
=== jelmer [n=jelmer@219pc197.sshunet.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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shayais this a bug, that O_DIRECT does not seem to be defined in sys/types.h sys/stat.h or fcntl.h01:29
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osloi manage to use my acx chipset with feisty !!!!!!!01:42
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blankywhat's up02:36
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Mezinfinity, ping regarding sponsored upload to debian for unrar to fix new "grave" bug03:52
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alephant#ubuntu refuses to get this deep into .deb rebuilding :-(  Anybody able to /chat about howto rebuild kernel .deb from apt-get source linux-image-* ?03:53
=== alephant realizes he is off-topic, but begs for mercy
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Fujitsualephant, you may have slightly better luck in #ubuntu-motu03:59
alephantThanks a ton.  The /topic made me chuckle.03:59
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infinityMez: This probably isn't the best channel to be pinging me about Debian sponsorship. :)04:11
Mezinfinity, lol - nvm now anyways :D got my other sponsor on the ... blower04:11
Mezpitti: ping04:12
Mezpitti isnt here04:12
Mezgrr ;) 04:12
Mezwhats the -security process for ubuntu these days ?04:12
FujitsuHey infinity, haven't seen you around in a while.04:12
infinityFujitsu: Been avoiding random prattle on IRC, s'all.04:13
infinityMez: Pretty much the same as it always was.04:13
Mezinfinity, I've never gone through that process :P where can i find info ? :P04:13
infinityMez: Is this for a universe security update?04:14
Mezinfinity, multiverse04:14
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jdongis a DNS lookup time of 7ms fast or slow?04:19
jdongwhat should I typically expect?04:19
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=== jdong wonders if he should be OpenDNS'ing
=== Shrews [n=shrews@rrcs-24-199-211-110.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Ex-Chat"]
jdonginfinity: can you do that magical rebuild give-back thingie on gpac?04:23
jdong(it seems like ia64 xulrunner is installable again04:23
infinityMez: Should be more or less the same process for anything.  You'll want to talk to pitti or kees to get approval for the upload (and to let us know that it's on its way), then they can inform you of where you're uploading to.04:25
infinityMez: In theory, I can do the approval too, but I trust pitti and kees to make the time to properly go over your upload (and walk you through the process), while I don't trust myself to do anything outside of what I'm currently doing.04:26
Mezinfinity, lol... Well it's a security update for a CVE (which was just posted in debian, and I'm working on doing the seurity updates for that!)04:26
Mezkeescook, you around (scrollback)04:30
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FujitsuHi fabbione.05:33
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keescookhiya Mez.  cool, yeah, saw that update go by on #debian-security, but I haven't had a chance to look at it yet.  If you've got a tested debdiff for it, I can easily get it built and uploaded.06:52
keescookthought pitti will be awake before me, I'm about to go to bed.06:52
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keescookMez: also, do you have a reproducer I can test with?  (if so, just email me directly)07:01
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dilingerapeirophobia -     A fear of infinity07:02
fabbionedilinger: !07:02
dilingerfabbione: hiya :)07:02
fabbionedilinger: sup dude?07:02
fabbionekeescook: night man :)07:03
dilingernot much.  just was looking through http://www.islandnet.com/~egbird/dict/a.htm07:03
keescookg'night fabbione07:03
dilingerand figured infinity should know that there's a proper word to describe the fear of him07:03
dilingerif he didn't already07:03
dilingerfabbione: how's life?  you back to work?07:05
fabbionedilinger: i didn't stop for a while actually :) only had a short break for Xmas, but i am heading off for vacation next week07:06
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infinitydilinger: Cute.07:26
dilingerinfinity: aw shucks, thanks.  you're not my type, though.07:33
infinitydilinger: That's not what you were screaming in that hotel room in Sydney...07:33
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dilingeryou promised never to speak of that night07:34
fabbioneinfinity: feel like processing bug #81598 ? (missing to accept into updates)07:35
UbugtuMalone bug 81598 in lvm2 "[SRU]  lvm2 check if device is md is broken on big endian machines" [High,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8159807:35
infinityI'd be thrilled.07:35
fabbioneinfinity: i would love your processing :)07:35
infinityThat sounds filthy.07:36
fabbioneinfinity: i know you love when i talk dirty to you ;)07:36
kylemheh. dilinger is here. hooray.07:36
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infinityfabbione: Processed.07:41
fabbioneinfinity: danke07:44
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pittiGood morning07:48
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dholbachgood morning08:27
fabbionehey dholbach 08:33
Hobbseehey dholbach, fabbione!08:34
dholbachhey fabbione08:34
fabbionehi Hobbsee 08:34
Hobbsee /nick DrownedWaterRat08:34
=== pitti hugs Hobbsee
=== Hobbsee hugs pitti :)
Hobbseehey pitti :)08:34
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tfheenmorning Daniel, Fabio, Sarah, Martin08:45
=== tfheen yawns.
