
specialbuddyI thought they were working together on one12:16
JohnFluxquite a few people like to run window managers like 'rat poison' etc in kde12:16
JohnFluxor beryl12:16
surgywhould you suggest the use of xosview?12:17
JohnFluxspecialbuddy: nope ;-)12:17
JohnFluxsurgy: if it works for you12:17
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BaracudaHey guys12:18
surgyHI baracuda!12:18
specialbuddyhas anyone here used enlightenment?12:18
Baracudahey surgy12:18
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Raven301yes specialbuddy12:19
specialbuddyhow do you like it?12:19
Raven301It's the only WM :)12:19
JohnFluxspecialbuddy: why not just install it and try it out12:19
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specialbuddyI'm just trying to find out of if people like it12:19
JohnFluxRaven301: it's more than a WM12:19
BaracudaI want to migrate my current linux installation to a new larger partion, should the new partition be ext2 ?12:20
JohnFluxBaracuda: ext3 is better12:20
BaracudaJohnFlux and ext3 is ok for Root startable partion?12:20
Raven301JohnFlux: true12:21
Raven301specialbuddy: pm you a screenshot12:21
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JohnFluxBaracuda: it's recommended :-)12:21
brentCan someone help me out with a newbie problem?12:21
JohnFluxbrent: not unless you ask it :-)12:22
brentha :)12:22
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brentWell, I used to be able to see all the folders in my root12:22
brentby now I can only see the icons for Home and Media12:22
brentAt least, if I'm not logged in as root12:22
brentNot sure about then.12:22
brentI can still acess the ones I have bookmarked, but I just can't see them to get to them through the GUI12:23
specialbuddyRaven301, actually I'm trying to watch the avi from the site and I can't watch it in firefox.  How do I get vids to work in firefox?12:23
JohnFluxbrent:  :-)12:23
JohnFluxbrent: there's a hidden file in /12:23
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JohnFluxbrent: i think it's called .hidden12:23
blueyedHi. Recently I have problems with the hibernation from KDE in Feisty. The new logout menu does nothing if I click "Hibernate" or "Standby".12:24
JohnFluxbrent: it's done on purpose12:24
blueyedManually calling /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh fails. This looks like a kernel problem however.12:24
JohnFluxbrent: just as an experiment12:24
brentSo is it something that is easy to change over?12:24
JohnFluxbrent: we decided that it made people panic, so we've taken out that feature in the next version :-)12:25
JohnFluxbrent: just edit  /.hidden12:25
JohnFluxor even delete the file12:25
brentWell, I didn't mpanic, but I was rather confused12:25
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BaracudaOk Now partition has been created and is formatting .. how do I go about migrating my current kubuntu partition onto the new partion ??12:26
brentOk, so I just remove anything from this file that I don't want hidden anymore?12:26
BaracudaI appreciate help as this is a sensitive task ..12:26
sparrmy apps are responding very very slowly due to paging (swap file usage)...  how can i find out which app is responsible for it?12:27
JohnFluxBaracuda: cp -ax /mnt/old  /12:27
JohnFluxBaracuda: or equivalent12:27
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JohnFluxsparr: ksysguard will tell you how much memory apps are using at the moment12:28
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sparrJohnFlux: that doesnt help, i have many apps using a lot of memory12:28
BaracudaJohnFlux  bare in mind I am a newbie and this is my first successful linux installtion..  are you saying to me that if I enter that command in the terminal it will migrate all my current installtion onto the target  partition ?12:29
adaptr"bare in mind" ? iiiiew12:30
adaptrthanks, I'll pass12:30
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Tm_Tandre^off: PING!12:31
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mcnealcan someone tel me what is the standard root pw?12:31
JohnFluxBaracuda: right.  also  mkdir /proc /sys /dev      and you'll also have to fix   /etc/fstab  and /boot/grub/menu.lst   and run update-grub12:31
Tm_Tmcneal: There's no such thing.12:31
JohnFluxBaracuda: a bit of work to do :/12:31
adaptrmcneal: you're joking, right ?12:31
mcnealnot joke12:31
mcnealon the install12:31
JohnFluxBaracuda: you know, it might be easier to just install kubuntu from cd again12:31
JohnFluxBaracuda: then just copy across /etc  and /home   once it's installed12:32
mcnealhave i see nothing to set a root pw12:32
Baracuda yeah I think you're right ! I don't want to end up with a bad installation :)12:32
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:32
Tm_TJohnFlux: Ha!12:32
intelikeyJohnFlux ?12:32
JohnFluxmcneal: there's no root password :-)12:32
Lars_G_mcneal: ubuntu relies on sudo not su12:33
JohnFluxBaracuda: follow me?12:33
mcnealfor the kdesu adept_updater he need a pw12:33
Lars_G_mcneal: so you use your main (admin) user's password while doing "sudo" for administrative tasks12:33
JohnFluxmcneal: type in your own password :-)12:33
Lars_G_mcneal: again, it's your user's password since it's a sudo12:33
mcnealahh okay12:33
mcnealit work12:33
intelikeyBaracuda did you get your data backed up ?12:33
Baracuda yes JohnFlux ..  I realise it's gonna be a bit more complicated than I initially thought, it's best to install a fresh  kubuntu  I think12:34
Baracudaintelikey    No I didn't12:34
Lars_G_sigh why is there no colloquy in linux? no irc client satisfies me %10012:34
intelikeyBaracuda hmmm trubble burning cd's ?12:34
Baracudaintelikey .. oh you mean the data on the old partion .. yes it's all burned on dvdr's now ;)12:35
Baracuda  I thought you're talking about the current installation12:35
intelikeyah good and you made a new linux partition out of it ?12:35
Baracuda I now have a clean 25gb partion to use for Kubuntu12:35
JohnFluxBaracuda: it's the same problem that you get with trying to move windows as well12:36
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Baracudayes I have made an ext3 new partion12:36
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JohnFluxBaracuda: you have to let the boot loader know the new position of everything12:36
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JohnFluxBaracuda: is it on the same hard disk?12:36
BaracudajohnFlux  I would never dare to move windows...it's not a good idea12:36
intelikeyBaracuda ok do you want to make that the new home or move the full install to there ?12:36
JohnFluxBaracuda: exactly ;-)12:36
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JohnFluxBaracuda: can't you just enlarge the size of the partition instead?12:37
JohnFluxBaracuda: if the empty space is next to the current partition12:37
Baracuda Johnflux  does that mean editing some boot txt file ?12:37
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=== intelikey wonders why JohnFlux is trying so hard to stop this ?
dennisterhi all...need some networking help...have two mobo-onboard nics, had disabled one in bios, but have now re-enabled it and it's still not detected12:37
dennisterhi intelikey :)12:37
JohnFluxintelikey: hmm?12:37
intelikeydennister :)12:38
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JohnFluxintelikey: stop what?  do you know a easy way to migrate ?12:38
JohnFluxBaracuda: you wouldn't have to change anything12:38
Baracuda intelikey .. the problem I had was that the current partition was too small so I decided to create a bigger partition... but if there is a way to extend the partion that would be much easier12:38
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intelikeyJohnFlux i told Baracuda that i would help him migrate his home to a new partition12:38
JohnFluxBaracuda: you can only extend the partition if the free space is next to it on the disk12:39
intelikeyBaracuda yes i am the one that told you that.   (agent_bob)12:39
BaracudaJohn hold on I check ... as I have 2 hdd on the PC12:39
JinhoI just tried installing the nvidia drivers and now all I get is the Kubuntu startup screen but nothing's loading underneath...is this normal and should I wait or is this a sign that something's screwed up?12:39
JohnFluxBaracuda: you can do that by booting off of a kubuntu cd, then there should be a disk partitioning software on there - qparted  i think12:40
intelikeybesides it's not that hard to move the whole system to a new partition on the same drive...12:40
Baracudayeah I have qparted running now .... the partions are hda1 and hda2  I think they are on the same disk12:41
Baracudaso moving from hda1 to hda212:41
intelikeyor the other way...  depends on which is which.12:41
intelikeymount | grep hda12:42
Baracudaintelikey I don't mind which way as long as I don't have to hunt again for all the drivers .. etc :)12:42
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intelikeyBaracuda ok do this   " mount | grep hda "   in a konsole12:43
intelikeywhat it displays show me12:43
intelikeyshould only be one line.  maybe two12:43
Baracuda/dev/hda1 on / type ext2 (rw,errors=remount-ro)12:44
Baracuda/dev/hda3 on /media/hda3 type ntfs (rw,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46)12:44
intelikeyok so we are moving from hda1 to hda2  not a problem.12:44
intelikeyBaracuda in the console do this   " sudo umount /media/* "12:45
intelikeyerr konsole  ^12:46
Baracudaall not mounted now12:46
intelikeyok Baracuda   sudo mkdir /migrate12:46
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dennisteris there a reason why my second onboard-nic (eth1) isn't being detected with the new 6.10.17-11 kernel? It was detected with the kernel, but wanted to be the default, and I wanted eth0 to be the default12:47
intelikeyBaracuda sudo mount /dev/hda2 /migrate12:47
Minataku!seen genii12:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen genii - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:47
MinatakuHm... bot used to have that12:48
dennisterMinataku: why do you want genii?12:48
wordhmm...is their a special channel for talking about feisty / bugs?12:48
Minatakudennister: Because I haven't seen him in a couple days12:48
dennisterI mean, I want him, too, good guy...I talked to him on the phone yesterday, apparently he was here in the channel the day b412:49
intelikeyBaracuda for Q in /* ;do echo "$Q" | grep migrate || sudo cp -a $Q /migrate ;done12:49
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intelikeyBaracuda that's all one string ^12:49
dennisterhe'd be the perfect guy for me to get some tech support from :)12:49
MinatakuHe was gonna send me some Sun stuff his company was gonna throw away12:50
dennisterah, yes, well, it was still in the office as of yesterday....i'm sure he hasn't forgotten12:50
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intelikeyBaracuda that will take a little while.12:51
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dennisterI really need some networking help :( gotta get my second nic working so I can coonfigure my new dsl modem12:51
Baracudaintelikey there is a syntax error12:51
Baracudalet me be clear   I start from    for.............. to done  ??12:51
intelikeywith the ; and " marks  and the pipe | chars12:52
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rEvolution27I know this is not the best place to ask it but, I want to learn c++, specifically to code a specialized search engine, how can I learn this?12:53
Baracudaok .. seem to be a bit of a problem   i'm getting this12:53
Baracudacp: cannot open `/proc/acpi/event' for reading: Device or resource busy12:53
Baracudacp: reading `/proc/sys/net/ipv6/route/flush': Operation not permitted12:53
Baracudacp: reading `/proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/flush': Operation not permitted12:53
Baracudacp: reading `/proc/sysrq-trigger': Invalid argument12:53
Baracudacp: cannot open `/proc/kcore' for reading: Operation not permitted12:53
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dennisterrEvolution27: that's a huge project and learning curve...do u program in other languages?12:53
Baracudamaybe I should close some applications or be in root ?12:53
intelikeyBaracuda hmm yeah i guess i should have had you umount proc first.12:54
intelikeyBaracuda sudo umount /proc then run it.12:54
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intelikeyor proc and sys ?12:54
intelikeyyeah sys is ok but it's be better if it wasn't mounted.12:55
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Baracudano messages given just moved to next line .. maybe it's unmounted12:55
dennisterhey rexbron :)12:55
intelikeyBaracuda ok did you run the long string  for...done  yet ?12:56
=== intelikey notes that the up arrow makes that easy.
intelikeyBaracuda ?12:56
Baracudai'll run it again12:56
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intelikeysudo umount /sys12:57
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jottwhy do you want to move the stuff and not just resize hda1 if i may ask?12:57
gan|y|medi am sorry, but ##php is overcrowded. so i'll try it here. does anybody know how to find a specific string sequence within a string with php (i.e. the function)?12:58
intelikeyBaracuda up arrow to the   for...done   and run it.12:59
Baracudacp: cannot create fifo `/migrate/dev/xconsole': File exists12:59
Baracudacp: cannot create fifo `/migrate/dev/initctl': File exists12:59
Baracudacp: cannot create fifo `/migrate/dev/.static/dev/initctl': File exists12:59
Baracudacp: cannot create fifo `/migrate/dev/.static/dev/xconsole': File exists12:59
Baracudacp: cannot create fifo `/migrate/dev/.initramfs/usplash_fifo': File exists12:59
rEvolution27dennister: srry i was away.. No, i don't really program in other languages... I can do procedural but not OOP right now12:59
intelikeythat's no big deal.  ignore those.01:00
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intelikeythat just means that the copy was successful the first time.01:01
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intelikeybut it should still be running ?01:01
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Baracudanope those were the end of messages01:03
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intelikeyBaracuda it is still copying  isn't it?01:03
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Baracudait's not copying01:03
skarfaceanyone know why kde might not be seeing my ipod anymore? it works fine on other machines and usb drives automount fine.01:03
intelikeyreturned to bash prompt already ?01:03
intelikeyBaracuda ^ ?01:04
intelikeywhat's the last line it spit out ?01:04
Baracuda the only messages I got were those up and it stopped01:04
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Baracudacp: cannot open `/proc/kcore' for reading: Operation not permitted01:05
vlt|homeHello. I have installed Kubuntu Edgy. Is there any font available containing all of the current assigned Unicode chars?01:05
intelikeyok proc is still mounted.01:05
intelikeyBaracuda ummmm i'll ammend the command to exclude proc and sys give me a sec.01:06
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intelikeyBaracuda for Q in $(ls -1 | grep -v proc |grep -v migrate | grep -v sys | grep -v dev ) ;do sudo cp -a $Q /migrate ;done01:08
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dennistervlt|home: not that I know of, but then again, I've never tried to check that out01:09
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dennisterthat's pretty much a specialty area...unicode fonts & characters01:09
BaracudaI think terminal stopped responding I am just getting the square dot .. and after the command it moves to the next line..  should I open another terminal window ?01:10
intelikeyBaracuda would you believe me if i said i typoed that one.01:10
BaracudaI believe you:)01:10
intelikeyBaracuda rm -r /migrate/* ;for Q in $(ls -1 / | grep -v proc |grep -v migrate | grep -v sys | grep -v dev ) ;do sudo cp -a $Q /migrate ;done01:10
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intelikeyone stinking /  and the whole thing falls apart....01:11
intelikeyheh  no blood no foul01:11
vlt|homedennister: I'm just realizing this. KDE even fails to let me enter an arbitrary char in any app like Konqueror or kate (without using point&clicky kcharselect) ...01:11
Baracudaintelikey is it ok to open a new terminal window ?01:11
BaracudaI mean a new session01:11
Baracuda ok01:11
Baracudai'll enter that in the new window01:11
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intelikeysudo the rm01:12
dennisterru trying to get another language installed? or trying to translate into another language?01:12
=== intelikey is trying to cover his butt on that one....
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vlt|homedennister: no, I just want to write text strings containing chars that are not present on my 105 char keyboard in an application like a Konqueror textarea or simply kate.01:14
vlt|homedennister: (And I want to type them quickly, not select with a mouse pointer.)01:14
Baracudacp: cannot stat `bin': No such file or directory01:15
intelikeyBaracuda tell me it's working... ?01:15
Baracudacp: cannot stat `boot': No such file or directory01:15
Baracudacp: cannot stat `cdrom': No such file or directory01:15
Baracudacp: cannot stat `etc': No such file or directory01:15
dennister<------well, there are other keyboard interfaces, for other languages...but sorry, I don't know anything about that beyond the fact that they are available01:15
Baracudacp: cannot stat `home': No such file or directory01:15
Baracudacp: cannot stat `initrd': No such file or directory01:15
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Baracudacp: cannot stat `initrd.img': No such file or directory01:15
Baracudacp: cannot stat `initrd.img.old': No such file or directory01:15
Baracudacp: cannot stat `lib': No such file or directory01:15
Baracudacp: cannot stat `lost+found': No such file or directory01:15
Baracudacp: cannot stat `media': No such file or directory01:15
intelikeyBaracuda for Q in $(ls -1 / | grep -v proc |grep -v migrate | grep -v sys | grep -v dev ) ;do sudo cp -a /$Q /migrate ;done01:15
Baracudacp: cannot stat `mnt': No such file or directory01:15
Baracudacp: cannot stat `opt': No such file or directory01:15
intelikeynext time one line will do.01:15
Baracudacp: cannot stat `root': No such file or directory01:15
dennister<-------taking a break now...back in 10 minutes01:15
Baracudacp: cannot stat `sbin': No such file or directory01:15
Baracudacp: cannot stat `srv': No such file or directory01:16
Baracudacp: cannot stat `tmp': No such file or directory01:16
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Baracudacp: cannot stat `usr': No such file or directory01:16
Baracudacp: cannot stat `var': No such file or directory01:16
Baracudacp: cannot stat `vmlinuz': No such file or directory01:16
Baracudacp: cannot stat `vmlinuz.old': No such file or directory01:16
Baracudaoops sorry guys for the flood :(01:16
intelikeyand you wont get kicked out of the channel.01:16
intelikeyBaracuda for Q in $(ls -1 / | grep -v proc |grep -v migrate | grep -v sys | grep -v dev ) ;do sudo cp -a /$Q /migrate ;done01:16
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Baracudastill no response to the command01:16
Baracudahold on .. it is copying01:17
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Baracuda i can see the hdd working hard01:17
intelikeysorry for the typos eariler.   some times you get good help some times you get me...01:18
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Baracudayou're  a great help intelikey .. I am grateful :)01:18
intelikeyif it wasn't so late maybe i wouldn't be so incohearant01:19
intelikeyanyway tell me when that finishes.01:19
Baracudahe he  yeah I know what you mean... usually I turn into a zombie after 11 pm ;)01:19
Baracudai will01:20
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Baracudait's a total of 5Gb .. so I hope it won't be too long01:20
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BaracudaIntelikey it stopped copying now01:23
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FlosoftI have just installed the 1.4.5 Kubuntu Version of amaroK, but the DAAP Server doesn't seem to work01:25
Flosoftany idea?01:26
intelikeyBaracuda have a look in /migrate and see if it looks like /01:26
AluminFlosoft: did you add it as a "media device"?01:26
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dennisteranyone know anything about modconf?01:26
AluminFlosoft: bear in mind, you won't be able to see iTunes 7 clients01:26
intelikeyBaracuda check a few subdirs too01:27
Flosoftyes .. I added the media device01:27
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Flosoftok ... so iTunes 7 can't see it01:27
Baracudait has a lot of folders ..there01:27
intelikeysame as /  or not ?01:27
Aluminit can't see iTunes 7 :)01:27
Flosoftbut when I try to add (The Server's Adress) in Amarok, it says connection refused01:27
AluminAmaroK doesn't have a DAAP _server_, only a _client_01:28
Flosoftbut iTunes can see it?01:28
FlosoftAlumin: I was told that 1.4.5 should have a server integrated01:28
AluminI think01:28
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BaracudaSame as ....01:28
AluminI'm actually not sure about that01:28
Flosoftthat is why there is a Share My Music button no?01:28
AluminI know I had to use mt-daapd with mine, but I think mine's 1.4.401:28
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Baracuda intelikey it should be identical to which location ?01:28
Aluminoh...I don't have a button like that01:28
Aluminok, you probably do have a server then...and yes iTunes 7 will be able to use your music01:29
Aluminbut not the other way around01:29
Flosoftwell ... but it doesn't seem to work01:29
intelikeyBaracuda / and /migrate   should be the same.01:29
Baracuda ahh ok01:29
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AluminFlosoft: do you have any non-iTunes 7 DAAP clients on the LAN to test with?01:29
Flosofteh no01:29
Aluminanother amarok perhaps, or a banshee, or iTunes 6.x01:30
Flosoftare there any good daap clients for Win?01:30
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Aluminthere's one called getitdone I think01:30
Flosoftlemme check01:30
intelikeyBaracuda you can do   df -h  and see if   hda1 and hda2 have the same disk usage01:30
Baracuda looks same except for mnt01:30
JosefKhey, just wondering if anyone's managed to enable PostgreSQL support in Kexi?01:30
Baracuda ok01:30
Flosofthmm ... nothing found under getitdone01:31
AluminFlosoft: well, if you can get them to change clients...just get them to use iTunes 6.x01:31
Aluminthat'll solve the interoperability problem01:31
Flosoftwell ... I just need the DAAP Server01:32
Flosoftnot more01:32
=== elyon225 [n=elyon@c-71-205-65-72.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Baracuda4.6  to 4.701:32
Flosoftand the server should run on amarok01:32
Aluminif you only need a DAAP server, use mt-daaapd01:32
BaracudaI am not sure I'm able to interpret all this .. but I am prepared to take the chance01:32
Aluminmt-daapd rather01:32
elyon225Could someone please tell me how to eject my CD drives?  I've pressed the eject button AND chosen "Eject" from right-clicking the icon...  nothing.01:32
intelikeyBaracuda ok and hda2 is bigger ?01:32
Baracuda yeah01:32
Flosoftwell ... I want amaroK to be the server01:32
Aluminelyon225: probably need to umount them first01:32
FlosoftI installed banshee too, but I don't like it as much01:33
elyon225Alumin: So I'm going to be stuck having to do that every time??01:33
intelikeyBaracuda do this   sudo rm -fr /migrate/proc/*01:33
Aluminelyon225: how did you mount it in the first place?01:33
intelikeythat's where a big chunk of that is.01:33
elyon225Alumin: It auto mounts.01:33
Aluminbut yes, in principle you can't eject mounted partitions01:33
elyon225Alumin: But now, trying to umount it, it's telling me that only another user can do that? lol01:33
Alumintheoretically whatever auto-mounted it should auto-unmounted01:33
intelikeyBaracuda is /migrate/proc now empty ?01:34
Alumindo you have any shells cd-ed into a directory on that partition?01:34
intelikeyshould be an empty dir01:34
Aluminand/or other open files on it?01:34
Baracudait just moved to the next line01:34
elyon225Alumin: No.  Just logged in, tried to eject and it doesn't work.01:34
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Aluminif the KDE mount subsystem mounted it, right-click eject should work...unless it can't unmount it for some reason01:34
intelikeyBaracuda good.  in linux no error generally means no error01:35
Aluminelyon225: do you know what the device name of your cdrom is?  /dev/hda etc01:35
elyon225Alumin: Yes... hdc and hdd (two drives)01:35
Baracuda it's not empty01:35
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Aluminelyon225: cool...do you get anything with "lsof /dev/hdc" or "lsof /dev/hdd"?01:35
intelikeyBaracuda Baracuda what's in it ?01:36
elyon225Alumin: Nothing.01:36
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Aluminstill won't eject?01:36
Baracudasome folders and files01:36
Alumintry typing "ejecct" at the console01:36
Alumineject rather01:36
Baracuda about 20 in total01:37
elyon225Alumin: Again says that a different user must do that.01:37
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intelikeyBaracuda ok.   sudo rm -fr /migrate/proc/.???*01:37
Alumin"a different user" or "root"?01:37
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elyon225Alumin: The owner is root, so I don't know why it gives that power to another user alone.01:37
Aluminjust out of curiosity, can you manually unmount it as root?01:38
Aluminor do you get an error01:38
elyon225Alumin: Nope... no errors.01:38
=== intelikey is trying to remember anything in ram that would be hard to rm if cp'd to disk.....
Baracudanow it has more files01:38
dennisterback in a few after i verify that I enabled second nic in bios01:38
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elyon225Alumin: Now of course I was able to eject it.... but I'd prefer not to have to manually sudo umount everytime.01:39
intelikeyBaracuda you are looking in /migrate/proc/  not in /proc arent you ?01:39
Aluminelyon225: yeah I hear ya01:39
Aluminelyon225: not sure what to say though, it doesn't do that on mine01:39
Aluminwithout any error output I'm not sure where to tell you to look01:39
elyon225Alumin: Obviously, it would make more sense to simply be able to press the eject button on the drive itself.01:39
Baracuda i was looking in proc01:40
Baracuda migrate proc isn't there01:40
FlosoftAlumin: ok ... I installed get it together ... a daap client, but I can't see amarok01:40
Aluminelyon225: yeah, the hardware eject button is never going to work unless the partition(s) involved are already unmounted01:40
vbgunzcan anyone launch khotkeys from konsole?01:40
Flosoftthe daap server seems not to work01:40
Aluminhowever...the right-click menu in KDE should be able to manage the unmount process01:40
vbgunzis khotkeys bugged and is this confirmed?01:40
intelikeyBaracuda ok   sudo mkdir /migrate/proc01:40
intelikeyBaracuda  sed 's/hda1/hda2/g' /boot/grub/menu.lst | grep -v '#'    and pastebin the output.01:41
elyon225Alumin: And NOW... right clicking on the other drive doesn't even give me the OPTION to eject it.01:41
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Aluminelyon225: my best advice is to find someone who knows more about KDE than I do (perhaps in #kde) and ask them for the actual command line being executed when you do the right-click eject01:41
intelikeyBaracuda pastebin not an irc flood please.01:41
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Aluminthen run that in konsole and see what/if you get an error01:42
elyon225I hate this... something that worked yesterday won't work today... makes no sense.01:42
pgdownyou're trying to eject your cddrive01:42
elyon225pgdown: Yes.01:42
intelikeyor may only be two or three lines.01:42
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pgdownopen terminal and enter01:42
elyon225pgdown: I can only umount it as root (because doing so without sudo tells me that only another user can do that)01:42
pgdowneject /dev/hdx01:42
pgdownx being your letter01:42
elyon225pgdown: Can't.01:42
Aluminpgdown: we've already been through that :)01:42
elyon225pgdown: Gives the error I just mentioned :)01:43
Flosoftany idea why the DAAP server doesn't work?01:43
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AluminFlosoft: not me, I haven't used the AmaroK one (only mt-daapd)01:43
intelikey!paste | Baracuda01:43
ubotuBaracuda: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:43
=== robb_ is now known as racarr
sleepy745Whats a good IRC client besides Konversation?01:44
Aluminsleepy745: define good01:44
elyon225sleepy745: xchat is pretty decent.01:44
Aluminthere are eleventy billion IRC clients besides Konversation :p01:44
elyon225sleepy745: Doesn't get much better than Konversation, though.01:44
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intelikeysleepy745 depends on what you like.   i use bitchx  some like irssi (ubuntu default)  some only go for gui apps....01:45
AluminI just started using KVirc today, I kinda like it01:45
Aluminvery UI-heavy01:45
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Baracudamainly no directories exist intelikey01:45
Baracuda I osn't upset the bot again by pasting :)01:45
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pgdownsleepy745: irssi & bitchx - commandline irc01:46
intelikeyexcuse me ?01:46
Baracudado you want me to paste the result01:46
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intelikeyBaracuda    sed 's/hda1/hda2/g' /boot/grub/menu.lst | grep -v '#'01:46
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intelikeyi want to confirm that that command will work for your setup.01:47
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intelikeyso i need the results befor i give you the last half of that string.01:47
Baracuda  sed 's/hda1/hda2/g' /boot/grub/menu.lst | grep -v '#'01:48
Baracuda wrong paste01:48
intelikeyyes and don't flood01:48
intelikeyuse a pastebin if it's long01:48
Baracudatitle           Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.15-27-38601:48
Baracudaroot            (hd0,0)01:48
Baracudakernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-27-386 root=/dev/hda2 ro quiet splash01:48
Baracudainitrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-27-38601:48
Baracudatitle           Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.15-27-386 (recovery mode)01:48
Baracudaroot            (hd0,0)01:48
Baracudakernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-27-386 root=/dev/hda2 ro single01:48
Baracudainitrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-27-38601:48
Baracudatitle           Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.15-26-38601:48
Baracudaroot            (hd0,0)01:48
Baracudakernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-386 root=/dev/hda2 ro quiet splash01:48
Baracudainitrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-26-38601:48
Baracudatitle           Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.15-26-386 (recovery mode)01:48
Baracudaroot            (hd0,0)01:48
Baracudakernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-386 root=/dev/hda2 ro single01:48
=== intelikey wonders what pare of NO Baracuda doesn't understand....
Baracudainitrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-26-38601:49
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Baracudatitle           Ubuntu, memtest86+01:49
Baracudaroot            (hd0,0)01:49
Baracudakernel          /boot/memtest86+.bin01:49
Baracudatitle           Other operating systems:01:49
Baracudatitle           Microsoft Windows XP Professional01:49
Baracudaroot            (hd1,0)01:49
Baracudamap             (hd0) (hd1)01:49
Baracudamap             (hd1) (hd0)01:49
Baracudachainloader     +101:49
AluminBaracuda: long = "more than 2-3 lines"01:49
BaracudaI hope the bot doesn't kick me now :)01:49
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=== Baracuda was kicked off #kubuntu by LjL (no but i will)
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Tm_TLjL: I wanted to do that. :(01:50
elias_how can I set the HZ value in my kernel?01:50
LjLTm_T: i wouldn't have noticed anything if he didn't use the word "kick", which unfortunately for him, is one of my highlights..01:50
Tm_Telias_: HZ value?01:51
elias_the tick of the kernel01:52
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elias_default 250 hz01:52
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rotmanI seem to be having a problem with skype on kubuntu. During a conversation after about 5-10 minutes no sound is passed from the mic to skype anymore, yet other applications can still access the microphone.01:52
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dennisterok, turns out second nic wasn't enabled; it is now, but I'm totally stumped...anyone have some time to help me now?01:54
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dennisteri'm trying to migrate from being a cable broadband user to a dsl broadband user, and am all mixed up :(01:56
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=== intelikey hates that baracuda is about three commands from being finished and is gone away to pout
dennisterbut hey, perhaps u could help me in the meantime? :P01:59
=== Blacken [n=Blacken@sullivanwj5-1.umeres.maine.edu] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeydennister i would but networking is out of my reach.02:00
=== intelikey is too short to reach it..
