
shatratI just use totem for music, mplayer for video.12:01
ahavecan KDE GUI's/programs run under gnome? like yakake for example?12:01
ompaulandre, never - they are third party12:01
LjLandre, i don't really think so.12:01
Morrowyni like the last.fm thingy when you click the artist in the now playing section12:01
Morrowynahave, yes12:01
n4chti've been trollin' in #ubuntu all the live-long daaaayyyyyy.    ok, so maybe not.  but it was funny to me.12:01
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ahavecan totem, xmms, etc pick up network files?12:01
Morrowynapt-get will install the kdelibs necessary for that12:01
GatorYou know what would be funny? If someone helped me...12:01
ahavewhatever i am using now doesnt seem to read my mp3's on my windows box12:01
shatratahave, you mean smb shares?  Sure, althuogh there is a bug in edgys gnome-vfs12:01
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Morrowynand vice versa, you can run gnome stuff in kde12:02
andreLjL:  so what should I do?  should I just plain format and reinstall everything?12:02
=== CrakeHunter [n=martin@p57B8C8C7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
GatorI need help =.=12:02
matthiasme too12:02
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matthiaswe seem to be going unnoticed12:02
earthenahave, yeah I think so but you may have to simlink the network path first but i'm not sure12:02
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matthiassorry i dont know anything about your problem12:02
mackinacmatthias, what was your question12:02
CrakeHuntergaim keeps crashing, it doesnt show any error message - is this issue known in 6.10 ?12:03
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Gatoroh thanks =.=12:03
ahaveearthen, what is simlink?12:03
cafuego_symlink perhaps12:03
ahavei guess i could just google it, huh..12:03
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iratsuis it possible for me to relay internet to another computer given an ethernet interface?12:03
matthiasso im working on installing my wifi card.. all the tutralias are helpful until iget an error12:03
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matthiasi.e. line 14412:03
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cafuego_ahave: a link to a file or directory, kinda like a shortcut, but not broken by design ;-)12:03
ahavecafuego, ah ok. thanks12:04
GatorI still need help12:04
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LjLandre: oh, that's a fine idea... not. listen, just enable the !nvidia9 repository, upgrade, and see if you can boot12:04
earthenahave, you link a folder to the network path where the files you want are12:04
lordkeidenanyone using lightscribe feature in ubuntu? what version (1.4.136 or 1.4.142) do you use?12:04
OuZodoes anybody know a tool to convert avi files to vod (so i can burn to DVD) or convert avi to ogg? thanks12:04
Morrowynmatthias, can you repost that link again with the line 144?12:04
ahaveok, let me try now..12:04
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CrakeHunterhmm, is there a simple command to check in console if my graphic card (+drivers) support xgl and aiglx?12:04
matthiasit wasnt a link12:04
andreLjL:  lol ok,  please stick around,  if I can't get help I'll have to do that :(12:04
matthiasthats the error im having in terminal12:04
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cafuego_OuZo: ffmpeg is your feiend.12:05
andregimme a sec and I'll follow the instructions12:05
GatorBarbarella: /bin/sh: Can't access tty; job control turned off12:05
__mikemLjL, pm12:05
Morrowyncan you post the link then please, i think the ppl here aren't good at just line 14412:05
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shafirewhy is the ubuntu-server installation that slow?!12:05
barbarellaGator:what did you do before you get this?12:05
westernanybody here who can help me with a problem of SYNCE ?12:05
OuZocafuego_, great ill look into it :)12:05
Morrowynmaybe 42 , but i don't think that suits your question12:05
LjL__mikem, i can only type one thing at a time12:05
cafuego_OuZo: I *think* ffmpeg -i foo.avi -target pal-dvd or somesuch12:05
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michi_hi, I have one question: how can i get the "module-assistant"? I am following a ubuntu-install-guide for ati-graphiccards12:05
cafuego_OuZo: if you sue -target, it'll automatically pick size and bitrate.12:05
Gatorbarbarella: I'm sorry, do you mean what did I do before I started getting it or what do I do immediately before I get the error?12:05
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ubotuFor Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9746 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using this repository: deb http://nvidia.limitless.lupine.me.uk/ubuntu edgy stable12:06
GeekChick|UIs there anyway to make bluetooth less flaky in Ubuntu? A GUI to manage bluetooth devices like wireless mice, etc...?12:06
blackestanyone know how to copy only good files from a cd12:06
OuZocafuego_, :) great, im gonna try now12:06
ahaveubuntu kicks up a 'unsupported option' when i try to make a simlink12:06
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MorrowynCrakeHunter, i think you need an opengl 3d hardware accelerator card12:06
Morrowynand drivers12:06
cafuego_ahave: ln -s file link12:06
Morrowynfor xgl/aixgl/beryl stuff12:06
CrakeHuntermorrowyn , i do have a nvidia 7600gs!12:06
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barbarellaGator:before the tty error12:06
Morrowynthe faster the card the better12:07
cafuego_ahave: It won't work on a fat* partition.12:07
ardchoilleblackest: Define "good"12:07
ahavecafuego_, i was using the gui?12:07
MorrowynCrakeHunter, shoudl work peachy, i had it running on a 6600gt12:07
ahavecafuego_: it should be a NTFS?12:07
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blackestok some files on the cd aRE UNREADABLE  others are ok12:07
ahavecafuego_: windows2000 box12:07
CoRnJuLiOxhow do you compile stuff? ./configure then make and then make install, right?12:07
CrakeHunteri just want to check if xgl and aiglx is working , for my previous ati card there was a command:   fglrxinfo12:07
westernanybody knows SYNCE-TRAYICON?12:07
ardchoilleblackest: Oh, hmm.. no idea, sorry12:07
Gatorbarbarella: I just boot and it happens during boot12:07
Morrowyndidnt like the woobly thing and the moving, when windows became blurry, maybe they fixed that already12:07
blackestwhen it finds an unreadable file it trys and trys and trys and trys...12:07
cafuego_ahave: ntfs also deosn't support symlinks.12:07
=== RasQulec [n=milton@adsl-153-41-192.chs.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ahavecafuego_, well shit..12:08
PwcrLinuxIm back12:08
codiwell thats why no one uses the ubuntu nvidia drivers. cause they suck12:08
PwcrLinuxanything about FF and FP 9?12:08
cafuego_ahave: MS's fault.12:08
barbarellaCoRnJuLiOx:depends from the install howto file.12:08
ahavecafuego_: what does it support that windows also support?12:08
RasQulecI run the beta nvidia drivers12:08
mc44!ohmy | ahave12:08
ubotuahave: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:08
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andreLjL:  I'm a little confused12:08
matheo_Ubuntu n00b here. I installed Ubuntu on my second partition (and created a third for swap). Now I can boot into Windows but it won't go all the way: blue screen of death12:08
cafuego_ahave: What are you trying to do?12:08
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andreLjL: !nvidia9 brings be to a website12:08
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Gatorbarbarella: It happens during the "mounting root drive" process12:08
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andreI type that command and I'm not sure exactly what happened...12:09
cafuego_ahave: (This is aside from the fact you can't write to NTFS to begin with)12:09
CrakeHuntershould i install the official nvidia drivers rather than the "nvidia-glx" from the repositories?12:09
ahavecafuego_, trying to play mp3's off a networked HD. on a win2k box12:09
timothymatheo_,  two drives?12:09
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andreLjL: I'm obviously not an expert...12:09
matthiasmarrow: im trying to get my wifi working12:09
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matheo_no all on the same drive.12:09
cafuego_ahave: Um12:09
ahavecafuego_: i can live with not being able to write i suppose12:09
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cafuego_ahave: You' reon w2k and are trying to play MP3s from a Linux machine? or the other way around?12:10
GatorI like how people just stop talking to me12:10
timothymatheo_,  did you resize with the installer?  can you see the contence of the windows drive?12:10
ahavecafuego_: otherway around12:10
RasQulecahave: the NTFS drivers can write now though I dont know that I would trust it12:10
barbarellaGator:can you post your fstab file?12:10
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Gatorwell I'm extremely nooby and have no idea what that is...12:10
cafuego_ahave: So you've mounted the drive via samba yah?12:10
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ahavejust reading would be nice for now12:10
pollywog_is Edgy stable enough for normal use?12:10
timothyGator, cat /etc/fstab12:10
kritzstapfpollywog_, of course it is12:11
ahavecafuego, negative. just saw it on my network servers12:11
hou5tonCan someone help me figure out why Ubuntu quit being able to access a network harddrive? I've checked with other systems and OS's ... it's there and working fine, for others.12:11
CoRnJuLiOxwhat do i need to compile stuff? its saying that it can't find an acceptable C compiler in $PATH12:11
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matheo_timothy: I manually created the partitions in the installer, running the live CD12:11
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erUSULCoRnJuLiOx: install build-essential12:11
timothyCoRnJuLiOx, sudo apt-get build-essencial12:11
pollywog_the reason I ask is that I have installed it twice and somewhere something goes wrong and it will no longer boot12:11
ubotuFor Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9746 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using this repository: deb http://nvidia.limitless.lupine.me.uk/ubuntu edgy stable12:11
pollywog_I am not sure but I think VMware is the culprit12:12
Gatorbarbarella: no such file or directory12:12
timothymatheo_, you put the partitions after the windows one, right?12:12
pollywog_I think VMware destroys the initrd image12:12
n4chtandre, what is it you're trying to do?  to me it sounds like you're trying to come up with some difficult solution to a very simple problem.12:12
pwnguinanyone using edgy and samba?12:12
timothyGator, at the command line12:12
cafuego_ahave: Ok, when that's what you want to do. install samba, and add the mp3 share to /etc/fstab, so it mounts when you boot. *then* it will just be a read-write network share.12:12
matthiaswifi help needed12:12
timothyGator, cat prints the contence of the file12:12
matheo_yes. Windows is on partition1, Ubuntu on partition2, and Swap is on partition312:12
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ahavecafuego_: oh, sweet.12:12
n4chtmatthias, what seems to be the problem?12:13
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LjLandre: it's not a command you should type, it's a repository you should add12:13
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LjL!software > andre    (andre, see the private message from Ubotu)12:13
LjL!repositories > andre    (andre, see the private message from Ubotu)12:13
kritzstapfmatheo_, whats the content of the bluescreen you mentioned?12:13
Gatorbarbarella: no such file or directory...12:13
LjLandre: now if you're going to do something as dangerous as installing drivers from third parties, please make yourself acquainted with the package management system, at least. if you think you're better off staying with Ubuntu drivers, reinstall.12:13
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xtrixjrib: when i log out and log again nothing changes but i will do some search12:14
matthiaswell im working on installing the drivers for the net gear usb by following the tutorials online, but i get when i go to install the driver it says line 14412:14
ahavecafuego_: installing samba now... aptitude will be the best way, no?12:14
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mackinacjust "line 144" ?12:14
rattlerviperPeterPan penut butter12:14
cafuego_ahave: yup12:14
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ahavecafuego_: sweet12:14
jribxtrix: my next suggestions is to try to add teh "users" option in your fstab and see if that matters12:14
pollywog_anyone know what causes this job control error on boot?12:14
PwcrLinuxjrib: anything about FF and FP 9?12:14
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GatorI have it too, pollywog...12:14
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cafuego_ahave: You want the 'smbfs' package too.12:14
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pollywog_I see that others have the same problem but no fix12:14
xtrixjrib: okey, will try, thanks12:15
andreLjL:  I need 3rd party drivers.  therefore I need to be familiar with package management :)12:15
ahavecafuego_: one more question? (i am full of them today..) does linux not support the tilda character?12:15
matthiasnot that hole on12:15
matthiashold on12:15
jribPwcrLinux: I would just blame the slowness on flash being crap...12:15
ahavecafuego_: i cant seem to type it with my keyboard12:15
andreLjL:  I'm gonna read this12:15
Gatorso barbarella12:15
barbarellaGator:now you have your answer12:15
ndeehello there, I installed beagle to search all my documents, but when I add the deskbar-panel and search for something, it doesn't automagically search for my files, I then have to select "Search for files with beagle". Isn't it like this, that I can enter stuff and it searches for me on the fly?12:15
matheo_ummm...  It says something about autochk being missing in the nice windows boot font, then goes to the fatal error, something about memory 0x000003 (0x0000000 0x0000000) or something like that12:15
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cafuego_ahave: it does, but it usually means 'home directory' if used in the shell.12:15
n4chtLjL, agreed.  I use a nvidia card, and the ubuntu drivers work perfectly.12:15
Gatoryeah, it's trying to boot from the wrong drive?12:15
LjLandre: are you sure you really need them? is Beryl that much of a necessity?12:15
n4chtandre,  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Graphics_Driver_.28NVIDIA.29  follow that guide there and you'd be all set.12:15
cafuego_ahave: If you can't type it, your keyboard mapping is wrong. it works ~~ fie12:15
matthiascoulnt copy home/..../<diver> line 14412:15
ompaulmatheo_, that is a windows error, talk to them in ##windows12:16
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n4chtand you don't need the beta drivers for beryl or compiz.  i use both of them commonly with the normal ubuntu nvidia drivers.12:16
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ahavecafuego_: ok. i will look into that12:16
Gatorbarbarella:... so what's my answer?12:16
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matheo_I only got it after installing Ubuntu, so I figured someone here might have seen it before. It might be a known issue with Ubuntu installs...12:16
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timothyGator, you need to make one?12:17
PwcrLinuxjrib: yea, it's sucks on FP 9.. everything my system just totally bad CPU spikes up..  DVD players, and etc just slow and choppy,, my CDRW/DVD still have DMA show "ON".. do you think the 2nd updates of kernel gone bad?12:17
ahavecafuego_: also, i cant seem to get sound to produce with some apps? sound works on bootup and with some ubuntu effects, but for example with chatzilla it does not12:17
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barbarellaGator:it can see nothing, cause there is no fstab file12:17
michi_hello, can anyone help me to build a module with module-assistant?12:17
andreLjL: it's not only for Beryl, it's mostly for dual monitors12:17
matthiasmacinac: couldnt copy "file name" line 14412:17
CrakeHunterguys, what do i have to install in order to get mp3 playing?12:17
cafuego_Gator: where is duran duran?12:17
Gatorso why would there be no fstab file?12:17
jribPwcrLinux: well if it it wasn't like that before you updated your kernel, that could be worth looking into12:17
mc44!mp3 | CrakeHunter12:18
shatrat!mp3 > crakehunter12:18
ubotuCrakeHunter: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:18
Gator=.= duran duran?12:18
CrakeHunterk thanks12:18
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han_hi hi12:18
barbarellaGator:you told me so12:18
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GatorI told you there's no fstab, but why would there be no fstab?12:18
PwcrLinuxjrib: breezy last kernel version: 2.6.12-10-38612:18
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han_Just installed ubuntu with beryl enabled on my Asus12:19
han_works great12:19
barbarellaGator:cause you told me so12:19
GatorCould it just be gone, or could ubuntu be trying to boot from the wrong drive...12:19
jribPwcrLinux: but was your system much more responsive before you changed your kernel?12:19
n4chthan_ dunnit?   compiz works well too.12:19
GatorSo there IS no fstab because I said there was no fstab?12:19
PwcrLinuxJrib: yes, everything smoothly before it's upgrade of kernel12:19
jlulian38If I wanted to some code to run on start up for networking, where would I put it (I'm assuming something in /etc/init.d/?)12:19
jribPwcrLinux: why not just use the older kernel then?12:19
ndeeis there a beagle-searchbar instead of the deskbar applet?12:20
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lordkeidenanyone using lightscribe feature in ubuntu? what version (1.4.136 or 1.4.142) do you use?12:20
jribndee: Places > Search12:20
PwcrLinuxjrib: I better wait till they fixed the kernel version12:20
timothybarbarella, don't be mean12:20
LjLandre: but doesn't the nvidia-glx that's supplied in the repos support that?12:20
LjL!xinerama | andre12:20
ubotuandre: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead12:20
barbarellaGator:or there is no fstab but you can't find it.12:20
matheo_well, thanks!12:20
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ndeejrib: but I would like to integrate it like spotlight for macosx12:21
Morrowyni'd go for the twinview on nvidia and the ati equivalent, since xinerama (well don;t know how it is today) doesn't support opengl on both screens12:21
jlulian38If I wanted to some code to run on start up for networking, where would I put it (I'm assuming something in /etc/init.d/?)12:21
Morrowynonly opengl on the main screen12:21
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PwcrLinuxjrib: or let my hard drive dies, then I will get new hard drive and put the breezy back in12:21
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama12:21
michi_My problem is that: the module-assistatn build fglrx command try to build with gcc3.4 and I think I have only gcc4.0 here on ubuntu-edgy12:21
michi_can i configure something?12:22
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andreLjL:  I'm installing the binaries via synaptic now12:22
mc44michi_: why are you compiling fglrx yourself?12:22
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andreLjL:  gonna see what happens12:22
matthiasbmn ,nm b,bhjytil.;.lldfhigoiasndkhadflk;hsdf jjg;lkfgklja = me smashing my head on the keyboard12:22
michi_because it doesnt install with the ati-script12:23
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michi_and the ubuntu way doesnt work too12:23
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n4chtmatthias,  many apologies, i got caught up in a different discussion and missed your wifi questions.12:23
n4chtwhatcha got goin' on?12:23
CrakeHunteri did install the "libxine-extracodecs" in order to get mp3 support but still musicbox tells me : "you do not have a decoder installed to handle this file"12:23
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mackinacmatthias, is the file in the location it's looking for?12:23
timothyGator, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28313112:24
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n4chtCrakeHunter,  try mpg123 or mpg321 packages.12:24
matthiasso using ndiswrapper im trying to install a driver12:24
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CrakeHuntern4cht, should i remove the "libxine-extracodecs2?12:24
Gatortimothy: Thanks, I'll try it12:24
n4chtmatthias, sometimes that's not even necessary.   what kind of wireless adapter are you trying to use.12:24
n4chtCrakeHunter,  I wouldn't bother.12:24
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matthiasnet gear12:24
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karim_when I recompile xine-ui there is no xine binary12:25
ahavecafuego_: so how do i go about mounting with samba?12:25
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:25
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ahavecafuego_: all command line i assume?12:25
mc44michi_: how does it "not work" when you install it the ubuntu way?12:25
timothyGator, that is a bit verbos for a newb,12:25
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n4chtmatthias, hrm.   i guess the first thing to check is; do you -need- ndiswrapper?   it could be a prism2-based adapter, (though unlikely) and you may just be able to use the linux-wlan-ng package.12:25
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j1pis anyone experienced with setting up S-Video out from a laptop to a TV on Ubuntu Edgy?12:26
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jribj1p: I setup an nvidia card the other day...12:26
andreLJL: *sigh* rebooting...12:26
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j1pjrib, its a Intel i915GM12:26
thekidrioi was excited that my dlink airplus dwl-g650 worked right out of the box12:26
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jribj1p: ah, then no clue12:26
mike1ou know how in linux if u select something it's automatically copied onto the clipboard... well how do i get that (in python)?12:26
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matthiasn4cht: well ive just been following the tutorials online.. they are help full untill you come up to an error which i have, driver cant be installed cause of line 144 ?12:27
michi_mc44 I started and seemed to run and when I started X-Server, it says that it could not start and "do you want to look at log-output"12:27
jribmike1o: you mean a python command that accesses what is in that clipboard?12:27
mc44michi_: what card do you have?12:27
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michi_X1950 Pro12:27
Jowimike1o, you should ask in #python12:27
n4chtmatthias, that was the same problem i had.  (that's what dmesg returns, correct?)  turns out my card didn't need ndiswrapper, just prism212:27
mike1ojrib: i they wont answer12:27
GatorCan someone actually TELL me how to fix this instead of linking me to a non-noob-friendly link?12:27
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karim_when I try to build xine-ui from source package I have no /usr/bin/xine binary.12:28
cafuego_ahave: sudo smbmount //server/share -t cifs -o username=user,password=pass,uid=yourid,gid=yourgid /mnt/mountpoint12:28
mc44Gator: fix what?12:28
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michi_mc44 on the ati linux faq stands nothing about that it wont run with the newest driver12:28
matthiashmm ill look into it.. im sure ill be back tho .. thanks12:28
jribmike1o: I'm just trying to understand what you want12:28
markedwardsdoes anyone know if the recent kernel update fixes the sky2 ethernet bugs finally?12:28
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ardchoillekarim_: Is there a reason you are compiling xine-ui instead of installing it from the repos?12:28
mike1ojrib: i just found out... it's called the selection buffer12:28
mc44michi_: works on my 1900 :)12:28
mc44michi_: so i guess it should work for you too12:28
n4chtmatthias, if you give me the model number of your adapter, i can do a little bit of the footwork for you and find out if you can use prism2 as an alternative.12:29
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PwcrLinuxFirefox segmentation fault12:29
mc44michi_: but I doubt compiling the module is going to help you12:29
jribmike1o: you can get access to it (using pygtk) with gtk.Clipboard(selection = 'PRIMARY') iirc12:29
Gatormc44: apparently I have no fstab file, and I need to create it12:29
D7xkI installed, and then removed kutunbu-desktop, but when I startup, I still get the kubuntu startup screen, how can I change it back to the regular ubuntu startup screen?12:29
ahavecafuego_: wow. hmm. i better google the use of samba a lil more..12:29
mike1ojrib: ok tnx12:29
n4chtstandby.  :)12:29
mc44Gator: how do you know you have no fstab?12:29
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ardchoilleGator: /etc/fstab12:29
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j1pAnyone have experience with S-Video on intel i915?12:30
PwcrLinuxwhere I can fault logs?12:30
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Gatormc44: I got the job control error, so someone told me to cat /etc/fstab and it said no file/directory exists12:30
mike1ojrib: does that work only for gtk apps?12:30
mc44Gator: try "locate fstab"12:30
michi_mc44 how can I install it without building?12:30
mike1ojrib: or any x app..?12:30
cafuego_Gator: I expect you're booted into the initrd, not the actual system. / is not mounted, so no files exist.12:31
Gatornot found12:31
karim_ardchoille: the repos package doesn't have vdrkeys enabled12:31
gn0meHey there, when running dpkg, I get a "Bus error (core dumped)", and I read this can be due to faulty memory.. ran memtest and didn't find anything. This only started within the past two days, and I don't believe I installed a new version of dpkg. Anyone having similar issues?12:31
ndeehow can I enable the live search in beagle?12:31
mc44michi_: try !envy to get the latest drivers12:31
ardchoillekarim_: Ah, ok.12:31
michi_mc44 the "ubuntu-way" installation method uses the xorg-version not?12:31
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Gatorcafuego, not sure what that means, but I was able to boot into Ubuntu before using the same method12:31
mc44michi_: er it uses the fglrx driver if thats what you install12:31
jribmike1o: well it would work wherever you import gtk :P  I've never had to use something more basic where I needed to grab the clipboard so I don't know of how else you could do it.  One way would be to just call the "xclip" program12:31
karim_ardchoille: maybe you could try ? just do apt-get builddep xine-ui and debuild12:31
Gatormc44: the locate said it wasn't found12:31
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shatratDoes anyone know where I can find a changelog for what was introduced with 2.6.17-11?  No luck yet with google or searching the forums.12:32
n4chtmatthias,  it looks like you could probably modprobe -r ndiswrapper and install the linux-wlan-ng package.12:32
andreLJL:  I'm on my other machine now... I'm going to format/reinstall everything...  I'm not happy about it, but I've been meaning to do so. that was my first install and know I'm more knowledgeable about how ubuntu works12:32
kazukawhats a good bitrate to rip audio cds?12:32
mike1ojrib: yeah im looking into it...12:32
barbarellaGator:hmm slocate is installed by default12:33
D7xkI installed, and then removed kutunbu-desktop, but when I startup, I still get the kubuntu startup screen, how can I change it back to the regular ubuntu startup screen?12:33
Gatorno, locate worked, but it couldn't locate a fstab file12:33
shatratkazuka, 128 if theyre burned from itunes or something, otherwise 192 is a little nicer.12:33
mc44Gator: "cd /etc" then "ls" are there files there?12:33
Gatorwait, nevermind, locate is an unrecognized command12:33
michi_mc44 thx. I will try it. leaving to learn more about it now... bye and thx very much12:34
xerophytecould somebody tell me why my server load is high http://www.pastebin.ca/349661 ?12:34
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matthiasn4cht: thanks so how would i go about doing that12:34
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andreLJL:  I think things will be smoother for me after.  It's just too bad, if Linux was better supportated by card companies I wouldn't be in this dang mess.  Also next time I'll think twice before updating the kernel.12:34
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cafuego_barbarella: He's either booted into the initrd image or his / is horribly, horrible broken.12:34
mc44cafuego_: yep12:34
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andreLJL:  thanks for your help :)  appreciate your patience12:34
Gatormc44: modprobe.d, evms.conf, udev12:34
__mikemandre, if vista is a flop that may well just happen12:34
ardchoillekarim_: My xine works fine, I have no need to compile it.12:34
barbarellacafuego_: or trolling12:34
andreLJL: see you on the flip side.12:34
andre__mikem:  I've heard nothing but bad things about vista12:35
n4chtsudo apt-get insall linux-wlan-ng12:35
mc44Gator: only those?12:35
LjLandre, updating the kernel is fine if you *only* have the official reps enabled12:35
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n4chtdo you use gnome, matthias?12:35
PancakesWhen I attempted to boot ubuntu, it said error in boot CD.12:35
cafuego_barbarella: Possibly, but not that likely.12:35
andre__mikem: it won't flop12:35
GatorI'm not trolling =.=12:35
Pancakes(Well when I tried to intall it)12:35
matthiasi dont know im a newbie12:35
andreLJL:  I know that now ;)12:35
mc44Gator: ok, how did you boot into ubuntu?12:35
matthiasi dont knwo what gnome is12:35
cafuego_Gator: You're booted into your initrd image, not your Ubuntu install.12:35
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andreI'll come have a chat after I've reinstalled12:35
Akuma_i just installed and i keep getting GRUB error 15, anyone knows a way out of this?12:35
n4chtmatthias, ok, at the top of your screen, is there a bar that says "Applications Places System" ?12:35
ardchoillecafuego_: How exactly does one boot into the initrd?12:36
n4chtFantastic.  You're using gnome.12:36
GatorAfter turning on the computer and GRUB loaded, I chose the standard boot for Ubuntu and I get the error12:36
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matthiasgood to know12:36
n4chtNext step:  system->administration->networking  see if your wireless adapater is already detected.12:36
cafuego_ardchoille: When somehting goes wrong during bootup it can sometimes open a shell (busybox) in the initrd image12:36
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ardchoillecafuego_: That's the initial ram disk, insn't it?12:36
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nooberchooberomg laik hey every112:36
ardchoillecafuego_: Ah, ok12:36
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nooberchooberi am kool.12:36
nooberchooberI am kool.12:36
factboy818181i compiled the 2.6.20 kernel on edgy, and when i boot up in it, i can ping and use traceroute and the ethernet connection is detected and i can connect to the router, but i can't wget or use any browser... i'm using openDNS for DNS and i disabled ipv6...12:37
ody42yahoo just got feisty install and runs great!12:37
nooberchooberAre you kool?12:37
cafuego_nooberchoober: Please stop spamming.12:37
mc44LjL: ^^12:37
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nooberchooberwho r u12:37
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n4chtnooberchoober, take it to the offtopic channel.12:37
PancakesWhen I attempt to boot my ubuntu CD (Intalling it), I get an error in boot CD, what might be wrong?12:37
n4chtor not.12:37
Gatormc44: so, are you stumped?12:37
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ody42thats what im talking about12:37
n4chtLjL to the rescue!12:37
mc44Gator: as cafuego_ says, you are in busybox probably12:37
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cafuego_Gator: I'd hit the reset button and see what happens.12:38
Gatormc44: well, I have no idea what that is... I am a complete newb12:38
shatratPancakes, try running the thing from boot that checks the cd contents.  It may be that the iso is corrupt, or it was a bad burn.12:38
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cafuego_Gator: if it still won't boot, I'd boot the livecd and see if you cna access Ubuntu that way.12:38
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matthiasn3cht so it says its detected but not configured12:38
pbureauody42, give it a few minutes it will crash.. feisty is far from stable... I tried it.. bleh12:38
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Gatorcafuego: The reset button as in on the GUI or the physical button on my computer?12:38
factboy818181i compiled the 2.6.20 kernel on edgy, and when i boot up in it, i can ping and use traceroute and the ethernet connection is detected and i can connect to the router, but i can't wget or use any browser... i'm using openDNS for DNS and i disabled ipv6... - bump12:38
n4chtmatthias,  fantastic!12:38
cafuego_Gator: the physical one12:39
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CrakeHunterits about time to get 3d desktop working, now i have to decide: nvidia drivers from the original nvidia-website or the ones from the repositories, which one should i use?12:39
karim_ardchoille: it's a request12:39
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shatratPancakes, for future reference, I always download from bit torrent and burn at slowest possible speed and I dont get many coasters that way12:39
CrakeHunteri.e. with which do people have less problems ;)12:39
pbureauCrakeHunter, 6.06 or 6.10 ?12:39
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NuuteSo I reinstalled samba, reconfigured it, but I still cannot access the windows box.  Keeps saying could not display all the contents of "windows network : <windows box ip>.  Any suggestions?  Has anyone had this many problems?12:39
ardchoillekarim_: Well, obviously it will work because I have xine-ui installed.12:40
CrakeHuntergeforce 7600gs12:40
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:40
Gatorcafuego: I'm booting from a liveCD now, I'll see if it works12:40
matthiasn4cht: ok so i put in my ssid and password12:40
jahidhi, when i was trying to install yahoo messenger its asking for libssl0.9.6. can anyone tel me how can i get that?12:40
CrakeHunterokay, so not the reposiories ones , thanks!12:40
n4chtmatthias, click your wireless connection, then properties.  Check "Enable this connection", select your network from the Network Name drop-down, and under connection settings, choose Automatic Configuration (DHCP), click 'ok', and see if it works.  (If your network requires a password, be sure to enter it also.)12:40
pbureaujahid, synaptic open all repositories in settings and do a search for libssl12:40
TrZhi. i'm trying to use Ubuntu but it won't start up! the screen just dies after the loading screen but I can hear some music. can somebody help me?12:40
Pancakesshatrat, so you suggest that I burn onto another CD, however this time I burn at a slower rate?12:41
barbarellaNuute:can you post your smb.conf?12:41
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Nuutebarbarella, sure.  sec.12:41
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jahidpbureau, i searched for libssl, but it gets 0.9.7, but yahoo needs 0.9.712:41
pbureaujahid, google it12:41
n4chtmatthias, after you've done all that, and enabled the connection, open a terminal window and type 'ifconfig' and see what wlan0 returns.  hopefully, it will give an ip in your wireless network's ip range.  if so, try ping -c 3 google.com and see what happens.12:41
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pbureaun4cht, not all wireless cards use wlan0 , atheros uses athx, broadcomm cards use ethx.12:42
shatratPancakes, well that will help if it was a bad burn.  If it was a bad ISO then you need to redownload.12:42
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mc44jahid: where are you installing yahoo messenger from?12:43
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Gatorcafuego_: I'm not sure what happened, but when I tried booting from a liveCD I got a screen with just an underscore on it12:43
PancakesI've already downloaded again, all I need to do, is to burn again (I only had 1 CD though). :(12:43
pbureauokay I am gone to eat12:43
ompaulPancakes, did you check the md5sum of the image?12:43
jahidmc44, i downloaded form yahoo webside12:43
Pancakesompaul, I didn't.12:43
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n4chtpbureau, i was going to get to that if matthias said there's no wlan0 entry.  since it's a netgear adapter, it more than likely uses wlan0.  :)  thanks for pointing it out though, now i don't have to if there's no wlan0.12:43
PancakesA freind told me I didn't need to. :/12:43
Sivikhow do i turn off a firewall from cli12:44
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ompaulPancakes, may I suggest you do that before you start again - if it fails you need to download again, if it does not then it is reasonable to assume that the image is okay12:44
eamusichi everybody12:44
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karim_ardchoille: gni ?12:44
pbureaulol ah you plotted my demise in public n4cht ... I will be back and get you back...lol (gone to get pizza!)12:44
Gatorcafuego_: Im not sure what happened, but when I tried booting from a liveCD I got a screen with just an underscore on it12:44
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[Wiebel] Hi12:44
ody42pbureau:  what did you do to get to crash, i have been on it for two days and hasnt crashed12:44
[Wiebel] I have a laptop on which I want to use only an external monitor (LCD TV)12:44
clackeri've got a spare if you're anywhere near chicago :-P12:44
n4chthaha.  now i'm going to order a pizza.   you've gotten me back already by mentioning food to a fat guy.12:44
[Wiebel] now when I close the lcd lid12:44
Pancakesompaul, thanks for the advice, I'll be sure to do that.12:45
mc44jahid: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81895&highlight=yahoo+messenger12:45
[Wiebel] no output goes to my lcd tv12:45
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[Wiebel] with a ati r12812:45
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[Wiebel] *a12:45
[Wiebel] n12:45
eamusici have a problem with my ubuntu :(12:45
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ahavewiebel, what are the output on your ati r128?12:45
Gatormc44: Should I just reinstall Ubuntu?12:45
ardchoillekarim_: If I compile appA that needs depB and depC, then appA will compile as long as I have depB and depC. However, if I compile it and send it to you, but you don't have depB and depC, then appA will not work on your system.. dependencies 101.12:45
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Gatormc44: I didn't have any personal files on it what-so-ever12:46
eamusicHow can i uninstall the XGL?12:46
mc44Gator: did it work when you first intalled it?12:46
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ody42pbureau: i have been on it for 2 days and it has'nt crashed what have you done to get to it to crash12:46
Gatormc44: yes, but about a month ago I started getting this error and I just got around to fixing it12:46
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karim_ardchoille: if you use the same version it will work. anyway I wanted to know if it was my sysem wich was broken12:46
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karim_I don't care much of the binary12:47
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mc44Gator: might as well reinstall then12:47
karim_I nee to know why I have a partial binary package created from the sources12:47
n4chtmatthias, ?12:47
Gatormc44: Can I do that with a live CD without booting from the liveCD?12:47
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ardchoillekarim_: You said it wouldn't compile because you didn't have all the deps. That is normal. Install the deps and try compiling again/12:47
matthiassorry it froze12:47
jahidmc44, i tried that page, but it asks for libssl0.9.6, but my pc is having 0.9.7. so yahoo messenger is not installing12:47
mc44Gator: nope12:47
n4chtdid it end up enabling, matthias?12:47
Gatormc44: dang, I'll go try again12:47
TrZcould someone help me in private maybe? Im having trouble booting the liveCD, the screen turns itself off...12:48
eamusici need helpv :'(12:48
mc44jahid: you can connect to yahoo through gaim you know12:48
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GatorTrZ, do you get an underscore or does the monitor turn off?12:48
matthiaswell it saw the wifi card and after i but my ssid in and password the comp froze,12:48
jahidmc44, i know i can. but i do like to use yahoo rather using gaim. gaim seems diff to me12:48
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n4chthm.  that's weird, matthias.12:49
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TrZunderscore flashes a bit then it goes to powersave mode, but I can hear a tune shortly afterwards12:49
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matthiasthats what i thought12:49
Dante123Hi all!  I would like to reinstall Ubuntu on a partition on my HD.....however........I want to make sure that I do not mess up the other OS on there.....(Windoze) as this computer belongs to the school where I teach......how do I go about reinstalling Ubuntu....and still leave the Grub setup as is......any suggestions or tips are appreciated....thanks.12:49
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ClubbedHow come my HD comes up as scsi-1ATA_WDC_WD2500JS-00MHB0_WD-WMANK17 when it's actually SATA, not scsi?12:49
thekidrioTrZ: disable the splash quiet boot, that will give you more info12:49
kismetCould anyone tell me how I can go about increasing my digital audio?12:49
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thekidriosounds lke something is not working with the xorg.conf12:49
mc44jahid: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34032412:50
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n4chtat least we've learned one thing so far; your wireless card is being detected.    now, as for the freezing issue, that -may- have been nothing major, and probably would've 'un-froze' after your connection was done authenticating.12:50
mike1ojrib: ok...12:50
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Dante123I should add that Windoze is on a separate partition....but boots first on grub12:50
TrZty Gator, thekidrio Ill try that12:50
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matthiasin network setting it just says wireless connection12:51
n4chtbut it says that it's configured?12:51
matthiasits doesnt say the device12:51
n4chtit won't actually say the device name.12:51
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thekidriountil you go to configure it12:51
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matthiasshould i do auto dhcp or static12:51
n4chtif the device weren't detected, it wouldn't show up at all.12:51
thekidriomine is ath012:51
thekidriomatthias that depends on your wireless router12:52
thekidriomost are dhcp by default12:52
n4chtdhcp is your best bet if dhcp is enabled on your router.   did your old OS just 'work' automatically when you enabled the connection?  Chances are DHCP will work just fine.12:52
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karim_ardchoille: what the hell are you talking about ?12:53
karim_ardchoille: it compiles !!!12:53
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Gatormc44: my liveCD seems to be stuck on "Uncompressing Linux... OK, boothing the Kernal."12:53
karim_but it doesn't seem to compile xine itself12:53
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Dante123Hi all! I would like to reinstall Ubuntu on a partition on my HD.....however........I want to make sure that I do not mess up the other OS on the other partition which boots first from menu.1st.....(Windoze) as this computer belongs to the school where I teach......how do I go about reinstalling Ubuntu....and still leave the Grub setup as is......any suggestions or tips are appreciated....thanks.12:53
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mc44Dante123: if you reinstall ubuntu onto the same partition as it is on now, then it wont affect windows12:54
n4chtDante123, just re-install ubuntu as you normally would, selecting the partition it's already use as the one to install over.  Grub -should- still autodetect the windoze partition and make a boot entry for it.12:54
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kismetMy audio sounds like crap... does anyone know how I can go about increasing it?12:55
=== n4cht has made it his personal mission tonight to make matthias' wireless connection function properly before going to work.
matthiasn3cht: yeah its worked just fine with12:55
Dante123okay...thanks everyone12:56
matthiasive been working on this for over 48hrs12:56
n4chtmatthias,  so it's working?12:56
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matthiasi dont know hold on12:56
matthiasif i freeze again ill be back12:56
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n4chtif you freeze again, give it a few minutes.12:56
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GatorAnyone, when booting Ubuntu I get this message: BusyBox v1.01 (Debian 1:1.01-4ubuntu3) built-in shell (ash)12:57
Gatorthat error message comes before the /bin/sh: Can't access tty; Job control turned off12:58
Konokohow can i stop an application that i run with ./ command?12:58
Konokochmod +x sc_serv12:58
Konokohow can i stop that from running?12:58
n4chtGator, as i've never had anything remarkable happen during an ubuntu boot or install, aside from it "just working", i'm afraid you've got me stumped.12:58
n4chtKonoko, killall -9 sc_serv12:59
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GatorWell n4cht, it did "just work" for a couple months12:59
Konokothanks ^^12:59
gn0meHey there, when running dpkg, I get a "Bus error (core dumped)", and I read this can be due to faulty memory.. ran memtest and didn't find anything. This only started within the past two days, and I don't believe I installed a new version of dpkg. Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions, as I'm currently trying to get packages from source so I can try a newer version of dpkg.12:59
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bbr12Gator: have you just installed ubuntu, or changed any hardware? Because i got that problem when a added a hard disk once, and fixed it with merging two in raid1.12:59
n4chtKonoko, no problem.12:59
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Gatorbbr12: the only hardware I've added was a graphics card...01:00
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Konokowhats the meaning of -9 here?01:00
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Midazolam hello, i installed the "nvidia-glx" drivers and now i can only boot in text mode 2 errors: a) "failed to load nvidia-kernel" b) monitors found but none with usable configuration  (i edited the horizontal and vertical frequence but doesnt help)01:00
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n4chtmatthias, i take it the lock-up didn't subside?01:00
matthias_im here01:00
pwnguinMidazolam: what video card?01:01
Midazolamgeforce 7600 gs01:01
R3bOrNi've got a question ... I cant install ubuntu because of a resolution problem. Is there a cmd to start the ubuntu CD with another resolution ?01:01
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GatorR3b0rN, push F4 on the liveCD menu before you boot from it01:01
pwnguinMidazolam: try nvidia-xconfig01:01
R3bOrNdont help :/01:01
holycowi think ubuntu needs an upgrade testing team01:01
jribR3bOrN: try the alternate cd01:02
Gatoroh =\ ,dunno01:02
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bbr12Gator: i don't think that should give you the busybox, just the terminal when the config is wrong afaik.01:02
Konokon4cht: whats the meaning of -9 here?01:02
holycowupgrading from one release to another is horrendously difficult, i don't understand how one can screw up apt like this01:02
Pancakesmd5 sums were different. So that means I should download again?01:02
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Midazolami did a "sudo nvidia-xconfig" didnt help01:02
n4chtKonoko,  that just means to kill it immediately, rather than sending a kill signal and waiting for it to finish on it's own before dying.  :)01:02
Gatorbbr12: I figured, but is there any way to fix "the busybox"?01:02
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shatratPancakes, yes, I recomend using bit torrent since it checksums automaticaly01:02
Konokooh thanks ^^01:03
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jribholycow: what do you mean?  "difficult" for the user or for apt to calculate?01:03
pwnguinMidazolam: ok. it's probably not what you want, but try finding where it says "nvidia" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and replace it with "nv"01:03
chinesedhi everyone! little quick question: i'd like to setup a raid 0 on my wordpress server. i have VIA raid tool. Can I create the raid 0 without deleting the master disk ? it's currently online...01:03
n4chtKonoko, chances are with a simple shoutcast server, -9 probably wasn't necessary.  lol.01:03
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Midazolampwnguin, what does that do and why wouldnt i want that?01:03
pwnguinMidazolam: that should probably get you X11 back up and going, but wont do 3d accelleration01:03
Konokolol ^^ i dunno im just a newbie :D01:03
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pwnguinMidazolam: it's likely what you were running before01:04
trollboyhow do I get windows to connect to a nfs share?01:04
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bbr12Gator: other than testing and trying in would not know, i got reactions like "if that happens it generally is very bad".01:04
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n4chtso what's it lookin' like, matthias?  any luck with it yet?  (perhaps try switching from ascii to hex, or vice-versa)01:04
trollboyI used to do it with debian and smb no problems01:04
Midazolamok ill look into that - you think its better for me to use the original nvidia drivers rather than the nvidia-glx from the repositories?01:04
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pwnguinMidazolam: they're both nvidia drivers, but nv is open source and nvidia-glx is not01:05
lineman61are there any repos that are not in the muti vers that you would recommend adding?01:05
holycowjrib, super clean installs starts, dist upgrade between dapper and edgy are proving to be faaaar too bug prone.  the average users wouldn't know how to fix this.  its sad to see dpkg reduced to this.01:05
jribholycow: you're not supposed to dist-upgrade01:05
Gatorbbr12: I wouldn't mind reinstalling Ubuntu since there is nothing personal on its partition, but my liveCD gets "stuck" when booting the kernal01:05
Pancakesshatrat, okay.01:05
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holycowjrib, are you fucking insance?01:05
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trollboyanyone got a FAQ or HOWTO for Windows connecting to NFS?01:05
holycowthats the point of dpkg01:05
jrib!language | holycow01:06
ubotuholycow: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:06
Schismaljoin xbinx01:06
Schismaljoin xbin01:06
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midgetg0atHey7 guys, i have a 19" LCD that rotates 90deg....how do i tell Ubuntu or my video card or whatever to rotate the image?01:06
Midazolamwell i just would like to use 3ddesktop with aiglx preferably - which ones should i take if the nvidia-glx from the rep's doesnt work?01:06
jribholycow: update-manager  (is supposed to) manage the updates better01:06
mc44holycow: this discussion is offtopic01:06
midgetg0ati recall doing it once before, however, i dotn recall *how* i did it.01:06
holycowthats idiotic01:06
jribthat's true too01:06
PwcrLinuxI need to find where the fault logs after the FF crashed?01:06
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mc44holycow: please take it to -offtopic or elsewhere01:06
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bbr12Gator: if it did work before adding the new video card, you at least know where to look, right/01:06
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holycowmc44, shutup and go away i wasn't talking to you01:07
pwnguinMidazolam: with an nvidia card, your only bet for aiglx / beryl is nvidia-glx, but the first thing to do is make sure you have a fail safe :)01:07
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trollboyanyone see my question re: nfs?01:07
Gatorbbr12: I'm sorry... look for what? >_>01:07
variantholycow: no need for that kind of attitude01:07
jribholycow: please be respectful.  mc44 is right, this isn't support so we should move to -offtopic01:07
pollywogis it possible to get paid support for Ubuntu?01:07
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bbr12Gator: for where the problem got introduced01:07
n4chtmatthias_ yah?01:07
variantpollywog: yes..01:07
jrib!support | pollywog01:07
ubotupollywog: For your support options, see http://www.ubuntu.com/support For IRC support, join #ubuntu / #kubuntu / #xubuntu etc01:07
Midazolamk, someone was talking about new glx drivers from another repository, does anyone have the server address for me?01:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fault - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:07
newesthey there, im trying to retrieve some music files fromt ntfs using Gparted, but it says its unable to read the contents of ntfs,  how do i go about retrieving the files from ntfs(windows xp)?01:08
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carlos_hello from seville, Spain01:08
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holycowa dist upgrade issue ABSOLUTELY is on topic01:08
shatrat!nvidia9 > midazolam01:08
Gatorbbr12: I'm pretty sure ubuntu wasn't working before I installed the graphics card01:08
pwnguinholycow: ive been meaning to get a removable usb drive and partition it into 3, one for each release01:08
holycowdist upgrade is broken from a user level perspective01:08
holycowvery sad01:08
PwcrLinuxoh well darn it..I'll to find the other way to look the logs01:08
variantholycow: works for me01:08
Midazolamshatrat, nothing happened ;)01:08
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Midazolam!nvidia > midazolam01:08
trollboyPwcrLinux, if you start firefox from shell instead of icon01:08
shatratMidazolam, yes, I forget the syntax, just msg ubotu nvidia901:08
pwnguini dont know much about why dist-upgrades fail, but it would at least help me debug and demonstrate where the problems aren't user error01:08
holycowvariant, 6 boxen, clean dapper install, dist-upgrade hasn't had a single clean upgrade path01:08
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trollboyyou will see things on screen there01:08
trollboyabout what ff is thinking01:09
LjLholycow, you're mistaken. the fact that dist-upgrade does or does not work in Ubuntu is offtopic, if it's not an answer to a support question.01:09
variantholycow: you should apt-get upgrade first.. then dist-upgrade01:09
holycowmany errors, quite a few requirements to get it to be clean01:09
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econobeingdo i have to re-do ndiswrapper for the kernel update?01:09
variantholycow: upgrade with dapper sources dist-upgrade with edgy sources01:09
holycowLjL, its completely on topic, it doesn't work, users should be aware of it01:09
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Midazolamhmm i typed /msg ubotu nvidia01:09
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variantholycow: also, you have to do it between releases.. cant jump01:09
newesthey there, im trying to retrieve some music files fromt ntfs using Gparted, but it says its unable to read the contents of ntfs,  how do i go about retrieving the files from ntfs(windows xp)?01:09
Midazolamnothing happens01:09
holycowvariant, no sorry01:09
PwcrLinuxtrollboy: yes I saw "Segmentation fault" in the terminal box when I use extra command fixes of display depth..01:09
mc44holycow: we recommend people use update manager01:09
variantholycow: also, the update manager does a better job of upgrading01:09
holycowvariant, i recommend you stop talking, you clearly have no understanding of dpkg01:09
Midazolamaa okay sry, i have what i need01:09
shatrat!nvidia9 | midazolam01:10
econobeingbecause it still works on the kernel i was using when i installed01:10
ubotumidazolam: For Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9746 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using this repository: deb http://nvidia.limitless.lupine.me.uk/ubuntu edgy stable01:10
variantholycow: wow. your really offensive01:10
holycowmc44, i really don't care what a USER recommends01:10
jakehello, does anybody know if  an apple mighty mouse will work on a pc with ubuntu?01:10
niyithis is getting old fast... how do you get xvid working on xine01:10
bbr12Gator: i see, then personally, i would try a live-cd of a distro which has a newer kernel version, just to try and test that out.01:10
mc44holycow: please stop insulting pople01:10
trollboyPwcrLinux, I'd talk to the firefox guys01:10
holycowdpkg is part there it has to work01:10
zcat[1] !ntfs | newest01:10
ubotunewest: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse01:10
holycowmc44, i told you to go away, if you are insulted well okay01:10
trollboysounds like your FF or one of its dependancies is really borked01:10
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PwcrLinuxTrollboy: yea, cuz of after installed the flashplayer 901:10
pwnguindpkg doesn't calculate upgrade paths01:10
pwnguinapt does01:10
pwnguinand apt-get doesnt do a great job01:10
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holycoweither way, it doesn't work cleanly01:11
trollboyPwcrLinux, they may know of work arounds01:11
n4chtok matthias, where do we stand at this point?  any luck with the connection or is it still locking up your system?01:11
pollywogholycow I see that paid support for the desktop is $250 per year, you might look into it01:11
trollboysorry that's the best I can do01:11
pwnguinif you knew "anything about apt" you'd know there's aptitude which attempts to solve it01:11
holycowpollywog, i think you really don't have a clue, please exit stage right01:11
trollboyI came here looking for help m'self I fear01:11
holycowthis isn't about me, i can fix it01:11
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PwcrLinuxtrollboy: sound good, my ff version is that lastest version of security updated01:11
holycowdist-upgrade doesn't work, it should get testing01:11
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ar2k7hey! will compiz/beryl be default in the next ubuntu version?01:11
holycowi am doing some preliminary testing now to see why01:11
trollboyhow do I get windows to connect to a nfs share?01:11
pollywogholycow: yeah you are right and I am thinking of buying paid support01:11
thekidriono ar2k701:12
trollboyI used to do it with debian and smb no problems01:12
bcardarellaI was just looking at my syslog and I'm getting persistent messages: http://pastie.caboo.se/39446  Can anyone take a look and get me pointed in the right direction on this?01:12
Gatorbbr12: I'm pretty sure ubuntu wasn't working before I installed the graphics card01:12
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holycowpollywog, i think you need to stop talking to me honestly01:12
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ar2k7thekidrio, ok01:12
holycowyour not even reading what i wrote01:12
Pancakesshatrat, just downloaded bittorrent.01:12
matthias_yeah so thats 4th restart01:12
holycowthis isn't a commercial support issue01:12
thekidriothey deferred it probably release after that01:12
trollboyanyone got a FAQ or HOWTO for Windows connecting to NFS?01:12
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n4chtmatthias_, hang on a sec. :)01:12
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cypherdelicHelp: I installed the kernel 2.6.17-50, edited grub. it starts booting, but then loading of nvidia failed, what to do??01:12
zcat[1] trollboy: google windows+nfs perhaps?01:12
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trollboyI have zcat[1]  thanks though01:13
ootm!ntfs | trollboy01:13
ubotutrollboy: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse01:13
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bbr12Gator: yeah, but like i said, i have been having problems too when i added a third hard drive in my system, while fedora booted that just fine.01:13
thekidriocypherdelic: try booting the other kernel in grub01:13
trollboycyber_brain_mfkg, re-install your nvidia drivers01:13
zcat[1] ootm: nfs not ntfs ?01:13
Jowiholycow, I have to agree with you. I would prefer to use dist-upgrade instead of update-manager. sometime you just don't have a gui at hand.01:13
pwnguinholycow: i dont think you're being very constructive here. telling people to shut up is rude, and telling them they dont know what they're talking about is arrogant. doing a qemu install of dapper and finding a broken upgrade to edgy and posting the results to the internet / mailing lists would be more constructive to all involved.01:13
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trollboyootm, I'm trying to go the other way01:13
PwcrLinuxtrollboy: do you think the FP 9 might poor written.. also I found the about:config string of  "network.IDN.blacklist_chars" looks like garbled on it01:13
holycowJowi, yup, that is all that i'm pointing out right.  i will try and see what i can do to setup a testing team01:13
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holycowwe should modify the release schedule to include upgrading between releases post freeze01:14
mc44holycow: they know it doesnt work, hence the update manager route01:14
cypherdelicthedavid, thats not what i want, i want to get that kernel working, any ideas?01:14
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braddcadd2000anyone want to help me config a scanner with sane?01:14
holycowits absolutely crucial, this isn't acceptable for any project of this caliber01:14
Gatorbbr12: I don't really care about fixing it other than reinstalling, but I can't boot from my liveCD because the liveCD freezes when it boots the kernal01:14
pwnguinholycow: i believe something to that effect was discussed after edgy.01:14
cypherdelicthekidrio, , thats not what i want, i want to get that kernel working, any ideas?01:14
holycowalbeit typical of open source01:14
n4chtmatthias_ first, what is "password type" set to?01:14
zcat[1] trollboy: you trying to read over the network or read a linux partition from the same machine running windows? google windows+ext301:14
cypherdelicHelp: I installed the kernel 2.6.17-50, edited grub. it starts booting, but then loading of nvidia failed, what to do??01:14
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ootmtrollboy: http://www.fs-driver.org/   - this works for ext3 as well as ext201:15
thekidriocypherdelic:  i keep hearing the nvidia driver is borked with the new kernel01:15
thekidriothats why i mentioned booting the other kernel01:15
zcat[1] If you're reading over the network just use samba on the linux box..01:15
pwnguinholycow: if you really want to see results, visit #ubuntu-bugs and find some interested people in starting an upgrade testing team01:15
bbr12Gator: two options: try the alternative cd/DVD, or try a distro with a newer kernel version.01:15
holycowpwnguin, well typically this channel is full of very nice helpfull people.  the problem lies in helpfull thinking they have a clue and digging their heels in.  i'm not interested in learning them that they actually don't know, thus i tell them to go away. its reasonable and simple01:15
holycowi'm also not asking for help, you seem to think so01:15
Gatorbbr12: What is the alternative cd/DVD?01:15
holycowi'm announcing that something is broken01:15
cypherdelicthekidrio, no workaround, yet?01:15
LjLholycow: THAT is the problem, you are NOT asking for help. this is a support channel01:16
jwtoddi just installed 6.10 alternate on a new system w/ an evga en8800gtx nv gpu01:16
holycowand hopefully someone running dapper WONT try to dist upgrade to edgy01:16
LjLso this discussion should STOP NOW01:16
holycowthus its a service announcement01:16
LjLor move to #ubuntu-offtopic01:16
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jwtoddworked fine after downloading the driver from nvidia.com01:16
holycowLjL, oh i'm here to help01:16
bbr12Gator: that the cd which is not the live-cd but the text-installation (the DVD-version can do both live and text install)01:16
thekidriocypherdelic: not that i know of :(01:16
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MarcoPauin kaffein I only get Netscape plugin viewer as an entry for Settings -> Player engine01:16
MarcoPaueven thou mplayer, kmplayer, xine and stuff are installed. what am I supposed to do in order to pick either mplayer or xine as engines?01:16
n4chtmatthias_, ok.  let's try ASCII then, and see if that helps?  before you do that, hang on a second.  i'm looking up your problem.  since i've never had it myself, i'm checking to see what worked for other people.01:16
zcat[1] holycow: If anyone asks, well tell them !upgrade. Nobody asked. Go away.01:16
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holycowzcat[1] , yeah thats fine, very usefull information01:17
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holycowwe should have a wiki page dedicated to this infact01:17
Gatoruhh, I think I'll just try a newer kernal01:17
bbr12Gator: but i dunno, if live already fails it's not a good sign i guess01:17
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Jowiholycow, to be fair though, update-manager didn't handle my dapper-> edgy upgrade either. and that on a machine I managed to upgrade from hoary->breezy->dapper.01:17
zcat[1] holycow: !upgrade refers people to the wiki page..01:17
Lukei've got a few computers on the same network and I want their host names to be automatically propogated to every computer. I think I need Bind (dns). Does anyone have any good docs for this or any insight?01:17
holycowJowi, absoulutely, it can't if diist-upgrade can't01:17
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zcat[1] If the wiki page is incorrect, you should go fix it.01:17
Gator!!! the liveCD just booted01:17
ubotuthe: Full-screen character mode text editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1-4 (edgy), package size 277 kB, installed size 796 kB01:17
thekidrio!upgrade | holycow01:17
ubotuholycow: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:17
bbr12Gator: ghe he :)01:18
holycowzcat[1] , thank you captain obvious01:18
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pwnguinJowi: at least on my computer, update-manager "couldnt calculate an upgrade path". apt-get tried anyways01:18
pwnguinand failed01:18
braddcadd2000Hello everyone.  My scanner is detected with "sane-find-scanner" but not with "scanimage -L" or "sudo xsane".  I have Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper) and an HP Officejet 5610 (all-in-one) scanner.  The scanner is listed as supported and there are people who have it running on Linux.  Thanks for any help.01:18
matthias_WEP open01:18
n4chtok matthias, what other connections do you have enabled at this point?01:18
zcat[1] holycow: so; did someone ask about upgrading?01:18
mc44zcat[1] : dont feed the trolls01:19
holycowzcat[1] , welcome to my ignore list01:19
bcardarellaI have set a static IP address but I think dhclient is still running. I have no mention of DHCP in my /etc/network/interfaces file01:19
bauer77can you create a user account without applying a password to it??01:19
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variantbauer77: yes01:19
variantbauer77: useradd <options> username01:19
Zorixany idea why it doesnt let me update the kernel, says it breaks something01:19
bauer77variant: What do I need to do, just do it from command line and not the GUI01:19
variantbauer77: just don't set a password afterwards01:19
Zorixbut it doesnt say what01:20
bcardarellaHow do I shutdown dhclient and make sure it doesn't run? (I don't see any /etc/init.d/dhclinet exec)01:20
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse01:20
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n4chtmatthias, let's try switching the password type to ASCII first, and see if that locks you up.   if so, then try disabling all other connections before enabling wireless.01:20
Jowipwnguin, mine update-manager could. but it still borked halfway through and no manual tinkering could save the upgrade. had to do fresh install. luckily I had anticipated it (always count on things going wrong) :)01:20
variantbauer77: well, for a a normal user who is able to use sudo you could use "sudo useradd -m -G users,admin,audio username01:20
clackerdoes the ext2/3 thing really make a big difference?01:20
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zcat[1] I think you can always blank out the password field in /etc/shadow, if nothing easier works..01:20
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variantclacker: yes, 3 has a journal and 2 does not01:21
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matthias_n3cht: ok01:21
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n4cht-hopefully- i won't see you reboot again, matthias.01:21
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pwnguinclacker: supposedly fscks go faster on ext3. but journalling is a nice property for when someone unplugs the wrong cable01:21
variantclacker: for certain devices it's pointless like usb disks etc (improve the reliability of the data if you dont use a journal on a usb disk too)01:21
vox754Zorix: there are problems with nVidia drivers and the new kernel. Don't upgrade if you have nVidia.01:21
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GeekChick|UIf I remove a package the requires KDE libraries, how do i remove all the dependencies it installed?01:22
Zorixno nvidia driver on this machine01:22
zcat[1] vox754: that might be why my system's been locking up regluarly the last day or two.. major issues!!01:22
mc44GeekChick|U: in edgy?01:22
zcat[1] I've just booted it from the earlier kernel and it seems ok so far.01:23
GeekChick|Umc44, in 6.1001:23
mc44GeekChick|U: apt-get autoremove01:23
n4chti'm glad everyone is talking about this nvidia upgrade issue -now-.    i upgraded by haven't restarted yet.01:23
vox754zcat[1] : yep, that seems to be the solution right now.01:23
GeekChick|Umc44, say it was "kde-bluetooth" and it installed 10 dependencies. does "autoremove kde-bluetooth" remove all the dependent packages?01:23
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mc44GeekChick|U: just remove kde-bluetooth first, then autoremove with no package name01:24
GatorWhen installing from the liveCD, if I choose a harddrive and it asks for the size of the partition, does that mean it will make a new partition on that drive?01:24
zcat[1] my reiserfs is messed up too.. df is hwowing it as a 4.8TB partition.. impressive for a 40G drive...01:24
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zcat[1] *showing01:24
vox754n4cht: you mean, next time you reboot you'll use the previous kernel?01:24
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GeekChick|Umc44, so autoremove knows to grab the KDE ones how? wouldnt it remove things like xchat?01:24
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mc44GeekChick|U: it removes unused dependencies01:24
holycowGator, it will give you an option to setup partitions your self01:24
n4chti'm pretty sure i made an ubuntu forum post about the kernel vs. nvidia upgrade issues probably well over a year ago.  this problem isn't new.   a new kernel version usually brings this sort of thing about, because the compatible nvidia driver is always a few hours (sometimes days) behind the new kernel.01:24
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pwnguinGeekChick|U: somehow it knows what you've asked to install and removes things that aren't required anymore01:25
[Wiebel] how can i redo the Xorg config that ubuntu does on install?01:25
Gatorholycow: I know, but last time I did that I had to reformat my drive01:25
variantn4cht: you would be better to bring that up with nvidia01:25
GeekChick|Uummm. ok pwnguin  . . .01:25
holycowGator, as an aside, it would be better not to use the live cd, its well known for crashing half way through and hosing your windows install if you have that on there.  its safer to use the alternate cd and use d-i (textmode installer) on it, far better tested01:25
mc44GeekChick|U: it knows01:25
mc44GeekChick|U: :)01:25
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nexentaos - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:25
gopppany one here used NexentaOS01:26
thekidrioGeekChick|U: it builds a list in apt-cache of installed software01:26
mc44GeekChick|U: just try it and see, it asks for confirmation fisrst01:26
GeekChick|Uwhat about "Mark for complete removal" in synaptic?01:26
LjLgoppp, ask in #ubuntu-offtopic, this is the *Ubuntu* support channel ;)01:26
n4chtapril 5th, 2005.  lol.  that was the time i discovered the problem.  hah.01:26
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variantholycow: is there a bug report that deals with this live cd crashing issue?01:26
GeekChick|Umc44, what about "Mark for complete removal" in synaptic?01:26
thekidrioyou can also do apt-get --autoclean01:26
thekidrioGeekChick|U: that removes the install files01:26
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mc44GeekChick|U: I dont think that does dependencies01:26
holycowvariant, i haven't had time to spend on it.  frankly i don't actually care right now, i gotta figure out this dist-upgrade stuff01:26
trollboyHow do I find the NFS Domain of my machine?01:26
ody42i have a quick question for the programmers of the group, i  am interested in programming , what language is the best to learn and the more useful ,ie python , perl or c++, bash01:27
vox754n4cht: you should mention that thread to everybody so they know what they are dealing with.01:27
variantholycow: you shouldn't give out miss-information especialy if your not prepared to back it up with evidence01:27
Gatorholycow: Where would I get the alternative cd? When I got the liveCD, I don't recall seeing it01:27
thekidrioody42: depends on what you want to do01:27
n4chtafk a minute.  wife sick.01:27
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jribody42: depends on what you want to program01:27
variantGator: i wouldn't worry about it. he is a troll01:27
variantGator: the live cd is known to be very effective01:27
Gatorvariant: lolno01:27
jrib!alternate | Gator01:27
ubotuGator: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.01:27
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ody42the ins and out of lynix01:27
holycowGator, in the same repos you get the live cd from actually, same name it just appends 'alternate' to the name in some fashion01:27
matthiasn3cht: so if i leave it connected it freeze01:27
holycowvariant, its not misinformation, goddamnit people01:28
ody42software for lynix01:28
holycowstop being so defensive01:28
holycowubuntu rocks but there are things people need to know01:28
shatratholycow, stop being so offensive.01:28
jribGator: well that wasn't very helpful...  It's on the download page, let me know if you can't find it and I'll take a look01:28
ruzgarhow can disable "automatic text spelling"  in ubuntu01:28
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holycowvariant, i've helped several dozen people on here with the live cd just not working for some reason. its well known01:28
variantholycow: please show me the bug reports then.. if it's true i would really like to know about it01:28
PwcrLinuxHmmm I could use lynx. let me try01:28
holycowshatrat, i'm not interested in beating around the bush, if i offend  you, great01:28
LjLholycow, sorry, but given how you behaved earlier, you need to understand that people can be a bit harsh now. please drop it (and variant, please drop this, too)01:28
PwcrLinuxnope, not on mines01:28
matthiasn3cht: if i turn on my wifi it freezes if i leave it plugged in when i restart it freezes01:29
holycowvariant, i'm not filing them i'm not looking them up.  we all know live cd has some issues.01:29
variant  holycow anything you say01:29
Gatorvariant: holycow knows his stuff, so I'm going to listen to him...01:29
variantGator: as you like01:29
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pwnguinvariant: what package would the live cd bugs be under anyways? debian installer?01:29
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naliothGator: you and holycow can go to #ubuntu-classroom if you like01:29
variantpwnguin: what do you mean?01:29
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JowiGeekChick|U, I would recommend you to install packages with aptitude. it keeps track of dependiencies so if you first install kubuntu-desktop with aptitude and then uninstall with aptitude it will remove the dependencies as well (as long as they are not needed by any other package)01:29
JowiGeekChick|U, afaik, apt-get and synaptic is not that smart.01:30
pwnguinvariant: you're asking for launchpad bugs, im asking where to look for them, since neither of you were actually going to do it. but it doesnt much matter now, i suppose01:30
mc44Jowi: it is now01:30
zcat[1] Jowi: I think apt-get does that now; I keep having it tell me stuff was instaleld a a dependency and apt-get autoremove will remove it for me...01:30
midgetg0athas any one configured their system for dual displays and then noticed that games (via wine) default to a 640 resolution and dont let you change to a 24/32bit color??? if so....thats what i'm getting. i cant get counterstrike to see my available resolutions...ideas?01:30
mc44Jowi: at least autoremove will do that01:30
PwcrLinuxHmm I can start up FF for no IMGs.. let me look at the configs brb01:30
variantpwnguin: dunno, I rarely use launch pad01:30
=== pwnguin dies
GeekChick|UJowi, whats the syntax for aptitude01:30
Jowimc44, does apt-get handle it nicely?01:31
MarcoPauin kaffeine the subtitles in an avi movie won't be italics when there are <i> and </i> flags... I tried changing fonts but that didn't really help01:31
vox754ody42: I hate when people answer, "depends on what you want to do"; my quick answer is "python" and "C"01:31
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mc44Jowi: well, you have to specifically use autoremove but apart from that. works fine01:31
JowiGeekChick|U, "sudo aptitude install package" and "sudo aptitude remove package"01:31
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JowiGeekChick|U, alternative "sudo aptitude remove --purge package" to get rid of the config files.01:31
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GatorWell anyone who thinks holycow is wrong, last time I tried installing from liveCD it crashed during boot01:32
Gatorduring install*01:32
crazy_penguinGood night all!01:32
LjLGator, no, we think holycow was offtopic for way too long, that's all.01:32
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ody42thats ok vox754 i appreciate all the info i am aware that there is a lot of research i have to do , computers and programming is not my work01:33
GeekChick|UJowi, thanks. and thanks mc44. auto remove worked01:33
Gatorwell yeah, but he was helping my and everyone jumped on him because he said liveCD was unstable01:33
LjLGator: this is a support channel, it's for support questions and, hopefully, answers. the rest goes to #ubuntu-offtopic01:33
LjLGator: no, everyone jumped on him for other reasons. anyway, drop this please01:33
mc44GeekChick|U: no problem :)01:33
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HAL9003hi guys01:34
pwnguinanyone sharing files with samba on edgy?01:34
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Jowihi HAL900301:34
Gatorso how would I join ubuntu-offtopic without leaving this channel? >_>01:34
variantGator: /join #ubuntu-offtopic01:34
shatratGator, depends on your client, probably just /join #ubuntu-offtopic01:34
pwnguin/j #ubuntu-offtopic01:34
JowiGator, /j #ubuntu-offtopic01:34
n4chtmatthias, ok.. so.. we're getting closer.01:35
ody42i have been a paramedic for 18 years and a winblows user for the same linux is new and fun01:35
GatorI figured, but I always look like a fool lol01:35
revartjwhat is mode stamina??01:35
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variantrevartj: never heard of it, can you be more specific?01:35
matthiasn4cht all i know it that when i activate it it freezes when i reboot with it connected it freezes01:35
vox754Gator: ha ha, keep up...01:35
ody42to use the terminal the main language is bash right01:36
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variantody42: actualy ubuntu uses dash01:36
matthiasand in terminal it says invalid driver, but it wont let me uninstall it01:36
HAL9003what could i do so ubuntu is booted into the console instead of the GUI?01:36
Gatorso what is the preferred install method, and what do you recommend to backup my harddrive before I partition it?01:36
pwnguinvariant: it uses bash for users01:36
variant!dash | ody4201:36
ubotuody42: /bin/sh links to the DASH shell in Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to "#!/bin/bash"01:36
revartji am saw laptop vaio with mode stamina anda mode grahic01:36
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:36
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variantpwnguin: areyou sure? if you do readlink /bin/sh what does it say?01:37
zcat[1] HAL9003: in grub switch to the recovery option01:37
Jowiody42, dash is only replaced for sh. normal users have bash01:37
ody42ok thanks01:37
variantrevartj: ah, probably some power saving mode01:37
pwnguinvariant: who cares? you should be using !/bin/bash when you want bash, and it's still the user's console01:37
Jowiody42, make a habit of starting your scripts with #!/bin/bash though01:37
ody42ok more reading to do01:37
vox754ody42: yes, you can read some stuff with "man sh"; a lot more info is displayed "man bash".01:37
revartjvariant ok01:37
PwcrLinuxnope still segmentation fault after disabled imagines..01:38
variantpwnguin: the users login shell runs bash or dash?01:38
HAL9003zcat[1] , no. the recovery mode boots into single user mode, and i need the networking01:38
ubotu/bin/sh links to the DASH shell in Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to "#!/bin/bash"01:38
mc44variant: it runs bash01:38
pwnguinvariant: it says bash when i say ps01:38
ody42ok thanks  , is ubuntu the only one using hash Debian?01:38
variantI wonder why the switch to dash took place anyway01:38
vox754Gator: LiveCD unless you have to do some specific stuff, or have obscure hardware.01:38
variantpwnguin: cool01:38
mc44variant: speed01:38
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n4chtmatthias, what that means is that once we get past the freezing problem, not only will it work, but it will work at boot.  this is, strangely enough, a good sign.01:39
zcat[1] HAL9003: ctrl-alt-F1 will get you a console; "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop" will kill the GUI temporarily..01:39
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Gatorvox: What should I use to back up my HDD? Last time I installed it it corrupted the entire thing01:39
HAL9003zcat[1] , thats not the solution to the question i asked01:39
PancakesI don't understand how to use bittorrent for downloading ubuntu? Do I just 'add' this?: http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso01:39
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ody42i printed 30 pages of howto bash for beginners ooops01:39
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zcat[1] HAL9003: start as single user, change /etc/rc2.d/S??gdm to K??gdm, then reboot.01:40
ody42i am on feisty right now no problems01:40
pwnguinvariant: dash was mainly for startup scripts and very small service scripts. ive only got 1 instance runnign rigth now and its for esd =/01:40
matthiasn4cht well good01:40
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vox754ody42: what Feisty?! You are on your own there.01:40
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linxehdoes anyone know of any decent schematic capture / pcb layout tools ? something comparable to cadstar or orcad say ?01:40
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Gatorvox: What should I use to back up my HDD? Last time I installed it it corrupted the entire thing01:40
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variantpwnguin: yes, was just looking into it on google.. i can see why it would be a benefit for ubuntu01:41
mc44Pancakes: http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent01:41
pwnguinlinxeh: i've seem something similar01:41
ody42i know its an easy fixe if it goes to hell , i just format, simple01:41
vox754Gator: I don't know. I just boot a Live CD, and copy all info to another partition or drive. I have never done big backups.01:41
pwnguinlinxeh: but the name escapes me at the moment01:41
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nfp|kelnokyis there a bug with kernel 2.6.17-11 and the x-server?01:41
linxehk :)01:41
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mc44Pancakes: but its probably quicker to just download the iso01:42
vox754nfp|kelnoky: yes, with NVidia.01:42
linxehI can always run Orcad under wine if I need to, but it would be nice to ditch windows software completely01:42
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n4chtmatthias, i'm still hunting down the solution.  bear with me.  :)01:42
zcat[1] nfp|kelnoky: no, but there's a bug with it and the nvidia drivers apparently :)01:42
PancakesThe md5 sums have been different.01:42
ootmanyone know of a good VNC manager for managing VNC on 20+ machines?01:42
matthiasno problem01:42
ody42most of you on edgy01:42
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nfp|kelnokyok, thanks01:42
linxehpwnguin: was it orgeano ?01:42
midgetg0atk, so i need some xorg.conf help. A while back i configured edgy to work with dual monitors. which it's doing fine. however, when i go to launch a game, it doesnt read xorg.conf correctly or something, so i'm looking for help configuring my xorg.conf to be "game friendly"01:43
nfp|kelnokyany workaround yet or just stay with 17-10 for the moment?01:43
GatorWhat do you guys recommend to backup my HDD before I install Ubuntu?01:43
pwnguinlinxeh: oregano isnt so good, and is more a pspice clone01:43
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linxehGator: I guess it depends what you have on there already. Windows Backup? dd ?01:43
NickyChichi. im attempting to join the world of linux but im having trouble installing. i get to the point where it starts up the partition selection part but it doesnt go any further01:43
pwnguinlinxeh: look into gnucap01:43
linxehok thanks01:43
Pancakesmc44, it isn't downloading for some reason with the torrent. :/01:44
Gatorlinxeh: It's a daughter drive01:44
linxehok so gnucap is a simulator ?01:44
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vox754nfp|kelnoky: no. Use the previous kernel 17-1001:44
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linxehgEDA maybe01:44
PancakesOh nevermind, it's just going 1KB. :$01:44
shatratnfp|kelnoky, I'm having no troubles with 11 and the nvidia .run install method, but theres no pressing need to upgrade kernel if it doesnt work with the repository version01:45
pwnguinoh yea, gEDA01:45
linxehaha :)01:45
shatratPancakes, torrents start out slow and speed up as you connect to more and more peers and upload some to them.01:45
pwnguinoregano sucks, unfortunately01:45
pwnguingeda was more a pcb layout thing01:45
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TrixseyWhich state is the next Ubuntu release in?01:45
shatratPancakes, or you could have ports firewalled, in which case it wont speed up01:45
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mc44Trixsey: no01:45
shatratTrixsey, feisty? its in herd 3 now, just testing.01:45
mc44Trixsey: no where near that done01:46
nfp|kelnokyit's alpha 301:46
pwnguinTrixsey: still about a month before it goes into freezing things01:46
Trixseyoh ok01:46
Pancakesshatrat, keeps going 0KB, and 1KB.01:46
pwnguinim running it right now01:46
Gatorlinxeh: It's a daughter drive, I have my music and games on it and it's about 50GB, what should I back it up with?01:46
nfp|kelnokyit'll be released in april01:46
PancakesMostly 0.01:46
shatratpwnguin, actually I think they froze package versions a few days ago.01:46
TrixseyWill FF 3.0 and KDE4 be out in time? no?01:46
linxehGator: what OS are you running? what are you going to back it up to ?01:46
pwnguinhmm. i didnt see that on the release schedule when i looked last, but i dont subscribe to the MLs01:46
nfp|kelnokyFF3.0 probably not...01:46
Pancakesshatrat, what port would I have to unblock?01:47
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pwnguinTrixsey: packages.ubuntu.com/firefox01:47
mc44pwnguin: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule01:47
shatratPancakes, I forget.  There is tons of how-tos though on forwarding ports for bit torrent though, just search and find the port ranges01:47
Gatorlinxeh: I'm running Windows XP and I'm not sure what I'm going to back it up to01:47
mc44pwnguin: ah I so misread what you said01:47
n4chtok matthias, we're going to try an experiment.   open a terminal window and type 'ifconfig', and tell me what interfaces show up?01:47
pwnguinthats ok, i was about to go look for it :)01:47
TrixseyWhat do I have to do to get something in repos?01:48
Trixseywhen they release FF301:48
mc44Trixsey: ask in #ubuntu-motu01:48
Trixseywill it be in repos right away?01:48
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Trixseyor would it wait until next release of Ubuntu or something wicked like that?01:48
trollboythis is irking me01:48
Trixseyfor l33t stability?01:48
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PwcrLinuxcurrently they're on FF 2.001:48
pwnguinTrixsey: backports might choose to carry it01:48
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matthiasn3cht i dont know what the interfaces look like01:49
matthias lo01:49
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TrixseyDo you guys think that the linux community is growing at an exponential rate?01:49
n4chtit seems that the freezing problem is related directly to the gnome gui for networking, according to some forums i've read.01:49
pwnguinTrixsey: but if someone important wants 3.0 in feisty, it could happen01:49
n4chtok.  good.01:49
linxehGator: well you need to figure that out I guess :) ntbackup might do it to multiple DVDs, not sure01:49
linxehpersonally I'd just go out and buy a new hard drive01:49
linxehnto like they cost much01:49
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vox754Trixsey: yes exponential. If you want the latest you go to the developers web page, usually in SourceForge.net.01:50
=== Trixsey bought 800GB worth of HDDs yesterday :p
PwcrLinuxlocal puter shop pretty cheap or go online at newegg site01:50
n4chtnow, open the network tool again, and this time remove your password, .. but do not activate the connection yet.01:50
I-m-newHow can i check01:50
Gatorhow much did that cost, trixsey? >_>01:50
I-m-newWhat version of Ubuntu I'm using, Dark Dapper or Edgy01:50
pwnguinheh, we bout like 40 GB of microSD last month01:50
pwnguinbought even01:51
TrixseyGator, not that much.. let me calc :P01:51
I-m-newWhat is the command to check, what version I'm using, Dark Dapper or Egdy!01:51
matthiasroger that01:51
Trixseyabout 420 bucks01:51
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BoohbahI-m-new: cat /etc/ubuntu-release01:51
Gatornot bad01:51
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mc44l-m-new: or System -> About ubuntu01:51
linxehanyone have a feel for how much better SAS is than SATA ?01:52
linxehfor the same spindle speeds01:52
vox754I-m-new: Dark Dapper?01:52
mc44l-m-new: also there is no such thing as "Dark Dapper" it is Dapper Drake01:52
TrixseySAS, isn't that raided SATA?01:52
n4chtmatthias, even better; sudo apt-get install network-manager    we're going to try this with a different tool completely.  from what i hear it does the same things but without the freezes.01:52
pwnguinSAS is scsi attached serial i think01:52
I-m-newI'm checking01:52
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zcat[1] What comes after Feisty? Goofy Gopher?!!01:52
renchicdoes the ubuntu installation (im using 6.06) typically freeze up? i cant get to the partitioning stage.01:52
thekidrioi just played with some sata over infiniband stuff01:53
Trixseyzcat[1] , LOL!01:53
thekidrioso nice01:53
Trixseywhy do they make so funny names? :P01:53
thekidrioalmost like local access times on the networked drives01:53
Boohbahzcat[1] : gargantuan gastropod01:53
I-m-newdamn i'm using old one01:53
I-m-new6.06 LTS01:53
pwnguinrenchic: it sometimes takes a while for the partitioning tool to load01:53
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matthiasn3cht it couldnt find network package01:53
TrixseyI-m-new, dont bother updating now.. wait 2 months and update to the next distro :P01:53
TylerHow can I change user permissions so that I am almost as powerful as root, lets say?01:53
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I-m-newTrixsey, so can i update it to 6.10?01:54
pwnguinTyler: why?01:54
hairulfrRabid Racoon01:54
zcat[1] Tyler: run windows :)01:54
BoohbahTyler: that would defeat the point of separating privileges in the first place01:54
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GatorHey people, on my liveCD, the screen is black like it faded away for the screensaver, but it's not coming out of it >_>01:54
TrixseyI-m-new, you could do a dist upgrade.. but thats not recommended I think? clean install is better.. I always do clean install ;P01:54
n4chtahhh.  ok.  that's no big deal.    mind if i msg you?  my next set of ideas are kind long.01:54
Tylerwell i really need it, personal business01:54
TrixseyI-m-new, but if you plan on doing a clean install I'd wait until the next version of Ubuntu comes.. that would be in April01:54
matthiassure like on aim or yahoo?01:54
Trixseyotherwise you'd have to do a clean install in 2 months again! :P01:54
pwnguinTyler: you could use sudo su, but it slightly defeats the purpose01:54
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Trixseygiven you want the latest software :P01:55
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renchicpwnguin: how long should i wait before i give up? it has loaded past 100% (where it shows the progress bar) but once that closes all im left with is the mostly grey window and the "working" cursor01:55
I-m-newI dont Prefer clean instal..01:55
Trixseyohh :(01:55
I-m-newI have windows installed.01:55
Trixseymost of the stuff I got on the comp is from repos anyway01:55
I-m-newMulti os, so how can i do the clean install..01:55
hairulfrI-m-new: So?01:55
TrixseyI-m-new, dual boot?01:55
Tylerpwnguin, i just need to already be as powerful as root, more so in the sense of having full read/write ability on everything01:55
pwnguinrenchic: is the cd or hard drive still going loudly?01:55
BrendanMSo what's with the kernel update? Is it worth getting?01:55
I-m-newDual boot.01:55
TrixseyI-m-new, well.. you could do a clean install still01:55
hairulfrI-m-new: Ehm, as easy as if you didn't dual boot01:55
zcat[1] Tyler: no you DON'T01:55
TrixseyI-m-new, you aint running linux on the same partition as windows01:55
pwnguinTyler: sounds like a grand way to screw up01:55
n4chtmatthias, i meant with the /msg command.  if you're more comfortable using aim or yahoo, we can do that too.01:55
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I-m-newLinux is installed on another Partition.01:56
renchicthe CD has now slowed down, but not the hard drive01:56
Tylerzcat[1] ... my os, my business, im just here to get help, not argue01:56
TrixseyI-m-new, so you format your linux paritition and install it :P01:56
Trixseyclean install = clean partition.. not clean drive :P01:56
I-m-newI will do the same.01:56
hairulfrI-m-new: :)01:56
mc44Tyler: why not just run as root then?01:56
I-m-newSo now i must wait for the newer version01:56
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zcat[1] Tyler: I'm helping you not screw up your computer..01:56
TrixseyI-m-new, you don't *have to*.. but I would if I were you01:56
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shatratBrendanM, I havent found exactly what changes are in the new update, but it might break your video, wireless, anything else that is compiled against the kernel headers.01:56
hairulfrI-m-new: Why are you in a rush?01:56
Tylermc44, already set up my account before =/ i don't really want to put another few hours into customizing the root account01:56
I-m-newlol, no more rush. just asking01:57
pwnguindont customize the root account, you shouldnt even be logging in as root01:57
hairulfrI-m-new: :)01:57
franktankhey, i just installed ubuntu on another hd that had windows on it, and now when i boot it says "error loading operation system" and isnt booting into grub anymore...01:57
franktankwhat do i need to do01:57
mc44Tyler: you could sudo su01:57
I-m-newbecause yesterday i was bored enough. then i decided to kill the boringness from me.. i got the Ubuntu cds and plan to install on my pc.01:57
zcat[1] mc44: sudo -i01:57
mc44zcat[1] : thats the one :)01:57
hairulfrTyler: I think that Ubuntu is by far the easiest distro to customize01:57
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mzuverinkTwo questions, !-Should I run an ident server, and 2- anyone know where I can find kvtml(kde education packages for english to spanish?01:57
pwnguinTyler: you really want to run firefox as root?01:57
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Tylermc44, that's just temporary, and i've already ran into other problems, such as not being able to mount external hard drivers, and i had to set permissions on fstab, i don't want that to happen again.. just want instant access01:58
I-m-newI have install it, but you are saying its old.01:58
BigToeHow do I view the content of packets? Like tcpdump but showing what data is being transmitted01:58
BoohbahTyler: do you not understand why running user processes as root is stupid?01:58
GatorIs root the account you create at install or is it an account actually called root?01:58
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Tylerpwnguin, ID LOVE TO OK?01:58
TrixseyI-m-new, 6.06 is not that old.. a year tops :P01:58
hairulfrI-m-new: It's not old01:58
pwnguinTyler: removable media SHOULD be mounting as users just fine01:58
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vox754Boohbah: come on, don't call him like that. He is just asking.01:58
ddnnggyeah but 6.06 has LTS :P01:58
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mc44Tyler: just copy all your files in home into root and run as root if you want to01:58
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shatratGator, on most Unix/Linux distros there is an actual account named root01:59
Boohbahvox754: i didn't call him stupid, i called the idea stupid01:59
mc44Tyler: then you dont have to set up again01:59
zcat[1] Tyler: linux isn' windows. It sounds like you'd be happier just sticking with windows.01:59
TrixseyLTS = Lifetime support?01:59
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shatratGator, which is super user at all times, but in ubuntu you have to put in your password even if you are an administrator01:59
I-m-newnot old, but the why ubuntu release the newer version of it.01:59
=== Trixsey is guessing wildly
vox754Boohbah: you get the idea...01:59
pwnguinTrixsey: long term support01:59
Tylermc44, i think i tried that before, something screwed up.. i don't exactly recall01:59
Trixseyoh ok :P01:59
I-m-newlol not LTS = dosen't mean life time support01:59
hairulfrI-m-new: That's the philosophy01:59
pwnguinTrixsey: 3 years on desktop, 5 on server, if i recall01:59
I-m-newit shows it is long term support.01:59
shatratTyler, if youre that determined to hose your computer you migth want to stick with windows, it makes it much easier to trash things01:59
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Trixseypwnguin, for free?01:59
franktankhow do i reinstall GRUB from the live cd01:59
ardchoilleshatrat: hahaha01:59
BigToeHow do I view the content of packets? Like tcpdump but showing what data is being transmitted02:00
pwnguinTrixsey: well, you're standing in "support"02:00
mc44shatrat: please dont make comments like that its not constructive02:00
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shatratfranktank, I think you should be able to run grub-install from terminal02:00
PwcrLinuxShould I go upgrade to LTS? what the kernel lastest version on LTS?02:00
zcat[1] On this system, I plug in a removeable drive and it pops up. Any device, any user, no issues.02:00
I-m-newAs long as for 3 years of support.02:00
n4chtmatthias, did you get my /msg's ?02:00
Trixseypwnguin, oh ok.. and if I had Edgy I wouldn't be allowed here? :( lol02:00
Tylerzcat[1]  thats great, but you know what? other people have different configurations02:00
timothyTrixsey, I'll support lts as long as it lives02:00
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xlibs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:00
ddnnggyeah about GRUB im also on 6.06 is there any way to update GRUB to newer version ?? :)02:00
pwnguinim not sure what support even means for ubuntu02:01
Tylernow stop aruging and bashing me. find something better to do. if i want to run as root and let the whole world know it, i will. it's just software02:01
zcat[1] Tyler: so set up your configuration so that you have access to what you need as a regular user.02:01
I-m-newso what you are using right now02:01
I-m-newEdgy or Dapper.02:01
hairulfrfranktank: There is a rescue thing on the livecd, I don't remember if it has a auto GRUB-installer, some distros have that02:01
Trixseytimothy, as long as the amount of distro users are more than a certain few? or what?02:01
cypherdelicthekidrio, maybe the kernelmodule nvidia is not availavle for 2.6.17-50, because there is no rstricted modules package02:01
TrixseyI-m-new, I'm using Edgy02:01
Tylerthats what im trying to... i asked how can i set myself up so i am almost as powerful as root when it comes to read/write02:01
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hairulfrI-m-new: Edgy02:01
pwnguinTyler: we dont loan the insane weapons02:01
I-m-newSee every one using the new one :P02:01
I-m-newI'm still on Dapper02:01
zcat[1] Tyler: yeah, and in a month or less you'll be back here complaining that "linux is insecure" and telling everyone how it's no better than windows.02:01
=== PwcrLinux still on breezy :)
TrixseyI-m-new, how old are ya? ;)02:02
timothyTrixsey, as long as it works,02:02
I-m-newjust 2002:02
=== Trixsey is 19 :]
GatorGuys, when installing from the liveCD, should I manually edit the partition table or should I use the auto-partition thing?02:02
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I-m-newanyway, I Will start updating my Dapper.02:02
mc44Tyler: ok, here you go, just change the group of your user to root02:02
TrixseyI-m-new, what you studying at uni?02:02
hairulfrGator: Manually, if you know what you're doing and if you don't wanna loose data02:02
BoohbahTyler: you said you want full permissions on another hard drive or something? just use chmod and chown02:02
ddnnggGator do u have pre-made partitions ??02:02
cypherdelicGator: FOllow your force of mind, it will guide you the way.02:02
I-m-newyou dont know how difficult to install modem drivers in linux :D02:02
BigToeHow do I view the content of packets? Like tcpdump but showing what data is being transmitted02:02
franktankhairulfr: where is the rescue thing?02:02
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Tylerboohbah, i don't want to do that every freaking time. that's why im here.02:03
TrixseyI-m-new, I guess you could do a dirty dist upgrade now and then do a clean install when the next version comes :p02:03
pwnguinTyler: honestly, if you need to run as root for a specific reason, i at least, consider it a bug02:03
I-m-newI'm Graduate..02:03
Tylermc44, i did that already, it didn't change anything02:03
noldoni got a dependency when i try to install nero 4 linux it said it need xlibs where can i find it02:03
Gatorhairulfr: I don't know what I'm doing02:03
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hairulfrfranktank: It pops up as a item in the menu along with the run livecd/install ubuntu02:03
Gatorddnnngg: I don't have premade partitions02:03
TrixseyI-m-new, graduate? no uni? -_-02:03
vox754Gator: manually edit, but you need to know what you are doing. Read about partitions first.02:03
BoohbahTyler: you only do it once, then your files have those permissions02:03
ddnnggthe manually set up tables02:03
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ddnngghow much ram do u have ??02:03
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I-m-newyeah no uni yet!02:03
rogue780does anyone know of a program that can ping an IP range and return any active ip addresses?02:03
hairulfrGator: Is your disk partitioned and ready, and does it have "valuable" data?02:03
GatorI only have 256MB02:03
I-m-newnot decided yet for taking admission in MBA02:03
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cypherdelicto damn i want that restriced modules and vmwareplayer for 2.6.17-50, any ideas, if it will come, and when??02:03
vox754BigToe: sorry. Can't help.02:04
BoohbahTyler: chown -R tyler:users /mnt/somedrive02:04
ddnnggany one how much SWAP should he do with 256 ram ??02:04
zcat[1] rogue780: nmap -sP network/range02:04
BigToethanks anyway, vox754 :(02:04
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larson9999pwnguin: of course that's a bug02:04
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ddnngg512 or 756 ??02:04
cypherdelicddnngg, yes twice the amout: 51202:04
Gatorhairulfr: it's not partitioned and everything on it is replacable02:04
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CrakeHunterwhat is the command for exiting sxerver and going into plain text mode?02:04
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vox754ddnngg: it really doesn't matter. Anything like 1 GB to 4GB will do.02:05
hairulfrGator: Well just tell it to use entire disk02:05
pwnguinCrakeHunter: /etc/init.d/gdm stop02:05
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zcat[1] ddnngg: I just go with 500M to 1.5G swap for everything..02:05
BrendanMGator are you trying to run Linux alongside windows? dual boot?02:05
eternaljoyi have Vista installed on my notebook! But I need to partition my 100Gig HD so I can install Unbuntu!  Any solutions?02:05
cypherdelicddnngg, it doesnt make sense to put the swap higherr than twice ram02:05
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Gatoryes, I am dual-booting, but I have 2 HDDs02:05
bauer77Hello, I am having trouble installing the java plugin for mozilla. can anyone assist me02:05
zcat[1] about a gig of swap, no matter how much ram seems to work for me :)02:05
vox754ddnngg: it is not an exact science setting swap.02:05
bauer77I have java installed just cant get the plugin to work02:05
ddnnggive got 1000GB02:05
pwnguineternaljoy: doesnt the installer have a resize option?02:05
I-m-neweternaljoy, how many partition you have.02:05
ddnnggand only 512 swap :P02:05
shatrateternaljoy, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21360102:05
ddnngg1024 mb not gb :D:D:D02:05
eternaljoypwnguin: what insatller?02:05
linxehI have 8GB of swap on an 8GB box, and find I need that much02:05
Trixseyddnngg, me too, in total :)02:06
BrendanMeternaljoy, I think PartitionMagic will resize partitions in place02:06
hairulfreternaljoy: The easiest way of doing it would probably be by using Partition Magic, but don't know if that will run in Vista02:06
linxehany idea what to do on a 64GB box ?02:06
eternaljoyI-m-new: one02:06
n4cht1000gb?  why not just say 1TB?  (even though that's not -exactly- 1tb, who cares?  close enough.)02:06
pwnguineternaljoy: the ubuntu installer, silly02:06
braddcadd2000Hello everyone.  My scanner is detected with "sane-find-scanner" but not with "scanimage -L" or "sudo xsane".  I have Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper) and an HP Officejet 5610 (all-in-one) scanner.  The scanner is listed as supported and there are people who have it running on Linux.  Thanks for any help.02:06
eternaljoyBrendanM: i dont have PartitionMagic02:06
ddnnggTrixsey can i pm ??02:06
linxehn4cht:  it is 1TB02:06
cypherdelicddnngg, you wrote 256mb not 1024, how much RAM do you got now??02:06
eternaljoypwnguin: yeah, but then I lose my Vista02:06
Trixseyddnngg, sure02:06
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pwnguineternaljoy: why?02:06
Gatorhairlufr: I want to keep the data02:06
CrakeHunteruh im still on xserver @ pwnguin02:06
rogue780zcat[1] , thanks a lot, I found my missing router :)02:06
I-m-neweternaljoy, follow the link that shatrat posted to you02:06
linxehn4cht: 1TB = 1000GB = 1000 * 1000 MB etc02:06
BrendanMI don't know of any other software that will move NTFS partitions without messing them up02:06
CrakeHunteri did that command with sudo...02:06
ddnnggive got 1024 and Gator have 256 :)02:06
zcat[1] rogue780: yeah, but do you know where it is physically?02:06
BrendanMyou might have to repartition and then reinstall Vista02:07
eternaljoypwnguin: when it creates a new partition, the ubuntu installer deletes all partitions and destreoys Vista02:07
vox754eternaljoy: why would you lose Vista?02:07
CrakeHuntereven though it said - stopping GNOME display manager...02:07
eternaljoyI-m-new: what link?02:07
shatrateternaljoy, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21360102:07
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I-m-newI have 256 mb of ram and 612 mb swap memory space :D02:07
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cypherdeliclinxeh, KB, GB, MB even do NOT exist02:07
eternaljoyvox754: when it creates a new partition, the ubuntu installer deletes all partitions and destreoys Vista02:07
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I-m-newetermaljoy: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21360102:07
linxehcypherdelic: eh ?02:07
pwnguineternaljoy: i had my roommate resize XP with the "manually partition" option02:07
hairulfrGator: You should partition the disks beforehand then, as I said before, Partition Magic is pretty good, you select manually edit, and just chose your new partition. Only problem is that partition magic costs...02:07
GatorBrendanM, it's XP, and the HDD I'm putting ubuntu on isn't the same one as the windows one02:07
rogue780zcat[1] , yeah, just couldn't remember the IP, and I needed to adjust a few things and didn't want to do a full hardware reset02:07
cypherdelicyou cant handle binary with base 10, especially not with KILO (1000)02:07
hairulfrGator: Then no problem, just select the disk02:07
BrendanMGator, I was talking to eternaljoy who's doing Vista02:08
CrakeHunterhow do i exit my graphical surface and enter plain text mode? ("/etc/init.d/gdm stop" - didnt work)02:08
zcat[1] rogue780: guy I know had that problem; had an old server somewhere in his flat, massive uptime, still on the network, couldn't remember where he put it. Found it at the bottom of a closet a while later...02:08
eternaljoypwnguin: i need to create a new partiton for ubuntu02:08
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linxehcypherdelic: both the SI and the IEC recommend that 1GB = 1000 MB = 1000,000 KB etc02:08
I-m-newyou can try Partition Magic, for resizing your partition.02:08
Gatorbut there is data on the disk >_>02:08
pwnguineternaljoy: yes. gparted is capable of this02:08
cypherdelicits KiBi, TiBi, MeBi02:08
eternaljoyI-m-new: LISTEN thois tiome :)i need to create a new partiton for ubuntu02:08
shatrateternaljoy, read this, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=213601, or Ill have to e-stab someone in the e-face.  It solves your problem.02:08
hairulfrGator: Try booting up the cd and start the install, It'll all make sense, I'm sure02:08
hairulfrGator: Oh02:08
rogue780zcat[1] , nice02:08
vox754eternaljoy: that can't be. Are you sure? You resize first, then with the unallocated space you partition. Or create the partitions first and then install OSes.02:08
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eternaljoypwnguin: but doesnt that lose Vista?02:08
n4cht1tb is actually 1024gb, thanks.02:08
I-m-neweternaljoy, try Partition Magic02:08
=== shatrat e-stabs eternaljoy in the e-face.
