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LordGameranyone know a good VM for linux?12:46
Jester45i got a ftp site mounted :)12:48
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LordGamercool now that I installed it with Packet Manger where did it go?12:49
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Jester45use qemu /image/path/ to run it12:49
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grazieLordGamer: not tried it myself yet, but a lot of people like virtualbox12:52
Jester45this is pretty cool12:52
LordGamerthanks grazie12:52
Blais1well can't get firefox or opera to work12:55
Blais1but hey, Beryl works a treat! :D12:55
Jester45thats good12:55
Jester45took me a long time12:56
Blais1i wouldn't mind having a working webbrowser though...12:56
Jester45its most likly a bug12:57
Jester45xgl isnt to stabole12:57
grazieJester45: Blais1 had same problem before beryl though12:58
Blais1this has been the case before I installed beryl, it doesn\t use xgl either12:58
Jester45try turning off beryl and see if it opens12:59
Blais1I used this howto http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=301364&highlight=howto+beryl+ati12:59
grazieJester45: this was before beryl was installed!12:59
Blais1i even tried berylIve not been able to use firefox even on the live cd, before12:59
Blais1yes yes :D12:59
Blais1exuse my grammer this laptop keyboard is a pain01:00
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grazieBlais1: have you ever used links or brillo?01:00
Blais1are you being cheeky?01:01
maxamillionwell ... links exists and brillo might ... but not in the repositories01:01
Blais1I think I need a little more than that :)01:01
Blais1is brillo like dillo?01:02
=== maxamillion assumes so but is not sure
grazieyes dillo is just so brillo01:02
Blais1right I'm off, will have to tackle this another day, I'm not giving up just yet01:04
graziemaxamillion: Blais1 gets segmentation faults with opera and firefox. I'm stumped. Any ideas?01:04
maxamillionhmmm... not really, segmentation fault can mean almost anything in most cases01:05
Blais1maybe tomorow, thanks chaps01:05
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graziemaxamillion: on a fresh install and disk checks out fine!01:05
graziemaxamillion: wget works though so that's something...01:06
maxamilliongrazie: still strange though01:08
graziemaxamillion: yeah...I think so too. both install and live cd the same01:09
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maxamilliongrazie: the live cd does it?01:09
grazieyeah, so he's says...01:09
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maxamillionthat's bad01:11
maxamillionit has to be the iso image or the burn if it happens on the live cd .... or he has a hardware problem01:11
graziexubuntu & ubunru the same....I was about say hw too... iso is a frozen build though01:12
maxamillionyeah, if it seg faults on live cd and hd install, i vote bad ram01:13
graziemaxamillion: he also XP is fine though01:13
maxamilliongrazie: XP doesn't manage memory worth a darn, i wouldn't doubt it just said "oops, bad block ... just use the next one" ... i think he should do a memtest86+01:16
graziemaxamillion: true01:17
=== maxamillion slaps HP for using Qt for their printer toolkit
maxamilliondoesn't look like qt though :/01:18
graziemaxamillion: how come the hp printer toolkit is installed on *ubuntu by default?01:19
maxamilliongrazie: well technically it only needs the python-qt3 package so i don't see that being too big of a problem, but its still annoying .... and because they probably need it installed by default01:19
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maxamillionbut stilll .... <3 hp for writing linux drivers01:20
RPOanyone know why a floppy mounted rw reports "RO File system" even when root?01:22
ubotuTo mount floppy disks, see here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MakeFloppyDriveAvailableToEveryone01:22
maxamillionRPO: i think you have to change permissions or something01:23
RPOmaxamillion, also how can I backup my partition table & boot sector to a CDR?01:23
maxamillionRPO: uhmm... i don't know, but why would you want to do that?01:24
RPOmaxamillion: I'm about to install Vista and Windows tends to hose my partition table01:26
RPORPO, I know, "and why would you want to do that?"  hehehe01:27
maxamillionWindows shouldn't hose your partition table ... your grub config maybe, but not your partition table01:27
RPOmaxamillion: someone told me there's a backup utility that has an option for this but didn't know the name01:28
RPOmaxamillion: well, i'd like to back that up, then01:28
=== Jester45 [n=Jester45@d40-20.rt-bras.wnvl.centurytel.net] has joined #xubuntu
Jester45guess what01:28
Jester45i made a script that mounts a ftp as a folder01:29
Jester45im very happy with it01:29
maxamillionmounts a ftp server as a folder?01:29
Jester45like mounting a harddrive01:29
RPOmaxamillion:  how do I instantiate the new /etc/fstab?01:30
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maxamillionRPO: mount something01:32
maxamillionRPO: well ... unmount and remount that floppy to be more specific01:32
