
jeckers`hey all i've submitted a patch to a bug in partman-auto12:42
jeckers`should be a quick one somebody can bang out in a minute12:42
cjwatsonI'm not convincd12:43
cjwatsonconvinced, even12:43
jeckers`$dev is the directory12:44
jeckers`e.g. =dev=hda12:44
cjwatsonI know, but your patch is in the wrong place12:44
cjwatsonI think it's the code calling get_auto_disks which is incorrect12:44
cjwatsonget_auto_disks is called from more than one place and your patch would break the other callers, AFAICS12:45
jeckers`perhaps, although i ran through the install ok after applying that12:45
cjwatsonspecifically select_auto_disk12:45
cjwatsonyou'd need a >1-disk system without preseeding to see the breakage12:46
jeckers`ah i see12:46
jeckers`and just when i thought i was being clever. doh.12:47
jeckers`well then auto.d/initial_auto must need to do some massaging then?12:47
cjwatsonjeckers`: try the patch I just posted to your bug?12:47
jeckers`will do12:48
cjwatsonjeckers`: thanks for the report, though, this was the first I'd realised that was broken12:48
cjwatsonjeckers`: and don't be put off, partman is a hairy piece of code to try to work on; good effort for getting as far as you did :-)12:48
jeckers`i spent the better part of 3 hours trying to figure out what the heck it was doing :)12:49
cjwatsonmy fault for not testing the fix in the first place - I was in Oslo and nowhere near any of my test rigs12:50
=== jeckers` is now known as jeckers
jeckersyup your patch did the trick01:01
jeckersthanks a lot01:02
jeckersyou'll probably be seeing more of me in the coming months01:02
jeckersi'm going to be following along with feisty closely as it develops01:02
jeckershopefully i'll catch a few more good ones along the way :)01:03
cjwatsongreat, look forward to more installer manpower :)01:07
cjwatsonwill upload that patch now01:08
jeckerscool thanks01:09
jeckersand i'd be glad to give more installer manpower :)01:09
cjwatsonfeel free to ping me here for help01:10
=== kro [n=user@pool-72-84-46-79.clrkwv.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-installer
jeckersand my partner in crime has arrived01:11
=== cr3 [n=marc@pdpc/supporter/bronze/cr3] has joined #ubuntu-installer
saispohi all11:22
CIA-4ubiquity: cjwatson * r1848 ubiquity/ (83 files in 3 dirs):11:23
CIA-4ubiquity: * Display a warning message next to the password entry box if running in11:23
CIA-4ubiquity:  debug mode, since the password will then end up in the log file via11:23
CIA-4ubiquity:  debconf debugging.11:23
CIA-4ubiquity: cjwatson * r1849 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/console_setup.py): * Don't crash if /etc/X11/xorg.conf is unaccountably missing (LP: #83927).11:33
CIA-4ubiquity: cjwatson * r1850 ubiquity/ (configure configure.ac): bump to 1.3.1911:35
saispocjwatson: it's possible for me to backport this fix on edgy ? (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/partman-auto/+bug/83897)12:07
cjwatsonsaispo: yes, but only on top of the change in feisty that it was fixing ...12:17
saispoit may fix the error with /dev/disc/disc0 things...12:18
cjwatsonwell, you can't use /dev/discs/disc0/disc any more either way, but yes, it could make that situation easier12:20
saispobecause today i use a script but don't work on installer...12:24
saispoif [ cat /sys/block/hda/devices/media = "cdrom" ] ; then echo part-auto-sda.cfg; else echo part-auto-hda.cfg; fi12:25
saispoif it != cdrom he don't get the other file...12:25
cjwatsonwell, that's just bogus shell syntax12:38
cjwatsonif that's literally what your script says12:38
cjwatsoncorrect would be if [ "$(cat /sys/block/hda/devices/media)" = cdrom ] ; then echo part-auto-sda.cfg; else echo part-auto-hda.cfg; fi12:39
saispook, thanks12:39
evandcjwatson: Are you shooting for an FF exception for the new partitioner work?01:22
