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stinger_auQuestion: is there a install manual for ubuntu01:01
stinger_auwhat does OEM mode mean and LTSP server mode mean ?01:01
maxamillionstinger_au: install manual ... yes, what those things mean i have no idea but lemme get you a link for the install manual01:03
stinger_aui have found this01:04
stinger_auso far01:04
maxamillionyeah, that's the one i was going to give you actually01:06
stinger_austill does not explain what the different options are :(01:06
maxamillionyeah, i dunno01:07
LordGameranyone know if the Ubuntu DVD installs the wireless client like Ubuntu Mint does?01:12
MagicFabstinger_au, OEM lets you do a default install where only language, password  and a few questions remain for a user to answer01:13
MagicFabstinger_au, LTSP let you setup a local client /server setup (like  classroom)01:14
maxamillionLordGamer: which wireless client? ... there are a few of them01:15
LordGamerdoesnt really matter01:15
LordGamerjust need one01:15
maxamillionLordGamer: i use wifi-radar ... i like that one alot, you going to be running gnome or xfce?01:16
LordGamerdoes that show the connected icon by the clock?01:17
maxamillionLordGamer: nope, you want http://www.gnome.org/projects/NetworkManager/01:17
LordGameroh ok that right!01:18
LordGamerI knew that :(01:18
maxamillionLordGamer: and i don't think that is installed by default (but i could be wrong) and if it isn't, it is in the repositories and can be installed via synaptic, apt-get, or aptitude01:18
maxamillionLordGamer: i don't use gnome so i'm not sure what all they have changed since 5.1001:19
LordGamerok cool01:19
LordGamerwhat are u using?01:19
maxamillionhence xubuntu ;)01:19
maxamillionLordGamer: i like it better01:20
LordGamernever thought about the x :P01:20
LordGamerI dont think there is a gubuntu :P01:20
maxamillionLordGamer: no, ubuntu uses gnome by default but kubuntu and xubuntu are "branch" or "child" distros which use different configurations (kde and xfce respectively)01:21
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graziemaxamillion: let me know what you think...http://linuxgrazie.brinkster.net/XubuntuTransparency.html01:43
maxamilliongrazie: oh awesome, thanks ... i'll keep that in mind01:43
graziemaxamillion: wanted to put it on the wiki, but didn't seem to fit in really01:43
=== maxamillion bookmarks it
graziemaxamillion: let me know if it works when you get a chance01:44
maxamilliongrazie: ok01:44
maxamilliongrazie: yeah, its good01:45
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linux_i can't install xubuntu in either normal or graphics mode because it won't recognize my video card (an old 4 MB one)01:57
linux_any suggestions?01:57
linux_anyone in here?02:02
linux_darn, can't even start xubuntu on the lowest graphics settings02:03
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linux_is there a way to set the refresh rate slower than 60 Hz when installing Xubuntu 6.10?02:03
bigredradioI'm trying to add a sudo app to the launcher. Anyone know how I can do this? Basically run an app as root from the launcher.02:03
linux_don't think anyone is in here bigredradio02:03
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neozen.......i think the solution you're looking for is gsudo02:04
bigredradioneozen: I don't have it installed. I'll give it a try but this is for xfce not gnome.02:05
linux_anyone now how to set the refresh rate to install xubuntu?02:06
linux_in the boot options02:06
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PrestwickHeya, I've got an atheros based wifi card arriving tomorrow, how good is xubuntu with madwifi?02:11
neozenbigred: ::nods:: xfce might work w/ it02:12
neozen...haven't really messed w/ it much02:12
neozen....could always just have it open in a terminal02:12
neozenand then just punch in your password into the terminal when standard sudo asks for it02:14
neozenbut there's got to be a better way02:15
neozen...since synaptic/etc know to ask for your password so they can access the proper files02:15
stinger_aulinux_, i would do it in the xorg.confg file02:15
stinger_aulinux_, i am new to xubuntu installing it now but i run gentoo on my desktop02:16
Prestwickany answers on the madwifi front yet guys?02:23
PrestwickAny at all...? Guess not :<02:25
bigredradioPrestwick: missinged the question02:30
PuMpErNiCkLebigredradio: gksudo will give you the graphical password prompt.02:30
PrestwickOh sorry ^^;02:30
PrestwickHeya, I've got an atheros based wifi card arriving tomorrow (a Netgear WG511T), how good is xubuntu with madwifi?02:31
bigredradioPuMpErNiCkLe: Thanks. I updated sudoers to not need a passwd. Not secure, but I am the only users.02:31
stinger_auduring the install it never asked me to set the root password ?02:38
stinger_auis there a default root password02:38
neozenprest ...to my knowledge works just fine02:41
PrestwickAh okay, thanks Neozen ^^02:41
neozenseen a metric #$@load of tutorials regarding it on the ubuntu forums02:42
neozensudo aptitude install network-manager-gnome02:42
neozenand run nm-applet02:42
neozen...and perhaps it will work for you as mine did02:42
neozen<---- has an intel pro 3945abg02:42
neozenI'll look around for you02:44
PrestwickOkay, I'll install that now and try it when I get it tomorrow02:44
neozenmakes it really easy (if it works)02:45
neozenyou get system-tray point and click networking02:45
Prestwickyeah its working. I'm testing it on my wired connection02:49
neozenaccording to this: http://www.technudgelive.com/linux/?page_id=10 that particular card is supported by the kernel02:50
PrestwickOh excellent, thanks Neozen, how can I get nm-applet to start automatically? Just save the session when I close?02:50
neozen..that'd do it02:51
Prestwickokay, excellent :)02:51
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PrestwickThanks for the help then! :)02:54
=== Prestwick is now known as Prest-away
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sydhello ...anyone else having problems with download speed for flashplayer ?02:59
neozen...I haven't noticed any issues02:59
neozenthen again.... I'm still using an older flashplayer03:00
sydi have  a broadband connection and ftp download from macromedia is about 2kbs03:00
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neozenallo unikon03:01
unikonhello there03:02
stinger_aui have a radeon video card which i am trying to install03:06
stinger_aui installed the drivers03:06
stinger_aubut still got very bad refresh rate03:06
stinger_auand xorg.conf does not seem to have been updated03:06
neozenhave you tried easyubuntu?03:07
neozenjust a sec03:07
stinger_aui have gentoo running on my desktop03:07
stinger_auso if you have a howto for radeon install for xubuntu i will be happy03:07
neozenI have one for xubuntu03:07
stinger_auhe he i.e i am not such a big noob03:08
neozen....go there03:08
neozen...download the package03:08
neozenadd the specified key to the registry03:08
neozen*key area..... you know what I mean03:08
unikonanyone using a all in one printer,flatbed scanner,copier  with Xubuntu Dapper03:08
neozenand then go the system menu03:09
neozen...select easyubuntu03:09
neozengo into the system tab...03:09
stinger_auhmm is this going to bloat my distro ?03:09
neozennot really03:09
neozen....should only install stuff needed to do what the individual options promise03:09
neozenin the system tab... select the ati checkbox03:10
neozenand push ok03:10
neozen...you may have to enter your password03:10
neozen....it should do all the work03:10
stinger_auso is there a normal way to install radeon drivers ?03:11
neozen....that's just the method I've used with success thusfar03:11
stinger_auwell the whole idea about linux is to learn things i guess i do that with my gentoo install, so if this is how things are done in ubuntu ill give it a try03:12
PuMpErNiCkLeIt's just an automation tool.  You can do it manually if you want.03:12
neozenI've just never done it03:12
PuMpErNiCkLefwiw, the radeon driver is pre-installed.  fglrx, the binary ati driver, is the one that isn't.03:13
=== neozen chuckles
neozen...I stand corrected03:13
neozen(no ati card here)03:13
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neozenworking yet?03:19
stinger_auinstalling this easy thing03:19
neozenobviously end-user oriented03:19
neozen...but... it works03:19
neozen....provided nothing goes wrong03:19
stinger_aulol i am use to gentoo03:19
stinger_auhave to do everything yourself03:19
=== neozen nods
stinger_auand lots of howtos03:20
neozenwell... welcome to ubuntu03:20
stinger_auwell this is my server03:20
stinger_auwebmin sounded very nice03:20
neozenI just ssh03:20
neozenbut if it works for you03:21
neozen...go for it03:21
