
LaserJockI managed to get good fonts in emacs12:21
LaserJockhad to get emacs packages from theCore12:21
LaserJockhmm, I'll have to think about "screencast of terminal" vs "CLI log"12:22
nixternalhmm, theCore has the goods ey12:23
nixternalI will have to contact him and see what is so special about his12:23
nixternalI have all of he syntax highlighting and what not. The Chicago GNU/LUG gave me a ton of pointers12:23
nixternalPIZZAS HERE!!!12:23
LaserJockhe compiles with some flage12:23
LaserJockand then I run emacs --enable-font-backend --font "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono-12"12:23
LaserJocknixternal: you running edgy or fiesty?12:42
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nixternalLaserJock: feisty01:25
LaserJockI've got edgy .debs for emacs01:26
nixternalNo fonts match `Bitstream Vera Sans Mono-12'01:27
nixternalthat's what I get when I try to run it that way01:27
LaserJockyou have to recompile it with some font support thing enabled01:28
nixternalxfont support I believe01:28
nixternaldon't know why our package wouldn't have it01:28
LaserJockI think there might be a reason Debian doesn't do it, not sure01:29
LaserJocknixternal: the other thing is I usually run emacs in a terminal anyway01:38
nixternalI was doing the same, but having it opened in another window is nice01:41
LaserJockI just use a seperate terminal window when I want to do that01:42
LaserJockthe only thing is I'm not good enough with emacs to do without the menu for certain things01:42
nixternalahh, I remove the menus, scrollbars and what not from .emacs01:44
nixternalit forces you to become proficient with the meta keys01:44
nixternalCtrl-x Ctrl-f to open a file01:44
nixternalCtrl-x Ctrl-s to save01:44
nixternalCtrl-x Ctrl-c to close01:44
nixternalthat is all I need right now :)01:44
LaserJockwell, I can do those fine01:44
LaserJockit's just specialty menus that some modes add01:44
nixternaloh, and Alt+q == hard word wrap01:44
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LaserJocktheCore: hi!02:56
theCorehello LaserJock02:57
LaserJocktheCore: do you have emacs packages for Feisty?02:57
theCoreI just made it :)02:57
LaserJocktheCore: I think nixternal might be interested in them02:57
LaserJockand I am to as I'm upgrading to fiesty right now02:57
theCoreLaserJock: be careful, Feisty is a mined area, right now02:58
theCoreI have been bitten by more than one bug02:58
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theCoreI got about 10 bugs to submit, and 3 of them are show-stopper bugs03:00
LaserJockwell, I don't think I'll have much of any problems03:01
LaserJockbut I'll be on the lookout03:01
LaserJockI hardly ever find bugs03:01
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theCoreLaserJock: any update on the packaging guide?03:30
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LaserJocktheCore: kinda03:32
LaserJockit's not being shipped anymore03:32
LaserJockwell, it'll come back in full glory ;-)03:32
LaserJockI'm going to ship it as a separate package03:33
LaserJockthe changes made in Ubuntu and Kubuntu for Fiesty make the packaging guide not fit in very well03:33
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theCorethe topic-based help changes?03:34
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3792 kubuntu/network/C/network.xml: Kubuntu networking content03:59
nixternalhrmm, it seems the cron job isn't running on the server04:00
nixternalhola jsgotangco!04:01
jsgotangcohello nixternal how are you doing04:01
nixternaltired, very tired04:01
nixternaltrying to get all of the Kubuntu and Edubuntu docs done within the next month04:02
jsgotangcoheh you should take it esay04:02
nixternalschool keeps getting in my way :)04:02
jsgotangcoheh i am enjoying my time at the moment04:03
nixternalI am always enjoying my time, stress and all :)04:04
jsgotangcoi am more involved with sahana now04:04
nixternalso that is keeping you busy04:05
jsgotangcoit is a good project and i know some of the people behind it very well04:06
nixternalthat's cool04:07
nixternalI wonder how many people on the kubuntu-users list or the edubuntu-users list wants to write some documentation04:10
=== nixternal needs a drink, break time (RSI)
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UbugtuNew bug: #84484 in ubuntu-doc "Launchpad recommends translating ubuntu-doc's main--deleted" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8448407:00
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mdke_Laser_away: is it possible to get the packaging and server guides building as standalone binary packages from the ubuntu-docs source? Does feature freeze prevent us from doing that for feisty?10:35
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mdke_nixternal: good job on the rustling up of contributors12:49
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j1mcwhere should we report bugs for Xubuntu-doc bugs?  i have found two similar links03:38
j1mclink 1: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-docs/+bugs03:38