eternaljoyvox754: and it should keep Vista there?02:08
BrendanMYeah, those links are all backwards for what eternaljoy wants02:08
linxehcypherdelic: those are alternative units. KB and MB do exist and are in common usage.02:08
n4chtdon't correct me suckah!02:08
cypherdelickilobyte is a marketing gag, thats it, never think that make real sense02:08
Gatorhairulfr, I know, but my original question was if I should manually edit partitions or use the auto-partition tool in the installer02:09
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pwnguineternaljoy: the manual partion tool will let you shrink an ntfs partition, and you can make new partitions from the newly freed space02:09
cypherdelicso everything i define does exist?02:09
linxehn4cht: no, 1TB == 1000 GB. 1TiB = 1025GiB02:09
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BrendanMs/he's already got vista on and wants to add linux, right? not the other way 'round02:09
cypherdelici define you as a stupid02:09
cypherdelicso you are02:09
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eternaljoypwnguin: so I can keep Vista, and create a new partition?02:09
cypherdelici granted common usage02:09
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simple_xhelp http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5155/ <-----02:09
BrendanMGator, if you're installing on a clean drive, you can just use the auto-parition02:09
zcat[1] #ifdef cyperdelic02:09
vox754eternaljoy: yeah, if it doesn't fail, it should be okay. But if you have the Vista CD, probably better to partition and then install.02:09
eternaljoypwnguin: so gparted works like partition magic?02:09
pwnguineternaljoy: unless vista really broke something, i dont see why not02:09
zcat[1] nm...02:09
linxehif you want to be unambiguous you use standard units02:09
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linxehif you want to be a hard drive merchant you dont02:10
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I-m-newGuys I'm leaving right now.. Tomorrow i will come.02:10
pwnguineternaljoy: basically, yes, it works like partition magic02:10
n4chtone gigabyte (GB) is 1,024MB, or 1,073,741,824 (1024x1024x1024) bytes. A terabyte (TB) is 1,024GB02:10
eternaljoyI-m-new: is that a threat? :)02:10
BrendanMHow well does the Ubuntu manual partition tool work on NTFS partitions?02:10
cypherdeliclinxeh: KiBI is the official, Mb is a marketing gag02:10
hairulfrGator: Manual edit isn't as confusing as it sounds, if you take a look at it, it'll probably make sense, then come back here if you need more.02:10
eternaljoypwnguin: cool02:10
BrendanMI've heard it can bork them02:10
shatrateternaljoy, did you read the link I posted? 3 times?02:10
I-m-neweternaljoy, lol.02:10
BrendanMshatrat, that link is backwards02:10
eternaljoyshatrat: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21360102:10
n4cht1 terabyte (TB) is 1,099,511,627,776 bytes02:10
BrendanMthey already have Vista02:10
linxehn4cht: no, 1 KiB is 1024 bytes etc. 1KB is 1000 bytes02:10
pwnguinBrendanM: ive heard it can bork them as well, but ive done like 3 now and not screwed up yet02:10
eternaljoyI-m-new: :)02:10
zcat[1] moving partitons around always has the potential to bork stuff..02:10
Gatorhairulfr, I have installed ubuntu before and the manual partition borked my drive02:10
cypherdeliclinxeh, its standard because the industry defines it as standard, but it is mathematicaly incorrect02:10
BrendanMthey're not trying to add vista to an Ubuntu install02:11
linxehn4cht:  these are both defined by both the SI and IEC02:11
BrendanMthey're trying to add Ubuntu to a Vista install02:11
simple_xHelp :x http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5155/02:11
eternaljoyi want to create a new partition so I can install Ubuntu02:11
I-m-neweternaljoy, follow the link posted 4 times for you. If you dont understand what the link says, so use the Software in your Windows Vista google it "Partition Magic" it is commonly use for resizing the partition02:11
linxehcypherdelic: one kilogram = 1000 grams. one kilobyte = 1000 bytes02:11
eternaljoyI-m-new: what link?02:11
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cypherdeliclinxeh: no02:11
hairulfrGator: Let me get this right: You have two drives, on contains windows, the other contains data that you want to save?02:11
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n4chtlinxeh, actually..  i stand corrected.  you're absolutely right.02:11
Boohbahn4cht, linxeh: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_prefix02:11
cypherdelic1byte 8bit02:11
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Gatorhairulfr: yes02:11
I-m-neweternaljoy, a link that contain h t t p.02:11
zcat[1] 1/1000th of a phone?02:11
larson9999just using gnome again after a few years.  i can't find some settings.  for instance, where do you tell it not to group similar icons on the taskbar?02:11
mzuverinkShould I be running an ident server?02:11
linxehBoohbah: uhuh, your point ?02:11
n4chthttp://www.azureuswiki.com/index.php/Data_units  <- proved me wrong.02:12
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cypherdelicyou need the BASE 202:12
vox754eternaljoy: although you can do it with Ubuntu CD, I prefer Knoppix. Just my preferred choice.02:12
n4chtor rather, linxeh proved me wrong, that link just confirmed it.02:12
sparrwhats the ubuntu equivalent of alsaconf?02:12
eternaljoyI-m-new: i didnt get any link02:12
pwnguinsparr: alsaconf?02:12
eternaljoyvox754: ok02:12
LjL!it | ziofester02:12
ubotuziofester: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!02:12
Boohbahlinxeh: you are both reiserfscking silly :)02:12
linxehits a pedantic issue anyway02:12
shatrateternaljoy, here is one thats the other way round, http://apcmag.com/5046/how_to_dual_boot_vista_with_linux_vista_installed_first02:12
eternaljoyvox754: the knoppix live CD?02:12
sparrpwnguin: ALSA configuration app02:12
BrendanMeternaljoy, here's the link everyone keeps giving you, but I think it's the opposite of what you want because nobody is listening to your question: http://www.eloff.se/tutorials.php?ubuntu_vista_dualboot02:12
zcat[1] 1000 whales == 1 killer whale?02:12
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linxehBoohbah: oh definitely, it's a ridiculous thing to argue about anyway02:12
I-m-neweternaljoy: maybe you are not watching the chat carefully. a guy posted http link for you four times.02:13
BrendanMthanks shatrat02:13
eternaljoyBrendanM: its weong way around :P02:13
pwnguinsparr: i was thinking it was alsaconf, but apparently not02:13
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linxehzcat[1] : 1000 whales == an awful lot of blubber02:13
I-m-neweternaljoy, contact with shatrat.02:13
shatratI-m-new, everything is clear now.02:13
BrendanMeternaljoy, shatrat just posted one that's the right way for you02:13
vox754eternaljoy: yes, it used QTParted. I did partitioning with it, before installing Ubuntu. I used it to prepare the partitions for SUSE.02:13
shatratGator, I hear seagate is already working on terawhales.02:13
zcat[1] 1/1000 of a phone = 1 microphone ?02:13
hairulfrGator: OK, IMO the best solution is moving the data you want to save to the windows partition, then format the one you want Ubuntu on, you can tell it to use the entire drive, unless you're out of HDD space02:13
sparri have a sound blaster, emu10k1 chip, that isnt working in ubuntu.  help?02:13
cypherdeliclinxeh: i dont care, you count a binary system the decimal way, that is incorrect02:13
eternaljoyhttp://www.eloff.se/tutorials.php?ubuntu_vista_dualboot  <-- WRONG way around LOL02:13
cypherdelicbe happy withit02:13
hairulfrGator: *tell ubuntu installer to use the entire drive02:14
eternaljoyvox754: but doesnt that lose Vista?02:14
n4chtxcat[1] , 1000*1phone = Megaphone.02:14
cypherdelicbut dont tease me anymore02:14
vox754zcat[1] : quit it.02:14
zcat[1] sorry..02:14
vox754n4cht: quit it.02:14
Gatorhairulfr: the windows drive only has 6GB left and I have about 50GB on the drive I'm installing on02:14
BrendanMeternaljoy, this link is what you want: http://apcmag.com/5046/how_to_dual_boot_vista_with_linux_vista_installed_first02:14
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Gatorn4cht, wouldn't it be 1,000,000x1phone=megaphone?02:14
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Mr680x0uh, I have yet another program02:14
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eternaljoythat link is too late for me as Vista is ALRREADY installed02:15
BrendanMGator, just move the data you want to save someplace else and then tell the Ubuntu installer to do whatever it wants with that drive. That's the simplest02:15
eternaljoyBrendanM: that link is too late for me as Vista is ALRREADY installed02:15
linxehcypherdelic: the SI and IEC units (MiB etc) count them in a binary way. 1MiB = 1024KiB. if you use conventional notation you risk confusion with those outside the field. it is unreasonable to expect a mathematician or physicist to know that the computer field is bent backwards and uses distorted terminology02:15
larson9999what's all this with sblive?  never gave me any trouble at all02:15
Mr680x0in Firefox parts of the webpages I'm viewing appear ranfomly across the screen02:15
eternaljoyBrendanM: I biught it witrh Vista on it02:15
BrendanMwell, then you'll have to resize the partition using qpart02:15
vox754eternaljoy: I had Win XP in a single 80 GB partition. I used Knoppix to resize to 30 GB. Then created other partitions and installed Ubuntu. Win XP never noticed.02:15
GatorBrendanML You mean move it to about 80 CDs? That's my only option right now >_>02:15
cypherdeliclinxeh: no the others confusing me, i only use KiB02:15
vox754linxeh: quit it.02:16
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eternaljoyvox754: thats amazing :P  wonder if it works same with Vista! yes?02:16
BrendanMGator, I thought you said you had two drives? Just copy it to the other drive.02:16
BrendanMeternaljoy, probably02:16
zcat[1] only one comment; always shut down windows cleanly before you start the linux installer; you cannot safely resize a dirty filesystem.02:16
pwnguineternaljoy: step one, back up your vista install. step two download the ubunto live cd. step 3 manually partiion, and resize the vista partition. it will move the files out of the space you make but keep vista intact02:16
BrendanMjust resize it with qparted02:16
GatorBrendanM: I've already stated that the other drive has far too little space02:16
linxehcypherdelic: ahh - likewise. I only describe binary systems in the SI units, otherwise it is confusing02:16
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linxehvox754: sure02:16
n4chtbanana banana banana terra cotta banana terra cotta terra cotta pie.     that's all i have to say about that.  going back to offtopic.  someone let me know if matthias ever comes back.02:16
eternaljoyvox754: so you loaded knoppix live CD and it can resize your HD to smaller and then create a new partition, and MS Windows still worked?02:16
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franktankhey how do i reinstall grub from this live cd02:17
eternaljoypwnguin: is the Ubuntu live CD the same as knoppix live CD?02:17
Mr680x0can anyone help me?02:17
BrendanMGator, why don't you turn the free space on the drive into a separate partition and install Linux there?02:17
pwnguineternaljoy: no02:17
zcat[1] Gator: you're .2 gigawatts short of a flux capacitor..02:17
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vox754eternaljoy: I defragmented XP partition various times to make sure everything was packed in the first part of the disk, then resized. At first I was also worried, but it worked perfectly.02:17
Mr680x0this is a really annoying problem, it makes the computer unusable02:17
pwnguineternaljoy: similar in nature, but the ubuntu one will install... ubuntu02:17
ronalithhow do I install ubuntu 6.10 in text only mode, without entering the desktop02:17
eternaljoyvox754: ok :)02:17
cypherdeliclinxeh, never mind, think the only usage of KB is a good selling strategy, in my point of view 1000 is completely senseless02:17
GatorBrendanM: That's what I'm trying to do =.= I'm just asking how I should go about making that partition02:17
pwnguinronalith: install, or use?02:18
zcat[1] ronalith: alternate CD02:18
eternaljoypwnguin: I got an ubuntu live CD already!  Can I use that instead of knopix?02:18
larson9999lol@how many bytes are in a gb?02:18
pwnguineternaljoy: sure02:18
zcat[1] I don't think the regular CD can do a text-only install02:18
eternaljoypwnguin: ok cheers02:18
linxehcypherdelic: yeah, definitely - its a marketing strategy though i guess02:18
BrendanMyeah, eternaljoy, just resize the partition and hope for the best. If it gets messed up, reinstall Vista using the CD that came with your PC02:18
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ronalithzcat1 alternate cd?02:18
eternaljoyBrendanM: LOL02:18
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BrendanMor does vista come on a DVD now?02:18
linxehronalith: there is an "alternate install CD" which has a text mode installer02:18
hairulfrGator: Ok, I've never used the auto one, and I wouldn't on a drive that contains valuable data, and since you're not sure what you're doing manual isn't an option, I would partition the drive before I install, then make sure the partition is easily recognizable (a amount of GB you can distinguish from the other partition(s)). Then chose the partition. But you need to partition it from windows, and the only partitioning program I've used for a02:18
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cypherdeliclinkey: thats why i ever try to avoid KB02:19
ronalithso I must download it?02:19
zcat[1] ronalith: yes, there are two; desktop and alternative.. you want alternative02:19
zcat[1] afraid so..02:19
ronalithI understand... I have desktop02:19
larson9999the good lord willing, i'll never have to try vista02:19
vox754eternaljoy: Knoppix CD and Ubuntu CD are different. They are both based on Debian. Knoppix is good because it is run Live, and therefore has lots of drivers ready to test different hardware.02:19
bucketfan99hey so i had to change my mobo in this ubuntu machine of mine. now i don't have an eth0. but during boot it mentions the realtek chipset that is eth0. and the 8139 moduels are loaded. but no eth0!!!02:19
ronaliththank you very much02:19
zcat[1] desktop will only do a gui install02:19
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BrendanMGator, can you boot into windows and use a partitioning utility there?02:19
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bucketfan99how do i get ubuntu to make the device go ?02:19
GatorBrendanM: Yes02:19
linxehronalith: they work in different ways - the desktop one copies the live filesystem to your hard drive, the alternate one installs all the packages from .deb files02:19
BrendanMOk, then that's what I'd do.02:19
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cypherdelicDoes anbody know about kernel 2.6.17-50 and nvidia restricted module?02:19
GatorBrendanM: I just want to know what partitioning program to use =.=02:19
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hairulfrGator: Partition MAgic02:20
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BrendanMGator, partitionmagic is the industry standard for windows, but if you don't have it, try to find a decent free one.02:20
larson9999Gator: use gparted live cd02:20
mzuverinkanyone have an english to spanish kvoctrain kvtml file laying around or know a good link?02:20
Gatorokay, I'm going to boot the computer in windows and talk to you guys then02:20
BrendanMA gparted live CD would work, but I hate them02:20
pwnguinapparently partition magic is sworn by, but if you're looking for free/open source, there's qtparted and gparted02:20
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Gatorwhat do you mean by sworn by?02:21
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larson9999BrendanM: why?  i've had nothing but success with gparted live cds02:21
zcat[1] is installing vista/ubuntu like XP/ubuntu ?02:21
=== zcat[1] has never had the 'joy' of using vista
mzuverinkpwnguin, gparted live cd blows everything else away, wouldnt recomment any symantec program to anyone02:21
BrendanMGator, it's known to be very good and doesn't screw up your partition table. But the free ones are pretty solid too. I've never had trouble with gparted, I just dislike the interface02:21
bucketfan99how do i get ubuntu to unbugger everythign with the new mobo.02:21
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linxehGator: it is the reference standard. everyone uses it because it is reliable and stable02:21
hairulfrI'm off to bed all, good luck Gator. And Partition Magic is really good, you can't mess it up. It's more or less fool proof. Just defrag your drive befre doing anything.02:21
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pwnguinactually, i really liked gparted's interface, from what i saw in the newer installers02:22
Gatorokay, well, I'm going to switch computers02:22
larson9999zcat[1] : almost.  but you can only do it once02:22
mc44zcat[1] : no vista support here! :)02:22
mzuverinkgparted lice cd, USE NOTHING ELSE!02:22
pwnguinso anyone share files on their network with samba?02:22
zcat[1] mc44: not asking for support, I just will probably encounter vista one day and was wondering how different it is; still runs on NTFS doesn't it?02:23
larson9999mzuverink: well, it comes on sysrescuecd now, too :)02:23
vox754I like partitioning with QTParted inlcuded in Knoppix CD.02:23
pwnguinim having troubles getting my laptop to connect to it02:23
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mc44zcat[1] : yep, and I was just kidding. but dont mention vista again :p02:23
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vox754pwnguin: no samba here, sorry.02:23
zcat[1] can I mention V*sta ?02:23
mc44zcat[1] : better02:23
pwnguinaww you guys02:23
hairulfrzcat[1] : Haste la vista vista...or something02:24
pwnguinI love Vista hamburgers02:24
mzuverinkyup, but I prefere good old fashioned gparted by itself, gives you  less options to screw something up if your a noob02:24
sparrhow can i make ubuntu re-do whatever magic it does at install time to configure my sound card?02:24
zcat[1] does resizing V*sta kill the w*ndows activat*on ?02:24
BrendanMOnce, I climbed a mountain and saw a beautiful vista.02:24
vox754hairulfr: hasta la vista... baby02:24
mzuverinkspeaking ov vista, anyone read BOFH this week?02:24
pwnguinone time, i stepped in a pile of vista02:24
mzuverinkvery funny vista slam02:24
Trixseypwnguin, lol!02:24
TrixseyVista is kewl02:24
TrixseyI got it for free02:24
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BrendanMOne time, Vista's fancy GUI stole all my ram and killed my video card.02:24
hairulfrBrendanM: WOW!02:25
=== Trixsey is longing for KDE4, FF3, new ubuntu release and all that :p
pwnguinone thing, i wish there was better tablet support in ubuntu, that could compete with vista02:25
zcat[1] BrendanM: the same can be said of nvidia/beryl with the latest kernel :(02:25
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_shawnwhat's the recommended vpn server to install?02:26
BrendanMyeah, I'm just kidding though. None of the machines I have could come close to running Vista. I'm running Xubuntu on a PIII laptop w/380 megs of ram02:26
majkieif you whant to get the ubuntu installation to boot with an alternate installation kernel, is that an easy task to perform?02:26
vox754Alright, everybody. The Vista talk stops now.02:26
majkiemy own customized kernel02:26
linxehBrendanM: you managed to get KDE to run on that spec machine ?02:26
majkiemy motherboard is not supported by ubuntu02:26
BrendanMno, it's Xubuntu02:26
larson9999for me, it's all principle.  not buying another OS unless there is some radical benefit02:26
sparri hate installing new hardware and the only "easy" way to make it work is to reinstall linux02:26
linxehoh my bad :)02:26
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majkieso i need to get the installation to boot with my own compiled kernel02:26
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linxehI misread :D02:26
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linxehxubuntu here too02:27
zcat[1] I have gnome on my lappy; 500MHz / 256M ram, it's not too bad..02:27
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zcat[1] funny thing, edgy actually runs better on it than dapper did..02:27
Clint-Are there any alts to beryl and compiz advail?02:27
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grimboyzcat[1] ,  My god you must be dying.02:27
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zcat[1] Nah, it's quite acceptable. I can ever fire up OOo02:27
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vox754majkie: seems advanced stuff. You may need to "create" your own Linux distro which just include your kernel. I can't help, you, sorry.02:28
sparrhow do i make sound work in ubuntu?02:28
zcat[1] I just try not to run more than a couple of programs at the same time..02:28
larson9999xubuntu runs nicely on a p3 class machine.02:28
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mc44!sound | sparr02:28
ubotusparr: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:28
Konokolol ^^ i dunno im just a newbie :D02:28
Konokowhich one in the sound options improves the volume? when shoutcasting?02:28
Clint-if someone has some time i have a few questions02:29
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ubotuclint: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:29
vox754!ask > Clint-02:29
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larson9999non of us have time.  that's why we're here.02:29
Clint-Are there any alts to beryl and compiz advail?02:29
derFlocan i hibernate my pc via terminal (sorry im german and i dont know the exact words)02:29
bauer77can someone give me some assitance installing the java plugin for mozilla02:29
Clint-derFlo : yes02:29
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Mr680x0when in FireFox, it puts random pieces of the web page I'm viewing all over the screen, it makes it unusable02:30
derFloClint-: and whats the command?02:30
Mr680x0can anyone help with this?02:30
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:30
=== varun [n=varun@cpe-76-166-46-96.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Clint-ugh i saw a script for doing it about a hour agao sec02:30
derFloClint-: would you pleaaase say how to do that02:30
sparrmc44: sound works on the livecd.  sound works if i reinstall ubuntu.  i want it to "just work" without having to reinstall.02:30
=== tanlaan [n=tanlaan@c-67-168-212-26.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sparrmc44: i have neither the time nor the patience to devote hours to a task the installer can handle in seconds02:31
vox754bauer77, I think you can enable the java with the Restricted Formats page !restricted02:31
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mc44sparr: did you read the links?02:31
Clint-bauer what ubuntu distro?02:31
varunhey guys, is it possible to have a background color for the xfce panel ?02:31
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sparrmc44: yes.  im not going to go compile things that i dont need02:32
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tanlaananyone know how I could change the resolution of the terminal screens *when you use ctrl-alt-F1-6*02:32
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sparrtanlaan: svgatextmode02:32
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vox754derFlo, try "sudo /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh"02:32
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tanlaansparr: what?02:33
Clint-derFlo : check system - prefrences powermanagment02:33
Clint-for a gui02:33
thekidrioholy toledo02:33
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sparrtanlaan: its a program02:33
Clint-and sec i am looking though history for the script02:33
vox754tanlaan: you need to enable it during boot, in the "kernel" line in "/boot/grub/menu.lst"02:33
thekidriothere are som wicked hawt open source ladies here today02:33
scissorshello, can someone tell me what version of ubuntu i should install on an intel core duo system?02:33
mcquaidjoin #mythtv-users02:33
mc44sparr: run amixer and paste the output02:33
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GatorBrandonM left?02:33
=== Thiagovfar [i=Thiagovf@200191215241-dial-user-ECP.acessonet.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
daakuanyone know how to build a static version of expect? (i want a single binary that i can move around) - i'm only successful in building a dynamically linked one02:34
varunhelloooo ? any xubuntu, xfce ppl here ?02:34
GatorWho else was helping me with partitions?02:34
thekidrioanyone else attending the southern california linux expr?02:34
vox754scissors: Ubuntu 6.10, 32-bit02:34
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thekidrioexpo even02:34
mc44sparr: to the pastebin that is02:34
sparrmc44: amixer: Mixer attach default error: No such device02:34
mc44sparr: aplay -l02:34
derFloClint-: well, i want my pc beeing hibernated when i am sleeping, it should work automatically02:34
tanlaansparr: well is there any config files for them? ones that i could change from 800x600 to 1024x76802:34
sparraplay: device_list:222: no soundcards found...02:34
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CrakeHunteri am searching for a command to kill the xserver02:34
sparrtanlaan: yes02:34
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zcat[1] CrakeHunter: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop02:35
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scissorsvox754, will it automatically use both cpus?02:35
GatorWho was helping me with partitions?02:35
mc44sparr: did you change to alsa by doouble clicking on the volume control02:35
Mr680x0no one can help me?02:35
vox754scissors: yes.02:35
scissorsthanks! :)02:35
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eontasticness_hey are Bad Blocks in fsck always indication of a bad hdd or can it sometimes just be a software issue02:35
Clint-derrflo i am sure i saw it had something to do with sigterm i cant find the article02:35
ThiagovfarHello, could anyone help me here? -I'm just trying to get my Dial-Up connection works on Ubuntu but it just don't go far (it simply don't connect).02:35
vox754Mr680x0: we are terrible sorry...02:35
Dante123hi all.....where does one get automatix...from the Synaptic Package manager?  Or do you dl from website?02:36
sparrmc44: im not using gnome02:36
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands02:36
aSt3raL_every time i install updates to feisty i have to recompile my nvidia drivers.  what would cause this?02:36
LjL!automatix | Dante12302:36
ubotuDante123: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe02:36
mc44sparr: what are you using?02:36
sparrmc44: openbox02:36
mc44sparr: ah well, no idea then02:36
eontasticness_my fileserver is trying to make me cry02:37
Dante123where does on get this piece of software that ubotu doesn't advocate, sponsor, or endorse?02:37
sparri HATE problems best solved by reinstalling02:37
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sparrits just ridiculous that the installer can do this and nothing else can02:37
eternaljoyi just installed Ubuntu on my notebook. How can I now tell Ubuntu to use my ethernet adsl modem?02:37
vox754tanlaan: in the "kernel" line, you can add an option such as "vga=792" or "vga=789" which will set different resolutions.02:37
mc44sparr: Im sure its not best solved by reinstalling, I just dont know how to solve it02:37
LjLDante123: ask google02:37
mc44sparr: try asking crimsun if you can catch him02:38
sparrmc44: neither does anyone else02:38
=== maynoth42 [n=maynoth4@h39.39.28.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
jpoetain your notebook?02:38
Clint-what u mean02:38
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maynoth42Can anyone please help me...  I don't want to reformat :C02:38
Clint-jpoeta: ?02:39
aSt3raL_is there a program that will overwrite nvidia drivers on an update?02:39
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maynoth42my color is stuck at 256 colors02:39
Clint-maynoth42:  c:]  are u running ubuntu?02:39
maynoth42even though my xorg.conf says its 2402:39
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maynoth42ubuntu edgy eft 6.10 all updates02:39
CrakeHunterhello, i am trying to install nvidia drivers: i am missing the "libc header files" the installer says. what should i do?02:39
larson9999do the 'vista' machines come with 2gig ram?02:39
eternaljoyi just installed Ubuntu on my notebook. How can I now tell Ubuntu to use my ethernet adsl modem?02:39
maynoth42I have integrated graphics02:39
maynoth42not nvidia/ati02:39
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eternaljoymaynoth42: does integrated graphic still play movies and DVD smoothly?02:40
Clint-maynoth42:  i have intergrated also i have the same issue haven solved it yet02:40
maynoth42no problems02:40
zcat[1] rebooting...02:40
eternaljoymaynoth42: why would u need a dedicated nvide card?02:40
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maynoth42the weird thing is02:40
maynoth42I don't02:40
eternaljoyClint-: whats the problem?02:40
maynoth42everything worked fine until thismorning02:40
eternaljoymaynoth42: what happened?02:40
vox754maynoth42: you need to provide motherboard and integrated video card02:40
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maynoth42then my colors went to 256 instead of 24bit02:40
Gator4 days to download a 42MB torrent! :O02:40
Clint-just wanted to know if the are a few alt programs for beryl like compiz < my ati 200m isnt coperating02:41
vox754larson9999: don't ask about vista.02:41
maynoth42edited my xorg.conf to override and force24bit02:41
maynoth42still a no go02:41
maynoth42I can't figure it out02:41
eternaljoymaynoth42: does it work ok on other OS?02:41
maynoth42its an FIC AM37  with itegrated savage3d02:41
larson9999vox754: no, i was wondering if now, pcs will start coming with 2gig :)02:41
eternaljoyGator: :O02:41
maynoth42yes it worked fine on ubuntu02:41
maynoth42until thismorning02:41
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eternaljoymaynoth42: what brand notebook?02:42
maynoth42when I booted up02:42
maynoth42not notebook02:42
maynoth42its a custom built02:42
Gatorlol eternal, that was the estimate when it had downloaded like 3kb02:42
maynoth42FIC AM37 with integrated savage3d02:42
CrakeHunteri am trying to install nvidia drivers: i am missing the "libc header files" the installer says. which files should i install? there is no plain "libc" in synaptic.02:42
Clint-maynoth42:  i have the same issue i am running at 128 megs on the intergrated video cant get it to 32 meg02:42
eternaljoyGator: :)02:42
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eternaljoyhas anyone got a adsl ethernet modem to work with Ubuntu?02:42
maynoth42you mean 32bit?02:42
eontasticness_there is a Via graphics driver out there02:42
Clint-eternaljoy:  yes right now02:43
eontasticness_i had to get it for a machine i built someone02:43
eontasticness_otherwise it ran poor02:43
eternaljoyClint-: how?02:43
eontasticness_with the default xorg driver02:43
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Gatoreveryone who was helping me left =.=02:43
EdgEyare there any 'safe' linux tools for resizing ntfs partitions?02:43
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eternaljoyClint-: how do I tell the adsl modem to connect to the exchange?02:43
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vox754eontasticness_: yes, it comes in the kernel; type "man via"02:43
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eternaljoyEdgEy: no02:43
maynoth42well mine was working perfect with the default driver on ubuntu last night02:43
larson9999EdgEy: the live gparted cd is safe.02:43
eternaljoyEdgEy: nothing is 100% safe02:43
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eontasticness_EdgEy: no resizing tools are SAFE ---02:43
Gatorwhoa, EdgEy spelled his name like the guy called edgeworth in Phoenix Wright!!!02:43
Clint-eternaljoy:  i just installed ubuntu and everything worked mabey cause i set the modem beforehand02:43
Gatorokay, that was off topic02:43
EdgEyobjection !02:44
eternaljoylarson9999: does gparted come on ubuntu or knoppix?02:44
eontasticness_EdgEy: not even partition magic (which is the best util to do that )  but gparted hasnt screwed anything up that ive used yet02:44
eternaljoyClint-: how did you set the modem up?02:44
Nontitlei use the x server quite alot but when i press the shift button for 8 seconds it activates "Slow Keys" which i don't want happening. i do alot of drawing and things that require the shift key. is there any way to disable this?02:44
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larson9999EdgEy: just backup you're data first.  defrage the ntfs partition first, too.02:44
EdgEywell yeah, obviously nothing is 100% safe02:44
eontasticness_eternaljoy:  you can get a gparted live cd02:44
eontasticness_google "gparted live cd"02:44
GatorHey, whoa, I'm "purchasing" partition magic right now02:44
eternaljoyeontasticness_: where?02:44
CrakeHunterit is safe that we all die!02:44
EdgEybut i need to somehow kick like 200gb of data from ntfs to ext02:44
eontasticness_its an iso02:44
Clint-eternaljoy:  in windows my modem has a ip u can connect to to config it02:44
eternaljoyeontasticness_: ok cheers02:44
eternaljoyClint-: wha ISP?02:44
Clint-eternaljoy:  verizion02:44
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larson9999eternaljoy: if you mean the cds, i don't know.  but the live cd(or usb if you like) is worth the dl anyway02:45
PwcrLinuxIm back02:45
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GatorWho here knows anything about partitions?02:45
sparrHow can I find out what modules and module parameters a livecd is using the make my sound work?  So that I can duplicate those options on my main OS.02:45
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vox754eternaljoy: I don't know what you mean with configuring ADSL modem in Ubuntu, please elaborate.02:45
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thekidriogator,  what is your ?02:45
mickbuntuhum,  the  chat  client  crashed   switching  servers....02:45
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Gatorwell, I was wondering what I should use to make a partition for ubuntu02:46
lufisGator: you can partition in the livecd02:46
Clint-eternaljoy: yer i dont understand all newer modems either have software or they have ram that you can flash02:46
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EdgEyuse whatever is needed to resize your other partitions if you are dualbooting, ubuntu can do the rest02:46
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thekidriohey phaedrus!!02:46
EdgEyi'm not sure if you can resize during the installer.. probably can02:46
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GatorPartition Magic sounds good, and I'm on XP now, so I am looking into it, but lol I'm not using the liveCD again02:46
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vox754Gator: you've been told many times, GParted, QTParted, Ubuntu Live CD, Knoppix CD, even other distros...02:46
thekidriohehe gator02:46
eternaljoyvox754: my adsl modem. how I tell it to connnect to my exchange!  it only came with a MS windows setup CD02:46
adam_hey guys I think I might have messed up my ubuntu updater.. i get this message when i try to install the updates from the update notifier in the top right corner: E: Malformed line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dapper-multiverse.list (dist parse)02:47
adam_E: The list of sources could not be read.02:47
adam_Go to the repository dialog to correct the problem.02:47
DritzenI'm looking for a program to rip the contents of a cd to .bin format, any package suggestions or ways I could do this?02:47
GatorI know vox, but I'm just being assured to do this before I get partition magic02:47
heartbtneed some help here.  Dis some searches on the forum, and NOT coming up with anything.02:47
eternaljoyGator: you've been told many times, GParted, QTParted, Ubuntu Live CD, Knoppix CD, even other distros...02:47
eternaljoyGator: u dont need part magic02:47
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EdgEyGator i used Acronis but PM should do the same job02:47
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larson9999EdgEy: if you mean to convert a partition with data on it, that's a bit different.  you can resize with gparted and move partitions.  but you won't 'convert' the partition type and keep the data intact.  you have to create a new partition in the type you want an then move the data.02:47
Clint-eternaljoy:  yes it has a cd02:47
eternaljoyGator: PM wont read Vista will,it?02:47
lufisadam_: look at /etc/apt/sources.list in Gedit or something and see if there's anything abnormal on line 202:47
EdgEylarson9999, yeah02:47
EdgEyi'm thinking copy over, resize, copy over, etc :/02:47
adam_Gator, the best partition editor is the GParted Live CD02:47
Gatormany people have said part magic, some have said GParted02:48
GatorI'm so confused =.=02:48
larson9999EdgEy: then gparted should do fine02:48
eontasticness_i am in FSCK hell :(02:48
eternaljoyadam_: will that part a HD and leave Vista in tact?02:48
thekidriopart magic is cool fun stuff02:48
eontasticness_2.7TB fileserver got a bad hdd02:48
thekidriobut not needed02:48
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DritzenGator: Partition magic isn't free.  GParted is free.  both are really good02:48
eontasticness_raid6, shouldve just kept on ticking02:48
larson9999Gator: if you have the cash and don't mind spending it, buy partition magic.02:48
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DritzenI'm looking for a program to rip the contents of a cd to .bin format, any package suggestions or ways I could do this?02:48
Gatoryeah, I have the money and it's not that much02:48
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eontasticness_Dritzen:  any particular reason you're not using iso?02:49
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eternaljoyadam_: ?02:49
DritzenThe program I want to read the cd with can't read .iso files02:49
vox754Gator: don't get confused. Use a program. When you've done it you'll feel better.02:49
adam_eternaljoy, the Gparted Live CD will let you do anything you want - you can move your HD space anywhere you want.. you can put it in front of Windows, behind it, in front of linux, behind it.. its great and very easy to use02:49
adam_I used it recently and I'm a noob02:50
Gatorof course, I could always just "purchase" part magic02:50
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eternaljoyadam_: and Windows wont be lost?02:50
larson9999gator got your data backed up?02:50
zcat[1] Dritzen: mount -o loop YourCdImage.iso /media/cdrom02:50
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Gatorno, and it would cost a lot to back it up02:50
DritzenThanks ZCat02:50
eternaljoyadam_: I bought a notebook with Vista on it!  But I need to create a part for Ubuntu without losing Vista02:50
adam_i was running low on space in my winxp partition so i took the space from the back of my linux partition so that i wouldnt be erasing anything from linux, and put that space at the back of my winxp partition and gained 7gb :)02:51
lufisadam_:  your swap was 7 gig?02:51
larson9999Gator: 200gb won't cost much more than partition magic.  i'd buy another harddrive and use gparted02:51
mindstateadam_: thats what i've been trying to do with my linux part..how did u do that02:51
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eternaljoyadam_: where can I download the latest qparted live cd?02:51
zcat[1] Dritzen: probably as root.. I think you can also open them in various archive managers (fileroller?)02:51
adam_yep you can do that eternaljoy , i bought a notebook with winxp media center and i installed linux on it02:51
vox754eternaljoy: see? you have nothing to fear, just don't hesitate.02:51
Gatorgood point, but I think I'm going to "purchase" partition magic anyways02:51
eternaljoyvox754: hehe :)02:51
Gatorif you catch my drift02:51
eternaljoyvox754: where can I download the latest qparted live cd?02:52
Dritzenzcat:  Hm.. that's the opposite of what I'd like to do I think.  I'm trying to take the contents of a cd and rip it into .bin format02:52
eternaljoygparted live cd rather02:52
larson9999eternaljoy: with gparted! that's what we've been talking about02:52
eternaljoylarson9999: gparted live cd rather02:52
EdgEyeternaljoy it comes on the live cd.. for ubuntu02:52
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zcat[1] Dritzen: you have an iso file or a physical disk ?02:52
larson9999eternaljoy: yea02:52
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eternaljoylarson9999:  where can I download the latest qparted live cd?  url?02:52
adam_the newest version of Gparted Live CD doesnt come on the ubuntu live CD02:52
eternaljoylarson9999: gparted live cd :)02:52
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eternaljoyadam_: where can I get it please?02:53
Dritzenzcat:  I have a physical disc that I want to convert into .bin02:53
Occasusgot aa question for you guys02:53
adam_um hang on i cant remember02:53
vox754lufis: what are you talking about? the back space doesn't mean anything like swap.02:53
eternaljoylarson9999: cheers big ears :)02:53
OccasusLm sensors on a dell d62002:53
Occasusanyone have any experience02:53
lufisvox754: nevermind, misunderstood02:53
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larson9999eternaljoy: you can also use a usbstick if you want02:53
eternaljoylarson9999: is this the latest?  gparted-livecd-0.3.2-0 Notes (2006-12-01 13:57)02:54
eternaljoylarson9999: usbstick for what?02:54
zcat[1] Dritzen: don't know how to do .bin .. dd if=/dev/cdrom of=diskimage.iso will rip it to an iso. There are plenty of programs around that can read and/or burn iso's directly (both linux and windows)02:54
larson9999eternaljoy: instead of a cd for gparted live.02:54
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larson9999eternaljoy: maybe not.  the one i burned says 3.3 on it :)02:54
eternaljoyadam_: is this the latest?  gparted-livecd-0.3.2-0 Notes (2006-12-01 13:57)02:54
eternaljoylarson9999: where?02:54
Dritzenzcat: Alright, thanks02:54
adam_eternaljoy, mindstate - whatever you guys do.. when you are resizing your partitions..dont just think of it as making one partition bigger than the other.. you have to take the space from the BACK of the partition you are taking from.. otherwise you will end up taking files that windows is using and you will corrupt your OS possibly02:54
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epimethahoy all! :-)02:55
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epimethis there any way I can manually download packages?02:55
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epimethspecifically pptp-linux ?02:55
adam_eternaljoy, yep thats it02:55
zcat[1] I hafta go..02:55
Occasushey can anyone help :)02:55
vox754adam_: don't scare them further. They had already understood. Now you'll see a lot more questions heading your way.02:55
HarrisHey, I have a question... Can I make a cluster with 2 computers running ubuntu server edition? How?02:56
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adam_vox754, haha02:56
vox754Harris: don't know. Newbies here.02:56
HarrisAh. Alright.02:56
eternaljoyadam_: cool02:56
larson9999eternaljoy: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=115843&package_id=17382802:56
MonkeyINAbaGHarris) yes02:56
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MonkeyINAbaGyou can02:56
eternaljoylarson9999: ty :)02:56
MonkeyINAbaGyou need a clustering kernel02:57
MonkeyINAbaGdi a google for linux clustering02:57
Harrisokay. i'll do that and come back..02:57
eternaljoyadam_: can u reepat that in layman terms? :)02:57
MonkeyINAbaGdo *02:57
epimethguys?  any place I can manually download packages?02:57
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MotorCityMadManis it safe to upgrade from kde 3.5.2 to 3.5.6 in dapper ?02:57
Gatorwhat is bootmagic?02:57
eternaljoyadam_: i have a 100gog HD with Vista on it!  I need to create a new part for Ubuntu.  Whats the steps>?02:57
larson9999i messed with clustering for a while but by the time i got it set up moore's law kicked in and a new computer was as fast as the 4 i was clustering02:57
eternaljoyadam_: take the space from BACK?02:58
adam_eternaljoy, first download GParted Live CD and burn it to disk02:58
vox754epimeth: search the repositories, they are web pages you can access with your browser, then click on a file and download it02:58
kling0nis there a repo with the new (2.3) version of gphoto202:58
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epimethvox:  where are the repositories?02:58
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GatorGuys, what is bootmagic and would it be of any help when dual booting?02:59
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thekidriono gator not really02:59
adam_eternaljoy, You want to take space from the BACK of the Vista Partition - that way you won't be harming any of the files Vista is using.02:59
vox754epimeth: have you tried searching them on your web browser, "ubuntu repositories"02:59
thekidriogrub is good enough02:59
CrakeHunterid like to run beryl - should i use xgl or aiglx? which is better and why?02:59
thekidrioCrakeHunter: who makes your vid card?02:59
eternaljoyadam_: u tell gparted to use the BACK of the vista part?02:59
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adam_eternaljoy, yes02:59
Gatorthekidrio, what does bootmagic do?02:59
vox754adam_: I told you...02:59
eternaljoyCrakeHunter: whats beryl?02:59
CrakeHunterboth i suppose02:59
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eternaljoyadam_: ok03:00
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects03:00
CrakeHuntereternal - its software that makes you customize your 3d desktop03:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cluster - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:00
adam_eternaljoy, it has options like that.. like.. space in front of partition, space behind partition, space in partition03:00
larson9999eternaljoy: you don't have a 2nd hd?  that's really preferable imho for dual booting, especially for newbies.03:00
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HarrisI couldn't find anything I could understand on google...03:00
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eternaljoycan I use beryl on a notebook which doesnt have a dedicated video card?03:00
ubotufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot03:00
eternaljoyadam_: ok! so make sure i use BACK03:00
eternaljoyadam_: ty for the tip03:00
eternaljoylarson9999: no03:01
thekidrioeternaljoy: i dont think so03:01
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tim167wanted: simple+fast+easy video editor, similar to VirtualDub, anyone ? thanks03:01
Gatorthekidrio, what does bootmagic do?03:01
ToranOK, any QT apps (amarok, k3b, anything kde) I install core dump. I'm in XFCE. what's going on?03:01
ToranI have a detailed explanation of the problem here: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+ticket/334503:01
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adam_eternaljoy, once you take the space from the Back of Vista - you can just create a partition with that space since you dont already have a linux partition like i did03:01
ToranIt'd be great if someone helped. I'm sick of not having KDE03:01
thekidrioGator: its a commercial boot loader03:01
Gatorwhich is...?03:01
thekidrioroughly same as grub or lilo03:01
thekidrioallows you to choose what image to boot03:01
HarrisI need some help creating a cluster with 2 computers running ubuntu server edition03:01
adam_eternaljoy, when I resized mine, I had to take from the Back of WinMCE, and put it in the back of Ubuntu, to keep from harming both systems03:02
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thekidriocluster? i might use knoppix harris03:02
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vox754tim167: I don't know. But VirtualDub is nice, isn't it. You mean it is not available for Ubuntu?03:02
larson9999eternaljoy: well, i'm not trying to jinx you but i'm laying high odds, you'll screw up the mbr and will have to reinstall windows at least once :)03:02
thekidrioare you talking about a real cluster or a fail over?03:02
epimetharg... look... I just want the official ubuntu repository?  and it doesn't seem to be XX.archive.ubuntu.org03:02
adam_larson9999, I'm a semi-noob and it worked fine the first time03:02
eternaljoylarson9999: how can I avoid that?03:02
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tim167vox754: not that i know, its not in synaptic anyhow03:02
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HarrisI just need something so I can use the power of both the computers to run a single process03:03
eternaljoylarson9999: teach me BEFORE I have a chance to screw it up03:03
HarrisIs that possible?03:03
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eternaljoyadam_: ok03:03
Biovoreepimeth: archive.us.ubuntu.com (I think)03:03
larson9999adam_: yeah until something goes wrong with windows and he reinstalls it.  :)03:03
thekidrioits not us.?03:03
vox754tim167: You can look at the developer's page. There is also a "VirtualDubMod", is it the same?03:03
adam_eternaljoy, the GPARTED Live CD is very self explanatory if you look at its options and think about it .. its not hard at all03:03
eternaljoyadam_: btw, whats the difference when a notebook says it has a core duo a dual 2 core 2 duo?03:03
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eternaljoyadam_: ok03:04
Gatorhm, there's already a partition on one of my HDDs called Linux swap03:04
Biovorehttp://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ <-- thats it..03:04
eternaljoyadam_: btw, whats the difference when a notebook says it has a core duo a core 2 duo?03:04
epimethbio... should de.archive work?03:04
Harristhekidrio: what?03:04
Biovoreno clue.. let me find a mirror list03:04
EdgEyeternaljoy, completely different cpu's..03:04
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epimethde.archive is sort of working03:04
adam_eternaljoy, hey wait a minute... have you installed ubuntu on that notebook yet?03:04
epimethI can't find any packages tho03:04
EdgEycore2 is the 'sequel' to core lol03:04
eternaljoyare the core duo a core 2 duo 64-bit processors?03:04
eternaljoyadam_: no03:05
GatorOkay, new question, I already have a 40GB partition for Linux and a swap partition that's much too small, what should I do?03:05
thekidrioi thought the archives were us.archive not archive.us03:05
Biovoreepimeth: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors?action=show&redirect=Archive03:05
thekidrioor whatever your country code was03:05
larson9999eternaljoy: just read about dual booting and where your options for setting it up.  just my experience that most new folks who put them on the same hd sooner or later get things dorked up.03:05
thekidrioGator: thats fine03:05
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eternaljoyEdgEy: is the core duo a 64-bit processors?03:05
eternaljoylarson9999: ok03:05
EdgEycore2 is03:05
EdgEynot sure about 103:05
thekidriounless you want to make it a file server or a media center pc03:05
Harris1 isnt03:05
Harris2 is03:05
eternaljoylarson9999: dont curse me, for your curse will return to you instead :P03:05
Gatorthekidrio, what should I do about the swap? it's only 200 MB03:05
nanothiefif there any way to find out the progress of dd?03:06
Biovorecore duo comes in 64bit and 32bit03:06
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adam_eternaljoy, don't worry about all that stuff I told you... if You haven't already installed Ubuntu, ubuntu will create its own partition itself.. it knows not to mess with Windows.. it will give you choices to pick on how you want it to resize your Vista partition03:06
funkygreendogsquick question i need to rename all .htm files to .html in a directory but it wont let me put *.html as the target03:06
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larson9999eternaljoy: you'll likely be fine :p03:06
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funkygreendogshow do i do it in terminal like03:06
Harristhekidrio: so.. any ideas for cluster?03:06
eternaljoyHarris: so the core 2 duo is a 64-bit processor?  And the core duo is not?03:06
HarrisAs far as i know03:06
eternaljoylarson9999: ditto :)03:06
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vox754Gator: install and you are on. But best to have one for root "/", one for "/home" and the swap one.03:06
Gatorwait, what?03:07
HarrisAny one know how to setup a cluster with ubuntu server edition?03:07
Biovoreeternaljoy: dose cat /proc/cpuinfo have emt64 as a cpu feature?03:07
eternaljoyHarris: you could be wrong?03:07
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eternaljoyBiovore: no idea03:07
Harriseternal: yes03:07
GatorI already have Ubuntu installed on it, but it's corrupt so I'm reinstalling it03:07
adam_eternaljoy, Heres what you do, follow these steps exactly - boot up your notebook with ubuntu in the drive and use the live CD.. once you are in there, download XChat and come back to IRC and I can walk you through it step by step03:07
thekidrioharris, not with ubuntu no but with knoppix i have set of a few clusters03:07
Gatorbut what was that about the "/" and the "/home"?03:07
epimethbio.... arg... I can't find what I want... could you just point me to where I can find and download the pptp-linux package???03:07
BiovoreI have a Core Duo laptop here and its 32bit only..03:07
thekidrioi would search for beowulf cluster + ubuntu03:07
vox754funkygreendogs: sorry, maybe there is someone with this problem in the forums in the programming section.03:07
EdgEyGator if you're reinstalling and there is no data you need03:08
HarrisThank you.03:08
EdgEyjust delete the / /home swap partitions03:08
thekidriosorry i could not help more harris03:08
EdgEyand make the swap 1gb or so this time03:08
thekidriolemme know if you find some good stuff for ubuntu clustering03:08
adam_eternaljoy, download XChat and come back to this IRC before you start installing Ubuntu03:08
funkygreendogs$ cp -p *.htm /files/directory/*.html03:08
eternaljoyBiovore: so the core duo is 32 and core 2 duo is 6403:08
funkygreendogsu know what i mean03:08
HarrisNo problem. And sure.03:08
eternaljoyadam_: i cant today03:08
Biovoreeternaljoy: I guess.. never messed with a core 2 duo..03:08
Harrisdo you have an email address i can send anything i find too? I won't be on the IRC for long03:08
Gatoris there any way I can merge partitions?03:08
funkygreendogsvox754: ok ill have a look03:08
adam_eternaljoy, why not ?03:08
facugaichBiovore, Core Duo -> 32-bit, Core 2 Duo -> 64-bit03:08
thekidrioHarris: i have 6 pentium 3's in a cluster atm working fantastic03:08
Biovoretry a 64bit os on it. and if it dosn't boot.. well you have an answer :-P03:08
eternaljoyI think the core 2 duo has one 64 and one 32.03:09
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eternaljoyadam_: leaving soon03:09
thekidrioyeah harris, johnmichelin@ourgreatfamily.us03:09
HarrisOkay. Thanks!03:09
Gatorokay, I'm confused, how many partitions do I need?03:09
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vox754Gator: you need only two partitions, root / and swap. But you can create as many as you like, "/home" "/usr" "/var" are common choices, you can create one of your own "/mypartition"03:09
thekidrioatleast 2 gator03:09
eternaljoywhy is having a 64 bit processor better than a 32 bit?  besides speed?03:09
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EdgEyGator, you're reinstalling ubuntu, is there any data you need on those partitions.03:09
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epimethbio... these places don't have individual packages... I've gone through 5 already and I all I can find are lists of packages... not the packages themselves03:09
thekidriobut most people use more03:09
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Gatorvox, why would I need those partitions?03:09
Ploujwhat packages gives me the GL/gl.h and other related headers?03:09
Gatorfor what reason would I use them?03:10
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EdgEyso that user data is more seperated, for example you could have a faster hdd for /03:10
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BiovoreGator: for a desktop user.. probably only need 2 (root and swap)  the other partion stuff is ment for server more secure setups03:10
vox754Gator: because advanced users know how to use them. At least "/home" is useful because you may reinstall the system without loosing your configuration files or data.03:11
Gatoroh, so basically, if I only have have root and 1 user, I only need 2 swaps?03:11
EdgEyyou need one swap03:11
Gatorso confused =.=03:11
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BiovoreGator: swap is virtual memory (kinda like a page file in windows)03:11
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Gatorokay, I need the 1 partition for my user, and the swap03:11
thekidriohehe yeah it can be a bitch03:11
EdgEyGator, no03:12
thekidriothats all you need03:12
Gatorwhat else do I need?03:12
EdgEyyou need the 1 partition for ubuntu, and the swap03:12
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thekidrioone for root03:12
EdgEyit's not 'for the user'03:12
thekidrioand one for swap03:12
GatorI know =.=03:12
Biovore(by root they mean "/" )03:12
thekidrioroot director03:12
vox754Gator: TWO partitions minimum, root "/" and swap. Swap is used for the system, you don't have to worry about it.03:12
Gatorbut why do I need a root one?03:12
thekidriofor everything other then swap03:12
BiovoreRoot "/" is like c:\ on windows03:12
thekidrioits where you store stuff03:12
thekidrioswap is like.. yeah what bio said03:12
GatorI know what root is..03:12
_Jaak_are there any statistics on ubuntu usage? on what end of the world is it most populair>?03:12
thekidrioits the base directory03:12
ArplosI need some help here, guys, maybe someone can help me out.03:13
vox754Gator: you cannot install Linux without root "/"; it is the main "drive".03:13
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GatorI need a generally large partition for Ubuntu, a swap, and another partition for root?03:13
facugaich!justask | Arplos03:13
ubotuArplos: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:13
GatorI mean, not for root03:13
thekidrioand swap is roughly 1.5 your ram03:13
EdgEyroot is the 'partition for ubuntu'03:13
streatheranyone know a decent wiki guide on how to install beryl that's easy to understand?03:13
thekidriowhat EdgEy said03:13
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thekidriostreather: beryls main site has some good instructions03:14
Gatorokay, you know what, I'm going to make a 40GB part for Ubuntu and a 1GB part for swap, is that good?03:14
EdgEyyes, perfect03:14
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vox754Gator: your "main large partition for Ubuntu" is the root partition. Yes that is good. But still create a third 10 GB partition.03:14
moonlowewhats a repo?03:14
pollywoganyone know what causes /etc/hosts to be overwritten in Edgy?03:14
thekidrioplace they store software moonlowe03:15
ArplosThe problem is this> i installed windows, i had ubuntu installed. When i tried to return to ubuntu i deactivated the NTFS partition and activated the ext3 one, hda2, but it doesn-t boot.03:15
moonlowethekidrio: how do i use it?03:15
Biovoremoonlowe: a website that has software stored on it for debian..03:15
thekidriomoonlowe: add it to your /etc/apt/sources.list03:15
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moonlowethekidrio: then what? :/03:15
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nastjuidis there a way to boot the 6.10 edgy Cd without the splash?03:16
ArplosI do not have currently an OS, i-m on Knoppix rigth now.03:16
thekidriomoonlowe: then sudo apt-update03:16
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thekidriothen sudo apt-upgrade03:16
thekidrioto use that new repos03:16
moonlowethekidrio: Biovore thank you :)03:16
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Mr680x0|Ubuntuwhen I'm using internet apps, random parts of the window are placed randomly across the screen03:16
GatorHow do I make a partition an active partition? For some reason my corrupt linux partition is the active one so I need to make a different one active03:16
CrakeHunterfinally, beryl is working, thanks to you guys. one last question be4 i go to bed. now with beryl every frame around my windows has disappeard. can i reactivate them?03:16
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thekidrioyou can add repos with cat <repo url> | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list03:16
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Mr680x0|Ubuntuit's very annoying and bordering on unusable03:16
Mr680x0|Ubuntucan anyone help?03:16
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Biovorewhat is?03:17
vox754Gator: just format it and reinstall. It should activate.03:17
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ksnipaI got a sis card installed (yes its shit), and anytime i run glxinfo my comp restarts any ideas on how I can fix that? and yes I do realize that my card wont be to run direct draw but the whole it resetting on me when i type glxinfo just bothers me03:17
Mr680x0no one knows how to fix this problem?03:17
Gatorso it doesn't matter which partition is active?03:17
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ArplosI want to return to ubuntu, then make up booting on windows. But i need to boot from ubuntu first, then edit the GRUB file.03:18
vox754Gator: your main Ubuntu partition must be active. Not your swap.03:18
GatorI know03:18
Commander-Crowewhasta good audio converter program?03:18
yellowhey guys, how do I set opensshd  motd to print out current date and time or other info about the system ?03:18
newesthey hey there ive just installed ntfs-config, ive managed to access windows files sweetly, but was wondering how i can extend the partition used by ubuntu, its only got 7gigs available for ubuntu, i want to exted it to use more03:18
Mr680x0this is a major pain in the ass03:18
Gatorbut okay, now I have 2 parts of unallocated space, and one is only 180MB03:18
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ArplosI activated the ext3 partition, but it doesn-t loads.03:19
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funkygreendogsls *old|sed 's/\(.*\)\.old/mv \1.old  \1.new/'|sh03:19
BiovoreArplos: you install windows after installing linux?03:19
funkygreendogsjust in case you wqanted to know03:19
vox754Gator: you can create other partitions with that space.03:19
nnliuhi, umm, my panels won't let me make em smaller heightwise than 31 pixels, any1 know how to change this? the default is 2403:19
BiovoreArplos: I bet windows ate your boot loader03:19
vox754funkygreendogs: great03:19
ddnnggis there any way to auto update Gnome :> ??03:19
ArplosWindows removed GRUB from the boot sector of my HD.03:19
BiovoreArplos: bingo.. that would do it..03:20
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GatorIs there any way to merge to unallocated partitions?03:20
thekidriough hate taht Arplos, can you select the boot order of your hd's?03:20
thekidrioin bios/.03:20
ArplosBut, how i can restore it to there_+03:20
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yellowhey guys, how do I set opensshd  motd to print out current date and time or other info about the system ?03:20
thekidrioerr ?03:20
ArplosOnly one.03:20
BiovoreGator: usualy.. you make your root.. then use the rest as swap (what ever is left over)03:20
ArplosPartitions are> Swap, ext3, FAT32 (data only) and NTFS.03:20
BiovoreArplos: you can re-grub the HD with the ubuntu disk I think..03:20
Biovoregrub can boot windows...03:21
GatorBiovore, I know, but I have 2 empty partitions and I want to merge them for now03:21
newestis there anyway at all to extend the partition used by ubuntu, the ntfs(i got windows xp too on same pc) is using up too much diskspace, i want to have more for ubuntu03:21
vox754Gator: you delete the previous partitions and create them again. That's it. How big is your disk?03:21
BiovoreGator: well I don't think you can do that..03:21
BiovoreGator: use vox745 suggestion03:21
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Gatorvox: I did delete the 2, and now there's 2 sections of unallocated space, one of which is only 180MB03:22
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BiovoreGator: now delete swap and remake it..03:22
ddnngghow to install new GRUB ??03:22
GatorI'm not installing anything right now03:22
EdgEyGator delete any extended partitions encasing03:22
nastjuidhow's AMD64 support in ubuntu?03:22
vox754newest: you'd have to resize NTFS, and create a partition with the freed space with ext3.03:22
Biovorenastjuid: it works..03:22
nastjuidhow bout stability?03:22
newesthow do i go about resizing ntfs?03:22
vox754nastjuid: don't use it for desktop, only server.03:22
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ArplosHow to return or re/GRUB the HD_03:23
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter03:23
ubotugparted is gparted is a GUI partitioning program, "sudo apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php03:23
nnliumy panels have a current min of 31 pixels, any1 know how to change this? the default is 2403:23
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nastjuidnice fast mirror for i386 :D03:23
NicaWich one is better Ubunto 6.1 or Ubuntu 6.06 lts03:23
vox754Arplos: type "grub"03:23
EdgEyan ntfs resize is goingto take a damn long time right? just noticing that gparted doesn't have a real progress bar :P03:23
EdgEyGator take a screenshot of gparted03:24
EdgEyor whatever you are using03:24
nastjuidthe alternate CD boots without splash screen right?03:24
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GatorI'm using partition magic, and I am screenshotting it right now03:24
larson9999Edgy it does take a bit of time, yes.03:24
nastjuidtrying to figure out why it keeps locking up03:24
ddnnggvox pm :)03:24
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larson9999EdgEy: another nice thing about the gparted live... it includes a screenshot taking tool03:24
EdgEyit failed03:24
vox754ddnngg: I can't, I'm not a registered user...03:25
larson9999EdgEy: did you defag it?03:25
ddnnggfook :/03:25
ArplosGRUB version ... etc, i-m prompted.03:25
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EdgEywhat can i use to defrag? any linux tools?03:25
larson9999 EdgEy windows03:25
thekidrioEdgEy: no need03:25
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vox754ddnngg: visit me at #vocx03:25
thekidrioext3 does not need defrag03:25
EdgEylarson9999, my windows partition 'broke' on install03:25
thekidrioit takes care of that as it goes along03:25
EdgEythekidrio, it's ntfs03:25
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thekidriohrmm check ntfs-3g tools03:26
larson9999EdgEy: you're installing ubutnu?03:26
thekidriomight be something in that package03:26
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EdgEylarson9999, before i installed ubuntu, i deleted some of my windows partitions, i had like 3 different installs03:26
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EdgEyi killed the bootloader that was loading the windows install i kept03:26
larson9999EdgEy: oh.03:26
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EdgEyso i can't boot into windows now :)03:26
Gatordid you look at the screenshot edgey?03:27
larson9999eternaljoy: see? EdgEy broke his already :(03:27
thekidrioEdgEy: hrmm have you looked at the grub.conf and tried to make it point to your windows install that works?03:27
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EdgEyGator, heh03:28
larson9999Gator: looks a lot like gparted.03:28
EdgEyjust leave the 180mb unallocated03:28
EdgEyresize the ntfs to occupy that 180mb03:28
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EdgEyand take the 1gb out of the 38,28703:28
vox754Gator: beautiful shot...03:28
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eternaljoylarson9999: LOL :P03:29
arnduckyAnyone get sound to work on  a recent Gateway AMD/ATI-chipset laptop?03:29
GatorI'll just leave it unallocated03:29
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eternaljoyEdgEy: what happened?03:29
Gatorit's a whole 180MB03:29
eternaljoylarson9999: but my awareness is higher than EdgEy's :)03:29
EdgEyeternaljoy, it's my prob, windows was screwed before i installed ubuntu03:29
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GatorGuys, what settings should I set for my partitions?03:29
EdgEybut it doesn't matter03:29
eternaljoyEdgEy: ok :)03:29
EdgEysince all being well you won't care about booting back into win03:29
eternaljoyEdgEy: :)03:30
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EdgEy'please try to free less space'03:30
=== EdgEy tries freeing 10gb instead of 20 ;)
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Matuxguys wich one do yo recomend 6.1 o 6.06 lts03:30
EdgEyMatux 6.103:30
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EdgEy6.06 is older and only gets security updates i think03:31
GatorShould I make the remaining space all 1 partition and then change it in the liveCD partition editor?03:31
EdgEy6.1 isn't beta or anything03:31
facugaichOn the other hand, I've been told 6.06 is more stable03:31
Matuxneither 6.0603:31
EdgEyGator, leave everything as it is03:31
Gatorleave the unallocated space?03:31
EdgEyyou can run the livecd now03:31
vox754Matux: it is Ubuntu 6.06 and Ubuntu 6.10. The latter is newer.03:31
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EdgEyand it'll be good to make partitions from there03:31
Gatorwill the partition editor be able to see unallocated space?03:31
Gatorbut, I want the latest edition of liveCD first03:31
EdgEydoesn't matter03:32
EdgEyyou can update packages later03:32
Gatorthis one is from like july last summer03:32
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EdgEyit should still work03:32
arnduckyEdgEy: 6.06 is LTS or the current (L)ong (T)erm (S)upport release03:32
EdgEyjust not sure if 6.06 will update to 6.10 painlessly03:32
Gatorwell then03:32
eternaljoydoes the core 2 duo have 2 processors?03:32
Matuxhave you heard about tallyman03:32
arnduckydon't tell people that it doesn't get updates03:32
EdgEydual core03:32
MajorPayneIs there any way that I can run a command when ever the internet connection comes up from being down?03:32
GatorI think I'll get the latest liveCD03:33
arnduckyEdgEy: Gator did you see my comments?03:33
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Gatorno arn03:33
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MajorPayneAnd by a command I mean a script that I wrote?03:33
MatuxSo What is that supposed to mean Long Term Support release03:33
facugaicheternaljoy, I think it has two cores, but I don't know whether core == processor03:33
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Gatorso wait, arnducky, should I keep 6.06 or update to 6.10?03:33
EdgEyGator you can install from the 6.06 cd and update to 6.1003:34
nnliumy panels have a current min of 31 pixels, any1 know how to change this? the default is 2403:34
pollywogin the old days of Linux, it was possible to make a floppy with a bzImage command so one could boot the machine if something went wrong with the boot image on the hd... is this still possible or are kernels too big now?03:34
arnduckyEdgEy: plenty of people have upgraded from 6.06 to 6.10 (NOT 6.1 -- Ubuntu releases don't follow the decimal system, but rather are date codes [YR] .[MO] ...03:34
EdgEythough the amount of updates probably means it'd take around the same time as just getting the new livecd03:34
vox754Gator: my suggestion is to resize your huge NTFS partition on the first disk, then move it to the beginning, then create the Linux partitions.03:34
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Gatorwell, I'm going to just install it as is03:35
pollywogOkay I just installed kubuntu again and installed VMware... let's see if the machine will boot03:35
vebi keep getting this error when i try to test sound on my sound car: failed to construct test pipeline for 'gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat'03:35
arnduckyGator, I broke my Athlon workstation 6.06 when upgrading it but it was a very weird system with mixed sources -- not a normal case03:35
vebany one know the problem?03:35
EdgEyheh, this time it's actually resizing03:36
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arnduckyGator, what version to choose and when to upgrade are very subjective and contextual decisions.03:36
MatuxWhat should mean to me Long term Support release03:36
vox754veb: that happened to me several times. Only solution was to reboot; then after a couple of updates, it hasn't failed anymore.03:36
facugaichMatux, you'll get updates for 3 years03:36
vebhmm i have rebooted about 5times03:36
vebstill nothing...03:36
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vebso i should run an update?03:37
BoMEpsilonHello. I'm not quite sure how, but while editing the preferences in Beryl, /etc/X11/xorg.conf deleted. I'm running Windows right now on a dual-boot computer.03:37
Gatorcentextual... in what context?>_>03:37
facugaichMatux, only security updates I think03:37
BoMEpsilonI know Beryl made a backup of it while installing- is there any way to recover that?03:37
EdgEyBoM yeah03:37
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mqueirosHello! Whats the best way to upgrade from Evolution 2.4 (on 5.10) to Evolution 2.6 (on Dapper) ? Without loosing any mail ?03:38
EdgEylook in /etc/X11 there should be a backup, it depends on the install method03:38
vox754veb: I don't know how my system was corrected. It just worked. Sound cards are supposed to work; bad luck I guess... Yes update.03:38
EdgEyi used a script from the beryl wiki and it was something similar to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.beryl-script03:38
Gatorarnducky, what are you talking about what are you talk about when you say what version to choose and when to upgrade?03:38
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K1GPLi've got a strange problem, i can play music with vlc, but i get no sound when i play a dvd.  any suggestions on how i can fix this?03:38
BoMEpsilonEdgEy: I'll do that now. Will report back on how it went.03:38
vebvox754: how exactly do I update sorry? :D03:38
adam_I've got a problem with my XP partition, it tries to run Windows Setup, like its going to reinstall windows everytime I boot to it.. cant get to the desktop.. how do i turn off the Setup? I think its trying to run setup bc I had a Grub Error so I used by XP CD to try and either reformat my HDDs or repair them and ended up not needing to.. it was a Hardware problem... and now im stuck in the XP installation/setup and cant get to my XP desktop :( any ideas?03:38
vox754BoMEpsilon: the backup should have a name like "xorg.conf~" or something appended.03:38
vebsynaptic package manager>03:39
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Gatorwhat is the date?03:39
vebdon't worry!03:39
vebfound it!03:39
Matuxso wiht 6.10 i cannot update03:39
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Gatorwhat's the date in north america right now?03:39
rpcare there any known issues with kernel 2.6.17 and 2.6.18? should i avoid them? etch seems unstable and box locks up out of the blue quite often plus i tend to loose networking on it... anyone has similar exp?03:39
BoMEpsilonChecking now.03:39
K1GPLGator, feb 10th right now03:39
vox754adam_: bad Windows!03:39
rpcGator 10th03:40
EdgEyMatux, 6.10 will get updates guaranteed up until the next release of ubuntu, (7.04) and then for a few months after that, i don't remember the exact number03:40
poningruGator: oh blargh?03:40
EdgEyat that point you can upgrade to 7.0403:40
K1GPLi've got a strange problem, i can play music with vlc, but i get no sound when i play a dvd.  any suggestions on how i can fix this?03:40
poningruGator: why the nick?03:40
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adam_any ideas?03:40
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EdgEy6.06 will get them for three years (since release, so i think it's 1.5 years left)03:40
facugaichMatux, yep, what EdgEy said, I think it's supported por 1 year or 18 months03:40
poningruEdgEy: whats wrong?03:40
poningruerr adam_ whats wrong?03:40
adam_copy all important XP files to a disk from within Linux and reformat XP ?03:40
Gatorponingru, what about my nick?03:40
EdgEyponingru, nothing :)03:40
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poningruGator: how did you happen upon it03:41
rpcwhat about my kernel?03:41
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poningrucause /me is a gator03:41
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adam_poningru,  I've got a problem with my XP partition, it tries to run Windows Setup, like its going to reinstall windows everytime I boot to it.. cant get to the desktop.. how do i turn off the Setup? I think its trying to run setup bc I had a Grub Error so I used by XP CD to try and either reformat my HDDs or repair them and ended up not needing to.. it was a Hardware problem... and now im stuck in the XP installation/setup and cant get to my XP desktop :( any i03:41
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MatuxSo When the next release of Ubuntu arrives I have to install that release in order to ge updates03:41
Gatorponingru: My last name is gates, and the nickname gator caught on03:41
GaiaX11Matux: I am still using 6.06 dapper and will get updates for 3 years. I think.03:41
Gatorbtw florida gatos lol03:41
arnduckyadam_ the problem you're describing cannot be caused by *only* hardware and it sounds unlikely that there is even a hardware issue based on what you've described.  How familiar are you with 'partitions', 'Master Boot Record' and 'bootstrap methods'?03:41
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neighborleeis there a fix for nvidia issues..Ive tried forums but so far nothing is working...nvidia 6800 XT gpu03:41
poningruits gates?03:41
rpcGator isn't your first name bill?03:41
Gatorno it's William03:41
EdgEyneighborlee, nvidia issues such as..?03:42
rpcwilliam b. ?03:42
Gatorbut yeah, no, no relation03:42
rpci knew you were around03:42
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adam_arnducky, the Hardware problem is already solved.. it was with my Grub Login Error03:42
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vox754Gator: the blue rectangle in your first disk is an extended partition. It is bad that your NTFS is eating that up.03:42
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neighborleeEdgEy, well normal install of nvidia-glx and subsequently running sudo nvidia-xconfig aren't working..I reboot andit can't load nvidia module, so X wont start03:42
CoRnJuLiOxi'm trying to compile something and its saying "c compiler cannot create executables". am i missing something?03:42
arnduckyrpc: try a diferent channel -- those kernels are not even in Edgey proposed updates yet and we have many newbs to help03:42
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rpcarnducky hm03:43
adam_I am not able to get past the Grub Login Error and boot to either Ubuntu or WinXP.. but XP tries to install Windows each time.. like its still looking for my Setup CD in the CD tray03:43
arnducky<-- including me (heh)03:43
Gatorguys I'm switching computer while I install ubuntu, brb03:43
adam_I am NOW* able to get past the Grub Login03:43
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neighborleeEdgEy, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=263851 < good friend gave me that, as he also runs ubuntu ,,no luck there either03:43
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Gatorfast like a ninja03:43
MatuxAny one nows an url where I can download software for Ubunto (since Ubuntu uses gnome)03:44
arnduckyadam_ 99% your MBR is screwed up -- does it say 'error 15' ??03:44
adam_arnducky, no no .. i dont have anymore Grub Login Errors03:44
ubotuIt's spelled Ubuntu! with a U! *Ubuntu*!03:44
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adam_I can boot to linux and XP now.. the problem now is that XP tries to run Windows XP installation, instead of booting to the desktop03:44
vox754Matux: what are you talking about?03:44
GaiaX11Matux: source.list03:44
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arnduckyadam_: why are you asking for XP support in here.  Maybe you should try #windows03:45
MatuxI mean , It's kind of hard to check out all the software list at sourceforge.net03:45
adam_arnducky, haha.. i figured it related to dual booting03:45
vox754Gator: talk to us. I want to know how you did before I die.03:45
unopadam_, are you sure you didnt try installing windows after linux was installed?03:46
Gatoris there any way to reorganize grub so I can have the main Ubuntu boot and XP in a category, and the other Ubuntu boots in a different category?03:46
GaiaX11Matux: What about Synaptic?03:46
adam_unop, yes they have both been installed for a while now03:46
MatuxI haven't heard about it03:46
Matuxwhat's the url03:46
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unopadam_, you can boot into linux now right?03:46
ksngayhey! anyone can help me with that? http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=116303:46
adam_unop, correct03:47
Zyruleokay,  so i'm trying to do a server install of ubuntu.. i have the alternative cd and while its booting the install,  i used the acpi=off on the command line so that way it doesn't crash while booting,  and now it gets to a part where its probing the PCI... and just hangs...03:47
ksngayhey! anyone can help me with that? http://paste.ubuntubrasil.org/159703:47
vox754Gator: yes, by editing the file "/boot/grub/menu.lst"03:47
GaiaX11Matux: What are you running in your pc? Ubuntu or Windows?03:47
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Matuxwell right know i am running windows03:47
Matuxsince my HD Die03:47
Zyrulethe computer is old, it only has one 1 ISA slot,  no pci... so can i turn off the probing to the PCI but leave the probing on for the ISA so it'll find the ethernet card i have installed?03:47
unopadam_,  ok, then it's just a matter of verifying if grub is doing the right thing -- check the windows entry in /boot/grub/menu.lst03:47
Matux'cause I use separate hard drives03:47
arnduckyadam I will tell you this much: if you can boot to anything, then it's not (strictly speaking) a boot manager issue.  runs AFTER the boot mgr passes control to XP You have an installer stub -- correct03:48
MatuxOne for linux and the other for win03:48
vox754Zyrule: that is sad... buy a new PC. Sorry.03:48
adam_unop, i don't have a grub error anymore03:48
vebcan anyone tell me why when I play Counter-Strike, I cannot aim with the mouse?03:48
vebi'm using wine.03:48
adam_I think the easiest way to bypass it is to just tell it to boot the HDD first and then the CD, and floppy03:48
unopadam_, but you do have a grub _anomaly_ where its not booting windows .. so you need to get to the source of that03:48
adam_I'll try that03:48
Zyrulevox:  its a school project... so...  i dont really feel like putting money into it...03:48
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GaiaX11Matux: So, reinstall ubuntu in the other hd03:48
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daniele_hi , i'm a new linux user, anybody can tell me how i can launch mozilla? i don't have a browser... sigh.. thanks03:48
K1GPLi've got a strange problem, i can play music with vlc, but i get no sound when i play a dvd.  any suggestions on how i can fix this?03:49
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adam_it seems to think there is a winXP setup cd in the drive that it wants03:49
GaiaX11Matux: What do you mean by died HD?03:49
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vebdaniele_: click the firefox icon?03:49
MatuxI mean I cannot install any operating system03:49
vox754Zyrule: Sorry again. You came just in time for newbie-time03:49
arnducky&^#$ing GAIM is moving the cursor/turning on/offf insert and even passing control to the desktop while I'm typing.  SOrry to anyone I started a help discussion with : I have to go fix that.03:49
daniele_i don't see the icon...03:49
Matuxevery time it returns hard disk error03:49
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GatorDaniele_, it's on the menu bar on the top of the screen03:49
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vebarnducky: get konversation :P03:50
davieywhen you login via console, how do you change the welcome test??03:50
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Gatorit's a blue earth with no fox on it03:50
GaiaX11Matux: check the cables and try to format it again and reinstall ubuntu03:50
Matuxand when I plug it, and star Windows which is install in a whole separeta hard drive Windows freeze03:50
adam_how do I reset my Repositories03:50
MatuxI've check the cables03:50
Matuxmany time03:50
Zyruleoh well great me,  i guess i came in the right time for you to be a dick too huh? some support channel...03:50
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adam_Zyrule, whats wrong bro03:51
GaiaX11Matux: how big is you win HD?03:51
Matuxwell sometimes when the CMOS loads doesn't recognize my hd03:51
MatuxIt's 80 GB03:51
Gatoroh the joys of trying to get this liveCD to boot03:51
Zyrulei'm tired of stupid dicks that join this support channel to help people,  and whenever anyone asks a question.. "oh go buy a new pc." or bitching about noobs...03:51
daniele_on the intenet folder i see only the others programs, gaim , irc etc, but no the firefox03:51
arnduckyanyone: b4 I go: I just updated VFS in Gnome (Edgy update) and it seems like a Gnome Desktop problem. I now have 4 trashbin windows raised -- not by me.  Anyone seen this b4?03:51
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Matuxyou think It could be a Data bus issue03:52
vox754Zyrule: sorry. I'll leave you alone then. Good luck.03:52
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GatorWhy did the liveCD try to boot when I told it to check for defects?03:52
CoRnJuLiOxdoes anyone know if theres a binary for zsnes 1.51 out? i can't find it in synaptic.03:52
Gatoroh, nvm03:52
EdgEyZyrule, what kind of spec is that system?03:52
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Zyruleits real old...03:52
vox754Gator: how do you do?03:52
GaiaX11Matux: What do you think of making a backup of your working HD data and re-formating it and installing the whole system again?03:53
Zyruleold cyrix processor,  with 80 mb of ram03:53
EdgEyubuntu is probably the wrong distro for anything without PCI03:53
Gatorvox: I'm sorry?03:53
Matuxyou mean install Windows an linux in the same hard Drive03:53
adam_Zyrule, what is the PCI its needing03:53
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GaiaX11Matux: It has lots of space for that03:53
vox754Gator: with your install... I want to know.03:53
GaiaX11Matux: yes03:53
Zyrulethe only distro i can get to boot with no problem is mandrake,  i cant get that to install properly cuz it has a scratch in the cd so most of the packages wont install03:54
Gatorvox754: oh, trying to get the liveCD to boot03:54
daniele_ubuntu, in this moment is downloading 213 updates, this will include maybe the firefox?03:54
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nemo_homeok, who's bright idea was it to rename the kernel03:54
MatuxSee I am not a big fan of doing that since I damage a MBR with Suse 903:54
eontasticness_Zyrule:  have you tried puppy linux or damnsmall linux03:54
nemo_homewithout updating the wireless util name?03:54
Zyrulei mean,  if i turn off the hardware probing,  that will probably will work,  but then i would have to install my ethernet card manually right?03:54
Zyruleeh not yet,  a bunch of poeple on another linux support channel,  told me ubuntu would be my best bet03:54
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nemo_homedo I have to symlink ipw3945d-2.6.17-10-generic to ipw3945d-2.6.17-10-386, or is this going to get fixed by ubuntu?03:54
GaiaX11Matux: Although I would not recommend to install win at all03:54
eontasticness_Zyrule: not on something that old03:54
MatuxWell i have just got a 20 GB disk, should that bee enough03:55
nemo_home'cause I hate to muck about with stuff that should theoretically be managed03:55
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nemo_homebut I also, kinda need wireless, oh, working03:55
Zyrulei dont want x-windows or anything03:55
GatorMatux, it'll squeeze in but I wouldn't recommend it03:55
Zyrulejust set up a ssh server03:55
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CrakeHunterhello, id like to install heliodor , what is the command ?03:55
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GaiaX11Matux: you just said 80gb03:55
MatuxGator, what wouldn't you recomend03:55
eontasticness_Zyrule: eh, even an ubuntu base install is a little bloated03:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about heliodor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:55
eontasticness_Zyrule: id go with DSL or puppy, then you are only adding packages that you need03:56
ZyruleI tried LFS but that wouldn't boot either03:56
nemo_home# cat /etc/modprobe.d/ipw3945  | grep quiet /sbin/ipw3945d-$(uname -r) --quiet03:56
eontasticness_instead of having to remove junk03:56
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nemo_homereferring to that, btw03:56
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Zyruleokay,  cool,  i'll give those a try.03:56
rogueChsbrgrCrakeHunter: try apt-get03:56
GatorMatux: If you only have one disk that's 20GB, I wouldn't recommend dual booting on it03:56
CrakeHunterapt-get heliodor03:56
Zyrulethank you03:56
nemo_homeoh, and if there are any devs on here, I'd be just as happy if one would fix this03:56
MeinLeibenUhh, hi guys. A bit of a newb here, but I'm having trouble with my MA111 USB wireless adapter...03:56
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nemo_homeI'm sure I'm not the only person who updated and discovered wireless not working03:56
Matuxno, no, no Gator, I meant installing Ubuntu on it03:56
adam_whats the easiest way to fix my repositories03:56
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GaiaX11Gator: He said 80gb03:56
rogueChsbrgrhave to sudo it03:56
nemo_homeMeinLeiben: maybe the same issue I'm ranting about?:)03:56
GaiaX11Gator: it is more than enough03:57
MeinLeibenOn Windows it was able to find signals just fine...03:57
Matuxis it enough space 20Gb for Ubuntu03:57
Gatoryeah, if he has 80GB then it would work03:57
rogueChsbrgrie: sudo apt-get install heliodor03:57
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eontasticness_Zyrule: no prob03:57
nemo_homeMeinLeiben: about some smartass renaming the kernel without updating wireless?03:57
MeinLeibenbut now I just want to get partying down with the African penguin and it's just not doing it. :(03:57
Gatorbut he said 20GB, which is what I was talking about03:57
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eontasticness_hope something works out for you03:57
CrakeHunterk thanks03:57
nemo_homeMeinLeiben: helloooo03:57
dom_harringtonanyone else having trouble with ubuntu on mac?03:57
MeinLeibenNemo: I hear ya.03:57
adam_whats the command line for resetting my repositories?03:57
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vox754MeinLeiben: look here http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/List for MA11103:57
nemo_homeMeinLeiben: does it work if you run # cat /etc/modprobe.d/ipw3945  | grep quiet /sbin/ipw3945d-$(uname -r) --quiet03:57
MeinLeibenNemo: So what is your story?03:57
streatherok thats me happy :D03:57
GaiaX11Matux: how big is you win HD?03:57
nemo_homewrong paste03:57
Matux80 GB03:57
nemo_homeMeinLeiben: ipw3945d-2.6.17-10-generic  <- if you run that03:58
Gatorguys, on my liveCD when I checked for defects, it said 9 checksums failed03:58
Gatoris that bad? >_>03:58
Matuxbut , i still don't trust dual booting03:58
vox754Gator: YES! get a new CD!03:58
dom_harringtonCan anyone help me with ubuntu on mac please?03:58
eontasticness_damn its taking ever to rebuild raid603:58
Gatorvox, I figured xD03:58
MeinLeibenNemo: Lemme run upstairs and figure it out.03:58
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MatuxWhat i meant was , that i could use a 20 GB disk to install only UBUNTU ,03:59
MeinLeibenHaha, I'm using this Windows comp downstairs while trying to fix my main one.03:59
GaiaX11Matux: so, format the hd throw away win and put only ubuntu there. I did it some time ago and I am very happy :-)03:59
BoMEpsilonBoMEpsilon here again. I put in xorg.conf in the right location, but now it's giving the error "No screens found" when starting up.03:59
vox754Gator: I've downloaded the DVD without a single checksum error.03:59
streatherok finally have my gfx card working properly, now i have to reinstall beryl >_<03:59
streather*smites something*04:00
Gatorvox: I got a new frisbee :D04:00
BoMEpsilonIt's not showing the graphical interface, either.04:00
MatuxGaiax11, I get you, but , i am not the only one who usses this PC04:00
vox754BoMEpsilon: you have to set those things up inside the "xorg.conf". Need to boot in rescue mode.04:00
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Gatorvox: lol CDs are fun to throw >_>04:00
BoMEpsilonSet them up?04:00
GaiaX11Matux: set yourself free from win!04:00
BoMEpsilonHm, alright.04:00
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Gatorwell this sucks04:00
GatorI'm getting grub error 2204:00
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timtrimblegator:  yeah, they make good frisbees04:01
nemo_homeok. is there an ubuntu dev channel? 'cause seriously this is both a major breakage and an easily fixed one04:01
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GaiaX11Matux: is the pc in your home, work?04:01
nemo_homeI'd like to find a dev somewhere and see if this can be pushed through properly before I toss in a symlink04:01
vox754Gator: browse for that error on the net.04:01
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CrakeHunterthe frames around my windows disappear with beryl - what can i do ?04:01
Matuxat my home04:01
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Gatorjust browse for grub error 22?04:01
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GaiaX11Matux: so ...04:01
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GaiaX11Matux: Is it yours?04:02
vox754Gator: you'll gain knowledge. But you definitely need a new CD.04:02
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Matuxthat it's the issue , you don't get it, I need Autucad, and visual basic among others04:02
Gatordo I need a windows xp cd to do this?04:02
MeinLeibenNemo: You there?04:03
Gatorthe only fix I can find for grub error 22 is booting off of a windows xp cd04:03
nemo_homeMeinLeiben: yeah04:03
nemo_homeMeinLeiben: no one is answering me re: dev stuff here04:03
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nemo_homeMeinLeiben: so just did a: ln -s /sbin/ipw3945d-2.6.17-10-generic /sbin/ipw3945d-2.6.17-10-38604:03
GaiaX11Matux: for autocad there is qcad in ubuntu04:03
MeinLeibenNemo: Unfortunately I'm pretty in the dark...04:04
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vox754Gator: you bet... don't tell me... you don't have an XP CD? !?04:04
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MeinLeibenOh, and that command does nothing for me.04:04
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MeinLeibenSince I don't have that kind of wireless adapter.04:04
nemo_homeMeinLeiben: um. you are running it as root right?04:04
nemo_homeah. pity04:04
nemo_homeMeinLeiben: think it could be related though, is my point04:04
Matuxweel good by, I'm going to try to fix my HD04:04
GaiaX11Matux: for visual basic and others there must be something as well.04:04
MatuxWish me luck04:04
GatorI don't have a an XP cd >_>04:04
nemo_homeMeinLeiben: if they are fans of naming their tools by version number04:04
MeinLeibenI'm using a Netgear MA111 USB adapter...04:04
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nemo_homeMeinLeiben: and they switched from -generic to -386 across the boare04:04
nemo_homeMeinLeiben: wondering what other things they might have broken04:05
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ArplosI'm on ubuntu Live now. I found those commands:04:05
Arplossudo mount /dev/hda2 /mnt04:05
Arplossudo chroot /mnt04:05
Arplos sudo grub-install /dev/hd004:05
MeinLeibenAh I see... Well I have just gotten ubuntu, so I wouldn't know much about what has or hasn't been broken!04:05
vox754MeinLeiben: it is a USB? Check here http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/List04:05
nemo_homeMeinLeiben: oh. geez. I'm sorry04:05
ArplosThe third command returns:04:05
Mr680x0is there anyone who can help fix my problem?04:05
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Arplossudo: unable to lookup ubuntu via gethostbyname()04:05
Gatorvox, is there any way to do this without a windows install cd? >_>04:05
nemo_homeMeinLeiben: you should have been listening to vox754 earlier comment anyway.04:05
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Mr680x0if not, I'm going to replace Ubuntu with whatever I can find04:06
nemo_homeMeinLeiben: I thought yours had suddenly broken like mine04:06
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Mr680x0when I'm in say FireFox, parts of the screen randomly appear in other spots04:06
rogueChsbrgrMr680x0: what was it again?04:06
MeinLeibenWhat did vox say?04:06
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GaiaX11You know guys. Many people who use linux are not brave enough to set them free from Windows yet. What a pitty!04:06
Mr680x0I wouldn't be using Linux if Windows ME hadn't gone and died on me04:07
rogueChsbrgrWindows free for 3 years now04:07
Mr680x0rogueChsbrgr: I just said what my problem was just before your previous post04:07
FunnyLookinHatMr680x0, well at least you're rid of windows   : )04:07
Mr680x0I use Windows on my main comp04:07
vox754Arplos: seems odd. Instead of "sudo grub-install" try going into the grub console by typing "grub" then "setup (hd0)"04:07
Mr680x0and I collect Macs :P04:08
Boohbahlinux user for ten years now... also a windows user... and i am free!04:08
ArplosHey! Please, i need to return to my previous installation!04:08
dom_harringtonanyone else having trouble with ubuntu on mac?04:08
Mr680x0well, anyone know about my problem?04:08
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P235can someone tell me the paste bin address?04:08
Mr680x0it makes internet unusable under Ubuntu04:08
vox754GaiaX11: yep. It is step by step that you get confidence.04:08
Gatorvox, is there any way to do this without a windows install cd? >_>04:09
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GaiaX11Boohbah: You are not free. You only think you are!04:09
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yellowhey guys where does openssh log its files ?04:09
shorty114P235, pastebin.ca04:09
BoMEpsilonJust remembered: I'm running off of the desktop CD right now; is there any way to edit it off of that?04:09
Mr680x0so no one knows about my problem?  I'll have to find a different free OS04:09
GaiaX11vox754: You seems to be free! :-)04:10
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Gatorvox is not free >_>04:10
nemo_homeMr680x0: I have no idea what your problem is, but I find it amusing you're trying to somehow make the channel feel threatened by your choice of OS :)04:10
Mr680x0I'm not trying to make you feel threatened :P04:10
neighborleebecause Ican't get to the right runlevel to install nvidia' own driver I got from webiste..if I try in runlevel1 it says sorry you must be in runlevel 3..2 boots me back to destkop as does 3..what now ? ;)04:11
zythMr680x0, try installing mozilla or something, see if the same issue occurs.04:11
nemo_homepersonally I say, go forth and install Vista if you want. no skin off my nose :)04:11
vox754Gator: I don't think so. The WinXP CD fixes the MBR so Win can boot, but I don't know if something else can do the trick. It has to be Microsoft related.04:11
nemo_homezyth: what's his problem anyway?04:11
zythvox754, freedos disk might work04:11
Mr680x0but if I can't fix it, I need to find a different OS that's free04:11
nemo_homezyth: if a firefox one he should be asking on moznet maybe04:11
zythnemo_home, from what I saw his Firefox displays stuff in the wrong place04:11
Gatorvox: I think I can use a windows 98 floppy if I have one04:11
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zythGator, fdisk /mbr04:11
Mr680x0it does it in other apps too04:11
nemo_homezyth: um. just a page rendering issue on a particular site?04:11
Gatorzyth, I can't really do that04:11
Mr680x0on every site04:11
zythGator, why?04:11
vox754Gator: I'm not free? what is that supposed to mean? Listen to what others have to say... good luck04:12
zythnemo_home, unsure.  He didn't specify?04:12
Gatorbecause I don't have an installation cd04:12
nemo_homeMr680x0: ok. does it seem like parts of the screen are overlaid elsewhere?04:12
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zythGator, www.bootdisk.com ?04:12
Mr680x0yes, nemo_home04:12
Gatorthe only cd burner I have is on that computer04:12
nemo_homeMr680x0: I'm not an ubuntu expert, but I did manage to corrupt the video buffer on my old laptop when trying to force it to do things the video card wasn't capable of doing04:12
Gatorthe one that's borked04:12
vox754GaiaX11: I'm free. I'm not in jail. But I might use Windows for Autocad.04:12
nemo_homeMr680x0: I ended up with results like that04:12
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TehUnii've currently got 2 hard drives setup in raid 1 (software, md). i'm reinstalling linux. what do i need to do to be sure nothing happens to the data? then how do i reconstruct the array and have mdadm recognize it as one that was previously created?04:12
zythGator, usb key, floppy disk?04:12
Mr680x0right now I'm running FF not maximized, and I'm not having any problems04:13
GatorI might have a floppy04:13
nemo_homeMr680x0: does the problem occur when approaching the edge of the screen?04:13
Mr680x0and the overlay problem just came back04:13
Gatorwould a SD card work? XD04:13
vox754Gator: You can move the CD burner, that is not a problem. Unplug, plug back.04:13
zythGator, probably not, but I can't speak for your BIOS04:13
nomasteryodavery unlikely to boot from sd04:14
GaiaX11vox754: Qcad them.04:14
nemo_homeMr680x0: or is it just artifacts, bits of things drawn that are just sitting there instead of getting cleaned up?04:14
GatorI have a floppy :O04:14
Mr680x0not artifacts04:14
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nemo_homeMr680x0: trying to figure out if it is a video issue, or an X one04:14
Mr680x0big blocks04:14
Mr680x0moved about randomly04:14
Gatorzyth, what do I do with this floppy?04:14
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zythGator, then grab a bootdisk from bootdisk.com and write the image to the disk04:15
nemo_homeMr680x0: can you dump for me your xorg.conf and lspci -v ?04:15
GatorI'll try04:15
zythdd if=imagefile of=/dev/fd004:15
jnwhat package is curses.h and panel.h a part of?04:15
nemo_homeMr680x0: also give me your xorg log file04:15
Arplos***** sudo: unable to lookup ubuntu via gethostbyname()   What this means?04:15
nemo_homeMr680x0: throw them all on some site somewhere04:15
Mr680x0I'm a n00b when it comes to linux04:15
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Mr680x0I have no clue what those are04:15
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nemo_homeMr680x0: as root, lspci -vvv > lspci.txt04:16
nomasteryodaMr680x0, the log files for Linux are stored in /var/log/04:16
nemo_homeMr680x0: then, add that + /etc/X11/xorg.conf to some site04:16
unopjn,  libncursesw5-dev libncurses5-dev04:16
Gatorzyth, is it a .exe file?04:16
nemo_homeMr680x0: and nomasteryoda is telling you where the X log is04:16
zythGator, I doubt it? Unsure.04:16
zythGator, you in Linux ?04:16
Gatorthe file I got from bootdisk was a .exe, and no04:16
CoRnJuLiOxdoes hitting the 'reload' button in synaptic add new packages that may have been added to the repositories?04:17
nemo_homeMr680x0: dmesg > dmesg.txt would help too.  might be info on what got screwed up with your vid card there04:17
GaiaX11vox754: Qcad then04:17
nemo_homeMr680x0: also, give your machine model. there may be model specific info.04:17
Mr680x0it's a Dell Latitude C80004:17
jnunop: tym04:17
nomasteryodaMr680x0, you can post it say on pastebin04:17
Mr680x0with an ATi Mobility M4 graphics card04:17
vox754GaiaX11: I need to learn new stuff. Thanks.04:17
nomasteryodaand link us up when posted04:17
zythGator, then run the exe04:17
unopArplos, it usually means /etc/hosts doesnt have an entry for your own computer -- in other words -- ping ubuntu - probably fails04:17
Gatorohh, zyth, the .exe writes the floppy04:17
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Gatorcrap, the disk is full and write protected >_>04:18
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zythMr680x0, are you using the vesa driver? it seems to not work well with my ati card, I have to set the driver in xorg.conf to '"radeon"04:18
nemo_homeMr680x0: I'm betting it is something silly like wrong vid memory size or something though. could be a bad driver though. I imagine downgrading to generic VGA would solve, but that's inelegant04:18
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vox754Gator: try running "sudo <file.exe>"04:18
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild04:18
Mr680x0Linux is a bit complex for me, are there any free OS's that are easier to deal with?04:18
zythMr680x0, FreeDOS?04:18
nomasteryodaGator dd does not care... just put tape over the hole if punched out..04:18
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nemo_homeMr680x0: Windows 95?04:19
BoMEpsilonIs there any way to browse an Ubuntu partition's contents from the desktop CD?04:19
Mr680x0I'm not going to 95, too old04:19
nomasteryodanemo_home, its still not free...04:19
zythMr680x0, you could try freespire.04:19
Mr680x0although I do have install floppies for 9504:19
zythits more...desktop oriented.04:19
vox754Mr680x0: there are different versions of Linux. I've heard SimpleMEPIS is easier. No Command Line, all GUI.04:19
nomasteryodaSimplyMepis is using Ubuntu04:20
Gatorokay zyth, I think it's working04:20
zythGator, yay04:20
nomasteryodajust has some stuff like nvidia and ati "partially" working from install04:20
barbarella2Mr680x0:you right 95 is to old04:20
nemo_homeMr680x0: http://www.linuxquestions.org/hcl/showproduct.php?product=187204:20
vox754nomasteryoda: Ah, yes. But I think that with less Command Line. Care to elaborate?04:20
nemo_homenomasteryoda: might as well be these days. win95 CDs are a dime a dozen :)04:20
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Gatoruhh, the floppy can't be acceded when it's empty04:20
nomasteryodai break the cds for win9x04:21
nomasteryodawhen i find them04:21
nomasteryodathey are only for making great botnet zombies04:21
nemo_homeMr680x0: that was off of linux on laptops. is old comments, from FC2 (!) but they seem to suggest using 1600x1200 as a resolution04:21
pbureauhehe I still have Beos and Os2warp 2 somewhere  in this office...lol04:21
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nemo_homeMr680x0: I requested all that debug stuff to figure out the problem, but probably adjusting the resolution or changing the driver would indeed solve04:21
Mr680x0I only use 1600x120004:21
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ArplosHow can i re-GRUB a HD?04:22
nomasteryodaGator, eject the floppy and reinsert...04:22
GaiaX11Mr680x0: Linux is easy. You only need some time to get with it.04:22
BoMEpsilonIs there any way to browse an Ubuntu partition's contents from the desktop CD?04:22
vox754Gator: if you don't mind... There is always a way to get a Win XP, if you know what I mean...04:22
zythpbureau, OS/2 Warp = Yellowtab Zeta now ;)04:22
ArplosI have it, i'm seeing the files, but: how can i return GRUB to boot sector?04:22
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nomasteryodaGaiaX11, well said... about 2 weeks gets many people going04:22
pbureauGaiaX11, yeah you actually have to use your brain to use it04:22
facugaichArplos, grub-install <hd>04:22
Gatorwell vox, I can't burn any cds now04:22
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ArplosI have it installed already, in hda2,04:22
Arplosubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo grub-install /dev/hd004:23
Arplos/dev/hd0: Not found or not a block device.04:23
Arplosubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo grub-install /mnt04:23
ArplosFormat of install_device not recognized.04:23
pbureauvox754, right got myself a copy xp media centre cd sp2 for 45$ once.04:23
nemo_homeMr680x0: pretty old laptop. I've found with my old P133 dell that finding info on hardware issues is a pain.04:23
GaiaX11Mr680x0: Linux is for people who wants to learn how really a computer works.04:23
Gatorzyth, the floppy still can't be acceded04:23
nemo_homeno matter what the OS04:23
vox754Gator: but you can... with friends, relatives, stores,...04:23
zythGator, define 'can't be acceded'04:23
Linux_Galoregot a question, i was looking at the kernel packages on the repo for edgy and noticed a kernel version 2.6.17-50 , Im running 2.6.17-11 and that what the package manager has set as the latest,  what is 2.6.17-50 ?04:24
Gatorthe error message says it can't be acceded,,,04:24
Mr680x0I just want an OS on this that can browse the internet with the PCMCIA wireless card04:24
Dr_willisArplos,  grub 'calls' drives a little differently then the normal /dev/  convention. It proberly wants a name like /dev/hda2 or so forth. hda2 = hd0,1 in grub speak04:24
pbureauMr680x0, linux can do that...04:24
zythlinux, freebsd.04:24
nemo_homeMr680x0: http://zwering.adsl.utwente.nl/index.php?menuID=5  this one is for an older dell, but seems to match your hardware better than the C810 - checking for hints04:24
pbureauMr680x0, get slackware for PII and lower.... charm to make it work04:24
Mr680x0I have a 1GHz PIII04:25
nemo_homeMr680x0: it looks like you should listen to zyth  and try radeon driver in your config04:25
GaiaX11Mr680x0: Mr680x0 linux does.04:25
vox754pbureau: you can give me a copy of your Win XP CD...04:25
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nemo_homeMr680x0: the other dude had same video card and said radeon driver worked nicely04:25
nemo_homeMr680x0: in his dell latitude04:25
zythMr680x0, in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf change the video device to "radeon"04:25
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Arplosubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo grub-install /dev/hda204:25
ArplosCould not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.04:25
pbureauvox754, nope I bought a clean copy... I keep it :) runs well on my dual core P4 4ghz 2 gb gaming laptop  :)04:25
BoMEpsilonPlease...Is there any way to browse an Ubuntu partition's contents from the desktop CD?04:25
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nemo_homeMr680x0: keep in mind a lot of guessing could have been saved if you had just provided the requested text files :)04:25
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nemo_homevideo problems are a pain to guess at04:26
ArplosTo browse a partition from the Live CD?04:26
Gatoromg rofl04:26
arrenlexCan anyone recommend a good, light, functional desktop I could install?04:26
duckvengeHi all, is there anyway I can install Ubuntu without the need of a CD ROM or DVD?04:26
nemo_homearrenlex: XFCE4!04:26
H4They, I could really use some help (installing Ubuntu), does anyone want to help me out?04:26
Gatorzyth, it couldn't access it because I was viewing it in windows explorer04:26
BoMEpsilonArplos: How? I have no idea. :P04:26
nemo_homearrenlex: I use that on my old P133 with 96MiB of ram04:26
arrenlexnemo_home: What are the benefits of XFCE with respect to things like enlightenment?04:26
Arplosubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/hda# /mnt04:26
ArplosWhere # is the number of partition.04:26
zythGator, lol ok04:26
nemo_homearrenlex: What I like is it uses GTK2 for rendering04:26
nemo_homearrenlex: on my old machine I simply only installed GTK2 apps04:27
ArplosThen the contents are in /mnt.04:27
nemo_homearrenlex: that cut down on the libs I needed to load in my tiny amount of ram04:27
zythduckdown, yeah, you can basically install it like you would the initial parts of gentoo linux04:27
BoMEpsilonArplos: Just did it.04:27
nemo_homearrenlex: for example, I used audacious as my music player04:27
BoMEpsilonIt's loading.04:27
Mr680x0so do I replace every spot that it says "ATI Technologies, Inc. Rage Mobility M4 AGP" with "Radeon"04:27
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BoMEpsilonArplos: It just finished.04:27
ArplosHow can i return GRUB to boot?04:28
BoMEpsilonWhere to from here?04:28
GatorSo, about how much less RAM does Ubuntu use than Windows XP?04:28
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arrenlexMr680x0: Sorry to interject, but that doesn't sound at all right. That's an identifier. What are you trying to do?04:28
nemo_homearrenlex: worked pretty well, with X running, and relatively little swap used, I used only about 35MiB with XFCE4 running04:28
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nemo_homearrenlex: switch his driver in xorg.conf04:28
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nemo_homearrenlex: he just needs to change the driver line04:28
zythMr680x0, nononono04:28
GaiaX11duckvenge: by pen driver and networking.04:28
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zythhe go boom.04:28
barbarella2Gator:you must be in your swap now04:28
H4TI booted to my ubuntu disk and got as far as the paritioning section. I didn't know which was win and which was my old SUSE partition, so I cancelled install and rebooted...now when I try to boot up to the disk again it gives me drive errors! Anyone?04:28
nemo_homearrenlex: anyway, it worked well for me04:28
pavswhats the best personal wiki (CMS) out there?04:29
arrenlexnemo_home: I'll try xfce, then. Thanks.04:29
duckvengeGaiaX11: I have a HD running Dapper.. and I have the HD I want to install on ... is that enough?04:29
nemo_homearrenlex: I think there's even an XFCE4 ubuntu. I don't know if they stuck to a single gui toolkit04:29
duckvengeI mean it's a slave right now.. but I will make it bootable04:29
nemo_homearrenlex: personally, I went gentoo, with -Os set - my theory was I cared more about the size of libraries in memory than saving on cycles :)04:29
arrenlexnemo_home: Life is too short to run gentoo.04:30
timtrimblenemo_home, arrenlex:  it's xubuntu... or if it's not, you can just apt-get it most likely.  =)04:30
Gatorgod dang, the floppy has an I/O error04:30
vox754!grub > Arplos04:30
nemo_homearrenlex: heh. have 5 gentoo machines personally :) but hey, to each his own04:30
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nemo_homearrenlex: I must say I'm spending far too much time poking at obscure issues with my mom's ubuntu system too. like this latest ubuntu breaking wireless with recent kernel rename.04:31
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nemo_homearrenlex: seems all distros are prone to stupid updates04:31
BoMEpsilonSomeone here just told me to do this command: sudo mount /dev/hda# /mnt. Of course, I replaced the #, but where do I go from there? I want to find a way to browse its contents.04:31
nemo_hometimtrimble: yeah, I think there's an actual distro CD for it04:31
nemo_hometimtrimble: seem to remember seeing it. like kubuntu04:31
Arplosubuntu@ubuntu:~$ !grub04:31
Arplosgrub-install /dev/hd004:31
Arplos/dev/hd0: Not found or not a block device.04:31
BoMEpsilonWhoops, nevermind.04:31
pavswireless broken in my laptop too after the update, i just login from the previous kernel04:32
arrenlexArplos: Do you mean hda?04:32
duckvengeOk I know what to do I think. I will have to copy a downloaded ISO to a ext2/3 partiion on the target HD.04:32
nemo_home /dev/sda! :)04:32
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duckvengemake it bootable, then yahoo...04:32
arrenlexArplos: Depends where you want to install grub. /dev/hda == drive root. /dev/hda2 == partition.04:33
H4Thm, can anyone help me, please?04:33
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pbureau!ask | H4T04:33
ubotuH4T: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:33
H4Tlol, I did, I'll backtrack and post it again:04:33
H4TI booted to my ubuntu disk and got as far as the paritioning section. I didn't know which was win and which was my old SUSE partition, so I cancelled install and rebooted...now when I try to boot up to the disk again it gives me drive errors!04:33
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:34
H4Tcurious, lol04:34
facugaichArplos, did you follow ubotu's links?04:34
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Arplosubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo grub-install /dev/hda04:34
ArplosCould not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.04:34
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GaiaX11duckvenge: I think so. But, now I have to leave because it is too late here and I have to sleep now.  Someone will walk with you from now I am sure. http://pendrivelinux.com/      http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1229101&postcount=15804:34
H4Tits a bot >_< gee04:34
ArplosLet's see...04:34
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nemo_homeH4T: there is a partition rescue tool if you !@#$ed up your partition table04:34
duckvengethanks GaiaX1104:34
setuidIs it possible to have a mysql database on some other partition/drive/array, instead of the normal /var/lib/mysql/* location? I have an enormous db I need to load up, and there isn't enough space on /var to handle it. I'd like to keep the rest of my dbs on /var, but not this one.04:34
vox754H4T: turn off the CPU, let it cool off, unplug the devices and connect again, clear the BIOS by placing the jumpers on the motherboard.04:34
seravitaeHi i have two network cards, onboard (doesnt work) and pci... I changed kernels and the onboard one appeared, but didnt work, and now the PCI one wont work. even when i change back to the other kernel.04:35
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nemo_homevox754: seriously? :)04:35
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arrenlexArplos: Are you sure you don't have scsi discs?04:35
eontasticness_that is probably the most retarded answer i've ever read04:35
unopsetuid,  yep, just move the directory across to your new volume(s) and leave a symlink behind04:35
nemo_homevox754: you're not being a BOFH are you? :)04:35
H4Tyeah, paritions are fine, I'll try that vox, thanks04:35
frogzoosetuid: of course it's possible - there'll be a config somewhere04:35
setuidunop, ew... no symlinks allowed04:35
eontasticness_and ive been on freenode/linpeople since 95 or so04:35
a514anyone in canada? i am!!04:35
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vox754nemo_home_ what is that BOFH, I don't speak chinese...04:36
ArplosWhich links, sorry?04:36
nomasteryodaa514, brrrrr04:36
nemo_homevox754: JFGI :-p04:36
setuidfrogzoo, oh?04:36
nomasteryodaglad I'm in Georgia... US04:36
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StriderZwhat is the main package I need to install to have a basic gnome desktop?04:36
setuidfound it04:37
unopsetuid, no symlinks allowed -- is that because mysql doesnt like them or because you dont like them?04:37
furryballsa514: Yea, I am. It's nice and cold out. If my house gets too hot, I just open a window. n_n04:37
vox754nemo_home, I'm serious. Simple questions, simple problems, simple solutions.04:37
setuidunop, Its because they physically will not work across arrays and filesystems like that.04:37
setuidBut I found the proper solution04:37
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nemo_homevox754: ok. I'd never heard of that before, is all04:37
nemo_homevox754: I can't even imagine the causal relationship, so that's why I was agog04:37
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cafuego_Uh, symlinks work fine across filesystems. hardlinks don't.04:38
unopeh, how does a mysql table do it for him, ?04:38
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zero88where would i get themes for the desktop without having to install compiz or beryl???04:38
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GatorAll hail Zyth!04:39
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nemo_homezero88: gnome-look.org ?04:39
vox754nemo_home: answer privately #vocx This is my only free day. I'm giving it all. In 24 hours, you won't see my shadow.04:39
nemo_homezero88: ubuntu has a ton of gnome theme packages too04:39
jonwhi, anyone able to help me ? i'm running multiple x sessions (f7 & f9) but the keyboard only works in the f7 session04:39
GatorVox: I did it with a windows 98 floppy :D04:39
zero88nemo_home yes ive tried there,but i was sure what catagory to look under04:40
nomasteryodaGator, excellent04:40
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zero88nemo_home the default ones under theme?04:40
vox754Gator: write a mini HOWTO and keep it with you.04:40
NewbieToUbuntuanyone extremely knowledgeable of ubuntu and doesn't mind helping me out for 5minutes?04:40
nomasteryodai prefer aol floppies for that... when they were available04:40
nemo_homezero88: you want metacity04:40
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zero88nemo_home ok kool, i wasnt sure what one to use04:40
nemo_homezero88: but yeah, look in that synaptic tool thingy, ubuntu has a bunch already04:40
Gatora mini HOWTO for what?04:40
frogzoo!helpme | NewbieToUbuntu04:41
ubotuNewbieToUbuntu: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:41
=== ssweeny [n=scott@c-24-131-16-5.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
NewbieToUbuntufair comment ^^04:41
nemo_homezero88: I'm kind of a ubuntu noob myself though.04:41
zero88nemo_home oh ok in synaptic04:41
eontasticness_ubotu: stfu04:41
ubotuWords like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.04:41
=== crippler2007 [n=cblamer@d192-24-176-71.col.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
blahblahblahNewbieToUbuntu, there is no one here extremely knowledgeable04:41
nemo_homeeontasticness_: oh really.04:41
zero88nemo_home thats ok, if you have the knowledge i need it helps :)04:41
jonwor for that matter whats the best way of setting up multiple x sesssions /04:41
=== the_darkside_986 [n=perfectc@nc-76-3-206-36.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
eontasticness_stupid bot04:41
Gatoryou can't say noob? >_>04:41
blahblahblahthose are out there usually charging $150/hr04:41
blahblahblahbut ask away04:41
proqesiblahblahblah: don't be so sure, they drop in all the time04:42
=== simmerz [n=simmerz@iitempest.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
NewbieToUbuntuI run a x-shellscript install for firefox in 'terminal' pops up with a terminal window but disappears instantly04:42
eontasticness_blahblahblah: ive been using linux since 95, i know the kernel and OS inside and out04:42
eontasticness_blahblahblah: of course i dont really like helping people too often04:42
blahblahblahlol, kernel hackers in here?04:42
eontasticness_unless i am bored04:42
blahblahblahi serverly doubt that04:42
=== Xenocide [n=xeno@rrcs-70-60-97-150.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
vox754Gator: just write what you did, in case someone has a similar problem like you, you are able to remember what you did and help others.04:42
eontasticness_ive been using linux since slackware's first build04:43
frogzooblahblahblah: just ask the question04:43
proqesisabdfl drops in here too04:43
blahblahblahwhy? i don't have a question04:43
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GatorI actually got it from someone else's howto >_>04:43
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Xenocidei was wondering if someone could help me when i installed beryl and i have the beryl manager enabled, the tops of the windows do not display at all, i had this problem before but i can't remember how it's fixed04:43
eontasticness_i'm also knowledgeable in just about every other OS04:43
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blahblahblahGator, what was your problem again?04:43
arrenlexeontasticness_: And modest too! :)04:43
eontasticness_minus QNX and some other obscure oses04:43
jonweontasticness_: help me then :D04:43
DBOXenguy, nohup emerald --replace &04:43
Zyrulejust one question,  in ubuntu when your installing,  what is the command syntax to disable hardware probing?04:44
=== BigMac [n=mike@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
blahblahblaheontasticness_, lol, sure sure ... i believe you04:44
blahblahblaheontasticness_, it's nice of you to share your knowledge with us tho04:44
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eontasticness_arrenlex: i usually don't talk about my skills unless someone like blahblahblah suggests that only n00bs hang out in irc help channels04:44
=== blahblahblah noogies eontasticness_
blahblahblahi'm buggin ya04:44
XenocideDBO,  i tried emerald --replace04:44
frogzoo!helpme | blahblahblah04:44
ubotublahblahblah: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:44
eontasticness_i am actually just sitting on my mac waiting for my fileserver to finish rebuilding an array that took a shit04:44
eontasticness_so i thought i'd irc04:45
GatorI just love how fast an efficient floppies are04:45
blahblahblahfrogzoo, what the hell is wrong with you?04:45
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blahblahblahlisten simpleton, i don't have a question, now go away04:45
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pbureaueontasticness_, eve played on CPM?04:45
eontasticness_blahblahblah: damn! whats with all your freakin questions?04:45
ZyruleDoes anyone know how to disable hardware probing in boot options,  is it "noprobe" ??04:45
DBOkeep it on topic please folks04:45
blahblahblahor maybe that should be doh?04:46
frogzoo /ignore blahblahblah04:46
eontasticness_i have some REALLY early memorys of CPM pbureau04:46
blahblahblahcongratulations, you can type04:46
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@optussatellitebintb.22bjipb002.optus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
blahblahblah*rools eyes*04:46
blahblahblahZyrule, i don't know that offhand sorry04:47
pbureauZyrule, what are tryingto acheive, maybe easier just to blacklist the driver not loaded.04:47
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blahblahblahanyone else have any questions?04:47
ubuntu_yay for linux04:47
eontasticness_pbureau: my dad used to have it on an ancient machine back when i was 4 or 504:47
ubuntu_wow lagzorz04:47
GatorI remember leading the project on the first Unix based system...04:47
ubuntu_1900 ms w00 w0004:47
ubuntu_ ne of u linux guys know how too hackl?04:47
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pbureaueontasticness_, you just aged me a little there,..lol04:47
Zyrulewell the system i'm working on,  its trying to probe PCI for hardware,  but the motherboard only has ISA,  no PCI...04:48
Zyrulelol,  i mean its not a big deal,  i was just wanting to see what would happen if i could diable hardware probing...04:48
larson9999you can still use cpm.  don't have to talk about it in past tense.04:48
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eontasticness_Zyrule: while it has only ISA SLOTS, it probably has a pci bus somewhere on the board04:48
eontasticness_a lot of the cyrix socket 7 boards did, even with just isa04:48
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eontasticness_larson9999: really?  the last i had heard of it was in middle school04:49
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Zyruleoh... i see...04:49
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eontasticness_pbureau: yeah I am 25 years old04:49
Zyrulewell puppy is almost done downloading anyways04:49
=== tim [n=tim@0x57334fe7.ronxx4.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
ublenderok, hopefulley simple question: how would I add the ability to change to a higher resolution, I added the new setting to xorg.conf, but I cannot select it in gnome preferences04:49
Zyrulei just hope it doesn't do the same thing...04:49
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pbureaueontasticness_, lol.... lets just state I have more than a decade on you...lol04:49
blahblahblahublender, you need proper refresh rates for your monitor04:49
frogzoo!fixres | Zyrule04:49
ubotuZyrule: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:49
rioanyone here happen to use SocialText Open?04:49
larson9999eontasticness_: well, i use it often enough.  of course i have a kaypro and c64 that run it :)  there are emulators too.04:50
blahblahblahublender, google up the specific horiz and vert refresh rates for your exact model and make04:50
blahblahblahthen restart x04:50
eontasticness_larson9999: hahaha ... i threw away anything older than a socket A about 6 months ago04:50
erjinghello everybody.04:50
eontasticness_larson9999: the wife made me04:50
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ublenderk, thx for the start04:50
eontasticness_actually i take that back --- i have a g3 imac in the garage still04:50
blahblahblaheontasticness_, why does the wife have access to the toys? *hmmm* :)04:51
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl771.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
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ubotuFor Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9746 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using this repository: deb http://nvidia.limitless.lupine.me.uk/ubuntu edgy stable04:51
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qidIs a "theme" just a collection of controls, window borders, and icons, or is there more to it?04:51
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larson9999eontasticness_: i had nearly 100 different systems. down to a dozen or so now04:51
eontasticness_blahblahblah: well the toys had taken over about every room in the house --- old sparc stations, alpha workstations, 486/mmx/pii/p3 machines, junker laptops04:51
blahblahblahqid, just pretty much that04:51
Zyrulehmmm weird04:52
blahblahblaheontasticness_, ehe :) a true junkie04:52
Peloqid,  that is pretty much it, some include sounds and wall paper, the occasionnal screensaver04:52
eontasticness_blahblahblah: so now i am down to 16 machines on my lan04:52
blahblahblahis that just at home?04:52
StriderZwhat is the command to configure X?04:52
=== tombow [n=tombow@adsl-75-40-120-173.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
eontasticness_blahblahblah: yeah at home --- at work i have about 100 servers04:52
Zyrulei was reading documents files on ubuntu... and it said cyrix processor uses need to disable the cache of their system while installing,  then enable it after installing04:52
blahblahblahsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:52
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blahblahblahlol nice04:52
=== gansinho [n=gansinho@c9062858.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
blahblahblah16 boxen at home ... what do you use them all for if i may ask?04:53
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=== Tester [n=Tyler@adsl-70-131-220-200.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
LilGatorso should I get 6.06 or 6.10?04:53
blahblahblahi have like 6, gotta find time to set them up as blender render nodes04:53
Testerwhat'st he command to force unmountting of a drive?04:53
blahblahblahLilGator, for work 6.06, for home 6.1004:53
vox754Zyrule, pardon me if I bother you, but have you tried Knoppix? It is very easy to turn off hardware detection, like "knoppix nopci".04:53
=== xolla [n=xolla@201-34-169-223.bnut3702.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
LilGatorwhoooo 16 hour iso download04:53
Zyrulehmm actually no i haven't,  not yet04:53
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PeloTester,  sudo unmount ...04:53
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xollaplease some can help in pvt?04:53
Zyrulebut,  doesn't knoppix run live?04:53
gansinhohello gyus, I'm having this issue : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=356408&page=36 and "a04:54
gansinhostandard system upgrade will automatically perform this as well" did not help me... should I try a dist-upgrade or something?04:54
eontasticness_fileserver with 2.7TB of storage (currently repairing), two fakemacs, three real macs, a vista test machine, an xp pro machine, a couple bsd machines doing random server tasks, my main linux desktop, my two media centers, my patio computer, my garage computer04:54
Zyrulecan you install from the cd without booting live,  because this only has 80mb of ram,  i dont think its gonna run that well live...04:54
gansinhosorry for the flood04:54
LilGatorhow do I torrent the LiveCD file?04:54
Testerpelo, it says the device is busy04:54
blahblahblahgansinho, are you having problems dist upgrading from one to the next release?04:54
eontasticness_that excludes laptops04:54
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PeloTester,  find what is using it and xkill it04:54
datakid23hola all, in synaptic my tomboy package is listed as installed, but it's not on any of my menus. I tried to reinstall and reboot, but I still don't see it. ??04:54
Testerpelo, i need it to keep running, i just need to replace a cd04:54
gansinhoblahblahblah, nope, but I've already tried a ordinary upgrade and didn't fixed the nvidia driver isssue(related to the last upgrade)04:54
pbureaudatakid23, is tomboy a giu interface ?04:55
blahblahblahah okay04:55
=== DavidHKMrPowers [n=chatzill@unaffiliated/davidhkmrpowers] has joined #ubuntu
nomasteryodaTester, you issue the eject /dev/cdrom04:55
datakid23yes - it's in gnome - a notepad of sorts04:55
=== Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-105-10.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
andrehey folks04:55
StriderZThanks! And what about to configure my default desktop? I just get the blank X when I startx04:55
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vox754Zyrule: you are probably correct. But you should at least see the specifications on their page.04:55
PeloTester,  what is the drive being used for ?04:55
LilGatorHow do I torrent the 6.10 LiveCD iso?04:55
eontasticness_i like my fakemacs04:55
andrewill the nvidia-glx and nvidia-settings allow me to do a) beryl and b) dual monitors?04:55
datakid23I tried running from the cli, but it just seems to hang? fully updated edgy instlal, btw04:55
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variantandre: yes04:55
Testernomasteryoda, it says the device is busy, eject failed04:55
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PeloLilGator,  search for it on www.torrentz.com04:56
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arrenlexCould someone send me a default xorg.conf? It doesn't matter what card. I need the tablet portion; I deleted it from mine 'cause I never thought I'd need it.04:56
nomasteryodaTester, cd /04:56
larson9999blahblahblah: well, you have the dedicated hercules+mvs box, the wife's, son's, file server, mythtv box, supercpu box, g3, the guest computer, lappy, the p1 with the dual 5 1/4 and 3 1/2 floppy.  those are the required. add in optionals as you like.04:56
blahblahblaheontasticness_, nifty ... lots of storage there04:56
=== LilGator is now known as Gator_
Testerpelo, im installing a game via Wine04:56
nomasteryodathen try again04:56
variantTester: use fuser to find file is holding open the drive04:56
unoparrenlex,  wouldnt creating one anew work?04:56
variant!fuser | Tester04:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fuser - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:56
eontasticness_blahblahblah:  yeah --- i have a bunch of 500gb sata drives in a raid604:56
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nomasteryodaTester, you need to find out if wine is still running... accessin it04:56
blahblahblahlarson9999, *nod*04:56
eontasticness_blahblahblah: one of them fails and linux freaks out --- pissed me off04:56
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andrevariant:  how do I get dual monitors working?04:56
frogzoo!fixres | arrenlex04:56
eontasticness_taking FOREVER to fix errors and rebuild04:56
ubotuarrenlex: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:56
datakid23<pbureau> yes, it's  a gnome note taking program04:56
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ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama04:56
PeloTester,  then you would need to kill wine , it is the process locking up your cd drive,  but that would also kill your install so my guess is you are screwed04:57
snowsnakehi all, someone that knows what i can do about my network card? I can use gaim and use google. but i can't browse other websites or use synaptics to update.04:57
variantandre: no idea with nvidia drivers.. i know for a fact that they support it though04:57
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Testernomasteryoda, it is, and thats normal... but apperantly it doesnt like being ejected04:57
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead04:57
blahblahblahlarson9999, neat to see you using myth ... does the rest of the family, you set that up as a media center?04:57
pbureaudatakid23, open a terminal type sudo <appname> see if it startc04:57
unoparrenlex,  sudo Xorf -configure  creates a /root/xorg.cong -- Sudo X -configure /root/xorg.conf tests it out04:57
eontasticness_snowsnake: sounds like a DNS problem not a computer problem04:57
larson9999i think my system is aging.  saw a power supply at the goodwill today and it had some connections i haven't seen.  the were kinda small and black.  what do those go to?04:57
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nomasteryodaTester, if wine is using it for the program, then you can't eject to insert another cd....04:57
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larson9999blahblahblah: yeah04:57
Testerpelo, there HAS to be a way to force it out (outside physical means that is)...04:57
blahblahblahlarson9999, do 'normal' people like myth?04:58
datakid23<pbureau> I have, and it hangs on the same line as a non sudo run04:58
datakid23"Binding key '<Alt>F11' for '/apps/tomboy/global_keybindings/open_start_here'04:58
blahblahblahi've only used it here, not with regular folks yet04:58
pbureaudatakid23, then I dunno, probably aq bad compile or package.04:58
eontasticness_larson9999: probably SATA power connectors04:58
=== Pici [n=pcmacman@ool-4355be00.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
PeloTester,  try sticking a paper clip in that little hole underneath the tray to unlock the tray from the drive04:58
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larson9999blahblahblah: we're an almost linux except for vintage systems family.  still use a bit of windows on my wife's laptop.04:59
blahblahblahlarson9999, totally sweet04:59
variantTester: there is, use the fuser comamnd to see what program is holding it open04:59
eontasticness_my alternate OS boxes outweigh my windows machines here by far04:59
duckvengeanyknow how I can fool around with the grub in  graphical way?04:59
Testerpelo, i figure that would work, but id like to encouter this the right way =/ im pretty sure i had this problem before and i fixed it. oh well, no biggie04:59
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Testervariant, terminal is04:59
eontasticness_2 windows desktops and one laptop (the wife)04:59
datakid23<pbureau> cheers for your help04:59
unopTester,  also -- the eject command could work04:59
larson9999blahblahblah: i think that now that mythtv and freevo are easy enough, the other options are cheap enough that it's not as appealing to many.04:59
eontasticness_the rest are linux/bsd/osx/solaris04:59
unopTester,  sudo eject .. or sudo eject /dev/name05:00
Testerunop, someone has suggested it, it says device is busy and that eject failed05:00
variantTester: so close terminal05:00
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variantTester: close all the terminals currently open05:00
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Testervariant, that would cause the installer to close as well, hence shutting down my game installation, heh05:01
variantTester: then press the eject button05:01
eontasticness_unop:  umount /dev/cdrom05:01
variantTester: so the game installer is holding the drive05:01
unopTester, errm, you want to eject the tray and still keep the install going? thats funny05:01
variantTester: and forceing it would proabbly cause the installer to stop05:01
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Testerunop, how do you think people install programs that use multiple cd roms?05:01
variantTester: man mount will tell you how to do it05:01
larson9999eontasticness_: actually, free is the focus here.  use freedos, menuetos, haiku, and will likely use reactos when it goes beta.05:02
ArplosOk, It worked!!!05:02
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variantTester: ah lol, this old chestnut.. its unreal tournament or something?05:02
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ArplosBut now i have only one concernment...05:02
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unopTester, well, how can you be sure that the installer has finished its business with this particular CD-rom?05:02
Testervariant, world of warcraft05:02
blahblahblahlarson9999, isn't reactos the one that tries for binary compatability with ms?05:02
vox754Arplos: what, you repaired your GRUB?05:02
eontasticness_larson9999: i havent really found a practical use for haiku or reactos05:02
Testerunop, it says please insert cd 2. haha05:02
larson9999blahblahblah: yeah05:03
ArplosOnly one problem...05:03
variantTester: hold pleas05:03
pbureauTester,  use a paper clicp and slide into the tiny hole on the drive pop the cdrom out05:03
PeloTester,  your problem is wine related , try asking for a solution in #winehq05:03
blahblahblahlarson9999, your a true geek, i'm a politico and biased ... i can't stand such ideas :)05:03
larson9999eontasticness_: i just like checking stuff out.05:03
ArplosI have a partition in /dev/hda4, FAT 32 for files.05:03
ArplosIt is not longer appearing.05:03
Testerwould it be possible to link the cd rom to something else (theres a command i think), that way allowing me to swtich cds?05:03
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eontasticness_larson9999: i am guilty of that too ---- notice i didn't say i hadn't TRIED either OS, just that i couldnt find a practical use for them :)05:03
vox754Arplos: "sudo fdisk -l"05:04
larson9999blahblahblah: i'm political.  i'm pro OSS05:04
PeloArplos,  do you mean that the partition doesn't mount or that the partition is gone ?05:04
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ArplosThe partition doesn't mount.05:04
Testerpelo, ill try going there, thanks05:04
ArplosIt was a mount point.05:04
blahblahblahwoot! /me adds one more to the team05:04
PeloArplos,  just mount it manualy then05:04
variantTester: seems like other poeple have had this exact problem05:04
=== Faust-C yawn
variantTester: are you following any howto for the install or just doing it as you go?05:04
Zyrulewell,  i managed to get the ubuntu installer to boot. lol05:04
Faust-Ctsk tsk05:05
frogzoo!appdb | tester05:05
ubotutester: Appdb is a database of apps & help for programs that run under wine: see http://appdb.winehq.org05:05
eontasticness_I like the open source movement but I am not anti-commercial software ... there is a place for both05:05
Testervariant, following a howto on the wine website, but the person who wrote it was using suse it seems05:05
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variantTester: i see05:05
Zyrulebut disabling the PCI doesn't allow the ISA slot to work....05:05
Arplossudo mount /dev/hda4 /mnt05:05
=== Pelo goes and gets the tar and feather to take care of eontasticness_
blahblahblaheontasticness_, me too, i have a problem with redmonds business practices.  although ubuntu has really changed things, its getting easy to just recommend ubuntu to a home user because it just works05:05
blahblahblahof course there are gotchas05:05
variantTester: make an iso of the cdrom and mount it like so mount -o loop /path/to/iso /path/to/mountpoint05:05
ArplosBut i have to do it every time i want to use it, or is it a way to automate this process?05:05
blahblahblahi just found out i can't get a bunch of my home test users to dist upgrade ... blasted thing doesn't work05:06
PeloArplos,  sudo mount /dev/hda4 /mnt/whatever05:06
vox754Arplos: you need edit "/etc/fstab"05:06
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PeloArplos,  you'll have to add it to the fstab file05:06
ArplosLet me see.05:06
Faust-CArplos: how about making a bash alias05:06
Testervariant, too much work :S I'll sniff around winehq some more, thanks for the help05:06
eontasticness_blahblahblah: Ubuntu doesnt "just work" unless the only objective is to have a display and surf the net05:06
unopTester, well, you could try umounting the cdrom and ejecting then -- trying sudo eject - or physically forcing the drive out -- i think you need the last option here05:06
Faust-Cand that solves the issue05:06
variantTester: np, i know that my way will work though :)05:07
Faust-Ceontasticness_: lol05:07
blahblahblaheontasticness_, i will haveto disagree with you there05:07
eontasticness_blahblahblah: any ubuntu desktop i install involves 30 minutes to an hour of configuration05:07
blahblahblahactually 5 minutes05:07
Faust-Cblahblahblah: what ?05:07
blahblahblahi just image a preconfigured setup05:07
vox754Faust-C, it should be possible to auto mount, that is the real deal; aliases are for other things.05:07
Faust-Ccause its already done for  you like MS05:07
Faust-Cvox754: alias can be for anything05:07
larson9999eontasticness_: i think haiku will be useful pretty soon.  reactos problably in about a year but only for those things i REALLY need windows.  not that that will be too often.  but when an oss os goes v1 i add it to my rotation.05:07
Faust-Cvox754: you guys want everything to be done for you do it yourself05:07
Testervariant yup, it will, but too much trouble. i just went on winehq and the command to remove the cd was as simple as wine eject :D05:07
variantTester: cool! :)05:08
barbarella2eontasticness_:what more do we need ;-)05:08
variantTester: I didn't know of that.. very handy for future reference :)05:08
=== andre [n=andre@fctnnbsc16w-156034222233.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
eontasticness_larson9999: i have a few "trash machines" that i am always loading new OSes on to test them05:08
vox754Faust-C: I agree. No discussion, today I've been bashed enough already.05:08
kasoWhy have i recently started getting the follow error messages occasionally (when installing with apt, when running certain programs: Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library. Using the fallback 'C' locale.05:08
andrehey folks05:08
ArplosWhat is a bash alias?05:08
Faust-Cvox754: lol05:08
eontasticness_barbarella2: true, porn and news seem to run the world05:08
varianteontasticness_: you tried haiku?05:08
eontasticness_barbarella2: both of which are found on the net05:09
archangelpetrowhat package do syscalls come under?05:09
eontasticness_variant: yeah05:09
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Faust-CArplos: i have a alink for yopu05:09
Faust-CArplos: sec05:09
=== juano__ [n=juano@r190-0-131-49.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu
variantArplos: where you take one command for example "ls -al" and alias it to "lsa"05:09
Faust-CArplos: linuxbased.blogspot.com05:09
blahblahblahthere is just so much software in the repos most average users i deal with simply canot find the time to use it all05:09
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varianteontasticness_: any good?05:09
Faust-Cvariant: great way to explain it05:09
blahblahblahinfact beyond the stuff i preload on the image i have a hard time getting them to install anything from the repo05:09
andreI've installed the nvidia-glx and nvidia setting packages, then I've installed beryl but it crashes X when I start beryl manager....  any help?05:10
vox754Faust-C: ha ha, you see. He doesn't know what an alias is... just strengthens my point... I didn't says anything...05:10
larson9999eontasticness_: i'm anti commercial for personal use.  and i'm kinda tired of paying for desktops that are basically a reshuffling of the same stuff around so it's hard for me to find in the new version.  like buying a new car and the only real changes are they moved the cup holders to places i'm not used to and don't like.05:10
juano__hello everyone!05:10
variantFaust-C: was that sarchasm? :)05:10
blahblahblahgame players of course not, but its getting good05:10
Faust-Cvox754: lol well idk some ppl ...05:10
Faust-Cvariant: no that was a compliment05:10
ArplosWell, this channel has been really, really useful.05:10
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variantah thanks05:10
eontasticness_variant:  it still has a long way to go, but it's pretty fast and stable05:10
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frogzooArplos: -> ~/.bash_aliases05:10
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varianteontasticness_: niec05:10
Faust-CArplos: btw thats my site05:10
blahblahblahlarson9999, yeah thats the other thing.  there is a lot of inefficiency in the capitalist market ... as a capitalist pig thats hard to admit :)05:10
juano__andre: i hade this issue some days ago, and then i downloaded beryl from other repos, beryl svn05:10
Faust-CArplos: ill be adding vids soon05:10
blahblahblaheveryone tends to reinvent the wheel over there and not play nice05:10
juano__andre: fixed for me05:10
ArplosI'm watching it's progress & content.05:11
NuuteMy thanks again to barbarella2.  from complaining about my networking issues to completely working in only a few miserable hours.  Patience is a virtue.  ;)05:11
blahblahblahNuute, what turned out to be the issue? just curious05:11
ubotuFor Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9746 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using this repository: deb http://nvidia.limitless.lupine.me.uk/ubuntu edgy stable05:11
juano__andre: it can be a version incompatibility issue05:11
ArplosComunitty rocks.05:11
=== Faust-C has beryl working greta
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:11
Faust-Cbut not on ubuntu05:11
Nuutelol ask barbarella205:11
vox754variant: we should take everything as compliments, rather than sarcasms.05:11
blahblahblahberyl works just fine here05:11
XilonTo ubuntu devs/kernel maintainers: Does the stock Ubuntu kernel have the mactel patchset applied? I would like to get my Macbook working and I heard Ubuntu works very well, I'd like to know why ;)05:11
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eontasticness_larson9999: windows is relatively inexpensive considering it is an operating system that people use every day of their life at work and home ----- granted you and I might know better than to run it, but windows suits most people's needs05:12
vox754Gator: wassap, man!05:12
=== loganran [n=logan@cpe-024-211-098-199.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
larson9999blahblahblah: so now i only use oss(as far as I know) for personal use.  haven't bought anything for a couple years now.  i just donate yearly to oss projects i use.05:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mactel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:12
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barbarella2blahblahblah:just some blabla05:12
eontasticness_larson9999: i've bought software before that i used on a regular basis, because i found it useful05:12
=== Dr_willis finds thgat when windows breaks. its often impossible to fix. :(
Nuuteblahblahblah:  the last issue to stop my cause was my windows network card causing grief.05:12
eontasticness_i have some mactels05:12
Faust-CDr_willis: the fix is format install linux05:12
=== Dr_willis finds that when linux breaks. its often possible to fix. :)
=== klypso [n=alec@c-24-9-198-189.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
blahblahblahlarson9999, i particapate my self, *nod*.  i use ubuntu and debian for work as well, i'm lucky05:12
blahblahblahNuute, neat, barbarella2 *nod*05:13
larson9999eontasticness_: yeah, but i decided years ago i've paid enough for windows.05:13
Dr_willisI finially got my Logitech G15 Keyboard + lcd working with lcdproc. Weee.  :)05:13
riowhat version or variant of ubuntu are you guys using? seems like 6.10 is buggy & keeps crashing on me.  also, i hear that others have switched back to ubuntu 6.06 for stability05:13
=== Faust-C has laughed enough
=== HellDragon [n=JD@modemcable136.38-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
eontasticness_i maintain a lot of bsd systems for work05:14
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eontasticness_but I deal with win2k3 servers as well05:14
eontasticness_and some slowaris machines05:14
=== thegve [n=thegve@ip235-238-58-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu
XilonNo one knows about the kernel here? :(05:14
ArplosUbuntu 6.10 is beta.05:14
eontasticness_i spend more time fixing stupid windows problems than anything05:14
frogzoorio: please keep the fud off chan - edgy works fine05:14
eontasticness_Xilon: i know plenty about the kernel05:14
eontasticness_Xilon: what do you need to know?05:14
=== Pelo just never understood what it meant to be comfortable with an OS until he tried ubuntu 8 months ago, and 24hrs later windows was just a bad memory
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vox754rio: Ubuntu 6.10, there is currently a bug/crash with new kernel update and NVidia drivers; everything else seems okay.05:14
riowhat fud?05:15
blahblahblahrio, LTS is pretty darned good.  i'm starting to think that 6 month release cycles are too short for something like a desktop distro05:15
larson9999eontasticness_: i love windows for WORK.  makes me tons of money.  i'm only talking personal use.05:15
klypsoI am having trouble opening files in KDE05:15
riowhats LTS?05:15
blahblahblahlarson9999, lol, perpetual work indeed05:15
vox754Xilon: no, sorry.05:15
Xiloneontasticness_: Firstly I'd like to know if it has the mactel patchset applied, and secodnly why it works with macbooks so well ;)05:15
blahblahblahlarson9999, i have started a pilot at work, wherever i install linux my calls dissapear05:15
Pelog'night folks05:15
larson9999blahblahblah: think i'm going to name my next car VISTA05:15
blahblahblahits the weirdest thing, i've never expected that05:15
blahblahblahyour getting a pinto?05:16
klypsoI chose to open my ipod in amarok, and put it as the default for that type of file.  Now when I try to access my home folder, it tried to open it in amarok05:16
blahblahblah*cough* sorry, couldn't resist05:16
vox754rio: "fud" is misinformation; LTS means Long Term Support. Bugs and patches will be addresses for three years.05:16
=== Dante72536 [n=dante@] has joined #ubuntu
Dante72536hey i need help anyone05:16
larson9999blahblahblah: no, i name my toys after the thing at work that paid for them.  gonna have lots of things named vista.  i'll have to come up with a proper naming convention05:16
klypsoI cannot open directories in KDE05:17
blahblahblahlarson9999, rofl, oh wow indeed05:17
eontasticness_Xilon: you want to know if *what* has the mactel patch applied?05:17
blahblahblahyou know i didn't think about that, so true05:17
cpk1if I installed a bunch of stuff via apt and it still is in my cache is there a way I can have another computer on the same network pull those same apps from there instead of the web?05:17
klypsoas I have set the default for directories to be opened in amarok05:17
blahblahblahlarson9999, i keep on thinking about how to solve the problem instead of realising how much money it generates05:17
Dante72536is there any ubuntu expertor something like that?05:17
blahblahblahDante72536, just ask05:18
vox754cpk1: maybe you could fetch the .deb packages from the network.05:18
vox754!ask > Dante7253605:18
Dante72536how do you do to unpack the deb file of the adobe flash media player installer?05:18
BigMachow do I exit sudo su?05:18
vox754Dante72536, we are no expert, we are volunteers.05:18
BigMaclike go back to regular mode05:18
klypsoBigMac: quit05:18
larson9999blahblahblah: yeah, ms is the reason i have my job so i can't knock it too much.05:18
ArplosType "q"05:18
Xiloneontasticness_: the stock kernel. I spoke with someone who had Ubuntu working out of the box05:18
klypsorather, exit05:18
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larson9999time to make the zzz's05:19
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klypsoBigMac: ^D or quit05:19
klypsoanyone with a clue of how to fix the directory problem?05:20
eontasticness_Xilon:  yeah mactel works out of the box w/ ubuntu05:20
vox754klypso, checked the permissions? they should have read at least.05:20
Xiloneontasticness_: so it has been applied? Just wondering if it's worth my time recompiling the kernel and patching it...05:20
klypsovox754: I set the default for directory viewing to be amarok, when opening my ipod05:21
eontasticness_Xilon: yeah it has been applied ---- it's worth your time to recompile if you have a lot of applications/configs set up already05:21
eontasticness_otherwise just nuke and reload05:21
eontasticness_always nice to have a clean start every once in a while05:21
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klypsovox754: now when I try to open my home folder, amarok finds the music in it and plays it, and I do not view it05:21
Xiloneontasticness_: ok, thanks a lot :)05:22
eontasticness_no problem05:22
duckvengeLinux partion extended numbers start from 5 right?05:22
vox754klypso, ipod? well that is a different matter. I haven't tried that.05:22
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vox754duckvenge: YES.05:23
duckvengethanks vox75405:23
kasoWhy have i recently started getting the follow error messages occasionally (when installing with apt, when running certain programs: Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library. Using the fallback 'C' locale.05:23
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klypsovox754: see, I chose to open the ipod in amarok, and hit the 'set as default for this kind of file' button05:23
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unopkaso,  what does your $LANG variable contain?05:23
peepsdoes anyone here dual/multi boot more than one Linux distro?05:24
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod05:24
duckvengein menu.lst, hd1,4  should refer to  partion 5 of hdb right ?05:24
uboturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for MP3 players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio.  See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!05:24
juano__vox754: thanks, i was looking for some info on that05:24
klypsovox754: the problem is not the ipod, it is the fact that the default opener for directories is amarok05:24
klypsohow can I change that05:24
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vox754klypso, oooh. Got it. seems strange.05:24
klypsoI cannot open directories now05:25
eontasticness_peeps: only when i was once poor :) --- i used to have a linux install of redhat to do my development and then mandrake as my desktop... that was back in 98 or 99 though and i was stil in HS05:25
kasounop i think it says "en_US.UTF-8"05:25
vox754juano__, thank you for using the irc channel. Be nice and help people.05:25
unopkaso,  be sure -- use this command - echo $LANG05:25
eontasticness_now ive got multiple systems05:25
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eontasticness_no need to dual booth05:25
braddcadd2000Hello everyone.  My scanner is detected with "sane-find-scanner" but not with "scanimage -L" or "sudo xsane".  I have Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper) and an HP Officejet 5610 (all-in-one) scanner.  The scanner is listed as supported and there are people who have it running on Linux.  Thanks for any help.05:26
juano__vox754: yep ! thats we are here for :-)05:26
erjingsomebody know how to use mysql.vim wget.vim svn.vim ?05:26
juano__vox754: actually the thing is i have a motorola rokr with itunes, im trying to sync it with ubuntu05:26
vox754klypso: and you are using KDE? Can you try "konqueror" on the terminal.05:26
Dr_willisbraddcadd2000,  you may need to install the 'hpoj' hp office jet - server/package05:26
unopkaso, hmm, i wonder if you are installing  a package meant for another locale/language05:27
klypsovox754: i'll try that05:27
juano__vox754: havent been able to with gtkpod and amarok05:27
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peepsI want to give /home it's own partition and let more than one distro read it.  But i think I am running into weird permission issues05:27
braddcadd2000Dr_willis: thanks, i have done this already too05:27
vox754juano__, I don't have an Ipod, sorry. Viva las Uruguay!05:27
juano__vox754: actually with amarok, it detects it and even uploads songs lol! except it doesnt show in the itunes library !05:27
unopkaso, you could try something like - LANG=en_US sudo aptitude install package05:27
juano__vox754: once it uploads it doesnt show up05:27
