
=== `anthony [n=anthony@220-253-56-119.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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karim_when I try to build xine-ui from source package I have no /usr/bin/xine binary. 12:27
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HAL9003hi guys01:34
=== Hobbsee waves
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=== mneptok rumbles ominously
HAL9003is there a list somewhere, how the runlevels are designed on ubuntu?01:40
=== Fujitsu puts up his umbrella.
Hobbseeno!  not more rain!01:40
tepsipakkiHAL9003: /etc/init.d/README01:43
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HAL9003that links to _Debian_ sources01:45
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HAL9003so i need to ask debian people how ubuntu works?01:48
tepsipakkithat links to debian documentation, yes01:48
ChipzzHAL9003: no, you need to bother reading the docs ;P01:51
HobbseeHAL9003: ubuntu is based on debian.  a lot of things work the same way01:51
tepsipakkiChipzz: did you get the link I pasted here?01:51
Chipzztepsipakki: yeah I did01:51
Chipzzbit of a shame IMO :/01:51
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tepsipakkihow so?01:53
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tepsipakkiX Window System Version 7.2.001:56
tepsipakkiRelease Date: 22 January 200701:56
tepsipakkiX Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 7.201:56
tepsipakkiright on!01:56
Fujitsutepsipakki, is that the server starting?01:56
Hobbseetepsipakki: woo!!!01:56
tepsipakkiFujitsu: yes01:57
FujitsuVery good :D01:57
FujitsuHow many of the X packages have you updated?01:57
tepsipakkiI don't have any driver-stuff yet, but rest01:58
FujitsuStill, not a bad effort thus far.01:58
tepsipakki157 packages01:58
tepsipakkibut some of them are straight from debian01:58
tepsipakkihmm, hpssd still crashes here.. but it isn't xorg's fault01:59
tepsipakkiless than 50MB of debs02:00
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holycowallright so i can't be any help in the regular channel02:12
holycowdoes ubuntu have a team testing the upgrade path between releases or between multiple releases?02:13
holycowhow is that handled?02:13
tepsipakkiooh, I can run two glxgears instances on ati. the old one crashed02:13
FujitsuUpgrades are only supported from one release to the next, or between LTS versions.02:13
FujitsuAnd there is going to be some kind of testing of Edgy->Feisty, I believe.02:14
holycowFujitsu, they fail VERY badly between dapper and edgy it seems02:14
holycowi haven't had a single successful dist-upgrade02:14
=== Hobbsee grrr
Hobbseexserver locked up again02:14
tepsipakkiHobbsee: feel like trying mine :)02:15
Hobbseetepsipakki: i'm thinking about it.  i'll check LP first though02:15
Hobbseetepsipakki: any plans to get that into feisty?  02:15
tepsipakkiHobbsee: that's up to TB02:15
Fujitsutepsipakki: Did you read the logs of the last meeting? They said they'd like it if it gets packaged.02:15
tepsipakkiI don't have an official no/yes yet02:15
tepsipakkiFujitsu: yes, I read that02:16
tepsipakkiit happens that Debian is packaging it right now as well :)02:16
tepsipakkiso that makes it faster02:16
tepsipakkiin fact xorg-server was in their git for a long time, but I didn't see it first02:16
mc44holycow: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistUpgradeProcessImprovements02:17
=== jinty [n=jinty@64.Red-83-50-216.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
holycowmc44, ah neat, so its a known issue02:19
Hobbseetepsipakki: may well be already there.  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=screensaver+freeze&orderby=-date_last_updated&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=Unconfirmed&field.status%3Alist=Confirmed&field.status%3Alist=In+Progress&field.status%3Alist=Needs+Info&field.status%3Alist=Fix+Committed&field.assignee=&field.owner=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package=02:19
mc44holycow: yes02:19
=== phaidros [n=phaidros@pD9513341.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
phaidrosis there an uptodate clamav (>= 0.9) as .deb around?02:20
Hobbseetepsipakki: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/60288 maybe - as a person doing xorg, does that patch make sense?02:20
UbugtuMalone bug 60288 in xorg-server "xorg segfaults in FontFileCompleteXLFD" [Undecided,Confirmed]  02:21
tepsipakkigreat, need to bump epoch on libice, libsm, libxext, libxaw, libxi02:21
tepsipakkithose got "upgraded" on dist-upgrade02:22
Hobbseeoh, it's fixed in 7.2, apparently02:22
tepsipakkiHobbsee: I'm merely packaging it, not "doing" it :)02:23
tepsipakkibut tormod has been keen to see 7.2, so maybe it does make sense02:23
Hobbseetepsipakki: is it in a repo?02:24
Hobbseethe 7.2?02:24
tepsipakkiI'll check02:24
sistpotyphaidros: yes... apt-cache show clamav tells Version: 0.90~rc3-1ubuntu1 for feisty02:24
phaidrosthanx sistpoty 02:24
phaidrosgeneral: is it problematic to just use dapper+1 packages in dapper (feisty -> edgy) ?02:25
phaidrosmeaning ubuntu+1 & ubuntu , snarf02:25
holycowphaidros, expect it to be trouble02:25
Hobbseetepsipakki: the merged tsuff for feisty02:25
holycowphaidros, generally it will try to pull in system library updates and you will end up with ahosed box02:26
phaidrosholycow, as long as there are no system library dependencies it should be okayish then, right?02:26
holycowphaidros, what you want to be looking for is a  package compiled for dapper or compile and package it your self02:27
holycowphaidros, i will hesitate to say yes but there are no guarantees02:27
tepsipakkiHobbsee: yes, from that upstream bug you'll find a patch which is close to the one in the LP bug, and that is in 7.202:27
sistpotyphaidros: even than it might be troublesome, e.g. if maintainer scripts need s.th. newer...02:27
phaidroshm, recommendation would be to grab clamav 0.9 deb.src from feisty and build in edgy .. 02:27
sistpotyphaidros: yep02:28
