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cbx33hey guys, which pacakge contains the gthread libs?12:24
cbx33thanks crimsun 12:26
cbx33did i hear you're pacakging up ardour2?12:26
crimsunI don't know; did you? :)12:26
cbx33hehe ithought I did12:26
=== cbx33 is compiling it now
cbx33did it earlier at work too12:26
cbx33someone said there were some problems with it though12:27
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crimsuncbx33: what sort?12:31
cbx33i don;t know, someone said it was proving tricky12:32
cbx33to pacakge12:32
crimsunwell, yes, it's a PitA.12:33
cbx33what's the problem with it?12:33
cbx33if you have time to tell me12:33
cbx33I'm curious12:33
cbx33is it scons?12:33
crimsunmeaning, scons is the manageable portion12:33
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cbx33what's it's problem?12:35
crimsunupgrading cleanly12:35
_MMA_crimsun: From Ardour1 to Ardour2?12:36
crimsunyes, so I'm debating making it parallel installable12:36
_MMA_I would think people would want to install them along side each other.12:36
_MMA_Ardour 1 sessions dont work the same in Ardour2.12:37
_MMA_So I could see people wanting both.12:37
crimsunyes, so I get to have fun with install paths.12:37
crimsunback to LP for me12:38
cbx33yeh parallel makes sense12:38
cbx33I'd not want an upgrade12:38
_MMA_I assumed that was the plan. I shoulda asked. :)12:39
cbx33hi _MMA_ 12:39
=== _MMA_ waves.
cbx33ok with the lowlatency kernel12:41
cbx33if i try to run jack in realtime mode it dies12:41
cbx33is that normal12:41
cbx33but if i run without....the load is AWFUL12:41
_MMA_I think you have to edit your limits.conf12:42
_MMA_I hope we can patch that at some point.12:42
cbx33hmmm still dying12:43
_MMA_cbx33: I know Ive had it working. Just cant remember how atm.12:45
_MMA_I had it working at one point without touching anything.12:45
_MMA_Lately it doesnt work though. :(12:45
cbx33yeh i had it working12:45
crimsunhave you found the bug on LP and added your debug info?12:45
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_MMA_cbx33: Are you starting JACK thought qjackctl?12:47
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cbx33_MMA_, yes01:04
_MMA_cbx33: PM01:05
cbx33ok ardour is now working ;)01:06
cbx33compiled fine01:06
cbx33just need to get jack goign now01:06
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petejack's working01:10
peteneeded to login and out again01:10
ajmitchhi pete :)01:10
=== pete is now known as cbx33
=== crimsun punches cbx33 with a permissions popup bubble
cbx33hey ajmitch 01:11
cbx33sorry crimsun 01:11
ograheh, pete incognito01:11
cbx33hey ogra 01:11
cbx33howz it going01:11
cbx33I'll be fixing up TCM later this week01:11
ograme too 01:11
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cbx33shall I wait till you're done01:12
LaserJockhi cbx33 01:12
cbx33cos I'll need to hack up all my bits when you're finished01:12
cbx33hey LaserJock 01:12
=== cbx33 has been fiddling with opengl the past few days
cbx33crimsun, do you mean the bug with qjackctl where it often doesn't have a taskbar bit?01:13
ogracbx33, i will fix the vnc side of ltsp ... dont wait on me 01:14
cbx33ogra, ok dude01:14
cbx33howz it going anyway?01:14
crimsuncbx33: too many bugs to track01:14
cbx33in qjackctl01:14
cbx33or in general?01:14
crimsunthe latter.01:15
TheMusocbx33: Do you mean qjackctl not being accessible via alt-tab when switching between apps?01:15
ograwell, doing the last urgent upoads for herd4 preparation ... i'm terribly tired but have to wait for a metapackage update to come down the drain01:15
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cbx33TheMuso, yup, can't alt+tab01:15
cbx33and can't see it in the taskbar01:15
TheMusocbx33: Thats really annoying.01:15
cbx33TheMuso, yes01:16
cbx33damn annoying01:16
cbx33and turning on the panel applet icon seemed to cause A LOT of problems01:16
=== TheMuso reckons a few of us should create a GTK jack control program.
