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RAOFAnyone feel like reviewing either specto ( http://forum.go-compiz.org/viewtopic.php?t=498 ) or gimmie ( http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=4309 )?12:27
=== givr1 [n=Florent@APuteaux-152-1-93-221.w90-2.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu-motu []
sistpotyRAOF: give me 5 minutes, then I'll take a look12:31
Toadstoo1gra... routers upgrades suck :p12:34
sistpotyToadstoo1: why... just ipkg dist-upgrade (or s.th. like that) *G*12:34
sistpotyRAOF: does gimmie require python >= 2.5?12:38
RAOFsistpoty: It doesn't, but my patch to link in the python lib is hardcoded to 2.512:38
RAOFMy autotools-foo is insufficient to handle the general case :(12:39
sistpotyRAOF: ok, no problem12:39
sistpotyRAOF: it FTBFS on amd64 :(12:41
RAOFsistpoty: What?  I *built* it on amd64!12:41
RAOFI'll check.12:41
sistpotyRAOF: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4778/12:41
RAOFUm, why would docbook2x-man segfault :(12:42
sistpotythough I must admit line 22 is looks a little bit suspicous as if it wasn't gimmie's fault12:42
sistpotyRAOF: maybe docbook2x-man is just borked atm :(12:43
RAOFIt's possible my docbook is malformed, but I don't *think* it is.  Know of any validators?12:44
sistpotysorry, nope12:44
RAOFAlso, it's just successfully built on *my* AMD64 system.12:44
RAOFLet's try it in a pbuilder...12:45
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sistpotyRAOF: please try a fresh pbuilder... (mine is state of ~yesterday, since I use a mirror)12:47
sistpotyRAOF: as in pbuilder update12:47
sistpotyRAOF: maybe docbook-to-man might do the job as well (package name == binary name)12:48
RAOFHm, my (unupdated) pbuilder also died with a segfault in docbook2x12:48
RAOFOk, I'll give it a try.12:48
sistpotyRAOF: others than that, the sourcepackage looks quite nice, thought I don't see the full picture without being able to build the package yet.12:49
RAOFYay :)12:50
=== sistpoty is out for a cigarette
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RAOFsistpoty: Is it OK for me to just include the pregenerated gimmie.1 file?01:14
=== TheMuso will be out for the day, but will be able to help with reviewing tonight.
sistpotyRAOF: as long as you "fix" it once the docbook package is fixed, I don't have a problem with it.01:15
RAOFOk.  I'll do that, and upload again.01:16
=== Arrogance [n=aks@ottawa-hs-209-217-79-61.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== sistpoty needs to go to bed now
sistpotygn8 everyone01:17
=== givr1 [n=Florent@APuteaux-152-1-25-248.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Arroganceare there any plans to upgrade java-package to support Java 1.6 in Feisty?01:35
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pochuArrogance: java6 is already in Feisty02:15
pochuArrogance: oh, you mean java-package :) I don't know, but is that package also in Debian?02:16
crimsunyes, it is.02:17
crimsun(we import it from Debian)02:17
pochucrimsun: then we should wait until Debian updates it, right? :)02:19
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lfittlhmm, do we have libxcb packaged in Ubuntu?02:21
crimsunpochu: not necessarily.02:22
pochulfittl: I think we haven't02:23
fernandohi all02:23
pochuhi fernando :)02:23
pochucrimsun: but that would be a merge, right?02:24
pochucrimsun: I'm a little n00b :)02:24
lfittlpochu, yep, seems so, the question that bothers me is why ;)02:25
pochulfittl: I don't know what that package is, what it is for :)02:26
fernandohey pochu 02:26
lfittlnew x client side library for C, cool stuff02:26
crimsunwe should wait on libxcb, since it'll be tied to debian-x/x-swat02:27
crimsunpochu: what needs to be merged into 0.28?02:28
lfittlyep, already in debian/experimental, but I guess it won't make feisty, right?02:28
pochucrimsun: Arrogance ask for support java602:29
tepsipakkilfittl: _if_ xorg-7.2 makes it in, so does libxcb02:29
crimsunlfittl: sure, we can ask for it to be imported into universe, but it's largely useless just sitting there by itself02:30
tepsipakkithe new libx11 depends on it02:30
crimsunpochu: which distributor (ibm or sun)?02:30
crimsunpochu: as you've stated, 7,04/multiverse has it already02:30
lfittltepsipakki, I guess that xorg 7.2 stuff is unrealistic, it's a little late in the release cycle for such a big upgrade02:31
crimsunlfittl: / tepsipakki: extremely unrealistic. It won't happen for 7.04.02:31
pochucrimsun: yes, it is, but it supports java 4 and 5, but not 602:31
lfittlcrimsun, k, thanks for the info02:31
tepsipakkicrimsun: were you in the meeting today?02:32
pochucrimsun: or that is what the package info says :)02:32
tepsipakkithey discussed 7.202:32
crimsuntepsipakki: no, I just got off a plane02:32
tepsipakkiwell, I have everything else ready except mesa02:32
crimsuntepsipakki: so what was the consensus?02:32
tepsipakkidon't know yet, since I wasn't there, but Colin will sen an email tomorrow to -devel02:33
tepsipakkisuggested that I should read the irclog02:33
tepsipakki..which isn't available yet02:33
crimsunif 7.04 ships with 7.2, I'm going to cry bitterly02:33
tepsipakkihow so? :)02:34
TheMusocrimsun: Surely not.02:34
RAOFYou don't feel like more X breakage?02:34
TheMusoSurely it won't ship with 7.202:34
lfittltepsipakki, http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ubuntu-meeting-2007-02-08.html02:34
crimsunwell, I like breakage as much as the next person, but I'm not willing to support breakage02:34
ajmitchcrimsun: because there's noone who knows X well enough to deal with corner case breakage?02:34
=== ajmitch likes new software. as long as it's supportable
tepsipakkilfittl: thanks02:35
crimsunpochu: have you read debian 322843 ?02:37
UbugtuDebian bug 322843 in java-package "java-package: support for jdk 1.6" [Wishlist,Open]  http://bugs.debian.org/32284302:37
ajmitchtepsipakki: how much of 7.2 have you prepared?02:37
pochucrimsun: I'm not interested in that, it's Arrogance who asked for that :)02:37
tepsipakkiajmitch: proto, lib, xorg-server02:38
pochucrimsun: but thanks anyway ;)02:38
tepsipakkiso, most of it02:38
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pochuhi Hobbsee :)02:38
tepsipakkiand I've been building them now, not many libs to go02:38
crimsunArrogance: have you integrated support from http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=322843 ?02:38
UbugtuDebian bug 322843 in java-package "java-package: support for jdk 1.6" [Wishlist,Open]  02:38
Hobbseehey pochu!02:39