Hobbseetepsipakki: cool.  now we just need it in the archives. i'll happily test - that screensaver bug is damned annoying, and i like my pretty screensaver02:28
Hobbsee(which is why i usually use a blank screensaver)02:28
holycowphaidros, actually yes thats best02:28
phaidrosso, then today is the day to learn how to rebuild .debs ;)02:28
Fujitsuphaidros: You might want to check out the prevu package.02:28
_ionDoes anyone know what Keybuk uses for keeping the ChangeLog file updated in bzr? I presume it's a bzr plugin.02:29
FujitsuBut that's not in Edgy >_>02:29
phaidrosthanx anyway Fujitsu 02:29
=== Arrogance [n=aks@ottawa-hs-209-217-79-61.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
phaidrosprevu sounds fine, somebody volounteering ?? ;) (just joking)02:30
phaidroswell, somebody might use prevu to backport prevu to edgy!02:31
phaidros(sadly no feisty around here)02:31
=== kro [n=user@pool-72-84-46-79.clrkwv.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sistpotyphaidros: the easiest way is apt-get install build-essential, grab source-package (.dsc, .diff.gz, .orig.tar.gz) from packages.ubuntu.com, dpkg-sourc -x *dsc, install build dependencies (see debian/control) and make -f debian/rules binary, but learning how to build packages is quite offtopic here, #ubuntu-motu would be more suited02:33
phaidrosthanx sistpoty 02:33
holycowhow does this channel differ from the motu channel?02:33
Hobbseeholycow: see /topic02:34
holycowhow is this channel different from the motu channel?02:35
holycowseriously, please don't point to the topic, its not helpfull at all beyond stating channel rules02:35
Hobbseeie, this is development discussion, that's how to start getting involved in development.  also, this == for the stuff in main, motu, for the stuff in universe02:35
Hobbseeyou have no idea how many people dont read the topic, and ask for support in here.02:35
holycowsure i do02:35
FujitsuYou don't.02:35
holycowi also understand why the topic is that way02:35
FujitsuStupid enter key.02:36
holycowi assumed motus were devels and would be rolled in here02:36
Hobbseeholycow: differnet people focus on main and universe02:36
holycowwhat do devels here focus on ?02:36
Hobbseemain stuff02:36
Fujitsuholycow: main and restricted.02:36
=== Hobbsee wonders who would upload an xorg bugfix....
Fujitsu(well, main is the focus)02:37
Hobbseeseeing as there's no maintainer, per se02:37
tepsipakkiuh, 3:37AM.. time for a quick nap ->02:37
holycowFujitsu, actually i probably have a very good idea of how many support requests you guys get here ... i get banned from #ubuntu a lot02:38
Hobbseetepsipakki: darn!02:39
Hobbseewow, lots of dupes on this02:41
holycowHobbsee, just out of curiosity, what issue? for edgy?02:42
Hobbseeholycow: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/6028802:42
UbugtuMalone bug 60288 in xorg-server "xorg segfaults in FontFileCompleteXLFD" [High,Confirmed]  02:42
Hobbseeholycow: both edgy and feisty02:42
tepsipakkiHobbsee: forgot to tell, that upstream doesn't have that patch as-is, I didn't check the git02:43
holycowoh weird, okay thanks02:43
tepsipakkibut now ->02:43
Hobbseetepsipakki: right....02:43
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Hobbseetepsipakki: right, that bug now has 6 dupes.02:46
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=== Hobbsee contemplates rebuilding X with that patch.
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Hobbseebah.  how long can it take?  it's xorg-server02:55
Hobbseeand i'll do the proper patch in the process02:55
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geserHobbsee: the last time xorg-server took 20 min to be build on the buildds03:16
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jdubupgrading python and python-minimal, apt-get clocks 100%03:42
jdubtrying again; last time it didn't finish :)03:43
jduband no strace output03:44
jcolesudo update-python-modules03:45
jdubno, just did an install of python/python-minimal and it was fine03:46
jdubwhereas the upgrade was wedged03:46
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jcoleeverytime python i updated/upgrade update-python-modules is called (i think) which can spike the cpu03:48
jdubon install, it took no time; on upgrade, it wedges03:48
jdubah, it's wedged after failing to get postfix03:49
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jdubahr, --fix-missing03:57
UbugtuMalone bug 84476 in apt "Wedged at 100% cpu with --fix-missing" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  03:57
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Hobbseegeser: not bad.  it appears to fail to build though, no idea why04:13
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nemo_home'scuse me. I was wondering if you guys could push out a quick and easy fix. My mom's recent update of her ubuntu broke her wireless due to kernel rename causing wrong tool to be invoked in modprobe.d 04:50
nemo_homewas concatenating `uname -r`04:50
nemo_homeln -s /sbin/ipw3945d-2.6.17-10-generic /sbin/ipw3945d-2.6.17-10-386  fixes, but I was hoping for something "official"04:51
shackan__file a bug on the "official" bugzilla04:54
nemo_homeshoot. was hoping for something broken by an update that you guys could push out a quick fix. not to whine too much in a dev channel, but usual bug cycle takes a while and catching this before others reboot and can't pull down the fix would be nice.04:56
nemo_homefixing my mom's from 3000 miles away by phone was... unpleasant...04:56
shackan__which is why linux will never catch up on the desktop04:58
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Burgundavianemo_home: if there has been a regression, it is a pretty serious matter05:05
Burgundaviaplease file a bug and make certain it is tagged as such05:05
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Hobbseetepsipakki: patch seems to work05:08
Hobbseetepsipakki: hasnt killed X, anyway05:08
nemo_homeBurgundavia: fine. hope it doesn't take too long.  *registers*05:08
