
dfarninga little cleaner partial results page is up12:45
gnomefreakonly here for a moment to pick up some stuff. im a daddy :)01:06
AlexLatchfordNight people01:07
AlexLatchfordPS. Congrats John01:07
gnomefreakill be gone for a day or so i think :) but ill leave irc up01:07
=== gnomefreak gone again :)
asacgnomefreak: take care ;)01:08
asacgnomefreak: you became daddy recently?01:09
asacgnomefreak: you are so crazy ... go away :)01:09
=== gnomefreak needs to get back to hospital ill be back sometime this week
asaccongrats too of course ... and only the best for your new family01:10
=== dfarning [n=dfarning@s3-165.rb2.lax.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
=== jhnjwng [n=wj1918@pool-70-21-133-159.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
=== jhnjwng is working on https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/49478
UbugtuMalone bug 49478 in mozilla-thunderbird "thunderbird warning on installation (breezy)" [Low,Confirmed] 02:09
=== jhnjwng dont know how to change the upstream url.
=== jhnjwng has figured it out :-)
dfarningjhnjwng, nice02:16
jhnjwngdavid, do we need to change the bug status?02:22
dfarningjhnjwng, I'll take a look02:22
dfarningwe are no longer going to be using debian us upstream so that fixes from debian will not flow down to us.  I think that we need to see if it fixed in mozilla02:28
dfarningasac would know the real answer to that question02:28
jhnjwngI will follow up with asac.02:29
dfarningtry asking him on the mailing list I am insrested in learning how we are going to handle this02:29
jhnjwngwill do.02:30
dfarningjhnjwng, thanks02:30
dfarningjhnjwng, if you are look for some starter bug there is a list at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/Bughelper/Results02:47
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=Freddy@st074039212101.monm.edu] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
dfarninghey Admiral_Chicago03:24
=== dfarning [n=dfarning@207-118-200-71.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
Admiral_Chicagohey there dfarning04:10
dfarninghow did the comp go04:10
Admiral_Chicagoit was busy and we didn't go as in depth as we would like but it was a good experience04:11
dfarningare you on the agenda for tomarrow morning04:12
Admiral_Chicagoyup, as of 3 minutes ago04:12
Admiral_Chicagoi kept forgetting to save changes04:12
dfarningI was thinking you were chickening out;)04:13
Admiral_Chicagonah, i'll be there04:13
Admiral_Chicagoi'm waiting to try out the new LP page04:13
dfarningdid you look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/Bughelper/Results?highlight=%28CategoryMozillaTeam%29 pretty cool04:14
Admiral_Chicagono, i saw it in the channel but i had to do other things04:15
Admiral_Chicagonice link04:18
Admiral_Chicagoi'm going to close old bugs when I get back, expect emails from me04:19
dfarningI'll brace myself against the wave of bug spam04:20
dfarninggood night04:20
Admiral_Chicagookay LP is being odd. i'll do bugs tomorrow04:52
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Admiral_Chicagodfarning: mozilla team bugs ML works now06:12
Admiral_Chicagoit seems06:15
=== philwyett [n=philwyet@bb-87-81-146-45.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
asacanyone here :) ?10:32
=== AlexLatchford [n=alex@82-44-193-109.cable.ubr07.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
Admiral_Chicagoi ma asac11:38
Admiral_Chicagohow is it going11:40
asacfine ... despite that i wiped parts of my home directory a few minutes ago :)11:49
Admiral_Chicagoso good11:52
Admiral_Chicagoorr no11:53
Admiral_Chicagonot good11:53
asacyeah its a mess12:15
Admiral_Chicagowhat happened?12:17
asaclong story ... I setup chroot ... mounted home bind12:20
asacand then rm -r12:20
Admiral_Chicagooh yes i read you destroyed your feisty chroot12:20
asacyes ... though this one was a breezy one12:23
Admiral_Chicago:( breezy....12:28
Admiral_Chicagothat's when I started using Ubuntu12:28
Admiral_Chicagognomefreak: ping, are you awake?01:02
gnomefreakim home i got lucky if your not up before i have to leave ill leave my comments with htem01:02
=== gnomefreak came home to shower and go to postoffice
Admiral_Chicagookay, well leave your comments, I had a question to ask...which I promptly forgot...01:03
gnomefreakill be here for a little while so feel free to remember01:04
