
AWOSDevAce2016 ogm = pale yellow.  mkv = I have no clue what it is...question mark12:15
cpk1Alarm: probably because I dont think its an actual file...12:15
=== HymnToLife agrees with yellow for OGM
Alarmwhich means ?12:15
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AWOSDevogm = OGg Movie right?12:15
HymnToLifecpk1, if it is not a file, how come wr can cat it ?12:16
HymnToLifeAWOSDev, OGg Media, rather12:16
HymnToLifeyou can put sound only in them12:16
AWOSDevHymnToLife ah.12:16
AWOSDev-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 2007-02-10 18:12 /proc/cpuinfo12:16
AWOSDev^ real file!12:16
cpk1size of 0 and its also empty too AWOSDev12:16
cpk1if you file it12:17
parkerw207whats this new update were getting , its huge!12:17
Ace2016yellow it is, seems nice12:17
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amounHi folks. I have just installed ubuntu and am not happy with the font rendering. Monocrome is very rough and I don't want smoothing. Does the KDE environment have a 'better' clean font rendering method.12:17
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Sanneamoun: you can turn off the smoothing altogether, or only for small sizes, it's in system settings.12:19
Sanneamoun: under appearance/fonts12:20
amounThanks Sanne. I've done that but the resulting font is very scrapy. Windows with no smoothing is clean and sharp. I was hoping Kubuntu or the KDE may be better12:20
Sanneamoun: if you like to have the ms fonts like arial, verdana etc you can install a package, let me get the name for you12:21
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amounbye the way I'm using windows to irc as I can't get my modem or wifi to work on my laptop yet12:21
Sanneamoun: it's package msttcorefonts12:21
Sanneamoun: I'm using arial for my interface font, without smoothing, and it's nice and crisp.12:22
Sanneamoun: can't help you with modem or wifi, sorry, I'm on dsl that just works.12:23
amounthanks Sanne I'll try that. Before I go can you tell me how to download the kde environment anyway. I have a Kubuntu disk but it won't load. Are there pakes on the CD I can extract and transfer?12:23
cpk1Alarm: locate didnt work on proc because it isnt a real file system12:23
amounno I'll leave the connection problems till later12:23
Alarmoh ok. thank u, got it no12:23
Sanneamoun: you can only use packages from the alternate cd. The desktop/live cd has a different package format.12:23
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cpk1Alarm: proc is basically a snapshot of your running processeses12:24
Alarmgot it12:24
Alarmmy mistake12:24
Alarmand what happens if i want to search a file also in there ?12:24
Alarmwhereis would work ?12:24
amounok I'll look for the msttcorefonts and see if that's better12:24
Sanneamoun: do you need help finding the alternate cd?12:24
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Sanneamoun: wait12:25
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parkerw207how do i get a program to show my system uses ?12:25
parkerw207like my processors and stuff?12:26
cpk1Alarm: dunno but you will most certainly need root12:26
Sanneamoun: the msttcorefonts package is only a script that downloads the ms fonts. They can't be included because of the license. I recommend for now to just copy over your ms fonts to /home/yourusername/.fonts12:26
amounI can't download loads of megs12:26
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Alarmokie :)12:26
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intelikeyparkerw207 ?12:27
cpk1parkerw207: there are all sorts of tools you can use, gkrellm is a good monitor, there are some good monitors you can get if you use super karamba, and kde has a system monitor as well12:27
parkerw207thanks :)12:27
AWOSDevparkerw207: from the command line, top12:27
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AWOSDevtype "top" into Konsole.12:27
AWOSDevshows processor usage, memory usage, swap, everything.12:28
cpk1AWOSDev: yes, but you look cooler if you use super karamba12:28
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AWOSDevcpk1: no clue, I don't know what that is.12:29
intelikeyparkerw207 did they answer your question or were you looking for something like lshw ?12:29
andreican you please help me with something12:29
Sanneparkerw207: ksysguard is the gui kde performance monitor, it's also very nice.12:29
smozewhat was the tool to manage disk partitions?12:30
AWOSDevSanne, ah yes, forgot about that.12:30
AWOSDevsmoze qtparted12:30
andreiif I use telnet to connect to a website12:30
SanneAWOSDev: :)12:30
AWOSDevSanne :)12:30
intelikeywas also already mentioned12:30
AWOSDevandrei yes...?12:30
amounjust got the font thing and noticed I've been downloading Kubuntu total for the last hour :)12:30
andreihow do I make telnet read the commands12:30
AWOSDevamoun hehe12:30
Sanneamoun: wow!12:30
andreii mean...12:30
AWOSDevandrei type something like "GET /file/name"12:31
smozethe same one i used on live-cd?12:31
parkerw207 thanks12:31
AWOSDevsmoze qtparted12:31
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andreiyes,lets say GET / HTTP/1.012:31
andreibut i have to type it12:31
AWOSDevandrei correct.12:31
amounOK I have the fonts. Do you mean just by copying them they will be available ???12:31
intelikeyandrei  don't have to  you could use "expect"12:31
andreibut how can i not type it12:32
AWOSDevamoun yeah...copy them to your fonts directory.12:32
andreican you give me an example?12:32
Sanneamoun: you can put ttf fonts to /home/user/.fonts, they will be available eventually (maybe alfter logout/login). If you installe dmsttcorefonts with apt-get/adept, you don't need to do anything else.12:32
intelikeyyou setup an expect script to do the read/answer part then turn it over to you...12:32
andreii tried something like this :12:33
premierI just created a new user called "beryl" and I cant access things with 'su'12:33
smozeok, thx12:33
premierit says, "communication with su failed"12:33
andreitelnet www.something. 80 < file.txt12:33
andreiand i wrote "GET / HTTP/1.0" in file.txt12:33
AWOSDevamoun copy them to /usr/share/fonts/truetype/<make a new folder name here.12:34
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AWOSDev!sudo | premier12:34
ubotupremier: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:34
Sanneamoun: if you copy the fonts manually, there's a command to update the font cache immediately to make them available right away. I just can't remember what it was.12:34
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AWOSDevSanne, amoun, you mean fc-cache?12:35
SanneAWOSDev: I think yes12:35
AWOSDevrun as sudo.12:35
AWOSDevsudo fc-cache12:35
AWOSDevSanne :)12:35
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SanneAWOSDev: ah, yes, thanks :)12:35
amounOk will transfer the fonts and see what happens thanks all. Got to go offline from windows and reboot to do it all.12:35
amounthanks again bye12:35
Sannebye, good luck12:35
poseidonhow can I insert special characters, like ~ over n, on a virtual terminal?12:35
Sanne...too late...12:35
ubuntuhello is there a way to make a linux boot disk with USB support so I can boot to my USB hard drive?12:36
intelikeyexample expect script: expect "username"  ;send "name"  ;expect "password"  ;send "passwd" ;expect12:36
AWOSDevSanne np :)12:36
parkerw207how do i get widgets for linux ?12:36
AWOSDevposeidon wow, I've been wondering the same thing.12:37
AWOSDevparkerw207...like for Kicker the taskbar?12:37
poseidonAWOSDev: let's start a pettition :b12:37
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intelikeyooops forgot      "spawn telnet adderess "    then the expect part.12:37
parkerw207ermm like you get for macs ?12:37
AWOSDevposeindo :D12:37
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AWOSDevparkerw207 sorry about that, I'm not familiar with Macintosh.12:38
parkerw207like waht vista has now12:38
poseidonmaybe there's a way youo can change the keyboard layout?12:38
parkerw207little programs that sit on desktop12:38
parkerw207like that display the weather stuff :12:38
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AWOSDevparkerw207 oh oh oh12:39
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AWOSDevparkerw207 those are only available for Kicker, but...12:39
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AWOSDevparkerw207 right-click Kicker, click Add Applet To Panel, and then there's your widgets12:39
AWOSDevthere is a Kweather12:40
parkerw207whats kicker ?12:40
parkerw207i dont think i have it12:40
AWOSDevand various other little thingies like that12:40
poseidonparkerw207: it's the taskbar-thing12:40
AWOSDevparkerw207 kicker is your taskbar12:40
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AWOSDevI think you have it :)12:40
parkerw207ooo i am dunno :S12:40
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premierIm having trouble with su12:42
parkerw207how do i get my takbard back !12:42
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parkerw207it just dissapeared :S12:42
premierI created a new user, and It cant do things through su or sudo. I just added it to the group sudo, but that doesnt fix it12:42
Sanneparkerw207: superkaramba may also what you are looking for, it's in universe repositories which you may have to enable first. I never used superkaramba myself, though.12:43
parkerw207i got it back lol12:43
intelikeyno it's admin  not sudo  group12:43
premierwhat is superkaramba?12:43
premierthanks, intelikey12:43
parkerw207yeah ?12:43
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lancelot_brhello guys... im trying to install Kubuntu 6.06 64-Bit, but it crashes on installation (reading mirror) part...? anything to do ??12:44
intelikeywell by default,  root jr.  == anyone in group admin12:44
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Sannepremier: you can read info here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/kde/superkaramba12:44
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lancelot_branyone could help me?12:45
intelikeyandrei did you get anywhere with "expect" yet ?12:45
_6StringKng_caould someone help me?12:46
Sannelancelot_br: I would to, in this order: 1. check cd integrity (option in boot menu), 2. check RAM (also on boot menu), 3. download the alternate text based installer cd and try that.12:46
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:46
_6StringKng_a friend of mine is having trouble with the NVIDIA Drivers12:46
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:46
_6StringKng_for a 7600GT12:46
_6StringKng_PCI-e x1612:46
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intelikey!ati | _6StringKng_12:46
ubotu_6StringKng_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:46
lancelot_brsanne, i have already installed kubuntu today here.. but i need to reinstall it.. and after 1st installation.. it didnt work anymore =12:47
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Sannelancelot_br: oh... so it worked with this same cd before?12:47
lancelot_brSanne ,yes the same one12:47
amounHi Sanne Excuse  my idiocy. I didn't pay attention well enough. Where is the font folder I can transfer to. The one I found in etc. doesn't allow write to  : )12:48
lancelot_br i`ve already tryied manual partition, automatic partition.. tried to fdisk /mbr, remove paritions using fdisk...12:48
Sannelancelot_br: those things drive one crazy, dont they? ;) So, what could that be? Maybe CD gone bad somehow? Don't think so, but make the test. And also the memory test, just to be sure (let it run for some hours).12:49
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AWOSDevamoun /usr/share/fonts/truetype/<create folder here>12:49
Sanneamoun: you can also use the kde font installer, forgot to mention that12:49
lancelot_bryeah.. this make me go crazy here LOL ... i`m using now Kubuntu livecd... its working pretty weel12:50
Sanneamoun: there you can choose to install only for your user, or systemwide.12:50
AWOSDevamoun I usually make the folder name based on what it is...like when I copied some fonts from Windows XP I made folder /usr/share/fonts/truetype/xp-fonts12:50
lancelot_brso, i dont think there`s something wrong =/12:50
lancelot_brbut it crashes..12:50
AWOSDevamoun also realise after you copy that you have to exit any applications you wish to use with the new fonts, and restart the programs.12:50
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amounthanks both bye again - same with ubuntu I hope12:50
Sanneamoun: AWOSDev's methos would install them system wide.12:50
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AWOSDevbye amoun!12:50
AWOSDevSanne, yeah :)12:51
Sanneamoun: the kde installer is in system settings12:51
AWOSDevlancelot_br specific error message?12:51
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lancelot_brAWOSDev: just a minute... i will check it12:51
AWOSDevsorry I must leave....goodbye!12:51
Sanneamoun: if you install manually system wide, you need to do all with sudo.12:51
AWOSDevlancelot_br altight12:51
Sannebye AWOSDev12:51
AWOSDevbye Sanne!12:52
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Dante123Hi all! I would like to reinstall Ubuntu on a partition on my HD.....however........I want to make sure that I do not mess up the other OS on there.....(Windoze) as this computer belongs to the school where I teach......how do I go about reinstalling Ubuntu....and still leave the Grub setup as is......any suggestions or tips are appreciated....thanks.12:52
Dante123I should add that Windoze is on a separate partition....but boots first on grub12:52
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AWOSDevDante123 may I ask a question?12:53
AWOSDevDante123 how did you get the font to italicise in your question!?12:53
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lancelot_brAWOSDev: can i send by PVT to you12:53
AWOSDevlancelot_br sure.12:53
AWOSDevbut I must be going soon.12:53
lancelot_brAWOSDev: just take little seconds12:53
Sannelancelot_br: I also would like to know the error message12:53
AWOSDevlancelot_br okay :)12:54
Sannelancelot_br: you can paste to paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:54
Dante123I don't know...I just copy pasted it12:54
AWOSDevDante123 hehe okay :D12:54
lancelot_brjust a minute.. i must register to send PVT msgs12:54
Dante123i posted same question in ubuntu room12:54
Sannelancelot_br: just use the pastebin12:54
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Dante123any suggestions on my question?12:55
AWOSDevDante123 and irt your question.  just install Ubuntu again it should work.12:55
AWOSDevthat's what I did when I broke it, it left GRUB alone12:55
Dante123will it alter the grub?12:55
AWOSDevat least I think it did12:55
AWOSDevnot too sure...that was long time ago12:55
ubotuirc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto), gaim (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Konversation (http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/), irssi (console) (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi) - Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat and !guidelines12:56
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AWOSDevyeah that's it ya old bot12:56
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:56
AWOSDevthank you, ubotu12:56
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lancelot_rwAWOSDev: Sanne: both received error msgs (PVT) ?12:57
AWOSDevlancelot_rw yes12:57
AWOSDevthat's WAYYYYYYYYYY out of my league :)12:57
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Sannelancelot_rw: yes, but if you had used the pastebin, others could have a look also and maybe help. I don't know what's wrong, sorry.12:57
lancelot_rwpastebin ?12:58
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lancelot_rwsorry, too may time no using linux LOL12:58
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AWOSDev!paste | lancelot_rw12:58
ubotulancelot_rw: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:58
Sannelancelot_rw: as I said, paste.ubuntu-nl.org, there you can paste text and send us the url.12:58
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lancelot_rwSanne: PasteBin > http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5146/01:00
Sannelancelot_rw: ah, much better, thanks :)01:01
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lancelot_rwi need to install KUBUNTU.. LOL.. i like it ?-)01:01
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Sannelancelot_rw: all I see is that it's a python script error and concerning ubiquity. I'm looking up what it's supposed to do.01:02
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lancelot_rwSanne: thanks.. i`ll try to figure out a solution at google01:03
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Sannelancelot_rw: wait01:03
lancelot_rwSanne: if you find something, help me too01:03
mwernerhi. does somebody know how to solve drdsl-freezes?01:03
Sannelancelot_rw: it seems it's for the live cd installer, so I really recommend trying the alternate cd. Look here, first entry, for ubiquity: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=ubiquity&searchon=names&subword=1&version=all&release=all01:03
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lancelot_rwSanne: i copied this cd from a friend... he has the original one (shipped to him)...01:05
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lancelot_rwim going crazy with this.. because it already installed and runned ok today..01:05
lancelot_rwnow this is not working =/01:05
lancelot_rwand i dont have another blank CD here01:06
fernandosomeone is using beryl here???01:06
Sannelancelot_rw: still... lot of people who had problems with live, could install using alternate cd with text based installer.01:06
lancelot_rwto burn another one01:06
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lancelot_rwi think this live CD has a menu to select text install, am i right ?01:06
fernandoanyone is using Beryl with Nvidia graphic car????01:06
slyfoxwhat plugin do I need to play divx video ?01:07
Sannelancelot_rw: never heard about this option.01:07
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lancelot_rwSanne: well,.. this option can be from another linux distro i tryied to install today..01:07
lancelot_rwbut, anyway... i`ll try again01:07
lancelot_rwlet me start installation01:07
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Sannelancelot_rw: I think so. All I heard is that live is graphical, alternate is text based.01:08
Sannelancelot_rw: ok01:08
fernandousers from beryl???01:08
cpk1i think the dvd has gui and text based01:08
lancelot_rwi`ll try it... if i cant install.. monday I will buy empty CDs01:08
fernandowhat is you problem lancelot??01:09
Sannefernando: lancelot_rw can't install from live cd: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5146/01:09
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fernandobut are you sure that is possible to do that??01:10
fernandonormally you need an alternate CD01:10
lancelot_rwfernando: yes, it is possible01:10
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lancelot_rwfernando: i've already installed this today...01:10
fernandolancelot: you did it.. and what is the problem??01:11
Sannefernando: of yourse you can install from the live cd... *mostly* it works, but not always...01:11
lancelot_rwfernando:  but needed to re-install... after 1st install.. didnt installed anymore01:11
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fernandoSanne: yes, you "can", but you the mosly time doesnt work really01:12
Sannefernando: heh... I never tried it myself, I also use the alternate cd.01:12
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Sannefernando: s/also/always01:13
froodI'm trying to compile some drivers for a Lexmark multifunction printer/scanner and when I run the ./configure script i get an error saying "No compiler found". I checked Adept and I have GCC installed. What gives? Is there a system variable for the compiler location I need to change or something?01:13
fernandofrood: normally you need to have install "g++" package01:14
Sannefrood: also install build-essential01:14
lancelot_rwit is installing... lets try it.. :-)01:15
Sannelancelot_rw: good luck :)01:15
lancelot_rwSanne: thanks01:15
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lancelot_rwi have ubuntu 32-bit CDs... (shipped to me) .. is there a way to change it later to 64-bit (stupid question, but anyways...)01:15
MarcoPauin kaffein I only get Netscape plugin viewer as an entry for Settings -> Player engine01:16
MarcoPaueven thou mplayer, kmplayer, xine and stuff are installed. what am I supposed to do in order to pick either mplayer or xine as engines?01:16
froodDoes it matter which version of G++ I install? I've got 3.4 - 4.001:16
Sannelancelot_rw: no, don't think you can convert 32bit to 64bit install - it would be like a complete reinstall anyway.01:16
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lancelot_rwSanne: ok. (i hate when I dont have empty CDs at home)01:17
fernandofrood: It matter!!, install the package "g++" even if you have some highest version01:17
Sannefrood: install build-essential first, you should get the default g++ with that package01:17
lancelot_rwif I have one... i could download kubuntu and burn it again..01:17
lancelot_rwfernando: where're you from ?01:17
fernandolancelot: I have the 64 bit version, but I have many problem with plugin for firefox01:18
Sannelancelot_rw: if you burn a new cd, burn it slowly (-> less errors)01:18
fernandolancelot: I live in germany, but I come from chile01:18
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lancelot_rwfernando: ok, i though you were brazilian (Fernando, ordinary name in brazil)01:19
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lancelot_rwSanne: ok, i'll pray now to work!01:19
lancelot_rwmy kubuntu is not Plug and Play ... it is Plug and PRAY!01:19
froodOkey. Installing Build Essentials.01:19
lancelot_rw*bad joke* LOL01:20
Sannelancelot_rw: I'm holding my breath ;)01:20
fernandolancelot: that was good jaja01:20
fernandoanyone is using here Beryl???01:20
lancelot_rw"Plug and Pray" ... thats nice isnt it? LOL01:21
Sannefrood: after that, try configure again, you should have at least your compiler now.01:21
lancelot_rwwell.. i think now its installing properly01:21
=== Sanne exhales
lancelot_rw...configuring hardware...01:21
lancelot_rw..detecting devices..01:21
fernandolancelot: with graphic video car do you have??01:22
lancelot_rwi think the part of "Scanning mirros" have already finished... (the part that was erros)01:22
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fernandolancelot: wich..01:22
lancelot_rwfernando: NVidia GForce MX-440 64MB01:22
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lancelot_rwmore than 3 minutes... configuring hardware 96% .. ARGH!!01:23
Sannelancelot_rw: try the alternate01:24
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lancelot_rwSanne: i dont have one empty CD01:24
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lancelot_rw[23:17]  *** Mythbusters  <<<< I would need them!!01:25
Sannelancelot_rw: I know. Try it another day. It's healthier ;)01:25
fernandolancelot: I agree with Sanne01:25
lancelot_rwSanne: i'll try it later... but today i need to find something to do... LOL01:25
Sannelancelot_rw: hmmm, there's also net install, is there not? I dunno how it works, though, if you still need a cd.01:26
andreiintelikey , thank you very much for helping me01:26
slyfoxwhat command or plugin do I need to isntall to play video ?01:26
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velluhelp me out, i cant get taskbar to appear01:26
lancelot_rwSanne: i like so much net installers... if i could find a way to boot via live cd and install using net install..01:26
fernandoslyfox: look this -> http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/news.html01:27
Sannelancelot_rw: let's look in the wiki01:27
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Sanneslyfox: vlc player should play lots of formats, you can install it via apt/adept/what you prefer.01:29
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MarcoPauin kaffeine the subtitles in an avi movie won't be italics when there are <i> and </i> flags... I tried changing fonts but that didn't really help01:30
Sanneslyfox: install package wxvlc from universe, it's the gui frontend and also installs vlc engine.01:30
Nontitlewhat does vlc stand for again?01:32
crazy_penguinGood night all!01:32
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Sannelancelot_rw: seems pretty complicated, but maybe it helps you: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot01:34
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lancelot_rwsorry ... my system crashed01:37
lancelot_rwlets try install it again..01:37
Sannelancelot_rw: seems pretty complicated, but maybe it helps you: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot01:38
lancelot_rwSanne: i'll check it01:39
lancelot_rwSanne: i think this is just for local network installation... not for internet installation01:41
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lancelot_rwSanne: i'll let it installing here.. i think using live CD and installing at the same time is crashing it...01:46
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Sannelancelot_rw: ok01:48
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lancelot_rwSanne: =)01:55
lancelot_rwNow its installed on my harddisk!01:55
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Sannelancelot_rw: !! coolo !!01:56
lancelot_rwSanne: now. its the hardest part.. conf. all the system01:56
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lancelot_rwSanne: first thing: which repository should I add to apt-get source.list to get software.. like, xmms, opera, gaim....01:57
Sannelancelot_rw: yup, that can take awhile. But it's also nice, like make the system your own, sorta :)01:57
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coreymon77lancelot_rw: i can give you my sources.list01:58
coreymon77its pretty complete01:58
Sannelancelot_rw: I just activate all... there's a sources.list generator somewhere, sec01:58
lancelot_rwcoreymon77: great.. send it by email or PVT01:58
Sannelancelot_rw: http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic01:59
[Marvin] hm, this is odd. I just started my computer for the first time in a couple of days - and for some reason the entire right half of the KDE panel is blank and everything's squeezed together in the left side.01:59
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coreymon77ill kist put in on pastebin01:59
lancelot_rwcoreymon77: ok.01:59
lancelot_rwKubuntu 6.06 is the Dapper one, right?01:59
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Sannelancelot_rw: yes, it's Dapper02:00
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Sannelancelot_rw: for opera, you need to enable some commercial repository. Dunno if it's also generated by easysource.02:00
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coreymon77lancelot_rw: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5154/02:01
coreymon77wait a sec02:01
coreymon77you want to use dapper?02:01
lancelot_rwi use dapper 64-bit02:01
coreymon77cause this is for edgy02:01
coreymon77why not use dapper02:01
coreymon77i mean02:01
lancelot_rwcan i just change the name of lines from dapper to edgy ?02:01
coreymon77why not use edgy02:01
coreymon77you could do that02:01
coreymon77but why not upgrade?02:01
lancelot_rwcoreymon77: i get this CD with a friend.. just to test... and liked it02:01
coreymon77you like dapper02:02
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coreymon77well edgy is 10000000000000x better02:02
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Sannelancelot_rw: here's mine: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5129/02:02
coreymon77thats my opinion02:02
coreymon77once again02:02
jhutchins[Marvin] : Sounds like you have something odd running in the panel.02:02
lancelot_rwSanne: this is sources.list from dapper ?02:02
coreymon77i love edgy02:02
[Marvin] jhutchins: hmm, dunno...02:02
coreymon77but if you wanna stay with dapper02:03
jhutchinscoreymon77: dapper lts is a bit more stable, particulary for 64.02:03
coreymon77i havent had any problems02:03
Sannelancelot_rw: yes, mine, but customized and cleaned. You would need to take out the cd line, as you have the live cd and can't use this as repository.02:03
jhutchins[Marvin] : See if you can right click the black part, or find a handle for it.02:03
coreymon77but i have x8602:03
lancelot_rwi use Dapper 64-Bit .. Atlhon 3000+02:03
[Marvin] I've tried closing all the applets and then starting them again. Now the clock, quicklaunch etc. are all over the place...still squeezed, though.02:03
coreymon77lancelot_rw: you can use mine and then just change all the edgys to dappers02:03
jhutchinscoreymon77: We've seen some trouble reported with edgy, particulary for upgrades but clean installs too.02:04
lancelot_rwok Sanne .. i'll update my sources.list02:04
Sannelancelot_rw: oh, and you should also change the //de to your country code02:04
jhutchins(Although, come to think of that, it was a kde upgrade.)02:04
[Marvin] Hm, how do I move the clock, quicklaunch and the pager? pressing Alt doesn't do anything...02:04
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Sannelancelot_rw: make a backup first and don't shoot me if it fails ;)02:04
coreymon77mine are all coms02:04
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coreymon77mine is the default sources,list02:05
coreymon77plus the repos for the new kde02:05
jhutchins[Marvin] : If you hover over the separator, you'll see a little triangular spot at the top.  That's the "Handle", click it and you get a menu.02:05
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lancelot_rwSanne: back up ? welll sorry.. i didnt do that... LOL02:05
lancelot_rwbut is ok.. :>02:05
Sannelancelot_rw: also look at coreymon77 's and compare.02:05
Sannelancelot_rw: I would have the original one still, if you should need that (*I* did back up first njah njah)02:06
coreymon77but remember02:06
coreymon77if you want to use mine and stick with dapper02:06
coreymon77you have to change everywhere is says edgy to dapper02:06
lancelot_rwppl... is there a way to install packages (.deb) including all the dependencies automatically...02:06
coreymon77thats what apt does02:07
[Marvin] jhutchins: I see no seperator anywhere...02:07
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lancelot_rwok coreymon7702:07
coreymon77btw Sanne, your sources.list file backsup automatically02:07
lancelot_rwwell.. didnt find opera browser using atp-get02:07
coreymon77let me check02:07
[Marvin] jhutchins: oh, sorry....I disabled them.02:07
Sannecoreymon77: well, depends if you configured your editor to do that ;)02:07
jhutchins[Marvin] : Should highlight if you put your mouse over the applet, ie hover over the clock.02:07
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jhutchinsWell then.02:07
fernandolancelot: right click on the debian package and install02:08
[Marvin] jhutchins: enabling them did the trick, yaddi yaddi, thanks for the help :o)02:08
Sannelancelot_rw: opera is in a commercial repository02:08
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Jonty /j #sqlobject'02:08
Jonty /j #sqlobject02:08
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fernandoany one is using beryl???02:08
Jontyarlg, sorry02:08
lancelot_rwanyone know a good 64-bit browser ??02:09
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Sannelancelot_rw: details here: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/07/08/introducing-the-dapper-commercial-repository/02:09
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fernandolancelot: firefox02:09
CrakeHunterhello, how do i exit from xserver - and enter text mode?02:09
lancelot_rwfernando: firefox is 32bit02:09
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Sannelancelot_rw: firefox from the repositories is 64bit02:09
lancelot_rwCrakeHunter: Crtl+alt+F2 .. F3 ...02:09
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Sannelancelot_rw: you won't be able to use some plugins with that one, though.02:10
fernandolancelot: did you installed? you will se that is a 64bit version02:10
lancelot_rwfernando: i assume that firefox is 32 bit 'cause on the web site there's no 64 version... but i'll install it over apt-get02:11
Sannelancelot_rw: opera is only available as 32 bit, so no install throught apt-get for you.02:11
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lancelot_rwfernando: Sanne told me that this repository has a 64 bit version02:11
Sannelancelot_rw: the ubuntu compiled firefox is 64 bit for you. Mozilla.org only has 32bit versions for download.02:11
fernandolancelot: the web site has nothing to do with a broswer..02:11
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fernandolancelot: install firefox.. and you wil see that is 64 bit02:12
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fernandolancelot: but I will not recomend if you visit website such as youtube02:12
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fernandolancelot: you will not able to see videos02:12
Sannelancelot_rw: try to look for software first in the ubuntu repositories and on packages.ubuntu.com if it's available.02:13
coreymon77deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ stable non-free02:13
coreymon77thats the repo02:13
sparri have a sound blaster, emu10k1 chip, that isnt working in ubuntu.  help?02:14
lancelot_rwbrb guys... i'll change to XChat02:14
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Sannecoreymon77: no 64 bit version there02:14
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dct391does anyone know where all the links went02:14
coreymon77you people make it so complicated02:14
dct391the club autos02:15
Sannelanclot_rw asked for a 64 bit browser02:15
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coreymon77everything is no 64 bit version02:15
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Sannelancelot_rw: if you want to use all those fancy plugins (java, flash...) you would need to install the 32 bit firefox, as those plugins have no 64 bit version.02:16
lancelot_rwSanne, to install 32 bit version i should download it from website right?02:16
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Sannelancelot_rw: wait. there's a howto in the wiki, I'll find it for you02:17
lancelot_rwmy repositories (list u sent me) are only for 64-bit software, right?02:17
coreymon77i dont think there is an opera 64 bit verseion02:17
fernandolancelot: the repositories that come with kubuntu 64, are for software 64 bits02:18
Sannelancelot_rw: for a 64 bit installation, you will get the 64 bit software automatically. There are some 32 bit compatibility packages if you want to run 32 bit programs.02:18
fernandolancelot: the are precompile software for the kubuntu group02:18
Sannelancelot_rw: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava02:18
lancelot_rwSanne, the repositories you sent me are 64 or 32 bit ones?02:19
coreymon77look at the convo me and that dct391 guy just had02:20
coreymon77[20:16]  <dct391> hey cory do you know where all the autos went from the site02:20
Sannelancelot_rw: I already answered!02:20
coreymon77[20:16]  <coreymon77> the what?02:20
Sannelancelot_rw: for a 64 bit installation, you will get the 64 bit software automatically. There are some 32 bit compatibility packages if you want to run 32 bit programs.02:20
coreymon77[20:16]  <dct391> the auto links to help club pogo members get badges02:20
coreymon77[20:17]  <coreymon77> do you know which channel this is02:20
coreymon77[20:17]  <dct391> no02:20
coreymon77[20:17]  <dct391> why?02:20
coreymon77[20:18]  <coreymon77> this is the kubuntu linux channel that you are on02:20
coreymon77[20:18]  <coreymon77> not the club pogo channel02:20
coreymon77[20:19]  <dct391> oh sorry02:20
coreymon77auto links that help club pogo members get bages?02:20
Sannelancelot_rw: youmight also find help and info here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19120502:20
coreymon77what kind of bs is that02:21
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sparrhow can i make ubuntu re-do whatever magic it does at install time to configure my sound card?02:24
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Kr4t05http://pastebin.ca/349785  <- Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong, here?02:25
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mackinacare there any SFTP or SSH server apps with a GUI and easy to set up ?02:28
SanneKr4t05: looks more like a bug in the package to me02:29
mackinac(i miss filezilla server)02:29
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lancelot_rwSanne, i'm reading Firefox + flash + java how-to.. and there's a command: gksudo02:34
lancelot_rwbut this doesnt works..02:34
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lancelot_rwshould I use only "sudo" instead of "gksudo"02:34
Sannelancelot_rw: oh sorry, should have mentioned it. It's for gnome, in kde use kdesu.02:34
zachHow do I write to a USB stick02:35
lancelot_rwok, thanks02:35
Sannelancelot_rw: don't use sudo for graphical apps02:35
zachHow do I write to a USB stick02:36
lancelot_rw"kdesu" didnt work02:36
lancelot_rwbut sudo works pretty well :>02:36
zachHow do I write to a USB stick02:36
Sannelancelot_rw: sudo shouldn't be used for graphical apps. What's the error when you try kdesu?02:37
lancelot_rwwell.. my system is a little bit crazy... now it worked... LOL02:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mayonnaise - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:38
zachHelp me02:39
Kr4t05zach: Most USB flash drives work without any extra software.02:39
Sannelancelot_rw: ah, I had this also. Sometimes it didn't work. It may have to do with some default entries in xorg.conf for devices that are not present, for me it was those wacom thingies.02:39
Kr4t05Just insert into a USB port and it should mount automatically.02:39
lancelot_rwyeah.. i dont know what happend here.. but now its ok02:39
zachKr4t05: It will read but not write02:40
Sannemayonnaise? Lol!02:40
Sannelancelot_rw: just keep it in mind for later ;)02:40
Kr4t05zach: Then it's probably formatted with NTFS. Copy all the files over and reformat it as FAT32.02:40
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zachHow do you do that02:40
CrakeHunterhello, i am trying to install nvidia drivers: i am missing the "libc header files" the installer says. what should i do?02:40
sparrhow does the ubuntu installer configure sound cards?02:41
lancelot_rwSanne, i'll do it :-)02:41
zachKr4t05: how do you do that02:41
Kr4t05zach: Do you have all the files copied from the flash drive?02:41
zachKr4t05: yes02:42
Sannelancelot_rw: well, unfortunately I gotta go. I wish you much success and fun with Kubuntu and your configuring. :)02:42
lancelot_rwSanne, many thanks... see ya later.. ;-)02:42
Sanneyou're welcome, lancelot_rw. Bye all.02:42
zachKr4t05: huh?02:43
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Kr4t05zach: If so, open a terminal window and type "ls /dev/sda1"02:44
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Kr4t05Let me know what it says.02:45
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zachKr4t05: no such file or directory02:45
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sparrHow can I find out what modules and module parameters a livecd is using the make my sound work?  So that I can duplicate those options on my main OS.02:45
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Kr4t05zach: The flash drive is connected?02:45
Kr4t05zach: Try it again, only change it to "/dev/sdb1"02:46
intelikeysparr lsmod02:46
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sparrintelikey: and parameters?02:46
Kr4t05Better yet...02:46
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Kr4t05zach: Wait... I just thought of a better way.02:47
intelikeyshouldn't need any02:47
sparrintelikey: thanks.  got an answer without "should" in it?02:47
Kr4t05zach: "mount -l"02:47
MotorCityMadManis kde 3.5.6 compatible with dapper ?02:47
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intelikeysparr should i have ?02:47
Kr4t05zach: Sorry... "mount -l | grep usbdisk"02:47
zachKr4t05: mount -"?"?02:47
Kr4t05Tell me what that prints.02:47
Kr4t05l as in Larry02:48
sparrintelikey: fuck you02:48
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kristjan_if I do kernel update  - then can I finish my work before rebooting, or I have reboot immediately?02:48
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intelikeysparr yes you are welcome02:48
zach/dev/hda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro) [] 02:48
zachproc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)02:48
zach/sys on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)02:48
zachvarrun on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=0755)02:49
Kr4t05zach: Wait...02:49
zachvarlock on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=1777)02:49
zachprocbususb on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)02:49
zachudev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)02:49
Kr4t05Aww... nuts...02:49
zachdevshm on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)02:49
zachdevpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)02:49
zachlrm on /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-386/volatile type tmpfs (rw)02:49
zachnfsd on /proc/fs/nfsd type nfsd (rw)02:49
zachbinfmt_misc on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw)02:49
zach/dev/hdd on /media/cdrom0 type iso9660 (ro,user=zach) [VBM600ENU1] 02:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:49
Kr4t05kristjan_: That was my bad.02:49
zachKr4t05: what02:49
zachKr4t05 clear what02:49
Kr4t05[20:47]  <Kr4t05> zach: Sorry... "mount -l | grep usbdisk"02:50
Kr4t05Type that command.02:50
zachKr4t05: I did02:51
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Kr4t05zach: Then, why did it print all of that other stuff.02:51
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toko123can I upgrade from 5.10 to 6.10?02:52
zachKr4t05: that was mount -l02:52
Kr4t05zach: It should have printed only one line... Did you use a pipe (|)? It's \+Shift.02:52
intelikeytoko123 you can.   but it's not supported.02:52
Kr4t05Well, even with that, it looks like the flash drive isn't being mounted.02:52
toko123is 5.10 supported?02:53
Kr4t05zach: Try reconnecting the flash drive and do the command again. Only make sure it's "mount -l | grep usbdisk"02:53
intelikeytoko123 if you are intent on trying it may i sujest you uninstall everything possable first.  makes do-able02:53
Kr4t05zach: I can't help you much longer, though.02:53
intelikeytoko123 yeah for another month or two02:53
ernieKr4t05 - you can also do a quick check with lsusb to see what USB thingys are dangling off the box02:54
Kr4t05ernie: Heh, forgot about that handy command. Thanks. :P02:54
intelikeytoko123 upgrading from 5.10 to 6.6 is supported  and pretty safe02:54
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Kr4t05zach: Hate to bail out on you, but I have to go.02:55
toko123what command to use or procedure02:55
ernieKr4t05 - Glad I know something I can help with :)02:55
Kr4t05zach: I sure someone else in here might be able to help you figure this out.02:55
fernandoanyone here is using BERYL ???02:56
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intelikeytoko123 you edit /etc/apt/sources.list   change all "breezy" to "dapper"  save it,  issue; 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:56
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toko123intelikey, thanks, i can handle that02:58
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intelikeytoko123 and lay your rosery on the keyboard and hang your st. christofer's meddel on the monitor and wait to see if it takes....02:58
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MotorCityMadManis it safe to upgrade from kde 3.5.2 to 3.5.6 in dapper ?02:58
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toko123well I have another maching went from ubuntu 6.06{didn't compile a ton of stuff} to 6.6 works fine02:59
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ubuntu_hi when you download a program, wher does it go, cause it's not in the kubuntu menu ??03:00
intelikeytoko123 i only added the last because it's not fool proff, and there is no guerantee that it will finish without errors  but it generally goes pretty somthly.03:00
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intelikeysmoothly   even03:01
toko123intelikey, thanks again03:01
intelikeyubuntu_  "when you download a program"  please clearify that for us ?03:02
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_6StringKng_need help installing ati drivers, forgot the url of the site I was looking on the last time03:03
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:03
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ubuntu_i've downloaded from the adept manager, and it say's that it's installed but i dont know where it is03:04
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intelikeyubuntu_ ok.  what was it you installed?  cli apps dont show up in any menu normally.03:05
ubuntu_it 's a clock03:05
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intelikeyxclock ?03:05
intelikeyclock ?03:05
intelikeywhich ?03:06
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intelikeyyou can start it by pressing   alt+f2  type in  xclock03:06
intelikeyyou can add it to the pannel with right click03:07
intelikeyright click the pannel03:07
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intelikeyubuntu_ ffr anything you install that doesn't show up in the kmenu  (or the debian menu if you have "menu" installed)   can usually be executed via the command line  in  alt+f2   or  konsole03:09
Phlostenallo all03:11
intelikeyalso of note,  the kmenu does not update instantly  things that are installed may not show up in the menu right away.     " kbuildsycoca "   will rebuild (update) the kmenu03:11
ksnipaI got a sis card installed (yes its shit), and anytime i run glxinfo my comp restarts any ideas on how I can fix that? and yes I do realize that my card wont be to run direct draw but the whole it resetting on me when i type glxinfo just bothers me03:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:13
ubuntu_intelikey: thanks, but it s oclock. When i type xclock theres a picture of a clock, and when i right click i dont have xclock it is running tight now in my upper left screen03:13
ubuntu_i'm almost there03:14
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intelikeyxclock != oclock    heh03:14
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intelikeywhen i press  ctrl+alt+esc  i don't get the skull & crossbones03:17
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ubuntu_Well there is a new clock in my bar on the left but i dont know if it's the one, and it's not in the menu03:18
intelikeyit's probably the one03:19
ubuntu_yeah that's what i think03:19
intelikeycat /etc/sudoers03:19
intelikeyALL     ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD :ALL03:19
intelikeymy sudo don't work.03:20
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intelikeyoh wait yes it does03:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about metabar - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:20
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intelikeyit works for root03:20
Linux_Galorehmm cant seem ot find tghe metabar in konqueror03:21
intelikeymetabar ?03:21
Linux_Galoredoesnt seem to be a packafe for it either03:21
intelikeywhz dat ?03:21
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renewiphi all03:22
Linux_Galoreintelikey: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=5302803:22
renewipiam using Kubuntu 6.1003:22
intelikeymetabar - Context sensitive sidebar plugin for Konqueror03:22
intelikey!info metabar03:22
ubotuPackage metabar does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas03:22
intelikey!info metabar dapper03:22
ubotumetabar: Context sensitive sidebar plugin for Konqueror. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 91 kB, installed size 372 kB03:22
Linux_Galorewhat a load of ***03:22
intelikeynot in edgy03:22
renewipand I can't set envinronment vars after kde start03:23
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intelikeyrenewip what do you need to set ?03:23
renewipI mean how to set automatically an env var03:24
renewipI want to set LD_PRELOAD var03:24
Linux_Galoreintelikey: cant seem to find the sidebar either03:24
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intelikeyput in /etc/evnironment    or /etc/profile    depending on var and usage/need03:24
Linux_Galorehmm no shortcuts for sidebar03:25
justin1278I was wondering if somebody could help me with KBFX03:25
intelikeyLinux_Galore isn't it  view > something > sidebar  ?03:25
justin1278Can somebody help me with KBFX?03:26
Linux_Galoreintelikey: not in any of the menu's03:26
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user_hey does anyone know if ubuntu distro autodetects multiple drives?03:27
user_i.e. 3 sata drievs03:27
intelikeyhmmm can't look it up for you Linux_Galore i don't even have kde installed03:28
Linux_Galoreintelikey: aaah, press F903:28
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Linux_Galoreintelikey: good old google03:28
intelikeyuser_ if it doesn't i'll be very surprised03:28
justin1278Can somebody help me with kbfx?03:28
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user_really?  cause i love kde, but cant get the drives to get up and running, so if ubuntu will fix this i think i may have to switch03:29
intelikeyuser_ switch from what ?03:29
user_kubuntu to ubuntu03:29
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intelikeyuser_ sorry chap.  that wont help a thing.03:30
intelikeykubuntu is ubuntu03:30
user_yahhhhhhhh i thought it was relatively the same, but more development, i.e, install drives, and drives work with fulll read write access and no permissions garbage03:31
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intelikey*buntu is all one distro  just different default gui's03:31
justin1278Is there somebody who can please assist my with kbfx?03:31
Linux_Galoreintelikey: add freespire 2.0 to the list03:31
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renewipsorry, but my /etc/environment has LD_PRELOAD="/lib/mylib.a"03:32
intelikeyuser_ what exactly is the problem   if it's not too depressing to tell it...03:32
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user_like i was trying to deal with this yesterday.... basically it got to the point of being mounted, and all that, but the god damn permissions wouldnt allow me to creat folders or copy onto the drives03:32
renewipanh my /etc/profile has export LD_PRELOAD="/lib/mylib.a"03:33
renewipbut when I start KDE03:33
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renewiprun (Alt F2) echo $LD_PRELOAD > /t.txt03:33
renewipbum ... my /t.txt is empty03:33
intelikeyrenewip you want that module loaded in xorg ?    add it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf  in the modules section03:34
renewipI can't know why03:34
Linux_Galoreuser_: if the drive is ntfs its not a permissions problem03:34
user_but i thought ntfs doesnt work with kubuntu03:35
user_only fat 32 does03:35
user_that has changed?03:35
user_i thought it was propritary format????03:36
intelikey<renewip> run (Alt F2) echo $LD_PRELOAD > /t.txt  <<<  that's a good test.  but konsole should have the var set in it...03:36
Linux_Galoreuser_: you can red ntfs but not write03:36
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse03:36
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)03:36