tepsipakkibut for me, this has been a way to learn something, so even if they won't make it for feisty, maybe debian could use some of the effort02:40
Hobbseehey ajmitch!02:40
crimsuntepsipakki: certainly, but have you checked XSF's git?02:43
tepsipakkicrimsun: yes, some of those are there but the dificult ones (libx11, xorg-server) not02:44
crimsuntepsipakki: right, I hadn't seen those commits02:44
tepsipakkiI haven't committed anything anywhere, just meant that some packages are straight from experimental ;)02:45
crimsuntepsipakki: right, I mean the XSF commit messages coming across debian-x02:46
tepsipakkioh, yeah02:46
Arrogancecrimsun, yes02:47
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crimsunArrogance: regression-tested?02:51
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bddebianHeya gang03:12
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zulfreaking viacom03:15
bddebianYeah, freakin' viacom!03:18
=== ajmitch waits for zul to snap
zulnot worth it ;)03:20
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ScottKHobbsee: Thanks for your help last night/this morning with getting my packages in before UVF.03:26
HobbseeScottK: :)03:27
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rmjbHey guys03:36
=== Hobbsee waves
bddebianHello rmjb03:38
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crimsunugh, we'd need to have X.Org 7.2 (including possibly input-hotplug)03:44
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crimsunready within a very, very short timeframe03:45
Burgundaviacrimsun: are you really shocked?03:45
Burgundaviawe habe been ignoring X for a very long time03:45
Burgundaviaok, I official hate the control centre03:46
ajmitchBurgundavia: partly due to the lack of a maintainer03:46
ajmitchsince noone wants to invest time in it, and they've been trying to hire03:47
Burgundaviawhy doesn't the about me capplet control my default display and input language?03:47
Burgundaviain fact, where do I change my default display language?03:47
ajmitchprobably too distro-specific or something stupid03:47
ajmitchlanguage-selector, don't know where it is in control centre03:48
Burgundavialanguage support?03:48
=== ajmitch did switch his desktop to french at one point
Burgundavianah, that just chooses the systems default03:48
crimsuntepsipakki: if you're willing to join ubuntu-x-swat, I'll pitch in as well03:48
Burgundaviausers and grounds need a switch to control either local or ldap groups03:48
ajmitchcrimsun: I thought you were stepping down?03:48
Burgundaviacrimsun: I can help with some basic bug triage03:49
Burgundaviaplus users and groups should tie into about me03:49
crimsunajmitch: I had planned to curtail my involvement, but these issues seem rather dire03:49
Burgundaviacrimsun: why were you planning to control your involvement?03:49
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crimsunBurgundavia: work is slicing away at my time03:50
Burgundaviaah, ouch03:50
ajmitchwork does take precedence03:50
Burgundaviaajmitch: maybe I cannot change the default display language without logging in and out?03:50
ajmitchBurgundavia: that would be stupid, but I wouldn't be surprised03:51
bddebiancrimsun: So quit ;-P03:51
ajmitchBurgundavia: in fact, that's probably more likely03:51
crimsunbddebian: of course!  *light bulb*03:51
ajmitchsince it's all controlled by environment variables03:51
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Burgundaviaajmitch: ouch, that sucks03:52
ajmitchBurgundavia: blame POSIX03:52
ajmitchmost i18n stuff is unknown to me03:52
Burgundaviahmm, only about half the default menu is translated03:53
BurgundaviaI need to go through and file bugs on stuff that isn't translated, I think03:54
ajmitchin what language?03:54
ajmitchdidn't know you could read that :)03:54
Burgundaviaplus the default layout doesn't work for arabic03:54
Burgundaviagiven it is a RTL language03:54
BurgundaviaI can only barely03:54
Burgundaviakids stuff, basically03:55
ajmitchwith a RTL language, all the widgets should switch RTL as well03:55
Burgundaviathe default panel layout should be completely flipped if you have an RTL language03:55
Burgundaviamost of the widgets do03:55
Burgundaviaincluding the button order03:55
BurgundaviaI don't think the panel layout is defined in gconf, however, mostly due to the fact that the panel needs a complete rewrite03:56
ajmitchpanel layout is in config files in ~/.gnome203:56
ajmitchor maybe not..03:57
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=== bddebian wonders how many people actually USE the crap they throw up on REVU
crimsunI do!04:11
rmjbI use my crap04:11
LaserJockI don't!04:12
LaserJockand neither does the author04:12
LaserJockoh well04:12
crimsunof course deities don't.04:12
bddebianWell some of it just seems.... Odd04:12
Hobbseebddebian: which in particular?04:12
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bddebiancrimsun: You're above REVU d00d :-)04:12
rmjbI saw one today that looked odd04:13
bddebianHobbsee: I can't name a specific one, just see a lot of "stuff"04:13
Hobbseeahhh.  yes04:13
rmjbthis one: gmountiso  - This is Gmountiso, a PyGTK GUI to mount your cd images04:13
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LaserJockrmjb: we already have gisomount04:14
bddebianYeah and now we have both :-)04:14
rmjbI had a question, how does alacarte get updated with new package info? I saw my package make it into feisty's alaracte and I didn't do anything04:15
rmjbLaserJock: I'll have to check out gisomount04:15
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LaserJockrmjb: it was written by cbx33 (Edubuntu MOTU)04:16
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bddebianLaserJock: Get reviewing libtifiles2 will ya? :-)04:22
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LaserJockbddebian: libtifiles2?04:26
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LaserJockI'm not reviewing anything right now04:29
bddebianpfft :-)04:30
=== ajmitch isn't reviewing
LaserJockhmm, Edgy kernel still isn't up04:31
=== bddebian stops too then
rmjb_g'nite guys04:33
bddebianGnight rmjb04:33
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mohammadI am triying to use dh_link when I call it with arguments it create the symbolic links but when I put the source destination in package.link04:41
mohammadno symbolic link is created! 04:41
mohammadhow can I get use of debian/package.link ?04:42
bddebianNot to be sarcastic but are you sure you are using the correct package name?04:43
mohammadbddebian: suppose the name of my package is zekr, then I should use zekr.link or package.link?04:46
