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bigonDo you think that bug #66292 worth an update to proposed?12:17
UbugtuMalone bug 66292 in sylpheed "Please bump sylpheed to 2.2.9" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6629212:17
sistpotybigon: if you backport the individual fixes, I see no problem with an SRU. however a new upstream version should go to -backports12:20
bigonsistpoty: ark12:21
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mohammadbddebian: hello 01:15
mohammadbddebian: I have applied all comments you gave me on zekr, would you please kindly review it?01:16
sistpotygn8 everyone01:17
bddebianmohammad: Yep, give me a little bit01:23
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jdong!seen jdong01:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen jdong - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:31
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jribHi, I had a question regarding the policy on packages in universe.  The upstreamdev package is currently a bit old and I'd like to see a more recent version packaged (which fixes a lot of bugs).  My question is, is it possible to have the new version included in feisty at this point in time in the schedule?01:33
jdong!where seen went01:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about where seen went - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:33
jdong^^ Seveas ..... :(01:33
geserjrib: as we are in UVF now, it depends which bugs are fixed. the more severe the more likely to get it included01:35
Hobbseegeser: it's still pretty early.   file a UVF exception01:36
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geserHobbsee: I've already filed one :)01:37
jribgeser: I see, well the current package in feisty won't be able to use ubuntu-nl's pastebin since that has been updated since we released the version that got packaged.  That's probably the biggest issue.  Should I make sure I find a packager or create a suitable package myself before filing a UVF exception?01:37
geserjrib: you should have a package ready01:38
Adri2000"Please note that we expect requesters to have an updated package already prepared and tested!" https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#head-9523bc4076ff011324d67cddc97969ec609618d601:38
geserjrib: that's a good reason to include a new version01:39
jribok, last question:  The package in feisty was brought over from debian.  We've been unable to contact the original packager.  Are there any issues with a new packager maintaining the new package?01:40
Hobbseebah.  cant we just say "can we have a new version of basket"  "yes"01:40
geserjrib: that should be no problem01:41
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jribgeser, Adri2000, Hobbsee:  thank you all very much01:42
mohammadvil: Hello vil I have applied the comment you gave me about using cdbs instead of Makefile. would you please review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=4350 [zekr]  now?01:43
vilmahammad, i will take look at it, though i don't promise it will be any soon now (like tomorrow)01:47
mohammadvil: ok thank you :)01:48
vilmohammad, sorry for mistyping your name01:48
mohammadsee you all :)01:48
jdonganyone see irony on multiple levels in bug 666?01:52
UbugtuMalone bug 666 in malone "can't file a bug on Ubuntu" [Medium,Rejected]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/66601:52
bddebianAck, 66602:03
jribjdong: ha wow, that's a nice find02:05
=== Lathiat laughs
jdongwell apparently some of us don't have a sense of humor... :)02:06
tsmithejdong, that wasn't your find :P02:07
tsmithei mean jrib02:07
tsmithenow revu my packages :P02:07
jdongtsmithe with his devilish mind first came across that :)02:08
jdongin a flood storm of #ubuntuforums with bug commands :D02:08
jdongI did file bug 84647 against Ubugtu for that :)02:08
UbugtuMalone bug 84647 in ubuntu-bots "Ubugtu not throttled -DoS/flooding" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8464702:08
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vilhi, I would like to be added as a REVU reviewer. what can i do for it?02:52
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bddebianvil: Become an MOTU :-)02:57
vilbddebian, i am :)02:57
bddebianThen you already are :-)02:58
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ajmitchbddebian: no, it requires some DB tweaking02:58
bddebianOh really?02:58
ajmitchyes really02:58
bddebianI thought they were synced.  Hmm, sorry02:58
=== bddebian shuts up
ajmitchthe uploaders keyring is02:59
ajmitchrevu accounts in the db aren't02:59
ajmitchvil: revu email address?02:59
vilajmitch: vladimir.lapacek@gmail.com03:00
ajmitchAltering vladimir.lapacek@gmail.com to level reviewer03:01
ajmitchk, done03:01
vilajmitch, thx03:03
tsmithei uploaded a new package to revu, only to find out that it was not new there.03:03
tsmitheit's a new upstream version however03:03
tsmithebut i did the packaging completely from scratch03:03
tsmitheit's not currently in ubuntu03:04
tsmitheand it's name is enblend03:04
Hobbseetsmithe: apparently thta's not in the archives at all?03:05
tsmitheno it's not03:05
ajmitchoh, hub did the original package..03:05
tsmitheyes i see that03:05
tsmithehowever, is what i've done ok?03:08
ajmitchhijacking a package generally isn't appreciated03:10
tsmitheajmitch, i know03:11
tsmitheas i said, i hadn't realised i had until five minutes ago03:11
tsmithehub, are you here?03:12
tsmithewell - i'm going to bed03:17
tsmithei'll pm hub03:17
tsmithenight all03:22
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alephantHi all... I need to rebuild the stock kernel with a slight tweak to the .config -- I need the version numbers to match $(uname -r) so that my modules-nonfree can modprobe.  Is this make-kpkg, or dpkg-buildpackage, or something else altogether?04:03
alephantI know I'm slightly off-topic, please have mercy :-)04:03
hubajmitch: it is actually the second time somebody tries to hijack it.04:35
hubajmitch: actually said package would already be there if I could compile it04:35
hubajmitch: but with 512MB I can't04:35
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ajmitchhub: a rather heavy package?04:37
hubajmitch: just g++ being a hog04:38
hubthe official answer is "get more RAM"04:38
Laser_awaybinary packages should be smaller than the corresponding source package generally, shouldn't they?04:44
whitethe bad thing about living in australia is probably the fact that there is always a huge mail backlog on the mls in the morning :(04:45
=== white waves in and says hi
FujitsuHey white.04:46
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FujitsuLaser_away, generally.04:46
Laser_awayI'm just having fun watching my mirror of Feisty grow04:46
whiteFujitsu: have you read debian-melbourne@ ?04:47
whiteFujitsu: anibal suggested to catch up on wednesday night04:47
Laser_awaytrying to figure out if I have enough space on this partition or not04:47
Fujitsuwhite: I can't do Wednesdays, I have TAFE. Plus the parents probably wouldn't let me go :(04:47
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Laser_awayI'm up to php in Universe :-)04:50
FujitsuLaser_away: Why are you mirroring it?04:50
ajmitchcrazy person04:51
Laser_awayfor fun, kinda04:51
ajmitchFujitsu: parents won't let you meet strange, slightly disturbing geeks at night?04:51
ajmitchhow annoying04:51
Laser_awayI have enough machines that I thought it might be good04:51
Laser_awayplus I wanted to be able to get source packages fast :-)04:52
FujitsuI'd like to have a source mirror, but it'll take a couple of months to mirror, I think.04:52
Laser_awaybut the main reason is I'm learning how to use reprepo04:52
FujitsuReprepo for mirroring?04:52
Laser_awayI'm grabbing i386 and source for Feisty Main and Universe04:53
Laser_awayI'm almost 7GB into it04:53
Laser_awaythat'll feed 3 machines04:54
whiteFujitsu: well just go ahead and write your answer on debian-melbourne, I am sure we find a date where we can catch up04:55
whiteat least we still need to catch up for keysigning anyway :)04:55
=== ajmitch should try & get over to melbourne sometime
Laser_awayme too ;-)04:55
Fujitsuwhite: I'll write a reply in a sec.04:56
Fujitsuajmitch, how long since you've been here?04:56
Laser_awayit's just across the trench for ajmitch and I04:56
Laser_awaymy trench is just a bit bigger ;-)04:56
FujitsuLaser_away, hah.04:56
ajmitchFujitsu: july 04:56
whitetime to come back04:57
ajmitchI don't think I visited at all in 200504:57
Fujitsuwhite: Definitely.04:57
FujitsuMelbourne == goooood.04:57
ajmitchwas there for nearly 2 months in 200404:57
FujitsuBetter than Dunedin04:57
=== Fujitsu ducks.