tepsipakkimorning all!08:46
Hobbseehey tfheen!08:49
=== Hobbsee drops icecubes down tfheen's back
Hobbseehey tepsipakki :)08:49
Hobbseetepsipakki: that X patch got into the feisty archives :)08:50
Hobbseetepsipakki: my machine hasnt crashed today :)08:50
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tepsipakkiHobbsee: yes I saw that. It isn't in 7.2 so they fixed it in some other way (seems that the first chunk of that patch _is_ applied)08:51
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Hobbseetepsipakki: right.  cool08:51
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mdkefabbione: got a moment?09:11
fabbionemdke: yes09:13
mdkefabbione: cool. you're the right person to ask about server related things?09:13
fabbionemdke: it depends what you need to know09:13
mdkefabbione: ok, I'll try09:13
mdkefabbione: the docteam prepares a server guide (preview is here - http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/index.html), much of which is shipped in ubuntu-docs for desktop users. I wanted to know whether you'd be interested in us making a standalone package which might be seeded in the server install09:14
mdkeI sent an email to -server a few weeks back but it never got moderated09:14
fabbionemdke: up to the docteam.. it makes no diff to me09:15
fabbionemdke: i am ok with whatever decision you take09:15
mdkefabbione: we'd like to09:15
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fabbionemdke: ok.. go ahead and do it then..09:15
mdkefabbione: we'll try and do a binary like ubuntu-serverguide from the ubuntu-docs source, if that makes sense to you09:16
fabbionemdke: sounds fine to me09:16
mdkegreat, thanks. I'll let you know when it's done09:16
jsgotangcomdke: have it on html instead of source?09:16
fabbionemdke: once you are done, just find somebody to seed it09:16
mdkejsgotangco: html yes09:16
mdkefabbione: great09:16
mdkemaybe txt too09:18
jsgotangcoman page?09:18
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pittimjg59: I imported your hal change to the bzr repo; please use that for uploading09:33
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dholbachsomehow my 2nd port on the kvm is unhappy and keeps repeating certain keyboard/mouse signals for some reason: [ 8101.304614]  psmouse.c: bad data from KBC - timeout09:53
dholbachand this is the 2nd kvm i'm unhappy with09:53
dholbachdoes somebody have similar experiences and knows how to 'fix it'?09:53
fabbionedholbach: buy a better kvm :((09:54
dholbachthis wasn't a cheap one09:55
dholbachoh well09:55
dholbachsince my amd64 broke on saturday, I might as well unplug the kvm for now :-(09:55
fabbionedholbach: i did try several.. i had to wait for a really expensive one to be donated09:55
dholbachi hate hardware09:55
fabbioneunfortunatly it's a sad truth09:55
=== dholbach goes to buy a new amd64 today
tepsipakkiamd dropped prices right on time, then ;)09:56
dholbachstill it was a depressing saturday09:58
dholbachfirst I get strange     ? ??   ??  ???   owner/permissions on files, then decide to backup and buy a new disk, add the new disk and the damned piece of hardware doesn't start anymore09:58
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popeyisnt there *still* a kernel bug with respect to kvm switch boxes?10:00
popeywhich stops switching working, loses mouse etc10:00
popeythat aside, can anyone tell me where the changelogs that you see in update manager are kept? i.e. if someone wants to read those after they have upgraded, to see what was upgraded by reading all those change logs (and thus learn what new features/fixes are in) can they do that using a standard text editor?10:01
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Hobbseepopey: changelogs.ubuntu.com10:03
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mvodholbach: my kvm is from "aten" and works quite well10:06
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mvopopey: synaptic has a feature to download the changelogs for you (aptitude as well) - otherwise what Hobbsee said10:07
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popeyfor packages that have already been installed?10:08
popeyi.e. after the upgrade10:08
rawlereric3 seems to be broken in Feisty10:08
tepsipakkipopey: /usr/share/doc/*/changelog.Debian.gz10:08
rawleror maybe it's the python-qt-bindings..10:08
Hobbseerawler: ho'ws it broken?10:09
Hobbseeeric3 doesnt exist in feisty10:09
rawlerI get unresolved symbols when i try to start it..10:09
popeythanks tepsipakki mvo, Hobbsee 10:09
rawlerhuh? doesn't exist?10:09
TuxCrafte1hello, i have a question I have a VIA EN12000E motherboard with xubuntu 6.10. The system is unstable when I start a program sometimes the everything total freezes and I need to press the reset button. I have been trying to debug this problem but with no succes. I need help. with a total checklist how to debug my problem.10:09
HobbseeTuxCrafte1: support is in #ubuntu10:09
rawlerwell, it's the "eric"-package, but entering a channel saying "eric is broken" might easily be misunderstood.. ;)10:10
TuxCrafte1Hobbsee: this is the devel chanel correct? I have a devel question10:10
Hobbseerawler: ah.  see if there's a bug in debian.  also, see #ubuntu+110:10
HobbseeTuxCrafte1: it is, yes10:10
rawlerHobsee: *ahh* thanks.. :)10:10
Hobbseerawler: tab completion is your friend, btw.10:11
Hobbseerawler: we sync that straight from debian10:11
HobbseeTuxCrafte1: try [20:11]  <ubotu> For help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures10:11
tfheenrawler: unresolved symbols such as?10:12
rawlerImportError: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/qtcanvas.so: undefined symbol: PenE4QPen10:12
rawler/usr/bin/python: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/kde3/plugins/styles/light.so: undefined symbol: _ZN18QMetaObjectCleanUpD1Ev10:12
TuxCrafte1Hobbsee: I need some more help. I am pretty familiar with debugging. But can't find any logs of the froze system problem10:13
rawlertfheen, Hobbsee, might of course be something broken in my setup as well, but I can't really see what..10:14
tfheenrawler: hmm, it wasn't what I thought it was, at least.10:15
rawleroh, what did you think? The QSize-problem?10:16
tfheenno; there's a bug in python somewhere which causes python 2.4 to try to import 2.5 modules10:16
Fujitsutfheen: Would that cause API version warnings?10:17
rawlertfheen: interesting anything I can do to debug?10:17
tfheenFujitsu: it can cause unresolved symbols at least.10:17
Fujitsu'causes I was packaging a python module a couple of days back, and it appeared that 2.4 was loading the 2.5 modules (judging by the API version warning). I presumed it was my fault somehow.10:18
tfheenrawler: it seems to start for me at least; which architecture are you on?10:18
tfheenrawler: amd64 here, so it might be specific to i386 then.10:19
TuxCrafte1Hobbsee: I run these log systems klogd bootlogd sysklogd are there some more I can use to try to find the program?10:19
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rawlerone interesting observation; installing the python-kde bindings removed the second undefined symbol-part, but instead gave me a segfault..10:19
rawlertfheen: ^^10:20
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rawlertfheen: well, actually it's a amd64 host, but running 386 ubuntu, if that helps..10:21
tfheenrawler: doesn't help, no.10:22
FujitsuStarts for me on i386.10:22
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TuxCrafte1pci=routeirq what is the function of this boot option10:40
FujitsuTuxCrafte1: This isn't a support channel.10:40
TuxCrafte1Fujitsu: sorry but they do not now the answer on #ubuntu and #ubunt-bugs10:41
TreenaksTuxCrafte1: that doesn't make this channel a support channel10:42
rawlertfheen: do you have python-kde installed?10:43
TuxCrafte1Treenaks: thats true i am sorry 10:43
FujitsuTuxCrafte1: I must concur with Treenaks.10:43
tfheenrawler: no.10:43
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rawlerhehe, this is funny.. "sudo apt-get remove python-qt && sudo apt-get install eric" did the trick..10:44
tfheenrawler: something which was slightly wedged on your system, then. :-/10:45
rawlerI wonder why.. I certainly have not been fiddling with those files, I installed eric to start learning Python.. :D10:45
rawlerwell, well.. not all is rotten in the state of denmark.. :)10:46
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mjg59pitti: Oh, crap, sorry11:26
pittimjg59: no worries, I just wanted to point out the bzr11:27
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dokopitti: libwps ping11:38
pittidoko: hi11:38
dokopitti: needs to be approved for main11:39
pittidoko: as I said, the source package is an utter mess, I'll dig through it11:39
dokopitti: hmm, didn't you want to mark this as "later"?11:39
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pittierm, 'mark later'?11:40
=== pitti reviews now
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pittihey heno11:41
henohey pitti11:42
pittidoko: do you have some testing feedback for this lib?11:44
Mezomfg... why do closed source people have to be so confusing11:46
TreenaksMez: ?11:47
Mezdamned rar CVE11:47
dokopitti: the OOo build succeeds, the libwps tests succeeds, but I don't have a works document.11:47
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=== Hobbsee is still amazed that her machine hasnt crashed yet today...
