
=== ubuntu__ [n=ubuntu@cl-86-125-136-199.cablelink.mures.rdsnet.ro] has joined #kubuntu
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hansoubuntu_: in most cases installing kde in ubuntu works fine, but you might experient problems (if you are very unlucky) since the old packages man interfere with the new ones used in gnome12:17
travhey how do i go from zulu time(24 hour clock to a 12 hour clock?12:17
=== jordo23 [n=jordo23@CPE-70-94-33-31.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
BluesKaj<--- used windows for 10 yrs before migrating almost exclusively to Linux12:17
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ubuntu_One more thing though ... Is there a possibility to get accesses to mz win files12:17
ubuntu_all right, I m pretty confident i ll come along ... >D12:18
tesuki__a very good choice12:18
ubuntu_BluesKaj: how ?12:18
BluesKajnot the programs just music, text, and video12:18
ubuntu_yeah :D ... not goin to use win12:18
ubuntu_or its prog.12:18
Gretlyou even can using vmware12:19
hanso<xJPM100x> if you choose a pic in account preferences then if should work. don't need to be a spesific size12:19
ubuntu_but how can i accsess my NFTS hdd12:19
tesuki__the only thng i can think Ubuntu and kubuntu lack is mspaint12:19
ubuntu_which is on win12:19
ubuntu_lol ...12:19
xJPM100xI tried that...my friend sais it was just black...lol12:20
Gretl!ntfs | ubuntu12:20
ubotuubuntu: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse12:20
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hansotesuki__: kpaint. krita. lovely drawing programs12:20
BluesKajthat's it i was trying to recall ..ntfs-3g12:20
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fukhi: I want to set apache's document root to a  directory in a fat32 partition, but I can't change permissions: files are 770 (root, plugdev)12:21
Gretlyou may install a driver for ext3 on your window part too12:21
ubuntu_well, i just put in my Kubunto CD ,,, I ll swich quickly so that the install runs ... and get back to zou ....12:21
tesuki__krita is more like a bad copy of PS12:21
hansontfs-3g is still beta. remember that all. I tried it and som files did not even copy into my ntfs drive. they just dissapeared12:21
ubuntu_is there an irc chat on ubuntu already, or do I need to download stuff ?12:22
tesuki__don't know the name but it has an irc client12:22
hansoubuntu_ xchat12:22
ubuntu_sorry for buggin you guzs with those questions + thx for takin care of them :D12:22
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ubuntu_all right ... is that what i put in the shell to start it ? ubuntu_xchat ?12:23
BluesKajand you can also accesss linux partition from windows with Explore2fs12:24
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ubotuirc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto), gaim (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Konversation (http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/), irssi (console) (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi) - Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat and !guidelines12:24
hansoubuntu_: just use xchat12:24
ubuntu_thats prettz cool12:24
ubotuxchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.6-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 275 kB, installed size 760 kB12:24
BluesKajKonversation rulez!12:24
tesuki__konversation is realy good.12:25
hansowell I like xchat more. easy and simple12:25
BluesKajtesuki__, it's my preference12:25
ubuntu_all right, ill be back in a min ...12:25
BluesKajkonversation is12:25
hansobut that's the good thing about it. you can choose whatever you like12:26
=== rafael [n=miglo@p57A09C01.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
tesuki__xchat also looks handy12:26
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tesuki__does you guys know of a good CLI irc client12:27
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=== mart81 loves his irssi
migloi have heard about xbitch or something12:27
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tesuki__irssi looks nice12:29
hattairssi is very nice12:29
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mart81tesuki__: that's because it more or less IS :p12:29
hattamore intuitive than bitchx12:29
tesuki__dang clock is 00:30 have to sleep need to get up early. bye everyone12:30
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miglodo someone know which is the install dir of kde?12:31
migloat suse it was all in /opt/kde3 i guess12:32
miglohm, the binaries are all at /bin12:32
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gustavanyone know how to fix the screen resolution for widescreen12:35
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HymnToLifeubotu, tell gustav about fixres | gustav, see the private message from ubotu.12:38
=== _christian [n=christia@host229.190-30-143.telecom.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu
_christiani need help!12:40
_christiani'm need kubuntu chat in spanish?12:40
_christiani'm need a source.list for my kubuntu! please!12:41
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_christianmy source.list is corrupt.. and i'dont speak english very well12:41
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mart81!easysource | _christia12:42
ubotu_christia: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:42
_christiani'have problem with de gpg keys!12:43
ubotugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto12:43
=== radu [n=radu@bas4-montreal02-1096703057.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
miglohello everyone. is there a special directory to which kde is installed to?12:44
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K`zanI seemed to have lost the nvidia drivers on the update yesterday and am not getting what I need to do to get it back.  The nv driver is a bit on the slow side, but working.  WOuld it be safe to download the drivers from nvidia.com and install those?12:44
=== Ace2016 [n=ace@212-1-155-103.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu
mart81_christian: are there any errors?12:45
mzanfardinoI have just installed kubuntu 6.10 and I want to use Firefox, but I don't see it in my menu, however it appears in my apdept manager... what gives?12:45
Gretlwhy not using the nvidea in adept?12:45
K`zanGretl: As near as I can tell it is installed (nvidia-glx).12:45
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Gretlwell when it is broken? reinstall it with adept12:46
K`zanGretl: Apparently the module does not exist for the new kernel, just re-install the nvidia-glx package?12:46
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K`zanGretl: Thanks, new to ubuntu and wasn't sure.  Much appreciated.12:46
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_christianmy problem is... when i write apt-get update12:47
_christian90 packages elimanted, 160 actualized..!!!!12:48
_christian90 packages eliminated? it's correct?12:48
Gretlyap all correct12:48
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Gretl_christian: that always depends what repositories you have enabled12:49
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:49
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mart81_christia: yes you need to add some keys to apt first, it needs to be able to check on integrity12:49
LjL_christian: probably not. i'd have to see a list, and also your /etc/apt/sources.list12:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:50
K`zanok reinstalled, rebooting....12:50
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rEvolution27what's a good video/audio podcast downloader?12:54
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K`zanNo luck, nvidia drivers load up fine with the -10 kernel, but not the -11 even with re-installing nvidia-glx12:55
ypsilaK`zan: you are on dapper?12:55
K`zanypsila: edgy12:55
ypsilaK`zan: funny12:56
K`zanypsila: I think I am going to try getting the drivers off nvidia site and see if those work, nv is just too slow here.12:56
K`zanypsila: or I can just stick with the -10 kernel.12:57
hattaK`zan, I've found the nvidia installer to be excellent12:57
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K`zanhatta: The one from nvidia.com?12:57
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K`zanhatta: Thanks, I know how to get that working :-).  Much appreciated!12:57
ypsilaK`zan:  you didn't do the compiliatin from nvidia after kernel-update?12:57
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K`zanypsila: The -11 kernel came in with the updates and I re-installed nvidia-glx with no success.12:58
K`zanypsila: I am rather new to ubuntu and it has been ages since I messed with deb.12:58
ypsilaK`zan: I guess it won't work that way, you do have to compile from nvidia-site12:59
K`zanypsila: OK, I have that on the gentoo side, so I can just copy that over. Thanks!12:59
=== ypsila is not quite sure whether this was the solution
cntbI received a tif from scan in gmail and it fails to present on ubuntu is it some proprietray restricted issu here?from windows I see same tif from gmail perfectly01:00
=== edulix__ [n=edulix@67.Red-83-37-176.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
mshadeanyone here tried itunes with vmware or wine?01:01
ubotuitunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee01:01
K`zanypsila: Neither am I but I'll reboot with the -11 kernel and see if it works.01:02
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hattatry amarok01:02
hattait's better anyway01:02
mshadehatta: the issue is that my ipod is borked.. i love amarok.01:02
mshadehatta: i just get "use itunes to restore" on the lcd01:03
ypsilaK`zan: you had that nvidia compiled first?01:03
K`zanypsila: I followed some instructions off the ubuntu site to install the drivers, but I don't know what I did with the URL for that <blush>.01:03
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Minatakumshade: Stupid Apple01:04
mshadei don't mind losing anythin on it, i just want to restore the damn thing01:04
mshadeanyone know if there's a firmware image or anything i can upload to it?01:04
uboturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for MP3 players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio.  See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!01:04
MinatakuHopefully the iPod isn't completely locked up or something like that01:04
=== mauro [n=mauro@r190-0-138-148.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #kubuntu
ypsilaK`zan: fust google for nvidia.com I could only give you the german site01:05
ypsila-f +j01:05
mshadenah, it's not totally toast ( i don't think.. i can still browse it as a usb mass storage)01:05
mshadebut the iTunes installer is working great so far in wine...01:05
=== mshade crosses fingers
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MinatakuProbably detected something it didn't like and locked itself down01:06
MinatakuTake everything off before you try it with iTunes01:06
MinatakuI don't trust Apple01:06
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K`zanypsila: I got the drivers off nvidia.com, just need to reboot into the -11 kernel to install them now.  Soon as I get done with what I am working on.01:06
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Minatakumshade: It seems to be a software issue according to Apple01:07
ypsilaK`zan: good luck01:07
Minatakumshade: Try resetting it01:07
mshadeMinataku: i've tried both forms of resetting it, no luck with that so far.01:08
K`zanypsila: THanks, will post what happens.01:08
mshadei tried itunes first in VMware, but it wouldn't detect the ipod01:08
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Minatakumshade: Well, take everything off of it01:08
mshadevmware also only supports usb 1.101:08
MinatakuBecause it either needs to be reset entirely or it's dead01:08
mshadeMinataku: yeah.01:08
mshadeMinataku: hope it ain't dead.01:08
mshadeit's a nano, if that makes a difference01:08
mshadewill rockbox load on a nano?01:09
mshadei may try that if this doesn't work01:09
MinatakuNo idea, check the site01:09
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mshadesays it supports 1st gen nano, which is what i've got :)01:09
MinatakuThat's what this issue applies to01:10
=== mshade grumbles
onewhy cant i access my smb share with smb:// but fusesmb finds nothing ???01:10
Minataku5th Gen with 1.2 or later, iPod nano with 1.2 or later, iPod nano 2nd Gen01:10
Minatakumshade: Earlier ones probably just act like they're dead01:10
TheDebuggerRockbox does works on nano, it worked on mine :)\01:10
drkmif I've deleted stuff from KDE as root, how do I empty them from the Trash? it's not lettting me01:11
LaNCeloT_RWwhich is the command to download all files from a folder using wget  ?01:11
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mshadewget -r -np -nd --accept=<file extension.. this argument is optional> http://path.to.com/filesyouwant/01:11
mshadethat'll grab everything in the current directory01:11
mshadeerr and dump it to the current dir01:12
mshaderemove the -nd option if you want it to create the tree of directories01:12
MinatakuIf it fails because it complains about you using wget, you can get around that01:12
mshadeotherwise, all files will jumble into the current dir01:12
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LaNCeloT_RWmshade, lemme test man01:13
MinatakuLaNCeloT_RW: Using wget to increase your pornographic efficency?01:13
LaNCeloT_RWMinataku, how can u discover that? LOL .... im just testing it :>01:13
mshadewget rules for pr0n01:13
ubotuirssi is a command line interface !IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help01:14
mshadeand uh.. mirroring sites ;)01:14
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KrAmMeRhas anyone installed vmware correctly?01:16
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KrAmMeRvmware server01:17
KrAmMeRi got everything to go through, but when i created a virtual disk, and then tried to run it, it crashed01:18
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KrAmMeRnow the vmware console does not open01:18
=== surgy [n=surgy@adsl-70-137-12-220.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
Minatakuhttp://www.foresight.org/nanodot/?p=2421 << Half-topic, spread this01:18
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Minatakuhttp://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~pgut001/pubs/vista_cost.html << This too, very important if you like being able to use your PC the way you want to01:19
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RPOanyone know why a floppy mounted rw reports "RO File system" even when root?01:21
ToshibiHow is the floppy formatted?01:21
comrenthow can one dtermine if 3d rendering is possible on a ATI card?01:22
MinatakuIs it write protected?01:22
vprintsanyone running feisty here?01:22
fernandocomrent: try.. fglrxinfo01:22
Toshibicomrent...sounds right to me01:22
comrentI ran that and it gave me information I did not recognize01:22
travhey anyone here play gears of war?01:22
travhow do i get to the off topic channel?01:23
fernandocomrent: the simples way is to try.. glxgears, and maximize the windows01:23
cpk1vprints: I am using on a different box01:23
Toshibi / join "room name"01:23
fernandocomrent: if that run smooth..then you have 3D acceleration01:24
comrentone min01:24
ToshibiThere is a way to see the FPS on the glzgears too01:24
Toshibiit's like glxgears --fps01:25
Toshibior something01:25
=== manchicken [n=manchick@c-76-16-240-139.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
travok well ican't find teh other channel - does anyone play xbox live?01:25
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comrentyou mean the screansaver?01:25
fernandono.. on a terminal01:26
comrentthe preview shows fine01:26
ToshibiIs it fast and so on?01:26
fernandoon a konsole... glxgears01:26
comrentappears to be01:26
ToshibiThen more than likely you have the driver installed01:26
fernandobut, you have to maximize the windows01:26
LaNCeloT_RWif i receive a 403 (forbbiden) error msgs using wget.. is there something to do?01:26
fernandodid you?01:26
comrentran smooth01:27
fernandothen.. you have 3D ;-)01:27
comrentberyl here i come01:27
ToshibiLancelot, double check the address....01:27
fernandojaja I am running beryl..is just great!!!01:27
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ToshibiI'm running Beryl too....i'm only moderately impressed....but it's a great selling tool for Linux01:27
fernandobut is very important.. you need to run the ati radeon drivers..01:28
travwhats kasbar?01:28
LaNCeloT_RWfernando, beryl is window manager?01:28
ppoloko85beryl beryl, lovely beryl01:28
afikartHi, how can I become administrateur ?01:28
mauroafikart: you mean root ?01:28
afikartmauro: yes01:28
=== yari [n=yari@88-149-224-58.f5.ngi.it] has joined #kubuntu
maurouse sudo01:29
mart81hmm, why did mozilla removed the option to only allow cookies from the originating website? that kind of sucks01:29
maurooh my, im also connected through irssi, brb01:29
fernandolancelot: yes01:29
mshadeMinataku: i think she's dead :|01:29
mshade[ERR]   Short read in disk_read() - requested 8388608, got 2099201:29
MinatakuOh, the iPod?01:29
mshadetrying to back up the firmware01:29
comrentok how can I edit as root01:29
MinatakuOooh, that's not very good01:30
comrenton ubuntu01:30
Toshibicomrent, do you need to edit a file as root?01:30
=== soulrider [n=mauro@r190-0-138-148.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #kubuntu
Minatakumshade: Pray that the firmware is just corrupted01:30
fernandoToshibi: what do you think beryl need to be impresive??01:30
MinatakuIt may not be dead01:30
comrentwell to add the repositories in apt.conf yes01:30
Minataku"Short read" is a soft error01:30
mshadewell, trying to install the rockbox firmware gives me the same sort of i/o error01:30
Toshibifernando, it's impressive compared to Windows Vista and so forth....01:30
mshadeanyway to zero that section of the disk?01:30
comrentberyl is nice01:30
soulriderim using beryl but im not too much into allt he bling bling01:31
Minatakumshade: Zero the entire thing, see if dd complains01:31
ToshibiI just wasn't impressed....but it impresses the hell out of my friends01:31
soulrideri set it up to have osme really discreet effects01:31
MinatakuOr that section to save time01:31
afikartwhere can I find gftp ?01:31
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MinatakuI dunno if iPod has stupid partitioning or anything01:31
mshadeit's got two partitions01:31
fernandoToshibi: I have also a power pc g5 and beryl is better...01:31
soulriderafikart: open a console and type "sudo aptitude install gftp"01:31
LaNCeloT_RWfernando, to install Beryl do I have to download all the tarballs that are on the website? Beryl Project?01:31
soulriderno LaNCeloT_RW01:32
ToshibiReally Fernando....I think it looks better than OSX01:32
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects01:32
ToshibiI'm just not overly impressed....01:32
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afikartand where is it after that ?01:32
comrentooops I meanr update my sources.list01:32
LaNCeloT_RWsoulrider, how do I install that?01:32
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soulridercollow the guide\01:32
soulrider!beryl | LaNCeloT_RW01:33
ubotuLaNCeloT_RW: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects01:33
afikartsoulrider: where can I find it after ?01:33
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ToshibiMan oh man am I sick....01:33
soulriderafikart: go to your k menu > internet > gftp01:33
fernandoToshibi: At the moment I think that OSX is more stable.. but nothing else..01:33
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afikartsoulrider: I don't see it01:34
fernandolancelot: first.. do you have ati o nvidia?01:34
ToshibiBut m experience with OS X is minimal01:34
soulriderafikart: open a console and type "gftp"01:34
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LaNCeloT_RWi have a NVidia GForce 64MB video card, is this enough to run Beryl ?01:35
afikartsoulrider: when a write sudo aptitude install gftp, Terminal say : Impossible to find the paquet01:35
soulriderLaNCeloT_RW: probably01:35
LaNCeloT_RWsoulrider, I must have Gnome or KDE is ok?01:35
soulriderafikart: you have to enable multiverse and universe01:35
fernandowith 64MB you get some problems if you have to many windows open01:36
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fernandothe windows display only a black background01:36
soulriderLaNCeloT_RW: any01:36
soulrideri use KDE01:36
afikartsoulrider: gftp-gtk is it good too ?01:36
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soulriderafikart: enable universe and multiverse and install gftp01:36
fernandolancelot, beryl can be installed with a simple script..01:36
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu01:36
LaNCeloT_RWsoulrider, where do I get Beryl? ... because there are too many tarballs on the website01:36
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afikartsoulrider: where a enable this ?01:37
fernandoand the script install all the package and process the system without problem01:37
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soulrider!repos | afikart01:37
ubotuafikart: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu01:37
LaNCeloT_RWfernando, where do I get this?01:38
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fernandolancelot: do you have edgy?01:38
vprintsanyone running feisty here?01:38
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soulrider!beryl | LaNCeloT_RW01:38
LaNCeloT_RWnolo, dapper01:38
ubotuLaNCeloT_RW: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects01:38
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soulriderthats a guide01:38
juano__hello everyone!01:38
LaNCeloT_RWi use dapper 6.06 64-bit01:38
fernandohere-> http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu01:39
fernandothe script is for edgy..but if you change the repositories of the script should work for dapper to01:39
travhey who what is kasbar?01:40
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CheetahI installed Kubuntu-desktop on Ubuntu (with gnome), now I have all the Gnome menu items in the KDE menu. Is there a way to get rid of them? since apps like the gnome-terminal are unneeded on KDE01:40
K`zanOK, the nvidia.org drivers are working fine with the -11 kernel now.  Thanks to all that helped!01:40
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LaNCeloT_RWfernando, i will try it01:41
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fernandoCheetah: just make right click on the icon (kde icon) of the main menu, and select "menu editor"01:44
fernandoCheetah: there you can modify all the programs and everything you need01:44
Cheetahfernando: thanks, will a removed icon in KDE also be removed from gnome?01:44
fakepatriotdoes anyone know how to turn on restricted modules? i think thats what theyre called...01:45
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fernandono.. the icon will be not removed.. you can eventually change the image...but you can modify the list of program..01:46
fernandoas example.. to use Konsole instead the gnome-terminal01:46
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fernandoyou can hide the menu, and to use a shortcuts to call it...if you want..01:47
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fernandofakepatriot: first you have to activated the restricted repositories01:48
Cheetahfernando: thanks, that should be the solution01:48
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fernandofakepatriot: do you know how to do that???01:48
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Cheetahoh, and directly another question. is there a way to create a second task bar? Mine is pretty full of stuff like windows and cpu status/desktop switcher and so on01:48
fakepatriotfernando: yeah i have done that it think01:49
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fakepatriotdid i do that right? did it highlight my text?01:49
fernandoyes.. right click on the menu bar, then.."add applet o panel"01:49
fakepatriotok now what?01:50
fernandoy new panel..will be a new bar to add program..and you can put it wherever you want..01:50
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fernandocolor,size, behavior..etc..01:50
fernandofakepatriot... ok..if you did right..then just use the adept manager... and search for the modules that you need..01:51
fernandoselect install and "apply changes"01:52
fakepatriotwell its cause i fixed this problem im having yesterday but i had to reinstall edgy cause i got screwy earlier and nobody wanted to help me...01:52
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fernandoam sorry about that... I am relative new here to... I am using linux only a few weeks..01:53
fakepatriotit got screwy*01:53
fakepatriotoh ok01:53
influencebut I would have thought edgy is pretty stable?01:53
fernandoI became a linuxman only because of Beryl01:53
fakepatriotedgy is01:53
fakepatriotbut the problem im having involves my graphics card i think...01:54
travhey is the panel the same as kasbar?01:54
fernandoIncluence: I am using edgy and after a month I can say that is totally stable01:54
influenceoh. graphic card and wide screen is just something that always give me trouble01:54
fakepatriotcause whenever i drag window or scroll up and down it looks like the window or page has to refresh constantly01:54
travi have something on the right of my screen that was a clock(which ive since hid) that shows my irc chat, and kopete as well01:55
fernandofakepatriot: but I thing that is a problem with you graphics driver, o you xorg.conf configuration01:55
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fakepatriotyeah thats what they told me yesteday but then the guy told me to put in a command and then i did and everything worked perfect01:55
tier_hello, anybody a radeon mobillity 9600/9700 ?01:55
bewlwhen i try to make my resolution 1280x1024 my screen does not stretch to it in the nvidia display manager01:56
bewlbut, before i restarted, it was just fine01:56
influencei have a built in radeon chip. but i use vesa for setting01:56
bewlis there any reason for this?01:56
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fakepatriot!restricted modules01:57
fakepatriotcurse you ubotu!01:57
surgyanyone know of a program to read files with the .chm extension?01:57
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tier_i want to play some opengl games.01:57
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:57
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tier_but i only get mesa to work01:58
surgyinfluence is that installed by defualt?01:58
bewlcan anyone help me with that?01:58
influenceu can use adept to install that01:58
influencei got that from there01:58
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ubotuxserver-xorg-video-ati: X.Org X server -- ATI display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 1:6.6.2-0ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 327 kB, installed size 836 kB02:00
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comrentdo i need xgl?02:00
comrentwith beryl02:00
cpk1hrmm exec appname& doesnt seem to free my konsole 100%02:00
JucatoAIGLX *or* XGL02:00
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Jucato!beryl | comrent02:00
ubotucomrent: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects02:00
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comrentalready there02:00
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fernandotier: I have a ati mobil...02:01
tier_do u have opengl?02:01
fernandoyes I have02:02
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tier_<fernando> open-source or proprietary?02:02
fernandoI can run open-source or proprietary...02:02
fernandoi just proprietary before Beryl..02:02
fernandonow.. Ati radeon drivers.. so..open source02:03
tier_and is ur card a 9600/9700???02:03
fernandoa x700... but the configuration is basically the same02:03
tier_on another pc a 9800 was no problem even for me02:04
tier_but on this *** notebook it doesnt work02:04
fernandobut what is you problem??02:04
tier_there is a probnlem with dri02:04
tier_standard howtos just wond do02:04
fernandoare you using flgrx or radeon??02:05
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tier_the screen gets blank02:05
tier_i dried proprietary02:06
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fernandodid you install the restricted modules to??02:06
epimethI'm trying to set up beryl and I'm using the InstallingBeryl page on help.ubuntu.com/community02:06
epimethhowever, I can't get 3d acceleration to work with my card02:07
tier_i did the howos on ubuntuusers.de with restricted modules(i think. i am noob)02:07
epimethI've got an NVidia Geforce 202:07
LaNCeloT_RWfernando, where do I find beryl 64-bit?02:07
epimethhmmmm.... actually... maybe I have a 3?  is there any way to check w/o opening up the box?02:07
LaNCeloT_RWbecause the .deb packages are for 32-bit02:08
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fernandoepimeth.. I am not sure,but I think you need the legacy drivers..02:08
cpk1epimeth: do lspci02:08
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LaNCeloT_RWfernando, i am following this how-to : http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Dapper_with_XGL02:08
epimethcpk1: cheers, its a 202:09
tier_someone with the samcard could sending me a howto.02:09
epimethfern: yea... I did that :-)02:09
tier_someone with the same card could sending me a howto.02:09
fernandolancelot: I have also a 64 machine..but I have install the 32 bit version, because is always a problem with 64 bit for new software02:09
cpk1epimeth: just follow !nvidia and you shouldnt have any problems02:09
epimethglxinfo is saying "direct rendering: no"02:09
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:09
tier_or his xorg.server would be nice02:09
epimethcpk1: taking a look now... thanks02:10
LaNCeloT_RWfernando, but look this:sudo dpkg -i *.deb02:10
LaNCeloT_RWdpkg: error processing beryl_0.1.9999.1~0beryl1~svn3993_i386.deb (--install):02:10
LaNCeloT_RW package architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64)02:10
fernandotier.. did you use "sudo aticonfig --initial" ???02:10
fernandolancelot: you need search the 64 package..02:11
tier_yes i did aticonfig initial and the one howto by hand.02:11
fernandobut i am not sure if the beryl group produce this version..02:11
fernandoyou have to look on ubuntu packages....02:12
LaNCeloT_RWok.. il serach for that02:12
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fakepatriotquick question...should i try to install WINE? i am running AMD64 edgy.02:13
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tier_i think its best to get everyday in this forum to ask about users with the same card.02:14
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fakepatriot...ok so yes...i hope i dont screw up...02:15
epimethhmmm... how is it I have both linux-image- and .28-386 installed?  shouldn't it just be the 28?02:15
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tier_ !notebook02:17
ubotuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org02:17
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AWOSLappyI royally screwed up my theme.02:17
tier_!irc notebook02:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about irc notebook - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:17
AWOSLappyIs there a way to get the default back?02:17
tier_is there a notebook channel?02:17
AWOSLappyThe fonts are screwed up, the icons are screwed up, the window decorations are screwed up02:17
AWOSLappytier_ huh?02:17
fakepatrioti would assume just go into system settings and click default on everything...02:18
AWOSLappyfakepatriot I don't see default anywhere.02:18
tier_<AWOSLappy>do u know a notebook-channel?02:18
AWOSLappyI looked.02:18
AWOSLappytier_ what kind of a notebook?  like the kind you write on?02:18
AWOSLappyI don't think there are.02:18
AWOSLappyJust go buy one.02:18
fakepatriotyou went to system setting > appearance?02:19
AWOSLappyfakepatriot yep02:19
AWOSLappytier_ are you talking about a physical notebook that you write stuff down on while your at school or something?02:19
fakepatriottry resizing your window maybe the button is hiding...02:19
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AWOSLappytier_ or are you talking about a tablet PC?02:19
tier_es why?02:19
tier_a sony vaio02:19
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tier_with a radeon 9600/9700 mobillity02:20
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AWOSLappytier_ okay specify your problem02:20
AWOSLappyfakepatriot there it is.  thank you.02:20
tier_i only get mesa to wokr02:20
fakepatriotnp :302:20
epimethright... soooo now I'm getting lots of errors and then a segfault when I run glxinfo02:21
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects02:21
tier_AWOSLappy_do u know a laptop channel?02:21
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xcenter - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:24
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about x-center - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xcenter - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:24
trav!X server02:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about x server - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:24
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_6StringKng_anyone know of a good GBA, NES, SNES emulator for Kubuntu?02:26
hattasnes, use zsnes02:26
epimethfakepatriot: any chance for some assistance?02:26
Toshibi6String....almost anything you can use in GNOME can be used in KDE02:27
epimethI tried ubuntu-effects... they seem to be asleep in there02:27
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epimethexcept for gnomesu... or whatever they call it ^.^02:27