mohammadioi !! thank you .......... : ) ) )04:47
mohammadbddebian: you had written a comment on my package04:49
mohammadbdebian: E: Unrecoverable error installing build-dependencies. 04:49
mohammadhow did you get this error?04:49
bddebianUsing pbuilder04:50
mohammadyou know to install sun-java* you need to accept a license 04:50
mohammadif you modify your pbuilderrc 04:51
vilhi, bddebian, mohammad04:51
bddebianI was going to ask you about that.  Have you tried to build it with gcj?04:51
bddebianHello vil04:52
vili got the same problem04:52
mohammadyou have to change 04:52
mohammadexport DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" 04:52
mohammadto 04:52
mohammadexport DEBIAN_FRONTEND="readline" 04:52
vili was playing around with a package for multiverse, which depended on sun-java04:52
mohammadthen pbuilder will ask you to agree the sun license then it the dependencies will be satisfied04:53
bddebianHave you tried it with gcj?04:53
vilbut will this get through the automatic build, whenever you upload it to the archives?04:53
mohammadbedebian: zekr only works with sun-java* not with gcj, Yes I have tried, but gcj has not implemented some api's needed by zekr, so zekr does not work with gcj04:54
bddebianToo bad, screw Sun :-)04:55
mohammadvil: I do not know04:56
vilmohammad, neither me, maybe someone here will know04:58
mohammadbddebian: in this case can sponsers upload zekr to ubuntu repositories?04:59
vilmohammad, which particular api is problem for gcj?04:59
bddebianSure but I assume it will have to go in Multiverse04:59
mohammadbddebian: because it depends on a non-free software it will go in Multiverse?05:00
mohammadvil: well I dunno exactly, I think zekr uses some kind of regular expressions. 05:02
LaserJockdo we have a Java team?05:02
bddebiandoko :-)05:02
vilyes, doko is pretty much the java team :-)05:03
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vilmohammad, anyway, if you would like to discus any particular problem with running it under gcj, you can try write me to see, if i can help05:05
mohammadIs there any free replacement for sun-java* except gcj?05:05
vilmohammad, kaffe, sablevm, cocoa05:06
vilalthough gcj seems to be the current favorite05:07
mohammadvil: thank you :) I will test them to see whether zekr can work them. infact I myself dunno exactly which api's has been used in zekr which gcj does not support, I will ask the zekr developer05:09
vilmohammad, sorry, the last one is cacao05:09
bddebianJust re-write it in python or something ;-P05:09
vilmohammad, you can find me here or on launchpad so feel free to write me a mail, if i can help05:10
fbondbut ... (may be a bit late here) ... java is GPL now, anyway, so ...05:11
mohammadvil: thanks for your kindness, if I face any problem I will contact you :)05:11
RAOFAnyone hankering to review a package?05:12
vilfbond, afaik java run-time libs are still not under gpl and it will take some time until it all makes it into universe05:14
bddebianRAOF: Which package?05:14
RAOFYour choice of specto ( http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=4321 ) or gimmie05:15
RAOFbddebian: gimmie should now build.  And I should file a bug on docbook2x-man :-|05:16
mohammadfbond: it needs accepting a license, doent it?05:17
fbondthe current versions, yes...05:17
fbondhow long could it posssibly take for the GPL'd versions to hit the repos?05:18
vilfbond, doko is the java-team05:18
bddebianAs far as I'm concerned we can just remove all java :-)05:18
fbondI wouldn't complain05:19
fbondswing is ugly as hell anyway05:19
mohammadwell but swt is not ugly :)05:19
fbondROAF: you may, in the future, want to try using xsltproc with docbook-xsl instead of docbook2x-man05:19
fbondmohammad, what's swt?05:20
RAOFfbond: I may well.05:20
vilfbond, for example eclipse uses swt05:20
viland it does not look bad05:20
RAOFI just copied what some other motu did in a pacakge on REVU.05:20
fbondvil, never touched eclipse -- I understand it has a bit of a following :)05:20
mohammadThe Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) is a graphical widget toolkit for the Java platform. It is an alternative to the AWT and Swing Java GUI toolkits provided by Sun Microsystems as part of the Java standard. (from wiki)05:21
fbondRAOF, it works fine for most things05:21
fbondthe docbook-xsl stylesheets have been improving lately05:21
fbondmohammad, so who provides SWT if not Sun?05:21
mohammadAround this time, IBM was developing their VisualAge development integrated development environment (IDE), coded in Smalltalk.05:22
RAOFI just wanted something ridiculously simple to satisfy the /usr/bin-must-have-man-page05:22
fbondRAOF: works fine, no complaints here :)05:22
mohammadfbond: I think it is related to eclipse05:22
RAOFNext time, I'll look into it :)05:22
fbondjust a suggestion that might make life easier in the future05:22
=== ScottK [n=ScottK@static-72-81-252-22.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
fbondmohammad, ah...ok05:22
ScottKRAOF: Unless you actually call those python programs as a script, the solution to the warning is to remove the shebang (I learned this the hard way recently).05:24
mohammadI have another problem. the zekr developer has not written any Makefile. I write myself should I simply put it in the source directory? or in patches?05:25
RAOFScottK: You mean the "everything in /usr/bin must have a manpage"?  Why would you install some python in /usr/bin that *wasn't* a script?05:26
ScottKNo the "W: specto: script-not-executable " warnings05:27
ScottKBut looking at the time of the message I"m reading, I'm wondering if I'm looking at an old upload...05:28
RAOFScottK: Um... I must have missed those warnings.  "specto" should *definitely* be executable.05:29
mohammadany idea?05:29
ScottKExecutable yes, but not necessarily a script.05:29
vilmohammad, there seems to be a build.xml ant file, which replaces a makefile05:30
ScottKIf they just get used via a Python import inside another Python program, then no shebang is needed (and in fact not wanted).05:30
RAOFbddebian: You'd like me to silence all those lintian errors by removing the shebangs from the start of those .py files?05:30
bddebianOr making them executable.  Whatever is appropriate :-)05:31
mohammadyes there is (actually I asks him to put that build.xml in tar.gz), so should I put my makefile in patches?05:31
=== RAOF fires up dpatch
bddebianI see you have some in gimmie too :-)05:32
vilmohammad, you don't need makefile, you can build using ant directly using cdbs for example05:33