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juano__vox754: Viva Uruguay ! hehe05:28
Dr_willisbraddcadd2000,  im out of ideas then. :) i had to tiddle with some things for my HP1210v (all in one thing) but aint used it in a year+05:28
klypsovox754: ah, that worked.  Thanks05:28
gnufiedcan anyone help me with my graphics pad/tablet work in Ubuntu dapper?05:28
unopkaso,  or better - LANG=en_US.ISO8859-1  sudo aptitude ....05:28
kasoi saw it when i was doing the automatic update and i saw the error a couple times, and when i try and run the nvidia config utility it gets the same error, its not just a partiular package05:28
gnufieddriver seems to recognize the hardware, but i am not able to use it as an input device05:28
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vox754klypso: you keep trying to set that as your default viewer.05:29
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barbarella2peeps:yes cause of different gid numbers05:29
braddcadd2000Dr_willis: thanks anyway, i think i need a sane expert, not many people one that channel though05:29
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peepsbarbarella2:  can it be done?05:29
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bcardarellaHow do I see what is in memory?05:30
bcardarellafrom command line05:30
barbarella2peeps:yes you can05:30
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peepsbcardarella: use top05:30
vox754bcardarella: "top", "free -m",05:31
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peepsi actually prefer htop, but it is not installed by default05:31
vox754bcardarella: "cat /proc/meminfo"05:31
Dr_willishtop is nice.. should be included by default. :)05:32
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peepsbarbarella2, can you tell me what I would need to do?05:32
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espenhi, i just installed ubuntu for the first time, awsome distro, soo easy....but i seem to be missing a lot of codecs to the media players......any easy way to install them?05:32
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peepsespen: have you tried automatix?05:33
vox754!restricted > espen05:33
espenno, what is that?05:33
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gnufiedDr_willis, help me in making my tablet/graphics work in dapper. plzzzzzzzzzz05:33
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peepsit is a program that makes it easy to install a lot of things like codecs and multimedia apps, etc.05:33
Gatoris there a recommended speed to burn the ubuntu liveCD .iso?05:34
Music_Shuffle!automatix | peeps, espen05:34
ubotupeeps, espen: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:34
Dr_willisgnufied,  what tablet?05:34
espencool, have just used the install stuff that came with ubu05:34
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solidsourcehello....I'm looking for some assistance with that very same program (Automatix)05:34
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Music_ShuffleGator, not really, if needed, you can burn it slower perhaps.05:34
gnufiediball graphics pad or some call it tablet also05:34
vox754Gator: NO. Still having problems?05:34
Music_Shuffle!automatix | solidsource05:34
ubotusolidsource: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:34
espenthanx for your help, i'll look into it05:34
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Gatorvox: I'm just now getting the iso downloaded >_>05:34
Dr_willisgnufied,  never seen/heard of it.. you sure its got any linux support at all?05:35
Music_Shuffleespen, the point of that factoid was that its -not- the best idea...05:35
GatorI was just wondering if I should burn it faster or slower05:35
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.05:35
vox754Gator: do the checksum before anything. Also do the memtest.05:35
gnufiedDr_willis, [17297556.632000]  input: UC-LOGIC Tablet WP5540U as /class/input/input305:35
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Gatorand how do I do that?05:36
solidsourceanyone get this qhen trying to install something: "E: There are problems and -y was used without --force-yes"05:36
bcardarellacool, thanks05:36
gnufiedthats what dmesg throws up, when i connect to the PC05:36
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Dr_willisgnufied,  that just means its seen... :) and printingout an id code..05:36
GatorVox: How do I do the checksum?05:36
Dr_willisgnufied,  set the xorg.conf to use it as a input device perhaps?05:36
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nevronpeople i need help installing nvidia drivers is there a better channel to ask this or am i in the right place05:37
barbarella2Gator:are you using a rewritable cd?05:37
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vox754Gator: I mean, when you have downloaded the ISO, you can run the Live CD and do the checksum before installing. Also you can search an executable "md5sum.exe" for Windows that lets you check the iso. You need a long number from the same page you got the ISO.05:37
Music_Shufflenevron, the goal is what, Beryl?05:38
Falstiusis there a metapackage for all the X11 -dev packages?05:38
solidsourcenevron: how are doing it? cause I am trying to use the latest install of automix and keep getting an error05:38
gnufiedDr_willis, heard of wacom graphics pads? there is a line in default xorg.conf for that05:38
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gnufiedthis device is exactly the same, except its not from wacom05:38
peepsnevron: personally I just manually download the nvidia drivers from nvidia.com, and run the script05:38
Music_Shufflesolidsource, did you read the factoid about automatix...?05:38
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fnfI couldn't find the dev package of openssl in Edgy server, can anyone please confirm this ?. I need it to compile rdesktop.05:39
peepshave to redo it for every kernel update though05:39
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nevronpeeps i am getitng an error when i try to dl the rpackages it goes like this  nvidia-glx: Depends: nvidia-kernel-1.0.962905:39
nevronbash: nvidia-glx:: command not found05:39
linux1anyone use lacie light scribe labeler in here?05:39
robbie_cras1hi all, I'm having a weird problem where all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, my screen sort of locks up. My computer keeps running, but my display freezes, aside from my mouse pointer which still moves. I'm new to Linux, and have no idea what could cause this, or how to fix it05:39
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nevronit is telling me that i have unmet dependencies05:39
fnfAnyone ?05:39
Dr_willisgnufied,  it also may use a different driver  or are you saying it IS a wacom - just relabled?05:40
vox754fnf: sorry, no experience with that.05:40
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gnufiedDr_willis, nope its not wacom, but rather from iball, but i said, its the similar device. like mice from a different manufacturer05:40
nevronmusic shuffle yes the goal is beryl but i have to setup the nvidia drivers first and then need some dual screen setup05:41
fnfvox754: Thanks anyway, it's weird there's no dev package of openssl though.05:41
nevronat the end i hope to get beryl going05:41
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unopfnf,  http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/utils/openssl05:41
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Dr_willisgnufied,  id say do some googling..  the thing may not be as fully supported.  You shoudl at least get some 'movement' if you create a new input device with the right /dev/input for it.05:42
barbarella2fnf: libssl-dev05:42
peepsrobbie_cras1: can you Ctrl-Alt-F1 to terminal when it happens?  Maybe you can then check logs or something05:42
vox754linux1, lacie light scribe? sorry, no experience with that05:42
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fnfbarbarella2: Ah, thanks a lot.05:42
robbie_cras1nope, screen stays totally locked aside from the mouse pointer05:42
Music_Shufflenevron, if the ultimate goal is Beryl, try #ubuntu-effects.05:42
Boohbahlinux1: lacie is a usb or firewire drive, right?05:42
hajikihey guys how do i uninstall KDE???05:42
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nevronmusic shuffle ok05:43
linux1LaCie is the light scribe software05:43
robbie_cras1ctrl+alt+backspace won't restart X either05:43
robbie_cras1ctrl+alt+del won't reboot05:43
linux1i get the light scribe gui to come up, but cant make any sense of it05:43
Dr_willishajiki,  not very easially.  fire up pacakge manager and search/click start unisntalling. :) there used to be a web site that detailed using aptitude to remove the whole kde or gnome-desktop05:43
vox754fnf: I found it also with "aptitude search openssl"05:43
linux1no way to input text for scribing05:43
unophajiki,  do you want to completely remove all KDE packages?05:43
eontasticness_robbie_cras1: what type of video adapter do you have?05:44
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robbie_cras1nVidia GeForce 7600GS05:44
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hajikiwell i dunno, i just installed it and didnt like it05:44
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stinger_auhey i just install squid but it did not come with cachemgr.cgi ?05:44
martin_hello lucky!05:44
eontasticness_robbie_cras1: are you using the nvida drivers or the nv built into xorg?05:44
stinger_auany one able to send me this file05:44
stinger_auor know where i can get it05:44
fnfvox754: I see, sorry for bothering. I was just so certain it should be named libopenssl-dev.05:44
robbie_cras1most recent stable ones05:44
unophajiki, the first section (removing kubuntu) should help you  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome05:44
peepsrobbie_cras1: you running beryl?05:44
hajikiand now it says kubuntu at boot time wtf05:44
eontasticness_robbie_cras1: have you tried changed xorg.conf back to using nv and see if it still locks?05:45
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vox754fnf: seems logical. Good luck.05:45
hajikiunop: thanks05:45
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robbie_cras1econtasticness No I've not tried that.05:45
robbie_cras1does the ssh server run by default in ubuntu??05:46
peepsit's probably a beryl bug.  I know that on my comp, beryl will lock up my system when I go to Ctrl-Alt-F1 and try to come back05:46
eontasticness_robbie_cras1: i had similar problems with using the nvidia driver on my geforce go 7600 based laptop05:46
eontasticness_robbie_cras1: no you have to install sshd05:46
pavsI am trying to edit a file as a user under gui not terminal. is it possible to edit the file without logging off and logging  in back as  a root?05:46
robbie_cras1I've got it installed05:46
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eontasticness_robbie_cras1: ah then yeah it should put it in startup automatically05:46
robbie_cras1I just don't know if I have to explicitly start it or if it's like samba and runs at startup05:46
Hellevatorhow can i change the default icon for all .rb files?05:47
peepspavs: you can use gksudo to launch an editor05:47
vox754!gksudo > pavs05:47
vox754!sudo > pavs05:47
Hellevatori can change 1 individual file by changing it in the properties but how can I change the icon for all .rb files05:47
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espenthanx guys all good now, linux this way will make me lazy :P05:47
unoppavs,  ALT+F2 -- gksudo gedit  .. opens up gedit under the super user context05:48
vox754espen: what was your problem? I forgot.05:48
espenrestriced codecs05:48
pavsthanks for the info guys05:48
duckvengeanyone know what /dev/rd generally refers to?05:48
vox754espen: sure, I remember. Success?05:48
espenye, and much easier than i am used to05:49
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qmfhi there. i've installed a 6.10 command line only setup and i need to get my wireless network set up.05:49
eontasticness_duckvenge: raid disk05:49
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duckvengeoh ok, thanks!05:49
vox754espen: you can write me a check, you know.05:49
espenppl use checks still? oO05:50
qmfthe card shows up when i do iwconfig05:50
vox754pavs: another satisfied customer.05:50
robbie_cras1if I switch back to the nv driver is that going to kill my beryl?05:50
qmfbut the xfce4-wavelan applet tells me there's no device05:50
eontasticness_robbie_cras1: i think itll still work --- i would just do that for testing purposes05:51
eontasticness_robbie_cras1: if it works, then try to find a slightly older version of the nvidia driver05:51
unopqmf,  I thought you said "command line only setup"  ? what did you mean by that?05:51
robbie_cras1I just installed the latest, in hopes that might fix it, but that didn't so I'd have to go back at least two05:52
qmfi installed the command line only then added xfce4 on top05:52
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qmfi didn't want a bloated install with loads of apps05:52
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unopqmf, ahh right .. you shouldnt have used "only" there and should have mentioned xfce too .. anyway -- does ifconfig -a list your device?05:53
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vox754espen: just for the record, neither Totem, Gxine, nor Mplayer totally worked. But VLC works perfectly.05:53
SimpletonHey guys, I just installed Beryl, but it seems to have blanked out my second monitor. The mouse can still go over to it but other than it is black05:53
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qmfunop: yeah it's listed. eth105:53
SimpletonI can't figure out how to get it back to function properly on there05:54
espenusing totem now, didnt like the new mplayer look, and it wont play from my network drive like totem05:54
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:54
SlicerDicer-I am trying to compile a 32bit kernel it keeps going crazy and trying to compile it in 64bit... however this is a chroot enviroment inside a 64bit gentoo install05:54
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vox754Simpleton: I don't know a thing about beryl, sorry.05:54
rpcwhat does it mean when i get "time of day goes back" when pinging a host?05:55
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SimpletonIts okay, ill check that channel, thanks05:55
unopqmf, ok, i dont have wireless here, so i might be a little off with the commands does iwlist eth1 scan  list any networks ?05:55
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qmfunop: yep it lists my access point05:55
juano__has anyone made a mobile itunes sync with Ubuntu _05:56
vox754SlicerDicer-, that is too andvanced for my level, sorry.05:56
juano__the itunes library sync with ubuntu ?05:56
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:56
juano__i can mount the phone, get stuff in it, etc, but i cant sync the itunes library05:56
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espenseems like the hardest part of the whole install was to retreave the encryption key for my wireless...everything worked right out of the box :)05:56
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robbie_cras1the nv driver will not work for me. It won't let me change my default refresh rate, which means that I've got a little box bouncing around saying input not supported05:57
robbie_cras1any other troubleshooting ideas?05:57
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=== Lin [n=cameron@210-84-51-103.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
pavshow can I open folder browser root05:57
unopqmf,  ok, to connect i think you do - sudo iwconfig eth0 essid <networkname>05:57
juano__Robbie_Crash: tried nvidia driver ?05:57
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vox754espen: I congratulate you. Support with money to any project you want. I suggest "ndiswrapper"05:57
fnfrobbie_cras1: Looks like the nv driver works but you cannot change the refresh rate ?05:57
unopqmf,  actuallu -sudo iwconfig eth1 key <key>05:58
eontasticness_there should be an option in the xorg conf to change the refresh rate05:58
unopqmf,  oops05:58
espenanything that normally resides on sourceforge if my favorittes :)05:58
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unopqmf,  actually -sudo sh -c " iwconfig eth1 key <key>; iwconfig eth0 essid <networkname>"05:58
unoperrm s/eth0/eth1/05:59
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fnfpavs: gksudo nautilus05:59
Hellevatorhow can i change the default icon for all .rb files?05:59
pavsin gnome?05:59
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fnfpavs: In a terminal or Alt+F206:00
Hellevatorpavs, yes in gnome06:00
robbie_cras1yeah the nvidia driver works fine, but the issue is that every so often and for no apparent reason my computer stops updating my display, for the most part06:00
fnfHallevator: That depends on the theme you chose.06:00
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vox754unop, I do "sudo iwconfig wlan0 key open 1234567890" and "sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid <networkname>"06:00
Hellevatorfnf, im using the default human theme in 6.1006:00
qmfunop: my access point is open. i did sudo iwconfig eth1 essid myaccesspointname06:00
qmfbut it didn't echo anything06:00
qmfnow can i tell if it worked without unplugging my eth006:00
Hellevatori don't want to change my entire theme, only the default icon for one file type06:00
robbie_cras1from earlier: I'm having a weird problem where all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, my screen sort of locks up. My computer keeps running, but my display freezes, aside from my mouse pointer which still moves.06:01
unopqmf,  ok, check to see if eth1 got an ip address -- ifconfig -a06:01
vivicrowanyone here knows a lot about hard drives???06:01
pavsthanks alot guys, you have made my life easier I didny know you could do this, i used to logout and login as root to change application or files06:01
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:01
eontasticness_Hellevator: im not in front of a linux machine right now, but in the Gnome Control Center, theres an option for editing file types06:01
vox754!ask > vivicrow06:01
fnfHellevator: The icons are specified in theme by theme basis, if you want to change all icons related to a file type. You need to change the appropriate icon in the theme or install a new theme.06:01
qmfit doesn't have an ip address..06:01
eontasticness_then within there theres a thing to change icons in the properties for that filetype06:01
unopvox754,  hmm, i dunno why you got iwconfig wlan0 key open .. and then a key there .. anyway, i tend to edit /etc/network/interfaces directly06:01
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unopqmf,  errm, try this -- sudo dhclient eth106:02
eontasticness_Hellevator: hopefully that helps, i remember seeing it there tho06:02
vox754unop, it is possible both ways.06:02
=== zero88 [n=zero88@ppp-69-236-48-27.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hellevatoreontasticness_, i did the thing to change it from properties but that only changed 1 file, not all them06:02
illusin1Hi, how do you "reinstall" an existing kernel (wipe the existing instance and replace it with a fresh copy)?06:02
eontasticness_Hellevator: from the Gnome Control Center?06:02
Hellevatorfnf, is there anyway to edit my human theme file?06:02
eontasticness_not just right clicking on the file06:02
zero88my girlfriend right now is blowing some bad gaasss!06:02
illusin1+b zero8806:03
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unopvox754,  in that case, your command is just a variation of mine .. you just sudo twice, i dont :)06:03
eontasticness_zero88:  dump that stanky ho06:03
qmfunop: awesome. it's got an ip06:03
qmflemme test it06:03
zero88haha im immune to it now06:03
fnfHellevator: Yes, but the default theme is located outside your home, so you should make a copy from /usr/share/themes/ of theme into your .themes folder.06:03
zero88she said that wasnt very nice06:03
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unopqmf,  if you wired interface is also connected upto the same access point -- disable eth0 and try it out06:04
vox754unop; yeah sure, its the same thing with the ampersand & between them06:04
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Hellevatoreontasticness_, i have the gnome control center open but this is just the same stuff thats in system->perferences06:04
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qmf_unop: great! thanks :D will it stay set up like this?06:04
unopvox754,  errm not really -- command1 & commnd2  is not the same as   command1 && command206:05
zero88i need some help with edgy.... it comes with ipw3945 now supposed to work out of the box,wich i set everything up perfectly, but it seems not to send any packets? what is wrong06:05
vox754unop: you get my point... now tell him about "interfaces"06:05
=== Tomcat_` [n=Tomcat@p54A19631.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
fnfHellevator: Copy your theme folder from /usr/share/themes to ~/.themes then make the modification there.06:06
unopqmf_,  errm, with wireless. nothing is predictable -- but to make it persist you need to ensure that /etc/network/interfaces contains a configuration for eth106:06
dabaRzero88: do you have an IP address assigned from your AP?06:06
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Hellevatorfnf, trying that now06:06
zero88dabar i think it does it automatically06:06
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dabaRzero88: well, check whether there is a proper IP address.06:07
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bulmerzero88 verify with iwconfig wlan006:07
zero88dabar ok how do i do that, ifdown eth1 then ifup eth106:07
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eontasticness_Hellevator: hmm i remember it being under the open with section but that was a while ago --- mightve been dropped from the gui for some stupid reason06:07
SlicerDicer-vox754, no worries :)06:07
unopqmf_,  this has it all - http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch13_:_Linux_Wireless_Networking06:07
fnfHellevator: Sorry. You want to change the icon, so copy the current icon folder in /usr/share/icons to your ~/.icons06:07
SlicerDicer-vox754, I am doing crazy stuff over here hehe06:07
dabaRzero88: nope. ifconfig will tell you the information about your interfaces.06:08
pavswhen you try to open a php file in local apache webserver, does it mean php os npt installed/configured in the apache server?06:08
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zero88dabar iwconfig wlan shows nothing but iwconfig shows my interfaces for eth106:08
vox754unop: but check the ethernet cable is unplugged and the wireless device "eth0" deactivated.06:08
zero88dabar wich is my wireless06:08
vivicrowwhenever i plugged in one of my hard drives, my ubuntu refuse to boot!!! I have no idea where to track the problem...06:08
espenzero88 i have the same card, and i needed to activate and set it up in "main menu - system - admin - networking"06:08
Dante123hi all....what open source software would allow a user to capture streaming video from you tube......I am a teacher and there are a couple of videos that I'd like to show my class from you tube....but the school boards software (Net Sweeper) won't let anyone access you tube......I'm trying to save the video to a file.....any ideas how to go about doing this?06:08
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pavsit tries to download the php file06:08
Hellevatorok thanks for the help eontasticness_ and fnf, I will work on this more later06:08
dabaR!lamp > pavs06:08
eontasticness_pavs: yes, you need php compiled into apache06:08
zero88espen i did that06:08
espenk, :)06:09
vox754SlicerDicer-, want to elaborate?06:09
zero88espen i get my signal strenth and everything06:09
fnfDante123: There're plenty of ways, one of 'em is youtube-dl.06:09
unopvox754, eth0 is not wireless .. and im not the one configuring wireless -- (and i dont like your tone of voice either)06:09
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espenyou have encryped network?06:09
vivicrowwhenever i plugged in one of my hard drives, my ubuntu refuse to boot!!! I have no idea where to track the problem...anyone can give me some directions????06:09
Dante123you tube dl?06:09
pavscan I download Lamp with apt-get command?06:09
vox754espen: I'm so proud. You giving back to the community.06:09
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fnfDante123: That's a python script, you may find it in Google.06:09
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qmf_unop: found an example config. looks good, cheers man06:10
pavsI am trying to install pmwiki in my local computer06:10
unopqmf_,  yw :)06:10
dabaRpavs: read private message from ubotu, and follow instructions in the page he refers.06:10
vox754unop: sorry, I'm writing as fast as I can. I know you were helping the other guy, I was just reading the conversation. Sorry, I'm shutting down.06:10
peepsvivicrow: you added an additional hard drive to an existing ubuntu setup?06:10
pavsthanks again guys06:10
espenzero88 do you have an open or encryped network?06:11
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SlicerDicer-vox754, well I am creating netboot enviroments inside my Gentoo AMD64 install that has nearly 1tb storage so its quite large. I will be running many OS's on there and the / is done by NFS. So I can have 90% of my comptuers without harddrives :) the problem is the kernel that comes with ubuntu does too much NFS stuff as modules so I have to build a custom kernel to do it06:11
eontasticness_i am going to sleep now06:11
peepsvivicrow: it might be that your hard drives get reordered when the new drive is added.  so hda becomes hdb for example06:11
eontasticness_wish my fileserver luck on the rebuilding of raid06:11
qmf_unop: i also think that's the first time i've actually had a problem resolved directly from this channel. woo for that.06:11
eontasticness_goodnight all06:11
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vivicrowpeeps: no, it is an old one, when i have it on, i can't install the ubuntu, so i haven't used that drive since then06:11
SlicerDicer-vox754, but I found the problem anyway it was I needed to run 'linux32 chroot /path/to/ /bin/bash' :)06:11
gortba_Hi. I have two hard drives with two different ubuntu operating systems installed. I want to remove one of the ubuntu's and install fedora. I can handle the install, but does anyone know how to look at my hard drives and then format the hard drive that has the ubuntu that I don't want?06:11
vox754pavs: this is the third time you thank. Are you not giving any money?06:11
zero88did this freeze?06:11
SlicerDicer-vox754, that still does not help that make menuconfig is absolutely horked though :)06:12
peepsgortba_ you should be able to do this with gparted I think06:12
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proqesigortba_: you can mount the fedora partition from ubuntu and look at the files on that partition06:12
pavs:) one day I will give it back to the ubuntu community by helping others. Give me some time I am still learning :)06:12
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vivicrowgortba just do the formating while you install the fedora06:13
robbie_cras1hi all, I'm having a weird problem where all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, my screen sort of locks up. My computer keeps running, but my display freezes, aside from my mouse pointer which still moves. keyboard and mouse input (aside from cursor moving) seemingly does nothing. samba still provides access to all shared drives, mp3s keep playing but nothing can be done. Using a geforce 7600gs with the latest stable nvidia d06:13
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proqesigortba_: or if you know the sizes of the partitions, you can tell from fdisk06:13
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fnfgortba_: Use cfdisk, that's more standard conformant.06:13
HP_VueWhat program can you use to record screen ?06:13
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gortba_ok..I'm a newbie. Can you give me the commands proqesi or fnf? Thanks by the way06:13
vox754SlicerDicer-: seems interesting. Yep, I've read you can force to use an 32-bit environment with "linux32", but I've never needed it.06:13
proqesigortba_: fdisk /dev/hda06:14
peepsvivicrow: I am having trouble understanding your problem.  you mean the ubuntu livecd will not boot?06:14
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proqesigortba_: or if the drive is scsi it's /dev/sda06:14
SlicerDicer-vox754, yep I just forgot :)06:14
fnfrobbie_cras1: Sounds like a typical bug that the nvidia driver has. If you were experiencing X locks up, look at the nvnews forum for hints.06:14
SlicerDicer-vox754, I dont usually run 32bit things in 64bit that require that :)06:14
CppIsWeirdi have a folder that is used for apache, and i see that there is a user group called www-data. So i assumed adding the users i want to access it to that group would allow those users to modify the contents inside, however, it has not. how do i accomplish this?06:14
g_m_kelly_Why is it that sometimes my hard drives are in a different order? I have three drives, two on one controller, one on another. Sometimes, the single drive will be /dev/sda and sometimes /dev/sdc, but the two on the same controller are always contiguous06:14
=== StriderZ [n=striderz@c-71-204-29-10.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
HP_VueWhat prgram????06:14
proqesigortba_: or check /media, it may have already mounted your fedora partition06:14
StriderZwhat package do I need to install for "make"?06:14
fnfgortba_: You may partition the drive with cfdisk. Sample usage: cfdisk /dev/hda06:14
BigMacI am trying to set up the wifi on my computer, and I entered my ssid, but I have wep certification on this network because it is a windows network so which  type do I choose?(plain text or hexidecimal)06:14
HP_VueCan you use yo record a screen>06:14
=== seravitae_ [n=seravita@60-240-192-119.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRHP_Vue: sec.06:14
proqesiStriderZ: build-essential06:15
vivicrowpeeps: one of my hard drive got damaged before...I stopped moving a large file from one drive to another...06:15
gortba_ok...trying it now06:15
vox754SlicerDicer-: well, you are on Gentoo; I've read, you compile everything, so there must be 64-bit of everything.06:15
vivicrowpeeps: and ubuntu report error msg about that hard drive while booting06:15
StriderZproqesi: thanks06:15
Dante123okay....will look for it.....06:15
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fnfgortba_: Becareful with any drive partitioner though.06:15
BigMac I am trying to set up the wifi on my computer, and I entered my ssid, but I have wep certification on this network because it is a windows network so which  type do I choose?(plain text or hexidecimal)06:15
vivicrowhow come you guys can read stuffs here...msg is popped up so fast...lol06:15
ubotuistanbul: Desktop session recorder. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.1-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 47 kB, installed size 380 kB06:16
vox754fnf: he is a newbie, recommend him a graphical partitioning program like GParted.06:16
Dante123I found the youtube-dl.....but when i want to put it in the /usr/local/bin.....it says I can.....do I have to be logged in as root to do that...or can I give mysefl permission to be able to do that?06:16
qmf_i have another question.. i installed xdm so i have a graphical login.. but i still get the command line login06:16
naliothvivicrow: you use the persons nick you are talking to, for one thing  :)06:16
dabaRHP_Vue: Got that?06:16
qmf_how do i change it to xdm?06:16
espenbigmac, do you have the key as text or hex?06:16
HP_Vuethanks dabaR06:16
SlicerDicer-vox754, yep on that box 99% of it is 64bit given what that box does its not needed to have 32bit the only 32bit thing on there is mplayer-32bit so I can use the win32codecs :)06:17
dabaRHP_Vue: http://www.google.com/search?q=capture%20screen%20ubuntu for other options...06:17
fnfDante123: You may put it into your ~/bin, that needs no root permission.06:17
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robbie_cras1what's the command to restart x?06:17
espenbigmac, a dext code is normally like 5 digits06:17
fnfDante123: If the software is blocking all routes to youtube, the only way I know of is to access through a proxy though.06:17
HP_VueBut, if it is in the repos, then what is the teminal command?06:17
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dabaRrobbie_cras1: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart is what I use.06:18
fnfDante123: youtube-dl is just a tool to download videos from youtube.06:18
Dante123fnf:  it says I can't put it in /bin either06:18
stinger_auhow come i have install perl and i dont have a cgi-bin dir ?06:18
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BigMacespen: my key is wep and the key is 8605859392, so which would I put?06:18
dabaRHP_Vue: to install istanbul from command line?06:18
espenbigmac, that is most likely a hex06:18
ubotuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide06:19
fnfDante123: Put it into your bin, which is /home/<your-name>/bin. bash will usually recognize the new executable. And make youtube-dl executable if necessary06:19
mackinacis there a setting in VLC for opening all in a single instance?06:19
vivicrowstinger_au: perl has no direct connection with cgi-bin dir06:19
dabaRHP_Vue: read that to learn to use it. "sudo aptitude install istanbul" is the command06:19
Dante123okay..sorry thought you meant bin off root06:19
joe_I don't know if anyone can help me with this, (I have tried searching the unbuntu forum too), but when I boot, GRUB loads fine and I select ubuntu... but after selecting that, the ubuntu splashscreen does not load06:19
stinger_auvivicrow, i install webmin06:19
robbie_cras1thanks dabaR06:19
stinger_auvivicrow, and i can't run cachemgr.cgi06:19
fnfDante123: But anywhere would suffice though.06:19
vox754SlicerDicer-: alright! short question, why is w32codecs 32-bit only?06:19
stinger_auvivicrow, this is what i get06:20
stinger_auvivicrow, Undefined subroutine &main::init_config called at ./squid-lib.pl line 5.06:20
stinger_auCompilation failed in require at ./cachemgr.cgi line 5.06:20
Dante123there is no bin in my home folder...do I make one?06:20
fnfDante123: Sure.06:20
barbarella2mackinac:yes, you can create a playlist06:20
robbie_cras1well, I guesss I'll just wait and see if restarting x remotely will work with this or not06:20
robbie_cras1thanks all06:20
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fnfDante123: Putting it into ~/bin allows you to invoke it anywhere.06:21
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dabaRDante123: mkdir ~/bin?06:21
=== TuTUx [n=rootusr@S010600119575fc93.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
CppIsWeirdi have a folder that is used for apache, and i see that there is a user group called www-data. So i assumed adding the users i want to access it to that group would allow those users to modify the contents inside, however, it has not. how do i accomplish this?06:22
Dante123I just made it through the gui....is that okay...I'm a newb.....06:22
mackinacbarbarella2, i mean for when i execute files that are associated with vlc. thanks anyhow06:22
unopCppIsWeird,  but does the www-data group own that directory?06:22
Dante123btw, I named it simply bin....does the squiggly just mean home folder?06:22
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fnfDante123: ~ means home folder.06:23
CppIsWeirdno idea, how do i figure this out?06:23
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unopCppIsWeird,  ls -ld /path/to/dir06:23
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fnfDante123: Can you access Youtube, or you can access youtube but cannot download the video ?06:23
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SilentDishello :)06:24
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:24
yuukiHi, is there a simple way to enable the /dev/fb0 device, the framebuffer?06:24
CppIsWeirdit says "drwxr-xr-x 5 root root06:24
Dante123at school i cannot access you tube...but at home i can.....so if i download the file at home...then i can show it at school.....but cannot access you tube at school...06:24
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:24
dabaRvox754: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-75278.html06:24
fnfyuuki: If you specify vga=xxx as boot parameter or video=<framebuffer-driver>.06:24
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yuukiI can't do it after boot time, fnf?06:25
unopCppIsWeird,  right, root owns that directory and therefore www-data has trouble -- sudo chown www-data.www-data /path/to/folder   (add -R if you want all files and subdirectories to be affected too)06:25
dabaRCppIsWeird: that means root owns the directory.06:25
fnfDante123: Oh, so the software is blocking routes to youtube, in which case the only alternative is to use a proxy. That's inconvenient and (usually) slow though.06:25
vox754dabaR: thank you. I don't know why, but thank you.06:25
yuukifnf, for example, what framebuffer is X using?06:25
dabaRunop: do you understand what that implies?06:25
dabaRvox754: read it.06:25
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unopdabaR,  yes, i didnt start using unix yesterday :)06:26
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L4JI am trying to install a file.. its .rpm06:27
L4Jim confused lolk06:27
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unopL4J,  you should try installing the same package from source -- only use a .rpm as a last resort06:28
L4JWell, the file I am trying to install is Limewire..06:28
proqesiL4J: if there's no alternative, use alien06:28
L4J& its the only one I can find for Linux06:28
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unop!frostwire | L4J06:29
unopohh my06:29
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kasoim so lonley06:29
unopthats the biggest cleanup operation i have seen in ages06:29
L4Jwhat was... frostwire?06:29
FlannelL4J: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire06:29
unop!frostwire | L4J06:29
=== Hawk|- is now known as Hawk
FlannelL4J: it's a derivative (fully free) version of Limewire06:30
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unophmm, obotu sleeping tonight?06:30
Flannelunop: that was/is a netsplit, not a 'cleanup'06:30
Flannelubotu is on the other half of the netsplit ;)06:30
L4JDoes the layout resemble Limewire?06:30
unopFlannel, yea, i got the terminology wrong :)06:30
FlannelL4J: I imagine it's almost identical06:30
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fnfDante123: Most likely you'll need to open a new terminal, or try "echo $PATH" to see if your ~/bin is in it yet.06:31
SilentDisbluecat9, what feature, it might already be in the repos somewhere06:31
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:31
dabaRbluecat9: launchpad.net06:31
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SilentDisI'm having a problem building my drivers for a Ximeta Netdisk.  Would someone be so kind as to look this over and tell me where I'm going wrong?  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5174/06:31
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fnfDante123: Most likely you'll need to open a new terminal, or try "echo $PATH" to see if your ~/bin is in it yet.06:31
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L4JHow do I install this?06:31
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FlannelL4J: read that page, it gives instructions06:32
Dante123fnf...it says...bash: ./youtube-dl.txt: No such file or directory06:32
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ndis-wrapper - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:32
therapyPriceChild:  interesting :)06:32
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:32
meshyfthanks Zyth06:32
dabaRDante123: how about ls ~/bin, does that show the file?06:32
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fnfDante123: You will call the command as youtube-dl only, all commands in the bin folders can be invoked anywhere.06:32
Dante123fnf...it says..../usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games06:32
zythmeshyf, np06:32
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vox754dabaR: thank you Alberto. Now tell me. What else has this problem? Something that you need to force under 64-bit. So far I think win32codecs, and flash.06:32
L4Jwhat is the website?06:33
unopFlannel,  hmm, looks like it's not just this channel's affected by the "netsplit" .. quite a few others too -- could it be that the freenode staff regularly do this for some reason?06:33
fnfDante123: /home/Dante123/bin should be there though.06:33
FlannelL4J: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire06:33
Dante123yes, that does show the file...the ls command06:33
dabaRvox754: I do not have an exhaustive list, try google.06:33
Flannelunop: netsplits are serverwide.06:33
vox754meshyf, go #ndiswrapper06:33
espenwell 6.30 am, guess it is time to go look for the teddy and the dummy, later folks.06:33
dabaRDante123: sudo mv ~/bin/fileName /usr/local/bin06:33
SilentDisunop, netsplits happen.  they try to make them not happen, but they do anyway ;)06:33
tanlaanHey, I installed frostwire through the debian package installer, but it says it cant find my JRE. How can I download the latest JRE from command line?06:33
vox754dabaR: ok.06:34
fnfDante123: But that will not work anyway since you cannot access youtube. You need to use a proxy.06:34
HP_VueDoes istanbul work w/ KDE?06:34
Flannel!java | tanlaan06:34
ubotutanlaan: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository06:34
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Dante123i can access you tube right now....though......so won't it save the file locally..if I use it.....06:34
unopDante123,  you could add this line to the end of your ~/.bashrc -- export PATH=~/bin:$PATH06:34
dabaRtanlaan: sudo aptitude install sun-java5-jre06:35
fnfDante123: Alright, so "youtube-dl <URL>" should work.06:35
CppIsWeirdunop: what does www-data.www-data mean?06:35
unopCppIsWeird,  its the user and group06:35
Tyler!kernel | Tyler06:35
FlannelCppIsWeird: its probably www-data:www-data, and it's user:group06:35
SilentDisI'm having a problem building my drivers for a Ximeta Netdisk.  Would someone be so kind as to look this over and tell me where I'm going wrong?  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5174/06:35
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fnfDante123: Or change to the directory in which youtube-dl lies and invoke "./youtube-dl" there06:35
dabaRCppIsWeird: it is www-data:www-data, if used with the chown command, it specifies to change the user and group to www-data.06:36
unopFlannel,  either or .. user.group or user:group06:36
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vox754I'm gone; see you next weekend.06:36
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dabaRunop: cool06:36
newesthey whens the repositorys going to be up again?06:36
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Flannelnewest: which repository is down?06:36
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newesti dl aegis anti virus for linux, but now i cant find it, how do i install it?06:36
Dante123okay...i did what dabaR said and it is there now in usr/local/bin06:37
SilentDisnewest, I'm having no problem hitting the main, multiverse, universe, and some custom ones.  what repo are you having issue with?06:37
CppIsWeirddoes a group have to have a user in it? like, why is there user www-data and group www-data??06:37
dabaRDante123: try you<tab><tab>06:37
Dante123will try again06:37
newestill check brb06:37
zythSilentDis, what kernel ver do you have06:37
bulmerCppIsWeird: no need to have a group with user members06:37
newestwhen i use sudo aptitude command in terminal, it says its down06:37
unopCppIsWeird,  a user must exist in a group -- if that answers i06:37
newestill pm you what it says exactly06:38
SilentDiszyth, 2.6.17-11-generic06:38
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zythSilentDis, and did you specify kernel headers or linux-headers in that apt-get line?06:38
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CppIsWeirdok then, how to i grant a group read/write/modify permissions on a directory?06:38
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fnfCpplsWeird: chmod.06:38
unopCppIsWeird,  rather than clump all normal users in a common group like on windows .. its easier to seperate permissions and group membership if each user belongs to his unique group06:38
SilentDiszyth, kernel I believe.  ran the line with both, I am sure they're installed right though, as the envy script (builds nvidia drivers) runs w/o trouble06:38
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Dante123okay...i have to have the txt at the end of the command...and right now it says it is retrieving the webpage06:39
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SilentDiszyth, also, i had built these before the latest kernel update, again, without issue06:39
zythSilentDis, apparently output tries to go to /usr/src, have you tried running the rpmbuild command w/ sudo?06:39
fnfDante123: You may rename it to get rid of the .txt extension.06:39
SilentDiszyth, yes, gives error.  One moment, it's short, i'll paste it here06:39
unopCppIsWeird,  by default the user and group owners of a file are granted permissions -- if you want a non-owner/non-other user/group to have permissions .. you need something like acl06:40
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SilentDiszyth, error: Failed to rename /usr/src/rpm/SPECS/rpm-spec.VfvCb3 to /usr/src/rpm/SPECS/rpm-spec.VfvCb3: Permission denied: No such file or directory06:40
CppIsWeirdi dont know what any of this is06:40
unopCppIsWeird,  which user or group do you want to give permissions to?06:40
CppIsWeirdis there a document thats not 100 pages that will explain the groups and user and permissions shit to me?06:40
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zythSilentDis, mkdir /usr/src/rpm ; mkdir /usr/src/rpm/SPECS06:40
fnfunop: I don't get it, isn't chmod enough ?06:40
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unopfnf,  one sec .06:41
SilentDiszyth, I assume I'll need root for those, right?06:41
zythSilentDis, then touch /usr/src/rpm/SPECS/rpm-spec.VfvCb306:41
newestweird i dl knocker with sudo aptitude install knocker, but where do i find knocker on my pc, and how do i run it????06:41
zythim gonna try and build this06:41
zythyou on edgy w/ all current updates?06:41
xavier___hi .. i was wondering whether we can reduce the boot time for ubuntu to less than 30 seconds. any link or tips will do06:41
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SilentDiszyth, yes, edgy with all current updates.06:42
lineman60i am haveing a wread porblem with my wireless card. it will randomly loose connections but the winblows box right next to it stays connected, (this laptop worked fine when it was running winblows) I am running NDIS wrapper, and the 64ed verson of ubuntu, any one have any ideas?06:42
fnfxavier___: Most of the initial boot time depends on the kernel. In my installation of Edgy server, booting into console mode takes less than 30 secs.06:42
mackinacxavier___, http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Speed_up_boot06:42
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unopCppIsWeird,  well, let's say you have a directory /dir .. there are 3 user/group permissions to /dir  -- the owner-user, the owner-group and the rest of the world (other) .. when assigning permissions to a file only these three users or groups are affected , does that make better sense now?06:43
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SilentDiszyth, same errors as above.06:43
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zythSilentDis, and you ran  sudo apt-get install libc6-dev kernel-headers-2.6.17-11-generic alien rpm dpkg ?06:43
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SilentDiszyth, yes, all those packages are installed properly06:43
zythSilentDis, er sorry, linux-headers06:43
varsendaggrhey what is the package that i need to compile stuff   builod-essential?06:43
SilentDiszyth, I know what you meant ;)06:43
vivicrowwhat programs check hard drives at the startup???06:43
L4Juhh.. Frostwire isn't opening...06:43
zythSilentDis, k, gimme a sec to try this here06:44
fnfvivicrow: fsck.06:44
xavier___ty u206:44
SilentDisvivicrow, fsck06:44
Dante123fnf....looks like it is working....thanks a bunch......I am new to ubuntu.....but have done some stuff with linux before.....the distro i also use is puppy linux....and it that you are always root....makes things easy.....i know why they do it this way.....so users wont screw things up....but i prefer having full control06:44
unopfnf,  if you want to get a non-owning user or group to have permissions on a file by not opening up the file to the rest of the world -- the only way is to implement acls06:44
SilentDiszyth, nt, thanks for the help!06:44
L4JIt is in the "Internet" sub-menu.. but it wont open when i click on it06:44
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vivicrowso if there is something wrong with the hard drives, the ubuntu won't boot, right?06:44
zythL4J, run it from a terminal and see if there are any erros.06:44
FlannelDante123: there's absolutely no reason to run as root.  You DO have full control over whatever you want, by simply using sudo.06:44
zythargh, ERRORS06:45
L4Jhow do I run it from the terminal?06:45
SilentDisDante123, if you feel the absolute need to hit a root prompt, you can type sudo -i.  keep in mind, it's NOT recommended, you can sudo each command seperately just as easily06:45
mackinacxavier___, http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Reduce_boot ... http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Get_rid_of_useless_modules_loaded_at_boot06:45
fnfunop: I read it, kind of ACL in NTFS.06:45
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unopfnf,  pretty much the same yea06:45
vivicrowso what if i temporarily remove the fsck check at the startup....06:45
SilentDisvivicrow, not recommended.  why would you want to do that anyway?06:45
xavier___mackinac: that's is wht i wanted to ask .. those darn modules and daemons06:45
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CppIsWeirdunop: ok, so what i want to do, is create a user called like wwwaccess, a group called wwwaccess, and make wwwaccess the owner, then chmod the directory 770, and add the users i wish to have access to the directory to the wwwaccess group?06:45
fnfvivicrow: If you don't want it to check, modify the /etc/fsab.06:46
Dante123my problem is i prefer gui to command line.....and like control from gui....rather than having to do command line stuff......anyway...the video came through...but no audio?  any suggestions?06:46
riowhere do you go to find out details about your pc? ie processor speed, memory installed, etc06:46
vivicrowSilenDis: i wanna check one of my 'broken' hard drive06:46
vivicrowSilentDis: i wanna check one of my 'broken' hard drive06:46
SilentDisvivicrow, then you don't want to disable it ;)  is that drive mounted now?06:46
vivicrowSilentDis: i can't boot in ubuntu with that hd plugged in06:46
newesthow do i install aegis virus scanner after dl it from synaptic package manager???06:47
fnfDante123: Make sure the amplifier is turned on, the volume is unmuted and a nice player ;). mplayer is good.06:47
unopCppIsWeird,  if you dont chmod that directory and give the wwwaccess user-group then the members of that wwwaccess group will not have permissions -- thats why i gave you the chmod command in this form -- sudo chmod wwwaccess.wwwaccess /path/to/folder06:47
vivicrowSilentDis: so, no, i only can use ubuntu without that hard drive plugged in06:47
SilentDisvivicrow, if you just attached it, it shouldn't automount.  where are you connecting it (what bus, sata ide etc, and what location)06:47
CppIsWeirdunop" huh?06:48
unopCppIsWeird,  usually chmod user file  only sets the user ownership -- not the group ownership -- thats why we use  chmod user.group here06:48
vivicrowSilentDis: it's a sata...06:48
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zythSilentDis, have you tried http://code.ximeta.com/trac-ndas/wiki/UbuntuNightlyBuild by chance?06:48
xavier___does ubuntu 6.10 do parallel boot?06:48
CppIsWeirdso i do chmod twice06:48
yuukiHow can I find out which framebuffer X is writing to?06:48
SilentDisvivicrow, if linux refuses to boot PERIOD with the drive attached, the drive itself might be so damaged it's unusuable06:48
Dante123volume is up.....not muted....and it opens with totem movie player......mplayer won't open it....06:48
CppIsWeirdbut if its user/group/everyone else, how can you chmod a group?06:48
SilentDiszyth, not yet, I tend to stay away from nightlys.  did you have success with that?06:48
unopCppIsWeird,  nooo.. just once but ensuring that group ownership is changed06:49
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vivicrowSilentDis: but it had no problem with gentoo...although one partition can't be mounted, but other parts of the drive are still work fine06:49
newesthow do i install aegis virus scanner after dl it from synaptic package manager???06:49
CppIsWeirdso i just wanna do chmod wwwaccess.wwwaccess 770 /var/www right?06:49
fnfDante123: totem, even with gstreamer current cannot play flv files, AFAIK. You want a more current mplayer, or SVN is best to play flv videos. Even then it's not perfect.06:49
SilentDisvivicrow, have you tried dropping that drive in, then booting the Ubuntu LiveCD?06:50
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vivicrowSilentDis: the ubuntu install cd is a live cd right?06:50
yuukiI did a modprobe vesafb, is there something else I need to do before I have access to the linux framebuffer?06:50
SilentDisvivicrow, the desktop one is, yes.06:50
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i386if I were to file a bug with a patch for a driver in the kernel on ubuntu, what package would I file it against?06:50
Flannelvivicrow: the Desktop CD, yes.06:50
unopCppIsWeird,  errm, ouch .. sorry sorry my bad .. i'm just tired -- for chmod you need 770 yes .. for chown www-data.www-data06:50
Dante123fnf.....picture is there...no audio in movie player......in mplayer i get an error that says error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device06:50
vivicrowSilentDis: yup, i tried...that was where the problem began06:50
unopCppIsWeird,  so,  sudo chmod 770 /path/to/file06:51
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CppIsWeirdthen add the users i want to have access to the files to the group wwwaccess?06:51
vivicrowSilentDis: i couldn't install ubuntu with that hard driver attached06:51
Dante123svn what is that?06:51
proqesiwhat's a hard driver?06:51
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zythSilentDis, http://code.ximeta.com/trac-ndas/wiki/Ubuntu <-- debs for 5.10/6.06/6.1006:51
fnfDante123: You may select another video output mode in Preferences of gmplayer.06:51
SilentDiszyth, lol 404 when I hit http://code.ximeta.com/dev/current/ubuntu6.10/06:51
vivicrowSilentDis: really want to know if the hard drive is really physically damaged06:51
proqesisvn is subversion06:51
unopCppIsWeird,  yes, provided you have chowned the directory properly yes, thats what you do06:51
zythSilentDis, check the last url I posted06:52
fnfDante123: The stock mplayer of Ubuntu Edgy should play flv though, your installation might not be in a good state.06:52
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i386Dante123: are you on PPC?06:52
SilentDiszyth, I'm there now, no good, no 6.10 builds06:52
zythSilentDis, the top of the page says its for all vers06:52
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Dante123no.....ibm with intel centrino06:53
zythSilentDis, http://code.ximeta.com/trac-ndas/wiki/Ubuntu6.1006:53
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Dante123fresh install......ran automatix 2......all else works.....06:53
SilentDiszyth, that's where I am now.  No 2.6.17-11, hence why I was trying to build it :P06:53
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nileswhat is the command to have my video card drivers use vesa ?06:54
Dante123i am getting the picture...it si the sound that is not there......06:54
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zythSilentDis, ahh.  hm.  Yeah I get the same errors as you, looks like rpmbuild is having issues06:54
fnfDante123: That may be the reason, automatix does some non-safe things.06:54
Dante123what is svn?06:54
nilesi pulled my hard drive out of a PC using ati drivers,  and now i need to switch to vesa.06:54
cablesWhen I switch users, my touchpad won't work in the second account, but works again going to the first account. I don't have this problem with my USB mouse. Against which package should I file this bug?06:54
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alvincevDoes anyone know where I would go to allow anyone to be able to eject a CD-ROM, not just the root.06:54
SilentDiszyth, there's a comment on that last page stating the need for the 1.0.4 version for edgy.  I'm trying to find a DIY version of that kernel now :P06:54
Madpilotniles, AFAIK, linux isn't going to care which drivers a HDD needs. It should just work.06:55
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fnfDante123: Subversion, usually means that the latest version from source.06:55
zythanyways bedtime06:55
nilesMadpilot:  well it doesent.  im runing off knoppix now.  yet when i boot off my hard drive with ubuntu on it,   I get an error loading X06:55
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zythnight, good luck SilentDis, sorry I couldnt help more06:55
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SilentDiszyth, no troubles.  at least it's not just me, and you made me notice that little edit in there.  I'm on the right track now at least, thanks :)06:56
Madpilotniles, error loading X probably doesn't have anything to do w/ HDD drivers - X is the graphics engine, more or less06:56
vivicrowjust notice that ubuntu skip file system check if you run on battery power...any switch you can use to skip fs check on a regular desktop??06:56
fnfDante123: The stock mplayer is pretty old now, newest mplayer supports many more video formats.06:56
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cablesWhenever I create a new user, its panels are screwed up: it only has one, blank panel at the top. It didn't used to do this when I first installed Ubuntu. Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening?06:57
fnfvivicrow: Do you want to temporarily skip the check or not check the partitions at all ?06:57
Flannelvivicrow: `sudo touch /fastboot`06:57
diazepa1does anyone know what this could mean?  Google shows zero results.  I restarted dbus and got the following message "/etc/dbus-1/event.d/70system-tools-backends exited with return code 1"06:57
vivicrowfnf: temporarily06:57
spinexorzi wondered if someone could give a hand with a strange issue im having, my fglrx drivers keep getting uninstalled06:57
spinexorzsometimes theyre just gone...06:57
nilesMadpilot: i get no picture when i put an ubuntu disc to reinstall into the new PC i migrated my video card to.06:57
vivicrowflannel: thanks ;)06:57
fnfvivicrow: Ctrl-C when fsck-ing, not recommended though.06:57
spinexorzand i end up with mesa06:57
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CppIsWeirdunop: now i dont have any permission to even go into the directory06:58
newestomg.... how on earth do i run aegis virus scanner lol, ive just dl it from synaptic package manager, but now i cant find it!!06:58
Madpilotniles, with an Ubuntu livecd? Odd...06:58
Flannelfnf: making /fastboot works06:58
vivicrowfnf: thanks :)06:58
Madpilotnewest, why bother with a virus scanner?06:58
nileswell yes i guess its a live cd too06:58
unopCppIsWeird,  are you member of that group wwwaccess ??06:58
fnfFlannel: That works only once, isn't it ?06:58
nilesbut i have no problems with knoppix.06:58
CppIsWeirdi did chown wwwaccess.wwwaccess; chmod 770 /var/www; wwwaccess and the other users are in the usergroup wwwaccess06:58
duckvengeanyone here a grub expert? I want to boot my PC into a ext3 partition that holds the Edgy live cd... I want to run by Grub settings by you all06:58
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andres_that's a gnome/gdm issue06:59
Flannelfnf: right, that's what he wants06:59
andres_who helps me?06:59
unopCppIsWeird,  is your user memeber of that group?06:59
fnfFlannel: Alright, that's new to me, thanks.06:59
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duckvengeanyone notice anything wrong with the following? initrd          /casper/initrd.gz looptype=squashfs loop=/casper/filesystem.squashfs cdroot06:59
gumpishIf I'm formatting a drive that will never be used in a windows environment, what type of disklabel shold i use on it?06:59
vivicrowflannel: i just read that in checkfs.sh ;)07:00
CppIsWeirdunop: yes07:00
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unopCppIsWeird,  check the ownership again -- ls -ld /var/www07:00
duckvengeI've not seen looptype used with Grub except for Gentoo... so I am not sure whether I am about to screw up my MBR07:00
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CppIsWeirdwwwaccess wwwaccess07:01
andres_WHO HELPS ME?07:01
Madpilotubotu, repeat | andres_07:01
ubotuandres_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:01
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CppIsWeird"drwxrwx--- wwwaccess wwwaccess ..."07:01
spinexorzi wondered if someone could give a hand with a strange issue im having, my fglrx drivers keep getting uninstalled.07:01
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unopCppIsWeird,  ok, please use a !pastebin and paste the output of - whoami; id07:01
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Flannel!ask | andres_07:02
ubotuandres_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:02
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CppIsWeirdi have two terminals open07:02
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CppIsWeirdi am doing all of this as root07:02
CppIsWeirdbut i am trying access and such as the logged in user07:02
zero88can someone tell me how to install flash for mozilla, i know its a simple apt-get command because i got it to work for dapper, but just installed edgy07:02
andres_who knows of this error:    there was an error loading the theme human             can't open file/usr/share/gdm/themes/human/human.xml07:02
CppIsWeirdwant me to do whoami; id as the user i wish to grant access?07:03
unopCppIsWeird,  errm, run these commands as your user07:03
unopCppIsWeird,  indeed :)07:03
vivicrowandres_: you deleted the theme?07:03
arnduckyzero88: the installer is *&#ed if you are running 64-bit07:03
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Flannelzero88: it's the -plugin package07:03
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superloudoes anyone have issues with an SiS900 Lan?07:04
CppIsWeirdunop: if the information you wish to attain is if the wwwaccess group is listed there, then yes it is.07:04
superlouproblems with the PHY transciever?07:04
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zero88flannel where do i get it07:04
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zero88arnducky ya i know i tried the ubuntuguide wich didnt work07:04
unopCppIsWeird,  and that would be for 'id' right?07:04
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arnduckyzero88: otherwise, use the instructions on the flashplayer site -- download, unzip, make executeable (chmod +x [name of flashplayer installer here] ) and execute (run it in a *terminal*).07:04
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CppIsWeirdoh wait aminute, i think i may have red that wrong07:05
proqesiandres_: ubotu doesn't speak *that* well07:05
cablesWhenever I create a new user, the user's gnome-panels are messed up. There's only one panel at the top, and it's blank. Does anyone know why this might be happening?07:05
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CppIsWeirdwhat does07:05
zero88arnducky just seems liek too much work, why doesnt it work anymore, it worked for 6.0607:05
CppIsWeird* 'id' do?07:05
cablesandres_, ubotu's a bot...07:05
andres_CABLES: OK07:06
asc_Could somebody remind me where apt's list of package data (name, description, installed state, etc.) is?07:06
cables!caps | andres_07:06
ubotuandres_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:06
CppIsWeirdunop: i think i read that wrong, what does 'id' do?07:06
unopCppIsWeird,  the id or groups command list your user's groups membership07:06
vivicrowandres_: i once deleted the human theme, as i dont really use it...but gdm refuse to load after that07:06
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arnduckyzero88: note -- the fault lies with Adobe (and they do this all the time), and we all just either find workarounds to install older/non-broken packages or wait for them to fix.   It's proprietary so you can't build it from source.07:06
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proqesivivicrow: you could also try xdm07:07
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darwethAnyone know the name of the Alsa dev package in Ubuntu?I need to compile mplayer with Alsa.07:07
unopasc_,  you mean the file? or the command to list that?07:07
zero88arnducky ah i see,well i jsut found this guide on how to install it so im going to try it,and let you know the oucome07:07
proqesivivicrow: if you really don't want fluff07:07
vivicrowproqesi: i fixed that problem long time ago...can't even remember how i did that07:07
asc_unop: the file on the disk.07:07
jbinderdarweth: it is supposed to come with alsa07:07
CppIsWeirdi dunno, but i do see the wwwaccess lsited there07:07
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darwethjbinder: not the dev file07:07
unopasc_,  errm, its one of them in /var/lib/dpkg i think07:07
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arnduckyzero88: it only takes 5 minutes from a default Ubuntu desktop system (has unzipper installed, etc.) -- if that's too much work...07:08
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admbeWhy does ATI suck07:08
unopCppIsWeird,  see if this makes a difference -- sudo chmod 774 /var/www07:08
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andres_vivecrow: as i solvet it?07:08
asc_unop: Ah, thanks.  That's the directory I'm looking for.07:08
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mathieudoes a default ubuntu dapper allow the use of beryl window manager without extra packages ?07:09
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arnduckyadmbe: I'd be glad to discuss that with you in another channel  /JOIN #ubuntu-offtopic if you like  (re: ATI)07:09
andres_ vivicrow: as i solvet it?07:09
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unopmathieu,  if you are asking if beryl is installed by default on dapper, then no07:09
CppIsWeirdunop: yes07:09
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vivicrowandres_: i can't remember how i solve that problem at all, right now, if you can't find that file physically, you should try to get the one and put it back07:10
unopCppIsWeird, so can you do this now - ls -l /var/www07:10
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SlicerDicer-where do I go for feisty fawn support?07:12
asc_horay, like the shambling dead synaptic returns to life07:12
andres_vivicrow: ups. as I can obtain it?07:12
unopSlicerDicer-,  #ubuntu+107:12
Frankiebaby1986Hello All, I am a new Ubuntu user, trying to get my volume controls working properly (mixer mixed up) on an Inspiron 9300. Does anyone have any experience with this?07:12
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vivicrowandres_: yup, i can send it to you if you want07:12
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CppIsWeirdunop: what about it?07:12
mzuverinkwhat is the benefits and the daw backs of running an ident server?07:12
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hyarion_has anyone else had problems with Ubuntu locking up? Everything freezes (except for my mouse) usually 2-3 times a day07:12
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vivicrowandres_: no, wait, i don't have that folder on my system...07:13
unopCppIsWeird,  you said "yes" .. i'm not too sure what you meant there .. what did you say yes to?07:13
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juano__can anyone help me with an itunes ipod ?07:15
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jadacyrusokay I got three unsuspecting people here in the dark watching a movie on my brothers computer. I am ssh-d in and I want to make firefox load goat.cx on his big glowing monitor. WHen i try to launch epiphany http://goat.cx it says cannot open desktop: (null)?07:15
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vivicrowhow ubuntu automount your usb drive?07:16
mzuverinkjuano__, try one of the following, amorok, banshe or gtkpod(my fav)07:16
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andres_vivirow: ok07:17
andres_ok good I have the folder until themes but other no07:17
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juano__mzuverink: yep ive tried them all, i can mount my ipod ,etc, put things in it, its a mobile phone with itunes actually a motorola rokr, ive tried every app nothing makes the itunes on that phone sync with ubuntu07:17
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vivicrowandres...yup, i don't have humen folder either07:17
juano__mzuverink: ive tried even crossover with iTunes07:17
juano__mzuverink: no good07:17
jadacyrusAnyone know how to open a window on my computer from SSH07:18
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jadacyruson another remote computer i mean07:18
darwethDumb question.  How do I load nvidia-settings passively so that my color settings take effect logging into Gnome.  I know it is something like --nvidia-settings in session startup, but that is not it cuz it doesn't work.  What is the correct?07:18
juano__mzuverink: i need the iTunesDB to sync with ubuntu somehow07:18
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mzuverinkjuano__, cant help u w/ that, sorry07:18
juano__mzuverink: ok, thanks anyway07:18
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Gatorhey guys, I installed Ubuntu 6.10 but GRUB doesn't load on startup07:19
jadacyrusSo basically im asking how I open a gui program on a remote computer via SSH?07:19
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kasoSo could someone have another go at helping me de-code these error and working out a fix? http://www.pastey.net/6404 && http://www.pastey.net/640707:19
mzuverinkpro/cons of running an ident server anyone?07:19
thekidrioheyas gator hrmm you always have the oddest probs :P07:19
vivicrowandres_,may i know why you got that problem?07:19
Gatoryeha >_>07:19
mabusWhat type of filesystem should I have on my usb key if i want it to be a disk that I can boot up in a vmware virtual machine?07:19
mabusWith ubuntu on the vm07:19
GatorI'm guessing it's because I used a floppy to disable grub earlier07:19
thekidriocheck the boot order in your bios, sometimes that causes that07:19
cablesGater, does the system boot? Or do you mean that the menu doesn't show up?07:19
andres_ajaa ok but you do not know as I can obtain that file?07:19
thekidriohrmm, well yeah that could be it haha07:19
GatorMy computer turns on, by it boots directly into XP07:20
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thekidriogator, check your bios, look to see if you have hardware boot order07:20
cablesGator, hold down the escape key when you boot, and see if the menu shows up. If it does, that means it's fixable.07:20
thekidriothen see if you have HD boot priorty07:20
cablesthekidrio, his computer boots from the HD... it just doesn't boot the right OS.07:20
thekidrioor is it one HD07:20
thekidriocable yeah i know :)07:21
Gatorlet me switch to a different computer for mirc07:21
thekidriobut you can force the hd boot if its a sep drive07:21
thekidrioand re conf grub07:21
mzuverinkGator, make sure yuou can boot usb too07:21
thekidrioif its a partition on the same hd its not as easy a fix07:21
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cablesthekidrio, Gator, are XP and Windows on the same drive?07:21
mzuverinkarent you trying to boot usb?07:21
thekidriocables that is the question hehe07:21
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Gatoryou mean xp and ubuntu?07:21
thekidriomzuverink: no he is not hehe07:22
cablesGator, I mean XP and Ubuntu... sorry07:22
andres_vivicrow: because actualize of dapper to edgy and when reinitiates the PC did not load the graphs to me and it began in console form07:22
Gatoryes, they are07:22
Gatorno =.=07:22
Asc___jadacyrus: somebody already answer your question?  I got disconnected07:22
cablesGator, in that case, it's not what thekidrio thinks it is.07:22
thekidriodifferent physical drives?07:22
GatorXP and Ubuntu are on different physical drives07:22
cablesthekidrio... he says they're on the same drive.07:22
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cablesi misunderstood07:22
thekidriocables:  it is what i think it is hehe i was looking for an easy fix07:22
GatorI answered wrong07:22
Gatorit's late >_>07:22
cablesthekidrio :) sorry 'bout that07:22
thekidrioits ok07:22
thekidrioeither way it was what i think hehe07:22
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thekidrioits just one is an easy fix07:23
andres_vivicrow: soon procedi to unload gdm and me aparecio this error.07:23
thekidrioone is tougher07:23
thekidrioif you can force boot to the linux install07:23
thekidriothen you can reinstall/reconf the boot loader07:23
thekidrioif its same HD then you have to use a boot disk/live cd07:23
Gatoruh, brb07:23
vivicrowandres_: have you tried to reinstall the dgm and dgm-themes?07:23
thekidrionot tough either way if you have a working os though07:23
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Gatorso reboot the other one and hold escape?07:24
andres_vivicrow: no07:24
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cablesGator, i think he was right... you don't need to hold Esc.07:25
Gatorwhat did he say to do?07:25
thekidrioforce the boot to the linux HD07:25
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cablesGator, when it boots, choose the other HD from the boot list.07:25
Frankiebaby1986anyone use Ubuntu on an I9300?07:25
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friedtofumplayer has out of sync problems on videos that i play that has silence in the first 10 seconds... anyone know how to fix? (its AAC audio format in the mkv file)07:25
vivicrowandres_: try that and see if it works07:25
thekidrioif you can choose that in the bios07:25
Gatoryou mean change the HD in the bios?07:25
Gatorokay then07:25
thekidriocables, what is the esc way?07:26
thekidrioi have always used seperate drives myself07:26
ascfriedtofu: You can change the sync manually for a quick fix07:26
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friedtofuasc: how do i do that in mplayer?07:26
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Gatorwhen booting from this HD grub loaded07:27
ramyI built a new kernel, but when I try to create the initrd image, i get this error : yaird error: unsupported device required: dm-0 (fatal)07:27
ascfriedtofu: Just a second, I'll try and find the keys.07:27
ramyany clues ?07:27
thekidriogator hehe yeah thats the easy way07:28
thekidrionot the cool way07:28
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thekidriocables way is cooler07:28
ascfriedtofu: Looks like keypad + and -07:28
cablesthekidrio, not really... it wouldn't have worked07:28
andres_vivicrow: as he is the command to write it in the console? I am new in this, sorry!07:28
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friedtofui'mma try07:28
cablesthekidrio, Grub was on the other drive... holding Esc. wouldn't do anything.07:28
GatorI'm going to see if booting xp from the grub menu works07:28
friedtofuasc: you do this when the video plays?07:28
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ascfriedtofu: It's kind of a pain to sync it like that, but sometimes you just gotta. :p07:29
ascfriedtofu: yes07:29
unopCppIsWeird,  you therre?07:29
GatorOkay, thank you all for you help for the past 7 hours...07:29
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GatorI finally got Ubuntu working again07:29
Gatorand now, to pass out in bed07:29
cablesGator, what were your other werid problems? I'm curious07:29
cablesGator, fine, won't delay you, bye07:30
friedtofuasc: damn... yeah i guess, worth it for a 20 minute anime...07:30
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Gatoruh, /bin/sh: can't access tty;job control turned off07:30
friedtofuasc: is there a way to return it to default after viewing the file?07:30
Gatorabout 7 errors sprouting from that07:30
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ascfriedtofu: I have an entire season of GitS that's 200 ms out of sync :p07:30
andres_vivicrow: as he is the command to write it in the console? I am new in this,  sorry!07:30
friedtofuasc: so i dont have to manually keep pressing the - button... heh07:30
Gatorpartition problems, grub problems, etc07:30
friedtofuwow, for ALL of the files? :) haha dont have to change it much then07:31
Gatorand now, to sleep07:31
thekidriocables: hehe you are are cool fella, ore lady i suppose cables is not a mans name or a ladies name07:31
ascfriedtofu: You have to set it each time you play an out-of-sync file, it won't save by default.07:31
cablesthekidrio, I'm a guy... that was my grandfather's nickname for me... :)07:31
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tkoodaanyone got any idea why dapper's `screen` can't display ansi (?) chars from `bmon`?  (but `bmon` in an rxvt term looks fine)07:32
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friedtofuasc: ah, thats good07:32
thekidriohehe it is a cool nickname07:32
cld2is there a meta package I can install to get everything I need to compile software?07:32
friedtofuasc: thanks for the info, i couldnt find that option under preferences07:32
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thekidriocld2: depends on what you mean by compile07:32
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vivicrowandres_: sorry, i was afk07:33
thekidrioif you mean compile stuff from source for use in the system?07:33
thekidrioi think thats build-essential07:33
cld2thekidrio: yes.07:33
ascfriedtofu: I think I found it by pressing keys randomly during normal use.  The mplayer man page is a nightmare.07:33
thekidriomy spelling is off07:33
thekidrioone sec07:33
cables!compile | cld207:33
ubotucld2: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)07:33
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jbinderthe mplayer man page is insane07:33
thekidriobtw, i rebound my windows key to terminal haha07:33
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thekidrioi thought that was nice07:33
vivicrowandres_: try 'apt-get install gdm edgy-dgm-themes'07:33
vivicrowandres_: sry, typo07:34
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vivicrowandres_: try 'apt-get install gdm edgy-dgm-themes'07:34
cld2thekidrio: thanks.07:34
cld2cables: thanks :)07:34
friedtofuasc: best settings for use on mplayer? :) haha, what video output is best to be used? x11 gl2?07:34
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tcpipi need help installing advik 'lan card' on edgy.. its not getting detected07:34
thekidriosudo apt-get install build-essential07:35
tkoodahow can I get `screen` to display ansi chars?07:35
ascfriedtofu: I always end up using xv.  X11 might also work okay.07:35
vivicrowandres_: there are people who had similar problem like you do after upgrading from dapper to edgy07:35
thekidriothat is not ALL of them07:35
thekidriobut its most of them07:35
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RawSewagewhere is the php directory.  I want to make a shell script that uses php07:36
tcpipthedirio: that cmd is for me?07:36
thekidrioremember you can tab complete apt-get install so type build and just hit tab 3 or so times07:36
RawSewagewhats the #! line for using php in a shell script07:36
friedtofuasc: strange, even though i set it to 4000 ms, it still starts off the same...07:36
thekidriono tcpip sorry07:36
thekidriothat was for cld207:36
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ascfriedtofu: hum, try setting it after the sound starts?07:36
thekidriohave your searched google for advik card tcpip?07:37
andres_vivicrow: is apt-get install gdm edgy-DGM-themes OR apt-get install gdm edgy-GDM-themes?07:37
friedtofuasc: to delay it would be + and to make it faster would be -?07:37
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vivicrowandres_: apt-get install gdm edgy-gdm-themes07:37
tcpipthekidrio: but none are related to ubuntu07:38
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andres_VIVECROW: OKA07:38
ascfriedtofu: That's a good question.07:38
andres_vivecrow: oka07:38
friedtofuasc: blah, i set it to 14000ms and it still sounds off at the start of the video07:39
thekidriotcpip: hrmm, i assume you added ubuntu to your search?07:39
ascfriedtofu: Hm, it looks as though what it does is change the video in relation to the audio - so '-' should move the video backward, and + should move it forward.07:39
thekidriobtw ubuntu has a booth down below me if you want me to yell at them07:39
thekidrioi am at a linux conference07:39
ascfriedtofu: Is it off by the same ammount as with 0 ms?07:40
tcpipthekidrio: i aint going anywhere07:40
tcpipyell as much07:40
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RawSewageWhat's the path to php07:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about path/to/php - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:40
RawSewageanyone know the path to php07:40
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)07:40
cablesRawSewage: "whereis php"07:40
RawSewagecables, ty07:40
friedtofuasc: no matter what setting it is, its the same out of sync -.-07:41
andres_vivicrow: ready, and now?07:41
jbinderRawSewage: /etc/php5?07:41
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andres_vivicrow: restart?07:41
RawSewagejbinder, ty07:41
friedtofuasc: as in, there is no pause whatsoever, and will immediately play the sound07:41
ascfriedtofu: Eh, let me check if it works with an AC3 file of mine07:41
friedtofuasc: its AAC07:41
friedtofuhm... but i guess they can be synonymous?07:41
vivicrowandres_: you can type /etc/init.d/gdm start07:42
jbinderroflmao... microsoft.com has "organise" on their site07:42
jbinderorganise has a Z!07:42
ascfriedtofu: Um.  I don't know.07:42
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ascandbody know if AAC == AC3?07:42
vivicrowandres_: if you are not running any desktop system07:42
cablesasc, they don't07:42
cablesasc, AAC != AC307:42
friedtofuhm.. this is also a .mkv file if that makes any difference07:43
friedtofuh264 video encoded AAC audio output07:43
ascfriedtofu: have you tried playing in in vlc?07:43
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friedtofuasc: it'll crash07:43
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andres_like thus? explain07:44
ferret_0567Does anybody use a Intel Core 2 Duo motherboard with Ubuntu 6.10? I want to buy a Intel Core 2 Duo motherboard, so I want to know how well one of those works with Linux.07:44
andres_vivicrow like thus? explain07:44
cablesferret_0567, Core 2 Duo is a motherboard?07:44
ascfriedtofu: Heh, ouch.  File might be slightly damaged.07:44
friedtofuasc: as in, i open the file, vlc pops up for a split second, and then it closes07:44
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friedtofuasc: works in mplayer, and i got it off bittorrent so.. its not corrupted07:44
AnicianI would like some with setting up my Internet connection with Ubuntu.07:45
vivicrowandres_: type 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start' in your console07:45
cablesAnician, what type of connection? Wireless or wired?07:45
ferret_0567No, I want to know how well a Intel Core 2 Duo motherboard works with Ubuntu 6.10 Linux07:45
cablesferret_0567, I assume you mean Core 2 Duo processor?07:45
friedtofuhm.. i use Hyperthreading so i guess it should be the same? :/07:46
friedtofusigh... h264 or x264 takes a toll on the cpu... haha07:46
cablesAnician, are you using a DSL modem?07:46
ascfriedtofu: I have one remaining possibility - the 'acidrip' program is for DVDs, but it seems to be able to transcode any file mplayer can play (I haven't tested this extensively).  You could try using it to transcode the file to mpeg/mp3, which works with everything.07:46
andres_vivicrow: ready07:46
vivicrowandres_: press enter of of course07:46
AnicianI'm not sure07:47
vivicrowandres_: press enter07:47
AnicianMost probably07:47
andres_vivicrow: ready07:47
Warsawi have logs of my server sent to 2 different servers for redundant logs in case one goes down. now i have it working and all but i would need a script that will check both the local and remote logs and compare them to see if some files might be bigger than on the other server07:47
ferret_0567Yeah, a Intel Core 2 Duo CPU compatible motherboard paired with a Intel Core 2 Duo. I am wondering how well that combination works with Ubuntu 6.10 Linux.07:47
AnicianI use the Aztech ADSL ethernet machine07:47
cablesAnician, DSL, cable, dialup?07:47
Warsawbasicly i need a script to check files size from a local and remote location and that it will pick the biggest file07:47
vivicrowandres_: still has the same problem?07:47
Warsawin case that one got down and was not updating logs anymore07:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pkg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:47
ferret_0567What DVD ripping program do you recommend?07:47
mackinacis feisty on track to release on schedule [as of now] ?07:47
cablesmackinac, check out #ubuntu+107:48
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ardchoilleferret_0567: http://dvdshrink.sourceforge.net07:48
andres_i will restar my pc. to see07:48
andres_vivicrow: i'll restart my pc. to see07:48
friedtofuasc: i'm not really familiar with .mkv files... theyre like avi in the fact that they're containers, but i dont know if acidrip will work for it07:48
vivicrowandres_: okay07:48
friedtofuasc: but then i guess i'll try anyhow07:48
ardchoilleferret_0567: It will need some repos, but the installer will let you know what you need before completing the install. The deps are in the repos.07:48
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cablesmackinac, #ubuntu+1 is for Feisty questions07:49
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mackinaci know07:49
andres_vivicrow see you later07:49
mackinacim not running it or anything07:49
vivicrowandres_: see you...sry can't help you more07:49
cablesmackinac, they're the most likely to know.07:49
ascfriedtofu: Life is an adventure.  I'm short on mkvs, but I'm going to try with a .ogm07:49
seravitae_hm how can i stop the xlogin/x stuff on bootup07:49
vivicrowferret_0567: dvdbackup + transcode07:49
mackinaccables, ty07:49
geraldcan someone help me with dual monitor?07:49
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cables!dualhead | gerald07:50
ubotugerald: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama07:50
Lagi-Boejangj/ surabaya07:50
ascfriedtofu: Eh, it doesn't like my .ogm.  I've got to run, in any case.07:51
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friedtofuasc: thanks for ehlpin07:52
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vivicrowanyone tried to flash their motherboard in ubuntu?07:52
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unopvivicrow,  flash the BIOS you mean?07:53
jbinderhow do you make a rar?07:53
seravitae_anyone? i really need to temporarily stop X from startup.07:53
vivicrowunop: yup ;)07:53
unopjbinder,  rar --help  shows you how07:53
andres_vivicrow: ready problem solvent thank you!!!07:53
geraldso how do i setup xinerama for dual monitor?07:53
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ascfriedtofu: Glad to try.  Hope y'all get it working.  As a last resort, there are tools to split and combine tracks of .mkv files - and mplayer -ao pcm will output any sound file as .wav, which can be edited in audacity(say, to add ten seconds at the beginning).07:54
vivicrowandres_: i am glad to hear that ;)07:54
cables!xinerama | gerald07:54
ubotugerald: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead07:54
jbinderunop: i do not have rar07:54
unopvivicrow,  flashing the BIOS is a OS-independant operation -- why would ubuntu care? :)07:54
jbinderunop: i have unrar though07:54
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unopjbinder,  install it then :) .. sudo aptitude install rar07:54
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AbovenWhat should a ubuntu user code like gc etc :)07:54
Deafboycan someone help me re-install grub, i made an xp install over my ubuntu?07:54
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abc124I'm a PHP programmer, how can I help Ubuntu/the Ubuntu community?07:55
andres_vivicrow: ok thank's07:55
MrSprinklewhats the default user and password!? I have a friend who installed it, and cant log-in :S07:55
ascfriedtofu: but that's the realm of insane bloody-mindedness; getting another copy from limewire might be faster.07:55
cables!grub | Deafboy07:55
ubotuDeafboy: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:55
jbinderMrSprinkle: there is no default username and password07:55
vivicrowandres_: have fun07:55
unopAboven,  sorry, come again07:55
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MrSprinklewhat, just hit enter all the way through it???07:55
jbinderwhat is an STDIN player?07:55
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vivicrowunop: well, i am just looking for another way of flashing the BIOS07:56
Aboveni wanna learn to programming stuff what should i program ..07:56
_I_luv_sexohhh snaps07:56
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arnduckymaybe one that takes input from stdin standard input buffer?07:56
unopvivicrow,  well, according to your motherboard's vendor -- there should only be one way of flashing the BIOS .. and even that should be used very sparingly07:56
AbovenWhat python07:56
_I_luv_sexpython is a program language07:56
thekidrioand a snake07:57
unop_I_luv_sex,  can you change your nickname please .. children often come in here07:57
vivicrowunop: yup, that way is using a program call Asus Upgrade, and it deosn't work07:57
indigobludoes Feisty support LVM installs that are not alternate CD install (I want to use the graphical install for users who cant do text)07:57
thekidrioand monty's last name :P07:57
MrSprinkleare you made to make a username and password during install or after???07:57
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thekidrioduring install07:57
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seravitae_seriously, someone must know where gdm/startx is loaded on bootup. in some script somewhere.07:57
thekidrioyou can do it after with sudo passwd <nick>07:57
unopvivicrow,  hrrm, why/how doesnt it work?07:58
thekidrioseravitae_: yeah hrmm its in the init.d look for boot up conf07:58
MrSprinkleso, during install, you should be able to make a username.... hmmmm. I wonder what version my friend downloaded then :S07:58
abc124I'm a PHP programmer, how can I help Ubuntu/the Ubuntu community?07:58
thekidrioi think its run level 3  but i am a bit drunk07:58
unopseravitae_,  its started via a startup script -- usually /etc/rc2.d/?dm07:58
ubotudhcp: DHCP server for automatic IP address assignment. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0pl5-19.4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 108 kB, installed size 308 kB07:58
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andouI have a question about Ubuntu Server instal/setup07:58
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andouI was following this guide: http://www.howtoforge.com/node/138807:59
vivicrowunop: can't remember now...said it couldn't find some information...07:59
thekidriogo for it andou07:59
seravitae_unop: cool, found it. so I just rename it or something to disable x/login screen?07:59
vivicrowunop: i have to go back to windows to see the error msg...so no bother07:59
andoubut... I didn't read cd webmin-1.290 as a directory on my desktop07:59
unopseravitae_,  ahh no -- use the update-rc.d command to do the enabling and disabling07:59
thekidrioahh andou you downloaded webmin?07:59
andouand... there are a lot of 'symbols' that I can't decipher in the guide.08:00
abc124I'm a PHP programmer, how can I help Ubuntu/the Ubuntu community?08:00
thekidriodid you download it to your desktop?08:00
andouthekidrio Yeah08:00
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thekidrioi assume you are installing webmin? hehe08:00
andouthekidrio: Yes, I did...08:00
thekidrioits a cool tool08:00
andouWell, I installed08:00
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andoubut not through the terminal08:00
andouAnd, I kind of got lost...08:00
unopabc124,  you can approach individual projects and help them with things like online documentation, etc08:00
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andouI just cicked it and it promted to install08:01
kenthomsonHello i am in a little trouble can somebody please help me? It's about kiba-dock, anyone familiar with it?08:01
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thekidrioandou: it is probably installed then, the guide is not for you i think08:01
seravitae_unop, you lost me. this certainly wasnt how i did it last time08:01
thekidrioi think webmin is accessed in a browser eh08:01
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thekidrioits umm http://localhost:10000 by default08:02
andouthekidrio: Haha. You might be right. I've got to question myself, if I can't follow a simple guide.08:02
umophay does anyone listen to the ubuntu podcast?08:02
thekidrionah andou you are doing it the right way08:02
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thekidriogotta push forward08:02
kenthomsonIt's like this: Till i am having beryl as my window manager, the kiba-dock will show transparent background (as i have switched off all colours), but as soon as i change my window manager to metacity, the kiba-dock as got this ugly black background, and all the icons to have it around them. Can someone please help me correct this?08:02
vivicrowkenthomson: what is kiba-dock?08:02
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thekidrioor you never learn new stuff hehe08:02
unopseravitae_,  you should use the update-rc.d command to enable and disable services -- the manpage of update-rc.d shows you how08:02
andouthekidrio: cool thanks :)08:02
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it.08:02
andouthekidrio: That's some good advice. I'll keep going with it. Thanks08:03
kenthomsonvivicrow, kiba-dock, as you would have guessed is a dock to place your icons08:03
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thekidrioit works mostly andou08:03
andouI think that answers my question though.08:03
thekidrioplay with it08:03
thekidrioits ok08:03
vivicrowkenthomson, yup, thanks for comfirming my guess ;)08:03
andouI'll try08:03
thekidrioit just edits config files08:03
thekidrioso as long as its not mission critical stuff08:03
thekidrioplay around08:03
kenthomsonNo-one willing to help me?08:03
thekidriokenthomson: sorry ask again i missed it08:03
andouit's totally not mission critical. I just want to setup an FTP server to start08:03
thekidrioahh then dont use webmin if thats all08:04
cables!patience | kenthomson08:04
ubotukenthomson: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:04
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andouand then forums08:04
seravitae_unop: i dont need to disable it per se, im just trying to install nvidia drivers, and i need to shut x down. every time i close it (even manually kill -9 pid) it frickin reopens to the ubuntu greeter.08:04
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thekidrioare you installing a lamp server/.08:04
andouthekidrio yeah.08:04
abc124unop, so there is no way i can help ubuntu specifically with php programming?08:04
cableskenthomson, go to #ubuntu-effects for beryl/compiz help08:04
kenthomsonthekidrio,  It's like this: Till i am having beryl as my window manager, the kiba-dock will show transparent background (as i have switched off all colours), but as soon as i change my window manager to metacity, the kiba-dock as got this ugly black background, and all the icons to have it around them. Can someone please help me correct this?08:04
thekidriolamp is fantastic08:04
andouthekidrio: Is it maybe better not to use a GUI with it?08:05
seravitae_got it, thanks.08:05
thekidriokenthomson:  what vid card do you have?08:05
ardchoilleIs there any mucis apps in the repos that can play .aspx files???08:05
vivicrowkenthomson, i don't know if metacity supports transperant...different window managers do different things08:05
thekidrioandou: its fine to use a gui, but if just need to set up that first then i might learn the terminal way08:05
kenthomsonthekidrio, nvidia fx5200 128MB RAM08:05
unopseravitae_,  still -- using update-rc.d is the right way to go about this -- if you want to shutdown x -- CTRL+ALT+F1 to get to the console and then issue this -- sudo killall gdm;08:05
vivicrowkenthomson, i don't know about those thing...my video card deosn't even support true transperant08:05
seravitae_unop:  yeah, thats what i did. thanks08:06
thekidriokenthomson:  hrmm direct rendering and all that working?08:06
andouthekidrio: Yeah. I think that might be more interesting... even if I hit a couple bumps along the way.08:06
thekidrioandou: yeah its much more rewarding08:06
kenthomsonthekidrio, how do i test it? beryl works fine with its effects though08:06
thekidriothen do you have emerald installed?08:06
thekidrioemerald-themes that is08:06
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andouthekidrio: Alright. I'll look for a guide for it without using a GUI.08:06
thekidrioandou:  do a search for sftp08:07
andousftp? I'll cehck for it08:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sftp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:07
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vivicrowkenthomson, to text if you have direct rendering...type 'glxinfo' in your terminal08:07
vivicrowkenthomson, to test if you have direct rendering...type 'glxinfo' in your terminal08:07
thekidriotype glxinfo | grep direct08:07
unopabc124,  php is a web-focused language -- ubuntu's web-presence is pretty much handled -- php doesnt have much scope within the ubuntu distribution except that a lot of the starting projects dont tend to have enough documentation, utilities to search info, facts, etc .. which is why i suggested you approach them .. helping what ubuntu is made off is helping ubuntu itself08:07
kenthomsonvivicrow, direct rendering:Yes08:07
thekidrioyeah if beryl is working then he does08:07
_I_luv_youhey has anyone here set up a dedicated server with apache2 and bypassed the DOE's filters?08:07
vivicrowthekidrio, yup08:08
thekidriokenthomson: do you have emerald themes installed?08:08
kenthomsonthekidrio, yes a lot08:08
thekidriois the border around them in all of the themes/.08:08
vivicrowthekidrio, i guess it is the metacity's problem08:08
andouthekidrio: Do you mean Simple File Transfer Protocol or SSH File Transfer Protocol?08:08
thekidrioand is the border thing a shadow look or just an ugly border08:08
thekidriossh file transfer08:08
thekidrioaka secure f t p08:08
kenthomsonthekidrio, i get transparent borders in emerald themes08:09
andouthekidrio: hehe. Ok. Thanks08:09
thekidrioits a better route to go andou08:09
echosyperror: `struct page' has no member named `count'08:09
thekidrioseems like a metacity thing then08:09
echosypwhat does that mean?08:09
kenthomsonthekidrio, i get the shadows around window frames too, and they are transparent also08:09
jbinderhow do i check which dev my CD drive is?08:09
kenthomsonthekidrio, any idea how i should trouble should it08:09
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thekidriometacity ubuntu bugs in google08:09
=== Jesus [n=BLAH@pool-71-125-48-50.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
thekidrioor metacity bugs beryl08:10
thekidriowebmenu.com is a good search to08:10
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=== Jesus is now known as Chris_T
thekidrioit looks at a bunch of search engines at once08:10
echosyperror: `struct page' has no member named `count'08:10
echosyperror: `struct page' has no member named `count'08:10
_I_luv_youhas anyone setup a proxy server?08:10
thekidrioechosyp: have you pasted that into a google search?08:10
andouthekidrio: Ok thanks. I'd like to setup a server for use as FTP, a Website and Forums for about 50 people.08:10
kenthomsonthekidrio,  or is kiba-dock supposed to work correctly only with beryl and not with metacity?08:10
andouthekidrio: I don't really know anything about it, but I've got a couple months to practice08:10
yellowhey guys, how do i set up a default folder settings for gnome ?08:10
thekidrioi am not very familiar with kiba dock i just sort of played with it so not sure08:11
_I_luv_youUse apache for a server!08:11
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kenthomsonthekidrio, ok08:11
kenthomsonthekidrio, thanks anyways08:11
thekidrioandou: easy stuff in the end, always search for a solution first its almost always been done before08:11
thekidrioa lamp server makes that an easy task with research andou08:11
kenthomsonAnd can someone please tell me how do i change the icons of only a particular folder (for eg the icon) of the /home/ken/music folder?08:11
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andouthekidrio: Alright. That's what I thought - ok thanks again. I'll check out sftp08:12
thekidrioand ssh in general08:12
vivicrowkenthomson, just read this: Kiba-dock is run as a standalone program, but it depends on Beryl for its alpha-transparency.08:12
thekidriomakes it much easier to admin remote servers08:12
kenthomsonvivicrow, could you please give me the source08:12
vivicrowkenthomson, it's very short, not a kiba-dock how, but on beryl's wiki: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Kiba-dock08:13
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kenthomsonIs there a way i can change the icon of a particular folder?????08:14
thekidriothe way you do it depends on the window manager you use08:14
_I_luv_youbut I dont have a clue how to08:14
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aarohii'm having some trouble playing mp3's... amarok doesn't actually play them... skips by everything in the playlist. how do i check if the mp3 codec's installed?08:14
thekidriognome, or kde or xfce or fluxbox08:14
aarohii'm using kubuntu08:14
cableskenthomson, right click on folder, go to Properties, click the folder icon in that window.08:14
thekidrioor enlighten08:14
thekidrioaarohi, you two ways08:15
kenthomsoncableroy, thanks never realised that the simple icon there could be so decieveing :)08:15
thekidriotry to install the codec08:15
vivicrowcables: cool, didn't know that before08:15
thekidrioand if you ahve it already it will fail08:15
cableskenthomson, why do people call me cableroy?08:15
thekidrioor do an apt-cache find for the codec08:15
kenthomsoncableroy, cause you wear cables around yourself in the day?08:15
thekidrio!mp3 | aarohi08:15
ubotuaarohi: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:15
andouthekidrio: Ok. I'm going to try to set it up. Thanks for the encouragement :)08:15
thekidrioyou can do it for sure08:16
thekidrioone sec andou08:16
cableskenthomson, my nick is cables, not cableroy... people call me cableroy, and I don't know why... is it some culture reference?08:16
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Flannelcables: no, it's poor nick completion08:16
kenthomsoncableroy, SEE THIS LINE08:16
kenthomsoncables, see theres a guys called cableroy too in this channel who gets preference of your nick "cables" for name completion when people press "cab" and then <tab>08:17
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=== Talaman [n=kris@71-93-40-60.static.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
cableskenthomson, I had no idea there WAS name completion in this client... that's so cool!08:17
cableskenthomson, that sorta sucks08:17
unopha ha08:17
kenthomsonAnd one last question, does anyone used GLXboot theme?08:17
aarohithank yyou thekidrio08:17
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Lard-O-Ladi cant seem to mount an IMG file in the Edgy LiveCD? It throws the  ioctl: LOOP_SET_FD: Invalid Arg error.08:18
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kenthomsonAnyone using glxboot theme??? I can't seem to get the splash working08:18
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@20150062156.user.veloxzone.com.br] by Seveas
kenthomsonLard-O-Lad,     * To mount Image (ISO) file08:19
kenthomsonsudo mkdir /media/iso08:19
kenthomsonsudo modprobe loop08:19
kenthomsonsudo mount file.iso /media/iso/ -t iso9660 -o loop08:19
cpk1Seveas: dang, you are quick08:19
cpk1scripted kick?08:19
kenthomsoncpk1, likely08:20
Lard-O-Ladkenthomson: is the type still the same even if the file is an IMG?08:20
makuserudoes anyone dual boot on a mac? or just linux on a mac? and can help me with the install08:20
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_I_luv_youSeveas is most likely a bot08:20
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cablesThey should give a warning... some new people don't know that pinging the channel is obnoxious...08:20
seravitae_hey what do i do to make linux-headers08:20
thekidrio./msg Seveas are you my mommy08:20
seravitae_'make' didnt work08:20
kenthomsonLard-O-Lad, Do this "file /home/you-user-name/image-file08:20
kenthomsonLard-O-Lad, is the output a ISO?08:21
newesthey how do i switch to root user?08:21
cables!root | newest08:21
ubotunewest: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:21
_I_luv_youmake sure you enabled root08:21
Flannelnewest: ubuntu doesn't use the root account, you use sudo to execute a command as root08:21
kenthomsonthekidrio, i didn't know the whole family is here :)08:21
thekidrionewest: sudo lets you switch to root for a bit08:21
_I_luv_youI use root in ubuntu08:21
Flannel_I_luv_you: there's no reason to enable root08:21
thekidriohaha kenthomson08:21
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_I_luv_youim in root now08:21
cablesnewest, if you want a root shell, use "sudo -i"08:21
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thekidriowhy root in ubuntu?08:21
kenthomsonthekidrio, can you help me set glxboot theme08:21
_I_luv_youenable it and login as root08:22
thekidriodefeats the purpose eh08:22
Lard-O-Ladkenthomson, erm i need to mount an IMG file...08:22
newestbecause im trying to install nmap08:22
yellowhey guys, how do i set up a default folder settings for gnome ?08:22
Flannelseravitae_: do you want to compile a kernel? or what?08:22
kenthomsonGLXBOOT-theme anyone08:22
cablesnewest, use sudo08:22
_I_luv_youmy games dont work properly when not in root08:22
cables!sudo | newest08:22
ubotunewest: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:22
newestbut when i do, i cant find it and therefore use it08:22
thekidriohrmm kenthomson, i am not a glx guru really :(08:22
_I_luv_youroots faster but leaves your comp open08:22
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seravitae_Flannel: i installed a custom linux-headers and linux-image deb files, for my motherboard. it works perfectly08:23
cablesnewest, use "sudo <command>" to run a command as sudo.08:23
seravitae_except nvidia drivers wont install08:23
thekidrioyeah even though really for a normal user no one attacks you08:23
yellowhey guys, how do i set up a default folder settings for gnome/nautilus ? ( compact layout, view as icons, by name, not showing hidden files) ?08:23
newestyup works08:23
Flannel_I_luv_you: it's not faster, it's just a regular user.08:23
aarohithe help tutorial tells me to install libxine-extracodecs ... but thats not available in adept (i'm using kubuntu). i do have the universe and multiverse enabled08:23
seravitae_and it points to missing files inside the headers folder08:23
thekidriofast as in less set up08:23
Flannelaarohi: You're on edgy?08:23
thekidrionot faster as in process time08:23
aarohiFlannel: 6.0608:23
newesthaving problems installing applications, because when i do with synaptic package manager, it says its intstalled, then i cant find where its dl,08:24
thekidrionewest: sometimes they do not create a menu item08:24
cablesnewest, "whereis <nameofsoftware>"08:24
_I_luv_youwhens 7.04 comming out?!08:24
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thekidrioone thing to do is install the debian menu08:24
Flannelaarohi: you sure you added multiverse?08:24
cables_I_luv_you, april08:24
aarohiyes Flannel08:24
Madpilot_I_luv_you, april 0708:24
Flannel_I_luv_you: in 04 of 0708:24
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Flannelaarohi: since, that's where it is.  did you update your cache?08:24
seravitae_Flannel: /var/log/nvidia-installer shows "error: linux/config.h: no file or directory", yet I changed the symlink to my headers (to match the kernel) *shrug*08:25
aarohiFlannel: is this the one? dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse08:25
aarohii'll do that.08:25
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Flannelaarohi: no, 'dapper' not backports08:25
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aarohioh... i'm not sure i have that then08:25
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aarohiexactly what should i add to the repositories?08:26
Flannelaarohi: add multiverse for dapper08:26
pavswhats the name of the wiki application for ur desktop to right down notes?08:26
aarohiFlannel: what is the url?08:26
Flannelpavs: zim is the one that was on planet08:26
Flannelaarohi: whatever repository you use (same as the rest)08:26
cablespavs, tomboy?08:26
pavsyes tomboy tnx08:27
Flannelaarohi: most people just append multiverse to their universe lin08:27
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aarohishould i do that too Flannel?08:27
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Flannelaarohi: it really doesn't make any difference08:27
newesti typed in whereis: this is what i got ; e:~$ whereis nmap08:27
newestnmap: /usr/bin/nmap /usr/X11R6/bin/nmap /usr/bin/X11/nmap /usr/share/nmap /usr/share/man/man1/nmap.1.gz .. so now what?08:27
=== goban [n=goban@ip68-229-102-1.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
newesthow do i get it to run?08:28
aarohiwill appending multiverse to the universe line work Flannel?08:28
thekidriook afk now, food here haha08:28
cablesnewest, jsut type in "nmap"08:28
unopaarohi,  http://pastebin.ca/34862008:28
newestin the terminal?08:28
cablesnewest, yep08:28
Flannelaarohi: yes.  'deb [url]  dapper universe multiverse'08:28
_`XeOn_any channel for unreal support?08:28
newestah sweet! ty!08:28
cablesnewest, after that, you can add it to the menu in System>Preferences>Menu Layout08:29
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makuserudoes anyone dual boot on a mac? or just linux on a mac? and can help me with the install08:30
geraldi get this weird white/greyish screen when i startx while attempting to use dual monitor with xinerama08:30
geraldcan anyone help?08:30
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aarohithank you Flannel08:32
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newesterm when i set up a menu layout for nmap, i ticked the checkbox for run in terminal, but when i click on it, it opens for like 2 seconds then closes08:33
Flannelnewest: that's because the program runs off of command line arguments08:33
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newestso basically theres no point in creating a menu layout for it08:34
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infornographyI am trying to install a game in wine. But when I run regedit, for some reason I can't rename registry keys. Is there a way to work around that?08:34
Flannelnewest: yeah, pretty much.08:34
Flannelinfornography: you might have more luck in #winehq08:34
infornographyOh ok, thanks08:34
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hadronfellows, my headphone output is not being altered by the master gnome volume control. Any ideas?08:35
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newestcool, i found the root terminal08:35
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kenthomsoncan someone suggest a article to setup nice eyecandy in ubuntu08:40
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kenthomson i am having kiba-dock, beryl installed08:40
Flannelkenthomson: #ubuntu-effects08:40
kenthomsonbut i want a matching desktop with matching theme/icons/beryl-theme/splash/gdm/etc, any article anywhere on the net on that?08:40
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Nergaranyone can suggest a nice multimedia player with FF plugin?08:41
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Steven_Mhi all08:43
=== Pablo [n=Pablo@02.71.d1c4.cidr.airmail.net] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-Nergar: mplayer?08:44
Nergartotem has a FF plug in?08:45
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:45
=== Xif [n=Xif@unaffiliated/xif] has joined #Ubuntu
XifWhat's a good key to bind to "Switch to Fullscreen mode"?08:46
=== L4J [n=tony@24-178-103-208.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
XifAnd generally, is there a list of recommended full keybindings?  you know, for all those that aren't set by default out of the box, and so we don't clash with common bindings?08:47
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L4JI have been in this channel for the last couple days... I was wondering, I downloaded and installed this program called "Frostwire" but when I try to open it from the Internet Sub-Menu, it just will not open.08:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvds - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:48
kenthomsonL4J, being in this channel is not a pre-requisite for asking questions :)08:48
Spee_DerNergar: have you tried using VLC ?08:48
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L4JI'm sorry.. I don't understand..08:49
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Nergarno Spee_Der08:49
Nergari want codecs and dvd playback08:49
Spee_DerNergar: I've had good luck using vlc for almost any multi-media08:49
Toma-Nergar: you need w32codecs and libdvdcss08:50
=== untung [n=untung@67-42-84-187.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
AbovenHey, are there not xmmsCue  deb pack to ubuntu?08:50
kenthomsonL4J, does "frostwi", then <tab> complete it to "frostwire" in the terminal, what do you get when you press enter after "frostwire" in terminal?08:50
Nergaralmost, what didn't worked?  ;P08:50
=== yellowdart [n=yellowda@cpe-24-29-210-190.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Steven_Mwith ubuntu and linspire teaming up, does mean ubuntu won't use apt-get anymore?08:50
Nergarthnx toma i apt them?08:51
kenthomsonSteven_M,  don;t say that08:51
Toma-Nergar: yeh. you might need to enable some 3rd party repos tho08:51
Toma-try /msg ubotu dvd and /msg ubotu w32codecs08:51
=== holycow [n=buzz@S01060016b6b53675.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nergarok, thanx for all the help08:51
L4JOOPS, you don't seem to have a valid JRE. FrostWire works best with Sun JRE available at http://www.java.com08:51
Toma-no probs08:51
L4Jthat ^^08:51
kenthomsoncan someone help me with glxboot theme, i don't get the splash screen?08:51
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NergarSpee_Der,  almost?, what didn't worked?  ;P08:52
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ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.08:52
Spee_DerNergar: my son sent some mmf files. but I could not listen to them.08:52
Steven_Mkenthomson: just wondering08:53
Spee_DerNergar: sudo apt-get installl w32codecs08:53
=== capt-rogers [n=teddymil@bas14-toronto63-1096770977.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
kenthomsoni need help setting glxboot theme, i have set it up, but it doesn't splash, is someone willing to help?08:54
Nergarxine or gstreamer???08:55
Nergarwhats best?08:55
Steven_Mcan anyone answer my question?08:55
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Steven_Mwith ubuntu and linspire teaming up, does mean ubuntu won't use apt-get anymore?08:55
kurtbut my xine aint working08:55
Nergarlol, thanx kdesux08:56
kurtno apt-get ... say it aint true08:56
crackhead25question: what's the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu? which would people recommend? are they significantly different besides the default desktop enviro?08:56
kurti dont think there is a sig difference08:56
Nergarabout apt-get Steven_M??08:56
crackhead25how about Xubuntu and Edubuntu?08:56
Steven_MNergar: yes08:57
Flannelcrackhead25: there's no difference except the environment, they share repositories08:57
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shinobi2is there an app to write zero to erase disk?08:58
Toma-shinobi2: dd08:58
=== shinobi2 man dd
Flannelshinobi2: there's better. let me remember the name08:58
=== meister_ [n=meister@pD9E5A45A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
crackhead25question: is kubuntu/ubuntu better than opensuse 10.2?08:58
MadpilotFlannel, shred08:59
Flannelyeah, that's the one.08:59
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kurtopensuse 10.1 spoiled suse for me08:59
Flannelit'll write over the disk N times, varying amounts of 1s 0s, randoms, etc08:59
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mackinachard to qualify "better"08:59
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crackhead25kurt: how did it "spoil"?08:59
=== shinobi2 synaptic shred
xavier___question: can ubuntu be as fast to boot and run as gentoo?08:59
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crackhead25yeah, "better" is relative. im thinking--faster, easier to use, less bugs when updating..09:00
kurtbusted updater09:00
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kurtwont install to gui on my ati 9250 card09:00
kurtand lcd widescreen09:00
kurtit just wouldnt so i binned it and moved over to ubuntu09:00
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crackhead25kurt: is it difficult to transfer an installation from one linux distro to another? what do you mean 'binned" it?09:01
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kurttrash bin09:01
capt-rogersif apple can write aqua/osx on top of darwin, i am sure the worlwide linux commnity can easily surpass osx's user interface. i think a lot of effort is being duplicated repeatedly. thunderbird/evolution /kde/gnome linux/hurd apache/tux..list goes on forever...09:01
kurtstuck inmy ubuntu cd and repartitioned my hd09:01
crackhead25if i have opensuse already, and iw ant tos witch to kubuntu, is it difficult to do--do i have to start from scratch or can i use still my same partition or same documents (mp3's, .doc's, etc. etc.) -- even kde setup?09:01
kurtaway with suse in with feisty09:01
Steven_Manother question is: is there an unoffical package of gnome telnet for ubuntu? It's not in the std repos09:01
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Flannelcrackhead25: if you have your home on a separate partition, then you can install around it09:02
crackhead25how do i know/setup my home to be on a "separate" partition? is that the smart way to be setting up linux installations?09:03
Flannelcrackhead25: you would've partitioned it that way to begin with ;)  And yeah, separating some partitions is a good idea, for various reasons.09:03
Flannelof course, which ones should be separated depends on how/what you use your computer for09:04
crackhead25how do i tell my linux install that my home folder is setup on a partition different from where the rest of the distro install is?09:04
shinobi2Flannel: Madpilot thanks, it does it 26 times, kind of over kill09:04
ardchoilleJuhaz: You awake?09:04
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Flannelshinobi2: that's configurable though.  26 is just the default09:04
crackhead25flannel: can you give some examples?09:04
Madpilotshinobi2, you can set shred to use fewer passes09:04
Flannelcrackhead25: well, some people put /var on separatepartitions, so if there are runaway log problems (one program starts logging in aloop or whatever) it doesn't suck up all of the space for anything except /var09:05
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Flannelcrackhead25: putting /home on a separate partition is good, because it means you made reinstalls independant of your personal data (don't need to copy it somewhere when reinstalling)09:06
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crackhead25is /var always where any program writes logs? what does "var" stand for?09:06
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ardchoillecrackhead25: Good question09:07
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capt-rogersif it is a home system dont bother with seperate partioning..because you'll be the only user most likely, and you will know where everything is...partioning is often used on server setups, to set hard limits so one data/log/program etc, does not fill up a disk and temporarily disable the server....09:07
SharkPcould anyone help me?09:08
SharkPthe room #kubuntu isn't so friendiy...09:08
Flannelcrackhead25, ardchoille, /var is for "variable data", as in-- stuff that ranges/grows/shrinks in size.09:08
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ardchoilleFlannel: Thank you. I always wondered about that.09:08
crackhead25capt-rogers: though, if i want to try a bunch of different linux distros, i want to minimize my installation changes09:08
SharkPFlannel:could you help me?09:08
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Flannelcrackhead25: http://www.secguru.com/files/cheatsheet/linux-file-structure.jpg  is a nice simple rundown, Ubuntu does some stuff differently, for more details : http://www.tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html/index.html (again, ubuntu does some stuff differently)09:09
ardchoilleAnyone have any ideas on this one? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=213805109:09
Flannel!ask | SharkP09:09
ubotuSharkP: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:09
=== Jordan_U_ [n=jordan@h-68-165-174-156.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
crackhead25capt-rogers: what recommendations do you have for setting up a box for various linux distros, including kubuntu and ubuntu and others?09:09
SharkPI've installed amarok09:09
SharkPI want it in italian,but it is in english09:09
SharkPI use GNOME09:09
SharkPHow can I do?09:09
kurtcrackhead25, just when you part ypur hd put a / part a swap part and /home part09:09
kurtthat way if youhave to reinstall your data is still there09:10
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kurtbed for me09:10
mykalReborni don't think amarok comes in different languages09:10
Flannelcrackhead25: ubuntu and kubuntu are the same distribution.  They'll live entertwined with one another09:10
crackhead25that's an option--to make a /home part, and thus the install will know to correlate what usually goes in/communicates with /home there? i see..09:10
mykalRebornmaybe in different distros09:10
SharkPmykalreborn:I used KDE09:10
SharkPand in that amarok was in italian09:11
SharkPbut now,I use GNOME09:11
crackhead25what's the difference between kde and X?09:11
capt-rogersyou are going to have to do a complete install anyways..unless you do a vmware or xen install...your just as well to install onto a spare 8gb drive..and overwrite it if yo want to try another distro...you dont want to do shortcuts...09:11
mykalReborni think it was because of the distro09:11
FlannelSharkP: you'll need to install some KDE language stuff, I imagine09:11
crackhead25sharkP: why did you switch from kde to gnome?09:11
mykalRebornsharkP: nope,09:11
frogzoocrackhead25: nothing wrong with gnome on a fast machine09:11
SharkPcrackhead25:for me,KDE was too "Windows-style"09:11
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crackhead25can't you change things around a lot in either kde or gnome--make the menus where youw ant them, modify the menus, put different applets in it, position and resize them, etc.?09:12
adamonline45Hola y'all, I'm lookin' for a way to remotely transfer files to my webserver from my Mac laptop.  For free.  I'm thinking FTP, but open to suggestions or confirmation... Does anyone have any thoughts on that?09:12
SharkPFlannel:so,shall I install the kde italian language pack?09:12
shinobi2Flannel: Madpilot: ah.... so for each pass it writes a random 1 or 0, then on the final pass, write all 0s09:12
unopX is the subsystem that controls windowing, the creation of them, their management, etc -- the KDE is a desktop environment that depends on X but has its own way of dealing with the windows, creating its own title bars, buttons, effects, etc09:12
unopcrackhead25,  ^^09:13
Madpilotshinobi2, not sure - try "man shred" for details09:13
crackhead25i gotcha..09:13
SharkPOk,i try...09:13
SharkPthanx and Bye!09:13
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_I_luv_youanyone know how to install the movie editor? I forgot what it was called -_-09:13
shinobi2Madpilot: it looks that way, man shred did not say much09:14
Flannelshinobi2: there's a few schemes it uses.09:14
capt-rogersi woould use 'scp'  try not to run a ftp service unless you have to,,,and to put files up..scp will do,.09:14
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shinobi2Madpilot: Flannel: in the pass, i write big ISO image over my hard drive , until it's full, then format it09:15
capt-rogerspretty sure there is a putty version for osx...putty is nice because it saves yor preferences....and has a common interface across os's09:15
shinobi2i am just shreding my 256 mb flash drive now09:16
Madpilotshinobi2, that should nicely munge things up...09:16
shinobi2but my hard drives were big, 100+ gb09:16
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kuw88how can i get the java?09:16
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Flannel!java | kuw8809:16
ubotukuw88: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository09:16
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shinobi2Madpilot: given a 120gb hard drive, 10gb is hidden from windows, i wonder if addition space were created from manufatures like another 20gb.   so writing ISO over hard drive still worrys me sometimes09:19
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Flannelshinobi2: that 10GB is the "recovery partition"09:19
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unopshinobi2,  nothing is hidden from the OS .. its just that hard drive manufacturers and programmers use different definitions of what constitues a gigabyte09:20
kuw88how can i geiont the java ?09:20
shinobi2Flannel: hm..09:20
shinobi2unop: i know what you are saying09:21
kuw88how can i get the java?09:21
Madpilotubotu, java | kuw8809:21
ubotukuw88: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository09:21
unopshinobi2,  harddrive vendors use 1000bytes in a kilbyte .. programmers use 1024 to a kilobyte -- over gigabytes, you feel the difference09:21
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shinobi2Flannel: "recovery partition" meaning restoring windows OS or manufature desgin of recovery algorithm?09:21
Flannelshinobi2: er... it's the FAT32 partition (D:) that contains... well, functionally worthless stuff.09:22
grafthiya - after i've killed a program in X with a weird video mode, and it's exited all funny and everything is the wrong size, how do i restore X to normal without restarting it?09:22
shinobi2unop: yes, that what western digital printed on my 6.4GB manual long ago.09:22
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shinobi2Flannel: ah... i thought you mean #2, manufature have a hidden algorithm in there.  i am very familar with these fat32 restore partition, it cuts cost for Computer Builders09:23
shinobi2such as dell, hp, etc..09:23
unopFlannel,  but even without a recovery partition -- theres a discrepancy in sizes reported .. and D: doesnt exist on every single windows comp .. most computers now dont use a drive letter even09:23
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unop.. for the "recovery partition"09:24
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unopshinobi2,  some vendors just give you a couple of CD-Roms instead of using up your harddrive space09:25
ardchoilleHi crazy_penguin09:25
shinobi2unop: it's interesting, how expensive tech guys are able to restore data.  i think it could be a government secret, that Western digital or any manufatures, have a 2ndary hidden store device with in a given 120 GB drive09:25
Flannelunop: no, no.  Windows requires the recovery partition.  But this is offtopic.09:26
unopFlannel,  uh uh, windows does not require a require a recovery partition at all09:26
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Flannelshinobi2: did you read the shred website?  since it addresses that very issue/concern09:26
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shinobi2unop: which will allow those expensive tech guys to do their job09:26
shinobi2Flannel: nope, i am going now09:26
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unopshinobi2,  you mean they use your harddrive space for some illegitimate reason?09:28
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shinobi2unop: yes, unannounce 2ndary hidden store devices09:28
shinobi2unop: in addtion to the published specs.  like they sell you a 100 gb drive, but it's actually 130gb09:29
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unopshinobi2,  nahh, thats you being paranoid -- it doesnt happen :) coz if they did that, they'd risk being sued bankrupt09:29
andouHow do I know my system's ip address when installing LAMP for an FTP server?09:30
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shinobi2unop: hey, now days, a tiny flash drive hold 4gb09:30
shinobi2but i like to pass my paranoia around and see what people say09:30
unopshinobi2,  it's be cheaper for them to just amass all that extra harddrive space on their own server farms rather than try and use harddrive space from all their customers (which doesnt happen)09:30
Toma-andou: ifconfig will tell you09:30
andouToma-: Thank you :)09:31
shinobi2unop: well, people you lose data, have to call the manufature back for a restoring process, and manufatures make $09:32
=== CharlieChester [n=hadron@e179192072.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
shinobi2*people who lose data09:32
CharlieChestercan someone help me with my first apache2 installation. followsymlinks doesnt seem to be recognised.09:32
CharlieChesterDocumentRoot /var/www/09:32
CharlieChester<Directory />09:32
CharlieChesterOptions FollowSymLinks09:32
CharlieChesterAllowOverride None09:32
shinobi2unop: maybe not on regular drives (home users) , but for propretiary SCSI drives09:33
Flannel!paste | CharlieChester09:33
CharlieChesterin "defaults" file. But symlinks still get access forbidden.09:33
ubotuCharlieChester: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:33
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unopshinobi2,  well naturally, thats how business works , especially in the service and support industry -- it's not just harddrive manufacturers, everyone does it09:34
shinobi2unop: as SCSI drives for enterprise09:34
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shinobi2unop: ok, so they sell enterprise a 100 gb, drive but it's a 130 drive, so that way they make bucks, and the math actually make more sense09:34
AdlaiCharlieChester, that is probably best fixed by a close analysis of the apache docs and your own error logs09:34
Adlaicheck error logs first09:34
unopshinobi2,  well, do you expect the IT staff in an average company to have the resources to do the data recovery themselves, certainly not09:34
CharlieChesterproblem is that I find a difficulty in matching docs with actual files. I am not a db admin. Which config file should be updated to allow symlinks?09:35
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Flannelunop, shinobi2, please take it elsewhere (like #ubuntu-offtopic)09:35
CharlieChesterthere appears to be a lot of config files and I dont know which have precedence.09:35
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mynicki'm back09:35
mynickwho has questions?09:35
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FlannelCharlieChester: they all do different things, none of which override each other, so none have preference.09:35
CharlieChesterI updated sites-enabled/defaults is this not right=09:36
shinobi2sorry, got carry away09:36
CharlieChesterFlannel: thanks. But which is right file for adding followsymlinks in apache2 on linux?09:36
unopCharlieChester,  thats a per-location/directory directive09:37
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CharlieChesterok. I ask a different way. Which file do I alter to allow sym links to followed from the /var/www root?09:37
FlannelCharlieChester: er... you're editing the correct one in sites-enabled and/or sites-available, have you restarted apache?09:37
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages09:38
IndrefWhat is the commandline to shutdown a machine?09:38
FlannelIndref: shutdown ;)09:38
IndrefThat didn't work.09:38
FlannelIndref: it does.  You'll need to use it properly, and with sudo09:38
IndrefThat didn't work either.09:38
mynicksudo shutdown -h now09:38
CharlieChesterFlannel: yes09:39
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IndrefWhat does the -h do.09:39
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IndrefHalt what.09:39
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Flannelturns off the power after shutting down, on most machines09:39
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IndrefOh. I think I get it. I'll try it.09:39
IndrefIf I timeout, it worked :D09:39
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CharlieChesterso sites-available/default is the one to edit? or sites-enabled too?09:40
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FlannelCharlieChester: theyre both the same file09:40
unopFlannel, errm, isnt that what shutdown -p does ?  afaik halt does not necessarily power down the machine09:40
Flannelunop: hence the "on most machines"09:41
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mynicktrue enough, it doesn't work everywhere09:41
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mynicka moment ago there were lots of user questions, now everyones gone to sleep09:42
andouI have a question09:42
newesthey, ive only just installed ubuntu about 3 days ago, im completely new to ubuntu/linux in general, and i have to say UBUNTU GODAM ROCKS!!09:42
=== n0cturnal_ [n=n0c@cl1-203-82-208-197.45ru.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
mynicknewest, welcome.  it's not perfect, but once you taste freedom its hard to give up09:42
andouHow can I control my desktop with my macbook through wireless hub?09:42
andouwireless router*09:43
mynickandou, system/preferences/remote desktop09:43
newesti was also wondering if i used gnome partition editor to format ntfs, will it reclaim the diskspace for ubuntu?09:43
mynickmake sure you are on the same subnet and your wireless network is encrypted ... i'm not sure if that vnc session runs over ssh or not ... probably not09:43
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mynicknewest, what do you mean exactly format?  you mean format into a linux file system, or are you wanting to resize the ntfs?09:44
andoumynick: Thanks :)09:44
mynickif its resize, use a windows based tool for that like partition magic as no open source people can afford ms licencing to gain access to the ntfs secrets and get proper support09:44
FlannelCharlieChester: I haven't dabbled in apache configs in a while.  you might try asking in #apache, as there must be some other config that disables symlinks, but I can't remember it09:44
mynickandou, welcome09:44
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CharlieChesterFlannel: thanks anyway. funny thing was that I thought I was in apache. Something wierd with erc here :). CIao for now,09:45
FlannelCharlieChester: oh, it could be a permission issue, I suppose09:45
newesti got windows xp on ntfs, im dual booting atm, just wondering if i used the format option in gnome partition editor for ntfs to wipe windows from my pc, will the diskspace that was reserved for ntfs be allocated to ubuntu(hda2)?09:45
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n0cturnal_I've just changed the mainboard in one of my pc's, and am now getting a kernel panic while trying to boot.. any ideas?09:46
Flannelnewest: no.  It'll just be... blank.  You could format it as ext3, and mount it somewhere, or (depending on where it is), expand hda2 to fill it.09:46
newestah k, ty09:46
boni_i have run into a problem my /home partition is being dtected with unfixable errors by fsck ihave turned filesystem check off by editing fstab but can anyone help me out it says buffer i/o error09:46
mynicknewewabsolutely you wll bet an extra partition to play with09:47
mynicki don't think you can merge the partitions if thats what you wanted09:47
phiqtionyesterday, a new kernel was released. i installed it. but it doesn't boot because it says something about nvidia causing the problem. Does nvidia drivers install to a certain kernel and if later i install another kernel i must reinstall the drivers?09:47
phiqtionyesterday, a new kernel was released. i installed it. but it doesn't boot because it says something about nvidia causing the problem. Does nvidia drivers install to a certain kernel and if later i install another kernel i must reinstall the drivers?09:47
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mynicknewest, i love the fact you love ubuntu so much, but i would also just caution you, give it time.  don't wipe xp off until you are trully ready09:48
newestyeah, just that theres 20 gigs on ntfs, and only 7 gigs for ubuntu or ext3, so i was sorta hoping to merge the partition09:48
=== corevette [n=corevett@adsl-75-35-200-112.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
mynickusually it takes a couple of years to retrain your self into a comfort zone where you ust know you have everything and you can fix anything that maybe gets hosed09:48
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mynicknewest, for that i would just buy a second hd and install ubuntu on that, leave xp on this hd09:48
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newesttrue that, will do09:49
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mynickyou should be able to put the other hd on a usb dealie and boot off of it if your motherboard is new enough09:49
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mynickphiqtion, sorry say what?09:49
newestyup, coolies09:49
Admiralhello guys. I have a new ASUS P5B motheroard, I've installed Ubuntu on a IDE drive, but on first boot GRUB gave me error 21...09:50
phiqtionmynick: yesterday a new kernel was released i believe09:50
boni_i have run into a problem my /home partition is being dtected with unfixable errors by fsck ihave turned filesystem check off by editing fstab but can anyone help me out it says buffer i/o error09:50
mynickphiqtion, k.09:50
phiqtionmynick: after installing nvidia drivers i cant use latest kernel09:50
mynickphiqtion, with a new kernel a newer nvidia driver should of been installed as well09:50
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mynickphilip, log into recovery mode, do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choose vesa as video driver09:51
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mynickthat will at least let you log into your desktop and get working and googling09:51
mynickyou may need to remove the nvidia drivers and reisntall09:51
mynickdid you install the nvidia drivers from the repo, or did you do it using either the nvidia installer or the oh so craptastic easy installer scripts that are out there?09:52
Admiralhello guys. I have a new ASUS P5B motheroard, I've installed Ubuntu on a IDE drive, but on first boot GRUB gave me error 21... I google it and it seems to be a problem with the JMicron controller, rather than with GRUB or Ubuntu. Can anyone help?09:52
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mynickAdmiral, that i think means it cant find the kernel09:52
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mackinacnice, i want a P5B09:52
Admiralit can't find the disks09:52
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n0cturnal_evil mainboards... i just removed mine and put my gigabyte back in09:53
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mynickAdmiral,  oh wait, jmicron controller?09:53
AdmiralI tried various settings in BIOS, no effect09:53
mynicki haven't heard of that09:53
kasoIs there any way to stop tooltips appearing on the task-bar at the bottom, they tend to get in the way09:53
CharlieChesterlook up "milone envy nvidia" to fix video issues.09:53
mynicksounds like the chipset isn't supported09:53
geraldcan someone help me with dualhead and aticonfig??09:53
boni_i have run into a problem my /home partition is being dtected with unfixable errors by fsck ihave turned filesystem check off by editing fstab but can anyone help me out it says buffer i/o error pls tell me what to do09:53
mynickAdmiral, is that actually called a jmicron chipset?  or is this an anvidia 6 chipset or something?09:53
CharlieChesterthere was a ubuntu mess up with the 2.6.17-11 kernel and the nvidia drivers09:53
mackinackaso, kde or gnome?09:53
CharlieChesterenvy takes care of dependencies09:54
Admiralit's an intell chipse09:54
Admiralintel 96509:54
mynickboni_, that usually requires one of two things: mount the drive as slave and see if you can recover data (hopefully you have b ackups) or you haveto send it to a shop that specializes in recovring data09:54
mynickboni_, what file system?09:54
mynickAdmiral, i can't remember the status on the support for that chipset, have you checked out if the kernel version has support built for that?09:55
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mynickmaybe the drivers aren't backported09:55
geraldcan someone help me with dualhead and aticonfig09:55
notgodhey, how do I check the latest version of a package?  Say, for example, the latest release of Subversion is 1.4.3, but the package version is 1.3.something...  so do I need to build the latest myself?09:55
mynickwhich i had happen with nvidia chipset09:55
Admiralmyknick: nope09:55
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n0cturnal_I've just changed the mainboard in one of my pc's, and am now getting a kernel panic while trying to boot.. failed to sync. any ideas?09:56
mynickAdmiral, yeah please google first .. uname -a to check kernel version on your system, the just a quick google should reveal if its supported09:56
mynickif it is we can work through a few things i guess, if its not thats the answer09:56
Admiralok, can I install lilo from a liveCD, withut having a network connection active?09:56
mynickAdmiral, i seriously doubt changing the bootloader will make a diference09:56
ushabaanyone have any experience setting up usbnet connections between ubuntu and another computer?09:57
mynickthe only time it makes a difference is with some raid configurations09:57
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mynicknot sure if lilo is even included on livecd, if it is you should be able to installe it without net connection yes09:57
mynickn0cturna1_, just so someone answers i've never heard of that09:57
Admiralok, thanks09:58
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n0cturnal_mynick: lol alright09:58
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stinger_auanyone here know how to setup QOS ?10:01
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stinger_auor can point me in the right direction10:02
geraldi just built a bunch of .deb files from the ati drivers, what do i do next?10:02
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ushabaagain, anyone have any experience setting up usb network connections with ubuntu?10:02
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mynickushaba, not me.   your using a usb network converter dealie10:03
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mynickwhy aren't you using a proper ethernet device?10:03
a5141 question how do i get glx waving windows?10:03
ushabaI'm trying to connect a laptop to my desktop10:03
nortycan someone please help me? I think i lost all my data when I installed ubuntu!!10:03
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects10:03
mynicka514, with that10:03
ushabathe laptop is running vector and has no trouble at all with the idea10:03
mynickjust be warned10:03
ushababut ubuntu is unfriendly10:03
mynickit is very much in beta and has bugs10:04
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ushaba3d desktops are all pretty buggy...10:04
ushabaI'd steer clear10:04
mynickbut the packages are installed from repo thus removing it now is easy if you need to10:04
nortyi need help i think i lost everthing..10:04
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nortyI had 2 partitions on a 140 gig hd. 1 partition was for windows xp and it was 10 gigs, the rest was for all my data. I decided to install unbuntu so I used gparted live cd to resize the 130 gig into 1 10 gig for which I mounted the root file system of unbuntu and another 4 gig that i used for the swap partition. Everything installed fine but when I went back to into xp I can only see my 1 10 gig partition, I cannot get to my now 125 gig part10:05
phiqtionhow can i make DNS changes permanent to DNS?10:05
mynickushaba, what is vector and how is ubuntu unfriendly10:05
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phiqtionhow can i make DNS changes permanent to networking?10:05
mynickushaba, typically from peoples experiences i haven't seen any successfull usb network connections ... they seem to require special drivers although i could be wrong10:05
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ushabavector linux is a slackware based distribution10:05
ushabawell, it's just a usb link cabler10:06
ushabathat connects two computers10:06
mynickphiqtion, in the same place you setup your ip address10:06
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ushabait shouldn't be that complicated if I can figure out where ubuntu thinks the usb connection is10:06
mynickushaba, it works on slack but not ubuntu?10:06
ushabathat is how ubuntu is unfriendly10:06
mynickoh neat!10:06
mynickgood to know10:06
ushabaubuntu hides its secrets10:06
ushabalike a jealous schoolgirl10:06
mynickno not at all10:06
a514vector with the right monitor nvidia loaded from the cd10:07
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phiqtionmynick: when i restart ubuntu the changes are not there10:07
mynicki just don't know the answer to that particula question  ... how do you tell slack to use a usb port as a network gateway?10:07
a514so beryl is not listed in the repos?10:07
mynicka514, no, go to #beryl10:07
ushabavector is not really slackware though10:07
mynickit the topic they have the repo info10:07
ushabait's sort of between ubuntu and slack in difficulty, I guess10:07
mynickit would be slacklike for something like that tho10:08
mynickanyway, just curious, how is that done?10:08
mynicki can tell you we don't have a gui for that10:08
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ushabawell, I don't need a gui, I guess10:08
nortyCAN ANYONE HELP ME!!?10:08
ushabaI just need a how-to or something10:08
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mynickphiqtion, what do you mean? what did you do?10:09
ushabathe forums don't have anything on the matter except for connecting pdas10:09
ushabanorty is dying here10:09
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ushabawhat is the issue again?10:09
mynickushaba, i thought you said networking over usb10:09
mynickwhat does a pda haveto do with networking over usb?10:09
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phiqtionmynick: in networking i went to DNS and changed servers, closed and everything worked in session until i rebooted, DNS had same
ushabawell, they're connecting the sharp zaurus10:09
ushabawhich is linux based to a usb connection10:09
ushabaand they use the usbnet module to do it10:09
ushabaso it's loosely related10:10
ushabaobviously different than what I am after10:10
mynickphiqtion, system/admin/networkig/dns?10:10
mynickonce you add yors in there it should stick, no?10:10
norty<ushaba> norty is dying here10:10
norty* anto9us has joined #ubuntu10:10
norty<ushaba> what is the issue again?10:10
ushabathere is a how-to for sharing internet access on the ubuntu forums, but I can't figure out where ubuntu thinks the connection is10:10
nortyi think i lost all my data10:10
nortywhen i installed ubuntu10:10
ushabathere's a couple of options10:11
norty I had 2 partitions on a 140 gig hd. 1 partition was for windows xp and it was 10 gigs, the rest was for all my data. I decided to install unbuntu so I used gparted live cd to resize the 130 gig into 1 10 gig for which I mounted the root file system of unbuntu and another 4 gig that i used for the swap partition. Everything installed fine but when I went back to into xp I can only see my 1 10 gig partition, I cannot get to my now 125 gig par10:11
mynicknorty, what was the data on ... windows?10:11
ushabadid you pave over the partition during the install?10:11
nortythats what happened10:11
phiqtionmynick: yes10:11
mynickor another linux?10:11
nortyyea windows10:11
nortyntfs parition10:11
ushabaso the partition is gone or it's just not picked up?10:11
mynicknorty, did you format over partition and install linux on it?10:11
nortyim sure i didnt touch it when i installed ubuntu10:11
nortyi cant see it in windows10:11
mynicknorty okay do this10:11
nortybut i found out its in linux-swap format now10:11
mynicksudo fdisk -l10:11
ushabawhat does your partition table look like?10:11
mynickthat will show you all the partitions on the hd10:11
nortyi already found all the partitions using a data recovery program10:12
mynickwell if the partition exists no problem10:12
norty1 is the xp windows partition in ntfs10:12
mynickits there we can even read it10:12
ushabawell, I'm curious what linux thinks is there10:12
phiqtionmynick: any suggestion?10:12
mynickthen do what i told you10:12
nortythe next is the one i want but its in linux-swap not ntfs10:12
mynickphiqtion, your dns is gone after you reboot? *hmm*10:12
ushabathat could be very bad...10:12
ushabaif it's in swap format10:13
rapid_is ndiswrapper included with ubuntu?10:13
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ushababecause it would have to format everything to get that to be the case10:13
mynickushaba, did you do what i told you?10:13
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phiqtionmynick: yes, i have to save as location only way to keeping the settings but then when i reboot i must apply10:13
ushabawhat did you tell me?10:13
ushabaI'm getting confused10:13
mynickushaba, run the command and tell us if it tells you any of the partition are windows fat/ntfs10:13
nortyfuck im positive i didnt choose that partition to use as linux-swap10:13
mynickushaba, sorry ha!10:13
mynicksorry wrong nick :)10:13
nortyok hold on10:13
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rapidanyone know if ubuntu server comes stock with ndiswrapper?10:14
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mynickrapid, what do you mean stock?10:14
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mynickubuntu server is just a different set of packages thats all10:14
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Flannelrapid: yes. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper10:14
mynickit has access to all the same packages desktop does10:14
mynickyou can convert one from the other it makes no difference10:14
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ushabamy partitions are fine10:15
ushabaso I'm not worried about those10:15
ushabaI'm worried about my usb connection10:15
ushabawhich admittedly is not life-threatening10:15
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Flannelrapid: I don't believe it's on the serverCD though.10:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dns - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:16
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mynickphiqtion, add the ip in your resolv.conf file10:16
mynickreboot and see if it sticks, it should10:16
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ushabawhat were you saying?10:16
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phiqtionmynick: where can i find that10:16
mynickphiqtion, /etc10:16
mynickushaba, i think i was nick completing you when i meant the other dude, sorry10:17
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mynickushaba, i just don't know how to get the tcpip stack to talk over a usb port10:17
ushabaah, no worries10:17
maxime63ciao a tutti10:17
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phiqtionmynick thanks10:17
nortywhats the command to list all partitions again?10:17
mynicksudo fdisk -l10:17
ushabamost distros seem to think that usb0 is a network interface10:17
tcpiphow do i force pap authentication instead of chap10:17
maxime63ho un problema con il secondo hard disk, chi mi puo aiutare?10:17
ushababut ubuntu does not10:17
ushabaso this is the main issue10:18
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nortythat doesn't give a list that just trys to explain how but i dont understand it10:18
ushabanone of us speak your language, but I iundersrtand that you're having a problem with the second hard disk10:18
mynickwhy would any distro think usb0 is a network device instead of a usb0 device?10:18
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notgodIs there a fonts packge that is easy to install and gives notably better fonrts than the defaults in ubuntu?10:18
ushabawhy not?10:18
Flannel!it | maxime6310:18
ubotumaxime63: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:18
mynicknope that works10:19
ushabathat ubotu is really smart10:19
mynickit gives me alist of partitions10:19
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adamonline45OT: Is anyone more than happy with their IRC client for Mac? I need a quick suggestion... ;D10:19
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ushabaI found this10:20
ushababut I'm not sure what to make of it10:20
nortyit doesn't give me a list10:20
ushabaam I supposed to bridge the thing?10:20
mynicknorty, what is the error msg10:20
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:20
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:21
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nortyits not an error10:22
nortyits just it gives me options of what i want to do10:22
madbartCould somebody help me with VPN connection setup?10:22
nortydisplay partition tables10:22
nortyis that what i want?10:22
ushabaI'll ask on the forums10:22
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ushabaactually, a quick question to anyone who knows10:23
mynicknorty, well we are trying to figure out WHAT partitions are you on your hd10:23
ushabais the new kernel upgrade not recommended or have the issues been resolved?10:23
ubotupure-ftpd: Pure-FTPd FTP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.21-5ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 150 kB, installed size 460 kB10:23
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mynickit might be that you have linux installed on other partitions and it doesn't see win for some reason10:23
mynickso yes10:23
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mynickyou want to see partitions10:23
nortyok then it says:10:24
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mynickyou are looking for a windows partition, either in fat or ntfs10:24
adamonline45I wish ubotu gave the command line to install software that's inquired upon :(10:24
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nortyfdisk -l {-b SSZ]  [-u]  DISK10:24
nortyto display that10:24
nortyoops: [-b SSZ] 10:24
mynickjust sudo fdisk -l is all is required10:24
sacaterokay mates im having some trouble, my xfce desktop is on regular ubuntu-gnome. A few hours ago, I could load quite safely into xfce, however now, i get a gnome-coloured background and gnome-icons when i log in. The only things i have done lately is install Dasher and Battle for Wesnoth, and i hvae completetly removed those using synaptic10:24
sacater http://omploader.org/file/Screenshot210.png10:24
nortylet me try that10:24
nortyi thought you typed 1 not l10:24
ubotuxubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels10:25
adamonline45Does anyone know how to install Pure-FTPd at the CLI?10:25
Nergari have edgy in sda2 and feisty in sda3, how do i mount feisty in edgy??10:25
mynicksacater, thats probably a better channel for that question10:25
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mynicki don't use xfce so i can't help, just so someone answers10:25
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nortyok i got it to display all my partitions10:25
nortywhat now10:25
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FantasticFoosorry for the noobish question, but when i'm configuring wireless internet, how do i know what to enter in for the "essid name"?10:26
mynickpaste them on pastebin.ca or something10:26
nortyok hold on10:26
mynicklets see what we have, lets see if we can see a windows partition10:26
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FantasticFooi want to recognize the wireless connection10:26
mynickFantasticFoo, if you click on the pulldown menu it should give you a list of networks it sees10:26
chervahow do i resize my windows partition to give more space to my linux desktop ? I konw i have to use qtparted but the two filesystems must be unmounted rught ?10:26
Flannelcherva: right.  You'll want to use a liveCD10:26
FantasticFoomynick: what pulldown?10:26
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mynickFantasticFoo, if a network doesn't broadcast an essid, you will either need to remember what you set it up as or get that info from your provider (say corporate network admin or something)10:27
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nortythats what i got10:27
FantasticFoomynick: windows recognizes it perfectly fine10:27
Alzi2Hey. This is in KDE: Ever since i tried binding the program 'mednafen' to the .GBA filetype, when i open a file with no extension it gives this error two times: "Could not find the following mime-type: application/octet-stream". Can anyone help me fix this?10:27
chervathe live cd of ubuntu isn't booting i can use another distro right ?10:27
mynickFantasticFoo, the one in system/admin/networking ... when you click on the wireless device you get a pulldown field you can either type in or pulldown to see wireless networks10:27
ushabato resize your windows partition10:28
mynickFantasticFoo, yeah, see we don't really care about windows :)10:28
ushabayou have to unmount that partition10:28
ushabaI think you can do it directly from gparted10:28
ushabamake sure gparted is installed first10:28
mynickFantasticFoo, typically windows is not usefull at all.  generally most manufacturers make drivers for win, but not for linux10:28
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ushabavia synaptic10:28
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mynickso its not really usefull if win can see it10:28
ushabathen open up gparted with sudo gparted10:28
FantasticFoothis is SOOO ridiculous. i followed a VERY clear tutorial of how to setup wireless on ubuntu edgy for my EXACT wireless card, and the damn thing still doesn't work!!10:28
=== mateuszk [n=mateuszk@aagd223.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
mynickFantasticFoo, unfortunately you haveto research if your wireless card/chipset is supported10:28
chervayes but i cant add the freed space to the linux part because it is mounted10:28
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Flannelcherva: right.  Any liveCD will do.10:29
FantasticFoomynick: see my last text10:29
ushabaI think you can unmount it from within gparted10:29
mateuszkAfter upgrade to edgy I only have max 800x600 screen resolution10:29
ushabaI'm not sure10:29
mateuszkwhats wrong?10:29
chervaok i'll try with a live cd 10x10:29
ushabaif not, you'll just have to unmount it manually10:29
nortywhat do i do next?10:29
mynickFantasticFoo, well since i'm the one offering help, i refuse to scroll10:29
mynickpost again pls10:29
=== sacater [n=sacater@host86-136-102-58.range86-136.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
ushabaoh wait, you've already deleted the windows partition?10:29
ushabayou can only add to the end of partitions10:29
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FantasticFoomynick: i know it's supported... i just have horrible luck10:29
ushabanot the beginning10:29
FantasticFoomynick: everything i touch either gets lost, or brakes10:30
mynickFantasticFoo, *nod* i honestly haven't had weireless problems in about 2 years here ... i jsut buy supported stuff.  i plug in and just go10:30
=== mateuszk has a problem after upgrading to edgy I have only 800x600 and 640x480 resolutions. Any help ?
