
BenCtfheen: All uploaded...in your capable hands now12:13
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sabdflsistpoty: start with Malcolm Yates <malcolm.yates@canonical.com>12:45
sabdflhe handles new ISV's, and game publishers would fall into that category12:46
sistpotysabdfl: ok, thanks, will do12:46
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dokotfheen, infinity: the OOo build did fail again on amd64; please could you retrieve the preprocessed source of the failing file?01:21
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alex-weejwhat is gparted being replaced with in the ubuntu installer?01:26
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givrealex-weej: a brand new partitionner : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubiquity/AdvancedPartitionerRewrite01:32
alex-weejis there a post-installation counterpart tool?01:32
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Burgworkalex-weej: with parted directly01:35
alex-weeji'm just a little bit concerned01:35
alex-weejthat having done all the setup in the nice fancy ubiquity wizard01:36
alex-weejusers won't have a clue how to change any of the stuff they set up01:36
Burgworkmost of the time, users have no need to changing any of the formatting they just did01:36
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alex-weejright, but it would be beneficial to have SOME consistency with a general purpose tool01:37
alex-weejit's also things like choosing locale01:37
alex-weejthe post-installation tool is completely different to the installation tool (last time i checked it was anyway)01:37
alex-weejor has this changed?01:37
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Burgworkright, that is not parititioning01:37
alex-weejbut it is the same issue01:38
Burgworknot really01:38
Burgworkthe ability to change stuff after install is done via the control centre01:38
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Chipzz[knap] : the answer to that is really simple I guess: drivers from the nvidia site are not supported. if it break, you get to keep both pieces02:55
Chipzzand it *is* bound to break02:55
Chipzzin short: don't do it02:55
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Chipzzwhich makes me wonder; has anyone bothered to contact nvidia to tell them we have our own drivers, and to ask them to change their instructions to refer to the ubuntu packages?02:58
Chipzzor would that be the wrong approach?02:58
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_ionNo, ruby.03:55
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=== ajmitch wonders how offtopic it will get
LaserJockajmitch: offtopic?!? in here?04:20
ajmitchit never happens, right?04:21
LaserJockno way04:23
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Kanohi, what could be the problem when lshal does not show volume and other info with a 2.6.20 kernel but works with 2.6.18? are there specific patches needed which are not in debian?05:11
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_ionOoo, look what the apt-get brought in: upstart 0.3.505:53
_ionAlthough i've been using 0.3.5+bzr for a while already. :-)05:54
bluefoxicyhmm damn06:23
bluefoxicymy feisty generated no initrds06:24
bluefoxicyholy crap that was ugly.06:46
=== bluefoxicy finally got xen to boot.. module <kernel>, module <initrd>
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=== pitti frees the new kernel from NEW
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ajmitchhi pitti 08:02
pittihi ajmitch08:02
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dholbachgood morning08:05
dholbachogra: new gnome-power-manager for you08:05
dholbachogra: new gnome-screensaver for you08:06
dholbachogra: (and new dia for you) :-)08:06
pittidholbach: yay delegation :)08:07
tfheenBenC: what about the new lrm?  Just needs an ABI bump?08:07
dholbachpitti: he always did these - I'm just the messenger :)08:07
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ajmitchpitti: doing source NEW today?08:31
pittiiwj: I filed a bug for this dpkg thing, btw (bug 84850)08:31
UbugtuMalone bug 84850 in dpkg "does not interpret X[SBC] -* fields when building binary control files" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8485008:31
pittiajmitch: no, not really; on Friday08:31
=== ajmitch just wants a couple of things through :)
ajmitchthough ndesk-dbus will also need MIR as well08:33
ajmitchit's code shipped in main already, just not as a separate package08:33
pittiajmitch: if it's a mere split out, it doesn't need a separate MIR08:33
pittiajmitch: just add it to the Queue, saying from which package it was split out08:33
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ajmitchI'll note that though, thanks08:34
=== ajmitch heads off for some food
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ajmitchpitti: so I'll need to fix up any packages that have Maintainer: ajmitch@debian.org for it to build in the future?09:26
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pittiajmitch: don't worry, I just finished a script which will do the mass-upload transition09:31
ajmitchthat's fine, it'll just make maintaining the source package a bit more annoying09:31
pittiright, we have to care for this delta09:32
=== pitti -> reboot, brb
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seb128ogra: new gnome-screensaver and gnome-power-manager to package09:41
=== pitti gives BenC a big hug -- -8 works *perfectly* for apport again \o/
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sivanggiftnudel: ping09:58
giftnudelhi sivang09:58
sivanggiftnudel: oh, I see the topic got a bit upgraded since last time I'e been here :)09:59
giftnudelhow are you?09:59
sivanglet's continue in prvmsg since hubackup is not ubuntu development per se09:59
sivang(e.g. specifically mentions not to talk about application development on ubuntu ;-))09:59
giftnudeloh, I see, that's also new to me10:00
giftnudelalthough hubackup is a spec, so that should still work10:00
_ionNot that i have anything to say in the matter, but if there's absolutely zero discussion going on about the development of Ubuntu, casual conversation probably doesn't hurt.10:00
giftnudelit would soon turn out into a discussion about hubackup, but still10:01
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tkamppeterpitti, doko, can you check what happened with the uploads of the last versions of foomatic-db and foomatic-db-hpijs?10:42
pittitkamppeter: ok, which version numbers?10:43
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ograseb128, thanks for the hint10:45
tkamppeterpitti, foomatic-db-20070207-0ubuntu2, foomatic-db-hpijs-20070207-0ubuntu110:45
seb128ogra: would be nice to do them today so we have GNOME 2.17.91 for herd4 ;)10:45
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tfheenmvo: hiya, can you please do the GnomeAppInstallDesktopDatabaseUpdate process?10:53
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:tfheen] : Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with feisty; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Main frozen for Herd 4
mvotfheen: I will do this now, thanks10:58
seb128tfheen: grraaa, main already frozen?!10:59
seb128tfheen: do we have exception fro GNOME 2.17.91? need like 3 extra hours to get it packaged10:59
tfheenseb128: yes, but since you're French, I'm fine with you uploading your gnomy bits.11:00
seb128ah, good11:00
=== seb128 hugs tfheen
tfheenI just don't want random other crap in now.11:00
pittitfheen: we certainly want a new l-r-m for the ABI bump?11:00
ajmitchoh well, f-spot fixes can wait a week11:00
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tepsipakkitfheen: so we shall push the xorg-bits post-herd4?11:01
tfheentepsipakki: yes, that was my plan.11:01
tfheenpitti: the one I accepted about an hour or so ago? :-)11:02
ajmitchtepsipakki: good work on getting them in shape11:02
pittitfheen: erm, yes :) thanks11:02
tepsipakkidebian has just uploaded libxcomposite, libxcursor, libxevie, libxdmcp to experimental, so it's getting easier all the time :)11:02
=== pitti hugs tepsipakki
=== tepsipakki hugs pitti back
tepsipakkiajmitch: thanks!11:03
=== tepsipakki is updating the CV first time in six years
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cjwatsonpitti,iwj: and patch for bug 84850 attached11:14
UbugtuMalone bug 84850 in dpkg "does not interpret X[SBC] -* fields when building binary control files" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8485011:14
pitticjwatson: yay11:14