evandcjwatson: how comfortable would you be with me attempting one on say, Saturday morning, for Opera bookmarks importing and email account information importing?  I've basically got the former done.01:26
evandOr should I let it wait for Feisty+1?01:26
cjwatsonwell, can we land the ubiquity m-a work today? :)01:26
cjwatsonif so extra little bits don't count for FF IMO01:26
evandreally?  That's amazing.01:26
evandBut yeah, it's there for you to merge01:26
evandI figured you were waiting for m-a main promotion01:27
cjwatsonoh, I need to hassle about that, yes01:27
cjwatsonbrb, preparing meeting agenda for today and then lunch01:27
evandlazy core devs :-)01:27
saispohow can i debug why a package for a local repository i make on the cd is installing in the base installer without any apt-install command or other ?01:51
=== cr3 [n=marc@pdpc/supporter/bronze/cr3] has joined #ubuntu-installer
saispocjwatson: where i can find docs about seeds structure files ?04:39
cjwatsonoh you mean the STRUCTURE file?04:41
saispodescription of a seeds04:41
saispowith = or ==04:41
cjwatsonyou mean the text bits at the top of the seed files?04:41
cjwatsonthey're ignored - the only reason they have that format is that the seeds used to be stored in a wiki04:42
saispono difference between = or == ?04:42
cjwatsonin the wiki two years ago, they were different heading levels04:43
cjwatsonit makes no difference whatsoever now04:43
cjwatsongerminate ignores all lines that don't start with " * "04:44
saispoi have a problem which i don't understand...04:47
saispowhen i include a package in my seeds file wich is in my local repository on the cd, the base installer install it04:47
saispoand i don't want...04:47
saispoDependency problem ?04:47
saispoGerminate Problem ?04:47
saispoi have no clue...04:52
cjwatsonyou probably gave it a Priority: of required, important, or standard04:59
saispoin the packaging ?05:00
saispoPriority: optional05:01
cjwatsonor else something depends on it in the base system05:01
saispomaybe..., how can i see germinate output ?05:01
cjwatsonor you put it in the minimal seed and cdimage inflated the priority for you05:01
cjwatsonsudo apt-get install germinate05:01
cjwatsonman germinate05:01
saispok :)05:02
saispothanks for your help, will search in this road05:02
CIA-4ubiquity: cjwatson * r1851 ubiquity/ (73 files in 4 dirs):05:50
CIA-4ubiquity: * Import translations for Cancel, Back, Forward etc. buttons from gtk+2.005:50
CIA-4ubiquity:  2.10.9-0ubuntu1 (LP: #43915).05:50
cjwatsonblink, this is a fun merge06:12
=== cjwatson attempts the m-a merge the other way round to see if that's any easier
evandReally?  I thought I was fairly up to date.06:18
evandThe only issue should be glade, but that's as easy as just cutting the MA section out and pasting it into the most recent copy.06:19
evandDid I do something wrong in bzr?06:36
=== secureboot_ [n=lstclair@coriakin.cse.psu.edu] has joined #ubuntu-installer
secureboot_is there any way to do encrypted partitions from the installer in feisty?  any plans to enable this?07:09
secureboot_if not, is there any way to use etch's partman when building your own custom installer?07:11
cjwatsonevand: I just made a bunch of changes ...07:13
cjwatsonow, merging .po files is so insanely painful07:18
cjwatsonI'll just msgmerge it07:19
cjwatsonevand: could you set your editor to never use tabs in Python code? space-indentation is usually considered better there07:33
evandcjwatson: I thought I was, but sure thing.07:38
cjwatsonlooks like maybe you did part-way through the project07:40
cjwatsonanyway, not *right* now, mid-merge :-)07:40
cjwatsonjust setting up the test rig07:40
cjwatsonnote that there was a diff in bin/ubiquity which I dropped (@VERSION@ -> 1.3.8, looked accidental) and an extra change in gtkui.py where it looked like you missed a new-partitioner bug fix (it was an "if 'UBIQUITY_NEW_PARTITIONER' not in os.environ:" around gparted_loop())07:41
