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Yodude | ok i'm here | 10:22 |
nalioth | Yodude: can you ctrl-alt-f3 and get to a terminal ? | 10:22 |
Yodude | yes and then i click ctrl-alt f7 to quit n return to ubuntu | 10:23 |
nalioth | let's stay in the text terminal, and log in, please | 10:24 |
Yodude | lol but i won't be able to talk to you there | 10:24 |
nalioth | umm, ok | 10:24 |
nalioth | hwo are you here now, if your video isn't working like you want it to? | 10:25 |
Yodude | no u don't understand | 10:25 |
Yodude | i need to upgrade my GPU driver | 10:25 |
Yodude | i downloaded the driver from the nvidia website | 10:25 |
Yodude | but i can't install it it says i need to close X | 10:25 |
Yodude | so how can i go about that? | 10:26 |
nalioth | let's go to terminal 3 and log in | 10:26 |
nalioth | when you get logged in, apt-get install irssi and run it | 10:26 |
nalioth | type /connect freenode | 10:26 |
nalioth | then /j #ubuntu-classroom | 10:26 |
Yodude | lol nono wait | 10:26 |
nalioth | irssi is a console irc program | 10:26 |
Yodude | i can't download stuff from the repository | 10:26 |
Yodude | i'm doing all this to avoid that | 10:27 |
Yodude | my connection is too slow | 10:27 |
nalioth | no problem | 10:27 |
Yodude | i just need to get this file running and i'll be done | 10:27 |
nalioth | log into the text terminal and do the irssi thing (write down the commands if necessary) | 10:27 |
Yodude | but i don't want to command apt-get i can't download i told u | 10:28 |
Yodude | just tell me what do i have to do now and i'll write it down | 10:29 |
Yodude | that way i can work for a little while in the terminal | 10:29 |
nalioth | you said you had the driver | 10:29 |
Yodude | i had the driver "file" | 10:29 |
nalioth | ok | 10:29 |
Yodude | which i need to run so that i can install the driver | 10:30 |
nalioth | the quicker you log into a text terminal and irssi, the quicker we can kill X and get busy | 10:30 |
Yodude | i know how to stop x i use "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 10:30 |
Yodude | i just don't know what to do after i close X | 10:31 |
Yodude | i only have black screen with a - | 10:31 |
Yodude | but i can't get commands to work | 10:31 |
Yodude | i need to do this to install the file: | 10:31 |
nalioth | when you come back here, i'll walk you through it | 10:32 |
Yodude | sudo /media/hda5/ubuntu/packages/NVIDIA-linux-x86-1.0-9746-pkg1.run | 10:32 |
Yodude | so how can i do that command after i close X | 10:32 |
nalioth | from a console | 10:32 |
Yodude | i already tried just typing it n hitting enter nothing happened | 10:32 |
nalioth | Yodude: please do the ctrl-alt-f3 thing and come back here with irssi | 10:33 |
Yodude | kk wait i hope it works this time let's see | 10:34 |
Yodude | man i told you i can't do it | 10:38 |
Yodude | my connection sucks | 10:38 |
Yodude | i don't know why everytime i download something from the repository i get erros | 10:38 |
Yodude | usualyl i can get at least 3KB per second | 10:38 |
Yodude | man just tell me how to get to a terminal after closing X and i'll be happy | 10:39 |
Yodude | plz | 10:39 |
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nalioth | hi y'all | 10:43 |
vox754 | wow, didn't know this channel existed | 10:43 |
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nalioth | and so you're enlightened . . . :) | 10:44 |
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Yodude | i'm back | 10:44 |
Yodude | but please don't tell me download nothing this time it won't work i know | 10:44 |
nalioth | Yodude: please log into a text terminal ( type ctrl-alt-f3 to get one) | 10:44 |
Yodude | yes | 10:45 |
Yodude | then | 10:45 |
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nalioth | type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" | 10:45 |
Yodude | ok | 10:45 |
nalioth | your x will be off at that time | 10:45 |
Yodude | then | 10:45 |
Yodude | yes | 10:45 |
Yodude | then | 10:45 |
nalioth | then type sudo /media/hda5/ubuntu/packages/NVIDIA-linux-x86-1.0-9746-pkg1.run | 10:45 |
nalioth | it should run (because x is stopped) | 10:46 |
Yodude | that's the problem i typed it and nothing happened | 10:46 |
nalioth | can you open a terminal now? | 10:46 |
Yodude | then i tested another command which is sudo fdisk -l | 10:46 |
Yodude | but nothing happened either | 10:46 |
Yodude | i can | 10:47 |
nalioth | please do and type "file /media/hda5/ubuntu/packages/NVIDIA-linux-x86-1.0-9746-pkg1.run" and tell me the result | 10:47 |
Yodude | "/media/hda5/ubuntu/packages/NVIDIA-linux-x86-1.0-9746-pkg1.run: Bourne shell script text executable | 10:48 |
Yodude | " | 10:48 |
timothy | you are pressing enter right ;0 | 10:48 |
