
=== Huahua [n=hua@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
oslois there a probleme with the acx trick on feisty ?12:30
mhboslo: what trick?12:30
oslomhb> oslo@desktop:~$ sudo ln -s -f /lib/firmware/`(uname -r)`/acx/ /lib/firmware/`(uname -r)`/acx/default/tiacx111c16 && sudo modprobe acx12:31
oslo& my wlan0 is recognized like an ethernet card it seems12:34
mhboslo: tbh my acx card doesn't work at all12:37
mhboslo: although it did with edgy12:37
mhboslo: I have reported it, they promised a fix but nothing happened12:37
osloso the only thing is to wait ?12:39
mhbya, same output here12:39
oslothere isn't another working firmwares for us ?12:40
mhboslo: you can do something12:40
mhboslo: comment on that bug12:40
oslomhb> do u have the link ?12:41
mhbbug 8181212:41
UbugtuMalone bug 81812 in linux-source-2.6.20 "ACX111-based wireless network card doesn't work with Feisty kernel" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8181212:41
mhbyou can confirm it12:41
oslok thanks12:41
mhboslo: but if you are able to backport to edgy's udev you can use the older kernel and it will be fine12:43
oslojust right now i don't need wlan12:43
ryanakcais FF past?12:47
mhbryanakca: yep12:47
mhbryanakca: someone should delete the info in /topic12:48
=== ryanakca fixes the topic
ryanakcaanything to add?12:48
=== ryanakca twiddles while waiting to hit the "OK" button
ryanakcaguess not 12:49
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:ryanakca] : Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty/+specs | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs
=== jjesse_ [n=jjesse@ppp-69-221-226-93.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
oslo& about samba ? i can reach a samba on dapper but i can reach myself my samba & i can't reach my dapper distro12:55
osloi'm on feisty12:55
oslothe settings are the same on my dapper & on my feisty12:55
osloon dapper all works , on feisty i can only see the sharing folder name12:56
=== kozz [i=kozz@81-232-134-52-no22.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== Hobbsee looks for life
jjessenothing goes better then working on kubuntu then a good glass of wine01:32
Hobbseeyay, jjesse!01:34
=== Hobbsee pokes imbrandon
jjessehello Hobbsee01:35
oslomhb> now acx works for me ;)01:37
oslo https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/7851301:37
UbugtuMalone bug 78513 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Current ACX driver will not let USR5410 card function properly." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] 01:37
Hobbseeyay!  basket1.0!!!01:38
Hobbseefabo: ping?01:39
=== Hobbsee looks into kdesvn-build
=== manchicken [n=manchick@ubuntu/member/manchicken] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jjesseis universe enabled by default in feisty?02:01
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claydohno, it wasn't for me02:04
Hobbseejjesse: think so02:09
Hobbseeoh wiat, no02:09
=== claydoh just enabled it today :)
=== Hobbsee attempts to build konversation using this new whacky build script
Hobbseeno, kdesvn-build02:12
Hobbseesee http://konversation.kde.org/wiki/SVN02:12
manchickenYou core devs get all the fun.02:14
Hobbseemanchicken: i'm not a core dev :P02:14
manchickenWhat's going to change with this linspire deal?  I don't like it.02:14
Hobbseemanchicken: a core dev of what?02:14
Hobbseedunno.  we cant tell them "no you cant base yourself off us" though02:15
Hobbsee        Running configure...02:15
Hobbsee        Unable to configure extragear/network!02:15
Hobbseei dont get it - that's all it's telling me...02:15
manchickenNo, but we don't have to endorse their business practices...02:15
nixternalHobbsee: it means it is unable to configure extragear/network! how hard is that to get?02:16
=== nixternal totally runs and hides
nixternaldude, the wrath of Hobbsee is on its way02:16
=== nixternal searches for the pain killers
=== nixternal peaks to see if it is safe
ajmitchnixternal: just keep running02:25
nixternalno doubt, she is polishing the pointy stick of doom, cussing me under her breath02:25
ajmitchshe would never..02:25
nixternalso you say02:26
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@upstream/dev/RadiantFire] has joined #kubuntu-devel
manchickenI think it's more likely that she's cussing konversation's new build process under her breath :P02:31
=== hellcattrav [n=hellcatt@ip70-174-174-217.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
hellcattravok i tried the #kubuntu forum, but got no response-m could someone help with further instruction on how to set up wireless for kubuntu?  I tired re-entering my WEP key as xxxx-xxxx-xx but to no avail-   nevermind, someone is helbing me, but if anyone would continue or want to privide any furhter assistance that would be great02:41
Hobbseenixternal: hehe02:42
=== Hobbsee attacks nixternal with the Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hobbseemanchicken: just that i havent used the program before02:44
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=== Hobbsee rebuilds manually
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nixternalyo yo06:47
Jucatohi nixternal!06:49
nixternalwell hello there06:49
Jucatonixternal: regarding your call for docs, about configuring the desktop, not sure if the one I made would be good enough. it's definitely not complete, and might need a bit of changing depending on how System Settings in feisty will look like06:50
n8k99thought i'd answer a call for help06:52
n8k99where do i start?06:53
nixternalif there is any one section that interests you most, it is yours :)06:53
n8k99mostly configuring the desktop06:53
Jucatonixternal: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu06:54
nixternalOK, there is another guy with configuring the desktop as well, but I don't know his experience. let me talk to him tomorrow and see what he is working on06:54
nixternaldamn Jucato, you did all that?06:54
Jucatoer... yeah06:54
Jucatoit's based on the one I did for KDE 3.5.606:54
JucatoChapter 12 of the KDE User Guide06:55
Jucatoor is it Ch. 13...06:55
nixternalhrmm, well there is a lot of customizing06:55
Jucatooh ch. 1206:55
n8k99yes there is06:55
Jucatoyep. I only focused on the appearance/theme aspects06:56
Jucatobut I might have to add some notes there, depending on how System Settings turns out in Feisty...06:56
nixternalMultimedia (i.e., Music, Video, Photos) that needs some loving06:56
nixternalOffice, Printing, those need a little bit of loving06:56
=== n8k99 currently rocks feisty like this http://eckenrodehouse.net/images/2-12.png
n8k99I can jump on Photos06:57
