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mpt | Goooooooood afternoon Launchpadders! | 01:05 |
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thumper | mpt: afternoon | 01:09 |
thumper | mpt: for dependancy graph that is shown on the spec pages, do you know where it is size constrained? | 01:10 |
mpt | not offhand, no | 01:10 |
mpt | though I probably increased it for the new layout | 01:10 |
thumper | mpt: the max is too small | 01:14 |
thumper | https://blueprints.beta.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+spec/ui-roadmap | 01:15 |
Hobbsee | mpt: thanks! | 01:15 |
mpt | Hobbsee, you're welcome | 01:21 |
mpt | thanks for the feedback | 01:21 |
Hobbsee | mpt: :) | 01:22 |
Hobbsee | mpt: still going to reply back - sometime | 01:22 |
mpt | thumper, I have a worse example than that | 01:22 |
mpt | thumper, https://beta.launchpad.net/launchpad/+spec/1.0-web-interface | 01:25 |
mpt | thumper, it's bug 66344 | 01:25 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 66344 in blueprint "Dependency chart becomes unreadable with >12 dependencies" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66344 - Assigned to Steve Alexander (stevea) | 01:25 |
mpt | and tweaking the width will only change the "12" in that bug to "14" or "16" | 01:25 |
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mpt | 144 KB for a translation page, ouch | 02:53 |
mpt | and that's just the HTML | 02:53 |
mpt | then 110 KB for MochiKit | 02:54 |
ajmitch | for every page load? | 02:54 |
mpt | 22.6 KB of other JavaScript | 02:54 |
mpt | ajmitch, yes | 02:54 |
mpt | well, this is just one particular translation page that has many suggestions | 02:54 |
mpt | but the JavaScript is loaded on every page | 02:54 |
mpt | across Launchpad | 02:54 |
ajmitch | hence why I bookmark certain urls to avoid the pain of navigation & waiting | 02:55 |
ajmitch | it does feel quite heavy at times | 02:55 |
mpt | 348 KB altogether | 02:56 |
mpt | wowser | 02:56 |
Fujitsu | Can you do something like making the browser cache the JS, or split MochiKit up into smaller libraries, and only load the necessary ones? | 03:10 |
ajmitch | caching+https don't always play nice | 03:11 |
ajmitch | you should have seen the (pre-malone) ubuntu bugzilla | 03:11 |
ajmitch | 1MB of javascript on each page load | 03:11 |
lifeless | Fujitsu: its a browser isse | 03:11 |
lifeless | *issue* | 03:11 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #43893 in malone "Allow product-/package-specific bug-reporting guidelines" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43893 | 03:31 |
mpt | Fujitsu, it's mostly our fault for doing HTTPS, and partly browsers' fault for being too jittery about caching HTTPS stuff | 04:01 |
mpt | and partly also our fault for sending the whole of MochiKit each time, yes | 04:01 |
Fujitsu | It'd be nice if you could send the images/JS over HTTP without the browser complaining. | 04:02 |
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mpt | Fujitsu, that's easily done, just send the HTML over HTTP too :-) | 04:21 |
mpt | I think probably we're greatly overusing HTTPS | 04:22 |
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jml | thumper: so, I just had a look on the NZ lenovo website. The Thinkpad X60 2.0GHz is 850 AUD cheaper in NZ. | 05:19 |
thumper | jml: you wanting me to get it for you? | 05:20 |
jml | thumper: I'm quite tempted to ask. | 05:21 |
thumper | if I ship it to AU though, it'll get taxed | 05:21 |
thumper | you'll have to come for a visit | 05:21 |
thumper | jml: I registered 15 specs for lp-bzr this morning | 05:22 |
jml | thumper: cool. | 05:22 |
thumper | some of which jumped out at me saying "jml can do this" | 05:22 |
jml | thumper: lots of reading for me tomorrow then? | 05:22 |
jml | heh heh | 05:22 |
thumper | none of them have wiki pages yet | 05:22 |
thumper | just place holders for work that I've identified | 05:23 |
thumper | or had been identified before and no one had written down | 05:23 |
Fujitsu | thumper: I like the look of a lot of them :) | 05:25 |
thumper | Fujitsu: something to work towards anyway | 05:26 |
thumper | jml: my desktop just fubar'ed | 05:27 |
jml | thumper: what happened? | 05:28 |
thumper | jml: Stops at "Memory Testi" and nothing more :( | 05:28 |
jml | thumper: ouch | 05:28 |
thumper | things where hanging so I rebooted | 05:28 |
thumper | and got that | 05:28 |