=== RAOF pushes to the stack
mohammadvil: ok is there any simple howto on cdbs?05:35
mohammadvil: is it illegal to use dpatch and put my Makefile completely in debian/patches ?05:37
fbondmohammad, you don't need a Makefile, just put the necessary ant commands in debian/rules05:37
fbondCDBS is a smarter, more advanced way to do debian/rules stuff05:37
fbondbut it has a learning curve05:38
vilmohammad, try this file:///usr/share/doc/cdbs/cdbs-doc.html#example-ant or better looking at some existing java packages (ending with -java)05:38
vilit is legal to put inside your own makefile, but in this situation unnecesary05:39
RAOFDoes anyone have a quick piece of sed-ery to strip out shebangs from a whole bunch of files?05:40
mohammadvil: thank you :)05:46
mohammadthank you all for your helping, buy :)05:46
vilsee you05:47
mohammadsee you05:47
RAOFbddebian: The final lintian warning for specto is "extra-license-file /usr/shar/doc/specto/COPYING"05:50
bddebianRemove that from docs05:50
RAOFbddebian: Now, in order to silence this warning I'd need to patch about.py05:50
RAOFThe source uses that file.05:50
bddebianHmm, you could add a lintian override I suppose and make a note in README.Debian, but I'm not sure if that is the "right" answer? :-(05:51
RAOFWell, I could patch about.py to not use that file at all, by including it inline.  But that's a bit ugly05:53
bddebianProbably best to ask someone smarter than me :-)05:53
fbondwhy not patch about.py to use the /usr/share/common-licenses file ... ?05:53
RAOFfbond: A *much* better idea!05:54
RAOFThank you.05:54
bddebianw00t, go fbond05:54
RAOFAlso simplifies debian/rules.  Yay05:54
=== bddebian hates licensing shit :-)
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RAOFbddebian: Now with no lintian output :)06:02
RAOFOh, as soon as it actually gets processed *blush*.06:03
RAOFbddebian: Gimmie's also done.06:09
RAOFI'm off, so review at leisure :)06:09
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TheMusoHey all.07:54
\shmoins TheMuso07:55
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elyon225Was just curious.... who decides what packages to include?  And how can a lowly developer like myself get my own apps into the reps?08:09
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Fujitsuelyon225: We'll accept most packages, and people generally suggest things to include. What applications do you develop?08:12
dettoaltrimenti_are these the people who decide which programs to put in the repositories in adept?08:13
Fujitsudettoaltrimenti_, you could call us that.08:13
elyon225Fujitsu: Well, right now I'm just working on a new frontend for Dosbox... very advanced, yet easy to use.  All the frontends I've seen so far really suck.08:13
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Fujitsuelyon225: I agree with that last bit.08:14
elyon225Fujitsu: Hehe.... I had grown up in Windows...and one thing Windows has going for it is that it's GUI's are usually top-notch.  Not the case with Linux.08:15
elyon225Fujitsu: Is there a website that I could visit that would explain all the ins and outs of the repositories?  It's all very confusing to me how it is decided what goes where and how the packages are hosted.08:16
FujitsuI'm not sure of a page about it...08:17
FujitsuBut it's fairly simple.08:17
FujitsuPackages go into either main, restricted, universe, or multiverse. main and restricted are officially supported by Canonical, whereas universe and multiverse are supported/developed by the community. main and universe contain only fully-Free software, with restricted and multiverse containing the non-free stuff.08:18
elyon225So, the chances of me getting my own package into main or universe are extremely rare, correct?08:19
Fujitsumain, perhaps. But universe is almost trivial to get packages into.08:20
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elyon225Fujitsu: So, once I get my app finished and ready for release, what is the next step to get it into the repos?08:21
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FujitsuEither package it yourself, or find someone to do it for you.08:21
FujitsuWhat is this frontend written in?08:21
elyon225Promise not to laugh at me?08:22
elyon225It's written in REALBasic... I can't find any other RAD IDE's for LInux.08:23
FujitsuAh, that sort of counts out packaging in the near future.08:23
elyon225I have no clue about programming in Linux.  I'm trying to learn Ruby, but I"m so used to an IDE that will allow me to simply click a button to run it, you know?08:24
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AnAntHello, what's the watch file for?08:35
LaserJockfor updating the package to new upstream versions08:37
LaserJockit gives a regex for the url to download a new tarball08:37
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AnAntif a package has this version format <num>.<num2>.<num3>, how should the URL be ?08:42
AnAntjust http://<base_url>/app-\(.*\)\.tar\.gz08:42
TheMusoAnAnt: I suggest you find some other packages that have a watch file, and have a look at those for reference.08:43
AnAntTheMuso: ok, thanks08:44
TheMusoAnAnt: No problem.08:44
AnAntso, is there something added in the rules files or so to handle that watch file ?08:45
TheMusoAnAnt: No.08:47
TheMusoAnAnt: have you read through the Debian packaging policy at all/08:47
AnAntsome of it08:47
TheMusothat explains the watch file.08:48
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AnAntI was reading uscan manual08:48
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movii want to create a package for universe, i successfully packaged it using checkinstall but i have a few problems08:48
movifirst off, checkinstall doesnt allaow me to put in the dependencies08:49
moviis there a different, more robust way to make a package08:49
movione that will allow me to use my template, that i will change when the version changes08:49
TheMuso!packagingguide movi 08:51
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources08:52
TheMusoSorry, I meant to try and send that directly to you, but I don't know how to use the bot as well as others. :)08:52
moviit's cool08:54
movianyway, once i construct a good deb package, how hard is it to get it into unvierse ?08:55
ubotuREVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU08:55
moviok, thanks :)08:55
Fujitsumovi: Do not reference the checkinstall package when building one to go into universe. checkinstall is the root of all evil.08:56
