=== Pekke [n=peksu@a84-231-190-84.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #xubuntu | ||
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pimp^air | hi guys... i just upgraded to edgy... now i can't mount my /home partition for the reason described here: https://launchpad.net/upstart/+bug/62751 | 12:51 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 62751 in loop-aes-utils "Upstart doesn't activate luks volumes (also non luks) in cryptsetup" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] | 12:51 |
pimp^air | i downloaded and successfully compiled the cryptsetup-package from feisty... with little success.. | 12:51 |
maxamillion | pimp^air: i am checking the bug report now | 12:52 |
pimp^air | now i'm desperately out of ideas | 12:52 |
pimp^air | would one please give me a hint on where to start looking for a fix or how to verify where my problem ist | 12:52 |
pimp^air | maxamillion: thx | 12:52 |
maxamillion | pimp^air: i unfortunately have never used cryptsetup so i probably wouldn't be of much help .... it doesn't appear to be xubuntu specific so someone in #ubuntu or on ubuntuforums.org might be of more help .... sorry :( | 12:53 |
pimp^air | i'll try #ubuntu | 12:53 |
pimp^air | thx | 12:53 |
maxamillion | np | 12:53 |
=== b_52GM [n=skimo@adsl196-6-35-217-196.adsl196-10.iam.net.ma] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Pekke | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4648/ <---- how to solve, I can't install or remove anything | 12:56 |
nonlocal | http://news.scotsman.com/latest.cfm?id=194922007 | 12:56 |
nonlocal | whoops | 12:57 |
nonlocal | wrong window, sorry | 12:57 |
maxamillion | Pekke: what command did you issue? | 12:57 |
nonlocal | (although if you are looking for a cautionary tale about the bus system in Thailand... heh.) | 12:57 |
maxamillion | nonlocal: lol, thanks | 12:57 |
Pekke | maxamilillion: sudo apt-get -f install | 12:57 |
Pekke | i'm trying to upgrade from dapper to edgy, i did it the "wrong" way according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades | 12:58 |
maxamillion | Pekke: did you upgrade using the update manager? | 12:58 |
Pekke | noup =( | 12:59 |
maxamillion | good | 12:59 |
maxamillion | the update manager is buggy and annoying | 12:59 |
Pekke | if i would have know about those issues, i'd just have skipped the whole thing.,,, | 12:59 |
maxamillion | Pekke: sudo apt-get update (tell if that fails) | 12:59 |
Pekke | no failure, only one verification problem, which is the open office finnich correction source.... | 01:00 |
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Pekke | but i don't think thats too fatal. | 01:01 |
maxamillion | Pekke: sudo apt-get -f update (tell me if that fails, and if it does then pastebin the output) | 01:01 |
beoba | is xfce4.4 included at the moment, or is that not coming until april? | 01:01 |
maxamillion | Pekke: it could be depending on if it is trying to pull dapper pacakges onto edgy | 01:01 |
maxamillion | beoba: included in Feisty Alpha builds but not officially included Stable until April | 01:02 |
Pekke | no, i changed the sources list from dapper to edgy | 01:02 |
beoba | okay, thanks | 01:02 |
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maxamillion | Pekke: even that one for the open office finnich source? | 01:02 |
Pekke | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4654/ that is the output | 01:03 |
Pekke | maxamillion yes | 01:03 |
Pekke | not the entire output, but the end of it | 01:03 |
maxamillion | Pekke: what happened when you did "sudo apt-get -f upgrade"? | 01:04 |
Pekke | maxamillion: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4655/ | 01:06 |
pimp^air | maxamillion: happened as expected.. guys in #ubuntu dont know, in #ubuntu+1 don't answer | 01:08 |
pimp^air | :) | 01:08 |
maxamillion | pimp^air: .... :( i sorry | 01:08 |
Pekke | oh, i had synaptics open, i guess that locks it? | 01:08 |
Pekke | wait a sec.. | 01:08 |
pimp^air | that's why #xubuntu is always my first place to ask... smart guys, friendly athmosphere | 01:08 |
pimp^air | :) | 01:08 |
maxamillion | Pekke: you by any chance have synaptic or some other package manager running at the same time? | 01:08 |
maxamillion | pimp^air: we try :D | 01:08 |
Pekke | yeah | 01:08 |
Pekke | redoing... | 01:08 |
maxamillion | Pekke: ok | 01:09 |
Pekke | maxamillion: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4658/ | 01:12 |
=== borschty_ [n=sebastia@p54BB6D89.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
borschty_ | anyone else got a problem with faulty /dev-rules in feisty since a recent upgrade? (/dev/null = 600 is the one i noticed, because nothing worked) | 01:13 |
maxamillion | borschty_: i haven't really had time to test feisty yet :( | 01:13 |
Pekke | maxamillion: trying to remove or install packages with synaptics end up the same way... | 01:14 |
nonlocal | What is the hotkey to show the desktop? | 01:15 |
maxamillion | Pekke: ok .... "sudo aptitude clean" then ... "sudo aptitude update" and then "sudo aptitude upgrade" (aptitude can sometimes fix errors like these, its a little more "intelligent" then apt-get) | 01:15 |
maxamillion | nonlocal: depends on what you set it as | 01:15 |
Pekke | ok, i'll test | 01:16 |
nonlocal | maxamillion: and where would I.. oh, keyboard settings. | 01:16 |
nonlocal | rooooight. | 01:16 |
maxamillion | Pekke: lemme know ... this seems to be a strange error that has alot of different methods of fixing it so if that doesn't work we can try a couple others | 01:17 |
maxamillion | nonlocal: :D | 01:17 |
borschty_ | i just checked the rules file, but it seems to be sane, null is set to 0666 there, anyone got an idea, what could cause the permissions to be set wrong? | 01:18 |
pimp^air | it just does not start /etc/init.d/cryptdisk-early nor cryptdisk | 01:18 |
Pekke | maxamillion: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4661/ | 01:19 |
pimp^air | how do i ensure stuff in /ect/rcS.d gets executed? | 01:19 |
pimp^air | it has a executable file in /etc/init.d and a symlink lookin just like the others in rcS.d | 01:19 |
maxamillion | pimp^air: not to sure ... you could check logs for failures | 01:20 |
pimp^air | however whatever i add with log_begin_msg doesn't get printed on startup | 01:20 |
pimp^air | as if the scripts weren't started at all | 01:20 |
maxamillion | pimp^air: try hitting F2 during boot to see kernel output instead of the usplash, the message might be shown there | 01:20 |
pimp^air | i already disabled quiet and splash | 01:21 |
maxamillion | oh .... huh, that's no good | 01:22 |
maxamillion | Pekke: ok ... this could be rather risky so we will go in order of least risky to most risky ok? | 01:23 |
Pekke | ok | 01:23 |
pimp^air | this upstart-stuff is only causing me pain... | 01:24 |
maxamillion | Pekke: sudo aptitude reinstall x11-common | 01:24 |
maxamillion | Pekke: sudo aptitude update | 01:24 |
Pekke | i'm still quite a beginner, so i have no higher knowledge of my own.. | 01:24 |
pimp^air | i even can't just issue a print for debugging purposes... | 01:24 |
maxamillion | Pekke: sudo aptitude upgrade | 01:24 |
maxamillion | Pekke: do those in that order | 01:24 |
Pekke | ok | 01:24 |
pimp^air | so now i cought myself touching files in / as messages | 01:24 |
=== Wizaado [n=Wizaado@c-68-35-207-145.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
maxamillion | pimp^air: yeah, upstart seemed like a good idea but i felt like they rushed implementation on it | 01:25 |
pimp^air | like touch /i-reached-breakpoint-n | 01:25 |
pimp^air | they just could have talked with suse redhat and debian about it | 01:25 |
pimp^air | maybe gentoo | 01:25 |
maxamillion | yeah ... who knows, when debian etch releases i will seriously concider switching to it | 01:26 |
Pekke | maxamillion: same finish | 01:26 |
Pekke | maxamillion: xserver-xorg-core: Depends: x11-common (>= 1:7.0.0) but 7.0.0-0ubuntu45 is installed and it is kept back. | 01:27 |
maxamillion | i ran debian for about 6 and a half years before i found xubuntu and i switched because i felt that for the desktop it was easier, but it seems so much less stable | 01:27 |
maxamillion | Pekke: ok .... brace yourself | 01:27 |
pimp^air | they just tend to brake things now and then... | 01:28 |
pimp^air | :) | 01:28 |
maxamillion | Pekke: wait .... uhmmm, nvm ... try "sudo aptitude -f upgrade" | 01:28 |
maxamillion | pimp^air: who does? | 01:28 |
pimp^air | the ubuntu guys | 01:29 |
pimp^air | :) | 01:29 |
maxamillion | yeah | 01:29 |
maxamillion | well, the problem is that they have a 6 month dead line, which is kinda defeating the point in my opinion | 01:29 |
crimsun | ? | 01:29 |
Pekke | maxamillion: output is: xserver-xorg-core: Depends: x11-common (>= 1:7.0.0) but 7.0.0-0ubuntu45 is installed and it is kept back. libxdmcp6: Depends: x11-common (>= 1:7.0.0) but 7.0.0-0ubuntu45 is installed and it is kept back. | 01:30 |
