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allmanjhey - i'm continually forgetting this so this time i'll make a note. If i want to stop an install from rebooting after it finishes, there's a kernel option i can pass, right?11:59
cjwatsonjust don't preseed prebaseconfig/reboot_in_progress or finish-install/reboot_in_progress (as applicable); it doesn't reboot noninteractively unless you preseed that12:13
allmanjon a dapper system?12:48
allmanjactually, i have preboot_in_progress set12:48
allmanji'll try switching that off - thanks!12:48
cjwatsonprebaseconfig/reboot_in_progress on dapper IIRC12:53
allmanjseems to be the one all right. type note? is that right? (seems odd)12:57
allmanjrunning an install now to see if that'll stop it12:57
cjwatsonyes, it's a note template01:10
cjwatsonpreseeding it has the effect of indicating that you've already "seen" the note and thus it shouldn't be displayed again01:10
allmanjgotcha, but i thought that was normall done with seen? anyway - it worked a charm!01:22
cjwatsonyou can do it with seen too, but it doesn't make any difference with notes because there's no relevant value involved01:24
cjwatsonthe ability to preseed just the seen flag postdates ordinary value+seen preseeding01:24
cjwatsonand it's mostly just used for preseeding something but then setting the seen flag to false again01:25
=== allmanj nods slowly
cjwatson(i.e. set a default)01:25
allmanjyes, i think i follow that01:25
allmanjthat's what i've been using it for01:25
allmanjdidn't really see the distinction but i think i get you now01:25
cjwatsonpreseeding does have the (arguable) flaw that it makes a lot more sense if you're familiar with debconf01:26
cjwatsonit was designed by the author of debconf, and it shows :) it's a low-level facility in some ways01:26
allmanjyeah, it's not always obvious - but it does appear to work nicely when it works!01:30
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evandI posted an announcement for m-a to -discuss.  Hopefully the mailman admins will get my drop request before it's posted there too.02:32
=== evand awaits a flood of bug reports
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cjwatsonevand: neat, thanks03:50
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