cbx33yeh me too01:17
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_MMA_I plan on having a bounty for it. ;)01:18
crimsunjust make the qjackctl source to generate another binary01:18
LaserJockme thinks you all should just rip the sound cards out of your computers and be done with it ;-)01:18
_MMA_Hopefully someone bites.01:18
=== cbx33 pokes LaserJock
crimsunhe's just jealous because he's deaf01:19
=== cbx33 writes gtk apps
LaserJocktbh, I'm never in an enviroment where I can listen to sound much01:20
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_MMA_cbx33: Using what?01:20
TheMusocbx33: Yeah we could probably just separate the backend and write a new frontend.01:20
cbx33python mainly01:20
LaserJockwhat no php-gtk? :-)01:21
_MMA_cbx33: Lets take this to #ubuntustudio.01:21
=== givre [n=Florent@APuteaux-152-1-53-115.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== LaserJock sends subliminal messages to #ubuntustudio, "Remove your soundcard and all will be well"
LaserJockand grabs $20 from crimsun's hand01:23
_MMA_Go listen to your Belle and Sebastian CD.01:24
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Lutinheya freeflying :)01:41
freeflyingLutin: hi01:50
Lutinhow are you ?01:51
freeflyingpreparing for the coming chinese traditional spring festival01:53
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ajmitchBurgwork: I guess mdz didn't know that authtool is bitrotting in NEW :)02:10
=== ajmitch is not subscribed to sounder so can't really reply right now
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LaserJockajmitch: like he didn't know the Ubuntu Packaging Guide existed ;-)02:15
ajmitchif I'm lucky it'll get accepted through NEW before release02:16
LaserJockis it in binary NEW?02:20
ajmitchstill source NEW02:22
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ajmitchof course I was in a slight rush before FF, so I expect I'll have to revise it a couple of times before it'll get accepted02:23
ajmitchso maybe feisty+202:23
LaserJockI don't know if I'll be even around for feisty+202:27
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TheMusoLaserJock: Sure you will. :)02:33
LaserJockonce I graduate I'll probably be gone :/02:34
sistpotyLaserJock: just don't graduate :P02:34
LaserJockI've been at uni 9 years02:34
tritiumLaserJock: judging from my experience, I'd agree that you'll find little time.02:34
LaserJocksometimes you gjust gotta graduate02:34
tritiumHI LaserJock :)02:35
sistpotyLaserJock: hm... 8 years for me I guess *g*02:35
sistpoty(though I stopped counting)02:35
LaserJockI'd stop too if people didn't keep asking me ;-)02:35
LaserJocktritium: how have you been?02:36
sistpotyt'was quite embarassing when I registered my thesis and didn't know in which term I was *g*02:36
tritiumLaserJock: fine, thanks.  Busy, of course.  You?02:36
_ionsistpoty: Hehe02:37
LaserJocksistpoty: lol02:37
LaserJocktritium: really busy, as always02:37
tritiumI can imagine.02:38
LaserJocktritium: I had a postdoc inquiry from a guy at Sandia (Livermore) at a conference a couple weeks ago02:38
ajmitchhey tritium 02:39
tritiumLaserJock: Any follow up?02:39
tritiumhi ajmitch 02:39
LaserJockresearch has been slow. partly my fault (too much Ubuntu) and partly collaborators taking forever02:39
LaserJocktritium: not yet, need to get a paper or 2 out02:39
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tritiumLaserJock: that would be rather cool if that works out.02:40
LaserJockI'm not crazy for Livermore, but the pay's good02:40
tritiumI'm out there quite regularly.02:41
LaserJockto the combustion research lab?02:41
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tritiumbddebian: :)02:45
sistpotywb bddebian02:45
tritiumLaserJock: oh, no, not ther.02:45
bddebiantritium: !02:45
bddebianHeya sistpoty02:45
tritiumLaserJock: inside the gate02:45
LaserJocktritium: I visited the combustion research facility once02:46
LaserJockit was nice, lots of good equipment02:46
tritiumLaserJock: cool.02:46
tritiumYeah, I can imagine.  I've toured it once, but I don't remember much.02:47
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sistpotygn8 everyone03:32
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LaserJockman, my reprepro mirroring is still going04:40
ajmitchI really wonder how /usr/local is mounted at the moment04:40
ajmitcheverything *seems* to be there04:40
ajmitchbut /dev/md1 is marked as inactive04:40
LaserJockmd1? what kind of device is that?04:41
ajmitchraid 004:41
ajmitchso it needs all 3 disks to be active04:41
jdonganyone feel it's their calling to answer a stupid Python question?04:52
