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nixternalholy cow, what's up Adamant1988!!!01:12
nixternalwhere have you been hiding?01:13
Adamant1988I don't know01:14
Adamant1988I went outside to get the mail01:14
Adamant1988and suddenly I had a real girlfriend01:14
Adamant1988and a social life, 01:14
nixternalseems to be the new fad around here :)01:14
Adamant1988Haha, things been stagnating with the team?01:15
nixternalI have been to busy to really notice01:16
Adamant1988Ah, yeah.  I removed myself from the mailing list01:16
Adamant1988I really hate mailing lists, you know that?01:16
nixternalthere was a weekly newsletter, but I haven't seen it in a while now01:16
nixternalmailing lists are great, join 50 of them and see what I mean01:16
Adamant1988Dude, screw that :( 01:17
Adamant1988The marketing team needs a forum, I don't care if it's a free piece of junk forum, it just needs a forum01:17
nixternalheh, I am not a forums junky really01:17
nixternalI frequent them to see what the word on the street is and that's about it01:18
Adamant1988neither am I, but they are certainly a lot more organized.01:18
Adamant1988and much easier to converse in.01:18
nixternalhowever I will probably start working a little more with the Ambassadors project01:18
Adamant1988I'm out of the loop01:18
Adamant1988which one is that?01:18
nixternalhow hard could a mailing list be, if you can email, you can use a mailing list :)01:18
nixternalit is a new project to communicate more between users and developers via the forums01:19
Adamant1988I'm trying to get together some people to work on a hardware compatibility list/recommended hardware site for linux01:19
Adamant1988I never know who to send the mail to01:19
nixternalthere is one out there somewhere, at least there used to be01:19
Adamant1988and it's hard for me to read.01:19
Adamant1988There are a couple, and they're really awful01:19
Adamant1988the organization is horrid01:19
nixternalya, that would be a difficult site to maintain01:21
Adamant1988The goal is to make it user maintained for the most part01:21
nixternalyou would get new users who have 1 issue go a little overboard and say it doesn't work and what not01:21
Adamant1988Yeah, I predict that being a problem.01:22
Adamant1988It's going to have to be well moderated, but then again, that's their experience.01:22
Adamant1988we can't really say that it's wrong01:22
nixternalheh, it is time to go get some dinner.01:23
Adamant1988The hardest part is going to be trying to keep duplication out, so there won't be multiple instances of the same hardware01:23
nixternalI shall be around later01:23
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BHSPitMonkeyHey all08:56
=== ubuntulivecd [i=ubuntu@gateway/tor/x-7111082962dc79d8] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
ubuntulivecddoes a livecd exist containing marketing materials?09:33
BHSPitMonkeysuch as?09:33
ubuntulivecda disc to pop in which contains marketing materials to print without downloading09:34
ubuntulivecdas a livecd09:34
tsmithebut that's a nice idea09:34
ubuntulivecdnone exist you like idea?09:34
BHSPitMonkeyIf you count the "Examples" folder...09:34
tsmitheubuntulivecd, yes09:35
tsmitheBHSPitMonkey, :P09:35
ubuntulivecdyes like the /Examples folder but on a livecd09:35
BHSPitMonkeyubuntulivecd, you could throw the materials onto a USB stick, or inject the files into the ISO yourself09:35
jendaubuntulivecd, when would it be used?09:35
BHSPitMonkeythe Examples folder is on the livecd, no?09:36
jendaubuntulivecd: the Exmaples folder is included on the liveCD.09:36
ubuntulivecdjenda, it does not contain all of the promotionals I find on the ubuntu website09:36
BHSPitMonkeyGranted, the Examples folder isn't home to the best stuff.09:36
jendaubuntulivecd: because there are over 300 MiB of promotional material out there.09:37
jendaprobably about a Gig.09:37
ubuntulivecdBHSPitMonkey, good idea, how would I do this? making a livecd with nothing but promotionals for ubuntu and derivitives and a handful of programs to print them09:37
ubuntulivecdjenda, these may be compressed for a livecd09:37
ubuntulivecdjenda, and decompressed when used09:37
jendaubuntulivecd: the liveCD is already full.09:37
jendait would have to be a specialised marketing liveCD09:38
jendaso I'm wondering, who would use it?09:38
ubuntulivecdjenda, yes such is my interest09:38