crimsun | ubuntu's release schedule is tied to gnome's | 01:30 |
maxamillion | Pekke: :( | 01:30 |
crimsun | that should be obvious by now | 01:30 |
maxamillion | crimsun: either way, deadlines create rushed software, rushed software tends to be more buggy | 01:30 |
Pekke | can't i just remove that xbattbar somehow, or something? | 01:31 |
crimsun | maxamillion: certainly there's a tradeoff, but there's _always_ a timeline | 01:31 |
maxamillion | Pekke: xbattbar? | 01:31 |
maxamillion | crimsun: well what i mean is that debian is held in such high reguard for stability because they don't have a deadline and if they set one for themselves and miss it, nobody really cares because everyone understands there must be a reason behind it | 01:32 |
pimp^air | but if theres a bug in edgy... why can't it be fixed in edgy? cryptsetup-support is definitely broken | 01:32 |
crimsun | maxamillion: historically, yes, but even that's a crutch. | 01:32 |
crimsun | pimp^air: it's being addressed right this moment | 01:32 |
Pekke | if i have something in /usr/X11R6/bin , it says that the directory needs to be emptied, so that something can be written there | 01:33 |
maxamillion | pimp^air: that is something else i don't understand, i have noticed that about a couple packages ... report a bug, it gets fixed upstream but you are stuck for now | 01:33 |
crimsun | have you been following the devmapper/udev/lvm changes? | 01:33 |
maxamillion | Pekke: do something for me ... do "df -h" and pastebin the results | 01:33 |
pimp^air | me? no... | 01:34 |
pimp^air | i have installed a update from dapper to edgy | 01:34 |
pimp^air | which broke half of my system | 01:34 |
Pekke | ok | 01:34 |
pimp^air | one could think that all stages of stability seen in debian releases aren't enough so ubuntu invents "stable as dapper" and "stable as egdy" | 01:34 |
maxamillion | pimp^air: lol | 01:35 |
maxamillion | i dunno, i really like Xubuntu ... i really do, but there are little ubuntu-ish quirks that bug me every now and then | 01:35 |
Pekke | maxamillion: almost in the end it says something about xbattbar in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4663/ | 01:36 |
maxamillion | actually, none of my issues have to do with Xubuntu ... mainly just ubuntu and inherently get put in xubuntu :/ | 01:36 |
crimsun | pimp^air: you can't even compare debian and ubuntu | 01:36 |
Pekke | now i'll do that df -h | 01:36 |
pimp^air | of course i can | 01:36 |
pimp^air | :) | 01:36 |
crimsun | well, sure, anyone _can_ | 01:37 |
pimp^air | didn't it use to compare itself to debian too? | 01:37 |
=== maxamillion seems to remember that it has in the past | ||
Pekke | maxamillion: df -h output: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4664/ | 01:38 |
maxamillion | Pekke: ok, so you have plenty of space ..... lets try "sudo aptitude purge xbattbar" | 01:38 |
maxamillion | Pekke: i found this ... http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?s=&forumid=9&threadid=171107 .... it wouldn't be a fun way to do it, but it appears to have solved the problem for that user | 01:39 |
Pekke | btw what does the score mean in the middle of updating the packages & dependencies? e.g. score is -3... | 01:41 |
=== kalikiana|away [n=kalikian@xdsl-84-44-179-34.netcologne.de] has joined #xubuntu | ||
maxamillion | Pekke: that means it is trying to find the most logical or acceptable fix .... lemme find you a resource on this | 01:44 |
Pekke | ok.. | 01:44 |
Pekke | maxamillion: well, if i just try to do update & upgrade again and again, and hope that i'll get my xubuntu working fine again... | 01:45 |
maxamillion | Pekke: ok | 01:46 |
Pekke | sudo apt-get -f upgrade started downloading stuff from archives.. takes about 30 minutes =( | 01:48 |
maxamillion | Pekke: well i apparently can't find anything listed about the aptitude score :( | 01:49 |
maxamillion | Pekke: well ... downloading is good | 01:49 |
maxamillion | Pekke: i am really sorry, but i am getting off work and i have to go | 01:49 |
Pekke | maxamillion: ok, thank you anyway, i hope this woeks | 01:49 |
Pekke | i think i'll go to bed and continue tomorrow, it's almoust 3 o'clock here in finland... | 01:50 |
maxamillion | Pekke: if this doesn't work i recommend posting on ubuntuforums.org ... it might not be the fastest way of getting it resolved, but there are alot of residential gurus who might have a fresh idea of how to fix it | 01:50 |
maxamillion | Pekke: ok, i'm off .... sorry i couldn't fix it | 01:50 |
Pekke | ok, thank you. | 01:50 |
maxamillion | laters all!!! | 01:50 |
pimp^air | crap... it seems to be openvt used by the script which is in /usr... | 01:51 |
pimp^air | who would rely on /usr being mounted to setup encrypted disks??? | 01:51 |
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jfcgauss | hi. how do we search for files? i have xubuntu 6.10 on a pentium laptop. i dont have anything for searching files in my applications menu | 01:59 |
jfcgauss | btw i dont want indexing | 02:00 |
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pimp^air | jfcgauss: find | 02:04 |
pimp^air | it's slow though | 02:05 |
jfcgauss | i want a gui like gnome's | 02:05 |
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=== LordGamer [n=LordGame@] has joined #xubuntu | ||
LordGamer | Hi all | 02:12 |
LordGamer | I got my WUA 2340 USB wireless to show up in Linux but everytime it tried to start up and the light blicks it freezes any ideas? | 02:14 |
LordGamer | .. | 02:25 |
pimp^air | what freezes?? | 02:25 |
LordGamer | the whole PC | 02:25 |
pimp^air | i think i remember i had that under breezy with some creative-cam | 02:26 |
pimp^air | exact that behaviour | 02:26 |
pimp^air | find the page of the driver you use and update to the latest and greatest relase | 02:26 |
pimp^air | that's what helped me that time | 02:26 |
LordGamer | done that | 02:27 |
crimsun | pimp^air: people outside the development team seem to have an unwillingness to stop comparing ubuntu to debian | 02:29 |
crimsun | most of us who are in one or both couldn't care less; we have far more time-consuming things to worry about | 02:29 |
pimp^air | crimsun: yes.. the point of view from which i state that is a users one... and compared to gentoo / fc / suse ubuntu is very similiar to debian | 02:30 |
crimsun | there is pedigree, sure. One simply cannot avoid that (nor would one want to). | 02:31 |
crimsun | heck, Debian's founder is a Canonical employee and works on Ubuntu. | 02:31 |
crimsun | (he's the one committing devmapper/udev/lvm changes) | 02:31 |
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pimp^air | how's he called? | 02:32 |
crimsun | sorry, I meant the author of dpkg, not the founder of Debian | 02:33 |
pimp^air | as ian murdock at least isn't involved in the bug i mentioned | 02:33 |
crimsun | no, heh, that would have been interesting | 02:34 |
pimp^air | :) | 02:34 |
pimp^air | btw... what are those udeb-packages? linked with uclibc? | 02:34 |
crimsun | they're for the installer. | 02:34 |
pimp^air | wikipedia gives credits for dpkg to murdock too | 02:35 |
pimp^air | :) | 02:35 |
crimsun | too many people have touched dpkg | 02:36 |
pimp^air | :) | 02:36 |
crimsun | heck, Scott (keybuk) has touched it, too, and he's the upstart architect | 02:36 |
pimp^air | ok... however cryptsetup is broken | 02:36 |
crimsun | are you testing current feisty? | 02:36 |
crimsun | it's known-broken in previous releases | 02:37 |
pimp^air | i isnstalled the version from feisty compiled on edga | 02:37 |
pimp^air | edgy | 02:37 |
crimsun | how is yours interacting? | 02:37 |
crimsun | are you doing luks+lvm root? | 02:37 |
pimp^air | and the reason it's broken is, that it relies on binaries located in /usr/bin.. | 02:37 |
pimp^air | no just luks+lvm /home | 02:37 |
pimp^air | but /usr isn't mounted when cryptsetup is started... | 02:38 |
pimp^air | so it fails | 02:38 |
pimp^air | very bad | 02:38 |
crimsun | of course that would be bad | 02:38 |
pimp^air | and that happens to feisty users too, if they happen to have /usr on a separate volume | 02:38 |
crimsun | with the latest devmapper+lvm changes | 02:38 |
crimsun | ? | 02:38 |
grazie | crimsun: how come known broken packages are still available from the repos? | 02:39 |
pimp^air | those changes sure won't affect the place openvt lies | 02:39 |
crimsun | grazie: we don't touch FROZEN, released distributions. | 02:39 |
pimp^air | crimsun: but if they are broken people would be pleased to see them fixed... the way security-fixes are provided | 02:40 |
pimp^air | https://launchpad.net/upstart/+bug/62751 | 02:40 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 62751 in loop-aes-utils "Upstart doesn't activate luks volumes (also non luks) in cryptsetup" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] | 02:40 |
pimp^air | i added a comment down there | 02:40 |
pimp^air | maybe one will notive | 02:40 |