nortyi think the one i want is /dev/sda510:30
mynickFantasticFoo, i know people like you :)10:30
ushabaabout xfce10:30
mynicki mean that nicely10:30
NETWizzI ran this10:30
stinger_auQuestion: anyone in here know how i can setup QOS ?10:30
NETWizzsudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-8776-pkg1.run -n -s --x-prefix=/usr/lib/xorg/ --kernel-source-path=/usr/src/linux-headers-`uname -r`10:30
ushabaI think the gnome colored background is just a relic10:30
nortysomehow it got into linux-swap format10:30
ushabayou can change that uinder the settings10:30
NETWizzonly it was nvidia's newer driver10:30
ushabafor xfce10:30
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ushabathe icons may be also used for xfce now10:30
mynickushaba, the funny thing about open source is that you are welcome to change it10:30
ushabayou can change those under the settings manager too10:31
mynickthe box doesn't phone back and ask for anctivation code after you change the wallpaper you know :)10:31
mynickushaba, meaning im giving you a hard time :)10:31
ushabaI'm not doing anything wrong10:31
ushabaI'm the usb person10:31
nortymynick do you know what i should do?10:31
ushabaI'm just a former xfce user10:31
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mynickNETWizz, why in the world would you run that?10:31
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mynickare you compiling your own nvidia modules? if so why?10:32
stormHow can I get info pages for all my programs in Ubuntu?10:32
mynickthe drivers are in the repos10:32
NETWizzto compile a kernel10:32
NETWizza video driver for a kernel10:32
mackinac!resolution | mateuszk10:32
ubotumateuszk: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:32
mateuszkI have a problem after upgrading to edgy I have only 800x600 and 640x480 resolutions. Any help ?10:32
scrollzerushaba: if thats not it,it could be nautilus is managing your xfce session10:32
mateuszkmackinac, thx10:32
mynickushaba, i was commenting on your note about ubuntu colours being relic10:32
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ushabahey, not ushaba10:33
ushabaI'm not using xfce10:33
mynickNETWizz, may i ask why?10:33
ushabait's a simple gradient change10:33
nortyany help?10:33
ushabato whoever had the question originally10:33
mynickNETWizz, the drivers are compiled for you10:33
mynickand packaged10:33
mynickvery nicely with a cherry on top10:33
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mynicknorty, url of yoru output?10:34
mynickso i can see?10:34
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mynickyep your ntfs is there10:36
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mynickthe data should be there too10:36
mynickwhat do you want to do with that?10:36
=== MrMist [n=neo@69.80-202-172.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
mynickit almost sounds like you want to be able to boot back into windows, right?10:36
cbx33does grub by default use the device.map file that's in it's config dir?10:37
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MrMistHi all.. I've got a noob problem. There's no sound coming from my laptop... how do I find out what's wrong ?10:37
=== pulpficti0n [n=falmp@201-42-133-127.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
mynickall that has happened is the partitions haven't been mounted so you cant read them from ubuntu10:37
mynickits no biggie10:37
nortyi need the partition that is like 120-125 gigs back10:37
nortyi need the data on that partition10:37
ushaba I thought his problem was that windows didn't know they existed though10:37
nortythats my problem10:37
nortyi cant see it in windows10:37
ushabaif you mount those partitions, you can read the data, at least10:38
FantasticFooyay!!!!!! FINALLY i get wireless working10:38
nortyas long as I can get it back, either windows or ubuntu im fine10:38
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse10:38
ushabaand if you go through a how-to you can probably get them to work with write support ntf310:38
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FantasticFoonow all i need is a handy dandy little menu that shows all available wireless networks10:38
mynickwho knows the ntfs mount commands? i never use that at all10:38
ushabathat's what I was after10:38
ushabathis bot is awesome10:38
FantasticFooinstead of having to manually enter in ESSID10:38
=== Nitro [n=Nitrolin@ti541110a080-10318.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
ushabahey fantastic foo10:39
ushabatry wifi radar10:39
mynicknorty, well i would actually leave everything as is and do the following if you value your data:10:39
ushabaI had better luck with that than with gtk wifi10:39
FantasticFooushaba: ok10:39
mynickgo and buy a second hd, install linux on that10:39
mynickthen take this one and put it in a usb cradle10:39
mynickthat will automagically mount everything, including ntfs10:39
=== Deedis [n=deed@185.84-48-178.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
FantasticFoodidn't somebody here say that there was one in the "networking" app that already comes with ubuntu?10:39
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mynickyou will be able to read all the ntfs/w95 stuff and do whatever you want with it10:39
Deedishow do you change so the hda2 can get write permissions from any user in ubuntu?10:40
nortyi cant do it with what i have now?10:40
mynickprobably you will want to burn it off or put it on a third hd for long term storage10:40
mynicknorty, you can but considering you are a noob, you are close enough to hosing everyrhing10:40
=== Enselic` [n=martin@kr-lun-58-151-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
mynickwe have established that the partition exists, so yay your data is there10:40
FantasticFoomynick: yeah you were the one who told me. where exactly can i find that "pulldown menu" of wireless networks?10:40
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ushabawell, the network app doesn't do roaming well10:40
nortyyou said all i need to do is mount it to see my data in linux10:40
mynickso my humble suggestion is to tiptoe around the issue, don't force it10:41
nortyhow do i mount it10:41
ushabait's one of the gnome system tools10:41
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter10:41
=== AngryElf [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
mynicknorty, you need to create a folder on your desktop, then mount the partition into that10:41
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mynicki don't know the command off by heart i don't deal with ntfs at all, someone else know?10:41
Deedishow do you change so the hda2 can get write permissions from any user in ubuntu?10:41
mynickFantasticFoo, yeah so? how hard can it be? go look what i told you10:41
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cbx33it's just mount -t ntfs /dev/dev /mnt/point10:42
NitroGood morning. I edited the xorg.conf, and restarted the X'server, and installed beryl. But it didn't work. So, I edited the xorg.conf once again, but this time I didn't restart the X'server through the command. I simply restarted the computer. But, when I entered my username and pw, and pushed enter, the screen turned into some weird purple, followed by orange, a busy mouse, and suddenly I was back at the login screen, without any error me10:42
FantasticFoomynick: i can't find it10:42
mynickFantasticFoo, /system/admin/networking10:42
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chervaok i've booted from a livecd and i resized my windows partition but i cant resize my linux part the resize butoon is grey10:42
ushababeryl is the devil10:42
mynickis your wireless network card listed in there?10:42
FantasticFoomynick: yeah im in there right now10:42
ushabastay away lad10:42
FlannelNitro: #ubuntu-effects for beryl support10:42
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ushabaI think beryl needs its own forum10:42
ushabasince so many people have problems with it10:42
mynicknorty, there you go dude, what cbx33  said10:42
nortymynick so i just type: mount -t nfts /dev/dev /mnt/point and it will mount that partition?10:42
Pookyushaba, #beryl?10:42
NitroThe problem isn't beryl excatly, I can't log on.10:42
mynickberyl does have its own forum whats the dealio?10:42
FantasticFoomynick: yeah it is10:43
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nortyi will try that, be right back.. !!!!!10:43
mynickberyl is beta, its buggy it works for me flawlessly but i have supported hardware10:43
mynickFantasticFoo, then double click on it ... c'mon its not that hard10:43
ushabathere is a beryl forum?10:43
mynickthe gnome ui is self discoverable10:43
Pookyheh, I'm running it on an ati card on a macbookpro. Life is exciting.10:43
NitroAs I said, the screen turns purple right after entering username and pw.10:43
mynickushaba, how can there not be? its a very popular project10:43
=== pulpfiction- [n=falmp@201-42-133-127.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
ushabathat's true10:43
FantasticFoomynick: yeh, still doesn't automatically list anything10:43
mynickPooky, oh hell dude, ati10:43
=== jebekomo [n=jebekomo@cpe-76-167-173-54.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mynickPooky, just go back to osx now10:44
ushabaapparently usbnet is not a popular project!10:44
mynickati needs to simply be ignored on linux10:44
Deedishow do you change so the hda2 can get write permissions from any user in ubuntu?10:44
FlannelNitro: the problem is bad config, and it's sending you back to GDM.  If you've setup beryl to be a startup thing when logging into gnome, choosing "Safe Gnome" in sessions may fix the issue.10:44
ushabaati has better laptop market share than nvidia10:44
mynickFantasticFoo, if nothing appears in the pulldown list, close down the networking deal and try again10:44
erik1397anyone own an xbox 360?10:44
chervai've booted from a livecd and i resized my windows partition but i can't resize my linux part the resize butoon is grey what should i do ?10:44
FantasticFoomynick: ok10:44
nortyit said: mount - only root can do that10:44
mynickit sometimes needs time to do a scan properly10:44
PookyI'll be getting an x86 comp for my next machine. I just need to find one I like.10:44
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NitroFlannel: thanks, I'll try. But, do you think it may, may be a X'server problem?10:44
Pookynorty, sudo mount...10:44
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mynickFantasticFoo, however if it still doesn't show aything not sure, i would say get another wireless network card maybe10:45
=== vliegje20 [n=patrick@cp36923-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #Ubuntu
storkwhat's good software for burning an .avi file to a dvd? (if there is any)10:45
FlannelNitro: it's most likely related in some way, shape, or form to beryl.  As to what is actually breaking... I have no idea10:45
Deedishow do you change so the hda2 can get write permissions from any user in ubuntu?10:45
=== TheOddOne [n=hgibson@hgibson.ee.sun.ac.za] has joined #ubuntu
erik1397stork: tovid10:45
storkNitro, for linux?10:45
mynicknorty, don't abuse the priviledge of free help :) we know you are scared and frustrated but give us a chance to help10:45
Pookyprobably wrote some kind of beryl start script10:45
=== nanothief [n=nanothie@60-241-135-239.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
nortyok ok thx10:45
nortybut that doesnt work10:45
vliegje20does anyone know how to get bluetooth working under Ubuntu 6.06?10:45
nortyit says /mnt/point doesnt exist10:45
FantasticFoomynick: yeah that sounds good10:46
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Flannel!burn | stork10:46
ubotustork: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto10:46
mynickstork, gnome baker10:46
mynicki wouldn't bother installing nero on linux, there is no point10:46
=== Spee_Der [n=n1gke@ip68-14-29-148.ri.ri.cox.net] has left #ubuntu []
PookyI bet this place generates 100 quotes a day.10:46
mynickstork, you can also do places/cdburner10:46
Deedishow do you change so the hda2 can get write permissions from any user in ubuntu?10:46
mynickdrag and rop10:46
mynickdrop even10:46
Pookynorty, you need to make a mount point :) so, mkdir -p /mnt/point or something10:46
ushabatime to get off of here10:46
Pookysudo even10:46
=== Bergcube [n=Bergcube@cCB5F4BC1.dhcp.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu
hagabakai noticed the fiesty has a rubygems package. is it going to be in edgy?10:46
Flannelhagabaka: no10:47
nortymake a mount point?10:47
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unopDeedis,  by hda2, you mean /dev/hda2, right?10:47
Deedisunop: yep10:47
Pookynorty, when you mount something, you need to map it, man mount for more details.10:47
mynicknorty, a mount point is just a folder10:47
hagabakaok, i can just install it myself then :)10:47
mynickcreate a folder on your desktop already10:47
=== pfein_ [n=pfein@c-71-194-76-129.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nortyi did10:47
unopDeedis,  well, you apply permissions from the mount-point -- is the device mounted?10:47
mynickc'mon its not fair to ask us to repeat everything10:47
erik1397stork: you can convert an avi video to dvd format and burn it to a dvd with Tovid: Make DVD Videos Using Tovid10:47
nortydo i replace mnt/point with mnt/MYFOLDER10:47
Pookynorty, nod.10:48
=== Tidge [n=timgraha@ppp124-66.lns2.bne4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
Deedisunop: the device is mounted yes.. but cant write anything to it with my regular user only root10:48
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mynicknorty, then use cf's command above and just point it to the right folder path10:48
mynickthats it10:48
erik1397heres the link10:48
mynicknorty, yep10:48
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nortyif its on desktop shouldnt it be desktop/WHATEVER10:48
andouhow do I get out of vi?10:48
Deedisunop: the thing is, how do you apply write permissions without beeing forced to do it everytime you start up ubuntu10:48
Flannelandou: :q10:48
vliegje20does anyone know how to get bluetooth working under Ubuntu 6.06? i tried alot of things but it isnt working10:48
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andouFlannel : Hehe. THank you :)10:48
FlannelDeedis: umask10:48
Deedisunop: i guess it is in /etc/fstab but i have no idea what to type there10:48
unopDeedis,  just to make sure, this is not a NTFS drive, is it?10:48
Deedisunop: nope, ext310:49
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mynicknorty, /home/YOUUSERNAME/Desktop/folder10:49
erik1397vliegje20: what have you exactly tried?10:49
Tidgehi all, does ubuntu have support for D-Link USB adapters? ive set up dual boot Ubuntu/XP but my Ubuntu is useless because I cant get it to connect to the net wirelessly10:49
=== BlackMad [n=BlackMad@247.red-81-184-83.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu
unopDeedis,  errm, what kind of stuff exists on this partition?10:49
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Deedisunop: nothing atm. going to have it for storage stuff10:50
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scrollzermynick: you sure have stamina good luck and good night:)10:50
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nortyok i created the folder and everthing but now it says special device dev/dev doesnt exist10:50
mynickTidge, is that a wireless adapter?10:50
vliegje20erik1397: i tried this howto: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75978&highlight=bluetooth and some other howto's also for gnome bluetooth but gnome and kdeblutooth see my phone but i can't browse it10:50
mynickif so probably not10:50
unopDeedis,  ok, let's say it's mounted in /media/hda2 .. run this command - sudo chmod 7777 /media/hda210:51
=== TiTom [n=TiTom@rob92-6-82-231-241-206.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Deedisunop: it worked! :)10:51
unopDeedis,  errm, sorry - sudo chmod 777 /media/hda210:51
Tidgehi mynick, yeah its a USB wireless adapter, it links up to my netcomm router, i can see that this would be a nightmare to set up, if it doesnt work i'll just use XP, it works there10:51
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Deedisunop: but can i type in anything in fstab so i dont have to do this everytime i reboot?10:52
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erik1397vliegje20: hmm...maybe your phone's hardware simply is incompatible with ubuntu (it happens sometimes10:52
mynickTidge, i'll add that to my todo list, i gotta look into it.  i've yet to talk to anyone that has had one work10:52
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mynickTidge, it has nothing to do with linux10:52
unopDeedis,  this setting sticks -- but you should try and lock down the permissions now as anybody and everybody can write to it10:52
mynickTidge, if the manufacturers just gave us hardware specs like they used to i would hire people to write the drivers10:52
NitroFlannel: It can't be beryl, even with Safe GNOME, I get the purple screen, and back to gdm.10:52
mynickbut they don't want to play nice10:52
fergofrogi just installed ubuntu on to my old computer, i have 2 harddrives on it and i am putting it on the secondary hd, i have windows 98 on the primary hd, when i turn the pc on GRUB loads but it says Error 5... and it just stops...10:53
FlannelDeedis: mirror the other lines in umask (rw,user--etc)10:53
mynickwe do what we can10:53
Deedisunop: well is that a bad thing? since all users on this comp should have access to it10:53
Tidgeok thankyou, the thing is it came with an installer cd for windows and i got it to work there but i like ubuntu so was wondering if its possible for it to work10:53
FlannelNitro: that doesn't mean it's not beryl. It just means you didn't use a gnome startup script to start beryl.  (I have no idea how you peoplecurrently do it)10:53
DeedisFlannel: cant understand you.. first time ever using linux so :)10:53
fredlhmm my nvidia driver won't load anymore after the most recent kernel update.10:53
vliegje20erik1397: ok thats possible but when i browse with nautilus the howto says i have to put bluetooth:// in the ctrl + L but then it says it cant find bluetooth the same goes for konqueror10:53
=== Tmi [n=tommi@kr-lun-9-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
mynickNitro, what happens when you do beryl-manager from terminal?10:54
FlannelDeedis: in your fstab, you see plenty of other lines, just mirror one of those.  Like /home or whatnot.10:54
vliegje20erik1397: they just cant find the bluetooth location10:54
Nitromynick: I can't log on.10:54
FlannelDeedis: or, if you only have a root partition, just like that, except without the errors=remount-ro10:54
mynickNitro, that has nothing to do with beryl10:54
fergofrogi just installed ubuntu on to my old computer, i have 2 harddrives on it and i am putting it on the secondary hd, i have windows 98 on the primary hd, when i turn the pc on GRUB loads but it says Error 5... and it just stops...10:54
unopDeedis,  well, thats ok then -- but if you want user A to not enter a directory owned by user B .. you should lock down user A's directories10:54
NitroNeither do I think so.10:55
nortyI got 1 to mount10:55
=== ThiefOfBaghdad [n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu
NitroCan it be a bad config of xorg.conf?10:55
nortyi tried to open it but it said i dont have permision to see the contents10:55
Deedisunop: well that is not a problem :)10:55
nortyhow do I see the contents?10:55
Deedisthanks for your help Flannel, unop !10:55
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unopDeedis,  you should do what flannel suggested too10:56
Deedisyeah im doing it right now10:56
unopDeedis,  yw :)10:56
Deedisi have a loong UUID though10:56
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Deedisis that the ony i should copy from the / partition ?10:56
mynickNitro, hard to say ... i tend to reinstall when i run into something like that, its just faster than trying to debug it10:56
mynickNitro, sorry for the non answer, just being practical10:56
unopDeedis,  errm, you dont need the UUID .. just use /dev/hda2 there10:56
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Deedisunop: the /dev/hda2 is there10:57
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Deedisunop: it has "defaults" as options10:57
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erik1397v20: i just dont know what to tell u man, i cant really help u10:58
busfahrer`Hi. How/where do I tell the system to start 'beryl' (and perhaps the manager) automatically at start? I tried sessions->startup programs, but when I add it there, I get the effect, but the windows dont have titlebars and frames anymore (as in, no WM I think). Any idea?10:58
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unopDeedis,  change the "defaults" part to match those of /home or /10:58
vliegje20ok thanx anyway10:58
Flannelbusfahrer`: #ubuntu-effects for beryl support, thanks10:58
frogzoo!beryl | busfahrer`10:58
ubotubusfahrer`: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects10:58
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Deedisunop: well the / only has "defaults,errors=remount-ro"10:58
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Deedisunop: so it should be correct? although it isnt10:59
master5o1frup ?10:59
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd10:59
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yamanneed help here i can't install the new version of the opera browser because it tells Error : conflicts with the installed package 'opera'  but even if i try to remove the old one it wont it tells that removed successfully but it still in my computer !!10:59
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ubotuFTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP10:59
r_rehashedhi all10:59
fergofrogplease help me i just installed ubuntu on to my old computer, i have 2 harddrives on it and i am putting it on the secondary hd, i have windows 98 on the primary hd, when i turn the pc on GRUB loads but it says Error 5... and it just stops...10:59
FantasticFoojust out of curiousity, is the "signal strength" thing supposed to work in ubuntu when detecting wireless network signal strengths? because my signal strength is always at 100%10:59
unopDeedis, ahh n/m .. you're set to go :p10:59
r_rehashedman... I can't wait for Feisty and try out Virtualisation10:59
Deedisunop: hm, ok i havent made any changes to fstab now then10:59
Deedisunop: so it should work from now?11:00
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r_rehashedwhen is Feisty scheduled?11:00
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unopDeedis,  if i were you -- i'd change the "default" part to "defaults,errors=remount-ro"  -- save and do a -  sudo mount -a11:00
Illuvatorr_rehashed - April is it not - 7.0411:00
unopDeedis,  and yes, it'll work from now on11:00
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Deedisunop: thanks alot my friend!11:01
ubotuFTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP11:01
r_rehashedilluvator: ohh.. man that's some time...11:01
yamanyaman ========>  need help here i can't install the new version of the opera browser because it tells Error : conflicts with the installed package 'opera'  but even if i try to remove the old one it wont it tells that removed successfully but it still in my computer !!11:01
r_rehashedthis is what uname -a tells me, 2.6.17-10-generic #2 SMP11:01
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r_rehashedshoudn't it really recognise the processor as a core 2 from intel to utilise the VT technology to the fmax?11:02
adamonline45Oh gosh, Ubotu's failing me... is there anyone who's got an FTP server they're happy with; solo user; for CLI-only?11:02
unopyaman,  how did you try and remove opera there?11:02
Illuvatorr_rehashed: Ubuntu runs on a 6month release time which is pretty short, but yeah, fiesty's not out as a final til april - you can tell the release dates from the number - 6.06 was released in June 06, 6.10 October 06, 7.04 April 07, and 7.10 October 0711:02
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unopadamonline45,  i found vsftp good11:03
r_rehashedoh it's like that!?11:03
adamonline45unop: Cool, may I ask what you use it for?  I just need to remotely send files to my FT server...11:03
r_rehashed:P and I kept wondering why they have weird version numbering11:03
adamonline45unop: er, to my web server, via whichever FTP server I choose...11:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vsftp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:04
nortyI got it to mount but when i tried to see its contents it says i dont have permission, how do i get permission?11:04
r_rehashedwas the core 2 released by intel after edgy?11:04
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mynicki like vstpd, very nice and easy to config11:04
unopadamonline45,  I share things with family and friends, it's storage for my webserver too .. otherwise, it's where i store stuff i'd need to access on the move11:05
mynickyou just gotta remember to read the /etc/ config file for it after install as its locked down11:05
unop!vsftpd | adamonline4511:05
ubotuadamonline45: vsftpd: The Very Secure FTP Daemon. In component main, is extra. Version 2.0.4-0ubuntu5 (edgy), package size 109 kB, installed size 408 kB11:05
r_rehashed'cos I don't think full support for core 2s is implemented in edgy11:05
yamanunop : apt-get remove opera and i tryed the packager gui program11:05
nortyanyone know how i get an permission to view the contents of a folder?11:06
unopyaman,  ok, run this command again and use a !pastebin to paste what you see there -- sudo aptitude purge opera11:06
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adamonline45unop: Am I barking up the wrong tree if I'm just looking to remotely send files to my webserver? And I'm going to be the only one actually FTPing?11:06
unopnorty,  which folder would this be?11:06
adamonline45mynick: Thank you :)11:06
mynicknorty, so you have it mounted?11:06
yamanunop: thanx i ll try it now11:06
mynickadamonline45, i don't remember for what, but okay -_-11:07
nortyyes i do11:07
nortyi got it mounted11:07
nortybut i dont have permission to view its contents11:07
mynickare you breathing yet?11:07
unopadamonline45,  you can send files using sftp which runs over ssh .. it's much better than ftp especially since ftp is a little insecure and you dont really want to be using it on your webserver11:07
nortyhow do i get permission11:08
=== Wicks [n=Wicks@cpc1-staf3-0-0-cust99.sol2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
mynicknorty, chown R youruser.yourusergroup /home/YOURUSER/Desktop/folder11:08
mynickthats first11:08
mynicksorr -R11:08
nortyi dunno what my usergroup is11:08
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mynickchmod -R 777 /home/YOURUSER/Desktop/folder to get permissions on the drive11:08
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mynicknorty, same as your name usually unless you changed it manually11:09
unopmynick,  ~ /Desktop/folder  is enough11:09
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nortyok i will try those11:09
mynickunop, hes a noob, he has to know the proper paths first11:09
unopmynick,  even better to use ~/ if he's a noob .. :)11:09
mynicki don't like to teach noobs too many shortcuts at first, but yeah norty that would work11:09
mynickunop, wrong11:10
mynicknoobs HAVETO understand the file structure, their reference to c: has to be broken at the root11:10
unopmynick, wrong? heh? this has been convention for over 30 years11:10
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mynickits a shortcut not a convention11:10
adamonline45unop: Okay, that sounds interesting.  I'm just trying to avoid the hassle of sending files via SSH's 'scp' command, otherwise ssh would work fine... I'll look into sftp :)  thank you!11:10
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mynickand noobs haveto know the filesystem first11:10
yamanunop : i got the same error message when i try to install the new version "error: conflicts with the installed package 'opera'"11:10
mynickshortcuts come after you gain experience11:10
unopmynick,  better yet to get them accustomed to the shortcuts that stick and that they'll use11:10
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mynickunop, i mean imho btw :)11:11
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mynickunop, no, its not better11:11
mynickit obfuscates real knowledge11:11
darwethDoes anyone know how to disable Monitor sleep in gconf-editor?  ac_sleep_display in gnome-power-manager is to 0... but it still sleeps.11:11
mynickshortcuts are meant to be shortcuts for real knowledge they dont replace it11:11
unopyaman,  i asked the output you see when removing the package and now you tell me something else11:11
yamanunop: even purg command doesn't work ! :(11:11
unopyaman,   sudo aptitude purge opera11:11
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yamanunop : nothing i got it tells purging configuration files for opera then it come back again to the shell as it's done  because it tells me removing opera  but if i write opera in the terminal it ll start the old opera11:13
unopmynick,  do you know why ~ was implemented -- to get around the whole thing of /home/$USER (or worse on systems where it was /pub/company/department/team/office/users/$USER) .. if its there to be used, why disown it?11:13
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mynickunop, whos disowning it?11:13
nortyi did ~/Desktop/folder and it said that yes folder is a directory11:13
nortythen I did that chown.. and chmod stuff11:13
unopyaman,  hmm, did you install opera from source or another package?11:13
nortyand it said permission denied11:14
mynickyour teaching method is wrong first.  its second bad because it doesn't reinforce core knowledge.11:14
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bouterI ' ve had about enough of this *** I' ve been trying to install my linksys wmp54g card all day yesterday   reading and following all guides I could find on google    but helas11:14
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mynickas a teacher thats your requirement, to teach them the fundamentals from day one, after that they can invent whatever conventions they choose11:14
boutercan anyone guide me trough it?11:14
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meshyfHow do I get gDesklets to run at startup?11:14
bouteror however you write that11:15
netsrotanyone who knows how to set which soundcard to be /dev/dsp when using multiple?11:15
yamanunop: the old one i don't remember how i did the installation :P but the new pacakge is deb11:15
unopmynick,  please -- ~ stands for /home/$USER everyone knows that -- if someone's curious as to what it is, you tell them .. why are you being militant about forcing them to type it out?11:15
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mynickunop, okay how about you go away now11:15
mynicki'm really not interested in what you have to say any more11:15
bouterI 'm using edgy11:15
mynickthank you11:15
nortymynick i did what you said but it said permission denied11:15
unopmynick,  look .. even norty used ~ .. i wonder why?11:15
mynickbouter, is that a known supported card? is it on the list on the wiki?11:15
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mynickunop, i thought i asked you to go away? can  yo shut the hell up now?11:16
yaman929 users unop the only one hellping us :)11:16
mynicknorty, did you use sudo?11:16
norty<- so so stupid11:16
unopyaman,  well, apt is only going to know about those installed by it .. it doesnt know about third party installations11:16
andouI'm following a LAMP install guide, and I did this: vi /etc/fstab How do I get out of 'vi'?11:16
mynickno no don't worry11:16
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mynickits common, you want your files back :)11:17
trollboyis there some sort of firewall on by default on ubuntu?11:17
boutermynick I would hope so  where can I check11:17
unopyaman,  what does this command return?  which opera11:17
trollboyI'm unable to connect via smb, nfs, or with synergy11:17
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bouter Network controller: RaLink RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI11:17
mynickbouter, search for wireless cards on the ubuntu wiki at ubuntu.com ... there is a large list of known working cards11:17
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mynickbouter i just buy off of that, plug it in and it works11:17
andouHow can I get back to a command line?11:17
mynickif it doesn't i return it and get one that is11:17
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mynickandou ctrl/alt/f111:18
sontekDoes anyone know if gedit pulls from the same mime types as gnomevfs-info?  Because I have a file (.ashx) that gnomevfs has a mimetype for but when I open it up in gedit it reads it as text/plain11:18
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andoumynick: thanks, but it's not doing anything.11:18
yamanunop: it ll start the old opera but wht some errors "errrors libjvm.so" and libawt.so but it start11:18
nortynow that i mounted the partition in linux, can i still access it in windows?11:18
mynickandou, not sure, ctrl/alt/f1....f5 should be all terminal sessions11:19
D-GHey folks. I need small assistance as most of people here. How can i get skype to my ubuntu 6.10 with amd64 ? ;p Tried almost all the things i found on google.com/linux but coulndt get. From skype.com i cant install because of i386 ;[ And some bugs with converting from rpm to deb ;p11:19
trollboyanyone see my question?11:19
D-GAny ideas ?11:19
andoumynick: I'm following a LAMP install guide. I did this: vi /etc/fstab11:19
unopyaman, ok, since you arent listening to what i have to say? what are you trying to do now, exactly?11:19
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boutermynick     Linksys11:19
bouterWMP54G (Ver.4)11:19
mynickandou, okay, so your in the gnome terminal probably?11:19
andoumynice: there's no GUI11:19
unop!paste | bouter11:19
ubotubouter: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:19
mynickbouter, don't post please11:19
bouterDetected in Network Settings as ra0 and started working after WAP details were input11:19
andoumynick: thre's no GUI11:19
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bouteroops sorry11:20
mynickandou, gui for what? apache?11:20
unopandou,  ALT+F2 .. gnome-terminal11:20
boutermynick   sorry my bad    but as you can see my card should be supported 'out of the box'... but it isn' t11:20
andoumynick: I don't know what you mean by gnome terminal. I thought gnome was a GUI. I'm quite new to this.11:20
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mynickandou, oh thats okay we'll work through it11:21
andoumynick: I see. So, I should just use a different terminal?11:21
yamanunop: just i am trying to install the new version of opera "but its not letting me do it because the old version is installed"11:21
unopandou,  gnome-terminal gives you a terminal .. and yes, it's a gui11:21
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boutermynick  there is no ra0     just  wlan0 and wmaster0    and that can' t be right11:21
andoumynick: Thanks :)11:21
mynickapplications / accessories / terminal is the command line11:21
sontekDoes anyone know if gedit pulls from the same mime types as gnomevfs-info?  Because I have a file (.ashx) that gnomevfs has a mimetype for but when I open it up in gedit it reads it as text/plain11:21
mynickthats the gnome terminal11:21
mynickyou can administer the whole system from there, its like the cmd.exe on windows dealie only actually usefull11:21
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ghostdogi need help11:21
mynickbouter, *hmmm*11:21
unopyaman,  firstly you need to remove this old version of opera you installed -- and since it is a 3rd party install you'll need to do some hunting11:21
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andoumynick: Ok. I got it, thanks :)11:21
D-GDoes anyone can send me skype for amd64 ? ;[[11:22
ghostdogaclocal: configure.ac: 0: macro `AM_CFLAGS' not found in library11:22
ghostdogaclocal: configure.ac: 0: macro `AM_CXXFLAGS' not found in library11:22
ghostdogaclocal: configure.ac: 0: macro `AM_CFLAGS' not found in library11:22
unopyaman, run this command - locate opera11:22
ghostdoghelp me :-s11:22
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D-Gthrough terminal that cant be done becuz dont accept 386 ;[11:22
mynickandou, typically a gui refers to applications with lots of pulldown menues and widgets ... hard to put into words now that i think about it11:22
mynickbouter, okay out of the box, it should just appear in system / admin / networking11:22
mynickbouter, you don't see the card in there?11:23
trollboyjust confirmed, ssh doesn't work either11:23
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arnducky!pastebin | ghostdog11:23
ubotughostdog: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:23
mynicktrollboy, you mean to ssh into you box our out?11:23
boutermynick yes and there I see   wlan0 and wmaster0   it created 2 wireless connections  where  the wmaster0 is some kind of ghost11:23
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boutermynick    no ra0 there11:24
trollboyI can't get any of my services on my local network11:24
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mynickbouter, okay, can you double click on eitehr and see if it can pick up any networks?11:24
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trollboyNo ssh, no nfs, no smb, no synergy11:24
mynicktrollboy, of course11:24
mynickthey aren't installed by default11:24
mynickthis is a desktop machine11:24
trollboymynick, I installed them11:24
mynicksudo apt-get installs sshd11:24
bouterwlan0 can scan for networks    sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning      gives me all the networks in the area11:24
G0SUBmynick: your nick is breaking a few irssi rules11:24
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ghostdogarnducky: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5187/11:24
mynicktrollboy, ah you installed sshd?11:24
trollboyand smb, and synergy11:25
mynickG0SUB, url?11:25
trollboynfs was already on11:25
arnduckyPlanarPlatypus: are you a flatty-pus?   (answer me in #~-offtopic if you like)11:25
G0SUBmynick: you didn't get me :)11:25
nortynow that I mounted that partition, can I still access it in windows?11:25
boutermynick so I tried connection directly in  /etc/network/interfaces   gave it a fixed IP    but nothing works11:25
mynickG0SUB, lol, i miss a lot being a dumbass11:25
yamanunop: what should i answer :| its too many lines :P , but it says there is opera in the share folder i think the main folder11:25
Lynouretrollboy: did you verify they actually listen on a port?11:25
mr_danielthis is funny http://www.nvidiaclassaction.org/11:25
mynickbouter, no no, try the gui, just curious if it lets you do anything on either11:25
G0SUBmynick: don't worry ... :)11:25
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boutermynick    gui doesn' t let me connect either11:26
trollboyalthough zebrasrv takes up ssh's port11:26
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mr_danielunbelievable how extrem the vista-user react, when a driver isn't working 100% perfectly11:26
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=== shrewduser [n=aaron@203-214-116-128.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Lynouretrollboy: Any firewalls on either machine or between them?11:26
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unopyaman, please use a !pastebin and show us .11:26
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unop!pastebin | yaman11:26
ubotuyaman: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:26
mynickbouter, oh bizarro ... dude i'll kinda just say right now that i don't know how to proceed.  there is definately a system issue11:26
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boutermynick,   wmaster0 doesnt support scanning   and wlan0 does but I just can' t connect11:27
arnduckyghostdog: I don't even know what gambas is -- but thanks for figuring out pastebin11:27
mynickbouter, it could be a chipset issue ... maybe something changed as manufacturers do that without notification11:27
trollboyunless ubuntu has one on by default11:27
boutermynick   bugger11:27
mynickbouter, or it could be a driver issue, i just don't know :/ i'm sorry bro11:27
ghostdogarnducky: http://gambas.sourceforge.net/11:27
bouterNetwork controller: RaLink RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI   this is what lspci gives me for the card11:27
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mynickyeah thats the weird thing, it clearly recognizes it11:28
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mynickit loaded the drivers11:28
=== henri_ [n=henri@81-86-225-46.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
mynickit makes the device points11:28
ghostdogarnducky: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/devel/gambas11:28
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mynickbut it does it in a totally weird way i've not seen before11:28
ghostdogarnducky: i want install packet gambas211:28
yamanubotu: i am chating from another computer ( i think i hate opera :P ) i ll keep working on the firefox thanx any way i botherd you enough11:28
bouterit should be supported    I user ndiswrapper    no succes      I upgraded firmware  no succes    I tried some other things that some site gave me    no succes11:28
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arcadeHmf.  I've got a camera, and trying to get it to work with Ubuntu.  Previously they would work as USB Mass Storage devices, but now I can't even find it in /proc .. the kernel detects it, and I get a popup in KDE, but when I open the camera, it's "empty"  .. and I can't find a /dev to mount it manually from.,11:28
unopbouter,  did you say iwlist scan lists networks around you?11:29
bouterfriggin' linux   :)    why can' t all companies support linux?11:29
arcadeSeems to have gotten difficult between 6.06 and 6.10 :-/11:29
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bouteryes it does11:29
henri_hi guys! i've just booted after a feisty upgrade (thought i'd ask in here as it doesn't seem to feisty-specific) - now i can't login normally to my desktop (gnome)! i can login via failsafe mode - i've tried disabling all my startup scripts in the control centre but normal login still doens't work! .xsession-errors contains a few at the end about io errors to the session manager - but how can i begin to diagnose what's going wrong there?11:29
=== assasuka [n=assasuka@host-84-222-187-12.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
bouterunop yes it does11:29
mynickbouter, totally11:29
unopbouter,  here's what you need  http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch13_:_Linux_Wireless_Networking11:29
assasukahi everyone11:29
=== zee_me [n=assard@HSI-KBW-082-212-034-067.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #ubuntu
trollboyso any ideas?11:29
assasukai wish to hold my kernel and not upgrade it, since i compiled many drivers for it, how can i do that11:29
Lynouretrollboy: no, I think not. Are you connecting by ip or by name? If by name, try with ip too.11:30
PookyAnti aliasing seems to be "off" for me, anyway to test for sure?11:30
aleguirechi everyone11:30
mynickassasuka, do you have your old kernel still on the system?11:30
trollboyTried both11:30
mynickif so just sudo apt-get remove --purge new kernel11:30
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Pookyfor example, firefox, looks bad...11:30
aarohii need to set a few options for kde applications on ubuntu. what should i do?11:30
henri_aarohi: options like what?11:30
nortymynick, i did those commands chmod and the other one and it did a whole lot of stuff but i still cannot access the contents of the folder!!!11:30
mynickaarohi, probably best asked in #kubuntu ... just a guess.  personally i don't know kde very well11:30
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aarohihenri_: neither konversation or amaroK have icons in the system tray near the clock11:31
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assasukamynick i didnt install the new one, i just say update manager wanted to..11:31
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Jerusalem420shalom all.11:31
Jerusalem420so the dreaded has come11:31
Lynouretrollboy: I try not to get too deep into pro bono work on weekends. So that's pretty much it from me today. Next tool would be traceroute, I guess.11:31
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Jerusalem420i have to reinstall windows for work11:31
aleguireci have just a stupid question : how can i do to have gaim launch utomaticaly at startup ?11:31
henri_aarohi: sounds like a #kubuntu queston :p11:31
henri_aleguirec: add it to your startup programs11:31
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Jerusalem420I want to set up a dual boot machine11:31
henri_there's a menu somewhere11:31
aarohihenri_: thanks11:31
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Jerusalem420can anyone direct ot the best faq for dual boot set up?11:31
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aleguirechenry: where is the startup program ?11:32
stylusIf I installed ubuntu 6.06, could I upgrade to 6.10 from in that?11:32
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ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)11:32
Jerusalem420I would like to do it w/o having to reinstall ubuntu11:32
mynickassasuka, well by defintion you did install it then :) its okay if the old one is still in your grub menu, you can just go to /boot/grub/menu.lst and modify the order on the bottom to boot into yours11:32
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henri_aleguirec: from memory, i believe it's under system -> administration11:32
henri_can anyone help me with these x errors? irssi's only fun on a desktop for so long11:32
aleguirechenri: thank's i dig that way :)11:32
henri_=> i've just booted after a feisty upgrade (thought i'd ask in here as it doesn't seem to feisty-specific) - now i can't login normally to my desktop (gnome)! i can login via failsafe mode - i've tried disabling all my startup scripts in the control centre but normal login still doens't work! .xsession-errors contains a few at the end about io errors to the session manager - but how can i begin to diagnose what's going wrong there?11:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:33
arcadeOkay, I'll try again.11:33
arcadeI've got a camera, and trying to get it to work with Ubuntu.  Previously they would work as USB Mass Storage devices, but now I can't even find it in /proc .. the kernel detects it, and I get a popup in KDE, but when I open the camera, it's "empty"  .. and I can't find a /dev to mount it manually from.,11:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xserv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:33
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:33
arcadeI can't find it in /dev , I mean. :P11:33
assasukamynick i didn't click on install, so it still didnt download, however i don't want it to keep asking me to download 25Mb kernels and headers here and there, since i don't need11:33
unopJerusalem420,  when reinstalling windows -- just make sure you dont format the ubuntu partitions , you should be ok .. once windows is installed have a look at !grub11:33
unop!grub | Jerusalem42011:33
ubotuJerusalem420: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:33
SanguineAnomalyhey guys: last week, I installed xubuntu on my laptop, and it took on average 5 minutes to boot each time - i have a 2.0Ghz duo core proc and 2048mb ram, and so this seems stupidly long11:33
mynickassasuka, okay so its not installed, then whats the problem?11:33
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SanguineAnomalyanyone know why it took so long?11:33
mynickjust don't tell it to install it next time either?11:33
assasukamynick yes exactly11:33
Jerusalem420unop et al thanks11:34
unopJerusalem420,  shalom :)11:34
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mynicknorty, *mmm*11:35
mynicknorty, can you access any part of the hd? or just your personal profile folder?11:35
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unophenri_,  can you give us a gist of what the xessesion errors are?11:35
nortywhat do you mean11:35
nortyi can access everything in the partition for linux11:35
nortyi think just my personal folder11:35
mynicknorty, well maek sure11:35
JowiSanguineAnomaly, can be the network/dhcp initiation. how is it connected?11:36
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nortycan you mount a partition in ft linux-swap ?11:36
mynicknorty, what do you mean? just double click on the folder on your desktop you created11:36
SanguineAnomalyJowi, what exactly do you mean?11:36
`ph8just asec11:36
`ph8<--- henri11:36
`ph8just started my x session in failsafe gnome11:36
SanguineAnomalyi have it plugged into a router via an ethernet cable, if that's what you mean?11:37
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devilsadvocateanyone here used conky?11:37
devilsadvocatecan you tell me where the config file for conky can be found?11:37
JowiSanguineAnomaly, I mean, when the network is started it tries to get an ip address. if that is not successful it can take forever and will make the boot take ages. disable the splash to see the boot messages and see if that is where it takes so long.11:37
nortycan you mount a partition in ft linux-swap?11:37
=== pfein__ [n=pfein@c-71-194-76-129.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
`ph8unop: Contents of my .xsession-errors here => http://www.pastebin.ca/35030911:38
mynicknorty, do you ever do anything anyone asks you?11:38
mackinacholy...cow... firefox is using 45% cpu to download a file :\11:38
=== Jowi can't spell/type today
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mynicknorty, no you shouldn't be able to mount your own swap partition, and it would be dumb you couldn't do anything with it11:38
mynickits a swap area11:38
arcadeI've got a camera, and trying to get it to work with Ubuntu.  Previously they would work as USB Mass Storage devices, but now I can't even find it in /dev .. the kernel detects it, and I get a popup in KDE, but when I open the camera, it's "empty"  .. and I can't find a /dev to mount it manually from.. which I could do with earlier versions .11:38
SanguineAnomalyJowi, well, I no-longer have xubuntu installed, because i was getting annoyed - but i'm thinking of switching to ubuntu because gentoo isn't behaving11:39
nortythe partition whre all my data was is now in the filetype linux-swap11:39
SanguineAnomalyso if the problem persists with that, I'll try your suggestion, :)11:39
=== Ramosa [n=id@0x503e573e.vgnxx8.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #Ubuntu
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JowiSanguineAnomaly, yeah, disable the splash to see exactly what takes so long. it is not normal.11:39
unop`ph8,  is that all .. is there more thats not included here?11:39
mynickarcade, by previously you mean the same camera, or by previously you mean you had a camera before that was recognized as a mas storage device but your new one isnt?11:39
mynicknorty, *blink*11:39
Yodudehey i downloaded the nvidia glx driver from the repository but t doesn't work!11:40
mynicknorty just what the heck are you doing, are you even trying to follow instruction? how do you know its in your swap area?11:40
`ph8no that's it in its entirety11:40
mynickyou don't have access to it11:40
arcademynick: No, the same camera, but different kernels.11:40
`ph8do you know of a way to make it more verbose perhaps?11:40
arcademynick: That is, ubuntu 6.06 worked nice.  6.10 doesn't.11:40
`ph8when logging on normally it always seems to crash at the 'nautilus' stage - but i don't know how accurate that is11:40
mynickbesides you had two swap partitions in your partition list, if yoru data is in that partition consider it gone11:40
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arcademynick: 6.10 at least gave me a device in /dev I could mount manually.  6.10 doesn't.11:40
arcade6.06 at least gave mne .. 6.10 doesn't.11:40
Yodudewhen i type sudo nvidia-glx-config enable11:41
mynickarcade, oh yeah there is some lameness in 6.10, i have had lots of weird stuff happen in 6.1011:41
Yodudei get this error: Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed11:41
=== janbatisuto [n=janbatis@ARouen-252-1-231-43.w90-22.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Yodudethe nvidia driver for your running kernel.11:41
GhoSt_DoGall, i need help look at: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5188/11:41
mynickarcade, i would chalk that up to a bug and either wait for feisty or go back to previous11:41
arcademynick: Well, the main lameness for me is that I don't even get it in /dev :P11:41
assasukano idea how i can block the kernel version?11:41
mynickarcade, *nod*11:41
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andoumynick: I couldn't seem to get out of vi without ctl-alt-del and restarting.11:41
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arcademynick: I mean, I don't care if it's a userfriendly popup.  I just want a device I can mount :P11:41
andoumynick: But, nano is fine.11:41
bouterunop   so they are telling me to use ndiswrapper      no succes there   I already tried that11:41
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mynickandou, vi is weird.  you haveto type : character then it will tell you what character to type to get out of it11:42
mynicksomething like q11:42
unop`ph8,  its hard to tell from this here what exactly might be wrong -- make note of this --logout, press CTRL+ALT+F1 .. login at the console and issue this command - sudo killall gdm; startx11:42
mynicki wouldn't use vi its nasty, use something simple like nano11:42
nortymynick, because the partition size and name are the same but the filetype went from NTFS to linux-swap11:42
nortythats how11:42
mynicknano has all its commands on the bottom so it takes 2 seconds to learn11:42
`ph8i'll give it a go, do you think it'll produce better errors?11:42
Yodudecan someone please help me with my graphics card driver?11:42
andoumynick: Yeah. nano is easy to see. Thanks for the tip. So, I type : before the commands for vi?11:42
`ph8switching back to henri_ now then :p11:42
mynicknorty, lol, yes but HOW do you know.  you can't mount it, how would you know?11:42
unopbouter,  errm, if your card can scan for networks why even bother with ndiswrapper .. you are past that stage .. just attempt to connect to your AP11:43
nortywhere else would the data be?11:43
mynicknorty, and WHY would your ntfs not be one of the first two?11:43
nortyi had 2 ntfs, 1 for just xp, 1 for the rest before i installed linux11:43
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mynickafterall windows isn't too happy on anything but c, although people tell me otherwise11:43
assasukai tried to block the version via synaptic but seems that it doesnt work11:43
bouterunop  tried that too    just doesn' t work11:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sftp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:43
mynicknorty, your ntfs wouldn't be in the swap area, you have two partitions up front as per your post11:43
mynickdd you try to mount those?11:43
mynickif so what did you get?11:43
=== Spee_Der [n=n1gke@ip68-14-29-148.ri.ri.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
unopbouter,  can you !pastebin the output of the iwlist scan command11:44
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:44
mynicki don't see how you conclude that your data is in the swap11:44
ClayDragonwhat's the problem Yodude?11:44
nortyi only see 1 ntfs11:44
Yodudei download the nvidia glx driver11:44
mynicknorty, did you try to mount it?11:44
bouter!pastebin wlan0     Scan completed :11:44
bouter          Cell 01 - Address: 00:18:39:C0:47:A411:44
bouter                    ESSID:"BouterHilke"11:44
bouter                    Mode:Master11:44
bouter                    Frequency:2.452 GHz11:44
bouter                    Encryption key:on11:44
bouter                    Extra:tsf=0000000e6a23fcbf11:44
bouter          Cell 02 - Address: 00:D0:D6:07:97:2211:44
bouter                    ESSID:"LAN1-AP016638"11:44
bouter                    Mode:Master11:44
henri_ok, started x unop - got a message saying "hal does not support power management" and another one saying "hal or dbus are not working!"11:44
Yodudebut when i enter the command to enable it it gives me an error11:44
bouter                    Frequency:2.462 GHz11:44
nortyyea i cant mount something in ft linux-swap11:44
bouter                    Encryption key:on11:45
bouter                    Extra:tsf=000001042469416411:45
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unopbouter,  i didnt say paste in here :-s11:45
ClayDragonYodude: the driver from the nvidia homepagE?11:45
henri_but the session started11:45
bouterthen where?11:45
=== daftman [n=huy@60-241-227-110.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Yodudeno from the repository11:45
unopbouter,  use a !pastebin11:45
nortymynick : http://www.pastebin.ca/35024611:45
unop!pastebin | bouter11:45
ubotubouter: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:45
YodudeError: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed11:45
=== fr34k_[PB] [n=fr34k@kiel-4db25567.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu
Yodudethe nvidia driver for your running kernel.11:45
daftmanhi can someone help me enable port 3000 for my rails app11:45
nortysda1 is the ntfs with windows xp install11:45
Yodudethis is what they said11:45
mynicknorty, did you try to mount it11:45
mynicknorty, okay you know what?11:45
nortymount what11:45
daftmani can't get rails from out side11:45
daftmani can get rails from localhost11:45
nortyi mounted sda111:45
daftmanbut not from outside11:46
mynicki haveto bow out of this, your not willing to listen or answer questions11:46
=== M3G4crux [n=starman@eu85-85-2-206.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu
Yodudedo you think a reinstall will do?11:46
M3G4cruxhi to all11:46
bouterunop http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5189/11:46
ClayDragonYodude:  hm i have an ati but its a similar problem11:46
nortydude, i mounted it but i cant get access to it11:46
mynickits REALLY a lot of work to help you and i do this for fun11:46
mynicknorty, maybe someone else can help out11:46
ClayDragonYodude: i don't think a reinstall is necessary11:46
mynickunop, feel free11:46
nortyjust tell me how to get access to a folder on my desktop11:46
=== LinTux [n=adrian@i-83-67-143-194.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
unopmynick,  ??11:46
nortyi tried those commands they didnt work11:46
mynicknorty, i did, but i'm done11:46
ClayDragonYodude: have you edited your xorg.conf?11:46
=== HELLATIGHT [n=ubuntu@c-24-23-20-35.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nortythose commands didnt work11:46
mynickunop, you seem pretty good maybe you can help him out.11:47
unopbouter,  can i assume yours is the first network?11:47
Yodudeno i haven't edited it11:47
mynicknorty, thats fine but you didn't answer any questions, i refuse to help you in any way any longer11:47
LinTuxis their anywhere I can find out info on the next version of UBUNTU, features etc11:47
nortywhat questions?11:47
mynicklol EXACTLY11:47
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nortyim back and forth between 2 computers and 2 apartments, i didnt see any questions11:47
Yodudemaybe it's about those linux-restricted-modules11:47
Yodudei betg my connection failed while downloading11:48
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bouterunop yes11:48
Yodudei'll reinstall wait11:48
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mynicknorty, lol hey like i told you, i do this for free, i have no obligation to you, sorry.  i tried hard.11:48
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shafirecan it be that ubuntu-server feisty installation is that slow without internet connection? :(11:48
unopbouter,  run this command - sudo iwconfig eth0 essid BouterHilke11:48
ClayDragonYodude: take a look at the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:48
unopbouter,  tell me if it returns anything11:48
bouterunop   eth0  is my wired connection11:48
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unopbouter,  my bad, use your wireless interface instead then11:49
shafireokay ubuntu isn't good11:50
shafirebye ubuntu11:50
bouterunop that does nothing    just gives me a new line11:50
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kenthomsonCan someone please help me? My computer hangs everytime i click on the red-button, which is supposed to open a menu of options like log-out, restart, shutdown, switch-user, etc. Now whenever i press that red-button in my gnome-panel the computer hangs everything becomes frozen, and then nothing appears (not even the options window from where i can log-out, shutdown), and i have to press "escape" on my keyboard to un-freeze the computer and still the11:50
kenthomsonoptions-window doesn't appear, but atleast the computer starts responding again. Can someone pleaes help me11:50
unopbouter,  ok -- what does ifconfig -a have to say about the interface now?11:50
unopbouter,  !pastebin that too11:51
mynickkenthomson, when you open up your home dir, you can try moving all the .gnome folders.  you can rename them to something like .gnome.back.1, then restart11:51
mynicki meant ctrl/alt/backspace11:51
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mynicklets see if its a settings issue in gnome11:51
kenthomsonso i rename all the .gnome folders in my home-dir to .gnome.*.backup right?11:52
unopnorty,  which directory are you trying to get into?11:52
seravitae_um, apt-get install wine can't find the wine package, and synaptic doesnt show it either. i've got universe and multiverse in my sources list and i apt-get updated.. any clues?11:52
bouterunop http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5192/11:52
bouteriwconfig   and  ifconfig -a11:52
kenthomsonmykilx, so i rename all the .gnome folders in my /home to .gnome.*.backup?11:52
yeniklasorHow can I go back when I press ctrl+alt+F211:52
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kenthomsonmynick, so i rename all the .gnome folders in my /home to .gnome.*.backup?11:53
seravitae_yeniklasor: F7 is the x display11:53
kenthomsonmynick, this is all i have got; ken@ken-ubuntu:~$ ls -a | grep .gnome11:53
mynickkenthomson, yup, and if its not that you can delete the new ones that are created and move the old ones back in if you like11:53
nortyunop: im trying to get into a folder on my desktop11:53
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mynickwhen you rename those when you log in it will create brand spankin new one11:53
nortyit says i dont have permission to view the contents of that folder11:53
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bouterunop    you see the  wmaster0 thingy   it says it' s wireless   but it doesn' t support scanning     so I'm guessing it' s some kind of "ghost"thingy11:53
yeniklasorctrl+alt+F7 worked thanks11:54
kenthomsonmynick, and can you think of any of my configurations that will be changed when the sparkling new ones are created? :) (i mean the important configuration ones like wallpaper, menus, etc?)11:54
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GhoSt_DoGmynick: can u help me ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5188/11:54
unopbouter, yea, looks like you need this next -- sudo dhclient wlan011:54
mynickkenthomson, none, just goes back to default11:54
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yeniklasorIs there any program like windows' task manager for kill programs11:54
unopnorty,  what does this return -- ls -ld ~/Desktop/folder11:54
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bouterunop  I install wifi-radar  and start it from the command    it keeps saying  wmaster0 doesnt support scanning     no need for him to use wmaster0  wlan0 is the interface!!!  :)11:55
unopyeniklasor,  gnome-system-monitor11:55
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mynickGhoSt_DoG, well this chan is for just plain ubuntu installs, your compiling your own installs ....11:55
kenthomsonmynick, should i try renaming each and re-starting instead of mass-renaming in hope of saving atleast some of my configurations?11:55
mynickGhoSt_DoG, make sure you have build-essential installed tho first11:55
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yeniklasorcan I start  gnome-system-monitor with keyboard shortcut11:55
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mynickkenthomson, sure if you want11:55
unopyeniklasor,  sure11:55
andouhow do you check syslog for errors?11:55
mynickkenthomson, i don't see how much yhou could of done that you want to keep11:55
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bouterunop   it' s not working   let me "pastebin" it11:56
kenthomsonmynick, ?11:56
andou!error check11:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about error check - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:56
mynickyeniklasor, right click on the panel, add system monitors11:56
unop!xbindkeys | yeniklasor11:56
ubotuyeniklasor: xbindkeys: Associate a combination of keys or mouse buttons with a shell command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.1-1.1 (edgy), package size 26 kB, installed size 148 kB11:56
ClayDragonYodude: does it work now out of the box?11:56
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kenthomsonmynick, how do i rename a whole folder at the CLI?11:56
mynickthen you can double click it to show processes/apps11:56
andou!check erros11:56
ubotucheck: unit test framework for C. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.3-2 (edgy), package size 64 kB, installed size 304 kB11:56
ClayDragonYodude: does it work now?11:56
mynickyeniklasor, you can also kill processes from command line  with killall -9 processname11:56
GhoSt_DoGmynick: i have build-essential11:56
bouterunop http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5194/11:56
nortyunop, it returns: dr-x ------ 1 root root 8192 2007-01-29 19:05 /home/norty/Desktop/folder11:57
yeniklasorOK thank you11:57
Yodudewell i reinstalled11:57
mynickkenthomson, cp -R foldername newfolder name <-- that copies it11:57
Yodudethan redid the command11:57
andouHow can I check a file for errors?11:57
mynickthen you del the old dir with rm -rf foldername11:57
unopbouter,  did you run -- sudo dhclient wlan0  .. if so, i'd like to see that output11:57
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Yodudeit told me an error could not proceed automatically because the X config file has been altered11:57
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ClayDragonYodude: what commands did you type?11:58
bouterunop   yes     http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5194/11:58
Yodudei didn't alter it so i entered a command to tell it i did not alter it11:58
`ph8lol unop - i can now login perfectly, apart from a popup box appears saying "your session only lasted less than 10 seconds, ... ...  try logging in with the failsafe to see if you can fix this problem" - and if i press ok in that box it'll reset gdm - if i just leave it in a remote corner of the screen though my desktop works as expected11:58
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mynickyou can also mv -R foldername newfoldername but if power fails you can hose stuff (not in this example but i fyou were mv'ing some system files it could be important)11:58
ClayDragonYodude: did you look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia11:58
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Yodudenow i did sudo nvidia-glx-config enable11:58
unopnorty,  sudo chown -R $USER.$USER ~/Desktop/folder; sudo chmod -R 774 ~/Desktop/folder11:58
nortyi did that11:58
Yodudeand i didn't get an error this time i just got that X config file has been updated and that i need to restart X11:58
Yodudeso here i am11:58
Yodudegonna restart11:59
Yodudehope it works11:59
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unopnorty,  no you didnt -- its clear from the output of ls -ld .. run it again11:59
nortyi will try again, if my user name is norty does $USER get replace norty then ?11:59
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unopnorty,  yes11:59
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nortyok i try that11:59
nortybe right back11:59
unopbouter,  just one sec11:59
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unop`ph8,  hmm, well, thats an odd workaround -- do you get the same xsession errors there too?12:00
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unopbouter,  replace<key> with that of your AP .. sudo sh -c "iwconfig eth0 key <key>; dhclient wlan0"12:02
mabu33works the decryption with  "cryptsetup & initramfs-tools" on kernel 2.6.18 k7?12:03
epsilon_there are tons of instructions out there for enabling swap.. i identified the swap device (hda6).. what should I be doing next? I'm on Edgy12:03
mabu33works the encryption with  "cryptsetup & initramfs-tools" on kernel 2.6.18 k7?12:03
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bouterunop    why the eth0 thing?12:03
mynickepsilon_, if you booted into edgy you have a working swap already12:04
mynickyou won't be able to boot without a swap12:04
ddnnggany1 updated Gnome on 6.06 ??12:04
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mynickepsilon_, why are you mucking with such a thing post install?12:04
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mynickddnngg, nothing ever gets updated on old releases they just get security patches12:04
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ddnnggthen i cant update Gnome to newer version ??12:05
unopbouter,  sorry, s/eth0/wlan0/12:05
mynickddnngg, yeah you can but you haveto either install it from source or compile and package it for your self12:05
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mynickddnngg, releases are every 6 months no one bothers with such a thing tho12:05
epsilon_actually someone said that swap could be the issue behind various lags in programs -- i'm actually totally clueless now.. this post for instance demonstrates otherwise: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1786779&postcount=812:05
nortyOMG i saw the files that im trying to get back when i executed those commands!!!!!12:05
mynickddnngg, also 6.06 is a long term support thingie, the only way to KEEP it stable is to not actually change stuff12:05
nortyi dunno if i can get to them since its still running but12:06
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mynickunop, congrats12:06
kenthomsonmynick, when i press ctrl-alt-backspace the WHOLE computer restarts including the OS, not just X, and i can't restart my computer through the red-button on the top-panel as it freezes up my computer, can you tell me some way through CLI that i can restart X12:06
mynickyou managed to do exactly what i didn't12:06
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mynickkenthomson, uh what?12:06
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epsilon_i'm already on edgy, mynick.. so swap shouldn't be an issue at all?12:07
bouterunop    http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5195/12:07
mynickkenthomson, did you rename ALL the files as i told you? once you deleted the old ones, you rebooted and you still have the same problem?12:07
nortyunop, i did those commands but i still cant access those files in the folder!12:07
mynickepsilon_, if you didn't have a swap file you wouldn't of been able to boot. correct.12:07
mynickepsilon_, why are you worried about it tho?12:07
kenthomsonmynick, you want me to reboot or re-start X?12:07
mynickrestartx is fine but reboot results in the same thing12:07
kenthomsonmynick, so should i reboot or restartx?12:07
mynickyou can do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart instead12:08
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epsilon_it's not worrying me at all -- but it's that edgy looks more buggy (and laggy, might I add) to me that its predecessor12:08
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mynickif gdm doesn't restart you might need to do from terminal sessions sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop ... then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start ... sometimes it doesn't do a proper restart12:08
unopnorty, what does this return now ?  ls -ld ~/Desktop/folder12:08
torormcan someone help with with x and a toshiba tecra a3x?12:09
mynicktororm, just ask12:09
nortysame thing12:09
nortydr-x ---- 8192...12:09
nortydr-x ---- root root 8192..12:09
torormI'm having trouble getting x to run on my toshiba tecra a3x12:09
torormwhen it starts all I get is a white screen12:10
unopbouter, hmm, does your router have the DHCP service turned on?12:10
mynicktororm, what video card does that have?12:10
torormit looks kind of like it's starting to load, but is totally white12:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flux - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:10
torormIntel g915 chipset I think12:10
ubotufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox12:10
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bouteryes   my laptop can connect with no problems12:10
mynicktororm, i can't remember exactly but that sounds fine12:10
bouterunop yes   my laptop can connect with no problems12:10
unopnorty,  that's odd -- are you sure you ran the exact commands i gave you?12:10
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unopbouter,  hmm, and that runs wireles too?12:11
ClayDragonYodude: hey, how's it going now?12:11
Yodudenot well at all12:11
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Yodudeit screwed up my system12:11
CrakeHunterhello, i would like to watch DVDs with DolbyDigital. In Totem i activated "AC3 passthrough" but it doesnt change. if i restart player its back at "stereo". what should i do?12:11
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mynicktororm, you might want to do a ctrl/alt/f1 login from that session and do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and select vesa as the video driver to test if that works12:11
Yodudethe X file is unbootable12:11
nortysudo chown -R norty.norty ~/Desktop/folder12:11
Yodudei'm on LiveCD12:11
ClayDragonYodude: tell me what exactly did you type?12:11
bouterunop    yes it does12:11
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mynicktororm, if the vesa driver doesn't work you have problems, big problems12:11
nortysudo chmod -R 774 ~/Desktop/folder12:11
nortyare you sure its 774, coz mynick said 77712:11
ClayDragonYodude: screwed up your xorg.conf?12:11
kenthomsonmynick, no use, still i can't use the red-button in my gnome-panel the access the sub-menu for restarting/shut-down/log-out of my system, the whole computer including the graphs of system monitor in my gnome-panel and all windows,etc freeze, don't respond, when i press that red-button and than i have to press escape to un-freeze my system, though there is still no way i can graphically restart/shutdown/log-out of my system due to this. Can you please12:12
Yodudei don't remember the command line told me something about my x file beeing altered and to type a command if it was not12:12
torormthe weird thing is backtrack1 worked12:12
Yodudeso i typed it12:12
torormbut bt2 does not12:12
Yodudeand after all i screwed up X config12:12
kenthomsonmynick, *for accessing12:12
torormneither does knoppix12:12
ClayDragonYodude: did you make a backup?12:12
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unopnorty,  774 should do -- but i'm concerned about the chown command -- did it run successfully?  try it again without the -R12:12
mynickkenthomson, we have then established its not a config thing with gnome12:12
Yodudeyes they made it but i didn't remember the command that reverts to the old X12:12
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kenthomsonmynick, right12:12
Yodudei want to reinstall my system12:12
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mynickkenthomson, from this point on we have two options: a) debug b) reinstall.  reinstall is far easier and faster.12:13
Yodudei want to start clean12:13
nortyit did run successfully, it went through all the files in the folder and changed permission i believe12:13
nortyit took a while12:13
Yodudehow can i uninstall ubuntu?12:13
nortyill run it without -R though12:13
unopnorty,  and you shoulnt be seeing output (but you are) .. can you show me an extract of the outut you see12:13
Yodudeby erasing the partitions?12:13
mynickkenthomson, also, i have never seen that problem and don't know how to debug it over irc .... :/ i'm sorry12:13
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nortyyep hold on12:13
CrakeHunterdoes anyone know how to activate dolbydigital with totem palyer?12:13
unopbouter,  ok, let me give you a new /etc/network/interfaces .. can you pastebin the contents of that file ?12:13
ClayDragonYodude: this shouldn't be necessary12:13
Yodudeman i can't get even to the login screen12:14
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mynickYodude, what do you mean uninstall?12:14
Yodudei only get a command line12:14
ClayDragonYodude: mount the partition with your installed system and look at the directory /etc/X1112:14
mynickif you want windows jsut reinstall over top of it12:14
kenthomsonmynick, i want to keep all my setting etc, so if i just re-install the system and keep my /home as it is, than my configuration will be retained, but maybe its those configuration of other programes that are causing this behavious, than there will be no use of re-installing if i retain the /home folder which i want to as it contains a hellofalotof custom configs12:14
mynickif you want ubuntu reinstall ubuntu over top of it self, just make sure to format the partitions again12:14
Yodudehow? i don't see my ext3 partitions12:14
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bouterunop   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5197/       no wlan0 there12:14
unopbouter,  actually, do you know if the AP is using WEP or WPA encryption?12:14
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nortyhold on its running12:15
bouterunop WEP12:15
nortyi see lots of output when i run sudo chmod12:15
unopbouter,  ok, 2 secs12:15
mynickkenthomson, well you can always reinstall and just make sure the first superuser created is a different name than the one your settings are in12:15
kenthomsonAnd people told me ubuntu was more stable! DAMN!12:15
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ClayDragonYodude: you can mount the partition with the "mount" command12:15
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mynickKennethP, you will get a clean system, and you can copy paste your .whatever folders/files over to your new account to get your settings back12:15
BalachmarHow can I change the default volume on ubuntu edgy?12:15
nortylike blah blah /home/norty/Desktop/folder/newfolder/newerfolder.. changing permissions12:15
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mynicknice and easy, right?12:15
nortythats what i see when i use chmod12:15
BalachmarSo that on startup the volume is maxed out12:15
Yodudetell me the command i'll enter it12:16
unopnorty, use a pastebin and show me a few lines12:16
unop!pastebin | norty12:16
ubotunorty: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:16
Yodudesudo mount-a?12:16
kenthomsonmynick, i will simple do "sudo rm -rf /" and install VISTA12:16
mynickkenthomson, oooooohkay12:16
ClayDragonYodude: "sudo mount /mnt/ /dev/hda1" if hda1 is your partition12:16
mynickaaaand how does your /home then have anything to do with vista?12:16
Yodudei moutnw which one? my linux root?12:16
ClayDragonYodude: yes12:17
kenthomsonmynick, nothing atleast it doesn;t suffer from such silly-baby-ish bugs like the shut-down menu freezing the system12:17
mynickit suffers from users that don't know how to operate the os12:17
mynickkenthomson, problem with open source is really never open source12:17
nortythats what i get after i run chmod12:17
Yodude can't find /dev/hda6 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab12:17
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mynickits 99% users, i'm terribly sorry that you don't like it but if windows suits you cool12:17
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kenthomsoni new this was too amateur and not worth the time and effort but i didn;t listen and went into this hellish ride, i have had my fill and am going back12:18
mynickif you ever come back i would be happy to help again12:18
ClayDragonYodude: that shouldn't appear if you use sudo12:18
mynickkenthomson, lol12:18
Yodudeit appeared12:18
mynickken, bro, the only thing amateur here is you unfortunately, this os runs most of the internet12:18
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yommblike 99%12:18
ClayDragonYodude: hmmm12:18
busfahrer`Excuse me, how do I mount a harddisk (with NTFS partitions) so that not only root but also users can access it?12:19
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nortymynick do you know whats wrong? i run chmod and chown and i cant get permission into the folder12:19
mynickgotta love users that screw up their own os and blame it on the os12:19
yommbthat might b a tad exaggerated :)12:19
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Yodudei think a reinstall is the best solution12:19
yommbmynick : the frustration is great sometimes  :)12:19
Yodudebut i'm telling you i'm a bit dissapointed12:19
ClayDragonYodude: did you add a mount point directory like /mnt12:19
Yodudei thought i would never get such errors i linux12:19
mynicknorty, no idea, i would get a second hd, and put this one in a usb cradle and try that12:19
unopbouter,  ok try using this- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5198/ -- gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces .. paste this in, save and then run this command -- sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart12:19
Yodudewait i'll do it the way i mount windows partitions12:20
mynickYodude, well generally this is auser issue actually12:20
nortyhow do you put it in a usb cradle12:20
ClayDragonYodude: getting the graphics right is tricky with every distro12:20
mynickYodude, expert users actually never see errors like yours ... how can you blame the os for your decisions?12:20
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unopnorty,  heh, notice that the filesystem is read-only there :-s .. you should pay attention to what commands return12:20
Yodudeno i mean i thought downloading from the reopistory shouldn't do this12:20
Yodudeafter i downloaded and ran the command it gave me it gave an error12:21
yommbIf you go Linux , there is a learning curve involved , one must accept that , or decide that it isn't worth one's time !12:21
Yodudeit shouldn't be that way12:21
nortyok whats that mean12:21
unopnorty,  does ~/Desktop/folder represent a mount point? or is it a link to one?12:21
=== AzureMoose [n=matt@ppp74-159.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
mynickYodude, i missed ethe original question ... what happened again?12:21
nortyi dunno, i just created that folder and executed the mount to that folder12:21
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unopnorty,  it means the filesystem that ~/Desktop/folder resides on was mounted as a read-only filesystem12:21
unopnorty,  did you use mount from the command line ?12:22
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nortyi did12:22
mynickwell with any change there is a learning curve12:22
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unopnorty, first off, is this drive a NTFS drive?12:22
mynickyou know windows users are a funny bunch, i really hate them12:22
nortyit is12:22
bouterunop    http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5199/12:22
Yodudemynick: after downloading nvidia-glx from the repository it instaslled and corrupted X12:22
nortythe one im trying to get access to is NTFS yes12:23
Yodudehey i mounted my linux root partition12:23
unopnorty,  heh -- no wonder .. you need to install NTFS write support12:23
mynickthey spend 15 years learning how to click on a crapy and poorly thought out os, and expect to pickup a world class os like linux in 15 minutes12:23
unop!ntfs-3g | norty12:23
ubotunorty: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)12:23
Yodudeso how do i repair this12:23
yommbYodude : did you run nvidia-xconfig ?12:23
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mynicksometimes i just feel like they should stay on windows, thats the reason windows has problems with viruses and spyware12:23
ClayDragonmynick lol12:23
=== billy [n=billy@82-32-11-142.cable.ubr02.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
mynickits their damne dusers12:23
Yodudeyomnb: it gave me an error12:23
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nortyso i install that and then i can access those folders?12:23
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bouterunop    thank you for your help  but I have to go now     it will be for another time12:23
yommbthen it seems your driver isnt installed correctly12:23
mynickYodude, oh its not a corruption ... either a config error or something wrong with driver12:23
mynickYodude, x doesn't boot right, it brings up a blue or red screen right?12:24
Yodudeyes it's a confiog error12:24
busfahrer`Excuse me, when I try to mount an ntfs partition from another harddrive, but I get permission denied because *after* mounting the containging directory has chmod 700. the command I used is sudo mount -r -o users /dev/sdb1 /mnt/foo. any ideas?12:24
DilsDo I need to take LPI 101, 102  to b e able to write Ubuntu Exam??12:24
Yodudewhen i boot i get the message that X couldn't start12:24
unopbouter,  heres the correction - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5200/12:24
yommbmynick , if nvidia-xcinfig gives him an error i think its a driver issue12:24
mynicki would say so12:24
=== rogierwilco [n=teebones@a-machine-on-the-internet.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
mynickYodude, uninstall it and do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choose the vesa driver12:24
mynickthat should get you a working desktop12:25
DilsDo I need to take LPI 101, 102 to be able to write Ubuntu Exam??12:25
nortyit says that driver only works with 32 bit distros, i have an amd 64, will it still work?12:25
mynickthen you can try it again and maybe research your hardware specs and your version ofubuntu a bit12:25
yommbYodude : edit your xorg.conf file & change the driver to "nv" or "vesa"  ! see what that does12:25
mynickchances are someone has had the same issue12:25
`ph8unop: yeh similar errors12:25
mynickoh do what yommb said first12:25
Yodudeman wait12:25
Yodudei'm on liveCD now remember12:25
yommbmynick : we're on the samez level :)12:25
mynickYodude, make SURE to backup your xorg.conf file first12:25
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Yodudei can't uninstall i'm not using the installed version!12:25
unopnorty,  errm, i'm not sure if a 64 bit version exists -- check the ntfs-3g homepage12:25
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mynickYodude, oh boot into the installed version12:26
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unop`ph8,  did you do anything recently to have caused this?12:26
ClayDragonYodude: change the xorg.conf on your root partition and then reboot12:26
mynickjust log in using the terminal session that comes up after you click through the xserver error messages12:26
`ph8feisty upgrade :p12:26
Yodudewhat changes do i add>?12:26
yommblol ; Yodude , you come here complaining about how bad the OS is , but obviously you don't know jack what you are doing ...12:26
=== pihus [n=pihus@84-50-162-160-dsl.rgu.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu
Yodudeno actually i'm pretty good in tech i'm just new to linux12:26
mynickbeing good in tech means nothing bro12:27
unop`ph8, ahh .. explains it -- it's still pre-release software eh, so you expect this -- but do ask in #ubuntu+1 .. thats where feisty support goes :)12:27
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Yodudetell me: if i didn't know good how could i have installed it in the first place?12:27
Balachmaryes but really not knowing that you are in a bootable version....12:27
mynickbeing good in tech usually translates to i know how to install windows12:27
bouterunop   it' s working either     but I'm out of time now   thank you very much   maybe some other time12:27
mynickwhich btw counts for nothing12:27
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BalachmarEven I wasn't THAT bad at first :)12:27
mynickonce you learn linux you will look back and shake your head12:27
yommbok let stop bashing now :)12:27
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BalachmarBut trust me it is worth your time12:27
Yodudejust tell me what do i have to add to the xconfifg12:27
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ClayDragonYodude: look for a section in the xorg.conf called "Device"12:27
nortyunop, all i want to do is be able to copy the files from ~/Desktop/folder to a folder in linux so that I can download it to my ipod so that i dont lose my data when i try to reinstall everything, can i do that without installing this driver?12:28
Balachmarfirst boot into the installed version12:28
Yodudek wait12:28
mynickhe did, change the 'nv' to 'nvidia' in your xorg.conf file12:28
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BalachmarGood luck Yodude!12:28
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mynickyou can find it in /etc/X11/ dir12:28
Yodudehey wait12:28
ClayDragonYodude: there's a line in the section beginning with "Driver"12:28
mynickMAKE SURE YOU BACK IT UP first12:28
Yodudei have two backups of the X file12:28
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Yodudecan i just replace them with the corrupt one?12:28
ClayDragonYodude: ok then try to restore a backup first12:28
mynickcool, i just don't want you to blame me for everything like you are blaming the os12:28
=== rogierwilco is in tha house
yommbyodude : there are detailed ; very clearly laid out instructions on the NVIDIA site on how to install the driver , also , mynick suggestion about the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg is a good idea to fix X related problems12:29
mynickyeah, thats the thing about windows users12:29
unopnorty,  sure, reading from the partition is definitely possible -- just no write operations -- you can do something like -- sudo sh -c "cd ~/Desktop; mkdir folder2; cp -R folder folder2"12:29
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mynickthey haven't learned how to research yet :)12:29
yommbinstalling the nvidia driver manually takes about 5 minutes12:30
mynickit turns out to actually be a skill12:30
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nortywhat do you mean by write?12:30
nortyright now all im trying to do is get these files off my computer, back them up, and reformat my whole hd12:30
mynickYodude, k. i'm waiting12:30
Yodudeis the x config file names xserver-xorg.config ?12:30
mynickwait, what am i waiting for?12:30
Yodudeis this it?12:30
ClayDragonYodude: that looks like a backup12:30
yommbYodude : if you like i'll walk you through the process of installing the nvidia driver ..12:31
ClayDragonxorg.conf @mynick :-P12:31
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unopnorty,  by write operations i mean .. create new files, edit files, change permissions, etc -- if you run that command -- you should have a copy of that folder _on your desktop_12:31
Yodudei didn't find that i only found "xserver-xorg.config12:31
yommbyodude : its called xorg.conf  located at : /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:31
nortyam i going tobe able to see the files? right now i cant12:31
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kenthomsonmynick, what if i told you i am back?12:31
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kenthomsonmynick, xcompmgr was the culprit!12:32
Yodudei wonder why search didn't find it12:32
unopnorty,  the copy being on a different filesystem -- so it doesnt have any restrictions the current one has12:32
Yodudei'll replace it12:32
ClayDragoni gotta go, good luck to you, Yodude12:32
kenthomsonmynick, which has been put in the startup script to run the transparent background of the goddamned kiba-dock12:32
nortyall i want to do is see the files, be able to select some, put them on my ipod12:32
nortyhow can I do that if i cant see them?12:32
unopnorty,  ok wait up12:32
norty:] 12:32
mynickkenthomson, well if your back i take back everything i said about you behind your back12:32
=== Shaderman [n=shaderma@p54ABDEDA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
nortysorry im just extremely frustrated and tired12:32
yommbyodude : back it up , and then do : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg !12:33
Yodudeman it said i do not have permission to write to the folder12:33
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nortyand i dont want to lose 100 gigs of my data12:33
kenthomsonmynick, :)12:33
mynickkenthomson, well very cool12:33
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unopnorty,  mkdir folder2; sudo sh -c "cd ~/Desktop; cp -R folder folder2"12:33
yommbyodude : u must be su ( use sudo )12:33
Yodudei think i'll do what you said yomnb12:33
=== martin92 [n=martin91@ppp-62-216-196-125.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu
mynickkenthomson, look, you are using a VERY VERY powerfull os12:33
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mynickkenthomson, this environment is about freedome.  you have access to everything.12:33
hokyhave i ask12:33
nortywhat will that do12:33
mynickyou know  that line about freedom right?12:33
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mynickwith great freedom comes great responsibility.12:33
unopnorty,  that should have everything the way you want it -- folder2 will contain the files12:33
mynicki should trademark that12:33
nortyill try that, brb12:33
kenthomsonmynick, ?12:34
mynick:) look we are going to be better at some things, they are going to be better at other things12:34
rogierwilcoYodude, everything in /etc is forbidden regular users12:34
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rogierwilco(to write anyway)12:34
mynickoverall my sales pitch to you is , freedom is important, more important than features.  two, we have way more features, way more power, way more potential than they12:34
hokyi want the last v of ubuntu 6.10 or 6.612:34
mynickyou can have tons and tons of fun here if you like computers12:34
mynickyou can make a nice gramma friendly environment or you can make a powersystem for your self12:34
_rd_hi, I've lost all the usb devices, how can they be restored without rebooting?12:34
nortyunop do i type it exactly like that, with the ; and stuff in it?12:34
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Yodudei ran the file in gedit using sudo12:35
Yodudei'm just gonna replace the text in it12:35
unopnorty,  better you copy and paste it in the terminal12:35
kenthomsonmynick, you see i have spent so many hours behind this things (learning so many things that i never wanted to learn, when all i wanted to do was install a plugin.etc), and doing so many configurations and learning so many commands, that now i feel like sticking with this piece of shit which some punk in space christened ubuntu12:35
mynickbut with freedom comes the potential to mess everything up :) so ya know ... frustration yes but lets just try to frame things a bit, perspective helps12:35
unopnorty,  yes, exactly like that12:35
kenthomsonmynick, ok i am still feeling a bit...alright i am cool now12:35
Yodudeyou know this is weir when i opened the file it was empty!12:35
mynickkenthomson, and thats okay, use windows12:35
=== guerby [n=guerby@gut75-4-82-235-162-148.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
nortyshould i create folder2 on the desktop?12:35
hokywhich is the last ubuntu 6.10 or 6.0612:35
Yodudeman it must have been so ****ed12:35
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hokyhich is the last ubuntu 6.10 or 6.06?12:36
pbureauMorning to all12:36
mynickkenthomson, you the other thing most windows users really forget is you guys have over 15 years of training12:36
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rogierwilcomorning pbureau12:36
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effie_jayxhoky, 6.1012:36
hokywhich is the last ubuntu 6.10 or 6.0612:36
pbureaurogierwilco, 10-412:36
mynickkenthomson, as you well know, that is A LOT of training, you can't expect to replace that in 15 minutes ... on something this powerfull12:36
mynickafterall linux isn't made by fisher price12:36
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kenthomsonhoky, 6.10 > 6.06 in terms of numerical values and no software vendors names new versions backwards lest it may run into negative in the future; you know logic helps12:36
Yodudei'm gonna restart and see now12:37
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mynickkenthomson, i don't mean to preach actually, you sound like you are interested so i'm trying to round things out thats all12:37
mynickany questions?12:37
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kenthomsonmynick, NO, Sir!12:37
=== kenthomson salutes
mynickkenthomson, oh yeah se thats again your fault :)12:37
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mynickits actually extremely logical .. ubuntu is release every 6 months12:37
tsalasmorning people12:37
rogierwilcomorning, tsalas12:37
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tsalasanyone feel like helping a first time confused user?12:38
mynickif you want to know which ubuntu you are running you are running 6th month 06 year release12:38
assasukassemynick how can i stop the kernel update? im getting crazy...12:38
mynickits a lot easier to know what that release means than to go, okay in 2001 i was running ubuntu 1.23.3542.3-mybutt12:38
rogierwilcotsalas, depends on you question(s)12:38
pbureau!ask | tsalas12:38
ubotutsalas: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:38
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mynickassasukasse, i've never had to blacklist a package ... thats a good qeustion12:38
tsalasi can't get the max screen res for my monitor12:38
assasukassei tried to lock it on synaptic, but doesnt let me12:38
tsalasand nvidia drivers do not seem to be working at all12:39
nortyurop, i typed that exactly but now its waiting at the terminal with just this: >12:39
kenthomsonmynick, ok coming back to trouble-shooting, you see thats what i have been doing since the past three months trouble shooting all the goddamn packages that i have installed and trying to get some apps to behave properly, instead of getting some work done, but as i am more interested in the process of it, than doing work (anyways who is?) it is ok. But afterall i have to get food on the dinner table, and ubuntu in my computer is seriously hampering eve12:39
kenthomsonrything (it requires so much time to research and configure something that you want to do) instead of the GUI that windows provides :(12:39
mynickkenthomson, i have no illusions about your experience thus far, you may end up back on vista (god how can you possibly use that? i meaqn really) but do you have any other questions i can answer?12:39
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mynickkenthomson, indeed.  i haven't seen your other issues, i can't judge if your complaints are valid.  i NEVER EVER spend time configuring ubuntu12:40
mynickfor me its install, install packages, done12:40
mynicki don't really understand what is there to configure12:40
kenthomsonmynick, right i have a question, is there a way i can run xcompmgr, without screwing up that shutdown button in the gnome-panel?12:40
_rd_morning dudes, something simple: all the usb devices have stopped responding in this box....how can they be restarted without rebooting?12:40
kenthomson_rd_, quiz master? :)12:41
=== Nap [n=francois@mar92-12-88-162-231-60.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
unopnorty,  hmm, the command is waiting to be complete .. indicates an error -- let's see12:41
mynickah that, don't know bro, i don't use that.  is that TRULLY a show stopper?12:41
_rd_I was getting chroot going and lost all the usb devices!12:41
mynickhow about you config that when you have time?12:41
CrakeHunterdoes anyone know how to get dolbydigital working with totem?12:41
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pbureaukenthomson, suggestion (if possible), do Like I do, I work from home, and I need a pc taht can run all the "business needs" can run, and that means I have an XP box for work, but I also grabbed for 25$ a PIII/900MHZ/256RAM and I play around with ubuntu on that  machine.... surprisingly alot less "stressfull"12:41
=== tsalas [n=tsalas@host-84-9-114-227.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
mynickpbureau, i did the opposite.12:42
mynicki one day just switched everything12:42
tsalasargh im going crazy12:42
mynickit forced me to learn NOW, instead of taking forever12:42
unopnorty,  mkdir folder2; sudo sh -c "cd /home/$USER/Desktop; cp -R folder folder2"12:42
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kenthomsonmynick, i too have switched everything12:42
mynickin the end i completely dropped windows12:42
unopnorty,  copy and paste as-is12:42
tsalasWHY wont my max resolution show up in the options????12:42
kenthomsonmynick, but i have often pangs of regrets12:42
mynickkenthomson, what sort of work do you need to do?12:42
=== sharperguy [n=sharp@88-109-39-133.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
nortyleaving $USER in there?12:43
mynickkenthomson, well you didn't pay for with, what do you mean you have regrets?12:43
pbureaumynick,  I dont think you an I work the same jobs...lol I deal with tax clients, I need 1024 bit encryption VPN access ...12:43
mynicki don't see yo complaining about paying $400 for vista when it borks?12:43
kenthomsonmynick, i have regrets for my stubborness to stick to ubuntu12:43
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mynickpbureau, yep and if you need it sure :)12:43
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yodudemynick: it didn't work12:43
yodudeyomnb: can you tell me your method again?12:43
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unopnorty,  yea, leaving $USER in there -- it expands to your current username12:44
yodudethe one about dpkg reconfig?12:44
_rd_kenthomson not ment to be a quiz! I've restarted dbus and  hal....still nothing.....any suggestions?12:44
=== pp|Paul [n=paul@oak.palepurple.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
tsalasif anyone is willing to help me setup my nvidia drivers and get the max res. please let me know12:44
mynickkenthomson, well i donno what to tell you.  i'm helping you for free.  you didn't pay for billions of dollars of software development 'that just works'12:44
mynickand let me tell you it does if you know what your doing a bit12:44
pbureaumynick, but... I play on my ubuntu box all the time (installed 5 different wifi cards in it, and learn how to make it work (each require a different way) heck I even wrote a howto for the 43xx wifi cards just recently (hoping to contribute back :)12:44
mynickkenthomson, why not go back to windows? its perfectly okay12:44
=== rogierwilco laughs
mynickpbureau, your a better person than i, i just look up the hardware requirements buy stuff that works, plug it in and go12:45
pp|Paulcan anyone help me with a wireless card question?12:45
nortyurop, same thing: >12:45
mynickkenthomson, you can even drop by and say hi to us nice people :)12:45
mynickpp|Paul, sure just ask12:45
kenthomsonmynick, you see i am more in favour of screwing up my system-as that serves as a reason for me not working/ thats why i use ubuntu12:45
kenthomsonmynick, :)12:45
yodudemynick: replacing it didn't work it said again that it is not set up correctly12:45
nortyunop, same thing: >12:45
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mynicklol, well if you keep on hosing it keep on asking i will try to help12:46
pbureaumynick, so your adapting the hardware to the software... that is the reverse than 99.9999999 of the people do, and I beleive if a program or os is properly configured and supported, it should work with all hardware :)12:46
mackinac!resolution | tsalas12:46
ubotutsalas: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:46
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kenthomsonmynick, no seriously i am in love with all the configuration that is lying there open to be messed around with to crash any evil programs :)12:46
mynickits cool your giving it a try anyway. i do hope youget work done.12:46
unopnorty,  ok, let's go one by one then12:46
yommblol , i wonder if yodude edited his xorg.conf on his LIVE CD , and then rebooted ...12:46
mynickwhat kinds of things do you haveto do anyway?12:46
_rd_can anybody help with restarting the usb devices?12:46
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yodudethat's what you told me12:46
unopnorty,  first one - mkdir ~/Desktop/folder12:46
yodudei replaced it with a backup12:46
kenthomsonmynick, graphics/animation/rendering/movie-editing/audio, that kind of stuff12:46
yodudethen rebooted to the installation12:46
yodudeand got the error again12:46
yommbyodude : dont reboot , youll lose your settings its a live cd remember12:47
pp|PaulMy usb wireless lan card has been found and installed etc... but I'm trying to connect to a 64bit wep network... I've put in the hex key and attempted to connect (to the right) network.. but as far as I can tell, nothing happens. Any suggestions?12:47
mynickyodude, oh okay ... so uninstall nvidia drivers next , then do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and select vesa for your drivers.  that will get you an x session and you can go from there12:47
assasukasseis there anyone that knows how can i stop a kernel upgrade in edgy12:47
kenthomsonmynick, i am seriously missing all the pro software tools at out development studious now being available on ubuntu12:47
=== Trevi [n=Trevi@host248-166-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
unopnorty,  correction, first one - mkdir ~/Desktop/folder212:47
mynickkenthomson, sure, do you do print?12:47
unopnorty,  second one -- sudo cp -Rv ~/Desktop/folder ~/Desktop/folder212:47
yodudehow do i uninstall nvidia form the command line?12:47
yommbmynick : won't everything be gone after a reboot >- live cd ??12:47
=== torerling [n=torerlin@ti112210a080-10279.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
kenthomsonmynick, no print only computer work, if i worked with print there would be a BIG reason to not use UBUNTU (hint:CMYK)12:47
mynickkenthomson, for pro 3d we have blender and all the majour 3d apps are available for purchase12:47
norty-R or -Rv ?12:48
mynickah yes then you are in a bit of a doodoo12:48
mynickgimp doesn't support cmyk but that page layout dealie does12:48
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mynickso you get colour conversion issues *nod*12:48
pbureaupp|Paul, how do you  know the usb hardware is "seeing" the network ? - try in a terminal window - iwlist  <CARD> scanning (ie: my wifi is ra0 so I use it like so : iwlist ra0 scanning) does it report any wireless networks around you ?12:48
kenthomsonmynick, i tried blender sort-of un-intuitive so i purchased a maya license that serves as something familiar and something of a safe-haven to which i escape to when things like Adobe-premier, 3ds max, sound forge, elastic reality, macromedia flash 8.0 are not in sight :)12:49
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mynickkenthomson, for print you might haveto go back to windows ... but how can you go back to vista, its not like stuff works on vista?12:49
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mynickyeah drop 3dsmax12:49
=== Hotbird [n=Hotbird@174-181-119-85.dyn4.digitaleitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
mynickwhy the hell would you use that?12:49
yodudemynick: just two questions: since i'm gonna be using a command line:12:49
kenthomsonmynick, i have used that all my life12:49
mynicklol i'm buggin ya but seriously, max? its more expensive than maya12:49
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mynickyet its a piece of crap12:49
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yodudehow o i uninstall nvidia form the c line? and how do i choose vesa as my device?12:49
mynickyep no adobe on linux ... not sure what hteir plans are12:49
nortywhat about the rest unop?12:49
kenthomsonmynick, could we interchange the subjects in your comments to make it sound more sensible?12:49
Uma2hey, is there a way tp reset all configurations to defualt?12:49
mynicki run dreamweaver only occasionally and flash in vmware/windows but for that you really should run windows, i don't see them porting any time soon12:50
pp|Paulpbureau: it found the correct network12:50
unopnorty,  thats it12:50
pp|PaulCell 01- Address: .....12:50
kenthomsonyodude, gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, then find "nvidia", then replace it with "nv"-open-source nvidia drivers or "vesa"12:50
unopnorty,  check the folder now12:50
mynickkenthomson, you don't have permission to 'interchange subjects'  /chmods kenthompsons mouth to 00012:50
=== Yoric [n=yoric@lau18-1-82-246-197-195.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
mynickno seriously, maya is cheaper and you use max?12:51
mynickc'mon :)12:51
kenthomsonmynick, ya ya ya12:51
kenthomsonmynick, the interface and the defualts and the years of development support for java itr ROCKS12:51
nortyok, ill go do that, sorry im running between 2 compuiters in 2 different apartments12:51
mynickkenthomson, okay for your usecase, if i was consulting for you, i would say you have no choice to use windows for now12:51
kenthomsonnorty, in-between two different appartments is a bit disturbing are you sure you have the safety rope on?12:51
mynickif you were doing say desktop publishing you could get away with scribus which is really good12:51
mynickbut you seem to span a larger toolset so i would recommend using windows for work, you might find a workflow that works here but its going to be hard with cmyk support12:52
=== t0h [n=tommi@dsl-kvlmmlgw1-feb7fa00-204.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
kenthomsonmynick, in the development-studio we have got no choice but in the free time i enjoy programming java/game programming and so i love to mess with confiugration file which ubuntu allows, so thats what my laptop and homePC run12:52
torerlingHmm, I wondered if anybody could help me, I'm trying to update my dapper to edgy, but when I've tried the last times my x broke, so I uninstalled my nvidia propiatary drivers, when I try upgrading with update-manager -c I get this error: Failed to fetch http://j.portalier.free.fr/debian/dists/testing/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found, In foreword thanks :)12:52
mynickwe have a decent video editor you can buy, we have a few excellent video editors that are crashy but free, and there are som epro vid editors that you can buy for linux12:53
mynickfor sound editing, theres a great app i forgot the name of that i used to use for multitracking recordings12:53
piglitoke i have got a simple question .... when i am in a console i need to copy a line witch is 5 line's above the prompt i can do this with the mouse but i dont like the mouse ... how can i select things witch are above the prompt only using a keyboard12:53
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torerlingaudacity? jokosher?12:53
kenthomsonmynick, i have decided that linux is fit for programming and recreation work, till the graphic companies decide to port their software to it12:53
mynickso its kinda sorta there but for print ... hard to say12:53
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kenthomsonmynick, audacity12:53
mynickkenthomson, thats not a bad conclusion12:53
mynickyeah there is another one for multitracking tho12:54
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torerlingjokosher mynick ;)12:54
nortyunop, it seems to be going through each file slowly12:54
nortybut when i open folder2, all i see is the 1st folder in there and i cant get into it12:54
unoppiglit,  you need to use something like screen -- or run the command again and pipe it through tail and xclip .. !! | tail -n 5 | xclip12:54
mynickyodude, ken gave you wrong info, you have no x session and no desktop12:55
mynickyodude, like i told you 4 times already12:55
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kenthomsonmynick, if he doesn;t have X, i didn't know that12:55
mynicksudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ... go through that its self explanatory12:55
unopnorty,  ok let it finish, we'll get to the permissions then12:55
=== _jl_ [n=JL@lns-bzn-51f-81-56-129-104.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
mynickat the driver stage select vesa12:55
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mynicki know its confusing and hard but its hard to help if you don't take notes as well12:55
nortyi dont know if it can finish, i had 100 gigs on that partition and my hd is only 16012:56
yodudeok sorry12:56
nortyand my partition for linux is only 10 gigs12:56
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mynickyodude, no probs i think :)12:56
nortyso will it copy until the 10 gigs fill up?12:56
kenthomsonmynick, bye!12:56
=== Yoric [n=yoric@lau18-1-82-246-197-195.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:56
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torerlinganyone that can help me upgrading my dapper ? I have problems with it now12:56
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mynicktorerling, are you trying to dist-upgrade to edgy?12:57
unopnorty, yes, but a few files might be incompletely copied across, and they'll definitely be corrupt if thats the case12:57
mynickif so don't, you need to reinstall fresh.12:57
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mynickits a known problem that distupgrade fails from dapper to edgy very very very very badly very often12:57
nortylike the last few?12:57
nortyi can just delete them and then recopy them right?12:57
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unopnorty,  it's hard to say really which ones.. but yea, probably and mostly the last few12:58
yodudemynick: could you pass this request to the developpers: can you include a full nvidia driver with the CD please?12:58
yodudeit would SO ease things up12:58
mynickyodude, we cant really, its not free softwqre, its propreitary12:58
torerlingI tried the graphical way, That I found on ubuntuguide.org, I've tried modding the sources.list and do it in c-line, but My x broke 3 times :P so I'm using the update-manager -c thingy12:58
unopyodude,  its against debian  and ubuntu policy to include non-free software12:58
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mynickthere is some discussion in the next release they might give you the option of choosing a proprietary driver12:58
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mynickit makes it easier but its no good because it doesn't put pressure on the hardwaqre companies to open source their drivers12:59
unopyodude,  as much as everyone would like nvidia drivers in the distro -- its just not going to happen as long as this policy stands12:59
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mynicki'm hoping it stays12:59
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nortymynick mentioned another way to try to get my data back by making my hd a usb cradle and then using another hd to copy things over... ?01:01
=== salvatore20148 [n=salvator@host197-78-dynamic.55-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
torerlingI tried the graphical way, That I found on ubuntuguide.org, I've tried modding the sources.list and do it in c-line, but My x broke 3 times :P so I'm using the update-manager -c thingy01:01
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mynicknorty, yeah i would just recommend that because your not working with live data on the same hd01:02
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mynicknorty, another alternative is using norton ghost to image that partition to cds01:02
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mynicknorty, another alterantive might be to reinstall windows over top of it self ... it doesnt' erase your data ... at least i don't think, it just moves it aside01:02
=== bigjb_ [n=bigjb@82-46-211-176.cable.ubr02.perr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
unopmynick,  he mentioned that was 160 gigs or some huge number -- thats a lot of CDs01:03
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nortyhow many01:03
mynickah, norty you have that much actuall data? or maybe just like 10 gigs of data on a large hd in your my docs folder?01:03
=== vliegje20 [n=patrick@cp36923-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #Ubuntu
mynickthat would be 320 cds if you had all that as data01:04
nortyive got 100 gigs of data01:04
mynickthats 200 cds01:04
nortyi need at least 40 of it01:04
unopnorty,  if a CD contains 650/700 MB .. do the math :)01:04
norty:] 01:04
mynickor a dvd burner if you have one ... dvds are 4 gigs each01:04
torerlingLong time since I've used irc :S01:04
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nortyi dont01:05
mynicktorerling, how can irc not be part of your life?01:05
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nortyunop its done running01:05
nortynow what01:05
unopnorty,  you could borrow a portable drive from a friend or something -- or if the friend has enough space to back your drive up, do that, convert the drive to ext3, copy stuff back, etc01:05
torerlingmynick, hehe, really, I don't know, so how do I make my text red for you?01:05
torerlinglike that? :P01:06
mynicktorerling, want to get banned?01:06
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mynickscrean in all caps and colours01:06
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unopnorty,  sudo sh -c "chown -R $USER.$USER ~/Desktop/folder2; chmod -R 774 ~/Desktop/folder2"01:06
mynicklets see if the ops have little beepers for that01:06
torerlingmynick, no :P why are you asking?01:06
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mynickohhhhhh you know, lets just say i had a fight with the fascists today and i'm just curious01:07
mynicki joke, i joke01:07
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torerlingmynick, so you have any idea of what's wrong with my upgrade? I'll paste my info once more ;) hehe01:08
mynickwhat upgrade problem?01:09
mynickare you dist upgrading from dapper to edgy?01:09
torerlingmynick,  when I try upgrading with update-manager -c I get this error: Failed to fetch http://j.portalier.free.fr/debian/dists/testing/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found01:09
=== RomanK [n=roman@p54A25AE3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoilleI need a server/wiki just for this one machine, no public access and it will hold only my personal tutorials. I am thinking apache+mediawiki would be overkill. What else is there?01:09
=== OldMan_ [n=vargap@catv-50626351.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #ubuntu
mynickwell it can't find it01:09
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nortyholy fuck that worked01:09
mynickits not a problem it doesn't exist01:09
mynickcommen t it out01:09
mynickunop, dude you deserver a medal01:10
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mynickthat wa a hell of a lot of works01:10
ompaul!language | norty01:10
ubotunorty: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:10
mynicknorty you have access to your data?01:10
=== EarlGrey42 [n=martin@ip-85-160-27-76.eurotel.cz] has joined #ubuntu
pleilohello, excuse, i wanna download a game, in the web page say add this adress to the sources.list but when i want to save it say that i cannot do it! why? what can i do?01:10
mynicknorty sweetness.  backup EVERYTHING asap01:10
torerlingmynick, it's a problem, 'cause it makes the upgrade abort :P01:10
mynicknorty, i'm impressed you did this between two separate appartments01:10
mynickyour neighbours must be pleased01:10
mynicki find that actually quite amusing as a visual01:10
nortymy problem now is i only have a fraction of it since my linux partition is only 10 gigs but the data i need is 10001:10
nortythey are01:10
=== mynick imagines a charlie chaplin fellow
EarlGrey42Helo I have just one silly question I cannot google out01:11
nortyso how do I go about deleting things from a partition if i cant see it01:11
mynickwell you have access to it, you want to now LEAVE IT ALONE01:11
EarlGrey42where can I set more Desktops in Gnome?01:11
mynickand go buy your self a usb cradle and a nice large hd01:11
=== torerling are watching diggnation ;)
nortyi have access to some of it01:11
mynickplug it in, it will appear as an icon on your desktop01:11
mynickand COPY all of it asap01:11
unopnorty,  is this the same partition you wanted to write to earler?01:11
arnadelopleilo , sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list01:11
ardchoilleEarlGrey42: Right click the pager and choose Preferences01:11
epsilon_i have previously been using breezy as my main os before formatting my system and installing edgy.. i'm just wondering, given a system with a modest 512 mb memory and 1.8 GHz speed, is it normal to have the system act like windows in terms of lagging? I have heard of new graphic innovations used in the new release (of which, fwiw, i noticed nothing), but the computer is unbearably slow... has anyone else noticed any similiar lag?01:11
Tomcat_pleilo: You need to call the editor with "sudo" to get enough rights.01:11
mynicknorty, don't foget you CANNOT write to ntfs from linux01:11
mynickjust read01:11
mynicknot yet safely anyway01:11
Tomcat_epsilon_: The "new graphic innovations" will come with feisty, not edgy.01:12
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nortythe partition that im trying to get data from is 100 gigs, i copied the data from that partition to my linux one which is 10 gigs, only a few of the files copied01:12
mynicktorerling, comment it out from your sources.list, update and upgrade again01:12
elkbuntumynick, op trolling is not a smart thing to do.01:12
nortyhow do I go about getting everything?01:12
mynicktorerling, its not an issue, it just doesn't exist01:12
hzwIs there anybody who can help me get apache to work on localhost after I installed network-manager (and changed some settings /etc/network/interfaces01:12
unopmynick,  it's not a lot of work come to think about it .. if i were at the comp, it'd be done in a few minutes-- its just this channel for some reason, contorts lag :)01:12
pleiloarnadelo_ thanks01:12
mynickelkbuntu, what the hell are you talking about?01:12
arnduckyepsilon_: that sounds wrong but I don't know what you mean by 'unbearably slow' of course01:12
EarlGrey42ardchoille: Thank!!! I am so stupid :) I have been lookong all over settings and system properties ...01:12
ardchoilleEarlGrey42: :)01:12
arnadelopleilo, have a nice day01:12
elkbuntumynick, well apparantly we're... what was the word again01:13
=== Benno [n=Ben@ppp37-174.lns4.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
torerlingmynick, I'll try ;) (why didn't I think of it *bangs head into keyboard*) alksvdhojkhdsf01:13
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unopnorty,  you need some intermediate freespace to hold that 160gigs of data ..01:13
nortylike another hd?01:13
mynickelkbuntu, well the FACT that you noticed it, CONFIRMS it, now doesn't it?01:13
unopnorty,  yep01:13
mynicknow how about you just ignore me, let me do my job and help people01:13
nortyi cant get that for a while01:13
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nortyso wait01:13
elkbuntumynick, no, it means i flicked over to see you trying to bait us01:13
mynickand stop policing every goddamned thing01:13
arnduckyEdgy runs raises, an lowers windows, responds to input *much* faster than XP MCE on this dual-boot system01:13
BennoHey I noticed that during the livecd install it didn't give me an option to set a root password. So how do I go about su'ing, or setting a root password?01:13
mynickwhos baiting? its the truth01:13
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@S01060016b6b53675.vf.shawcable.net] by ompaul
ardchoillemynick: Bye bye01:14
nortyi need to copy the files from the first folder to the new hd01:14
arnducky(Ubuntu-desktop i.e. gnome)01:14
nortyhow do i do that01:14
epsilon_oh.. well in takes a while to process tasks.. slow mouse movements every now and then, and well, slow internet, but no dns failure issues from what i can see.. it's just a steep drop in performance from breezy... is this normal?01:14
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arnduckyompaul   =o)01:14
Mezompaul, you're quicker once again01:14
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unopnorty,  if i were you -- i'd continue using this disk for the time being .. and copy files to a temporary space if i need to use them01:14
=== pulpficti0n [n=falmp@201-42-133-127.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
nortyi can copy them to another computer01:15
arnadeloBenno you only to need to create an user an a password for him and that password will be the root password01:15
arnduckyBenno: you'll have to edit sudoers I'm afraid01:15
unopBenno,  ubuntu doesnt recommend su -- use sudo -i instead01:15
nortysay the first 10 files out of 100 were copied because of space01:15
nortyi can move those 10 files to another computer01:15
nortybut how do i go about copying the next 90 files to where the first 10 files were01:15
unoparnadelo,  the first user can sudo -- he's a member of the admin group which sudoers acknowledges01:16
BennoAlright, cheers mates.01:16
nortylike i copy the first 10, move them to new computer, delete first 10, copy next 10, move them, delete them, copy next 10... etc01:16
=== Wooksta [n=Wooksta@82-41-99-118.cable.ubr03.dund.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
unopnorty,  why dont you plug the harddrive in the other computer and copy them across :)01:16
Wookstaanyone know of a program i can use to make iso images from folders?01:16
nortyi can do that01:16
unopnorty,  this way will be very tiring :)01:16
nortyi know01:17
ardchoilleWooksta: mkisofs01:17
arnduckyinvoking sudo -i will give you a root shell, but you will not be able to actually login as 'root' even from a recovery console.  su root is impossible not just 'not recomended' since there is no root password; it will fail.01:17
unopnorty,  does the other computer have enough space ?01:17
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Wookstaardchoille, thanks :)01:17
epsilon_so, um, anyone? is edgy slowness unheard of?01:17
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nortycan i somehow copy the files from the first folder to the other computer or ipod?01:17
unoparnducky,  actually ubuntu has a little trick up its sleeve for the single user/recovery mode -- root access is enabled there01:18
pbureauarnducky, well on a stodck box there is a disabled password for root, saying there is no root account is inaccurate01:18
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nortyinstead of like copying them from the first folder to folder2, copy them from the first folder to new hd in new computer or copy them from first folder to ipod?01:18
unopnorty,  if you can mount the other computers share locally .. then you can copy over directly01:18
torerlingmynick, thanks :) it works now, I tried installing the engage dock some time ago ;) so tht was the problem, again, thanks :)01:18
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unopnorty,  what does the other computer run? windows?01:19
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CrakeHunterhow do i activate AC3passthrough on my system? im using a audigy 2zs01:19