thumper | so off to buy some clean memory tomorrow | 05:28 |
thumper | I'm hoping that's all it is | 05:28 |
Fujitsu | Can someone please take a look at OOPS-408C267? A timeout seems to occur when attempting to list branches for any product. | 05:38 |
Ubugtu | https://devpad.canonical.com/~jamesh/oops.cgi/408C267 | 05:38 |
Fujitsu | Indeed, any branch listing at all (even in a bug) fails. | 05:41 |
thumper | Fujitsu: our dba is doing some maintenance which will be causing these timeouts | 05:43 |
Fujitsu | OK, would be nice to have something nicer than timeout errors in such a situation. | 05:44 |
=== thumper shugs | ||
=== thumper shrugs | ||
thumper | yeah | 05:46 |
spiv | Fujitsu: the maintenance is being done to fix some timeout errors. | 05:52 |
Fujitsu | I note that the timeouts I mentioned are no longer, which is good. | 05:52 |
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mpt | Hobbsee, I found the "Indicate bug" button you were talking about, so I've updated bug 84339 to mention it | 08:27 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 84339 in malone "+choose-affected-product title and heading need rewriting" [Medium,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84339 - Assigned to Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) | 08:27 |
Hobbsee | mpt: cool :) that the "mark the bug as affecting upstream" section, whcih is unclear? | 08:28 |
mpt | yes | 08:28 |
Hobbsee | cool :) | 08:28 |
ddaa | pfff | 08:35 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #84674 in malone "Disappearance of /sbin/lrm-video" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84674 | 08:35 |
ddaa | not sure if bug 42480 isn't really about "hard to report a bug on a ubuntu package", rather than "hard to file bug on non-malone upstream" | 08:37 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 42480 in malone "Report a bug about product that doesn't use Malone should include link to product's official bug tracker" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42480 - Assigned to Christian Reis (kiko) | 08:37 |
mpt | ddaa, that's indeed a possibility | 08:38 |
mpt | foolswisdom might not even remember any more :-) | 08:38 |
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AMREENA | anyone here | 08:46 |
thumper | AMREENA: heaps here | 08:46 |
AMREENA | wat ? | 08:47 |
AMREENA | u mean part the channel | 08:47 |
thumper | AMREENA: many people here just waiting for your questions | 08:47 |
thumper | :) | 08:47 |
AMREENA | ok | 08:48 |
AMREENA | i also want to know something about UBUNTU | 08:48 |
thumper | AMREENA: probably best to ask on #ubuntu | 08:49 |
AMREENA | ok thankyou | 08:50 |
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lifeless | review meeting in 16 | 09:44 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #84686 in launchpad-bazaar "run supermirror from "make run"" [Low,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84686 | 09:45 |
spiv | lifeless: that's an hour early, isn't it? | 09:45 |
lifeless | its been straight after the bzr meeting for $yonks | 09:45 |
lifeless | unless that has moved ? | 09:45 |
spiv | lifeless: the bzr meeting moved back an hour | 09:46 |
lifeless | oh | 09:46 |
lifeless | in 1hr16 then | 09:46 |
lifeless | thanks! | 09:46 |
spiv | You're welcome :) | 09:47 |
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mpt | mrevell, http://vulcano.mine.nu/blog/index.php/2007/02/11/launchpad-teams/ | 09:59 |
mrevell | mpt: thanks | 09:59 |
mrevell | mpt: Hmm, if ever there were a "Dear Lazyweb..." post :) | 10:01 |
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mpt | mrevell, what do you mean? | 10:30 |
mrevell | mpt: The post you gave me a link to basically says, "Will someone please explain x and y about Launchpad?" Rather than directly asking people who could answer, it's a broadcast question to the web. On a more serious note, that suggests it's not so easy to find out how to contact the Launchpad team. | 10:31 |
Fujitsu | mrevell: There have been a few such posts lately (one from Christer Edwards, for example). | 10:32 |
mpt | mrevell, it could mean several other things | 10:33 |
mpt | e.g. thinking that the Launchpad team won't be responsive | 10:33 |
mpt | or thinking that other people will provide better answers | 10:33 |
mrevell | mpt: sure, so these are things I need to address on the team's behalf. | 10:33 |
