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Falladirwhere can I find the people who work on the Human theme?01:13
Falladirthe default window decorations for Feisty Herd 3 have some nasty warts01:13
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stochasticHey room, I'm in the process of trying to package some icons for a theme but I'm having some troubles finding where the icons in the main ubuntu menu (the one beside the Internet category in particular) are located05:25
darkmatterstochastic, <iconthemename>/<size>/categories05:34
darkmatterjust use tango, tangerine, or the gnome icons as reference (they're the most inclusive for icon coverage)05:36
stochasticdarkmatter: the Internet icon I've replaced and installed the new theme but it's still using the old icon in the menu05:36
stochasticall the other icons have changed05:36
darkmatterhmmm.... what theme are you using as a guide/template?05:38
stochasticI've taken Human and Gnome icons and put them together into one big folder and am slowly replacing all the files in them05:38
stochasticwhat puzzles me is that all the other category icons have behaved like you would expect05:39
stochasticbut not Internet05:40
darkmatterperhaps a missing symlink05:40
stochasticdo you know where the config file is for the menu that way I can see what icon it's pulling up and trouble shoot from there05:41
darkmatterthere should be 5 seperate links to applications-internet.<svg or png>05:41
stochasticyup I've got all 505:42
darkmatterdoes the theme have a cache file?05:43
darkmattericon-theme.cache in the top directory05:43
stochasticwow, wait now that I am checking each size (24x24 etc) I realized that I hadn't switched the 22x22 size yet05:43
stochasticmy bad05:43
darkmatterthat'll do it05:44
stochasticthanks though05:44
darkmatterlol.. anytime05:44
darkmatterI'm just kinda fighting with the pixmap engine atm05:45
darkmattertroy_s, ping?05:45
troy_sdarkmatter: ?05:46
darkmatterquestion regarding text entries with the pixmap engine05:47
troy_sstochastic: Look at freedesktop and how the icon naming scheme works.05:47
troy_sYes shoot.05:47
troy_sas in input boxes?05:47
darkmatterI've got a very nice entry done up... but am trying to get an overlay applied so the shadows show up properly05:47
darkmattertroy_s, yup05:48
troy_sstochastic: The 'device' that controls icons is the index.theme file at the root of the icon direcotry.05:48
troy_sdarkmatter: Ok so?05:48
troy_sdarkmatter: problem?05:48
darkmatterbecause as is.... the base color covers the central part of the pixmap05:48
troy_sstochastic: You basically need to follow the icon naming scheme _AND_ include the names for some legacy apps.05:48
darkmatterthus... no shadows.. one sec.. Ill past together the images n upload them05:49
troy_sso your have your root image05:49
troy_sand your overlay05:49
troy_swhat do you mean by base colour?05:49
troy_sin the overlay?05:49
troy_sOk type the stuff... I am off to watch a movie with wife.05:50
troy_sI'll reply when I am back.05:50
darkmattertroy_s, just a sec... imageshack is being slow05:57
darkmattertroy_s, http://www.flickr.com/photos/92826085@N00/387577231/06:00
darkmatterdidnt bother to scale up the correct images (right side)... but thats "close enough" of a visual... basically, the shadow is in the overlay (I even tried by adding it to the root image)06:02
darkmatterbut the base color (as in base[NORMAL}, rtc in gtk terms... in laymans terms the color behind text) hides it06:04
darkmatterI need to get them to render to look like the right side of that shot06:09
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darkmatterthe dang thing is hiding my part of the boarder and completely obscuring the shadows06:11
darkmatter'lo BHSPitMonkey06:11
darkmatterhey... you have any experience with the pixmap engine?06:12
darkmatterBHSPitMonkey, ignore the lazy unscaled pasting... but do you have any clue as to how to get the <left> to behave like the <right> http://www.flickr.com/photos/92826085@N00/387577231/ ??? (the right is the actual root image and overlay... basic idea of how the entries should be rendering)06:17
darkmatterit seems that the base color of the gtk insists on covering the work I sid on the entries06:18
BHSPitMonkeyno clue06:21
troy_sdarkmatter: you still here?06:37
troy_sdarkmatter: Have you tried issuing them for all states and tried flatbox as well as box?06:38