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse03:36
Linux_Galorewell you cant write "safely"03:37
intelikeyuser_ anyway i suspect your drive was not ntfs ?03:37
user_naw, they are brand new, and i want them in ext3 format thats the thing03:37
user_i only have a windows partition for games03:38
user_other then that, i dont need ntfs03:38
user_my entire system is to be ext3, except the windows partition and fat32 swap area03:38
intelikeyuser_ and you partitioned and made file systems on these disks ?03:38
Linux_Galoreuser_: open konqueror as root  ie sudo konqueror   goto the sub directory were the disk/media is mounted and right click on the device icon/directory icon  and then properties  and just change the permissions03:38
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intelikey*** sudo konqueror ***  not recomended03:39
intelikeykdesu konqueror03:39
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ubotuIn KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo03:39
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user_yah man, did allllllllllllll that, like the thing is they work, it was fine, i even ran those test code things outta terminal with the help of some of the guys here, and they wrote to the drives, but accessing them thru konquerer doesnt work03:39
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justin1278Hello, can somebody please assist me with KBFX?03:39
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Linux_Galoreuser_: you need to set it so read write is for everyone03:40
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intelikeyuser_ let me see if i have this streight,  you say the drive/s work, mount ok, can read/write from konsole, but can't access from konqueror ?03:41
user_yes exactly, but i have no idea how to do that, and no one knew how when they were helping me out03:41
Linux_Galorejustin1278: you manage it from within kcontrol03:41
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user_yup thats the case03:41
Linux_Galoreuser_: trun konqueror under root,  root has no permissions restrictions03:41
user_cannot create files, nor drag and drop files onto the drives via konqueror03:41
intelikeyuser_ chmod 777 /mountpoint/03:41
justin1278Linux_Galore: How do03:42
user_how do you turn konqueror to root!?03:42
user_that would be excellent03:42
justin1278Linux_Galore: How do I use that?03:42
intelikeyuser_ wait03:42
intelikeyuser_ wait03:42
justin1278Linux_Galore: Sorry, I'm a noob at linux.03:42
intelikeyuser_ is the drive mounted ?03:42
Linux_Galorejustin1278:  press alt F2  type kcontrol,  it in the look and feel section03:43
user_yah, they are mounted and fine, that was the purpose of that test code to see if they were mounted.  i ran the code as root and it worked just fine.  but via konqueror i cant03:43
intelikeyuser_ where ?03:43
user_i tried that chmod thing as well, didnt work before either03:43
user_and they are all mounted to media03:43
intelikeyuser_ i'm trying to help you here.03:43
justin1278Linux_Galore: Ok, now what>?03:43
Linux_Galorejustin1278: look in the look and feel section there is a kbfx manager03:44
intelikeyuser_ /media  or /media/something ?03:44
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user_2 x 500GB drives, and 1X 36003:44
Linux_Galorejustin1278: if it not there you havent installed it03:44
justin1278Linux_Galore: Ok, it is there.03:44
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user_ /media/something is what they are under03:44
justin1278Linux_Galore: I have clicked on it and i'm in it now03:44
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intelikeyuser_  sudo chmod 777 /media/*03:45
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Linux_Galorejustin1278: goto  kde-look.org  and get your themes03:45
justin1278Linux_Galore: I have downloaded the theme, it was in a .zip file03:45
Linux_Galorejustin1278: then unpack it03:45
justin1278Linux_Galore: I extracted it03:45
Linux_Galorejustin1278: no go into the kbfx manager and select the icon file you want from the theme folder03:46
intelikeynow in normal konqueror you should be able to navigate to    /media/03:46
justin1278Linux_Galore: ok03:46
justin1278Linux_Galore: done03:46
intelikeyclick the folder the fs is mounted on and have full access03:46
Linux_Galoreuser_: or just type media:/03:47
justin1278Linux_Galore: I have clicked apply, but nothing happened.03:47
intelikeyuesr_ is gone03:47
Linux_Galorejustin1278: it wont03:47
intelikeyand it's a good thing03:47
justin1278Linux_Galore: I see the preview, but its not my start menu icon...03:47
justin1278Linux_Galore: Ok then what now?03:47
Linux_Galorejustin1278: have to reload it03:47
intelikeycause media:/ is not the same as /media/03:47
Linux_Galorejustin1278: takes a few second to load03:47
justin1278Linux_Galore: Ok, I clicked reload and nothing happened.03:48
Linux_Galorejustin1278: wait for it03:48
intelikeythat's a phisical ext3 you should NOT be accessing through media:/03:48
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intelikeyin fact the mountpoint should not even be in /media/ for that matter03:48
justin1278Linux_Galore: Still nothing...03:48
Linux_Galorejustin1278: shrug,  did you click on apply03:49
user_intelikey: hey sry, just got a call, its a friends bday... this is going to have to wait ANOTHER night.... frick03:50
Linux_Galorejustin1278: have to understand I dont use kbfx anymore i use kickoff03:50
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justin1278Linux_Galore: is kickoff better?03:50
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user_i will try that code out tomorow though man, and most likely be back on here to let yu knoe if your around03:50
intelikeyuser_ np03:50
intelikeyit's not code       it's a command.03:50
user_intelikey: thanks again, ttys03:50
Linux_Galorejustin1278: for me it is, i found kbfx a bit flakky, have to be carefull though the .deb package over writes your normal menu setup03:51
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justin1278Linux_Galore: ok, have any ideas what i can do to use KBFX?03:52
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sudomanhi all03:52
antibodyhey...I have /lib/modules/version/volatile03:52
antibodyI don't want nvidia.ko from volatile03:53
Linux_Galorejustin1278: I found sometime you have to reload it twice,  make sure the icons are in the path next to each of the three03:53
antibodyhow can I keep it from loading from boot?03:53
Linux_Galorejustin1278: also try clicking on the menu03:53
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justin1278Linux_Galore: Still nothing..03:53
intelikeyyou could remove it.   it being linux-restricted-modules03:53
justin1278Linux_Galore: Is it possible for you to connect remotely to assist me?03:54
Linux_Galorejustin1278: you may have to log out and back in03:54
sudomananybody can help me??  I want to configure my network intefaces but i dont know the name of the configuration File03:54
maximohola alguien habla espaol?03:54
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justin1278Linux_Galore: Ok, I will try that03:54
sudomanmaximo: yo pero estoy pidiendo ayuda XD03:54
maximoa ok yo tambien03:54
antibodysudoman: /etc/network/interfaces03:54
Linux_Galorejustin1278: have you added the kbfx applet to kicker ?03:55
sudomanantibody: thanks :)03:55
intelikeysudoman /etc/network/interfaces  ?03:55
intelikeyoh i'm late03:55
sudomani guess :)03:55
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Linux_Galorejustin1278: have you added the kbfx applet to kicker ?03:55
justin1278Linux_Galore: how do I do that?03:56
Linux_Galorejustin1278: aah kmenu applet isnt the kbfx applet there totally different programs03:56
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justin1278Linux_Galore: ok, how do i do this?03:56
Linux_Galorejustin1278: thats why it didnt change you still have the kmenu applet03:56
justin1278Linux_Galore: ok, how do i fix this?03:57
intelikeyantibody i can think of three ways.  1 remove the module  2 blacklist the module   3 remove any referance to it in the config that is loading it...   if my guess is correct it's xorg.conf  but i could be wrong.03:57
Linux_Galorejustin1278: right click on the kicker taskbar  configure-> add applet03:57
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Linux_Galorejustin1278: should open a window,  then select kbfx03:58
intelikeyantibody if it's xorg.conf you probably want to change nvidia to nv03:58
justin1278Linux_Galore: yes it worked! but now i have 2 start menus03:58
sudomanok this the configuration file but no work03:59
Linux_Galorejustin1278: same process but now  "remove applet"03:59
sudomanI have a ethernet card03:59
justin1278Linux_Galore: yes i figured that out03:59
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intelikeyiwconfig  for wifi03:59
sudomanBut this detect it  how eth103:59
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:59
intelikeyifconfig eth1 up04:00
Linux_Galorejustin1278: now just move the kbfx applet to the left04:00
justin1278Linux_Galore: yes04:00
Linux_Galorejustin1278: thats it all done04:00
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StapolCan someone tell me the best live cd04:00
StapolFor any distro04:01
justin1278Linux_Galore: well im having an issue now...04:01
StapolMy mac is limited on ram04:01
sudoman$ sudo ifconfig eth1 down04:01
justin1278Linux_Galore: my system menu is not right next to it now04:01
sudoman$sudo ifconfig eth0 up04:01
sudomanDon''t work04:01
justin1278Linux_Galore: its farther the the left04:01
intelikeyeth0 eth1 ?04:02
Linux_Galorejustin1278: remove what you dont want and move what you have to were you want it04:02
justin1278Linux_Galore: its not letting me move it04:02
StapolI have a limited G4 Mac with no harddrive so knoppid is the best OS to run on a live cd?04:02
sudomaneth0> ERROR while getting interface flags: no such device04:02
justin1278Linux_Galore: never mind i fixed it04:02
antibodyintelikey: I have other nvidia.ko04:02
Linux_Galorejustin1278: do you see the handles to the left of each applet or have you set them to be hidden04:02
antibodyI don't want to the lrm one to be loaded but the more recent one04:02
Dr_willisman - my bash-fu is lacking...04:02
sudomanintelikey: i have a integrated network card but is detect it how eth104:03
antibodygoing away04:03
justin1278Linux_Galore: i fixed it, they were locked04:03
antibodyit's late :(04:03
sudomanshould be eth004:03
Dr_willistrying to get the output of a command. and put " quotes " around it.. and  do a little more work to it - to send the data to my G15 keyboard lcd04:03
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Linux_Galorejustin1278: once you have ti all setup you can hide the handles to make the taskbar look clean04:03
Dr_willisecho 'TL "Hello World" ' > g15pipe04:03
intelikeysudoman you need Dr_willis or someone that does networking  i do fs's and base configs..04:04
Dr_willistrying to replace "Hello World" with for example  the Top output.04:04
Dr_williserr. uptime  i mean. :)04:04
justin1278Ok, thanks04:04
justin1278Linux_Galore: how do I hide handles?04:04
sudomanmmm ok04:05
Linux_Galorejustin1278: right click on kicker Confgiure->Appearance click on advanced bottom left and them tick the hide box04:05
hattajustin1278, loose shirts04:05
Linux_Galorejustin1278: in the second section down in the advanced section Applet Handles04:06
sudomanDr_willis: can you help me ??04:06
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Linux_Galorejustin1278: mark hide  then click on apply04:06
justin1278Linux_Galore: I found it04:06
justin1278Linux_Galore: thanks04:06
intelikeyLinux_Galore you know ifconfig stuff ?   sudoman needs some networking help.04:07
Linux_Galorejustin1278: becomes a problem though when you want to move applets later you have to unhide the handles again04:07
justin1278Linux_Galore: ok04:07
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Linux_Galorejustin1278: bit the hassle is worth the eye candy heh04:08
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Linux_Galoreintelikey: let me read the history04:08
justin1278Linux_Galore: no problem04:08
StapolIs there a good palce tog et cheap hardware that ships to canada04:08
TehUnii've currently got 2 hard drives setup in raid 1 (software, md). i'm reinstalling linux. what do i need to do to be sure nothing happens to the data? then how do i reconstruct the array and have mdadm recognize it as one that was previously created?04:08
justin1278Linux_Galore: I have a question, under themes it says Invalid Base Path under the Installed Theme section.04:09
justin1278Linux_Galore: What's wrong with it?04:09
intelikeyStapol ebay04:09
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Linux_Galoreintelikey: ve been cheating lately and using kwlan,  it allows you to start restart configure your lan connections04:10
sudomanLinux_Galore: I have a 2 network card, but i extract 1 of the PC, now my PC have a integrated network card but this detect how eth104:10
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Linux_Galoreintelikey: on the fly04:10
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StapolI mean a reputable pleace not ebay04:10
StapolSomething like tigerdirect or newegg for canada04:10
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Linux_Galoresudoman: eht1 or 2 doesnt really matter to be honest,  you can define your network rules either way04:11
sudomanLinux_Galore: can you teach me04:12
BluesKajStapol, there is a tigerdirect.ca04:12
sudomanfor todo04:12
sudomanto do *04:12
Linux_Galoresudoman:   run  kdesu systemsettings  and just setup your network connection rules for that device under the network section04:12
StapolAnything else? I like having options04:13
Linux_Galoresudoman: disable and enable the device  eth0/1/2 whatever and it will restart04:13
Linux_Galoresudoman: you may also have firewall issues so install firestarter and use that to konfigure your routing rules04:14
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sudomanTHNX so much all04:15
sudoman:) i have to go04:15
sudomanLinux_Galore:  :)04:15
Minataku!find genii04:16
ubotuPackage/file genii does not exist in edgy04:16
MinatakuI know !seen doesn't work so I thought it was something else now04:16
underdog5004Minataku, find is only for packages, not for people, lol04:17
Linux_Galoreintelikey: Im using kubuntu way too much lol04:17
Minatakuunderdog5004: I thought !search was for packages (it is, BTW XD )04:17
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Minatakuunderdog5004: He took !seen out, though04:17
Minataku!seen genii04:17
underdog5004oh...I guess both...I'm still a noob...04:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen genii - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:17
MinatakuHow lame is that04:17
underdog5004weird, why did seen disappear?04:17
MinatakuIt was either broken, disabled or removed04:18
Linux_Galore!latest kernel04:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about latest kernel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:18
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Linux_Galorethats a question, whats the difference between  2.6.17-11 and the 2.6.17-50  kernel04:19
zachhow do I get ext204:19
underdog5004zach, mkfs.ext2 /path/to/device04:19
Linux_Galoredont know, just noticed it on the repo04:20
underdog5004be careful, that'll format the device04:20
Kyralbut why use Ext2 when Ext3 exist04:20
underdog5004Kyral, I think it's easier to recover data from...that's what I heard, anyway04:20
Linux_GaloreKyral: just use mkfs.ext3  if you want to I do04:20
MinatakuLinux_Galore: For the really latest kernel, www.kernel.org04:21
Linux_GaloreMinataku: duh04:21
MinatakuLinux_Galore: The -XX is the patchlevel, I believe04:21
Kyralunderdog5004: Interesting that you say that when you consider that you can switch back and forth between ext2 and ext3 at will on a partition without data loss04:21
MinatakuBut if you're going to be a jerk maybe I won't bother helping you04:21
underdog5004Kyral, I think there is more journaling or something...04:21
Linux_GaloreMinataku: yeah but why the huge version number leap and why does the adept update tool ignore it04:21
underdog5004I'm not really an expert04:21
Kyralunderdog5004: ext2 doesn't have Journalling :P04:22
MinatakuLinux_Galore: No clue how *buntu does things04:22
Kyralunderdog5004: in fact thats the big difference04:22
underdog5004ah, so infinetly more journaling, then04:22
mart81anyone here have read a freesoftwaremagazine? I am curious whether the magazine is any good. :)04:22
MinatakuI'd think the former is because patches between just weren't released04:22
underdog5004mart81, I read it occasionally, it's really not that great...04:22
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Kyralunderdog5004: In fact if you specify the -j option to mkfs.ext2 its the same as mkfs.ext3 :P04:22
antibodyhey hi04:22
antibodyone simples question04:22
MinatakuThe latter perhaps because it's flagged in the repository to be ignored or it could be some undefined stupidity04:22
antibodywhat's the dir to make some modules load with any option?04:23
antibody(not any....with some specified options)04:23
MinatakuI get/compile my kernels straight from kernel.org whenever I feel like updating my kernel04:23
MinatakuLinux_Galore: Sorry to snap at you like that, BTW04:24
Linux_GaloreMinataku: meh, Im in marketing04:24
Dr_willisWee - i got my G15 keyboard actually doing things in Linux now. :)04:24
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Linux_GaloreMinataku: and your human04:25
MinatakuYou assume... correctly04:25
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MinatakuSorry, lame joke X304:25
enzo_Anyone know where I'd be able to find a torrent for Spector 6?04:26
Linux_GaloreMinataku: people always say things they regret later, we all do, i just accept people have emotions and sometimes they can take over the mind04:26
MinatakuLinux_Galore: Definitely04:26
Minatakuenzo_: We aren't asking for warez, are we?04:26
=== Linux_Galore its called growing up
MinatakuBecause we don't support such activities nor sites like thepiratebay.org04:27
flaccidthanks Minataku i'll check it out04:27
flaccidany others we don't support?04:27
enzo_My mother-in-law wants to know what her son is upto and I thought about this app a while back and just now got around to wanting to test its features and see if it suites what she wants to do04:27
Linux_GaloreMinataku: aaah, you wont like my mythbox machine that runs ubuntu, the start sound is "YO-HO Yo-HO a pirates life for me"04:28
flaccidarrr arr04:28
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MinatakuLinux_Galore: lol04:28
MinatakuTake note "we" doesn't include myself04:28
enzo_I can easily find spector 5, but 6 has MySpace controls so that she can see what he's doing and saying and all of that good stuff04:28
flaccidwell this channel aint #spector04:28
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ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.04:28
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Minatakuenzo_: I take it this is some sort of commercial spyware?04:29
MinatakuWhich more than likely doesn't run on Linux anyway?04:29
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enzo_Minataku: Somewhat04:29
zachhow do I write to a floppy04:30
Linux_GaloreMinataku: stole the sound file from my old amiga, there was an app used to copy files bit by bit,  the start sound was the "Yo-HO"  sound file04:30
Minatakuenzo_: Sorry if this sounds condescending, but why would you ask a Linux channel about Windows software?04:30
lancelot_rwhello guys... helpme?04:30
lancelot_rwStarting LimeWire...04:30
lancelot_rwJava exec found in PATH. Verifying...04:30
lancelot_rwOOPS, you don't seem to have a valid JRE. LimeWire works best with Sun JRE available at http://www.java.com04:30
MinatakuEspecially one we'd never support even if we did use Windows?04:30
Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: means you have to install java04:30
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository04:30
MinatakuInstead of spying on your child, try talking to him/her instead04:30
lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, but i have it installed04:30
enzo_Minataku: Believe me, it hit me a bit late04:30
Dr_willislancelot_rw,  use java --version (or -version) to see which java you are using04:31
zachhow do I write to a floppy04:31
MinatakuConversation will get you a whole lot farther than a complete and utter violation of trust04:31
lancelot_rwjava version "1.4.2"04:31
lancelot_rwhumpf.. now i found the problems04:31
Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: did you set the default java version as mentioned near the end of the howto, the normal default is a gnu java hack that wont work with comercial apps04:31
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Minatakuenzo_: Sorry to be a jerk, BTW, I'm just in a mood like that I guess04:32
lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, i will try to install it via apt-get.. because my version is java version "1.4.2"04:32
lancelot_rwif it doesnt work out.. i will try the how-to , ok ?04:32
Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: yeah 1.4.2 is deprecated with p2p apps04:32
Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: need version 504:32
MinatakuAs for where to find it, I certainly wouldn't expect such to be somewhere like thepiratebay.org, not that I'd suggest you look at a place that deals in P2P sharing of various things04:32
zachhow do I write to a floppy04:32
Minatakuzach: Depends how you need to write to it04:33
lancelot_rwLinux_Galore,  get:5 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/multiverse sun-java5-jre 1.5.0-06-1 [7341kB] 04:33
MinatakuRaw or standard?04:33
lancelot_rwim downloadin via atp-get04:33
enzo_Minataku: I deal with idiots all day long... I'm in TechSupport04:33
Minatakuenzo_: Heh, I apologize to you and you call me an idiot? ;304:33
zachMinataku: what is the diffrence?04:33
Minatakuzach: Raw is if you have a floppy image you want to write to a floppy04:34
Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: dont forget to set your default java version because that will install another version of java but it wont remove the old version so you have to set your default new version04:34
lancelot_rwhow do I set it ?04:34
Minatakuzach: Standard is if you're trying to save a file or two to a filesystem on a floppy04:34
zachMinataku: wel then, standard04:34
Minatakuzach: Gotta mount it04:34
Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: sudo update-alternatives --config java04:35
zachMinataku: I mounted it an it says I need administrative rights04:35
Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: it will list all the installed version of java and ask you to select one04:35
Minatakuenzo_: Sorry (again)... just read carefully my tips, while it looks like I'm not helping you, read closer04:35
Minatakuzach: Do you mean you tried to mount it and it failed?04:36
MinatakuSorry, I don't use KDE04:36
lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, yes.. i did that.. but lime didnt started...04:36
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zachWho USes KDE?04:37
MinatakuSo I don't know what kind of errors it spews in situation X or Y04:37
lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, now it worked04:37
lancelot_rwmany thanks man04:37
Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: aaah, use frostwire04:37
Minatakuzach: You use KDE, or at the very least you use a KDE IRC client04:37
zachI know04:38
enzo_Minataku: Sorry, I was away for a bit. I was talking about your "mood". I have them screaming in my ear, sending in incoherent emails, etc. Your "mood" doesn't even come close.04:38
Minatakuzach: Either way, your user account lacks, for one reason or another, permission to read/write to the floppy04:38
Minatakuenzo_: Ah04:38
MinatakuNo worries04:38
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zachhow do I  gel permission to write to a floppy?04:38
Linux_Galorezach: ?? what are you mounting04:39
Minatakuenzo_: Yeah, tech support personell tend to get the short end of the stick04:39
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zachLinux_Galore: Floppy04:39
Linux_Galorezach: add you user to floppy group04:39
enzo_Minataku: and also all the transferred calls04:39
=== Linux_Galore hasnt used a floppy in 3 years
Minatakuenzo_: Indeed04:40
MinatakuThanks, Linux_Galore and sorry I couldn't assist, zach04:40
MinatakuLinux_Galore: I used one just yesterday04:40
zachThank You04:40
Linux_GaloreMinataku: lucky you, I hate the things04:40
MinatakuHell, I bent over backwards figuring out how to replace the FDD in my "new" Dell System 326LT04:41
Linux_Galorezach: get a USB thumb drive, floppies are terrible devices04:41
MinatakuWhich would only work with some dumbass Sony FDD04:41
MinatakuLinux_Galore: No, they're not, and keep opinions like that out of the assistance04:41
Linux_GaloreMinataku: ooh yeah, they are so great, single threading with rubbish ide protocols that make it hang your machine, goto love it04:42
Linux_GaloreMinataku: one of the reason Apple got rid of the floppy was its such a bad design when used with a multi user OS04:43
MinatakuAlways good to have a floppy around to save your ass04:43
lancelot_rwhwo do I set an icon on "K bar" (KDE) to show the Desktop.. (like windows*)04:43
Linux_GaloreMinataku:  havnet used a floppy in 3 years, no issues recovering any systems yet04:43
MinatakuLinux_Galore: Apple does a lot of stupid things for a lot of even stupider reasons04:44
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Linux_GaloreMinataku: a floppy isnt multi user04:44
MinatakuConsidering hardly any Apple machines run Multiuser04:44
MinatakuThat's really a nonissue04:44
MinatakuThey dropped it because it was "obsolete" or rather, by their reasoning, "not cool"04:45
Linux_GaloreMinataku: also a 32mb thumb drive is like $804:45
zachHow do I add myself to the floppy group?04:45
mart81lancelot_rw: unlock panel, right click, add to panel, view desktop. (note: translated)04:45
Linux_Galorezach: look in kcontrol04:45
Linux_Galorezach:  alt F2  kcontrol04:45
MinatakuLinux_Galore: I'm a computer collector, and floppies are quite invaluable to me04:46
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Kyrallancelot_rw: It might be called "Show Desktop"04:46
MinatakuConsidering on most of these machines I'd be 100% aground without them04:46
Minatakus/most/a\ number/04:46
Linux_GaloreMinataku: I collect PDA's,  less pace wasted and they look cool all lines up on the wall behind glass04:46
MinatakuWhile that's a nice collection, I can't say I appreciate you taking a shot at what I like to collect04:47
Linux_GaloreMinataku: over sized paper weights heh04:47
Kyralboth of you...04:47
=== Linux_Galore watches steam come out of Minataku's ears
=== Minataku sits back and watches Linux_Galore breathe while his head is firmly stuffed up his ass
MinatakuHow does he do it!?04:48
KyralBoth of you take it to PM04:48
=== DBO agrees
Linux_Galoreaaaw, no fun04:48
MinatakuActually I'm in a better mood now, I'd rather apologize and just end it instead04:48
DBOhead sphincter interaction should be kept in private04:48
MinatakuSorry about all that, Linux_Galore04:48
lancelot_rwmart81, Kyral thanks!!04:48
KyralLinux_Galore: More like I have a headache and tired and am approaching BOFH mode :P04:49
Kyrallancelot_rw: np04:49
=== Minataku shakes hands with Linux_Galore
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MinatakuKyral: Instead of taking it out on people, go take some Tylenol and have a nap04:49
=== Linux_Galore shakes Minataku hand and steals his wallet
MinatakuLinux_Galore: Nothing in there anyway *grabs it back*04:49
KyralMinataku: Oh if I went to BOFH mode I'd be the one being banned :P04:49
MinatakuKyral: lol04:50
MinatakuKyral: Hard to tell around here, considering the practice of hiding status04:50
lancelot_rwKyral, i installed Kubuntu today.. and i'm now configuring my system04:50
KyralI meant literally banned from the channel04:50
Linux_Galoreits like 34C here in Sydney04:50
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enzo_What is the command to restore GRUB?04:51
MinatakuKyral: I know04:51
Kyrallancelot_rw: Have fun. And words of advice...don't be afraid to break it :D04:51
MinatakuAnd I was saying that I wouldn't know if you would be banner or banee04:51
Linux_Galoreenzo_: like  grub-install04:51
KyralIts how I learned 90% of the stuff I know :D04:51
Linux_Galoreenzo_: no04:51
MinatakuSince nobody shows status around here04:51
lancelot_rwKyral, yeah.,. im not.. thanks! :>04:51
enzo_Linux_Galore: nope04:51
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:51
enzo_Let me clarify my question...04:51
MinatakuIndeed, you can't really learn unless you're allowed to hurt yourself04:51
enzo_What METHOD can actually restore GRUB?04:52
MinatakuYou don't really know that "FIRE BAD" until you touch it and get burned04:52
Kyralenzo_: Read the link04:52
Linux_Galoreenzo_: depends what you means by restore.04:52
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Linux_Galoreenzo_: restore the mbr ?? restore the default setup ?04:53
MinatakuBut yeah, sorry all for getting out of hand04:53
linijaUmmmm. Newbie here... How do I change to directory (cd command) with 2 words with space between words. (underscore doesn't do it)?04:53
MinatakuSorry especially to you, Linux_Galore XD04:53
Minatakulinija: \04:53
linijathank you04:53
lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, is this FrostWire a clone of LimeWire ?04:54
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Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: yep, same service less ram04:54
KyralLinux_Galore: That describes Linux (in relation to Windows :P)04:55
Minatakuenzo_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows << That should do it for ya04:55
MinatakuWindows is a jerk and overwrites the MBR04:55
lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, great! :>04:55
MinatakuIf the MBR is trashed then GRUB is too04:55
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MinatakuBut if GRUB alone is trashed, then the same applies04:55
MinatakuIt has to be reinstalled04:55
Linux_GaloreMinataku: aah,  windows is like when your mum visits and changes everything without asking04:55
Minatakuenzo_: Are you getting "GRUBGRUBGRUBGRUBGRUB..." when you boot?04:56
MinatakuLinux_Galore: Precisely04:56
MinatakuKeep in mind I consider Windows' excuse for a bootloader as a trashed MBR04:57
enzo_Yes Minataku04:57
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Minatakuenzo_: Then yeah, GRUB needs to be reinstalled04:58
Linux_Galoreenzo_: need to reinstall grub04:58
MinatakuThat link should be just what you need despite not being for the specific reason04:59
Minatakuenzo_: Sorry again about earlier ( I apologize a lot because I have an OCD... sorry >.< )04:59
MinatakuBut yeah, if GRUB gets hosed and prints that over and over it just needs a reinstall05:00
=== mart81 uses dd to backup the full backup for these problems, and only restores the grub part of the mbr if needed.
Minatakumart81: Really that's not even needed in this case, just keeping the LiveCD handy can get you out of this problem05:00
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mart81Minataku: i know, but having todo a single command just rocks :p05:01
MinatakuI gotta go take my pills then reboot my SPARCstation LX into Solaris05:01
enzo_Minataku: You're fine in my book :)05:01
Minatakuenzo_: :D05:01
Minatakumart81: True, but it's a bit more technical than most Kubuntu users would be willing to attempt05:02
underdog5004lol, speaking of LiveCDs, DSL (www.damnsmalllinux.org) is, IMHO, the best liveCD ever (let the flamers begin)05:02
enzo_So now my question becomes HOW do I reinstall GRUB. Every other method has failed on me so far05:02
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Minatakuenzo_: Booting from the LiveCD and running grub_install should be it05:02
MinatakuOr even using GRUB from the LiveCD to boot into installed05:03
MinatakuThen reinstalling from there05:03
MinatakuSorry, but I gotta go take my pills, bbiab05:03
Dr_willisor boot a live cd, chroot over to the installed system and run grub_install05:04
Linux_Galoreenzo_: I suspect grub itself is broken, most people foget grub isnt the code that resides in the mbr its on the first primary partition of the OS05:04
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Linux_Galoreenzo_: basically you need to boot of the cd  chroot the /  partition cd to  the chrooted  and apt-get install grub again but use the version of apt  in the chrooted directory05:07
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erniehas anyone with Kubuntu 6.10 had Konqueror Web Links open up In the Kate editor instead of a webpage when clicked on05:08
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juano__hello everyone!05:10
mart81ernie: yup, i have, sometimes it does not give any option, really odd.05:10
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mart81ernie: but that is not only the case in 6.10 afaik05:10
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meypordon para entrar en un canal espaol?05:11
erniemart81 - ok - I cant seem to find where you can - turn that "feature" off :)05:11
cpk1if I installed a bunch of stuff via apt and it still is in my cache is there a way I can have another computer on the same network pull those same apps from there instead of the web?05:12
juano__!es | mey05:12
ubotumey: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:12
Linux_Galoreenzo_: if grub is corrupted I would expect many other things are broken too05:12
enzo_I can boot into the / partition with Super Grub Disk05:12
bomberi need help05:12
enzo_so really I just need to login, and "sudo apt-get install grub"? or what is the pkg name?05:13
bomberi am getting no signal in tvtime05:13
mart81ernie: tell me about it, my personaly fix is to right click the page and choose "open with firefox", which is an extra option which should appear when you have firefox installed.05:13
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Linux_Galoreenzo_: being able to see a partition or file doesnt mean its not corrupted05:13
Linux_Galoreenzo_: yeah. basically reinstall grub05:13
MinatakuLinux_Galore: I've had the same issue before05:13
jayHow is vmware different from Qemu?05:14
MinatakuIf it prints "GRUB" over and over a simple reinstall is all you need05:14
Dr_willisjay,  similer tools.. differnt people/companies wrote  them.05:14
enzo_Thank you Minataku and Linux_Galore05:14
Minatakuenzo_: np05:14
Dr_willisqemu is gpl. vmware is not.05:14
Dr_willisthe 2 are similer in what they do. but not related otherwise.05:14
MinatakuQEMU is an open-source virtualization system, targeting various architectures05:15
erniemart18 :) Well I kind of just run FF instead for browsing now - although on a "thinking about other stuff" moment - Click - up pops Kate :)05:15
jayI swear I saw somewhere on some site where qemu emulates things "better" than vmware where a window appears with it''s own native window manager inside ur linux os05:15
Dr_willisjay,  i dont even understand what you just said. :)05:15
Dr_willisheh heh05:15
MinatakuVMWare is a commercial virtualization system, targeting one or two architectures and providing far greater "oomph"05:15
MinatakuVMWare will typically produce a faster emulated system05:16
Dr_willisvmware-server is a lot of fun to play with. ya can run live cd's with it. and other neat tricks.05:16
Dr_willissaves me a lot of cd's05:16
mart81ernie: yeah it's frustating sometimes, the other bugger it that is wants you to save *.php files from time to time for whatever reason.05:16
MinatakuWhereas QEMU is slower (faster with the binary KQEMU, though)05:16
jayFor example.. if you installed Internet Explorer, instead of having the entire os running in a window, the applications running in the guest os run in their own window in your OS05:16
jaythat's incorrect?05:16
Minatakujay: Both do the same05:16
Dr_willisjay,  with vmware/qemu - you DONT just install internet explorer..05:16
Dr_willisthey emulate the whole machine and need a whole os.05:17
ernieJay - thats a program called Wine that can do that - not in all cases though05:17
lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, do u know any other p2p app?05:17
Dr_williswith 'wine' you can install IE. (ick)05:17
MinatakuQEMU and VMWare both run an emulated system within the confines of the host OS05:17
jayI have vmware installed.. I was just wondering if Qemu actually did what I just said05:17
Minatakujay: It does05:17
lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, frost and lime are not downloading songs =/05:17
MinatakuI know what you're getting at and it does05:17
Linux_Galorejay: I use a thing called crossover, basically  90% of all my windows apps run in Linux without windows being installed05:17
Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: install firestarter and manage your routing05:17
jay90%??? wow.. that's alot05:18
jayI can't even get CS2 to run05:18
juano__Linux_Galore: yep, i do crossover too05:18
Linux_Galoreyeah, even WoW works05:18
Dr_willis'games' dont count. :)05:18
Dr_willisheh heh05:18
ernieLinux_Galore - what kind of things can crossover - not run - besides really badly written windows apps05:18
Linux_Galorewell office XP pro works fine05:18
MinatakuGames are more on Cedega's side than Crossover05:18
lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, let me try05:18
Dr_willisWoW seems to break somthing with wine/cedega/whatever - with every new WoW patch05:18
juano__Dr_willis: Cedega can run some games.. though its not XP :) lol05:18
MinatakuMy suggestion if you're a PC gamer05:18
Dr_willisWoW is evil! Friends dont let friends play WoW05:19
MinatakuKeep a high-end Windows PC for games ONLY05:19
MinatakuKeep an older/cheaper Linux PC for EVERYTHING ELSE05:19
juano__Minataku: very true05:19
Linux_Galoreget a XBOX360, end of issue, also consoles now get games released before the PC05:19
MinatakuCaps necessary05:19
MinatakuMmmm... XBox 36005:19
Linux_Galoreif got my xbox working with my samba shares now so it playes my video files on my file server05:20
MinatakuLinux_Galore: Cool05:20
MinatakuXBox 360 connected to a Linux Media System XD05:20
MinatakuFIGHT THE POWER05:20
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Linux_GaloreMinataku: yep, works a treat,  just use the xbox as a front end to my media/file server05:21
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Linux_Galoremy media server grabs stuff of cable then ripps it to avi on the fly, get home and watch it on my TV via the xbox05:22
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Linux_GaloreI cant see the logic now of having a PC for games, the new consoles are so powerfull and they support on-line gaming now so why bother with a PC with wincrap just for games05:25
lancelot_rwyeah, i agree with you Linux_Galore05:26
Linux_Galorealso PC games come out later than the console version05:26
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underdog5004ummm, can anyone tell me why my box freezes (sometimes unfreezes) whenever I use skype to call someone? Only when I call someone, not when I start skype...05:27
Linux_Galoregot a 52" 16:10 1080i/p LCD last xmas on special and its great with games05:27
Dr_willisi dont see the need for a console. we got IRC!05:27
Linux_Galore8ums refresh05:27
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underdog5004Linux_Galore does have a point05:28
Linux_Galoreunderdog5004: sounds like it having issues connecting to the sound server05:28
Linux_Galoreunderdog5004: make sure it set to use alsa05:29
MinatakuLinux_Galore: I'm a console gamer as well05:29
Linux_Galoreunderdog5004: i think the "Linux doesnt have games" think is a none issue now05:29
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Linux_GaloreLinux is great as a destop/ office XP works thansk to crossover and I use Linux as a media backend for the xbox05:31
Linux_GaloreI have no logical use for windows05:31
lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, crossover is like an emulator for win apps?05:31
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underdog5004Linux_Galore, why use office XP?05:31
ubotua free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org05:31
Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: not really, crossover pretends to be the win32 api sp windows apps think they are running in windows05:32
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Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: I wouls say its more of a win32 api translator05:32
enzo_Minataku: Linux_Galore: Would I have to first uninstall/remove grub and then install it again, or just install and let it pave over?05:33
lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, great.. i'll try it... google? can i find it there?05:33
Linux_Galoreenzo_: no just install it again05:33
Linux_Galoreenzo_: it will overwrite the old one05:33
enzo_I hope so05:34
Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: hold on let me hand you the link05:34
lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, okey man05:34
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MinatakuYeah, just overwrite (sorry for the delay)05:36
enzo_Cross your fingers and your nodes...05:37
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enzo_Oh well, it was worth a shot05:39
Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: did you get the link05:39
lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, yes05:40
lancelot_rwi'll download that05:40
Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: yep  , unpack it , cd to the Linux directory, I installed the version that installs in the users account that way its more secure05:41
lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, any torrent app for linux?05:42
lancelot_rwfound it05:42
Dr_willistheres dozens of torrent clients out for linux05:42
Dr_willisktorrent is very nice05:42
underdog5004lancelot_rw, rtorrent, ktorrent, azureus05:42
underdog5004i prefer rtorrent on my server...awesomeness05:42
lancelot_rwunderdog5004, thanks05:42
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flaccidi don't like ktorrent05:43
lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, do I have to download OSX files too ?05:43
lancelot_rwnotech, right?05:43
lancelot_rwnotech, sorry05:43
Linux_Galorelancelot_rw:  upack it  cd ~/Crossocer\ 6 \Final/Linux/Loki \Installer/  then chmod a+x install-crossover-pro-6.0.0.sh  then ./install-crossover-pro-6.0.0.sh05:43
notechlancelot_rw: no problem :)05:43
Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: no the osx stuff isnt needed but its a zip file so there is little choice05:44
flaccidsh ./nonexec.sh05:44
solidsourceanyone here use Automatix and get the error "E: There are problems and -y was used without --force-yes"...specifically the nvidia driver05:44
Linux_Galoresolidsource: automatix is a great way to break you install05:44
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lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, when I added the torrent to the Ktorrent it lets me to choose download only linux folder05:44
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lancelot_rwit will take 1 hour of download05:45
lancelot_rwnops.. 30 minutes LOL05:45
Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: cant do that with ktorrent it breaks it ive tried it already05:45
solidsourceLinux_Galore: I have had good luck with Automatix before, this is first problem I'm had05:45
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:46
Linux_Galoresolidsource: there is actually no logical reason to use automatix, all the packages are in adept anyway05:46
crazy_busI'm downloading a video tutorial, but unfortunatly its in .swf format.  What linux player can play it besides a webrowser?05:46
lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, i will restart download than05:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swfplayer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:46
flaccid!find swf05:47
ubotuFound: gstreamer0.8-swfdec, libflash-swfplayer, libswf-perl, libswfdec0.3, libswfdec0.3-dev (and 1 others)05:47
Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: azureus can split files but ktorrent cant05:47
solidsourceLinux_Galore: yeah, keep getting a gamma problem when I do it that way or even just using the script05:47
lancelot_rwsometimes english fails .. LOL05:47
flaccid!libflsh-swfplayer | crazy_bus05:47
ubotulibflash-swfplayer: GPL Flash (SWF) Library - stand-alone player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.13-8ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 12 kB, installed size 68 kB05:47
Linux_Galoreactually kaffeine can play flash files if you install the player05:48
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lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, limewire doesnt connects... the network metter is red.. =/05:49
Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: means you dont have a port open05:49
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Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: install  firestarter05:50
lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, i click connect and it doesnt work05:50
Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: it allows you to manage your ports graphically on the fly05:50
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lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, i've already installed Firestarter.... i will try to use that05:50
flaccidthats not going to help if the router aint forwarding05:50
crazy_busflaccid: the package is named libflash-swfplayer for me instead of libflsh-swf....05:51
=== Linux_Galore doesnt use limewire because he finds it very slow
solidsourceI find Frostwire to work better05:51
flaccidyeah fish was a spelling mistake soz05:52
crazy_busthat program doesn't seem to work for me, it just slows the computer right down and doesn't load properly05:53
flaccidcrazy_bus: yeah i get that a lot05:53
flaccidseems to be borked on ubuntu05:53
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crazy_busis there a plugin to get it to work on kaffeine, mplayer etc?05:54
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lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, FireStarter = Allow Service (Unknown) Port 7760 For Everyone05:54
lancelot_rwand it is still red (limewire)05:54
crazy_busI can play the file in konqueror.  The only problem is that its scaled or something.  The text looks weird05:55
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Linux_Galorecrazy_bus: install the flash player then restart kaffeine and you can change the engine under Setting Player Engine05:58
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Lebowski_i type sudo oem-config-prepare in run command and nothing happens06:03
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illusin1Hi, how do you "reinstall" an existing kernel (wipe the existing instance and replace it with a fresh copy)?06:04
flaccidwhats a gui program to rip dvds?06:04
solidsourceK9Copy works well06:04
LaNCeLoT_RWgreat! now my frostwire is downloading! thanks Linux_Galore06:05
Lebowski_how do i get rid of this oem user06:06
stdinLebowski_: it's a shell command, you should now just restart and setup should continue06:06
flaccidthanks solidsource06:06
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stdinillusin1: why would you need to ?06:06
flaccidsolidsource: can you rip to anything kind of thing. what can you rip dvd video to?06:07
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Hail_Spacecakedoes anyone know of an ubuntu repository that has ZSNES on it?06:08
solidsourceflaccid: I have been able to rip every kind of DVD (not sure if I've tried HD DVDs yet). its default is to rip into ISO format, but you can change that setting to a couple others06:08
flaccidsolidsource: can you rip a dvd and encode to say divx/xvid/mpg etc. ?06:09
MuJHail_Spacecake: multiverse06:09
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solidsourceflaccid: hold on let me verify06:09
Lebowski_i rebooted and asking for oem password again06:10
stdin!repos | Hail_Spacecake06:10
ubotuHail_Spacecake: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu06:10
flaccidthanks mate06:10
stdinLebowski_: this is the help page for OEM installs https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview06:11
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illusin1stdin: I need to do this because I tried to follow a guide for beryl installation (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=263851) and it messed up my system (even when I revereted the xorg.conf file to it's original copy)06:11
solidsourceflaccid: you can do xvid, but if you want that, you might want to try something else06:11
stdinillusin1: that's nothing to go with the kernel06:12
solidsourceflaccid: generally only copy any DVD for a backup, which means I just burn a disc immediately06:12
illusin1std: it seems it does, as when I switched to an older kernel, it started to work (albeit with only one screen now)06:13
Linux_Galoreyeah, kaffeine can play swf file just set  netscape Plugin viewer  as the engine06:14
stdinillusin1: can't see how it is anything to do with the kernel, but, boot in to the older kernel then remove the newer kernel, then just install it again06:14
Linux_Galoreunder the Settings -> Engine menu in kaffeine06:14
illusin1stdin: how do I "delete" a kernel version? do I need to delete the directory in /usr/linux/src (or wherever it is)?06:15
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Linux_Galoreillusin1: no,  run adept and remove the kernel packages for the old version06:15
stdinillusin1: no, just remove the package in adept, or with apt-get06:15
solidsourceflaccid: try DVDrip and AcidRip, they have more features than k9copy06:16
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illusin1stdin/Linux_Galore: got it, thanks :)06:16
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solidsourcehas anyone been able to get the visualizations to work in amarok, installed libvisual and the libvisual plugins and getting nothing06:19
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flaccidthanks solidsource06:21
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vursitishello everyone06:21
solidsourcenp flaccid06:21
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lancelot_rwstill doesnt appearing06:31
flaccidah well06:31
flaccidlog out and then back in06:31
=== darweth [n=plop@ool-457a09d3.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu
lancelot_rwi've already restarted my computer06:32
flaccidmaybe you removed the thing from the tray that gives it06:32
lancelot_rwflaccid, take a look06:32
darwethAnyone know why the public key on Riddell's Amarok repos is not writing?06:32
flaccidadd the task bar applet back if it aint there06:33
stdindarweth: do you have the error message ?06:33
darwethkubuntu-packages-jriddell-key.gpg: Permission denied06:34
darwethCannot write to `kubuntu-packages-jriddell-key.gpg' (Permission denied).06:34
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darwethwith a wget http://people.ubuntu.com/~jriddell/kubuntu-packages-jriddell-key.gpg06:34
flaccidask jriddell about it06:34
lancelot_rwflaccid, thanks man06:34
stdindarweth: make sure you are saving it in your home directory, just type "cd" and press enter first06:34
flaccidlancelot_rw: np06:34
darwethyeah.  i am in home. :)06:35
darwethoh wait.06:35
darwethdoh.  thanks. :P06:35
=== darweth smacks himself.
