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GaiaX11What is this channel about?01:38
naliothhi fotf what exactly seems to be the problem?01:38
naliothGaiaX11: this is where we come to help folks (#ubuntu gets VERY busy)01:38
LjLnalioth: basically he was just trying to install wine, and in the process i asked him to gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list, which apparently he did successfully, and then (since the winehq list was in another place) i asked him to run gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list, but that apparently doesn't work, and just gives that message01:39
LjLfotf: do you get any errors if you type "sudo apt-get update" now?01:39
fotfnope, everything is sucessful01:40
LjLfotf: then try typing again  sudo apt-get install wine 01:40
fotfWine is updating01:41
LjLupdating? so you had it already installed...? :o)01:41
LjLwell anyway, it's installing, which is the important thing about WINE01:41
LjLi'm still not quite sure why you can't start gedit but01:42
fotfyeah, it says "Upgrading" but still, let's see if this works01:42
naliothi heard something mentioned about a 'root terminal'01:42
naliothwas there a root terminal in use?01:42
LjLnalioth: he mentioned root terminals, as opposed to Konsole, as opposed to X terminals... a bit of a mess :P01:42
LjLnalioth: anyway, he certainly was root at a point, if you notice the bash prompt at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5339/01:43
LjL(and no i never told him to make a root login...)01:43
naliothstarting kdesu/gksudo apps from a root terminal will fail, as root is not on the sudoers list (kinda redundant, don't you think?)01:43
LjLnalioth: right, and i told him that, but he states that it doesn't work even from an unprivileged X terminal01:43
LjLbut apparently, it worked the first time when i asked him to paste sources.list01:44
naliothfotf: in the future, hit alt-f2 and then "gksudo" or "kdesu"01:44
fotfGotcha, but what does that do?01:45
naliothroot terminals are aberrations (weren't designed into Ubuntu for a reason)01:45
LjLfotf: you haven't read the !root page the bot sent you, have you? :P01:45
fotfOkies, it now asking me where to run an app01:45
fotfI have I have01:45
fotfUse Sudo as apposed to su01:45
LjLfotf: gksudo (and kdesu) are simply the "GUI versions" of sudo that are used for GNOME and KDE respectively. you should *always* use them over "sudo" for GUI apps01:46
fotfGot it01:46
LjLfotf: "su" doesn't work at all01:46
LjLunless you've done something not recommended such as making up a root password, of course ;01:46
fotfSo what do I do with run application?01:46
fotfWine has finished "Upgrading"01:47
LjLfotf: it's simple - when you need to start a GUI apps as root, you do "gksudo appfilename" (or "kdesu appfilename" under KDE), and you can do that easily from Alt+F2, which simply gives you a command prompt01:47
LjLfotf: then you should now be able to type "wine programname.exe" (in Alt+F2, again, or in a terminal) to start a Windows program01:47
naliothif you use "sudo GUIapp", your permissions can be scrambled (and your linux won't work too well)01:48
fotfso something like this?01:48
fotf<< Cd /media/cdrom0               wine setup.exe>> ?01:48
fotfOkay, do I need to create like, a directory for Wine to store the registery and other stuff?01:49
nalioth!tell fotf about wine01:50
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naliothsee the PM from the bot to get running01:51
fotfSorry, I'm not registered with the Nickserv01:51
LjLyou should receive PMs anyway01:51
LjLyou just cannot *send* them01:51
LjL(but i guess ubotu gets them anyway)01:51
fotfI see it now01:52
LjLfotf: anyway the directory where wine stores stuff is ~/.wine01:52
LjLyou don't need to create it, it's there01:52
fotfI tried wine RegnumOnlineInstall.exe01:52
fotfbut then I get this error01:52
naliothfotf: ubotu is set up to help everyone01:52
fotfugh, you mind if I don't pastebin this?01:53
naliothpastebins are a goodness01:53
LjLhow long is it01:53
LjL(but yeah, what's wrong with using the pastebin anyway, it's neat)01:54
fotfSeven lines, and no one's using this channel excpet us anyhow01:54
LjLwell if you really dislike the pastebin that much... paste01:54
fotfwine: creating configuration directory '/home/fotf/.wine'...01:54
fotflibGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b01:54
fotflibGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b01:54
fotflibGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b01:54