pimp^air | notice | 02:40 |
crimsun | pimp^air: of course, which is why it's being addressed in feisty | 02:40 |
crimsun | feisty is the current development release, not edgy, not dapper, not breezy, not hoary, not warty. | 02:40 |
pimp^air | yes... but if i figure out, that this is a security-hole... would it be adressed then? | 02:41 |
grazie | crimsun: yes, but this package isn't part of the released disro...that's what I can't follow | 02:41 |
crimsun | grazie: because it's not in main, it receives no standard support. | 02:41 |
crimsun | grazie: if you want it fixes, follow the universe SRU process | 02:41 |
crimsun | fixed ^ | 02:41 |
pimp^air | but apparently there are lots of users with a problem noone really adresses in edgy | 02:42 |
pimp^air | wouldn't that fact make the policy a bit problematic? | 02:42 |
crimsun | then fix it yourself and follow the universe SRU process | 02:42 |
crimsun | that's why the SRU processes exist | 02:42 |
grazie | crimsun: no, I'm just trying to understand the process | 02:42 |
crimsun | grazie: which process? | 02:42 |
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pimp^air | crimsun: i don't want to blame on for what's happening here... i'm just wondering.. | 02:43 |
crimsun | pimp^air: I know you're not blaming, and I understand it's frustrating. I'm also not being paid to work on Ubuntu. | 02:43 |
grazie | crimsun: availabity of packages from the repos and not knowning their state without checking for bugs first | 02:44 |
crimsun | grazie: more specifically? | 02:44 |
grazie | crimsun: no sw is bug free, but the apt system doesn't seem to be able to flag serious problems | 02:45 |
pimp^air | i only find that ongoing discussion on the SRU... and link to a current version? | 02:46 |
pimp^air | ok... now i understand the whole "regression" debate in the bug... | 02:47 |
crimsun | pimp^air: you missed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/SRU ? | 02:47 |
pimp^air | found it already... thanks | 02:47 |
pimp^air | but only the first one | 02:47 |
crimsun | grazie: why would apt want anything to do with that? | 02:48 |
crimsun | grazie: and what sw can flag itself as exhibiting critical ones, anyhow? | 02:49 |
crimsun | I can think of a few filesystems, but they're a bit different to your question | 02:49 |
pimp^air | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates | 02:50 |
pimp^air | i think it's easier to found a Ltd. in germany (which is very hard) than get something broken fixed... | 02:50 |
crimsun | pimp^air: then pitch in and help | 02:51 |
pimp^air | this is a heck of a bureaucracy | 02:51 |
crimsun | that's precisely why I'm a dev; I care about certain things | 02:51 |
pimp^air | :) | 02:51 |
pimp^air | i'll go to bed.... n8 | 02:54 |
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=== Prisoner_ [n=kb5iav@ip24-254-33-54.br.br.cox.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Prisoner_ | hello | 03:05 |
Prisoner_ | anyone here? | 03:07 |
Prisoner_ | still planning my install | 03:10 |
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Prisoner_ | hi | 03:16 |
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=== BrendanM [n=mccollam@hor-gold95.hor.ucl.ac.uk] has joined #xubuntu | ||
BrendanM | When I go to save a chart as an image in Gnumeric, I get an "Unknown failure while saving image" message. That's about the least helpful error message ever. Any ideas? | 03:20 |
Prisoner_ | no idea, haven't tried Gnumeric | 03:21 |
Prisoner_ | I'm something of a linux newbie | 03:21 |
Prisoner_ | I'm planning an install as soon as I get some free time, plan to dualboot with XP and maybe move away from WIndoze altogether. Don't want to go to Vista | 03:22 |
BrendanM | Vista seems very unnecessary to me. It does look pretty, though. | 03:25 |
=== Mlittle [n=Mlittle@rn-was3a19.uwaterloo.ca] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Mlittle | anyone here a wiz with screen resolutions? | 03:26 |
Mlittle | I followed the guide on the forums, and I haven't seen a change in my resolution | 03:28 |
Prisoner_ | I'm concerned about the DRM crap in vista | 03:28 |
Prisoner_ | what kind of video card are you running? | 03:29 |
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BrendanM | Radeon mobility 9000, I think. This is just an old PIII laptop | 03:30 |
BrendanM | oh, sorry, you were talking to Mlittle | 03:30 |
Mlittle | sis integrated I believe | 03:30 |
BrendanM | Mlittle, you wanna post your xorg.conf? | 03:30 |
Mlittle | sure | 03:31 |
Prisoner_ | my system is a homebuilt AMDK6 400mhz with384MB RAM and an ATI Radeon VE video card | 03:31 |
grazie | Mlittle: do you run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' | 03:31 |
BrendanM | I think there's an ubuntuforums pastbin you can use | 03:31 |
BrendanM | Oh, I would just open /etc/X11/xorg.conf in mousepad | 03:31 |
Mlittle | oh yeah? I did no run that command | 03:31 |
Mlittle | did not | 03:31 |
Mlittle | I opened it in the terminal | 03:31 |
BrendanM | that works too | 03:32 |
grazie | Mlittle: read through this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 03:32 |
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Mlittle | well, I've set the default to 1280x1024 and it's using the setting below that | 03:32 |
Mlittle | i'm checking out this guide now | 03:33 |
grazie | Mlittle: using the tool is much easier than changing /etc/X11/xorg.conf manually | 03:33 |
Mlittle | the tool near the top? | 03:34 |
BrendanM | yeah, most likely. xorg.conf is really annoying | 03:34 |
Mlittle | autodetect? | 03:34 |
Mlittle | hmm ok | 03:34 |
Mlittle | the problem is that it seemed to want me to detect what type of gpu i was running and i'm unfamiliar with this mobo | 03:34 |
Mlittle | so i didn't want to give it the wrong answer | 03:34 |
BrendanM | adding "DCCMode" "on" to my xorg.conf helped my video settings quite a bit, too. I think that enables some sort of autodetect thing. | 03:35 |
BrendanM | But I don't know what cards support it | 03:35 |
Prisoner_ | looking at my xorg.conf too, reminds me of windows INI files | 03:37 |
Prisoner_ | sorry to talk about windoze, but it helps me to relate this new stuff with something I'm familiar with | 03:40 |
BrendanM | *shrug* I think most people are most familiar with Windows. | 03:41 |
BrendanM | Plus, we're not all anti-Windows zealots. | 03:41 |
BrendanM | I actually think XP is a pretty solid OS. It's just expensive and doesn't run well at all on older hardware. | 03:41 |
Prisoner_ | I got sucked in 10+ years ago and after seeing what they've done with Vista, I think it's time for change | 03:43 |
Prisoner_ | I've played with a few different linux distros | 03:43 |
Prisoner_ | got sucked in partially because windows was what was at work | 03:43 |
Prisoner_ | I agree, XP isn't too bad, it's just I don't want to go with Vista in a few years when MS pulls support on XP | 03:44 |
BrendanM | I've been running Xubuntu as my primary OS for about 6 months now, and I'm pretty happy with it. Compatibility with Office formats is surprisingly decent, which is important for work. | 03:45 |
Prisoner_ | the only problem I've had with XP is I get random reboots occasionally, usually when I'm working with some video or graphic stuff, not sure if it's a hardware or XP issue | 03:45 |
Prisoner_ | that is great to know | 03:46 |
cellofellow | Never really used WinXP here. Was stuck with 98. Now I've used *ubuntu for almost eight months, and tinkered with linux for about a year and half. Love it. | 03:46 |
Prisoner_ | my video card is nVidia GeForce 5500 with 128mb RAM | 03:47 |
cellofellow | well supported by the binary drivers | 03:47 |
Prisoner_ | I tried to load up some distros on this old 400mhz, none of them wanted to work with it until I saw some kid at our PC Usergroup meeting with Ubuntu so I decided to try it | 03:48 |
Prisoner_ | tried Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu, like Xubuntu | 03:48 |
Prisoner_ | KDE is a nice desktop, but a little resource heavy, so I went with XFCE Xubuntu | 03:49 |
cellofellow | I don't like GNOME. But XFCE and Fluxbox and KDE are cool. I had Kubuntu on here, but decided to switch. | 03:50 |
Prisoner_ | the machine I plan to install it on is a 1.583ghz with 512mb RAM, but I perfer the CPU and RAM resources be devoted to apps, not desktop and OS | 03:51 |
cellofellow | Yeah. Apps are called such for a reason. They are what you use the computer for in the first place. | 03:52 |
cellofellow | if that makes sense | 03:52 |
Prisoner_ | that's why I want to use XFCE, according to my research, it doesn't use as much resources as the others | 03:52 |
Prisoner_ | I agree with you 100%, your PC is for running apps, not OSes | 03:52 |
cellofellow | :) | 03:53 |
BrendanM | I can't deal with fluxbox, it's way too minimalist for me. | 03:53 |
cellofellow | fluxbox itself is, but with a few helper programs it works great. | 03:53 |