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win2linmaxamillion, so after Windows hoses GRUB, etc, which it does every time, how do I put it back with the Live CD?01:41
win2linmaxamillion: never mind, I found an article on it.  I presume that I should put grub in the MBR and not in the Linux boot partition, right?01:45
maxamillionboot the live cd, mount that hard drive and run update-grub01:45
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maxamillionwin2lin: yes01:46
win2linmaxamillion: well, thatt's a lot less work than what the article says you have to do!01:46
win2linmaxamillion: and that will still let me dual boot Vista & Linux?01:46
Jester45no vista01:47
maxamillioni have dual boot xp and xubuntu at work (the machine i am on now) and grub in the mbr works like a charm01:47
maxamillionJester45: no vista?01:47
Jester45it el sucko01:47
win2linthanks, people!01:48
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maxamillionJester45: well .. we know that01:49
Jester45have your tried it?01:50
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RP2sorry, I still can't write to the floppy,  i did mv S* /media/floppy (and floppy0 and floppy-1) and it says first two invalid and last one is RO)01:56
RP2actually, I did sudo mv S* /media/floppy-101:56
RP2it tries to copy but says "Read only file system"01:57
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_DezHi guys02:09
_DezWhats up02:10
=== RP2 [n=admin@69-12-186-114.static-dsl.keyway.net] has joined #xubuntu
RP2can anyone tell me why I can sudo but not login as root?02:16
Jester45i just made a script to mount a ftp site02:16
Jester45wanna try it?02:17
_DezNo ftp sites for me02:17
_Dezi dont know any02:17
Jester45what about http?02:17
_Dezdo you know of a gui for unrar?02:17
_Dezsure http02:17
Jester45ok let me work on the http02:17
grazieRP2: cos' the root account is not enable by default02:18
Jester45RP2: its a safy feature02:18
RP2grazie, well, I'm having just a hec of a time here... I can't write files to my floppy drive, printing png files results in a black page, and I can't login as root  :(02:19
RP2grazie, and I can't change my video to 1600x120002:20
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RP2:( :(02:20
RP2grazie, how do I enable root?02:21
grazieRP2: you almost certainly don't need to...it's why you've got sudo02:22
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RP2grazie, OK, well, my floppy drive is mounted /dev/sdc /media/floppy-1 rw but it says Read Only file system (I'm using VFAT) AND Use floppy drive is checked for every user.02:23
RP2grazie, if I use sudo mv ... it says "Operation not permitted"02:24
grazieRP2: I'm off to bed now....I'll look at it for 2 minutes02:26
RP2grazie, thanks, if I can get past that I can get on with what I need to do02:26
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grazieRP2: isn't your floppy device /dev/df0?02:27
PuMpErNiCkLeIs the switch on the floppy set to read-only?02:28
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Jester45smart one PuMpErNiCkLe02:28
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Jester45sorry i can only get ftp working02:31
RP2grazie, it's an external USB.  I did figure out that /media/floppy0 and /media/floppy-1 are just directories in the file system and are not apparantly linked to the floppy drive (anymore) (earlier, it was floppy-1)02:31
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Jester45any one here good at making images02:33
Jester45i need someone to make somthing simpole for me02:34
Jester45a banner with FTP--->(a folder) look to it02:34
Jester45maybe i can work on it at school tomarro02:36
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Jester45a ftp mount/ unmounter i made02:45
Jester45please test if you can02:45
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SharnHello again. :P03:50
BFTDhow are you today/tonight?03:50
SharnBored and tired. xD03:50
Jester45hi Sharn03:51
Jester45guess what03:51
SharnWhat? :O03:51
Jester45i made a script and a nice one at that03:51
SharnSweeeet. To do what?03:51
Jester45mounts ftp sites03:51
SharnWow. That would be interesting. xD03:52
Jester45adds a kernal modual then mounts03:52
SharnImpressive. :)03:52
Jester45i think im gonna slip it into 2 scrips one to install other to mount03:52
Jester45becuase right now each tiem you run it script to mount its trys to install03:53
SharnPut it in a .deb. :)03:53
BFTDJester45 make sure that gets into the next version of Ubuntu03:53
Sharn++ ^03:53
Jester45you guys want?03:54
Jester45you can pick zip or bz203:54
Jester45bz2 is smallers03:55
SharnSomeone will have a use for it03:55
Jester45i have a use03:55
Jester45mounting all the ftp sites i want03:55
SharnAre you like... hosting that site?03:55
Jester45so i dont have to search on line03:55
Jester45hehe nice main page03:55
SharnI agree. xD03:56
Jester45its really my 2nd site03:56
Jester45but... the 1 was a few years ago03:56
Jester45and was really good03:56
Jester45i need cellofellow to install php or somthing for me03:57
SharnDon't have php?03:57
Jester45never got around to it03:58