nalioth | after you kill X, try this: "sudo -i" <enter> | 10:48 |
Yodude | after i kill X? | 10:49 |
nalioth | than type ./media/hda5/ubuntu/packages/NVIDIA-linux-x86-1.0-9746-pkg1.run <enter> | 10:49 |
nalioth | Yodude: yes, you have to kill x for this to run (or so you told me) | 10:49 |
Yodude | if it doesn't work how can i restart X? | 10:49 |
nalioth | sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start | 10:49 |
Yodude | yes but last time i typed that command to restart X and it didn;'t work | 10:49 |
nalioth | is there NO way for you to get a console irc client? | 10:50 |
nalioth | this is gonna take some troubleshooting that we can't do in the current situation | 10:50 |
Yodude | lol no sadly | 10:50 |
nalioth | irssi isn't that big of a package | 10:51 |
Yodude | i am really disspointed because of the repositories download speed | 10:51 |
jrib | irssi isn't installed by default anymore? | 10:51 |
Yodude | firefox is faster than that i know for sure | 10:51 |
nalioth | jrib: not since breezy :( | 10:51 |
jrib | aw that's sad | 10:51 |
Yodude | let me just clear things up a bit: | 10:51 |
nalioth | Yodude: are you using the closest repos? | 10:51 |
Yodude | what do you mean closest repositories? | 10:52 |
Yodude | i am using a server for lebanon (where i live) | 10:53 |
Yodude | do i change the server? | 10:53 |
Yodude | maybe lebanon server is just not that good | 10:53 |
nalioth | Yodude: try changing it to just "archive.ubuntu.com" instead of xx.archive.ubuntu.com | 10:54 |
Yodude | how? | 10:54 |
Yodude | i tried going into synaptic preferences and changing the server from Server Lebanon to Main Server | 10:55 |
Yodude | is this good? | 10:56 |
Yodude | it seems a bit faster to me' | 10:56 |
Yodude | but illogical though shouldn't my country's server be faster for me? | 10:57 |
Yodude | it's still slower than usual though | 10:58 |
nalioth | Yodude: hit alt-f2 and type "gksudo "/etc/apt/sources.list"" | 10:58 |
nalioth | you already have changed it, never mind | 10:59 |
Yodude | hey i'm seeing something weird | 11:00 |
Yodude | after i have changed the server it told me to redownload the list! | 11:01 |
Yodude | and now i can't change back to Server Lebanon | 11:01 |
Yodude | ( and b4 this it told me there was 184 updates for my system now it tells me there is 74) | 11:01 |
nalioth | i always change my sources.list to a faster one | 11:02 |
Yodude | i'm gonna try to quit X than type a command for the last time | 11:03 |
Yodude | if it doesn't work than too bad | 11:03 |
Yodude | i won't be able to use ubuntu thnks to my "adorable" connection | 11:04 |
Yodude | c u | 11:04 |
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vox754 | Yodude: reboot and login to rescue mode, then "login username". You will have a running console with no X. Then I guess you could start X with some "init 5" or something. | 11:05 |
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Yodude | noliath: i owe you an apology | 11:24 |
nalioth | Yodude: what's up? | 11:24 |
Yodude | i just got mad because everybody was starting to confuse me like hell | 11:25 |
Yodude | i managed to enter commands after closing X | 11:25 |
Yodude | but i have a new problem | 11:25 |
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Yodude | so o ran the file, accepted the license | 11:25 |
Yodude | than it told me it couldn't find any precompiled kernel interfaces for my kernel | 11:26 |
nalioth | !headers | 11:26 |
ubotu | To install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages | 11:26 |
Yodude | yes it said something about that | 11:26 |
nalioth | Yodude: i hate to tell you this, but you'll need to do the above | 11:27 |
Yodude | lol | 11:27 |
nalioth | your new driver file is gonna compile a brand new driver module | 11:27 |
Yodude | how much Mb is it? | 11:27 |
nalioth | more than 25 | 11:27 |
Yodude | man i'm starting to hate nvidia | 11:27 |
Yodude | why don't they just give you the file, make it work ONE time | 11:28 |
Yodude | install it and voila! | 11:28 |
Yodude | man the repositories are better! truly | 11:28 |
Yodude | i wish i had a better connection | 11:28 |
Yodude | i'll tell you what | 11:28 |
Yodude | is there anything like Easyubuntu that i can download on windows? | 11:29 |
Yodude | that way i can use DAP | 11:29 |
Yodude | it gets to 7KB | 11:29 |
Yodude | is there? | 11:30 |
nalioth | you can visit packages.ubuntu.com and direct download the deb(s) | 11:30 |
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Yodude | i'll see | 11:31 |
Yodude | man if i saw my ISP right now | 11:31 |
Yodude | i would so **** the hell out of him | 11:31 |
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