
geserjharr: make a wrapper script setting the needed PATH as this will also work if the user sets an own PATH12:16
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bdmurraycrimsun: I have some questions about amixer and sound drivers if you have a moment.12:24
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Adri2000who is still running edgy?12:38
lionelAdri2000: I have a Edgy box at work12:39
NafalloAdri2000: I do12:39
NafalloLinux ogre 2.6.17-10-server #2 SMP Tue Dec 5 22:29:32 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux12:39
Nafallonot the server12:39
NafalloI'm on a client as well :-P12:39
Nafallodamn irssi12:40
Adri2000if you have access to an edgy desktop: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/edgy/+source/obconf/+bug/6234612:40
UbugtuMalone bug 62346 in obconf "[SRU]  Missing libobrender.so.1 -> unable to launch obconf" [Medium,Fix committed]  12:40
Adri2000it's really easy to test :)12:40
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NafalloAdri2000: already in the archive? :-)12:49
Adri2000Nafallo: yep, -propoed12:49
Adri2000now hope it works :p12:51
=== ScottK will test it too. It's been a while since I booted into Edgy, so I have 20 packages/50mb of downloads to do first...
NafalloAdri2000: launchpad is not fast today, but adding WFM ;-)12:52
=== DarkMageZ [n=richard@ppp15-206.lns2.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== rexbron [n=rexbron@keele-b240-72.airyork.yorku.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ScottKWhile people are testing, I think that https://launchpad.net/bugs/75017 still needs testing too.12:55
UbugtuMalone bug 75017 in kubuntu-default-settings "SRU: remove /.hidden file " [Undecided,Fix committed]  12:55
TheMusoDoes anybody find that if one is using usplash/framebuffer, and one is in the console, the colours are all funny?01:00
TheMusoLike the blues for directories are a dark grey etc?01:01
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crimsunbdmurray: I'm traveling internationally this week, so catching me is going to be difficult. What questions do you have?01:12
sistpotyhi folks01:12
sistpotyanyone uploading obconf to -updates already?01:12
sistpotybug #62346 (finally 5 acks)01:13
UbugtuMalone bug 62346 in obconf "[SRU]  Missing libobrender.so.1 -> unable to launch obconf" [Medium,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6234601:13
crimsunsistpoty: I can handle that one01:13
sistpotycrimsun: ok, thanks01:13
=== jan__ [n=jmalonzo@ppp4592.dsl.pacific.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Adri20005 already?01:14
bdmurraycrimusn: I was curious how amixer determines what capabilities a sound card has.01:14
sistpotyAdri2000: unless I counted wrong01:14
bdmurraycrimsun: I was curious how amixer determines what capabilities a sound card has.01:14
Adri2000ah yes, thanks Fujitsu 01:14
sistpotyAdri2000: if Nafallo's WFM means "works for me" *g*01:14
crimsunbdmurray: amixer doesn't determine anything of the sort. alsa-lib exposes that via alsa-driver.01:15
sistpotycrimsun, StevenK: btw. this one needs attention as well: bug #6848101:15
UbugtuMalone bug 68481 in drbd0.7 "[SRU]  change of /bin/sh to dash in edgy breaks drbd0.7-module-source build" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6848101:15
FujitsuAdri2000: np01:15
sistpotyand siretart ^^01:15
=== robb_ [n=robb@pool-71-163-244-36.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Nafallosistpoty: is there another meaning? :-)01:16
sistpotyNafallo: while glimpsing at the bug mail, I first read WTF ;)01:17
Nafallosistpoty: lol01:17
crimsunbdmurray: each audio codec enumerates that information; look in the kernel source for precisely which elements are exposable01:18
bdmurraycrimsun: okay. I'm was looking at bug where the reporter does not have a 'Mic Boost' option and was curious where it did or did not come from.01:18
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@c-71-224-172-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
crimsunbdmurray: that's a known bug; I'll be backporting that fix next week.01:18
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bdmurraycrimsun: okay so it is independent of the driver / soundcard?01:19
ScottKbddebian: Heya01:19
bddebianHi ScottK01:19
crimsunbdmurray: the missing mic boost bug? no, it only affects HDA01:20
ScottKbddebian: Would you please re-look at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=4333 - Adri2000 found a few things and I re-uploaded...01:20
crimsunbdmurray: it's very specific to feisty and HDA codecs01:20
sistpotyhi bddebian01:20
bddebianHeya sistpoty01:20
crimsunbdmurray: status In Progress would be fine01:20
bdmurraycrimsun: the bug I was looking at was HDA and Edgy.01:20
bddebianScottK: If Adri2000 found them, can't Adri2000 re-upload? :-)01:20
crimsunbdmurray: with edgy-updates/security kernel installed?01:21
crimsunbdmurray: if so, that's largely the base code as feisty's01:21
bdmurraycrimsun: not sure I'll check.01:21
bdmurraycrimsun: thanks for the help.  I have also seen a couple of bugs where it looks like the reporter has a sound card and the kernel module loaded but 'asoundconf list' returns nothing.  Where could I head next?01:23
=== givre [n=Florent@APuteaux-152-1-89-30.w86-205.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
sistpotyAdri2000: what's your secret that you got so much testing for your sru?01:31
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sistpotyhi LaserJock01:32
Nafallosistpoty: he asked.01:32
sistpotywell... anyone dosemu (dapper) or xmms-sid (edgy) ? *g*01:32
LaserJockhi sistpoty 01:32
Adri2000and as I said, it's easy to see if the fix works or not :)01:32
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crimsunbdmurray: the debuggingsoundproblems wiki page is a good start; ubuntu-audio will follow-up on those01:38
=== bronson [n=bronson@adsl-75-36-145-145.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianAre we supposed to be in a REVU sprint?01:43
sistpotybddebian: yep01:44
geseris the motu-uvf team working already?01:44
=== sistpoty hopes so
=== Adri2000 already filed an UVF exception request
=== geser too
bddebianJesus, REVU just keeps growing and growing...01:45
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=== _ion just hopes compiz-extra gets accepted.
