tuxdevil | hallo all, hab da ma ne frage | 12:15 |
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Dr_willis | Soup De Joure, :) | 12:15 |
epimeth | hot or cold, yes we only live to serve! | 12:15 |
Dr_willis | My sister married a French Chef | 12:15 |
tuxdevil | hello all i have asks between napster | 12:16 |
epimeth | so he made the cake? | 12:16 |
epimeth | :-p | 12:16 |
Dr_willis | Yes - he made his own wedding cake. | 12:16 |
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Dr_willis | Strawberry with Peach Schnnaps in the iceing.. | 12:16 |
Dr_willis | dang thing was almost flameable. | 12:16 |
epimeth | I was talking about the one you just took out of the oven... but that works, too | 12:17 |
Dr_willis | I made that cake. :) | 12:17 |
solidsource | easy question: what would be the reasons to upgrade to feisty at the current time? | 12:17 |
Dr_willis | solidsource, no reason at all.. unless you want to test it out. | 12:17 |
epimeth | actually... I don't think peach schnapps has enough of an alcohol content to be flammable | 12:17 |
tuxdevil | ok great helpsee ya :-(( | 12:18 |
epimeth | tux: | 12:18 |
epimeth | what's the question? | 12:18 |
epimeth | right | 12:18 |
=== Dr_willis missed any question. | ||
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epimeth | we're better of w/o him, anyway | 12:18 |
epimeth | :-) | 12:18 |
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michaelpo | why in synaptics, some packages has the ubuntu logo in the 2nd column, some does not? | 12:19 |
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Dr_willis | ------> <tuxdevil> hello all i have asks between napster (That was a question?) | 12:19 |
juano__ | when will KDE 4 be available in the repos ? | 12:19 |
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epimeth | whats with the linux-restricted-modules and why is it being kept back? | 12:19 |
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Dr_willis | michaelpo, some may be from the official ubuntur repos? | 12:19 |
Dr_willis | juano__, when its done... :) | 12:20 |
Dr_willis | juano__, which looke like December... | 12:20 |
juano__ | Dr_willis: hehe ah ok | 12:20 |
michaelpo | thanks... i gtg get ready for work in 20 mins... thanks... | 12:21 |
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Dr_willis | i called in today.. :) | 12:23 |
Dr_willis | snow day! | 12:23 |
epimeth | besides beryl, is there any good reason to switch from dapper to edgy? | 12:24 |
epimeth | and again, whats with the linux-restricted-modules and why is it being kept back? | 12:25 |
epimeth | and what does /away do? | 12:25 |
epimeth | and did I mention I miss snow? | 12:26 |
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epimeth | more specifically, snow capped mountains that can be skied upon? | 12:26 |
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epimeth | doc? | 12:28 |
epimeth | brb... shutting down the laptop | 12:29 |
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epimeth | actually... I just took a peek at edgyknownproblems... no way I'm updating yet | 12:32 |
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epimeth | and I'm talking to myself... | 12:32 |
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BluesKaj | epimeth, what probs are you referring to ? | 12:35 |
epimeth | what made me decide "absolutely not" was that OpenOffice crashes in KDE when an image is selected | 12:36 |
epimeth | but that was just the proverbial icing on the cake | 12:36 |
epimeth | there seem to be more than enough excuses not to upgrade but only one that screams "DO IT NOW!!!" | 12:37 |
epimeth | beryl | 12:37 |
epimeth | oooohhhhh beryl | 12:37 |
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BluesKaj | bah humbug ..eyecandy | 12:38 |
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BluesKaj | want eye candy, get vista :) | 12:39 |
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unix_infidel | heh, even WHEN i run vista i'll probably be in windows classic mode :P | 12:39 |
hatta | when? you *are* an infidel | 12:41 |
unix_infidel | hatta: actually i run bsd and os x more than anything now a days. | 12:42 |
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Dr_willis | if installing Fiesty be VEVY VERY VERY carefull as to what drive you are installing to.. the new kernel/features made my IDE controller drives show up as "sda/sdb/sdc and so on" | 12:42 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | Can someone please help me with this webserver thingy | 12:42 |
unix_infidel | or rather bsd derivatives. | 12:42 |
Dr_willis | i almost installed to the wrong drive.. :) | 12:42 |
Dr_willis | which would of been a bummer. | 12:42 |
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epimeth | !lamp | 12:43 |
unix_infidel | Dr_willis: that's standard to the new kernel :) | 12:43 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 12:43 |
epimeth | Dummy: ^ | 12:43 |
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DummyThatKnowsNa | people keep saying that but it does not work | 12:43 |
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epimeth | whats the problem? | 12:43 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | everything | 12:43 |
Dr_willis | unix_infidel, but the non-ide controller drives showed up as hda . so im not sure what the deal is.. but then the live cd installer crashed.. so i gave up for now. | 12:43 |
epimeth | lol | 12:43 |
epimeth | okay... what have you done? | 12:43 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | I tried following this thing step by step and I am not using Dapper | 12:44 |
epimeth | is it just me, or does "Open" in KTorrent not work? | 12:44 |
epimeth | Dummy: what are you using? | 12:44 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | Kubuntu | 12:44 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | edgy | 12:44 |
epimeth | okay | 12:44 |
unix_infidel | Dr_willis: yea, i've been seeing lots of problems with anything dapper+ | 12:44 |
unix_infidel | so until they dramatically fix things with feisty...i'm sticking to dapper or using debian :) | 12:45 |
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Admiral_Chicago | i've never had a problem, but that's offtopic | 12:45 |
epimeth | Dummy: lets do this nice and slow | 12:45 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | ok | 12:45 |
om3ga | im on 6.10 now seems ok | 12:45 |
epimeth | Dummy: do you want to install using the command line or Adept? | 12:46 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | I prefer the command line that way I can learn | 12:46 |
epimeth | good :-) | 12:46 |
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epimeth | so open a terminal window and type the following: | 12:46 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | ok | 12:47 |
epimeth | sudo apt-get install Apache2 | 12:47 |
Dr_willis | !find apache2 | 12:47 |
ubotu | Found: apache2, apache2-common, apache2-doc, apache2-mpm-perchild, apache2-mpm-prefork (and 52 others) | 12:47 |
epimeth | lol | 12:47 |
epimeth | sudo apt-get install apache2 | 12:47 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | ok it is already installed I guess | 12:47 |
epimeth | my bad :-p | 12:47 |
Dr_willis | yea - i think its case senestive. :) | 12:47 |
epimeth | now type the following: | 12:47 |
epimeth | sudo /etc/init.d/Apache2 restart | 12:48 |
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epimeth | this time I *know* its in caps! | 12:48 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | could not determine the servers fully qualified domain name | 12:48 |
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epimeth | hold up.. I'll install it on my system, too | 12:49 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | ok | 12:49 |
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epimeth | does it say "using for ServerName", too? | 12:53 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | yes | 12:53 |
epimeth | good | 12:53 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | and now my firefox does not open | 12:53 |
epimeth | open up your favorite web browser | 12:53 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | I tried | 12:53 |
epimeth | (I've always wanted to say that :-)) | 12:53 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | firefox will not open | 12:53 |
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epimeth | ah | 12:53 |
epimeth | so try konqueror | 12:54 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | nope | 12:54 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | it just closes out | 12:54 |
epimeth | that is...odd... to say the least | 12:54 |
epimeth | have you done an apt-get upgrade recently? | 12:54 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | yes | 12:54 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | just about an hour ago | 12:54 |
epimeth | try resetting your machine. I'll still be here | 12:55 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | It is on a machine right next to me so I will not be going anywhere | 12:55 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | lol | 12:55 |
epimeth | heh | 12:55 |
epimeth | that works too | 12:55 |
epimeth | so now I'll ask some general questions... | 12:55 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | ok | 12:55 |
epimeth | what do you want a web server for? | 12:55 |
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DummyThatKnowsNa | I want to run a website that I cannot put on my dedicated | 12:56 |
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epimeth | and you want people from outside of your network to be able to access it? | 12:56 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | see Windows Servers i can do like nothing | 12:56 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | yes exactly | 12:56 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | i already know that I will have to forward some ports | 12:57 |
epimeth | and you know how to configure your router properly? | 12:57 |
epimeth | oaky good | 12:57 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | :-) | 12:57 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | ok restarted | 12:57 |
epimeth | don't even bother signing in to X | 12:57 |
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DummyThatKnowsNa | oops | 12:57 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | too late | 12:57 |
epimeth | its okay if you did | 12:57 |
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DummyThatKnowsNa | ok | 12:58 |
epimeth | its just that if you want a machine to be a dedicated server you really shouldn't have x installed... waste of resources | 12:58 |
epimeth | but since its open we'll play with it anyway | 12:58 |
epimeth | open up FFox | 12:58 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | it is open | 12:58 |
epimeth | try "localhost" as the address | 12:58 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | ok I got apache2-default/ | 12:59 |
epimeth | sweet | 12:59 |
epimeth | so apache is working | 12:59 |
epimeth | open up a terminal | 12:59 |
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epimeth | type ifconfig | 12:59 |
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epimeth | what is the ip? | 12:59 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | | 01:00 |
epimeth | open up a browser on the other box and type in that ip as the address | 01:00 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | the box that I a mtalking to u on or the one I want working | 01:00 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | same thing | 01:01 |
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DummyThatKnowsNa | apache2-default/ | 01:01 |
goodseed | mwi kto po polsku ? | 01:01 |
epimeth | while you are at it, open up your router's configuration and give the box with apache a static ip (it should be in the DHCP settings... you'll need its MAC address) | 01:01 |
Dr_willis | !uuid | 01:01 |
ubotu | To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: blkid (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 01:01 |
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wwallace_lap | !uuid | 01:01 |
epimeth | so its working just fine | 01:01 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | umm | 01:01 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | wait | 01:01 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | do what | 01:01 |
epimeth | lol | 01:01 |
epimeth | okay | 01:01 |
epimeth | port forwarding works like so: | 01:02 |
archangel_ | shalom ya'll | 01:02 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | I can do that but i do not know | 01:02 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | the static ip thing | 01:02 |
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epimeth | the router recieves a request on (usually) port 80 | 01:02 |
epimeth | it then needs to move that request on to the box with apache | 01:02 |
epimeth | in order to do that it needs to know it's IP address | 01:02 |
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DummyThatKnowsNa | yea I forwarded that ip | 01:03 |
archangel_ | hey how hard is it to have my pc (used everyday) to be a server? | 01:03 |
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DummyThatKnowsNa | I was lost when u said static ip | 01:03 |
epimeth | unfortunatly the apache box does not have a static ip... it recieves a different address every certain amount of time | 01:03 |
archangel_ | recomended | 01:03 |
archangel_ | ? | 01:03 |
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epimeth | arch: shalom yourself | 01:04 |
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epimeth | arch: not suggested, but not hard | 01:04 |
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archangel_ | I can see our quite fluent | 01:04 |
epimeth | Dummy: the router assigns random ips to all of the hosts on the network | 01:04 |
archangel_ | hmmmm | 01:04 |
Dr_willis | !shell | 01:04 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 01:04 |
epimeth | you have to tell it to give that specific machine the same ip every time | 01:05 |
archangel_ | even if I dedicate a hard drive? | 01:05 |
epimeth | arch: ata tzochek alai, ah? | 01:05 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | ok now that is what I do not know how to do | 01:05 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | I already forwarded the port | 01:05 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | and I can see it with my external HDD | 01:05 |
archangel_ | epimeth: tov ma ode | 01:05 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | i mean ip I mean | 01:05 |
epimeth | go to the DHCP settings | 01:06 |
epimeth | there should be an option there for static addresses | 01:06 |
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epimeth | if you look at your ifconfig you will see an HWaddr | 01:06 |
epimeth | that is your MAC address | 01:06 |
archangel_ | I guess I will rent | 01:06 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | yes I see HW addr | 01:07 |
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epimeth | arch: ze lo kashur la hard drive.. ha meabed yaase yoter midai avoda | 01:07 |
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epimeth | arch: az ze lo mumlatz leharitz sharat al machshev ishi | 01:07 |
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epimeth | arch: ma leazazel ata ose er beshtaim baboker? | 01:08 |
epimeth | Dummy: did you find the DHCP settings? | 01:09 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | yea I know where those are but I cannot see where to set this pc to that specific IP | 01:09 |
epimeth | what company/model router do you have? | 01:09 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | I have Lynksys | 01:09 |
epimeth | model? | 01:10 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | WRT54g | 01:10 |
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archangel_ | raga echod | 01:10 |
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archangel_ | bevacasha | 01:10 |
epimeth | lol... thats my old router! | 01:10 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | lol | 01:10 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | cool | 01:10 |
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DummyThatKnowsNa | so we should be able to get this work easy then | 01:10 |
epimeth | yup | 01:10 |
archangel_ | (looking in Hebrew dictionary.......... not that fluent lol | 01:11 |
juano | how do i transfer a downloading torrent from one client to the other not having to start the download from 0% again ? | 01:11 |
juano | e.g i want to transfer a torrent downloading from Ktorrent to azureus | 01:11 |
manchicken__ | Tonio_: It seems like not all power-management stuff is quite right. | 01:12 |
HymnToLife | juano, just start the download in Azureus | 01:13 |
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HymnToLife | it should detect the already downloaded part | 01:13 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | epimeth? | 01:13 |
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vegas | how's it going | 01:14 |
Tonio_ | manchicken you mean ? | 01:14 |
juano | HymnToLife: ok, cause i tried coping the whole contents of the folder with the downloaded part to another folder , then tried opening it with Azureus and it didnt work | 01:14 |
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Tonio_ | manchicken I heard about a cpu/memory usage bug | 01:14 |
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Tonio_ | I don't have a laptop at the moment so I can't reproduce | 01:14 |
manchicken | Tonio_: Resuming from suspend isn't working. | 01:15 |
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epimeth | Dummy: sorry... was away for a sec | 01:15 |
Tonio_ | manchicken depends on the computer | 01:15 |
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Tonio_ | depends on the acpi drivers | 01:15 |
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vegas | ok, sorry forthe noob question, but how do i mount a folder that's shared on my network? | 01:15 |
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Tonio_ | nothing to do with the app, which just initiates the suspend | 01:15 |
HymnToLife | vegas, what kind of "shared" ? | 01:15 |
manchicken | Tonio_: In #kd there seems to be someone who can reproduce... | 01:15 |
vegas | windows shared | 01:15 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | epimeth: no problem | 01:15 |
Tonio_ | manchicken of course, someone with the same laptop ;) | 01:15 |
Tonio_ | manchicken there is no perfect solution for acpi support and laptop | 01:16 |
juano | vegas: you use Samba | 01:16 |
HymnToLife | ubotu, tell vegas about samba | vegas, see the private message from ubotu. | 01:16 |
epimeth | Dummy: go to the DHCP tab | 01:16 |
Tonio_ | you have powersave and acpi-support | 01:16 |
Admiral_Chicago | btw, Tonio_ i don't remember if you answered my question. should i keep your repo in my sources? | 01:16 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | ok I am there | 01:16 |
Tonio_ | the most compatible is acpi-support, which we use, but that's very far from perfect | 01:16 |
manchicken | It worked in edgy, and it's not working in feisty... | 01:17 |
Tonio_ | Admiral_Chicago: you can remove it, the debs will be overwritten by the official ones when I upload (thursday) | 01:17 |
manchicken | I wonder if there's some support that we're not covering now that we had before. | 01:17 |
Admiral_Chicago | Tonio_: okay, cool | 01:17 |
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Tonio_ | manchicken I'd say kernel regression | 01:17 |
Tonio_ | manchicken if a printer isn't compatible, that doesn't mean kdeprint is buggy right ? ;) | 01:17 |
Tonio_ | same problem with acpi in fact | 01:17 |
Tonio_ | nothing to do with powermanager | 01:17 |
manchicken | True. | 01:18 |
manchicken | Is this configurable in the kernel? | 01:18 |
Tonio_ | manchicken the best solution for those who have issues is to try kpowersave, which uses another acpi management backend | 01:18 |
Tonio_ | sometimes it works better on some configs | 01:18 |
Tonio_ | manchicken not really, just depends on the kernel options, but everything related to acpi is activated | 01:19 |
LeeJunFan | wth - I just noticed an ssh key in .ssh/known_hosts for freenode, don't know how the hell that got ther.e | 01:19 |
vegas | ok, is there a way to make it so that playlists work? i'm trying to play some music off of this share, and when i run an m3u it says that all of the files aren't found locally | 01:19 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | epimeth: Ok I did that already | 01:19 |
epimeth | Dummy: hold up... I'm reading the manual | 01:19 |
manchicken | Let me try with kpowermanagement. | 01:19 |
Tonio_ | manchicken if that doesn't work, it just means the driver has a bug, no way to fix | 01:19 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | I set it as static already | 01:19 |
=== juano badly needs more peers | ||
manchicken | kpowersave doesn't like me. | 01:19 |
epimeth | Dummy: just the specific box, right? | 01:19 |
Tonio_ | manchicken ca also be a problem with acpi-support scripts, right, but that's a nightmare to fix.... testing kpowersave is probably the best option in case you have a problem | 01:20 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | yes | 01:20 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | I set just that ip to static | 01:20 |
=== scuttles [n=bram@cpc1-leed8-0-0-cust527.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
epimeth | just so I'm clear that you did it correctly... what, exactly, did you do? | 01:20 |
manchicken | Tonio_: kpowersave is complaining about DBUS now. | 01:20 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | I set it in the setup as the ip that gets static...lol | 01:20 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | umm | 01:20 |
manchicken | Saying I'm not permitted to connect to the DBUS server. | 01:20 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | all I did was type the ip of that pc in the spot | 01:21 |
Tonio_ | manchicken hum that possible, requires rebuild ? | 01:21 |
Tonio_ | manchicken what is the error message ? | 01:21 |
=== binks_ [n=binks@82-38-226-77.cable.ubr03.wake.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
manchicken | "You are not permitted to connect to the powersave daemon via DBUS. Please check your DBUS configuration and installation." | 01:21 |
Tonio_ | manchicken look on -devel for crimsun tip | 01:22 |
trav_ | hey all | 01:22 |
trav_ | back | 01:22 |
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epimeth | Dummy: so you didn't do the right thing. | 01:22 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | ok | 01:23 |
epimeth | that pc is set for retrieving its address from the DHCP server | 01:23 |
=== diego_ [n=diego@140.Red-213-96-102.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
diego_ | hola | 01:23 |
diego_ | soy ovato | 01:23 |
diego_ | novato | 01:23 |
diego_ | pero novatisimo | 01:24 |
trav_ | trying to get ubuntu desktop and i get back from just letting it sit and it says the the following: | 01:24 |
epimeth | arch: didn't know you weren't fluent... sorry... | 01:24 |
diego_ | alguien sabria decirme como configuro el apt-get | 01:24 |
epimeth | arch: basically, you don't want a desktop pc as a server because you are using it and that takes away cpu resuorces | 01:25 |
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trav_ | failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/e/evolution/evolution_2.8.1-0ubuntu4_i386.deb | 01:25 |
trav_ | connection timed out[IP: 80] E: unable to fetc some archives, maybe run apt-et update or try with -- fix missing? | 01:26 |
=== ubuntu__ [n=ubuntu@modemcable088.95-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
archangel_ | anyone know the cheapest place to rent a small plot on a server? | 01:27 |
vegas | archangel_: , how small? | 01:27 |
archangel_ | 10 gig | 01:28 |
archangel_ | at the most | 01:28 |
vegas | hm | 01:28 |
vegas | what kind of speed do you need? | 01:28 |
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vegas | like how much bandwidth are you going to be putting through? | 01:28 |
archangel_ | epimeth: its ok, I am ashamed that I am not | 01:28 |
LeeJunFan | trav_: something is apparently wrong with your connection, I can get to that repository and browse around fine. | 01:28 |
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LeeJunFan | trav_: by IP of course. | 01:28 |
archangel_ | not much right now | 01:29 |
epimeth | arch: I just took you for a native israeli since you said shalom when you got in... nothing to be ashamed of :-) | 01:29 |
vegas | archangel_: , www.dpphosting.com/reseller.php | 01:29 |
vegas | fairly cheap | 01:29 |
trav_ | huh | 01:29 |
archangel_ | I sell pcs and parts on the side, and its picking up. So I thought I would try a net store and see what happends | 01:30 |
trav_ | ok so now...what do i have to do? | 01:30 |
=== ubuntu__ [n=ubuntu@adsl-69-235-80-105.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
LeeJunFan | trav_: open a browser and try downloading from this link: | 01:30 |
archangel_ | vegas: " unknown host" | 01:30 |
vegas | i have a friend whose prices are pretty damn good if you want him to help design it as well | 01:30 |
trav_ | ok as in konqueror? | 01:30 |
vegas | hm...i might have misspelled it | 01:30 |
trav_ | thats what i have now | 01:31 |
LeeJunFan | trav_: yeah. | 01:31 |
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vegas | oops | 01:31 |
david_ | join kubuntu-es | 01:31 |
vegas | sorry | 01:31 |
vegas | www.ddphosting.com/reseller.php | 01:31 |
vegas | see...misspelled it | 01:31 |
david_ | argh | 01:31 |
david_ | sorry | 01:31 |
david_ | #kubunto-es | 01:31 |
archangel_ | actually I've always done mine, but it wont hurt to have another connect in case I cant | 01:32 |
david_ | #kubuntu-es | 01:32 |
trav_ | LeeJunFan: its downloading at the moment | 01:32 |
david_ | how join to kubuntu-es? | 01:32 |
vegas | his screenname's draftzgod on aim | 01:32 |
LeeJunFan | trav_: well, that's odd that apt couldn't get it. | 01:32 |
archangel_ | ahh, good | 01:32 |
trav_ | now how do i use the ubunto desktop instead of kde? | 01:32 |
trav_ | I think the connection might have timed out | 01:32 |
david_ | #kubuntu-es | 01:33 |
archangel_ | wow | 01:33 |
david_ | hey help me please | 01:33 |
david_ | how join to kubuntu-es channel? | 01:33 |
LeeJunFan | trav_: well, to do that you need to successfully finish 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' | 01:33 |
david_ | i spanish | 01:33 |
LeeJunFan | trav_: downloading evolution was more of a test. | 01:34 |
trav_ | oh | 01:34 |
trav_ | ok | 01:34 |
david_ | join #kubuntu-es | 01:34 |
LeeJunFan | /join #kubuntu-es | 01:34 |
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LeeJunFan | !es | 01:34 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 01:34 |
trav_ | now its downloaded its showing in konqueror three files control.tar.gz data.tar.gz debian-binary | 01:35 |
trav_ | what do i do know> | 01:35 |
LeeJunFan | trav_: just close/cancel that. It's apt you need to work with. | 01:35 |
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trav_ | ok | 01:35 |
trav_ | do i need to type sudoapt-get install ubuntu-desktop again? | 01:36 |
LeeJunFan | trav_: yeah. | 01:36 |
trav_ | would that start the entire thing over again? | 01:36 |
LeeJunFan | trav_: no, it won't download what has already been downloaded. | 01:36 |
LeeJunFan | Those files you download with apt are stored in a temp dir until you run 'sudo apt-get clean' | 01:36 |
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trav_ | hey im at some sort of configuring gdm | 01:37 |
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archangel_ | vegas:https://www.godaddy.com/gdshop/hosting/shared.asp?app%5Fhdr=&ci=5652 | 01:38 |
archangel_ | I guess I cant beat those prices | 01:38 |
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trav_ | im at configuring gdm, and its saying that im to select which display manager should run by deflaut | 01:41 |
trav_ | how do i do this? | 01:41 |
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trav_ | nvm | 01:42 |
=== nomad111 [n=prodigy@c58-107-132-250.rivrw8.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nomad111 | hey all just installed edgy | 01:43 |
trav_ | cool | 01:43 |
nomad111 | wat do i need for mp3 playback | 01:43 |
nomad111 | do i need all the gstreamer stuff | 01:43 |
nomad111 | under kubuntu | 01:43 |
nomad111 | !mp3 | 01:43 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 01:43 |
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vegas | i just tried to edit my /etc/fstab file, but when trying to save it won't let me | 01:46 |
vegas | any suggestions? | 01:46 |
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nomad111 | wat command did u use | 01:46 |
nomad111 | to open for editing | 01:46 |
vegas | error message was this: | 01:46 |
vegas | The document could not be saved, as it was not possible to write to file:///etc/fstab. | 01:46 |
vegas | Check that you have write access to this file or that enough disk space is available. | 01:46 |
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nomad111 | ye | 01:47 |
vegas | i opened it with kate | 01:47 |
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matt0507 | hi, i used to have my paritioned auto mounted in /media/sda2/ everytime i kubuntu, but now when i click on sda2 folder there are no files, how do mount my partition again? | 01:47 |
nomad111 | sudo kate /etc/fstab | 01:47 |
nomad111 | use that | 01:47 |
vegas | gave me the error cannot connect to x server | 01:48 |
Jucato | !kdesu | 01:48 |
ubotu | In KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo | 01:48 |
=== Biovore [n=kvirc@c-69-143-224-204.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
trav_ | !gksudo | 01:49 |
ubotu | If you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using sudo <GUI-application> | 01:49 |
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Biovore | well on kde use kdesu | 01:49 |
trav_ | i was looking at GNOME | 01:49 |
nomad111 | there u have it | 01:49 |
=== Biovore points at topic | ||
nomad111 | can any1 tell me if the gstreamer packages need to be installed in kubuntu | 01:50 |
nomad111 | for restricted formats | 01:50 |
Biovore | nomad111: depends on what your doing... | 01:50 |
Jucato | nomad111: not necessarily | 01:50 |
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nomad111 | i need mp3 playback | 01:51 |
=== Aattila [n=attila@fw.rajk.uni-corvinus.hu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jucato | libxine-extracodecs takes care of that | 01:51 |
Biovore | nomad111: you need xine-lib-extras | 01:51 |
cgeo | how can i send messaging in a linux box located in the same LAN using console??? | 01:51 |
nomad111 | yep it works just had restart amarok | 01:51 |
nomad111 | foolish me | 01:51 |
epimeth | !pastebin | 01:51 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:51 |
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Biovore | cgeo: ytalk.. but the box on the other system has to have it running... | 01:52 |
Admiral_Chicago | cgeo: you want the 'wall' command | 01:52 |
Admiral_Chicago | or 'talk' | 01:52 |
trav_ | hey my konsole says setting up ubuntu-desktop(1.30) setting up brltty-x11(3.7.2-3.lubuntu3) | 01:52 |
Biovore | (hes talking about over a network betweeen linux boxes) | 01:52 |
trav_ | what does this mean | 01:53 |
Biovore | I think brltty is a bralle intranslator terminal.... | 01:53 |
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trav_ | ok | 01:53 |
trav_ | how long should this set up take? | 01:54 |
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cgeo | Admiral_Chicago:i think wall is for multiple users using the same operating system right?? i want to send messagines in another linux box | 01:54 |
Aattila | Does anybody know how could I use my .iso files without burning these to disk? | 01:54 |
archangel_ | use? | 01:54 |
Biovore | Aattila: mkdir tmp && mount -o loop filename.iso tmp/ | 01:54 |
nomad111 | can upgrade to kubuntu 7.04 when it comes out or do i have to do a clean install | 01:54 |
Biovore | (might need to be root) | 01:54 |
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Aattila | Biovore: thanks | 01:55 |
Admiral_Chicago | cgeo: not sure really. man talk? | 01:55 |
Biovore | nomad111: your suppose to be able to do a dist-upgrade.. but it can be tricky sometimes.. | 01:55 |
cgeo | Admiral_Chicago:yes pretty sure :) | 01:56 |
nomad111 | Biovore: i dont like the fact that every 6 months there is a new os | 01:56 |
nomad111 | Biovore: how am i meant to catch up | 01:56 |
Admiral_Chicago | well you know what, i'm going to bust out my Unix book and read up on commands. bbl all | 01:57 |
=== mem_ [n=mem@c58-107-18-148.belrs2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
trav_ | anyone know of a site for documentation? | 01:57 |
mem_ | !sound | 01:57 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 01:57 |
archangel_ | John Ashcroft was singing at my church | 01:58 |
archangel_ | didnt know he sang | 01:58 |
Biovore | nomad111: apt-distupgrade is suppose to do it.. | 01:59 |
trav_ | hey how do i know if that apt-get install ubuntu-desktop is done? | 01:59 |
Admiral_Chicago | sudo apt-get dist-upgrade is the command | 01:59 |
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Biovore | trav_: you'll get a prompted back.. ? | 01:59 |
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trav_ | i still got that setting up brltty-x11 that i mentioned earlier | 02:02 |
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trav_ | so is kontact better or evolution? | 02:02 |
Admiral_Chicago | trav_: kmail. | 02:02 |
Biovore | kontact is a total suite for PIM | 02:02 |
trav_ | so kontact/dke? | 02:03 |
Biovore | kmail is the email client | 02:03 |
trav_ | do these email clients work with yahoo> | 02:03 |
trav_ | > | 02:03 |
trav_ | ? | 02:03 |
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Biovore | they do POP POPS IMAP IMAPS for sure.. | 02:03 |
trav_ | ok | 02:03 |
trav_ | so...yes? | 02:03 |
Admiral_Chicago | trav_: yahoo doesn't allow pop | 02:03 |
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Biovore | just like thunderbird | 02:03 |
trav_ | oh | 02:03 |
trav_ | so no? | 02:03 |
nomad111 | !samba | 02:03 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 02:03 |
Jucato | Admiral_Chicago: free Yahoo Mail doesn't. but the paid one has POP3, afaik | 02:04 |
trav_ | well i got free, so i guess that puts paid to that | 02:04 |
Jucato | Admiral_Chicago: btw, you should get your cloak and shiny new e-mail addy :) | 02:04 |
trav_ | ? | 02:04 |
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trav_ | whats that mean? | 02:04 |
Admiral_Chicago | Jucato: waiting on Dennis | 02:04 |
Biovore | trav_: gmail dose have pop access and works with most email clients :-P | 02:05 |
Admiral_Chicago | trav_: you have to use a web browser to check your mail is what that means | 02:05 |
cgeo | Admiral_Chicago: Talk does the job after all. Thanx | 02:05 |
trav_ | well i have that, but that was before i applied to college(which i got a new email) | 02:05 |
Admiral_Chicago | cgeo: cool, np | 02:05 |
trav_ | oh i don't mind using browser to check | 02:05 |
Jucato | Admiral_Chicago: you already joined the ubuntu members LP team? | 02:06 |
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Admiral_Chicago | Jucato: yep. I got approved earlier today. I still need Dennis to approve the cloak approval, and I'm sure it'll be freddymartinez9@ubuntu.com soon | 02:06 |
Jucato | kool :) | 02:07 |
trav_ | hey what was that admiral about a cloak? | 02:07 |
Admiral_Chicago | trav_: ubuntu members get cloaks so a /whois Jucato says: | 02:07 |
Admiral_Chicago | "Jucato [n=jucato@ubuntu/member/Jucato" | 02:08 |
trav_ | hey how can i see if this update in the shell is done | 02:08 |
trav_ | oh | 02:08 |
Admiral_Chicago | trav_: which update? | 02:08 |
trav_ | -- the Ubuntu desktop it says setting up brltty-x11 and its been like that for 5 min probably ------anyone still on from when i was trying to get my wireless up | 02:09 |
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trav_ | my wireless card doesn't appear in network settings | 02:09 |
Admiral_Chicago | hmm, maybe try CTRL + C and try again | 02:10 |
trav_ | so wait- is it stuck? | 02:10 |
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trav_ | i don't really want to download anything again take up more space | 02:10 |
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Admiral_Chicago | trav_: won't be downloading anything extra | 02:11 |
trav_ | which really is causing me to wonder why im downloading the ubuntu stuff in the first place, if kontact and what not is better.... | 02:11 |
trav_ | thoughts anyone? | 02:11 |
Biovore | trav_: press ctrl-c to kill it.. | 02:11 |
Biovore | trav_: then try a apt-get install -f | 02:11 |
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Biovore | trav_: pop open a terminal and type iwconfig | 02:11 |
trav_ | sure | 02:11 |
Biovore | trav_: and what wireless care you have? | 02:12 |
trav_ | a just a sec | 02:12 |
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mart81 | someone knows where kopete stores it's account information? I need to get around a usability bug. | 02:13 |
TheDebugger | KWallet? | 02:13 |
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Admiral_Chicago | Kwalletmanager iirc. but yes TheDebugger is corret afaik | 02:14 |
=== hassanm [n=hassanm@CPE000874a15697-CM0011aea4b880.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
trav_ | crap, whats the command to find wireless card? | 02:14 |
mart81 | TheDebugger: nope, i started with creating a winpop account, got a popup whether i wanted to created a folder, said no and cancled all. But now i get a popup that i do not have samba running every minute.(!) | 02:14 |
Biovore | trav_: iwconfig | 02:15 |
Biovore | trav_: lspci | 02:15 |
hassanm | \j | 02:15 |
trav_ | thanks | 02:15 |
hassanm | Hello eveyone | 02:16 |
trav_ | i got the iwconfig | 02:16 |
hassanm | #ubuntu | 02:16 |
Dr_willis | 0_o | 02:16 |
underdog5004 | hey trav_ , any luck? | 02:16 |
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trav_ | here it is biovore: intel pro/wireless 3945 ABG network connection | 02:17 |
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trav_ | yeah man im just slow, still trying to remember which commands do what | 02:17 |
Biovore | trav_: same one I got :-P | 02:17 |
trav_ | ace | 02:17 |
Biovore | works great here | 02:17 |
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underdog5004 | trav_, cool | 02:17 |
Biovore | I don't remember if the OS worked it out of the box or not.. | 02:17 |
trav_ | and while we're on wireless: do you happen to have an HP all in one 2710 wireless printer? :) | 02:17 |
civixier | hi all. I want to install kubuntu on my 512 mb USB flash drive. Is this possible? | 02:18 |
trav_ | ahh hah | 02:18 |
trav_ | gangs all here now | 02:18 |
Biovore | civixier: yes | 02:18 |
Biovore | I have install kubuntu on usb external HDs before.. | 02:18 |
Biovore | the bios just have to beable to boot it.. | 02:18 |
Dr_willis | 512mb may be a little small | 02:18 |
Biovore | ^ probably true.. | 02:18 |
underdog5004 | yeah, you need at least 3 gigs | 02:18 |
mart81 | oh, nevermind, restarting the app seems to have fixed this. Still is a usability bug IMO. | 02:19 |
trav_ | biovore: My printer is wireless and I don't know what to do to run it, i was googling and found some sort of linux hp driver deal and my printer was listed as supported, just don't know how i would get about it working | 02:19 |
civixier | that's too bad... then I'll go buy a 3gb flash drive instead. Thanks anyways :) | 02:19 |
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Dr_willis | there are other disrtos taht work on 512mb or less | 02:20 |
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Admiral_Chicago | DSL is one | 02:20 |
pfein | how do I get tomboy to use Konqueror instead of Firefox? | 02:20 |
Dr_willis | puppy linux, DSL, slax are others | 02:21 |
Minataku | DSL is wonderful | 02:21 |
Jucato | Kubuntu works fine with 256, works nice with 512MB | 02:21 |
Admiral_Chicago | pfein: that's a GNOME app, not sure if you can | 02:21 |
trav_ | firefox keeps closing when i try to go to yahoo | 02:21 |
Admiral_Chicago | Jucato: on a 512 Mb flash drive? | 02:21 |
pfein | Admiral_Chicago: I just want to tell it to use a different default browser. | 02:21 |
Admiral_Chicago | :O | 02:21 |
pfein | KDE'll use Firefox just fine.... | 02:21 |
aseigo | pfein: there's a setting in gconf for that iirc | 02:21 |
Admiral_Chicago | ~/.gconf iirc as well | 02:22 |
trav_ | biovore: what do i have to do now? | 02:22 |
Jucato | Admiral_Chicago: lol sorry | 02:22 |
Minataku | DSL is 50MB on disk, runs excellently in 80MB of RAM on a 166MHz Pentium 1 + MMX | 02:22 |
Jucato | I thought RAM bwahaha | 02:22 |
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aseigo | pfein: http://lists.ximian.com/pipermail/users/2004-September/014087.html | 02:22 |
aseigo | pfein: that might work stil =) | 02:22 |
Jucato | aseigo!!!! :) | 02:22 |
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aseigo | ah, the simple desktop | 02:22 |
civixier | thx, I'll try one of them :D | 02:22 |
Jucato | Hobbsee!!! :) | 02:23 |
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trav_ | biovore: do you know what i should do? | 02:24 |
Hobbsee | hey Jucato! | 02:24 |
HymnToLife | Minataku, DSL runs very well on 16 MB of RAM and 90 MHz :) | 02:24 |
Minataku | HymnToLife: 16MB? Now that I can't believe | 02:25 |
Minataku | Is that with X11 or without? | 02:25 |
HymnToLife | without | 02:25 |
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Minataku | See? There's the scam | 02:25 |
Minataku | lol | 02:25 |
HymnToLife | it runs acceptably with, too | 02:25 |
HymnToLife | with openbox as WM | 02:25 |
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Minataku | I'd test it on Minataku (75MHz Pentium 1 M, 8MB RAM) but he has no CD-ROM drive | 02:26 |
Minataku | Mahoro is the slightly more advanced one | 02:26 |
Minataku | lol | 02:26 |
stodge | Hi folks - I'm trying to reinstall grub. I installed Kubuntu a while ago, then a few months later installed WinXP, which wiped out my MBR. I booted into the LiveCD, but I'm not sure how to re-install grub on my disk. Any suggstions appreciated. | 02:27 |
Jucato | !grub | stodge | 02:27 |
ubotu | stodge: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 02:27 |
civixier | uhm... just one more thing... about DSL... I've got a wireless router with WPA-security... Is that an obstacle? | 02:27 |
trav_ | .....hello...can someone help with why my wireless card isn't showing up in network systems? | 02:28 |
ubuntu__ | gggg | 02:28 |
Dr_willis | hhhh | 02:28 |
ubuntu__ | hola | 02:29 |
trav_ | well someone was helping, but im lost again | 02:30 |
trav_ | the good thing is im on the wireless | 02:30 |
stodge | Thanks! | 02:30 |
Biovore | trav_: I guess that means you figured out the wireless :-P | 02:30 |
trav_ | sort of | 02:31 |
underdog5004 | trav_, can I help at all? | 02:31 |
trav_ | here is another thing then: my router has an WEP key which i know but i don't know if i enter it under network systems or under knetworkmanager | 02:31 |
trav_ | yeah | 02:31 |
pfein | aseigo: hmm... Isn't this what /etc/alternatives is for? | 02:31 |
trav_ | possilby help me puzzle this out | 02:31 |
Biovore | trav_: standard 64bit wep? | 02:32 |
trav_ | idk | 02:32 |
underdog5004 | trav_, uh...I've used WEP before on linux...but it was kinda sketchy | 02:32 |
trav_ | my dads friend did all the network setting up | 02:32 |
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trav_ | i really want to stop usign my mates router, and use my own | 02:32 |
Biovore | trav_: you can specify it using iwconfig.. (iwconfig is the wireless controll system on the CLI) | 02:32 |
underdog5004 | lol, go for it...you've got one for yourself? | 02:33 |
trav_ | he said it was alright to use it, but i don't really want to ear out teh welcome | 02:33 |
Biovore | trav_: man iwconfig | 02:33 |
trav_ | well not my own | 02:33 |
trav_ | the router for the house | 02:33 |
fignew | can anyone help me with audio... I disabled ARTSd from the KDE control panel, and I tried to use the ALSA output drivers (in xine) but those failed to initialize... OSS works fine however (it's limited to one sound source though) | 02:33 |
trav_ | biovore: do i type man iwconfig in the konsole? | 02:33 |
trav_ | or just iwconfig? | 02:33 |
Biovore | fignew: dose it fail with something like "Can't open /dev/dsp" when running alsa only? | 02:34 |
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Biovore | trav_: yes.. open konsole and type man iwconfig | 02:34 |
Biovore | trav_: press Q to exit it.. | 02:34 |
trav_ | ok | 02:35 |
fignew | no mention of /dev/dsp | 02:35 |
trav_ | should i open a new console? | 02:35 |
fignew | (I am in the audio group BTW) | 02:35 |
trav_ | or just type it in shell one or 2? | 02:35 |
Biovore | fignew: you get any sound at all? | 02:36 |
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Biovore | fignew: in alsa? | 02:36 |
fignew | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5659/ <-- exact error message | 02:36 |
Biovore | trav_: dosn't mater.. any where you got a bash prompt | 02:36 |
fignew | just in ALSA, OSS Xine output works fine | 02:36 |
trav_ | ok | 02:36 |
fignew | I can get sound using OSS or ARTSd (If it's enabled) | 02:37 |
trav_ | ok typed that in, what am i looking for? | 02:37 |
Biovore | fignew: intressting bug you got there... | 02:37 |
fignew | yea :/ | 02:37 |
Biovore | fignew: I wonder if alsa's setup is messed up somehow.. what sound card you got? | 02:38 |
trav_ | underdog: think this could help with my printer issue?": http://hplip.sourceforge.net/supported_devices/inkjet_aio.html | 02:38 |
trav_ | ive an HP photosmart 2710 wireless all in one | 02:38 |
Biovore | trav_: thats probably in cups.. | 02:39 |
Biovore | is the wireless wifi (has a IP on a network) or bluetooth? | 02:39 |
trav_ | i wan to say wifi | 02:39 |
Biovore | trav_: then treat it as a network printer in cups | 02:39 |
Dr_willis | if you can ping it. :) | 02:39 |
trav_ | cos no one uses bluetooth here(at least for printers) | 02:39 |
trav_ | ok | 02:39 |
trav_ | install that hplip? | 02:40 |
Dr_willis | i found the gnome cups interface a little easier to set up a printer in.. the kde interface is a bit.. overwhelming | 02:40 |
fignew | Biovore: 00:0a.0 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies Inc. VT1720/24 [Envy24PT/HT] PCI Multi-Channel Audio Controller (rev 01) | 02:40 |
trav_ | well im running kde? | 02:40 |