Admiral_Chicagooh, is there a mozillateam-bugs on LP gnomefreak ?01:04
gnomefreakAdmiral_Chicago: i looked to assign bugs to that team but it wont let us yet01:04
gnomefreakwhen i get home for good i will work on it01:04
Admiral_Chicagoah okay, i thought the mozillateam on LP was just being forwarded to mozillateam-bugs01:05
Admiral_Chicagookay, go do whatever you have to do.01:05
gnomefreakAdmiral_Chicago: i cant post office isnt open yet01:05
Admiral_Chicagooh, i see.01:05
Admiral_Chicagowait you're EST correct?01:06
gnomefreakwhen they ope im heading back to hospital01:06
asacgnomefreak: why are you still here? :)01:06
Admiral_Chicagoblah, it's way too early, i'm CST...01:06
gnomefreakasac: i just got home lol01:06
=== gnomefreak needed a shower something fearse
gnomefreakAdmiral_Chicago: an hour01:06
Admiral_Chicagooh i also wanted to ask about this guy. Hjih or something like that01:07
Admiral_Chicagognomefreak: yes you're +1 me01:07
gnomefreakwhat about him?01:07
Admiral_Chicagodo you know anyone talking to him about membership on the team01:07
gnomefreakhes been a member01:08
gnomefreaki thought01:08
gnomefreakAdmiral_Chicago: hjmf?01:08
Admiral_Chicagothat's the one01:08
gnomefreakhe is a member01:09
Admiral_Chicagooh i see he has been, okay i wasn't sure01:09
Admiral_Chicagogood, we need more people anyways01:09
gnomefreakthat was easy :)01:12
Admiral_Chicagoty john01:12
gnomefreakbtw thats mark01:17
Admiral_Chicagoyes i know. didn't want to flood the channel01:17
gnomefreakAdmiral_Chicago: you have your speach ready?  speach == lack of a better word01:38
Admiral_Chicagoyes, short intro.01:38
Admiral_Chicagognomefreak: i've got one done.01:39
gnomefreakjust make sure it has you wiki and LP page in it :)01:39
Admiral_Chicagooh okay let me grab those01:40
gnomefreakAdmiral_Chicago: ok from me you are set just get others asac AlexLatchford david and any others would be good01:52
Admiral_ChicagoAlexLatchford dfarning and asac, you heard the man01:53
Admiral_Chicagoif you are around, please come to #ubuntu-meeting to cheer me on01:53
gnomefreakok im off :)01:53
Admiral_Chicagognomefreak: thanks a lot01:53
asacAdmiral_Chicago: when is it?01:56
Admiral_Chicagoasac: now. we are going to get to the new members in a few minutes01:57
asacwe have a meeting?01:59
Admiral_ChicagoCC does.https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda01:59
asacAdmiral_Chicago: did the round on new members already started (sorry, but I couldn't follow so far ... will do so in a minute)02:01
Admiral_Chicagoasac: not yet.02:03
Admiral_Chicagoasac: starting soon for new members02:10
dfarningI'm joining now02:11
asacAdmiral_Chicago: i hope i have any say at all :) ... I have to be added to developer team too first - hopefully today :)02:15
Admiral_Chicagoasac: they suggest bringing a fan club which speeds up the process02:16
asachehe ... ok :)02:16
AlexLatchfordwhats up?02:40
Admiral_Chicagonot much, waiting for this membership to go through02:41
AlexLatchfordu been discussed yet?02:41
=== dfarning_ [n=dfarning@d8-147.rb2.lax.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
Admiral_Chicagono, i'm last of 8 iirc02:46
Admiral_Chicago6 more between me and current person02:47
AlexLatchfordoh right ok02:47
dfarning_should be enough time to toast a bagel and spread a bit of cream cheese...But I'll check back back before I pour my juice;)02:49
Admiral_Chicagotons of time02:49
asacAdmiral_Chicago: how long?02:51
Admiral_Chicagoasac: an least another 20 i'd say02:51
asachow many applications left before you?02:51
dfarning_5 or 602:52
Admiral_Chicagodfarning_ asac and AlexLatchford, i'm next03:26
Admiral_Chicagoif you want to go and make me look good, that would be great :)03:27
dfarning_I am ready to hit ctrl-v with a blurb03:31
Admiral_Chicagoi'm ready to go back to bed. had to wake up at 5.30 to make sure i was ready03:32
Admiral_Chicago:) okay03:34
asacAdmiral_Chicago: congrats ... I think you made it, didn't you?03:45
Admiral_Chicagoasac: waiting on sabdfl, he is impressed with our team very much03:45
asacwhy should he then vote -1 ?03:45
Admiral_Chicagono, he just needs to give the word03:46
asacok ... going out for late lunch :)03:50
Admiral_Chicagothanks dfarning_ and asac !03:50
asaci am almost starving now as it took so long :)03:50
Admiral_Chicagolol, i have a class to get too.03:51
