
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee] by ChanServ
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=== mneptok [n=mneptok@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v mneptok] by ChanServ
=== phos-phoros [n=Donovan@unaffiliated/phos-phoros] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChildBearPerson, guessing I can clear -unregged now?01:00
BearPersonI hope there won't be any bots sneaking in just after I set -r, but there's always the possibility01:00
PriceChildBearPerson, #ubuntu-unregegd01:05
=== PriceChild smirks as he watches the k-lines
LjLfunny, what do they gain by exploiting -unregged01:07
BearPersonthey probably missed01:08
PriceChilda "newb" handler? :P01:08
BearPersonhmm, though no joins in #ubuntu around that time to trigger the +J01:09
PriceChild+J isn't on?01:09
BearPersonwell, at least a few of them would have to have ended up in #ubuntu, if they had tried to join there01:10
Hobbseeawww, i missed them!01:10
=== PriceChild could send you the logs lol
naliothHobbsee: they got klined autoagically01:11
SportChickthey gain new stature?  incompetent spammers?01:11
Hobbseenalioth: nice01:11
=== variant [n=variant@unaffiliated/variant] has joined #ubuntu-ops
variantlo all, just thought I would point out this: http://rafb.net/p/7qrwSm80.html01:14
naliothwithout a channel or other context, it's pretty much cruft, to me.01:15
variantsorry, #ubuntu i thouht that would be fairly obvious :)01:16
naliothnoted, variant01:17
=== variant [n=variant@unaffiliated/variant] has left #ubuntu-ops []
naliothall ya gotta say is "holycow" is showing his ass01:18
mc44he is indeed01:18
Tm_THah, glad #kubuntu is LOT nicer it seems.01:18
Tm_TQuieter too I guess.01:19
LjLmc44: i should have banned him, but i couldn't really follow #ubuntu right then... anyway, he won't have to wait if he starts it again01:24
mc44he seems to have gone now01:25
LjLmc44: no, no, he's still in01:25
mc44yeah i see that now :)01:25
LjLomg now variant is attacking01:27
=== mc44 sigs
PriceChildWhere's that website with the tor users on and their details?01:31
ubotuThe #ubuntu channel and related channels ban users joining from anonymous gateways like tor/silenceisdefeat/cgi:irc because the abuse:useful ratio is close to infinity:nothing -- project cloaks will let you join, otherwise you should simply not use an anonymizer.01:32
ubotuAttention tor users.  You may think you are anonymous, but you are not.  Please visit http://tor.unixgu.ru/ and see for yourself.   Please evaluate your need to use tor here on irc.  If you wish anonymity, Freenode offers cloaks of many different types. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks01:32
naliothPriceChild: ^^^01:33
PriceChildthanks nalioth :)01:33
=== SportChick wonders who she met at the ubuntu booth at scale
Hobbseenot me01:50
HobbseeSportChick: probably jono01:50
SportChickHobbsee: hrm...can't remember his real name01:51
HobbseeSportChick: jono bacon01:51
HobbseeSportChick: beard, hat, with beer in hand, most likely.  talkative guy01:51
SportChickhrm....soooo many people01:52
SportChickthey sort of all blend together now....01:52
mc44if it were jono Im sure you would remeber :)01:53
SportChickmc44: not so sure...01:54
PriceChildSportChick, http://planet.ubuntu.com/heads/jono.png01:55
SportChickmc44: we talked to someone at EVERY booth except maybe 501:55
SportChickPriceChild: can't click right now :(  on the phone01:55
PriceChildlol SportChick :)01:55
mc44but you can type!! :)01:55
=== PriceChild sends you an ASCII representation
SportChickmc44: yes...but my phone is not multitasking..i can IRC *or* browse but not both at once01:56
LjLSportChick: *not multitasking*? they put kitchen sinks in those things, and the stupid OS cannot multitask? blah02:00
SportChickLjL: it's Palm OS02:01
LjLah. that explains it :P02:01
SportChickI thought it might :D02:01
MinatakuAh, half-multitasking02:01
LjLno it's just as single-tasking as single-tasking can get02:02
MinatakuRight, I haven't used PalmOS in ages02:02
MinatakuMy last Palm was a IIIxe02:02
LjLthough SportChick, on the other hand that's probably still better than certain PDA operating systems i know of, which multitask without telling you, and crash with fireworks :P02:02
MinatakuLast of the non-color ones, I believe02:02
MinatakuHeehee, if you're gonna go out take everything with you02:03