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Biovore | trav_: hplip is for HP PSC printers I think.. | 02:40 |
fignew | M-audio brand 7.1 card | 02:40 |
trav_ | well i saw photosmart 2710 on the list somewhere | 02:40 |
Biovore | fignew: hmm.. that care should work fine.. | 02:41 |
Mena | Is there a program like IDM but stay away from kget | 02:41 |
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bdnp | happy valentin's day everybody | 02:41 |
Mena | bdnp, happy valentin | 02:41 |
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Mena | any idea | 02:42 |
bdnp | about what Mena | 02:42 |
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trav_ | so whats up | 02:42 |
trav_ | ok so... | 02:42 |
Mena | a program like IDM | 02:42 |
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trav_ | any luck? | 02:42 |
Mena | but not kget | 02:43 |
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bdnp | dunno Mena | 02:43 |
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Mena | bdnp,ok :) | 02:43 |
bdnp | what kind of program is idm | 02:43 |
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beg1689 | can someone help me please? i cant get this dam wireless to work | 02:44 |
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Mena | its internet dowenload manager its name is that its so popular for XP | 02:44 |
beg1689 | and its not a driver problem | 02:44 |
beg1689 | i can scan for networks with wlassistant | 02:44 |
beg1689 | and it even shows whether they are encrypted or not | 02:45 |
beg1689 | but i cant connect | 02:45 |
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Biovore | beg1689: connecting to a encrypted network? | 02:45 |
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beg1689 | my home network yes, its jsut WEP | 02:45 |
beg1689 | i put the code in | 02:45 |
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beg1689 | heres my result from trying to connect with wlassistant, the only error it logs is something about a ping: http://rafb.net/p/ni0DAp19.html | 02:46 |
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johanez | hey | 02:46 |
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ComPro | hey everyone...i'm trying to get synergy to start up before a user logs in to the machine. how would i go about doing that? running kubuntu edgy | 02:47 |
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beg1689 | i can try disabling the WEP to narrow it down but i dont think it is | 02:47 |
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hellcattrav | ok im back | 02:47 |
Biovore | ComPro: look at /etc/init.d/ | 02:47 |
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Staren | Hello! | 02:48 |
hellcattrav | Biovore: i typed in iwconfig in my konsole | 02:48 |
bdnp | oke and kget is not good Mena | 02:48 |
hellcattrav | my wireless card is an i3945 | 02:48 |
beg1689 | ipw3945 | 02:48 |
hellcattrav | broadcom intel pro wireless | 02:48 |
Jucato | kget is good. it's a download *manager* not a download *accelerator* | 02:48 |
Biovore | ipw3945 isn't broadcom.. its intell | 02:48 |
Staren | The HDD transfer worked, so now I'm ready to actually install Kubuntu. I've never made a dual-boot system before, so I just want to make sure -- I make a second primary partition, not an extended one, right? | 02:48 |
beg1689 | thats my card | 02:48 |
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hellcattrav | sorrty | 02:48 |
Biovore | hellcattrav: dose it work? | 02:49 |
beg1689 | sure it does | 02:49 |
Staren | I'm using the kubuntu livecd's install program. | 02:49 |
beg1689 | mine *did* work | 02:49 |
hellcattrav | i assume so- unless theres a way wirelessly on the net | 02:49 |
hellcattrav | ? | 02:49 |
hellcattrav | but the card doesn't show in network settings | 02:49 |
hellcattrav | i just have eth0 and eth1 | 02:49 |
beg1689 | eth1 is it for me | 02:49 |
Biovore | hellcattrav: yeah its probably eth1 | 02:49 |
Biovore | hellcattrav: use iwconfig eth1 to see the wireless settings | 02:50 |
hellcattrav | eth1 also has an ip | 02:50 |
Biovore | hellcattrav: yeah.. one is your wired and the other is your wifi | 02:50 |
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beg1689 | Biovore.. how would i go about switching to a wireless connection, assuming everything is as it should be | 02:50 |
hellcattrav | ok | 02:50 |
hellcattrav | so eht1 is wifi | 02:50 |
Mena | bdnp , no i dont like it so musch | 02:51 |
Biovore | hellcattrav: to see what its doing check your route (route -n) | 02:51 |
Mena | much* | 02:51 |
hellcattrav | in konsole? | 02:51 |
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Biovore | beg1689: there is a app that makes this gravy.. (apt-get install knetworkManager) | 02:51 |
Mena | maybe he also check the DNS | 02:51 |
bdnp | well to be honest i dont use download managers Mena | 02:51 |
beg1689 | heh no it doesnt | 02:51 |
Biovore | hellcattrav: yes,, | 02:51 |
beg1689 | that program for me just crashes | 02:51 |
beg1689 | wlassistant came with ubuntu and it used to work great, jut stopped working all the sudden | 02:51 |
Biovore | beg1689: iwconfig? | 02:51 |
Mena | bdnp , no problem i will find a solution | 02:52 |
Mena | bdnp , :) | 02:52 |
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Staren | I don't want to bother people.... | 02:52 |
Biovore | beg1689: wlassistan kinda sucks for me too.. | 02:52 |
beg1689 | so if im using iwconfig how would i connect | 02:52 |
Biovore | beg1689: knetworkmanager is different | 02:52 |
beg1689 | just set the essid? | 02:52 |
beg1689 | and the key if necesery | 02:52 |
Biovore | beg1689: 1 sec.. I have to look it up again.. | 02:52 |
hellcattrav | how is knetworkmanager different? | 02:52 |
hellcattrav | wiat | 02:52 |
hellcattrav | ive a WEP key, would the set up work the same for his WPA ? | 02:53 |
hellcattrav | !pastebin | 02:53 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:53 |
Biovore | hellcattrav: see man iwconfig | 02:53 |
beg1689 | im using WEP | 02:53 |
hellcattrav | manual? | 02:53 |
Biovore | hellcattrav: knetworkmanager is a small icon that sits in your system tray | 02:53 |
Biovore | I am using wep here as well | 02:53 |
hellcattrav | yeah | 02:53 |
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Biovore | and it works | 02:54 |
hellcattrav | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5662/ | 02:54 |
hellcattrav | ok | 02:54 |
hellcattrav | finally progres | 02:54 |
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hellcattrav | Biovore: here is what i got when i rann -n | 02:54 |
Biovore | hellcattrav: you using your wireless now.. | 02:54 |
hellcattrav | yeah | 02:54 |
hellcattrav | but i can't get to my router | 02:55 |
hellcattrav | so im using wireless | 02:55 |
hellcattrav | yay | 02:55 |
hellcattrav | but its not quite constitant | 02:55 |
Biovore | well it looks connect | 02:55 |
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hellcattrav | currently k network manager is disconnected | 02:55 |
Biovore | the signal strength loks like crap | 02:55 |
hellcattrav | i connected with wlan assistant | 02:55 |
hellcattrav | i think | 02:55 |
hellcattrav | how can i telll signal strength? | 02:56 |
Biovore | you running in ad-hoc or managed? | 02:56 |
hellcattrav | ? | 02:56 |
hellcattrav | i don't know | 02:56 |
Biovore | its in iwconfig | 02:56 |
hellcattrav | this is only day three with kubunut | 02:56 |
beg1689 | iwconfig shows signal strength | 02:56 |
hellcattrav | kubuntu* | 02:56 |
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hellcattrav | k | 02:56 |
Biovore | KNetworkManager shows signal strength too | 02:57 |
epimeth | !lamp | 02:57 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 02:57 |
hellcattrav | but thats disconnectd | 02:57 |
hellcattrav | knetworkmanager I mean | 02:57 |
bdnp | you have to edit the configuration file for knetworkmanager so that it recognize your card i believe hellcattrav | 02:58 |
hellcattrav | ok so do wireless cards normally show up in network settings under there name | 02:58 |
hellcattrav | christ | 02:58 |
hellcattrav | ok | 02:58 |
Biovore | yeah.. knetworkmanager is kinda funky.. It only works if you start with your wifi disconnected.. IT took me some fanagling to get it to work right.. | 02:58 |
hellcattrav | welll i got to start learning to edit stuff | 02:58 |
hellcattrav | mind helping me finangle mine? | 02:58 |
Biovore | hellcattrav: well I can.. but I set the wifi up months ago | 02:58 |
Biovore | Don't really remember what it was I did.. | 02:59 |
Biovore | I think I found something on the fourms | 02:59 |
pfein | aseigo: gconftool --set /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/http/command --type=string 'konqueror %s' | 02:59 |
beg1689 | so what am i supposed to do to get my wireless to work | 02:59 |
pfein | that should be a faq | 02:59 |
hellcattrav | when you say start with wifi off, as in start the wifi off as the computer is off? and keep it off until kubuntu is up and running? | 02:59 |
beg1689 | not possible | 02:59 |
hellcattrav | cos my wireless card as a little switch that i can toggle on or off | 03:00 |
beg1689 | if my wifi switch is off kubuntu doesnt start up | 03:00 |
hellcattrav | ah see ive not tried it | 03:00 |
Staren | How big should /swap be? | 03:00 |
beg1689 | it took me an hour to figure out why i couldnt start the install cd when i was first installing kubuntu | 03:00 |
beg1689 | because the switch was off | 03:00 |
hellcattrav | that blows | 03:00 |
Biovore | beg1689: intressting.. | 03:00 |
Biovore | my box dosn't care if its there or not.. | 03:01 |
hellcattrav | huh | 03:01 |
beg1689 | im using a laptop | 03:01 |
hellcattrav | me too | 03:01 |
Biovore | beg1689: same here.. Dell E1705 | 03:01 |
hellcattrav | HP pavillion dv9000 | 03:01 |
beg1689 | mine is sort of a dell | 03:01 |
Staren | I'm a linux newbie installing kubuntu -- How big should the partition for /swap be? | 03:01 |
beg1689 | alienware | 03:01 |
Biovore | Staren: 1GB or so.. | 03:01 |
hansent_ | Staren, how much ram do you have? | 03:01 |
Staren | 1 gig. | 03:01 |
mart81 | Staren: max 1GB is my personal observation. | 03:02 |
hellcattrav | ive also got a dual boot | 03:02 |
beg1689 | nice guess Biovore | 03:02 |
Dr_willis | Staren, 512mb or so is about as much as ive seen needed.. but it depends on wha tyou are doing | 03:02 |
Staren | Well, is 1GB best, or does it usually not need to be that big? | 03:02 |
Biovore | hellcattrav: no dual boot here.. linux dose everything and then some... | 03:02 |
beg1689 | if you want to be able to suspend to disk, you will need 1 gb | 03:02 |
Biovore | beg1689: hmm let me look at my wifi setup and I'll get back to you in a few mins.. | 03:02 |
Staren | Well, I'll for the most part be doing web browsing, MUDing, internet browsing, and games. | 03:02 |
mart81 | Staren: 1GB is perfectly fine, but you also cannot have anough ram | 03:03 |
Staren | and some programming. | 03:03 |
hellcattrav | hey what bout me? | 03:03 |
hansent_ | I usually go with 2 GB...but you should have at least 2x your ram size | 03:03 |
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mart81 | *enough | 03:03 |
hellcattrav | i mean its working great, but it sometimes cuts in and out | 03:03 |
Dr_willis | 2x ram size is old. | 03:03 |
beg1689 | i have 512mb swap and 1.5gb ram | 03:03 |
Dr_willis | I rarely even use any of my swap. | 03:03 |
beg1689 | i never use my swap | 03:03 |
beg1689 | but i heard its a bad idea not to have one | 03:03 |
hellcattrav | and do you either of you to know anything bout wireless printers? | 03:03 |
Biovore | beg1689: you have libiw28 installed? | 03:03 |
Dr_willis | beg1689, yep. I keep a little swap on all my hd's :) | 03:03 |
beg1689 | yup | 03:04 |
=== Biovore dose linux page files mount via loop back... | ||
Staren | So 1GB if I want to be able to suspend, and what, half my ram size otherwise? 1/3 of my ram size? | 03:04 |
Biovore | no swap here.. :-P | 03:04 |
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Biovore | that way I can change the size of my swap space on the fly :-P | 03:05 |
mart81 | Staren: i just stick to 1GB always, works for me. | 03:05 |
beg1689 | i have a 512mb swap but i am using exactly 0mb | 03:05 |
beg1689 | and only 320mb of my total mem | 03:05 |
Biovore | beg1689: yeah.. only hardcore people eat swap for lunch.. | 03:05 |
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hansent_ | 512MB Ram is a little low if your going to go without a swap dont you think? | 03:05 |
Biovore | when your consistanly run 50 tasks at once.. then you will eat that swap.. | 03:05 |
Staren | By suspend, you don't mean the thing where it just sort of goes into a low-power mode, but the thing where it writes memory to a disk and shuts off? | 03:06 |
beg1689 | i have 1.5gb ram, msot i ever do is internet, chat, music, and programming at once | 03:06 |
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Staren | Hmm. 50? I might do 20-30... I tend to end up with a lot of browser, folder, and various windows open... | 03:06 |
beg1689 | so anyway.. my wireless doesnt work | 03:07 |
beg1689 | i think i screwed it up somehow | 03:07 |
beg1689 | and would that ping error have anything to do with it? | 03:07 |
Biovore | beg1689: you have libiw28 installed? | 03:07 |
Staren | If I need swap I could always partition some in anyway, right? What happens if it needs swap and I haven't got any? | 03:07 |
beg1689 | yes | 03:07 |
Dr_willis | bad things. :) | 03:07 |
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Dr_willis | ya can always make a swap file if ya want to | 03:07 |
beg1689 | if theres room | 03:08 |
Biovore | Dr_willis: thats what I do | 03:08 |
beg1689 | but if your going to have blank unpartitioned space why dont you jusdt make a swap | 03:08 |
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Staren | Should be room for a swap file, I'm giving 10GB to the linux partition. | 03:08 |
Dr_willis | 10gb? that would be enough for my... err.. no not enough for that.. | 03:08 |
Dr_willis | :) | 03:08 |
Biovore | beg1689: (I don't have 1 partion) | 03:09 |
Staren | The rest is going to Win XP and an old hard drive that I'm copying over completely (FAT32) | 03:09 |
Biovore | (only have) | 03:09 |
beg1689 | ony my laptop i have 20gb / 80gb /home and 20gb C:\ | 03:09 |
Dr_willis | you could put swap on the old hd. | 03:09 |
Dr_willis | :) | 03:09 |
beg1689 | and a 60gb external for windows | 03:09 |
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Biovore | beg1689: iwconfig eth0 mode Managed | 03:10 |
Biovore | try that | 03:10 |
beg1689 | its eth1 | 03:10 |
beg1689 | and its set to managed | 03:10 |
Biovore | ok | 03:10 |
hellcattrav | whats that? | 03:10 |
Staren | Well, in the end it will look something like 25GB-NTFS (win xp), 58GB-FAT32 (old drive from a windows system), 10GB-ext3 (kubuntu) | 03:10 |
epimeth|away | speaking of wireless... my wireless card is set as eth1... how do I make it wlan0? | 03:10 |
hellcattrav | are we through with me--- is there anything else i need to do? | 03:10 |
beg1689 | alias | 03:10 |
Staren | So I could put a swap file in either of the latter partitions and that would work fine? | 03:10 |
hellcattrav | what is wlan0? | 03:10 |
hellcattrav | whats the difference? | 03:11 |
beg1689 | an alias | 03:11 |
beg1689 | no difference | 03:11 |
hellcattrav | oh | 03:11 |
=== epimeth|away is now known as epimeth | ||
Biovore | beg1689: apt-get install knetworkmanager | 03:11 |
hellcattrav | so why does it show sometimes as one and not another | 03:11 |
hellcattrav | eth1 compared to eth0 or wlan0? | 03:11 |
Biovore | beg1689: then run it from the K-Button | internet | | 03:11 |
epimeth | I just want it to be wlan0... how do I do that? | 03:12 |
beg1689 | well i use e17 but OK :) | 03:12 |
Biovore | hellcattrav: there interface names.. | 03:12 |
Biovore | beg1689: oh.. | 03:12 |
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Staren | So I'm not going to have unpartitioned space on the drive when I'm finished moving all the files over. | 03:12 |
hellcattrav | do i need to know about them, or would it confuse me at this point :) | 03:12 |
beg1689 | i have kubuntu desktop installed though and the whole menus there | 03:12 |
Biovore | ah.. | 03:12 |
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Staren | So I don't need a /swap I can just make a swap file if I don't expect to use swap much? | 03:12 |
Biovore | but it my not work because your not in kde.. | 03:12 |
Biovore | beg1689: I don't think E17 has a gui method for running your ethernet | 03:13 |
Biovore | err wireless | 03:13 |
beg1689 | doesnt matter what enviremont you use | 03:13 |
beg1689 | same programs | 03:13 |
beg1689 | just eats a bit more memory | 03:13 |
Biovore | well knetworkmanager needs the kicker to be running | 03:13 |
hellcattrav | whats a kicker? | 03:13 |
Biovore | maybe.. | 03:13 |
Biovore | that bar with the K-button on it.. | 03:13 |
Biovore | on the bottom of kde | 03:13 |
Biovore | has the clock your tasks and icons on it.. | 03:14 |
beg1689 | you are right | 03:14 |
beg1689 | BUT | 03:14 |
beg1689 | i can run the kicker from e17 :) | 03:14 |
hellcattrav | oh | 03:14 |
hellcattrav | ok | 03:14 |
Biovore | it may dock with the E17 systray still.. | 03:14 |
Dr_willis | ssh -X to a box and run kicker,, then ya can launch stuf and have it appear locally :) | 03:14 |
beg1689 | i dont usually use the systray | 03:14 |
beg1689 | well its in kicker | 03:15 |
beg1689 | it shows my network, full signal | 03:15 |
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beg1689 | (im like 3 inches from the router) | 03:15 |
epimeth | doc: do you know how I can change my interface name from eth1 to wlan0? | 03:15 |
usuario | hello | 03:15 |
Biovore | beg1689: cool can you connect to it with the gui? | 03:15 |
Dr_willis | epimeth, why would ya need to? | 03:15 |
beg1689 | ill try running it but theres a good chance itll just drop my LAN connection and wont connect to wireless | 03:15 |
epimeth | I don't | 03:15 |
beg1689 | here goes | 03:15 |
epimeth | I want to | 03:15 |
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Dr_willis | i think that differnt wireless drivers/cards use different device names | 03:15 |
Biovore | epimeth: is a module alias in /etc/modules(something) | 03:16 |
Dr_willis | in any case you would use eth1 , you can use wlan0 | 03:16 |
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Dr_willis | or should be able to at least | 03:16 |
hellcattrav | well thats that question answered | 03:16 |
Biovore | yeah.. its just a name for a interface.. it dosn't matter.. | 03:16 |
usr001 | ie got a problem | 03:16 |
beg1689 | am i still connected? | 03:16 |
Biovore | beg1689: yup | 03:16 |
hellcattrav | either of you know about printers | 03:16 |
Dr_willis | beg1689, yes. | 03:16 |
usr001 | yep. you r connected | 03:17 |
beg1689 | it says Activation stage: IP configureation started. | 03:17 |
Biovore | beg1689: dose you route -n show eth1 as the default gw | 03:17 |
beg1689 | its stuck there | 03:17 |
hellcattrav | beg1689: coming in loud and clear :) | 03:17 |
Dr_willis | hellcattrav, id say google the ubuntu wiki/forims for your exact printer. | 03:17 |
hellcattrav | thanks | 03:17 |
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beg1689 | nope.. it shot me back to the WEP pass screen | 03:17 |
Dr_willis | hellcattrav, i can configure MY network printer fairly easially.. but its simple. | 03:17 |
hellcattrav | its an HP photosmart 2710 all in one if that helps at all | 03:17 |
beg1689 | gonna try it disabled | 03:17 |
epimeth | Biovore: it uses ndiswrapper... can I configure ndiswrapper to appear as wlan0? | 03:17 |
Dr_willis | hellcattrav, i think theres some services you need to install and get running for that thing. | 03:18 |
Biovore | epimeth: broadcom wifi? | 03:18 |
epimeth | I 'm pretty sure thats the chip, but the card itself is a linksys | 03:18 |
Biovore | epimeth: I don't know anything about ndiswrapper.. Its basicly a crappy hack to get hardware suport.. no clue what it can do.. | 03:18 |
epimeth | kay | 03:18 |
epimeth | thanks anyway | 03:18 |
epimeth | Doc: you know, maybe? | 03:19 |
mortici | is there a IA64 version of kubuntu? | 03:19 |
usr001 | somebody changed my root password. but i changed it by entering in single mode. but it seems like the root password is't the password i have to tell when i want to use adept and other stuff thar needs administration privileges in KDE. How can i change the administrator password from command line? | 03:19 |
hellcattrav | sweet some one you may know something..... Dr_willis would you know what if any i would instal for it? | 03:19 |
Dr_willis | Ive given up on wireless.. i just run wires. | 03:19 |
Biovore | mortici: I don't think so.. I don't thing AMD64 arch works on that.. | 03:19 |
beg1689 | ok | 03:19 |
mortici | Biovore: :( thanks | 03:19 |
Dr_willis | !find hjoj | 03:19 |
epimeth | doc: kay... cheers anyway. gnight all! | 03:19 |
ubotu | Package/file hjoj does not exist in edgy | 03:19 |
hellcattrav | oh | 03:20 |
Dr_willis | !find officejet | 03:20 |
=== epimeth is now known as epimeth|away | ||
ubotu | Package/file officejet does not exist in edgy | 03:20 |
hellcattrav | because theres no real wires i have | 03:20 |
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hellcattrav | everyone else uses windows, and my dads uber computer god set it up | 03:20 |
Dr_willis | if the wireless is working,,, and you can ping the printer... then you just need to figure out how to configure it. | 03:20 |
Dr_willis | at least you dont have a Canon printer. | 03:21 |
deitarion | Which packages are necessary to get video support in Kopete via a Logitech Quickcam Communicate STX? | 03:21 |
Biovore | lolz... god.. they suck | 03:21 |
hellcattrav | i just got kubuntu and installed it yesterday | 03:21 |
hellcattrav | how do i ping it | 03:21 |
Dr_willis | ping ip.of.the.box | 03:21 |
Biovore | hellcattrav: pop open a konsole and type ping <ipaddress> -c 4 | 03:21 |
=== Dr_willis would just move the printer close and run a usb cable, or network cable :) | ||
Dr_willis | to test | 03:21 |
usr001 | i think ping comes with that. tracert does't | 03:22 |
hellcattrav | how do i know what the ip address would be? | 03:22 |
hellcattrav | would an ethernet cable work? | 03:22 |
Dr_willis | good question.... | 03:22 |
Biovore | hellcattrav: ping broadcase maybe..? | 03:22 |
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Dr_willis | plug in a network cable.. and see what the docs say | 03:22 |
Biovore | hellcattrav: or there is a print a test page button on the printer... | 03:22 |
Dr_willis | then use the web interface to the device. (if it has one) | 03:22 |
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hellcattrav | shit this isn't making sense | 03:22 |
usr001 | ifconfig | 03:22 |
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Dr_willis | hellcattrav, and this is rather basic networking stuff. | 03:23 |
Biovore | hellcattrav: well your setup will be.. you need info to tell the linux box.. | 03:23 |
Dr_willis | hellcattrav, if the printer has an ip.. or you can set a static ip.. that will make it a lot easier. | 03:23 |
hellcattrav | yes and i don't generally muck about with networking | 03:23 |
Dr_willis | plug in a usb cable then and do it that way | 03:23 |
usr001 | use ifconfig | 03:23 |
hellcattrav | how so usr001? | 03:23 |
Dr_willis | if you got the ip of the device set wrong.. well it may be impossible to configure | 03:24 |
usr001 | go to an terminal window and type ifconfig | 03:24 |
Dr_willis | ya could use windows and see what ip its using. | 03:24 |
Biovore | usr001: that tells him his ip.. no the printers... | 03:24 |
beg1689 | i got it working but only with WEP disabled, which sucks | 03:24 |
beg1689 | hmm.. picking up an unencrypted "linksys" nearby | 03:24 |
usr001 | oh | 03:24 |
usr001 | i thought he was talking about network | 03:24 |
Dr_willis | network enabled printer | 03:25 |
Biovore | usr001: we just got past that point.. :-P | 03:25 |
hellcattrav | yeah :) | 03:25 |
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hellcattrav | ok looked at the printer, options saw something called network but it said i had to have HP software | 03:25 |
usr001 | is there any button on the printer that prints the printer server configuration? | 03:25 |
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Dr_willis | hellcattrav, the docs may mention some web interface to the device also. | 03:26 |
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beg1689 | . | 03:26 |
Biovore | hes back.. | 03:26 |
Dr_willis | of course my wireless router has a web interface that shows me what machines are using what ip's also.. :) | 03:26 |
Biovore | beg1689: your netconnection probably changed.. | 03:26 |
usr001 | usually there's a button on the printer that when you hold, prints the ip it's using | 03:26 |
beg1689 | well i got everything working EXCEPT my WEP is off | 03:26 |
bdnp | my god that somebody uses chatzilla | 03:26 |
Biovore | beg1689: the swap between interfaces drops you TCP connections.. | 03:26 |
hellcattrav | hey if i tell it to print network configurations? | 03:26 |
hellcattrav | would that work? | 03:27 |
Dr_willis | hellcattrav, ONE way to find out! | 03:27 |
bdnp | anyway guys night night, this guy is going to bed | 03:27 |
Biovore | beg1689: yeah.. that can be set in knetwork manager.. | 03:27 |
Dr_willis | :) | 03:27 |
hellcattrav | ok, correction would that be a jumping off point | 03:27 |
usr001 | at least you will know the ip you wanna ping | 03:27 |
hellcattrav | yeah | 03:27 |
hellcattrav | hey biovore: how do i input the WEP key? in knetworkmanager or in wlan assisstant? | 03:28 |
Biovore | beg1689: you will need to know the 12 hex digit code (I think its 12 length) | 03:28 |
beg1689 | mine is 10 digit | 03:28 |
beg1689 | do i need 0x? | 03:28 |
beg1689 | i have it memorized | 03:28 |
Biovore | yeah that might be it.. | 03:28 |
beg1689 | and is it case sensititive? | 03:28 |
usr001 | guess i can't help | 03:28 |
Biovore | nope.. | 03:28 |
usr001 | :P | 03:28 |
Biovore | all numbers (0-9) and alpha (A-F) | 03:29 |
usr001 | somebody changed my root password. but i changed it by entering in single mode. but it seems like the root password is't the password i have to tell when i want to use adept and other stuff thar needs administration privileges in KDE. How can i change the administrator password from command line? | 03:29 |
underdog5004 | usr001, sudo passwd root | 03:29 |
underdog5004 | !sudo | 03:29 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 03:29 |
Biovore | usr001: sudo passwd (I think, but ubuntu dosn't set root passwd) | 03:29 |
hellcattrav | ok i got the network config page | 03:29 |
hellcattrav | My WEP is 10 digits too | 03:30 |
beg1689 | how i turn my wireless off so that knetworkmanager can find it again | 03:30 |
hellcattrav | mine is just 10 numbers though | 03:30 |
Biovore | beg1689: well just wait.. it scans for networks every so offen.. | 03:30 |
beg1689 | no i mean it doesnt find eth1 | 03:30 |
Biovore | beg1689: it should show a lock symbol by the network.. | 03:30 |
hellcattrav | oi see an ip address on here for the printer | 03:30 |
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hellcattrav | should i try that | 03:30 |
Dr_willis | 0_o | 03:31 |
beg1689 | i think you mentioned it before, it doesnt find it when its active | 03:31 |
Biovore | beg1689: dosn't show any wireless networks? | 03:31 |
hellcattrav | go to printer set up? | 03:31 |
beg1689 | doesnt even show a wireless adapter | 03:31 |
usr001 | it didn't work | 03:31 |
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Dr_willis | hellcattrav, try pinging that ip and see if it blows up. :) | 03:31 |
beg1689 | iwconfig shows it though, and shows my signal strength and all | 03:31 |
Biovore | beg1689: you on wireless now? | 03:31 |
beg1689 | no im using lan | 03:31 |
hellcattrav | what do you mean by blow up? | 03:31 |
Dr_willis | hellcattrav, if you cant ping it - you aint going to be able to set it up. | 03:31 |
hellcattrav | oh | 03:31 |
hellcattrav | alright | 03:31 |
beg1689 | but i tihnk my wireless is connected, just not being used as my connection | 03:32 |
Dr_willis | hellcattrav, which is WHY we suggested using a cabled connection first. | 03:32 |
Biovore | dose ifconfig show eth1 with a IP? | 03:32 |
usr001 | i changed the root password. but it is not working inside kde | 03:32 |
Biovore | beg1689: dose route -n show eth0 for | 03:32 |
beg1689 | there is no eth1 | 03:32 |
beg1689 | in ifconfig | 03:32 |
Biovore | usr001: kde wants your user password in kubuntu | 03:32 |
beg1689 | theres an lo but no ip | 03:32 |
beg1689 | route -n shows eth0 only | 03:32 |
Biovore | beg1689: oh.. you must have turned of the wifi with that wifi button or something.. | 03:33 |
hellcattrav | yes ok | 03:33 |
usr001 | my user has no privileges | 03:33 |
beg1689 | no | 03:33 |
beg1689 | its connected | 03:33 |
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beg1689 | its conected to my network | 03:33 |
beg1689 | but not being used | 03:33 |
Biovore | beg1689: if eth1 dosn't show up in ifconfig.. you can't be connected | 03:33 |
hellcattrav | sorry its just my dad and others set up and generally fix any of this stuff, im doing all this linux kubuntu stuff all for my self | 03:33 |
beg1689 | well its not connected but its doing something | 03:33 |
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Biovore | beg1689: might be searching for signals or something.. thats something the card dose by itself | 03:34 |
usr001 | well | 03:34 |
hellcattrav | hey when i type in ping do i need to put < > around it> | 03:34 |
usr001 | for some reason it worked | 03:35 |
usr001 | :D | 03:35 |
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Dr_willis | hellcattrav, no | 03:35 |
Dr_willis | that was an Example | 03:35 |
usr001 | thankx | 03:35 |
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hellcattrav | oh | 03:35 |
beg1689 | "No network device found" | 03:35 |
Biovore | beg1689: yeah.. no eth1 means the kernel dosn't see it anymore.. | 03:35 |
beg1689 | but iwconfig sees it | 03:36 |
Biovore | beg1689: ifconfig -a | 03:36 |
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beg1689 | shos signal strength.. access point.. essid | 03:36 |
hellcattrav | typed ping and got this : PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. | 03:36 |
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hellcattrav | so is that the printer? | 03:36 |
Biovore | did you see a something ms | 03:37 |
beg1689 | eth1 is there | 03:37 |
Dr_willis | did the ping respond? | 03:37 |
hellcattrav | i can't tell | 03:37 |
hellcattrav | like i said ive never done this before | 03:37 |
Dr_willis | id guess thats a NO then | 03:37 |
hellcattrav | probably | 03:37 |
Biovore | beg1689: its just not configured.. It will get configured when you use the knetworkmanager thing.. (Or should) | 03:37 |
Dr_willis | try 'ping' | 03:37 |
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hellcattrav | ok | 03:38 |
usr001 | have you ppl installed second life ? | 03:38 |
beg1689 | but whaqt im trying to say is knetwork manager doesnt find any adapters | 03:38 |
hellcattrav | yeah im getting something back | 03:38 |
Dr_willis | usr001, yes.. and i still dont see the point to the game.. and YES its a game. :P refuardless of what the media/company wants to say | 03:38 |
hellcattrav | what is it? | 03:38 |
Dr_willis | heh heh | 03:38 |
hellcattrav | what? | 03:38 |
Biovore | beg1689: It dosn't show any interfaces on my eather.. just wired and wireless networks it can see.. | 03:38 |
Dr_willis | hellcattrav, that one WORKING.. it sends a signel to the box and times the return. | 03:38 |
beg1689 | no it says no dvice found | 03:39 |
Dr_willis | hellcattrav, if nothing returns - then the remote machine is not reachable or working | 03:39 |
beg1689 | in the main part of the menu | 03:39 |
Biovore | beg1689: ifconfig eth1 up | 03:39 |
hellcattrav | so... | 03:39 |
hellcattrav | this means that i was pinging myself? | 03:39 |
Biovore | hellcattrav: yes | 03:39 |
hellcattrav | oh | 03:39 |
hellcattrav | ok | 03:39 |
usr001 | is that hard to install | 03:39 |
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Dr_willis | usr001, was trivial.. download their installer.. run it... | 03:40 |
Dr_willis | usr001, i installed it for a single user. | 03:40 |
Biovore | hellcattrav: are you on the same network as the printer? (192.168.0.xx ip on both systems) | 03:40 |
usr001 | there's something about the video driver | 03:40 |
beg1689 | oh i got it | 03:40 |
hellcattrav | nope | 03:40 |
beg1689 | how can i give my user access to eth1? | 03:40 |
hellcattrav | ive geen trying to get on the same network | 03:40 |
Biovore | beg1689: you had to do something as root? | 03:40 |
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Dr_willis | usr001, you have your video cards 3d drivers set up? | 03:40 |
beg1689 | yes | 03:41 |
beg1689 | knetworkmanager only works as root | 03:41 |
hellcattrav | but i don't know what to do with the WEP key | 03:41 |
beg1689 | otherwise it says no device found | 03:41 |
Biovore | beg1689: hmm runs as a user here.. | 03:41 |
beg1689 | that doesnt help | 03:41 |
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usr001 | they say i need exactly the openGl driver, but my computer is sealed and i had to take it to the store to change the motherboard | 03:41 |
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hellcattrav | biovore: how do i enable the WEP key? | 03:41 |
usr001 | i dont know the driver i have to use now | 03:42 |
Dr_willis | usr001, what video card do you have? ati/nvidia? | 03:42 |
Biovore | hellcattrav: you knetworkmanager? | 03:42 |
usr001 | onboard | 03:42 |
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Dr_willis | usr001, gee.. that tells me very little. :) | 03:42 |
hellcattrav | nope, wlan assisstant, knetworkmanager says its disconnected | 03:42 |
Dr_willis | !nvidia | 03:42 |
usr001 | i know | 03:42 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 03:42 |
Dr_willis | !ati | 03:42 |
Dr_willis | use lspci and see what cards are shown | 03:42 |
Dr_willis | or a live cd.. or boot to windows and sew what card IT sees | 03:42 |
Biovore | hellcattrav: you have linux-restricted-modules installed? | 03:43 |
Dr_willis | if you are using a low end onboard viceo card-- well your 2nd live gaming experience may not be that good. | 03:43 |
usr001 | i dont have windows | 03:43 |
deitarion | What could cause a video camera to be recognized without error but no /dev/video* entry to appear? | 03:43 |
hellcattrav | probably not, since i jsut got this up and running | 03:43 |
usr001 | let me see | 03:43 |
Biovore | hellcattrav: also install network-manager-kde | 03:43 |
hellcattrav | whats the difference between that and knetworkmanager? | 03:44 |
Biovore | beg1689: ^ you have that? | 03:44 |
Biovore | not sure.. but this howto show both.. | 03:44 |
Biovore | might just be a virtual package.. | 03:44 |
usr001 | VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Grap | 03:44 |
usr001 | hics Controller (rev 02) | 03:44 |
Dr_willis | I know very little of the intel chips.. so cant help ya much more then say check the wiki/forums.. others in here may know more | 03:45 |
Biovore | 82865 is a northbridge chip for P4's | 03:46 |
Biovore | the AGP on that should work with the intel i8xx agp driver | 03:46 |
=== Dr_willis hands Biovore a gold star | ||
hellcattrav | alright | 03:46 |
Biovore | video should work in X as well.. kinda tricky to setup as well.. | 03:47 |
Dr_willis | thats a rather low end video card Biovore ? | 03:47 |
Biovore | yes... | 03:47 |
hellcattrav | think you could help get me on my network? | 03:47 |
Biovore | i800 series onboard video | 03:47 |
Dr_willis | ick - i had an i810 Years ago. :) | 03:47 |
Dr_willis | i hope its better then that. | 03:47 |
Biovore | yup same thing.. | 03:47 |
Staren | Installation went perfectly, but now I'm having wireless problems... It apparently recognizes my card because it can see the wireless network, but it says "connection failed" when I attempt to connect. | 03:47 |
Biovore | but intell opensourced them.. so it should work better these days.. | 03:48 |
=== paul__ [n=paul@d38-248-93.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Dr_willis | i mean 'power' wise - that thing was worse then even the worse nvidia i could find. :) | 03:48 |
hellcattrav | any idea? | 03:48 |
usr001 | I found this: http://downloadfinder.intel.com/scripts-df-external/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=N&ProductID=1044&DwnldID=12330&strOSs=39&OSFullName=Linux*&lang=eng | 03:49 |
Biovore | hellcattrav: what dose eth0 say for addr when you do a ifconfig? | 03:49 |
hellcattrav | link encap ethernet | 03:49 |
Staren | I can choose eth0 or wifi in the assistant... | 03:49 |
Staren | The wifi program that came with kubuntu I mean. | 03:50 |
Biovore | hellcattrav: you don't see a 192.168.xxx.xxx number ? | 03:50 |
Biovore | Staren: yeah.. knetworkadmin works fine here | 03:50 |
=== mister_roboto [n=jrk@24-136-22-252.hnc-bsr1.chi-hnc.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hellcattrav | not for eth0 but for eth1 i see inet addr: 192.xxx.xx.xxx | 03:51 |
Staren | I seem to be using wlassistant, I see there's a bug... | 03:52 |
=== beg1689 [n=brian@ip68-228-159-130.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
beg1689 | why cant it just work | 03:52 |
beg1689 | WHY | 03:52 |
beg1689 | what am i missing? | 03:52 |
=== MHazem [n=GoD@] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
beg1689 | http://rafb.net/p/HUNe4Z72.html | 03:53 |
Biovore | beg1689: it works as root though? | 03:53 |
beg1689 | not anymore | 03:53 |
beg1689 | getting it to work is the exception to the rule | 03:53 |
beg1689 | look at my paste | 03:53 |
beg1689 | what else am i missing? | 03:53 |
=== Gretl [n=eulchen@chello213047232241.tirol.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== paul__ [n=paul@d38-248-93.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Biovore | beg1689: hmm looks like your using the wireless now.. | 03:54 |
beg1689 | no | 03:54 |
beg1689 | that was 2 minutes ago | 03:54 |
beg1689 | i got all those settings, but no internet | 03:54 |
hellcattrav | ok so what now? | 03:54 |
Staren | Typing "sudo ifup wlan0" didn't work, it gave a bunch of errors. | 03:54 |
Staren | is there any way to get a fixed version of wlassistant? | 03:54 |
beg1689 | so i had to switch back to LAN | 03:54 |
Biovore | Staren: apt-get install knetwork-manager | 03:55 |
beg1689 | ugh | 03:55 |
beg1689 | if wlassistant actually worked i would like it much more than that | 03:55 |
hellcattrav | if it worked | 03:55 |
beg1689 | right now i am indifferent, nothing works | 03:55 |
beg1689 | what a waste of an hour | 03:56 |
pfein_ | beg1689: I'll second knetwork-manager. | 03:56 |
Dr_willis | sounds about like my last fighting with wireless networking... | 03:56 |
jtmoney | yeah, knetworkmanager is the best by far | 03:56 |
=== Dr_willis rembers why he ran wires | ||
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Biovore | I had this issue with it when I set it up.. but I forgot what I did... | 03:57 |
beg1689 | forget the gui, how would i do it from a console | 03:57 |
usr001 | For some reason, seems that all packages are installed already | 03:57 |
beg1689 | lok at my paste | 03:57 |
beg1689 | http://rafb.net/p/HUNe4Z72.html | 03:57 |
pfein_ | though you need to comment out everything execept lo from /etc/network/interfaces & reboot | 03:57 |
Staren | it didn't work, switching to that comp. | 03:57 |
beg1689 | what else am i missing? why doesnt it work? | 03:57 |
hellcattrav | cheers folks I'm getting some shut eye | 03:57 |
usr001 | the guy who changed the motherboard did the installation | 03:57 |
Biovore | beg1689: that paste shows you using eth1 (wireless interface) | 03:57 |
=== scott__ [n=scott@ip24-250-4-250.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
beg1689 | that paste shows the state of a machine with non-working internet | 03:58 |
pfein_ | any EVDO users btw? | 03:58 |
=== HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@ABordeaux-256-1-154-193.w86-207.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
usr001 | 2d driver, drm module and 3d GL | 03:58 |
usr001 | :D | 03:58 |
Biovore | beg1689: you using that machine right now? | 03:58 |
=== Staren [n=scott@ip24-250-4-250.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Staren | Okay, I'm on the linux comp now. | 03:59 |
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Staren | Even when I typed "sudo apt-get install knetwork-manager" it said it couldn't find the package. | 03:59 |
=== ebbu_ [n=ebbu@28-84.adsl.apoy.dnainternet.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Biovore | apt-get install knetworkmanager | 04:00 |
=== rookie1_1998 [n=echoi@guest-wireless-207-151-251-221.usc.edu] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
beg1689 | same machine no trace of eth1 | 04:00 |
beg1689 | im not stupid | 04:00 |
Staren | E: Couldn't find package knetworkmanager | 04:00 |
beg1689 | theres no dash | 04:00 |
jtmoney | does anyone know if the samba client is not compatible with vista? | 04:00 |
beg1689 | finds it for me | 04:00 |
Biovore | jtmoney: it is.. | 04:01 |
=== moparisthebest [n=FBI@cpe-69-133-96-111.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jtmoney | i can see the shares, have the correct login/password/case, but it won't authenticate me | 04:01 |
=== shiv [n=shiv@c-65-96-200-131.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Staren | scott@R40:~$ sudo apt-get install knetworkmanager | 04:01 |
Staren | Reading package lists... Done | 04:01 |
Staren | Building dependency tree | 04:01 |
Staren | Reading state information... Done | 04:01 |
Staren | E: Couldn't find package knetworkmanager | 04:01 |
=== visik7 [n=visi@host13-167-dynamic.54-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Biovore | jtmoney: vista also now knows what a symlink is.. YAY microsoft.. good boy.. only 20 years in the past with that one.. | 04:01 |
shiv | My computer goes to sleep as soon as I log in to kde :( | 04:01 |
jtmoney | heh | 04:01 |
usr001 | you may need to add the URLS for the universe, multiverse, etc | 04:02 |
Staren | How do I do that? | 04:02 |
Biovore | beg1689: what dose iwconfig and ifconfig do now? | 04:02 |
usr001 | i just know how to do that in kde | 04:03 |
beg1689 | iwconfig shows the same thing | 04:03 |
usr001 | you have to open the adept | 04:03 |
beg1689 | ifconfig shows eth0 with an ip, but eth1 with no ip | 04:03 |
Staren | adept? | 04:03 |
Staren | I am using KDE. | 04:03 |
beg1689 | (using just ifconfig, not -a) | 04:03 |
=== vlt [n=dm@p54B33617.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
usr001 | yes, adept is a package manager for kubuntu | 04:04 |
Biovore | beg1689: if the interface isn't configured it won't show up with out -a | 04:04 |
beg1689 | i use synaptic | 04:04 |
Staren | bash doesn't recognize command adept. | 04:04 |
beg1689 | i said without -a | 04:04 |
Dr_willis | !find adept | 04:05 |
ubotu | Found: adept, adept-batch, adept-common, adept-installer, adept-manager (and 2 others) | 04:05 |
beg1689 | so nobody here can help me? | 04:05 |
jtmoney | Biovore: apparently i'm not the only one who cannot connect to vista shares | 04:05 |
usr001 | it's in the K menu | 04:05 |
jtmoney | http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?t=128104 | 04:05 |
Biovore | jtmoney: it works here | 04:05 |
Biovore | and thats with dapper as the server.. | 04:05 |
Staren | conversation with su failed. | 04:05 |
usr001 | K menu > System | 04:05 |
jtmoney | no no, i want to access a vista share | 04:06 |
jtmoney | i.e. vista is the server | 04:06 |
beg1689 | i can get an ip from dhcp but it still doesnt work | 04:06 |
Staren | it asks "run as root - KDE su", I put in my password, and it says "conversation with su failed" | 04:06 |
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Dr_willis | Staren, What are you typing in exactly? | 04:07 |
Staren | K menu, system, adept package manager | 04:07 |
usr001 | he's openning Adept. It is in kde | 04:07 |
usr001 | it asks for a password | 04:08 |
Staren | It asks for my password. I type in the password and hit enter, and it saus "conversation with su failed" | 04:08 |
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Staren | If it's a single-user system, the only password should be mine, right? | 04:08 |
beg1689 | yes | 04:08 |
beg1689 | never seen that error | 04:09 |
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usr001 | me neither | 04:09 |
beg1689 | use synaptic :) | 04:09 |
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Staren | using sudo to run it instead of kdesu worked. | 04:09 |
=== mshade_ [n=mshade@c-69-243-4-88.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
usr001 | did you open adept? | 04:10 |
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Staren | I can't find the package knetworkmanager, just knetworkconf which it says is installed. | 04:10 |
Staren | How do I add repositories? | 04:11 |
Biovore | Staren: might need to have universe enable.. | 04:11 |
Biovore | Staren: /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:11 |
Biovore | uncomment the entries for universe | 04:11 |
usr001 | in the adept menu there's an option to manage | 04:11 |
=== Nothing [n=matthew@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Biovore | Staren: then run apt-get update | 04:11 |
Nothing | why can't I join #kubuntu-offtopic? | 04:12 |
Staren | How do I uncomment? | 04:12 |
Nothing | anyway, I typed /join #kubuntu-offtopic and nothing happened | 04:12 |
Nothing | I'm drunk, so that may be the reason... | 04:12 |
Nothing | heh heh heh | 04:12 |
Staren | found it | 04:12 |
Nothing | hmm | 04:12 |
Biovore | Nothing: need to be registered with server to join channel? | 04:12 |
Staren | isn;'t there another repository called multiverse? DO I need that? | 04:12 |
usr001 | i guess you uncomment by just clickng | 04:12 |
Nothing | I'm registered as underdog5004 | 04:12 |
Biovore | Staren: yup.. | 04:12 |
Biovore | Nothing: I can join it just fine.. | 04:13 |
BluesKaj | uncomment is deleting the # in front of the deb...' | 04:13 |
Nothing | hmmm | 04:13 |
Nothing | I shouldn't be nothing...I am someone | 04:13 |
Nothing | underdog5004...drunk...oh man | 04:13 |
usr001 | right-clicking | 04:13 |
Staren | it seems to be getting the headers now... | 04:13 |
=== Nothing is now known as underdog5004 | ||
underdog5004 | there we go | 04:14 |
Staren | installing knetworkmanager. | 04:14 |
=== mshade_ [n=mshade@c-69-243-4-88.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
underdog5004 | not bad for being totally wasted | 04:14 |
underdog5004 | sorry about that outburst, ops | 04:14 |
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usr001 | nice | 04:16 |
