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chrisjcjwatson: ping01:15
cjwatsonchrisj: pong01:16
chrisjI'm very familiar with creating bzr branches.  How would I create one for the partitioner work?  Can it be hosted on launchpad?01:18
chrisjI mean Im not familiar01:19
chrisjcjwatson: I've made a fair bit of progress so far on the horizontal bar widget.  You can add multiple partitions and small partitions have a minimum width.01:25
cjwatsonfirst, check out the mainline branch01:26
cjwatsonbzr get http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubiquity/trunk/01:26
cjwatsonthen branch your own copy (actually technically you've already done this by virtue of bzr get, but you probably want to keep a copy of mainline anyway)01:27
cjwatsonbzr get trunk name-of-your-branch01:27
cjwatsonthen in your branch, bzr push sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~tortoise/ubiquity/name-of-your-branch01:27
chrisjok, thanks01:27
cjwatsonyou'll need to bzr push after each commit01:28
cjwatsonthere's a way to set up a "checkout" which doesn't require you to push after each commit, if you like, but you don't have to01:28
saispohi all01:55
chrisjcjwatson: ok, done.  I wasn't sure where to put it, the code is in frontend/partbar.py for now02:21
cjwatsonit's easy to move it around later02:23
cjwatsonthanks, I'll have a look02:23
cjwatsonchrisj: not to be overly picky or anything, but could you make that be four-space indents and no tabs, please? :-)02:33
chrisjcjwatson: yeah, sure02:33
chrisjsorry, the code is a bit sketchy at the moment.  I was just trying to get something working first.02:34
cjwatsonno worries02:34
cjwatsonoh, I owe you an e-mail ...02:35
cjwatsonok, you have mail which I hope isn't too late02:39
=== cr3 [n=marc@pdpc/supporter/bronze/cr3] has joined #ubuntu-installer
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chrisjcjwatson: um...are you sure you sent that email?04:15
=== joejaxx [i=joejaxx@ubuntu/member/joejaxx] has joined #ubuntu-installer
cjwatsonchrisj: yes, Message-ID: <20070213133837.GS18533@riva.ucam.org>04:48
cjwatsonTo: Chris Jones <cej105@soton.ac.uk>04:48
chrisjgrrr dodgy uni email.  Could you try chris.e.jones@gmail.com? thanks04:50
saispocjwatson: how can i force this "E: Packages need to be removed but remove is disabled" with apt-install ?05:25
saispo--force-yes not working...05:25
cjwatsonchrisj: bounced05:28
cjwatsonsaispo: um - arrange for packages not to need to be removed05:29
cjwatsonsaispo: apt-install isn't meant to do that05:29
saispocjwatson: exim4 conflicts with ssmtp :/05:29
cjwatsonsaispo: if you absolutely can't arrange that, then remove --no-remove or whatever it is from apt-install05:29
cjwatsonsaispo: what's apt-installing either of those?05:29
cjwatsonno, I mean what installer component05:30
saispoa meta package i build :)05:30
chrisjodd the first email has come through now :S05:30
cjwatsonsaispo: I'd fix the metapackage, honestly05:30
cjwatsonmake your installation set consistent05:30
saispoon the base, ssmtp is installed05:31
saispomy metapackage want exim405:31
saispoi use Conflicts and Replaces but not working :/05:31
saispoanother idea is not to install mailx, uucp and ssmtp at base install05:33
saispoit's possible ?05:34
cjwatsongiven that they aren't installed in a regular Ubuntu installation, it's certainly possible05:48
cjwatsonyour changes are causing them to be installed ...05:48
cjwatsonpn  ssmtp          <none>         (no description available)05:48
saispoi will see why...05:49
saispomy metapackage work with apt-get install but not apt-install...05:49
saispoi test with base-config/late_command05:49
saispomy last test are with preseed/late_command05:50
cjwatsonbase-config/late_command does not exist as of dapper05:51
cjwatsonso don't bother05:51
cjwatsonyou're on the wrong track - fix the conflicting packages instead :)05:52
cjwatsonwhen the tools are giving you warnings, it's best to address the warnings rather than find different tools05:52
saispook :)05:53
=== philwyett [n=philwyet@bb-87-81-146-45.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-installer
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