Jucatonixternal: ok... stuff that I couldn't probably work on. I'm just presenting what I already know and have :)06:57
=== Jucato gives others a chance :P
n8k99is that on the wiki as well?06:58
nixternalwhat is the "File" "Edit" and so on up top for?06:58
Jucatonixternal: the Mac OS X -like panel06:58
Jucatonotice he doesn't have menu bars per window06:58
n8k99i hate having those things in every single window06:59
nixternalI also noticed Konqi is semi-transparent06:59
nixternaloh ya06:59
Jucatomy guess would either be Compiz/Beryl or kompmgr06:59
nixternalthat is pretty neat06:59
n8k99using standard composite from kwin06:59
Jucatoah kompmgr then06:59
nixternalya, I messed around with it a little bit. The shadows on the bouncing icons for activity are garbage, but everything else was decent07:00
nixternalheh, #Alcoholics-Anonymous07:00
Jucatoin your eagerness to show a screenshot :)07:01
n8k99no one ever shows up anyway!07:01
nixternalthere is my lovely desktop07:02
nixternalnice and boring :)07:02
nixternalthe way I like it07:02
=== Jucato doesn't have a current shot... so nothing to share
nixternalJucato: me either :)  but it would look the same I think07:03
nixternalI don't notice anything different lately07:03
Jucatomine is easy to imagine.. Kubuntu defaults except for the wall paper. and no visible kicker :)07:03
nixternalalrighty, I need my beauty rest, so I will talk to you all today or tomorrow where ever you are :)07:03
Jucatobut I have 4 hidden panels07:03
=== n8k99 Jucato never has current pictures of anything ;)
Jucatog'night nixternal07:04
nixternalg'nite to all07:04
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faboHobbsee: pong08:41
Hobbseefabo: plans to package basket 1.0?08:41
faboHobbsee: it was uploaded yesterday to Debian08:42
Lurefabo: do you know if somebody at debian is working on k3b 1.0?08:45
Lurefabo: seaLne is doing ubuntu packages, not sure if this is alligned with debian08:45
=== czessi_ [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-035-086.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
faboLure: 1 don't know. k3b debian maintainer is ouotside of qt-kde and kde extras team.08:46
Lurefabo: thanks08:47
faboHobbsee: uploaded to experimental. How does it work (as sync are from unstable) ?08:48
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faboHobbsee: there's a new release of libsynaptics and ksynaptics08:54
Hobbseefabo: way cool. it's a UVF exception by now08:56
Hobbseefabo: ditto libsynaptics/ksynaptics08:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uvf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:56
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases08:56
=== viviersf [n=cain@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbsee!uvf is Upstream Version Freeze.  For an exception, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#head-9523bc4076ff011324d67cddc97969ec609618d608:57
ubotuI'll remember that, Hobbsee08:57
Hobbseefabo: ^08:58
HobbseeLure: seems like a guy in #ubuntu+1 is asking to test k3b debs that he made.09:03
=== hunger [n=tobias@pd95b0676.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
faboHobbsee: ok :)09:04
Hobbseefabo: i'll do the basket one, if you want, and you do *synaptics*09:04
=== kishore [n=kishore@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseefabo: it appears that basket is only for i386 yet09:08
kishoreHi i am running feisty and was wondering if kde 4 dev packages would be available as is with edgy?09:09
Hobbseekishore: at some point, probably when they do the next snapshot09:09
kishoreHobbsee: and when is that expected?09:10
Hobbseekishore: no idea09:10
kishorenow that i find feisty quite stable i spendmost time logged in hereand would like to work with kde 409:10
Hobbseekishore: heard of kdesvn-build?  it might be useful for what you want (if you want to compile kde4)09:11
=== guglielf [n=guglielf@unaffiliated/guglielf] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kishorethanks ill chk that out.. i just did not want to get into building kde itself09:14
kishorebut it looks like i ll have to do that now anyway! :-)09:14
Hobbseei'd say so09:14
faboHobbsee: ok, i'll take care of *synaptics09:15
Jucatokishore: http://developernew.kde.org09:15
Hobbseefabo: way cool.  however, it seems that dholbach doenst know the freeze is in place...09:16
kishoreJucato: thanks for the link09:17
Hobbseeokay, filing the bugs for it09:20
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Hobbseefabo: when'd you upload the synaptics stuff?09:20
Hobbseefabo: ksynaptics probably needs a merge09:24
Hobbseetonio_'s made changes to it09:24
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faboHobbsee: this morning (~1 hour, i already pre-packaged it)09:26
=== fabo [i=Arme-X@dra38-2-82-233-106-22.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseefabo: right.09:27
Hobbseefabo: which explains why i'ts not in debian QA yet09:27
=== sebas [i=sebas@belphegor.deadlysins.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseefabo: do you have the changelog of ksynaptics yet?09:29
Hobbseeguess not, if it's not actually uploaded...09:30
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=== _StefanS_ [n=sfs@cpe.atm2-0-52148.0x535a54ca.naenxx10.customer.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_StefanS_isn't it late in .au now ?09:51
_StefanS_or early09:52
Hobbsee7.55 pm09:55
=== oslo [n=Lancelot@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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_StefanS_hey Tonioooos11:52
_StefanS_it has been 2 hours since anyone wrote to the channel11:52
_StefanS_so welcome.11:52
Hobbseehey Tonio_!11:53
HobbseeTonio_: you modified ksynaptics :(11:53
HobbseeTonio_: i presume pot file extraction to rosetta cant be in the debian packages?11:53
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Jucato waves to Tonio_, _StefanS_, and Hobbsee
Hobbseehey Jucato!!!11:54
Jucatoto much oooooo :P11:54
Tonio_hey Jucato, Hobbsee, _StefanS_11:54
Tonio_Hobbsee: ksynaptics package contains ubuntu specifics :)11:58
Tonio_Hobbsee: doesn't require a merge, but a sync ;)11:58
HobbseeTonio_: hrm?11:59
Tonio_Hobbsee: hum, oups, sync <> merge, gforget this ;)11:59
Tonio_requires a sync not a merge11:59
Tonio_merge not a sync ?11:59
Hobbseemerge not a sync, yes.11:59
Hobbseei'm thinking11:59
Hobbseeie, keep the ubuntu changes11:59
=== Tonio_ was really drunk this we, so forgive me :)
HobbseeTonio_: hehe.  hopefully your passphrase is long enough that you wont be able to type it in drunken state12:00
=== Hobbsee wonders if Tonio_ drunk is as amusing as Riddell drunk...