MinatakuI hate programs/OSes that do that02:03
MinatakuIf you're gonna die do it safely and gracefully02:03
MinatakuClean up and keep everything else out of it02:04
=== hybrid [n=x@easyubuntu/supporter/hybrid] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v hybrid] by ChanServ
SportChickMinataku: well it works for me and it's WAY better than that horrible windows platform02:05
MinatakuThere are PDAs that run Linux02:06
SportChickit's simply that on occasion, I have to wait until I'm on my laptop to click02:06
SportChickMinataku: yes, but none that runs on this phone (it is not simply a pda) or that is supported by my wireless provider02:07
SportChick(on this phone)02:07
MinatakuWhy don't you get a phone that makes phone calls and a PDA that does PDA things?02:07
MinatakuInstead of some mixture that's half-assed at both tasks?02:08
mc44because then youd have to carry two things around with you?02:08
SportChickMinataku: because i LIKE it all in one02:10
SportChickand it is not half-assed...just because YOU don't like the solution doesn't mean *I* don't02:11
=== holycow [n=buzz@S01060016b6b53675.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
holycowwas i devoiced from #ubuntu?02:11
MinatakuSorry, I'm just of the mind that if it's a phone it should make phone calls... period02:11
=== holycow [n=buzz@S01060016b6b53675.vf.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Leaving"]
mc44LjL: hah02:11
LjLsometimes simple answers are best02:12
SportChickMinataku: then that is the sort of phone YOU should get02:12
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee] by ChanServ
MinatakuSportChick: Woah, calm down, you're acting like I usually do when I hear someone say something I don't like02:13
SportChickhowever, MY phone makes calls, browses the net, runs irssi, tracks contacts & calendars, takes photos & mini movies, plays music & podcasts and even has books on it :)02:13
SportChickMinataku: I'm simply disagreeing with you02:14
MinatakuYeah, but I can sense the urge to jab me in the chest with your finger on that "YOU" there02:14
SportChickMinataku: you are somewhat mistaken.  I was simply reacting to your strong criticism of what I like, suggesting that you do as you wish and I will do as I wish02:18
LjLi'm sorry i started this02:18
LjLbut perhaps it's time to move to -offtopic?02:18
MinatakuSorry, SportChick and everyone else02:19
SportChickLjL: I really don't feel the need to continue the discussion at all.  Sorry everyone, too02:19
=== mc44 runs
=== SportChick disappears back into the woodwork, where she belongs
=== Minataku chases after mc44 with a Western Electric 500
=== P3L|C4N0 [n=gcamposm@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
elkbuntueternaljoy is now banned from -au for being an obnoxious little prick. i'll let you guys know when he ban evades02:24
LjLhm, he wasn't banned since august02:25
elkbuntuLjL, he has many nicks and likes proxies02:25
elkbuntunow he's pm'ing me02:26
LjLthe eternaljoy nick is certainly one i'm familiar with, though02:26
=== eternaljoy [n=truth@unaffiliated/eternaljoy] has joined #ubuntu-ops
elkbuntueternaljoy, you are banned for harassing. dont try worm out of it.02:26
MinatakuI wish I had a WeCo 500, but that's offtopic so I'll stop now XD02:26
elkbuntuand please stop PMing me02:27
eternaljoyelkbuntu: ok Melissa02:27
eternaljoyelkbuntu: not worming, just asking02:27
eternaljoyelkbuntu: am I banned for life?02:27
=== mneptok needs to be de-wormed
eternaljoymneptok: hehe02:27
elkbuntuuntil i feel like unbanning. considering you have a history of ban evasion, probably not very soon02:27
eternaljoyelkbuntu: I have never evaded a ban02:28
elkbuntuthis is a lie, and you know it02:28
elkbuntuthe first time you were banned from -au02:28
eternaljoywell i wont argue that02:28
eternaljoyok np. im banned for life02:28
eternaljoyi understand02:29
elkbuntuhave a nice day02:29
=== eternaljoy [n=truth@unaffiliated/eternaljoy] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Seek]
=== mneptok dusts off the official Drama Queen tiara
=== Hobbsee steals it from mneptok
elkbuntu<eternaljoy> hi Melissa02:29
elkbuntu<eternaljoy> may I ask why you banned me from #ubuntu-au?02:29
elkbuntu<elkbuntu> for harrassing adhok02:29
elkbuntu<eternaljoy> ok02:29
elkbuntu<eternaljoy> am I banned for life?02:29
elkbuntu<eternaljoy> i wont spweak to him anymore02:29