=== ajmitch would need to check the passport to remember when he's been
FujitsuLaser_away, you realise that i386+source feisty main/universe is a few MiB under 30GiB?04:58
=== Fujitsu kicks debootstrap for being so slow.
Laser_awayFujitsu: I'll find out05:03
Laser_awayI'm not sure why source seems sorta smallish so far05:03
Fujitsu`Download all files that we need to get (29976 MiB).'05:03
Laser_awayI was expecting 30-40GB05:04
Laser_awaywhen this partition gets full I'll just make a new one and move everything over there05:04
Laser_awayI just hit the trigger before thinking "Oh, I should check to see if I have enough space" ;-)05:05
Laser_awaybut I'm suprised that I'm almost to "r" for Universe source (no Main yet) and I've only got 7.0GB05:07
Laser_awaybut I'm guessing Gnome+KDE+Kernel+Xorg will take a bit05:08
Fujitsuuniverse is about 21GB, so it can't be doing it in order...05:10
Laser_awayit is though05:10
Laser_awayI'll just have to see05:11
bddebian@#$^$%@$#^ hard drive :-(05:15
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Laser_awaybddebian: is it dying?05:16
_ion29976 MiB is actually 744 MiB less than 30 GiB.05:16
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_ionOf course the filesystem overhead may add a lot to it. :-)05:17
bddebianLaser_away: Either that or it's just tired of doing reviews :-)05:17
Laser_awaybddebian: my drive died suddenly  not long ago05:18
Laser_awayI was trying to install OpenSuse05:18
Laser_awayI think it was a sign05:18
Laser_awayso it was a good excuse to buy a bigger drive05:19
Laser_awayI hadn't bought any computer parts for over a year05:19
Laser_awayso I went all out and got a 160GB ATA drive ;-)05:19
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Ademanlaserjock: you have a blog? haha, i searched for REVU and found your blog06:49
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LaserJockAdeman: I do yes06:50
Ademananyways, is there any way to snag binary packages off of revu in any way?06:51
ajmitchthey're not autobuilt06:52
ajmitchtiber is not a fast box06:52
Ademanwhere DO packages get built? out of curiosity?06:52
LaserJockon my machine06:53
LaserJockfor REVU06:53
Ademangeeze, really? are you just a volunteer LaserJock?06:53
LaserJockthat's how we do it06:54
LaserJockwe build on our own machines06:54
Ademanoh, the submitter builds on their machine?06:54
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LaserJockonce it goes into Ubuntu proper it get's sent to the the Ubuntu build farm06:54
ajmitchmost of us are 'just volunteers'06:54
LaserJockAdeman: reviewers too06:54
Ademanoh so the packages going into the repositories are built at the "Ubuntu build farm" though?06:55
FujitsuThere are no Canonical-employed people who work primarily on universe, are there?06:55
ajmitchFujitsu: no, dholbach works mostly on main now06:55
LaserJockand ogra on Edubuntu06:55
ajmitchAdeman: any upload to ubuntu from us is source-only06:56
FujitsuI thought so... :(06:56
ajmitch& by any canonical developer too06:56
ajmitchFujitsu: that's the point, that there be community support for it06:56
ajmitchdebian manages alright06:56
Ademanoh ok, i guess i didn't phrase my question, cause when i said "where do packages get built" i meant, the ones that go into the repositories, oh well06:56
LaserJockbut you were talking about REVU06:56
Fujitsuajmitch: I guess.06:57
Ademanyeah sorry, geeze couldn't you read my mind? lol06:57
TheMusoajmitch: But the vast majority of debian's packages have dedicated maintainers.06:57
ajmitchTheMuso: sure, and we have teams who maintain things in ubuntu as well06:57
TheMusoWe are responsible for a large chunk of debian, all 60 odd of us.06:57
FujitsuTheMuso: And there are actually a significant number of active DDs.06:57
TheMusoFujitsu: True that.06:58
TheMusoajmitch: True.06:58
FujitsuTheMuso, a lot of that 60 are main-only, and a lot aren't active.06:58
TheMusoFujitsu: Right.06:58
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LaserJockanybody know if gparted handles lvm ok?08:14
FujitsuWhat do you mean by OK?08:18
LaserJockI'm just not so great with lvm yet08:18
LaserJockI *think* I might have an lvm partition08:19
Fujitsugparted won't destroy it, but you can't use it to adjust it.08:19
FujitsuYou think?08:19
LaserJockgparted sees an "unknown" partition and under flags it says lvm08:19
LaserJockthat's the thing08:19
LaserJockI don't really remember creating it08:19
LaserJockit's not in fstab or mounted08:20
FujitsuAh, it handles it worse than it did in Dapper... It used to at least show the LVs at separate devices.08:20
FujitsuAre your other partitions there?08:20
LaserJockmy regular partitions are there08:20
LaserJockI don't know if I even have a volume group08:21
FujitsuTry running sudo vgdisplay, and see if it does anything.08:21
LaserJockwhat package is vgdisplay in?08:24
Fujitsu(not installed by default since Edgy, grrr.)08:24
FujitsuOnce you've installed that, you'll probably need to run vgscan before vgdisplay will see anything.08:24
LaserJockI'm guessing not having lvm installed probably was an issue ;-)08:24
LaserJocksomething's not right08:24
LaserJockmaybe it needs a reboot or something08:24
FujitsuIt may have installed something in the initramfs, yes.08:25
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FujitsuHey Hobbsee.08:25
LaserJockbah, I'll do it when my repo mirroring finishes/dies08:26
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dholbachgood morning08:27
FujitsuHi dholbach.08:27
Lurehi dholbach08:27
Hobbseehi Fujitsu!08:27
HobbseeLaserJock: what do you use for building your repo?08:27
Luredholbach: what is the plan with motu council in regards to new members?08:27
Hobbseemorning dholbach 08:27
Luredholbach: am I to go with TB still this week, or is Motu  council fully in charge now?08:28
dholbachLure: the poll will finish on 15th08:28
dholbachthe MC is not ready yet08:28
dholbachhi Hobbsee, hi Fujitsu08:29
Luredholbach: ok08:29
LaserJockHobbsee: reprepo08:29
HobbseeLaserJock: which isnt in the repos?08:30
LaserJockit is08:30
Hobbseesarah@LongPointyStick:~$ search reprepo08:30
Hobbseesarah@LongPointyStick:~$    08:30
Hobbsee!info reprepo feisty08:30
ubotuPackage reprepo does not exist in feisty08:30