flaccidi misread06:35
stdindarweth: heh, we all have one of those moments :P06:35
darwethi already had a horrible moment today out of stupidity. :P06:36
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darwethi just had to reinstall Ubuntu.  hehe.06:36
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flaccidyou don't need to keep the key once installed so you could wget it in /tmp, add the key then it will be cleared from /tmp on reboot06:36
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stdinI just do "wget URLofKey -06:36
stdinahh, :P I just do "wget URLofKey -O-|sudo apt-key add -"06:37
lancelot_rwanyone knows how can i add a 32-bit apps repository?06:37
darwethjust don't do a chmod -R 777 on your entire master drive from a live disc.06:37
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu06:37
darweth:O :O :O06:37
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flaccidi prefer rm -Rf /06:37
jessejhow do i install kdevelop?  it's grayed out in add/remove programs06:38
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ubotukdevelop: An IDE for Unix/X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.3.4-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 7894 kB, installed size 24892 kB06:38
stdinenable universe06:38
flaccidenable universe repos then you should be able to install it06:38
jessejwhere do i enable universe?06:38
stdin!repos | jessej06:38
ubotujessej: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu06:38
lancelot_rwgreat.. but anyone knows a repository link? 32-bit apps06:39
lancelot_rwkubuntu 6.06 (dapper)06:39
stdinlancelot_rw: there is no "32-bit" reop, apt/dpkg decide what architecture to use06:40
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lancelot_rwthats not nice .. LOL06:40
geekgod_anyone know how to patch wine with a bin file06:41
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stdinlancelot_rw: looking about, I think all you need to "enable" you to run 32bit apps are these packages "ia32-libs ia32-libs-kde ia32-libs-gtk linux32 lib32asound2"06:45
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lancelot_rwstdin, i'll download and install all of these packages06:47
geekgod_any idea how to make apt respect prefrence file06:47
lancelot_rwguys.. im using KPF to share files.. is there a way to upload files from another computer to mine using this app?06:48
jessejkdevelop is still grayed out in add/remove programs after activating universe06:49
stdinjessej: can you install it in adept manager?06:49
flaccidjessej: can you run a command in konsole like sudo apt-get install kdevelop ?06:50
jessejhold on i will check06:50
flaccidyeah try adept first sorry06:50
jesseji tried the command in command line and that didn't work06:50
stdinlancelot_rw: don't think so, kpf is just a small http server06:50
Minataku!find mame06:50
ubotuFound: kxmame, xmame-common, xmame-gl, xmame-sdl, xmame-svga (and 2 others)06:50
jesseja search for kdevelop in adpt turned up no results06:50
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Minataku!find sdlmame06:50
ubotuPackage/file sdlmame does not exist in edgy06:51
MinatakuSomeone needs to get on the ball06:51
stdinjessej: make sure you "Fetch all updates" in adept (top left button, that looks like a refresh button)06:51
lancelot_rwwhy my KTorrent stalled download at 99,85% ??06:51
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lancelot_rwoh my god06:51
solidsourceanyone getting this problem: Adept Notifier saying there is an update even though you have downloaded them all and even rececked the sources?06:51
MinatakuXMAME is pretty much dead06:51
TheDebuggerHave you ever had that problem... When you're in the system settings, you click on Administrator mode for System Services or User Management and you never get the authentification prompt?06:51
stdinsolidsource: try opening adept manager and updating from there06:51
MinatakuTheDebugger: Is it caching the last time you authenticated?06:52
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solidsourcehave done that06:52
Hail_Spacecakei installed the GNOME version of ubuntu06:52
vursitis do you have all of your repositories enabled?06:52
MinatakuI vaugely remember long ago only having to type it once06:52
TheDebuggerMinataku: Doesn't look like that :/06:52
Hail_Spacecakebut I like KDE better :)06:52
solidsourcestill reports there is an update06:52
MinatakuTheDebugger: Weird06:52
Hail_Spacecakeso what do I need to do to get KDE on the system?06:52
logandoes anyone have  trouble with their icons' thumbnails (image files) not refreshing on the desktop after alteration?06:52
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MinatakuHail_Spacecake: Install KDE06:52
stdinHail_Spacecake: just install the package "kubuntu-desktop" that's it06:52
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE06:52
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stdinHail_Spacecake: DON'T install the "kde" package06:53
jessejkdevelop is not listed in adept06:53
vursitischeck your repositories06:53
Hail_Spacecakebut why not?06:53
Hail_Spacecakewhat will that do?06:53
vursitissee if all of them are enabled, and have you added the multiverse one?06:53
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stdinsolidsource: try "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" in konsole, and post the output to pastebin ( http://pastebin.ca )06:53
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MinatakuHail_Spacecake: Make your life difficult06:53
MinatakuIn making things easier, behind the scenes things are harder06:54
jesseji added universe with the multiverse edit just as that page directed06:54
erniejessej - I have kdevelop listed under my Adept Manager06:54
MinatakuSo just do that line there06:54
Minataku!kde | Hail_Spacecake06:54
ubotuHail_Spacecake: KDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE06:54
nileswhat is the command to have my video card drivers use vesa ?06:54
MinatakuWhich is probably a metapackage that grabs everything that's needed06:54
andres_who knows of this error:    there was an error loading the theme human             can't open file/usr/share/gdm/themes/human/human.xml06:54
nilesi pulled my hard drive out of a PC using ati drivers,  and now i need to switch to vesa.06:54
flaccidkde is part of kubuntu, Minataku06:54
flaccidHail_Spacecake: you didn't install kubuntu desktop, only minimal?06:55
stdinHail_Spacecake: the KDE package is the normal kde meta-package, kubuntu-desktop installed a default Kubuntu desktop, different from the KDE package06:55
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andres_who helps me?06:55
Hail_Spacecakeno, I installed the GNOME desktop06:55
lancelot_rwanyone knows a good Messenger client?06:55
Minatakuflaccid: I know that, he wanted KDE but he installed Ubuntu06:55
MinatakuNot Kubuntu06:55
Hail_SpacecakeI accidentally downloaded the wrong ISO and I didn't feel like redownloading it06:55
Hail_Spacecakeyes, exactly06:55
stdinandres_: that's a gnome/gdm issue, ask in #ubuntu06:55
ernie:) that would be an appropriate message for some peoples PC's - you need to install a new human :) Good title for a blog06:56
flaccidMinataku: i'm sorry i misread earlier06:56
flaccidsorry guys im' a bit drunk06:56
stdinlancelot_rw: kopete is good, and installed by default in Kubuntu06:56
Minatakuflaccid: lol, np06:56
lancelot_rwstdin, is there another one?06:56
Minatakuflaccid: BTW; friends don't let friends IRC drunk06:56
MinatakuGive me your keyboard06:56
stdinlancelot_rw: there are a few...06:57
solidsourcestdin: ok, give me sec, still waiting on a large program to finish installing06:57
stdin!messenger | lancelot_rw06:57
ubotulancelot_rw: Instant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.06:57
flaccidMinataku: since when. i thought it was kosha06:57
stdinlancelot_rw: just search adept for "messenger"06:57
Minatakuflaccid: Last time a friend of mine was on IRC when he was drunk he was deopered for his behavior06:57
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dawnberyl running nice on my Dell C52106:58
flaccidMinataku: i'm not that friend of yours, i'm a different person06:58
lancelot_rwstdin, i'll try it06:58
dawnnvidia card mind you06:58
flaccidand i'm not an op06:58
Minatakuflaccid: Still, bad memories for me06:59
flaccidits just the internet06:59
dawnhow can I have same desktop icons on all 4 desktops?06:59
MinatakuThat's what they all say, next thing they know their monitor is wrapped around a tree06:59
nileswhy do i not get a picture while installing kubuntu from a live cd,  yet i can with knoppix ?06:59
ernieMinataku :)06:59
flaccidMinataku: hehe06:59
flaccidi'm not drink driving IRC07:00
flaccidthats a dif story...07:00
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flaccidreminds me of crank yankers07:00
flaccidniles: picture?07:00
darwethDoes anyone know what the dev packages I need to compile mplayer with xv and alsa are again?07:01
nilesit goes so far into the installtion then my monitor stays black07:01
flaccidplayboy then?07:01
flaccidniles: try the alternate cd07:01
nileswhat alternate CD07:02
flaccidthe one available for download07:02
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nilesi downloaded/burned from the kubuntu website07:02
flaccidthat is where you get it07:02
nilesit passes md5sum07:02
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MinatakuThere are two install images07:02
ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.07:02
MinatakuInstead of the one you have, go get the other one instead07:02
nilesoh ok.07:02
nilesthanx guys07:03
flaccidkubuntu installer/X has probs with some systems for some reason07:03
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jessejokay i got kdevelop listed now, i had to click on "fetch updates" for it to show up07:05
flaccidah yeah07:05
flaccidsorry jessej forgot to mention that07:05
jessejthanks for all the help anyways :)07:06
flaccidkdevelop is nice07:06
flaccidwell i just use kate07:06
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jessejdoes kate do c++ syntax?07:07
MinatakuAny self-respecting multi-language IDE with syntax highlighting does C++07:07
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lancelot_rwOMG .. Kmess ... Kmess = Kmessed up !!07:08
lancelot_rwi'll use aMSN07:08
ScottKjessej: KATE will do C++ syntax hilighting.07:09
jesseji sure love kubuntu so far, a lot prettier than ubuntu and i have always liked KDE more than gnome in all my experimenting with linux07:09
MinatakuI read source in Cooledit07:09
MinatakuWhich is a long-dead little editor07:09
MinatakuAt least I think it's kind of stangant, anyway07:09
MinatakuI think I had to grab the source from Ibiblio and it was dated 2003 or 200407:10
MinatakuBut yeah, GNOME == crap07:10
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:11
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about crap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:11
flaccidhmm someone needs to add crap to ubotu07:12
jesseji'm trying out the translucency effects under window behavior, i hope KDE 4 improves on that to really compete with what vista and os x do graphically07:12
CVirusubotu: hey .. watch your language07:12
flaccidme too07:12
ernieThis KDevelop is pretty grand :)07:12
MinatakuScottK: "Crap" is not bad language07:12
flaccidernie: except that you cant get stuff to open in same session externally07:12
MinatakuI suggest you update your bad lanugage file... yours seems to be from 180707:13
flaccid!define bad language07:13
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MinatakuThen again I don't think "crap" ever was considered bad language07:13
ScottKIn my opinion it's marginal, but additionally it really isn't necessary to be negative about Gnome.  I don't much care for it either, but negativity really doesn't help.07:13
jessejthe stuff i read about KDE 4 sounds like it's new interface is designed to compete with vista07:13
solidsourceI have have no bad language file....its all good language07:13
margishello all07:13
margisnew  user  of   linux  here07:13
margisi   have  a  problem07:14
ScottKHello margis07:14
margisi cant   download programms  with  adept07:14
MinatakuScottK: You need to ligthen up, I'd hate to see your ears burst into flame because you left the house or turned on a TV07:14
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flaccidScottK: actually negativity is very effective....07:14
=== telkom_ is now known as telkom
stdindoes your space key stick or something ?07:14
flaccidjessej: yes marketing bullshit exists in the open world too07:14
Minatakuflaccid: Now that's on the edge07:15
stdin!language | flaccid07:15
ubotuflaccid: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:15
flaccidits in the dictionary07:15
margiskanenas  na botithisei?07:15
flaccidlook it up07:15
margiscan anyone help me?07:15
juano__can anyone help me with an itunes ipod?07:15
flaccidmy family swears lots...07:15
Minatakumargis: Is there an error?07:15
jessejyes eye candy is not needed but with so much more computing power might as well make use of the extra power while doing basic tasks07:15
ScottKmargis: When you try to download, what error message do you get?07:15
Minatakuflaccid: Mine too07:15
margisi need to  istall  firefox and ati drivers07:15
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod07:15
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flaccidits all too subjective07:15
flaccidwhich means i would win in court07:15
margisscotkk wait  to see it07:15
Minatakuflaccid: They're not bad words unless you ascribe them the status of bad07:15
MinatakuIf nobody did that they wouldn't be "bad" words07:16
MinatakuThey'd be words07:16
uboturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for MP3 players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio.  See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!07:16
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margisi cant  open now  the  adept07:16
flaccidundefined things deserve arbitary responses.....07:16
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MinatakuTherefore, bad words do not actually exist07:16
MinatakuOnly words exist07:16
margisit says  that it  runs  already07:16
margisi  cant  see it07:16
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 07:16
flaccidin reality there is no authority in the universe...07:17
lancelot_rwwhat is the command to see my kDE version ?07:17
flaccidexcept for the limitations of known science...07:17
margisok wait to do this07:17
stdinlancelot_rw: kde-config --version07:17
ScottKmargis: you can also just reboot the computer.07:17
MinatakuSince opinion ascribes them the status of "bad", and opinion should be ignored in lieu of facts07:17
dawnso besides beryl what is there else that I can try?07:17
MinatakuThe fact is that they are just plain words07:17
ScottKIt's not the 'best' way, but it may be the simplest if you're new to Linux07:17
stdinlancelot_rw: actually you can just put07:17
MinatakuAnd therefore swearing is logically impossible07:17
dawnmaybe I coulf go one step up in resolution07:17
stdinlancelot_rw: .. "--version" after any kde app07:17
flaccidthe fact is that intelligience is a contradiction of terms when used in the context of human07:18
flaccidor perhaps an oxymoron07:18
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=== flaccid spews on manchicken
stdin!offtopic | flaccid, Minataku07:18
ubotuflaccid, Minataku: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!07:18
lancelot_rwstdin, thanks.. i'll save this commands.. =)07:18
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jesseji just got my new computer recently so i will be getting vista since it only costs me $10 shipping and handling and it will be the only way to play halo 2,  i have windows for gaming and kubuntu for experimenting07:18
Minatakuubotu needs a !shoveitinyourhat07:18
dawnhow old is halo2?07:19
lancelot_rwim searchin for KDE 3.5.2 thems for AMD64... anyone knows where to find? kdelook.org there're only 2 of them07:19
jessejfrom 2004 but this will be the pc version with higher res graphics07:19
ScottKAnd yet people wonder why there's no one here that knows how to answer their questions....07:19
manchickenlancelot_rw: Most of them come in either source form, or not-code form.07:19
solidsourceanyone know if rockbox will still allow music to be transfered from other machines (windows or mac)?07:20
margisit says   waiting  for  headers07:20
manchickenlancelot_rw: I'd be surprised if you found too many that didn't work with amd64.07:20
dawnhmmm I have run steam - HL1 & 2 on kubuntu via wine07:20
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margiswhy  i cant  connect to  download  from adept?07:20
margiswhat  happens?07:20
lancelot_rwmanchicken, i try other ones..07:20
Minatakujessej: I recommend fighting for a refund on Vista07:20
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stdinsolidsource: yeah, it won't play DRMed files tho07:20
MinatakuThen spend the refund on XP if you really need Windows07:20
kintaro0ehello guys..how to recover password from kwallet..i forgot the password07:20
manchickensolidsource: I believe rockbox is compatible with most media players that'll work with standard non-DRM USB music devices.07:20
jessejthen i won't be able to play halo 2 since ms is making it a vista only game and the cost of me getting vista is only $1007:21
Minatakujessej: Go buy a console for games07:21
solidsourcedon't use DRM, so I don't care about that07:21
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!07:21
MinatakuAnd tell Microsoft to piss off07:21
dawni wrote a letter to Dell telling them that our company will not be using Vista07:21
solidsourceI just want to be able to get my Toshiba Gigabeat to work with all computers07:21
jesseji have a wii as my console and my pc is for better graphics07:21
kintaro0eis there a way to recover it?07:21
manchickensolidsource: No, I'm saying the media program should support them if they support standard non-drm devices.07:21
Minatakudawn: Sweet. What company?07:21
ScottKmargis: Only one program at a time can access the package database.  Currently you're package database is locked.07:21
dawnI showed the owner and CFO unbunto distros07:21
margiscan any one speak to me   prive  and  lep me?07:21
manchickensolidsource: Like I don't think itunes would work with it, but I think WMP and WinAMP and the handful of Free Software media players would work.07:22
dawnsmall company07:22
jessejxbox 360 and ps3 overheat so wii is the only console that works for me so i need PC for other games07:22
dawn<50 ppl07:22
Minatakudawn: I must know what company, it's one I'd enjoy doing business with07:22
margisscottk  why?07:22
margiswhat i must  do?07:22
ScottKmargis: You can clear the lock using the command you were given a few minutes ago, or just reboot the computer and it should be fine.07:22
dawnwe service data centers07:22
Minatakujessej: XBox 360 only overheats if you put it in a stupid place07:22
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!07:22
margisi rebooted   10 times and  the same thing07:22
jesseji had a launch day system that was well ventilated and burned out on me07:22
dawnom going to offtopic07:22
margisi cand   get programms  with adept07:23
ScottKmargis: OK.  Let's give up on that idea.07:23
Minatakujessej: That's what support is for07:23
manchickenmargis: What's the problem?07:23
Minatakumargis: We helped you with this07:23
jessejpcs don't have these kind of heating problems07:23
solidsourcemanchicken: ok, but rockbox is on the MP3 player, just wondering if I will be able to transfer songs from any operating system with simple drag and drop07:23
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Minataku!aptfix | margis07:23
ubotumargis: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 07:23
margisi cant   fetch  updates  on  adept07:23
manchickensolidsource: I would think so.07:23
stdinsolidsource: yeah, you can, it just acts as a USB hard drive07:23
ScottKmargis: Do you know how to open a command line window using Konsole?07:23
Minatakujessej: Sure they do. All it takes for a PC is for one fan to fail and BAM07:23
MinatakuOut of service07:24
margisyes i know07:24
solidsourcemanchicken / stdin: ok, well guess its worth a shot07:24
margisi  done  it07:24
ScottKOK.  Do that07:24
margisKill process 4969 ? (y/N) y07:24
jessejbut at least the are more open inside and the fans are far better than the ones i seen on the xbox 360 and i assume is better than what sony calls an efficient cooling system in ps307:24
margisi  pressed  y07:24
stdinsolidsource: then you can convert your media to ogg :)07:24
Minatakujessej: The PS3 is total garbage07:25
ScottKNow try this...07:25
solidsourcestdin: don't use ogg, just MP307:25
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manchicken!offtopic | jessej, Minataku07:25
ubotujessej, Minataku: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!07:25
ScottKsudo apt-get update07:25
stdinsolidsource: don't use mp3, just ogg07:25
margisok wait07:25
MinatakuStores that couldn't keep them in stock last month can't get rid of them this month07:25
solidsourcestdin: ogg would come in conflict with my other stuff07:25
stdinsolidsource: why?07:25
MinatakuAgreed, sorry07:26
MinatakuPersonally I'm fine with unprotected MP307:26
manchickensolidsource: If you're running rockbox, I would think flac would be your best choice.07:26
margis0% [  archive.ubuntu.com (]  [  security.ubuntu.com (]  [  medibuntu.sos-sts.com]  [ 07:26
margis http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com edgy Release.gpg07:26
margis       'medibuntu.sos-sts.com'07:26
Minatakumargis: Oooh, fancy07:26
MinatakuYou Greek?07:26
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manchickenmargis: You're going to have to translate that for us.07:26
ScottKmargis: What's the error?07:27
MinatakuI'm part Greek myself, but that's getting offtopic again07:27
margistemporary fail to find  the  medibuntu07:27
stdinsolidsource: I found that you can get a higher quality at a lower bitrate with ogg/vorbis and so smaller file sizes07:27
MinatakuI'd guess his system is having network issues07:27
solidsourceI use MP3 because my friends use windows and also my stereo can't read OGG files, only MP3/WMA07:27
MinatakuLook at the IP07:27
Minataku1.0.0.0 is NOT valid07:27
margisit is
stdinlooks like a DNS error07:27
margishow i change this?07:27
jesseji best be going now, happy kubuntu using07:27
manchickenmargis: Where'd you get that source from?07:28
MinatakuI'm not versed in DNS, sorry07:28
ScottKmargis: Are you connected now on your Kubuntu machine?07:28
manchickenmargis: In your /etc/apt/sources.list07:28
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margisand  what  i must do now?07:28
MinatakuI just know well enough that is garbage07:28
margisi  have corect  sources07:28
margisi am sure07:28
manchickenmargis: Either your source is incorrect or you're having network difficulties.07:29
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stdintry restarting the network, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart07:29
margiswhen i searchfor  programs     i  find  them07:29
=== manchicken is gonna hit the hay...
margisbut  i cant  download07:29
ScottKmargis: Something is obviously wrong and so checking your sources is a good next step07:29
margisi can  update  wallpapers  themes etc07:29
margisbut  no programms07:29
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ScottKOpen the file /etc/apt/sources.list and copy it to pastebin so we can check it.07:29
Minatakumargis: You're definitely having a network issue, I think, if not that, something is screwed somewhere07:29
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:29
margiscan i  paste them here?\07:30
margisor  get baned?07:30
MinatakuNO. Put them in a pastebin07:30
MinatakuThen give us that link07:30
ScottKNo.  Long multiline pastes can flood the channel and lock itup.07:30
solidsourcemanchicken stdin: I use MP3 because my friends use windows and also my stereo can't read OGG files, only MP3/WMA...make sense?07:30
margisok tell me  what  to do07:30
MinatakuNot lock it up, just load it with crap07:30
Minataku!pastebin | margis07:30
ubotumargis: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:30
manchickensolidsource: That's cool.  I use mp3 myself for similar reasons.  mp3 is more friendly for sharing.07:30
Minatakumanchicken: Agreed07:31
MinatakuAs long as it's unprotected07:31
manchickenAnd sharing is good ^_^07:31
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manchickenAnd I am sleepy ^_^07:31
MinatakuAll my phone recordings are MP307:31
manchickenSo good night all you happy people.07:31
MinatakuNight, manchicken07:31
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solidsourcemanchicken: yep, its just been used for so long and became standard, its hard to switch formats07:31
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stdinsolidsource: yeah, at least you have a good reason to use mp3, and don't just blindly use it because "that's what everyone else uses"07:32
MinatakuI'm also not an audiophile, so MP3 is good enough for me07:32
=== ScottK is looking
Minatakumargis: Please stand by07:32
solidsourceaahhh crappy ...the rockbox site won't let me get to the download page07:32
MinatakuWe're assessing your issue at this very moment07:33
ScottKmargis: You have some non-standard entries in there.07:33
margisgive me   link with text to paste it inside07:33
ScottKmargis: I'm going to edit that pastebin and give you a new URL to look at in a minute07:33
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margisi wait...thank u07:33
MinatakuI, on the other hand, am going to go to the bathroom07:33
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ScottKmargis: Look at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5176/ - You'll see I commented out the non-standard ones by adding a '#' to the start of the line.07:35
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ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!07:35
stdinsolidsource: hmm, the download site seems to be down, check back in a few hours07:35
ScottKmargis: The PLF repositories you have listed do not, I don't think, exist anymore.  That may be at least part of your problem.07:36
solidsourcestdin: going to try the windows installer since I still have to use linux on my laptop07:36
solidsourcestdin: I mean windows07:36
=== dawn [n=dawn@c-68-33-164-177.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
margisok...now i try from adept07:37
margisor  from  console?07:37
ScottKIt's safer to try from the console07:37
margisi cant  open apt07:37
margisok...tell me  what  to   type07:37
ScottKDid you edit the file yet?07:37
margisfor  firefox   for example07:37
margisyes i have done07:38
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ScottKFirst, sudo apt-get update.07:38
ScottK(no period on the end)07:38
margismargis@margis-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get update07:38
margisE:    /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)07:38
margisE:     07:38
lancelot_rwwhat should i do ?07:38
lancelot_rwchecking for gcc... gcc07:38
lancelot_rwchecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables07:38
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)07:38
margisit  says  unable to lock /var/lib ........07:39
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margisso now?07:39
stdinlancelot_rw: basically you need the "build-essential" package07:39
ScottKmargis: Did you have 'sudo' as part of your command?07:39
stdinmargis: close adept first07:39
margisit is closed07:39
ScottKTry this one then...07:39
margisi cant  see it  anywhere07:39
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ScottKmargis: ps -AF|grep adept07:40
ScottKPut the output of that into pastebin07:40
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margissee there07:41
=== ScottK is looking
margisit is ok?\07:41
ScottKwe'll get there07:42
ScottKNow try this07:42
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ScottKsudo kill 521507:42
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lancelot_rwim trying to install a theme for kde...07:43
ScottKDo the ps -AF|grep adept again.  It should look like this07:43
lancelot_rwbla bla bla..07:43
lancelot_rwchecking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!07:43
stdin!xincludes | lancelot_rw07:43
ubotulancelot_rw: When a program or configure script asks for "X includes", you should probably install the following packages: xlibs-dev   xlibs-static-dev   xorg-dev07:43
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ScottKmargis: Assuming that's what you have, try sudo apt-get update again07:44
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ScottKLet us know how that goes07:45
=== ScottK is waiting
stdinlancelot_rw: and you may want to grab "kde-devel" if you are compiling KDE stuff, you'll probably need it07:45
lancelot_rwstdin, ok, ill grab that..07:46
=== fakepatriot [n=fakepatr@cpe-24-174-148-226.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
solidsourceat which point do you kill your ISP for being so horrable?07:46
fakepatriot! mp307:46
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:46
solidsource*yes off the wall quest*07:46
margislook skottk07:46
=== ScottK looking
cpk1if I remove the "kde" package kde would still start right?07:47
LeeJunFan_anyone know of a good video editor for mpeg? Basically just simple stuff, I want to cut and splice some clips from mpegs to make a new movie. Kind of like these: http://www.webtvhub.com/president-george-bush-sings-sunday-bloody-sunday-endless-love-tony-blair-duet-and-more/07:47
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stdinmargis: try "sudo fuser -vik /var/lib/apt/lists/lock"07:47
Linux_Galorecpk1: thats a meta package, it will remove all your kde stuff07:47
SpAwNLeeJunFan_, i find cinelerra  a nice video editor07:48
stdincpk1: "kde" is just a meta package, iy's safe to remove it, as long as you don't do a "apt-get autoremove"07:48
margisok now?07:48
cpk1well I am removing it because adept did something wrong and made aptitude freak out07:48
LeeJunFan_SpAwN: thanks, figures it's not in repos.07:48
Linux_Galorestdin: last time i tried remove the kde meta package it wanted to remove everything07:49
stdinLeeJunFan_: try avidemux07:49
cpk1I have a feeling I am going to end up doing an overnight download after the destruction aptitude install does here07:49
LeeJunFan_stdin: yeah, I'm playing with that at the moment, having problems setting the marks correctly with that.07:49
ScottKmargis: What happens now if you sudo apt-get update?07:49
SpAwNLeeJunFan_, and yea those videos are realy cool... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXoqHigJ8DQ is another realy cool video...such a simple idea...but musta taken some work07:49
stdinLinux_Galore, LeeJunFan_: it will say that the packages are no longer required, but shouldn't remove them unless you do an "sudo apt-get autoremove"07:50
Linux_Galorecpk1: did you run kdesu dpkg --configure -a07:50
SpAwNLeeJunFan_, i do belive there is a seperate repos that has the newest one. im sure a google of cinelerra ubuntu will retunr some info07:50
margisi cant   catch it07:50
cpk1Linux_Galore: no but i did sudo dpkg --configure -a07:50
LeeJunFan_SpAwN: hehe, that is a cool fid.07:51
margisi cant  paste the  text..wait to  retry07:51
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Linux_Galorecpk1: same thing really07:51
cpk1but yeah it didnt do anything07:51
margisroot@margis-laptop:/home/margis# sudo apt-get update07:51
margis0% [  archive.ubuntu.com (]  [  security.ubuntu.com (]  [  archive.canonical.com (] 07:51
margisthis one!!!!07:51
margisagain the same07:51
stdinlike I said, DNS issue07:51
margiswrong ip i think07:51
margishow  i correct it?07:51
stdincheck to make sure the dns servers are in /etc/resolv.conf07:52
SpAwNLeeJunFan_, yea i was impressed when i 1st saw it :-)07:52
stdinif not, try restarting the network07:52
margisopen with kate?07:52
erniestdin - avidemux - comes up as a break-install in kubuntu 6.10 - or have I got things screwed up :)07:52
ScottKYou can open it with Kate, but not change it.07:52
stdinmargis: just use " cat /etc/resolv.conf " in konsole07:52
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margisthats all07:53
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margisit shows  this07:53
Linux_Galoreernie: do you have beryl setup07:53
margisi use a router07:53
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ScottKmargis: Then I'd try restarting networking on your machine.07:53
ernieLinux_Galore - umm nope - which suggests that I should have :)07:53
margisi will reconect here07:54
stdinernie: hmm, try "apt-get install avidemux" in konsole and paste the error in pastebin07:54
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:54
ScottKstdin: If you want to jump in and help out, I need to go to be VERY soon.  It's near 2AM here.07:54
Linux_Galoreernie: the reason i ask is every time I fix a breakage problem its a sources list related problem  ie optional package repo with conflicting packages07:54
=== ScottK won't feel bad at all...
stdinScottK: I suspect it's a router problem, but I'm no expert in DNS, I'll give it a go tho :P07:55
makuserucan someone help me, im trying to install kubuntu on an iMac, i can boot from a knoppix dvd holding "c" but i cant boot from the kubuntu cd, is there anything i need to do speecial? change anything in the bios ot anything07:55
stdinmakuseru: did you get the right CD image ?07:55
Linux_Galoreernie: heres the quirk, I nver het breakage but  Im totally anal when it comes to my package managers sources list07:55
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Linux_Galorenever get*07:56
makuserustdin: kubuntu ppc07:56
stdinmakuseru: hmm, all I can sudjest is you get the alternate cd image07:56
MinatakuHeehee, OpenFirmware is cool, too bad the first consumer machines to use them had to be Apples07:56
makuserutried both07:56
ernieLinux_galore : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5182/07:57
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ScottKmakuseru: Have you seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook07:57
TheftOfLifeDoes kubuntu work with the JMicron controller on the Asus P5B* line of motherboards?07:58
ernieLinux_galore : since coming from windows to Kubuntu - I have been playing quite a bit :)07:58
Linux_Galoreernie: thats a typical package breakage, usually you have to track it down to one package (or a related group) and downgrade them to a stable version07:58
ScottKmargis_: It's almost 2am where I am and I need to get to bed.  stdin said he'd take over helping you out.07:59
makuseruScottK: its an imac not macbook07:59
TheftOfLifenevermind, i am about to find out07:59
ernieLinux_Galore - thanks - I thought as much :)07:59
Linux_Galoreernie: yeah, you have mixed and matched sources and broken your dependency setup07:59
ernieLinux_Galore: Had to happen :)07:59
ScottKmakuseru: OK how about https://wiki.kubuntu.org/iMacG5revC08:00
Linux_Galoreernie: I did it once with beryl, never again took me 3 hours to track the package down and downgrade it08:00
=== ScottK is off to bed.