Tonio_Hobbsee: I never saw Riddell drunk :)12:00
Tonio_globally, I'm more happy than sad when drunk12:00
Tonio_Hobbsee: already seen Riddell dunk ?12:01
HobbseeTonio_: i saw him on irc drunk....never met him in person, drunk or sober12:01
Hobbseeunfortunately, i didnt save the logs12:01
Tonio_Hobbsee: :-(, I wish I could read this :)12:01
HobbseeTonio_: perhaps get him drunk again, and see it yourself12:02
Hobbseei think it was during UDS paris...12:02
Hobbseepeople kept buying him drinks on one of the nights...12:02
Tonio_hum, I was there at the uds and never saw Riddell drinking too much12:02
RiddellI've never been drunk in my life12:02
Tonio_except the latest day12:02
HobbseeRiddell: rubbish :P12:02
Tonio_Riddell: really ?12:02
RiddellTonio_: well... no12:03
HobbseeRiddell: well, more than slightly tipsy?12:03
Riddellmaybe once or twice12:03
Tonio_Riddell: well that's an evidence of serious12:04
Tonio_I wish I could say the same :)12:04
Riddell_StefanS_: if you want to give away hardware just announce it here or on kubuntu-devel mailing list12:04
Tonio_that doesn't happen very often to me, maybe twice a year, not more12:04
Hobbseehehe - wishful thinking, anyone?12:04
Hobbseeimbrandon's got a spare pcmcia wifi card, if anyone wants it.12:04
_StefanS_Riddell: oka, I wasn't sure12:06
Tonio_Riddell: I have a solution concerning kde autostart, and that works12:09
Tonio_Riddell: but I'd like your opinion on that point :12:09
Tonio_Riddell: somehow kde pastes /usr to the path, so I have to add a rule for xdg/data, and then create a symlink12:10
Tonio_Riddell: does that sound crappy for you ?12:10
=== serzholino [n=serzholi@16x.zp.ua] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_StefanS_by the way, do all you guys use konqueror, or prefer firefox ?12:20
_StefanS_me too, I was just wondering.. being KDE and all :)12:21
serzholinoKnqui too12:23
HobbseeKrazy people, you are :P12:23
_StefanS_Hobbsee: did you notice that your clipboard gets zeroed when you quit firefox ? I mean if you copy some text and quit firefox, and want to insert it into eg. kwrite - its gone12:23
=== Jucato never realized Automatix2 went GUI until today... :(
Hobbsee_StefanS_: yep12:23
HobbseeJucato: good.  that means you're staying away from it :P12:23
Jucatobecause Firefox doesn't use klipper?12:24
JucatoHobbsee: oh definitely :)12:24
_StefanS_Hobbsee: Would be cool to change it... its soo anoying12:24
_StefanS_Jucato: nope, Its a security featire12:24
_StefanS_Jucato: err.. or usuability error12:24
Hobbsee_StefanS_: afaik, most apps do that.  unless you have klipper12:24
=== Hobbsee doesnt use klipper
_StefanS_Hobbsee: nope they dont12:24
Jucatoklipper nice :)12:24
Jucatodid you know you could search-as-you-type in klipper? :D12:25
_StefanS_Jucato: firefox is the only one I have encountered, but thunderbird probably does the same12:25
Jucato_StefanS_: I'm guessing most non-KDE apps?12:25
_StefanS_Jucato: sure seems like it12:26
_StefanS_Jucato: what the ... hmm never figured that out12:26
Jucatonot surprising :)12:26
_StefanS_hopefully that will change with kde4 and stuff12:27
Jucatonon-KDE apps would probably not be using KDE API to interface with Klipper. but I'm not familiar with the technical stuff andall12:27
Jucatoand all*12:27
mhbnice offer _StefanS_12:27
Jucatodinner!! :)12:27
mhband hi all12:28
Jucatohi mhb12:28
_StefanS_mhb: thanks :) - sure hope someone benefits from it12:28
=== Jucato waves /tmp/goodbye
Hobbseehey mhb!12:28
mhbby the way: does someone experience a small bug in the new shutdown dialog?12:28
mhbthe text is over the icons here12:28
Hobbseemhb: not here.  what locale?12:28
mhbHobbsee: czech12:29
mhbHobbsee: is that a problem with that?12:29
_StefanS_mhb: the sizing of the text vs. icons is broken in some cases, I have been up all last night to figure out how to fix it depending on the fonts12:29
Hobbseemhb: no idea.  it might have something to do with it12:29
mhbwhat are you people working on these days?12:29
_StefanS_mhb: please send me a screenshot so I can see if its the error I already know about12:30
=== mhb wants to help, but doesn't know what to do
mhb_StefanS_: sure12:30
_StefanS_mhb: you could help me with figuring out if a QPushButton can be laid out like the current shutdown with icon and text below. I having a hard time overriding the drawContents on that one12:31
_StefanS_mhb: I'm currently using QFrame12:31
mhb_StefanS_: http://img362.imageshack.us/img362/1074/shutdownbugyy1.png12:33
_StefanS_mhb: thats a variant of the issue, but is related to the same bug i think. Thanks !12:33
_StefanS_mhb: whats your resolution, fonts, and dpi?12:34
mhb_StefanS_: can't you overload the paint method for the button?12:34
mhbjust a thought12:34
_StefanS_mhb: yep I can, but it has no effect on the button whatsoever.. and I can't figure out why12:34
mhb_StefanS_: 1024x768, DejavuSans 10, 96 DPI (that should be the default)12:35
_StefanS_mhb: the thing is: if I use the QPushButton instead of QFrame i get alot of stuff given for free, like tab/arrow/enter actions12:35
mhb_StefanS_: I see12:36
mhb_StefanS_: is your code available somewhere?12:36
_StefanS_hmm thats funny, the other guy that had a problem was in 1024x768 also..12:36
_StefanS_gotta try switching down, and test it there12:36
_StefanS_argh its probably KDialog sizehinting that does it12:37
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_StefanS_must be relative to the resolutions12:38
=== _StefanS_ has to do some regular work before working on that dialog
LureHobbsee: re bug 84678 - why sync request from unstable (has 0.5.0) - we need experimental (1.0)?12:48
UbugtuMalone bug 84678 in basket "Please sync basket (universe) from unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8467812:48
HobbseeLure: damn.  please change ti :)12:49
HobbseeLure: ohh...that's why the changelog buggered12:49
LureHobbsee: exactly ;-)12:49
HobbseeLure: because i did the quick and dirty use of requestsync.12:49
=== Hobbsee was *wondering* what happened there
LureHobbsee: should we change it or is better to Reject it and open new bug?12:51
HobbseeLure: change it - motu uvfe has already been done12:52
LureHobbsee: done12:54
HobbseeLure: thanks :)12:54
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oslomhb> about acx right now i just need to run " sudo modprobe -r acx && cd /usr/src/acx-20070101 && sudo insmod ./acx.ko " on each restart for my WLAN works correctly01:06
mhboslo: really? I have to try that01:09