_6StringKng_how bout for GBA, thats mostly what I play02:27
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LaNCeloT_RWguys.. i tried to install beryl... but when selecting XGL session on login screen it didnt started....02:27
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epimethLaNC... at least you got that far... I'm stuck on "3D acceleration"02:28
LaNCeloT_RWi followed this guide: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Dapper_with_XGL02:28
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epimethinstalling it02:28
epimethmaybe it'll help me :-)02:28
fakepatriotepimeth: what is it you are trying to do?02:28
DarkRavenMixagehi i have a problem, i'm installing an ati radeon but my console says module-assistant not found, and i canno find it in reposiroty wtf? o_O02:28
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LaNCeloT_RWim using Nvidia Gforce 64mb + dapper 6.06 + AMD6402:29
LaNCeloT_RWfakepatriot, do u use beryl ?02:29
fakepatriotno i was looking at installing it right now though02:30
DarkRavenMixageno one knows why i can't find module-assitant in repositories o_O02:30
epimethgforce2 + 6.06 + P3 here...02:30
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects02:31
epimethshit!  I'm not legacy!  lets try this again! :-)02:32
fakepatriotare you reading the wiki?02:32
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:33
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fakepatriotanyone know if beryl runs on kubuntu?02:33
_6StringKng_it runs fine02:33
fakepatriotok cool thanks02:33
jeff_hi, all.  I've got a queck question about Adept Notifier -- there was a kernel update that came through a few days ago, and I'd rather not upgrade my kernel, but I don't want Adept Notifier to keep hounding me about it.  Any way I can set those packages to be ignored?02:35
LaNCeloT_RWfakepatriot, im intalling nvidia drivers using Adept02:35
jeff_queck = quick.  stupid vowels.02:35
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DarkRavenMixagei hate ati radeons -_-02:35
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:35
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_6StringKng_[19:35]  <DarkRavenMixage> i hate ati radeons -_-...whys that?02:36
DarkRavenMixagei cannot manage to install one under kubuntu -_-02:36
fakepatrioti used the wiki to isntall my nvidia drivers...just thought i should let you know in case you were doing it on your own...02:36
DarkRavenMixagemaybe this time using the long process i done it02:36
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DarkRavenMixageis there a way to test if it's working?02:37
_6StringKng_i follwed this guide02:37
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_6StringKng_fglrxinfo in konsole02:37
dettoaltrimentiwhat do you guys use for a browser- firefox or konqueror?02:37
jeff_I've always seen that as glxinfo.  why fglrx?02:37
LaNCeloT_RWname of display: :0.002:38
LaNCeloT_RWError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual02:38
jeff_dettoaltrimenti: firefox.  Mainly because I have to use Win at work, and I want things to be relatively consistent between the 2 machine02:38
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DarkRavenMixagejeff_ how i can run a visual test?02:38
DarkRavenMixagethe graphic card is recognized02:39
jeff_DarkRavenMixage: Hmm, I dunno.  If glxgears says it's using hardware acceleration, you should be good.  I've never meeded more than that.  I guess you could install some 3d-accelerated game like gltron or bzflag.  Or AA.02:40
epimethright... I think I screwed something up pretty bad02:40
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epimethI had installed the legacy nvidia drivers and tried to enable glx02:40
DarkRavenMixageoh yes they run thx jeff02:41
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epimeththis led to an unhappy glxinfo02:41
epimethrealizing my mistake, I installed the regular drivers and enabled glx02:41
epimeththe glxinfo is just as unhappy now, only without the segfault02:41
epimethis it okay if I spam the chat with a paste?02:42
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:42
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:45
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LaNCeloT_RWhow do i test if my nvidia is installed and working properly ?02:47
DarkRavenMixagetype glxgears02:47
DarkRavenMixagein console02:47
_6StringKng_my friend needs to know how to install the nvidia control panel02:48
cpk1glxgears works even without the proprietary drivers02:48
Xossi tried to ./configure gambas2 in my kubuntu box but an error shows up.. something like error on "/lib/cpp" C++ precompiler or somthing.. whats that?02:49
cpk1_6StringKng_: if he already has the drivers installed then nvidia-settings02:49
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_6StringKng_in konsole?02:50
LaNCeloT_RWDarkRavenMixage, appeared some gears02:50
LaNCeloT_RWgreen red and blue02:50
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DarkRavenMixagecpk sayd that they appear even with not propietary drivers02:51
DarkRavenMixagecpk is there anyway to test?02:51
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LaNCeloT_RWi typed nvidia-settings  .. and appeared a NVIDIA window settings  (like MS windows ones)02:52
LaNCeloT_RWsoulrider, is that ok ?02:53
LaNCeloT_RWsoulrider, sorry02:53
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LaNCeloT_RWcpk1,  i typed nvidia-settings  .. and appeared a NVIDIA window settings  (like MS windows ones)02:53
cpk1LaNCeloT_RW: then you probably have the proprietary drivers, whenever X starts you should see the nvidia logo for a second02:53
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_6StringKng_how do you get an nvidia contorl panel in the k menu? I have ATI but a friend wants to know02:53
LaNCeloT_RWcpk1, i dont think nvidia logo appears.. =/02:54
travit says that i can't update or change install with adept since another program or apt-get is using it, but how do i find out what i using it?02:54
_6StringKng_he had it fine then he went and screwed it up and had to re-install no whe cant get things how they were, lmao02:54
cpk1LaNCeloT_RW: pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:54
_6StringKng_and has anyone found a solution to the shutdown/restart bug?02:55
cpk1you just add nvidia-settings to your kmenu _6StringKng_02:55
travdoes firefox come standard or do i have to install it through adept?02:55
cpk1!aptfix | trav02:56
TheDebuggerPersonnally, i'm using Konqueror :)02:56
ubotutrav: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 02:56
LaNCeloT_RWcpk1, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5511/02:56
sarahI'm trying to install a printer on my box. It is an HP PSC 1610. I used the system settings -> Printers utility to install drivers. It prints out the test page beautifully, but anything in the real world (like from swiftfox or openoffice) is replaced with the following: %!PS-Adobe-3.0 %%HiResBoundingBox: 0 0 612 792 %%Creator: Mozilla PostScript modul02:56
sarahany ideas?02:56
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sarahhmm, that's weird...02:57
cpk1LaNCeloT_RW: looks fine, you probably just werent paying attention02:57
travTheDebugger: how do i know its crashed, i want want to open anything with sudo if I don't have to, don't want to mess anything up02:58
LaNCeloT_RWcpk1, i think i found the problem... i couldnt get beryl and emerald using apt-get =/02:58
sarahoh, I'm hooking it up through USB as well...02:58
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travoi I'm trying to install my HP wireless photo smart 2710 and I'm at the add printer wizard at the first menu-03:00
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surgywhat program can i use to extract a file with the .ace extension?03:01
sarahhmmm, no one can help me?03:01
_6StringKng_k, installed zsnes, where is it located, lol03:01
_6StringKng_got it through adpet if it helps03:01
LaNCeloT_RWcpk1, i must install emerald-themes?03:01
LaNCeloT_RWbecause when i try to install using apt-get i got this error03:02
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LaNCeloT_RWemerald-themes: Depends: emerald (>= 0.1) which is a virtual package.03:02
LaNCeloT_RWResolving dependencies...03:02
LaNCeloT_RWUnable to resolve dependencies!  Giving up...03:02
sarah_6StringKng_, try zsnes in the konsole03:02
trav...anyone good at hooking up printers?03:02
zachHow do I write a .Img image to a floppy?03:02
_6StringKng_ah cool03:04
sarahI'm trying to install a printer on my box. It is an HP PSC 1610. I used the system settings -> Printers utility to install drivers. It prints out the test page beautifully, but anything in the real world (like from swiftfox or openoffice) is replaced with the following: %!PS-Adobe-3.0 %%HiResBoundingBox: 0 0 612 792 %%Creator: Mozilla PostScript modul03:04
surgyanyone know a program to extract .ace archives?03:05
travsarah, how do you install drivers for printers?03:05
cpk1i know nothing about beryl/emerald/compiz03:05
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sarahtrav, I used the Add printer utility under system settings03:06
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surgyi found it03:06
travyou said you had and HP printer03:06
sarahyes sir03:06
travhow many HP drivers do they have?03:06
hattasurgy, simple huh03:06
willy_kubuntu spanish link please03:06
sarahquite a few. they didn't have one for the 1610, but there was a 1600 driver, which I used.03:07
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:07
travI'm trying to get my wireless printer set up, and I'm not good with this stuff03:07
surgyhatta: but the file wont open with unace.......03:07
travsee I've the 2710 wireless all in one deal and no idea what I'm doing03:07
zachHow do I write a .Img image to a floppy?03:07
sarahah, so you can't help me?03:07
travnah sorry, I'm just trying to get help myself03:08
sarahzach, http://www.linuxmigration.com/quickref/install/media.html#blin03:08
sarahit was the first one when I googled .img to floppy03:08
travim in system settings but don't see drivers?03:09
sarahtrav, go to printers03:09
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travim at printers03:16
sarahI'll brb...03:16
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underdog5004trav, ok, I'm back03:19
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tyler__anyone know of a reason K3B would just stop working.  The application won't even start up and I've already done a reinstall with adept03:21
underdog5004tyler__, killall k3b03:22
underdog5004trav, hello.03:22
travcan anyone help with printers?03:22
tyler__underdog5004, allright Il give it a try03:22
underdog5004I was just logged in as sarah03:22
underdog5004lol, that's my gf03:22
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underdog5004thought I'd get more help as a girl...lol03:22
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travoh ok03:23
underdog5004trav, anyway, you get're done?03:23
travwell im at printer- system settings03:23
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travany idea on where i go from there?03:23
surgywhen using unace i get the following error: File compressed with unknown method. Decompression not possible.03:24
BluesKajyeah underdog5004, we  had another person here a few hrs , who I'm sure ,was a guy posing as a girl03:24
surgydoes that mean the file is trash?03:24
underdog5004BluesKaj, lol03:24
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tyler__underdog5004, thanks problem solved03:24
BluesKajshe/he got lots of help too :)03:24
underdog5004tyler__, lol, I do that with kaffeine all the time03:24
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underdog5004BluesKaj, lol, at least I didn't get any guys trying to cyber w/ me03:25
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underdog5004I've seen it happen03:25
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surgycan anyone help?03:26
underdog5004surgy, so...what's the problem?03:26
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surgywhen using unace i get the following error: File compressed with unknown method. Decompression not possible.03:26
underdog5004what file type is it?03:27
surgydoes that mean the archive is trash?03:27
surgyit was compressed using winace03:27
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travok, im at the printer wizard03:27
travbut really have no idea where i go now03:27
underdog5004surgy, weird, never heard of it...did you try ark?03:27
surgyark doesnt support .ace03:28
underdog5004lol, then I'm all out of ideas...03:28
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surgyok well thanks for trying :( :( :( <<< cries like a little bitty baby03:29
BluesKajsurgy, i think unrar will uncompress ace files03:29
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free03:30
surgyMQ2.ace is not RAR archive03:30
surgyNo files to extract03:30
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underdog5004surgy, you could try wine w/ winace03:30
surgyunderdog5004: lol isnt that cheating?03:30
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surgyill try03:31
underdog5004that's what I would do....wine is a linux tool, just like any other03:31
surgywas a joke man03:31
travunderdog5004- any idea on how to find the stuff for HP printers- I'm at the add printer backend selection but don't no where to go from tehre03:32
underdog5004trav, do a local printer03:32
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BluesKajor copy to your windows partition and extract there, then copy the file back03:32
hagabakaunace for linux is available from winace.com03:32
underdog5004surgy, yeah, I know...I don't have a sense of humor...03:33
underdog5004hee hee hee03:33
hagabaka...is also in ubuntu03:33
travok how do i do a local printer...the thing is wireless?03:34
travgah i feel absolutelty useless03:35
underdog5004trav...wireless? in what way? is it on your router or something?03:35
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noodles12in konquerer my tools menu is empty/blank. How do i get it back so i can fake the browser ID to be IE?03:35
underdog5004trav, don't worry, everyone starts out useless...I know I did03:35
travum im not sure, i just installed the driver, with windows and it worked, i hit print and and shows up in the list of printers03:36
surgyunderdog5004: guess what.... i cant use winace....03:36
SlynderdaleHow stable is the Edgy? Do you think its stable enough for normal use?03:36
underdog5004trav, where does your printer plug into?03:36
surgyunderdog5004: it has to connect to their server for a free license key and wine wont let it03:37
underdog5004Slynderdale, it is for me.03:37
underdog5004surgy, bummer03:37
underdog5004<hagabaka> unace for linux is available from winace.com03:37
BluesKajEdgy is the latest 'Stable' version period03:37
hagabakait's in apt03:37
travum im not sure03:37
Slynderdaleunderdog5004: What is an easy way to upgrade Dapper Drake to Edgy? I'm still getting the hang of Ubuntu03:37
travpossibly the router03:37
willy_alguien sabe como usar los puertos paralelos en ubuntu03:37
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hagabakasurgy: apt-get install unace03:38
travits near the computer(which is connected to the router via ethernet cable(the bundle of cords run throughs the floor)03:38
ubotuSee http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)03:38
underdog5004that's for you, Slynderdale03:38
hagabakaand maybe ark even integrates it03:38
trav  here is the printer underdog:    http://reviews.cnet.com/HP_Photosmart_2710_All_in_One/4505-3181_7-31106943.html03:38
underdog5004trav, trace the cord and see where it connects03:39
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BluesKaj!es | willy03:39
ubotuwilly: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:39
travok brb03:39
surgyhagabaka: doesnt work03:39
SlynderdaleOne last question, should I do a clean install from a CD or simply upgrade? WHich is better?03:39
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travok correction, its plugged into a power outlet03:39
travso its complety wireless03:39
hagabakasurgy: why?03:40
underdog5004Slynderdale, I had major issues when I did an upgrade...clean installs kicked butt for me...but I have a /home paritition03:40
BluesKajMateo95270_ui_ui, please not here03:40
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:40
surgyhagabaka:  <surgy> when using unace i get the following error: File compressed with unknown method. Decompression not possible.03:40
hagabakadoes "file" detect its format?03:41
Slynderdaleunderdog5004: I don't have anything to lose. I made a partition for Ubuntu and just freshly installed it moments ago so I don't mind reformatting and doing a clean install.03:41
underdog5004yeah, then do a clean install03:41
BluesKajsurgy did you DL the file from music or video site ?03:41
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SlynderdaleHmm, should I go Ubunto Edgy then sudo Kubunto? WOuld that work for having both the GNome and KDE interface available?03:42
underdog5004I prefer KDE03:42
surgybluekaj: no a friend of mine compiled it for me, it requires vc6++ to compile so he compiled it under windows so i could use wine to run it03:42
MinatakuI hate when people use proprietary archival formats... especially since they're all worse than open archival formats03:43
underdog5004Slynderdale, you can always install GNOME, and start a GNOME session as well...03:43
surgyminataku: agreed, but for somereason he was an idiot and used ace03:43
BluesKajwhat kind of file is it , surgy ?03:43
underdog5004I've never heard of that format...03:43
Minatakusurgy: Tell him to rearchive it as ZIP or 7Z03:43
surgyblueskaj: it is called "MQ2.ace"03:43
underdog5004or rar03:43
surgyminataku: he is no longer online03:44
BluesKaja game ?03:44
MinatakuIt's a WINACE file, some lame proprietary format03:44
surgya game utility03:44
x04ty29errar utilities03:44
x04ty29erusually unarchive ace dont they?03:44
MinatakuThere's an unace for Linux but it's only for really old ACE files03:44
surgyits open source03:44
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surgybut it can only be compiled under vc6++03:44
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MinatakuIt can't be open source, otherwise there'd be a usable ACE compressor/decompressor port03:45
surgywinace installed and everything with wine, but froze at 17% when extracting.....03:45
travdid anyone have a look at that printer03:45
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hagabakasurgy: the unace (1.2b-3) in ubuntu might be too old, try "UnAce for Linux 2.5" from http://www.winace.com/03:45
surgyminataku: im talking about the program not its compression03:45
Minatakusurgy: Ah03:45
underdog5004trav, so where is it installed?03:45
hagabakawith any luck, you might be able to just compile it and see if it works, without installing03:45
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underdog5004lol, plugged in, I mean03:46
rr72how would i go abouts setting up a dns server?03:46
surgyso how do i stop the windows version of winace that is running under wine right now??03:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dnsd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:46
rr72just resolving03:46
surgyits frozen and wont respond to anything03:46
rr72i guess caching03:46
underdog5004surgy, killall wine03:46
MinatakuBinary warning03:46
MinatakuLinux UNACE 2.5 is binary-only closed-license03:47
underdog5004rr72, I prefer openDNS03:47
surgywine: no process killed03:47
rr72anyone talk to rich latlety?03:47
surgyand its still running03:47
rr72hes been awol03:47
Minatakusurgy: killall wineserver03:47
underdog5004it's not a local cache/server, but it's awesome03:47
rr72kill -903:47
MinatakuIf that fails, killall explorer.exe03:47
rr72kill -9 PID03:47
Minatakurr72: Stop, please03:47
rr72Minataku~ what?03:47
rr72im helping03:48
MinatakuAnd I'm politely requesting that for the moment you stop03:48
=== rr72 throws popcorn at nixternal
MinatakuOne letter to the left03:48
MinatakuRight, rather03:48
Minatakusurgy: Did that do it?>03:48
underdog5004that made my day!03:48
surgymminataku: and now winace.exe destroyed the original file..... but i have it in an email somewhere03:48
Minatakukillall wineserver should knock it down03:48
rr72underdog5004~ ?03:48
surgyminataku: yes thank you03:49
underdog5004trav, so, where is it plugged in?03:49
rr72underdog5004~ i just want it so that i can point computers at for dns stuff03:49
Minatakurr72: Sorry, but it's better to send SIGTERM first, and the original suggestion of "killall wine" was incorrect03:49
underdog5004rr72, why not use openDNS and plug in the IP's into your router?03:49
MinatakuThe wine process is actually "wineserver", not "wine"03:49
rr72i don't want a server that servs names and subdomains03:49
Minatakusurgy: Also, you're welcome03:50
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rr72Minataku~ ?|?03:50
rr72Welcome logan!03:50
=== Minataku sighs
underdog5004rr72, so, what do you want it to do?03:50
MinatakuThe original command suggestion of "killall wine" was incorrect, the proper command is "killall wineserver"03:50
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rr72Minataku~ the problem is solved03:50
rr72i don't use wine03:50
underdog5004thanks for the correction, Minataku03:51
rr72i used to but stopped it03:51
Minatakuunderdog5004: np03:51
underdog5004rr72, he wasn't talking to you.03:51
Minatakurr72: Nevermind, sorry03:51
SlynderdaleHmm, whats better? WIne or WIneX?03:51
=== rr72 throws towels at nixternal
underdog5004lol, off again, rr7203:51
rr72im asking questions :(03:51
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Minatakurr72: Sorry about that, BTW03:52
underdog5004rr72, no, I meant your keyboarding was off, you typed n instead of m03:52
Minatakunixternal doesn't seem to be here03:52
surgyeven the linux version of winace is trash03:52
rr72underdog5004~ im confused03:52
rr72Minataku~ he has been awol for a bit03:52
Minatakusurgy: It's a very old, rather lame format03:52
MinatakuIt's heyday was back when everyone used DOS and Windows 3.103:52
underdog5004rr72, ok, I'm dropping it.03:52
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rr72underdog5004~ i thought u were leaving03:53
surgyminataku: this is gay! im gonna have to mail that guy a dead animal of some sort03:53
MinatakuYou'd get the latest 0day DOS warez from the BBS in ACE format03:53
rr72surgy~ mail me any 10 points please03:53
noodles12 in konquerer my tools menu is empty/blank. How do i get it back so i can fake the browser ID to be IE?03:53
surgyrr72: whats that supposed to mean?03:53
underdog5004surgy, lol, don't you mean gheigh?03:54
underdog5004gay is too politically charged!03:54
hagabakaACE existed in the time of win3.1?03:54
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rr72underdog5004~ like i want it so i can put in an address not my routers into my psp dns ip and it work03:54
Minatakuhagabaka: Yeah, it's an old DOS-age compression format03:54
underdog5004rr72, ah03:54
ubotukonqueror: KDE's advanced file manager, web browser and document viewer. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3.2 (edgy), package size 1953 kB, installed size 5280 kB03:54
rr72Minataku~ ur old03:54
Minatakurr72: I'm 2103:54
rr72now go get drunk03:55
MinatakuBut my knowledge reaches farther back than my age03:55
Minatakurr72: Negative. I don't drink.03:55
rr72heck im not that age and have had a little to drink03:55
underdog5004rr72, here you go.  http://www.aboutdebian.com/dns.htm03:55
MinatakuI don't drink alcohol. I don't like it.03:55
loganWhen I click "open link in external browser" when I'm using Akgregator, the rubber-band mouse icon for Firefox bounces for a good 10 seconds after the page has loaded.  Anyone know why this might be?03:55
underdog5004Minataku, good to see a straightedge in here03:56
travdude idon't know03:56
cyberghostHey dumb question, anyone got a minute?03:56
cyberghostThats not my question however.03:56
travim in kubuntu now, and i couldn't even tell you where if i was in windows03:56
underdog5004trav, lol, then you're gonna have to find it before you can go on03:56
Minatakuunderdog5004: Not quite... I make up for it by being a humongous pervert03:56
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:56
underdog5004Minataku, whoa...03:56
underdog5004cyberghost, what can I help you with?03:56
MinatakuBut I keep it out of public view03:56
MinatakuI.E. you can't tell unless I'm deliberately making it clear03:56
=== underdog5004 ignores Minataku
rr72underdog5004~ first 4 paragraphs so far is crap, i know all that03:57
underdog5004rr72, ok, try reading past that.03:57
Minatakuunderdog5004: Actually I'm not that bad XD03:57
underdog5004cyberghost, what can I help you with?03:57
cyberghostOk new to KDE.  How do I edit my sources.list via command line?  I'm use to gedit and I do not like VI.  Does KDE come with anything else?  Or is there a way to use kate to do this?  The problem I have with kate is I can't sudo kate to change my sources.03:57
MinatakuCompared to some people I know...03:57
=== underdog5004 unignores Minataku
surgyunderdog5004: no i meant what i said, the guy who sent me this was acting like the way people describe homosexuals03:57
=== rr72 ignores underdog5004 & Minataku
underdog5004cyberghost, are you in a gui (is there a mouse cursor?)03:58
MinatakuMy collection of ~30000 pics compared to their ~3000000 pics03:58
underdog5004surgy, ah03:58
cyberghostI'm in gui now03:58
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underdog5004cyberghost, ok, but when you're editing, will you be in gui or cli (command line interface)?03:58
travyeah i realize that....03:58
underdog5004trav, you're laggin' pretty bad03:58
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travyeah im not used to chat03:59
cyberghostIt doesn't matter to me.  Basically I have a new sources.list from the source generator and I want to replace my stock one.03:59
travused to just single messanger serivce- easier to keep track of03:59
underdog5004cyberghost, just do sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list for gui and sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list for CLI03:59
pungielinux noob here, when i try to install kubuntu .. when the installer starts up i lose my screen... it says it can't display , i think its my monitor.. not sure how to make it work.. any ideas?03:59
rr72underdog5004~ i don't think thats what i want03:59
rr72i think i just want a cache03:59
underdog5004then google around.03:59
surgyminataku: you dont have access to a windows pc do you?03:59
rr72screw it03:59
rr72the routers fine03:59
Minatakusurgy: Not really03:59
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rr72too complicated03:59
surgyoh :(03:59
underdog5004rr72, http://www.die.net/doc/linux/man/man8/dnscache.8.html03:59
gregdcyberghost: kdesu kate03:59
underdog5004darn, I always forget that...kdesu kate04:00
rr72underdog5004~ if i screw this up then its really bad04:00
travunderdoog- the printer is hooked into a surge protector, so it must be always wireless04:00
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underdog5004trav, but what about the data, where does that come from?04:00
Minatakusurgy: Sorry >.<04:00
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rr72see ya all round04:00
surgynp :(04:00
underdog5004good bye!04:01
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cyberghostWhen I try to sudo kate I get a bunch of error messages04:01
=== rr72 throws nixternal's dog on nixternal
underdog5004cyberghost, np, just ignore it04:01
Admiral_Chicagocyberghost: because you're not supposed to open it like that04:01
rr72thx for the sorta kinda help underdog500404:01
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surgyis there a way to convert this archive to a zip?04:01
underdog5004cyberghost, yeah, you should do kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list04:01
cyberghostOk.  I just didn't want a corrupt my sources.04:01
travnot sure04:02
cyberghostOk I feel dumb but I didn't want to proceed with the error messages.04:02
underdog5004trav, lol, figure it out!04:02
travmy noob status is really annoyng04:02
underdog5004trav, don't worry, it gets better04:02
travdo you know where it might be under windows?04:02
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surgytrav: then read and stop being a noob04:03
Admiral_Chicagocyberghost: you won't but you should use kdesu kate in a run command04:03
travi can boot up XP and maybe try to find it, if someone could help me04:03
surgylol :)04:03
underdog5004trav, we need to know where the data being sent to the printer is being sent (like through a USB cable, Parellel, maybe a network)04:03
travdamn it i try reading.....04:03
Admiral_Chicagoor do sudo nano /etc etc04:03
trav i think its teh network04:03
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underdog5004ok, then in the printer "wizard" select Network printer04:04
travwhich one....the first04:04
travi know jack bout networks04:05
travi'd guess TCP04:05
underdog5004trav, that's ok, cause the wizard does most of it for you...04:05
underdog5004tcp for sure04:05
travok now im at network printer info04:05
underdog5004trav, there should be an auto-detect option04:05
travsettings, scan? that sort of thing?04:06
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travok i just scanned *went into settings and cycled through all four options* and got nothing04:07
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underdog5004trav, ok, you're gonna need to get the ip of the printer. go into your router and look at "attached devices"04:07
trav...now the fun begins...i get to my router how :)04:08
underdog5004open firefox/konqueror/whatever and type something like
underdog5004might be different for you...do an ifconfig to see what it is04:08
underdog5004default gateway04:09
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BluesKajmynetwork for some routers04:09
travcould i find it through knetwork manager?04:09
underdog5004maybe...or you can run ifconfig in the konsole04:10
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surgyok whatever i give04:10
surgyace won04:10
surgylol thanks for the help guys04:10
travi did that and got a bunch of stuff- does it say IP address?04:11
underdog5004trav, look for "default gateway"04:11
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travinet addr? i don't see defualt gateway04:12
traveth1 is my wireless04:12
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:12
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travhere underdog, im using pastebin04:13
underdog5004trav, lol, sorry, ifconfig won't do it...04:13
SlynderdaleHmm, whats the easiest way to burn a Edgy ISO to a CD?04:13
Admiral_ChicagoSlynderdale: k3b04:14
travright, where else might it be04:14
travhey i used the terminal...woot04:14
underdog5004!iso | Slynderdale04:14
ubotuSlynderdale: To mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn04:14
=== underdog5004 pats trav on the back
trav***grins stupidly04:15
underdog5004trav, h/o04:15
travyou have msn messanger, or another client?04:15
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travjust IRC?04:15
underdog5004I like it that way...04:16
ubotuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto04:16
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chris_Hi, can anyone help me setup my laptop's IntelPRO Wireless 3945 to work with U/Kubuntu?04:16
travah hahhh04:16
travget knetwork manager04:16
travplug into ethernet cable04:16
travuse adept to use that04:17
travsorry, i spent 2 days jacking around with that card, and now i finally got my net up04:17
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underdog5004chris_, ndiswrapper04:18
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:18
travif your a noob try knetworkmanager too04:18
trav**thinks that if he helps anyone he04:18
travhes moving up ---as in me04:18
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chris_knetwork manager doesn't boot04:20
travoh well04:20
travtry the ndiswrapper04:21
maruo no entiendo04:21
trav**so i don't help-- i stay at my level in teh world :)04:21
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underdog5004!es | maru04:22
ubotumaru: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:22
MinatakuThat's still all typoed04:22
underdog5004trav, ok, go to www.whatismyip.com and tell me your ip04:24
Minatakuunderdog5004: Don't bother04:24
MinatakuHe doesn't have a cloak04:24
underdog5004wait, no, that won't help04:24
MinatakuJust whois him and you have his hostmask04:25
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MinatakuAnd it's a COX Cable hostmask so it has the IP in it04:25
underdog5004trav, man, I'm sorry, but I can't help you anymore....sorry04:25
travwhats a cloak?04:25
MinatakuWhois me04:25
travand host mask?04:25
MinatakuSee how my hostmask is invalid? That's because I have a cloak instead04:26
underdog5004whois me04:26
Minatakuunderdog5004: That's like... double stupid04:26
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Slynderdalek3B Doesn't seem to work for me :/ WHen I open it and selct an image to burn, it won't select my CD burner to start the burn process. It does detect my interal CD burner and my external USB one though in the options.04:26
travgah ok04:26
travanyway cheers04:27
travim out04:27
MinatakuSlynderdale: Try selecting manually the one you want to use04:27
travif anyone comes across anything for printers, pm me on the kubuntu forum at hellcattrav04:27
SlynderdaleMinataku: I tried to, in the menu/dropdown nothing happens when I click it04:28
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MinatakuSlynderdale: But it sees them? Hrm... bizarre04:28
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leafwany clues on why ubuntu 64 alternate CD does not see my 4 HD as the raid10 that I configured them to be?04:28