stinger_auwell it saying that the ati drivers are all ready installed03:22
neozenhere's where I shut up03:23
neozensorry mon03:23
neozenwhat are you getting the bad framerate in?03:24
stinger_auok there fixed03:28
stinger_aui just had to update the xorg.conf03:28
stinger_auok so this packages manager apt-get03:28
stinger_auit does not have the full list of programs in it by the looks of it03:28
stinger_auwebmin is not listed03:28
neozen..though I recommend aptitude03:28
stinger_audo i have to add more sources to it ?03:28
neozenthere are two ways03:29
neozen..or terminal03:29
stinger_aui like terminal03:29
stinger_auwhere can i update there package source03:29
neozensudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list03:29
neozenlook for the universe repository03:29
neozen..uncomment it03:30
neozensave file03:30
neozenthen run sudo aptitude update03:30
neozenthen sudo aptitude install webmin03:30
neozenif its in the repositories03:30
neozen..it will be installed03:30
stinger_auwhat is aptitude ?03:31
neozena front end to apt-get03:31
stinger_augui based ?03:31
neozencan be03:31
neozen..but works just fine from the command-line03:31
stinger_auwhats wrong with just apt-get ?03:31
neozen...for example03:31
neozen...lets say you install a kde app03:32
neozen...like kate03:32
neozen...kate requires kde libraries03:32
neozen...so apt-get will get those along with the kate package03:32
neozen....if you decide you don't want it anymore03:32
neozen..and apt-get purge kate03:32
neozen...those libraries won't get purged03:32
neozenif you install w/ aptitude03:33
neozenit remembers what things it installed along with a package03:33
neozenand will remove them if they are no longer used03:33
neozenby anything else you have installed with aptitude03:33
neozen...this... is a good thing03:33
neozenthus.. I use aptitude instead of apt-get03:34
neozensyntax is still the same for the command line of aptitude as for apt-get03:34
stinger_auok sounds good03:34
neozendoesn't appear to be a package named webmin in the repositories03:35
neozenare you sure you have the name right?03:35
stinger_auhow do i start up ssh03:36
=== neozen nods
neozenas in ssh server?03:36
stinger_auits not in /etc/init.d03:36
neozenor ssh client?03:37
stinger_auso i can ssh into the server03:37
neozenjust a sec03:37
stinger_auinstead of comming backwards and forwards to my computer03:37
neozenyou have to install it03:37
neozenprobably isn't installed by default03:37
stinger_auarr ok03:37
neozen...look in the repositories03:37
neozenaptitude search sshd03:37
neozengot it03:38
neozensudo aptitude install openssh-server03:38
neozen..that'll install it ... generate keys... set it for autostart03:38
neozen...and start the daemon03:39
neozen......package managers are nice03:39
neozensorry for the delay03:39
stinger_aui did apt-get install ssh03:40
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stinger_auand yeah when i try to ssh in i get nusty message03:40
neozenso just run the command I told you03:41
neozenand type Y when appropriate03:41
neozenit will be completely set up03:41
neozengot it?03:44
stinger_aui ran the command03:44
stinger_auit says that packages where held back03:44
=== neozen nods
neozenyou might want to sudo aptitude upgrade03:44
neozen..that'll update all packages currently installed to the most up-to-date versions03:45
neozenit will take awhile03:45
neozenparticularly if you haven't done it before03:45
stinger_auyeah thats like a emerge --update --world --deep in gentoo03:45
stinger_auso packages are held back if things are not kept upto date03:45
stinger_auwell ssh seems to be installed03:46
stinger_aubut no keys are setup i think03:46
neozenaptituding openssh-server should set up keys03:46
neozen*generate keys automatically03:46
neozenit did for me03:46
stinger_auso how is this differnt from just ssh03:47
stinger_aui guess ssh is just the service03:47
=== neozen shrugs
neozen...i know openssh-server works03:47
neozen...and does the right things03:47
neozenonce i learned that.... I stopped worrying about it03:47
=== neozen grins
stinger_auhow do i make aptitude show why it held packages back ?03:48
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neozenI don't know03:48
neozen..but usually it holds things back b/c you haven't told it to upgrade them03:49
stinger_audo you run a server ?03:49
stinger_auyou should check out this webmin :)03:49
neozenubuntu-server edgy based03:49
stinger_ausounds cool03:49
stinger_audo you have QoS setup ?03:50
=== neozen blinks
stinger_aui want a proxy server with QoS03:50
neozenunless it was set up by default.... no03:50
neozennot something i've worried about ...03:50
neozen(home server)03:50
stinger_auQos is used to allocate bandwidth03:50
neozenI know what its for03:51
neozen..just haven't messed w/ it03:51
stinger_auso you can have your torrents going full speed and still surf the net full speed03:51
neozenanything else I could help you with?03:51
neozen(compiler design class is almost over.... and after that ... away go I)03:52
stinger_aua pizza with heavy everything would be nice03:52
=== stinger_au says with a smile
=== neozen chuckles
stinger_aubut thanks man you been a big help03:53
neozen...tell me about it03:53
stinger_auwhat degree you doing ?03:53
neozenComputer Science03:53
stinger_auhe he me too03:53
stinger_auwhat year ?03:53
neozen...scary scary03:53
stinger_auis that 1,2,3 ?03:53
stinger_au4 year degree is it ?03:53
stinger_aui am in Australia03:54
stinger_aui am in my 3rd year03:54
neozen<--- is in chicago03:54
stinger_augot 3 subjects to get to complete the degree03:54
neozenDePaul University03:54
stinger_auhere its a 3 year degree03:54
stinger_auwit the option for hours which is anther year03:54
=== neozen nods
stinger_auhope to get a job though after i finish it here has picked up over the last 2 years - student numbers in all uni's are down alot!03:55
stinger_auhow about over there ?03:55
neozenjob market for comp-sci picking back up over here03:55
neozen....but still kind of scary03:55
stinger_auwe had a IT crash here - hard to get a good it job like 2002 - 200303:55
=== neozen nods
neozensame here... bigtime03:56
neozenhad a lot of friends become instantly jobless03:56
neozen...better not happen again03:56
neozenI'll move03:56
stinger_auits gone the other way for us here - lol no one wants to do comsci but the demand is still growing - lol it never stopped its only people that thought it stopped03:56
stinger_auwhats the AVG going starting rate for a IT grad over there ?03:57
stinger_auhere is about 40 - 45k03:57
neozensame here03:57
stinger_auk guess must be same around the world then03:57
neozenbut it can go higher if you know people / get a good job03:57
stinger_auof course03:57
neozen....that's what this university promised of course03:57
stinger_au1 -3 years exp its about 50 - 60 k03:57
=== neozen nods
stinger_au3 -5 years exp its about 60 - 80k03:58
=== neozen grins
neozenI didn't do this for the money03:58
stinger_auyeah well my uni has had to sack more than half of its staff over the last 2 years03:58
neozen...but it'll be nice to have a bit03:58
stinger_auall uni have had to cutback in IT03:58
stinger_authey grew to fast during the boom03:58
stinger_auand now have shrunk to fast too03:58
stinger_auI got to Monash Clayton03:59
stinger_audont know if you have herd of Monash03:59
stinger_auwell its like a top uni here03:59
neozenwell.. its time to go03:59
neozen..take care you03:59
stinger_ausee ya m803:59
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pirate-kingwhat is the smallest pc you can run on?04:51
pirate-kingwhat is the smallest pc you can run xubuntu on?04:51
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Nukedhow do I set conky so that it does not overlap xfdesktop?05:15
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BergI need to request help for installing xubuntu06:50
Bergon an old gateway currently running windows 9806:50
Berganyone here able to provide support?06:51
crimsunwith what precisely do you need assistance?06:53
Bergwell something weird happens when I try and install it. The little mouse with the bars goes by and I get some text06:54
Bergthen my CD is running but there is nothing there06:54
Bergto be more precise:06:54
BergI put the CD in06:55
Bergdecide to install06:55
Bergthe mouse goes and the bar moves06:55
BergI get two messages and an OK06:55
Bergthen it goes black and no text appears06:55
Bergand this is from a CD I downloaded and burned. I already checked if the file was OK and it said so.06:56
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Berganyone? Anything?06:58
crimsunwhich desktop CD is this?06:59
crimsunand please be patient; I'm at work, for instance06:59
Bergoh sorry07:00
BergXubuntu edgy eft (stable)07:00