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unopnorty,  ok .. create a writable share on the windows machine -- and mount it locally using smbfs -- then copy from ~/Desktop/folder to that mount point01:20
ardchoilleWooksta: mkisofs -o filename.iso /path/to/directory01:20
entr0pyhello all01:20
ardchoilleWooksta: Sorry for the lag01:20
arnduckypbureau: look at what I actually said (with apologies to unop)01:20
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entr0pydoes anyone know a good dvd burning app for ubuntu?01:20
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Wookstaardchoille, npz and thanks again :)01:20
nortyhow do i create a writable share01:20
unoparnducky,  why are you apologising? :)01:21
torerlingentr0py, k3b is a nice one ;)01:21
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pleiloarnadelo: i have another question, i have an nternal video card via technologies, can i use beryl compiz or something like that to see my desktop with all that effects i see in some videos of youtube.com?01:21
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entr0pytorer, is it only for kde?01:21
unopnorty,  i think if you share a folder on windows, its automatically set to be writable ..01:21
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arnduckyunop you're right about booting to recovery kernel of course01:21
nortyyou mean like over a network?01:21
pleiloi have another question, i have an nternal video card via technologies, can i use beryl compiz or something like that to see my desktop with all that effects i see in some videos of youtube.com?01:22
unopnorty,  in any case, you can mount the c$ share on windows locally .. and that if accessed by the administrator is definitely writable01:22
ompaulacez, u there?01:22
torerlingentr0py, You can use KDEprograms in gnome with no problem, myself I use gnomebaker, but k3b has more choices,01:22
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Jowipleilo, no, only intel, nvidia and ati supported atm.01:22
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nortyunop is there anyway i can do that copy 10, move 10, delete 10, copy next 10.. etc method?01:23
unoparnducky,  in the recovery mode, its the same kernel only init is running it in a just different runlevel01:23
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arnduckyinit 3 or init 101:23
unopnorty,  errm, i prefer you mount the other machine's share locally -- less error prone01:23
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entr0pytorerling, well is gnomebaker better than k3b?01:23
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nortythats more difficult01:23
unoparnducky,  it'd be 101:23
unopnorty,  it's a little more work at first .. not difficult -- on the other hand -- the 10by10 approach is going to be more work and could fail01:24
arnduckyunop init 3 is single-user mode with an X-server isn't it (like a failsafe X-Windows or Gnome session)?01:24
ompaulentr0py, you have files you put them on a cd/dvd both do that, so it is a matter of taste01:24
unopnorty,  but why dont you plug this harddrive into that computer?01:24
torerlingentr0py, It looks better in gnome, and it may be a littlebit faster, 'cause you don't have to start the kdespesific things, but I think k3b is the best actually but, both are good01:25
nortyok so what do I do, put my hd into this computer?01:25
torerlingentr0py, so like ompaul said it's a matter of taste01:25
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entr0pytorerling, thanks for the advice i will look at both01:25
unoparnducky,  errm, on debian ubuntu -- runlevel 2 is the defaul -- while the other runlevels are almost never used -- but what you say probably holds true for something like redhat/mandrake/fedora, etc01:25
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ardchoilleWooksta: Do you have gnomebaker installed?01:26
torerlingentr0py, good choice, it's like the wm fight, you just have to decide what you like yoursekves ;)01:26
unopnorty,  errm no, take this NTFS drive (mounted at ~/Desktop/folder) over to the remote computer -- plug it in, boot up, copy the files across, etc01:26
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nortywait wait im so confused, right now im on a friends computer01:27
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nortymy computer is the one with unbuntu and the data i need and shit01:27
Wookstaardchoille, yup i do01:27
nortyso do I take my hd and put it into his computer, or do I take his hd and put it into my computer?01:27
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unopnorty, watch the language -- too many kids about :)01:28
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arnduckyunop thought three was used for debugging -- used it on Breezy and Dapper with broken X servers -- seemed to allow me bring down rogue X-servers and rollback video drivers01:28
nortylol what?01:28
unopnorty,  ok, take the NTFS drive with your stuff out from the ubuntu machine .. take it over to your friends machine and plug it in, etc01:28
unopnorty,  4 letter words are forbidden in here :)01:29
arnduckyand I thought init 5 was default (init 6 being reboot)01:29
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arnduckyunop, words like NTFS?01:29
nortywhat do you mean my ntfs drive?01:29
nortyi only have 1 hd01:29
assasukassehi all, i need to prevent my system to upgrade the kernel, how can i do that01:29
nortythat hd has ntfs partitions and linux partitions01:29
unoparnducky,  it could be so -- but no, runlevel 2 is default on debian and ubuntu -- if you ran init, you could check the inittab file01:29
jiuhello, anybody have a TTF (true type font) Devin SemiBold?01:29
Wookstaardchoille, can i add files to an existing ISO in some way?01:29
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wikignomhi folks, thanks for answering this newbie question: three weeks ago, I decided trying out knoppix. two weeks ago, i downloaded ubuntu. what's the next step before i can "install"? i guess i need to partition the hard drive, right? (i have never installed an OS before...)01:30
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unoparnducky,  ha ha -- NTFS should be banned in here eventually ..01:30
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unopnorty,  ok, in that case, i mean that drive then :p01:30
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nortyput my drive into his computer?01:30
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unopnorty,  yep, that way :)01:30
nortythen how do I boot into an OS?01:30
nortyhes got xp, ive got xp and linux01:31
unopnorty,  you never done this before?01:31
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arnduckyactually now that gparted has access to ntfsprogs and fusermount on the Live CD, NTFS is not such a bugbear01:31
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:31
Eko_Hermiyantoa newbie question please01:32
arnduckycertainly not worth buying a Partition Magic license from Symantec for01:32
Eko_HermiyantoI have a live cd ubuntu01:32
Eko_Hermiyantoversion 5.1001:32
unopnorty,  make sure you plug in your drive as a slave drive (configure the jumpers for this if it's a non-SATA drive) .. open up his case, plug your hdd in, boot up .. your HDD should be detected in "my computer"01:32
Eko_HermiyantoI am using it right now01:32
Eko_HermiyantoI love it very much01:32
frogzoo!enter | Eko_Hermiyanto01:32
ubotuEko_Hermiyanto: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:32
nortymy drive is sata01:32
Eko_Hermiyantocan I install it in my hard disk?01:32
nortydoes sata automatically configure as slave?01:32
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frogzooEko_Hermiyanto: not from the 5.10 live disk no - 6.10 yes01:33
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unopnorty, ok in thet case, it should just work if you plug your drive in and boot -- but if you find his computer booting your XP .. you need to configure the BIOS to choose his HDD .. the rest is normal01:33
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nortyonce i plug my hd in, how do I go about copying files using linux from that 160gig partition to one of his partitions?01:33
Eko_Hermiyantofrogzoo : is it possible for me to install ubuntu directly from the internet?01:34
Eko_Hermiyantofrogzoo : I love it very much and I want to have it on my computer all the time01:34
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unopnorty,  ahh no, his computer will be running his windows XP .. although it will have detected your harddrive and mounted it -- you shoould just be able to access your stuff from within "My Computer"01:34
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frogzooEko_Hermiyanto: you need to have an install disk01:35
unopnorty,  i.e. his computer will just think of your harddrive as another of its harddrives01:35
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Eko_Hermiyantofrogzoo : the install disk is somewhat broken01:35
nortybut how do I get that data from that one partition then?01:35
nortythe partition didnt show up in My Computer when i booted to xp.. why would it for his?01:35
neowolfis there a way to set the gnome window selector so it uses a fixed bar length, or more reasonable so it doesn't shrink and expand all the time, hard to explan what i mean, but i'm sure other people have noticed it too01:35
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unopnorty,  open up my computer .. look for your drive .. open it up, select files you want to copy .. go back to my computer.. find a drive with free space .. paste .. simple :)01:36
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nortyit should show up?01:36
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nortyeven if it didnt show up under my My Computer?01:36
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Bonezwhere can I find the file xorg.conf?01:37
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jpjacobsBonez, /etc/X11/01:37
unopnorty,  if it's not detected in my computer you could try mounting it from "disk management" .. start - run - diskmgmt.msc01:37
Eko_HermiyantoBonez, /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:37
Eko_Hermiyantoor just find it with...01:37
Eko_Hermiyantosudo find /etc -name xorg.conf -print01:37
nortycan I do that on my own computer?01:37
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unopnorty,  if it's running windows, sure01:37
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nortyok, ill try brb01:38
unopnorty,  but ideally, windows mounts all drives auto01:38
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nortywhats weird is01:39
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nortyi mounted drive sda1 in ubuntu01:39
der_maneI have a problem with the new kernel update (2.6.17-11-generic)01:39
elkbuntuunop, except ones marked hidden, as for instance, some recovery partitions are01:39
nortyand it showed all the files which were in 2 different partitions01:39
seravitaewhat's an alternative to gnome-terminal that is good? (transparency and stuff) I cant use gnome-terminal because i found a bug in it.01:40
nortyand it copied some of those over01:40
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dsfsdaubuntu linux sux01:40
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Eko_Hermiyantoseravitae : konsole01:40
unopelkbuntu,  thats usually because they dont use a filesystem that windows recognises01:40
twelvefourdsfsda thank you :)01:40
nortyso when im in xp, which is in partition one (sda1) it will show c: which is sda1 but not d: which is sda501:40
Eko_Hermiyantoseravitae, konsole the terminal emulator of the kde01:40
Eko_Hermiyantodsfsda, ubuntu linux is rock01:40
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nortybut when i mounted sda1 it copied files from both in linux01:40
nortyso which do i mount in windows?01:40
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seravitaeEko_Hermiyanto: if i install konsole i'd have to install like 50mb of kde libs.01:40
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twelvefourdsfsda slackware or gentoo user right?01:41
elkbuntuunop, well, my mother's windows xp recovery partition is hidden.. and tagged as such.01:41
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unopnorty,  you can mount both in windows :) .. as any drive letter thats freely available01:41
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les6.10 live cd hangs at boot, have tried pci-noacpi, noapic nolapic etc no luck, any help/suggestions?01:41
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twelvefourles yeah, inforutnately just eithe give up or try knoppix01:42
dsfsdaubuntu 6.10 is out?01:42
csghello can anybody help me installing my netgear wireless card please01:42
der_maneMy ipw3945 doesn't work since the kernel update.01:42
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twelvefourles sometimes the hardware just isn't supported01:42
lesknoppix 5.1.1 works01:42
unopelkbuntu,  yea, well, if you used something like the disk management console, you'd probably notice that it doesnt use fat/ntfs (notice i say probably)01:42
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Eko_Hermiyantoseravitae : well, I know only gnome-terminal and konsole which have good support for transparency and such01:42
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twelvefourles probably a driver issue.  where does it stop just out of curiosity?01:42
lesI'm currently running 6.06.101:42
seravitaewell, it seems the problem also exists with xterm as well01:42
seravitaei guess i will have to live without a terminal.01:43
lesI get a kernel panic and it just dies01:43
twelvefourseravitae just curious, what bug have you found in it?01:43
twelvefourles  ah driver issue almost guaranteed01:43
seravitaeOh, wait, xterm works. my bad.01:43
dsfsdaubuntu linux is basically shit01:43
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seravitaetwelvefour: actually it's not really a *bug*, but it is a limitation.01:43
twelvefourles  driver borks and takes down the kernle01:43
unop!language | dsfsda01:43
ubotudsfsda: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:43
seravitaeI overflowed the integer value for the location of the window or something01:43
twelvefourdsfsda yey! thanks for sharing01:43
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dsfsdaubotu: stfu fucking ass hole01:44
seravitaebasically i have a triple-xinerama setup here. gnome-terminal freaks out if i open it from another term.01:44
leswhats diff between 6.06 and 6.101:44
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso01:44
GreyGhostdsfsda ,thats a smart thing to say in a place full of Ubuntu users ;))01:44
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dsfsdai use windows xp01:44
dsfsdaits much betetter01:44
twelvefourseravitae oh, l33t01:44
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seravitaeHeh, yeah.01:44
GreyGhostdsfsda ,so do i .. so stop fsking this place up ..01:44
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therapydsfsda:  lol01:44
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twelvefourseravitae i bet it has something to do with overal01:44
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twelvefourbah typing is terrible tonight01:45
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SoulChildhey, where to check autostarted applications??? (FILE)01:45
seravitaetwelvefour: maybe01:45
seravitaebut i have NFI how to fix it.01:45
unopnorty,  yep01:45
nortyi can't mount the correct partition01:45
twelvefourseravitae :/ yeah thats terrible, sounds like a very cool setup01:45
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seravitaeall i know is that xterm works, and gnome-terminal conks out with "The error was 'BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)01:45
nortydoesnt let me01:45
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unopnorty,  is this windows?01:46
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nortyit says the filetype of that partitions is NTFS but its an Unknown Partition01:46
unopnorty,  join #ubuntu-offtopic .. we'll talk there01:46
seravitaetwelvefour, i will probably whinge to gnome-terminal bug site or something, since this triple-head box will be hex-head soon.01:46
seravitaeor find some other nice terminal.01:46
twelvefourseravitae good idea01:46
twelvefouroh wow, /me looks up hex01:47
twelvefour8 heads?01:47
twelvefourwhat are you doing on it?01:47
seravitaei had quadhead 19" lcds01:47
Eko_Hermiyantoseravitae : but, I am using gnome-terminal and all just fine01:47
Eko_Hermiyantothere is no bug at all01:47
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seravitaeEko_Hermiyanto:  on a triple-head computer?01:47
twelvefourtwelvefour your mounting two rows of 3 monis?01:47
Eko_Hermiyantoonly in my presario c300 laptop and a desktop system01:47
seravitaeum, im a student, i run a business, i do gfx design, in my spare time i'm a nerd, do development hardware/software, etc.01:47
seravitaeEko_Hermiyanto:  that doesn't count at all towards my issue01:48
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twelvefourseravitae ah just for fun? nice01:48
Eko_Hermiyantoseravitae, ohhh ic... sorry01:48
seravitaetwelvefour: haha. blatently, yes :P01:48
ardchoilleI need a server/wiki just for this one machine, no public access and it will hold only my personal tutorials. I am thinking apache+mediawiki would be overkill. What else is there?01:48
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seravitaetwelvefour:  some kids spend $1000 on a graphics card. I see no point in that, ergonomics, features, accessories are my thing :)01:48
twelvefourardchoille too much choice .. but anything web based is over kill01:48
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twelvefourardchoille why don't you look at a wiki like app ... there are a few out there01:49
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twelvefouri don't have names of them as i never used them, just passed someone writing something completely useless, like a local wiki app01:49
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twelvefourand lo and behodl you pop up asking for that :)01:49
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melonany ideas as to why every single video player i use is way over contrast? it's only videos - everything else seems fine - i've searched forums 'n have seen the same problem with no response nor solution..01:49
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twelvefourmelon what do you mean overcontrast? like different players even?01:50
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frogzooardchoille: maybe plone or zope - maybe overkill still01:50
ardchoilletwelvefour: A wiki-like app? Hmm.. I'll look around for something lile that. Thanks for the suggestion.01:50
twelvefourmelon dif players tend to have their own settings01:50
ardchoillefrogzoo: I'll look into those too :)01:50
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twelvefourmelon ohhhh just out of curiosity are you running nvidia drivers?01:50
ompaulardchoille, pmwiki pretty much rocks01:51
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ompaulardchoille, small and easy to work with01:51
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melonwell - i didn't think so.. but apparently that's the only connection01:51
ardchoilleompaul: That it does, but I need apache+php5 for that, right?01:51
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ompaulsudo apt-get install01:51
albehi all01:51
twelvefourardchoille hey no problem i'm on a roll today01:51
BonezI installed gsynaptics but when I click on the icon in the menu to opent it, it tells me I need to set"SHMConfig" to true in xorg.conf but there is no SHMConfig in xorg.conf. any ideas?01:51
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meloni can only assume that i am.. but even so.. the forums don't offer any solution from what i can tell01:52
twelvefourmelon nvidia has a config app that has some strange settings thta i noticed sometimes affet only vide but its been a long time.  but since you don't run nvidia not an issue01:52
albesi there someone who is using the keyboard wireless 6000 V2 ?01:52
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pmwiki - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:52
twelvefourmelon sorry i don't know, at least someone answered :) good luck01:52
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ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:52
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melonat least you've pointed me in a direction..01:52
meloni'll keep looking01:52
twelvefourmelon no worries mate, g'luck01:53
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ompaulardchoille, -- it was so easy even I used it ;-)  http://pmwiki.com/wiki/PmWiki/Requirements01:54
Bonezanyone know where i can find the file XF86Config?01:54
twelvefourBonez we don't use xf86 anyone01:54
twelvefourwe use xorg01:54
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twelvefourits xorg.conf01:54
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ompaulBonez, there is none you want look in  /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:55
therapymelon:  put  Option  "SHMConfig"  "on" in your Section InputDevice in your xorg.conf01:55
Bonezompaul Im looking for SHMConfig in xorg.conf but its not there01:55
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ardchoilleompaul: Yeah, I used pmwiki for a while, it definitely rocks.01:56
twelvefourBonez what are you trying to do anyway?01:56
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haydendo cds get mounted automatically using ubuntu server?01:56
`kdoes ubuntu shipit still sending free ubuntu installers?01:56
`ki still got no reply like 3 months now01:56
Bonezgsynaptics tells me i need to set SHMConfig to true01:56
twelvefourhayden good question.  my thinking is yes, i don't think they have different scripts for that01:57
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Jowi_n1hayden, you mean during or after installation?01:57
GreyGhost`k ,it should still semd .0601:57
Eko_Hermiyantobye bye all01:57
haydenJowi_n1, after01:57
twelvefourBonez for what to work?01:57
Eko_Hermiyantothanks for the help01:57
therapymelon:  sry was meant for Bonez01:57
Alzi2Can anyone help me with that? I'm trying to set an application to open on a file with the extension .SMD, but when i do "open with.." it doesn't show up the "always open with this application" thing. Why doesn't it do that?01:57
therapyBonez:  put  Option  "SHMConfig"  "on" in your Section InputDevice in your xorg.conf01:57
twelvefourah what therapy said ... right01:57
`kGreyGhost you mean i still need to wait for 6 months?01:57
twelvefourtherapy what is that for?01:57
Boneztwelvefour its for my touch pad on laptop01:57
Jowi_n1hayden, no cd's get mounted automatically. you can set it up in gnome though. however, a mountpoint to your cdrom should exist in /etc/fstab01:57
GreyGhost `k ,err... u shouldnt... it should come in a few weeks time ...01:58
twelvefourah! danke01:58
haydenJowi_n1, its a plain ubuntu server install with no GUI01:58
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therapytwelvefour:  not sure... but i found it to be in my xorg.conf an working fine :-)01:58
PwcrLinuxHello all01:58
Bonezbut I can't even find SHMConfig01:58
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GreyGhostPwcrLinux ,hello01:58
twelvefourBonez its not in there, you haveto add it like therapy said01:58
Jowi_n1hayden, so no. no automatic mount as soon as you insert the cd.01:58
Bonezahhh ic01:58
haydenJowi_n1, ok thanks01:59
twelvefourJowi_n1 for server?01:59
[ginge] hi all I was wondering, youknow there's a shortcut key for alt_tab to switch between apps in a current workspace. is there a shortcut key that switches between workspaces?01:59
twelvefourhow come? the scripts should be the same no?01:59
jribAlzi2: can right click, first go to "properties", and then the "open with" tab?01:59
Boneztherapy does it matter where?01:59
seravitaetwelvefour: identified and worked around the bug.01:59
`kCan someone send me free cd installer of ubuntu?01:59
frogzoogiesen: sys -> prefs -> keyboard shortcuts01:59
PwcrLinuxGreyGhost: I still getting segmentation fault on firefox with flashplayer 9 by using extra command in the terminal01:59
twelvefour`k you mean by mail?01:59
adaptr[ginge] : ctrl-Alt Left/Right01:59
Boneztherapy sorry im quite the noob01:59
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seravitaexinerama + nvidia + ARGB/composite = blah. so i just made a sh script that sets an environment variable to disable ARGB for gnometerminal, works fine. :)01:59
`ktwelvefour:yeah =)01:59
jrib`k: visit shipit.ubuntu.com02:00
[ginge] <adaptr>: many thanks :D02:00
`kjrib: i did.i still got no cd here its 3 months now02:00
ardchoille`k: https://shipit.ubuntu.com/02:00
GreyGhostPwcrLinux , no idea :( sorry ... has it always been a problem?02:00
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`kjrib:i orderd 1 cd.02:00
twelvefourwhat jrib  said02:00
Alzi2jrib: Nope. no such tab.02:00
GreyGhostandre ,yes?02:00
Jowi_n1twelvefour, for any installation. the mountpoint is in /etc/fstab but have the noauto flag02:00
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andrehow do I determine what kernle version I have?02:00
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twelvefour`k why not download it and burn it?02:00
twelvefourits the same thing?02:00
jrib`k: where are you from?02:00
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yacoobGreetings. Why linux-686 got obsoleted by linux-generic?02:00
GreyGhostandre ,"uname:02:00
LinuxHelpLinking question: Does anyone know what library is missing or configuration setting is wrong with http://rafb.net/p/6IwYo725.html ?02:00
Jowi_n1twelvefour, think gnome uses a udev rule for automounts02:00
`kjrib:Philippines sir02:01
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therapyin the Section "InputDevice" of your synaptics driver02:01
twelvefourJowi_n1 yeah, i didn't realize it changed02:01
PwcrLinuxGreyGhost: yea, alway problem with a FP 9 and even about:config string of "network.IDN.blacklist_chars" garbled string02:01
`ktwelvefour: 2kbp/s =/ im on dial up02:01
twelvefouroh wait gnome02:01
twelvefouri see, makes sense02:01
therapyBonez:  in the Section "InputDevice" of your synaptics driver02:01
andreGreyGhost: uname returns Linux02:02
LinuxHelpuname -a02:02
GreyGhostPwcrLinux , tried #firefox ?02:02
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GreyGhostandre ,sorry .. yes as LinuxHelp said uname -a02:02
andrethanks :)02:02
PwcrLinuxGreyGhost: in freenode?02:02
therapyBonez:  have a look at this link : http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=97542102:02
GreyGhostPwcrLinux ,yes02:02
`kany rich people here who are willing to send free installer of ubuntu please?02:02
jrib`k: have you tried to contact the phillipines loco team? #ubuntu-ph  ubuntu-ph@lists.ubuntu.com http://ubuntu-ph.org/forum/02:02
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PwcrLinuxGreyGhost: okay02:02
GreyGhost`k , try asking for one more?02:03
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elkbuntu#ubuntu-ph | `k02:03
`kjrib:i didnt know that theres a webby for philippine ubuntu.thanks02:03
maxx18hi guys... how can i stop /var/log/aptitude from ever getting deleted/rotated? i want a permanent record of what i installed.02:03
elkbuntujrib, you're too quick, man02:03
Alzi2jrib: Nope. no such tab.02:03
`kGreyGhost:i did twice02:04
adaptrmaxx18: /etc/logrotate.(d|conf)02:04
jribAlzi2: can you send me this file or is private?02:04
GreyGhost`k , :( ... i downloaded my 6.10 ...02:04
Boneztherapy thank you that's what i needed02:04
CrakeHunterhow do i enable ac3 passthrough?02:05
`kGreyGhost Yo rich sir?send me one02:05
Bonezi hope02:05
`kGreyGhost =)02:05
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therapyBonez:  np02:05
maxx18adaptr, not sure what to do with that ;)02:05
Alzi2jrib: Not really private, but.. kind of illegal (it's a rom.....) but my grandma has it so i think it's legal02:05
adaptrmaxx18: that is where you set log rotation rules02:05
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GreyGhost`k ,err.... i'm prbably too far of to send u one... asia ..02:05
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adaptrphilippines is not in asia ??02:05
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`kGreyGhost: yeah philippines is in asia02:06
jribAlzi2: ok, well you might have to add it to the mime database.  Are you familiar with doing that?02:06
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Alzi2jrib: Nope.02:06
`kadaptr:it is in asia02:06
GreyGhost `k ,and never sent anything outa international from India ...02:06
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GreyGhostadaptr .my bad :(02:06
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Alzi2jrib: Wait.. it's in KDE.. you know that, right?02:06
jribAlzi2: join me in #ubuntu-classroom please02:06
GreyGhost`k ,get someone from phillipines to send it to u?02:07
jribAlzi2: oh, no I didn't know it was in kde02:07
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GreyGhost`k ,and i'm not rich...i'm a meddle class guys... who is 16 yrs old :(02:07
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maxx18adaptr, oh ok i see... so what line should i add to /etc/logrotate.conf so that it will never replace the aptitude log....?02:07
Alzi2jrib: Sorry for the misunderstanding, then.02:07
`kGreyGhost im 14 either02:07
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adaptrdefinitely meddle-class then :)02:07
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jrib!defaultapp | Alzi202:07
ubotuAlzi2: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting. In Kubuntu, Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure and then hit "File Associations"02:07
psychoid-1[Free Space] :-[C 148.63/153.38GB] -[Total 148.63/153.38GB] 02:07
jribAlzi2: does that work?02:08
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Alzi2Yeah, i'm in.02:08
Alzi2what to do now?02:08
adaptrmaxx18: no.... you should read the logrotate docs to see how to alter the aptitude settings to keep all logs.. not rotating it is silly02:08
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guerrillawonI run Ubuntu 64, with Firefox32 for flash. I've lost sound and tried everything on the forums to try to restore it. Does anyone have any other ideas on how to get sound working again?02:09
maxx18adaptr: i'm confused... do i need to read the logrotate docs or the aptitude docs?02:09
albeSomeone konws if keyboard wireless 6000 V2 is working with linux?02:09
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daniel007I need help.  I booted my machine this morning (ubuntu 6.10), and for some unknown reason there's a constant loud beep throught out the entire session (starts at the login window, stops when the system is shutting down).  I can mute the pcm channel or the master channel as a work around.  How do I get rid of this?02:09
adaptrmaxx18: which application does what you don't want ? *I* think that's logrotate, but *you* should check to make sure...02:10
jribAlzi2: try that konqueror menu that ubotu mentioned02:10
PwcrLinuxGreyGhost: either 2 of freenode or mozilla server. they're might sleeping right now02:10
andrewould anyone know what the latest nvidia drivers are? like for example is it I'm on 2.6.17-1102:10
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GreyGhostPwcrLinux ,:( ... do u really need Flash 9?02:11
maxx18adaptr, ok i think i'm getting somewhere.... found a file /etc/logrotate.d/aptitude..... it is set to "rotate 6" "monthly" etc.... i should change something in this file yes?02:11
andrewould anyone know what the latest nvidia drivers are? like for example is it I'm on 2.6.17-1102:11
GreyGhost!nvidia | andre02:12
ubotuandre: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:12
Alzi2jrib: Yes, i did, but what to do in that section?02:12
PwcrLinuxGreyGhost: yea, I wanted to watch a tv news website.02:12
neowolfer, from nvidia they are 97**02:12
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=== PwcrLinux alway favorite to watch a news for what's happening and etc
erickmy ge4 mx440 should use 96**02:12
neowolfwill ubutu/gnome ever get the scroll wheel click scoller thing02:12
jribAlzi2: I'm not sure, I don't use kde.  If it isn't clear and no one here knows, you might try #kubuntu02:12
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GreyGhostPwcrLinux ,the older flash wont do it?02:13
PwcrLinuxGreyGhost: yes, some tv sites auto detecting, they ask me to use FP 902:14
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GreyGhostPwcrLinux ,how did u install Flash 9 ?02:14
PwcrLinuxGreyGhost: it's on adobe website02:14
GreyGhostPwcrLinux ,u should have used the ones in the repos ... u in 6.10 rigght?02:15
twelvefourPwcrLinux did you extractc the gzip file and copy the file sover?02:15
twelvefouror did you use their install script?02:15
PwcrLinuxGreyGhost: I am breezy02:15
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PwcrLinuxOps: hang on there.. someone want ask me for versions of my box..02:16
GreyGhostahh ... i dont know if its in the breazy repos yet... :(02:16
=== PwcrLinux Sony Vaio PCG-GRZ610 P4 2.0 Ghz lappy
=== PwcrLinux OS: Ubuntu Linux | HD: Toshiba 40GB 5400 RPM 16MB Cache | Ram: 768 MB PC2100 DDR | Video: ATI Readon Mobility 7500 32MB VRam (Linux Driver: ATI Readon 9000) | CD: Sony Slim Combo CRX835E (8X DVD/24X CD/24X CDR/24X CDRW)
daniel007I need help.  I booted my machine this morning (ubuntu 6.10), and for some unknown reason there's a constant loud beep throught out the entire session (starts at the login window, stops when the system is shutting down).  I can mute the pcm channel or the master channel as a work around.  How do I get rid of this?02:16
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guerrillawonalbe: I'm searching to see if your keyboard is compatible but I'm coming up with nothing. I'm not sure, and I don't see why it wouldn't work, but you might want to be cautious.02:16
=== PwcrLinux xchat 2.6.0 Linux 2.6.12-10-386 [i686/1.99GHz]
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neowolfthe repo version of flash is 7.0, get the one from http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&promoid=BIOW, `tar -xf` and run the install script02:16
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PwcrLinuxI had FP 702:17
PwcrLinuxbefore upgrade it02:17
twelvefourPwcrLinux i just don't know what the plugins are compiled against02:17
twelvefourthey might be expecting a particular library that has a specific version number ,and perhaps what its finding is just slightly different enough to cause the crashes02:18
twelvefouri don't know02:18
PwcrLinuxtwelvefour: How i can revert back to FP 7?02:18
guerrillawonI run Ubuntu 64, with Firefox32 for flash. I've lost sound and tried everything on the forums to try to restore it. Does anyone have any other ideas on how to get sound working again?02:18
twelvefourPwcrLinux oh easy, just delete the fp plugins from /usr/lib/firefox/plugins02:18
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ltk05I have a silly question. Everytime I logon to ubuntu I'm automatically connected to the web. I'm using a router, so I guess that's the problem. How can I manually disconnect and connect to the internet? Thanks!02:20
Bartekhi, is there any good broken DVD recovery software for linux ?02:20
twelvefourltk05 /syste/admin/networking02:20
twelvefourturn your network card on and off02:20
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Barteklike when you finish burning data and it is not accessible :/02:21
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twelvefourhey no prob02:21
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Jowi_n1ltk05, set up the connection in the router,02:21
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daniel007psychoid-1: I think my private msg to you is being blocked. (I'm not a registered user)02:23
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PwcrLinuxtwelvefour: Hmm I have one file libunixprintplugin.so02:23
twelvefourin /usr/lib/firefox/plugins?02:23
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twelvefourat least you should have symlinks in there02:23
PwcrLinuxtwelvefour: yes02:23
twelvefourthen the plug isnt' installed02:23
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twelvefourinstall the plugin from the repost ... the non free one02:24
balrokhello.. i have one computer which is connected over wlan through the internet.. and i have a laptop which is connected through ethernet to the first computer.. i already set up the connection between both computers.. but now i want to get internet on the other pc.. how it works?02:24
balrokbtw i'm using ubuntu 6.1 with gnoe on both pcs02:24
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PwcrLinuxtwelvefour: let me look in FF browser to find where the plugins located at.02:24
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m`kayhi guys. is there an error in the updates? for the new kernel in dapper will not give new kernel-headers on vmware for the new kernel?!02:24
GuerrillaWonExcept when your flash sound doesn't work con-man!02:24
twelvefourPwcrLinux i todl you where its located02:24
GuerrillaWongaahhhhh what a pain in the patootie02:24
twelvefourthere isn't anything to look up02:24
twelvefourdo about:plugins to see if its registereing02:25
twelvefourbut its not there so it shouldn't be visible02:25
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PwcrLinuxtwelvefour: Okay I am looking for libflashplayer.so now02:26
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MoRpHeUzhey, any clue about running flumotion on edgy ?02:26
MoRpHeUzI can't use admin...when it tries to connect it freezes the manager..02:27
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PwcrLinuxtwelvefour: I found in the home/powerwcrulez/.mozilla/plugins02:29
twelvefourPwcrLinux oh it installed it for your user02:29
twelvefourdelte that02:29
twelvefourthere are two flash files in there infact02:30
twelvefourone is a .xpm02:30
twelvefourdelete both02:30
twelvefourthen its gone02:30
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daniel007I booted my machine this morning (ubuntu 6.10), and for some unknown reason there's a constant loud beep throught out the entire session (starts at the login window, stops when the system is shutting down).  I can mute the pcm channel or the master channel as a work around.  How do I get rid of this?02:30
twelvefouryou can try installing from repo to see what happens02:30
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PwcrLinuxtwelvefour: I am only one on my lappy, as system admin02:30
garfunkleHi all, i've just installed linux last night and told i can come here for help? (i've got most things sorted, but i can't get my second hardrive to show)02:30
twelvefourdaniel007 do you have a mic maybe attached to your sound card?02:30
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twelvefourgarfunkle sure just ask02:31
DirkGentlyhi all02:31
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daniel007twelvefour:  I do, but it's turned off.  Haven't used it in months02:31
DirkGentlyback again with speedtouch usb probs02:31
GreyGhostDirkGently ,hello02:31
GreyGhost!mount | garfunkle02:32
ubotugarfunkle: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter02:32
twelvefourdaniel007 try unplugging it?02:32
GuerrillaWonCan anyone please try to help me restore sound in flash for firefox32 on my ubuntu 64 bit? I just lost it one day, so I know it works.02:32
PwcrLinuxtwelvefour: what's xpm?02:32
DirkGentlyi am trying to get a thompson speedtouch 330 modem to work with ubuntu02:32
edward_how can i get my mic working ?02:32
twelvefourtwelvefour mozilla specific file ... if its not in there don't worry about ... infact thats probably why your browser is crashing02:32
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twelvefourif you were to extract the gzip you would see the .so and .xpm02:33
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twelvefourboth need to be in that dir02:33
DirkGentlyi've been trying to work thru the sites Ive been pointed to...but am getting nowhere02:33
ikoniaDirkGently: do you know if its supported ?02:33
PwcrLinuxtwelvefour: which filename of the xpm?02:33
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DirkGentlyit appears to be02:33
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twelvefourPwcrLinux i don't remembver, extract the gzip and see for your self02:33
daniel007twelvefour:  ok, I've removed the plug.  I still got the constant beep02:33
garfunkleI don't really understant the help that people gave me, sorry but i am rather new to linux02:33
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DirkGentlythe isp supplied the modem...they claim to support linux02:34
GuerrillaWonHmm actually does anyone know what Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used. Means?02:34
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DirkGentlythe cd comes with windows and mac drivers02:34
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frogzooGuerrillaWon: means it's already in cache02:34
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GuerrillaWonahh man I'm an idiot.02:34
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ikoniaDirkGently: thats not quite what I asked. You ned to check if that physical bit of kit is supported under Linux. An ISP supporting Linux connections is different to giving out supported hardware02:34
GuerrillaWonI just got it, 0 bytes02:34
HymnToLifeDirkGently, I know webpages about installing that modem but they're all in French02:34
GuerrillaWonI thought it was like location or something :P02:35
PwcrLinuxtwelvefour: I already deleted it from the desktop screen.. I will redownload again then will look into the tar.gz file02:35
GuerrillaWonThanks frog.02:35
DirkGentlyi do have a translator prog but it wont get it accurate lol02:35
GreyGhostDirkGently ,that USB right?02:35
DirkGentlyyes usb02:35
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ikoniaDirkGently: forget everything else, first thing is to check if that hardware is supported02:35
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DirkGentlyhow do i do that?02:35
HymnToLifeDirkGently, you could always try : http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/materiel/modem_adsl_speedtouch_330_speedtouch_ng02:35
GreyGhostDirkGently ,job made easy for u then... ;) http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12887502:35
ikoniagoogle for it, check linuxcompatible.com02:35
HymnToLifeikonia, it is02:36
ikoniaHymnToLife: you sure of that ?02:36
HymnToLifeI have a friend who has one02:36
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ikoniafair enough02:36
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:36
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pbureauI had a cable modcem that wasnt "compatible to linux" I simply used a router box between the modem and pc and the router did not care what OS I was running and the Modem was onkidorey happy to talk to the router pppoe protocols02:38
DirkGentlyty...another place u have to join to view02:38
sharperguyhow do i write my swap partition (/dev/hdb3) into /etc/fstab, because it dosnt get automounted anymore02:38
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ikoniasharperguy: you don't mount swap02:38
ardchoillesharperguy: It isn't supposed to be mounted02:38
sharperguywell activate or whatever you call it02:38
sharperguyi have to use swapon anyway02:38
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ikoniasharperguy: what happened to the entry in fstab?02:39
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daniel007twelvefour:  should I reinstall alsa?02:39
sharperguyI have no idea, I'm only guessing it's wrong since i have to use swapon to get swap02:39
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ikoniasharperguy: show me the line02:39
sharperguyand since i upgraded to edgy, fstab is unreadable02:39
HymnToLifesharperguy, pastebin your fstab02:39
ikoniaahhhhhhhh edgy upgrade02:39
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PwcrLinuxtwelvefour: Okay I got 4 files inside of the FP 9 folder..  flashplayer.xpt, flashplayer-installer, libflashplayer.so and readme.txt02:40
HAL9003in what file belongs "APT::Cache-Limit"? to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/70debconf?02:40
sharperguyUUID=647de069-4b29-45c3-a9d1-251bb0c956d2 none            swap    sw              0       002:40
GuerrillaWonCan someone try to help me restore flash sound for firefox32 on ubuntu 64. I promise I've tried everything and am not just being lazy. Myabe send me in the right direction?02:40
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ikoniasharperguy: do a "blkid"02:41
ikoniasee what the uuid is of the swap partition02:41
shafirehow can i speed up the ubuntu-server installation? its so slow... it needs 15min to say that i have no inet connection...02:41
ikoniashafire: thats the timeout probably02:41
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sharperguygoing to pastebin02:41
shafireikonia: how can i speed up02:41
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shafireand the hardware detection is slow too02:41
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IdleOneshafire: it could be real fast and not detect anything or it could be slow and take it's time and make sure that it detects everything02:42
luboshello. please how you install g++ on ubuntu edgy?02:42
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ikoniashafire: get a faster machine ? get an internet connection /02:42
ikonialubos: apt-get install g++02:42
shafirefaster machine?02:42
shafire2.8ghz is slow?02:42
shafirei have only wlan02:42
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ikoniashafire: why are you installing server then ?02:43
ikoniathat sounds like a laptop02:43
joaospintohello can anyone help me installing ubuntu through windows?02:43
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shafirebecause it should be my home server02:43
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thughow do i get the subtitle font bigger in mplayer ?02:43
ikoniajoaospinto: no02:43
IdleOnelubos: sudo aptitude install build-essential will install the tools you need to compile02:43
joaospintoinstlux does that but i am having problem doing that!02:43
lubosthx but is there other way? i just trying linux in wmware and i have no internet connection there02:43
ikoniashafire: well, its only 15 minutes you have to live with once at install time02:43
schizoschafhi. ich versuche gerade nen gpg key fr launchpad zu erstellen. Ich weiss aber nicht was die key-id ist fr --send-key02:43
sharperguyikonia, it tells me the UUID of all the partitions exept swap :S02:43
shafireikonia: and hardware detection 15min. too02:43
mc44!de | schizoschaf02:44
ikoniajoaospinto: its a crappy experimental product - don't use it02:44
ubotuschizoschaf: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:44
theDeuscan i start an apllication on a special desktop in beryl?02:44
pbureau!de | schizoschaf,02:44
ubotuschizoschaf,: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:44
schizoschafargh always the same02:44
ikoniashafire: but you only have to do that once at install time02:44
shafireikonia: yes02:44
shafirebut debian is faster02:44
ikoniasharperguy: check out fdisk and make sure your swap partition is ok02:44
joaospintoi have a kubuntu cd02:44
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joaospintobut i want to install ubuntu02:44
joaospintoare they realy realy diferent?02:44
ikoniashafire: ubuntu isn't debian02:44
sharperguyikonia, you dont mean fsck?02:44
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ikoniasharperguy: no - fdisk02:45
ikoniajoaospinto: download the ubuntu cd02:45
schizoschafi'm creating a gpg key for launchpad. i dont know what to use for  'key-id' in 'gpg --send-key key-id'02:45
theDeusjoaospinto then install kubuntu and uninstall kde :)02:45
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Jeruvy"sorry, cannot display contents of location 'windows network:machine'"  What does this error mean?02:45
theDeuswei jemand wie man ein programm auf einem bestimmten beryl desktop starten lassen kann?02:45
ikoniaJeruvy: it can't show the conects of the remove windows machine02:45
ikonia!de > thedeus02:45
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Jeruvyikonia: I can read, I don't understand02:46
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sharperguyikonia, what do i do with it?02:46
theDeuscan i start an application on a special desktop in beryl?02:46
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ikoniasharperguy: run it on your harddisk and check the swap partition is set out fine02:46
joaospintocan i uninstall kde and then install facebox02:46
Jeruvyikonia: why can't it display....it displays the others?02:46
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joaospintowill it work just as ubuntu with fluxbox??02:47
ikoniaJeruvy: check the logs - if it can see the others then there must be something different with that box02:47
ZaggynlHi, I have gdm and fluxbox installed, which is nice and fast, but I can't get startup items to work02:47
ZaggynlI've edited ~/.fluxbox/startup and added 'iceweasel &' before exec fluxbox, but it doesn't start at all02:47
Jeruvyikonia: ok so you don't know.  thanks.02:47
sharperguyikonia, i dont really know what you mean#02:47
theDeuswes joaospinto in works02:47
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ikoniaJeruvy: of course I don't know - you've given me no info02:47
TexasTazGood Morning everyone02:47
ikoniasharperguy: run fdsk on your hard disk and check there is a valid swap partition02:48
Jeruvyikonia: I asked what the 'error' means.........02:48
sharperguyikonia, running fdisk /dev/hdb, dosnt really give anything useful02:48
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lubosis there other way :( ? i just trying linux in wmware and i have no internet connection there.02:48
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chevdorhello folks, new ubuntu user, i just installed it. I have created user. What is the default root password ?02:48
CappyHello there TexasTaz02:48
ikoniaJeruvy: and I told you what it means - if you want to know why you have to check the logs and share that info02:48
joaospintothedeus will i be able to uninstall kde?02:48
art_hello - i have problem whit wine - i run :02:48
art_sudo wine /home/art/Desktop/Ro/BloodyRO.exe02:48
art_Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".02:48
art_err:wgl:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo  couldn't initialize OpenGL, expect problems02:48
art_err:wgl:has_opengl Intialization of OpenGL info failed, disabling OpenGL!02:48
art_err:seh:setup_exception stack overflow 556 bytes in thread 0009 eip 7b84085f esp 00230dd4 stack 0x231000-0x34000002:48
TexasTazWhat;s shakin Cappy How are ya tiday?02:48
ikoniachevdor: http://www.ubunut.com read up on how ubuntu users work02:48
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joaospintoand how will i be able to install a file manager and so on if i will only have fluxbox with nothing more??02:48
ikoniaart_: please use the pastebin02:48
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theDeuslol i dont know joaospinto :D02:49
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sharperguy!root | chevdor02:49
ubotuchevdor: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:49
CappyTexasTaz: Not wanting to be up so early =P02:49
theDeusjoaospinto download ubuntu cd02:49
Toma-Im trying to start a Xvnc server with a custom geometry, but cant use vncconnect on the same box to test02:49
ikoniasharperguy: fdisk -l /dev/hdb02:49
GreyGhostandrynux ,hello02:49
MoRpHeUzno way to run flumotion on ubuntu =(02:49
TexasTazlol Cappy02:49
sharperguyikonia, o ok cheers02:49
TexasTazI have to get up this early everyday02:49
TexasTazI have to I work for a large hosting company02:50
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sharperguyikonia, ok yea it says its fine, and besides, "swapon /dev/hdb3" works fine02:50
pbureauTexasTaz,  what you cvall 8am early... I feed my horses (I live in texas) every morning at 5am02:50
TexasTazAnd I have to be there real early02:50
ikoniaok - thats good, just checking the basics02:50
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chevdorubotu: thx i know sudo, but i want to su, I'll read the link ikonia suggests02:50
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TexasTazNope I am usually up at 4am02:50
pbureauTexasTaz,  Ah ok02:50
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HymnToLifeubotu, tell chevdor about root | chevdor, see the private message from ubotu.02:50
CappyTexasTaz: I fell asleep early last night .. threaten my mind to have to study for a test and I'll just .. rest .. you know .. for a little bit02:51
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:51
sharperguychevdor, set root password with "sudo passwd"02:51
TexasTazlol yup been there got the book02:51
sharperguychevdor, although its not reccomended02:51
ikoniasharperguy: I've not got an edgy box on hand, but I'm surprised that blkid doesn't show swap02:51
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chevdorsharperguy not recommended to set the root password ?02:51
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ikoniachevdor: not in the ubuntu methods02:52
PwcrLinuxtwelvefour: Okay I open the hidden dir and found xpt in there.. should I delete both file?02:52
CappyTexasTaz: I'm on the east coast but I've been up for a while now lol02:52
agliv5Greetings all :) I'm trying to fix kqemu and was following this guide: "http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=308720&highlight=kqemu+edgy" I did everything as it states and I'm still getting the following error : "FATAL: Error inserting kqemu (/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-generic/misc/kqemu.ko): Invalid module format" The strange thing is that I have completley removed all linux-header version 2.6.17 packages... how do I fix the linx to the th02:52
agliv5at is installed?02:52
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chevdorsharperguy It means anyone accessing my user account can sudo passwd and change my root password ?????02:52
TexasTazlol I am in Houston so I have been up for about 4 hours02:52
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ikoniachevdor: you don't tell people your password02:52
agliv5sorry about the long description, but it's complicated...02:52
joyoftechhow do i single boot ubuntu on a macbook?02:52
sharperguychevdor, all sudo commands ask for your user password02:52
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frogzoochevdor: that's what it means - don't share your user password02:53
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sharperguychevdor, probably easier if you just read the link to find out about it02:53
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TexasTazIs there only one cd for the server installation02:53
ikoniasharperguy: I'm not %100 certain on this, but I think you can remove the blkid's in edgy and replace it with hdb302:53
ikoniaTexasTaz: yes02:53
chevdorsharperguy I'll read the link, just surprised with this new rule ^^02:53
ikoniachevdor: not new02:54
pbureauor simply change the root password account password and sudo su will ask for root password therefore blocking anyone knowing your usera ccount from using the root account02:54
TexasTazI am trying to install cacti and stuff but I can't get the desktop to let me do that02:54
sharperguychevdor, I think its always been the default with ubuntu to use sudo02:54
ikoniaTexasTaz: whats the error ?02:54
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TexasTazLEt me try and recreate it hold on a sec02:54
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agliv5Apparently, a system link is broken because it's trying to install to a dir that no longer exists... can someone please help me fix it?02:55
sharperguyikonia, yea, you can do it with other partitions. I was just wondering what the fstab line should look like for swap02:55
pbureauswap sw 0 002:55
Cappycan X run on a linux server that doesn't have a video card installed, say if you want to VNC in or whatever02:55
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ikoniasharperguy: /dev/hda3       none            swap    sw              0       002:55
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sharperguyikonia, cheers02:55
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ikoniaCappy: you can't run X but you can have the x libs installed02:56
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chevdorThank you guy, I don't say it is a bad way, I am just discovering ^^, although, for some reasons I think it is better to have a root password, i keep reading the ubuntu wiki ^^02:56
dusty_hey guys, for some reason my firefox randomly crashes and its pretty frequent.02:56
dusty_          running it on ubuntu linux any ideas why? or how i can find out why - possibly02:56
dusty_          one of the plugins not sure?02:56
dusty_          one of the plugins not sure?02:56
dusty_hey guys, for some reason my firefox randomly crashes and its pretty frequent.02:57
ikoniadusty_: stop !02:57
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dusty_sorry my irc client messedup02:57
Cappyikonia: crap, I thought for sure I could =P02:57
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GuerrillaWonDusty_ are you running the same program when this happens? And what do you mean by crash? What exactly happens?02:57
TexasTaznm I see what happened DUH!02:57
ikoniaCappy: no as there will be no 0:0 display (for example) however you can have the libs installed and run that remotly02:57
ikoniaCappy: if you see what I mean02:58
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dusty_GuerrillaWon it just goes away like disappears, i run xchat and kconsole at the same time02:58
TexasTazshhot lol02:58
TexasTazWrong kb02:58
Cappyikonia: I think so, thanks, I'll google for more02:58
GuerrillaWonThe sreen goes black forcing you to reboot?02:58
ikoniaCappy: cool, let me know if you want more detail or explination02:58
dusty_no firefox closes02:58
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ikoniaCappy: keep in mind that vnc isn't X02:59
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ikoniaits a remote protocol - not a desktop/x-client02:59
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TexasTazWhat causes this -> Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)03:00
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ikoniaTexasTaz: your not root or synaptic is already running03:01
TexasTazYeah it was thanks03:01
TexasTazI am stu\ill getting usede to ubuntu03:01
TexasTazstill getting used to it03:01
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art_http://wklej.org/id/fb1661ae44 - what im doing wrong?03:02
ikoniaart_: 1.) thats wine 2.) its complaining that your X server does not have GL enabled/working03:03
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seravitaehow can i make my own keyboard shortcuts? not thru preferences-->keyboard shortcuts... i wanna launch a script i made.03:03
GreyGhostart_ , run "glxinfo | grep renderer "03:03
Morrowynart, you prolly dont have opengl running on your X03:03
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soundray!xbindkeys | seravitae03:04
ikoniaseravitae: so launch the script03:04
ubotuseravitae: xbindkeys: Associate a combination of keys or mouse buttons with a shell command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.1-1.1 (edgy), package size 26 kB, installed size 148 kB03:04
Morrowyneither load "glx" in your xorg.conf is commented out or your vidcard doesnt support it03:04
seravitaesweet, ta.03:04
art_let me see03:04
drkmI've got a problem, my system updater came up yesterday and told me there was updates available.. as usual I updated and when I turned my system on this morning, there was a problem with my nvidia drivers and I had to the generic NV ones.. but then gnome loaded up ratherer than KDE, my default.. has anyone one else had any problems?03:04
theDeuscan i start an application on a special desktop in beryl??03:04
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Morrowynyou need to the newer linux modules restricted thingy03:05
soundraytheDeus: ask in #ubuntu-effects please03:05
ikoniatheDeus: whats a special desktop ?03:05
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theDeussoundray i will do03:05
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ikoniatheDeus: whats a special desktop ?03:05
theDeusikonia that i can choos on what a desktop a program starts03:05
ikoniaahhh I see03:05
Silveradoare there italian?03:06
shafirehow can i install uubuntu minmal?03:06
ikoniatheDeus: you may want to ask that like this "How can I tell an applicaiton to launch on a specific desktop under beryl"03:06
theDeustermin at desktop 1, firefox on 2 and so on03:06
IdleOne!it | Silverado03:06
ubotuSilverado: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:06
ikoniashafire: install the server edition03:06
soundraytheDeus: in gnome/metacity, you can achieve that with devilspie. Don't know if the same will work in beryl03:06
theDeusyes ikonia :) sorry for my bad english03:06
ikoniatheDeus: thats no problem, I just think you'll get a better response if you ask that way03:07
IdleOneSilverado: prego03:07
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theDeusikonia thanks, i will ask in the other channel and later here again if a get no response03:08
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theDeusmy english is damn bad03:08
xratexhihi, how do i reconfigure the xserver?03:08
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frogzoosudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:08
seravitaesoundray: i installed xbindkeys but /usr/inlcude/X11/keysym.h and such doesnt exist so i can't determine the codes.03:08
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geokokHi. Can I copy files with cp to a non-existing folder (without using mkdir first)??03:09
xratexi tryed that frogzoo but when i put the password doesent work, maybe if i change it?03:09
ikoniatheDeus: your english is fine, I'm just trying to help you get the best response03:09
SilveradoCiao a tutti e buon proseguimento03:10
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theDeusikonia you think that my english is fine? i don't think so:)03:10
agliv5modprobe kqemu is trying to insert into a dirrectory that no longer exists... can anyone help me fix this problem?03:10
soundrayseravitae: try xbindkeys-config (extra package) for configuring. If you still get this error, you may need the build-essential package.03:10
ikoniaits fine, I get your message03:10
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theDeusbut i dont know why it is so bad ^^03:10
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geokokfoutrelis hi. Can u help me with CLI?03:11
drkmI've got a problem, my system updater came up yesterday and told me there was updates available.. as usual I updated and when I turned my system on this morning, there was a problem with my nvidia drivers and I had to the generic NV ones.. but then gnome loaded up ratherer than KDE, my default.. has anyone one else had any problems?03:11
IdleOnetheDeus: your english may not be perfect but you seem to speak it well enough to get other people to understand what it is you want :)03:11
seravitaesoundray: it's cool, i guessed it and it works.03:11
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foutrelisgeokok: I 'd be happy to :)03:11
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foutrelisgeokok: If I can of course03:12
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peciskwhat I should enable in /etc/apache2/mods-aviable to get LDAP supported Auth03:12
theDeusIdleOne yes i know some english basics :)03:12
Guardianhi i'm running a dell inspiron 8600 laptop, when battery is empty it just shuts down ... what should i fix/install ?03:12
geokokthanks foutrelis. I want to cp /folderA/*.mp3 /media/usbdisk/folderB without using mkdir to create folderB first03:12
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soundrayGuardian: System-Preferences-Power Management03:13
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frogzooGuardian: that's correct behaviour, what's the problem?03:13
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IdleOneGuardian: i am guessing here but I think you need to change the settings in power management under Sytem > Administrations somewhere :/03:14
foutrelisgeokok: Why don't you want to use mkdir?03:14
Guardianfrogzoo: brutal shutdown03:14
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geokokfoutrelis because the folders are way too many and I want to avoid one step if possible03:14
Guardianfrogzoo: like, brutal power off03:14
foutrelisgeokok: Oh.. I see :)03:14
foutrelislet me see something03:14
theDeusokay i will ask again, perhaps is now somebody here who know the answer :)03:14
theDeusHow can I tell an application to launch on a specific desktop under beryl?03:15
soundraytheDeus: use devilspie03:15
foutrelisgeokok: Try using the -r switch :)03:15
frogzooGuardian: something's wrong then - the shutdown should run the shutdown scripts03:15
TexasTazOkay got that part done03:15
art_http://wklej.org/id/9a87e2122a i have something like that when makeglxinfo | grep renderer03:15
theDeusshould i try if it runs together with beryl? :)03:15
Guardianindeed something's wrong03:15
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Guardianalso, battery life is by far lower when running ubuntu compared to windows :(03:16
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geokokfoutrelis no luck with recursive03:16
frogzooGuardian: you can vastly improve battery life with tweaking03:17
soundrayGuardian: make sure you have laptop-mode-tools installed and configure /etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf03:17
geo-like what?03:17
Guardiansoundray: thx03:17
foutrelisgeokok: Does it copy all the files and you just want the mp3s?03:17
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geokokfoutrelis no I can get the mp3's only. I dont want to create manually the destination folder03:18
TexasTazHow do I change the default software sources?03:18
geokokfoutrelis try to copy something to a non-existing folder and u ll see what I mean :)03:18
TexasTazWait I think i got it03:19
TexasTazHmmmm nope i guess not03:19
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IdleOne!sources | TexasTaz03:20
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ubotuTexasTaz: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource03:20
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foutrelisgeokok: No such file or directory :)03:20
IdleOneTexasTaz: dont use non-ubuntu sources unless you know what you are doing03:20
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flagDoes anybody have experience with scanning with Samsung SCX-4521F in Ubuntu 6.10?03:21
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geokokfoutrelis exactly. Cant I use the mkdir somehow inside the cp with quote marks or echo?03:21
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TexasTazI know IdleOne I got myself in to trouble with that already lol03:21
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IdleOne!scanning | flag03:21
ubotuflag: Scanning software: XSane, the gimp, Kooka. For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners03:21
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=== foutrelis plays around with cp and mkdir
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soundraygeokok: it's best to write a two-line script to solve your problem.03:24
art_how can i get plugins for avi03:24
soundray!restricted | art_03:24
ubotuart_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:24
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arnadelo_art searh automatix03:25
flagI know I have to use xsane. At the moment the scanner is not suported by sane, but Samsung delivers an driver. But the installation end with the message: /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/drivers/mfpportctrl/mfpport.ko':03:25
flagNo such file or directory03:25
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe03:25
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geokoksoundray any suggestions for the script? :)03:25
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knovakAnyone have experience with VMWare?03:26
kritzstapfhow to remove a package including all settings?03:26
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kritzstapfmy kiba-dock is messed up and id like to reset it03:26
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adaptrgeokok: cp has optios to create destination directories when needed03:27
LjLkritzstapf: sudo apt-get --purge remove package03:27
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LjLkritzstapf: this won't remove the settings that are found in your *home* dir, however. those always have to be removed manually.03:27
Peres_hello ubuntu03:28
geokokadaptr: any clues how?03:28
soundraygeokok: echo '#!/bin/bash' >/tmp/tmpscript ; echo 'mkdir $1 ; cp /source/location/*.mp3 $1/' >>/tmp/tmpscript ; chmod 755 /tmp/tmpscript ; sudo mv /tmp/tmpscript /usr/local/bin/mkdcopy03:28
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adaptrgeokok: cp -a will recreate the directory structure of the source03:28
kritzstapfLjL, hm, kiba-dock uses those gconf-settings, but i dont know how to delete items of the tree03:28
Peres_after update, my X wont start --> NVIDIA(0): Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module03:28
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:29
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foutrelissoundray: Interesting script :)03:29
LjLkritzstapf: i don't know that, either03:29
geokokadaptr it doesnt work03:29
adaptrgeokok: of course it does, man cp03:29
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Peres_NVIDIA(0): Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module problem help needed03:30
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agliv5modprobe kqemu is trying to insert into a dirrectory that no longer exists... can anyone help me fix this problem?03:30
xratex"XSERVER-XORG" is broken or it's not full installed, how do i fix that???03:30
soundrayfoutrelis: I haven't tested it...03:30
geokokadaptr u say it recreates the structure of the source? but will that do what I need?03:30
jbljoin #ubuntu-java03:30
kritzstapfLjL, gconf-editor has no button for deleting folders :/03:30
LjLPeres_: do you have Edgy and have some non-official nvidia drivers installed?03:30
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Peres_LjL: yeah, i have03:31
adaptrgeokok: not if the script he swhowed is what you want, no03:31
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CrakeHunterhello, i am trying to mount and install a cd with cedega - it gives me an erroer message: block device /dev/hda is write-protected, mounting read-only; wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda, missing codepage or other error ; what can i do03:31
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LjLPeres_: well, you noticed there was a kernel update two days ago - new kernel version = your unofficial drivers stop working03:31
LjLPeres_: get newer versions. where did you get the drivers from originally?03:31
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:LjL] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org
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Peres_LjL: yeah, i rebooted this morning..03:31
zarephathCrakeHunter: Are you trying to install to a ntfs drive?03:32
Peres_LjL: but can i apt-get install the offcial drivers?03:32
geokokadaptr yes i think it is thanks03:32
CrakeHunterzarepath, no to LVM (ext3)03:32
geokoksoundray thaks03:32
Peres_LjL, or do i have to delete the unoffical drivers?03:32
CrakeHunterbtw it doesnt even mount! so i cannot install03:32
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LjLPeres_: uh... now that you have unofficial ones (with a newer version number) installed... i guess you can, but it involves convincing APT about it03:32
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geokokfoutrelis I hope we see in ubuntu-gr at freenode03:32
soundraygeokok: I haven't tested it03:32
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LjLPeres_: you need to delete the unofficial ones first. did they come in a package?03:33
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jblI'm trying to install the ee5 SDK on edgy. I'm getting the "insufficient disk partition space" message at the end of the installer. Any suggestions?03:33
soundraygeokok: but I guess you can model a working script after my suggestion03:33
geokoksoundray I ll let u know if it breaks something :P03:33
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antonio_need help w/ubuntu macintel and sound03:33
xratex"XSERVER-XORG" is broken or it's not full installed, how am i supposed to fix that???03:33
zarephathCrakeHunter: Then you will have to look into the security settins associated with LVM more than likely...are you trying to do is as sudo/root?03:33
LjLxratex: try  sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg 03:33
jblI'm using sudo03:33
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naranhahi, i'm trying to install ubuntu on a machine where windows runs fine. however in the live cd running gnome it crashes when starting the installer or using the system for a few seconds (like firefox...)03:34
antonio_need help w/ubuntu macintel and sound, running ubuntu 6.1003:34
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mqueiroshello! I'm trying to get my email from Evolution 2.4 (in ubuntu 5.10) to Evolution 2.6 (in dapper drake). Is there anything I should be careful about, or simply copying .evolution will do it ?03:34
CrakeHunterzarepath, can you give me a more precise advice, please? i am kind of new03:34
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soundray!sound | antonio_03:34
ubotuantonio_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:34
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TexasTazHey Does Ubuntu work on Broadcom Wireless Cards or do i have to use ndiswraaper?03:34
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zarephathanyone know of a more recent guide on installing and using e17?03:34
davieyTexasTaz, try it and see03:34
zarephathCrakeHunter: Sorry I don't have any to give...03:34
TexasTazEwwww man I hate that but I will lol03:35
antonio_let me try that, had it working on 6.0603:35
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LjL!broadcom > TexasTaz    (TexasTaz, see the private message from Ubotu)03:35
CrakeHunterok, thx nonetheless, so you think the problem might be the lvm?03:35
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TexasTazThanks LjL preciate that03:35
LjLTexasTaz: i'd say ndiswrapper, at a quick look03:36
vlatko I just installed linux a few months ago...I didn't notice I couldn't play online radio stations.03:36
zarephathCrakeHunter: I am just guessing that there may be security permissions controlled by a file, or something that you have to be in to allow you to do it..you might check the cedega site too and search for the problem03:36
vlatkoanyone could help me with that? :(03:36
tony759hello everyone03:36
xratexLjL , segmentation fail (core dumped)03:36
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derrick1985hi, if there is anyone here that could help me configure hula pm me please.03:36
davieyderrick1985, i gave up03:37
davieyderrick1985, the packages seem borked03:37
CrakeHunterok, thanks03:37
LjLxratex, something is seriously wrong. please provide me with some background... have you just installed ubuntu? or have you had it for some time? if the latter, did anything specific trigger this problem?03:37
TexasTazvlatko well you can you just have to get the right stream file pls will usually play on mplayer I think03:37
vlatkohey guys, what can I do to listen to online radio....I can't do that....03:37
zarephathantonio: You might run alsamixer first and check to see that the external amplifier is on in the mixer...mine defaults to this..and I get no sound...hit M to turn it off and you will have sound03:37
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xratexLjL ill pm u03:37
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derrick1985that's never good. I keep getting auth failures.03:37
vlatkohow do I do that? stream?03:37
higiravenhello does anyone know how can i resize a video?03:38
LjLxratex: join #ubuntu-classroom instead, so if other people are interested and/or can help, they will03:38
TexasTazHold on let me find the tutorial for you03:38
ardchoillehigiraven: You mean in mplayer?03:38
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vlatkoI will appreciate that so much texastaz thank you.03:38
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higiravenardchoille: well ive got a video but I want it to be smaller in size03:38
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ardchoillehigiraven: Ok, I thought you mean the width/height of the video.03:39
TexasTazvlatko -> LINUX USERS  download and install both MPlayer (MPlayer-0.90) and the Mozilla MPlayer plugin (MPlayerplug-in-0.95). If you still have difficulties listening, download and install the additional codecs that are located on the MPlayer home page.03:39
higiravenyeah that too03:39
higiravenis is possible ardchoille?03:39
ardchoillehigiraven: You are talking about filesize?03:39
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higiravennono height and width03:39
davieyderrick1985, are you getting my pm's?03:40
soundrayI'm trying to compile a program and getting "error: FL/Fl.h: No such file or directory', even though the file is present and I've passed the location via cmake. How can I troubleshoot this?03:40
vlatkothanks a lot Texastaz, I'll see what I can do =)03:40
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TexasTazvlatko -> http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/news.html03:40
[BTF] Chm0dthis may be redundant to everyone here but I have not watched the channel.  Is the new kernel up date ok now?03:40
ardchoillehigiraven: In mplayer, hold on. lemme fire it up03:40
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foutrelis[BTF] Chm0d: Just updated. Works ok03:40
[BTF] Chm0dok03:40
[BTF] Chm0dtx03:40
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ardchoillehigiraven: In mplayer, if you change the video driver to xv, you can resize the video on the fly03:41
TexasTazYou would have to find the link to the stream file and play if through the file menu though I thinkl them book mark it03:41
ooglabooglahow do i install ubuntu using text mode03:41
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higiravenardchoille:  how?03:41
TexasTazthem = then03:41
foutrelisooglaboogla: You ll need the alternate CD03:41
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IdleOneooglaboogla: download the Alternat CD from www.ubuntu.com03:41
ardchoillehigiraven: How what? How to choose a different video driver?03:41
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ooglabooglafoutrelis: i have DVD that came with Linux Format magazine, isn't there a boot option to make it go to text install03:42
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ooglabooglai can input options just don't know what to type03:42
TexasTazI am going offline for little bit guys, Installing Ubuntu Server on this and Ubuntu desktop on my laptop03:42
ardchoillehigiraven: open mplayer, right click the main window, choose Preferences, go to the video tab and select xv03:42
ardchoillehigiraven: Then click "OK'03:42
derrick1985so, no one has an actual working hula server?03:43
ardchoillehigiraven: Restart the video and the video should resize as you resize the mplayer window03:43
IdleOnewhats the command to install a .deb I have downloaded to my Desktop?03:43
derrick1985dpkg -i03:43
jribIdleOne: or just double click on it03:43
ardchoilleIdleOne: sudo dpkg -i file.deb03:43
IdleOnety ty :)03:43
derrick1985yeah, don't forget the sudo part. :)03:43
higiravenardchoille:  and the size saves? i mean, the video will be at that resolution for ever?03:44
ardchoillehigiraven: No, it will fall back to the default for that video, but you can just resize it again. The deault size for the video is in the video itself, I don't think you can change that.03:44
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higiravenah, thats what im trying to do03:45
higiraveni have to re-encode it i believe03:45
ardchoillehigiraven: Ah, yeah, you'll have to reencode. Sorry, I totally misunderstood you.03:45
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IdleOneis Virtualbox in the repos?03:46
ubotuVirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox03:46
ardchoilleIdleOne: ^^03:46
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IdleOneardchoille: yeah but the instruction on that site are a little confusing to me :/03:46
ompaulIdleOne, one would expect you to know how to check the repos at this stage03:47
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IdleOneompaul: I do :P and I did but came up empty so I figured I would ask anyway :)03:47
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ardchoilleIdleOne: apt-cache search virtualbox returns nothing03:48
IdleOneok so it seems I need to compile a kernel module but that frightens me a little03:48
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ikoniaIdleOne: what are you trying to install03:48
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jussi01hei all, Im learning c++ through tutorials... Ive just written the "hello world" program, now i need to compile it. how do I do this in kdevelop?03:49
IdleOneikonia: just read about it and wanted to try it out03:49
CrakeHunteris anyone in here running CEDEGA on ubuntu? cause i cant mount my DVD-rom with cedega. it says: block device /dev/hda is write protected, mounting read-only. what should i do?03:49
jussi01Idle one, is there a reason your not using the .deb?03:49
ikoniaCrakeHunter: a dvd rom IS read only03:50
LjLjussi01, actually even the .deb itself goes out to compile the kernel module ;)03:50
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IdleOnejussi01: I downloaded the .deb but I got a failed to compile module error03:50
LjL... and fails, if you don't have the right dependencies (which it doesn't list :P)03:50
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jussi01oh ;) thanks...03:50
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ardchoilleLjL: Do you have ESP? lol03:50
IdleOneLjL: I d/l the depends as the virtualbox site said and installed using aptitude03:50
arnduckyjussi01: what's wrong with compiling from the CLI (bash or dash) since gcc is already integrated?03:51
jussi01so anyone know how to compile in kdevelop?03:51
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LjLardchoille: i just have virtualbox installed :P03:51
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EposharkHi, I custom compiled my kernel, and all went well, I even got the NVIDIA drivers backto work03:51
LjLIdleOne: pastebin the full output of apt03:51
jussi01oh, Im just learning, didnt know i could03:51
EposharkHowever, my wireless internet is not working, what should I do?03:51
arnduckyjussi01: make foo.c03:51
IdleOneLjL: gimme a sec03:51
Eposharkhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=311158 > I followed this thread03:51
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jussi01arnducky: in terminal?03:52
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CrakeHunterikonia, the error is followed by: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda, missing codepage or other error03:53
ardchoillefla1: passed03:53
CrakeHunteri am using LVM03:53
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ikoniaCrakeHunter: why are you trying to use LVM on a dvd rom03:53
IdleOneLjL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5228/03:53
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CrakeHunterno, well its like this: i try to mount a DVDrom with cedega. and it needs to be mounted on my harddisc (i guess - im new to linux) now it gives me this error03:54
ikoniaCrakeHunter: do you have a dvd in the dvdrom drive ?03:54
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CrakeHunter;) of course, guildwars - nightfall03:54
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IdleOneLjL: I need to get to work :( I hate sundays but I'll be back later tonight and if you could help me then or tomorrow I would appreciate it :)03:55
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EposharkNo one a clue about my problem?03:55
ikoniaCrakeHunter: read up on cedega, not sure why you're having this problems, but I never use cedega so i don't know03:55
LjLIdleOne: ok... anyway check if you have /var/log/vbox-install.log and if it says anything (though in some cases it does not say anything)03:55
ikoniaEposhark: what the problem03:56
EposharkHi, I custom compiled my kernel, and all went well, I even got the NVIDIA drivers backto work03:56
EposharkHowever, my wireless internet is not working, what should I do?03:56
ikoniaEposhark: 1.) why did you build a custom kernel 2.) what options did you change in the custom kernel03:56
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rrohdesince ever I run feisty with beryl I get only a white cube without textures... what can I do to fix that?03:56
EposharkI followed this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31115803:56
ikoniaEposhark: thats not what I asked03:57
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CrakeHunterk, thanks tho03:57
EposharkWhy? Because the guide said I would gain a performance boost, and because I wanted to learn how a kernel compile works03:57
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EposharkThese are the changes I made: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1174954&postcount=50703:57
ikoniaEposhark: well, from my point of view your on your own. You shouldn't be messing with the kernel unless a.) you know what your doing b.) you have a real reason to do so03:58
ikoniaI don't feel like walking through kernel debug with someone who's just done it for no reason (with respect)03:58
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EposharkWell, I got the same problem when I didn't touch a setting at all03:58
aarohihow do i edit the theme for applications that are running on GNOME but are KDE specific?03:59
EposharkSome guide mentioned I had to re-install ndiswrapper, which I did, but to no avail03:59
ikoniaEposhark: I'd help you with an ubuntu stock kernel, but I'm not working through issue on your custom kernel03:59
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EposharkThe settings for wireless network are not changed in my kernel ikonia, I loaded my existing .config file03:59
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ikoniaEposhark: sorry, thats not how it works03:59
tomsp(yes, i read the faq) i have an acer aspire 5020 (not listed in the laptop compatibility lists) and while trying to install ubuntu 6.06 LTS, tnj04:00
tomspthe screen goes black after a while04:00
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tomspthat is, about a minute after the "install ubuntu" screen04:00
Eposharkikonia, I don't expect you to actually solve my problem, but I've tried what I could: I installed ndiswrapper, but that didn't work04:00
EposharkYou don't have an idea to what I could try?04:01
tomspand before i can choose my language (which would be the next step according to the help site)04:01
ikoniaEposhark: your using a custom kernel - therefore things like ndiswrapper from the repo's may be incompatible04:01
EposharkI installed it from source04:01
ikoniaEposhark: thats even more crazy as your breaking your whole repo dependency tree04:01
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EposharkAs stated here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=104539&highlight=compile+ndiswrapper+source04:01
ikoniaEposhark: sounds like you've made a mess of your box04:02
Tadejmy xmms is crashing with this error04:02
TadejXlib: unexpected async reply (sequence 0x2def8)!04:02
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Tadejany idea whats wrong?04:02
EposharkI don't know ikonia, my old kernel works just fine :)04:02
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aarohihow do i edit the theme for applications that are running on GNOME but are KDE specific? like amarok in ubuntu.... how do i edit the theme/style?04:02
ikoniaEposhark: you just said it didn't work in your old kernel04:02
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EposharkI did?04:02
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ikoniayes - you said you had the same problem in your old kernel04:03
tomsp(...er, did somebody read my question...?)04:03
ikonia<quote> Well, I got the same problem when I didn't touch a setting at all </quote>04:03
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Eposharki'm sorry ikonia, but that's not what I meant04:03
EposharkAh, I said that because I compiled the kernel first without touching a setting in it04:03
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ikoniaEposhark: well either way, sound like you've got your box in a bit of a mess04:04
EposharkAnd wireless wasn't working, so it couldn't have been a setting I broke04:04
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EposharkI didn't do much though... Compiled the 2.6.20 kernel, rebooted, fixed nvidia, installed ndiswrapper from source04:04
mhikuhow to extract tbz files?04:04
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ikoniathats enough04:04
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ikoniamhiku: tar jxvf04:04
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ardchoilleGood night :)04:05
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agliv5modprobe kqemu is trying to insert into a dirrectory that no longer exists... can anyone help me fix this problem?04:05
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ikoniaagliv5: make the dir ?04:05
Tadejis there any last.fm xmms plugin that works ok?04:05
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agliv5ikonia, It's trying to install into a dir for the linux-headers that I have since replaced with a different version, so I want it to install to the dir where the installed version is...04:07
Belkremwhats the command for the termial to list your hardware04:07
ikoniaagliv5: why have you swapped the header versions ?04:07
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agliv5ikonia, it's a really long story04:07
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ikoniaBelkrem: tools like lspci04:07
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ikoniaagliv5: summerise04:07
EposharkI'll look some more, thanks ikonia :-)04:08
agliv5ikonia, I had -10 and everthing was wonderfull, then I updated to -11 and all **** broke loose04:08
wikignomhello! i'm trying to install ubuntu but i am encountering a problem. apparently, this is the wrong place to go, where should i ask?04:08
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ikoniaagliv5: how did you update to -1104:08
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agliv5ikonia, via synaptic04:08
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ikoniaok - thats fine, but that shoujldn't change your kernel headers04:08
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Belkremlspci lists it but i need to know the location of the hardware04:09
ikoniaagliv5: the headers should still be 2.6.x not 2.6.x-x04:09
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ikoniaBelkrem: what do you mean the location ?04:09
agliv5ikonia, so I did a complete remove of -11 and reinstalled -10, but apparently there are still some links pointing to -11 directories...04:09
Eposharklspci -n Belkrem ?04:09
ikoniaagliv5: can you please show me a line or two of the error04:09
jblAnybody had any luck installing ee5 sdk on edgy?04:09
Belkremlike PCI:1:5:004:10
agliv5ikonia, FATAL: Error inserting kqemu (/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-generic/misc/kqemu.ko): Invalid module format04:10
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Belkremthe busid04:10
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ikoniaagliv5: thats nothing to do with headers04:11
agliv5ikonia, I was following following guide to try to fix the probelm http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=308720&highlight=kqemu+edgy LjL recommended that to me yesterday....04:11
ikoniaBelkrem: is this for the xorg configuration04:11
ikoniaagliv5: show me the output of uname -a04:11
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ikoniaBelkrem: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg should detect that for you04:12
mhikuchecking for tgetent in -lncurses... no checking for tgetent in -lcurses... no checking for tgetent in -ltermlib... no checking for tgetent in -ltermcap... no checking for tgetent in -lterminfo... no, i did install all of them specially ncurses, why is that? and what is workaround?04:12
agliv5ikonia, Linux Padawan-Schueler 2.6.17-11-generic #2 SMP Thu Feb 1 19:52:28 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux04:12
Belkremwhat ever happened to xorgconfig04:12
ikoniaagliv5: look - your running .1104:12
agliv5ikonia, and how do I change back to -10?04:13
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ikoniaagliv5: you need to reboot and select the .10 option from grub - then remove .1104:13
GreyGhostjbl .ee is?04:13
agliv5ikonia, what if I already removed all .11 files from my system?04:13
brannhello. has someone experienced a poor sound quality while playing mp3 with ubuntu (whatever the mp3 player I use).... it's still audible but the quality is far better with windows .. what could i do?04:14
ikoniaagliv5: you can't have as your running .1104:14
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agliv5ikonia, haven't rebooted yet...04:14
jblGreyGhost: java EE504:14
ikoniaagliv5: you can't be serious ????04:14
ikoniaagliv5: this is basic stuff04:14
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GreyGhost!java | jbl04:15
ubotujbl: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository04:15
LjLagliv5, ikonia: actually what i said is that the *original* wiki page about KQemu was written by me and much shorter, while that forum thread is a big long and involved, and i can't quite say whether it's correct or not04:15
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ikoniaLjL: I don't have a problem with the wiki page04:15
cow_2001i had a bunch of packages on the updating app that were under "Distribution Updates" but they were grey04:15
agliv5ikonia, I apparently mistakenly thought that it would fix the problem to remove .11 completely so I searched for all the files I could find and deleted them as root...04:15
ikoniaagliv5: use your head - how can you remove all the .11 stuff while your still running the .11 kernel  - you can't remove it while is in use04:16
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LjLikonia: i know but since agliv5 mentioned me while addressing you...04:16
HymnToLifeikonia, of course you can04:16
HymnToLifeyou van very well remove the kernel image since it's loaded in memory04:16
ikoniaagliv5: when you try to use anything it will reference your running kernel - why in the world of anything would you expect anything to reference .10 while your using .1104:16
agliv5ikonia, I didn't realize that I was still running the .11 kernel; otherwise I wouldn't have...04:16
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jblubotu: Thanks but it's not the jre thats the problem, but the Java EE5 sdk04:17
ikoniaHymnToLife: you'd have to force it - apt - should error on that04:17
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ikoniaagliv5: how did you expect it to pickup the .10 kernel without rebooting ?04:17
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HymnToLifeikonia, no, it will ask if you're sure04:17
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agliv5ikonia, everything is and has been working just fine since then and I can use synaptic to reinstall the .11 headers... I didn't remove kernel files, just header files...04:18
Anomal1hey guys.04:18
ikoniaHymnToLife: I've not got multiple kernels here to check, but I thought I was certain on that04:18
ikoniaagliv5: for the last time - the headers are not an issue here04:18
agliv5agliv5, ok04:18
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Anomal1i've just installed ubuntu, but i can't get it to boot: about 40% of the way in, I get an error: Bug: Soft lockup detected on CPU#004:18
Anomal1anyone know how I can fix this?04:18
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ikoniaagliv5: reboot into your .10 kernel and try again04:19
HymnToLifeikonia, it will tell you you're doing something potentially harmful and you'll have to type "yes, do as I say !"04:19
agliv5agliv5, I don't think I removed any kernel files...04:19
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ikoniaagliv5: what does that matter ? (even though you just told me you did) reboot into the .10 kernel and remove .1104:19
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ikoniaHymnToLife: I'd have bet money against that - but I don't doubt you04:19
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agliv5ikonia, I removed header files, not kernel files (checking synaptic to confirm)...04:20
ikoniaagliv5: it doesn't matter !04:20
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ikoniareboot into .10 and remove .1104:20
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jonwany gamers around ? got wow running with a stock binary install of wine, from the wine website, works perfectly apart from when I change resolution it crashes, (800x600 is lame) ..... help ? ;)04:20
ikoniajonw: you'll do better in #wine or #wine-hq04:21
jonwikonia: thanks ... I'll head over there :)04:21
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agliv5ikonia, is it safe to reboot and what do I need to do?04:22
cow_2001edgy is acting on me04:22
ikoniaagliv5: reboot into the .10 kernel04:22
Anomal1i've just installed ubuntu, but i can't get it to boot: about 40% of the way in, I get an error: Bug: Soft lockup detected on CPU#004:22
Anomal1anyone know how I can fix this?04:22
cow_2001when i press the left key nothing reacts04:23
agliv5ikonia, how?04:23
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cow_2001then i press the right key on something04:23
cow_2001it opens a menu04:23
cow_2001then the left key works04:23
ikoniaagliv5: well - you reboot the box , then select .10 kernel from the grub menu as i've told you 2 times before04:23
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ikoniaAnomal1: you using core 2 ?04:23
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Anomal1ikonia, what's that? :/04:23
cow_2001but once i press on it, it stops reacting again04:23
ikoniaAnomal1: intel core2 chip04:23
cow_2001is it a known problem?04:24
Anomal1oh, yes04:24
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Ciauswhat is the syntax to install the header files.....04:24
ikoniaAnomal1: what versiono of ubuntu04:24
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cow_2001please, this is highly annoying04:24
agliv5ikonia, never used the grub boot menu before... sorry and thanks for your patience, will reboot now and get back to you04:24
Anomal1um, edgy i think04:24
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soundraycow_2001: I don't think it is a known problem04:24
ikoniaAnomal1: some of the core2 chipsets arn't supported yet, (that I'm aware of)04:24
Anomal1ikonia: well, I had xubuntu installed last week, and that worked fine :/04:25
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cow_2001soundray, it's really really weird and now my father threats on buying XP04:25
ikoniaAnomal1: really ? same version ?04:25
Anomal1ikonia: yes04:25
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ikoniaAnomal1: thats VERY strange04:25
soundraycow_2001: oh no! We have to prevent that! ;)04:25
Anomal1mmm :(04:25
cow_2001soundray, he doesn't threat on buying Vista because it would never run under our computer04:25
cow_2001soundray, ^_^04:25
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soundraycow_2001: can you go to a terminal and run 'sudo cat /dev/input/mouse0'. When you move the mouse after that, you should see lots of unreadable characters.04:27
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soundraycow_2001: now when you click the left mouse button, you should see something happening, probably the cursor wobbling backwards and forwards04:27
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Anomal1ikonia: so, any ideas? :(04:28
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ikoniaAnomal1: well, that error is basiclly suggesting that there is a problem with your cpu, the most common is because its not supported so either you have a problem with you cpu - or your using a different version of ubuntu04:29
tuskerniniQuestion: how do i use nc to talk between two computers using ip again?04:29
Anomal1ikonia: hum, ok.04:29
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xratexhow do i mount a hd in live cd?04:30
cow_2001soundray, what good will it do?04:30
ikoniaxratex: same way as you do in an ubuntu install04:30
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xratexok, but may i know how?04:30
jpjacobstuskernini, put one pc to listen on a port with nc -l and then netcat stuf from the other04:30
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jpjacobsman nc helps04:30
soundraycow_2001: you will see whether your left mouse button generates events04:30
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tuskerninixratex, sudo mount /dev/hdc /media/your_choice04:31
jpjacobssoundray, xev also does stuff like that04:31
soundrayjpjacobs: I'm more than happy for you to take over.04:31
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cow_2001soundray, oh04:31
tuskerninijpjacobs, like this... nc -l ip04:31
LittlegatorHow do I make my NTFS disk viewable?04:31
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tuskerninijpjacobs, and then from the other? nc -?04:32
dyknickeHi all!04:32
ikoniaLittlegator: mount it04:32
karim_is there a way to open a window without it having borders ? I want to run freevo but it's not in fullscreen, borders are still there04:32
Littlegatorikonia: I don't know how =.=04:32
soundraycow_2001: what?04:32
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ikoniaLittlegator: is it not listed under the places menu on your desktop ?04:32
Xilon|MacbookFaust-C: you h4xx0r j0004:32
TexasTazHey Guys I am back04:32
TexasTazI have a couple of questions04:32
xratexTusk that mounted the live cd =/ not the hdd04:33
Faust-CTexasTaz: man plz tell me you dont use ubuntu04:33
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IanLiuhello guys04:33
Littlegatorikonia: Is what not listed? The disk? I'm not seeing it...04:33
BigMacHey I just went through and ndiswrapper'd my wifi card, and I installed a program to view all avalable networks. I click one and enter the wep key and it says I am connected but I have no ip? what can I do? how do I make this work so I can unplug this cat5 mess?04:33
=== Faust-C hates to see a fellow texan using ubuntu
jpjacobstuskernini, i guess cat some.file |nc -p port ip, but i don't know, read the manpage04:33
TexasTazOf course04:33
Xilon|MacbookIs it possible to install Ubuntu without a gui?04:33
dyknickeI have a strange problem with Ubuntu.. May computer won't turn off when I choose to "shut down"04:33
Faust-CTexasTaz: -100 cool points04:33
ikoniaLittlegator: if you look under places - on the gnome menu at the top of the screen, do not see it04:33
TexasTazIt is the only one that woiuld install on my sata mb04:33
Faust-CXilon|Macbook: hell no04:33
IanLiuHow do I install GCC in Ubuntu?04:33
ikoniaXilon|Macbook: yes, the server edition doesn't install X04:33
Faust-CTexasTaz: what ones did yo utry04:33
ikoniaIanLiu: apt-get install gcc04:34
Faust-CIanLiu: apt-get -install gcc04:34
Xilon|Macbookikonia: is the server required?04:34
Faust-Cthey made a server edirion LOL04:34
Littlegatorikona: The menu is there, but there aren't any disks and it doesn't show up in the Computer menu04:34
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soundrayIanLiu: you probably want the build-essential package04:34
=== ikonia hates this spoon feeding
gnomefreakXilon|Macbook: yes use alternate install cd04:34
TexasTazMandriva, FC 6, Ubuntu 6.10 and 6.10 is the only that would install04:34
tuskerninijpjacobs, thanks will try04:34
ikoniaXilon|Macbook: no04:34
Faust-Cubuntu has a virus out for it04:34
IanLiubut I did this last time, and the std libraries didn't come with it04:34
xratexanyone knows how to mount the hdd in live cd??04:34
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ikoniaFaust-C: no it doesn't04:34
soundray!b-e | IanLiu04:34
Faust-CTexasTaz: can i PM you04:34
ubotuIanLiu: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)04:34
TexasTazMan quit that Faust04:34
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TexasTazYes Faust04:34
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Faust-CTexasTaz:kk SWEET04:35
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IanLiuwill apt-get install gcc install the std libraries?04:35
cow_2001soundray, nothing much04:35
Littlegatorikonia: I'm sorry I'm a noob, but this chat is here to help people =\04:35
cow_2001soundray, restarted04:35
BigMacHey I just went through and ndiswrapper'd my wifi card, and I installed a program to view all avalable networks. I click one and enter the wep key and it says I am connected but I have no ip? what can I do? how do I make this work so I can unplug this cat5 mess?04:35
demreathIanLiu: apt-get install build-essential04:35
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soundrayIanLiu: do 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'04:35
cow_2001soundray, now it won't work04:35
ikoniaIanLiu: you need to consider this - if your trying to use gcc - you need to know what your doing04:35
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soundraycow_2001: what won't work?04:35
[yojimbo] hi04:35
TexasTazI did Faust04:35
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Faust-CTexasTaz: ??ah your not registerd04:36
IanLiuok, I'll try it04:36
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cow_2001soundray, i don't think a reboot will do anything04:36
ikoniaLittlegator: I didn't say it wasn't04:36
TexasTazOops yeah I forgot hold on04:36
soundraycow_2001: I didn't suggest you reboot04:36
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cow_2001soundray, my father did04:36
soundraycow_2001: your father must be a Windows man04:36
ZarephathWhat other files if any should I install with kernel image 2.4.27?04:36
Littlegatorikonia: nevermind, but I still need help...04:36
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ikoniaZarephath: why would you be using 2.4 ?04:37
cow_2001that's it, he'll install windows04:37
cow_2001it's the edgy, i'm sure04:37
TexasTazFaust-C:  Okay I regid now04:37
=== Bert- [n=bert@vau75-9-88-160-174-1.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
BigMacHey I just went through and ndiswrapper'd my wifi card, and I installed a program to view all avalable networks. I click one and enter the wep key and it says I am connected but I have no ip? what can I do? how do I make this work so I can unplug this cat5 mess?04:37
Faust-Ckk i got cha04:37
Bert-Hello there04:37
cow_2001one downgrades by a reinstall, right?04:37
Bert-just a little question04:37
soundraycow_2001: be sure to gloat at him when the mouse fails under XP, too.04:37
Zarephathikonia: I just searched with aptitude and that is what it listed...04:38
Xilon|Macbookthis channel is too active04:38
Bert-I'm just trying ubuntu : great desktop distrib !! :)04:38
cow_2001soundray, 98, actually04:38
[yojimbo] question, Flash 8 claims to handle the not anti-aliased effect problem with dynamic text. but I can't see it does, anyone has any idea why?04:38
Zarephathikonia: early..shoulda been looking at that for sure04:38
ikoniaZarephath: you sure it wasn't 2.6.2604:38
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LittlegatorHow to I make a windows disk viewable?04:38
Bert-but one thing : I am actually unable to play remote mp304:38
wierteldoes colon : have some special meaning in the version info?   (eg   Depends: libc6 (>= 2.4-1), xserver-xorg-core (>= 1:1.1.1))04:38
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BigMacHey I just went through and ndiswrapper'd my wifi card, and I installed a program to view all avalable networks. I click one and enter the wep key and it says I am connected but I have no ip? what can I do? how do I make this work so I can unplug this cat5 mess?04:38
Bert-I can list directory with nautilus (using smb)04:38
LittlegatorThe documentation doesn't help because "Disk" isn't under System > Administration04:39
Xilon|MacbookLittlegator: mount -t ntfs /dev/sd<x><n> /mnt/windows04:39
Bert-but I have to cpy mp3 on my disk before being able to play it04:39
soundraycow_2001: time to become independent and get your own PC ;)04:39
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cow_2001soundray, i have my own laptop04:39
Bert-someone can help me pleaase ?04:39
Zarephathikonia: What the heck...it definitely is using 2.4...and it doesn't find 2.6 when searching with aptitude...04:39
larson9999my wife is soooo lucky to have me.04:39
larson9999only because i put ubuntu on her laptop.04:39
LittlegatorXilon|Macbook : Right, well I am a complete noob and have no idea where to even type that >_>04:39
ikoniaZarephath: show me the output of uname -a04:39
cow_2001soundray, but i'll have to do maintenance when it break04:39
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dyknickeI have a strange problem with Ubuntu.. May computer won't turn off when I choose to "shut down"04:40
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co-NPBert-: I think this is a known bug04:40
dyknickeFist I must log out, then shut off04:40
hollywood177#runescaperpg discuss the MMORPG runescape04:40
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cow_2001hollywood177, woah.04:40
Xilon|Macbookhollywood177: umm spam?04:40
cow_2001Xilon|Macbook, exactly!04:40
BigMacHey I just went through and ndiswrapper'd my wifi card, and I installed a program to view all avalable networks. I click one and enter the wep key and it says I am connected but I have no ip? what can I do? how do I make this work so I can unplug this cat5 mess?04:41
BigMacCan anyone help??04:41
soundraycow_2001: I'm the troubleshooter in my family too, but I insist that everyone use Linux, preferably Ubuntu.04:41
LittlegatorXilon: Where do I type that command? xD04:41
Bert-coNP: so no solution for now, just wait for bug to be resolved ? (or work myself on this bug) ??04:41
=== IanLiu [n=ianliu@201-43-61-101.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #ubuntu []
quaalcan rhythym box not write to an ipod ?04:41
Xilon|MacbookLittlegator: Applications > Terminal04:42
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cow_2001soundray, i used to care what sys is on that computer, but now that i have my own i don't04:42
cow_2001i'll just refuse04:42
Littlegatorwow, I had even used that before >_>04:42
hollywood177i need help with ChanServ bots04:42
RoADRuNNER__hi everyone04:42
=== dring74 [n=Oper@host-84-222-144-59.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniahollywood177: whats the problem with the bots04:42
soundraycow_2001: good choice. I do support for my wife, son, mum, dad and brother -- they all have Ubuntu. My sisters (one Mac, one Windows) are on their own ;)04:42
ZarephathWow this is freakin' me out...apt-cache search isn't finding any 2.6 kernels...04:42
ikoniahollywood177: remember - this is ubuntu support - not irc 10104:43
hollywood177i need one person that is pretty good with ChanServ commands04:43
ikoniahollywood177: sorry dude, this is ubuntu support04:43
LittlegatorI have to be on root to mount?04:43
cow_2001meh :-/04:43
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cow_2001soundray, and it's partly my own computer04:43
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Littlegatorhollywood177 lol04:43
hollywood177It's getting annoying04:43
=== Anomal1 [n=anomaly@user-3e88ea1a.telcl24.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniahollywood177: who is pining you04:43
Xilon|MacbookLittlegator: yes04:43
Littlegatorhollywood177 leave04:43
cow_2001soundray, that's the annoying part04:43
[swe] RobinWho likes the new control center04:43
ikoniaLittlegator: why are you pinging him ?04:44
Anomal1ikonia: :)04:44
Anomal1i've got it working now04:44
Littlegatorikonia: he was spamming >_>04:44
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ikoniaAnomal1: great, thats the problem04:44
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ikoniaLittlegator: I didn't see him spam, thats no reason to ping him04:44
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hollywood177i did04:44
=== racarter [n=racarter@cpe-68-173-165-67.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
hollywood177i posted my channel04:44
Anomal1ikonia: huh? what's the problem? :S04:44
hollywood177which i guess it spam04:44
ikoniaAnomal1: the fix04:44
larson9999getting this error compiling: "scripts/mod/modpost: not found" should modpost be on my system?04:44
Littlegatorohh, you OWN a runescape channel... lol, leave04:44
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LjLfolks, what's going on please?04:45
=== Anomal1 nods
Anomal1anyway, update time04:45
LjLLittlegator, hollywood177: what's the matter?04:45
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ikoniaAnomal1: sorry I was asking what the fix was04:45
coNPBert-: I cannot find this bug now, but should be somwhere listed along https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bugs04:45
[swe] RobinWhat is going on here04:45
cow_2001meh, me goes off04:45
hollywood177whose is the IRCop04:45
BigMacDoes anyone here use the "mail-notification" program here because I have it running but it no longer shows in the task pane04:45
cow_2001soundray, thanks04:45
cow_2001bye bye04:45
soundraycow_2001: good luck04:45
=== ShiftyPowers [n=Shifty@c-69-181-26-13.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniaLjL: is04:46
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cow_2001soundray, thank you04:46
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LjLhollywood177, you need channel operators? if so, join #ubuntu-ops04:46
ZarephathOk I need some help..for some reason (I have checked sources.list) I don't see any 2.6 kernel images..anyone propose a reason why that would be?04:46
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Bert-coNP: ok thanks, I'll mount the volume for now and try to look around about this bug04:46
ikoniaZarephath: can you show me the output of uname -a please04:47
[swe] RobinWhat do you guys think of the new control center in Ubuntu 7.0404:47
ikoniaZarephath: the package name is linux-image04:47
Zarephathikonia: Ok04:47
LittlegatorSo, how do I login to root? >_>04:47
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coNPBert-: thank *you*04:47
jrib!root | Littlegator04:47
ubotuLittlegator: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:47
LjLLittlegator: "sudo -i"04:47
ikoniaLittlegator: you don't04:47
Littlegatorjust use sudo04:47
ikoniaLittlegator: read the basics on ubuntu.com04:48
ikoniait will give you a good grounding04:48
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LittlegatorI was going to, but I wanted to listen to music during the read :p04:48
Zarephathikonia: 2.6.17-10-generic #2 SMP...I don't have two processors this is a AMD 3200+ CPU...but I want to run 32 bit for compatibility..04:48
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ikoniathats fine04:49
=== PwcrLinux moved fp 9 to back up dir and FF browser working great
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ikoniasmp doesn't have to have 2 cpu's04:49
ikoniait can be just one04:49
ikoniaits smp compatible, not smp only04:49
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BigMacCan someone tell me how to have something show in the task bar?04:49
ikoniaBigMac: like what04:49
LittlegatorHow do I know what the numbers are? like /dev/sd<x><n>04:49
ikoniaLittlegator:what do you mean04:50
ShiftyPowersguys, how do I force a restart of apache2?04:50
ShiftyPowersit's gone all crazy on me04:50
ikoniasda is your first scsi/sata disk - partition one is 1 partition 2 is 204:50
ikoniaShiftyPowers: sudo /etc/init.d/apache restart04:50
Littlegatorso it would be sda1 for disk 1 partition 1?04:50
BigMacikonia: I want mail-notification to show there, it did before but I accidentally dragged it off04:50
ShiftyPowersikonia, that's what I ran but I get this http://www.pastebin.ca/35059004:50
Littlegatorsdb1, sdb2, etc?04:50
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ikoniaLittlegator: if your first disk is scsi or sata - yes04:50
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ikoniaShiftyPowers: you've not configured apache - its using localhost for a hostname (
LittlegatorI can't type when it asks me for my password...04:51
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LjLLittlegator: yes you can04:51
Zarephathikonia: Looks like they went with more generic kernels...mine is generic right now..but the -11 version borks my mouse to where it doesn't work...should I use the 386 kernel instead?04:51
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jribLittlegator: you don't see it, but you are typing04:51
soundrayLittlegator: you can. You just don't see it04:51
Littlegatoroh, lol04:51
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ShiftyPowersikonia, what do you mean?04:52
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LjLLittlegator: obviously, what you type isn't shown, since it's a password - you know, it's meant to be secret04:52
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ikoniaShiftyPowers: I mean you've not configured apache - the servername directive has not been set so its using
CyberCodwhat was the ubuntu discussion channel again?04:52
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Littlegatorwell yeah, I wasn't thinking lol04:52
jrib!offtopic | CyberCod04:52
ubotuCyberCod: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:52
ShiftyPowersoh, where can I set the ServerName then?04:52
ikoniaShiftyPowers: read up on apache04:52
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:53
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bart_ShiftyPowers /etc/apache2/apache2.conf , add ServerName blablabla.bla04:53
Littlegatorso how do I mount a NTFS drive?04:53
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ShiftyPowersyep, i think i got it04:53
LjL!ntfs > Littlegator    (Littlegator, see the private message from Ubotu)04:53
ShiftyPowersthanks guys04:53
ikoniaLittlegator: you've been tool a few times04:53
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bart_Apache2 + WebDAV + Virusscanner , Anyone have a working setup of this ?04:53
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Littlegatorikonia: K, that really helps04:53
ikoniabart_: why would you have a virus scanner linked into apache04:53
ikoniaLittlegator: sorry, I'm trying to highlight that you've been told, you have to start paying attention04:54
BigMacikonia:are you ignoring me or do you have no idea what to do04:54
bart_because people can upload files thought the webdav protocol and we like to scan those04:54
zero88wow, would anyone know why my wireless internet isnt sending packets,but it is receiving fine?04:54
LittlegatorLjl: I've been there, it says to go to system > administration > disks, but disks isn't on there04:54
ikoniaBigMac: sorry the screens scrolling fast with noise so I've not seen your quesiton04:54
amorphous_when i try to ifup my wireless, I get NoDHCPOFFERS recieved, but when I ifdown eth1 (the wireless) I get DHCPRELEASE on eth1 - does that mean it got a dhcp? I can't get a connection, and everything seems right. always had a connection before, but tried to connect to a mates yesterday and now can't get mine??!?! sugestions?04:54
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bart_I've tried streamav ,mod_clamav ,mod_security , dansguardian and http antivirus proxy but none are good enough04:54
LjLLittlegator: uhm, no, that's what !mount said. but i gave you !ntfs not !mount04:54
soundrayBigMac: try right-clicking the panel, select Add-to-panel, select mail-notifier04:54
Littlegatorwell it sent me !mount04:55
LjLLittlegator: and anyway !mount does specify that it's only for Dapper, and not there in Edgy04:55
LjL!ntfs > LjL    (LjL, see the private message from Ubotu)04:55
LjLif you say so04:55
=== SiCk_ [n=sick@dslb-088-073-040-166.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
jexdawgi have java sjr installed (hopefully correctly) as well as frostwire, but when i run frostwire in terminal i get this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5254/ and the frostwire window comes up, displays the tip of the day, and then just leaves an empty screen with only the frostwire title active... how do i fix it?04:55
ikoniaLittlegator: as I said  - you need to start listening04:55
LjL!ntfs | Littlegator04:55
ubotuLittlegator: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse04:55
LjLthis is what it sends04:55
=== Nuute [n=chatzill@pool-71-166-2-32.bltmmd.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
BigMac ikonia: I want mail-notification to show there, it did before but I accidentally dragged it off04:55
Littlegatoryes, and when I go to that link, it tells me to go the system > administration > disks04:56
heya0007have anyone here used C72 Siemens Mobile Phone on linux?04:56
ikoniaBigMac: right click on it and add an applet (not sure of which one)04:56
BigMacthat would just open the program I am thinking ikonia?04:56
=== funkyHat [n=matt@cpc5-nthc3-0-0-cust747.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
BigMacwhen I click it04:56
Littlegator....wait, what? The page is different now...04:56
ikoniaBigMac: right click on the task bar and add the pannel04:56
LjLLittlegator: that page doesn't mention the word "administration" at all. ever.04:56
ikoniaLittlegator: no its not - you just missed it first time around04:56
Littlegatorikonia: no, it's different, last time I viewed it it was about 2 paragraphs04:57
Littlegatoranyways, k, I'll read this04:57
LjLLittlegator, it was another page.04:57
heya0007hey, i need to install a usb cable to comunicate with my C72 mobile phone (siemens), can you guys help me? what kernel modules should i load?04:57
LittlegatorI know, but I don't know why I got that one04:57
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ikoniagee - I wonder04:57
BigMacok then what ikonia?04:58
ikoniaBigMac: add the mail applet (not sure which one)04:58
bart_heya007 : maybe SynCE can help you ?04:58
jexdawgalright i guess i'll just reinstall java and frostwire but i'm still annoyingly new to ubuntu - how do i "purge" them both?04:58
bart_heya : not sure tho cause it's for pocket pc's etc04:58
heya0007bart_, what is synce?04:58
LjL!synce-serial | heya000704:58
ubotuheya0007: synce-serial: SynCE connection manipulation scripts. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.1-3 (edgy), package size 13 kB, installed size 120 kB04:58
LjLheya0007: eh, it's for connecting PocketPC PDAs anyway04:59
bart_Heya see http://www.synce.org/ and http://www.synce.org/index.php/SynCE-Wiki04:59
heya0007i ll give it a try04:59
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art_i have this error - what i can do whit this? http://wklej.org/id/9a87e2122a05:00
LittlegatorLjL: So now they're mounted, how do I view them?05:00
ikoniaart_: exactly  the same error as I told you how to fix last time05:01
soundrayart_: what's your graphics card?05:01
LjLLittlegator: with nautilus, by going to /media, if you mounted them so that they're visible to all users (or at least your user) as the page instructs05:01
art_iknow - but it didnt work05:01
art_i have nvidia ghorce305:01
Littlegatoroh, I have to use nautilus05:01
LjLLittlegator: otherwise, fire up a shell and type "cd /media/themountpoint", and "ls"05:01
ikoniaart_: you may need nvidia-legacy - rather than nvidia packages05:01
jexdawghow can i completely remove both frostwire and the java jre runtime enviro? they are failing (i get this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5254/ ) and i'd like to just uninstall them and start over05:02
art_how to get them?05:02
Littlegatorso, where's nautilus? >_>05:02
ikoniaart_: apt or saynaptic05:02
LjLLittlegator: .... nautilus if the file manager05:02
ikoniaLittlegator: ubuntu.com - please read the basics05:02
=== daviey [n=dave1111@cpc1-sout2-0-0-cust111.sotn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Littlegatoryeha, I figured05:02
ikonialike you said you where going to05:02
Littlegatorikonia: I've explained this05:02
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soundrayart_: NVidia GeForce 3 is a motherboard chipset. What's your graphics card? Try lspci to find out05:02
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BigMacikonia: All I see is add an application launcher, sorry but I am going to need this spoon fed05:03
art_gforce is card, not chipset05:03
ikoniaBigMac: I don't know - sorry05:03
frarocoI want to see vcds I have install xine with automatix but It does not works.05:04
=== amorphous_ [n=amorphou@77-99-45-207.cable.ubr04.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayBigMac: they are applets, not launchers05:04
ikoniasoundray: gefore is card - nforce is chipset05:04
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soundrayikonia: oops, thanks05:04
=== amorphous__ [n=amorphou@77-99-45-207.cable.ubr04.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniasoundray: easy mistake05:04
=== Orhan_TURKEY [n=orhan@] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayart_: I take it all back and apologize05:04
ikoniaart_: I don't need to see the link again - I've suggested what to do05:04
Orhan_TURKEYI am a newcomer and installed my first ubuntu05:04
amorphous_how can I remove all my network settings and start @ square one?05:04
=== acez is now known as aceZ
art_its another one05:05
Orhan_TURKEYcan any body help me? in private plz05:05
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.05:05
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ikoniaOrhan_TURKEY: just ask in the channel05:05
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amorphous_Orhan_TURKEY, well done mate05:05
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soundrayart_: have you tried the wiki instructions?05:05
ikoniaart_: just follow my suggestion05:05
coNPamorphous_: what kind of network settings you mean?05:05
soundray!nvidia | art_ (note ikonia's hint and try -legacy)05:05
ubotuart_ (note ikonia's hint and try -legacy): To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:05
art_ok - so i need  to sudo apt-get install nvidia-legacy?05:06
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Orhan_TURKEYamorph thanks I just want to install some additional programs and know the repository of those programs05:06
heya0007anyone here download pictures from siemens mobile phones on linux?05:06
soundrayart_: follow the help pages05:06
amorphous_coNP, everything... I've been trying to get my wireless to work for about 2 hours & having no joy & don't understand why.05:06
BigMacsoundray: There is only add, application launcher, and custom application launcher05:06
coNPamorphous_: how do you try to get it work (i.e. configure it)?05:06
amorphous_coNP, can I remove all networking services/settings and atart again?#05:06
bad-cables-how do you install a wireless PCMCIA card?05:06
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jexdawgto install ATI/NVidia drivers, for noobs i'd recomend envy ... makes it a LOT easier. link: http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html05:07
bad-cables-i assume you get something from synaptic05:07
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coNPamorphous_: oh, sorry; not familiar with wireless cards05:07
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bad-cables-how do you install a wireless card?05:08