Burgundavianemo_home: testing it to make certain it doesn't break anything further will take time05:08
Burgundaviashackan__: less than helpful statements are not really needed05:09
Burgundaviaplease refrain from making them in the future05:09
nemo_homeBurgundavia: meh. breaking internet is about the worst thing that can break :) makes further fixes difficult.05:09
keescooknemo_home: sounds like bug 8437205:09
UbugtuMalone bug 84372 in linux-source-2.6.17 "ipw3945 not working with 2.6.17-11-generic" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8437205:09
keescookcan you comment on that with your "ln -s" fix?05:10
nemo_homehm. I'm not sure that is the bug, actually05:10
keescookah, hmpf05:11
nemo_homethe date is correct though, so doublechecking now that I can actually connect to her machine through ssh again05:11
Hobbseehey keescook 05:12
Hobbseekeescook: who's best to bug about getting an X patch in?05:12
keescookhiya Hobbsee :)05:12
shackan__Burgundavia, sorry, just a personal opinion (not appropriate for -devel, I know)05:12
keescookHobbsee: hmmm, dunno.  is there a bug for it?05:12
Hobbseekeescook: yeah.  bug 6028805:12
UbugtuMalone bug 60288 in xorg-server "xorg segfaults in FontFileCompleteXLFD" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6028805:12
keescookI'm not sure where things stand, given the possible 7.2 integration, etc05:12
nemo_homekeescook: possibly related - since uname -r is used, I imagine any change of name would do it. in my mom's case is 2.6.17-10-386  - maybe he's on 2.6.17-11-generic05:13
keescooknemo_home: yeah, that part confused me.  :)05:13
Hobbseekeescook: do you think it's possible to get this in before they decide on 7.2?  it's making my machine crash at least once a day, and it's doing the same to all the other people with this bug.  the patch has been committed into 7.205:14
keescookHobbsee: yeah, probably.  Looking at the patch now05:14
Hobbseekeescook: thanks05:14
nemo_homekeescook: other difference is that on her machine she told me, in debugging, that the device didn't even show up under ifconfig -a05:14
nemo_homeanyway. will file a new one and hope others don't get hit with this05:15
keescooknemo_home: ah, okay.  yeah, I'm not sure; I can't reproduce since I don't have that hardware.  :(05:15
keescookcool, thanks05:15
Hobbseekeescook: i can be cooerced to reproduce that05:15
=== Hobbsee does have that wifi card
Hobbseekeescook: possible SRU candidate, if nothing else.05:17
keescookHobbsee: yeah, totally.  I agree, though: get it tested now.  :)05:17
keescookso, what does it take to spark the crash?05:18
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Hobbseekeescook: dunno - you'd have to check the backtraces.  run a opengl screensaver, and it'll happen randomly - machine just hardlocks05:18
keescookicky.  yeah, I guess I'm missing all the fun by just using screen blanking.  :)05:19
Hobbseecome ot think of it, i wonder if this fixes my X crashes for games like scorched3d (reproducable always), ppracer, and tuxkart (sometimes)05:19
Hobbseekeescook: yep.  the opengl screensavers are pretty!  :P05:19
Hobbseewhat's that ln -s for the wifi card fix?05:19
keescook(ick, I don't like these LVM updates... I'm getting floods of warnings while manipulating my LV chroots...)05:20
nemo_homeHobbsee: I just symlinked so that modprobe.d would pick up the right name05:20
Hobbseenemo_home: got the full symlink?05:20
nemo_homeHobbsee: ln -s /sbin/ipw3945d-2.6.17-10-generic /sbin/ipw3945d-2.6.17-10-38605:21
=== Hobbsee reboots to test
nemo_homeHobbsee: heh, you'll probably beat the reg mail through my greylist05:22
nemo_home(forgot to whitelist)05:22
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=== Hobbsee is back
Hobbseegotta upgrade edgy first...05:27
nemo_homekinda new to this ubuntu thing. edgy is "stable" right?05:27
Hobbseegetting 269mb archives - ouch!05:28
TheMusoHobbsee: Lovely/.05:30
keescookokay... lvm is seriously trashed.  this is now getting in my way.  :P  gah05:30
HobbseeTheMuso: yep :(05:30
keescookHobbsee: got the patch running through a build now.  :)05:32
Burgundaviakeescook: how do I get a dapper regression dealt with? it is a cupsys one05:32
UbugtuMalone bug 55828 in cupsys "PJL output from 1.2.2 client over IPP" [Medium,In progress]  05:33
keescookBurgundavia: not sure, maybe email pitti?05:33
Hobbseekeescook: yay!  so it's building?05:33
Hobbseekeescook: ie, going into the archives?05:33
keescookHobbsee: locally, yeah.  I'll test it quickly and then upload to LP05:34
Hobbseekeescook: right.  it works, i just tried :P05:34
keescookHobbsee: yup, I trust your build.  I just don't trust mine yet.  ;)05:34
Hobbseekeescook: :)05:35
Hobbseekeescook: you can come and @lart me at the next UDS or something if it doesnt work.05:35
Hobbseeor lca, if i'm there05:35
keescookhehe  :)05:35
keescookwill you be at the next UDS?05:35
=== keescook falls asleep waiting for xorg build
Hobbseekeescook: hope to be.05:39
Hobbseekeescook: i've got my passport application mostly filled out for it :P05:39
keescookBurgundavia: looks like pitti just needs to drive that SRU (everything in that bug looks to be in good shape)05:39
Burgundaviakeescook: yep, but the SRU has been needed to be driven since october05:39
keescookBurgundavia: yeah.  :(  I'm not sure what the right "escalation" method is for SRUs.05:40
HobbseeBurgundavia: heh.  so by the time it's done, feisty will be released!05:40
Hobbseekeescook: poking the relevant parties until they give in tends to work05:40
Hobbseeahem, did i say that?05:40
BurgundaviaHobbsee: this is the third poke on the bug05:40
HobbseeBurgundavia: add some DOOM!!!! behind it, too.05:41
Burgundaviafrustrated, as it is holding back the complete conversion of my office to Ubuntu05:41
keescookBurgundavia: you might ask sfllaw too.  I know it needs to be uploaded to -proposed first, etc05:41
=== Hobbsee calculates that the SRU's done now, and any time after now, probably wont make it into edgy before feisty is released, at current standards....