=== jughead [n=jughead@c-75-66-11-168.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jetsaredim | anyone know where to get the new amarok 1.4.5 from? | 04:17 |
Biovore | jetsaredim: subversion | 04:17 |
Biovore | you have to build it | 04:17 |
Admiral_Chicago | there is a a stable version released for edgy | 04:17 |
=== yudhistiro [n=yudhisti@ip-141-225-net.net2cyber.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Staren | I can't find akode-mpeg in universe. | 04:18 |
=== KVirus [n=GoD@] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
jetsaredim | yea - I thought that when it was posted on the front page of kubuntu.com that meant it was available somewhere | 04:18 |
mshade | !compile kernel | 04:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about compile kernel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:18 |
=== mshade_ [n=mshade@c-69-243-4-88.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mshade | !recompile | 04:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about recompile - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:18 |
mart81 | jetsaredim: kubuntu.org should have the information for that | 04:18 |
mshade | !recompile kernel | 04:18 |
nestor | hola a todos soy nuevo en el tema de kubuntu podrian enviarme informacion | 04:18 |
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juano__ | !wiki | 04:19 |
ubotu | wiki is http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Loads of user-contributed documentation | 04:19 |
mshade | !es |nestor | 04:19 |
ubotu | nestor: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 04:19 |
=== yudhistiro is now known as Xlylith | ||
=== jetsaredim [n=jgreenwa@inet-netcache3-o.oracle.com] has left #kubuntu [] | ||
juano__ | !wiki | nestor | 04:19 |
ubotu | nestor: please see above | 04:19 |
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nestor | gracias | 04:20 |
mshade | de nada | 04:20 |
mshade | hablo pequito espanol, pero no puedo entender todo :) | 04:21 |
Admiral_Chicago | !es | mshade | 04:21 |
ubotu | mshade: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 04:21 |
Admiral_Chicago | oh nvm | 04:21 |
mshade | Admiral_Chicago: LOL :) | 04:22 |
mart81 | well, i predicted it, kde-look.org gone down | 04:22 |
Admiral_Chicago | mshade: i realize I didn't read up but I just woke up from a nap | 04:22 |
Staren | is xmms a gnome only thing? | 04:23 |
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=== kyle_ [n=kyle@ip24-136-57-186.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Admiral_Chicago | Staren: no, it works on KDE as well afaik | 04:23 |
usr001 | is there any portuguese hep too? | 04:23 |
=== krille [n=krille@h71n1fls32o1118.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Xlylith | hello all.... i wonder how to report bug in Kubuntu, anybody can help me? | 04:23 |
usr001 | help | 04:23 |
kyle_ | hell | 04:23 |
kyle_ | p | 04:23 |
kyle_ | for sho | 04:24 |
kyle_ | is anyone there | 04:24 |
krille | yes? | 04:24 |
usr001 | hello | 04:24 |
Xlylith | I noticed a strange behaviour in gwenview.... | 04:24 |
kyle_ | cool | 04:24 |
=== Huahua [n=hua@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Admiral_Chicago | usr001: yes, let me find a link | 04:24 |
usr001 | thnkx | 04:24 |
Admiral_Chicago | !pt | usr001 | 04:24 |
ubotu | usr001: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada. | 04:24 |
usr001 | nice | 04:25 |
Xlylith | it only display image files even when I select all files from drop-down menu | 04:25 |
rookie1_1998 | just can't get wireless to work consistently | 04:25 |
=== krille is now known as kewreL | ||
rookie1_1998 | even when wireless manager reports excellent link quality | 04:25 |
rookie1_1998 | just won't connect | 04:26 |
Staren | I crashed xmms and now it won't go away ;_; | 04:26 |
rookie1_1998 | s/manager/assistant/ | 04:26 |
Staren | rookie: Wireless manager is broken. Get knetworkmanager. | 04:26 |
Biovore | Staren: ps ax | grep xmms | 04:26 |
Biovore | Staren: or killall xmms | 04:26 |
Biovore | Staren: in a console | 04:26 |
Staren | ah, thanks. | 04:27 |
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rookie1_1998 | i ll give it a try | 04:27 |
Staren | How do I mount the winxp partition? | 04:27 |
Dr_willis | Hmm.. testing out Virtualbox.. anyone recall how to get out of fullscreen mode? | 04:28 |
usr001 | i started the second life and got errors | 04:28 |
usr001 | Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server | 04:28 |
usr001 | Xlib: No protocol specified | 04:28 |
usr001 | now my video is weird | 04:28 |
=== fyrewall77 [n=fyrewall@84-72-50-234.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Dr_willis | you ran the game as the user? oir as root? | 04:29 |
usr001 | root | 04:29 |
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usr001 | my fonts are failed now | 04:29 |
Dr_willis | thats why | 04:29 |
Dr_willis | root dosent have permission to have a program display on the X display | 04:29 |
Dr_willis | unless you use gksu, or kdesu, but whatever they are called.. | 04:30 |
Dr_willis | theres no need to install/run the game as root either. | 04:30 |
usr001 | now i run as user | 04:30 |
=== kyle_ [n=kyle@c-71-234-92-78.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
usr001 | and got a window saying "window creation error" | 04:31 |
kyle_ | Anyone know a good windows help channel? | 04:31 |
=== darthdual__ [n=darthdua@c-66-41-238-73.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jarn | Is there any way to play .m4p files in Linux? | 04:31 |
usr001 | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168 | 04:31 |
usr001 | Major opcode: 145 | 04:31 |
usr001 | Minor opcode: 3 | 04:31 |
usr001 | Resource id: 0x0 | 04:31 |
usr001 | Failed to open device | 04:31 |
Dr_willis | kyle_, thats a scary idea | 04:31 |
Dr_willis | usr001, thats just a warning about the wacom tablet in the xorg.conf | 04:32 |
kyle_ | yah i know, i just replaced my mobo, and when i try to boot windows i get a "vitual memory" error and it restarts | 04:32 |
Dr_willis | kyle_, that sounds like some bad ram on the mb. | 04:32 |
Dr_willis | or somthing similer wrong. | 04:32 |
usr001 | what can i do about that? | 04:32 |
kyle_ | i put in a new mobo, cpu, and 1 stick of ram | 04:32 |
Staren | How do I mount the winxp partition? | 04:32 |
kyle_ | im running linux fine though... | 04:33 |
Dr_willis | usr001, the 'device 168' error is fixable.. but its JUST a warning... | 04:33 |
Admiral_Chicago | run a memtest kyle_ , that will help hiagnos the problem | 04:33 |
=== xsacha [n=xsacha@CPE-203-45-202-97.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== Dr_willis agrees with Admiral_Chicago | ||
Dr_willis | Help Diagnose also. :) | 04:33 |
usr001 | the program isn working anyway | 04:33 |
Biovore | memtest is you friend!!! | 04:33 |
=== virus_ [n=virus@port0078-agk-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Dr_willis | usr001, it works for me on Edgy, with my nvidia card | 04:34 |
kyle_ | one bad ram stick would stop windows from running, but not linux? | 04:34 |
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usr001 | what do i do? | 04:34 |
Biovore | kyle_: could be bad ram.. I have 3 box's with nvidia cards and they all run kubuntu just fine.. | 04:34 |
=== Slynderdale [n=slynderd@pdpc/supporter/base/Slynderdale] has joined #kubuntu | ||
usr001 | my video colours are all scrambled now | 04:35 |
kyle_ | i think its just the change in mobo and stuff is throwing windows xp off on boot | 04:35 |
usr001 | i'll restart the X server | 04:35 |
kyle_ | im gonna run a memtest and come back | 04:36 |
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=== usuario is now known as usr01 | ||
usr01 | X server restarted | 04:37 |
Slynderdale | Hmm, where can I get Gaim Beta 6 for Kubuntu? | 04:37 |
Biovore | usr01: u using the nvidia driver or the opensource nv driver.. | 04:37 |
usr01 | i don't have a nvidia card | 04:38 |
usr01 | it's an intel onboard chipset | 04:38 |
Xlylith | Hello? Is there anybody who uses gwenview here? | 04:38 |
=== norman [n=norman@71-222-54-178.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Dr_willis | Slynderdale, could use the source.. or check those autopackage, or klick sites | 04:39 |
usr01 | i restarted the X server, but it still not working | 04:39 |
usr01 | at least it's not scrambling the video again | 04:39 |
=== fignew [n=fig@r68h27.res.gatech.edu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Admiral_Chicago | Xlylith: #ubuntu-bugs is probably the place to go | 04:40 |
usr01 | but i still get an error message and the program does not ipen | 04:40 |
usr01 | open | 04:40 |
Admiral_Chicago | Xlylith: there may be a wait though | 04:40 |
Xlylith | Admiral_Chicago: thanks, ill try there | 04:40 |
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dwidmann | Xylith: http://www.launchpad.net <-- Ubuntu bug reporting; http://bugs.kde.org <-- KDE upstream bug reporting | 04:41 |
_greywolf | good evening; I'm just getting into linux for the first time and have (apparently, from the looks of what I get from the boot CD compared to the FAQs online) run into a problem | 04:42 |
=== word [n=word@ip70-162-166-56.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dwidmann | * Xlylith | 04:42 |
_greywolf | Is there anyone that could help me sort this out? | 04:42 |
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Dr_willis | _greywolf, depenmds on the problem. we dont have esp... whats the problem? | 04:43 |
_greywolf | heh | 04:43 |
dwidmann | Dr_willis: you sure we don't, darn. Another fantasy shot down | 04:44 |
Biovore | lol | 04:44 |
Dr_willis | dwidmann, we got msg and pms, but no esp | 04:44 |
Xlylith | dwidmann: yes... | 04:44 |
_greywolf | Well, I burned the ISO onto a CD, ran the checker and the CD turned out fine, so there aren't any problems related to corrupted files or anything. Whenever I choose the first option on the list from the boot menu, it seems like I'm supposed to get into an install program after Kubuntu loads, but I end up getting into a console-style interface | 04:45 |
jhutchins | _greywolf: Try passing the noapic option at bootup. | 04:45 |
jhutchins | Oh, an actual problem definition... | 04:45 |
Xlylith | dwidmann: I noticed its in Bug #63249 | 04:45 |
Staren | So how do I mount my ntfs partition? | 04:45 |
Dr_willis | Defacto NTFS (and works for Vfat as well) guide for your Fstab/mounting of NTFS partitions --> http://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfs-en#how_do_i_mount_an_ntfs_volume | 04:45 |
jhutchins | Staren: NTFS is a problem, because Microsoft made subtle changes in a few versions of it. | 04:46 |
Dr_willis | Staren, edit your fstab file. and add the proper entry.. or manually mount them.. OR it depends on what you really want to do. | 04:46 |
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Xlylith | dwidmann: nobody took it yet, though | 04:46 |
Dr_willis | !ntfs | 04:46 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 04:46 |
_greywolf | I looked at a few faqs and it seems like Kubuntu is supposed to boot into a GUI that guides me through the setup process, not lead me to a command prompt | 04:46 |
jhutchins | Staren: The chaneges comply with Microsoft's secret definition of NTFS, but they aren't apparent to reverse engineering. | 04:46 |
Dr_willis | _greywolf, the live cd's go to a desktop. the alternative isntall cd - use a text based installer.. | 04:46 |
dwidmann | Xlylith: may as well be patient ... the KDE devs do seem to be pretty busy | 04:46 |
Dr_willis | _greywolf, if the live cd is booting to the shell/console.. then for some reason its not seeing your video correctly | 04:47 |
jhutchins | Staren: Unfortunately, it's like heart disease, the first symptom of incompatibilty is total loss of the NTFS partition. | 04:47 |
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_greywolf | I am running an ATI video card; I've heard that they're somewhat unstable - is that the problem? | 04:47 |
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Dr_willis | _greywolf, depends.. My ati cards worked decently well | 04:47 |
_greywolf | Because I could probably just disconnect my monitor from that and plug it straight into the computer | 04:47 |
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jhutchins | jhutchins: Therefore there is a great deal of "don't go there" FUD on the net. | 04:47 |
aseigo | Xlylith: why would it show anything besides image files/ | 04:48 |
jhutchins | Oh, talking to myself. | 04:48 |
Dr_willis | _greywolf, the fact you have 2 video cards MAY be a bigger issue | 04:48 |
aseigo | Xlylith: it's an image viewer not a file manager | 04:48 |
jhutchins | Staren: Therefore there is a great deal of "don't go there" FUD on the net. | 04:48 |
_greywolf | ah, that might be it | 04:48 |
x04ty29er | Dr_willis: I highly doubt it | 04:48 |
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Dr_willis | _greywolf, you got the onboard video disabled? | 04:48 |
Xlylith | aseigo: it used to do that | 04:48 |
x04ty29er | unless its an overheat thing | 04:48 |
jhutchins | Staren: 90+% of the time nothing will go wrong. | 04:48 |
_greywolf | um, I don't think so | 04:48 |
Dr_willis | x04ty29er, you would not belive the oddities ive seen :) | 04:48 |
x04ty29er | lol | 04:48 |
jhutchins | Staren: 1% of the time you will loose the partition. | 04:48 |
Xlylith | aseigo: before, I could use it to browse image in zip files | 04:48 |
Dr_willis | x04ty29er, i 'lost' my X once... on my nvidia system.. but sound was playing (the gdm startup sound) console worked.. THEN i turned on the tv... There was the X display. | 04:49 |
Dr_willis | :) | 04:49 |
jhutchins | Staren: Sorry, no response from you, I'm going back down stairs. | 04:49 |
_greywolf | I only switched my monitor onto the video card in the windows Display Properties settings tab | 04:49 |
Dr_willis | _greywolf, you may want to disable that video card in the bios - just to be safe | 04:50 |
aseigo | Xlylith: hm. so you'd want it to show archives as well as images ... that makes sense i suppose | 04:50 |
Staren | do I want package ntfs-3g, ntfs-3g0, or something else? | 04:50 |
_greywolf | ok I'll do that | 04:50 |
Dr_willis | Staren, you dont NEED those unless you want to write to ntfs | 04:50 |
_greywolf | I may be back... >_> | 04:50 |
Xlylith | aseigo: I believe it worked in dapper, or at least breezy | 04:50 |
_greywolf | we'll see | 04:50 |
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_greywolf | thanks, though | 04:50 |
Staren | Ah. | 04:51 |
usr01 | this damm second life does not support my video card | 04:51 |
Staren | second life doesn't support my vidcard... but the linux client runs anyway and works! Ha! | 04:51 |
Dr_willis | usr01, id be very suprised if any games worked well on that video card. | 04:51 |
usr01 | i have the openGL installed correctly | 04:51 |
Slynderdale | Hmm, whats best, the default drivers included in Kubuntu or Nvidia drivers? | 04:51 |
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Dr_willis | Slynderdale, if you got a nvidia card that uses the nvidia drivers.. use them | 04:51 |
Staren | I see... | 04:52 |
Dr_willis | some of the older cards work fine with the nv drivers | 04:52 |
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Slynderdale | Dr_willis: Its an old computer with a Nvidia TNT2 card | 04:52 |
Dr_willis | Slynderdale, read that !nvidia factoid/site | 04:52 |
Dr_willis | it lists them | 04:52 |
Dr_willis | !nvidia | 04:52 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:52 |
Xlylith | aseigo: perhaps i need to test it in other kde-centric distro just to make sure whether its a distro problem or gwenviews | 04:52 |
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usr01 | Why does it have to be Nvidia? | 04:53 |
Staren | Thanks a bunch for your help, everyone! | 04:53 |
adydas | What package is needed to be installed for qt ? Lib qt? qt-dev ? | 04:53 |
dwidmann | Xlylith: I just noticed it now that you mentioned it ..... I think I'll fetch the source and find out | 04:53 |
Staren | I'm going to see if I can make wireless work. | 04:53 |
Dr_willis | -dev stuff is developer files. | 04:53 |
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usr01 | Isn't the OpenGl that makes the connection btween the game and the video card? | 04:53 |
adydas | do i need dev stuff? its for a make xconfig | 04:54 |
Dr_willis | adydas, differnet programs.. need different dev packages.. highly possible you do | 04:54 |
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adydas | its to compile a kernel using make xconfig | 04:54 |
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Dr_willis | compiling source - yes :) but a kernel.. perhaps not.. try it and see | 04:54 |
dwidmann | I forget what the package you need was :\ | 04:55 |
Dr_willis | You did isntall the 'build essential' package? | 04:55 |
redcard | Man. This is so nice. | 04:55 |
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dwidmann | My guess is on libqt3-mt-dev though adydas | 04:56 |
redcard | Oh.. is there any KDE based TV viewing / recording program? | 04:56 |
redcard | I have a wintv card.. | 04:56 |
Dr_willis | !find starvoyager | 04:57 |
ubotu | Found: starvoyager, starvoyager-data | 04:57 |
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adydas | it wants it | 04:57 |
adydas | /usr/src/linux-2.6.20# make xconfig | 04:57 |
adydas | CHECK qt | 04:57 |
adydas | * | 04:57 |
adydas | * Unable to find the QT installation | 04:57 |
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Dr_willis | adydas, id just fire up the package manager and search for qt and install all the -dev stuff i can find. :) | 04:58 |
adydas | duh why didnt i think of that | 04:58 |
Dr_willis | actually dosent the make xconfig use the qt gui? theres alternatives to that I thought | 04:58 |
Dr_willis | !kernel | 04:59 |
ubotu | kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 04:59 |
redcard | put it in a terminal and do make menuconfig | 04:59 |
redcard | It'll use ncurses | 04:59 |
Slynderdale | How do you find out what version of linux you have? | 04:59 |
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Dr_willis | Slynderdale, i use 'uname -a' | 04:59 |
redcard | Slynderdale: uname -a ;cat /etc/version | 04:59 |
adydas | wasnt it uname -r? | 04:59 |
adydas | never mind me tho | 04:59 |
redcard | Except ubuntu doesn' have an /etc/version | 05:00 |
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chavo | cat /etc/issue will tell you the release name | 05:01 |
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dwidmann | adydas: take a look at this: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/debian-linux-help/50394-error-make-xconfig.html | 05:01 |
draik | What is the lib package that will let me play quicktime? | 05:01 |
adydas | is it within the .config you can change the name of the kernel from 2.6.17-generic to somthing else, or via grub | 05:01 |
dwidmann | dr_willis: I believe the alternatives are a cli base menu (menuconfig), or an ncurses (text mode?) interface | 05:02 |
Dr_willis | the grub names have very little to do with much.. they just normally use the version #'s | 05:02 |
redcard | dwidmann: menuconfig will do the ncurses interface on kernel builds | 05:03 |
redcard | Tho.. I would wonder why you're doing a kernel build.. | 05:03 |
dwidmann | See, I'd never bothered with anything other than the qt config redcard | 05:03 |
Dr_willis | redcard, i know better then to even ask that. :) | 05:03 |
Dr_willis | heh heh | 05:03 |
dwidmann | And that was a long time ago, just to prove that I could. | 05:03 |
Slynderdale | nvidia-glx-legacy isn't showing up but nvidia-glx does :/ | 05:03 |
Dr_willis | !info nvidia-glx-legacy | 05:04 |
ubotu | nvidia-glx-legacy: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'legacy' driver. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.0.7184+ (edgy), package size 2998 kB, installed size 9832 kB | 05:04 |
redcard | Dr_willis: *grins* I mean, a long time ago in a galaxy far away (like.. linux 1.0.28 and earlier..) the builds were actually almost necessary. | 05:04 |
Dr_willis | enable the 'multiverse' repository? | 05:04 |
Dr_willis | redcard, yep.. been there done that | 05:04 |
redcard | That sucked. Waiting an hour and a half plus for the kernel to compile on your 486-33 and then realizing, oh crap, you put the wrong thing in configure for your sound card. | 05:04 |
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dwidmann | redcard: ouch | 05:05 |
Dr_willis | redcard, or frogot to put ext2 filesystem in the kernel.. | 05:05 |
Dr_willis | or ide support | 05:05 |
redcard | Hahaha :)\ | 05:05 |
redcard | Did that only once :) | 05:05 |
adydas | redcard: Nvidia drivers out of date from the kernel version i have | 05:05 |
redcard | adydas: I would recommend Envy | 05:05 |
adydas | im going to guess updateing the kernel will match the Nvidia driver and solve the problem | 05:05 |
dwidmann | Indeed | 05:05 |
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dwidmann | !nvidia9 | 05:05 |
ubotu | For Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9746 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using this repository: deb http://nvidia.limitless.lupine.me.uk/ubuntu edgy stable | 05:05 |
dwidmann | !envy | 05:06 |
ubotu | envy is a Python script that eases installation of the official Nvidia and ATI drivers. Please see http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html . Developers may be interested in https://launchpad.net/products/envy - See also !Nvidia | 05:06 |
mem_ | !sound | 05:06 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 05:06 |
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redcard | I use beryl, but.. before that, Envy was a nice script.. | 05:06 |
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kyle_ | not the memory, memory is fine | 05:10 |
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kyle_ | i need to find a way to set the vitual memory or paging file without being in windows :( | 05:10 |
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kyle_ | its a common problem, but i did the reinstall to fix it and it still dont work | 05:14 |
naught101 | why does konqueror try to open web pages with firefox? why can't it open it itself? | 05:15 |
Biovore | naught101: did you set firefox as the default webrowser or something? | 05:15 |
naught101 | yeah... but I'm opening the pages from within konqueror, from another webpage | 05:15 |
kyle_ | anyone got any ideas to help me get this booted? | 05:15 |
naught101 | I go here: http://www.nusa.org.au/ , click on the link, and it asks me if I want to open it in firefox | 05:16 |
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Biovore | http://www.nusa.org.au/cms/ <-- works here | 05:17 |
dwidmann | That's just the way Konqueror behaves | 05:17 |
naught101 | yeah. doesn't here | 05:17 |
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naught101 | it's ridiculous | 05:17 |
dwidmann | if you set something else to the default for that mime type, that's what it will do | 05:17 |
DummyThatKnowsNa | can someone please give me a hand getting Mysql to start | 05:17 |
kyle_ | its because you have firefox set as the default | 05:17 |
naught101 | arrgh... | 05:18 |
astroboy | "/bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off" .. anyone remember the solution .. ? | 05:18 |
Biovore | astroboy: thats called Fubared | 05:18 |
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dwidmann | The better way is to leave the mimetype alone, and set it in kcontrol -> KDE components -> Default Applications -> Web browser | 05:18 |
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naught101 | so there's NO way to have FF as kde's default browser, and still have functional browsing in konqueror? | 05:18 |
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raylu | ? what's disfunctional about konqueror right now? | 05:19 |
usr01 | witch one is best? mesa-glide3 or mesa-dri | 05:19 |
Dr_willis | never noticed.. | 05:19 |
x04ty29er | my konqueror is fine | 05:19 |
x04ty29er | and FF is my default web browser | 05:19 |
raylu | Same here. | 05:19 |
Dr_willis | i thought it launched FF for the urls. and kept konq for the file manager | 05:19 |
x04ty29er | one sec | 05:20 |
Branded_Atom | mine is too, ff for http, konqueror for file manager | 05:20 |
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raylu | whois ubotu | 05:20 |
raylu | ack | 05:20 |
dwidmann | Opera for http here, Konqueror for file manager, or sometimes web browser | 05:20 |
x04ty29er | nope | 05:20 |
Biovore | !ubotu | 05:20 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 05:20 |
dwidmann | !bot | raylu | 05:20 |
ubotu | raylu: please see above | 05:20 |
x04ty29er | if i enter a url in konqueror | 05:20 |
x04ty29er | it still goes to it in konqueror | 05:20 |
raylu | i thought ubotu would be in some bot channel | 05:20 |
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dwidmann | x04ty29er: I think the only occasion where it wouldn't would be if you screwed with the html mimetype | 05:21 |
naught101 | x04ty29er: yeah, same here, but if I click a link (to another page), it tries to download it | 05:21 |
naught101 | or open it with FF | 05:21 |
x04ty29er | um | 05:22 |
x04ty29er | one sec | 05:22 |
naught101 | my HTML mimetypes still have konqueror at the top of the list | 05:22 |
naught101 | that is, text/html and... | 05:22 |
dwidmann | Hmm, interesting | 05:22 |
x04ty29er | check konqueror settings | 05:22 |
naught101 | xhtml/xml/html | 05:23 |
naught101 | where? | 05:23 |
x04ty29er | you may have it opening links in an external app | 05:23 |
x04ty29er | settings | 05:23 |
Biovore | thats what I think he has.. his example works fine here.. | 05:23 |
x04ty29er | configure konqueror | 05:23 |
dsmith_ | how many ppl run raid on thier *nix boxes? | 05:23 |
x04ty29er | not me :) | 05:23 |
Biovore | I have a box with a real raid controller on it.. | 05:24 |
Biovore | and I had a box that ran mdadm | 05:24 |
Biovore | (software raid 5) | 05:24 |
dsmith_ | mdadm? | 05:24 |
dsmith_ | oh | 05:24 |
naught101 | ahh... ok. I think I may have figured it. system mietypes set correctly, my user mimetypes buggered... | 05:24 |
dsmith_ | i dont like software raid | 05:24 |
Biovore | me neather.. thats why I have a hardware raid controller now :-P | 05:24 |
dsmith_ | :P | 05:24 |
dsmith_ | I like 3ware | 05:24 |
Biovore | acera | 05:25 |
naught101 | yay! fixed! thanks for the help x04ty29er and others | 05:25 |
Dr_willis | if i type a url into konqueror - i think i would want it to stay in koqueror... | 05:25 |
Biovore | basicly full opensourced drivers (unlike 3ware and adaptec) | 05:25 |
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dsmith_ | upgrading dapper to edgy | 05:26 |
dsmith_ | on this machine | 05:26 |
dsmith_ | has anyone been using 7.04 yet? | 05:27 |
Biovore | dsmith_: its kinda buggy still | 05:30 |
dwidmann | dsmith: I took a peak, didn't see anything that stood out really | 05:30 |
phobiac | I've got a wireless card issue, kubuntu didn't install the drivers for my wireless card. As far as I can tell from the Gateway website the card is a broadcom 802.11b/g PCI wireless lan card. | 05:30 |
redcard | The autosuggest codecs is neat | 05:30 |
phobiac | I'm unsure as to where to look for the driver. | 05:30 |
dsmith_ | hmmmm | 05:31 |
phobiac | !wireless | 05:31 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 05:31 |
Dr_willis | the exact chipset is the info ya shoudl findout | 05:31 |
dsmith_ | 6.06 vs 6.10 is huge difference | 05:31 |
Dr_willis | use 'lspci' to see what its seen as. | 05:31 |
dsmith_ | wondering if they are suffering from feature creep.. | 05:32 |
phobiac | Yeah, I found the docs. I'll see if they can help. Thank you. | 05:32 |
=== dsmith_ has of yet to dabble in wireless ubuntu | ||
redcard | I suspect I'll go to 7.04 | 05:33 |
=== dsmith_ has to learn wireless, ppp and a few other things still | ||
phobiac | Well that's great. Kubuntu recognizes the hardware, and the interface is up, but iwconfig says there are no connections. | 05:36 |
Dr_willis | the more i mess with wireless... the more i run wires | 05:36 |
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phobiac | What I've noticed is that in system settings>network settins my wireless card isn't enabled, and I can't enable it (even after getting root rights). | 05:37 |
x04ty29er | lol | 05:37 |
phobiac | Knetworkmanager also refuses to acknowledge the card. | 05:37 |
phobiac | Dr_willis: I usually use wires too. It's faster and easier, but it's nice to have the ability to move around if need be. | 05:38 |
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cpk1 | i havent run into any problems with ndiswrapper | 05:39 |
dsmith_ | lol...Dr_Willis | 05:39 |
cpk1 | although i havent tried my desktop wireless yet | 05:39 |
cpk1 | i think that one is a little funky | 05:39 |
raylu | Isn't there a command to enable a wireless device? | 05:39 |
dsmith_ | Phobiac: just make longer wires | 05:39 |
Xlylith | dwidmann: I wonder how to confirm a bug in launchpad.... | 05:39 |
cpk1 | yeah ifup wlan0 (or whatever its logical name is) | 05:40 |
Xlylith | dwidmann: I have add my comment there, but I couldn find a way to make the bug status confirmed | 05:40 |
phobiac | dsmith: It's hard to find a wire that can go all around a two story house :P | 05:41 |
raylu | oooh. how do I get a list of network devices' logical names? | 05:41 |
cpk1 | lshw | 05:41 |
dsmith_ | phobiac: lol, I hear ya | 05:42 |
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Dr_willis | lots of LONG wires | 05:42 |
Biovore | don't choke your self with them :-P | 05:42 |
Dr_willis | too bad that power-line-network stuff dident really take off. | 05:42 |
dsmith_ | lol | 05:42 |
phobiac | Hmm, so my wireless connection is eth1. sudo ifup eth1 gives me this: ifup: interface eth1 already configured | 05:42 |
Biovore | BPL is evil | 05:42 |
Dr_willis | thenya could just have network working when ya plug in the pc | 05:42 |
plackslayer_ | Has anyone here tried using a linksys WRE54G as a wired access point to a wireless network? | 05:43 |
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Biovore | plackslayer_: It should work.. that device runs a linux.. and people have hacked into it :-P | 05:43 |
dsmith_ | when we built the office | 05:43 |
raylu | isn't ifup the same as ifconfig up? | 05:43 |
cpk1 | so bring it down then up | 05:43 |
Biovore | maybe... | 05:43 |
dsmith_ | I had them install 4 cable ports in every room | 05:43 |
dsmith_ | I just filled a 24 port Netgear switch | 05:44 |
dsmith_ | ok... back to kubuntu | 05:44 |
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raylu | ifdown dsmith_ kekekekeke ok =\ | 05:44 |
dsmith_ | raylu: ? | 05:44 |
raylu | nothing. im just happy that i dont have to use a gui to disable my eth devices | 05:45 |
dsmith_ | :) | 05:45 |
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kai | hey everybody | 05:46 |
dsmith_ | hey | 05:47 |
kai | Jucato: Do you use ie4Linux or Firefoe w/ wine? | 05:47 |
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raylu | Firefox natively | 05:47 |
dsmith_ | firefox will install on *nix | 05:47 |
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dsmith_ | I have installed ie4linux, but never resort to it | 05:48 |
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kai | I know that, im tryin tog et plugin support, which I almost found in firefox with wine | 05:48 |
phobiac_ | Hmm, knetworkmanager still doesn't recognize it. | 05:48 |
kai | For example Speedtest.net | 05:48 |
dsmith_ | which plugin? | 05:48 |
raylu | For which plugin? | 05:48 |
dsmith_ | use speakeasy | 05:48 |
dsmith_ | flash?/ | 05:48 |
raylu | !speakeasy | 05:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about speakeasy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:48 |
dsmith_ | lol | 05:48 |
raylu | T.T | 05:48 |
raylu | what is it? | 05:49 |
kai | The Macromedia | 05:49 |
dsmith_ | oh flash | 05:49 |
dsmith_ | install flash 9 | 05:49 |
kai | Im also wanting to get the qt and mpg support | 05:49 |
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dsmith_ | I used automatix2 | 05:49 |
kai | I did that, my opera still doesnt work w/ flash | 05:49 |
dsmith_ | for thoses I believe | 05:49 |
kai | idk why | 05:49 |
dsmith_ | i tired opera once | 05:50 |
dsmith_ | *gasp* | 05:50 |
vegas | anybody have a link for a how-to on vmware? | 05:50 |
cpk1 | phobiac_: is there some reason you need to use knetworkmanager? | 05:50 |
kai | I like it, I have the 'motif' plugins and everything but I still can't get macro stuff to work | 05:50 |
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dsmith_ | raylu: Speakeasy provides a bandwidth flash speed test | 05:50 |
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kyle_ | arrg | 05:50 |
kyle_ | god damn windows!!! | 05:50 |
raylu | is it online? | 05:51 |
dsmith_ | yea | 05:51 |
dsmith_ | you can pick your servers | 05:51 |
phobiac_ | cpk1: No reason I have to, I can use anything else. But nothing is recognizing that my wireless card is (apparently) working. | 05:51 |
dsmith_ | wash, dc; new york, etc.. | 05:51 |
mem_ | I'm still having trouble with my sound.. I tried running through the suggestions given through "!Sound". I've installed/configured ALSA as far as I know. Removing alsa-base removes ubuntu-minimal which really pissed everything off ... I've had the sound working once.. and I can't get it up again. Anyone have any suggestions... sound card is SiS 7012 AC'97 Alsa recognises it as intel8x0 | 05:51 |
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phobiac_ | Wireless Assitant Manager doesn't either | 05:51 |
cpk1 | phobiac_: iwlist scan do anything? | 05:51 |
dsmith_ | whats wrong with windows? | 05:51 |
dsmith_ | :) | 05:51 |
mem_ | I've also given user/group access to Audio. | 05:51 |
dsmith_ | oh I know... whats right with it, huh? | 05:51 |
phobiac_ | eth1 Interface doesn't support scanning. | 05:52 |
kyle_ | Anyone possibly wanna help me 1 on 1 with a windows problem i got? | 05:53 |
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mem_ | Whatcha got Kyle.. I'm probably useless.. but still | 05:53 |
cpk1 | mem_: I have an sis 7012 works with no setup at all | 05:53 |
kyle_ | well, i just replaced my mobo, cpu and got a new ram stick | 05:53 |
phobiac_ | kyle: You should really ask in #windows, but I don't mind taking a crack at helping. | 05:53 |
cpk1 | its ##windows | 05:53 |
kyle_ | and when i boot up, it goes into windows, but right before it all loads, i get a virtual memory or pagefile error | 05:54 |
greywolf | Well, I tried multiple ways of disabling my integrated video card, even in the BIOS (which doesn't have an option to disable it), but to no avail - I tried forgetting about my ATI card and just sticking with the default graphics card, but my monitor didn't display anything (I guess it must be stuck on my ATI card). Any suggestions? | 05:54 |
phobiac_ | Oh yeah, the extra #. | 05:54 |
kyle_ | i did the windows repair and everything | 05:54 |
mem_ | cpk1 Mine didn't work from install, all 6 times I've installed it | 05:54 |
greywolf | For reference, my installation never gets to this screen: http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/9720/w2u218vo.png (using the Kubuntu cd, of course, not Ubuntu) | 05:55 |
cpk1 | mem_: you checked the sound levels? =) | 05:55 |
mem_ | I had it working after 2 days of mucking around.. then I tried to install Beryl but found out the SiS760 AGP card won't do something about 3d acceloration.. and lost sound after installing it again | 05:55 |
kyle_ | and my windows restarts | 05:55 |
mem_ | I've ran alsamixer and everything is unmuted | 05:55 |
mem_ | kyle_ you might want to check the manufacturer of the mobo to see if they have any known bugs | 05:55 |
cpk1 | mem_: are you using the digital out? getting the digital to work sometimes can be funky | 05:56 |
mem_ | umm, I'm not digital | 05:56 |
mem_ | At least I don't think so >.> | 05:56 |
andres_ | whoy helps me? as I Install beryl in my kubuntu edgy? | 05:56 |
cpk1 | the digital out is one coaxial plug, you would probably know if you were using it =P | 05:56 |
mem_ | andres_ the beryl wikipedia entry is very helpful. I'm 1 week old linux user and I could follow it fine | 05:56 |
greywolf | I get here just fine, however: http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/7134/w2u198sn.png - it's when I choose "Start Kubuntu" that it eventually runs into the command prompt and not the installation GUI that guides me through the process. | 05:56 |
mem_ | No, I'm on a laptop lol using analogue I assume | 05:57 |
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greywolf | I've even tried "Start Kubuntu in safe graphics mode," but get the same result | 05:57 |
plackslayer | is there an easy way to hook up a desktop to (wired) eth0 in my laptop and let it use (wireless) eth1 for internet access? | 05:58 |
mem_ | kyle_ there may also be an issue with one of your periphs. Is it OK without Mouse/Keyboard? With my main desktop, if you move the mouse too soon before windows logs you in, I get a blue screen >.< stupid MSI | 05:58 |
andres_ | mem: can I install in my computer? | 05:58 |
phobiac_ | This is odd for me, I *think* my card is supported. It worked perfectly fine with no configuration the first i installed kubuntu. | 05:58 |
kyle_ | i dont get a blue screen at all | 05:59 |
kyle_ | it just gives me that error about virtual memory/ pagefile and then restarts | 05:59 |
mem_ | andres_ check here: http://www.beryl-project.org/ and here: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Main_Page | 05:59 |
mem_ | My bf has that problem when he types too quickly | 05:59 |
greywolf | Help? Anyone? | 05:59 |
phobiac_ | greywolf: What's the problem? | 06:00 |
mem_ | greywolf not familiar with ATI graphics | 06:00 |
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raylu | Ouch. BSOD for typing too fast or moving your mouse too early? | 06:00 |
greywolf | phobiac: my installation doesn't lead me to the installation GUI: I get a command prompt instead | 06:01 |
mem_ | raylu yes, there are a lot worse problems we face with the MSI K9N Platinum SLI mobo.. it pains. I can't burn discs without it powering off. We can't watch AVIs in full screen with SLI enabled or it powers off | 06:01 |
greywolf | I get here just fine: http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/7134/w2u198sn.png | 06:01 |
greywolf | But I've never seen this before: http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/9720/w2u218vo.png | 06:02 |
mem_ | something wrong with a capacitor apparently.. completely annoying | 06:02 |
greywolf | Much less anything like this: http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/7145/w2u228yf.png (which I'm pretty sure is supposed to happen) | 06:02 |
mem_ | but yea.. that's not my problem! I'm totally confused about my sound issue | 06:03 |
phobiac_ | greywolf: What version live CD is it? | 06:03 |
mem_ | My bf (played around with linux for yearss) says its a lost cause.. that I can't do it... yet I've already had sound once! | 06:03 |
greywolf | it's 6.10 | 06:03 |
raylu | How are you testing your sound, mem_? | 06:03 |
phobiac_ | That's really odd, hmm. | 06:03 |
phobiac_ | What ATI card is it? | 06:03 |
underdog5004 | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168 | 06:04 |
underdog5004 | any ideas? | 06:04 |
greywolf | a 9250 | 06:04 |
underdog5004 | is it my xorg.conf looking for a wacom device? | 06:04 |
mem_ | raylu: Just launching Amarok and playing the test ogg | 06:04 |
MuJ | underdog5004: propably | 06:04 |
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raylu | mem_, is artsd running before you launch Amarok? | 06:05 |
underdog5004 | MuJ, bummer...oh welll | 06:05 |
mem_ | raylu: select enable sound in the system settings? That's selected.. | 06:05 |
raylu | Huh? | 06:05 |
MuJ | underdog5004: it shouldn't matter | 06:05 |
phobiac_ | greywolf: You choose the option to load up kubuntu right? | 06:05 |
greywolf | Yeah | 06:05 |
mem_ | raylu: I don't know how to check how else artsd is running | 06:05 |
phobiac_ | Not insulting your intelligence, just checking. | 06:05 |
greywolf | heh | 06:05 |
raylu | What I'm getting at here is the fact that I use "killall artsd" sometimes before launching a program if it's sound isn't playing. | 06:06 |
phobiac_ | What happens after you choose it? | 06:06 |
mem_ | raylu: Giving it a go now | 06:06 |
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greywolf | It displays the boot-up splash screen kinda like the windows one, and then a bit of text flashes by too fast for me to read, then a bunch of text pops up followed by a command prompt | 06:07 |
greywolf | I'm able to reboot by saying "sudo reboot" | 06:07 |
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greywolf | But when I say anything like "boot live" or "boot", it says it doesn't recognize the command "boot" | 06:07 |
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mem_ | raylu: I did killall artsd then tried to run a file, it still looks as though it is playing | 06:07 |
mem_ | raylu: If I try to play media while a terminal is running, it reports alsamixer is having a problem | 06:08 |
raylu | mem_, oh, so the issue isn't that kubuntu doesn't see the hardware? | 06:08 |
mem_ | raylu: I also installed alsa from the alsa-project site, but I also have the alsa stuff installed from the kubuntu package | 06:08 |
phobiac_ | greywolf: I haven't booted a kubuntu live CD in a few weeks now so my memeory is fuzzy. Do you have the option to boot in safe graphics mode like with ubuntu? | 06:08 |
phobiac_ | And if so did you try it? | 06:08 |
mem_ | raylu: when I run aplay -l it shows my device | 06:08 |
naught101 | anyone know why firefox/thunderbird's "restart" command doesn't work? | 06:08 |
greywolf | yeah, I do, and I did try it with the same result | 06:08 |
mem_ | raylu: I can't remove alsa packages otherwise it removes the whole of kubuntu due to dependencies >.< | 06:09 |
phobiac_ | greyworlf: What about (if it can) checking the CD for defects? | 06:09 |
greywolf | I did that to start out with, and it said it had 0 checksum errors | 06:09 |
phobiac_ | mem_: How did you install kubuntu? | 06:09 |
greywolf | (which is probably a good thing ;) | 06:09 |
mem_ | phobiac: from the Kubuntu Edgy Eft 6.10 Live CD downloaded a week ago | 06:10 |
phobiac_ | greywolf: Hmm, I have no idea past this point. Sorry :/ | 06:10 |
greywolf | :( | 06:10 |
greywolf | I'll try the forums then | 06:10 |
greywolf | thanks | 06:10 |
phobiac_ | mem_: How are you trying to uninstall alsa? apt-get or aptitude? | 06:10 |
phobiac_ | greywolf: Did you check google to see if anyone else has the issue? | 06:10 |
raylu | mem_, what about reinstalling them? | 06:11 |
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mem_ | phobiac_: apt-get through terminal which also removes the ubuntu-minimal then adept GUI which removes everything | 06:11 |
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greywolf | sorta - I tried searching for kubuntu install problems but everything that came up seemed related to packages, and the ones that did involve installing the OS itself weren't my problem | 06:11 |
greywolf | I'll check again though | 06:11 |
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phobiac_ | mem_: Have you used aptitude to install anything? | 06:12 |
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mem_ | raylu: I've reinstalled via Adept, apt-get and by installing the source from alsa-project.org ... I think I may have 2 versions of ALSA due to this | 06:12 |
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kyle_ | how can i access my windows drive in kubuntu? | 06:12 |
phobiac_ | greywolf: To narrow it down I'd add the ATI and the model number or whatever it's called to the search. | 06:12 |
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mem_ | phobiac_: my boyfriend did about 20 minutes ago | 06:12 |
raylu | kyle_, look under /media | 06:12 |
phobiac_ | It's possible it's not supported. | 06:13 |
greywolf | ok I will | 06:13 |
raylu | mem_, what does "which alsamixer" show? | 06:13 |
phobiac_ | mem_: That could be a part of your issue. Aptitude and apt-get don't mix well in my experience. | 06:13 |
mem_ | raylu: /usr/bin/alsamixer | 06:13 |
Slynderdale | I followed the instructions on the site to install the Nvidia Drivers on Kubuntu Edgy for the TNT2 series graphics card, it won't let me configure it. IT says command not found when I use sudo nvidia-xconfig | 06:13 |
mem_ | raylu: I don't think that's where I installed the drivers downloaded from ALSA-Project | 06:14 |
phobiac_ | mem_: Do you know if alsa was installed with aptitude? | 06:14 |
kyle_ | there is no drive in /media | 06:14 |
kyle_ | only cdrom and my firewire drive | 06:14 |
raylu | Slynderdale, type nvidia and then tab twice | 06:14 |
raylu | kyle_, are you on a livecd? | 06:14 |
kyle_ | no | 06:14 |
mem_ | phobiac_: alsa was installed with kubuntu live cd, then reinstalled with adept a few times, and apt-get. Not with aptitude at all | 06:14 |
kyle_ | linux never shows my windows drive.... | 06:15 |
raylu | kyle_, it may be under /dev/hda1,2,3,etc or /dev/sda1,2,3,etc but I'm not sure how this works. | 06:15 |
raylu | What filesystem is your win drive? | 06:15 |
kyle_ | ntfsd | 06:15 |
kyle_ | ntfs* | 06:15 |
kyle_ | windows xp | 06:15 |
raylu | o.0, then it should. | 06:15 |
Slynderdale | raylu: sudo: nvidia-xconfig: command not found | 06:15 |
phobiac_ | mem_: Hmm, odd. I remember I had a problem similar to this when I (stupidly) install kubuntu-desktop with aptitude. I then couldn't use apt-get to uninstall anything because it wanted to autoremove everything. :( | 06:15 |
mem_ | My bf has a problem where linux makes his windows drive hidden | 06:15 |
raylu | Slynderdale, did you try nvidia and then tab twice? | 06:16 |
flaccid0s | hidden? | 06:16 |
Slynderdale | raylu: yEAP | 06:16 |
Slynderdale | Yeap | 06:16 |
raylu | nothing showed up? | 06:16 |
Slynderdale | Nope | 06:16 |
mem_ | phobiac_: Adept is still fine, installing, updating and removing various things. Its just that the alsa-base package installed by the kubuntu live cd has dependencies on everything. Its not predjudice about uninstalling its self | 06:16 |
raylu | Hm...no idea then. I thought maybe you had the command wrong. I've never used the Nvidia config stuff | 06:16 |
greywolf | phobiac_: I think I found the problem, although I'm not sure - it looks like the 9250 isn't supported by ubuntu 6.10 | 06:16 |
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phobiac_ | mem_: Hidden? What do you mean hidden? | 06:17 |
greywolf | although does that really have an impact on the install of the OS itself? | 06:17 |
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phobiac_ | greywolf: No video card means pretty much no gui as far as I know | 06:17 |