darkmatterahhh... nope...I'll try in a second06:39
troy_sOk bed for me, but what I would try is capturing it from a higher level class06:39
troy_sand try flat_box as well as box06:39
troy_sLet me know how that works.06:39
troy_sA) Try a higher level widget06:39
troy_sB) Try both box and flat_box06:39
troy_sthen you can whittle away the possibilities from there.06:39
troy_sObviously also make sure that you are using an app that will render them correctly ;)06:40
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darkmatterklepas, ping!09:21
klepasdarkmatter: dinner, then i shall be back :)09:23
darkmatterok... I just added some bling to the text entries ;)09:23
darkmatterdamn overlay finally worked09:23
darkmatterhi kwwii09:24
darkmatterhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/92826085@N00/387720827/in/set-72157594488098254/ <--- it looks better in person (ignore the spin and comboentry buttons... there still the old versions)09:26
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kwwiihi darkmatter09:36
kwwiilooks nice09:37
darkmatterthanks... I'm still going to shoot myself over that typo though;)09:38
darkmatterbeen trying to get the overlay working for three days..... I had it defined as an overlay_file instead of a file... that was silly09:38
EmxBAwhere can I download this theme shown on  http://www.flickr.com/photos/92826085@N00/387720827/in/set-72157594488098254/ ?10:06
darkmatterEmxBA, I have an older copy uploaded on gnome look.... gimmie a minute or two... I'll commit a few changes and update then link you to it10:09
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klepasdarkmatter: back10:19
kwwiiworking on the usplash - gotta love it10:24
kwwii256 color is so 198010:24
darkmatterklepas, http://www.flickr.com/photos/92826085@N00/387720827/ <-- starting to add the new widgets (text/frame/shadows)10:24
darkmatterso I decided to give a minor update to the 'preview' built to keep the lil users at bay for a bit longer10:25
darkmatterklepas, the buttons still suck... and I havent commited the panel or menu changes yet... but http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=5205010:27
darkmatterI want to try some textual effects with the menus though.... something to make text in prelight "pop"10:28
klepason a completely unrelated note i am so happy that xfce 4.4 terms right clicking and selecting open link in browser now respects my preferences and opens them in an existing browsers window as a tab10:29
klepason a related note10:29
klepasYOU ROCK!10:29
darkmatterslowly starting to "bling without bling"10:30
darkmatterklepas.... scarily enough (and no one _should_ actually notice when its done)... Glory is picking up some interesting influences10:32
darkmattermac like sensibility (but not mac design) and beos simplicity10:33
kwwiidarkmatter: look nice10:33
kwwiidarkmatter: the only suggestion I have is to make the buttons in the windowdeco a bit bigger10:34
darkmatterkwwii, thanks... still needs new buttons and a panel10:34
darkmatterkwwii, thats not the themes window decor ;)10:34
klepasdarkmatter: you should inset the scrollbar more10:35
klepasit's too light10:35
darkmatterits going to use fair sized but simple glyphs10:35
klepasi'd just darken some of the colours a bit10:35
kwwiidarkmatter: yeah, I almost thought as much10:36
klepasie. if i pop into Evolution identifying areas of the app by contrast and colours could be improved if the colours were a bit more heavier10:36
darkmatterklepas... been working on that too... slightly shadowing the thumbs and adding a gradient trough10:36
klepasscrollbar is almost the right size methinks10:37
klepasi'm heavily tempted... to switch to this theme :P10:37
darkmatterklepas... yes... a bit perhaps.... but the theme as is (the unfinishe will not show till widgets match up version) relies a lot on 3dish effects to make things pop10:37
klepasi really, really <3 the text entry boxes dude10:38
darkmatterkwwii, will us "x", arrowythingy up, arrowythingy down for the metacity buttons10:38
darkmatterklepas... yeah... they kinda punch ya in the eye in a good way :P10:39
kwwiidarkmatter: sounds good10:43
darkmatterkwwii... using the glyphs instead of full fledged buttons I can probably create a reasonably large target without adding to much weight to the titlebar (I dont like "fat" windows)10:46
kwwiidarkmatter: very good idea. makes it usable and pretty at the same time10:47
