
kylemhuh, SLES10 uses 2.6.1612:20
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:BenC] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | 2.6.20-6.11 - Things are getting solid now. Use it, but there are still a few missing modules.
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Keybukso my machine doesn't actually halt/poweroff/reboot at the end of the shutdown process12:10
Keybukis that my fault or the kernel's?12:10
snailKeybuk: "fault" is not the word you're after12:13
snailhave you googled for your motherboard name and ubuntu? 12:14
Keybukit worked yesterday :p12:14
mjg59Keybuk: Kernels12:16
mjg59At least, there's definitely a bug that can trigger that sort of thing12:16
mjg59Easiest test is to go single user and then try halt -p12:16
Keybukactually, I think it's my fault12:17
cjwatsontry booting with reboot=b, too12:17
cjwatsonif that fixes it, a quirk could be added12:18
Keybukreboot --debug -f works just fine12:18
Keybukso, adding debugging code fixed it12:22
=== Keybuk weeps
KeybukI didn't even touch reboot(8)12:23
Keybukit's failing in log_action_msg12:28
KeybukI really don't understand what's broken here12:32
snailKeybuk: report it as a bug in launchpad with all the details12:39
Keybukthat wouldn't help :p12:39
snailKeybuk: it won't help you in the short term, no12:39
mjg59snail: You realise keybuk is a senior developer on the Canonical payroll, right?12:40
cjwatsonsnail: Keybuk is the author of the code in question12:40
cjwatsonat least of reboot(8)12:40
snaili had no idea12:40
snailsorry, i've been firefighting too long in #ubuntu12:41
mjg59If he filed the bug, he'd just need to fix it himself anyway :)12:41
KeybukI frankly wouldn't know what to put in the bug report12:41
Keybuk"stuff that worked just fine yesterday, and hasn't been changed, now doesn't"12:41
Keybuk"yet is completely repeatable, and if I revert unrelated things, then it works again"12:42
cjwatsonit's feature freeze; of course stuff is falling over randomly with no reason12:42
KeybukI see you ordered snow especially ;p12:42
=== Keybuk rewrote shutdown yesterday ... but all that does is send upstart an event
Keybukso that shouldn't be any different, damnit12:44
snailKeybuk: divide and conquer on the unrelated things to find out which is breaking things?12:45
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Keybukinit: event_finished: Finished runlevel event01:21
Keybukinit: event_emit: Pending runlevel/failed event01:22
Keybukok, now that's interesting01:22
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Keybukok, that's just a bug01:31
Keybukit's because logd "failed" by being killed01:31
Keybukwell, I said it was an unrelated change that broke it01:34
Keybukthat's the problem -- logd wasn't running, so log_action_msg was failing01:35
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fabbionehey kylem 03:14
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BenChey hyle04:00
BenCerr, kyle04:00
fabbionehyle = kyle->html ?04:02
JanCno, hyle is the wrong spelling for heil...  :)04:09
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=== BenC is preparing to upload -7.12
kylemBenC, what's our plan for updates to the feisty kernel now that we won't be pulling regularly from upstream git?04:18
BenCkylem: selective syncs04:18
BenCpretty much the core kernel is frozen, but we'll continue to update ubuntu/* drivers as they release 2.6.20 compatible tarballs04:19
kylem(i'm thinking about a few things in particular, i've got cxgb merged into ubuntu/ in my tree.)04:19
kylem((and i made sure it wasn't html this time.))04:19
BenCyeah, those sorts of things are still good04:20
fabbione^^ this is interesting04:35
fabbioneBenC: can you upload that LTP fix directly?04:37
fabbioneBenC: otherwise i guess i can do it on the fly04:37
kylemcan we get him to test with a real file.04:37
kylemyou know, one that isn't a fucking sparse file. idiots.04:37
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kylemsoooo why isn't alsa-firmware in universe...04:43
crimsunI'll try to get that through today04:51
kylemis here anything i can do to help?04:51
crimsunyes, you can review it (i.e., comment), and advocate it for inclusion if you feel it's up to par04:53
crimsun(all ubuntu-dev members are already in the keyring; you may need to choose Recover Password to get your REVU password)04:54
crimsunit only takes 2 advocates to upload the new package04:54
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kylemBenC, did you just do a l-s-2.6.20 upload?05:07
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BenCkylem: Packaged one, just waiting for test build/boot to finish before uploading05:08
kylemsorry, using some of the idle meeting cycles to go through my assignedbugs list.05:08
pwnguinso its been a long time since i last compiled and installed a kernel. did the make system change a bit?05:09
kylempwnguin, not really, fakeroot debian/rules binary-debs flavours=flav1,flav2 is what i do for test builds when i don't want to wait for debuild...05:10
pwnguini pulled straight from git05:10
kylemthat'll still work05:11
pwnguinso it will05:11
pwnguinthe flavor is like generic i hope05:11
kylemBenC, who should i subscribe to bugs about firmware licensing?05:12
BenCme and matt05:12
BenCpwnguin: See team link in topic05:12