geserbddebian: this reminds me to review your libtifiles2 upload01:49
bddebiangeser: Thx man01:50
bddebianAt least someone loves me ;-P01:50
geserbddebian: looking again at that unzip.c file: do you believe it's redistributable without the licence text?01:52
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bddebiangeser: Didn't I add the license text?01:53
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sistpotyare you talking about libtifiles2-1.0.2/src/minizip/? looks like a part of zlib1g to me01:55
geserbddebian: sort of, where did you find it?01:56
bddebiangeser: It's mentioned in COPYING iirc correctly.  I'll check in a sec01:56
gesersistpoty: what to you think about the Info-ZIP copyright in unzip.c from that dir?01:57
bddebianYeah, I took the license from ZLIB, because of this:  mztools.c:  License: Same as ZLIB (www.gzip.org)01:58
sistpotygeser: no problem, since that very file (only a few lines changed) is in zlib1g sourcepackage01:59
sistpotygeser: with same copyright info02:00
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geserbddebian: advocated02:07
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bddebiangeser: Wow, thx02:21
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=== white waves
FujitsuHey white! Haven't seen you around in a while.02:50
whitewell i relocated02:51
whiteback in .au :)02:51
whitenice and sunny :)02:51
=== _ion enjoys a nice weather with a 27C temperature.
FujitsuChina was nice, -15C at times.02:53
whitethey went crazy here at college, we have to pay fees for every mbit02:55
whitewell great that i have another account here at uni and that i can tunnel stuff via ssh :)02:55
whiteholy shit, 1,5 weeks on vacations, damn i have a backlog02:58
_ionwhite: How much does a megabyte cost?03:00
Fujitsuwhite: There was an issue reported here a couple of weeks back. There's a bashism in 915resolution that's causing a failure when installing on a non-Intel machine.03:00
white_ion: i guess 3 cents, not quite sure, i won't pay anyway :)03:02
Fujitsu3 cents? That's not too bad.03:02
whiteFujitsu: bah, i will try to have a look when i got things settled down :)03:02
whitehas there been an upgrade to the ubuntu package?03:03
=== czessi_ [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-030-155.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
FujitsuWe've got the latest Debian version, with the only change being the addition of the suspend/resume scripts.03:03
_ionfujitsu: Not too bad? It's more than 20 dollars when you download an Ubuntu CD.03:03
FujitsuI guess.03:04
whiteah that suspend/resume thing, i guess i have to look into it, didn't quite know what to do with it so i ignored it so far03:04
FujitsuIn Debian, acpi-support has those bits, but Ubuntu's doesn't. That 915resolution change shouldn't be merged into Debian at the moment.03:05
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Fujitsu(or that was the status when I last checked Debian acpi-support a month or so back)03:07
ScottKAdri2000: How goes the huge source package build?03:12
ScottKbddebian: Thanks for the re-review.03:12
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whitequote from a user-mail : "I see you did a port of ktechlab to ubuntu feisty."03:19
whiterotfl :)03:19
whiteHobbsee: hi :)03:19
ajmitchwhite: must have been a challenging port03:19
Hobbseehey white!!!03:19
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whiteajmitch: sometimes the users know things about me i don't even know so far :)03:20
ajmitchin melbourne again?03:20
whitei just try to catch up with my backlog, it is horrible :(03:20
ajmitchweeks of mail?03:20
white1,5 weeks of vacations and 3 days of relocating 03:21
whitedoes somebody want to check this?03:21
UbugtuMalone bug 55559 in ktechlab "PIC Component not available" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  03:21
=== ajmitch wonders how many flames have been on debian-private this week
whiteajmitch: bah i hope the flames are stopping, otherwise i will refuse reading the mails there03:22
=== Fujitsu checks it.
