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Burgworkogra: what does the kiosk mode do?01:34
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nox-HandHello hello!10:56
ograBurgwork, kiosk mode installs a simple webkiosk ....10:56
ograhi nox-Hand10:56
nox-HandHey ogra10:56
nox-HandMy mother is principal at a small school. They use Windows and do not want to keep doing so as it is not needed. They but need a PC system that runs the net, office, music, math stuff and a few Danish apps. That would be Edubuntu, correct?10:58
nox-HandThe Danish apps I thought might be adaptable via Wine10:58
=== RichEd [n=richard@dsl-240-73-170.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
nox-HandThey also need to have a user that has no admin, and it should reset settings at boot ( rm -rf ~/.* )11:00
nox-HandEdubuntu would be quite useable, yes? Oh, and the users should call upon network drives from a Win2k server. There are about.. six drives, so should not be a problem11:00
RichEdnox-Hand: yes ... all sounds fine11:03
nox-HandRichEd: Awesome. Just wanted to make sure that someone else actually thought this possible :)11:03
RichEdto modify anything significant or install anything requires root password11:03
RichEdideally, you would want to go for a LTSP setup ... and every reboot loads standard desktop and runs apps off the server11:04
nox-HandRichEd: I know, thats why its all good :)11:04
nox-HandHow does that work? Sounds good! :)11:04
nox-HandThey currently have a reborn chip that restores everything at boot on their Windows PCs11:05
RichEdLTSP is currently thin client only ... w/s run applications directly on the server (like terminal server)11:05
RichEdWe'll have LTSP Fat Client available in Oct ... where applications run locally, but get config from server on every reboot11:06
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RichEdlet me get you a ref page for LTSP11:06
willvdlRichEd, have a squizz at https://wiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu?action=show11:07
willvdlcurrent mockup11:07
RichEdnox-Hand: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP11:07
RichEdnote that with Ubuntu, you install LTSP as an additional extra11:07
RichEdwith Edubuntu install, you can install LTSP from the CD11:08
nox-HandThis requires I set up a PC as server though :)11:08
jsgotangcobut at least you only maintain 1 machine11:09
jsgotangcoinstead of several :)11:09
RichEdhi jsgotangco11:10
RichEdwillvdl: loading it now11:10
jsgotangcoRichEd: hello there how are things11:10
jsgotangcoRichEd: so ive read about the edu conf11:10
nox-Handjsgotangco: Oh yeah! The other Pcs get updated apps automatically! :)11:10
RichEdbusy busy ... planning extended trip to europe and conference11:10
jsgotangcothat sounds fun11:11
RichEdnox-Hand: think of it as terminals. there is only one image11:11
RichEdjsgotangco: lots of fun actually ... like blunt trauma to the head11:11
nox-HandRichEd: With 30 PCs doing that at once.. will it be fast?11:12
jsgotangcotravelling is still fun especially if its about work you enjoy11:12
Kamping_Kaisernox-Hand: depends what 'fast' means11:12
RichEdjsgotangco: travel is fun ... making arrangements and VISAs and hotels is not11:12
ograjsgotangco, that really depends11:12
jsgotangcoi wouldn't really know anyways i dont travel regularly especially long haul flights11:13
nox-HandKamping_Kaiser: Long waits for opening the stuff that comes over network11:13
RichEdnox-Hand: you need to work on around 2GB of RAM in the server per 6-8 w/s11:13
ograi love travelling, but i get less of my regular work done while i'm doing it .. even if i travel for work ...11:13
RichEdif you have full blown w/s available, you may rather want to go for Fat Client11:13
nox-HandRichEd: w/s?11:13
RichEd(when it becomes available)11:13
RichEdwork station11:13
nox-HandI hath not that11:14
RichEdogra here is the man to ask ... he is Mr Ubuntu LTSP and a whole lot more11:14
Kamping_Kaisernox-Hand: are you doing thin clients or those fat client things?11:14
nox-HandKamping_Kaiser: fat is with only configs, correct?11:14
Kamping_Kaisernox-Hand: fat is with stuff running on the client. afaik edgy is like dapper (only thin)11:15
nox-HandBugger. Is it hard to create?11:15
nox-HandThough, to be honest, a standard install with removing all user configs in /home/user/ at boot. Would that not be fine?11:16
Kamping_Kaiserfor a public system?11:17
RichEdnox-Hand: you have a fair amount of protection from users fiddling since they need sudo to do just about anything11:17
RichEdrunning the updates / synaptics and all of that prompts for root password11:17