lancelot_rwhow do I install a kde theme using the file **.kth ? just click on it ?08:00
ubotu[Ubuntu]  Install gnome-themes or go to menu, system settings, appearance. [KDE]  For a good KDE guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu08:00
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TheftOfLifeAck, ubuntu doesn't work with my Attansic NIC08:01
ernieLinux_Galore: Well I've given this a really good thrashing and its hung together pretty well :) Too many toys to check out :)08:01
Linux_Galoreernie: you can have the toys,  just add all the sources that match your version but keep them ubuntu/kubuntu08:02
stdinernie: what does "apt-cache policy avidemux" show ?08:02
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Linux_Galoreernie: should see my list its pretty big08:02
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu08:02
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fakepatriotwhat is the directory to repos?08:03
stdinfakepatriot: /etc/apt/sources.list08:03
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stdinernie: done that yet ?08:05
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Linux_Galoreheres my all you need kubuntu Edgy sources.list  file -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5183/08:06
Linux_Galorethat will give you all the toys you will need08:07
stdinedgy-proposed isn't a reccommended repo for the average user tho08:07
fakepatriotwhat is the name of that program like easyubuntu (works the same way) and does easyubuntu have pkgs for kubuntu?08:07
Linux_Galorestdin: thats a kitchen sink version though and there are some good things hiding in proposed08:08
stdinfakepatriot: it's automatix, but it's dangerous, not reccommended and not supported08:08
Linux_Galorefakepatriot: you mean the other one that also breaks your system08:08
cpk1fakepatriot: you mean automatix? and you shouldnt need or use that really =)08:08
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fakepatriotlol yeah that one08:08
stdinLinux_Galore: yeah, bit they aren't well tested, and *can* break things08:09
fakepatriotits been a few months since i used kubuntu so i forget a few things08:09
fakepatriothow about easyubuntu? any better?08:09
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erniestdin - sorry just got back - had to do my duties :)08:09
stdinfakepatriot: it not a good idea to use either08:09
cpk1fakepatriot: ?? just use easysource to add the repos you need08:09
=== manchicken__ is now known as manchicken|away
Linux_Galorestdin: I dont use much from proposed08:09
cpk1and use the wiki for mp3/wmv support08:09
fakepatriotthanks guys08:09
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic08:10
cpk1fakepatriot: is there anything in particular that you thought you would need automatix for?08:11
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aarohii'm having some trouble playing mp3's... amarok doesn't actually play them... skips by everything in the playlist. how do i check if the mp3 codec's installed?08:13
margishello again08:13
Linux_Galoredont use this repo deb http://media.blutkind.org/xgl/ edgy main-edgy   it breaks your system08:13
margisi had  connection problem08:13
fakepatriotnot necesarily, i havent used kubuntu in a few months so i remember all the hassle i went through getting java to work in the past. I am limited on time so wanted to make it easy, but never used either automatix or easyubuntu so lol08:13
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margisskottk   tell me what to do...08:14
cpk1fakepatriot: you using 32bit arch?08:14
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fakepatriotno 6408:14
stdinaarohi: follow this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/MP308:14
margisi want  to fix  adept08:15
cpk1fakepatriot: then java might be a little more troublesome but if you follow the ubuntu guid you shouldnt have a problem08:15
cpk1margis: whats wrong with it?08:15
stdinmargis: what dose "LANG=C sudo apt-get upgrade" show now?08:15
aarohiokay, thank you stdin08:15
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makuserudoes anyone dual boot on a mac? or just linux on a mac? and can help me with the install08:16
cavalloI have some problems with nvidia drivers. Can somebody tell me which drivers are the latest good drivers ? I have installed some drivers but yesterday I have run apt-get upgrade and all stopted to work :/08:17
cavallowhat should I do ?08:17
margismargis@margis-laptop:~$ LANG=C sudo apt-get upgrade08:17
margisE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)08:17
margisE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:17
margissorry for the flood08:17
makuseru!pastebin | margis08:17
ubotumargis: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:17
fakepatriothttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5184/ <-- Any ideas? Just used the easysource to get repos08:18
fakepatriotgot that when i tried to sudo apt-get update08:18
margismargis@margis-laptop:~$ LANG=C sudo apt-get upgrade08:18
margisE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)08:18
margisE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:18
solidsourcecavallo: you probably need to re-install your video driver08:18
makuseru!pastebin | margis_08:18
ubotumargis_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:18
stdinmargis: hmm, ok do this: "sudo fuser -vik /var/lib/dpkg/lock" pres Y then do "sudo dpkg --configure -a"08:19
margisi  cant  open  the  paste bin08:19
makuseruwell dont flood the room08:19
makuserugo to #flood08:19
cpk1fakepatriot: did easysource give a gpg key for that repo?08:19
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fakepatriotwhere would it have given it to me08:19
cavallosolidsource: I have installed throught this steps: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Beta_Graphics_Driver_.28NVIDIA.2908:20
=== dawn [n=dawn@c-68-33-164-177.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
cavallodoes that mean that if kernel is upgraded that I must also reinstall this drivers ?08:20
cpk1fakepatriot: in the text file it gives you08:20
stdinfakepatriot: try "gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 2EBC26B60C5A2783" then "gpg --export -a 0C5A2783 | sudo apt-key add -"08:20
margisfor me?08:20
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stdinmargis: I said to do this: "sudo fuser -vik /var/lib/dpkg/lock" pres Y then do "sudo dpkg --configure -a"08:21
cavallomargis: some other application is using apt-get ....08:21
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fakepatriotstdin: no valid openpgp data found08:22
margisi did man08:22
solidsourcecavallo: just use adept and search for nvidia08:22
=== rideout_ [n=rideout@c-24-8-194-105.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
margisi need  my old  repositories....08:22
margisthose i have now   dnt  work08:23
cpk1fakepatriot: some dont have a key and will just be an untrusted source ( you have to explicitly tell apt to install from that source whenever you do)08:23
Linux_Galoreonly thing I dont like about the easysources tool is it uses the au mirrors for australia, trust me they suck the big one08:23
fakepatriotcpk1: ah i see08:23
solidsourcecavallo: if you need a repo for nvidia, the one I am using is "deb http://nvidia.limitless.lupine.me.uk/ubuntu edgy stable-9631" and it works well08:23
fakepatriotcpk1: and how do i do that08:23
cpk1it will ask you08:23
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fakepatriotin my sources.lst i have a GPG key like you said cpk108:24
cpk1fakepatriot: i know because I just checked easy source for mediabuntu08:24
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fakepatriotso do i need to apply it or something?08:24
margisi quit08:24
stdinfakepatriot: do this then "wget http://pastebin.ca/raw/350142 -O- |sudo apt-key add -"08:24
cpk1fakepatriot: yes, lol the text file they give you tells you how to use the keys08:25
margisi cant  continue with  kubuntu  anymore08:25
fakepatriotoh crud, lol didnt even look08:25
makuserumargis: whats your problem08:25
cavallosolidsource: ok. Will try it :) I hope it works well :)08:25
margisi  cant   fetch  updates from adept08:25
makuseruwhat error do you get08:26
margisno error08:26
margisjust  nothing08:26
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makuserudoes it not open?08:26
margiswait to check again08:26
fakepatriotcpk1: stdin: k thanks it works now08:26
makuserucause sometimes it wont open, but you click it again and it will08:26
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margisnow i cant  open  adep08:27
stdinfakepatriot: no problem :)08:27
makuserumargis: just do it in a terminal08:27
Linux_GaloreI was reading the dev notes for the new version of adept, lots of fixes  ie installing java now works and the text terminal open for you to agree to the license terms08:27
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solidsourcecavallo: if that fails, go to nvidia's website and download the driver there, though you will need the kernel packages to go with it08:28
margisapt-get  i type?08:28
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makuserumargis: in a term, "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"08:28
makuserui dont use adept at all for updates, thats how i do all mine08:28
cavallosolidsource: I have already do that. And everything goes well on installation but when I reboot everything fails :/08:28
Linux_Galorethe new version of adept seriously need to be back ported to edgy/dapper08:29
makuseruadept for feisty?08:29
solidsourcecavallo: yeah, thats why I use adept and that repo08:29
cavallosolidsource: will try it now :) go to reboot my comp... :) brb08:30
Linux_Galoremakuseru: there are some nasty UI bugs in adept and the new release they have just done fixes a hell of allot of them08:30
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makuserui havent used adept in ages cause its a hassle08:30
margis I CANT open  this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/08:30
faridanybody know how to upgrade KDE to 3.5.6 ?08:30
margiscan u?08:30
makuserumargis: everyone but you can08:31
solidsourceyes, just need the repo for it08:31
makuserujust open your browser then go to it08:31
margisi   cant open it08:31
margisi know08:31
margisi done it  before08:31
stdinfarid: instructions here http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-356.php08:31
margismany times08:31
faridthank you friend08:31
Linux_Galoremargis: works fine for me08:31
margisAn error occurred while loading http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/:08:31
margisTimeout on server08:31
margis Connection was to paste.ubuntu-nl.org at port 8008:31
Linux_Galoremargis: might be the isp08:32
solidsourcekde 3.5.6 repo =08:32
solidsourcedeb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-latest edgy main08:32
solidsourcedeb-src http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-latest edgy main08:32
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makuserumargis: use a diffrent pastebin, theres a million of them08:32
margisi  cant do  anything08:32
margisgive me  another08:32
cavallowhere I can see which drivers my gcard is using ? modinfo ?08:33
margisi use  kubuntu  for  8 hours  only,..08:33
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fakepatriotare there any beryl packages in the repos?08:33
fakepatriotis beryl even working under kubuntu yet08:33
makuseruaiglx is included in edgy08:33
stdinfakepatriot: no, but there is a beryl repo for ubuntu08:33
makuserumargis: just google pastebin08:34
fakepatrioti remember having to hack up every file ever to get XGL to work under dapper flight releases lol08:34
Linux_Galoremargis: http://dpaste.com/08:34
makuseruaiglx is super easy08:34
makuserufakepatriot: want the link to the site for ir?08:34
fakepatriotmakuseru: yes plz08:35
fakepatriotis it working under 64 bit arch?08:35
makuserui believe so08:35
Linux_Galorelast i heard installing aixgl in feisty will be a simple command of  apt-get install desktop-effects08:35
makuserudont command people margis, be polite08:35
stdinmargis: that means you are already up to date08:36
=== underdog5004 is ignoring anything that margis says...
stdin!info desktop-effects feisty08:36
ubotudesktop-effects: preferences applet for configuring desktop effects. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.0-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 44 kB, installed size 540 kB08:36
margislook guys..i  just istalled the  kubuntu...if  i cant  install any programm i cant  use it.....08:37
makuserufakepatriot: for enabling aiglx https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/AIGLXOnEdgy and to install beryl http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/SVN08:37
margisi need  help08:37
makuserumargis: dont beg08:38
=== underdog5004 starts listening to margis
underdog5004margis, what can I help you with?08:38
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makuseru!ubuntu-ru | margis08:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-ru - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:38
Linux_Galoremargis: all greek to me08:38
underdog5004!ru | margis08:38
makuseruno ubunru russian?08:38
ubotumargis:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke08:38
ubotu#ubuntu-gr  #kubuntu-gr     /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes08:39
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margis * underdog5004 is ignoring anything that margis says...08:39
makuserustdin: haha08:39
underdog5004* underdog5004 starts listening to margis08:39
underdog5004margis, what can I help you with?08:39
makuserumargis: how about you tell us what it says in english08:39
stdinLANG=C sudo apt-get upgrade08:40
makuserui told him sudo, but i didnt see it in there08:40
margistell me  the  command  exactly  with the   lang c   in front08:40
makuseruso it could be a permission thing08:40
makuserustdin: what is lang=c08:40
stdinLANG=C make the app use the default language (english) for it's output08:41
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stdinrather than the locally configured language08:41
makuseruoh ok08:41
margisi need  to istall   firefox  and  ati drivers  first...08:41
cavallowhat should I do ?08:41
stdinmargis: that means there are no updates available, and you already are fully updated08:42
margisi am not man08:42
underdog5004margis, sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox08:42
margisok  wait  to try08:43
makuseruwow, hes been complaing about that08:43
Linux_Galorecavallo: need some details,  what graphics card08:43
solidsourcecavallo: what exactly did you install inside of adept?08:43
underdog5004if you want it in russian, do this: sudo apt-get install * underdog5004 starts listening to margis08:43
underdog5004if you want it in russian, do this: sudo apt-get install08:43
underdog5004lol, sorry about that08:43
fakepatriotmakuseru: do i have to be under edgy to use it or can i use dapper?08:43
Linux_Galorecavallo: ie what model08:44
makuserutheres tutorials for dapper too08:44
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makuserubut its a little harder08:44
stdincavallo: you need to add "Load "glx" " to the "Section "Module" " section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:44
yoniswhy there is no op around ?08:44
cavalloLinux_Galore: ASUS NVIDIA GEFORCE 7900GS, 256MB DDR3, PCI-E, 2 x DVI, HDTV08:44
fakepatriothow do i dist upgrade through adept?08:44
stdinyonis: they are hiding :)08:44
margishttp://dpaste.com/5572/    LOK IT08:44
margislook it08:44
cpk1i dont trust adept anymore08:44
Linux_Galorecavallo: ok and you have installed the nvidia drivers and nvidia-glx packages ?08:44
cavallostdin: I have this08:45
cavalloLinux_Galore: yes08:45
stdinyonis: if you *really need* an opp, use "!ops"08:45
ubotumozilla-firefox: Transition package for firefox rename. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 54 kB, installed size 112 kB08:45
ubotuHelp! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato,  haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, or DBO08:45
makuserumargis, dont be rude08:45
fakepatriotcpk1: lol i wanted to do it via terminal, but the wiki suggested otherwise and i have never tried doing it through adept08:45
cpk1margis: you probably need universe08:45
margiswhat is  universe?08:45
yonisstdin: nothing happen ?08:45
cpk1fakepatriot: i think full upgrade button08:45
margiswhere i do this?08:45
cpk1!repos | margis08:46
ubotumargis: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu08:46
fakepatriotcpk1: its greyed out :(08:46
stdinyonis: look at the message posted by ubotu, it called the ops for you08:46
solidsourcecavallo: it must not have activated the driver, must change the "nv" to "nvidia" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:46
Linux_Galorecavallo: ok,  I would run kdesu dpkg-configure xserver-xorg  that should allows you to fix it08:46
underdog5004margis, ok, you need to edit your sources.list08:46
margis  i  open   adept  and  manage repositories?08:46
solidsourcethat would work too08:46
margissources list?08:46
margisgive  me  another....\08:46
Linux_Galorecavallo: its a script that helps you create a new xorg.conf  file08:46
stdinLinux_Galore: why use kdesu in a term?08:46
cpk1fakepatriot: then i guess you have nothing to upgrade then, might want to do click fetch updates too though08:47
underdog5004yep, it's a file that tells kubuntu where to go for updates...08:47
underdog5004do this: sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list08:47
margisi need the text to pasteinside08:47
Linux_Galorestdin: because everyone gets on my back when  use sudo08:47
stdinunderdog5004: not sudo08:47
cpk1use kdesu kate08:47
underdog5004my bad08:47
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fakepatriotcpk1: doesn't do anything, i checked lsb_release still says dapper, should i restart?08:47
fakepatrioti still have dapper repos08:47
Linux_GaloreI use*08:47
cpk1fakepatriot: are you trying to upgrade to edgy?08:47
margisi need text to  paste in the  sousrces08:47
margisgive me08:47
fakepatriotcpk1: yeah08:47
underdog5004margis, is your sources.list file empty?08:48
cpk1fakepatriot: if you are upgrading to edgy you might want to check !upgrade and you will need to change every repo to edgy08:48
ubotuSee http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)08:48
margisthey are like this08:49
Linux_Galoremargis:   sudo cat  /etc/apt/sources.list  .08:49
cavalloLinux_Galore: do I turn on kernel framebuffer device ?08:49
Linux_Galoremargis: then put it in pastbin08:49
margisi puted man08:50
underdog5004margis, I'm gonna give you mine08:50
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margisi wait08:50
Linux_Galorecavallo: yes  make sure glx and v4l is also turned on08:50
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Linux_Galorecavallo: when you see it08:50
stdinLinux_Galore: no need for sudo with cat08:50
underdog5004margis, ok, this is mine: http://dpaste.com/5574/     but you need to change the "us" to your local mirror, probably "ru"08:51
margiswhat is ru?08:51
Linux_Galorestdin: actually  was thinking to cp  the file over  then changed my mind then forgot to remove the sudo08:51
underdog5004you _are_ russian, right?08:51
margisi am greek08:51
cpk1hence the .gr hostname lol08:51
underdog5004whoops, sorry08:51
stdinLinux_Galore: ahh :)08:51
underdog5004ok, so replace "us" with "gr"08:51
margisidont  find us08:52
margisin which line u mean?08:52
margisis  there  any reason to change it08:52
lancelot_rwdamn its hard to install themes on KDE =/08:52
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stdinlancelot_rw: did you read the help page ?08:53
cpk1lancelot_rw: huh? most of the ones you get from kde-look dont even need to be unpacked08:53
underdog5004hmm, weird...I thought I had the us mirrors selected. Ok, margis you don't need to change anything, unless you want to08:53
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lancelot_rwstdin, yeah.. i read08:53
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lancelot_rwbut themes you need to configure it manually08:54
margisnothing again08:54
Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: you mean a complete theme file08:54
stdinlancelot_rw: ahh, *those* themes08:54
margisi cant  understand08:54
Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: always use "kompile",  builds and installs source with a single click08:54
underdog5004margis, what do you mean, nothing?08:54
lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, i want a file that I can copy it, or click it.. and then go to System Settings and select it08:54
underdog5004please be specific08:55
margisadept  doesnt  download08:55
lancelot_rwbecause some "themes" just change colors08:55
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cpk1first you need to do fetch updates after you add new repos08:55
underdog5004margis, do an update first08:55
Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: you can do that with the icons and window decorations but the more complex stuff needs to be build due to distro variations08:55
margisin terminal?08:56
underdog5004margis, sudo apt-get update08:56
margisnothing again08:56
margisthe same as   before08:56
peskyhello i am having problems with edgy it won't boot, i think xserver-xorg isn't working, i just get a blank screen after loading bar08:56
underdog5004bummer, I'm going to bed...and my girlfriend, good night.08:56
fakepatrioteasiest way to get world of warcraft running under linux?08:56
margisE: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)08:56
margisE: Unable to lock the list directory08:56
cpk1fakepatriot: wine or cedega08:56
underdog5004margis, restart your computer or delete the lock file.08:57
Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: just install kompile  then download the them archive file and tell kompile to install it,  it unpacks the archive and builds it and then install it for you08:57
peskyhello i am having problems with edgy it won't boot, i think xserver-xorg isn't working, i just get a blank screen after loading bar08:57
underdog5004omg, that guy is dense!08:57
stdinyeah, he really is :P08:58
cpk1however i doubt english is his native language so some of this might be difficult for him08:58
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underdog5004cpk1, yeah, you're right...08:59
stdinwe gave him the link to the -gr channel to, he just ignored it08:59
Linux_Galorepesky: goto the command line  ctrl alt backspace  or  ctrl alt f1   then enter dpkg-configure sudo xserver-xorg   aftre you login08:59
underdog5004ok, I really AM going to bed...08:59
stdingn underdog500408:59
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stdinLinux_Galore: you may want to fix that command at the end of your message08:59
Cavallitostill no luck :/09:00
peskyLinux_Galore I tryed configuring it in recovery mode, maybe i didn't do it right09:00
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jmdcI want emacs-like keyboard shortcuts throughout kde. is there a simpler/better way to do that than manually setting a whole bunch of application shortcuts in the control center?09:00
margisi ma sure that i need  another   sources09:00
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Cavallitonow I get error in dmesg: RM/client version mismatch09:00
Linux_Galorepesky: sudo dpkg-configure xserver-xorg  sorry typo09:00
peskyyea don't worry i've got it writen down09:00
margiswhen i had mine i  was  founding  programms in internet09:00
margisnow  noting09:00
stdinLinux_Galore: dpkg-reconfigure, not dpkg-configure :P09:01
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peskyLinux_Galore: so if it's not sending any video signal to the monitor after the loading bar has finished i can definitly assume the xserver-xorg is the problem?09:01
Linux_Galorepesky: yep the xserver is crashing09:02
Linux_Galorepesky: whats the graphics card09:02
peskyAti radeon 9800se09:02
solidsourceanyone know how I register for this channel/server/whatever?09:02
margis nothing yet09:02
Linux_Galorepesky: ouch09:02
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peskywhy? don't tell me i need to buy a new one09:02
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cpk1solidsource: /msg nickserv help register09:02
margisonly me has this problem?all  of  u istalled   kubuntu and  all  was fine?09:03
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration09:03
lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, i'll try it later :-)09:03
Linux_Galorepesky: no, ati drivers have a history of being crappy09:03
lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, my torrent file stalled at 99.85% =/09:03
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peskyi don't care as long as it runs beryl, i got it running beryl 1.109:03
SharkPgood morning!09:03
peskyi want aiglx and dapper was unsuported09:03
Linux_Galorelancelot_rw: I uusally wait 12 hours and try again09:03
SharkPI want my amarok in italian,but it is in english09:03
SharkPI use GNME09:04
SharkPHow can I do?09:04
cavalloLinux_Galore: I have reconfigure the xserver but still no luck. in dmesg I get RM/client version mismatch :/09:04
solidsourcestdin: ok and then just wait for a reply or what?09:04
Linux_Galorestdin: what the difference between reconfigure and configure09:04
lancelot_rwLinux_Galore, ok man09:05
SharkPCan anyone help me?09:05
Linux_Galorestdin: ive always used configure without issue09:05
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stdinLinux_Galore: bash: dpkg-configure: command not found09:05
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SharkPehi,can anyone help me??09:06
stdinsolidsource: just follow the guide here http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration09:06
fakepatriotlol i know this is gonna sound stupid, but in the middle of my dist-upgrade i closed out the terminal, what should i do lol09:06
Linux_Galorestdin: aaah09:06
SharkPgood service eh? :(09:06
cavallofakepatriot: nothing. Repeat the step09:06
Linux_Galorestdin: wonder when that was removed09:07
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stdinfakepatriot: just type the command again, or "sudo dpkg --configure -a"09:07
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cavallocan aybody give some tip what should I do with my ugly graphic card :)09:08
stdinLinux_Galore: don't know, but I've always used dpkg-reconfigure09:08
cpk1put makeup on it09:08
Linux_Galorestdin: do you feel like your repeating the same answers from a set of 10 all day09:08
cpk1but not too much otherwise it will look like a street hooker cavallo09:08
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fakepatriotit is telling me another process is using the repos09:08
stdinLinux_Galore: yes, I do :p09:08
fakepatrioterr nvm09:08
Linux_Galorestdin: Im sure ive posted some answers 20 times repeatedly today09:09
fakepatriotwait yeah wont let me dpkg --configure -a either09:09
stdinfakepatriot: what's the error message ?09:09
fakepatriotdatabase area is locked by another process09:09
stdinLinux_Galore: yeah, you tend to have to repeat yourself over and over09:10
stdin!aptfix | fakepatriot09:10
ubotufakepatriot: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 09:10
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stdinLinux_Galore: the bot helps a bit tho :P09:10
cavallobuc buc :)09:10
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Linux_Galorestdin: other headache is you dont remember complete commands because in reality one uses autocomplete so you just remember the first few letters09:10
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fakepatriotthanks stdin09:10
fakepatriotsigh, i wish i woulda never left, so out of date again :(09:11
stdinLinux_Galore: that's why I always have konsole set to be above all windows, so I can quickly copy and paste09:11
Linux_Galorestdin: need a irc client that can hook into the bash auto completion09:11
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stdinLinux_Galore: I think it's on the wishlist for konversation09:11
cpk1that would be awesome09:12
cavallogoshgg some time ago I didnt have so much poroblems with nvidia cards :/ Now everything is diffrent :/09:12
Linux_Galorestdin: make my life way easier09:12
cpk1i try to autocomplete crap all the time09:12
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lancelot_rwgo sleep!09:12
stdinit's like a reflex action when I type a file name :P09:12
cpk1takes me longer to type sometimes because I am sitting here wondering why apti wont tab complete to aptitude09:12
stdinlater lancelot_rw09:12
lancelot_rwsee ya later.. thanks for everything09:13
solidsourceis there any benefit of using konversation over kopete?09:13
Linux_Galorealways spot a Unix geek, he's got a left pinky thats harder than steel09:13
Linux_Galorefrom hitting the tab key all day09:13
stdinI've been known to type /e/X/xo instead of /etc/X11/xorg.conf because I was using tab and not looking :P09:14
cpk1who needs find when you know you are in the parent directory and just need to tab complete your way through =P09:14
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cavallosolidsource: irssi is bether than both :)09:14
underdog5004Linux_Galore,  I woulda thought the _right_ pinky from hitting all the /'s in the paths....lol09:14
Linux_Galoresolidsource: kopete is a messenger client and konversation is specifically designed for irc09:14
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Linux_Galoreunderdog5004: aah dont have to hit / if bash is setup properly09:15
stdinheh, you still have to type the 1st one for an absolute path09:15
fakepatriotim dist-upgrading, is it a stupid idea to mount -a while doing that?09:15
solidsourceLinux_Galore: true, but just wonderin whats the real benefit cause not really seeing any use for konversation...atleast to me09:15
stdinfakepatriot: can't see how it could harm you09:16
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cavallook can anyone give me a hint on my problem :(09:16
Linux_Galoresolidsource: well kopete has to work with lots of protocols unlike konversation so the developers have to split there time across these different things with their different methods, konversation developers dont have those issues09:17
fakepatriotsolidsource: how do you switch to a diff channel in irssi?09:17
solidsourcecavallo: still having video problems?09:17
Linux_Galoresolidsource: basically features will go into konversation faster than kopete due to less protocol overhead to deal with09:17
stdinfakepatriot: same as in any other client "/join #channelname"09:18
solidsourcefakepatriot: don't know, don't use it09:18
cavallosolidsource: yes :/ now I get in dmesg: RM/client version mismatch ...09:18
fakepatriotstdin: but if i already have it up09:18
solidsourceLinux_Galore: hmm ok09:18
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fakepatriotstdin: if i have already joined, and need to switch between the chan i am currently on and a diff one09:18
cavallofakepatriot: alt+1 2  3 etc ...09:18
Linux_Galoresolidsource: its the old  too few eggs in too many baskets problem09:18
stdinfakepatriot: ahh, try Ctrl-P09:18
solidsourcecavallo: damn...thats a new one for me09:18
solidsourceLinux_Galore: lol09:19
cavallogosshh everything was working like a charm. But after dist-upgrade it all stoped to work properly :(09:19
solidsourcedid you upgrade to feisty?09:20
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stdinnvidia ?09:20
cavallostdin: zes09:20
stdinhow did you install the driver?09:21
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cavallofirst of all from nvidia.limitless source. Than tryed drivers from nvidia site but still nothing. Now I realy dont know what to do :/09:22
fakepatriotyou guys have been lotsa help tonight thanks09:22
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stdincavallo: ok 1st you need to remove/uninstall all the nvidia drivers you installed, then install only 1, either the ubuntu version ("nvidia-glx" for recent cards or "nvidia-glx-legacy" for older ones) compile a new on with the kernel headers09:24
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Linux_Galorestdin: dont forget if you install the legacy driver you have to disable compiz in xorg.conf09:25
stdincavallo: ^^09:25
stdinhello crazy_penguin09:26
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fakepatriotpenguins ftw09:26
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cavallonvidia-glx-legacy drivers are for old NVIDIA cards ?09:28
stdintake a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia09:28
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cavalloIm in console :)09:28
stdinand you don't have links/elinks ?09:29
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cavallonot yet :) will have it right now :) brb09:29
cavallohmmmm damn. Cant copy the link :D Must retype it :/09:30
stdinalso, just because, you can install gpm to use the mouse to copy/paste in console :)09:30
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stdinheh, just answered that for you, install gpm then sudo /etc/init.d/gpm start09:31
cavallostdin: goshhh :D didnt know that :D09:31
stdinwhen you spend a lot of time in console, you pick a few tricks up :P09:31
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solidsourcewow that was a lot of loining/leaving messages09:37
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stdinheh, wait for a netsplit09:37
underdog5004ridin' the split09:38
solidsourcewonder if there is way to filter them out in kopete so that you distracted from the conversation09:39
stdindon't know about kopete, but you can in konversation09:39
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solidsourceanyone using crossover?09:42
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solidsourcetake that as you use wine directly or not at all09:46
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cpk1i use wine09:48
cpk1its free09:48
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solidsourceyeah, I be usin crossover cause I got too lazy to keep reconfiguring wine09:48
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:55
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cavallogosh :D09:56
cavalloit works now :D09:56
ubotuxdmcp is the X Display Manger Control Protocol -- look at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/XDMCP-HOWTO/ to find out how to configure it09:56
solidsourcelol good09:57
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cavalloI have removed all installed drivers from repos and installed drivers from nvidia site and all works ok :)09:57
solidsourcehow about this, anyone get XDMCP remote login to work without crashing the host machine on logout?09:57
stdingood, just remember then when you have a kernel update, you'll have to recompile the drivers again cavallo09:58
cavallook. I will remember that :) Thanks to everyone for help!09:58
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:00
cavallohmm why I have trz icon for updating packages ? I have to update about 31 packages but everytime I run that then it is still there. So I can updating this all over again and there are still updates for the same packages. Is there any bug or something ?10:01
stdincavallo: does sudo apt-get upgrade install anything ?10:02
solidsourcelol, I had a similar problem earlier...to bad I have no idea what I did to fix it10:02
cavallostdin: no10:02
stdincavallo: are there any "held back" packages ?10:03
stdintry a dist-upgrade10:03
stdineither from apt-get or adept manager10:04
shinigamihi i'm having problem with my wireless network card.. its got wlan0 and wmaster0, couldn't connect to my network no matter how i try to key in the ssid and wep key.. network card is workable in windows and wireless network is up (tested with laptop)10:04
cavallostdin: same thing10:04
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shinigamiNetwork controller is RaLink RT2561/PT61 Pci10:05
stdincavallo: what happens if you do it in adept manager (not with the update icon)10:05
solidsourceshinigami: chekc to make sure the card is enabled in control center10:06
shinigamiyea enabled10:06
shinigamiiwlist wlan0 scan can find my wireless network10:07
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shinigamibut attempt to connect just doesn't get connect.. my router dhcp also show no signs of attempts to connect..10:07
solidsourceshinigami: what program are you using to try and connect?10:07
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shinigamiifup and ifdown wlan0 .. tried Wireless Assistant manager, also Systems-->Network10:09
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shinigamithese 3 methods10:09
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shinigamidhclient wlan0 too10:09
stdinthere is knetworkmanager too10:09
solidsourceyeah, thats what I used10:10
shinigamiwhere is it10:10
ubotuknetworkmanager: User friendly KDE frontend for NetworkManager. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 213 kB, installed size 1448 kB10:10
shinigamihave to download? problem is i couldn't have a network10:11
solidsourceno wired access?10:11
shinigamino but i could try10:11
shinigamibrb i plug in a network card10:11
cavallostdin: if I click "Full Upgrade" it does nothing.10:11
stdincavallo: what about if you click on "preview changes" or "apply changes" ?10:12
solidsourcecavallo: in adept search python and see if what it says when you request the upgrade10:13
cavallostdin: there is no packages if I click on "applay changes"10:13
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solidsourcethe reason they might have been kept back from being installed is because they may break-install10:14
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jerwarei installed kubuntu from the alternative cd.10:14
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solidsourceand if you search for "python" and request the upgrade, it may tell you whether thats the problem10:15
stdincavallo: what if you close adept and use "sudo apt-get install (list of packages here)" ?10:15
jerwareyet,  the monitor is black when boot.  but X and kde run fine from a knoppix cd10:15
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solidsourcenot familar witht the alternative discs...I only use the full version discs10:17
jerwareugh.  i should just get a new video card10:17
jerwaremine is really old10:17
solidsourcemay need to install the legacy driver if thats the case10:17
cavallostdin: I have search for python and this packages were marked as upgradable and I have checked all of the to upgrade and now it is upgrading :/ strange. And also same packages (mybe other versions) were removed :/10:18
jerwaresolidsource, where can i learn more about this legasy driver?10:18
solidsourceadept is weird sometimes10:18
jerwareis it just for the graphics card10:18
stdincavallo: are you sure you did "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" before ?10:18
solidsourcejerware: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy will show you how to do most things10:19
stdincavallo: strange10:19
cavallovery :)10:19
solidsourceyes adept can be fickle10:19
stdinbut apt-get ?10:19
jerwaresolidsource, Ubunut_Edgy ?10:19
jerwareisnt it at dappar ?10:19
stdindepends which you installed jerware10:20
solidsourceedgy is the latest official release, the site also contains info on the other versions10:20
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cavallowhen kde 3.5.6 will be in edgy  ? :)10:21
solidsourceit is10:21
cavallogoshhh :) sorry :) didnt see that on kubuntu.org :/10:22
solidsourceyeah, could use thos repos, or just use the ones the source-o-matic gives10:23
solidsourceI like the source-o-matic ones since you don't have to update the version number everytime to update10:23
solidsourcedeb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-latest edgy maindeb-src http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-latest edgy main10:24
solidsourceoops...here we go10:24
solidsourcedeb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-latest edgy main10:24
solidsourcedeb-src http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-latest edgy main10:24
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Alzi2Hey. Ever since i tried binding the program 'mednafen' to the .GBA filetype, when i open a file with no extension it gives this error two times: "Could not find the following mime-type: application/octet-stream". Can anyone help me fix this?10:26
cavallois there any option to save password for samba? When I go in konqueror to smb://etc I have to type password every time. Is possible to save it ?10:27
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solidsourcekind of10:28
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solidsourceheres a forum that will tell you how to configure samba, it works great10:29
solidsourcethough, the username and password have to be the same as the ones you designate in samba10:30
solidsourcefor both machines10:30
cavallohmmm. If I have on other computer installed ubuntu. How should I access files on that computer ? Is samba the only way ?10:30
solidsourceAlzi2: sorry I'm no use for that10:30
Alzi2hmm, okay...10:31
stdincavallo: no, there is samba, nfs, ssh, http, ftp10:31
stdinand more :P10:31
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solidsourceyeah, Samba and FTP being the easiest10:32
stdinssh is easy10:32
solidsourceyeah, all command line though, I like my ey candy10:32
cavalloI have all of them working :) but I was thinking that there is any other option in *ubuntu OS10:32
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stdinsolidsource: konqui can use ssh you know10:35
solidsourcestdin: yeah but why bother with that when you can just go through a file browser...unless you are doing through the internet and not just a network, then yes that be the way to go10:36
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:36
solidsourcehaving video driver problems shinigami?10:37
stdinsolidsource: konqueror is a file browser10:37
shinigamitrying out10:38
cavallotoday is the day with nvidia problems :D10:38
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stdinsolidsource: fish:/(IP of ssh server) in konqueror, try it10:39
solidsourcestdin: can't....only 1 linux machine and a windows laptop10:39
stdincavallo: everyday is the nvidia problem day10:39
stdinsolidsource: install shh on the linux one and do fish:/(local IP) :P10:40
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dettoaltrimentiare there any irc channels dedicated to help with openoffice?10:40
cavallostdin: it works :) nice :)10:40
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craigevildettoaltrimenti: #openoffice.org10:41
stdinssh is secure, and has full permissions support, it's great :)10:41
solidsourcehmm I got blank screen10:42
cavallodidnt know for that -> fish://....10:42
dettoaltrimentiand in konqueror whenever I try to open a website, it tries to open it with another program10:42
solidsourceooohh nevermind ...forgot the second slash10:42
stdinsolidsource: yeah it's fish://(host/IP) not fish:/10:42
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shinigamii've followed the instructions to install my nvidia 6600 GT.. last time in my dapper, the nvidia screen would appear before log in screen.. now i'm on edgy, it doesn't..so is it normal?10:43
solidsourceisn't there a way to do remote login through SSH and have the login screen come up?10:43
solidsourceshinigami: yes its normal10:44
stdinsolidsource: hmm, maybe with ssh+vnc10:44
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX10:44
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zenumhi, what is the application which shows the battery and cpu status in the kicker?10:45
solidsourcestdin: well from what I read of it, you type "kdm start" while in command line of ssh and its supposed to work10:45
zenumthe one thats default from the livecd of edgy?10:45
solidsourcestdin: but never got it to work...unless I misread10:45
stdinsolidsource: when I've done it, KDM always started on the local screen, not the remote one10:46
stdinsolidsource: you could always login over ssh then do startkde10:46
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cavalloone more problem :) I must connect throught VPN to my workplace. And then I must somehow use RDC. Which tools I should use ?10:46
solidsourcestdin: hmm I've tried logining in before and then starting...it just failed evertime10:47
stdinsolidsource: I've had a session run over ssh before, with startkde10:47
stdinand it was in a nested X server too :)10:47
stdincavallo: krdc should do it10:48
cavallostdin: and how I create VPN connection ?10:48
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stdincavallo: never had to, so I don't know, but I found this which may help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD10:49
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shinigamihi i know of this command fuser .. how can i use it to check what applications are holding my sound card hardware?10:49
solidsourcestdin: alright, i'll give it another try see if I was doing anything wrong10:50
stdinshinigami: fiser /dev/dsp and fuser /dev/snd/*10:50
stdinsolidsource: make sure you connect with -X or -Y10:51
stdineg: ssh -CY user@host startkde10:52
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solidsourcestdin: ok, that blew up in my face10:56
solidsourcestdin: crashed my current login session10:57
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stdinsolidsource: maybe try not to start a session with the same user10:58
solidsourcestdin: yeah, thats one thing should have done from the start10:58
stdinsolidsource: KDE over SSH in a nested X server: http://img225.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot13jm5.jpg10:59
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XenThraLHi, my swap seems to have gonne missing, tried a few solutions I found on the net but no dice11:00
stdinXenThraL: is it in your /etc/fstab file ?11:01
XenThraLeh, I don't know, I'm very linux illiterate11:01
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stdinXenThraL: what have you tried so far?11:01
XenThraLweird, I think I fixed it then11:02
XenThraLKDE system guard is saying 1gb swap11:02
XenThraLall of it free11:02
XenThraLI'm gonna reboot see if will still be fixed11:03
solidsourcestdin: ok that not working so happy11:03
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stdinsolidsource: how are you doing it?11:09
solidsourcestdin: no good11:09
solidsourcestdin: crashed the entire computer that time11:09
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solidsourcestdin: what was the -y command again?11:10
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stdinsolidsource: that lets you forward X, from a trusted host, -X has a few security things built in, but -Y disables them11:11
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stdinsolidsource: steps I did was "Xephyr :1 &" (nested X server running on :1), then "export DISPLAY=:1", "ssh -CY user@host" then "startkde"11:12
XenThraLstdin: should I be concerned at all that none of the swap space is being used?11:12
XenThraL(though now it does display 1gb as being avaliable, as opposed to none before)11:12
stdinXenThraL: the system will only use it when you need it11:12
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solidsourcestdin: Xephyr :1 & gave me command not found notice11:14
Steven_Mhi all\11:14
Steven_Mhas anyone here connected to a ansi telnet server under linux?11:15
solidsourcestdin: and thats because its not installed...whats the odds11:15
stdinsolidsource: heh :P11:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xephyr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:17
solidsourcestdin: ok, now to just get this work on a windows machine connecting to my kubuntu machine and all I will be all the joy11:18
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stdinsolidsource: there are X servers you can get for windows11:18
stdinsolidsource: xwin32 is the one I remember off the top of my head11:18
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solidsourcestdin: oh you pick the one that costs money to be the one to remember how coy11:20
solidsourcestdin: *sarcasm my kind of joking*11:21
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stdinsolidsource: it's was the one I remember (and I didn't pay for it :>), but cygwin (i think that's want it's called) has one too11:23
solidsourcestdin: yeah installing cygwin now11:24
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stdinwith that and putty you should be able to do it quite easily11:25
solidsourcestdin: though I may wait till this install finishes before testing just case it crashes things and ruins the install11:25
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stdingood idea :P11:26
crustyhello guys! wich program i do need to tranform a dvd in to avi???????i got kubuntu edgy 6.10...11:26
solidsourcehmmm acidrip might do it11:27
stdinmaybe dvdrip too11:27
=== stdin look at clock
stdinargg, it's Sunday, and I now have to get ready for work :''(11:28
cavallowhich repo I should use for realplayer ?11:28
solidsourcelol...yeah, it 2:30 am sunday here...I should be asleep11:28
yurakeyboard language switcher in KDE doesn't work, If I'm clicking on the flag it switches, if I'm using key combination - not, can anyone help me?11:28
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stdinsolidsource: 10:30am here, the good thing is I don't start until 11:30am, the bad this is I don't finish until 10:30pm11:29
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stdinsolidsource: worse thing is ! woke up at 6am11:29
solidsourcecavallo: use the sources.list generator, it will provide all the repos you need http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/11:30
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solidsourcestdin: see I don't do those type of things...I tend to go to bed at 6am11:30