j1mclink 2: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+source/xubuntu-docs/+bugs03:38
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nixternalmdke_: that call snagged 2 people interested. whew, and both of them claim they are tech writers.05:14
nixternalone scared me by claiming he is on location in Redmond, Washington writing for a large vendor05:15
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mdke_nixternal: nice06:33
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nixternalhrmm, How come the artwork final deadline is after the string freeze? That kind of makes it difficult to do screenshots and get them into the docs07:34
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mdke_nixternal: yes, it's because they didn't really think much about doc string freeze (as opposed to programs string freeze)08:01
mdke_nixternal: anyway, we can have all the strings ready by freeze and add screenshots without any problem afterwards08:02
nixternalkind of stinks, but hopefully there won't be an artwork mess this time around08:02
mdke_course there will be :)08:02
nixternalya, I am planning on doing that, at least get the information in there, with a temp image placeholder08:02
mdke_what sort of screenshots are you planning on using?08:03
nixternalhey, good job on the new Yelp layout, it looks really good08:03
mdke_thanks, needs a bit of visual tweaking, but it's a start08:04
nixternalI really don't know yet, but just in case08:04
mdke_not my work really, don took it over08:04
nixternalit is very clean, I like it08:04
nixternalI am hopefully doing something similar for Kubuntu, but not sure if we are tying it into KHelpCenter of using Konqueror for all help yet08:04
nixternalI can't believe we are already a month away from freezing, 2 months from release08:05
nixternaltime flew by on this one08:05
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nixternaljjesse: do you have any problems running Feisty in VMWare?09:57
nixternalany funky boot up messages09:57
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philippbiebernixternal: I read your post on the Ubuntu Users Mailing List and would like to help on the documentation, though I'm not entirely sure where...10:17
nixternalphilippbieber: rock on!10:17
nixternalthere are pleny of places to start. is there any one section that you are fairly proficient with?10:17
philippbieberI could offer translating the docu to German, is there any need for that?10:17
nixternalthere will be that need come next month for sure10:18
nixternalMarch 8th is when we submit the docs to the translation teams10:18
philippbieberOK, I'll mark that date for me10:18
philippbieberFrom those points mentioned in your mails, I think I could do some work on Desktop Configuration10:19
nixternallet me take a look and see what all needs some working there10:20
nixternalhrmm, I need to remove a bunch of stuff from it, i.e., Networking, partitions and booting10:21
nixternalwhen I think of "configuring your desktop", I think of customizing the look of it and what not10:21
philippbieberWallpapers, Themes, Icons,...10:21
mdkeme too10:21
nixternalphilippbieber: exactly10:22
philippbieberAlso something like the 3D desktop?10:22
nixternalthere seems to be one section called "Desktop Tips"10:22
nixternal3d desktop? please don't say Beryl or Compiz :)10:22
mdkeit's probably a good idea to cover that actually, it will be a popular task10:22
nixternalmdke: when it works :)10:22
philippbieberI'd love to say Metisse, but yeah, that's what I had in mind ...10:22
mdkenixternal: there are lots of different degrees of "works"10:23
philippbieberI didn't have any problems with it ... =/10:23
nixternalmdke: true, if we document it, document it for NVidia cards only then10:23
nixternalBeryl doesn't work with ATI, and works here and there with Intel10:23
philippbieberThen I'd be no good choice for 3D or I'd have to do something for INTEL10:23
nixternaland with NVidia cards, they have to be of the newer generation cards10:23
nixternalphilippbieber: are you using Beryl on an Intel?10:24
=== nixternal is using integrated Intel and was interested in playing with Beryl
nixternalbut as it stands, I have 2 standalone desktops, 1 NVidia GF4 and 1 ATI Radeon 9700, Beryl will not run on either of those10:25
philippbieberI have a INTEL GMA 950 and it worked out of the box and flawlessly with Beryl (under Edgy10:25
nixternalrock on, I guess I am slowly working up the nerve to install it and configure it10:25
nixternalthe sad thing, the ATI issues with Beryl are ATI's fault for not allowing composite10:25
philippbieberIt's not hard... I used the Beryl Upstream Repos and from there I installed the current version10:26
nixternalas for NVidia, they made a lot of their cards like the GF4 and older part of the legacy driver, which Beryl won't support10:26
philippbieberI installed it, launched it and it worked10:26
philippbieberon my girlfriends laptop it was the same10:26
nixternalI guess I will work on trying it out here one of these days10:26