amorphous_coNP, using the gui's... I use ifup & ifdown... but it wont get a dhcp address05:08
bjornolaiWhen I boot into my computer only the first program I start opens. Other programs seem to start, and I see them i the promt as running processes, they just never show up in my desktop. Any suggestions what I can do..05:08
soundrayBigMac: do you have the package gnome-applets installed?05:08
BigMacsoundray: no should I ?05:08
ubotuxfs: X font server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.0.2-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 53 kB, installed size 192 kB05:08
=== sacater [n=sacater@host86-136-102-58.range86-136.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
billybobanyone here familiar with the XFS file system ?05:09
soundrayBigMac: probably. Is there a reason why you didn't do the normal install with the ubuntu-desktop metapackage?05:09
billybobim trying to set block size, having difficulties .  ..05:09
bad-cables-what do i need to do to get a wireless PC card working?05:09
soundray!wireless | bad-cables-05:09
ubotubad-cables-: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:09
BigMacsoundray:  Oh then maybe I have it installed05:10
jexdawghaha... bad cables for a wireless connection. lol05:10
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arjunhi! i have a question about X on dapper05:10
jexdawgwhat music/downloading (legally of course) and general p2p program for ubuntu do you guys recommend?05:11
soundrayBigMac: are you on edgy?05:11
BigMacsoundray: yes05:11
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soundrayBigMac: did you get there by upgrading, or is it a fresh install?05:11
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bjornolaijexdawg, azuresus has worked good for me05:12
Igor_V2how can i get the w32 codecs?05:12
jammerhi to all05:12
arjunarjun: I just did a server install on dapper, and then installed xserver-xorg-core, xerver-xorg and fvwm05:12
soundrayBigMac: does 'sudo apt-get -f install' indicate any package inconsistencies?05:12
soundray!codec | Igor_V205:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about codec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:12
soundray!codecs | Igor_V205:12
ubotuIgor_V2: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:12
arjunand somehow, 'startx' isnt there. am i doing something wrong?05:12
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jexdawgbjornolai, isn't that bit torrent only though? not direct connect, which is much more effective for old and random songs... or does azureus do both?05:12
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quaalcan rhythym box write to an ipod ?05:13
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jammerI'm still going mad with mine Notebook... I've just 2days installed edgy leaving winzoz forever (I hope)... but something's wrong with my wireless adapter... someone ca help me?05:13
bjornolaijexdawg, your probably right. Only used it with bit torrent05:13
soundray!wireless | jammer05:13
ubotujammer: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:13
=== maple1 [n=sdafsd@bas8-kitchener06-1279280580.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
jexdawgyeah. i heard good things about frostwire but i can't get it to work for some reason. errors on pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5254/05:14
bjornolaianyone had any problem with programs running, just not in X05:14
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rob5if i have two log files on my system from one of my programs I made, how can I get the contents of each of them emailed to me everyday using cron?05:14
jammersoundray: I've read all on ubuntu forum but nothing to do my Acer Travelmate 4400  doesn't work05:14
jammerWhat I can do?05:14
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BigMacsoundray: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.05:14
ZarephathI upgraded my linux-image...now my mouse doesn't work...lsmod shows psmouse...I am at a tty since I can't use my mouse in the window manager...where do I go from here? The mouse is a logitech USB and the batteries are new...05:15
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PwcrLinuxHello again.. I wondered what's up with my system, when I play DVD movie gets choppy and I checked DMA on CDRW/DVD drive it's still show 'ON' (hdc), dvd player spiked CPU at 10005:15
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soundrayBigMac: what about 'sudo apt-get -s install ubuntu-desktop' (the -s is for a dry run, so it won't download anything)05:15
arjunjammer: what exactly is the problem?05:16
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ikoniaif your cpu is %100 it will get choppy05:16
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sacaterim trying to copy my entiter home area /home/sacater, to /mnt. However it keeps saying permission denied, whats going on?05:16
sacaterit worked before05:16
PwcrLinuxikonia: yep05:16
arjunjammer: I have an intel 2200 b/g and it worked just fine the last time i tried05:16
coNPsacater: do you copy this as root?05:16
PwcrLinuxeven FF browser too05:16
coNPsacater: I mean via sudo05:16
Littlegatorso, after looking over the basics, I found that it said noting about browsing to different hard disks05:17
sacatercoNP: no normal user, but it never needed sudo before05:17
ikoniayou can't have read the basics in 10 minutes05:17
sacatercoNP: and also i cant add my whole profile to a tar.gz05:17
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sacatercoNP: i have to select all the things within the folder05:17
coNPsacater: you might need this if you have files created by sudo e.g.05:18
jexdawgi just ran echo 3 | sudo update-alternatives --config java and i now have 2 options: 1 /usr/bin/gij-wrapper-4.1   OR  2 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java - which one should i pick?05:18
trace_E_GWas anyone able to get sound working on a IBM 600E runinng05:18
coNPsacater: that are owned by not you but the root05:18
jelly-homeHi, what is the correct way to detect an ubuntu installation?05:18
=== Sanne [n=Sanne@p548D8FAE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
soundraysacater: you need sudo to write to /mnt05:18
jammerI've read that I need 2 software acer_acpi to startup wireless card, and a bclw*.inf and sys files for firmware to load into ndiswrapper... well I've just loaded firmware but acer_acpi doesnt work... and front panel blinking led doesn't works at same!05:18
ikoniajelly-home: boot it ?05:18
jammerSome idea?05:18
sacatercoNP: how do i know which ones are owned by sudo or not, there are dozens05:18
jelly-homeikonia: programatically.05:18
hjmillshow can I encode an avi to an mpeg (for a dvd) and limit the size to a gig?05:18
ikoniawhat do you mean ?05:18
sacateri have full write abilites to /mnt05:18
BigMacsoundray: Whre would the applet installer be if I already have it installed05:19
sacateri know cos i use it05:19
SanneI'm running fsck on another pc. There are too many errors and I'd like to abort the check. Can I safely do ctrl-c?05:19
arjunjammer: which wireless card is it?05:19
jammerarjun: is a Broadcom 43xx model as a standard built in card!05:19
soundrayBigMac: right click on the panel, Add to Panel05:19
BigMacI already have the newest version according to the terminal soundray05:19
=== PwcrLinux *burp* excuse me
LittlegatorHow do I view files on mounted windows hard disks?05:19
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Eposharkarjun: my Intel 2200 BG card isn't working either05:19
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ikoniaLittlegator: you've been told mutiple times05:19
Littlegatorikonia: no I haven't05:20
arjunjammer: hmm.. i have a friend with the same problem. dont remember if he got rid of it though.05:20
ikoniayou have -05:20
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soundrayBigMac: something is really strange then. Add to Panel should give you a choice of applets to install in the panel05:20
namegood day05:20
arjunEposhark: well, mine worked out of the box.05:20
LittlegatorI've been told "cd /media/themountpoint", and "ls" and I'm not sure what that means05:20
Littlegatornobody has told me anything other than that05:20
ikoniayou've been given links05:20
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drkmhow do I install KDE headers with apt-get?05:20
EposharkSame here, on the kernel that came with ubuntu, but not on a custom compiled kernel05:20
BigMacyah it has a list of things like geyes and stuff but mail notification is not there05:20
EposharkI can't find why tho05:20
LjL!compile > drkm    (drkm, see the private message from Ubotu)05:20
ikoniayou've been told to browse that mount point with nautalius05:20
LjLdrkm: kde-devel05:21
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jammerarjun: I'm use my notebook for work.... then I need wireless05:21
Littlegatorikonia: The link told me how to mount it, now how to view the files05:21
drkmok thanks05:21
arjunjammer: that totally sucks05:21
namehow to configure X so two stand-alone X sessions are started at two monitors05:21
steveireIs it possible to put symbols like theta into xlabels in gnuplot?05:21
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nameeach using a different keyboard and mouse05:21
LittlegatorI also don't know how to browse to it with nautilus, and the basics didn't help05:21
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sacatercoNK: if I copy my home area as sudo, the home area copy can still be accessed by non-sudo/me05:21
=== arjun on phone
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LjLLittlegator: hit Alt+F2 and type "nautilus /media"05:21
BigMacsoundray:  yah it has a list of things like geyes and stuff but mail notification is not there05:21
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bcfg2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:22
Littlegatorthank you05:22
LjLLittlegator: if the drive's not mounted correctly, please read !ntfs again. it explains what there is to be explained. if you're stuck on something specific, then please ask a specific question05:22
drkmLjL: when I went to install it, it said "The following packages have unmet dependencies".. then a list of packages.. what do I need to do?05:22
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hjmillsLittlegator, in nautilus keep going up until you get to the root of the filesystem then go into /media and you can see the mount point05:22
jammerarjun: I don't believe that theresn't an automatic way to configure this feature or an online complete guide :((((05:22
jpjacobssteveire, you could try putting them there if you export to eps/ps/fig and edit with xfig, export as latex, and then run latex on it05:22
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LjLdrkm: uhm, that shouldn't happen i think - pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list please05:23
steveireI set terminal png, and plot.05:23
LittlegatorWhere can I get a .mp3 decoder? >_>05:23
LjL!mp3 > Littlegator    (Littlegator, see the private message from Ubotu)05:23
BigMacsoundray: join #ubuntu-applet-help05:23
steveireIt has to be scriptable05:23
ikoniaLittlegator: read wiki.ubuntu.com and search for restricted formats05:23
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quaaldoes anyone know how to write to an ipod in ubuntu ?05:23
soundrayBigMac: no, I have to go in a minute. Have you tried Alt-F2 mail-notification ?05:24
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:24
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod05:24
jpjacobsquaal, there are toosl for that, use synaptic or apt-cace search to find them05:24
luke_Hi - I am new to Linux and Ubuntu. And I have a problem. Does anyone have a few minutes to help me?05:24
BigMacsoundray: It is running, the icon just doesn't show in the system tray05:24
bjornolaiIm really at a loss here. I cant open more than one program.. If I log in without glx however everything seems to work05:24
jpjacobs!ask |luke_05:25
ubotuluke_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:25
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luke_sure :-)05:25
Littlegatoris there a hotkey for terminal?05:25
jpjacobsLittlegator, you can make one05:25
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luke_I have just installed ubuntu and after installation my wireless card on my IBM T30 laptop is working fine.05:25
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soundrayBigMac: sorry, I can't help05:25
grimboyzenit, Lo05:25
sacaterplease help i cant copy /home/sacater into /mnt05:25
sacaterand i could before05:26
ikoniascane: what does it say05:26
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luke_Then I upgrade all system components and after this, ubuntu thinks my wireless card is a wired network card, making me unable to use my wireless connection05:26
sacaterpermission dened05:26
grimboysacater, Are you sudoing it?05:26
hjmillshow can i encode an avi to an mpeg (for dvd) at a particular size?05:26
ikoniasacater: there you go then05:26
ikoniabad permssions05:26
sacatergrimboy: no05:26
grimboyhjmf, tovid05:26
ikoniasacater: change the permissions05:26
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sacaterikionia: of?05:26
mdonahoeanyone having trouble with gftp shutting down after this last update?05:26
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jammerhjmills: You can use vlc.... with some trascoder option ;)05:27
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ikoniasacater: the source and target dir05:27
hjmillsjammer, thanks - ill take a look05:27
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frarocoI want to see vcds I have install xine with automatix but It does not works.05:27
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jexdawgi'm running beryl with the desktop cube and my global hotkeys for rhythmbox only seem to work when the program is actively selected, which is annoying because i like to havemy music in the background cubes and have the hotkeys work for it globally, but thta isn't the case. can i make the hotkey (specifically alt+right for next song) global?05:27
steveireno more ideas on putting symbols into gnuplot()05:27
arjunluke_: tried 'iwconfig'?05:27
sacaterikiona: but i could copy it earlier, so why not noe05:27
sacaterikiona: but i could copy it earlier, so why not now05:27
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grimboyhjmills, Also try http://tovid.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page05:27
luke_no - should I just type iwconfig in the terminal window?05:27
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grimboyhjmills, That's what I use.05:27
ikoniasacater: because whatever was mounted on /mnt is no longer mounter, or you where a difference use ?05:27
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arjunluke_: yep!05:27
hjmillsgrimboy, oh ok - thanks - can i limit the size with that?05:27
cyber_brain_mfkghi all!when i open mozilla thunderbird as a normal user it reports error in WebMail extensions, but everything works fine when i open it as a super user!how to set up it works fine with normal user acc???05:28
BigMacseraphim: You here?05:28
jexdawgyay! i downgraded to a lower java version and reinstalled frostwire... woot it works now05:28
grimboyhjmills, Well, it has an option to fit to different types of disk.05:28
luke_I have a little more information - because during boot, I can choose to boot the version 10 kernel instead of the version 11, and then ubuntu finds my wireless card05:28
hjmillsgrimboy, oh ok - thanks05:28
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bjornolaisacater, once youve done one sudo its rememered a while. sure you werent sudo before05:28
arjunluke_: hmm.. go ahead and type iwconfig05:29
luke_i have just done that05:29
sacaterbjornolai: absouloutley, were talking a span over weeks05:29
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arjunluke_: and? what does it show?05:29
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cyber_brain_mfkg!program premission05:29
luke_it shows my wireless card, but i am also running the version 10 kernel rigtht now05:29
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luke_so i will need to reboot, and run version 11, and then try iwconfig05:30
cyber_brain_mfkghi all!when i open mozilla thunderbird as a normal user it reports error in WebMail extensions, but everything works fine when i open it as a super user!how to set up it works fine with normal user acc???05:30
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arjunluke_: okay05:30
ikoniacyber_brain_mfkg: we need more info on the error05:30
trace_E_GAnyone know to commands to probe ans setup sound HW in 6.10...I can't seem to disable pnp now and the wrong sound module keeps getting loaded05:30
luke_but what do i do, if it does not find my wireless card, when I boot with version 11 of the kernel?05:31
hbaigusteveire, see http://t16web.lanl.gov/Kawano/gnuplot/label-e.html05:31
frarocoI want to see vcds I have install xine with automatix but It does not works.05:31
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whoniccawhats the key to move windows around on gnome, say ones without borders and menubars05:31
=== lightseed [n=bones@bas10-toronto12-1177644234.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
arjunluke_: lets see how it turns out first.05:31
cyber_brain_mfkgikonia, it cant connect to mail server as a normal user!extensions don't work at all!but with sudo everythings fine05:31
luke_ok, be back in 10 minutes then. Thanks so much05:31
arjunluke_: im pretty new to this thing too!05:31
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lightseedis the ubuntu boot screen supposed to be grey? anyone get this?05:31
ikoniacyber_brain_mfkg: need more info on exact error05:32
ikonialightseed: no05:32
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steveirehbaigu: Thanks for the link.05:32
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cyber_brain_mfkgikonia, WebMail indicator LED i red and belowe it says "ERROR"!that's all05:32
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cyber_brain_mfkg*is red05:32
lightseedikonia: something to do with the virtual fb maybe05:33
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trace_E_GAnyone using an IBM 600e?05:33
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ikonialightseed: no idea05:33
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jammerI'm coming back in 10min too05:33
jammersee you later05:33
=== td2007 [n=td2007@valuemax.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ZaggynlHi, I've just installed quodlibet, but I have no Internet Radio option in the View menu, did I forget/miss something05:34
cyber_brain_mfkgikonia, i need how to set up premissions for thunderbird!how normal user can same premissions as a su!05:34
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ikoniacyber_brain_mfkg: I don't think thats the problem05:34
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cyber_brain_mfkgikonia, do you know how WebMail works?05:35
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steveirehbaigu: Eh, do I have to redirect the output to a file or something? It's printing out lots of stuff to stdout05:35
CrakeHunterguys, how do i mount my cdrom automatically? (hda)05:35
coNPcyber_brain_mfkg: which webmail?05:35
pbureauyour cdrom is not likely to be hda, more likely hdc05:36
ikoniacyber_brain_mfkg: only very basiclly05:36
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PwcrLinuxhda is a hard drive and hdc is a CD or DVD drive or combo05:36
pbureauCrakeHunter, type mount /dev/cdrom05:36
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aidanrisn't hda just primary master05:37
aidanrwhich could be a cdrom05:37
LittlegatorIs there any way to move windows to a different workspace?05:37
=== phatrabbit is now known as smokie
coNPaidanr: sure05:37
aidanrandd have sda etc sata drives05:37
gh0stany HEBREW speaker ? i have a question...05:37
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coNPLittlegator: ctrl-alt-arrows?05:37
=== wolf_ [n=wolf@249.Red-213-98-213.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Littlegatoroh >_>05:37
smokeddoes anyone have beryl running05:37
coNPLittlegator: click on the titlebar and select on which workspace they should appear05:37
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cyber_brain_mfkgikonia, coNP - look i want to recieve my Yahoo,Gmail,Hotmail in my thunderbird inbox!and i installed WebMail extensions for thunderbird!and it works fine in su mode but as a regular user it can't find server!05:38
Littlegatorcan I move a batch of them? like 17 audacity windows? >_>05:38
K1GPLis it possible that after recent updates, edgy is turning my computer off after periods of inactivity?05:38
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hbaigusteveire, if you set 'set terminal postscript *', you have to set the command to redirect to a file (set output "postscrit.ps")05:38
steveirehbaigu: Thanks, yes, just found that out05:39
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aidanrsmoked, yes but if you have a question about it ask in #beryl or #ubuntu-effects05:39
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LinTuxwhen is the next version of Ubuntu due?05:39
steveireI'd really like it in .png though, because I want to put it in <img> tags in a html file.05:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about webmail - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:39
luke_Hi again05:39
steveireI can't guarantee the users will have imagemagick05:40
=== aceZ is now known as acez
jelly-homeHi, what is the correct way to detect an ubuntu installation programatically? Also, is repeating questions frowned upon on this channel?05:40
pbureauK1GPL, check your power settings, its sleep or hibernate modes05:40
steveireLinTux: April05:40
zythsteveire, statically compile the libs in then05:40
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steveirezyth: Eh?05:40
zythsteveire, nm, misread05:40
smokeddoes anyone have beryl running05:40
zyththought you were programming :)05:40
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:40
ubotuFor the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join     #ubuntu-sa05:40
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CrakeHunterif i mount my cdrom it tells me:  wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda, missing codepage or other error05:40
smokedi know what it is05:41
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coNPcyber_brain_mfkg: you might ask this on a mozilla / thunderbird support channel05:41
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smokedjust wondering if anyones using it05:41
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smokedi knw its not stable05:41
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coNPcyber_brain_mfkg: seems that it is not ubuntu-specific, but I don't know just a hint05:41
smokedbut how unstable is it05:41
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pbureauCrakeHunter, cat /etc/fstab please05:41
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PwcrLinuxI am not a effects fan05:41
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salottihi... I have a problem with a repositories.. that won let me do nothing on my system.... Err http://br.archive.ubuntu.com edgy Release.gpg    .. there is another mirorr ?05:41
hbaigusteveire, you also have gs (ghostscript)05:41
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eternal_pgood morning all...I am wondering, is it possible ot map the windowskey + d to bring everything to the desktop (like windows)?05:41
CrakeHunteri made a pastebin of my fstab:  http://pastebin.ca/35064805:41
zythsmoked, it crashes alot.  Not stable.  hence, it being called unstable.  It may lock your system, crash your hard disk, or eat your babies.05:41
luke_I have a problem with my wireless network card. I have just installed Ubuntu. My wireless card is found and works fine. However after updating all system components, my wireless card is identified as a wired network card. If I boot Ubuntu with kernel version 6.2.17-10 my wirelsss card works, but not if Ubuntu boots normally with kernel 6.2.17-11. Please advice05:42
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steveirehbaigu: Can I'll have to make some compromise it seems05:42
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DiOXiNMy sound does'nt work, I use to enter  chmod /777/dev/dsp*  and then I can use xmms for my mp3 but now NO SOUND! what did I miss?05:42
smokedwhat about Kubuntu05:42
=== Enverex [i=nobody@host-84-9-189-109.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
smokedit can use the opengl05:42
smokedfor 3d cubes05:42
EnverexWhat's the command to force a reinstall through apt-get?05:42
xtknightmy gtk doesn't seem to be accelerated in 2d.  any idea what's up with that?  (for example, create a large button in glade designer, mouseover it and it uses 100% cpu)05:42
luke_I have tried iwconfig when I boot with kernel 6.2.17-11 - and Ubuntu finds no wireless cards05:42
smokedsudo apt-get install xchat05:42
tim167is there a tool to convert rm > avi ?05:42
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arjunluke_: this seems to be some sort of problem with the kernel05:43
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BigMacHow can I use a .ico stored in /home/mike/images/ as the icon fo an application in the top panel?05:43
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tim167can mencoder do rm > avi ?05:43
CrakeHunterpbureau, i did make a  cat /etc/fstab05:43
eternal_pluke: I believe there is a message in the forum which deals with this05:43
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eternal_pluke_: sorry (see above)05:43
aidanrtim167, more than likely ;)05:43
EnverexAnyone having an issue with MPlayer just playing MP3s as white noise?05:43
=== Weiss [i=taw27@pip.srcf.societies.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
LittlegatorIs it possible to convert batches of .mp3 files to .ogg ?05:43
tim167aidanr: aaight cool05:44
luke_Do you then know how I can force ubuntu to load with kernel version 10?05:44
dreckslordhi dudes my synaptic says me that therse a problem with reading the cached package list what can i do?05:44
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arjunluke_: thats  easy05:44
luke_eternal_p - thanks. Would you be able to help me find this message?05:44
HymnToLifedreckslord, apt-get update from a terminal05:44
eternal_pLittlegator: there is a program to do that...crapp...you can find it in add/remove, give me a minute to remember the name05:44
arjunluke_: want me to walk you through this?05:44
Littlegatoris it audacity?05:44
tim167littlegator mplayer does that with the right commands fed to it05:44
eternal_pLittlegator: I 'believe' so05:45
=== Steve^ [n=steve@host86-130-222-196.range86-130.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
luke_that would be great - thanks. How do I just write to you?05:45
dreckslordstill the same05:45
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tim167Littlegator: Audacity too, but i dont know if /howyou can batch it05:45
Steve^Is it possible to make a little macro thing (easily), so when I type 1 command, it executes 3 in a row?05:45
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HymnToLifedreckslord, could you pastebin what you get so we see what the exact error is ?05:45
arjunluke_: 'gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst' in a terminal05:45
dreckslordits german05:45
=== derFlo [n=florian@dslb-088-064-152-163.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
EnverexWhat's the command to force a reinstall through apt-get?05:45
Littlegatorby mplayer do you mean movie player or an app called mplayer?05:45
arjunluke_: tell me when it opens up05:45
EnverexLittlegator, mplayer is an app05:46
dreckslordit is the error number >1<05:46
coNPEnverex: --reinstall , I  think05:46
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luke_it is open05:46
EnverexcoNP, Thanks05:46
coNPEnverex: yw05:46
=== sacater [n=sacater@host86-136-102-58.range86-136.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
eternal_pluke_: sorry i'm not too sure where it is, just look in Installation and Upgrading05:46
arjunluke_: keep scrolling down till you see entries that look something like 'title ...'05:46
LMJGot a question : I installed a fresh ubuntu 6.10 on my friend laptop, i play with the Gnome topbar plugin & so on, but somewhere, i desactivated the CPU power management, so the CPU speed never go down to reduce the Power consumption, How can i re-active it  PLZ ?05:47
jexdawghow do i register my nick?05:47
m00rei need a ftp server which enables me to "login with a system user account" and "with accounts that come from a mysql table". i tried proftpd, but looks like it can not handle both at the same time. anyone knows a secure ftpd with this ability?05:47
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CrakeHunterif i reboot is everything mounted as usually, even if i manually mounted my cdrom in this session?05:47
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mc44jexdawg: /nickserv register password05:47
arjunluke_: something like 'title   ubuntu kernel <version>05:47
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dreckslordE: Es ist ein interner Fehler beim ffnen der zwischenspeicherten Paketliste aufgetreten (1): Bitte melden Sie diesen Fehler.05:48
dreckslordHymnToLife that is what it says05:48
EnverexcoNP, Problem now is that I'm getting: "dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 1:05:48
Enverex field name `      E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)"05:48
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luke_at ubuntu.com ?05:48
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dreckslordis it possible to reinstall synaptics?05:49
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jexdawgdo i need to be in irc to do that? (i'm using gaim and it says05:49
jexdawgNo such command.05:49
luke_eternal: at ubuntu.com - or at another webpage?05:49
sacatertheres a folder in trash called Astronamy Pics, however i dont have permission to delete it, when i look in .Trash i cant see it, where is it?05:49
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mc44jexdawg: /msg nickserv register password05:49
luke_arjun: i just found it - is says: # title  Windows 95/98/NT/200005:49
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arjunwell.. the # is a commeny05:49
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dreckslordhow to reistall synaptics via apt-get?05:50
arjungo further down05:50
arjunlook for a line without a '#'05:50
luke_Arhun - now I found it: titleUbuntu, kernel 2.6.17-11-generic (recovery mode)05:50
pbureausacater, open a terminal sudo rm -R /trash/<directory to remove>05:50
synicdreckslord: apt-get --reinstall install synaptic05:50
Littlegator..why does rhythmbox only see 1 of my files?05:50
pbureauooop sacater, open a terminal sudo rm -r /trash/<directory to remove>05:50
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arjungood. look for the 10 version (which works)05:51
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arjunluke_: one which _isnt_ recovery mode.05:51
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luke_this one? titleUbuntu, kernel 2.6.17-11-generic05:52
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dreckslordit doesn't work synic there is some pkg that want to be reinstalled05:52
dreckslordbut it doesnt find a source05:52
exsguys, my vmware isn't working for some reason, is there a quick fix?05:52
sacatersacater@neo:~$ sudo rm -r /trash/Astronamy Pics05:52
sacaterrm: cannot remove `/trash/Astronamy': No such file or directory05:52
sacaterrm: cannot remove `Pics': No such file or directory05:52
sacatersacater@neo:~$ sudo rm -r /trash/Astronamy\ Pics05:52
sacaterrm: cannot remove `/trash/Astronamy Pics': No such file or directory05:52
sacatersacater@neo:~$ sudo rm -r /.trash/Astronamy\ Pics05:52
sacaterrm: cannot remove `/.trash/Astronamy Pics': No such file or directory05:52
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sacatersacater@neo:~$ sudo rm -r /.Trash/Astronamy\ Pics05:52
sacaterrm: cannot remove `/.Trash/Astronamy Pics': No such file or directory05:52
synicdreckslord: sounds like your sources.list is jacked.05:52
DiOXiNMy sound does'nt work, I use to enter  chmod /777/dev/dsp*  and then I can use xmms fo05:52
cablesexs, you'll have to be WAY more specific05:52
cables!paste | sacater05:52
ubotusacater: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:52
mc44!paste | sacater05:52
dreckslordyes synic it is05:52
arjunluke_: that is 11. look for
assasukassehi everyone, i wish to ask a developer to add a driver package in ubuntu, so that i don't have to compile myself, how can i do it?05:52
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synicdreckslord: reinstalling synaptic won't fix that05:52
Orhan_TURKEYcbflfbfodksdf    cmcvfjdffjk dxkldkfj j   fdjfokdrflfepftlgm   rfdjjodfuhdsu d  jtreuudfj                    rut urturhykuhueghhrhthbhjdfhfhgjffnjgjhjt                      tuyrrrrrrrrtegrytr                             tyyreytreyrytyurtyruyyt gfhsadajhdf n    sd  hhrr05:52
exscables: it just doesn't launch. it loads for about 10 seconds then doesn't come up05:52
dreckslordhow to fix that synic?05:52
luke_i found it05:53
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luke_and then what?05:53
sacater!paste | sacater@neo:~$ sudo rm -r /trash/Astronamy Pics05:53
sacaterrm: cannot remove `/trash/Astronamy': No such file or directory05:53
sacaterrm: cannot remove `Pics': No such file or directory05:53
sacatersacater@neo:~$ sudo rm -r /trash/Astronamy\ Pics05:53
sacaterrm: cannot remove `/trash/Astronamy Pics': No such file or directory05:53
ubotusacater@neo:~$ sudo rm -r /trash/Astronamy Pics: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:53
=== Curtis_W [n=curtis@c-68-48-199-50.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sacatersacater@neo:~$ sudo rm -r /.trash/Astronamy\ Pics05:53
sacaterrm: cannot remove `/.trash/Astronamy Pics': No such file or directory05:53
synicdreckslord: I can send you mine.05:53
midmoodhi all...  I need some help with my pci tvcard05:53
sacatersacater@neo:~$ sudo rm -r /.Trash/Astronamy\ Pics05:53
luke_titleUbuntu, kernel 2.6.17-10-generic05:53
sacaterrm: cannot remove `/.Trash/Astronamy Pics': No such file or directory05:53
synicsacater: quit it.05:53
mc44sacater: stop pasting to the channel please05:53
cablesexs, I can't help you.. I'm just saying that "VMware doesn't work how do I fix it" isn't a good question05:53
EnverexIs "/var/lib/dpkg/available" supposed to be entirely plain text?05:53
dreckslordgo on05:53
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pbureausacater, you spelled the directory path correctly?05:53
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dromerhi, I want to make a startupscript for synergy, but I need the client to start an ssh-session with the server, how can I make this?05:53
=== toutafai [n=toutafai@dyn-83-153-96-106.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
sacaterpbureau: yes05:54
arjungood. now count starting from the first 'title' till the 'title' corresponding to the kernel you want (namely 2.6.17-10-generic)05:54
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=== PiNE [n=bradley@bas3-montreal02-1096691013.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
arjunluke_: its important that you count right. my guess is that it's the third such 'title'05:54
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mc44arjun: might be easier to get him to pastebin it ;p05:54
cables!fr | toutafai05:54
ubotutoutafai: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.05:54
arjun(the first two being for 17-11)05:54
luke_starting from 1 or 0? And you are right, it is the third05:55
arjunmc44: :) lets do it the hard way. he will learn more!05:55
dreckslordsynic, one more help plz, i dont know the directory of the source.lsit :D05:55
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arjunluke_: amazing! start from 005:55
cablesdreckslord, /etc/apt/05:55
synicdreckslord: /etc/apt, and you'll need to run apt-get update after you put it there.05:55
sacaterpbureau: im gonna reboot see if that does anything05:55
arjunluke_: well. its number 2 ('cos we started with 0)05:55
luke_it is the third, so it is no 205:55
=== Rumpa [n=jukka@dsl-083-102-036-37.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #ubuntu
PiNEmy computer (through network-manager) can recognize my wireless router, and it shows the strenght of the signal but it can never connect.  any ideas how to fix this?05:56
luke_And then what?05:56
mc44Orhan_TURKEY: stop that please05:56
synicOrhan_TURKEY: grow up.05:56
=== francesco_ [n=francesc@213-156-52-116.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
arjunnow, we need to go up and look for a line that simply says 'default       0'05:56
francesco_iao ragazzi05:56
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francesco_un aiutino x favore05:56
pbureauPiNE, do you use WEP/WPAon that router ?05:56
arjunluke_: go UP. its somewhere near the top of the file.05:56
dreckslordwow thats a big source-list thanks dude i think it worked05:56
mc44!it | francesco_05:56
ubotufrancesco_: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!05:56
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luke_I am going up - is it to "default   0" ?05:57
dromerI need a script se this will happen everytime I log into ubuntu: http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/security.html05:57
arjunluke_: yes. thats where u got to go.05:57
zsakrthe kernel from ubuntu edgy only boots graphical mode when fglrx modules are isntalled. Anyway around that?05:57
luke_and then replace 0 with 2?05:58
arjunluke_: and change it to 'default        2'05:58
DiOXiNplz help! I can't play my mp3's in ubuntu, I usually just enter chmod /777/dev/dsp* in the terminal when this happens but now its not working... what do I miss?05:58
arjunluke_: well. thats it.05:58
luke_great - thanks05:58
dromerthe server needs to do $ synergys  and the client needs- to open an ssh connection with the server and restart on localhost05:58
arjunluke_: reboot. enjoy.05:58
luke_I am so glad, thanks05:58
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PiNEpbureau, no i have turned all the security off.  but my neighbours have theirs turned on and if i try to join it does ask for a password.05:58
Littlegatorhow do I convert a batch of .mp3 files to .ogg using mplayer?05:58
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:58
dromercables: hmm, I have kde ..05:58
zsakrthe kernel from ubuntu edgy only boots graphical mode when fglrx modules are isntalled. Anyway around that?05:58
arjunluke_: i think you shouldnt be too sure till you actually reboot.05:58
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cablesdromer, #kubuntu then05:58
luke_one more thing - another user said i might be able to read about this problem on the forum. Do you know which forum that is?05:58
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arjunluke_: anything could go wrong ;)05:59
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arjunluke_: yes. ubuntuforum.org i think05:59
dreckslordsynic damn synaptic is still the same 0 pkgs in the list and those two damn errors at startup05:59
suyoghow do i make a command to autorun at startup?05:59
mc44luke_: ubuntuforums.org05:59
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Littlegatorhow do I convert a batch of .mp3 files to .ogg using mplayer?05:59
synicdreckslord: what errors?05:59
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hbaiguLittlegator, mplayer con only do one at a time, to use it you have to make a bash/sh script06:00
suyogsomeone, please? How do i make a command to autorun at startup?06:00
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cables!startup | suyog06:00
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ubotusuyog: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup06:00
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max-_-hey guys!06:00
Littlegatorwell, hgaigu, how would you recommend I make the script?06:00
dreckslordvritualbox has to be reinstalled but i dont find a pkg and an internal errour occured i cant read the cached source-list06:00
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luke_I will try to reboot now - Thank you so much for your help06:00
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max-_-I get this when i'm surfing with firefox http://nopaste.masterfrag.de/?10906:00
suyogno no.... without gnome. I want to load a driver for my modem at startup automatically06:00
synicdreckslord: run apt-get -f install06:00
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cablesdreckslord, do you have a backup sources.list/06:00
gottatrieitMy machine suffered a momentary outage do to a power outage and I can't get synaptic or the updates files to work now. How do I repair this?06:00
enry183Epia is supported by Linux?06:00
max-_-any idea? didn't find any bigreport06:01
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jammerOk, then for WiFi there's no way... I'm still rolling back to windows :(06:01
arjunluke_: thats alright. hope we edited it right. see you later then.06:01
synicsuyog: put it in /etc/rc.boot, make sure that file is executeable.06:01
synicsuyog: wait, is it a module?06:01
cables!wifi | jammer06:01
ubotujammer: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:01
synicput it in /etc/modules.06:01
midmoodTrying configurating my tvcard i have generated a crash in kdetv or tvtime when i start them... how can I uninstall them and go back to the original configuration?06:01
cablesjammer, have you looked at this guide?06:01
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jammerfor Travelmate 4400 nothing to do06:01
=== Realgates [n=dotirc@bgl93-3-82-230-208-124.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
vlt|homeHello. There was an update to the package linux-image recently. Where can I find information what has been changed there?06:01
cablesjammer, ok06:01
dreckslordcables yes i have and it is loaded06:01
dreckslordsynic it says the dont find an archive06:01
suyogsynic: the module autoloads. then i have to type martian_modem --daemon /dev/modem every time i restart my computer06:02
eontasticness-zzfsck has been running all night, god i hope my data is ok06:02
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cablesvlt|home, it's a new version of the kernel...probably just maintenance changes06:02
synicdreckslord: apt-get remove the package that's complaining then06:02
cableseontasticness-zz, do you have backups?06:02
synicsuyog: ah, yeah, put it in /etc/rc.boot06:02
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suyogthanks synic06:02
eontasticness-zzcables: my fileserver is in raid6, one drive died, linux software raid sucks apparently06:02
dreckslordhe says the same if i try to remove it06:02
eontasticness-zzthere are 8 drives in the array06:02
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cableseontasticness-zz, ouch06:02
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eontasticness-zzcables: yeah i woke up to it telling me there was a bad drive in the array and to manually run fsck06:03
eontasticness-zzon 2.7TB that takes a while06:03
phatrabbitis Kubuntu with XGL stable ?06:03
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dreckslordmight i should reinstall it but he want kernel headers, but i cant install them without synaptics-.- what a devilscircle :D06:03
suyogsynic: /etc/rc.boot does not exist! i'm using edgy, please06:03
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synicsuyog: yeah, it doesn't by default.  You need to create it... and remember to chmod +x it.06:03
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suyogi see. thanks synic06:04
vlt|homecables: Yes, but where can I find details about what has changed? Debian.org, for ex., has a list of all changes available on their site. I want to know how urgent a reboot is ...06:04
=== karlas [n=karlas@20132143214.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
LinTuxHow can I stop UBUNTU asking me to insert the CD everytime I install new progs06:04
synicheh, I never reboot when it tells me to.06:04
cablesLinTux, it shouldn't do that06:04
synicLinTux: remove the cdrom: line from /etc/apt/sources.list06:04
hbaiguLittlegator, take you choice, see http://freshmeat.net/search/?q=convert%20ogg%20mp306:04
phatrabbiti installed ubuntu on my linux box and connected to the router and i could get straight on the net06:04
eontasticness-zzi guess i am going to have to get a backup for my backup06:04
phatrabbiti installed it on my main pc06:04
=== Br0eTcHeN` [n=dennis@p50855BA1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
phatrabbitand it doesnt connect to the net straight away06:05
dreckslordsynic what can i do know wanna ssh access?06:05
Littlegatorhbaigu: I just got the soundconverter app06:05
phatrabbitwhere can i find info on setting my net up on ubuntu06:05
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synicdreckslord: I can try if that's what you want to do, but I'd recommend against that.06:05
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AStormDoes anyone know where one can get in touch with upstart developers?06:05
eontasticness-zzAStorm: Hello.06:05
AStorm(for some questions)06:06
mc44AStorm: #upstart06:06
dreckslordmh then help me some other way06:06
AStormOk, thanks06:06
linwhat's the best way for me to play age of empires in linux?06:06
dreckslordhow to install the kernel header files?06:06
lini've tried wine but doesn't work06:06
gottatrieitI've got the update messenger showing on my machine but when I click on it, nothing happens. Why?06:06
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suyogsynic: do i need to put #!/bin/sh at the beginning of the line in rc.boot?06:06
eontasticness-zzlin: i'm not sure if AOE will run in linux...06:06
cableslin, wine doesn't work for everything. You may have to run Windows in a VM, or just use windows.06:06
Br0eTcHeN`lin vmware+windows06:06
synicsuyog: I don't think so, but it wouldn't hurt.06:06
linthanks guys06:07
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phatrabbitwhere can i find a guide on setting up the net on ubuntu06:07
cableslin, it looks like a 2d game so VMware should work06:07
suyogsynic: thanks. i will reboot now. :-)06:07
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cablesphatrabbit, it should just work... are you on a DSL modem06:07
Br0eTcHeN`vmware server console is for free06:07
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phatrabbityer i am06:07
phatrabbitit worked fine on my linux box06:07
phatrabbitdidnt have to do anything at all06:07
eontasticness-zzmicrosoft made age of empires, fat chance of that working in linux ;) --- but yeah, wine might work06:07
phatrabbitbut i installed it on my main pc06:07
LinTuxsynic: Cheers m8, thats that sorted.06:07
cables!dsl | phatrabbit06:07
ubotuphatrabbit: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE06:07
phatrabbitand its connected straight to the router aswell06:08
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eontasticness-zzerr not wine06:08
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linvmware server, i'll look for that06:08
phatrabbitthanks ubotu06:08
cableseontasticness-zz, lin, it WILL work on VMware... VMware will work with everything windows if it's not 3d.06:08
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vlt|homeWhere can I find information what has been changed in the latest kernel (security) update?06:08
phatrabbitoh wait thats a bot :)06:08
cablesphatrabbit, that was me :)06:08
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syniceontasticness-zz: you can also try cedega06:08
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eontasticness-zzcables: ive run 3D games in Vmware with severe performance problems06:08
dreckslordhymntolife u still there?06:08
linvmware server is free correct?06:09
eontasticness-zzcables: not 3d, 2d i meant06:09
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mc44lin: yes06:09
OrangeOrangehey i need mp3 codecs for Amarok. Someone had recommended me to use something like seveas packages... however i dont understand the steps06:09
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LinTuxanybody know how to install Nvidia 7300LE graphics card?06:09
cableseontasticness-zz, really? OK, I guess graphics acceleration just doesn't work...06:09
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OrangeOrangehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages "replace list_of_selection"06:09
cables!nvidia | LinTux06:09
ubotuLinTux: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:09
bcardarellaWhere do mail messages get sent to?06:09
TomEstatHi everybody ! I'm getting in trouble while trying to get dssi-vst running on an ubuntu 6.10. Anybody wanna try to help me ?06:09
timthelionhey, how do I set the gnome wm?06:09
synic!restrictions | OrangeOrange06:09
eontasticness-zzcables: yeah even with the vmware tools installed, it was a bit laggy on an undemanding game --- i had a geforce 6600 with 256 and the game required 16mb06:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about restrictions - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:09
timthelionIs it an env var like KDEWM=?06:10
LinTuxI have tried that but I cannot seem to stop and restart xserver?06:10
synic!restrictied | OrangeOrange06:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about restrictied - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:10
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=== theBishop [n=mike@c-68-80-122-9.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
synic!restricted | OrangeOrange06:10
ubotuOrangeOrange: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:10
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:10
theBishopis there a utility for managing 2 monitors?06:10
dreckslordsynic is there a way to remove my virtualbox?06:10
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mc44synic: !spellcheck :p06:10
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CrakeHunterhello is it possible to print 2 pages on 1 page?06:10
synicdreckslord: apt-get --purge remove virtualbox, or try dpkg -P virtualbox06:10
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CrakeHunteri dont see any options in my print settings06:10
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cablesCrakeHunter, probably not... LInux printer drivers tend not to be as fancy as Windows ones.06:11
dreckslordlol synic he wants me to reinstall it before deinstall it -.-06:11
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LMJany idea for my problem ?06:11
=== adious_ [n=adious@58-163-144-152.dsl.dodo.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
synicdreckslord: what's the package it's failing on?06:12
LinTuxis their a script available for automatically installing Nvidia drivers?06:12
shatratLinTux, its called "envy"06:12
cablesLinTux, I can walk you through if you want06:12
LittlegatorRhythmbox Music Player only sees one of my .ogg files...06:12
sacaterright that problem earlier about copying my home area, i did not use sudo, all the files were still owned by me, with sudo the home folder copy becomes root06:12
shatratLinTux, Id recommend using the how-to though06:12
LinTuxcables: go on then06:12
=== magicaltrevsky [n=magical@80-45-41-53.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
cablesLinTux, it's really quite easy to follow the howto, actually.06:12
dreckslordvirtualbox is similiar to vmware06:12
phatrabbitcables: i tried sudo pppoeconf in terminal and it found my ethernet, but it says it can not connect06:12
dreckslordbut i cant install it without kernelheaders06:13
phatrabbitbut if i boot in windows the internet works fine06:13
cablesLinTux, just follow that and come back here if you need help with any step06:13
synicdreckslord: pastebin the error you get from apt-get -f install06:13
dreckslordthe error is in german06:13
dreckslordcan you read that?06:13
LinTuxcables: the prob I have is how do I stop xserver#06:13
synicheh, no, but pastebin it anyway.06:13
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synicI might be able to decipher it06:13
cablesLinTux, you've already gone through everything?06:13
shatratLinTux,  /etc/init.d/gdm stop06:13
dreckslordE: Das Paket virtualbox muss reinstalliert werden, ich kann aber kein Archiv dafr finden.06:13
cablesLinTux, if that doesn't work, just reboot...06:13
synicdreckslord: no, pastebin the whole error.06:14
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synicnot in here, in  a pastebin.06:14
OrangeOrangewat mp3 codec should i install for Amarok?06:14
dreckslordthat was the whole error06:14
cables!paste | dreckslord06:14
ubotudreckslord: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:14
=== shnee [n=CurtyD13@cblmdm72-241-107-50.buckeyecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
dreckslordi know what a pastebin is06:14
shatratdreckslord, how did you install it? from a downloaded .deb or something?06:14
[BTF] Chm0dLinTux: ctrl-alt-f1 login and at console type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop06:14
dreckslordshatrat yes06:14
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quaali sure love being able to press delete on a file and it going straight to the trashbin. no are you sure you want to delete this file? bullshit06:15
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phatrabbithow do u get back to your desktop after ctrl-alt f106:15
shatratdreckslord, well, apparently some dependency is broken.  I think you should apt-get remove it and then try and reinstall, hopefully from a repository so it can get updates06:15
synicphatrabbit: ctrl alt f706:15
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salottiwhere can I change the "new user" default model???? keyboard layout, wallpaper... etc....06:16
Dr_willisquaal,  I perfer things to actually delete. No Trashcan BS.06:16
dreckslordshatrat he wont remove it untill i reinstall it06:16
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timthelionhow can I set the gnome window manager?06:16
quaalDr_willis, some things i like to find again later06:16
Dr_willistimthelion,  'set' what?06:16
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Dr_willisquaal,  the trashcan does cause some issues with removeable media. and if mounting nfs/samba shares.. sucks when you delete a 5gb file and it 'moves' it to the local trashcan..06:16
dreckslordhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5267/ synic06:17
PwcrLinuxDr_willis: I moved the libflashplayer.so to backup folder and I ran FF work prefectly06:17
richard50$ to anyone who can solve my s-video out problem06:17
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quaalDr_willis, problems with removeable media? like what06:17
Dr_willisrichard,  and the problem is?06:17
quaali actually dont have any removeable media that isnt read only06:17
synicdreckslord: what does that error message mean?  "no installation candidate"?06:17
quaalso i think i'm ok for now06:17
richardDr_willis, it doesnt work (GMA 950, laptop)06:17
Dr_willisquaal,  moving stuff to the trashcan dir and NOT deleting things..     THEN you wonder where the space went.06:18
quaaloh. right06:18
=== Theis [n=Theis@0x50c7a0d6.kd4nxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willisrichard, ' it dosent work' wow. :)06:18
=== andre [n=andre@fctnnbsc16w-156034222233.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
dreckslordyes something like that he couldnt find a archiv (or a package)06:18
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richardDr_willis, :)06:18
mark_you can bypass the trashcan and have it delete straight away06:18
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=== Dr_willis wonders what the actual video card chipset is? intel?
andrehey folks06:18
richardDr_willis, really though - I can't find any kind of documentation06:18
shatratdreckslord, try reading this, perhaps it will solve your problem.  and its not 'he' it is 'it' ;)  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34412406:18
synicdreckslord: ok, pastebin the error you get if you type apt-get install gajim06:18
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richardDr_willis, Intel GMA95006:18
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richardDr_willis, vga out works fine, but the s-video port seems to be dead06:19
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dreckslordexactly the same error synic06:19
Dr_willisrichard,  cant help ya there. never used a intel based video card/chipset at this time. There is a ubuntu wiki/forum for laptops.. and several laptop linux sites.  the s-video does work under 'other' os's ?06:19
richardDr_willis, havent tried, I put ubuntu on it as soon as I got my hands on it (a couple of weeks ago)06:20
=== tier [n=tier@dslb-084-058-126-233.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willisrichard,  i have seen where the svideo conector needs to be hooked up at boot time (in some cases) for X/video drivers to see it.06:20
=== alex-weej [n=alex@halls-129-31-82-59.hor.ic.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
andrehey guys, I've got an issue with the nvidia binaries,  everytime I reboot I have to reinstall the driver... anyone know how to fix this?  I know that it is a known bug.06:20
synichah, ^5 richard06:20
gottatrieitMy system is apparently corrupted. I cannot load Synaptic nor update manager. Please help.06:20
dreckslordshatrat yeah you'Re right thats because he says to "itself" I so i personallized that to much06:20
Dr_willisrichard,  its possible the svideo out IS broke. :) but a bit hard to prove that.06:20
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shatratandre, are you usinga different kernel every time you reboot?06:20
phatrabbitis beryl easy to uninstall once you have installed it06:20
richardI guess so... will keep on looking06:20
synicphatrabbit: yes.06:21
phatrabbitok here goes06:21
andreshatrat: nope same kernel everytime06:21
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dreckslordshatrat yeah thats exactly my problem oO06:21
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tierhello, i need help with a rv350 9600/9700 m1006:21
andrephatrabbit: if you are using synaptic it's painless06:21
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tierthe proprietary driver doesnt work06:22
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shatrattier, the open source one should work on that06:22
gottatrieitI have the update icon showint in my sys tray, but I cannot connect. Why?06:22
synictier: "doesn't work" is *never* a good description of the problem.06:22
=== burepe [n=burepe@p1155-ipbfp202kyoto.kyoto.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
LittlegatorHow do I open synaptic?06:22
pal32ii'm having issues when i play quicktime video files in vlc - videos are all messed up06:23
synicLittlegator: one method:  alt+f2, type synaptic06:23
tiersynic i can post the logs, but is there enough space in the forum?06:23
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synictier: use a pastebin06:23
Dr_willisgottatrieit,  some of the servers are overloaded at this time.. may want ty try again later/tomorrow06:23
ikoniaLittlegator: its on the applications menu06:23
LittlegatorI did that, but it says I don't have admin privelages06:23
=== Morrowyn [n=Morrowyn@s5590a6cd.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
tierhow do i use that?06:23
grimboyLittlegator, Have you typed your password where it asked you to?06:23
synictier: http://rafb.net/paste06:23
synicpaste it, and give the url06:23
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Littlegatorit didn't ask me...06:24
grimboyLittlegator, Or are you on somebody else's machine?06:24
MandrillI have an 80gb drive mounted in my filesystem. I have ownership and read/write permissions. There are currently approx 5gb of data on the drive. I'm trying to copy a 21gb folder from another drive to this drive but it keeps telling me theres not enough space. Is there some strange way that Ubuntu thinks about empty hdd space or am I missing something obvious?06:24
ikoniaLittlegator: it didn't ask your for a password ?06:24
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grimboyLittlegator, Because if so you'll have to get them to install everything.06:24
tiersynic this is nice06:24
gottatrieitDr_willis: I have tried since yesterday, the screen doesn't open. Also, synaptic won't open. I had a quick power outage that I think may have fouled my system.06:24
grimboyLittlegator, Or ask them to put you on the 'sudoers list'.06:24
PwcrLinuxpal32i: does your system spikes CPU at 100?06:24
Littlegatorgrimboy: It didn't ask me for a password06:24
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tiershatrat, do u have a rv350?06:24
Dr_willisgottatrieit,  ugh. may want to boot a live cd. and fsck the drives to verify they are all 'ok'06:25
pal32ii dont know how to check that06:25
shatrattier, I used to have.  I havent used it in a year or so though06:25
ikoniaLittlegator: have you tried launching it from the "applications" menu06:25
grimboyLittlegator, Yeah, but is the computer you are talking about yours?06:25
Littlegatorgrimboy: yes06:25
PwcrLinuxpal32i: like program very slow and lagging, does the video plays choppy?06:25
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grimboyLittlegator, Did you install it?06:25
Littlegatorikonia: I'm not sure where it is...06:25
grimboyLittlegator, Are you using the first user?06:25
pal32iits all pixelated06:25
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gottatrieitI upgraded from Badger to Dapper over the internet, can I use the Badger cd to do this?06:25
grimboyLittlegator, Or another user you created?06:25
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ikoniaLittlegator: your REALLY starting to get on my nerves by not looking for anything yourself06:25
salottiHow to change the default keyboard layout for new users?????06:25
Littlegatorgrimboy: I am using the only user06:25
tiershatrat i would like to have xgl,running. not that i real need it.06:26
grimboyLittlegator, Ok, just checking.06:26
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Dr_willisgottatrieit,  i dont even rember what the badgercd can do.. you really should track down a newer livecd.06:26
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grimboyLittlegator, Open a terminal.06:26
salottiWhere is the model ubuntu uses to create new users ??06:26
ikoniaLittlegator: system --> Administration ---> synaptic06:26
andrehey guys, I've got an issue with the nvidia binaries,  everytime I reboot I have to reinstall the driver... anyone know how to fix this?  I know that it is a known bug.06:26
Littlegatorikonia: I don't really know where to look for this, and it would be less hassle to look it up on google than ask you people who are here to help06:26
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tiershatrat should i use the open source driver fopr rv350?06:26
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ikoniaLittlegator: look on the ubuntu forums and wikis06:26
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ikoniayour REALLY becoming a pain in the neck06:27
shatrattier, check the how-to posted in the topic of #ubuntu-effects, you shouldnt need XGL or FGLRX06:27
PwcrLinuxpal32i: yea, it's choppy.. I guess the kernel, I had update still laggy when I run a program to play DVD and FF browser get slow and laggy.. I noticed the CPU spiked at 10006:27
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Littlegatoror I could just ask a simple question...06:27
gottatrieitDr_willis: Can this be performed from terminal?06:27
ikoniaor you could learn to do a bit for yourself06:27
ikoniaI'm all for helping but you are the most lazy person06:27
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pal32iwhat can  i do?06:27
Littlegatorikonia: okay stop talking06:27
ikoniayou can't even be bothered looking down a lit s of menus06:27
ikoniaand you've totally missed that I told you the exact menu where to look06:27
salottiHow to change the default keyboard layout for new users?????06:27
syniclight a man a fire, keep him warm for the night.  Light a man on fire, keep him warm for the rest of his life.06:27
grimboyLittlegator, Have you tried opening synaptic through the menu?06:27
tiershatrat thanks for the help06:27
gottatrieitDr_willis: fsck, I mean.06:27
synicer.. that's not the one.06:27
davieyHi, does anybody have a problem of video having a tint of blue using fglrx ATI driver?06:27
Littlegatorikonia: synaptic is open, I don't need that06:28
PwcrLinuxpal32i: I am waiting for kernel get updated to get better performance..06:28
Littlegatorgrimboy: yes, and it didn't prompt me for a password06:28
ikoniathen why did you ask for it ?06:28
Dr_willisgottatrieit,  fscking from a system you booted from/with mounted filesystems. is not a good idea.  thus the need for a live cd.06:28
grimboyLittlegator, Can you open a terminal please?06:28
Littlegatorikonia: Because it wasn't open, but I got it open thanks to grimboy06:28
synicLittlegator: in a terminal, what happens if you type sudo apt-get update?06:28
pal32iis there any other program I can use to play .mp4 or .mov06:28
grimboyLittlegator, Then type 'sudo ls'06:28
MandrillI have an 80gb drive mounted in my filesystem. I have ownership and read/write permissions. There are currently approx 5gb of data on the drive. I'm trying to copy a 21gb folder from another drive to this drive but it keeps telling me theres not enough space. Is there some strange way that Ubuntu thinks about empty hdd space or am I missing something obvious?06:28
dreckslordsomeone know a good how-to how to create a kernel module ?06:28
gottatrieitok, ty, Dr_willis.06:28
ikoniaLittlegator: launching it through the menu is different than alt+f206:28
Dr_willisgottatrieit,  i got a stack of little live cds i keep for just such an emergancy. I boot them, use fsck /dev/whatever as needed (rarely ever need to do this) but yours is a special case06:28
ikoniahence why I'm telling to launch it through the menu06:28
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Littlegatorand nothing different happened through the menu06:29
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synicLittlegator: did you do it?06:29
grimboydaviey, Have you tried adjusting your monitor settings? Specifically try changing the temperature.06:29
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Littlegatorgrimboy, it just says desktop examples06:29
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Littlegatorsystem > administration > synaptic06:29
davieygrimboy, it's a laptop06:29
grimboyLittlegator, But did it ask you for a password?06:29
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gottatrieitDr_willis: can I download a live cd from the internet or do I have to find an outside source to order/purchase one?06:29
hottihow to repair nvidia drivers after kernel-upgrade?06:29
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Littlegatorgrimboy yes06:29
ikoniaLittlegator: then why did you say it didn't ask you for a password ?06:30
dyknickeI have a strange problem with Ubuntu.. May computer won't turn off when I choose to "shut down"06:30
Dr_willisgottatrieit,  theres 100's of them you can download.06:30
dyknickeFist I must log out, then shut off06:30
synicikonia: ok, not only is Littlegator unable to help himself, but he won't let others help him.06:30
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Littlegatorikonia: wtf06:30
ikoniasynic: I know this06:30
Dr_willisgottatrieit,  may want to check out 'slax' or 'puppylinux' or 'dsl'  live cd's06:30
LittlegatorWhat are you guys talking about? =.=06:30
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Dr_willisgottatrieit,  plus theres the official ubuntu live cd's06:30
synicLittlegator: why are you ignoring?06:30
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madarAnyone dealing with the following? nvidia-glx: Depends: nvidia-kernel-1.0.974206:31
grimboyLittlegator, ok, try typing in the terminal sudo synaptic.06:31
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madarafter dist upgrade last night06:31
sandro__I have a problem with freeradius-sql it works locally but not from the access point, take a look there http://pastebin.ca/35070106:31
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grimboyLittlegator, What happens now?06:31
phatrabbit/etc/apt$ vi sources.list06:31
dreckslordsynic am i required to compile my kernel?06:31
hottihow can i reinstall nvidia drivers after automatic kernel-upgrade?06:31
synicdreckslord: never.06:31
Littlegatorit opened synaptic without the admin prompt06:31
phatrabbitit wont let me add liens to my sourcelist06:31
gottatrieitOk. Thanks again. Live ubuntu cd's would be at the support sight someplace? Yes? (Only a newbie would ask, right? lol )06:31
synicdreckslord: unless you need a special driver or something.06:31
phatrabbitany ideas ?06:31
dreckslordsynic ok06:32
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namewhich device is the PS/2 keyboard06:32
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phatrabbitshould i just change the permissions to chmod 77506:32
jussi01hei all, im trying to ompile a program, and make is giving me this: make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.06:32
ikoniajussi01: have you configured it06:32
dreckslordname your keyboard/tastatur06:32
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grimboydaviey, Hmm... have you tried searching for an adjustment program using synaptic?06:32
jussi01no, instructions said just type ake, then make install06:33
grimboyLittlegator, Ok, now it's working.06:33
namedreckslord: name it?06:33
Littlegatorgrimboy: thank you06:33
ikoniajussi01: I suggest thats wrong or you have to do a make -F makefile06:33
hjmillsjussi01, you mean make?06:33
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dreckslordsynic yeah i solved my problem and successfully installed virtualbox06:33
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davieygrimboy, didn't know what to search for:(06:33
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iveqyhi, I wonder how to change (delete) the update and the mail icon in the upper toolbar.06:33
phatrabbitoh ic06:33
iveqythe thing is that I need to do it manually in a textfile to be able to distribute this change in my skel profile06:33
phatrabbitu gotta sudo06:33
ubotuUnless you're Dutch, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..06:34
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dreckslordthanks for your help synic/shatret06:34
bulmeris there anything special about a laptop harddrive with a 44 pin to 40 pin converter, connected now as primary drive, installed linux on it, but I can not boot from it06:34
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gottatrieitDr_willis: Thanks again for your help. Have a good day. bye all06:34
pal32iis there any task manager in ubuntu06:34
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ikoniabulmer: does it have a boot loader on  ?06:34
PwcrLinuxbulmer: search on google,  "IDE adapter for laptop hard drive"06:34
ikoniabulmer: I suspect not if it was not always connected as your primary during the install06:35
Dr_willisUnless you're Dutch, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun?  those crazy dutch06:35
luboshello so i have installed g++ but now when i will compile app just with cout << nothing will show up06:35
bulmerikonia: i just installed the linux on it, and yes it seems it does have a boot loader on it, from fdisk it from a liveCD06:35
VividHazEhey guys, probably simple question but i'm clueless, what command do I type in to find my IP Address?06:35
jussi01ikonia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5273/06:35
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XenguyVividHazE: ifconfig06:35
ikoniabulmer: install grub on to it06:35
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VividHazEXenguy: I've used that, what is it called? is it the inet addr?06:35
capt-rogersSystem>Administration>Login. to change those weird ubuntu login restrictions...or 'sudo bash' whatever floats your boat.06:35
grimboydaviey, Don't know then. My laptop's chipset is i910 so searching for that gets me an adjustment program. The only other thing I can think of is if you have a cable inside the laptop lose or you can adjust stuff in windows if you have that dual booted.06:35
ikoniajussi01: show me the dir your are typing make from06:35
ikoniaas in the name of the dir06:36
bulmerikonia: i thought I have done it via the rescue, but I will try again..06:36
XenguyVividHazE: inet addr06:36
ikoniabulmer: doesn't look like it06:36
VividHazEXenguy: If i'm using DHCP does it matter? I mean does DHCP mean I don't have a static IP?06:36
jussi01jussi@jussi-laptop:~/gsopcast-0.2.10$ make06:36
jussi01make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.06:36
hbaigulubos, did you put a newline '\n'?06:36
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davieygrimboy, okay thanks... i '' have a look; no windows :(06:36
ikoniajussi01: can you please do an "ls Makefile" in that dir please06:37
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bulmerikonia: would this message at boot (the only message before it hangs)  "Booting from Harddisk" indicates it has grub or non?06:37
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ikoniabulmer: no - thats just your bios06:37
luboshbaigu:i have putted std::endl;06:37
XenguyVividHazE: static IP's mean the same IP is always assigned; DHCP (dynamic) means that the assigned IP changes sometimes06:37
jussi01ikonia: jussi@jussi-laptop:~/gsopcast-0.2.10$ ls Makefile06:37
jussi01ls: Makefile: No such file or directory06:37
bulmerikonia: okay..ill rescue and run grub-install06:37
ikoniajussi01: there is no make file06:37
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VividHazEXenguy: Ok thanks man:)06:38
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XenguyVividHazE: yw06:38
Mandrillhow do you change to a directory which has a space in the name from the terminal?06:38
jussi01ikonia:ok, how do I compile then?06:38
hbaigulubos, can you pastebin your source code06:38
bulmerMandrill: use " "06:38
ikoniaMandrill: use an escape char (\)06:38
psyroncan someone tell me how to enable remote desktop from the terminal? i have a headless box with only ssh access atm...06:38
yommbmandrill : or\ use\ this\  !06:38
ikoniajussi01: well you need the make file, but this isn't an ubuntu problem06:38
Mandrillnice thnx guys06:38
jussi01so where do you think I should ask?06:39
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dreckslordmv directory\ with\ space :)06:39
ikoniajussi01: the application owner06:39
bulmerpsyron: when you say headless, you meant there are no X running on that remote or just no monitor?06:39
LittlegatorHow do I add a line to sources.list (for beryl) when sources.list is read-only?06:39
psyronno monitor06:39
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dreckslordlittlegator do sudo06:39
ikoniaLittlegator: its not read only06:39
Music_Shuffle!gksudo | Littlegator06:39
ubotuLittlegator: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use  gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using  sudo <GUI-application> 06:39
ikoniayour not reading the basics06:39
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dreckslordsudo "your editor" source.list06:40
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luboshbaigu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5276/06:40
ikoniaLittlegator: PLEASE read the basics06:40
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Littlegatorikonia: I get it, okay? Stop talking06:40
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ikoniaor use the wiki or the forums before wanting spoon feeding06:40
AmaroqWolfWhen I do gedit, I never do gksudo. xD I just do sudo.06:40
oxigenhi where can i find repository with a new Inkscape (0.45)?06:40
ikoniaLittlegator: its clear your don't get it as you keep asking06:40
dreckslordwiki is down ikonia06:40
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bulmerpsyron: you need to prefix your response to whomever you are responding to06:40
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ikoniadreckslord: it was ok earlier06:40
psyronbulmer: ok soz06:41
Littlegatorwell that's too bad06:41
Music_ShuffleAmaroqWolf, same, but apparently, we're not supposed to transfer our bad habits to others :P06:41
duckvengehi all, what is the diff between the alternate and server install CD ?06:41
AmaroqWolfMusic_Shuffle: :P06:41
bulmerpsyron  ssh in with -X option06:41
ikoniadreckslord: its up06:41
ikoniaLittlegator: the wiki is up - you can use it06:41
dreckslordyeah i tryed it 2 times a few time ago but it has an internal server error06:41
jussi01ikonia: there is a Makefile.am and Makefile.in in the directory though...06:41
Music_Shuffledreckslord, wiki is very much up.06:41
ikoniajussi01: is there a ocnfiugre script06:41
ikoniaconfigure script06:41
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jussi01yes... file called configure06:41
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dreckslordmy browser says em internal server error06:41
dreckslordwtf oO06:41
ikoniajussi01: the instructions are rubbish06:42
psyronbulmer: ok now what?06:42
hbaigulubos, it works fine for me in a terminal, are you using some ide?06:42
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AmaroqWolfMusic_Shuffle: We can just let them develop our bad habbits on their own. xD06:42
Music_ShuffleIndeed ^^06:42
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jussi01ok, so what do I  need to do?06:42
dreckslordu sure Music_Shuffle that u aren't surfing in cache? i get error 500 wtf!?!06:42
bulmerpsyron what have you typed so far?06:42
luboshbaigu: thanks for your help, so its problem in code::blocks ide :o06:42
cbx33does ubutnu handle rewirtable cd discs?06:43
Music_Shuffledreckslord, I'm very sure. Lol.06:43
phatrabbitdoes anyone knw what that mac tool bar add on is called06:43
cbx33I have just put one in but it won't delete the adta06:43
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OrangeOrangehey guys.. i got some japanese songs... when i browse my folder i see the kanji or character correctly... however playing it in the mediaplayer amarok.....display it coreclty06:43
cbx33it's mounted inro mode06:43
cbx33do i need a special peice of softweare to use it?06:43
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ikoniajussi01: you need to contact the developers and ask them to update their instructions06:44
psyronbulmer: ssh -X *remotebox*06:44
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dreckslordi need a whisky thats to much for me06:44
bulmerpsyron:  specify the user like so   ssh -X -l usename remotebox06:44
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oxigenhey, how can i get .deb from here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/graphics/inkscape06:44
bulmerpsyron and make sure you add the remote box to your local display06:45
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the1337djsCan anyone walk me throught the installation for CEDEGA by Transgaming?06:45
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bulmerpsyron if it fails, please google for ssh remotely with graphics06:45
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:45
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ikoniathe1337djs: there is a wiki page on it06:46
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lubosoxigen:download inkspace->i386(me)06:46
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the1337djsikonia: Kay, tthanks ill check it out06:46
psyronbulmer: ok thanks06:46
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AmaroqWolfoxigen, if it's in your repository listings, you can just apt-get install it. If not, you can add the repository and apt-get it, or you can just downlod the .deb and install it via dpkg.06:47
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larson9999is virtualbox good enough i should quit using qemu in lui of it?06:47
robi1is apt-get the same as synaptic package manager?06:47
hbaigulubos, i don't know code::blocks, but some ides first you to compile then you have to choose to run it06:47
oxigenAmaroqWolf & lubos, yes thanks i found it06:47
ikonialarson9999: thats personal opinion06:47
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AmaroqWolfrobi1 synaptic is a graphical interface for apt-get06:47
larson9999ikonia: and what's yours?06:47
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infidelanyone know how to convert mp3 to aac?06:47
ikoniaI don't like either06:47
webbenhow can you apt-get download to a current directory?06:48
robi1AmaroqWolf: ok ty, thats what i figured06:48
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webben(note I want the debs not the source)06:48
larson9999ikonia: what do you like?06:48
NABIL_Xyo tt le monde06:48
ikonialarson9999: for what06:48
barktpolarQuestion, Is there a alsaconf for Ubuntu06:48
AmaroqWolfrobi1: You're welcome. ^^06:48
ikoniabarktpolar: yup06:48
larson9999ikonia: errr, what you'd qemu or virtual box for06:48
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bulmerbarktpolar: you can verify if it exist,  locate alsaconf06:49
AmaroqWolfbarktpolar: alsaconf, as in alsamixer?06:49
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barktpolarYeah, cause I'm trying to configure my old sound card, but I only have alsa-base and alsa-utils06:49
the1337djsikonia: Cant seem to find installtion help06:49
barktpolarno as in alsaconf'06:49
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ikonialarson9999: nothing06:49
AmaroqWolfbarktpolar: ah, I'm not familiar with that.06:49
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seikenhow can i see how much space is left on my harddrive ?06:49
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qidseiken: df -h06:49
ikoniaseiken: right click on it or use df06:49
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KohlInGAdoes anyone know where I can find the Ubuntu pictorial installation guide?06:49
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:50
robi1KohlInGA: im in the livecd right now installing. its 6 steps... pretty easy really.06:50
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barktpolarIt's a type of program that helps configure your sound card06:50
qidalthough... strangely, df -h does not show a / or /home mount point06:50
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ikoniathe1337djs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega#head-ef048728dd3a8751ca64277052178fdb2ee0718406:50
larson9999ikonia: errr, thanks!06:50
juano__how can i open a torrent with another torrent client resuming whats already been downloaded with the old client ?06:50
OrangeOrangehey guys06:50
qidthat doesn't seem right06:50
bulmerqid  try  fdisk -l06:50
OrangeOrangehelp me... i got the following error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5278/06:51
zsakrrthe new kernel from ubuntu edgy only boots to graphical mode when fglrx modules are isntalled, i recently upgraded to edgy.06:51
ikoniaqid: are you running of a livecd ?06:51
zsakrris there any way to use ati drivers from the ubuntu repository?06:51
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qidbulmer: no results06:51
qidikonia: no06:51
mytrueheroIs there any way that I can alt-tab between workspaces the way I alt-tab between applications?06:51
ikonia!ati >zsakrr06:51
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petriborganyone have an account on www.gnome-look.org or kde-look.org etc ?06:51
bulmerqid: try fdisk -l /dev/hda06:51
juano__OrangeOrange: sudo apt-get update06:51
ikoniaqid: df should show all mount points06:51
robi1!ati > robi106:51
KohlInGArobi1  I saw won a little while ago but forgot but didn't saved now I have a friend in Canada who it could really help06:51
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AmaroqWolfmytruehero ctrl+alt+left or ctrl+alt+right arrows06:52
phatrabbithow can i find my gateway address06:52
phatrabbitin terminal06:52
the1337djsikonia: dpkg: error processing cedega_[5.2] .deb (--install):06:52
the1337djs cannot access archive: No such file or directory06:52
the1337djsErrors were encountered while processing:06:52
the1337djs cedega_[5.2] .deb06:52
robi1ifconfig i think phatrabbit06:52
Littlegator I'm confused when installing beryl, the wiki tells me to add something to the device section of xorg.conf, but xorg.conf is blank unless I typed it wrong in the terminal...06:52
psyronbulmer: perhaps i should elaborate... i had remote desktop working until i left out one command (depmod -a) when installing some graphics drivers, and now i can't log in (im using tightvnc in windows)06:52
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bulmerphatrabbit:  netstat -ran06:52
arnduckyphatrabbit: ifconfig06:52
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phatrabbitthats windows ?06:52
qidbulmer: I have hda1, 2, and 506:52
nicobrainhi @all06:52
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ikoniathe1337djs: does that file exist ?06:53
arnduckyno 'ipconfig' is winDoh!s06:53
robi1iP config is windows.... iF config = linux06:53
qidmount also does not show anything mounted at /06:53
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hbaigujuano__, get again the .torrent file and choose the save to the save location as the one you want to resume06:53
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nicobrainis hier jemand der deutsch schreibt???06:53
the1337djsikonia: yes, along with many other formats06:53
psyronbulmer, so basically im trying to fix it from the terminal but im having no luck06:53
mytrueheroAmaroqWolf: That's not quite what I'd like to do. I want to set alt+caps lock to cycle through all of my workspaces. I can figure out how to set it to move to the workspace to the right, or move to the workspace to the left, but not how to get it to cycle through all of them continuously. Is there a way to do that?06:53
phatrabbitic ta06:53
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bulmerpsyron you may need to visit the remote host and connect a crt to get a view of what is going on06:53
ZtaI want my Ubuntu to automatically copy the file from a CF card to a directory, when the CF card is inserted.  What's the best approach to do this?  pcmcia event handler script?  Perhaps combined with auto mount?06:53
KohlInGAThe hunt continues!  Thanks for trying to help, robi106:54
arnduckynetstat -ran displays your routing table which works too06:54
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yommbmytruehero : I think xbindkeys could do the job !06:54
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AmaroqWolfmytruehero: I have no idea. xD06:54
bulmerqid and what do you get when you do   fdisk -l /dev/hda ?06:54
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robi1heh :)06:54
RallyMonkeyAnyone have any idea with this? When I try to boot up my system, it attempts to boot the kernel, and then gives this error06:54
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nicobrainhello, i'am an linux newbie and want to know: how can i remove the desktop icons??06:54
OrangeOrangejuano__: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5279/ after running sudo apt-get update......... i even did it multiple times... so... wat shud i do next?06:55
jrib!icons | nicobrain06:55
ubotunicobrain: Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)06:55
assasukassei have a problem with edgy, bootup is very slow and even gnome terminal takes good 20 secs to pop up06:55
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer06:55
RallyMonkey"Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unkown block(0,0)06:55
qidbulmer: it shows three partitions, hda1, 2, and 506:55
nicobrainthx ubotu06:55
quaali just installed banshee06:55
bulmerqid: you were just looking for its size right?06:55
echosypanyone here live in texas? and use cox as ISP06:55
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quaaland imported all my music to it06:55
robi1is there an actual ROOT user account in ubuntu? i need some info on the sudo / root thing cause im confused by it06:55
RallyMonkeyAnyone have any ideas?06:55
quaalthis shit sucks06:55
quaalits freezing like nonstop06:55
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ikonialanguage !06:55
quaalor hanging06:55
juano__hbaigu: aah ok ill try that06:55
quaalis there a program thats not as shitty as banshee06:55
ikonia!language >quaal06:56
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mytrueheroyommb: Using xbindkeys, what should I bind alt+caps lock to in order to get the functionality I'm after?06:56
qidbulmer: I suppose, mostly just curious why nothing shows up in df -h or mount06:56
ikoniaquaal: I don't need to see that language06:56
echosypi do06:56
the1337djs ikonia: Its an archive though. debian archive06:56
quaalikonia, grow up.06:56
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juano__OrangeOrange: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list06:56
bulmerqid: i dont know..reboot and see if it recovers06:56
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juano__OrangeOrange: paste me that please06:56
ikoniaquaal: I'm fine - I just don't need to see bad language06:56
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echosypits only bad cause you were conditioned to think it is06:56
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ikoniano - because its a rude word06:57
quaal"bad language" is only your false construct of social conditioning06:57
echosypgood and bad are opinioins06:57
qidbulmer: that sounds like a Windows solution :-\06:57
quaalthank you echosyp06:57
ikoniaand the policy of this channel is no rude words06:57
ikoniaif you don't like it - don't participate06:57
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bulmerqid: no, sometimes you must..you just started didnt you?06:57
peace-keeperbad language keeps the internet healthy06:57
OrangeOrangejuano__: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5281/06:57
yommbmytruehero : xbindkeys converts keystrokes & key-combinations to terminal commands ; if you find out the ( wm ) command for switching workspaces , then you should be there , no ?06:57
quaalit was not directed at you, therefore you have no reason to be offended.06:57
jribnicobrain: in gconf-editor, nautilus has a "show_desktop" option under /preferences/.  If you disable taht , you won't see any more icons06:57
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echosypyou can't define "rude language" because its different to everyone06:57
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mborgwhy doesn't the mysqldump command in edgy work?06:57
juano__OrangeOrange: k let me check06:58
qidquaal: see, if this was a public commons, you would have the right to say "bad words", but this isn't, so you don't06:58
LittlegatorI'm having trouble adding the beryl repositories on this link http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Edgy_with_XGL06:58
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quaalqid,  is there a list of "bad words"06:58
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mytrueheroyommb: Alright, I'll do some searching. Thanks!06:58
ikoniaguys - the rules of the channels is not swear words - thats classed as a swear word, so don't use it06:58
mister_robotoechosyp: i find that kind of argument hilarious, personally. you use specific language for effect and then argue that it should have no such effect. if all language is essentially neutral to you, just choose other language for the current context and be done with it. nothing is to be gained by such fruitless argument06:58
robi1people please, theres no reason to curse is the point. everyone back down for gods sake.06:58
ikoniaLittlegator: whats the error06:58
yommbquaal : that shouldn't be too hart to figure out , no ?06:58
SanguineAnomalyhey guys, anyone have a link to a guide for compiling my own kernel on ubuntu - i'm used to doing it on other distros, but I can't seem to find the source on here _06:59
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:59
Littlegatorikonia: I'm not sure how do add the command lines into the console, I got error when I copied them exactly06:59
wolkihi, i've got a small xorg.conf problem, and was wondering whether someone could help me. the thing is, i can't get anything other than best resolution on my laptop. ths was no problem for the past couple of months, but i'd like to have some resolutions available for a presentation tomorrow06:59
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ikoniaLittlegator: whats the error06:59
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quaalcan i say "banshee is being a cocksucker" ?06:59
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso06:59
juano__OrangeOrange: try adding a '#' to the last line06:59
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Littlegatorikonia: oh, uh, no valid openPGP data found07:00
juano__OrangeOrange: seems the japanese repo is giving trouble07:00
bulmerkick quaal07:00
apokryphosikonia: ?07:00
mborgwhy doesn't the mysqldump command in edgy work? anyone?07:00
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quaalif you have a link of banned words could you show me it ?07:00
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echosypme too07:00
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ikoniaapokryphos: offensive lanaugae being used from quaal07:00
juano__OrangeOrange: like this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5284/07:00
OrangeOrangejuano__: to test if that line is bad?07:00
mister_robotoquaal: context is everything when it comes to human language. pretend you're talking to your mother and you'll be fine07:00
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OrangeOrangejuano__: wiat07:00
juano__OrangeOrange: yes07:00
wolkii've added the smaller resolutions to my xorg.conf but it doesn't help... changing the resolution just keeps the old one07:00
juano__OrangeOrange: and run sudo apt-get update after that07:00
echosypthats some bs07:01
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso07:01
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:01
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pbureauechosyp, I think you could refrain this language in this channel no ?07:01
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ajifansLIttlegator:  please don't take this the wrong way, but I'd strongly advise you against installing Beryl for the moment.  Although it looks pretty sweet, it's not quite ready for prime time, and can take a fair bit of fiddling to keep it working properly and in conjunction with your other apps. Many experienced linux users don't bother with it for this reason.07:01
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ
LiENUSis there a way to set it so by default when i add a user it adds them to the group "users" instead of making a new group named after their username?07:01
apokryphosmister_roboto: dealt with :)07:01
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ikoniaapokryphos: can you do quall please07:01
apokryphosikonia: already kicked.07:02
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ikoniaahhh - thank you07:02
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Zta # /etc/init.d/pcmciautils start * No PCMCIA bridge module specified07:02
phatrabbitthanks for that beryl comment07:02
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phatrabbiti think i might pass on it07:02
yommbajifans : half the world has been running beryl quite succesfully  for months ...07:02
unopLiENUS,  read the adduser manpage :)07:02
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phatrabbitarrg i am confused07:02
Littlegatorajifans: Are there other apps that skin ubuntu?07:02
OrangeOrangejuano__:  duplicate source entries http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5286/07:02
ikoniaLittlegator: gnome has themes07:02
phatrabbitmeh i will just install it07:02
ikoniabut if you used the wiki and forum as I suggested you'd find the threads on it07:02
pal32ido i need to run any program on regular basis to keep ubuntu running fine like diskdefragment07:02
phatrabbitsee how it goes07:02
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Littlegatorikonia: I know, but I'm not really fond of them07:03
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ajifanslittlegator, yes go to gnome-look.org07:03
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seikenis it possible to create a wifi network with ubuntu ?07:03
LiENUSunop, i want a way to do it by defualt07:03
ikoniano look then07:03
bulmerajifans: is there a way to use that 3-d (beryl?) for other purposes like training someone like to show them how a room looks like? neat tool07:03
LiENUSi want adduser to do it without me telling it to07:03
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ikoniaLittlegator: nothing that can be done then if you don't like using gnome themes07:03
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LiENUSbulmer,  how a room looks?07:03
juano__OrangeOrange: seems you have duplicated repos, let me check again07:03
Littlegatorajifans: all I see there is compiz, are there others?07:03
phatrabbitis there a way to get the 3d cube by itself07:03
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unopLiENUS,  create a wrapper script07:03
ikoniacompiz is not supported by ubuntu07:04
phatrabbitinstead of getting beryl07:04
ajifansbulmer; maybe but it's well beyond my expertise07:04
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Nitroerm, command to get all the packages to use/compile xchat?07:04
dimeotaneanyone know what version of .zip is installed by default in  ubuntu edgy?07:04
phatrabbitKubuntu seems to work ok with beryl07:04
LiENUSphatrabbit,  yes, learn to code and use opengl07:04
ikoniadimeotane: use dpkg to check it07:04
iammischi i have 3 kernels installed how do i get rid of the oldest. MY grub menu is filling up fast07:04
phatrabbitLiENUS, ok see u in 10 years07:04
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Tominatorhi! I've got a problem... I had a wineversion from the winehq repo installed and "overinstalled" a version which I compiled by my self (due to a patch) but now I want apt to install the newer version from the repo again, but it doesn't work#07:04
NitroAnyone, I can't remember the right command to do so :/07:04
dimeotaneone .zip package in the repositories is the infozip version..07:04
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ikoniaTominator: becuase you've broke the dependencies07:05
bulmerajifans: oh okay, some client ask me about an app in linux, to do such..and I saw that 3-d thing..i thought it can be applied to his needs07:05
yell0wiammisc, just remove them like normal07:05
ikoniaby installing from outside the repo07:05
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Music_ShuffleNitro, like...sudo apt-get install xchat?07:05
soundraydimeotane: 2.3207:05
Tominatorikonia: how can I fix them?07:05
iammiscyell0w: what is normal? sudo apt-get remove ? but what are the packages called07:05
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ikoniaTominator: remove all the old wine references07:05
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NitroMusic_Shuffle: I'm going to compile the latest version, but I know by default ubuntu can't do it.07:05
Tominatorikonia: but how?07:05
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ajifanslittlegator, i'd look at the GTK2 themes, play around the transparency of the taskbars and also change the icons.  It's fairly easy, non-destructive and can make Ubuntu look nicer07:05
yell0wiammisc, easier if you use synaptics07:05
ikoniaTominator: rm07:05
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iammiscyell0w : what packages?07:05
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ajifanssorry bulmer, afraid I can't help you there07:06
Littlegatorajifans: I'll try that I guess07:06
yell0wiammisc, depends on your version07:06
dimeotanesoundray: which version... pkzip? infozip?  which one is installed by default in ubuntu?07:06
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Tominatorikonia: not really? do I have to delete each single file?07:06
ikoniaTominator: yes07:06
yell0wiammisc, and what you've installed and what you want to leave for use07:06
SanguineAnomalyhey guys, home come when i press ctrl+alt+f1, i get a black screen, instead of a VT07:06
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soundraydimeotane: infozip07:06
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iammiscyell0w i want to remove kernel 2.6.15-26-38607:06
dimeotaneikonia:  how do I use dpkg to check that?07:06
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ajifanslittlegator; once you've downloaded them from gnome-look you can install them via System > Preferences > Theme07:07
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yell0wiammisc, i removed all but 2..8.15-28-386/686/server07:07
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iammiscyell0w ok07:07
NitroI was here some days ago, and someone told me the command, but I can't remember it07:07
Tominatorikonia: I think it'll be faster to compile the newer version myself won't it?07:07
iammiscit won;t allow me to remove all of them right?07:07
bulmerSanguineAnomaly: try the next one maybe? f2?07:07
dimeotanewhat I'm trying to figure out is what encryption or password protection that .zip offers in file roller when I set a password07:07
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SanguineAnomalybulmer, same07:07
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dimeotaneWinzip and PKzip are AES encryption07:07
ikoniaTominator: thats your call, just remember your in this position because YOU broke the dependency tree, so you're welcome to carry on that way07:07
SanguineAnomalythey're all black - at least they were, they're now all multicoloured :S07:07
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yell0wiammisc, use synaptics, it gives you more visually on what you have installed / not installed and easier to pick out the one you don't want07:08
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iammiscyeah i'm doing that07:08
bulmerSanguineAnomaly: umm cant recall, but maybe /etc/securetty have something you can look at07:08
Tominatorikonia: how could I have not done it?07:08
SanguineAnomalybulmer, ok, thanks07:08
yell0wiammisc, 686 gives noticable difference in the feel of the system07:08
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juano__OrangeOrange: sorry , let me check i was afk a sec07:08
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ikoniaTominator: use the versions from the repo07:08
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OrangeOrangejuano__: dont worry, im kinda use to it..07:09
ikoniaTominator: package up the newer version against ubuntu deps07:09
yell0wiammisc, i just cleaned out my kernels and switch to 686 2 days ago, loved it07:09
EposharkI'm trying to get my wireless to work, and I got a little closer. In installed ndiswrapper, and I found an .inf file which I loaded into ndisgtk, this is the output:07:09
Eposharkepo@epuntu:/media/data$ ndiswrapper -l07:09
Eposharke100b325 : invalid driver!07:09
Eposharknetw39x5 : driver installed07:09
Eposharknetwlan : invalid driver!07:09
Eposharkw29n51 : driver installed07:09
lordkeidenwill running avahi interfer with network manager?07:09
juano__OrangeOrange: mm weird though i dont see where the duplicate entry is07:09
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juano__OrangeOrange: is this making apt crashing ?07:09
EposharkSo now it seems I have a working driver, what should I do next? iwconfig stills says there is nothing07:09
jexdawgin totem, i'm trying to play a .mov and i have sound, and when i move the screen around really fast i can see little parts of the video, but when i just let it sit there it isn't showing up. what gives?07:09
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Eposhark"eth1      no wireless extensions.07:10
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OrangeOrangejuano__: wat?07:10
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yell0w!w32codecs | jexdawg07:10
ubotujexdawg: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs07:10
OrangeOrangejuano__: well wen i do the apt get update.. it show me the error before i show u...07:10
jexdawggracias yell0w07:10
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assasukassequestion: is there a way to make a driver compilated with a kernal to stay there even when i update kernel07:10
yell0wjexdawg, de nada07:10
juano__OrangeOrange: yeah but, i mean , can you still download with this error ? or is apt crashing ?07:10
AmaroqWolfjexdawg, if you've got the codecs installed that it needs, you might still need to mess with that player's settings.07:10
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bulmerEposhark: maybe you can try that ndiskgtk front end for ndiswrapper, dont know how much it would help07:11
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gaspipe1hey all07:11
EposharkI loaded the driver using that :-)07:11
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EposharkBut it's only used for loading a driver07:11
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OrangeOrangejuano__: it have hit , get... but it will stop with the error messsage.. so is it dl completely?07:12
bulmerEposhark: nothing shows up on your /etc/networking/interfaces ..look at dmesg too07:12
juano__OrangeOrange: ok, it stops with that error message07:12
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juano__OrangeOrange: apt-get stops with that error message07:12
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OrangeOrangeso apt-get stops ____________ the blank are the big error messages?07:13
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andrehey guys07:14
andreI'm having a problem with the nvidia drivers... can anyone help me?07:14
Yodudehey how sdo i install a tar.gz package?07:14
yell0w!ask | andre07:14
ubotuandre: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:14
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cablesYodude, extract it and see if there's a readme07:14
juano__OrangeOrange: mm, your sources.list seems fine though07:14
ikoniaandre how can we help if you don't tell us the problem07:14
dimeotanehow do I use dpkg to find out what version is installed of zip07:14
nofxxhow to change the default new user model??? keyboard layout.. wallpaper...07:14
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ikoniadimeotane: man dpkg07:15
soundraydimeotane: 'dpkg -l zip' (man dpkg helps, too)07:15
cablesdimeotane, not sure how to use dpkg, but you could to "aptitude show <packagename>"07:15
Jowi_n1Yodude, either unpack it with "tar" or use "file-roller", which is a graphical front end07:15
dimeotanek thx07:15
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Jowi_n1nofxx, /etc/skel contain all the default settings for new users07:15
Yodudebut hey i have a primary question07:15
Yodudewhere should my apps be installed?07:16
nofxxJowi_n1: there is nothing there....07:16
Yodudeat / or /home07:16
jexdawgermm.. what is command to edit sources.list with root access? sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list ?07:16
cablesYodude, /usr/bin usually07:16
juano__OrangeOrange: paste this : sudo ls -a /var/lib/apt/lists07:16
Littlegatordoes the mouse-3 button not work or something?07:16
[BTF] Chm0dmy sound is kinda skipping and stuttering any suggestions?07:16
cablesYodude, you can check with the command: "whereis <programname>"07:16
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soundrayYodude: what are you installing?07:16
[BTF] Chm0dits a fairly new ubuntu install07:16
LittlegatorIs there any way to make mouse3 scroll like in windows? That's the one feature I miss >_>07:17
Jowi_n1Yodude, usually /usr/local or /opt is what I use myself07:17
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ikoniaLittlegator: wiki and forums07:17
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andresoory brb07:17
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lordkeidenwill running avahi interfer with network manager?07:18
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Jowi_n1nofxx, also see /etc/gnome/ for gnome specific defaults07:18
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soundraylordkeiden: no, it shouldn't. Feisty will use both by default07:18
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Yodudehey does anybody know why the repositories are slow at this time?07:18
edexHey every body!  I have a question about Totem..07:18
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cablesYodude, lots of updates maybe?07:18
Yodudein the morning i wa getting a good speed now i'm bvarely connecting07:18
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nofxxJowi_n1: been there too...only default applications there.... xD07:19
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AlexC_edex: then ask it if you want help.07:19
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quaaltoo all offended: my apologies.07:19
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Yodudei'm not installing the updates for now i'm just downloading my nvidia driver07:19
edexwhen trying to play a dvd I get the message no URI handler implemented for 'dvd'    how can I implement this07:19
_`XeOn_i need help to mount my hard drive as persistent07:19
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cablesYodude, but a lot of people probably are installing updates07:19
Yodudebtw how can i update a single app?07:19
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Yodudewithout re-downloading thw whole of it?07:20
AlexC__`XeOn_: how can we help if you don't ask a question!07:20
ikoniaquaal: are you going to drop the attitude now ?07:20
=== assasukasse [n=assasuka@host-84-222-187-12.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
Jowi_n1nofxx, /usr/share/gnome ?07:20
ikoniarather than just apply to a polite request ?07:20
nanomadhi all!07:20
OrangeOrangejuano__: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5289/ sry was away07:20
_`XeOn_i need to mount my win32 partition07:20
NitroAnyone that can tell me?07:20
jexdawgumm.. i got .mov to work but no luck on .wmv and .mpeg. crap.07:20
AlexC_!wmv | jexdawg07:20
ubotujexdawg: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:20
hanasakiwhat package do you folks recommend for a VPN?  It has to work with windows clients as well as wireless and linux (maybe mac too)07:20
cables!ntfs | _`XeOn_07:20
ubotu_`XeOn_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse07:20
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pradeep!ask | Nitro,07:20
ubotuNitro,: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:20
quaalikonia, no apology was requested. i made the apology on my own accord. now get over it. thank you.07:21
soundray!fat32 | _`XeOn_07:21
ubotu_`XeOn_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse07:21
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juano__OrangeOrange: maybe you got duplicated entries in there07:21
nanomadjust installed feisty...is it normal that the close, hide and maximize buttons are at 3/4 of my window in the title bar?07:21
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Nitropradeep: I've already asked07:21
drphxHello.  I'm trying to install 6.10 on a Sony Vaio laptop from the PCMCIA CD-ROM drive and installation is stopping at a BusyBox prompt with an error -- '/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off' and then a '(initframfs)' prompt.  any suggestsions?07:21
cablesnanomad, it's alpha...07:21
OrangeOrangejuano__: do i edit that.. how do i edit that?07:21
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soundraynanomad: no. Ask in #ubuntu+1 please07:21
jexdawgty alexc07:21
andreok guy I'm back07:21
juano__OrangeOrange: nope, its a dir07:21
ikoniaquaal: ahhhh so your attitude still stinks. I meant are you going to be nice and just comply with my polite request of watching your language07:21
cablesnanomad, #ubuntu+107:21
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AlexC_nanomad: Feisty is in heavy development, expect breakages - if you want a stable system use Edgy or Dapper, and #ubuntu+107:21
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ikoniaI didn't mean you'd been forced to apologies, but I just asked you politly to watch your language07:21
andreI'm having a problem with the Nvidia drivers from the restricted repo... when I reboot, they don't work anymore...07:22
nanomadAlexC_, no poblems....i came from debian sid07:22
ikoniaandre define won't work07:22
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swanflneed the entry in sources.list for amarok 1.4.507:22
AlexC_ikonia: haha, I was just about to say the exact same thign!07:22
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pradeepNitro, sorry .. If you don't mind can you post it again?07:22
duckx0rhow can I map a domain name to a specific IP address?07:22
andreikonia by won't I mean X won't load and I have to switch to the "nv" driver07:23
Yodudecables: if i install my apps on /usr/local will evry user be able to open them?07:23
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AlexC_!dns | duckx0r07:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dns - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:23
ikoniaandre have you looked at the xorg logs  ?07:23
Yodudei want thm to be avaiulable for all07:23
pradeepoops, too late07:23
soundrayduckx0r: you can only map a hostname to an IP address07:23
andreikonia... no07:23
ikoniaduckx0r: you need a dns config07:23
OrangeOrangejuano__: wat should i do then?07:23
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hottihow to repair nvidia drivers after kernel-upgrade?07:23
OrangeOrangejuano__: delete folders?07:23
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hottipls anyone07:23
nofxxJowi_n1: damn.... nothing there too...... only folders07:23
ikoniaandre I suggest you check the logs07:23
HymnToLifeandre, there was a kernel upgrade recently, did you upgrade your restricted-modules as well ?07:23
nanomadduckdown, /etc/hosts ?07:23
ikoniawhile using nvidia - not nv07:23
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andreikonia... want me to nopaste.info them to you?07:24
lordkeidensoundray: thanks07:24
andrehymnToLife: I installed the drivers today07:24
nofxxJowi_n1: and applications defaults...... jusst the keyboard I 'll be happy.....   set a default keybpoard for all new users07:24
juano__OrangeOrange: mm no, i was checking to see if you had duplicated files in there, but seems not07:24
salottinofxx teste07:24
duckx0rikonia, where do I get this DNS config from?07:24
ikoniaandre no thanks, just look through the logs yourself and get a rough idea07:24
juano__OrangeOrange: let me see07:24
juano__OrangeOrange: sec07:24
soundraylordkeiden: did you find out what set your iptables the other day?07:24
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ikoniaduckx0r: your ISP normally hosts DNS07:24
Yodudedoes anybody know the best location to install apps?07:24
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andreikonia: where are the logs?07:24
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Yodudei want them accesible by everyone07:24
HymnToLifeYodude, which apps ?07:24
ikoniaandre /var/log/X.0.log07:25
Yodudelike maybe thunderbird07:25
duckx0rikonia, yes I am using my ISPs DNS right now, but I want to override something because my domain hasn't propagated yet07:25
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YodudeGoogle earth07:25
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yell0wYodude, make a separate partition for it ?07:25
ikoniaduckx0r: you can't07:25
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duckx0rikonia, there's gotta be a way. you can do it in windows...07:25
jexdawgi have a microsoft wireless mouse + keyboard combo (and i'm using ubuntu... wtf?) and i'd like to install the drivers. i haven't even tried wine yet, so this isn't really a support issue, just an "is it possible?" issue. basically i'd like to use some of the keys and the scrollwheel on my keyboard and the back/forth buttons on my mouse. can wine do this?07:25
AmaroqWolfYodude, in /etc ?07:25
ikoniaduckx0r: no you can't07:25
soundrayAmaroqWolf: please don't07:25
duckx0rikonia, i've done it before.07:25
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yell0wAmaroqWolf, /etc is just for configs files07:26
Yodudei was thinking in /Opt07:26
HymnToLifeYodude, http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/installingsoftware07:26
lordkeidensoundray: yeah....i didnt know it, and still dont know how, but firehol got installed and was running. killed it and everything was fine! newbie mistake....07:26
yommbsilly question perhaps, but can a scanner be shared via samba ?07:26
ikoniaduckx0r: you can only use another dns service or use /etc/hosts07:26
madaranyone else dealing with  nvidia-glx: Depends: nvidia-kernel-1.0.9742 after an upgrade?07:26
ikoniaduckx0r: thats your only option07:26
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soundraylordkeiden: well done07:26
drphxHello.  I'm trying to install 6.10 on a Sony Vaio laptop from the PCMCIA CD-ROM drive and installation is stopping at a BusyBox prompt with an error -- '/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off' and then a '(initframfs)' prompt.  any suggestsions?07:26
untungis that posible to encript the CD ROM data?07:26
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andreikonia: I'm no expert at reading this... I don't know what to tell you...07:26
duckx0rikonia, yes /etc/hosts that's what i'm looking for07:26
yell0wYodude, /opt is good, the ubuntu  firefox 2 instllation tutorial use /opt07:27
AmaroqWolfsoundray, yell0w, where is a good place then? :P I've been wondering the same thing, because I'm curious about making a fun game demo I found into a .deb package.07:27
HymnToLifeYodude, unless I'm mistaken... do you want to install the Thunderbird build from mozilla.com ?07:27
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crazy_penguingood night!07:27
untungi want to burn a cd data  and put encription so it can be read if it has key07:27
juano__OrangeOrange: mm i think i found a duplicated entry07:27
YodudeHymnToLife: yes07:27
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ikoniaandre look for lines starting with EE07:27
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OrangeOrangejuano__: cool07:27
nofxxHow to change the default keyboard layout for new users????07:27
juano__try substituting your sources.list for this one07:27
HymnToLifeYodude, then /opt is the right place07:27
juano__OrangeOrange: sec07:27
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yell0wYodude, AmaroqWolf, /opt is good, but me personally i used a separate partition for things i install manually07:27
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ant1matteranyone had success pairing with a bluetooth headset?07:27
HymnToLifeand then symlink the executable to somewhere in your $PATH, usually /usr/local/bin07:28
andreikonia: unable to load "nvidia"07:28
ikoniaandre ok - so that normally means the nvidia kernel driver is missing or not loaded07:28
soundrayAmaroqWolf: look, this is really unacceptable behaviour. If you don't know the proper answer to a question that someone is asking here, then DON'T ANSWER IT07:28
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andreikonia... but synaptic tells me otherwise07:28
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luis hola estoy haciendo un manual de ubuntu 6.10, el problema es que quiero capturar la barra de herramientas para mostrar lo que tiene el menu de aplicaciones y no puedo capturarla, las otras pantallas es facil pero esto me gano, alguien puede ayudar07:29
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soundray!es | luis07:29
ubotuluis: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:29
ikoniaandre check the modules there07:29
andreikonia: modules where?07:29
luisnadi sabe esto07:29
jexdawghow long did you guys use linux/ubuntu before you started to feel like it was your true OS and you were truly comfortable... maybe not an expert, but to the point where you were just... content with it?07:29
ikoniaandre do an lsmod and see if nvidia is loaded07:29
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andreikonia: you'll have to give me the exact command :$... sorry07:30
AmaroqWolfsoundray: alright. I assumed it was /etc because I looked there once and saw folders with names on them of all of the apps I had.07:30
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ikoniaI've just given you the exact command07:30
ikonials mod07:30
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Yodudehey when i want to install thunderbird.tar.gz to /opt07:30
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ikoniawhy do you want to use the tar file07:30
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soundrayAmaroqWolf: if someone had followed their advice, they could have wrecked their system to the point that it would have required a reinstallation.07:31
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shatratYodude, why, it's in the repositories07:31
Yodudei get this message: You don't have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder "/opt"07:31
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ikoniaYodude: you don't have permission07:31
mc44Yodude: why dont you install it from the repositories?07:31
ikoniaYodude: why do you want to use the tar file  ?07:31
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andreikonia:  the only thing resembling nvidia in there is :sata_nv07:31
Yodudeyes but i already download the tar.gz07:31
shatratYodude, well undownload it07:31
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juano__OrangeOrange: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5290/07:31
ikoniaandre ok - so "modprobe nvidia"07:31
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juano__OrangeOrange: try that for your sources.list07:31
unopYodude,  sudo that command07:31
Yodudebecause i already downloaded it and my connection is slow i don't want to download it again07:31
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shatratYodude, sudo apt-get install thunderbird, or maybe mozilla-thunderbird07:32
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ikoniaYodude: I would advise STRONGLY against doing that07:32
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Yodudei'm extracting it using the graphical extractor07:32
Yodudenot a command07:32
juano__OrangeOrange: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and replace the contents, then do sudo apt-get update07:32
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ikoniaYodude: use apt07:32
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juano__OrangeOrange: i found the universe repo from the same dir repeated07:32
andreikonia: FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-generic/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko': No such file or directory07:32
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juano__OrangeOrange: might work07:32
unopYodude,  then launch the GUI extractor as superuser07:32
AmaroqWolfsoundray: okay. I know better now, about the /etc thing anyway. I always try not to help someone unless I'm confidant that I know the answer, but I was wrong this time.07:32
ikoniaandre ok - so nvidia is not installed07:32
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Yodudeunop: how do i lunch it as a superuser07:32
ikoniaYodude: please please please - use apt07:33
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mc44Yodude: look, you are likely to break things unless you use the version from the repository07:33
Yodude( btw i won't download unbless from apt anymore i promise:))07:33
vlt|homeHello. When I connect to from ubuntu's UTF-8 shell via ssh to an ISO-8859-15 Debian there are some chars not displayed properly. What do I have to do on the client (or on the server) to avoid this?07:33
andreikonia: ok let me uninstall what is installed and reinstall07:33
robinQuiversokay hmmm total linux newb here... looking for GRUB help i think. i managed to navigate the filesystem and found the grub menu.lst which im guessing is my boot load. i would like to make the DEFAULT windows xp instead of ubuntu. how?07:33
towsonu2003have stupid question: how do you see whether you have 3D working?07:33
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unopYodude,  well, what is the name of it?07:33
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ikoniaandre a wise choice07:33
jexdawgtowsonu, glxinfo in terminal might tell you07:33
unopYodude,  file-roller?07:33
Yodudefile roller07:33
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soundrayAmaroqWolf: okay, I'm glad you didn't just fool around or mislead someone intentionally.07:34
unopYodude,  ALT+F2 .. gksudo file-roller07:34
shatratYodude, btw, I just looked it up, the package you want is "mozilla-thunderbird"07:34
andreikonia: ok reinstalled,  I'm now going to change my xorg.conf to say "nvidia" instead of "nv"07:34
vlt|homerobinQuivers: Count the menu entries (start with 0) and change the "default 0" to XP's number.07:34
AmaroqWolftowsonu, glxinfo | grep direct07:34
ikoniaandre don't forget to reboot07:34
OrangeOrangejuano: replace how?07:34
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andreikonia: first or after?07:34
wiseelbenhi, sound is suddenly not working. I have no idea what caused it, most likely an update. Any ideas why?07:34
robinQuiversvlt|home: okay looking at that now...07:34
mc44Yodude: you will save far more time installing it from apt and downloading it again than you will if you compile it yourself07:34
towsonu2003AmaroqWolf, ah so direct rendering = 3d?07:34
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AmaroqWolfI believe so07:35
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vlt|homerobinQuivers: When you count don't forget to include the section separators ;-)07:35
AmaroqWolfIt's hardward acceleration anyway07:35
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towsonu2003jexdawg, it says Tungsten Graphics although I have Ati Radeon Mobility 9000 with the open source drivers. is that normal?07:35
unopmc44,  i believe the package you download as a tar.gz from mozilla is a binary package07:35
andreikonia: rebooting brb07:35
Yodudewhy should i compile?07:35
Yodudeit already contains the folders and files of the installed version07:35
Yodudenot code07:35
mc44unop: ah, sorry07:35
funkjais there a way to ignore an update so it won't notify me about it anymore but when the next update comes it will tell me?07:36
unopYodude, yea, its a binary package07:36
ikoniaYodude: do NOT compile07:36
[BTF] Chm0dHey guys good afternoon.  I have a problem with my sound.  For some reason its skipping when I play a movie or mp3.  Any suggestions?07:36
POVaddctdamn marvell wlan cards07:36
ikoniaYodude: apt-get mozilla-thunderbird - its will do it all for you07:36
bart_Apache + WebDAV + Antivirus , does anyone have a sortlike setup ?07:36
mc44unop: but presumably the depedencies may well be broken07:36
shatratYodude, it still isnt as good as having a ubuntu specific package which will automatically recieve security updates07:36
ikoniabart_: why would you run antivirus with apache ?07:36
Yodudeyes but i told you now my connection is barely 3KB so...07:36
Yodudei guess i'll wait till tomorrow07:36
AmaroqWolftowsunu2003, I believe direct renduring is 3D, but I'm not sure. I'm slightly new at this myself, but I think if you've got direct renduring enabled and your card is capable of 3D, it should work. :P07:36
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towsonu2003thanks :)07:37
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robinQuiversvlt|home: okay i didnt even see that default 0, i tried changing it to 3 but the file is read only and doesnt seem to want to save. i was doing this in the gui so when i right clicked it seems it belongs to root and i cant change it. i am unfamiliar with shell editing... can you point me to steps?07:37
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savvasi have just updated to the new kernel.. and the x desktop won't load, something about the nvidia module, it found the screen, but the module doesn't work. any help?07:37