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mem_ | phobiac_: this was months ago, I was just looking at kyle_'s problem. When he was installing debian with Lilo, his windows drive would be hidden ntfs not just ntfs | 06:17 |
kyle_ | yah so wth | 06:18 |
redcard | So.. what do people use for podcasts around here? | 06:18 |
mem_ | phobiac_: so you couldn't access that drive without modifying something in lilo.conf .. the partitions or something | 06:18 |
greywolf | Ah, wait - it seems that the drivers are out of date | 06:18 |
flaccid0s | its not hidden when you mount it | 06:18 |
kyle_ | iv never been able to see my c:>windows | 06:18 |
kyle_ | in linux | 06:18 |
mem_ | it won't be called c windows? | 06:18 |
phobiac_ | greywolf: There may be hope | 06:18 |
greywolf | Does that mean that if I update the drivers in *windows* it will work? | 06:19 |
flaccid0s | !mount | 06:19 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 06:19 |
raylu | kyle_, have you looked in /dev yet? | 06:19 |
phobiac_ | mem_: Give me a second to colect my thoughts | 06:19 |
flaccid0s | shiz | 06:19 |
kyle_ | all that shows up is my cdrom drives and my firewire drive | 06:19 |
flaccid0s | !ntfs | 06:19 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 06:19 |
raylu | !ntfs-3g | 06:19 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 06:19 |
flaccid0s | ^^ that is what needs to be read to mount drives. a good read | 06:19 |
mem_ | kyle_ how long ago did you install ubuntu? | 06:19 |
raylu | msg ubou fuse | 06:19 |
raylu | ack | 06:19 |
kyle_ | a bit ago | 06:20 |
mem_ | kyle_ an hour, a week? | 06:20 |
kyle_ | month or two | 06:20 |
kyle_ | maybe more | 06:20 |
kyle_ | why? | 06:20 |
mem_ | probably read the mount info just posted then | 06:20 |
phobiac_ | mem_: I don't know what the deal is with your dependency issuies with alsa. I've never had that problem happen with the live CD. Sorry. :/ | 06:20 |
phobiac_ | But for ntfs partitions I would go with ntfs-3g like raylu said. | 06:21 |
raylu | On another note, why would reinstalling alsa drivers help? | 06:21 |
raylu | lol, I used ntfs-3g on ubotu to see what it was :P | 06:21 |
phobiac_ | I have to go. Bye guys. | 06:21 |
flaccid0s | depends if you wanna risk data loss with ntfs write... | 06:21 |
raylu | I don't like the "use with caution," though | 06:21 |
greywolf | thanks phobiac | 06:21 |
phobiac_ | raylu: Oh :P Whoever suggested it | 06:21 |
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phobiac_ | greywolf: Np, I hope you get the problem fixed | 06:21 |
phobiac_ | raylu: It works 100% fine for me. | 06:22 |
greywolf | yeah, me too :P | 06:22 |
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raylu | hm...I wonder how risky it actually is. | 06:22 |
phobiac_ | I have not had any issues at all, even moving over 4GB of mp3's from an ntfs partiton to an ext3. | 06:22 |
mem_ | raylu: I give up for today | 06:22 |
mem_ | Thanks for your help raylu & phobiac_ | 06:22 |
raylu | wait | 06:22 |
mem_ | OK.. | 06:22 |
mem_ | :) | 06:22 |
raylu | [23:21:05] <raylu> On another note, why would reinstalling alsa drivers help? | 06:22 |
kyle_ | brb gonna delete my pagefile, see if that makes my windows boot | 06:22 |
flaccid0s | just because you havnt had a problem yet, doesn't mean you are not going to have a problem in the future.. | 06:23 |
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phobiac_ | I really have to go now though, good luck everyone with whatever problems you're having! Night all. | 06:23 |
mem_ | I'm not sure what else to do.. I think I have 2 versions of alsa now, that are both trying to access the sound device. I can't remove the older version ebcause it came with the Kubuntu package and has dependency issues | 06:23 |
flaccid0s | cia0 | 06:23 |
raylu | and where is the new version? | 06:24 |
flaccid0s | !force | 06:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about force - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:24 |
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mem_ | raylu: /usr/src | 06:24 |
mem_ | raylu: the which alsamixer points to one in usr/bun | 06:24 |
mem_ | bin* | 06:24 |
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raylu | Hm...I'm not too sure either. | 06:25 |
mem_ | pain is watching your gf struggle with linux sound for HOURS :P <- BF | 06:25 |
flaccid0s | bbl | 06:26 |
mem_ | my bf took over the keyboard... | 06:26 |
raylu | Have you tried removing the one in /usr/src? | 06:26 |
mem_ | its valentines day... and I'm infront of my laptop working on linux | 06:26 |
flaccid0s | linux still isn't easy for newbies. thats a fact that cannot be denied. you still have to stuff around. | 06:26 |
mem_ | raylu: usr src is the new version | 06:26 |
mem_ | maybe I should remove it and try to install it over the top of whats in usr bin (fromt he kubuntu disc)? | 06:26 |
raylu | But I think having only one would be better... and since which likes the other one | 06:27 |
ForgeAus | flaccid, depends on what you need to do as a newbie :) | 06:27 |
raylu | Or just don't touch the one in /usr/bin? | 06:27 |
ForgeAus | for some newbie who doesn't go tinkering it could be quite easy.... | 06:27 |
mem_ | Its 4:30pm .. I'll try to remove the second in usr src, but the original one in usr bin didn't work anyway | 06:27 |
raylu | ForgeAus, how many linux newbies won't tinker? | 06:27 |
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mem_ | I should actually spend some of valetines day with him before he takes over the keyboard again though | 06:27 |
raylu | gmt time, o.0 | 06:27 |
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mem_ | +10 I'm in Syd Aus | 06:28 |
ForgeAus | i dunno, I should do some tkinkering myself :) | 06:28 |
mem_ | +11 actually.. DST | 06:28 |
raylu | o.0?? | 06:28 |
mem_ | daylight savings time.. | 06:28 |
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raylu | Oh...4:30 PM. | 06:28 |
mem_ | I'll give it a try later on. We were supposed to catch a movie today | 06:28 |
raylu | OK | 06:29 |
mem_ | thanks for the info though. Will definitely give it a go. | 06:29 |
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mem_ | Have a happy V-day everyone | 06:29 |
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plackslayer | ok still looking into how to share the network to a desktop that is hooked into my laptop's ethernet port (eth0) and going out using the wireless (eth1), Any help or howto's somewhere? | 06:39 |
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plackslayer | anyone have any ideas? All I can find through google are ways to setup my laptop as an access point for other wireless devices and thats the opposide direction I'm trying to go... | 06:46 |
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draik | I can't play quicktime videos. How do I get the necessary plugins for that? | 06:51 |
Admiral_Chicago | !quicktime | 06:51 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 06:51 |
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raylu | how do I send a signal to a process? | 07:01 |
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adydas | Is there some with within unbuntu that makes things RO, ive edited resolv.conf numorus times as root and changed it, saved it and its been fine untill reboot and it seems rebooting resets it back to default from the installation :/ | 07:04 |
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mshade | adydas: you have a static IP? | 07:06 |
mshade | adydas: or is it running dhclient ? | 07:06 |
adydas | nope not static | 07:07 |
adydas | and how do i check about dhclient ( i havent installed it ) | 07:07 |
adydas | ok DHclient is going | 07:07 |
SolidSource | good evening all | 07:07 |
raylu | nevermind, solved my problem | 07:08 |
raylu | kill -s signal pid | 07:08 |
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dettoaltrimenti | is there a program for linux to graphically see how big different directories are on your hard drive? | 07:22 |
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Jucato | !filelight | dettoaltrimenti | 07:22 |
ubotu | dettoaltrimenti: filelight: show where your diskspace is being used. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99beta6-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 317 kB, installed size 856 kB | 07:22 |
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yuriy | dettoaltrimenti: in konqueror go to view mode> file size view | 07:25 |
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adydas | !nvidia | 07:26 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 07:26 |
Jucato | yuriy: it's sort of hard to interpret those things... not to mention they're prone to crashes at times... | 07:26 |
adydas | !api | 07:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about api - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:26 |
newtoeverything | anyone got any time to go through a grub problem with me? | 07:27 |
sparr | how can i check what filesystem a drive uses? | 07:27 |
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adydas | sparr checked the /etc/fstab file? | 07:27 |
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sparr | adydas: i want to know what it really is | 07:28 |
yuriy | Jucato: hmm i don't find it hard *shrug* and the only time it crashed for me was when i was trying to make it crash | 07:28 |
Jucato | sparr: "mount" or "sudo fdisk -l" | 07:28 |
sparr | Jucato: its not mounted. fdisk just lists partition types | 07:28 |
Jucato | sparr: under the System column? | 07:29 |
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Jucato | a "drive" can have as many filesystems as it has partitions. | 07:30 |
sparr | Jucato: thats just the partition type | 07:30 |
sparr | lets pretend you knew what i meant, and ill pretend you werent being an ass by ignoring it | 07:30 |
Jucato | /dev/hdb2 65 1239 9438187+ 83 Linux <-- tells me that it's ext3 | 07:30 |
sparr | no it doesnt | 07:30 |
sparr | it might be ext2 | 07:31 |
Jucato | 82 = ext3/ext2, 82 = swap | 07:31 |
sparr | 83 = "linux", it could be formatted with any filesystem | 07:31 |
sparr | it could be ISO (yes, crazy) | 07:31 |
sparr | or ext2, or ext3, or reiser | 07:31 |
sparr | or udf, or fat | 07:31 |
Jucato | but you'd know that it's not a drive if it's an ISO | 07:31 |
Jucato | no. FAT and NTFS have different systems | 07:32 |
Jucato | /dev/hda3 1307 2433 9052627+ c W95 FAT32 (LBA) | 07:32 |
sparr | no, they SHOULD have different systems | 07:32 |
Jucato | /dev/hda1 * 1 1175 9438156 7 HPFS/NTFS | 07:32 |
sparr | nothing stops you from formatting a "linux"-type partition as FAT | 07:32 |
Jucato | anyway, that | 07:32 |
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Jucato | that's just afaik. | 07:32 |
sparr | or a "FAT32"-type partition as ext2 | 07:32 |
Jucato | but I guess you know more so I'll just shut up | 07:32 |
sparr | thanks | 07:32 |
newtoeverything | anyone know a little about grub? | 07:33 |
Admiral_Chicago | i know a little, dunno if that'll help | 07:33 |
newtoeverything | well can you try lol.. kinda pulling my hair out and dont want to format lol | 07:33 |
newtoeverything | i installed kubuntu on /dev/hda2 and then debian on /dev/hda3 (both on ext3) but now when i try and boot into the kubuntu grub dont seem to recognise its filesystem | 07:34 |
Admiral_Chicago | oh wow, i could help but it's bed time for me. | 07:35 |
newtoeverything | shame.. lol anyone else free? | 07:35 |
underdog5004 | I am, and I'm sober now | 07:37 |
underdog5004 | what can I help you with? | 07:37 |
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adydas | oh oh oh me me MEE | 07:37 |
=== underdog5004 snaps his fingers | ||
newtoeverything | lol.. well did anyone read the problem ^ | 07:38 |
underdog5004 | nope, what's up? | 07:38 |
newtoeverything | i installed kubuntu on /dev/hda2 and then debian on /dev/hda3 (both on ext3) but now when i try and boot into the kubuntu grub dont seem to recognise its filesystem | 07:38 |
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adydas | nvidia Api error kernel modul miss match, 1.0-7184 // 1.0-9746 | 07:39 |
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newtoeverything | im sure its still there cos i can mount it as a ext3, but in grub when i do (hd0,TAB it shows it as "Partition num: 3, Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x7" | 07:39 |
underdog5004 | newtoeverything, lol, I'm no help...sorry | 07:39 |
newtoeverything | lol its kewl | 07:39 |
underdog5004 | maybe edit the menu.list | 07:39 |
sparr | I want an equivalent result to "dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/tmp/foo && file /tmp/foo" without needing a shitload of free space in /tmp. Help? | 07:39 |
adydas | newtoeverything: nano /boot/grub/menu.lst | 07:40 |
underdog5004 | sparr, why don't you just write directly to where you want to write to? | 07:40 |
underdog5004 | otherwise, you _will_ need a shitload of tmp space | 07:40 |
newtoeverything | i did, on boot gives the same message.. i must of done something really bad:( | 07:41 |
sparr | underdog5004: i dont want to write anywhere | 07:41 |
sparr | underdog5004: i just want to run 'file' on it | 07:41 |
sparr | aha! | 07:43 |
sparr | file -s /dev/hda1 | 07:43 |
sparr | hooray | 07:43 |
Branded_Atom | newtoeverything: this is what a google search came up with: "Be sure to check your root(x,y) settings in your grub.conf." | 07:43 |
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dsmith_ | ok so if beryl doesn't like this machine | 07:43 |
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dsmith_ | could just upgrade the video card? | 07:43 |
Branded_Atom | for the error :filesystem type unknown partition type 0x7 Error 17 : Cannot mount selected partition | 07:44 |
newtoeverything | Branded_Atom yea i checked and re checked | 07:44 |
Branded_Atom | thats alli got. sorry | 07:45 |
newtoeverything | its kewl thnx anyway.. thought it might have been a common thing | 07:45 |
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yuriy | !mp3 | 07:52 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:52 |
adydas | Am i going to be missing out on anything by using nv over nvidia as my graphics device? | 07:53 |
adydas | Answered my own Q, Yes.. the tv output | 07:53 |
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t095i09 | hello | 07:55 |
t095i09 | test | 07:55 |
t095i09 | hello | 07:55 |
dettoaltrimenti | my gmail.com page when I view it on konqueror doesn't look great- the font is too small- is there any way I can change the settings to have a bigger font, but just for gmail.com? | 07:55 |
t095i09 | how to configure wpa in edgy ? | 07:55 |
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Branded_Atom | control+= increases the font size on a page in konqueror... | 07:57 |
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dettoaltrimenti | I know, Branded_Atom. I was wondering if I could change the settings for a particular site so I don't have to press ctrl+ every time I check my emqail | 07:58 |
Branded_Atom | i suppose you could write a style sheet for it | 07:58 |
Branded_Atom | koqueror supports css | 07:59 |
ash211_ | t095i09: try using knetworkmanager | 07:59 |
ash211_ | you'll need wpa_supplicant | 07:59 |
dsmith_ | off topic I know but real quick, what manufacturer makes a decent nvidia card? | 07:59 |
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t095i09 | ash11..yea...but where is wpasupplicant.conf location ? | 08:02 |
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Vuen | argh. i'm using adept, i'm trying to install lyx | 08:06 |
Vuen | anyone know how i can go about doing this? | 08:06 |
Vuen | when i search for lyx using adept, it shows only "GNU polyxmass". but apt-cache in a konsole shows lyx is indeed in the repository | 08:07 |
Vuen | why isn't adept showing it? | 08:07 |
Jucato | Vuen: are you using Add/Remove Programs? | 08:08 |
Vuen | yes. | 08:08 |
Vuen | i suppose i should say i already installed from a konsole | 08:08 |
Jucato | Vuen: click the checkbox for "unsupported" | 08:08 |
Vuen | i'm just wondering why adept is not showing it | 08:08 |
Vuen | i already tried that | 08:08 |
Jucato | hm.. | 08:09 |
Vuen | does it show it on your computer? | 08:09 |
Jucato | it does. but I have to click on the Office category | 08:09 |
Vuen | see, why can't adept just show me the packages? synaptic works great for this | 08:09 |
Branded_Atom | synaptic shows it for me... | 08:09 |
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Vuen | Branded_Atom: yes, synaptic shows it for me too. | 08:09 |
Jucato | Vuen: if you use Adept Manager, it will show up. | 08:09 |
Jucato | Vuen: Add/Remove Programs is the same Add/Remove Programs in Ubuntu. Add/Remove Programs is not like Synaptic or Adept Manager | 08:10 |
Vuen | Jucato: when i click Add/Remove Programs, I get a KDE su window that wants to run "adept_installer". I put in my password, Adept Installer pops up. | 08:10 |
Vuen | it most definitely IS running adept | 08:11 |
Branded_Atom | i see it in adept installer, if i change kde only to "any suite" | 08:11 |
Jucato | Vuen: Adept Installer is the program name for Add/Remove Programs. Adept Manager is a different kind | 08:11 |
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Vuen | Branded_Atom: i don't see it. i've got Any Suite selected, checked off show unsupported and proprietary software | 08:11 |
Jucato | Vuen: like what Branded_Atom said, change KDE to "Any Suite", check "Unsupported", type in "lyx" then click on the Office Category | 08:11 |
Vuen | it's not there | 08:11 |
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Vuen | i'm telling you. it's not there | 08:12 |
Vuen | would you like a screenshot? | 08:12 |
Jucato | sure | 08:12 |
Vuen | *sigh* fine. | 08:12 |
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Jucato | btw, Adept Installer isn't like Adept Manger or Synaptic. Synaptic = Adept Manager. Adept Installer = Add/remove Programs in ubuntu | 08:13 |
Branded_Atom | and can i ask why you're not using synaptic if you said you saw it there earlier? | 08:13 |
Vuen | Branded_Atom: because i'm on kubuntu | 08:13 |
Branded_Atom | so am i | 08:13 |
Vuen | so we're supposed to use synaptic? that doesn't even make sense, synaptic is gtk | 08:13 |
Jucato | Vuen: you're supposed to use what you want. no one's dictating. the defaults are just there for.. well... default | 08:14 |
Vuen | i WANT to use a QT-based package manager that will just show me the packages in the repository. | 08:14 |
Branded_Atom | my adept-manger is showing lyx | 08:15 |
Vuen | adept-managnick@nick:~$ adept-manager | 08:15 |
Vuen | bash: adept-manager: command not found | 08:15 |
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Vuen | nevermind, it's an underscore | 08:16 |
Vuen | ooh. see this is exactly what i'm looking for | 08:16 |
Vuen | how do i run adept manager from the K menu? | 08:16 |
Vuen | nevermind i see it now | 08:16 |
Branded_Atom | system, ->adept | 08:16 |
Jucato | Vuen: http://jucato.org/stuff/lyx.png | 08:17 |
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Branded_Atom | personally, i like synaptic better | 08:17 |
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Vuen | anyway, here's your screenshot: http://img460.imageshack.us/my.php?image=adeptlyxdl4.png | 08:17 |
=== Jucato wonders why there's no Office category in there... | ||
Branded_Atom | that is odd | 08:18 |
Jucato | btw, I officially don't trust Adept Installer aka Add/Remove Programs :) | 08:18 |
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Branded_Atom | i'm with you there | 08:19 |
adydas | i cant say im to impressed with it | 08:19 |
Vuen | i didn't even know adept-manager existed until now. why on earth are they two separate programs? | 08:19 |
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Jucato | Branded_Atom: try looking for KWord in there :) | 08:19 |
adydas | i grew up with apt-get, Yum was weird but adept just feels wrong | 08:19 |
Jucato | Vuen: why on earth is Syanptic and Add/Remove Programs different on Ubuntu too? :) | 08:19 |
enjoi | hello everyone, are there any advantages or disadvantages to upgrading to edgy from the cd rather than doing dist-upgrade? | 08:20 |
Branded_Atom | haha, i'm still looking for a word processor that i lik | 08:20 |
Branded_Atom | download time =0 with cd ;) | 08:20 |
Jucato | Vuen: Adept Installer is *supposed* to be a more friendly interface to Adept Manager. just like what its counterpart is in Ubuntu | 08:20 |
enjoi | lol, cd it is then | 08:20 |
Vuen | Jucato: anyway. yes, i grew up with apt too | 08:20 |
Branded_Atom | ymmv | 08:20 |
enjoi | ok thanks brandon see ya | 08:21 |
Vuen | but it's hard to impress people at linux's ease of installation when you have to do it from a terminal window | 08:21 |
Jucato | Vuen: Kubuntu != all of Linux | 08:21 |
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Vuen | ? | 08:21 |
adydas | linux is terminal window | 08:21 |
Branded_Atom | yea, but kubuntu is linux fo the masses! | 08:21 |
Admiral_Chicago | linux is a kernel actually | 08:21 |
tudza | Any way to update Amarok without updating Kubuntu? | 08:21 |
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Vuen | "<Jucato> Vuen: Kubuntu != all of Linux" what? | 08:22 |
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Vuen | what is that even referring to? | 08:22 |
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adydas | think of it more as a figure of speech Admiral_Chicago | 08:22 |
Branded_Atom | he means "linux's ease of installation" | 08:22 |
Branded_Atom | and the terminal | 08:22 |
Vuen | fine then, debian-derived distributions' ease of installation. happy now? | 08:22 |
Admiral_Chicago | tudza: add the amarok repo | 08:23 |
Jucato | Vuen: what I meant was that one distro's ease or unease of installation doesn't represent all of Linux (the OS) in its entirety | 08:23 |
Jucato | and, as what Branded_Atom so poetically mentioned earlier, ymmv | 08:23 |
Jucato | (Your Mileage May Vary) | 08:24 |
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Vuen | *sigh* if i'm going to show off how easy it is to install things on my computer, i'm not going to explain to them the differences between distributions and package managers. i'm going to tell them "this is Linux." | 08:24 |
Branded_Atom | well don't do that | 08:24 |
Branded_Atom | hehehe | 08:24 |
Vuen | why? | 08:24 |
newest007 | how do i upgrade to kubuntu from ubuntu? | 08:24 |
Vuen | why not? | 08:24 |
Jucato | Vuen: then show them a distro that is supposed to be easy to install and manage | 08:24 |
Vuen | Jucato: and ubuntu is not such a distro? | 08:24 |
Jucato | tbh? no | 08:25 |
tudza | ah, what would the URL for the amarok repository be? | 08:25 |
Vuen | newest007: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 08:25 |
newest007 | no | 08:25 |
Vuen | Jucato: wow. okay | 08:25 |
newest007 | i want to upgrade TO kubuntu, not upgrade to ubuntu | 08:25 |
newest007 | i got ubuntu now, i want kubuntu though | 08:25 |
Vuen | newest007: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 08:25 |
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newest007 | ahh k, ty | 08:25 |
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Vuen | newest007: when it asks whether you want gdm or kdm, tell it kdm | 08:26 |
newest007 | just that i already done sudo apt get install kubuntu desktop | 08:26 |
newest007 | but i messed things up | 08:26 |
newest007 | now my pc is awol | 08:26 |
=== adydas_ [n=adydas@60-234-129-10.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jucato | Vuen: imho, Ubuntu is a relatively harmonious blend of GUI and command-line. if you want "ease" of use, look towards something like Linspire | 08:26 |
newest007 | ive got both gnome and kde apps in menus etc | 08:26 |
Jucato | newest007: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde | 08:26 |
newest007 | but all the gnome ones are useless | 08:26 |
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Vuen | Jucato: if not ubuntu, then what would be a distro that is easy to install and manage? | 08:26 |
newest007 | but i dont know how to clean up the desktop of all the gnome app's | 08:26 |
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Vuen | Jucato: ah | 08:26 |
Jucato | Vuen: well, Ubuntu is easy to install. Manage? that depends | 08:27 |
Vuen | Jucato: first off linspire is proprietary. they may as well use windows. second of all, soon linspire and freespire will be based on ubuntu | 08:27 |
Vuen | which makes your argument pretty much moot | 08:27 |
Jucato | Vuen: you do know what proprietary means don't you? | 08:27 |
newest007 | if i do sudo apt get install kubuntu desktop again, will my desktop reset back to the default KDE settings? cause my desktop is REAL messed up | 08:28 |
Vuen | Jucato: nice, how condescending of you.] | 08:28 |
Jucato | "proprietary" doesn't mean "paid/commercial" | 08:28 |
Vuen | Jucato: linspire costs MONEY. | 08:28 |
Jucato | Freespire doesn't. And we're talking about "ease" of use. | 08:28 |
Vuen | Jucato: *sigh* just because it's open source doesn't mean it's not proprietary. proprietary does not mean closed source. | 08:28 |
newest007 | how do i stop programs from starting up when i boot my pc? | 08:28 |
Vuen | Jucato: yes, and to make it easy to use, they're migrating to ubuntu. that's the whole point. | 08:29 |
newest007 | cause gaim keeps loading up, i want to stop it | 08:29 |
adydas_ | I dont find it all that easy to be fair | 08:29 |
Jucato | Vuen: proprietary means "closed source" | 08:29 |
Vuen | no, it doesn't. | 08:29 |
newest007 | anyone? | 08:29 |
Jucato | newest007: close it before you logout. but are you on Kubuntu? | 08:29 |
newest007 | im on ubuntu but i used sudo apt get install kubuntu desktop, | 08:30 |
newest007 | whats the diff between ubuntu and kubuntu apart from the desktop graphics? | 08:30 |
Jucato | newest007: by default, KDE saves what you left open when you logout, and restores it when you login. | 08:30 |
newest007 | ahh, kk | 08:30 |
newest007 | so i have to select, load a new session? | 08:30 |
adydas_ | newest007: just that ib elive | 08:30 |
newest007 | sorry?? | 08:31 |
Jucato | newest007: no. just remember to totally quit GAIM before you logout | 08:31 |
newest007 | i do | 08:31 |
newest007 | but it keeps trying to start up when i log on | 08:31 |
Vuen | newest007: you can configure KDE to exclude gaim from starting up automatically | 08:31 |
newest007 | and everynow and then, some other programs randomly start up | 08:31 |
Jucato | newest007: are you sure it's not running in the system tray? | 08:31 |
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newest007 | im sure | 08:31 |
Jucato | hm... | 08:31 |
Jucato | newest007: this happens when you login to KDE? | 08:32 |
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newest007 | my user name is present, all i have to do is enter my passowrd, and desktop loads up, which i dont like, id prefer if my user name wasnt shown at logon screnn.. | 08:33 |
newest007 | soz typos, type too fast, lol | 08:33 |
Vuen | newest007: system settings -> session manager, click "Start with an empty session" or type "gaim" in the aplications to be excluded | 08:33 |
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Branded_Atom | or /home/(your user name)/.kde/Autostart | 08:34 |
Branded_Atom | and get it out of there.. | 08:34 |
Vuen | anyway Jucato, debian uses "proprietary" for any closed source application, but that's not how the FSF defines it; they define it as any software that isn't GPL-compatible. take cedega for example, open source but proprietary. | 08:35 |
newest007 | ahh, sweet, got it now, ty people | 08:35 |
Branded_Atom | which way worked best for you? | 08:35 |
Vuen | Jucato: from wikipedia: "Some proprietary software comes with source code or provides offers to the source code. Users are free to use and even study and modify the software in these cases, but are restricted by either licenses or non-disclosure agreements from redistributing modifications or sharing the software. Examples include Pine, the Microsoft Shared source license program, and certain proprietary implementations of SSH." | 08:35 |
Vuen | so to answer your condescending question, yes, i know what proprietary means. do you? | 08:36 |
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=== Jucato sighs | ||
Vuen | anyway. linspire is proprietary. it contains lots of proprietary software by default, such as codecs, which users pay money for. | 08:38 |
Vuen | freespire is FOSS. it will soon be based on ubuntu, and ubuntu will soon be using CNR. | 08:39 |
Jucato | Ubuntu will soon be "able to" use CNR. | 08:40 |
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Vuen | feisty will have CNR in the repos, feisty+1 will have it by default iirc | 08:40 |
mortici | how does one "format" a drive in linux? i have a 1gb flash drive that is telling me it has 250gb worth of data | 08:41 |
adydas_ | !format | 08:42 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 08:42 |
ForgeAus | Jucato will it be called CNR or fcnr? | 08:42 |
Jucato | ForgeAus: ask Vuen. he seems to know a lot about official Ubuntu plans for CNR | 08:42 |
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Vuen | i don't know. | 08:43 |
ForgeAus | lol | 08:43 |
Vuen | i haven't heard of fcnr | 08:43 |
ForgeAus | I looked for it on sourceforge and it had something about freespire (I think it was under a different name but seemed to be referring to the same thing) and an fcnr... | 08:44 |
ForgeAus | which I guess stands for free click n run | 08:44 |
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Spo8 | hey i had an install question that maybe you guys could help with | 08:44 |
adydas_ | ffs ok, if i edit resolv.conf and reboot why does it go back to what ever default it has | 08:44 |
ForgeAus | ady I had similar problems with my fstab sometimes | 08:45 |
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ForgeAus | (and when my kernel updated it messed up my grub's menu.lst...) | 08:45 |
adydas_ | im SO confused | 08:45 |
adydas_ | YES | 08:45 |
adydas_ | same | 08:45 |
adydas_ | i was jsut going to say that | 08:45 |
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ForgeAus | in teh transition getting rid of the old one somehow i managed to get myself a drive full of some error log for x-session (which I simply deleted... ) | 08:46 |
Jucato | adydas_: that's the normal behavior for resolv.conf, afaik. don't know how to make it stay | 08:46 |
thill2708 | for the love of god, how do I use fuseiso, and why can't I find a konqueror plugin that does the same thing? I basically want to be extracting xdvdfs files | 08:46 |
ForgeAus | adydas all I can suggest is keep backups of those files | 08:47 |
ForgeAus | and restore/compare them to the default/update/etc versions | 08:47 |
Jucato | ForgeAus: as for menu.lst, anything above the AUTOMAGIC Kernel list is changed when there's a kernel upgrade | 08:47 |
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adydas | err weird.. | 08:48 |
thill2708 | and why isn't mountiso in the feisty repositories? | 08:48 |
Jucato | if you want to make something stick in menu.lst. put it below that line | 08:48 |
ForgeAus | why does it need to be? | 08:48 |
adydas | So theres no way is can stop every reboot it resorting to trying to use my local NAS drive as the primary DNS server | 08:48 |
ForgeAus | theres serveral apps that can mount iso's | 08:48 |
adydas | WHY its set to that i dont know.. | 08:48 |
thill2708 | yeah, but as far as I can tell, only mountiso/fuseiso can do xdvdfs | 08:48 |
Jucato | !iso | 08:49 |
ubotu | To mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn | 08:49 |
ForgeAus | thill possibly, I havn't heard of xdvdfs so I wouldn't know | 08:49 |
Jucato | there's no mountiso on Edgy either | 08:49 |
thill2708 | argh | 08:49 |
thill2708 | mountiso is a konqueror extension that'll do it easily | 08:49 |
ForgeAus | konqueror has extensions | 08:50 |
ForgeAus | theres also kiso you could look at | 08:50 |
thill2708 | yup, using that but it doesn't read xdvdfs iso's | 08:50 |
ForgeAus | I'm pretty sure I can use iso:// kioslave in konqueror | 08:50 |
ForgeAus | but again the xdvdfs thing might be a problem | 08:50 |
ForgeAus | I don't know that format | 08:50 |
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Jucato | thill2708: #ubuntu-motu if you want to ask about "why this program isn't packaged in Ubuntu" | 08:51 |
ForgeAus | is it some kinda udf? | 08:51 |
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thill2708 | Yeah, I think so | 08:51 |
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thill2708 | plus kde-apps.org is timing out. | 08:52 |
ForgeAus | you might want to look for udf tools? they might do the same thing... but I doubt you'd mount them as an iso that way, probably as a /dev/devicename | 08:52 |
thill2708 | ah, I'll try that Jucato | 08:52 |
Jucato | kde-*.org sites are down | 08:52 |
thill2708 | why? | 08:52 |
vge | hi, what was the command to create new .htpasswd password? | 08:52 |
Jucato | dunno why. I don't own it :D | 08:52 |
thill2708 | dammit, Jucato | 08:53 |
ForgeAus | hehe kde-*.org sites are notorious for having links that don't function well under konqueror | 08:53 |
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ForgeAus | still they're not the only source of kde software | 08:53 |
adydas | htpasswd | 08:53 |
adydas | ? | 08:53 |
Jucato | thill2708: nothing you/we can do but wait for them to be up again | 08:53 |
Jucato | ForgeAus: they're the largest source of 3rd-party KDE software | 08:54 |
Jucato | ForgeAus: and they are as official as you can get | 08:54 |
Jucato | but KDE-Look... well.. that's another story | 08:54 |
ForgeAus | mostly about the aesthetics anyway right?.. themes, icons, etc? | 08:54 |
Jucato | yeah. but it's one hell of a haystack | 08:55 |
ForgeAus | I'm not talking up or down kde-*.org I'm just saying its not NECESSARY, I'm not denying that it is handy... | 08:55 |
Branded_Atom | vge, what do you need? | 08:56 |
ForgeAus | um btw Jucato what can you tell me about an fsck error 8 (operational error according to the man page) ... which doesn't mean all that much to me | 08:57 |
Jucato | ForgeAus: it *is* necessary (kde-*.org) | 08:57 |
Jucato | ForgeAus: dunno about those errors | 08:57 |
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ForgeAus | is it possible it could be caused by the fsck error saying that a drive is already mounted? | 08:58 |
vge | Branded_Atom: i got what i needed, but unfortunally the command was not supported in the ssh connection i had | 08:58 |
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Branded_Atom | htpasswd -c /path/to/new/htpasswd/file username? | 08:59 |
ForgeAus | it just means I need to exit a shell, login (textmode) sudo -i (login directly as root didn't work for some reason) and run kdm manually | 08:59 |
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vge | Branded_Atom: yup, no htpasswd command | 08:59 |
adydas | installed ? | 09:00 |
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Branded_Atom | odd, is htaccess running where you ssh'ed to? | 09:00 |
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vge | yup | 09:02 |
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Branded_Atom | i think you have a deeper problem that you are seeing a symptom of here | 09:03 |
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fek | moin | 09:04 |
orient2000 | does anybody knows any working weather desklet? | 09:05 |
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Branded_Atom | forecastfox in firefox? ;) | 09:05 |
mart81 | orient2000: superkaramba? | 09:06 |
Branded_Atom | i don't know about you, but ff is always open for me | 09:06 |
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orient2000 | I have liquid weather from superkaramba but I do not know where it is. | 09:12 |
mart81 | orient2000: load the app from either the K-menu or from ALT-F2 and "superkaramba". Then right-click the icon of superkaramba in the systray and from the popup you can find your way. | 09:14 |
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orient2000 | OK I got karamba working but I can not find my themes I downloaded. | 09:26 |
nomad111 | hey every1 samba is not mounting a shared folder on my other computer | 09:27 |
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nomad111 | my fstab entry: //insight/downloads /media/insight-downloads smbfs guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode 0 0 | 09:27 |
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nomad111 | any tips to help | 09:29 |
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cntb | !printing | 09:32 |
ubotu | Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 09:32 |
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emjay | hi all | 09:34 |
emjay | some italian here? | 09:34 |
Jucato__ | it | 09:35 |
Jucato__ | !it | 09:35 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 09:35 |
emjay | tnk u | 09:35 |
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unix_infidel | heh, the only italian i know is from "life is beautiful" | 09:36 |
Jucato__ | la vita bello? | 09:37 |
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unix_infidel | Jucato__: whatever parts of the english dub that werent dubbed :) | 09:37 |
Jucato__ | roflmao | 09:38 |
firecrotch | How can I figure out if my wireless NIC is using full or half duplex? | 09:38 |
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parkerw207 | can someone help me i cannot load adept | 09:55 |
parkerw207 | it says there is an error | 09:55 |
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stdin | if it's what I think it is, it's a simple fix... | 09:56 |
stdin | !aptfix | 09:56 |
ubotu | If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 09:56 |
stdin | parkerw207: ^^ | 09:56 |
parkerw207 | oo ok then thanks | 09:56 |
stdin | no problem :) | 09:57 |
parkerw207 | i'll check now :P | 09:57 |
parkerw207 | oo no that didnt work | 09:58 |
parkerw207 | i added a new address to the repository could that have cuased this ? | 09:58 |
parkerw207 | its says there is something wrong with the configuration | 09:58 |
typecast | parkerw207: can you paste the error message on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/? | 09:59 |
parkerw207 | i'll ry | 09:59 |
stdin | the new source could be it, adept is very picky about that | 09:59 |
parkerw207 | ooo i'll just past he messag | 09:59 |
parkerw207 | though i can copy and paste it :P | 09:59 |
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parkerw207 | ook it wont even load adept now lol | 10:00 |
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stdin | parkerw207: just post your /etc/apt/sources.list to the paste site typecast gave you, we will be able to spot any mistakes in there | 10:02 |
parkerw207 | ok | 10:02 |
parkerw207 | permission denied ? | 10:03 |
parkerw207 | oo i get it lol | 10:03 |
parkerw207 | i fixed it myself :) | 10:04 |
stdin | heh | 10:05 |
stdin | good :) | 10:05 |
parkerw207 | *getting the hang of this | 10:05 |
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parkerw207 | ok cya guys :) thanks for the help :) | 10:06 |
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crazy_penguin | Hello! | 10:17 |
stdin | hey crazy_penguin | 10:17 |
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vegas | Hi, anybody on? | 10:23 |
vegas | I can't get ktorrent to work | 10:23 |
vegas | it just says stalled, and i know for a fact that the torrent has plenty of seeders | 10:23 |
stdin | vegas: check your firewall settings (if it's enabled), and try changing the default port and enable encryption (in case your ISP it capping/blocking torrents) | 10:25 |
vegas | yea, i'm at a coffee shop, they probably block torrents | 10:26 |
vegas | surprises me though...just the other week they allowed them | 10:26 |
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vegas | and that was before i switched to kubuntu | 10:26 |
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vegas | so i figured it was probably a problem with the os | 10:26 |
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stdin | most torrent problems are connection problems (ISP/Local blocking) | 10:27 |
vegas | stdin, do you happen to know if it's possible for me to set up vmware so that i can run my old xp install on vmware? | 10:27 |
vegas | i know it's not the isp...i live a block away from here and have the same one | 10:27 |
vegas | so apparently they got smart | 10:27 |
stdin | vegas: you mean a previously install windows, from the disk ? | 10:28 |
vegas | lol...i guess so...they finally changed the name and pass for the router away from admin and admin | 10:28 |
vegas | yea | 10:28 |
vegas | erm | 10:28 |
vegas | no | 10:28 |
vegas | my xp install that was on this hdd before i installed kubuntu | 10:28 |
vegas | i just changed the partitions | 10:28 |
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stdin | so you want to be able to run it from the hdd, in vmware? | 10:29 |
vegas | so there's a 20gb ntfs partition with a full working (if you want to call it that) xp install | 10:29 |
vegas | yea | 10:29 |
vegas | also...i don't really know how to set up vmware | 10:29 |
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stdin | I think you can do it, with vmware workstation/server, not with the player. you do the setup in vmware as normal, except you choose to use a physical disk/partition as the disk. But there a chance windows won't boot, as it doesn't like hardware changes | 10:31 |
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vegas | yea | 10:32 |
vegas | also, do you know of a place where i can find drivers for wifi cards? when i installed my wifi card wouldn't work so i just put my old one in, but i'd like to use the newer one seeing as it's 802.11g and this one is | 10:32 |
vegas | isn't | 10:32 |
vegas | i do a lot of file transfers/streaming, so it'd be nice to use the g card | 10:33 |
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stdin | the driver for linux? | 10:34 |
stdin | vegas: oh, found this for you too: http://news.u32.net/articles/2006/07/18/running-vmware-on-a-physical-partition | 10:34 |
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vegas | yea, can't find the driver for linux | 10:36 |
vegas | it's an msi mp54g5 | 10:36 |
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stdin | I don't use wireless, but the help page is a good place to start https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 10:38 |
vegas | good call | 10:39 |
vegas | thanks | 10:39 |
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vegas | hm | 10:46 |
vegas | tried a different torrent and it works | 10:46 |
vegas | for some reason one from thepiratebay works, but one from demonoid and one from bitmetv don't wokr | 10:46 |
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stdin | maybe they are selectively blocking some servers | 10:48 |
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reldruh | does anybody know of a panel applet that will display the current status of my wireless connection? | 11:00 |
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adydas_ | reldruh: http://www.kde-look.org/ go down to like karamba and see if you can find any | 11:01 |
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reldruh | adydas_: I don't have karamba installed and I'd like to keep it that way. I tried to check kde-apps for a standard panel applet, but the site seems to be down | 11:02 |
stdin | knetworkmanager will do it too, it sits in the system tray | 11:02 |
reldruh | stdin: thanks. It's installing now | 11:03 |
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reldruh | stdin: that's an amazing applet | 11:05 |
reldruh | exactly what I was looking for | 11:05 |
reldruh | it seems to be hanging though... | 11:05 |
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stdin | I'm still in the networking dark ages, using a wired connection, so I don't use it much | 11:06 |
adydas_ | This is bollox, how can you edit a file such as resolv.conf reboot and it go back to what ever it feels like | 11:06 |
Tarin | hello! | 11:06 |
_StefanS_ | hi | 11:07 |
reldruh | stdin: interesting. Maybe it's a problem with ndiswrapper. I just installed it | 11:07 |
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Tarin | linux is getting more attention... isn't it? | 11:09 |
stdin | it should work with any wifi connection | 11:09 |
stdin | Tarin: more "main stream" attention, yeah | 11:09 |
Tarin | word | 11:09 |
Tarin | what with vista biting the big one | 11:09 |
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Tarin | more people are looking for alternatives | 11:10 |
sorush20 | hi | 11:10 |
stdin | yeah, people are starting to realise that M$ don't care about customers | 11:10 |
sorush20 | where is the kubuntu picasa package repositories | 11:10 |
adydas_ | As its got more userfreindly its grown | 11:10 |
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vegas | what do you guys use for video playback? i'm considering converting my media center pc to linux | 11:10 |
stdin | !picasa | sorush20 | 11:11 |
ubotu | sorush20: Picasa from Google can be downloaded in .deb format from: http://picasa.google.com/linux/download.html | 11:11 |
vegas | also, how do i run an rpm file? | 11:11 |
adydas_ | you get redhat ? | 11:11 |
stdin | !rpm | vegas | 11:11 |
ubotu | vegas: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 11:11 |
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vegas | thanks stdin | 11:11 |
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stdin | vegas: try and find a .deb if you can, packages converted from rpm can go wrong, tho I haven't had too many problems | 11:12 |
Tarin | i was wondering if you folks would reccomend using ubuntu + beryl | 11:12 |
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Tarin | if if i should try something simpler | 11:12 |
vegas | anyway, any suggestions as to media players? | 11:12 |
Tarin | im a noob | 11:12 |
adydas | vegas: mplayer ive been tolds good | 11:13 |
vegas | and would you guys say that kubuntu is the best distro for a media center pc? | 11:13 |
vegas | thanks adydas | 11:13 |
stdin | my favourite media player is mplayer, but VLC is good too | 11:13 |
adydas | ive gave it ago, but nothing to compare it against it played my avi files etc from a network drive on a fedora core machine | 11:13 |
vegas | i used vlc on winblows, wasn't bad but wasn't great | 11:13 |
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adydas | yeah VLC for the win tho, i loved it on windows seemed to play anything | 11:14 |
vegas | yea | 11:14 |
stdin | it works well with some codecs | 11:14 |
vegas | but then again so did divx player | 11:14 |
stdin | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications <-- just found this | 11:14 |