philippbieberbut I'm afraid, its not too productive10:27
nixternalya, that is the one thing I dislike about it10:27
philippbieberYou can always disable it ;-)10:27
nixternalright now, I am having issues with VMware and installing vmware-tools, and I was going to try Virtualbox but that doesn't work either10:27
philippbieberCan't help you on that one.. I was planning to do that when I got some spare time...10:28
philippbieberOh, one question for the documentation: Should I take the 6.10 documentation and addapt it to 6.14 or rewrite it?10:29
nixternalthat is all of the 7.04 documentation10:31
nixternalit was branched/created from the 6.10 documentation10:31
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philippbieberOK, I'll use that as a basis and the adapt it to 6.1410:32
nixternalheh, ya, 7.0410:32
philippbieber'Till when should I turn in the results?10:33
nixternalwhenever you have something really, we have less than a month to go now, so the sooner the better10:33
philippbieberOK, I'll take my time this week!10:34
nixternalcool, if you need help, I am around quite a bit, plus there are others in here that can offer a hand10:34
nixternalMon-Thu I am in school all day, but I check in from time to time10:35
philippbieberBut I gotta go now (have to get up early tomorrow)10:35
nixternalbrb, need to take the dog out so he will leave me alone :)10:35
nixternalcool philippbieber, I really appreciate the offer!10:35
nixternaland the help10:35
philippbieberNo problem!10:35
nixternalmy email is nixternal@ubuntu.com if you need to email me stuff to check out10:36
philippbieberI'll check in tomorrow or Tuesday (I'm in school, too)10:36
nixternalhehe, cool!10:36
nixternalalright, go get some beauty sleep :)10:36
philippbieberOk, I'll write that down ^^10:36
philippbieberthanks ;-)10:36
philippbiebercya around!10:36
philippbiebergood night everybody!10:37
nixternalman, I am glad he brought up the customizing desktop section, as it is currently horrible, plus some of it has been broken out into other documents already10:37
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Burgundaviamdke: crack or serious crack: telling people to manually edit their menu.lst?10:49
nixternalserious crack :)10:51
nixternalespecially since it will change with the next kernel upgrade10:51
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jjessenixternal: no problems so far10:53
nixternalI can't install vmware-tools10:55
jjesseinterseting haven't tried10:55
nixternalit just hangs for me10:56
jjessenice to someone interseted in helpoing out10:56
jjessew/ kubuntu docs10:56
nixternalno doubt10:57
nixternalI am glad he picked the section he did as well10:57
nixternalit needs some major overhauling10:57
jjessecan you get adept updater to work?  i just brought up a herd 3 vm and adept updater isn't working10:58
mdkeBurgundavia: certainly some kind of crack10:58
nixternaljjesse: I believe it hasn't been fixed since Herd 3, but I am not 100% positive10:58
nixternalI don't use Adept10:58
jjessei only use adept for documentation work10:59
LaserJockmdke: well, they would probably go to Universe for feisty at least, and the Universe FF is 22nd11:17
LaserJockmdke: but I suppose you could build the binary packages from the ubuntu-doc source package11:18
LaserJockalthough I'd rather do it as seperate source for the packaging guie11:18
mdkeLaserJock: how come?11:19
LaserJockwell, mostly I like the idea of not being so tied to the ubuntu-docs release schedule11:20
LaserJockif I make the packaging guide release neutral it really shouldn't matter11:20
LaserJockmaybe I'm just being lazy ;-)11:21
mdkeyou mean in terms of string freezes?11:21
jjessewould a lot change from relase to release for the packaging guide11:21
mdkeI don't see that there is any release schedule that applies to ubuntu-docs that doesn't also apply to the packaging guide, tbh11:22
LaserJockjjesse: I hope to make it very release neutral. Basically it should reflect the "this is what we are doing right now"11:22
LaserJockmdke: well, that's fairly true11:22
LaserJockbut I don't know that it makes sense for me to have a "edgy" packaging guide or "feisty" packaging guide11:23
LaserJockrather packaging guide version 1.2 or 2.3, etc.11:23
LaserJockat least that's how the Debian docs are done11:23
mdkecan't you do that with a single source package?11:23
LaserJockexcept I'm tied to the ubuntu-doc releases11:24
mdkereally? in terms of numbers?11:24
LaserJockI can't make a release of the packaging guide without making a release of ubuntu-docs11:24
mdkewell, ubuntu-docs releases are just time snapshots11:24
mdkeI don't see that being a problem still11:24
LaserJockwell, it depends on how we treat it11:25
LaserJockif I get the developer's reference going it would probably work fine11:25
LaserJockthe thing I'm finding is that we need more policy/reference type documentatoin11:25
LaserJockand that needs more version contol, IMO11:26
LaserJockif I just had the "learning how to create Debian/Ubuntu packages" that wouldn't be bad11:26
LaserJockonce it's basically done it shouln't change much11:26