asacAdmiral_Chicago: keep up the good work ;)03:51
Admiral_Chicagowill do asac. gotta run to class03:51
Admiral_Chicagothanks a lot03:51
asacdfarning_: you there ? can you subscribe mozillateam to enigmail bugs too?04:15
dfarning_asac, what are you some sort of glutton for punishment;)04:23
dfarning_will do04:23
asacwhat did i do?04:24
asacdfarning_: sorry, I am not a native speaker so I might have missed the point/irony :/04:26
dfarning_I am a native speaker and still often miss the point or joke04:27
asacfortunately :)04:27
asacbut maybe its because you chat with non-native speakers ;)04:28
dfarning_I didn't realize that you are the debian thunderbird guy!04:29
asachehe :)04:29
asacyeah ... one of the crimes i did :)04:29
asacnot anymore ... now I am icedove maintainer :)04:30
dfarning_once we get the triage mess under control I'm looking forward starting to work on patching04:33
=== akruth [n=akruth@p548C60DE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
asacyeah ... good to here ... but I have the feeling that bug triage will hunt us for quite some time :)04:34
akruthi am using thunderbird 1.5 with a profile on my usb stick04:34
akruthit always forgets the columns i selected04:34
akruthwhat can i do?04:34
Admiral_Chicagoakruth: define columns04:35
dfarning_asac, especilly when you keep requesting that we add more packages to our big list04:35
akruthin the message view, i can select sender, receiver, size, date and so on04:35
akruthfrom the list of messages04:36
Admiral_Chicagoakruth: it forgets the columns after you unplug the stick?04:36
asacdfarning_: enigmail is mostly care free :) ... just good to have it under the mozillateam umbrella :)04:36
akruthno, after restarting thunderbird04:36
akruthi tried to delete xul.mfasl04:36
akruthbut it doesn't help04:37
Admiral_Chicagoakruth: hmm, i'd say that is just a limitation of the portability04:37
dfarning_I'm off to work on apport hooks04:37
dfarning_yell if you need anything04:37
asaci remember a bug about usb sticks ... don't know if its this issue04:37
asacakruth: does it work for you if you don't put the profile on usb mass-storage?04:38
asacdfarning_: ty04:38
akruthwhile i don't unplug it, it is like a ordinary hard-disk04:38
Admiral_Chicagocan someone run me through working with symbolized crashes?04:38
asacask if you need specific infos ... there is not much one can give as asummary other than you can try to figure out duplicates why matching similar stack traces04:39
akruthasac, wait a moment, i have to test that04:39
asacAdmiral_Chicago: then you can try to find upstream crash reports that contain the same backtraces04:40
Admiral_Chicagono no, i mean say i find a bug report with symbolised report. where do i go from there04:42
akruthit doesn't matter if it is on hd or usb04:42
asacakruth: then you have some other problem. Do you still use a special directory for profile or the default one (.e.g. .mozilla-thunderbird)?04:43
asacAdmiral_Chicago: maybe show me an example bug ... maybe I can explain something then04:43
akruthasac, this is my directory: /media/ALEX-USB/Thunderbird-Profil04:44
Admiral_Chicagoasac: i don't have one, i'll let you know when I do. perhaps I shouldn't speak in generalities04:44
asacsearch for "traced" tag04:44
asacthere should be plenty that need to be evaluated and raised to confirmed level if info is good.04:44
asacthere are quick links on the wiki for tag-searches04:45
akruthwhat does: user_pref("mail.preferences.compose.selectedTabIndex", 2); mean?04:46
asacakruth: can't tell out of my head ... anyway, can you create a new user account and see if things work as expected if you just run thunderbird (without anything special about the profile) from there?04:47
akruthasac, with a new profile it works correctly04:48
asacdo if you create a new profile on usb it does not work?04:49
akruthdo you know that user_pref("mail.root.none", ...) is for?04:49
asacyes it should contain your path to your standard mail boxes04:50
akruththere is another with "-rel" appended, which is preferred?04:51
asac-rel is [ProfD] Mail for me04:51
asacfor you?04:51
akruthin thunderbird04:52
asacwhat do you have in those settings?04:52
akruththe first one is a wrong absolute path and the second one [ProfD] Mail04:54
asacakruth: did you import your profile from mozilla once?04:54