oslobut i have a problem with my turboprint for canon pixma mp150, on edgy /dapper it's worked but on feisty it tolds me my printer is disconected; i tried with the package on the official site & by compiling myself: same things01:09
oslomhb> yesterday or this night on the morning i gave you a link with what to do01:09
mhboslo: really? I have to check01:09
osloyes u have01:09
mhboh yes, thanks :o)01:10
_StefanS_anyone know nico larosa ?01:10
osloa pablo escobar's friend ?01:12
mhbby the way, did someone have trouble with knetworkmanager?01:14
mhbmine says no network found even though "iwlist wlan0 scan" finds one01:15
_StefanS_mhb: I encountered a little stop yesterday where I had to logout and in again to enable wireless01:15
_StefanS_mhb: definitely been much better since Tonio fixed that dcop thing01:15
JucatoI'm experiencing a strange problem when installing compiled apps/styles in places other than /usr (using --prefix=/opt). even after adding /opt to $KDEDIRS and to $PATH in .bashrc, KDE doesn't "see" the app/style, except when I run it from the command line/Konsole. Any ideas why this happens?01:15
Hobbseemhb: got wlan0 commented out in /e/n/i?01:16
_StefanS_Jucato: did you login and out again ? kde might not have picked up the new path01:23
Jucato_StefanS_: log out, log in, reboot, everything....01:24
mhbHobbsee: I have to check01:24
Jucatomy next attempt will be to set KDEDIRS in /etc/environment01:24
_StefanS_Jucato: try setting it in /etc01:24
_StefanS_kdm runs as root01:24
_StefanS_which in turn launches kde01:24
Jucatobut about PATH and KDEDIR?01:25
_StefanS_so try /etc01:25
Jucatoso you mean there's no way in Kubuntu to set user specific PATH and KDEDIRS?01:25
_StefanS_seems like they dont stick, is what i mean01:25
_StefanS_try the /etc approach and see if that works, then we'll see if a user can override it01:26
mhbHobbsee: no I had not01:26
mhbHobbsee: should commenting it help?01:26
Jucatohm.. okay....01:26
Hobbseemhb: you can try.  one works, the other doesnt01:27
Hobbseeand if you do it, and it doesnt work, try reverting it.01:27
Hobbseeit's rather tempramental - but once it works once, it keeps working.01:27
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praetorwhats the command to show all connected devices? my ipod doesnt want to connect for some bizarre reason?01:27
Jucatolspci ?01:27
_StefanS_praetor: lscpi ?01:27
_StefanS_praetor: lsusb maybe01:27
praetori tried lsusb and it just hangs01:28
_StefanS_praetor: did you give a few moments ?01:28
_StefanS_what does dmesg say01:28
praetorunforunately i have a 3rd gen ipod and rockbox doesnt work so well on them01:28
_StefanS_I mean does it even recognize the usb device01:29
mhbHobbsee: well, I've tried both01:30
mhbHobbsee: and in both cases knetworkmanager freezes around 28%01:30
Hobbseemhb: right.  then it's just screwed :P01:30
Hobbseemhb: any encryption on it?01:30
mhbHobbsee: I've tried running iwconfig01:30
mhbHobbsee: nope01:30
Hobbseecan you connect via standard ifconfig, if you sudo killall NetworkManager?01:31
mhbHobbsee: it seems knetworkmanager finds the AP and then in 2 seconds detaches from it01:31
mhbHobbsee: yeah01:31
mhbHobbsee: I simply set the ESSID and then run dhclient - as simple as that01:32
_StefanS_Hobbsee & mhb: did you notice the bubble popup has disappeared lately ?01:32
=== mhb checks for updates
_StefanS_I just see it briefly and then it just makes progress in the tray icon01:32
Hobbsee_StefanS_: yeah, seems to soemtimes.01:32
_StefanS_the first versions actually had the bubble on until the connection was done01:33
mhbHobbsee: hmm, there has been a knetworkmanager update recently, maybe that's my problem01:33
praetor_StefanS_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5399/01:33
_StefanS_praetor: hmm did you just unplug it while it was initializing ?01:35
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praetor_StefanS_: i had plugged it in, the ipod was displaying the do not turn off thing, and then it ran out of power so it died01:36
Jucatoadding the PATH and KDEDIRS to /etc/environment worked... but it's system-wide now... so... :(01:39
_StefanS_praetor: oh01:40
_StefanS_Jucato: good thing, because it works now. How is your ~/.bashrc laid out ?01:40
Jucato_StefanS_: as normal as the default .bashrc in Kubuntu01:41
_StefanS_praetor: plug it in again, and let me see01:41
kwwiihowdy all01:41
JucatoHobbsee: I'm presuming you're running KDE 3.5.6 + Basket 1.0, not Basket 0.6.0?01:41
_StefanS_Jucato: well you added KDE_DIR and PATH entries I imagine01:41
Jucatohiya kwwii!01:41
HobbseeJucato: correct01:41
_StefanS_hi kwwii01:41
HobbseeJucato: well, 1.0rc1 at the moment, but yeah01:41
Jucato_StefanS_: when I did that in .bashrc only, it didn't work. when I added it to /etc/environment and removed it from .bashrc, it worked01:41
praetorok i've unplugged it and plugged it in again01:41
praetorthe ipod doesnt display the "do not unplug me" screen01:42
kwwiihow does one add an entry in fstab? I have all these funky UUID=very long sting thingies that I have never seen before01:42
JucatoHobbsee: ok... I just wanted someone to test if Basket can't be added to Kontact since 3.5.601:42
Jucato!uuid | kwwii01:42
ubotukwwii: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)01:42
_StefanS_praetor: i think usbstorage module died01:42
HobbseeJucato: if it cant be, or can be?01:42
JucatoHobbsee: can't01:42
praetori get the same error01:42
_StefanS_Jucato: yes I know, because that is what we have been talking about01:42
praetorcan i restart the module without rebooting?01:42
_StefanS_Jucato: what do you have in your .bashrc ?01:43
HobbseeJucato: that got fixed in 1.0beta1 iirc01:43
kwwiihehe, since my last update amarok no longer works with my ipod. once again it says that it is a read-only file system01:43
kwwiikernel update that is01:43
JucatoHobbsee: so it's a basket problem? coz I vaguely remember being able to add it to Kontact in KDE 3.5.5 using Basket 0.6.001:43
Jucato_StefanS_: want me to pastebin?01:43
Hobbseei think kdepim broke basket.01:43
_StefanS_Jucato: yes please01:43
HobbseeJucato: but it's all fixed with 1.001:43
Jucatohm. ok I'll try 1.0 :)01:44
HobbseeJucato: there's packages for debian - feel free to recompile01:44
=== Jucato strangely, feels more comfy compiling from source
Jucato_StefanS_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5401/01:45
_StefanS_Jucato: well I meant your user's .bashrc :)01:48
_StefanS_Jucato: not the system bashrc01:48
Jucato_StefanS_: huh? that *is* my user's .bashrc01:48
_StefanS_i see01:49
=== Jucato wonders what made _StefanS_ it was /etc/bash_bashrc...