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ograpbuilder-satisfydepends is killing me :/11:19
seb128stop using pbuilder ;)11:19
ajmitchblame apt :)11:20
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fabbioneogra: use sbuild.. it's much better11:25
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=== ogra wont switch build systems in the middle of a set of package upgrades
ograbut thanks, i'll look into sbuild11:27
seb128ogra: I think that debian pkg-gnome guys use cowbuilder and they said it's much faster than pbuilder11:29
ograah, i'll look at that one as well ... even though, given the amount of pbuilder users in ubunt we should probably just fix it :)11:30
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ajmitchogra: apt-get --simulate takes a *long time* now, I can't recall the bug #11:32
fabbioneogra: well.. to be hounest.. given that sbuild is used on buildd.. i would prefer it compared to others11:32
fabbioneand to some degrees is faster than pbuilder11:32
ograi knoe mvo was working on something to fix that ...11:32
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iwjcjwatson, pitti: Nice and freaky bug that.  Thanks, Colin.11:36
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tkamppeterpitti, can the packages foomatic-db-20070207-0ubuntu2 and  foomatic-db-hpijs-20070207-0ubuntu1 still go into Herd 4?11:51
tfheentkamppeter: do they fix any bugs targetted for herd 4?11:52
pittitkamppeter: foomatic-db is not in NEW, and new version does not exist on the archive; are you sure that they have been uploaded?11:52
pittitkamppeter: (likewise for hpijs)11:53
tkamppeterpitti, I have asked you and doko to upload them last week and you told me that you will do so, as it was my intention to get them in before UVF.11:54
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pittitkamppeter: hm, I remember uploading some packages, but not foomatic-db11:55
tkamppetertfheen, the two packages assure that there will be PPDs for all printers which are supported by HPLIP 1.7.1 which is our current HPLIP for Feisty.11:55
Riddellpitti: could you promote apport-qt to main when you have a free moment11:56
pittitkamppeter: oh, in fact I did upload it11:56
tfheenRiddell: I did that last night.11:56
pittitkamppeter: I wonder where that went to...11:56
pittiRiddell: how does it work under KDE so far?11:56
tkamppetertfheen, the foomatic-db fixes also a bug of the 0ubuntu1 version with renaming of binary packages.11:56
tfheentkamppeter: what are the bug numbers?11:56
tkamppetertfheen, there are no bug numbers as I have found the problems by myself.11:57
pittitkamppeter, tfheen: I'm pretty sure I uploaded it, but it has never arrived as it seems; hmm11:57
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Riddelltfheen: oh, excellent, thanks.  can I upload a kubuntu-meta to include it?11:58
tkamppeterFor the foomatic-db and the uploading I made a new package the same day, as soon as I discovered it.11:58
tfheenRiddell: please.11:58
pittitfheen: the diff between ubuntu1 (in the archive) and ubuntu2 (mysteriously lost) is adding transition packages for the renamed packages11:58
tfheentkamppeter: in the future, please do file bugs and get them targetted to the relevant milestone or the release if they are important.11:58
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tfheenpitti: please reupload it and I'll review it.11:58
ograpitti, no MIR review for my sound parts :/ i'd have loved to have them in herd4 11:58
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tfheentkamppeter: since I'm terrible at reading other people's thoughts it does not help me or the release that you know about a bug if you do not tell me about it.11:59
Riddellpitti: it works great, but still lacks the adept-notifier integration11:59
pittiRiddell: right11:59
tkamppetertfheen, so in the future I will create a bug report along with the package submission.12:00
pittitfheen, tkamppeter: reuploaded foomatic-db12:00
tfheentkamppeter: yes, or rather when you discover the bug.12:00
tfheenpitti: cheers.12:00
pittiargh, I take that back; wrong source.changes12:00
=== pitti makes a mental note that uploading source packages is *hard* when you have sudo vi /usr/bin/dpkg-source open
pittiuploaded for real now12:02
tfheenpitti: heh. :-)12:02
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tkamppeterpitti, thanks. Did you also upload foomatic-db-hpijs12:08
pittitkamppeter: no, I never touched it (doko claimed it)12:09
pittitkamppeter, tfheen: ^ shall I?12:09
pitti(I cannot test it at all, mind you)12:09
pittibut neither can doko, so *shrug*12:09
dokohm ...12:10
tfheenseb128: you'll tell me when you have all your new GNOME shiny in?12:14
tfheenpitti: please do12:14
seb128tfheen: yep, we are almost there, 3-4 tarballs left12:14
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ogratfheen, g-p-m woud be ready, ok to upload ? 12:16
tfheenogra: please.12:16
pittitfheen, tkamppeter, doko: f-d-hpijs uploaded12:16
ograthanks :)12:17
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seb128pitti (and probably other people who asked for it): with the new gnome-menus/gnome-panel/control-center combo just uploaded you have the menus back, you just have to unmask them from the menu editor12:24
seb128enjoy ;)12:24
pittiah, but we won't do that by default?12:25
pittiseb128: great, thanks!12:25
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seb128pitti: not decided yet, but looks like it'll be shell by default which is better for standard users and the menus which are better for power user are a few click away to the menu editor12:26
seb128pitti: feel free to start a discussion on ubuntu-devel(-discuss) list if you think we should use menus by default12:26
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pittiseb128: 'k12:28
pittihi carlos 12:28
jwendellseb128, is there any way to use menus (a gconf key, for example)?12:28
carlospitti: hey12:28
seb128jwendell: did you read what I wrote 10 lines ago?12:28
jwendellseb128, no hehe12:28
seb128jwendell: the "you just have to unmask them from the menu editor"12:28
jwendellseb128, so, i guess it should be like it's right now...12:29
jwendellseb128, advanced users who want menu back can do this step12:30
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tfheencjwatson: could I have a d-i upload synced with the -8 kernel ABI?12:31
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tkamppeterpitti, thanks.12:32
=== Gman [i=gman@nat/sun/x-9dc9611eea84200b] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ogratfheen, gnome-screensaver ready as well ...12:35
zakamehmm did anyone experience their swapspace double due to devmapper readding to swapon?12:36
ogratfheen, ok to upload ? 12:36
tfheenogra: yes, please.12:36
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ograthere we go12:37
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seb128tfheen: if I want to sync libsoup on Debian (they packaged the new version for the new GNOME yesterday) should I open a bug first for the record or just syncing is fine?12:46
tfheenseb128: I've just synced such packages as myself in the past.12:47
=== givre [n=Florent@APuteaux-152-1-75-85.w86-205.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
seb128tfheen: ok, thanks12:48
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tfheenfabbione: your ltp upload ftbfs.12:50
=== Gman is now known as GmanZZZ
fabbionetfheen: doh!... 12:51
fabbionetfheen: ok.. i will look into it, but it's not fatal for herd412:51
tfheenfabbione: no, not fatal, I just noticed it off the top of my mailbox12:51
Chipzzmvo_: ping?12:51
StevenKDirectory debian/ltp-commands-test does not exist, aborting12:52
cjwatsontfheen: sure12:53
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mvoChipzz: hello12:54
tfheenRiddell: adept seems to ftbfs.12:55
fabbioneStevenK: strange because nothing did change what's built or installed..12:56
cjwatsontfheen: done12:57
tfheendoko: you're aware sun-java5 ftbfs on ppc and sparc?12:57
tfheencjwatson: thanks12:57
=== Hobbsee waves
Riddellhow peculiar12:58
=== tfheen hugs Hobbsee
dokotfheen: yes =)12:59
tfheendoko: could you get it PaS-ed?01:00
dokotfheen: just don't try to build it01:00
=== fabbione scratches his head
=== Hobbsee hugs tfheen back, then falls over
tfheendoko: same build failure for ooo, btw.01:01
tfheenHobbsee: tired?01:01
Hobbseeits' 11pm - dinner time01:01
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ubuntu/member/seb128] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee curses damned lazy coworkers.