leafwdo I have to pass flags to the kernel when installing?04:28
MinatakuDoes Kubuntu still use cdrecord?04:29
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SlynderdaleMinataku: WHen I go to K3B conig, it lists the two, but on the Burn Iso 9660 Image page, it doesn't list them04:30
MinatakuSlynderdale: cd to the directory where the image is located then type "sudo cdrecord dev=/dev/xxx -dao nameofimage.iso"04:30
BluesKajcuz ubuntu 64bit has probs with hardware recognition ...that's why i switched to 32 bit on my AMD 6404:30
SlynderdaleThanks, I'll see if that works04:30
MinatakuReplace xxx with the device you want to use, and nameofimage.iso with the filename of the image04:30
underdog5004Slynderdale, try right-clicking on the iso and selection actions>burn iso cd with k3b04:31
MinatakuSlynderdale: If Kubuntu still uses cdrecord it should04:31
underdog5004you can probably do a dd if you want04:31
leafwBluesKaj : talking to me about raids?04:31
Minatakuunderdog5004: No04:31
underdog5004but there's a reason dd is nicknamed Disk Destroyer...04:31
BluesKajyup , leafw04:31
underdog5004oh you can't?04:31
MinatakuYou can use dd to get the image04:31
MinatakuHave to use the proper utility to write it04:31
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BluesKajSlynderdale, migrate to the file in K3B , and browse to the file , but beside the filter, instead of ISO, choose "all files" ..you should see the file you want in list .04:37
SlynderdaleMinataku: Seems to be working, got an error though cdrecord: WARNING: Drive returns wrong startsec (0) using -15004:37
MinatakuSlynderdale: Non-issue04:37
MinatakuMine does the same thing04:37
SlynderdaleBluesKaj: I can see the ISO file, just won't let me select the CD ROm DRive04:37
MinatakuSlynderdale: At least we know the devices work04:37
MinatakuSlynderdale: Also, that works with any ISO9660 image04:38
MinatakuSo if you have more to burn instead of starting kdb, you can just type that instead :D04:38
MinatakuNifty, eh? :304:38
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arihi !!!04:41
arii'm having some problems configuring stuff to do php on my computer, would you be able to help me please !?!04:42
MinatakuUnfortunately, I cannot, sorry04:42
MinatakuHang around though04:42
MinatakuI'm sure someone who can will show up04:42
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ariwell thank you !!!04:42
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MinatakuNo problem04:42
ubotuSee http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)04:45
mshade_Minataku: i used iTunes on a native machine to restore the original ipod nano firmware04:46
mshade_Minataku: then i loaded rockbox ;)04:46
=== mshade_ jams to some Miles Davis
leafwok, can't make the edgy 64-bit installer see my raid10 (it sees it as 4 separate HD)04:46
Minatakumshade: Heehee, nice :D04:46
mshade_yeah, just so happens i brought a laptop home from work (might get snowed in, needed a winders machine at home)04:46
Minatakuleafw: If it fails, bail on x64 and just run it as x8604:46
leafwanyone has experience with this? Which kernel flags? Accordint to Documentation/* it should just recongnize the raid04:46
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leafwMinataku : I need 64 bit support04:47
mshade_leafw: was it set up as a raid in linux before?04:47
mshade_leafw: and what's the partition type ?04:47
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leafwmshade_ : fresh computer, built from parts04:47
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mshade_leafw: first, make sure you've got the right support loaded.04:48
mshade_leafw: cat /proc/mdstat04:48
leafwmshade_ : I setup all drives to be part of the raid10 i nthe control+i before the bios04:48
mshade_leafw: what does it list for 'personalities'04:48
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leafwmshade_: I did not install the OS yet04:48
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Andymeowsdoes anyone know what package to install to get man pages for functions like getopt, and other C stuff?04:48
mshade_ah i see04:48
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leafwmshade_ : I know, I should put the OS in a 5th HD04:49
mshade_hmmm.. yes, that's what i've done before04:49
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)04:49
MinatakuI think04:49
mshade_once it's loaded you can move it to the raid04:49
leafwmshade_: in any case the partition editor shows the 4 HD as if they were independent.04:49
MinatakuI'm guessing, personally they should be provided by default04:49
mshade_leafw: are you going to use LVM?04:50
leafwmshade_ : I was planning on ext3. Do you recommend LVM?04:50
mshade_unfortunately, i'm not very well versed in ubuntu's partition manager... slackware/cfdisk/mdtools user here04:50
leafwI admit right away this is my first raid ever04:50
MinatakuLVM is not a filesystem04:50
mshade_leafw: ext3 can be on top of LVM04:50
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Minatakuleafw: I'd learn more about RAID first if I were you04:50
leafwhum, let me read about lvm04:51
mshade_leafw: theres a great RAID howto at www.tldp.org04:51
mshade_Software RAID howto04:51
leafwmshade_ : I thought software raid was diferent than hardware raid04:51
leafwI assumed the BIOS would show the drives as one to the OS04:51
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mshade_leafw: it's not a true hardware raid card you've got04:52
mshade_it's the onboard nvidia stuff, right?04:52
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leafwit's intel04:52
leafwintel raid card04:52
MinatakuEither that or it's not actually set up as RAID04:52
mshade_then yes, if it's working correctly, it should show up as one drive04:52
mshade_the OS won't know at all04:52
adydasWhats a good Kernel how to website anyone?04:52
MinatakuThough RAID like that is _DANGEROUS_04:52
leafwMinataku : I did do the setup through the control+i menu before the bios boots04:52
=== mshade_ nods with Minataku
MinatakuTrue RAID provides reduncancy04:52
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leafwMinataku : I know a little about raids, it's just that I never installed them myself04:53
leafwI setup 4 drives as raid10, with a hardware card04:53
mshade_leafw: my gut says that something didn't go quite right in the control-i setup04:53
mshade_are these sata drives?04:53
leafwmshade_: the BIOS does no longer list the drives ,which is good.04:54
mshade_you might want to check out the different ubuntu boot options (F1-F5 or so)04:54
leafwyes ,sata04:54
mshade_there may be something there that'll help04:54
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leafwI read all the help in the F1-F304:54
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO04:54
leafwaccording to the kernel-parameters.txt, the raid should be autodetected04:55
mshade_the raid should show up as one disk04:55
mshade_if you've really got hardware raid going on04:55
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leafwI know, that is why I am puzzled04:55
MinatakuI've got a microcontroller here... 3mm x 3mm x 1mm, 6 pins04:55
mshade_what model card is this?04:56
MinatakuBut that's besides the point, sorry04:56
MinatakuHeehee, Freescale RS08 X304:56
leafwmshade_ : it's the default one with the ASUS P5WDG2 WS Professional, an intel one04:57
adydaswhere does kubutnut defult put the grub.conf file?04:57
underdog5004adydas, /etc/boot/grub/boot.list04:58
underdog5004I think04:58
underdog5004might be boot.lst04:58
adydascd /etc/boot04:58
adydasbash: cd: /etc/boot: No such file or directory04:58
underdog5004damn, sorry about that04:58
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leafwmshade_ : http://www.asus.com/products4.aspx?modelmenu=2&model=1289&l1=3&l2=82&l3=004:59
underdog5004man I need to shut up...04:59
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leafwmshade_ : it's the intel ICH7R raid controller04:59
adydasCheers dyde :p05:00
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jarnWhere are packages stored that are downloaded with apt-get?05:00
jtmoney_hey guys, i'm trying to follow the guide for installing mythtv... when i try to install ivtv like this guide says to (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Install_IVTV_Edgy), however, it says "Couldn't find package ivtv-source" ... i have enabled all the repositories05:00
Admiral_Chicagothey may be in /var/apt/cache05:00
wimpiesHI all, When i insert a CD the dialog box to ask what I want to do no longer pops up ? How can I get this back ?05:00
mshade_jarn: /var/apt/cache i believe05:00
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jarnmshade_: There is no apt folder in /var05:01
SlynderdaleHow do you access files on a CD?05:01
Dr_willis!find ivtv05:01
ubotuFound: libvideo-ivtv-perl, ivtv-source, ivtv-utils05:01
jarnmshade_: Ah, it's /var/cache/apt05:01
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Dr_willis!info ivtv-source05:01
ubotuivtv-source: source for ivtv drivers (0.7 branch). In component multiverse, is extra. Version 0.7.0-2 (edgy), package size 129 kB, installed size 176 kB05:01
jtmoney_Dr_willis, weird05:01
willy_i need manage the port serial's can u help me???????05:01
jarnAdmiral_Chicago: Indeed. I found it. Thanks anyway, though.05:02
jtmoney_Dr_willis, what does that mean then?05:02
mshade_leafw: lookin up some stuff..05:02
Dr_willisjtmoney_,  not sure... try apt-get updating, and try again?05:02
leafwmshade_ : thanks, me too05:02
ErtainI can't seem to start up Beryl.  I do have direct rendering enabled, with Xgl installed.  I have the nVidia drivers properly set up.  Any ideas?05:02
jtmoney_nah, didn't work05:03
Admiral_ChicagoErtain: beryl-manager work?05:03
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mshade_leafw: ok, what i've found says that card is actually going to provide you with software raid05:04
ErtainAdmiral_Chicago: I tried that.  But it crashed... At least I think.05:04
mshade_it's not 'true' hardware raid05:04
draikmplayer is installed05:04
draikmozilla-mplayer is installed05:04
leafwmshade_ : hum, nasty05:04
draikw32codecs is installed05:04
draikwhat else do I need to get quicktime videos to play?05:04
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leafwmshade_ : which URL?05:04
Admiral_ChicagoErtain: there is a channel...05:04
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:04
mshade_just a sec05:04
Admiral_Chicagothey might be able to help you a bit more05:04
ErtainCan do.05:04
=== Ertain goes to #ubuntu-effects
=== x04ty29er gasps
mshade_leafw: http://whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies-archive.cfm/668337.html05:05
mshade_that one lables it a 'fakeraid' which is typical of onboard raids05:05
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mshade_there was another before that, but i didn't stay on that page05:05
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:06
mshade_leafw: jackpot: http://www.ubuntu-in.org/wiki/SATA_RAID_Howto05:06
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scottyAlright, Adept is running in the background and I can see it in KDE System Guard. It won't let me kill it or abort it, and I need to use Adept. How can I kill the process?05:07
Admiral_Chicagoscotty: do sudo -k in a konsole05:07
Minatakuscotty: Be very careful05:07
leafwnice! Very nice, thank you mshade_05:07
Admiral_Chicagothen sudo killall adept05:07
MinatakuIf it's actually doing something, you better not05:08
MinatakuIf it's just stuck then by all means kill it then unlock the database05:08
jtmoney_can someone try running apt-get install ivtv-source and see if it works?05:08
scottyMinataku: How do I know if it's doing anything? I didn't tell it to do anything05:08
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mshade_leafw: this one you may be able to use as a reference, too - same sort of thing, different chipset05:08
Minatakuscotty: Is there any activity or anything like that?05:08
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leafwmshade_ : I am reading05:09
MinatakuIf nothing is going on then it should be safe to terminate it05:09
scottyah, yeah, that worked perfectly05:09
scottyThanks, Admiral Chicago and Minataku05:09
scottyAdmiral_Chicago: Obviously I'm quite a newbie when it comes to Linux. What exactly does the sudo -k command do?05:10
=== mshade_ is now known as mshade-laptop
mshade-laptopman, after tweaking the laptop-mode settings, i'm gettin great battery life05:11
x04ty29erscotty: sudo gives you superuser access05:11
Admiral_Chicagoscotty: kill superuser access05:11
x04ty29eraka you can run commands as root05:11
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x04ty29eridk what -k does05:11
Minatakusudo - SuperUser DO05:11
Admiral_Chicagoscotty: sudo keeps access for 15 minutes05:11
MinatakuPerform an action as the superuser05:12
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Admiral_Chicagoyou can take cancel the timeout05:12
scottyI know what sudo is :P I was wondering about the -k part05:12
MinatakuSorry >.>05:12
adydas_stupid question, can you compile a kernel from within a gui? using console?05:12
x04ty29eri see05:12
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MinatakuSorry, scotty X305:12
scottyThanks, though ;) I appreciate it.05:12
adydas_ -K  The -K (sure kill) option is like -k except that it removes the users timestamp entirely.  Like -k, this option does not require a password.05:12
Minatakuadydas_: Either05:12
scottyNo, no. I prefer over-helpful to under-helpful05:12
draikMinataku: Hey there05:12
draikI still have quicktime issues05:13
x04ty29eryes quicktime does have issues05:13
scottyOkay, thanks adydas_05:13
MinatakuThere's a CLI config system, a CUI config and a couple GUI config systems05:13
adydas_your welcome05:13
MinatakuHi, draik05:13
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=== underdog5004|awa is now known as underdog5004
Minatakuadydas_: It's all determined by which config util you make05:14
draikx04ty29er: What do you suggest05:14
draikI can play quicktime on my computer, but not on my friend's computer05:14
MinatakuYou can run the classic "make menuconfig" inside a Konsole or xterm and use it there05:14
draikI'm connected to him through Free NX05:14
x04ty29erwhat are you trying to do draok05:14
adydas_Minataku: i wont get that far05:14
x04ty29erone second05:14
adydas_error tastic05:14
Minatakuadydas_: What is the error?05:14
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adydas_make[1] : *** [scripts/kconfig/lxdialog/checklist.o]  Error 105:15
MinatakuThe crap...05:15
MinatakuWhat kernel is this?05:15
Admiral_ChicagoMinataku: uname -r05:15
adydas_latest from kernel.org05:15
x04ty29erdraik: sorry i cant help you here05:15
adydas_yeah 2.6.2005:15
x04ty29erits out of my area of expertise05:15
MinatakuAdmiral_Chicago: I know, please read carefully before rendering useless assistance05:16
draikx04ty29er: Know where I might be able to find the missing package?05:16
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x04ty29erdraik: have you tried enabling all the package repositories in adept?05:16
Admiral_ChicagoMinataku: sorry i'm on a lot of channel05:16
MinatakuAdmiral_Chicago: Sorry too, I reacted badly05:16
draikHim and I have the same repos05:16
adydas_unless i need to isntall some special unbuntu kernel05:17
x04ty29erthen i would suggest that you google it and look for help05:17
draikIt's just a matter of a missing package05:17
x04ty29erask around here05:17
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x04ty29erdo you know the name of the missing package?05:17
MinatakuAdmiral_Chicago: I took it as being condescending when I shouldn't have... sorry XD05:17
draikx04ty29er: I'm asking around... not much help for quicktime05:17
MinatakuAdydas: You don't05:17
draikx04ty29er: No. I have a list of his installed packages, but it's quite a bit to go through05:17
MinatakuAdydas: If you don't mind reconfiguring from scratch, try typing "make mrproper"05:17
MinatakuWhich will wipe EVERYTHING that didn't come in the kernel tarball05:18
x04ty29erdraik: you could look at the dependancies and see whats missing05:18
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AdydasMinataku: all ive done is untar the bz2 file05:18
MinatakuAdydas: Bizarre05:19
draikx04ty29er: nothing should be missing. I tried to give him everything that I have05:19
draikno luck05:19
x04ty29erdraik: the ubuntu website has a huge package repository05:19
draikwhat site?05:19
AdydasOh and then run make menuconfig naturally05:19
x04ty29erlet me find it real quick05:19
jordo23I have four different kernal entries on my boot screen as I run dual boot and updated a couple of times. Is there a way to edit the boot loader menu and get rid of those entries?05:19
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MinatakuAdydas: Of course... why that didn't work either indicates that there's a problem with the source (not likely) or a problem with your build tools (likely)05:19
Admiral_Chicagojordo23 of course05:20
x04ty29erdraik: http://packages.ubuntu.com/05:20
Minataku*buntu is quite unfriendly when it comes to manual compilation05:20
Adydaswell from what i can learn its a lack of libncurses505:20
AdydasReading state information... Done05:20
Adydaslibncurses5 is already the newest version05:20
MinatakuAdydas: One sec05:21
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jordo23Admiral_Chicago: Care to elaborate?05:21
willy_alguien me puede ayudar05:21
Admiral_Chicago!es | willy_05:21
ubotuwilly_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:21
MinatakuAdydas: Try "make xconfig" instead05:21
willy_ando buscando informacion para manejar puertos seriales en ubuntu05:22
Admiral_Chicagojordo23: yes, let me get a link05:22
jordo23Admiral_Chicago: ok....thanks05:22
MuJapt-get install libncurses-dev05:22
MinatakuOr that05:23
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MinatakuThat might work too05:23
Adydasand qts missing05:24
MinatakuThis is why I don't like *buntu05:24
MinatakuUse MuJ's line05:24
Minatakuapt-get install libncurses-dev05:24
MuJthat's why I like gentoo :)05:24
MinatakuLinux version (root@Piyoko) (gcc version 3.4.6 (Gentoo 3.4.6-r1, ssp-3.4.5-1.0, pie-8.7.9)) #1 PREEMPT Wed Dec 20 23:21:32 EST 200605:24
=== CVirus Loves Gentoo too
CVirusGentoo has been running for more than 3 years on my desktop now05:25
CVirushad to install Kubuntu for my laptop though05:25
MinatakuWhy? Old laptop?05:25
CVirusMinataku: not old but I won't compile on it05:25
MinatakuHow come?05:25
CVirusMinataku: actually .. I wanted to master a binary based distro too05:26
MinatakuI run Gentoo on my laptop05:26
Minataku 23:25:55 up 48 days, 10:15,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.0005:26
MinatakuThis is my laptop, a Toshiba Satellite A25-S207, named Piyoko05:26
CVirusmy aim is to join the Gentoo development team05:27
MinatakuOne of a large number of laptops05:27
CVirusMinataku: it's not about compilation I'm tellin' ya05:27
MinatakuWhich is a subset of a larger number of computers05:27
MinatakuCVirus: I know, I stopped caring about you and started showing off05:27
CVirusMinataku: what do you use a large set of computers for ?05:27
MinatakuCVirus: I'm a collector05:28
CVirusseriously ?05:28
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MuJyeah.. who cares about compilation? you need to do it enough on *buntu too :|05:28
MinatakuAs far as named systems, if I can remember them all...05:28
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CVirusMinataku: all of them running Gentoo ?05:28
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MinatakuPiyoko Ryoko Hazuki Mahoro Minataku Komugi Koyori Sasuke Haruko Dejiko Usada05:29
CVirusMinataku: Asian names .. heh05:29
jordo23Does anyone know how to edit Grub's Boot Menu?05:29
MinatakuPlus one that has no name yet, one very old one (pre-PC) and one handheld (also very old)05:30
CVirusjordo23: /boot/grub/menu.lst05:30
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MinatakuAnd one that I decided not to bother with05:30
CVirusMinataku: all of them running Gentoo ?05:30
MinatakuCVirus: Negative05:30
MuJjordo23: yes05:30
MinatakuOf the ones actually capable of such a task, only one05:30
MinatakuNamed systems range from 1987 to 200305:31
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jordo23CVirus: I run a dual boot and have four kernel entries from when I updated from Dapper to Edgy....is editing that file how to remove them? Or is there another way...05:32
Admiral_Chicagosorry I got distracted.05:32
jordo23No problem....but that article doesn't really say what to do to delete entries.....any idea?05:33
MuJapt-get remove linux-image-(insert version of old image here)05:33
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jordo23Going to check which images are installed....05:33
Minatakujordo23: The kernels themselves or just the GRUB entries?05:34
MuJremoves the old kernels too.. with the entries :|05:34
MinatakuJust... listen to MuJ... sorry XD05:34
jordo23Minataku: How do I know if more than one is actually installed....05:34
MuJoh yeah! blame it on me! :|05:34
MinatakuMuJ: Actually, I was saying I was wrong and to not listen to me05:34
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AdydasSystem is 1654 kB05:37
AdydasSystem is too big. Try using bzImage or modules.05:37
MuJjordo23: dpkg -l | grep linux-image05:37
MuJthen just remove the ones you don't need05:37
_6StringKng_k, my login screen is a different resolution and refresh rate...its 1280x1024 at 60Hz, my normal desktop resolution and refresh rate is 1152x864 at 75Hz...I checked my xorg.conf to maybe see if 1280x1024 was somewhere in there and remove it but its not, could anyone help me?05:38
jordo23MuJ Went to check and it kpackage states I have three images installed.....should I remove them?05:38
MuJif you're sure you don't need them05:38
jordo23MuJ: That command has four lines of output....05:39
MinatakuAdydas: After I configure a kernel I usually use "make all && make modules_install && make install"05:39
mshade-laptopi always do make bzImage && make modules && make modules_install05:39
MinatakuThen again I also configure it nice and tiny05:39
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MuJjordo23: if the current kernel works properly you can remove the others05:40
MuJjordo23: you can check the running kernel by typing uname -r05:40
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Adydashrmm Minataku http://linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/tutorials/202/1/ Im following that.05:41
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jordo23Got it....thanks for the help all...05:41
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jordo23Are there any big differences between the apps in KOffice and OpenOffice?05:42
pingvenoI'm having a bit of a problem with zeroconf in edgy05:42
MinatakuAdydas: Hm05:43
Adydasits rubbish eh?05:43
pingvenoKonqueror detects computers on network05:43
pingvenoBut when I go to the actual service, I get a "Unknow host" error05:43
MinatakuAdydas: Replace "make zImage" with "make bzImage"05:44
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jordo23Why does kubuntu come with OpenOffice instead of KOffice?05:46
jordo23by default...05:46
moparisthebestmaybe openoffice is better?05:46
pingvenoI think because Openoffice is so popular05:46
moparisthebestI have never tried koffice, so I cant say05:46
jordo23Are there any differences in KOffice?05:46
pingvenoQuite a few05:47
jordo23on the application level...05:47
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jordo23not development level...05:47
mart81i do know koffice is a LOT faster05:47
jordo23hey Jucato05:47
pingvenoYeah, much faster05:47
MinatakuJucato's here, hide the fun stuff05:47
=== Admiral_Chicago waves to Jucato
moparisthebestbut koffice isn't cross platform is it?05:47
Admiral_ChicagoJucato: going up for membership tomorrow...you gonna be there?!?!?105:47
pingvenotechnically it can be, realistically it is not05:47
jordo23Word docs open in KOffice don't they?05:48
Admiral_Chicagomaybe when KDE4 comes out05:48
pingvenoI hope :)05:48
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moparisthebestopenoffice is fully cross platform, maybe that is the reason05:48
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!05:48
Jucatohi jordo2305:48
=== Jucato waves to Admiral_Chicago
MinatakuAdmiral_Chicago: If you're gonna be like that, I'd vote no05:48
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: unless you're talking about a Kubuntu meeting, nope... sorry05:48
JucatoMinataku: good thing you don't get to vote05:49
ubotuIntegrated office suite for KDE, including word processing, spreadsheet, flow charting, image manipulation. For more info see: http://koffice.kde.org. Upgraded Kubuntu packs at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/koffice-16.php (for Dapper) and http://kubuntu.org/announcements/koffice-161.php (for Edgy)05:49
jordo23Jucato: You use KOffice or OpenOffice?05:49
moparisthebestit started out as a discussion about why kubuntu uses openoffice instead of koffice Admiral_Chicago so it was ontopic05:49
MinatakuConsidering discussion of programs available to Kubuntu users, it is on topic05:49
MinatakuExactly, moparisthebest05:49
mart81jordo23: but if you search the blueprints, you'll see that there have been plans pushing koffice as default office pack on kubuntu.05:49
JucatoJucato: koffice05:49
jordo23mart81: Didn't know that...05:50
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MinatakuPersonally, I'd recommend OpenOffice over anything else05:50
jordo23Jucato: Do you have problems opening Microsoft Office documents?05:50
Jucatomoparisthebest: if that was the topic of the discussion, then it's offtopic in itself05:50
Blu3-kubuntuis there a command line version of the installer, one that doesn't require me to partition things etc?  i want to install on a usb stick which is already partitioned and formatted05:50
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Jucatojordo23: I have no MS Office docs. or if I do, I haven't tried opening them05:50
Blu3-kubuntuthe GUI version crashes/hangs05:50
ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.05:51
Minatakumoparisthebest: Uh oh, we better not talk about using any programs provided by Kubuntu or suggest alternates, that would be offtopic05:51
Blu3-kubuntuis that also "kubuntu" ? :)05:51
JucatoBlu3-kubuntu: yes05:51
JucatoMinataku: that's not the point05:51
moparisthebestguess not Minataku ;)05:51
JucatoKubuntu provides both KOffice and OpenOffice.org if you haven't noticed05:52
MinatakuWe might get banned if every topic ever stated in here doesn't directly reference Kubuntu as a whole05:52
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Jucatothe point is, discussions such as "why users use this and not that" or "which is better, this or that" tend to go on and on and on05:52
LeeJunFanJucato: bah, that never happens :p05:52
moparisthebestJucato, he was asking why the default install of kubuntu provides openoffice instead of koffice05:52
moparisthebestbut its ok, I dont really care either way :)05:53
MinatakuJucato: Actually, it was a discussion over why one is default while the other isn't05:53
pingvenoOpenoffice by default, KWord by request?05:53
pingvenoI forget05:53
LeeJunFanopenoffice supports saving in ms formats.05:53
Blu3-kubuntui assume your reference to dapper means i really need to use the dapper iso, not the edgy eft iso?05:53
Jucatoit will be KOffice by default soon... some time after Feisty, afaik05:53
MinatakuSomething like that, but we better stop talking about it before we get chained to a wall and whipped05:53
mart81yeah, when koffice hits 2.0 for what i read05:53
MuJit's because openoffice is so much usable atm than koffice05:53
JucatoBlu3-kubuntu: no. it says "available as of dapper" meaning, starting Dapper, there are Alternate Install CD's05:54
JucatoBlu3-kubuntu: which means Edgy has one, and so will Feisty05:54
Blu3-kubuntuok, thank you muchly05:54
MinatakuSorry, but there's keeping things in order then there's completely overshooting the target05:54
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=== Jucato doesn't whip people unless necessary
MinatakuIn this case, crying offtopic is completely overshooting the target05:54
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=== Jucato thinks offtopic discussions don' t need whipping
moparisthebestsome people like to be whipped...05:55
LeeJunFantalking about offtopic is offtopic.05:55
moparisthebestok, now that was offtopic, Ill shut up now05:55
mshade-laptop'night all, thanks for the help earlier, Minataku05:55
MinatakuIn this case, the discussion was not offtopic and claiming it was is bordering on abusive05:55
Minatakumshade-laptop: No problem, good night05:55
=== Jucato sighs
MinatakuEspecially since "Why is this done" is a legitimate question a user may have05:56
mart81let me throw a quesion in, i changed default language to English in kde, but aptitute still is in my installed language Dutch. Dunno, can this be changed somehow?05:57
JucatoMinataku: has the question been answered?05:57
MinatakuJucato: TBH, I don't know, I lost track when it was interrupted05:57
mart81in that it also gets English?05:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lang - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:57
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andrew__Assuming I'd like 2 get koffice-16 for dapper .... what's my commands?05:57
ubotuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf05:57
LeeJunFanJucato: thanks, that's it.05:58
Jucatomart81: try that link ^^^05:58
mart81cool :)05:58
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Jucatoandrew__: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/koffice-16.php05:58
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BalsamicChickentest hello05:58
MinatakuBut since this is getting nowhere because the ones on the thrones don't listen to suggestions from the little guy, I'll stop it here05:58
MinatakuBalsamicChicken: Success05:59
andrew__which meant just about nothing to me....05:59
BalsamicChickenomg i so need help =(( ever since yesterday's "update" i can't get kde to start, all i get is terminal05:59
JucatoMinataku: ok, then I'll answer it so as to close the topic: OpenOffice.org "seems" to have been chosen over KOffice for Kubuntu because it currently works better w/ MS Office formats, afaik05:59
BalsamicChickenat first the computer said fatal error can't load ndiswrapper05:59
bewlcan anyone tell me what he is using for his taskbar panels in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0ZtcxHUSDQ05:59
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Jucatobut seeing the development that has been going on in KOffice, they're considering making a switch, but probably not fully until KOffice 2.006:00
BalsamicChickenthen after i completely removed ndiswrapper, it said it can't load kde because my kernel version of nvidia is not the same as another version found on computer06:00
MinatakuJucato: Thank you, though that wasn't exactly what I cared about anymore XD06:00
MinatakuBut I apologize for that outburst06:00
Jucatobut for Feisty, Kexi is installed as default as part of the transition06:00
BalsamicChickenso now i can't log in to kde have hw due tomorrow, sooo screwed06:00
JucatoMinataku: you really should at least try to control your outbursts06:00
MinatakuSorry all, if I upset and/or offended anyone06:00
BalsamicChickeni did notice that there's this 2.6.17-11 on my comp  instead of 2.6.17-10 as i remember from before06:00
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MinatakuJucato: When I sense wrong I go into attack mode06:00
Jucatonot everyone can be as tolerant (as me?) :P06:00
BalsamicChickendid recent updates update the kernell....06:00
BalsamicChickenany ideas thx06:01
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BalsamicChickenlol my msg lost in a sea of chats =)06:01
JucatoMinataku: just keep in mind that your sense might not always be right06:01
MinatakuBalsamicChicken: I saw it, however I don't know what to do06:01
JucatoBalsamicChicken: there was an update last week06:01
BalsamicChickendid they update the kernel or something06:01
andrew__Jucato: I went to the page and it wasn't overly helpful - I found a pile of .debs a mile long and I just want a simple command or list of commands - noobie06:01
MinatakuJucato: Yeah, but especially with new power there tends to be overzealous use of it06:01
Jucato!info linux-image-generic edgy06:01
ubotulinux-image-generic: Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB06:01
MinatakuI was the same way06:01
JucatoBalsamicChicken: ^^^^06:01
BalsamicChickenactually let me go find my error msg06:01
BalsamicChickenk thx06:01
BalsamicChickenbut i'll go get my error msg06:02
LeeJunFanMinataku: yeah, a certain op whose name starts with N would certainly have kicked you by now.06:02
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BalsamicChickenit said screen found but couldn't find any one with proper configuration so startx command fails, but that's only the rough msg, there was one abuot nvidia, brb06:02
JucatoBalsamicChicken: you don't see the older 2.6.17-10 kernel in your GRUB menu anymore?06:02
CVirusbewl: this is kiba-dock ... check this page http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26864506:02
BalsamicChickeni see both the 10 and the 11 folders when i was trying to remove ndiswrapper06:02
Jucatoandrew__: hm.. hold on06:02
MinatakuHeh, NEVER just delete the old stuff06:03
JucatoBalsamicChicken: but when booting? the GRUB menu?06:03
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu06:03
MinatakuAlways test the new setup before you go shotgunning what worked06:03
LeeJunFanI gave up on beryl for now. Stupid things ran away with CPU and kaffeine didn't work for crap.06:03
=== Jucato gave up on Beryl when he realized 75% of the things he liked in Beryl can be implemented w/o Beryl...