Jester45im good with html when i have the time03:58
Jester45might just make a blog03:58
Jester45seems like the best idea03:58
SharnBlog... with html? Manually edit it?03:59
Jester45right now i just wanted to have somthing to get files from a remote computer04:00
Jester45like a school04:00
SharnAhhh. Mk04:00
Jester45stream my music or video04:00
SharnAre you hosting it on the computer you'ree on?04:01
SharnSweet. My internet is about 20x too slow for that. :P04:01
Jester45what you got04:02
Sharn45Kbps max... like actual upload.04:03
Jester452mbit for me 800ish04:04
_Dez10mbit here04:14
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Jester45up or down04:15
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_Dezup and down04:15
_DezBeta testing 10mbit in my small town of 2,222 people04:15
_Dezcosts me $6004:16
Jester45gay s***04:16
Jester45i alpha  test a t3 line04:17
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Jester45how do you test internet?04:17
Jester45umm... yep its working04:17
Jester45dose sourceforge have ftp?04:18
_DezT3 sucks04:19
_Dezits like dsl :/04:19
_Deztry ftp.download.com04:20
SharnI only have DSL. Our census like 4 years ago was only 1000. :P04:21
SharnAnd IT costs $60. >.<04:22
Jester45159.25248 Gbps04:23
Jester45oc-768 is highest in use04:24
Jester45i wouldnt mine oc1 or oc1/2 or even 1/404:25
SharnYeah. xD04:26
Jester45not 1/404:26
Sharn1/4 would be... like 12.5Mbps?04:26
Jester4525% of 5004:26
Jester45thats kinda slow04:26
Jester451/2 wouldnt be bad04:26
SharnMmmmm.... That's still pretty fast.04:27
_DezThats to freakin fast04:27
_Dezno hdd would take that load04:27
Jester45of what04:27
SharnI agree04:27
SharnYou couldn't even write to your HDD that fast04:27
Jester45and its called a router04:27
SharnMine's 3Gb/ but that's only a 4th of 1/4. xD04:28
SharnActually, no, I'm confused..04:28
Sharn-smacks self-04:28
=== Jester45 has an idea
SharnHead for the hills. Jester45 has an idea.04:30
Jester45use my script to mount free ftp sites04:30
Jester45so you can upload to them04:30
Jester45easy backups04:30
SharnIt'll wokr that way?04:30
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SharnWoops. xD04:32
Jester45it should work04:32
Jester45if you find a site that will lets you upload04:32
Jester45you can use one with accounts also04:32
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Jester45you would just put user@pass:site:port04:33
SharnIf you had fast enough internet you could almost use it as just another HDD04:33
Jester45here comes my oc 300004:33
SharnI imagine, unless you have a very good job you can't afford it.04:34
SharnYou can try though. :P04:34
Jester45sence the 1000 version isnt made yet :)04:34
Jester45wanna help me find a ftp site?04:35
kalikianain germany even 16mbit is still the limit for personal use :/04:35
Jester45ha ha04:36
Jester45most ppl in us that have broadband have 3m or 1204:36
Jester45many have more04:36
SharnNot me. =\04:37
kalikianaour monopoly telekom is 'planning' to establish 50mbit to the inner cities... no idea how long that takes.04:37
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kalikianaI'm on 2MBit/192kbit :/04:37
pbcrunchis there a disk image i can download to boot the xubuntu cd from a floppy?04:37
SharnEveryone's faster than my sad DSL04:37
SharnProbably pay less for it too.04:38
pbcrunchmy computer does not support boot from optical drive04:38
Jester45pbcrunch: yes im not sure where04:38
kalikiananope, DSL, a disconnect every 12hours :'/04:38
SharnThat fast on DSL?04:38
Jester45dsl can get fast04:39
Jester45i think the max is 30mb04:39
Jester45but thats costly04:39
Sharnpbcrunch: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=205052604:39
Jester45there is a lot of DSL versions04:39
kalikianaThere is no real difference in speed between cable and DSL here04:39
kalikianaalthough cable is a bit more expensive04:40
Jester45cable noramly has lower upload04:40
kalikianathe good thing about cable would be: no disconnect04:40
pbcrunchSharn that looks helpful thanks04:40
Sharnpbcrunch: You're welcome04:40
kalikianaI need to go to Japan, they have 50MBit for like 20 I believe04:41
_Dezlater guys04:41
_Dezim out04:41
Jester45japan is cool04:41
Sharn20... yen? Not sure what that symbol is...04:41
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Jester45weird food04:41
Jester45its not 20 yen04:41
kalikianaSharn, should be a 'euro' :D04:41
Jester45there is like 300 yen per USD04:41
=== Sharn doesn't know international money signs
SharnA euro is like worth twice USD, right?04:43
kalikianaSharn, like 1,3usd i think :)04:44
SharnHmmmm... Ok.04:44
kalikianabut buying my bentos from the us will cost some toll :/04:45
kalikianahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bento ;)04:48
kalikianait's the boxes in my case04:48
SharnLooks nasty. xD04:50
Jester45anyone know of a free ftp site?04:51
kalikianapah, i guess i'd be scared if i knew what you eat :P04:52
SharnJester45: Get a host. :P04:52
SharnThey have to activate your account, though... It may take ap to a couple hours.04:53
Jester45o wel04:54
=== BrendanM [n=mccollam@vpn-70-10.pomona.edu] has joined #xubuntu