HobbseeLaserJock: where?08:30
LaserJockdoh, did I spell it wrong08:31
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Fujitsu!info reprepro feisty08:31
ubotureprepro: debian package repository producer. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.3.1-1 (feisty), package size 199 kB, installed size 500 kB08:31
LaserJockthe only thing I hate about it so far is the name08:31
TheMusoIs it at all possible to use/control network manager from the CLI?08:34
LaserJockheh, you can get rid of it from CLI ;-)08:35
Hobbseeyay, TheMuso hasnt drowned!08:35
TheMusoHobbsee: This weather rocks!!!08:35
ajmitch& why would TheMuso have drowned?08:35
Hobbseeajmitch: because it's very wet08:35
ajmitchis it slightly wet there?08:35
ajmitchthat's good08:35
HobbseeTheMuso: as long as you dont have to go out in it, yes :D08:35
ajmitchI understand it's been a bit dry :)08:36
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TheMusoOk, so what launches network manager?08:36
TheMusoEither I can use it in the CLI, or it goes.08:36
TheMusoWhat???????? dbus?08:37
=== TheMuso choaks.
TheMusoBah and so does dhcdbd08:38
=== TheMuso now has full control of his network devices once again.
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Hobbseedholbach: you couldnt just grant us a UVFe for basket now, could you?  (between 1.0rc1 and 1.0 final)  or do i have to file it properly?09:13
dholbachthere's no UVF yet09:14
dholbachnot for universe09:15
dholbachI thought it was the 22nd?09:15
Fujitsu22nd is FF.09:15
Fujitsu8th was UVF.09:15
dholbachI thought it was delayed for Univerese.09:15
Hobbseedholbach: it's gone feb 8.  but if you say i can put it thru, then please ack the sync :P09:15
Hobbseedholbach: no, that was only FF, not UVF.  which is kinda silly09:15
dholbachHobbsee: what is the launchpad bug no?09:16
Hobbseedholbach: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/basket/+bug/8467809:16
UbugtuMalone bug 84678 in basket "Please sync basket (universe) from unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed]  09:16
Hobbseedholbach: havent done the diff and all of that yet09:16
Hobbseedholbach: thanks09:18
Hobbseedholbach: does that mean you'll do the same for ksynaptics/libsynaptics?09:18
Hobbseedholbach: i dont think the bug's filed yet09:18
dholbachif you have a good reason to update it - we're fairly early in the cycle still09:19
Hobbseedholbach: how about "the current version doesnt work too well"09:19
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dholbachif you can attach bits of the changelog i'm sure it's going to be alright09:22
dholbachI can't say "sure it'll be alright", but i'll sure have look at it09:22
Hobbseedholbach: okay.  will have to wait on the debian bit to update09:22
Hobbseebah.  ksynaptics will need a merge, but libsynaptics is a sync09:24
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Sp4rKydoes ${python:Depends} should add python-gtk2 & python-glade2 to Depends if software needs it ?10:16
StevenKSp4rKy: I doubt it.10:20
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Sp4rKyk, so i add them 10:21
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Hobbseedholbach: ping?11:53
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dholbachHobbsee: pong11:55
=== MatthewV [n=MatthewV@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseedholbach: can you ack https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsynaptics/+bug/84681 too please?11:55
UbugtuMalone bug 84681 in libsynaptics "Please sync libsynaptics (universe) from unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed]  11:55
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseedholbach: we work with debian for all this stuff - yay :)11:55
dholbach+* rewriting singleton pad class (breaks compability!)     ???11:56
Hobbseedholbach: please ignore hte ubuntu versoin on that changelog - it's a sync.11:56
Hobbseedholbach: means that the new ksynaptics will need to come in too11:56
dholbachplease take a look at what it breaks there11:56
=== janm [n=jmalonzo@ppp4592.dsl.pacific.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dholbachplease refer to the normal process for the other stuff11:57
dholbachi'm out for lunch and buying hardware now11:57
dholbachsee you later11:57
=== lfittl [n=lfittl@cl-185.mbx-01.si.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseedholbach: okay.   FYI, i'ts only ksynaptics that depends on that, which we'll bring in the new versoin.11:58
Hobbsee(sorry, was being talked to)11:58
dholbachyeah, I checked11:59
dholbachit's ok11:59
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fernandomoin all12:01
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HobbseeFujitsu: was it you who did the reports on kde, and MOTUscience, with debian/ubuntu packages?01:06
whitewhen is the next MOTU meeting btw? i am curious if my suggestion will be discussed01:09
=== ThiefOfBaghdad [n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseewhite: which suggestion?  :)01:10
=== fbond [n=fab@pool-71-169-146-143.burl.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
white(suggestion = automatically writing a mail to everyone who just uploaded a new package to universe which is not in debian if they might want to consider bringing it into debian as well or at least looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributingToDebian )01:10
whiteor in other words i do not have to do it semi-manually anymore :)01:11
=== tmarble [n=tmarble@user-38q4et6.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsmitheHobbsee, you able to do a revu? (tis for the good cause of ubuntustudio ;) )01:12
Hobbseetsmithe: right now, i'm fighting madison-lite01:12
tsmithehehe ok01:12
whiteHobbsee: well i am still looking for an answer or do you reckon it is not worth to discuss? :)01:20
Hobbseewhite: sounds good to me01:21
Hobbseewhite: but then you have to find an elusive DD, no?01:21
whitewhat do you mean?01:21
Hobbseewhite: as in, it's known that there arent terribly many DD"s around.  at least not around in #ubuntu-motu01:22
Hobbseeseems that way, whehter it's true or not, though01:23