tfheenHobbsee: whenever you have the time, you touched kxgenerator last.  It fails to build now.01:02
Hobbseetfheen: yes, i saw that, i think :(01:03
Hobbseesomething else failed, too...01:03
dokotfheen, infinity: seen, and I asked for the preprocessed source file; the package just builds fine for me on two machines01:03
tfheendoko: hm, true.  You need infinity for that, I don't have access to it.01:04
seb128tfheen: I'm done with my GNOME updates, dholbach is still working on gnome-terminal and gnome-netstatus and slomo on tomboy and seahorse01:04
dholbachseb128: both uploaded01:04
seb128after that we should be set for herd401:04
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dholbachi'll upload a new usplash-theme-ubuntu next01:04
=== dholbach high-fives kwwii
tfheenseb128: ok, cheers.01:04
tfheendholbach: woo.01:04
seb128ok, lunch time for me, bbl01:05
slomoseb128: seahorse is universe anyway, tomboy will be uploaded in < 10 minutes :)01:05
tfheenslomo: excellent! :-)01:05
tfheenseb128: I presume you're aware, but your beagle upload fails to build.01:07
slomotfheen: i'll look at the beagle build failure after tomboy/seahorse01:08
tfheenslomo: cheers.01:08
=== giskard [n=giskard@213-140-22-74.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mjg59pitti: Any chance you can enable macbookpro support in hal?01:09
StevenKtfheen: Anything you can throw at me?01:09
=== Hobbsee throws tfheen at StevenK
pittimjg59: is that a patch from git head?01:09
StevenKHrm, maybe I should re-phrase that... :-P01:09
StevenKHobbsee: He's not my type. :-P01:09
tfheenStevenK: you want some build failures to grab?01:10
slomopitti: while at it... https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9343 might be of interest for you too :)01:10
UbugtuFreedesktop bug 9343 in misc "hal-device-manager: [patch]  cosmetic issues with dbus-python 0.80" [Trivial,New]  01:10
StevenKtfheen: Yup01:10
tfheenStevenK: amarok.01:10
HobbseeStevenK: apt-cache unmet.  get fixing :)01:10
Hobbseeeep, amarok ftbfs?01:10
tfheenyup, across all arches.01:11
ograoh, CC meeting in the UTC afternoon ... thats new :)01:12
Hobbseeogra: means the aussies can attend every once in a while01:13
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StevenKtfheen: Aye01:13
dholbachtfheen, kwwii: uploaded01:13
ograHobbsee, :)01:13
mjg59pitti: No, it just needs enable-macbookpro rather than disable-macbookpro in rules01:14
mjg59Oh, and a build-dep on pciutils-dev01:14
pittimjg59: ah, I see01:14
pittimjg59: no problem; I leave convincing tfheen to you :)01:15
=== lukketto [n=lukketto@host47-159-dynamic.6-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ogramjg59, apparently the hal fdi change fixed the brightness key issue for a lot of people ... but it doesnt feel right somehow that we need this many overrides in hal 01:16
ogramjg59, do you have any idea how we could avoid it more from the ground up than adding tons of matches to fdi files ? 01:17
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mjg59ogra: Hardware behaves differently. fdi files exist to tell hal how the hardware behaves.01:17
mjg59It should only be two matches for the Thinkpads.01:17
ograwell, in the bug people with asus and toshiba laptops showed up with the same prob01:18
slomotfheen: tomboy and seahorse uploaded01:19
tfheenslomo: tomboy already accepted.01:19
mjg59ogra: No, that's a different problem01:19
ograah, k01:20
ograwhat about the thinkpads that dont know they are thinkpads ? 01:20
mjg59They lose01:20
raphinkanybody aware of kernel panic with 2.6.15-28.51 on dapper?01:20
raphinkI guess I'll go tell that on #ubuntu-kernel rather01:20
pittiraphink: since latest security update? no01:20
raphinksince 2 days ago pitti01:21
raphinkmy mom just got a kernel panic with it01:21
pittiraphink: ugh, regression01:21
raphinkwhich blah01:21
pittiraphink: please file a bug and mark it security01:21
raphinkso I'll go shout on #ubuntu-kernel01:21
raphinkI don't have trace though01:21
pittiraphink: or that, thanks!01:21
raphinkshe's 1000km away01:21
ogramjg59, well, there seem to be some with01:21
ogra smbios.system.product = '236697U' (string)01:21
ogra  smbios.system.manufacturer = 'IBM' (string)01:21
raphinkso I can't have her note everything she sees01:21
ograor other numbers as the product name01:21
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ogratfheen, i have an updated edubuntu-artwork as well, ok to upload ? 01:24
tfheenogra: sure01:25
ograthanks :)01:25
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fabbionepitti: ping?01:37
pittihey fabbione 01:37
fabbionehey dude01:37
fabbionepitti: the ltp FTBFS is caused by pkg-create-dbgsym01:38
fabbionepitti: mind to take a look at it?01:38
pittifabbione: of course not01:38
=== lmanul [n=manu@dan75-4-82-239-58-38.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
tfheenRiddell: do you want the new adept in for herd 4?01:38
fabbioneyou also want /bin/sh pointing to bash to build.. i am uploading a fix for that doesn't show up in the buildd01:38
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Riddelltfheen: yeah, that would be nice01:38
fabbionetfheen: fixed ltp uploaded (universe).. it will still need pitti's love to build01:40
tfheenfabbione: cheers01:42
slomotfheen: ok to upload beagle fix in some minutes?01:42
tfheenslomo: please.01:43
ogratfheen, there is on fuse fix i'd like in herd4, ok to upload ? 01:44
ograhttp://flomertens.keo.in/merge/debdiff_ubuntu1-ubuntu2 in case you want to look at it ...01:45
=== glatzor__ [n=sebi@p57AED5EF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
tfheenogra: what's the reasoning for changing the udev priority?01:49
ogratfheen, it was a leftover from a former version ... 80 is usersetup already, 45 is the system 01:50
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ogra(in a former version te fusectl filesystem was also mounted from the udev rule, we now do that from a modprobe.d script)01:51
tfheenogra: hm, ok.  Upload away.01:51
ograsomehow the 80-fuse file didnt get deleted ...01:52
=== ogra uploads
RiddellStevenK: did you look into amarok fail to build?02:13
StevenKRiddell: Looking at it now02:14
RiddellStevenK: that .desktop file installed on my local build, I'm not sure what governs when it gets installed and when it doesn't02:14
StevenKRiddell: The last ten lines of debian/amarok.install don't start with debian/tmp02:15
Riddellah, that would be it then02:15
StevenKI'll throw you a debdiff?02:16
=== StevenK ponders a test build, considering it will take about 20 minutes
=== StevenK kicks it off
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ogratfheen, one last upload (apart from possible ltsp or edubuntu-meta changes for the CD), i needed to add a transitional package for student-control-panel to thin-client-manager ... ok to upload ? 02:19
tfheenogra: go ahead.02:19
ograthanks :) 02:20
giftnudelI now spent 2 hours trying to get some patch to configure and it always complained about AC_PROG_LIBTOOL being undefined - the solution was to actually install libtool ...02:20
pittifabbione: 'k, I think I fixed ltp hard enough now02:29
fabbionepitti: ok thanks... you rock dude02:30
pittifabbione: interesting package, btw02:30
pittitkamppeter: do you think that you can get a basic source package for printerdriver-autodownload working for feisty?02:35
cjwatsonpitti: (see my mails on the subject)02:40
pitticjwatson: weird, I just have Till's reply02:41
pitti08.02.07 20:42 Till Kamppeter    Printer driver autodownload - how to proceed?02:41
pitticjwatson: ^ this thread?02:41
cjwatsonyeah, I only sent it recently02:42
pittiah, got them now02:43
cjwatsonmvo: we were to talk about dist-upgrader autobuilding. When would be a good time?02:44
cjwatsonmvo: and where can I check out the code you use to produce your dist-upgrader uploads at the moment?02:44
mvocjwatson: whenever it is most convinient for you02:45
=== Kagou [n=Kagou@88-139-242-34.adslgp.cegetel.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== givr1 hugs ogra :)
ogragivr1, the upload was overdue :)02:49
=== Zdra [n=zdra@147.28-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograthanks for the patch :)02:49
cjwatsonmvo: is it in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mvo/update-manager/main ?02:51
mvocjwatson: yes, under DistUpgrade/build-dist.sh02:52
cjwatsonrather s/mvo/ubuntu-core-dev/02:52
mvo sftp://mvo@bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-core-dev/update-manager/main/02:53
cjwatsonmvo: is there any reason not to just build it on every update-manager upload?02:53
mvocjwatson: sure, we could do that. but its not a source-deb and it does not produce a binary deb but a tarball. if we can make soyuz to deal with that, that would be good02:55
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pittitfheen, fabbione: new ltp uploaded (fixes FTBFS, universe)02:55