fotfFailed to open the service control manager.01:54
fotfwine: '/home/fotf/.wine' created successfully.01:54
fotfwine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\RegnumOnlineInstall.exe": Module not found01:54
LjLare you sure you're in the right directory where the .exe resides?01:55
fotfI have it on my desktop...01:55
fotfHold on01:55
LjLtype  pwd  and paste the output01:55
fotfI'll try moving it to another dir that I will direct the terminal to01:55
LjLdidn't you mention it was in /media/cdrom0 anyway? now it's on the desktop?01:56
fotfOh, that was an example01:56
fotfIt's working now!!!01:57
fotf(Although really !@#$ laggy...I need more ram)01:57
fotfSo, if I want to run a prog on wine, I do this right?01:58
fotf<Cd      Cd ~/wine      wine Anything.exe>01:59
naliothyou should have right-click-functionality now to open MS things in wine01:59
fotfso I won't have to hassle with the terminal?02:00
naliothnot unless you want to02:00
naliothdid you read what the bot sent?02:00
naliothdid you run winesetupcfg or whatever it is called?02:01
naliothyou should do that first02:03
LjLnalioth: what's that? winesetuptk? i don't think it's mentioned on our wiki02:03
naliothno? horrors!02:03
fotfand just how do I do that?02:03
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LjLnalioth: actually, winesetuptk probably *is* the horror :P02:04
naliothfotf: disregard, they may have made advances from the time i used wine02:04
LjLunder KDE, installed Windows applications simply end up in the main menu, no need to do anything special... not sure about gnome02:04
fotfthank god02:04
LjLthe wiki simply tells you how to add them manually, so i guess no cookie in GNOME02:05
naliothLjL: in gnome, there is context functionality, also02:05
LjLnalioth: in KDE, i just double click on the executable :P02:06
naliothi think you can do that in gnome, too02:06
naliothi've not had an x86 in years02:07
naliothdidn't run wine when i DID have one02:07
naliothwho needs windows?02:07
LjLgamers :P02:07
nalioththat is slowly becoming a thing of the past02:08
LjLand web designers, unfortunately for them02:08
LjLwell... quite slowly from what i can see02:08
LjLkeep in mind that - at least from what i'm told - the trend for games is to move *towards* Direct3D in spite of OpenGL02:09
LjLif that's true, that certainly doesn't much encourage Linux ports02:09
naliothLjL: i disagree02:10
naliothweb designers can use w3w standards and have fully functional websites that work in ALL browsers02:10
fotfWell, let's just hope the windows genuine thing bundled with DirectX will have developers move toward OpenGL02:11
fotfBtw, can any of you tell me what this means?02:11
LjLnalioth: are you sure IE actually respects those standards? =)02:11
fotflibGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b02:11
naliothLjL: of course it does02:11
naliothLjL: microsoft makes its "own" tricks and adds them to IE and IIS but they are not 'standards'02:12
LjLfotf, WINE spits tons of warnings. i don't know what that particular one means02:12
fotfIt has nothing to do with wine02:12
naliothsince MS thinks it's gonna control the world, it figures those "special tricks" will become standards02:12
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fotfI tried running the Regnum Online linux binary, but it didn't work02:12
naliothLjL: you need to read up on some of the dirty tricks MS uses to make it seem IE is the best browser around02:12
fotfthat's why I needed wine02:13
naliothonline binary?02:13
fotfno no02:13
LjLfotf: then i guess it's something to do with OpenGL support in your card...02:13
fotfRegnum Online is the game name02:13
fotfoh ****02:13
LjLor, lack of support perhaps02:13
fotfIntel is owned by MS right?02:14
fotfOkay, I need some more help now that I know all this junk02:14
naliothyep, education sucks02:14
fotfWhat is the defualt card that ships with the Dell Dimension 2400? (So old it's not on the dell site anymore)02:15
naliothteaches you that there is more to be taught02:15
naliothfotf: open a terminal please02:15
fotfHad one open all this time02:15
naliothok, type "sudo cal" <enter>02:16
fotfA calender...02:16
naliothyes, i know it makes a calendar02:16
naliothok now type "sudo lshw > ~/Desktop/hardware" <enter>02:16
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fotfOkay, all it did was make all my drives spin02:17
fotfnow what?02:17
naliothopen up the 'hardware' file on your Desktop with a text editor02:17
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naliothnd enjoy02:17