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dennisterok...np, haven't been bugging u cause you seemed busy02:00
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BlackenHey there. I just tried to install the rageircd package and it broke. Now I can't remove it. How do I get rid of the bloody thing?02:00
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dennisterat least i've got both nics recognized :)02:01
dennisterrexbron: u gonna stay for awhile this time?02:01
intelikeywell i was.   the guy was getting along really well.   just doesn't understand the concept of a pastebin != paste in channel.02:01
MrBallZhi ... anyone know of any application or dock icon for the Tor Onion network ???02:01
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Baracudathanks for you help intelikey .. I think the easiest way is to do a clean install.. I took already too much of your time.. and manageed to upset the bot too :(02:01
Baracuda thanks for your help mate02:02
dennisterBaracuda: wait!02:02
intelikeyBaracuda don't leave.02:02
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dennisterintelikey was saying u were 3 keystrokes away from being finished!02:02
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BaracudaNighe everyone02:03
intelikeyBaracuda did you read your pm ?02:03
dennister<-------is going to cream her butter now, and hopefully try out her new gas stove02:03
Baracudaok dennister02:03
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intelikeyBaracuda if you will give me just a second i'll drop you two commands to get that new system to boot02:04
Baracuda yeah I did .. to do with the pasting02:04
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Baracuda ok02:04
premier_how do I determine if fglrx is using 3d acceleration?02:04
Blackenfglrxinfo | grep direct02:05
Blackener, wait, wrong question. :p02:05
BaracudaI don't know even where the paste bin is02:05
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:05
premier_Blacken: I only get 4 lines.  How can I enable 3d acceleration?02:06
rexbrondennister: being mobile, things come and go02:06
Blackenpremier_: No idea offhand.02:06
intelikeyBaracuda  sed 's/hd0,0/hd0,1/g' /boot/grub/menu.lst | sudo tee /boot/grub/menu.lst02:06
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Baracudaright .. what do I do with the output ?02:07
intelikeyit wrote the file for you.02:08
Baracudadon't worry I won't paste :)02:08
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intelikeybut i do need the output of two commands   1. cat /etc/fstab      2. blkid02:09
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intelikeycan you pastebin those please02:09
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intelikeythey shouldn't be very long  but it's more than enough to call it a flood in here.02:09
Baracuda tell me again how I pastbin ?02:09
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intelikeyopen a web browser   and go to    http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org02:10
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:10
intelikeyscroll down and you'll see where to 'paste' the text into the pastebin.02:10
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 3d - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:11
Baracudaok i sent a trial paste02:11
premier_!ati 3d02:12
test34I can't get my screen save to change, whatever I use, it stays on the large white X screen save ... any idea what is going on ?02:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ati 3d - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:12
Baracuda tell me if I got the idea02:12
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test34screen save -> screen saver..02:12
intelikeyBaracuda ok you need to look on the page and get the url it shows and give it to us02:12
intelikeywithout the address (rul)  we don't know where your pastebin is.02:13
intelikeyit will look something like   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3424502:13
intelikeynote that i gave a bogus number there  ^02:14
intelikeyBaracuda ?02:14
intelikeythere ya go02:15
txwikingerin which directory are the system wide menus for KDE ?02:16
intelikeyok that part looks good and i don't need the other. Baracuda02:16
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intelikeyBaracuda give me just a sec.02:16
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Menahi all02:17
specialbuddyhow to I get back to my desktop while playing a full screen game?02:17
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intelikeyBaracuda grep -v hda2 /etc/fstab | sed 's/hda1/hda2/' | sudo tee /migrate/etc/fstab02:18
Menaintelikey, hi i have a aproblem with the encoding bettwen kubuntu and Xp02:18
Menaintelikey, mean when i make a folder its name in languge like arabic  and after that when i open my Xp i found that its name un readable02:19
Menaontelikey, any idea02:20
intelikeyMena still that same issue ?    i wish i could help...   you might describe the problem in ##linux02:20
Menaintelikey, ok02:20
intelikeyBaracuda very good.02:20
=== Kamesh [n=kamva881@southfork-03.edu.isy.liu.se] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyBaracuda you can now reboot into the large partition.02:20
Baracudais this all ?02:21
specialbuddyhow do I go back to my desktop while I'm playing a full screen game?02:21
intelikeyBaracuda yes    unless you want to blank the old 5g partition  then you will need to reinstall grub  but that's like one command.02:22
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pgdownspecialbuddy: escape?02:22
BaracudaI think it's best to keep the old partition just in case02:22
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intelikeyBaracuda i would until you are satisfied with things.02:23
Baracuda so in the boot menu I should see an additional boot option02:23
intelikeynope it will just boot to the new partition02:23
Baracuda ok ..so it will be top of the list02:23
Baracuda ok then wish me luck :)02:23
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intelikeytre bon chance02:24
specialbuddywell it's ctrl+esc on windows but what is it for ubuntu02:24
Baracuda and thanks for you help Intelikey .. i'll be back to tell you all is well I hope02:24
Baracuda cheers02:24
intelikeyme too02:24
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.02:25
intelikeyspecialbuddy alt+tab ?02:25
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specialbuddythat doesn't work02:25
intelikeyctrl+alt+f1  &&  alt+f7   ?02:26
specialbuddyI will have to try them02:26
=== intelikey can stab in the dark with the best of them...
intelikeyspecialbuddy  ctrl+alt+f1  &&  alt+f7    means one then the other.   the first will drop you into a console   the second will take you to the console where xorg lives  (aka the gui)02:28
intelikeyi make no promices that the alt+f7 wont put you right back into the game tho02:29
specialbuddyit did02:29
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intelikeyone can   killall <game_name>  while in the console.02:29
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intelikeylogin first of course.02:29
specialbuddywell I don't want to kill it02:29
baracudaWell it booted fine .. no major prbs :)02:29
=== ernie [n=ernie@d220-238-73-92.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
specialbuddyI just want to check my email or the web and then go back to the game02:30
intelikeybaracuda good i can go to bed now....02:30
specialbuddythat's it but it seams hard to do02:30
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baracuda he h ehe .. yeah goodnight mate .. i'll do the same :)02:30
baracuda Night everyone02:30
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intelikeyspecialbuddy not if you are a console user like i am.  i'd just check the mail from tty1 and/or the webpage...02:31
baracudathanks for the help intelikey02:31
intelikeybaracuda shalom.02:31
baracuda bye02:31
specialbuddyI know but I can't get out of the full screen but I think ctrl+enter does it02:31
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underdog5004so, have they fixed the meta-package problem yet?02:36
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M_Fatihwhere is digikam's config file?02:36
flamesrockhi, I'm having  a problem with kaffeine on kubuntu02:36
flamesrockit simply wont start02:36
flamesrockI run it from the command line and it doesn't start02:37
flamesrockand gives no output02:37
flamesrockwhat could that mean?02:37
underdog5004flamesrock, try doing killall kaffeine, then try starting it again02:37
test34I can't get my screen saver to change, whatever I screen saver I choose, it stays on the one with that large white X ... any idea what is going on ?02:37
flamesrockhey that worked!02:38
Admiral_Chicagotest34: edgy?02:38
flamesrockthanks underdog500402:38
underdog5004so, have they fixed the meta-package problem yet?02:38
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test34Admiral_Chicago, yes02:38
Admiral_Chicagotest34: it's a known issue, not sure how to fix it.02:39
Admiral_Chicagoerr wrong command for my window02:40
test34Admiral_Chicago, thats a good thing then.. I guess.02:40
test34I will look for it02:40
Admiral_Chicagoi had that problem, fixed in Feisty.02:40
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BluesKajtest3, enable power saving in sys/settings /Monitor&display  ...i think ya better use admin mode then click on "apply"02:41
test34BluesKaj, do you know how to do it from a shell ?02:41
test34I tried that already in X, but it wasnt in admin mode02:42
test34but it did let me do it02:42
Admiral_Chicagono, there is an admin mode button in system settings02:42
BluesKajcan you get back to X  from alt+F702:42
test34BluesKaj, it's on another computer, I would rather use ssh02:43
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eMaXmoin moin02:44
BluesKajyou have to use admin mode , dunno how to do it from the shell, sorry test3402:44
eMaXcan we fix somehow linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic linux-restricted-modules-generic not update?02:44
test34ok thanks, I will do it next time I use that computer02:44
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dennisterhi BluesKaj :)02:46
dennisterBluesKaj: r u a dsl user?02:46
goodthingeMaX: it should work now02:47
goodthingeMaX: that is, i could update some hours ago already02:47
test34dennister, are you a cable user02:47
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dennisteri am now, but trying to migrate to dsl with my new drydsl connection02:48
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dennisterthen i can tell rogers to go to hell, like i did with Bell :)02:49
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test34drydsl ?02:50
test34whats that ?02:50
test34dsl without phone ?02:50
dennisterdrydsl is when there's no bell service...the 1st difficulty i'm having is that my mobo has 2 onboard nics02:50
dennisteri had one disabled, now have enabled it, and can't tell which service is on which eth0 or eth102:51
dennisteryes, drydsl is internet without phone02:51
test34they finally decided to do that02:52
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Phlostendennister: sounds neat02:52
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Phlostenwish they would do that here02:52
underdog5004uh, adept just allowed me to install the new 11-generic stuff...02:52
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nodesertwooow beryl is very cool02:53
Phlostenhmm 116 updates, supposed I better update02:54
dennisteryes, whenever i can get dsl internet connection sorted out, i can then work on the voip adapter for non-bell phone service02:54
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test34dennister, whatever you do, dont get Vonage02:55
eMaXah ok I didnt try an update, just an upgrade02:55
dennistercan anyone help me sort out my nics and different broadband services to make sure dsl is working?02:55
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jottdennister: you can rename ethN with an entry in /etc/iftab  (man iftab)02:55
eMaXnow it is just downloading language-pack-kde-en linux-libc-dev02:55
goodthingeMaX: yeah i make that mistake too from time to time...02:55
dennisteri don't have vonage; did my homework :)02:55
lipe_how can i config "xorg.conf" to use optical mouse ? Please !?02:55
dennisteriftab? never heard of it...u mean fstab? can't be02:56
jott(so name on lan0 and the other wan0 or something)02:56
Phlostendennister: like fstab, but for network interfaces02:56
eMaXanyone knows which kernel will be in the next version?02:56
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goodthingeMaX: you probably need todo an "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade" for it to go around the "held back"02:56
jottdennister: "iftab - assign consistent names to network interfaces" ;)02:56
dennisterbefore i can rename them, tho, I have to find out which service is on eth0, cable or dsl02:56
lipe_how can i config "xorg.conf" to use optical mouse ? Please !?02:57
Phlostendennister: both are connected to the net?02:57
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dennisterthey're supposed to be, i have a modem and ethernet cable connected to each, but i don't know if both are working02:58
goodthingeMaX: you could try http://packages.ubuntu.com for that02:58
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Phlostendennister: dmesg may help you. unplug one and run 'dmesg | grep eth' and which on is up02:59
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Phlostenand see..02:59
dennisterk...may be offline for a few secs02:59
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goodseedmam prosbe...03:00
goodseedpomoze ktos ?03:00
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl03:00
LjL!cz | (sorry)03:00
ubotu(sorry): esk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.03:00
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eMaXgoodseed co03:02
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eMaXgoodthing read many badthings on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=356408 hopefully everything will work :)03:03
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dennister_k, cable is on eth0, working, dsl is on eth1, not working03:05
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dennister_doesn't even look like i can get access to the dsl modem/router03:08
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eMaXgoodthing: thanks, worked.03:09
goodthingeMax: it worked for me, just only not with beryl for some reason i still have to figure out.03:09
eMaXdo you happen to know if I make my own kernel whether I'll later have problems with the update or can I just exclude the kernel from the update03:10
goodthingbut i am lounging currently with some spacy tea :p03:10
dennister_Plosten: ? any idea what to do next?03:10
eMaXI want to try out 2.6.20 for the ibm-bay support03:10
goodthingeMaX: i am not sure about that, but i guess all there's to it is changing the menu.lst file of grub03:12
Phlostendennister_: umm, not sure03:12
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eMaXthat's clear yet I mean for the apt-get update / upgrade  etc.03:12
dennister_at this rate I may have to go to my winblows drive to see if I can get it working there03:12
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Phlostendennister_: does 'ifconfig' show IP addresses for both network interfaces?03:13
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goodthingeMaX: oh i guess it just thinks you're running the latest installed version by ap-get, and will re-build menu.lst like it always did. But i would verify that if i was you, since this is more of a thought than practice...03:16
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dennister_Phlosten: no, ifconfig only shows address on eth0, which is cable03:18
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dennister_hi Hobbsee :) long time no see03:19
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Hobbseehey dennister_!03:20
dennister_ok; found out rogers' dns was on both eth devices...deleted that dns server from eth103:20
BluesKajyes dennister_ , sorry for amswering so late ...my cat5 is "eth0" to my dsl router03:21
dennister_and i put the dsl modem/router 's dns server to eth103:21
dennister_i'm trying to migrate from cable to dsl here, and really have no idea what I'm doing here :)03:22
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BluesKajdennister if yer using a dsl router  use eth0 on the dhcp03:22
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djwilcoxim trying to convert video to h264 with aac audio with ffmpeg03:24
goodseedjaki kana kubuntu pl ?03:24
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djwilcoxbut i think i need to install some librarys for the aac audio - anyone got any ideas03:24
djwilcoxdo i use the x264 libray to encode h264 video with ffmpeg03:25
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eMaX_goodseed /join #kubungu.pl03:27
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl03:29
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Blacken_I just tried to install the rageircd package and it broke. Now I can't remove it. How do I get rid of the bloody thing?03:33
Steven_Many dosbox users here?03:35
BluesKajthis is a kubuntu support ch03:36
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Steven_MBluesKaj: I know that, dosbox is avaliable for kubuntu03:38
goodthingSteven_M: not really, bash does all i need03:39
BluesKajbut why , Steven_M03:39
BluesKajwhat's wrong with konsole ?03:40
sampansome old games can only be run in dosbox!  i used it to play some of the ultima series on windows.  worked good but that was a long time ago03:40
sampani don't think konsole can emulate dos well enough to run those ;)03:40
BluesKajgamrez..bah humbug !03:40
BluesKajget a friggin xbox03:41
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goodthinghmm, does that run "day of the tentacle"? My sister would love that. :)03:41
lettuce_Joanscan i get beryl on kubuntu?03:42
BluesKajyup, but i hope you have nvidia03:42
lettuce_Joansyes, i do03:43
lettuce_JoansDo i have to set up xgl to run it?03:43
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects03:43
eMaX_BluesKaj doesn't it work on ati?03:43
BluesKajsome ppl calim to get to work on ATI, but haven't tried due to all the compromises it takes to have a little eye candy03:44
lettuce_JoansI've been using sabayon and i love the interface, i just can't stand how hard it is to simple tasks, ubuntu just makes thing so easy03:44
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eMaX_i mean if it works there shouldn't be any compromises, right?03:45
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BluesKajmy ati card is a minimal one, onboard radeon xpress200 , so in order to make beryl work i have to give apps that use direcr rendering whe using xgl03:48
BluesKajgive up on apps03:48
BluesKajlike google earth03:48
BluesKajgetting tired ...sacktime03:49
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MotorCityMadMandoes linux have a program that will convert a wps file ?03:51
eMaX_ah you cannot use google earth and beryl @ the same time?03:52
eMaX_wps / word perfect?03:52
nemo_is kubuntu 6.10 edgy or dapper ?03:53
eMaX_it is cool03:53
goodthingthe first03:54
nemo_i'm trying to install compiz ...03:54
nemo_but i use linux for the first time03:54
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goodthing!compiz | nemo_03:56
ubotunemo_: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects03:56
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goodthingnemo_: best is to stick to a guide i guess, so above url should help you03:58
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nemo_i'll have a look03:59
nemo_Is it easy ?03:59
nemo_sorry for my bad english... i'm french03:59
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goodthingnemo_: well, many people are able to do it, but if you make a mistake the system will not boot. So would recommend to backup any configuration file you're about to edit04:00
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goodthingSo that in case you would only get into the terminal, you could sudo cp the files back04:01
nemo_thank you for advice ..04:01
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jontechey, any reason why firefox 2 should be closing periodically in edgy, 32-bit?04:01
eMaX_if the output of a command is BLA="4711" can I reuse that directly like that I get this variable exported?04:02
dawnjontec: review your extensions04:03
underdog5004jontec, I've got the same problem...I think it's flash04:03
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dawni was about to say it may be flash04:04
jontechmm... thanks, :D this is help for a friend04:05
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antibodyhi all I have a dual core 2..should I download 64 or 32 bits cd?04:12
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ScottKIf you have to ask you probably want 32.04:13
underdog5004antibody, you can use either, but there are more issues with finding programs with 64 bit Kubuntu04:13
antibodyvery well04:13
underdog5004I use 32 bit04:13
antibodyso..I have already a 32bits system but I'm having some problems04:14
antibodyso..how can I save my installed packages04:14
antibodyand install the same ones in my new one?04:14
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underdog5004antibody, uh, I think you need to back up your /usr... but I'm not sure04:15
antibodyoh..I meant04:15
antibodya list of installed packages so that I can install the same again04:15
jontecantibody: the packages are in /var/cache/apt/archives04:16
antibodyI know04:16
antibodythere is no list of installed packages?04:16
jontecantibody: as far as the packages.... I think dpkg -l will do... and there's something else to just list the packages and not the config files as well04:17
jontecas far as the list*04:17
jontecbut it's a little " dpkg -l | something "04:17
jontecI might be able to find it... I just talked to someone about it the other night04:17
antibodyok tnx04:19
antibodyI'm using feisty and my splash is not booting (and some other problems)04:19
antibodyI wanted to do a fresh install04:19
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ScottKThe something is probably less so you can scroll through it a page at a time.04:19
antibodyI want to be able04:20
antibodyto install automatically in the fresh install04:20
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antibodyI could do a clean up on not used packages04:21
antibodyand then dpkg -i in /var/cache/apt/archives04:21
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jontecantibody: I suppose... (oh and I found it.... dpkg -L | grep "^ii"04:25
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jontecantibody: you can't just paste your archives in the new apt folder and then open adept and install?04:26
jontecdo you have too many packages to remember?04:26
antibodya whole bunch of them04:27
jontecI can't think of anything else to do...04:27
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jontecI've had to do this before when I got my laptop and vmware04:27
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antibodynever mind..I'll have to just to install manually :(04:28
antibodyit's a new system04:28
jontecand I only had like apache and php perl ruby and like firefox, etc04:28
antibodybut..I don't want to use edgy because of a cpufreq stuff only solved in newest kernels04:28
antibodyit was easier to just use feisty04:28
jontecthe copy paste definitely helps if you have dial-up like me. :D04:28
jontecwait, what?04:28
antibodywhat what?04:28
jonteclol. feisty? this is interesting04:29
antibodyIt's working ok04:29
antibodybut i've been updating04:29
antibodyalmost everyday04:29
antibodyand it ends up broken in some things04:29
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sl8would anyone know of any hand writing recognition software for kubuntu?04:35
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:42
morghanphoenixThank you little bot04:42
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Yondererwhat is the best and fastest way to get kubuntu, latest stable, on CD?04:47
d0uglasyay bought Mommy a laptop, installing kubuntu on it04:47
d0uglasNot nvidia, some intel crap for video, but at least it's not ati...04:48
scoateswhen I run ksynaptic, I get a message about "Shared Memory is not accessible."  I've added       Option         "SHMConfig" "on"     in /etc/X11/xorg.conf  (and yes, I've restarted KDM), but ksynaptic still complains.. ideas?04:48
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scoatesYonderer: fastest? download and burn04:50
scoatesor contact your LUG and see if they happen to have any, then drive to them (-:04:50
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frozen_red_TearI am running win2k in VMware now..... and cant install the Geforce4 Ti 4200 driver... is this becouse of VMware or is this a general problem?04:54
scoatesvmware presents its own video hardware04:55
frozen_red_Tearthought so^^..... so what driver to use?04:56
scoatesinstall the vmware tools04:56
scoatesI don't remember how.. in vmware workstation there's a button for it, IIRC04:56
frozen_red_Tearwhats the difference between workstation and player?04:58
Blacken_I just tried to install the rageircd package and it broke. Now I can't remove it. How do I get rid of the bloody thing?04:59
scoateswhat error message are you getting?05:00
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cefxWhat firewall does kubuntu does by default?05:01
jontec!firewall | cefx05:01
ubotucefx: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).05:01
cefxthanks jontec <3<305:01
jonteccefx: ^_^ 'welcome05:01
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ericj2190i need help05:02
Blacken_scoates: http://pastebin.ca/34841305:02
ericj2190i tried to remowon't installve the wpasupplicant package, and it05:02
ericj2190and now i can't install any new packages05:03
jontecsomeone was asking about vmware tools? it's in VM > Install VMware Tools.... it should mount a CD/DVD in your VM05:03
ericj2190*i tried to remove the wpasupplicant package, and it won't install05:03
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jontecericj2190: yeah, :D hihi05:04
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jontecericj2190: 'you see my PM?05:05
scoatesBlack_: sudo apt-get remove rageircd        ?05:06
ericj2190jontec: no05:06
scoatesBlacken_:  sudo apt-get remove rageircd        ?05:06
=== robb_ is now known as racarr
pgdownso I have a question about domain names and hosting options...nothing to do with kubuntu. anyone know of a channel that I can ask my question?05:06
Blacken_scoates: Won't remove because the package is half-installed. Just tries to finish installing and dies again.05:07
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scoatesBlacken_: dpkg --purge rageircd05:07
jontecericj2190: we need to find out what's broken... :D if you can get in adept... I think that you can look at the details on kubuntu-desktop ans see which package isn't there... I think... when I broke my install with dpkg... I did something like that05:07
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jontecpgdown: google is your friend?05:07
Blacken_scoates: Nope. Does the exact same thing.05:07
pgdownjontec - not today05:08
=== Whopper is now known as Whoppie
scoatessudo apt-get -f install ?05:08
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Blacken_Tried it. Same thing.05:08
jontecpgdown: go to.... #ubuntu-offtopic, I might be able to help? or at least I'll try05:08
Blacken_"rageircd is the newest version"05:09
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ericj2190jontec: i can get into adept, but i can't install anything. when i try to do anything with apt-get i get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5000/05:09
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scoatesalright, then, have you tried editing /etc/rageircd/rageircd.conf (like the message says)?05:10
Blacken_If I knew how to do that, I could do that.05:11
Blacken_Their docs suck.05:11
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Blacken_(This is usually the last place I ask for help. I looked around on the web first.)05:11
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zachTerminal login problem in Edgy05:13
jontec_ericj2190: you get my last message about Adept and dpk-reconfigure?05:14
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jontec_ericj2190: or... one of those packages above could be breaking one of your others?05:15
ericj2190jontec: i saw the message about using adept to check kubuntu-desktop, but i don't see what you mean05:15
ericj2190i just want wpasupplicant gone05:15
scoatesBlacken_: got it05:16
Blacken_scoates: Hmm? Any luck?05:16
scoatesedit /etc/rageircd/rageircd.conf05:16
scoateschange irc.local05:16
scoatesto _anything else_05:16
scoatesthat's a debian stupidity..05:16
jontec_ericj2190: well search for kubuntu-desktop (I really wish I was on linux) and choose the drop down beside it... and then show details.... (but before you do that try to install one package... not really go through with it, just 'request install'05:17
Blacken_Alright, let's take a gander.05:17
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zachI am having trouble logging onto the shell without the GUI05:17
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Blacken_scoates: It works! Thanks a ton, man.05:17
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scoatesI found out by looking in /etc/init.d/rageircd, btw05:18
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Blacken_scoates: Ah, thank you.05:18
jontec_ericj2190: what we want to see when you try to install in package in adept is a BREAK: message in red05:18
zachcome on!05:18
jontec_zach: what do you mean logging in without the GUI?05:19
zachno KDE05:19
jontec_zach: bash/shell?05:19
ericj2190jontec: kubuntu-desktop is already installed. and i don't get any BREAK message when i try to install the tftp package i am trying to get05:19
jontec_ericj2190: okay... what happens when you try to install tftp (or any package again?)05:20
zachjontec: yes05:20
ericj2190jontec: from adept, it says "There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages. "05:20
jontec_zach: specifically describe your problem when you try to log in05:20
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zachjontec: when i choose console login from the select session menu, it brings up a black screen with blue jumble mess05:22
lolokokomy xorg is taking 80 % cpu utilization05:22
scoateslolokoko: for no good reason?05:23
ericj2190jontec: and when i try to install it with apt-get, i get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5003/05:23
scoatesare windows really unresponsive when you move them (don't update for a second or two)?05:23
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nemo_can somebody give me the channel irc for kubuntu effect05:23
Ademanwhy is k3b telling me that i can't burn an mp3 because the format is unsupported? (audio cd project)05:23
stdinAdeman: you need to install mp3 support in k3b05:24
jontec_zach: the jumble mess is an X error...05:24
jontec_zach: or graphics error05:24
zachJontec: of what type?05:25
nemo_i've just install Aiglx in order to use compiz but i'haven't any effect on my desktop ..05:25
stdinAdeman: just install the "libk3b2-mp3" package05:25
jontec_zach: why do you need to login like that?05:25
zachJontec_: of what type?05:25
zachjontec_: just to do it05:26
Ademanstdin: why in the name of god doesn't k3b depend on that to begin with?05:26
jontec_zach: well, I cannot help you with this... sorry... I'm a noob... you might want to look up information on proprietery drivers... or just use the recovery shell to login with command prompt OR ctl + alt + f805:26
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stdinAdeman: don't know, ask a developer @ #kubuntu-devel05:27
jontec_Ademan: install libxine-extracodecs05:27
dennisterhi stdin :)05:27
stdinjontec_: not for k3b05:27
stdinhey dennister :)05:27
jontec_stdin: then I'll shut up :D05:27
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zachjontec_: same thingn happens when i do that.05:28
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jontec_ericj2190: did purge let you do anything different with the package?05:28
dennisterhi again phlosten...still having dsl troubles here...i'm wondering if the internet signal is even getting through the modem & ethernet to get to the pc05:28
cefxWhat's the best way to update apt-get?05:28
cefxjust sudo apt-get update ?05:28
ericj2190jontec_: you mean dworkpkg --purge? it doesn't05:29
ericj2190*you mean dpkg --purge? it doesn't work05:29
jontec_ericj2190: dpkg -P wpasupplicant05:29
ericj2190stupid touchpad05:29
jontec_oh, it doesn't?05:29
Phlostendennister: can you ping the modem?05:29
stdincefx: sudo apt-get upgrade, or just use adept/synaptic05:29
cefxBecause I'm not getting the latest versions of stuff.05:29
cefxI think there's a problem with update05:29
dennistercertainly the ethernet ports light up whenever I put a cable from the cable modem into them, but this doesn't happen when i insert the cable from the dsl modem...nope, can't ping the modem...don't think05:29
ericj2190jontec_: it did the same thing05:29
jontec_ericj2190: oh05:30
zach!x error05:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about x error - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:30
ericj2190jontec_: even with --force-all, too05:30
stdincefx: apt-get update only refreshes the package list, upgrade installs them, you may also use dist-upgrade05:30
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scoateslolokoko: ?05:30
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:30
cefxI just ran dist-upgrade05:30
Phlostendennister: you might have a dodgy cable, can you swap them over to test?05:30
dennisterk tried pinging the modem, and nada...terminal just does nothing05:31
scoateswhen I run ksynaptic, I get a message about "Shared Memory is not accessible."  I've added       Option         "SHMConfig" "on"     in /etc/X11/xorg.conf  (and yes, I've restarted KDM), but ksynaptic still complains.. ideas?05:31
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Phlostendennister: does the dsl modem 'appear' to be working? ie lights flashing, turning on etc05:31
lolokokomy xorg is taking 80 % cpu utilization05:32
jontec_ericj2190: okay, look in the man at --set-selections... (man I wish I could remember how I fix stuff like this) let's see if we can work on doing that?05:32
dennisterPhlosten: this same cable was working perfectly last week at the old apartment...lights on modem are on, but not the 'Link' light05:32
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lolokokois it abnormal ?05:32
lolokoko5474 root 15 0 89180 52m 3884 R 82 2.6 216:28.34 Xorg05:33
scoateslolokoko: for no reason?05:33
jontec_ericj2190: but before that... can we try installing wpasupplicant then removing it again? It's in the state that's between install and remove05:33
lolokoko18907 gp 16 0 244m 112m 23m S 15 5.6 9:22.47 firefox-bin05:33
lolokoko18904 gp 15 0 32128 16m 12m S 1 0.8 0:03.66 konsole05:33
lolokoko1 root 16 0 1632 120 68 S 0 0.0 0:01.15 init05:33
lolokoko2 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.01 migration/005:33
lolokoko3 root 34 19 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 ksoftirqd/005:33
lolokoko4 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 watchdog/005:33
lolokoko8 root 10 -5 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:01.39 events/005:33
Phlostenlolokoko: no05:33
jontec_I think05:33
screechingcathow do i get deKorator wrking in kubuntu. ive installed the deb but i dont know how to start it05:33
scoateslolokoko: and are windows really unresponsive when moving them?05:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:33
jontec_ericj2190: or have we already done that?05:33
lolokokois it a bug edgy ?05:33
scoateslolokoko:  K > Run Command > killall kompmgr          <-- bet that fixes it05:34
scoatesdon't worry. kompmgr will automatically respawn05:34
lolokokono windows work fine  i got adual core box05:34
lolokokobut cpu utilization is 86 %05:34
scoateshmm..   kompmgr eats my CPU after 12-18h of uptime05:34
lolokokoand cpu is heating up alot05:35
ericj2190jonetc_: i can't install it because it trys to remove it first05:35
jontec_ericj2190: ooo okay05:35
scoateslolokoko:  did you try killing it?05:35
lolokokoi got nvidiea card installed05:35
dennisterthe fact that the ethernet port on pc lights up whenever i insert a cable from the cable modem, but stays unlit whenever i insert a cable from the dsl modem tells me something important05:36
scoateslolokoko:  me too. answer my question.05:36
lolokokoscoates: even after rebooting after some time cpu gets around 80 to 890%05:36
jontec_I think that we need to manually try to set the state, but I'm not sure how to go about with what's specified in that man entry05:36
dawnare xgl and beryl stable?05:36
dennisterand that 'important' piece is that there;s probably no data coming from the dsl modem or line05:36
scoateslolokoko: ME TOO. Try it, or I'm done helping you.05:36
dennisteram i right in my logic?05:37
cefxberyl is supposedly stable05:37
=== scoates .oO( why would someone ask for a solution, then when it's given, refuse to do it? )
lolokokoscoates: Wait i will return after killing my X05:37
cefxWhat's the command line for synaptic?05:37
Phlostendennister: if there is no link light the first thing you look at is the physical cable05:37
scoateskilling X will kill kompmgr05:37
dennisteru mean the cable from the wall to the modem?05:38
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scoatesit's easier to just kill kompmgr (it doesn't reset your session)05:38
screechingcatcefx: synaptic ? kubuntu uses Adept.05:38
dennisterit's a brand new one, came with brand new modem05:38
Phlostendennister: no, from modem to pc05:39
ericj2190jontec_: the binarys and config for wpasuppliment are gone. i just need to make it stop trying to remove it05:39
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dennisterwell there's no link light on the modem itself, either05:40
Phlostendennister: what sort of modem is it?05:40
gp_i am back05:40
jontec_ericj2190: they're gone? So, really it's not installed, apt just thinks it is?05:41
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lolokokoi am back05:41
jontec_ericj2190: I'm looking at dselect... I'm not sure that it will let us override anything05:41
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn05:41
lolokoko  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S PU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND05:41
lolokoko19347 root      15   0 61780  45m 4596 S   81  2.2   0:34.91 Xorg05:41
lolokoko19625 gp        16   0  178m  57m  21m R   19  2.8   0:09.70 firefox-bin05:41