Bergand I have been trying to do this for over two hours so I am kind of stressed07:00
=== Berg is sorry
crimsunhave you tried using the alternate installer (which requires a separate download and CD burn)?07:00
crimsunthe alternate installer is text-based, requires less RAM, and generally works in cases where the desktop one may fail07:01
Berginform me please07:01
BergI am using the ISO I downloaded from http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/mirror/cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/6.10/release/07:02
crimsunI presume you chose a Desktop CD, correct?07:03
crimsunthen please download and burn the corresponding Alternate install CD07:03
Bergwill the other one just give me more options as to installing>07:03
Bergthanks alot crimsun07:03
Berg<3 linux community07:03
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JiraiyaY a quelqun pour m'aider la07:04
=== stinger_au [n=stinger_@d58-105-184-200.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #xubuntu
stinger_auhow do i install kaffeine on xfce ? apparently i had to install something first07:17
=== cryosphere [n=d_meyers@cpe-70-112-130-76.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu
cryospherei installed xubuntu and I cannot connect to the internet or use any usb devices07:24
cryospherewhen I boot off the live cd everything is ok?07:24
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cryosphereIS ok07:24
cryosphereany thoughts?07:24
stinger_auhow do i get apt-get to install the latest package of something ? i.e kaffeine .8.307:27
cryosphereapt-get update07:27
cryosphereapt-get install kaffeine07:27
stinger_auyeah only like 7.1 is in there07:27
cryospherethen you need to update your sources07:28
stinger_auyeah well 8.3 is not marked as stable yet i dont think07:28
cryosphereso apt-get can see more stuff07:28
cryosphereis 8.3 availiable as a .deb07:29
stinger_audon't think so07:29
cryospherewell in what form is the package?07:29
stinger_auhmm i think i have a .deb version of it :)07:31
cryosphereaight, then i think you just dpfg -i kaffeine8.3.deb07:32
cryosphereman nobody wants to even try dealin with my issues07:35
stinger_auoh xfce07:35
stinger_auwhat do i need to install kde apps ?07:35
cryospherenot sure07:38
DarthLappyIf you try and install a KDE app, it should automatically install the dependencies required.07:38
cryospherei can't even get my install to really work07:38
stinger_auis there something i have to do with aptitude to make it do the install ?07:38
stinger_aui answer yes to two questions and did nothing ?07:39
DarthLappyIt's just the same as any other install...07:39
=== Bogus8 [n=Bogus@ip68-229-141-246.lf.br.cox.net] has joined #xubuntu
stinger_auaptitude install kaffeine-xine07:40
stinger_auKeep the following packages at their current version:07:40
stinger_auakode [Not Installed] 07:40
stinger_auartsbuilder [Not Installed] 07:40
stinger_aukaffeine-xine [Not Installed] 07:40
stinger_aukdelibs-bin [Not Installed] 07:40
stinger_aukdelibs4c2 [Not Installed] 07:40
stinger_aulibarts1c2 [Not Installed] 07:40
stinger_aulibcupsys2-gnutls10 [Not Installed] 07:40
stinger_aulibxine1 [1.1.2+repacked1-0ubuntu3.2 (now)] 07:40
stinger_aulibxine1c2 [Not Installed] 07:40
stinger_auperl-suid [Not Installed] 07:40
DarthLappy!paste | stinger_au07:41
ubotustinger_au: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:41
DarthLappyI don't use aptitude, either.07:41
stinger_auapt-get says there is a borken package07:42
Bogus8how likely is it to get xubuntu to install and  boot off a 512mb SD card?07:43
stinger_auoh ok i think gxine is have a conflict07:43
Bogus8built in adapter07:43
Bogus8on Toshiba Tecra M307:43
cryosphere i installed xubuntu and I cannot connect to the internet or use any usb devices, but when I boot off the live cd everything is fine . .07:43
Bogus8ubuntu has recognized the card when i ran a live CD I had laying around07:43
DarthLappyBogus8: Depends on whether you can get your BIOS to boot from it.07:44
Bogus8DarthLappy: well, the bios's boot menu is "icon based" (yeah, kinda dumb) but it has a floppy disc w/ an SD card on top of it... so I assume that's the option to boot off floppy or SD07:45
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DarthLappyBogus8: Well, chances are there is probably some way you can get it to work then.07:46
Bogus8i've tried w/ debian, puppy, and slax and no go yet07:46
Bogus8but ubuntu has been the best so far in actually seeing the card and such so that's where I see some light07:47
Bogus8and I love XFCE over other "bloated" DE's07:47
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stinger_auBogus8, any idea how to get kaffeine install on xfce ?07:48
Bogus8stinger_au: what is kaffeine?07:48
stinger_auBogus8, a media player07:49
Bogus8I assume the k in it is for KDE based07:49
DarthLappyWhy do you want to use it?07:49
stinger_auyeah well someone said i could get it to run under xfice07:49
Bogus8DarthLappy: that was my thoughts also, as their are plenty other know kde based things out there... but who am I to judge ;)07:50
Bogus8stinger_au: you apt-get'd it?07:50
stinger_auThe following actions will resolve these dependencies07:50
stinger_auwhat does this mean ?07:50
stinger_aui say yes to it07:50
stinger_auand it does nothing07:51
Bogus8what is that in?07:51
Bogus8and I assume it wants to install some packages?07:52
stinger_auwell and remove some too07:52
stinger_aukdelibs-bin says its not going to be install because its broken07:52
Bogus8I'd see about getting whatever it is "saying" it's going to install but apparently doesn't07:53
stinger_aui dont get this apt-get or aptitude07:54
Bogus8Colbert rules!07:54
stinger_auThe following packages are BROKEN:07:54
stinger_au  libcupsys2 perl-suid07:54
stinger_auhow do i fix broken packages ?07:54
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stinger_aui should if install kde :(08:20
stinger_auoh well time to format08:20
stinger_auif i pick install command line system - that will install ubuntu without a desktop yeah ?08:20
stinger_auso i can install one after08:20
Bogus8sounds right to me08:26
Bogus8I say give xfce more of a chance but that's just me08:26
stinger_autrying to install kde software on a non kde desktop is just too much of a pain in the ass08:26
Bogus8you may be right... I don't install kde stuff ;)08:27
Bogus8no need08:27
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stinger_auhe he k08:31
stinger_auwell i wanted KDE to run08:31
slavekki'm freshmen08:31
stinger_auand it was turning out to be a pain to get it to work08:31
stinger_auso i thought i cut and run and just install kde08:31
slavekki'm using Xubuntu edgy 6.1008:31
slavekkbut i got big problems08:31
stinger_auslavekk, yep i am installing that myself atm08:31
slavekkbtw: xchat: i can't see user list08:32
slavekkat all08:32
stinger_authere is prob a tab at the far right08:32
stinger_authat you can brab and move across08:32
slavekki had got problem while starting sound in skype or while watching youtube08:33
slavekkbut i had got sound while playing avi or mp308:33
slavekkbut now i have got nothing08:33
slavekkmy soundcard is on-board (realtek ac97)08:34
stinger_auslavekk, i am as new to ubuntu as you m8 prob newer i coming from a gentoo desktop08:35
stinger_aui would say check your drivers that are installed08:35
slavekki'm not using gnome, only xfce08:35
stinger_ausounds like a apt-get upgrade might have broken somthing08:35
stinger_aui am getting rid of xfce doing a server install then going to install kde08:35
slavekkwho knows how to reset sound-drivers settings08:37
slavekkto install one more time?08:37
stinger_auis oss used in subuntu ?08:37
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stinger_auok this is werid i did a command line install but i never asked me to make a user account08:41
stinger_auand now i am at the login prompt08:41
stinger_auand err what do i login with ?08:41
slavekkin xubuntu you don't need a root08:43
stinger_auso how do you login ?08:43
slavekkif you lost your user login: i don't know08:45
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aim_nanoHaving trouble installing Nvidia GeForce FX 5500 - any help would be appreciated.08:52
aim_nanoThat's what I followed but when I restart X errors.08:55
aim_nanoWhat text editor can I use from command like to change my xorg.conf back?08:55
slavekki'm freshmen08:59
aim_nanoSaid smoething about needing to have X loaded :X08:59
slavekkguys! how to install windows codecs?08:59
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instaslavekk: wait, maybe you're here?09:04
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nicolahIf I add a file.desktop in my /usr/share/applications it then appears in the "others" submenu even if I used12:41