BrendanMHey, does anyone know why Xarchiver won't work with .rar or .7z files?04:54
Jester45they arenot free04:54
BrendanMI have rar and 7zip installed, and I can extract both of them using their respective command line utilities04:54
SharnBrendanM: What's the problem?04:55
kalikianaBrendanM, rar should work I believe, may your version be outdated?04:55
BrendanMI got it from the repos04:55
Jester45BrendanM: what rar tool did you use04:55
Jester45there are 2 of them04:55
BrendanMXarchiver claims to support those formats, if you have utlities installed. It's like Xarchiver doesn't know where to look for them04:55
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free04:55
kalikianaIt works via unrar for me...04:56
BrendanMyeah, I think I installed unrar-free04:56
BrendanMlemme check04:56
Jester45i got both04:56
BrendanMyeah, it works fine with unrar, it's just that Xarchiver doesn't do it. So I have to go into CLI every time04:56
Jester45make a command for it04:57
Jester45unrar e04:57
BrendanMyeah, it's just that Xarchiver claims to support those formats: http://xarchiver.xfce.org/features.php04:57
BrendanMSo I'd like to try to make it do that04:58
SharnIs it giving an error or anything?04:58
BrendanM"Sorry, this archive format is not supported:the proper archiver is not installed!"04:59
BrendanMexcept it totally is04:59
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BrendanMShould I try reinstalling Xarchiver?05:00
kalikianaBrendanM, check the prefix of any custom install05:01
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kalikianaunless everything is from the repos anyway05:01
BrendanMIt's all from the repos. I think I just figured it out though. Installing the package "rar" made it work05:03
BrendanMpreviously, I only had "unrar-free" installed05:03
BrendanMThat's too bad Xarchiver doesn't seem to work with the free version. They should fix that. Is there a config file for Xarchiver anywhere?05:03
SharnNot sure...05:07
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Sharnkalikiana: Why two accounts on? :P05:08
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kalikiana|mysqlSharn, dsl reconnect :/05:09
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BrendanMDoes anyone here know how to close the X server without logging out? Ctrl+alt+bkspace only restarts it and takes me to the login screen.05:13
Jester45i dont think you can05:14
SharnBrendanM: I'm pretty sure you can't - not positive, though.05:14
Jester45theres a guy online that uses torrents to store his files05:15
Jester45kinda risky05:15
SharnHow's that?05:16
Jester45seed that file05:16
Jester45then come back later and dl it05:16
SharnThat's really odd.05:16
Jester45unlimited space05:17
kalikiana|mysqlso let's hope he has no private or 'problematic' files...05:20
kalikiana|mysqlbut if he was living in future germany, he wouldn't have to bother.05:21
Jester45he is probly storing his movies05:21
SharnHey, bittorrent has an oficial Linux client...05:21
SharnAnyone tried it?05:21
kalikiana|mysqlI'm using Deluge.05:22
SharnI like deluge too. I'm gonna try the official, though...05:22
SharnNevermind, maybe not...05:23
Jester45its ugly] 05:24
SharnSo is DSL. :)05:25
SharnIt looks pretty nice to me, personally.05:27
SharnStupid Hydrogen...05:29
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BFTDhi all05:43
kalikiana|mysqlwhat's up?05:44
BFTDoh nothin05:44
BFTDthe bad thing about wireless mice, is that they get lost easily05:44
=== Jester45 agress
SharnMine just kept dieing, so I'm using a corded one now. :P05:45
kalikiana|mysqlI have a wired again because of the batteries.05:45
SharnThe wireless is heading to that laptop I'll hopefully be getting tomorrow...05:45
Jester45i have both05:45
SharnI do too, Jester45...05:45
kalikiana|mysqlAnd I'm using it in front of the monitor anyway. :P05:46
Jester45its fun to mess with people05:46
SharnI have about 4 mice around the house. xD05:46
Jester45thats what i did05:46
Jester45i got wireless keyboard05:46
Jester45its embedded in my desk05:46
SharnI don't.... :P05:47
SharnI like my wireless mouse, but I see no reason for a keyboard. Optical is nice to have too.05:48
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Jester45i see more a reason for keyboard than mouse05:48
Jester45i can type from 10ft away but i cant manuver the mouse from 405:48
SharnMine did like 10 feet...05:49
SharnMy monitor is too small for that far back anyway. :P05:50
Jester45but i cant see it from there05:50
BFTDto much lag for wireless05:50
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Jester45what 5ns?05:51
SharnMine never lagged either. Just freaked out. It was a little too sensitive too.05:51
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SharnTalking again. :O06:16
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gunny01!ubotu beyrl09:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beyrl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:46
grazie!beryl | gunny0109:54
ubotugunny01: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects09:54