whiteif you are looking for a sponsor you can go via #debian-mentors (oftc), debian-mentors@l.d.o. or utnubu-discuss@l.alioth.d.o. (exclusively for MOTUs and ubuntu folks :) )or ask the DDs in this channel if they are around01:23
=== white is horrible
whiteat least a horrible cook01:23
Hobbseeyes, i'm starting to see that you arent so high and mighty and perfect, and wouldnt come talk to us lowly ubuntu people :P01:24
whiteHobbsee: well actually i am just here for you ;)01:25
white. o O(i was never good at flirting ...)01:25
StevenKwhite: Don't give up your day job, that's dreadful. :-P01:25
=== tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseewhite: if you say things like that, then i'll tend to utilise it.  ask StevenK how many packages he uploaded for me before i got MOTU :P01:29
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tsmitheStevenK is motu eh...01:30
tsmithecould he do a revu for me?01:31
Hobbseetsmithe: if you convince him...01:31
whiteHobbsee: go ahead, i feel like i want to take this challenge01:31
tsmithegood good01:31
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tsmitheStevenK, are you up for a review? as i said to Hobbsee, it's for the great and just cause of UbuntuStudio ;)01:31
Hobbseewhite: but then i'd have to find something to upload to debian.  and i got beaten, for basket.01:32
StevenKNow look what you've done!01:32
Hobbseetsmithe: make white review it :P01:32
=== white is wondering what UbuntuStudio is
tsmithebut, erm, it's pretty elusive01:32
StevenKtsmithe: Is it on REVU?01:32
tsmitheStevenK, yup01:32
tsmithewired ;)01:32
StevenKIn that case, I'll think about it.01:33
tsmithewhite, it's just a theme, a tweaked installed, and different packages01:33
tsmitheStevenK, that's very definitive of you :P01:33
whiteah so it is like the theme and stuff as you said01:34
whitei thougt it is a music studio 01:34
tsmitheand a choice of the lowtency kernel01:34
tsmithe!info ubuntustudio-audio feisty01:34
ubotuubuntustudio-audio: Ubuntu Studio Audio Package. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1 (feisty), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB01:34
tsmitheand then there's one for video, graphics01:34
tsmithewe're gonna expand in v2, do more cool stuff like tweaking settings, portaudio with jack perhaps01:35
tsmitheinteresting things01:35
tsmitheoh and white, you can help me get my packages into debian!01:36
StevenKShhh, don't tell him a DD01:36
StevenKtsmithe: I'd suggest you make friends with http://mentors.debian.net/ for that purpose.01:37
tsmithehehe ok01:37
whiteif somebody needs to know what the suites in debian are01:37
whitewe just figured that out :)01:38
StevenKThere's two states on archive.debian.org, though01:38
tsmithewhite, hehe01:38
tsmithewooo! cinelerra has finished pulling from bzr... now i can get to work sorting out the licence01:39
tsmithebut it's a pita to push01:39
tsmithe483MiB... :(01:39
StevenKtsmithe: What's the link to the REVU thing you want me to look at?01:39
whitetsmithe: yeah if you need anything, just tell me01:39
white. o O(i hope this wasn't a mistake)01:39
tsmitheStevenK, http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=435401:39
whitetsmithe: and if you ever need sponsoring StevenK is a DD01:39
tsmithewhite, cool01:39
tsmitheStevenK, cool01:39
StevenKwhite: Commonly known as "Don't make me regret this!"01:39
=== StevenK kicks white
=== white hides
tsmitheStevenK, now your in for it too! mwhaaha01:40
Hobbseewhite: and you arent?01:40
white. o O(i need to get rid of my cloak)01:40
Hobbseetsmithe: i can attack StevenK with my Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  too, so that's even better01:40
tsmithehehe ok01:40
=== StevenK raises an eyebrow
tsmitheHobbsee, you need that  on the lart ;)01:40
tsmitheand more !!!!s01:41
Hobbseetsmithe: yes, but i didnt make the lart.01:41
tsmithehehe ok :)01:41
StevenKARGH, you Build-Depend on cvs01:46
tsmitheyeah! very argh01:46
tsmithebut it dies unless i do01:46
StevenKOh what?01:46
tsmithethe "autogen.sh" script that generates configure dies if it can't find cvs01:46
=== pochu [n=pochu@179.Red-88-7-169.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
StevenKWhy does debian/manpage.1 exist?01:47
tsmitheas the manpage...01:47
StevenKYou'd call it wired.101:47
StevenKAnd stuff wired.1 into debian/manpages01:48
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tsmithehmm ok01:48
=== givre [n=Florent@APuteaux-152-1-78-47.w86-205.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
lastnodeFujitsu, ping please01:49
tsmithei'll update that then01:49
StevenKBuild-Depending on cvs concerns me01:50
tsmitheit concerns me too01:50
=== StevenK plays
=== MagnusR [n=magru@c83-252-237-96.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsmithebut there's not really i can do...01:50
tsmitheand debian/manpages just contains one line: wired.1x (as i will rename it)01:51
StevenKLooks fine01:53
StevenKRight, autopoint -f is too blame01:53
tsmitheyeah it is01:53
tsmithebut i don't really know what to do about it01:53
StevenKAnd you can't depend on Internet access to build, which it currently does.01:53
tsmithei don't even know what that does :S01:53
StevenKThe Ubuntu buildds, for example, can't access the Internet.01:54
tsmithebut i don't even know if it uses it to do anything internety01:55
tsmitheas i said, i'm not sure what it does...01:55
StevenKroot@liquified:~/wired-0.4# sh -x /usr/bin/autopoint -f >../log 2>&101:56
StevenKroot@liquified:~/wired-0.4# grep '+ cvs ' ../log01:56
StevenK+ cvs -d /tmp/buildd/wired-0.4/tmpcvs3792 init01:56
StevenK+ cvs checkout -rgettext-0_14_4 archive01:56
=== stratus [n=stratus@cronopio.rits.org.br] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsmithethat is very very bad02:02
tsmithevery very very bad02:02
StevenKI'd daresay hacking autogen.sh to not call autopoint02:02
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tsmitheStevenK, yeah02:03
tsmithei'll see if i can do a patch02:03
tsmithei'll also poke upstream02:04
StevenKajmitch, siretart, etc: Can you fix it so I can comment on REVU?02:07
pochuhey guys, I have a problem with a build and a menu entry: dh_installmenu: Compatibility levels before 4 are deprecated.02:07
pochuany idea?02:07
whiteyou are using a debhelper compat lever smaller than 4 ?02:08