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klepasyou better make those changes ^^10:50
darkmatterI am10:52
elkbuntuwhat are we all cooing over?10:53
darkmatterelkbuntu, a slow but steady wip10:55
klepaselkbuntu: sexy gtk widget-ry10:56
elkbuntu which link?10:57
darkmatteronly part sexay though10:59
darkmatterI made the mistake of showing people screenies.. and as always happens... got hounded... so I spat out a cheap speed gimped preview... now I'm slowly updating it to keep them silent  ;O11:00
elkbuntuhmm... a bit plain atm, but im sure that will change11:00
darkmatterelkbuntu... its changing most definitely... the new textentries just got uploaded... just not in the screenies11:01
darkmatterelkbuntu, screenie sucks... it only looks good in person... but http://www.flickr.com/photos/92826085@N00/387720827/11:02
elkbuntuooh, glowy11:03
darkmatteryup... starting to add gradients and shadows11:03
darkmatterright now working on the "proper" widgets... then after I have something worthy of being a beta I can start messing with textual effects11:06
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kwwiifor anyone who wants to see the usplash stuff01:51
=== klepas likes this one most -> http://sinecera.de/usplash_1.png
kwwiiklepas: do you think that the white line around the text is too white?01:54
klepasmatches the white line around "ubuntu"01:54
kwwiiklepas: actually that line around ubuntu is what I meant ;-)01:55
kwwiiI thought about making it a bit darker01:55
=== kwwii eats a quick lunch, brb
klepasoh, sorry01:56
klepasnah -- it's fine01:56
elkbuntuusplash_1.png is my vote02:10
andreasnkwwii: what's the status on integrating usplash, gdm and desktop-splash? I recall reading something about it in the wiki quite some time ago.02:34
PingunZkwwii, why did you blur the text gloss ?02:41
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kwwiiandreasn: integrating as in making them look alike?03:19
andreasnyes, so you don't bounce from screen to screen03:19
andreasnmore like now-the-computer-starts-up03:19
andreasnjust checking if there is some concrete plans for that in this release03:20
andreasnit would rock quite hard03:20
kwwiiandreasn: no idea...more of a hardware thing I guess03:20
kwwiiI know sabdfl would love it03:20
kwwiithe usplash has to be black03:21
kwwiithere is no way around that03:21
andreasnyeah, I guess the boot is quite a tech problem in itself right now03:21
andreasncan't really remember where I read it in the wiki either03:21
kwwiigotta reboot, brb03:22
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troy_skwwii how goes the bikeshed?06:22
kwwiitroy_s: wonderfull :-)06:23
kwwiiupdated the usplash06:23
kwwiiwaiting for the package to appear06:23
troy_spulling gdm now.06:23
troy_sare you running edgy?06:23
troy_si can't seem to get bloody vmware up06:23
troy_swhat are you running kwwii?  kubuntu or ubuntu on that lappy of yours?06:24
troy_skwwii did you merge alef's fix yet?06:25
troy_sand if not, should i branch off of theirs?06:25
kwwiitroy_s: it should have been included already06:25
troy_sits merged by daniel.06:25
troy_spulling now.06:26
troy_sand kwwii06:27
kwwiiexactly :-)06:27
troy_swtf is the status of the bloody06:28
kwwiihe works for me now :p06:28
troy_shasty gl face browser?06:28
kwwiino idea06:29
kwwiihaven't heard much about it in a while06:29
kwwiiguess I should ping macslow06:29
troy_sit seems everyone is obsessed with this 'pursuit of eyecandy' not realizing that the apple designers actually try to do it with a functional / feedback related orientation.06:32
troy_sthis vaguely reminds me of the video game industry after wolfenstein 3d.06:32
andreasntroy_s: what problems are you encountering with vmware?06:40
kwwiifinishing up the edubuntu stuff now06:40
troy_sandreasn: It won't load06:40
troy_skwwii Did mark get you on Edubuntu now too?06:40
andreasntroy_s: I got problems with the current packages, said it couldn't find some kernel stuff06:41
andreasnso I had to move some stuff around manually06:41
troy_sandreasn: I wonder if it has to do with the recent kernel update.06:41
troy_sIt simply won't load at my end on edgy 64.06:41
troy_sWhich is odd.06:41
troy_sUnfortunately, I don't have the bloody time to dick with it right now.06:41
troy_sGrr... why the hell doesn't a symbollic link work for gdm themes?06:42