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riceriotanybody know how to access the gnome-power-manager tool?09:59
sunnz2Are you on 6.10 or??10:04
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ailx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:41
gunny01!flightgear | gunny0110:42
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agreifI installed xubuntu 6.10 but the xfce desktop shown no icons. I have xfce 4.3.99. Is this feature only implemented in 4.4, or do I have to set a flag somewhere to show mounted volumes on the desktop?10:48
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gpocentekagreif: you can't change that10:50
gpocentekerr, mounted volumes should appear on the desktop actually10:50
gpocentekonly home, FS and trash are now shown10:51
agreifyep, that is what I am missing10:51
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agreifI see actually nochting on the desktop. Only icons in the panels10:51
galorinthat's normal10:52
gpocenteks/now/not/ (sorry)10:52
agreifok. which release will include the feature tro sshow icons on the desktop?10:53
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gpocentekfeisty with Xfce 4.410:53
grazieagreif: Applications > Settings > Desktop Settings. Tick the 'Allow Xfce...' checkbox10:55
grazieagreif: it's a known bug10:55
ny83what is the command line instruction to remove a package and its dependencies?10:56
agreifaahhh, now I see all of them! thx10:57
galorinapt-get remove $PKGNAME && apt-get autoremove maybe?  not that up on apt really.10:57
galorindeborphan is useful too10:57
galorinoh, might make that apt-get remove --purge $PKGNAME10:58
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agreifwhere can I find a sample for a pyxfce plugin?11:00
ny83will that purge packages used by other programs?11:03
ny83dependencies sorry11:03
ny83i just used synaptic and selected mozilla-thunderbird for "complete removal" and a prompt window arises stating xubuntu-desktop must be removed11:04
galorin--purge removes configuration fies as well,11:07
galorinit's autorempve and deborphan that does the real magic.11:07
galorinxubuntu-desktop is only a meta-package, it can be safely removed after installation.11:08
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galorinf you're on ubuntu or edubuntu, etc you can apt-get install xubuntu-desktop and get xubuntu installed, In theory.  It works pretty well.11:10
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ny83thankyou galorin :-)11:17
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:43
ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2111:43
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BrendanMDoes anyone know if there's a piece of free software that'll let you fill out PDF forms? Or do I have to get the official Adobe reader?11:58
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Xemanthwhats da color of xubuntu? :)01:59
Xemanthblue kubuntu kde, brown ubuntu gnome02:00
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RamlaI think it's also blue, but more win2k kinda blue than kde blue.02:41
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KayoDotHey guys. What's the command to stop the xserver in Xubuntu? I need to install my graphics card drivers :/03:27
KayoDotI know in Ubuntu it's sudo etc/init.d/gdm stop, but that doesn't seem to work in Xubuntu. Neither does xinetd stop, I keep getting the error sudo: /etc/init.d/xfce: command not found03:28
PuMpErNiCkLesudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop03:29
KayoDotI'm a little puzzled.03:29
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:47
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about duplex - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:53
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:54
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BFTDwhats nuubuntu?04:23
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Hub441did anyone manage to boot the xubuntu CD via network?05:49
Hub441well it boots, mounts the nfs-share an complains about wrong permissions for /var/lib/gdm/05:52
Hub441if i chroot on the nfs-server to the share, permissions are correct05:52
Hub441so, gdm doesn't start, and i have only a promt asking me for login. but i don't have any password05:53
Hub441ubuntu:<blank> doesnt work05:53
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Coder[] Hello05:55
Coder[] I need Help05:55
Coder[] please help me05:55
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Coder[] Please help me05:56
Hub441*g* help doing what? fixing wholes in your roof?05:57
siucdudei got a question05:57
siucdudeI just installed xubuntu for a friend on his older dell laptop05:58
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siucdudeits got a pcmcia card that works on dapper version but05:58
siucdudei can't get it to load on edgy05:58
Coder[] I have 6800GS05:58
Coder[] And How i can run linux whith framebuffer05:58
siucdudeit freezes at login everytime i put the card in before booting05:59
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Buddha|Is there any way to make the SmartBookmark panel plugin bigger?06:13