asacakruth: does it help to solve your problems if you fix the absolute one?04:54
akruthi don't remember, maybe04:55
akruthi deleted the absolute one and tb is still starting04:55
asacdoes it regenerate the absolute one?04:55
akruthwhat for is the chrome subfolder?04:56
asaci guess its a relict of old times ... I don't have it here. iirc, there used to be user installed extension chrome files installed in that place .04:57
akruthdo you think i can safely delete it?04:57
asacat best make a backup before you do anything04:57
akruthi did04:57
asacwhat path is it at?04:58
akruthin my profile04:58
asacsomewhere below .../extensions/ ?04:59
asacor in top-level?04:59
asacwhat are the contents of it?04:59
akruthno directly on top-level04:59
akruthchrome.rdf, userContent.css and another folder: overlayinfo05:00
akruthtb starts also without it05:00
asacsounds old ... try to remove it (if you are sure you have everything backed-.up)05:00
akrutha lot of thrash in my profile....05:00
asacwhat fs do you have on your usb stick?05:00
asacapparently its pretty old05:00
asachmmm fat32 allows case sensistive files?05:01
akruthi hardly don't know05:01
akruthmount options are:  "rw,nosuid,nodev,quiet,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8"05:01
Admiral_ChicagoThere isn't much we can do with Bug #8189605:02
UbugtuMalone bug 81896 in mozilla-thunderbird "adress book crash" [Medium,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8189605:02
Admiral_Chicagoi'm going to close it05:02
asacAdmiral_Chicago: right ... no report no processing (for crashers)05:02
asacAdmiral_Chicago: maybe give him a few more days to answer05:03
asacAdmiral_Chicago: but its you to decide that05:03
Admiral_Chicagoactually no05:03
Admiral_Chicagoi'm going to let them know where the crash may be05:03
asacthats even better :)05:03
Admiral_Chicago/var/crash/firefox am I correct?05:04
akruthis there something obviously wrong with the mount options?05:06
asacno ... /var/crash/_usr_lib_firefox_firefox-bin.xxx for me05:06
asacakruth: I don't see anything at a glance05:07
asacakruth: so creating a new profile on usb stick does work?05:07
asacand state is remembered?05:07
akruthis there a safe way to copy settings from my old profile to a new one?05:08
asacunfortunately not ... maybe your permissions are messed up ... do an strace -f thunderbird &> /tmp/somelog ... and the log of a complete thunderbird session to some pastbin please05:08
akruththere are about 250 MB mails, newsgroups and a lot of settings and accounts05:08
asacs/and the/and put the/05:09
akruthi am on dapper05:09
asacthat is unlikely to matter05:09
asacmaybe you need to install strace package before05:09
akruththe logfile is about 7,5 MB05:10
Admiral_Chicagothanks for the path05:10
asacakruth: can you grep for ENOENT ?05:10
akruthplease wait05:11
akruth1502 lines matched05:11
asacor upload the complete log to some place of your convenience ?05:11
asaci think i would need to take a look at the complete log05:11
akruthwhere is a good pastebin?05:15
Admiral_Chicagoakruth: pastebin.ca05:21
akruthi am pasting.........05:23
akruthi am pasting..................05:23
=== asac wonders if they allow that huge pastes :)
akruthi'm anxious05:24
akruthSorry, an error has occurred. Reason: The paste you submitted was over one megabyte in size. Please trim it down.05:25
asacyou have no other place to upload the gzipped log?05:27
asacif not ... submit a bug :)05:27
asacand attach it there ;)05:27
asaci have the feeling we have to make a proper bug out of this anyways.05:28
asachmmm see nothing at a glance05:42
akruthbist ja garnicht soweit weg05:45
asacjo :)05:48
asachamburg :)05:48
asacdammtor um genau zu sein05:48
akruthich sitz in wismar :)05:48
asacnaja ... doch ne ganz schoene ecke weg :)05:49
akruthnaja dichter als usa oder so05:49
akruthist in datei nichts zu finden?05:50
asacnicht auf den ersten blick05:52
asacvielleicht doch ein setting05:52
=== dfarning [n=dfarning@207-118-200-233.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
akruthoder was am filesystem05:52
asacglaube ich nicht ... wenn man das ganze mit einem neuen profil auf dem stick loesen kann05:53
asacmaybe you can confirm the prefs from a fresh profile on stick with the old one that does not work?05:54
akruthyes, maybe05:54
akruthmy prefs.js is very long05:54
akruthi'll try to create a new profile05:55
asacbut maybe its worth a try05:55