jdongI might allow a lease of my soul to that person for some time04:52
jdongor maybe just a restricted shell account on my soul04:52
ajmitchdepends on how stupid it is04:55
jdongwhat would be a good test for determining if a variable is of a numeric type?04:55
jdong(i.e. float, int, etc)04:55
jdongi.e. not a sequence04:56
RAOF(isinstance(variable, float) or isinstance(variable, int)) ?04:57
jdongthat seems awkward though04:57
jdongto list every numeric type04:57
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RAOFAnything else is going to be a bit indirect, though?04:59
jdongI was hoping for a function that tested it05:00
jdongwell, conversely, how would you test if something is a sequence?05:00
jdongwell, I guess if len() doesn't bork with an exception05:00
RAOFThat'll work :)05:00
jdongwait, no that way wouldn't work05:00
jdongbecause I'd get infinite recursion with strings05:00
jdongall terms of a string are sequences05:01
jdong'a'[0]  = 'a' which_is sequence05:01
=== Hobbsee waves
RAOFObviously there's some context here.05:01
jdong>>> 'a'[0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] 05:01
jdongrecursive algorithm05:02
RAOFOooooh, you want to unpack a sequence into atoms, right?05:02
jdongfor adding up all the elements of an arbitrary dimension (nested) list05:02
jdongi.e. simple: [[1,2] ,[3,4] ] 05:02
RAOFI've got some code lying around which does that.05:02
RAOFLet me drag it up :)05:02
jdongmore complicated: [[[[[[1] ] ] ] ] ,2,[3] ,4] 05:02
jdongwrite a function that's able to sum up any such list :)05:02
jdongi.e. sum of those previous two examples should return 1005:03
jdongshould *both* return 10 I should say05:03
_ionIf python had been object-oriented from the beginning, int, float etc. would have a common superclass.05:03
jdong_ion: but do they?05:03
RAOFYes, but it's "object" :)05:03
jdongclass int(object)05:03
jdong |  int(x[, base] ) -> integer05:03
jdonga bit less cheesy than Java05:04
jdongbut nonetheless... pfft05:04
RAOFdef isAtomic(x): return not isinstance(x, (list, tuple))05:04
_ion"pfft" sums up python quite well. ;-)05:04
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jdong_ion: "(((((((pfft)))))))))" sums up Scheme/LISP too.05:05
jdongRAOF: but what about a dict...05:05
jdongmaybe it's easier to list numbers05:05
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jdongmodule operator05:05
=== jdong loves you all
=== RAOF squirrels that nugget away.
jdongfrom operator import isNumberType05:06
jdongdef addElements(a):05:06
jdong   if isNumberType(a):05:06
jdong      return a05:06
jdong   sum=005:06
jdong   for item in a:05:06
jdong      sum+= addElements(item)05:06
jdong   return sum05:06
jdong^^ that works!05:06
_ionraof: If by "awesome" you mean "pfft, ugly" :-)05:06
jdong_ion: pfft.05:07
jdong_ion: how would YOU do it oh great master05:07
jdongand if it starts with os.system('perl -e.........05:07
_ionn.is_a? Numeric05:08
jdongand what magical language is that?05:08
jdongso that's os.system('ruby.....05:09
jdong(I'm sure this would be considered cheating....)05:09
_ionOr just #!/usr/bin/ruby ;-)05:10
jdongsome kid already cheated the online homework system :)05:10
jdong_ion: well, it strips (safety strips) and evals() the answer you submit05:10
jdongand sends it thru some unit tests05:10
jdongwe were having fun cracking the system last week :)05:10
jdongI made a MagicAnswer class that overloaded operator == to always return True :)05:11
jdonganother friend of mine uuencoded and compile()'ed a os.system() statement :)05:12
jdongfile() and compile() weren't stripped.05:12
jdongthat lead to more interesting results :D05:12
jdongunfortunately it was FC6 with SELinux "jailed" apache05:12
jdongso it wasn't as fun as it could've been05:12
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LaserJock16GB ... I need a faster connection05:25
bddebianDon't we all? :)05:26
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=== jdong would love a faster connection
=== ajmitch returns
Hobbseeyay, ajmitch :)05:34
=== ajmitch wonders what he's in for now
RAOFWhat's the protocol for getting a second advocate for a package on REVU.05:37
RAOFNew packages need two acks, right?05:37
whiteRAOF: which package?05:38
=== RAOF begs for someone to be the second advocate of specto http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=4323
HobbseeLaserJock: bribe lots :P05:38
Hobbseeajmitch: REVUing, of course.05:38
LaserJockbang your fists and scream05:38
ajmitchHobbsee: oh right05:38
ajmitchHobbsee: can't do that, sorry05:38