Prisoner_ | I found one problem with XFCE so far in its burning software XFBURN | 03:54 |
BrendanM | I like Xfce because it seems like a good compromise between being a "nice" desktop and being lightweight | 03:54 |
Prisoner_ | haven't tried fluxbox | 03:54 |
cellofellow | never used it. I don't have a burner. There's always other stuff. | 03:54 |
BrendanM | Yeah, I don't have a burner either. | 03:54 |
Prisoner_ | for some reason, at least on this box, XFBurn will burn data, but not ISOs | 03:54 |
BrendanM | I'm sure there's a ton of other burning programs out there. | 03:55 |
cellofellow | XFCE is really nice. A desktop without bloat. | 03:55 |
cellofellow | search in apt and you'll find like 50. | 03:55 |
Prisoner_ | I installed K3B and it works fine | 03:55 |
cellofellow | well, K3B is good, but why a KDE app? | 03:55 |
Prisoner_ | it was there | 03:56 |
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Prisoner_ | There are probably better choices I'm sure, but I found it in a repository and decided to try it since others said it was good | 03:57 |
cellofellow | well, it's there so don't bother removing it. | 03:57 |
Prisoner_ | the other machine I'm planning to put Xubuntu on has 2 burners in it, one is a CDR/RW burner with DVD Reader, the other burns CDs and DVDs | 03:58 |
Prisoner_ | when I put it on my other machine, I might try another CD burn app | 03:58 |
cellofellow | as far as I've heard, K3B is the best. | 03:58 |
grazie | k3b is a great app, but it's out of place on xfce. graveman works well and is light | 03:58 |
Prisoner_ | I'll keep that in mind | 03:59 |
Prisoner_ | I'm going to use whatever works | 03:59 |
Prisoner_ | other than being "out of place," are there any problems running KDE or Gnome apps on a XFCE desktop | 03:59 |
cellofellow | some RAM and HDD consumption by the extra libraries. | 04:00 |
Prisoner_ | I'll keep that in mind | 04:00 |
cellofellow | especially with KDE apps, cause they use the Qt graphics toolkit, while GNOME at least still use GTK and don't look out of place. | 04:01 |
Prisoner_ | that is good to know, I'll try to stick with XFCE apps when possible | 04:01 |
Mlittle | could i get a recommendation for a light mp3 player? | 04:01 |
cellofellow | xmms | 04:01 |
Prisoner_ | it is cool I can run these different kinds of apps | 04:01 |
cellofellow | :) linux is awesome | 04:02 |
Mlittle | xmms as a music player? | 04:02 |
Prisoner_ | I'm going to need player(s) that will do CD, MP3, DVD, etc when I install on my other system | 04:02 |
cellofellow | Mlittle: xmms is really light. mp3blaster is curses. | 04:02 |
cellofellow | Mlittle: dunno what else to use xmms for. | 04:02 |
cellofellow | Prisoner_: I use VLC for DVD. and XMMS and Exaile for MP3 and Ogg. | 04:03 |
Prisoner_ | ok | 04:03 |
Mlittle | well i'm using banshee for its iPod abilities, but if I don't need that it's too big | 04:03 |
cellofellow | Exaile then | 04:03 |
Prisoner_ | I also plan to burn DVDs from MPEG video, nothing bootlegged, strictly legal | 04:03 |
cellofellow | it's not in repos, but there is a deb package on exaile.org | 04:03 |
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cellofellow | Mlittle: Exaile does iPods | 04:03 |
Prisoner_ | ok | 04:06 |
Mlittle | I'd love to use exaile in that case, if someone doesn't mind walking me through the deb package | 04:06 |
Prisoner_ | I have 2 pieces of hardware I'm worried about not working | 04:07 |
cellofellow | Mlittle: do to website, download, open terminal, cd to directory the deb file is in, and run sudo dpkg -i exail....deb | 04:08 |
Prisoner_ | an Agere Winmodem and a Primascan Colorado 2400 USB scanner, not finding much on those for Linux out there | 04:09 |
Mlittle | Slow down Cowboy! "cd to directory"? | 04:09 |
cellofellow | cd /home/mlittle/whereyoudownloadedtoo | 04:12 |
Prisoner_ | another question, where is a good place to keep data? | 04:12 |
cellofellow | sorry, I sort of assume basic cli knowledge | 04:12 |
cellofellow | Prisoner_: in your home dir. you can organize it however you like | 04:13 |
cellofellow | Prisoner_: XSane should work for the scanner. | 04:13 |
Prisoner_ | ok | 04:14 |
Prisoner_ | ok | 04:14 |
Prisoner_ | I currently have a download foldero n my desktop | 04:16 |
Mlittle | cd /home/mlittle/desktop/downloads | 04:17 |
Mlittle | is not working | 04:17 |
Mlittle | something to do with desktop? | 04:17 |
cellofellow | case sensitive. Desktop on desktop. | 04:17 |
cellofellow | not | 04:17 |
Prisoner_ | thanks | 04:18 |
Prisoner_ | the other thing I'm worried aobut is my Garmin GPS unit, it connects to my PC using a serial cable | 04:18 |
Mlittle | i think i tried both.... | 04:19 |
cellofellow | no idea how to do that. | 04:19 |
Mlittle | nope, i forgot a 'l' | 04:19 |
Mlittle | got it! | 04:20 |
Mlittle | next step? | 04:20 |
cellofellow | type ls | 04:20 |
Mlittle | so, run sudo dpkg -i exaile_0.2.8_i386.deb ? | 04:21 |
cellofellow | yeah. make it easier on yourself and do exaile<tab key> | 04:21 |
Mlittle | oohh, that's neat | 04:22 |
cellofellow | once that's done, it should be in the multimedia section of your menu | 04:23 |
cellofellow | :) Bash is sweet. | 04:23 |
Mlittle | run command not found | 04:23 |
cellofellow | sure you said dpkg | 04:23 |
cellofellow | ? | 04:23 |
cellofellow | run isn't a command | 04:23 |
Mlittle | ok | 04:23 |
cellofellow | just "sudo ..." | 04:23 |
Mlittle | ohhh, you were using a verb up above | 04:23 |
BrendanM | quotes are helpful. | 04:23 |
BrendanM | yep | 04:24 |
cellofellow | :) | 04:24 |
cellofellow | yeah, sorry | 04:24 |
Mlittle | oh boy! it's working | 04:24 |
cellofellow | :) | 04:27 |
BrendanM | haha | 04:27 |
BrendanM | one cool thing about Linux is you almost never have to reboot when installing software | 04:28 |
cellofellow | 'cept like a new version of Linux itself. | 04:28 |
Prisoner_ | I just installed some software from a repository | 04:29 |
cellofellow | nice | 04:29 |
Prisoner_ | now where did it put it? | 04:31 |
cellofellow | wherever. usually it's got a launcher in the menu somewhere. | 04:31 |
Prisoner_ | put some GPS software on it | 04:32 |
cellofellow | most packages put an executable in /usr/bin, background binary files in /usr/lib, source files (if available) in /usr/src, and non-executable other files in /usr/share. | 04:32 |
BrendanM | you can also go into synaptic, and check "properties" for the package | 04:34 |
BrendanM | and one of the tabs will tell you all the files it installed and where it put them | 04:34 |
cellofellow | just calls dpkg -L packagename | 04:36 |
BrendanM | Oh, I've been meaning to ask this, is there a good GUI for editing the menu? "Settings...menu editor" doesn't really work, so I've just manually making .desktop files in /usr/share/applications | 04:36 |
cellofellow | that's the way I do it. A tip. /home/yourname/.local/share/applications/ takes precedence over /usr/share/applications and doesn't need root to edit. | 04:37 |
BrendanM | oh, that is convenient | 04:38 |
BrendanM | Is that something that's going to be fixed/improved for Feisty you think? | 04:38 |
cellofellow | no. XFCE 4.4 stable is pretty much the same, just more stable than the Beta 2 in Edgy. 4.5 might fix that. | 04:39 |
Prisoner_ | thank I found one of the pices of software | 04:39 |
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Prisoner_ | now this thing won't execute, bummer | 04:43 |
cellofellow | what is it you're trying to execute? | 04:43 |
Prisoner_ | gpsbabel | 04:43 |
Prisoner_ | found the executable, but it won't run | 04:44 |
cellofellow | just type gpsbabel in the run dialog "Alt+F2" | 04:44 |
Prisoner_ | nothing happening yet | 04:45 |
cellofellow | open a terminal and see what errors you get. | 04:45 |
Prisoner_ | should I run it in a terminal window? | 04:47 |
cellofellow | yeah | 04:47 |
cellofellow | it will tell you things | 04:47 |
Prisoner_ | how exactly | 04:47 |
cellofellow | type gpsbabel | 04:48 |
cellofellow | terminal is Applications => System | 04:48 |
cellofellow | is in | 04:48 |
Prisoner_ | ahh I think I see what happened, these aren't GUI apps, they are command line | 04:50 |
cellofellow | oh, hehe | 04:50 |
cellofellow | is there an xgpsbabel? | 04:50 |
Prisoner_ | typical noob screwup | 04:50 |
cellofellow | !gpsbabel | 04:50 |
ubotu | gpsbabel: GPS file conversion plus transfer to/from GPS units. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.7-1 (edgy), package size 212 kB, installed size 528 kB | 04:50 |
BrendanM | that'll do it. There might be a gui frontend too | 04:50 |
Prisoner_ | I do a little geocaching and want a linux app for it | 04:50 |
Prisoner_ | I can probably deal with command line, but GUI would be nice | 04:51 |
Prisoner_ | gotten spoiled by it | 04:52 |
cellofellow | I keep moving from GUI, which I've used since forever, to CLI. | 04:53 |
Prisoner_ | need to check out now, been fun | 04:53 |
Prisoner_ | cya later | 04:53 |
cellofellow | ok | 04:53 |