mvocjwatson: have you read my proposal about the special upgrader deb packages? it would be a alternative approch to the problem02:56
cjwatsonmvo: so what I'm thinking is that the dist-upgrader tarball could just be another one of the objects spat out by the update-manager source package, along with its .deb(s)02:56
cjwatsonmvo: there's a perfectly standard process for doing that kind of thing, which shouldn't need soyuz modifications02:56
cjwatsonmvo: haven't read your proposal, no. Where is it?02:56
mvocjwatson: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UpdateManagerArchDependent02:57
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mvocjwatson: about building the tarbal on each update-manager source upload, that could certainly be done. the disadvantage is (AFAICS) that for selected backports (like a new apt) we would have to include it into that build-process as well. the alternative approach with using packages is more modual because we could update individal packages independantly for the upgrdaer02:59
ogracjwatson, i stopped getting daily CD health check mails on saturday, is that intentional ? 03:01
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StevenKRiddell: Right. Test build sucessful.03:03
StevenKRiddell: Debdiff is at http://wedontsleep.org/~steven/test/amarok_1.4.5-0ubuntu4.debdiff03:03
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BenCtfheen: I uploaded new lrm and linux-meta03:08
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BenCtfheen: Everything looks built and ready03:09
pittiBenC: morning03:11
tfheenBenC: the "linux" package looks uninstallable on sparc, as does the linux-backports-modules packages.03:11
BenCpitti: Hey...-8 kernel should fix apport03:11
BenCtfheen: Let me check that real quick...at worst, I'll do another linux-meta upload03:12
mvoiwj: could you please have a look at bug #84894 when you have a bit of time? 03:12
UbugtuMalone bug 84894 in devmapper "File overwrite problem" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8489403:12
pittiBenC: right, see my hugging and cheering from this morning03:12
pittiBenC: you rock, thanks!03:12
BenCpitti: Hehe, np..so you've tested it and it passes?03:13
pittiBenC: yep, and I uploaded another apport to reenable it again03:13
pittiBenC: I tested with several small and large core dumps03:13
dokotfheen: please allow python2.4 and python2.5 into the archive; the changes are in the -dbg packages only. allows us to continue with our work on the other -dbg packages03:13
BenCpitti: I'll push these changes upstream soon then03:13
pittiBenC: cool!03:13
=== Keybuk [n=scott@quest.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
BenCtfheen: I don't see what about linux should be uninstallable on sparc03:18
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tfheenBenC: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/testing/feisty_probs.html claims it is03:19
tfheendoko: doesn't look relevant for herd 4, so no, I won't let them in.03:19
tfheenKeybuk: did you notice upstart ftbfs on sparc?03:19
Keybuktfheen: yeah, I got the spam about that03:20
Keybukbloody toy architectures03:20
=== ogra wonders what to do with gnome-power-amanger on sparc
ograits ftbfs as well ...03:20
ogralikewise on ia6403:20
Keybukis just some signal names missing on sparc used in a table so it can say "killed by TERM signal" ... just needs an ifdef or two03:20
tfheenogra: fix it? :-)03:21
ogratfheen, well03:21
ogragpm-light-sensor.c: In function 'gpm_light_sensor_get_hw':03:21
ogragpm-light-sensor.c:114: warning: cast increases required alignment of target type03:21
ograisnt really informative03:21
tfheenogra: yes, and?  Force alignment, then?03:22
ogragrmbl, i was so happy that our gpm package is patch free now ...03:22
BenCtfheen: sparc lrm isn't NEW'd yet or something03:22
=== ogra goes to try
BenCit's built, but not available03:23
tfheenBenC: they ended up in failed-to-move; I'll rescue them03:24
BenCtfheen: And linux-backports-modules uploaded as well03:25
BenCshould be instant builds03:25
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cjwatsonogra: no, it's certainly still supposed to be sending them to you03:27
tfheenBenC: isn't l-b-m built from the regular source now?03:27
ogracjwatson, hmm03:27
BenCtfheen: "regular source"?03:27
cjwatsonmvo: would it be possible to split the dist-upgrader source out entirely from update-manager, then?03:27
tfheenBenC: l-s-2.6.2003:28
BenCtfheen: No, separate package03:28
BenCNeed to add it to the list of ABI bump uploads03:28
=== TomB [n=tomb@host217-44-205-57.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
cjwatsonmvo: I think UpdateManagerArchDependent is kind of separate, really; in any case isn't it too late for that sort of major redesign for feisty now?03:31
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cjwatsonmvo: whereas a simple reorganisation of the source package to allow autobuilding would be quite easy and can certainly happen after feature freeze03:31
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seb128ogra: any reason for hwdb-client to be a native Debian package?03:37
ograseb128, not any particular oe apart from it not being used anywhere else than ubuntu systems03:38
seb128ogra: usually when a package is Debian native the version has no revision though03:38
seb128hwdb-client_0.6-0ubuntu23.tar.gz is weird ;)03:38
pittiKeybuk: if you have a minute, could you please look at bug 76077 and my explanation in comment 5 and tell me whether this weird behaviour is actually a feature and not a bug?03:39
UbugtuMalone bug 76077 in udev "Permissions on /dev/usblp* don't agree with cupsys" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7607703:39
mvocjwatson: I agree that it is too late for feisty now for the UpdateManagerArchDependent spec. how would the re-orga work? is it enough if the source package spits out a .changes file and .tar.gz for the release-upgrader? is that enough to make it work? 03:39
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ograseb128, i guess its because my packaging skill were not really great when i started it ... its been like that since the beginning ...03:40
Keybuk(random: how do I tell dch now that I just want -1 to become -2 ?)03:40
Keybukpitti: yeah, permissions don't seem right across the board in feisty03:41
Keybukcdroms aren't showing up in the right group, etc.03:41
pittiKeybuk: also due to this rule?03:41
ograseb128, i'll fix it after herd4, thanks for the pointer, i didnt even recognize03:41
pittiindeed, my CD-ROM is group 'floppy'03:42
seb128ogra: no hurry, I'm looking at it because hwdb has a menu item to applications, system tools and we are supposed to have that category not used by default for menu simplication03:42
seb128I'm looking on where to move it03:42
Keybukpitti: I think it has something to do with the new toplogical sysfs model03:42
Keybuksome rule which never previously applied now applies03:42
seb128ogra: looks like pitti did that03:43
ograseb128, yep03:43
pittiKeybuk: I meant, is it really right that ATTRS{idVendor}=="0000" matches *any* vendor ID?03:43
pittiseb128: hm?03:43
ograseb128, i'm not keen to have it in control-center .... but thats my personal disliking of it sinc ethe change ...03:43
pittiah, read scrollback now03:43
seb128pitti: could we put the hwdb menu item somewhere else that System Tools? you unmask the menu category we try to not use for MenuSimplication03:43
Keybukpitti: define "any" -- that will match every idVendor from the device and all of its parents03:44
ograso if it belongs there put it there ...03:44
pittiogra, seb128: right, I wondered about hwdb-client being native as well, but I didn't change it when I touched it03:44
ograwell, native is fine ... just not with a -XubuntuX version :)03:44
seb128yeah, that was just a side note03:44
pittiKeybuk: ah, so something in the chain has idVendor=000003:44
Keybukpitti: perhaps03:45
Keybukyou probably want ATTR{} in those rules anyway03:45
Keybuknot ATTRS03:45
pittiKeybuk: thanks; seems we might actually want ATTR03:45
Keybukthe "floppy" problem, I don't know about03:45
pittiseb128: I don't mind much where to put it03:45
Keybukthat might be a similar bug with the scsi checking bit03:45
pittiseb128: however, synaptic is also in that menu (apart from vmware)03:46
seb128ogra, pitti: is that something we want to run several time or once only?03:46
seb128pitti: yeah, I'm going to make mvo fix synaptic next :p03:46
pittiseb128: more or less just once, except if your hw changes03:46
pittiseb128: ah, I see :)03:46
seb128that sucks to have a menu item for something that we run once03:46
mvoseb128: hu?03:47
seb128can't we have a notification area icon or something?03:47
seb128mvo: we try to get Applications, System Tools not listed by default for menu simplication03:47
seb128mvo: and you changing synaptic to be there apparently03:47
ograseb128, we hav a notification03:47