mneptok\ o /02:30
=== mc44 decides capital punishment is best for mneptok
=== mneptok shakes it like he just don't care
mneptokmc44: i think there's a Yahoo! group for the like-minded02:31
elkbuntu@lart 37 mneptok02:31
=== Ubugtu shows mneptok a photo of mneptok
Minatakumc44: You don't actually support the iPhone... do you? What with Jobs' request for a closed, private development model02:40
mc44Minataku: so not on topic here02:40
mc44but yes, cos its shiny02:40
Minataku(BTW: I wouldn't actually hit you with a WeCo 500.. or any other thing... sorry about that)02:40
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=== LongPointyStick stabs mneptok
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elkbuntuoh lordy, he's in -offtopic now03:21
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Burgundavia] by ChanServ
naliothelkbuntu: who dat?03:24
elkbuntunalioth, eternaljoy03:24
naliothah, yes03:24
LjLi think he's quite always there really03:24
elkbuntuLjL, he didnt seem to be earlier, when he got himself banned from -au03:24
LjLelkbuntu: maybe not, but grep eternaljoy offtopic.log | wc -l   -->  290 ;)03:27
LjLwhich isn't really much, but still03:27
LjLhah i get 1567103:27
kgoetziirc i first saw him in there03:30
=== Madpilot [n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Madpilot] by ChanServ
elkbuntuSeveas, you have the #ubuntu-women op banned from here. why?03:37
=== nalioth jumps behind the couch
naliothelkbuntu: who would that be?03:37
elkbuntuthe clockbot.net ban03:38
naliothelkbuntu: give pleia2 an +e03:40
elkbuntua what?03:40
=== nalioth says Hi elkbuntu! For tips and information on channel and user modes and management, see http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml
naliothand +e03:40
nalioth /mode #ubuntu-ops +e *@hostmask-goes-here03:41
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o elkbuntu] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+e *!*@clockbot.net] by elkbuntu
naliothisn't that the ban that seveas set?03:42
nalioththen don't do it03:42
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-e *!*@clockbot.net] by elkbuntu
elkbuntumake up your freaking mind03:43
kgoetzset the exeption for just the person, not anyone (or you may as well pull out the ban)03:43
nalioth /mode #ubuntu-ops +e pleia2!*@*03:44
elkbuntuso are you sure i can.. you know, since you said 'don't do it' the last time03:45
elkbuntushe is afterall the only one to have ever used that hostmask03:47
=== stylus [i=stylus@tapthru/operator/stylus] has joined #ubuntu-ops
naliothelkbuntu: if that is so, why did seveas set the ban?03:53
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v kgoetz] by ChanServ
=== kgoetz pokes irssi and not auto authing him.
=== Stapol [n=ubuntu@CPE0020fe1bf715-CM001225418aa4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
elkbuntunalioth, the hostmask has 'bot' in it04:05
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ
MinatakuThat doesn't necessairly mean it's a bot04:06
MinatakuIt could be some guy's hostname04:07
elkbuntuMinataku, it's some chick's hostname04:07
elkbuntubut seveas was being cautious04:07
elkbuntuwe are theorising here, not stating for fact thats why he banned04:07
MinatakuSecurity is a fickle thing, it's never perfect04:08
MinatakuIt's either too leinent or too restrictive04:08
=== maxamillion [n=max@r74-192-178-37.htvlcmta01.hnvitx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v maxamillion] by ChanServ
PriceChild!search tor04:12
ubotuFound: autostart-#kubuntu, code, xen, newton, kate, blender, icons, nvidia9, compiling, ldap04:12
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naliothelkbuntu: ah04:22
elkbuntuits all i can theorise, since she never even spoke in this channel04:24
naliothi don't think she's ever BEEN in this channel04:24
=== Stapol [n=ubuntu@CPE0020fe1bf715-CM001225418aa4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu-ops []
naliothyou'll have to ask him, el04:24
=== ublender [n=ublender@adsl-068-209-130-040.sip.jax.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== ublender [n=ublender@adsl-068-209-130-040.sip.jax.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ublenderum, #ubuntu-read-topic told me to come here...04:33
PriceChildublender, be patient and an op will be with you shortly04:35