ajmitchI skip most of them :)03:22
whitei guess the bug should be fixed in debian with last gpsim package03:22
ajmitchit's coming up to DPL election time, which is always a fun time of year03:22
whiteajmitch: where abouts are you?03:23
ajmitchdunedin, NZ03:23
=== Fujitsu makes a note to add ktechlab to motuscience's package list
whitei would love to catch up with some people and discuss DPL election by a beer03:23
ajmitchI would love to come back over to melbourne again03:23
whiteFujitsu: the user asked me if the status of ktechlab can be changed in edgy03:24
Fujitsu`status' of it?03:24
TheMusoOk. What packages have one advocate on revu, that need another that look like they can be uploaded?03:24
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TheMusoI'm in and out, but would like to help.03:24
TheMusoSo I can't give heaps of time to reviewing atm03:24
whiteFujitsu: well if the thing can be fixed03:25
whitelike a backport or so03:25
FujitsuI'll look at it and see if a SRU can be organised.03:25
HobbseeFujitsu: a backport will get through quicker03:26
whiteso can i just write him back that you are taking care of it and cc'ing you?03:26
FujitsuAnd it's not a grave functionality issue.03:26
FujitsuSo a backport it should be.03:26
HobbseeFujitsu: feisty will be released before most of the SRU's being placed in the next few weeks will be done.03:26
Fujitsuwhite: Yep.03:26
whitewell later on i can see if it is also a debian issue, but afaik i fixed it03:26
FujitsuIt is fixed, I believe.03:26
whiteFujitsu: what was your mail again?03:27
FujitsuHobbsee: How do I request a backport?03:27
Fujitsuwilliam.grant@ubuntu.org.au will do.03:27
HobbseeFujitsu: file a bug, subscribe ubuntu-backporters03:27
FujitsuOK, thanks Hobbsee.03:27
Hobbseei think you're supposed to file a build log sa well, but i havent been03:27
FujitsuHobbsee: Isn't the bug meant to be filed on a special product?03:28
HobbseeFujitsu: not sure.  i didnt think so03:29
HobbseeFujitsu: i thought it was under the source package you wanted to backport03:29
Hobbseebut it may have changed now, i havent checked the documentation in months03:29
whiteajmitch: bah -private is on place 3 (just after -boot, -mia and some other stuff)03:30
ScottKTheMuso: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=4333 is looking for a second advocate, since you ask...03:30
ajmitchwhite: delete all03:31
TheMusoScottK: I am currently looking at logitech-applet.03:32
ScottKTheMuso: OK.  If you have time for another...03:32
whiteis there an ubuntu-private btw?03:32
TheMusoScottK: I'll keep that in mind.03:32
whitei am wondering if there is the same amount of flames if it exists03:32
Hobbseewhite: not to my knowledge.03:35
Fujitsuwhite: Unfortunately, it won't backport. It seems to need a newer gpsim :(03:35
Hobbseewhite: there's a tech board private list, but that's only 4 people on it, iirc03:35
Hobbseeeverything else is public03:35
FujitsuWhat is -private? Only DDs?03:35
sistpotymaybe they flame on tb-private? *g*03:35
whiteFujitsu: yes debian-private is a list for DDs only (and most of the stuff is quite useless)03:36
whitesome DDs even unsubscribe03:36
FujitsuThere's warthogs (Canonical only), maybe the flaming is there :P03:36
ajmitchI think quite a few unsubscribe from there03:37
ajmitchFujitsu: probably talking about those MOTUs..03:37
TheMusoScottK: I am now going to have a look at that URL.03:37
ajmitchhey sistpoty :)03:37
sistpotyhi ajmitch03:37
ScottKTheMuso: Thanks.03:37
whiteFujitsu: ah i got a mail about the bashism with a patch, great i will update the package later on and thatn you can sync from experimental if you want03:39
FujitsuAh, good. I told him to file a bug about it, rather than mail you directly.03:39
whiteyeah most of the ubuntu users fear the BTS :(03:41
FujitsuI only learnt how to use it properly when I took over soundconverter a few months ago.03:41
whiteprobably because some stupid DDs where exploding when they have read "Ubuntu system"03:41
whiteFujitsu: don't tell anybody, but sometimes i am even looking things up about tags and stuff ;)03:42
sistpotybts is imo easier than lp email interface03:43
FujitsuI find LP's email interface to be nice to use, except for the missing features.03:43
whiteFujitsu: do you want to debug another 915resolution problem i just got reported from an ubuntu user?03:44
Hobbseewhite: what problem was that?03:44
Hobbseeheh, just another reason not to use the BTS :P03:44
TheMusoScottK: Just doing a pbuilder run now.03:44
Fujitsuwhite: I'm about to leave, but I can look when I get back in about 3 hours.03:45
whiteHobbsee: what's your mail, I will just forward it as I need some more hours to finish my backlog :)03:45
Hobbseewhite: hobbsee@ubuntu.com / hobbsee@kubuntu.org - either work03:46
Hobbseewhite: usually they're just launchpadname@ubuntu.com03:46
Hobbseefor all the members03:46
Hobbseeif that helps03:46
whiteah ok03:46
whitewell bounced :)03:46
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=== Hobbsee didnt even know 855GM's even did 1280X768 resolution
whitei somehow have the feeling that my mail backlog is not becoming less ...03:48
Hobbseewhite: bah.  afraid i dont know anything at all about that.  my 915resolution on this system "just works", and i didnt have to use it on my old laptop03:49