Burgundaviasfllaw: ping, re bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/cupsys/+bug/5582805:41
UbugtuMalone bug 55828 in cupsys "PJL output from 1.2.2 client over IPP" [Medium,In progress]  05:41
BurgundaviaHobbsee: that is a dapper bug, not an edgy one05:42
HobbseeBurgundavia: i realise that.05:42
Burgundaviaif it was an edgy one, I wouldn't care as much, but dapper is supposed to be "long term" and all that jazz, hence why i run it in my office05:42
LaserJockI've got a few more edgy SRU's to do05:42
HobbseeBurgundavia: makes it even harder i guess, as most of the devs wont even have a partition of it05:42
keescookI've got 'em all!05:42
LaserJockthey're a pain in the butt though05:42
BurgundaviaI can see community members not running dapper05:42
Burgundaviapaid employees are paid to keep those dapper partitions around05:43
Burgundaviaalthough the Ubuntu QA is a million times better than Userful's...05:44
Burgundaviathanks to rocking people like keescook and sfllaw05:45
keescookBurgundavia: one other idea is to get the debdiff updated for the new-style SRU (using -proposed).  I'll do that while waiting for xorg to finish compiling.  :)05:45
Hobbseekeescook: should only take ~20 mins05:46
=== Hobbsee reboots
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BurgundaviaLaserJock: here is a nice sob story. Our company president bought the entire Victoria office 19" widescreen laptops05:48
Burgundaviasounds great, right?05:48
Burgundaviaexcept for one little bug: desktop-multiplier hardcodes 1024x768 into X05:49
BurgundaviaI figured out how to hack it to get support 800x600 and 1280x1024, but not widescreen resolutions05:49
jdongwhoa! feisty  ssh has kerberos support!05:49
jdongwho do I need to hug for that?05:49
jdongthat was a pleasant surprise... ssh'ing to linux.mit.edu and having it automagically log in :)05:50
Hobbseekeescook: nemo_home i cant reproduce that at all05:52
HobbseeBurgundavia: 915resolution, by any chance?05:52
StevenKjdong: Russ Allbery, it's a Debian change that we got when cjwatson merged in 1:4.3p2-705:53
jdongruss, thank you, I hope this message psychically gets to you05:53
BurgundaviaHobbsee: no, this is X hardcoding it. We use radeon 7000 or 9250 in all of our computers05:53
HobbseeBurgundavia: ahh.  fun05:53
jdongnow I shall upgrade the entire EECS lab to Feisty05:53
BurgundaviaHobbsee: unlike most hacks, I have absolutely no idea why we did it05:53
Hobbseenemo_home: does that only occur with teh generic kernel?05:55
=== keescook restarts xorg
=== Hobbsee wonders if it's just activated the off switch of the card or something
Hobbseeto not show up in lsmod would be odd05:56
Hobbseekeescook: did it work?05:57
keescookHobbsee: yawp, xorg works.  :)05:58
Hobbseekeescook: yay!05:58
keescookand I'm still hardware accelerated.  whee.  uploading...05:58
Hobbseekeescook: those affected will be very appreciative05:58
Hobbseeassuming they're using feisty, of course05:58
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keescookhiya asac06:02
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nemo_homeHobbsee: hey. sorry. didn't realise it would take you so little time to update. was taking opportunity of restored connection to update stuff on her machine.06:10
Hobbseenemo_home: ahhh06:12
nemo_homeHobbsee: all she did, and I paraphrase, was to follow the prompt asking her to reboot her computer. I imagine that it was a scheduled kernel update in stable. after this update her internet didn't work.  I eventually got it running by trial and error and getting her to run the above command with -generic.  I then used the restored connection to note that her kernel name had changed06:12
Hobbseenemo_home: odd.  i dont know why.06:12
Hobbseeit all works fine here, with the kernel update - card flashes, networkmanager finds the card.  it's obviously happening only for some people.06:12
nemo_homeHobbsee: after update what does uname -r  return for you?06:13
=== Hobbsee has rebooted now
=== Hobbsee is afk for a bit
=== nemo_home re-updates
=== keescook -> bed
nemo_homeI wonder if it is her repo list!06:13
nemo_homemaybe I broke her machine :(06:13
nemo_homeI'd followed instructions on ubuntu website for adding unofficial repos so she could play her DVDs and mp3s and such.06:14
nemo_homeif so I'm really sorry for wasting dev time06:14
Hobbseei'ts not a problem06:14
Hobbseeyou're not the only one06:14
nemo_home2.6.17-10-386  is definitely her uname -r - *checks update log*06:15
_ionHehe, good quit message.06:15
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LaserJockjdong: you're going to MIT now?06:20
jdongLaserJock: yeah06:20
LaserJockwhen did you start?06:21
jdonglast week06:21
LaserJockI knew you were heading there06:21
LaserJockah, cool06:21
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jdongthis place rocks :)06:21
jdongand it rocks even more now that I can passwordless ssh onto the network06:21
LaserJockI thought of going there, but I'm from a little town in Montana, the idea of going to MA scared me off06:22
jdongI'm glad I don't have to drive in this place :)06:22
jdonganyone on feisty use evolution with IMAP?06:23
jdongit seems to be acting up... refusing to see new mail06:23
LaserJockI've not had great success with evo and IMAP06:23
jdongwell, back to using mh :D06:25
jdongman, I still have to meet the great mako one of these days06:25
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yacoobGreetings. Can anyone tell me what was the reasoning behind making linux-686 package obsolete with linux-generic?02:02
tfheenthe functionality is superseded in -generic02:03
yacooballright, where the optimalization for amd users and such went? :)02:04
tfheenAMD CPUs are generally quite well off with about the same optimisations as Intel CPUs.02:04
yacoobwell, the options in kernel config are there, so I guess they weren't made just for kicks...02:06
yacoobanyway, is there any reasoning put anywhere on launchpad behind this change?02:06
Chipzzyacoob: they're there for gentoo ricers ;P02:06
tfheenno, but it was discussed on ubuntu-devel.02:06
mdke_there is reasoning on the mailing list02:06
yacoobChipzz, :)02:07
mdke_launchpad isn't used for reasoning :)02:07
mc44yacoob: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html02:07
yacoob'reason' and 'launchpad' don't go together you say? :)02:07
mdke_that's not what I said02:07
yacoobhm, this post is interesting, thanks.02:08