movihmm, the REVU page sounds complicated :/, ill concentrate on building properly first08:57
moviis it necessesary that i have a chroot environment ?08:58
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dholbachgood morning08:59
TheMusoA pbuilder environment is strongly recommended.08:59
LaserJockhi dholbach 08:59
TheMusoHey dholbach.08:59
ajmitchhey daniel09:00
dholbachhey LaserJock, hey TheMuso, hey ajmitch09:00
lfittlmorning dholbach 09:18
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lfittlah, but now, morning dholbach_ :)09:20
dholbachhey lfittl09:21
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FujitsuHey dholbach.09:23
dholbachhey Fujitsu09:24
movione question09:25
LaserJockonly 1? that's pretty good09:26
moviim trying to build hello using debhleper, but the ubuntu source packages dont have a prerm and postinst09:26
movidid something change ?09:26
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moviwhat is wrong?09:43
movigpg : no public saveable key space (eof) (roughly translated from PL)09:44
moviwhen trying to create my key 09:44
FujitsuI've not seen that error before, but it's possible that the permissions on ~/.gnupg are stuffed.09:45
LaserJockmovi: the ubuntu hello-debhelper packages has a postinst and prerm09:47
\shmovi: are you creating a key on a gpg smartcard?09:47
moviumm, im doing the way it's shown here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto09:49
moviah yes, the permissions were wrong09:50
moviall is working now09:50
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movidid intel stop packing RNG's to the Pentium 4's ?09:52
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LaserJockanybody in here use mini-dinstall?09:53
LaserJockhmm, did I already ask that question before? I'm losing my mind09:54
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moviLaserJock, i kid you not, mine doesnt :/09:58
LaserJockapt-get source hello-debhelper09:59
LaserJockshould be in hello-debhelper-2.1.1/debian/10:00
movichangelog  compat  control  copyright  rules10:01
moviall ive got10:01
moviive just re-downloaded and still none of those files10:02
LaserJockmovi: what version of Ubuntu?10:03
LaserJockI don't think it's changed but I'm on Edgy10:03
movii cans end you the diff.gz10:04
movi*can send10:04
LaserJockmovi: you're right, new hello-debhelper package10:05
LaserJock  * Removed prerm and postinst, as info files are missing now.10:06
moviare they needed though? ;] 10:07
LaserJocknot anymore10:07
LaserJockI'm going to have to fix that10:07
LaserJockI go and use the hello package because they don't change often10:08
LaserJockand they go an change them on me ;-)10:08
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movicould someone help me set up pbuilder with my gpg key? i created one but pbuilder doesnt see it11:30
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Fujitsupbuilder shouldn't be doing anything to do with GPG.11:30
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movierr i mean dpkg-buildppackage11:36
FujitsuMake sure the name and email address are identical to those on your GPG key.11:36
movioh, actually theyre different11:37
movinow i noticed11:37
moviah yes, now it works :)11:38
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moviquestion, i have a .build file12:02
moviany way i can using it build a deb package, to see if everything went fine ?12:02
geserisn't the .build file the pbuilder logfile?12:05
moviwell what i mean is that pbuilder finished building12:06
movibut i dont see a deb file anywhere12:06
geserlook in /var/cache/pbuilder/result12:06
moviaahh yes :)12:06
movialright then, time to build my own package!12:07
movijust one question12:07
movidoes building from svn differ much from building from a tarball ?12:08
movisince i dont have a original tar.gz file12:09
geserthen you will need to create one yourself12:09
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moviis there a nice way to finding out the build dependencies ?01:08
moviinstead of trial-and-error ?01:08
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_ionOften reading configure.in/.ac suffices.01:08
FujitsuOr reading README, or the website.01:09
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fbondanyone have a quick suggestion as to why my apt-mirror, running on edgy, fails to mirror the fesity repos?02:43
fbondI get no error messages...02:43
coNPfbond: sorry to ask that but do you have feisty repos in your apt-mirror config file?02:44
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fbondit's awfully strange; do I have to have the feisty repos in sources.list, too?02:45
coNPnot at all02:45
coNPI have feisty mirrored on an edgy02:46
coNPi.e. edgy + feisty repos in mirrors.list, only edgy in sources.list02:46
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fbondright, that's my setup, too...02:47
coNPdo you mirror archive.ubuntu.com?02:47
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fbondI have it listed on two separate lines, though ...02:49
fbondthe logs indicate that it is downloading02:49
fbondthe correct files02:49
fbondbut the files aren't there ...02:49
coNPfbond: you mean no /var/spool/apt-mirror/mirror/archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty* dirs?02:49
fbonddeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy main restricted universe multiverse02:50
fbonddeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty main restricted universe multiverse02:50
fbondthose are in my mirror.list ...02:50
fbond(the appropriate deb-src lines are there two, just didn't paste them)02:50
fbondi do get the feisty* directories under /var/spool/apt-mirror/skel/...02:52
fbondjust not under the actual mirror dir ...02:52
zakameevening all02:55
ScottKGood evening.02:55
coNPfbond: sorry, no more ideas, maybe pastebin your whole mirror.list02:55
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fbondcoNP: thanks, I'll look at it some more and go to forum if need be ...03:01
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bddebianHeya gang03:42
givreheya bddebian 03:43
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bddebianHi givre03:43
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ScottKheya bddebian.03:52
bddebianHi ScottK03:54
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slytherindholbach: ping04:59
dholbachslytherin: pong04:59
slytherindholbach: pm?04:59