ogratelling you to click on the menu entry03:47
seb128ogra: why do we need a menu item then?03:47
seb128any problem with having a notification area icon to click on?03:48
mvoseb128: erh, so some apps will not be displayed anymore at all?03:48
ograit was specced like that 03:48
seb128mvo: ?03:48
pittiseb128: it's not what notifications are meant for03:48
seb128mvo: we used to have synaptic to system, administration03:48
pittiseb128: and the user might not want to go through this hassle as the very first thing he does with the computer03:48
seb128pitti: menu items are not meant for things that need to be runned once neither ;)03:48
mvoseb128: right and there is now this control-center that makes everything very hard to find IMHO03:48
pittiseb128: I have no problem with moving it to control-center, hardware section03:49
seb128mvo: could be try to adress that rather than having people doing random changes to workaround the problem?03:49
seb128pitti: that feel wrong if that's something you are likely to run once03:49
seb128it's going to be "in the way" and create extra confusion all the time03:49
cjwatsonmvo: it would just be like the debian-installer binary .changes03:49
mvoseb128: fair enough, I was not aware that system tools should go away03:49
seb128mvo: we did that for dapper ;)03:50
pittiseb128: most of the settings in that control-center aren't run more often either03:50
seb128pitti: I disagree, most are config tools03:50
pittiright :)03:50
cjwatsonmvo: you just do 'dpkg-distaddfile whatever.tar.gz dist-upgrader -' in debian/rules03:50
pittihow often do people change their screen resolution, language, or prefered fonts?03:51
seb128still, those are config dialog you might want to use03:51
seb128hwdb is of no use for an user03:51
pittiseb128: well, if that would be the case, then we should not install it at all03:51
seb128we install it because we want users to submit their config once03:51
pittipeople who buy new hardware or plug in another USB devices might even want to submit it again, etc.03:52
seb128not because they need the tool to do something03:52
mvocjwatson: interessting, thanks! I check this out next. what would be the scope? we certainly want to not include all the backports for kde in there? 03:52
Riddellmvo: oh, it doesn't need backports any more, I managed to get it to work with just a patch03:52
Riddellor 403:52
pittiseb128: as I said, I don't mind moving it somewhere else or redesigning the notification etc. I just want a clear and signed-off instruction document that tells me what to do :)03:52
=== pitti hugs seb128 and thanks him for thinking about usability
mvoRiddell: right, and those will go into -proposed?03:53
Riddellmvo: that's my plan03:53
mvoRiddell: cool! thanks03:53
seb128pitti: I'm going to move it to the hardware control-center category for now, I'm not happy with it though, I'll think about it03:53
=== seb128 hugs pitti back
seb128imho that should not be a menu item03:53
pittiseb128: btw, it's already there for me03:53
seb128maybe an option somewhere like popcon03:53
seb128pitti: weird, it's to applications, system tools on my box03:53
pittioh, no, that thing is hal-device-manager03:54
pittiseb128: right, I thought it was *also* in c-c, but that's only h-d-m (which allows you to run hwdb-client)03:54
mvoI'm not very happy with the way the control-center looks currently. its just overwelming how many icons are in there03:54
seb128ah ah03:54
seb128h-d-m allow you to run it03:54
seb128-> NoDisplay=true for hwdb-client ;)03:54
seb128no need several way to do the same thing03:54
seb128and it's not used often enough to justify a separate menu item03:55
pittiseb128: right, we just need people to find it somehow03:55
seb128h-d-m looks good enoguh if you have a notify popup pointing users there03:56
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cjwatsonmvo: well, I was just thinking of reorganising the build process to be more like everything else in the archive, not a scope change at all03:58
ograseb128, eeek03:59
seb128ogra: what?03:59
ograseb128, thats five clicks then instead of three04:00
seb128do you really things it makes sense to clutter the menu or shell all the time for something most users will run never or once?04:00
ograyou have to open control center (takes about a minute for me with a 4200 disk and lots of applets)04:00
ograthen you have to find h-d-m and click and wait another 15-20 secs 04:00
Riddelltfheen: new amarok upload which fixes fail to build, I'm good for herd with that in04:00
seb128we are trying to simply menus and shell to make them usable04:01
ogra*then* you can click hwdb and wait again04:01
seb128adding random item for things user need to run once is not the way to do that04:01
ogralatest at the second click you would hae lost me if i were a new user04:01
mvoc-c has (in the default install) ~50 entries04:02
seb128and as an user you would like to have that extra item in the way making your menu or shell longer and things harder to use?04:02
ograi agree that it would be fine to have a start button for it in the popup04:02
ograadditionally with a hint where to find it in h-d-m 04:02
ograin case i dont want to do it now 04:02
seb128ok, guys, stop focusing on the shell please04:02
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seb128we have menus back with uploads from today (just unmask them with alacarte)04:03
seb128and we are likely to have menus by default for feisty04:03
ograYAY 04:03
seb128so the question is not how slow the shell is to start04:03
=== ogra gives seb128 a loong big hug
ogragreat decision04:03
seb128try focusing on "do you think having that menu item is useful for an user"?04:03
seb128or is it going to make the menu longer and harder to use04:04
seb128for something users are likely to never look for out of the first time they are pointed to it?04:04
ograwell, without the shell the most slowing down factor is gone ...04:04
seb128(the shell remains available for those who want to use it BTW :p)04:04
ograbut a shortcut from the popup would still be nice though ... even if it breaks policy04:04
ogradoes it have an extra menu entry ? 04:05
seb128what has an extra menu entry? the shell? it has a menu item yes04:05
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seb128pitti: do you have some notification atm the moment indication to use applications, system tools?04:06
ograi think so ... there was a bug about it 04:07
seb128s/indication/or indication04:07
ograpitti fixed it to say the right path ...04:07
seb128so changing the menu item category would be wrong04:07
seb128something else needs to be updated according to that04:07
ogranot if we fix hwdb alongside04:07
seb128let's fix that after herd4 then04:08
pittiseb128: yes, in update-notifier04:08
ograyep, i'll make a note to change it with the versioning scheme 04:08
ograpitti, not in hwdb ? 04:08
pittiseb128: if we move the menu entry (or remove it), then we need to update the notification text; that's trivial, though04:08
pittiogra: no, the notification is in update-notifier04:09
seb128pitti: that can wait after herd404:09
pittiseb128: *nod*04:09
seb128I'll probably note the hwdb item on the topics list for the meeting04:09
pittiseb128: right, thanks; it's changing a spec, so we should sign that off04:10
seb128mvo: the synaptic menu change can wait after herd4 as well probably ;)04:10
mvoseb128: ok04:12
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seb128tfheen: could you approve the libxfont and control-center uploads for herd4?04:17
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mvotfheen: could you please approve update-manager? its a bugfix only upload04:20
seb128mvo: looks like the vte update fixed gnome-terminal ;)04:21
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mvoseb128: ha! great04:25
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ograwoah, is that still the CC meeting going on in -meeting ? O_o thats nearly 4h now ....04:44
Keybukthey're almost half way already04:45
Keybukdoes anybody know what a type-punned pointer is?04:49
Keybukor why dereferencing one would break strict-aliasing rules?04:49
cjwatsoninfo gcc-4.1, ctrl-s type-pun04:50
Keybukcjwatson: the thing I can't figure out, is that neither pointer is a union04:51
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dholbachkwwii: uploaded04:52
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cjwatsonKeybuk: and there lies the problem04:55
kwwiidholbach: killer, thanks :-)04:55
cjwatsonKeybuk: with -fstrict-aliasing you aren't allowed to access the same bit of memory through two differently-typed variables04:56
Keybuknot even if you cast them? :p04:57
cjwatsonKeybuk: see C99 6.5(7)04:57
cjwatsonit's not about type-checking, it's about optimisations, AIUI04:57
Keybukpointer to struct, and pointer-to-first-member-of-struct are always supposed to be equivalent04:57