Jucatoer.. /etc/bash.bashrc01:49
_StefanS_you should add those entries in .bash_profile i see now01:50
Jucato_StefanS_: so it doesn't matter if .bashrc is sourced by .bash_profile?01:50
Jucatowanna see .bash_profile too? :D01:51
_StefanS_Jucato: nope, just add the PATH and KDEDIR stuff below the source01:51
_StefanS_Jucato: no dammit :D01:51
Jucatohm... mmokay :)01:51
=== Jucato is open to any suggestion at this point
Jucatoalthough almost everyone says to put it in .bashrc... I'll try anything :)01:52
_StefanS_Jucato:  export PATH=$PATH:/opt/blabla01:52
_StefanS_Jucato:   export KDE_DIR=$KDE_DIR:/opt/sasdsa01:52
_StefanS_something like that01:52
Jucatoyep yep01:52
_StefanS_and that doesn't work for you ?01:52
Jucatoin .bashrc? nope01:53
_StefanS_.bash_profile dammit01:53
Jucatowell wait a minute :)01:53
_StefanS_forget .bashrc01:53
JucatoI have to type and logout ok :)01:53
=== Jucato is not that fast :P
_StefanS_move it move it...01:53
_StefanS_show me the money01:53
Jucatook going01:54
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Jucato_StefanS_: ey thanks! worked like a charm02:01
Jucatonow for the messy details: why .bash_profile and not .bashrc?02:01
_StefanS_Jucato: it seems like debian likes another approach to the bash environment02:02
_StefanS_Jucato: on fedora you would just .bashrc to set stuff like that02:02
Jucatoah the beauty of it all :)02:02
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_StefanS_its a matter of taste how its laid out02:02
Jucatoon Gentoo and Mandriva as well, as some kde devs told me02:02
_StefanS_glad it worked :)02:02
Jucatothanks. now I know of a working method, and a topic to rant on02:02
=== Jucato thinks stuff like this should be standardized a bit... LSB anyone?
_StefanS_Jucato: I don't know its part of the LSB, but yes it would be nice02:03
=== _StefanS_ is just stupid at sentences today
Jucatoor could this be a behavior caused by the switch to dash?02:04
Tm_TJucato: LSB as LifeStyleBlock ?02:04
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_StefanS_Jucato: might be... probably in some history archives02:04
JucatoTm_T: LooSeBowel (movement)02:05
JucatoTm_T: unless you were serious about the question... :)02:05
Tm_TSeriously, Linux Standard Base?02:05
praetorwonder if anyone has been experiencing KWallet bugs02:05
_StefanS_praetor: which ones do you want ?02:06
praetorfor instance, in Kmail if I have 2 pop accounts, KMail always asks me for the password for the 2nd account, even though I click store password02:06
JucatoTm_T: Linux Standard Base02:06
Tm_TJucato: Ah, good guess here then. ;)02:06
praetorsimilarly, in Kopete I have 2 accounts, first was MSN, 2nd is AIM. Kopete always asks me for the AIM password, even though i click store02:06
Hobbseepraetor: suggest you dont use aim, and that problem will go away.02:06
praetor_StefanS_: rebooted, my ipod works :-)02:06
_StefanS_praetor: goody .. the usbstorage module went bonkers when it died before hehe02:07
praetorHobbsee: some people I game with are on AIM heh02:07
=== _StefanS_ wonders what the swedish chef would have said to that
_StefanS_bork bork02:07
praetorAIM seems to be pretty huge in the US02:07
Hobbseepraetor: oh dear.  you are aware that jabber does a port across that, i presume?02:07
praetorand Yahoo messenger in Europe02:07
praetorHobbsee: i dont know anything about jabber02:08
JucatoYahoo Messenger in the Philippines...02:08
JucatoGoogle stuff hasn't caught on yet...02:08
_StefanS_msn in dk02:08
Hobbseepraetor: really?  jabber.org02:08
praetorHobbsee: but if everyone uses AIM?02:09
Hobbseepraetor: http://www.jabber.org/user/userguide/#findgateways02:11
Hobbseepraetor: ie, use the gateway to talk to those using AIM02:11
Hobbseeif that helps02:11
Jucato_StefanS_: btw, how did you know that I should put the env vars in .bash_profile, just by looking at .bashrc?02:13
praetoroh thats rather neat02:13
praetorcheers Hobbsee :-)02:14
_StefanS_Jucato: it just looked like it wasn't meant to be edited, also be looking at bash_profile you can see that it sources everything, and then after that you can override02:15
_StefanS_Jucato: donno, I must have been looking too much at config files hehe02:15
JucatoI thought .bash_profile sourcing .bashrc was normal, so it didn't occur to me...02:15
Jucatoto add it to .bash_profile instead02:16
_StefanS_well naturally the idea was to make sure nothing happened after you set your environment, and by taking the last part of the chain it "should" work02:17
_StefanS_ofcourse there could have been other stuff that would try to impose a static path no matter what, at which we would have no other solution that to set it in the system config02:17
=== _StefanS_ could really use some help on overriding the QPushButton's paintEvent to put pixmap and text below the buttons...