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grazienicolah: hi...it shouldn't12:44
nicolahI know it's strange12:44
nicolahI'll brb in 5 minutes12:44
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nicolahgrazie, is it necessary to restart the session to see the changes in the menu ?12:54
nicolahthis is my desktop file12:55
nicolahxsane.desktop placed in /usr/share/applications12:55
Commander-CroweI thought stuff like that only worked under Kubuntu12:57
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nicolahWell I thinks it's the only way to edit my applications menu, isn't it ?12:58
nicolahsince the menu editor does not work12:58
Commander-Crowewell you can do it12:59
Commander-Croweif you know XML12:59
nicolahI don't know xml but I can learn, which file should I edit ?12:59
Commander-Croweit isn't to hard to do actually01:00
Commander-Croweand I can't seem to remember where the file is01:01
Commander-Croweopen the menu editor01:02
Commander-Croweand then click file01:02
Commander-Croweclick sav as01:02
Commander-Crowesave as01:02
Commander-Crowesave it to your home dir01:02
Commander-Croweand work on it there01:02
Commander-Crowethen make the menu editor to look at it once your done01:02
grazienicolah: I don't see why that doesn't work. It's what I would do. Maybe syntax isn't quite right.01:03
grazienicolah: did you base xsane.desktop on another .desktop file?01:03
nicolahgrazie, yes I did01:04
nicolahCommander-Crowe, here's my manu.xml01:04
grazienicolah: which one?01:05
nicolahCould I have just one example for an application ?01:05
nicolahgimp one01:05
graziegrazie: if xsane is a gui app, you want 'gksu xsane' not 'sudo xsane'01:06
grazienicolah: dunno....01:06
nicolahgrazie, thanks but if I click on the file it works01:06
nicolahI mean it's in the "other" submenu01:06
nicolahbut it works01:06
nicolahSo I don't think it's a command issue01:06
grazienicolah: maybe a cache thing...?01:07
nicolahgrazie, I restarted the session 5 times01:07
nicolahdo you need to restart the session to see changes in the menu ?01:07
grazienicolah: no01:08
nicolahgrazie, I tried to temporally remove the .desktop file from its folder and it disappear from the menu01:08
nicolahhey Commander-Crowe I was able to add entry to the menu but it's impossibile to add entry to the submenu categories, like graphic and stuff01:11
Commander-Crowenicolah I saw that01:11
icheynehas anyone upgraded to xfce 4.4?01:11
Commander-Crowenicolah somewhere in the system you can find the other files01:11
Commander-Croweicheyne yes I have01:11
icheynethere's quite a lot of hype about it now01:11
icheyneworth it?01:12
grazienicolah: & Commander-Crowe system menu is changed by editing/creating .desktop files01:12
nicolahCommander-Crowe, the other files are in /usr/share/applications but even editing those I can't use them like I would01:12
Commander-Croweicheyne make sure you install all the crap thats needed first01:12
nicolahas I told before new launcher gets in "other" submenu01:12
icheyneCommander-Crowe, how do I do it - if you think it's worth it?01:12
grazienicolah: I just used your xsane.desktop and works fine01:12
nicolahDAMN !01:12
icheyneCommander-Crowe, is there a howto anywhere?01:12
nicolahdid it appear in the graphic submenu ?01:12
Commander-Croweicheyne there is no true change01:13
grazienicolah:  but I'm not using xubuntu right now01:13
icheyneCommander-Crowe, oh ok. I won't bother then01:13
Commander-Croweif you download the graphical installation for xfce.org its pretty easy01:13
nicolahI think it's a bug01:13
icheyneCommander-Crowe, thanks01:13
Commander-Croweicheyne yeah its not worth it01:13
Commander-Croweno prob01:13
nicolahI'm using version (Xfce 4.4 BETA2)01:13
icheynenicolah, me too01:14
nicolahmaybe I should upgrade to the new one01:14
icheynenicolah, I suppose that's close enough01:14
nicolahwhen will the 4.4. stable will be packetized  for ubuntu users ?01:14
nicolahicheyne, I'm experiencing problems editing the applications menu and with other stuff too01:14
icheynenicolah, well maybe that's a good fix. maybe the graphical installation from xfce.org that Commander-Crowe mentions is the best approach01:15
grazienicolah: 4.4 will be in feisty...release expected mid April01:15
nicolahlemme check the graphical installation from xfce.org01:16
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nicolahthe graphical installation seems to be easy although I think I'll wait till april =)01:21
grazienicolah: sudo will work yes, but for gui apps you should always use gksu or gksudo01:27
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sdac221x_hi,  is there a way to restart the sound system in xubuntu edgy ?  Sound seems to disappear sometimes and it requires rebooting for sound to come back.   I have alsamixer installed if that matters.02:03
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munk3hHi geo-02:08
munk3hdo you use Tomboy in xubuntu?02:08
munk3hah. ok. Well I will state my problem anyway. When I start the tomboy program, it does not display in the xfce System Tray.02:11
munk3hI see the system tray expand by maybe 2-4 pixels, but no icon appears02:12
nicolahhey grazie: a miracle !02:12
nicolahI went to eat and now the menu is fixed02:12
munk3hoh wait, there is an active region about 2px wide I can use02:13
nicolahthe xsane .desktop is in the graphic category02:13
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munk3hThere is a bug filed on launchpad, and I've posted in it, but the other posters in the bug all see the problem in kubuntu.02:15
PrestwickHey guys :)02:15
PrestwickMy Netgear wifi card works out of the box! Also network-manager-gnome works perfectly :D02:16
PrestwickCheers ^^02:16
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jadajadahow do i check how much ram my computer has in a terminal?02:17
nicolahwhat about02:18
nicolahfree -m02:18
grazienicolah: good news....a little odd though02:18
jadajadaif it says Mem: 250 Total, then its only 250 mb ram on this computer?02:19
TheSheepjadajada: best look at /proc/meminfo02:19
jadajadaTheSheep, thanks02:19
TheSheepjadajada: cat /proc/meminfo in a terminal, for example02:19
jadajadaTheSheep, yep, 256160 kB02:19
jadajadaTheSheep, any way i can check what kind of ram it is?02:20
jadajadaTheSheep, except opening the box?02:20
=== TheSheep scratches his head
TheSheepjadajada: I think there was a way, but not sure how :(02:20
jadajadaTheSheep, Im just being lazy, ill open the computer. Thanks :D02:21
jadajadasee you all later02:21
nicolahjadajada sudo lshw -class memory02:21
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nicolahdo you know what'd be cool for xfce ? the possibility to set the double click on a window to set it always on top02:28
grazienicolah: the source code is available : )02:32
nicolahehm =)02:33
geo-I want ot be able to turn off the damn lock on screensaver02:33
graziegeo-: turn it off then :)02:33
TheSheepgeo-: go to screensaver settings and uncheck the 'lock screen after...' checkbox02:33
geo-tried that...02:34
geo-tried setting it to the max time02:34
TheSheepjust uncheck it02:34
geo-still locks02:34
TheSheepworks for me :/02:34
geo-I dunno02:35
geo-I'm thinking about uninstalling the screensaver02:35
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leaphistogeo-: or the you can just disable it.02:59
leaphistofrom the same menu03:00
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maxamillionZOMG i have class in like 10 minutes03:44
maxamilliongotta run03:44
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Ismaeli need04:19
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:19
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:20
Ismaeli cant get sound, i have a VIA VT82C596B chipset04:21
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:22
icheynesorry I can't be more help04:22
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someJustDonthiya people.. Got a weird problem.. First time Linux user.. I downloaded xubuntu (not the latest version but the one before that) and tried to install.. but upon installation.. it says fatal error: no screen found04:29
icheynewhen does it say that?04:30
someJustDontI put the cd in the drive.. I boot..04:31
someJustDontthen I press "start or install xubuntu"04:31
someJustDontit loads everything..04:31
someJustDontbut then it pops this error which goes something like this: "Configuration X failed. Failed to load graphical interface... would you like to run diganostics?"04:32
someJustDontI pressed yes.. it said "fatal error: no screen found"04:32
someJustDontI got ati x800 256mb pro04:32
someJustDontand a DELL 20" wide screen04:32
someJustDontdunno which one it doesn't get..04:32