Hobbseeajmitch: why not?05:38
LaserJockhe's not qualified ;-)05:39
whiteRAOF: do you also intend to bring the package into debian?05:39
ajmitchLaserJock: exactly!05:39
=== white tries to save a mail :)
RAOFwhite: I suppose that I should, yeah.05:40
whiteRAOF: you might want to have a look at this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributingToDebian05:40
=== ajmitch looks at how to contribute to debian
Hobbseewhite: recruiting more debian devs :P05:40
Hobbseei see05:40
whiteRAOF: and feel free to ask on debian-mentors@l.d.o. , utnubu-discuss@alioth.l.d.o. or the DDs who are around here05:41
RAOFIt might as well be in debian, too :)05:41
whiteHobbsee: well he would have gotten a mail from me anyway :)05:41
Hobbseewhite: true05:41
=== ajmitch hides
whiteRAOF: in other words you can ask ajmitch or StevenK for sponsoring if you want :)05:42
=== white tries to hide now
LaserJockdo DDs track ubuntu bugs at all?05:44
whiteyes and no, depends05:44
TheMusoLaserJock: Depends on the package.05:44
ajmitchRAOF: but first, you should ask white for all DD stuff :)05:44
TheMusoand the maintainer I think.05:44
whiteajmitch: bah 05:44
RAOFajmitch: I've browsed though it before, but now that I've got something to which it might actually *apply*...05:45
LaserJockIt would be good to get more bugs upstream, I haven't figured out the best way of doing that yet :/05:46
LaserJockother than a ot of man power I guess05:47
whiteLaserJock: well you can use reportbug and send the stuff to debian bts05:47
LaserJockI was thinking more like a Malone -> BTS interface05:48
LaserJockbut maybe reportbug is sufficent for most people05:48
whiteLaserJock: i reckon it is the best to educate people to send the stuff directly to debian bts and maybe keep malone for ubuntu specific things05:49
LaserJockbut does Debian really want all kinds of "this crap doesn't work in Ubuntu" bugs :-)05:50
whitedepends on the way05:50
whiteif somebody writes me : "see this does not work here because of ... and can you maybe change it" then i do it if it does not break anything for debian05:51
whiteif somebody writes: "your crap does not work with ubuntu, fix it soon" then i am about to pipe it to /dev/null05:51
LaserJockI just wonder with the difficulty  we have with getting good bug reports if you really want it sometimes05:52
ajmitchwhite: how about "how dare you release such a buggy piece of crap with ubuntu?!?"05:52
ajmitchwhen it's an ubuntu change that has broken it05:52
whiteLaserJock: yes, there are some DDs around who explode if they see that the submitter uses ubuntu05:53
whiteand i think they just make the situation they want to change worse05:53
whiteajmitch: then i ask here and bounce the mail to a MOTU05:53
ajmitchyay, flaming users05:53
ajmitchwhite: yes, sometimes it's an unrelated change that broke it05:53
ajmitchie, zope3 is broken in ubuntu because twisted-web2 doesn't work with twisted which was upgraded to work with python2.505:54
whitewell it is obvious that i am all for bringing everything (especially universe stuff) into debian and then simply sync it from there05:54
ajmitchso 4 packages involved to break things05:54
ajmitchbringing everything into debian & syncing doesn't always work so well05:54
whitewell i guess it depends on the debian maintainer you have to work with05:55
ajmitchdebian can move slowly in some areas05:55
ajmitchor not just that05:55
whitewell mostly people can step into the existing debian teams05:55
ajmitchwe make changes in ubuntu that don't apply to debian yet05:55
whitesometimes NMUs are appropriate05:55
whiteajmitch: i get your point and know that there are parts where you maybe have to go ahead with ubuntu only things05:56
ajmitchhm,  my ~/debian dir (which includes ubuntu stuff) is a mere 96GB05:56
whitebut i guess there are also areas where things can be improved, just like bringing new packages into universe (which should be done the other way around)05:57
ajmitchsure, as long as the barriers for contribution aren't too high05:57
whitewhat do you mena?05:57
ajmitchI know I can easily get a package into debian05:57
ajmitchas long as debian-mentors is active, there are sponsors, NEW doesn't take too long, etc05:58
whiteso can everybody i reckon, some people just need a sponsor05:58
whitehere MOTUs have to advocate as well05:58
ajmitchat the moment, there are packages ~1 month old in debian NEW05:58
whiteand it is a shame i agree05:59
ajmitchwe generally don't have to wait as long in ubuntu05:59
ajmitchthough sometimes it gets too long05:59
ajmitchor differing freeze tims05:59