cjwatsonhmm, dinnertime07:41
cjwatsonwill return afterwards and hopefully commit07:42
evandah, I probably did that recently, in the last merge07:42
cjwatsonsecureboot_: don't think the pieces are in place; if cryptsetup is ever moved to main it may be possible to assemble them from Debian07:42
cjwatsonsecureboot_: not unless you're a d-i god07:42
cjwatson(etch's partman)07:42
evandcjwatson: thanks again, hopefully this will be much easier going forward.07:43
cjwatsonyeah, I expect so07:43
secureboot_cjwatson: sad.07:43
cjwatsonevand: I think you get to write the changelog entry, too. Any suggestions?07:45
evandcjwatson: uh, "Merged in migration-assistant work, moved the user-setup page to after migration-assistant..."07:52
evandhere be dragons?07:53
evandeverything is pretty high level as this is going in all at once07:54
evandthose two things were obviously the main focus07:54
evandoh, and made user-setup able to use users from m-a07:56
evandif you want me to describe the feature set in the commit, let me know and I'll give you a run down08:02
CIA-4ubiquity: cjwatson * r1852 ubiquity/ (92 files in 8 dirs): merge migration-assistant branch from Evan08:27
cjwatson  [ Evan Dandrea ] 08:28
cjwatson  * Merged in migration-assistant work. Moved the user-setup page to after08:28
cjwatson    migration-assistant (and thus also after the partitioner, since08:28
cjwatson    migration-assistant needs to know which partitions are to be left08:28
cjwatsonevand: let me know if that's inaccurate08:28
cjwatson    intact). Made user-setup able to make use of users from08:28
cjwatson    migration-assistant.08:28
evandlooks good08:30
evandcjwatson: thanks08:30
=== evand crosses fingers and hopes everything works as well as it did in his testing
CIA-4ubiquity: cjwatson * r1853 ubiquity/ (4 files in 3 dirs): indentation, minor style nits08:36
cjwatson(easier to do it straight away, I think)08:36
evandet in vim will do it, right?08:37
cjwatsonaugroup myauto08:38
cjwatson    au!08:38
cjwatson[blah] 08:38
cjwatson    au FileType python  setlocal tabstop=8 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab08:38
cjwatsonaugroup END08:38
cjwatsonis what I have08:38
cjwatsonbut my .vimrc has all sorts of stuff in it and some of it's global; I have autoindent on for everything08:39
cjwatsonoh, and let python_highlight_all = 1 is handy too08:39
evandI have the habit of just doing a :syn on08:40
cjwatsonI'm not sure it necessarily highlights everything by default08:40
evandhrm, I'll have to play around with it then08:40
cjwatsonooh, there's a changelog plugin08:41
=== cjwatson makes the productivity error of reading vim's help files
CIA-4ubiquity: cjwatson * r1854 ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/gtkui.py: iter -> iterator (avoid shadowing builtins)08:41
cjwatsonr1854 is one that python_highlight_all is handy for catching08:42
cjwatsonit highlights builtins in cyan (here, anyway)08:42
evandah, indeed it does.  Very nice.08:44
cjwatsonevand: I think UBIQUITY_MIGRATION_ASSISTANT is implemented slightly dubiously - doesn't it need to fix up the page numbers too after removing a page?08:46
cjwatsonas it is the page numbers skip if you're running without --migration-assistant08:47
cjwatsonthese are all nits though, it's looking pretty good08:47
cjwatsonof course I've not run it on a system that actually has anything to migrate ;-)08:47
cjwatsonevand: btw, might be fun for you to set up bzr-cia and have your commits logged here too08:48
evandcjwatson: definitely to cia08:48
evandcjwatson: It's skipping pages?08:48
cjwatsonevand: mkdir -p ~/.bazaar/plugins; cd ~/.bazaar/plugins; bzr get http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr-cia/main/ cia08:48
