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Nafallo | note to self: try out para-XEN on silverfairy | 03:01 |
mjg59 | kylem: Rock, ipw3945 d80211 is now functional | 04:40 |
mjg59 | I'll work on that tomorrow (in my wireless blitz) | 04:40 |
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KenSentMe | I think there is a problem with the new 2.6.17-11 kernel along with nvidia kernel module. X won't start anymore and there are more people with this problem | 11:19 |
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kylem | mjg59, you are so full of the awesome. thanks! | 03:11 |
kylem | mjg59, dscape ipw3945 is the one not-requiring the binary daemon, correct? | 03:11 |
mjg59 | kylem: Correct | 03:12 |
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kylem | BenC, did you manage to get acx going on ia64? | 04:18 |
kylem | BenC, (sorry, i didn't test build on the non-release arches... :( | 04:18 |
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kylem | BenC, also, i'm thinking of switching feisty from doing MMCONFIG with fallbacks to whitelist MMCONFIG on some chipsets, but use DIRECT pci access by default, with fallback to BIOS. i've noticed quite a few bugs where turning on pci=nommconf fixes bugs. :( | 04:22 |
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kylem | fabbione, aside from the delay, how was your trip home? | 04:25 |
fabbione | kylem: ok i would say... | 04:26 |
fabbione | managed to sleep almost all the flight | 04:26 |
fabbione | but i did miss a penguin to cuttle... | 04:26 |
kylem | yeah yeah, i'll ship it this week, relax a bit. ;P | 04:27 |
fabbione | hahaha | 04:27 |
fabbione | might as well wait May at UDS | 04:27 |
fabbione | reall | 04:27 |
fabbione | it's not worth shipping | 04:27 |
kylem | well, netwinder with it. | 04:28 |
mjg59 | http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/windowsvista/features/details/networking.mspx | 04:28 |
fabbione | up to you really.. | 04:28 |
mjg59 | Find the "network mapping" section | 04:28 |
mjg59 | Wonder how it does that | 04:28 |
kylem | haze of bong smoke, etc. | 04:29 |
kylem | UPNP probably | 04:30 |
fabbione | nmap ? | 04:31 |
fabbione | there are small and simple tools to do stuff like that | 04:32 |
fabbione | even one for linux | 04:32 |
mjg59 | Including working out whether something's the other side of a bridge or not? | 04:32 |
fabbione | mjg59: last i used it it was about 4 years ago.. | 04:32 |
fabbione | no idea what it can do now | 04:33 |
fabbione | but it's nothing different than HP OpenView discovery mechanism | 04:33 |
kylem | do the little linksys doohickeys to snmp? | 04:34 |
mjg59 | Doubt it | 04:34 |
kylem | thought not. | 04:34 |
mjg59 | I guess it's either upnp or (possibly) spanning tree? | 04:34 |
kylem | i wonder if i can use dmi to nix mmconfig... hmm. | 04:35 |
mjg59 | kylem: I'm sure you can, but I'm fairly sure you don't want to | 04:36 |
kylem | right, i'd rather whitelist using it. heh. | 04:36 |
mjg59 | Windows still doesn't use mmconfig | 04:36 |
mjg59 | So I certainly wouldn't be unhappy disabling it by default | 04:36 |
kylem | agreed | 04:36 |
kylem | right now we do ANY, which does mmconfig -> direct -> bios fallbacks. | 04:36 |
kylem | the problem is we don't do a good job detecting broken mmconfig and so shit breaks in nasty ways. :( | 04:37 |
mjg59 | kylem: Bad news is that I'm going to have to feed you some slightly updated d80211 code | 04:39 |
fabbione | mjg59: spanning tree won't help much alone.. | 04:39 |
kylem | mjg59, what's the good news? | 04:40 |
fabbione | anyway | 04:40 |
mjg59 | kylem: Give me a sec and I'll let you know how good bcm4311 support is now | 04:40 |