fotfHey, does intel usually have OpenGL Drivers?02:19
naliothfor their cards, i'd suspect they do02:19
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fotfArg... I googled 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G] /GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device openGL and everything is just so technical, my fragile newb mind cannot compute...02:22
fotfI can't find a driver for my 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G] /GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device02:25
fotfShould I upgrade to nvidia soon?02:25
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jribnorty: where is the partition mounted now?03:45
nortyto a folder on my desktop03:45
jribwhat's the full path?03:45
jribok, and what happens if you 'cd /home/norty/Desktop/folder' in a terminal?03:46
nortypermission denied03:46
jrib'ls -ld /home/norty/Desktop/folder'03:47
nortydr-x------ 1 root root 8192 2007-01-29 19:05 /home/norty/Desktop/folder03:47
jribsince this is temporary, we'll just try with you as root instead of remounting...03:48
jrib'sudo -i'03:48
jrib'cd 21:45 <             jrib > what's the full path?03:48
jriberm wrong paste03:48
jrib'cd /home/norty/Desktop/folder'03:48
nortyok im in there03:49
nortywhat now03:49
jribnorty: does 'ls' display your files?03:49
jribok then you have access.  type 'exit'03:49
jribthen try 'gksudo nautilus /home/norty/Desktop/folder'03:49
nortyok i can see them now03:50
nortywill i be able to copy them off to like an ipod or mp3 player?03:50
jribnorty: do you want to learn how to mount it with proper permissions or are you ok with just working with root this time?03:50
jribnorty: yeah, you can read the files so you can copy them anywhere you have write access03:50
nortyim fine with working with root this time, i just installed ubuntu incorrectly and didnt want to lose my data03:50
jribhere's the link with info on using umask (for when you need to know in the future):03:51
jrib!ntfs | norty03:51
ubotunorty: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse03:51
nortyit doesnt let me drag and drop from the folder to my mp3 player..03:53
jribnorty: can you copy to your desktop?03:53
jribnorty: tell me the full path to a file you are trying to copy03:54
jribor just do what I am going to say next, in a terminal: sudo cp /path/to/file/you/want/to/copy ~/Desktop03:54
nortyok that worked03:56
jribhow are you copying in nautilus?03:56
jribtry to right click > select copy.  Then right click > select paste in the target03:57
jribdragging may try to move instead of copy03:57
nortyi tried both03:57
nortydidnt work03:57
nortywhat is nautilus03:57
nortyim not sure im using it03:57
jribweird, just use the shell then03:57
jribuse cp commands to copy what you need, since that does work03:59
jribnautilus is the gui file manager thing03:59
nortyi havent used that03:59
nortyive just been drag and dropping but thats not working03:59
jribwe opened it when we did "gksudo nautilus ..."03:59
nortyit didnt open03:59
jribbut you said "ok I can see them now"04:00
jribwhat did you mean?04:00
nortyi could see the files04:00
nortyis nautilus a file browser?04:00
nortyok then its open04:00
nortynevermind i was using it04:00
nortyok so i want to copy the files from the folder to my sansa sandisk04:01
nortyi dont konw what the location of the sandisk is..04:01
jribis it mounted in /media somewhere?04:01
nortylet me lok04:01
nortyyes it is04:02
nortyits named Sansa e26004:03
jribk, you know how to copy the files now?04:03
nortywhen i tried that sudo cp command with the destination Sansa e260 it didnt like the e260 part04:04
nortyhow do i represent a space in the path?04:04
jrib"file with space"  or  file\ with\ space04:04
jribor 'file with space'04:04
nortyso like /media/Sansa"file siwht space"e26004:05
jribnah, '/media/sansa 260'04:05
nortyi tried that it didnt work04:05
cablesinclude the quotes04:05
jribpaste the command and error04:05
nortynorty@norty:~$ sudo cp /home/norty/Desktop/folder/dinosaurs.jpg /media/Sansa e26004:05
cablesnorty, put quotes around it04:06
nortycp: target `e260' is not a directory04:06
cablessry jrib, couldn't help but butt in...04:06
jribsudo cp /home/norty/Desktop/folder/dinosaurs.jpg '/media/Sansa e260'   thanks cables04:06
nortyhuge that worked04:07
nortycan I somehow add a whole folder?04:07
jribcp -a foo bar04:08
nortyum what04:08
nortysay its in ~/Desktop/folder/theFolder04:08
jribcp -a /home/norty/Desktop/folder/SOMEFOLDER '/media/Sansa e260'04:08