cellofellow | byebye. | 04:54 |
cellofellow | anybody here know how to use good old-fashioned UNIX mail? I'm trying to give my brother a message. | 04:57 |
cellofellow | there isn't any /var/mail/username maildirs. how do I fix that? | 05:01 |
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stinger_au | yo | 05:25 |
stinger_au | Question: does Xubuntu support DVB ? | 05:28 |
cellofellow | dvb? | 05:28 |
stinger_au | digital TV | 05:29 |
stinger_au | does it support winfast DTV1000 | 05:29 |
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stinger_au | ok different question what about bandwidth allocation ? | 05:35 |
cellofellow | all a bit over my particular head | 05:36 |
stinger_au | k | 05:37 |
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PuMpErNiCkLe | stinger_au: re dvb: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/misc/dvb-utils | 06:23 |
cellofellow | thanks PuMpErNiCkLe | 06:27 |
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huang | how to config "xfce4-session-logout" so that "suspend" is linked to "acpitool -s" ? | 07:13 |
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lan56 | hello; I am trying to install xubuntu, and when I run ntfsresize off of the livecd to try and partition to have a dual boot computer, ntfsresize crashes and aborts with the error message "*** glibc detected *** double free or corrupted" | 07:21 |
lan56 | it happens every time, and I don't know what to do | 07:21 |
lan56 | any help? | 07:21 |
lan56 | or even any information at all about this error would be much appreciated :) | 07:21 |
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Mlittle | wish I could help you man, I'm a noob too | 07:27 |
Mlittle | you could try the #ubuntu forums, it might be more active | 07:27 |
Commander-Crowe | whats the problem? | 07:28 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | I'd recommend running a few repair tools from within windows. e.g; defrag, and a disk diagnostic utility. Wacked out partitions can sometimes cause that error. | 07:28 |
lan56 | well I do have "at least" 14 bad sectors | 07:29 |
lan56 | but I have defragged twice in windows and run chkdsk /r /f | 07:29 |
lan56 | and both of those went fine, so I am out of ideas | 07:29 |
lan56 | Mlittle: I have asked there about 10 mins ago, there are too many ongoing discussions though, so mine was ignored | 07:30 |
lan56 | perhaps I should just try defragging again or maybe running chkdsk again? | 07:30 |
lan56 | or something else maybe | 07:30 |
lan56 | it does it a few minutes after it says "Resetting $LogFile ... (this might take a while)" | 07:32 |
lan56 | it says that, works for a few minutes, then crashes | 07:32 |
huang | how to config "xfce4-session-logout" so that "suspend" is linked to "acpitool -s" ? | 07:35 |
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maxamillion | !ipod | 09:28 |
ubotu | For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod | 09:28 |
maxamillion | :) | 09:28 |
maxamillion | !rockbox | 09:29 |
ubotu | rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for MP3 players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started! | 09:29 |
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maxamillion | interesting .... | 09:29 |
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esc_on_anakin | morning | 10:28 |
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munk3h | does anyone here use tomboy in the current version of xubuntu? | 10:57 |
munk3h | I take that as a no. | 11:00 |
munk3h | I'm having trouble with it. Seems that it doesn't display it's tray icon in the System Tray, so I can't use it. | 11:01 |
munk3h | wow, it's dead in here. Maybe #lugradio has some action | 11:11 |
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stinger_au | yo | 11:44 |
stinger_au | where can i find out what the different install methods mean ? | 11:44 |
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Dh3Y0 | !zynaddsubfx | 11:46 |
ubotu | zynaddsubfx: Realtime software synthesizer for Linux. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.2.1-4 (edgy), package size 949 kB, installed size 2172 kB | 11:46 |
munk3h | does anyone here use tomboy in the current version of xubuntu? | 11:46 |
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Dh3Y0 | hi i just timed out while tryin to install a couple of software packages | 01:01 |
Dh3Y0 | how do i fix the missing installation files???????? | 01:02 |
Dh3Y0 | nvm got it fixed | 01:05 |
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Laibsch | Hi | 01:10 |
Laibsch | Any VoIP'ers around? | 01:10 |
gabkdlly | yes | 01:10 |
Laibsch | What is a good softphone for Ubuntu? | 01:10 |
gabkdlly | Ekiga is standard, but I use Twinkle | 01:10 |
Laibsch | The ones I have seen so far are all lacking here or there. | 01:10 |
Laibsch | gabkdlly: I have both installed, but there are things I miss in both of them. | 01:11 |
Laibsch | I may be overlooking something but it seems that for example you cannot have a buddy list with either of them or can you? | 01:11 |
Laibsch | What I have not yet figured out with ekiga for example is how to choose which provider to use for calling. | 01:12 |
Laibsch | This is not such a big deal when calling VoIP to VoIP, but it becomes an issue when only some of your accounts can do VoIP to landline. | 01:12 |
Laibsch | gabkdlly: Do you have a solution? | 01:13 |
gabkdlly | Ekiga integrates with Evolution's addressbook, but as far as I know there is such thing as a buddy list that tells you who is online. I could be wrong though | 01:13 |
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gabkdlly | ekiga->edit->accounts lets you choose which account is supposed to be your default, or activate or deactivate accounts | 01:15 |
adrian15 | I need information on how to convert a xubuntu into a fluxbuntu. | 01:15 |
gabkdlly | twinkle has a pull down menu that lets you pick which account you want to use right now | 01:15 |
adrian15 | I need information on how to convert a xubuntu into a fluxbuntu. Do you have the command? Or an url to the explanation? Thank you. | 01:16 |
Laibsch | gabkdlly: Well, that is true. But changing the default account that way every time is quite a pain. | 01:17 |
Laibsch | Yes, twinkle is easy in that respect. | 01:17 |
TheSheep | adrian15: try asking on #fluxbuntu | 01:17 |
adrian15 | TheSheep: good answer | 01:18 |
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nicolah | Hi guys, I'd like to setup the autologin with xubuntu | 03:36 |
nicolah | is it possible ? | 03:36 |
nicolah | I use the "login window preferences" and I set Enable Automatic Login and write down my username. Then this setting gets ignored | 03:37 |
nicolah | should I enable the Timed Login ? (I don't even know what it is) | 03:38 |
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munk3h | hello | 04:08 |
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carl_ | my kbd shortcuts stopped working in xfce .. they work in gnome though .. the shortcuts are enabled in beryl .. its the win key that wont work .. someone know of a remedy for this | 04:19 |
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TheSheep | carl_: gnome (metcity), beryl and xfce are separate programs using separate shortuct settings | 04:25 |
carl_ | TheSheep: yes i know that... but im using beryl in both xfce and gnome .. and it only reacts to the winkey in gnome | 04:26 |
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carl_ | actually it seems as if it wont recognize the winkeys at all.. when i try mapping it in the native shortcuts handling.. it reacts to other buttons though | 04:27 |
Jeff_ | i have a problem, it's very simple but i guess i am just an idiot or to pissed off to think straight | 04:28 |
Jeff_ | So i run this on my laptop | 04:28 |
Jeff_ | it has built in wireless and the only way to make the wireless connect is to scan for the networks available, then go to the network settings and change the essid before it will connect, is there not a program that should automatically configure and connect my wireless settings | 04:29 |
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michaelpo | i tried xubuntu 7.04beta on a p2 128mb ram machine... it booted halfway then stopped... what's wrong | 04:40 |
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grazie | michaelpo: the desktop (live) cd? | 04:44 |
michaelpo | yes... livecd | 04:46 |
grazie | michaelpo: you should really be using the alternate cd with only 128M of ram | 04:48 |
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michaelpo | ok... i will download thealternatecd.... thanks... | 04:50 |
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nicolah | which permissions should have /home directory ? | 05:53 |
nicolah | to allow xfce4 to use it | 05:53 |
munk3h | Do you mean "which permissions should /home directory have to allow xfce4 to use it | 05:54 |