nox-HandKamping_Kaiser: Well. They are students from 0-7th grade. I.e, till about 13 years old. They log in using the same user: student. Password is student, and the admin (teacher) has the sudo password.11:18
Kamping_Kaiserlimited accounts (ie not admin) accounts dont even see synaptic in the menus11:18
nox-HandLimited account indeed.11:18
nox-HandRichEd: Indeed. Why it should not be bad to use11:18
Kamping_Kaisernot sure how it will handle multiple simultanious logins11:19
RichEdKamping_Kaiser: that's why I am suggesting a standard stand-alone install ... which is the way nox-Hand is leaning.11:20
ogranox-Hand, a thin client only behaves like an additional set of monitor, keyboard and mouse on the server it boots from the network, needs no disk and doesnt run any apps locally ...11:20
Kamping_KaiserRichEd:  think i'd agree with you on taht.11:20
nox-HandRichEd: I agree. That should be good11:20
nox-Handogra: I think the standalone is good though11:20
nox-Handuser cannot do anything "critical"11:21
nox-HandEven a regular limited user on XP can kill most things. In Linux they are more safe :)11:21
ogranox-Hand, a fat client boots the whole OS from the net and runs everything locally, but still needs no disk and you maintain an image on the server11:21
nox-Handogra: What is there to maintain?11:22
RichEdogra: that's my 1st choice, but we wont have it until 7.10 will we ?11:22
nox-HandApart from the updates11:22
Kamping_Kaiseri'm waiting on hte next LTS. fat clients where i'm currently using thins would rock!11:22
ogranox-Hand, softweare installation, user administration etc11:23
ograRichEd, exactly11:23
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ograas a teaser the kiosk mode enetered feisty last night :)11:23
ograits a cut down version of a fat client :)11:24
nox-Handogra: Would an upgrade of one PC just be able to copy over to the others?11:24
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Kamping_Kaiseryou could use the same packages though11:25
ajmitchogra: that's good to see, what is the kiosk mode?11:25
Kamping_Kaiser(well, not unless you nfs mount half the os)11:25
nox-HandI dont know :/11:25
ajmitchltsp package changelog tells me nothing about kiosk mode :)11:26
=== ajmitch wonders how fat client mode will go with certain packages that need machine-specific files
nox-HandI am going to try to get ahold of one of their laptops so I can set up a full Edubuntu with all the apps over Wine11:27
nox-HandTo show them how it works11:27
nox-HandThen they can chose11:27
ograajmitch, ltsp-build-client --kiosk installs metacity, firefox, sound and themes in the client chroot ... if oyu boot a client ff starts fullscreen ... if you reboot a client the image gets reset properly11:28
ajmitchsounds useful11:29
ograa simple webkiosk11:29
=== ajmitch wonders if NEW will get touched this week
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ogracurrently it's missing an extra option for the homepage url (i'm fixing that after herd4) then you will be able to run your library webapp on the server and all clients can access it ;)11:30
=== ajmitch will probably just upload new authtool revisions & let NEW collect duplicates
ajmitchI'm sure dholbach will give me a universe UVF exception for awhile :)11:30
nox-HandHow is Edubuntu with Danish Lang support?11:31
ajmitchkiosk mode sounds like a popular option - I've seen similar stuff used a lot11:31
ogranox-Hand, you need to install the danish langpack after install, its not on the CD in edgy/dapper .... feisty will change that though11:31
nox-HandWe have a lot of PCs at my school doing that in Win2K11:31
nox-Handogra: Not a problem11:32
nox-HandMore whether there would be a lot that was not translated yet?11:32
ograif you can download a DVD, i'd suggest doing that, it contains al langpacks11:32
RichEdnox-Hand: you'll also need to do some looking around yourself ... the wiki site has a good search facility :)11:32
RichEdalso try using google with: [+site:ubuntu.com your_search_terms]  it looks across all of the www help and wiki site pages11:33
nox-Handyay \o/11:34
RichEd( not being rude or unfriendly ... just busy :)11:34
nox-HandRichEd: Not a problem ;) You have been most helpful!11:35
RichEdogra: I was pointed towards this yesterday: http://www.dokeos.com/11:36
RichEdI'll take a decent look at it for Edulinux when I have a chance ... just wanted to know if you have heard of it ?11:37
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ogralooks intresting11:38
nox-HandWhat is this DokeOS? Never ever heard of it :P11:38
jsgotangconice name11:38
RichEdAbout Dokeos11:39