BHSPitMonkeywell, if you just wanted to add some files (stuff to print out) you can stuff them into an iso using an iso editor... and you might get away with removing some existing stuff to fit them09:38
BHSPitMonkeyubuntulivecd, you might be one of the only people who want this, thoguh09:38
ubuntulivecdjenda, people marketing ubuntu09:38
BHSPitMonkeyI suggest getting a USB stick...09:38
BHSPitMonkeyThis is a really unorthodox need09:39
jendaubuntulivecd: why not download the stuff and put it on an extra CD, or even better, a flash drive?09:39
ubuntulivecdjenda, i think it good idea to have it all on livecd to reduce steps09:39
BHSPitMonkeyjenda, I do think we should improve the Examples folder content...09:39
ubuntulivecdBHSPitMonkey, maybe, but the same could be said for many good things people don't know exist until they do exist 09:40
BHSPitMonkeyubuntulivecd, this is a really specific want of yours...09:40
BHSPitMonkeymost people have internet access09:40
ubuntulivecdBHSPitMonkey, I can do it myself if you tell me how09:40
BHSPitMonkeyubuntulivecd, remastering the Ubuntu live cd is a real huge pain.09:41
ubuntulivecdBHSPitMonkey, I enjoy challenge09:41
BHSPitMonkeyThere was a tool being developed for remastering the ubuntu livecd, look for it09:41
BHSPitMonkeyIt might have grown some.09:41
ubuntulivecdthank you09:41
ubuntulivecdI report here with news when I finish this09:43
BHSPitMonkeyGo for it.09:44
BHSPitMonkeyAs an added challenge, try and make one that fits on a MiniCD, like slax.09:44
ubuntulivecdI have to get process down first09:45
ubuntulivecdlet me write that idea down09:45
jendaBHSPitMonkey: good idea... it is really a marketing team duty to take care of the Examples folder ;)09:46
ubuntulivecdthe Examples folder should be more organized09:47
BHSPitMonkeyThe stuff in there really sucks, TBH09:47
BHSPitMonkeyNo offense if any content creators are present09:47
BHSPitMonkeyI just think the choices of what's in there is poor09:47
BHSPitMonkeyIt's like "Hey, here's a handful of 'Merchandise'"09:47
BHSPitMonkeyEspecially Aesop's Fable09:48
tsmithei haven't used the Examples dir for ages, obviously09:49
BHSPitMonkeywell, have a look for yourself.09:51
BHSPitMonkeyIt has an example spx file of an audiobook of one of Aesop's Fables09:52
BHSPitMonkeyHey, what are some good links for introducing people to open-source09:53
BHSPitMonkeyYeah, now comes the silence.09:57
tsmithejenda, you have a reply in -motu09:57
ubuntulivecdBHSPitMonkey, Google.09:58
=== jenda needs beuno
=== BHSPitMonkey needs sueno
BHSPitMonkeyerr... I think I just said I need fatigue.10:04
BHSPitMonkeyWhatever. Peace out.10:04
jendawhat's that? :)10:04
jendahehe, ok, laters.10:04
BHSPitMonkeyfatigue = state of being tired10:04
jendaYes, I know that - didn't know sueno10:05
BHSPitMonkeyI never know, with you Czechs ;)10:05
BHSPitMonkeyjak se mas and good night!10:05
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jendaBHSPitMonkey: whoa :)10:06
jendaBHSPitMonkey: dobrou noc10:06
tsmithejenda, everyone knows jak se mas10:07
tsmithecos of borat10:07
BHSPitMonkeysorry, you've seen my full knowledge of the language10:07
jendathanks to borat10:07
jendayup :)10:07
BHSPitMonkeythat wasn't because of Borat :)10:07
tsmitheyeah it was :P10:07
jendaBHSPitMonkey: dobrou noc is good night.10:07
BHSPitMonkeythat was from going to Westfest every year and polka-ing hard10:07
jendatsmithe: there are plenty of ways to know things, you know ;)10:07
tsmithejenda, not jak se mas10:07
tsmitheor, as borat would have it, jagshemash10:08
=== jenda has just packed the last preordered stickers.
BHSPitMonkeyWestfest is a blast- If you're ever in Texas during Labor Day weekend, definitely come :)10:09
jendawhat's the date of that?10:09
tsmithei don't think i ever am in texas. 'specially during labour day weekend10:09
BHSPitMonkeyEnd of August / Beginning of September10:10
jendanot a good time to go to texas, IMO ;)10:10
jendaunless you're feeling you don't get enough sun.10:10
KenSentMeDid i miss the UWN or is there no weekly newsletter for this week?10:22
jendaKenSentMe: I believe it should be out soon...10:22
KenSentMejenda: just curious10:22
jendaalthough I don't see any of the editors around here.10:22
elkbuntusomerville hasnt been on in 2 days10:29
elkbuntuand we've lost tony10:29
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