pochuwhite: how can I know that?02:08
whiteor debian/rules02:08
pochulet me see02:09
pochuwhite: # This is the debhelper compatibility version to use.02:09
pochuexport DH_COMPAT=302:09
pochuin rules02:09
Hobbseepochu: that'd be it02:09
pochushould I change it to 4?02:10
whitepochu: you might want to remove that line and use debian/compat02:10
whiteand put in 502:10
lastnodeHobbsee, do you have Fujtsu on IM?02:10
pochuwhite: ok, I'm going to try it, ty!02:10
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whiteor 4, depends on what you want02:10
Hobbseelastnode: no, sorry :(02:11
Hobbseelastnode: i'd imagine he's gone to bed though - it's a school night02:11
white. o O(good that small students like me are still on holidays)02:11
pochuwhite: why it depends? I want to fix a menu entry02:12
whitepochu: the compat lever is important for debhelper's behaviour02:12
Hobbseewhite: how old are you?02:12
whiteHobbsee: 2002:12
Hobbseewhite: bah.  oldie :P02:13
pochuwhite: there would be any problem if I put 5?02:13
lastnodeHobbsee, i see, i keep missing him. damn timezones02:13
whitepochu: then you use latest compat level and can use the current features of debhelper and stuff02:13
Hobbseewhite: 1802:14
pochuHobbsee: as me ;)02:14
pochuwhite: thanks :)02:14
whiteno worries02:14
=== Nafallo feels old
=== StevenK does too
=== Hobbsee steals StevenK's walking stick
=== Hobbsee steals Nafallo's walking stick too
=== StevenK falls in a heap
=== Hobbsee picks StevenK up, and duct tapes him to his chair
whiteHobbsee: where abouts are you located?02:15
Hobbseewhite: sydney, australia02:15
Hobbseewhite: close enough to be able to thump StevenK if he doesnt do what i want, you know?  :P02:15
whiteHobbsee: come over here to Melb :)02:16
=== StevenK doesn't take orders from no-one. Uh, sir
white. o O(more keysigning ...)02:16
HobbseeStevenK: much.02:16
HobbseeStevenK: even if they carry a Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?02:16
whitetsmithe: i am certainly not02:16
StevenKHobbsee: Heh02:17
Nafalloeskilstuna, sweden...02:17
=== tsmithe is in the UK
StevenKwhite: You just happen to be in Melbourne?02:17
whiteyes, i am an international student02:17
StevenKWe won't hold that against yuou02:17
HobbseeStevenK: which?  the fact that he's in melbourne, not sydney, or an international student?02:19
=== tsmithe is happy cos he can fix the autopoint problem
whitefirst of all Melbourne rocks02:20
tsmithewhy does autopoint even exist when /usr/share/gettext/archive.tar.gz does?!02:20
whitesecond point is that the aussies love internationals02:20
StevenKHobbsee: The latter02:20
StevenKtsmithe: Because /usr/share/gettext/archive.tar.gz might, heaven forbid, be out of date.02:22
StevenKHence the update from CVS.02:22
tsmithethat's crazy :P02:22
StevenKJust like the rest of autotools02:22
tsmithehehe ok02:22
whiteyou are just all jealous cos i have my super cow international power02:23
Hobbseewhite: that depends on where you're originally from, of course02:23
=== pochu [n=pochu@179.Red-88-7-169.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
whitewell start to tell me from where it is good?02:24
=== Hobbsee shrugs
whitehehe ... i am fully listening02:25
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=== StevenK uses his leet DD skills and finds out
=== white hurries to change settings
tsmithehow do i use archive.tar.gz? all the files have `,v` appended to their filenames...02:26
StevenKThat's because it's under RCS control02:26
tsmithebut, but,...02:27
tsmithesooo... how do i fix it?02:27
whitewell debian ldap does not have any natioanlity field02:27
=== tsmithe looks at what autopoint does
StevenKNo, but I've made a guess.02:27
whitebah yeah you can find it out02:27
whitewell let Hobbsee guess a bit :)02:27
StevenKDoes your Jabber ID lie?02:28
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whitei can't use my jabber here, but yes my jabber id tells you about my nationality02:28
=== StevenK waits for Hobbsee to guess, too.
=== Hobbsee isnt guessing.
=== tsmithe leaves
whiteso how do i sound like?02:29
whitewell actually i do not use my voice here at all ... 02:29
StevenKLike text, duh.02:29
Hobbseewhite: well, the ISP is german02:29
whiteyou mean user.skolelinux.no ?02:30
Hobbseebtw, you have a LP page.  https://launchpad.net/~steffen-joeris02:30
Hobbseesorry, yoru email is02:30
whitedamn my mails ...02:31
whiteHobbsee: yes i do have a LP page, cos i wanted to look things up ...02:31
Hobbseeditto jabber, blog...02:31
StevenKHobbsee: Nicely done, I did the same thing with db.debian.org02:31
whitebah bad google02:31
StevenKActually, I think you have stuff in Debian with that e-mail02:32
whitestratus: hi, i was just told that my mails are marked as spam, can you maybe check that?02:32
StevenKYup, you o.02:33
StevenKs/ o/ do/02:33
whitestratus: nion pointed me to you02:33
whiteright i did not reupload all of my packages so far02:33
StevenKMost of them appear to be skolelinux.de, actually02:33
whitewell they did not need an upload02:34
whiteor maybe i was too lazy02:34
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whitestratus: bah just forget about it, i somehow mixed things up, sorry02:40
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whiteHobbsee: so you still have to say if that is any good or not02:43
Hobbseewhite: hrm?02:43
=== Hobbsee is very sleepy
white14:23 < Hobbsee> white: that depends on where you're originally from, of course02:44
white. o O(the time might be a bit confusing)02:44
Hobbseewhite: yes, i got it.  but i never found otu where you were from, although apparently nto germany02:46
Hobbseeoh wait.02:46
Hobbsee.no, presumably?02:46
=== white gives up
Hobbseesmart.  i'm half asleep02:47
whitego to bed, we continue that tomorrow ;)02:47
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esaymAnyone have any tips for installing amule on dapper from the backports?03:11
esaymI've never installed from the backports befors03:12
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports03:12
Q-FUNKhmm... not quite03:13
=== LongPointyStick [n=user@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== LongPointyStick DOOMS white
=== LongPointyStick DOOMS Q-FUNK too.
