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sidelkbuntu: You around?03:05
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morkait really exists06:55
morkabtw, we offered free updates to anyone who bought xp during last months of 200606:56
morkaonce vista was released, our order servers went down06:56
morkaso, apparently people are willing to at least voluntarily check out vista06:57
n2diy! ubotu | bugs morka, see #106:57
ubotubugs morka, see #1: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:57
n2diywhoops, that didn't work.06:58
morkayes, yes06:58
n2diy! ubotu | bugs morka06:58
ubotubugs morka: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:58
morkams majority market share06:58
morkab.g. now basically retired06:58
n2diywhoops, that didn't either.06:58
morkams will slowly go the way of ibm06:58
n2diymorka: Exactly, nobody stays number one forever.06:59
morkaall oem manufacturers have agreements with ms06:59
morkathat's how they can get OS cheaper, and compete06:59
morkawe have linux preinstalled on some systems, but can't advertise it much.06:59
morkaand it comes with no support whatsoever, just hardware support07:00
morkafor a windows based machine, you get support for os and hardware07:00
morkafor just about the same $$$07:00
n2diymorka: Not all of them, some broke rank. But it is the little guy that will break MS. When I explain to the locals they don't have to pony up for a 1000 licenses with linux, I think they'll listen.07:00
morkawho broke ranks?07:01
morkacorps ?07:01
morkahomeusers wont budge, unless they are geeks07:01
morkabut corps dont even buy any OSes07:01
n2diymorka: Wasn't Dell shipping linux boxes, and a small name was selling through Walmart07:01
morkadell n series07:02
morkayou get freedos07:02
morkaor maybe redhat07:02
morkaif u want07:02
n2diymorka: Ok, so they are/were testing the waters.07:02
morkayes, but they barely sell07:03
n2diymorka: Umm, that is why it is called testing.07:03
morkalinux acceptance would be great for OEM builders07:03
morkamargins are very low, like 50$07:03
morkasaving on OS would let you either compete on the price, or squeeze in more harware in07:04
n2diymorka: What about RMO folks? No more hassles with all the nasties associated with Winders.07:05
morkathey barely sell because dell cannot advertise much about those n-series:)07:05
morkawhat RMO folks07:05
n2diymorka: Yes MS has a hatchet hanging over their head.07:06
morkadifficult to say whose hatchet is hanging over whose head07:06
n2diymorka: Do you know what an RMO is?07:06
morkadell is one of the largest buyers of ms software07:06
morkaI dont know what an RMO stands for07:06
n2diymorka: Repair and Maintiance (sp) Org/Op07:08
n2diymorka: did you fall out of your chair?07:19
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Admiral_Chicagojuliux: are we using your server for gobby11:53
juliuxAdmiral_Chicago, yes11:53
Admiral_Chicagokk i'm on my way to check it out11:54
Admiral_Chicagojuliux: url@ftw?11:54
Admiral_Chicagogobby isn't too happy about this. it's hanging on TLS11:57
tsmitheAdmiral_Chicago, meeting in an hour!!11:57
juliuxi will check it11:57
juliuxAdmiral_Chicago, which port you use?11:57
Admiral_Chicago6523: ubuntu.juliux.de11:57
Admiral_Chicagotsmithe: i'll see you there, I woke up 30 minutes ago thinking I overslept11:58
tsmithelucky you didn't then :)11:58
Admiral_Chicagono i woke up at a health 4.30 am11:58
juliuxAdmiral_Chicago, i think you use the wrong password the password is ufl@ftw11:58
=== NurseGirl [n=NurseGir@bas6-toronto01-1242442339.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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nixternalmeatballhat: where are you from?02:45
meatballhatBedford, OH ... between Cleveland and Akron  :)02:45
nixternalahh, I seen the "school and snow" comment02:45
nixternalwe are getting pounded in Chicago right now02:45
jendaIf you guys have a meeting, I'm coming ;)02:45
meatballhatnixternal: no doubt ...  I wanted to move to Chicago for awhile despite the weather  ;-D02:46
nixternalthere is nothing here, just good pizza and polish sausages02:46
tsmithei wish it would snow properly here...02:47
meatballhatnixternal: hilarious!  .... all my favorite bands are from Chicago  :)02:48
nixternalSmashing Pumpkins? I went to the same highschool as them02:48
nixternalAdmiral_Chicago: what do you know about Chicago? :)02:49
meatballhatnixternal: mostly Joan of Arc, Don Caballero :)02:53
nixternalmy lord it is cold out, and windy02:56
jendameatballhat: I wonder what's next in line for DIY.02:57
jendaI kinda dropped out of the line of thought :)02:57
meatballhatmaking it *work*  :D   .....02:57
jendaI'll try reading back through the stuff today, and perhaps tomorrow we could discuss it?02:58
meatballhatthat would be great :)  ... how long until you're off?02:58
jendanot long :/03:00
jendaI might be meeting G0SUB of Ubuntu India down there :) Looking forward to it.03:00
meatballhatjenda: tomorrow it is, then  :)03:00