PriceChildI'm afraid I don't have ops in #ubuntu so you'll have to wait for someone else... I'll have a look for someone04:36
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Amaranth] by ChanServ
PriceChildAmaranth, you have ops in #ubuntu right?04:41
DBOPriceChild, whats up?04:41
PriceChildDBO, could you test ublender ?04:41
PriceChildHe's waiting ever so patiently :)04:41
DBOublender, to #DBO please04:42
=== effie_jayx [n=valles@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChildThanks :)04:44
DBOhes AFK it seems04:45
ublenderer, sry bout that04:47
=== variant [n=variant@unaffiliated/variant] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== ublender [n=ublender@adsl-068-209-130-040.sip.jax.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Leaving"]
variantlo, holycow and blablahbla in #ubuntu are the same person. seems to be there for the sole purpose of irritating people04:48
naliothnot cloning04:49
variantwell, he/she is very annoying.. seems to moderate that fact with the odd bit of random help. it's up to you if you want to leave him there obviously..04:50
=== variant [n=variant@unaffiliated/variant] has left #ubuntu-ops []
naliothvariant with vendetta04:51
PuMpErNiCkLeNuke them all from orbit.04:51
PuMpErNiCkLeIt's the only way to be sure.04:51
MadpilotPuMpErNiCkLe, I think you're mistaking being a chanop with being on a bug hunt...04:52
PuMpErNiCkLePossibly.  They're similar, ya know. :)04:56
MadpilotIRC users might drool, but they probably don't drool acid ;)04:57
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee] by ChanServ
nalioth@lart 37 mneptok05:07
=== Ubugtu shows mneptok a photo of mneptok
=== nalioth closes eyes
kgoetzhi Hobbsee05:07
Hobbseehey kgoetz!05:08
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-o elkbuntu] by elkbuntu
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v hybrid] by ChanServ
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kgoetzi just noticed locobot_2 has no cloak. is that a mistake/error?07:03
naliothkgoetz: disdain?07:05
kgoetznalioth: i'm asking :/07:08
naliothkgoetz: cloaks are not in some folks' ideas of "have to have"07:08
kgoetznalioth: but most ubuntu bots are cloaked. i dont know wether it is an ubuntu bot, but i was wondering07:10
naliothnot sure what it is07:15
naliothbut it is silent07:15
naliothgood night07:15
elkbuntukgoetz, smurf deals with LoCoBots07:47
elkbuntuseems all the locobots are uncloaked at the moment07:47
kgoetzok. catch you later :)07:50
=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=kgoetz@unafilliated/kgoetz] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Kamping_Kaiser] by ChanServ
=== holycow [n=buzz@S01060016b6b53675.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
holycowcan i get a voice again09:02
holycowits been long enough09:02
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso09:06
elkbuntuwhat are you going on about?09:06
holycowvoice me in #ubuntu again09:06
holycowits been a few hours09:06
DBOhe got a mute09:07
elkbuntuDBO, from whom?09:07
holycowno idea09:07
holycowprobably nalioth09:07
elkbuntuwell im not going to mess with the decision of a freenode staffer09:08
DBObut if a remember correctly it was a stacking of smaller annoyances that made for an overall annoyance09:08
holycowoh jees you guys are unbelievable09:08
holycowyou guys always devoice to give people time to cool off09:08
holycowthe only person that has to come in and ask to be voiced again is me09:08
holycowwhat the hell i actually help people09:08
DBOcool down09:08
holycowi am cool09:08
holycowquit reading into text, nuances don't translate in plain text, you know that09:09
DBOelkbuntu, is there anything in the bantracker?09:09
elkbuntuim not logged into it yet09:09
holycowno biggie at all09:09
holycowand no rush either09:09
DBOelkbuntu, well dearie can you do DBO a flavor and check?09:10
holycowas you have time just let me know when, danke09:10
elkbuntuif you were really of that opinion, you wouldnt be in here now09:10
holycowelkbuntu, wow man sometimes you guys are unbelievable09:11
holycowyou really treat the channel as a private club09:11
holycowi'm of the opinion that i can't believe i haveto ask to be voiced09:11
holycoweveryone else gets back up after a couple of hours09:11
mneptokholycow: if you care, i read the same tone into "oh jees you guys are unbelievable" and, imo, it's hard not to09:11
holycowi'm not here to kiss  your as tho09:11