cjwatsonthen 'bzr cia-project ubiquity' in your branch and make sure the bzr nick is right08:49
cjwatsonin ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf, 'cia_user = evand' or whatever you're comfortable with and 'cia_send_revno = true'08:49
cjwatsonat least that's what I prefer08:50
evandwhen you say page numbers, do you mean it's skipping actual pages or just the numbers on the labels?08:50
cjwatsonand finally, 'bzr submit-cia' after each commit, or put 'post_commit = bzrlib.plugins.cia.post_commit' in the appropriate bit of ~/.bazaar/locations.conf08:50
cjwatsonevand: just the numbers, the "Step N of M" bit08:50
evandahh, I actually kind of completely forgot about that08:51
cjwatsonit goes up to "Step 8 of 8" now even if m-a is disabled08:51
cjwatsonlike I say, a nit08:51
evandok, so I'm assuming the workflow you'd prefer is what we've been doing?  I'll pull trunk, make some changes and then when I fix a bug you'll merge again.  Or would you prefer plain old patches or something else?08:52
evandI'd imagine not the latter.08:52
cjwatsonthe former, definitely08:53
evandI figured :)08:53
cjwatsonideally you should be in core-dev eventually and maintain it directly, of course08:53
evandYeah, I really need to get on the getting work into REVU so I can first get into MOTU08:54
cjwatsonin retrospect maybe I should have made it writable by ubuntu-installer08:54
cjwatsonbut never mind now08:54
evandeh, it's something I've been aiming for anyway, so this is just more incentive.08:55
CIA-4ubiquity: cjwatson * r1855 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog):08:55
CIA-4ubiquity: * Automatic update of included source packages: apt-setup 1:0.16ubuntu3,08:55
CIA-4ubiquity:  migration-assistant 0.3.1, partman-auto 62ubuntu4,08:55
CIA-4ubiquity:  partman-basicfilesystems 51ubuntu1.08:55
evandok, I should be all set up for CIA09:02
evandShould I do it on both m-a and my ubiquity branch or would you prefer just one of them?09:02
cjwatsonwhy not both, and I'll tell the CIA bot to mention those commits here09:03
CIA-4ubiquity: cjwatson * r1856 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.3.1909:03
evandok, great.  Already done09:04
cjwatsonwhat's the project name (cia-project)?09:04
evandhrmm, where do I set that?09:05
evandI have the post commit hooks09:05
cjwatsonbzr cia-project <blah> in the branch09:05
evandoh, right!09:05
cjwatsonit knows about the project name and the branch name - the branch name comes from 'bzr nick'09:05
cjwatsonthe bot only needs to be told about project names though09:06
cjwatsonthere you go, ubiquity 1.3.19 uploaded, just under the feature freeze wire. :-)09:06
evandok I did a bzr cia-project migration-assistant in m-a09:06
evandhaha, awesome!  Thanks again for all of your help.09:06
cjwatsonall right, the bot'll know about that now09:06
evandand bzr cia-project ubiquity.ma09:07
evandcreative, I know09:07
cjwatsonno, that should be bzr cia-project ubiquity and bzr nick ma09:07
evandoh crap09:07
cjwatsonotherwise it won't link it up properly09:07
cjwatsonit's ok, you can change it easily09:07
evandok, just did09:07
evanddo I need to do anything else, like add these to my projects list on cia.navi.cx?09:08
cjwatsonI think it should do that magically when you commit09:08
cjwatsonoh, I forgot to note in the changelog how to invoke it09:14
cjwatsonmaybe you could post to ubuntu-devel@ about that?09:14
cjwatsonI left a note in the spec status whiteboard about it09:14
evandwill do09:15
evandI was planning on doing a planet post as well09:15
cjwatsongood plan09:19
=== philwyett [n=philwyet@bb-87-81-146-45.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-installer
CIA-4migration-assistant: evand * r33 migration-assistant/ (firefox-import.c firefox-import.h import.c): Added Opera support.10:14

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