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stdinsolidsource: i didn't go to bed until midnight, and that's early for me :P11:31
yurakeyboard language switcher in KDE doesn't work, If I'm clicking on the flag it switches, if I'm using key combination - not, can anyone help me?11:32
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aarohineither amaroK nor konversation are showing a tray icon in ubuntu.... are there some settings I need to set up?11:32
stdinahh, I really should get ready now11:32
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dinosaur-rusyura: what key combination do you use?11:32
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solidsourcestdin: alright cygwin installed...now to figure it out in combinatin of putty11:33
stdinsolidsource: tip: start the cygwin server 1st, then putty, it should then detect it, you'll also have to set putty to forward the X server (now I'm gone :P )11:33
solidsourcestdin: alright thanks for all the help...have fun at work11:34
stdinnot likely, but thanks :)11:34
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yuraas It's set in options11:35
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yuraSorry, Alt+Shift11:35
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naphhi, is there a way with kubuntu to allow non-root users to bind to port 80?  thanks.11:36
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dinosaur-rusyura: try to change it and check if new combination works. combinations of modifier keys are unlikely to work... :(11:37
dinosaur-rusdoes anyone use beep-media-player from pckages repository?11:38
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yuraJust tried setting different combinations, but doesn't work either11:40
dinosaur-rusyura: do other hotkeys work?11:41
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daftmancan some one help me enable port 3000 for rails11:43
naphhi, is there a way with kubuntu to allow non-root users to bind to port 80?  or maybe a way to switch the user of a process from root to something else after it's bound to the port? thanks.11:43
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall11:43
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).11:44
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daftmancan someone help enable port 300011:45
dinosaur-rusI can't get gnash plugin for Konqueror to work11:45
daftmani can connect from localhost but i cant connect from outside11:45
dinosaur-rusdaftman: sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 3000 -j ACCEPT11:46
dinosaur-rusdaftman: sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 3000 -j ACCEPT11:46
dinosaur-rusdaftman: ?11:46
daftmandoes it block it by default?11:47
dinosaur-rusI have konqueror-plugin-gnash package installed, by Konq doesn't even see it11:47
dinosaur-rusdaftman: depends on your iptables settings11:47
daftmanwell my iptables are blank11:47
daftmanno settings11:48
daftmani can gett ssh through but i can't get port 300011:48
dinosaur-rusdaftman: do "sudo iptables -L" and look at chain policies11:48
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daftmanyep it is empty11:49
daftmanI tried what you typed11:49
daftmanbut i cant get it even trhough my lan11:49
daftmanlocalhost:3000 work but doesn't work11:50
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cpk1daftman: you need to tell it what interface i think11:52
dinosaur-rusdaftman: what chain policies do you have?11:52
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cpk1daftman: /usr/share/doc/iptables/html/NAT-HOWTO-4.html might help you out ( you should have it)11:55
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yuraYes, I tried different hotkeys12:01
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dinosaur-rusyura: I meant any hotkeys, not only for changing the language12:02
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daftmandinosaur-rus: I don't have any chain policies12:05
daftmanit just a default ubuntu install12:05
daftmanbut i can run ssh but not a rails webserver12:05
daftman*i mean I can connect to ssh12:05
daftman*but not rails12:06
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dinosaur-rusdaftman: may be server settings deny connections from addresses other than
daftmandinosaur-rus: it allow connect for ssh12:08
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daftman*allows connections12:09
dinosaur-rusdaftman: look in rails settings12:10
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yuraTried those defined in KDE System settings - works OK12:11
cavallois beryl hard to install ?12:12
daftmanhmmm nope rails settings has nothing to do with connections, just application settings12:12
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dinosaur-rusdaftman: is ssh on works, then I don't know what prevents rails from doing the same thing. sorry.12:15
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timmbobHi! Is it possible to launch applications marked as "default application" (System Settings) from the commandline? Like calling "webbrowser" and whatever webbrowser is marked as default will be launched?12:19
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CrakeHunterhello i would like to watch my dvds with dolbydigital on totem12:21
CrakeHunterin section audio i switched to ac3 output - but doesnt work . if i restart the player its back at stereo. what should i do?12:22
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fernandoHi, in the last days I have upgrade my kernel to 2.11, and I want delete from the initial list the version 2.10..how can I do that??12:23
fernandoin a safe way of course12:23
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dinosaur-rusfernando: what Kubuntu version are you using? these kernels seem to be too old... :)12:29
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hokywhere can i make ubdate?12:47
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dinosaur-rushoky: what update do you mean?12:48
fernandodinosaur-rus: kubuntu 6.1012:48
hokyfor kubuntu12:48
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hokywhere can i found kubuntu 6.10?12:50
cavalloberyl p0wnz :D12:50
fernandodinosaur-rus: the kunbuntu 6.10 come with 2.6.17-10, now I have upgrade it to 2.6.17-1112:50
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fernandodinosaur-rus: but I want remove from the initial list the option for 2.6.17-1012:50
fernandodinosaur-rus: I can edit the file on /boot/grub but I want to know if existe a safe way to do that..12:51
dinosaur-rusfernando: ah... then remove all 2.6.17-10 packages12:51
dinosaur-rushoky: http://www.kubuntu.org ?12:51
fernandodinosaur_rus: I did't, but nevertheless the option is there12:52
fernandodinosaur_rus: to remove the packages doesn't mean to update the file list from grub12:52
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dinosaur-rusdernando: it'll update your /boot/grub/menu.lst12:53
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dinosaur-rusfernando: or run "sudo update-grub"12:54
hokythank you12:55
fernandodinosaur-rus: I have edit the meu.list file.. its work.. I will try the update-grub next time :-)12:55
hokywhich the best kubuntu or ubunto ?12:55
fernandodinosaur-rus: thanks.. :-)12:55
fernandohoky: the only difference is the desktop enviroment..12:55
axgits the same.12:55
dinosaur-ruswhat music player (mp3, ogg and different tracker formats) do you recommend?12:55
axgjust your DM preference changes it..12:55
Lynourehoky: Which do you use know, kde or gnome?12:56
Lynourehoky: and are you happy with it?12:56
hokyyes  with kubuntu12:56
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.12:56
Lynourehoky: if you are happy with it, stick to it. :) But you can install both ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop side by side, too12:56
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vducktheres something wrong with the letters on my console.. if i open the midnight commander for example, it shows only weird characters instead of the borders. how can i solve that problem?12:57
fernandodinosaur-rus: I use mplayer.. is realy good12:57
hokyok thank you12:57
dinosaur-rusfernando: I like mplayer, too. but it doesn't seem to support playlists12:58
fernandofernando: kaffeine is also good if you have the right codecs12:58
dinosaur-rusfernando: I'd want something like XMMS, but with better VBR mp3 support12:58
fernandodinosaur-rus: I also use, Streamtuner, is realy good for music12:59
Linux_Galore?? kaffeine is just a front end12:59
fernandolinux_galore: yes. it is, but suport playlists12:59
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vduckwhere can i set/change the codepage in ubuntu?01:00
Linux_Galorefernando: you can do playlists in mplayer01:00
dinosaur-rusfernando: could you get working bmpx?01:00
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Linux_Galorealthough I must admit kmplayer and kaffeine do a better job01:01
fernandolinux_galore: to be honest, normally I dont use playlists with mplayer, just a single film and that's all, give me a moment to verify01:01
fernandodinosaur-rus: sorry, I dont know bmpx? can you explain me?01:02
Linux_Galorefernando: Im using vlc allot these days, although sub fonts suck in vlc on some file so i swap back to mplayer01:02
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dettoaltrimentidoes amarok have a 'mini player' mode, like itunes?01:02
fernandolinux_Galore: yes.. you have the option for playlist01:02
dinosaur-rusfernando: it's new branch of BMP player01:02
Linux_Galoredettoaltrimenti: yep01:03
dettoaltrimentihow do I engage it?01:03
fernandodinosaur-rus: sorry, I have not try still01:03
dettoaltrimentialso, when I play a new song, amarok tries to 'update collection,' which I don't want it to do- can I change that somewhere in settings?01:03
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fernandodinosaur-rus: do you know another program like grub, but graphically more nice??01:05
Jucatodettoaltrimenti: not really sure, but you can try Settings ->Configure Amarok -> Collection -> uncheck Watch folders for changes01:05
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ubotugfxboot: bootlogo creator for gfxboot compliant boot loaders. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.23-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 72 kB, installed size 364 kB01:06
dinosaur-rusfernando: I don't use graphical boot managers01:06
fernandodinosaur-rus: I have seen other start system more nice, but I dont remmeber its names01:06
Jucatofernando: try researching on that ^^^01:06
Jucatoit's what SUSE and MEPIS use for theming their GRUB menus01:06
fernandoubotu: is gfxboot good?01:06
Jucatohowever, you can also add images to a plain GRUB menu01:06
Jucatofernando: ubotu is a bot01:06
zorglu_q. i run edgy and it limit the directories seen at / to /home and /media, i remember seeing a page on how to remove this. but i dont remember the url, any suggestion ?01:06
Jucato!ubotu | fernando01:07
ubotufernando: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:07
Jucato!hidden | zorglu_01:07
ubotuzorglu_: Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles . This will be removed in Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)01:07
Jucatozorglu_: rejoice and be glad, it will be gone in feisty01:07
fernandojucato: yes jajaa, I found it out right now:p01:07
zorglu_Jucato: thanks :)01:07
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fernandojucato: and how is work with gfxboot?01:07
Jucatofernando: not really sure. I haven't tried installing it (yet)01:08
fernandojucato: I mean.. can I configurate from this graphics enviroment?01:08
Linux_Galoredettoaltrimenti: its an applet you add to kicker, there is also plugin that does a similar thing01:08
Jucatofernando: take note, it doesn't really replace GRUB. it's just like a theming/skinning program for GRUB01:08
X2Bfernando: THeres a pic of gfxmenu here: http://www.kubuntu-de.net/forum/index.php?topic=3790.001:08
dettoaltrimentithanks Linux_Galore, can I get it through adept?01:08
fernandox2b: thanks..01:08
Linux_Galoredettoaltrimenti: Im just checking been a while since ive used the applet01:09
fernandox2b: how did you know that I know german??? or is was just luck :p01:10
fernandox2b: because the website is in german01:10
fernandox2b: bis du in Deustchland??01:10
X2Bjo, bin ich, aber ich wusste nicht, dass du es auch bist01:11
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X2BWarum dann nicht #kubuntu-de ?01:12
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fernandox2b: jaja, Ich whone in Deustchland nur par jhare, aber mein deusch is noch nicht so good01:13
Linux_Galoredettoaltrimenti: its an applet called media control,  its part of the kicker-applets package01:13
fernandox2b: ich besser sprechen als schreiben.. ;-)01:14
fernandox2b: ich kann....01:14
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fernandox2b: warum du nicht #kubuntu-de???01:14
Linux_Galoredettoaltrimenti: intall the package then right click on kicker then Configure->Add Applet  look for the media applet01:14
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:15
Linux_Galoredettoaltrimenti: install*01:15
X2BSry ^^01:15
pitukahello, i have a pretty weird issue: Amarok only starts as root, not with user rights - but there should be no reason for that.01:15
X2Bfernando: I am in the german channel as well01:15
mackinacwith the kubuntu desktop CD - are there boot parms to go directly to installation, or do i need to load the live desktop then install?01:15
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Jucatomackinac: you need to load the desktop01:16
mackinacJucato, thanks01:16
Linux_Galoredettoaltrimenti: there are also some plugins, look in kde-look.org01:16
fernandox2b: where exactly are you??01:16
pitukamackinac: desktop installation is just great - even better and easier than Win XP installation.01:16
dinosaur-rusmckinac: I recommend alternative CD01:16
fernandox2b: I am in karlsruhe01:17
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=== mray is from Freiburg, Germany ;)
mackinacyeah i've done the install from desktop thing already01:17
mrayso -is there a problem with the desktop install?01:18
X2Bfernando: Near Hamburg01:18
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mackinaci was hoping to be able to do a server install without dl'ing another iso, no problem :)01:18
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fernandox2b: do you know a irc chanel for opengl and glut stuff???01:19
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lancelot_rw_awaymorning guys01:19
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GunirusI need help with my Wireless network01:19
fernandolancelot: morning01:19
mrayso, maybe somebody has asolution for my problem? : Amarok runs only as root.01:19
Gunirusmray: i had the same problem01:19
mrayGunris: use Knetworkamanager - it handles even WPA 1 :P01:20
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Gunirusi removed all the config files01:20
Gunirusand it worked agai01:20
mrayin the /user folder?01:20
[-I-] 3pocsounds like file permissions01:20
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mrayonly the ones inside the .kde/ older?01:21
mrayor are there others?01:21
mraybecause i would BET i tried that already.01:21
mrayok il try again.01:21
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CrakeHunterhello, how do i activate ac3 - passthrough with alsa? im using a audigy 2zs01:21
fernandoginirus: did you see if you wireless is enable as hardware??01:22
Gunirusi can connect to my network with wlassistant01:22
Gunirusbut i want to connect when my computer boot01:22
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mraydoes wlassistant support WPA ?01:23
mrayWEP is out of date. I guess it is VERY easy to crack.01:23
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GunirusThen i'll use WPA01:24
Guniruscan you help me with that?01:24
mraythe standard WLAn components that ship with kubuntu aren't capable of dealing with WPA :P01:24
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mraythats the problem.01:25
ForgeAuscan you add them in? install a package or two?01:25
mrayi installed knetworkmanager01:25
mraythat does do the trick.01:25
lancelot_rwoh damn... i went to bed at 6:30 am.. and woke up at 10:1501:25
Gunirusknetworkmanager :(01:25
Gunirusnot working here01:25
Gunirusback in a few minutes01:26
mraywell. WEP is good eough if you want to keep out kurious neighbours - the non-nerdy ones.01:26
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ForgeAuswhy does my HDD keep saying its full?01:27
pedrinhopor favor...alguem ai pode me ajudar???01:27
pedrinhoinstalei o kubunto aki no meu pc...mas ele nao reproduz o som01:28
lancelot_rwpedrinho, deu sorte... acho ngm aki fala portugues01:28
pedrinhopor favor me ajudem ai01:28
pedrinhokredo entao01:28
ForgeAuswhat language is that?01:28
lancelot_rwForgeAus, its portuguese01:28
pedrinhoe onde tem um canal  em portugues?01:28
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pedrinhovc sabe?01:28
lancelot_rwpedrinho, q c precisa?01:28
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lancelot_rwas vezes eu posso ajudar01:29
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pedrinhoinstalei o kubunto aki...mas nao sai som01:29
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.01:29
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ForgeAusyeah thats what I was wondering about01:29
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lancelot_rwForgeAus, hehehe and the guy still complain that nobody helped him .. LOL01:30
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zorglu_ForgeAus: explain more about your disk full stuff01:30
lancelot_rwpedrinho, viu os canais ai!?01:30
pedrinhovi sim01:30
mrayGunirus: you can read german?01:30
pedrinhovlw ai01:30
lancelot_rwok :-)01:30
Gunirusmray: a little bit01:31
mraythats the link that helped me.01:31
ForgeAuszorglu um is there a way if I can find out if theres a file or something filling up my "free space?"01:31
Gunirusi'll try it01:31
akruscould someone help me with microsoft & soft-phone?01:31
zorglu_mray: Gunirus: google has a translation stuff which may help01:31
Gunirusi know :)01:31
akrusI can hear myself speaking while Microphone is enabled in KMix, but never in *any* SIP phone :(01:32
JucatoForgeAus: a good graphical way to find out would be using Filelight01:32
zorglu_ForgeAus: type 'df' in a konsole, it will report the amount of space used by disk partition01:32
zorglu_akrus: what you hear is likely the sound card echo, aka this is not reaching the OS01:32
ForgeAus hmmm /dev/sdb2             30423712  28878248        12 100% /media/sdb201:32
akrusit's not echo :(01:33
zorglu_akrus: check your volume on the OS01:33
akrusit's ok01:33
ForgeAusI don't have Filelight01:33
akruslemme try sound recording01:33
zorglu_ForgeAus: well your disk is 'full'01:33
[-I-] 3pocdf -h is readable01:33
ForgeAusbut I just removed several files over 100MB01:33
ForgeAusit CAN"T be full01:33
akrussame with sound recording01:33
zorglu_ForgeAus: the 200mbyte of difference is the reserved part. you can remove it with tune2fs tool01:33
akruszorglu_: could you tell me how to check?01:34
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:34
zorglu_akrus: try this01:34
ForgeAusI don't want to remove a reserved bit01:34
akrusok thx01:34
mrayi'getting depressed: Amarok is so great, but it only wants to run as root.01:34
JucatoForgeAus: try "sudo apt-get autoclean" to clean the apt cache01:34
ForgeAusI know I have free space, somethings auto-filling it01:34
lancelot_rwwhat are the codecs to download to run .wmv files?01:34
Gunirusmray: knetworkmanager can't connect to my wireless network01:34
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:34
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ForgeAusI deleted the package cache too01:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wmvcodecs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:35
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wmvcodec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:35
ForgeAusthats the first thing I did01:35
ubotukcheckgmail: KDE systray application to check GMail accounts. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.5-1.1 (edgy), package size 96 kB, installed size 580 kB01:35
mrayGunirus: did you "sudo aptitude install wpasupplicant" ?01:35
Gunirusit is still a wep network01:35
Gunirusbut knetworkmanager can't connect to it01:35
lancelot_rwfernando, man how do I play wmv videos?01:35
akruszorglu_: oh btw may this problem be caused because of Full Duplex? :x01:35
Guniruseven not when i disabel wep01:35
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[-I-] 3pocforgeaus: man fuser01:35
pedrinholancelot_rw  ... meu nick nao e cadastrado por isso nao da pra te responder na conversa reservada...vo ver se consigo registrar ele aki...01:36
lancelot_rwpedrinho, ok01:36
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mrayGunirus: If you still use WEP then there is no reason to use the non-standard WLAN software.01:36
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pedrinhomas msm assim...obrigado pelas dicas la...vo fazer akelas paradas la..01:36
[-I-] 3pocfuser tells you what process has files open01:36
crazy_busI'm trying to use kcheckgmail but I'm getting the error "Unknown error retrieving cookies"can anyone help fix this?01:36
zorglu_akrus: maybe, it is possible to enable/disable fullduplex in the sound card config01:36
mrayGunirus: If you want to start using WPA instaed of WEP you first have to set up your WLAN-router to do so.01:36
Gunirusmray: but knetworkmanager can't connect to a wirelss network, not to a WEP network not to an unprotected network, ...01:36
Gunirusi know01:37
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fernandolancelot: you have to install the codecs for windows 3201:37
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lancelot_rwfernando, do you know the names? so I can do an APT-get01:37
mrayGunirus: did you follow the instructions completely (including the editing of /etc/network/interfaces ) ?01:37
lancelot_rwpedrinho, viu la como registra o nick ?01:38
Gunirusi've tried lots of things with /etc/network/interfaces01:38
pedrinhovi sim01:38
fernandolancelot: here is the key: wget http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl/1135D466.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -01:38
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pedrinhoessa aba e onde heim???01:38
pedrinhoso mei noob nesse trem aki ainda01:38
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fernandolancelot: here is the repositories:01:38
fernandodeb http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl edgy-seveas all01:38
Jucatopedrinho: English only please01:38
lancelot_rwi use dapper01:38
fernandodeb-src http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl edgy-seveas all01:38
Gunirusmray: okay, WPA, i can choose 6 different WPA thingsd01:38
mrayGunirus: ok so lets assume it is installed properly- how does it "not work" ?01:38
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mrayi guess you use the pre-shared Key (TKIP)01:39
lancelot_rwJucato, i was just helping pedrinho to connect to a channel in PT-BR and register his nick01:39
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.01:39
fernandolancelot: and the library is: libdvdcss2 and w3201:39
Gunirusi want to connect ot my WEP network, i enter my WEP key, it tries to connect01:39
akruszorglu_: nothing helps :x01:39
fernandolancelot_rw: did you get it???01:40
Gunirusand then it will halt01:40
Gunirusat 28%01:40
pedrinholancelot_rw onde fika essa barra q vc flo??01:40
mrayok - are you sure the key is 100000% correct? (Upper and lowercase matters!!)01:40
Alzi2How to make a file open in a specified application by default?01:40
Gunirusi pasted it :)01:40
[-I-] 3pocAlzi2: how many ways can you skin a cat?01:41
mraythat is sometimes problematic - because you can paste spaces or something like that - dunno...01:41
fernandoAlzi2: you have to see you file, then right click to see the pop menu and "open with"..01:41
Gunirusi checked it, double checked it, but it is correct01:42
fernandoAlzi2: you have to mark the field : open always with this program after you the selection..that's all01:42
mrayGunirus: you can choose between 3 different WEPs right?01:42
fernandolancelot_rw: did you get it???01:42
Gunirusbut WEP is  working with wlassistant01:42
Alzi2fernando: Thanks :)01:42
Gunirusand not in knetworkmanager01:42
Alzi2fernando: I did it with clicking properties and then the icon but that caused havoc.01:42
mrayGunirus: try chosing the ASCII01:42
Gunirusi'll try WEP01:42
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mrayWEP works fine with knetworkmanager, too.01:42
Gunirusnot here :(01:43
fernandoAlzi2: but isn't in properties.. is the menu "open with"01:43
mrayGunirus: but hey - if you want to stick with WEP keep using what already works!!01:43
Alzi2fernando: Hmm.. strange, i don't see that box.01:43
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Gunirusmray: I'll tru WPA01:43
GunirusWPA shared key?01:44
mrayShared key : TKIP01:44
lancelot_rwfernando, oh man, sorry (girls calling me)... i'll try to download it later... now im going to a party :)01:44
mrayGunrius and "WPA Personal"01:44
fernandolancelot: jajaja ok..have fun!!!01:44
Alzi2fernando: Hmm.. strange, i don't see that checkbox. What to do if it's not there?01:44
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fernandoAlzi2: can you see "open with"?01:45
lancelot_rwwell guys... see ya later! ...01:45
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fernandoAlzi2: ok.. can you select the program??01:45
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Alzi2And then, in that window, only "Open in terminal" is there, not the "always open"01:45
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fernandoAlzi2: yes..and is a field with: "remember the association with..blablababla01:45
fernandoAlzi2: that you have to mark..01:45
Alzi2fernando: No.01:45
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Alzi2fernando: It's not there.01:46
fernandoAlzi2: are you using konqueror to display this menus??01:46
Alzi2fernando: Yes.01:46
Guniruswpa is enabled in my router configuration01:47
fernandoAlzi2: try it on a terminal with "sudo konqueror"01:47
Alzi2I remember i saw the checkbox, though.. something must've made it show up. But now, i don't see it01:47
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Alzi2hmm... i discovered that i don't see the checkbox on the SNES files (roms)01:47
Alzi2when won't it show up?01:47
Alzi2cuz on the text files, it does.01:48
cavallowhat dc++ client can I use in *ubuntu ?01:48
cavallois there anything like dc++ ? :)01:48
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zorglu_cavallo: yes, there is but dont remember the name01:49
Gunirusmray: then, the knetworkmanager part?01:49
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zorglu_!p2p | cavallo01:49
fernandoAlzi2: but if the file doesnt have any association, if you make dobleclick on it.. automatically kubuntu will ask you for a program to associat01:49
ubotucavallo: Conventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network).  -  BitTorrent: see !torrent  -  Direct connect: try valknut.  -  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information.01:49
GunirusI can choose WPA &2 Personal and WPA enterprise01:50
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mrayGunirus: what about it?01:50
mrayah ok.01:51
Alzi2fernando: Yeah, and the strange thing is... on that filetype, the box DOESN'T show up.01:51
mraylet me have a look...01:51
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mrayWPA2 is newer and harder to crack - don't know if your router understands it. try WPA2 - if it fails - try WPA101:52
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GunirusRouter supports wpa201:52
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mrayok great then use WPA2 :)01:52
GunirusWPA2 preshared key only?01:52
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Gunirus(router configuration)01:52
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mrayyes - that's the easiest way where you just set up a password on the router and enter the same on your machine.01:53
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mraydoes it work?01:53
Alzi2fernando: Yeah, and the strange thing is... on that filetype, the box DOESN'T show up.01:53
Gunirusnow knetworkmanager01:53
Alzi2Can anyone help me with that? I'm trying to set an application to open on a file with the extension .SMD, but when i do "open with.." it doesn't show up the "always open with this application" thing. Why doesn't it do that?01:54
mraydoes it find your network?01:54
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Gunirusnot working01:54
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mraydo you see your SSID ?01:54
fernandoAlzi2: make dobleclick on the file.. did you try that??01:54
fernandoAlzi2: kubuntu will ask you for an application01:55
Alzi2fernando: Yeah, tried that.01:55
cavallogoshhh beryl realy p0wnz :) Very nice :)01:55
mrayGunirus: i had some issues with that, too - try adding it manually by choosing "Connect to other network....."01:55
mraycavallo: did you get it to run under KDE?01:56
cavallomray: yes01:56
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cavalloworks liek a charm. Awesome01:56
mraycavallo: easy to set up?01:56
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cavallomray: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Beryl.2FAIGLX_.28Nvidia.2901:57
Gunirusmray: it is not working01:57
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mrayGunirus: you add a connection manually: -> enable encryption -> choose WPA Personal -> enter password -> WPA2 -> WPA protocol : TKIP01:58
Gunirusi tried that01:59
mrayif thats not working maybe WPA1 does the trick?01:59
Gunirusit hangs at 28%01:59
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mrayyou ahve to be patioent.01:59
Gunirusmray: something like this : http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30590201:59
mrayit does not connect IMMEDIATELY01:59
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Gunirusi KNOW :)02:00
mrayhm over here it works like that. - i know that doesn't help you :P02:01
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mraybut you're not still running wlanassistant or something like it ?...02:02
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fernandoI have problem with skype.. I can see my friend online but If I cann't call....02:10
fernandoanyone has the same problem??02:10
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fernandoI am usign the debian package02:11
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fernandoI have install skype, but I cann't call, I am using the debian package..any help???02:12
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Alzi2Can anyone help me with this? I'm trying to set an application to open on a file with the extension .SMD, but when i do "open with.." it doesn't show up the "always open with this application" thing. Why doesn't it do that?02:13
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fernando I have install skype, but I cann't call, I am using the debian package..any help???02:14
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fernando I have install skype, but I cann't call, I am using the debian package..any help???02:17
HymnToLifeubotu, tell fernando about repeat | fernando, see the private message from ubotu.02:17
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angasuleI did an update yesterday and now my nvidia card doesn't work, what packages should I reinstall for it to work again? I'm on the console02:22
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:23
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fernandoangasule: did you update the kernel??02:25
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angasulefernando yes02:26
Forgehmmm wierd02:26
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Jucatoangasule: update/install the linux-restricted-modules that matches the new linux-image version02:26
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Jucatoangasule: if you're using the driver from nvidia.com, you need to run the installer again02:26
fernandoangasule: I get the same problem with the new linux kernel release few days ago..02:26
angasuleJucato : I'm unsure what version it is02:26
Jucatoangasule: uname -r02:27
fernandoangasule: just make sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade02:27
angasuleJucato oh heh of course :)02:27
fernandoangasule: the system will update the nvidia drivers if they are available02:27
angasuleok, gonna reboot, thanks :)02:28
fernandoangasule: I am using the beta drivers for nvidia card and they work perfect even with BERYL02:29
fernandojucato: are you using skype??02:29
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angasulethat didn't work02:30
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Jucatoangasule: which driver are you using02:31
Jucatoand what exactly didn't work?02:31
angasuleJucato X11 failed to init, I'm using the binary nvidia driver from the repo recommended for beryl02:31
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Alzi2Really big problem here. Every time i try to make changes in the MIME database, it deletes the application/octet-stream entry! and then i have to create it manually again. how to solve this really annoying problem?02:32
Jucatoangasule: oh... that's a problem then...02:32
cavalloangasule: try to reinstall nvidia drivers...02:33
Jucatoangasule: if the recommendation is from the official Beryl guide, might want to ask in #beryl or #ubuntu-effects on what to do in case of kernel upgrades02:33
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angasuleok, I'll go there, I hate BitchX :)02:33
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ladobola todos02:35
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ForgeAuswell not sure what the problem was but it seems to have fixed itself02:42
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naserwhat is the name of the package : for install source packages in ubuntu (gcc\c++)02:45
naserthat include c++\gcc ***02:45
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ForgeAusc++/gcc/g++ ... dev packages they're probably already installed02:47
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ForgeAusmuch of linux gets compiled from that those02:48
naseri want to install packeg in my system but i have  a lot of problems what to do ??????????02:48
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ForgeAusnaser I'm pretty much as clueless as you02:48
HymnToLifeForgeAus, they're not installed by default in Ubuntu02:48
ForgeAusbut first thing oyu need to know is... what kind of package02:48
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)02:48
ForgeAusHymn... thats wierd02:48
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HymnToLife!away | racarr02:49
uboturacarr: Please don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'.  We know you're away when you don't respond to messages. Also see !guidelines02:49
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larsivijhutchins: you here?02:50
fernandosomeone is using skype ???02:50
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larsivifernando: ye02:51
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fernandolarsivi: I have install the debian package but just doesnt work.. and more.. is stop my audio system..02:52
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fernandolarsivi: are you in edgy???02:52
larsivifernando: hmm, worked out of the box for me02:52
larsiviyes, I use edgy02:52
BluesKajhowdy all :)02:52
fernandolarsivi: how did you install it??02:52
larsivifernando: using dpkg, I think02:53
streatherhi can someone help me with installing the fglrx drivers properly?02:53
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues02:53
larsivihave anyone installed kde debug symbols with 3.5.6 ?02:53
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fernandoatreather: I have install the fglrx driver.. what problem do you have?02:53
rEvolution27how do i configure Kk menu to show descriptions only?02:54
fernandostreather: I have install the fglrx driver.. what problem do you have?02:54
streatheri followed the guide on the ubuntu wiki and it doesn't seem to be installed properly02:54
HymnToLiferEvolution27, kcontrol, desktop, panels, menus02:55
ForgeAus(good place for instructions on how to install ATI drivers02:55
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ForgeAusshould work for kubuntu (just use kde alternatives)02:55
johny_hey guys does someone know why some movies freeze for a seconds using kaffeine02:55
ForgeAusie adept instead of synaptic and kdesu instead of gksu02:55
johny_The same happens after writing "flrx_gears" ij console02:56
fernandostreather: doesn't work properly? can you be more specific?02:56
ForgeAusseems to mention that kinda stuff on the site anyway02:56
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streatherwell when i type fglrxinfo into the terminal window to check it comes up with02:57
streatherXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".02:57
streatherdisplay: :0.0  screen: 002:57
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mackansjo d:02:58
fernandostreather: do you have hardware acceleration??02:58
ForgeAusstreather you need a symbolic link02:58
ForgeAusto where your dri directory is02:58
rEvolution27how do I configure K menu to show descriptions only? (sorry I got disconnected)02:58
ForgeAusunder X11 (not sure if its in /lib or /usr but X11r6 needs a link to where dri is installed to02:59
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ForgeAusits probably there if you have flgrx drivers02:59
RogueJediXWhen I did apt-get update and upgrade the packages linux-headers-generic and linux-image-generic have been held back. If I attempt to remove them, I don't break any dependencies. Does that mean I can remove them?02:59
ForgeAusI used krusader and copied it as a link02:59
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ForgeAusso its not exactly missing just doesn't know the right place to look for it03:00
streatherok so all i have to do is tell it the right place to look for it?03:01
ForgeAusyeah by putting in a symbolic link03:01
fernandoForegeAus: may be you can help me..I have and notebook with an x700 ati radeon, I can run the fglrx drivers without problem but...03:01
ForgeAusfind your dri directory (prolly under some x11 or x11r6 dir somewhere on your drive03:01
ForgeAusthen make a link03:01
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fernandoForgeAus: I want to install beryl and is always Beryl with xgl.. the problem is that Beryl always try to start AIGLX03:02
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ForgeAusfernando I don't have beryl and I don't know how to get it working03:03
streatherok how would i go about making a link to the x11 directory?03:03
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fernandoForgeAus: is ok.. but do you know how to install ati radeon drivers instead of flgrx???03:03
ForgeAusstreather I'm not a great person to ask, like I said I did it in krusader03:04
fernandoForgeAus: I am right now in beryl, my problem is with the ati radeon for my notebook03:04
ForgeAusflgrx ARE the radeon drivers aren't they?03:04
fernandoForgeAus: not..they are diferent..03:04
ForgeAusmine is only AGP radeon 9600 All in 1 wonder03:04
ForgeAusx700 is higher tech! lol03:04
BluesKajjohny_, are you trying to install the binary ati driver ? then check this out : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#head-c966b2cb7c82944d6883f27a2896725db3b90a3a03:05
ForgeAusyou got radeontool?03:05
fernandoForgeAous: no03:05
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johny_BluesKaj: I'm not trying to install nothing. Fglrx work and I'm using this driver03:19
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johny_But the things that's strange is those movies freeze and so does the gears in the console03:20
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streathersweet they're working now :D03:21
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streathernow to reinstall beryl (>_<)03:22
BluesKajjohny_, how much memory and what's yer cpu ?03:22
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ForgeAusawesome streather, glad its working03:23
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yacoobIs there much hassle making firefox integrate smoothly with Kubuntu's KDE?03:23
johny_BluesKaj: it's not about memory, I've got 1gg of RAM and the halpf is free03:24
larsiviyacoob: it works fairly well03:24
_6StringKng_using firefox in kde is great03:24
adaptr1 GigaGiggle ?03:24
_6StringKng_haven't had any prbobs so far03:24
yacooblarsivi, what I mean is, do I only need to install the package, or there's something more to muck about?03:24
_6StringKng_get it from adept update manager03:24
larsiviyacoob: shouldn't need anything more03:24
johny_BluesKaj: I guess it must be something in the kernel03:24
larsiviyou'll even get a open in ff menu choice in konqui03:24
larsiviI find ff slow though, compared to konqui03:25
yacoobkonqueror is amazingly fine for a browser not based on gecko03:25
johny_BluesKaj: There's the same with ATI proprietary driver (freeze)03:25
yacoob...yet there are some things that it lacks, like firebug :))03:25
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larsiviyacoob: I suppose that's why safari use the same core?03:25
yacooboh, and konq is said to pass css3 selector test03:26
larsiviand nokia03:26
yacoob...not that users care :)03:26
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ForgeAusactually firefox doesn't really integrate with kde it just runs fine under it03:26
malice007hello, I typed su -l and now I can not do sudo.... I am very new and now I have no clue how to get this back so I can do sudo03:26
larsiviyacoob: the khtml team get to import most improvements apple make to safari, so it is becoming better very fast03:26
ForgeAusit tends to have a more GTK-style interface but works fine anyhow03:26
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mrcoooldoes anyone know how you spell the term "kubuntu" ?03:27
BluesKajjohny_, what's the output when you do this command : fglrxinfo  ?03:27
=== yacoob still needs to decide whether he likes gnome or kde. After all those years with plain sawfish... :))
larson9999i find konq+kde == just a little to close to win+ie03:28
larsivilarson9999: I suppose there are similarities, but win+ie really falls down between the chairs in comparison03:29
johny_BluesKaj: thats the output http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5221/plain/03:29
larson9999larsivi: still a too close for me tastes.  as gnome is a little too close to the registry for my tastes :)03:29
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yacooblarson9999, are you following "MUST BE DIFFERENT!" rule, while picking your tools? :D03:30
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zarephathI don't see kget as an option...is there another repo that needs to be added other than those in synaptic?03:31
BluesKajjohny_, hmmm yer fgl_glxgears  should work in 3D and not freeze , as long as yer not running or burning something03:31
malice007Sorry I typed sudo -i and now I can not use it03:31
malice007How do I go back and fix this?03:31
larson9999yacoob: perhaps.  especially when it comes to the things i don't like. hate when those get copied.03:31
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larsivilarson9999: I find konqui to be customizable enough for me - it happens that I fire up Krusader for file handling though03:32
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johny_BluesKaj: it works fine ( all appears and moves ) but every 1 min it freezes for a second and then gets back03:32
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johny_BluesKaj: The same happens with movies in all formats03:33
johny_BluesKaj: However in Mplayer this thing does'nt exist03:33
larson9999larsivi: it is. i'm just worried about the 'integratedness'.  but it's not that bad.03:34
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larsivilarson9999: integratedness? in konqui?03:34
SSJ_GZlarson9999: What's wrong with integratedness?03:34
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tierhallo ihr buben03:35
malice007can anyone help me with sudo -i?03:36
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tierhat irgend jemand den nerv sich mit der installation der proprieteren ati treiber zu helfen?03:36
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:36
shinigamiwhat's ndiswrapper03:36
LjL!de | tier03:36
ubotutier: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de03:36
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calinuxits only eng language???03:37
calinuxci sono italiani ?03:37
tierhas anybody the nerv to help my by install original ati driver for 9600/9700 mobility?03:37
LjL!it | calinux03:37
ubotucalinux: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:37
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calinuxGRAZIE MILLE03:38
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:38
zarephathmalice007: What? If you run sudo -i then you become root period..what is your question?03:38
tierdo you answer in chinese, too ubotu?03:38
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk03:38
LjL!msg the bot03:39
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...03:39
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tierand mongololian, ubotu?03:39
tierand mongolian, ubotu?03:40
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tiercan anybody help me to install the proprietery ati driver?03:41
larson9999larsivi: yeah, that kde will become too dependent on konq.  i suppose many think it already is.03:41
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larson9999SSJ_GZ: well, if it gets to the point where it's required a la ie and windows. that's a bad thing imo03:42
Fooftyberyl isn't working =[03:42
erickhello everyone, is anyone can help me with ubuntu boot problem, a bit strange03:43
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larsivilarson9999: fair enough, but the components that konq is built on are usable by all other (possibly not currently existing) applications too03:43
Fooftyi've installed beryl-manager,beryl and emerald theme manager and also xserver-xorg-air03:43
Fooftyand it isn't working03:43
malice007zar when I try to so anything it tell me su falied or something I can not seem to get su away and just do sudo.. when I type su in konsole I get03:43
malice007su: Authentication failure03:43
Fooftyberyl loads on login but i have no window borders or effects etc03:43
malice007should I just reistall?03:43
malice007install even03:43
malice007I realy dont know what I did03:44
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HymnToLifeubotu, tell malice007 about root | malice007, see the private message from ubotu.03:44
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malice007sudo does not work03:45
malice007that is what I am telling you03:45
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malice007I know about sudo03:45
malice007when I type sudo It bouces me back03:45
fernandoI am try to modify the access to some folder with chmod, How can I give privilegies for a normal user with chmod???03:45
malice007does not ask for anything03:45
malice007and does not ask for anything03:45
LjL!permissions > fernando    (fernando, see the private message from Ubotu)03:45
malice007password etc03:45
malice007sudo does nothing03:46
malice007none of the package mang work03:46
malice007just tells me something about su03:46
larson9999larsivi: for instance removing konq means i also have remove kdebase-dev.  that's going down the wrong road imo.03:46
HymnToLifemalice007, you need to type sudo <command> to run a command as root03:46
HymnToLifeif you want a root shell, do sudo -i03:46
malice007I get su returend with an error03:46
malice007I do type sudo and a command03:46
malice007it does nothing03:46
HymnToLifedo sudo -i instead of su03:47
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malice007I dunno what I did03:47
larsivilarson9999: it's more like it always been that way, and someone (maybe you ;) needs to address it?03:47
malice007I believe I did sudo -i03:47
malice007after that all my problems03:47
larsivianyway, anyone installed kde debug symbols on edgy for 3.5.6 ?03:47
RogueJediXIs there a window manager that integrates with KDE better than Beryl? Those dark grey menus don't do it for me03:47
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erickis su - working, malice007?03:48
malice007su I get this03:48
malice007su: Authentication failure03:48
HymnToLifeRogueJediX, KWin :)03:48
HymnToLifemalice007, I told you not to run su !03:48
RogueJediXI think I should've rephrased that03:48
erickare u in the wheel group?03:48
malice007hymn no you did not I did that before I came in here :)03:48
malice007should I just reinstall?03:49
malice007its a fresh install03:49
RogueJediXEr, one that makes use of aiglx or xgl and such03:49
HymnToLifemalice007, nope, just run sudo -i instead of su03:49
malice007ok hold03:49
malice007ok I did that03:49
malice007it asked me for my password when I typed a command and it did nothing03:50
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HymnToLifetype your password then :)03:50
erickmalice007 ,u should input your root passwd03:50
HymnToLifeerick, wrong03:50
HymnToLifeit's the user password03:50
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HymnToLifethere is no root password by default in Ubuntu03:50