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Jucatoandrew__: ok, do you know how to add a new repository?06:04
BalsamicChickenok so the error msg about nvidia is: the kernel module version for nvidia is 1.0.8776, but the X module version is 1.0.8746, please make sure the kernel version and all nvidia component version are the same, how do i even begin there =)06:04
JucatoBalsamicChicken: you have nvidia-glx installed?06:05
BalsamicChickeni meant to type the X module version is 1.0.9746, not 1.0.874606:05
BalsamicChickenJucato i think so06:05
andrew__gedit the sources file??06:05
JucatoBalsamicChicken: oh.. Beryl stuff?06:05
BalsamicChickenJucato yes i have beryl installed06:05
Jucatoandrew__: kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list06:05
andrew__or that tooo ;)06:06
Jucatoandrew__: then in the page I gave for KOffice 1.6, pick one deb line for Dapper (just one)06:06
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BalsamicChickenJucato i don't mind removing all of beryl as long as i can get kde back, but it seems right now that i have nvidia version problems, not sure how to approach06:06
Jucatoandrew__: deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/koffice-16 dapper main <-- probably that one06:06
JucatoBalsamicChicken: hm.. kinda tricky... either try asking in #ubuntu-effects or #beryl if you're using their repository06:06
BalsamicChickenJucato k thx06:06
BalsamicChickenJucato you think it might be because an update in beryl crashed my comp?06:07
JucatoBalsamicChicken: hm.. not really sure. the problem seems to be the kernel module for NVIDIA that comes from Ubuntu doesn't match the NVIDIA driver that comes from Beryl06:07
leafwhow can I unload a module? I never remmeber the command06:08
BalsamicChickencool, *loggin into the other channels*06:08
Jucatoandrew__: after you've added the new repository line *before* you "sudo apt-get update", you need to add Riddell's key06:08
rayluUptime: 32 minutes06:08
Jucatoandrew__: use the 2 commands listed in the koffice-16 page06:08
LeeJunFanraylu: reminded me to check on one of my servers for uptime. 302 days.06:09
andrew__and if I get a message about no ultimately trusted keys??06:10
leafwwhy, if nameservers are in /etc/resolv.conf, ping can't ping an URL by name but yes by IP?06:11
Jucatoandrew__: did you follow the steps I gave, about the 2 commands to download and add the key?06:11
cpk1leafw: if you dont have a nameserver then yes you can ping by ip06:11
LeeJunFanleafw: because for some other reason it isn't talking to nameservers.06:11
andrew__yes ... agter the wget I did the apt-ket add06:11
Jucatoyep. then sudo apt-get update06:12
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rayluhm...so from what I can tell06:12
andrew__I got..06:12
andrew__gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found06:12
rayluthe /google command is now unusable since Google doesn't allow SOAP API sign-ups anymore06:12
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leafwLeeJunFan : obviously. I'm trying to install ubuntu amd64 desktop, and can't even apt-get things i nthe livecd06:12
Jucatoandrew__: ok. now "sudo apt-get update"06:12
Jucatoor use Adept -> Fetch Updates06:12
leafwI'll need to change the ubuntu.com to its actual IP in sources.list06:12
LeeJunFanleafw: the nameservers listed in resolv.conf - are they internal router IP's or the IP's of your ISP's DNS servers?06:13
rayluIs this correct?06:13
leafwLeeJunFan : my router's IP06:13
cpk1pretty much all modern routers should be able to forward dns06:13
leafwLeeJunFan : which my laptop uses too, no problem06:13
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LeeJunFanleafw: updated your router firmware recently? some had bugs which caused dns to resolve everything to
leafwLeeJunFan : no, I didn't06:14
leafwthis router works just fine06:14
LeeJunFanor at least that's what apt said if you tried to apt-get update, it would try as the IP for the repos.06:14
leafwI've installed 12 or 13 ubuntu systems already. This is the first 64bit, and the first that fails at many things06:15
LeeJunFanleafw: do you have dig installed on your machine? in package dnsutils. I think it's standard install.06:15
leafwLeeJunFan : yes, I dig it ..06:15
draikWhat does everyone here use to view quicktime videos online?06:16
andrew__ok now what's the apt-get install command pls.06:16
LeeJunFanleafw: if you dig @[ip in resolv.conf file]  www.yahoo.com what does it return? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/06:16
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Jucatoandrew__: command for?06:16
LeeJunFanleafw: also - did you setup resolv.conf by hand?06:17
andrew__because 'apt-get install koffice-16' didn't wokrk06:17
cpk1i dont know what i use to view quicktime i just know it works =P06:17
LeeJunFanleafw: I forgot to put nameserver before the IP's before with mine :)06:17
leafwLeeJunFan: let me see ...06:17
dwidmannandrew__: drop the -16, just "apt-get install koffice"06:17
Admiral_Chicagoandrew__: sudo apt-get install koffice ?06:17
andrew__ah!! thks06:18
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leafwLeeJunFan : dig @ www.yahoo.com  complains about "no servers could be reached"06:18
cdwardI'm relatively new to linux and wanted to know if there are any utilities for making duplicates of dvd's...06:18
rayluDid anyone get the /google command working on Konversation?06:18
raylucdward: does K3B help?06:19
cpk1cdward: you mean like dd?06:19
leafwLeeJunFan : but I can ping yahoo's ip directly06:19
LeeJunFanleafw: hrm, can you ping
leafwgood point! "Destination Host Unreachable", although that is my router's IP!06:19
cpk1cdward: what kind of dvd are you trying to copy?06:19
cdwardraylu: k3b?  No, it tells me I don't have a disc loaded when I clearly do...06:19
cdwardcpk1: will dd copy dvd to dvd?06:20
rayluI'm not sure, but I think you may need to mount it.06:20
LeeJunFanleafw: okay. Does that machine have more than one network interface?06:20
jbruckmandoes anyone know how to find and remove orphaned modules?06:20
cdwardI tried mounting/loading with k3b but it just doesn't recognise06:20
cdwardvideo dvd06:20
leafwLeeJunFan : yes, dual ethernet06:20
cpk1cdward: no, it copies a dvd to your computer06:20
leafwaha! now I can ping the nameserver: I ifdown eth106:20
cdwardI want to make a backup copy of a dvd I own.06:21
cpk1cdward: if this is a commercial dvd (ie has encryption) then it will be a little more difficult06:21
leafwok, network fine. Thanks LeeJunFan06:21
LeeJunFanleafw: yep, it must have had it's IP set to your router IP.06:21
cdwardit's a commercial dvd, but it's mine.  I thought I had the right to make a backup...06:21
dwidmanncpk1, looks like the problem is the disk isn't mounting properly, perhaps.06:21
LeeJunFanleafw: been there too. Couldn't figure out why I couldn't talk to the router, but could talk thru it.06:21
underdog5004"Linux is user friendly, it's just picky about it's users!"06:21
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leafwLeeJunFan : actually no, the second interface had a different, instead of 38 (the first interface) and 1 (the router)06:22
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cpk1cdward: depending on where you live you might have the legal right, but i simply dont know what tools to use to copy an encrypted dvd06:22
leafwso now the problem is: the amd64 livecd can't open xorg06:23
LeeJunFancpk1, cdward: k9copy06:23
cdwardcpk1: sadly, I can't even play it ...06:23
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages06:23
LeeJunFan!info k9copy06:23
ubotuk9copy: DVD backup tool for KDE. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.0~beta1-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 630 kB, installed size 1708 kB06:24
cdwardok, checking out k9copy06:24
cdwardand css06:24
leafwalright: installing the fglrx module saved my day06:25
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cavalloI need to conect throught VPN to my work place and then connect with RDC to my computer at work (WinXP machine). On windows this was very easy. Is in kubuntu (KDE) or gnome any software to do that ? VPN and RDC together ?06:26
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raylurdc = ?06:28
LeeJunFanraylu: remote desktop06:29
LeeJunFancavallo: krdc for remote desktop, kvpnc for the vpn client config for kde.06:29
rayluOnce you're connected to the vpn, can't you just RD through there?06:30
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rayluthat sounded retarded.06:30
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LeeJunFanraylu: glad you noticed, I was trying to think of a nice way to explain :)06:31
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rayluI guess I'm saying I don't see what would be difficult about it; unless it's a convenience issue06:32
LeeJunFanraylu: I guess the vpn part is the snag. Once that's up rdc would be easy.06:32
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rayluWonder where cavallo went.06:33
rayluBut, since I have your attention now06:33
cavalloraylu: here06:33
rayluDoes the /google command work anymore?06:33
raylucavallo: Can you connect to your VPN?06:33
LeeJunFannever knew there was one.06:33
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cavalloraylu: not yet06:34
LeeJunFancavallo: you probably also need to install pptp-linux06:34
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cavallohmmm Im connected to net throught gateaway so I dont use any DSL ..06:35
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inteliwaspOT what is a good amd setup for a decent desktop?06:36
cavalloWhat I must fill in "Remote network" in kvpnc ?06:37
rayluShouldn't it be the same as what you filled in for Windows?06:38
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cavalloraylu: on Win I have just entered IP of machin to which one was trying to connect and that was all06:39
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rayluAnd you can't do this in KVPNc? (sorry, I haven't actually used it before)06:39
cavalloraylu: no :/ I mean. Not like on Winblowz :)06:40
cavallohere is a lot more settings to change which I dont know why they are there :D06:41
rayluOh. Have you tried just leaving them at the defaults?06:41
leafwhum, what to do when gparted is not listing a raid10 device, but dmraid -ay complains that the device is already active?06:44
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cavalloraylu: will try it :) Grrrr when I did have Winblowz I was able to work from home now its not the same :D I hope I will successfuly06:45
cavallowill be *06:46
cavallobah :D06:46
rayluIf you don't understand any specific setting, I guess I can try and decipher it for you06:46
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jtmoneyhow come there's no mythtv package?06:50
jtmoneyhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV_Edgy_Backend_Frontend_Desktop says there should be06:50
jtmoneyi have every repository enabled06:50
ubotuMythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV06:50
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Minataku!find mythtv06:50
ubotuFound: mythtv, mythtv-backend, mythtv-common, mythtv-database, mythtv-doc (and 2 others)06:50
jtmoneywow, really?06:50
MinatakuLooks like it06:50
jtmoneysomething must be wrong with adept06:50
ubotumythtv-backend: A personal video recorder application (server). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.20-0.2ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 760 kB, installed size 2296 kB06:50
jtmoneyokay, that and ivtv-source... i cannot find... i have enabled every repository06:51
ubotuivtv-source: source for ivtv drivers (0.7 branch). In component multiverse, is extra. Version 0.7.0-2 (edgy), package size 129 kB, installed size 176 kB06:51
MinatakuYeah, it looks like you have a problem somewhere06:51
jtmoneycrap, i really don't want to reinstall06:51
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Minatakujtmoney: I don't think you have to06:52
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MinatakuProbably just need to do something to slap adept into line06:52
MinatakuWhat that is I don't know, sorry06:52
jtmoneyrequest reinstall?06:52
LeeJunFancavallo: try leaving the remote network blank, what it wants is the remote network you are connectiong to like or whatever the IP range is of your remote network, however pptp should give that to you - so you might not need it.06:52
MinatakuWell with Portage I'd sync up via "emerge --sync"06:52
MinatakuI dunno how to do similar with apt06:53
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jtmoneyalright, i think i'm just gonna reinstall =(06:54
cavalloLeeJunFan: ok. But then ppd is started and I dont use it ? Im connected throught gateaway. Or I did miss something ?06:55
rayluIn Windows, the solution to everything is reboot...06:55
rayluin Linux, we reinstall :D06:55
leafwwhat is the command line equivalent to gparted?06:56
LeeJunFancavallo: you mean pppd? pptp uses point to point protocol or ppp to tunnel the data between you and the remote network, so that's normal.06:56
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LeeJunFanleafw: fdisk06:57
dettoaltrimenti_how would I change kubuntu to ubuntu?- I mean, visually which parts are different06:57
rayluI didn't quite understand that. Do you want to know how to switch over or what the differences are?06:57
sampandettoaltrimenti_   just don't type the "k", then kubuntu looks just like ubuntu06:58
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LeeJunFandettoaltrimenti_: ubuntu=gnome & kubuntu=kde - to install ubuntu on a running kubuntu system run 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'06:58
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Zedaelhey guys, i've just downloaded and installed Kubuntu 6.10  (PC (Intel x86) alternate install CD) , because my pc is really slow... really slow.. Anyway the install concludes (i gave password for the new user) but the install procedure did not prompt for any username , so nnow i am in the log in screen and dont have any username to type apart from the password :S :S ( i ran the install again...06:59
Zedael...one more time to be sure that there is no prompt for username)06:59
Zedaelany help :D?06:59
rayluMy install was basically a live CD06:59
rayluand the second thing it asked for was username on the same page as computer name and password06:59
Zedaellucky but mine is not :( , what should i do , i only have this install because it is intended for system under 192mb RAM07:00
Zedaeli double checked that there is no username and tried the root (username) , is there any recover procedure of username pass07:01
rayluperhaps the password you gave was the root password? You should be able to create an account from there07:01
dettoaltrimenti_LeejunFan- if I download ubuntu-desktop, which I assume is gnome, can I choose which I want to run from the session manager? I'd like to compare the 2 and see which I like more07:01
LeeJunFanZedael: sounds like you did the oem install07:01
Zedaelyeah tried but did not succeed ( user :root pass: my pass)07:01
rayludettoaltrimenti_: I believe it asks you when booting up/logging in, but I'm not sure07:01
Zedaeli did that07:01
LeeJunFanZedael: that's why - usename == oem07:02
LeeJunFanZedael: but you'd probably be better off to re-install normally, not OEM.07:02
Zedaeloops sorry yes you are right thanx !! i am kinda noob :D07:02
Zedaelwhy do you propose that?07:02
cavallopffff info: [pppd] LCP terminated by peer (3SsM-e^@ :/07:04
LeeJunFanZedael: well, try with your current setup, but if you find you have problems with stuff it may be due to it not being setup correctly in oem mode.07:04
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Zedaelwhich type of install should i use?07:04
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LeeJunFanZedael: just normal install from alternate CD will be standard text mode install.07:05
LeeJunFanZedael: I think with oem you'll have to setup your own user by hand, which can be kind of confusing for a new user.07:06
LeeJunFananyway - off to bed, gnight.07:06
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MinatakuHeehee... last time I was running Winamp in WINE I got a debug message that had the info then ended in "How did this happen?"07:09
MinatakuOfftopic, yes, but funny things ease stress07:09
Zedaelgood night07:11
Zedaelthanx for the help :)07:11
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MinatakuNot much better than N64 chipmusic at 1:14AM07:14
underdog5004or NES for that matter07:15
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Minatakuunderdog5004: That works too07:15
MinatakuOr the king of chipmusic... Amiga07:16
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SlynderdaleI'm having this problem, my CD drive is acting up. Yes, it works, to a degree. I tried burning a CD, which completed successfuly since I tested it in another CD drive but when I place it in mine, it doesn't even aknowledge it. The same thing happen if I placed burned CD's in the drive that worked previously.07:16
SlynderdaleIts strange, if I put in a non burnable CD like one that came with a game or program, it works.07:16
MinatakuSlynderdale: So the CLI burn worked just fine?07:17
MinatakuThat is, the command I gave you earlier to see if it was the drives or k3b07:17
SlynderdaleThe reason why I ask, I tried to burn the Kubuntu edgy to a disk to boot up but it didn't work. Yet when I tried the Ubuntu Dapper Drake I got in the mail, it worked07:17
MinatakuHm... That is weird07:17
SlynderdaleMinataku: It worked, I tried to load the CD in my external CD Drive and it worked07:17
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dettoaltrimenti_does debian use the same installation packages as ubuntu? is it just as easy to install things on debian?07:18
MinatakuI know Ryoko has a CD-R that's gone marginal and can't write things that anything else can read...07:18
dawntrying to install beryl on a ATI card is a pain07:18
SlynderdaleMinataku: Its a Maxwell CD-R07:19
MinatakuSlynderdale: Well, I meant the CD-R drive07:20
MinatakuHers has gone south and writes coasters now07:20
MinatakuThey read fine in that same drive07:20
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adydashow common is this error,07:20
adydasError: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has the version 1.0-7667, but07:20
adydasthis X module has the version 1.0-8762.07:20
MinatakuBut that doesn't quite help07:20
SlynderdaleIts weird, it was able to play burned CD's just might not to long ago. I tried an old CD that worked before and now don't07:20
_6StringKng_what dir is Gaim in?07:20
Minatakuadydas: Extremely07:20
MinatakuSlynderdale: Hm... check dmesg for complaining07:21
adydasso where would i find the common way to fix it.. :p07:21
Minatakuadydas: Get the NVIDIA kernel module that matches what X11R7 wants07:21
MinatakuIf possible unload the old module and load the new one07:22
MinatakuIf not possible, delete the old module and replace with new one07:22
adydasi havent loaded any, or anything i simply ran the ./Nvidia file i got from the website07:23
MinatakuRather, rename the old module07:23
MinatakuJIC you need it around07:23
adydasit installed, it worked and installed and ran x07:23
adydasi reboot and THEN the kernel issue comes up07:23
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MinatakuWell, there's a mismatch, and I'd bet that the nVidia kernel module you have lying around is old07:24
MinatakuFind it, rename it, replace it with the one X11 wants07:24
_6StringKng_what dir is Gaim in?07:24
SlynderdaleMinataku: The device, \Device\CdRom1, has a bad block.07:24
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=== Slynderdale notes hes under Windowsright now
Minataku_6StringKng_: locate gaim07:25
MinatakuSlynderdale: Bummer07:25
MinatakuIf you're in Windows, it might just be Windows being a snotty b... er... "female dog"07:26
SlynderdaleMinataku: I know :/ I wanted to do a clean install of edgy07:26
MinatakuThe BIOS can't boot from it?07:26
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SlynderdaleMinataku: The CD doesn't work at boot up either07:27
MinatakuI hate to tell you this, partially because it's bad news and partially because I might be wrong, but I fear bad hardware07:27
MinatakuEither the drive that burns is bad, or the drive that's reading is bad07:28
MinatakuIf they're the same drive, ouch07:28
MinatakuBut like I said, the bright side is that I could be wrong07:28
Slynderdale[I used my external CD Rom drive to burn one CD and the other to burn the one I did in Linux07:29
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MinatakuSlynderdale: And is there a third drive?07:34
dettoaltrimenti_when I try to do sudo apt-get update, I get this error:07:34
dettoaltrimenti_E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)07:34
dettoaltrimenti_E: Unable to lock the list directory07:34
MinatakuOr just 1 internal and 1 external07:34
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 07:34
Andymeowscan anyone tell me what kind of file I've created? it says ------S---T07:34
MinatakuAndymeows: Is that from stat or ls ?07:34
dettoaltrimenti_and it's fixed... thanks!07:34
SlynderdaleMinataku: Nope :/07:35
AndymeowsMinataku: ls07:35
MinatakuAndymeows: Hm...07:36
MinatakuAndymeows: That has 11 spots, my ls only has 1007:36
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AndymeowsMinataku: Sorry, it's ------S--T07:37
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AndymeowsI made it from a c++ program07:37
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AndymeowsI duped the file to standard out, and then used cout07:38
MinatakuAndymeows: stat it07:38
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MinatakuAndymeows: Type "stat thefile"07:40
Andymeows  Size: 743             Blocks: 8          IO Block: 4096   regular file07:40
AndymeowsAccess: (3000/------S--T)  Uid: ( 1000/    andy)   Gid: ( 1000/    andy)07:40
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bumzoanybody? ... i need help with kubuntu07:41
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Minataku... What the hell did you do07:41
bumzoam a newbie actually07:42
MinatakuOh, one sec, I think I have it now07:42
bumzoi need to learn how to install SOFTWARE07:42
MinatakuSorry, my brain is melted, Andymeows XD07:42
bumzoi keep downloading files in .ram and .deb extensions ..am like WTF07:42
bumzominataku .. please help07:42
MinatakuIt's a regular file,               S      If the set-user-ID or set-group-ID bit is set but the corresponding executable bit is not set. (This is on for group)               T      If the sticky bit is set but the other-executable bit is not set. (This is on for others)07:43
AndymeowsMinataku: thanks for your help07:43
MinatakuAndymeows: np07:43
MinatakuSorry about that, I got tripped up in my own confusion for a bit07:43
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ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues07:44
bumzoHELOOO ,.... newbie needs help here07:44
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)07:44
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto07:44
MinatakuThere we go07:44
Minataku!adept | bumzo07:44
ubotubumzo: please see above07:44
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Xossif i try to ./configure gambas2 i get an error something like sanity check failed.. what does it mean?07:45
MinatakuXoss: The configure script doesn't like something07:46
MinatakuDo it again, and tell me the error verbatim07:46
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MinatakuXoss: Though reading it more carefully, I believe the problem is that you've passed bogus options to the configure script07:48
MinatakuTry just ./configure instead07:48
Xossyes i just typed ./configure..07:49
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Xosshmm.. maybe i'll have to check it later and then save the error file.. im not using kubuntu ryt now..07:50
Xossmaybe later i'll ask you guys again.. thankz..07:50
Xosswhat is the default gcc version of kubuntu 6.10?07:51
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mart81bumzo: if you have problems understanding something about the use of adept or apt, poke07:52
bumzoANY HUMAN IN HERE???07:53
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MinatakuXoss: Oh, sorry, I misread >.<07:53
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rayluHuman? Blasphemy!07:53
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mart81bumzo: we all are instead of ubotu, which is the channels all knowing robot07:53
bumzothank got07:54
rayluYes. Got is very benevolent.07:54
mart81bumzo: read the links Minataku give you07:54
Minataku!adept | bumzo07:55
ubotubumzo: adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto07:55
adydasMinataku: you got any tips for what i need to search for in order to fix that nvidia issue i mentioned before i need more info to understand how to change that kernel version thing07:55
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:56
MinatakuPerhaps that may help07:56
adydascheers ill try it07:56
MinatakuSorry, my brain is crapping out >.<07:56
dawncan I install dans guardian into unbuntu?07:57
ubuntustiti romaneste?07:57
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Minataku!es | willy_07:58
ubotuwilly_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:58
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dawnto answer my own question, yes I can07:59
dawnGoogle is my friend07:59
MinatakuSorry, I'm tired XD07:59
MinatakuI need to go to sleep07:59
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MinatakuSorry, all, but I have to go to sleep... someone else should be around sooner or later07:59
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rayludawn: Does the /google command on Konversation work for you by any chance?08:00
dawni neer even used that08:00
MinatakuSorry if I upset and/or offended anyone, I did get a little out of hand a while earlier XD08:01
rayluit requires a SOAP API key which, as of a few weeks ago (I think), Google no longer gives.08:01
MinatakuBut yeah, off to sleep now, sorry >.<08:01
mart81Minataku: sleep well!08:01
dawnraylu: no, it does not08:01
rayluo.0? Then how do I use it?08:01
dawngoogle giveth and taketh away08:02
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dawnuse firefox08:02
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rayluI want to be able to /google things in Konversation08:02
rayluwithout using FF08:02
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dawnoh like desktop search?08:02
bumzou there08:02
rayluNo...web search08:02
bumzoi need ur help08:02
raylutry it. /google test08:02
dawni already did08:03
bumzoam tring to intall firefox08:03
bumzoit says its installed in adap manager08:03
bumzobut in add remove programs its disabled08:03
dawni use use the generic search feature in kubuntu08:03
mart81bumzo: yeah i am here08:04
bumzohelp me please08:04
mart81bumzo: if "which firefox" give you a path then firefox is installed08:04
bumzoas in?08:04
bumzowhat do u mean...am sooo green in this enviroment lol08:04
mart81bumzo: you can also very whether firefox is install by apt-get by doing: apt-cache policy firefox08:05
mart81bumzo: that is a command you can pass to konsole08:05
bumzoahh ... in the terminal window eeh08:05
mart81bumzo: you can start konsole from ALT-F208:05
bumzoinstalled (none) candidate (none) version table08:06
mart81bumzo: and i dunno if you have both adept and add/remove programs opened, but that generally is a bad idea08:06
bumzooops ... lemmi close08:07
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[StingRay] Hi, I am using mozilla and konqueror to play online radio. The problem is that once they stop they will not continue playig, but just cache large files on the hard disk. Any better linux alternative?08:07
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mart81bumzo: then you still need to enable the correct repository, the repository where firefox is categorized.08:07
bumzogeez ... how do i do that08:08
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thor does anyone have experience with compiling void11 ? I get strange errors...08:13
K`zanGoe some weirdness going here related to nfs files.  One of the nfs mounts does mount automatically as specified, the other does not.  Neither appears in a "df -h" until I manually mount it.  What am I missing, is there some limit to total mounts (I have about 10 other than the nfs mounts).  TIA08:14
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bumzogeez ... are guys in here geeks or is just me08:14
K`zanJust you :-)08:15
bumzok'zan ... help a bratha out here08:15
thorbumzo ?08:15
K`zan{IP}:/nettmp    /nettmp         nfs     defaults 0      0 - this one mounts but doesn't show up on df but is mounted.08:15
K`zanbumzo: i'll help a person out :).08:15
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bumzothor i can see mozila on add remove programs but its greyed out08:16
K`zanbumzo: but ya ain't my bro :)08:16
bumzolol ... ok08:16
K`zanbumzo: That is odd, mine installed out of the box.08:16
bumzok'zan .. i can see firefox on add remove progs but its al greyed out08:16
bumzomine didnt :(08:16
thorwhat exactly is grayed out ?08:17
K`zanbumzo:  Edgy, I assume?08:17
bumzoas in its disabled08:17
raylu[01:03:48]  <dawn> i use use the generic search feature in kubuntu08:17
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rayluwhat's that, dawn?08:17
bumzoam using konqueoro s the defult browser and its WHACK08:17
K`zanbumzo: Sorry to say, I ain;t got a clue, very sorry, someone else here might have seen that.08:17
rayluwhat's so wack about it?08:17
K`zanbumzo: Better than nothing, but yeah :-).08:18
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bumzoliike on gmail ... u can load contacks,... chat etd08:18
raylubumzo: is the firefox package installed in adept?08:18
=== K`zan is not an affectionado of knoq other than for file browsing :).
bumzoyes ... adapt shows its installed08:18
raylucan you run it?08:18
bumzohow do i do that?08:18
raylualt+f2 or alt+space08:19
rayluand type firefox08:19
mart81bumzo: sorry, i am kinda doing ten thing at the same time here...08:19
bumzoits says could not run the specific command08:19
rayluI'd try reinstalling with adept.08:19
bumzoi uderstand mart...08:19
K`zanbumzo: try typing in a console: "which firefox"08:20
K`zanless quotes :).08:20
mart81bumzo: does apt know what firefox is? Because it should, it is in main.08:20
bumzodumb question .... how do i get to console :S08:20
raylualt+f2, konsole08:20
rayluor, install yakuake so you can just press f12 for a konsole08:21
rayluthat looks prettier too. :D08:21
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bumzolol.. ok08:21
bumzo''which forefox'' is not responding08:21
bumzomart ... waht do u mean08:21
K`zanbumzo: in that konsole type "ls"08:22
rayluK`zan: why'd you tell him to do that?08:23
bumzoyeha .. why?08:23
K`zanraylu: to see if he actually has something working.08:23
rayluIt seems like firefox just isn't installed to me.08:23
K`zanapt-get install firefox (raylu confirm please?)08:23
bumzo''could not run ''is'' ''08:24
raylubumzo: LS, not is :P08:24
K`zanthanks :)08:24
K`zansudo apt-get install firefox (raylu confirm please?)08:24
rayluby the way...why do people use apt-get instead of aptitude?08:24
bumzoin console?08:24
rayluyes, bumzo08:25
K`zanI'm willing to help, but I am new to ubuntu and it has been years since I messed with deb, been using gentoo until recently.08:25
mart81bumzo: when you do that, make sure adept and add/remove are closed.08:25
bumzoi do that in the terminal window?08:25
rayluand what are "Super Cow powers?"08:25
mart81lol, that is an error message08:25
rayluaptitude says it has no super cow powers...and apt-get says it does08:26
raylubut everything else seems to be the same to me.08:26
bumzook this is waht i get...08:26
bumzoreading package list ... done08:27
rayluso I just use aptitude because it sounds nicer :P and I dont like super cows from Diablo II08:27
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K`zanbumzo: good so far :)08:27
bumzobuilding dependancy list ... done08:27
raylubumzo: copy/paste is your friend :D08:27
K`zanraylu: unless you exceed the pedantist limit :)08:27
rayluthe wha'??08:27
K`zanpicky people :)08:28
=== raylu is very confused.