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jontec_ericj2190: dselect is an actual command05:41
cefxIs there a really really good repository?05:41
lolokokoscoates: X still taking 90% utilization05:42
scoates_after_ restarting it?05:42
lolokokoeven after restarting X05:42
scoatesthat's messed up (-:05:42
scoatessorry, not the same problem I have05:42
dennisterno wait...there does seem to be a link light on the ovislink adsl 505R modem...it's kinda hard to tell with this modem actually05:42
lolokokowhenever i start firefox X utilization foes to 80%05:43
jontec_ericj2190: try sudo dselect05:43
lolokokoff IS BIG PEICE OF SHIT05:43
stdin!language | lolokoko05:43
ubotulolokoko: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:43
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.05:43
dawnhmmm beryl seems nice05:43
dawni need mroe ram though05:44
Erulaiyeah just dont install it on a VM05:44
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lolokokoFF is 3rd grade , cpu , memory sucking Vampire05:44
Phlostenlolokoko: what specs are your pc?05:44
dennisterok, it jay just be the very long cable from the modem to the pc...but i don't think I have another long-enough cable...other ethernet cables are too short05:45
lolokokoi dont know why it takes so much of memory and CPU and X goes crazy when I start it05:45
Phlostenlolokoko: have you got extensions installed?05:45
dennistermay have to get another cable tomorrow...:(05:45
lolokokoPentium Dual Core 2.6 Gz with 2 gb ram , 512 MB Nvidea Gforrce 720005:46
lolokokois there any way use gmail in konqi ?05:47
lolokokoi hate FF05:47
jontec_ericj2190: once you're there use select (read on how to quit the help and then try to find the wpapplicant)05:47
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cefxWhere's the file for adept's repositories etc?05:47
dennisterand this is just wonderful :( the new kernel I upgraded to today means that my tuner and mythtv aren't working properly...:(05:47
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stdincefx: apt's repository list is at /etc/apt/sources.list05:48
lolokokodoes gmail / google doc works with safari since it sure same khtml engine05:48
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Phlostenlolokoko: tried galeon?05:50
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lolokokoi gues its also based on gecko engine05:50
lolokokomust be slow too05:51
slyfoxWhat do you guys think about Canonical and Linspire deal? I read a few articles saying that it is bad idea and that can even be  the end of Linux as we know it.05:51
lolokokoit sucks05:51
Phlostenthe end of Linux, what FUD05:51
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ericj2190jontec_: i just deleted its whole listing from /var/lib/dpkg/status, and it works :)05:52
bitbytesince when is linspire pivotal in linux's existence?05:52
slyfoxPhlosten: FUD ?05:52
Phlostenslyfox: crap05:52
slyfoxUD ?05:52
jontec_ericj2190: wow.... I guess that works...05:52
bitbyteFUD = Fear Uncertainty and Doubt05:52
bitbyteit's a tactic05:52
slyfoxSo is it bad or good ?05:52
bitbyteare you asking about fud or the linspire thing?05:53
jontec_ericj2190: I still need to find out a better way to address these problems though... this state limbo thing is taking casulaties left and right05:53
slyfoxIt is just that I am curious about this scenario as I am thinking of going with PClinuxOS 2007 when it will be out or stay with Kubuntu ?05:53
ericj2190jontec_: now i can unbrick this router05:53
jontec_ericj2190: "brick"?05:54
jontec_I think I'm going to play rome now05:54
ericj2190jontec_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brick_%28electronics%2905:54
bitbytewhats so special about PClinuxOS 2007?05:54
bitbytelooks like Yaet Another Linux Distro05:54
Linux_Galoreslyfox: I wouldnt go with PCLinuxOS, the packaging is rubbisg and its rpm dependend so slow as hell05:55
Linux_Galoreto update05:55
Linux_Galoredepenent *05:55
slyfoxLinux_Galore: I am just a noob so I do not know which one is better rpm or .deb05:55
Linux_Galoreslyfox: .deb is faster05:56
cefxca.ubuntu is outdated05:56
cefxas i thought05:56
slyfoxLinux_Galore: faster as in installation ?05:56
Linux_GaloreI use rpm distro's for years, .deb is just faster and easier05:56
jontec_slyfox: as in it's red and communist and better05:56
Linux_Galoreslyfox: faster as in you can update in 1/3 the time05:56
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Linux_Galoreslyfox: try an rpm distro for yourself,  then try a deb distro, trsut me you wont touch an rpm distro again05:57
jontec_well.... I'ma go and kill some prisoners of war05:58
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=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:stdin] : Kubuntu Support Channel | KDE 3.5.6 out | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuEdgyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Large pastes go here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage
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slyfoxLinux_Galore: waht do you think about Beryl ?06:00
Linux_Galoreslyfox: too distracting and it seems to be all eye candy right now, bit more time and people will start creating productive plugins06:02
Linux_Galoreslyfox: also very unbstable06:02
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surgydid someone say something to me? i was busy slaughtering nazis06:03
surgykonversation was blining red06:03
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stdincheck the scroll back log06:03
slyfoxLinux_Galore: unstable I can agree, it totally messaeb up my Kubuntu I have to resintall06:03
surgystdin: im not seeing it, oh well06:04
Linux_Galoreslyfox: lol, you just had tio add three lines to one file, you didnt have to resintall06:04
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slyfoxLinux_Galore: I mean I isntalled Beryl and it messaed up my system06:05
stdinsurgy: the way I do it, when I can't see it in scroll back is: grep NickName ~/.kde/share/apps/konversation/logs/ubuntu\ irc_#kubuntu.log | tail06:05
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premier_me and a person named DBO have been working for the last couple of ours trying to fix my graphics drivers.  Can anyone here help?06:05
Linux_Galoreslyfox: yes thats because you had compiz setup, you can tell the X server to "disable" it and you machine goes back to normal06:05
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premier_he said the fglrx wasnt loading properly06:06
premier_and dri isnt working06:06
Linux_Galorepremier_: ha ha ATi, lots of luck06:06
fignewLinux_Galore: I dunno... when's the last time you used beryl? I used to say slow/distracting/buggy... but It's really good now06:06
slyfoxLinux_Galore: I have a special problem, which no one can solve here, take a look: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=2621303#post262130306:06
dawni just installed beryl06:06
figneweyecandy can be tuned down (like I have it)06:06
dawnworks fine for me06:06
dawnathought I have a nvidia card to06:07
Linux_Galorefignew: got the latest ver of knoppix, still crap06:07
premier_Linux_Galore: yeah, thats for that06:07
Linux_Galorepremier_: ati drivers suck the big one06:07
fignewLinux_Galore: nothing is particularly any good when you run it off of Knoppix06:08
Linux_Galorefignew: I did the install, the base system is basically feisty06:08
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slyfoxdawn: do you find it productive ?06:09
fignewdeb based != basically ubuntu06:09
dawnhmmmm not sure yet06:09
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dawnthe mulyiple desktops I do06:09
surgystdin: of course the most cryptic way imaginable :) nah if i was too concerned i whould use my gui and look it up in my log backup06:10
dawnI like the spinning 3d cube06:10
Linux_Galoreyou dont need beryl for the multi desktop effect06:10
dawnadds a geel leetness factor06:10
dawnlike...look what I can do Vista boy06:10
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dawnGeek leetness06:10
dawnI know that galore06:10
fignewtrue that dawn!06:10
stdinsurgy: the scroll back has a limit, and I'm usually logged on 24/7, so sometimes I need to use it to check :P06:10
slyfoxdawn: :-)06:10
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dawnhaha...Vista boy...your machine go boom06:11
Linux_Galore3ddesktop gives you the desktops effect without beryl06:11
slyfoxdawn: what I hate is that I cannot have separate taskbars with Bery06:11
dawnthat would be nice06:11
Linux_Galoreyes and there is a package for it in the repo06:11
surgystdin: understandable06:12
=== dawn wonders if 512mb of ram is enough
fignewLinux_Galore: straight from 1998!06:12
Linux_Galoredawn: yes its fine unless your running lots of services06:12
dawnI noticed it lag a bit under beryl06:13
slyfoxLinux_Galore: Did you look at my forum post ?06:13
dawnwhile trying it out06:13
dawneverything else seems fine06:13
dawnhowever flash seems kinda laggy too06:13
dawnbut thats another topic06:13
Linux_Galoredawn: did you install the new 9 flash package06:13
dawnnot sure06:13
fignewfirefox or konq?06:14
Linux_Galoredawn: dont use the gnu version of flash it sux06:14
SpAwNhello all im running dapper and im getting this when trying to update the packages.06:14
SpAwNThe following packages have been kept back:06:14
SpAwN  linux-image-686 linux-restricted-modules-68606:14
fignewSpAwN: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:14
Linux_GaloreSpAwN: means you have the wrong kernel to match06:14
nkRushanyone here running WoW on (k)ubuntu?06:14
SpAwNi shouldnt,,,,,its the one that kubuntu installed06:15
fignewLinux_Galore: huh?06:15
SpAwNfignew, that will only update the kernel...i dont want it to update to edgy06:15
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Linux_Galorefignew: ha ha, that wont work06:15
dawnthe more I use linux distros the more I love them06:15
fignewas long as edgy isn't listed in /etc/apt/sources.list... it won't upgrade to edgy...06:16
SpAwNyea very fignew ....been a long day06:16
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SpAwN*very true06:16
fignewLinux_Galore: I'm almost certainly positive it will06:16
Linux_GaloreSpAwN: you can only update to edgy if you have a edgy repo in your sources06:16
stdinSpAwN: it was a issue, just give your local mirror a chance to sync with the main ubuntu one06:16
dawnyes, I forget to add edgy in my suppositories once...LOL06:16
dawnno wonder my dapper would not upgrade06:16
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SpAwNstdin, i tried the dist-upgread and its seeming to be working06:17
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fignewLinux_Galore: what?06:17
Linux_GaloreSpAwN: dont mix edgy and dapper repo's in your package manager, it will totally screw you up06:17
stdinSpAwN: ahh, didn't know you hadn't tried that06:17
SpAwNLinux_Galore, i know that much :-)06:17
SpAwNrunning dapper...using dapper sources06:17
SpAwNwelp there goes that puters uptime.....75 days.06:18
fignew75 days! child's play!06:19
stdinSpAwN: I'm on feisty, the highest uptime was 5 days, with all the kernel updates06:19
Linux_Galorepffft gte back to me when you hit 4 years06:19
Linux_GaloreIKve got an old red Hat 7.0 server thats not been reset in years06:20
sparrmy apps are responding very slowly, and i hear my hard drive(s) thrashing.  top says nothing is using a lot of cpu time, so i assume paging is at fault.  how can i find the app/process responsible for the problem?06:20
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SpAwNLinux_Galore, haha06:20
Linux_Galoresparr means you either have run out of ram or something has crashed06:21
fignewsparr: top?06:21
=== dr_willis wonders if the locate database is updatubg
SpAwNim on a home computer. lose power every few months06:21
sparrLinux_Galore: its quite obvious ive run out of ram, im always out of ram.  hence my suspicion that the problem is paging.06:21
sparrfignew: unhelpful06:21
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fignewsparr: so it is swapping... you're sure?06:21
=== Linux_Galore recently tried to play a 400mb avi file in kaffeibe only to watch it gobble all his ram up and then go disk swapping crazy
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sparrfignew: no, im not sure.  but it seems likely.  id like to make sure its swapping, OR find out whats swapping if i assume swapping is the problem06:22
fignewtop! or free06:22
fignewthey'll break down actual ram and swap space06:22
fignewso you can see if swap space is being used up06:23
Linux_Galoresparr: run ksysguard and look whats happening06:23
sparrfignew: lots of apps are using plenty of swap space06:23
fignewIn top you can sort processes my memory usage by pressing M <-- capital06:23
sparrLinux_Galore: look where for what?06:23
=== Linux_Galore has zero swap space usage
sparrLinux_Galore: ive got a few GB06:23
SpAwNtry htop06:23
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fignewsparr: used???06:23
Linux_Galoresparr: something sucking up system resources06:24
sparrLinux_Galore: define "system resources"06:24
sparrLinux_Galore: and, tell me how to find "something"06:24
fignewsort by memory usage in top and see what processes are using the most memory!06:24
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Linux_Galoresparr:  shows you each app and how much system resources its using06:24
Linux_Galoresparr: as a percentage06:24
sparrfignew: why?  what will that tell me?06:24
fignewchances are06:25
sparri dont care how much ram they are using06:25
sparri care how often one of them is paging06:25
sparrgimp is eating over 1GB of ram right now06:25
sparrso is audacity06:25
sparrs/ram/ram and swap/06:25
fignewwell gee, if it's apps you're editing big files with06:26
fignewthen you're gonna run out of ram06:26
fignewso close the gimp/audacity!06:26
dr_willisvi /proc/kmem06:26
sparri know im out of ram06:26
sparri dont care that im out of ram06:26
sparri want to know what is swapping06:26
fignewit's not just one app swapping06:27
Linux_Galoresparr: if you run out of ram your going to get disk swapping06:27
fignewboth are swapping06:27
sparrneither of them are swapping06:27
sparrneither of them are doing anything at all06:27
fignewnot the application06:27
fignewnot doing anything = no CPU usage06:27
fignewnot running = no RAM usage06:27
sparri have a dozen apps open using enough ram to cause swapping while they access it06:27
sparrbut none of them are accessing any of it06:28
sparrRIGHT NOW i have no swapping taking place06:28
cefxSo is jamvm what I want for java?06:28
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository06:28
sparrbut when swapping starts, i want to know whats doing it06:28
sparrthe question at hand is...  how do i find out?06:28
cefxheh, thanks :P06:28
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Linux_Galoresparr: I suspect your adding cache to the measurement , you minus that for you real usage06:28
fignewlike I said... it's not just one application that chooses to swap06:28
sparrLinux_Galore: im aware of that06:29
fignewchances are06:29
fignewboth applications are going to be swapping06:29
sparreither im communicating poorly or youre stupid06:29
fignewbecause the kernel is intelligent enough to figure it out on it's own06:29
sparri choose to believe the latter06:29
dr_willisintelligent design/06:30
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fignewI understand exactly what you're asking06:30
sparrthen why wont you answer me?06:30
sparrstop making assumptions and dealing with other cases06:30
fignewbut you have such a gross misunderstanding of how things work!06:30
Linux_Galoresparr: you do realise we can all just throw you on ignore so you pretty much dont exist06:30
sparri want to know...  when ONE APP is swapping, how do i tell which app it is?06:30
Linux_Galoresparr: so insulting people isnt going to help06:31
sparrLinux_Galore: and that would matter to me how?  unless the person who might actually answer my question is among the ignorers, i lose nothing06:31
fignewsparr: probally the least used app06:31
stdinlike ubotu says...06:31
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ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:31
sparrfignew: thats still not an answer.06:31
sparrstdin: ive already determined that neither of the people involved in this discussion know the answer, so i lose nothing either way06:31
Linux_Galoresparr: you questions are bizaar, ooh look at me I have disk swapping and no ram, yeah thats normal ass wipe either run less apps or get more ram06:32
stdinsparr: no excuse to insult people06:32
sparrLinux_Galore: if i ran less apps or got more ram, i wouldnt have swapping.  since my question involves finding information about swapping, that would be counter-productive06:32
fignewsparr: even if you did know what app was using swap... What would you do then?06:32
plackslayerSo is there a way to change just how far in the scrolling area is on a synaptics touchpad?  My touchpad already has a raised bar designating an area strictly for scrolling but the driver is insisting that the area is that again on the left had side of the raised bump.  Any ideas on how to fix this06:32
fignewclose that app? how would that be different from closing any other app?06:33
Linux_Galoresparr: compile your won kernel and set your onw parrameters06:33
sparrplackslayer: what input driver does that device use in your X conf?06:33
fignewplackslayer: ksynaptics06:33
ubotuksynaptics: Synaptics TouchPad configuration tool for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.1-2 (edgy), package size 206 kB, installed size 1008 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 arm hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel powerpc sparc)06:33
plackslayerI have ksynaptics06:33
sparrfignew: uhm, closing any other app wouldnt make the swapping go away?06:33
plackslayerI have also used qsynaptics, neither have changed how far in the area it watches for scrolling.06:34
plackslayersparr: checking.06:34
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sparrfignew: when i want to decrease cpu usage, i close the app using the most cpu.  when i want to decrease memory usage, i close the app using the most memory.  when i want to decrease swapping...  no one knows how to figure out what is swapping?06:34
plackslayerdriver "synaptics"06:34
sparrplackslayer: wish i could help, i was just asking so someone else who read your question might have more info06:35
plackslayersparr: k, thanks.06:35
fignewram & swap aren't separate entities06:36
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fignewphysically, yes06:36
plackslayersparr: I enjoy scrolling and all, but I don't need nearly 40% of my touchpad doing it :)06:36
sparrim not talking about things taking up swap space06:36
sparrim talking about the actual event of the kernel swapping data from swap to ram and vice versa06:36
fignewpacksplayer: check out the gentoo wiki article "HARDWARE Synaptics Touchpad"06:37
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plackslayerfignew: k.  I'll be back to let you know how it goes.06:38
Red_Teari installed VMtools on my VMware machine... now graphic works nice, but there are problems with the sound06:39
cefxwhere's the list of ubuntu repositories?06:39
premier_me and a person named DBO have been working for the last couple of ours trying to fix my graphics drivers.  Can anyone here help?06:40
ernieRed-Tear - what kind of sound problems are you having?06:40
premier_he said the fglrx wasnt loading properly06:40
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:40
premier_and dri isnt working06:40
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stdincefx: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components06:41
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Red_Tearernie it dont regonize any sound card06:42
Red_Tearor driver06:42
erniewhat op system are you running in the VM06:42
ernieit usually defaults to a sound blaster - I'm running win2k as well06:42
cefxstdin: got a list.  What's something like edgy-proposed for?06:43
dr_willisRed_Tear,  last i used the vmware-server and made a new session. it did NOT set up any sound card by default.06:43
dr_willischeck the vmware sessions/hardware settings.06:43
stdincefx: for packages that are proposed for inclusion in to the repos06:43
dr_williswith the vmware server interface.. and the tabs/buttons. :)06:44
Red_Teari just got the player........06:44
stdincefx: like some new versions/packages that haven't been tested yet06:44
dr_willisRed_Tear,  i always use the server.. so cant help ya more then that.. could be a player settting somewhere.. or the guy making the vmware session set it up wrongly06:45
cefxoh cool06:45
cefxand updates..dangerous incase it breaks existing files yeah?06:45
ernieYeah I've got the server setup as well  and had to add the sound in06:45
cefxor conflicts?06:45
Red_Teardr_willis i made a own VM.....06:46
Red_Tearwell Ill take a look in the VM BIOS06:46
stdincefx: packages in -proposed haven't been tested, so they can be dangerous, it's mostly used my devs to test how they interact with the system06:46
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ForgeAushey fsck failed with error 8? whats that mean?06:47
cefxNo I meant...06:47
ForgeAusthere was one volume it couldn't check becasue  it was already mounted06:47
stdinForgeAus: it's explained in man fsck iirc06:47
ForgeAusok thanx06:47
bitbyteit means yer fscked06:48
stdincefx: ahh, they are security updates, you want that one06:48
ForgeAusrofl bitbyte06:48
stdinRed_Tear: if you can't get vmware working, there is always VirtualBox06:48
bitbytevmware >  *06:48
cefxwhat's the syntax for i386 arch in these?06:48
fignewvirtualbox > vmware ;)06:48
cefxbinary-i386 universally?06:48
ForgeAusok so what does operational error mean?06:49
Linux_GaloreYAY! amarok 2.0 works on kde 4.0 via phonon-xine06:49
stdinForgeAus: heh, no clue :P maybe it failed to preform an action it was doing06:49
ForgeAusand how do I found out which disk caused that?06:49
bitbytedoesnt really look like it's geared for the enterprise06:50
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bitbyteid hate to have to admin that06:50
MenaWhy i hav two kernel to choose from in the boot menu06:50
plackslayerfignew: Thank you - the syndaemon and synclient utils were all I needed.  I appreciate it.06:50
stdincefx: yeah, binary-i386 is where the package list for x86 is06:50
ForgeAus(could it just have been because of the intial complaint it couldn't check /dev/sdb3 (or is it sdb1 can't quite remember) because it was already mounted?06:50
fignewno prob :)06:50
stdinMena: because you have 2 installed ?06:50
Linux_GaloreMena: because you didnt remove the old one06:50
Red_Tearstdin hmm looks nice, too06:51
Red_Tearvirtualbox i mean06:51
fignewmy synaptic threshold's default is pretty sane06:51
MenaLinux_Galore, how can i do that i think that happned after the update06:51
Linux_GaloreMena: or your using the old one as default still and you cant remove it until you boot to the new one06:51
ForgeAusyeah virtualbox is kewl06:51
stdinRed_Tear: yeah, it's kool :)06:51
ForgeAusyet another VM format tho06:51
fignewRed_Tear: it's very good! easy to use06:51
plackslayerfignew: it has been years since I used redhat 4...   I am getting to know the new linux to run Asterisk here in a couple months so I gotta learn as much as possible so I don't look like a complete tool at work :)06:51
Linux_GaloreMena: in adept06:51
MenaLinux_Galore, now i am in the new one 2.6.17-1106:52
fignewForgeAus: yea, that's one of the few drawbacks :(06:52
ForgeAus(I think you can convert from vmx/vmdk possibly or even possibly .img, at least one of them but still... yet another VM extension)06:52
MenaLinux_Galore, this is the new right06:52
=== stdin is on 2.6.20-6
Linux_GaloreMena: just go into adept and remove the old kernel06:52
fignewAsterisk = good times06:52
plackslayerfignew: next project, FinePoint drivers for my tablet...06:52
fignewFinePoint? hmm never heard of it06:52
MenaLinux_Galore, okay but there is 2.6.20-606:53
Linux_GaloreMena: what ever is the "old version" or "unused version" remove it06:53
sparris there a way to get ksysguard to NOT use scientific notation when labelling graphs?06:53
MenaLinux_Galore, okay06:53
Linux_GaloreMena: adept wont allows you to remove the kernel your "running"06:54
MenaLinux_Galore, okay06:54
fignewsparr: right click on the graph under proprieties --> scale06:54
sparrfignew: doesnt help06:54
fignewargh... now that you mention it06:55
fignewthat scientific notation is annoying :P06:55
sparri keep having to do the conversion in my head06:55
sparrif it was e+06 or e+09 it would be easier06:55
sparrbut nooo, it has to be e+0706:55
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plackslayerfignew: FinePoint makes the tabletPC interface for some tablets (i.e. gateway's M275/285/cx200/cx210 series)06:57
MenaLinux_Galore, ok i have just remove it06:58
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fignewplackslayer: seems like pretty uncharted waters07:04
plackslayerits been done.  I have read about it working through legacy serial over usb or somthing like it.  I'll get it eventually.07:04
MenaLinux_Galore, is there a new kernel than i have ? why the update didnt update it to it or that bec of support in kubuntu07:05
Red_Tearit says "module vboxdrv not found"07:05
plackslayerThe only thing causing me an ulcer right now, worrying about integrating asterisk with a crazy ammount of different hardware.  From cisco 1800/2800 series routers, random digital phones, a few ip phones from two vendors, and a telecom who sucks with support.  Its going to be great fun in march.07:06
stdinRed_Tear: did you download the deb?07:06
fignewRed_Tear: sudo modprobe vboxdrv07:06
Red_Tear"FATAL: Module vboxdrv not found." is the answer07:06
fignewyou're running a standard ubuntu kernel right?07:07
Red_Tearkubuntu dapper drake point one07:08
fignewdid you download a dapper .deb?07:08
fignewof virtualbox?07:09
Red_Tearhttp://www.virtualbox.org/download/1.3.2/VirtualBox_1.3.2_Ubuntu_Dapper_x86.deb < this one07:09
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild07:09
stdinRed_Tear: so you're on 2.6.17-10 now?07:10
fignewuname -a to find out07:10
stdinuname -r is simpler07:10
sparrdoes ubuntu have non-release-named package repositories?  like debian has releases 'sarge' 'potato' 'etch', but it also has moving windows 'stable' 'testing' 'unstable'.07:10
stdinsparr: no07:10
stdinRed_Tear: what does "find /lib/modules/2.6.15-27-386 -type f -name  vboxdrv*" show?07:11
Linux_GaloreMena: a kernel update wont remove the old one, what happens if the new kernel has a problem, how do you run the old one if its removed ??07:11
fignewGRUB bootup menu07:11
sparrstdin: so im stuck editing my sources to point to the new name every N months if i want to keep getting new software?07:12
Red_Tear /lib/modules/2.6.15-27-386/misc/vboxdrv.ko07:12
MenaLinux_Galore, ohhhh okay so if the new one is working fine with me i can remove the old one07:12
Linux_GaloreMena: yep07:12
Red_Tear@ stdin07:12
MenaLinux_Galore, ok07:12
stdinRed_Tear: so it is there, try "sudo depmod -a", then "sudo modprobe vboxdrv"07:12
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stdinsparr: yeah, every 6 months, and that's if you want to upgrade07:13
sparrstdin: :(07:13
MenaLinux_Galore, Do you have anu idea about the problems of Iso chracter encoding between kubuntu and Xp07:13
sparrstdin: is this a philosophical decision?  i cant imagine it would be hard to alias something on the repository so that <nonexistent name for equivalent of debian unstable> always pointed to the latest name07:14
fignewsparr: things can break during dist-upgrades07:14
sparrfignew: which is why i usually dont do them07:14
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fignewyou don't want them happening automatically07:14
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Red_Tearwhat to do after running the .deb?07:15
Linux_GaloreMena: heh, when using the term ISO with Microsoft you have to use it loosely07:15
stdinRed_Tear: you'll also have to add yourself to the group "vboxusers", then logout/back in, you'll then see it in the Kmenu (under System I think)07:15
fignewstdin: you beat me to it ;)07:16
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stdinfignew: I could feel the question coming :)07:16
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Red_Tearstdin how to add myself to the vboxusers group?07:16
MenaLinux_Galore, So ..07:17
stdinRed_Tear: System Settings -> Users & Groups (or User Management)07:17
MenaLinux_Galore, i mean is there any thing i can do or i must to used on it07:17
mau12I'd been havin' problems with my connection07:18
fignewmau12: what type of connection?07:18
Digiitalanyone compare virtual box  and vmplayer?07:18
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Linux_GaloreMena: you have to explain the context your using the term iso07:19
Linux_Galoreiso character *07:19
MenaLinux_Galore, i amke a folder and rename it to a name in arabic on kubuntu so when i opened Xp i cant read its wrong07:20
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stdinRed_Tear: go in to Administrator mode, then click your user name, click Modify, then, under "Secondary Groups" click Select. Then, under "Avaliable Groups" choose vboxusers, then click add, OK, OK, then close07:20
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Linux_GaloreMena: aaah, yeah Linux can use different lingual character sets and rules smultaneously, XP cant07:21
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Red_Tearsry got disconnected.... but i cant make changes in User and Groups07:22
MenaLinux_Galore, So and i av the problem with the both of them07:22
stdinRed_Tear: did you click on the "Administrator Mode" button ?07:22
Red_Tearif i do this there is just a red box and nothing else in the window and the comment above that i have to do this^^07:23
Linux_GaloreMena: if you look in adept you can install different local packages07:23
MenaLinux_Galore, oaky when i do that what would happend07:23
Linux_GaloreMena: in kcontrol you can then swap your default local to whatever you want07:24
MenaLinux_Galore, okay but when i open Xp is the names will look okay07:24
Linux_GaloreMena: hard to say with XP, X has different version for each local and they dont mix well07:25
Red_Tearnothing else.....07:25
stdinRed_Tear: ok, there is another way you can do it, just open konsole and type "sudo nano /etc/group" then at the bottom you'll see something like "vboxusers:x:2002:" (the number may be different), just add your username after it, so it may be "vboxusers:x:2002:MyUser", then save it "Ctrl-O" and close "Ctrl-X"07:25
MenaLinux_Galore, okay07:25
MenaLinux_Galore, i think i will used to deal with it07:26
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Linux_GaloreMena: I have a friend who speaks both English and Farsi and he has to reboot in XP for each language because it sucks otherwise07:26
MenaLinux_Galore, heheh God be with him07:26
Linux_GaloreMena: he doesnt have this issue on Linux07:27
Linux_GaloreMena: he can be on an english desktop set the browser for farsi and it works07:27
MenaLinux_Galore, i think i will install the local langu and thes will fix the problem as you said07:27
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MenaLinux_Galore, is vista trhe same07:28
Red_Tearif i tell him to save it, he ask me how to save it^^07:28
Linux_GaloreMena: dont know07:28
MenaLinux_Galore, iok07:28
stdinRed_Tear: just press enter07:29
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Linux_GaloreMena: knowing Microsoft and its habbit of releasing different versions for each local I dare say the same will happen because its also a great way of stopping or restricting piracy07:29
osirisanyone know of an app that will play flash files ? or perhaps convert them to avi ?07:30
MenaLinux_Galore, ohhhhhh yea07:30
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Linux_GaloreMena: also many people install two version of Windows ie English and the version tat matches there language so they pay for two licenses, I cant see Microsoft giving that up in a rush07:31
Red_Tearok now Im making my VM07:31
Linux_Galores/tat /that/07:31
MenaLinux_Galore, yea07:31
Red_Tearbut one more question: I selected a dynamic size of the virtual Disk, but now he ask me how big it should be?!?07:32
stdinosiris: I don't know about converting them, some you can't, but libflash-swfplayer can play them07:32
Linux_GaloreMena: its funny Linux in some languages is the best there is now07:32
MenaLinux_Galore, yes sure07:32
underdog5004lol, Linux is there best there is now in everything.07:32
stdinRed_Tear: how big do you want the virtual disk to be?07:32
Linux_GaloreMena: the up side of being open source, anyone can translate the layout and set the local rules07:33
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MenaLinux_Galore, ofcourse so every one love linux07:34
nileshi gang07:34
nilesi have an old old version of ubuntu,  what document to read to "upgrade" the most recent kubutnu.07:34
nilesi would like to preserve my user accounts and /home directories07:35
Linux_GaloreMena: yeah, some cultural nuances cant be explained to a fat white guy in California07:35
osirisstdin, what does that add flash support to ? what app do i use to actually play it07:35
Red_Teari just dont understand why i can tell him he should take a dynamicly expanding image if he still ask me how big the virtual disk should be? is it just how big it will shown to the VM, but dont take that much space? must the space stay free or can i say it should show 2 TB to the VM ? :D07:35
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MenaLinux_Galore, ofcourse so every one love linux07:35
MenaLinux_Galore, sorry07:35
MenaLinux_Galore, thats happned by accident07:35
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mikemacdwhat do i do? error when trying to boot ubuntu live cd!07:36
mikemacd[17179706.232000]  hdd: timeout waiting for DMA07:36
MenaLinux_Galore, heheh07:36
ubotuSee http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)07:36
stdinosiris: it's a stand alone flash player, and swfplayer is the app you use07:36
mikemacdcan anyone help me? :)07:37
MenaLinux_Galore, i hope that MICROSOFt  find a ay to fix this things bec not every one would like having this problems07:37
stdinRed_Tear: id just how big the disk looks to the virtual OS, it will still expand the real file dynamically07:37
Linux_Galoremikemacd: what version07:37
stdinniles: what version is it ?07:38
Linux_GaloreMena: they wont fix it because they lose money07:38
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MenaLinux_Galore, But they must as i guess07:38
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MenaLinux_Galore, they can deal with that make another things  wihich will get  money for them07:39
osirisstdin, thx07:39
stdinnp :)07:39
Menastdin, i want to make iso files07:40
Menastdin, can i by a program07:40
Menastdin, imagefile07:40
Red_TearK3b for example07:40
stdinMena: k3b will let you do that07:40
Menastdin, ok07:40
Menastdin, did you try PCLinuxOS07:41
stdinMena: no, not yet, I've been busy with feisty recently, but it's on my to-do list :P07:42
Linux_Galoremikemacd: last time i saw that warning it was because the hardisk was getting close to its use by date07:42
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mikemacdwell mines not that old at all :)07:42
mikemacdalmost 1 year, maybe, not even.07:42
mikemacdsomeone told me i had to go into my bios07:43
mikemacdand enable something about dma07:43
Menastdin, ok so let me know if it was good for a normal user like me bec its working on prm right07:43
mikemacdbut i looked around my bios and couldnt find anything07:43
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plackslayerthanks fignew.   time for a break07:44
Red_Tearfailed to start the virtual machine07:45
stdinMena: afaik, yeah it's an RPM distro07:45
Red_TearVirtualBox kernel driver not accessible, permission problem.At '/home/vbox/vbox/src/VBox/VMM/VM.cpp' (303) in int VMR3Create(void (*)(VM*, void*, int, const char*, unsigned int, const char*, const char*, char*), void*, int (*)(VM*, void*), void*, VM**).07:45
Red_TearVBox status code: -1909 VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_ACCESSIBLE07:45
Linux_Galoremikemacd: this a Via motherboard07:45
stdinRed_Tear: after you added yourself to the vboxusers group, did you logout/back in?07:45
mikemacdi believe so07:46
Linux_Galoremikemacd: yeah some VIA board have a DMA issue when under allot of load07:46
Red_Tearstdin well ill try07:46
Red_Tearback in 1 min ^^07:46
MenaLinux_Galore, Thanks FOr helping Today :-)07:46
mikemacdokay, so what should i do.07:46
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DaSkreechAnyone can help with some graphics driver issues?07:46
Linux_Galoremikemacd: build your own kernel lol07:47
mikemacdhuh? lol07:47
mikemacdim screwed? haha07:47
Linux_Galoremikemacd: try feisty07:47
DaSkreechI'm trying to play Supertux and it moves like a spastic ostrich07:47
Linux_Galoremikemacd: its a kernel/via hardware  issue07:47
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mikemacdso i cant fix it?07:48
mikemacdi cant use ubuntu?07:48
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Linux_Galoremikemacd: not really, just download the feisty iso and burn it, seems to be fixed in the new kernel07:48
vk6five q: How do I set the ipaddress manually07:49
mikemacdoh, crap. so i wasted a cd :( lol07:49
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mikemacdwheres this feisty iso your talking about07:49
Red_Tear2hmm now no message, much of the VB programm buttons and so on are greyed out, but nothing running07:49
Linux_Galoremikemacd: luck of the irish07:49
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+107:49
mikemacdbe right back!07:50
stdinvk6five: like "sudo ifconfig eth0"07:50
MenaBye all FOr a while ...With +GOD+ Bless :)07:50
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Red_Tearstdin hmm now no message, much of the VB programm buttons and so on are greyed out, but nothing running07:51
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stdinRed_Tear: hmm, not sure why that is07:54
Red_Tearbut it tells me a session of the VM is running......07:55
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Red_Tearbut dont know how i could stop it^^07:56
DaSkreechbah who needs supertux anyway07:57
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Forgewhen you can have.. what singularity?07:57
stdinRed_Tear: hmm, try "sudo /etc/init.d/virtualbox restart"07:57
Red_Tearok works07:59
Linux_Galorebye mena08:00
Forgedoes virtualbox do MacOSX85 like VMware??08:00
Forgegrrr x8608:00
stdinmaybe, haven't tried. look on http://www.virtualbox.org/08:01
ForgeI got it and been there...08:01