Keybukin fact, they're required to be04:57
Keybukisn't that important, since the warnings only coming up in test cases where I'm just stealing a random pointer and stuffing it in, on the basis that I know it's not used for anything :p04:58
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cjwatsonI'd need to do more reading to work that out, and I need to conduct an interview in one minute ;-)04:59
Keybukheh, I have a copy of C99 here I can hit myself with if I feel so inclined05:00
iwjmvo: re bug 84894> oh how annoying.  Fixing it.05:02
UbugtuMalone bug 84894 in devmapper "File overwrite problem" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8489405:02
mvoiwj: great, thanks!05:04
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Keybuktfheen: may I upload new upstart to correct sparc ftbfs05:05
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janimogpocentek: hi05:11
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janimocould any of the source NEW reviewers take a look at hal-cups-utils please? thanks05:13
pittijanimo: next archive day is tomorrow05:13
janimopitti: ok thanks. I wasn;t aware of the new schedule05:14
janimoat least to me it's new :)05:14
pittitfheen: ok to upload http://pastebin.ca/353789? It fixes two easy, but very important bugs in libgphoto05:15
pittitfheen: one ruins device permissions of *all* usb devices05:15
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iwjmvo: Fix uploaded I think.05:20
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mvoiwj: nice, thanks. I will verify by re-runing the test tonight or tomorrrow05:25
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tkamppeter_pitti, a small detail is still needed for the renamed packages of foomatic-db to work: ubuntu-desktop needs now to depend on openprinting-ppds instead of linuxprinting.org-ppds. Can you (or someone with appropriate rights) change this? Thanks.05:27
pittitkamppeter_: can do05:31
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pittiogra: I merged above change (and some previous ubuntu seed changes which look ok) into the edubuntu seeds, no conflicts; ok for me to commit or do you want to merge yourself?05:37
pittiogra: the only questionable thing IMHO is the addition of espeak05:38
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pittigpocentek: here?05:41
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ograpitti, if there were no conflicts its fine ...05:43
ograjust go ahead05:43
pittiogra: thanks; done05:43
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pittigpocentek: can you please merge the Ubuntu seed changes to xubuntu? it's nontrivial, so I didn't want to screw up05:44
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pittitkamppeter_: seeds changed (except for xubuntu); this requires another -meta upload, but I think that's not important for herd-405:46
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pittitfheen: libgphoto2 tentatively uploaded, since I really recommend those fixes; please feel free to lart me and reject the upload if necessary05:48
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pittimjg59: do you think we need to push the hal change for macbook into herd-4?05:50
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tfheenKeybuk: how invasive?05:51
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tfheenpitti: ok, looks relativetly sane to me.05:52
pittitfheen: justification for the patch is in the bug, if you are interested05:52
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Keybuktfheen: http://rafb.net/p/xGvxOh87.html05:53
tfheenKeybuk: go ahead.05:55
tfheenpitti: ok, accepted.05:55
pittitfheen: merci05:55
pittimjg59: hal FTBFSes with --with-macbookpro ((.text+0x4c3): undefined reference to `gzopen')05:55
Keybuktfheen: thanks, done05:56
pittimjg59: looks like a bug in pcutils-dev (since a function from that lib wants gzopen())05:56
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Keybukwow, if I reboot my mail server, I can't keep reading the mailbox06:05
Keybukwho'd've thought?06:05
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ivoksstrange strage MTA :)06:10
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geserpitti: if you are interested I've modified pkgmaintainermangler to work on source packages. The modified script is at http://members.ping.de/~mb/srcmaintainermangler/06:40
Keybukseb128: so, err06:43
KeybukI updated my laptop06:43
Keybukand rebooted06:43
Keybukand have no GNOME session06:43
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BenCcjwatson: There's no eject command in the CD's initrd...is there some other way to eject CD's that I don't know about?06:44
BenCcjwatson: This is the desktop CD06:44
Keybukseb128: might not be your fault, hang on06:45
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mvotfheen: if you could approve update-manager 0.57.2 that would rock. its a one-line fix06:49
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tkamppeter__pitti, thanks for updating the seeds, but I have still a little problem:06:57
cjwatsonBenC: you can't really eject the desktop CD except from break=top :-)06:58
tkamppeter__If I do a general update also the update of linuxprinting.org-ppds-extra is held back though it does not have a dependency in ubuntu-desktop06:58
cjwatsonBenC: powerpc?06:58
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BenCcjwatson: No, I need to eject the CD so people can load the driver CD :)06:58
BenCfrom casper-premount06:58
cjwatsonBenC: depend on eject and have casper's hook script copy it in06:59
tkamppeter__pitti, I have Replaces:, Provides:, and Conflicts: lporg... in the openprinting packages and in addition the transient lporg packages, is this correct?07:00
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BenCcjwatson: Should I do any sanity checks after they re-insert the install media to make sure it's the right CD?07:01
BenCand if so, what's the best check07:01
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cjwatsonBenC: hmm, maybe remember the contents of /cdrom/.disk/info07:02
cjwatsonit's not exactly a UUID but it should be a pretty good signature for this purpose07:03
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BenCcjwatson: Is /dev/cdrom valid at this point?07:03
BenCor should I check mtab to see what the cdrom device is07:04
tsmithePriceChild, mmhmm?07:04
cjwatsonBenC: casper doesn't use /dev/cdrom07:04
tsmithehe wants a mailing list and doesn't know where to ask07:04
cjwatsonBenC: see find_livefs in scripts/casper07:04
cjwatsonit iterates through devices and tries to guess which one to use07:05
cjwatsonmaybe make it remember which one it used and use the same one again07:05
pittitkamppeter__: that should be fine07:06
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BenCcjwatson: So what device would I use for ejecting, mounting, and checking for driver-updates?07:08
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BenCcjwatson: I'll look around in there...maybe it does store the sys2dev07:08
cjwatsonshouldn't be too hard to make it store it07:09
sladenit's an optical drive, there are the ioctl()s for the disk-id07:09
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sladenhowever that might make testing harder if you're using a disk-image to test07:10
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cjwatsonwhich casper already does. no need to reinvent the wheel07:10
cjwatson(it uses /lib/udev/cdrom_id)07:10
PriceChildI'm sorry I haven't a clue where else to ask this, but how would I go about requesting the creation of a mailing list?07:10
BenCcjwatson: cdrom_id might be a good way to check for the install media being re-inserted07:11
cjwatsonPriceChild: rt@admin.canonical.com07:11
PriceChildThanks cjwatson :)07:11
cjwatsonBenC: cdrom_id just gives you the capabilities of the drive07:11
alex-weejdoes anyone have any idea how i can debug/get more info on this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/8384207:11
UbugtuMalone bug 83842 in hal "Sound devices not detected by HAL after upgrade to Feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  07:11
cjwatsondoesn't tell you anything useful about the disk07:12
BenCah, thought it was some if for the media07:12
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seb128Keybuk: GNOME b0rkage?07:16
Keybukseb128: no07:17
Keybukiwj's udev update restored the udev init script which I'd deleted07:17
tkamppeter__pitti, can you test then whether your system updates smoothly, as soon as the new ubuntu-desktop is on your mirror?07:17
Keybukso I had udev being run twice => bad /dev/null permissions07:17
seb128Keybuk: ok, cool07:17
BenCcjwatson: livefs_root isn't run before casper-premount07:18
BenCGuess I'll have to reimplement find_livefs() as a find_driver_updates()07:19
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=== iwj 's ears burn.