nicolah | yes I do | 05:55 |
munk3h | Mine is | 05:55 |
munk3h | drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 2006-10-18 16:33 home | 05:55 |
nicolah | I have to use chmod what to set it like that ? | 05:56 |
munk3h | chmod 755 <directory name> | 06:02 |
munk3h | doh, person has gone | 06:05 |
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nicolah | in thunar, if you click on a file/folder then select properties. In the permissions tab there's an option called "other files" which others file is referred to ? | 06:21 |
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Mlittle | So i'm running xubuntu off an 800mhz Duron, and that poor thing goes flat out the second anything happens. The whole system feels somewhat sluggish, is there anything I can do to go easier on the cpu? | 06:46 |
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hyper_ch | Mlittle: deactive service you don't need | 06:53 |
hyper_ch | enable 3d | 06:54 |
hyper_ch | use a different desktop | 06:54 |
hyper_ch | turn off the gui and use only cli | 06:54 |
Mlittle | lol no gui is not an option | 06:54 |
Mlittle | but thanks for those tips | 06:55 |
hyper_ch | how much ram have you got? | 06:56 |
hyper_ch | and what is sluggish? | 06:56 |
hyper_ch | I tend to think 800mhz should be fine | 06:56 |
hyper_ch | 256mb ram/800mhz should really be fine | 06:56 |
grazie | Mlittle: do you know how to use top? | 06:56 |
Mlittle | i've got 256/800 | 06:57 |
Mlittle | grazie: I don't | 06:57 |
hyper_ch | Mlittle: open a shell window and enter "top" | 06:58 |
hyper_ch | Mlittle: and you'll see what are the most cpu-intense tasks running | 06:59 |
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Mlittle | ohhh interesting | 07:00 |
Mlittle | mostly firefox and python | 07:00 |
grazie | firefox! | 07:00 |
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Mlittle | yeah, 22% | 07:00 |
Mlittle | well, 15-22 | 07:00 |
hyper_ch | firefox is a memory hog... sometimes it needs to be restarted | 07:00 |
Mlittle | 18% of mem | 07:01 |
Mlittle | i cut the cache down to 25mb | 07:01 |
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hyper_ch | ??? | 07:09 |
hyper_ch | what do you mean you cut the cache down? | 07:10 |
hyper_ch | how much swap do you have? | 07:10 |
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Mlittle | swap's low | 07:13 |
Mlittle | 90/493 used | 07:13 |
Mlittle | *90/439 | 07:14 |
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siegfried__ | Hello! Is there a good web page that describes the differences between debian and xubuntu, kunbutu and other variants? | 07:19 |
grazie | siegfried__: ubuntu=base os + gnome, kubuntu=base os + kde, xubuntu=base os + xfce | 07:22 |
siegfried__ | Thanks grazie. And what what about debian v. ubuntu? | 07:23 |
grazie | siegfried__: x vs y doesn't really apply | 07:24 |
siegfried__ | Is ubuntu derived from debian? I thought it was. | 07:25 |
grazie | siegfried__: ubuntu was originally based on the long established distro debian, yes | 07:25 |
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BrendanM | Does anyone know how to enable window transparency? | 07:57 |
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Akuma_ | is it possible to select lilo when installing xubuntu? | 07:59 |
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rippawallet | am pissed off now | 08:09 |
rippawallet | lol | 08:09 |
rippawallet | Anyone there? | 08:10 |
grazie | BrendanM: yes, maxamillion was going to put something on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu....I'll just check | 08:10 |
grazie | me | 08:11 |
rippawallet | Anyone know how to fix the no root file system error | 08:11 |
rippawallet | on installation | 08:11 |
rippawallet | on the livecd | 08:11 |
rippawallet | lol | 08:11 |
rippawallet | :)? | 08:11 |
grazie | if the livecd is broken through it away | 08:11 |
rippawallet | no | 08:11 |
rippawallet | its not broken | 08:11 |
rippawallet | its a bug | 08:11 |
rippawallet | apparerntly | 08:12 |
rippawallet | not on the cd | 08:12 |
rippawallet | but on the iso | 08:12 |
grazie | edgy? 6.10? | 08:12 |
rippawallet | 6.06 | 08:12 |
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grazie | what's the known bug? | 08:13 |
rippawallet | in the install program | 08:13 |
rippawallet | when i get to partition discs | 08:13 |
rippawallet | and mount my partition for xubuntu as / | 08:14 |
rippawallet | it says no root system file | 08:14 |
grazie | BrendanM: I can't see it on the wiki, I'll chase it up...hopefully something there in the next few days | 08:14 |
rippawallet | ive read about it other places | 08:14 |
rippawallet | but no solution | 08:14 |
grazie | rippawallet: i don't know dapper, so i've no solution either | 08:15 |
rippawallet | :( | 08:15 |
rippawallet | bad shit always are happen to me =( | 08:15 |
grazie | but i vaguely remember someone mentioning this...maybe TheSheep knows | 08:16 |
rippawallet | TheSheep: you around? | 08:16 |
TheSheep | rippawallet: yes? | 08:17 |
rippawallet | lol | 08:17 |
rippawallet | ^^ | 08:17 |
rippawallet | maybe i will give the 6.10 one a go.. | 08:17 |
grazie | TheSheep: telepathy time...? | 08:19 |
TheSheep | http://www.oreillynet.com/onlamp/blog/2006/10/ubuntu_edgy_install_frustratio.html | 08:20 |
rippawallet | thanks TheSheep ill have a read | 08:21 |
TheSheep | rippawallet: here is the fix: | 08:21 |
TheSheep | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1700787 | 08:21 |
TheSheep | rippawallet: use mousepad instead of gedit | 08:21 |
rippawallet | ok thanks | 08:22 |
rippawallet | err | 08:23 |
rippawallet | will that kubuntu fix work | 08:23 |
rippawallet | for xubuntu | 08:23 |
rippawallet | nope | 08:23 |
rippawallet | i tried that one yesterday | 08:23 |
rippawallet | lol | 08:23 |
rippawallet | didnt work | 08:23 |
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TheSheep | rippawallet: maybe you didn't follow the instructions closely? | 08:24 |
rippawallet | instructions for what | 08:25 |
rippawallet | no | 08:25 |
rippawallet | i did | 08:25 |
TheSheep | well, you can try the alternate cd hen | 08:25 |
TheSheep | then | 08:25 |
rippawallet | i think | 08:25 |
rippawallet | what does it mean by Make sure you leave the indentation in before the word "pass". Save the file, close it, and then you can run the installer. | 08:25 |
TheSheep | it's another download though | 08:25 |
rippawallet | ^^ | 08:26 |
TheSheep | rippawallet: indentation means that the word 'pass' should have more spaces before it than the 'if' on the previous line | 08:26 |
rippawallet | hmm orite | 08:27 |
rippawallet | maybe ill try that | 08:27 |
TheSheep | rippawallet: there are more posts in that thread on the forum, seem like people have more solutions | 08:27 |
rippawallet | thanks | 08:27 |
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fxr | can u burn audio cds' from mp3's with xfburn or do i need a different app? | 08:33 |
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xxl3w | After I run rdesktop at fullscreen how do i switch back to x-windows without logging out of the terminal service session? | 08:39 |
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rippawallet | ok | 08:47 |
rippawallet | so the fix worked | 08:47 |
rippawallet | but now i get different errors | 08:47 |
rippawallet | when its installing files | 08:47 |
rippawallet | which makes me sad :( | 08:49 |
rippawallet | :-[ | 08:49 |
Mlittle | ;( | 08:50 |
TheSheep | rippawallet: well, my mind-reading abilities have their limits, do tell what kind of errors you get. | 08:50 |
rippawallet | :( | 08:50 |
rippawallet | err | 08:50 |
rippawallet | i forgot | 08:50 |
rippawallet | one sec | 08:50 |
rippawallet | XD | 08:50 |
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rippawallet | what file system do swap partitions need to be | 08:51 |
xxl3w | my question has to be easier :P | 08:51 |
TheSheep | swap | 08:51 |
xxl3w | nvm, no it's not. | 08:51 |
rippawallet | orite | 08:51 |
rippawallet | linux-swap? | 08:51 |
TheSheep | yes | 08:51 |
rippawallet | ok | 08:52 |
rippawallet | here are my errors | 08:52 |
TheSheep | !pastebin | 08:52 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 08:52 |
rippawallet | i know i know | 08:52 |
TheSheep | :) | 08:52 |
rippawallet | :P | 08:52 |
rippawallet | err | 08:52 |
rippawallet | okay...... | 08:52 |
rippawallet | now install doesnt run | 08:52 |
rippawallet | LOL | 08:52 |
TheSheep | kewl | 08:52 |
rippawallet | missing command to run | 08:53 |
rippawallet | XD | 08:53 |
rippawallet | ok | 08:53 |
rippawallet | ill reboot | 08:53 |
rippawallet | sec | 08:53 |
TheSheep | rippawallet: when you boot the live cd, there is an option in the menu to check the cd for defects | 08:53 |
TheSheep | rippawallet: good to just make sure :) | 08:53 |
rippawallet | i took no notice of it | 08:53 |
rippawallet | i wil ldo it | 08:53 |
rippawallet | thanks :P | 08:53 |