Hobbseetepsipakki: that fix sure works!11:48
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pittidoko: but at least .odt -> .wps -> .odt works?11:51
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dokopitti: if this works, this doesn't use the new libwps, but the old binfilter; for libwps only an import filter is added11:52
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Mezare there any buildd admins here?11:53
Mezif so, can someone poke rar to build for amd64, it builds under that now11:53
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tkamppeterI have the feeling that something is not correct with the building and archiving servers11:56
tkamppeter1. "apt-get update" did not load anything new fo three days11:56
seb128what mirror are you using?11:57
tkamppeter2. For all these three days the mirror fr.ubuntu.com is missin some Python packages ("apt-get dist-upgrade" fails on that)11:57
FujitsuThat's simply a problem with the fr mirror.11:57
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seb128tkamppeter: change mirror11:58
tkamppeter3. foomatic-db-20070207-0ubuntu2 was uploaded and never reached the server (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/foomatic-db), same for last foomatic-db-hpijs11:59
tkamppeterseb128, will change it, seems that the french guys have given up maintaining it.11:59
pittidoko: hm, I goggled a bit, couldn't find a demo .wps either12:00
pittiI wonder whether there is someone on a Windows box where we could grab a .wps12:00
pittihi tkamppeter 12:00
tkamppeterhi pitti12:02
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tkamppeterseb128, thanks, the spanish mirror (es.) updated my system without problems.12:12
seb128tkamppeter: np12:12
tfheenBenC: if you want the new kernel in for herd 4, please upload new -meta ASAP.12:12
seb128could we get apport fixed for herd4?12:13
tfheensure, we're not frozen until tomorrow.12:13
seb128good ;)12:13
=== cjwatson evilly wonders if he can sneak man-db 2.4.4 past UVF
tfheencjwatson: any interesting changes we want?12:14
cjwatsonbug fixes, but I'm mostly kidding, the majority of it is in our package already12:15
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tkamppeterpitti, doko, what is the state of the upload of the last foomatic-db and foomatic-db-hpijs packages?12:18
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pochuhey guys, do you know why the .20-7-generic-386 kernel is not in the repos, but it has built fine?12:21
pochubuild log: https://launchpad.net/+builds/+build/30065412:21
tfheenpochu: I just accepted it.12:21
tfheenit was in binary new,12:21
pochutfheen: ok, thanks :) then we should just wait a little, right?12:21
pittitkamppeter: not sure, it's not in the archive yet?12:22
Hobbseepochu: yep12:22
dokotkamppeter: foomatic-db was uploaded by pitti, will do foomatic-db-hpijs today12:22
tfheenpochu: correct.  It'll be published in an hour or so.12:22
pochuwell, ty :)12:22
Meztfheen, any reason rar hasnt hit the archive, but unrar has ?12:26
tfheenMez: which version, which suite, which pocket?12:27
Mezso 1:3.7b1-0ubuntu11, feisty, multiverse12:27
tfheen       rar | 1:3.7b1-0ubuntu11 | feisty/multiverse | source, i38612:28
tfheenseems to be there?12:28
Meztfheen, weird, I just did an update, and it#s pulling unrar, but not rar12:28
Mezpossibly a mirror issue then ?12:28
Mez(though it's using archive.ubuntu.com)12:28
Hobbseetfheen: what are you using to generate that output, btw?12:29
tfheenHobbsee: madison-lite12:29
cjwatsonMez: your sources.list could be incorrect12:29
Mezcjwatson, then why would it be pulling the new unrar version, which is in the same place ?12:29
cjwatsonHobbsee: ^-- it's a package in the archive, but you need to be running it on a system with at least a mirror of dists/12:29
cjwatsonMez: *shrug* no idea12:29
Hobbseecjwatson: right12:29
cjwatsonMez: unless you're on non-i38612:30
=== Mez just figured it out
tfheenMez: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/r/rar/ certainly has the binary.12:30
cjwatsonrar's only available on i386, unrar's there for other architectures too12:30
MezI dont have rar installed12:30
cjwatsonHobbsee: output of apt-cache madison is similar, I believe12:30
Hobbseecjwatson: yes, it's similar.12:30
Hobbseecjwatson: doesnt tell me which arches it's on, etc12:31
Mezcjwatson, rar *should* be available on amd64 too... but it's not being built on that arch for some reason12:31
=== Hobbsee uses that most of the time
cjwatsonright, it can't because it's only looking at your apt cache12:31
cjwatsonrar: i386                                                            # shareware for i386 only12:31
Mezcjwatson, ok, so that needs updating, but we got it to build and run on amd6412:31
cjwatsonMez: mail elmo, lamont, and/or infinity if Packages-arch-specific needs to be changed12:31
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MezPackage: rar12:32
MezArchitecture: i386 amd6412:32
pittiMez: unrar exists on amd64 (and is usually enough :) )12:33
tkamppeterpitti, foomatic-db really did not hit the archive yet, I checked on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/foomatic-db, should be 0ubuntu212:33
Mezpitti, :P12:33
tfheenmez: soyuz (and sbuild) doesn't care about what the arch says.12:33
tfheenthat is, the arch field in the source package.12:33
Meztfheen, yeah, It's p-a-s12:33
MezI did look at getting it updated in debian but that doesnt make any difference as they're not built in non-free anyways12:33
Mezcjwatson, would it be easier for me to email launchpad-buildd-admins@lists.ubuntu.com12:34
cjwatsonMez: no12:34
cjwatsonMez: I'm quoting the instructions at the top of the file.12:35
cjwatsonMez: you should get it updated in Debian since our P-a-s is precisely in sync with Debian's12:35
cjwatsonalso it's possible to get Debian non-free autobuilt; there was an announcement on debian-devel-announce a while back, IIRC12:36
cjwatsonit's on a case-by-case basis12:36
Mezcjwatson, yes, I remember that - but that doesnt use P-a-s does it ?12:36
cjwatsoner, it's orthogonal to P-a-s12:37
Mezcjwatson, I believe you're referring to http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2006/11/msg00012.html ?12:37
Mezcjwatson, orthogonal ?12:37
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Mezso, yes, I was right12:37
pittihey hey Keybuk 12:37