holycowand frankly09:11
holycowno one in the channel should be expected to09:12
holycowit should be PERFECTLY okay to be annoyed09:12
Madpilotholycow, unless nalioth did something exotic, I can't see a ban for you in place in #ubuntu...09:12
holycowespecially if you are a long time contributing member09:12
holycowi.e. i've helped a lot of people09:12
elkbuntuMadpilot, it starts with a %09:12
mneptokOK, there's NO "nuance" in discussing asskissing09:12
MadpilotI do see a lot of months-old cruft - it's time to dejunk the banlist09:12
elkbuntualot of them are random spambot crap though09:13
Madpilotah, found it09:13
holycowwell okay wait till ljl or nalioth come back and discuss thats cool.  i get the  reticence09:13
holycowand right yeah i wasn't banned this time, primarily because i have tried not to break chan rules and be nice09:13
elkbuntuyour mute is appended with a note that you were insulting users09:14
holycowlol i dispute that09:14
holycowmostly people just didn't like my tone09:15
mneptokholycow: the moment you have to *try* to be nice is exactly one moment *after* you should have walked away from IRC. it's just not worth it.09:15
elkbuntuthen you really need to work on adjusting it09:15
Kamping_Kaiserhi holycow09:15
holycowactually no i refuse to adjust my tone09:15
holycowthis isn't #nazi afterall09:15
elkbuntuand that is an inappropriate attitude to have in a CoC governed channel09:16
Madpilot... and you were doing OK right up until "#nazi", too...09:16
mneptokso the only people taht can ask that people speak to each other with respect are nazis?09:16
holycowMadpilot, well tell me if i'm wrong09:16
holycowwe have rules about politeness and no swearing09:16
holycowi agree with that %100 percent09:17
MadpilotI'd suggest going to sleep it off, holycow. Seriously, you're not doing yourself any favours at this point.09:17
elkbuntuand being respectful and courteous09:17
holycowid friendly and gramma friendly09:17
holycowyou cannot seriously think it is morallly okay to 'monitor' my attitude? or anyones for that matter09:17
holycowelkbuntu, really? and what is the definition of respectfull and courteous?09:17
holycowespecially when others are arrogant, presumptuous and disrespectfull to you?09:17
holycowi only get your notice because i actually say something back in return09:18
Madpilotwe can't monitor 'attitude'. We can and do monitor what people do & say in the channels we've volunteered to watch over...09:18
holycowMadpilot, i appreciate  your notice, but that is inappropriate commentary09:18
holycownothing i said here is abusive or disrespectful ... i am pointing out a teeny weeny flaw that everyone buys into09:19
mneptokholycow: i watch you walk the tightrope, pushing at the edges. you help people, and then go *right* to the edge, if not over, the line of acceptable conduct. you then trot out the helpful times as evidence of your contributions, and we lather,rinse, and repeat. it's lame.09:19
MadpilotRight up until your "#nazi" comment, I was willing to remove your ban. Congrats, you've just blown it.09:19
elkbuntuanyway, afk for dinner. you now need to wait for nalioth09:19
holycowMadpilot, again not an insult, i am very courteous and helpfull09:19
holycowmneptok, and what is the definition of this edge?09:19
holycowdoes everyone haveto just sit back and not say anything when something is unjustly said?09:20
Madpilotholycow, I hereby invoke Godwin's Law, so you loose. Now go sleep it off.09:20
mneptokit's like porn. i can't define it, but i know it when i see it.09:20
Madpilotlose, even09:20
holycowMadpilot, again, i appreciate your comment, it would make sense if i was a noob.  i'm not really trying to piss  you guys off but then i'm not really about to kiss ass.09:20
holycowi just want to particapate in the community and be real09:20
holycowmneptok, lol09:21
mneptokthen learn to walk away.09:21
mneptoklike now, for instance.09:21
holycowwalk away from what?09:21
=== mneptok does
holycowi didn't insult anyone09:21
holycowits unfair to monitor attitude, just voice me an dlet me help in the channel.  theres a few problems i saw up there i was just itching to help out on.09:22
holycowKamping_Kaiser,  btw hi, although maybe thats not the right thing to say right now09:23
=== Madpilot wonders which part of "No, go away for a while & cool it." holycow is failing to grok...