rippawallet | probably my PC being gay | 08:53 |
rippawallet | _ | 08:53 |
TheSheep | rippawallet: naah, it would be a mac ;) | 08:54 |
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xxl3w | my PC is asexual | 08:54 |
TheSheep | mine is a she | 08:54 |
TheSheep | most of it | 08:54 |
xxl3w | lol | 08:54 |
xxl3w | you wouldn't happen to have any ideas about my question, eh? | 08:55 |
TheSheep | xxl3w: you'd have to ask it first, I'm afraid | 08:55 |
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TheSheep | xxl3w: ah, I see it now, sorry | 08:55 |
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xxl3w | lol :P | 08:55 |
xxl3w | i just read the manual | 08:56 |
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xxl3w | i have two options i'm about to try/// | 08:56 |
TheSheep | xxl3w: the original windows rdesktop used alt+ctrl+del for special stuff, afair | 08:56 |
TheSheep | xxl3w: try f11 or f12 | 08:56 |
TheSheep | xxl3w: or just read the decomuntation ^^) | 08:56 |
Joe-C | Excuse me, I just installed Xubuntu on my computer. I dont know how to switch to Windows (I partitioned my computer.), and I dont know how to change my keyboard settings. (It is set to Canadian English, I want American English.) | 08:56 |
TheSheep | !keyboard | 08:57 |
ubotu | To find out how to switch your keyboard layout, See https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts | 08:57 |
TheSheep | Joe-C: to boot to windows, press 'esc' when your computer boots, then select weindows from the menu | 08:57 |
Joe-C | TheSheep: Thank you very much! | 08:58 |
TheSheep | Joe-C: you can also make the menu always appear or make windows the default | 08:58 |
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TheSheep | but who'd want that ;) | 08:58 |
BrendanM | xxl3w, ctrl+alt+enter | 08:58 |
BrendanM | to switch out of full-screen rdesktop | 08:59 |
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xxl3w | do tell | 09:00 |
xxl3w | awesome | 09:00 |
xxl3w | gotta try that | 09:00 |
xxl3w | i was thinking today about that.... i mean, i don't see a reason we'd need to use it | 09:01 |
xxl3w | but then again.... it is connecting to win2003 server. | 09:01 |
=== rippawallet [n=ubuntu@82-32-33-117.cable.ubr05.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #xubuntu | ||
rippawallet | the cd check returned okay | 09:01 |
xxl3w | that was quick | 09:01 |
rippawallet | TheSheep: ill just run the install now | 09:01 |
xxl3w | i tried it once and after about 30 mins i stopped it | 09:02 |
rippawallet | LOL | 09:02 |
rippawallet | wtfgt | 09:02 |
rippawallet | missing command to run | 09:02 |
rippawallet | is what i get | 09:02 |
rippawallet | unless.... | 09:02 |
rippawallet | orite | 09:02 |
rippawallet | it works | 09:03 |
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rippawallet | i was doing applications>system>install | 09:03 |
rippawallet | :> | 09:03 |
xxl3w | thank you sir, for your help | 09:03 |
rippawallet | no problem | 09:03 |
xxl3w | lol | 09:03 |
xxl3w | not your help | 09:03 |
xxl3w | bredon | 09:03 |
rippawallet | XD | 09:03 |
rippawallet | brb dinner | 09:04 |
rippawallet | oh | 09:04 |
rippawallet | i can stay a minute | 09:04 |
rippawallet | lol | 09:04 |
rippawallet | ok | 09:04 |
rippawallet | here is the partitioner | 09:04 |
rippawallet | sec | 09:04 |
rippawallet | _ | 09:05 |
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rippawallet | i always get errors | 09:05 |
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rippawallet | hm | 09:12 |
rippawallet | how do i jjoin another server in gaim | 09:13 |
rippawallet | XD | 09:13 |
rippawallet | \server doesnt work | 09:14 |
rippawallet | but a forward slash | 09:14 |
rippawallet | lol | 09:14 |
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Joe-C | !keyboard | 09:18 |
ubotu | To find out how to switch your keyboard layout, See https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts | 09:18 |
=== rippawalle1 [n=ubuntu@82-32-33-117.cable.ubr05.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Joe-C | I went into Setup after restarting my computer, but couldnt figure out how to start Windows again. Sorry to ask again, but how do I switch back to Windows on a partitioned hard drive? | 09:20 |
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Joe-C | When I attempt to edit my xorg.conf file to switch my keyboard layout, it says "Can't open file to write", so when I restart my computer, it goes back to Canadian English, but I want American English. | 09:23 |
maxamillion | Joe-C: how did you attempt to edit the file? | 09:24 |
Joe-C | maxamillion: I found it using Thunar and attempted to edit it in mousepad. | 09:26 |
maxamillion | Joe-C: Alt+F2 will open a run dialog and enter into that "gksudo mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf" (without the quotes of course) | 09:27 |
maxamillion | Joe-C: it was just because you didn't have file permissions because you need to have root, su, or sudo privilages | 09:28 |
Joe-C | Thank you maxamillion! | 09:28 |
Joe-C | Do you know how to switch partitions? | 09:28 |
maxamillion | switch partitions? | 09:30 |
maxamillion | could you describe what it is you are trying to do? | 09:30 |
Joe-C | Yes, so I can go back to Windows. | 09:30 |
rippawalle1 | i think he means | 09:30 |
rippawalle1 | choose between windows and ubuntu | 09:30 |
maxamillion | ohhh .... | 09:30 |
rippawalle1 | ^^ | 09:30 |
Joe-C | That's right, sorry I didn't explain it better. | 09:30 |
maxamillion | Joe-C: did you install windows or linux first? | 09:30 |
Joe-C | Windows. | 09:30 |
maxamillion | Joe-C: no worries :) | 09:30 |
maxamillion | Joe-C: awesome .... ok, just open a terminal and do "sudo update-grub" (again, without the quotes) and then reboot ... it should let you select which one you want at boot time | 09:31 |
Joe-C | maxamillion & rippawalle1: Thank you very much! I'll go try it! Will I be able to select it in Setup, or will a menu appear? | 09:33 |
maxamillion | menu will appear | 09:34 |
maxamillion | well ... it should | 09:34 |
Joe-C | Thanks again! | 09:34 |
maxamillion | if it doesn't, just come back and let me know | 09:34 |
rippawalle1 | Bye. | 09:34 |
Joe-C | Will do, bye! | 09:34 |
rippawalle1 | now for my problems | 09:34 |
rippawalle1 | D: | 09:34 |
maxamillion | rippawalle1: shoot | 09:34 |
rippawalle1 | none as of yet | 09:35 |
rippawalle1 | :D | 09:35 |
maxamillion | oh ... lol | 09:35 |
maxamillion | awesome! | 09:35 |
rippawalle1 | but i have a feeling i will get some soon | 09:35 |
rippawalle1 | XD | 09:35 |
maxamillion | why, you doing something crazy like recompiling a custom kernel? | 09:35 |
rippawalle1 | errr | 09:35 |
rippawalle1 | rofl | 09:35 |
rippawalle1 | no | 09:35 |
rippawalle1 | XD | 09:35 |
rippawalle1 | hehe | 09:35 |
rippawalle1 | well | 09:35 |
rippawalle1 | im trying all different ubuntu types | 09:35 |
rippawalle1 | and im trying xubuntu | 09:35 |
rippawalle1 | and installing | 09:36 |
rippawalle1 | XD | 09:36 |
rippawalle1 | but | 09:36 |
rippawalle1 | had to edit the python code | 09:36 |
rippawalle1 | because of the installation bug | 09:36 |
rippawalle1 | __ | 09:36 |
maxamillion | rippawalle1: trying different types won't cause problems ... they all use the same ubuntu-base so if one works, then they all should | 09:36 |
maxamillion | python code on install? | 09:36 |
rippawalle1 | yars | 09:36 |
rippawalle1 | yeah | 09:36 |
maxamillion | huh ... didn't know python controlled the installation | 09:37 |
rippawalle1 | theres a python script | 09:37 |
maxamillion | interesting | 09:37 |
=== maxamillion should know things like this | ||
rippawalle1 | usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/something.py | 09:37 |
rippawalle1 | lol | 09:37 |
rippawalle1 | like | 09:37 |
rippawalle1 | validation.py | 09:37 |
rippawalle1 | which see's if the partition you chose is mounted as / | 09:38 |
rippawalle1 | and other stuff | 09:38 |
maxamillion | ohhh ok | 09:38 |
rippawalle1 | ;D | 09:38 |
rippawalle1 | sudo update-grub | 09:41 |
rippawalle1 | err | 09:41 |
rippawalle1 | wtf | 09:41 |
maxamillion | rippawalle1: ? | 09:41 |
rippawalle1 | upubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo update-grub | 09:41 |
rippawalle1 | Searching for GRUB installation directory ... | 09:41 |
rippawalle1 | No GRUB directory found. | 09:41 |
rippawalle1 | is that good | 09:41 |
rippawalle1 | >_< | 09:41 |
rippawalle1 | well | 09:41 |
maxamillion | is that on a livecd? | 09:41 |
rippawalle1 | im still on the livecd | 09:41 |
rippawalle1 | yeah | 09:41 |
rippawalle1 | ok | 09:41 |
=== rippawalle1 reboots | ||
rippawalle1 | brb mate | 09:41 |
maxamillion | yeah, you would have to specify the location | 09:41 |
maxamillion | ok | 09:41 |
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fijam7 | hello | 09:46 |
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icheyne | is it worth upgrading to XFCE 4.4? | 09:49 |
