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LiENUSis there an easy to use firewall app for ubuntu-server?08:29
LiENUSsomething that will let me close all ports by default and let me choose which are open, and maybe offer traffic shaping08:29
lionelLiENUS: shorewall08:31
LiENUSapt-get shorewall?08:31
LiENUSwhens the next LTS due out?08:32
LiENUSand will i be able to go straight to that one from 6.06?08:32
LiENUSor will i need to do every step inbetween?08:32
LiENUSevery version that is...08:33
BurgworkLiENUS: I would expect that Feisty+1 might be teh next LTS08:36
Burgworkit is not entirely clear whether LTS --> LTS will be supported, although I imagine it will08:37
LiENUScos im installing a LAMP server now...08:37
LiENUSoi update time :/08:42
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LiENUSwee 08:44
LiENUSssh installed08:44
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LiENUSis there an easy to use apache manager for ubuntu-server?09:00
LiENUSugh i've forgotten how to configure apache09:06
LiENUSmoving server time :/09:25
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