asacto compare05:55
akruththx, CU05:56
asachowever you should be able to copy mailfolders over ... though i didn't do that recently05:56
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=Freddy@st074039212101.monm.edu] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
dfarningasac, I believe you will find a feature request from mdz in your mailbox.06:30
dfarningsorry, I was discussing apport and matt turned things around on me;(06:31
Admiral_Chicagoso i confirmed a bug, need to get it working on a new profile to make sure it's not an extension causing it06:33
=== dfarning [n=dfarning@207-118-200-233.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
asacdfarning: so what does this imply?06:54
dfarningasac, sorry what does what imply?  I had to reboot and lost the thread.06:55
dfarningahhh,  It has to do with adding a report a bug option under the help menu on product we work with.06:57
asacdfarning: just a link to the submit bug report page?07:03
=== dfarning [n=dfarning@d12-88.rb2.lax.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
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=== hjmf [n=hjmf@208.Red-81-33-107.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
hjmfwhat's up with tags? do we won't use anymore retrace, traced... tags?09:46
dfarningI think not09:48
hjmfdfarning: ? are the new tags defined to be used with bughelper?09:48
hjmfsorry I think I've missed the whole issue09:49
dfarningit seems to make more sense to use the needs tags that asac  has come up with09:49
=== hjmf thinks has to re-read all the new wiki work ;)
asacbtw, I added some more content09:49
asacits a draft and still incomplete09:50
asacbut maybe you want to comment on the structure right away09:50
asacits currently in Bugs/State iirc09:50
hjmfI see09:51
dfarninghas the tags that I am using in bughelper09:51
dfarningasac, have you added more tags?09:52
asacTags is the comprehensive page to reference tags ... while state contains the big picture ... e.g. what to do at what state and what tags are valid at what state09:52
asacsome ... anyway, thats open for discussion09:52
asacnot yet to the tag list ... they are named on the state page for the time being09:52
hjmfgreat, I now see the picture09:54
dfarningI like the idea of thinking of the bug resolution process as a state machine09:54
dfarningthat methodilly moves from one state to the next09:55
hjmfto me that makes a lot of sense09:55
dfarningasac, to keep the syntax parrall retrace should be changed to needsretrace10:01
dfarningI also suggest that we add a needsinfo tags to indicate that the issues is waiting for misc information10:04
hjmfmakes sense since the needs info state may also mean 'waiting for work from triagers'. The needsinfo tag will mean need feedback from the user10:06
dfarninginfo like version numbers video cards....10:07
asacdfarning: i am still wondering if we should use a prefix like10:09
asacmt-needsretrace (e.g. read mozilla team tag: needsretrace)10:10
asacactually I don't want bugs in state confirmed if we cannot effectively process it10:11
asacso we need either good traces for crashers10:11
asacor testers as well as testcases for feature bugs10:11
dfarningI was wondering about that also10:11
asacconfirm will show: here is all information to evaluate in depth, triage upstream, develop a fix on our own10:12
asacas soon as we either submit bug upstream or say, yes we know how to implement it, we should take the bug to in progress10:12
asacthere might be different opionion on whether a bug posted upstream is already in progress even though it might be NEW ... but i think from ubuntu pov it is in progress10:13
dfarningif the state tags are well thought out they should apply across lp10:13
asacprobably ... though it will just makes sense for packages with a high load of bugs10:13
asacusing this workflow for general bug triaging might be difficult, because the actions attached to state/tag  combinations can be quite package specific10:14
asacbut who knows ... establishing a well done workflow in mozilla team allows us to learn a lot ... and maybe we can really find a way to generalize that10:14
dfarningonce we get a version .o1 we can publish a note to the bugsquad for their feed back10:15
asacyes ... I am in contact with launchpad team as well ... if we find suggestions on how to improve launchpad to support our workflow better,  they appear pretty eager to help us to set things up10:16