RichEdDokeos is an Open Source elearning and course management web application translated in 34 languages and helping more than 1.000 organisations worldwide to manage learning and collaboration activities.11:39
ograbut dont forget, the decision for moodle was based on the amount of support adoption and documentation you can get for it11:39
RichEdyep ... as an additional not as a substitute ... we should at least be aware of it in case someone proposes it11:39
nox-HandRichEd: I know :P Sounds cool x)11:39
highvoltageogra: I quite like how the --kiosk, --workstations stuff works with ltsp-build-client (from what I've read), it's UBER COOL!!11:56
ograwell, its getting there11:57
ograi need to find an easy soluton to install flash in the kiosk mode11:57
highvoltagewhat's the difficult part, accepting the license?11:59
ogramaking it easy for the user ....11:59
ograi need a script that chroots into the client etc etc11:59
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ograi dont want to bother users with "chroot into /opt/ltsp, now change your sources.list to enable multiverse etc etc"12:00
highvoltageI thought that was planned to be integrated into the LTSP manager?12:00
ogranot for feisty12:01
ograi'll be happy if ltsp-manager works for the default part in lts.conf by release ... building python-ltsp took a lot of time  ... but will make gui tools a charm in feisty+112:02
=== ajmitch hacks out some ugly
ograi wanted a solution from the ground up, so ltsp-manager suffers a bit this release, but we'll have python-ltsp in the future12:03
ograit will make it a lot easier to write web or commandline tools .... or simply a status monitor that pings you if oune of the ltsp services goes down12:04
ajmitchthere, some more ugly bits hacked out, now I need some more shiny bits to replace them12:25
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cbx33hi guys01:19
cbx33anyone know much about working on mailman mailing lists01:19
ogracbx33, tfhee was mailman maintaine for quite some time in debian01:23
cbx33my new mailing list isn't working01:25
cbx33well it is but I' ma mamber and I'm not getting the posts01:25
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RichEdping ogra02:02
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PetarisHas anyone here set up and edubuntu LTSP server that gets user auth via OpenLDAP/OpenDirectory?04:54
RichEd^ sbalneav / ogra ... any comment here for Petaris04:59
sbalneavPetaris: Yep, I have.04:59
sbalneavOpen LDAP is what I use.04:59
Petarisoh, cool04:59
ograRichEd, not from my side i dont have any windows licenses04:59
RichEdogra: nor does half of SE asia ;)04:59
ograsorry i read that as active directory05:00
RichEdhi scotty ... sorry to get you involved before greeting you :)05:00
Petarissbalneav: Was it difficult to set up?05:00
ograopenldp works just fine here ... i did some tests for the edubuntu-auth-server spec05:00
Petarisogra: its ok, thats what I am usually asking about05:00
ograi didnt use opendirectory though05:00
sbalneavPetaris: LDAP auth is slightly tricky to set up, but not impossible.  I basically followed a Debian guide a couple of years ago, and it's worked fine since.05:01
ograits similar to set it up in ubuntu05:01
PetarisI am testing an Apple OS X server and I want to know if I can get auth working for my LTSP servers05:01
Petarissbalneav: I have the server set up05:02
PetarisI just need the LTSP servers to be clients05:02
Petarisogra: ok thanks, I'll have a look at that how-to05:03
Petarisis the client hard to setup or were you refering to the server side05:03
ograthe evil part is to get pam right05:04
Petarismore difficult then Active Dir auth?05:04
Petarisahh yes05:04
ograjust setting up slapd or libnss-ldap on its own isnt to hard05:04
ograbut integrating the pieces is05:04
Petarisso its just the pam rules05:04
ogrado you use ldm ?05:05
PetarisI have weird issues with Active Dir auth so I am looking to switch to something else05:05
ograthe ltsp login manager05:05
Petaristhat sound so familiar05:05
ograor do you use xdmcp with gdm over the net ?05:06
Petariswell I use what ever the default is05:06
Petarisbut I use xfce4 for the desktop05:06
ograthen you use ldm ... make sure to add your rules to /etc/pam.d/ssh then05:06
Petarisnot that it matters05:06
ograsince thats what ldm uses in the backend ;)05:06
Petarisand the how-to you posted should go over most of that?05:07
ograit should give you a hint what to do, yes05:07
Petarisoh, is there a way to keep root from being authed to the server05:07
Petarisjust have it remain local05:07
ograjust dont add root to the ldap db ?05:07
ograpam should look locally if it doesnt find it on the ldap server ...05:08