bumzopackage firefox is not available, but is referred to by another package this may mean that the pakcage is missing, has been obsoleter or is only available from another soure08:28
K`zanraylu: welcome to my club :).08:28
rayluperhaps bumzo should try: sudo apt-get reinstall firefox08:28
K`zanbumzo: I get the impression something is really wrong there, how did you get gentoo.08:28
K`zanerr ubuntu08:28
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bumzohowever the following packages replace it : libnss308:29
K`zanBeen too long a day, I'm flakey.  Let someone awake help you bumzo08:29
K`zanbumzo: good luck with it.08:29
K`zanNight all <splat>08:30
bumzotahtnks k'zan08:30
K`zanbumzo: Sorry I was not able to help more, stick with it, you'll be happy :).  Night.08:30
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bumzorayul .. .reinstal says ''invalid operation reinstall''08:31
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mart81bumzo: that is weirdness, it should be just available seeing the last version is from main/edgy-security.08:32
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bumzoso what does all this mean? i re-install kubuntu????08:33
mart81bumzo: have you changed your sources.list file maybe?08:34
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bumzoi have done NOTHINg ... installed this a week ago08:35
mart81bumzo: hmm, but somehow apt thinks there is no firefox at all, which is wrong obviously08:36
bumzohmmm....so whats best?08:37
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mart81bumzo: well, i would make a fresh sources.list file at source-o-matic, and apt-get update to give it another try, but this is weird08:38
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mart81at least for me it is08:38
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bumzojut how do i get the source file and do that?08:38
mart81!easysource | bumzo08:39
ubotubumzo: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic08:39
mart81at that site you can generate a new file08:39
antonio_frikis de mierda08:39
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mart81which you paste in a text editor to /etc/apt/sources.list08:39
deathnotehi what's this /proc directory about?08:39
deathnotewhat's the difference between /proc and /dev ?08:40
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rubenq te pasa ????08:40
rubenen espaol08:40
antonio_calla yerai08:40
antonio_in spain08:40
rubenhello penguin08:41
rubenme cago en los frikis putos08:41
bumzohow do i getthe source list on my comp?08:41
antonio_IN SPAIN please08:41
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dettoaltrimenti_if I'm running kubuntu and just downloaded ubuntu-desktop, how do I run it?08:41
erniedeathnote: the /proc folder is for proccess and the /dev is for devices08:42
mart81bumzo: from the konsole, you can do i.e. "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"08:42
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stdindeathnote: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_hierarchy_standard for more information08:42
stdindettoaltrimenti_: logout and choose gnome as the session you want to log into08:42
rubenun poquito de por favor08:42
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stdin!es | ruben08:43
uboturuben: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:43
bumzosays ''command not found''08:43
mart81bumzo: or you open kate with kdesu by doing "kdesu kate" and open the file from inside kate.08:43
bumzoi think am in deeper shit than i anticipated08:43
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antonio_q ableis en espaol m cago en to la puta santa virgen08:44
dettoaltrimentiand what is the gnome version of konversation? and konqueror?08:44
bumzook am in kate alright .. where is the source.list?08:44
stdin!es | antonio_08:45
ubotuantonio_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:45
antonio_compae no kiero ayuda kiero exar el rato no m ralles08:45
stdindettoaltrimenti: xchat-gnome is the IRC client (you'll need to install it) and nautilus is the file manager08:46
rubensois todos unas putas de mierda08:46
dettoaltrimentiand is adept usually used in gnome?08:47
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stdindettoaltrimenti: no, they use synaptic08:47
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bumzosob sob08:51
mart81getting close bumzo?08:51
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bumzoyes ... its poped a list on the kate ...what do i do with it?08:54
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mart81bumzo: that sould get the new sources.list file08:54
mart81bumzo: make a backup first from konsole08:55
bumzook ..what do i do with it?08:55
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mart81bumzo: those lines should replace the lines in your current /etc/apt/sources.list file08:56
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bumzobtw .. where do i get the original source list on my comp??08:56
bumzofrom kate?08:56
mart81bumzo: that path would be /etc/apt/sources.list08:57
mart81making some tea, brb08:57
bumzoi have desktop.home folder , storrage media08:58
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bumzoand network folder08:58
bumzowait .. .got it08:59
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jeantodtqualcuno ke mi aiuti ??09:01
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:02
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jeantodtqualcuno ke mi aiuti ?09:03
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ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat09:04
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jeantodtma qui e' in ita ?09:05
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:05
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dettoaltrimenti_what do the processes pppd do?'09:14
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vge ppp is connected to modems and d is from daemon, wild guess09:15
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dettoaltrimenti_I'm just wondering why I have like 20 of those 'pppd' processes09:17
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solidsourceanyone know how to get libmtp to work in amarok?09:34
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stdinI would think it'd have to be compiled with libmtp for it to work09:40
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OlgaBIs the AIM in Kopete not working for anyone else?09:44
solidsourcemine works09:45
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OlgaBI try Set Status -> Online and nothing happens :(09:45
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solidsourcetry re-adding that account to kopete?09:45
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OlgaBIt doesn't ask for my password or anything09:46
solidsourcenot even "unable to connect to server"?09:47
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solidsourcethe plugin might be messed up for it, could try re-installing kopete through adept....but thats just a quess09:49
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OlgaBDidn't work09:52
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morghanphoenixBe afraid of Cedega CVS, started compiling at a quarter after midnight, still making.09:55
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solidsourceOlgaB: sorry I don't know, can't find anything on it, the only thing I found is http://www.kde-forum.org/artikel/6534/Kopete-driving-me-crazy.html09:56
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morghanphoenixWhat's the longest compile you guys have ever sat through?09:57
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OlgaBI count it as one big compile09:58
morghanphoenixI just finished setting up slackware and am now putting cedega on it, I've been watching scrolling words in a terminal so long I'm starting to get matrix-vision.09:59
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morghanphoenixWhat ever posessed me to move into a room above a bar?10:00
morghanphoenixAnd next to a college10:01
morghanphoenixSo when one shuts up the other begins.10:01
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morghanphoenixI swear all college kids must be on meth, only way they could make noise 24 hours a day every day.10:01
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ahmedi am a new user this chat channel10:04
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incorrectis there a good pdf viewer that will allow me to highlight text, kpdf allow my to copy images which is no good to me10:05
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morghanphoenixCrossover office with Acrobat, that's a good way to do it. Aside from that I don't have a clue, I've not used pdf much recently.10:06
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solidsourcetheres always the officially adobe reader for linux10:07
solidsourcecurrent version is 7.0.910:07
OlgaBAre there any alternative AIM clients I can use?10:08
ahmedi have a problem wpa wireless on kubuntu edgy10:09
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mauroincorrect: you can also kind of select text in PDF10:13
maurotry ghostview, it comes with kubuntu and i think it can openn PDF10:13
solidsourcejust let whoever might be looking for a MP3 that will work with linux, MPIO players (specifically the HD400 = 8GB) work10:14
maurosolidsource: i think most players work =/10:14
incorrectit can, but it can't render the pdf i have,  i found pdftotext10:15
incorrectthats sort of worked10:15
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solidsourcemauro: not true, most flash devices work, not the same for all...such my current toshiba does not10:15
soulrideri see solidsource10:16
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deathnotehi i've got a wireless network card..when enabled, wlan0 and wmaster0 come out together .. (wmaster0 seem to be the wifi)..i couldn't connect using wlan0 (checked wep and essid everything)..i am thinking wmaster0 is taking over as the access point therefore block my connection..anyway to disable it?10:26
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ahmedi've got a wireless network card like intel pro/2200BG and we use wpa encryption. when i run iwlist eth1 scannig command, it found wireless modem. But not connection10:30
deathnoteanyone know of kubuntu issues with rt2x00?10:30
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parkerw207hey anyone here who can help me for a sec with root problems ?10:40
parkerw207when i go onto system and setting ----> user managerment ----> administrator mode  nothtin happens , the passowrd box doesnt show and it just sits there10:42
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solidsourcethat happens a lot10:42
Madeyeguys, I'm trying to install kde-base but ran into dependency hell! http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5539/10:42
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solidsourceparkerw207: a lot of time when it happens to me, I have to restart the system10:42
parkerw207solidsource: ooo i dont wanna have to be doing that all the time10:43
parkerw207solidsource: also can you change the root passowrd , i dont want it to be the same as my defual user10:43
solidsourceparkerw207: otherwise, just need to close system settings and give some time, then try again10:43
stdinMadeye: that isn't a dependency problem, but it's easy to fix. just do "sudo dpkg --force-all -i /var/cache/apt/archives/libavahi-compat-libdnssd1_0.6.13-2ubuntu2_i386.deb"10:43
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solidsourceparkerw207: no you can't, there is no "active" root account, you run things as a sudo user10:44
stdinMadeye: why do you need kde-base anyway ?10:44
Madeyestdin, so what kind of problems was it ?10:44
solidsourceparkerw207: also crtl+esc to see if there is any kdesu processes, if so kill em10:45
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Madeyestdin, I downloaded Corel Photo Paint PRO - Linux and it requires kde-base10:45
parkerw207there is loads10:45
parkerw207which do i kill?10:45
stdinMadeye: hmm, ok, about that error, basically there is a file in a package you are trying to install that was in another package too, so it threw out an error, the --force-all option tell it to go ahead and overwrite it10:46
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solidsourceparkerw207: close out of the programs that would use them, then kill them all10:46
parkerw207i did10:46
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Madeyeany idea how to install all .deb packages inside a directory ?10:50
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ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)10:51
fignewMadeye: sudo dpkg --install package.deb10:51
Madeyefignew, would *.deb work ?10:52
[StingRay] Hi, stdin :)10:53
stdinhay [StingRay]  :) , how are you?10:53
[StingRay] stdin, fine thanks. I was able to get my app run under wine 0.9.30, and the cyrillic problem disappeared. I also could get office 2003 OEM basic to work.10:54
stdin[StingRay] : eww, ms office :P it's always a pita to get that to work in wine10:55
[StingRay] stdin, I have not tested everything, but I don't see any major problems ;). I tried with openoffice, but the rtf files are messed up..10:55
[StingRay] stdin, office is really a pain and there are always some minor problems.10:57
stdin[StingRay] : I'm sure MS intentionally ignore standards just to annoy us10:57
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Madeyedarn, long live open source, it is amazing world; been trying to install commercial app for four hours now while I just need the download time to install any free package10:58
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[StingRay] stdin, you are absolutely right...10:58
stdinMadeye: that's why open source is great, if it don't work right on one particular system, anyone can just change it to make it work. can't do that with a commercial closed source app11:00
[StingRay] stdin, I was having problems with online radios. I play them in konqueror and mozilla, but the radios just stop randomly and do not continue, just buffer. When you start them again they play the buffered file...I installed winamp, but often wine apps disturb it when used. Is there a better linux alternative?11:00
Madeyestdin, indeed, actually my experience in installing Corel Paint pro worth blogging about11:00
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Madeyeit is ridicules that you pay money to get professional software but YOU CANNOT INSTALL IT heh11:01
stdin[StingRay] : I tend to use amarok when I can, or if that don't work, I go to mplayer11:02
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tarelerulzI just installed berly and it is so cool.11:03
stdinheh, yeah, it does11:04
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tarelerulzDo you know how to get the 3d cube veiw all the time?11:05
eeoshi there.11:05
stdinwhat's the point of that ?11:05
[StingRay] stdin, I guess I am already using mplayer-plugin with knoqueror and mozilla. I will try amarok then.11:06
eeosI think there is something broken in yesterday's update (2.6.10-11)11:06
tarelerulzHow do you get a mplayer plugin for konqueror?11:07
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stdin[StingRay] : if the stream uses asx then I found I sometimes have to d/l the file and extract the url of the stream and play that11:07
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eeossome modules do not compile anymore. did anyone notice the same thing?11:08
stdintarelerulz: I think it's mozilla-mplayer11:08
stdin!info mozilla-mplayer11:08
ubotumozilla-mplayer: MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.31-1 (edgy), package size 467 kB, installed size 1616 kB11:08
Madeyeany good photo editing under kde? just need to enhance and colorize photos I take11:08
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stdinMadeye: there is krita, but if you want some real power, get the gimp11:09
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Madeyestdin, gimp seems to be cool but there is no good tutorials for photo editing and its menus are harder than pharoh's language heh11:10
stdineeos: I'm not running 2.6.10-11 so I don't know, but you should get some info in #ubuntu-devel and #ubuntu-kernel11:10
eeosstdin thanks11:11
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stdinMadeye: yeah, it can be, let's say "cryptic", but it's the best (as in most fully featured) image editing app on linux11:11
MadeyeI really wish that adobe would release linux version of PhotoShop11:12
stdindon't hold your breath for that11:13
[StingRay] Madeye, I was using Photoshop 7.0 with wine. All was just fine.11:14
solidsourceI use photoshop CS2 in wine11:15
[StingRay] :)11:15
tarelerulzIs there plugin for konqueror for mplayer?11:15
OlgaBIs there a way to change the default file manager in KDE?11:15
Madeyesolidsource, [StingRay]  hmm but they are slow with wine, or is there a secret recipe for wine configurations ?11:15
stdintarelerulz: mozilla-mplayer will work with konqueror11:16
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tarelerulzok thanks man11:16
tarelerulzI just was not sure11:16
tarelerulzYou know linux it is hard to get working unless you have evything right11:16
[StingRay] Madeye, 7.0 was running at native speed (wine 0.9.12)11:16
solidsourceMadeye: yes it does run a little sluggish sometimes, but most of the time its ok, at least the way I got it11:16
stdintarelerulz: yeah, there isn't a specific konquror plugin, but konqueror used mozilla plugins. so any mozilla plugin will work with it11:17
solidsourceMadeye: could also run through VMware if you got a Win 2k or later disc11:17
Madeyesolidsource, with wine's default configurations ?11:17
Madeyesolidsource,  I have XP install on my laptop; would that work ?11:17
stdinOlgaB: there probably is, but I don't know how easy it is. Best place to ask is in #kde11:18
solidsourceMadeye: yes that would and no, I had to get tons of DLLs and change config for CS2 to work11:18
Madeyesolidsource, any tutorial and/or guide to do that ?11:18
solidsourceMadeye: win XP is what I run on my laptop and VMware11:18
tarelerulzthis may sound dumb what do you do to get konqueror to use mplayer plugin?11:19
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solidsourceMadeye: I don't know really if there is a guide, didn't look all that much11:19
stdintarelerulz: it should pick it up automatically11:20
solidsourceMadeye: but it would be more beneficial to run through VMware, once I started doing that, it worked better...only thing is it requires more RAM11:20
cpk1tarelerulz: go to settings configure conquerer then plugins and scan for new plugins11:21
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Madeyehmm have to try both, will do that now11:22
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Madeyethank you for the tip/help :-)11:22
solidsourceanyone know of a way to connect kubuntu to xbox in order to stream music?11:25
cpk1Madeye: it looks like photoshop 7 should work just fine in wine11:25
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Edulixit works very well11:26
Edulixincluded monitor mode ;)11:26
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stdinsolidsource: don't know, because I don't have an xbox, but I think it uses smb, so samba should do it11:26
mipswhere does the pppoe.conf file live ?11:27
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solidsourcestdin: no, because it searches for windows computers....11:28
stdinsolidsource: how dose it detect these computers? the only way I know of is with smb11:29
solidsourcestdin: Xbox requires a driver be installed on windows XP, or windows media center has it built in11:29
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Madeyeanyone can help me with this ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5540/  it is annoying and I'm annoying I know :-)11:40
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Admiral_ChicagoMadeye: sudo aptitude install -f11:42
Admiral_Chicagowhat does that tell you11:43
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alexiconhrm for some reason my dhcp doesnt seem to be working11:44
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Madeyed/c sorry11:45
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Admiral_ChicagoMadeye: sudo aptitude install -f11:46
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OlgaBI can't seem to get Opera to work11:53
OlgaBIt doesn't seem to be able to DNS resolve11:53
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ahmedMy opera can't play video on youtube11:55
OlgaBremoving + installing opera through apt doesn't seem to fix it11:55
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JackPhiladd a user to a group, howto take effect immediately without logout?12:02
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:02
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_itahi all... my linux refused to use "new" dns entries all the windows boxes around me already know .. e.g. i ping www.foo.bar - i still get "old" ip, my windows collegue does a ping www.foo.bar - he already gets "new" ip .. on windows id do a ipconfig /flushdns .. google tells me on linux i need to restart nscd .. (which i dont have installed - i think) ... how can i flush/renew my dns "cache" !?!12:15
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jean-bhello everybody12:19
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jean-bi wish to install beryl on kubuntu12:20
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psb154_ita are you sure you have a local DNS cache because you normally you have to specifically configure this, I don't believe it is default.12:30
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psb154_ita are both windows and linux computers pointing at the same dns servers and gateways?12:32
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_itawell i have 2 ips in my resolv.conf .. local lan ips .. all i can do is "ping www.some.thing" .. and i get a different result as my windows collegue sitting next to me .. and im pretty sure his data is new mine is yesterdays ip .. so you are right i never configured any local cache ..12:33
_itayes we only have one gateway and its the same 2 dns server ips12:33
okaylorsque je ping avec l'option -f j'ai un E comme rsultat, je n'arrive pas trouver la signification! qq1 peut-il m'aider12:33
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_itaits getting weird .. im sorry to confuse you .. a "dig @ (inhouse dns) www.foo.bar" tells correct ip .. a "ping www.foo.bar" still wrong/old ip12:35
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:40
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psb154_ita as an experiment I would try a different dns server http://www.opendns.com/ you could point to 'Open dns' in stead of your internal dns servers. Your gateway should give you access to it.12:43
psb154_ita I suggest this as a trouble shoot exercise because I suspect there may be a problem with your internal dns server tables.12:44
psb154_ita http://www.opendns.com/ gives you information how to configure OpenDNS, the url is not the DNS server :-)12:45
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jkjksince last night's update my xserver won't start with nvidia drivers anymore. Had to switch to "nv". X reports a version mismatch between x.org and the nvidia driver. Anyone else has that problem ?12:49
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psb154jkjk, http://kubuntuforums.net makes mention of your problem on its front page. Hope that helps.01:03
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lynskynhttp://www.newbiesparadise.com/index.php <-- good website to learn xHTML and CSS01:05
LionRockTo learn xHTML and CSS in Xubuntu :D01:06
LionRockkHTML :)01:06
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zorglu_q. when i boot, my 2 usbdisks are mounted with different names, i would like to have always the same name, how can i do that ?01:07
zorglu_where should i look ?01:07
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zorglu_i guess i will have to do the /etc/fstab way then :)01:11
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robinhelp..i'm stuck for like 3 days because of this wireless card linksys wmp56g.. could scan and find my wireless network, but just couldn't connect.....anyone help?01:12
Admiral_Chicagozorglu_: do you mean the name that appears on the desktop?01:12
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zorglu_Admiral_Chicago: yep, the icon name is different, but it is not what bother me, what is bothering me is the mount point. e.g. the same disk is mounted on /media/sda1 sometime and some other time /media/usbdisk-101:13
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jkjkpsb154: thanks, i'll dig through the thread :)01:14
Admiral_Chicagocan you paste your fstab?01:14
Admiral_Chicagothe mount point *should* be the same, but that doesn't mean it will be01:14
robinanyone can help01:14
psb154jkjk,no problem :-)01:14
zorglu_Admiral_Chicago: http://pastebin.ca/35349801:15
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zorglu_Admiral_Chicago: but from "df" you can see "/dev/sda1            196007776 195352956    654820 100% /media/usbdisk-1"01:16
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Admiral_Chicagohmm, that is odd. bbiab01:16
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zorglu_ /dev/sda1: UUID="c563fb2a-8b19-48ba-a0f0-8f8fbfbfb9ee" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3" <- from "blkid"01:19
zorglu_aka this is not the one in the /etc/fstab :)01:19
zorglu_something went wrong during the dapper->edgy upgrade :)01:19
zorglu_is there a way to regenerate the /etc/fstab in ubuntu way ?01:20
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indygoI'm trying to resize my windows partition using qtparted, but when I do the resize, it comes with an error saying that the windows drive is a mounted read-write drive and must be unmounted first.  how can I unmount that drive?01:24
Admiral_Chicagoindygo: in a konsole, sudo umount -a01:25
indygowill that destroy any data?  Also, what exactly is unmounting?01:25
zorglu_Admiral_Chicago: is there a way to regenerate the /etc/fstab in ubuntu way ?01:26
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Admiral_Chicagowon't destroy anything. it just makes you not see that partition so you don't destroy any files you are working on01:26
Admiral_Chicagozorglu_: afaik, no01:27
indygoOh, I see.  Thanks a lot for your help :D01:27
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zorglu_Admiral_Chicago: ok toobad thanks anyway01:27
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Cheetahhey fellas, can I make the list view the default in konquerer? right now its always icon view by default01:28
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indygoIt says sudo: unmount: command not found when I type in sudo unmount -a01:28
MariseSound works fine when I login as root,01:28
Marisebut it does not work at all when I login01:28
Mariseas another user. How do I fix this?01:28
Admiral_Chicagoooh sorry umount -a01:28
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indygooh woops, my brain put an 'n' in there, sorry about that :D01:29
] {urganhey all, is anybody using feisty?01:29
Admiral_Chicago] {urgan: i am01:29
indygoHmm, now it says device is busy...01:29
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] {urganAdmiral_Chicago, Do you use kopete as an MSN client?  since I upgraded to feisty it wont connect to MSN and I want to know if it's a feisty bug, or if it's something else I'm doing01:30
Admiral_Chicagoyou're using some file on that partition01:30
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indygoOh, okay, I'll see if I can find it :D01:30
Admiral_Chicago] {urgan: no, i don't use MSN. ask around in #ubuntu+101:30
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] {urganAdmiral_Chicago, I tried that, unfortunately, none of them are using kde :(01:31
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Admiral_Chicagoah unfortunatly, i don't use MSN or kopete, i like gaim much better01:31
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] {urganAdmiral_Chicago, Ah well, I'll struggle on, working without MSN, amybe it will prompt me to get some actual work done!01:32
indygoIs there any application or command that can tell me what files I'm using from the windows partition?01:32
] {urganindygo, I think lsof can do that, but you might want to grep for your windows partition name, as lsof returns a lot of open files01:32
Cheetahah nevermind, i found out that you have to overwrite the "file manager" profile01:32
Admiral_Chicagoindygo: afaik, no. i would edit your fstab and comment out the windows partition01:32
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indygoI'm sorry, I'm really new to kubuntu right now, how do I edit fstab?01:33
maaaani^wegsudo nano /etc/fstab01:34
Admiral_Chicagothe line would be NTFS or VFat iirc01:34
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indygoWhat do I put around it to comment it out?01:35
parkerw207how do i find out my ip address ?01:35
Admiral_Chicagoparkerw207: whatsmyip.org01:35
Admiral_Chicagoindygo: a # at the start of the line01:35
indygothanks again :D01:36
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indygoI can resize the partition now, but it says it the filesystem check failed.  Is there something I forgot to do?01:41
indygoIs there a webpage anywhere that can walk me through the entire process of resizing a partition without deleting any of the data?01:45
maaaani^wegon my pc it worked very fine, without losing data01:46
zorglu_hmm pmount man page contains error. "device is not in /etc/fstab (if it is, pmount executes  mount  device as the calling user to  hadle this transparently)" <- from pmount man page, but it is not what is happening as pmount /dev/sda1 mount on the wrong mountpoint while mount /dev/sda1 mount it on the proper mount point (proper meaning the one in /etc/fstab)01:46
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zorglu_is there a doc on how pmount contruct the mount point ? the man page doesnt have this info01:48
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zorglu_or is there a way to remove pmount stuff01:49
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indygoWhat does changing the active to the linux ext3 partition, instead of the windows ntfs partition do?01:51
indygo*active partition01:51
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Linux_Galorezorglu_: /etc/fstab doesnt set the /dev/  mount points01:52
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zorglu_Linux_Galore: ? well there is a field mount point :) and "mount -a" does mount the partitions in the proper mount point01:53
zorglu_UUID=075e4a10-359e-4b0f-b5a6-ee215610a98d /media/usbdisk-250 ext3 defaults 0 2 <- like in this, the /media/usbdisk-250 is the mount point01:54
Linux_Galorezorglu_: yes, mount  mounts a device thats already in /dev/  so does fstab , but neither actually creates the /dev/ mount point01:54
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zorglu_hue ?01:55
Linux_Galorezorglu_:  mount has nothing to do with /dev01:55
zorglu_Linux_Galore: i dont get what you mean by /dev mount point01:55
zorglu_Linux_Galore: ????01:55
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jeantodtil canale italiano?01:56
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:56
zorglu_Linux_Galore: ok lets move on :) can i disable the pmount stuff ?01:57
zorglu_or a pointer on doc about pmount ?01:57
zorglu_info to fix the issue in fact :)01:57
indygoHow should I fix the filesystem check failed error?01:57
Linux_Galorezorglu_:   /dev/sda for example  is the literalally were your device is setup via the kernel/drivers etc in your file system,  mount then assists you by allowing you to create a functional mount point that you can use  ie /media/usb-drive01:57
zorglu_indygo: "fsck" is the tool for it01:57
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zorglu_Linux_Galore: oh i see :) you think im a beginner :)01:58
indygoIs that in the console, or is it an application?01:58
zorglu_Linux_Galore: so /dev/sda1 is the kernel device for the disk partition01:58
Linux_Galorezorglu_: yep01:58
zorglu_Linux_Galore: mount doesnt create the mount point, but pmount does01:59
zorglu_Linux_Galore: is that enough to show im not the usual beginner ? :)01:59
zorglu_in short i have /etc/fstab properly configured02:00
indygoshould I mount the windows filesystem before running fsck?02:00
zorglu_indygo: nope02:00
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indygothe console is saying that the linux partition is the one it will run on though.02:01
indygoWhat exactly does fsck do?02:01
zorglu_indygo: in fact, you should not fsck a mounted partition02:02
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zorglu_fsck is ... checking the fs02:02
zorglu_i dont remember the window name for it02:02
Jucato_fsck = FileSystem ChecK02:02
indygooh, fs check I see02:02
clauis there something wrong with the official kubuntu dapper repositories?02:02
shinigamihi why when i try to load video from www.youtube.com, it says igot javascript off or old version of macromedia's flashplayer? i got flashplugin-nonfree and sun-java5-jre/plugin installed..a few days ago it was ok02:03
clauI get 404 not found02:03
Linux_Galoreindygo: windows will do a file system check before it defrags,  Linux only needs the first step as fragmentation is a zero issue with modern file systems in Linux02:03
=== jbanicar [n=jbanicar@ynp0405.students.ecu.edu] has joined #kubuntu
indygoHow would I get fsck to run on /dev/sda102:03
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indygomy windows partition?02:04
Linux_Galoreindygo: whats fs is on the disk02:04
zorglu_ok is there a second level support or something ? :)02:04
shinigamihello? can anyone c me02:04
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Jucato_shinigami: nope02:04
Jucato_shinigami: I can't see you02:04
zorglu_my pmount question seems 'second-level' support :) -devel doesnt seems to be the place :) and this channel either :)02:05
Jucato_<shinigami> hello? can anyone c me02:05
Admiral_ChicagoJucato_: come represent in #ubuntu-meeting02:05
Jucato_zorglu_: right...02:05
=== Jucato_ shrugs
Jucato_Admiral_Chicago: does my vote count?02:05
Jucato_shinigami: I was just kidding. yep I can see you02:05
Admiral_ChicagoJucato_: they suggest bring a fan club02:05
Jucato_ha :)02:05
Jucato_you should bring nixternal... he's a one-man fan club02:06
zorglu_!info pmount02:06
ubotupmount: mount removable devices as normal user. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.13-1build1 (edgy), package size 39 kB, installed size 588 kB02:06
Jucato_better wake him up really quick02:06
Admiral_Chicagohe mailed them already to give them his support of me02:06
zorglu_would it be back to simply remove the pmount package  ? :))))))))02:06
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shinigamiis there a change in youtube or something? just a day ago i can watch videos but now..02:06
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Jucato_zorglu_: fwiw, HAL depends on pmount, so we basically are still using pmount02:06
Admiral_Chicagothanks Jucato_02:07
zorglu_Jucato_: raaaaaaaaaaa02:07
Admiral_Chicagoshinigami: update to flash 9 please02:07
Jucato_Admiral_Chicago: poor you. I took the easy route and applied at a kubuntu :)02:07
zorglu_Jucato_: well pmount doesnt follow the behaviour described in the man page and bug on me :)02:07
shinigamipackage name is what?02:08
zorglu_i would be fine with pmount behaviour in man page02:08
Jucato_!flash9 | shinigami02:08
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ubotushinigami: Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash02:08
Linux_Galorezorglu_: why are you using pmount anyway ?02:08
Jucato_shinigami: same package name, you just need to enable the -backports repository, and your flash will be upgraded to Flash 902:08
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports02:08
zorglu_Linux_Galore: because i installed kubuntu02:08
zorglu_if at least i could get pmount to have a constant behaviour02:09
Linux_Galorezorglu_: yes, but why are you using pmount if all standards based devices get setup by hal02:09
Jucato_Linux_Galore: afaik, Kubuntu uses pmount by default. at least on Edgy02:09
Jucato_or even before Edgy02:09
zorglu_Jucato_: have you heard of other people having the issue 'pmount giving inconstant name to the disk mount point' ?02:10
Jucato_zorglu_: I don't have much removable devices to notice... sorry02:10
zorglu_ok too bad02:10
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:10
Jucato_but from what I remember, it's always usbdisk on my end02:10
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash02:10
zorglu_Jucato_: well on my end, it is /media/sda1 /media/usbdisk-1 or /media/usbdisk :)02:11
Jucato_must be your end only :)02:11
Jucato_get your @ss fixed :P02:11
=== Jucato_ runs and hides
Linux_Galorezorglu_: aaah, yeah serial devices and pmount, yeah thats getting fixed02:12
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indygosorry I was gone so long, Linux_Galore: ntfs was the fs on the disk02:12
zorglu_indygo: fsck is very unlikly to work on ntfs02:13
zorglu_indygo: fsck is limited to the02:13
zorglu_'unix' fs02:13
indygooh I see.  Okay :D02:13
Linux_Galoreindygo: ntfs is not a documented file system so there is no fsck tool for it in Linux that I know of02:13
shinigamii've already enable my backports repository.. and done upgrade and update..02:13
Jucato_shinigami: update first, then dist-upgrade02:14
=== racarr is now known as racarr-away
shinigamino not yet dist-upgrade.. ok02:14
indygookay.  Well, now I'm onto my last question I believe.  How do I give myself root priveleges?02:14
Jucato_shinigami: presuming you already have flashplugin-nonfree installed02:14
Admiral_Chicagoindygo: sudo02:14
Linux_Galorezorglu_: kubuntu mounts my ipod in two different ways depending on its mood02:14
Jucato_!sudo indygo02:14
ubotusudo: Provide limited super user privileges to specific users. In component main, is important. Version 1.6.8p12-4ubuntu5 (edgy), package size 161 kB, installed size 396 kB02:14
Jucato_!sudo | indygo02:14
ubotuindygo: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:14
shinigamiOhhhhh.....got it02:14
zorglu_Linux_Galore: seeee im not the only one to get the bug :)02:15
shinigamiafter update i must install flashplugin-nonfree again..think it will work this time02:15
Xosscan i mount an iso image in kubuntu??02:15
Jucato_shinigami: no. if you already have flashplugin-nonfree installed, just 'sudo apt-get update' and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"02:15
zorglu_Xoss: mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom from memory02:15
indygothere we go.  Thanks for all your help everyone :D02:16
Linux_Galorezorglu_: its a known issue, seems to become less of an issue as time goes and people get to test devices on a wider range of hardware02:16
Jucato_shinigami: if you haven't installed flashplugin-nonfree yet, "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree"02:16
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ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn02:16
zorglu_Xoss: ubotu msg is for you02:16
Jucato_Admiral_Chicago: good luck02:16
Admiral_Chicagoty Jucato_02:17
Linux_Galorezorglu_: problem is different hardware manages the serial stuff in a different manner thus feeding the kernel and hal conflicting messages02:17
Jucato_zorglu_: try piping. lots easier :)02:17
Jucato_!iso | Xoss02:17
ubotuXoss: To mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn02:17
zorglu_Jucato_: ok :)02:17
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zorglu_ok i give up the pmount stuff for now02:18
zorglu_i think i can write a cron deamon to work it around02:18
zorglu_like 'check the mount point used by pmount, and create a symlink to it'02:19
zorglu_maouaouaoua too cool :)02:19
Linux_Galorezorglu_: most people just write a script to work around the issue02:19
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shinigamiSetting up flashplugin-nonfree ( ...02:20
shinigamiDownloading... download failed02:20
shinigamiThe Flash plugin is NOT installed.02:20
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Linux_Galoreshinigami: aaah, is this in adept02:21
shinigamiwhy is it failed.. when i do that again02:21
shinigamiit says its installed02:21
shinigamiflashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version.02:21
Linux_Galoreshinigami: actually your not agreeing to the license so it wont install02:21
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shinigamihow to agree?02:22
Linux_Galoreshinigami: do it from the command line with  sudo apt-get install etc02:22
shinigamiya that's what i do?02:23
Linux_Galoreyep pretty much02:23
Admiral_Chicagoshinigami: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree02:23
shinigamiyah...that's what i do02:23
Linux_Galoresudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree02:23
Linux_Galoreshinigami: install it02:23
shinigamii apt-get remove and install02:24
Linux_Galoreshinigami: turn adept off first though02:24
Linux_Galoreshinigami: I just downlaod the plugin from the macromedia home page and just copy the plugin to  ~/.mozilla/plugins02:25
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shinigamiis dapper's firefox and edgy's firefox in different path?02:28
shinigamiactually i just install edgy over dapper without reinstalling my firefox02:28
shinigamithink that's the problem02:28
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:29
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clauis there something wrong with the official kubuntu dapper repositories?02:33
Admiral_Chicagoclau: why do you ask02:33
clauI get "404 not found"02:34
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clauFailed to fetch http://archive.kubuntu.de/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/source/Sources.gz  404 Not Found02:34
Admiral_Chicagoyou don't need the source unless you are doing a apt-get source02:35
=== Jucato_ thinks there's something wrong with his sources.list
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clauwwhere do I get the right ones?02:37
Jucato_clau: can you use pastebin to show your sources.list?02:38
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] {urgananybody using kontact or kmail on feisty?  Mine wont connect to my IMAP servers02:38
Jucato_!pastebin | clau02:38
ubotuclau: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:38
=== Leopard|sickish is now known as SGL
Jucato_] {urgan: try #ubuntu+102:39
] {urganJucato_, no-one is using kde in there :(02:39
Jucato_absolutely sure on that one?02:39
Jucato_] {urgan: try #kubuntu-devel if you want02:40
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] {urganJucato_, no not 100% sure, but about an hour ago, there wasn't02:41
] {urgancheers02:41
wilmanis that the right one?02:41
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Jucato_wilman: right for what?02:42
wilmanfor help02:42
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wilmanon audio02:42
wilmani have problems recording02:43
Jucato_you could try. not really sure... this is #kubuntu, for Kubuntu02:43
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manu_hola a todos02:49
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manu_he instalado el mozilla-firefox en la nueva distribucion de kubuntu, pero no se me abre02:49
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:50
manu_lo he instalado mediante sudo aptitude install mozilla-firefox02:50
=== BluesKaj [n=Wiliecoy@bas1-sudbury98-1128674876.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
manu_okey thanks02:50
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BluesKajHowdy all :)02:50
Admiral_Chicagohey there BluesKaj02:50
BluesKajhet Admiral_Chicago...how goes it ?02:51
BluesKajer hey02:51
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manu_hi i install mozilla-firefox but no works, i put sudo aptitude install mozilla-firefox and them firefox and i can't see nothing02:51
BluesKajjust got up ...damn cold here this morning -20C02:51
Jucato_Admiral_Chicago: what's taking so long :)02:52
Jucato_manu_: sudo apt-get install firefox02:52
Admiral_ChicagoBluesKaj: tryin to get membership :). Jucato_ , not sure02:52
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Jucato_BluesKaj: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember02:53
Jucato_Admiral_Chicago: are you up next? :D02:54
BluesKajI accidently moved some video folders into the / dir , now I want to delete them ...but how ?02:54
Admiral_ChicagoBluesKaj: sudo rm02:54
Admiral_ChicagoJucato_: i'm last.02:54
Jucato_BluesKaj:or kdesu konqueror02:55
Jucato_BluesKaj: take note that rm is final and irreversible02:55
BluesKajrm ...why can't i remember that ...must be getting old :P02:55
BluesKajyes Jucato_ I've burned them successfully , I no longer need them taking up space :)02:56
Xemanth^<Admiral_Chicago> BluesKaj: sudo rm and few minutes after this person says "ups i managed to remove all stuff from root partition" :D02:56
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BluesKajhmm it's labelled a directory02:59
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clauhere is my sources.list  http://rafb.net/p/P1skOw80.html03:00
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maaaani^weghas anyone an idea why the volume in kafeeine while playing videos is so low ? I set it all to maximum, but videos are very quiet.... music instead sounds very normal... hmm03:02