iwjKeybuk: Err, did I do something wrong ?07:21
iwjWhy does  x += 3  count as a binding of x and make the function fail with an UnboundLocalVariable error ?07:22
Keybukiwj: not at all, update-rc.d did something wrong as usual07:22
iwjAnd why is there no way of saying `I want "x" to refer to the "x" in the enclosing scope' ?07:23
iwjYou can only say `global' which is not the same thing at all.07:24
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BenCcjwatson: I have a question about the ubiquity-driver-updates spec. It mentions search for drivers in ubuntu/, but that seems to conflict with our own CD's07:43
BenCcjwatson: Should I change that to ubuntu-drivers/ ?07:43
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cjwatsonBenC: oh, right, maybe livefs_root needs to be refactored yes07:54
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cjwatsonBenC: hmm, I'd forgotten about the ubuntu symlink on our CDs. Yes, pick something reasonable and short that doesn't clash07:54
BenCcjwatson: I'm actually thinking about expanding it a little, so that the script only checkes ubuntu-drivers/<kver-abi>/07:56
BenCno reason to load what might be a ton of the same package for different versions of the kernel07:56
BenCcjwatson: How safe is it to assume that the installer kernel version (not flavour) is the same as the installed kernel?07:57
BenCThen I also need to account for architecture07:58
cjwatsonBenC: in the desktop CD, you can assume that they're the same08:00
BenCIs there an easy way to get the dpkg arch from initrd?08:00
BenCcjwatson: I'll have to assume it everywhere or copy all of ubuntu-drivers/*/*_<arch>.deb08:01
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cjwatsonBenC: yeah, just assume it I think08:08
cjwatsonBenC: oh, hmm, what if they provide multiple versions and expect those to be used on upgrade?08:09
cjwatsonBenC: maybe *_<arch>.deb *should* be copied to the installed system ...08:09
cjwatsonBenC: the architecture is DPKG_ARCH in the environment, within the initramfs08:10
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BenCcjwatson: Ok, thanks08:17
BenCcjwatson: Would make sense, since the new packages might be needed for known security update08:18
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BenCcjwatson: how about ubuntu-drivers/<kver>/*_<arch>.deb, where kver would be something like 2.6.20 (no ABI or flavour)?08:19
gpocentekpitti: xubuntu seeds updated, but not shown on LP yet08:21
gpocentekgpocentek: sorry for the delay08:21
gpocentekpitti: sorry for the delay ^^08:21
pittigpocentek: thank you! no need to excuse :)08:22
cjwatsonBenC: while you mentioned security updates, I was actually thinking of feisty -> feisty+1 upgrades ...08:22
cjwatsonBenC: the other option would be to save a Packages file and arrange for an apt-cdrom-style entry to appear in sources.list, but I'm a bit worried about designing that on the fly08:23
cjwatsonBenC: are the drivers really going to be all that huge?08:24
BenCcjwatson: I'm a little worried about the potential size that ubuntu-drivers/*/*_<arch>.deb might become08:24
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cjwatsonBenC: if you think <kver> is the best compromise, that's OK by me08:29
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cjwatsontfheen: you might want to give-back debian-installer where it failed08:43
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cjwatsontfheen: hmm, or not, possibly08:44
cjwatsonBenC: could you please make storage-core-modules Provides: loop-modules?08:46
BenCcjwatson: Sure thing08:46
=== cjwatson works around it for now
cjwatsonno idea why this only just started breaking now08:47
BenCcjwatson: In git08:47
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Kanohi, where is  splitconf.pl ?08:53
BenCKano: The script for the kernel configs?08:54
Kanoi want another config, but how to split08:55
BenCIt's in the tarball for linux-source-*08:55
BenCor in git08:55
Kanono it is not08:55
Kanopulled git08:55
BenCYes, it is08:56
Kanobut not under ubuntu-2.608:56
BenCyes, it is08:56
cjwatsonit really is, I pulled the git tree a couple of hours ago and I see it08:56
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Kanohmm then find must be stupid..08:56
cjwatsonwhat find invocation did you use?08:56
BenCyou mispelled it :)08:56
Kanoubuntu-2.6# find -name splitconf.pl08:56
BenCit's splitconfig.pl not splitconf.pl08:56
cjwatsonsplitconf != splitconfig08:56
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Kano# Common config options automatically generated by splitconf.pl08:57
Kanoso who is stupid...08:57
cjwatsonnobody used the word "stupid" except you. kindly stop.08:57
BenCKano: Direct further questions to the ubuntu wiki, KernelTeam entry08:58
cjwatsontfheen: please accept iso-scan 1.18ubuntu1 and give-back debian-installer once that's built and in the archive08:59
KanoBenC: splitconf(ig).pl search has no result09:02
BenCKano: ls -l debian/bin/splitconfig.pl09:02
Kanoyes but how to use it09:02
BenCyou don't use it directly09:02
BenCif you really want to, read debian/rules09:02
BenCthat's where it gets used09:02
Kanobut i have a new generic full config09:02
Kanoi want to try all pata drivers and no old ide code09:03
BenCactually it gets used in debian/bin/oldconfig09:03
Kanoas even a pure sata system got a hdx device09:03
BenCKano: pure sata wont have a hdX device...it's not possible09:04
BenCKano: Most likely you have your sata controller in legacy/compatible mode09:04
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Kanoi think the currect selection of drivers is really suboptimal09:05
BenCthat's a nice baseless statement09:05
BenCconsidering we've tuned that driver list based on past releases and suggestions by upstream kernel, I wonder where you come up with that09:06
=== philwyett [n=philwyet@bb-87-81-146-45.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kanowhen cdroms stop working and even normal boot required irqpool cheat then it is not really optimal09:06
BenCthat has nothing to do with drivers09:07
BenCwell, the irqpoll option doesn't09:07
BenCthat's most likely a broken driver, a broken BIOS on your system, or a crappy device09:07
wasabiOr a wonderful combination of all three. =)09:08
BenCKano: Either way, file bug reports...compiling your own kernel for PATA vs. IDE wont help you with those issues, nor will it allow us to fix the problem09:08
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KanoBenC: well i have to compile the kernel because i want to use it with etch09:10
BenCKano: Uh, you're compiling an Ubuntu kernel to use on Debian?09:10
Kanoyes, and i found out that that required a patch to hal, maybe because of some different config or so09:11
BenCNo, it required a patch to hal because upstream changed things09:11
BenCit's Not ubuntu specific09:11
Kanoi added patch 58 or so09:11
wasabiDebian's HAL/Kernel is just older.09:11
zakamedid anyone experience something similar to bug #84668?09:11
UbugtuMalone bug 84668 in devmapper "adds misleading double entry to swapon" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8466809:11
Kanosysfs something09:11
=== cprov [n=cprov@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kano2.6.20 with differnet config settings does not require that change but have no idea what option it is09:12
BenCKano: well, if you're mixing your system with ubuntu source + self compiled kernels + debian userspace with self compiled binaries, then I'm afraid I can't help you much anymore09:12
BenCyou're creating way more problems than I intend to help overcome09:13
wasabiYes, what part of this is Ubuntu anymore, anyways?09:13
KanoBenC: to make me work with ubuntu let mc work correctly, but this tool is not always able to change dirs there09:13
BenCKano: I suggest you rm -rf debian/ in the ubuntu-2.6 git and just use make-kpkg09:14
Kanohmm would be possible09:14
Kanobtw. ubuntu -6 kernel was not able to build with pbuilder/etch09:15
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siretartiwj: I'm currently trying to follow your instructions, but with the massive debug output, I'm unable to reproduce the behavior :(09:20
iwjsiretart: Hmmm.09:21
siretartiwj: I do notice however that it becomes quite likely that one or more raid devices become degraded, so I have to add the 'missing' disc by hand09:21