MezI never actually got any reply about that yet though12:38
cjwatsonMez: independent12:42
Mezcjwatson, as I said, I was right ;) :P12:43
cjwatsonto be more precise, I don't know whether the non-free autobuilders use P-a-s or not, but that's totally irrelevant12:43
cjwatsonin order to get it built in Ubuntu, you must get P-a-s updated. Or you could just continue to focus on irrelevant details I suppose ...12:43
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infinityMez: For future reference, when emailing us about P-a-s, please use the addresses from that file, as it's not an Ubuntu/Canonical resource.01:03
infinityMez: Makes little difference for me, but for elmo or lamont, you may have landed in a mailbox they didn't want it in. :)01:03
Mezinfinity, I dont know where the file is... I just got01:03
infinity^--- It's there.01:03
Mez<cjwatson> Mez: mail elmo, lamont, and/or infinity if Packages-arch-specific needs to be changed01:03
Mez<cjwatson> Mez: I'm quoting the instructions at the top of the file.01:03
elkbuntuogra ping? see PM01:04
Mezinfinity, apologies :D01:04
Mezbut cheers for the change01:05
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tfheenRiddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adept/+bug/82651 ; any chance you could get this fixed?01:24
UbugtuMalone bug 82651 in adept "File overwrite problem" [High,Confirmed]  01:24
tfheenit should be trivial01:24
=== Hobbsee thoguth that got fixed. twice. maybe not...
tfheenmaybe it's fixed and the bug is just not closed.01:25
tfheenmvo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/70683 should be marked as fix released, shouldn't it?01:26
UbugtuMalone bug 70683 in update-manager "Upgrader needs better free-space checking for /boot " [High,Fix committed]  01:26
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mvotfheen: yes, thanks!01:28
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Hobbseetfheen: i think it's fixed, i cant reproduce it (on ubuntu14)01:31
geserdoko: could you look at the debdiff in bug #69967 and upload it if it's OK?01:36
UbugtuMalone bug 69967 in python-pam "python-pam contains NO PYTHON!" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6996701:36
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tfheenHobbsee: please close the bug, then01:40
Hobbseetfheen: just did :)01:40
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pitti$ gnome-default-applications-properties 01:48
pittiGLib-ERROR **: gmem.c:135: failed to allocate 18446744073699154385 bytes01:48
pittiseb128: ^ I don't have *that* much memory :/01:48
Hobbseepitti: THEN GET MORE MEMORY!!!01:48
TreenaksBUY MORE01:48
Hobbseesimple solution, really!  :D01:48
seb128pitti: can you get a valgrind log?01:48
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pittiHobbsee: I have 3 GB, that ought to be enough01:48
StevenKThat's only 18 Exabytes01:49
tfheenworks fine on amd64, must be an i386 problem. :-P01:49
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pittitfheen: as you can see on the size_t value, this is an amd64 :)01:49
pittiseb128: switch to 'user defined' browser, and wait two seconds01:49
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seb128pitti: WFM01:50
seb128pitti: what text do you write to the entry?01:50
pittiseb128: hm, I dist-upgraded, I should maybe restart01:51
pittiseb128: this works for me:01:51
pittiseb128: start app, switch to 'user defined', empty command, click on 'user defined'01:51
seb128pitti: ok, same here01:51
seb128please open a bug ;)01:51
pittiseb128: I'll file a bug if you want01:51
pittiheh, snap01:52
pittiseb128: oui, Monsieur01:52
=== seb128 hugs pitti
Riddelltfheen: doing01:54
tfheenRiddell: Hobbsee said it was fixed already, though01:55
Hobbseewell, i cant seem to reproduce it here01:55
Hobbseeand i bugged manchicken about it during one of his recent uploads of it, so i think it got done.01:55
Riddelltfheen: doesn't seem to be01:56
tfheenRiddell: ok, please get it fixed then. :-)01:56
tfheenRiddell: thanks.01:56
HobbseeRiddell: how are you reproducing that?  should i shoot this pbuilder or something?01:57
RiddellHobbsee: well I just looked at the debian/control file and saw that there wasn't a replaces for adept-notifier on adept-common02:00
HobbseeRiddell: ah.  02:00
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Chipzzseb128: do you maintain libnotify etc?02:02
seb128Chipzz: no, we don't really have a maintainer for them02:02
seb128I can update or patch them if required02:02
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seb128mvo and dholbach also02:02
ChipzzI just had a notification popup in the upper left corner of my screen, while my notification area is in the bottom right corner02:03
StevenKseb128: I wonder if you've read the spec yet.02:04
seb128StevenK: what is the URI for the spec again? I'll have a look now02:05
StevenKseb128: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AboutUbuntu ; thanks02:06
seb128Chipzz: there is several bugs open about notification-daemon bubble placement02:06
seb128patches are welcome ;)02:06
seb128StevenK: np02:06
Chipzzseb128: ah ok, known issue :)02:06
seb128StevenK: looks like a good idea02:07
StevenKseb128: It's mostly written, I have just hit a wall about putting into the System menu02:08
StevenKI doubt I can get it into main this release, though. :-/02:08
seb128well, it's past feature freeze now02:08
seb128that looks like something for next cycle02:08
seb128get it to universe for now to start02:08
seb128and get it on the specs list for next UDS so it get discussed02:09
seb128or maybe mail ubuntu-devel about it02:09
StevenKYup. But it still needs to be put on the menu...02:09
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seb128StevenK: menu changes should be discussed, that's why I suggest mailing the list to get opinions about that02:10
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BenCtfheen: ok02:19
BenCtfheen: I've just been waiting for it to process so lrm would build02:20
BenCtfheen: Done02:21
pittihey BenC 02:23
seb128BenC: would the crash handler problem be fixed for herd4?02:23
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BenCpitti: Hey02:23
seb128BenC: if not we should consider stopping using apport :/02:24
BenCseb128, pitti: No, the kernel tfheen pointed out is the last one I uploaded02:24
BenCI have a fix for it, but it's not uploaded yet02:24