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Jucato_clau: disable lines 68 and 69 by putting # at the beginning of the lines03:03
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Tonio_are there people here using feisty interested in testing something ? that'll help to decide if that goes in the aarchives03:03
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Admiral_ChicagoTonio_: sup03:04
Admiral_ChicagoTonio_: i'll try it out03:04
Admiral_ChicagoTonio_: need something to do before i get voted on03:04
Tonio_Admiral_Chicago: the idea is a new desktop effect when you doubleclick an icon like a folder in konqueror03:04
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Tonio_the effect requires kdelibs and kdebase update03:05
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Admiral_Chicagoyes, should I install those packages now?03:05
Tonio_Admiral_Chicago: when you want, I'd just like to get community feedback ;)03:05
Tonio_deb http://ubuntu.tonio.homelinux.org/ feisty main03:05
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Tonio_Admiral_Chicago: just use that repo and dist-upgrade03:05
Tonio_Admiral_Chicago: remove the repo and wait for the package to reach main to override them03:06
Admiral_Chicagodoign that now03:07
Jucato_Admiral_Chicago: I think you're next?03:07
BluesKajok, how does one remove a directory03:07
Tonio_Admiral_Chicago: it'll probably go in, but I wanna be sure, that'll not drive people nuts :)03:07
Tonio_Admiral_Chicago: requires kde restart when update is done, of course03:07
Admiral_Chicagookay Tonio_ i'm waiting on voting in #ubuntu-meeting for membership after we get through that I'll restart.03:08
Admiral_Chicagoi see you're already there though :003:08
Tonio_Admiral_Chicago: sure ! good luck !03:08
Jucato_Admiral_Chicago: they're waiting for who's next03:08
Jucato_bah nvm :)03:08
Admiral_Chicagoon tmarble03:08
Tonio_Admiral_Chicago: yes but I only vote for kubuntu membership, not ubuntu, so I can't help this time :)03:09
Jucato_Tonio_: a fan club vote would be more than enough this time :)03:09
=== Jucato_ is a member of Admiral_Chicago's fan club, of which nixternal is the president :)
Admiral_Chicagolol. i think we are all nix's fan club. this is offtopic :)03:10
Tonio_Jucato_: ah ? ;) never saw what Admiral_Chicago is doing, community stuff ?03:10
Tonio_I completly miss the community stuff so that may explain :)03:10
Jucato_hehe sorry Admiral_Chicago.. I forget :)03:10
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clauhere is my sources.list  http://rafb.net/p/P1skOw80.html03:16
Jucato_clau: I already told you what to do03:18
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Xosswhere can i get the build-essential package??03:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pptp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:18
Admiral_ChicagoXoss: apt-get, adept, synaptic03:19
Jucato_Xoss: it's in main, so it's immediately available. just install it using your preferred package amanger03:19
epimethanyone know how to make a pptp connection?03:19
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epimethI've installed pptp-linux03:20
epimethnow I want to know how to set it up so it dials automagically?03:20
Xosswhy do i still get this error when i install gambas or any tarball i downloaded:03:20
Xossconfigure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check03:20
epimethisn't build-essential in universe?03:20
Jucato_epimeth: no03:21
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Jucato_Xoss: you have installed build-essential already?03:21
epimethjucato: ok :-)03:21
Jucato_!info build-essential03:21
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.3 (edgy), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB03:21
Jucato_epimeth: ^^^03:21
clauJucato_:  thanks03:21
Xossso it means that build-essential is not yet installed??03:22
Jucato_Xoss: not by default03:22
epimethXoss: yup.  apt-get install build-essential03:22
Xossunfortunately my box is not connected to the net.. i have to download a package somewhere...03:23
epimethget it from your nearest mirror03:23
epimethI use de.archive.ubuntu.com03:24
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epimethyou'll also need dpkg-dev >= 1.13.5, g++ and gcc >= 4:4.0, libc6-dev or libc-dev, and make03:25
epimethand, of course, any of those packages might have dependencies as well03:26
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Jucato_build-essential depends on: libc6-dev gcc g++ make and dpkg-dev03:27
=== xenol [n=xenol@adsl-d133.84-47-88.t-com.sk] has joined #kubuntu
epimethlibc6-dev, for example, requires linux-kernel-headers of your current kernel03:27
Xossok, thanks will try downloading all of it... so all these dependencies are not installed be default?03:28
epimethheh... I remember trying to install them manually in debian a few years back... what a nightmare03:28
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epimeththe ones I listed are not03:28
Admiral_ChicagoJucato_: i'm next03:28
epimethat least not in kubuntu 6.06.103:28
epimethgood luck Xoss... I'd suggest you test with a simple "Hello World" program before trying to compile a big piece of software03:29
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epimethsooo... anybody have experience with pptp connections?  I'd like mine to dial automagically.03:31
epimethgeez... do I smell bad or something?03:32
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sb9how do i check whether i have dapper or breezy ?03:38
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Admiral_Chicagosb9: uname -r tells you what?03:40
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fernando_hey gays.. any program to convert pdf to open office?? o03:41
erniesb9:tpe in cat /etc/issue in the command line03:41
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sb9ubuntu 6.06.103:42
Jucato_"lsb_release -a" is probably a more accurate way to check release versions03:43
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epimethhay juca... can't help me with pptp?03:44
Admiral_Chicagothere is another file, debian version or something like that, can't remembre it off the top of my head03:44
erniejucato: that works even better :)03:44
Jucato_epimeth: sorry, clueless about that...03:44
Jucato_Admiral_Chicago: /etc/issue ?03:44
Jucato_and /etc/lsb-release03:44
Admiral_Chicagohmm, maybe03:44
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epimethhow about getting glx to work with an nVidia GeForce 2 Mx/40003:46
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fernando_hey gays.. any program to convert pdf to open office??03:46
epimethcuz the folks at #beryl are being silent on the issue03:47
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epimethfern: sorry amigo... dunno03:47
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Xossguys have to go.. will try twisting my brains out installing all those packages.. pray for me! hehehe... thanks y'all!03:49
fernando_epimeth: that was an answer for me??? if yes.. dunno is the package name??03:50
Admiral_Chicagothanks Jucato_ !03:50
Jucato_fernando_: try KWord, which can open PDF's. and please drop the "hey gays" gretting03:51
epimethfernando_: it was an answer... I was telling you I don't know03:51
epimethbut juca seems to know03:51
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M_Fatihhow can i start kde wallet manager?03:51
Jucato_nice way to pass the buck :P03:51
fernando_thanks emipeth03:52
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Cuddles_in_K1morning all.03:52
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fernando_jucato: because english isn't my lenguage, is anything wrong with "hey gays" or is just you???03:52
epimethfernando_:  it's "guys", not "gays"03:53
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fernando_emipeth: thanks.. ones again :-)03:53
epimeth"gay" es un homosexual03:53
fernando_I'am sorry..03:53
Jucato_fernando_: no, it's not just me03:53
DarkWizdomcan anyone explain to me why I cannot configure any plugin of superkramba?03:53
Cuddles_in_KYquick question... say i'm setting up a box to serve as a media center. no tv input, but video/audio playback. how would i set it up so that when a disc [audio or video cd, or dvd]  is inserted, the appropriate media player is started automatically?03:54
Jucato_fernando_: might want to look into pdftk too, but I'm not familiar with it03:54
fernando_jucato: sorry... about the wrong word03:54
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Jucato_fernando_: no harm done. just saw it twice now, might offend someone03:55
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects03:55
BluesKajwon't offend the gays...they'll like fernando_ for it :)03:55
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fernando_jajaja, but was only an error.. nothing else..03:56
Jucato_BluesKaj: I was actually thinking of another group of people...03:57
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BluesKajof course, Jucato_ iwas merely joking03:57
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Jucato_BluesKaj: i was too.. just forgot the smiley03:57
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Cuddles_in_KYquick question... say i'm setting up a box to serve as a media center. no tv input, but video/audio playback. how would i set it up so that when a disc [audio or video cd, or dvd]  is inserted, the appropriate media player is started automatically?04:04
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soulriderCuddles_in_KY: you might want to search the forums04:07
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Cuddles_in_KYsoulrider, been there already. some people have had marginal success, but a lot of posts say no.04:08
darkravenmixagei have a problem with wine and cedega... triyng to play wow, it just freezes when i log into the realm. Video card ati x195004:08
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Jucato_darkravenmixage: try a cedega channel (if #cedega exists)04:09
darkravenmixageit's not a cedega problem04:09
darkravenmixagealso with wine is the same04:09
darkravenmixageand i saw that this problem is happening to lots of people with the latest kubuntu/ubuntu version04:10
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Jucato_darkravenmixage: hm... but it might be an app specific problem, specially since Wine/Cedega development are outside of Kubuntu04:10
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darkravenmixageyeah i know jucato04:11
Jucato_sorry I couldn't be of more help04:11
darkravenmixagejust wanted to know if someone having this too04:11
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=== Jucato_ wasn't lucky enough to live in a country where a WoW culture flourished
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michaelpowhy i cant play vcd in linuxmint? i can play dvd..04:12
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Jucato_michaelpo: hm.. ask in linux mint? if they have a channel04:13
BluesKajwhy does he need wine , I thought with cedega windows games will play right out of the box?04:14
darkravenmixageblues even windowed the whole system freezes04:15
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pelelewhy do i get direct rendering=no after i install xgl/beryl on a ATI ? beryl seems to be working fine and I can even rotate de cube, but the problem is that the direct rendering is not active04:17
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pelelecan someone help me?04:17
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HymnToLifepelele, hep for Beryl in #ubuntu-effects please04:18
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BluesKajyou have to choose Xgl or kde on the login page ...choosing kde enable DRI , xgl enable beryl04:18
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Menastdin, how are you04:29
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parkerw207 hiya can someone help me install real player ?04:30
Godeti have a problem04:30
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hyper_chGodet: just ask04:30
Godeti installed kubuntu 6.10 yesterday04:30
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Godetbut i cant see choice display04:31
just-this-time!ask | Godet04:31
ubotuGodet: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:31
Godetwhen i open the computer, xp starting04:31
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parkerw207 i have the real player .bin file but i dont know how to run it :S04:31
Godeti asked =)04:31
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just-this-timeGodet: boot menu04:31
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just-this-timeyou need dual boot Godet?04:32
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ScarFreewill1anyone know a good php channel?04:32
ScarFreewill1i can't go to #php04:32
Godeti want to use 2 system04:32
Godetkubuntu and xp04:32
just-this-timenow cannot get to kubuntu ?04:32
just-this-timevery good Godet04:33
BluesKajif a bin file has an .exe extension , will it install and run without wine ?04:33
parkerw207 anyone ?04:33
Mena!downloader for x04:33
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just-this-timeyou may need some rescue disk Godet04:33
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Godeti parted my disk04:33
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blue|palmWhich is generally regarded as better? Compiz or beryl? Ive only used beryl... i want to install it on a machine using nvidia if that changes anything...04:33
Menathere is a progarm called Downloader For x ...any idea bec i cant install it04:33
Godeti have '/' and swap04:33
Godeti installed kubuntu04:34
Godetbut i cant see choice in start display04:34
Godetxp or kubuntu..04:34
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ScarFreewill1BluesKaj: well you can rename normal linux bins to .exe and it should run04:34
Jucato_Godet: when you boot, try pressing Esc if it will bring up the menu (just after the BIOS thingy)04:35
ScarFreewill1BluesKaj: so if its a linux bin then yes it can run but if its a windows bin then you should use wine04:35
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BluesKajScarFreewill , it is a bin file with .exe extension04:36
parkerw207anyone know how to install real player :S04:36
MenaGodet, i think you should befor installig the both remeber to install XP at first and then kubuntu04:36
GodetJucato_: why esp ?04:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dccs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:36
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ScarFreewill1BluesKaj: why do you want to know .exe is usually windows bins yes04:37
Jucato_Godet: I said Esc (Escape key)04:37
Godetyes i understand04:37
ScarFreewill1BluesKaj: and is  usually used with wine04:37
parkerw207when i click the .bin it ask me what i want to run it in04:37
parkerw207and i dont know :S04:37
Godetbut what can i do i will press the esc ?04:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about downloader - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:37
BluesKajyeah , ok ScarFreewill1 ...that's what i thought , not a wine fan ..so i'll keep searching for a linux one , thx .04:38
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blue|palmXGL or AIGLX? which should i use? im using nvidia atm. Also, which is better, beryl or compiz? Ive only used beryl04:39
Godeti will try press esc04:39
ScarFreewill1BluesKaj: i don't like wine too but its the only way i can play some windows games like bf2142 and prey04:39
MenaGodet, After escape you will see a menu and choose from it Xp if it was there04:39
Admiral_Chicagoblue|palm: beryl is more of a "a million option" bling. compiz is a lot more conservative04:39
Godeti will try04:39
Godeti'll be back04:39
MenaGodet, ok04:39
ScarFreewill1blue|palm: what disto?04:39
ishmeethey there04:40
ScarFreewill1blue|palm: lol i mean version of disto04:40
blue|palmScarFreewill1: edgy04:40
ishmeethey all04:40
ishmeetcan i get some help04:40
ScarFreewill1blue|palm: then i'd say iaglx is better since its already on04:40
ishmeetI need to install Hp Deskjet 3910 with kubuntu04:41
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blue|palmScarFreewill1 What is the difference? Can you tell me? (Between glx and aiglx)04:41
ishmeetneed some help guys04:41
Menajucato, can i change some icon of the progarms system try icon04:41
GyozaSo...does anyone have a recommendation for a USB print server?04:41
ishmeetwho will help me04:42
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:42
ScarFreewill1blue|palm: i've used compiz like 2 years ago so i can't really compare compiz to beryl but if its taste i'd say go for beryl or stick to beryl04:42
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Admiral_ChicagoTonio_: timed out on your repo04:42
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Admiral_Chicagoi'll try again in a second.04:43
Gyozaubotu, and a lot of people waste time pointing that out, right?04:43
ubotuand: Auto Nice Daemon. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.2.2-1.1 (edgy), package size 25 kB, installed size 132 kB04:43
Tonio_Admiral_Chicago: hu ?04:43
Mena!ask | ishmeet04:43
ubotuishmeet: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:43
ScarFreewill1blue|palm: glx is 2 xservers 1 runing with opengl and 1 with out, aiglx is 1 xserver that runs with opengl04:43
Gyozaubotu, feel free to rephrase my question.04:43
Tonio_Admiral_Chicago: well can you retry ;)04:43
Tonio_lighttpd is up so it should work04:43
Menaishmeet, ask yours then some one will help you04:44
GyozaBots are a waste of bandwidth.04:44
blue|palmScarFreewill1 So they both are hardware accelerated... thanks04:44
ScarFreewill1blue|palm: no prob04:44
blue|palmScarFreewill1 will both work with prop nvidia drivers?04:44
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ScarFreewill1blue|palm: yes04:45
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GodetJucato_: i pressed esc but i cant see anything04:46
paguxi am not able to luanch any java applications from kmenu in edgy !04:46
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paguxwhile it works fine I run same commands thru shell04:47
paguxwhy o why04:48
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ishmeethey Mena can u help me04:48
ishmeetI have tried all i could04:49
ishmeetbut i think i am wrong somewhere04:49
ishmeeti need to  install Hp Deskjet 3910 on my laptop04:49
ishmeetI have Kubuntu04:49
ishmeetI really would appreciate all help04:49
Godetme too04:50
fernando_godet: what is you problem?04:50
Menaishmeet, no i cant i am new on this you can ask (jucato) or ask (stdin) or just ask and wait04:50
Godeti installed kubuntu yesterday04:50
ishmeetthx mena04:51
Godetbut when i started my computer, i ccant see any choice04:51
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Godetabaout xp or kubuntu04:51
ishmeethey jucato can u help me04:51
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Godetonly xp starting04:51
fernando_did you have xp before kubuntu?04:51
Godetxp before than kubuntu04:52
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fernando_in the install kubuntu process. at the end.. you get a message to install "grub"04:52
fernando_grub is the small program to start xp and kubuntu at the begining..04:53
fernando_did you installed???04:53
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Godeti installed only kubuntu04:53
Godeti will be new linux user04:53
drbeamshi, i am having a problem with "insert"  it is typing over what i already have instead of inserting04:53
Godetif i can doing..04:53
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ishmeethey STDIN can u help me04:53
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Menaishmeet, just ask now and wait04:54
fernando_kubuntu install the program grub for you.. you only have to say "yes"04:54
Godeti dont remember04:54
fernando_the question is.. did you accept to install it?04:54
Godethow can i do ?04:54
Menaishmeet, maybe any one else wolud help04:54
ishmeetI have this HP deskjet 3910 USB printer. Help me installing it04:54
Menaishmeet, if he got the answer04:54
Godeti installed very late.. i cant remember04:54
ishmeetyeah ok Mena . Thx again04:55
Menaishmeet, you are welcome:)04:55
fernando_with the same cd of installation, there is a option to resque the kubuntu system04:55
BluesKajperhaps if you can bootinto windows Godet, then find this page and download and burn the software to a disc : http://supergrub.forjamari.linex.org/04:55
Godetin boot ?04:55
fernando_it will be normaly a long process, but if you are new..is the best04:55
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paguxi am not able to luanch any java applications from kmenu in edgy !04:56
fernando_just put you kubuntu cd, start you machine and lock for the option04:56
Godetresc.. ok04:56
paguxit works fine drapper04:56
fernando_and many cases is the same to install it again...04:56
paguxwhile it works fine I run same commands thru shell04:56
BluesKajthen boot to the disc and install the Grub bootloader, it will find your kubuntu and windows partitions and list them , then you'll have a choice04:56
fernando_and this time..04:56
fernando_at the end..dont forget.. you will get the message04:57
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fernando_to install "grub".. also the system will recognice that you is there xp04:57
ishmeet] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] 04:57
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fernando_and grub will create the list to start any of these system each time you start you machine04:57
Godeti will try again04:57
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Godetthaks your helps04:58
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Godeti'll be back04:58
ishmeethey fernando can u help me too pls :(04:58
emanueleE: Impossibile trovare module-assistant04:58
paguxi am not able to luanch any java applications from kmenu in edgy !04:58
paguxit just  keeps on bouncing04:59
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paguxcheck AM I inVISIBlw :-)04:59
Menapagux, do you installed java at first04:59
pagux->>>>while it works fine I run same commands thru shell05:00
Menapagux, so wait some one will help you05:00
paguxok dear05:00
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ishmeethey Mena thats Strange... no body wants to help me05:00
ishmeetI dont know why05:01
paguxdear pl help him ;-)05:01
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fernando_I will try.. :p05:01
ishmeetthx fernando05:01
fernando_what is the problem?05:02
ishmeeti have this usb printer Hp deskjet 391005:02
ishmeeti cannot install it05:02
Menaishmeet, No no no but wait it take long some times but here you are fernande is helping you05:02
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ishmeetyeah mena thx...05:02
fernando_ishmeet: who did you try to install it?05:02
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ishmeeti am using kubuntu... 6.10 on dell inspiron 640005:03
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fernando_but how did you try to install it... what did you?05:03
cntbima li bylgari na ubuntu bre ?05:03
paguxIshmeet: I use hp printer with kubutu 6.1005:04
IshmeetI tried the cups method05:04
paguxu need/install run hpoj05:04
fernando_normally, in "System settings->Printers->Add printer->"05:04
fernando_and there you have to see you model..05:05
IshmeetPagux: is it a usb printer05:05
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Ishmeetok wait ....05:05
paguxyeah mine too05:05
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paguxwhts the series pcs 1315 ??05:05
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ubuntu_i need to help05:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:06
IshmeetPagux: the series is Hp deskjet 391005:06
fernando_if you have a usb, you have to plug it and the system will detected05:06
Insurg3ntis it normal for the packet manage to not run with fluxbox?05:06
paguxIshmeet: follow this ->http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18483805:06
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows05:06
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Dr_willisInsurg3nt,  kde/gnome apps shoud be able to run under any window manager05:07
paguxsudo /etc/init.d/hpoj setup05:07
Godetfernando_: i am in kubuntu05:07
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Insurg3ntDr_willis, thanks, i will look into it05:07
ackbahr_Just downloaded Edgy Eft, and I'm thrilled.... But I'd like to extend the list of sources that apt-cache scan, how can I do that?05:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:08
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Godetfernando_:  _05:09
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Dr_willisackbahr,  i cant say taht ive ever seen using that program to expane the sources.. i always use !easysource05:09
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:09
ackbahr_Great, thanks!05:09
Dr_willisackbahr,  none of the wiki/forums ive seen ever suggest that apt-cache scan tool. so i always though it wasent a good idea to use.05:09
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ackbahr_Dr_willis: What do you use?05:10
BluesKajGodet, did you install Grub ?05:10
paguxi am not able to luanch any java applications from kmenu in edgy !05:10
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paguxi am not able to luanch any java applications from kmenu in edgy !05:10
paguxi am not able to luanch any java applications from kmenu in edgy !05:10
Godetno icant05:10
Godeti am in now kubuntu05:10
evisYESSS! I made it! I got VIsta works too, thanks god :)05:10
Dr_willisackbahr,  i use that easysource site05:10
BluesKajevis , you installed grub ?05:11
Dr_willisevis,  you act as if thats a good thing...05:11
ackbahr_ah, ok.... So I'll give it all a try! Thanks!05:11
Godetbut it work from dvd05:11
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GodetBluesKaj: how i install grub _05:12
evisGuys, c`mon, I Love linux, but Bill gates did some good thing too...05:12
BluesKajperhaps if you can bootinto windows Godet, then find this page and download and burn the software to a disc : http://supergrub.forjamari.linex.org/05:12
Godetwitch disk ?05:12
Godetwindows _05:12
evisI don't think that my parents culd you Linux, It's too much for them :)05:12
Godetha okey05:12
BluesKajbut since yer in kubuntu Godet, you can do it here05:12
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Godeti ll take the adress05:13
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Godeti ll download in wondows05:13
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BluesKajevis , I'm 63 and a grandfather ...don't think parents can't do 'things'05:13
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BluesKajyou can download and burn in kubuntu05:14
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emanuelein update there'isnt module-assistant build-essential05:14
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Godeti downloaded05:14
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Godetand i write the dvd05:15
BluesKajwrite a cd05:15
Godetit is big05:15
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BluesKajit's a small pogram05:15
evisBluesKaj: hehehe, I didn't say something like that, but they don't have "Computers background" - I think you have... right? :)05:15
Godethu grab05:16
Godeti ll back to windows05:16
BluesKajwell ,not much evis used one for a few yrs at work before retirement, but that was justr excel and outlook email and some apps programs for instruments that i used in the lab workplace .. bought a windows pc 8 yrs ago for home when i retired and haven't looked back05:17
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BluesKajI always luv a challenge ...and linux has so many options it's wonderful...and it's 99% FREE ! :)05:19
ackbahr_ubotu: ...and how do I make apt-cache take the new list into account?05:20
ubotuand: Auto Nice Daemon. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.2.2-1.1 (edgy), package size 25 kB, installed size 132 kB05:20
Jucato_!ubotu | ackbahr_05:21
ubotuackbahr_: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:21
hattaBluesKaj, no kidding05:21
hattait's all about motivation05:21
hattaage doesn't really enter in to it05:21
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BluesKajagreed hatta :)05:21
drbeamshatta: how old r u ?05:21
stephansso whats up with this superkaramba??05:21
drbeamscause age does matter05:21
drbeamsi doubt my 93 year old grandpa could use linux05:22
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BluesKajcuriosity helps05:22
stephansEvery tim eI launch it I have to go and reinstall all teh wigets from hot new stuff!!05:22
drbeamsbut he still reads a book just fine05:22
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paguxi am not able to luanch any java applications from kmenu in edgy !05:22
paguxi am not able to luanch any java applications from kmenu in edgy !05:22
paguxi am not able to luanch any java applications from kmenu in edgy !05:22
paguxi am not able to luanch any java applications from kmenu in edgy !05:22
paguxi am not able to luanch any java applications from kmenu in edgy !05:22
paguxsudo /etc/init.d/hpoj setup05:22
stephansWhy do I have to reinstall all the time??05:22
Dr_willispagux,  you realize that everyone has you on ignore by now for that flooding.05:22
Godetfernando_ :05:23
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ackbahr_Dr_willis: I didn't, but I'm strongly thinking of it....05:23
StarenOkay, so I'm on a win XP computer and upgrading from a 15GB HDD to a 90GB HDD. However, I want to install Kubuntu for multi-boot use -- It says it needs 2GB, but does it need more for practical use?05:23
Dr_willispagux,  and where are you getting this 'any java applications' from.05:23
BluesKajwell, the long winter here in northern Ontario gives one time to pursue indoor hobbies05:23
stephansDoes anyone know anything about superkaramba?05:23
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paguxjar files05:23
paguxall dev stuff squire-sql05:23
Dr_willispagux,  such as? ryn them from a shell? try making a desktop launcher?05:23
hattayeah Staren, depending on the apps installed05:23
ackbahr_Dr_willis: And when I have this new sources.list, how do I take it into account?05:24
hattaI like to give it aroung 10gb05:24
paguxDr_willis: from kmenu05:24
Dr_willisackbahr_,  same as the other apt disrtos, apt-get update, and start installing.05:24
hattajust so I have enough room for any possible application I'd want05:24
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ackbahr_ah, ok! (I never know what belongs in apt-cache and apt-get....) Thanks!05:24
paguxit runs fine on my laptop (Drapper) not not edgy05:24
Dr_willispagux,  yes you said kmenu, you are saying they ONLY dont work from kmenu? they work in other ways of launching? you are not being very specific.05:24
paguxjava -jar myFAVJavaapp.jar05:25
paguxfrom shell05:25
Menai need to play egp files05:25
Menai cant play it with amrok or mplayer ...any idea05:26
paguxu need install codecs05:26
Dr_willispagux,  drag one of the menu icons to the panel,  see what its running exactly, and perhaps make it set to 'run in a terminal' to see if any error messages show up.05:26
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evisDoes anyone knows how to use NTFS-G3?05:26
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paguxDr_willis: Good Idea lemme try05:26
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Dr_willisthe only java app i have on this system is frostwire.. and it uses its own script to launch05:27
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paguxDr_willis: Can make terminal 2 pause ...i can see sothing poping but vanishes in a milli sec05:28
ackbahr_Thanks all, goodbye!05:28
RakzorDoes anyone know why a poweroutage would cause a error with the GRUB bootloader?05:28
Dr_willispagux,  check the options, i think thers a close on exit somewhere05:29
Menadr_willis, what is the lib to install for 3gp05:29
Godetfernando_: i wrote05:29
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Dr_willispagux,  theres an advanced  options tab 'do not close terminal on exit'05:30
Dr_willis!find 3gp05:30
judgenwhat was the name of the gui for ext2rezise?05:30
FilthpigI can't get my crystal window decorations to work under beryl05:30
ubotuPackage/file 3gp does not exist in edgy05:30
FilthpigI actually don't get ANY window decorations to work under beryl05:30
judgenhmm i cant seem to be able to resize my currently active partition... anyone know how to achieve this?05:31
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Dr_willisjudgen,  use a live cd, dont resize partitions that are in use..05:32
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BluesKajjudgen, what partition editor are you using ?05:32
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GodetBluesKaj :05:32
larsivijhutchins: ping05:32
MenaDr_willis, any idea bout the 3gp problem05:32
BluesKajyes Godet/05:32
GodetBluesKaj: i download and burnn super_grub_disk_english_0.9550.iso05:33
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Godeti did05:33
judgenDr_willis: i dont have a livecd or a empty cd here05:33
Dr_willisMena,  nope.. cant say that ive ever heard of 3gp05:33
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BluesKajGodet ,does it load at boot up ?05:33
Dr_willisjudgen,  resizing a mounted partition can lead to... well.. bad things. :) i guess including loss of all data05:34
MenaDr_willis, its a video file05:34
Godeti dont try boot this cd05:34
MenaDr_willis, in any way no problem05:34
BluesKajGParted live cd is the one to use05:34
j__is there a way to author flash on linux?05:34
judgenis there possibillity to resize a ext partition with the dapper livecd?05:34
j__found osflash but I didn't find a definite solution05:35
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Dr_willisMena,  vlc cant play it eh?05:35
BluesKajGodet, so you can boot into windows and linux when the compter boots up ...?05:35
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MenaDr_willis, okay i will chech i already installed it05:35
j__trying to create a quick mock-up of an app here05:36
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judgenMena: Realplayer can play 3gp with sound05:36
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phitoo Hello all! I'm having difficulties authenticating from Konqueror (Kubuntu Edgy, Django 0.95.1) but no problem with Firefox. No problem receiving cookies though. Any clues?05:36
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Menajudgen, okay05:37
Menajudgen, but video:)05:37
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Menajudgen, i found something a bout it in ubuntu forums thanks05:38
Tonio_Admiral_Chicago: did you retry ?05:38
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Tonio_seems to work nicelly for everyone :)05:38
Tonio_feedback is positive05:39
Admiral_ChicagoTonio_: yes, give me a second i got caught up with bug reports05:39
Tonio_Admiral_Chicago: sure :)05:40
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Admiral_Chicagookay updating now...again05:40
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:42
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about trunk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:43
Jucato_!subversion | slyfox05:44
ubotuslyfox: subversion is an open source application used for revision control. It is sometimes abbreviated to svn in reference to the name of its command line interface. Look here for a Subversion How To on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion05:44
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slyfoxJucato_: no idea what the bot is tlaking about :) I am still too noob to understand that language05:44
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Jucato_slyfox: it's not something you'd want to learn about unless you have plans on programming, developing, sending patches, etc05:45
Dr_williswowsers.. bought LEGALLY a new game for windows.. installed it.. and it wouldent run due to the cd-copy protection failing.. had to go get a no-cd crack just for it to work under windows..  Lets see if it fairs any better under wine.05:45
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slyfoxJucato_: got it05:45
slyfoxJucato_: one more question, what is SVN /05:45
bonbonthejon!subversion | slyfox05:46
ubotuslyfox: subversion is an open source application used for revision control. It is sometimes abbreviated to svn in reference to the name of its command line interface. Look here for a Subversion How To on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion05:46
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Admiral_Chicagoslyfox: so there are testing version, which aren't full version. maybe a change to the art icon. you wouldn't release a full version, but you put that in a SubVersioN, (SNV) for people using SVN to review and test05:46
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Jucato_slyfox: SVN = SubVersioN05:46
Jucato_Admiral_Chicago: heh that confused even me :P05:47
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Admiral_Chicagoha, well that's how i understand it05:47
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slyfoxJucato_: ok05:47
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_itahave a nice evening05:49
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fernando_anyone here develop with opengl??05:50
fernando_or anyone know a irc chanel for opengl???05:51
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angasulefernando_: have you tried #opengl ?05:51
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fernando_not..I did't know about it..thanks a lot :-)05:52
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tazzin kde When i start beryl-manager it says 'composit manager crashed twice within a minute so it is disabled for this session'.Any idea whats wrong?05:52
Jucato_tazz: have you enabled the Composite extension in xorg.conf?05:52
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:53
cavalloif one port is in use. How I can kill application whicone is using it ?05:53
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tazzJucato_, yes i did enable it.05:55
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Jucato_tazz: best to ask  in #beryl or #ubuntu-effects05:56
tazzJucato_, i am.05:56
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fernando_angasule: the chanel opengl is dead...05:58
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fernando_angasule: any other idea...?05:58
Jucato_fernando_: you might not find answers here either :)05:58
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Jucato_fernando_: Google would probably be your best bet05:58
Admiral_ChicagoTonio_: sorry i have a lame network. taking a long time to install packages05:59
Jucato_fernando_: opengl forums, mailing lists, maybe they even have a channel on a different server05:59
angasulefernando_: google05:59
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fernando_thanks angusule ;-)05:59
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Admiral_ChicagoTonio_: restarting KDE now.06:11
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Admiral_ChicagoTonio_: okay what am I testing?06:16
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Jucato_Admiral_Chicago: the feedback effects when clicking on/opening folders06:17
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Admiral_Chicagothe zoom?06:17
Admiral_Chicagoi love them06:17
Admiral_ChicagoTonio_: keep them.06:17
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Tonio_Admiral_Chicago: thanks for the feedback ;)06:19
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Tonio_Admiral_Chicago: I think I'll upload the package just after herd4 freeze06:20
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Admiral_Chicagoshould i keep the repo? what do I do with it?06:22
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AzzcoHi I just bought a Nvidia GeForce card 7600gs... I've got a intel chipset, should I go for AIGLX or just GLX?06:37
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects06:39
AzzcoThanks angasule :)06:40
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blankfazeif i have both kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop installed... and i'm going to go with KDE but i want to keep certain gnome apps... should i just start removing what i don't want, or should i remove ubuntu-desktop and then just install what i do want?06:49
rayluWhat do you mean gnome apps? Most of anything that runs in Gnome06:50
raylushould run in KDE too.06:50
Admiral_Chicagoblankfaze: you would only do that if you need the space.06:51
hattaubuntu-desktop is a dummy package that brings in all the dependencies06:51
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hattaeach application has it's own dependencies though06:51
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blankfazeadmiral:  i just don't want stuff i don't use on the machine06:51
hattaso you don't really need the desktop package06:51
Admiral_Chicagoblankfaze: then do aptitude purge ubuntu-desktop, then install the GNOME apps.06:52
bewlwhat do i need to use svn ?06:52
Admiral_Chicagono, ignore that06:52
Admiral_Chicagobewl: you shouldn't unless you are doing revision control06:52
Admiral_Chicagoblankfaze: aptitude remove ubuntu-desktop06:53
Admiral_Chicagoi'm late to a meeting. bbia06:53
bewlAdmiral_Chicago: im trying to activate the Non GPL repository for Emerald06:54
bewl"svn ls https://svn.generation.no/emerald-themes"06:54
bewlis what it is telling me to do06:55
HymnToLifebewl, this is a svn repository, not apt06:55
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HymnToLifebut SVN repositories usually have source code only, you'll need to compile it06:56
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joe_joe_joesomeone here' I need a litle bit of help06:57
rayluo.0, after installing libsvn0, what else do I need to use svn?06:57
raylujoe_joe_joe: just ask the channel :D06:57
ubotusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/06:57
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keepitcleanhow do i setup two different login / session managers such as KDM and GDM on two separate terminals such as VT7 and VT8?06:57
HymnToLife!info subversion edgy06:57
ubotusubversion: advanced version control system (aka. svn). In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.2-3ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 203 kB, installed size 3020 kB06:57
HymnToLifeyou need this :)06:57
joe_joe_joeaight, well I'mhaving a Kernel Panic error - not syncing: Attempted to kill init06:58
HymnToLifejoe_joe_joe, that's bad, are you using a custom built kernel ?06:58
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joe_joe_joethis happens when I put my Kubuntu Edgy CD, and choose the first option, where it says "Install Kubuntu"06:58
joe_joe_joethe Kernel starts to load06:59
joe_joe_joeand then a black screen with a lot of things, and in the bottom of it, the kernel error msg06:59
joe_joe_joewhat's wrong..?06:59
joe_joe_joebyw, I installed Ubuntu, the Hoary edition yesterday, without any problems06:59
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joe_joe_joeone more thing, I checked the hardware, reset both RAM modules twice, and all the devices... so hardware is not my problem07:02
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raylusvn: PROPFIND request failed on '/emerald-th'07:03
raylusvn: PROPFIND of '/emerald-th': 405 Method Not Allowed (https://svn.generation.no)07:03
raylujoe_joe_joe: It's kind of hard to help without the rest of the error messages. Do you see anything else in the giant screen of text that may be useful?07:04
sb9SGE_ROOT=sge-root;export $SGE_ROOT07:04
sb9gives         export: `sge-root': not a valid identifier07:05
sb9any clue anyone ?07:05
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raylukeepitclean: you still there?07:05
joe_joe_joeok... i'll try that.. I burned it at 24x07:06
joe_joe_joeso, yeah lemme try07:06
rayluI doubt your CD didn't burn correctly07:06
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keepitcleanraylu: yes, do i know you?07:07
raylu[11:57:50]  <keepitclean> how do i setup two different login / session managers such as KDM and GDM on two separate terminals such as VT7 and VT8?07:07
rayluDo you have both installed?07:07
rayluOr is your question about loading the two automatically at startup?07:07
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intelikeytty1 [greg@~]  mem07:14
intelikeyMem usage: 10/249 MB (4%)07:14
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raylunote to self: don't do /list agian.07:17
intelikeyi wonder what is eating 10m of ram....07:18
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intelikeyyeah.  my system is using 10m of ram on top of the 4m the kernel uses07:19
fignewlol, raylu, /list is pretty extreme07:19
drkmwhat is the keyboard short cut to switch between desktops?07:19
rayluI belive it defaults to Ctrl+F(1-4)07:20
intelikeyvertual desktops in the gui ?07:20
raylufignew: I got a little over 2000 before freenode said "DIE!"07:20
intelikeyctrl+left/right will do it wont it?07:20
rayluIt's configurable, drkm; go to the Keyboard Shortcut settings07:21
fignewraylu: is right07:21
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=== intelikey never saw any use for vertual desktops...