someJustDontthe card or the screen04:32
icheynedo you have a command line?04:32
someJustDontyeah.. I got ubuntu@ubuntu:~$04:33
someJustDontsorry for maybe saying newbish stuff..04:33
someJustDontthis is the first time I'm going to try to work with linux..04:33
icheynesomething like04:33
icheyneor #>04:33
someJustDontonly installed linux once before.. and got tired of it after 3 hours because it was shit (mandrake)04:33
someJustDontI got ubuntu@ubuntu:~$04:33
someJustDontand I can type studff..04:34
icheyneok try typing04:34
icheynedpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:34
icheyneuse all the defaults04:34
icheyneand see if that helps04:34
icheynetry making the screen resolution 1024x76804:34
someJustDonthmm..ok I will.. (feeling kind of stupid because I'm at work and the box I'm converting to linux is at home).. why 1024x768?04:35
someJustDontand why, btw, no wide screen compatibillity when selectng resolutions for installations?04:35
icheyneyour graphics card SHOULD be detected04:35
someJustDontthe whole text mungles up..04:35
icheyneif not then you're in trouble04:35
icheynewell that's the most compatible04:35
icheyneat least start with that04:35
icheyneand then work your way up04:36
someJustDontit says screen not found.... I don't know if it's because it doesn't recognize my card or my screen..04:36
icheyneif your monitor or video card are automatically detected then you are probably in luck04:36
someJustDontok.. I will try that for sure.. when I get home04:36
someJustDont*saving command and instructions*04:36
icheyneI've not had these problems but that command I gave you is a good one04:36
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someJustDontI will log on here from home when I get there.... Just had some spare time here and thought to see if anyone encountered this before04:36
icheynealso search at www.ubuntuforums.org04:36
icheyneoh hang on04:37
icheynewhen it asks you which driver to use04:37
someJustDontI'll probably idle here till I got home04:37
someJustDontare the drivers called the same? cause on windows it's called catalyst04:37
icheyneif it does not find your ATI card automatically, try the VESA driver04:37
icheyneat least that will get you started04:37
icheyneits like safe mode in Windows04:37
icheynebutt ugly but it works04:37
icheyneno different04:37
someJustDontaha.. so, I load it in safe mode.. and then install drivers..04:38
someJustDontand then reboot in normal mode?04:38
icheyneif you can get to a desktop and install it to your machine, then there is a script called "envy" which will install the proper ATI driver for you04:38
icheyneyes, but you'll have to install it04:38
icheyneinstall Kubuntu04:38
icheynethen install drivers04:38
icheynesorry I meant Xubuntu04:38
someJustDontKubuntu is th KDE one?04:39
icheynethat's quite a recent machine you have04:39
someJustDonthmm.. pretty old actually.. about a year now04:39
icheynethat's what's causing the problem funnily enough04:39
icheynefor a newbie than Kubuntu or Ubuntu might be better to be honest04:40
icheynealthough I LOVE xubuntu04:40
someJustDontyeah.. but I don't want all those extras..04:40
icheyneit's *sliglhtly* less mature04:40
icheynewell try again04:40
icheyneload vesa drivers04:40
icheyneput in your monitor settings manually04:40
icheyneinstall proper ATI drivers04:40
someJustDontI will.. thanks for the help.. I'll probably harrass you again when I get home :D04:40
icheyneand you'll be away04:40
icheynejust remmber dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:40
icheynesomeone will help yo04:41
someJustDontI am saving this IRC log and sending myself an email04:41
icheynethere are good experts here04:41
icheynefar more experienced than me04:41
icheynegood luck04:41
someJustDontas I said.. I am a newbie.. but when I selected betrween xubuntu ubuntu and kubuntu... I read a little..04:41
someJustDontand xubuntu just sounds the most compatible with my personality..04:41
someJustDontI mean.. no extra shit... I get to choose the software I want to install..04:42
icheynehere is the web page of the driver installing script - http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html04:42
icheyneXubuntu is great04:42
someJustDontwho needs a trillion media players>?04:42
icheynebut the configuration options on Kubuntu especially are more mature04:42
icheyneit does ATI too04:42
icheyneI'm with you04:42
someJustDontwell.. I'll try xubuntu again.. cause I'm no quitter04:43
someJustDontthanks a lot for the help :D04:43
icheynegood for you04:45
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sdac221x_hi,  how can i change the default system beep sound in xubuntu edgy ?  I can't find any settings menu.  thanks05:50
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cheatersrealmis there a way to prevent any application from stealing focus from a terminal?07:23
sdac221x_this room is inhabited by ghosts.07:24
cheatersrealmchozo ghosts?07:24
sdac221x_if you have yakuake terminal i believe you can do that.07:24
sdac221x_you have to untick the option "retract when focus is lost"07:25
cheatersrealmthat needs a lot of gnome libs though07:25
sdac221x_right.   i have both the kde and gnome libs and haven't noticed any performance effect07:26
sdac221x_try the #ubuntu chatroom it has much more activity (i.e. >1 user)07:27
cheatersrealmyeah, but I'm seeing how long I can go without installing all of the libs07:27
cheatersrealmno worries07:27
cheatersrealmI can just idle here07:27
sdac221x_since you're here do you know change the default system beep sound in xubuntu edgy ?  I can't find any settings menu07:27
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cheatersrealmsdac221x_: sorry, no idea07:29
cheatersrealmis it any different than other linux os's?07:29
sdac221x_well in kubuntu you have the kde control sound but here in xfce i found no such prog.  im new to linux so i don't know any of the command line stuff07:30
sdac221x_i basically followed guides on the internet to get most of my system working.07:30
cheatersrealmI'm not very new to linux, and I still use guides :)07:31
sdac221x_are you running edgy as well?07:31
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cheatersrealmxubuntu edgy, yes07:32
sdac221x_did you manage to get beryl working ?07:33
sdac221x_i followed some guide on the net but to no avail07:33
cheatersrealmI did, sort of07:34
cheatersrealmI had it working, but there were some issues, so I uninstalled it07:34
cheatersrealmsdac221x_: usually the beryl guides are the best, though07:34
sdac221x_i followed a guide on ubuntuguide.com but that failed completely.  are you reffering to guides made by the creators of beryl07:35
sdac221x_back in 507:35
cheatersrealmsdac221x_: yes07:35
sdac221x_ok ill look for that guide then thanks07:37
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sdac221x_one more quick thing:  on the guides page it has a guide for AIGLX and another for XGL.. which one is for laptops ?07:41
cheatersrealmsdac221x_: it depends on the hardware you have07:41
cheatersrealmcheck out the beryl guides page07:41
cheatersrealmaiglx is like ati/nvidia (not 100% sure about the ati)07:41
cheatersrealmxgl is a more in-software approach07:42
sdac221x_the page says: ATI Cards : Depending on your card you may find that you can use the ati/radeon driver with AIGLX. If you experience problems then you may need to use Xgl with the fglrx Driver.07:44
cheatersrealmso what video card do you have on your laptop?07:45
sdac221x_i think i had to install fglrx from a guide so i guess i have to go with XGL07:45
sdac221x_i have ati x1300 mobility07:45
cheatersrealmwell, there you go then :)07:46
sdac221x_thanks again.  most of these guides always asume you have some experience installing stuff, thats caused me some troubles getting my stuff to work.   in the end its worth it though, i can't imagine myself using ugly slow xp when i have this wonderful xfce07:49
cheatersrealmthe reason I like xfce so much is that it doesn't use nautilus07:49
cheatersrealma few other people here also agree with me on that07:49
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sdac221x_ye the first thing i noticed after installing was Thunar.  i couldn't believe the speed of navigation.. explorer sits there loading icons for hours compared to this thing07:59
sdac221x_also the toolbar style option was nice07:59
cheatersrealmthunar is almost identical to the finder interface on a mac, I've noticed08:00
cheatersrealm(which I like)08:00
sdac221x_never used anything xcept ffox on a mac08:00
TheSheepimitation is the highest form of worship ;)08:01
cheatersrealmsome people don't like the finder interface, they say it's too simple08:01
cheatersrealmbut if I want to do some crazy advanced stuff, there's probably a 1-line command on the terminal that does it08:01