fabbione | i am off to turn off N+1 too many candles on my bday cake and play with my son a bit | 04:40 |
fabbione | cya on monday | 04:40 |
mjg59 | Just need to grab the firmware and swap the cards | 04:40 |
kylem | mjg59, *hugs* | 04:41 |
mjg59 | Once that's done, I'll give the new ipw3945 code a test | 04:42 |
kylem | thanks! | 04:42 |
mjg59 | Just need to find some screwdrivers... | 04:43 |
mjg59 | Jesus. Sony really don't make it easy to get at the mini-PCIe socket. | 04:44 |
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mjg59 | Gah. I've odne this before, but can't remember how. | 04:53 |
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navber | guys | 05:06 |
navber | what was the xen issue y'day | 05:06 |
navber | from xensource | 05:06 |
navber | BenC: ping | 05:07 |
mjg59 | Ok, so hal believes that I have no PCI devices | 05:09 |
mjg59 | Other than that, things look good | 05:09 |
navber | dammit i want that link | 05:10 |
navber | :D | 05:10 |
navber | anyone recalls that ridiculous post on xensource? | 05:10 |
navber | or was it devxnews | 05:11 |
mjg59 | Hm. Except I don't seem to be getting any incoming packets. | 05:13 |
navber | ok got it http://www.devxnews.com/article.php/3658001 | 05:13 |
navber | what was the issue again ? | 05:13 |
navber | something about virtualization | 05:13 |
mjg59 | navber: I have no idea what you're talking about | 05:14 |
mjg59 | Oh. Now it's started working. | 05:14 |
navber | BenC and a few others were discussing it y'day | 05:14 |
mjg59 | kylem: So I'm getting ~340K/sec with bcm4311 now | 05:17 |
mjg59 | Which is much better than it used to be | 05:18 |
navber | you know during cross compilations the difficult bit is building the cross compiler isnt it? ... but once its built then its a breeze | 05:20 |
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mjg59 | kylem: Ok, this is definitely better than what we've currently got. Just want to test on bcm4318 as well first. | 05:27 |
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mjg59 | kylem: Hm. Yeah, there's definitely some sort of issue where the card doesn't seem properly associated to begin with | 06:15 |
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kylem | mjg59, with bcm4318 you mean? | 06:48 |
mjg59 | No, bcm4311 | 06:53 |
mjg59 | Moving onto bcm4318 next | 06:53 |
mjg59 | Just need to wait for the machine to finish updating before I swap the cards | 06:54 |
kylem | ah | 06:57 |
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mjg59 | kylem: Score. iwlwifi seems to work well. | 07:55 |
mjg59 | kylem: bcm4318 still isn't great, though. I'm only getting about 50K/sec | 08:02 |
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BenC | kylem: yeah, ia64+acx is building now | 08:57 |
BenC | and I saw the mmconfig thing too..your fix sounds reasonable | 08:57 |
mjg59 | BenC: Did the new LRM get into the security upload? | 09:06 |
mjg59 | I've seen a couple of bugs that could be explained by it being missing | 09:06 |
BenC | I'd have to ask pitti about that one | 09:07 |
mjg59 | BenC: Also, current git seems to break hal | 09:11 |
mjg59 | Updating hal to newer upstream code rectifies this | 09:11 |
BenC | How does the kernel break hal? | 09:11 |
BenC | lrm has trunk code of madwifi | 09:12 |
BenC | or do you mean the new-hal branch? | 09:12 |
mjg59 | Not madwifi hal | 09:12 |
mjg59 | hald | 09:12 |
mjg59 | The userspace app | 09:12 |
BenC | ah | 09:18 |
BenC | too man hal's | 09:18 |
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markedwards | Has the sky2 ethernet driver hang issue been fully fixed in the recent kernel update? | 11:38 |
mjg59 | ! | 11:40 |
=== mjg59 manages to build dadwifi | ||
mjg59 | With openhal | 11:40 |
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