holycowMadpilot, the pilot that translates that into 'cozy up to us and we will let you into our club'09:23
holycowMadpilot, please think about the impllications of what you guys are doing here ... every little step in that direction gets you away from the 'freedom' principles that everyone in here believes in09:24
MadpilotI don't care if you hate my guts; I do care if you disrupt #ubuntu or compare an entire channel to Nazis09:24
holycowand i know you do, you wouldn't volunteer or let me talk if you didn't09:24
holycowi'm sorta holding back a bit because i appreciate that at least one of you is at least talking a bit09:25
holycowit feel very much that way madpilot when people insist that i cozy up to everyone and be their buddy to get the 'prviledge' of being in the club09:26
holycowespecially when i have put a lot in helping09:26
MadpilotIt's far too late at night here to continue holding circular debates. G'night, all. Go sleep it off, holycow09:27
holycowdamn shame09:28
holycowi'm very dissapointed in all of you, not for not voicing me, but seriously taking this type of stand09:28
holycowif you want to manage a channel and ask people not to take something personally, then lead by example09:28
=== holycow [n=buzz@S01060016b6b53675.vf.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Leaving"]
elkbuntuwhat the heck. the individual 'mynick' is also holycow10:11
elkbuntuas blahblahblah was earlier10:11
Kamping_Kaiser `/who *S01060016b6b53675*` is good for finding out such things, i agree.10:12
elkbuntunow if only i could find my bantracker password, i'd be able to add 'ban evader' to the comments for his ban10:13
Kamping_Kaiserwonder if he was like this when i first met him, i remember him being Real Good TM10:14
elkbuntuhe seems to be on the 'i've been here a long time, i can do as i please' attitude10:17
Kamping_Kaisertrue. pity the people hes abusing have been here longer10:18
mneptokmaybe if we promote him to Untersturmbannfuhrer he'll perform better.10:36
Kamping_Kaiserwonder why he was banned by nick not hostname10:39
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MezI think the receptionist at work just thought I was a pervert12:41
PriceChildMez, you're not?12:42
MezPriceChild, no, but she got a load of heavy breathing ;)12:42
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ompaulso there are fools01:12
elkbuntuhe'lll be in here in a sec01:14
Mezit wasnt a ban forward01:15
ompaulwhat you forward them here?01:15
ompaulsince when?01:15
Mezno - I mean he doesnt seem clever enough to find out how to get here without a forward01:15
ompaulare you trying to get yourself trolled to death01:15
Mezany decent troller woulda been in here to start with01:16
elkbuntuMez, it wasnt, no, but he'll likely come in with his grievance01:16
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@82-69-87-171.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Mezhi Seeker`01:16
elkbuntuMez, he's not an intentional troller, just someone who thinks because he helps people, he can be rude and snide01:17
Mezah kk01:17
=== Mez needs a nickname colorer
=== Kamping_Kaiser hugs Mez. yay. hte kk didnt ping me
Mezevery time  a nick joins here that I dont recognise immediatly I get jumpy01:18
Seeker`lo Mez01:18
MezI need something that puts the "regulars" in here into a different colour01:18
Mezthen I can recognise new peopel instantly01:18
elkbuntuompaul, btw, the fellow was already banevading01:19
ompaulI was just about to let him back in with a warning01:19
Kamping_KaiserMez, they have a + ;)01:19
elkbuntuompaul, i only let it slide because he was behaving for the most part01:19
MezKamping_Kaiser, Seeker` doesnt01:19
Kamping_KaiserSeeker`, </3 :(01:19
elkbuntuompaul, his mute is for holycow01:19
ompaulthat is holycow?01:20
elkbuntuso wouldnt have been obvious in the ban list01:20
elkbuntuompaul, yes01:20
Seeker`Kamping_Kaiser: huh?01:20
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=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-b *!*@clockbot.net] by Seveas
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elkbuntuompaul, nalioth muted him earlier01:20
ompaulafternoon Seveas01:20
ompaulthen deserved it is01:20
elkbuntuhe came in here a few hours later, after already evading with the nick blahblahblah, to lecture me and Kamping_Kaiser on how he deserves to be let back in because he helps so many people and should be let run free because of this01:21
ompaulehh right - I see how that does not work01:22
elkbuntubut when he starts telling random people that we're fascists, it's not a good thing01:22
ompaulI am going to move acez to here due to nick changes01:22
ompaulif I get no answer01:22
Mez/load tabify.pl01:23