troy_skwwii Arrgggh06:59
troy_skwwii Well that poorly coded xml file is a nightmare beyond repair in this short time.  The main problem is that they use fixed sized fonts which is going to be problematic if everything else scales around it07:00
troy_seither you end up with a logon (on a high res monitor) with a very small bar / etc. or we fix it to scale and the font remains small.07:00
kwwiitroy_s: ok, that is life07:00
troy_sIts really stupid.07:00
kwwiiluckily kde doesn't use hard coded font sizes07:00
troy_sWell GNOME shouldn't either.07:01
kwwiiit just gets totally messed up ones from the Xserver07:01
troy_sYou _can_, and the buffoonary did so.07:01
troy_sYeah it should take system defaults.07:01
troy_sI won't name names, but one of them is worth half a billion dollars.07:01
kwwiiI think he's worth more than that in the meantime07:01
troy_sMy gut instinct tells me to change them all to scale07:01
kwwiiso he must be doing something right07:01
troy_sand let the 'font' issues arise as bugs.07:01
kwwiinot a bad idea either07:02
kwwiias long as we can still revert if we have to07:02
troy_ssomething != all_things07:02
troy_swell... reverting is handled by bzr.07:02
troy_sIt needs a tidy07:02
troy_sand your desire to say add 5% round to the entry bar is pretty simple07:03
troy_sjust requires the svgs07:03
kwwiiok, http://sinecera.de/edubuntu_pics.tar.gz07:03
kwwiithe usplash for edubuntu07:03
kwwiiwell, the svg is not the problem07:03
troy_sSo if you are doing the artwork for Edubuntu, how many folks have their noses bent out of shape in Edubuntu land?07:03
kwwiigetting it in the XML is07:03
troy_sXML is dead easy07:03
troy_sfor gdm07:03
kwwiilol, not too many :-)07:03
kwwiiit seems I am doing work for all the buntus07:03
troy_sSomehow I doubt that.07:03
troy_sWholly Edubuntu Satanic edition.07:04
troy_sVery 'firey' looking logo.07:04
troy_sThey have.07:04
troy_sWell on the upside with you doing all of them07:05
troy_sat least they will all have similarity now.07:05
troy_s+1 on that.07:05
troy_sthe inconsistent palette issue was addressed during edgy, and hopefully will at least get a decent wallaper this time too so that is another +207:06
troy_sbetter than bloody dapper nightmare of 'gold' to 'tan' to 'dark hue'07:06
troy_s(even if it is monochromatic -- still a battle that needed to be fought during edgy -- alebeit the bunkness wallpaper wasn't terrific)07:06
troy_skwwii are you doing the lsplashes?07:07
troy_sbecause as it stands now, does edubuntu use the one with the lined paper?07:07
troy_s(which would leave ubuntu/edubuntu in similar with kubuntu being different)07:07
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lizardkingtroy_s: Hi!07:13
troy_sgreets lizardking07:13
lizardkingtroy_s: Good topic, friend!07:14
troy_sRather appropriate for the buntu's.07:14
lizardkingdo you think?07:14
kwwiitroy_s: lsplash?07:18
kwwiinot sure I get you07:18
troy_slogon splash07:18
lizardkingtroy_s: oransun is now up and runnying on daniel's repo. I'm waiting for the renaming of the product in launchpad...07:18
kwwiitroy_s: yes, I plan to work on that too07:18
kwwiiany ideas for it?07:18
kwwiilol, it is for satanic schools :-)07:19
kwwiiI think we could work out a plan to make all the *ubuntu artwork variants of the same design07:20
kwwiibut we need more time for that07:20
kwwiilike, one brown/tan, one blue/purple, and one orange/red version07:21
kwwiiof the same design all the way through07:21
troy_swith a reoccuring motif yes...07:21
troy_sthat said, i imagine if you dicker with all of them they will get a certain element of that anyways.07:22
kwwiiI think that we should get feisty out the door asap and start immediatly working on the next stuff and plan from the beginning on to do it that way07:23
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troy_sgreat idea kwwiii07:27
troy_sthat said, there is only so much room so a certain amount of wiggling around inside the paramters is probably not ideal.07:27
troy_sit would probably be a major accomplishment to get a _real_ palette for f+1 (read more than monochromatic)07:28
troy_sperhaps that is a big enough 'revolution' lol07:28
kwwiiyeah, it would definitly be the right first step to take in any case07:30
troy_srevisionist architecture, but architecture none-the-less07:31
troy_sin an ideal world07:31
troy_swith you in there07:31
troy_syou could get the palette07:31