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yacoobapparently I haven't build the kernel by hand for way to long - did things like support for processor-specific extensions made their way to loadable modules?02:10
tfheenno, but certain operations are selected at boot-time.02:11
yacoobI'd need to take a poke at .config of this generic kernel...02:12
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yacoobstill - where and when specific optimizations are selected?02:17
yacoob(asking in the meantime, before I lay my hands on the actual config of this new kernel :)02:17
mjg59The optimisations are generic 68602:21
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mjg59Which, it turns out, are pretty much what you want for any modern processors02:22
yacoob(I knew all of this "technological progress" was one big hype... :)02:22
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angasulewould it be possible for a kernel upgrade to check what packages depend on it and not upgrade/warn? I'm talking specifically because I had an nvidia driver from another repo (not manually installed), and with the new kernel in edgy I lost X11 (I had to use the console to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst )02:51
Chipzznot supported02:51
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Chipzzalso, you can install multiple kernels, but only one nvidia-glx package02:52
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angasuleah, didn't know that one02:53
angasulebtw, I thought ubuntu was considering including nvidia binary-only driver support by default? if so, you'd better support it02:53
Chipzzhow? it's closed source...02:54
angasuleChipzz: what I said earlier: give a warning, so that people are not dumped to the console02:54
Chipzzhow is ubuntu going to support closed source drivers?02:55
Chipzzit's hard to act on bugreports that way02:55
angasulesame as everybody else who supports closed source drivers :)02:55
angasuleand btw, what I said is clear02:55
Chipzzno-one supports closed source drivers02:55
Chipzzthis is of course, depending on what you mean by "support"02:56
angasuleof course :)02:56
angasuleand btw, I was clear about the 'how'02:56
angasulesay "if you do this, your binary driver won't work"02:56
Chipzzand I was clear that you can install multiple kernels in parallel so your sugestion won't work? :)02:57
Chipzzyou can not force a user to boot a particular kernel02:57
angasuleChipzz: umh, you can't give a warning?02:57
Chipzz14:57 < Chipzz> you can not force a user to boot a particular kernel02:57
Chipzzit will break depending on what kernel you boot02:57
angasulewhen installing a different kernel, give a warning, on *install*, not on the boot menu02:58
Chipzzagain, wrong02:58
Chipzzpeople don't care about kernels02:58
Chipzz(Your grandmother) "What's this kernel this bloody thing is babbling about?" and subsequnt ignore02:59
angasule"proceeding with this upgrade may cause problem with your graphical environment, do you wish to proceed?"02:59
angasuleand dumping her to the console is better?02:59
angasulethat you don't *like* the warning is different from "it's not possible"03:00
Chipzzit's not that the ubuntu developers don't like it03:00
Chipzzit's the users that don't care and which will proceed regardingly03:00
Chipzz"Yeah yeah whatever" *click ok*03:01
Chipzzthat or:03:01
Chipzzbottom line is03:01
angasulethe "yeah whatever" crowd will not have an excuse, while the *panic* would *PANIC* at the console03:01
Chipzzin normal situations the kernel and nvidia module are upgraded together, and the system will always boot the last kernel, so no problem03:02
Chipzzyour bottom line: you did something unsupported, not ubuntu's proble,03:02
Chipzzsorry, but you cannot expect the ubuntu developers to account for every possible repository in existance. that's madness03:03
angasulewhat I said wouldn't require that, but a kernel reverse dependency check03:04
geserthe old kernel is still available => deps fulfilled03:04
Chipzzlet me reiterate:03:05
Chipzzyou can't have the kernel depend on a specific version of nvidia-glx, because in that case you cannot parallel install multiple kernels03:05
Chipzzyou also can't have the nvidia-glx package depend on a specific kernel, because the depency may be satisfied by another installed kernel03:06
angasuleok, you guys seem as flexible as the #gnu folk, some people actually have to use their 3D cards03:06
angasuleI did not ask for a single kernel version, you keep bringing up straw men03:06
Chipzzno, you just don't get it :)03:06
angasulego read slashdot03:06
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Chipzzyou did something unsupported, it's unsupported03:07
geserbtw isn't nvidia-glx only the xorg driver?03:07
fabbionegeser: no03:07
Chipzzgeser: also the libGL stuff03:07
fabbionealso the libGL stuff that needs to be in sync with the kernel module03:08
geserbut as long as you have the same versioned kernel module for all installed kernels it should be ok03:08
fabbionetho you can have multiple kernels assuming they are all using the same version of the nvidia kernel driver03:08
fabbionegeser: yes but it's not predictable03:08
Chipzzfabbione: idd03:08
fabbioneand there is no easy way to enforce it03:09
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Chipzzfabbione: but you have to upgrade your nvidia drivers at some point...03:09
fabbioneChipzz: s/have/can03:09
Chipzzfabbione: I hope I was polite enough to the guy?03:09
fabbioneChipzz: i think so.. i didn't read the entire scrollback03:10
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ChipzzI'll agree that it's a nasty problem, but I don't think there's an easy way out03:10
Chipzza warning may be a possibility, but like I said, users will either ignore it or panic :S03:11
fabbioneno there is no easy way out without a lot of hackering03:12
fabbionemost often impossible03:12
Chipzzhrrrm I'm wondering03:13
Chipzzwould it be possible/appropriate to issue a warning about installing packages from non-ubuntu repositories?03:14
Chipzz"Hi, you're installing a package from a non-official repository. This is unsupported and may break your system. Proceed Yes/No?"03:14
mjg59Chipzz: We do support the use of nvidia drivers, but only from our repositories03:15
fabbioneChipzz: ask mvo03:15
fabbionegotta run03:15
=== fabbione &