sdac221x_i used to hav PCLinuxOS with kde and that the file manager was way too bloated.08:02
sdac221x_it had built in video and picture preview and a bunch of other stuff.  id rather have specialized apps for specific tasks08:03
graziethe search functionality within os x finder it great. however the file manager functionality is nowhere near as good as thunar08:06
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cheatersrealmspotlight is pretty sweet08:07
cheatersrealmthe only problem with spotlight is that when you first install osx, it takes like 30 minutes to index the base system08:07
cheatersrealmpeople were complaining how slow it made their computers08:07
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cheatersrealmanywho, I'm off to learn about botnets and honeynets08:08
sacaterhi im running the live cd on an older machine, but it wont load up past the logo and bar08:08
graziesacater: low ram = alternate CD08:09
sacateri thought that may be the case08:09
sacaterwould it run after i installed it?08:09
graziehow much ram?08:09
grazieshould be ok08:10
sacaterrather old pc, im not a deadbeat or nothing, my mains are x86 2.80G with 512RAM08:10
sacaterand its only 668mhz cpu on the old08:10
graziehave you considered DSL? cpu is fine08:11
grazieDamn Small Linux08:11
sacateroh yeah08:11
sacatercould use i suppose08:12
sacaterbut im after a debian structure08:12
sacaterso hence xubuntu08:12
sacaterim actually using ubuntu with xfce on top08:12
sacateron other machines that is08:12
grazieyou could possibly get it well tuned with debian08:13
sacaterit seems to have most xfce things08:13
sacaterxmms i spotted expecially08:13
grazieword is xubuntu comes good with 128M ram08:14
sacatercan dsl be installed permenantly on a pc08:14
grazieoh yeah08:15
sacaterk great08:15
sacaterthat may be an answer08:15
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graziesome people don't like the gui though08:15
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sacaterim not fussy08:15
sacaterim not after games and shiz08:15
sacatercommand line is just fine08:15
graziesome people like puppy as well08:15
sacaterbtw if anyone wants to randomly, freely chat with someone go to #sacater08:17
sacatergrazie: im not gonna use puppy08:19
sacateri wanna try xubuntu08:19
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graziesacater: great!08:23
Grey_Lokisacater, have you checked out #xubuntu-offtopic?08:23
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sdac221x_does anyone know a good power managment program for laptops ?  my screen brightness buttons on the laptop don't work08:30
sdac221x_i have GNOME power manager installed, but i have to open the program every time to +/- the brightness.. any way to bind this to keyboard buttons08:31
sacaterthere is08:34
sacaterlook in the system for 'configuration editor'08:35
sacaterthat contains key binding08:35
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sdac221x_i don't have a "configuration editor" ...  i am running edgy08:36
glamany instructions to install Xubuntu on USB flash drive?08:36
sacateryes and no08:37
sacateryou can run the live cd, and choose the flash drive to be the home area08:37
sacaterif that is what you are referring to08:38
sacaterand with home area config is stored, like web configs etc08:38
sdac221x_sacater:  i can't find this editor you mentioned... is there a command line thing i can type to bring it08:38
sacaterare you using the GNOME enviroment08:39
glamDid anyone tried it and successed?08:39
sacateror xfce08:39
sacaterglam: you mean what i said08:39
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glamI search for the web and only find info on directly using the liveCD but need a lot work by hand.08:40
glamIt's refer to an order verion of Ubuntu thought.08:40
sdac221x_sacater:  xubuntu xfce edgy08:40
sacaterglam: people have been able to configure flash drives as home areas08:40
sacaterdo alt-f208:41
sacaterand type config-ed08:41
sacaterdid it work?08:41
sdac221x_no command not found08:42
sacaterthats a bugger08:42
sacatertry system > configuration editor08:42
sacaterin xfce>menu08:43
glamI am using Ubunto, how do I remove the desktop and replace it with Xubunt, I mean rmove the gnome desktop and replace it with the Xce.08:43
sdac221x_sacater:  there is no such entry in "system"08:43
sdac221x_do you mean "settings manager"08:43
sacatergrazie: so xubuntu will work fine after install with 64mb RAM and 668mhz CPU08:43
sacaterits there on mine08:44
sacaterglam: yes08:44
sacaterglam: wanna know how?08:44
TheSheepglam: just install xubuntu-desktop and uninstall any programs you don't want08:44
sacaterglam: i did it and am using it now08:44
glamI mean how to "convert" Ubuntu to Xubuntu.08:44
sacaterthat cant QUITE be done i dont think08:44
sacateryou can get xfce to work on ubuntu08:45
sacaterthats what im doing08:45
glamTheSheep: How do I remove the origional desktop interface?08:45
sdac221x_sacater:  i think i know what you're reffering to... in the keyboard settings area there is a place for keyboard shortcuts...but it asks me for a command to bind to the key08:45
sdac221x_do you know the command to + and - screen brightness08:45
sacatersdac221x_: do '/j #sacater' so we can talk about this further08:45
TheSheepglam: when you install xubuntu-desktop, you will have an option in the loging screem under 'sessions', to use the xfce interface08:46
TheSheeplogin screen*08:46
glamBut I don't wan't to keep my computer 'fat'.  I want to remove any 'fat' from it, my problem is I don't know what are those 'fat'.08:47
TheSheepglam: just unistall what you don't want :)08:47
TheSheepglam: in case something is needed by something else, then synaptic will tell you and ask for confirmation08:48
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something_elsewhat is the command to install the xubuntu desktop?08:49
sacatersomething_else: what OS are you using know08:50
sacaterregualar ubuntu?08:50
something_elsenhaa... nvm... got it.. but still got a problem08:51
something_elsecan someone help a newbie with a weird problem?08:51
something_elsethe installation can't find screen..08:52
something_elsefatal error: no screen found08:52
glamAfter I in stall Xubunt, what packages that I can uninstall from the origional desktop?08:53
Grey_Lokiglam, most of them, depending on what you want to work08:53
sacaterglam: erm gnome-desktop enviroment?08:53
sacateri know someone who has xfce gnome and kde08:54
sacaterhe uses which eh feels like08:54
glamyes, the Gnome desktop from ubuntu that I want to remove, but what are those packages?08:54
sacaterhe uses kde when hes angry cos he says the blue calms him or something08:54
sacaterglam: go into synaptic08:54
sacaterand search for 'gnome desktop'08:54
sacateryou should get some nice results :P08:54
Grey_Lokiglam, if you open up synaptic, and find the main 'gnome' entry, the rest should follow it into oblivion08:55
sacaterGrey_Loki: i conquer08:55
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glamsome i found may packe using 'gnome', can I uninstall all of them?08:56
geo-does gaim run on xfce or do you need gnome?08:56
sacatergeo-: i compiled gaim from source, and it works fine for me08:57
sacateri also use gajim08:57
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geo-what do you mean by complied from soursce?08:57
sacatergeo- i got the code, and created an app from it08:58
geo-I mean right now on the options it has the gnome running to use those aps08:58
sacatererm no08:58
geo-so if I turn that off would my gaim not work?08:58
sacaterxfce should run them fine08:58
sacaternope, it should still work fine08:59
geo-so everything that came installed with it will still work?08:59
sacateryep should do08:59
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geo-oh, could you tell me how to unistall the screen saver?09:02
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sacaternot quite sure there09:08
sacaterask someone else09:08
graziegeo: in synaptic search for xscreensaver package and remove it (I can't guarantee you'll not have problems though)09:12
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TheSheepsacater: do you want to get banned from here?09:38
sacatererm why?09:38
=== mode/#xubuntu [+o maxamillion] by ChanServ
=== maxamillion pulls out the ban stick
sacaterthis is the xubuntu support channel, and i dont seem to be getting support09:39
=== mode/#xubuntu [-o maxamillion] by maxamillion
TheSheepsacater: then check the forums and wiki09:39
maxamillionsacater: what happened?09:39
TheSheepsacater: maybe nobody present knows the answer?09:39
sacateri have been informed by someone else that yes it can09:41