iwjThe degraded thing is fixed in ubuntu4.09:21
siretartcurrently I need to wait ~20min to get the device synced09:21
siretartiwj: this IS with ubuntu409:21
iwjReally ?  That's odd.09:21
iwjVery odd.09:21
iwjBecause I added --no-degraded so it oughtn't to do that at all.09:22
siretartcurrently fscking, will recheck soon09:22
siretartiwj: the funny thing is: I returned home earlier, and I did succeed to but with ubuntu3 that very one time09:22
siretartwithout interaction that is09:23
KanoBenC: btw. i do not use any ubuntu entry in debian. i look for specific patches only09:23
ajmitchsiretart: what behaviour were you trying to reproduce?09:23
siretartajmitch: bug 7568109:24
iwjajmitch: Failure to start md devices properly.09:24
UbugtuMalone bug 75681 in lvm2 "initramfs script: race condition between sata and md" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7568109:24
ajmitchhm, looks familiar09:24
iwjsiretart: You have something different because with yours some of them aren't arriving at all.09:24
siretartajmitch: yeah, actually you pointed me to that one ;)09:24
iwjsucceed that very one time> It's a race, so you're not guaranteed to lose.09:25
siretartiwj: as said before, I have both stripes and mirrors, and lvm on top of the stripe09:25
=== ajmitch has an 'inactive' /dev/md1 at the moment, yet /usr/local is up & running on /dev/mapper/md|md1, which is very odd :)
siretartactually, 2 vgs, with the root lv on the vg on the stripe09:25
iwjI haven't done anything that would cause that, I think.09:25
iwjAnd I don't understand how your lvm things aren't working either.09:25
iwjWithout the udev debug output it's very hard to debug these races.09:28
iwjAnd I'm really perplexed as to what's calling mdadm without --no-degraded or whether it's starting them degraded anyway.09:28
siretartI'd love to give you the debug output, and I'd love to give it another try, but I need to wait ~20min for the raid device to be resynced right now :/09:28
iwjI'm afraid it's about time for my dinner here; if you manage to get some useful info I'll be around again tomorrow.09:29
siretartk, have a nice evening!09:29
cjwatsontfheen: targeted https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/84597 at herd-4, FYI; I'll sort it out tomorrow09:29
UbugtuMalone bug 84597 in ubiquity "[apport]  ubiquity crashed with AssertionError in subst()" [Undecided,Confirmed]  09:29
iwjsiretart: Goodnight and good luck ...09:29
tfheencjwatson: thanks; looking at iso-scan now, will give-back d-i afterwards.09:42
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seb128evince used to Depends on "gs-esp | gs"10:22
seb128now it needs gs-esp-x10:22
seb128"gs-esp-x | gs" doesn't work because "gs-esp" provides "gs" by example10:22
tfheenseb128: gs-esp-x | gs (>= 0)10:23
seb128would you consider that as a gs-esp bug that should not provide gs? or a new "gs-x" should be used?10:23
seb128or evince Depends gs-esp-x?10:23
seb128tfheen: gs (>=0) ?10:23
seb128Provides are not versionned and gs-esp (non-x) Provides gs ...10:24
tfheenseb128: correct, but if you have a versioned depends, you depend on the real gs.10:24
seb128well, "gs-esp | gs" was gs-esp or anything else providing "gs" no?10:25
seb128like gs-gpl10:25
tfheenah, ok10:25
tfheenmake something like gs-x, then10:26
seb128I'll make evince Depends on "gs-esp-x" without the "|gs" for herd410:26
seb128or we will have no gs-esp-x since it's not seeded and nothing else depends on it10:27
seb128tfheen: looks fine to you?10:27
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tfheenso you need a main promotion too?10:28
seb128gs-esp-x is a new binary split for gs-esp10:28
seb128and kubuntu-desktop seeded it10:28
seb128so it should be fine10:28
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BenCtfheen: Did you do the herd4 release notes?10:31
BenCtfheen: If not, who could I forward an email to in order to get something added to it?10:32
tfheenBenC: no, ubuntu-marketing traditionally does them.10:32
visik7which memory subdivision use ubuntu kernel generic 1/3 3/1 2/2 or 4/4 ?10:32
tfheenBenC: you can just edit the wiki page; /FeistyFawn/Herd410:32
BenCvisik7: stock10:32
BenCtfheen: what about http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/herd4 ?10:32
visik7stock means 3/1 ?10:32
kylemnone of the above.10:32
kylemwe use HIGHMEM_4G...10:32
tfheenBenC: it'll be moved there eventually.10:33
kylemwell, i guess 4/4 is what you mean.10:33
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Nafallotfheen: hi! have anyone asked for a gnome-terminal give-back on amd64, ppc, ia64 and sparc?10:42
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tfheenNafallo: given-back10:44
Nafallotfheen: thanks10:45
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visik7mmm seems 1/311:02
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cyberixAaargh. Feisty has a "Control Center".11:05
cyberixIt hurts me so much, I feel my soul burn11:06
cyberixUsing a menu is soooo much easier than using a separate window that looks complicated.11:07
cyberixIs this an upstream evil from gnome?11:07
ogracyberix, the menu should be back with the most recent version11:07
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cyberixThank god11:08
=== Arrogance [n=aks@ottawa-hs-209-217-79-61.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograthere will be a control center menuitem though ... 11:08
ograso people can still have it11:08
cyberixI feel having the items in two places may be confusing.11:09
cyberixBut it is a _LOT_ better than having just a control center11:09
ograits a compromise11:10
seb128it's all about choice11:10
seb128the fact that you don't like something doesn't make it bad11:10
seb128some other people like it11:10
ograits a totally personal preference11:10
seb128having the choice between menus or shell is a quite good solution11:10
cyberix"I like _____ a lot because Microsoft made me like it!"11:11
seb128cyberix: those users exist and there is no reason to denigrate them11:12
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=== cyberix wonders, if network manager will start working with wired connections before Feisty release.
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elmolamont: ping11:21
lamontelmo: ack11:21
elmolamont: could/why doesn't bind do the ssh style stop+restart in postinst?11:21
elmobind being down for long  periods of time over a dist-upgrade makes me cry11:22
lamontsigh.  it used to do that.  /me checks yet again to rationalize things one more time11:22
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lamontelmo: 9.3?11:22
elmolamont: whatever's in edgy11:22
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lamont9.3 then11:23
=== lamont notes in passing that in a few more releases, his firefox shortcut of 'dap' to pull up ubuntu source reports is going to be harder to explain
lamontelmo: ah.. 'twas dropped in going from bind 8 to bind 911:24
lamontfor the moment, I won't upload that to etch, though11:24
kylemgod. beep-media-player is horribly broken.11:25
elmolamont: fair enough, feisty/unstable would be nice tho ;-)11:26
=== Guardian [n=Guardian@ANantes-256-1-125-4.w90-12.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Guardiani tried to boot the feisty herd3 cd11:26
Guardiancheck for cd defects reports no error11:26
Guardianright after keyboard detection, it loads modules then hangs11:26
Guardianis there anything useful i can report and how ?11:26
lamontelmo: bind 9.3.4 is waiting a few more days to snap from unstable to etch, is the reason11:27
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elmodoes evince have horrific kerning for everyone or am I special?11:32
elmoactually, specifically, anything exported as a PDF from abiword or OO in ubuntu, has horrific kerning when viewed in evince11:32
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lamontelmo: I switched back to xpdf about 2 seconds into evince-hell.  I'll consider switching back in a year or 211:39
elmoyeah, but dude, you're still using whatever the precursor to twm was :-P11:39
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tormodtepsipakki: I am running xorg 7.2 now, on a laptop with ATI Radeon X700. Great, all seems to run fine!11:52
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