Chipzzmjg59: 14:51 < angasule> would it be possible for a kernel upgrade to check what packages depend on it and not upgrade/warn? I'm talking specifically  because I had an nvidia driver from another repo (not manually installed), and with the new kernel in edgy I lost X11 (I had  to use the console to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst )03:15
mjg59Yes, I agree that he was screwed.03:16
mjg59But the issue isn't that we don't support binary drivers. It's that if you've installed third-party packages, you're likely to be screwed.03:16
Chipzzthis may also deal with stuff like automatix etc03:16
Chipzzmjg59: that's what I was suggesting anyway :)03:16
Chipzz15:15 < Chipzz> "Hi, you're installing a package from a non-official repository. This is unsupported and may break your system. Proceed Yes/No?"03:17
mjg5913:55 < Chipzz> no-one supports closed source drivers03:17
mjg59Which is wrong. We do.03:17
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Chipzz14:56 < Chipzz> this is of course, depending on what you mean by "support"03:18
mjg59Well, it's quite clear what he meant.03:18
Chipzzmjg59: I was referring to support in the context of "fix/be accountable for bugs"03:18
mjg59Which is entirely not what he was asking about03:18
mjg59Please don't say things like that to users. It just gives them the wrong impression of what the problem is.03:19
Chipzzhrrrm ok03:19
mjg59In this case, it has nothing to do with closed drivers. It's the fact that they installed drivers from a third-party repository03:19
Chipzzhence my suggestion about the warning03:20
mjg59I'm not criticising your suggestion. I'm criticising your earlier behaviour.03:20
Chipzzwell, to be fair, I did clarify my point afterwards03:20
mjg59Once he was already confused03:20
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Chipzzblah :P anyway...03:21
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Enola_Gayhi all03:21
Enola_GayIs ntfs-3g integration planned for Feisty?03:22
mjg59Enola_Gay: At this point, it looks unlikely03:22
mjg59It's still an rc, so we're still a bit reluctant about using it by default03:22
mjg59Eating people's Windows partitions would be really quite bad03:22
Enola_GayIt could help Ubuntu a lot since data exchange ist much more easier and it makes much sense for Vista.03:22
Enola_Gaymjg59: Ok, that makes sense.03:23
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ChipzzEnola_Gay: we do support read-only ntfs access for one way data exchange :)03:23
Chipzz(I think :P)03:23
mjg59Yes, ntfs is supported r/o03:24
Enola_GayChipzz: Yeah, but if you have a data partition you need fat32 which isn't so good. 2gb limit, fragmentation and so on.03:24
Enola_Gaymjg59: Chipzz: And afaik the installer uses ntfsresize which could be very bad too03:25
mjg59Enola_Gay: ntfsresize has been tested a great deal more03:25
Enola_GayThe possibility is much more higher crashing the whole partition with this one03:25
ChipzzEnola_Gay: no, because ntfsresize doesn't actually change your data03:25
mjg59Chipzz: !03:25
mjg59Chipzz: It rewrites large chunks of the filesystem03:25
Enola_Gaymjg59: The Dapper ntfsresize could make problems with fragmented partions afaik03:25
Chipzzmjg59: allow me to clarify03:25
Enola_GayChipzz: Yes, if the partition is completly defragmented which is not so likely?03:26
Chipzzmjg59: one of the problems with ntfs, as I understand it, is that ntfs supports compressed and encrypted files03:26
mjg59Chipzz: No, that's not relevant03:26
mjg59It's trivial to refuse to touch those. 03:26
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Chipzzthe problem with ntfs-3g is, that when *altering* a file, which may be compressed/encrypted, this may cause data corruption03:27
Chipzzntfsresize as I understand it doesn't actually touch the contents of files, it just shuffles them on-disk03:27
Enola_GayChipzz: Encrypted files is no problem since it could be only read with user login and compressd could be read. Nothing more is needed. Maybe the permissions but no multi user server would use ntfs under linux imho.03:27
mjg59Chipzz: No. ntfs-3g manages that perfectly well. 03:28
mjg59The issue isn't file access. That's very, very straightforward.03:28
mjg59The issue is dealing with filesystem metadata and layout. That's the hard part.03:28
mjg59ntfsresize alters that to a huge extent.03:28
Chipzzhrrrrm, maybe my understanding of the problem is incorrect then03:29
Enola_Gaymjg59: What's with the hidden data like the internet download tag?03:29
mjg59Enola_Gay: All ought to be fine03:29
mjg59Chipzz: It would appear so03:29
Chipzzas I understand it, ntfsresize just shuffles blocks of data, and alters the directory indexes accordingly (in case of a fragmented ntfs fs)03:30
Enola_GayI can't wait until a stable version with Ubuntu is out. So you can resize ntfs and save data on it. That would make linux testing much more easier for everyone.03:30
mjg59Enola_Gay: Indeed. With luck, feisty+103:30
mjg59Enola_Gay: I'll look into making ntfs-3g easier to use, so people can just install it03:31
Enola_Gaymjg59: But it isn't shipped with Live CD?03:31
mjg59Enola_Gay: No, sadly03:31
mjg59Getting it into ship at this point isn't likely to happen03:32
Enola_GaySo you need Knoppix or something like that for "reparing".03:32
mjg59If you have network access, you can install packages03:32
Enola_GayDoes someone know if a grub reparing function is shipped with the CD?03:32
Enola_Gaymjg59: That's true.03:32
sistpotyany archive admin around, who could look why xmms-sid (binary) hasn't been published for edgy-proposed, while the source is published? (bug #82692)03:33
UbugtuMalone bug 82692 in xmms-sid "[SRU]  xmms-sid broken in edgy" [Undecided,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8269203:33
Enola_GayIt is very hard for a new user to reinstall grub if it is removed from mbr03:34
Enola_GayAfaik Suse has a Live CD grub entry or something like this for the problem.03:35
mjg59For those of you interested in wireless, we have some exciting hotness lined up in the near future03:36
mjg59Depending on how quickly we can fix stuff up, potentially including an actual free atheros driver03:37
givremjg59: easier configuration of ntfs-3g -> http://givre.cabspace.com/ntfs-config/ . actually in the upload queue03:38
Enola_GayThat would be gerat.03:38
Enola_Gaymjg59: Is this driver compatible with network-manager and wpa?03:38
mjg59Enola_Gay: Yeah03:39
mjg59Well, to the extent that any devicescape drivers are03:39