Buddha|Or is there another panel plugin for searching the web?06:13
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sdfdsfdsfsdfddfgsomeone here?06:14
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nsg1sfubari would like to know if there is a starter guide for xubuntu07:02
graziensg1sfubar: this link should help https://help.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/index.html07:06
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yettenetHi there... I've just installed xubuntu (my first Unix-based operating system) and I really don't know anything about it... could you give me the link of a relatively fine "Idiot's guide to (x)Ubuntu" site?07:27
grazieyettenet:  this link should help https://help.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/index.html07:28
kalikianayettenet, https://help.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/index.html07:28
yettenetgrazie grazie :)07:28
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faemircan anyone tell me where to put themes for only one user to access?07:32
graziefaemir: ~/.themes07:34
yettenetHere too :D07:37
faemirthanks grazie07:37
faemirhello yettenet 8-)07:38
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comradeChi, I'm trying to get a wireless card setup, but I need to know how to do this, the instructions say to  Unblacklist bcm34xx... what does that mean?07:59
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=== xfceubuntu ugral
gabkdll1comradeC: are you using edgy? in my /etc/modprobe.d/ the blacklist files don't blacklist bcm34xx anymore.08:09
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MattJHey all08:12
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MattJ_laptoprehi all :)08:23
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faemirthis sounds really stupid, but how can i take a screenshot in xubuntu?08:44
gabkdll1faemir: there is a screenshot panel item08:45
faemir... where?08:45
faemiroh right08:45
faemirsorry xD08:45
graziefaemir: also with the gimp...File > Acquire > Screenshot (it's more flexible)08:46
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drx0drxI was instructed by a post to download & install OpenLDAP-devel and i see that the tar creates a /usr/... structure, so i just did mv ./usr/ /usr   is that right?08:54
drx0drxactuall mv ./usr /usr08:54
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nicolahwhat does "honor the standard ICCCM focus hint" mean ?08:55
nicolahin window manager tweaks08:55
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Blaisehello everyone08:59
drx0drxwhat is the syntax to mv a subdirectory to a parent of the same name?09:00
BlaiseI'm getting Segmentation Faults when I try and load Firefox, (this also happens from the liveCD), does anyone know how I can get Firefox up and running?09:00
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psb154drx0drx, if you use the full-path of both the source and destination that should work 8-)09:05
psb154Blaise, you could try a:    sudo apt-get check    this will check whether you have any 'broken dependencies'.09:11
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drx0drxpsb154, Thanks! (Yes!)09:15
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psb154drx0drx no problem :-)09:16
rmd_ok, so i did a sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop... and it installed everything, but ubuntu is still loading with all the gnome stuffs.  is there something i need to change?09:16
drx0drxpsb154, how do you remove an empty directory?09:17
rmd_drx0drx: rmdir09:17
rmd_to remove a full directory, rm -rf09:17
psb154drx0drx,   rm -fr dirName09:17
drx0drxpsb154, thanks again!  (say, is this what you do when you unpack a tar with a /usr tree in it, you just mv it into /usr ?09:18
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grazieBlaise: pretty sure you've got memory problems. run the memtestx86 on the live cd09:18
psb154rmd_, when you log on you have to change to your 'Session settings' to xfce.09:18
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Blaisesomething strange is happening09:19
psb154drxodrx, to unpack a tar type:   tar xvf tarFileName09:19
psb154drx0drx, to unpack a tar type:   tar xvf tarFileName09:19
BlaiseA friernd sent me a link in a IM window, I clicked it and it opened in Opera09:19
Blaiseand Opera is working ok09:19
drx0drxpsb154, I know, I was just wondering if when you DO unpack a tar and it has a /usr/... tree in it if the correct thing to do was to mv it into /usr09:20
psb154drx0drx, so this is a backup of /usr directory ?09:20
drx0drxIt's OpenLDAP-devel09:21
rmd_you are amazing09:21
grazieyes...still think you've got memory problems...it'll probably fall over if you open lots of tabs...run the test09:21
Blaiseif I do have memory problems, what can I do about them?09:22
Blaise(It fell over when to a flash site)09:23
psb154drx0drx, the contents of the tar file will be extracted in the same parent directory you xvf it, you prolly know that. Then you can copy the desired files from the extracted directory to your proper /usr/ directory.09:24
drx0drxpsb154, proper?09:24