_StefanS_any takers :D02:21
=== Jucato knows no code
Hobbseeich auch02:21
Jucato_StefanS_: ask me in a few months, I probably will :)02:22
_StefanS_Jucato: trying to learn c++ at the moment02:22
Jucatoare you a mind reader as well as a .bashrc reader?02:23
_StefanS_nope, just intuition hehe02:23
_StefanS_if I only didn't have to work, I could look at it now... however why would I have time to be irc the last hours...02:24
_StefanS_work is boring.02:24
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JucatoHobbsee: broken Basket support seems to be from the kdepim side of things...02:25
HobbseeJucato: right02:26
=== Jucato tries to search for a bug report
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Jucatomoin nixternal02:44
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Tonio_Riddell: ever heard about that bug concerning kopete and edgy ?06:01
RiddellTonio_: which bug?06:01
Tonio_Riddell: http://tonio.homelinux.org/temp/capture16.png06:02
Tonio_Riddell: that guy is using a fresh and up to date install, kopete seems to use iso instead of utf806:02
Tonio_all the system including kde is using utf806:02
Riddellyes, that is strange06:02
Tonio_Riddell: I'm telling him to switch to 3.5.6 ans we'll see06:03
Tonio_Riddell: and concerning the xdg/autostart, are you fine doing what I propose ?06:04
Tonio_adding the xdg/autostart, which makes kde using /usr/xdg/autostart, and create a symlink ?06:05
Tonio_that's the best I've been able to do06:05
Riddellcan't you add /etc directly?06:05
Tonio_Riddell: no, it seems to paste /usr automatically :)06:06
Riddellthere should be a better way06:06
Tonio_Riddell: I know, but that means patching many more things I think06:07
Tonio_Riddell: the solution is probably to patch kstandarddirs.h too06:08
Tonio_but that sounds a bit dangerous in my opinion :)06:08
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Tonio_crimsun: ping ?06:12
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Tonio_Riddell: well the problem is that autostart path is a "resource"06:30
Tonio_and it seems to append /usr to any resource06:30
Tonio_might be hard to change since that's done deeply in kdelibs code06:30
yuriyRiddell: bug 8460806:34
UbugtuMalone bug 84608 in software-properties "software-properties --enable-component is broken" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8460806:34
yuriylooks like you copy pasted the bug from -gtk06:34
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Riddellyuriy: that functionality should be in the common code06:41
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Tonio_Riddell: concerning autostart, it is clear that addresourcetype is using relative path06:49
Tonio_addresourcedir is using absolute path according to the doc.... I'll try with this06:49
Tonio_Riddell: I should be able to use addresourcedir since the type is already defined previously for share/autostart06:50
RiddellI wonder if basket 1.0 got released?06:59
RiddellLure: is digikam 0.9.1 just a bug fix release?07:02
kwwiiRiddell: Hobbsee has been ranting about it07:02
LureRiddell: no, also some features - but major "feature" is fixing major new features of 0.9.007:03
LureRiddell: basket was released and sync requested07:03
RiddellLure: oh cool07:04
LureRiddell: digikam also needs one new lib (libkexiv2), but I suspect we should be fine in getting MIR as it is actually code of digikam moved to lib07:04
LureRiddell: it will be shared between other photo apps (showimg, kipi-plugins)07:05
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LureRiddell: 0.9.1beta1 change log: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=995707:05
EruantalonShouldn't there be a way to recover from a kwin or kicker crash in Kubuntu? I often have kwin locking up or chrashing. The best way i have found out of that problem is using ctrl+alt+f1 and using pkill kwin but i can't start kwin from another terminal right? So then I am stuck. Shouldn't there be a mechanism for sensing when kwin is stuck or has chrashed that makes sure that it restarts?07:13
EruantalonI am thinking that Neal Stephenson was right when he wrote that Unix/Linux is like that drill that keeps going no matter what.07:15
EruantalonThere need to be fallbacks when stuff goes wrong.07:15
EruantalonThere need to be fallbacks when stuff goes wrong.07:18
RiddellEruantalon: there's no kwin developers, but if you have a problem you should report it to bugs.kde.org07:19
Riddellno kwin developers here I mean07:19
Eruantalonah. But I am not sure that it is a kwin bug per se(of course the chrashing is, but I have come to expect that). I am thinking it is something that Kubuntu should employ.07:22
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_StefanS_hi all07:29
kwwiiRiddell: I'll be working on the kubuntu usplash tomorrow, think we can still get it on the next herd?07:46
Riddellkwwii: oh, dunno, hadn't heard the freeze details for htat07:47
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EruantalonHow many herds will there be?07:59
LureRiddell: can you sponsor upload for bug 8448008:00
UbugtuMalone bug 84480 in acpid "power button is ignored by acpi scripts when running kpowersave" [Low,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8448008:00
yuriyRiddell: also a minor thing, but bug 84610 is -kde specific08:01
UbugtuMalone bug 84610 in software-properties "software-properties-kde has window title "Form"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8461008:01
Riddellyuriy: oh, that'll be my fault :)08:03
Riddelleasy enough to fix08:03
crimsunTonio_: pong08:24
nixternalhowdy KDE people :)  (including crimsun)08:25
crimsunI'm on gnome atm08:26
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oslohi for my acx wifi card works on feisty i had to do this : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/7851308:44
UbugtuMalone bug 78513 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Current ACX driver will not let USR5410 card function properly." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] 08:44
oslobut now, after each reboot i have to " sudo modprobe -r acx && cd /usr/src/acx-20070101 && sudo insmod ./acx.ko " how can i make it automaticaly without typing password or only one time ?08:46
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Tonio_Riddell: kdelibs patch for xdg autostart works :)09:39
Tonio_Riddell: I'm uploading09:39
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Tonio_crimsun: I installed ubuntu for a friend of mine yesterday, wanting to test linux09:44