Q-FUNKhm.  where did Hobbsee go?03:16
=== Nafallo wishes LongPointyStick could come and DOOM the workers who've been drilling all day :-/
Q-FUNKand doom the homeland security too.03:17
Q-FUNKwhile you're at it, dig out your Dubya-like voodoo doll and make it suffer a painful death.03:17
esaymok so to get a backported package I just download the deb file and install it and run apt-get -f update?03:19
gpocentekesaym: that's a question for #ubuntu03:26
esaymoh sorry03:28
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bddebianHeya gang03:48
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Q-FUNK(and greetings from a jetlagged Q-F in Cannuckistan)03:49
geserhi bddebian03:50
bddebianHeya geser03:50
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AnAntbddebian: thanks for reviewing zekr03:53
whitethat sounds like an illness (no offense)03:54
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bddebianwhite: :-)03:56
bddebianAnAnt: NP03:56
AnAntwhite: nope, a software03:56
whiteAnAnt: if you are the author, please excude i did not want to offend you03:58
whiteLongPointyStick: bad Hobbsee04:07
tsmithebddebian, sorry to be so mean, but could you... wait.. no - i need to update it first.04:07
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=== tsmithe detests autopoint
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AnAntwhere's LaserJock ?04:12
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bigonCould someone review bug 84732, it's a SRU?05:00
UbugtuMalone bug 84732 in python-pam "SRU: python-pam contains no binaries (edgy)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8473205:00
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jdongHow does one resolve a symlink in a shellscript?05:51
jdongi.e. I have a symlink /path/foolink and want to know where it points to.05:51
Nafallojdong: readlink05:55
jdongNafallo: thanks!05:55
jdongthat's exactly what I need05:55
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sistpotyhi folks06:00
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:sistpoty] : to: Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Universe Repository Maintainers | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Documentation | Add yourself to http://tinyurl.com/fgpgy to upload to REVU | Check these packages for syncs/merges: http://ajmitch.net.nz/~ajmitch/missing-fixes-rc.html
sistpotyhi _ion06:01
geserHi sistpoty06:01
sistpotyhi geser06:01
bddebianHeya sistpoty06:02
sistpotyhi bddebian06:03
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pl0pixwhy does a pythons based package, which builds and runs under debian sid fail to run on a ubuntu edgy box? Msg: ImportError: No module named... 07:10
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pl0pixwhy dosn't edgy's default python version 2.4 read packages python modules from /usr/share/python-support/<package-name>/ ?07:15
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imbrandonheya bddebian sistpoty Nafallo jdong etc etc etc07:22
jdonggood mass ping :)07:22
Nafallohi imbrandon :-)07:22
imbrandonmass >507:22
bddebianHi imbrandon07:24
jwhitlarkhi imbrandon :-D07:25
imbrandonhey hey jwhitlark , long time07:25
imbrandonhows it been going in cali07:25
jdongmass > 5 except in the case of Rosie O'Donnell07:25
jdongin which cases it's much bigger07:25
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imbrandonyou watch too much daytime tv07:26
jdongI actually don't07:26
jdongI actually don't have a TV right now07:26
jdongshould've brought my 32" LCD07:26
jdongdidn't think my dorm would be big enough07:26
jdongbut boy was I wrong07:26
jdongempty space everywhere07:27
imbrandonheh i have a 22in lcd monitor, and a few crt's 19 21 and 17 but only a 13 in TV07:27
imbrandoni dont watch much tv07:27
=== ptitdav69 [n=ptitdav6@254.39.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== jdong doesn't either
imbrandonor if i do its on the computer07:27
jdonghe may or may not torrent Family Guy and Office, depending on if MIT IS&T is listening in on this conversation.07:27
jdongwell, off to Calc07:30
jdonghave fun everyone07:30
jdongsomeone please figure out for me why avidemux is weirdly FTBFS07:30
=== jdong doesn't have many brain cells left to figure that out
jwhitlarkhey imbrandon,  I've been sooo slammed..  Was hoping to see you at SCALE this weekend, but I guess you couldn't make it.  jono thought you were going to show, but...07:32
imbrandonyea i was definately trying , but i dident make it07:33
imbrandoni told seele and jono i probably would but work happened07:33
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jwhitlarkheh, that never happens to me.:-!07:34
imbrandonthe next time i "plan" on getting out is to ubuntu live in portland07:34
imbrandonbut something else wiill probably catch my eye before then07:34
jwhitlarkhmm.  I'm not sure if I'm going to that one.  I've got pycon in a week, and I'll be 8 days there, not sure if my boss will let me go to another.  And I want to try to get to UDS in Spain...07:35
jwhitlarkDo we know where in spain it will be?07:35
imbrandonnot yet iirc07:35
imbrandonbut i'll be going top that too07:36
imbrandonwhere is pycon? google?07:36
jwhitlark1 day of tutorials, 3 days of talks, 4 days of sprints.  I think I'll be sprinting on trac.07:36
imbrandonthats only a few hours from here , i might try to take a day trip or something one of the days07:36
imbrandondallas is aobut 7 hours if i rember right from here07:37
jwhitlarkthat'd be tight.  It's a good conf.  07:37
imbrandonsomewhere close to that07:37
jwhitlarklet me know, and we'll set you up with a room share, if you like.07:37
imbrandonkk cool07:37
imbrandoni still have your number in my old cell i think07:38
imbrandonif not i'll hit you up before then07:38
imbrandonif my old cell is charged up LOL07:38
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imbrandonhum hum hum, man yea now i'm wishing i would have went to SCALE07:39
imbrandondid you catch seele's talk ? i heard it was good07:39
jwhitlarkk.  I've been off irc lately, but I'm back.  I had weird stuff happening around the holidays, my wife had a friend over from Turkey, and we bought her a new car, ...07:39
imbrandonummm celeste at UDS07:39
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imbrandonseele == irc name07:40
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jwhitlarkthanks, just a sec.07:40
imbrandonKDE useability person07:40
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jwhitlarkah, she was in the mini-conf. on friday.  I flew down on Sat. morn.  (wayyyy to early)  so no.07:41
jwhitlarkFunniest part was when the Xen source was giving a presentation on a XP laptop, and while he was in powerpoint, outlook crashed and popped up a huge error msg on the screen.  O:-)  Of course, we didn't boo, jeer, and laugh.07:45
imbrandonhahahah rock on07:45
imbrandonyea actualy that was one of the big reasons i wanted to go is see the XEN guys07:46
imbrandonbut they will be at Ubuntu Live / OSCON07:46
imbrandonsee i just need a job like jono and get paid to come to conf's ;)07:46
jwhitlarkIt was a good overview of the architecture of Xen.07:46