whiteso what about bringing them into debian NEW queue and then uploading to ubuntu already?05:59
whitere freeze times: stuff can afaik be synced even from experimental05:59
ajmitchI'm not arguing against getting stuff in debian05:59
ajmitchand I know that things can be synced05:59
whitei know :)06:00
=== ajmitch even has a couple of packages in debian still
whitea couple = 2406:04
=== ajmitch shrugs
LaserJocksometimes it just takes too long06:07
LaserJockto put stuff in Debian then get sync back06:09
LaserJockand many Ubuntu users have never used Debian06:10
ajmitchdoesn't mean we can't try & help where possible06:10
LaserJockbut it takes me longer to figure out how to get things into Debian and get them synced back in06:10
ajmitchof course06:10
ajmitchespecially when you need a fix in quick06:11
LaserJockthat's what is tough06:11
LaserJockit's sort of hard to motivate unless you are already in Debian06:12
LaserJockis there some sort of "Debian for Ubunteros" wiki page on the debian wiki?06:19
=== ajmitch shrugs
LaserJockhow would I find if something is run a suid?06:38
RAOFYou mean "running as suid", or has the suid bit set?06:44
RAOFLaserJock: Because you can check the later with "ls -lah" and it looks something like "-rwSr-Sr--"06:45
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bddebianGnight folks07:16
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whiteLaser_away: >07:37
white> regards07:37
white> Margaret07:37
whiteLaser_away: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributingToDebian07:37
whitethat's what you are looking for i reckon07:37
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dholbachgood morning08:05
ajmitchhi daniel08:06
dholbachhey andrew08:06
Laser_awaywhite: I meant on Debian's wiki08:12
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zakamelinux-image-2.6.20-8-generic hasn't hit the archives yet?08:38
coNPseems so08:41
coNPzakame: I updated now, and can get that08:42
zakamecoNP: thanks, I'll update again08:43
coNPzakame: yw08:43
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AnAntLaserJock: ping09:28
AnAntLaserJock: got my message ? 09:28
LaserJockwhich one?09:28
AnAntLaserJock: the one about gplcver package09:29
AnAntI sent it to Laser_away09:29
AnAnt2/3 days ago09:29
LaserJockyep, I see it now09:30
LaserJockso you need to do a sync request09:30
AnAntme ?09:30
AnAnthow ?09:30
AnAntme how ... sounds chinese09:30
LaserJockfile a bug09:30
AnAntwhere ?09:31
LaserJockand follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess09:32
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AnAntLaserJock: what should the summary be for a sync request ?09:36
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LaserJockthe title of the bug?09:37
ajmitchPlease sync foo 1.2.3-4 (unstable) from Debian (main)09:38
ajmitchor similar09:38
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AnAntajmitch: thanks09:40
AnAntajmitch: what if I see that it is classified well09:41
AnAntit's in devel09:41
ajmitchthe package section doesn't matter, but the component does09:42
AnAntI see that it should be in sciene09:42
AnAntoh, ok09:42
AnAnthow do I know if it is in main or whatever there ?09:42
ajmitchapt-cache madison09:43
ajmitchthere's a useful script linked on that page there09:44
AnAntwhat page ?09:44
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ajmitchthe url I gave you a few minutes ago09:47
LaserJockajmitch: do you know if Debian NEW is being processed?09:48
LaserJockit seems kinda backed up, but I don't know if that's because of Etch or just generally being backed up09:48
ajmitchprocessed, very slowly09:49
LaserJockhmm, there's a package on there that I want to get into feisty09:51
LaserJockmaybe I should just grab it and put it on REVU09:51
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ajmitchgrab it from where?09:55
LaserJockwell, the author09:55
ajmitchI thought you may have meant NEW09:55
ajmitchwhich is impossible09:56
LaserJockazeem is the sponsor and it's a data package09:56
LaserJockso I wouldn't think it'd be hard to get it through revu09:56
AnAntLaserJock: according to the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess , if a change would be made to the package, then sync request should be done10:02
LaserJockit no changes need to be made, do a sync request10:02
AnAntLaserJock: I see that sync is in 'devel' section, yet I think it should be in 'scientific' section10:03
LaserJockwell, we can change that later if we really want to10:03
whiteLaserJock: yes there is as well, but i reckon it is more a place for the ubuntu wiki though10:04