nortylet me try04:08
jribfoo and bar are commonly used terms that mean "put something appropriate here"04:09
jribor just foobar I guess04:09
nortyawesome that worked04:10
nortyso like the files are read-only, when i copy them to my xp partition will they still be read-only?04:12
jribI don't really know how xp will handle that04:12
nortyim gunna go try this and see what happens, ill be back in like 5 minutes04:13
jribnorty: but I'm pretty sure that even if they are read only you can make them not read only in xp04:13
nortysweet it works04:19
nortythanks dude04:19
jribnorty: yw04:20
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nortyis there a way I can do this faster, its taking soo long04:51
jribnorty: not that I know of04:51
jribnorty: go make a sandwich :)04:52
nortyits taken 15 minute to transfer 1.5 gigs04:52
nortywould I be able to connect my laptop to this desktop via usb and transfer that way?04:52
jribthere is probably some way, but I don't know how04:53
jribsomeone in #ubuntu might know04:53
nalioththat only works with Apple hardware and firewire, i'm afraid04:53
nortyis there a way I can copy the files over a network to another computer?04:58
naliothjust like you said04:59
naliothuse cp or scp to copy the stuff05:00
nortyhow do I connect to the computer though05:00
naliothscp or cp are both network aware05:02
naliothnot sure what you're asking05:02
nortymy friend has a computer running xp05:06
nortyi want to be able to copy the files from my hd using ubuntu to his computer05:06
naliothdo you have an sshd running?05:07
nortyi dont know05:07
nalioth type "ssh yourusername@localhost" and see what happens05:09
nortyin the terminal05:10
nortyssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused05:11
nalioththen please type "sudo apt-get install ssh" in the terminal05:12
nortyok it did a bunch of stuff05:13
nortynow what05:13
naliothnow try the ssh yourname@localhost05:14
nortyok i connected..05:15
nortynow what05:15
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naliothnorty: now go to your windows machine, go to www.freewarehome.com and find an sftp program05:22
naliothit has to support sftp05:22
naliothonce you find one and get it set up on the windows box, you can use it to log into your machine and do what you like05:24
nortyi downloaded filezilla05:27
nortyi want to be able to copy files from my comp to his comp05:27
naliothright. you can do it from his computer05:27
naliothput filezilla on it05:27
nortyi put filezilla on his computer05:28
nortyand i have that shh installed on my linux computer05:28
nortynow what05:28
naliothon your computer, in the terminal, type "ifconfig" and get your computers IP address05:29
nortyok got it05:30
naliothnow remember the IP address, and use it in filezilla05:30
nortyhold on let me try05:30
nortydoesnt work05:38
nortyit says i dont have permission to copy the files05:38
nortycan i somehow copy them from my computer to his computer? instead of using his computer to copy them from mine to his?05:38
nortythat way i dont have to deal with this permission stuff05:38
naliothdid you log in with your user/pass ?05:40
naliothyou should have full access to your home directory and its contents05:40
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nortyi did, it didnt work05:40
nortyi dunno if you were here but i was having troubles getting permission the the folder im trying to copy from earlier05:41
nortyjribs helped me get permission somehow05:41
nortyso thats probably the issue again05:41
nortydo you know of a way to do it through ubuntu?05:43
naliothhe'd have to install an sshd on his windows05:43
naliothmuch much more problematic than the way you tried to do it05:43
nortywhats sshd?05:44
nortylike is it a program or something he can just easily install?05:44
naliothnot easily05:44
nortyi see05:44
nortyhow do I remove a directory?07:15
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nortycables how do I remove a directory that is on an external usb drive?07:21
cablessame way you do on any other drive07:22
nortynorty@norty:~$ sudo rmdir -r '/media/Sansa e260/MUSIC/Music'07:23
nortyrmdir: invalid option -- r07:23
nortyTry `rmdir --help' for more information.07:23
nortythats what i get07:23
cablesnot rmdir -r07:23
cablesrm -r07:23
cablesi see they're helping you in #ubuntu07:23
nortyit says permission denied07:25
cablessudo rm -r then07:25
nortyi did that07:25
cableswith the sudo?07:25
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