ompaulunless you guys want a #ubuntu-nickspam where the topic is "change your nick all you want but don't do it in #ubuntu"01:23
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso01:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mez - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:24
Mezhiglights now go to a seperate tab01:25
elkbuntu* * i=4645263e gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-a1cb045c2572c3b2 irc.freenode.net wonderfullday H :0 [S01060016b6b53675.vf.shawcable.net]  IRC@Work User01:26
elkbuntuhe's trying, hehe01:26
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elkbuntuwb pleia2 :)01:28
pleia2thanks :)01:28
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ompaulelkbuntu, is that our fiend?01:37
elkbuntuompaul, that paste above. was. yes.01:37
elkbuntudoing /who *S01060016b6b53675* will show who/where he is now01:37
elkbuntuhe obvoiusly gave up trying to get in with cgi-irc01:38
ompaulso ehh he is in #blender01:43
elkbuntu@pity #blender01:44
Ubugtu(pity [<channel>]  [<id>]  <who|what> [for <reason>] ) -- Uses the Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool on <who|what> (for <reason>, if given). If <id> is given, uses that specific lart. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.01:44
ompaulyet another nice one in the channel01:45
Mezanyone here good at python ?02:04
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:05
ompauland no it is not me :P02:05
elkbuntuMez, seveas would *love* to answer your questions :)02:05
=== elkbuntu ducks Seveas' wrath
ompaulfor values of love02:05
Meznah, I'm hacking on a script for Xchat that dos ym coloured nicks thing02:05
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Mezcan people talk a little please?02:13
=== Kamping_Kaiser giggles
=== Seeker` talks?
Seeker`is this ok?02:19
effie_jayxelkbuntu,  lol02:20
effie_jayxP3L|C4N0,  ping02:22
P3L|C4N0effie_jayx, pong02:22
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ompaulMez, no02:24
ompaulanyone able tell me why a user shows up as their uid in "ps auwx" they have a real name and uid02:25
=== ompaul is perplexted
Seveasompaul, that's what the w is for02:31
Kamping_Kaiseri run that and i get my username02:33
ompaulSeveas, maybe I asked it wrong02:35
ompaul5076      2185  0.0  0.0 25520 3748 pts/0    S    13:21   0:00 -bash02:35
ompaulwhy the number not the username02:35
ompaulwhat I expected was more like this02:36
ompaulamanda   26372  0.0  0.2 34432 9244 ?        S    Feb10   0:00 /usr/sbin/rsyncd --daemon02:36
ompaulor some such02:36
ompaulwhat bugs me is I know who the user is and have no clue why she is set up differently I set her up ..02:37
Seveasompaul, getent passwd 507602:37
ompaulcorrect user02:37
ompaulcarolinet:x:5076:100:Real Name:/home/carolinet:/bin/bash02:37
Kamping_Kaiserompaul, does `\ps auwx` do the same thing?02:37
SeveasKamping_Kaiser, good catch02:38
ompaulkk 5076      2185  0.0  0.0 25520 3748 pts/0    S+   13:21   0:00 -bash02:38
ompaulso it is the ame02:38
Kamping_Kaiserhow bizare02:38
ompaulI wonder is it ldap02:39
=== ompaul does some more work
ompaultalk about being locked out of your own servers --- they seem to have forgotten I have root - smartalecx02:43
Kamping_Kaiserum... 'they'? :|02:44
ompaulsupport persons02:44
Kamping_Kaiseroh, hehe02:44
ompaulI think it is an honest mistake tbh02:44
=== ompaul puts on his pointy hair wig
=== Kamping_Kaiser tosses up between more messing around with packages looking for odd comments or sleep (or, gasp, reading a book)
ompaulthe ldap stuff looks perfect02:50
=== ompaul wonders
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Kamping_Kaiserhi gnomefreak02:52
gnomefreakhi Kamping_Kaiser03:05
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ompaulSeveas, Kamping_Kaiser okay problem resolved03:56
ompaulusename longer than 8characters03:56
mc44like dos filenames! :)03:56
ompaulso going forward company policy is that all persons shall have usernames shorter than 8 characters03:56
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mc44ompaul: you should also probably have a policy to store years as more than two digits :p03:57
=== ompaul is going away to watch some rugby
ompaulback in a bit03:58
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LjLidiocy, pure idiocy... i'm starting to lose interest in trying to help people honestly04:23
LjLhow on earth can you have a sources.list that includes 1) a PLF repo for *breezy* that times out 2) automatix 3) *edgy*-proposed04:23
LjLand possibly more04:23
LjLof course, APT segfaults... what the heck should i say besides "reinstall", after having spent half an hour trying to understand the problem04:24