sacaterso dont get all angry cos i ask a question twice09:41
TheSheepsacater: just don't scream :)09:42
sacateri do that alot though09:42
sacatercaffeine gets to me after a few mins :D09:42
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maxamillionsacater: please just don't make a habbit of it, the op team really doesn't like banning users09:52
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sacateroh yeah09:53
sacatertype /ban09:53
sacaterlook at that list09:53
maxamillionsacater: i think 10 users total isn't bad .... try taking a look at the ban list for other chans09:53
sacateryoure right09:54
sacaterlook at #gentoo09:54
geo-lol boo on gentoo09:54
sacateri use it :(09:55
sacaternoting wrong with it09:55
sacaterjust source compiling09:55
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malnilionUbuntu is so much easier than Gentoo :)09:59
malnilionLess of a pain in the ass.10:00
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:08
rippawalle2ass isnt really bad10:09
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:10
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duffnerWhat advantage do I have when I use XUbuntu, instead of plan Debian and installing xfce ?10:16
duffneraehm, plain debian...10:16
rippawalle2because it pwns10:16
duffnerpwns is kiddy language ? translate please10:17
duffnerso... why ?10:17
duffnerwhat is the difference ?10:17
rippawalle2debian install failed for me10:17
duffnerok, that *is* a reason I think hehe10:18
rippawalle2but then again so does most stuff for me10:18
duffneryou laugh a lot ;-)10:19
duffnerso here are 83 users in this forum and not one can tell me why he is using xubuntu instead of debian+xfce ? Or if there is any difference at all ?10:20
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malnilionI don't know, compare the packages it comes with?10:21
malnilionXubuntu is fairly lightweight10:21
malnilionOh, he's gone :P10:22
TheSheepwhat forum he was talking about?10:22
malnilionI think he meant to say channel.10:23
something_elseguys... anyone can help with xubuntu install? it tells me "fatal error: no screen found" and doesn't load graphical interface10:26
TheSheepsomething_else: what graphics card do you use?10:27
something_elseati x80010:27
something_elseany ideas?10:28
something_elseI am a complete newbie.. but so far a guy who knows something and we tried lots of things..10:29
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grazie_something_else: how much ram?10:34
aim_nanoI'm having trouble installing my NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500 on a fresh Xubuntu install.  Any help would be appreciated.10:34
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something_else256mb ram10:36
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graziesomething_else: not a problem I've heard about before. Have you tried searching for ati and ubuntu?10:38
something_elseI tried.. got many people with the same problem as mine..10:39
something_elseno solution though..10:39
something_elseI thought maybe on the official xubuntu support room.. I might get someone that can help10:39
something_elselots of people with ati.. especiall X series.. no screen found10:39
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sacaterxubuntu cant pick up network interfaces during non-graphical install, whats going on10:41
graziesomething_else: I've got no answers. this is a user support channel. not official10:41
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sacateratm its installing core packages10:42
graziesacater: usually it can10:42
something_elsetopic says: Official Xubuntu Support Channel... but anyway..10:42
sacatergrazie: well i said okay anyways, and im installing core packages now10:42
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icheyneIs this channel logged anywhere? Can I read it on the web?10:56
grazieicheyne: yes it is...I can't remember where though10:57
icheynefound it! http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/xubuntu-current.html10:57
icheynethanks though10:57
sacateri have a channel10:57
sacaterhow do i log it?10:57
icheyneyou get ubuntubot to log it10:58
sacatergo futher10:58
grazieicheyne: I'm sure there's a link somewhere on the wiki...https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu10:59
icheynethanks grazie I found the link I was after10:59
grazie...and it was?10:59
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grazieicheyne: thanks11:01
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eelysiumHey folks11:10
eelysiumAnyone around?11:10
TheSheepno :)11:10
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eelysiumit so happens that I am having a problem with my WiFi, is there anyone who could lend a hand?11:11
eelysiumI'm having trouble with my wireless connection on Xubuntu, I've got a D-Link DWL-G650 running and can get everything working (ie see the networks) but when I restart networking (./networking restart) it does DHCPDISCOVER on ath0 to but I never get any DHCPOFFERS.11:14
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=== andrew_ [n=andrew@cpe-70-115-68-177.jam.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu
andrew_Can anyone help me with installing my GeForce FX 5500?11:28
pleia2andrew_: might want to ask a specific question about the installation, you'll get more help :)11:30
maxamillionandrew_: you just need the drivers?11:30
maxamillionandrew_: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Graphics_Driver_.28NVIDIA.29 (but when it says to do "sudo gedit <whatever>" do "gksudo mousepad <whatever>" instead because you are on Xubuntu and not Ubuntu11:31
andrew_I followed this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=336412&highlight=geforce+fx+550011:34
andrew_You can also see my response there.11:34
andrew_Mine is the last post on page 3.11:35
andrew_I'm taking a look at the guide you linked now.11:35
andrew_Also have tried that guide already, and have since reinstalled Xubuntu.  I didn't have to use mousepad because I installed gedit before (or I use nano).11:36
andrew_But it seemed to work fine, until I restarted...then I got a blank screen.11:37
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superkirbyartistHello, I need a presentations program for Xubuntu.11:38
krielHi. I've got a freaky error when I try and do a make. It looks like the cp tried to copy a search expression or something.      cp: cannot stat `{*.c,in-tree/{Makefile,Kconfig},compat.h}': No such file or directory      any help?11:39
andrew_Open Office's full version has it.11:39
superkirbyartistI need it to run on Pentium MMX 266mhz with 172MB RAM.11:39
grazieandrew_: the link that maxamillion gave you is more likely to work. you don't have to build the driver yourself11:39
maxamillionsuperkirbyartist: openoffice.org in synaptic, apt-get, or aptitude will allow you to make, open and manipulate powerpoint presentations11:39
maxamillionsuperkirbyartist: oh .... not gonna happen11:39
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maxamillionsuperkirbyartist: zoho.com maybe11:40
superkirbyartistMaxamillion: Why do they include Criawips but it has broken dependancies?11:40
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superkirbyartistMaxamillion:  Not web-based.11:40
andrew_I have previously used the guide linked my maxamillion, but upon restart I had a blank screen and I was unable to do anything but reinstall.11:41
andrew_linked by*11:41
grazieandrew_: maybe a driver and kernel mismatch then11:41
superkirbyartistMaxamillion: Why doesn't Criawips work?11:41
maxamillionsuperkirbyartist: never heard of it11:41
grazieandrew_: why did you update the driver?11:42
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aim_nanoWhat do you mean?11:43
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aim_nanoAll I did is what is in the guides....11:43
aim_nanotwo separate installs though.11:43
maxamillionsuperkirbyartist: try downloading the zoho quick read plugin for firefox if you only need to view them11:43
grazieaim_nano: you said you the link work before....before what?11:43
aim_nanoIt has yet to work correctly.11:44
aim_nanoUsing either guide.11:44
grazieaim_nano: you can't get into X windows any more?11:45
aim_nanoWhen using maxamillion's guide - yes, that is what happened.11:46
grazieaim_nano: you said you had trouble both ways...?11:46
aim_nanoThen I reinstalled...and used the guide that I linked - I was unable to get back into my GUI, but I did have a prompt so I edited my xorg.conf with nano back to 'nv' and then hit ctrl+alt+F711:47
aim_nanoSo neither way has worked for me.11:47
grazieaim_nano: good stuff11:47
grazieaim_nano: nvidia drivers are usually easy to install. I don't know what your problem was...11:48