troy_sget a few motifs in place07:31
kwwiiyeah, well, let's see how impressed sabdfl is after feisty :-)07:32
troy_sit depends on how bipolar he is.07:33
troy_si don't imagine that he should be anything07:33
troy_sit isn't like much is really changing07:33
troy_stherefore he has no reason to turn bipolar.07:34
kwwiito be honest, until this whole thing is done, I do not know what to expect as this is my first time doing everything07:35
troy_skwwii I woudn't sweat it.07:40
troy_sThe changes are pretty 'nonexistent' minor (despite being a lot of effort to get them done)07:40
kwwiiyeah, ture07:43
kwwiithe thing is that until now I did kubuntu totally on my own without any input from anyone07:43
kwwiiso now pleasing the guy paying me is important :p07:43
kwwiiand this job is important for me as it allows me to go beyond just working on kde07:44
kwwiianyway...time for a film07:45
troy_skwwii -- indeed.07:52
troy_skwwii -- ultimately though, if you are concerned about the future prospects of jobs, you will really need to prove your abilities as a designer I believe -- that means pushing a bit.07:53
troy_s(if not a lot, in the case of the *buntu's)07:53
kwwiiwell, I would rather leverage my experience in the field than be a designer for all the buntus :-)07:57
kwwiithere are plans to hire others as well07:58
=== kwwii is afk for a film
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Viper550hello everyone!08:45
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nysosymhi there :)09:10
nysosymkwwii congratulations, i like the new usplash very much! :D09:10
Viper550new usplash? on Kubuntu?09:13
nysosymno ubuntu09:14
Viper550is it just a refresh to Edgy?09:15
nysosymmore or less, anyway i like it :D09:16
kwwiinysosym: cool, thanks :-)09:17
kwwiiit is mainly an improvement on edgy09:17
Viper550I've got Dapper running in VMware on my new computer09:18
Viper550Also, I see you are needing ideas for a new update notifier icon?09:32
nysosymi think we sould make the tango update icon human like10:00
nysosymbecause to have a desktop standard would be nice10:00
nysosymtousends of different icons make users confuse10:01
nysosymbut thats only my mind ^10:03
kwwiithere is a difference between having a standard for software and making a unique distribution10:03
kwwiithat is what sooo many people don't get10:04
kwwiiwhy doesn't MS and Apple make things look and work the same?10:04
nysosymkwwii, sure, but human has many similar things of tango, one more or less is ok ^10:05
kwwiibut even better would be to humanize it10:06
kwwiior at least tangerine-anize it10:07
nysosymthat's what i think, replace the blue tango ball, with the orange human one, make "the cable" human like etc. :D10:07
nysosymi think this would be the best solution, for the update icon problem10:09
nysosymhehe, "human icons" in google and the "best result" is the first one :D10:10
nysosymohh i love my mac ^^10:11
nysosymi know, it's a matter of taste, but MS has so much money and the new vista icons looking very boring. And Apple with the "old style" is so much better i think :D10:13
kwwiiI think it is more about making artwork for the masses10:14
nysosymthat's the way why i like the oxygen icons they has a little bit from the osx icons :)10:15
nysosymkwwii, i know it's only a very smart preiew when i ask my friends and all of them love the osx icons. But the most of them are windows users from the ground..10:16
kwwiiit also depends on who you talk to10:16
nysosymi think apple has the much more better "mass solution"10:16
kwwiitalk to all different kinds of people, different ages, different countries, cultures10:16
nysosymand a "must have" effect10:16
kwwiioh, I love mac10:16
kwwiiI have three10:16
nysosymwelcome to the club :D10:17
nysosym<< mac user since 5 years :)10:17
nysosymbut in any way is must use windows for my work *grml*10:18
nysosymand my heart and the best community beats for linux :D10:18
nysosymhere u can have the feeling as a small user u can "change the world"10:19
=== kwwii uses mac since 18 years
nysosymohh *go down to my knies*10:19
nysosym*knees ^^10:22
nysosymthe german inside of me....10:23
nysosymkwwii, do u speak german as well as english?10:23
kwwiinysosym: klar10:24
nysosymwieso mach ich mich dann mit englisch rumm? ^^10:24
kwwiilol, weil in diese Channel nur Englisch gesprochen wird :p10:25
nysosymklar "learning by doing", aber manches kann ich noch besser in deutsch sagen10:25