seb128could you get it uploaded before herd4?02:24
pittiseb128: I disabled apport last Friday in 0.5202:24
seb128pitti: ah ok, cool02:24
BenCseb128: Might be best to ask tfheen02:24
seb128I would prefer getting linux fixed and apport used again for herd4 if possible though ;)02:25
BenCI'll do an upload and talk to him about getting it in02:25
seb128BenC: thank you, that would be useful to get valid bugs for herd402:25
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tfheenBenC: cheers.02:29
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BenCtfheen: oops, forgot to account for last upload version...reuploaded02:34
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LiberaxHi guys.. anybody know what part of the system control the wireless led blinking on the laptop02:36
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NgLiberax: usually the wireless driver itself02:36
LiberaxNg: beacause on windows works right but on link is blinking too too fast02:37
Liberaxon ubuntu02:37
NgLiberax: maybe ubuntu is making your wireless go faster! or it might be a bug ;)02:37
LiberaxNg :) usually the led blink when searching wireless network02:38
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mvoChipzz: hmmm ... most of the placement of the notifications *should* be fixed02:43
mvoChipzz: any way to reproduce it?02:43
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dokogeser: uploaded, IMO a rebuild is sufficient02:51
Chipzzmvo: I got it with a notification of "battery full"02:54
Chipzznot sure if I can reproduce it02:54
Chipzzmvo: ah I get it02:54
Chipzzmy panel died a couple of days ago, and the power manager icon got it's own window02:54
Chipzzwhich is in the top-left corner (on another desktop even)02:55
mvoand where did the bubble pointed too now?02:56
geserdoko: I tried a rebuild, the deb contained the files but the package had no depends on python02:56
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hungerIs there a reason for needing aspell-ss all of a sudden?02:59
seb128$ quilt next03:03
seb128and there is no mention of 99_configure to that source package03:03
Chipzzseb128: wrt g-p-m's icon not returning to the panel notification area, should I file a bug in launchpad or in upstream bug tracker?03:04
seb128Chipzz: upstream03:05
seb128hate quilt :/03:07
Chipzzseb128: oh, apparently a bug is already filed :)03:07
Chipzzmakes it easier for me :)03:07
seb128good ;)03:07
UbugtuGnome bug 375377 in gnome-power-manager "gnome-power-manager does not reattach to the notification area after gnome-panel has crashed or has been killed" [Minor,New]  03:07
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Chipzzoh sigh03:08
Chipzzthis is not a bug in g-p-m, but in GtkStatusIcon :S03:09
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tfheenBenC: there's a fairly large amount of bugs targetted for herd 4; what's happening with those?03:37
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BenCtfheen: Most of them are fixed in the current kernel03:37
tfheenBenC: ok, coolie03:37
BenCif they are fix commited, most like they are fixed03:38
BenCI'll run through the bug list soon03:38
tfheenthere's a bunch of them from cr3 at least.03:39
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BenCah, some of those are fixed, but not verified yet03:40
tfheenok.  It'd be nice to have them verified, but I'll nag cr3 about that.03:40
tfheencr3: ^^ nag. :-)03:40
cr3tfheen: that worked, I'll spend some time verifying today03:43
tfheencr3: thanks.03:44
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ogratfheen, when do you plan to freeze ?03:53
tfheenogra: tomorrow.03:54
ograi guess thursday is eta for herd4 ?03:54
ograok, thanks03:54
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ogratfheen, i need the pulse esound compat stuff moved to main to make ltsp installable, could you do that before ? and pitti can you review the sound related packages (alsa-plugins and gst-pulse) for main inclusion ? 03:55
ogradtrask, !! nice to see you around !03:56
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dtraskjust poppin' in for a sec....my students are working on a project so I had some down time03:56
LiberaxHi guys i'm testing festy03:56
tfheenogra: pulseaudio-esound-compat promoted.03:57
dtraskogra, how goes fiesty?03:57
ogratfheen, TA03:57
Liberaxthere is a problem in the WINDOWS_MANAGER environment variable that point on .gnome-compiz-manager/openbox03:57
ogradtrask, could be better ... auth server didnt make feature freeze03:57
tsmitheLiberax, filed a bug?03:57
Liberaxthis lock the gnome session startup03:57
ograLiberax, we dont ship compiz (and this is not a support channel)03:57
Liberaxon gnome-wm launch03:57
dtraskorga, oh shoot!  What was the hang up?03:57
ogradtrask, i dont like the pam handling of the plugins at all, i'd like to fix that before starting to implement anything on top 03:58
Liberaxogra: so i tried to uninstall ubuntu desktop-effects package03:58
Liberaxogra: i doesn't need support i think that festy was a development release03:59
ograLiberax, file a bug or give us a patch ... this channel is for development only 03:59
dtraskogra: nice thing is that we at least have a working "situation" so not all is lost, we just have to wait....03:59
ograoh, and edsadmin isnt feasable without a lot of rewriting ... it depends on the wrong ssl libs, misses licenses etc ...04:00
ogradtrask, ^^04:00
ograso that needs fixage as well ...04:00
dtraskogra:  there is a LOT of buzz in this area about Fiesty....people are anxiously awaiting it.  Matt and I are doing 3 conferences this summer....one in Maine....one in New Hampshire and a new one in Washington D.C.  We expect that Fiesty will get a LOT of coverage  :-)  04:01
ograthats awesome!04:01
dtraskogra:  any ideas on a replacement for edsadmin or write our own?  Maybe even a webmin module?04:01
dtraskogra:  We'd love it if you and maybe RichEd could come....  :-)04:02
dtraskat least to one of them04:02
dtraskMatt and I are having dinner with Maddog on Sunday to discuss summer plans....evidently he has big news....I'm on "pins and needles"04:03
ograi'D love to come ... i think there is a conf in portland in the summer as well i have to attend 04:04
dtraskogra: how does the sound look....I noticed you were talking to tfheen about pulse04:04