mrevell | Fujitsu: Yeah, it's all a good sign that we (the LP team) need to explain ourselves more effectively to the community. | 10:34 |
mpt | The tours should help with that, I think | 10:35 |
mpt | (Coincidentally, the most recent post on lazyweb.org is about Ubuntu) | 10:37 |
mrevell | mpt: I think the tours will help give an overview of what Launchpad is for and how it can help people, certainly. I must ping static, as he's working on the content for the tours atm. | 10:40 |
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lifeless | review team meeting in 3 minutes | 10:57 |
lifeless | review team meeting | 11:00 |
lifeless | == Agenda == | 11:00 |
lifeless | * Roll call | 11:00 |
lifeless | * Next meeting | 11:00 |
lifeless | * Queue status. | 11:00 |
lifeless | spiv: ? | 11:01 |
BjornT | hi | 11:01 |
lifeless | BjornT: ? | 11:01 |
lifeless | hi | 11:01 |
lifeless | SteveA: ? | 11:01 |
spiv | hi | 11:01 |
lifeless | BjornT: you want to talk about the next meeting time / | 11:02 |
lifeless | ? | 11:02 |
BjornT | well, i was mainly wondering if you've considered changing the meeting time? | 11:02 |
BjornT | given that currently two of the reviewers are never able to attend, it might be worth changing it | 11:03 |
SteveA | lifeless: hi | 11:03 |
lifeless | do you have a suggested time ? | 11:03 |
lifeless | if I go later, I lose a days work due to being overly tired the next day | 11:04 |
lifeless | personal thing: I *dont* sleep in unless actually ill | 11:04 |
BjornT | even though it's not possible to find a time when everybody will be able to attend, it can be good to move the meeting from time to time | 11:04 |
lifeless | we can consider rotating it | 11:04 |
lifeless | like some ubuntu meetings do | 11:04 |
BjornT | lifeless: no, i don't have any suggestion, i'm not sure when is suitable for everyone. | 11:05 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #84694 in launchpad-bazaar "registering bzr upstream for series is difficult" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84694 | 11:05 |
SteveA | I have a suggestion | 11:05 |
lifeless | so we have the details on the https://launchpad.canonical.com/ReviewerMeetingAgenda?action=raw page | 11:05 |
SteveA | reviewing is very important to our processes | 11:05 |
SteveA | and a review team meeting can be short | 11:05 |
SteveA | so let's have two per week | 11:05 |
lifeless | putting that into a calendar should give a feel for slots | 11:05 |
SteveA | the main point of the meeting is to check reviewers are keeping up effectively | 11:05 |
SteveA | if someone or some people can attend both | 11:05 |
SteveA | that will be best | 11:05 |
SteveA | and they will end up being shorter | 11:06 |
SteveA | what do you think? | 11:06 |
lifeless | well, they wont be shorter I think, but I'm happy with the time involved to do two meetings | 11:06 |
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SteveA | lifeless: you'd go to just one | 11:06 |
lifeless | SteveA: I didn't mean to imply it was solely my time I was concerned about | 11:06 |
BjornT | yeah, two meetings a week would work. the meetings are rather short anyway, so it wouldn't hurt. | 11:06 |
lifeless | SteveA: I was meaning the time cost for whoever ended up being the gateway | 11:07 |
lifeless | SteveA: that said, I can do the us evening time slot easily too, so it might be me | 11:07 |
lifeless | tell you guys what, I'll put the windows we have into a calendar and see what drops out | 11:08 |
SteveA | so, now that the lpbzr meeting is earlier | 11:08 |
SteveA | how about we move this meeting 1hr earlier | 11:08 |
SteveA | and then organise a later US-tz one | 11:08 |
lifeless | fine by me | 11:09 |
BjornT | works for me. | 11:09 |
lifeless | but lets get the other one locked in before changing - its currently AIUI 0900 in sao carlos that this meeting occurs | 11:09 |
lifeless | (1000 UTC, and they are one hour behind at the moment) | 11:09 |
SteveA | lifeless: then, why are there no brazilians here | 11:10 |
lifeless | SteveA: I don't know | 11:10 |
BjornT | it's 0800 in sao carlos, isn't it? | 11:10 |
SteveA | it is | 11:10 |
SteveA | I just asked google | 11:10 |
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lifeless | SteveA: ah | 11:11 |
lifeless | so, next, queue status | 11:11 |
lifeless | its a pity jamesh isn't here, as hes lagging the most in review freshness | 11:12 |