kwwiikann ich gut verstehen10:25
nysosymsry @all for german!10:25
kwwiiab und zu mal passt10:25
kwwiiaber nicht immer10:25
nysosymja, sind aber auch kaum welche hier die lauschen, nehme ich an ^^10:25
kwwiisonst regt sich jemand auf10:26
nysosymhast du jabber oder hnliches?10:26
kwwiinormalaweise mache ich nur irc10:26
nysosymdamit ich dich auch in deiner Freizeit belstigen kann ^^10:26
kwwiiwas ist'en freizeit?10:26
kwwiikenne ich nicht :p10:26
kwwiibin immer am arbeiten10:26
nysosymok, was machst du denn beruflich?10:27
kwwiiich arbeite doch fr Canonical10:27
kwwiiknslter ;-)10:27
nysosymtraumjob oder?10:27
kwwiija schon10:27
kwwiiist aber viel mehr arbeit als mann denkt10:27
=== BHSPitLappy [n=steve-o@adsl-66-139-216-230.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
nysosymhi BHSPitLappy :)10:28
nysosymkwwii, yes?10:28
kwwiinysosym: yepp10:28
nysosymkwwii, i don't think that this is an easy job, but i will do the same in my future10:29
nysosymi love it to be creative, with UI etc. :D10:29
kwwiinysosym: cool, good luck!10:29
nysosymkwwii, thx!10:29
nysosymwhat do u learn to do your actually job kwwii ?10:30
kwwiinysosym: founded my own company a long time ago ;-)10:31
kwwiiworked for suse for 7 years10:31
kwwiiafter that10:31
kwwiiit is more about experience and talent10:31
nysosymi will have studies in "Medien Informatik"10:31
nysosymis this a good way?10:31
nysosymare would u say, i should open although my own company?10:32
nysosymi'm a little bit double-minded10:32
kwwiiwell, it is not a bad start, but you have to really get into it and do whatever you can10:32
nysosyma own company is very hard to realize without adds espacially in these time10:33
kwwiiit all comes down to contacts and good work10:33
nysosymkwwii, sure, but i live in a small city (15000 Owners) here aren't so many companys to make them a logo or similar things.10:34
kwwiinysosym: yeah, that is a problem with doing it yourself10:35
nysosymand the graphic market is very crowded i think, without a good name "in the scene", is it very very very hard to earn money10:36
=== EmxBA [n=emx@ubuntu/member/emxba] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
nysosymbut what do u think, i'm 19 years old, my love are graphics and other similar thing (new technologys ect.). I doesn't have much money, not richt and not poor, studies would be good i think, build new contacts and increase my skill. But there is so much time, that i need for these studies, i will earn money in the near time, with doing a art job...10:40
nysosymwhat would u do when u will be 19 in these time, with these premises10:41
kwwiiwell, studying is always good10:44
kwwiiyou can still earn money on the side10:44
kwwiiif you somehow find a way to earn a lot of money without studying then perhaps that is good10:44
nysosymsry for that question, but i like to ask a person with much experience in these sector, and find someone is very difficult. :)10:44
kwwiibut usually getting some kind of studies done is better10:45
kwwiifor instance, I studied civil engineering :-)10:45
nysosymohh okay :D10:45
nysosymand in the middle of your studies you created your company?10:46
kwwiinope, afterwards10:46
nysosymanyway thx for your answers, it's alltime very nice to talk with u and i know my goal for the future :)10:47
kwwiino problem10:47
nysosymhow old are u kwwii (can i ask that)? :)10:48
nysosymnice :)10:49
nysosymsry that a bombard u with so many questions10:50
kwwiino problem10:50
nysosymi should make a new update icon for human, instead to ask so many questions :D10:51
nysosymbut i will do that next morning, here is it 11PM and i will wake up 5AM ^^10:52
nysosymthat's the reason that i will go to bed now.10:53
kwwiisee you10:53
nysosymthx for all kwwii have a nive day and hope to see u soon ;)10:54
nysosymbye bye gn8 @all10:54
EmxBAhah I need free ssh access with apache there...some space that'll be used for IRC bot that'll log one channel but I can't leave my PC always online so I can't have my own server...does anyone know where can I get some?10:56
EmxBALOL, maybe not right channel, but do you know some free server that can give me web space and ssh acess?11:07
msikmaThis is an artwork discussion channel11:27
=== darkmatter [n=darkmatt@unaffiliated/darkmatter] has joined #ubuntu-artwork

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