BenCgo to knowledge base, there's a doc there on building from git05:12
pwnguinwhat a strange layout05:13
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kylemremind me to hurt david howells next time i see him.05:31
kylemi for got how much i hated this INIT_WORK changes.05:31
kylemif i had to guess, this is the problematic line:05:36
kylem        ieee->set_chan(ieee->dev,ieee->current_network.channel);05:36
kylemkyle@athena:...u-2.6.git/ubuntu/wireless/rtl_ieee80211% vi rtl_ieee80211_softmac.c05:36
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kylemBenC, this might help, dunno: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kyle/r8180-ieee80211-dev.diff05:49
mjg59It's kind of tempting to grab a couple more Broadcom cards.05:51
mjg59Though the only 4311 I can find is 3005:51
kylemeheh. crazy bastard.05:52
mjg59kylem: Discussion on the lists makes it look like they're getting a handle on the 4311/2/8 issues05:53
kylemabout darn time.05:54
mjg59Hm. Think I can get Canonical to pay? :)05:54
BenCmjg59: Hell, you might get Canonical employees to pay :)05:57
BenCkylem: Or maybe just (priv)?05:57
BenCkylem: Did we change that bit of code, or is that stock?05:58
mjg59BenC: Heh05:58
mjg59Looks like total cost would be 45 (or about $10000000000000)05:58
BenCkylem: netdev_priv() seems to be duped by rtl_ieee80211_priv()05:58
kylemBenC, i don't see anything obviously wrong with any of it.05:59
BenCkylem: neither did I05:59
BenCbut it worked in edgy, same code05:59
BenCso workqueue is my best guess05:59
kylemi had thought the *ieee got corrupted, but it seems not.06:00
mjg59Someone's presumably going to have to port these to something sensible at some stage06:04
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mjg59kylem: Not the hacked rtl-ieee8021106:06
kylemoh. right.06:06
kylemi swear to god, when i'm fucking supreme dictator of the earth, everyone responsible for the linux wireless mess will be first up against the god damned wall.06:07
mjg59kylem: http://cgi.ebay.com/VCTnet-AirXpress-802-11b-WLAN-WiFi-Card-PC11BR_W0QQitemZ290022770466QQihZ019QQcategoryZ74954QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem06:10
mjg59kylem: That seems to be an rtl818006:10
kylemi need a laptop to put it in too. ;p06:10
mjg59Oh man.06:10
kylemhaha. $9.99 + $30 USD shipping.06:10
mjg59Don't you still have the X30?06:11
kylemyeah, crashing my work machine every 10 minutes isn't terribly productive ;P06:11
kylemchrist. so when fedora specs that they want pimping wireless in FC706:11
kylemthey really mean "pimping wireless for the shitty in-tree drivers"06:11
kylemat least their wiki is finally unbroken.06:12
kylemyou'd think with the size of the workforce they have, they could be spending a little time improving this mess.06:13
BenCthey list bcm43xx..hehe06:14
BenCbcm43xx firmware is such a lost cause...unless someone at broadcom finally gets a clue06:14
BenC"ipw3945, if upstream"06:15
kylemBenC, i mailed alan about HPA, waiting to hear back.06:15
kylemforgot to cc you and matthew, doh.06:15
BenChopefully it's a nice reply and not a "pata is experimental you twit" reply :)06:16
kylemfedora is moving to libata-pata too...06:16
BenCor even worse "it's working in -mm, but you need all of libata-dev to use it"06:16
kylemi've looked...06:17
kylemnothing annoys me more than people who constantly merge their patch work git trees06:17
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kylemso you have to pull the tree and diff versus linus to find all their changes instead of just looking at recent things in shortlog.06:17
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mjg59BenC: There's a patch that implements PM_TRACE for x86_64 on LKML06:49
mjg59Any chance you can pick that up?06:49
BenCmjg59: Email it to me please? I'm trying to get the current tree uploaded, and I can pull it for this weekends upload06:49
mjg59BenC: Ok06:49
kylemi vote we rm -rf ubuntu/... fedora seems to get away with it.06:56
kylemthese drivers are such a fucking utter mess.06:56
mjg59Eh, if you ignore wireless/ it's not too bad06:57
kylemquiet, i'm agonizing.06:57
kylemBenC, i'm guessing there's some kind of race bringing up the network device now.06:57
BenCkylem: A race with the workqueue's?06:59
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kylemyeah, i don't see how, but i can't see any other way this could be occuring.06:59
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kylemBenC, did you get an lrm uploaded with that depmod fix?07:49
BenCkylem: It's following the kernel upload in about an hour07:50
BenCjust waiting for device-tree-manager to be in main07:50
BenCerr, yeah :)07:51
=== kylem nods.
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jaimshi all09:39
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zulwell that was fun..11:08
Nafallozul: working XEN or something? :-)11:08
=== Nafallo haven't had the nerve to try it lately ;-)
dokoBenC: please could you have a look at http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=40853011:53
BenCdoko: I'm at a loss on that bug report...anything in particular you wanted me to look at in there?11:55
dokoBenC: the rh guy mentioned a possible kernel vulnerability11:55
BenCdoko: Ah, I see11:57

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