mdkeok, so maybe a separate package. It sounds like a shame though, we already have too many debian directories11:26
mdkeit would be nice to have em all single source :)11:27
LaserJockyes, I honestly hadn't thought of just building a seperat binary from the ubuntu-docs source11:27
LaserJockI actually think that would be the way to go11:28
LaserJockand *if* needed split off the source down the road11:28
LaserJockI tend to think I'll (or somebody anyway) be working on another seperate policy doc11:29
LaserJockand we can shift some material to that11:29
crimsunwhat would go into the separate policy doc?11:29
mdkeanywhere certainly it would work for the server guide?11:30
LaserJockI think a lot of this stuff we have on the wiki11:30
LaserJockSRUs, etc.11:30
mdkethe server guys didn't respond to my appeal on the bug report to make us a package, and my post to the -server mailing list has never been moderated through the queue.11:30
LaserJockcrimsun: we *should* have an Ubuntu Developer's Reference11:31
jjessewhy does it seem like it is so hard to get developers respond to *-doc requests?11:31
LaserJockI'm not sure how much actual policy that would have, but we don't have an Ubuntu Policy planned that I know of11:31
mdkejjesse: it's not; it's hard to get developers to respond to any requests; that's open source, to some extent11:31
mdkebut they respond quite well to -doc requests, in general. that's my experience11:32
LaserJockit shouldn't be hard11:32
jjessemdke: just noticed your frustration w/ the server mailing list, geting that launcpad bug fixed and a couple of other issues the team has had11:32
LaserJockI just don't know if FF would apply11:32
crimsunjjesse: because no curriculum or best practices has emphasized strongly enough the integration of documentation in design and implementation11:32
mdkeit's just that the -server mailing list seems to be totally dead11:32
mdkejjesse: the server developers are a bit worse than the main ones :)11:32
mdkeLaserJock: who would I ask about that?11:33
mdkeI'll mail fabio maybe11:33
jjessecrimsun: that's too bad11:33
crimsunLaserJock: was there a technical reason we couldn't have just modified Debian's?11:33
LaserJockI would tend to think since we are just splitting ubuntu-docs into ubuntu-docs server-guide and packaging-guide11:33
LaserJockit wouldn't be a prblem11:33
LaserJockno new source, just binary NEW11:33
LaserJockcrimsun: that was the plan11:34
mdkeyes. I'll take it up with someone tomorrow11:34
LaserJockcrimsun: although I wanted to do it in docbook rather than debiandoc11:34
LaserJockcrimsun: there is a docbook version of the DDR but the maintainer doesn't seem to care too much about it11:34
crimsunright, I remember that as the "technical" issue.11:35
LaserJockwell, back in August I thought it was going to be a wait of a month or two11:35
mdkeLaserJock: we have a few scripts and bits in debian/rules and so on which all depend on having an updated list of the documents that we are shipping; since the topics occasionally change and the list shifts slightly, it would help to be able to have a central file in which to store this list of documents. Is there a simple way to get all the scripts to call from such a list?11:35
jjessenixternal: ping11:35
jjessenixternal: what exactly is going to happen w/ kubuntu release notes11:36
nixternalthey are going on the website11:36
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3793 ubuntu/translate.sh: uploading work-in-progress slightly better translate.sh script11:39
nixternalmdke: ping11:39
mdkenixternal: (In case I'm not around at the moment, please provide a bit of information about what you want and I will respond when I get back)11:39
nixternalthat was quick11:40
nixternalI am sorry for that, I forgot about your script11:40
mdkenote also that I said something 5 minutes ago, so I'm likely to be around11:40
nixternalmdke: anywho, you are requested in #ubuntu-meeting11:40
mdkeok, if it's quick11:40
jjessewhats going on in #ubuntu-meeting11:40
nixternalthat would mean I would have to scroll up :)11:41
nixternaljjesse: loco meeting11:41
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LaserJockmdke: should be easy, maybe put a file in common/ or something with the list11:43
LaserJockmdke: in a script you should be able to do something like for doc in `cat ../../common/ubuntu-list` do blah11:44
mdkeLaserJock: and should the doc names be space separated in the file or on a different line?11:46
LaserJockI *think* space seperated11:46
LaserJockalthough either might work, but you might have to do it a little differently11:47
LaserJockmy shell knowledge isn't the best11:47
LaserJockcrimsun would know11:47
LaserJockmdke: either way works11:51
mdkewow, cool11:51
mdkeI'll pursue that definitely11:51
mdkewe may be edging slowly towards implementing that spec11:51
LaserJockmhm, I'll help if I can, just can't promise much these days :/11:52
LaserJockgotta run11:52
mdkethanks Laser_away11:52
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