kmonmjg59: will it work with new macbooks? :)03:39
mjg59kmon: We'll be working on that03:39
Enola_GayThat's great. Feisty would be the first Ubuntu version which could deal with wpa out of the box afaik. At least from the live cd.03:39
mjg59No guarantees03:39
kmonit's based on dadwifi right?03:40
mjg59I'm having some trouble with dscape drivers and n-m at the moment, but it's a generic problem that we'll have fixed03:40
mjg59Especially since we'll probably be going with iwlwifi rather than ipw394503:40
kmonI thought openhal was lagging behind03:40
mjg59It's behind the closed hal right now03:40
mjg59But ought to be fixable03:41
mjg59It almost works on my (very recent) atheros03:41
mjg59I'm just testing it on older hardware now03:41
kmongreat news03:41
Enola_GayMacbooks have no intel wlan chip?03:41
kmonEnola_Gay: no03:41
shackan__mjg59, unrelated, is anybody hacking on 802.11n yet?03:42
mjg59Not really03:42
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Enola_Gayshackan__: Yeah, that would be interesting.03:42
mjg59Intel are committed to d80211 support, and 4965 has n support03:42
kmonafaik it's a airport card which is based on atheros chipset03:42
mjg59So there'll be no issue with getting generic 802.11n03:42
mjg59Specific hardware support might take a little longer03:43
Enola_GayGrub reparing would be great.03:47
Enola_Gaycu all03:47
Enola_Gaymjg59: Chipzzthanks for information.03:47
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mjg59cjwatson: Hm. I'm getting "Hard disk error" from Grub on a Toshiba that was previously awkward - it's one that doesn't pass the right hard drive id from the bios04:26
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tfheenmjg59: grub then just tries 0x80, iirc?04:35
mjg59tfheen: I thought so, yeah.04:35
mjg59But it's now failing when trying to read the geometry.04:35
tfheenat least I remember to have read a comment to that effect in the source.04:35
mjg59Which implies that it's failing to find LBA support04:35
mjg59Which makes me think that something is very broken04:35
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mjg59Also, grub build-deps on gcc-4.004:40
mjg59Which doesn't seem to be available any more04:41
tfheentrue, I removed that.  I wonder why it wanted 4.004:41
mjg59tfheen: I'm trying with my old patch to fall back to the device grub was installed to04:41
mjg59stage1.S:450: Error: attempt to .org/.space backwards? (-6)04:44
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mjg59That's something to do with my patch.04:45
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mjg59Ah, I've made it too long...04:46
mjg59Can I fit this into 4 lines?04:52
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mjg59Oh, wait a moment04:53
mjg59tfheen: stage1.S - the first line of boot_drive_check:04:53
mjg59Does that look right to you?04:53
mjg59Surely it'll skip straight past?04:54
asackeescook: hello ... it was just my daily reconnect :)04:56
tfheenyes, that just jumps, I'd think.04:56
mjg59tfheen: Which is surely not right04:56
tfheenwouldn't think so, no.04:59
mjg59tfheen: How do I install grub in an installer chroot?05:01
mjg59grub-install just segfaults for me05:01
mjg59Hmph. So does grub.05:02
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cjwatsonsistpoty: I fixed up xmms-sid yesterday05:39
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cjwatsonsistpoty: the binaries got lost due to a locking error, and then my initial attempt to resurrect them failed due to somebody writing "-proposed-updates" instead of "-proposed" in a script. But it's been fixed since yesterday.05:41
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mjg59cjwatson: Any idea why grub is just segfaulting on me?05:44
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cjwatsonmjg59: none05:48
cjwatson(and I'm not really here)05:48
mjg59cjwatson: Ok05:48
cjwatson(aside from the facile "somebody broke it")05:49
mjg59Worked fine in the installer, I just can't run it once the machine is up05:49
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mjg59cjwatson: Turns out that we don't seem to be able to build a working grub righ tnow05:59
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cjwatsonlast version I uploaded was 19 January, and I'm pretty sure that worked06:01
mjg59cjwatson: There's no gcc-4.0 in the archive now06:02
mjg59Which is a pretty good argument against it building :)06:02
mjg59And using 4.1 /seems/ to make it segfault06:02
cjwatsonbug 5151806:03
UbugtuMalone bug 51518 in grub "grub 0.97-11ubuntu1 segfaults on amd64" [Undecided,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5151806:03
mjg59I'm just trying with 3.306:04
mjg59cjwatson: Looks pretty much exactly like that, yeah06:04
mjg59cjwatson: Right. We either need to fix it to work with 4.1, re-add 4.0 to the archive or fall back to 3.3 or 3.406:05
cjwatsonI think some time spent on the first would be well-spent06:06
cjwatsonwe have a couple of months to release yet, and I'd rather not keep moving backwards06:06
Keybuk"over three months until release"06:06
Keybukit makes the panic go away if you repeat that to yourself06:06
cjwatsonin what timeline?06:06
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mjg59Keybuk: s/three/two/?06:07
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KeybukI did actually mean to type two06:08
mjg59cjwatson: Gah. And upstream's fix doesn't actually work anyway, so I'm going to revert that and re-add my own.06:11
Robot101iwj: did Xen upstream ever reply/fix the checksum crack?06:11
Robot101just ran into it. /again/. sigh.06:11
cjwatsonmjg59: tried valgrinding it?06:13
mjg59cjwatson: Oh, sorry, not that06:13
mjg59cjwatson: I mean the upstream "fix" for dealing with bioses that pass the wrong drive ID06:13
mjg59cjwatson: 1) the code is never executed because there's a jmp at the start that skips it06:13
mjg592) Even without that, it doesn't work06:14
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cjwatsonsure, I can believe that06:14
mjg59So I'll switch back to mine, which is what we carried previously06:15
mjg59The build fixing is likely to be more painful06:15
cjwatsonhence my valgrind question06:16
mjg59I'll get to that next06:16
cjwatsonI realise it's painful with grub due to the simulator business06:16
mjg59I'm trying to get this machine booting first :)06:16
cjwatsonbut from the strace it looks like this is happening just at exit from the simulator or something like that06:16