whiteLaserJock: there is a whole team inside debian dedicated to help ubuntu people10:04
whiteit is called utnubu10:04
AnAntok, I ran: requestsync gplcver unstable10:05
whiteand that is pretty much why i am here :)10:05
LaserJockI suppose, although I would expect to find documentation on Debian to be on the Debian wiki ;-)10:05
AnAntI got this: apt-cache madison does not contain gplcver/unstable10:05
LaserJockI know, I'm fairly familiar with utnubu10:05
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whiteah great10:05
whiteLaserJock: well if you have anything, just nudge me10:05
LaserJockunfortunately I think my dislike for BTS is my biggest problem, not something someone else has done10:07
whitewell i presonally prefer BTS, but i fully agree with you that other bugtrackers, e.g. bugzilla, are easier for others, because of their nice web interface10:07
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AnAntBTS of Debian ?10:08
LaserJockI can appreciate the power of BTS10:08
LaserJockas I struggle with the web interface of Malone10:09
LaserJockbut it took me a while to figure out how to get reportbug to send and email10:09
LaserJockit took a couple of hours to even know if my first bug made it10:10
LaserJockand in the end I think it created a dup10:10
LaserJockso I felt kinda silly10:10
LaserJockI have no clue how to control bugs10:10
AnAntajmitch: ok, I ran: requestsync gplcver unstable10:11
AnAntajmitch: I got this: apt-cache madison does not contain gplcver/unstable10:11
LaserJockwhite: that's where more of a "This is how you would do X in Debian" page would be handy10:12
AnAntajmitch: although the package does exist: http://packages.debian.org/unstable/devel/gplcver10:13
ajmitchyou need the deb-src lines in your sources.list10:13
LaserJockAnAnt: I think you have to have a deb-src line for unstable in your sources.list for that to work10:13
ajmitchand the target is feisty, not unstable10:13
AnAntoh !10:14
AnAntok, I still dunno wether it is in main or what10:15
AnAntok, I found out10:16
ajmitchis it in ubuntu already?10:16
AnAntajmitch: no10:16
ajmitchthen it will go into universe10:17
ajmitchwhether it's main/universe only matters for the ubuntu side of things10:17
ajmitchsince only ubuntu has universe10:17
AnAntso I should subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors to it ?10:18
AnAntI don't see subscribe option, only assign10:19
ajmitchonce the bug is filed10:19
ajmitchdon't subscribe ubuntu-archive10:19
AnAntwhat does filed mean ?10:21
AnAntI did submit it 10:22
AnAntajmitch: here it is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/84857, is there anything else I should do ?10:25
UbugtuMalone bug 84857 in Ubuntu "Please sync gplcver 2.11a-3 (unstable) from Debian" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  10:25
AnAntthat's mine !10:25
whiteLaserJock: k 10:25
whiteLaserJock: i mean like there is the new maintainer guide and other stuff which explains all the basic things in debian10:26
ajmitchAnAnt: you haven't subscribed ubuntu-universe-sponsors10:26
AnAntajmitch: I didn't see any subscribe field10:26
AnAntoh, Subscribe someone else ?10:27
LaserJockwhite: well, I was thinking more like "Here's how to get a new package into Debian (ITP, debian mentors, etc.)10:27
LaserJockwhite: or, "Here's how to file a bug (with a few easy examples of common cases"10:28
LaserJockor maybe I'm just blind and want things to easy ;-)10:28
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AnAntajmitch: ok, done, thanks10:30
AnAntajmitch: I shouldn't subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors, right ?10:30
ajmitchno, you shouldn't10:32
AnAntok, thanks10:33
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ivoksdholbach: hi12:00
dholbachhiya ivoks12:00
ivokshow are you?12:00
dholbachivoks: a bit tired and quite busy, but else good :)12:09
dholbachivoks: how are you?12:09
ivokssame here :/12:09
ivoksat least, classes at faculty are over now, so i can prepare some things i was working on12:09
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vilhi, just a quick question. how do i control if a package goes to universe or multiverse?02:13
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ograyou dont02:36
ograoh, he's gone02:36
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whitesomeday i really want to have a talk to the linda developer03:01
whitewhite@katha:~/white/debian/debs/sponsoring/videomanager$ linda videomanager_0.5-1_i386.changes03:01
whiteRoses are red, violets are blue,03:01
whitelintian is dead and Culus goes moo.03:01
=== StevenK waves.