Petarisand it will just fall back to local auth?05:08
Petarisoh, ok05:08
ogra(if you configured it like that)05:08
Petarisok, time to play05:08
PetarisI am actually going to try this on an zenwalk box I have sitting here05:08
Petarisbut the LTSP servers are edubuntu of course05:09
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cstextilesDoes anyone knows any utility through which i can use the vnc like utility in a ltsp environment?05:50
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willvdlogra, would it be safe to say the following: (gimme second to type it)05:54
willvdlEdubuntu can be installed/config'd as: Stand-Alone Workstation (all inclusive desktop PC)05:54
ograeven though config'd sounds a bit weird :)05:55
willvdlor as Server, where Server could include LTSP and or email/LAMP server05:55
ograserver always icludes ltsp in edubuntu05:55
willvdlServer is LTSP rather05:56
willvdldoes our Server install include postfix,dovecote, apache etc. ?05:56
cstextilesDoes anyone knows any utility through which i can use the vnc like utility so that i can watch out the ltsp clients's screen?05:56
willvdlcstextiles, chat to cbx33 about TCM...05:56
ograit install schooltool, samba (unconfigured) and ltsp05:59
willvdlogra, gotcha, so different to ubuntu server05:59
cstextilescbx33:  Does anyone knows any utility through which i can use the vnc like utility so that i can watch out the ltsp clients's screen? Someone pointed me out to chat with u regarding TCM for this question05:59
ografor moodle we'll use their LAMP though05:59
cbx33cstextiles, in feisty TCM will allow you to do this06:00
willvdlokie. all off one CD06:00
cstextilesI am using 6.10 is it Fiesty Sorry but a newbie type and so asking06:01
cbx33there ya go cstextiles06:01
cbx33currently you can't do it in 6.1006:01
cbx33it will debut in 7.0406:01
willvdlogra, with install options just like edgy.06:01
cbx33I'm not sure if ogra has plans to backport it?06:01
willvdl(just want my handbook frontmatter to be spot on)06:01
ogracbx33, why me ?06:02
ogracbx33, feel free to do it if you dont have better things to do wit your time ;)06:02
cstextilescbx33: Ya thanks I got that06:02
cbx33well...i was kinda asking if it was a possibility06:02
cstextilesogra: Please don't feel offended he was just giving me the possibilities06:02
willvdlogra's our bitch. he does what we say :P06:03
willvdlor we poke him with sticks06:03
ogracstextiles, i dont feel offended :)06:03
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ogracbx33, sure, feel free06:03
willvdlcbx33, when is oyur book chapter released?06:04
cbx33it should work fine on edgy06:04
cbx33as it was mainly developed under edgy ...06:04
cbx33says a rather embarrsed cbx3306:04
ogracbx33, i'm not sure ... you wont be able to use the binaries ...06:04
cbx33willvdl, I'm waiting on Burgwork and mako to check it through06:04
ograits not in edgy ...06:05
ograso a recompile at least is needed06:05
cbx33what about using 2.06:05
cbx33oh yeh06:05
cbx33of course06:05
ograits not in feisty :)06:05
cstextilescbx33: Do u mean Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling (TCM)? or some other tool as this tool desciption seems me something different? Or is that tool has not been uplaoded I know that it will not be avialbe for 6.1 but just gathering info?06:05
ografeisty == py2.5 ----> edgy == 2.406:05
cbx33Thin Client Manager06:05
ograyou dont need TCM for vnc though06:06
cbx33no true06:06
Burgworkcbx33: do you have time to chat about it at some point?06:06
ograjust install a vnc server in the client chroot .... and use the tsclient from te gnome menu06:06
cbx33Burgwork, sure...(gulp)06:06
cbx33is now convenient?06:07
Burgworkcbx33: nope06:07
cstextilesI am using LTSP and so my LTSP client and the server shows the same ip address if i do ifconfig?06:07
Burgworkogra: what does kiosk mode do?06:07
cstextilesogra: I am using LTSP and so my LTSP client and the server shows the same ip address if i do ifconfig?06:07
ograBurgwork, /lastlog :P06:07
cbx33Burgwork, when is good for you?06:07
Burgworkogra: ah, ok06:08
ogracstextiles, you are logged in on the server, indeed it shows the IP of the system your desktop is executed on06:08
ograimagine the client as only monitor/keyboard/mouse add-ons to the server, not as a realy system06:09
cstextilesogra:ya and so I can't use the VNC to look into the client's screen06:09
RichEdping ogra06:09
cstextilesogra: as it asks for the IP address or may be I don't know how to use VNC?06:10
ogracstextiles, you can ... the client ip is shown on the ldm screen (bottom right) the graphical output still happens on the client06:10