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rayluI run my chat in a window07:23
intelikeyi run my chat in a console07:23
raylu*chats in a desktop07:23
rayluKonversation in this desktop, work in another desktop and07:23
rayluI actually happen to have a 4th free right now.07:23
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fignewvirtual desktops are useful if you're easily distracted... like me :)07:24
BluesKajintelikey, I know some IT admins who use them on their networks for reasons i fail to understand07:24
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intelikeyBluesKaj ;/07:24
fignewBluesKaj: different virtual thingie07:25
intelikeynot talking about vmware.  just vertual desktops in xorg/kde07:25
intelikeyi can understand containing a server in a vmware session07:25
BluesKajoh sorry,  ... goes to corner and shuts up  ;007:26
fignewlol :P07:26
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intelikeyanyone know the ram shoe size of bash ?07:29
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bdnpstdin: editor are hou here07:32
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wtfaw :(07:32
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Ace2016Can anyone help me with something07:34
Ace2016its slightly off topic but07:34
Ace2016does anyone know what the song is in this video?  http://www.funny-videos.co.uk/404.php07:34
intelikeyyes something is a word used to denote an object that....07:35
bdnpAce2016: go to www.midomi.com07:35
intelikeynever mind.07:35
fernando_I want to install the libgtk2-dev package but has a conflict with libgtk1.3.. that isn't in adept..07:35
fernando_any Idea..???07:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libgtk2-dev - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libgtk1.3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:36
ubotulibgtk2.0-dev: Development files for the GTK+ library. In component main, is optional. Version 2.10.6-0ubuntu3.1 (edgy), package size 2511 kB, installed size 9096 kB07:36
ubotulibgtk1.2-dev: Development files for the GIMP Toolkit. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.10-18 (edgy), package size 1120 kB, installed size 3736 kB07:37
Ace2016bdnp: then what?07:37
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bdnpgo to http://www.postproductie.nl Ace2016 and read the stuff on midomi07:37
rahmetliwhy gnome?07:38
jhutchinslarsivi: ack.  Heck of a lag there.07:38
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Ace2016bdnp: i did and how am i supposed to get it to find what i want? does it work in linux?07:38
larsivijhutchins: hehe ;)07:38
larsivijhutchins: you remember we talked about KDE debug symbols ?07:38
jhutchinslarsivi: Yes.07:38
jetzi06Hallo, weis jemand wie man das Touchpad deaktiviert? komischerweise finde ich keinen Eintrag in der Xorg.conf07:39
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de07:39
larsivijhutchins: well, I taking kdebase-dbg as an example, adept tells me I will get Broken (install) if I select it for installation07:39
rahmetlii really wonder,why do they use gnome?07:40
larsiviit has a dep on konq4-3.5.6~edgy1 I think it was07:40
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fernando_jetzi06: if isn't on you xorg, probably the hardware wasn't recognice07:40
jhutchinslarsivi: Hm. It might think you need some of the debugging tools to make the output useful.07:40
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jhutchinslarsivi: Do you really think you can tell from the debug report of what was executing when the program crashed what you will need to do to fix it?07:40
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rayluHm...can someone help me with CVS?07:41
larsivijhutchins: me? no idea - it's always the same QPixmap symbol that's at the top07:41
fdovingraylu: depends on the problem..07:41
jhutchinslarsivi: Basically, the debug output would be useful to a programmer who was workig with you on the bug.07:42
rayluHeh, not a problem. I just don't know how to use it download anything. I've already logged in07:42
rayluAnd I want to get linux dc++ from it's repository.07:42
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jhutchinslarsivi: My main point was that all those symbol errors were just a matter of you not having debuggig installed and set up.07:42
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jhutchinslarsivi: The level at which we work here is a lot simpler and shallower than analysing actual code.07:43
jhutchinslarsivi:  Mostly we presume that there's a conflict or configuration problem.07:43
fdovingraylu: cvs co url07:43
jhutchinslarsivi: If that's not it, we try to define exactly what goes wrong where and file a good bug report.07:43
ubotucvs is the Concurrent Versions System, the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system; it helps to manage releases and to control concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. See: https://www.cvshome.org/07:44
fdovingraylu: http://www.b.ali.btinternet.co.uk/DCPlusPlus/cvsAccess.html07:44
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rahmetliis the version of the kernel dependent with the OS version? i m using 6.06 as OS version07:44
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jhutchinsrahmetli: There really isn't an OS besides the kernel.  Do you mean you're using kubuntu 6.06?07:45
rahmetliyes jhutchins07:45
jhutchinsOk, that's usually referred to as the "distribution" version.07:45
larsivijhutchins: someone else reported a similar crash once, but it mostly seems like it's at my pc - rather frustrating - I may try to reinstall the qt packages07:46
jhutchinsrahmetli: Kubuntu is just a bundle of seperate packages that have been collected.07:46
rahmetlithanks jhutchins07:46
jhutchinsrahmetli: Anyway:  Usually there will be several kernels available for each of the distribution versions, but eventually they stop packaging new ones for the older releases.07:46
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traisenWhat is the list of packages available for kununtu - same as ubuntu - just KDE is default install?07:47
jhutchinsrahmetli: You can determine your kernel version with uname.  uname -r will show just the version number, uname -a will show some other info.07:47
rahmetliso what is the difference between dapper and edgy?07:47
jhutchinsrahmetli: You might consider upgrading to 6.10.07:47
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jhutchinsrahmetli: newer packages, later versions of underlying code.07:48
traisenAre packages listed somewhere?07:48
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jhutchinstraisen: Essentially.  You can install packages from any of the *buntu distros on any of the others, although you may need to add quite a lot of supporting files at first.07:48
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jhutchinstraisen: There are literally thousands of packages. You probably would want to use a search tool from the apt system to find what you want.07:49
jhutchinstraisen: You could just browse the mirrors.07:50
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rahmetlijhutchins: thanks again.07:50
traisenjhutchins: that's normal, but not all distro include development packages07:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about changelog - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:50
jetzi06hello, how can i deactivate the touchpad of my laptop? there is no entry in the Xorg.conf07:50
ubotuapt-listchanges: Display change history from .deb archives. In component main, is optional. Version 2.59-0.3ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 48 kB, installed size 328 kB07:50
jhutchinsrahmetli: There is a changelog somewhere that says what changed between releases, check the kubuntu web site or wiki.07:50
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joe_joe_joejhutchins I'm having a problem, it's just that I'm having a "kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init!" error msg07:50
jhutchinstraisen: Usually devel packages aren't included by default but are available.07:51
joe_joe_joeI burned the cd at 8x, same thing07:51
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joe_joe_joeI used md5 to check the image, and it's fine07:51
jhutchinsjoe_joe_joe: Did you check the md5sum of the iso?07:51
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jhutchinsDid you verify the MD5 of the CD after you burned it?07:51
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joe_joe_joejust a sec07:52
jhutchinsmd5sum /dev/cdrw07:52
iuliwho have a driver for Philips 170S ?07:52
rayluEr...what is that?07:52
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jhutchinsiuli: You shouldn't need a driver for the display itself, you need the driver for your video card.07:53
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jhutchinsjoe_joe_joe: Your CD burning software might have a "verify" option that might help.07:54
bdnpis there anybody overhere who is a native speaker in english and good at it, could give me a hand07:54
jhutchinsbdnp: Are we that bad?  I'm a native speaker.07:54
iuliI have an old Nvidia 25607:55
bdnpwell i am not a native speaker jhutchins07:55
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bdnpoke could you edit a little blog entry07:55
joe_joe_joejhutchins it doesn't, I already checked07:55
joe_joe_joeso that's... bad07:55
joe_joe_joelemme try to check my cd07:55
jhutchinsjoe_joe_joe: No, just use md5sum to check it.  Oh, drat, that means you have to already be in Linux.  Hm.07:55
SuPeRmYcan someone help me with my screen resolution07:56
jhutchinsjoe_joe_joe: Not sure how you check the CD in windows.07:56
jhutchinsbdnp: What do you need?07:56
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joe_joe_joejhutchins lol..... my Ubuntu is not working07:56
jhutchinsjoe_joe_joe: Yeah, it sounds like it's not able to read the drive.07:56
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jhutchinser, disc.07:57
rahmetlii use 6.06,if i update it, why should i upgrade it to 6.10?07:57
SuPeRmYcan someone help me with my screen resolution someone who speaks dutch whould be handfull but i can understand english also pls send me a pm plz07:57
SuPeRmYits about kubuntu 6.1007:57
jhutchinsrahmetli: If you're happy with how it's running, there's no real need to.07:57
jhutchinsjoe_joe_joe: There are some boot options you can give the system as it starts up.07:58
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joe_joe_joejhutchins ok.... like what?07:58
jhutchinsjoe_joe_joe: I haven't worked with kubuntu enough to be sure of the specifics, but there should be info on the web page.07:58
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jhutchinsjoe_joe_joe: two of the most likely are noapic and noacpi.  There's also noframebuffer, but that would be a different problem than what you have.07:59
SuPeRmYcan someone help me with my screen resolution someone who speaks dutch whould be handfull but i can understand english also pls send me a pm plz on kubuntu 6.1007:59
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jhutchinsSuPeRmY: Sorry, I don't know very much about video configuration in ubuntu yet.07:59
SuPeRmYblah :p08:00
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jhutchinsSuPeRmY: Have you checked to see if there is a better driver available for your card?08:00
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SuPeRmYwell basicly i cant make my resolution bigger then 640 by 480 jhutchins08:00
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jhutchinsSuPeRmY: That sounds like a driver problem.08:00
SuPeRmYand i prefer it around 102408:00
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SuPeRmYso how can i solve it jhutchins08:00
SuPeRmYany idea08:00
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jhutchinsrahmetli: Actually, a lot of people are happier sticking with 6.06 (Dapper Drake).08:02
jetzi06hello, how can i deactivate the touchpad of my laptop? there is no entry in the Xorg.conf08:02
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jhutchinsSuPeRmY: I would begin by determining what video card or chipset you have, and searching the web for info specific to it and linux.08:02
jhutchinsSuPeRmY: some of the newer ATI and Nvidia cards work better with drivers from the manufacturer.08:02
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:02
joe_joe_joehey is there any way I can check my cd with md5, but from windows?08:03
jhutchinsjetzi06: If all else fails, cut out a bit of card to put over it.08:03
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jhutchinsjetzi06: You can probably search for "disable touchpad linux" and get some help.08:03
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MetaBookfoziSwhat type of ideo files plays kubunu live cd, without any plugin/codec08:05
MetaBookfoziS[kaffeine] 08:05
MetaBookfoziSif i convert to ogg, it is nasty, so i want an oher format, or help why it's nasty08:05
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:06
DarthFrogMetaBookfoziS: What's wrong with ogg?08:06
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voicuwhat's the panel's binary, i killed and it won08:06
voicu't revive itself08:06
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DarthFrogWhat I'd like to know is how to switch the boot splash screen from Ubuntu to Kubuntu.08:06
MetaBookfoziSif i convert form avit to ogg with ffmpeg2theora08:06
DarthFrogvoicu: kicker08:06
MetaBookfoziSthe frame are blurred08:06
voicuoh yeah08:07
MetaBookfoziSand like a grid ...08:07
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merovingeokay... serious recurring problem.  Is anyone here good with the nitty-gritty of X?08:07
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DarthFrogmerovinge: What's the problem?08:08
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merovingeDarthFrog, the past two installs of Kubuntu I've done (6.10 knot 3 and 6.10 normal release) I've had a problem where after some update, X won't start without booting up in the recovery kernel as root08:09
DarthFrogmerovinge: And how do you fix it?08:10
merovingeI just run in root and deal with it, then backup what's important, install again and have the same problem, lol.08:10
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DarthFrogmerovinge: how do you deal with it?  What do you specifically have to do?08:11
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merovingeDarthFrog, I switch to the recovery kernel at bootup with GRUB, then run startx as root08:12
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DarthFrogmerovinge: And X starts without complaint then?08:12
merovingeDarthFrog, Aside from that, I don't know how to fix it.08:12
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DarthFrogmerovinge: Have you read the /var/log/Xorg.0 log file to see what problem is reported?08:13
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merovingeDarthFrog,  I noticed some problems in the logs because my xconf.org had input sections for a tablet pc, which I don't have and X couldn't find the devices, but I've fixed that and can't find anything else.08:14
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nanookhello people, i cant set vlc as the default player in kubuntu 6.10, it always comes up with kaffeine which i don't like..... why is this?08:14
DarthFrogmerovinge: When X doesn't start, what errors are logged?08:14
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DarthFrognanook: use kcontrol to set vlc to be the file association.08:15
parkerw207anyone here use berly ?08:15
Coder[] Hello08:15
Coder[] Hi ppl08:16
nanookDarthFrog: ok, thanks i'll try08:16
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MetaBookfoziSDarthFrog > hmm08:16
joe_joe_joejhutchins, I checked my cd already, and it has no errors.... what else could be happening?08:16
MetaBookfoziShow can i get playing movies in openoffice, under kubuntu lvecd?08:16
Coder[] i need help08:16
Coder[] please08:16
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parkerw207what is wrong Coder[]  ?08:17
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Coder[] Yesterday I bought Kubuntu 6.1008:17
Coder[] Today08:17
parkerw207yes ?08:17
Coder[] I can not install him08:18
Coder[] because08:18
HymnToLife"bought' ?08:18
Coder[] yes08:19
parkerw207why doesnt it work ?08:19
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SuPeRmYwell i got it instaled last week and it was pretty easy08:19
Coder[] video08:19
SuPeRmYbah idd08:19
Coder[] i have Nvidia 6800GS08:19
SuPeRmYthat sucks08:19
merovingeDarthFrog, sorry for the time... here's the last error I can find in Xorg.0.log: Error opening /dev/wacom : Invalid argument08:19
nanookDarthFrog: now it works ok, thanks a lot08:19
SuPeRmYi mean video08:20
DarthFrogmerovinge: no lines like "Fatal: no screens found"?08:20
parkerw207ahh right well i dont know anything about video card compatabilities08:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about videcards - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:20
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SuPeRmYCoder[]  a 85hz video card works the best i heard or more08:20
merovingeDarthFrog, no.08:21
DarthFrogmerovinge: the log file is rewritten every time X starts.  You will have to examine it *when* X doesn't start.08:21
joe_joe_joehey, I still have the Kernel Panic error here08:21
SuPeRmYi got 60 hz and cant get the resolution bigger then 640 by 48008:21
Coder[] i don't know08:21
DarthFrognanook: You're welcome.08:21
joe_joe_joeattempted to kill init!, and I checked the image with md5, and even my cd, I burned it at 8x, and still...08:21
Coder[] When system is loaded08:21
Coder[] On screen i have a strip08:21
Coder[] zebra08:21
Admiral_Chicagojoe_joe_joe: what version?08:21
Coder[] )08:21
merovingeDarthFrog, the .old is the previous start, right?08:21
joe_joe_joei'm trying to install kubuntu Edgy08:21
Coder[] sorry bad english08:21
Coder[] i'm too08:22
SuPeRmYjoe_joe_joe are u sure u burned it as image08:22
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DarthFrogmerovinge: check the time stamp.08:22
joe_joe_joeSuPeRmY, yes I'm sure :D I've done it before08:22
joe_joe_joeAdmiral_Chicago, when I boot, I choose the first option, Install Kubuntu, and it starts to load the kernel, and then the error mssage comes up08:23
Coder[] What I should make to set up video to framebuffer or vesa08:23
sparrwadept notifier gets annoying after updating my sources to feisty  :)08:23
joe_joe_joeSuPeRmY, if you know what else could happen, please talk :)08:23
SuPeRmYjoe_joe_joe check the cd for mistakes08:23
joe_joe_joeI mean, what else could be happening08:23
SuPeRmYthere is an opyion like that08:24
Coder[] help me08:24
joe_joe_joeSuPeRmY, already did, just 5 mins ago08:24
sparrwCoder[] : framebuffer is best for non-X graphics.  vesa or fglrx (ati) or nv/nvidia are better for X08:24
SuPeRmYwell then it should be working else something went wrong on burning i think08:24
merovingeDarthFrog, I'll try restarting X as a regular user again and check the logs. Thanks... brb08:24
Coder[] I know08:24
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Coder[] But08:24
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Coder[] My monitor in streeps08:25
Coder[] My monitor in strips08:25
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SuPeRmYto low video card i think Coder[] 08:25
Admiral_Chicagojoe_joe_joe: have you checked your md5?08:26
Coder[] How?08:26
Coder[] I can't normal install OS08:26
joe_joe_joeAdmiral_Chicago, yes, I just downloaded it.... and the image is fine ;)08:26
Admiral_Chicagoi've *never* had a problem with disc images08:27
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Admiral_Chicagoso i'm not sure how to help you.08:27
Coder[] How many there is at you a traffic08:27
joe_joe_joeaight, that's fine :) thanks anyway08:28
Admiral_Chicagothere may be information on the forums08:28
Coder[] I have 49.95$ / 1 Gb08:28
Coder[] i'm interested08:28
joe_joe_joeoh man, I asked like a hundred of times, and I get no response08:28
joe_joe_joeand kubuntuforums08:28
Coder[] because i'm from russia08:28
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Admiral_Chicagojoe_joe_joe: have you tried burning a new cd?08:29
Admiral_Chicagoor is it every cd08:29
Coder[] What I should to do that set up x.org configuration08:29
joe_joe_joeevery cd08:30
joe_joe_joethe Hoary, 5.04 worked fine, it's an original cd08:30
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joe_joe_joenow when I burn this one, I get that error08:30
joe_joe_joecould be my burner......08:30
joe_joe_joeI dunno08:30
Coder[] i want blueray08:31
Coder[] drive08:31
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ubotuTo reconfigure your X server, open a console and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  - To configure only the driver and resolution, type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  - See also !FixRes08:31
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fdovingCoder[] : ^^08:31
fernando_joe_joe_joe: try you cd on another machine08:31
fernando_only to see if start normally...08:31
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rayluI love my internet </3 =\08:32
Coder[] i have console08:32
joe_joe_joei'll try that :)08:32
fernando_you dont need to install kubuntu..only to see if the problem is the cd08:32
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Coder[] goodbye08:32
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merovingeDarthFrog, strangely I was able to start kdm and log in as my regular user at last... I cleaned out part of my hard drive since the last time I attempted this, and I have also noted a correlation to a full hard drive when this problem comes up08:33
merovingeDarthFrog, ever heard of anything like that before?08:34
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volomerovinge, that is normal and expected08:34
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Coder[] Who is from russia08:35
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fdoving!ru | coder[] 08:36
ubotucoder[] :    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke08:36
merovingevolo, really?  I haven't filled up my hard drive very much until recently.  Had no idea.  It seemed strange that I could start it from root, just not a normal user08:36
fernando_coder: did you try the channel from russia?08:36
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rexbronI have had a regression with feisty, dmesg recongnieses my printer, but the print wizard does not believe that there is any local printer08:41
rexbronwould anyone be able yo help be troubleshoot?08:41
rexbron*to me08:41
volomerovinge, 5% of hard drive space is reserved for root alone to use... so you should never be able as user to completely fill your hard drive08:42
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merovingevolo, huh.  Thanks.08:44
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volomerovinge, yw08:46
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bdnpjhutchins: still here08:47
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bdnpmy mother called me so i was on the phone08:47
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premier_is there a way to determine how much time a particular process is using?08:48
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fdovingpremier_: you mean like 'time command' ?08:49
fernando_I want to install gtk2.0-dev on kubuntu and I get the follow error:08:49
fernando_The following packages have unmet dependencies:08:49
fernando_libgtk2.0-dev: Depends: libgtk2.0-0 (= 2.10.6-0ubuntu3) but 2.10.6-0ubuntu3.1 is to be installed08:49
fernando_Depends: libpango1.0-dev (>= 1.12) but it is not going to be installed08:49
fernando_Depends: libcairo2-dev (>= 1.2.0) but it is not going to be installed08:49
fernando_E: Broken packages08:49
fernando_how can _I solve this problem??08:50
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raylufernando_: what command are you using to install it?08:50
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rayluFunny because I installed this package less than an hour ago fine with: sudo aptitude install libgtk2.0-dev08:51
premier_fdoving: theres a program running (or something) that causes my computer to go to 100% cpu about every 3 secs.  Also, something is causing my computer to stall for about 10-20 secs when logging off.08:51
premier_I had to reinstall some stuff, and thats when it started08:51
fdovingpremier_: use 'top' to see all processes.08:51
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fernando_sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev08:53
fernando_raylu: sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev08:53
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rayluo.0, I'm not sure08:54
rayluI guess you could try installing pango and cairo first08:54
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premier_what is apt-index watch?08:55
fernando_but I get the same error08:55
fernando_but only with cairo08:56
premier_and init for that matter08:56
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fernando_if I try to install cairo I get:08:56
fdovingpremier_: if you do for example 'apt-get update' on the commandline, apt-index-watch sees that you did that, and update the other frontend intexes (for adept in our case).08:56
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fernando_The following packages have unmet dependencies:08:56
fernando_  libcairo2-dev: Depends: libpng12-dev but it is not going to be installed08:56
fernando_E: Broken packages08:56
fdovingpremier_: init is the first process, the mother of all processes, it can't be killed easily.08:57
premier_yeah, apt-index-watch is using 20-60% cpu every three seconds, and its interfering with a game Im playing08:57
premier_init isnt a problem08:57
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fdovingfernando_: then try 'sudo apt-get install libpng12-dev'08:57
raylufernando_: Then...perhaps you should install libpng12-dev too :P. On another note, it seems like apt-get isn't resolving dependencies08:57
rayluTry using adept or aptitude.08:57
fdovingraylu: apt-get isn't very smart at complex situations...08:57
raylufdoving, what's the difference between apt-get and aptitude?08:58
fdovingraylu: apt-get is a simple command-line only thing. aptitude is more advanced, with a curses gui etc.08:58
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rayluetc being? Because command-line-wise, they seem to be the exact same08:59
excitatoryraylu: mostly that aptitude has package tracking (especially with meta packages) and will install suggested packages automatically.08:59
Dr_willisaptitude - really could use some.. work. :) heh08:59
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rayluOh. Then I guess fernando_ should use aptitude instead of apt-get?08:59
Dr_willisapptitude is supposed to be smarter - if i have some issues with apt-get ing some stuff.. some aptitude fixes things.08:59
rayluWhy would you ever want to use apt-get instead of aptitude?08:59
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Dr_willisaptitude seems tobe a little weird in ways.. once it decided to remove 300+ packages..09:00
Dr_willisthen the next step... reinstalled them all09:00
rayluOh. Yeah my friend said he managed to uninstall kde with it once.09:00
Dr_willisnot 'quite' sure the logic was with it.09:00
fdovingaptitude can suggest solutions, but they are not always that good.09:00
Dr_willisapttitude is better at rembering stuff that got installed and removing it and the related packages to it. I belive is its core benifit09:00
rayluI see. Well, I guess I'm going to continue using apt-get since I only half understand what I'm doing most of the time anyway.09:00
fernando_my new error:09:02
fernando_The following packages have unmet dependencies:09:02
excitatoryraylu: if you say wanted to try gnome, and were installing the ubuntu-desktop package.. use aptitude since if you down the line want to remove it, aptitude will have tracked all of the packages that the ubuntu-desktop meta-package installed and will properly remove all of its dependencies.  Whereas apt-get will only remove the meta package and will leave you with a lot of manual work to do.09:02
fernando_  libgtk2.0-dev: Depends: libgtk2.0-0 (= 2.10.6-0ubuntu3) but 2.10.6-0ubuntu3.1 is installed.09:02
fernando_Resolving dependencies...09:02
fernando_The following actions will resolve these dependencies:09:02
fernando_Keep the following packages at their current version:09:02
fernando_libgtk2.0-dev [Not Installed] 09:02
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rayluHaha. I see.09:03
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fdovingexcitatory: (note: apt-get does that too, now. i completely agree with using aptitude though)09:03
fernando_seem to be that the problem is the new kernel..09:03
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premier_how can I downgrade a program like apt-index-watcher without screwing anything up?09:03
raylufernando_, is this with aptitude or adept?09:03
fernando_aptitude, adept just show that isn't possible.. because some dependencies...but nothing else..09:03
Dr_willispremier_,  read the apt-get howtos and guides.. i think its doable.. apt has a LOT of features.. most of which normal people never need.09:04
fernando_seem to be that aptitude is more smart09:04
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)09:04
Dr_willisaptitude trys to be smarter. :)09:04
raylufernando_, aptitude seemed to propose the solution: do nothing. Not too smart :P09:04
rahmetlihow can i create a user with same priviliges as default user created at installation?09:04
Dr_willistheres always the force option.. or remove the packages it dont want to overwrite and reinstall the stuff..09:04
fernando_It was created more smart..09:05
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fernando_please... let us be realistic...09:05
raylufernando_, oh wait...you're right09:05
rayluIt doesn't like your ubuntu3.109:05
fernando_anyway... I have the same problem still09:06
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Dr_willisfernando_,  clarify and restate the problem?09:06
fernando_yes-> libgtk2.0-dev: Depends: libgtk2.0-0 (= 2.10.6-0ubuntu3) but 2.10.6-0ubuntu3.1 is installed.09:06
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rayluHe's trying to install libgtk-dev09:06
fernando_now.. because is for ubuntu 3 and I have 3.109:07
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fernando_The following packages have unmet dependencies:09:07
fernando_  libgtk2.0-dev: Depends: libgtk2.0-0 (= 2.10.6-0ubuntu3) but 2.10.6-0ubuntu3.1 is installed.09:07
fernando_Resolving dependencies...09:07
fernando_The following actions will resolve these dependencies:09:07
fernando_Keep the following packages at their current version:09:07
fernando_libgtk2.0-dev [Not Installed] 09:07
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Dr_willisive done some 'things' in the past to kick the programs in the head.. use the 'force' option... (proberly not good) or uninstall the INSTALLED one.. and let it reinstall the other.09:07
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fdovingpremier_: instead of removing it, running adept fixes this, iirc.09:08
Dr_willisi forget what i had to do that for.. :) i tend to have all the repos enabled.. and a totally screwy system.09:08
fernando_probably is connected with the last kernel upgrade..few days a go..09:08
fernando_I think everybody here did it.09:08
Dr_willisfernando_, i dont see the logic of that conclusion.09:08
rayluI did it, but aptitude installed it fine on the first try09:09
rayluIt says it requres ubuntu3 but 3.1 is installed, Dr_willis09:09
Dr_willisgtk-dev wants to match the gtk libs installed.. for some reson theres no update to the -dev packages it seems.09:09
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Dr_willisits possible someone goofed in the updates, or server, mirrors. and a package is missing. let mesee what i have09:09
fernando_Dr_willis.. : Depends: libgtk2.0-0 (= 2.10.6-0ubuntu3) but 2.10.6-0ubuntu3.1 is installed.09:09
fernando_that is the dependence problem..09:10
rayluWait, fernando_, have you installed libgtk2?09:10
fernando_of course..09:10
premier_fdoving: Im been read up on this too.  It appears that I can kill it but changing a critical script to say "exit 0".  Hopefully they'll fix this by the next update09:10
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Dr_williswowsers - gtk-dev is also bringing in --------->  libatk1.0-dev libcairo2-dev libexpat1-dev libfontconfig1-dev libfreetype6-dev libglib2.0-dev libpango1.0-dev libpng12-dev libxcursor-dev libxfixes-dev  libxft-dev libxinerama-dev libxrender-dev x11proto-fixes-dev x11proto-render-dev x11proto-xinerama-dev09:11
rayluYep. I remember there being in a giant load of crap too :D09:11
Dr_willisit installed however fine.09:11
rayluIt sounds like force wouldn't screw anything up in this case...09:11
Dr_willisSetting up libgtk2.0-dev (2.10.6-0ubuntu3.1) ...09:11
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fernando_how can I do that??09:12
raylufernando_, wasn't there some error with cairo, png, and something else?09:12
blue|palmdoes anybody know how to change the window manager kde loads at startup?09:13
fernando_wait.. I am searching for information09:13
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The_Machine_I lost my speaker icon down on my KDE taskbar - how do i get it back?09:14
The_Machine_I can't find it *anywhere*09:14
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fernando_raylu: I have some fany information09:14
fdovingThe_Machine_: alt+f2 'kmix'09:14
fernando_adapter shows problem conflict with: libgtk1.3-dev09:14
fernando_but.. this package isn't on my list..09:14
rayluwhat happens when you do "sudo aptitude remove libgtk1.3-dev"?09:15
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fernando_so... how can I removed??09:15
The_Machine_hey fdoving, i'm not sure why it went away - how do i make it so it doesn't again?  :)09:15
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rayluThe_Machine_, I imagine that would depend on how it "went away" in the first place...09:16
fdovingthe_machine_, leave it running, restart it if it disapepars again. :)09:16
The_Machine_fair enough09:16
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mx1000 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:17
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE09:17
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome09:17
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pie - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:17
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...09:17
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rayluoh, wow!09:18
ubotupi: Compute Archimedes' constant Pi to arbitrary precision. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.11-1 (edgy), package size 7 kB, installed size 56 kB09:18
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libcln - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:19
ubotulibcln4: Class Library for Numbers (C++). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.11-1 (edgy), package size 391 kB, installed size 1064 kB09:19
fernando_reylu: I didn't09:19
fernando_raylu: I did it09:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sun-java6-bin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:19
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SkrotIs there a backport of java6 for edgy?09:20
rayluThere is free java. Sun java seems to eat adept/aptitude09:20
raylufernando_, what did you do?09:20
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Skroteat adept?09:21
rayluYeah. It needs you to accept the license agreement, which you can't do09:21
SkrotSo i'll just use apt-gt?09:21
rayluEr...I imagine it would eat that too.09:21
Skroti see09:21
fernando_the problem was ubuntu 3.1.. so I downgrade the package to 3.009:21
fernando_that was all09:21
SkrotSo there's no go? ;)09:21
rayluThere is a free java; let me find it.09:21
rayluAre you looking for JRE or JDK?09:22
SkrotDoes it have any other advantages over sun java other than being free?09:22
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rayluWell, both are supposed to be free09:22
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SkrotYes, but sun's java isn't 100% free yet i think09:22
rayluBut I believe my Kubuntu install came with the freejava RE09:22
fdovingSkrot: sun java got the huge advantage that it actually works with most java apps.09:23
rayluand all I needed to install was java-gcjp-compat for the DE09:23
Skrotfdoving: Thats what I thought. And thats why I rather want sun java. I need it for school etc.09:23
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raylufdoving, did you manage to install Sun java?09:24
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fdovingSkrot: i guess you can install 'java-package' from multiverse, and get java from sun directly. '/msg ubotu java' for more info.09:24
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dwidmannSkrot: I do believe they opened the Sun Java 7 tree, at least that's what I heard a while back09:25
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fdovingraylu: of course. (i do use ibm-java though, because my laptop is a powerpc)09:25
SkrotI've already got java6 from feisty (made .deb's myself), but it seems not to respond to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH env :|09:25
SkrotThat's why I thought of trying the backports if there where any (my debs are more recent)09:25
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rayluAt least Konversation closed the connection before it crashed :D09:26