Tonio_crimsun: everything worked fine except the sound09:44
Tonio_crimsun: it works but the sound is horrible, saturated, and very low level09:45
Tonio_crimsun: seems to be a well known issue with some intel chips...09:45
Tonio_crimsun: I have followed the wiki guide to recompile alsa drivers etc... nothing worked09:47
Tonio_crimsun: heard about a solution to that issue ?09:47
LureTonio_: I hope you installed kubuntu ;-)09:48
Tonio_Lure: nope ;)09:48
Tonio_Lure: I'll wait for feisty to install kubuntu to users again09:49
LureTonio_: shame on you ;-)09:49
Tonio_Lure: edgy is too imature in my opinion09:49
Tonio_Lure: simply honnest, I work on kubuntu, but edgy is really buggy09:49
Tonio_Lure: can a newbie user understand that installing java will break his package configuration ? :)09:50
LureTonio_: me neither.. ;-)09:50
Tonio_Lure: the good news is that feisty will be the very first really mature version of kubuntu ;)09:53
LureTonio_: wanna bet? ;-)09:54
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Tonio_Lure: bet for what ? ;)09:54
crimsunTonio_: I can't debug with that little information.09:55
Tonio_crimsun: yes I know, I'm searching for the wiki page for more precise infos09:56
crimsunif you can gather the information requested at the top of wiki/DebuggingSoundProblems, that would be a starting point09:56
Tonio_crimsun: the point is that I'm not in the front of the machine at the moment, but the problem is well known....09:56
crimsunthere are so many "well known" snd-intel8x0 problems09:57
crimsunI haven't a clue to which you're referring09:57
Tonio_crimsun: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24462409:58
Tonio_this one ;)09:58
crimsunI hate when people do that09:59
Tonio_crimsun: ?09:59
crimsunplease direct him to the DebuggingSoundProblems page09:59
crimsunthere is a reason I ask for all that info [https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.17/+bug/42718/comments/11 ] 09:59
UbugtuMalone bug 42718 in linux-source-2.6.17 "cannot install drivers to Soundblaster AudigySL" [Low,Needs info] 09:59
Tonio_crimsun: well I didn't post on that page, I'll do the tests and report, don't mind ;)10:00
crimsunpeople don't realise that there are multiple problems, and the symptoms can be caused by any of a half-dozen of those problems10:00
Tonio_crimsun: just that this seems to be a very widelly known and common issue, so I hoped you had a fix or trick ;)10:00
crimsunthe "hibernate and resume for 'full' volume" issue was fixed in 2.6.20-6 by my backporting the conexant driver10:01
crimsunthere are another 11 bugs that lie in the realtek and sigmatel HDA codecs10:02
crimsunwith that _precise_ symptom10:02
crimsunthose have been reported against linux-source-2.6.20 already, no need to dupe them10:02
Tonio_crimsun: okay, I didn't knew that the same symptom could have that many causes possible10:03
crimsunanyhow, I'll take a look at that url (saved)10:04
Tonio_crimsun: well I'll send you a full report in a few days, maybe tomorrow, thanks ;)10:04
=== _StefanS_ [n=sfs@cpe.atm2-0-52148.0x535a54ca.naenxx10.customer.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_StefanS_hi there10:20
Lurehi _StefanS_10:21
_StefanS_hey Lure10:21
=== mdz [n=mdz@cpe-76-173-8-128.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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osloarf kde-looks is down right now...it seems10:24
=== shnee [n=CurtyD13@cblmdm72-241-107-50.buckeyecom.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_hey _StefanS_ :)10:44
_StefanS_hep hey10:44
_StefanS_Tonio_: I looked at the kaffeine bug, and it seems to me that the xine_part is to blame.10:46
_StefanS_Tonio_: 0.8.2 works fine on feisty, that means no stuff missing from the kde system10:46
Tonio__StefanS_: hum, I have several part available (kmplayer part, vlc part)10:47
_StefanS_Tonio_: 0.8.3 worked briefly with the kaffeine-xine 0.8.2, so10:47
Tonio_none of them is visible10:47
Tonio__StefanS_: there are several kparts and none of them is visible, that's why I don't understand10:47
_StefanS_Tonio_: ok, well I only have kaffiene-xine10:48
Tonio__StefanS_: yes but if you install kmplayer you'll ahve a second one in the list10:48
_StefanS_gotta give my daughter a bottle of milk10:48
Tonio__StefanS_: http://tonio.homelinux.org/temp/capture17.png10:52
Tonio__StefanS_: I have kmplayer, kaffeine and vlc installed, I should have 3 engines in the list10:52
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_StefanS_oka i'm back11:02
Tonio__StefanS_: are you using 0.8.3 on edgy ?11:02
_StefanS_Tonio_: nope on feisty, but have a edgy right here beside me11:03
_StefanS_an edgy11:03
Tonio__StefanS_: which version of kaffeine ?11:03
Tonio_and the list isn't empty ?11:03
_StefanS_well on my feisty its 0.8.3, and edgy its 0.8.211:03
Tonio_if you sudo apt-get install kmplayer, what happens ?11:03
=== Ingmar^ [n=ingmar@86-39-4-71.customer.fulladsl.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_StefanS_on which installation ?? :O11:04
Tonio__StefanS_: okay so for you it works on edgy and fails on feisty that's it ?11:04
_StefanS_err.. If I take kaffeine 0.8.2 and compile it on feisty everything works.11:04
=== _czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-035-086.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_StefanS_along with kaffeine-xine 0.8.2 aswell11:05
_StefanS_If I then switch just kaffeine to 0.8.3, and leave kaffeine-xine at 0.8.2, the menu displays the Xine-part in kaffeine 0.8.311:05
_StefanS_do you follow?11:05
_StefanS_which led me to believe that the kaffeine-xine kpart is broken, to strengthen this I have observed that the libkaffeinepart has more symlinks in /usr/lib when using the old 0.8.2 version. libkaffeine is symlinked from '.so' to so.0.0.1, so.011:08
Tonio__StefanS_: can you diff the desktop files ?11:08
_StefanS_they are the same, already did that11:08
Tonio_ho you mean the .so file ?11:08
_StefanS_apart from a translation11:08
Tonio__StefanS_: hum, the problem is that external kparts don't display aswell11:08
_StefanS_hmm it does a fairly standard query to find the kparts inside kaffeine 0.8.3, so I don't think we can blame that11:09
Tonio__StefanS_: hum, I follow you but the problem is that not any, even external kparts do show in 0.8.311:10
Tonio_so I think we can blame kdelibs or kaffeine :)11:11
Tonio_but there is something to blame :)11:11
_StefanS_oka, well if I use 0.8.2 it displays the parts11:11
_StefanS_so I don't think kdelibs is to blame11:11