whitewell i do not even have any hardware here where i can test it with03:50
whitei normally get some reports from a friend who is using it03:50
whitei debianized the package when we needed it at company 03:50
=== Hobbsee wonders if that's just an X bug, as opposed to a 915resolution bug
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=== esaym [n=user@cpe-72-183-201-32.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
whiteha now we are even forced to vote our leader, otherwise we might loose our accounts ... rotfl03:56
ajmitchwhite: hm?03:57
whiteajmitch: Ganneff's DAM mail on -devel-announce :)03:58
=== ajmitch goes to read
=== _czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-030-155.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchoh fun04:00
=== ajmitch wonders how many flames that will invite
whitei don't wanna know04:02
ajmitchsee that sven luther is running for dpl? :)04:03
white200 mails about work on debian-edu <- do they want to kill me?04:05
TheMusoScottK: has anybody else looked at the package since I was?04:10
ScottKNot that I know of04:11
ScottKDid it build OK?04:11
TheMusoYeah just a sec.04:13
TheMusoScottK: Ok, looks good.04:16
ScottKThat's pretty cool.  9 hours 16 minutes from first upload to 2 advocates.  This is definitely a sprint.  Thanks TheMuso, bddebian, and Adri2000.04:18
TheMusoScottK: Welcome.04:18
=== Hobbsee goes off to rescue work from certain lack-of-staff doom again
TheMusoHobbsee: My sympathies.04:21
TheMusoHave fun.04:21
whiteajmitch: rotfl, it is such a shame that -private is not public, we could ask people to pay money for it like a circus04:21
whitei am pretty sure that debian would become rich04:23
ajmitchthere will be some amusing historical threads in there04:23
HobbseeTheMuso: ugh, yeah, i will ;P04:24
whitewell i am just skipping most of the mails now, but there were some funny ones :)04:24
HobbseeTheMuso: hopefully the Men With Shackles wont call again tonight.04:24
HobbseeTheMuso: oh, and hopefully we wont have to call the Men With Shackles In Training, aka SECURITY, to escort people out of the store.  04:26
=== sistpoty is off to bed
sistpotygn8 everyone04:26
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rmjbHey guys04:33
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TheMusoWhats the command to send messages via net send to windows machines from Linux?04:48
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lastnodeFujitsu, ping mate05:02
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=== Nafallo is tired
Nafallowho handles UVF-Reqs?05:23
=== Nafallo doubt that Gajim will release before two days ago
=== brainsik [n=brainsik@adsl-75-55-213-221.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Laser_awayNafallo: motu-uvf05:29
NafalloLaser_away: thanks05:30
Laser_awayNafallo: see my email to ubuntu-motu05:31
NafalloI'm to tired to figure even that out myself ;-)05:31
NafalloI'm hundreds of mails backlogged there.05:31
NafalloI should try to get a GFE for gajim or something05:32
Nafallothey always release bugfix-releases after UUVF05:33
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ajmitchNafallo: *everyone* releases after UVF05:43
ajmitchit's a fact of life05:43
=== ajmitch still had the bugs assigned to motu-uvf on his bookmarks toolbar
ajmitchhow useful05:44
Nafalloajmitch: well, gajim seldom releases, but this cycle and the last one have both had bugfixes after UUVF.05:44
Laser_awayetch isn't out yet is it?05:45
joejaxxLaser_away: i do not think so05:45
ajmitchof course not05:45
Laser_awayso Debian releases after UVF ;-)05:45
ajmitchbut we didn't know that when setting the release schedule05:45
whitehurray, mail backlog more or less done (with marking heaps of mails as read withouth reading :( )05:46
ajmitchwell done05:46
=== ajmitch wonders how many motu-uvf have been processed already
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whitehaeh did i miss anything, wasn't it "http_proxy=http://$username:$pw@$host:$port" ?06:46
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AnAntbddebian: hello, thanks for reviewing tss, it was a wrong upload actually06:56
bddebianAnAnt: NP07:00
zakameafternoon all07:01
FujitsuHi zakame.07:01
bddebianHeya zakame07:01
zakamehi Fujitsu bddebian 07:02
zakameooh revu sprint07:02
bddebianGnight gang07:06
zakamegn8 bddebian :)07:07
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imbrandonLaser_away, most likely , there is no date yet for etch, it was dec 4 06 right ?08:11
imbrandonheya ajmitch and Fujitsu 08:11
ajmitchhi imbrandon 08:12
FujitsuHi imbrandon.08:12
imbrandon                                                                     geser08:17
imbrandonnltest /dsgetdc:GSI08:17
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dholbachgood morning08:20
imbrandonmoins dholbach 08:21
dholbachhey imbrandon08:21
TheMusoHey dholbach.08:23
TheMusoNot often we see you round here on the weekend.08:23
imbrandonno djing for dholbach  tonight08:23
dholbachit's 08:23 in the morning :)08:23
imbrandonahh right ;)08:24
dholbachbut i'll see Marcus Intalex (drum'n'bass dj and producer tonight)08:24
TheMusodholbach: cool.08:24
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ludomaticI have a question about building .deb, is it the right place?09:12