Forgewas just curious thats all08:01
ForgeI havn't actually USED virtualbox tho08:01
Forgebut it is installed on my PC08:02
Red_Tearwin2k setup is running :)08:02
ForgePresently, VirtualBox runs on Windows and Linux 32-bit hosts and supports a large number of guest operating systems including but not limited to Windows (NT 4.0, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista), DOS/Windows 3.x, Linux (2.4 and 2.6), and OpenBSD.08:02
Forgehmmm doesn't mention darwin08:02
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nilesstdin: 6.06 i belive08:04
stdinForge: heh, just found there is a virtualBox channel #vbox08:04
nilesi asked about upgrading olld version of ubunto to a recent kubutu08:04
nileswill the kubutnu  installation provide an option to upgrade rather than reformat my PC ?08:05
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stdinniles: you can't upgrade with the Desktop install CD, just follow the guide here http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade08:06
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nilesthanks stdin08:08
nilesis wiki.kubuntu  the official kubuntu docs and faqs?08:08
nilessorry i actually have been running debian on my primary partition.  but it's soo old08:09
stdinthere is wiki.kubuntu.com and docs.ubuntu.com08:09
stdinopps, it's help.ubuntu.com now08:09
stdinnot docs08:09
nilesoh right.  the same stuff for ubuntu applies to kubutnu. cool08:10
stdinKubuntu is just Ubuntu plus KDE  minus Gnome08:10
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MukiEXReally nasty bug, if anyone knows about this08:13
MukiEXMy mouse cursor is borked.08:13
MukiEXIt's in the wrong spot on the screen (the cursor is showing up ~500 pixels under where it's supposed to be (e.g. where clicks are registering)08:14
MukiEXThis problem is present even at the startup screen, before KDE is loaded08:14
underdog5004MukiEX, sounds like an xorg problem08:15
underdog5004try doing this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:15
MukiEXOkay, underdog, thanks, I'll be right back and see if it works08:18
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osirisdoes kde's sound system not support wav files for sounds or something ?08:26
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surgyosiris: isnt wav a proprietary format? im sure there are codecs.....08:27
stdinwav = raw08:27
stdin(no codecs)08:28
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stdinand aRts can play them08:28
underdog5004aRts is on its way out...ALSA is the new hotness08:28
osirisim using alsa08:29
stdinaRts used ALSA08:29
underdog5004But ALSA doesn't use aRts08:29
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stdinno, aRts sits on top of ALSA08:29
underdog5004meh, I don't know wtf I'm talking about...08:29
underdog5004sorry bout that08:30
MukiEXUnderdog, came back.08:30
=== underdog5004 returns to playing with blocks in the corner
MukiEXReseting did work, but trying any combination to get my graphics card up and back fubared it again.08:30
MukiEXSo I think it might be when I dist-upgraded, maybe the ati driver doesn't work with the latest xorg or something08:30
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Forgaciusstdin I was checking out the hostlist, and a few docs about Vbox, it has a ways to go yet to be up to VMware level... but its got some nice interesting features/addons08:31
stdinunderdog5004: basically ALSA is for hardware, aRts is a sound system (service)08:31
Forgaciusunfortunately the network card it supported was dropped in Vista...08:32
Forgaciusalso FreeBSD has problems and Darwin doesn't even work08:32
stdinanother reason to hate vista08:32
Forgaciusalso ReactOS doesn't work08:32
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stdinReactOS never worked, even if you could boot it :P08:33
flaccidwell in respect to the sound stuff08:33
ForgeAusawww don't be so harsh!08:33
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flaccidyou don't need the kde sound system enabled at all08:33
flaccidthats legacy08:33
flaccidyou only need oss or also or arts08:33
Linux_Galoreheh => http://gallery.popey.com/gallery/misc/1157960476967_G08:33
flaccidmind you alsa sux at doco and troubleshooting08:34
flaccidwhich makes OSS just seem to be a better alternative08:34
stdinForgeAus: every time you click something it's "Feature not implemented", intersting (and difficult) project tho08:34
osirisok, so why dont it play wav files i set up for system events08:34
flaccidosiris: can you play a wav file in an audio player?08:34
ForgeAusstdin I agree... for the most bit08:34
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flaccidwav is raw pcm as confirmed earlier08:34
osirisand i can use mp3 or ogg for system events now08:35
flaccidosiris: goto kmix and see if that is using alsa or oss08:35
MenaCan amrok play files through browser08:35
osirisim using alsa08:35
Menai mean play video online08:35
ForgeAushehe I wish there was a MergeOS... Linux/Windows/Aqua/Amiga compatible.... lol! as if that would ever happen!08:35
osirisdapper, updated, 2.6.15-2808:35
flaccidhmm don't know then sorry osiris08:36
flaccidi just use OSS now08:36
underdog5004ForgeAus, no way. Not ever. What a nightmare that would be...08:36
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flaccidForgeAus: what is your problem with freebsd/08:37
flaccidits far more stable than kubuntu08:38
crazy_penguinGood morning!08:38
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ForgeAushehe flaccid I don't have a problem with BSD08:42
ForgeAus(of any variety)08:42
ForgeAusas I always say I'm an equal opportunity O/S enthusiast08:43
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flaccid[2007-02-10 18:32]  <Forgacius> also FreeBSD has problems and Darwin doesn't even work08:44
flaccidthat wasn't you?08:44
ForgeAusyeah but I was talking about under Virtualox08:44
ForgeAusgrr VirtualBox08:44
flaccidoh whats that08:45
zakamenice ox08:45
ForgeAusyou took the statement out of context08:45
ForgeAusits like VMware08:45
flaccidno i didn't08:45
flaccidi misread your statements08:45
flaccidthere is many alternatives..08:45
ForgeAusfrom Innotek08:45
zakamethere are08:45
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ForgeAuswell kubuntu should work fine its kernel is 2.6 right?08:45
flaccidthats what kubuntu says about lots of stuff...08:46
ForgeAusits stability issues aside, the OS should (theoretically) work under VirtualBox similarly to how it does natively08:46
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flaccidthats a negative08:47
ForgeAuswhat you expect a virtualization tool to run it better?08:47
flacciddoes innotek support *nix/bsd/unix/freebsd ?08:47
sparrhow can i tell which application is causing ram/swap activity?08:48
flaccidwell does virtualbox suppor tit08:48
ForgeAusyes but theres problems with freebsd 6.2 in it08:48
ForgeAusits ... trying to support them08:48
flaccidthen the problem is innotek, not freebsd08:48
ForgeAusbut has a ways to go yet apparently08:48
ForgeAusflaccid I agree08:48
flaccidif they support it and it doesnt work, you ask them why and to fix it08:49
ForgeAuswell its more Vbox's technology that needs to support *nix/BSD/Darwin08:49
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ForgeAusthey're workin on it08:49
flaccida lot of developers some how blame and leave the onus on the distro for no reason08:49
flaccidwhy do you need to use vbox?08:49
ForgeAusthey're aware of the problems and trying to fix them thats all you can ask for!08:49
ForgeAusyou don't08:49
ForgeAusin fact it doesn't even have a virtual disk mounting tool08:50
flaccidyou don't have to ask for anything, you can use something else and say they suck :)08:50
ForgeAusI find Virtualization is an interesting toy for me mostly...08:50
ForgeAusand its a safe way to run an OS without messing around with your local partitions08:51
ForgeAus(it still requires a file or drive access)08:51
flaccidwell i don't see partitioning as a problem08:51
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flaccidlinux has grub08:51
flaccidmulti boot is not of difficulty even for the newbie08:51
stdinwhat if you don't want to have to repartition every time you want to test a new OS?08:52
Gretlit gets bit more nasty when boot sector is corupeted somehow08:52
flaccidyou don't have to08:52
flaccidif the OS installer doesn't do it for you, its not an OS08:52
ForgeAusso what AROS isn't an OS?08:53
stdinand if you want multiple versions of an OS?08:53
flaccidi'm just being a bit of a wanker really08:53
flaccidstdin: sure multiple partitions08:53
stdinas ling as you can admit it :)08:53
flaccidalways admit it08:54
flaccidi'm an honest flaccid08:54
stdinflaccid: then a new version comes out, and you have to repartition, or wipe another08:54
flaccidthe installer should do that for your08:54
flaccidfor you08:54
flaccidwith ease08:54
ForgeAusVirtual Drives still require the diskspace08:54
stdinyeah, but I don't want a gazillion partitions :P08:55
ForgeAusbut its installing inside a nice and easy environement08:55
flacciddoes it make you freak out or something08:55
ForgeAuscan can even run off an ISO rather than a physical CD08:55
stdinyes, yes it dose :P08:55
flaccidheh lame excuse :p08:55
flaccidyou can do VM i have nothing against it, exept performance08:55
ForgeAusactually isn't 4 primary partitions per disk the max?08:55
flaccidyes it is08:55
flaccidthen you have logical/extended08:56
stdinForgeAus: yeah, but you can use extended/logical08:56
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ForgeAusflaccid I don't expect performance out of a VM08:56
flaccidi didn't say you did08:56
ForgeAuslinux doesn't seem to handle extended well08:56
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flaccidit handles it fine08:56
stdinit's fine here08:56
flaccidSysinfo for 'lister.dev.xhost.com.au': FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE-p11 running KDE 3.5.5, , HD: 6/44GB, , 156 proc's,08:57
flaccidsee i'm on freebsd08:57
flaccidand i use a ext2 and fat32 parts for my homedrives08:57
flaccidthen i symlink as required08:57
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flaccidfor example opera is on the fat32 so if i do install windows i can access my mail etc.08:58
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flaccidi might put vista, mac os x and kubuntu on it soon...08:58
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dmitriwhat are the safe ranges for HorizSync and VertRefresh I can add to xorg.conf?08:59
abrahamlincolndmitri, refer to your monitor's manual or google for it should you not have it08:59
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dmitriabrahamlincoln: i'm kind of lazy to do that right now, is there safe ranges I can use?09:01
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orient2000Hi! Does anybody have weather working in desklets?09:01
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abhinayhow to change the text font in tty1, tyy2.... to default font ?09:03
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binksmorning dudes09:05
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Menai want to change my screen resolution from 1024x768 to 1280x102409:14
Menahow to do enable 1280x102409:14
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MenaIts the brake time09:16
Mena!screen resolution09:17
ubotuscreen: a terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.2-4.1ubuntu5.6.10 (edgy), package size 570 kB, installed size 976 kB09:17
flaccidtry kcontrol09:18
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stdin!xconfig | Mena09:19
ubotuMena: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  - To configure only the driver and resolution, type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  - See also !FixRes09:19
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flaccidcli required for a desktop os, thats crap :)09:20
crazyrobotyour monitor has to support 1280x1024 though.  system settings, monitor and display.  sometimes with linux you have to set your video card and monitor manually.09:21
stdinflaccid: make a gui to dpkg then :p09:21
flaccidyes most of the time :)09:21
flaccidstdin: kubuntu and kde already have09:21
stdinflaccid: not to apt, to dpkg09:22
flaccidwhat do you mean09:22
flaccida gui is already madd09:22
flaccidapt is a frontend to dpkg09:22
stdinso you can reconfigure a package without cli09:22
flaccidwhat does this have to do with display?09:22
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)09:23
ubotudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.09:23
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto09:23
stdinflaccid: because, you may have to add 1280x1024 to the available list of resolutions09:24
flaccidno i don't09:24
flaccidthat aint my job if its not there...09:24
stdinflaccid: "you" as in any user09:24
crazyrobotstdin: but if the monitor doesn't support it, it won't work.09:24
binksflaccid: dont be scared of cli09:24
flaccidi'm no the developer nor the package maintainer09:24
stdincrazyrobot: yeah, I know09:25
flaccidwho ever said i was scared of cli?09:25
Sessordered my new tablet pc tonight09:25
binksflaccid: i misunderstood soz09:25
flaccidkubuntu is a desktop os. how can it beat windows if the user needs cli?09:26
Sessany tablet related apps I can install like xscribble?09:26
underdog5004omg! what play's VOBs? I just d/l Lost season 3 episode 7 and I _need_ to watch it!09:26
flaccidwindows wins...09:26
flaccidunderdog5004: ah i need to watch that one too09:26
binksi admin windows at work and have to edit cli so whats the diff09:26
stdinunderdog5004: VOB = DVD format09:26
underdog5004flaccid, it's on thepiratebay.org09:26
flaccidthe difference is you don't need cli to change resolution in windows... thats the point.09:26
flaccidthanks underdog500409:27
underdog5004or mplayer?09:27
flaccidxine ?09:27
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages09:27
underdog5004I've got that plugin plugged in09:27
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stdinunderdog5004: yeah, kaffiene, just go to File -> Open Directory09:27
binksok so in screen terms doze wins bully for the doze boys09:27
stdinmost media players will do it09:28
underdog5004stdin, ok, sweet! I've got rtorrent running on my server, then I do ftp:// to my server from within the kaffeine playlist...kaffeine wins09:28
binksinstall clv and type vlc /path/to/dvd/dir09:28
flaccidbinks: that makes no sene.09:28
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Red_Teargot disconnected before....09:29
binksno it dont we have to edit files manually all the time in windows thats a desktop whats the diff09:29
flaccidbinks: which file to you edit to change resolution in windows?09:30
flaccidi've never heard of that09:30
underdog5004rofl @ flaccid09:30
Red_Tearhmm..... Im sure ther is a way to change disk in my VM on VirtualBox while running, right?09:30
=== underdog5004 appreciates the humor
flaccidthanks underdog500409:30
binksflaccid: im not just talking about screen res09:30
stdinflaccid: in the registry, which is a file :P09:30
flaccidbinks: you might edit files. normal users don't.09:30
flaccidthe registry is not 1 file no09:30
binksnormal users in kubuntu dont09:31
stdinyeah, it's a few (binary) files09:31
flaccidbinks: well i am. cite something specific or give up the argument.09:31
flaccidbinks: this normal user we were helping before did...09:31
sampanis this still a kubuntu help channel or a troll-for-complaints-about-how-linux-isn't-ready-for-desktop-users channel?09:31
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binksok nps i cant be arsed with a linux bashing this morning life is about choice my choice in *nix09:32
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flaccidsampan: the latter09:32
osirisstdin, was it you that recomended swfplayer to me ?09:32
flaccidi wasn't the one with an unfounded argument...09:32
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_Oscar__I have a very odd problem. When I start kubuntu with a live cd I have no issues whatsoever. After I've installed it however I have problems with the graphics card. I get a black blank screen. The card works well under windows (and kubuntu live cd) so I don't think it's the card. The Xorg-logfile doesn't report anything odd. Any ideas on where to start looking for things?09:32
sampanarguments about off-topic topics should be taken elsewhere?  this is a support channel i thought ... there's other venues for debating linux's merits/demerits vis-a-vis other OS's ... or maybe i was misinformed09:33
osirisyeah, drop to a terminal, kill X, and try startx09:33
flaccidsampan: i didn't start it so take it up with the perp09:33
flaccidsampan: i do a lot of help here so respect that09:34
sampanflaccid, you continued it -- takes two to have a CONVERSATION  :)09:34
flaccidno shit sampan09:34
flaccidand takes 1 to complain about it as well09:34
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_Oscar__osiris: was that for me? Unfortunatly something odd happens when X starts so I can't see a terminal either. It's like the machine locks up. No ctrl-alt-backspace, no ctrl-alt-delete, no ctrl-alt-F109:35
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Alarmhello, with which app, could i see the disk usage with graphical bars ?09:36
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_Oscar__And this is only after an install. Running from live-cds works well. As does windows.09:36
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_Oscar__Alarm: kuickdisk I think09:36
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flaccid_Oscar__: check your /var/log/X*.log09:37
Alarmany available that is allready installed by default with a standart kubuntu installation ?09:37
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flaccidAlarm: not that i know of. it might show kind of in system settings09:37
vk6fivesdq: burning a disk uses cdfs, right... there's nothing stopping me burning a cdrom from kubuntu for windows is there?09:37
Alarmany command line then ?09:38
flaccidvk6five: i thought it was iso966009:38
flaccidAlarm: df -h09:38
Alarmokie , thank you a lot :)09:38
flaccidthe -h is for human readable09:38
flaccidso in reality its quicker to get the info than a gui09:38
flaccidi'm not scared of that cli :)09:39
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_Oscar__flaccid: I did. Nothing out of the ordinary there.09:39
stdinosiris: yeah09:39
jbrouhardanyone here ever manage to get the latest Cedega to install on Edgy Eft ?09:39
flaccid_Oscar__: wish i could help further. i have no idea.09:39
flaccidwhere to go from here09:39
osirisstdin, i ran it, my power supply let the smoke out, and it roached the pc09:40
vk6fiveeither way... standard and it shouldn't matter right?09:40
_Oscar__flaccid: It seems to only be in kubuntu though. Tried mandriva2007 and it worked there. I should probably report it, but so far I don't have any data about it, other than "It won't work". which isn't very helpful to the devs.09:40
stdinosiris: I doubt that's anything to do with swfplayer09:40
osirisi know09:41
flaccid_Oscar__: yeah loose loose situation09:41
stdinosiris: but, ouch09:41
osiristhe living room reaks09:41
osirisi replaced the supply and the box is dead:dead09:41
flaccidrip box09:42
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stdinosiris: your motherboard is probably fried too, but the hard disk *may* be ok still09:42
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osirisRIP osiris@grail09:42
vk6fivestdin: that answer you gave on ipconfig a while back... how do I cause this machine to have the same ip say 192.168.550.1 every time so I can setup a windows firewall for sharing.09:42
osirisstdin, thats what im hopin.  anyhow.  off to parts shop09:42
stdinosiris: good luck09:43
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stdinvk6five: if you want it to be permanent go to, System Settings -> Network  Settings, and change it there09:44
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=== stdin will be back soon
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vk6fivethks stdin09:44
vk6fiveflaccid: the cd burnt in linux should read in windows... yeah.09:45
flaccidif burnt as iso966009:45
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flaccidor UDF09:46
flaccidwindows XP and above can do udf iirc09:46
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binkshas anyone used the new todicgui if so how does it look on your machine09:50
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binkstodisc ^^09:50
binksthe gui for tovid that is09:51
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dmitridoes anyone know good repositories for win32codecs and libdvdcss?09:56
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:56
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xenolis grub-gfxboot_0.97-5_i386.deb compatible with edgy i386?10:00
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flaccidmost likely xenol but i can't officially confirm10:01
xenolflaccid: so rather i should download from sudo apt-get?10:01
flaccidwhat are you trying to do10:02
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Red_Tearhow to make graphic work better in VirtualBox?10:03
jbrouhardhowdy all10:03
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plackslayeris there a way to make the synaptics driver (through syndockor ksynaptics) acctually turn off the "safe" mode?   It is REALLY annoying...10:04
di3dmitri: go to http://seveas.imbrandon.com, the repo has libdvdcss and w32codecs10:05
jbrouhardanyone have problems with Cedega Setup in Edgy Eft ?10:05
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nagyvIf I have a hand-compiled kernel module, then should I recompile it after the kernel upgrade?10:07
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flaccidif its a module you just load it10:07
flaccidcousin :)10:08
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nagyvgood morning :)10:09
Red_Tear"tell me, why do you say goodmorning when you know very well that its afternoon?" ;) :P10:11
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Red_Tear(but here its morning, too)10:11
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flaccidit is a global server10:12
flaccidon the internet10:12
flaccidand i'm an aussie mate10:12
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Red_Teari know.... was just joking around a bit...  dont u know the job interview of montey python?^^10:13
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flaccidwell no10:14
flaccidthats another 20 dollas10:14
flaccidif you want me to continue10:14
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plackslayerdi3: How do you form the reposatory line that goes into the apt manager?10:15
plackslayerfor that site you just gave?10:15
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plackslayernm, I think I got it.10:18
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binkshas anyone got a link to a good tutorial for pyqt4 not qt3 for a begginner10:19
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[abhishek] i am not getting any options in kcontrol but all those are in kmenu > lost+found10:20
[abhishek] how can i get those back in kcontrol?10:20
[abhishek] devilsadvocate:10:21
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pygt4 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pyqt4 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:29
xenolbinks:  well try on wikipedia.org10:30
xenolmayb some links there or google for it :P10:30
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xenoli got a problem10:31
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xenoli now can upgrade kernel to 17-11 generic one10:31
xenolbut one of 3 is for x86_64 as it says and i have x86 :/10:32
flaccidthats a good thing not a problem?10:32
xenolwell should i updeate it? cause 2 kernel images r for x86/x86_64 and 3rd for x86_6410:32
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hansohello all. I'm experimenting alot of problems with Kubuntu. the worst problem is that programs (prosesses) beeing closed for no reason. for instance the kicker bar. are there others having the same problems or know about a sollution?10:34
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binkscheers xenol10:35
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di3plackslayer: put the line "deb http://seveas.imbrandon.com/ edgy-seveas all"10:38
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xenolflaccid: any ideas that new kernel will fix probs with turning off pc?10:41
plackslayeryeah - I was having trouble with the "all" part.   Thanks di3.10:41
di3dont forget about authentication10:42
di3plackslayer: run "wget http://seveas.imbrandon.com/1135D466.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -"10:42
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plackslayerI got that first - that part he has on his page - its the exact layout of his distro that I didn't get.10:43
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daniele_982hello i'm italian and i've installed kxdocker by the repo but it not found! why?10:44
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daniele_982ops il channel e' in ita :D10:45
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daniele_982xJPM100x: you use Kxdocker?10:47
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daniele_982hello something use KxDocker?10:49
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yopadhi everyone10:52
b0uncerhi..not actually Kubuntu-related but how do I alter default permissions that files get when created?10:53
daniele_982hi yopad you use KxDocker?10:53
yopadhow do you change the font size for the terminal10:53
b0uncerat the moment every user can read others' home directories and all files created there10:53
yopadthe true terminal...10:53
b0uncerso I'd need to set it so that only the owner/group can read, others couldn't10:53
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flaccidb0uncer: man chmod and man chown10:55
yopadsay i hit alt-f2 and go into that terminal thing10:55
daniele_982flaccid: you use kxdocker?10:56
yopadhow do i change the font size10:56
yopador the resoultion for it10:56
daniele_982flaccid: but you have intalled it by repositorie?10:56
flaccidyopad: which terminal thing are you referring to10:56
di3b0uncer: right click on the file and choose properties -> permissions10:56
yopadflaccid in non gui10:56
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yopadhow do i change that..10:56
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yopadi think they call it the true terminal10:57
flaccidi have never heard of true terminal10:57
daniele_982something read me???10:57
flaccidare you referring to konsole or xterm10:57
flacciddaniele_982: yes i did10:57
yopadhit alt-f3 or alt-f210:57
daniele_982flaccid: ok you use kxdocker?10:57
b0uncerflaccid and di3 yeah I know how to change them, but I'd like to set the defaults so that the files created newly get the permissions right away without me needing to alter them afterwards10:57
yopadin there10:57
flaccidno  i dont daniele_98210:58
daniele_982flaccid: ok10:58
flaccidb0uncer: maybe you are referring to cmask as a mount option set in fstab10:58
daniele_982flaccid: i've installed it by repositories but it not found10:58
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flacciddaniele_982: you can't run kxdocker from alt+f2 / windows key + r10:59
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b0uncerflaccid: actually (just reading some web pages) I think it's umask I'm after..10:59
flaccidyep thats user mask11:00
flaccidbut there is also creation mask iirc11:00
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b0uncerbut how do I use that to set defaults so that they're permanent?11:00
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flaccidb0uncer: as an option for the mount entry in /etc/fstab11:00
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flaccidiirc its static11:00
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xenolplz it is kdm bug that my PC wont turn off/restart though k menu but i can turn off/restart from konsole11:00
flaccidso in some situations you are probably still going to be have to manually set perms. ie. fs can't tell which user:group you want to create stuff under11:01
daniele_982flaccid: the problem is that it is not configurable11:01
b0uncerflaccid: no, I mean for local files on /home (which is on root partition)11:01
crovHi, i am having problem with Booting up Kubuntu, Ati Radeon X850 Pro (R480) http://img115.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc00260sq3.jpg11:01
b0unceris it just 'umask nnn' with an appropriate nnn mask number?11:02
flacciddaniele_982: edit /etc/fstab and it is11:02
b0uncerthere seems to be no manpage for umask11:02
flaccidwrong person11:02
flacciddaniele_982: can't help you sorry11:02
flaccidb0uncer: that should be automatic11:02
daniele_982flaccid: /etc/fstab???11:02
flaccidpeople in the admin group might still have access to other peoples homes i can't remember11:02
hansohello all. I'm experimenting alot of problems with Kubuntu. the worst problem is that programs (prosesses) beeing closed for no reason. for instance the kicker bar. are there others having the same problems or know about a sollution?11:02
flacciddaniele_982: sorry that wasn't meant for you11:03
yopadflaccid i mean ctrl+alt+f#11:03
flaccidb0uncer: create a new file in your homedir under your user name and then show me the perms11:03
yopadhow do you change the font size in there11:03
flaccidno idea11:04
flaccidi don't know what ur talking about yopad11:04
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yopadwhat is that called11:04
yopadis that the terminal too11:04
yopadout of gui11:04
flacciduse konsole11:04
flaccidgoto the settings menu and you can change whatever you want, yopad11:05
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di3b0uncer: you can change the default creation mask in /home/your_name/.bash_profile11:05
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di3but you have to relogin afaik11:06
xenolwat is kde irc plz?11:06
flaccidhmm good suggestion di311:06
b0uncerdi3: so I figured out running 'umask 0640' does what I'm after, but do I need to put that in .bash_profile or will it stay permanent?11:06
di3no, i wont stay permanent, just for the current session11:07
xenolkde irc channel?11:07
Alarmhow can i change my swappiness value11:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swappiness - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:07
ubotuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info11:08
b0uncerdi3: thanks :)11:08
di3b0uncer: put that in .bash_profile11:08
crovHi, i am having problem with Booting up Kubuntu, Ati Radeon X850 Pro (R480) http://img115.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc00260sq3.jpg11:09
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xenolcrov:  my friend had same problem in windows that graphic was fked up on boot screen11:11
xenolcrov:  and he realized it is HW mistake11:12
xenolcrov: mayb this aint that case but who knows11:12
crov6.06 worked fine, windows xp,vista working fine11:12
crovHW is working fine11:12
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xenolonly edgy?11:13
xenolhmm crow did u upgraded ur kernel?11:13
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crovxenol no i just download kubunu-i386-dvd.iso and trying to install it, it wont install normaly it show me the same screen on startup, then i install text mode and now when booting also wont boot to kde11:15
xenolcrov only shell loads?11:17
di3crov: you can disable this splash screen, maybe it will help11:17
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xenolcrov:  if so u need to "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" i had same prob when iused alternate install11:17
Linux_Galoreanyone figured out 1. to find a way to get kaffeine to play mkv without crapping itself, 2. making vlc show decent fonts that dont look like some monkey rendered them on a bad day11:18
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Linux_Galoresorry  sub fonts11:18
crovxenol well when i become that screen i cant go into shell ory anywhere, i use text mode install because normal stop on the same screen11:19
xenolcrov i made this got problem installing edgy from desktop some crap with my monitor but monitor doesnt  have more than 1 month when i tried to isntall so i DLed alternate booted it up isntalled and it only copied files to disk so i needed to "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" everything was ok then but got probelms with network monitor resolution etc11:21
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xenolcrov: well but i finally made it over so np with that but try to disable that screen11:22
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di3crov: yes try to disable the splash screen11:22
crovhow to do that?11:23
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xenolcrov:  can u get to kdm at least?11:23
xenolcrov:  if not u will have to boot up live cd and change it from there11:23
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di3crov: when the grub menu show up press esc to stop booting11:24
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di3crov: then press 'e' to edit the boot menu11:24
tobias_good morning11:25
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tobias_uhm can anyone help me to format my external usb-hard-drive ?11:26
flaccidlets see11:26
crustyhi guys! iv just intalled xmove on kubuntu 6.10, but it does not appear in the multimedia program list menu11:26
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter11:26
crustyany help?11:26
crovxenol i cant get kde because it stop on first screen11:26
flaccidtobias_: qtparted shall be the easiest11:26
tobias_ah ok thnx11:27
plackslayercrov: you need to tweak your monitor settings.11:27
di3crov: and finally remove  'splash'  from the list of boot parameters11:27
flaccidcrusty: you probably need to add it yourself if you want11:27
xenolcrov:  that disable splash screen as di3 told11:27
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crovdi3 ok thnx will try11:27
crovplackslayer how to do that?11:27
xenoldi3: he needs to but nosplash there?11:27
flaccidcrusty: right click kmenu | edit11:27
plackslayercrov: those settings are in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:27
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di3xenol: sorry, i didn't get it11:28
di3xenol: what do you mean11:28
xenoldi3: how does he removes the spalshscreen? with adding nosplash behind kernel?11:29
crustykde menu is open....and now?11:29
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di3xenol: as far as i remember there is an option 'splash' in the list of boot params11:30
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di3xenol: he needs to remove it11:30
xenoldi3:  quite splash?11:30
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di3xenol: right11:31
di3xenol: quite is for supressing kernel messages and splash for splash screen11:31
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flaccidtry alt + ctrl + f1 on boot scren11:32
flaccidactually try all of them!11:32
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xenoldi3:  so if i remove quite then i will see wat is loading?11:37
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di3xenol: right, you will see all kernel messages11:38
xenoldi3: under the edgy splash screen?11:39
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xenoldi3: and btw if i remove the splash screen wont edgy start faster? in windows it is like that give +2-3 sec boost to startup of os11:40
di3no, these are the messages from various system services such as dhcp, cups11:40
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di3xenol: i don't know if it speeds the booting process up11:41
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xenoldi3: plz can u gimme kde irc channel? cause i thing i discovered bug :S11:42
di3xenol: i always remove 'splash' because i want to see what is going on while booting11:42
psajdakjest ktos z pl?11:42
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di3xenol: i don't know11:43
di3xenol: try to find your bug on bugs.kde.org11:44
flaccidthere is #kde11:44
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xenolflaccid: i found few possibilities how to fix but i dont want to turn off sound and i am prompted to do it :(11:49
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flaccidthis is why windows wins :(11:49
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xenolflaccid: they told me i should ask about my problem with turning off pc here11:54
flaccidwho is they11:54
xenolppl in kde channel11:55
flaccidwhat is the problem11:55
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xenoli cant turn off pc from kmenu onyl from console11:55
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flaccidand how do you get to console11:56
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xenolflaccid:  well i want to turn of pc from k menu logout  when i do it my monitor goes black HD shutdoen only cooler is working and PC is under electricity afaik11:57
flaccidno idea sorry11:57
JosefKxenol: I had the same problem - ATI card?11:57
flaccidcontact the makes of kubuntu11:57
xenolJosefK:  yup11:57
flacciderr the makers11:57
xenolok i will try11:57
JosefKxenol: add vga=791 to the defopts line in your /boot/grub/menu.lst11:57
flaccidwhoever they are11:57
JosefKxenol: it's a console switching problem, doing the above then running 'sudo update-grub' should fix it11:58
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JosefKxenol: (for the second shutdown/reboot only, you'd need to boot up again for the changes to take effect)11:58
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xenolso JosefK i add vga=791 in menu.lst and do sudo update-grub well will it work also with GFX boot menu?11:59
JosefKxenol: indeed11:59
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psajdakjest ktos z polski12:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about polski - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:01
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl12:01
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xenolJosefK:  does it matter where do i put vga=791 or can u tell me plz where to put it cause i am confused12:02
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psajdakjuz myslalem ze jestem jedyny na tym kanale12:03
JosefK# defoptions=vga=791 quiet splash12:03
dado_hi to all12:03
JosefKxenol: leave the line commented, the 'update-grub' tool uses it12:03
JosefKxenol: it should be around line 84 by default12:04
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xenolJosefK:  i need to turn off PC now?12:05
JosefKxenol: after you've edited that file and run 'sudo update-grub', yes12:05
xenolJosefK:  i have ran that sec i try12:05