ograsound is done so far, just waiting for some paperwork ... (main inclusion and promotion of some packages)04:04
dtraskogra:  multi-media and fat clients are also garnering a lot of attention here as well04:04
ograpulse is a *huge* improvment ... even its not perfect yet04:04
Liberaxanybody know where it is set the WINDOWS_MANAGER environment variable?04:05
dtraskogra:  I'm hoping to do some serious testing after Feb vacation....(2 weeks from now)....I have a dual processor server sitting doing nothing right now and it needs a "job"04:05
ogra(i need to revisit the microphone stuff in feisty+1, for feisty we have fully working volume contol and a lot more stable sound transport)04:05
ograLiberax, please ask in #ubuntu for support04:05
pochuLiberax: #ubuntu+104:06
dtraskogra: anyone tested it with Flash?04:06
Liberaxogra: i want to create a patch04:06
Liberaxogra: i need to know somthing about gnome internal to fix it i need to ask to the user channell? 04:06
ogradtrask, with 7 it worked fine ... i need to update and check 9, but since pulse emulates an alsa card now, it should just work04:07
ograLiberax, no, file a bug first ... the right people should be autosubscribed ... 04:07
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Liberaxogra: but if doesn't know the right package the create this issue..04:08
ograaoart from that dholbach or seb128 are the gnome gods that stem the world for us04:08
dtraskogra:  that's awesome news!  People are struggling with esd and Flash right now...Gadi wrote a workaround, but it's "cludgy".....I gotta' go....class is over, but I'll be on a lot over the next 2 weeks....I'll try to catch up with you   :-)04:08
ogradtrask, ciao then :)04:08
ogramdz, about your gpm issue, it looks like bug 81407, could you provide the info i request there ? seems hal doesnt like IBM, all settings in the FDI file apart from one model are for lenovo instead :)04:10
UbugtuMalone bug 81407 in gnome-power-manager "[Feisty]  Thinkpad (all models) LCD brightness control cycles between lowest settings only" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8140704:10
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mdzogra: yes, that sounds like my bug04:10
ograseems its a trivial leftout in the fdi file ... we need to get a good list or some good matching for the different models affected04:11
ograkylem, didnt you adress bug 62308 with your latest edgy kernel ? 04:12
UbugtuMalone bug 62308 in linux-source-2.6.17 "Permission Denied on nfs clients for only some files" [High,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6230804:12
geserdoko: your rebuild of python-pam contains the files now but has no dependencies anymore04:13
mdzogra: I'll get it when I unpack my laptop04:13
ogragreat, thanks :)04:14
dokogeser: I see04:14
BenCtfheen: Is there time for a non-ABI bump kernel for Herd4?04:19
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ograkwwii, do you have a cropped version of the edubuntu logo ? 04:21
kwwiiogra: nope, but I can make one04:22
kwwiibtw, it would work as a usplash too (ie 256 colors)04:23
ograthat would be cool ... i'm just playing with svg support for ldm ... so we could put it in front of an svg04:23
ograyep, i thought i'd take the one you sent me already as usplash 04:23
kwwiicool, I'll export a version with a transparent bg04:23
kwwiiogra: still need to make a progress bar for it04:24
kwwiiogra: i am working on the ubuntu usplash atm, so I can make your today as well04:24
ograthat would rock :)04:24
kwwiiI'll have one ready in like an hour or so04:24
kwwiithen you could put it on the next Herd to get peoples reactions04:25
kwwiiI'll ping you when it is done, ok?04:25
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iwjRobot101: Xen checksum crack> Well, I got some reply but it was hopelessly inconclusive.04:38
Robot101iwj: they appeared to commit a patch but I'm unconvinced it's that much better04:38
iwjYou could follow it up by cut-and-pasting my writeup and reposting it to some relevant list.04:38
iwjRobot101: Oh, what does that patch do ?04:38
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Robot101iwj: http://xenbits2.xensource.com/xen-unstable.hg?rev/4ad31742911104:46
iwjThat does sound lime an improvement.04:48
iwjIn particular `Yet another change is to allow netback to disable tx checksum04:48
iwjoffload, just as we already could for netfront.'04:48
iwjThat sounds like we could use the wossname tool to turn this misfeature off.04:48
Robot101right, so even if whatever it is he just did doesn't work, we can properly turn it off :D04:48
Robot101but he also changed from NO_CSUM to IP_CSUM, and frobbed some flag that gets sent with the buffer to explain if it's checksums are bogus or not04:49
iwjThat sounds like an improvement too but evidently you have a situation where it's still buggy.04:49
iwjI bet it's when you do forwarding.04:49
iwjSo let me guess your failure case: packets sent by your guest to places outside the host get csum offload as they go through the virtual interfaces and nothing recalculates the csum on the way out of the real hardware ?04:50
kylemogra, well, it was fixed for someone.04:51
Robot101iwj: even stupider than that, we're using routed stuff and you can't use tcp between the dom0 and the domU04:51
Robot101iwj: it works if you use their bridge madness but it's fragile as hell so we'd prefer to route it04:52
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iwjQuite so.  I don't like the bridge stuff either.04:52
Robot101(also we can do rp filters on customers etc, and avoid address stealing nasties)04:52
iwjFile a bug against the Ubuntu/Debian version saying `we should disable this nonsense' ?04:52
iwjRobot101: Indeed. 04:52
iwjRoute (+proxy-arp if necessary) is the way forward.04:52
elmoeh, what's wrong with the bridge stuff?04:53
iwjIt's just a bit crazy.04:53
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zuliwj: patch you need?04:53
Robot101on one SMP box with e100 we got weird deadlocks in the bridge driver which resulted in it going "the physical interface disappeared, removing from the bridge" randomly, and then never putting it back04:53
ograkylem, hmm, the last comment doesbt indicate that04:53
iwjDifficult to filter, manipulate and generally entrap properly.  And it messes freakily with the host's networking setup because it has to slide the bridge in under the host networking stack.04:54