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ludomaticI try to build a deb package from a source without "configure" nor "make install"09:15
ludomaticjaust have a $ make09:16
ludomaticall "auto" tools I've tried failed09:16
ludomaticto build a package09:16
ludomaticany idea? I would like to keep original sources as-is09:17
ludomaticis it possible to "override" th e makefile ?09:17
ludomaticI've built a .deb with a script, tested with lintian, all is ok but I only have a "binary" package09:18
ludomaticI'd like to make a clean deb and deb-src09:19
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources09:20
ludomatick, ty.09:22
TheMusoYou're welcome.09:23
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jendaHey there.09:46
jendaWho is in charge of the contents of the Examples directory for Feisty?09:46
tsmithemaybe ask in #ubuntu-devel ?09:50
tsmitheas well...09:50
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TheMusoWhat examples directory?09:55
TheMusoAh the example content?09:55
TheMusoI'd suggest looking at the maintainer of the package. :)09:55
jendaah :)09:59
=== jenda feels like a noob now :)
tsmithejenda is a noob10:02
tsmithe(although so am i...)10:02
=== coNP too :)
jendaTheMuso: thankee10:04
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TheMusodholbach: Do you know why I was also sent a message re the latest GNOME Orca upload? I haven't received any previously.11:01
dholbachTheMuso: you should have - you're in the maintainer field11:02
TheMusodholbach: Not previously I haven't.11:02
dholbachthat's really weird11:02
dholbachi get them all the time somebody touches 'my packages'11:02
TheMusodholbach: Yeah tis.11:02
dholbachthat's the only explanation i have11:03
=== dholbach -> dogwalk - bbl
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nedkoTheMuso: is there any progress with fpconst?11:08
TheMusonedko: No not as far as I know.11:09
TheMusoAnd unfortunately, I don't we can do anything about it at the moment.11:09
TheMusoI really should follow up on the discussion that started, but seemed to die.11:09
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Hobbseewhite: did you know fenio@debian.org, by any chance?12:25
HobbseeBartosz Fenski, apparently12:25
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webbenWhy can spidermonkey (libmozjs-dev libnspr4-dev libsmjs-dev) not be installed alongside firefox evolution epiphany?12:28
whiteHobbsee: nope sorry, why?12:30
Hobbseewhite: htop is two releases behind in debian (and ubuntu)12:31
FujitsuHobbsee: How long is that in time?12:31
whitehold on i check if he is mia12:31
Fujitsuwhite: That's what I was thinking :)12:31
FujitsuIs -mia public?12:31
HobbseeLatest 0.6.5 Notes (2006-11-29 10:48)12:32
Hobbsee  htop-0.6.5.tar.gz  Mirror 134628 1857 Platform-Independent Source .gz12:32
Hobbsee  0.6.4 Notes (2006-10-04 09:47)12:32
Hobbsee  htop-0.6.4.tar.gz  Mirror 133802 1189 Platform-Independent Source .gz12:32
Hobbsee  0.6.3 Notes (2006-07-23 15:58)12:32
TheMusoEvening all. :012:32
Hobbseehey TheMuso!12:32
whiteyou can get read access as non-DD if you ask myon and want to contribute12:32
whiteas a DD it is on merkel12:32
TheMusoWe all reviewing?12:32
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HobbseeTheMuso: you are, yes :)12:32
FujitsuHobbsee: So 6 months?12:32
TheMusoHobbsee: Yep.12:32
HobbseeFujitsu: ah, yep12:33
whiteHobbsee: nah he closed a bug at the 30th of jan12:33
whiteat least this was his last gpg activity, so not mia afaik12:33
Hobbseewhite: right12:33
=== Hobbsee tries to figure out how to file a debian bug
whiteHobbsee: go go go12:33
=== white motivates Hobbsee
TheMusoHobbsee: Its really easy.12:33
whiteHobbsee: use reportbug, that is the best12:33
whiteoh damn something is really going wrong here12:34
Fujitsuwhite: What's going wrong?12:34
Fujitsu(and thanks for fixing that bashism, I'll upload it to Ubuntu tonight some time)12:34
TheMusoBah! Why is it that my revu comments on the ml are formatted alright, but on revu itself its screwed?12:34
whitei am setting like http_proxy="http://sjoeris:$pw@stproxy.latrobe.edu.au:8080"12:34
FujitsuThat should work fine, I use it at school.12:35
FujitsuWhat's it (not) doing?12:35
whiteand i always get Error parsing proxy URL http://sjoeris:$pw@stproxy.latrobe.edu.au:8080: Bad port number.12:35
FujitsuNo silly characters in your password?12:35
whiteeither i am too stupid or it is this damn ISA proxy12:35
Hobbseegah.  gotta remember ubuntu's smtp server...12:35
whiteFujitsu: yes there are12:35
StevenKHobbsee: fiordland.u.c12:35
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TheMusoHey StevenK.12:36
stgraberwhite : do you have : ',",<,> or : in your password ?12:36
Fujitsuwhite: Make sure they're escaped and stuff.12:36
=== StevenK waves
FujitsuHi StevenK.12:36
whitelet's see12:36
HobbseeStevenK: thanks.    forgot how to spell it12:36
stgraberthat caused me some problem with my school's proxy server12:36
HobbseeSMTP send failure: (-2, 'Name or service not known')12:38
StevenKHobbsee: fiordland.ubuntu.com works for me.12:40
Hobbseeoh, i put smtp. in front of it.  silly me12:40
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Hobbseeright, now, how do i resend this bug, with the correct smtp server?12:41