SteveA | he's sprinting | 11:12 |
lifeless | when does he finish ? | 11:12 |
lifeless | (he has 3 very small branches in his queue, pending for 14 to 59 days). I think that this is rather bad | 11:13 |
SteveA | he ought to be able to do small branches this week | 11:14 |
lifeless | I'll send him a nag mail | 11:16 |
lifeless | if he can't, we have capacity to reallocate, but they need doing one way or the other | 11:16 |
SteveA | ok. cc kiko, so kiko can help manage his time commitments while he's in brasil | 11:16 |
lifeless | sure | 11:17 |
lifeless | other than that, the review queue is quite good. | 11:17 |
lifeless | way down from its choke period a fortnight back | 11:17 |
lifeless | GOOD WORK! | 11:17 |
lifeless | theres four branches @ 3 days (compensating for the weekend). of those, two are conflicted | 11:18 |
lifeless | so, only 2 can be reviewed, and those are small | 11:18 |
lifeless | both with spiv | 11:18 |
lifeless | spiv: you think you can get those knocked over tomorrow ? | 11:18 |
spiv | lifeless: I'm sure I can. | 11:18 |
lifeless | ok. | 11:19 |
lifeless | any new business? you guys generally ok with review load at the moment ? | 11:19 |
BjornT | i'm ok | 11:20 |
spiv | Yeah, I'm ok. Branches have been pretty small. | 11:20 |
lifeless | cool, meeting over in 5 | 11:21 |
lifeless | 4 | 11:21 |
spiv | Branches under 300 lines are good, and should be encouraged :) | 11:21 |
lifeless | 3 | 11:21 |
lifeless | 2 | 11:21 |
lifeless | 1 | 11:22 |
lifeless | 0 | 11:22 |
lifeless | danke for attending | 11:22 |
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carlos_ | morning | 11:52 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #84680 in launchpad "The "Working on" portlet shouldn't include duplicate bugs" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84680 | 11:58 |
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cprov | good morning ! | 12:20 |
kiko | morning | 12:25 |
Hobbsee | morning @ 10.27pm! | 12:27 |
=== ddaa -> lunch | ||
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Ubugtu | New bug: #48771 in malone "It should be possible to delete attachments" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48771 | 12:55 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #84711 in malone "long words in bug titles make bug listings very wide" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84711 | 01:20 |
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sabdfl | SteveA: new menu looks super - thanks! | 01:35 |
sabdfl | mpt: any idea why the new flat app graphics aren't on beta.lp.n? | 01:35 |
sabdfl | thumper: nice work on the code home page portlets | 01:35 |
sabdfl | just need a branch icon for the listings | 01:36 |
sabdfl | also, branches with titles should still include the product name | 01:36 |
sabdfl | so you get: | 01:36 |
sabdfl | man-db: Development branch | 01:36 |
sabdfl | rather than just: Development branch | 01:37 |
sabdfl | this is only of course important if the product is not implicit in the context | 01:37 |
sabdfl | so, for example, you don't need it in places where you a listing the branches for a particular product | 01:37 |
sabdfl | but you do need it in general portlets | 01:37 |
sabdfl | for example, on the code home page, where the portlets are describing branches from *all* products | 01:38 |
sabdfl | will send this by email in case you don't read scrollback. | 01:38 |
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kiko | ahoy there | 02:26 |
Hobbsee | hey kiko! | 02:27 |
kiko | I am now an edgy person | 02:27 |
seb128 | kiko: you should be a feisty person ;) | 02:27 |
kiko | soon! | 02:27 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #84719 in malone "Live CD crashes/gets into an endlsess loop on shutdown" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84719 | 02:40 |
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jenda | mrevell_: hey | 03:05 |
mrevell_ | hi jenda | 03:05 |
jenda | PM? | 03:05 |
mrevell_ | jenda: sure | 03:06 |
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jam | greetings... What does it take to get a new upstream bugtracker registered? | 05:27 |
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tsmithe | hi | 05:27 |
tsmithe | i'm trying to link the cinelerra-cv product to the upstream bugzilla tracker. when trying to choose, there is a list... but not cinelerra... is it not possible to have a generic "bugzilla" option, where you fill in the details yourself? | 05:28 |