Robot101and then any ifconfig/brctl commands went to D state04:54
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iwjzul: WDYM `patch [I]  need?' ?04:54
zuliwj: never mind...i jumped in the middle of your conversation04:54
iwjI would like the csum offload disabled but I don't care _that_ much whether it is by default because I've wedged it off on my system.04:54
Robot101switched to routed configuration; improvements in reliability and understanding; happiness ensues :)04:54
iwjRobot101: Yay!  I didn't know the bridge stuff had kernel bugs.#04:55
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elmohmm, weird - I used bridging firewalls for several years, including on e100 machines, SMP and UP without problems *shrug*04:55
iwjSpeaking of kernel bugs I need to talk to some kernel person about whether my theory about why my colo wedged on Friday night is true.04:55
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Robot101elmo: yeah the bridge driver has always worked fine for me in other scenarios04:56
iwjelmo: The Xen stuff does a lot of interface renaming and constantly bringing up and down virtual interfaces.04:56
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iwjAnd perhaps the Xen vif code is buggy ...04:56
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Robot101elmo: it's just adding xen+bridge resulted in pain04:56
iwjcolo wedge> AFAICT the problem is that 1. pvmove did dmsetup suspend; 2. dmsetup suspend is never guaranteed not to wedge the machine.04:56
iwj(Well, err, maybe dmsetup suspend is safe on ro devices.)04:57
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andreaswwhy is ffmpeg not compiled with x11grab support?05:07
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dokotfheen, infinity: I cannot reproduce the openoffice.org build failure on amd64 on ronne. please could you requeue the package, maybe on another buildd?05:45
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sabdfl/info #mercurial06:18
kwwiiogra: do you really use the colored bg in your current usplash?06:19
ograkwwii, you mean the yellow rangish one ? 06:20
kwwiiogra: or is the usplash on edubuntu only shown at 640x480?06:20
kwwiiogra: yepp06:20
ograthats the one i got from our arttem for edgy, yes ...06:20
ograwe had a separate 16cols one for amd64 in edgy06:21
kwwiiogra: how has that worked out? is it often shown in the middle of the screen with black on the outside?06:21
kwwiiogra: the 16 color for amd64 is no longer necessary06:21
ograits scaled fine 06:21
ograyep, i saw that 06:21
kwwiiogra: you realize that the one I am making has a black bg, right?06:22
kwwiithe colored bg is a pretty good idea, I think06:23
ograi prefer the black one after one release that i had to look at this eye hurting yellow :)06:23
ograthe colored bg is fine, but not the way we have it in edubuntu atm06:23
ograits way to saturated06:24
kwwiiyeah, I would think that something like the gdm bg would be much better06:24
ograi would have fixed it myself in edgy, but ran out of time to play with artwork06:24
=== kwwii always knew that an artist was hiding deep in your soul :p
ograand at least itr fits the rest of the distro06:25
kwwiierm s/ture/true06:25
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ograkwwii, i wored two years as grphics designer for an agency :)06:25
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kwwiinifty gif animation06:26
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kwwiibut the swf is not embeded properly :-)06:27
ograhttp://www.gieseler-maler.de/ was the first website i ever designed commecially :)06:27
ograthey started with flas after i left ... not my fault :P06:27
kwwiithe graphics in that are pretty cool06:27
kwwiigood ideas06:27
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ograbut te programming is horrible :)06:28
ogratoday i'd use css everywhere ... 06:28
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BenCtfheen: Can I do a kernel upload?06:48
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bddebianWho's got NEW duty this week? :-)06:52
pittibddebian: archive days are Monday (tfheen), Wednesday (seb128), and Friday (me)06:54
bddebianIsn't today Monday? :)06:54
seb128bddebian: looks like a good reason to let people do their work ;)06:55
pittibddebian: source NEW usually lags behind a bit06:56
bddebianSorry, I know you folks are way swamped, it's just frustrating the lengthy process of getting these damn tilp packages in :-(06:56
seb128what is tilp?06:57
kwwiiogra: http://sinecera.de/edubuntu_pics.tar.gz I'll let you do the hard work :p06:58
ograthanks ... i know edubuntu-artwork isnt fun :)06:58
kwwiierm, wait, I made a mistake06:59
bddebianseb128: packages for talking to TI Calculators06:59
bddebianseb128: But I'm having to do it in series because of build dependencies06:59
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kwwiiogra: ok, get it again, problem fixed07:00
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cjwatsonbddebian: that's no reason to do it in series; upload the lot, and any that can't build yet will simply dep-wait07:06
bddebiancjwatson: But I need to run them through REVU, get them OK'd there, then have you folks review them as NEW and I don't want some mass confusion of what's accepted and what's not.07:07
cjwatsonI don't know about REVU, but as far as the archive is concerned there is absolutely no need for serial uploads, and no meaningful confusion caused07:09
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bddebianWell like with REVU, people can't test build libfoo if libbar isn't in the archive (at least not without some effort)07:13
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iwjI've just uploaded a new mdadm which I think will fix the md inappropriate degraded assembly bug which has been popping up.07:21
iwjIf I break anyone's booting completely then I apologise.  If so I'll fix it properly tomorrow :-).07:21
iwjOff for dinner now.07:22
elmoiwj: those kind of uploads are much better scheduled for 6pm on a Friday, FYI07:22
kylemelmo, no no no, 6pm on a friday, before a 2-week vacation.07:22
kwwiinow I know why I wait a day before applying updates07:23
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=== ogra watches sudo rm -rf /var/cache/pbuilder/build/* .... working since more than 5min already ...