JosefKxenol: if there are any problems the recovery mode hasn't been affected, np's, gl :)12:05
JosefKhmm, is security.ubuntu.com down?12:07
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flaccidi think it is12:08
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flaccidhmm very slow12:09
JosefKyeah :/ I just managed to get a connection, not sure if someone was restarting apache or something :/12:09
flaccidfeels like something other than that12:09
flaccidif i was that you wouldn't notice it12:09
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xenolJosefK:  thx will be here in 1-2 hours?  i g2g12:10
xenolwill u be*12:10
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JosefKxenol: probably, cya later if I am :)12:11
JosefKflaccid: true12:11
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crustyi cant run xmovie....any help???12:12
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oxigenHi guys! I dont know how to setup Terminal Emulator in Konqueror. Can anyone help me?12:16
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oxigenActually i dont have 'window' tab12:16
Ace2016press f812:16
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Ace2016oxigen: is that what your after?12:16
oxigenAce2016: nothing12:16
Ace2016doesn't that split the view in two and show konsole at the bottom?12:17
ted_is there anyone good with the util 915resolution and setting up screen modes on a intel gfx card?12:17
oxigenAce2016: no12:17
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Ace2016oxigen: http://www.kubuntu.org/faq.php#konqueror12:19
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Ace2016oxigen: is that what your after?12:21
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oxigenthanks Ace201612:29
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bombertheese peers are getting on my nerves12:51
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serenitywhen i start digikam, nothing happens after a while a window pops up. He is searching for existing albums, but then nothing happens12:56
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mefisto__how do I check free disk space in edgy?12:59
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Ninojsuis enfin connecter a partir de kubuntu01:00
mefisto__df doesn't list info for /01:01
Ninoj'ai russi01:01
Ninoya quelqu'un ?01:01
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mefisto__how do I check free disk space in edgy?01:03
JohnFluxmefisto__: df01:04
mefisto__JohnFlux: df doesn't list info for /01:04
di3mefisto__: run du -sh /01:04
JohnFluxmefisto__: df / -h01:05
mefisto__di3: what does that do?01:05
JohnFluxdi3: not needed01:05
JohnFluxmefisto__: searches and counts up every file01:05
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xenolJosefK: so i am back01:06
JohnFluxmefisto__: working?01:06
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mefisto__JohnFlux: yes, "df / -h" worked01:07
mefisto__is df not working as it did in dapper related to the UUIDs in fstab?01:07
JohnFluxmefisto__: just "df" should have worked too01:07
JohnFluxmefisto__: cat /etc/mtab  | grep "/ "01:08
JohnFluxmefisto__: does mtab have /01:08
xenolJosefK:  it is working thx01:09
xenolJosefK:  but i got few problems with look of it after all01:09
mefisto__JohnFlux: cat /etc/mtab  | grep "/ " returns nothing01:10
=== JohnFlux nods
dromerhi, I'm having a problen on my edgy install: on one of the user accounts (with restricted privileges) all of the 'icons' (not sure how to call it) of kde and lots of programs don't work anymore. for instance in the k-menu, in front of all the tabs there is no more icon, and in konqueror or amarok, there are no reload or previous icons, while on the root-account everything is still okay. what could have happened and how can I fix it so all the icons are ba01:10
JohnFluxmefisto__: that explains why df doesn't show it, but doesn't explain why / isn't in mtab :-)01:10
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mefisto__JohnFlux: what should mtab look like? Can you point me to a howto somewhere?01:11
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JohnFluxmefisto__: cat /proc/mounts  | grep "/ "01:11
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di3join #kde01:12
mefisto__JohnFlux: rootfs / rootfs rw 0 0, and then: /dev/hdd1 / ext3 rw,data=ordered 0 001:13
dromeranybody an idea what could be wrong with the system icons?01:13
abhinayi'm getting checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!, when iam trying to install Yakuake01:13
JohnFluxmefisto__: yeah, they should be in sync - I don't know why they fell out of sync01:13
ubotuyakuake: Yet Another Kuake, KDE terminal emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 67 kB, installed size 488 kB01:13
xenolJohnFlux:  aint konsole gut for ya?01:14
mefisto__JohnFlux: I don't understand. what should be in sync?01:14
JohnFluxmefisto__: you could just:  cp /etc/mtab{,.bak} && cp /proc/mounts /etc/mtab01:14
JohnFluxmefisto__: /etc/mtab  and /proc/mounts01:14
JohnFlux mefisto__: basically /etc/mtab  should look the same as /proc/mounts01:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tovid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:14
abhinaywhat is the keyboard shortcut for katapult ?01:14
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JohnFluxabhinay: alt+space01:15
JohnFlux mefisto__: for some reason, yours have gotten out of sync01:15
JohnFlux mefisto__: a lot of people just delete mtab and symlink it directly to /proc/mounts  to save the trouble01:15
xenolJohnFlux:  where can i see list of all keyboard shortuct?01:15
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Bluedoghey guys01:15
mefisto__JohnFlux: /proc/mounts is an empty file01:16
JohnFluxmefisto__: ...01:16
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Bluedogneed to mount an ntfs partition on my disk to try and repair windows, can someone tell me the command? :)01:16
JohnFluxmefisto__:  cat /proc/mounts01:16
Bluedogits /dev/sda101:16
paulcarpenterfor some reason I appear to have  kernel 2.6.17-10 and  kernel 2.6.17-11 installed at once (bodged upgrade?), how would I go about ridding myself of the old one (assuming that it is obselete?)01:16
_Oscar__Bluedog: mount01:16
JohnFlux_Oscar__: no01:16
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_Oscar__Bluedog: mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows01:17
JohnFluxBluedog: by default it will mount so only root can read it01:17
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse01:17
JohnFluxBluedog: read that ^^01:17
_Oscar__JohnFlux: Ahh, read access to ntfs. Go get the windows-cd and use that for repair. only safe way to go.01:18
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JohnFluxBluedog: ntfs-3g  is fairly safe01:18
JohnFluxand the windows-cd is really really useless for repairing01:19
JohnFluxI honestly don't know how MS could have made the windows cd any more useless for repairing01:19
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_Oscar__JohnFlux: emphasis on fairly. I've used the win-cd for repair a few times. it's not up to par with the linux cds but it's not useless. far from it.01:20
mefisto__JohnFlux: so I can copy /proc/mounts to /etc/mtab ? is that all I need to do?01:20
JohnFluxmefisto__: it will fix it this time.  a more permanent solution is to symlink them.  but I feel uncomfortable suggesting it since i don't know why it's doing that in the first place01:21
JohnFluxwhy they are getting out of sync I mean01:21
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JohnFlux_Oscar__: I don't see how.  how can you read or write your files from a windows cd ?01:21
JohnFlux_Oscar__: how can you fix the partitioning or anything?01:22
JohnFlux_Oscar__: heh.  anyway, good if it worked for you :-)01:23
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xenolguys it is possible to run ad-aware SE on kubuntu with wine?01:23
adaptrwhy would you *want* to ?01:24
xenollets say friend cant boot up windows and is afraid with messing up with safe mode :S01:24
_Oscar__JohnFlux: Sure. Feels odd to defend MS here but they've got equivalents of chroot and most other useful tools. But live-cds are better. Most often the win-repair-cd will just be used to reinstall things, even if that's called repairing.01:24
adaptrxenol: then he should educate himself, safe mode does nothing in and of itself01:25
adaptrxenol: hi01:25
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adaptryou narrowly escaped there01:25
xenoladaptr:  well he is kinda noob with pc he aint even using AV on windows :S01:25
xenolanother BFU01:25
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xenolneed to do dishes afk01:25
adaptrxenol: then tell him to switch to Ubuntu if he intends to keep using it01:25
JohnFlux_Oscar__: on the windows cd?01:26
JohnFlux_Oscar__: I've never seen that!01:26
adaptrbecause he is not cleared on using WIndows, obviously01:26
adaptr_Oscar__: Wintendo does not have the "equivalent" of chroot, because the concept does not exist there01:26
JohnFluxI think he means you can boot a windows partition from the cd or something?01:27
adaptrwhich has nothing to do with chroot01:27
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adaptreven GRUB can do that01:27
_Oscar__JohnFlux: Just learned it myself. Never been big on windows. Been forced to learn it since my current job requires me to use it.01:27
flaccidchroot on windows01:27
=== flaccid falls over giggling
adaptr_Oscar__: "booting a HD partition from CD" != chroot01:27
JohnFlux_Oscar__: how do you do it?01:28
adaptr_Oscar__: in any OS01:28
JohnFluxadaptr: oh stop complaining01:28
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ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box01:28
JohnFluxadaptr: I understood what he meant well enough01:28
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flaccidheh thats not really a help01:28
flaccidyou can't build jails on windows01:28
flaccidfull stop.01:28
adaptrJohnFlux: well, in that case - you can access a Windows installation from any Windows installation CD01:28
JohnFluxflaccid: chroot != jail01:28
_Oscar__adaptr: There's something on that cd that sounds an awful lot like chroot. Meaning stepping into a dir and make that the root-dir. Haven't tested it though.01:28
JohnFluxflaccid: go read what the bsd jail does :P01:29
JohnFluxadaptr: not just access, but boot01:29
flaccidchroot is used for a jail01:29
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flaccidwhat are you referring to?01:29
adaptr_Oscar__: see my line above, you're just attaching to an existing Windows installation, and it has to be an installation, and so it has to be a partition, it canont be a directory01:29
flaccidthere are many types of jails01:29
adaptrJohnFlux: you can do both form the Install CD01:29
flaccidand yes i use bsd like jails, why would i need to read about them...01:29
JohnFluxflaccid: bsd jail does far more than chroot does01:29
flaccidJohnFlux: thats argumentative01:30
adaptrITYM "debatable"01:30
flaccidis there a point to all of this01:30
flaccidor just talking crap?01:30
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_Oscar__adaptr: Same difference. For most ppl that's about the same. Windows are usually on a partition. But sure, it's not quite the same.01:31
flaccidput it this way01:31
adaptr_Oscar__: it is not the same in the sense that you cannot use it to mount an arbitrary point to run an installation from, as you can on *nix01:31
flaccidif its ntfs or fat* you can't do anything01:31
xenoladaptr:  he wants to play games :p01:31
adaptrxenol: you can do that on Ubuntu01:31
flaccidwhat does games have to do with chroot/jails ?01:31
xenoladaptr:  play propieraty games?01:32
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xenoladaptr: non-free i mean01:32
_Oscar__adaptr: No, but for people who want to fix their broken windows and needs to be in the top-level dir to run some command, it's about the same.01:32
adaptrflaccid: I gave him advice, he answered -- stop taking everythin gpersonally01:32
flaccidadaptr: stop telling me that i'm taking anything personally. if you didn't know there is no tone on irc...01:32
adaptrxenol: sure, there's wine, and cedega/winex for advanced stuff - I had a site that lists many games and the methods used01:32
flaccidis there actually a problem here or just bullshit?01:33
adaptrflaccid: have a pill man, I will "stop telling you" after this one time, no problem01:33
flaccidi've already dumped 2 pills01:33
xenoladaptr:  cedega is non-free and for most of time those games r not playable01:33
adaptrflaccid: does there *need* to be a problem ?01:33
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flaccidno there doesn't need to be a problem01:33
DeBertAnybody know how i can establish a VPN-connection in Kubuntu?01:33
adaptrxenol: oh.. you mean open source ? hmmm01:33
flaccidi could just aks you all to take it to #ubuntu-offtopic01:33
xenoladaptr:  no01:33
adaptrDeBert: there's OpenVPN01:33
flaccidso take your conversation there if you think i'm being personal....01:34
DeBertadaptr: Is it installed by default?01:34
mefisto__JohnFlux: can I paste my current mtab and /proc/mount? The differences seem odd to me01:34
adaptrDeBert: I don't think so01:34
xenoladaptr: talking about game devs  that cant even make how to run their games on linux01:34
ubotuopenvpn: Virtual Private Network daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.7-1 (edgy), package size 317 kB, installed size 948 kB01:34
flaccidopenvpn rox01:34
flaccidits in universe01:34
xenoladaptr:  trust me if just a small how to would be there many things would change01:34
adaptrxenol: sure they can, but there is no incentive for them to try.. Linux buyers make up < 1% of their demographic01:35
JohnFluxmefisto__: should be okay01:35
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DeBertI just installed KVpnc, but don't know how it works...01:35
JohnFluxmefisto__: worst case you have to reboot01:35
xenoladaptr:  well it is marketing of game devs and MS01:35
JohnFluxmefisto__: you could just copy the line for /01:35
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xenoladaptr: just image  if more some games where multiplatform not built for mac os x and win01:35
adaptrxenol: no, it is developing for the installed base - which is windows, they would be stupid to do otherwise01:35
franxhi am i going to have to recompile my ralink drivers with the install of this new kernel?01:35
nagyvDeBert: I didn't knew it neither, and finally it was easier to use the command line openvpn01:36
adaptrxenol: game developers need to eat01:36
xenoladaptr:  :D01:36
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flaccidnagyv: openvpn rox my sox01:36
jbrouhard*notes that if DX binaries were open sourced' then 90% of the games out there would easily be converted to linux <G>01:36
crustyhallo guys! iv jus installed cinerlerra on kubuntu 6.10.....but it does not run. any help?01:36
jbrouhardproblem is, there's no market for that01:36
jbrouhardat least, no financial market, so I'll shut up01:36
JohnFluxadaptr: doom was ported to linux in a year by a single developer01:36
xenoladaptr:  i heard that on linspire u can run exe files just on cliking on them and using win soft on it without any emulator01:36
ubuntuthe channel for ubuntu in spanish_01:37
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:37
flaccidxenol: you can do that in ubuntu01:37
JohnFluxadaptr: It's not stupid to accomodate linux users for one persons salary01:37
ubotuesk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.01:37
xenolubuntu:  np01:37
mefisto__Here's my /etc/mtab and /proc/mounts files: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5039/ The lines beginning "none" worry me01:37
adaptrJohnFlux: doom was pretty much developed on NeXt01:37
JohnFluxadaptr: (the guy that ported it used to hang around on irc )01:37
JohnFluxadaptr: I meant doom301:38
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franxid hate to update to this new kernel and my wireless driver no longer work01:38
xenolflaccid: well u can everything  in ubuntu if the half of the world wasnt BFU then many things would be good :S01:38
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xenolflaccid: brain free users =)01:39
flaccidi'm not sure what you mean01:39
flaccidbut yeha01:39
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flaccidlinux has got a long way to go to beat windows01:39
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franxflaccid: whats yopur thougts on the kernel upgreade question?01:40
xenolflaccid: yes but linux wont survive if community wasnt here01:40
flaccidxenol: i don't use linux coz i don't need to01:40
DeBertflaccid: For me Linux has already beaten Windows, except for playing games...01:40
flaccidfranx: no thoughts i don't know why you need to upgrade kernel01:40
xenolflaccid: hmm i use linux cause i can learn new things01:41
flaccidDeBert: for you maybe. not for the all the boobs and all the different users out there01:41
xenolflaccid: and still i am using windows for games01:41
flaccidxenol: i use unix because i can learn properly :)01:41
flaccidsorry i'm not a gamer much01:41
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xenolflaccid: i used to play as hell in recent years but lets say i got bored of games01:42
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xenolflaccid: playing only L201:42
flaccidyah my concentration span is short01:42
flaccidi play nexuiz and tuxracer mainly now01:42
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xenolflaccid: tuxracer alongside with supertux rox01:42
flaccidwhat is supertux01:42
ubotusupertux: Classic 2D jump 'n run sidescroller with Tux. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.3-1.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 228 kB, installed size 548 kB01:43
xenolsimilar to mario01:43
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xenolfunny game imho01:43
DeBertflaccid: My mum seems to be doing fine on Ubuntu, and she's a complete computer noob.01:43
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franxsupertux is great now that its got new levle01:44
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flaccidi think i played that01:44
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flaccidactually it might of been a dif version01:44
flaccidhehehe we will seen . its in usb ports.01:44
xenolflaccid:  personally if i needed to buy legal OS i would buy MAC OS X and not windows but sicne there is kubuntu no need to buy anything :S01:45
flaccidDeBert: your mum does not equal every user in the world. we are all different.01:45
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flaccidxenol: same. except i use pcbsd01:45
franxcould someone please let me know if i need to re copy these wireless modules after kernel upgrade01:46
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DeBertflaccid: Maybe, but most people don't know how to install Windows either. Problem usually is hardware support, and Windows apps people got used to.01:46
xenolflaccid: i was thinking of going to bsd systems too but if i am complete naab in linux then bsd is harder01:46
flaccidDeBert: have a think. video drivers and resolution is not something seemless on ubuntu/linux yet. in windows it is.01:47
nagyvfranx: I think we don't know it, sorry, try it later01:47
flaccidpcbsd is easier than kubuntu01:47
flaccidbut hey i'm helping here so i shouldnt say that01:47
flaccidSysinfo for 'lister.dev.xhost.com.au': FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE-p11 running KDE 3.5.5, , HD: 7/44GB, , 170 proc's,01:47
nagyvfranx: given that kernel is a general thing, you can ask your question at #ubuntu01:47
xenolflaccid: any live cd of bsd? i know about PCBSDie01:48
xenolor wat is that thing called01:48
=== nagyv goes to play football
=== xenol wish nagyv hf
DeBertflaccid: Default (k)ubuntu install looks better than my 800x600 crappy image after i install Windows 2000.01:48
nagyvxenol: hf?01:49
xenolhave fun01:49
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shinigamihi i'm installing edgy now, my pc have a wireless card.. but i just can't connect it to my wireless network!01:49
flaccidxenol: there is some but i havnt used01:49
flaccidDeBert: so what01:49
DeBertflaccid: And i believe next ubuntu release will install ATI/Nvidia drivers by default, so that's even better.01:49
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nagyv! wireless | shinigami01:50
ubotushinigami: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:50
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flaccidDeBert: big deal01:50
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DeBertflaccid: It is, it makes ubuntu almost usable for the masses...01:50
shinigamii tried01:50
shinigamitried everything01:51
shinigamiit could scan my network01:51
shinigamii key in my key accordingly01:51
shinigamiin /etc/network/interfaces01:51
xenolflaccid: how old r u?01:51
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shinigamiyet can't connect..do i need drivers for my wireless network or what?01:51
dennisterflaccid: hi there :) long time no see01:51
shinigamiwhy is it wlan0 and wmaster0 instead of eth0/eth101:51
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flaccidDeBert: almost hahah01:52
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flaccidxenol: i'm 2501:52
flaccidheya dennister :)01:52
flaccidshinigami: because that is what ubuntu calls them01:52
xenolis ubuntu under same license as debian?01:53
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dennisterQ: i upgraded to the kernel from; that's a whole new kernel, right? I'm gonna have to reinstall my ivtv drivers for this new kernel, right?01:54
shinigamii don't understand why my laptop can connect01:55
dennisterand lirc?01:55
shinigamimy pc wireless can't01:55
abhinayI'm trying to install kompile , sudo apt-get install kompile, i got this error , 'kompile: Depends: kdesu but it is not installable E: Broken packages'01:58
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xenolguys it is possible that 2 totaly different distros use same swap?01:58
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abhinayany suggestions ?02:00
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shinigamiwhy when i try to ifup wlan0 , it says wmaster0: unknown hardware address type 801 ???????02:02
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julieni would like go to ubuntu.fr02:03
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Lynourejulien: type  /join #ubuntu-fr02:03
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tobias_heho everybody02:03
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tobias_i got a problem with my external usb hard drive i think02:04
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tobias_i want to format it to FAT 32 so i can share data with my windows system but ... i just don't get how to do that02:04
tobias_anyone help me ?02:05
tobias_hmm everyone's leaving ... :D02:05
Lynouretobias_: 2 people left, not everyone02:06
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tobias_ok ok ^^02:06
Lynouretobias_: Do you want to learn how to find out things yourself? try  apropos fat02:07
tobias_apropos fat ?02:07
Lynouretobias_: yes02:08
tobias_mhm thnx02:08
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Lynoureand then it gives you a list of possibly relevant stuff. Do  man name  on the most promising02:08
Lynouretobias_: if you get stuck, let me know, but I promise the answer is there02:08
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tobias_ok thnx02:09
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xenolplz how can i turn off messages that shows while splash in action wat is booting?02:13
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crustycinerlerra on my kubuntu 6.10 does faill to start....any help??????????????02:21
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archangel_shalom all02:24
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_6StringKng_could someone help me?02:24
xenol!ubotu tell _6StringKng_ about ask02:25
xenol!tell _6StringKng_ about ask02:26
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xenol_6StringKng_:  wat do u need02:27
_6StringKng_I was wanting to know how to upgrade amarok to the newest version 1.4.502:27
xenolu need to add to /etc/apt/sources.list amarok repo02:27
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xenoladd this there deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-145 edgy main02:28
pitukaHi, my amaroK refuses to run without root rights. I asked googled and came up with no solution. I'm out of ideas! Amarok just refuses to start. My konsole output goes like this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5046/02:28
xenol"deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-145 edgy main"02:28
xenol_6StringKng_:  add that and run "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get upgrade" in terminal02:29
dennister_has anyone else here upgraded to the kernel?02:30
KennethPdennister_: yes02:30
dennister_any problems? like drivers to reinstall?02:31
KennethPdennister_: didn't notice any here, but that doesn't mean there aren't any....02:31
dennister_my mythtv and mplayer aren't playing nicely with my tuner anymore :(02:31
dennister_looks like I'm gonna have to reinstall ivtv drivers, lirc...02:32
KennethPdennister_: :(  see if there are any takers here?02:32
dennister_yes, that's why I'm asking :)02:33
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dennister_I'm also trying to get my other onboard nic to work, and my new dsl modem to work (they aren't)02:36
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dennister_have identified that the very long ethernet cable is NOT the problem, as it works fine between the cable modem and the one working onboard nic02:37
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xenol_6StringKng_:  it doesnt matter02:37
JohnFluxWill a  54 Mbps wireless card be plenty for streaming movies?02:37
JohnFlux5MB/sec sounds plenty, but I don't know what it would be in practise02:38
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lupine_85more than enough02:38
lupine_85assuming the card can sustain the load02:38
dennister_lupine_85: is my memory serving correctly? are u good about networking issues?02:39
lupine_85not great02:40
dennister_i'm trying to migrate from being a cable modem user to dsl modem user, and am having issues...02:41
JohnFluxI picked up some cheap touch screen computers02:41
JohnFluxI want to add pcmcia wireless cards  and mount them on my wall :-)02:41
JohnFluxfor watching movies, listening to music, viewing cooking recipes etc :-)02:41
bomberi just got a tv card for the computer and was wondering if anyone know how to use it in linux?02:41
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dennister_what kind of tuner?02:42
dennister_model name/number?02:42
bomber1 sec02:42
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pitukaHi, my amaroK refuses to run without root rights. I asked googled and came up with no solution. I'm out of ideas! Amarok just refuses to start. My konsole output goes like this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5046/02:42
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bomberits a norwood micro chip02:42
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oxigenHi guys! I dont know how to setup Terminal Emulator in Konqueror. Can anyone help me?02:43
dennister_bomber: anything else? hauppauge, avermedia, ati...02:43
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dennister_bomber: i need the manufacturer first02:45
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bombernorwood micro analog\digital pci tv tuner card sku 33308602:45
bomberi got it from a friend with no box or instructions... i can open the case back up and get more info if you want it02:46
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dennister_ah...norwood is the manufacturer?  i'd never heard of it, and different manufacturers use different chips, so your first mention of the chip threw me off02:46
bomberno sweat02:46
dennister_try to find info/documentation on the net first, with the info you gave me already02:47
bomberi was looking at the instrucions pdf file and looking through that for an exact model02:47
dennister_i have hauppauge tuner here, and an ati that doesn't work with linux; 1st thing you need to know is what kind of drivers the tuner uses02:48
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dennister_with the hauppauge cards you need ivtv drivers, and pretty well only the mythtv applications work with ivtv drivers02:48
bomberit came from comp usa so its probably there house brand02:49
dennister_most other tuner cards use bttv drivers, and you can use simpler tv applications with them out of the box...like kdetv, xawtv...02:49
dennister_look for driver information in your pdf02:50
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dennister_also, you can try downloading one of the simpler tvapps like the ones I noted above, or tvtime, or motv...if they work and you can get a tv signal, that's the fastest solution02:52
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dennister_bomber: back in 5-10 minutes... by then you may know if it's working with tvtime or something like that02:53
bombersweet.. thanks.... i have my electrician coming to run cable up here in my computer room and my kids bedroom asround 1:00 this afterneen... so i'll02:53
bombertry to get a signal then02:53
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theusHi all02:56
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Theusafter launch "dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig" not start interactive configuration on kubuntu, do you have idea?02:59
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oxigencan someone please tell me what he have in konqueror.rc file under <Menu name="window"> ?03:00
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dennister_i'm back...hi BluesKaj :)03:02
LynoureIt seems sometimes Keep doing backup makes my keyboard jam. No idea how.03:03
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dennister_BluesKaj: tried getting the dsl modem and other nic working in winblows last night...nada...but I have determined that the problem is not the very long ethernet cable03:05
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arriesphow can i install an ftp server?03:06
arriespi can't do it..03:06
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naserwhat i can use  in linux to using ports03:07
ubotuFTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP03:07
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naserlike inpout32 in windows03:07
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[abhishek] how to change irc passwd?03:08
[abhishek] please help03:08
Gtwy[abhishek] : passwd03:08
Gtwydont know03:08
LjL[abhishek] : you mean the password you have registered your nickname with?03:08
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[abhishek] LjL: yeah03:09
_6StringKng_anyone wouldn't happen to kno whow to type a upside down ? in linux would they, lmao03:09
_6StringKng_in windows its alt+1 6 803:09
tanqis kplayer available in adept?.. I must be missing it if it is..03:09
_6StringKng_not sure about it in linux03:09
LjL[abhishek] : /msg nickserv help set password03:09
LjLof course you need to know the old password03:09
jbenattahi everyone03:09
[abhishek] LjL: ok let m try03:09
jbenattadoes someone knows how to enable kxdocker 's tasks manager?03:10
BluesKajdennister_, I'm using 50ft of cat5 to the dsl router from the den,where the pc is located , no probs . Did you check the dhcp settings for the ethernet card. The default for most dsl conns is 'eth0'03:10
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christopherHello.  I've got a strange problem on a newly-installed Kubuntu Edgy.  When I point Konqueror at the root directory, all it sees is /media and /home03:12
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[abhishek] SET PASSWORD abhishek03:13
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hnsnchr_: menues + show hidden files etc03:13
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christopherhnsn: oh thanks - d'oh03:14
christopherI should have realised that but I'm confused because I can't seem to add an item to the K-menu03:15
christopherI thought this might be the cause03:15
hnsnright-click on k-menu -> edit k-menu .. or something?03:16
hnsnmaybe unlock panels first03:16
christopheryes, I can get at the menu editor - but changes don't seem to be saved03:16
crustythere is any cinelerra expert out there???????????????03:16
christopherit also doesn't show the hidden folders when I browse03:16
ubotucinelerra is a video editor and compositor. Install instructions can be found on http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu03:17
christopherI guess there's a desktop setup somewhere to correct that03:17
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hnsnchristopher: menu: u must save your changes in menu editor ... there is a save-button03:17
crustyi did install it allready but it refuse to start.........03:17
hnsnchristopher: konqueror: u mean that the hidden folders dont show up on your left?03:18
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BluesKajcrusty, /join cinelerra03:18
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christopherI mean that in the k menu editor, if I click the browse button to the right of the command box, and navigate to root, I only see home/ and media/03:18
snowrichardgood morning03:19
christopherStrange that it doesn't behave like this on another installation I have03:19
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christopherAnd if I add, say, google earth to the internet menu, then save, it doesn't appear in the k menu03:20
shinigamihi.. why is it that my wireless network card, i ifup wlan0 , the wmaster0 will up together? and it says wmaster0: unkown hardware address type 801 ????????03:20
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BluesKajchristopher, beleive it or not , sometimes it takes a reboot or session reboot for them to show up03:21
christopherBluesKaj: thank you - I'll try that03:21
christopherthe menu editor also shows a "terminal applications" submenu within "Internet", which doesn't appear on the K menu!03:22
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shinigamihi.. why is it that my wireless network card, i ifup wlan0 , the wmaster0 will up together? and it says wmaster0: unkown hardware address type 801 ????????03:26
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:26
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Mike1an1 here?03:27
dennister_BluesKaj: sorry it took so long to respond...was threading phone cable along my ceiling...problem with putting the dsl on eth0 is that eth0 is where my cable modem is connected to...will it not work if dsl is connected to eth1?03:27
makapasiema :D03:27
ubotunoteedit: KDE Music Editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.1-2 (edgy), package size 841 kB, installed size 2492 kB03:27
Mike1I have a problem with Bluefish......when I set Syntaxhighlightning for HTML it does'nt work, and when I open settings again the Syntaxhighlightning isn't set for anything03:30
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Mike1any1 an idea?03:30
bomberdennister_: when i do an lspci i get this in there..... Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Audio Capture03:30
BluesKajdennister_, 2 internet conns , 2 ethernet cards ?03:31
shinigamiafter reading i still cna't get it03:31
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dennister_BluesKaj: yes03:32
bomberworry about your problem.... im not gonna have the line in here for a few more hours03:32
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dennister_bomber: good, other tvapps besides mythtv should work with your card out of the box03:32
bomberi saved the info you gave me before.... sweet.. thanks again03:33
dennister_bomber: have you downloaded and tried tvtime?03:33
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bombernot yet... i'll grab that now03:33
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baracudagood day all03:34
baracuda I've just had a new kubuntu 6.10 isntallation after having probs with the previous one :(03:35
dennister_BluesKaj: i don't wanna disconnect the cable modem and tell rogers to go to hell until I've got my dsl modem and line working...since i don't have a traditional telephone line signal working yet either, I can't exactly call tech support03:35
BluesKajdryline ? dennister_03:36
dennister_irc and online tech support via cable modem is all i've got at the moment; yes, dryline03:36
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baracudacan someone tell me why I keep getting the message  " floppy0 is not a block device" each time I try to mount it ?03:36
sir_hi, wer kann an einem bginner in kubuntu kurz helfen, prvat bitte03:37
LjL!de | sir_03:37
ubotusir_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de03:37
BluesKajwell then dennister_ , the only thing i can think of is to switch default cards in yer BIOS peripherals if yer running 2 ethernets03:37
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dennister_k...gonna try some more possibilities, 2...at least i've eliminated one possible issue as not-the-problem03:39
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dennister_going off-line for a sec...03:40
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_6StringKng_how do I edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst so that it boots into windows by default instead of Kubuntu?03:41
baracudaCan anyone help me access my floppy please ..I can't access it anymore after reinstallation of kubuntu,  i tried to mount in terminal but i keep getting the message "floppy0 is not a block device "  ?03:41
_6StringKng_I know you change the # or whatever, but it was alittle misleading03:41
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mythtvBluesKaj: have been using eth0, same cable and eth port as with cable modem, but the data light on dsl modem still doesn't work03:45
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mythtvdoesn't turn on, rather03:46
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bxnpHi everybody03:47
baracudaany experts in the house  today ? :)03:48
baracuda I desperately need to mount my floppy .. any help ?03:48
abhinaywhatever i compile any source code, iam getting this : checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!03:49
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baracuda must ber newbie day today03:49
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snowrichardabhinary you probably need to install the xorg dev package03:50
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abhinaybaracuda: did you try , 'sudo mount /dev/floppy /media/floppy' ?03:50