mc44never underestimate the ingenuity of idiots04:26
LjLof course, he doesn't *know* he has added any of those04:26
LjLwhy on earth is edgy-proposed listed in gnome's "software sources" anyway? as "proposed updates", it seems04:27
LjLthat's pure craziness unless i'm totally missing something04:27
mc44its for testing proposed updates to stable releases04:28
ubotuNOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.04:29
MezI just did that in #python04:29
=== Mez rolls eyes
MezI'm too reliant on the bot04:29
LjLwhat would it do in #python?04:30
gnomefreakmc44: close but i believe proposed is to test for packages that will land in backports if pass tests04:33
mc44gnomefreak: nope04:33
mc44gnomefreak: its for stable release updates04:33
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LjLhollywood177, actually i do see you spamming if i scroll back. please keep in mind that #ubuntu is strictly for Ubuntu support - advertizing channels, talking about generic IRC issues, or quarrelling with other people is not for that channel04:47
hollywood177i know04:47
hollywood177i understood that04:47
hollywood177and i wasn't really advertising, my question came after it04:48
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hollywood177i need someone to join it and help me set up my ChanServ Bot.04:48
LjLwhich is still far from an Ubuntu related question...04:48
hollywood177i dont know where to look04:48
LjLLittlegator wasn't precisely nice, granted, but still.04:48
hollywood177i was hoping someone here could help04:48
LjLtry #freenode-social i guess04:49
Mezhollywood177, #tapthru04:50
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ikoniaLjL: are you free a moment please05:20
LjLerr, i was going for a cigarette, but go on :P05:20
ikoniacan you give littlegator a nudge - he's claiming no-ones explained about mounting a disk and just being a pain05:21
ikoniaits not bad, but a nudge wouldn't hurt05:21
LjLhe does sound a bit like he's just trying to troll, though it's hard to tell05:24
ikoniaagreed, I think he's just MEGA lazy05:46
ikoniaLjL: the littlegator user is a %100 trolling, can you please step in06:30
ikonia3 other users are now complaining06:31
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ikoniaguys 2 users in ubuntu quall and echosyp using bad language and refuse to stop06:58
apokryphosdealth with07:02
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naliothholycow has been sorted07:44
nalioth"exotic ban" indeed  :D07:45
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mc44nalioth: "sorted"? :)07:46
mc44Im hoping you mean that in the mafia sense :)07:46
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ikoniaexcuse me ops, again another user using offensive language in channel07:58
ikoniathug-n-me using "fuck" and the like07:58
ikoniahello ?? anyone home07:59
ikonianalioth: mc44 you home/free ?08:00
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m1chaeli connected to freenode via 8001, can i please join #ubuntu now?08:01
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ompaulikonia, I'll have a look08:17
ikoniaompaul: been delt with08:18
ikonianalioth: stepped in thankss08:18
apokryphosikonia: please use the !ops call at such a time08:18
ikoniaapokryphos: if it had been a "regular" use of the languag eI would have, I just think he needed a prod - which he got08:18
ompaulikonia, just don't use it when you have a question use this channel at that point08:18
ikoniano no, thats fine08:19
ompaul !language | user tends to get peoples attention - if they fail hit the alarm08:19
ubotuuser tends to get peoples attention - if they fail hit the alarm: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:19
apokryphosikonia: any regular user can prod them for their use of language. If they persist, the ops should know.08:19
ikoniahe got a prodding, and he did stop08:19
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ikoniaI think people just show a little more respect when they know ops are around08:20
ikoniaeg: just showing the face sometimes clicks people into line08:20
ompaulit is #ubuntu most know that someone is in the background and available08:22
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ubotuIn ubotu, hellcattrav said: wait, is this a person or a bot?08:34
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imbecilehey guys i fixed bug12:11
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ubotuIn ubotu, cables said: word is the word processor in Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office only runs on Windows, but AbiWord and OpenOffice.org are both great linux-compatible programs that support Word files.12:25
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