malice007when I open a package manager now I get su returned with an error03:51
HymnToLifemalice007, which pckage manager ?03:51
malice007I am using Kubuntu03:51
ericksynaptic,most probably03:51
HymnToLifeerick, Synaptic is in Gnome...03:51
HymnToLifethough I agree it's a million times better than Adept03:52
tierhello i now, i am noob nr. 1000000 questioning  about ati proprietary driver, but i need just a little help03:52
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HymnToLifemalice007, are you running Adept from the K Menu or from Konsole ?03:52
erickactually, i am using xfce :)03:52
malice007k menu03:52
HymnToLifeyou should be asked for your password in a popup then03:52
HymnToLifemark, _your_ password03:52
malice007nope just that error I tell you03:52
HymnToLifenot root's or anyone else's03:52
malice007I think I should just reinstall03:53
HymnToLifethat's weird03:53
HymnToLifetry         kdesu adept03:53
malice007would ne easier03:53
HymnToLifein konsole03:53
tierhave any one a radeon 9600/9700 mobility?03:53
erickHymnToLife , can we have a private talk? a weird problem03:53
HymnToLife!anyone | tier03:53
ubotutier: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:53
HymnToLifeerick, sure03:54
malice007hymn it says wrong root password?03:54
malice007it pops up and wants a password03:54
tiersorry, i am not uset to english foren03:54
malice007I put in the only one I had03:54
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tierthis bot ist funny03:54
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malice007kdesu adept03:55
malice007X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16803:55
HymnToLifemalice007, is the account you're using the one you created during ubuntu setup ?03:55
malice007  Major opcode:  14503:55
malice007  Minor opcode:  303:55
malice007  Resource id:  0x003:55
HymnToLifethat's normal03:55
malice007Failed to open device03:55
malice007X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16803:55
malice007  Major opcode:  14503:55
malice007  Minor opcode:  303:55
malice007  Resource id:  0x003:55
malice007Failed to open device03:55
malice007jsut when I put in a password i get errors or nothing03:56
HymnToLifeare you running kdesu from a root shell ?03:56
malice007fresh install03:56
malice007I was just trying to get java to work03:56
malice007using su03:56
malice007and this happend03:56
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tierati, just a little help?03:57
erickin my opinion, i feel it's only the root passwd work, anyway03:57
HymnToLifeyou most likely did something you shouldn't have03:57
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HymnToLifeyou should stick with Ubuntu instructions for installing stuff until you're familiar enough with it03:57
malice007hymn I will just reinstall then :)03:58
malice007thanks for the help03:58
erickhymn, waiting for ur acknowledgement03:59
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dos2unix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:00
HymnToLifeerick, what for ?04:00
shinigamihow do i get dos2unix04:00
LjL!find dos2unix | shinigami04:00
ericki encounter a boot problem04:00
ubotushinigami: File dos2unix found in tofrodos04:00
ubotutofrodos: Converts DOS <-> Unix text files, alias tofromdos. In component main, is optional. Version 1.7.6-2 (edgy), package size 16 kB, installed size 68 kB04:00
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erickas far as the kernel loaded(even on the rescue CD),the keyboard dead04:00
shinigamiok thanks sir04:01
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ericki tried the rh9 rescue cd(busybox), it works fine04:01
ericki think it is nothing to do with a hardware or ps2 problem04:01
erickhymn,any hint?04:02
HymnToLifenope :/ (sorry, I'm helping out a friend with PYthon stuff so I'm quite busy atm)04:02
ericknever mind, take your time04:03
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ubotukwirelessmonitor: wireless interface monitor for KDE systray. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.91-2build1 (edgy), package size 55 kB, installed size 280 kB04:03
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shinigamiwhere is the shortcut in edgy to kwirelessmonitor?04:03
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Danker I am not english native, so could someone explain what does "Hun' " mean?04:05
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:06
shinigamimy wep mode should be open system or shared key?04:06
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Alzi2How to change the home page of konqueror? if i do it in the settings, it still shows the konqueror introduce thing04:07
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LjLAlzi2: http://www.konqueror.org/faq/#HowdoIsetmyhomepagethepageloadedonstartup04:08
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craigevilwhich version is more stable Dapper or Edgy?04:09
larsivicraigevil: imo, dapper04:09
LjLcraigevil: people often say dapper is more stable04:09
LjLdapper is LTS anyway04:09
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.04:09
erickdanker, hun means rude people04:10
Alzi2LjL: Long page name xD04:10
craigevilok but does it also have newer packages like kde 3.5.6 available04:10
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Alzi2ah... thanks :D04:10
LjLAlzi2: well it's not really a page name, the page name is  http://www.konqueror.org/faq/ - the # part simply tells the browser to go to the right parapgrah04:10
shinigamianyone have experience using linksys wmp54g wireless network card? goddamnit.. just couldn't get it connected to my wireless network04:11
erickLjL, have you ever heard of a bug such that when the kernel loaded, the keyboard died?04:13
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LjLerick: i don't think. i know of a bug that makes the keyboard behave strangely. i've also had some people saying their keyboard doesn't work in Ubuntu, but i never could find the culprit04:14
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ubuntu_hi ppl i need help..04:14
ubuntu_my grub boot loader is no longer there..04:14
erickunfortunately, i encounter the weird thing04:14
ubuntu_how can i restore it..im using kubuntu cd  right now04:15
ubuntu_6.10 edgy .04:15
ubuntu_can someone help me pls:S04:15
ubuntu_i got a work to finish....04:15
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ubuntu_im a noob in linux lOol04:15
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kozzcan you access the harddrive?04:16
ubuntu_only a usb disk04:16
ubuntu_but my work is not there.04:17
ubuntu_can i mount the disk from the cd ?/04:17
ubuntu_i cant even log in shell as root04:17
ubuntu_i dont know the default pass for that04:17
kozzyou need to use sudo04:18
kozzwith no pass I think04:18
ubuntu_what pass ?04:18
streatherok i have a interesting new problem, i installed beryl and XGL and somethings gone wrong and now when i use xgl to sign in from the welcome screen i get a black screen with a X for a cursor and when i use kde to log in i get the wallpaper and cursor etc just no taskbar/menus/rightandleft click menu >.<04:18
philippbieberno password is needed when doing sudo su to get a root shell on a live cd04:18
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ForgeAusif you don't have a root pass you shouldn't be using the system! (except perhaps as a user)...04:18
craigevilubuntu_: do sudo mount -o dev,rw /media/hdxx where xx is the drive where your mbr is04:19
LjLthough sudo -i is a better idea than sudo su anyway04:19
ubuntu_what is teh command to mount the disk ?04:19
ubuntu_but the thing is i want to fix the grub loader!!04:19
ForgeAusyou installed beryl right?04:19
ForgeAusyou need a window decorator04:19
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beryln00bmy usb devices aren't automounting04:19
beryln00bif i add them to fstab i can mount them04:19
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beryln00bbut i want them to mount when plugged in04:19
kozzubuntu_: you need to enter your installation with chroot and then rewrite the boot loader with grub-install04:19
ForgeAuslike aquamarine or emeryld04:19
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streatheremeralds installed04:20
ubuntu_craigevil: im gonna try04:20
ForgeAusI'm not sure then04:20
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ubuntu_craigevil: is that to fix the mbr ?04:20
ubuntu_or mount the disk!!04:20
craigevilthat will let you mount the drive04:21
streatheri can't even get a terminal window open atm >.<04:21
ubuntu_ah ok04:21
kozzubuntu_: I don't know your device name but say it is called /dev/sda1, you need to mount /dev/sda somewhere. Like sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 and then run sudo chroot /media/sda1 and then run grub-install04:21
ubuntu_mount: can't find /media/hdd1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab04:21
kozzubuntu_: mount the filesystem, set that filesystem to your new root and then rewrite the boot loader04:22
ubuntu_thats what says when i try to mount the hdb104:22
craigevilthen do  sudo chroot -root-directory=/media/hdxx  /dev/hdx   where x is the correct drive letter+number04:22
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rEvolution27how do i move my sytem tray? I messed it up and I want to move   it back to it's original position04:22
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ubuntu_nothing happens:S04:24
ubuntu_im so fck............04:24
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ForgeAusrevolution try middleclick (if you got one) system settings ... and change your panel04:25
ForgeAus(its also known as kicker)04:25
rEvolution27yes but i can't move certain applets04:25
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rEvolution27like the clock and system tray04:25
ForgeAusare the panels locked?04:26
rEvolution27i dunno04:26
JucatorEvolution27: if you hover over the applets, you should see applet handles04:26
Jucatounless you turned those off04:26
ForgeAusyeah Jucato locking turns them off04:26
ForgeAusthe clock and taskbar have "grips" on the left when unlocked04:26
rEvolution27they aren't locked04:26
Jucatotry right-click -> Unlock Panels if they're locked04:27
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ForgeAussome other panel applets too04:27
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rEvolution27they aren't locked04:27
cntbmonitor issue while delivering Pc to a different undetected monitor04:27
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ForgeAusthen there should be (to the left of them) a small vertical bar you can right click to move it04:27
rEvolution27if i right click on say k menu i can select move04:27
JucatorEvolution27: right-click on the panel -> Configure Panel -> Appearance -> Advanced Options button -> set Applet handles to Fade Out or Visible04:28
rEvolution27but i dunno how to move the system tray04:28
cntbwill <<<< sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange >>> work in a konsole or I must kill X on this PC to try it ?04:28
rEvolution27oh thanks jucato04:28
ForgeAusthe system tray, the space directly to the left of it.. right click and it should say move system tray as an option04:28
cntbwhat is a quick terminal command in ctrl alt F1 to kill x04:28
ubuntu_craigevil: nothing happens!04:29
Jucatocntb: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop04:29
cntbeasy in place of restart tyvm Jucato04:30
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Jucatocntb: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart also04:30
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nodeserthow can i log out with using console?04:31
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JucatoK Menu -> Logout ?04:32
ForgeAusshutdown now -r will reset, um logout just use logout...04:32
ForgeAusI thikn04:32
ForgeAusum not sure if that logs out of kde tho04:33
Jucatobe careful w/ using shutdown commands while KDE is still running, as it does not start the proper session-related events/processes for shutting down04:33
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ForgeAusoh ok... didn't know that04:34
_6StringKng_anyone know why Kubuntu doesn't want to shutdown or restart properly sometimes?04:34
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rEvolution27ok now... how do I set k menu to show only item descriptions?04:34
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ForgeAusrev not sure you can04:35
JucatorEvolution27: right-click, Configure Panel -> Menus04:35
rEvolution27crap... i could do it in gnome04:35
Jucatoyes you can04:35
Jucatochoices are: Name only, Name Description, Description (Name), and Description only04:35
rEvolution27where in the menu editor?04:35
_6StringKng_k, anyone know why Kubuntu doesn't shut down properly sometimes, nor restart...04:36
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ForgeAusnot menu editor04:36
Jucatoright-click panel -> Configure Panel -> Menu04:36
ForgeAuspanel configuration04:36
ForgeAus(menu applet)04:36
Jucatosaw it?04:36
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rEvolution27yeh... thank you sooo much04:36
Jucatook. now I can logout...04:37
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gihefMay I ask a question ?04:37
_6StringKng_bout the whole Kubuntu not wanting to shutdown or restart properly half the time04:37
_6StringKng_just ask it04:37
_6StringKng_doubt I could help though04:37
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gihef_6String Kng , i don't have this problem04:37
gihefyou should take a look at your logs04:38
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_6StringKng_well its not all the time04:38
_6StringKng_and how do I look at my logs?04:38
gihefI am trying to " share " a mysql db between two distros : edubuntu drake and kubuntu eft04:39
gihefanyone ?04:39
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gihefbrowse in your filesystem to /var/log04:39
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kozz_6StringKng_: are you using fglrx?04:39
ForgeAusum does mysql allow you to connect to it?04:40
ForgeAusrun one and connect to it from the other? (if you run them simultaneously)04:40
gihefI do not run them simultaneously04:41
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kozz_6StringKng_: that might very well be the problem, also had problem with shutting down sometimes on my laptop while using fglrx, with the radeon driver it works every time04:41
ForgeAusum then do you mount one from the other?04:41
gihefthe first time i changed the datadir of mysql to the /var/lib/mysql of my other partition i got something with diskspace04:41
kozz_6StringKng_: fglrx is a bit buggy unforntunately04:42
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_6StringKng_whats the differences between the two? one better than the other?04:42
ForgeAuswell why can't you import/open from a mount?04:42
gihefthen i changed the rights to let anyone access the directory04:42
meyhola los canales espaol?04:43
gihefand now, it doesn't seem to start04:43
gihef/etc/init.d/mysql start04:43
gihef * Starting MySQL database server mysqld04:43
kozz_6StringKng_: fglrx is developed by ATI and just released as a binary while the radeon driver in xorg is open. Performance wise fglrx is much better than radeon however04:43
meyespaa canale s?04:43
_6StringKng_k, thanks04:43
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meyhola algien hbla mi idioma04:44
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_6StringKng_well I found what might possibly be a fix for the shutdown/restart probs on a forums, supposed to add acpi=force to the kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst file, maybe that might work04:45
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abattoir!es | mey04:45
ubotumey: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:45
gihefForgeAus, I don't want to import, but use the same db with whatever version of ubuntu i start04:46
slyfoxHow can I play quicktime ?04:46
meyabattoir:  mersy cenksss04:46
abattoirslyfox: you need to install codecs04:46
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abattoir!codecs | slyfox04:46
ubotuslyfox: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:46
ubotumplayer is a media player. Enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer  To compile it from source see:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile04:46
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.04:46
gihefthe username and groups of my mounted partition does not appear correclty, i only see numbers04:46
slyfoxBluesKaj: is there an easy way to isntall mplayer ?04:46
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ForgeAuswell mysql command is proably a binary to start the features of mysql not the actual database, the program itself...04:47
ForgeAusso changing the permissions for the program probably isn't a good idea04:47
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streatheris there a keyboard shortcut for the pacakage manager for kubuntu or something?04:47
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abattoirstreather: you can create one if you want...04:48
_6StringKng_could someone help me with Beryl????04:48
_6StringKng_was thinking about installing iut04:48
abattoirstreather: Kcontrol->Regional and Accessibility->Keyboard shortcuts should be it04:48
BluesKaj_6StringKng_, /join #beryl04:48
abattoir!beryl | _6StringKng_04:48
ubotu_6StringKng_: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:49
streatherabattoir i don't have any controls what so ever, all i can do atm is open a help window and use that window to open firefox >_<04:49
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abattoirstreather: try Alt+F2 and type adept_manager in that dialog04:49
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abattoirstreather: what do you mean? you don't have access to the menu?04:50
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streatheri mean kde isn't working what so ever04:50
streatherwhen i log in all i get is background and a cursor04:50
larsivistreather: there seems to be several issues with input - and it may be an upgrade problem - did you upgrade to kde 3.5.6 ?04:51
streatheri did04:52
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larsivistreather: I had similar problems yesterday, but was able to "fix" it by clearing my user's .kde/share/config directory04:52
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larsiviI copied back some of the files afterwards, but I didn't figure exactly which file(s) were at fault04:53
gihefForgeAus , Do you have any idea what I should do then ?04:53
BluesKajTo reconfigure your X server, open a console and type, : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:53
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ubotuTo reconfigure your X server, open a console and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  - To configure only the driver and resolution, type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  - See also !FixRes04:54
Jucatoubotu: ping04:54
BluesKajTo configure only the driver and resolution, type : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh04:54
ForgeAusgihef find where mysql stores its databases (the datafiles not the program ones)04:54
ForgeAusthen import/open them04:55
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BluesKajoops :)04:55
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heya0007have anyone here used C72 Siemens Mobile Phone on linux?04:56
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xenolwhere in konqueror can i set that it wont log what i have searched in google or when i am logging somewhere plz04:57
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heya0007 hey, i need to install a usb cable to comunicate with my C72 mobile phone (siemens), can you guys help me? what kernel modules should i load?04:58
_6StringKng_how do I find new themes for kde?04:59
xenol_6StringKng_:  www.kde-look.org04:59
_6StringKng_alright, know that, shoudl have said, how do I install them?04:59
tierhello, the proprietary ati driver seems not to work for ati mobility 9600/9700 m1004:59
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tieranyone with a ati 9600/9700 ?05:00
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streatherok i can't open a terminal window with the alt +f2 shortcut and i cant get into the kde directory :(05:01
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streatherif i have to reinstall again im going to have a nervous breakdown or something05:01
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BluesKajxenol, look in config konqueror/history sidebar/clear history05:02
larsivistreather: Are you able to logout using the kmenu ?05:02
xenolBlue thx05:02
larsivistreather: nothing at all?05:02
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xenolBluesKaj: didnt helped05:03
streathernothing what so ever lol05:03
drkmonce I've installed a theme, where do I go to turn it on (where in settings?)05:03
larsivistreather: if you reboot, do you get the login screen normally? then you can choose console login instead of logging in normally05:03
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streatheryeah if i reboot i get the login screen normally its just after logging in everything goes mad >.<05:04
larsivistreather: same as I had05:05
BluesKajxenol, strange ...din't work for me either ..WTH ?05:05
larsivistreather: do a console login05:05
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streatherthen remove everything in the kde directory?05:05
larsivistreather: no, just mv /home/youruser/.kde/share/config to oldconfig or something05:06
xenolBluesKaj:  hmm dunno i am thinking about it now do u know wat i mean? i just want to remove  phrase offers05:06
larsivithe rest wasn't a problem for me05:06
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heya0007anyone here download pictures from siemens mobile phones on linux?05:06
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streatherback shortly05:06
larsivistreather: if you have done any setup at all, you will most likely want to keep some of those config files around (to copy them back)05:07
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BluesKajI'm not worried about my surfing history so it's not a big deal to me :)05:07
xenolwell me neither05:08
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hattaI'm worried about your surfing history05:08
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xenolhatta:  then how u remove that browser is offerng u phrases u mentioned? =)05:09
hattaI think you turn off browser.search.suggest.enabled in about:config05:10
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xenolhatta:  not possible in konqueror :/05:12
hattaoh heh05:12
hattadon't use it05:12
xenolhatta: konqueror rox :D05:13
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hattamaybe a little05:13
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hattaI do like that you can detach tabs05:13
hattaI generally use krusader for file browsing though05:13
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xenolhatta: right-click on location bar -> completion mode -> none in konqueror05:15
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larsivihatta: if you click on the G in konqui, you can set up Google Suggest05:16
hattaheh, I don't want google suggest05:17
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larsivihatta: so set it to never ;)05:17
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hattaI don't use konqueror05:17
larsivioh, who asked then? :P05:18
drkmhow do I install KDE headers with apt-get?05:18
BluesKajxenol, Firefox is a better browser than konq anyway05:18
larsiviBluesKaj: of course not ;)05:18
naseri want to use open-gl in linux how ???????????05:18
xenolyeah it true btw if i install FF from repo will it  have that awful blue icon or traditional like in win?05:19
BluesKajwell larsivi , it is from my POV05:19
cntbis it permissible to << sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange >>> while in X ?05:19
drkmhow do I install KDE headers with apt-get?05:19
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simone_but you are english05:19
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cntbnaser specify graphic card lps05:19
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drkmhow do I install KDE headers with apt-get?05:20
simone_just do05:21
naserwhat is the software of open-gl05:21
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zorglu_!info kde-devel05:21
ubotukde-devel: the K Desktop Environment development files and modules. In component universe, is extra. Version 5:47 (edgy), package size 7 kB, installed size 40 kB05:21
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zorglu_drkm: i think this should do it05:21
simone_c' un italiano?05:21
zorglu_!it | simone_05:22
ubotusimone_: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!05:22
simone_ah nn lo sapevo05:22
simone_where are you from?05:22
zorglu_naser: overponctuation05:23
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zorglu_drkm: kde-devel-extras may be of interest too, but i dunno what it is exactly05:24
zorglu_!info kde-devel-extras05:24
ubotukde-devel-extras: extra development applications for use with KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 5:49 (edgy), package size 8 kB, installed size 40 kB05:24
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NotSureis there a good kde app to listen to internet radio stations?05:24
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about player - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:25
zorglu_NotSure: try amarok05:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aixgl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:25
simone_no there aren't05:25
ubotukradio: Comfortable Radio Application for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1beta1.0snapshot20051127-2 (edgy), package size 1713 kB, installed size 8616 kB05:25
NotSurethanks zorglu_05:25
xenolNotSure: u can try kradio but amarok is way much better05:25
NotSuretrying it now05:26
drkmzorglu: it said the following when I tried to install kde-devel05:27
drkmThe following packages have unmet dependencies:05:27
drkm kde-devel: Depends: kde-core (>= 5:47) but it is not installable05:27
drkmwhat do I need to do?05:27
zorglu_drkm: you did a 'apt-get update' ?05:27
drkmI did apt-get install05:28
drkmshould I be doing update?05:28
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zorglu_drkm: yep, you are out of sync with the repository05:28
zorglu_drkm: do 'apt-get update' to be insync05:28
zorglu_drkm: then do the 'apt-get install kde-devel' again05:29
zorglu_!info kde-core05:29
ubotukde-core: the K Desktop Environment core modules. In component main, is optional. Version 5:47 (edgy), package size 7 kB, installed size 40 kB05:29
xenolwat is better for html creation? nvu bluefish or Q+ :05:29
cntbq. can I  <<<< sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange >>> while in X ?05:29
zorglu_drkm: 5.47 is present05:29
zorglu_xenol: there are no answer to that. try them and see for yourself05:29
cntbbbl switching to konversation , shows clearly personally addresed answers better than GAIM05:30
drkmzor: update sticks on 99%?05:30
zorglu_drkm: hmm seems like a repository is slow... or frozen05:30
zorglu_drkm: should not happen05:30
zorglu_drkm: do you know the one having trouble ?05:30
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drkmzorglu_: not sure.. how can I tell?05:31
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zorglu_drkm: i know no simple way...05:31
zorglu_drkm: ok close the update and redo update05:31
drkmok I'll try again05:32
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zorglu_only the troublesome should do work, so easier to identify... perhaps05:32
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drkmzorglu_: ahh I know the one that isn't working.. I'll remove it.. its a shit one I added05:32
zorglu_cool :)05:32
drkmshit, what file do you remove it from? I forgot the location05:32
zorglu_drkm: kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list05:33
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zorglu_drkm: btw no need to say 'shit' all the time :)05:34
drkmshit, really? ;)05:35
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drkmdamn, it's not the one I thought it was05:35
drkmit's still sticking on 99%05:35
drkmdoes it ever time out?05:35
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zorglu_drkm: dunno, i dont think so05:35
zorglu_drkm: ok try again the apt-get install kde-devel05:36
zorglu_drkm: maybe the repository which matter got updated.05:36
=== zorglu_ is shooting in the dark there
zorglu_but you need to get a proper sources.list05:36
drkmwana give me yours?05:37
zorglu_i have a better solution05:37
ubotuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html05:37
zorglu_this one is no good05:38
drkmthink it might be easier to get a working sources.list05:38
drkmhmm can you send me yours?05:38
zorglu_well i could but transfering over the internet is hard05:38
BluesKajzorglu_, http://www.debianadmin.com/ubuntu-edgy-eft-complete-sourceslist-repository-list-file.html05:38
zorglu_there is a tool in ubuntu.nl to generate one05:39
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zorglu_BluesKaj: what is the url for the generation of a new one. on ubuntu.nl ?05:39
zorglu_http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/ <- there!!! drkm05:40
zorglu_try this one05:40
drkmok thanks, let me have a look05:40
ubotuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl05:40
BluesKajthey should know where to look in #ubuntu-nl05:41
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zorglu_BluesKaj: i bet you just arrived and did not follow the whole discussion, correct ? :)05:41
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joaospintohello guys05:42
joaospintohow can i install fluxbox on Kubuntu05:42
alan__hola alguien de lima per???05:42
joaospintowhen i ./configure i get an error05:42
alan__o q sepa hablar espaol05:42
zorglu_!es | alan__05:42
ubotualan__: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:42
carstenI need to know where KMail stores its outbox. It seems that it is not in ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/outbox/05:43
zorglu_carsten: /var/spool/mail ?05:43
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BluesKajzorglu_, I'm saying you can prolly find a dutch sources list from the ppl at #ubuntu-nl ..ok ?05:44
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zorglu_hmm outbox ?05:44
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zorglu_so /var/spool/mail may not be the place05:44
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carstenzorglu_: yeah, we have a kmail with a mail in the outbox. kamil crashes when I access the outbox so I have to rm the file by hand05:44
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zorglu_BluesKaj: ok there is a misundersting05:45
carstenzorglu_: the problem is that I have no physical access to the machine, not even via ssh05:45
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itzikt  ?05:45
itzikt  ?05:45
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zorglu_carsten: how do you expect to rm a file without physical access or ssgh ?05:45
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ubotu        :05:45
ubotu/join #ubuntu-il05:45
carstenzorglu_: my sister-in-law sits at the machine, zorglu_05:46
carstenbut she has no clue whatso ever about filesystems, so I am "teletyping" via Jabber :)05:46
mattiasAnyone knows how i burn a DVD-image in .img format using Kubuntu? Thanks in advance...05:46
zorglu_carsten: any chance to get her to install ssh ? :)05:46
carstenshe behind a firewall which she cannot administer05:46
zorglu_carsten: about the outbox location i dunno05:46
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Skrot-mattias: Think you can do it with k3b05:47
zorglu_carsten: and i dont use kmail so i cant give you the location on my box05:47
BluesKajThunderbird FTW ...easier to config05:47
carstenAnyone else here using KMail?05:47
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samiam010203yes i use kmail actualy kontact05:48
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carstensamiam010203: can you tell me where the file is located?05:48
_6StringKng_hwo do I use webcams with Kubuntu 6.10?05:48
BluesKajKMail sucks ...way too difficult to configure and it's complicated and clunky...beyond me why ppl use it05:48
samiam010203where what file is located05:49
_6StringKng_use thunderbird05:49
zorglu_carsten: you have to drive him on how to find the file05:49
itzikthello to everybody05:49
samiam010203what file is he looking for i just showed up05:49
zorglu_samiam010203: the outbox file where all the emails sent are stored by kmail05:50
carstenzorglu_: it is usually in ~./kde/...05:50
samiam010203ok let me go look05:50
zorglu_carsten: not me, him :)05:50
itzikti didnt sucsses to install firefox in kubuntu05:50
itziktwho is can to help me?05:50
itziktin private chat please05:50
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_6StringKng_how can I use webcams in kubuntu?05:50
_6StringKng_what do I need to use them?05:51
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras05:51
carstenzorglu_: yeah, the problem is that that directory doesn't exist on her machine05:51
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about taskmanager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:52
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mattiashow do i terminate the firefox process, it seems like it's locked...05:53
zorglu_mattias: there is a 'taskmanager' on ubuntu too, i dont remember the name tho :)05:53
zorglu_mattias: 'ksysguard' but i dunno if it has been renamed05:54
zorglu_mattias: or 'killall firefox-bin' in a konsole :)05:54
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zorglu_mattias: yep, kmenu -> system -> performance monitor (ksysguard)05:56
zorglu_there is an applet for that too05:56
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samiam010203just do an ctrl+esc05:56
mattiasok, i'm used to ctrl alt del :P05:57
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zorglu_so much simpler when you know the magic key stroke :)05:58
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras05:58
dromerI need a script se this will happen everytime I log into ubuntu: http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/security.html05:59
dromerthe server needs to do $ synergys  and the client needs- to open an ssh connection with the server and restart on localhost05:59
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dromercan I automate this properly? and how?05:59
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samiam010203anyone in here using feisty kubuntu and having samba problems?05:59
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alfatauhello, is there a way to find which is the fastest mirror for kubuntu apt sources? i've a good connection but i tried 4-5 mirrors and i never had been able to download faster then 30kb/sec...06:02
carstenok, fixed the issue06:02
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dromeralfatau: hmm, that's not very fast ..06:03
alfataudromer: for example... i've another machine with debian sarge installed, and i used http://debian.fastweb.it for apt sources. i can upgrade and install packages at 600kb/sec!! a little difference... don't you?06:05
cavallois there any program which one is recording a screen ?06:05
dromeralfatau: yeah!06:06
alfataudromer: no automatic mirror chooser available?06:06
dromerI think on my debian server I hav e a direct mirror on surfnet (my isp), which gives my like 10-100mbit connection :] 06:06
dromeralfatau: not that I know of ..06:06
jhutchinsalfatau: Yes, take the mirrorselect script from Gento and modify it to use the ubuntu mirrors.06:07
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alfataujhutchins: where to get mirrorselect? gentoo.org?06:07
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jhutchinsalfatau: iirc, yes, or search google, sourceforge for it.  It might actually be a debian script originally.06:08
jhutchinsTests either connect or small download, returns selected number of mirrors w/ speeds.06:08
jhutchinsRequires a list of all mirrors to be tested and a little hacking.06:08
tierwhere is the ati god who lend me some help installing proprietary ati driver on a rv350 ????06:09
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about image - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about img - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:09
tieri have done all the howtos06:09
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tieri hate sony06:10
tieris there a ubuntu notobook forum?06:11
ubotuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org06:11
tieri like this bot06:11
=== vlt|home [n=daniel@dslb-088-073-208-096.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
jhutchinsmattias: What are you looking for the iso's?06:11
vlt|homeHello. There was an update to the package linux-image recently. Where can I find information what has been changed in that latest kernel (security) update?06:12
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jhutchinsvlt|home: There's always a changelog included, although I'm not sure where ubuntu puts it.06:13
jhutchinsvlt|home: There were known issues with a recent update.06:13
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jhutchinsWhich reminds me, need to clean up old kernels on another box...06:13
vlt|homejhutchins: Thank you. I only want to know how urgently I have to reboot.06:13
Dr_willisyea - id wait to update for a few days.06:14
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Dr_willisi hear stuff has been fixed... but... :)06:14
tierjoin #ubuntu-laptop06:15
BluesKajmattias , try renaming the file to .iso ... see if that works06:16
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BluesKajI renamed some nero made .nrg files to .iso , which are supposed to be iso clones and it worked fine06:17
cavallois there any program which one is recording a screen ?06:18
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mattiasBluesKaj: ok06:18
cavalloanybody ? :)06:20
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zblachanyone have time for a quick LaTeX question?06:21
zblachcavallo: continuous movie style? or screenshot?06:21
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cavallocontinuous movie style06:22
AlllexHey, I'm running Kubuntu 6.10 at the moment- what folder would contain the Linux source?06:22
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jhutchinsAlllex: That is if you installed it.06:23
hattaif you installed the source package06:23
hattait'll be a tar.gz in there06:23
BluesKajcavallo what are you trying to record ?06:23
andrehey guys, I've got an issue with the nvidia binaries,  everytime I reboot I have to reinstall the driver... anyone know how to fix this?  I know that it is a known bug.06:23
mattiasbtw, how do i install a tar.bz2 file?06:23
Dr_willismattias,  in short you DONT.06:23
Dr_willisyou uncompress the thing and figure ouyt to do whith whats IN it.06:23
cavalloBluesKaj: I want to make some reviews of beryl ...06:24
Dr_willistar xjvf whatever.tar.bz206:24
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BluesKajmattias, tar xvjf filename.tar.bz2 , then look at the readme in the folder that is generated and the install instructions will be there.06:25
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=== Dr_willis cheats and uses 'unp'
ubotuunp: unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.10 (edgy), package size 9 kB, installed size 72 kB06:25
BluesKajsorry cavallo , i don't understand what you mean06:26
Dr_willisHes doing a review site/artical on beryl06:26
Dr_willisand watns some recordings/clips of the silly eye candy.06:26
Dr_willisI THink.06:26
cavalloDr_willis: BINGO! :)06:27
BluesKajunp eh ..cool , but does it install as well ?06:27
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cavallowho ?06:27
Dr_willisunp does what it says.. Unpacks... :)06:27
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:27
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jhutchinsmattias: Generally, you want to avoid installing from tarballs, as it's not tracked by the package database.  There's no guarantee that you'll ever be able to un-install the package.06:28
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jhutchinsDr_willis: Isn't there a factoid on that?06:29
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Dr_willisavoide installing stuff from 'source' :)06:29
jhutchinsHow hard is it to learn to build your own debs?06:29
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Dr_willisbut who ever listens  to the warnings....06:29
madaranyone out there dealing with this on a recent upgrade06:29
madarnvidia-glx: Depends: nvidia-kernel-1.0.974206:29
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Dr_williswhen i install from source - i try to be sure things install to /usr/local06:30
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BluesKaj /etc/bash.bashrc: line 59: syntax error: unexpected end of file ....there is no line 59 !06:33
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Dr_willisBluesKaj,  you got quoting issues i bet06:36
Dr_willisnot closed quotes06:36
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Dr_willisor () issues06:36
alex_       LINUX?     -?  ?06:37
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BluesKajDr_willis, are quotes allowed ?06:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:38
ubotu   #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke06:38
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_6StringKng_anyone know why my webcams average fps is around 4 in kubuntu, lmao06:39
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BluesKajDr_willis, there are quotes around one command , should i edit them out ?06:39
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jukaplease help06:40
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jukafor two days i've been trying to install the nvidia display driver06:41
jukait just doesn't seem to want to install06:41
jukai always get the "shut down x server"06:41
jukabut i really don't know how........06:41
_Snatch_... dunno, i have ati06:41
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jukaseems i have to get into root06:42
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jukado you know how to get there, but without using GUI?06:42
jhutchinsjuka: do you need to shut x down, or just restart it?06:42
jukashut it down06:42
jhutchinssudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop06:42
gesslar /etc/init.d/kdm stop06:43
jukaand if i figured it out correctly, that means i have to get out of GUI.......06:43
gesslarerr, with a sudo06:43
_6StringKng_my cousin was having trouble with them too06:43
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jukalemme try it06:43
_Snatch_can someone tell me how to install beryl/XGL on kubuntu06:43
_Snatch_can someone tell me how to install beryl/XGL on kubuntu06:43
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gesslari have a link for you06:43
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects06:43
jukahow do I return to GUI after pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1?06:44
jukaand how do i log in as root when in c+a+F1?06:44
gesslarlog in as your user06:44
gesslarthen su06:44
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ubuntu_plz it is possible to install software on live cd?06:46
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jhutchinsubuntu_: Sometimes/it depends.06:47
jhutchinsubuntu_: THink about where it would install _to_.06:47
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jhutchinsjuka: He means use sudo, su won't work.06:48
ubuntu_jhutchins:  i want to try out beryl on livecd without messing up my kubuntu on disk soo could i damage smth with system if i install drivers and beryl on live cd?06:48
jukai figured :/06:48
jukaso I'm logged in with my account, but, whatever I want to do as "root" i use "sudo" before?06:48
jukabefore the command i wanna use06:48
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jhutchinsubuntu_: I think beryl is too big to install running the live CD.  You could rebuild the live CD so it uses beryl.06:48
jhutchinsubuntu_: Consider the fact that beryl is very alpha software, usually broken.06:49
jhutchinsjuka: Yes.06:49
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jhutchins!sudo | juka06:49
ubotujuka: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:49
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ubuntu_jhutchins: so xgl wat is  that crap called06:50
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu06:51
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_Snatch_how do i get admin access to sources.list06:51
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juano__how can i open a torrent with another torrent client resuming whats already been downloaded with the old client ?06:52
_Snatch_how do i get admin access to sources.list06:52
jhutchinsubuntu_: beryl. formerly novel/suse's compiz.06:52
AmazingRussjust start your same torrent file06:52
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AmazingRussit should resume06:52
AmazingRusssnatch: sudo nano /etc/sources.lust06:52
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ubuntu_jhutchins:  without rebuilding livecd can i install it?06:53
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jhutchinsubuntu_: You can certainly try.06:54
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ubuntu_jhutchins:  but nothing will mess up06:54
ubuntu_jhutchins:  with system?06:54
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Dr_willischanging torrent clients - however. may need to set where the downloads are at.06:55
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Alarmhello, i just installed mscorefonts , but i cant see 'tahoma' in the font list. (control center) why is that06:55
jhutchinsubuntu_: Do you have linux instaled to HD?06:55
ubuntu_jhutchins:  ye06:55
jhutchinsubuntu_: What distro?06:56
ubuntu_jhutchins:  edgy kub06:56
incorrectis koffice 1.6 really better than openoffice?06:56
jhutchinsubuntu_: Why not just install beryl on that?06:56
incorrectnot that i've seen a comparision06:56
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ubuntu_jhutchins:  i am afraid that is will crash06:57
jhutchinsincorrect: I hit a problem with oo yesterday.  When I tried to print two files, oo would crash and tell me it was recovering the document.  I moved the files (so I could access them from another system), and one of the files started crashing oo as soon as I tried to open it.  abiword opened it jsut fine.06:57
Dr_willisAlarm,  you may need to restart the font server, or restart X. never noticed that befor, heh...06:57
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jhutchinsubuntu_: Back it up, try it, if it crashes fix it.06:57
Dr_willisi just realized i dident have those fonts installed06:57
ubuntu_jhutchins:  how can i rebuild live cd?06:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rebuild - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:58
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ubotuUbuntu Dapper 'Desktop' CD contains a Live CD (Ubuntu that runs straight off the CD and RAM) with an install option. Breezy's Live CD contained no install.06:58
Alarmso restarting would fix that problem ?06:58
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jhutchinsubuntu_: Google remastering live linux cd06:59
djwilcoxhi has anyone got the mozilla vlc plugin working06:59
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ubuntu_jhutchins: hmm do u know any live cd that has beryl installed?07:01
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gesslarmy beryl freezes07:01
jhutchinsubuntu_: Not me.07:01
ubuntu_gesslar:  ur card?07:01
gesslarnvidia something or other07:01
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gesslari have to go to another machine on my network, ssh in and kill the process to get it back07:03
jhutchinsubuntu_: check http://www.beryl-project.org/ there might be something about live CD's there.07:03
gesslarbecause i can't restart X or switch terms or anything07:03
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jukaomg, i'm really gonna cry now07:05
gesslarwhat's up, Juka?07:05
jukai tried stopping the x server, but then i just get a blank screen and nothing works07:05
angasulewine crashed on me and now the screen resolution is wrong, how do I restore it?07:05
jukaand i'm supposed to install nvidia drivers07:06
djwilcoxi cant play any video in firefox - cant seem to get the vlc plugin working07:06
jukasomeone gave me a link, but i exited and didnt save, can you please send it again?07:06
BluesKajDr_willis, do you have a minute ..my FF mplayer plugin doesn't work at this URL ...does it play on yours ?  http://www.cbc.ca/documentaries/media/planet_oceandeep_promo.wmv07:06
jhutchinsjuka: What do you get when you hit ctrl-alt-F1?07:06
jukai have to enter username and pass07:06
jhutchinsjuka: Yes.07:06
jhutchinsshut down kdm from there, see if that works better.07:07
Dr_willisBluesKaj,  wmv? ick; :) lets see.07:07
jukathen i use "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"07:07
jukaand then everything goes blank07:07
BluesKajdjwilcox, http://mplayerplug-in.sourceforge.net/07:07
Dr_willismine wants to download the video.07:07
jukai can type but nothing happens07:07
jhutchinsjuka: Try ctrl-alt-F1 again, tap enter a couple of times.07:07
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jukayeah, i pressed ALT+F4 and got back to the login screen07:07
djwilcoxim not to keen on mplayer didnt like the quality07:07
djwilcoxis there any way to get the vlc plugin to work07:08