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ScottKI am working on packaging a Python YAML processor.  The upstream tarball directory is PyYAML-3.04 and the tarball is PyYAML-3.04.tar.gz.  dkpg-source, of course, wants these all in small letters.  It whines, but builds the package.  Do I need to repack orig.tar.gz to fix this or can we live with it?06:51
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_ionscottk: Rename Foo-1.23.tar.gz to foo_1.23.orig.tar.gz and rename Foo-1.23 to foo-1.23. Then package it normally. When unpacking it in the future, dpkg-source will extract it to the correct directory.07:04
_ionscottk: No need to repack it.07:04
ScottKOK.  Will do.  Thanks.07:04
_ionCheck that the files in debian/ (changelog, control especially) contain the correct package name.07:05
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ScottKI have a new Python package ready for review if any MOTU are available - http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=4328?07:10
_ion(Perhaps python-yaml would be a better name for that specific package.)07:12
ScottKI used that for the binary (since it's required), but I thought it better to stay with the upstream name for the source package.  I'm open to changing it if others think it would be better.07:13
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bigonHi, Is it possible to ask the archive admin to rebuild a package? rebuilding python-pam fix bug #6996707:47
UbugtuMalone bug 69967 in python-pam "python-pam contains NO PYTHON!" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6996707:47
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geserbigon: a new upload is needed because you need a greater version as the one on the archive07:53
geserno further change than adding the new version to the changelog is needed07:54
bigongeser: ok07:56
geserbigon: I'm preparing a new package right now07:57
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bigongeser:  ok thx :) 07:59
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keescookis there really no apt version of "rpm -V" to verify an installed package's files' owner/perms/md5sum?  I do can do the md5sum by hand, but I'm not sure the other two are stored anywhere?08:25
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geser!info debsums08:27
ubotudebsums: Verify installed package files against MD5 checksums.. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.28 (edgy), package size 29 kB, installed size 160 kB08:27
geserbut that only works for packages installed after debsums08:28
keescookwell md5s I can do without debsums:  md5sum -c /var/lib/dpkg/info/PKG.md5sums08:29
keescookdoes debsums do owner/perms?08:29
geserkeescook: do all packages have a md5sums file?08:30
keescookgeser: hm, dunno, but the one I tried did.08:31
geserI don't think debsums checks also owner/perms.08:31
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keescookyeah, and not all packages have md5sums, but a lot do.  odd08:32
geserkeescook: not all packages have a md5sums file. I've 978 lists files in /var/lib/dpkg/info but only 923 md5sums files08:33
=== keescook nods
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ScottKbddebian: Are you up for a review? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=432808:38
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bddebianScottK: Damn man the diff is larger than the package :-)09:01
ScottKhttp://revu.tauware.de/revu1-incoming/pyyaml-0702091305/pyyaml_3.04-0ubuntu1.diff is not very big?09:02
ScottKbddebian: ^^^09:03
bddebianOh, it's bytes not Kbytes, sorry :-(09:04
=== bddebian blushes
=== ScottK was worried I got burned by line endings again....
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ScottKbddebian: Any suggestions on the Lintian warning?  Verbose mode didn't help me any.09:10
bddebianI think just remove the period from the end of the last line09:11
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bddebian ..as provided.  Remove the .09:11
Le-Chuck_ITAhi, masters :)09:12
Le-Chuck_ITAI have a highly polemic bug opened09:12
Le-Chuck_ITAin lyx09:12
Le-Chuck_ITAI would really like someone in ubuntu to have a look at it09:12
ScottKOK.  Thanks.  Will do.09:12
bddebianScottK: Check it first as I am often wrong :-)09:13
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Le-Chuck_ITAit is bug #8236509:14
UbugtuMalone bug 82365 in lyx "Please compile with assertion checking turned off" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8236509:14
Le-Chuck_ITAIn the bug comments there is a rationale, a report of a conversation with debian maintainers, and the rather obvious debdiff09:15
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Le-Chuck_ITAI could upload my lyx package and find a sponsor but ... well I think it is better to get some MOTU impression first09:23
Le-Chuck_ITAhmm, will try in another moment or give up :)09:27
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ScottKbddebian: You were correct.  Please have a look at this one - http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=433009:31
bddebianWow, that's a first :)09:33
ScottKDon't worry.  It's balanced out by the bytes/kilo-bytes thing on the diff.09:33
bddebiandoh, ouch :-)09:35
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ScottKbddebian: Will be afk for about 30 min.  I'll check in when I get back.  Thanks.09:37
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ScottKbddebian: Thanks.09:58
ScottKAny other MOTU to reviww http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=4330?09:58
jharrwhat's everyone recommend for source package management?09:58
jharrI was looking at svn-buildpackage09:58
ograthats what we use in ubuntu commonly ...10:01
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jharrwaht about archive management10:10
jharrI've seen people use falcon repo builder a lot.10:11
lupine_85makes life a lot easier10:12
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jharrlupine_85: do you have a link for that, google isn't giving me a whole lot10:14
_ionjharr: There's also this bzr-builddeb thing (apt-cache show bzr-builddeb, "bzr plugin for Debian package management"), but i haven't looked at exactly what it does yet. :-)10:14
lupine_85jharr: Hawkwind wrote it, I think. It's on launchpad, and there's a repo...10:14
lupine_85one second10:14
jharrUnless there's a distinct advantage for using bzr-* instead of svn-*, I think I'm going to stick with svn stuff since it's what I know.10:15
_ionbzr is decentralized, svn isn't.10:15
jharr_ion: I'm doing this for a centralized environment10:15
lupine_85I think it's in seveas's repo10:15
jharrit's basically me and another guy working on it.10:15