iwj | If I search for bugs `newest first', under what circumstances might the bug numbers not be strictly decreasing down the listing ? | 05:48 |
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seb128 | iwj: I think there is some weirdness due to tasks there, like it might count the date when a new task has been opened | 05:56 |
iwj | seb128: Hmm. | 05:56 |
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BjornT | jam, tsmithe: it's not easy to find, but you can register a new upstream bugtracker at https://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/+newbugtracker | 06:19 |
BjornT | tsmithe: but i agree, it should be easier to register a new tracker while choosing one. | 06:19 |
jamesh | iwj: when we've done bug imports, we've kept the old bug submission dates | 06:20 |
jamesh | iwj: so for Ubuntu bugs, id order is not quite the same as datecreated order, since some bugs were filed in Launchpad before the bugzilla.ubuntu.com migration | 06:20 |
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jam | thanks for the heads up BjornT | 06:27 |
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iwj | jamesh: Mmm. I think seb128's reply is to the point in this case though. Thanks. | 07:09 |
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jamesh | iwj: yeah. The "datecreated" orderby does sort on the bugtask's datecreated which is not the same as the bug's datecreated for subsequent bug tasks | 07:19 |
jamesh | iwj: I agree that it'd be nicer if it sorted on the bug's date created though | 07:19 |
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iwj | I think it's OK, but it was just a bit confusing. | 07:21 |
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sabdfl | sudden flood of applications to join launchpad-beta-testers... anybody know why? is there a blog somewhere about it? | 07:51 |
oojah | mrevell sent an email to launchpad-users | 07:52 |
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mrevell | sabdfl: SteveA and I had a call on Friday following your call and we agreed to invite subscribers to launchpad-users. | 07:53 |
mrevell | sabdfl: Good response so far :) | 07:53 |
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sabdfl | mrevell: awesome :-) | 07:57 |
mdke | og's blog post probably publicised it too | 08:09 |
phanatic | and also joey's presentation | 08:10 |
tsmithe | how can i get a new bug tracker registered in launchpad? | 08:16 |
mdke | there are instructions on the bug tracker page iirc | 08:18 |
tsmithe | oh... really? | 08:18 |
=== mdke looks | ||
mdke | "Register bug tracker" | 08:19 |
mdke | https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers | 08:19 |
tsmithe | ooh | 08:20 |
tsmithe | cool | 08:20 |
tsmithe | thanks | 08:20 |
sabdfl | lotof bugs in that url | 08:25 |
radix | crap, I didn't even know trac was supported | 08:26 |
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pygi | mrevell, poke | 08:28 |
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kiko | radix, it's only half supported. why don't you help me write support for it? | 08:46 |
radix | kiko: is the same code used for migrations from trac? | 08:47 |
kiko | radix, no. | 08:47 |
radix | kiko: oh. then I guess I have less incentive :) | 08:47 |
kiko | radix, what do you want to migrate over? | 08:47 |
radix | kiko: Twisted :) (not to say that's going to happen any time soon) | 08:47 |
kiko | if it's not happening any time soon, then maybe we should write support for it instead, first? | 08:48 |
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mrevell | pygi: Hey - sorry for the delay, been having dinner | 09:17 |
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pygi | mrevell, no problem at all :) | 09:18 |
pygi | mrevell, I already planned to sign up for the list, just couldn't get the time | 09:18 |
pygi | mrevell, did so now, and will post something in next couple of days | 09:19 |
mrevell | pygi: cool :) Thanks. Don't feel any pressure to post, but if you do have feedback, I know the team would find it very useful | 09:19 |
pygi | mrevell, yup, have some feedback (as always, hehe) | 09:20 |
mrevell | pygi: cool, it's always welcome :) | 09:20 |
pygi | feels fresh and much better to use | 09:21 |
pygi | mrevell, I found that "THIS LIST IS NOT FOR REQUESTING CD'S" funny tho :) | 09:23 |