jukabut still cant install the drivers because they "can't be opened" :'((((((((((07:08
Dr_willisBluesKaj,  it plays for me in totem. I got that whole series allready. :)07:08
angasulewine crashed on me and now the screen resolution is wrong, how do I restore it? Why doesn't anyone ever answer this question? no easy solution? I friggin' hate restarting X07:08
gesslarangasule: have you restarted your X?07:08
gesslarangasule: that's probably the only way to to dit07:08
gesslardo it07:08
BluesKajtotem , ok so yer on gnome desktop ?07:08
jhutchinsjuka: You have 4-6 consoles, alt-f1 to alt-f6.  alt-f7 would be your first X console.07:09
angasulegesslar: no, the point is that an app shouldn't be able to screw up the system, I'd be using windows if I 'wanted' that07:09
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jhutchinsjuka: What are the filenames?  Are they "owned" by you?07:09
gesslarthe res being incorrect is not a system being screwed up07:09
jhutchinsangasule: Wine is an ongoing project.  Sometimes it works better than others.07:09
BluesKajDr_willis, it plays in VLC if i copy the URL and click on it  ...strange :)07:10
jhutchinsangasule: Screwing up X isn't the same as screwing up the system.  What happens if you switch desktops?07:10
angasulejhutchins: I know, it's not wine's fault, the system should be able to withstand it07:10
jukaNVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9631-pkg1.run and it's in my home directory07:10
jukaalso, i put one in the /tmp but it disappeared07:10
Dr_willisBluesKaj,  i rarely ever want a video to play IN the browser. :) other then youtube.07:10
angasulejhutchins: it's just X's resolution that's screwed07:10
Dr_willisangasule,  kde has that resolution/slider/config thang :) if it works..07:11
gesslarrofl, how is it not wine's fault when wine crashed and was unable to restore your previous resolution?07:11
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jhutchinsjuka: Ok, I know NOTHING nvidia-specific, but you might need to set the program as executable, or run it with bash.07:11
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jukaexecutable? bash?07:11
jhutchinsangasule: Ctrl-Alt-Keypad+/- might help.07:11
gesslarchmod +x filename07:11
gesslarbash filename07:11
angasulejhutchins: I think an application crashing and leaving the graphical environment unusable requiring a restart is the windows way07:12
angasulejhutchins: no, that doesn't work07:12
jhutchinsjuka:  You should be following a howto that says what steps to take.07:12
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Dr_williswindows way = you would have to reboot.. not just restart X07:12
angasulejhutchins: the Settings dialog to change resolution also doesn't work07:12
gesslaractually, the best way that i found to install nvidia drivers was to use automatix207:12
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gesslarjuka: have you tried that?07:12
jhutchinsangasule: You're running a windows app though, the system is compromized by it.07:12
angasuleDr_willis: I have to restart every open app, same thing07:12
gesslarthat's how i got my nvidia drivers installed07:12
jukai have two how-to's printed in front of me, both have commands  which i write but don't do anything07:12
hattayou don't need to restart x to change your resolution back07:12
hattauxe xrandr07:12
jukasuch as "#teleinit 3"07:13
hattause xrandr07:13
angasulejhutchins: heh that's BS07:13
Dr_willisgee... it normally takes me 4 min to install the nvidia drivers following the !nvidia wiki page... beats automatix to me...07:13
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gesslarDr_willis: thank goodness for you that we're all about altenatives then :)07:13
hattaangasule, man xrandr07:13
jhutchinsangasule: If you want an isolated windows environment run xen or VMware.07:13
angasulehatta: I'm looking at xrandr07:13
jhutchinsangasule: wine is a compromise.07:13
hattaxrandr -s 0 usually works for me07:14
angasulejhutchins: I'm not running a windows environment, wine is not an emulator07:14
Dr_willisgesslar,  what would be BEST if nvidia and ATI/amd would quit being idiots and let the disrto install them by default.07:14
gesslaryes, well07:14
jhutchinsangasule: Right, and gnu's not unix.07:14
hattabind it to a hotkey or something and it's fixed07:14
gesslari won't disagree there07:14
incorrectah i see koffice doesn't have such good word docs support07:14
angasuleworking now, phew07:14
angasulethanks a lot hatta07:14
angasuleand the rest: hatta gave the unix answer, 'restart your whole environment' is not a proper answer07:14
gesslarlol jhutchins07:15
gesslarrestarting x is not "restarting your whole environment"07:15
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gesslarit takes like 10 seconds07:15
angasulegesslar: can you restart X without killing the apps running on top of it?07:15
angasulegesslar: how?07:16
gesslaryou know i'm lying :p07:16
Dr_willisthe moral of this story.. dont use wine to play games with you got critical stuff running. I guess.07:16
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Dr_willisi still wonder why the KDE 'res change' thing works for some people and not for others.07:16
gesslarok, maybe i should say restarting X is not restarting -my- whole environment07:16
Dr_willisa xorg.conf option perhaps?07:16
jhutchinsDr_willis: Different video hardware maybe?07:16
angasuleDr_willis: no critical stuff running, but I don't like crappy answers :P07:16
jhutchinsangasule: So don't run windows programs.  Problem solved.07:17
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angasulegesslar: I run everything inside X, including my consoles (yakuake is great)07:17
gesslari love yakuake07:17
angasulejhutchins: it's not restricted to wine programs, all full screen programs are capable of doing that07:17
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Dr_willisjhutchins,  i can change my res on the fly wihe the Pherhirials->monitors/display tool.07:17
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jhutchinsDr_willis: I have krandr, it doesn't always work.07:18
Dr_willisusing the nvidia drivers.07:18
angasuleDr_willis: I can, too, except when I can't07:18
Dr_williskrandrtray - Nifty. :)07:18
Dr_willisthat works for me.07:18
angasuleso, I'm gonna go crash another game07:19
gesslartry armagetronad07:19
gesslarit's made for crashing07:19
angasulearmagetronad? 'ad'? new version?07:19
gesslarit's way better than the ones in the repos07:19
Dr_willisheh - the 'configure display' option in krandtray - pops up a empty window.07:19
angasuleI've always wanted a massive lan party to play armagetron :)07:19
_6StringKng_what are the beryl channels?07:19
_6StringKng_beryl is one right?07:19
angasule_6StringKng_: #beryl07:20
gesslari set it to size 10 and it took me about 10 minutes to get to the middle of the arena07:20
_6StringKng_wasn't there another one?07:20
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angasule#ubuntu-effects is about beryl too, maybe? dunno07:20
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects07:20
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gesslarangasule: http://www.armagetronad.net/07:21
swanfli need the entry in sources.list for amarok 1.4.507:21
swanflI already have the riddel key07:21
angasuleI really hate it when full screen apps don't let you switch to another desktop07:21
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gesslarif only the armagetronad people would make the fonts less nastastic07:22
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angasulethe closer to the movie, the better07:23
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gesslarmaybe they should make it horrible in the moviepix mode, then :p07:24
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scottyIs there aw ay to update Firefox versions without uptdating Kubuntu versions? I want to stay in 6.06 for a little while, but I'd like FF207:25
scotty*a way07:25
angasulethey should have the camel toe tron guy in erotic poses as background for the main menu07:25
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins07:25
gesslarlol angasule07:25
scottythanks, agasule07:25
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incorrectis it me or can't konq render /. ?07:26
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angasuleincorrect: /. has the crappiest html, they even block the validator07:26
incorrectangasule: sadly i am at the point where i only care if it works,  not that someone else sux :)07:27
crazy_penguingood night!07:27
angasulewow, they removed the block on the validator: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fslashdot.org07:27
jhutchinsincorrect: It's you.07:28
_Snatch_while trying to fetch updates in either adept or synaptics package manager, it stops at 99% and says: WAITING FOR HEADERS (99%)-what the #$%&!!??07:28
Dr_willisservers are overloaded at this time07:28
gesslarwhat part of slashdot does not render07:28
angasuleincorrect: yeah, but it's sad that a geek site has crappy html, and for what it's worth, I read slashdot daily and don't have any real trouble07:28
jhutchins_Snatch_: use apt-get instead.07:28
_Snatch_same thing happens07:28
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incorrectim going to stick with firefox for the minute07:29
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incorrectmaybe someone will do a gecko+qt one day07:29
jhutchinsangasule: The reason you can't switch apps is that the FS game is grabbing all the input from your controls.  If you had ssh access from another device you could switch.07:29
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_Snatch_jhutchins same thing happens07:29
jhutchins_Snatch_: Yeah, servers are hammered.07:29
incorrect/. could use drupal or plone07:29
enzo_Other than in System Settings > Monitor & Display > Power Saving... is there an area that would make my laptop's monitor go black every 5 minutes of idle time?07:30
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_Snatch_jhutchins it doesn't happen on my other laptop07:30
gesslarenzo_: sometimes i have a screensaver set that doesn't load, but just turns the screen black.07:30
jhutchinsincorrect: /. predates either of those projects.07:30
incorrectjhutchins: and hasn't been updated since 200307:31
incorrectthe slashcode project is dead07:31
_Snatch_while trying to fetch updates in either adept or synaptics package manager, it stops at 99% and says: WAITING FOR HEADERS (99%)-what the #$%&!!??07:31
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incorrectthey could happy use one of the modern cms's07:31
gesslardeja vu?07:31
enzo_gesslar: That might be the same issue07:31
jhutchins_Snatch_: Stop abusing yourself!  Find another mirror.07:31
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gesslarjhutchins: i thought you were insulting him07:32
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gesslarsometimes my inner geek goes on a coffee break07:32
_Snatch_jhutchins ... i came to irc to find other mirrors07:32
gesslarso why don't you just say "hey, does anybody have a list of mirrors for [blahblahblah?"07:33
streatherout of curiosity is there any osx style docks availible for kubuntu07:33
gesslarlet's see if ubotu has mirrors07:33
Dr_willisstranger,  none that ive seen worth using..07:33
ubotuKubuntu can be downloaded in various formats from here: http://kubuntu.org/download.php07:33
gesslarguess not07:33
Dr_willisstranger,  then again - i hate the OS-X docl07:33
gesslarstreather: i think there's something on kde-apps.org07:33
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hellcattravim new to linux/Kubunut07:34
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gesslarwell, hello there, hellcattrav07:35
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hellcattravok here's my "problem"  I've got XP, and an the install off of the live cd, but I can't get my wireless card working-I posted on the Kubuntu forums(same username)07:36
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gesslarstreather: try: sudo apt-get install kxdocker07:37
hellcattravi tried ubuntu once(from the live cd) and it recognized my wireless card, but I like the KDE better, but I'm at a loss on what to do07:37
jukahoyeah! i managed to install the freaking nvidia drivers and they work perfectly, the problem was: I didn't know linux was CASE SENSITIVE about filenames :///////07:37
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jukaso whenever i typed something, it said "cannot opet", and i was like WTF?!07:37
gesslarjuka: oh, well. yes, *nix is incredibly sensitive about its cases. don't mention it, it gets a little embarassed about size and whatnot.07:37
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jukaanyway, thanks for the help guys :)07:37
jukanow the other problem07:38
gesslarbring it07:38
jukawhy I installed the drivers in the first place07:38
gesslarfor fun and profit?07:38
jukawait a sec, someones at the door07:38
=== gesslar waits for juka
hellcattravgesslar, any idea on what i can do? I'mn a total noob with kubuntu(linux in general)07:38
jukamy ex ;))))))))07:39
jukaanyway, the geforce 6800 has an immensly loud fan!07:39
jukaso the nvclock_qt was supposed to have functions to control fan speed07:39
gesslarhellcattrav: unfotunately, i don't have any experience with wilan. i tried once, and failed. then then just found it easier to stick in a wired card.07:39
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jukai installed it via adept manager and there is NO FAN SPEED regulation :(07:40
hellcattravanyone else able to help?07:40
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gesslarjuka: my apt-cache tells me that this util is for overclocking07:41
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jukai just saw...07:41
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jukathe adept manager has 8b1 version, and the current is 8b207:41
gesslarjuka: nvclock-qt - Allows you to overclock your nVidia card under GNU/Linux07:41
jukawill try it07:41
gesslari would try it out, but i don't want to overclock my gpu07:41
hellcattrav hey anyone willing to help my noobish self out?07:42
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estelI'm trying to install kubuntu with the alternative installer (text mode), but the installer is unable to find my cdrom device. it is a gsa-h42l and should be /dev/hdg. udev didn't create a device node for hdg, but hda (my hdd) works fine, so it is no problem of ide in general. i created a device node for /dev/hdf, but it still fails. dmesg recognizes the device as ide1 - any ideas?07:43
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esteli have the same problem using knoppix, unfortunately google wasn't much of a help07:44
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frojnddoes anyone know for some kind of subtitle workshop or something to edit and modify subtitles ?07:46
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liamhi guys and girls gotta prob with my cd drive any help?07:47
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hellcattravok, any takers to help me?07:48
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alexiconive accidentally deleted my /boot partition07:48
alexiconwhich means ive lost my kernel and all drivers07:48
liammy cd drive wont unmount and eject?07:48
alexiconive stuck a generic livecd version of the kernel in boot and can boot from that07:48
liamany ideas07:48
BluesKajalexicon, did you reinstall windows07:48
alexiconcan i just update my system as usual07:48
alexiconBluesKaj: no suse D:07:48
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cntbalexicon interesting Q.07:49
alexiconsuse ate my boot partition, i thought it would be smart and save all the necessary other distros i have07:49
alexiconbut it didnt07:49
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liamcan any one help me?07:49
BluesKajso suse took the grub  bootloader out07:50
cntbIwould like to hear a solution to your "recovering /boot partition" .07:50
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alexiconanyway i stuck a new kernel in its place, and it boots, just with no drivers07:50
liamok my cd drive wont unmount and i cant eject07:50
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TIRC_6621ciao a tutti07:50
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alexiconi guess im just going to have to find out the hardway :P07:50
finalmadc' qualcuno che mi potrebbe aiutare?07:50
alexiconliam look for any processes still using the cd07:50
cntbalexicon: lesson learnt ? use custom install not default07:50
alexiconi did custom.. i thought i had backed up my boot partition, but i only backed up the stupid default /boot directory that it installs with -_-07:51
alexiconmy own stupid mistake07:51
cntb!it > finalmad07:51
liamwhere would i look for the process07:51
alexiconlsof laim07:51
alexiconi mean liam07:51
liamsorry im confused07:52
BluesKajthere's a grub utility called "super grub" , you can find it on google , DL , burn it in suse then bot up the grubdisk and reinstall grub07:52
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BluesKajbootup the grub disk07:52
alexicongrubs not the issue really, i know all the locations it needs to boot off07:52
cntbsupergrub is a bootable07:52
liamok this is what it says when i try to dismount07:52
liamcompany is - Lorimer Electrical07:52
liamnumber - 01325 30855507:52
liammobile - 07885 761900 (better just number above like)07:52
liamowner is called angus lorimer07:52
alexiconthe problem is i lost my vmlinux07:52
alexiconand bzimage07:52
liamsorry wrong message07:53
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jukaomg, again I can't install what I have installed yesterday!!!!07:53
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liamcompany is - Lorimer Electrical07:53
liamnumber - 01325 30855507:53
liammobile - 07885 761900 (better just number above like)07:53
liamowner is called angus lorimer07:53
jukathe KPackage doesn't recognize .tar.gz file!07:53
blue|palmHelp! Amarok crashed and now it doesnt want to load...07:53
liamdamn thing07:53
jukaand it should xD07:53
alexiconso what i wonder is if i boot up on this old kernel version and try to update will apt even work07:53
BluesKajliam  use pastebin07:54
alexiconor will it break cos packages it thinks are there really arent07:54
liamwheres that?07:54
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:54
ubotuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.5 for Edgy and packages are  available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok07:54
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moisesi want to add the multiverse repository to my sources.list, what is the line i need to put in it?07:55
gesslarit should already be there, just uncomment it07:55
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liamunmount: only root can unmount /dev/hdd from media.cdrom007:55
liamthats the error message i get07:55
BluesKajtake the # away from the beginning of the deb...address07:55
blue|palmwhat can i do if amarok has crashed and it wont re-load?07:55
Dr_willissudo umount /media/cdrom007:55
moisesi see. well played, gesslar07:55
=== gesslar grins at moises
alexiconblue|palm: id log out of X then back in and try to resstart amarok07:56
liamok what does that mean Dr_willis07:56
alexiconor do ps -ef | grep -i amarok07:56
moiseswait... no it isn't .all i have in there is universe07:56
alexiconsee if anything is still hanging about07:56
moisesand multiverse, but only under backports07:56
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Dr_willisliam,  that will have root unmount the cdrom.07:57
gesslarah, i see that automatix2 added my multiverses07:57
BluesKajmoises , http://www.debianadmin.com/ubuntu-edgy-eft-complete-sourceslist-repository-list-file.html07:57
liamok so i need to type that in a command line07:57
gesslarmoises: my bad07:57
alexiconyeah liam in the command line07:57
alexiconok gunna reboot back into my deformed system brb07:58
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moisesthanks much =)07:59
moisesfellas, i have a bone to pick with kubuntu. its happened on multiple systems that i've tried, so i know it's not my computer, but08:00
cntbsupergrub disk here http://supergrub.forjamari.linex.org/ also read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows08:00
gesslari love my kubuntu08:00
moisesevery once in a while i'll try to launch a program and it will randomly not launch. no error message, no problems whatsoever,08:00
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gesslaroh, i get that, too08:00
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moisesit'll give me the bouncing mouse icon and a taskbar entry for the launching program08:00
moisesand then it just never ends up launching08:00
gesslarand then you try again and voila it works08:01
moisesand i spent like 30 seconds of my life waiting for something that just didn't happen.08:01
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liamok that didnt work i tried sudo unmount /media/cdrom008:01
hellcattravhello- could anyone help me?08:01
hellcattrava no would work too08:01
gesslarif it's still about wilan, i still cannot help08:02
gesslarsorry :(08:02
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cntbalexicon: why not try and mkdir /boot in root partition08:02
liamany one help me with this cdrom thing08:02
cntbthen fill it with what is needed08:02
moiseswhoops, looks like beryl crashed08:02
gesslarmoises: it freezes on me all the time08:03
gesslargesslar: i just uninstalled it last night08:03
gesslari'm talking to myself08:03
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Dr_willisliam,  ---->  sudo umount /media/cdrom008:03
Dr_willisliam,  note there is no 'n'08:03
ScottKhellcattrav: Have you looked on the Ubuntu/Kubuntu wikis for wireless stuff?08:03
Dr_willisand NO i dont know where it went. :)08:03
hellcattravyeah i guess it is, im running XP cos i cant get my net up and I've just the laptop(well not true, but the desktop may as well be broke, the internet connection is so slow08:03
liamyeah i tried that sorry an error entering in here08:03
hellcattravyes, i have but i can't make heads or tails08:03
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_ubuntuhey guys, trying to use 5.10 live cd and trying to install lm sensors but it ddoesnt work, any advice?08:03
Dr_willisif somthing is accessing the cdrom - it wont unmount it.08:04
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moisesso i feel like i am getting stood up by a COMPUTER PROGRAM. is there anyway to fix this?08:04
gesslaror if you're cd'ed into it in a terminal08:04
moisesor, stop it from happening at least08:04
liamit says please check that the disk is entered correctly08:04
gesslarmoises: i have no idea, i get it all the time too, though i have the distinct impression that it's happening with non-native kde apps. firefox does it most often to me08:04
moisesthe one that does it most often to me is adept08:05
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moisesquite a native KDE app if you ask me08:05
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liamwhat was that about it being cd'ed08:05
ScottKhellcattrav: I don't have time to give you much help, but use 'sudo lspci -v' in a command line to figure out which wireless type you have and then look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported and see if what you have is listed.08:06
gesslarliam: if you're in a terminal session and you've cd'ed into any directory on the cdrom then you cannot umount it08:06
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hellcattravive made a question on the forums- if you've the time just add a post to my thread(ive the same username on the kubuntu forum)08:06
ScottKhellcattrav: That command will list all the devices it can find.  IME the wireless device is normall at/near the end of the list.08:06
liamok sorry i dont know what that means08:07
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hellcattravokk thanks08:07
liamhow do i undo that?08:07
ScottKhellcattrav: I stay far away from the forums.  The noise level is too high.08:07
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Dr_willisliam,  close all programs accessing the cdrom08:07
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hellcattravif i could trouble you again- how do i get to the sudu?08:07
liamthey all are08:07
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ScottKhellcattrav: Feel free to add the infor yourself once you've figured it out.08:07
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hellcattravheres my problem- when i tried to go into the network settings for admin mode it said conversation with sudo failed08:08
ScottKhellcattrav: Use Konsole to open a command line window and type the commad in there.08:08
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nessunoitaly ??08:08
snovvyhello all08:08
ScottKhellcattrav: I have to run, but if you need help learning how to get to a command line, ask for help with that first.08:09
snovvywhy when i compile Glib and next i want to compile GTK+ i got error ?08:09
snovvyi think i doing everything right :)08:10
incorrecti've converted to kde,  how can i purge gnome?08:10
liamhow do i unmount this CD DRIVE!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!08:10
alexiconlosing my kernel seems to have made my wifi card disappear too08:10
alexiconjust as well as i need to repatch the driver anyway08:10
snovvyright mouse button at CD drive and hit Unmout08:10
incorrectliam: lsof | grep <your cdrom dir>08:10
liamok where do i type that08:11
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alexiconeverything gets typed there :P08:11
snovvyin Console :)08:11
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liamok whats the charachter after lsof08:12
snovvyDo I can download compiled Glib somewhere ? :08:12
hellcattravok can someone hlep me get to the command line?08:12
snovvyK > System > Termianl/Console... [i don;t know what is name in you're distro :)] 08:13
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incorrectso how do i purge gnome?08:13
alexiconor F2 and type konsole08:13
ubotu#ubuntu-gr  #kubuntu-gr     /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes08:13
liamok i give up08:14
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl08:14
alexiconliam: its called a pipe08:14
liamdont know how to enter it  though08:14
alexiconand its usually on the top left corner of your keyboard next to number 108:14
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alexiconyou need shift+alt or some weird combination to get it tho08:14
liamok #08:14
alexiconor just cut and paste it from this window08:14
cntbliam - goes with the backslash08:15
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liamok lsof | grep <your cdrom dir> done nothihg08:16
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scottyhttp://sethkinast.com/photos/index.php?fpp=10&did=4&fid=4 <-- Anyone know what those two widget-like apps on the right of the screenshot are?08:17
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liamand i did enter my cdrom location lol08:17
scottyrather, are called08:17
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SSJ_GZliam:Try fuser <your cdrom dir>08:17
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BluesKajctrl+alt+F1 for command line without the desktop , ctrl+alt+f7 to get back to the desktop08:18
liamno sorry that didnt work either08:18
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JosShttp://meneame.net/story/bluetooth-hacking-seguridad-telefonos-moviles  |||| dale donde dice MENEAME!!!08:18
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SSJ_GZliam:You mean it didn't print anything at all?08:19
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liamno nothing08:19
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SSJ_GZliam:What does sudo umount <your cdrom dir> do?08:19
hellcattravthanks snovvy08:20
liamsudo unmount command not found08:20
snovvyno problem :D08:20
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SSJ_GZliam:umount, not umount :)08:20
SSJ_GZ*unmount even08:20
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SSJ_GZliam:"umount", not "unmount" :)08:21
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liamoh ok sorry08:21
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SSJ_GZliam:np - as you can see, I managed to make almost exactly the same mistake :)08:21
liamah now that worked08:21
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liamso do i have to do that every time now08:22
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juano__does anyone know a good .avi to DVD image program _??08:23
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SSJ_GZliam:I hope not, although my desktop installation seems to have screwed up in a similar way recently :(08:23
BluesKajtovid for cli08:23
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SSJ_GZliam:It used to work fine from the GUI, though.08:23
dromerhmmm, I was about to install vmware-player with synaptic .. but I get this error after about 5 mins into installing: E: vmware-player: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 108:23
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liami cant get my other partion to mount to08:23
McNealcan someone help me on amarok and shout script?08:23
BluesKajtovid does well with it's GUI , but devede is alittle easier to use08:23
incorrectbye bye gtk08:23
incorrectbye bye libgnome08:24
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McNeali get alltime a error if i want to run the script08:24
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hellcattravoi, so what do i do to get the command line?08:25
McNealcan someone help me on amarok and shout script? i get alltime a error if i want to run the script08:26
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McNealthis is what is get for a error - http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.net/10408:26
BluesKajhellcattrav, look in the kmenu and choose system/konsole08:26
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hellcattravok thanks08:27
hellcattravthen after i do that i type 'sudo lspci -v, then what?08:28
incorrectis there a good email client in kde yet?08:28
BluesKajThunderbird email , incorrect08:29
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incorrectBluesKaj: does that have qt bindings?08:29
BluesKajhellcattrav, it should list all the pci slots on yer pc and what cards are mounted in them08:29
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BluesKajincorrect, dunno08:30
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hellcattravah because I'm trying to get my wirless to work in Kubuntu(I'm on XP atm, trying to find more info, cos I have to switch between my two OS's (at least until I get my wirelss card working)08:31
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:32
zorglu_me first :)08:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about proxy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:32
hellcattravwhat does! infront of something mean?08:32
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zorglu_hellcattrav: this is a command for the bot08:32
zorglu_!bot | hellcattrav08:32
ubotuhellcattrav: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:32
hellcattravi looked at the wiki once, and couldn't make sense08:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about htpasswd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:32
ubotutor: anonymizing overlay network for TCP. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 763 kB, installed size 1556 kB08:33
mik__great :)08:33
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hellcattravubotu-  i try looking but get overwellmed08:33
zorglu_mik__: in order not to flood the channel you can do "/msg ubotu tor" to get the same result :)08:33
mik__ok escuze me ;)08:33
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chris_what do i do if sudo says this: sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Feb 11 18:30:35 2007?08:34
hellcattrav? ok Im lost now08:34
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mik__chris: try => sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:35
zorglu_that's a bit radical :)08:35
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mik__what was your command chris?08:36
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hellcattravyeah ok so at this point I'm lost08:36
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ZmAYhello, how can i mount floppy disk08:37
chris_mik_ also, I can't get into system clock to adjust it (not graphically anyway)08:37
mik__try gedit chris08:37
mik__it's a bit like nano08:37
chris_don't have it atm, also I'm doing an upgrade08:38
chris_i think I'll just wait a couple hours....clock seems ok now.08:38
chris_thanks anyway08:38
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zorglu_!floppy | ZmAY08:39
ubotuZmAY: To mount floppy disks, see here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MakeFloppyDriveAvailableToEveryone08:39
ubotume: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:39
xenolplz how can i enable javascript in konqueror? i have java5 from sun isntalled08:40
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mik__konqueror is not aim to be a browser xenol, use firefox instead ;)08:40
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gesslarkhtml is aimed to be a browser08:41
hellcattravok i looked at the wiki08:41
gesslarkonqueror is meant to be a shell to house kparts08:41
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mik__does anybody know how to redirect squid to privoxy?08:42
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ScarFreewilli want to make a bootable flashdisk its only 128mb so i want to put dsl on it, not sure how08:44
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alexiconhrmm good news is i think adept has figured out that i have a bunch of stuff missing08:44
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alexiconhopefully it will sort itself out :P08:44
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ScarFreewilli have tried alot of how-tos08:44
ZmAYhi, i do: "mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy" to mount floppy but it says "mount: mount point /mnt/floppy does not exist"08:45
mik__what do you want to do ScarFreewill???08:45
ScarFreewillZmAY: do "sudo mkdir /mnt/floppy"08:45
mik__ZmAY:> sudo mkdir /mnt/floppy08:45
ScarFreewillmik__: i want to boot of my flash drive aka pendrive08:46
ScarFreewillor usb drive...08:46
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mik__can't you use a new line in lilo or grub?08:46
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gesslargrub config can use newlines08:46
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mik__to tell to boot on your usb drive08:46
ScarFreewillbut i don't want to use it only on my pc08:47
gesslarhmm, some bios's allow booting off flash drives08:47
ScarFreewilland i don't want to use the hp tool to make my flashdisk bootable.... i only want to use linux..08:47
ScarFreewillmine does...08:48
mik__you use grub or lilo?08:48
mik__or none ? ^^08:48
ScarFreewillgrub i think (is it defaul with edgy?)08:48
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gesslarwell, i mean boot off them in the same way that you would boot off a cdrom- before it hits the boot manager08:48
gesslarso your OS would have no bearing on it08:48
gesslarbut i have only seen one pc do it08:49
gesslarmine certainly doesn't08:49
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gesslarbut then mine's 3 years old08:49
linijaAnyone know why I have no on-line connection on 2nd PC when all settings are same to this one??? Ethercard is enabled.08:50
ScarFreewillmy problem is to make the disk bootable and to get the files right on it i'm not sure what fs to use..08:50
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mik__use a router linija08:50
linijaI can't just unplug this one and plug in the other one?08:50
ScarFreewillthis is how my flashdisk is atm "/dev/sdc1   *           1          15      120456    1  FAT12"08:51
mik__does ping work well between both computer?08:51
ScarFreewillgesslar: thats what the how to said :P08:51
gesslari've never seen fat1208:51
linijaummm. newbie.. :) don't know what "ping is" or how?08:52
mik__i confirm...fat12 exist :p08:52
gesslarhuh, ok, well, gimme a sec08:52
gesslari believe you08:52
mik__linija: the ping command permit to test connection between computer...see if they are online08:52
ScarFreewillhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent?action=show&redirect=LiveUsbStick i think this is about the best one around08:52
linijahow do I "ping"08:53
gesslarScarFreewill: i see that you can put knoppix on a flash drive08:53
mik__type: ifconfig and gimme the result08:53
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linijajust "ping" in terminal?08:53
ScarFreewillgesslar: dsl is a small knoppix08:53
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gesslarlinija: in a terminal, "> ping ippaddress.of.other.host"08:53
mik__no...for exempple: ping
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linijano. wait. The 2 computers aren't connected to each other. Don't need them to be. Just need to log on with the other one to get some updates.08:55
mik__if you want to ping hamit, you type: ping
ScarFreewillits just that, that how to tells me to make 2 partions i don't know why...08:55
=== JohnFlux2 [n=JohnFlux@cpc1-brig10-0-0-cust482.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
linijaThat other one doesn't usually do on line. I just formated HDD and re-installed Kubuntu08:55
mynicknameistakeAnybody tried automatix2 with herd3?08:55
gesslari want to try this, now08:55
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gesslarScarFreewill: i'm going to try it :)08:55
ScarFreewillgesslar: ok ^^08:56
mynicknameistakeautomatix doesnt start here :(08:56
mik__no...sorry mynicknameistake08:56
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mik__what is it?08:56
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ScarFreewillmynicknameistake: i'll check it out when i have time to install herd308:56
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mynicknameistaketried the version 2 as .deb, as apt-get and tried the bleeder08:56
mynicknameistakeno luck08:57
mynicknameistake(besides... the nickname is triple hehe08:57
mynicknameistakebut it is taken!!!08:57
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mik__ok...bye everybody08:58
mynicknameistakeI am now using adept to update with all repositories enabled... takes a while... Fiesty Fawn looks ok though!08:58
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xenolis it possible to remove kscd and kaudiocreator?08:59
ScarFreewillmynicknameistake: when i tried to install herd 1 the installer was broken08:59
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mynicknameistaketook me a while to get the linksys wifi card up, but now it works and looks very good!09:00
linija<gesslar> The other PC won't ping. But modem is fine and Ethercard is enabled... any ideas???09:00
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ScarFreewillmynicknameistake: and only fixed for me at herd 3 and now that is its out i don't have time to install :P09:00
coolieohow can i get realvnc to work on kubuntu? ite gives me an error when i try to load it libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.309:00
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mynicknameistakeinstalling herd3 was preffy fast, if you have a few hours you should really try it!09:01
ScarFreewillmynicknameistake: i will but most probbably not in the next 4 days ..09:02
cntbguys has ubuntu it's own online edition of online man pages ?09:02
mynicknameistakewell, the world has more than 4 days left, i hope, so you can see for yourself ;)09:03
jhutchinscoolieo: The version you're tring to use is not compatible with your system.09:03
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coolieook thanks. will i just have to revert back top the older version?09:03
coolieoback to*09:04
gesslarScarFreewill: i think they mean FAT16 instead of FAT1209:04
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ScarFreewillgesslar: ok i'll re format quickly09:05
mynicknameistakeWhat i find a little strange is that herd3 is brand new, but there are 150 upgadable packages and i only installed the basic system.... why are the last versions not in the .iso?09:05
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gesslarScarFreewill: the instructions they give on that page seem wrong to me. becaus if you do what they say, then you end up getting a "6: unknown command" message09:05
ScarFreewillyes, could it be because of fdisk is another version?09:06
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gesslarmaybe, i'm not sure09:06
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gesslaralso, it says at the bottom... of that area09:07
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gesslaralso make sure (via fdisk -l) you created a w95/fat and not a linux partition, otherwise i was unable to boot from it !!09:07
gesslarwhich seems different from what it says09:07
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ScarFreewillyeah if you just say 1 then it makes fat1209:08
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ScarFreewilland they want w95/fat09:08
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gesslarsee that's b in the hexcode fs list09:09
ScarFreewillwhat did you take after t ?09:09
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gesslari'll try b09:09
ScarFreewillwhat is the defferance between that b,c aka lba09:10
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gesslari forget what LBA means09:10
ScarFreewilli never knew09:11
djwilcoxcant play any video with firefox - flash or quicktime what gives09:11
rohanare there kubuntu cd's available with KDE and amarok updated to latest versions, and other packages updated ?09:11
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rohansomething like fedora respins09:11
ScarFreewillgesslar: /dev/sdc1               1          15      120456    b  W95 FAT3209:11
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djwilcoxcant find a plugin that works for flash and the mozilla vlc plugin wont work either09:11
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hellcattravoi oi09:11
hellcattravI'm back09:12
mynicknameistakeI have my nickname back09:12
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djwilcoxwhat plugin do you need to watch flash on a powerpc09:14
djwilcoxin a browser like firefox09:15
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ubotuKubuntu can be downloaded in various formats from here: http://kubuntu.org/download.php09:16
ScarFreewillwhere is isolinux.cfg located on the kubntu cd?09:16
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ScarFreewillbecause in dsl its in /boot/isolinux/isolinux.cfg09:16
slyfoxHow do I mount an image file or an iso file in Kubuntu ?09:17
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ScarFreewillsudo mount -o loop /path/to/image/ /path/to/mountpoint09:18
slyfoxScarFreewill: What does this mean   -o loop  ?09:19
gesslarScarFreewill: you got me distracted, i wasin the middle of doing a beryl thing and i went to your howto and started doing it, too09:19
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slyfoxHow do I play .vob files the dvd format ?09:21
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slyfoxnever mind kaffein plays them09:21
ScarFreewillgesslar: hehe09:22
jhutchinsgesslar: Logical Block Addressing09:23
gesslarthanks jhutchins!09:23
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jhutchinsdjwilcox: flash plugin.09:23
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jhutchins!formats | djwilcox09:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about formats - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:23
ScarFreewillgesslar: i'm goint to test my flash disk out..09:23
gesslarall right!09:24
gesslarlemme know how it works09:24
gesslari'm downloading the ubuntu image right now09:24
xenolplz why when i want to remove kscd it says it will also remove kubuntu-desktop?09:24
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:24
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash09:24
djwilcoxhave tried several flash plugins no joy09:24
ScarFreewillgesslar: ok cya in a bit..09:24
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xenol plz why when i want to remove kscd it says it will also remove kubuntu-desktop?09:26
gesslarack, i just rm'ed bashrc instead of .bashrc~, does anybody know how i can get it back?09:27
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jhutchinsdjwilcox: Use the one in the official repos.09:27
gesslaroh, maybe there's a copy in skel09:27
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jhutchinsxenol: It's ok, kubuntu-desktop is just a tag.09:27
xenolso i can remove it?09:28
jhutchinsxenol: It's removing it because without kscd you won't have the complete suite.09:28
gesslarthank goodess, most of my stuff is in .profile09:28
jhutchinsxenol: Yes.  You'll revert to upgrading specific packages, which is fine.09:28
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xenolah so i cant remove kscd ?09:28
jhutchinsxeno: Sure you can.09:28
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jhutchinsxenol: Won't hurt a thing.09:28
xenolwell but i want to have kubuntu desktop09:29
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jhutchinsxenol: You'll still have all the rest of the files.09:29
xenolso i can remove kscd and kaudiocreator so i can do it as in feisty :S09:29
jhutchinsxenol: That's just a flag that includes a bunch of KDE packages.  Either you have all of them, and the flag, or you have some of them and manage them individually.09:29
jhutchinsxenol: No real need to remove them, but yes.09:30
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xenoljhutchins:  well lets says i am using kde 3.5.6 and remove kscd and kaudiocreator and kde 3.5.7 comes out and i update those programs will be installed again?09:30
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jhutchinsxenol: If you upgrade, just those programs you have installed will be upgraded.09:31
ScarFreewillgesslar: omg i almost formated my root :P09:31
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jhutchinsxenol: If you want to check out what the whole package looks like in the upgrade, just install it again.09:31
gesslarlol ScarFreewill09:31
ScarFreewillit told me this doesn't look like a valid FAT filesystem few ;O09:31
ScarFreewilli typed sda1 insted of sdc1 :P09:32
xenoljhutchins:  well but since i have amarok and k3b to play audio cds and rip cd/dvds i dont need them09:32
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gesslarScarFreewill: you crack me up09:32
gesslarScarFreewill: i just rm'ed my .bashrc and was feeling panicky but you ALMOST trumped me09:32
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jhutchinsxenol: kubuntu-desktop is just a container, so removing it is like throwing out a cardboard box.09:33
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xenoljhutchins:  is it true: the less programs i have installed, the faster my kubuntu will be?09:33
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jhutchinsxenol: If everything's still in the box, then you can remove it all with the box, but once you take things out of the box it no longer has that function.09:33
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jhutchinsxenol: Not necessarily.  Only for programs that automatically load.09:34
xenoljhutchins:  so  if i dont use them i dont need to remove cause they dont slower up the system right?09:34
jhutchinsThe presence of other programs on the disk doesn't effect anything except free disk space.09:34
jhutchinsxenol: Right.09:34
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xenoljhutchins:  thx09:35
jhutchinsxenol: The one exception is that running any of the package utilities (apt, etc) will be a little slower with more packages installed.09:35
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jhutchinsSince you don't spend a lot of your total time doing that, no biggie.09:35
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xenoljhutchins:  it will be slower cause they need to index all packages right?09:36
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ScarFreewillgesslar: now i'm really going to try it..09:36
parkerw207guys just a thought09:36
jhutchinsxenol: Basically because it searches through a larger database when checking what's already installed.09:36
parkerw207linux is meant to be one of the most secure OS right ?09:37
jhutchinsxenol: Still has the same size database of installables.09:37
ScarFreewillparkerw207: no09:37
gesslarScarFreewill: all right09:37
jhutchinsparkerw207: It has the potential to be.09:37
gesslarScarFreewill: i wait for you!09:37
parkerw207but its not yet ?09:37
jhutchinsparkerw207: have a look at se_linux.09:37
gesslarparkerw207: some people don't run it to be secure- the more secure it is the more restrictive it is.09:37
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jhutchinsparkerw207: You can do a lot of things with linux, make it secure or insecure.09:37
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flo_how can i force a prog to compile with a arbitrary version of gcc?09:38
ScarFreewillparkerw207: openbsd/netbsd is secure...09:38
jhutchinsflo_: Re-code it so it's compatible.09:38
xenoljhutchins:  can u plz advise at else to install? some piece of software that i could use every day and which html editor will u advise me?  Q+ NVU or bluefish?09:38
jhutchinsxenol: I use vi for an HTML editor.09:38
parkerw207i see , well my friend was saying tha windows is more secure than linux09:38
parkerw207is that correct09:38