unopmc44,  well, he'll find out soon enough if thats the case :)07:37
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SanguineAnomalysilly comman07:38
andre_ikonia: I rebooted fine, I'm gonna switch to "nvidia" now07:38
bart_ikonia : because i want to scan file uploads and downloads that happen throught the webdav protocol07:38
Thug-N-Mehow do i enable nautilus Microsoft Windows compatibility cD ?07:38
Yodudeok but hey guys you haven't answered a question:07:38
ikoniabart_: I see - thank you07:38
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vlt|homerobinQuivers: Open a shell, type "sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst"07:38
vlt|homerobinQuivers: "sudo" means "do as root"07:38
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vlt|homerobinQuivers: "nano" is an editor.07:38
Yodudehow can i update a single app ( like Firefox ) without downloading the whole of it again?07:38
wiseelbenAmaroqWolf, towsunu2003, direct rendering is not "3d." It gives applications to display 3d stuff faster because it allows aps to directly give data and commands to hardware (video card).07:39
robinQuiversopening up accessories > terminal07:39
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andre_ikonia: I'll wait for your OK before I reboot07:39
robinQuiversty ill follow your instructions and let you know.07:39
peace-keeperis nano more fashionable nowadays than vi ?07:39
AmaroqWolfwideelben: ah, thank you07:39
ikoniaandre please do07:39
Yodudecuz i noticed that by selecting firefox only updates in update manager i got 8.9Mb!07:39
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boredandbloggingis nano like pico?07:39
wiseelbenYodude - you would have to download the whole app if you want to update07:39
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unopboredandblogging,  very similar07:40
Psyhey guys, ubuntu has detected my wlan0 connection and shows the signal strength as very good but ti still says disconnected - any ideas?07:40
boredandbloggingthen nano sucks07:40
wiseelbenpeace-keeper - nano and vi are two totally different things07:40
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peace-keeperno, they are both editors07:40
savvasthe x desktop won't load after updating to the new kernel. anyone knows how to fix this?07:40
robinQuiversvlt|home: whats the command to save a file in nano.... ctrl^o = write out??07:40
peace-keeperi miss the times when that stupid "sudo" was not all around07:40
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Yodudewiseelben: man why?! in windows it's just the added code07:40
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unopboredandblogging,  errm, thats some conclusion you arrive at :) but no, pico is forked off from nano (i believe) and has more in terms of functionality07:41
jpjacobssavvas, you ccan try apting the right restricted modules, and nvidia-kernel. (use aptitude, it's nice)07:41
ikoniaYodude: thats because windows is 1 platform - linux is 2302342984 platforms07:41
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wiseelbenYodude - no it's not. It total depends on the application. If the app (lets say firefox) allows you to update only part of it, then it is a featuire that the firefox developrs put in. I'm not sure if firefox has that feature though.07:42
savvasjpjacobs: do you know which restricted module is it? :\07:42
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vlt|homerobinQuivers: ctrl+o works or F207:42
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robinQuiversanyone... ive opened a file in nano in the shell. how do i save the changes... ctrl+0?07:42
robinQuiversokay ty vlt|home07:42
Yodudeman i'm getting more and more walls between me and linux07:42
Psyis there a command to make a connection connect, my wlan and lan connection show as disconnected and are both enabled?07:42
boredandbloggingunop, hah, actually, pico was very helpful when I was learning solaris and needed to edit files, but eventually I learned enough of vi to ditch it like a bad date07:42
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Yodudemy connection is too slow it's only 7KB per second download07:42
jpjacobssavvas, it's the one with the same version number as your kernel07:42
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soundrayunop: no, nano was written as a clone of pico because pico is non-free in the sense of free speech07:42
peace-keeperreal men edit config files with ms word07:42
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Yodudei can't download like 10MB everyday!07:42
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savvasjpjacobs: ok i'm going to try it07:42
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ikoniaYodude: well that won't solve anything with downloading the binary - you still have to download the whole thing, and its not every day - its quite rare07:43
unopwiseelben, well, its like windows update -- you dont download the entire windows OS.. just bits of it at a time .. but then again, it depends on the particular firefox update07:43
jexdawgi've installed the w32 codecs and now, randomly, even my .movs won't play (along with everything else).. damn07:43
eztkdid anyone find their Nvidia support died after the software update to ....10 ...1107:43
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robinQuiversvlt|home:  okay good! thanks a ton that worked it seems. ill ultimately know on boot i suppose but yea. ty07:43
mc44jexdawg: try vlc or mplayer07:43
peace-keeperi have nvidia and its still working07:43
eztkit might work now though. helper-scripts seemed to download and install now07:43
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OrangeOrangejuano__: wat i replace?07:43
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unopsoundray,  ok, i stand corrected -- i know little about pico or nano07:43
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eztk'wb' module went missing07:43
andre_ikonia: I'm having the exact same darn probelm...07:44
andre_ikonia: so mad...07:44
peace-keeperamazingly i havent had any problems with ubuntu for >1 week07:44
jexdawgwhich do you recommend? and if i do, will i need totem, or should i uninstall it?07:44
FantasticFooi need to lower the mouse pointer acceleration on my laptop trackpad, but i can't seem to figure out how07:44
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eztkso i switched to older .i386 .10 kernel (dont know where that came from) in grub, and now nvidia works again07:44
ikoniaandre ok - so modprove nvidia07:44
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eztkmust be a frustrating problems for newbie07:44
mc44jexdawg: you dont need to uninstall it. I would recommend vlc07:44
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andre_ikonia: modprove nvidia no such command07:44
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ikoniamodprobe nvidia sorry07:45
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Yodudeikonia: you know, if i had a decent connection, ubuntu would be like the ALL-GOD-CHOSEN-PERFECT operating system for me07:45
FantasticFoothe "mouse" preferences dialog can't seem to change acceleration07:45
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soundrayFantasticFoo: System-Preferences-Mouse-Motion07:45
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jexdawgfantasticfoo ... simple, but - system -> preferences -> mouse07:45
jexdawgoh. nvm then.07:45
amonkey_how can i tell if i have vt or emt64? i can't find a good list/test07:45
unopboredandblogging,  seems pico is to nano as vi is to vim07:45
ikoniaYodude: thats part of the deal though07:45
xratexhow was the command to see if my 3D driver is working?07:45
andre_ikonia: same thing07:45
Yodudeon one side it make things SO easy with a good connection07:45
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ikoniaandre show me the error again please07:45
ikoniaahhhh wait hang on07:45
soundrayYodude: then why are you trying to wreck it by installing non-ubuntu packaged software?07:45
boredandbloggingunop, good analogy, yo uare probably right07:45
FantasticFoothe mouse moves WAY too fast. i really need to slow it down07:45
_chm0d_i have skipping in my sound can anyone suggest a remedy?  I have searched the internet but really have found nothing.07:45
ikoniaandre have you just done a kernel update07:45
soundrayFantasticFoo: System-Preferences-Mouse-Motion07:45
Yodudeon the other side it can make the OS suck07:45
andre_ikonia: FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-generic/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko': No such file or directory07:45
ikoniaYodude: yup07:46
jexdawgfantasticfoo, did you go to the motion tab in mouse preferences? it has the Acceleration option right there and it works for me07:46
Thug-N-Menautilus its crashing when i try to burn a dvd07:46
andre_ikonia: no.. I just now installed the driver.07:46
dimeotaneFantasticFoo: have you changed your xorg.conf settings ?07:46
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andre_Ikonia: if we can't fix this I'm gonna have to format, reinstall07:46
ikoniaandre no, I mean have you recently moved to the .11 kernel07:46
almi1im sitting on ubuntu and using fluxbox and the resolution is 800x600, how do i change this?07:46
ikoniaandre thats not going to help07:46
dimeotaneor tried the system -->preferences-->mouse07:46
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andre_ikonia: yes yesterday I moved to .1107:47
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FantasticFoojexdawg: on a laptop trackpad?07:47
dimeotaneon my laptop i need to change the xorg.conf settings to get the trackpad to work07:47
FantasticFoodimeotane: no i haven't07:47
ikoniaandre ok - now we are getting somewhere07:47
n1zzhlook in /lib/modules/ for the older kernel. I'd bet there is an earlier kernel mods directory, and that copying the .ko (as root) will make the driver work.07:47
Thug-N-Meno one able to help ? getting rid of the  icrosoft Windows compatibility  ?07:47
dimeotanethe mouse settings only worked on the usb mouse07:47
ikoniaandre swap back to .10 in the grub boot menu and I'll bet money it works07:47
andre_ikonia: I reinstalled yesterday, updated to .11 and installed driver today07:47
FantasticFoodimeotane: what did you change/07:47
unopalmi1, did you have another WM that had the right resolutions?07:47
jexdawgfantasticfoo, my bad. thought you were on a desktop. sorry.07:47
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andre_ikonia: do the drivers not work for anyone in .11?07:47
ZaggynlAnyone knows how to get WPA with rt2500 and Knetworkmanager to work? It sees the network and all, but the dropdown menu doesn't show WPA07:47
Littlegatorquick question: Can you resize icons, and if so, how?07:47
almi1unop: WM?07:48
ikoniaandre I don't think they have been updated07:48
radioaktivstormhello, anyone versed in the *highly descriptive* language of xp blue screen errors? my friends XP box returns a string of lovely numbers that have no discernable meaning (thank goodness for live CDs). if not, can someone direct me to a windows help irc channel? thanks07:48
Yodudei wish i had a better ISP07:48
ikoniaLittlegator: wiki and forum07:48
ikoniaLittlegator: and yes you can resize07:48
andre_ikonia... dang it.07:48
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unopalmi1,  window manager - gnome, kde, etc ?07:48
mc44radioaktivstorm: ##windows07:48
BoratHey Guys, i updated my kernel to 2.7.11 or something like that, and now my beryl/xgl is not working, does anyone know how to fix it?07:48
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ikoniaBorat: nvidia card ?07:48
Littlegatorikonia: it's probably a hotkey that would take all of 7 seconds to type07:48
ikoniaLittlegator:  no its not07:48
radioaktivstormthanks, mc4407:48
Boratikonia: No, ATI07:48
FantasticFoodimeotane: do you remember what you had to edit in your xorg.conf?07:48
ikoniabu it does take about 10 seconds to do07:48
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almi1i used gnome before flux but i just found out that it was 800x60007:49
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depinkodoes anyone know some utility that can convert ogg theora to xvid? (or other video format?)07:49
Littlegatoroh, so sorry, it's in the right click menu =.=07:49
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ikoniaLittlegator: if you had done research on some of the other questions - you'd get these questions answered in a quick 2 seconds response07:49
unopalmi1,  you'll need to edit your xorg.conf and set the resolution there07:49
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:49
ikoniaLittlegator: is it ?? I never saw that07:49
unopalmi1,  ^^07:49
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Littlegatorikonia: yes, right click > stretch icon07:50
almi1unop, xorg.conf says that i have support for a lot of resulotions07:50
ikoniaLittlegator: right click on the icon ?07:50
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Littlegatorikonia: yes07:50
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Thug-N-Meno one able to help ? getting rid of the Microsoft Windows compatibility ?07:50
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ikoniaLittlegator: aahhhh thats only one icon - you can do it globally07:50
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)07:50
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Littlegatorikonia: oh, well I wanted to resize only one07:50
ikoniathats perfect then07:51
_chm0d_grrrr why is ubuntu so finicky on sound07:51
ikoniadidn't know you could do that07:51
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Littlegatorikonia: but if I ever want to do it globally I'll look it up07:51
almi1unop, isn't there just a litte command to change this? :P07:51
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ikoniaLittlegator: good man07:51
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Psygot my wireless connectiont o connect - status idle, but ti can;t ping or be pinged, any help would be apreciated :)07:51
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unopalmi1,  for the particular depth you want to use, , you need to set the mode you want to be the first in the list .. as xorg tests them in that order07:51
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AmaroqWolfLittlegator, I think you can just edit the image in your pixmaps dir07:51
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robinQuiversokay hmmmm bad. i just ran updates and now my panels and menus are not responding. luckily i had my chat window up here. how can i fix this?07:52
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andre_ikonia: ok I'm on .10,  the drivers do work here...  when do you expect the drivers to be updated for .11?07:53
Yodudehey is anybody here from Lebanon? i have a question for him07:53
bulmerrobinQuivers: maybe just wait longer..07:53
unopalmi1,  say you use a depth of 24 -- change the Modes directive like this -  Modes     "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" ....07:53
ikoniaandre I wouldn't imagine it will be long07:53
andre_ikonia: ok tx07:53
andre_ikonia: appreciate the help07:53
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robinQuiversbulmer: nothing is working. the computer is mentally silent and ready to do something07:53
ikoniaandre no problem07:53
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robinQuiversnothing is working = cpu and hard drive arent crunching07:53
AmaroqWolfYoudude, I'm not from lebanon, but I know someone online who is. xD They don't use linux though, if it's a linux question.07:54
=== MFen [n=asdf@c-67-181-236-249.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
unopPsy,  what can't be pinged?07:54
MFenanyone know how to make postfix forward based on domain?07:54
AmaroqWolfYoudude: and they're not online now either.07:54
Psyunop, the router07:54
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MFenfor example, i want user@blah_spams.thesoftworld.com to forward to user+blah_spams@gmail.com07:54
Thug-N-Meno one able to help ? getting rid of the Microsoft Windows compatibility ?07:54
almi1unop, DefaultDepth24 it says and on that section Modes"1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600" "720x400"07:54
unopPsy,  has the wireless interface got an IP address07:54
MFen(yeah, i know about google apps .. i don't want a separate mailbox)07:54
Thug-N-Meno one able to help ? getting rid of the Microsoft Windows compatibility ?07:55
robinQuiversso yea this is definitely a problem. my panels and menus are still not responding. help?07:55
Psyit can ping its self07:55
ikoniaThug-N-Me: not when you spam the channel07:55
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MFennote that i already know how to set up forwards.  i want a wildcard forward07:55
Psyhmm hangon - could it be it's tring to use the wired connection first? *disconnects lan cable07:55
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Thug-N-Meikonia looks like its the only way i can be seen07:55
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ikoniaThug-N-Me: makes you look a fool07:55
Psynope still nothing07:55
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_chm0d_im just installing the updates to kernel .11 this ought to be interesting07:55
unopalmi1, hmm, have a look in the wiki, common fixes exist there -- !fixres07:56
Thug-N-Meikonia aint no matter ... the fucking Microsoft Windows compatibility its pissing me off07:56
ikonialanguage !07:56
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ikoniamakes you look even more of a fool07:56
riotkittieoh! my virgin ears. :o07:56
Thug-N-Meikonia ohh stop it07:56
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robinQuiverswow linux is great... ive already crashed it somehow. =-\07:56
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:56
ikoniajust show some respect07:56
unopPsy,  is the IP address static or via DHCP ?07:56
ikoniathere is no need for bad language07:56
almi1unop, i'll that one a try, but it's not fluxbox i have to modify its xOrg right?07:56
riotkittierobinQuivers: err. how did you crash it?07:56
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Thug-N-Meikonia hell yeah ... you can ignore me if you dont like it .. end of story07:57
robinQuiversriotkittie: my panels and menus arent responding07:57
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robinQuiversi only have this chat window up07:57
ikoniaThug-N-Me: no, I mean the channel doesn't need to see the language07:57
riotkittierobinQuivers: ah. GNOME?07:57
robinQuiversthis happened after i ran the updates... just installed ubuntu.07:57
robinQuiversi guess, yea? gnome isnt responding07:57
unopalmi1,  do you start flux from GDM or using startx ?07:57
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Thug-N-Meikonia sometimes it does ;)07:57
ikoniano its doesn't07:57
riotkittierobinQuivers: if you hit ALT+ F2, can you get a run box?07:57
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PwcrLinuxops is watching for languages, they can banning on you..07:58
Thug-N-Meikonia who are you to tell me what the channel does and what not ?07:58
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almi1unop, i dont know what GDM is but i sure don't use startx07:58
soundrayWhich package provides the Print dialog in gnome please?07:58
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ikoniaThug-N-Me: no problem, I'll just go and grab an op to ban you07:58
robinQuiversyea alt + f2 yields nothing07:58
unopThug-N-Me,  this channel has kids and women come in too -- just be a little considerate .. it;s easier not to swear , everyone's happy that way07:58
Thug-N-Meikonia if that will make you happy go for it07:58
Thug-N-Meunop fair enough07:58
ikoniait won't be all you had to say was "yup - sorry about the language"07:59
dimeotaneis there any file archiving & compression formats in ubuntu which support passwords and encryption?  Zip does, but is only 96-bit ... quite insecure07:59
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riotkittierobinQuivers: ok. do this. ALT + CTRL + F1   ... login, type killall gnome-panel   ... then alt+ctrl+f7 back to the desktop. OR restart X all together with ALT + CTRL + BKSPC07:59
Psyunop, it's static, subnet mask is correct07:59
ikoniayou just had to show a little respect for the channels rules07:59
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unopPsy,  ahh, but is the gateway correct tho?07:59
juano__Thug-N-Me: watch the language in here07:59
Psycould it be a routing problem, if the connection is showing as active?07:59
robinQuiversriotkittie: okay hmmm i hope i dont lose this chat window07:59
Psyyep, gateway is fine07:59
davidesomebody know how to configure a dlink 650+ on ubuntu 6.06?07:59
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Psyit's nto showing gateway under ifconfig08:00
unopPsy, ifconfig doesnt list it -- you need  route -n  for that08:00
riotkittiedlink 650?      what do you need to configure, davide ?08:00
juano__Psy: type route08:00
Thug-N-Mejuano__ how many times have you seen me swearing  ?08:00
juano__Psy: you should add your router to the routing table08:00
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davideit doesn't work riotkittie08:00
Psydest gw
AmaroqWolftokj: lol, BUFH.08:00
Thug-N-Meikonia i wasnt talking to you08:01
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ikoniajust responding08:01
Thug-N-Meikonia no need to08:01
robinQuiversheh... okay i ran alt+ctrl+backspace and lots all my windows but now im back in and ubuntu informed me i needed to restart to make the updates work fully. thanks :)08:01
unopPsy,  and is the address of your router, right?08:01
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juano__Thug-N-Me: i saw you swear just a minute ago, just be cool man, no need to swear in here08:01
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riotkittiedavide: is it a wireless card ?08:01
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unopPsy,  can i ask why you arent using DHCP ?08:01
Thug-N-Mejuano__ yeah no problem08:01
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Psytoo many other systems08:02
ikoniaThug-N-Me: dude - thank you, thats all I wanted, just to see it was an oversite08:02
davideyes, but it seems it doesn't work. there is no light08:02
Psyneed to keep the server on the same ip08:02
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alsaneed help reinstalling grub in rescue mode , from the live dvd installation08:02
Psyand the media centre08:02
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Psyand the machines the media centre looks at for media08:02
unopPsy,  eh? how many other systems ?08:02
juano__Thug-N-Me: thanks , its just a channel rule08:02
pbureau!enter | Psy08:02
ubotuPsy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:02
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Psythe others are all windows08:02
Thug-N-Meno problem at all man08:02
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Psy13 other machines on the netowrk - they're working fine08:03
ikoniaThug-N-Me: now lets sort out your windows compatability, do you want to explain the problem08:03
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Psysorry ubotu08:03
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Thug-N-Meikonia i would like to enable it08:03
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unopPsy,  but if you configure the DHCP server right, you can ensure that the server always gets the same IP address .. and if its a server, its quite likely to relinquish the lease .. so i dont see that as much of an issue08:03
ikoniaThug-N-Me: at what level ? disk access I assume ?08:03
juano__Psy: whats the IP of the machine with trouble ?08:03
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pockitohi... i changed my hw on my ubuntu box. but when restarting the graphic device is not recognized/detected.. how do i tell ubuntu to redetect my hw?08:03
Thug-N-Meikonia what do you mean at what level ?08:03
ikoniapockito: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:04
Psyunop, i know it an be done - but my dad prefers it static - not much i can do there :)08:04
pockitook. ill try that08:04
ikoniaThug-N-Me: could you define what your want in terms of compatability08:04
juano__Psy: you should try in that machine a sudo route add default gw ---> if this is the IP of the router08:04
davidethere is any program I should use in order to configure the d-link 650+ wireless card?08:04
ikoniaThug-N-Me: eg: access the disk, etc08:04
unopPsy,  anyway .. for the sakes of troubleshooting this .. try DHCP out.. you can always revert back if it's successful08:04
riotkittiedavide: ok, i am super stupid when it comes to wireless. i have a 650 as well, and it did work out of teh box but i am merely tapping into other people's unsecured wireless. are you using a router or whatever ?08:04
alsaany one here can help regarding Grub reinstall in rescue mode08:04
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:04
nalioth!ohmy | Thug-N-Me08:05
ubotuThug-N-Me: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:05
davidebut I can't setup the wireless card08:05
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AmaroqWolfalsa: sudo apt-get reinstall grub ? *chuckles*08:05
Psyjuano__, i got SIACADDRT: File exists08:05
juano__Psy: also a sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart to ensure changes are applying08:05
Thug-N-Meikonia no clue what you are talking about .. i try to burn a dvd and i get the warning about the windows compatability not being able to write the disk and stuff08:05
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davideI read it was automatic during the ubuntu installation but...08:05
Psyunop - that would involve taking the network down - not an option unfortunately :(08:05
riotkittiedavide: you shouldnt need to set the card up.  in it listed when you type lspci ?08:05
unopPsy,  you dont need to add a new route -- as the same exists already08:05
ikoniaThug-N-Me: ahhh ok. Totally different to what I was thinking08:05
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davideI try now..08:06
ikoniaThug-N-Me: could you get the exact error message for me please08:06
AmaroqWolfoh wait, *reads that link*08:06
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unopPsy,  taking what network down ?? it's just re-enabling your wireless interface08:06
juano__Psy: ok, sudo route add -net netmask default gw 10.0.061 dev eth0    -----> eth0 can vary actually , you give your device in that part08:06
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juano__Psy: ok, sudo route add -net netmask default gw dev eth0    -----> forgot the poing before 6108:06
rodrigoHI all08:06
unopjuano__, the route's already configured tho08:07
davideit says "02:00.0 Network controller: Texas Instruments ACX 100 22Mbps Wireless Interface08:07
alsaneed help reinstalling grub in rescue mode , from the live dvd installation08:07
juano__unop: ok, sometimes that helps though , works for me08:07
Thug-N-Meikonia not really because not i lost 2 blank dvd already trying to write the same files again i will lost another one08:07
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juano__alsa: sure08:08
juano__alsa: are you on livecd now ?08:08
ikoniaThug-N-Me: ahhh, thats a drag. Its hard to work out whats its complaining about without the exact message. You may want to check the forums though and see if anything rings any bells08:08
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FantasticFoocan anybody please help me get the motion preferences to affect my laptop trackpad?08:08
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Shaffoxhow can i put a shortcut to a program ?08:09
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dabaR_Shaffox: it is called a launcher08:09
unopjuano__,  well, he cant ping the gw at, so it's unlikely to be the default route08:09
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LittlegatorI'm having trouble customizing usplash and the ubuntu wiki/provided guide aren't helping08:09
AudimageI just installed Unreal Tournament 2004, and i cannot figure out how to execute it08:09
Thug-N-Meikonia it tries to rename the files .. so that it can be readed in windows too ... like filnename.something!.  you get me all this dots and ! are not allowed in windows08:09
grimboyFantasticFoo,What model is your laptop?08:09
ShaffoxdabaR_: where can i find it ?08:10
juano__unop: ahh, he on wifi ?08:10
apecatAudimage: where is it installed?08:10
ikoniaThug-N-Me: have you tried using a different dvd burining application ?08:10
dabaR_Shaffox: right click on the desktop08:10
unopjuano__,  yes08:10
Thug-N-Meikonia no08:10
Psythat line just rought up a usage: thing08:10
Audimageapecat, i installed it into the default directory, i didn't pay any attention08:10
grimboyFantasticFoo, You might already have something under preferences> touchpad.08:10
FantasticFoogrimboy: inspiron 220008:10
davideriotkittie, what I should do then?08:10
Psyidentical to how you put it...08:10
dabaR_Shaffox: try to do what you think you should be able to do, and it will work.08:10
juano__unop: his device is ath0 then08:10
ikoniaThug-N-Me: give another one a go08:10
juano__unop: or something like that08:10
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apecatAudimage: you just need to locate the executable and launch it08:10
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juano__unop: he try iwconfig ?08:10
unopjuano__,  heh, how can you be sure? it could be anything08:10
FantasticFoogrimboy: naw, nothing like that08:10
Audimageapecat, i know...however, i can't find it08:11
PwcrLinuxOh boy, demuxer missing on xgine..08:11
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AmaroqWolfaudimage, if you installed it under wine, it'll be somewhere in ~/.wine/drive_c/08:11
juano__unop: well it mostly is the default, if thats the only card in the PC08:11
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dhornanyone have the time to quickly help me with drivers?08:11
grimboyFantasticFoo, Have you turned on the extra repos?08:11
FantasticFoogrimboy: yes.08:11
apecatAudimage: try using the command which unr ... and tab complete08:11
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Audimageamaroqwolf, ut2004 runs natively in linux08:11
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AmaroqWolfAudimage: oh. xD okay08:11
ikoniadhorn: drivers with what08:11
unopjuano__,  well, he says the net-applet detects signal strength .. he hasnt done iwlist scan yet tho .. he should tho08:11
EdgEyhello, i'm using feisty and suddenly my ethernet has stopped working completely08:11
FantasticFoogrimboy: why?08:12
grimboyFanskapet, apt-get install gsynaptics08:12
juano__unop: yes your right, he should do it08:12
FantasticFoogrimboy: ah. thankyou08:12
FlannelEdgEy: #ubuntu+1 for feisty support08:12
unopPsy, what does this return -- iwlist wlan0 scan08:12
EdgEyi can't access the internet (router) or ping any other machines on the network08:12
ikoniaEdgEy: fesity is unstable and underdevelopment08:12
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Psyiwlist wlan0 ...?08:12
AmaroqWolfAudimage: If you know the names of any of the files in it's dir, you could just run a locate on that.08:12
Psyscan, ok08:12
dhornikonia: i installed unbuntu on my ibm r52 and the video card isn't able to go to the max supported resolution of 1400x120008:12
dhornikonia: any suggestion?08:12
unopPsy,  replace wlan0 there with your wireless interface's08:12
Psygot cell 01 and cell 0208:12
ikoniadhorn: ati card?08:12
AmaroqWolfAudimage: sudo updatedb before running the locate though.08:12
apecatAudimage: as in try to write the biginning letters of the word unreal and see if you get anything with tabcomplete08:12
Psyone is my network - the other is one i dont know08:12
apecatin a term08:12
Audimageapecat, i tried and nothing showed up08:13
LinTuxwhere can I get info on the next April release of Ubuntu08:13
Psymine is wlan0 also08:13
dhornikonia: no, integrated intel, 915GM08:13
ikoniadhorn: really thats strange08:13
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dhornikonia: it only lists one available resolution08:13
gapagoshi i need help when I boot in knoppix I get no video signal after knoppix starts to load the x window server08:13
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dhornikonia: 1280X102408:14
ikoniadhorn: what version of ubuntu08:14
Audimagei'll just try re-installing it08:14
gapagosi tried with default options and with fb1280x102408:14
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ikoniaahhh xorg 7.1.108:14
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ikoniadhorn: there have been a few problems with xorg 7.1.1 and the i810 driver08:14
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dhornikonia: suggestions?08:14
unopPsy, ok .. how does iwlist fare with your wireless interface? can you show us the result .. use a !pastebin08:14
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ikoniadhorn: check the info on the i810 driver's compatability08:15
Psyit's another machine unfortunately unop08:15
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FantasticFoogrimboy: sensitivity makes no difference.08:15
jrib!feisty | LinTux08:15
ubotuLinTux: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+108:15
Psyok trying to ping and i now get a dest host unreachable from
AmaroqWolfdhorn: I also have an i810. What are you having trouble with?08:15
dhornikonia: I'm relatively new to ubuntu and *nix, where would I find that info08:15
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ikoniadhorn: www.x.org08:15
Psyiwlist found 2 networks from what i can see08:15
gapagoscan anyone help me why I get no video in knoppix after the xwindow server starts to load or is this really ubuntu only?08:15
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ikoniagapagos: this is ubuntu support - not knoppix08:16
dhornAmaroqWolf: I have the Intel 815GM integrated chipset and I can't get my resolution higher than 1280X102408:16
dhornikonia: thanks08:16
grimboyFantasticFoo, No idea then. Do a search of the repos for other config programs and drivers or search the ubuntu wikis for your model.08:16
gapagosikonia: would you know if there's a knoppix support chat room? I tried in forums I can't find my issue08:16
davidethanks riotkittie08:17
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apecat gapagos: /join #knoppix08:17
ikoniagapagos: #knoppix08:17
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Funtwohello can anyone reference me to a good repo for Edgy for use with media and other famous apps?08:17
=== [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-122-166-61.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
gapagosthank you ikonia / apecat08:17
EdgEyis there anything i should try for getting ethernet to work, noone seems to be alive in #ubuntu+108:17
_`XeOn_how do i make a mounted partition ntfs writtable?08:17
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EdgEy_`XeOn_ look into ntfs-3g08:17
ikoniaEdgEy: its alpha software - could be anything08:17
[BTF] Chm0dwell i ran the updates everything seems to be ok so far :)08:17
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dabaR_EdgEy: give it a raise.08:18
JosShttp://meneame.net/story/bluetooth-hacking-seguridad-telefonos-moviles  |||| dale donde dice MENEAME!!!08:18
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EdgEythough be aware there is a certain bit of risk in writing to ntfs08:18
apecatgapagos: if we do recommend any of those, you need to understand that those rpos aren't officially supported08:18
dhornAmaroqWolf: you there?08:18
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JosShttp://meneame.net/story/bluetooth-hacking-seguridad-telefonos-moviles  |||| dale donde dice MENEAME!!!08:18
JosShttp://meneame.net/story/bluetooth-hacking-seguridad-telefonos-moviles  |||| dale donde dice MENEAME!!!08:18
JosShttp://meneame.net/story/bluetooth-hacking-seguridad-telefonos-moviles  |||| dale donde dice MENEAME!!!08:18
EdgEyikonia, i know that, but where can i start? there's not much i can do at the moment, i'm stuck on feisty unless there is a backport of the newer nvidia drivers08:18
Funtwoyes i know08:18
JosShttp://meneame.net/story/bluetooth-hacking-seguridad-telefonos-moviles  |||| dale donde dice MENEAME!!!08:18
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apecatsorry, that was to Funtwo08:19
pbureaubuzz off josh08:19
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)08:19
ikoniajoss STOP08:19
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LinTuxUbotu & jrib: Thanks08:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jrib: thanks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:19
JawshieHi guys :)08:19
[BTF] Chm0dlow and behold my i have no sound now LOL08:19
[BTF] Chm0dsigh08:19
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AmaroqWolfdhorn: oh xD I figured you were thinking along the lines of getting direct draw enabled. I believe you can add more resolutions to the config by messing with x-server's config file. But I don't know about if that card has limits or anything like that, so don't hold me to what I say about that. But you can modify your config file with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. Just leave all of the settings the way they are, and modify08:19
AmaroqWolfthe one you need when you get to it. Once again, don't hold me to that. xD We're entering territory I'm not entirely familiar with.08:19
gapagosanother question I have is.... I have Ubuntu 6.06 LTS..... could I download Ubuntu 6.10 and install it separately, on another partition, and boot 6,06 OR 6.10?08:20
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EdgEygapagos yes08:20
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assasukassecould someone tell me what is this error08:20
assasukassemake: execvp: /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.17-10-generic/scripts/gcc-version.sh: denied [: 1: 0400: unexpected operator08:20
JawshieIs there an upgerade path for 6.06-6.10?08:20
[BTF] Chm0di just dont understand how sound can just quit and ubuntu now doesn't see my audio.  just dont understand08:20
dhornAmaroqWolf: thanks, I'm looking on x.org now and it looks like there's an issue with my chipset and the xorg driver08:20
gapagosI,m asking this question because I heard 6.10 is very buggy and i don't want to upgrade but I desesperately want to try Beryl's 3d world lol08:20
FlannelJawshie: yep, just normal upgrade08:20
dabaRassasukasse: did you ask google?08:20
ikoniaassasukasse: what are you trying to build - and why08:20
pbureau[BTF] Chm0d, checkdmesg or /etc/messages for more info. maybe it quit because of internal error08:21
assasukasseikonia i am trying to build ugrab-winmodem with checkinstall08:21
ompaulJawshie, yes - as long as you have not installed materials from repos outside of Ubuntu you should be okay08:21
[BTF] Chm0dill looky thx08:21
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:21
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Jawshieis there like an apt-get repository thingy for a 3d enviroment?08:21
FlannelJawshie: #ubuntu-effects for all that stuff (check the topic)08:22
Jawshiek thanks08:22
ikoniaJawshie: yes - search the wiki for beryl08:22
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juano__does anyone know a good .avi to DVD image program _??08:22
birdsixoneWhat command do I type to view what kernel I have?08:22
Flannelbirdsixone: uname -r08:23
ikoniabirdsixone: uname -a08:23
Yodudehey when i download stuff from the repository08:23
ikoniathen you can see the arch too08:23
AmaroqWolfdhorn: I know that when I use 1280x1024 on 24 bit color, my monitor gets funny staticky lines on it. I prefer to use 1024x768 anyway, so I've never tried what you're trying. If your graphics are running slow for games and graphic-intensive programs, I do know that that card only supports direct draw in 16 bit color.08:23
JAGFin1Anyone got experience with KDE Network Manager?08:23
qeedjuano__, you want to make a dvd movie out of an avi?08:23
Yodudecan i save the packages i downloaded on a disk or something?08:23
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ikoniaYodude: its easer to just download and install08:23
dabaR!anyone > JAGFin108:23
juano__qeed: yes08:23
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[BTF] Chm0dhmm it says nothing about it08:23
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FlannelYodude: sure, they're in /var/cache/apt08:23
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Yodudeso i can't?08:24
hotsaucehow can i install a bare system without x on a server?08:24
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qeedjuano__, i use ffmpeg to encode the avi movie to mpeg08:24
ikoniaYodude:  you can - but why save them ?08:24
dhornAmaroqWolf: there's a package available for the 800 and 900 intel chipsets that corrects the resolution error.  I'm trying it now08:24
ompaulhotlug, download and install the server edition08:24
Flannelhotsauce: grab the alternate CD, or server CD.08:24
qeeddvdauthor can create the dvd structure to be burned to the dvd08:24
dabaRikonia: they get saved autom..08:24
juano__qeed: are these available in the repos ?08:24
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dumbalienanyone help with hd troubles?08:24
jumpkickhi, if I do a `uname -m`, I get x86_64...  is there a command that will tell me the name of the packaging arch -> i.e. something to give me 'amd64'?08:24
Yodudei want to to save time so i can just add them next time08:24
dabaR!anyone > dumbalien08:24
EdgEywhen i unplug/replug my ethernet cable /var/log/dmesg shows it08:24
qeedjuano__, i think dvdauthor is, not sure about ffmpeg08:24
EdgEyyet i can't ping other machines08:25
Yodudec u08:25
ikoniajumpkick: your runnning amd6408:25
Yodudethnkx :)08:25
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EdgEyhinking maybe dhcp is the problem ?08:25
ikoniathats what 86_64 is08:25
juano__qeed: can you guide me a bit with it ?08:25
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juano__qeed: after i download dvdauthor08:25
gapagoshey guys, how easy / difficult is Genatoo compared to ubuntu?08:25
dabaREdgEy: do you have a proper IP address?08:25
assasukasseany idea why i keep getting those errors?08:25
juano__qeed: i got ffmpeg installed yea from repos08:25
LittlegatorI'm having trouble changing my usplash, the guide says to find the directory "usplash-theme-fingerprint.so" but that file doesn't exist08:25
ikoniagapagos: as differnet /easy/hard as you make it08:25
EdgEydabaR it should be assigned by the router08:25
dumbalienafter mounting on livecd it shows files08:25
jumpkickikonia: I know, but I need to set amd64 in a makefile, if it's running on an amd64...  but I don't know how to get that from the OS08:25
ikoniaassasukasse: because the package is not compatible with those headers08:25
qeedjuano__, even though i said dvdauthor, i don't use it, since it's a bit complex for me to understand, i use windows to make dvd structure08:26
ikoniajumpkick: what makefile ?08:26
juano__qeed: ok dvdauthor is too08:26
dabaREdgEy: run ifconfig in a terminal and see whether there is a proper IP address from the router.08:26
assasukasseikonia sudo make install works08:26
apecatgapagos: kind of a bizarre question to ask here, but i'd say it's very diffficult. gentoo is a source based distribution08:26
AmaroqWolfdhorn: okay. Good luck with that. I have never had any use for large res's, so I don't need that. I am curiuos about what package it is though.08:26
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ikoniaassasukasse: no it doesn't, because make didn't work08:26
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jumpkickikonia: a project I'm working on08:26
gapagoshm, then I'll take for granted that Genatoo is too hard for me08:26
jumpkickit doesn't matter08:26
qeedjuano__, the flags you need to make an avi to a dvd mpeg movie, is ffmpeg -i <avifile> -target ntsc-dvd(or pal-dvd) -ab 192 output.mpg08:26
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[BTF] Chm0dok what do you do when there is nothing in dmesg about my sound?  My sound for some reason just quit08:26
jumpkickI'll try to google it more08:26
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ikoniajumpkick: if you just give me detail I can help you08:26
dhornAmaroqWolf: 915resolution is the name of the package08:26
gapagosif it wasn,t for the atomatix packacge, i probably wouldn't be using Ubuntu :-P08:27
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juano__qeed: let me try it, sec08:27
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe08:27
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ikoniagapagos: thats a bad package08:27
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JawshieOh do I have to have the Edgy cd to upgrade to it from dapper or can i just use some miracle command line cute08:27
jumpkickikonia: I need the shell to return 'amd64' from a command, that's it08:27
ompaulgapagos, you can't upgrade if you have used that08:27
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EdgEydabaR - ifconfig shows nothing, ifconfig eth0 shows some info but no IP addresses08:27
apecatgapagos: gentoo is a very powerful and customizable tool, but do you have all the time, willingness to learn and.. patience it takes to get it running and keeping the system up to date? that's what you've got to ask yourself before you try gentoo on an important machine08:27
ompaul!nickspam _Chm0d_08:27
dumbalienhd shows in bios, not in windows, when i mount it on the livecd i can view folders once. after that it fails to open again08:27
ikoniajumpkick: thats amd64 isn't an arch though08:27
ompaul!nickspam | _Chm0d_08:27
ubotu_Chm0d_: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages (see !Away for more details): use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently08:27
EdgEyi can't copy/paste since it's on a different machine08:27
tcpipany similar app like squid??08:27
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_Chm0d_it was a typo jesus08:27
FlannelJawshie: sure you can it without a CD, yeah.  It's on that page.  with update manager, or changing your sources.list08:27
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gapagosikonia why is it a bad package? it worked like a charm for me08:27
HymnToLifeJawshie, if you have the CD; the best bet would be do to a fresh install08:27
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Flannel!worksforme | gapagos08:28
ubotugapagos: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.08:28
gapagosapecat yup I indeed do not have such a patience therefore it's not meant for me lol08:28
jumpkick ikonia: *_i386.deb, *_amd64.deb08:28
ubotusquid: Internet Object Cache (WWW proxy cache). In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.1-3ubuntu1.2 (edgy), package size 594 kB, installed size 1544 kB08:28
jumpkick ikonia: nevermind08:28
hotsaucehow asinine to tell someone not to change their nick in a channel08:28
ikoniajumpkick: thats just package names - not an arch08:28
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ikoniajumpkick: I'm interested in helping08:28
AmaroqWolfdhorn: You know what I find odd? Is that my card is listed on IBM's site as an i815, but xorg has it as an i810. I tried to set that config to make it i815, but that broke my x-server. xD I had to figure out how to edit files from a terminal to fix it.08:28
JawshieErr is it worth upgrading to edgy?08:28
ikoniadon't give up08:28
juano__qeed: ok its working08:28
juano__qeed: its encoding to mpg08:29
ikoniaAmaroqWolf: i810 is the driver name package08:29
AmaroqWolfdhorn: although... I might've mistaken i815 for the series of audio card I'm using.08:29
assasukasseikonia how can i know which header is needed, i mean i am using those drivers and they do work, how come they still do if i changed kernel08:29
AmaroqWolfdhorn: oh08:29
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juano__qeed: after that, what do i need to do to make it playable in DVD players ?08:29
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jumpkickikonia: this is what I needed `dpkg --print-architecture`08:29
dhornAmaroqWolf: did you see what ikonia said?08:29
qeedjuano__, dvdauthor does that part, but it's way to complex for me to use08:29
jumpkicknow I'm good08:29
ikoniaassasukasse: if you are using these drivers on ubuntu - why are you trying to rebuild08:29
Jowi_n1AmaroqWolf, i810 covers a whole range of chipsets08:29
dumbalienmounted hardrive showed files once!! (on livecd) know it denies access !!! any help ??08:29
ikoniajumpkick: ahhh I see08:29
AmaroqWolfdhorn: so, it's not referencing the actual card, but rather a driver package?08:29
dhornAmaroqWolf: correct08:30
qeedjuano__, i use this program called dvdauthor from pegasys inc in windows to do that08:30
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juano__qeed: what do you use in windows ?08:30
AmaroqWolfOkay xD Now I know.08:30
[mg] Zimmermannvidia kernel module differs from x module version -- any help folks?08:30
qeedlook above08:30
juano__qeed: ok, ill try that in windows08:30
assasukasseikonia i am gonna update to feisty08:30
apecatgapagos: well then there you go ;). but it *is* a healthy learning experience, and the documentation and the cummunity support is phenomenal. try it on a secondary machine first. another distro you might want to try to learn stuff is slackware. it's not source based, so it's quicker to install08:30
assasukasseand i want to try if they rebuild before i do08:30
qeedjuano__, nero vision is good too08:30
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ikoniaassasukasse: thats different headers that are probably not supportd08:30
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juano__qeed: i got Nero yea08:30
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gapagosapecat staying too much on my pc is not a healthy experience, for me :-P but thanks for the heads up lol08:31
apecatgapagos: ;)08:31
juano__qeed: how much time aprox does it take to encode ?08:31
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[mg] Zimmermannvidia kernel module differs from x module version -- any help folks?08:31
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qeedjuano__, depends how long the movie is08:31
juano__qeed: its like a 2 hour movie08:31
davee[mg] Zimmerman: Edgy upgrade broke your nvidia support?08:31
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juano__qeed: its Xvid08:32
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qeedjuano__, hmm, well 1.8 GHZ P4 here takes around 4 hours for one pass08:32
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:32
HymnToLife[mg] Zimmerman, there was a kernel update today, make sure you have the nvidia module matching the new kernel08:32
juano__qeed: ok08:32
WowbaggerHey, I'm trying to upgrade from Edgy to Feisty, but when I click 'Upgrade' I get this error message: "Authenticating the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server."08:32
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dumbalienusing livecd. How do i check my hd that i can not access?08:33
juano__qeed: it would be cool if a % showed up08:33
daveeHymnToLife: The current state of Edgy's kernel, though, is that the kernel proper is newer than linux-restricted-modules08:33
assasukasseikonia could you look at this08:33
daveeHymnToLife: This breaks nvidia and others08:33
yeniklasorFeisty? Is it newest ubuntu?08:33
bulmerdumbalien: fdisk -l08:34
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+108:34
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dumbalienit shows up08:34
EdgEyis there a way to download the new package lists on one computer, to move to another that doesn't have internet08:34
ompaulyeniklasor, it is not stable08:34
EdgEyi need to check what updates are available and then copy hem from another computer to install08:34
dumbalieni have mounted it, and the files showed up once08:34
yeniklasorok thanks08:34
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unopyeniklasor,  it's not released yet -- so it can't be new -- but it will be soon08:34
ikoniaassasukasse: look ok08:34
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leo_is it just me or xchat-gnome from feisty segfault?08:34
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yeniklasorApril ;)08:34
AmaroqWolfI love how in a room full of people knowledgeable about ubuntu, there is no single 'awesome' user who knows everything about everything. There's so many things to know about it, that our knowledges are diverse and we can always help eachother, as the expert in one situation may find himself the inexperianced in another.08:34
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juano__qeed: its going at a 4500.0/kbits/s and and growing08:35
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WowbaggerHey, I'm trying to upgrade from Edgy to Feisty, but when I click 'Upgrade' I get this error message: "Authenticating the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server."08:35
txdvjeeez im sick of installing ruby and gems on ubuntu08:35
assasukasseikonia does it request full kernel tree or just headers? it says tree08:35
ikoniajust headers08:35
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FlannelWowbagger: #ubuntu+1 for feisty support08:35
[mg] ZimmermanDavee: when I the latest nvidia drivers attempt to install they can't pull down a kernel so they compile the oldest legacy one08:35
unopAmaroqWolf,  it's how everything in the world works, why would it be different in ubuntu? :)08:35
[mg] ZimmermanDavee: where would I go to get the newest nvidia module08:35
HymnToLifedavee, I'll take your word for it, I'm runing exclusively custom kernels08:35
apecatAmaroqWolf: i consider myself an intermiate user who is too lazy to learn everything. that's why i stay with ubuntu and debian ;)08:35
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PwcrLinuxMy DVD player still choppy, last checked on DMA still "on" on the hdc. and even demuxer missing08:36
Toxhi , cud u answer me why net indicator always shows that recieve incoming conection08:36
qeedjuano__, fast cpu :)08:36
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FlannelEdgEy: /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin and srcpkgcache.bin, I believe those are the only files (Although, that doesnt mean it's right ;)08:36
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juano__qeed: 3.0 GHZ08:36
daveeHymnToLife: Yeah, I'm seeing remarkbly little info about this bug, because anyone with an nvidia card would have got breakage, simply by applying the automatic updates...08:37
apecatTox: and you aren't receibing incoming connections?08:37
juano__qeed: :)08:37
Psyjuano__, i managed to add that route to my routing table - still no ping reply though. any more ideas?08:37
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Toxit recieving ....08:37
_apelsinchoklad_i cant get the internet-conection work on my old imac.. help me. I'm a linux begginer..08:37
juano__Psy: did you try a iwlist <dev> scan ?08:37
juano__Psy try a iwconfig08:37
AmaroqWolfunop: x3 yeah, but some things are moreso that way than others. Say, a programming language. It isn't so diverse as much as it is simply levels of knowledge. apecat: I consider myself an intermediate user too. But learning more on linux and fixing problems that arise is so fun. Much more interesting than windows. :P08:37
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HymnToLifedavee, this is really bad, I'm wondering why a distro as mature as Ubuntu still has this kind of problems08:37
dumbaliendoes fdisk -l show up mounted hardrives ????08:38
daveeHymnToLife: *nods*08:38
deLatzHi there, my wlan adapter isn't named as wlan0 but instead as eth1 ... gnome network manager doesn't recognise my wireless therefore....08:38
Psyiwlist wlan0 scan shows me two wireless networks08:38
Toxonly incoming even if there's no conection is active i mean browser other stuff08:38
daveeHymnToLife: Especially, seeing as the symptom is that X just doesn't start.08:38
apecatAmaroqWolf: yes, it's fun without getting too much like slackware or gentoo :)08:38
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Skullerhey guys...is there any reason for me to switch from Dapper to Edgy?08:38
apecatnot that there's anything wrong with those two distros08:38
mabusHow do i take a package off of hold with dpkg08:38
tcpipcan anyone help me configuring squid08:38
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coNPmabus: I guess dpkg generally ignores holds08:39
juano__AmaroqWolf: yeah i agree, you learn a lot solving issues08:39
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apecatSkuller: probably not if you need to ask us that question08:39
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AmaroqWolfapecat: *chuckles* From what I hear, it'll be quite some time before I'm good enough to attempt to install gentoo.08:39
Toxi connected thru some kind of modem it get me cable tv and internet08:39
Flannel!pin | mabus08:39
ubotumabus: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto08:39
mindstateis there anyway i can have k3b without having the entire kde desktop environment08:39
HymnToLifeAmaroqWolf, Gentoo is imo less confusing than Slack08:39
Flannelmindstate: yes, of course.  You do however need the KDE libs.08:40
AmaroqWolfHymnToLife, wow. There's something worse than gentoo? xD08:40
HymnToLifeespecially now, when you don't have to compile everything anymore08:40
hotsauceslack is on its EOL08:40
_apelsinchoklad_help somone??08:40
kriticalSkuller, I don't know the official reasons, however they're always upgrading the software between distribution releases... I'd advised upgrading after each major release.. don't wanna get left behind :P08:40
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apecatAmaroqWolf: if you're able to follow documentation there's nothing wrong with trying. chanches are that you'll learn to love it08:40
juano__Psy: try iwconfig , what does that show ?08:40
Skullerapecat: will i benefit from the LTS of 6.06 in any way, bcoz that is the only thing that is holding me back from switchin to Edgy (who doesnt want to ave the newer thing?)08:40
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AmaroqWolfapecat: :P I do have an extra computer I could try it on.08:40
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mindstateFlannel: well i installed the whole KDE and when i tried to uninstall it still left a bunch of KDE software ..how can i get rid of it?08:40
Skullerkritical: thnx....i guess i shud switch then08:40
Psyjuano__ bit rate, essid, frequency etc details for my wlan0 interface08:41
apecatSkuller: you benefit from it by not needing to upgrade to get security fixes anytime soon08:41
apecatthat's the pooint with lts08:41
HymnToLifemindstate, psychocats.net has a page about it08:41
juano__Psy: mm ok08:41
kriticalSkuller, some people have had issues upgrading to edgy, make sure you google it, there's a proper way to do it08:41
HymnToLifemindstate, next time, use aptitude to install such things :p08:41
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Flannel!upgrade | Skuller, kritical08:41
ubotuSkuller, kritical: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:41
juano__Psy: did you give it an IP ?08:41
mindstateHymnToLife: i checked that i tried it..and it tried to uninstall a whole lot of stuff that i installed..that isnt kde related08:41
apecatSkuller: if you are somebody who just wants it to work right away, why fix something that isn't broken.08:41
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_apelsinchoklad_can someone help me?? ... the internet-connetction wont work on my old imac..08:42
juano__Psy: also, which netmask did you give it ? , by using class A you should be using
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HymnToLifemindstate, I guess you'll just have to manually remove everything you don't want then08:42
SkullerFlannel: sorry, stupid question but after you rote !upgrade, wich key did u use to put that vertical bar?08:42
Psyno its using - don;t ask em why :)08:42
Psythats what the network is set to08:42
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K-Richi wonder if there is an XDMCP client for windows08:42
juano__Psy: this is if you are configuring static IP, i suppose you have DHCP enabled on the router08:42
apecatAmaroqWolf: well you have nothing to loose. except for your time and social life :)08:42
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FlannelSkuller: shift-\ on most keyboards08:42
Psyno, it's disabled08:42
apecatbut that's the fun of it08:42
mindstateHymnToLife: thats the problem, i dont what some stuff is called08:42
FlannelK-Rich: cygwin is probably your best bet08:43
HymnToLifemindstate, just let it be then, it can't hurt08:43
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AmaroqWolfapecat: xD I've been told it'll take two weeks for an about average smart person to set it up.08:43
SkullerFlannel: |....nice...thanx08:43
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juano__Psy: mm ok, usually a is a 192.168.x.x C class IP08:43
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Psyyeh i know - the network settigns are correct though08:43
Psysame as the ones im using ont his pc08:43
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mindstateHymnToLife: it'd free up some space :)08:43
juano__Psy ok08:44
apecatAmaroqWolf: yes and no, depending how fast your machine can compile stuff, how much stuff that will break, how many first timer mistakes you do etc ;)08:44
gilgeaiOh excuse my i'm half English ,half French and i speak French ,I speak english and my english is very pool08:44
juano__Psy: mm try ping
juano__Psy: that aint working right ?08:44
AmaroqWolfapecat: lol, I see. x308:44
PwcrLinuxi'll bbl08:44
_apelsinchoklad_can someone help me?? ... the internet-connetction wont work on my old imac..08:44
HymnToLifemindstate, you could always open synaptic and spot everything that starts with a k :p08:44
Psynope, i get 'FROM icmp_seq=n dest host unreachab;e'08:44
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mindstateHymnToLife: yes ill try that lol08:44
mykhuldo you guys all tweak your machines to make the graphics and display stuff sweet and sexy?08:44
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apecatAmaroqWolf: keep in mind that gnome or kde takes something like 8 hours to compile on the athlon xp 2100/512 mb eam+ i'm writing this on08:45
HymnToLifemykhul, I sometimes do, when I'm bored :p08:45
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SimpletonHey, on all of the twinview guides it acts as if there is only one device08:45
AmaroqWolfapecat: whoa.08:45
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gilgeaiDo you speak French?08:45
LjLmykhul, that sounds more like a question for #ubuntu-offtopic08:45
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.08:45
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Simpletonbut on my xorg.conf nvidia's config created two videocard devices, one for each monitor08:45
AmaroqWolfapecat: what ghz is that?08:45
midmoodHi, i'm recompiling kernel aided by this guide http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/CompilazioneKernel08:45
apecatAmaroqWolf: 1.708:45
juano__Psy: also one important thing, run sudo dhclient on that machine08:46
_apelsinchoklad_can someone help me?? ... the internet-connetction wont work on my old imac.. anyone?08:46
midmoodsomething isn't working...  can you help me?08:46
AmaroqWolfapecat: I think my other machine is like, 1 ghz08:46
apecatAmaroqWolf: so when you try, you may want to stay with lightweight window managers and stuff like that08:46
EdgEyi am making progress now08:46
EdgEyi can ping my gateway but nothing past that08:46
HymnToLifemidmood, and the problem is ?08:46
midmoodah ok08:46
Psyok... its doing some stuff...08:46
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AmaroqWolfapecat: my other computer couldn't even boot from the ubuntu CD. xD It would try to mount the filesystem when starting up, and it would get stuck like that.08:46
midmoodHymnToLife, when typing this:  sudo dpkg -i kernel-image-2.6.17-11.deb08:47
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FlannelEdgEy: did you ask in #ubuntu+1?  It's a feisty problem, they probably have a concise answer on how to fix it08:47
apecatAmaroqWolf: well it's not all that tragic if you stay with a clean and minimal system. fluxbox, icewm etc are things people learn to love over time. these window managers are so unbloat that its hard to believe08:47
bthorntonWhat's the name of ATI's new open-source drivers (open-source version of fglrx)?08:47
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midmoodi receive "no file found"08:47
bthornton"ati" or "radeon"?08:47
_apelsinchoklad_can someone help me?? ... the internet-connetction wont work on my old imac.08:47
ikonia_apelsinchoklad_: is it running ubuntu08:47
juano__Psy: try sudo dhclient3 wlan0  or sudo dhclient wlan008:47
HymnToLifemidmood, try to tab-complete : sudo dpkg -i linux<tab>08:47
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Jowi_n1!find chcase08:47
HymnToLifesurely you didn't compile a 2.6.17 kernel08:47
_apelsinchoklad_ikonia: yess.08:47
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midmoodHymnToLife, ok, i try and back soon08:47
ubotuPackage/file chcase does not exist in edgy08:47
illriginalWhat's a good program to make audio cds?08:48
illriginalfrom mp3s08:48
EdgEyFlannel, yeah, but i think it's nothing wrong with feisty and maybe something i just screwed up myself. there's not many people in the feisty channel, if i use ifconfig to set stuff up manually it's working08:48
juano__Psy: that could help, we have to enable the dhcp client on that machine if your connecting to a router running DHCP server08:48
SimpletonDoes anyone have twinview working properly?08:48
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apecatAmaroqWolf: how much ram does it have. the ubuntu live cd installer is for machines with 256 megabyte sof ram or more. use the alternate cd for machines with less ram. in fact, i always use the alternate cd. much faster to get the install going08:48
HymnToLifeillriginal, k3b08:48
ikonia_apelsinchoklad_: does it see the network card at all08:48
bthorntonubotu radeon08:48
Psyno it's not using dhcp08:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about radeon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:48
illriginalk3b? ok08:48
Psyit's set up static08:48
bthorntonubotu ati08:48
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:48
AmaroqWolfapecat: I think it has half that ram.08:48
juano__Psy: oh ok08:48
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HymnToLifeillriginal, it needs an extra plugin to handle mp3, you'll fint it in Synaptic too08:48
juano__Psy: is it to ?08:48
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midmoodHymnToLife, Maybe i did confusion, what dir am i supposed to do the command?08:48
illriginalwhen i download it, im sure it'll be like k3b plugin yes?08:49
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juano__does iwconfig tell you that ip ?08:49
juano__Psy: or ifconfig ?08:49
apecatAmaroqWolf: then i think you won't get the full ddesktop live cd working becouse of the ram. if you want ubuntu on it, you might want xubuntu instead, xfce is leighter08:49
HymnToLifemidmood, hmm actually, I think this was not the right thing or you08:49
Psyiwconfig doesn't show an ip, if config shows that yes08:49
_apelsinchoklad_ikonia: yeh.. its strange.. it works whith google if I go in to it whith my computer beside first.. but when I try other sites it wont work08:49
HymnToLifewhat do you want a custom kernel for ?08:49
ikonia_apelsinchoklad_: so you can visit google, but no other sites ?08:49
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midmoodyes, I think so, But I'm trying anyway :-)08:50
Psyoh hang on a second - there is no ip's in ifconfig this time...08:50
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AmaroqWolfapecat: I've always wondered what the difference is between ubuntu, kubuntu, and xubuntu.08:50
midmoodalone i can't, I suppose...08:50
apecatAmaroqWolf: but you could install ubuntu on it with the alternate installer, which has an easy to use menu driven interface08:50
_apelsinchoklad_ikonia: yepp08:50
HymnToLifemidmood, why do you think you need a custom kernel ?08:50
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juano__Psy: try sudo ifconfig wlan0 down , then sudo ifconfig wlan0 netmask up08:50
ikoniaAmaroqWolf: and you never thought to check http://www.ubuntu.com to find out08:50
midmoodcause i have to configure audio for my tvcard08:50
juano__Psy: i would be using for but anyway08:50
ikonia_apelsinchoklad_: thats very strange, alls I can think of is that your dns isn't working and google is cached08:50
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midmoodand i need a custom module08:50
HymnToLifethen just build that module08:51
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HymnToLifenot the whole kernel :p08:51
EllixisHi all, I have a Dapper Desktop installation CD... does it have a "server install" inside ?08:51
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juano__Psy: since all of them are on , just try that one08:51
HymnToLifeEllixis, no08:51
apecatAmaroqWolf: those are all the same thing, exept for the default deskto. kubuntu has a customized kde desktop, xubuntu has a customized xfce. you can try either of thsese by installing the packages xubuntu-desktop, kubuntu desktop08:51
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Toxhow to check out all active connections ?08:51
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EllixisHymnToLife: damn it :( I can't install a server with it ?08:51
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heydabopHow do I [artition my hard drive in Ubuntu?08:51
Psyok it;s back up, it has a ip in ifconfig now08:51
HymnToLifeEllixis, no, you'll need a Server or Alternate CD08:51
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter08:51
=== DJ_Gentoo [n=djwings@pool-71-240-250-8.syr.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Psystill no ping from
apecatTox: the netstat command08:51
ikoniaheydabop: gparted, fdisk08:51
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_apelsinchoklad_ikonia: some other sites also works if i go in to them with the computer beside that use os x..08:52
apecatTox: you might want to check out the tool netwatch (which has to be run as root)08:52
ompaulTox, netstat -an | less08:52
EllixisHymnToLife: ok thanks, bye all08:52
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midmoodHymnToLife, I followed step by step all the istructions in the tutorial, but, as a newbie user, i moved between dirs whesn something went wrong... I just need to be put back in the right way :-)  please help me08:52
Toxtnx guys08:52
ikonia_apelsinchoklad_: what do you mean "the computer beside" - is that a different computer or the same08:52
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Toxas i wrote i have a big problem08:52
_apelsinchoklad_ikonia: a different08:52
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apecatTox: you can install netwatch with the package netdiag08:53
sylpheedClawsTox: yeah?08:53
juano__Psy: sudo ifconfig wlan0 netmask gw up08:53
ikonia_apelsinchoklad_: so what has that got to do with your mac08:53
midmoodHymnToLife, tried not bothering users with dummy questions, but now i need help08:53
Toxoutgoing connection running08:53
HymnToLifemidmood, I can't really help you with it, I always build my kernels with source from kernel.org, not with the Ubuntu packages08:53
sylpheedClawsI wasn't here when you said it08:53
Toxi cant find out why'08:53
sylpheedClawsso... what's the problem?08:53
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juano__Psy: after that, try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart08:53
midmoodHymnToLife, ok... could be simply a wrong dir error, can you suggest me from which one I can type the command?08:54
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sylpheedClawsmid: prob?08:54
Toxindicator shows outgpin bytes08:54
bootsbradfordWhere does ubuntu hide its root password?  My friend set his ubuntu system up and the only pass he had to [rovide was a user password.08:54
_apelsinchoklad_ikonia: if I go in to a site on my mac with os x and then whith the computer whith ubuntu it works on that site..08:54
HymnToLifemidmood, maybe /usr/src/linux ?08:54
sylpheedClawsmidmood: what's the problem?08:54
Toxhow to find out where it goin08:54
apecatbootsbradford: you can set the root password with sudo passwd root08:54
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midmoodsylpheedClaws, blocked in the middle of the recompilation of kernel08:54
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jrib!root | bootsbradford08:54
ubotubootsbradford: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:55
ghostdog! pastbin08:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:55
sharperguyIf i make a separate home partition, how big (% wise) should I make it compared with the rest of the drive?08:55
Flannelbootsbradford, ubuntu doesn't use the root account, and there's no reason to set one up.  It's disabled.08:55
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ghostdogi need past..08:55
sylpheedClaws...I don't have much kernel-compiling experience08:55
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midmoodhmm, it seems i don't have an /usr/src/linux08:55
HymnToLifemidmood, are you getting my PMs ?08:55
sylpheedClawsghostdog | ~pastebin08:55
hjmillshi - how do i unzip every zip file in a folder from the term? unzip * says they are all not matched08:55
apecatbootsbradford: if you really want the root account you can set it up, but in most situations using sudo is safer08:55
sylpheedClawsghostdog | !pastebin08:55
bootsbradfordFlannel - that's great until you unmount with a normal user account and then can't remount wiuthout su privileges08:55
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Psyjuano__, i get gw@ host name lookup faliure08:55
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Psy*gw: host name lookup faliure08:56
Flannelbootsbradford: you use sudo.  not su.08:56
bootsbradfordapecat: e.g. sudo mount /dev/blah asks for a password08:56
Skullerkritical: if i just format my ext3 partition and install Edgy on it, wudnt it be better than 'upgrading' my Dapper?08:56
sylpheedClaws!pastebin | ghostdog08:56
ubotughostdog: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:56
Flannelbootsbradford: it's asking for your user password08:56
apecatbootsbradford: that's your own password08:56
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HymnToLifeSkuller, it would definitely be better if you can afford it08:56
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bootsbradfordah ok, thanks apecat, Flannel08:56
juano__Psy: ok, mm, well anyway, try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart08:57
SkullerHymnToLife: hmm...thanx...i guess i'll go for that as soon as i am done downloading the edgy eft ISO on my 128kbps connection....08:57
sylpheedClawsyour root pass is the pass of the first user08:57
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sylpheedClawson Ubuntu, you don't su, you sudo with your own pass08:57
sylpheedClawsit's safer that way08:57
HymnToLifesylpheedClaws, wrong, there is no root pass inUbuntu by default08:57
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Flannelsharperguy: Really /home is where you put all your stuff.  It's best to think the opposite, figure out about how much space you need for everything else, then give /home the rest.  Since it'll be where you put all your random junk, that'll pile up08:57
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HymnToLifedon't confuse the user password and the root password08:57
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sylpheedClawsno, I meant that on Ubuntu, the pass treated as the root pass is the user pass08:58
Psyjuano__, host name look up faliure again doing that restart...08:58
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LittlegatorIs anyone familiar with changing the usplash?08:58
sharperguyFlannel, what do you suggest then?08:58
ikoniaLittlegator: yup08:58
apecatsylpheedClaws: nope08:58
HymnToLifesylpheedClaws, it's not the same thing08:58
pianoboy3333crimsun: are you there? could you help me compile the latest alsa for hda intel?08:58
juano__Psy: are your other PCs set to similar IPS ?08:58
Flannelsharperguy: no, it's not. And if you create a second user with admin privledges, then the sudo password is that user's password as well.08:58
EdgEycan anyone who understands networking better give me a description of what <naddr> is in that link?08:58
sylpheedClaws...the pass of the first user08:58
Littlegatorikonia: I've searched the wiki, forums, and the guide that is provided and I can't get this to work08:58
juano__Psy: have you got them all on net ?08:59
HymnToLifeyou can't use it to login as root or use su for example08:59
ikoniaLittlegator: whats the problem08:59
Skullerwhat is the difference between Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Edubuntu and Xubuntu?08:59
juano__Psy: what netmasks dot ehy use ? ?08:59
EdgEySkuller, window managers08:59
sylpheedClawsbut the root password for sudo, not su08:59
assasukasseikonia what is this problem now?08:59
Flannelsharperguy: another way to do it is to use LVM, and then you don't need to worry about sizes ;)08:59
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HymnToLifeSkuller, the desktop environment they install by default08:59
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FlannelsylpheedClaws: sudo doesn't use the root password, at all.08:59
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sylpheedClawson other distros08:59
Littlegatorikonia: I'm not sure, it tells me to enter a line in the terminal but the terminal says the command usage is wrong08:59
meshyfOk so I go to update Ubuntu and it gives me this "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. " error message. So I go to the Terminal to do dpkg --configure -a like it says and it says I require super user privileges. So I go to install the Super User Terminal but it wont let me because of the error from before. What can I do to fix this?08:59
sylpheedClawsthis is for people who aren't familiar wit hUbuntu's sudo system08:59
HymnToLifeUbuntu != other distros :p08:59
hamittrke bilen varm help09:00
juano__Psy: have you tried looking in the !wireless09:00
bootsbradfordany ways to stop nautilus displaying mounted devices on the desktop automatically?  I can always get them by going into the file manager if I want09:00
HymnToLifesylpheedClaws, sudo is not Ubuntu's09:00
ikoniaLittlegator: whats the command09:00
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HymnToLifeit existed way before UBuntu was created09:00
sylpheedClawsdid you upgrade with the upgrade manager?09:00
ikoniaassasukasse: looks like a header / kernel incompatability09:00
juano__!wireless | Psy09:00
ubotuPsy: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:00
Littlegator ikonia:  sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-artwork.so usplash-artwork.so09:00
hamit*trke bilen varm help09:00
meshyfSylpheed: yeah09:00
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sharperguysylpheedClaws: not really, because if you type in su, then no password will let you in, because it s disabled09:00
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ikoniaLittlegator: that looks fine09:00
unopsylpheedClaws,  even on other distro's the default password sudo asks for is the user's not roots -- although it can be configured to ask for root's password09:00
sylpheedClawsI've got that message by hacking the upgrade09:00
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corevettehow do you turn off "sticky keys" in ubuntu?09:00
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Littlegatorikonia: it gives me the usage prompt, saying  {{--install needs <link> <name> <path> <priority>}}09:01
unopmeshyf,  sudo dpkg --configure -a09:02
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meshyfunop: Thanks man. :D09:02
assasukasseikonia please look here09:02
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unopmeshyf,  sudo = superuser do :)09:03
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meshyfunop: oh lol I had no idea.09:03
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Psyjuano__, i have the mac address for the router under iwconfig - this means i can see it right?09:03
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infidelanybody know anything about smart type phones?09:03
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chableanyone knows whats the value of 256 in binary numbers09:03
ikoniaassasukasse: ok09:03
unopmeshyf,  now you do :)09:03
cypherdelicwhen will restricted kernel modules 2.6.17-50 be released?09:03
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cypherdelicor will it ever be released.09:04
assasukasseikonia why checkinstall doesnt work but sudo make install does?09:04
Flannelsharperguy: uh, depends on what you use your computer for, for instance, I have a larger /var, because I have my own web server and stuff.  But, personally (and this is more space than I'll ever need for these partitions): / - 512MB, /usr - 10GB, /var - 25GB (because I have user-ish stuff there), /tmp - 5GB and then /home - the rest (200GB), I was sloppy, because I have LVM running, so I can shift them around if I need, and I had a big d09:04
Flanneleh, that probably got cut off.09:04
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midmoodHymnToLife, maybe i need to register my nick ...09:04
ikoniaassasukasse: check install is a crappy way to work09:04
sylpheedClawsyou'll probably be using hex mostly09:04
ikoniaassasukasse: I never use it09:04
midmoodit's the first time since longtime09:04
juano__Psy: mmm well thats a good sign09:05
sylpheedClaws(in which case, it'd be #100)09:05
unopchable,  1 0000 000009:05
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juano__Psy: but its weird that you cant ping it09:05
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assasukasseikonia i see :D its a pity that i've to reinstall always stuffs09:05
chablethank you09:05
Psycould it be that ubuntu is trying to route stuff to the wired port rather than the wireless?09:05
HymnToLifemidmood, that's what I told you09:05
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juano__Psy: sure its the router or your wlan0 mac address ?09:05
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EdgEy_is there any way of recovering data from a partition deleted by gparted? it changed the operation queue automatically and i didn't read it09:05
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juano__Psy: you have 2 network cards in that PC ?09:05
midmoodHymnToLife, don't you read my responses?09:06
dobbbobhow can i change the defaul power governor? my laptop boots with Performance, and i want it to be set to conservative09:06
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juano__Psy: one wireless and one wired ?09:06
dobbbobi knowhow to change it after boot, but i want to set the defaults09:06
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corevettewhere do i find repositories09:06
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unopPsy,  it could happen if the wired connection has an IP address that has a default gateway as the same router09:07
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rohansomeone should offer ubuntu cd's with updated packages, much like fc respins. :(09:07
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Littlegatorikonia: Do you have any idea why the usplash wouldn't be working?09:07
rohanespecially so for kubuntu, since it has major upgrades like kde 3.5.6 and amarok 1.4.509:07
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ikoniaLittlegator: nope, not without research09:08
dettoaltrimentihellllo- if I download the Feisty live cd and install (I already have windows xp and kubuntu 6.10 on my laptop) will feisty show up in my boot menu automatically?09:08
LocksmithWell - another Linux convert here as of today..... just Borne again today!!!!09:08
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Locksmithjust loaded up ubuntu this morning09:08
ikoniadettoaltrimenti: if you have to ask that - you should not be using alpha software09:08
cypherdelicwhen will restricted kernel modules 2.6.17-50 be released?09:08
HymnToLifemidmood, no, you'll need to be registered to send PMs09:08
Flannelrohan: 6.06.1 is exactly that.  But, if you want updated packages, use the alternate CD or the minimal CD, they'll download the latest from the web.09:08
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calvarezhello, I just switched from Kubuntu to Ubuntu. I also made Ubuntu my default laptop OS09:08
whoniccawhen is fiesty being released09:08
rohanFlannel: i was saying it in context to edgy :)09:08
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unoprohan,  ubuntu tries to provide packages as current as can be afforded .. but stability comes first09:08
storkwhere can i get a screensaver that is an image slideshow?09:08
_apelsinchoklad_the internet wont work on my old imac.. but when I go in to a site on my mac with os x first and then with the one whith ubuntu the site works sometimes.. what's wrong???09:08
EdgEy_whonicca april09:09
rohanunop: i am just talking about updated cd's09:09
Flannelrohan: eh, the latter still applies ;)09:09
tuskerniniQuestion, is wlan connection different (pc to pc) than normal wlan?09:09
cypherdelicor will it ever be released.09:09
cypherdelicwhen will restricted kernel modules 2.6.17-50 be released?09:09
whoniccaanother question, how often should u do kernel updates when available09:09
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:09
walladoes anyone know how i edit certain aspects of my gtk 2.x theme09:09
CyberCodI'm having trouble using ktorrent in ubuntu (yes i know its for kde)09:09
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LocksmithAny SUPER Ubuntu users able to help a newbie out with a screen resolution issue?09:09
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calachtuskernini: what do you mean by normal wlan?09:10
unoprohan, you mean CD's for packages already available in the repositories?09:10
_apelsinchoklad_the internet wont work on my old imac.. but when I go in to a site on my mac with os x first and then with the one whith ubuntu the site works sometimes.. what's wrong???09:10
whoniccawhats the problem09:10
whoniccawith ur screen resolution, not a super user but i can help maybe09:10
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juano__Locksmith: whats the problem ?09:10
rohanunop: yes09:10
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tuskerninicalach, wlan from a more common router... ex. dlink...09:10
Lunar_Lamp!resolution | Locksmith09:10
ubotuLocksmith: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:10
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unoprohan,  heh, arent you happy enough that they provide a free service? :) you're on the net, why not download the packages09:11
amortvigilhey the samba update from last week is broken could anyone help me fix it ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5308/09:11
LocksmithThanks, I loaded UBUNTU - newest version on my eurocom 5600p clevo with a radeon 7500 video card... and when i try to change the screen res, my resolutions are not listed09:11
tuskerninicalach, we have a project in the city where you can log onto the city wlan but when I open network manager... it sees it as a little computer  and i can not connect..09:11
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juano__Locksmith: they are probably not in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:11
rohanunop: that was just a request .. ofcourse i am grateful. and, it is pain to download packages in areas with slow internet, like me09:12
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Psyunop, would it detect the channel automatically?09:12
tuskerninicalach, not as my home wlan... and as the other wlans here in the complex09:12
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storkhow do i edit screen saver settings?09:12
tuskerninicalach, if i create a wlan connection from my computer.. it also sees it as pc to pc..09:12
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calachwell I mean, it is a computer to computer connection09:13
Locksmithok so i tried editing the xorg.conf via the resolution howto and now when i open the screen resolution window now I get this error >>> Bad key or directory name: "/desktop/gnome/screen//0/resolution": Can't have two slashes (/) in a row09:13
_apelsinchoklad_the internet wont work on my old imac.. but when I go in to a site on my mac with os x first and then with the one whith ubuntu the site works sometimes.. what's wrong???09:13
whoniccahow often should u do kernel updates when available09:13
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tuskerninicalach, and i can not connect to such a connection made by a friend from a mac eather... but he can connect to one I make?09:13
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mhikufaad: error while loading shared libraries: libfaad.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory? how can i fix this?09:13
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unopPsy,  well the fact that you can see the network when you scan suggests so .. but to be sure -- iwconfig09:14
calachthat is most likely just a firewall setting on his end09:14
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wallaanyone know i can change just certain aspects of my gtk theme instead of changing the whole thing?09:14
Flannelwhonicca: Well, the updates are bug/security fixes, but it's up to you to balance security vs downtime09:14
juano__Locksmith: i would try sudo dkpg-reconfigure xserver-xorg , this reconfigures xorg and you can select again the screen resolutions you want to have in it09:14
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tuxtotii installed apache2 and php using synaptic.... my acpache sever is running and i can see the default apache page ..... but it looks like it wont execute php scripts ...it just gives me a box.. asking where to save the php file (in firefox)...09:14
whoniccaFlannel, i could care less about downtime09:14
tuxtotiwhat could be the problem?09:14
whoniccajust wondering since theres like a new one every week09:14
tuskerninicalach, any ideas? maby it needs something... verification? or being able to open a webpage?09:14
Flannelwhonicca: then go ahead and update whenever theyre available09:14
unoprohan,  is there a reason you must have the latest and greatest?09:14
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juano__Locksmith: before that you should sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak09:15
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Flanneltuxtoti: you need to install libapache2-mod-php509:15
calachtuskernini: you only have problems with ad hoc networks, not infrastructure right?09:15
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unopamortvigil,  what does this return --  ls -ld /etc/rc2.d/S91samba09:15
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rohanunop: err.. i dont think you got me. i meant, cd's like the fedora respins, or 6.06.1, i.e. updated cd's with the latest packages in repo.09:15
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tuskerninicalach, yes with no key... have not tried to disable my home wlan key yet09:15
LocksmithTHANKS JUANO_ I'll try those suggestions09:16
calachtuskernini wait your home wlan is operating as ad hoc?09:16
unoprohan,  yes, i got you -- but why must you have the latest version of KDE and whatnot, why dont the current packages cut it?09:16
amortvigilunop lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Dec  5 14:46 /etc/rc2.d/S91samba -> /samba09:16
tuskerninicalach, no it has a key or am i not understanding you09:16
rohanunop: the current packages are the latest - 3.5.6. only, the cd is outdated09:16
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SkullerHymnToLife: EdgEy: does my being a 17 yr old student mean that i wud be more happy with 'Edubuntu' rather than Ubuntu?....or if i am an Eye candy lover shud i go for Kubuntu?09:16
Flannelrohan: just grab the minimal CD, then you'll always have the most recent version.  always.09:16
michi_hello, does anyone own a ATI X1950 Pro?09:17
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calachwell ad hoc and infrastructure can all use keys09:17
unopamortvigil,  try this -- sudo rm /etc/rc2.d/S91samba  -- and run that command again09:17
commonerdoes anyone know how to get BitchX to stop showing join/part & quit messages?09:17
calachbut most home networks use infrastructure09:17
rohanFlannel: the download page lists only desktop and alternate. can you link me to the minimal cd's ?09:17
SurfnKidmichi_: go to #ubuntu-effects or #beryl they  have info there09:17
dxdemetriouI have copied some files to external disk, and some others aren't there now but in lost&fount. can I restore them?09:17
unoprohan,  so the only reason you want the latest packages is because you think what you are running is outdated?09:17
HymnToLifeSkuller, if you have the slightest common sense, you'll be happier with Kubuntu :p </troll>09:17
tuskerninicalach, so i must have infrastructure... how can i find out? iwconfig?09:17
FlannelSkuller: no.  Edubuntu is geared more towards classroom settings (client-server teacher-student thing), if you like what edubuntu gives, install ubuntu then install the edubuntu themes/stuff09:17
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michi_SufnKid: thx09:17
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calachtuskernini connect to your router09:18
FlannelSkuller: classroom settings like teachers controlling students screens and stuff, not just 'educational' settings09:18
AVN`my down key doesn't work09:18
whoniccado i have to enable anything on the windows machines on my netowrk in order to open up there folders through nautilus with samba09:18
Flannel!minimal | rohan09:18
uboturohan: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:18
SurfnKidmichi_: np09:18
AVN`how do I reset the keybindings?09:18
calachtuskernini: sorry i cant help you much I dunno09:18
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_apelsinchoklad_nn hr som kan lite linux?? ... ja provade att installera linux (ubuntu) igr p min gammla imac 233mhz.. men ja kan inte f internet att funka... det funkar iaf p powermacen brevid med os x p.... det som r konsigast r att om man gr in p en sida p powermacen och sen p imacen s funkar det ibland p den sidan.09:18
whoniccai get an authentication required pop up, put in my login name and password and it still doesnt allow me to browse09:18
amortvigilunop its woring09:18
tuskerninicalach,  thanks anyway...09:18
rohanunop: that, and because of the changes listed on http://kde.org/info/3.5.6.php09:18
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dxdemetrioucan I restore files from lost and found? The fsck.ext3 doesn't restore them09:18
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rohanFlannel: that was exactly what i was looking for ! thanks :)09:19
KasparrHi. Can anyone tall me whats the best support for Beryl to run with my Radeon 9200? AIGLX or XGL?09:19
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Flannel_apelsinchoklad_: english only.  But, if you want a lighter version of ubuntu, check out xubuntu09:19
ubotuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se09:19
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FlannelKasparr: #ubuntu-effects for beryl questions09:19
timthelionnow that termcap-compat is completely depricated can one run emacs-cvs on ubuntu?09:19
unopamortvigil,  woring? whats that mean?09:19
Nomad_O_NorthWhat is the Linux equivilant of C:/Program Files?09:19
KasparrFlannel: thanks09:19
kitcheKasparr: with ati binary drivers it's just xgl witht he open source drivers you can use aiglx09:19
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ompaulNomad_O_North, there is non - we have an older and more sane way of looking at files09:20
cablesNomad_O_North, /usr/bin usually, for the actual app, ~ for settings09:20
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SkullerFlannel: HymnToLife: so i dont reali have to use Edubuntu if i am a home desktop user i guess....the option now just comes down to between Ku and Ub....and considering wt Hymn said i guess i shud download and install Kubuntu right?09:20
FlannelNomad_O_North: /usr/bin  http://www.secguru.com/files/cheatsheet/linux-file-structure.jpg is a reasonable rundown (but not ubuntu specific)09:20
ompaulNomad_O_North, what are you trying to do?09:20
cablesNomad_O_North, you can do whereis appname to know09:20
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:20
amortvigilunop sorrie typo:P its all working09:20
AVN`Can anyone tell me how to fix gnome key bindings? mine got screwed up and I don't want to recusimize my gconf09:20
timthelionompaul: I wouldn't go so far as to say more sane, I have never seen a sane destcription09:20
FlannelSkuller: you can actually have them both installed on the same system (on the same partition) and choose between DEs each time you login09:20
babodoes anyone know how to convert an avi file to a flv file ? .... pls ... ??09:20
unoprohan,  man o man, why do you assume that it's best to have what's newest -- i bet you if you were sent a CD, the KDE you got would be obsolete :)09:21
timthelionAVN`: um, you could go to system preferences hotkeys09:21
baboI've tried mencoder, but it doesn't seem to be up to the job ... :-(09:21
Flannelunop: that's what the minimal CD solves, you only download the latest.09:21
JessicaFLIs it possible to run two XWindows at once?  Like, Ctrl+F7 for one and Ctrl+F8 for the other?  I have VMWare running but even maximized I don't have enough visual area to be comfortable in the guest OS.  If possible, any pointers on what I need to read up on?  Thanks!!!09:21
rohanunop: true, but kde 3.5.6 has its advantages :)09:21
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SkullerFlannel: ohh...but i guess that would be unnecessary unless you can give me an advantage of using Ub rather than Ku09:21
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timthelionompaul: if you know of a good description of unix directory structure I'm interested09:21
AVN`timthelion: stuff like the down arrow, not like whats in hotkeys09:21
Nomad_O_NorthI'm going to perform a backup of all of the primary programs on my system. That is, all of the programs visible under Alacarte.09:22
rohanand other things, like kernel updates, bug fixes and security updates, that are usually part of edgy-updates, unop09:22
FlannelSkuller: theyre... comparable.  It's personal preference over merits, for KDE vs Gnome09:22
timthelionAVN`: what is wrong with the down arrow?09:22
AmaranthNomad_O_North: why?09:22
AmaranthNomad_O_North: those are easy to reinstall09:22
kitchetimethelion: http://www.pathname.com/fhs/ has everythign layed out well and is what most distros follow09:22
AVN`timthelion: it is not mapped to anything, a few other keys are broken also09:22
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FlannelSkuller: HymnToLife was being silly when he said Kubuntu was better if you 'have the slightest common sense'09:23
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Nomad_O_NorthJust to be safe, in case for some reason known only to bob an essential file goes missing.09:23
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HymnToLifeSkuller, it was a joke to say that I consider KDE to be way better than Gnome, but you could try them both if you want to make your own opinion about it09:23
rohanSkuller: it depends on your preference - whether you like KDE or gnome09:23
ompaultimthelion, http://www.faqs.org/docs/linux_intro/sect_03_01.html scroll down that page a bit - Nomad_O_North you might find it interesting09:23
coNP! flamewar09:23
commonerJessicaFL: i've done that before with two different users signed in at the same time.  I don't know how well it would work if it's the same user signed in twice.09:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flamewar - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:23
rohanbut I'd agree with HymnToLife , Skuller :)09:23
coNPoh, poor ubotu :)09:23
HymnToLifebut if you like eye-candy, KDE is definitely the best bet09:23
SkullerFlannel: Does the personal preference come in even if i have not used Ub for more than 2 days?....i mean i dont think i wuf prefer one more than the other if i have just initiated myself in the Linux world a couple of dayz back09:23
Nomad_O_NorthThat way I can just replace the file and go about my business.09:24
_apelsinchoklad_the internet wont work on my old imac.. but when I go in to a site on my mac with os x first and then with the one whith ubuntu the site works sometimes.. what's wrong???09:24
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SkullerHymnToLife: that is arrite then.....but eye candy still goes to KDE aye?09:24
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commonerJessicaFL, just go to system>quit and choose switch uses09:24
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HymnToLifeSkuller, that's exacly why I'm teling you to try them both09:24
rohanSkuller: all the more reason to try both - you can then just stick to what you like.09:24
unoprohan, it's not feasible to use CDs .. especially as the install ones are already given out free .. which is why you have the online repos .. now, if you spent a couple of hours everyday running update (even of 2kbps dialup) you'd have no problems09:24
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JessicaFLcommoner: I don't mind making another user.  Do I just run StartX as each user?  I don't mind reading a lot, but do you know a good place for info on this?09:24
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JessicaFLcommoner: ok (i'll wait until you're done of course :)09:24
FlannelSkuller: eh?  Theyre different.  Yeah, personal preference would make a difference, because you still know what you like ;)  Probably install both, try them each, then choose one (or don't, no issue leaving them both installed)09:24
rohanunop: true ..09:25
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illriginalHow come K3B cannot play mp3 files?... And will it convert the mp3s into audio format so that i can play it in a car stereo or in a CD player?09:25
HymnToLifeSkuller, http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/9/kdecompositech0.png09:25
HymnToLifehere's some nice KDE eye-candy :p09:25
SkullerFlannel: rohan: HymnToLife: thanx....i guess i'll try both and then make up my mind....thnx for ur help09:25
illriginalHow come K3B cannot play mp3 files?... And will it convert the mp3s into audio format so that i can play it in a car stereo or in a CD player?09:25
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Flannelillriginal: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/MP3  you need to install k3b's mp3 codec,09:25
HymnToLifeillriginal, I told you k3b needs an extra plugin to handle mp3, you'l find it in Synaptic09:26
rohanSkuller: yes, try both and stick to one you like .. np :)09:26
illriginali did.09:26
illriginalI DID THAT.09:26
unopJessicaFL,  did you want to have two sessions running at the same time?09:26
illriginalthe decoder.09:26
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commonerJessicaFL, np ;)  If you're using GDM (for graphical login screen) you should be able to use switch user (instead of running startx from the console)09:26
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_apelsinchoklad_the internet wont work on my old imac.. but when I go in to a site on my mac with os x first and then with the one whith ubuntu the site works sometimes.. what's wrong???09:26
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Flannelillriginal: which one?  and which version of ubuntu are you running?09:26
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JessicaFLcommoner: oh! ok, I thought I had to do more than that09:26
gapagoshey when i tried to boot from the Ubuntu 6.10 installation CD it freeses about 20 secs after loading the kernel09:27
Nomad_O_NorthBTW, I also need to know how to back up my aplications menu...09:27
Muzik83illriginal: you probably need libk3b2-mp309:27
gapagosi have 6.06 installed09:27
mamonassassinahi,is a .bin file "mountable"?09:27
JessicaFLcommoner: then how do you switch between them? (or is it just doing switch user back and forth?)  can you do alt+f7,f8 ?09:27
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_apelsinchoklad_the internet wont work on my old imac.. but when I go in to a site on my mac with os x first and then with the one whith ubuntu the site works sometimes.. what's wrong???09:27
unopJessicaFL,  you can have another session within your current one by running this command - gdmflexiserver -xnest09:27
_apelsinchoklad_the internet wont work on my old imac.. but when I go in to a site on my mac with os x first and then with the one whith ubuntu the site works sometimes.. what's wrong???09:27
_apelsinchoklad_the internet wont work on my old imac.. but when I go in to a site on my mac with os x first and then with the one whith ubuntu the site works sometimes.. what's wrong???09:27
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commonerJessicaFL, nope.. and then you can switch between the two sessions with ctrl+alt+f7 or f809:27
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ompaulNomad_O_North, rather than doing that - create a test user09:27
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cables!patience > _apelsinchoklad_09:27
JessicaFLgreat! i'm going to try it out.  thanks commoner and unop for your help!09:27
pbureau_apelsinchoklad_, whats chipset on your network card ?09:27
lehaidi've connected an USB 4-in-1 card reader, and it doesn't show up, how do i know what to do ?09:27
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gapagoshey when i tried to boot from the Ubuntu 6.10 installation CD it freeses about 20 secs after loading the kernel ... i have 6.06 installed already though09:28
pbureaulehaid, put a card in09:28
lehaidi dont even see it in "lsusb".....09:28
lehaidpbureau, i did09:28
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gapagosi dont want to upgrade i want to have both versions on seperate partitions09:28
lehaidand the leds are on09:28
ompaulNomad_O_North, as one users personal settings do not influence anothers - so you can break all you want09:28
pbureaulehaid, do lsusb does it report the card reader there ?09:28
Nomad_O_NorthI need to be able to write the contents of my applications menu to a cd-wr.09:28
_apelsinchoklad_pbureau: chipset??09:28
lehaidpbureau,  nop09:28
pbureau_apelsinchoklad_, type lspci |grep Network whats does it report09:29
illriginalThe KDE cd burning application library - MP3 decoder09:29
lehaidmaybe the usb hub isn't recgoznied in linux ?09:29
illriginal^ have that09:29
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mamonassassinahi,is a .bin file "mountable"?09:29
pbureaulehaid, so all 0000 in there ?09:29
gapagoscan anyone help me? why does 6.10 freezes on its 1st boot from the CD? It works in 6.0609:29
Flannelillriginal: what version of ubuntu are you running?09:29
lehaidpbureau, no.. other usb (in back) are there09:29
illriginalEdgy eft09:29
lehaidi'm trying toc onnect it on front09:29
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mamonassassinalehaid: this is how my card reader worked...09:29
mamonassassinalehaid: connect it in other usb port.09:29
pbureaulehaid, try plugin the usb card reader into the pc directly and check lsusb again09:29
CrakeHunterhello! how can i make beryl make boot automatically at startup?09:29
gapagoshelp anyone plz09:30
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_apelsinchoklad_pbureu: dont now.. i'm kind a begginer.. not so good at computers/linux09:30
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mamonassassinaCrakeHunter: go to system,administration...09:30
Nomad_O_NorthSo, the contents of my applications menu will be in my personal settings...?09:30
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lehaidcan't access the back ports09:30
lehaidit's hard09:30
pbureau_apelsinchoklad_, type --> lspci |grep Network <--whats does it report09:30
mamonassassinaCrakeHunter: hm...hold on haha09:30
CrakeHunterheh ;)09:30
mamonassassinaCrakeHunter: i know its system,administration.09:30
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mamonassassinaCrakeHunter: but i have to look for the thing.09:30
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CrakeHunterk thx in advance :)09:31
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mamonassassinaCrakeHunter: system,preferences,sessions.09:31
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lehaidconnected to back.. works :)09:31
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mamonassassinaCrakeHunter: there,you'll probably know what to do.09:31
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lehaidnow, i want to install on the 1GB flash card, a linux dist with GCC09:31
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lehaidany recommendations ?09:32
pbureaulehaid, I have a card reader that does the same thing..09:32
Nomad_O_NorthSo, the contents of my applications menu will be in my personal settings...?09:32
mamonassassinaCrakeHunter: especially cause my ubuntu is in portuguese and i don't know how to explain you that.09:32
CrakeHunteri suppose add it in startup programs ;)09:32
lehaidwhat is a small, non-X distribution, with gcc that fits 1 GB?09:32
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mamonassassinaCrakeHunter: yes :P09:32
pbureaulehaid, nope never done it09:32
ZahrberCan anyone tell me how to use NMapFe with root privledges09:32
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CrakeHuntera muchas gracis!09:32
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ddudemplayer question: how can i decrease the font size of the sub-titles? (srt file)09:32
lehaidguess, i'll try slackware again09:32
ompaulNomad_O_North, back this up:  .gnome2/panel2.d/default/launchers/09:32
gapagoscan anyone help me boot into 6.1009:32
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mamonassassinaCrakeHunter: that is spanish,but no hay problema.los 2 sn casi iguales.09:32
gapagos6.10 freezes during live cd boot09:33
cables!br | mamonassassina09:33
ubotumamonassassina: Por favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.09:33
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Flannelgapagos: did you check the CD?09:33
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ompaul!bootoptions | gapagos09:33
gapagoscd is fine09:33
ubotugapagos: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions09:33
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mamonassassinacables: why?09:33
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alex_hola buenas, alguien sabe de asterisk?09:33
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mamonassassinacables: why should i go to ubuntu-br if i speak english?09:33
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gapagosubotu: what options should I use? 6.06 didn't need any options to boot properly09:33
pbureau!es | alex_09:33
HymnToLife!es | alenax09:33
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ubotualex_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:33
mamonassassinacables: why should i go to ubuntu-br if i have asked my question in english right here 10 minutes ago?09:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:33
ubotualenax: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:33
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Zahrbergapagos: where does it freeze look at what is the last service loaded09:34
poningru!network manager09:34
ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager09:34
cablesmamonassassina, i just got back to the channel and i thought you wanted help in Portuguese... sorry09:34
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CrakeHuntermy gaim crashes all the time.. anyway, no salgo antes yo te he preguntado como se dice "muchas gracias" en portugues?09:34
Nomad_O_NorthOK. Thanks ompaul!09:34
mamonassassinacables: ok,ok.09:34
mamonassassinaCrakeHunter: it's 'muito obrigado'.09:34
ZahrberCan anyone tell me how to use NMapFe with root priviledges09:34
mamonassassinanow,is a .bin file "mountable"?09:34
gapagosZahrber: it freezes shortly after the kernel was loaded, when you see the big Ubuntu logo with a progress bar moving left to right to left to right09:34
CrakeHuntervale, muito obrigado :)   adios, amigo!09:34
pbureauobrigado in portuguesh09:34
KratoS_ehm...how I can connect to Italian server?09:34
gapagosthere is no text at this point09:35
pbureauKratoS_,  /join #ubuntun-it09:35
cablesCrakeHunter, are you on Edgy? It's a beta, and the bug should be reported. However, you can try  renaming ~/.gaim to something else to temporarily try using blank settings.09:35
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HymnToLifeKratoS_, /join #ubuntu-it09:35
Zahrbergapagos: so it never starts loading services09:35
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mamonassassinaCrakeHunter: adios.or,how we say it,"tchau". lol09:35
CrakeHunteryea im on edgy...09:35
CrakeHunterthe bug cannot be reported, it crashes without error message09:35
gapagosZahrber: I wouldn't know, i've never seen an edgy sucessful boot09:35
KratoS_ok thanks09:35
Zahrbergapagos: do you ever see the kernel module loaded09:36
gapagosZahrber: yes, I can confirm the kernel module is always 100% loaded09:36
enry183somebody know a software for podcast09:36
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hbaigumamonassassina, what is that .bin file?09:36
SkullerTo connect to the internet i use an ADSL modem which requires an Username and Password.....i used the pppoeconf to connect to the internet....i have 2 accounts which i want to be able to switch between easily rather than going through the whole process of 'pppoeconf' ing again and again....is it possible, if yes then how?09:36
CrakeHunterwell,  - i dont chat very often anyway... so off to my new ubutnu desktop, weee :)09:36
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CrakeHuntertchau, mamonassassina!09:36
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Zahrbergapagos: then the hardware detection starts after that for loading modules into the kernel\09:37
kitcheCrakeHunter: it does give an error you just can't see it unless you start gaim from terminal09:37
flo_how can i force a prog to compile with a arbitrary version of gcc?09:37
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mamonassassinahbaigu: a "virtual CD" (sorry for not having a better definition for that lol)09:37
alex_I need help with asterisk09:37
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alex_I want to load chan_bluetooth but it's imposible09:37
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cablesalex_, #asterisk09:37
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_DezHi guys09:38
gapagosanyway if i can't even BOOT into 6.10, I don't want to start thinking about upgrading it... the only reason I want 6.10 is to try Berryl 3d world; and I want to stick to Ubuntu because it's easy to set up09:38
pirate-kinganybody running smoothwall?09:38
mamonassassinahbaigu: there is the option of burning it into a cd,but i'd like to mount it into a 'virtual drive'.09:38
kitchealex_: asterisk is probably to advance then what most people in here know about I barely know asterisk sicne I ddon't use it or have a need but read documents for it09:38
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pescoI've got the following problem and can't find a fix: When I play back video with the XVideo extension, it appears but totally stretched vertically. This is feisty fawn herd 3 with a radeon 9600 on an Apple PowerBook.09:38
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pescoHas anyone ever seen this or any idea what could fix it?09:39
gapagosknoppix also doesnt work very well, i have no video after xwindow server loads but thats another story09:39
EdgEy_gapagos, if you just want to try out beryl you could use 7.04, since it won't matter if anything breaks if you're just testing09:39
kitchepesco: #ubuntu+1 for feisty support09:39
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pescokitche: Oh, thanks! Sorry...09:39
_apelsinchoklad_pbureau: cant write it.. somthing is wrong whith my keyboard.. cant write the "|" ... what button should i press in linux?09:39
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EdgEy__apelsinchoklad_, if it's on US layout09:40
Zahrbergapagos: check you loading of 6.06 and see what starts after kernel and I am sure 6.10 loads the first few the same. this will give you an idea where to start09:40
EdgEy_it's near the enter key09:40
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pbureau_apelsinchoklad_, copy and paste the text I posted into a terminatl window then :)09:40
Norf-ubuspot the idiot... :P i "played" with a proggy called bootup manager and disbaled all the services.... screen went blank so did a 3 finger shuffle to reboot.... it reboots but stops at a command prompt with Login...... heylp!09:40
EdgEy_possibly # or ]  (UK keyboard) i forget now09:40
pbureau_apelsinchoklad_, type --> lspci |grep Network <--whats does it report09:40
LocksmithBack again after running dpkg to reconfigure xorg, and still not able to get xorg.conf to take the new settings (yes I ran it with sudo )09:40
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kurtis it true that linux is going commercial?09:40
cableskurt, some distros are commercial...09:41
EdgEy_'linux' is a kernel09:41
kurtoh i see09:41
Zahrbergapagos: you will need to pay attention closely but you probably have hardware detection problems if Knoppix is acting up also09:41
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gapagosZahrber: if my hw is incompatible what can i do09:41
kitcheNorg-ubu: login and fix what you did sicne you probably disabled gdm on boot so it boots to cli09:41
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_apelsinchoklad_pbureu:  cant copy past betwin two computers..09:41
kurtso the commercial ones have media support and wine right out fo the box?09:41
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gapagosi mean i cant run everything software09:41
gapagosso in other words im fucked09:42
ompaul!language gapagos09:42
ompaul!language | gapagos09:42
ubotugapagos: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:42
Zahrbergapagos: you may have to do some research on your exact HW to find the cure09:42
pbureau the | key is the same as \ but press shift and \ and you will get |09:42
Norf-ubukitche: ok- logged in but it stops at the comman dpromt - i'm a wet behind the ears newb - so pointers welcome09:42
pbureau_apelsinchoklad_,  the | key is the same as \ but press shift and \ and you will get |09:42
hbaigumamonassassina: see it this help http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Burning_a_CDROM_from_a_bin/cue_file09:42
gapagosah linux is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy09:42
gapagostoo discouraging09:42
mamonassassinahbaigu: i dont want to burn it.09:42
Muzik83gapagos: have you tried disabling the splash screen and taking the silent mode off the boot options to the kernel?  This should spit out tons of lines of information on what its doing, rather than the nice pretty splash screen09:42
unopgapagos,  easy now09:42
mamonassassinahbaigu: i want to mount it.09:42
kitchekurt: linux is already commerical redhat suse xandros mandriva, even ubuntu is semi-commerical09:42
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_apelsinchoklad_pbureau: wont work.. i have swedish keyboard.09:42
LjLgapagos: spamming channels won't help much09:42
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|thunderNorf-ubu; 'startx'09:43
FantasticFooi just installed wifi-radar. when setting up a profile for a wireless network, how do i know what "channel" to give it?09:43
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kitcheNorf-ubu: startx to start X09:43
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Zahrbergapagos: Linux requires you to learn more than Windows and that is a good things but places like this give you a push in the right direction09:43
FantasticFoothe options are "auto" or 1-1409:43
hbaigumamonassassina: see the page botton, is give option about mounting09:43
mamonassassinahbaigu: oh,yes!thank you so much.09:43
Skullerkitche: how is ubuntu semi - commercial?09:43
Norf-ubuthank you thank you thank you!09:43
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gapagosis there a way i can run Berryl in 6.06?09:43
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Norf-ubu<huge grin>09:43
pbureau_apelsinchoklad_, well I am sorry mate I have no idea, you may want to simply type lspci and look for your network card09:44
mamonassassinawhat is a "kernel module"?09:44
Norf-ubuteach me not to mess again :-s09:44
kitcheSkuller: there is free support as this and paid support09:44
LjLmamonassassina: you know what the kernel is?09:44
Zahrbergapagos: check out your HW and I think you will find it easier than you think, but a little more than click a next next finish wizard09:44
gapagosi tried installing Berryl and ALIGX or whatever was required but when i run beryl-manager it logs me off09:44
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Skullerkitche: oh...cool...thnx09:44
mamonassassinaLjL: hm...no09:44
ompaulSkuller, and the people here are not paid09:44
LocksmithAnyone else been through the trouble of getting screen resolution problems resolved?09:44
LjLmamonassassina: well, Linux is the kernel, and it's basically the core of the operating system. the rest are "userland" programs.09:44
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kurtsomeone asked already09:44
LjLmamonassassina: a kernel module is a part of the kernel that can be loaded and unloaded while the kernel is running09:44
pbureauLocksmith, mostly ATI/Nvidia owners :)09:44
ompaul!resolution | Locksmith09:44
ubotuLocksmith: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:44
kurthow is ubuntu semi-commercial?09:45
mamonassassinaLjL: and how can i load it?09:45
mamonassassinaLjL: or,load a module?09:45
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LjLmamonassassina: drivers for hardware are often made as modules - that way, you don't need to have drivers for hardware that you don't have09:45
Zahrbergapagos: I don't care to use Beryl myself, but I am sure you could run it in 6.0609:45
kurtmy ati is fine09:45
EdgEygapagos, linux isn't really too discouraging, it's just when you have awkward unsupported hardware09:45
LjLmamonassassina: sudo modprobe modulename09:45
unop_apelsinchoklad_,  this ought to give you swedish keys - setxkbmap se09:45
kurti havent installed the dirvers for 3d yet though09:45
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illriginalDoes K3B automatically convert files from mp3/wav to audio format so that it can be played in a stereo/cd player?09:45
Skullerompaul: yea i figured that...i know all u guys here are doing a reali generous, not to mention a terrific, job09:45
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mamonassassinaLjL: this,for example.09:45
EdgEythere is nothing on Windows like beryl09:45
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pbureauunop he has swedish keyboard they just dont have the "pipe" "|" key on their keyboards09:46
hbaigumamonassassina: try first to convert to a iso09:46
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Zahrbergapagos: what kind of system are u using09:46
mamonassassinahbaigu: ya,easier :P09:46
unoppbureau,  errm, sure they do :)09:46
Zahrbergapagos: graphics09:46
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LjLmamonassassina: well, that is not a module that's available in Ubuntu, and unfortunately *adding* new modules is not very easy09:46
illriginalDoes K3B automatically convert files from mp3/wav to audio format so that it can be played in a stereo/cd player?09:46
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gapagospci-e nvidia 720009:46
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Muzik83illriginal: yes when everything is working... i can create an audo cd, drag mp3s on it, and burn...then play in any cd player ...  what version of k3b do you have, and ubuntu?09:46
LjLmamonassassina: so i second the suggestion to try converting to an ISO using bchunk, first09:46
ubotubchunk: CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-1 (edgy), package size 12 kB, installed size 68 kB09:47
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shadowhywindhay all when i just to use wpa_supplicant it slows my computer down to a halt, any ideas09:47
pbureauunop, I would not know... he said he did not have one... what do I know I have a qwerty keyboard..09:47
Zahrbergapagos: do you have 3d in other apps to make sure you nvidia drivers are loaded properly09:47
jexdawgi just installed wine and i need to edit a file in the directory ~/.wine/drive_c ... how do i get to said directory?09:47
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illriginalUbuntu Edgy Eft 6.10 and K3B 12.1709:47
gapagosoh yeah i have official drivers and they work very well09:47
EdgEyjexdawg, ~/ would be your home folder09:47
LjLjexdawg: gedit ~/.wine/drive_c/nameofthefile09:47
EdgEyfor example /home/username/09:47
jexdawgman you guys kick ass09:47
gapagosgames such as vega strike09:47
gapagoswork well09:48
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illriginalMuzik83 Ubuntu Edgy Eft 6.10 and K3B 12.1709:48
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mamonassassinajexdawg: i agree,this guys are awesome (not being sarcastic,i don't include myself on that)09:48
gapagosi get 150fps at armagetron or something09:48
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kurtjexdawg, in home choose view hidden files09:48
frtest test09:48
unoppbureau, every single keyboard locale supports "|" .. he might just have a different keymap set now where "|" is somewhere other than where it is expected09:48
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Zahrbergapagos: ok sounds good, now start checking all other HW and narrow it down to HW or a certain process failing at boot09:48
kurtjexdawg, then you can look around for the file you need to edit09:48
jexdawgah... show hidden files. excellent. thanks kurt09:49
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gapagosbut why would 6.10 be uncompatible with stuff that used to in 6.0609:49
LjLunop, pbureau: i think some (a few?) layouts have "|" as the key next to the left Shift key. and if one makes the mistake of telling the system they have a PC104 keyboard instead of PC105, that key won't be recognized. just a thought09:49
FantasticFooa tutorial told me to "rmmod" a certain module. how do i do the opposite: add the module back?09:49
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oCfuuhi there09:49
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Muzik83illriginal: i'm on 6.06 and 12.17...and on im seeing what I have installed09:49
LjLFantasticFoo: sudo modprobe modulename09:49
juraji don't know what is the topic, i would like to ask few questions09:49
FantasticFooLjL: oh thanks09:49
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:49
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illriginalah ok09:50
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jurajdoes it exsist vu meter for xmms09:50
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oCfuucan anyone help me getting sound drivers installed for my nforce2 board?09:50
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oCfuui get a wird error when I try to install using the how-to in the forums09:50
unoppbureau,  and IIRC, even non-english language keyboards support the qwerty and dvorak configurations .. althought dvorak would be quite rare then09:50
Zahrbergapagos: 6.10 has newer technology so it may be doing something different. I use my 6.06 and 6.10 on a basic system I don't do much 3d stuff so I can't tell you09:50
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pbureauunop I get your point but it wasnt me that had the | problem.. :)09:51
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_apelsinchoklad_pbureau: it comes nothing when i write it..09:51