lupine_85e.g. deb http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl dapper-seveas all10:15
_ionjharr: A centralized VCS causes a single point of failure and less flexibility even if there's only one user.10:17
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jharr_ion: yeah, however all the building and downloading of packages will be done on a single network.10:19
jharr_ion: all this stuff is for internal use. I'm sticking a lot of commercial software in deb's so that I can use it in a cluster we have here.10:19
pochuhey guys, do you know if there is a way to know the build-deps and the deps of a source package?10:21
jharrI'll still look at bzr, but just the fact that it's a distributed VCS doesn't make it very attractive.10:21
pochuI'm trying to make a .deb, but don't know the deps :)10:21
Adri2000pochu: you want to build a package that is already in the repositories?10:22
pochuAdri2000: no, it's neither in the ubuntu repos, nor in the debian ones10:23
ScottKAdri2000: Are you available to review a package? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=4330?10:23
pochuAdri2000: I have created the debian/ folder with dh_make, but I don't know the build-deps and deps10:23
ScottKpochu: What does the documentation say from upstream?10:24
ScottKDoes it tell you what's required?10:24
Adri2000ScottK: maybe yes, when revu works :) "Mod_python error: 'PythonHandler mod_python.publisher"'10:24
pochuScottK: they are the compiz-extra-plugins, I suppose I need compiz-core, and a lot of x libs :)10:24
ScottKRead the upstream documentation and see what they say is needed and then find the appropriate Ubuntu packages for hat.10:25
pochuScottK: ok, thanks :)10:25
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ScottKAdri2000: That must be for a part of revu that I don't get to use - Poor timing during a revu sprint....10:26
LaserJockanybody know how much it costs for a LUG to get CDs from Shipit?10:26
pochuLaserJock: no cost for Dapper CDs10:27
imbrandonLaserJock, 1.50 per cd in lots of 100 iirc10:27
Adri2000ScottK: ahww, sorry, sure it doesn't work if I keep the '?' at the end of the url :p10:27
imbrandon( for the edgy ones )10:27
imbrandonfor dapper nothing10:27
pochuLaserJock: is that lug a loco team?10:27
ScottKSorry about that.10:27
LaserJockpochu: hehe, no10:28
LaserJockI have no LoCo team :(10:28
pochuLaserJock: from?10:28
LaserJockNevada, USA10:28
pochuLaserJock: you can create one and then ask for 500CDs :)10:28
imbrandonLaserJock, i still have about ~100 edgy cd's if you want me to ship them for you / rlug next week10:28
pochuLaserJock: but you have to get approved :(10:28
imbrandonthe ones from UDS10:29
LaserJockthere is a California team, a Colorado team, a Utah team10:29
LaserJockI think a Southwest one10:29
LaserJockbut nothing for me 10:29
pochuLaserJock: start the Nevada Team ;)10:29
imbrandon~midwest one too10:29
LaserJockit'd just be me10:29
ScottKLaserJock: That's about a third of the populations of the state, so that's not bad.10:29
pochuLaserJock: then you can take all the decissions you want :)10:30
pochuhehe :)10:30
LaserJockmy LUG (the closest one for 120 miles) has about 10 people showing up10:30
bddebianLater gang10:30
LaserJockScottK: Las Vegas has a lot10:30
ScottKGood point.  Forgot about that.10:30
LaserJockbut I haven't seen a lot of FLOSS people from Vegas10:31
LaserJockI think they are mostly into more monetary internet activites down there ;-)10:31
ScottKVegas is not a place about giving stuff away.10:31
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coNPmake a virtual team10:32
coNPif there is none yet10:32
LaserJockimbrandon: what flavors have you got?10:33
LaserJockfor me I just don't see the point of a LoCo team here10:33
LaserJockwe wouldn't do anything10:34
LaserJockand since translating en_GB to en_US isn't propular I can't imagine us doing translation work10:35
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jharrIf I'm packaging an app that doesn't have a version number, but a build date, what's the propper way to setup the source directory?10:36
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jharrdo i just specify the version for dh_make?10:37
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Adri2000jharr: you can change it later in debian/changelog10:40
Adri2000ScottK: I'm reviewing pyyaml10:41
ScottKAdri2000: Thanks.10:41
TheMusoHey MOTUs.10:43
LaserJockhi TheMuso 10:44
LaserJockhow many uploads have you done?10:44
torkelAny chance someone can take a look at #76967 and perhaps do an upload of Openafs? The debdiff has been there for over a month10:48
LaserJockajmitch: up yet?10:49
TheMusoLaserJock: A few now.10:50
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TheMusoI could count the emails I have in my uploads folder, but I'll do that in a few weeks. :)10:50
LaserJockgood for you10:51
=== TheMuso intends to hit revu in a while.
TheMusoI've not long got up.10:52
Adri2000ScottK: reviewed11:03
imbrandonTheMuso, seems like you have done quite a few uploads ;)11:04
imbrandonwould be nice if you could sort that by date11:04
TheMusoimbrandon: Note that that would be stuff before I got MOTu as well.11:04
ScottKAdri2000: I'll fix that up and be right back.11:04
imbrandonyea thus the date statement ;)11:04
LaserJockimbrandon: do you know if you get 100 of the same flavor CDs?11:07
imbrandonLaserJock, if thats what you ask for11:07
imbrandonthey are pretty flexable11:07
LaserJockbut I could get like 50 Ubuntu 25 Kubuntu and 25 Edubuntu?11:07
LaserJockoops bad example for you ;-)11:07
imbrandonyea infact thats exactly + one zero what i askd for11:08
LaserJock50 Kubuntu 25 Ubuntu 25 Edubuntu ;-)11:08
imbrandoni got 500 + 250 + 250 , and a few for ppc and amd64 of each11:08
imbrandonwhen i ordered11:08
LaserJockI don't think RLUG needs that many11:09
LaserJockbut they were just talking about Shipit at the last meeting apparently11:09
imbrandonright on, but the point is they are flexable, and will put ppc and amd64 if you ask11:09
LaserJockdid you get some at Mt. View?11:10
LaserJockI didn't stay around long enough11:10
imbrandondo you mean from shipit? heheh11:10
LaserJockdid they have them at Google?11:10
LaserJockis what I meant11:11
imbrandonohhhh i though you said mt dew, /me headdesks11:11
imbrandonyea i got the 100 or so i have now from when we were at google11:11
LaserJockshipit MT. Dew11:11
LaserJockMark springs for developer juice11:11
imbrandonbut i also ordered some for a confrence we had here in town11:11