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Hobbseewhite: ^?12:42
whitewell the thing should be somewhere in /tmp/12:42
whitejust copy n paste12:42
whitemaybe there is also a reportbug option, not sure12:42
Hobbseecopy and paste into an email to submit@bugs.debian.org or something?12:43
whitewell if you want to fill a bug against an existing package you start reportbug with:12:44
whitereportbug $package12:44
Hobbseeeep, this is weird.12:44
Hobbseeit's sending to the ubuntu tracker, nto the debian one?12:45
whiteaeh yes i guess the ubuntu one is patched12:45
whitehehe :)12:45
Hobbseemeh.  drat12:45
StevenKreportbug -B debian ...12:46
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graziecould someone recommend a good link for building a package with debug and the tools used to trace?12:53
coNPgrazie: sg. like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash?12:56
graziecoNP: Thanks. yes, I've seen that...it gives useful info on tracing crashes12:59
graziecoNP: what I want to do is build a package with debug and use tools like gdb and anjuta to step through the code01:00
coNPgrazie: in the second part it is written there how to compile & install a package with debug symbols enabled01:01
coNPgrazie: if done, you can do whatever you want with that (gdb, ddd, anjuta...)01:01
graziecoNP: great thanks...I mustn't have read it thoroughly :)01:04
whiteHobbsee: did you get around it?01:06
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Hobbseewhite: sort of.  i just got rejected, as i didnt format the mail correctly.01:08
Hobbseewhite: i've just resubmitted01:08
whitethey were just like "sender=Hobbsee" -> auto reject ;)01:10
Hobbseewhite: no, you mean "sender=*@ubuntu.com -> auto reject" :)01:12
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imbrandonhum no more /etc/init.d/ntpdate ?01:18
imbrandonanyone know why?01:18
imbrandonStevenK, ^^ ( likely canidate to know )01:18
TheMusoimbrandon: I remember seeing a script for it under /etc/network somewhere.01:19
imbrandon( and yes ntpdate is installed )01:19
TheMusopreviously at least01:19
imbrandonhum it should be a daemon though01:19
imbrandonunless it got split out 01:19
=== imbrandon looks
imbrandonhrm dosent look like it01:19
whiteimbrandon: in debian it got split afaik01:21
whiteand they have the ntpdate-debian01:21
whitescript which is like calling ntpdate01:21
whitenot quite sure about ubuntu though01:21
imbrandontheaccount@kgsinoclin01:~$ apt-cache search ntpdate01:21
imbrandonntp-doc - Network Time Protocol: documentation01:21
imbrandonntpdate - The ntpdate client for setting system time from NTP servers01:21
imbrandonhum de hum01:21
imbrandonlooks like no init.d/ntpdate in our package ( but i can call it manualy )01:22
imbrandonwasernt like that in breezy , wow01:22
Fujitsuwhite: Do you want me to replace the Maintainer field when I merge 915resolution, as is being done with most?01:29
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whitei don't mind01:34
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Adri2000TheMuso: you forgot to archive pyyaml on revu01:40
TheMusoAdri2000: I'll take care of it if you haven't. :001:40
TheMusoNot hard to forget.01:41
Adri2000I haven't01:41
TheMusonp I just did it then.01:41
TheMusothanks for the heads up btw.01:42
TheMusoI had several things happening at once there, so twas easy tooverlook it.01:42
TheMusoooo found something I think would be very useful eventually.01:43
=== TheMuso goes to revu.
TheMusoreview it01:44
TheMusoor maybe not01:45
TheMusono updates since comments were left.01:45
FujitsuWhich package?01:45
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Hobbseewhite: yay!01:49
Hobbseewhite: got a confirmation @ the debian bugtracker01:49
TheMusoSo many revu packages that haven't seen updates on them after comments are left, and have been left for a while.01:51
HobbseeTheMuso: yes.  unfortunately :(01:51
HobbseeTheMuso: seems that people think that if they put their stuff there, it will automatically get into ubuntu01:51
TheMusoor they find what is being asked of them is too difficult.01:52
Hobbseethat being said, they dont actually get notified of any comments - perhaps siretart could fix this in revu2 or somethign?01:52
TheMusoHobbsee: That would be a good idea.01:52
FujitsuThat will hopefully be improved once this is done through LP.01:52
TheMusoFujitsu: What are the plans for lp/REVU?01:52
FujitsuAsk LaserJock, he knows more about it...01:53
FujitsuBasically, the package will be developed in bzr on LP, and reviewed on there, using a mechanism that is yet to be implemented.01:53
TheMusoBut should new devs have to learn about bzr as well as packaing?01:54
TheMusoThats a bit full on IMO.01:54
FujitsuThere's not much to learn about bzr.01:54
Fujitsu(unless you're doing merging stuff, which isn't necessary in that situation)01:54
FujitsuAnyway, I need to go to bed.01:55
TheMusoaha so do I.01:55
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TheMusoJust thought I'd find something to glance over and comment on.01:55
FujitsuYou went to bed around this time last night, I seem to recall.01:55
FujitsuI'm running 30 minutes late tonight.01:55
=== Fujitsu heads off now, lest deadness be found tomorrow.
