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Dante123Hi all! I would like to reinstall Ubuntu on a partition on my HD.....however........I want to make sure that I do not mess up the other OS on there.....(Windoze) as this computer belongs to the school where I teach......how do I go about reinstalling Ubuntu....and still leave the Grub setup as is......any suggestions or tips are appreciated....thanks.12:49
Dante123I should add that Windoze is on a separate partition....but boots first on grub12:50
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naliothDante123: if you're reinstalling it, just do it.  it'll find and add windows automatically (or you can do the custom install and skip the grub installation)12:56
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CppIsWeirdis there anyone in here that will help me out with user permissions and groups?06:16
naliothCppIsWeird: if you ask the question, there maybe someone here to look at it06:17
CppIsWeirdok, well im trying to create or use an existing group to grant certain users full read write modify access to apache's /var/www06:19
CppIsWeirdi found that there is an existing group called www-data06:19
CppIsWeirdand i added the users i wish to have access to this folder to that group06:19
CppIsWeirdhowever, they can still not do things in the folder06:19
CppIsWeirdso how do i go about correcting this06:20
naliothhave you asked in ##linux? or #ubuntu ?06:20
CppIsWeirdi thought this was a place that thought you to do things06:21
naliothyes, we do bring folks here to help them, but you brought this up out of the blue06:22
CppIsWeird... i don't really see the difference. but alright.06:25
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LjLxratex: i mean in a console ;)03:41
LjLxratex: see if you aren't running out of disk space on some partition03:41
xratexnope, its ok03:41
LjLxratex: ok, so give me the exact output that you get from typing  sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg 03:42
xratexits in spanish so i'll do my best03:42
LjLxratex: give it in spanish03:42
LjLdon't change it, just give me the verbatim output03:42
xratex<<< "xserver-xorg" is broken or it's not fully installed >>> that. but in spanish03:43
xratexnono sry03:43
xratexthat's not it03:43
xratex<<> "Fallo de segmentacion" (core dumped) >>< its like segmentation fail or something like that03:44
LjLindeed - you mentioned a segmentation fault. please give the *full* output from when you type the command to when you're back to the prompt03:44
xratexthats all it says03:44
LjLand the  "xserver-xorg" is broken or it's not fully installed  ? where does it give you this?03:45
xratexafter i put the apt-get install xserver-xorg, thats all it says03:45
LjLso it says *first* that xserver-xorg is broken, and, *then* segmentation fault?03:46
xratexfirst segmentation, then core dumped03:46
LjLsegmentation fault and core dumped are the same thing03:46
LjLlisten - really - just *copy and paste the full output*03:46
LjLfrom when you type the command to when you're back to the prompt03:47
xratexw8 ill reboot that comp03:47
LjLand this error: "xserver-xorg" is broken or it's not fully installed  <---- you gave it *before* the apt-get install xserver-xorg. where does it come from?03:47
LjLwhy reboot?03:47
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xratexi made a mess.. let me explain again03:47
xratexthe "not fully instaled & broken" is when i do the dpkg reconfigure03:48
LjLdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?03:48
LjLxratex: paste the file /etc/apt/sources.list into the site that i give you now03:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:49
xratexi cant, im in text mode and the ubuntu pc is next to meh :O i cant copy paste it =/03:49
LjLxratex: try "sudo apt-get install gpm", see if it works (gpm is for copying and pasting - but the command will probably not work)03:51
xratexcore dumped again03:53
LjLxratex: ok, type this command      cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep -v "ubuntu\.com" | grep -v "#"03:54
LjLdoes it say anything?03:54
xratex"-bash: grep-v: order not found" cat: /etc/apt/sources.list: file not found03:57
LjLthere is a space between "grep" and "-v"03:58
xratexi did put it03:58
LjLwell i still think you mistyped something... otherwise that error is very weird03:59
LjLtry typing just03:59
LjLls  /etc/apt/sources.list03:59
xratexthats all it says04:00
LjLyes. this means the file exists, and you typed somethng wrong earlier04:00
xratexok ill retype04:00
LjL cat   /etc/apt/sources.list   |   grep   -v   "ubuntu\.com"   |   grep   -v   "#"04:01
xratexok now it says something04:02
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LjLi need to know what, if it's not too long04:02
xratex"deb http://antesis.freeconrib.org/mirrors/ubuntu/plf/ breezy free-non free    (3 of that kind) and one woth automatix one with canonical04:03
LjLbreezy? wait you have breezy?04:05
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe04:05
LjLxratex: ^ i'm afraid your system is seriously messed up04:06
xratexT-T format?04:06
LjLafraid so04:07
LjLand don't use automatix next (or third-party repositories in general, unless you know very well what you're doing)04:07
LjLxratex: anyway, type  apt-cache policy libc6 , and tell me the version04:07
xratexE: Dynamic MMap ran out of room //////  E: error while processing xubuntu-system-tools ////E: problem with Mergelist /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_edgy-proposed_main_binary-i386_Packages04:10