baracudait's so annoying, I haven't used a floppy drive for ages and now that I storred an important in it ... I can't access it :(03:50
abhinaysnowrichard: ok03:51
baracuda abhinay  not in that syntax .. hold on03:51
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baracudaI get   mount: special device /dev/floppy does not exist03:52
snowrichardI don't even have a floppy on this computer03:52
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abhinaybaracuda: try /dev/floppy003:53
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mneisenbaracuda: type "tail -f /var/log/messages" and then insert the floppy into the drive.03:53
mneisenbaracuda: It might say somthing related to it in the system log.03:53
baracudabash: /dev/floppy0: No such file or directory03:53
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mefisto__baracuda: try /dev/fd0 ?03:54
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zorglu_q. my edgy install launch a 'powersaver' applet to put my laptop on suspend/hybernate in the taskbar, every time i log it, i would like to stop, where should i look ?03:54
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[abhishek] in which file environmental variables get stored permanently ?03:54
baracudabash: /dev/fd0: Permission denied03:55
mneisenhas anybody succeeded in connecting to security.ubuntu.com today? Cannot get updates ... :-(03:55
mneisenbaracuda: use sudo ...03:55
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LjL[abhishek] : there isn't one single file where that will happen - however, i suppose you want to edit ~/.bashrc if you want to add variables yourself03:55
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baracudasudo: /dev/fd0: command not found03:56
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[abhishek] LjL: i changed my password03:56
mefisto__baracuda: sudo mount /dev/fd0 /media/floppy03:56
[abhishek] LjL: thanks03:56
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baracudayes now it's mounting :)03:57
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esaymhow do I create a new md5 sum for the xorg.conf?03:57
baracudamefisto thanks a lot :)03:57
mefisto__np baracuda03:58
xenolplz how can i review the gfxbootmenu splash themes that r possible to DL?03:58
dennisterQ: does the lack of a data light on my new dsl modem mean that I'm not getting any internet signal from my isp?03:58
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dennisteror is the line fine, but I'm just not transmitting/receiving?03:58
mneisenesaym: What exactly do you mean? Simply creating an md5 sum would only take "sudo md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf" .03:59
mneisendennister: contact your ISP - they might be able to test the line to your modem.03:59
esaymWell there is a separate file with the md5 sum in it for xorg.conf03:59
mneisenWhere is it?03:59
esaymand it you mess with the conf file then drivers complain about it being edited04:00
esaymone sec04:00
brosiozanyone known a site where are all the most userd c Library ? like a library reference ?04:00
dennisterin other words, is the problem with my line or with my setup on my end...can't call the isp until i've got a line working04:00
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esaymwhat the fudge I can't find it now...04:01
dennisteri can't even ping my modem04:01
tanqok so i've looked for kplayer and kfirewall in adept, and couldn't find them. Does this mean a) i'm blind or b) they aren't supported by k?ubuntu04:01
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esaymI guess nevermind04:01
mneisendennister: in that case, something might be wrong with your network setup.04:01
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dennisteri downloaded the ppoe stuff, but there isn't a menu item or anything to configure it04:02
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mneisencan't help you there, sorry.04:03
mneisen^^ dennister04:03
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dennisterok, well maybe later today...bye for now folks04:04
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zorglu_q. my edgy install launch a 'powersaver' applet to put my laptop on suspend/hybernate in the taskbar, every time i log it, i would like to stop, where should i look ?04:06
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Theussecurity.ubuntu.com is very slow today!!!!04:10
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christian23nvhola a todos04:19
christian23nvbueno soy christian de chile y acabo de instalar la ultima version de kubuntu04:20
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christian23nvno llevo aun 1 hora conociendo este so04:20
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christian23nvhi there!!04:21
Zyrkonheya =) got some nvidia-problem here:04:21
ag3rsomeone can help me installing synaptic04:21
christian23nvsomeone can give me a handa04:21
ag3rin kubuntu?04:21
zorglu_!info synaptic04:21
ubotusynaptic: Graphical package manager. In component main, is optional. Version 0.57.11ubuntu12 (edgy), package size 1032 kB, installed size 5420 kB04:21
ag3rwhen i try to install it04:21
ag3rgive me this04:21
zorglu_ag3r: type 'sudo apt-get install synaptic' in a konsole04:21
zorglu_q. my edgy install launch a 'powersaver' applet to put my laptop on suspend/hybernate in the taskbar, every time i log it, i would like to stop, where should i look ?04:21
christian23nvwho can help me?04:21
Zyrkonafter installing nvidia-glx, nvidia-settings and the restricted modules and restarting the system i've got "Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module"...04:21
ag3rsudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:22
ag3rsynaptic: Depende: liblaunchpad-integration0 (>= 0.0patch26) pero no va a instalarse04:22
ag3r            Depende: libvte9 (>= 1:0.13.3) pero no va a instalarse04:22
christian23nvwho can help me?04:22
ag3ris what console says to me04:22
zorglu_ag3r: type the command i gave you and this will install synaptic04:22
baracudaCan someone give me the name of the codec support for xine (Kaffeine) to support various media files ?04:22
zorglu_!info libxine-extracodec04:23
ubotuPackage libxine-extracodec does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas04:23
Zyrkonso i googled and tried nvidia-xconfig / and dpkg-reconfigure Xserver, then i did a "modprobe -i nividia" which says there is no nvidia-kernel. but a "modprobe nividia" fails with the Error: "Error running install command for nvidia"04:23
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ag3ri tiped04:23
zorglu_!info libxine-extracodecs04:23
ag3rand give me this04:23
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.2-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1118 kB, installed size 2676 kB04:23
Zyrkonwhich i didn't find on the forums04:23
zorglu_baracuda: type 'sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs' in a konsole04:23
LjLZyrkon: you installed from the official repositories, or from where?04:23
christian23nvhow can I install opera?04:23
ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser04:23
Zyrkon^ yes04:23
baracudazorglu ok04:24
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Zyrkonfrom the kubuntu repositories (universe/multiverse)04:24
christian23nvhow can I install opera in kubuntu?04:24
zorglu_!opera | christian23nv04:24
ubotuchristian23nv: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser04:24
ag3rsynpatic no installs04:24
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zorglu_ag3r: man i gave you the solution twice already :)04:24
Zyrkonproblem is: i cannot find a solution on the forums. xorg.conf is fine ("nvidia"), but modprobe fails :\04:25
zorglu_ag3r: ok nop then :)04:25
ag3ri tiped04:25
ag3rwhat you said to me04:25
ag3rbuy the console still04:25
ag3rsaying the same thing04:25
Zyrkoni also reinstalled nvidia-glx. also i have a absolute clean and new system04:25
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christian23nvok thanx and sorry but a really newbe here i already installed kubuntu and this is my first exprerience in this kind of os but i have to tell that this had been a good one!!04:26
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BlackhexHi, I've recently installed kubuntu but when I'm logged in as not superuser I can't run any script even it has +x permission. It says for example bash: ./configure: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied . When i run it bash ./configure it works but if there is any command inside script it don't? Do I have to be in some group to run scripts directly or what?04:26
LjLZyrkon: are you sure your card doesn't by any chance require the nvidia-glx-legacy modules?04:27
ZyrkonLjL, it's a geforce6800 ultra04:27
christian23nv look where can i get a spanish konverstaion, 'cause i'm from Chile04:27
Zyrkoni did not see a advice for using the legasy-driver04:27
ag3ri installed my driver04:27
ag3rwith this04:28
christian23nvis there any chilean channel?04:28
zorglu_!es | christian23nv04:28
ubotuchristian23nv: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:28
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ag3rdownload and install "envy"04:28
ag3rthis will look for your better driver04:28
Zyrkoni can try the legasy-driver, but my problem is that "modprobe nvidia" fails with "Error running install command for nvidia"04:29
LjLZyrkon: i don't really know, but if you want, try pasting your /etc/apt/sources.list as well as your /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:29
ag3rand install with a simply menu04:29
Zyrkondunno if it's the driver or the restricted-modules04:29
Zyrkonactually i'm switiching back to windows to find some new solutions to fix it *g*04:29
Blackhexplease anyone...04:30
baracudaThanks zorglu :)  it's working now04:30
baracudaargh .. he's left04:31
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Zyrkonok, i'll try some new stuff ;)04:32
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baracudaIs it a good idea to update packages all the time when ever the updates icon appears ?04:34
BlackhexPlease. When I'm logged in as not superuser I can't run any script even it has +x permission. It says for example bash: ./configure: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied . When i run it bash ./configure it works but if there is any command inside script it don't? Do I have to be in some group to run scripts directly or what?04:34
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abhinayiam getting this error when the amarok populating playlist from the device ( mp3 DVD ) , " *** stack smashing detected ***: amarok terminated "04:44
abhinayAny Idea ?04:44
manu__hi @ all04:45
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niels__Can anyone help me? if i activate GL desktop my borders disapear04:45
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binksanyone know whats the python command to output to terminal ie press a button and get it to tun todisc blah blah04:45
StrongATI drivers hgrrh04:45
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manu__made today some updates, with my new kernel x doesnt start, i use the nvida 3d driver, is tehre a kernel with 3d support?04:46
Strongcant get them to work04:46
manu__i think the error is because that in xorg is "nvidia" the driver and it isnt in the new kernel04:46
StrongXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".04:46
Strongdisplay: :0.0  screen: 004:46
StrongOpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org04:46
StrongOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect04:46
StrongOpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.4.1)04:46
manu__i remeber that this 3d driver came from cd04:46
Strongmy output from fglrxinfo04:46
Tm_TStrong: Pleas don't flood.04:46
Strongi have upgraded from dapper to edgy04:47
Strongbut when i run "sudo apt-get update"04:47
Strongthe only thing i see is "dapper" :|04:47
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BluesKajStrong, you have to change your repositories to edgy04:51
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu04:51
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BluesKajStrong, http://www.debianadmin.com/ubuntu-edgy-eft-complete-sourceslist-repository-list-file.html04:52
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Strongtks gain04:53
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manu__noone can help? with the new kernel from update x dowsnt start04:54
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spawn57manu_: nvidia or ati videocard?04:55
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capcommanu__: did you have nvidia-glx installed before updating?04:56
bxnpcould somebody again could use my nickname in a sentence04:56
Tm_Tbxnp: Why?04:57
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bxnplol thanks Tm_T04:57
bxnpthis was cause i use a different irc client and i configured it04:57
bxnpto use osd04:58
manu__capcom: hm it was allready installed before updating04:58
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capcommanu__: i had this problem also, the kernel update installed a generic kernel image, but by installing the nvidia-glx package ther goes along a 386-kernel image. the generic image seems not to work with the nvidia-glx package04:59
StrongBtw, used this instructions to upgrade from Dapper to Edgy05:00
StrongIs that k ?05:00
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spawn57you need the restricted modules as well05:00
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Strongspawn57, are you talking to me ?05:01
spawn57naw, manu05:01
manu__naw spawn?05:02
manu__capcom: http://paste.debian.net/2170105:02
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capcommanu__: do you speak german?05:03
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manu__capcom: ja05:06
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capcommanu__: ich hab das gleiche problem, bei mir startet x nur mit dem grub-eintrag mit dem 386 kernel. der wurde mit installiert als das nvidia-glx paket drauf kam. daher denke ich, der treiber mag den generic kernel nicht05:08
capcomaber der 386 eintrag ist ja in der regel auch noch im grub men05:08
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de05:08
manu__capcom: genau ich hab jetzt 3 kernel drauf bzw 6 da es je einen davon als recovery starten kann (denke da sind nur die bootcheats anderst), als ich nvidia-glx installiert habe hat er einen kernel von cd fertig mit dem treiber installiert bzw wos als modul geladen wird05:09
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capcommanu__: geh mal auf #kubuntu-de rber, da sind auch viele fhige leute die deutsch sprechen, die leute hier mgen das scheinbar net ;)05:11
manu__capcom: verstndlich, bin schon drben05:12
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manu__capcom: do you want to talk about this problem with me in #kubuntu-de?05:13
capcomi'm still there05:14
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karatthey all05:15
karattI have a KGet icon in my kicker and it won't go away even if I reboot05:16
karattany idea what's wrong?05:16
karattI can't even maximize it05:16
karattor close it05:16
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gemidjywhy there is standard procedure in k/x/ubuntu that makes xkbmap to read its rules from ~/.xprofile ?05:17
coreymon77hi guys05:18
coreymon77has the nvidia bug in the new kernel been fixed?05:18
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coreymon77have all the new kernel image problems been fixed05:19
coreymon77is it okay to upgrade now?05:19
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LjLcoreymon77: unless you've got unofficial graphics drivers or somesuch, yes05:20
coreymon77i have a nvidia card05:20
LjLcoreymon77: right, but which drivers - the official ones from the repositories or not?05:20
coreymon77i dunno05:20
coreymon77how do i check?05:20
LjLcoreymon77: apt-cache policy nvidia-glx05:21
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coreymon77should i paste the output in pastebin?05:21
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Dr_willislook at the output. Its sort of clear.05:22
Dr_willisInstalled: 1.0.8776+
Dr_willis  Candidate: 1.0.8776+
coreymon77i dont know what im looking for05:22
Dr_willistells me - that theres a update for it on this box.05:22
coreymon77but im looking to see if im gonna have problesm with it in the new kernel05:22
Dr_willisno one can predict that..05:23
Dr_willisthey all work to prevent such things.. :) but theres never guarentees.05:23
Dr_willisHmm.. one of my repos isent updating..05:23
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coreymon77Dr_willis: there was an nvidia bug discovered in the new kernel05:23
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coreymon77i wanted to know if it was fixed05:23
LjLcoreymon77: what bug?05:24
Dr_willisthat would be in the release notes. id think.05:24
Dr_willishm all the updates i got are for language packs.05:24
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daniele_982salve a tutti qualcuno usa una starter bar stile osx?05:26
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:27
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!05:27
Dr_willisdaniele_982,  check kde-look.org for os-x style kicker bar replacements05:27
Dr_willisdaniele_982,  and every one ive seen sucked.. :)05:27
Dr_willisi 'think' thats what he asked. :)05:27
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daniele_982Dr_willis: oook but i've installed kicker by repositories adn it not found why?05:28
LjLyeah it was05:28
LjL?! kicker is installed by default. it's the standard KDE panel05:28
Dr_willisdaniele_982,  'what' did you install exactly?05:28
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daniele_982Dr_willis: i go in Synaptic and i install Kicker and Kicker-data05:29
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LjLthose are aready installed *by default*...05:29
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LjLkicker *is* the KDE panel05:29
Dr_willisdaniele_982,  you are using 'ubuntu'  or 'kubuntu' ?05:30
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daniele_982Dr_willis:  kubuntu05:30
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Dr_willisdaniele_982,  then kicker was allready installed.05:30
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LjLthe only OS X-style dock that is in the repositories, for KDE, is kooldock, as far as i kno05:30
Dr_willisdaniele_982,  you may be confused as to the name of whatever it was you installed.05:31
LjLthere is kxdocker, but it's broken in Edgy05:31
Dr_williskxdocker = total garbage last i tried it.05:31
gemidjywhy there is NO standard procedure in k/x/ubuntu that makes xkbmap to read its rules from ~/.xprofile ?05:31
daniele_982Dr_willis: oh my god sorry but i've installed kxdocker05:31
LjLDr_willis: i don't think i found kooldock much better last time i tried it05:31
LjLdaniele_982: from the repositories? then it's broken.05:31
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LjLthere's a bug filed05:31
Dr_willisdaniele_982,  run it from a shell/terminal/alt-f205:31
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Dr_willisgemidjy,  i cant recall anything using .xprofile05:32
mikemacdim getting this error when i try to boot up the ubuntu 6.10 live cd05:32
mikemacd[17179706.232000]  hdd: timeout waiting for DMA05:32
daniele_982Dr_willis: and it found also with beryl?05:32
Dr_willisdaniele_982,  i wouldent TOUCH beryl with a 100000000000meter pole.05:33
Dr_willisberyl is way too 'unstable' to even try to use.05:33
Dr_willisor so the # of people in here asking about it in here.. seem to imply.05:33
Dr_willisIf you want to test out beryl and the fancy eye candy.. try a live cd with it allready setup.05:33
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daniele_982Dr_willis: i've try this packages by the repo of debian and it found but it has same problem with beryl and aiglx .On the site say that it works05:34
xenolDr_willis: wat is eye candy?05:35
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daniele_982Dr_willis: http://www.xiaprojects.com/www/prodotti/kxdocker/main.php?action=download but i not understand where i must put this file05:36
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xenolDr_willis: some program for changing themes, wallpapers etc?05:36
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Dr_willisxenol,  eye candy = useless features you use to show off to your xp users.. and other people... then you disable them to get real work done.05:36
Dr_willis'candy for the eye'05:37
rag2hi all05:37
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rag2please somebody help me about a kioexec error when i try play a wav with kscd for example05:37
GullyFoylejust testing emoticons in chatzilla05:38
rag2all audio software fail and it leave hang all system05:38
rag2i have installed w32codecs05:38
Dr_willisdaniele_982,  kxdocker is a very very poory done program. 5 of of us or so spent an hr or 2 playign with it the other day.. and couldent get it to work.. its just broke.. so i aint even going to touch it. When i did mess with it on other disrtos.. the program was a bit of a fiasco anyway.05:38
rag2is other problem05:38
rag2do you know?05:38
gemidjy[17:32]  <Dr_willis> gemidjy,  i cant recall anything using .xprofile05:38
Dr_willisgemidjy,  and i still cant. :)05:38
gemidjyDr_willis: sorry, I was afk, well what if I want different xkb settings for different user ?05:39
Dr_willisanyone else recall .xprofile ever getting used?05:39
Dr_willisgemidjy,  i would make a script in the users .kde/Autostart dir perhaps.05:39
Dr_willisactually i thought there was some keyboard settings tool built into kde.05:39
gemidjyo.0 isn't that trivial05:39
Dr_willisIve never needed to use one.05:39
baracudaCan someone tell me what has gone wrong in this linuxdc++ installation ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5076/  ?05:39
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Dr_willisI would check the Kubuntu wiki/forums first to see what others have done with keyboard layouts.05:40
gemidjythere is applet yes, but some people sse kkbswitch instead of the default kde applet05:40
Dr_willisIve never used either one gemidjy. so cant help ya much more then in general ways.05:40
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mikemacdim getting this error when i try to boot up the ubuntu 6.10 live cd05:41
mikemacd[17179706.232000]  hdd: timeout waiting for DMA05:41
Dr_willismike28,  what sort of device is hdd anyway?05:41
Dr_willismike28,  this is makign it not boot? or just printing a warning then booting anyway?05:41
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rag2do you know why error kioexec with audio , and system is hang! :( please help m05:42
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mikemacdnot sure05:45
mikemacdits not booting05:45
mikemacdit just sits there with that error05:45
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MurfI'm on the receiving end of massive grief with this ndiswrapper.05:48
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MurfI've got it to the point where it ndiswrapper -l gives me "driver present, hardware present"05:48
Murfand then I did iwconfig as stated in one of the techdocs I've seen.05:49
Murfbut still no lights on the card.05:49
Dr_willismike28,  could be its confused about whats on HDD, or somthing.. what sort of drives ya got on that machine?   Thera are various boot/kernel options you coudl try also.05:49
Dr_willismike28,  could try out the FiestyFawn live cd - see if it fairs any better.05:50
MurfThe driver is NetRTUSB for a D-Link DWL-G122.05:50
Dr_willisgrr wrong nick. :)05:50
Dr_willisheh heh05:50
mikemacdit will run beryl?05:50
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MurfThat's a pretty popular driver from Linux types, so I've read.05:51
=== Dr_willis dosent care about beryl in any way/shape/or form.
baracudacan someone help with what has gone wrong with this installation ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5076/05:51
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Dr_willissupposubly it can.. but i dont care. :) and I DONT think the live cd runs beryl, only the installed disrto can be set to do it.05:51
Dr_willisthere ARE other live cd's with beryl setup.05:51
mikemacdlike what?05:52
bur[n] er_anyone know what folder I need to copy to get my kontact mail and settings?05:52
Dr_willisim not sure how 'legally' the fiesty cd can setup the nvidia or ati drivers for beryl to run from them.05:52
Dr_willismikemacd,  check that 'disrtowatch' web site - it has several listed there.05:52
Dr_willismikemacd,  i belive theres several mandriva live cds with it. and sabayon, and perhaps some others.05:52
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bur[n] er_one that starts with a K... but I forget the name05:53
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mikemacdok, thanks05:53
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ScottKbur[n] er_: ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail05:54
bur[n] er_thanks ScottK... I thought htat was it, but it seemed thin to have all my email05:55
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knithxHi, I can't get XGL started05:55
ScottKYou may have to delete the index files for the folders and let kmail rebuild them after you move mail.05:56
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knithxI am using XGL+FGLRX, when I select "Beryl/XGL" sessin and click on login, It doesn't load anything05:57
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lotusleafknithx: #ubuntu-xgl05:58
bur[n] er_ScottK: didn't work :\  nor did my cal get copied, but akregator worked :)05:58
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ScottKOK.  Well that was the place for mail, not calendar.  Look around in /.kde/share/apps/ for the rest.05:59
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ScottKbur[n] er_: The other thing is to look at the mail directories with your file manager (e.g. Konqueror) and make sure all the mail is really there.  If it is, then you might try copying to a different location and then using Kmail's import function to import the messages.06:01
bur[n] er_ScottK: yeah... the mail is most important... but no such luck, i'll keep diggin06:01
tritesnikovhi all, when i have my num lock key on, my +,-,* and / keys don't work. anyone know how to fix this?06:01
bur[n] er_I'm using konq to copy it :)06:01
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bur[n] er_ScottK: i needed the .kde/share/config/kmail* files as well :)06:02
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Tm_T!away > andred06:06
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oliver__I need to mount a DVD with UDF, but it won't work (X-Plane), any idea06:06
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Dr_willisi cant say that ive ever needed to mount a dvd with udf.06:07
Dr_williscould mount it manually i guess06:07
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Dr_willissudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/dvd  -t udf          (i think thats right)06:08
oliver__actually u need mount -t udf /dev/hdx /media/dvd06:08
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Dr_willisHOWEVER -- the default fstab file entry on my system says -------->  /dev/hdb        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       006:08
Dr_willisso it seems to be using udf allready06:08
Dr_willisor does it try udf, then is09669 ?06:09
crimsunit uses the order specified in fstab06:09
oliver__The Installer of X-Plane tells me, it is not UDF06:10
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=== Dr_willis seems to recall the x-plane installer to be very brain dead last he tried x-plane
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oliver__and while mounting manually it says "wrong fstype bad option bad superbock ...."06:11
Dr_willissounds like - either the dvd is screwed up.. or somthing very screwy is going on.06:12
Dr_willisor ya are doing some typos06:12
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oliver__Works on Windows(sorry) because its looking for the Original DVD06:12
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Dr_willisthen it sounds like you may be mounting it wrongly..06:13
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oliver__dmesg tail tells me "... no VRS found"06:14
Dr_willisIf you have a legal- Xplane serial # - theres a online isntaller i thought.06:14
oliver__yes it is06:14
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Dr_willisthat would have all the latest updates and so forth,06:14
oliver__yes true06:15
Dr_willisthe installer downloads a few gb :) however.06:15
oliver__but without the DVD you need to install somewhat 690 MB06:15
oliver__and X-Plane will probaply stay in DEMO Mode06:16
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jhutchinsTry mounting it as iso966006:18
m_e_after reinstalling kdm my taskpanel isnt realy loaded... i see no executet programs on it and there is no clock or a waste or a start menu.. can anyone help me pls?06:18
Dr_willisreadd them?06:18
Dr_willisi dont see what reinstalling KDM would have to do with the users kicker/kde settings however06:19
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oliver__jhutchins: then the installer will load the 690MB from the net and still stay in DEMO Mode06:19
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Dr_willisThe network installer asked for the serial # to become the FULL version06:19
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Dr_willisi seem to recall.. one way to find out...06:19
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kuw88_how can i get realplayer for ubuntu6.606:20
m_e_the last msg of the installation was: reloading k display manage configuration...kdm not running06:20
jhutchinsCould be a VAT or Spared format disk that won't read on Linux.06:20
oliver__Dr_willis: No it detects the CD, theres no Serial (Version 8.5)06:20
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m_e_dont know if it helps06:20
jhutchinsm_e_: Can you start X?06:20
m_e_but after rebooting the damn pannel didnt realy start06:20
m_e_jep i can06:21
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johanvdwhow do i get a full kubuntu upgrade ?06:21
m_e_but it load always the damn panel06:21
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oliver__thanks guys, ill keep on searching06:22
m_e_can i reinstall this panel manually?06:22
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m_e_or ist there any configuration file what can cause this error06:22
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johanvdwhow do i upgrade from dapper to latest edgy ?06:25
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goodthingbah, beryl is buggy06:26
BluesKajgoodthing, which graphics card ?06:27
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bxnpgoodthing: ou dont need beryl, just use the terminal :)06:27
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zachhow do I unfount / in order to defrag06:28
goodthingbxnp: i know, but uhm well, you know the deal06:28
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zachhow do I unmount / in order to defrag06:28
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BluesKajberyl should work well with most nvidia cards , so i've herad from those who have them ...beryl is still eye candy and it slows things down considerably06:28
sampanhas the weird update problem from a day or two ago been fixed?06:29
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goodthingcan anyone verify this bug?(desktop probably needs to be hard quit the system button): put a window in the center, drag a box around it -> bam, whole desktop unresponsive.06:30
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johanvdwwhat command do i need to upgrade to latest edgy from dapper ?06:30
bxnpwhy do you want johanvdw06:31
bxnpit only takes time to upgrade, and dapper was good enough when you installed it right :)06:31
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johanvdwbxnp:  i want to upgrade to the latest kubuntu06:32
zachHow do I defrag?06:32
bxnpanyway johanvdw, you have to change your sources to the edgy ones06:32
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johanvdwok, bnxp got it, doing that now06:32
sampanzach, you do not need to defrag06:33
bxnpehm but you can if you want and run ext2 or ext3 file systems06:33
zachsampen: I know but you an06:33
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ubotudefragmentation is not needed for Ext3 and ReiserFS filesystems. They are much more efficient in their allocation of storage units.06:34
zachsampen: I know but you can06:34
sampangotcha -- have you tried asking Auntie google?06:34
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zachsampen: yes, i have the program but I need to unmount the /06:35
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Kr4t05Does anyone here use K3D?06:37
bxnpwich program did you find zach for defrag06:37
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zachapt-get install defrag06:37
zachbxnp: apt-get install defrag06:38
bxnpand that is allso for ext306:38
zachbxnp: yes06:38
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Bubba_Gumphello. i'm hoping to install the 'domino' style from kde-look.org. the file comes as a tar.gz. how do i unpack this tar.gz and install the style?06:40
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xenolBubba_Gump: u unpack it tar -xpvf file location06:42
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zachbxnp: hello06:42
BluesKajBubba_Gump, tar -zvxf file name.tar.gz06:42
bxnpwell zach the app is written with the ext2 filesystem in mind06:42
bxnpi know that it should be backward compatible06:42
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bxnpbut i think it could be a huge risk by using this program06:43
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bxnpwell there is only one way to try out06:43
zachbxnp: what do you mean?06:43
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bxnphave you read the man page of defrag06:44
bxnpthere is nothing said about ext 306:44
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bxnpand a few warning in using this program06:44
sampanthe description for "defrag" in apt says only for ext2, minix, and xiafs06:44
MoeeI'm a new user from Kubuntu :)06:44
bxnpsampan: but ext3 is backward compatible with ext2 however i would not use it sampan06:45
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bxnpjust backup your date, back your date06:45
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MoeeWelcome to me o.o06:45
bxnpdo a lowlevel format for you harddrive and reinstall kubuntu06:45
sampanbxnp  that's what a few forums said pretty much too: for ext3 you might as well copy the whole partition to some other location, reformat so it's clean and copy it back ... lol seems crazy06:46
ScottKThe simplest answer is to NOT defrag an ext3 files sytem.06:46
sampanor rather, crazy that someone would just "want" to do that :D06:46
ScottKWhat problem are you trying to solve?06:46
bxnpwell the question remains, do you need to do it06:47
xenolScottK: well is  there any reason to defrag ext3? :D only NTFS and FAT-type need that :P06:47
ScottKNo.  There is no reason to do it.06:47
sampanscottk  we don't know.  zach here says he knows you don't "need' to defrag, but he "wants to" anyway06:47
ScottKThere is a reason that tools for defragging ext3 are hard to find....06:48
ScottKzach: Just don't do it.06:48
bxnpyeah cause nobody written it yet :)06:48
ScottKIt's not only not needed, there's no point.06:49
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sampangah my adept updater seems hung -- says "dpkg run finished" but won't bring up the "goodbye" button06:49
BluesKajzach, whoever told you to defrag a linux partition is full of BS ...leave it alone and get out of the windoze mindset06:49
bxnpanyway where is my fav editor06:49
ScottKIf he wants to copy/reformat/copy he's free to waste his time, but it's not going to change anything...06:49
bxnpstdin: are you here to edit some post06:49
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jhutchinsy'all are aware that ext3 is ext2 with journaling, right?06:53
sampanso what to do when adept hangs and won't finish and won't let me quit?06:53
jhutchinsturn off the journal, you have ext2.06:53
bxnpyes i guess everybody is aware of that jhutchins06:53
jhutchinssampan: How long is it hanging for?06:53
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sampanjhutchins  it says "dpkg run finished!" in the details window and it's been about 10 minutes now06:54
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jhutchinssampan: Ten minutes is pretty long.06:54
jhutchinsIt can take a long time to close out the database transactions after an update, but still...06:54
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jhutchinssampan: If you kill it and it leaves your package database corrupted, I don't know how to fix that for apt (only for rpm).06:55
Bubba_Gumphow do i install kde headers?06:55
ubuntuHow much space should I give to the "/"  if I will have a separate partition for "/home" ?06:55
sampani understand ... but wouldn't the "dpkg run finished!" suggest that the transactions are all done?06:55
jhutchinsubuntu: Depends on what you're going to do with the system.06:55
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sampani'm pretty much a newb though, so i am not sure06:56
maynoth42I know this chat is for kubuntu06:56
jhutchinsubuntu: If you're doing web in /var/www, mail in /var/spool/mail/ database in /var/mysql, you're gonna need space there.06:56
maynoth42but can anyone help me06:56
Dr_willis!fine kde-header06:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fine kde-header - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:56
maynoth42I run ubuntu06:56
jhutchinsIf you're downloading anime to your /home dir, you need the space there.06:56
maynoth42and my colors are stuck06:56
Dr_willisBubba_Gump,  theres a package or 2 to install.. but i forget the names.06:56
maynoth42at 25606:56
bxnpsampan: just hit enter on the console06:56
maynoth42says its 2406:56
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ubuntujhutchins: is 5 gig enough ?06:57
sampanbxnp, now a windows popped up saying the adept window isn't responding ... eeep06:57
bxnpwell it should be more then enough06:57
jhutchinsmaynoth42: Since you're in gnome nd we're in kde, not much chance we can help.06:57
jhutchinsubuntu: Enough for what?06:57
bxnpehm just kill it sampan06:57
bxnpterminate it06:57
maynoth42yeah... but no ones helping in the ubuntu room06:57
ubuntujhutchins: Well to install a new Kubuntu06:57
maynoth42been there for hours06:57