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HobbseeStevenK: i dont think white saw you.  you might be in luck03:07
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white -- Steve Kowalik <stevenk@debian.org>  Tue,  8 Aug 2006 18:25:09 +100003:07
whiteStevenK: got ya03:08
whitefrom debian-edu channel:03:08
white15:02 < white> one day i really want to drink a beer with the linda developer03:08
white15:05 < Werner> white: then you did go the wrong way to study .. he lives in .uk :)03:08
StevenKNo, I don't03:11
=== white goes to db.debian.org
StevenKwhite: Sydney, .au to save you the trouble03:12
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bddebianHeya gang04:03
lionelhi bddebian04:06
bddebianHello lionel04:06
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tcurdthi there!04:14
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tcurdtI would love to see spread updated to the latest version http://www.spread.org/04:16
tcurdtanyone I could somehow bribe to upgrade the package? :)04:17
tcurdtis there a issues tracking system or something to keep track of such requests?04:17
lioneltcurdt: yes, the bug tracker is a good option for this : https://launchpad.net04:18
lioneltcurdt: note that we are in UVF04:20
lionelif you want to introduce a new upstream release, you will need to ask for a UVF04:20
tcurdtlionel: sorry, but what's a UVF? :)04:21
lionelUpstream Version Freeze : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UpstreamVersionFreeze04:23
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tcurdtlionel: so IIUC atm no new upstream packages can be added? ...until the freeze is over?04:30
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lioneltcurdt: it can be added if you get an exception04:32
lionelbut you have to justify it, etc.04:32
lionelOtherwise, it whould be for feisty+104:33
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AnAntwill there be a sync soon from Debian ?04:36
AnAntI mean before feisty release04:36
lionelAnAnt: automatic sync from Debian are stoped since late December04:37
tcurdtwell, 3.x is old and I need version 4 ....but I doubt that qualifies for an exception ;-)04:37
AnAntlionel: can I request a sync from a package that is in experimental ?04:37
lionelAnAnt: yes, no problem with that04:38
AnAntlionel: I mean thru the launchpad04:39
AnAntok, thanks04:39
tcurdtlionel: couldn't the new package go somewhere else? ...say experimental?04:39
lionelYes, open a bug saying "sync from experimental", please include the changelog from latest Ubuntu version04:39
lioneltcurdt: experimental is Debian :)04:39
AnAntlionel: ok04:40
lioneltcurdt: if the Debian maintainer packahe the spread 4, I think it would be easier for everybody04:40
tcurdtok ...will try to ping him and see how that goes. Thanks04:41
lioneltcurdt: wackamole depends on spread, if we update to 4, we should not break it.04:41
lionel(they have the same Debian Maintainer)04:41
lioneltcurdt: no problem :)04:41
AnAntlionel: I should file the bug for the aircrack-ng package ? that's the package I want to sync04:44
AnAntor should I leave the I don't know option checked ?04:45
lionelyes, file the bug on the source package that you want to sync04:46
lioneland scubscribe Ubuntu Sponsor for Universe04:46
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lioneltoo late, he left :)04:48
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sistpotyhi folks06:09
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bddebianHeya sistpoty06:25
sistpotyhi bddebian06:25
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ajmitchmorning 08:01
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geserhi ajmitch08:03
bddebianHeya ajmitch, geser08:04
ajmitchhm, there's a small & growing stack of universe UVF exceptions08:05
zulajmitch: get to it then :)08:05
ajmitchnot in motu-uvf08:05
geserhi bddebian08:14
geserare slomo and dholbach already looking at UVF exceptions?08:15
slomogeser: i'll look through the 6 or something open ones tonight08:15
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ajmitchour loyal, hardworking team of uvf handlers ;)08:18