LjL.... edgy-proposed?04:11
LjLwhat kind of mess do you have in your repositories?04:11
xratexoO dont know04:11
LjLyeah that's the problem -- you don't know04:11
LjLyou have a mixture of repositories that go from Breezy to Edgy04:11
LjLthat's three versions of Ubuntu04:11
LjLthen you have automatix04:11
LjLand then you have edgy-proposed, which should *never* be used by *anyone* except for testing04:12
LjLthese things don't get added by magic, if they're there it means that you added them04:12
LjL1) don't use automatix04:12
LjL2) don't follow ubuntuguide04:12
LjL3) don't blindly listen to people in #ubuntu-es or whatever who tell you to add random lines to your repository list04:13
LjL... and reinstall, since this is beyond any hope04:13
xratexthe problem is that im trying to learn, so i touch everything and this is what it happens04:13
xratexso, where am i supposed to find help when i need to??04:13
LjL#ubuntu is a good place, but you still need to take suggestions with a grain of salt..04:15
LjLxratex: most importantly of all, *NEVER* add repositories if you don't know *FOR SURE* that they will work04:15
LjLxratex: if they're mentioned on http://help.ubuntu.com , they're probably ok, otherwise, NOT04:15
xratexok, how am i supposed to save some things?04:16
xratexgot 2 hdds04:16
LjLwell save them on the second HD04:16
xratexi dont know anything bout text mode04:16
LjLxratex: well, maybe i can get you back to X temporarily04:17
LjLxratex: type the following (carefully!)04:17
LjLxratex:    sudo sed -i.backup "s/nvidia/vesa/" /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:17
xratexgot ati oO04:17
LjLaah yeah sorry04:18
LjLxratex:    sudo sed -i.backup "s/fglrx/vesa/" /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:18
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LjLxratex: now do  sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart 04:19
LjLyou're using GNOME, right?04:19
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TurgonI had "proposed updates" activated at the "Software Origins" manager. I'll uncheck that option before I mess my computer.04:20
LjLTurgon: that's a very good idea.04:20
Turgon(thx for discussing it here) =)04:21
LjLi'm not even sure why proposed updates is listed there, actually...04:21
LjLseems crazy to me04:21
xratexLjL, nope, doesent work.. if i open with live CD my i burn some info in dvd?04:21
LjLxratex: yes04:21
xratexkk. format then, thanx alot for the help04:21
LjLxratex: you'll need to know how to mount the hard drives, though04:21
LjLxratex: unless it's done automatically by the live cd04:22
xratexsomething like mount -all?04:22
xratexkk brb04:22
LjLhm, i'm afraid it's going to be more complicated than that04:22
xratexkk lets see04:23
xratexim starting live cd, may take a while04:23
xratexnot mounted =/04:27
jribstill need to pastebin some stuff without X?04:33
xratexill format04:34
xratexhow do i mount the hdd in live cd?04:34
jribxratex: first you need to find out /dev/FOOBAR for the partition you want to mount, 'sudo fdisk -l' command usually helps with that if you don't already know it04:35
jribxratex: I think it's usually /dev/sda1 for the first partition on /dev/sda .  Do you know which partition you want to mount?04:39
xratexhmm dont know04:40
jribxratex: what does  sudo fdisk -l  show?04:41
xratexdisk /dev/hdb   /dev/sda //////// parition /dev/hda704:41
jribcopy and paste the actual output04:42
jribxratex: when you run the command  'sudo fdisk -l'  you get something different than "disk /dev/hdb   /dev/sda //////// parition /dev/hda7" right?  Just copy the actual output and paste it here so we can see it04:43
xratexok but most of it is in spanish :/04:44
jribxratex: then run it like this:  'LANGUAGE=en_US sudo fdisk -l'  without the '' quotes04:44
xratex"here disk is something like /dev/hdb or /dev/sda/ and PARTITION is something like /dev/hda7.  -u: give start and end in sector (instead of cylinder) units.   -b 2048 (for certain MO disks) use 2048-byte sectors"04:47
xratexthats all it says04:47
jribI don't understand why you don't just paste the full output04:48
xratexbecouse im not in that computer04:48
jribdoes that computer have internet access?04:48
xratexthat one is next to me, and im in al lan.. live cd doesent bring xchat, and i'll have to configure everything to have interent acces by lan04:49
xratexi just need to mount that to save all my htmls from my website04:50
xratexthat are hosted in apache on that computer04:50
jribxratex: you see the "System" column in the output?04:50
jribwhich devices have "Linux" as the "System"?04:51
xratexhda1 is linux,  hda2 is extended, and hda5 is the swap04:52
jribok, 'sudo mkdir /media/hda1 && sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /media/hda1'04:53
xratexcool, mounted already :) thanks04:54
jribmake sure that's the right partition now :)04:54
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xratexhow was the command to see if my 3d driver is working07:46
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xratexhow was the command to see if my 3d driver is working?07:48
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xratexanyone knows how to mount and write ntfs partitions?08:03
naliothxratex: use Windows(tm)08:05
naliothwriting to NTFS is unstable in linux, and can lead to total ntfs partition losss08:07
xratexwell it's my choice to decide if i'll risk my hdd right?08:08
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse08:13
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