icheyne | if so, how do I do it? | 09:49 |
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icheyne | I'm at 4.3.99.xxx | 09:49 |
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rippawallet | :D | 09:54 |
icheyne | :? | 09:54 |
rippawallet | xubuntu successfully installed | 09:55 |
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TheSheep | !yeah | 10:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about yeah - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:10 |
TheSheep | :/ | 10:10 |
TheSheep | !yeahconsole | 10:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about yeahconsole - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:10 |
rippawallet | TheSheep: all installed successfuilly | 10:11 |
rippawallet | :D | 10:11 |
TheSheep | rippawallet: congratulations | 10:11 |
rippawallet | :P | 10:11 |
TheSheep | rippawallet: what were the other errors? | 10:11 |
rippawallet | its fine now | 10:12 |
rippawallet | i just deleted linux partition | 10:12 |
rippawallet | and then clicked use unused space | 10:13 |
rippawallet | or some shit | 10:13 |
rippawallet | lol | 10:13 |
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non | An install on a laptop keeps hanging on "Updating anthy.dic" do I need anthy? | 10:26 |
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=== maxamillion is back running xfwm4 at work ... beryl got too annoying and the "oohs and ahhhs" have stopped from the windows using co-workers because it is old news now | ||
TheSheep | :) | 10:33 |
TheSheep | non: you don't nee anthy | 10:33 |
TheSheep | non: you unless you're Japanese | 10:33 |
fxr | whats the story with these broken kernel updates.. ?? i was gonna have a play with VMWARE tonight, am i safe to do do..? | 10:33 |
non | would anthy load with the normal language stuff? | 10:34 |
Commander-Crowe | who's anna nichole smith? | 10:35 |
Commander-Crowe | oops | 10:35 |
Commander-Crowe | wrong channe; | 10:35 |
Commander-Crowe | l | 10:35 |
cyberyak | she used to work at Hartz Crispy Chicken. | 10:35 |
fxr | arf | 10:36 |
non | shes no one now | 10:36 |
cyberyak | maxamillion, what will you do for an encore? Superkaramba? | 10:36 |
cyberyak | or are they still impressed with the right clicking for a "Start" Menu? | 10:37 |
TheSheep | non: you can stop the generation of anthy dict by going to a second terminal and killing it | 10:37 |
non | TheSheep: OK thanks | 10:37 |
maxamillion | cyberyak: encore ... Superkaramba? ... i am not familiar with either of those | 10:38 |
TheSheep | cyberyak: I spent two weeks trying to set it up on windows :) | 10:38 |
TheSheep | maxamillion: encore=bis, superkaramba=macos dock ripoff | 10:38 |
maxamillion | ah ok | 10:38 |
maxamillion | thanks TheSheep | 10:38 |
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cyberyak | sorry, was on the phone-but basically what he said. | 10:41 |
maxamillion | no worries | 10:42 |
cyberyak | In vista, can you get the start menu with a rt. click? | 10:43 |
cyberyak | on the desktop anywhere? | 10:43 |
maxamillion | cyberyak: don't know ... never used vista | 10:45 |
cyberyak | heheheh, I should load beryl and do a Brown Bag Training Session--we had one on Vista a while back. | 10:46 |
grazie_ | ...and I hope I never have to use vista | 10:48 |
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maxamillion | i wont!!!! they let me run linux at work so even when they do upgrade, i won't be bothered by it unless i have to fix it (which i assume will be far too often) | 10:52 |
rippawallet | how do i add another user | 10:53 |
rippawallet | and xubuntu | 10:53 |
Mlittle | how do you add xubuntu? | 10:54 |
maxamillion | rippawallet: sudo adduser | 10:54 |
rippawallet | thx | 10:54 |
maxamillion | np | 10:55 |
rippawallet | adduser: Only one or two names allowed. | 10:56 |
maxamillion | rippawallet: now many users you trying to add? | 10:57 |
rippawallet | 1 | 10:57 |
rippawallet | >_< | 10:57 |
maxamillion | rippawallet: Applications->System->Users and Groups | 10:57 |
rippawallet | thanks | 10:57 |
maxamillion | rippawallet: that's the GUI way ... i'm just a little old school ;) | 10:57 |
rippawallet | lol | 10:57 |
rippawallet | i forgot root pass | 10:57 |
rippawallet | XD | 10:57 |
rippawallet | oh well | 10:57 |
rippawallet | i dont need | 10:57 |
rippawallet | right | 10:57 |
maxamillion | root pass is your pass ... unless you specifically enabled a root account and made a separate password for it | 10:58 |
rippawallet | well | 10:58 |
rippawallet | ii dont know | 10:58 |
rippawallet | im trying to introduce my family to linux | 10:58 |
rippawallet | do you know a good messenger | 10:58 |
rippawallet | not gaim | 10:58 |
cyberyak | there was a good one that I was using....pyEnhanced or something. | 10:59 |
cyberyak | or there is an updated for of that. | 10:59 |
rippawallet | tha nks | 10:59 |
cyberyak | should be at freshmeat.net | 11:00 |
grazie_ | maxamillion: do you know if dapper supports compositor? | 11:00 |
cyberyak | yahelite is supposed to run in wine. | 11:00 |
maxamillion | grazie_: sure does | 11:00 |
maxamillion | grazie_: compositor has been around in xfce for years | 11:00 |
cyberyak | what is compositor? | 11:01 |
grazie_ | maxamillion: I've done some screencasts for enabling transparency. I'll put them on the wiki | 11:01 |
grazie_ | maxamillion: but I can't test with dapper | 11:01 |
rippawallet | do i already have a compiler | 11:02 |
maxamillion | cyberyak: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xfce | 11:02 |
rippawallet | with xubuntu | 11:02 |
maxamillion | rippawallet: no .... use whatever package manager you enjoy best and install the package build-essential | 11:02 |
grazie_ | maxamillion: what do you think? | 11:02 |
maxamillion | grazie_: ah, yeah ... dapper should be able the same, i don't have a dapper machine or else i would test for you | 11:02 |
rippawallet | reccomend a good one? | 11:03 |
rippawallet | D: | 11:03 |
maxamillion | rippawallet: for what langauge? | 11:03 |
rippawallet | patoi | 11:03 |
rippawallet | C | 11:03 |
maxamillion | rippawallet: gcc .. it is part of the build-essentials package | 11:03 |
rippawallet | orite | 11:04 |
rippawallet | XD | 11:04 |
maxamillion | rippawallet: never heard of patoi | 11:04 |
rippawallet | its jamaican | 11:04 |
rippawallet | lol | 11:04 |
maxamillion | rippawallet: jamaican for what? | 11:04 |
grazie_ | maxamillion: does compositor need to be set up like edgy or does it work out of the box? | 11:04 |
maxamillion | cyberyak: sorry, that was a bad link to answer your question ... this one is better ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compositing_window_manager | 11:05 |
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maxamillion | grazie_: no clue ... i never use it | 11:05 |
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barrett9h | Hi. I installed mplayer from source, using checkinstall. Now every time I boot, the update manager shows up, telling me to upgrade mplayer. How do I override it? | 11:06 |
grazie_ | anyone using dapper? | 11:06 |
rippawallet | maxamillion: I mean, its a jamican dialect | 11:07 |
rippawallet | XD | 11:07 |
maxamillion | ohhh ok | 11:07 |
maxamillion | grazie_: not that i know of | 11:07 |
grazie_ | maxamillion: funny...I get ask about things by dapper users quite often....none around now though! | 11:09 |
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maxamillion | grazie_: lol, go figure | 11:11 |
=== alnokta|gbtgas is now known as alnokta | ||
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Pekke | maxamillion: hi! i tried to update dapper to egdy yesterday, but it ended up every time with the x11-common dependencies or something. i got my xubuntu updated and working again. i needed to change sources.list back to dapper, and then i did update, upgrade and install. after that i could use the graphical upgrading tool. | 11:21 |
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maxamillion | Pekke: noooo!!! don't use the graphical upgrade tool, it has a critical bug and can hurt your system | 11:22 |
Pekke | well, i did it already, and this is working fine now.... | 11:22 |
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TheSheep | maxamillion: I noticed that *adding* repositories for new version, instead of *replacing* the old repositiories with them makes it go a little smoother | 11:24 |
maxamillion | TheSheep: oh .. interesting | 11:24 |
Pekke | maxamillion: so what bug is in the graphical distribution tool? in the edgyUpgrade-site it says that the command-line upgrading fails easily.. | 11:26 |
maxamillion | Pekke: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/68027 | 11:27 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 68027 in update-manager "sudo update-manager -c -d crashes during xubuntu upgrade" [High,Confirmed] | 11:27 |
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