meatballhatjenda: that's great!03:00
=== jenda notes what sabdfl said about jono
jendabut last time I talked to him, it was more like 'show me when it's done'03:01
jendaWhich I can understand :)03:01
meatballhatjenda: precisely why I haven't pursued more of his attention03:02
=== jenda out for now
meatballhatjenda: laters03:03
jendasee you all later, and once again, congratulations, meatballhat ;)03:03
meatballhatthank you !!!03:03
=== juliux [n=juliux@ubuntu/member/juliux] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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juliuxjenda, ping03:53
jendajuliux: pong04:13
juliuxjenda, i get your stickers today04:13
jendawatchya think?04:13
juliuxjenda, what the hell you did with the package?04:13
juliuxit looks like a bomb but not a normal stickers04:14
=== jenda hides
juliuxbut the stickers are ok04:14
jendaI had to make sure they didn't get damaged :)04:14
juliuxthey are looking great04:14
meatballhatjuliux: you still selling those black polos?  :)04:16
juliuxmeatballhat, yes04:16
juliuxmeatballhat, but they are not black, it is navy blue04:16
jendanavy blue, dude, navy blue ;)04:16
meatballhatsounds good to me either way :)04:17
meatballhatshipping to the states?04:17
juliuxbut there is only size L and XL left04:17
juliuxyes shipping to the states04:17
meatballhathmmm ... I'm prob an L anyway :)04:17
juliuxare you in the near of chicago?04:17
meatballhatnot so much ... about 7 hours east :)04:17
juliuxi was asking because i will send nixternal two shirts tommorow04:18
meatballhatgotcha :)  ... should I send you an email?  paypal?04:18
juliuxyes e-mail with your name, postaddress04:19
meatballhatwill do ... your email on LP?04:19
juliuxand you can pay via paypal04:19
juliuxor take juliux@ubuntu-de.org04:19
meatballhatdone :)04:19
juliuxbut that is not the paypal account04:20
juliuxdid you want a t-shirt or a polo?04:20
meatballhatjuliux: I'd like the polo, assuming it's the more business-y of the two ;-)04:20
juliuxyes it is more business04:21
juliuxthat is the reason why we made polos;)04:21
juliuxwe made 100 polos and 50 t-shirts04:21
meatballhatI'm going to be on the local lecture circuit :)   (wheee!)04:21
meatballhatgood choice :)  ....I prefer the Linus side of the camp, if you know what I mean04:21
juliuxyou have luck;) there are only 2 polos in L left04:22
=== meatballhat claims a polo!
jendajuliux: speaking of paypal... ;)04:23
juliuxjenda, what you mean04:24
meatballhatjenda: you collecting?  ;-)04:24
jendajuliux: I mean, I still have a rather large deficit here ;)04:24
tsmithei would shout, "i am!" here, but that seems inappropriate04:24
jendajuliux: I'm not sure who was supposed to pay, but I'm sure nobody did :-D04:24
juliuxjenda, i mailed smurf that he should pay your the money04:25
jendatsmithe: very ;)04:25
juliuxjenda, i am sorry i have no paypal account and i want no paypal account 04:25
jendajuliux: ooh, so I can go bother smurf... :) I love a good excuse.04:25
jendajuliux: it's no problem ;)04:25
juliuxjenda, yes you can04:25
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Admiral_Chicagotsmithe: congartulations04:35
tsmithethanks :)04:35
tsmitheyou too04:35
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KenSentMejenda: Remember we discussed making a Ubuntu Magazine?05:29
jendaoh yes.05:29
KenSentMeThe Dutch Ubuntu team is now planning to make one05:29
KenSentMeAnd i think we might succeed05:29
jendaKenSentMe: I'm _truly_ on my way out now... litterally, my jacket's already on... but I'd like to talk about it later tonite or tomorrow... possible?05:30
KenSentMeOkay, no problem :)05:30
sidelkbuntu: ping05:32
=== MenZa licks elkbuntu
MenZaOoooh, Melissa!05:46
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MenZamah favourite boi.05:48
=== tsmithe high-fives MenZa
tsmithehey MenZa, guess what!05:49
MenZatsmithe: what?06:06
tsmithei got ubuntu membership!06:06
MenZacongrats man :D06:06
tsmitheyay! :D06:07
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=Freddy@st074039212101.monm.edu] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Burgworkcan somebody op me so I can change the topic?07:14
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [+o Burgwork] by ChanServ
Burgworkoh, wait07:15
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-marketing:Burgwork] : Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's IRC channel | We're here to fix Bug #1 | Keep in mind that whatever your LoCo does, any other LoCo can benefit from your work or experience! | Please sign up to the mailing list, ubuntu-marketing at lists.ubuntu.com | Corey is doing UWN again, as Cody is on leave. Edit party at 03:00 UTC Friday morning |
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [-o Burgwork] by Burgwork
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juliuxjenda, thxs for the big ubuntu stickers08:28
juliuxjenda, it is no on my notebook, around the hp logo;)08:28
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