vegas | thanks stdin | 11:15 |
vegas | i should probably start reading the ubuntu help and guides before just asking you guys, i'll probably start annoying you soon | 11:15 |
adydas | i know naff all, but if i can help i will | 11:15 |
vegas | but on the bright side once i get to the point where i know my shit i'll stick around and help out others | 11:15 |
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stdin | it's still nice to get "human" help every now and then :) | 11:16 |
adydas | stdin: you know anything about writeing to resolv.conf as su saving, rebooting and it going back to what it was before you edited it? | 11:16 |
stdin | adydas: yeah, I know a bit... | 11:17 |
adydas | can you explain, i cant understand whats going on, how on earth can root edit and save the file and it go back due to a resart | 11:18 |
stdin | adydas: what heppens is that the name servers in there are written by dhclient, which gets the info from your dhcp server | 11:18 |
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adydas | right, sounds like i stop using DHCP :p | 11:18 |
stdin | so it's written every time the network comes up | 11:18 |
stdin | you can "bypass" it tho :P | 11:18 |
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adydas | or ill just not use DHCP | 11:19 |
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adydas | its only running for my cellphones use | 11:19 |
stdin | ahh, it's just a matter of editing 1 line in a file tho, if you wanted to | 11:19 |
adydas | im good, im actually annoyed at how little you need to setup for ubuntu to be fair | 11:20 |
vegas | maybe this is a stupid question, but why would you wifi for a cellphone? | 11:20 |
adydas | what about grub files | 11:20 |
adydas | vegas its a windows based imate phone | 11:21 |
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adydas | so it syns to the internet via the dhcp and can then sync to an exchange server to pick up emails etc | 11:21 |
stdin | what do you want to know about grub | 11:21 |
adydas | same thing | 11:21 |
adydas | i edit and save menu.1st | 11:21 |
adydas | same thing happens | 11:21 |
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vegas | ah | 11:22 |
vegas | that reminds me of a question i had | 11:22 |
stdin | menu.1st? you mean menu.lst ? | 11:22 |
adydas | yeah | 11:22 |
adydas | sorry | 11:22 |
vegas | how much of a problem am i going to have using my pda with linux? | 11:22 |
adydas | its late here | 11:22 |
vegas | it's windows mobile based | 11:22 |
vegas | it's early here | 11:22 |
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vegas | 5:22 am | 11:22 |
vegas | i was up all night | 11:22 |
craig | hi | 11:22 |
vegas | this linux shit's fascinating | 11:22 |
adydas | ok you win | 11:22 |
adydas | where is it there | 11:22 |
vegas | i just started using it yesterday | 11:22 |
vegas | kalamazoo, michigan | 11:23 |
craig | any babes here | 11:23 |
stdin | adydas: what are you changing in the menu.lst file? | 11:23 |
adydas | craig: wrong room | 11:23 |
kaatil | it almost one year.. well until to june will my first anniversery on kubuntu. :p.. | 11:23 |
vegas | LOL @ craig | 11:23 |
kaatil | and on linux as well | 11:23 |
craig | what room then | 11:23 |
stdin | #ubuntu-women | 11:23 |
stdin | :P | 11:23 |
vegas | man, i guess i was a day early...i should've picked it up on valentine's day | 11:24 |
stdin | ^^ real channel btw | 11:24 |
vegas | i was just about to try it to see | 11:24 |
adydas | stdin: removing some fouled up entries a make isntall put there | 11:24 |
vegas | craig, the room you're looking for would be a bar | 11:24 |
vegas | any bar | 11:24 |
vegas | well | 11:24 |
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vegas | i guess that would depend upon your preferences | 11:24 |
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stdin | adydas: you mean some kernel boot options, or something else ? | 11:25 |
vegas | although guys that go trolling irc for women are probably the same ones that would get drunk enough to adopt the "mouth's a mouth" philosophy | 11:25 |
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vegas | ok, mplayer for video, do you guys use it for audio too? | 11:29 |
stdin | mplayer will play anything really, but for audio Amarok RULES | 11:29 |
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stdin | Amarok puts windows media player to shame | 11:30 |
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adydas_ | im likeing amarok | 11:30 |
adydas_ | stdin: before i reset net, it was to remove some wrong inserts into the file | 11:30 |
vegas | um, stdin, itunes put windows media player to shame, and itunes sucks | 11:31 |
vegas | but yea, i like what i've seen of amarok so far | 11:31 |
stdin | just wait until you look at the scripts for it, vegas | 11:31 |
adydas_ | i mean comon | 11:32 |
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adydas_ | windows never has a wikipedia search for your artists currently been played | 11:32 |
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vegas | i'm just glad to be free of the bugs of windows | 11:33 |
nknwd | does anyone know how to install pyGTK-devel ? | 11:33 |
stdin | adydas_: it shouldn't get writtin to again unless you install a kernel update, and then all you need to change is the "kopt=" line | 11:33 |
vegas | i haven't run into a single problem with kubuntu, aside from the fact that i'm a complete and utter n00b | 11:33 |
adydas_ | it adds the new, and the old again | 11:33 |
adydas_ | so i have 15 entrys, 2.6.20-generic 2.6.20.old etc etc | 11:34 |
vegas | oh, how big of a hit do you take from using wine and cedega for games? should i keep an xp partition on my gaming pc? | 11:34 |
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stdin | adydas_: can you post the file to pastebin, I'll have a look at it | 11:35 |
nknwd | DOES anyone know how to install pyGTK-devel ? | 11:35 |
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stdin | vegas: some games run in wine/cedega, some don't | 11:35 |
adydas_ | vegas i kept a win xp partition for games, never used it | 11:35 |
adydas_ | xbox 360 for the win | 11:35 |
adydas_ | nknwd: sudo apt-get install pyGTK-devel | 11:36 |
vegas | i have a 360, but for first person shooters i can't give up my pc | 11:36 |
stdin | nknwd: maybe python-gtk2-dev | 11:36 |
adydas_ | assuming thats the correct package | 11:36 |
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adydas_ | vegas: Rainbow 6, GOW, Call of duty | 11:36 |
vegas | until they give me a mouse and keyboard for the xbox 360 i'm sticking with pc gaming | 11:36 |
adydas_ | you give it time, get used to it and it rocks. | 11:36 |
stdin | adydas_: you know what they say about assuming, don't you? :P | 11:36 |
vegas | dude, i got my xbox on launch date, got my 360 on launch date, still use pc for gaming | 11:37 |
vegas | i'm a cpl player | 11:37 |
SolidSource | !w32codecs | 11:37 |
ubotu | Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs | 11:37 |
vegas | i mean, the xbox came out in what, 2001? | 11:37 |
adydas_ | stdin: i know, im so used to assuming | 11:37 |
vegas | i think 6 years is ample time | 11:37 |
adydas_ | xbox 360s can use a mouse andk eyboard ( from what ive heard ) | 11:38 |
vegas | it doesn't bother me to keep my pc up to date for games | 11:38 |
adydas_ | some minor dikin about | 11:38 |
vegas | also, what real time strategy games are there for the consoles? | 11:38 |
vegas | yes, they can, but it sucks | 11:38 |
adydas_ | comamnd & Conq is coming out on 360 soon | 11:38 |
mart81 | iSuck tm | 11:38 |
adydas_ | and that Lord of the rings game :/. | 11:38 |
vegas | the thing is, it's basically the x and y axis of your right analog stick mapped to a mouse | 11:38 |
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vegas | so the ability to turn a 180 on a dime is gone | 11:39 |
vegas | yea, but the thing is that rts sucks on a console | 11:39 |
vegas | it's been done | 11:39 |
vegas | it sucks | 11:39 |
vegas | for things like that you need a pc | 11:39 |
vegas | it's just a fact | 11:39 |
adydas_ | i game as good on 360 as i ever did on pc styles, admitadly its easyer to just sit down and learn keyboard and mouse gaming than a hand controlelr for a 360 | 11:39 |
vegas | well, in my book, anyway | 11:39 |
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adydas_ | took me a few months to master things with the xbox | 11:40 |
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vegas | adydas, it's a preference thing...i played the hell out of halo 2, but i still greatly prefer counter-strike | 11:40 |
adydas_ | i agree, i used to love counterstrike.. but now im hooked on rainbow 6 ( very ish simlar ) | 11:41 |
vegas | it has nothing to do with my ability to rack up frags, i'm sure that with concentration and practice i could pwn just as many noobs on xbox as i do on pc, the thing is that it's not as fun in my book | 11:41 |
vegas | i play rainbow 6 a lot, it's just that counter-strike's the old stand-by | 11:41 |
adydas_ | 6 of 1, half a dozen of the other on that fo rme | 11:41 |
vegas | also, i make money off of cs | 11:41 |
vegas | hell, i wish i could make the switch to just console gaming, it'd save me money | 11:42 |
vegas | all i pay for on consoles is the initial cost...i play burned 360 games online all the time | 11:42 |
vegas | m$ really screwed the pooch on the security for that one | 11:42 |
adydas_ | yeah | 11:42 |
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adydas_ | im gonna firmware my dvd rom soon to do tha | 11:43 |
vegas | oh, is there support for flac with amarok? | 11:43 |
vegas | adydas, make sure you have the right drive | 11:43 |
vegas | also, check what sata card you do it with | 11:43 |
adydas_ | oh ill pay someone | 11:43 |
vegas | hey...i'm experienced | 11:43 |
vegas | if that's how you want to go | 11:43 |
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adydas_ | you in my country :P | 11:44 |
vegas | what country? | 11:44 |
adydas_ | New Zealand | 11:44 |
vegas | ouch | 11:44 |
vegas | hm | 11:44 |
adydas_ | Man, i JUST timed out.. | 11:44 |
vegas | wonder what shipping would be | 11:44 |
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adydas | arse loads | 11:44 |
vegas | idk, shipping's cheap, generally | 11:44 |
vegas | depends on how you go | 11:44 |
adydas | therse a company in new plymouth here that does them | 11:44 |
adydas | its like $30 bucks | 11:44 |
vegas | oh | 11:44 |
vegas | nm then | 11:44 |
adydas | it would cost me that in shipping | 11:44 |
vegas | yea | 11:45 |
adydas | my only issue, if orgot the companys name | 11:45 |
vegas | LOL | 11:45 |
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vegas | google should solve that for you | 11:45 |
adydas | yeah | 11:45 |
adydas | when i need to worry about it ill dig it out | 11:45 |
adydas | ie warrenty expires | 11:45 |
vegas | lol...warranty | 11:45 |
adydas | that to :p | 11:45 |
vegas | no, i was laughing at the notion | 11:45 |
vegas | i void warrantees as soon as i can usually | 11:46 |
vegas | it's just one of those things | 11:46 |
adydas | yeah i know, but if somthing goes horirbly wrong in the next 3 months ih ave 1 leg as apposed to none to stand on | 11:46 |
vegas | um...there's always a leg to stand on | 11:46 |
adydas | actually launch was 1st march so its nearly all over rover anyway | 11:47 |
vegas | if it breaks you ship it to a friend, insure it for $400, and have them claim the insurance | 11:47 |
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adydas | you mean $800 | 11:47 |
vegas | don't get greedy when scamming shipping companies | 11:47 |
vegas | that's how you get busted | 11:47 |
adydas | no, thats what it cost me | 11:47 |
vegas | does new zealand use different dollars? | 11:48 |
adydas | yes | 11:48 |
vegas | ah | 11:48 |
vegas | well | 11:48 |
adydas | wer elike 42 cents to the us $ i belive.. | 11:48 |
adydas | err, you know what i mean | 11:48 |
vegas | ship it for whatever a brand new one costs there, and be happy with the fact that you got a new 360 | 11:48 |
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vegas | yea, i wish there was a global currency | 11:48 |
adydas | be so much easyer he | 11:48 |
adydas | eh | 11:48 |
vegas | although the monetary system is corrupt enough as it is | 11:49 |
vegas | there's no backing to it | 11:49 |
vegas | well, there is, but not much | 11:49 |
vegas | in the US i think there's actual backing for about 1/9 of the money in circulation | 11:49 |
vegas | probably similar in NZ | 11:50 |
adydas | im curious how much missing money is floating around the states | 11:50 |
adydas | recently we changed our 5, 10 and 50 cent coins and had to hand in our old stuff for free exchange | 11:50 |
vegas | hell, think of the missing money that's floating arounds in iraq or any other country in the world | 11:50 |
vegas | USD, no less | 11:50 |
adydas | there was like millions missing | 11:50 |
vegas | ever see any of the pictures of mercenaries in iraq sitting on stacks of sheets of uncut $100 bills? | 11:51 |
vegas | legal us tender | 11:51 |
adydas | i remeber somthing on the news | 11:51 |
adydas | some guy tryed to sneek it home | 11:51 |
adydas | with others and they got busted eh | 11:51 |
vegas | um, if you work for someplace like blackwater it's legal to take it home | 11:51 |
adydas | man, that would be sweet | 11:52 |
vegas | if you're a regular soldier, yeah, you have to turn it in | 11:52 |
vegas | my cousin's in blackwater | 11:52 |
adydas | here working for a chocolate factory getting a free samples hard work | 11:52 |
vegas | it'd be sweet, but there's a lot that goes into working for a place like that | 11:52 |
vegas | 10+ years military experience, mandatory documented combat experience | 11:53 |
vegas | you've got to be a hardass | 11:53 |
adydas | ha cool | 11:53 |
vegas | you know what blackwater is, right? | 11:53 |
adydas | KDE pannel (kicker) crashed | 11:53 |
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adydas | oh perhaps not, i thought it was a place | 11:53 |
vegas | that happened to me, actually | 11:53 |
vegas | wonder what happened to it | 11:53 |
vegas | anyway | 11:53 |
adydas | so its not an area | 11:53 |
vegas | blackwater is the biggest and most well known private military contractor on the planet | 11:54 |
vegas | basically, mercenaries | 11:54 |
vegas | see, governments like the US will go into an area, protect certain VIP's, then pull out and leave them hanging | 11:54 |
vegas | so those people need protection | 11:55 |
vegas | so they hire mercenaries | 11:55 |
adydas | you learn somthing new every day | 11:55 |
adydas | and im 6 mins away from a new day to.. | 11:55 |
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vegas | it's quite lucrative, if you meet their qualifications | 11:57 |
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PhinnFort | how can I reset my K-Menu? | 11:57 |
PhinnFort | it's really bugged up after I "converted" from gentoo | 11:58 |
vegas | my cousin should be home soon, i think tomorrow, actually, and after working for blackwater for three years he made enough money to retire | 11:58 |
PhinnFort | is there some folder under ~/.kde which I can delete? | 11:58 |
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Jucato | PhinnFort: as in remove any modification you havee made to it? | 11:58 |
PhinnFort | Jucato: something like that | 11:58 |
lucio_ | hi! | 11:58 |
Jucato | PhinnFort: ~/.config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu <-- move or remove that | 11:59 |
PhinnFort | thanks | 11:59 |
PhinnFort | i'll backup it for now | 11:59 |
PhinnFort | do i need to rebuild the ksycoca or something? | 11:59 |
Jucato | PhinnFort: yep | 11:59 |
vegas | h lucio | 11:59 |
mart81 | someone else has a 82801G intel chip for sound by accident? | 11:59 |
vegas | hi, i mean | 11:59 |
PhinnFort | Jucato: how do I rebuild it again? | 12:00 |
PhinnFort | i never remember the command;) | 12:00 |
Jucato | PhinnFort: kbuildsycoca | 12:00 |
PhinnFort | thanks;) | 12:00 |
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adydas | Night guys | 12:00 |
adydas | or what ever it is for you all | 12:00 |
PhinnFort | midday | 12:01 |
vegas | night adydas | 12:01 |
mart81 | morning but thanks :) | 12:01 |
vegas | you're crashing at midnight? | 12:01 |
vegas | been a long time since i've gone to sleep that early | 12:01 |
vegas | i'm a night owl | 12:01 |
adydas | i have a dog, gets me up at 6:30 am regardless of anyhying else in the world | 12:01 |
vegas | i normally go to bed at like 10am or so | 12:01 |
PhinnFort | lol | 12:01 |
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PhinnFort | nice dog | 12:01 |
vegas | my kitten wakes me up in the morning too, but i just lock her out of the room at that point | 12:01 |
adydas | PITA | 12:02 |
PhinnFort | lol | 12:02 |
vegas | pita? | 12:02 |
PhinnFort | pain in the a** | 12:02 |
vegas | oh | 12:02 |
PhinnFort | :P | 12:02 |
adydas | its a bit harder to lock a hungry bulldog out of your room | 12:02 |
vegas | i knew i'd seen that one, just forgot | 12:02 |
PhinnFort | rotfl | 12:02 |
vegas | well, that's why i have a cat | 12:02 |
adydas | and IF i did, it would just go piss somewhere in the house | 12:02 |
vegas | she's a great alarm clock though | 12:02 |
adydas | overall getting ups somewhat worth it | 12:02 |
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adydas | as long asi m not up till all hours :p | 12:03 |
adydas | well yes, WHEN i go back to work | 12:03 |
vegas | if i need to wake up in the morning i just lock her in the room with me...never fails i'm awake ten minutes after sunrise | 12:03 |
adydas | im sure ill love the little Bast*** | 12:03 |
=== doudou [n=doudoo@car75-3-82-226-212-239.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vegas | oh, i was talking about my kitten | 12:03 |
doudou | hi all i wanna install beryl on a friend system with the remote desktop | 12:03 |
vegas | but yea, i guess the dog would be too | 12:03 |
adydas | !beryl | 12:04 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 12:04 |
doudou | but apt says it has some broken package ... | 12:04 |
doudou | could somebody help? | 12:04 |
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adydas | a window manager, intresting | 12:04 |
vegas | will i be able to use something similar to ultr@vnc to control my linux media center pc with other computers in the house? | 12:04 |
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vegas | i need something that i'll be able to use from windows too, because my roommates aren't anywhere near ready to make the switch | 12:05 |
PhinnFort | vegas: yes | 12:05 |
PhinnFort | *vnc or nx | 12:05 |
vegas | what program will i be able to use from winblows? | 12:05 |
PhinnFort | vegas: i think nx has a windows client | 12:05 |
vegas | oh, so i can keep using ultr@vnc? | 12:06 |
vegas | that's what i used when the media center pc was a windows box | 12:06 |
PhinnFort | i haven't heard about ultr@vnc before | 12:06 |
vegas | well, i guess it still is | 12:06 |
vegas | but i'm going to switch it today | 12:06 |
vegas | well, if i have enough hdd space to back everything on the raid5 array on there up | 12:07 |
PhinnFort | well, you should just use normal VNC or TightVNC | 12:07 |
vegas | ultravnc is for windows | 12:07 |
PhinnFort | i'm not sure which protocol UltraVNC utilizes | 12:07 |
vegas | oh | 12:07 |
vegas | not sure | 12:07 |
PhinnFort | ah, it uses plain VNC | 12:07 |
PhinnFort | the linux box is going to be the "host"? | 12:08 |
vegas | what file system should i use for my raid5 array when i convert it to linux? | 12:08 |
vegas | yes, it'll be the host | 12:08 |
PhinnFort | ext3 would be my suggestion | 12:08 |
vegas | k | 12:08 |
PhinnFort | it's very rugged | 12:08 |
vegas | that's a good thing | 12:08 |
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PhinnFort | not very fast, but quicker than most | 12:08 |
vegas | well, how is it compared to ntfs? | 12:09 |
PhinnFort | much better | 12:09 |
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PhinnFort | i meant compared to XFS and JFS | 12:09 |
vegas | ah | 12:09 |
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PhinnFort | ;) | 12:09 |
vegas | !reiser | 12:09 |
ubotu | reiserfs is a journalling file system, in benchmarks it outperforms many others on I/O operations, but they take notoriously long to mount. | 12:09 |
vegas | hm | 12:09 |
PhinnFort | meh, it's outperformed by XFS in many tests | 12:10 |
vegas | i care more about stability | 12:10 |
vegas | there's going to be a LOT of data on there | 12:10 |
PhinnFort | then go for ext3 | 12:10 |
vegas | it's a 3750gb array | 12:10 |
vegas | usable | 12:11 |
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PhinnFort | shouldn't be a problem, afaik | 12:11 |
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nomad111 | i really need help with this samba problem | 12:11 |
PhinnFort | nomad111: "bring it on";) | 12:11 |
nomad111 | the shared folder from the other computer isnt getting mounted on at startup | 12:12 |
nomad111 | ill get u the fstab entry in a sec | 12:12 |
nomad111 | /insight/downloads /media/insight-downloads smbfs guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode 0 0 | 12:12 |
vegas | how is kubuntu as far as bluetooth support is concerned? | 12:13 |
PhinnFort | nomad111: what happens if you try to just "mount /insight/downloads" | 12:13 |
vegas | i just need it for a mouse and keyboard | 12:13 |
PhinnFort | vegas: i haven't tried it myself, but afaik KDE is known for rather good bluetooth support | 12:13 |
lucio_ | is there someone i can ask a question? | 12:13 |
vegas | lucio_: shoot | 12:13 |
PhinnFort | and Ubuntu is known for good hardware support;) | 12:13 |
lucio_ | well... i need to install the libxine for mp3 | 12:13 |
nomad111 | PhinnFort: if i do sudo mount -a it comes on | 12:13 |
nomad111 | PhinnFort: forgot to mention that | 12:14 |
vegas | yea, i hope it plays well with my desktop...i remember the damn gentoo livecd hung up with every kind i tried because of my video cards | 12:14 |
lucio_ | but i can't connect to internet (winmodem) | 12:14 |
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PhinnFort | nomad111: i'm not sure, but what if you add "defaults" to the list of options? | 12:14 |
Jucato | lucio_: libxine-extracodecs from the multiverse repository | 12:14 |
nomad111 | in /var/log/messages it says timed out | 12:14 |
PhinnFort | nomad111: are you sure your network interface comes up before the mounting? | 12:14 |
lucio_ | is it possible to download libxine with another pc (win) and then install them without adept? | 12:14 |
PhinnFort | methinks probably not | 12:15 |
PhinnFort | lucio_: yes | 12:15 |
PhinnFort | lucio_: download the .deb-file from packages.ubuntu.com | 12:15 |
Jucato | lucio_: go to http://packages.ubuntu.com | 12:15 |
nomad111 | Phithe drive is visible but nothing in it | 12:15 |
Jucato | lucio_: make sure you download the "Depends" of libxine-extracodecs, so that you could install those as well, just in case it's not yet installed on the system | 12:15 |
PhinnFort | nomad111: it's probably just the empty directory where the fs is getting mounted | 12:16 |
Jucato | (most notably, libmad0 won't be installed afaik) | 12:16 |
vegas | somebody should make a parody of the recent mac commercials, but add a linux guy | 12:16 |
PhinnFort | vegas: :P | 12:16 |
PhinnFort | lucio_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/libs/libxine-extracodecs | 12:16 |
lucio_ | ok! ty, just a minute, i'm gonna search that... i'm somehow newby... | 12:16 |
lucio_ | ty phinn! i needed the exact url! :) | 12:16 |
PhinnFort | lucio_: amd64 or normal 32-bit? | 12:17 |
lucio_ | normal 32 bit | 12:17 |
PhinnFort | http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=i386&file=pool%2Fmultiverse%2Fx%2Fxine-extracodecs%2Flibxine-extracodecs_1.1.2-0ubuntu2_i386.deb&md5sum=8d54a7d44b860054c31fdd4208298620&arch=i386&type=main | 12:17 |
vegas | PhinnFort: have you seen any of the ones where it's making fun of mac? | 12:17 |
Jucato | PhinnFort: presuming he's on Edgy right? | 12:17 |
PhinnFort | choose a site near you | 12:17 |
PhinnFort | lucio_: are you on edgy? | 12:17 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 12:17 |
PhinnFort | 6.10 | 12:17 |
vegas | how much does distance to a site really matter? | 12:17 |
PhinnFort | not much | 12:17 |
PhinnFort | but it helps spreading the load | 12:17 |
vegas | ah | 12:18 |
Jucato | distance to a server helps the speed too, afaik | 12:18 |
lucio_ | sorry phinn... i don't remember the code name... it is the kubuntu 06.10 | 12:18 |
PhinnFort | yeah | 12:18 |
Jucato | I mean, proximity to a server | 12:18 |
lucio_ | i just installed it | 12:18 |
PhinnFort | lucio_: then the link was right | 12:18 |
Jucato | lucio_: yep. that's Edgy | 12:18 |
Jucato | and PhinnFort presumed right :P | 12:18 |
PhinnFort | lucio_: http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/x/xine-extracodecs/libxine-extracodecs_1.1.2-0ubuntu2_i386.deb | 12:18 |
PhinnFort | direct link | 12:18 |
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PhinnFort | :P | 12:18 |
lucio_ | Phinn_: ok! thanks! i'm trying | 12:18 |
vegas | yea, but for most connections with <5mb download speed, i doubt that it makes that much difference | 12:18 |
olimpico | What do i need to install my wireless card? | 12:18 |
olimpico | apt-get install ????? | 12:19 |
PhinnFort | olimpico: you shouldn't need to install it | 12:19 |
lucio_ | waiting... i've a dialup too... :( | 12:19 |
olimpico | PhinnFort: I think there is some headers or something of the kernel i Should install | 12:19 |
PhinnFort | olimpico: what kind of card do you have? | 12:20 |
lucio_ | can you tell me what i should do when the file is downloaded? | 12:20 |
olimpico | TP-Link, because I read in the internet is worked automatically on ubuntu | 12:20 |
bob_ | i'm a noob with a techno question - least its techno to me... | 12:20 |
PhinnFort | lucio_: double click on it, i think should do it | 12:20 |
vegas | is there anything that i can do if my card isn't on the compatability list? | 12:20 |
vegas | i have another wireless card that i couldn't get to work | 12:21 |
PhinnFort | lucio_: you should download http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/libm/libmad/libmad0_0.15.1b-2.1_i386.deb too | 12:21 |
PhinnFort | in case it needs it | 12:21 |
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PhinnFort | vegas: ext3 supports up to 32TB | 12:21 |
vegas | i could bring up the wireless manager thing, but it didn't show any networks with that card | 12:21 |
PhinnFort | btw | 12:21 |
lucio_ | Phinn_: ty! i'm waiting for the download now.. you're very kind | 12:21 |
PhinnFort | vegas: try running "iwconfig" in a terminal | 12:21 |
vegas | ok | 12:21 |
vegas | not right now though, i'm at a coffee shop | 12:22 |
vegas | my house is a block away and...it's really cold outside | 12:22 |
bob_ | i'm trying to mount windows partitions following instructions at psychocats | 12:22 |
PhinnFort | :P | 12:22 |
vegas | i wasn't worried about the file system not supporting that much space, i was just worried about stability and whatnot | 12:22 |
vegas | which is kind of a stupid worry when it comes to using linux, i guess | 12:22 |
PhinnFort | well, afaik it's one of the stables fs's in the universe, at the moment | 12:23 |
bob_ | i want to know what a umask is and what codes to use | 12:23 |
PhinnFort | bob_: umasks sets default permissions | 12:23 |
PhinnFort | like ability to read and write to files | 12:23 |
PhinnFort | afaik | 12:23 |
vegas | well, i wouldn't go as far as saying the universe | 12:23 |
olimpico | And how do I cahnge the kernel to a 386 and not a generic? | 12:23 |
vegas | i'd at least qualify that statement to known universe | 12:23 |
PhinnFort | i wouldn't | 12:24 |
PhinnFort | it's darn stable;) | 12:24 |
PhinnFort | bob_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umask | 12:24 |
bob_ | phinn i can see 0222 here and 000 | 12:24 |
bob_ | phin - ty - i'll take a look | 12:24 |
vegas | odds are that there's somebody out there, and there's a good likelihood that they have something as stable as ext3 and linux, if not moreso | 12:24 |
PhinnFort | bob_: also scroll to the bottom here: http://www.datasavantconsulting.com/roland/fileperm.html | 12:24 |
PhinnFort | i just burnt my toast... | 12:25 |
vegas | i'm not some ufo nut, i'm just saying that the likelihood that another planet was habitable and that that planet has been around long enough to advance past us is not only possible but likely | 12:25 |
lucio_ | Phinn_: ok now i've got: libxine-extracodecs_1.1.2-0ubuntu2_i386.deb and libmad0_0.15.1b-2.1_i386.deb. i'm going to transfer those in the kubuntu pc, i'll tell you if it works! :) | 12:25 |
vegas | that sucks | 12:25 |
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PhinnFort | lucio_: good luck! | 12:25 |
PhinnFort | :D | 12:25 |
vegas | i'm going to make a bagel sandwich when i get motivated enough to walk home | 12:25 |
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vegas | i'm dreading the 1 block walk | 12:25 |
vegas | it's that cold here | 12:25 |
PhinnFort | vegas: taking the probability that life start spontanious, i say it isn't weird that ID has been created | 12:26 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 12:26 |
PhinnFort | it's cold here too | 12:26 |
PhinnFort | norway | 12:26 |
bob_ | phinn i'll go peruse | 12:26 |
vegas | id? | 12:26 |
PhinnFort | intelligent design | 12:26 |
bob_ | phinn put more toast on | 12:26 |
PhinnFort | creationists | 12:26 |
PhinnFort | bob_: i don't have any more toasts...:( | 12:26 |
vegas | good point | 12:26 |
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vegas | how cold is it there? | 12:27 |
PhinnFort | the chance that life starts by itself, is infinitisemally small | 12:27 |
PhinnFort | -10 i think now | 12:27 |
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PhinnFort | !weather | 12:27 |
PhinnFort | wrong bot | 12:27 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about weather - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:27 |
vegas | LOL | 12:27 |
bob_ | phinn isn't there a repository somewhere? | 12:27 |
PhinnFort | :P | 12:27 |
PhinnFort | bob_: with toasts?;) | 12:28 |
bob_ | phinn -open terminal - get toast | 12:28 |
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vegas | it's about -10C here too | 12:28 |
bob_ | phin get toast/not burnt | 12:28 |
PhinnFort | sudo apt-get toast | 12:28 |
vegas | it's 10F, so i think that's about the same | 12:28 |
PhinnFort | rotfl | 12:28 |
PhinnFort | ah, ok | 12:28 |
PhinnFort | it has just gotten warmer here though | 12:29 |
vegas | actually, i'd imagine it's closer to ltmq, phinn | 12:29 |
PhinnFort | was about -20C here | 12:29 |
vegas | that sucks | 12:29 |
vegas | i miss vegas soo bad | 12:29 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 12:29 |
PhinnFort | i can tell | 12:29 |
vegas | cold there means 10c | 12:29 |
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PhinnFort | i miss kenya | 12:29 |
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vegas | no, it's just that i play poker so much that my friends gave me the nickname vegas | 12:29 |
vegas | you're kenyan? | 12:29 |
vegas | or did you visit? | 12:30 |
PhinnFort | no, but my grandmother has moved there | 12:30 |
vegas | ah | 12:30 |
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PhinnFort | it was purely touristical | 12:30 |
vegas | i bet it's nice there at the moment | 12:30 |
PhinnFort | yeah... | 12:30 |
vegas | touristical...wonder if that's really a word | 12:30 |
PhinnFort | doubt it | 12:30 |
PhinnFort | but it should be | 12:30 |
lucio_ | Phinn_: gosh... it doesn't recognize my usb pendrive! :o what to do? | 12:30 |
PhinnFort | lucio_: look in the system logs | 12:31 |
vegas | PhinnFort: , you're starting to sound like my president | 12:31 |
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PhinnFort | ;) | 12:31 |
vegas | well, not MY president, but the president of the us | 12:31 |
PhinnFort | lucio_: K-menu -> System -> KSystemLog | 12:31 |
PhinnFort | well, we don't have presidents here | 12:32 |
PhinnFort | we have democrazy | 12:32 |
PhinnFort | :P | 12:32 |
vegas | we're a democratic republic, a good system when it works | 12:32 |
vegas | if people would vote it'd be a good system | 12:32 |
PhinnFort | *when*;) | 12:32 |
lucio_ | Phinn_: when i plug it appear a window that ask me "a new medium... what you want to do" i tell him to open in a new window... but i'm afraid i should mount it first? is it right? how to do? | 12:32 |
=== ArtMoonik [n=panther@mar92-3-82-66-233-126.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vegas | we have about 50% voter turnout | 12:32 |
PhinnFort | lucio_: it does it automagically | 12:32 |
PhinnFort | just hit "open in a new..." | 12:32 |
donovan | vegas: where do you live? | 12:33 |
PhinnFort | vegas: from what i've heard the votes are counted a bit weird | 12:33 |
PhinnFort | maybe that's why people don't care? | 12:33 |
lucio_ | Phinn_: it says: unable to run the command specified. the file or folder file:///media/PKBACK# 001 does not exist. | 12:33 |
vegas | michigan, USA | 12:33 |
vegas | it's called the electoral college | 12:34 |
vegas | certain states get a certain number of votes | 12:34 |
vegas | it's not based upon a simple popular vote | 12:34 |
vegas | so | 12:34 |
vegas | yea, it's counted funny | 12:34 |
PhinnFort | lucio_: ah... I think it's the weird name of your usb pendrive combined with the stupid patches Ubuntu apply to KDE | 12:34 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 12:34 |
vegas | but it's not the whole reason why people don't care...americans don't care because we're by and large ignorant | 12:34 |
=== seven11 [n=seven11@125-24-154-80.adsl.totbb.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vegas | it embarrasses me to be an american | 12:35 |
PhinnFort | heh | 12:35 |
vegas | we're a country full of idiots | 12:35 |
lucio_ | Phinn_: yes it is the name, i know, but sorry, i didn't told you... | 12:35 |
vegas | fat idiots, at that | 12:35 |
PhinnFort | it sometimes embarrasses me to be norwegian too | 12:35 |
PhinnFort | :P | 12:35 |
ke | Norwegian girls are teh-shit! | 12:35 |
PhinnFort | lucio_: try to open the file-manager, and type in "media:/" in the address-bar | 12:35 |
vegas | hey, at least you don't have the missing link as a figurehead | 12:35 |
PhinnFort | ke: ;) | 12:35 |
PhinnFort | rotflmho | 12:35 |
lucio_ | Phinn_: ok i'll try | 12:36 |
PhinnFort | vegas: have you seen our prime minister? | 12:36 |
vegas | dude | 12:36 |
PhinnFort | let me get you a video | 12:36 |
vegas | i doubt it'll impress me | 12:36 |
PhinnFort | :P | 12:36 |
PhinnFort | i think he's closet homophobia | 12:36 |
PhinnFort | you'll understand | 12:36 |
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vegas | we have a president in power right now that took a $500,000,000,000 surplus and turned it into a near $8,000,000,000,000 deficit | 12:37 |
vegas | and it's growing daily | 12:37 |
vegas | our president has made it his agenda to ban gay marriage and stop gay couples from getting benefits for each otehr | 12:37 |
PhinnFort | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfrY4rRmPFw | 12:37 |
vegas | and the best part about it is his vice president has a lesbian daughter | 12:37 |
PhinnFort | rotfl | 12:38 |
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vegas | how many grammatical errors did your PM make during his last speech? | 12:39 |
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vegas | my president made 6 during the STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS this year | 12:39 |
vegas | that's basically his mission statement for the year | 12:39 |
vegas | it was 5 minutes long | 12:39 |
lucio_ | Phinn_: you're great! i did it! i double clicked on libxine-extracodec etc... is it an archive? there are three files: control.tar.gz, data.tar.gz, debian-binary. what to do? | 12:39 |
PhinnFort | we don't have a standardized spoken language | 12:39 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 12:39 |
vegas | really? | 12:39 |
vegas | hm | 12:39 |
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PhinnFort | lucio_: i'm sorry, i forgot this was kubunut | 12:39 |
PhinnFort | *kubuntu | 12:39 |
vegas | see, i'd know that if the american school systems weren't quite so ethnocentric | 12:40 |
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vegas | hell, i graduated college with a 3.8 gpa and i'm still a noob at what i went to school for | 12:40 |
lucio_ | Phinn_: yes is kubuntu... so i can't do what i meant to? | 12:40 |
PhinnFort | lucio_: right-click, and choose kubuntu package menu, and install | 12:40 |
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PhinnFort | :P | 12:40 |
vegas | i'm better off than a lot of the people i went to school with, but take somebody from another developed country with the same degree and i'd look like an ass, most likely | 12:41 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 12:41 |
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vegas | hey, at least your country isn't trying for global domination | 12:43 |
haffe | vegas: Ok, here in Sweden everybody dreams of getting an american degree. | 12:43 |
vegas | you guys should ALL be frightened of the US | 12:44 |
vegas | haffe: depends upon the institution, i'd imagine | 12:44 |
haffe | Ok. | 12:44 |
haffe | If you say so. | 12:44 |
PF-Away | vegas: have you seen what we've done in middle east? | 12:45 |
PF-Away | we try to dominate both sides;) | 12:45 |
bob_ | my country used to have global domination - just not sure where we put it | 12:45 |
vegas | PF-Away: are you american? | 12:45 |
PF-Away | nope, norwegian;) | 12:45 |
haffe | At least it seems that if your degree is stamped with UCLA, MIT, Princeton or Yale people in sweden don't look further. | 12:45 |
PF-Away | we used to dominate north america | 12:45 |
PF-Away | some ~<1000 yrs ago | 12:45 |
vegas | yea, before north america was worth anything | 12:46 |
PF-Away | :P | 12:46 |
vegas | then you guys pulled out for no reason it seems | 12:46 |
bob_ | we didn't dominate really - our upper classes did - we just touched forelocks | 12:46 |
vegas | see, UCLA, MIT, Princeton, and Yale is the same around here | 12:46 |
PF-Away | was no fun anomore | 12:46 |
tesuki | why can't i stream radio streams with Amarok. | 12:46 |
PF-Away | but still your government has some sense of free speech... | 12:47 |
PF-Away | our government was to censor our interwebs | 12:47 |
PF-Away | at a national scale | 12:47 |
bob_ | yup its free to tell us any lies it pleases | 12:47 |
lucio_ | Phinn_: it seemed 't was allright: i installed as you told, but now amarok doesn't start! :lol: i'm going to reboot and look what happens! :) | 12:47 |
PF-Away | block pornography, internet gambling and torrent stuff | 12:47 |
PF-Away | lucio_: try to start amarok in a Konsole | 12:47 |
vegas | ours does too | 12:47 |
haffe | PF-Away: Freedom of Speach in the US = You can say what you like, as long as the governement allows it. | 12:47 |
PF-Away | ;) | 12:47 |
vegas | they already took away internet gambling | 12:48 |
bob_ | i think maybe its law that we have to believe the lies | 12:48 |
vegas | they prosecute for torrenting | 12:48 |
vegas | or try to, at least | 12:48 |
lucio_ | PF_: i'm just rebooting... then if needed i'll try with console | 12:48 |
vegas | porn though...that's big business here | 12:48 |
PF-Away | well, internet gambling is illegal to host in norway, but they also want to block from other countries | 12:48 |
vegas | as long as there's no kids or animals involved, it's cool by our govt | 12:48 |
vegas | we can't pay any money to internet gambling sites | 12:49 |
PF-Away | well, child pornography is already filtered by KRIPOS | 12:49 |
PF-Away | (our version of the FBI) | 12:49 |
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vegas | they want us to go to vegas or AC | 12:49 |
PF-Away | :P | 12:49 |
vegas | what's kripos stand for? | 12:49 |
vegas | they just banned internet gambling in october, they're now enforcing it | 12:49 |
lucio_ | PF_: it woooorks!!! :) | 12:50 |
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vegas | which will screw me over if i run out of money on pokerstars...it's how i'm paying the rent at the moment | 12:50 |
donovan | are there any gamers round here, who could help me with a fglrx-issue? | 12:51 |
vegas | i'm a gamer, but also a *nix n00b | 12:52 |
donovan | do you have ati-card in your linux box? | 12:52 |
vegas | yup | 12:53 |
lucio_ | PF_: you're really kind! thank you very much! :) | 12:53 |
vegas | but my only linux box is my laptop, it's got a radeon 9000 | 12:53 |
vegas | pretty soon i'll be trying my desktop with dual x1900xt's | 12:53 |
donovan | so... how does it work under linux compared to windows games? i notice a remarkable decrease in fps in 3d-games. | 12:53 |
vegas | but the laptop was the guinea pig | 12:53 |
vegas | i'd imagine so...you're going through an emulator of sorts | 12:54 |
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donovan | no. i've got some games like nexuiz or sauerbraten which have windows- and linux-versions and they really suck under linux. | 12:54 |
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vegas | i've heard that cedega and wine will give you about a 10-15% hit on framerates, but i'd imagine that varies depending upon the game | 12:54 |
Morrissey | Can anyone confirm that kde-look.org is down? | 12:55 |
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donovan | more like 50%-80% of fps | 12:55 |
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darthdual__ | Games programmed with openGL work better on linux and Games programmed with directX work better on windows | 12:56 |
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PhinnFort | not necessarily | 12:56 |
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PhinnFort | but as a thumb-rule, yes;) | 12:56 |
darthdual__ | Assuming you have an Nvidia card on linux | 12:57 |
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donovan | well? those games that i have in mind use sdl. at least i think so. | 12:57 |
lucio_ | Phinn_: are you there? did you read what i wrote 5 minutes ago? | 12:57 |
PhinnFort | then they probably use GL for 3d | 12:57 |
donovan | nop. ati. | 12:57 |
PhinnFort | lucio_: that it worked? | 12:57 |
PhinnFort | [12:50] <lucio_> PF_: it woooorks!!! | 12:57 |
PhinnFort | that was the last i heard | 12:57 |
lucio_ | Phinn_: that it worked, but mainly that i wished to thanks you a lot! :) | 12:58 |
vegas | donovan: i've heard ati is the wrong choice for linux | 12:58 |
PhinnFort | no problem at all;) | 12:58 |
vegas | what card are you running? | 12:58 |
PhinnFort | vegas: they have lesser support for Linux, yes | 12:58 |
donovan | well... i bought my notebook first and then made the choice to use linux. its a x600 mobility series | 12:58 |
Morrissey | btw, does anyone have a problem with the latest radeon/fglrx drivers wich was updated through repos? I just get a blank screen | 12:58 |
PhinnFort | Morrissey: i just use the open source drivers | 12:59 |
Morrissey | PhinnFort, where are they? | 12:59 |
PhinnFort | Morrissey: they come with it by default | 12:59 |
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PhinnFort | Morrissey: what kind of card do you have? | 12:59 |
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Morrissey | ATI Radeon 250 | 12:59 |
linopil | \o all | 12:59 |
Morrissey | 9000 series | 12:59 |
PhinnFort | Morrissey: then imho you should go with the open source drivers | 01:00 |
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linopil | !printing | 01:01 |
ubotu | Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 01:01 |
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lucio_ | bye all! | 01:03 |
linopil | guys how can I see thru SSH the name of a cups printer.? now looking at ubuntu server with cups printer from Windows thru putty | 01:03 |
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linopil | IOW I want to connect and print from Windows to a LPT1 laser on ubuntu | 01:04 |
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linopil | where are the shared cups printers in ubuntu? what folder? | 01:06 |
PhinnFort | linopil: http://librenix.com/?inode=8077 | 01:07 |
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vegas | damn...i got warned on the demonoid forums | 01:09 |
PhinnFort | about what? | 01:09 |
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veganri | hi i recently tried 6.1 and found it had bugs, and now i am trying to use 6.06 and it is missing lots of programs that .1 had, including wine | 01:12 |
bob_ | phinn - where can i get a short list of common console commands? | 01:12 |
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PhinnFort | bob_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 01:13 |
PhinnFort | linopil: do you need help sharing your printers? | 01:13 |
bob_ | phinn - thats what i need - many thanks | 01:13 |
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PhinnFort | np | 01:13 |
veganri | can someone help please | 01:14 |
PhinnFort | veganri: have you enabled all the repositories? | 01:15 |
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veganri | probably not, how can i do this please ? | 01:15 |
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veganri | i refreshed each program getter, like synaptics etc | 01:15 |
PhinnFort | veganri: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories | 01:15 |
veganri | trying it now phinn | 01:17 |
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Jucato | hm.. Dapper... | 01:19 |
veganri | phinn, looks like it might be working... | 01:19 |
PhinnFort | good, good | 01:19 |
PhinnFort | 6.06 is dapper, isn't it? | 01:19 |
Jucato | yep | 01:19 |
Jucato | I was just saying hm... | 01:19 |
PhinnFort | Ah... hm... | 01:20 |
PhinnFort | is it okay for me to join in hmming, btw? | 01:20 |
Jucato | :P | 01:20 |
PhinnFort | vegas: regarding our discussion: http://digg.com/politics/Now_it_s_personal_Al_Qaeda_calls_Bush_an_alcoholic_liar | 01:21 |
PhinnFort | :P | 01:21 |
veganri | has anyone used aol on wine ? | 01:22 |
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Morrissey | Hi! I have just upgraded my fglrx drivers, and upgraded to the latest beryl from repos (not svn) ... but now I only get a white screen, I can rotate the cube and all, but its all white. I can see the frames of open programs, but my entire screen's white .. any ideas? | 01:23 |
PhinnFort | Morrissey: i think you have the white cube problem i had on Gentoo | 01:24 |
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PhinnFort | make sure you're actually running the fglrx drivers | 01:24 |