psb154drx0drx, the one in at root. if you: cd /    then: ls    you will see /usr   that is your proper /usr directory.09:26
grazieBlaise: isolate the bad sim and replace09:26
drx0drxpsb154, I noticed many of the subdirs had the same names as subdirs in /usr, so i just mv .../usr/include to /usr/include, e.g.09:26
psb154drx0drx, that makes sense to me but I am not exactly certain of what you are trying to atchieve 8-)09:27
=== arualavi [n=Iva@67.Red-83-33-5.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #xubuntu
psb154drx0drx I would do a: cp    rather than a: mv   and you would: cp -fr   in order to copy subdirectories.09:28
drx0drxpsb154, I'm trying to install Evolution-Exchange, and I keep getting an error when I ./configure it, and an article said to get two packages including the aforementioned, so I did, and I built the first one and mv the second one, but it still doesn't work09:29
drx0drxIs there a ./configure log that might tell me what else I need?09:30
psb154drx0drx, dude!! 8-) you could do a:  sudo apt-get install evolution-exchange09:31
drx0drxpsb154, didn't work09:31
psb154drx0drx, try: sudo apt-get -f    this will fix broken dependencies. What was the error message when you tryied to get evolution-exchange via apt-get?09:33
drx0drxpsb154, i can't use it b/c the machine with the internet access is not the machine with the Evolution09:34
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psb154drx0drx, can you temporarily connect the computer to the internet?09:35
drx0drxpsb154, anyway, I already have Evo-Exch source, it just won't build09:36
psb154drx0drx, have you install build-essentials? ... hang on if you can't get internet access you wont be able to install them.09:37
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psb154drx0drx, from the CD ubuntu based distros don't have all the stuff you need to build applications as you are seeing.09:39
drx0drxpsb154, I don't know what an "Evolution Development library" is09:40
psb154drx0drx, that would be: evolution-dev    (prolly)09:41
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graziedrx0drx: are you building this on *ubuntu?09:47
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drx0drxgrazie, on ubuntu 6.10 and also on mac OS X 10.4.809:53
=== MagicFab_ [n=magicfab@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #xubuntu
graziedrx0drx: why don't you just get the .debs (for ubuntu)?09:54
drx0drxgrazie, because I need it on both and i'm not sure evolution-exchange dev exists09:55
graziedrx0drx: check at http://packages.ubuntu.com/09:56
graziegrazie: if you're using the .debs you will not need the -dev package09:57
graziedrx0drx: you only usually need -dev package if you wan to develop the source code09:59
drx0drxgrazie, i meant to say .deb10:00
grazietis a big difference :)10:01
=== grumpymole [n=warren@c220-237-175-49.lowrp1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #xubuntu
=== Sharn [n=dino@dsl-216-128-233-200.teton.id.tetontel.com] has joined #xubuntu
SharnAnyone run Xubuntu on a P2?10:02
graziedrx0drx: you setting up a mail server?10:02
drx0drxgrazie, no10:02
grumpymoleSharn: i am typing this on a Thinkpad 600e (PII 400)10:03
drx0drxso I ran ./configure on another program and it built without errors, but when I type make it says "make: *** No targes specified and no makefile found.  Stop."10:04
SharnHmmmm. Ok. I'm getting an old company laptop... all I know is it's gonna be a PII... Don't even know if it will be over 300Mhz. Any chance it could be upgraded to a 400?10:04
graziedrx0drx: you're in the wrong directory10:04
drx0drxgrazie, where am i supposed to be?10:05
graziedrx0drx: i'm not telepathic10:06
grumpymoleSharn: depends on the laptop, but it might be a lot of effort10:06
drx0drxgrazie, how do i go about finding it (the INSTALL file just says run make)10:06
SharnMeh. I've taken apart my fair share of computers.. I'm more concerned about bus speeds.10:06
graziedrx0drx: you could have unpacked the tar badly too10:07
drx0drxgrazie, i don't think so, because the ./configure worked and you just double click the file10:07
SharnAnd it's an "Ashton Digital", a much older one that you can't even find on the internet. :P10:08
SharnOh well. Thanks.10:08
=== Sharn is now known as sharn_Away
graziedrx0drx: the error tells you what's wrong..you have to look a bit10:09
=== sharn_Away is now known as Sharn_Away
drx0drxgrazie, what i typed is all it says10:09
grumpymoleSharn_Away: sorry, got distracted by my 3-year-old10:10
graziedrx0drx: did you double click on the package archive?10:12
drx0drxyes, and it said "unpacking package archive xyz"10:13
graziegrazie: then you've not unpacked it correctly10:13
graziedrx0drx: I thought someone gave you instructions for tar?10:14
drx0drxgrazie, it creates a folder called evolution-data-server-1.8.2 210:14
drx0drxthen I go there and type ./configure and it builds10:15
graziedrx0drx: you're not listening :(10:16
=== icheyne [n=iain@82-44-254-96.cable.ubr08.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #xubuntu
drx0drxgrazie, i found the problem, it actually fails and says "XML::Parser perl module is reuired for intltool"10:17