ograwow .... 7.5 G free space ! we should have pbuilder notificatin for left behind build trees :)07:47
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ogramjg59, around  ?07:51
mjg59ogra: Hi07:51
ogramjg59, seen bug 81407 ?07:51
UbugtuMalone bug 81407 in gnome-power-manager "[Feisty]  Thinkpad (all models) LCD brightness control cycles between lowest settings only" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8140707:51
ograseems there realy isnt *any* matching for smbios.chassis.manufacturer = 'IBM' in the fdi file 07:52
ogrado you think adding the missing bits suffices ? 07:52
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ogra(i'm not sure its a hal only issue)07:53
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mjg59ogra: I think there are multiple issues07:56
mjg59The hal one needs fixing regardless07:57
ograright, i was suspecting that07:57
mjg59There's no point matching on IBM. Match on Thinkpad.07:57
ograapart from the X3107:57
ograwhich i silly ... so i'll drop the X31 from that line and we should be set with this issue07:57
ogra*is silly07:58
ograat least for most of te thinkpads ...07:58
ograeven though "smbios.system.version = 'Not Available'" doesnt look nice either ...07:59
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dholbachif you didn't vote yet, vote: http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/+polls08:28
dholbachgood night08:28
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bhalegood bye dholbach 08:29
dholbachbye bhale08:29
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BenCpitti: the apport fix is in git, but it's an ABI bump, and I'm not sure tfheen will let me do another upload for Herd409:10
=== bluefoxicy direct upgrades dapper -> feisty
ograbluefoxicy, you know that this is not supported, right ? 09:23
bluefoxicyogra:  not supported == doesn't work?09:23
kylemnot supported == you keep both pieces when it breaks.09:24
ogranot supported == dont complain about thinks not working09:24
ograetc etc09:24
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Riddellmvo_: ok if I commit dist upgrader fixes to bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/update-manager/main ?09:50
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tfheenBenC: ugh, yes, I guess you can.  Urgent fixes?11:05
BenCtfheen: Fixes apport11:08
BenCtfheen: but it is an ABI bump :/11:08
BenCI have it ready to upload now11:08
tfheenBenC: ok, get it in ASAP.11:09
BenCtfheen: Thanks11:09
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tfheendoko: given-back11:23
dokotfheen: ohh, and if you're still awake, please could ack the new ecj binaries, and move them to main?11:24
=== [knap] [n=luis@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== linxeh [n=linx@88-96-202-38.dsl.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
linxehhi - I've had a whole bunch of problems with the latest kernel update and the nvidia non-free drivers. it looks to me like the /etc/init.d/linux-modules-restricted-common script is broken - the --quick option needs to be removed from lrm-manager to make it generate the nvidia.ko volatile driver11:28
linxehis there osmewhere I can report this properly ?11:28
linxeh(this was edgy with 2.6.17-11-generic btw)11:29
[knap] www.launchpad.net11:29
Burgworklinxeh: are you using a stock system?11:29
linxehyes, its a stock system 11:29
linxehim not the only person with the problem - I just helped someone in #ubuntu fix it 11:29
tfheendoko: yes, I'll do it.11:29
Burgworkok, then launchpad11:29
linxehwell, relatively stock - ive installed a couple of things manually11:29
Burgworkunder the linux-restricted-modules package11:30
linxehbut nothing that will interfere with the nvidia / kernel stuff11:30
Burgworkis your lrm stock?11:30
=== sistpoty [n=sistpoty@ubuntu/member/sistpoty] has joined #ubuntu-devel
linxehI just had it automatically update the kernel, and when it rebooted the nvidia stuff failed to work, claiming it couldnt find the nvidia.ko file in modules/volatile11:31
BenClinxeh: Sounds to me like you didn't get the new linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-11-generic to go with it11:31
linxehnah I did11:31
BenCnothing changed in lrm, it was just rebuilt11:31
linxehI dropped back to an older kernel, removed the packages, cleaned the cache, and then redownloaded them11:31
BenCif it worked before, it should now, unless something is broken on your system11:31
linxehive done that twice 11:31
linxehit works until I reboot11:31
linxehat reboot the volatile modules get recreated, but not the nvidia ones11:31
_ionYou have the linux-generic metapackage installed?11:31
linxehif i remove the --quick it works11:31
BenCdpkg --get-selections | grep linux-restricted-modules11:32
BenClet me see that11:32
linxeh_ion: yes definitely11:32
linxehBenC: ok sec 11:32
linxehlinux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-386          deinstall11:32
linxehlinux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-generic      deinstall11:32
linxehlinux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-11-386          deinstall11:32
linxehlinux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-11-generic      install11:32
linxehlinux-restricted-modules-common                 install11:32
linxehlinux-restricted-modules-generic                install11:32
[knap] having to update the nvidia kernel module after each kernel update is a major pain in the ass, would not be possible to do this in another way?11:32
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BenCknap: you don't have to11:33
BenCif you install the meta packages, it will upgrade automatically11:33
[knap] the problem is that i'm not using the drivers from the repositorie but the latest from nvidia website11:34
BenClinxeh: it should work...if the others get created, then so should nvidia.ko...sounds like something is amiss on your system11:34
BenC[knap] : then we can't help with that11:34
[knap] yeah i know :)11:34
linxehBenC: well its a stock install with some standard software, plus a custom java6 package11:34
linxehother than that everything came from the stock repos, or from the beryl-project repo11:34
BenClinxeh: sh -x /etc/init.d/linux-restricted-modules-common start11:35
linxehother people have had the problem  - I know of 1 guy in #ubuntu so far (that also had success with the removal of --quick fix), and at least 1 more on quakenet11:35
BenClinxeh: Use paste-bin to get that out to me11:35
linxehwell, ive modified that now so it doesnt have --quick 11:35
linxehdo you want me to change it back first?11:35
BenCthe --quick just tells it not to run depmod, that shouldn't affect whether it gets built or not11:36
BenCis it that it isn't built, or that it's not found by modprobe?11:36
linxehnvidia.ko doesnt appear to get put into /lib/modules/`uname -r`/volatile if --quick is on the command line 11:37
tfheendoko: accepted.11:38
linxehbenc:   the output of the command you asked for is at http://rafb.net/p/NU4fBq24.html11:38
BenClinxeh: sorry, sh -x /sbin/lrm-manager --quick11:39
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BenC+ . /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common11:42
BenCthat there is your fault11:42
BenCedit that file and remove the nv from it11:42
linxehhow come it works without --quick though ?11:43
BenCbecause without --quick, it doesn't source the default conf file11:43
BenCquicker == only building the modules you need11:43
linxehyeah ok I see now11:43
linxehmany thanks :D11:43
linxehI've said it before, but I'm going to say it again - the community surrounding ubuntu is one of the best I've come across 11:44
linxehI'm forced into using redhat enterprise at work, and it positively sucks :(11:44
linxehmany many thanks for the help :)11:45
sistpotysabdfl: thanks for your comment on but #83348 (and I hope you don't mind that I just assigned it to you;)11:46
linxehI suspect quite a few people will get caught out by that though11:46
sistpotysabdfl: I'm just about to mail craig (he had the idea about games...) any canonical ml I should refer him to?11:46
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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BenClinxeh: here's where the community gets better...now you can pass on your experience to others and help them :)11:48
linxehI'll be passing it on to the #quakenet ubuntu community11:58
BenCtfheen: linux-source 8.14 uploaded...lrm is on it's way now, and linux-meta right behind it11:58
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Fujitsulinxeh, we have a community there? What's it doing there?11:59
linxehFujitsu: quakenet is a large network (the largest IRC network I believe, 200,000 users typically) - some of the gamers there use ubuntu, so it makes sense there is a channel there11:59
FujitsuUnfortunate that the community is fragmented like that.12:00
linxehyes, a little12:00
linxehits bound to happen though - it happens with everything really12:00
johanbrFragmented... was that a pun?12:01
linxehand there is almost a guarantee that people on #quakenet are using linux to play games, so will know about the issues involved etc12:01
BenCyeah, I think it's probably a good thing that there's an ubuntu specific channel there...shows how pervasive we are :)12:01
linxehubuntu is really popular at work with staff12:07
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