jwhitlarkme too.07:47
zulimbrandon: or get a sugar mommy07:47
imbrandonzul, hahah exactly07:47
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imbrandonzul, you gonna try to make it to portland? not many people i have talked to are07:47
jwhitlarkmy work doesn't force me to take vacation for conferences, but I'm on call during them, and I have to pay my own way.07:47
zulimmwhen is portland again?07:47
imbrandonjwhitlark, same here, i get all the time off i want and a small ( not normal ) ammount of pay IF they are intrested in the conf07:48
imbrandonzul, july07:48
imbrandon22-26 or some such 07:48
imbrandonwww.ubuntulive.com , its piggybacking OSCON07:48
zulimbrandon: nope ill be taking 3 weeks off in march or my wife would kill me07:48
jwhitlarkman, I so want to go to oscon, not sure I can afford it...07:49
imbrandonahh 22-24 not 2607:49
asimonHello, lintian will report an outdated-autotools-helper-file error for cdbs packages, even through the package depends on autotools-dev and cdbs will update the obsolete config-guess file automatically. Is this right?07:49
imbrandonjwhitlark, thats why ubuntu live is at the same time same place07:49
imbrandonless cost07:50
zulimbrandon: besides the baby is going to be in hospital during my "vacation"07:50
imbrandondosent sound good07:50
zulcould be worse07:50
jwhitlarkhope everything goes well.07:51
imbrandoni need to reload my mac today , osx + linux or linux only? ( that rehtorical )07:51
zulit should..07:51
jwhitlarkgood.  keep us posted.07:52
imbrandonhow was herding cats ?07:52
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imbrandonman where is whiprush when you need him07:53
jwhitlarkhave you seen the version online?07:53
imbrandonnot yet, been busy busy busy at work07:53
imbrandontoday starts my 4 days off 07:53
imbrandonso i'll probably check it out07:54
jwhitlarkhe said he changed it only a little, so I saw something else.07:54
jwhitlarkit's good.07:54
jwhitlarkdo ya know if feisty herd 3 is stable enough to use for day to day?07:54
imbrandoni still am trying to convince him for a LugRadio LIVE in the USA07:54
imbrandonjwhitlark, i am using it day to day, there are some quarks but its ok if you are already use to ubuntu07:55
imbrandoni wouldent recomend a newb using it07:55
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imbrandonTonio_ and Riddell have done some amazing stuff on the KDE side this time , making things much more intergrated and such07:56
jwhitlarkthat would be cool.  LugRadio rocks.07:56
imbrandoneverythging kinda flows now07:56
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jwhitlarkI'm going to install and test today, but wasn't sure if I should point it at my home dir, or just do a standalone install with a separate home dir.07:57
jwhitlarksounds like there's not any show stoppers.07:57
imbrandoni would defiantly backup your ~/ but should be fine07:57
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jwhitlarkjono said boot flies now.07:58
jwhitlarkajmitch, morning07:58
imbrandonberyl is kinda unstable on it, but i dunno if thats feisty or beryl itsself07:58
imbrandonyea boot and shitdown both fly07:58
jwhitlarkberyl?, unstable?? Noooo.....07:58
imbrandonleaste now when it crashes it falls back to kwin07:59
imbrandonthats nice07:59
imbrandonheya ajmitch 07:59
jwhitlarkI've really gotten used to beryl, though.  makes vdesktops intuitive for me.08:00
imbrandonyea there are somethings i almost cant do without now, but overall i turn most of it off08:00
imbrandonand it helps when i woo and ahh the vista moonites at work with it08:00
jwhitlarkyup.  very nice when you turn off the pointless stuff.08:01
jwhitlarkoops.  time for our weekly meeting. catch ya'll in 3 hours :-[08:02
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dholbachif you didn't vote yet, vote: http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/+polls08:28
dholbachgood night08:28
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=== ajmitch should probably vote for the motu council
ajmitchor at least check if I put in a vote for everyone :)08:36
bluefoxicyIs there a debian whatever recind software packaging notice for amap?08:39
bluefoxicyit's not in feisty's repos anymore.08:39
bluefoxicy(I wish nmap would just eat amap)08:40
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ajmitchhello crimsun 08:41
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bluefoxicyoh, gpl with subclauses08:43
bluefoxicydidn't know that.08:43
bluefoxicycrimsun:  that's dumb08:44
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bluefoxicyit's non-free but they pulled it completely08:45
ajmitchcomplain to debian, we can't fix it for them here08:45
bluefoxicyYes I know, but it's debian08:46
bluefoxicylast time I asked a question in #debian I got banned for 2 years08:46
ajmitchI wonder why08:46
bluefoxicybecause I was running mandrake and trying to figure out how some random command worked on debian but didn't have it in front of me probably.08:47
zulbluefoxicy: i think that was a rhetorical question :)08:49
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bluefoxicyzul:  Usually when people ask me rhetorical questions, they're followed up by, "Oh, ok, my fault for asking"08:52
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bluefoxicyfor example, "Why do you keep talking about Josh?" can end in something very graphic08:53
ajmitchI think we'd just tune you out08:53
ajmitchor kick you, whichever is more effective at the time08:53
bluefoxicyajmitch:  I've actually had someone threaten to kill me, and then ban me from life08:54
ajmitchI can understand that08:54
bluefoxicyanyway I have class08:54
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rmjbHey guys09:49
rmjbapt-get update on feisty and now I can't install anything09:50
_ionPerhaps it's just a temporary problem with your mirror.09:52
rmjbmaybe... I'll check back later09:53
=== rmjb suspends feisty vm
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Burgworkajmitch: they are clammering for your blood on sounder11:15
=== Laser_away goes to look
Burgworkajmitch: they want your network auth client11:16
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ajmitchoh well11:17
=== janm [n=jmalonzo@ppp4592.dsl.pacific.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchBurgwork: it may make it into the archive in a month or two :)11:23
Burgworkajmitch: right11:23
=== Burgwork whips ajmitch :)
ajmitchdon't whip me11:23
ajmitchI can't push it any harder11:24
_ionNetwork auth client?11:24
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Burgwork_ion: making it easy to connect Ubuntu to LDAP servers11:24
_ionWow, sounds great11:25
ajmitchjust some stuff to screw up config files11:25
_ionAlthough i find configuring the actual server more annoying than configuring the clients. :-)11:25
Burgworkyes, but you only have to do the server once or twice, usually11:25
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FujitsuHey LaserJock.11:26
bddebianHeya LaserJock11:29
rmjbmy isp's dns server isn't responding :(11:30
rmjbanyone has an ip of a dns server I can use?11:30
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sistpotyhi folks11:30