dfarningfor confirmed issues we can use pending* tags10:17
dfarningie pendingupstreampush, pendinglocialization, pendingbranding10:18
hjmfpendingupstreampush awful10:18
hjmflol, looks like a german word10:18
dfarningso devs can quickly pick up bugs they are familar with10:19
asacfor know I am still unsure which tags are needed at confirmed level.10:19
asacit depends if we will defer upstream triage completely to confirmed state or place that in needs info too10:19
asacactually at least searching for already known upstream issues is definitly needs info10:20
asacwhile pushing upstream is due in confirmed state10:20
dfarningmakes sense10:21
asacwhat do you think? We could as well argue that need info is only used as long as informations are needed on our behalf10:21
asacwhile all upstream triag belongs to confirmed10:22
hjmfmakes sense, but we need a proper tag to mark as 'searching for known upstream issues'10:23
dfarningonce a bug has been filed upstream it should be moved to inprogess10:23
hjmf... in the needs info state10:23
asacneedupstream :)10:24
asacdfarning: yes that is clear10:25
dfarningI sure you can add more letter to that if you try;)10:25
asaci prefer to have tags that are short worded :)10:26
dfarningneedstobepushedupstream;) no we might be confused with java devs10:26
hjmfto fit in the browser window10:26
hjmfor have a wide screen10:26
dfarningneeds info - needsupstream - indicates that some should verify the issues exist upstream10:27
asacok ... lets assume we start that way10:28
asachow will it proceded10:28
asacwe have 2 cases10:28
asac1. there is a bug upstream10:28
asac2. there is no bug upstream10:28
asacbut case 2 is quite tricky as it might as well be difficult to find the appropriate upstream bug on the first run10:28
hjmf2. we start a bug upstream10:28
asachave you used bugzilla?10:29
dfarningconfirmed - pendingupstream - indicates a triager with experience with the upsteam tracker10:29
hjmfasac: no just a search or two10:29
asacoften you need a sleep or two and then you find the proper upstream issue10:30
dfarningpush it upstream10:30
asacactually if we decide that an issue is upstream, we should take greates care that the bug really is not yet known upstream10:30
asacotherwise we just waste there time ... and obviously we want to be a good downstream that filters as much duplicates as possible10:30
dfarningThat is one or my main concerns also10:30
hjmfagree, you are the expert10:31
dfarningthe best way we can pay back our upstream is to provide good bug reports10:31
asacwe could try to tag something like10:32
asacfindupstream-1 ... findupstream-2 ... findupstream-3 :) ... to do multiple runs at best by different people10:32
asacbut for that we would need to add infos on who already did the search ... so this bug will not show up in his task list.10:33
asacmaybe we can say ... at needs info state we require one search10:33
asacand triager at confirmed state must do a brief search too10:33
asacbefore submitting upstream10:34
dfarningthis is a bit off topic but I am working on developing a relationship with Adobe so we can push good flashplayer bug up to them10:34
asacin that way we would at least get 2 guaranteed rounds10:34
asacdfarning: really? great to hear :)10:34
asacmaybe you can say abit about that progress on the next meeting?10:34
hjmfdfarning: any way to get a flashplayer -dbg package?10:35
asachehe .... they might have it and then can use their own -dbg package if they don't want to release it10:36
asachjmf: i doubt that they will10:36
hjmfi knew lol10:36
asacso did we at least found some consensus on what tags to use for upstream triage at what state?10:37
asaci would like to introduce needsummary to call for a proper description/title of bugs before they are allowed to enter confirmed state10:38
hjmfIMHO we should leave in your hands the draft on MozillaTeam/Bugs/States10:39
hjmfthen if a tag doesn't fit we can discuss10:39
asacok ... fine with me ... however just stop me if you think this process gets too complicated. I think it will not get much more complexity ... but anyway :)10:40
hjmfI think that you asac have very clear what to do10:40
hjmfI love complexity :)10:41
Admiral_Chicagodfarning: i woud like to push more into that department as well (Adobe upstream)10:41