Tonio_what drives me nuts is that it works for you with 0.8.3 with kaffeine xine 0.8.211:11
Tonio_that doesn't make sense11:11
Tonio_in that case kmplayer should display aswell11:11
_StefanS_yea that was a wierd one I tell you :)11:12
Tonio_vlc too11:12
=== ScottK [n=ScottK@static-72-81-252-22.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
_StefanS_in kmplayer, where should I look ?11:12
_StefanS_for the parts i mean11:12
Tonio__StefanS_: can you look in your cache and send me your kaffeine-xine 0.8.2 deb ?11:12
Tonio_I'd like to test this :)11:12
Tonio__StefanS_: just install kmplayer and that's it11:12
Tonio_it should appear in the list11:12
_StefanS_in kaffeine ?11:13
Tonio_maybe requires a kde reload11:13
Tonio__StefanS_: yes11:13
_StefanS_lemme test11:13
Tonio__StefanS_: kaffeine is a plugin readers the same way konqueror is, it can use other players kparts11:13
Tonio_I'm restarting kde to test this too11:13
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@28.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio__StefanS_: I have an idea....11:17
_StefanS_yep ?11:17
Tonio__StefanS_: can you paste me the /usr/share/services/xine_part.desktop from kaffeine-xine 0.8.2 ?11:17
Tonio_maybe there is a tag or something used11:17
_StefanS_think i tried that11:17
_StefanS_sent you the debs btw11:18
Tonio__StefanS_: my test didn't work....11:18
Tonio__StefanS_: perfect thanks11:18
_StefanS_ah now I remember - the difference between those desktop files are just the number of mimetypes. The new 0.8.3 supports more11:19
Tonio__StefanS_: hum.....11:20
Tonio_where is the damned difference ???11:20
Tonio__StefanS_: on the edgy box with 0.8.2 do you see anything related to kmplayer in the menu once kmplayer is installed ?11:20
_StefanS_well I got this the wrong way around.. there are more mimetypes for the OLD version11:21
_StefanS_I will install kmplayer11:21
_StefanS_already installed .. checking11:22
_StefanS_yep it does show both xine and kmplayer plus netscape11:22
Tonio__StefanS_: which is normal11:23
Tonio__StefanS_: for me the issue is in kaffeine code11:23
Tonio_no other explanation11:24
Tonio_or kdelibs 3.5.611:24
_StefanS_yea probably11:24
_StefanS_sent you the two desktop files btw11:24
Tonio__StefanS_: but well the kmplayer one didn't change... it should still work11:24
Tonio__StefanS_: what version of kde are you using on edgy ?11:25
_StefanS_yea, only thing left is kaffeine to blame11:25
_StefanS_so it cant be that11:25
_StefanS_using riddells packages11:25
Tonio__StefanS_: yeah it is kaffeine for sure11:25
_StefanS_just cant figure out where it goes wrong11:25
_StefanS_1) KTrader::OfferList offers = KTrader::self()->query("audio/x-mp3", "'KaffeinePart' in ServiceTypes");11:26
_StefanS_2) offers = KTrader::self()->query("audio/x-mp3", "'KParts/ReadOnlyPart' in ServiceTypes");11:26
_StefanS_thats it11:26
_StefanS_it uses this to populate the menu11:26
Tonio_haha :)11:27
Tonio_kaffeine isn't associated to mp3 anymore ;)11:27
_StefanS_what ? you fixed it :)11:27
_StefanS_ah !11:27
_StefanS_I thought that was too easy11:27
Tonio_I don't want kaffeine associated to audio things, only video :)11:27
_StefanS_thats lame.. they depend on kaffiene to have mp3 assoc11:28
_StefanS_also the query dont work... great11:28
Tonio__StefanS_: but how does it integrate other kparts then ?11:30
Tonio_that's the way it offers the kaffeine one only no ?11:30
_StefanS_Well it just tries to insert all others that are associated with mp311:31
_StefanS_thats the way I read it11:31
Tonio__StefanS_: testing with avi :)11:32
Tonio_that may explain indeed, I removed all audio mimetypes for feisty :)11:32
_StefanS_well its totally wrong to depend on mp3 to list video parts11:33
Tonio__StefanS_: hackish....11:34
_StefanS_yea bad stuff11:34
_StefanS_donno if that could be changed to something video/x-avi or something11:34
Tonio__StefanS_: it'll probably fix the bug..... I'll have to change kmplayer kparts too11:34
Tonio__StefanS_: building with the fix, I'll let you know :)11:41
_StefanS_goody :D11:41
Tonio__StefanS_: of that works, I'll have another bug to submit you :)11:41
Tonio__StefanS_: lot of fun too hehe11:41
_StefanS_yess.. I struggling with the logout box11:41
_StefanS_sizing issues11:41
Tonio__StefanS_: talking about that I noticed that while the cursor is on an icon, the text and image are going 1 pix on the bottom11:44
Tonio__StefanS_: is that normal ?11:44
_StefanS_well thats a QFrame::Sunken11:44
_StefanS_I could remove it11:45
_StefanS_think I will..11:45
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Tonio__StefanS_: I must say I prefer when everything stays at the same exact place11:47
Tonio_looks cleaner to me11:48
_StefanS_yea you're right. I will remove it11:48
=== czessi_ [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-035-086.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee waves
=== mbiebl [n=michael@e180096150.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseehey _StefanS_!12:00
Tonio_re Hobbsee12:03
Hobbseehey Tonio_ :)12:03
Tonio_I can't wait for tomorrow12:04
=== Hobbsee wonders why there's no clock on upgrading the kicker
Hobbseewhy, whta's tomorrow?12:04
Tonio_I'll know if I'll get that new appartment12:04
HobbseeUDS is announced, btw.  *bounce*12:04
Tonio_2.5x bigger.... same price12:04
Hobbseevery nice!12:04
=== ingmar [n=ingmar@86-39-1-203.customer.fulladsl.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_Hobbsee: isn't that education UDS ?12:05
HobbseeTonio_: a few days before, ti is12:05
Tonio_Hobbsee: I didn't receive the mail concerning feisty+1 uds12:06
=== ingmar is now known as Ingmar^
HobbseeTonio_: it's on u-d-a12:06
Tonio_Hobbsee: didn't receive it yet :)12:06
Tonio_I reall hope canonical will make an exception.... they generally don't sponsor people twice12:07
Tonio_the problem is that this time it'll concern kde4 and lots of people were at google (me, luka etc....)12:07
HobbseeTonio_: yes.  the lack of kubuntu people would rather indicate that they would need to sponsor poeple twice12:07
Tonio_I wish I coul be there12:08
HobbseeTonio_: apply and see, i guess12:08
Tonio_sure ;)12:08
Tonio_it also depends if I have a job or not at that moment12:08
Tonio_I don't for the moment but I started to search very hardly last week12:09
Tonio__StefanS_: fix worked :) thanks for the help ;)12:17
_StefanS_Tonio_: great :) - no problem !12:17
_StefanS_Tonio_: now its time for you to help me on the sizing of the dialog..12:17
_StefanS_Tonio_: just kidding :P12:17

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