TheMusoNah I was in bed later last nigt if I recall.01:56
whiteHobbsee: great, good effort :)01:58
Hobbseewhite: :)01:58
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grazie_coNP: if I follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash as discussed I can't the public key. Any ideas? I've tried before without succes02:37
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coNPgrazie_: you might run debuild -uc -us to build package (without a gpg key)02:41
grazie_coNP: I'll try. thanks again02:42
coNPyw, grazie_ 02:42
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grazie_coNP: what do you do there's no package-dbgsym for the package you want?02:54
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coNPgrazie_: make one from source03:00
grazie_coNP: yeah, sorry being stupid :)03:02
dholbachinstall pkg-create-dbgsym and run apt-get source -b <your package>03:03
grazie_dholbach: thanks too. I didn't know about pkg-create-dbgsym03:04
dholbachthat's what creates those packages on the buildds03:04
coNPgrazie_: np :)03:06
grazie_if <my package> is installed already do I need to remove before apt-get source -b <my package>?03:08
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talexHi. Can someone help me get my package accepted before the freeze? I've made 4 uploads since October, but the only comments have been about versions becoming out-of-date! Any hints on getting this in appreciated: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=420603:20
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@c-71-224-172-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianHeya gang03:25
whitesomebody around here with some skype knowledge?03:25
lionelhi bddebian03:25
bddebianHello lionel03:25
lionelwhite: I am a skype user03:26
whitemaybe with a proxy?03:26
whitei somehow fail to tell skype that i a behind a proxy03:26
whitei thought it would just catch the env variables like http_proxy and stuff03:26
lionelno, I am just behind a NAT03:27
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talexHi bddebian. You provided some comments on my package (about needing to update some version numbers) last month. I uploaded a new version (http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=4206) - is there any chance of getting this in for feisty? Thanks,03:28
bddebianwhite: You should be able to just as <HttpsProxy> nodes to skypes shared.xml03:30
bddebiantalex: I'll take a look03:32
bddebianAnd/or http03:33
whiteright, because this proxy does not really support https03:33
bddebianEverything I'm reading says it's supposed to look at existing Opera settings or your supposed to be able to set http_proxy as you say.  But that was one way I found on a forum :-)03:34
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whitewell i tried this <HttpsProxy> thing and it did not change anything03:34
whiteand according to release notes it should even catch the konqueror settings, but i somehow doubt that :(03:35
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bddebiantalex: OK, advocated03:46
grazie_dholbach: & coNP : thanks... now cooking! :)03:47
coNPgrazie_: have fun :)03:47
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Adri2000ajmitch (and everyone): on the missing rc fixes page, some packages cannot be synced because there is a newer upstream version in debian. I guess we just backport the fix uploading an ubuntu1 version? the problem is that ubuntu version will still be < debian version, so it would be a good idea to tell to the missing rc fixes page that debian bugs #xxxx and #yyyy are fixed in ubuntu even if the version numbers don't say it, is it possible 03:54
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crimsunAdri2000: well, we certainly could make it easier for the script to parse04:02
crimsunala, something along the lines of what ClosingBugsFromChangelog does04:02
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Le-Chuck_ITAHi all04:03
Le-Chuck_ITANow I know that there are members of the motuscience team here04:03
Le-Chuck_ITAI would like an answer to the problem I raised in bug #8236504:04
UbugtuMalone bug 82365 in lyx "Please compile with assertion checking turned off" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8236504:04
Le-Chuck_ITAeven negative, but still a response04:04
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rmjbHye guys04:52
rmjbI'm having a problem creating a dapper pbuilder04:53
rmjbit times out downloading binutils and aborts, leaving me with a base.tgz that's 0 bytes04:53
rmjband it takes over an hour to do that...04:53
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ScottKGood morning everyone - Just finished the scrollback, there was a lot there...05:10
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crimsunrmjb: are you using a known-good mirror, say, uk.archive.ubuntu.com ?05:16
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bddebianDamn lyx takes forever to build05:29
crimsunwhy are people setting random targets?05:30
crimsun"Nominated for Feisty by ..."05:30
crimsunman, kill that junk05:30
enyccrimsun: I dont know...  I know sheer nominated qpsmtpd edgy and dapper fix for dapper... which was silly not-knowing-what-doing...05:31
crimsunenyc: SRUs are different05:31
enyccrimsun: bah i dont know who to ask to get qpsmtpd fixes tested ;-) nobody seems interested... its such a simple thing...05:31
crimsunI'll try to bring up those chroots to test. Are there specific arch constraints? (I only have x86)05:32
enyccrimsun: its entirely arch idnependant (all perl / shell etc.)05:33
enyccrimsun: just a very simple fix to allew working given that /var/run is tmpfs05:33
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crimsunenyc: right, I remember that now05:34
enyccrimsun: 'qpsmtpd' in dapper-proposed edgy-proposed  ... err can find bug #s05:34
crimsunI'm travelling, so stable wifi is hard to come by05:34
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AnAntLaser_away: ping05:35