parkerw207i was under the impression it werent09:38
jhutchinsI'm messing with mencoder and avidemux for a video project.09:38
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gesslarparkerw207: windows can be secure.09:39
jhutchinsI like mplayer for video better than the other options.09:39
jhutchinsgesslar: Sure, just don't connect it.09:39
ScarFreewilllinux is secure because it is not made to beinsecure like windows, openbsd is made to be secure...09:39
gesslaragreed :)09:39
jhutchinsgesslar: ...to a power source.09:39
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parkerw207but basic linux compared to basic windows which is securer ?09:39
xenoljhutchins:  hmm and do u have isntalled software for x.org or also for shell? i mean stuff like irsii licq vi emacs ... ?09:39
flo_jhutchins: i just want to compile with 3.3.6 not 4... is there a option to send to make o ./configure? i'm not a guru of compiling :-)09:40
jhutchinsxenol: vi, ssh, irssi for emergencies.09:40
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jhutchinsflo_: I take it you get errors when you use 3.6.6?09:40
gesslarparkerw207: most people running widnows do so with an account with root (admin) privileges, most people who run *nix do so with accounts that are -not- as powerful as root/admin- so it's only really as secure as you like it to be09:40
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hellcattravoi oi, so i got the sudo wlan assisstant to work09:41
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hellcattravbut i can't connet09:41
xenoljhutchins:  ssh is used for remote control?09:41
parkerw207oo i see09:41
parkerw207ok this as wel , sorry i was arguing with my mate and some wuestions arose09:41
parkerw207he says , open source = less secure09:41
parkerw207as the code is out there to find fualts to exploit09:41
jhutchinsxenol: It gives you a secure console session with a remote box.09:41
jhutchinsxenol: From there you have whatever control you would from a local console.09:41
jhutchinsxenol: Oh, screen, very important.09:41
xenoljhutchins:  only usable on unix or also for win? it would be good to be able to shut down pc with that crap :s09:42
flo_jhutchins:  i'm tring to compile ogre3d from source and thei sai that it compiles with a 3. series of gcc so i just have to unninstall gcc 4. and leve the 3. version?09:42
jhutchinsxenol: Preserves your session if you get disconnected, allows you to detatch sessions and re-attach, even from another location.09:42
hellcattravi can't even connect to my mates wireless(which is unsecured)- normally use it to test to see if my wireless was off or not?09:42
jhutchinsflo_: Should be backwards compatible.09:42
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parkerw207another things09:43
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jhutchinsflo_: My knowledge of modern compilers is somewhat limited.09:43
flo_jhutchins: aha thx so y should search the problem elsewere09:43
parkerw207my mate says windows has a much faster life cycle for secuirty updates09:43
jhutchinsflo_: I would just try it.  If you're getting errors, bring them here.09:43
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jhutchinsparkerw207: That is complete bunk.09:43
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parkerw207it is ?09:43
jhutchinsparkerw207: I have seen patches produced for linux within hours.09:43
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jhutchinsparkerw207: Windows takes weeks, or at least days, to get the patch out.09:44
xenoljhutchins: do u use xgl?09:44
parkerw207ok another thing09:44
jhutchinsxenol: No need for it, no.09:44
parkerw207he said that its used by the worlds goverment09:44
parkerw207becuase linux is not professional09:44
gesslarask your mate who is the world's government :p09:44
parkerw207worlds goverments*09:44
parkerw207sorry typo09:44
hellcattravyeah theres no such thing?09:44
jhutchinsparkerw207: Unix?  Sure is, has been for decades.  selinux was developed by the NSA>09:44
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xenoljhutchins: hmm u prefer terminal? i start to love it09:45
jhutchinsparkerw207: There probably isn't a government that doesn't use some of both.09:45
parkerw207he said that windows is professional becuase its made by tousands of programmer working to make money09:45
mynicknameistakeLets assume linux and windows both have the same number of security flaws... windows has approx 90% of the desktops, linux only 5 and apple the orher 5. It is way more interesting to write a windows worm.09:45
ScarFreewillgesslar: does not work :( i'm posative its because of my syslinux.cfg09:45
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jhutchinsxenol: For years I ran Linux on servers and utility boxes, only been running X for about three or four years.09:46
illriginalDoes K3B automatically convert files from mp3/wav to audio format so that it can be played in a stereo/cd player?09:46
mart81parkerw207: you should not listen so much to your friends ;)09:46
jhutchinsxenol: I go all the way back to printing terminals and paper tape, so the command line is no stranger.09:46
parkerw207lol ooo i werent09:46
parkerw207i was clarifying09:46
SSJ_GZmynicknameistake:No, it's way more "interesting" to write a Linux worm because so many people say it can't be done :)09:46
xenoljhutchins:  how old have u been working in IT ?09:46
ScarFreewillgesslar: the only prob is the how to is for kubuntu cd image not dsl..09:46
gesslarparkerw207: i actually think you should use whatever OS you like. if your friend likes Windows, let him use Windows. Linux is about choice even when that choice is not to use it.09:46
shadowhywindhay all when i just to use wpa_supplicant it slows my computer down to a halt, any ideas09:47
mynicknameistakebut parker, remeber this, it is not the OS that is weak, it is always the user09:47
jhutchinsxenol: Many, many years, and playing in it for longer.  I have family that did some very early stuff.09:47
parkerw207ok hehe09:47
parkerw207i know09:47
parkerw207the thing is09:47
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parkerw207its kinda true that being open source09:47
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jhutchinsxenol: CRT monitors displaying text?  My uncle, on an Air Force contract.09:47
xenoljhutchins:  bill gates? :D09:47
parkerw207its easier for virus to be made and for exploits09:47
parkerw207if linux was as popular as widnows09:47
xenoljhutchins:  wow09:47
SSJ_GZmynicknameistake:That's true, but sometimes the OS doesn't exactly help - see e.g. the RPC exploit, which required 0 user intervention.09:48
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caris_meredoes anybody have experience using Ekiga? I need some tips about how to connect with Windows users09:48
mart81parkerw207: that can only be proved by the real world, doesn't it?09:48
jhutchinsxenol: My dad helped design the production line for the IBM 370, one of those add-a-new-wing-to-the-building mainframes.09:48
parkerw207yeah i suppose09:48
mynicknameistakethe average windows user has less experience with a computer compared to the average *ux user09:48
gesslarparkerw207: well, it's also a self-fulling situation. if linux were more popular, it'd have more developpers dedicated to fixing and maintaining it, wouldn't it?09:49
BluesKajmy '/etc/bash.bashrc' file keeps giving me errors when opening the terminal ... is there a clean copy somewhere ?09:49
xenoljhutchins:  so u r rich?09:49
parkerw207i like linux i think its great09:49
jhutchinsxenol: Not so much. My own carreer has had problems with bad timing.09:49
parkerw207but i dont see why people have to bask linux :S09:49
jhutchinsxenol: I became a programmer at the hight of the programming glut, for instance.09:49
jhutchinsparkerw207: bash?09:50
xenoljhutchins:  hmm i guess then u should start many years ago then09:50
parkerw207pick at it ?09:50
gesslarparkerw207: well, i think that people like your mate are happy with their choices. i also think they contribute to FUD.09:50
parkerw207FUD ?09:50
mynicknameistakethe good thing in *ux is the part where you have to be admin or super user to change the system. This way it isnt easy to install a virus without the user knowing it09:50
gesslarparkerw207: fear uncertainty and doubt09:50
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jhutchinsparkerw207: bash.  Bask is to enjoy.09:50
parkerw207its an english phrase09:50
gesslarmmm, i'm going to go bask in some steaks09:50
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parkerw207to ... attack ?09:50
parkerw207like , " to bash with a stick"09:51
ScarFreewillgesslar: http://www.die.supsi.ch/~bucher/flash-howto.pdf that looks quick and dirty09:51
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parkerw207"to hit with a stick"09:51
gesslarparkerw207: i think its' that you said 'bask' instead of 'bash'09:51
jhutchinsparkerw207: right, you typoed bask.09:51
parkerw207ooo lol09:51
=== gesslar grins
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parkerw207i am trying to get used to my new laptop keyboard layout09:51
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hellcattravgesslar: I got the wireless assisstnat to show the nearby networks, but i can't connect to any of them..any idea, or is this still out of your expertise?09:51
=== ScarFreewill wants a new laptop too
gesslarScarFreewill: why are you giving me flash information?09:52
gesslarflash drives09:52
gesslarrofl, i thought it was macromedia flash09:52
ScarFreewilllol hehe09:52
xenoljhutchins:  hmm u have been workign wit bsd too?09:52
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gesslarallright time for food09:52
jhutchinsxenol: No, after the mainframes just DOS through Windows, and linux.09:52
ScarFreewillgesslar: i need to go09:53
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parkerw207isnt linux on the iss ?09:53
ScarFreewillgesslar: need to get sleep (school tomorrow) cya09:53
jhutchinsparkerw207: It certainly has been.  I believe they use a mix.09:53
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jhutchinsparkerw207: More specialized OSs too.09:53
mynicknameistakeis there a feisty fawn channel?09:53
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+109:53
ScarFreewillLjL: you fast...09:54
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parkerw207specialized ?09:54
cgeoguys. i try to bbot with a live cd and all i get is a blank screen when it is supposed to enter the gui.i do hear sound hear sounds and stuff though09:54
parkerw207like they get thier own OS's made ?09:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bash.bashrc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:54
ScarFreewillcgeo: did it work before?09:54
jhutchinsparkerw207: Yeah, non-PC hardware.09:54
mike_Anyone had any luck install Edgy on a Thinkpad T22?09:54
xenoljhutchins:  hmm why u using kubuntu and not debian? :S kubuntu is mainly for newbies09:54
jhutchinsxenol: To test it.09:54
parkerw207ooo i see09:55
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands09:55
cgeoscarFreewill:no it is the first time i try to use kubuntu. I have ati09:55
ScarFreewillcgeo: what version of kubuntu?09:55
parkerw207why would they use linux ?09:55
jhutchinsxenol: My main desktop is Mandriva, I run RedHat, Fedora, Gentoo, and Ubuntu.  And a couple of old NT boxes.09:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bashrc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:55
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xenoljhutchins:  and wat do u think? i have tried suse 10.1 FC 5 and some live cds09:55
xenoljhutchins:  does mandriva have better support then ubuntu?09:55
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jhutchinsBluesKaj: What are you after?09:56
cgeoScarFreewill:Edgy eft09:56
ScarFreewillcgeo: edgy is a beta i know some ppl with nvidia and ati that it does not work with dapper is the non-beta, have you tried safe gfx mode?09:56
hellcattravok so could some home help?09:56
mart81parkerw207: who are "they"?09:56
jhutchinsxenol: Not better support.  I like it a bit better.  I dislike suse for a number of reasons.09:56
parkerw207ooo sorry lol09:56
smozewhat was the name of disk partitioning program again?09:56
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parkerw207then people who run the ISS09:56
cgeoScarFreewill:yes but still the same problem. it seems to load everything but the monitor is turned off09:56
parkerw207no i meant "ET" of course ;)09:56
ScarFreewillcgeo: i'm afraid you are going to need to downlaod/get dapper drake09:57
jhutchinssmoze: partedit?  fdisk?  qparted?09:57
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smozethe one at live-cd09:57
cgeoScarFreeWill:Are u sure I cannot try anything on edgy?09:57
xenoljhutchins:  YaST2? :D too buggy at least on my PC09:57
jhutchinsxenol: Like i said, lots of reasons, but that's off topic here.09:58
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xenoljhutchins:  hmm i am interested which commands do i need to know for everyday use of terminal09:58
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands09:59
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jhutchinsxenol: THis is pretty good: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/DOS-Win-to-Linux-HOWTO.html09:59
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smozenone of those were the one i needed but thanks anyway10:00
=== ScarFreewill1 got kicked out by his bad internet
ScarFreewill1cgeo: you can ship it for free if you have bad internet like me :P10:00
xenoljhutchins:  thx for time and advices =)10:00
ScarFreewill1woot i'm still on the internet!10:01
jhutchinsxenol: Just "pay it down the line".10:01
ScarFreewill1cgeo: you need 6.0610:01
xenoljhutchins: :)10:01
cgeoScarfreewill:ok thanx for the help. i will download 6.0610:02
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ScarFreewill1cgeo: you need 6.10 and 7.04 is beta10:02
ScarFreewill1cgeo: cya10:02
hellcattravok, could someone at least acknowledge that I'm here?10:02
gesslar_awaylol ScarFreewill110:02
ScarFreewill1cgeo: actualy 7.04 is alpha ^^10:02
gesslar_awayhi hellcattrav10:02
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cgeoscarfreewill: ok :)10:02
ScarFreewill1gesslar: lol i'm still here...10:02
gesslarme too :)10:02
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hellcattravWOOT acknowledgement10:03
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ScarFreewill1gesslar: i'm going to sleep NOW -.-10:03
gesslarScarFreewill1: my bf says he's not hungry so i can't cook yet10:03
gesslarlike..right now?10:03
gesslaror are you already asleep?10:03
gesslaryou must be .. aha10:03
gesslarasleep by now10:03
ScarFreewill1hehe cya10:03
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hellcattravanyone want to help who's good at wireless connections?  I can see the wireless networks i can access, but I can't connec to any of them- even the ones without keys, and that i can usually get on with windows10:04
=== ScarFreewill1 bed
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gesslarBluesKaj:  what are you trying to figure out about .bashrc?10:04
parkerw207i had them problems10:04
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parkerw207kubuntu has prolems with dchp10:04
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hellcattravso is there anyhting i can do? or am i screwed?10:05
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parkerw207well you can input everything manually10:05
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parkerw207put in you routers ip address and defualt gateway , all that lot10:05
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parkerw207thats how i did it10:05
hellcattravim a noob, and really have no idea what im doing, im amazed i could figuire out what ive did already10:05
hellcattravok how do i find the IP address and default gateway?10:06
underdog5004I love opendns...my isp's dns servers went down recently, but I was all set10:06
parkerw207wel i am not the best to ask cos i have only been doing this for... 2 week slol10:06
hellcattravhey thats 2 weeks longer then me10:06
parkerw207can you access your router ?10:06
parkerw207go to the configuration page ?10:06
parkerw207cos everything should be on there10:07
hellcattravbut see i don't deal all that- my dad and his buddy(whos a computer god-but he comes over once everycouple of months) control all that stuff, i dont want to go poking around in there10:07
parkerw207hehe ok10:07
mynicknameistakeIs youre wifi card in system settings / network settings?10:08
parkerw207what have you been using to search for wifi routers?10:08
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hellcattravhell if i know10:08
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parkerw207got to the start menu10:08
Alzi2Since the Compiz channel is really empty, i'll ask this here: I'm trying to run compiz in KDE but when i do, it screws up everything (focussing windows, switching workspaces, input), and terminates all window managers. It doesn't even give the effects. Can anyone help me with this? Errors are:10:08
hellcattravi went to kmenu--> internet---> wireless assisstant and then it worked(weras yesterday it didn't)10:08
Alzi2[22:07]  <Alzi2> libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b10:08
Alzi2[22:07]  <Alzi2> compiz.real: GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap is not supported by direct rendering context, trying indirect rendering context instead10:08
ZmAYhello, how can i run open office (excell) from console10:09
=== gesslar cheers for hellcattrav
ZmAYso i can use sudo10:09
hellcattravthanks gesslar10:09
gesslarhellcattrav: i really wish i could have helped :( but i'm incredibly happy that you got it10:09
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gesslarZmAY: which oocalc10:10
hellcattravnow all i have to do is to be able to get on the net(but hey progress is progress...hey thanks, appreciate that you rembered, I heard linux has a friendly knowledge base, good to know ive not been in vain10:10
gesslarZmAY: although, just running "oocalc" should run it10:10
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Hail_SpacecakeI have two computers running linux10:10
parkerw207hellcattrav: go to the startmenu ---> system settings --->network settings10:10
hellcattravin XP?10:11
Hail_Spacecakea laptop with ubuntu and a desktop with suse10:11
mynicknameistakein linux10:11
Hail_Spacecakeboth of them are on the same wireless network10:11
parkerw207noo linux10:11
hellcattravcos  thats what im in now.... cos the net on my linux isn't working(hence how im talking to you atm)10:11
Hail_Spacecakebut I want to be able to put in an ethernet cable between them10:11
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Hail_Spacecakeand transfer files that way10:11
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parkerw207ahh i see10:11
Hail_Spacecakerather than on the wlan10:11
parkerw207hmmm i dont know then , anyone know mroe ?10:11
Hail_Spacecakeso how do I make sure I'm transfering over that network rather than the wlan?10:11
hellcattravparker- could you tell me what to do, and i will try it after i get back from my driving lesson, hten get back to you10:11
parkerw207i'm just a learning newbie :P10:12
hellcattravare you on here reguraly?10:12
parkerw207yeah sure10:12
hellcattravor anyone esle for that matter10:12
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hellcattravoi do you use msn messanger?10:12
parkerw207you will alwys find that if people can help10:12
parkerw207they will10:12
parkerw207yes i do10:12
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mynicknameistakehas it worked before on linux hellcattrav?10:12
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matdondoes anyone know how I can upgrade libgphoto on kubuntu?10:13
matdonor can anyone point me to documents so I can figure out how?10:13
hellcattravnegative, ive not gotten the internet to run yet. but i was finally able to see the available networks with the wiereless assisstant(unliek yesterday)10:13
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libgphoto - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:13
parkerw207then you try and connect ut it dont work ?10:13
hellcattravyes, correct10:14
parkerw207"connection failed"10:14
parkerw207thats what happened to me10:14
hellcattravif i bolt suddenly its cos teh driving instructor arrived10:14
parkerw207what security do you use on your router  ?10:14
HymnToLifematdon, what's wrong with just updating with apt ?10:14
hellcattravilll be gone for around 2 hours10:14
parkerw207Wep ?10:14
mynicknameistakecould you see them in a graphical ui or in the konsole (like DOS screen)10:14
hellcattravi think so, i have to put in a string of numbers10:14
matdonI'm trying to get the latest libgphoto library and I'm not sure the most sane method to do it10:14
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parkerw207ok try putting the wep code in like this 1234-1234-1210:15
parkerw207as an example10:15
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hellcattravok, how many numbers between the dashes?10:15
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parkerw2074 , then 4 , then 210:15
parkerw207liek this xxx-xxxx-xx10:16
matdoncan I use apt-get to get the latest library or would I need to upgrade the entire system10:16
parkerw207if its a 10 digit code ?10:16
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:16
hellcattrav10 digits10:16
parkerw207ok well thats what fixed mine10:16
parkerw207simple eh ? lol10:16
mynicknameistakehey hell... do you use your own router or anything that is available?10:17
hellcattravnah its the family router10:17
mynicknameistakethan you know the WEP key?10:18
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jhutchinsmatdon: If you specify the library, the system should show you anything else that needs to be updated, and only update the related parts.10:18
mynicknameistakehave you seen the card in the system settings / network menu?10:19
jhutchinsOne of my clients has had her DSL down for months, but it doesn't bother her because so many of her neighbors have unsecured wireless points.10:19
hellcattravi think so10:19
mynicknameistakehehe you have to be sure, you must configure the card there10:20
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hellcattravi just went to wlan assisstnat(or what ever its called-in kubuntu) and typedi in my password, got the wireless networks, but can't connect10:20
hellcattravok, i think i may have to configure the card10:20
MoneoHi, could anyone tell me where I could start looking for information on changing the behavior of my power button? Ideally I'd like to be able to restart X with it rather than halt. would that be possible?10:21
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hellcattravill try reentering hte code with -'s then see if its configured and post back here, but now im off to have a driving lesson)10:21
hellcattravok i will try that as soon as i get back, and let you all know, but for now I have to run...cheers10:21
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jhutchinsMoneo: Is it on the case or the keyboard?  Desktop or laptop?10:21
mynicknameistakeso what you do now is open the system settings (like configuration in windows) and the open network settings.10:21
parkerw207cya hell , have fun10:22
Moneojhutchins, on the case, desktop.10:22
mynicknameistakeok, gl cat@!10:22
jhutchinsMoneo: I don't think you'll have much luck with that, that's pretty much a hardware function.10:22
mart81Hail_Spacecake: if you have a gateway in the network(router/pc as gateway), you could put a switch between them and use samba to make it sharing files between one another.(or just use the router is it's close enough)10:22
Moneohmm I see, thanks. So halt isnt called when it's hit?10:22
jhutchinsMoneo: If it's configurable, it would be in the BIOS, most likely your options are sleep/hibernate.10:22
jhutchinsMoneo: Correct, one of the dangers of using it.10:23
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blue|palmhas anybody else had these problems with an ati card using prop drivers: When i switch to the console (any using F1-F6) it displays a messy garbage screen of crisrossing lines...10:23
Hail_SpacecakeI don't have a gateway, to my knowledge10:23
jhutchinsMoneo: It signals the power management chips directly to cut power.10:23
Hail_SpacecakeI don't want to have anything to do with the wireless network10:23
Moneoahh I see, many thanks jhutchins10:23
matdonwhen I use apt-get it tells me I have the latest version but it isn't. is this because I'm using edgy and not fiesty?10:24
Hail_SpacecakeI'd be willing to temporarily disable it if I need to10:24
jhutchinsMoneo: For sleep/hibernate mode, it will generate a signal from teh bios to the OS.10:24
matdonand if so can I upgrade?10:24
jhutchinsMoneo: You know you can restart X with Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, right?10:24
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Admiral_Chicagomatdon: no, it means you have the latest version packaged for your release10:24
matdonI have 2.2.110:24
matdonand I want 2.3.010:24
matdonthat's my problem in a nutshell10:24
jhutchinsmatdon: Feisty is not officially released yet, it's considered unstable, and you should only run it in order to locate and report bugs.10:25
Moneojhutchins, yeah, but I've had kde freeze a few times with keyboard input being ignored (even numlock, caps etc) whilst programs are still functioning in the background10:25
Admiral_Chicagoyou can build from source, maybe check backports,10:25
Moneokde or X, anyway10:25
jhutchinsMoneo: Yes, that happens.  Do you have any other systems available?10:25
matdonso I would have to manually upgrade this library then if I want it?10:25
blue|palmhas anybody else had these problems with an ati card using prop drivers: When i switch to the console (any using F1-F6) it displays a messy garbage screen of crisrossing lines...10:25
jhutchinsmatdon: Not manually, but using apt so that releated changes are made.10:26
Moneoyeah, one or two - I could ssh into them and restart X I guess, but it's a pain. The mac runs synergy and so dosn't have its own keyboard10:26
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jhutchinsmatdon: Sorry, not really following.10:26
mart81Hail_Spacecake: well, if there is no cable from your room towards the device you receive internet with, i would personally just use a separate router for this main purpose, they are not that expensive anymore.10:26
matdonit's cool10:26
HymnToLifematdon, yes10:26
Hail_Spacecakedo I need a router?10:26
Hail_Spacecakethe two computers are right next to each other10:26
matdonI'm going to uninstall what is there and build what I want from source10:26
HymnToLifeit's just a lib though so it should be fairly easy10:26
Hail_Spacecakewhy can't I just string an ethernet cable between them?10:26
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Hail_Spacecakewhat I'm saying is10:27
jhutchinsmatdon: WARNING: THIS COULD TRASH YOUR SYSTEM:  you can try downloading the lib from feisty and installing it.  If it lists a reasonable number of dependencies, get those too.  If you get into more than a handful of files, stop.10:27
Hail_SpacecakeI just don't want the traffic10:27
Hail_Spacecakegoing through wlan010:27
Hail_SpacecakeI want it going through eth010:27
matdonthanks for the warning10:27
mart81Hail_Spacecake: traffic needs to be routed afaik yes, you cannot just put cat5 cables between one another, not that i know at least.10:28
matdonI'm used to using bsd and I'm fixing this for a friend hopefully it will work out10:28
HymnToLifeinstalling the Feisty package seems an even worse idea10:28
jhutchinsmatdon: You can also build your own deb packages so that you stay within the packaging system and other apps are aware of the lib versions and such.10:28
HymnToLifesince it involves installing the feisty libc610:28
HymnToLifewhich is pretty close to installing the whole of Feisty10:28
jhutchinsHail_Spacecake: You don't need a router, but you need a crossover cable.10:28
matdonI'm going to try building the lib from source10:28
matdonthat's how I would usually do it10:29
mart81Hail_Spacecake: but i also read that people with a mac were able to connect between one another in a train, so maybe i am just wrong here...10:29
Hail_Spacecakewell, I've used this cable before to transfer between two computers with windows10:29
Hail_Spacecakemart81: I can connect over the wlan10:29
Hail_SpacecakeI just don't want to10:29
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jhutchinsHail_Spacecake: A Cat5 crossover cable will connect two like devices (computers).10:29
Hail_Spacecakeah, then that's what I have10:30
jhutchinsHail_Spacecake: A Cat5 straight-through cable is used between an end device (computer) and a routing device (hub/switch/router).10:30
jhutchinsGoing router-to-router you usually need crossover, which is sometimes wired into the port.10:30
jhutchinsBasically a crossover just connects the "send" pair to the "recive" contacts.10:31
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jhutchinsrecieve that is.10:31
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mart81jhutchins: so he can just put straight cables between them, give them hard addresses and use samba? Is that what you're saying?10:38
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jhutchinsmart81: Crossover cables, but yes.10:38
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mart81hmm, never knew that :)10:39
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alexiconi did an update and it seems to have put my vmlinux image into /boot, but not into my proper boot partition10:40
alexiconcan i just throw it into the right boot and point grub at it10:40
alexiconi thought it automatically handled it10:40
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alexiconand it doesnt look like xorg has updated either10:41
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:41
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blue|palmhi does anybody know how to make xine fullscreen? I can only watch movies with black borders on top and at the bottom. My monitor is 16:1010:42
nick__can anyone help me. My menu bar has disappeared. It appears when i first start Kubuntu but then disappears10:43
jhutchinsalexicon: How is /boot not your proper boot partition?10:43
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alexiconthere is a directory boot in /10:43
jhutchinsblue|palm: My solution is to use mplayer <grin>.10:43
alexiconbut thats on my / partition10:43
alexiconi boot off the /boot partition on hdc210:44
alexiconkubuntu sits on hdc110:44
jhutchinsalexicon: You didn't have /boot mounted when you did your update.10:44
alexiconnup i didnt10:44
alexiconbut i never do10:44
alexiconi dont think10:44
jhutchinsalexicon: Some distros check for that, ubuntu apparently doesn't10:44
blue|palmjhutchins: on my hardware ive been having problems using mplayer :(10:44
alexiconi'll try mounting then updating again10:44
jhutchinsalexicon: That's why I stopped using a seperate /boot - got a system totally hosed.10:44
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blue|palmjhutchins: sound disappears somtimes, video is choppy (not that it isnt everywhere else due to ati)10:44
jhutchinsalexicon: No reason you shouldn't be able to just move the files.10:45
alexiconyeah i did that yesterday jhutchins D:10:45
Lil99how can I change the font of the menu's10:45
alexiconsuse ate everything10:45
alexiconand i thought boot was mounted, and i backed up it10:45
alexiconbut it wasnt mounted so i backed up the wrong stuff10:45
jhutchinsblue|palm: All I can say is read up on xine.10:45
alexiconanyway evertyhing else was recovered just lost my kernel and all my modules10:45
alexiconpain in the ass having to do nvidia again10:45
alexiconseems to just be luck that it works10:45
jhutchinsOften that way.10:46
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alexiconhrmm how do i mount boot when /boot is already there :P10:46
alexiconmaybe i should just copy all the files over to the right partition10:47
jhutchinsalexicon: You can mount over anything.10:47
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jaywhat's the xmodmap command to add super_l as keycode 115?10:47
jhutchinsalexicon: But if you want to move stuff, mount it somewehere else.10:47
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alexiconyeah ive got it mounted elsewhere, i guess i'll just do it manually10:47
alexiconwhat kernel is it up to anyway?10:47
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jhutchinsalexicon: I usually just mount temp stuff to /mnt - which is fine as long as nothing's mounted under /mnt10:47
alexiconyeah ive got it mounted10:48
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jhutchinsYou can mount a partition on top of any directory.10:48
alexiconi see a copy of 2.6.17-1110:48
alexiconi thought it was higher than that tho10:48
alexicon2.6.18 or something10:48
jhutchinsThere are even ways you can mount directories at opther points in the filesystem.10:48
blue|palmwhat is the latest version of the linux kernel?10:48
alexiconyeah what is the latest version10:48
alexiconuname -a anyone...10:49
HymnToLifeblue|palm, 2.6.20 is the latest stable release10:49
alexiconis that whast being handed out??10:49
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead10:49
HymnToLifealexicon, with Ubuntu, no10:49
jhutchinsblue|palm: http://kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/snapshots/patch-2.6.20-git6.bz210:49
HymnToLifeunless you use the testing version (aka Feisty)10:49
alexiconso whats the latest on edgy?10:49
blue|palmWhat is feisty fawn going to use? Does anybody know?10:49
HymnToLifealexicon, yes10:50
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HymnToLifeblue|palm, now, it uses 2.6.2010:50
HymnToLifeand I don't think it will change before release10:50
blue|palmbut what about gfx drivers that dont support the new kernel (like fglrx)10:51
HymnToLife!info linux-image-generic feisty10:51
jhutchinsFeisty will use a kernel that's reasonably current at release time, subject to adequate testing.10:51
ubotulinux-image-generic: Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB10:51
blue|palmdo we just have to wait?10:51
HymnToLifeblue|palm, I guess so, or buy a nvidia card10:51
jhutchinsblue|palm: That's why glx is experimental these days.10:51
blue|palmHymnToLife: Im seriously considering that :(10:51
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blue|palmjhutchins: what do you mean by experimental (coz im using it right now)10:52
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jhutchinsblue|palm: Then you are an experimenter.10:52
blue|palmjhutchins: lol10:52
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HymnToLifejhutchins, fglrx != glx10:52
jhutchinsRight, right, I mean the beryl stuff.10:52
HymnToLifeblue|palm, where did you see that newer kernels didn't support fglrx ?10:53
blue|palmHymnToLife: Are you talking about the X extension10:53
HymnToLifejhutchins, fglrx is a driver for ati cards10:53
blue|palmHymnToLife: ATI themselves sed so10:53
HymnToLifethat's bad10:53
blue|palmHymnToLife: yes10:53
jhutchinsTHis stuff takes time to get around.10:53
jhutchinsKernels have to be released, get tested, get things ported and those things tested...10:53
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blue|palmHymnToLife: when you say glx is that the X extension?10:54
jhutchinsMicrosoft does the same thing, only you don't see anything until it's all as finished as they can get it.10:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:54
jhutchinsWith Linux you can jump in anywhere along the line.10:54
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alexicondo get those new restricted modules does that mean i have to have boot mounted then10:54
HymnToLifeblue|palm, well, basically, GLX is an implementation of the X server woth OpenGL acceleration10:54
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alexiconhrm i better just mount it i guess10:54
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blue|palmHymnToLife: Then yes that is what i am currently using10:55
HymnToLifealexicon, what about the restricted-modules ? just apt-get them10:55
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blue|palmHymnToLife: for beryl of course10:55
HymnToLifeI tried beryl not so long ago10:55
HymnToLifenice but very buggy10:55
blue|palmHymnToLife: can you tell me, in a nutshell, the difference between xgl and aiglx?10:55
HymnToLifeno :p10:55
blue|palmHymnToLife: lol why?10:56
HymnToLifeI guess that's just another reimplementation of X10:56
HymnToLifebecause I don't know it10:56
ubotuAIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-effects for support.10:56
blue|palmoh ok10:56
blue|palmfor open source drivers then10:56
skarfaceheh straight from wikipedia10:56
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mart81[22:56:12]    HymnToLife | because I don't know it                                                                                                                                                                          Boss_evo11:00
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alexicondoes that nvidia-glx-config enable ever work for anyone11:01
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jhutchinsTime to go feed the horses, later all.11:02
HymnToLifealexicon, yes, unless running edgy11:03
HymnToLifein which case it's nvidia-xconfig11:03
alexiconi'll try that thing11:03
alexiconsudo that?11:03
tanqi'm currently using the installer wizard, and the prepare mount points screen seems rather confused.11:03
alexicontyeah probably11:03
=== alexicon answers her own questions :P
alexiconah cool11:04
tanqi assigned / to my /dev/hda4 and swap to my hda3 and it tells me "No Root File Sysytem"11:04
alexiconit didnt change driver to nvidia11:04
alexiconits still sayin nv11:04
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alexiconhrm and why do i have the package nvidia-xconfig but adept tells me i dont have it installed @_@11:05
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HymnToLifehow do you know you have it then ?11:06
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alexiconbecause i just ran it :P11:07
HymnToLifetry installing it then11:07
VividHazEhey can anyone help me its really simple but i'm stupid. I'm trying to change permissions on my scanner so I can use it, its already setup, I found instructions to find out what number to put at the end of this: sudo chmod a+w /dev/bus/usb/001/002 but it was for Ubuntu not Kubuntu which I have and I can't figure it out11:07
HymnToLifeVividHazE, lsusb in a terminal11:07
alexiconhrm wants to remove glx to install it11:07
VividHazEthanks HymnToLife11:07
HymnToLifealexicon, hmm yeah, in fact you shouldn't install it :p11:08
alexiconlol ok i wont then11:08
alexicondamn still wants to remove glx...11:08
=== alexicon closes adept
HymnToLifeare you running Dapper or Edgy ?11:08
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alexiconand im usin the lupine repos11:09
HymnToLifewhat the hell is that ?11:09
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alexiconnewest nvidia drivers to use with beryl11:09
alexiconits supposed to get the newest nvidia kernel stuff too11:09
alexiconbut it says ive got ubuntu nvidia kernel and i got the lupine nvidia drivers11:10
alexiconwhich is going to be the problem11:10
HymnToLifecan't help you with it then11:10
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xJPM100xwhats the wiki page that tells you how to install the ati propritarye driver?11:11
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:11
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parkerw207i dont suppose anyone can help me getting linux on my ipod ?11:17
JohnFlux2parkerw207: #handhelds11:18
parkerw207ok thanks11:18
JohnFlux2parkerw207: and #opie etc should be able to point you in the right place11:18
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JohnFlux2opie has nothing to do with linux on the ipod, but they are smart guys and know about that sort of thing11:19
parkerw207ooo ok thanks11:19
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scottyHow can I make Firefox the default web browser, instead of Konq?11:20
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soulriderscotty: hold on, ill tell you in a sec11:22
scottythanks, soulrider11:22
soulriderscotty: system settings > default applications11:22
soulrideryou can change it there11:22
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parkerw207gusy when i try to use the linux installer for ipod11:24
parkerw207i get this message11:24
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:24
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scottysoulrider: I owe you one. Thanks a bunch.11:25
soulriderno prob11:26
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parkerw207anyone ?11:27
mau12How can I setup the page in ofpenoffice writer to change it into landscape11:28
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hamittrke bilen varm aranzda arkadalar11:32
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mau12Help, I'm using openoffice for my first time and I don't know how setting up the page to set a landscape one, somebody could help me?11:33
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samiam010203anyone using samab on feisty and having issues with it?11:34
samiam010203i ment samba11:34
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soulridermau12: i dont know but maybe if youa sk int he open office channel11:35
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antits in the menu bar11:35
mau12soulrider: how can i get into the openoffice chanel?11:36
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parkerw207hello miles11:36
parkerw207look i can see your on ntl :)11:37
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parkerw207miles :S?11:37
Milesc1989willlll lol11:37
parkerw207calm down11:37
parkerw207anyone here no how to sort out dependencies ?11:38
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parkerw207this linux ipod installer wnt work11:38
soulridermau12: maybe #openoffice or #openoffice.org11:38
parkerw207miles can you help?11:39
Milesc1989yoru joking right?11:39
parkerw207miles calm down11:39
Milesc1989lol ok11:40
parkerw207this is for support not childness11:40
jaydoes anyone here know how to get xmodmap to recognize my Super keys?11:40
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jayright now xmodmap prints out this: mod4        Super_L (0x7f),  Hyper_L (0x80)11:41
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:42
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mluseranyone know of a way to make aptitude think a package is already installed? Is it possible to 'inject' a package into the database when its not really installed?11:43
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ScottKmluser: Why would you want to do that?11:45
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parkerw207hey guys miles was thinking of getting kubuntu , could you give him a few tips about it ? like its positive points ?11:48
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|Daisuke_Ido|it's...  not windows?11:49
parkerw207thats a good point :)11:49
parkerw207he's worried its gonna be too complicated for him11:49
|Daisuke_Ido|seriously though, it's a stable full-featured OS with plenty of community support11:49
parkerw207though if i can get used to it ,... anyone can :O11:49
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xpointeven if its ubuntu ?11:49
|Daisuke_Ido|yes, there's some learning involved.11:49
T3hWiz0r1can anyone help me with beryl? it seems to be running very slow on my computer... and i think it may be due to the guide i followed.11:49
|Daisuke_Ido|but it's nothing that can't be overcome fairly quickly11:50
JohnFlux2T3hWiz0r: what video card11:50
parkerw207miles is on an advanced IT course11:50
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects11:50
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|Daisuke_Ido|Milesc1989: you should have no problems in that case.11:52
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|Daisuke_Ido|a bit of advice though (just from my own experience), it's far easier to make the switch if you *don't* dual boot.11:52
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|Daisuke_Ido|that makes it too easy to backslide to windows11:53
underdog5004I agree11:53
underdog5004although it is helpful for beginners11:53
samiam010203thats what i tell people all the time "dont doul boot just make the switch"11:53
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Milesc1989i see thank you11:53
underdog5004of course, if they _don't_ like linux, then they're pretty screwed...11:53
samiam010203then they can go back to windows11:54
|Daisuke_Ido|not necessarily11:54
parkerw207who'd wanna go back there :S11:54
parkerw207seriously lol11:54
|Daisuke_Ido|they can go back to windows, as long as any other partitions are fat32, they'll still be perfectly readable upon reinstalling windows11:54
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|Daisuke_Ido|parkerw207: agreed, but hardcore gamers wouldn't see it that way (yet)11:55
parkerw207miles isnt a hard core gamer11:55
parkerw207are you miles lol11:55
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samiam010203i dont see how you could go back. if you give kubuntu a chance you will see the shere power of it is more than windows ever could be11:55
=== |Daisuke_Ido| crosses his fingers in the hopes that major developers will respond to the vista requirement of dx10 and start using more opengl, making games more portable.
Milesc1989no im not11:56
parkerw207what do you use your pc for most miles ?11:56
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Greibcan I jump in with a quick question?11:57
parkerw207go for it11:57
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Milesc1989haha basic stuff like work and just internet and talking.11:57
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parkerw207yeah but we gotta start programming soon as well11:57
parkerw207and using oracle database software11:57
GreibI was messing around with the settings in konsole and I added a command that makes it open and close immediately11:57
Milesc1989yeah would that make a difference?11:57
samiam010203yes, programing im trying to teach myself C++11:58
Greibis there a specific file I should look at to remove the command and get it working again?11:58
parkerw207well no you can develop code in windows of course , buts i find it easier suing linux11:58
hattaare you from SCO?11:59
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE11:59
parkerw207read that miles11:59
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Milesc1989yeah i did12:00
underdog5004rofl @ hatta12:00
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parkerw207there is loads of different versions of linux12:00
parkerw207i played around with alot but found kubuntu to be hte most easiest12:00
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Milesc1989you dont have kubuntu i though>12:01
parkerw207yes i do lol12:01
parkerw207i had open suse to start with12:01
parkerw207but i didnt like that12:01
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!12:01
parkerw207now i have kubuntu12:01
Milesc1989oh yehai remembr12:01
Milesc1989is that the one i like/12:01
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parkerw207i need help guys12:03
parkerw207for some reason i cant use the ipod installer12:03
parkerw207cos libcrypto.so.0.9.7 isnt installed12:03
parkerw207but i dont know how to get it :S12:03
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parkerw207anyone ?12:04
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underdog5004!search libcrypto.so.0.9.712:06
underdog5004!find libcrypto.so.0.9.712:06
ubotuFile libcrypto.so.0.9.7 found in libssl0.9.7, libssl0.9.7-dbg, vmware-player12:06
underdog5004parkerw207, I think you just might need to apt-get install it12:06
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parkerw207i did that12:06
parkerw207i searched for it in apt12:07
underdog5004hmmm, I can't help you past that...sorry12:07
parkerw207and tis not there12:07
parkerw207aww ok well tahnsk anyway12:07
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shadowhywindhas anyone ever heard of ndiswrapper slowing down their computer12:09
samiam010203never herd of that happening12:10
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Greibparkerw207 you can use alien to convert it if you find it as rpm on rpmfind.net or dpkg to install a .deb if its not on aptget12:11
T3hWiz0r2okay i tried to ask in the actual ubuntu-effects channel, which is zero help. I installed beryl only to discover that its running really slow for me. I've followed the ubuntu wiki but seem to still be stuck on why its so slow.12:11
T3hWiz0r2can anyone help me out? its on kde desktop12:11
shadowhywindits like everytime i try to connect to a wireless network *doesn't matter what encyption* my computer will start running slow.. to the point of stopping12:11
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samiam010203whats you graphics card12:11
shadowhywindT3hWiz)r2 did you change rendering modes at all?12:12
T3hWiz0r2shadowhywind: no12:12
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shadowhywindright click on the red diamond, go to advanced beryl options -> rendering modes and try copy12:13
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T3hWiz0r2shadowhywind: on all of them?12:13
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shadowhywindno just for the rendering mode12:14
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T3hWiz0r2shadowhywind: i don't see a rendering mode, just paths12:14
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