aim_nanoNeither do I.11:48
aim_nanoThe instructions were fairly simple with both methods.11:48
aim_nanoBasically everything went smoothly until the reboot.11:48
=== agreif [n=alex@p57BB745F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #xubuntu
aim_nanoNo errors during installation other than those I noted in my forum post.11:49
aim_nanoThe problems start when I reboot and X won't load.11:49
agreifDoes anybody know how can I add my own deb package to the official ubuntu repository? Is there a sort of request form?11:49
grazieaim_nano: yeah the reboot loads the nvidia driver (binary)11:49
aim_nanoagreif: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_add_extra_repositories_on_DVDs11:49
PuMpErNiCkLeagreif: Check in #ubuntu-motu.  The topic has all the links you'll need, and there are people there you can ask if you get confused.11:50
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superkirbyartistThank you max is zolo fast?11:51
grazieaim_nano: all I can't suggest is live with the open source nvidia driver for the time being and look out for problems/solutions11:51
agreifaim_nano:may be I was not clear, I mean I created a package with my own software and want it to be registered on the archives.ubuntu.org package repository.11:52
superkirbyartistI hope so, so wish me good luck and see you later.11:52
aim_nanoI think I figured out the problem.11:52
grazieagreif: like PuMpErNiCkLe said ..motu11:52
grazieaim_nano: ..go on then....11:53
aim_nanoOn why it was version mismatched...11:53
aim_nanoI never updated my repositories after I installed...11:53
aim_nanoIt was a totally fresh install..11:53
agreifok thanks11:53
grazieaim_nano: maxamillion's link would have worked though!11:54
aim_nanoI've tried it.11:56
aim_nanoI reboot into a blank screen...11:56
grazieaim_nano: what version of xubuntu?11:56
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grazieaim_nano: unless that link has had a new driver of course...i only installed the driver myself a few weeks back11:58
kick52is there a way to get the "places" menu like in ubuntu in xubuntu?11:58
kick52i cant really connect to network volumes without it..11:58
grazieaim_nano: well worth doing the update and retrying11:58
maxamillionkick52: what kind of network volumes?11:59
kick52well.. i need to connect to my ibook, so.. ftp 'n'  stuff11:59
aim_nanoIt seems to be downloading a lot more this time...12:00
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aim_nanoSo maybe that was it..12:00
kick52i can do smb12:00
kick52anyone know?12:00
nyarlaHello. Is it possible to have thunar (on xubuntu dapper) display remote samba fileshare, the way gnome/nautilus does on ubuntu?12:00
kick52like him ^12:00
Berg-helphello. I am in need of help.12:00
kick52thats what i need to do12:00
PuMpErNiCkLeNot the same way, no, since Thunar doesn't have built-in shares browsing.12:00
Berg-helpI am trying to install it on my old PC12:01
kick52that sucks12:01
PuMpErNiCkLeYou can mount the share as a remote filesystem, and view it that way.12:01
PuMpErNiCkLeUsing smbfs.12:01
maxamillionkick52: smb is something that i don't recommend for Xubuntu, it is something that is still being implemented into Thunar but gftp is really good for ftp, you just need to install it via synaptic, apt-get, or aptitude12:01
kick52ah ok12:01
nyarlaPuMpErNiCkLe: ok thanks, u saved me some time12:01
grazieaim_nano: yeah the driver has been updated in the repos, but you've not yet picked up the matching kernel12:02
kick52ok thanks guys12:02
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aim_nanobrb let's try this again (rebooting)12:03
aim_nanobe right back (hopefully)12:03
maxamillionbah! ... he doesn't need to keep rebooting12:03
graziemaxamillion: he's still learning stuff12:04
graziemaxamillion: do you know if the latest kernel problem is sorted yet?12:04
maxamilliongrazie: latest kernel problem?12:04
graziemaxamillion: linux-image was missing in the repos...so kernel update borked12:05
maxamilliongrazie: oh wow, didn't know about that .... it updated on my home machine without a problem12:05
graziemaxamillion: I though they'd blocked kernel updates for the time being ...I dunno12:06
PuMpErNiCkLeLooks good here, too, although I haven't updated.12:06
maxamilliongrazie: oh, maybe12:06
graziegrazie: it's why I lost my sound a couple of weeks ago12:07
maxamilliongrazie: it might have just downloaded the others and ignored the kernel ... i dunno, don't really pay much attention to it12:07
grazieit was the problem then12:07
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aim_nano /sigh12:07
grazieaim_nano: what have you done?12:09
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aim_nanoStill didn't work, even more errors this time.12:09
aim_nanoI'm wondering if the other guide is conflicting.12:09
aim_nanoThe stuff I did from the other install.  I think I'm going to reinstall again.12:10
aim_nanoJust so I'm starting fresh again.12:10
PuMpErNiCkLeQuite possibly it caused a conflict, or two, if you've tried installing the driver from the repo *and* from the nVidia website.12:10
PuMpErNiCkLeUsually it's an either/or kind of thing.12:11
aim_nanoI tried from repo, then I reinstalled.12:11
aim_nanoThen I tried site - didn't work.12:11
aim_nanoAnd tried repo again without reinstalling.12:11
aim_nanoSo I'm going to try one more time.12:11
aim_nano1) Reinstall Xubuntu.  2)  Update repo  3)  Follow guide.12:11
grazieaim_nano: from what you've described...you got a new driver (from 2 source) but no new kernel to match12:12
grazieaim_nano: no12:12
aim_nanoWhere do I get a new kernel?12:12
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aim_nanoI'm installing from the most recent image posted on Xubuntu.com12:12
aim_nanoThe Edgy 6.10 stable.12:12
grazieaim_nano: use the open source driver. to back into X windows...yes?12:13
aim_nanoYes.  'nv'12:13
graziethen to do complete update...yes?12:13
Berg-helpthe desktop ISO didnt work so I used the application one. I just finished installing and I boot up. The bar finished moving but once that is done the screen goes black and nothing more12:14
aim_nanoIt's hard for me to understand your English grazie, I'm sorry.12:14
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aim_nanoI'm not sure of how to do a complete update.12:15
aim_nanoIf you mean updating my repositories....I follow this: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_add_extra_repositories12:15
aim_nanoWhich might not have worked correctly since that's for Ubuntu.12:15
aim_nanoRather than xubuntu.12:16
grazieaim_nano: either 'sudo atp-get update' and then 'sudo apt-get dist upgrade' or use aptitude or use synaptic to do the same thing12:16
grazieaim_nano: whatever you know/like best12:17
aim_nanoDoing sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get dist upgrade now...12:17
aim_nanoI'm still learning the Ubuntu lingo...I've only used Gentoo before.12:17
aim_nanoBut I appreciate the elegant simplicity of Xubuntu.12:18
grazieaim_nano: when that's finished you can try updating to the nvidia closed source driver12:18
aim_nanoVia the guide maxa linked?12:18
grazieaim_nano: if you used gentoo you must be an expert!12:18
Berg-helpanyone able to help?12:18
aim_nanoyeah it was difficult to configure, but ti started making sense after awhile12:18
Berg-helpxubuntu just won't run12:19
grazieaim_nano: maxamillion's link would be easiest yes12:19
aim_nanoxubuntu is just different - learning something new12:19
Berg-help installed 6.1 FF and every time the mouse finished loading nothing happens12:19
maxamillionBerg-help: 6.1 FF?12:19
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aim_nanoEverytime I run sudo apt-get update I get the error:12:22
grazieaim_nano: you don't usually need to reboot linux very often, but if you've picked a new kernel you'll need to reboot before get the nvidia driver12:22
aim_nanoW: GPG error: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com edgy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278312:22
aim_nanoW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems12:22
aim_nanoandrew@andrew-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get dist upgrade12:23
aim_nanoE: Invalid operation dist12:23
grazieaim_nano: sounds like a bit of a mess12:23
aim_nanoReinstall and start over?12:23
maxamillionaim_nano: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:23
aim_nanoThat's working :-P12:24
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grazieaim_nano: my mistake :(12:24
grazieaim_nano: typo12:25
graziemaxamillion: did you ever get the solaris dvd?12:26
maxamilliongrazie: no :(12:27
maxamillionstill waiting12:27
grazieme too12:27
Berg-helpfeisty fawn12:28

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