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_rince_ | hi | 01:24 |
Morrissey | PhinnFort, its not just the cube thats white. Its everything | 01:24 |
PhinnFort | i know | 01:24 |
Morrissey | ok | 01:24 |
Morrissey | I use Driver: "radeon" | 01:24 |
Morrissey | should I change to fglrx? Or what should I do? :) | 01:25 |
PhinnFort | that really depends;) | 01:25 |
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PhinnFort | do you use Xgl? | 01:25 |
Morrissey | hehe | 01:25 |
Morrissey | aigxl | 01:25 |
veganri | do i need to reboot for wine to work | 01:25 |
PhinnFort | then you shouldn't | 01:25 |
_rince_ | anyone using gpac and x264? i'm looking either for x264 with mp4-file support or at least for a gpac packages which includes headers / libraries | 01:25 |
PhinnFort | Morrissey: i'll try to start beryl here, please hang on | 01:25 |
Morrissey | PhinnFort, what should I? | 01:25 |
Morrissey | ok PhinnFort | 01:25 |
PhinnFort | hmm | 01:26 |
Morrissey | I just boot up with the radeon drivers, then I run: "beryl-xgl" ... it allways worked before | 01:26 |
PhinnFort | Morrissey: can you post your Xorg.conf somewhere? | 01:26 |
Morrissey | PhinnFort, sure, give me a sec | 01:26 |
PhinnFort | that's probably wrong | 01:26 |
PhinnFort | rafb.net/paste, tw | 01:26 |
PhinnFort | *btw | 01:26 |
Morrissey | !paste | 01:26 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:26 |
PhinnFort | you should run "beryl-manager" | 01:26 |
PhinnFort | and choose beryl there | 01:26 |
PhinnFort | afaik | 01:27 |
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Morrissey | PhinnFort, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5705/ | 01:27 |
Morrissey | that was the only way it worked before .. but Ill try. Be right back, most likely to restart X again =) | 01:27 |
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Jucato | hm.. shouldn't you have Composite enabled? | 01:28 |
Jucato | at the bottom? not really sure | 01:28 |
Jucato | !beryl | 01:28 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 01:28 |
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Morrissey | PhinnFort, had to restart ... everything locks when I start beryl-manager | 01:31 |
PhinnFort | not good | 01:31 |
Morrissey | I know | 01:31 |
PhinnFort | i would clean up the xorg.conf a bit | 01:31 |
Morrissey | Thats why I allways had to just start: beryl-xgl | 01:31 |
Jucato | Morrissey: have you followed the guides from Beryl? | 01:31 |
Morrissey | PhinnFort, hehe, you noticed? :) | 01:32 |
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veganri | phinn, you rock ! thank you ! | 01:32 |
Morrissey | Jucato, several times .. just didnt work for me | 01:32 |
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Jucato | ATI huh? | 01:32 |
PhinnFort | veganri: no problem;) | 01:32 |
Morrissey | I really should do a fresh install soon | 01:32 |
Morrissey | Jucato, what else :P | 01:32 |
Jucato | hm... my experience is limited to NVIDIA unfortunately | 01:32 |
PhinnFort | Morrissey: you should enable composite | 01:32 |
Morrissey | PhinnFort, but did you see something wrong with my sick xorg.conf file? | 01:32 |
PhinnFort | Morrissey: I couldn't find composite | 01:33 |
Morrissey | PhinnFort, hm ... played around with composite for a loong time, that does not work on my card ... | 01:33 |
Morrissey | found it in a forum somewhere | 01:33 |
Jucato | Morrissey: Composite extension should be enabled in xorg.conf afaik | 01:33 |
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Jucato | PhinnFort: he has it, "Disabled", and commented out, at the top (I think it should be at the bottom) | 01:34 |
PhinnFort | Morrissey: it works, but not with flgrx | 01:34 |
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Morrissey | PhinnFort, isnt it fglrx I have? Or? | 01:34 |
PhinnFort | no, you use the open source driver | 01:34 |
PhinnFort | "radeon" | 01:34 |
Morrissey | oh, cool | 01:34 |
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mena | 8-) | 01:35 |
frojnd | hello guys | 01:35 |
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Morrissey | PhinnFort, ok, give me a moment .. Ill enable it and try | 01:35 |
PhinnFort | ok | 01:35 |
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frojnd | is there a way to convert pdf into odt ? | 01:35 |
frojnd | i have 443 pages in pdf, and I need them in odt :s | 01:36 |
Jucato | frojnd: try KWord or pdftk | 01:36 |
veganri | peace, out | 01:36 |
PhinnFort | peace, in | 01:36 |
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Morrissey | Checking for XComposite extension : failed | 01:36 |
Morrissey | PhinnFort, | 01:36 |
Morrissey | No composite extension | 01:37 |
Morrissey | beryl-xgl: No composite extension | 01:37 |
PhinnFort | that seems like crap | 01:37 |
Morrissey | sure does | 01:37 |
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Jucato | Morrissey: because you have Composite extension disabled in xorg.conf | 01:37 |
vegas | i did my good deed of the day | 01:38 |
Morrissey | oh, doh! I disabled it :) wait a sec, Ill enable it :p | 01:38 |
PhinnFort | Morrissey: did you enable composite? | 01:38 |
vegas | i just talked somebody out of vista | 01:38 |
PhinnFort | :P | 01:38 |
PhinnFort | vegas: gratz;) | 01:38 |
PhinnFort | i did a couple of guys last week | 01:38 |
Morrissey | vegas, good for you :) | 01:38 |
vegas | i got them to go for mac, actually | 01:38 |
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=== DiGitX is now known as DiGiTX | ||
PhinnFort | nice;) | 01:38 |
Morrissey | if they love eyecandy make them use beryl | 01:38 |
Jucato | Morrissey: try putting it at the bottom of xorg.conf too | 01:38 |
DiGiTX | hey all | 01:38 |
vegas | too much of a noob for linux, but the guy said he'll try dual booting | 01:38 |
frojnd | jucato: is pdftk somekind of plugin for kpdf ? I can't find pdftk | 01:39 |
Jucato | !pdftk | 01:39 |
ubotu | pdftk: A useful tool for manipulating PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.12-11build1 (edgy), package size 702 kB, installed size 2140 kB | 01:39 |
vegas | i wish i could get my wifi to work on os x for this laptop | 01:39 |
Jucato | frojnd: it's a seperate app. KWord can open/edit PDF's. so you can open it and save it as ODT | 01:39 |
vegas | or osx86, or whatever you want to call it | 01:40 |
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vegas | actually, since i've been at this coffee shop i've talked three people out of vista | 01:40 |
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PhinnFort | :P | 01:40 |
PhinnFort | i have a crapload of programs installed... | 01:40 |
frojnd | Jucato: so pdftk is together with Kword? | 01:41 |
Jucato | frojnd: no | 01:41 |
vegas | lol...one of them came to me actually...the background on desktop 1 was the bad vista logo | 01:41 |
Jucato | frojnd: sorry if I'm confusing you. pdftk has nothing to do w/ KDE. it's a command line utility | 01:41 |
vegas | they asked why i don't like vista | 01:41 |
frojnd | Jucato: ok | 01:41 |
vegas | i told them it was the same reason i don't like aids...it's just plain unpleasant | 01:41 |
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PhinnFort | rotfl | 01:42 |
Morrissey | All the checks passes and everything .. and then I just get this big white screen ... though I can rotate cube | 01:42 |
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Morrissey | worked fine before upgrade | 01:42 |
Jucato | PhinnFort, vegas: interesting discussion, fit for #kubuntu-offtopic :) | 01:42 |
tp_ | hi | 01:42 |
PhinnFort | :D | 01:42 |
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tp_ | can someone help me? | 01:42 |
vegas | how do i get the cube to work? my friend chris has that working, and i'm jealous | 01:43 |
Jucato | tp_: please state your problem. if someone can, someone will | 01:43 |
vegas | also, is there a keyboard shortcut for switching desktops? | 01:43 |
Jucato | !beryl | vegas | 01:43 |
ubotu | vegas: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 01:43 |
vegas | sorry, Jucato | 01:43 |
Jucato | vegas: using beryl? | 01:43 |
Jucato | vegas: no. I'm just pointing you to the links for more info | 01:43 |
vegas | nope...guess i'll start | 01:43 |
vegas | no, i was apologizing about being off-topic | 01:43 |
vegas | not for being a noob | 01:43 |
Jucato | nah, it's ok. it happens (the offtopic part) | 01:44 |
Jucato | the noob part is unforgivable | 01:44 |
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Jucato | j/k | 01:44 |
tp_ | i have kubuntu edgy 6.10 and as soon as i try to enter control-pannel/monitor,my monitor freeze | 01:44 |
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tp_ | and i'm forced to restart my pc | 01:44 |
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Jucato | hm... tp_, better wait for some more people to come in and ask again... sorry couldn't help | 01:46 |
tp_ | ok...thx anyway | 01:46 |
tp_ | u have no idea? | 01:46 |
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Jucato | me? nope | 01:46 |
tp_ | ok :) | 01:46 |
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stdin | Jucato is just here to stop off-topic discussion :P j/k | 01:47 |
Morrissey | Ive searched the forums ... seems like a comon problem but noone knows how to fix it | 01:47 |
tp_ | uhm...crafic card problem i guess | 01:47 |
=== Jucato gets ready to kick stdin... | ||
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=== stdin starts running | ||
=== vegas trips Jucato as he chases stdin | ||
Jucato | vegas: I don't chase after people. I can reach them wherever they are :) | 01:48 |
tp_ | even when i use firefox o_O | 01:48 |
Jucato | tp_: what card, btw? | 01:48 |
tp_ | ati x200 | 01:48 |
vegas | the chase is half the fun, Jucato | 01:48 |
tp_ | bleah! | 01:48 |
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Jucato | hm.. | 01:49 |
dettoaltrimenti_ | is there any way to have firefox show up in the system tray when it's on? | 01:49 |
Jucato | tp_: what's your reason for going to the monitor config? | 01:49 |
vegas | actually, Jucato, this is probably a conversation that would go best in #kubuntu-offtopic | 01:50 |
tp_ | dettoaltrimenti: italiano? | 01:50 |
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=== vegas ftw | ||
ju_ | bonjour | 01:50 |
Jucato | vegas: I wasn't continuing the conversation, if you've noticed | 01:50 |
linopil | lookin tyvm PhinnFort now on irssi. can it find some 100 lines backwards in channel some link a guy gave me ? tis on librenix | 01:50 |
vegas | sorry, i've been up learning how to use linux for a good 35 hours, i'm getting loopy | 01:50 |
Jucato | dettoaltrimenti_: I vaguely remember an app that lets you do that. not in the repos, though | 01:50 |
Jucato | linopil: <PhinnFort> linopil: http://librenix.com/?inode=8077 | 01:51 |
linopil | phinnfort gone | 01:51 |
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linopil | tyvm | 01:51 |
Jucato | ywvm :D | 01:51 |
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Jucato | !kdocker | dettoaltrimenti_ | 01:52 |
ubotu | dettoaltrimenti_: kdocker: minimize all applications to system tray. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 100 kB, installed size 324 kB | 01:52 |
Jucato | looks like it's in the repos after all | 01:52 |
linopil | it's an ubuntu linux file/printserver for linux there on librenix. nice ! | 01:53 |
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vegas | where do i look for my version of kubuntu? | 01:54 |
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Jucato | !version | vegas | 01:54 |
ubotu | vegas: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type lsb_release -a in a !shell | 01:54 |
vegas | and are the versions the same for ubuntu and kubuntu? | 01:54 |
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stdin | same name for both | 01:55 |
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Jucato | same codename and release version | 01:55 |
vegas | tyvm Jucato and stdin | 01:55 |
dettoaltrimenti_ | thanks Jucato | 01:57 |
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dettoaltrimenti_ | does anyone know how much space it would take to install all 20,000 packages from adept- in universe and multiverse? | 02:00 |
Jucato | more than the DVD installer I bet... | 02:01 |
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stdin | I would think about 4 or 5 DVDs, minimum | 02:03 |
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haffe | I think it would be easist treated as a statistical problem. | 02:03 |
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yaccin | hi | 02:03 |
Morrissey | but why would you do that? | 02:03 |
haffe | Assume the size of each package is Xi, where Xi is some stochastic variable. | 02:04 |
dettoaltrimenti_ | is there a graphical way to use kdocker? like a right click option or anything? | 02:04 |
yaccin | im having a problem with my wacom | 02:04 |
Jucato | dettoaltrimenti_: try to do a Google on it. iirc ther is | 02:04 |
Jucato | there* | 02:04 |
dettoaltrimenti_ | thanks | 02:04 |
=== Morrissey just failed his statistics course ... so thanks haffe :P | ||
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haffe | Ok. | 02:04 |
haffe | I passed mine on the 2:n try. | 02:04 |
Morrissey | Hopefully so will I ... | 02:05 |
Morrissey | you taking a master of science? | 02:05 |
xsacha | i passed stats! :D | 02:05 |
Morrissey | good for you xsacha :P | 02:05 |
haffe | Morrissey: Yes. | 02:05 |
haffe | M.sc. Mathematics. | 02:05 |
Morrissey | haffe, same here .. on my second year | 02:05 |
xsacha | i still know nothing about it.. but i did while i was doing the course | 02:05 |
Morrissey | haffe, communication technology | 02:06 |
haffe | Ok. | 02:06 |
xsacha | im sure if i looked at it, it'd all coming rushing back to me | 02:06 |
Morrissey | at what? stats? | 02:06 |
xsacha | yeah | 02:06 |
Morrissey | Its not that hard really .. | 02:06 |
Morrissey | but this years exam was insane | 02:06 |
haffe | Ok. | 02:07 |
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haffe | My university holds three exams each study year for each course. | 02:07 |
stdin | hmm | 02:07 |
stdin | !offtopic | 02:07 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 02:07 |
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Morrissey | haffe, oh really? I have 8 courses a year with 1 (sometimes 2) exams each | 02:07 |
haffe | Umm, what I meant was that the exam is given three times, but you only have to pass once. | 02:08 |
yaccin | how can i get the scroll-wheel of my wacom working? | 02:08 |
haffe | The point is that some examiners think that the further from the course the exam is. the harder the exam should be. | 02:09 |
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Morrissey | haffe, oh, I see ... we have one in the summer as well as the one given for christmas/spring ... 2 times. But you really could take it as much as you like =) | 02:09 |
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vegas | !tar | 02:13 |
ubotu | Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with ark - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression | 02:13 |
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epimeth | does dapper not support firefox2? | 02:14 |
stdin | epimeth: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion | 02:15 |
epimeth | all right | 02:15 |
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user__ | hi room | 02:16 |
yaccin | how can i get the scroll-wheel of my wacom working? | 02:16 |
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haffe | yaccin: Read up on ubuntuguide.org | 02:16 |
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andremarte | !italiano | 02:17 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 02:17 |
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yaccin | haffe: this covers only basic functionallity | 02:21 |
yaccin | but the scroll wheel and the 2 buttons on the tablet dont work with this guide | 02:21 |
haffe | Ok, not even with imwheel/edev? | 02:22 |
yaccin | i dont know what that is ^^ | 02:22 |
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yaccin | *installing imwheel* | 02:23 |
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yaccin | do i have to configure imwheel? | 02:24 |
yaccin | and how do i do that? | 02:24 |
yaccin | ah | 02:24 |
yaccin | -c | 02:24 |
yaccin | but it seems not to work | 02:25 |
vegas | i get this error when running ./configure for beryl: http://fora.demonoid.com/index.php?topic=24352/508162#508162 | 02:26 |
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vegas | oops | 02:26 |
vegas | one sec | 02:26 |
Jucato | hm... | 02:26 |
vegas | checking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool | 02:26 |
vegas | yea, beryl wasn't trying to send me to demonoid | 02:26 |
Jucato | vegas: does the beryl website have instructions on required packages/headers/libraries for compiling beryl? | 02:27 |
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vegas | probably | 02:27 |
vegas | i'll look | 02:27 |
yaccin | why compile beryl? | 02:27 |
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Jucato | :) | 02:27 |
vegas | yaccin: , i'm a noob | 02:27 |
yaccin | there are repos :) | 02:27 |
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=== westbaer is now known as westbaer_ | ||
vegas | what's a repos | 02:27 |
Jucato | vegas: noobs don't compile stuff :) | 02:27 |
vegas | and how do i use it | 02:27 |
Jucato | although they ask about compiling... | 02:27 |
vegas | lol...apparently | 02:28 |
Jucato | !repositories | 02:28 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 02:28 |
yaccin | there are instructions on wiki.beryl-project.org | 02:28 |
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Jucato | !beryl | vegas | 02:28 |
ubotu | vegas: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 02:28 |
stdin | http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Compile_requirements | 02:28 |
yaccin | id use the repo | 02:28 |
yaccin | its easy, simple and works great | 02:28 |
Jucato | vegas: that website and that channel (the topic in there) have more helpful links | 02:28 |
stdin | http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu | 02:28 |
westbaer | hello | 02:28 |
yaccin | i actually use the svn-repo ^^ | 02:28 |
yaccin | #beryl may also be helpfull | 02:28 |
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=== ArtMoonik [n=panther@mar92-3-82-66-233-126.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vegas | thanks guys...sorry again for the dumb noob questions | 02:30 |
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yaccin | there are no dumb questions :P | 02:30 |
Jucato | vegas: repository: as the name suggest, it's an online database/storage (aka repository) of packages that are compiled, built, and ready to install for Kubuntu (all official *buntus) | 02:31 |
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vegas | lol...i prefer mr. garrison's version..."there are no stupid question, just stupid people." | 02:31 |
yaccin | ^_^ | 02:31 |
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Jucato | "there are no stupid questions, just stupid people who don't ask questions" | 02:33 |
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niki_ | hi | 02:34 |
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vegas | touche, Jucato | 02:34 |
Jucato | touch, right? | 02:34 |
Jucato | (just checking my spelling) | 02:34 |
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vegas | yea, i just can never remember how to make the accent symbol | 02:34 |
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Jucato | it usually is the right Alt key by default | 02:35 |
Jucato | R-Alt + ' + e | 02:35 |
stdin | R-Alt + ' +e = (for me) | 02:35 |
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stdin | R-Alt + ; +e = (again for me) | 02:36 |
Jucato | O.o | 02:36 |
Jucato | ? | 02:36 |
Jucato | ; + e | 02:36 |
stdin | yep | 02:36 |
Jucato | ok anyway... | 02:36 |
vegas | hm...just realized this, but i don't think that my right alt/ctrl work | 02:36 |
joe123 | hey ppl I'm having a "kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init".. error msg | 02:36 |
joe123 | this is when I put the Kubuntu 6.10 cd, and put Install kubuntu | 02:37 |
joe123 | black screen with a lot of things, and then that | 02:37 |
joe123 | that happens when the system is loading the Linux ernel | 02:37 |
jean-b | hi, i run kubuntu edgy, should i install beryl xgl, aiglx or nvidia? | 02:37 |
yaccin | R-alt + = | 02:37 |
yaccin | ^^ | 02:37 |
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vegas | how do i find what to add to adept so that i can use it for beryl? | 02:38 |
vegas | sorry if that's worded funny | 02:38 |
stdin | vegas: dapper or edgy ? | 02:38 |
vegas | edgy | 02:38 |
vegas | i'm about 26 hours into this linux thing | 02:39 |
jean-b | hi, i run kubuntu edgy, should i install beryl xgl, aiglx or nvidia? | 02:39 |
vegas | only other time i used it was to hack tivos | 02:39 |
yaccin | jean | 02:39 |
stdin | vegas: have you already got aiglx or xgl? | 02:39 |
yaccin | depends | 02:39 |
vegas | i don't think so | 02:39 |
Jucato | 26 hours and already you want to install one of the hardest things to do currently? O.O | 02:39 |
yaccin | you have n nvidia card? | 02:39 |
jean-b | yaccin: yes | 02:39 |
vegas | but...it looks cool | 02:39 |
vegas | so yes | 02:39 |
vegas | i'm not scared | 02:39 |
vegas | just naive | 02:39 |
yaccin | beryl is not hard to install :) | 02:39 |
vegas | ati | 02:40 |
Jucato | yaccin: I didn't say it was hard to install :) | 02:40 |
yaccin | jean-b: then just install beryl and start it | 02:40 |
Jucato | it's harder to make it work well ) | 02:40 |
yaccin | no need for more configuration etc | 02:40 |
jean-b | beryl nvidia then? | 02:40 |
stdin | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/InstallingBeryl | 02:40 |
Jucato | :) | 02:40 |
yaccin | Jucato: depends | 02:40 |
yaccin | :D | 02:40 |
joe123 | hi... i'm having a kernel panic error msg | 02:40 |
yaccin | but mostly it isnt | 02:40 |
joe123 | attempted to kill init | 02:40 |
joe123 | this happens when I put the kubuntu 6.10 cd | 02:41 |
joe123 | and put install | 02:41 |
yaccin | Jucato: for nvidia... simply install and run.. aiglx... make aiglx work and simply run it... i wont suggest xgl... xgl is the worst part of it :D | 02:41 |
frojnd | Jucato: have u ever try to use Kword, to open pdf and save it into odt? | 02:41 |
joe123 | the systems starts to load the kernel, and then that comes up | 02:41 |
joe123 | any ideas? | 02:41 |
niki_ | can I install mysql in kubuntu | 02:41 |
vegas | ok, so aiglx or xgl? | 02:41 |
frojnd | I have some difficultys with this file http://rs4.rapidshare.com/files/16409629/SEMINARI_I-VII.pdf | 02:41 |
vegas | what the difference? | 02:41 |
Jucato | yaccin: "making it work" includes fixing disappearing window borders :) | 02:41 |
frojnd | Jucato, if u have time and will, please try for me | 02:41 |
yaccin | vegas: when you have nvidia you dont need any of them | 02:41 |
yaccin | else i suggest aiglx | 02:41 |
yaccin | Jucato: thats simple :) | 02:41 |
Jucato | frojnd: I have. but iirc opening a big pdf takes time... | 02:42 |
Jucato | yaccin: ok. then you're the perfect person to help vegas | 02:42 |
yaccin | you have beryl-manager (icon in the tray) and theres an option in the menu which fixes that in 99% ^^ | 02:42 |
Jucato | because my experience wasn't that simple | 02:42 |
vegas | damn...i'm already being handed off | 02:42 |
yaccin | he :) | 02:42 |
yaccin | vegas: you have n nvidia card? | 02:42 |
vegas | no, ati radeon 9000 | 02:42 |
yaccin | ah | 02:42 |
vegas | !aiglx | 02:43 |
ubotu | AIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-effects for support. | 02:43 |
yaccin | you play 3D Games on that PC? | 02:43 |
vegas | no, i use my home computer for that | 02:43 |
yaccin | ok | 02:43 |
vegas | the one that cost more than my car | 02:43 |
yaccin | you have frglx drivers installed? | 02:43 |
vegas | or should have :) | 02:43 |
vegas | i don't know...just installed standard kubuntu install | 02:43 |
yaccin | ok | 02:43 |
yaccin | then you need to change your graphicscard driver to radeon | 02:44 |
frojnd | Jucato: When I opened this pdf file in odt, was some jigsaw with background color | 02:44 |
yaccin | then install beryl | 02:44 |
yaccin | and i think it should simply work | 02:44 |
frojnd | so if u know how to disable background color in original pdf.. | 02:44 |
yaccin | when not you have to edit something in yiur xorg.conf | 02:44 |
frojnd | I think this would help a little | 02:44 |
Jucato | frojnd: oh ok... sorry if I can't be of more help... | 02:44 |
vegas | o.O | 02:45 |
frojnd | if u would try that would be big help | 02:45 |
vegas | change...driver i don't understand | 02:45 |
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yaccin | vegas: you know how to open your xorg.conf in kate? ^^ | 02:45 |
vegas | negative | 02:46 |
yaccin | alt+f2 > "kdesu kate /etc/xorg.conf" | 02:46 |
yaccin | err | 02:46 |
yaccin | alt+f2 > "kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf" | 02:46 |
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vegas | gave me some failed to open device errors and opened a basically blank kate file | 02:47 |
yaccin | /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 02:48 |
yaccin | try that one ^^ | 02:48 |
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vegas | is that XLL or x11? | 02:48 |
Jucato | X11 | 02:48 |
dettoaltrimenti_ | does anyone know how to export mail from thunderbird, to import into another thunderbird on another computer? | 02:48 |
vegas | as in the number? | 02:48 |
Jucato | yes | 02:49 |
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yaccin | 22/2 | 02:49 |
dettoaltrimenti_ | please help | 02:49 |
yaccin | then search Section "Device" | 02:49 |
vegas | bash: /etc/x11/xorg.conf: no such file or directory | 02:49 |
Jucato | er sorry, dettoaltrimenti_. that yes was for vegas | 02:49 |
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Jucato | vegas: X11 not x11 | 02:49 |
dettoaltrimenti_ | heh oh ok | 02:49 |
yaccin | its an X not an x | 02:49 |
yaccin | ^^ | 02:49 |
Jucato | vegas: Linux is case sensitive | 02:49 |
dinosaur-rus | hi | 02:49 |
yaccin | and there change Driver "ati" to Driver "radeon" | 02:49 |
dinosaur-rus | how can I remove "Switch User" item from K Menu? | 02:50 |
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yaccin | in the same section add this line: Option"XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" | 02:50 |
=== NDPTAL85 [n=ndptal85@207-172-70-240.c3-0.sbo-ubr2.sbo.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
yaccin | save and close | 02:50 |
yaccin | install beryl | 02:50 |
yaccin | reboot | 02:50 |
vegas | works...case sensitivity is the devil | 02:50 |
yaccin | run beryl-manager | 02:50 |
Jucato | reboot? | 02:50 |
vegas | i capitalize nothing | 02:50 |
yaccin | should work | 02:50 |
yaccin | Jucato: or restart x-server | 02:50 |
yaccin | :P | 02:50 |
Jucato | shake off the Windows habit heheh :) | 02:51 |
yaccin | :P | 02:51 |
Jucato | 3R's - Reboot, Reformat, Reinstall | 02:51 |
yaccin | oh | 02:51 |
yaccin | vegas: at bottom of the file | 02:51 |
yaccin | add this: | 02:51 |
Jucato | :P | 02:51 |
yaccin | Section "Extensions" | 02:51 |
yaccin | Option "AIGLX" "enabled" | 02:51 |
yaccin | EndSection | 02:51 |
yaccin | then save and close | 02:51 |
yaccin | install beryl | 02:51 |
yaccin | and hit Ctrl+Alt+Backspace | 02:52 |
yaccin | ^^ | 02:52 |
Jucato | :D | 02:52 |
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epimeth | has anyone got wine working? | 02:52 |
yaccin | i have | 02:52 |
epimeth | on 6.06.1 | 02:52 |
epimeth | oh!!! beryl!!! | 02:52 |
yaccin | :D | 02:52 |
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epimeth | more important :-) | 02:52 |
yaccin | hehe | 02:52 |
yaccin | epimeth: ati or nvidia? | 02:52 |
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epimeth | I want it | 02:52 |
epimeth | nvidia | 02:53 |
yaccin | installed drivers already? | 02:53 |
epimeth | they won't work :-( | 02:53 |
yaccin | why? | 02:53 |
yaccin | which graphics card? | 02:53 |
yaccin | geforce2ultra= | 02:53 |
yaccin | ? | 02:53 |
epimeth | first I got a segfault, then I fixed that and X stopped loading | 02:53 |
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epimeth | geforce 2 mx 400 | 02:53 |
yaccin | hm | 02:53 |
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yaccin | one moment | 02:53 |
epimeth | probably the oldest non-legacy card :-) | 02:53 |
=== Trevi [n=Trevi@adsl-42-69.37-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
yaccin | oh its non-leagcy? | 02:54 |
yaccin | are you sure? :D | 02:54 |
huXfluX | Does anyone know how can i install the "Console" font for Konsole? PLEASE! Thank you! | 02:54 |
epimeth | positive... checked 3 times | 02:54 |
epimeth | the legacy drivers gave me a segfault | 02:54 |
epimeth | the others didn't, but didn't work, either | 02:54 |
epimeth | :-) | 02:54 |
yaccin | hmm yes your right | 02:54 |
yaccin | uhm | 02:54 |
yaccin | so you dont have them installed atm? | 02:55 |
vegas | ok...now for the next question...how do i install beryl | 02:55 |
yaccin | vegas: wiki.beryl-project.org | 02:55 |
vegas | i still haven't figured out how to add the repository for it | 02:55 |
=== hellcattrav [n=hellcatt@ip70-174-174-217.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
yaccin | add a repo to apt ^^ | 02:55 |
yaccin | kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:56 |
yaccin | :) | 02:56 |
yaccin | add the repo to that file | 02:56 |
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hellcattrav | hey how do i use a USB flash drive, do i have to do anything after i stick it in th USB slot? | 02:56 |
vegas | what's the repo address | 02:56 |
yaccin | its in the beryl wiki | 02:56 |
yaccin | theres an official one and the svn-repo | 02:56 |
yaccin | hellcattrav: a window should pop up where you can choose what to do | 02:56 |
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hellcattrav | oh ok | 02:57 |
hellcattrav | cool | 02:57 |
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yaccin | hm | 02:57 |
yaccin | too fast | 02:57 |
yaccin | he should be sure to always savely remove the device | 02:57 |
yaccin | :D | 02:57 |
epimeth | ah! too much | 02:57 |
yaccin | epimeth: you have the drivers installed atm? | 02:57 |
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epimeth | lol | 02:58 |
epimeth | okay | 02:58 |
epimeth | no, the nvidia drivers are not installed | 02:58 |
yaccin | ok | 02:58 |
epimeth | no | 02:58 |
yaccin | then sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx | 02:58 |
epimeth | uninstalled them | 02:58 |
=== Trevi [n=Trevi@adsl-42-69.37-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
yaccin | and then change your corg.conf to use them | 02:58 |
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yaccin | if you cant get the drivers to work, then im afraid beryl wont work | 02:58 |
yaccin | but geforce 6200 are cheap :) | 02:59 |
yaccin | and fast ^^ | 02:59 |
yaccin | i had a 2 ultra before i switched to 6200 | 02:59 |
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yaccin | yes, it was a legacy-card :D | 02:59 |
epimeth | cheap? whats that? | 02:59 |
epimeth | :-) | 02:59 |
yaccin | it was about 50 i think | 03:00 |
=== andremarte [n=andremar@host94-185-dynamic.14-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
epimeth | its nice that you have 65 dollars to spend wisely... I, however, do not have the required 300 shequels | 03:01 |
epimeth | :-p | 03:01 |
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epimeth | okay... nvidia-glx installed | 03:01 |
huXfluX | Does anyone know how can i install the "Console" font for Konsole? PLEASE! Thank you! | 03:01 |
epimeth | and xorg.conf file open | 03:01 |
yaccin | epimeth: search Section "device" | 03:01 |
epimeth | huXfluX: sorry, dunno | 03:01 |
=== mzuverink [n=mzuverin@adsl-76-212-67-33.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
yaccin | change Driver "nv" to Driver "nvidia" | 03:01 |
mzuverink | anyone use amarok with there ipod? | 03:02 |
yaccin | save. close and hit Ctrl+alt+backspace... should work ^^ | 03:02 |
mzuverink | I am wondering if it will put the album art on the pod | 03:02 |
yaccin | mzuverink: i dont have a ipod yet | 03:02 |
yaccin | i think so | 03:02 |
yaccin | /hoe | 03:02 |
yaccin | /hope | 03:02 |
mzuverink | I dont see anywhere in the config to do so | 03:02 |
yaccin | hmm | 03:03 |
yaccin | it doesnt by default? | 03:03 |
epimeth | okay... bbs... gonna ctrl-alt-del da bitch | 03:03 |
yaccin | ^^ | 03:03 |
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yaccin | works? | 03:04 |
yaccin | ^^ | 03:04 |
epimeth | well... x is working... dunno if glx is working tho | 03:05 |
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epimeth | holy shit | 03:05 |
yaccin | you had a funny nvidia-logo after hitting ctrl+alt+backspace? | 03:05 |
epimeth | you gotta be kidding me | 03:05 |
Morrissey | epimeth, glxgears | 03:05 |
yaccin | why? | 03:06 |
epimeth | no nvidia logo, but direct rendering: yes | 03:06 |
yaccin | ok | 03:06 |
epimeth | tada! | 03:06 |
yaccin | then its good :) | 03:06 |
epimeth | all right | 03:06 |
epimeth | wtf | 03:06 |
yaccin | just install beryl then | 03:06 |
yaccin | should work ootb | 03:06 |
epimeth | why did it not work when I tried before??? | 03:06 |
yaccin | mabe you didnt change you xorg.conf? | 03:06 |
epimeth | ubotu, take me home! | 03:06 |
epimeth | !beryl | 03:06 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about take me home! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:06 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 03:06 |
epimeth | no... thats not what I meant, you stupid bot! | 03:07 |
yaccin | wiki.beryl.projects.org | 03:07 |
epimeth | there' | 03:07 |
epimeth | s one in help.ubuntu no? | 03:07 |
Morrissey | beryl still gives me only white screen after upgrade .. anyone got a sollution to this yet? | 03:07 |
yaccin | svn is nice.. most features but isnt as stable as official repo | 03:07 |
yaccin | mirshafie: ati/nvidia? | 03:07 |
yaccin | err | 03:08 |
yaccin | Morrissey: | 03:08 |
Morrissey | ati ... | 03:08 |
yaccin | xgl? | 03:08 |
Morrissey | :) put 2 and 2 together :P | 03:08 |
yaccin | or aiglx? | 03:08 |
Morrissey | aiglx | 03:08 |
yaccin | hmm | 03:08 |
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yaccin | svn? | 03:08 |
Morrissey | seems like a comon problem | 03:08 |
Morrissey | nah, repos | 03:08 |
yaccin | hmm | 03:08 |
huXfluX | Does anyone know how can i install the "Console" font for Konsole? PLEASE! Thank you! | 03:08 |
yaccin | svn works fine here :) | 03:08 |
toxidas | hi all | 03:08 |
=== huXfluX beggs! | ||
Morrissey | yaccin, do you have the repo for the svn? | 03:09 |
Morrissey | maybe Ill try that | 03:09 |
toxidas | i wnt to play games via cegeda i've installed hommv but cannot start? | 03:09 |
epimeth | yaccin: all I do now is add the dapper beryl repos and do an dist-upgrade? | 03:09 |
toxidas | anybody help | 03:09 |
toxidas | ? | 03:09 |
yaccin | if you have dapper ^^ | 03:09 |
yaccin | no | 03:09 |
Morrissey | epimeth, sudo aptitude install beryl | 03:09 |
yaccin | not and dist-upgrade | 03:09 |
epimeth | sorry... and then an install beryl? | 03:09 |
Morrissey | have kubuntu :) | 03:09 |
yaccin | yes | 03:09 |
toxidas | or should i try wine instead | 03:09 |
yaccin | sudo apt-get install beryl | 03:09 |
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yaccin | toxidas: search "franks corner" on google | 03:10 |
Morrissey | yaccin, do you have the edgy repos for beryl svn? | 03:10 |
yaccin | theres help for some games on wine | 03:10 |
yaccin | Morrissey: yes i use svn on edgy | 03:10 |
yaccin | i switch to feisty this evening ^^ | 03:10 |
Morrissey | ok, do you have the repos link? :) | 03:10 |
toxidas | thanx | 03:11 |
yaccin | Morrissey: should be in the beryl wiki ^^ | 03:11 |
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yaccin | http://forum.beryl-project.org/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=70&hilit= oor look there for svn | 03:12 |
epimeth | !paste | 03:12 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:12 |
epimeth | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5719/ | 03:12 |
epimeth | yaccin: any ideas? | 03:13 |
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yaccin | epimeth: those are REALLY old repos | 03:13 |
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yaccin | they dont work | 03:13 |
yaccin | if you want try svn version then look at http://forum.beryl-project.org/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=70&hilit= | 03:13 |
yaccin | else ill get a link for you in a minute | 03:13 |
epimeth | cheers | 03:15 |
yaccin | http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/ | 03:15 |
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frojnd | Jucato, any luck? | 03:15 |
=== BluesKaj [n=Wiliecoy@bas1-sudbury98-1128674876.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
naph | hi, is the latest kernel version with kubuntu 2.6.17? is there any way of getting a package for a more recent release? thanks | 03:15 |
BluesKaj | "Morning folks | 03:16 |
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epimeth | vaccin: so deb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/ dapper main | 03:16 |
epimeth | ? | 03:17 |
epimeth | morning Blues | 03:17 |
BluesKaj | naph, it's the latest stable version | 03:17 |
yaccin | if you have dapper, yes | 03:17 |
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yaccin | :) | 03:17 |
BluesKaj | hi epimeth | 03:17 |
naph | ok, no way of getting an unstable version? :-/ (though i don't wanna go outside the package system and compile myself really) | 03:18 |
yaccin | naph: i think feisty has a newer kernel | 03:18 |
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yaccin | brb | 03:18 |
epimeth | yaccin: I got the no pubkey again... do I *need* to verify? | 03:18 |
naph | ok, thanks for the info! :D | 03:19 |
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BluesKaj | fiesty 2.6.19 | 03:20 |
epimeth | what about it? | 03:20 |
BluesKaj | AFAIK 2.6.17 is the latest stable kernel for edgy as well | 03:20 |
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Tm_T | BluesKaj: True. | 03:20 |
jean-b | hi | 03:20 |
jean-b | i've just installed beryl; loaded it | 03:20 |
jean-b | but have no effects | 03:21 |
Tm_T | Only way to get newer working kernel to 6.10 is to compile yourself. | 03:21 |
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jean-b | so i want to remove it | 03:21 |
Tm_T | !xgl | jean-b | 03:21 |
ubotu | jean-b: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 03:21 |
=== OctOpus [n=Anakin@ip115-1-210-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jean-b | thanx Tm_T | 03:21 |
jean-b | i''ve followed this guide | 03:22 |
jean-b | http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Edgy_with_nVidia | 03:22 |
Tm_T | "- Help in #ubuntu-effects" | 03:22 |
Tm_T | ;) | 03:22 |
jean-b | nobody answer in ubuntu-effects | 03:23 |
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blue|palm | i know this might be a silly question: but when is 7.4 set to be out? April? | 03:24 |
jean-b | i want to reverse what i've done with http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Edgy_with_nVidia | 03:24 |
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vegas | lol...apparently removing a dvd burner and putting it back in makes linux PISSED | 03:24 |
jean-b | how can i do it? | 03:24 |
BluesKaj | naph, well, this site should help :http://www.kernel.org/ | 03:25 |
yaccin | vegas: if your system was running while you did that its a normal reaction | 03:25 |
yaccin | :D | 03:25 |
Jucato | BluesKaj: yes. it's 7.04 = 2007-04 = 2007 April | 03:25 |
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vegas | will it do that for usb devices? | 03:26 |
yaccin | usb works great | 03:26 |
yaccin | but | 03:26 |
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vegas | but? | 03:26 |
yaccin | be sure to ALWAYS savely remove the device | 03:26 |
BluesKaj | not the newset official release Jucato , naph was aking about the latest kubuntu kernel ...that would be fiesty | 03:26 |
vegas | oh | 03:27 |
vegas | what happens if you don't? | 03:27 |
yaccin | else you get "empty" files on your mp3player for example | 03:27 |
vegas | ah | 03:27 |
Jucato | BluesKaj: <blue|palm> i know this might be a silly question: but when is 7.4 set to be out? April? | 03:27 |
incorrect | can i get opera for kubuntu? | 03:27 |
yaccin | usb scanners webcams etc are "safe" to just disconnect | 03:27 |
yaccin | incorrect: yes | 03:27 |
yaccin | !opera | 03:27 |
ubotu | opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser | 03:27 |
Jucato | BluesKaj: er sorry | 03:27 |
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Jucato | wrong tab completion | 03:27 |
Jucato | blue|palm: yes. it's 7.04 = 2007-04 = 2007 April | 03:27 |
Jucato | darn | 03:27 |
BluesKaj | dunno exactly Jucato | 03:28 |
yaccin | Jucato: 7.03 is already available but only as an alpha-release | 03:28 |
yaccin | err | 03:28 |
yaccin | 7.04 | 03:28 |
=== theD3viL [n=matej@BSN-77-90-27.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
yaccin | so you shouldnt use it | 03:28 |
yaccin | :D | 03:28 |
vegas | man, kodometer is sweet | 03:28 |
theD3viL | why i have to click to mount my windows disk or mp3 player in storage devices? How to do automatic? | 03:28 |
incorrect | wow sweet!! | 03:28 |
vegas | apparently i've moved my mouse a few hundred meters in the last couple hours | 03:29 |
yaccin | theD3viL: add them to your /etc/fstab | 03:29 |
Jucato | BluesKaj: sorry, it was a misdirected answer | 03:29 |
incorrect | opera should just let people include it in the distro | 03:29 |
yaccin | mp3 players are not suggest to do so | 03:29 |
theD3viL | yaccin: thats the only way? | 03:29 |
yaccin | theD3viL: one moment | 03:29 |
theD3viL | ok | 03:29 |
yaccin | incorrect: no, opera sucks | 03:29 |
yaccin | :P | 03:29 |
yaccin | its not free software | 03:30 |
yaccin | so it will never be included in a debian based distro | 03:30 |
incorrect | i just need another spare browser | 03:30 |
yaccin | konqueror | 03:30 |
BluesKaj | np Jucato , we all doit once in a while :) | 03:30 |
yaccin | it rocks | 03:30 |
eeos | hi there. how do you report / file bug report? where is the tracker? | 03:30 |
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incorrect | konq has issues still :( | 03:30 |
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=== Morrissey throws all issues out the window and give up for a while | ||
incorrect | if only there was *puke* *puke* ie | 03:31 |
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yaccin | theD3viL: when the window pops up for what to do with your mp3-player etc select the option to do that what you want automatically | 03:31 |
blindside | use firefox | 03:31 |
blindside | lol | 03:31 |
incorrect | sadly i have to make sure things work with IE | 03:31 |
yaccin | incorrect: what issues? | 03:31 |
naph | btw (and i know this is a vague question) is feisty stable enough to use now (i don't mind some crashes, and don't have any data loss worries) ?? | 03:31 |
yaccin | IE works with wine | 03:31 |
yaccin | incorrect: webdesigner? | 03:31 |
yaccin | :D | 03:31 |
incorrect | yaccin: well fckeditor doesn't work too well in konq | 03:31 |
theD3viL | yaccin: what about windows partition? :) the window pops doesnt come up :P | 03:31 |
yaccin | theD3viL: you have to add them to your /etc/fstab | 03:32 |
eeos | incorrect there is an interesting package if you want to test with MSIE under linux. we use it. | 03:32 |
theD3viL | okay, tnx | 03:32 |
yaccin | maybe you can do that automatically in systemsettings or kcontrol | 03:32 |
yaccin | but i dont know | 03:32 |
incorrect | yaccin: im not a designer, i am just building sites, just for giggles, sadly one of the people i am helping is getting grumy with me not having their site in ie | 03:32 |
BluesKaj | there's a version of IE ported for linux without needing wine to run it , but i don't remember where i saw it | 03:32 |
jean-b | hey guys i've followed this http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Edgy_with_nVidia starting from "adding beryl repositories" and i want to cancel everything to come back to my initial state | 03:32 |
incorrect | eeos: swish | 03:32 |
incorrect | eeos: where? | 03:32 |
BluesKaj | it's only IE5.5 | 03:33 |
incorrect | nevermind | 03:33 |
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yaccin | incorrect: then i suggest a nice script which installs IE 5.5, 6.0 and 6.5? or 5.0? | 03:33 |
incorrect | i need 6 and 7 now | 03:33 |
eeos | incorrect ms ie 5.0,5.5,6.0,7 | 03:33 |
yaccin | well 3 IEs parallel | 03:33 |
yaccin | :D | 03:33 |
yaccin | 7.0 i dont know | 03:33 |
huXfluX | Does anyone know how can i install the "Console" font for Konsole? PLEASE! Thank yo | 03:33 |
incorrect | nevermind thats with rdesktop is for :D | 03:33 |
jean-b | how can i cancel this sudo echo && wget http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/root@lupine.me.uk.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - | 03:33 |
yaccin | you dont NEED any of IEs | 03:33 |
yaccin | :P | 03:33 |
jean-b | ? | 03:33 |
yaccin | IEs sucks | 03:33 |
incorrect | but i needed a second browser for testing permissions | 03:34 |
eeos | incorrect http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Congratulations | 03:34 |
eeos | incorrect download and install beta5 version so you have ms ie 7 support as well | 03:34 |
Jucato | jean-b: Ctrl+C | 03:34 |
eeos | incorrect it works very well on kubuntu 6.10 | 03:34 |
yaccin | yay cool | 03:34 |
yaccin | :) | 03:34 |
yaccin | use that script incorrect:) | 03:34 |
jean-b | Jucato?? | 03:34 |
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incorrect | that is sweet | 03:35 |
Jucato | <jean-b> how can i cancel this sudo echo && wget http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/root@lupine.me.uk.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - | 03:35 |
jean-b | ? | 03:35 |
eeos | incorrect this are installatio instruction for kubuntu http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Installation:Ubuntu | 03:35 |
Jucato | Ctrl+C cancels the download, but it might be too quick to cancel | 03:35 |
eeos | how do you file bug report? where is the tracker? | 03:36 |
jean-b | it's done already | 03:36 |
jean-b | i've followed this http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Edgy_with_nVidia starting from "adding beryl repositories" | 03:36 |
incorrect | thanks! :) | 03:36 |
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Jucato | !bugs | eeos | 03:36 |
ubotu | eeos: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 03:36 |
Jucato | eeos: for Kubuntu, I presume? | 03:36 |