rmjbhey sistpoty11:30
sistpotyhi rmjb11:31
bddebianHi sistpoty11:31
sistpotyhi bddebian11:31
rmjbbddebian: I didn't backport the world, I upgraded11:31
bddebianrmjb: Good man :-)11:31
rmjbcan I have your dns server ip?11:32
rmjbthanks much11:32
bddebianJust grab some root level dns servers ;-P11:32
crimsundisclosure: that's provided by opendns.11:32
rmjbthat'll work for me :)11:32
_ionI have my own DNS server i use from my network.11:33
rmjbme too... but it's dnsmasq, so it needs an upstream dns server to work11:33
LaserJockwahoo, Seville11:36
ajmitchLaserJock: you just heard?11:36
LaserJocknot exactly, but I had to say it11:37
ajmitchI hope you have a good time there :)11:37
LaserJockit'll be tricky11:37
LaserJockmy brother is getting married May 12th11:37
ajmitchand it starts when?11:37
sistpotygah... and I guess I'll still be programming on my thesis :(11:37
LaserJockUDS ends on the 11th11:38
ajmitchsistpoty: that's annoying11:38
LaserJockI think I might have to cut out early again11:38
ajmitchLaserJock: ah, cutting it close11:38
LaserJockI guess I really shouldn't go at all11:38
LaserJockI've got a lot to do here, and these UDSs suck me in too much ;-)11:39
ajmitchthat's ok, I don't plan to go11:39
LaserJockthat's too bad11:39
=== ajmitch shrugs
ajmitchwon't make much difference really11:40
LaserJockwe need uber MOTU support11:40
ajmitchI'm sure 1 or 2 MOTUs may be sponsored11:40
ajmitchbut not me11:40
bddebiannot me11:40
BurgworkLaserJock: seville?11:41
=== pochu [n=pochu@179.Red-88-7-169.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonheya ajmitch LaserJock Burgwork 11:41
LaserJockdid I spell it wrong?11:41
sistpotyhi imbrandon11:41
imbrandonheya sistpoty 11:41
BurgworkLaserJock: where is the announcement?11:41
sistpotyBurgwork: on ubuntu-announce11:42
ajmitchhey LaserJock 11:42
ajmitchthey only just announced today?11:42
bddebianLater gang11:42
LaserJocknot, sure11:42
imbrandoni guess so i havent seen it yet11:42
tsmithebddebian, bye11:42
LaserJockcya bddebian 11:42
sistpotylater bddebian11:42
imbrandonbut i havent checked my mail today yet either11:43
LaserJockI uh, found out by other means11:43
ajmitchLaserJock: well it's been known in edubuntu circles for a little while :)11:43
ajmitch& it was on the wiki several days ago11:43
Lutinhay there11:43
sistpotyhi Lutin11:43
Lutinhi sistpoty 11:44
LaserJockthat's why I'm suprised Burgwork didn't see it11:44
BurgworkLaserJock: I was majorly busy this weekend with other things11:44
Lutina little question about debian/copyright .. if I have several files licensed under GPL, but one is (C) 2006 and the other (C) 2005, do I need to separate them in debian/copyright11:45
sistpotyLutin: being verbose is never wrong ;)11:45
LaserJockbut is often not fun ;-)11:46
Lutinsistpoty: I'm packaging mlt, and a grep -Rin copyright | wc -l returns about 310 lines. sounds important for me ;)11:46
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ajmitchhello Hobbsee 11:47
LaserJocksistpoty: you're assigning bugs to sabdfl?11:48
ajmitchLaserJock: sure, sabdfl can fix all bugs11:48
sistpotyLaserJock: erm... look at the bug ;)11:48
ajmitchbug 8334811:48
UbugtuMalone bug 83348 in gnome-app-install "Need more applications" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8334811:48
Lutinsistpoty: is it required, or just a 'could be good' thing ?11:48
sistpotyLutin: if it's all from the same authors, it's imo not required, though I'm no copyright guru11:49
Hobbseehey ajmitch!11:49
sistpotyhi Hobbsee11:50
Hobbseehey sistpoty!11:50
FujitsuHey Hobbsee.11:50
Hobbseesistpoty: StevenK was asking to be added to the reviewers group, if no one else picked that up please - on REVU11:50
Hobbseehey Fujitsu!11:50
HobbseeFujitsu: lastnode was looking for you yesterday11:50
ajmitchHobbsee: does he deserve it?11:50
Lutinsistpoty: ok11:50
sistpotyHobbsee: will be fixed in a minute ;)11:50
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Hobbseeajmitch: he's a MOTU and a DD.  on that basis, no :P11:51
LaserJockmaybe we should have a 3 week vote on it ;-)11:51
HobbseeLaserJock: haha11:51
Hobbseeyay, UDS is announced :)11:51
ajmitchHobbsee: done anyway11:51
Hobbseeajmitch: cool, thanks11:51
Hobbseenow we can make him review more :P11:51
ajmitchHobbsee: I'm a MOTU & DD, and I don't deserve it11:51
Hobbseeajmitch: you forgot core.  heh11:51
ajmitchthat doesn't matter11:52
LaserJockwhen did ajmitch turn into bddebian? scary11:52
sistpotyajmitch: ah, cool then I don't need to mangle the db... strange enough I never use the scripts siretart and /me wrote once for this purpose11:52
Lutinsistpoty: btw, don't really know what to do with bug 77977 ://11:52
UbugtuMalone bug 77977 in evolution-jescs "[SRU] [ftbfs]  typo in evolution-jescs-2.8.2/debian/rules" [Medium,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7797711:52
ajmitchsistpoty: it's quicker to use the script as long as I ignore the usage warning that lies ;)11:52
ajmitch  -l LEVEL, --level=LEVEL11:52
ajmitch                        0 = contributor, 1 = reviewer, 2 = admin11:52
ajmitchof course you can't pass 0,1 or 211:52
ajmitchbut you have to spell out the level11:53
FujitsuHobbsee: I do read my scrollback when I've been pinged :)11:53
Fujitsu(I think I know what it was about, though)11:53
ajmitchLaserJock: I'm not bddebian11:53
HobbseeFujitsu: cool :P11:53
ajmitchLaserJock: bddebian actually does stuff :)11:53
HobbseeFujitsu: just checking11:53
=== Fujitsu grumps about the lack of encryption support in the Ubuntu installers.
sistpotyLutin: for the evolution-jesc bug, it would be good if you did some bug triage...11:55
Hobbseewhite: presumably you've seen The next motu-meeting will be on Wednesday, Feb 14th, 10.00h UTC.?11:55
sistpotyLutin: just try to figure what difference kdm has than you... maybe that might give some clue what goes wrong11:55
=== _Enchained [n=cyrille@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Fujitsu will probably be about 30 minutes late to the meeting, due to TAFE.
=== ajmitch might try & make it to the meeting
Fujitsu(it'll probably be finished by the time I get there, of course)11:56
ajmitchdepends on what people want to argue about11:56
HobbseeFujitsu: what is it in local time?11:56
Lutinsistpoty: ok, thanks11:56
Fujitsu1000+1100 = 2100, Hobbsee.11:56
LaserJock2:00am here11:56
Hobbseeso tomorrow night, hrmmm11:57
ajmitchmeans I'll have to stay up late11:57
sistpotyLutin: I'd prefer it if I had the info if the new bug was caused by the update (bad) or is an entirely different issue (than we could do the update anyways) 11:57
=== sistpoty will have to get up early for the meeting *g*
=== hagi [n=hagi@adsl-89-217-23-200.adslplus.ch] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Adri2000sistpoty: early = 11am? :p11:59
sistpotyAdri2000: before noon == early for me :P11:59
Hobbseethat's my form of early11:59
ajmitchback later12:00
sistpotylater ajmitch12:00
=== asantoni [n=alb@bas7-london14-1177945554.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== drbeams [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu-motu

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