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Locksmithwhere would this KEY be located so i can fix it """"Bad key or directory name: "/desktop/gnome/screen//0/resolution": Can't have two slashes (/) in a row09:51
Locksmith""" I get this error opening SCREEN RESOLUTION under the prefrences menu09:51
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jurajsome kind of vu meter for xmms?09:51
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pbureau_apelsinchoklad_, you on a MAC.09:51
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_apelsinchoklad_pbureau: yes09:52
nusa42Sup - I'm having a problem hooking my Ubuntu HTPC to my LCD - Any experts know how to alter resolution, restart X from the console?09:52
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knoppixhello ?09:52
sontekHow do I tel gtksourceview/gedit what a mime types header should look like?09:52
EdgEynusa42, something like /etc/init.d/gdm restart can work depends on your environment09:52
knoppixi tought i didn't have internet09:52
Pau1iushi, how could I find out which package some file belongs to?09:52
pbureau_apelsinchoklad_, and you typed lspci and you got no replies ? then I have no ideas.. guess mac dont have pci chipsets...09:52
LocksmithNUSA42 - I am having resolution issues too09:52
_apelsinchoklad_pbureau: i may made somthing wrong then?09:53
nusa42well.. I'm running mythtv and uninstalled gdm to be able to automatically login... so I don't have a login manager anymore.09:53
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Muzik83illriginal: before you said you have the libk3b2-mp3 installed, does k3b recognize this in tools -> options -> plugins -> "k3b MAD Decoder" ?09:53
knoppixso is this real or is this a demo ? :P09:53
unopLjL, that | issue you experienced could be a locale specific thing -- i tried changing my keyboard's model to PC104 but | is still where it should be, although if i change to an american layout i get > there instead09:54
hbaiguPau1ius, dpkg -S /path/to/file09:54
LjLunop: but your | is next to the left Shift key?09:54
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LjLunop: it really only concerns keyboards that have | there09:54
=== eltech [i=G00Ds@ool-457c93b6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
illriginalMuzik83 I'm burnin the CD right now to see if it works09:55
nusa42I've tried to edit xorg.conf but no luck - tried to reconfigure X server to different low level resolution - still no luck - LCD screen (Samsung LE32M5 32" native 1360x768)09:55
EdgEyis it possible to speed up dd ?09:55
unopLjL,  on te left hand bottom side of they keyboard, above the WIN key and to the right of shift , yes :)09:55
illriginalMuzik83 it just started to play the mp3s in k3b so im assuming it's working09:55
EdgEydd if /dev/hda of /media/disk/hda6.img bs 1 skip 14000000000009:55
EdgEyis running ~200 kB/s09:55
jexdawgthis wine tutorial i'm following says: Change to the location where the WineCVS.sh is lying and start it with: sh WineCVS.sh  - uhh.... change what to that location? start it how? huh? haha09:55
unops/te/the/ s/they/the/09:55
LocksmithNUSA42 - Welcome to the club09:56
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EnterUserNamehi all.09:56
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EnterUserNameI can't seem to find the answer to this easily. I'm placing a script in the cron.daily, willt his run aily as it says09:56
LjLunop: well anyway the problem for me was when i set pc104 from xorg.conf (that is, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg) - if you've tried it from inside GNOME, perhaps it doesn't happen there09:56
EnterUserNamedand if so what user09:56
kitchejexdawg: you need that script it installs wine from CVS09:56
EnterUserNameerk and if so what user will the cron daily will run with?09:56
VemaCan i send a password with telnet? Ex: telnet server.com 22 password="test" ?09:56
_apelsinchoklad_pbureau: is there something other I can do?09:56
pbureau_apelsinchoklad_,  try ifconfig does it see an eth0 card >09:57
LjLVema, no, telnet has no specific support for passwords09:57
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jexdawgkitche, do you mind if I pm/bother you excessively?09:57
nusa42LjL hmm ... I run with the Intel i855 chipset - set the reconfigure script to i810 -09:57
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juraji need to compile something for ubuntu how??09:57
_apelsinchoklad_pbureau: yes.09:57
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LjLVema: (besides, keep in mind that passwrods via telnet is not quite a good idea anyway)09:57
EnterUserNameanyone? Will all scripts run in the cron.daily and what user is it run as?09:57
hbaiguEdgEy, put bs=1024, ajust the skip value09:57
unopLjL, yea, i did try it from within gnome -- but it shouldnt make a difference where you change it because a PC104 keyb is a PC104 kb whereever you use it, no?09:57
EdgEyhbaigu divide skip by 1024 ?09:58
troll_hey, how can i change my screen resolution from 1024x768 to 1280x1024?09:58
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hbaiguEdgEy, bs=1024c, yes09:58
albackerwhats the name of the package that creates and installs .deb from source ?09:58
VemaLjL, So i have to type it in? Yes i know this, its clear text and easy sniff. But i need to send everything without user input09:58
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Locksmithlol TROLL let me know when you figure it out OK09:58
Muzik83EnterUserName: I'm not sure of the answer to your question, however you can do a crontab -e to edit the crontab file.  If you want it to run as a certain user you can either do the crontab -e command as that user, or there is a way to use root and specify the user (but i'm not sure of how that works)09:58
kitchejexdawg: not really since I m just typing up a paper but it's already written just transfering it to computer so I can print it09:58
nusa42LockSmith: heh... really sucks eh!? Used 4 days to set up Mythtv + Ubuntu so everything works (sata, raid, myth .. phew)09:58
unopalbacker,  sudo apt-get -b source package09:58
=== _Tom_ [n=ubuntu@cpc1-staf3-0-0-cust378.sol2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
_Tom_Oh here we are.09:58
cgeoguys. i try to bbot with a live cd and all i get is a blank screen when it is supposed to enter the gui.i do hear sound hear sounds and stuff though09:58
albackerunop, i have the package in .tar.gz09:58
_Tom_Live CD ftw \o/09:58
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EnterUserNamehrm. thank you.09:59
LjLunop, well, i wouldn't be so sure... after all, a PC105 keyboard is just a PC104 keyboard with one more key ;-) and since i don't really know what the difference is between setting the layout from GNOME and doing it in the X config (but there certainly is a difference), for all i know it may well be that the X config overrides GNOME in that respect09:59
Muzik83EnterUserName: does that help at all?09:59
nusa42WHen connecting to my lcd screen - the resolution fucks up ...09:59
troll_Locksmith, i've tried to add the resolution in the xorg.conf but it doesn't work09:59
_Tom_I has a quick question about /boot09:59
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Locksmithwell I'm on day 1 and I have just about everything working except screen resolution and MP3 player09:59
EnterUserNameI missed some of it cuz of the scrolling im aware of the crontab -e09:59
hbaiguEdgEy, what are you doing?, you can dd from /dev/hda6, do you know that?09:59
_Tom_How big would one choose to make their /boot partition?09:59
EnterUserNamei guess i can sudo -i and then put it in the root user09:59
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EdgEydd if /dev/hda of /media/disk/hda6.img bs 1024 skip 13671875009:59
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EnterUserNamethank you10:00
EdgEyis now running 20mB/s thankyou10:00
EdgEyhbaigu, yeah, well10:00
unopalbacker,  use the usual way then -- or did you want to do something more debian-specific with it?10:00
EdgEyi deleted a partition10:00
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kitche!fixres | LockSmith troll_10:00
ubotuLockSmith troll_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:00
_apelsinchoklad_pbureau: it says eth0 and a lot of other stuff..10:00
roo__Tom_, not very big, less than 100mb perhaps10:00
LocksmithTROLL_ I have tried manually editing xorg.conf and running the dpkg and still nothing10:00
Muzik83EnterUserName: so if i want to run it as someone, I would su to them then do the -e ... its probably not the best solution10:00
LjLVema, you could pipe something into telnet. like  echo mypassword | telnet blah.com  22  - i suppose it should work. or use "chat" if you need something more complicated (like, waiting for a login prompt)10:00
cgeoguys. i try to boot with a live cd and all i get is a blank screen when it is supposed to enter the gui.i do hear sound hear sounds and stuff though10:00
pbureau_apelsinchoklad_, is there an IP line ?10:00
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EdgEyand i'm trying to image the part of my hdd that the partition was on to use some data recovery software with it10:00
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Muzik83EnterUserName: but those who know seem to be keeping silent :p10:00
EnterUserNamei understand that.. im not too familiar with ubuntu i'll do some testing. thanx10:00
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nusa42heh - lucky you ! ;) - Took me forever to get Ubuntu to recognize my SATA controller and SpeedStep -10:00
VemaLjL, Cool, thanks :)10:00
troll_ubotu, ty10:00
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)10:00
_Tom_roo_:  Would I get away with any less than 100MB?10:00
_apelsinchoklad_pbureau: yepp10:00
unopLjL,  telnet to an ssh port? :o eh?10:00
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andrehey folks10:01
CrakeHunterhi again, id like to import my conctacts (vcf format) in evolution. do i really have to insert them one by one10:01
roo__Tom_, are you that pushed for space?!10:01
_Tom_nusa42: I'm having the same fun atm :)10:01
LjLunop: eh, yeah, well, whatever :P10:01
albackerunop, what's the usual way ? i mean, i dont want to compile it, or maybe it will compile ut i want to install the .deb so itll be easier for unninstalling !10:01
CrakeHunteror is there a faster way10:01
_Tom_roo_:  Yes :p10:01
pbureau_apelsinchoklad_,  okay I am confused or I did not understand your problem can you repeat yourself please10:01
] {urganHey all, I have a very strange, obscure linux wifi networking issue10:01
nusa42must have recompiled 12-15 times :)10:01
Vemaunop, He was responding to my Q, the port is not the Q10:01
_Tom_70GB drive, no more :/10:01
unopLjL,  that surely will not work .. lol.. telnet does not talk SSH :p10:01
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roo__Tom_, yes, you would. But remember, most filesystems take up some of the space (for inodes etc), so you'll never get the 'full' amount.10:01
albackerunop, checkinstall is what i was thinking of.. thanks a lot10:01
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andreI've got a funny issue with the nvidia drivers, upon reboot the screen is bigger than my monitor so by moving the mouse to the edges it shifts the screen around...10:01
_Tom_I seeee10:02
LjLunop, really i just used the same port that Vema used in the example... if i have to be honest, right now i don't *remember* what's the telnet standard port :P10:02
_Tom_Right well, 100MB it will be :)10:02
depinkoAudacity: host not found, can't find audio device........any solutions?10:02
_Tom_Thanks for your help, roo_10:02
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roo__Tom_, np.10:02
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roo_depinko, do you get sound outside of audacity?10:02
unopVema,  well, if you are trying to telnet to SSH .. all you'll get is garble .. telnet doesnt understand the ssh protocol10:02
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unopLjL,  23 :)10:02
depinkoroo_: yeah10:02
LocksmithWhat is a good MP3 player for Ubuntu?10:02
roo_depinko, no idea then.10:02
SmashCatHi, anyone know if amavis-ng is just a test release? Doesn't seem to do anything at all on my server!10:02
LjLunop: 21 22 and 23 i always mess them up10:02
LjL!players > Locksmith    (Locksmith, see the private message from Ubotu)10:02
roo_Locksmith, many players work.10:03
=== dettoaltrimenti_ [n=dettoalt@ppp85-140-153-170.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu
Vemaunop, ... The port was not the Q!!10:03
unopLjL,  ftp, ssh, telnet10:03
depinkoroo_: I read something about killing esd or artsd but it didn't helped10:03
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alex_21i need some help with asterisk....10:03
unopVema,  well, i gathered that but i'm trying to save you the hassle10:03
ubotuFor Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9746 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using this repository: deb http://nvidia.limitless.lupine.me.uk/ubuntu edgy stable10:03
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Violent_Solutioni have a problem getting my wireless card running the drivers are installed  using ndiswrapper but the card (pcmcia) isnt powering up10:03
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_apelsinchoklad_pbureau: yeh. I can try... but thanx anyway..10:04
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EnterUserNameok I figured out .. a bit how it works :)10:04
=== toMeloos [n=tom@192-87-124-28.campus.nyenrode.nl] has joined #ubuntu
EnterUserNamethankx all10:04
Vemaunop, Ok thanks, but i its ok10:04
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] {urganThis is weird, so I'll try to explain it fully:  I have a number of computers, 2 laptops and 1 desktop, all exhibit the same problem under linux but not under windows.  the problem is that when I first start the computer up, often DNS lookups wont work, unless I manually ping my gateway machine first.  When I ping the gateway machine, often the first ping will take upwards of 400ms to return, and all others after that will come10:04
] {urgan back in 2 or 3ms10:04
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unop] {urgan,  man, what a nickname you have ? :(10:05
LjLunop: easy to tab complete :)10:05
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stonedogHas anyone had issue with the kernel update killing Nvidia function?10:05
] {urganunop, sorry, I cna change if you want :)10:05
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unopLjL,  still, ] <tab> :)10:05
scott__hey, anyone know of a linux program that can stream video to an xbox360?10:05
kitchestonedog: yes with each new kernel the nvidia module for hte old kernel is no good anymore10:06
unop] {urgan,  it's ok .. i'm just fussy :p10:06
=== obstfliege_ [n=obstflie@xdsl-87-78-5-132.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
LjLunop: actually, for me it's just ur<tab>, my client is that smart :P10:06
mojo_i am having weird problem with my networking... all seems fine except webpages take FOREVER to load... , ffox or even konqueror.. But using Privoxy/Tor is actually faster in ffox..  now my roommates (winxp/ffox) are having no problems at all... so it is not the router or cablenet...  ideas???10:06
roo_scott__, nope, its not possible.10:06
kitchestonedog: not sure if they fixed it yet but you can use envy for now or use the old kernel10:06
=== ducttape_ [n=intrepid@BSN-77-150-84.static.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
kitche!ipv6 | mojo_ if you didn't disable ipv6 yet10:06
ubotumojo_ if you didn't disable ipv6 yet: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv410:06
CrakeHunteri would like to import my vcf contact files into evolution. is there another way than to import them one by one ( i know to many ppl for that ;) )10:06
scott__roo_ im pretty sure it is, as you no longer require emdia centre edition of windows to do it, media connect and wmp 11 can do it10:07
] {urganunop, any idea about my problem, I think it's possibly the gateway machine, but it only affects linux machines, so I wondered if it's MMU or something strange10:07
unop] {urgan,  have you tried disabling IPv6 in the kernel and other network apps10:07
stonedogenvy?  I figured I'd have to look up the version of the new kernel and reload the old one...but what is envy?10:07
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roo_scott__, and how can you get media connect and wmp 11 on linux?10:07
] {urganunop, no, thats a good idea, I'll try that10:07
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kitche!envy | stonedog10:07
ubotustonedog: envy is a Python script that eases installation of the official Nvidia and ATI drivers. Please see http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html . Developers may be interested in https://launchpad.net/products/envy - See also !Nvidia10:07
scott__roo_ you cant, but various other windows program will stream video to it10:07
ubotuFor Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9746 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using this repository: deb http://nvidia.limitless.lupine.me.uk/ubuntu edgy stable10:07
mojo_thanks kitche i'll check that out... but wonder how it got turned on ... stuff was fine not that long ago... hmm10:07
SmashCatAnyone know of a replacement for amavis?10:08
roo_scott__, I see, interesting. Its been a month or so since I tried. TVersity looked promising, but it was extremely buggy when I tried it.10:08
bart_SmashCat ClamAV?10:08
davieyIs there a tool i can use to automatically wget from an rss feed?10:08
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tuskerninidoes anyone know how to chat with netcat through a network?10:08
stonedogthanks folks!10:08
=== RetLaw2 [n=RetLaw@082-146-104-221.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu
unopLjL,  what client you running?10:09
mojo_hmm maybe it was my kernel update to .17 from .15... could've been...10:09
SmashCatbart_: I have clamAV installed too, I think amavis is a dead project, wondered if it was continuing under another name.10:09
troll_how can i see my x server driver?10:10
=== Drago84 [n=drago@host170-14-dynamic.10-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
roo_scott__, I saw there was a way to stream using vlc that transcode to wmv on the fly, but i couldnt get the linux release of vlc to work.10:10
=== mbass [n=mbass@mbassett.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
FantasticFooi have a weird problem. i recently installed ubuntu edgy on my dell laptop. whenever i first start firefox after i reboot, it crashes. then after that firefox functions flawlessly10:10
FantasticFooanybody know what this is about?10:10
scott__roo_, cheers, i will look into it10:10
LjLunop: konversation10:10
LjL!it | Drago8410:10
ubotuDrago84: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:10
troll_Drago84, questo  in ing collegati a -it10:10
] {urganunop, remind me, I just comment out the net-pf-10 ipv6 line from /etc/modprobe.d/aliases (or wherever the aliases file is now)10:10
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troll_how can i see my x server driver?10:10
bart_Is there a way to exclude packages from the Update Manager ?10:10
EnterUserNamewhy does crontab run anacron it doesnt look like it actually does anything..10:10
] {urganunop, or do I have to change ti to off, or something weird10:10
roo_scott__, my problem was that i couldn't find ANYTHING that transcodes to wmv. FROM wmv no problem, but a wmv encoder was impossible10:10
LjLtroll_: try lshw -class display10:10
Violent_Solutioni have a problem getting my wireless card running the drivers are installed  using ndiswrapper but the card (pcmcia) isnt powering up10:11
=== Zorg95 [n=Miranda@r5cw78.net.upc.cz] has joined #ubuntu
alex_21anybody know asterisk???i need some help10:11
unoptuskernini,  on the server -- nc -v -L t -p 666 -- on the client - nc servername 66610:11
EnterUserNameam i looking at it wrong or can someone give me a hint.. from the cron.daily it looks like if it checks if its esxecuteable.. then updates timestamps but does nothing..10:11
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tuskerniniunop,  thank you will try it out10:11
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=== witless [n=witless@68-118-184-17.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
unop!ipv6 | ] {urgan10:11
ubotu] {urgan: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv410:11
tuskerniniunop, as we spoke just read it on http://www.rohitab.com/discuss/lofiversion/index.php/t11812.html10:12
=== pear [n=ooo@host86-128-41-156.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
stonedogRoo_, I don't know that there is any FOSS stuff that will transcode into wmv.10:12
Zorg95hi, i am just curous whether the next release of Ubuntu will be Long Term Supported as the Dapper Drake is... anybody knows?10:12
witlesshi.  can i burn an mpg file to a dvd and play it in a regular dvd player?10:12
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LjLZorg95: no, it won't10:12
bart_witless : no , you must convert that mpg to a .vob file before a dvdplayer can play it10:12
roo_stonedog, scott__ - yeah, a lack of a wmv encoder seems to be the sticking point for linux->360 streaming :(10:12
=== Bakefy [n=westjd@c-68-58-41-69.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
peardoes anyone know if Ubuntu plans to introduce this silly new Vista/DRM standards to future releases? any news on that?10:12
witlessbart_: how can i do that?10:12
Violent_Solutioncan someone gimmie a hand with my wireless card problem please?10:12
scott__roo_,  bah :(10:13
FlannelZorg95: it'll most likely be 7.1010:13
cablespear, why would Ubuntu put DRM in?10:13
BakefyI have a folder that has a locked icon, I cannot delete it.10:13
unoptuskernini,  yea, it's probably where i copied that command from too (a few years ago)10:13
=== Subtler [n=me@CPE0011d8838a0c-CM00080da51685.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
cables!wifi | Violent_Solution, try this first:10:13
ubotuViolent_Solution, try this first:: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:13
roo_stonedog, scott__ - unless of course there is a windows implementation of wmv encoder that will run under wine. but performance might be shit..10:13
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Zorg95thanks a lot10:13
=== Scott___ [n=chatzill@69-29-253-172.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
pearcables: because its the new snazzy standard, and i heard even Linus said he wasnts it in the lnx kernel?10:13
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mojo_okay kitche i'll give those changes a try... thanks!!  bbiab10:13
bart_witless : try with mencoder (it's a program that comes with MPlayer)10:13
Violent_Solutionthanks ill see what i can find from tehre10:13
Scott___i need help10:13
nusa42How about restarting X server from the console - anyone jow the syntex (how to kill it - I know the startx syntax)10:13
unoproo_,  wmv, just say no!! :)10:13
stonedogWitless, try Avidemux to do the transcoding for you.  Transcode into MP2 and then KMediaFactory or something similar to make the DVD .iso for you10:13
] {urgancheers ubotu and unop, I'll be back once I've rebooted10:14
witlessok, thanks bart_ stonedog10:14
alex_21i want to use chan_bluetooth but it's imposible10:14
=== ducttape` [n=ducttape@BSN-77-150-84.static.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
roo_unop, I know.. i feel dirty even saying it, but there's not a lot of choice. Plus, i want to transcode on the fly, so its only temporarily dirty :p10:14
=== juraj [n=juraj@83-131-68-48.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
Bakefywhat is the command to delete folders in terminal10:14
Scott___so i just installed ubuntu, and everythign is fine, it sits on a 10gb partition (1 of 4 including the linux swap, on my hard drive)10:14
=== munroe_ [n=munroe@CPE000f3d505cab-CM0011ae8a8546.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Scott___except I cant connect to the internet10:15
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nusa42Bakefy: rmdir10:15
LittlegatorQuick Question: cp is the copy command, right?10:15
unoproo_,  some important trivia (oxymoron?) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:15
juraji have something in source code how to compile that for ubuntu?10:15
Flannel!compile | juraj10:15
ubotujuraj: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)10:15
Muzik83bakefy: rmdir if the folder is empty, and rm -ri if the folder has stuff in it...10:15
pearanyway, this new Vista DRM and tieing the OS to hardware IDs sounds like a nightmare...so I'm going to dump Windows and ONLY use Linux now. stupid MS10:15
=== foutrelis [n=foutreli@athedsl-242570.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
nusa42Littlegator: yes10:15
cablespear, you mean Trusted Computing?10:15
tuskerniniunop, wierd with the nc -v -L t -p 666 i get a invalid option -- L10:15
jurajok thanks10:15
unoproo_,  off course there's choice -- the most popular at the moment happens to be another non-free format - .flv :)10:15
=== [GuS] [n=MysT@unaffiliated/gus/x-663402] has joined #Ubuntu
reapwould it be worth it for me to go with the 6.10 installation10:15
reapor the older one?10:15
reapfirst time ubuntu user10:16
cablesreap, try both, see if you have any problems with either.10:16
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thegveHello. I've got an SD slot in my laptop. When I insert my 2GB fat32 SD card, it will only mount read-only.10:16
cablesreap, try both on the livecd.10:16
roo_unop, err, i know about these issues.. im quite an active f/oss developer :) i just want to watch movies on my 360 but streaming them!10:16
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stonedogI like 6.10, but either way you are going to be fine.10:16
thegveDoes anybody know how I can get it to work?10:16
alex_21please anybody can help me with asterisk?????????'10:16
LittlegatorWhy, when I try to copy a directory to a folder, does it say "omitting ** directory" ?10:16
alex_21please anybody can help me with asterisk?????????'10:16
cablesthegve, check the write-protect tab10:16
EdgEyreap i would say try 6.10 and if you have any major issues switch, i see no real reason to use 6.06 on the desktop unless you are having issues10:16
Scott___ive installed ubuntu 6.10, and it wont connect to the internet10:16
alex_21please anybody can help me with asterisk?????????'10:16
cablesalex_21, check #asterisk10:16
reapits going on a fairly bland system10:16
Bakefythanks Muzik8310:16
unoproo_,  ogg then (if you really seek FOSS approval) :)10:16
Muzik83reap: I use both.. provided both are problem free then I would use 6.10, it has more eye-candy10:16
reapAMD XP150010:16
reapATI 850010:17
=== Cyrus25801 [n=cyrus@dsl-244-199-109.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
=== OuZo_ [n=dimitri@dsl-241-195-196.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
reapya ill try the 6.1010:17
thegvecables: I've checked the obvious :) Tested using both settings10:17
roo_unop, do you know what an xbox 360 is? are you implying that an xbox 360 will play ogg theora files?10:17
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:17
unoptuskernini, try -l instead there10:17
Cyrus25801what can i play swf and flv files with10:17
tuskerniniunop, will do10:17
EdgEyCyrus firefox should load swf with the flash plugin10:17
FlannelCyrus25801: flash10:17
cablesCyrus25801, flash?10:17
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thegvecables: Forget to test it in my PDA10:17
cables!flash | Cyrus2580110:17
ubotuCyrus25801: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:17
Littlegatorthat was amazing xD10:17
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash10:17
Cyrus25801yea flash10:17
cablesthegve, that would be good :)10:18
Littlegatoranyone know how to install cursor themes?10:18
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=== cafuego_ [n=cafuego@caffeine.mel.cc.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
unoproo_, errm, depends - what are you using to stream?10:18
thegvecables: The card was OK10:18
cablesLittlegator, yep, hold on a minute10:18
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roo_unop, huh? it doesnt depend on what you use to stream, it depends on the format of the video being streamed to the xbox.10:19
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mega_faunaHi, I need help with a new install which won't boot10:20
foutrelisDo you know any vmware like software for Ubuntu?10:20
BakefyMuzik83 I have a folder that as a lock on it... i tryed deleting it in terminal, but it still didnt work?10:20
stonedogxbox is M$ product so it will likely only take their twisted Mpeg4 stuff.  The .wmv format.10:20
=== CageX [n=yaright@d39-134-110.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
unoproo_,  ahh n/m me .. :)10:20
GenNMXAnyone use a USB Switch? I'm trying to google right now to find any tested-and-true for 2.6.x -- so far, not good. I want to be able to switch between my Windows and Linux desktops without unplugging and replugging (monitor has dual input)10:20
=== deLatz [n=latz@vodsl-8129.vo.lu] has joined #ubuntu
unopLittlegator,  did you get an answer to your cp question ?10:20
=== Cyrus25801 [n=cyrus@dsl-244-199-109.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu []
norf-ubufoutrelis:  yes - vmware is available for linux too10:20
seraphimfoutrelis: qemu10:21
kaptengucan I change a setting so I don't have to be root to mount stuff?10:21
CageXok i just installed the software beautifull10:21
=== ovidijusnorvilas [n=ovidijus@clt-84-32-127-248.dtiltas.lt] has joined #ubuntu
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roo_whats the name of the partition table recover program? aaah, cant remember the name! checkdisk.. something like that10:21
Rhyolitewhat is the status of Serial Attached SCSI support?  The information in the UbuntuForums doesn't seem definitive.10:21
cablesLittlegator, put them in ~/.icons10:21
deLatzhey there, how do I disable "tooltips" in gnome????10:21
BakefyGenNMX, what about a kvm switch?10:21
CageXhow do i make it look 3D10:21
foutrelisnorf-ubu: Fogot to mention I was looking for something free or open source. sorry :)10:21
ovidijusnorvilashi all10:21
kurtnight folks10:21
cablesLittlegator, extract and put in ~/.icons10:21
ovidijusnorvilasmaby somewhone can help me10:21
foutrelisthank you seraphim, norf-ubu10:21
roo_ah - testdisk!10:21
CageXyou know change from one look to another10:21
GenNMXBakefy: They cost like 2x more, and the keyboard and mouse are both USB. So it would have to be a USB KVM anyway.10:21
norf-ubufoutrelis:  the vmware player is - if not QEMU10:21
roo_Rhyolite, try it :)10:22
ovidijusnorvilasunderstand how start use ubuntu linux?10:22
kaptenguhow do I change the security level for mount, I don't want to write sudo mount?10:22
Littlegatorcables, I can't copy them to icons, the GUI paste says I need admin priveliges and I'm doing something wrong when I try to copy it in terminal10:22
=== gtweedy [n=gtweedy@70-58-156-23.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
cablesLittlegator, it's your own home folder...10:22
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Littlegatorcables: I know, but it doesn't let me10:22
cablesLittlegator, do alt-f2, then gksudo nautilus, then use that.10:22
=== kinlo [n=peter@d54C13129.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
unopkaptengu, errm, i think if the entry exists in /etc/mtab for that partition, you should be able to mount it10:22
Muzik83ovidijusnorvilas: what do you need help with: do you have it downloaded? Installed?10:22
stonedogAnd, vmware is going to be included into the Kernel here soon.  Was going to be compiled into the Feisty issue but may not make it until the next one.10:22
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CageXit shows as box and four sides how can i make it show that???10:23
BakefyGenNMX, what are you wanting to spend?  i have a kvm that i use and its got the usb to ps/1 adapter it was like 3010:23
RhyoliteI was hoping to use SAS with Dapper, but it appears incomplete10:23
foutrelisnorf-ubu: I want to install Ubuntu server on a virtual environment :P10:23
kaptenguthx unop10:23
RhyoliteIs SAS better supported in Edgy?10:23
DarkSalmonWhen I start Lirc manually with `sudo lircd`, my ir-transmitter works fine.  I've tired every method of getting lircd to load on boot, but it never seems to work.  Can anyone offer some advise?10:23
jribkaptengu: anyone can run mount but you need permission to mount a partition10:23
Littlegatorcables: oh yeah, forgot about that :p10:23
=== ] {urgan [n=Kurgan@] has joined #ubuntu
ovidijusnorvilasMuzik....today I instal ubuntu Linux 5.04 to my pc10:23
infideldoes anyone have a cell phone that uses a mini sd chip?10:23
=== mellow [n=mellow@213-238-92-65.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #ubuntu
unopkaptengu, is this a removable drive?10:23
BakefyGenNMX, it does stereo sound too.10:23
] {urganoutstanding, that seems to have fixed it!10:23
ovidijusnorvilasMuzik, how upgrade ubuntu?10:23
norf-ubufoutrelis:  each to his own lol10:23
kinlohi, where, do I config the appereance of the "shutdown" button on the quit menu?  I now can only choose between hibernate and suspend... I want shutdown...10:23
ovidijusnorvilasHow instal video and audio codex?10:23
jribkaptengu: look up the "user" and/or "users" option in 'man mount' and use the one you think is appropriate in /etc/fstab for your partition10:23
CageXanyone can help me with some basic questions?10:24
ovidijusnorvilasuntil today i used Windows10:24
kaptenguunop: network share, but can I give my user account permission to mount?10:24
ovidijusnorvilasHow instal skype?10:24
foutrelisCageX: Sure :)10:24
=== ba5e [n=willmc@c-f705e255.133-9-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
GenNMXBakefy: My keyboard has special functions that need USB (no, not "media functions", it's a gaming keyboard). And I don't need audio switcher, I have a separate receiver.10:24
CageXfoutrelis how can i make it look 3D and change from one screen to another10:24
cablesovidijusnorvilas, go to skype.com, they provide an Ubuntu package.10:24
unopkaptengu,  look at what jrib just said -- thats how you'd do it10:24
] {urganunop, Cheers, now for a slightly more complex question then.  If the issue is that my desktops are using ipv6, and the router doesn't understand ipv6 (hence the delay), If I upgrade the router to have ipv6, things will work?  or is that too complex?10:24
CageXfoutrelis: do i need another program to do that??10:24
ovidijusnorvilasCables, I download it to my pc10:24
=== capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-69-149-51-209.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
foutrelisCageX: Beryl can do that.10:25
kaptenguohh thx unop and jrib10:25
ovidijusnorvilasbut i dont know how instal it in my pc10:25
stonedogI know that automatix will allow you to install skype.  I think there is a Linux version on the skype site too10:25
foutrelis!beryl | CageX10:25
ubotuCageX: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects10:25
BakefyGenNMX, okay.  goodluck with your search, I am sure a product exists I just have not seeen one10:25
gtweedyhi all10:25
cablesovidijusnorvilas, is it a .deb file? In that case, double-clicking should open an installer.10:25
jrib!skipe | stonedog10:25
gtweedyneed some help with xorg10:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about skipe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:25
Littlegatorcables: I have them in my icons folder but they didn't work10:25
jrib!skype | stonedog10:25
ubotustonedog: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto10:25
Muzik83ovidijusnorvilas: im not sure about 5.10, but you can try something called EasyUbuntu.  It has many codecs which are not free/open source.  http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/10:25
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=== Rhyolite [n=dje@ool-44c68b94.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
SmashCatLooks like amavis-new is the one to use. amavis-ng is a borked package - dunno why it's available really...10:26
cablesovidijusnorvilas, did you try doubleclicking? If that doesn't work, use dpkg -i <pathtopackage>10:26
ovidijusnorvilasMuzik, is possible somehow talk in privat?10:26
cablesLittlegator, I have no idea10:26
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ciplogicHi everyone, after upgrade xserver-xorg I've got the error: missing font fixed, which package should I install10:26
ovidijusnorvilaswhat is dpkg and where it is?10:26
unop] {urgan,  errm, the public internet isnt IPv6 ready as of yet -- so it's quite unlikely -- although some sites are beginning to support IPv6, but to reach them you need a IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnel (6over4) at the moment .. so you should probably wait on the IPv6 thing10:26
Littlegatorcables: Do they have to be in folders or directly in the icons folder?10:26
cgeoguys i have problems loading ubuntu live cd. although it seems to load the gui i cannot see anything. the monitor turns off10:27
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cablesovidijusnorvilas, easyubuntu is a bad idea10:27
foutrelis!dpkg | ovidijusnorvilas10:27
ubotuovidijusnorvilas: dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.10:27
cablesovidijusnorvilas, you should just doubleclick the .deb file you downloaded.10:27
fulhackHello. Any ideas on whereabouts I may find help with openLDAP?10:27
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ovidijusnorvilassorry for questions, but i never use ubuntu or other Linux system10:27
cablesLittlegator, it should be in its own folder10:27
unopfulhack,  in #ldap10:27
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ovidijusnorvilasok, I will try send skype10:27
foutrelisovidijusnorvilas: You can call it from within a terminal. Also see its man page for usage information10:27
ovidijusnorvilasagain and try instal10:27
=== leftStanding [n=Zenko@c-69-248-134-141.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Littlegatorcables: Well it's in it's own folder...10:27
babodoes anyone know which mplayer plugins i need to get mplayer to play a straight flv file ?#10:28
=== yommb [n=yommb@d54C53440.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
] {urganunop, but my router at home is an ipcop linux firewall, so if I upgrade it to ipv6 ready, the problem will be solved for inside my network, and I just ahve to make sure that the firewall knows that it's adsl connection is ipv4 only10:28
=== Pie-rate [n=jschall@cust-69-19-214-183.static.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu
unopbabo,  it does play .flv files if you have the mplayer-codes or w32codecs installed10:28
cablesLittlegator, check to make sure it's not 2 folders deep...10:28
] {urganunop, or is it easier to just modify every one of my internal computers to not use ipv6, well I knwo that would be easier, but it feels slightly hacky! :)10:28
cablesovidijusnorvilas, did you get my PM?10:28
Pie-rateWTF, ubuntu decided to replace my generic kernel with a 386 one that doesn't support dual core.10:29
leftStandinghi all, i've searched the forums for awhile, tried out easycam2 loaded up as many modules that bear the ov* moniker, but the /dev/video still reports "no decompressor available", did i miss a step? or is there more to the process?10:29
babounop: how can I get the codecs ?10:29
] {urganunop, bvesides I'm a geek, one day I might like to try ipv6 (although I dont know what I'd do if I didn't know all the private addressing schemes anymore!10:29
babounop: are they in the repos ?10:29
Littlegatorcables: There is the folder, and inside is an index.theme file, and another folder with files in it10:29
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unop!w32codecs | babo10:29
ubotubabo: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs10:29
cablesLittlegator, no idea... can't help you. Sorry10:29
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unop] {urgan,  well, the thing with linux (i hate this one thing about the linux kernel) is that IPv6 lookups are done before IPv4 is tried .. so there's always going to be that delay (which doesnt help your problem now if you keep IPv6) .. but yea, you could use IPv6 for somethings at home, like i do10:31
andatcheis there any reason the ndiswrapper-source file shipped with edgy doesn't include the debian/control file required to build it?10:31
jexdawgi just installed steam via wine and it froze on me, locked the whole computer, and forced me to physically press the restart button. it loaded back up but now i am missing the "tasks" bar. like, if you minimize this window, it goes to the bottom of the screen ... that bar is gone10:31
=== MaQui [n=jose@196.Red-83-60-110.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
babounop: will easyubuntu drag them in, without me having to reconfigure the repos ?10:31
=== mymymy [n=logic@p549064DB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ovidijusnorvilaswhy I cannot respence in privat?10:31
cables!easyubuntu | babo10:31
ubotubabo: easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu10:31
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cablesovidijusnorvilas, because you're not registered with NickServ10:31
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unopbabo,  errm, i dont know really -- not sure10:31
quaalanyone know where the picture gets saved when you use firefox to 'set desktop background'10:32
ovidijusnorvilashow registered?10:32
babocables: right, will it bring in the w32codes ?10:32
unopbabo,  best you manually add them in tho10:32
mymymyhi people. do you know how i can find out if ubuntu is making use of the hardware acceleration of my VGA-Card ?10:32
cablesbabo, easyubuntu is a really bad idea.10:32
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cablesbabo, as is automatix10:32
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grimboymymymy, glxgears10:32
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unopquaal,  doesnt the gnome-desktop-properties tell you ?10:32
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cablesovidijusnorvilas, can you answer my question? Is the file you downloaded from skype.com a .deb file?10:32
ovidijusnorvilasCables....how registered here?10:32
Muzik83quaal: it should be in your home directory (mine is using gnome)10:32
leftStandingmymymy: another program to try is glxinfo10:32
kinlohi, where, do I config the appereance of the "shutdown" button on the quit menu?  I now can only choose between hibernate and suspend... I want shutdown... (ubuntu 6.10)10:32
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ovidijusnorvilascables, yes. it is  .deb file10:32
foutrelismymymy: glxinfo | grep direct10:32
leftStandingat the top there's a line that spits out if it's using rendering10:33
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cablesovidijusnorvilas, double-clicking it didn't work?10:33
unop] {urgan,  how much lag do you initially have with these DNS lookups?10:33
quaalMuzik83, yea you're right10:33
mytrueheroI'm having some trouble mounting my secondary harddrive. It's NTFS formatted, and when I type "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /media/mountpoint" I don't get any errors, but when I try to access /media/mountpoint, I get an error window saying "You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "mountpoint."" Any idea why that might be happening?10:33
quaalunop, what is gnome-desktop-properties ?10:33
foutrelismymymy: If you get a 'direct rendering: Yes' message then everything is fine :)10:33
ovidijusnorvilascables, wait a little10:33
mymymygrimboy: that shows me some cogwheels10:33
ovidijusnorvilasI am resending file10:33
cablesovidijusnorvilas, you mean downloading?10:33
unopquaal,  it's the utility that pops-up when you right click the desktop and select properties10:33
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grimboymymymy, Right, but are they skippy?10:34
mymymyleftstanding, foutrelis: direct rendering: Yes10:34
quaalunop, hmm i dont have a 'properties' option ?10:34
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mymymygrim: no, they run smoooooothly10:34
quaalchange desktop background only10:34
leftStandingmymymy: then its working10:34
=== ChrisH [n=Chris@5ac6968d.bb.sky.com] has joined #ubuntu
] {urganunop, DNS queries just wouldn't work at all, so using any program, like firefox, or whatver would timeout and fail to connect, as if there was no network.  I always had to use the ping program to ping the gateway, using it's ipaddress.  that would seem to wake it up, but the first ping would always take between 200 and 400ms to return10:34
tier1972sorry, i dont know how to install a functionating ati driver (open-source or proprietary). only mesa. otherwise the display keeps to be black. i cant switch to console. the grafic is down.10:34
mymymyleftstanding, foutrelis, grimboy: im asking because firefox renders animates websites (javascript) a lot slower then internet explorer.10:34
mymymyleftstanding, foutrelis, grimboy: i mean firefox on linux and ie on windows10:35
=== bronze [n=Lester@c-24-218-46-93.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ChrisHhi folks, I need some advice on installing the latest ubuntu without using the non-standard kernel10:35
grimboymymymy, Firefox doesn't use hardware acceleration.10:35
mymymygrim: ah ok!10:35
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grimboymymymy, Neither does IE.10:35
] {urganunop, as I said I was very confused, however having jsut repowered my desktop, it connected immedietly to everything, so I think that disabling ipv6 seemed to fix it.10:36
foutrelisgrimboy: hmmm.. Is that why firefox on win is more responsive?10:36
tier1972is a radeon n9600/9700 mobilty. sanybody the same?10:36
ovidijusnorvilashmmmm....Muzik, not work10:36
=== foutrelis killed English again :(
mymymygrimboy: but firefox renders html animated by javascript a lot slower then ie10:36
stonedogregarding the Nvidia break due to the kernel update.  Easy way to get the machine back up until we get an updated nvidia module...change the "nvidia" driver option in xorg.conf back to "nv" and presto.10:36
Muzik83ovidijusnorvilas: ok it was worth a try, sorry :p10:36
waterpearmymymy, that's because firefox is slower than ie10:36
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ovidijusnorvilasMuzik, thank you:)10:36
grimboymymymy, Well then that's to do with the speed of the JS virtual machine.10:36
=== Zdra [n=zdra@84.238-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
grimboymymymy, Which is being rewritten by the way.10:37
andatcheis there any reason the ndiswrapper-source package shipped with edgy doesn't include the debian/control file required to build it?10:37
feryanaI would like to know how can I store song in my iPoD with Linux....10:37
mymymygrim: yeah, i heard about it.10:37
Music_Shuffle!ipod | feryana10:37
ubotuferyana: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod10:37
mymymyi hope it will catch up!10:37
] {urganunop, Now for my home network, the DNS server is running on the ipcop gateway, so if that actually had an ipv6 address, or responded via the ipv4 tunnel for ipv6, then I figure the dns lookups would work fine, and the gateway itself may experience the delay wheen connecting to the ADSL router, but internal clients would not experience the slowdown10:37
andatchemakes using a custom kernel a bit of a pain10:37
winds_of_changei'm sorry the question but someone knows why k3b says to me that i don`t have one dvd ... in dvd-rom and in gnome when i put the dvd the ubuntu ask to me if i want to createone cd\dvd10:37
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unopquaal,  n/m, it doesnt do it  .. i thought it might but it doesnt tell you what file is being used10:37
stonedogpeace guys...thanks for the help!10:37
] {urganunop, uncidently, the slowdown happened regardless of whether I was trying to get dns info on an internal computer (like my mail server) or for an internet site, didn't seem to matter10:38
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mytrueheroI'm having some trouble mounting my secondary harddrive. It's NTFS formatted, and when I type "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /media/mountpoint" I don't get any errors, but when I try to access /media/mountpoint, I get an error window saying "You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "mountpoint."" Any idea why that might be happening?10:38
andatchehas anyone got ndiswrapper-source to build using m-a in edgy?10:38
=== Gangster [n=Gangster@d54C46572.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
unop] {urgan, hmm, probably a DNS server issue in /etc/resolv.conf10:38
tuskerniniQuestion, is it possible that i can read a USB stick and HDD from my USB and NOT a usbcam?10:38
unop] {urgan,  what does a dig or nslookup do then?10:39
sharmshow can I setup ppp to dial another number if the first one fails?10:39
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unopsharms,  errm, how do you start a ppp connection -- do you use a command?10:39
tier1972join #ubuntu-de10:39
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ChrisHhow do you install the standard 6.10 with a non-generic kernel?10:40
] {urganunop, I dont think so, the resolv.conf is obviously rewritten by DHCP, and the dns server in it, is the gateway internally (  when I tried dig before, it just hung like all the other applications, like it wasn't getting a response from the dns server10:40
sharmsunop: just a typical setup where I dial my isp10:40
Slarttuskernini: yes, its very possible.. one is almost standard when it comes to drivers and such.. the other is very special and only works sometimes.. up to you to guess what goes where10:40
unopmytruehero,  look at the mount man page for issues with the ntfs fs .. or try using the user,uid/gid options with that mount point10:40
mhikui did got a binary and all work fine10:41
] {urganunop, I'm just trying out my laptop, as I ahven't fixced that yet and it's been off for a few days so should definately exhibit the problem10:41
tuskerniniSlart, but i can read my usb 2.5 hdd and not a cam nor mouse... still normal? i know the cam needs drivers... but the mouse?10:41
Belgainhi there - quick question: is there any simple way to start a program in such a way that it gets automatically restarted in case it crashes/exits?10:41
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Slarttuskernini: usb mice should work.. unless it's something special about it10:42
tuskerniniSlart, and my other USB port... reads my mouse and cam...10:42
=== cmt^^ [n=josef@69-187.umenet.t3.se] has joined #ubuntu
Slarttuskernini: oh.. well.. that makes it a bit different..10:42
cmt^^How do I change my $PATH permanently?10:42
antonio__need help w/ubuntu macintel and sound, running ubuntu 6.10 macbook pro... have tried everything10:42
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unop] {urgan,  is the DNS server on the same IP subnet as the clients using it?10:42
unopcmt^^,  add this line to the end of ~/.bashrc -- export PATH=$PATH:/new/path10:43
Slarttuskernini: never seen different kinds of USB ports on a mother board.. they usually all work or noone works10:43
tuskerniniSlart, would that be software? or hardware... because the "weak" usb reads one of my usb keys and usb hdd10:43
cmt^^thanks unop10:43
winds_of_changewhy ubuntu write in the dvd?! only because i make eject grrrrrrrrr i lose one dvd think lol :|10:43
leftStandinghi all, i've searched the forums for awhile, tried out easycam2 loaded up as many modules that bear the ov* moniker, but the /dev/video still reports "no decompressor available", did i miss a step? or is there more to the process?10:43
=== Zylvain [n=sylvain@pas38-4-82-233-120-150.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
winds_of_changeoh no it is here lol this is cruisel mysystem :|10:43
unopcmt^^,  after that you'll either need to run this -- source ~/.bashrc   or restart the terminal10:43
feryanaand the last question10:44
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feryanahow can I open a .rar with Linux?10:44
Hoosteenhiyas peeps!10:44
Slarttuskernini: I have no idea what might be wrong... is there a pattern to what works? ie things that need lots of power only works in one port..10:44
] {urganunop, yup10:44
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tuskerniniSlart, it is an ibm laptop... the bottom one does not read everything... irritating... could it not be usb 2?10:44
jason0_Anyone know how I can install php-fcgi?10:44
=== Wyzard [n=mike@c-68-46-30-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
winds_of_changeferyana downloads from rarlabs the command line10:44
jason0_Can't seem to find it in synaptic10:44
winds_of_changeand folow thereadme instructions10:44
winds_of_changeis easy10:44
feryanawinds_of_change how can I do that?10:44
Slarttuskernini: well.. I guess you could put 1 usb 1.1 port and 1 usb 2.0 port on the same device.. but it seems kind of odd... the 2.0 ones are backwards compatible after all10:44
tuskerniniSlart, i was thinking something like that... but a usbhdd needs a little power i would guess... atleast as much as a mouse...10:44
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ovidijusnorvilasMuzik, are you here?10:45
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Slarttuskernini: yes.. I would agree.. a hd should need more power than a mouse10:45
Muzik83ovidijusnorvilas: yes but I need to go soon10:45
WyzardI just did a clean install of edgy, and when I first log in I get a message saying that the GNOME Settings daemon couldn't be started, and GTK is using the ugly default theme instead of Ubuntu's normal one10:45
tuskerniniSlart, that is what confuses me...10:45
winds_of_changeferyana easy ... go to winrar website and download the rar to linux then just install10:45
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winds_of_changeuse the unrar or rar10:45
tuskerniniSlart, is it possible for one usb port to need other drivers as the other?10:46
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ovidijusnorvilasMuzik, i download skype  debina file .deb10:46
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ovidijusnorvilasbut I cannnot instal it10:46
Slarttuskernini: perhaps there is someone here that knows all about USB ports, chipsets, drivers and such.. but I'm not that person10:46
ovidijusnorvilasBecause my system read it like archive file10:46
Muzik83ovidijusnorvilas: what does it say if you double click it?10:46
unop] {urgan, errm, i cant seem to think of why your linux clients would think the router doesnt exist or take so long to lookup/ping initially .. while the windows clients are ok10:46
] {urganunop, dammit, would you believe it, laptop wont do it now..  shoot.10:46
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Slarttuskernini: I guess you could put two different usb chips  on the same motherboard.. it seems dumb.. but such a beast might exist =)10:47
tuskerniniSlart, thank you for the help though... i hope i get this one figured out... dont want to install windows to check if it works there...10:47
unop] {urgan,  it could be the router - it's probably biased :)10:47
ovidijusnorvilaswhen i open it with doble click10:47
Yodudehey how do i get theme for my ubuntu dekstop?10:47
ovidijusnorvilasit is open10:47
zOapwhat was the name of the gui to control wacom tablets?10:47
Slarttuskernini: perhaps try booting a live cd or two.. see if it's the same10:47
ovidijusnorvilaslike archive file10:47
feryanaI I dont' find nothing to download10:47
ovidijusnorvilasand then I can see10:47
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unop] {urgan,  what wont the laptop do?10:47
ovidijusnorvilastwo files with .gz10:47
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tuskerniniSlart, will do... take care10:47
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antonio__need help w/ubuntu macintel and sound, running ubuntu 6.10 macbook pro... have tried everything10:47
ovidijusnorvilasand third is debian binary10:47
] {urganunop, the weird thing is that the router is linux itself, the only other thing I can think of is the wireless access point10:48
feryanawinds_of_change you mean a linux version, or emulate it with wine... I ddo not find linux version10:48
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] {urganunop, laptop worked fine on first boot :(10:48
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antonio__including compiling alsa10:48
ovidijusnorvilasbut skype is not instaling10:48
mytrueheroI'm having some trouble mounting my secondary harddrive. It's NTFS formatted, and when I type "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /media/mountpoint" I don't get any errors, but when I try to access /media/mountpoint, I get an error window saying "You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "mountpoint."" Any idea why that might be happening?10:48
winds_of_changeferyana noooooo winrar have linux software suport10:48
=== moreati [n=alex@user-54442aad.lns2-c10.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
winds_of_changeyou are complicate relax10:48
unop] {urgan,  so ,.. the linux router connects upto another router/modem ??10:48
EdgEymytruehero only root will be able to access the mounted drive if you mount using sudo10:48
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feryanawind_of_change, the page is winrar.com? I dont find nothing10:49
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winds_of_changeferyana http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm10:49
EdgEytry man mount, there is an option to set so that all users can access it10:49
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mytrueheroEdgEy: Ah, interesting. I will take a look - thanks!10:49
winds_of_changeferyana lol winrar.com is not the winrar software website lol10:49
unopmytruehero,  try this command - gksudo nautilus --no-desktop --browser /media/mountpoint10:49
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winds_of_changeferyana isyou whith rar and me whith dvds :x lol10:50
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feryanahhahaha winds_of_change I must download de command line one?10:50
Muzik83ovidijusnorvilas: if you right click on the skype file which you downloaded, do you have the option "Install with GDebi Package Installer" ?10:50
feryanafor linux htere is not graphyc10:51
=== joe_ [n=joe@cblmdm72-241-117-212.buckeyecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
] {urganunop, yeh, if you want to know it works kinda co9mplicated, but for various reasons.  I have an ADSL router, that has an ethernet out, and uses the 10.0.0.x/ ipaddress range.  I have two servers, one of which runs vmware, and under vmware runs an ipcop firewall, which has a 10.0.0.x address, and also a address.  The servers both have 192.168.0. addresses as well, and the ipcop firewall provides dhcp addre10:51
] {urgansses in the 192.168.0.x range.  Finally there is a wireless access point, currently very poorly placed, as a address, which provides access to the internal network.10:51
_Tom_Hey guys, quick Q10:51
_Tom_What's the ethos on swap partitions/10:51
antonio__#list channels10:51
_Tom_How big should it be?10:51
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antonio__#!ist channels10:51
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antonio__!ist channels10:51
_Tom_I have 1024MB of system memory.10:51
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EdgEy_Tom_, 1gb should be enough10:52
antonio__!list channels10:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ist channels - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about list channels - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:52
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feryanawinds_of_change is a tar.gz How can I install that with Dapper?10:52
winds_of_changeferyana no is not but automatic the file compression detect the rar ... unless havepassword thefile ... but it is easy to useit the command line after install ... just type  unrar x "file_1.rar"10:52
_Tom_Ok thanks :)10:52
cafuego__Tom_: Up to around 1 GB *or* amountof ram + around 256Mb if you want to do hibernation (laptop)10:52
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] {urganunop, so essentially I have a Green Network, containing all my servers and workstations, and a red network which is only used by the ADSL router and the ipcop firewall.10:52
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feryanawinds_of_change I've download a tar.gz.  How can I install that with Dapper?10:52
_Tom_cafuego_: No, no hibernation :)10:53
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unop] {urgan,  whoa, you've got many layers of indirection there , it's probably working against you -- do the DNS and routing servers (linux) run in VMWare too?10:53
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ovidijusnorvilasMuzik, i have not this funktion10:53
winds_of_changeferyana uncompress the software and run the  sudo ./Makefile10:53
Math^hello, I want to try the new Ubuntu: Feisty Fawn, but does it matter when I install the CD that I donwloaded a few months ago? Or is it better to download a new CD again...??10:53
cafuego__Tom_: a gb will be fine then10:53
mytrueheroEdgEy: I put "/dev/sdb1       /media/320_internal     ntfs    rw,user,auto" in my fstab, then did "sudo mount -a", but I'm getting the same error message when I try to access the folder10:53
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] {urganunop, I want to put the wireless into the red network and then use my VPN to get inside my network, meaning that wardrivers can only get out to internet and not in to internal network.10:53
_Tom_cafuego_: Any difference on having the swap parition at the beginning or the end of the drive?10:53
feryanathanks :)10:53
winds_of_changeferyana you need to make this file execuatble 110:53
unopwinds_of_change,  eh, a Makefile should be run by make -- maybe you mean ./configure instead ?10:53
winds_of_changenp you are wellcome :)10:54
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cafuego__Tom_: nominally yes, slightly faster at one of those locations. But I can't remember which.10:54
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winds_of_changeunop no is one script that cames whith winrar linux command line ... to install10:54
andatchewhy does ubuntu have so many broken packages in the repo?10:54
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_Tom_cafuego_: Hehe, ok. I'll go find a google link.10:54
mytrueherounop: My computer doesn't like that command, for some reason10:54
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Math^hello, I want to try the new Ubuntu: Feisty Fawn, but does it matter when I install the CD that I donwloaded a few months ago? Or is it better to download a new CD again...??10:54
andatcheand they never seem to be fixed10:54
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Muzik83ovidijusnorvilas: go to a command prompt... choose "Applications" then "Accessories" then "Terminal"10:54
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bronzeanyone know why irssi doesn't work?10:55
EdgEyMath^, is the cd 6.1010:55
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andatchendisrwapper-source has been broken since the release of edgy and no one has bothered to fix it10:55
] {urganunop, The system should work fine, and as I said everything works fine for windows clients.  I know it's complicated, but I've seen managed more complicated networks before10:55
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unopwinds_of_change, i'm quite sure you want to use make there not ./Makefile10:55
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vladuz976when i startx i just get a blank screen. i see the nvidia logo after that just turns black. what could be the problem? where can i look for error logs?10:55
Math^EdgEy: the CD is version 7.0410:55
unopmytruehero,  any errors?10:55
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EdgEyMath^, i think downloading the new cd would be better, it's not big10:55
ovidijusnorvilasMuzik, problem is that in accesories system is not Terminal10:55
winds_of_changeunop yes but i'm not talking about the software source the rar don`t have source release i think ...10:56
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mytrueherounop: gksudo: unrecognized option `--no-desktop'10:56
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Math^EdgEy: ok, I thougt maybe it will download the new updates automatacly10:56
unop] {urgan,  i'm not so familiar with the colours with ipcop .. what i want to know is whether you run the router and DNS server in VMWare10:56
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EdgEyMath^,  possibly but it may not update correctly10:56
unopwinds_of_change,  a makefile does not have to be just for source code .. it could exist for binary installs too10:56
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gatenim having problems w/ my menu bar. It's all being slowly squished over to the right side. the "Applications", "Places" and "System" menues are squished next to the clock and I can't move them. can anyone tell me how to get them back on the left side?10:57
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] {urganunop, er, yeh pretty much, the DNS, DHCP and routing is all done by the vmware ipcop system10:57
ovidijusnorvilasthen how update ubuntu?10:57
feryanawinds_of_change , I always have problems with tar.gz10:57
ricardo_alguien habla espaol10:57
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winds_of_changeunop that it :) that the file that came to install :)10:57
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unopwinds_of_change,  IIRC, if you want rar support -- file-roller and xarchiver support it if you have the rar and unrar packages installed10:57
feryanawinds_of_change , I uncompressed it to a folder and I'm in the console in that folder, but it saids "command not found"10:57
mytrueheroWhen I do "df", it shows that the drive is mounted, and from the "used" and "available" columns I can tell that it's the right drive10:57
robbie_crashI've got a weird Azureus problem and the guys in Azureus help said try here instead of in there, it loads up, everything goes green, connects to peers, but won't download for longer than about 5 minutes. I'm using Edgy, GIJ for java (sun causes Azureus to crash right after launch), and port 49126 which is forwarded on my router and added to my iptables as usauble10:57
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] {urganunop, I did wonder if it might be the vmware network driver, a definate possiblity, but then I'd assume it would affect all network traffic, not just network traffic coming from linux machines10:58
Pie-ratewhat is the point of the bot? in my opinion, its stupid. it spams the channel with quite often useless information. if everyone knew how to use it responsibly it might be ok, but no one actually does.10:58
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unop] {urgan,  see, that could be a problem -- the vmware layer is probably working against you -- is vmware running in windows?10:58
Math^so EdgEy: is there some way to install 7.04 from usb-stick?10:58
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EdgEyMath^,  no clue10:58
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bimberigaten: you might have to right-click->unlock some of the other items in order to move it10:58
mytrueherounop: Do I have the right command in my fstab?10:58
Math^anybody know how to install ubuntu from an usb-stick?10:59
] {urganunop, no, I try to avoid running windows where possible.  All machines are running on linux as a base system10:59
winds_of_changeunop rar gui that good to :)10:59
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unop] {urgan,  i think it's an arp issue with the VMWare network interfaces .. perhaps they arent responding to arp requests on time10:59
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bimberi!install | Math^10:59
ubotuMath^: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues10:59
gatenbimberi:  ok ty10:59
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crimsonoops caps lock10:59
_Tom_I guess so long as it's bootable on your system, Math^, you could install Ubuntu from a usb stick.11:00
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unopmytruehero,  errm, try this instead -- sudo sh -c "nautilus --no-desktop --browser /media/mountpoint"11:00
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unopmytruehero, well, run this command and well determine what to do in /etc/fstab next11:00
feryanawinds_of_change is sudo ./Makefile ? it doesn't work11:00
winds_of_changeferyana open your command line go to whereyou extract the rar and just  chmod +x Makefile  and then sudo ./Makefile11:00
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Pie-ratehas the azureus notification area icon been fixed on edgy or do i still need to find a different repository for it?11:01
mytrueherounop: That opened it up, though it gave the warning "libgnomevfs-WARNING **: Failed to open session DBUS connection: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken. Volume monitoring will not work." But, it did open the drive.11:01
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unopwinds_of_change,  errm, i think you should read the install instructions in INSTALL or README first -- Makefiles are generally not self-executing scripts and require make to run them11:01
robbie_crashPie-rate: azureus doesn't show in my tray on edgy11:01
] {urganunop, well the ipv6 issue seems to have fixed it at the moment, we'l see how it works over next day or two.  It hasn't really been a problem for me, as I'm happy to ping the server if something isn't working, but my wifes windows installation broke, and I couldn;t find the windows discs, so I installed ubuntu 6.10 on her laptop, and she wont do that, so I'm under instructions to fix it11:01
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feryana./Makefile: line 8: install:: command not found11:02
feryana./Makefile: line 9: PREFIX: command not found11:02
feryana./Makefile: line 10: PREFIX: command not found11:02
feryana./Makefile: line 11: PREFIX: command not found11:02
feryana./Makefile: line 13: PREFIX: command not found11:02
unopmytruehero,  and you see all your contents?11:02
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unopwinds_of_change,  see ^^11:02
winds_of_changeunop works for me if you got some bether idea just take the user and say it :) i'm just try to help11:02
mytrueherounop: yes11:02
unop!worksforme | winds_of_change11:02
ubotuwinds_of_change: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.11:02
LjL!paste > feryana    (feryana, see the private message from Ubotu)11:02
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Pie-raterobbie_crash: ok, ty. i'll find the one that works again then11:02
feryanaOk Sry11:02
] {urganunop, anyway you've been a great help, if I still have problems, I'll read up on arp, as I understnad what it is, but know nothing about how its implemented or possible issues with it11:02
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unopferyana,  do you have a INSTALL or README file in that directory?11:02
feryanai do11:03
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unopferyana,  check it out, it probably has instructions on how to install11:03
feryanaon;ly explains11:03
Pie-raterobbie_crash: http://buntudot.org/people/~jdong/azureus-edgy/ contains the working ones11:03
feryanawhat is rar11:03
] {urganferyana, an archive format, like zip or tar.11:03
=== fearphage [n=fear@cpe-70-112-152-95.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
unop] {urgan,  you're welcome :)11:03
Math^ive got some problem, I cant read my mail in thunderbird11:03
Math^it crashes11:04
unopferyana,  ok, run this command - make11:04
Math^when clicking on a mail11:04
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VividHazEhey can anyone help me its really simple but i'm stupid. I'm trying to change permissions on my scanner so I can use it, its already setup, I found instructions to find out what number to put at the end of this: sudo chmod a+w /dev/bus/usb/001/002 but it was for Ubuntu not Kubuntu which I have and I can't figure it out11:04
winds_of_changeubotu yes but ... if i'm using ubuntu and works fine in ubuntu ... what the problem?! lol :)11:04
VividHazEis there a command I can put in to find out, or someone tell me the menu in kubuntu to go to?11:04
feryanaI did that11:04
_Tom_If I format my / as ReiserFS .. Is there a stable windows driver to access the files stored?11:04
feryanaand now?11:04
unopferyana,  and what's happening?11:04
Math^the message thunderbird gave: Segment fault (core dumped)11:04
apecatwinds_of_change: ubotu is a bot ;)11:05
Math^I only can read my email again with sudo11:05
unopferyana,  or if it finished, what happened?11:05
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winds_of_changelollllll i mean unop :)11:05
moreati_Tom_: no, there is a program called e2explore for ext2/311:05
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ubotuFor Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9746 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using this repository: deb http://nvidia.limitless.lupine.me.uk/ubuntu edgy stable11:05
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feryanait just gave me commands11:05
feryanagonna paste11:05
VividHazEanyone help me?11:05
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cafuego__Tom_: If you can, ditch reiserfs and go for ext3.11:06
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apecatwinds_of_change: heh, k. but the problem is that providing support for stuff that isn't official packages is harder11:06
robbie_crashVividHazE: try joining #kubuntu11:06
VividHazElol ok thanks11:06
feryanaunop http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5317/11:06
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robbie_crashno problem11:06
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unopwinds_of_change,  that was me who got the bot to tell you that -- if something works for you, it does not mean it works for someone else .. your experiences, system setup, etc are probably not what a new user has -- and are you going to support the user over the lifetime of the configuration you suggest?11:07
feryanaI've got that11:07
winds_of_changeapecat ok so other time i send to rar channel :) o0 0o11:07
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_Tom_cafuego_: I was under the impression ReiserFS was better than ext3?11:07
robbie_crashI've got a weird Azureus problem and the guys in Azureus help said try here instead of in there, it loads up, everything goes green, connects to peers, but won't download for longer than about 5 minutes. I'm using Edgy, GIJ for java (sun causes Azureus to crash right after launch), and port 49126 which is forwarded on my router and added to my iptables as usauble11:07
unopferyana,  ok, thats installed it now -- type this out -- which rar; which unrar11:07
cafuego__Tom_: It's better than a garbage disposal, but only marginally.11:08
_Tom_I know you can access ext2 from Windows, and ext3 (albeit from as ext2, so no journaling)11:08
LjL_Tom_: if it was all the way better, everyone would be using it instead of ext3, no? ;-) they both have advantages and disadvantages. ext3 is possibly more robust11:08
_Tom_Righty, ok.11:08
_Tom_I'll stick with what I know11:08
feryanaUnop so know if I double click a rar11:08
feryanait opens?11:08
quaalis there any windows app that will allow me to read and/or write to a linux ext3 partition ?11:08
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LjL!ext3 > quaal    (quaal, see the private message from Ubotu)11:08
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unopwinds_of_change,  feryana was supposed to run make not ./Makefile -- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5317/11:08
cafuego__Tom_: The main problem with reiser is that the recovery tools are either extremely immature or non-existent.11:08
=== Pablo [n=Pablo@02.71.d1c4.cidr.airmail.net] has joined #ubuntu
unopferyana,  errm, try it out11:09
robbie_crashquaal: google ext windows11:09
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quaalawesome thanks LjL11:09
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robbie_crashit's the first link11:09
feryanaUnop I Open the file and appears empty11:09
winds_of_changeunop look just download the software ... and check the Makefile code11:09
cafuego_quaal: Yes, there is a think called 'ifs driver' or somesuch that assigns drive letters to ext2/ext3 partitions.11:09
LjLquaal: take robbie's advice too, both "ext3 windows" and "ext2 windows", there are some other possibilities too (including a program that doesn't install itself as a filesystem driver)11:09
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quaalthanks guys11:10
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ubotuFor Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9746 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using this repository: deb http://nvidia.limitless.lupine.me.uk/ubuntu edgy stable11:10
LjLcafuego_: "IFS driver" is the general term for a "filesystem handler" under Windows11:10
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feryanaUnop I can open it but I seems that the files are empty11:10
LjLInstallable File System, i think the acronym is11:10
_Tom_cafuego_: I see, well, I'm going to stick to ext3.11:10
cafuego_LjL: Aha! You're an MCSE! ;-)11:10
unopferyana,  ok, these utils you downloaded seem to be command line utilities -- try unraring the file from the command line -- unrar /path/to/file.rar11:10
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_Tom_I know of quite a few apps that can utilise ext2/3 from Windows.11:10
LjLcafuego_: nah, i just use wikipedia too often :P11:10
_Tom_As I'm dual-booting, it's quite handy.11:10
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cafuego_www.fs-driver.org is the url, quaal/_Tom_11:11
robbie_crashext2 ifs has always worked well for me,11:11
unopwinds_of_change,  i'm not going to argue more -- ./Makefile is not a bash script, its a makefile  that make is supposed to run, and in this case, that was just what was needed11:11
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andrehey guys how do I install the nvidia drivers from the repo mentioned in !nvidia9's restricted?11:11
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LjL!software > andre    (andre, see the private message from Ubotu)11:11
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feryanaempty again aww11:12
LjLandre: just add the line to your /etc/apt/sources.list, do an apt-get update, and an apt-get upgrade11:12
feryanaI hate rars11:12
feryanaI always did11:12
LucifelIs there a reliable means of mounting NTFS volumes as writable?11:12
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feryanawith all files11:12
feryanawell... I must go11:12
cafuego_Lucifel: Use windows+samba11:12
feryanaI'll check later11:12
robbie_crashLucifel: No.11:12
feryanathanks a lot11:12
bur[n] er!ntfs-3g | Lucifel11:12
ubotuLucifel: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)11:12
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winds_of_changeunop so why do you think i say to make the file executable ...?! ok whatever we arehereall for the same ubuntu :)11:12
=== bur[n] er would call ntfs-3g stable :)
unopferyana,  are you sure that was a .rar file .. is it an empty file (check filesize) ..11:12
cafuego_bur[n] er: ntfs-3g is hardly reliable11:12
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admin___does cron run the cron.daily or does it not run because anacron is there11:12
feryanaunop 64MB11:12
admin___im looking at the command ands it says only RUN if anacron permission is not executable..11:13
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andreLjL after that I do what?  apt-get install nvidia-glx?11:13
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cafuego_bur[n] er: a week or two ago someone used to to completely trash his windows install by just mounting it.11:13
LjLandre: if you didn't have a version of it installed before, yes11:13
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unopwinds_of_change,  heh, you seriously have no clue about makefiles, do you?11:13
cafuego_bur[n] er: live on channel, even11:13
bur[n] ercafuego_: has worked here for about 3 weeks11:13
lineman60anyone here can help me with an intermintn wireless connection, i am running NDIS on UBuntu 64,11:13
andreLjL great :)11:13
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LjLwinds_of_change: what's the link to this amazing makefile that executes from bash?11:13
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unopferyana,  well, did unrar give you any output?11:13
lineman60what wireless util are you useing?11:14
_Tom_I'm still none the wiser (after googling) as to whether it's better to have my swap partition in the middle, or at the end of the disk.11:14
Lucifelahh, 3g is the way to go eh11:14
LucifelThank you11:14
_Tom_With regards to speed.11:14
cafuego__Tom_: I'd plonk it at the end11:14
admin___HEllo all how can i tell if anacron is listening i did a ps -ef11:14
admin___HEllo all how can i tell if anacron is listening i did a ps -ef11:14
_Tom_Just what I was hoping you'd say :)11:14
cafuego__Tom_: prevents boot issues on broken bioses11:14
admin___ps -ef | grep anacron and nothing appears.11:14
dsquarehi trying to configure dual desktops and my display has gone a bit funny. im sure i followed the big desktop instructions perfectly. first can someone just tell me the command to edit xorg.conf?11:14
bur[n] erLucifel: i'd say ext3 with fs-driver for windows is the way to go..11:14
dsquare!ubot xorg.conf11:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubot xorg.conf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:14
LjL_Tom_: uhm, not at the end i say (sorry cafuego), because normally the end of the drive is slower (well, actually the *beginning* is slower, but it usually gets mapped to the end, logically)11:14
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luke_Hi everyone. I am VERY new to Linux and Ubuntu. After upgrading to the kernel version 11 my wireless card does not work. It works fine under kernel version 10. I have been trying to use a solution from the forum (entering a lot of commands in the terminal), it works - but only until reboot. Can anyone help me?11:15
winds_of_changeLjL is just one file that cames whith winrar ro linux that after put it in executable mode install the winrar and works fine nathing special11:15
LjL_Tom_: center is probably a nice position, since on average head movements will be minimized. i have it at the beginning, though11:15
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unopLjL,  i think that makefile is in here (i'm checking it out too) - http://www.rarlab.com/rar/rarlinux-3.7.b1.tar.gz11:15
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LjLwinds_of_change: winrar? on linux?11:15
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LjLis there a winrar for linux?11:15
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admin___LjL: there is a command line utility for rar11:15
admin___that i use all the time11:15
Hattorii get permission denied while doing: echo '#!/bin/sh' >> /etc/rc.local11:15
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Hattoriany clue?11:15
LjLthat's quite different11:15
unopLjL,  no, its the same command line utils from the rar and unrar ubuntu packages11:16
winds_of_changethe rar to linux is from winrar don`t? o0 0o11:16
bur[n] eradmin___: ps ax |grep cron11:16
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jppHello -- does anyone have a minute to help me try to figure out an issue I'm having with the 9746 nVidia driver?  I'm very new to Linux, but I've been reading everything I can find on this driver and I've got nothing...11:16
cafuego_yes, that's 'unrar-nonfree', now 'unrar'.11:16
HymnToLifeLjL, no, but a tool to manage RAR archives created by the developpers of winrar11:16
Thug-N-Meplease someone help me getting rid of this error while i try to burn dvd data with nautilus burn " Some files don't have a suitable name for a Windows-compatible CD.Do you want to continue with Windows compatibility disabled?11:16
LjLHattori: yes, i have a clue -- but why in the world are you doing that command?11:16
dsquarewhat is the location of xorg.conf please?11:16
Thug-N-Mehow do i enable it ?11:16
HymnToLifedsquare, /etc/X1111:16
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winds_of_changeok forget ... gona try to save my dvd this is giving me problems stranges lol11:16
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mytrueherounop: Any clues as to how I messed up my fstab? ;)11:16
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jppI have my nvidia-bug-report log if that helps?11:16
dsquarety HymnToLife :)11:16
Mandrillcan anyone reccommend a way to automate basic system operations (restart, login, update etc)? I want my other monitor back on my main machine. more complex stuff I can do remotely.11:16
admin___bur[n] er: does cron.daily not run if anacron is there and is executable by crontab.. i see the || so im guessing anacron takes care of everything..11:16
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Lucifelbur[n] er, the problem is that I have several large NTFS volumes that are nigh on full and Windows refuses to play nicely on this box11:17
bur[n] erjpp: using the beta drivers from a .deb?11:17
Thug-N-Meikonia  Some files don't have a suitable name for a Windows-compatible CD.Do you want to continue with Windows compatibility disabled?11:17
HattoriLjL: for pureftpd installation11:17
LjLwinds_of_change, if  http://www.rarlab.com/rar/rarlinux-3.7.b1.tar.gz is the archive you have in mind, then that makefile is definitely *NOT* meeant to be executed. it's a normal makefile. you just run "make".11:17
luke_Can anyone please help me with my wireless card under kernel 11?11:17
robbie_crashThug-N-Me: you need to rename the files, or burn with Windows compatability disabled.11:17
unopmytruehero,  can you !pastebin your /etc/fstab file please11:17
bur[n] erLucifel: i'd find another drive to move to temporarily so you can format ext3 and move it back if it was data I cared about instead of using ntfs-3g11:17
jppburner:  installed the .run file from nvidia's website -- also attempted to use envy and automatix 2 -- both on fresh installs.11:17
Mandrill!automate | mandrill11:17
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LjLHattori, i see, but that's totally unnecessary under Ubuntu, since /etc/rc.local *already* exists, and you certainly don't want to add #!/bin/(sh at the *end* of it11:18
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Thug-N-Merobbie_crash i just hit enter and burn it .. it will crash and i the dvd blank its lost :(11:18
unopLjL,  the magic makefile :) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5320/11:18
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mytrueherounop: I've heard of pastebins before, but, is there a fast way to do it from the terminal?11:18
bur[n] erjpp: try the .deb from the wiki page on beryl11:18
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:18
HattoriLjL: ok. so how should i start the pureftpd then?11:18
Thug-N-Merobbie_crash already lost 3 dvds .. just because of that ...11:18
Lucifelbur[n] er, I've been trying to figure a way to do that but I can't come up with the space and I'm on a time crunch11:18
eternaljoyif I intstall xbuntu, can I ipgrade it to Ubuntu?11:18
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unopmytruehero,  cat /etc/fstab -- select and paste ...11:18
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winds_of_changeLjL well i think so ...11:18
LucifelI may just put some other quickfix together to get work done until i can shuffle the data over to etx311:18
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britteternaljoy: yes you can11:18
winds_of_changeLjL ok11:19
LjLHattori: don't know, maybe - personally i wouldn't install an FTP server from anywhere that's not an Ubuntu repository, anyway11:19
bur[n] erLucifel: your call man... but if you lose everything using ntfs-3g, dont' say you weren't warned... it works here, but that's not to say it will there11:19
cafuego_Hattori: Just install the package and use its init script or inetd.11:19
bimberieternaljoy: yes (but that would be a downgrade ;-) ) - install ubuntu-desktop11:19
LjLwinds_of_change: well you're wrong. it clearly doesn't contain a shell script11:19
mytrueherounop: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5321/11:19
eternaljoybritt: because I have the xbuntu on DVD, so saves me downloading the whole ubuntu11:19
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britteternaljoy: 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'11:19
eternaljoybimberi: so once I install xubutnu, I install ubuntu-desktop?11:19
eternaljoywill it then be as the same as ubuntu?11:19
britti actually went from ubuntu->kubuntu11:20
_Tom_Ok, so I've just setup my partitions (/boot, swap and /) .. Should I be applying the boot flag to the /boot partition?11:20
Lucifelbur[n] er, I hear ya, I certainly don't want this sort of fix for the long term11:20
brittand then ubuntu->xubuntu on my mythtv box11:20
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eternaljoybritt: is Kubuntu better than ubuntu?>11:20
LucifelThank you for your help11:20
cafuego__Tom_: Nah, Linux doesn't care about boot flags.11:20
bimberieternaljoy: yes, although it will still have the xubuntu-desktop packages there11:20
britteternaljoy: personal preference11:20
_Tom_Thanks :)11:20
cafuego__Tom_: it will be booted from the MBR11:20
eternaljoybimberi: how can I get rid of the xubuntu-desktop packages?11:20
Thug-N-Mestill no one knows how to enable Windows compatibility for nautilus burn11:21
britteternaljoy: 'sudo apt-get autoremove xubuntu-desktop'11:21
luke_Does anyone have time to help me, please? I can not get my wireless car to work under kernel 1111:21
LjLeternaljoy: sudo apt-get autoremove xubuntu-desktop, if you're under Edgy11:21
bimberieternaljoy: look, no need for me to reply :) (see britt)11:21
jppburner:  you referring to the instructions here:  http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Edgy_with_nVidia   ?11:22
eternaljoyLjL: cheers11:22
eternaljoyLjL: is Xbuntu edgy?11:22
LjLeternaljoy: ?11:22
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britteternaljoy: they are all edgy11:22
bur[n] erjpp: do they have a link to the .deb of the nvidia beta drivers by lupine?11:22
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bur[n] erjpp: if so, yes ;)11:22
eternaljoy<LjL> eternaljoy: sudo apt-get autoremove xubuntu-desktop, if you're under Edgy <-- "IF" im under Edgy?  isnt Xbuntu Edgy?11:23
brittthe xubuntu, ubuntu, and kubuntu are subsets of edgy11:23
LjLeternaljoy: Xubuntu is the Ubuntu flavor that comes with Xfce instead of GNOME. "Edgy" is the latest release of Ubuntu (and Xubuntu and Kubuntu etc).11:23
LjL!edgy > eternaljoy    (eternaljoy, see the private message from Ubotu)11:23
bimberieternaljoy: if your DVD has 6.10 on it, that's Edgy11:23
o_0i am having a hell of a time getting my wifi up i am using edgy 64-bit, and have followed a few different guides to no avail, my nic is a bcm43xx11:23
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tritium_britt: not exactly11:23
o_0bcm4313 to be exact11:23
dammitmanhow do i install drivers in ubuntu? can anyone help me plz?11:23
LjLeternaljoy: you can have Xubuntu Dapper and Xubuntu Breezy etc.11:23
styleehello, can I run programs designed for windows on ubuntu?11:23
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eternaljoybimberi: the DVD says 6.10 Xbuntu11:23
LjL!wine > stylee    (stylee, see the private message from Ubotu)11:23
unopmytruehero,  errm, do you run 64bit ubuntu?11:23
LjL!virtualizers > stylee    (stylee, see the private message from Ubotu)11:23
bimberieternaljoy: there you are then. you have Edgy :)11:24
winds_of_changeLjL look if you gotsome bether idea who to do it ok ... but ... works here the way i say ,,,11:24
eternaljoyLjL: my DVD says 6.10 Xbuntu!  can I install that and then install ubuntu-desktop.  And will that be the latest stable version?11:24
=== bimberi spies a new ubotu syntax :)
eternaljoybimberi: is having Edgy good or bad?11:24
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LjLwinds_of_change: the "better idea" is *typing the command  make *, as with every Makefile on earth. you surely know what a Makefile is?11:24
winds_of_changethe persons just ask and i just say like i ussually do it here is asking tome so i aswnserlike i can help the way i can help11:25
mytrueherounop: Heh, I don't think so11:25
unopmytruehero,  here's the correction .. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5324/  .. make sure you use your UID and GID numbers here (they can be retrived by using the id command)11:25
winds_of_changethat why i say to the man or woman11:25
jppBurner:  :)  yes indeed, I want to say that was the first or second thing I tried, but I can give it another run -- I've had the exact same problem each time, and looking at my nvidia error log, it appears to be an issue with ACPI or APIC -- but I just am not familiar enough with the log to pinpoint what's up.11:25
winds_of_changeif you think you can help her bether then me just ok take the user11:25
winds_of_changeand he take the user11:25
bimberieternaljoy: it's that latest version. 'good or bad' depends on your experience with it I guess.  I'm happy with it myself11:25
winds_of_changeand i shut up11:25
unopmytruehero, errm, why dont you get this ntfs-3g then11:25
winds_of_changebut now please  ... gibe me a break11:25
unop!ntfs-3g | mytruehero11:25
ubotumytruehero: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)11:25
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styleeThanke you :)11:25
LostWirelessDoes anyone have experience with loosing their wireless card after upgrading Ubuntu?11:25
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ShadoWindNinj4I'm trying to get a webserver going here. I have two twenty scsi disks to play with. I've never actually used that type of hard drive before. . . Anyway. I was trying to go for a secure setup and which partitions would be benificial to put on which disk out of : /, /root, /tmp, swap, /boot, /var, /usr, /home. Am I missing any? What's this /bind I've been hearing about.?11:25
eternaljoybimberi: ok! I thought Edgy was an beta version11:25
ShadoWindNinj4hello 8 )11:25
LjLwinds_of_change: well, no advice is better than ill advice. you adviced to run Makefile as if it were a shell script, and *using sudo*. that's terribly dangerous. it's totally, absolutely dangerous. perhaps with that specific Makefile you won't do any damage, but you will in general.11:26
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tritium_LostWireless: yeah, but then I found it.  I had placed it in a drawer.11:26
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eternaljoybimberi: so installing the Xbuntu 6.10 and then installing gnome-desktop, would be the same as downliading and installing 6.10 Ubuntu?11:26
bimberieternaljoy: it's the latest stable version.  The current working version (in apha) is Feisty (7.04)11:26
mytrueherounop: that works beautifully. thanks so much for the help!11:26
bur[n] ereternaljoy: no... installing "ubuntu-desktop" would be the same11:27
mega_faunaHi, can someone please help me with a boot problem?11:27
bimberieternaljoy: yes, although you will still have the xubuntu-desktop packages (as mentioned) also the package is 'ubuntu-desktop'11:27
eternaljoybur[n] er: I meant to say :) so installing the Xbuntu 6.10 and then installing ubuntu-desktop, would be the same as downliading and installing 6.10 Ubuntu?11:27
dammitmancan anyone help me install a wireless adapter driver, need help.11:27
unopmytruehero,  you can install the ntfs-3g thing to get write access to ntfs -- :) i thought you had 64bit linux before and didnt suggest it earlier, i would have had i known you run 32bit11:27
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LjLeternaljoy: no, because you'll have the Xubuntu packages installed in addition to the Ubuntu packages, which plain Ubuntu doesn't have.11:28
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eternaljoybimberi: yes but when I remove the xubuntu-desktop11:28
bimberieternaljoy: yes11:28
eternaljoyLjL: but after installing ubuntu-desktop, i will remove the xubuntu-desktop11:28
LjLeternaljoy: i hardly think that removing xubuntu-desktop will suffice11:28
eternaljoybimberi: ok cheers11:28
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bur[n] ereternaljoy: it won't remove everything that xfce has... you woul dhave to go through and remove thunar, xfdesktop, xf*11:28
winds_of_changeLjL ok ...11:28
eternaljoyLjL: so what shall I do?11:28
bimberiLjL: autoremove ?11:28
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bur[n] erautoremove won't do it either...11:29
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eternaljoyLjL: doesnt sudo apt-get autoremove xubuntu-desktop  remove everything?11:29
bur[n] ernope11:29
bimberibur[n] er: ah11:29
LjLbimberi: right, but i'm not sure that with the "default" metapackage (xubuntu-desktop in this case), autoremove will do the job11:29
eternaljoybur[n] er: why not?11:29
unopwinds_of_change,  its not just that -- when i asked you whether you were sure about "sudo ./Makefile" you said it "works for me" .. but it couldnt have and you continued asserting that you were right .. its better to admit you dont know what the right way to do something is, especially when you suggest a sudo command to some helpless person11:29
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brittive DONE autoremove11:29
brittand i have everything ok11:29
bur[n] erxubuntu-desktop also depends on ubuntu-minimal... you wouldn't want to remove that!  and xubuntu-desktop depends on a kernel... need that still11:29
leftStandingneed help with ov518+ webcam11:29
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eternaljoybur[n] er: will it harm it if the xfce stays on system?11:29
bur[n] erxubuntu-desktop installs everytying in xfce, but uninstalling it only uninstalls the meta package11:29
bur[n] ereternaljoy: nope11:30
LjLbimberi: at least, with aptitude it wouldn't - which is because if it did, it would ask you to remove just about your entire system when you remove one package that's depended upon by the -desktop package.11:30
bur[n] er:)11:30
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eternaljoybur[n] er: because I have the xbuntunu DVD, so im trying to save time downloading ubuntu11:30
eternaljoybur[n] er: know what I mean?11:30
LjLbur[n] er: actually, i thought the kernel wasn't depended upon by anything...?11:30
jppburner:  is there anything I need to do before trying the deb file -- I don't really understand the whole driver system, so I don't know what to expect having just installed the official package11:30
bimberiLjL: ah, kk, thanks11:30
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bur[n] ereternaljoy: go for it11:31
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LjLbur[n] er: but still, if you install ubuntu-desktop and *then* autoremove xubuntu-desktop (or viceversa, or whatever), ubuntu-minimal should stay installed, since it's depended upon by the other one11:31
eternaljoyLjL: so after I install ubuntu-desktop, shall I type: "sudo apt-get autoremove xubuntu-desktop" ?11:31
winds_of_changeunop like i say if you got some bether choice great :)11:31
britthey, anybody know how to diable touchpad tapping?11:31
brittit really sucks11:31
bur[n] erLjL: in any event, he gets the idea ;)11:31
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eternaljoybur[n] er: i do? :) hehe11:31
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LjLbimberi: i'm not entirely sure, someone should test that. i'm sure about aptitude, but this new autoremove feature i haven't completely investigated. i can say, anyway that when i tried installing ubuntu-desktop (i have Kubuntu) and then autoremoving it, it didn't quite remove everything that was installed - not sure why11:32
LjLeternaljoy: if that works... yes.11:32
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brittLjL: i've done it11:32
eternaljoyLjL: it wont make system unstable?11:32
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brittLjL: only the opposite, i went from ubuntu->xubuntu11:32
eternaljoyLjL: shouldnt autoremove xubuntu-desktop remove everything associated with it?11:32
unopwinds_of_change,  i dunno how you can laugh this off -- what if the make file had a line in there that was interpreted as a shell command, by sudo .. you could have easily have wrecked the person's install .. i dont think you understand the seriousness of this11:32
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eternaljoybritt: if I use xfce, isnt that as good as gnome?11:33
cafuego_unop: Honestly, it's pointless.11:33
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eternaljoybritt: why i need gnome or KDE if I have xfce?11:33
unopcafuego_,  what's pointless?11:33
oyvindaaanyone got an acer aspire laptop?11:33
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britteternaljoy: well, xfce is very good for older compuetrs(300Mhz G3 for instance), but its not as flexible as KDE/Gnome11:33
dsquareif anybody comes in here asking about ATI VIDEO CARDS you gotta tell them MERGED FB is the way to go for dual monitors.11:34
eternaljoyoyvindaa: are the Acer notebook good?11:34
dsquarethanks for your help peeps!11:34
eternaljoybritt: define not as flexible11:34
apecatoyvindaa: what about it?11:34
LjLeternaljoy: well no, only the stuff that isn't used by something else -- anyway, yes, but in my experience it didn't do that thoroughly.11:34
winds_of_changeunop rar have danger shell codes?11:34
jribdsquare: is that info on the wiki?11:34
andreLjL:  If I install the nvidia drivers will they run on .11 kernel?11:34
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oyvindaaeternaljoy: sure. i need to know how to remove its dvd drive though, because it's broken. i'd appreciate it if anyone knew how to do it :)11:34
LjLandre: they're running on mine11:34
eternaljoyLjL: so If I install xbununtu and then install ubuntu-desktop and remove the xfce, the system wont become unstable will it?11:34
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eternaljoyoyvindaa: Acer may help ;)11:35
LjLeternaljoy: no it won't11:35
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eternaljoyLjL: ok thats good :)11:35
LjLeternaljoy: at worst, you'll be left with more packages than you need11:35
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darren_derwoodhi is there any one that would be kind as in helping me set up a nes emulator11:35
eternaljoyLjL: saves me dpownm;oading the whole ubuntu11:35
dsquarejrib yes it is im going to go comment on it.11:35
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unopwinds_of_change,  noo dude, the makefile -- you suggested this - sudo ./Makefile -- what if that had a line in there that was interpreted as a shell command ??11:35
jribdsquare: great11:35
LjL!minimal > eternaljoy    (eternaljoy, see the private message from Ubotu)11:35
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eternaljoyLjL: I wotn even know those extra packages are there, wil i?11:35
andreLjL:  I've included the lupine repo in my sources.list, I've updated and upgraded and now I'm going to apt-get install nvidia-glx and it should work fine right?11:35
linuxnewbie756i am downloading vmware server as a tar.gz, how will i compile it?11:35
unopeternaljoy,  did you want a pure xfce install? or to totally remove gnome11:35
CageXfoutrelis: you still here??11:35
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bruenig!compile | linuxnewbie75611:36
ubotulinuxnewbie756: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)11:36
Biovorelinuxnewbie756: I think there is a perl script call installer.pl you run..11:36
mega_faunaCan someone help me with a boot problem please?11:36
shrndegruvcan anyone help me go from fglrx to radeon driver?11:36
bruenig!anyone | mega_fauna11:36
ubotumega_fauna: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:36
eternaljoyunop: lol11:36
winds_of_changeunop ok use make is bether ... i usally use copy paste but ok ...11:36
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unopeternaljoy,  errm, did i make a joke? :>11:37
eternaljoyLjL: what if I want to try KDE. how I install that?11:37
mega_faunaalright. here goes: Installed ubuntu on a blank drive. Now the computer says that it can't recognize the blank drive11:37
eternaljoyunop: yeah! youre funny dude :)11:37
shrndegruvmigrating from fglrx to radeon?11:37
mega_faunaI get grub error 211:37
LjLeternaljoy: kubuntu-desktop11:37
jonwhow would I add ..http://mirror.ovh.net/ubuntu/pool/ to sources.list ?11:37
bruenigeternaljoy, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop11:37
linuxnewbie756bruenig, do you know if there is a pre built package somewhere for vmware server?11:37
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eternaljoyLjL: is KDE more featured and stable than gnome?11:37
mega_faunaI installed ubuntu using the automtic installer11:37
eternaljoybruenig: ty :)11:37
LjLeternaljoy: yes. no. maybe. who knows. try.11:37
mega_faunasorry if i was not specific enough11:37
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brueniglinuxnewbie756, I am sure you can find some howto, There was one on the forums I followed a while back that worked11:37
unopwinds_of_change,  thats not really the point -- you have to know what to do and when and if in doubt ask11:37
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eternaljoyLjL: what u use?11:37
LjLeternaljoy: KDE11:38
eternaljoyill trey KDE then :)11:38
Xenguylinuxnewbie756: there is a HOWTO for VMware and Ubuntu out there somewhere11:38
jonwcan I add a pool repository infact ?11:38
linuxnewbie756mega_fauna, i think it has something do do with the master boot record11:38
unopeternaljoy,  lol , now whose funny :p11:38
Xenguylinuxnewbie756: it is good documentation, and works11:38
mega_faunaThe only other thing to add is that in the Dell setup screen (I assume the BIOS) it can recognize the drive 0 but not drive 111:38
eternaljoyunop: not as funny as you dude ;)11:38
mega_faunathe Master boot record.11:38
unopeternaljoy,  i use fluxbox, wanna try that too? :))11:38
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cafuego_mega_fauna: the bios and MBR are unrelated. If it seens only 1 where there should be 2 (and they're IDE) - check the jumper settings.11:39
winds_of_changeunop that why me you and the others are here don`t? :)11:39
mega_faunahow would i alter the master boot record to recognize that the linux formatted drive is related11:39
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eternaljoyLjL: the minimal CD sounds good, but then I have to download so much things!  I rather install xbuntu and then instsall KDE and then remove xfce :)11:39
mega_faunathe drive IS ide11:39
eternaljoyunop: :P11:39
linuxnewbie756i would boot from the disk, use the build in disks manager to format the drive, then install on that drive11:39
linuxnewbie756probably looking at about 15 minutes11:39
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linuxnewbie756that was for you mega_fauna11:40
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mega_faunak linuxnewbie75611:40
linuxnewbie756and mega_fauna, do you have more than one hard drive in?11:40
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unopeternaljoy,  this could help then - http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde11:40
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mega_faunathere was 2, i removed the first (XP) one11:40
eternaljoyunop: LOL11:40
mega_faunaset the second in as a single master11:40
cafuego_mega_fauna: Are you talking about drives or partitions?11:41
mega_faunaand formatted it using gpart11:41
shrndegruvnoone can help me migrate from fglrx to radeon?11:41
cafuego_mega_fauna: Ah ok.11:41
linuxnewbie756there is your problem, are you trying to boot with both in?11:41
unopeternaljoy,  I think you've had too much of the hobbit-weed for one evening :p that so wasnt funny at all :)11:41
mega_faunano, only one is in11:41
eternaljoyunop: rofl ;)11:41
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linuxnewbie756mega_fauna, are you trying to boot with both in?11:41
tritium_shrndegruv: just change "fglrx" to "ati" (or radeon) in your xorg.conf11:41
mega_faunano, 1 drive only11:41
mega_faunathe linux drive11:41
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unopeternaljoy,  ok, i guess i'm right then heh? :>11:41
bobbydcan anyone recommend a laptop with a core 2 duo CPU and an nvidia gfx chip that would work well with linux?11:42
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shrndegruvi tried that but composite wont work11:42
jaydoes anyone here know how to get xmodmap to recognize my Super keys?11:42
mluseris there a way to 'inject' a package into apt and make it think its really installed?11:42
linuxnewbie756mega_fauna, the one you tried to install ubuntu on, right?11:42
bobbydI'm having difficult finding something good11:42
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mega_faunayes, the ubuntu one.11:42
eternaljoyubotu: cool link11:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cool link - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:42
kde_sucksbobbyd, there are ubuntu specific laptops available11:42
linuxnewbie756mega_fauna, i would try installing it after formatting within ubuntu off the disk like i suggested11:42
britteternaljoy: not as flexible, as in dragging doesnt work in xfce i think, at least on the desktop11:42
eternaljoyunop: good link11:42
kde_suckstry doing a google for it11:42
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eternaljoyLjL: seen that link unop gave me?  it shows how to totally remover xfce11:43
dammitmanhow do i install drivers in ubuntu? anyone?11:43
eternaljoybimberi: seen that link unop gave me?  it shows how to totally remover xfce11:43
jribmluser: equivs11:43
linuxnewbie756so does anyone here actually use vmware server to run windows within ubuntu dapper drake?11:43
unop!equivs | mluser11:43
ubotumluser: equivs: Circumvent Debian package dependencies. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.7 (edgy), package size 18 kB, installed size 128 kB11:43
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mega_faunalinuxnewbie756: can you explain in more detail?11:43
eternaljoyunop: that link shows how to totally remove xfce11:43
LjLeternaljoy: you mean KDE?11:43
Mandrillcan anyone reccommend a way to automate basic system operations (restart, login, update etc)? I want my other monitor back on my main machine. more complex stuff I can do remotely.11:43
tritiumdammitman: you load modules (but they're usually auto-loaded at boot)11:43
eternaljoyLjL: no! xfce11:43
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cafuego_bobbyd: I think more c2d systems use intel gfx, a lot of amd based one seem to use nvidia.11:43
mega_faunaI previously used the desktop live disc installer11:43
edgardowebhow are you medders11:43
eternaljoyLjL: remember my objective is to totally remove xfce and only use KDE11:43
mega_faunawhich program should i use?11:43
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dammitmanso how do i load the module?11:43
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LjLeternaljoy: ah yes, i mixed them up. but yeah it just lists packages that are Xfce-specific11:44
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tritiumdammitman: for what?11:44
kde_sucksdammitman, it's modprobe (name of module)11:44
linuxnewbie756mega_fauna, boot from the ubuntu disk, use the format tool found in system, preferences, disks11:44
LjLusing aptitude to install it is a far better idea, as the site itself says, eternaljoy11:44
eternaljoyLjL: it says to copy and paste a large command11:44
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linuxnewbie756select the drive, click format.11:44
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dammitmanit's a wirelss adapter driver11:44
LjL(or using Edgy with autoremove... but as i said, i'm not entirely sure autoremove works that well)11:44
linuxnewbie756then you can install on that drive11:44
LostWirelessHi - I have a problem. After upgrading to kernel 11, my wireless card does not work. Please can anyone help me?11:44
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mluserunop: thanks11:44
edgardowebsaludos dammitman11:44
eternaljoyLjL: yeah! but im talking about totally removing xfce11:44
=== HoORnet [n=llsojdt@ARouen-156-1-14-251.w86-221.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
dammitmani have the driver but i dunno how to install it11:44
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cmt^^I get like a thousand error when running Jin java chess client11:44
cmt^^how come?11:44
mega_faunai'm talking now with the ubuntu live disk, am now looking for the format tool11:44
tritiumdammitman: what chipset?  Is it supported on linux?11:44
unopmluser,  you could create a dummy package with equivs -- and do what you wanted incase you were wondering :)11:44
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mc44LjL: autoremove works fine :)11:45
kde_sucksif it's wirless, check Google to see if it has a linux driver11:45
eternaljoyLjL: ill use the autoremove command and then paste that command from the website11:45
cmt^^It can't find the java. bla bla.. what do I need to set my path to for it to work?11:45
linuxnewbie756if i run windows within ubuntu using vmware server, will everything be really skippy?11:45
eternaljoyunop: ill use the autoremove command and then paste that command from the website11:45
kde_sucksif not, you'll need ndiswrapper11:45
dammitmanyes it's supported11:45
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:45
HymnToLifecmt^^, because your app is poorly coded ?11:45
bobbydcafuego: yup, I can only find a 17" Dell inspiron 9400 with that spec at the moment11:45
eternaljoymc44: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde11:45
VegantoHey guys, I have an Asus nVidia Geforce 7600GS, but when I run nvidia-glx-config enable or nvidia-xconfig, my X crashes whenever I try to start it.11:45
linuxnewbie756mega_fauna, system, on the top toolbar, administration, disks11:45
LjLmc44: if you say so... when i installed ubuntu-desktop and then tried to autoremove it, however, i was left under the impression that i still had like 50 gnome-related packages installed11:45
eternaljoydo Asus make good notebooks?11:45
tritiumdammitman: which chipset?11:45
cafuego_bobbyd: ugh, both huge *and* a Dell11:45
mluserunop: thanks.. I'll try that11:45
cmt^^HymnToLife - not my app, http://jin.sourceforge.net11:45
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linuxnewbie756veganto, do you have the drivers installed?11:45
robbie_crashVeganto: what exactly happens?11:45
cmt^^it's the path to java that is messed up I believe11:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about asus - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:45
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bobbydcafuego: I really liked the inspiron 6400 I was borrowing11:46
eternaljoybobbyd: Dell notebook?11:46
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mc44LjL: hmm, well I guess it may have left some stuff with gnome deps11:46
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LostWirelessAnyone able to help me please with my wireless net card?11:46
bobbydeternaljoy: yup, i likes the inspiron 6400, I'd basically be happy with that but with Nvidia graphics11:46
=== cafuego_ is going to go macbook for his new laptop
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:46
HymnToLifeLostWireless, just ask your question11:46
unopeternaljoy,  yea, it should do it -- also something like this - sudo aptitude purge $(aptitude search "xfce|xubuntu" | cut -c 3-30 | xargs)11:46
Vegantolinuxnewbie756, robbie_crash, I've installed nvidia-glx trough apt-get, but when I run either of those commands and I restart my X, I get an error about X not starting correctly and I have to restore my old xorg.conf trough the command line.11:46
bobbydcafuego: ATI graphics :/ not good for linux11:46
tritiumNice choice, cafuego_ :)11:46
sgibbonsare there people chatting?11:47
robbie_crashVeganto: what is the error?11:47
sgibbonssorry, wrong window11:47
linuxnewbie756hold on11:47
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HymnToLifesgibbons, no, we're all just sitting in front of our PCs doing nothing11:47
cafuego_tritium: as far as i can tell, all the hw is supported natively11:47
eternaljoyunop: u there?11:47
LjLmc44: in other words - if i do "aptitude install ubuntu-desktop ; aptitude purge ubuntu-desktop", i'm back with the exact packages i had originally. but doing "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ; apt-get --purge autoremove ubuntu-desktop" didn't quite seem to have the same effect11:47
cafuego_tritium: plus it comes witha  nice OS for free ;-)11:47
Vegantorobbie_crash: The standard grey box on blue screen X can't start error.11:47
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dhornis anyone familiar with the i810 driver set?11:47
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tritiumcafuego_: including the iSight?11:47
sgibbonslol, sorry HymnToLife, meant to type that in another window11:47
cmt^^How do I properly set up the path to java? I can't run any java programs from the command line11:47
linuxnewbie756veganto, i know what the problem is...11:47
Vegantolinuxnewbie756: You do?11:47
unopeternaljoy, yea, why did you think i'd gone? :>11:48
LostWirelessAfter upgrading to kernel 11, my wireless card does not work in Ubuntu. Can anyone help me? Ubuntu identifies it as a wired network card, and hence makes it impossible to use11:48
Vegantolinuxnewbie756: Awesome!11:48
linuxnewbie756veganto, you have to do something like this, hold on, give me a sec11:48
mega_faunalinuxnewbie756: I can't find a program called disks11:48
robbie_crashbut it should say, error here blah blah, what's the issue?11:48
mega_faunaDoes it have another name?11:48
tritiumLostWireless: what do you mean "kernel 11"?11:48
siegiebobbyd: buy it with intel graphics :)11:48
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robbie_crashlike no screen found11:48
robbie_crashor something11:48
cafuego_tritium: I expect it works much like the old isight (1394 cam) which worked fine on my linux box.11:48
linuxnewbie756mega_fauna, go to system, which is on top of the top toolbar, click administration, discs11:48
charles_hi somehow i do not have any icons in the gnome menus... i created a new user but still no icons under the menus in that user.. any help?11:48
tritiumcafuego_: glad to hear that11:48
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linuxnewbie756vaganto, using dapper or edgy?11:49
cafuego_tritium: not - i note - on windows11:49
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kde_sucksLostWireless, try editing /etc/iftab11:49
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linuxnewbie7566.06 or 6.10?11:49
Vegantorobbie_crash: I don't remember what it says exactly, I can recreate the error, but that means logging off of irc.11:49
Vegantolinuxnewbie756: edgy11:49
Slartlinuxnewbie756: discs are not there on edgy.. only dapper I think11:49
tritiumcafuego_: yeah, but that doesn't matter11:49
mc44LjL: yeah, I guess Ive never used it for a full -desktop meta package... it worked when removing annoying kde deps when I installed random bits though11:49
bobbydcafuego: do you dislike the dells just becase of the size/design?11:49
Vegantolinuxnewbie756: Just upgraded from Dapper, where everything worked perfectly for some reason.11:49
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linuxnewbie756slart, oh, i didn't know that11:49
SlartI found out the hard way =)11:49
mega_faunalinuxnewbie756: I have found System - Administrations but no discs....11:49
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CrakeHunterid like to import mbox files into evolution, how do i do that?11:49
linuxnewbie756well, i am only using dapper, with a geforce 5500 fx11:50
Slartgparted is perhaps a good alternative?11:50
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linuxnewbie756mega_fauna, turns out, discs isn't there on edgy, are you using edgy?11:50
bobbydsiegie: but intel graphics don't have hardware transform and lighting, which makes them rubbish for games11:50
Vegantolinuxnewbie756: Yeah, I was using Dapper before too, I had direct rendering and Beryl and such running just fine.11:50
LostWirelesskde_sucks - it does not work... I am very new to Linux, and have tried to read the forums. I have found a workaround (a let of commands in the terminal), but after reboot it does not work again11:50
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cafuego_bobbyd: I don't like huge laptops in general, thy're a pain to travel with. I don't like Dell specifically because they don't sell 'em without windows, apparently did dirty dealings with intel and a batch of business laptops I bought off them years ago were *all* shit.11:50
mega_faunalinuxnewbie756: I'm using the Linux Ubuntu Ultimate Edition as dugg by digg. Chekcing for which version, can't remember11:51
orourkehey, i'm completely new to the whole linux thing and hoping to get some help here...i'm having trouble playing dvd's for starters...my drive is not showing up...any ideas?11:51
linuxnewbie756i think i remember seeing something that would help you veganto, but i don't remember wehre11:51
cablescmt^^, sudo update-alternatives --config java11:51
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dhorncan someone help me with my intel 915 GM?11:51
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kde_sucksLostWireless, how did you install your wireless card?11:51
linuxnewbie756mega_fauna, never heard of it, probably 6.06 or 6.1011:51
bobbydcafuego: ahh, I'm not going to travel with this, and I'd wager all large companies have some dirty business to hide. Also, I think someone got a rebate from Dell for not using windows at all11:51
kde_sucksduring updates, the kernel and restricted modules can be reloaded11:51
mega_faunalinuxnewbie756 where do i find that? it's not under help11:51
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kde_sucksmight help to reinstall your card entirely11:52
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linuxnewbie756i have no clue11:52
cmt^^cables - http://pastebin.se/884511:52
mega_faunaassume that it's the latest version11:52
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LostWirelesskde_sucks: it is a laptop, so it is preinstalled :-)11:52
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tiglionabbitwhere's the change log for edgy?11:52
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kde_sucksLostWireless, i mean reinstall the drivers for it11:52
cafuego_bobbyd: yes, but getting a rebate means having to jump through hoops. I'm the customer, I buy what I want, not what a company says I should want.11:52
cablescmt^^, can't help you with that, sorry11:52
linuxnewbie756veganto, have you tried sudo nvidia-xconfig11:52
Vegantolinuxnewbie756: Yes, the same error appears.11:53
eternaljoyunop: u there?11:53
eternaljoyunop: you know that website you gave me?11:53
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kitcheVeganto: do you have the .11 kernel installed?11:53
mega_faunalinuxnewbie756: it's got to be the latest, would disks be renamed or is there another program to use?11:53
cmt^^anyone mind looking at http://pastebin.se/8845 and give me a hint11:53
LostWirelessI have not installed any drivers - it just worked fine after installing Ubuntu from the cd... But after upgrading the system with System manager, it does not work11:53
eternaljoyunop: do i type that command BEFORE or AFTER I install KDE?11:53
Vegantokitche: 2.6.15-23-38611:53
bobbydcafuego: then you'll have to pay a rediculous premium to get a laptop without an OS, or linux installed (that's my opinion based on the empirical evidence I've gathered this-evening)11:53
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LostWirelessDuring boot, I can hit ESC to choose to boot from the old kernel, and then the network card works11:54
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eternaljoykde_sucks: if you compplain about KDE, write something better then if you can11:54
linuxnewbie756mega_fauna, i have no clue about edgy, which is probably what you are using, you may could use terminal11:54
eternaljoyLjL: u busy?11:54
mega_faunai can if i'm told what to type11:54
unopeternaljoy,  preferrably after KDE is installed so you dont leave yourself with a GUI-less system :)11:54
LostWirelessbut when ubuntu boots with kernel 11, the network card does not work11:54
linuxnewbie756anyone know how to format a disc to ext3 within edgy eft from terminal? or a program? off the live disc11:54
eternaljoyunop: but that command removes firefox etc11:54
mega_faunalinuxnewbie756: I used it previously reading stuff off the forums11:54
eternaljoyunop: wont that remove my firefox?11:54
linuxnewbie756veganto, what card did you say you have?11:54
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charles_hi if i do sudo on the command line with my password it works fine, if i try through the gui from any admin tool in gnome, it will reject my password.. does anyone know how to fix this?11:55
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sgibbonscharles_: it may not want your password, it may want the root password11:55
sgibbonsgnome is like that on fedora at least11:56
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charles_hrm.. i didnt think i set a root pass.. good point though let me check11:56
eternaljoyunop: so wont that command remove a lot of things that KDE just installed?  and wont it remove firefox etx?11:56
corevettehow do you mount iso's in ubuntu?11:56
linuxnewbie756hey, vega, what cared did you say you had?11:56
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eternaljoyanyone recommend an Asus Notebook?11:56
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racarterdoes it work?11:56
bulmercorevette:  mount -o loop -t iso9660 /path/to/file.iso /mnt11:56
eternaljoyis the Nivida 7300 a good grapgics card for 3d stuff?11:57
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eternaljoyunop: u left me? :(11:57
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charles_yup that was it11:57
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mega_faunalinuxnewbie756" Gparted seems to be formatting the disc11:58
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unopeternaljoy,  sorry -- errm, is firefox deinstalled as part of a dependency issue or is it stated there in the command?11:58
bobbydeternaljoy: the 7300 is a decent card, but far from the best11:58
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bobbydeternaljoy: what do you want to us it for?11:59
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jonwfor the love of god how to I install this please ? http://mir2.ovh.net/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/t/teamspeak-client/teamspeak-client_2.0.32-2_i386.deb on edgy ... teamspeak-client depends on libc6 (>= 2.5-0ubuntu1) \ Version of libc6 on system is 2.4-1ubuntu12.3. Thanks12:00
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ZaehlasGreetings, I have an unusual problem, that has stemmed from the recent upgrade, and my xserver crash, and reconfiguration.  But it may take some time to explain the problem.  It has to do with 2 computers, nvidia drivers, and exact xserver refresh rates, if someone can help.12:00
gnomefreakjonw: you dont unless you get an older version12:00
unopeternaljoy, firefox probably depends on something in the other xubuntu/xfce packages there and thats why he's included it too -- in anycase, you should revise that command for your needs12:00
charles_hi all, when i login to gnome, i get "GConf schema installer error, battery_low_percentage cannot be zero"... i cant find anything in google about fixinig this in ubuntu, just if you compile12:00
kitchejonw: seems odd sicne teamspeak depends on nothing12:00
jonwis it a feisty package then ?12:01

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