jean-b | now i want to uninstall everything to come back to my initial state | 03:36 |
eeos | Jucato yep | 03:36 |
eeos | Jucato but I think it si also for other derivatives | 03:37 |
Jucato | jean-b: ah. you mean "undo" not cancel... no problem with that | 03:37 |
Jucato | eeos: only if they're using launchpad | 03:37 |
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Jucato | eeos: for example, gnewsense doesn't and neither does mepis | 03:37 |
eeos | Jucato no I mean the bug i want to report | 03:38 |
Jucato | eeos: ohok | 03:38 |
jean-b | yea Jucato, so far i ve used sudo apt-get remove for the package that i installad | 03:38 |
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Jucato | jean-b: sudo apt-key del root@lupine.me.uk.gpg | 03:39 |
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Jucato | jean-b: to undo the apt-key add part | 03:39 |
jean-b | but i added a repo and did "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 03:39 |
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jean-b | this installed a few packages that i want to remove now | 03:39 |
jean-b | thanx | 03:40 |
Strong | Hi | 03:41 |
Strong | How can i kill the arts sound server.. ? | 03:41 |
jean-b | gpg: key "root@lupine.me.uk.gpg" not found: eof | 03:41 |
Jucato | Strong: Ctrl+Esc, select artsd, and kill it | 03:41 |
jean-b | gpg: root@lupine.me.uk.gpg: delete key failed: eof | 03:41 |
Strong | k tks! | 03:41 |
Strong | :) | 03:41 |
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Jucato | jean-b: try to be in the same directory where you downloaded that file | 03:41 |
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emjay | !it | 03:42 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 03:42 |
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jean-b | Jucato: i dont remember, the thing is that i removed that repo | 03:42 |
SeanTater | How do I make konqueror turn on java by default (Tools -> HTML Settings -> Java keeps it off by default)? | 03:42 |
Jucato | jean-b: it's not a repo. it's a .gpg file (a key) | 03:42 |
raylu | Strong, "killall artsd" is a bit easier | 03:42 |
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jean-b | J | 03:43 |
raylu | SeanTater, you mean load java applets automatically? | 03:43 |
jean-b | Jucato: is there a way to find it? | 03:43 |
SeanTater | raylu: yes, at least for one site | 03:43 |
Jucato | SeanTater: Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> Java & Javascript | 03:43 |
SeanTater | Jucato: tried that | 03:43 |
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Jucato | SeanTater: you set it to? | 03:44 |
SeanTater | Jucato: uh -- fixed it | 03:44 |
Jucato | :) | 03:44 |
SeanTater | Jucato: I had it enables globally, but not for that specific site -- now it works | 03:44 |
SeanTater | Jucato: thanks | 03:44 |
Jucato | hm.. ok | 03:45 |
jean-b | Jucato: is there a way to find that key? | 03:45 |
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Jucato | jean-b: hm... you know... it's not really important if you remove it or not... | 03:45 |
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jean-b | i added a repo and did "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 03:46 |
=== chathura is now known as stupid | ||
stupid | do you guys know any messanger interface for pandion XMPP (for linux) | 03:46 |
jean-b | that installed a few packages | 03:46 |
Tm_T | stupid: Kopete | 03:46 |
jean-b | now i've removed this repo | 03:46 |
yaccin | what is pandion? o.O | 03:47 |
Jucato | jean-b: "sudo echo && wget http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/root@lupine.me.uk.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -" does not add a repo | 03:47 |
jean-b | and want to remove those packages | 03:47 |
Tm_T | stupid: Pandion is XMPP/Jabber client, so any Jabber client works. | 03:47 |
Jucato | jean-b: removing the key won't remove the packages either | 03:47 |
yaccin | ah | 03:47 |
yaccin | then kopete :D | 03:47 |
yaccin | kopete rocks ^^ | 03:47 |
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stupid | yeap but I do have a corporate server | 03:47 |
Tm_T | stupid: Doesn't matter. | 03:47 |
stupid | that raise issues | 03:47 |
Tm_T | It's still same protocol. | 03:47 |
yaccin | i think you can specify your server in the account options | 03:47 |
Tm_T | IIRC | 03:47 |
stupid | okay tim I'll try | 03:47 |
jean-b | i added it manualy editing the sources files | 03:47 |
Tm_T | You _always_ define server somehow. | 03:48 |
yaccin | jean-b: sudo apt-get remove beryl? | 03:48 |
Jucato | yaccin: your area :) | 03:48 |
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yaccin | Tm_T: pssh! dont tell anyone :P | 03:48 |
Tm_T | yaccin: Tell what? | 03:48 |
jean-b | yaccin: done already | 03:48 |
jean-b | did not like it | 03:48 |
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yaccin | Tm_T: that you always do that ^^ | 03:49 |
raylu | Wow...pandion looks nice | 03:49 |
yaccin | jean-b: then everything from that repo should be uninstalled | 03:49 |
slyfox | Those who use Akgregtor - when viewing list of news on a specific RSS feed, is this a bug that when I press down key on my keyboard, akgregator deos not move on to the next news article in the list ? | 03:49 |
=== MaterMaravillae [n=pablo@159.pool85-54-150.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Tm_T | raylu: Also uses Explorer, so safety-- IMO | 03:50 |
yaccin | raylu: looks like kopete for windows somhow :D | 03:50 |
jean-b | yaccin: if i remove a repo, everything from this repo is removed also? | 03:50 |
yaccin | jean-b: no | 03:50 |
yaccin | but you removed beryl | 03:50 |
yaccin | and this is a beryl repo | 03:50 |
yaccin | :) | 03:50 |
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jean-b | how can i remove everything from a repo? | 03:50 |
yaccin | i think you already did that | 03:51 |
jean-b | and sudo apt-get autoremove? | 03:51 |
yaccin | because theres not much other things on that repo then beryl | 03:51 |
yaccin | yes, try that | 03:51 |
yaccin | but why is this so important? | 03:51 |
jean-b | because i like my pc to be clean ... | 03:52 |
jean-b | lol =) | 03:52 |
raylu | you should format it nightly :D | 03:52 |
yaccin | :D | 03:52 |
jean-b | lol | 03:52 |
jean-b | anyway you were speaking about kopote not long ago | 03:52 |
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yaccin | yes | 03:53 |
yaccin | kopete <3 | 03:53 |
jean-b | why doesnt it save my passwords on my pc? | 03:53 |
yaccin | it should o.O | 03:53 |
yaccin | does it here :) | 03:53 |
smoze | my kopete saves passwords | 03:53 |
jean-b | i check remember this password, then it ask for permission to access the wallet but it never work | 03:53 |
smoze | oh, kill the wallet | 03:54 |
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jean-b | done | 03:54 |
epimeth | yaccin: still here? | 03:54 |
jean-b | and guys | 03:54 |
raylu | What's wrong with the wallet (besides the fact that its annoying and slightly bloated?)? | 03:54 |
jean-b | i am using skype a lot | 03:55 |
jean-b | is there an open source equivalent? | 03:55 |
yaccin | epimeth: yes | 03:55 |
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epimeth | so now what? | 03:55 |
epimeth | its installed | 03:55 |
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epimeth | how do I run it? | 03:55 |
epimeth | :-) | 03:55 |
smoze | raylu: the fact that it is annoying and it is hard to get rid of | 03:55 |
yaccin | jean-b: theres a skype-wrapper for kopete it hink | 03:55 |
yaccin | epimeth: alt+f2 "beryl-manager" | 03:56 |
jean-b | yaccin: yes but it's just a skin | 03:56 |
raylu | Oh yeah, how do I get more "wrappers" for kopete? | 03:56 |
yaccin | jean-b: i know, but skype is proprietary, so no other solutions | 03:56 |
smoze | is beryl worth isntalling?? | 03:57 |
yaccin | you can try to get your skype contacts to switch to a SIP-client | 03:57 |
yaccin | smod | 03:57 |
yaccin | smoze: depends | 03:57 |
yaccin | i would say yes | 03:57 |
yaccin | :D | 03:57 |
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epimeth | yaccin: and now what? | 03:57 |
epimeth | I have a ruby in my taskbar | 03:57 |
yaccin | epimeth: you should have a red icon in your kicker | 03:57 |
smoze | is there more than just the eyecandy=? | 03:57 |
yaccin | right-klick on it | 03:57 |
Jucato | red icon = ruby :) | 03:58 |
cryptom | Hi, what packages do I need to install (or configure), or what files do I need to change to get English language for all applications, but Swiss German dates, keyboard, etc? | 03:58 |
yaccin | smoze: better workflow | 03:58 |
epimeth | brb | 03:58 |
yaccin | epimeth: select window-manager > beryl | 03:58 |
smoze | yaccin: compared to kde? | 03:58 |
BluesKaj | smoze , beryl will be ok id you use nvidia graphics, it works withj ati but at some sacrifice to other effects | 03:59 |
yaccin | smoze: uhm its nicer... and looks besser | 03:59 |
cryptom | I installed localeconf and chose en_US.iso8859-1, a subsequent call to locale tells me that only locales for en_US.UTF-8 are generated | 03:59 |
yaccin | and has more features | 03:59 |
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yaccin | but you dont really NEED most of them | 03:59 |
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yaccin | oh | 03:59 |
yaccin | and emerald is great :D | 03:59 |
raylu | cryptom, can't you just modify the Country/Region & Language settings? | 04:00 |
yaccin | you can have better skins then with kwin | 04:00 |
yaccin | ^^ | 04:00 |
epimeth | yaccin: I did that... the blue bar at the top of Konversation's window dissapeared and I couldn't type anything in the text area | 04:00 |
yaccin | epimeth: uhm one moment | 04:00 |
raylu | Or do you want an importable file? | 04:00 |
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cryptom | raylu, I'm (above all) talking about the console (sorry, forgot to mention) | 04:00 |
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cryptom | raylu, I dont have X installed on that ubuntu server installation | 04:00 |
raylu | Oh. I've never done it through the console, sorry. | 04:00 |
yaccin | epimeth: beryl menu > extended options > rendering path > copy | 04:00 |
yaccin | try again ^^ | 04:01 |
=== frequency [n=frequenc@pD9E66D5A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
epimeth | yaccin: what? where? | 04:02 |
yaccin | the menu when you right-klick the beryl icon | 04:02 |
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yaccin | extented options > rendering path > copy | 04:02 |
cryptom | or how do I install more locales? locale -a only gives c, posix and en_US.utf-8 | 04:02 |
epimeth | no extended options... | 04:02 |
yaccin | epimeth: i dont know how they are called in english | 04:03 |
yaccin | :D | 04:03 |
raylu | cryptom, try localeconf | 04:03 |
stdin | !locale | 04:04 |
ubotu | To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf | 04:04 |
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cryptom | raylu, command not found... I installed the package localeconf and chose en_US.iso-8859-1, but it is not listed when I execute locale -a | 04:04 |
jean-b | can i use webcam on linux skype? | 04:04 |
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yaccin | jean-b: yes | 04:04 |
epimeth | yaccin: I don't see anything like that... | 04:04 |
yaccin | if its supported | 04:04 |
jean-b | can i receive | 04:05 |
jean-b | video from a contact? | 04:05 |
yaccin | epimeth: can you send a screenshot with the menu open | 04:05 |
yaccin | oh | 04:05 |
yaccin | wait | 04:05 |
stupid | tim its works | 04:05 |
stupid | thanks | 04:05 |
yaccin | linux skype is old version | 04:05 |
yaccin | without webcam support | 04:05 |
raylu | cryptom, strange, i see en_AU.utf8, BW, CA, DK, GB, etc. | 04:05 |
Tm_T | stupid: Who's tim? | 04:05 |
stupid | one headache finished | 04:05 |
yaccin | jean-b: webcam works with kopete + msn | 04:05 |
stupid | sorry | 04:05 |
stupid | Tm | 04:05 |
raylu | cryptom, which seems to be in /usr/bin/locale | 04:06 |
stupid | thanks Tm_t | 04:06 |
Tm_T | :) | 04:06 |
raylu | cryptom, so I'm guessing you could just install to there. | 04:06 |
epimeth | yaccin: how do I make a creenshot? printscreen didn't work | 04:06 |
yaccin | ksnapshot | 04:06 |
cryptom | raylu, and how do I install more locales? | 04:06 |
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raylu | cryptom, I'd imagine you just download them and put them there...but if that doesn't work, its not my fault :P | 04:07 |
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jean-b | so the solution is skype + video on msn? | 04:08 |
CainMadness | Just installed Kubuntu on another PC, and it worked fine for awhile, but now it won't let me get much further than the login screen. You type in password and it will attempt to. Gets to just the background picture, but doesn't load anything else. The shell console opens up, and it just sits there... Help? | 04:08 |
epimeth | yaccin: how do I keep beryl manager open and click on knsnapshot at the same time? | 04:08 |
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yaccin | knsnapshoot has a "timeout" setting | 04:08 |
yaccin | set it to 2 or 3 seconds | 04:08 |
yaccin | :) | 04:08 |
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epimeth | yaccin: why aren't you accepting the send? | 04:10 |
yaccin | oh | 04:10 |
yaccin | one moment | 04:10 |
epimeth | :-) | 04:11 |
CainMadness | Anyone have a clue about my problem? | 04:11 |
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intelikey | CainMadness what it is ? | 04:11 |
raylu | [09:08:21] <CainMadness> Just installed Kubuntu on another PC, and it worked fine for awhile, but now it won't let me get much further than the login screen. You type in password and it will attempt to. Gets to just the background picture, but doesn't load anything else. The shell console opens up, and it just sits there... Help? | 04:11 |
CainMadness | "Just installed Kubuntu on another PC, and it worked fine for awhile, but now it won't let me get much further than the login screen. You type in password and it will attempt to. Gets to just the background picture, but doesn't load anything else. The shell console opens up, and it just sits there... Help?" | 04:11 |
raylu | Haha. By the way, when you say "shell console" you mean that you see a black screen with white text? | 04:11 |
CainMadness | Konsole, yeah. | 04:12 |
yaccin | ok doesnt work here | 04:12 |
CainMadness | It pops up in the top left. | 04:12 |
yaccin | imageshack.us ^^ | 04:12 |
raylu | oh...so kdm is loaded. | 04:12 |
CainMadness | I assume. | 04:12 |
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CainMadness | It just loads the konsole in the top corner, and then.. Sits there. Nothing else loads, not the menu etc. | 04:13 |
raylu | Hm...perhaps you should go into tty1 and try loading kdm from there. | 04:13 |
CainMadness | Eh...? | 04:13 |
raylu | Ctrl+Alt+F1 | 04:13 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Tm_T] by ChanServ | ||
CainMadness | Mmk. | 04:13 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [-b *!*=soul-sha@*.mia.bellsouth.net] by Tm_T | ||
=== mode/#kubuntu [-b *!*n=tenchi@*.co.uk] by Tm_T | ||
raylu | Holy crap, there's an op here. | 04:13 |
intelikey | CainMadness press ctrl+alt+f1 login and issue this command, sudo chown `whoami` $HOME -R #and log out and press alt+f7 and try to login. | 04:13 |
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epimeth | http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/9239/snapshot1jk9.png | 04:14 |
intelikey | raylu several | 04:15 |
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yaccin | epimeth: alt + f2 "konsole" | 04:15 |
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yaccin | type beryl --replace | 04:15 |
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raylu | I only see Tm_T as an op | 04:15 |
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yaccin | and give the output ^^ | 04:16 |
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intelikey | raylu just because they are not +o doesn't mean they are not opers | 04:16 |
raylu | oh. Why don't they show themselves as op? And can I identify them? | 04:16 |
CainMadness | intelikey: How do I get it to log out from the tty2? | 04:16 |
epimeth | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5734/ | 04:16 |
yaccin | CainMadness: type "exit" | 04:16 |
intelikey | CainMadness type exit | 04:17 |
raylu | I also see haggai online, but not in any channels | 04:17 |
=== emjay [n=emjay@adsl-ull-233-87.42-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
emjay | !it | 04:17 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 04:17 |
=== emjay [n=emjay@adsl-ull-233-87.42-151.net24.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
intelikey | raylu visit http://freenode.net | 04:17 |
yaccin | epimeth: you have edgy, right? | 04:18 |
epimeth | no | 04:18 |
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yaccin | oh | 04:18 |
epimeth | dapper | 04:18 |
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CainMadness | intelikey: I tried what you suggestd. When I logged in, it just did it all over again. Konsole in top left, nothing else loading. | 04:18 |
yaccin | epimeth: then its kinda harder :D | 04:19 |
epimeth | lol | 04:19 |
epimeth | good | 04:19 |
raylu | intelikey, m...what am I looking for? And should CainMadness try my suggestion of running kdm from a console? | 04:19 |
yaccin | http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Dapper_with_AIGLX | 04:19 |
intelikey | CainMadness and if you exit that terminal ? | 04:19 |
yaccin | you need aiglx then i think | 04:19 |
CainMadness | When I exit that terminal, it takes me back to the login screen | 04:19 |
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intelikey | raylu kdm is already running. | 04:19 |
yaccin | oh | 04:20 |
yaccin | or first | 04:20 |
raylu | Right, but it may have given off warnings | 04:20 |
yaccin | try adding Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True" in the screen-section of you xorg.conf | 04:20 |
intelikey | CainMadness ok login and in that terminal tupe startkde | 04:20 |
hellcattrav | last night in installed ubuntu desktop, but i want to switch back to kubuntu kde, so do i u apt to get rid of ubuntu desktop? | 04:20 |
yaccin | and ctrl+alt+backspace again.. if this doesnt work you have to use (and install) aiglx, or upgrade to edgy :D | 04:20 |
intelikey | raylu not very likely kdm is not very verbal | 04:20 |
raylu | hellcattrav, just install kubuntu-desktop | 04:21 |
raylu | Oh :( | 04:21 |
hellcattrav | well i already have kubuntu desktop | 04:21 |
CainMadness | Yeah, I tried to do 'startkde' and it said it failed on a lot of stuff, then just brought me back to screen with terminal in the top left. | 04:21 |
blue|palm | help: when i try glxinfo | grep direct on my ati flgrx driver card, it tells me extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display... what does this mean and is it a problem? | 04:21 |
intelikey | raylu if this doesn't get it, we'll have him close kdm and use 'startx' which is verbal | 04:21 |
hellcattrav | and I've got a dual boot windows set up but now when i turn my pc on i get to options for ubuntu(4 total, two that say ubuntu and two that say embedded) | 04:22 |
intelikey | CainMadness is that box netowrked ? | 04:22 |
raylu | hellcattrav, I think you can choose login type at the login screen | 04:22 |
CainMadness | Eh...? Not sure. | 04:22 |
Omnifrog | disk full? | 04:22 |
intelikey | net-worked connected to the net ? | 04:23 |
alexicon | how do you fix the broken packages error again? | 04:23 |
=== CainMadness equates to a very new linux user. Speak slowly and with small words. =) | ||
CainMadness | Yeah, I got that PC plugged up to the net. | 04:23 |
hellcattrav | i can? | 04:23 |
alexicon | !broken | 04:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about broken - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:24 |
alexicon | !broken packages | 04:24 |
raylu | alexicon, what error? | 04:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about broken packages - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:24 |
alexicon | python-diacanvas2: Depends: python2.4-diacanvas2 but it is not installable | 04:24 |
alexicon | E: Broken packages | 04:24 |
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LjL | !info python-diacanvas2 | 04:24 |
ubotu | python-diacanvas2: DiaCanvas2 library support for Python (default version). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.14.2-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 24 kB, installed size 56 kB | 04:24 |
LjL | !info python2.4-diacanvas2 | 04:24 |
ubotu | Package python2.4-diacanvas2 does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas | 04:24 |
Staren | How do you mount an NTFS partition for read access? | 04:25 |
raylu | o.0. What happens when you try to install python2.4-diacanvas2 | 04:25 |
alexicon | E: Broken packages | 04:25 |
alexicon | that happens | 04:25 |
intelikey | CainMadness you first highlight the error text, then you can use this command w3b http://pastebin.ca and paste in the error messages from the startkde output | 04:25 |
alexicon | apt-cache search brings it up | 04:25 |
LjL | alexicon: it's broken indeed | 04:25 |
alexicon | damn | 04:25 |
LjL | alexicon: apt-cache show doesn't show it | 04:25 |
LjL | it's broken | 04:25 |
epimeth | yaccin: literally, Option "Addblabla" "True" | 04:25 |
epimeth | ? | 04:25 |
alexicon | shows it for me | 04:25 |
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alexicon | i need a uml editor | 04:25 |
epimeth | or just Addblablabla True | 04:25 |
epimeth | ? | 04:25 |
alexicon | better than umbrello | 04:25 |
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LjL | alexicon: if it shows it, then it should also install it. can you pastebin what it shows? | 04:25 |
CainMadness | It make take me a second to do that intelikey. | 04:26 |
alexicon | alexis@phaedrus:~$ apt-cache search diacanvas2 | 04:26 |
alexicon | python-diacanvas2 - DiaCanvas2 library support for Python (default version) | 04:26 |
blue|palm | help: when i try glxinfo | grep direct on my ati flgrx driver card, it tells me extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display... what does this mean and is it a problem? | 04:26 |
LjL | alexicon: alrighty but it's python2.4-diacanvas2 that is missing | 04:26 |
LjL | alexicon: perhaps try making an equivs and see if it works anyway | 04:26 |
LjL | !equivs | 04:26 |
alexicon | ok | 04:26 |
ubotu | equivs: Circumvent Debian package dependencies. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.7 (edgy), package size 18 kB, installed size 128 kB | 04:27 |
LjL | and file a bug | 04:27 |
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CainMadness | I can't get the error messages intelikey. Once it displays them, it shows a new screen of a handprint or something. Some design, and then it brings back to the login screen. | 04:27 |
alexicon | no time, uml project due in 13 hrs | 04:27 |
intelikey | CainMadness ok. take your time. i need to run an erond be back in a few. you can let others look at the pastebin, i'll be back in a few to look at it if you haven't fixed it yet. | 04:27 |
huXfluX | DOES anyone know where the location "fonts:/" is located specificaly on the hard drive ? | 04:28 |
LjL | !fonts | 04:28 |
ubotu | Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 04:28 |
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epimeth | yaccin: still with me? | 04:29 |
LjL | alexicon: well you can surely file the bug later - and an equivs is fast enough to make, just run equivs-control filename, edit the file, and equivs-build filename | 04:29 |
LjL | just say that the fake package "Provides" python2.4-diacanvas2 | 04:29 |
alexicon | ty | 04:29 |
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huXfluX | DOES anyone know where the location "fonts:/" is located specificaly on the hard drive ? | 04:30 |
LjL | huXfluX: nowhere. | 04:31 |
LjL | i've given you information on what the relevant directories should be, however. | 04:31 |
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CainMadness | Since intelikey left.. The error messages I can't get to load to pastebin right now. But I can read most of them off for someone. xsetroot and xset cannot open display, ksplash cannot connect to x server, kdeinit aborts from $display not set, ksmserver cannot connect to x server, and then it shuts down the startkde scripts. | 04:32 |
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blue|palm | help: when i try glxinfo | grep direct on my ati flgrx driver card, it tells me extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display... what does this mean and is it a problem? | 04:34 |
huXfluX | LjL: where !? | 04:35 |
haffe | blue|palm: Yes, this is a problem. | 04:35 |
blue|palm | haffe: Im in xgl at present... | 04:36 |
haffe | It means that the accelerated drivers aren't loaded. | 04:36 |
CainMadness | Anyone have an idea? | 04:36 |
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LjL | huXfluX: /usr/share/fonts , /usr/local/share/fonts and others, as mentioned in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto | 04:36 |
blue|palm | haffe: How do i fix, that would explain alot | 04:36 |
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raylu | CainMadness, a friend of mine had an error like this, too | 04:36 |
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raylu | He needed to edit his Xorg.conf for his video card. | 04:37 |
CainMadness | Ouch. | 04:37 |
haffe | blue|palm: I haven't owned an ATI card since the 9800pro was the hotest piece of hardware around. | 04:37 |
londondave | anyone know how to get kde-devel to install in edgy | 04:37 |
CainMadness | Okay.. How do I do that? | 04:37 |
haffe | Try the ubuntuguide.org blue|palm | 04:37 |
blue|palm | haffe: thanks | 04:37 |
raylu | He had to use vim a bunch :D Not sure what he actually changed, though. | 04:37 |
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cryptom | I dont manage to get locale -a to generate locales for ISO-8859-1 (I managed to get de_CH locales but with UTF-8 by installing language-support-de). How do I get away from UTF-8? | 04:37 |
blue|palm | haffe: would it make any difference that I am currently running XGL? | 04:37 |
CainMadness | Hmm. | 04:37 |
raylu | If you leave me an e-mail address, I'll tell you what he tells me when I see him later today | 04:38 |
haffe | blue|palm: Probably not. | 04:38 |
BluesKaj | londondave, it's not in synaptic ? | 04:38 |
CainMadness | Hold on Raylu, checking something. | 04:38 |
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londondave | BluesKaj: tried it with apt-get install and it just says broken packages | 04:38 |
huXfluX | LjL: | 04:39 |
huXfluX | f you'd like to use a fixed font in your terminal, use this command: | 04:39 |
huXfluX | sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig | 04:39 |
huXfluX | Don't change anything on the first and second screen, and choose to enable bitmapped fonts on third screen. Now you can select some new fixed fonts in your gnome-terminal's profile. Terminus is suitable for terminals; to install this font in command line, run apt-get install xfonts-terminus or use Synaptic (see above). | 04:39 |
huXfluX | but i don't get any screens ?!?! | 04:39 |
huXfluX | it just says updating.. regerenating fotns... and there's the bash again | 04:39 |
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LjL | huXfluX: true, i seem to recall too that that reconfigure command is ineffective, hold on | 04:42 |
CainMadness | Ah, got it. A setting was nerfed. Thanks everyone, and someone tell Intelikey thanks! | 04:42 |
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LjL | huXfluX: sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config | 04:43 |
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kamie | ziomek | 04:44 |
blue|palm | haffe: I just read the ubuntu guide, and it says that it always reports that no direct rendering available under glx so i am safe :) | 04:44 |
huXfluX | LjL: now what? reboot? | 04:45 |
haffe | blue|palm: Ok. | 04:46 |
LjL | huXfluX: i don't think. perhaps you'd have to restart X, though. but install Terminus first - if that's what you wanted to do... | 04:46 |
haffe | I was wrong apperently. | 04:46 |
huXfluX | LjL: i wanted to have Console font installed for Konsole | 04:46 |
blue|palm | haffe: thanks though :) | 04:46 |
huXfluX | this one: /usr/share/apps/konsole/fonts/console8x16.pcf.gz | 04:46 |
huXfluX | how do i install terminus? | 04:46 |
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huXfluX | LjL ? | 04:48 |
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LjL | huXfluX: it's explained in that very page, just below the fontconfig part that wasn't working for you. but, err, nevermind: you said Konsole? Doesn't Settings / Font / Install bitmap just work? | 04:48 |
xsacha | woot feisty fawn herd 4 out tomorrow :D | 04:48 |
LjL | in the Konsole menu | 04:48 |
yaccin | damn | 04:48 |
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yaccin | i just downloaded herd 3 | 04:48 |
yaccin | :D | 04:48 |
xsacha | lol | 04:48 |
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yaccin | but when i install herd 3 and online-update it, is it the same like i install herd 4? | 04:49 |
huXfluX | LjL: no. it says "Could not install console8x16.pcf.gz into fonts:/Personal/" | 04:49 |
BluesKaj | xsacha, why the celebration? it's not that much different than edgy | 04:49 |
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LjL | huXfluX: it installs for me. and i don't even have bitmap fonts enabled. are you on Edgy? | 04:50 |
huXfluX | Kubuntu edgy yeah | 04:50 |
xsacha | BluesKaj: joking? they have like lasers and 4d effects | 04:51 |
yaccin | and a time machine | 04:51 |
BluesKaj | eye candy | 04:51 |
yaccin | and coffeemachine-drivers | 04:51 |
BluesKaj | yaccin, :) | 04:51 |
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yaccin | and wifi-toaster-interface | 04:51 |
yaccin | and money-printing support :D | 04:51 |
BluesKaj | no fridge tv tho ...I ain't biting :) | 04:52 |
Tm_T | raylu: op? | 04:52 |
yaccin | and built in cure for cancer and HIV :D | 04:52 |
LjL | huXfluX: i'll leave for a second to restart X and check if they're working | 04:52 |
yaccin | BluesKaj: not in an alpha-release :P | 04:52 |
mart81 | now ppc will het unofficial, will the new intel based macbooks run on the i386-image? | 04:52 |
xsacha | and built-in support for vista capable toasters | 04:52 |
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mart81 | *will get | 04:52 |
yaccin | lol vista | 04:52 |
yaccin | makes it blue toast? | 04:52 |
yaccin | btod :D | 04:52 |
xsacha | 4ghz toaster | 04:52 |
yaccin | blue toast of death | 04:52 |
yaccin | _D | 04:52 |
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BluesKaj | no support for IE , then I wont migrate to linux , just yet | 04:53 |
xsacha | havent you heard? it's the black toast of death now :P | 04:53 |
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=== BluesKaj runs abd hides...... | ||
yaccin | BluesKaj: you can install IE on linux | 04:53 |
Dr_willis | 0_o | 04:53 |
Dr_willis | but why would you want to. | 04:53 |
xsacha | ies4linux :D | 04:53 |
BluesKaj | not a wine fan | 04:53 |
yaccin | xsacha: black dtoast is boring :P | 04:53 |
xsacha | that's vista | 04:53 |
yaccin | Dr_willis: if you are a web developer/designer | 04:53 |
Dr_willis | yaccin, i still dont see the logic of that. | 04:54 |
BluesKaj | Dr_willis, exactly ...I'm joking of course | 04:54 |
yaccin | i need opera, firex, konqueror and IE | 04:54 |
mart81 | !ppc > mart81 | 04:54 |
yaccin | Dr_willis: most people use IE :( | 04:54 |
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LjL | huxflux left? | 04:54 |
Dr_willis | of course if all the browsers followed the standard and the web sites quit doing this Bull$&#&# stuff....... | 04:54 |
yaccin | but they dont | 04:54 |
xsacha | then the world would be a terrible place | 04:54 |
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yaccin | so i need to hack my css for IE | 04:54 |
yaccin | ^^ | 04:54 |
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Dr_willis | just start filling 1000000000 bugs a day to MS. | 04:55 |
huXfluX | LjL: it's ok now | 04:55 |
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huXfluX | thank yoU! | 04:55 |
BluesKaj | been using mozilla type browsers since '99..IE has never been the default browser on any of my machines | 04:55 |
Dr_willis | css - bah! who needs it. :) | 04:55 |
huXfluX | just needed a restart | 04:55 |
huXfluX | ; -) | 04:55 |
yaccin | Dr_willis: o.O who doesnt? | 04:55 |
LjL | huXfluX: they work. you just need to do that "sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config" thing, then restart X. Konsole gave you that error because they *were* installed successfully the first time | 04:55 |
yaccin | css is great | 04:55 |
xsacha | it'd be 100x easier to become a web designer/developer and their pay packets would plummet... that's why MS needs to keep it up | 04:55 |
LjL | you just couldn't see them before reconfiguring fontconfig-config | 04:55 |
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huXfluX | i see :) | 04:55 |
Dr_willis | css must be broken if IE needs tweaks for it to work right = MS logic. | 04:55 |
LjL | they're quite horrible to be honest, though :P | 04:55 |
yaccin | o.O | 04:56 |
yaccin | IE sucks | 04:56 |
yaccin | :D | 04:56 |
=== Dr_willis torments yaccin some more. | ||
yaccin | :( | 04:56 |
yaccin | no | 04:56 |
yaccin | im going home now | 04:56 |
yaccin | :P | 04:56 |
yaccin | cu later ^^ | 04:56 |
Dr_willis | use lynx like a real man! | 04:56 |
yaccin | o.O | 04:56 |
=== yaccin cries in pain | ||
xsacha | i think IE is based off lynx | 04:56 |
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Dr_willis | javascript! | 04:56 |
xsacha | just added a gui | 04:57 |
BluesKaj | netscape | 04:57 |
Dr_willis | links -G | 04:57 |
LjL | IE is based on Mosaic | 04:57 |
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LjL | or at least it was, perhaps they've finally rewritten the engine now | 04:57 |
BluesKaj | netscape was the first browser i ever used | 04:58 |
LjL | look in the About box if there's still Mosaic copyrights | 04:58 |
juano | BluesKaj: same here :) | 04:58 |
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juano | BluesKaj: Netscape in Mac LC 2 lol | 04:58 |
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BluesKaj | of coursae linux was below my horizon then | 04:58 |
PaulusVictor | Anyone have any experience running WoW with Wine? | 04:59 |
LjL | no | 04:59 |
LjL | !wow | 04:59 |
ubotu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org | 04:59 |
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BluesKaj | well , Imac originally used IE .... my sister still uses it on hers | 04:59 |
xsacha | LjL: when you put in 'wow', how'd it know you meant the game? | 04:59 |
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PaulusVictor | I've just got an apt-get problem with Wine, something about unmet dependencies. | 04:59 |
xsacha | surely you were reacting to vista.. "wow!" | 04:59 |
LjL | xsacha: it's got a database of factoids | 05:00 |
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LjL | i typed !wow, not wow! | 05:00 |
LjL | commands begin with ! | 05:00 |
xsacha | :P | 05:00 |
xsacha | !vista | 05:00 |
ubotu | vista is the new operating system by the evil overlords from Redmond. For more information, see http://www.badvista.org | 05:00 |
PaulusVictor | Kinda hard to follow the FAQ when I can't get the first step done. :P | 05:00 |
tarin | hey everyone | 05:00 |
Dr_willis | PaulusVictor, you may want to set up the repos to get the latest beta versions of wine for all the latest updates/ and patches | 05:00 |
LjL | !-vista | 05:00 |
ubotu | vista has no aliases - added by Seveas on 2007-01-30 21:00:06 | 05:00 |
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LjL | knew that | 05:00 |
PaulusVictor | Dr_willis, is there a forum post or something in the wiki about this? | 05:01 |
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cox377 | hello all | 05:01 |
Jucato | Dr_willis: the latest stable version of Wine is happily in edgy-backports :) | 05:01 |
cox377 | for some reason, after a powercut the login screen has disappeared from kubuntu, you can enter the password and it will log in | 05:02 |
cox377 | does anyone know how to fix this? | 05:02 |
BluesKaj | the sales of new pc's jumped on jan 30th when vista was released ...just goes to show how effective marketing can be ...even brainwashes half intelligent cutomers who keep hoping Vista will solve their computing probs | 05:02 |
tarin | i checked around and i found out that i need drivers for my radeon X800 in order for ubuntu to work. all i find is "r300_dri.so" though. I dont know what i do with this. Can someone lend me a hand? | 05:03 |
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BluesKaj | tarin, what OS are you in right now ? | 05:05 |
tarin | XP | 05:05 |
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BluesKaj | were you able to login to kubuntu at all ? | 05:05 |
tarin | no. it loads up all the way to the splash screen and it just sits there with little colored line that i can move around but i cant really see the gui | 05:06 |
BluesKaj | the x800 should work with the std fglrx ati driver in kubuntu | 05:06 |
tarin | where do i get the driver? | 05:07 |
tarin | on atis site? | 05:07 |
tarin | i kinda answered my own question there | 05:07 |
BluesKaj | it's in kubuntu | 05:07 |
tarin | oh | 05:07 |
tarin | the iso? | 05:07 |
BluesKaj | but it won't help you if you login | 05:07 |
BluesKaj | can't | 05:08 |
tarin | yeah. so are there any alternatives? | 05:08 |
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tarin | can i find it some where else? | 05:08 |
BluesKaj | sounds like an xserver-xorg problem | 05:08 |
tarin | i dont know what that is. | 05:08 |
BluesKaj | Jucato, ? | 05:08 |
Jucato | huh? | 05:09 |
BluesKaj | tarin needs help that I'm not sure of | 05:09 |
Jucato | who dares disturb my thousand year slumber? | 05:09 |
tarin | seriously | 05:09 |
BluesKaj | :) | 05:09 |
=== Jucato sees the word ATI and backs away | ||
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tarin | awww | 05:09 |
Jucato | sorry.. I'm an nvidia guy... | 05:09 |
tarin | i dig it man | 05:09 |
Jucato | and even in that area, my experience is limited.. | 05:09 |
BluesKaj | he can't get past the login scrn | 05:09 |
=== Jucato is actually considering purchasing an ATI card for his next PC, just for testing purposes... | ||
Jucato | what happens when he tries to login? | 05:10 |
tarin | i cant | 05:10 |
BluesKaj | tarin, | 05:10 |
Jucato | ah | 05:10 |
Jucato | ok | 05:10 |
Jucato | hm.. | 05:10 |
cox377 | is it possible to install the graphical file manager from ubuntu onto kubuntu? | 05:10 |
Jucato | I'll try to scroll up and read the posts first | 05:10 |
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Jucato | cox377: Nautilus? | 05:10 |
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tarin | the splash screen just sits there and there are multi colored lines just moving around when i press the arrow keys | 05:11 |
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apollo2011 | How do I put a program in the system startup so that it will execute with root privileges? | 05:11 |
epimeth | can anyone help me with setting up beryl? yaccin is gone :-( | 05:11 |
Jucato | epiq | 05:11 |
epimeth | who yaccin | 05:11 |
BluesKaj | !beryl | 05:11 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 05:11 |
Jucato | epimeth: try the guys in #beryl or #ubuntu-effects | 05:11 |
Jucato | !ati | tarin | 05:11 |
ubotu | tarin: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:11 |
Jucato | tarin: have you seen those guides? | 05:11 |
cox377 | Jucato: not sure what it's called | 05:11 |
tarin | i dont know what that is | 05:11 |
epimeth | ubuntu-effects told me to buzz off cuz beryl isn't supported on dapper :-( | 05:11 |
cox377 | Jucato: i shall punh that into google and see what it is | 05:12 |
Jucato | epimeth: ouch... | 05:12 |
Jucato | cox377: I'm fairly sure it's Nautilus... | 05:12 |
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Jucato | but why you would want to use that... I can't seem to comprehend | 05:12 |
epimeth | I'm way past drivers... I just need to know if I have AIGLX installed | 05:12 |
epimeth | how do I check that? | 05:12 |
Jucato | epimeth: in #ubuntu-effects, the topic has a web page for the Beryl wiki, which has guides for installing beryl even on dapper | 05:13 |
tarin | what is "!ati" | 05:13 |
cox377 | Jucato: basically, i was thinking the file manager for ubuntu or the thing u navigate about with seems a lot more slick that kubuntu on | 05:13 |
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Jucato | cox377: using that on Kubuntu/KDE would make it less useful though | 05:13 |
Jucato | tarin: !ati calls the bot with the ATI factoid | 05:13 |
Jucato | !ati | tarin | 05:13 |
ubotu | tarin: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:13 |
Jucato | tarin: please read that guide in the link | 05:13 |
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cox377 | Jucato: hmmm :s | 05:14 |
tarin | i'll take a look at it | 05:14 |
tarin | thanks :D | 05:14 |
Jucato | cox377: btw, define "more slick" | 05:14 |
mart81 | cox377: maybe you can look into dolphin, that application comes closer to the gnome-manager i think. | 05:15 |
Jucato | mart81: it does... including the inability to have tabs... but that would be added soon I heard | 05:15 |
=== Jucato has almost made Konqi look like Dolphin++ | ||
Jucato | just need the breadcrumb widget... | 05:15 |
tarin | what does the guide mean by repositories? | 05:15 |
cox377 | Jucato: well say for instance, you open a file using xmms, the manager looks like something from the 80's | 05:15 |
cox377 | Jucato: or is that xmms dependant? | 05:15 |
Jucato | that depends on the music player that you have installed and is used by default | 05:16 |
Jucato | but I don't recall that Nautilus does that at all | 05:16 |
mart81 | cox377: err, guide? | 05:17 |
xenol | how can i install *.bin files? need to compile? | 05:17 |
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Jucato | xenol: ./file.bin (usually) | 05:17 |
cox377 | Jucato: from what i remember ubuntu uses the same one for every application | 05:17 |
cox377 | mart81: what do u mean mate? | 05:17 |
xenol | Jucato: i want to install google earth :S | 05:17 |
Jucato | cox377: are you sure that itnautilus | 05:18 |
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Jucato | cox377: are you sure that it's nautilus that looks like something from the 80's? | 05:18 |
BluesKaj | tarin , there is one thing you can try ,after booting into kubuntu , ctrl+alt+F1 then at the prompt you give your pw , type this : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ..this will bring you back to your Xscrn settings setup , make sure you choose vesa in the video card driver section if your graphics card isn't in the list. then when yer done all the rest of the settings, type ctrl+alt+F7 at the prompt | 05:18 |
mart81 | sorry, i meant tarin (i to find my glasses again..) | 05:18 |
Jucato | afaik, it just launches xmms | 05:18 |
cox377 | Jucato: one second, let me find u an image | 05:18 |
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epimeth | jucato: I'm using that howto, actually... | 05:19 |
epimeth | I'm stuck on sudo update-alternatives --config Xorg | 05:19 |
cox377 | Jucato: http://keroppix.blogsome.com/images/nautiluss.jpg | 05:19 |
epimeth | I get a "No alternatives for Xorg" | 05:19 |
tarin | wow uh... ok i'll try that out in just a minute | 05:19 |
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Jucato | cox377: yes that is Nautilus. I don't recall it taking the shape/look of xmms when you open a file in xmms. maybe what happens is that it (Nautilus) automatically closes when you open a file in XMMS and XMMS launches | 05:20 |
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tarin | but i cant even see the prompt, there is nothing visible for me to type in. i'm utterly blind when i start it up | 05:20 |
Jucato | tarin: Ctrl+Alt+F1 should bring up a text login screen | 05:21 |
tarin | ... ok I'll give it a try | 05:21 |
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BluesKaj | let it go to the splash scrn first then type Ctrl+Alt+F1 | 05:21 |
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tarin | btw, i'm actually trying to boot ubuntu not kubuntu. is that any different in terms of startup? | 05:22 |
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kufalla | I use Alt+F2 | 05:22 |
cox377 | Jucato: sorry mate, i dont know if we are on the same path, basically, when you go file/open in xmms it gives this really really bad looking fire manager, i've noticed it with a few other applications | 05:22 |
kufalla | to get a command line | 05:22 |
Jucato | kufalla: tarin doesn't even have X up | 05:22 |
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BluesKaj | Jucato, is irssi included in the edgy install, i can't recall ? | 05:22 |
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Jucato | BluesKaj: starting edgy, they dropped it... (bad decision imho) | 05:23 |
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Jucato | cox377: er.. you mean the GTK+ Open Dialog box? | 05:23 |
BluesKaj | ok , bummer for sure , is the another cli irc client available ? | 05:23 |
tarin | could kubuntu be kinder to me than ubuntu? | 05:24 |
Jucato | BluesKaj: not installed by default. you can still install irssi | 05:24 |
cox377 | Jucato: well the box thayt open when u click file open | 05:24 |
Jucato | cox377: that's not a file manager.. that's just a dialog box... | 05:24 |
cox377 | ahh ok | 05:24 |
BluesKaj | yup I have it ,,, saved my bacon when i had a similar prob with X | 05:24 |
Jucato | cox377: you can see a similar thing when you try to open a file/URL in Firefox | 05:24 |
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epimeth | I think I found the problem | 05:24 |
epimeth | there are no dri modules for my kernel | 05:25 |
epimeth | ! | 05:25 |
Jucato | cox377: if that's the thing you're looking for, then no... you can't have those on KDE unless you're using a GTK/GNOME app (like Firefox or XMMS) | 05:25 |
epimeth | where can I find them for 2.6.15-28-386? | 05:25 |
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cox377 | Jucato: actually, when i do file open on firefox its different to what i get on xmms | 05:25 |
Jucato | cox377: of course, XMMS is older. it's GTK1. Firefox uses GTK2 or GTK+ iirc | 05:26 |
cox377 | Jucato: ahh i see, i thought it would be default | 05:26 |
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cox377 | to kubuntu | 05:27 |