mjg59It's not in response to a library or system call06:17
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cjwatsonmjg59: might be worth looking at http://savannah.gnu.org/file/grub-0.95-use_mmap_exec_stack.patch?file_id=2213 instead of the dodgy mprotect thing I did way back in hoary06:21
cjwatsonmjg59: somebody commented in response to my patch on bug-grub that it was Bad and Wrong in various ways06:23
cjwatsonI just never did anything about it :-/06:23
sistpotycjwatson: thanks06:24
mjg59cjwatson: Won't build on ia3206:28
mjg59Since there's no MAP_32BIT06:28
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Mezkeybuk, nice article on upstart in this months linux mag06:28
_ionmez: Is it available online?06:29
Mez_ion no idea06:29
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=== Mez goes and grabs the mag to find a link to the website
cjwatsonmjg59: yeah, I'm not saying it's correct, but my patch is also just plain wrong06:30
mjg59cjwatson: What's the mprotect stuff actually needed for? Just x86_64?06:30
KeybukMez: still not seen it06:30
cjwatsonmjg59: look for a patch by Peter Jones of Red Hat on bug-grub ages ago06:30
cjwatsonmjg59: anything with the NX bit06:30
MezKeybuk, ah shame, you should get a copy :D06:31
mjg59cjwatson: http://cvs.mandriva.com/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/SPECS/grub/grub-0.97-nxstack.patch?revision=1.1&view=markup ?06:31
cjwatsonmjg59: http://www.arcknowledge.com/gmane.comp.boot-loaders.grub.bugs/2005-02/msg00021.html06:32
cjwatsonthe Mandriva patch seems to do other random stuff; not quite sure what that is06:33
cjwatsonPeter seems to know what he's talking about so I'd go with his as a starting point :-)06:33
mjg59I don't have an nx box here06:34
mjg59So I'm a touch worried about breaking stuff06:34
cjwatsonif it fixes your problem, I can test it tomorrow06:35
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mjg59Now I just need to figure out how to get a plain text version06:37
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Mez_ion, nope it's not on their website06:41
_ionOk, thanks anyway.06:42
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mjg59cjwatson: No, doesn't fix it07:03
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mjg59cjwatson: It seems to be in grub_putstr, oddly07:10
mjg59I'm not sure whether I believe that07:10
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mjg59cjwatson: Hm. grub_printf seems to get broken, somehow.07:17
mjg59cjwatson: If I comment out line 213 of char_io.c, things work07:17
mjg59cjwatson: Eh. There's something very funky with this code.07:24
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mjg59cjwatson: This code scares me, and I don't understand why gdb is telling me lies.07:27
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chrisjcjwatson:wrt email how short is short term?07:33
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tepsipakkiwhat's the best tool to merge two files together? (massive changelogs in this case)07:47
tfheenI've found meld useful in the past.07:49
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tepsipakkitfheen: thanks, looks like a proper tool :)07:55
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cjwatsonchrisj: within the next two or three weeks, maybe?08:23
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mdkeis today's daily a good bet?10:58
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tepsipakkiblimey... xorg-7.2 runs without xorg.conf11:08
tepsipakkidid 7.1 do that?11:08
_ionI don't know, but that's very cool.11:08
Burgundaviatepsipakki: nope11:10
siretarttepsipakki: how do you configure multihead without xorg.conf?11:10
tepsipakkisiretart: no idea :)11:10
tepsipakkimaybe it isn't supposed to do that11:10
tepsipakkiit detects the device, then uses "Builtin Default" stuff for the configuration11:11
tfheenonce you get monitor hotplugging, you just start some configuration agent which tells the X server to add a second head.11:11
BurgundaviaRH is planning to redo system-config-xfre86 for 7.311:12
Burgundavia7.3=output hotplug11:12
siretartsounds promising :)11:12
Burgundaviameans F7 is not shipping with a graphical client, as 7.2 changes some bits11:13
siretarttfheen: can you please give back gxine on sparc? I fixed the FTBFS for xine-lib on sparc11:13
siretartBurgundavia: F7?11:13
tepsipakkithere's some cool stuff on debian XSF todo-list for Lenny11:14
tfheensiretart: given-back11:14
Burgundaviasiretart: fedora 711:14
Burgundaviatepsipakki: you talking about avahi11:14
Burgundaviasiretart: Fedora core is now just Fedora11:14
siretarttfheen: thnx11:15
tepsipakkiBurgundavia: no, we have that already?11:15
Burgundaviatepsipakki: you going to be able to get all this lovely xorg stuff past tfheen?11:15
siretarttepsipakki: you mean besides monitor hotplugging?11:15
tepsipakkiBurgundavia: hah11:16
tepsipakkiremains to be seen ;)11:16
Burgundaviatepsipakki: oh, Lenyy, you mean the Debian release, not the person11:16
tepsipakkisiretart: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/XSFTODO11:16
tepsipakkiBurgundavia: indeed :)11:16
BurgundaviaLeonard Poetering is one of the avahi devs11:16
Burgundaviawhat we need now is somebody to glue all the bits together to have a truly free multiseat11:17
Burgundaviaas Hal is about to be able to handle multiseat stuff11:17
tepsipakkiI wondered why the screen looked strange without xorg.conf.. it used the maximum resolution the monitor was capable of :)11:18
tepsipakkiand a lower refresh rate11:19
siretarttepsipakki: I hope you get useful options via xrandr11:19
tepsipakkiyes, it can be changed from the prefs easily11:19
tepsipakkishould I build GNOME/KDE in the chroot to make sure the libs don't have regressions?-)11:24
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tepsipakkihmm, no Composite11:27
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tepsipakkihah, that was only a stupid config error11:36
tepsipakkiand now I have compiz running.. was not possible before11:36
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_iontepsipakki: With what gfx card?11:45
tepsipakkiRadeon 850011:46
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tepsipakkibut maybe it was because of that misconfiguration.. anyway it doesn't crash when running glxgears like before11:47
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