asacactually my primary goal is not to keep the complete process really easy. Its more important that we can sort out easy tasks where new contributors can easily get started on10:41
asacthats why I want to categorize bugs with tags etc.10:42
dfarningIt make me cranky we have flash bugs that are blamed on fx10:42
dfarningthe same process can be used to push bugs up to gnash10:42
hjmfasac: sure, I'm a needs info triager ;)10:42
dfarningthis irc dicussion moving too fast for my brain;( can I think for a few hours and we'll pick this up again.10:42
dfarningasac, hjmf  this irc dicussion is moving too fast for my brain;( can I think for a few hours and we'll pick this up again.10:43
dfarningsorry, lost my connection10:43
asacwill be here tomorrow10:43
hjmflads, for me is time to go to bed10:43
asacgood night!!10:43
dfarninggood night10:44
hjmfgood nignt10:44
dfarningAdmiral_Chicago, I am also talking with Click and Run to establish a positave relationship with them10:45
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Admiral_Chicagoi see, i don't particularly see a need for CNR but I would like healthy relationships with them10:46
Admiral_ChicagoClick and Run10:48
dfarningLinspire/freespire is going to be shipping products on top of ubuntu10:48
asacis this official?10:49
dfarningit is10:49
Admiral_Chicagoi detest anyone with an enterprise edition, i'm opposed to that idea in any form10:49
asacAdmiral_Chicago: opposed to what idea exactly?10:50
Admiral_Chicagoasac: having to pay for linspire.10:50
asacAdmiral_Chicago: hard to judge ... I don't know their business model10:52
Admiral_Chicagothe have Linsprie and Freespire10:52
Admiral_Chicagoon one hand, they donate millions to Free projects10:53
asacimo ... in order to fix bug 1 there need to be distributors that somehow take care that oem systems ship with some linux distribution10:53
UbugtuMalone bug 1 in ichthux "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/110:53
asacso i am not against it ... though personally i won't pay for it10:54
asac... iirc linspire actually tries to find ways to ship systems with gnu/linux preinstalled10:55
Admiral_Chicagoi think it goes against the idea of free software. I like that it is free as in beer, free as in speech10:55
Admiral_ChicagoJeff Waugh said something along the lines of "a lot of the software we ship we don't write ourselves, so charging for it is ridiculous"10:56
asacagree ... for me free as in speech matters only. however, thats why i asked about the business model, if they provide end-user support and things like that i am fine with charging a fee.10:57
asacas long as they obey gpl and other license term, the community still has its benifit from commercial linux vendors10:57
Admiral_Chicagoi like how Red Hat does support10:58
asacyou won't get any security updates when you don't pay your support subscription, right :) ?10:58
Admiral_Chicagoi'm of the belief that people should pay for quality items10:58
Admiral_Chicagobut I see nonfree formats as inferior. ogg vs. mp3 for example10:59
asacagree ... but in order to free the world we first have to catch loads of users :)10:59
Admiral_Chicagowe are doing that now though. 8 million in 3 years or something like that.11:00
asacactually mp3 is the lesser evil ... ms formats focussed on drm is the real evil in this world atm.11:00
Admiral_Chicagoyea that too. I've heard a lot of people saying they aren't going to use Vista because of the DRM11:01
Admiral_Chicagowhich is why I applaud them11:01
asacyou are jokin?11:02
Admiral_Chicagohowever, I think the biggest problem is getting hardware vendors ship desktops with Ubunut11:02
Admiral_Chicagoasac: no, my best friend who uses XP said he won't use Vista for that reason11:02
asacthey won't unless they get a margin on it11:02
asacah ok ... I thought you applaud people going vista :)11:02
Admiral_Chicagoaren't is the key word. :)11:03
asacyeah ... its late here :)11:03
Admiral_Chicagookay i have to run11:03
asachowever as soon as people realize that they cannot play music just bought in some webshop they might consider to upgrade11:03
asacas they don't understand that they sacrifice themselves and get a step closer to hell :)11:04
asacAdmiral_Chicago: ok ... bye11:04
asacI am off now for real :)11:04

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