drx0drxgrazie, is there an option to have it go out and get these dependecies automatically?10:17
graziedrx0drx: yes, it's called apt-get :)10:24
Sharn_Awaydrx0drx: Just open synaptic and looks for the package...10:24
drx0drxgrazie, that's great for Ubuntu, but not for OS X10:24
psb154drxOdrx try an OSX irc channel for OSX questions.10:27
=== cyberyak [n=cyberyak@cpe-70-116-100-9.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu
cyberyakdoes xmms play the windows .asx playlist files?10:31
cyberyakor maybe the better question, "What do I need to install to play streaming music from an .asx file?"10:32
cyberyakas in http://zradio.org/rock-128s.asx10:32
drx0drxpsb154, I'm installing on both10:32
Sharn_Awaydrx0drx: Are the errors FROM Xubuntu? Or are your errors from OSX?10:33
drx0drxSharn_Away, both give me the same10:33
Sharn_AwayGet them working on Ubuntu, then go and find substitutes for OSX10:34
Sharn_AwayThere you go.10:35
Sharn_AwayThere's a download link to the right of This Release:10:35
graziecyberyak: you'd find it easier to play the real stream :(10:37
maxamillioncyberyak: you might just need some windows codecs .... http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Multimedia_Codecs10:41
cyberyakthanks!  I'll try that and see if I'm missing something.  that and VLC should probably get me there.10:45
cyberyakwell, back to work.10:47
cyberyakI found my RESUME!10:48
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=== rippawallet [n=ubuntu@82-32-33-117.cable.ubr05.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #xubuntu
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:27
=== rippawallet cries
rippawalletSharn_Away: lolsup11:28
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=== rippawallet [n=ubuntu@82-32-33-117.cable.ubr05.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #xubuntu
rippawalletcan i get some help with grub please11:39
rippawalletand dont do !grub11:39
rippawalletit didnt work11:39
rippawalletthe instructions didnt11:39
=== SJ8 [n=sjb@dslc-082-082-054-223.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #xubuntu
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:39
rippawalletfirst link is the best11:39
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arrenlexWhat are my options for getting a wireless configuration utility without installing 30-40 gnome or kde libs?11:43
Sharn_AwayOh, hey rippawallet.11:46
=== Sharn_Away is now known as Sharn
SharnJust got the coolest version of Windows. :P11:47
SharnThreePointOne. ^_^11:49
=== Sharn needs a floppy drive
SharnYeah. xD11:50
SharnMy mom's friend had the floppys layuing around. She gave them to me. ^_^11:51
grazieSharn: I hope she paid you too! :)11:52
rippawalletSharn: how old are you?11:53
arrenlexWe have windows 3.1 on our old computer.11:53
arrenlexIt dualboots winth w95.11:54
Sharn15. xD11:54
=== rippawallet is 13
SharnSweet. Good start on open-source software. :)11:54
=== Sharn reconfigures VMware since it's whining
SharnYeah. :)11:56
rippawalletVMware hates me11:56
=== michaelpo [n=presario@] has joined #xubuntu
michaelpoi've installed a few packages... now i can play dvd... but not vcd... did i miss out any packages?11:58
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rippawalletSharn: what distro you on?11:58
rippawalleti cant ctcp as im on the liveCD11:59
rippawallettrying to fix grub11:59
SharnOuch, what's the problem?12:01
SharnAnd I'm on Ubuntu... running xubuntu-desktop.12:02
rippawalletmany thingds12:02
PuMpErNiCkLemichaelpo: Which media player are you using?12:02
michaelpototem and mplayer12:02
PuMpErNiCkLetotem-xine or totem-gstreamer?12:03
SharnDid you ever back it up?12:03
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SharnOh Noes. I think the discs are bad. =\12:05
graziemichaelpo: easyubuntu is a good tool for adding codecs, etc and letting you know what's already installed12:06
grazie!easyubuntu | michaelpo12:07
ubotumichaelpo: easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu12:07
michaelpograzie: i dont remember how many.... i know libdvdcss, is there a libxine?12:07
PuMpErNiCkLeYeah.  There's libxine and libxine-extracodecs.12:08
PuMpErNiCkLeThose two should let you play vcds in totem, assuming you're running totem-xine.12:08
michaelpoPuMpErNiCkLe: yes i checked my synaptic... yes i have both libxine and extracodecs...12:09
PuMpErNiCkLeBut are you using totem-xine?12:10
michaelpoi'm using libxine12:11
michaelpoi searched for vcd in synaptic... i dont have vlc installed... does that play vcd?12:11
michaelpototem and mplayer dont support vcd?12:11
PuMpErNiCkLeHaving libxine installed doesn't necessarily mean you're using it.  Totem can use either gstreamer or xine, depending on whether you have totem-gstreamer or totem-xine installed.12:12
michaelpowhich plays vcd? gstreamer or xine?12:13
michaelpowhy in synaptics, some packages has the ubuntu logo, some does not?12:14
michaelpoin the 2nd column12:15
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michaelpothanks... i gtg get ready for work in 20 mins... thanks...12:21

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