maynoth42everyone just says to reboot and that will fix it06:57
maynoth42but it doesn't06:58
jhutchinsubuntu: Murphy's law says whatever partition you need space on will not be the one where you have space.06:58
maynoth42I guess reformat06:58
Dr_willismaynoth42,  theres an issue with the latest kernel update aparently. and the nvidia/ati drivers.06:58
jhutchinsmaynoth42: You can probably figure it out, but it may be faster to reinstall.06:58
sampanbxnp  done ... hopefully i haven't just committed kubuntu murder ;)06:58
Dr_willismaynoth42,  may be better to wayt a day or 3 then try to reupdate/upgrade06:58
bxnpno you did not sampan06:58
bxnpgo to the console06:58
maynoth42I have  integrated graphics06:58
ubuntujhutchins: I have a 80 gig laptop hard drive, I plan to put 5 gig for /  1 gig for swap and the rest for /home    ?06:58
maynoth42no ATI/Nvidia06:58
bxnpdo apt-get update06:58
sampandr_willis  they still haven't fixed that?06:58
bxnpand then apt-get upgrade06:59
jhutchinssampan: You may want to learn to use apt-get instead of the GUI.  Fewer things to go wrong.06:59
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jhutchinsubuntu: my personal advice - and a lot of people would not agree - is to make it all one partition.06:59
Dr_willissampan,  aparently its a work in progress.. the servers are now a bit overloaded06:59
maynoth42should I upgrade my kernel06:59
maynoth42you think that will fix it?06:59
Dr_willismaynoth42,  the upgrade seems to be Causing a problem.06:59
jhutchinsubuntu: Once you've used linux long enough to know where you use how much space, you can adjust.06:59
Dr_willisand it is being fixed.  i hear.07:00
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ubuntujhutchins: what I wan to get a new Distro, I would need to have my home folde to be a different parititon07:00
maynoth42well I like linux for general use07:00
sampanjhutchins  i do use apt whenever i'm installing things, but i do just use adept when it's an upgrade via that panel applet do-hicky07:00
jhutchinsubuntu: Just back it up to something.07:00
maynoth42its really annoying in a lot of respects like having to reformat every day07:00
Dr_willisstuff happens..  you get odd issues every so often in EVERY os...07:00
Bubba_Gumpkde-libs4headers i'm guessing Dr_willis07:00
maynoth42having to hunt down rare deb files just to get working aps not in repos07:00
sampandr_willis  drat ... i asked if anyone knew the status of that and no one replied so i thought maybe it was a-okay and just went ahead with the upgrade :/07:00
ubuntujhutchins: what arre the rreasons you recommend to put everything on one parition ?07:00
Dr_willisif you refromated, and reinstalled the updates... you may have the same problem07:00
maynoth42like gaim2.0 beta607:00
jhutchinsubuntu: There are all kinds of hidden config files which can cause problems anyway, so you probably don't want to preseve the whole thing.07:00
Dr_willismaynoth42,  theres a guideline as to what is in the official repos.. you can always use unoffical ones..07:01
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jhutchinsubuntu: like I said, wherever you put your space, you'll need it somewhere else.07:01
maynoth42but nothing is ever in there07:01
jhutchins/home is easy to back up seperately.07:01
Dr_willismaynoth42,  you would rather 'accidently' update to some beta version of an app? :)07:01
maynoth42still have to find 3rd party repo07:01
Dr_willismaynoth42,  so..07:01
jhutchinsSeperate partitions really only make sense if they're on seperate devices.07:01
Dr_willisyou want ubuntu to bend over backwards for you... THEN do a backflip.. and THEN make lunch...07:02
maynoth42oh well... I am going to reformat my windows box...07:02
ubuntujhutchins: how about I give 10 gigs for "/" with /home in it and everything I create a 70 gig parition for all my downlaods and documents and otehr ?07:02
maynoth42then I will reformat this one07:02
maynoth42does anyone know07:02
maynoth42of like a 1-900 support line07:02
maynoth42for ubuntu07:02
maynoth42like call an ubergeek07:03
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maynoth42for 1.99 per min07:03
jhutchinsubuntu: Again, you're subdividing, which I say only makes sense if you can actually change the size of the partitions.07:03
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jhutchinsubuntu: You can do that if you use Logical Volume Manager (LVM), but LVM is one more thing to go wrong.07:03
m_tadeuhi  everyone07:03
jhutchinsubuntu: Again, I recommed a single partition.  That way, all of the available space is available to whatever process wants it.07:03
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lupine_85LVM > *07:04
m_tadeuwhat tool should i use to repartirion a usb stick?07:04
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jhutchinsubuntu: Only you will really know how you use your space, and only after using it a while.07:04
ubuntujhutchins: hmm07:04
jhutchinsm_tadeu: repartition or format?07:04
m_tadeujhutchins: repartition07:04
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jhutchinsm_tadeu: I use fdisk, a lot of people like qparted.07:04
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m_tadeujhutchins: qparted doesn't detect the usb dusk...i'll try fdisk :)07:05
Dr_willismaynoth42,  what do you really expect them to do? :)     give some magic words?07:05
m_tadeuthanx :)07:05
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djwilcoxhi im just trying to set up mysql but cant set the root password07:06
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jhutchinsubuntu: I recently started transcoding video files - I didn't even have a DVD drive when I built this system.  I found that since /tmp now uses tempfs in ram, I quickly ran out of ram.07:06
djwilcoxcaant remember the command for setting the root password im mysql07:06
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jhutchinsdjwilcox: It's in the /usr/share/doc files.07:07
djwilcoxright cheers07:07
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Falladiranyone know of a good tutorial for setting up a USB hard drive?07:08
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Falladirthe last time I installed, it auto-detected because it was connected (that was xubuntu)07:08
jhutchinsFalladir: Besides "connect to USB port"?07:08
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Falladiryeah, it's not autodetecting07:09
jhutchinsdmesg and see what's happening.07:09
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Falladirjust "$ dmesg"?07:09
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lupine_85a crash is fine too07:09
lupine_85I always have a separate /home07:09
lupine_85but then. I also always have multiple OSes sharing it :)07:09
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Falladirjhutchins: ok, that output is a bit verbose07:10
Falladir[17186002.804000]  NTFS-fs warning (device sdb): is_boot_sector_ntfs(): Invalid b07:10
Falladiroot sector checksum.07:10
Falladir[17186002.804000]  NTFS-fs error (device sdb): read_ntfs_boot_sector(): Primary b07:10
Falladiroot sector is invalid.07:10
Falladir[17186002.804000]  NTFS-fs error (device sdb): read_ntfs_boot_sector(): Mount opt07:10
Falladirion errors=recover not used. Aborting without trying to recover.07:10
Falladir[17186002.804000]  NTFS-fs error (device sdb): ntfs_fill_super(): Not an NTFS vol07:10
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underdog5004!pastebin | Falladir l07:11
ubotuFalladir l: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:11
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underdog5004multiple os's sharing the same /home...very cool!07:11
akshHi, does anyone know how I can change my X server shortcut keys ? I keep pressing shift+backspace accidently07:11
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poseidonis there an option that I can pass to the kernel from grub to not start up x?07:11
lupine_85underdog5004: it "just works", as long as the differences in version for some programs are taken into account07:11
lupine_85e.g. thunderbird07:11
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lupine_85my current /home has been through ubuntu i387 & amd64 breezy->feisty, Gentoo, SuSE and ArchLinux07:12
lupine_85oh, and etch07:12
underdog5004yeah, I was thinking about that, I thought maybe there were just different versions of the config files....07:12
lupine_85only a small number of programs are affected by that07:12
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ubuntulupine_85: do you have a separate /home partition ?07:12
Falladirjhutchins: maybe it's not ntfs?07:13
jhutchinsI've never had a crash corrupt just one partition.07:13
underdog5004me too, I love it07:13
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jhutchinsI've had a partition fill up and cause all kinds of problems, but it wouldn't have if it hadn't been seperate.07:13
jhutchinsTo me, the solution is to back up your data, wherever you keep it.07:13
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jhutchinsPartitions only make sense to me, as I said, if they're on seperate devices.07:13
mattiasIf I have installed Dapper, how do i upgrade to edgy without downloading the cd image and do a completely new installation?07:13
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lupine_85jhutchins: partitions also make sense with lvm, and whenever you want to keep your data logically separate07:14
jhutchinsFalladir: Yeah.  Wish I could help with that, but I've gotta take off for a bit.07:14
lupine_85but it's mostly a preferences thing - there are advantages and disadvantages either way07:14
jhutchinslupine_85: I mentioned that with LVM you can resize, but it's all on the same device anyway, and LVM is prone to problems - again, you need that backup.07:14
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lupine_85nah, I have two separate devices in a vg07:15
jhutchinsIf you have the backup, you don't need the seperate partition.07:15
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lupine_85and with lvm, backups are very easy to make :) -- lvm snapshot, etc07:15
ScottKmattias: Edit /etc/apt/source.list and any place it says dapper, change it to edgy.  Then sudo apt-get update.  The sudo aptitude dist-upgrade.07:15
jhutchinslupine_85: Which means if either one fails, you loose both.  Twice as good a chance of failure.  Back up.07:15
mattiasok, thanks ScottK07:16
lupine_85only if you're using striped mode07:16
iMiladHi guys, I am using Amarok in Gnome and i want to know if there's a way to make it read/write ratings in an specific tag, instead of storing them in a database. like what foobar does. Any one?07:16
jhutchinslupine_85: Actually, yes, but I've got to go.07:16
ubuntujhutchins: so if you were to make a new isntallation now, you would just isntall everything into one parition / and home  being on one partition ?07:16
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iMiladHi guys, I am using Amarok in Gnome and i want to know if there's a way to make it read/write ratings in an specific tag, instead of storing them in a database. like what foobar does. Any one?07:18
ForgeAushey all :)07:18
ubuntu_iMilad: #amarok07:18
iMiladsorry, tx07:18
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ubuntu_jhutchins: so if you were to make a new isntallation now, you would just isntall everything into one parition / and home  being on one partition ?07:21
Creeping_Deathhi guys i have a problem: when kubuntu starts, the graphic crashes.the resolution is lower, a part of the screen is invisible and the pointer of the mouse is covered by pixels...i don't know what it can be because the last time i quit kubuntu,everything was right...07:21
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Creeping_Deathand yes...i am a newbie of linux...:(07:22
ForgeAusthat kernel update messed up grubs menu.list07:22
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ForgeAusI fixed it tho07:24
yvonnehello all07:24
ForgeAusbut no gui on boot now07:24
yvonneis there anyway to adjust the brightness through kubuntu because my monitor is on 0% brightness and is still very bright07:24
aiduciukasWhy apt-get from archive.ubuntu.com downloads 6-9KB/s and from security.ubuntu.com it downloads 120KB/s. what's wrong?07:25
Lebowski_how long should Kubuntu take to boot from live cd?07:25
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ForgeAusa few minutes07:25
Blissexaiduciukas: that you are not using mirrors.07:25
ForgeAusits not fast, but its not slow07:25
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Lebowski_hmmm  I keep getting stuck at blue screen  30 mins now07:25
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linijaHi. Anyone know how to launch Edgy install DVD from shell?07:26
aiduciukasI'm from lithuania and I tried to using lt.archive.ubuntu.com speed is the same07:26
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ForgeAusLeb sounds like something wrong07:26
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ScottKlinija: What are you installing from?07:26
ForgeAuslinja what do you mean exactly?07:26
ForgeAusyvonne I don't know07:26
linijaI have edgy install CD07:26
linijainsternal CD rom won't launch it07:27
ForgeAusyes but your in a shell already07:27
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Lebowski_Is there an issue w/ installing with VMware?07:27
linijausing sysrescuecd07:27
ForgeAuswhat do you mean internal CD rom won't launch it?07:27
ForgeAusLeb.. sholdn't b07:27
linijaJust says "error booting from CD07:27
ForgeAusI've used kubuntu in vmware and it works wonderfully07:27
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linijaBooted from SystemResue CD and now I have shell07:28
Lebowski_I have downloaded 3 different versions and never get past blue screen07:28
ForgeAushmmm linija.. I've had that come up before but not from kubuntu cd07:28
linijamounted external DVD rom and can see it using "ls" command07:28
ForgeAusLeb check your bios settings, but be careful in there07:28
ForgeAusit SHOULD boot fine07:28
ForgeAusno blue screens07:29
jonathan__how do i creat a ramdisk07:29
linijado you know "executable" to launch it from shell?07:29
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linijaI typed "install" and it says "missing file operand"07:30
Lebowski_what download should I get to install w/o booting up from live cd?  (will it be easy for newcomer)?07:30
ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.07:30
lupine_85use that07:30
lupine_85it's pretty easy07:30
Lebowski_sweet thanks07:31
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ScottKlinija: Let me see if I understand - You internal CD that you booted a rescue CD with and an external DVD that you can't boot from, is that correct?07:32
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:32
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ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org07:32
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linijaScottK: one sec...07:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntsf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:33
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linijaScottK:... Internal CDrom says "error booting from CD". I booted from SysRescueCD, booted fine and got shell. Then I mounted External DVDrom and I can read files inside the Install CD. Trying to launch Edgy install from External DVDrom now... but don't know the executable to get it going.07:34
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rEvolution27hey guys, I got xfce installed and i want to remove it, is it ok to do sudo aptitude remove xubuntu-desktop?07:35
ScottKIf you can, I'd suggest downloading the alternate installer CD and try booting that.  It'll boot a lot of times when the live CD won't.  What you are trying to do isn't supported AFAIK.07:36
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rEvolution27sry, i meant sudo aptitiude purge xubuntu-desktop07:37
linijaOK... Where do I get "alternate CD"... or what am I looking for???07:37
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mattiaslinija: check the downloads page...07:38
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ScottKlinija: just a sec...07:39
linijaOK... I see it... I'll try that... THANK YOU07:39
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ScottKlinija: That'll get you to a command line install.  From there install kubuntu-desktop and you should be set.07:40
linijaGot it... Thank you...07:40
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Creeping_Deathsoory,is there anyone who can help me for my problem with the graphic at boot? my video card is a mobility radeon x300...07:41
jonathan__whats it doing07:41
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Creeping_Deathare you talking to me jonathan?07:43
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geekhmm sorry guys how do i find ubuntu for germans ?07:45
geeki mean irc here07:45
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ScottKgeek: Did you try #ubuntu-de?07:46
geekooh thank u that was i looking for ..but only found a german website with a circus07:47
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geekthank u very much scott07:47
geekbut damn it's empty there07:47
ScottKOK.  Then maybe that's not it...07:48
Sanne!de | geek07:48
ubotugeek: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de07:48
geekthank u very much uboutu how do i save those links?07:48
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Sannegeek: also check out the german website at http://www.ubuntuusers.de/ and http://kubuntu.de/07:49
geekthank u peeps very helpful thanks a lot i appreciate that =)07:49
Sannegeek: ubotu (which is the channel bot) told you the names of the german irc channels. You just join them ;)07:50
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plutonashello, i am  downloading kubuntu to install it on my sisters laptop, do i have to configure something after, or will everything work out of the box? (it is a vaio)07:51
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geekupps so everyone knows now i'm ab total newbie lol07:51
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mefisto__plutonas: that depends on the box. you will probably need to configure at least some things07:53
plutonaswhat things could these be?07:53
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plutonasconfiguring is no problem, i run debian on my  laptop, and have all laptop specific things set-up... just want to know.07:54
plutonasand she will use the kubuntu partition only for downloading, and gimp07:54
mefisto__ok, you need to install gimp07:54
plutonasmefisto__: is that what you meant by configuring? installing apps?07:55
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mefisto__installing codecs?07:55
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mefisto__setting up display preferences? one click or 2 clicks to open a file? etc, etc07:56
eMish_Why there is no apt-show-versions command ?07:56
plutonasmefisto__: that's all? i need no specific drivers? nothing with cpu-throtling, no setting up for sleep and  suspend?07:56
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mefisto__plutonas: I think it's hard to predict what you would need to do after initial install. Depends on hardware, and how you want things set up, etc07:57
SanneeMish_: just install it, it's in the universe repository.07:58
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plutonasmefisto__: i see, i mean how is   it usual, the reason i asc the question is that i've heard that ubuntu is better at auto-detecting hw07:59
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plutonasand i hoped to hear: no problem, everything works out of the box (but it seems that i have to find out myself)07:59
m_tadeuhi again08:00
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mefisto__plutonas: well yes, it's always detected all my hardware, but your experience may be different. If "everything works" means all hardware was detected, then probably everything will work08:01
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MarcoPauhello, in kaffeine I only get Netscape plugin viewer as an entry for Settings -> Player engine08:03
briancannhey guys how do I remove beryl from kde's startup apps08:03
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MarcoPaueven thou mplayer, kmplayer, xine and stuff are installed. what am I supposed to do in order to pick either mplayer or xine as engines?08:03
briancannfrom gnome08:03
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pollywogis there a w32codecs package for Ubuntu?08:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about codec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:09
MarcoPaupollywog: yes, you need medibuntu08:09
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:09
jonathan__im trying to open /boot/grub in emacs what is the command for me to do that08:09
CViruspollywog: ^08:10
MarcoPaujonathan__: that's a directory, I assume you wanna open a file08:10
jonathan__i want to edit the /boot/grub08:10
jonathan__reason i wanna do that is im trying to install a new kernel and i need to add the ramdisk to the file08:11
MarcoPaujonathan__: I repeat, /boot/grub/ is a directory, not a file08:11
MarcoPaujonathan__: for that, you wanna edit /boot/grub/menu.lst08:11
jonathan__ok how do i open that up in emacs08:11
MarcoPaueither do sudo emacs /boot/grub/menu.lst08:11
MarcoPauor sudo emacs and then from emacs C-x C-f and choose the path08:12
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pollywogokay what is this?  sudo: timestamp too far in the future:08:17
pollywogand how do I fix it?08:17
pollywogI have updated the clock08:17
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mefisto__where did you see it pollywog?08:19
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pollywogwhen I use sudo, I get that error about the timestamp08:19
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mefisto__sudo with what?08:22
pollywogwith apt-get08:22
pollywogapt-get install08:22
pollywogthe error could be coming from apt-get08:22
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pollywogprobably comes from apt-get not sudo08:23
rEvolution27where can08:24
rEvolution27I get styles for kicker08:24
rEvolution27like background images, ect08:24
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mefisto__pollywog: perhaps there's a problem with whatever you're trying to download/install?08:26
pollywogmefisto__: that might be it I suppose08:26
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pollywogwill fortemedia fm108 work in Ubuntu?  I could not get it to work in Debian08:32
pollywog2.6.17 kernel08:32
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jonathan__how do i do depmod on an already compiled kernel and i how do i create a ramdisk as well for it08:34
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jonathan__im trying to get workign openmosix kernel 2.4 how do i create an initial ram disk for it as well as run depmod on it08:35
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NotWiredevery time i install an X related font I get a warning about missing folders... should I worry about this?08:36
Dr_willisNotWired,  its just a 'warning' so no.08:36
jonathan__im trying to get workign openmosix kernel 2.4 how do i create an initial ram disk for it as well as run depmod on it08:37
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NotWiredokay, thanks Dr_willis08:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about openmosix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:37
jonathan__its for clustering08:37
Dr_willisyou are trying to run a 2.4 kernel?08:37
jonathan__ya i tried the 2.6 kernel but its prealpha and as i was compiliing it yesterday i ran into an error08:37
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Dr_willisIm not sure a 2.4 kernel will work at all on a ubuntu system.08:38
jonathan__should i trie the 2 6 kernel again doc08:38
Dr_willisim not even sure a 2.4 kernel handles initrd. :)08:38
jonathan__i have it installed08:38
julienhow can i do to go to ubuntu.fr??08:38
Dr_willisjulien,  /join #channelname08:38
jonathan__i need the initrd lol08:38
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.08:38
jonathan__and i need to run depmod on it08:38
julienok thank you08:38
jonathan__doc can i send ya private message08:38
Dr_willisjonathan__,  a lot of features  of 2.6 are needed by ubuntu. im suprised it would work at all..08:39
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Dr_willisim lible to be gone in 5 min. :) so it wont do much good jonathan__ . heh heh08:39
jonathan__it wont work cuz i dont have a ram disk for it08:39
Dr_willisi cant help ya much more then i allready have08:39
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optix_bsr tt le monde08:39
jonathan__anybody else willing to put in the 2 cents lol on top of dr willis's08:39
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pollywogVMware complains that my headers are not the right ones for my running kernel, this after I had to reinstall Ubuntu08:40
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pollywogI did not have this problem yesterday on the first install08:41
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gaylord_does anybody knows how to use directory with gaps in the name in fstab08:41
pollywogit worked perfectly then08:41
Dr_williskernel got updated recently i thought - reinstall the header files perhaps08:41
jonathan__that is interesting pollywog im running kubunt on vmware server without any issues08:41
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pollywoggaylord_: did you use \ ?08:41
gaylord_pollywog: already tried and not better08:41
pollywogjonathan__: yes it should work, it was working before I had to reinstall08:41
jonathan__what was the reason for reinstall08:42
gaylord_pollywog: also tried with "/mydirectory name"08:42
pollywogjonathan__: I installed some of the "proposed" packages by mistake and then the system would only boot to a mkinitrd shell08:43
pollywognot mkinitrd but ssomething similar08:43
gaylord_pollywog: and unfortunately I can't rename the folder since it is automatically created by a software08:43
jonathan__ok thhis iiss kindaaa interesting cuz i actually need to make a initrd08:43
pollywoggaylord did you try /path\ to \ directory08:43
jonathan__polly i hate to say this but try another reinstall and completely reformat the entire virtual hard drive08:44
gaylord_pollywog:  Yes I dit08:44
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jonathan__what is the easiest way to create a ram disk08:44
jonathan__from an already compiled kernel08:44
pollywogjonathan no that is not necessary.  The reinstall is not the problem08:44
pollywogI think it is the kernel sources and headers08:45
jonathan__im still very much a linux noob08:45
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jonathan__polly i dont know whether u might be able to help me but ive installed the openmosix kernel 2.4 how do i run depmod on it and creat a ramdisk for it08:45
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jonathan__can anyone help me lol08:47
jonathan__ive installed the openmosix kernel 2.4 how do i run depmod on it and creat a ramdisk for it08:47
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sedZDie folgenden Pakete haben nichterfllte Abhngigkeiten:08:53
sedZ  libc6: Hngt ab: tzdata ist aber nicht installierbar08:53
sedZ  libc6-i686: Hngt ab (vorher): libc6 (= 2.3.6-0ubuntu20.4) aber 2.3.6.ds1-10 ist installiert08:53
sedZE: Nichterfllte Abhngigkeiten. Versuchen Sie, -f zu benutzen.08:53
sedZkann mir dabei einer helfen?!08:54
SannesedZ: try #kubuntu-de ;)08:54
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de08:54
pollywogthere I fixed the problem with VMware, I installed more headers08:54
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Dr_willisyep each kernel vwersion has its own headers08:56
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pollywogfor some reason the ones installed did not match the kernel08:57
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pollywogI just finished installing kubuntu this morning08:58
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larsivi_is there an easy way to repair an edgy system? something is borked ... kwin looks like an offender09:02
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larsivi_or how stable is feisty, considering edgy isn09:04
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larsivi_isn't stable for me09:04
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estelhi - is the architecture of intel's 64bit core dual cpus equal to AMD64? will kubuntu's AMD64 versoin work on that cpu and what are advantages/disadvantages?09:04
coreymon77hi guys09:04
Admiral_Chicagoestel: they are the same09:05
coreymon77im getting fed up with having to restart into windoze every time i want to do something with my pocket pc09:05
goodthinglarsivi_: if you think edgy isn't stable, i would personally not touch feisty (and that is what i do too)09:05
coreymon77is there any way that i can sync (meaning transfer files/install software) to my ppc from linux?09:05
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jhutchinslarsivi_: Did you do a clean install of edgy, or did you upgrade from Dapper?09:06
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larsivi_jhutchins: clean install09:06
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NotSurehow can i find out which nvidia driver my system is using?09:07
estelare there any general disadvantes using the 64bit version? on the kubuntu download page you are told to use rather the 32bit than the 64bit version - why?09:07
jhutchinslarsivi_: Interesting, you're the first one who I've heard with stability problems who wasn't an upgrade.  What are you having trouble with?09:07
larsivi_what just happened is that all keyboard interaction inside kde is lost, and that the window manager seems to have lost it ( I cannot change windows, athough I can close those I see ...)09:07
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larsivi_jhutchins: just a sec, I have a bug report somewhere09:07
jhutchinslarsivi_: Ah, lost the input channels.09:07
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jhutchinslarsivi_: Actually, that's a KDE upgrade problem.09:08
K`zanestel: because some things don't work in 64 (windoz or linux).  I removed 64 bit here and went with 32, much happoer.09:08
SanneNotSure: I'll look it up, sec09:08
Alarmhello. is it normal my local ip to be ? i mean when i ping localhost, it pings , shouldnt it be ?09:08
NotSurethank you Sanne09:08
jhutchinsNotSure: The main thing about the 64b version is that several of the multimedia codecs aren't available yet.09:08
estelwhat does e.g. not work?09:08
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SanneNotSure: type: cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version09:08
larsivi_jhutchins: I've had the problem occasionally with both 3.5.5 and also after upgrading to 3.5.6, but now it don't help rebooting09:09
jhutchinsAlarm: Actually, 127.x.x.x is all the same.09:09
larsivi_I haven't gotten to report this because I don't know what happens09:09
Alarmjhutchins,  the point is that i get a lot of strange things on the apache log file09:09
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NotSureSanne: does the default one say NVIDIA?09:09
jhutchinslarsivi_: Try working on it from console mode, check for errors with startx, look at the xorg.conf file.  It's probably pointing to files that have moved.09:09
NotSurei isntalled the one from nvidia and just want to make sure i'm using it09:10
jhutchinskdm.conf too.09:10
SanneNotSure: what do you mean, default?09:10
NotSurewell, kubuntu installs a version09:10
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coreymon77is there a way to sync pocket pcs in kubuntu09:10
K`zanestel: you find that out by installing stuff you want and finding out if it is one of them :-(.09:10
NotSureand there is another version from nvidia...09:10
larsivi_jhutchins: I just noticed that i810 is considered broken in edgy with dual head setup, which I just set up ...09:10
cefx_Hey.  What's the best way to automatically detect a new display?09:10
jhutchinsJust so long as things match.  If Apache is listening to, and you're tryin that might not work.09:10
K`zanestel: unless you have stuff that requires massive amounts of RAM, go with 32 bit.09:11
jhutchinsAlarm: You may find something in /etc/hosts or /etc/sysconfig that explains it.09:11
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Alarmif i would change that to could i screw things up ?/09:11
SanneNotSure: I don't know if the free nv driver sais nvidia. What does the output of the cat command say? (-> paste.ubuntu-nl.org)09:11
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NotSurethank you Sanne, sec for the paste from that site09:12
mattiasI've installed NTSF-3g but how do i mount my NTSC harddrive?09:12
Alarmjhutchins,  /etc/hosts doesnt contain anything at all09:12
larsivi_jhutchins: the other unstability problem I have is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/7362009:12
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esteli'm at the moment using the 32bit version of kubuntu and I'm quite happy with it. I used debian before, but sarge was quite old fashioned and many packages of testing were removed. but i still don't know what is the problem.09:13
SanneNotSure: looks like mine. Try also: glxinfo | grep direct09:13
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter09:13
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse09:14
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K`zanestel: Same here on an amd64 box, dumped xp64 and 64 bit linux and am quite happy with things here now too :-).09:14
NotSureit says direct rendering: Yes Sanne09:14
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jhutchinslarsivi_: one "No debugging symbols found" is sufficient by the eay.  It means you don't have them installed, which makes crash reports useless.09:14
SanneNotSure: then I think the driver runs. Why didn't you install it from the ubuntu repositories, btw?09:15
NotSureohh, i did Sanne... but it wasn't there by default09:15
NotSurei had to enable the repositories for it09:15
NotSurethank you so much for your help Sanne09:15
SanneNotSure: ah, then I misread, sorry. All is well then, play some games! :)09:15
NotSurelol... thank you09:16
larsivi_jhutchins: fair enough ...09:16
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jhutchinslarsivi_: I'm sorry I don't know what packages to install in 'buntu to get the debugging symbols either.09:16
jhutchinslarsivi_: Nor do I have a good suggestion on troubleshooting.  In what ways have you diverged from the base install?  Upgraded KDE twice, what else?09:17
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larsivi_jhutchins: I would expect those who look at bugreports to make a comment about debug symbols in the bug report09:18
larsivi_jhutchins: not much, the wpa_supplicant.conf, and now xorg.conf09:18
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larsivi_it's probably more, especially Java related stuff as I develop in that language09:19
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larsivi_still, I observed problems from the start, I think09:20
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NotSurewhat's a good app to use in order to listen to internet radio stations?09:21
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jhutchinslarsivi_: I don't know yet how apt handles config files on updates, make sure your kdm config matches the most recent, and like I said check the xorg.conf for errors and moved files.09:22
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jhutchinsIf you look in the forums on seerofsouls.com under the KDE upgrades, you'll find some stuff about lost keyboards (I know it's mandriva but it's still KDE).09:23
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mattiashumm, I've succesfully mounted my NTSF HDD but i can only acces it as root... I cant seem to find were i change that.. Anyone knows?09:24
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jhutchinsmattias: How did you mount it?09:25
slyfoxWht is the command to install multiple programs? apt-get install firefox,something else ?09:25
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jhutchinsslyfox: Space separated iirc.09:26
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faLUCEHi. do you know a program which generates animated coloured matrix on linux? thnks09:26
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slyfoxjhutchins: Thanks09:26
mattiasjhutchins: System settings, disk and filesystem09:27
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larsivi_jhutchins: where would I find kdm.conf ?09:27
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coreymon77can anyone answer my question?09:28
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pollywog_my machine is again not booting, it just goes to a shell with an initramfs prompt09:29
pollywog_I have never seen this before09:29
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nodesertfaLUce do you mean cmatrix09:29
pollywog_something must be going wrong after my install is finished09:29
coreymon77is it possible to sync a wince device in kubuntu?09:29
jhutchinscoreymon77: I'm pretty sure it is.09:30
jhutchinscoreymon77: I know that palm sync works.09:30
coreymon77no use09:30
jhutchinscoreymon77: What kind of data are you trying to sync?09:30
coreymon77this is a pocket pc09:30
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coreymon77transfer files09:30
coreymon77install software09:30
jhutchinscoreymon77: You may be able to just mount it as a storage device.09:31
coreymon77cause im sick and tired of having to reboot into doze whenever i want to do that09:31
jhutchinscoreymon77: Do some searches on the specific devices though.  You could also try wine or a vm.09:31
pollywog_my machine says it can't get a tty and it quits booting09:31
faLUCEnodesert: no, i mean a program which makes movies with color effects, like screensavers...09:31
jhutchinskorganizer synchronizes with a number of devices.09:31
coreymon77my device is a hp ipaq h1940] 09:32
pollywog_some package that was installed later must be broken09:32
jott_coreymon77: there is synce but i haven't used it for years..09:32
coreymon77but isnt korganizer just for calendar and tasks syncing?09:32
jhutchinscoreymon77: Look for stuff for that, or if you know of a more common CD device, look for that.09:32
jhutchinscoreymon77: Mostly.09:32
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jhutchinscoreymon77: Yours is more of a google question than a kubuntu question.09:32
jhutchinsAlso search sourceforge and freshmeat.09:33
coreymon77i cant get any help here?09:33
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jottcoreymon77: you may look at synce09:34