enyccrimsun: hrrm actually i could really do with getting a  wlan card that works in edgy and with all linux wifi tools blah.  and works in pcmcia as well as pc-card.... on a p2 laptop and soforth...05:35
AnAntLaser_away: remember I told you about GPL Cver a couple of days ago ? some fella has already packaged it for Debian, it doesn't seem to have entered Ubuntu yet anyways, here's the URL : http://packages.debian.org/unstable/devel/gplcver05:35
enyccrimsun: do you have any suggostions for anything i can order in a hurry ;-) that is known to work _well_ with all the linux tools ;-)05:35
crimsunenyc: sorry, I can only vouch for the hardware in my Canonical-sponsored laptop (ipw2195abg using the ipw2200 driver)05:36
enyccrimsun: [ok] 05:36
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AnAntLaser_away: GPL Cver is a verilog simulator, that falls under the category of scientific apps05:37
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AnAntFujitsu: ping05:41
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rmjb_okay it didn't work :s05:44
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rmjb_so are there any pbuilder tricks for it not to abandon everything it downloads when creating if it gets an error?05:47
rmjb_the download for me takes quite a while05:47
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gesernormally pbuilder caches all downloaded debs05:48
rmjb_hmm... for me (my 4th run of trying to create a dapper pbuilder) it gets a download error, aborts, leaved base.tgz at size 0 and has to do it all over again the next time05:50
rmjb_is there a setting I can check?05:50
geserthe cache does only happen for normal use, not for the creation05:51
rmjb_ah well05:51
geserrmjb: you could try to download all the necessary debs and tell pbuilder/debootstrap to use them to build the tar.gz05:58
rmjbI didn't know that could be done... I'll do that if this run fails05:58
=== rmjb crosses fingers
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geserI don't know how to do it but you can tell debootstrap to use a file:// location to fetch the debs05:59
geserand pbuilder uses debootstrap to create the base.tar.gz06:00
geserin the worst case you had to look how pbuilder does it and call debootstrap by hand06:00
rmjbI guess... pbuilder is a script or a binary?06:01
rmjbI'll figure *something* out06:03
geserit's a script06:06
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tsmitheis anyone free for reviewage?06:46
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AnAntping Fujitsu 07:06
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chris^will there be an FIX for the 2.6.17-11 upgrade?07:29
chris^it has broken my wlan :(07:29
chris^on over 10 machines...07:29
ScottKchris^: This is not a good channel for that question, but it's fixed now.07:33
chris^ScottK: there are no new packages on security.ubuntu.com07:34
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Le-Chuck_ITAbddebian: thank you for the upload07:35
Le-Chuck_ITAwhere can I follow the process?07:35
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Le-Chuck_ITAah ok, I didn't notice the -ubuntu107:37
ScottKchris^: The problem was that the package was not complete.  Try to install the new package linux-image-2.6.17-11-server.  For more help you should go to #ubuntu or #kubuntu depending.07:37
Le-Chuck_ITAthank you again07:37
chris^ScottK: server? I installed generic... 2.6.17-10 was also generic...07:38
bddebianLe-Chuck_ITA: NP07:38
ScottKOops.  Generic then.  I was looking on one of my servers.07:39
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Le-Chuck_ITAbye all07:59
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rmjbbye Le-Chuck_ITA07:59
rmjbhey jekil08:00
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rmjb_geser: it's still failing and the myriad of scripts that is pbuilder is tough to customise... pbuilder create can take an --http-proxy argument though, so I'm using that08:18
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tsmitheTheMuso, could you do me a revu?09:02
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FliesLikeABrickI'm working with the developer of Soldat, http://www.soldat.pl on a few things.  He's working on a new game which will be available for free for Linux, though not open-source.  1) is it possible to have it be put in apt 2) would it go in universe, multiverse, or something else 3) how would I go about having it put in once it is done?09:10
FliesLikeABrickhttp://www.crimsonengine.com is the little development page for it09:10
geserFliesLikeABrick: if there is no source available it would need to go into multiverse if it's redistributable09:13
FliesLikeABrickthats what I thought, thanks09:13
FliesLikeABrickI've already got his permission to pursue putting it in once the game is released09:13
FliesLikeABrickgeser and when that time comes, how would I go about having it put in multiverse?09:15
geserlike any other package: create a package, let it review on revu and once it's good enough it be uploaded to Ubuntu and placed in multiverse09:18
FliesLikeABrickmk, I'll do some reading09:18
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bddebianHeya LaserJock11:33
LaserJockhi bddebian 11:34
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TheMusoHey MOTUs.11:38
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bddebianHeya TheMuso11:40
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ScottKHi all.11:50
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bddebianHeya ScottK11:52
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TheMusobddebian: You probably uploaded before I removed my advocation for logitech-applet. :)12:03
TheMusonever mind12:03
bddebianWhat was wrong with it?12:04
TheMusoMissing homepage at the end of the description of package.12:04
rexbronlol... still12:08
rexbronthe archive admin could me having a bad day12:08

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