LjLthat's kind of it09:27
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claudiuhi all09:39
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HymnToLife!hi | claudiu09:40
ubotuclaudiu: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!09:40
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rahmetliherkes dizi izlemeye mi gidio AQ :)09:44
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Godetne dizisi09:45
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rahmetliespiri :)09:45
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Wulfei would like to get some help with amarok ... no streaming audio09:50
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DrCurlI changed the colorscheme in the prefs09:50
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DrCurlI would like to go back to kubuntu default09:50
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DrCurlI just can't find it into the list, it disappeared :|09:51
fernandowho can I set a variable like cxx on the system, but permanent???09:51
epimeththis might be a bit of a reach... but does anyone know how to create a personalized debian/(k)ubuntu install disc?09:52
fernandobecause if I use export, is only on that terminal..09:52
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epimethsay I know exactly what packages I want installed by default, how do I restrict / add packages to the ones installed by the disk?09:53
epimeththis is probably more of a debian question than a kubuntu one, but I figured you guys might know09:53
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fernandowho can I set a variable like cxx on the system, but permanent??? because if I use export, the variable exist only on that terminal..09:55
epimethdo you want it for all users or just your user?09:55
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epimethfernando ^09:56
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Aluminis it just me, or is there no gVim item in the K menu?09:57
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AluminI mean, I can just create one, but that seems odd09:57
evisHow can I do that NTFS-3G will start automaticly on KDE starts?09:57
evisI need to put some command...09:58
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epimethfernando:  again, do you want it for all users or just your user?09:59
fernandoepimeth: mmm for me..but anyway tell me for all users :-) to learn more09:59
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epimethfernando: in your home directory is a file called .bashrc10:00
epimethit executes the commands that appear there whenever you log in10:00
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epimethyou can put an export command there10:00
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epimethif you want it for all users, there is a bashrc in the /etc folder10:00
fernandothanks.. :-)10:01
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fernandoeach day more and more..... :-)10:01
Dr_willismann.. shoveled snow 4 times now.. it keeps comming back10:02
Dr_willisfernando,  a read of some bash tutorials, and the advanced bash scripting guide - does wonders.10:03
epimethno worries10:03
Dr_willisPrint the guide out.. keep it in the '10:03
fdovingDr_willis: where is all that snow?10:03
Dr_willis'reading room' :) aka the bathroom10:03
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Dr_willisfdoving,  in indiana right now.10:03
epimethDoc: print? whats that?10:04
Dr_willisits a light powery stuff.. ya shovel it and its like shoveling fluuf10:04
Dr_willisi pulled my car into the drive an hr ago.. and its coverd now..10:04
epimethI miss snow...10:04
Dr_willisepimeth,  No you dont...10:04
epimethtotally do10:04
=== Dr_willis hands epimeth a shovel
Dr_willisyou WILL.10:05
epimethif I'm freezing my ass off I expect, nay, demand! there be snow10:05
Dr_willisGet shoveling boy!10:05
fernandodr_willlis: where si that tutorial?10:05
fdovingDr_willis: heh.. fun, we had -22.5C some days ago, pretty cold.10:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about abs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:05
epimethya... *that* I don't miss10:05
Dr_willisgoogle for that 'advanced bash scripting guide'10:05
epimethantilock breaking system?10:05
Dr_williswe have had a mild winter so far.. this is the first real big snow10:05
Ace2016Hi all anyone know a good pop email checker,  not an email app, something that'll say how many new emails i have10:05
Ace2016its for gmail10:05
Dr_willisi got ABS and AWD on my car10:05
Ace2016and for hotmail if possible10:06
Dr_willis!info checkgmail10:06
ubotucheckgmail: Alternative Gmail Notifier for Linux via Atom feeds. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.10-1 (edgy), package size 46 kB, installed size 204 kB10:06
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Dr_willis!find gmail10:06
ubotuFound: mozilla-thunderbird-enigmail, checkgmail, enigmail-locale-ca, enigmail-locale-cs, enigmail-locale-de (and 23 others)10:06
Ace2016oh cool10:06
Dr_willisas for hotmail.. they dnt support the pop3 stuff.. but i think theres some tools that can do it..10:06
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Dr_williswell the FREE hotmail dont support it ( i think)10:06
epimethwell doc.. you seem knowledgable... maybe you can help me out?10:06
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hellcattravoi oi10:06
Dr_willisepimeth,  depends. :) i got a cake in the oven also.. heh heh10:06
Dr_willishad to run the grandbaby to the Emergancy room IN the snow this morning also...10:07
Ace2016Dr_willis: thanks10:07
Dr_willisso i had to shovel. heh heh10:07
Dr_willisand again when we got back.10:07
Dr_willisgotta love 1 yr olds.10:07
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Dr_willis15 min till the cake is done.10:07
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marcellu't all10:08
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epimethso its like this... kubuntu adds a lot of stuff I just don't want or need by default, but I prefer the (k)ubuntu packages over the debian ones.  is there any way for me to create a kubuntu install disc with the packages *I* want instead of the ones it comes with?10:08
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ackbahrI'm trying to configure powernowd, because it won't go under 600mhz to save battery... Is this what I'm looking for http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_configure_powernowd , or is this to change the threshold where frequency is adapted?10:09
epimethand hope your grandchild is okay!10:09
epimeths/hope/i hope10:10
Dr_willisepimeth,  ive never masteered my own cd. ya could just use a server install and write a script to install the packages you want.10:10
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evisk, this is my fstab: http://nopaste.info/77049a9e22.html - where I need to put ntfs-3g command?10:10
Dr_willis1 yr old + dog   and 1 yr old does not understand dog is NOT a teddy bear.. = overly hugged dog.. and scratched baby. :)10:11
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Dr_willisdog is mad also. :)10:11
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epimethahh... hope it wasn't too bad10:12
Frost^Hello. I'm having a little problem - I try to create a music collection with Amarok, but when I'm presented with the directory selection screen, I cannot see all of the directories.10:12
Frost^I can only browse /media and /home10:12
ubotuKubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles . This will be removed in Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)10:12
Frost^Can anyone tell me what to do?10:12
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Frost^Drat. How is that a feature?10:12
Frost^Oh well, thanks.10:12
Dr_willisjust a scratch...10:13
fdovingtells you how to disable it.10:13
hellcattravhey I'm trying to get my wireless printer set up and i was looking on line and i found this:  http://hplip.sourceforge.net/supported_devices/inkjet_aio.html10:13
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Frost^Ok, thanks.10:13
hellcattravive an HP photosmart 271010:13
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Dr_willisFrost^,  thats a feature. :) thats being removed.. heh heh10:13
Frost^This distribution sure is different than what I'm used to.10:13
Dr_willistheres some logic and sence to it.. :) but some annoyances in other ways10:13
Frost^Well, at least it's easy to disable, I guess.10:15
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rahmetlihow to install kubuntu if there is a raid in the system?10:15
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ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO10:16
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jhutchinsFrost^: The idea is not to overwhelm you with a list of files you don't need to worry about.10:16
Frost^Hmm, you know, I'll give it a go and keep it on for now then.10:17
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defiantCan anyone tell me what I need to do to make a webserver with Kubuntu please?10:18
fdoving!lamp | defiant10:18
ubotudefiant: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:18
epimethfdoving... you have the easiest job in the room... just memorize all of the ubotu bangs and regurgitate them on demand :-)10:19
fdovingepimeth: yep :)10:19
Frost^Thanks for you help guys. You sure are quick helpers :)10:19
epimethtaking rtfm to a whole new level10:19
Frost^Oh, another thing, is there a place where I can read about ubuntu/kubuntu in a more advanced manner? e.g. as for how the boot sequence works etc.10:20
epimethDoc... hows the cake?10:20
adaptr!upstart | Frost^10:21
ubotuFrost^: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/10:21
defiantis it sudo apt-get install apcahe?10:21
Frost^Thanks again.10:21
epimethbut thats without php support10:21
defiantI need the one with php support10:21
epimethi forget the exact package for with php support.. but fdoving will spit it up in a sec...10:21
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ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:22
Dr_willisepimeth,  someone ate all my iceing!10:22
epimethstupid dog~!10:22
Dr_willisepimeth,  i think it was the step daughter10:22
epimethahh... even better10:22
Dr_willisgot 1/2 a can of white iceing... could make some i guess...10:22
epimethat least she'll understand why you're yelling at her :-)10:22
HymnToLifeepimeth, in a nutshell, it's libapache2-mod-phpX10:22
Dr_willisiceing = crisco + sugar..  :)10:22
fdovinglibapache2-mod-php5 or libapache2-mod-php410:22
fdovingdepending on the version of php you want.10:23
HymnToLifeX being 4 or 5 depending on the php version you want10:23
epimethsugar, egg whites, and a mixer... shouldn't be a problem10:23
Dr_willissaw a recipe for Avacado Iceing the other day.. but that wouldent be very good on a Chockelt cake10:23
Dr_willisi got 2 tubs of whipped cream frozen/left from xmas. that will do10:23
epimethvery resourcfull of you10:23
jhutchinsAh, what you need is jalepeo icing for that cake!10:24
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epimethnah... if he's got the avocade, all he needs is tomato icing and he can make guacamole icing... hmmm... on second thought we should add the jalapeno into the mix, too10:24
Dr_willisButtercream icing.  - Hmm.. again not good for Chocolet.10:25
epimethchocolate fiesta cake!  yum!10:25
Dr_willisI am going to make a Green Cake this summer with Avocado iceing...10:25
epimethbuttercream? wtf is that?10:25
Dr_williswife just HAD to get me one of those 'round' ball cakes..10:25
Dr_willisepimeth,  butter + sugar basicially.10:25
Dr_willismore for white cakes10:26
epimethand this is not good for chocolate because?10:26
Dr_willissort of opposite.. more of a yellowcake kind of thing..10:26
Dr_willisbut heck its all sugar! :)10:26
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epimethI'm sure nobody would mind... I know I wouldn't10:27
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Dr_willis MM (Marshmallow) Fondant Recipe10:27
Dr_willisHmm... that has potential.10:27
epimethinit is being replaced?!?!?? nooooooo10:28
Dr_willisepimeth,  it allready has been under edgy.10:28
Dr_willisive not noticed any problems with it10:28
Dr_willisthe system 'seems' to work the same to me.10:28
epimethlol... no wonder gavri couldn't find inittab... lol10:28
The_Machinehow do i install current headers?10:28
Dr_willisOr else i am totally confused.10:28
rayluThe_Machine, headers for what?10:28
Dr_willis   /usr/lib/upstart/migrate-inittab.pl10:29
Dr_willisepimeth,  never noticed THAT befor. :) heh heh a inittab to whatever script?10:29
hellcattravok im connected to a wirless network but my wifi card isn't showing in systems and settings10:29
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Wulfecan anybody help me with amarok ... no streaming sound in it10:29
The_Machinei just updated my system and vmware doesn't work10:29
The_Machineit's asking me to do my settings over again10:29
The_Machineand it says i don't have my current headers installed10:29
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The_Machine...for the kernel maybe?10:29
FlosoftI can't get the DAAP Server running with Amarok 1.4.5?10:30
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rayluFlosoft, what specifically is wrong?10:30
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Flosoftwell it doesn't run10:31
epimethDoc, I'm trying very hard to understand what you just said... but I don't understand the question10:31
FlosoftI enabled share my library10:31
Flosoftand I added an Music Sharing device10:31
Dr_willisThe_Machine,  when you upgrade the kernel - the vmware modules need to be reinstalled10:31
The_MachineDr_willis: i didn't upgrade it10:31
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Flosoftbut when I try to connect to the local DAAP with the same amarok it says Connection Refused10:31
Dr_willisreinstall the kernel-headers10:31
The_Machinei did upgrade some library10:31
Flosoftand my iTunes can't find it10:31
The_Machineand it wants me to download the current headers10:31
The_Machinehow do i do that?10:31
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Dr_willisThe_Machine,  there was a security update over the weekend that upgraded the kernel10:31
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Dr_willis!find kernel-headers10:32
ubotuFound: kernel-headers-2.4.27-2, kernel-headers-2.4.27-2-386, kernel-headers-2.4.27-2-586tsc, kernel-headers-2.4.27-2-686, kernel-headers-2.4.27-2-686-smp (and 5 others)10:32
The_Machinehow do i upgrade kernel-headers?10:32
Dr_willistry a 'uname -a' and see what kernel ya got10:32
ackbahrHello again! Is there a way to lower the lowest reachable frequency for owernowd? Thanks!10:32
jhutchinsThe_Machine: How about apt-get install kernel-headers?10:32
Dr_willisjhutchins,  thats TOO logical!10:32
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Dr_willis2.6.17-10-generic #  - is the old. :)10:33
Dr_williswell its my old kernel.10:33
epimethjhutchins... you have to tell it which kernel's headers10:33
Dr_willis386? i thought edgy got rid of that.10:33
The_Machinejhutchins: 2.6.17-11-38610:33
The_Machineone sec10:33
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The_MachineE: Couldn't find package kernel-headers-2.6.17-11-38610:33
Dr_willisfire up synaptic and search for keaders ?10:33
Dr_willistry  the -gneric package?10:33
jhutchinsThe_Machine: Try it without the 38610:34
The_Machinewill try10:34
jhutchinsheaders should be universal.10:34
The_Machinedidn't find it10:34
The_Machineone sec10:34
ackbahrWell just so that you know, I just found procs accepted only given freqs, so there's no way for me to get under 600mhz.... :(10:35
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epimethhay Doc... you wouldn't happen to know how to get Beryl working on Dapper, would you?10:35
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The_Machinegood suggestion to check synaptic10:40
The_Machineit was there :)10:40
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=== The_Machine hugs vmware
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hellcattravcan anyone help me?  I'm connected to a wireless network but my wifi card sin't showing in systems and settings10:41
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epimethyou're connected or you want to connect?10:41
ian__lo.. just to say that kubuntu is very cool :). thanks10:42
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jhutchins!beryl > epimeth10:42
epimethhah right10:43
jhutchins!beryl > jhutchins10:43
epimethnow what happens when I install nvidia-linux and it kills x?  ubotu don't know jack10:43
jhutchinsepimeth: You either figure out the problem or you uninstall it.10:44
hellcattravim connected10:44
crazy_penguinGood night10:44
A_Dufr3sneanybady uses wine?10:45
A_Dufr3sneCould help me?10:45
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A_Dufr3sneall dead...10:46
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epimethjhut: useless... absolutely useless10:48
hellcattravepimeth:  any idea on why my wireless card isn't showing up?10:48
hellcattravcan i switch from kubuntu to ubuntu?10:49
epimethopen a terminal and execute 'ifconfig10:49
Admiral_Chicagohellcattrav: yes. install ubuntu-desktop10:50
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epimethhellcattrav ^10:50
Admiral_Chicagoyou'd change the DE10:50
hellcattravi think id prefer ubuntu10:50
epimethAdmiral: does that remove kdm from rc.d?10:51
hellcattravbut yet i can work with kde if it would be a complex task to shift10:51
epimethor does it load gnome from kdm?10:51
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Admiral_Chicagoepimeth: you can chose gdm or kdm10:51
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epimethyea... but does installing ubuntu-desktop make the choice for you?10:52
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epimethhellcat: whats your ifconfig?10:54
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hellcattravas in type it in to terminal? just a sec10:55
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Admiral_Chicagoepimeth: no, you do10:56
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epimethat what point?10:57
epimethdoes dpkg ask you?10:58
hellcattravoi...i see etho with a bunch of stuff, eth1 again, more stuff that i can't comprehend  and lo with more stuff i can't make sense of10:58
Dr_willisright befor the pc explodes10:58
Dr_willisdpkg-reconfigure xdm (i think is the command to select what one to use)10:58
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Dr_willisdpkg-reconfigure kdm ( is the command to select what one to use)10:58
Dr_willisnot xdm :)10:58
epimeththat doesn't make sence!10:59
epimethit *should* be xdm10:59
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Dr_willisand if the person does not have xdm installed...10:59
epimethhellcat: one of those, probably eth1, is your wireless card.  on my desktop eth1 is my wireless... dunno why it isn't wlan0 but thats just how it is :-)10:59
Dr_willisxdm isent even an option on the optuions.. :) from what i just saw10:59
hellcattraveth1 is my wireless i think11:00
epimethisn't xdm a requirement for xorg?11:00
cpk1hellcattrav: do lshw that might give you a better idea what you wireless card is11:00
Dr_willisxdm - X display manager11:00
Dr_willisaparently not.11:00
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Dr_willissince it wasent installed on my system11:00
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hellcattravbecause in network settings thats the one that has on an IP address11:01
hellcattravok i typed that in cpk1 but don't know what im looking for11:01
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epimetharg... mi madre just called... gonna go meet her for ice cream before she flies back to new york tomorow... I'll bbs.  sorry, hellcatt.. I'm sure someone else will be able to help you11:01
cpk1hellcattrav: look at where it says network 1 network 2 and so on, find the name of the wireless card then see what it says its logical name is11:02
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hellcattravany idea where that might be on the list?11:03
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coreymon77hi guys11:05
cpk1mine is towards the bottom, its not long or hard to scan through until you see where it starts listing networking interfaces11:05
coreymon77have all bugs in the -11 kernel image been fixed11:05
coreymon77including the nvidia and wifi bugs?11:05
hellcattravwhats a network interfaces look like, does it say network interface or should i be looking for something?11:06
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hellcattravoi found it i think11:06
cpk1it says network and then goes on to describe the interface11:07
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hellcattravi got it11:07
hellcattravill go to pastebin alright11:07
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:07
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om3gaim lost11:09
cpk1thats your ethernet card11:09
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parkerw207yes thats the ethernet controller card11:09
parkerw207not the wiresless card11:09
hellcattravill keep looking- would it be near it?11:10
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hellcattravhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5624/    here11:12
hellcattravcpk1 this said wireless--> that it?11:12
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cpk1and it looks like it already has a connection11:13
om3gaim new to kubuntu been useing ubuntu thought i would see the difference any pointers or tricks to it??11:13
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cpk1om3ga: the only difference is kde instead of gnome11:13
hellcattravive got a a connection but the wireless card isn't showing up in network settings11:14
Dr_willisinstall kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop and ya got both. :)11:14
cpk1hellcattrav: so eth1 isnt there in wireless settings?11:15
om3gayeah just didnt know if there were any major quirks to kde11:15
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hellcattravnot that i see in the terminal11:15
cpk1it defaults to single click opens stuff11:15
cpk1hellcattrav: in the terminal? it should show up if you use iwconfig11:15
om3gagnome did too11:15
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Dr_willisI think we should have 0 clicks to open things.11:16
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om3gayou do terminal11:16
hellcattravok here: lo no wireless extensions eth0 no wireless extensions  eth1:11:16
cpk1i believe if i think it my computer should do it11:16
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hellcattravill go to paste bin agian11:17
om3gawould be nice11:17
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cpk1hellcattrav: do you *need* to configure your wireless card?11:17
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hellcattravidk i can't figuire out if i have to or not...11:18
cpk1it looks like it is already configured11:18
cpk1is your network name renderos?11:19
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evisDoes anyone know How to make that NTFS-3G will work automaticly on Kubuntu starts???11:19
hellcattravmy neighbors11:19
hellcattravim connected to his yes11:20
cpk1is that what your plan is or do you have your own wireless network?11:20
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Dr_willisevis,  load the moduiles in the /etc/modules file?11:20
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hellcattravno i'd like to get on my own11:20
carlosyeah_hi everybody, its my first time with Konversation11:20
hellcattravso i don't have to use him11:20
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hellcattravi have the WEP key11:20
cpk1hellcattrav: ok do iwlist scan and write down your network information when you see it on the list11:21
hellcattravbut no jack bout getting my network to work , ive been using his so i don't have to stay tethered to my basement11:21
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cpk1only the information for your network11:21
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hellcattravhow do i know if its mine?11:21
cpk1and you only need the essid, channel, mode and ap11:22
cpk1well hopefull you know your network name11:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libgd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:22
evisDoes anyone know How to make that NTFS-3G will work automaticly on Kubuntu starts???11:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gdlibrary - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:22
cpk1[14:20:47]  <Dr_willis> evis,  load the moduiles in the /etc/modules file?11:22
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hellcattravwhen i typed in iwlist this is what i got11:23
cpk1iwlist scan11:23
hellcattravadd scan?11:23
cpk1"iwlist scan"11:23
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slyfoxDeso anyone here uses Freemind mind mapping ?11:23
hellcattravi don't see mine11:24
om3gaok im a lil cought up now hellcattrav you should know your own net work if there are more like it you should rename it or do somthing11:24
hellcattravyes i know my own im not that daft :)11:24
om3gato make it stand out11:24
om3galol srry11:24
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cpk1you positive you are in range?11:24
om3gaits just not showing up?11:24
cpk1or is the broadcast turned off?11:25
hellcattravyeha but its not showing up11:25
hellcattravi see it know11:25
hellcattravill scann again11:25
om3gasignal week?11:25
cpk1fiesty has a nifty thing where it has a applet in the kicker that shows all available networks if you click on it11:26
cpk1pretty cool11:26
hellcattravwhen i do that, the ontly thing that coems up is my neighbors(the one I'm on atm)11:26
Dr_willisdoes he know about this? :)11:26
om3gai had one in gnome11:26
hellcattravthat im on his network?11:26
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om3gawell in dapper11:26
Admiral_Chicagocpk1: knetworkmanager?11:27
cpk1maybe its just that my dekstop doesnt use wireless11:27
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cpk1Admiral_Chicago: yes, thats the name, so is that an old feature? =P11:27
cpk1I havent used my laptop since dapper11:28
pelelecan someone help me with a problem im having installing kiba-dock?11:28
hellcattravim using network manager11:28
hellcattravi see my network on that11:28
Admiral_Chicagowell it wasn't installed by default11:28
hellcattravbut when i type iwlist scan it doesn't show up11:28
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cpk1well use whatever tool gives you the answers you want =P11:29
om3gadoes it show you the signal or just the network?11:30
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cvill64-laptophi there, is there an easy way to add all the kubuntu repos instead of having to add them one by one?11:32
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om3gai had to do it one by one11:33
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about source-o-mati - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:34
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:34
rayluoh. i thought you were kidding11:34
flaccid0sif it supports GET you could prolly wget and > to the file11:34
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:34
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TheGateKeepercvill64-laptop, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_add_extra_repositories11:34
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TheGateKeepercvill64-laptop, just edit /etc/apt/sources.list11:35
cvill64-laptopsup TheGateKeeper ;) you know I read that sort of stuff already :P11:35
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cvill64-laptopI'm talking if there is one easy get all of kubuntu11:35
cvill64-laptopsure I can echo 'em one by one11:35
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travknetwork manager stopped, and i connected with the wireless lan assisstant11:39
travi was hellcat trav, now im just trav11:39
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TheGateKeepercvill64-laptop, echo one by one?  why not just copy / paste using an editor or am I missing something??11:39
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coreymon77is it safe to upgrade to the -11 kernel11:39
coreymon77or are there still the nvidia and wifi bugs11:39
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rayluNot sure about Nvidia, but my wireless works fine11:39
rayluthough the WLAN manager doesn't like disconnecting (it stalls a bit, but closes normally)11:40
defiantHow do I install a LAMP system?11:40
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defiantIs there a way to do it after kubuntu is already installed?11:41
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rayluhm...there might be a dummy package for it11:42
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raylubut I'm currently using adept to install something, so I can't search for it11:42
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ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)11:44
sleepy745I'm using Kubunto 6.10 and was wondering if I should run irssi in fifo mode or screen mode, which is better?11:44
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defiantbut I am using 6.10 not the 6.0211:46
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Admiral_Chicagosleepy745: screen imho, but it's really a user preference11:46
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coreymon77should i just wait until the next kernel update comes11:47
coreymon77and not botehr with -11?11:47
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Admiral_Chicagocoreymon77: what version?11:48
coreymon77i have the -10 kernel image11:48
Admiral_Chicagowhat release of ubuntu-11:48
Admiral_Chicagoit's stable11:48
Admiral_Chicagolikely a patch11:48
mart81hmm, kde-look.org seems either overloaded or is going down soon11:48
evisDoes anyone know how to automate NTFS-3G when I start Kubuntu?11:48
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coreymon77Admiral_Chicago: thats not what i mean11:49
coreymon77the -11 kernel image has had tons of bugs11:49
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Admiral_Chicagohmm, well i'll have to come back to that after dinner11:50
trav_hey so the wireless is cutting in and out11:50
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trav_hey which is it that i want to download to get the ubuntu desktop, instead of kde?11:51
dec_where do i find out what devices (graphics card) is on my machine in ubunut11:51
sleepy745Admiral, if I type sudo aptitude install irssi irssi-scripts screen, what kind of scripts will it install?11:51
jhutchinscoreymon77: If I understand things correctly, the main issues was the problem with nvidia drivers, and I believe that's been addressed.  You can find the anwser on the bugreport page.11:52
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coreymon77jhutchins: and where might that be?11:52
jhutchins!bugs > coreymon7711:52
jhutchinscoreymon77: You'll have to search for it.11:53
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dec_where are devices located in ubuntu to find drivers for?11:53
jhutchinscoreymon77: Alternatively, you can install the kernel and see if it works for you, if not just boot to the older one and uninstall it.11:53
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jhutchinsdec_: lspci will often show useful information on your graphics card.11:54
Dr_willisdec_,  you are thinking in the 'windows' mentality for drivers.. most of the drivers you need are allready installed.  a few devices may need extra packages installed to function fully11:54
jhutchinscoreymon77: probably info about the problem on the wiki as well.11:55
trav_how can i change from kde to the ubuntu one?11:55
trav_which i guess is GNOME?11:55
=== jhutchins is too poor to be able to afford graphics cards that have problems.
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jhutchinstrav_: You should probably ask in #ubuntu, but I'm guessing that you can install gnome-desktop or ubuntu-desktop and that should give you both.11:56
jhutchinstrav_: There's also xubuntu with light-weight xfce.11:56
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trav_whats the difference?11:56
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jhutchinsThey are different window managers, they use some different default programs.11:56
jhutchinsGnome has promoted a philosophy that some feel sacrifices function for the sake of a simple user interface.11:57
trav_compared to kde?11:57
jhutchinsxfce is more hard-core unix like, but a lot of people like it, and it doesn't consume as much resource as kde.11:57
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michaelpoi've installed a few packages... now i can play dvd... but not vcd... did i miss out any packages?11:58
trav_now for my  noob state, would xfce be bad?11:58
jhutchinsmichaelpo: Have you read the botsnack about formats?11:58
trav_now for my  noob state, would xfce be bad?11:58
tackatjhutchins: depends on which apps you use11:58
mart81interesting, now i want to burn a cd with xubuntu :)11:58
michaelpowhat is botsnack?11:58
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jhutchinstrav_: Hard to say.  Sometimes it's easier to have something completely unfamiliar, that way you're forced to learn the new thing.11:58
dec_receiving an error "could not open open gl subsystem" is there a package I can install to remedy this error11:59
Dr_willisa lovely stainless steel bolt. in a kroiloil sauce11:59
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Dr_willisdec_,  and what is your video card?11:59
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tackattrav_: you might get cancer or get pregnant from using xfce ... choose your poison ;)11:59
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jhutchinsmart81: There's always cdrecord...11:59
michaelpowhat is botsnack?11:59
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om3gaanyone use a palm and what do you prefer11:59
Dr_willisa snack for the bot...11:59
dec_ati radeon xpress12:00
jhutchins!mp3 | michaelpo12:00
ubotumichaelpo: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:00
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Dr_willisdec_,  install the ati drivers then following the !ati factoid yet?12:00
jhutchinsfactoid, couldn't think of the word.12:00
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:00
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trav_so is gnome more user friendly the kde?12:02
Dr_willistrav_,  i dont think so..12:02
Dr_willis"idiot friendly' perhaps...12:02
om3gai just switchedd to kde12:02
trav_right up my ally12:02
Dr_willisusers  cover a real real big area12:02
trav_om3ga: from ubuntu?12:02
Dr_willisthe PalmOS is very user friendly.. but not real useable..12:02
Dr_willisfor many tasks12:02
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om3gayes kubuntu12:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about botsnck - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:03
om3gaok i didnt say what i ment....12:04
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om3gawhat palm desktop software on kde for palms is good12:05
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trav_well see im currently using kubuntu but i was wondering if i can get the ubuntu desktop to compare, maybe go between the two, or is that not a good idea?12:06
Dr_willistrav_,  its trivial to install both kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop on the same box.. You can pick what one to use from the kdm/gdm login screen then.12:06
trav_christ, so your telling me its confusing?>12:06
trav_maybe i should just stick with kde12:07
trav_wait- how could get gdm from kbuntu12:07
jhutchinstrav_: Um, if that's confusing to you... Yeah, stick with what you've got for now.12:07
trav_adept manager?12:07
jhutchinstrav_: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop12:07
trav_and that installs on same system>12:08
jhutchinsWhen you're done, close your curret session and you'll have an option on login.12:08
trav_and i run this in teh terminal?12:08
jhutchinsIt would be very odd if it installed it on some other system...12:08
jhutchinstrav_: Yes, with sudo (I forget that part.)12:08
sleepy745if I type sudo aptitude install irssi irssi-scripts12:09
sleepy745            screen, what kind of scripts will it install?12:09
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jhutchinssleepy745: What would be the disadvantage of doing that and finding out for yourself?12:09
trav_E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)12:10
trav_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?12:10
trav_i got this12:10
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jhutchinssleepy745: You could try apt-cache show irssi-scripts, see what that tells you.12:11
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jhutchinstrav_: Make sure your GUI package tools aren't running, make sure you used sudo.12:11
trav_you mean adpet?12:11
jhutchinsadept, whatever, yeah.12:12
jhutchinsps ax in a console will tell you what's running.12:12
trav_yep thats it12:12
jhutchinssudo fuser /var/lib/dpkg/lock might tell you which process.12:12
jhutchinsTime to go feed horses, may be back later.12:12
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davidJe viens d'adopter ubuntu12:13
davidc'est gnial!!!12:14
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:14
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