paulproteusI'm a Debian mentee with a package in Debian, alpine.  It's not in Ubuntu, and I'd like it to be.  I uploaded it to REVU an hour ago, but I don't see it at revu.tauware.de.11:12
LaserJockwell maybe I could hold off until the next UDS and get Feisty CDs11:12
LaserJockpaulproteus: you sure it isn't Ubuntu11:12
LaserJockI thought we synced it a while ago11:12
paulproteusLaserJock, packages.ubuntu.com/alpine doesn't show it, at least.11:12
LaserJock!info feisty alpine11:12
ubotuPackage feisty does not exist in edgy11:12
LaserJock!info alpine feisty11:12
ubotuPackage alpine does not exist in feisty11:12
paulproteus!info alpine feisty11:12
paulproteusWell, there we go. )-:11:12
paulproteusSo I figured I'd upload to revu since that seems more direct to Ubuntu.11:13
LaserJockwell somebody was around a while ago trying to get it in11:13
paulproteusYeah, it was me and poningru.11:13
imbrandonpaulproteus, you the maintainer in Debian ? and you want the exact version thats in debain in ubuntu ?11:13
imbrandonam i correct ?11:13
LaserJockwhen did it get into Debian?11:13
paulproteusimbrandon, The version I uploaded to Debian is 0.82+dfsg-3, but I uploaded 0.82+dfsg-3+ubuntu0 which has one trivial fix.11:14
paulproteusI mean, I uploaded the +ubuntu0 release to REVU an hour ago.11:15
paulproteusLaserJock, It got into Debian two months ago or so.11:15
paulproteusMaybe one month or so, now that I think about it.11:15
imbrandoni'd be happy to sponsor whats in debian already , btw +ubuntu0 is wrong versioning though , but trivial11:15
LaserJockwe should be able to sync it11:16
imbrandonpaulproteus, hit me with a dsc and i'll take a look at it ( i'm being too lazy to log into revu )11:16
LaserJockforget REVU, sync that baby11:16
imbrandonwell if he has a fix11:16
imbrandonwell hrm11:16
paulproteusimbrandon, Sounds good, talk to you in a sec with a dsc.11:16
LaserJockwe can fix it after the sync11:16
imbrandonupload to debian the fix and we'll sync11:16
LaserJockthat's even better11:17
paulproteusimbrandon, Well, there are a few more bugs I want to fix before the new Debian upload.11:17
LaserJockif we don't need an ubuntuX it would be lovely if we didn't have it11:17
LaserJockcan you get them done within a week or so11:17
imbrandoni agree actualy, depends on how long till you can upload to debian, FF is comming the 2211:17
paulproteusLaserJock, Yeah, I could do that.11:17
paulproteus"Feature freeze"?11:17
paulproteus22nd of Feb?11:17
imbrandonyea do it that way then, fix it in debian over the next week then poke me or someone in here11:18
imbrandonyes and yes11:18
paulproteusimbrandon, Sounds good, that's what I'll do.  Thanks!11:18
imbrandonbtw if you make a ubuntu local change to a debian package its upstream-XubuntuY where X is deb rev and Y is ubuntu rev , e.g. you package should ahve been uploaded to ubuntu as 0.82+dfsg-3ubuntu1 , just for future ref11:20
imbrandonpaulproteus, ^^11:20
=== Gervystar [n=alessand@host189-63-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonif its not in debian yet the deb rev is 0 e.g. 0.4.3-0ubuntu111:21
ScottKAdri2000: To answer one of your questions, there is a build-dep on debhelper because lintian throws an error if it's not there.  I'm not sure if it's cdbs or python-support, but one of them appears to use it.11:21
imbrandonanyhow thats the quick and dirty, there are exceptions etc etc etc11:21
paulproteusimbrandon, Thanks, that's a very clear explanation.11:21
LaserJockwe are getting closer to being able to put Candidates on LP11:23
imbrandonright on, and bzr-buildpackage is rockin too11:24
LaserJockusing bugs for package requests will be so much nicer11:24
LaserJockand it should tie in well with using bazaar.lp.net11:25
LaserJockhmm, we'll have to be clear about what we are ack'ing though11:26
Adri2000ScottK: I meant why *versioned*11:26
Adri2000ScottK: and why this version11:26
LaserJockprobably need to ack particlar revisions11:26
Adri2000is there an UVF exception request already filed?11:27
Adri2000or I will be the first? :)11:27
LaserJockI think so11:27
LaserJocklook at what's assigned to the motu-uvf team11:27
Adri2000LaserJock: nothing11:28
ScottKAdri2000: Why versioned is because lintian says it has to be at least version 5 and that version because that's (5.0.38) what was in the package I copied from.  11:29
ScottKIs debhelper >= 5 sufficient?11:29
Adri2000yes, usually11:29
ScottKOK.  I'll try that then.  Thanks.11:30
Adri2000yay, the 187MB source package11:30
LaserJockimbrandon: so the minimum order is 100, right?11:32
LaserJock5.0.38 I think is for python policy11:32
imbrandonLaserJock, yes iirc11:34
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LaserJockimbrandon: I found the form to order online11:36
Adri2000currently ScottK's package has debhelper (>=, and 5.0.38 is needed for python-central, not for python-support (according to http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPython/NewPolicy)11:36
LaserJockimbrandon: it says 1.50 euros/CD11:38
=== CicalaMvta [n=CicalaMv@chello080109002146.13.14.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandoni thought it was 1.50 usd11:43
LaserJockthat's $1.96USD11:45
ScottKAdri2000: How's this? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=433311:45
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ScottKLaserJock: I'd be interested in your opinion too ^^^11:46
Adri2000ScottK: I'll look later, because anyway I can't build right now. (building the 187MB source package)11:49
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geserAdri2000: what has such a big source package? tex-live?11:52
Adri2000nexuiz-data :p11:52
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ScottKAdri2000: Thanks.11:54
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jharris there a tool for safely modifying stuff in /etc/environment?11:56
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geserjharr: what do you want modified there?11:59
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jharrI'm making some local packages, some of which don't like to be in standard locations.12:00
FujitsuMake them like it, then.12:01
jharrFujitsu: it's kind of hard for me to modify binaries to do that.12:03
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FujitsuUrgh, binaries.12:03
jharryeah, I don't like it either.12:03
jharrbut being an idealist only works if you have control over the software you're suppose to install on the system.12:04
coNPjharr: I  would make a wrapper script instead12:05
jharrI guess I could symlink everything12:06
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