jhutchinscoreymon77: When it comes to making it work in kubuntu, yeah.09:34
coreymon77ive tried synce09:34
coreymon77cant get it to work09:34
jottyou could also install linux on your ipaq ;)...09:34
jhutchinscoreymon77: It's not that we won't help you, it's that you'll find a larger knowledge pool.09:34
jhutchinsjott: There ya go!09:34
pollywog_my machine is again not booting, it just goes to a shell with an initramfs prompt09:35
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jotti have opie running on an old ipaq since a couple of years..09:35
jhutchinscoreymon77: So you're going to have to exclude a lot of "linux on ipaq" answers, but you'll find it.09:35
jottruns fine ...much better than wince ;)09:35
jhutchinsjott: Wish someone had finished the Linux on Casseopia project.09:36
coreymon77im not changing my ppc os09:36
pollywog_is there a way to fix a nonbootable system without a complete reinstall?09:36
crovHi, how i can get fixed : "Not Optimum Mod; Recommended More 1440x900 60Hz" With Ati Radeon X850 Pro09:36
jhutchinscoreymon77: Seriously, I know a lot of people use ipaq's with linux.09:36
ubotuDetails of setting up synce-serial at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PocketPCHowto09:36
jhutchinscoreymon77: This channel though is mostly basic, newbie stuff.09:36
jottthere ya go09:36
jotthttp://synce.sourceforge.net/synce/kde/ may also helpful09:37
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coreymon77ill see if there is a synce irc channel09:37
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jotton the other hand there is http://handhelds.org/moin/moin.cgi/HpIpaqH1940 :) *scnr*09:37
Camo`_`hello will someone help me with connect to a wireless conneciton with vpnc please??09:37
jottCamo`_`: whats the problem?09:38
Camo`_`i connect to my wireless connection using the wirless asistant thing09:38
Camo`_`then i vpnc to the network and it says it got a file09:38
Camo`_`but i am unable to get on any websites after that?09:38
JosefKis there going to be any PostgreSQL support added to Kexi before release?09:39
jottso you are trying to connect to a cisco concentrator?09:39
Camo`_`i think i have the config file correct because when I enter a wrong password, it says invalid password09:39
jottok.. it's probably a routing issue.. (at least when you setup vpnc.conf correct)09:39
crovHi, how i can get fixed : "Not Optimum Mod; Recommended More 1440x900 60Hz" With Ati Radeon X850 Pro09:40
Camo`_`how do i fix it?09:40
jottso make sure your packages to the cisco concentrator are routed through the wireless router ..09:40
slyfoxWhy do I get this when trying to upgrade to altest amarok?09:40
slyfoxThe following packages have been kept back:09:40
slyfox  amarok amarok-xine09:40
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Camo`_`maybe i will just install the cisco vpn client09:41
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jottCamo`_`: route add -host HOST dev wlan009:41
Camo`_`but it asks me the location of the linux kernel and i dont know where it is09:41
jottsomething like this may help09:41
jott(where HOST is your wlan gateway ip)09:41
Camo`_`oh i am on windows right now so i can't do it right now09:41
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goodthingslyfox: try: "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade"09:41
coreymon77im confused09:41
Camo`_`i think my wireless is eth1 though09:41
coreymon77i looked at the ubuntu page for iipaqs09:42
coreymon77i dont understand any of it09:42
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jottvpnc works much better than the cisco properitery stuff *IMHO*09:42
coreymon77can someone explain to me, it plain english, the steps i have to take09:42
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Camo`_`so u think it wil lwork when i run that route command?09:42
SagaciousKJBHi, does anyone know where I can find a guide to get my Creative Sound Blaster Live (value, 16-bit I believe) to work with KMixer?  I've been trying for hours, and none of the guides have got it to work--not sure what the problem is.09:42
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jottCamo`_`: really depends on your network topology but it i guess it's worth a try..09:43
Camo`_`if it doenst work, can u tell me the location of the linux kernel so i can install the cisco vpn?09:43
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slyfoxgoodthing: ok, let me see09:43
jottCamo`_`: you have to install some packages for that.. plus there is no guarantee it will work with the cisco tools ;-)09:43
cefx_Can I link someone to my xorg.conf file and see if they can see anything wrong with it? I'm getting 60hz refresh rates and 1024x768 max resolution, when I have a monitor good enough....It's a 24" widescreen Sun LCD.  Should be able to do it...09:43
Dr_willisSagaciousKJB,  double check the exact card.. Ive used several SB creative cards and have had no problems with them09:44
Camo`_`but ususally i should be able to get online after running vpnc right?09:44
jottCamo`_`: right...09:44
Dr_willisSagaciousKJB, whats 'not working' with it anyway?09:44
SagaciousKJBWell, I think it's just a KMix config problem09:44
Camo`_`ok i will give it a try now to see if it will work thanks!!09:44
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slyfoxgoodthing: can you please tell me why apt-get upgrade does not work in this case and "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade" works ?09:45
larson9999SagaciousKJB: so do you get sound at all?09:45
jottCamo`_`: sure np.. just make sure the packages are getting to the right route ;)09:45
Dr_willisSagaciousKJB,  try some of the other mixers then. :) theres plenty to mess with.09:45
SagaciousKJBI've been trying for days to configure the settings correctly, and couldn't manage to get ANY sound.  Then one night I'm not quite sure it it is I selected on the switches, but the speakers emitted a very loud shreek09:45
Dr_willis!find mixer09:45
ubotuFound: alsa-utils, kmix, libsdl-mixer1.2, libsdl-mixer1.2-dev, xfce4-mixer (and 11 others)09:45
SagaciousKJBI get sound09:45
Dr_willisSome of the sound cards - have configurable input/output jacks.  had that issue once.09:45
SagaciousKJBI tried alsa09:45
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cefx_This is my X.org conf file, I have a VIA S3 IGP for video, and a Sun Microsystems 24.1 widescreen LCD, I am only able to get 1024x768 which does not fit the monitor size --- http://rafb.net/p/tglkiN80.html09:45
SagaciousKJBAnd it had no effect aswell09:46
goodthingslyfox: you have to use dist-upgrade when apt-get or aptitude complains about "packages has been held back"09:46
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goodthingslyfox: that's all09:46
Dr_willisIf you play a mp3 file or somthing . does it 'seem' to play?  run it from a terminal. see if any error messages show up.09:46
SagaciousKJBHmm...   Well, see, I don't know just about anything about this soundcard.09:46
slyfoxgoodthing: :-) ok09:46
coreymon77okay guys09:46
SagaciousKJBI pulled it out of a PC at a yard sale for $10, recognizing the model from a few years back.09:46
Dr_willisSagaciousKJB,  step #1 - use 'lspci' and see what sound card is seen.09:46
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coreymon77during the synce setup thing09:46
coreymon77it says about the local ip adress09:46
slyfoxDo you people have KDE 3.5.5 or 3.5.6 ?09:46
goodthingslyfox: and aptitude is just a personal prefrence i mine, you could have just used apt-get as well.09:47
jhutchinsSagaciousKJB: Move the balance slider off center.09:47
coreymon77the howto says to leave it as the default09:47
coreymon77but i have a firewall09:47
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coreymon77and i think i have set a static09:47
larson9999SagaciousKJB: doesn't sound like you have the issue i had. but it's been a while anyway.  but sblive generally works well with linux.  alsa-mixer helped the one time i did have problems.09:47
coreymon77so should i still leave it as the default09:47
Dr_willisSagaciousKJB,  given that you can get a new/nice creative  sound card for $30 :) heh heh...09:48
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SagaciousKJBWell, I'm just completely dirt broke right now09:48
SagaciousKJBAnd I really like this soundcard09:48
larson9999the sblive should work fine09:48
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coreymon77i have set a static ip09:48
jottcoreymon77: the ips are not bound to the ethernet interface but to the usb interface...09:48
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SagaciousKJBMy onboard VIA soundcard works just fine09:48
jottcoreymon77: just try to follow the tutorial and see if it works ;)09:48
SagaciousKJBAnd I know the SB is making "sound"09:49
larsivi_jhutchins: seems to be something utterly broken in my user's config09:49
SagaciousKJBHowever, I can't get it, under normal configuration, to make any correct sound.  The only thing I've managed is to make it screech09:49
coreymon77another thing09:49
larson9999SagaciousKJB: oh, you have onboard sound, too? don't you have to put that in the blacklist?  or am i just a dumb moron?09:49
larsivi_deleting .kde/share/config gets me a working desktop, albeit without my configuration :P09:49
coreymon77i think my dns server is
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SagaciousKJBWell, your guess is better than mind09:49
coreymon77but its saying to set it as
coreymon77what should i use?09:50
jhutchinsSagaciousKJB: Do you have any reason to believe the card actually works?09:50
SagaciousKJBJust the screeching09:50
SagaciousKJBAnd the fact that it's recognized everywhere inside linux09:50
SagaciousKJBIt just won't make sound09:50
jhutchinslarsivi_: Cool.09:50
SagaciousKJBOther than screeches09:50
jhutchinslarsivi_: Changes in the config file formats.09:50
coreymon77or should i use the nameserver that is giving in /etc/resolv.conf09:51
jottcoreymon77: good question.. i would set  it to your real dns ;) ..09:51
jhutchinsSagaciousKJB: My Live works fine under Mandriva, has under everything I've had on this box.09:51
coreymon77the one in the resolv.conf file?09:51
slyfoxwhich ones is batter? Aptitude or apt-get09:51
jottbut as i said.. haven't used synce for some years since i have linux on my ipaq now ;)09:51
SagaciousKJBYeah, it's pretty weird.09:51
jhutchinsSagaciousKJB: Have you completely successfully updated the on-board sound and removed all traces of it's config?09:51
coreymon77which one would you reccomend using09:51
SagaciousKJBI mean, VMWare handles the soundcard just fine when I'm running WIndows09:52
coreymon77the one given in the howto09:52
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jottcoreymon77: yes try it with the one from resolv.conf..09:52
coreymon77or the one given in the resolv.conf file09:52
jhutchinsSagaciousKJB: Have you completely successfully DISABLED the on-board sound and removed all traces of it's config?09:52
jhutchinsSorry, brain-fart.09:52
jottyou can change everything afterwards anyway09:52
SagaciousKJBI've done nothing to the on-board sound09:52
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jhutchinsSagaciousKJB: Ok, you say the SB works in Windows?09:52
larson9999SagaciousKJB: that's where i was going with the blacklist thing09:52
SagaciousKJBSo I have to disable the onboard sound for it to use the PCI sard?09:52
larsivi_jhutchins: I need some of those config files, so it will be an interesting excercise figuring out which ones are at fault ...09:52
Dr_willisIve had to blacklist onboard devices befor also.09:52
Dr_willisor disable them in bios.09:53
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SagaciousKJBWell, I don't want to disable it in the bios, as it is my primary soundcard.09:53
SagaciousKJBHow do I blacklist it?  I'll see if that helps.09:53
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:53
larson9999SagaciousKJB: i don't know if you have to blacklist them.  but i haven't gotten two to work together yet :)09:53
SagaciousKJBBy the way, I dual-boot on this PC09:53
Dr_williswhy do you need 2 soundcards?09:53
SagaciousKJBIf that could have anything to do with it.09:53
SagaciousKJBI do a lot of recording, Dr_Willis09:53
Dr_willisdisable it in bios as a test and see...09:54
jhutchinslarsivi_: Yeah, that's a bit of a mess right now.  You need to export all your data and on-line settings before you upgrade in case this happens.09:54
=== SagaciousKJB is not even sure if he can disable it in the BIOS
jhutchinsSagaciousKJB: I would recommend that as well, get it working by itself before you try to integrate it.  lspci might tell you something interesting though.09:55
SagaciousKJBWould VMWare use Ubuntu drivers or the drivers of the OS it is being run on?09:55
SagaciousKJBBecause it worked fine under VMWare, ran on Windows XP09:55
jhutchinsSagaciousKJB: Does alsamixer run?09:55
SagaciousKJBAlsamixer runs09:55
SagaciousKJBHOwever, Ispci?09:55
SagaciousKJBNot found on my system09:55
jhutchinsLspci - list pci devices.09:55
SagaciousKJBOh, okay09:55
SagaciousKJBLet me run that09:55
Dr_williswhich lspci09:55
larson9999SagaciousKJB: blacklist http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Edgy_Installation_Guide09:56
Dr_willis!info lspci09:56
ubotuPackage lspci does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas09:56
Dr_willis!find lspci09:56
jhutchinsHardware conflicts between sound cards are very common, and between sound cards and other cards.09:56
ubotuFile lspci found in debian-installer, pciutils09:56
jhutchinsParticularly network cards.09:56
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=== Dr_willis wonders why the onboard card would record 'better' then then creative card.
SagaciousKJBlspici doesn't list my SB live anywhere09:56
SagaciousKJBIt just has better quality, Dr_Willis09:57
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Dr_willissome OLD soundblaster cards had jumpers and stuff on them. If the onboard card is that much better.. why not use it for linux as well?09:57
SagaciousKJBI could merge the two channles and record on the SB, but then it sound saturate09:57
SagaciousKJBI prefer to record induvidual channles, and then dub them later.09:57
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Dr_willislspci should show about everything on the system..09:58
Dr_williseven unknown devices.09:58
coreymon77it worked!09:58
SagaciousKJBGive me a second09:58
jottcoreymon77: sweet09:58
SagaciousKJBI will out put it to a text file09:58
Dr_willisI had a WEIRD issue years ago with a soundblaster card.. if i booted to windows, then 'rebooted' to linux - the card would not get configtured right.. if i was powered OFF and went straight to linux. it would work.09:58
jottcoreymon77: you may want to continue with multisync now ;)09:58
jhutchinsSagaciousKJB: That's pretty good.  SB's are pretty nice, although mine is picking up a lot of noise lately.09:59
coreymon77i dont need to sync with evolution09:59
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jottah ok..09:59
jottafair kontact can use multisync too but i am not sure about this..10:00
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djwilcoxhi - anyone know how to reset the root password for mysql10:00
jhutchinscoreymon77: Good, now we have someone on the channel who knows how to do it!10:00
larson9999i can't settle on a desktop.  i figured after 10 years i'd have found one10:00
Dr_willisC64 Geos10:00
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coreymon77one last problem10:01
SagaciousKJBDr_willis http://sag.ghostnetwork.org:4313/devices.txt10:01
larson9999Dr_willis: sure. that's my main desktop.  i'm talking secondary10:01
coreymon77when i go into the config10:01
Dr_willishmm..  I just discovered the volume controll on my LOgitegh G15 keyboard works. :)10:01
SagaciousKJBIt's there10:01
SagaciousKJBI didn't notice it in the terminal window10:02
SagaciousKJBBut, it recognizes it there. :/10:02
Dr_willis00:0d.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev 08)10:02
coreymon77and check off the box for File under possible synchronization types10:02
Dr_willisthat card SHOULD work fine.10:02
coreymon77it gives me an error10:02
coreymon77no synchronizer found for FILE10:02
SagaciousKJBIt could just be that I don't know how to configure the levels in the mixer.10:02
SagaciousKJBBut, i've tried just about every configuration10:02
SagaciousKJBAnd can only get a shreek10:02
Dr_willisI cant say that ive done more then just slide the sliders to a volume up.. and left it.10:02
jhutchinsSagaciousKJB: Make sure you have inputs turned off.10:03
larson9999Dr_willis: it's available for 0 cost now.  kinda mad i paid for it only 15-20 short years ago.10:03
SagaciousKJBI've tried it with inputs off10:03
jhutchinsSagaciousKJB: You're probably looping something - yet another reason to disable the onboard at first.10:03
SagaciousKJBLike I said, I basically gave every configuration I could think of a try10:03
SagaciousKJBI've also turned all the volume to the onboard sound off, and tried it10:03
SagaciousKJBThinking I was getting a signal cut or something10:04
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SagaciousKJBI've never had a sound problem like this on 'nix before.  Like i said VMWare handled the card perfectly.  Maybe I need to blacklist the VIA card10:04
jottcoreymon77: maybe you try to install synce-kde that should give you kde integration..10:04
larson9999Dr_willis: that touchkey is nice if you have a multimedia keyboard you need to configure.10:04
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jottcoreymon77: http://synce.sourceforge.net/synce/kde/ have a look here..10:05
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xenolplz where can i find kwallet control menu?10:06
Admiral_Chicagoxenol: k wallet manager10:06
xenolAdmiral_Chicago:  i am running edgy and cant find it in system ssettings found it in /usr/share/applications/kde but am interested if it is in system settings10:07
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Admiral_Chicagoit's not in system settings10:07
Admiral_Chicagoalt + f210:08
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lebifteksauvageHey dudes , i have a problem with apt some days ago10:12
lebifteksauvageE: Encountered a section with no Package: header10:12
lebifteksauvageE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/fr.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_feisty_main_i18n_Translation-fr10:12
lebifteksauvageI don't know why ...10:13
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jhutchinslebifteksauvage: Sounds like a mirror problem.  apt-get update.10:13
Dr_willistheres some server issues going on at this time also.10:13
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lebifteksauvagedoes not fix the problem10:13
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lebifteksauvagei disabled one by one repo , and no one fix the problem10:14
Dr_willischange mirrors.. or wait a day and try again.10:14
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lebifteksauvageYeah ... 4 days the problem is10:15
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Pensacolawoohow, the problem is fixed on my comp10:16
shinigamihi people can somebody help me with my wireless network card? it seems like a problem which after surfing the net and reading other people's forum couldn't help me10:16
Admiral_Chicagolebifteksauvage: #ubuntu+110:17
lebifteksauvageI'm trying now us.ubuntu10:17
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lebifteksauvageand it work !10:17
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shinigamiifconfig shows wlan0 and wmaster0 , no matter how i set the essid and key, it just couldn't connect.. my wireless router shows no sign of attempt to connect in the dhcp server10:18
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shinigamimy wireless network card do work in windows xp..10:19
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Dr_willisheck - i can BARELY get wireless working under XP.. or any other OS..10:25
Dr_williswireless - is such a...  disasterophy  = Disaster + Cataspohy.10:26
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Dr_willisit works under xp.... then stopped working....  3 days of fighting it... i ran wires.. :)10:26
Dr_willisnow the neighbors cant snoop 0_o10:26
Dr_willisGameBoy DS with wireless - never wants to work. heh.10:27
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shinigamimy problem is similar to http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=257986410:30
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SagaciousKJBHi, anyone know how to blacklist an SB live card?10:36
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SagaciousKJBI don't know if anyone who was here before still is.10:36
Admiral_Chicagoput it in /etc/modules iirc10:36
SagaciousKJBOH, wait, I'm sorry10:37
SagaciousKJBNot an SB Live10:37
SagaciousKJBA VIA 82xx10:37
SagaciousKJBI'm not sure what moduel I'm supposed to blacklist, and I'm sort of hesitant to go by trial and error, seeing how most of my motherboard is VIA controlled, so I don't want to add the wrong thing.10:37
ubuntuhi guys.. im installing kubuntu 6.06 64-bit... i'd like to know, how can i install it full .. over the internet.. because lots of packs are missing to install apps after Kubuntu installation..10:37
Admiral_Chicagono that's not it. it's a file in /etc. sorry i can't be of help, i'm not feeling well10:37
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crimsunSagaciousKJB: blacklist snd-via82xx10:37
SagaciousKJBThank you crimsun10:38
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crimsunSagaciousKJB: but do you really want to blacklist it, or do you just want it to /not/ be the default audio device?10:38
SagaciousKJBI need to blacklist it10:38
SagaciousKJBIt was preventing my SB Live card from working.10:38
Admiral_Chicago!repositories | ubuntu10:38
SagaciousKJBHad to disable it in the BIOS to get the SB Live card to work.10:38
ubotuubuntu: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu10:38
crimsunmeaning it hogs an irq?10:38
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SagaciousKJBI'm not quite sure.10:38
crimsunwell, I'm not entirely convinced you need to blacklist it10:39
SagaciousKJBI was discussing it with Dr_Willis and a few others, and they said someitmes you had to blacklist onboard devices to get PCI ones to work.10:39
crimsunSagaciousKJB: yes, /sometimes/10:39
SagaciousKJBIs there anything else I can do?10:39
crimsunwell, make your sblive your default10:39
lancelot_rwhi guys.. im installing kubuntu 6.06 64-bit... i'd like to know, how can i install it full .. over the internet.. because lots of packs are missing to install apps after Kubuntu installation..10:39
SagaciousKJBI thought I had, but apaprently not.10:39
crimsunSagaciousKJB: well, first cat /proc/asound/cards10:39
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crimsun(need the output pastebinned)10:40
Alarmwhy does swat always see my root login as incorrect? i use user: root , pass: (my su password)10:40
SagaciousKJBThe SB live card is 0 on there, does that mean it's default?10:40
Alarmand it fails to login, although i can login as a simple user and see the swat homepage with documentation for example10:40
SagaciousKJBOh, well10:41
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SagaciousKJBIt's probably only default on there beacuse I disabled the onboard sound before I booted up.10:41
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SagaciousKJBSo, how is one supposed to make the SB Live default?10:42
crimsunSagaciousKJB: yes, so now enable the onboard, and tell me which module the other device is using10:42
crimsunSagaciousKJB: (you can tell with cat /proc/asound/modules)10:42
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pfein_should I be using gocr or ocrad w/ kooka?10:43
SagaciousKJBI don't see anywhere in that file where it says what moduel the SB Live card is using.10:43
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SagaciousKJBIs there anyway for you to just tell me how to make it default without me having to reboot to renable the other card?10:43
crimsunwell, I can guess, but of course that's not the best way10:44
SagaciousKJBWell, what do you need to know?10:44
crimsunsee what I typed three minutes ago10:45
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SagaciousKJBI just said I'd rather not reboot.10:45
SagaciousKJBIs there a way you can tell me how to make them default, and just let me fill in the blanks later?10:46
crimsunok, be obstinate then10:46
crimsunecho options snd-via28xx index=-2 |sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base10:46
Sessis there a handwriting recognition app for X?10:46
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SagaciousKJBThe card is already in alsa-base like that10:47
SagaciousKJBExact line10:47
crimsunthen blacklisting won't help you.10:47
SagaciousKJB"options snd-via82xx-modem index=-2"10:47
crimsunuh no.10:47
crimsunread carefully, SagaciousKJB.10:47
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coreymon77how can i get ark to open rar files10:48
SagaciousKJBWell, what is the "tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base" part doing?10:48
SpAwNcoreymon77, install unrar10:49
crimsunit appends it10:49
coreymon77i did10:49
calcmandanwhen playing either eternal lands or second life, i'm getting a choppiness as of today that didn't exist before. i have made no changes to my system since last night and don't know what i can do. i've already rebooted the system.10:49
SpAwNthen it should work....right click the rar file and hit extract10:49
SagaciousKJBOkay, so what am I supposed to read carefully?10:49
crimsunSagaciousKJB: you utterly missed the absence of "-modem" in the line I gave you.10:50
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SagaciousKJB[13:47]  <crimsun> echo options snd-via28xx index=-2 |sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base10:50
SagaciousKJBIn that line?10:51
calcmandani've 'ps au' to see what's holding up the processor but there is nothing out of the ordinary. i also checked memory, and yet nothing is holding too much. swap isn't used either.10:51
crimsunSagaciousKJB: yes, now read the line you pasted.10:51
SagaciousKJBI don't see any "modem" in that line10:51
crimsun16:47 < SagaciousKJB> "options snd-via82xx-modem index=-2"10:51
SagaciousKJBHeh, that wasn't in the line you pasted to me10:52
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SagaciousKJBExplains a lot, though. :P10:52
crimsunof course it wasn't. I should know. Read the alsa-base changelog if want to understand why I should know.10:53
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SagaciousKJBShould I even bother asking you something else?  You don't seem to like helping me.10:54
comicki can't het compiz with kde-window decoratore working10:54
comickwhat's the correct way to have it working?10:54
crimsunSagaciousKJB: why don't you just ask the question?10:54
slyfoxwhich Nvidia drivers is best to get the 9xxx series or the stadndart ones ?10:55
SagaciousKJBThat exact line is already in the alsa-baste.txt, and it still doesn't work if I have the onboard sound enabled in the BIOS.  So what does that narrow it down to?10:55
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crimsunSagaciousKJB: which exact line?10:55
comickslyfox: the last is better10:55
SagaciousKJB"options snd-via82xx-modem index=-2"10:55
crimsunare you reading anything at all?10:55
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crimsunI pasted snd-via82xx, NOT snd-via82xx-modem10:56
crimsunsee the utter lack of "-modem"?10:56
slyfoxcomick: this one?  sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common10:56
SagaciousKJBlol I'm sorry10:56
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comickslyfox: you're using 6.10?10:56
SagaciousKJBI thought earlier you meant there NEEDS to be "modem" at the end.10:56
slyfoxcomick: yes10:56
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comickit's not the newer10:56
SagaciousKJBI understand now, crimsun.  Sorry for the frustation, but thanks. :D10:57
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slyfoxcomick: so which one do I get ?10:57
slyfoxcomick: the ones in the guide or the ones from the envy script ?10:57
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premier_Im having trouble configuring fglrx and dri.  Can anyone help?11:01
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SagaciousKJB:D  Everything works fine.  Thanks again for the help, crimsun.11:02
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:04
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rainerwo finde ich eine sources.list fr dapper drake wo programme wie xchat, mplayer etc drin sind? in den standardquellen finde ich die programme nicht11:10
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GillesMHi I deleted my apt/sources.list where can I find an other one ?11:12
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu11:12
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:14
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ccherrettanyone know how to connect through ssh to a ssh server on port 23?11:17
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Where|hereccherrett: ssh server -p 2311:18
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ccherrettWhere|here: ah cool!11:18
Where|hereccherrett: np :)11:19
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Where|hereccherrett: for future reference, you can use "man ssh" to find out about all the nifty ssh options11:20
ccherrettWhere|here: thanks11:20
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jonathan__i thought i woudl keep yall informed on my openmosix kernel install11:22
jonathan__i uninstalled kernel 2.4 and now as we speak im compiling openmosix kernel 2.6 ill let ya know if i can get it working and if i do will give anybody else who is willing to setup their own clusster help with how to setup the open mosix kernel11:23
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Where|hereubuntuConvert: echo11:26
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Where|hereWelcome poningru_11:26
ubuntuConvertsorry i ain't used IRC for a while rusty with commands11:26
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quicksilver_ !   -????11:30
eMish_i chto11:30
quicksilver_     ?  ?11:31
eMish_mplayer ?11:31
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eMish_v chem problema11:31
quicksilver_    Ubuntu11:32
slyfoxhvatti po russkiy govorit, eto neprelichno zdes11:32
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slyfoxHow do I install codeces needed for video playing? Were there like 2 main ones ?11:32
eMish_neprilichno ssat na potolok11:32
pitukawhat should one do with a mirror folder on the HD? like an infinite struckture of /folder/folder/folder/folder/folder/folder/.... ?11:33
quicksilver_ ?   11:33
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eMish_prilichno pishetsia cherez I11:34
HymnToLifeubotu, tell quicksilver_ about ru | quicksilver_, see the private message from ubotu.11:34
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eMish_quicksilver_: koroche, staskivaesh vse kodeki s http://www2.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/essential-20061022.tar.bz211:35
eMish_sm. http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/dload.html11:35
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eMish_potom otkryvaesh, tam oni vse11:35
eMish_i kopiruesh v pracvilnuiu direkroriu11:36
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eMish_pravilnaia direktoria eto /usr/local/lib/win32 kajetsja11:37
excitatoryslyfox: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats11:37
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eMish_oni kajetsia translit za russkii ne schitaiut :-)11:37
eMish_navernoe oni dumajut eto afrikaans11:37
quicksilver_Teeks, wjas poprobuju zapustitj codeki11:38
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eMish_v zavisimosti ot togo kak postroen mplayer, on11:39
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eMish_ischet kodeki libo v  /usr/local/lib/win32, libo v /usr/local/lib/codecs11:39
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eMish_na vsiakii, ia kopiruiu i tuda i tuda, ili11:39
eMish_kidaiu symlink11:39
eMish_po ego message'am vidno, gde on ischet11:39
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SagaciousKJBDoes anyone know how to read  a samba share from the terminal?  Like "ls smb://workgroup/"?11:50
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AWOSDevI can't seem to get my Kubuntu Dapper installation to download apt lists from kubuntu.org, it says 404 Not Found.11:53
AWOSDevAre there any replacements for it, or did the location change?11:53
AWOSDev# kubuntu.org packages for the latest KDE version (packages, GPG key: DD4D5088)11:53
AWOSDevdeb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-latest dapper main11:53
AWOSDev^ from /etc/apt/sources.list11:53
SanneAWOSDev: when going there with a browser, dapper seems to be missing: http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-latest/dists/11:54
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premier_Im trying to figure out if I have 3d accelartion.  I have an ati card.  glxinfo says "Direct Rendering: Yes" but fglrxinfo says nothing; openGL screensavers run as fast as they ever could.  Whats the deal?11:55
AWOSDevSanne: so much for "long term support", eh?11:55
SanneAWOSDev: I never used the respository, but it's kinda sad that now it seems I won't be able to...11:55
AWOSDevthat's the only way I could get kdepim, newer Koffice, ...11:56
SanneAWOSDev: well, to be fair, this in not the official repository.11:56
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AWOSDevkubuntu.org != official?!11:57
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SanneAWOSDev: Dapper LTS applies to the stable version, where no application get's updated to newer versions. The kde apps from http://archive.ubuntu.com are still supported for Dapper.11:58
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AWOSDevso because it's stable, I can't get updates.11:59
AWOSDevthat sucks.11:59
=== AWOSDev screams "backports"
SanneAWOSDev: I don't know exactly the status of the kubuntu.org packages in relation to Canonical and their pledge to LTS, though. It always confused me a bit...11:59
SanneAWOSDev: speaking of backports, we do have dapper-backports.12:00
AWOSDevwe do?12:00
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SanneAWOSDev: sec12:01
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SanneAWOSDev: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ and http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper-backports/12:01
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AWOSDevI put those into the sources file?12:01
AWOSDevdeb http://packages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse12:02
SanneAWOSDev: yes, you can, like: deb <url> dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse12:02
SanneAWOSDev: you can see all packages here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper-backports/allpackages12:03
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AWOSDevthat isn't alot12:03
cpk1AWOSDev: you can get lucky and get a backport here and there12:03
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AWOSDevcpk1: yeah but I have specific packages I need12:04
AWOSDevnamely kdepim and libkdepimexchange112:04
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cpk1AWOSDev: and I know you are a smart person who shouldnt have a problem compiling themselves and using something like check install =)12:04
cpk1but I put fiesty on another hard drive just so I would have new toys12:05
AWOSDevcpk1: hehe yeah...12:05
AWOSDevcpk1: but the problem is Celeron/500 != good compiling machine12:05
cpk1btw using fiesty packages on an edgy install dont seem to work12:06
cpk1I tried it...12:06
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AWOSDevcpk1 yeah that is highly NOT recommended :P12:06
AWOSDevwow I didn't realise how many AWOS people used Kubuntu :P12:06
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AWOSDevcpk1: does Feisty have KDE4   *drools at the thought*12:07
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SanneAWOSDev: you can check that also at packages.ubuntu.com12:07
cpk1not yet i dont think12:07
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cpk1I havent fired up fiesty in about 2 weeks12:08
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cpk1too busy with biology12:08
AWOSDevcpk1: ah okay.12:08
AWOSDevhehe :)12:08
AWOSDevyou guys still have warty!?12:08
cpk1ahaha no12:08
cpk1i dont even think i have a cd of it12:09
jonathan__no isnt edgy the latest12:09
HymnToLifeI still have mine :)12:09
jonathan__lol i think i have edgy12:09
HymnToLifebut I'm not running Warty either12:09
HymnToLifein fact, I'm not running Ubuntu at all12:09
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AWOSDevno I mean for download12:10
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AWOSDevyou guys still have Warty for download12:10
AWOSDevisn't that like Ubuntu 1.0?12:10
cpk1yeah i think you can still get it12:10
HymnToLifeAWOSDev, yeah, it should be there12:10
parkerw207hey can someone help me12:10
HymnToLifeAWOSDev, 4.10, but yeah it's the first Ubuntu release12:10
jonathan__how long does it take for a kernel to compile12:11
parkerw207my linux keeps going all funy :S12:11
AWOSDevHymnToLife ah12:11
Morboparkerw207- Funny?12:11
HymnToLifejonathan__, about ten minutes on recent hardware12:11
jonathan__elaborate how is it goign funny12:11
cpk1yeah no way I would allow my box to have a sense of humor either12:11
parkerw207morbo - it turned its self on to standbye for no reason12:11
parkerw207then when i turned it back on12:11
parkerw207the graphics went funy and it took ages to load12:11
jonathan__thsi is the new pre alph open mosix 2.612:11
Ace2016Hi al12:11
jonathan__and its building on virtual machine12:11
Ace2016when you think of an mkv file what color comes into mind?12:12
Ace2016i'm making an icon set and i want to know12:12
jonathan__this i sgoing to be a huge kernel12:12
Alarm hey could someone remind me the cpu-file that included info about cpu ?12:12
Alarmcpuinfo , cpufreq ? or something like that12:12
cpk1Ace2016: color? its just a video file...12:12
cpk1Alarm: /proc/cpuinfo12:13
HymnToLifeAlarm, /proc/cpuinfo12:13
=== cpk1 wins
Alarmwhy doesnt "locate" command find it12:13
cpk1Alarm: do cat /proc/cpuinfo12:13
HymnToLifesurely because it is not in the db12:13
Alarmi did "locate cpuinfo" before but it wasnt found12:13
Ace2016cpk1: i'm using different colors for different videos, avi=blue, mov=light blue divx=green wmv=red flv=purple12:14
Ace2016and i want colors for mkv and ogm12:14

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