tsmithe | yes haha /me too | 09:23 |
mrevell | pygi: Yes, in the past a number of people have signed up to launchpad-users to request CDs. I think that in the future we should see less of that, though, as we make it easier to go through the ShipIt sign-up. | 09:23 |
tsmithe | is the list moderated? or is it because i failed to sign up properly? | 09:24 |
=== czajkowski [n=cypher@skynet.skynet.ie] has joined #launchpad | ||
czajkowski | mrevell: just the person :) | 09:24 |
mrevell | czajkowski: hello! | 09:25 |
=== Cillian [n=Cillian@] has joined #launchpad | ||
mrevell | Cillian: hello to you too :) | 09:25 |
Cillian | :) | 09:25 |
mrevell | wow, is this the, "Come meet Matthew in #launchpad" night? :) | 09:25 |
Cillian | Yup | 09:26 |
czajkowski | mrevell: if you look for me in #skycon... leaving a message works wonders :) | 09:26 |
pygi | mrevell, :-D | 09:26 |
czajkowski | mrevell: pretty much, you werent in lugradio | 09:26 |
mrevell | czajkowski: Yes, sorry, I got distracted and left you with a ping but nothing else. Hang on, I'll take this to #skycon | 09:26 |
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pygi | mrevell, well thanks, I won't bug anymore | 09:30 |
mrevell | pygi: Hey - you're not bugging me :) | 09:30 |
mrevell | pygi: It's great to have your feedback, so if there's anything you need, let me know. | 09:30 |
pygi | mrevell, there is, but no one will listen, so I'll be silent :) | 09:32 |
=== pygi hides | ||
tsmithe | hummm. i just killed launchpad (normal launchpad) | 09:35 |
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tsmithe | trying to register a spec where the name has been taken, firefox dies, go back to the product, notice the spec is there, try and edit details, launchpad integrityerror | 09:36 |
pygi | :-D | 09:36 |
tsmithe | seems reproducible... | 09:36 |
tsmithe | oops :P | 09:36 |
pygi | file a bug :P | 09:36 |
tsmithe | sorry mrevell :) | 09:37 |
mrevell | sorry, been afk | 09:37 |
tsmithe | ^^ | 09:37 |
=== mrevell reads up | ||
mrevell | tsmithe: ooh, right, yeha, if you could file a bug, that'd be great | 09:43 |
tsmithe | ok :) | 09:43 |
tsmithe | on the launchpad product? | 09:43 |
mrevell | erm | 09:44 |
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matsubara | tsmithe: it's likely to be a known problem. if it's not it'll show up on the error logs tomorrow. thanks for the heads up anyway. | 09:46 |
tsmithe | so should i file or not? | 09:47 |
mrevell | matsubara: thanks | 09:48 |
matsubara | tsmithe: what did you change when you tried to edit the details? | 09:49 |
tsmithe | milestone | 09:49 |
matsubara | tsmithe: was it a product spec that you tried to target against a ubuntu milestone? | 09:51 |
tsmithe | hd | 09:51 |
tsmithe | *yes | 09:51 |
tsmithe | (stupid fingers) | 09:51 |
matsubara | tsmithe: it's bug 59971 then | 09:53 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 59971 in blueprint "Target a product specification to a distribution milestone triggers a DB constraint" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59971 - Assigned to Mark Shuttleworth (sabdfl) | 09:53 |
tsmithe | https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinelerra-cv/+spec/cinelerra-review <- that spec already exists on ubuntustudio product. i was trying to set it to have milestone for feisty | 09:53 |
tsmithe | hum | 09:53 |
tsmithe | really? | 09:53 |
tsmithe | i managed with the spec on ubuntustudio | 09:53 |
tsmithe | wait no | 09:53 |
sabdfl | thanks ubugtu :-) | 09:53 |
matsubara | tsmithe: I'm pretty sure it is. the select box shouldn't display the ubuntu milestones as valid targets | 09:54 |
tsmithe | yes - they are displayed. and although i thought it had succeeded in setting it, it appears that it hasn't | 09:54 |
tsmithe | and when i try now, i get an integrityerror :) | 09:54 |
tsmithe | so, yes, matsubara, thanks :_ | 09:55 |
tsmithe | *:) | 09:55 |
matsubara | mrevell, tsmithe: you're welcome. | 10:00 |
tsmithe | :) | 10:03 |
lifeless | moin | 10:05 |
pygi | hey lifeless | 10:05 |
static | how do I make a team into a translation group? | 10:09 |
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pygi | static, ubuntu LoCo team? | 10:14 |
pygi | if so, your team needs to get approved by a council (forgot which one, been a while since I was involved) | 10:15 |
static | pygi: I just realized I probably don't need to do this. Was just trying to figure out how to allow a team to do translations for an upstream product | 10:15 |