ogra(i know its confusing)06:10
cstextilesogra: ldm? I did not got you06:11
cbx33Burgwork, when did you want to chat?06:11
Burgworkcbx33: hmm, let me see. I just started my work day here06:12
cbx33ah right06:12
cbx33sorry Burgwork I should have said sooner?06:12
cbx33can i just ask if you don't mind....is it looking ok? or shockinly bad?06:12
Burgworkusually I don;t talk with this nick unless I am at work :)06:13
cbx33sorry Burgwork06:13
ogracstextiles, ltsp login manager, the thing you type your username and assword into06:13
Burgworkno worries06:13
cbx33you can drop me a mail if you want06:14
cstextilesogra: So by using that ip address I can see the screen of the client from server using VNC06:15
ogracstextiles, right, if you have a vnc server runnig on the client06:19
cstextilesogra: ya i got that. Thanks for the help06:20
Burgworkcbx33: have you heard of this product: http://www.stagecast.com/06:39
cbx33no i havn't06:40
cbx33looks quite cool06:40
cbx33like gcompris06:40
ograwell, rather like a gcompris editor :)06:41
ogracool tool06:41
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ograbut proprietary, no ?06:41
Burgworkyes, sadly06:47
Burgworkschool in the US contacted us about using our stuff with that06:50
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maccam94i'm looking to set up a good sized (700 computer) network, but right now i'm just testing on a couple of machines. I want some sort of network authentication available, is LDAP the main way to do this?06:56
maccam94or are there other alternatives?06:56
Burgworkldap is the way06:59
maccam94and is there a good GUI for it, or is it mostly configured through the cli?07:00
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cbx33ping Burgwork09:18
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lewmnik_I really like all the new stuff in Feisty, this will be HUGE!09:18
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cbx33know you're at work....really quick question - are you able to chat at all today? if so...in how many hours?09:19
cbx33hey LaserJock09:22
LaserJockhi Pete09:25
LaserJockcbx33: do you know how to use glade pretty well? I assume yes09:27
cbx33i'd say i can use it09:27
cbx33LaserJock, what ya need09:28
LaserJockcbx33: you on gtalk?09:30
cbx33yeh hang on09:30
cbx33i am now09:31
SimonAnibalSee you all later!09:37
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Burgworkcbx33: pong10:49
cbx33Burgwork, did you get my question?10:50
cbx33twas merely, when do you finish work today?10:50
Burgworkcbx33: ah, I finish in 3 hours, but I have a class tonight10:52
cbx33is it csomething you can mail me about?10:52
cbx33or is it thatbad?10:52
Burgworkcan we chat tomorrow night, my time?10:54
cbx33not tomorrow10:54
cbx33perhaps thursday?10:54
cbx33what time evening your time?10:54
cbx33i can do10:54
cbx3308-16 UTC10:55
cbx33and then possibly 19-22 UTC10:55
Burgwork08 utc is midnight my time10:56
BurgworkI can do that10:56
cbx33it'll be a little after that....10:56
cbx33probably around 8:3010:56
cbx33as that's just when i get into work10:56
Burgworkugh, ok10:56
Burgworkbtw, Userful might have something for your "charging for printing" problem10:57
Burgworkbut one way is to use the pure cups queue10:57
cbx33would it be easier to get mako to deal?10:57
Burgworksimply set the printer to pause10:57
cbx33ah cool10:57
Burgworkthen just bring up the admin panel and unpause print jobs10:57
Burgworkthis something several of our customers have in place already10:58
cbx33so what ya wanna do....08:30 utc thursday, or something else?11:00
Burgworkthat time works11:00
cbx33I'll meet you then11:01
cbx33do i need to bring anything?11:01
Amaranthcbx33: ack, web filtering again11:04
cbx33Amaranth, yup11:04
Amaranthwhenever i feel like doing some real math i start poking at willowng again11:04
Amaranthbut then i go back to the shiny bits in compiz :P11:04
ajmitchAmaranth: resist it11:12
Amaranthajmitch: but we've got OS X spaces before OS X :)11:13
=== ajmitch still prefers a WM that works :)
Amaranthmy only bugs now are that if i start compiz with a minimized window the window is just _gone_ and it'll randomly lock up when you change the resolution (like to play a game)11:19
Amaranthi'll figure them out or poke people until they do it for me11:19
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Arjunajust installed edubuntu 6.10 on an old pentiumII11:47
Arjuna"unable to locate RDSP" on boot11:47
Arjunacan't get past login, reboots to login after starting x and showing the desktop11:48
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