but pbuilder. but you can unpack the source package again via dpkg-source -x *.dsc12:11

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