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Adri2000http://ajmitch.net.nz/~ajmitch/missing-fixes-rc.html yay, no bug!08:43
=== ajmitch shrugs
ajmitchI guess something broke, oh well08:44
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ajmitchAdri2000: you have bugs to fix again08:51
Adri2000ah great, thanks :)08:52
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=== philwyett [n=philwyet@bb-87-81-146-45.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
zakamedid anyone experience something similar to bug #84668?09:16
UbugtuMalone bug 84668 in devmapper "adds misleading double entry to swapon" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8466809:16
ursula_just testing... bug #8466809:18
UbugtuMalone bug 84668 in devmapper "adds misleading double entry to swapon" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8466809:18
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TheMusoHey MOTUs.09:58
ajmitchhello MOTU10:00
=== neutrinomass [n=pandis@dhcp168.mansfield.ox.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
neutrinomassgeser: Thanks for the uploads :)10:00
=== hagi [n=hagi@adsl-84-226-96-131.adslplus.ch] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianHeya TheMuso10:00
=== givre [n=Florent@APuteaux-152-1-76-64.w86-205.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusoPowerpc support dropped.10:19
ajmitchit's a 'community-supported port'10:21
ajmitchsee ubuntu-announce10:21
=== givr1 [n=Florent@APuteaux-152-1-80-145.w86-205.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchthe other decision is no binary drivers by default10:22
=== TheMuso is happy with that.
=== ajmitch is slightly disappointed about the ppc decision, but it's not surprising
TheMusoajmitch: Yeah me too.10:23
TheMusoIf I had a faster ppc, I'd probably join the team and help out.10:23
=== cbx33 [n=pete@ubuntu/member/cbx33] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitcha 400mhz g3 that runs osx 99.9% of the time is all I have access to at the moment :)10:25
=== TheMuso has a 300Mhz G3.
TheMusoRunning as a small file/DNS/DHCP server.10:26
TheMusoI'd run GUI stuff, but the video card plays funny buggers with my KVM, and I couldn't be bothered tracking down another PCI Mac video card.10:27
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bddebianLater gang11:04
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=== Arrogance [n=aks@ottawa-hs-209-217-79-61.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== jan__ is now known as janm
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=== Gervystar [n=alessand@host138-112.pool80116.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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LaserJockhmm, when is our motu meeting?11:51
=== azeem [n=mbanck@host109.natpool.mwn.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJocklike 12 hrs or so from now11:53
=== jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitch11 hours & a bit11:53
LaserJockman, this is going to suck, I'm not sure if I'll make it or not11:54
ajmitchtry & make it, please :)11:54
=== sistpoty distrusts his skill of disabling the alarm clock *during* sleep *g*
ajmitchbut that'll be nice & late for you, the day will be half over ;)11:55
LaserJockI was up until 3:00am last night11:57
LaserJockgot up for a 9:00am dentist appointment11:57
=== ajmitch was up until nearly 1AM
LaserJockthat lasted 3 hrs11:57
Lutinsistpoty: could you have a look at the mlt package on revu when you have some time ? I get a lot of linda errors, and don't really know how to deal with them :/11:59
sistpotyLutin: sure11:59
Lutinsistpoty: thanks :)11:59
=== TheMuso notes that the MOTU meeting is at a convenient time this time around.
TheMusoI'll be there.12:00
LaserJockI suppose it's good to get the other half of the world to the meeting ;-)12:03
LaserJockfor some reason I seem to be in an odd TZ12:03
LaserJocknot too many West Coasters in MOTU12:03
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@19-98.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu

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