pygi | static, ah! | 10:15 |
pygi | static, just upload a template (pot) and let people translate | 10:15 |
static | pygi: thanks! | 10:16 |
pygi | static, yw | 10:16 |
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carlos | static: hi | 10:18 |
static | hey carlos | 10:18 |
carlos | static: jamesh told me that you have some question about Rosetta and translation groups | 10:18 |
static | carlos: yes, I was just confused about when a translation group was needed. I was trying to set up an upstream product to be able to do translations, and I'm a bit confused about the difference between a team and a translation group | 10:19 |
carlos | static: translationgroup is a way to link teams with languages | 10:20 |
static | carlos: aha! ok, I don't need one then | 10:20 |
carlos | static: you only need it if you want more fine grained privileges (it's from danilo) | 10:22 |
danilos | it's not from me | 10:23 |
static | :) | 10:23 |
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radix | wow, is launchpad-users moderated even for subscribers? | 10:50 |
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tsmithe | radix, it appears so | 10:57 |
sabdfl | kiko would know why - i seem to recall some discussion about this, and a lot of spam | 11:05 |
sabdfl | might be possible to review it now that we have decent spam filtering | 11:05 |
tsmithe | yes - that would be nice | 11:06 |
=== tsmithe wishes they would get better spam filtering on alsa-devel | ||
tsmithe | i must say, the ubuntu lists have *very* good spam filters | 11:07 |
tsmithe | i didn't appreciate it until i came across alsa-devel | 11:07 |
Fujitsu | It was switched to first-post moderation around the end of November, AFAICR. | 11:09 |
Fujitsu | (to stop all the `GIVE ME CDs' posts) | 11:09 |
tsmithe | why to launchpad-users, though? | 11:09 |
Fujitsu | Who knows. | 11:09 |
Fujitsu | But there were lots of them. | 11:09 |
tsmithe | what makes people choose that? it's crazy! | 11:09 |
tsmithe | i'm sure | 11:09 |
pygi | tsmithe, didn't you knew people are usually crazy? :) | 11:10 |
tsmithe | but first post - that's ok. i've done mine now, so i'm happy :) | 11:10 |
tsmithe | pygi, i did, actually. i'm probably included in that ;) | 11:10 |
mpt | lifeless, PQM has apparently been processing the same branch for the past 13 hours or so | 11:17 |
lifeless | stub disabled it | 11:18 |
mpt | Is it re-enabled now? | 11:18 |
lifeless | I have done so | 11:18 |
mpt | ok, thanks | 11:18 |
lifeless | np | 11:18 |
mpt | Fujitsu, tsmithe, we also get many bugs reported about Launchpad which are actually about Ubuntu | 11:19 |
Fujitsu | mpt: I noticed... Any idea why? | 11:19 |
mpt | Work out why that happens, and I'll send you a chocolate fish | 11:19 |
Fujitsu | Heh. | 11:20 |
tsmithe | mpt, ah ok. i'd like that chocolate fish. better than normal fish, which i hate ;) | 11:20 |
kiko | sabdfl, radix: that sounds like it's broken. it should be moderated for unsubscribed users, but not for subscribed ones. | 11:25 |
tsmithe | kiko, ok. good to hear that it's known :) | 11:30 |
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mpt | Gooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders! | 12:01 |
Hobbsee | morning mpt!!! | 12:03 |
=== mpt hugs Hobbsee | ||
LaserJock | hi mpt | 12:03 |
=== Hobbsee hugs mpt back :D | ||
=== mpt hugs LaserJock | ||
mpt | Not enough hugs in this channel | 12:03 |
=== Fujitsu grabs some hugs and throws them into the channel. | ||
=== LaserJock hugs mpt | ||
=== Hobbsee group hugs mpt, LaserJock, and Fujitsu, and finds her arms are too short. | ||
mpt | http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/41500000/jpg/_41500270_mrtickle.jpg | 12:05 |
=== Fujitsu hands Hobbsee some arm-extensions, and hugs her back. | ||
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Hobbsee | hehe | 12:05 |
mpt | SteveA, are you available to talk about brilliant branching? | 12:07 |
mpt | hmm, I guess not | 12:07 |
=== mpt will get up earlier tomorrow | ||
Ubugtu | New bug: #84800 in malone "no way to jump to a bug from frontpage of beta UI" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84800 | 12:11 |
=== jml drafts a spec: more-channel-hugs | ||
Hobbsee | hehe | 12:11 |
LarstiQ | brilliant branching? | 12:15 |
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