tarin | BluesKaj, I'll try your technique. | 05:27 |
Jucato | no. Ubuntu uses GNOME/GTK. Kubuntu uses KDE/Qt | 05:27 |
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tarin | Thanks for the help all. | 05:27 |
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epimeth | jucato: where can I find dri modules for kernel 2.6.15-28-386? | 05:28 |
bxnp | guys i want to use xmms as my streaming client with firefox instead of using the mplayer plugin | 05:28 |
bxnp | how can i do that | 05:28 |
Jucato | epimeth: sorry, no idea... | 05:28 |
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SmrtJustin | In KDE's System Settings my nvidia driver isn't an option. Theres only the nv driver in the list. I have the nvidia driver installed, and it works when KDM comes it I believe the nvidia driver is working, but once I log in I'm stuck w/ a 60hz refresh rate and can't select the nvidia driver. | 05:35 |
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Tm_T | intelikey: root? | 05:36 |
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intelikey | yeah, not really. | 05:36 |
Tm_T | Sure I believe you... | 05:36 |
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Tm_T | !root > intelikey | 05:36 |
=== Tm_T goes spamming ;) | ||
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intelikey | !sudo > Tm_T | 05:36 |
intelikey | :) | 05:37 |
Tm_T | intelikey: Happy valentines to you too. | 05:37 |
intelikey | lol | 05:37 |
intelikey | yeah i guess it is. well the blessed ole saint spread a lot of cheer i suspose. | 05:38 |
intelikey | what's the command to read memos from memoserv ? | 05:39 |
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Tm_T | intelikey: I'm blessed saint? | 05:39 |
stdin | intelikey: /msg MemoServ read 1 (to read 1st memo) | 05:39 |
intelikey | st. valentine | 05:39 |
Tm_T | Oh, he is, ok. | 05:39 |
=== Tm_T is disappointed | ||
intelikey | stdin hmmm yeah that's what i typed and got nothing... | 05:40 |
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stdin | try /msg MemoServ list | 05:41 |
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intelikey | did | 05:41 |
intelikey | says there are two | 05:41 |
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Pensa`MIA | how to configure the special multimedia keys on keyboards? | 05:42 |
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kuernie | hi all | 05:42 |
stdin | intelikey: check the "idx" of them | 05:42 |
intelikey | stdin ooops auto ignored memoserv... duh my bad. | 05:42 |
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stdin | heh | 05:42 |
stdin | that would be a problem, yeah | 05:42 |
intelikey | flood protection you oknow. | 05:42 |
intelikey | know. | 05:42 |
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Pensacola | intelikey? | 05:43 |
stdin | ahh, yeah | 05:43 |
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pfein__ | does PPP work with knetwork-manager? | 05:43 |
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stdin | !shortcut | Pensacola | 05:43 |
ubotu | Pensacola: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts (Gnome) or "Input Actions" in KControl (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net | 05:43 |
=== fabrizio_ [n=fabrizio@adsl-ull-120-31.49-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stdin | !info keytouch | 05:44 |
BCMM | my friend's machine was at 100% disk usage, when the power went out. It came up with a few odd problems... | 05:44 |
BCMM | most are fixed now, but there is a weird problem with KDE (or maybe with KDM) | 05:44 |
ubotu | keytouch: A program to configure the extra function keys of the keyboard. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.1-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 412 kB, installed size 1824 kB | 05:44 |
Pensacola | I do know about keytouch but since kubuntu comes with standard support for my volume keys and stuff, they should be configurable right? | 05:44 |
Pensacola | ok | 05:44 |
Pensacola | thx | 05:44 |
BCMM | logging in, one ends up with just a session konsole open | 05:44 |
BCMM | no kicker or kdesktop | 05:44 |
BCMM | kdeinit, dcopserver and a few others appear to be running | 05:44 |
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BCMM | this problem doesn't happen if i just start X and run startkde | 05:45 |
fabrizio_ | buonasera a tutti | 05:45 |
BCMM | any idea how to deal with this? | 05:45 |
stdin | Pensacola: yeah, just install it, if your model isn't listed, you can make it with keytouch-editor | 05:45 |
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BCMM | s/sesion konsole/konsole session | 05:45 |
intelikey | ah and Pensacola i just found your question.... not good to ask then change your nickname .... ;/ | 05:45 |
stdin | !nick | 05:45 |
=== blue|palm [n=raeez@dsl-240-89-248.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubotu | Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 05:45 |
intelikey | BCMM are you cain* from a bit ago ? | 05:45 |
fabrizio_ | qualcuno parla ITALIANO ?? | 05:46 |
stdin | !it | fabrizio_ | 05:46 |
ubotu | fabrizio_: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 05:46 |
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intelikey | BCMM at any rate. try starting kde and see what errors it pukes out. also you can kill kdm and run startx to see what errors that pukes out. | 05:47 |
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intelikey | BCMM if you need help with doing either just ask. | 05:47 |
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stdin | you may want to take the chance to backup soon, just in case | 05:49 |
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intelikey | backup ? | 05:49 |
intelikey | stdin that was for whom ? | 05:50 |
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stdin | for BCMM's friend | 05:50 |
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intelikey | ok | 05:51 |
gr-cn | hi all, i'm kubuntu's newbie with compilation problem on mesa driver for a matrox G450, anybody can help me? | 05:51 |
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intelikey | gr-cn did you install build-essential ? | 05:52 |
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gr-cn | i work on a wiki page and i installed gcc build-essential | 05:53 |
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gr-cn | and linux headers to | 05:53 |
intelikey | ok what error are you getting ? | 05:53 |
pixelation_ | is there anything I need to do besides update and upgrade to keep my installation good? | 05:54 |
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HymnToLife | pixelation, not install random junk :) | 05:54 |
jhutchins_wk | pixelation_: Study man pages and learn about the system? | 05:54 |
Jucato | bah he beat me to it... | 05:54 |
pixelation_ | jhutchins_wk :( | 05:54 |
gr-cn | the first driver compiling was ok - the common driver | 05:54 |
intelikey | pixelation_ and in some cases NOT upgrade :) | 05:54 |
jhutchins_wk | Aw, come on, learning is part of the fun! | 05:54 |
Jucato | pixelation_: you don't have to necessarily start w/ the man pages... but eventually, you'll learn to decipher those arcane texts :) | 05:55 |
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gr-cn | the 2 driver compiling - the mga driver - told mi that can't compile against my kernel modules | 05:55 |
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jhutchins_wk | gr-cn: Possibly you need a different version? | 05:56 |
pixelation_ | I used to use kdirstat to clean the file system and delete junk... but it would erase Kubuntu's settings and the coolest thing about Kubuntu is it learns from you... so I don't want to erase that stuff. | 05:56 |
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pixelation_ | hehe, ok. | 05:56 |
intelikey | gr-cn or possably you need the kernel source not just the headers. | 05:56 |
gr-cn | i installed the latest kernek source | 05:56 |
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intelikey | and you are building for that version ? | 05:57 |
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SmrtJustin | for some reason in my KDE System Settings there is no nvidia driver for me to show, only nv. I have nvidia installed and it works fine when KDM launches, but once I log in my refresh rate drops, and in system settings I can't raise it and it says I'm using the nv driver. | 05:57 |
pixelation_ | how do I change the default 30 uses defrag? | 05:57 |
gr-cn | and also linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) | 05:57 |
pixelation_ | to like every 5 times? | 05:57 |
Jucato | defrag? | 05:58 |
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intelikey | makefile may default to `uname -r` if not specified so "<gr-cn> i installed the latest kernek source" still may not be the version you need if you don't specify the version. | 05:58 |
fabrica7 | ok | 05:58 |
stdin | you mean fsck pixelation_ ? | 05:58 |
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pixelation_ | well I assume that's what it's doing because it talks about percentege of contigued files... or whatever. | 05:58 |
gr-cn | in the path menu? | 05:58 |
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pixelation_ | yes. | 05:58 |
eMaX | hi | 05:58 |
pixelation_ | fsk stdin | 05:58 |
eMaX | anyone knows what "Unable to seek on /dev/sdb" means for fdisk -l /dev/sdb on a memory stick? | 05:59 |
gr-cn | off the driver? | 05:59 |
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stdin | pixelation_: I think you use tune2fs for that | 05:59 |
pixelation_ | ok, wow, thanks :) | 05:59 |
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pixelation_ | quick answer :) | 05:59 |
intelikey | gr-cn i never built that source only guessing at possable causes to the problem you described. | 06:00 |
gr-cn | i have to point to /usr/source/kernel-etc-? | 06:00 |
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intelikey | yes and may need a symlink in /lib/modules to point to the source dir | 06:00 |
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stdin | pixelation_: look at the man page for more on it, "man tune2fs" or "man:/tune2fs" in konqueror, I think it's the -i option | 06:01 |
=== intelikey recalls something on that line | ||
pixelation_ | great :) | 06:01 |
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epimeth | where can I find dri modules for kernel 2.6.15-28-386? | 06:01 |
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gr-cn | tnx a lot intelikey i'll try this | 06:02 |
cpk1 | to set a fsck on next reboot i think its tune2fs -c 99 | 06:02 |
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intelikey | pixelation_ but you should probably read man e2fsck to learn a little about what it's actually doing... (defrag) heh | 06:02 |
pixelation_ | alright, | 06:02 |
pixelation_ | thanks. | 06:02 |
intelikey | gr-cn don't thank me until you are sure it helped... ;/ | 06:03 |
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intelikey | cpk1 capital C | 06:05 |
intelikey | cpk1 your command will delay the check until the count reaches 99 | 06:05 |
cpk1 | intelikey: ah, i always get it confused with each other =\ | 06:06 |
cpk1 | which is probably why i read the man before I do that =) | 06:06 |
intelikey | :) | 06:06 |
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cpk1 | i havent had to force a recheck on any of my new drives though | 06:07 |
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cpk1 | i remember my old laptop drive... SMART kept on giving a worse and worse prognosis | 06:08 |
chairul | how to get repositories for kubuntu | 06:08 |
cpk1 | !repos | chairul | 06:08 |
ubotu | chairul: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 06:08 |
intelikey | !repos | chairul | 06:08 |
intelikey | lag. | 06:08 |
epimeth | anybody have beryl on dapper? | 06:09 |
chairul | straight to the address please?? | 06:09 |
intelikey | hmmm looks like the mount count on my root drive is 142 | 06:09 |
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LjL | Dr_willis: ping | 06:10 |
Alpha_Cluster | does anyone here know anything about knetworkmanager? | 06:10 |
stdin | chairul: ubotu gave you the address to go to | 06:10 |
cpk1 | Alpha_Cluster: I know it is supposed to be an applet that shows net connections | 06:11 |
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intelikey | stdin i wonder if i should check my root drive ? it says it's been mounted 142 times... auto checking is disabled... | 06:11 |
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Alpha_Cluster | well basically i need to figure out how to change an option in the configuration of it... | 06:11 |
tarin | hello again everyone | 06:11 |
Alpha_Cluster | i dont get why there is no button for doing it | 06:11 |
stdin | intelikey: yeah, it may be a good idea to give it a check | 06:12 |
cpk1 | what command tells you the mount count? | 06:12 |
intelikey | cpk1 tune2fs -l | 06:12 |
stdin | *may need sudo | 06:12 |
intelikey | no just the device node | 06:12 |
tarin | BluesKaj? | 06:12 |
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intelikey | tune2fs -l /dev/hda1 | 06:13 |
intelikey | for example | 06:13 |
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stdin | intelikey: depends on the permissions of the node, and the groups the user is in | 06:13 |
intelikey | for me it's tune2fs -l /dev/sda | 06:13 |
intelikey | stdin partition not readable ? | 06:13 |
cpk1 | yeah /dev/hda is my root drive and looks like i need root to read it | 06:13 |
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stdin | intelikey: eg, my root shows "brw-rw---- 1 root root 8, 1 2007-02-13 07:31 /dev/sda1", so I'd need sudo | 06:14 |
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intelikey | cpk1 if you perms are like stdin yes sudo but unless you have a partitionless disk like me use the partition number /dev/hda# | 06:14 |
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intelikey | stdin brw-rw-r-- 1 root root 8, 0 Sep 16 04:31 /dev/sda | 06:15 |
=== ubuntu is now known as CainMadness | ||
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intelikey | CainMadness did you get it working ? | 06:16 |
stdin | intelikey: other has read permission there | 06:16 |
cpk1 | 4 mounts to go till i get an autocheck | 06:16 |
CainMadness | Eh, yeah intelikeyl. But new problem now. | 06:16 |
chairul | is there any other repo address for kubuntu edgy? | 06:16 |
intelikey | stdin yes i know. that's what i expected to be default... | 06:16 |
CainMadness | Installed to the wrong hard drive. Wants me to install to a sata HD, but when I run livecd to install it, it hangs up on the select a disk part. | 06:17 |
stdin | intelikey: no, the default is actually 660 root:disk | 06:17 |
epimeth | I'm kinda stuck with a beryl installation... I can't find linux-dri-modules-2.6.28 | 06:17 |
epimeth | erm | 06:17 |
epimeth | I'm kinda stuck with a beryl installation... I can't find linux-dri-modules-2.6-28 | 06:17 |
epimeth | I'm kinda stuck with a beryl installation... I can't find linux-dri-modules-2.6.15-28 | 06:17 |
epimeth | geez | 06:17 |
stdin | !repeat | 06:18 |
ubotu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 06:18 |
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cpk1 | CainMadness: when i installed edgy I had to wait until after I installed to my ide drive before formatting my sata drive | 06:18 |
Jucato | !patience | 06:18 |
ubotu | The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 06:18 |
jhutchins_wk | stdin: He was repeating 'cause he was making typos. | 06:18 |
epimeth | stdin: I didn't mean to spam the question.. I was just making typos | 06:18 |
cpk1 | i couldnt figure out why it didnt like my sata drive | 06:18 |
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epimeth | jucato: I know :-) | 06:18 |
stdin | jhutchins_wk: yeah, but can't he read it before he preses enter? | 06:18 |
CainMadness | I don't really have the option to set up IDE drive before my sata. | 06:18 |
epimeth | I'm just soooo close to getting beryl working I can taste it... | 06:19 |
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intelikey | CainMadness the liveCD installer... yuch! you could maybe install to ide and migrate, but that begs module trubble in the initramfs.img .... the alternate install cd would be a better choice. | 06:19 |
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jhutchins_wk | epimeth: isn't 2.6.15 a bit old? I thought we were on .17. | 06:19 |
Jucato | epimeth: no. I was just looking for what !patience spits out | 06:19 |
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epimeth | stdin: I'm right here... don't talk like I'm not :-( | 06:19 |
=== epimeth cries | ||
jhutchins_wk | Jucato: You can PM the bot and it'll give you a private answer. | 06:19 |
CainMadness | Alternate install CD? | 06:19 |
intelikey | CainMadness yes | 06:20 |
cpk1 | CainMadness: text install basically | 06:20 |
stdin | epimeth: sorry, but I was replying to someone else | 06:20 |
Jucato | jhutchins_wk: I know... but since it was in the factoid and seems to be related, might as well show it | 06:20 |
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intelikey | !alternate | 06:20 |
ubotu | The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD. | 06:20 |
CainMadness | When I try the text only install, it hangs up as well. | 06:20 |
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epimeth | jhutchins_wk: I don't know... its what I have. I'm using dapper | 06:20 |
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jhutchins_wk | Have you seen the faq that the bot has on beryl? | 06:20 |
intelikey | whoever wrote that factoid needs to see a shrink. ***For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.*** | 06:21 |
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epimeth | jhutchins_wk: yes... I'm following it exactly, but I can't find the dri modules | 06:21 |
CainMadness | Mmk. I'll go try. Be back later it it doesn't work. | 06:22 |
=== Bukowski is now known as K-1000-O | ||
intelikey | fair enough | 06:22 |
K-1000-O | hi | 06:22 |
jhutchins_wk | epimeth: Google isn't finding that phrase either, so I don't know what to tell ya. | 06:23 |
intelikey | well i can't keep out of the office long enough to help here. back when things calm down. | 06:23 |
jhutchins_wk | epimeth: Finding more than one post about the same problem... | 06:24 |
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K-1000-O | hi some one speak spamish?? | 06:24 |
stdin | spamish? is that the language of spam? | 06:25 |
Jucato | !es | K-1000-O | 06:25 |
ubotu | K-1000-O: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 06:25 |
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Jucato | stdin: hm.. you just made me hungry | 06:25 |
jhutchins_wk | epimeth: What does uname -r tell you? | 06:25 |
stdin | heh, I'm already hungry | 06:26 |
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epimeth | exactly what I'm searching for... 2.6.15-28-386 | 06:26 |
stdin | and speaking of food... I'm going to get some now :) | 06:26 |
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epimeth | gandalfn.club.fr only has up to -27 | 06:26 |
jhutchins_wk | epimeth: Look for 2.6.15-27 | 06:27 |
cpk1 | downgrade then | 06:27 |
epimeth | just the dri drivers or the whole kernel? | 06:27 |
cpk1 | personally i think beryl is useless and anyone who wastes their time trying to get it to work deserves every negative possible | 06:27 |
cpk1 | but thats just me | 06:27 |
epimeth | brb | 06:28 |
=== mefisto__ [n=mefisto@202-172-119-89.cpe.nsw-3.comcen.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Biovore | beryl is a play toy at best.. still extremly buggy... | 06:28 |
mefisto__ | I want to download a package without installing it. where will apt-get save the package? | 06:28 |
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Biovore | mefisto__: /var/cache/apt I think.. | 06:29 |
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cpk1 | mefisto__: current directory | 06:30 |
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epimeth | jhutchins_wk: should I downgrade the kernel or just the dri drivers? | 06:30 |
mefisto__ | cpk1: that's simple. are you sure? | 06:30 |
cpk1 | using aptitude yes | 06:31 |
cpk1 | mefisto__: remember if you also want to get all the dependencies then you should do aptitude install -d packagename and then it will throw all of the packages into /var/cache/apt/archives | 06:32 |
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mefisto__ | cpk1: thanks, that was my next question | 06:33 |
kalinda | hey all; anybody using Beryl? | 06:33 |
Biovore | I have it installed and it works.. but not currently using it.. | 06:33 |
mefisto__ | wait, aptitude? or apt-get? | 06:33 |
kalinda | So you have no trouble playing videos with it turned on? nVidia or ATI? | 06:34 |
Biovore | nope.. works fine in mplayer | 06:34 |
Biovore | and xine | 06:34 |
Biovore | I am usinga nvidia card | 06:34 |
kalinda | o-o... I dont get it | 06:34 |
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cpk1 | i'm talking about aptitude, not sure if apt-get has exactly the same command or the exact same path | 06:35 |
kalinda | I can't play video with it being weird... it's hard to describe.. but little lines appear when there's a lot of movement.. I think it's called frame stuttering or something.. but only when beryl is turned on | 06:35 |
Biovore | kalinda: you using xv for your video out? | 06:35 |
eeos | hi there. how do you find what uninstalled package containes a certain file? | 06:35 |
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chairul | ada yg bisa bhs indonesia | 06:36 |
Jucato | chairul: English only please | 06:36 |
kalinda | Biovore: Yes, I set it up like taht in Kaffeine and the Firefox mplayer plugin.. it doesn't help.. is there some place else I have to turn it on? | 06:36 |
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kalinda | *checks again* | 06:37 |
jhutchins_wk | Well, that was interesting, hard crash. | 06:37 |
Biovore | kalinda: you getting video at all? or is it just choppy... | 06:37 |
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chairul | jucato : tell me how to sharing file with nfs | 06:37 |
Jucato | !id | chairul | 06:37 |
kalinda | Im getting video.. it's just weird and choppy.. the odd thing is that it does it on my brother's computer in KDE, but not in Gnome.. and his machine is much better then mine | 06:37 |
ubotu | chairul: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia | 06:37 |
Biovore | !nfs | 06:38 |
ubotu | nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS. | 06:38 |
Jucato | chairul: sorry, not familiar with NFS | 06:38 |
jhutchins_wk | epimeth: You getting anywhere? | 06:38 |
kalinda | Biovore: Yeah, xv is on | 06:38 |
chairul | ubuntu-id jarang yg posting | 06:38 |
Biovore | kalinda: what graphics card you got? | 06:38 |
jhutchins_wk | chairul: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/NFS-HOWTO/ | 06:39 |
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kalinda | Biovore: nVidia 5200 FX.. I'm using the latest driver | 06:39 |
eeos | guys, how do you find what uninstalled package containes a certain file? cannot get it from man dpkg. | 06:39 |
kalinda | Biovore: The weird thing is that video used to be fine back in Beryl 0.1.1 | 06:40 |
epimeth | jhutchins_wk: should I downgrade the kernel or just the dri drivers? | 06:40 |
Biovore | eeos: that information is dependent on the package.. you can try searching the online repo.. packages.ubuntu.com | 06:40 |
jhutchins_wk | epimeth: I'm pretty sure they have to match. | 06:40 |
epimeth | so how do I downgrade the kernel? | 06:40 |
Biovore | kalinda: whats the symptoms.. no video at all... | 06:40 |
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kalinda | epimeth: Why would you want to? | 06:41 |
cpk1 | epimeth: just load the other kernel during the grub menu if its still installed | 06:41 |
chairul | thanks anyway | 06:41 |
Biovore | kalinda: Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True" in your xorg.conf? | 06:41 |
eeos | Biovore yes, but with rpm you can interrogate the repository for what package contains, let's say, the file 'v4l.h'. Ho do you carry out the same operation with dpkg / apt-get? | 06:41 |
kalinda | Biovore: No, I have video, when it plays and there's lots of movement or panning, strange lines appear.. I couldn't take a screenshot of it because it goes away when paused.. it's weird. | 06:42 |
Biovore | kalinda: try using the opengl render? | 06:42 |
Biovore | for mplayer | 06:42 |
kalinda | Biovore: Yeah, I got that.. I have everything added to my xorg as per the nVidia troubleshooting page on the beryl wiki | 06:42 |
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kalinda | Biovore: I did.. I've tried changing all those around.... I'm starting to wonder if it's at all related to my craptastic computer | 06:43 |
Biovore | eeos: what file you looking for? | 06:43 |
Biovore | kalinda: yeah.. not sure then.. beryl is kinda funky still.. and OpenGL on linux veries alot.. | 06:44 |
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eeos | Biovore I am looking to interrogate the repository so that I can find what package containas a certain file. | 06:45 |
kalinda | Biovore: Indeed, hopefully it'll just go away in Feisty | 06:45 |
CainMadness | SATA still giving me trouble using the kubunutu installation CD. Still freezes up at the 'select a disk' partition step. | 06:46 |
Biovore | eeos: apt isn't setup to do that I don't think.. | 06:47 |
Biovore | if your looking for stuff like header files.. try looking at the -dev packages | 06:48 |
eeos | Biovore dpkg? | 06:48 |
Biovore | you can list the contents of a particular package.. | 06:48 |
cpk1 | CainMadness: I have heard rumors that the ubuntu installer is better... | 06:48 |
CainMadness | I think I have an ubuntu CD somewhere.. | 06:48 |
jhutchins_wk | epinephrine: Yeah, just change the default in the grub menu list and reboot. | 06:48 |
Biovore | cpk1: there the same dam thing.. | 06:48 |
RobMongoose | eeos: you could try 'apt-cache search fileuwant' - that might do it. sorry if this was already suggested... | 06:48 |
jhutchins_wk | epinephrine: OOps, n'mind. | 06:48 |
cpk1 | Biovore: qtparted as opposed to gparted =P | 06:49 |
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Biovore | cpk1: both python front ends to fdisk | 06:49 |
CainMadness | Biovore: What do you suggest then? | 06:49 |
jhutchins_wk | eeos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto | 06:49 |
jhutchins_wk | eeos: Pretty sure apt or dpkg has that option, I just saw it yesterday. | 06:50 |
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Biovore | CainMadness: after booting pop open a shell and used fdisk and see if that works.. | 06:50 |
eeos | RobMongoose thanks! read apt-get man page, did not understand how to d it. | 06:50 |
=== Cleanblue [n=Cleanblu@i577BD3C7.versanet.de] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
jhutchins_wk | eeos: That howto's a little easier. I'm still learning apt. | 06:50 |
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CainMadness | When it is running off the disk, open console and type fdisk in? | 06:51 |
CainMadness | console/shell/terminal | 06:51 |
eeos | jhutchins_wk RobMongoose thank to both of you! | 06:51 |
Biovore | CainMadness: sudo fdisk /dev/sda or /dev/sdb etc | 06:51 |
RobMongoose | No problem :) | 06:51 |
cpk1 | CainMadness: try fdisk -l /dev/sda (assuming its not partitioned or one partition) | 06:51 |
Biovore | ^ or that :-)_ | 06:51 |
jhutchins_wk | cpk1: fdisk always wants the root dev, not the partition anyway. | 06:52 |
cpk1 | actually i dont think you even need to give the partition | 06:52 |
CainMadness | Let me restart it into loading up with GUI. | 06:52 |
CainMadness | Then I'll try it out. | 06:52 |
cpk1 | jhutchins_wk: realized after I said it =P | 06:52 |
jhutchins_wk | cpk1: Right, it will list the possible ones. | 06:52 |
cpk1 | CainMadness: what are you on right now? | 06:52 |
CainMadness | It was in the text install. | 06:52 |
CainMadness | Was hanging up 'again' at the partition area. | 06:53 |
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CainMadness | So restarting so I can get it to do console. | 06:53 |
jhutchins_wk | Heh. Always been a weak point in linux installers. | 06:53 |
CainMadness | Okay, so which of those do I type into the terminal? | 06:55 |
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pap | hey, has anyone here used THC-Hydra? | 06:56 |
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cpk1 | CainMadness: fdisk -l /dev/sda | 06:57 |
cpk1 | CainMadness: you probably need sudo | 06:57 |
vladimir | hello | 06:57 |
CainMadness | Is that an ell or an eye? | 06:59 |
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CainMadness | Nm. I type it in, is it supposed to display something? | 07:02 |
LjL | CainMadness: it's an L | 07:02 |
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LjL | for list | 07:02 |
CainMadness | Its' not listing anything. | 07:02 |
LjL | CainMadness: not even "cannot open"? | 07:03 |
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LjL | i guess /dev/sda isn't partitioned then | 07:03 |
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CainMadness | Hmm. | 07:04 |
CainMadness | So what now? | 07:04 |
jhutchins_wk | Maybe it's not /dev/sda | 07:04 |
jhutchins_wk | dmesg might be of help. | 07:04 |
cpk1 | sudo lshw will tell you the /dev/ of your drives | 07:05 |
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chovy | how do i install from a live cd? | 07:05 |
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chovy | everytime i boot up, it asks me to boot from LiveCD under Parellels | 07:06 |
Dr_willis | chovy, should bne an icon on the desktop | 07:06 |
Dr_willis | no idea about parelles. | 07:06 |
CainMadness | cpk1: That gave me a lot of information the computer. | 07:07 |
cpk1 | CainMadness: your sata devices will probably be listed under "storage" | 07:07 |
CainMadness | Okay, let me check. | 07:07 |
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CainMadness | Displays a 'Mass Storage Controller' by ATI Technologies under the Storage part. | 07:09 |
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cpk1 | keep going... | 07:09 |
PF-Away | !gfxboot | 07:09 |
ubotu | gfxboot: bootlogo creator for gfxboot compliant boot loaders. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.23-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 72 kB, installed size 364 kB | 07:09 |
PF-Away | !grub | 07:09 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 07:10 |
cpk1 | there should be a "disk" section after that | 07:10 |
CainMadness | K, let me check. | 07:10 |
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CainMadness | No, doesn't show it anywhere. | 07:11 |
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cpk1 | you did sudo lshw? | 07:11 |
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CainMadness | Yes. | 07:11 |
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cpk1 | hrmm, well maybe its somewhere else, scan the output =) | 07:12 |
CainMadness | Okay. | 07:12 |
fabrizio | IRC ITALIAN PLEASE | 07:12 |
Tm_T | !it | 07:13 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 07:13 |
Tm_T | fabrizio: And no caps, thank you. | 07:13 |
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CainMadness | cpk1: Nope. Nothing about the SATA drive is displayed. | 07:14 |
cpk1 | well that might be a problem =P | 07:14 |
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CainMadness | Any suggestions? | 07:15 |
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CainMadness | cpk1: Any suggestions? | 07:23 |
cpk1 | hrmm I don't really know where to go if you cant see the drives right off the bat, maybe try a knoppix cd? | 07:25 |
CainMadness | Haven't got one, have to get I guess.. | 07:25 |
cpk1 | not really sure why you cant see the drives when the controller seems to be fine | 07:25 |
CainMadness | Thanks though. | 07:25 |
cpk1 | I dont have enough experience in that kind of thing =\ | 07:25 |
CainMadness | Okay. | 07:26 |
cpk1 | like I said same thing happened to me but I was installing root to IDE anyways so... | 07:26 |
cpk1 | alright then | 07:26 |
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dromer | hmm, I did an upgrade with synaptic today (dapper) and it's stuck at: Setting up kdelibs (3.5.2-0ubuntu18.2) ... | 07:28 |
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dromer | ah wait, n/m | 07:29 |
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dromer | I'm paranoi | 07:29 |
dromer | Succesfully ayylied all changes. You can close the window now ;) | 07:29 |
dromer | !3ddesktop | 07:30 |
ubotu | 3ddesktop: "Three-dimensional" desktop switcher. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.9-5.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 74 kB, installed size 448 kB | 07:30 |
Dr_willis | 3ddesktop is a waste. :) | 07:30 |
dromer | ohw, hehe | 07:30 |
_6StringKng_ | /msg nickserv link _6StringKng_ xJPM100x | 07:30 |
Dr_willis | all these beginners see it at the top of the package listings and want to try it.. | 07:30 |
_6StringKng_ | lmao | 07:31 |
Dr_willis | dont bother. heh heh | 07:31 |
Jucato | uh oh.... | 07:31 |
dromer | haha | 07:31 |
Branded_Atom | everyone wants something new! | 07:31 |
Jucato | Dr_willis: imho it's better than having Beryl :) | 07:31 |
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Dr_willis | its like that ribbon candy tht grandma has in that glass bowl - that has been there for YEARS.. yes its sugary eye candy.. but its old eye candy. | 07:31 |
Dr_willis | the features i saw on tht Mettis Live cd. (from mandriva) had some neat new eye candy. and not using Beryl | 07:32 |
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Jucato | *cough* Metisse *cough* | 07:32 |
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dromer | ok, beryl isn't available for dapper anyway is it? | 07:32 |
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bobleny | Hey, does anyone know where the php.ini is installed to? | 07:34 |
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adydas | try /etc/apache i belive | 07:35 |
adydas | thats right | 07:35 |
bobleny | nvm, I think i found it | 07:35 |
bobleny | It was here /etc/php5/apache2/ | 07:35 |
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adydas | well there ya go | 07:36 |
bobleny | Thanks! | 07:36 |
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tdn | I have problems getting Konqueror to keep the view I configured it to use. I have done: View > View Mode > Detailed List and then I have saved this view profile for file browsing, but when I type something like "smb://" in the location bar, I get the large ikon view. This is really annoying. Why won't Konqueror remember my decision? | 07:37 |
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jhutchins_wk | tdn: Dunno, you could ask in #kde, see if they can tell you. My guess is that smb mode isn't the same as file mode. | 07:39 |
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bobleny | I have a question, I installed LAMP and it works great! However, the server can't seem to create or write to files in the server. Do you know why? | 07:44 |
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alain | salut alls | 07:46 |
bobleny | For instance, when a php script needs to create or modify a php file it cant. | 07:46 |
tdn | jhutchins_wk, got no response in #kde. Where do I save the profile for smb mode? | 07:46 |
bobleny | Does anyone no why? | 07:46 |
[R] eaper | how can i upgrade from dapper to edgy?? | 07:46 |
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HymnToLife | ubotu, tell [R] eaper about edgy | [R] eaper, see the private message from ubotu. | 07:47 |
jhutchins_wk | tdn: Sorry, no idea. | 07:47 |
Jucato | !upgrade | [R] eaper | 07:47 |
ubotu | [R] eaper: See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) | 07:47 |
tdn | bobleny, probably permissions :) | 07:47 |
bobleny | I think it has to do with linux's permissions | 07:47 |
bobleny | lol, thanks tdn.. | 07:47 |
HymnToLife | bobleny, make sure your webserver has writing permission to that file | 07:47 |
jhutchins_wk | !lamp > bobleny | 07:47 |
[R] eaper | thx | 07:48 |
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bobleny | How can I set permissions for lamp though? | 07:48 |
HymnToLife | bobleny, in your httpd.conf, you can specify the user the webserver runs as | 07:49 |
HymnToLife | set the permissions for this user like you would do for any other | 07:50 |
bobleny | Ok thanks | 07:50 |
HymnToLife | the default is www-data, it's usually best to keep it | 07:50 |
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bobleny | Thanks, but how do I set permissions in there? I'm stupid... | 07:51 |
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jhutchins_wk | !permissions | bobleny | 07:53 |
ubotu | bobleny: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux | 07:53 |
krazy77 | ciao a tuttiiiiiiiiiiiii | 07:53 |
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bobleny | Ok, thanks, I'll check it out. | 07:54 |
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blue|palm | Hi, is it possible at all to reduce the size of icons on your kde desktop? | 08:03 |
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jhutchins_wk | blue|palm: Well, that'll happen if you increase the resolution... | 08:07 |
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soulrider | hi | 08:08 |
blue|palm | jhutchins_wk: I have, but i found a solution (appearance->icons->advanced) | 08:08 |
b0rt | hello | 08:08 |
blue|palm | jhutchins_wk: so i got it, its ok | 08:08 |
b0rt | sorry about my n00bness, but how do I write in NTFS partitions? | 08:09 |
HymnToLife | ubotu, tell b0rt about ntfs | b0rt, see the private message from ubotu. | 08:09 |
jhutchins_wk | blue|palm: Excellent! | 08:09 |
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ciro3 | salve | 08:10 |
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jhutchins_wk | Hello ciro3 | 08:11 |
ciro3 | hello | 08:11 |
b0rt | !ntfs-3g | 08:11 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 08:11 |
ciro3 | good ntfs-3g + kubuntu work perfectly | 08:11 |
ciro3 | :) | 08:11 |
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jhutchins_wk | Actually, I've never had any trouble with R/W NTFS access myself. | 08:12 |
jhutchins_wk | Even pre-captive. | 08:12 |
b0rt | pre-captive? | 08:12 |
b0rt | O.o | 08:12 |
ciro3 | i have a question ntfs-3g + fuse not need recomplire kernel | 08:12 |
jhutchins_wk | captive ntfs searches the ntfs partition using the read-only drivers, then uses the MS drivers for write access. | 08:13 |
jhutchins_wk | ciro3: Shouldn't need to recompile the kernel, but you might have to compile the module. | 08:14 |
jhutchins_wk | !it | ciro3 | 08:14 |
ubotu | ciro3: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 08:14 |
ciro3 | ok | 08:14 |
ciro3 | thnaks | 08:14 |
jhutchins_wk | No offense, we just don't speak Italian. | 08:14 |
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b0rt | HymnToLife: humm just read about problems with x64, is ntfs-3g compatible with 64 arch? | 08:23 |
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pm2 | What DVD-playing program will support the DVD menus? | 08:24 |
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b0rt | do i have to compile ntfs-3g? | 08:25 |
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NightBird | how do I check the system log? | 08:26 |
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HymnToLife | pm2, xine does | 08:26 |
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HymnToLife | b0rt, don't know, I use 64 bits OSes only on servers | 08:26 |
NightBird | n/m, found it | 08:26 |
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b0rt | its ok, ill keep looking on web | 08:27 |
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LeFrenchy | hey there | 08:28 |
pulaski | hello | 08:28 |
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LeFrenchy | could you help me a little? | 08:29 |
LeFrenchy | i'd like to uninstall kubuntu off ubuntu | 08:29 |
NightBird | LeFrenchy, you want to remove kde from kubuntu and switch to gnome or some other windows system? | 08:30 |
zhaarteth | sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop if you want to get kde | 08:30 |
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Jucato | LeFrenchy: or you want to remove Kubuntu, which you installed on top of Ubuntu? | 08:30 |
LeFrenchy | no in fact i first installed ubuntu, then i wanted to try kubuntu so i just installed kubuntu-desktop pakages and kde | 08:31 |
LeFrenchy | but i'd like to go back noe | 08:31 |
Jucato | LeFrenchy: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome | 08:31 |
BluesKaj | LeFrenchy, you'll regert it | 08:31 |
LeFrenchy | thanks i check that right away | 08:31 |
BluesKaj | err regret it | 08:31 |
LeFrenchy | i'm a noob in linux, gnow seems much more eaier for a start | 08:31 |
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LeFrenchy | *gnome | 08:32 |
LeFrenchy | *easier | 08:32 |
BluesKaj | KDE is more like a windows desktop than gnome | 08:32 |
LeFrenchy | aaaaaaaaah perfect, i think thats it | 08:32 |
LeFrenchy | thanks Jucato | 08:32 |
LeFrenchy | maybe i'll go back to kde later, i'll see | 08:33 |
LeFrenchy | i'll start easy first | 08:33 |
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Jucato | KDE is easy too... | 08:33 |
=== Jucato started w/ KDE... | ||
b0rt | isnt it possible to select X-server on login? | 08:33 |
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zhaarteth | LeFrenchy: if you installed the kdm environment as default, then the kde login menu still has an option to login to gnome | 08:37 |
pulaski | I have a client box running kubuntu 6.10 client connected by nfs to a server running kubunt 6.10 server with LAMP. I grabbed java 1.4.2-02 on the client because I'm taking a java class. Unfortunately my school uses java Last time I looked that was the latest version of a java package available on adept. Is there java package available? | 08:37 |
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beels15 | hallo | 08:38 |
beels15 | die seite auch auf deutsch ? | 08:39 |
beels15 | is this chat in germany ? | 08:39 |
Tm_T | !de | 08:40 |
Tm_T | Hmm | 08:40 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 08:40 |
Tm_T | !botsnack | 08:40 |
ubotu | Yum! | 08:40 |
beels15 | thank you | 08:40 |
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pulaski | I just looked at adept and my java common is the latest. | 08:41 |
pulaski | sorry. I need to look elsewhere. | 08:41 |
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tarin | i got a question for you fellas | 08:42 |
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tarin | i have to configure my video settings in kubunttu so i hit ctrl-alt-f1 and then i enter "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" just as i was told to do. (im running this in livedisk by the way). i get through a lot of questions about my setup and then i get to a question about the color depth. there several options and evey one i pick opens the command line and it says a warning about... | 08:45 |
tarin | ...overwriting a custom file. i dont know what to do next. I just end up starting all over with the config menu. | 08:45 |
tarin | im so damn lost and all i want to do is set this os up. | 08:47 |
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b0rt | ok, just compiled pmount for R/W access on x64, now do i need to mount drives in a special way? | 08:48 |
b0rt | R/W access for NTFS on x64 arch * | 08:48 |
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BluesKaj | b0rt, ntfs-3g works for me , but I'm not using 64bit vers , altho the cpu is an AMD 64 | 08:51 |
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b0rt | but this guy (givr) says to use pmount on 64 0S | 08:52 |
b0rt | =S | 08:52 |
tarin | hey BluesKaj! What you told me did help but I still cant get to any installation dialouge | 08:53 |
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cntb | where does my host someone logged on at the moment on ssh ? | 08:57 |
cntb | sorry, where does my host see someone logged on at the moment on ssh ? | 08:58 |
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djwilcox | whats the best way to set up lamp | 08:59 |
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NightBird | I'm getting an error when loading ndiswrapper, and it's telling me to check system log for messages... what log should I be checking? | 09:01 |
NightBird | because I'm seeing nothing in syslog, syslog.0, or kern.log | 09:02 |
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dec_ | is it possible to connect a cell phone to the usb port on a computer and have it recognized as a device in ubuntu? | 09:02 |
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NightBird | dec_, yes.... it is possible.... will it work? who knows.. | 09:03 |
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dec_ | nightbird do you know of any software that would fit the bill | 09:04 |
NightBird | I sure don't | 09:04 |
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dec_ | I sure thank you | 09:04 |
marwan | Hello all | 09:04 |
NightBird | hi marwan | 09:04 |
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marwan | I installed kubuntu 6.10 on IBM netvista and after rebooting it did not start xserver and directed me to the command line. Does any one know how to fix that? | 09:06 |
jhutchins | dec_: I think the kde contact manager includes links for a lot of phones. | 09:06 |
jhutchins | NightBird: check /var/log/messages, and also dmesg | 09:06 |
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NightBird | jhutchins, I found the message to check the log in dmesg, and all messages says is the loaded message before it fails.. | 09:08 |
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jhutchins | Yeah, that happens sometimes, doesn't even get as far as logging. | 09:09 |
jhutchins | !ndiswrapper | 09:10 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 09:10 |
jhutchins | That'll be more help than I will. | 09:10 |
=== NightBird downloads the source to try it... | ||
NightBird | upgrade from 1.22 to 1.37... :P | 09:10 |
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slyfox | What is the command for Konquerer to enter ftp sites ? | 09:10 |
jhutchins | slyfox: Just use an ftp url. | 09:11 |
HymnToLife | slyfox, ftp://login@host | 09:12 |
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slyfox | jhutchins: there was a special beginning comamnd, the site can be enterd via ftp protocol, but it is not an ftp site, there is no ftp address attahed to it | 09:12 |
jhutchins | marwan: You're probably having an issue with the video driver. startx might give you a useful error. | 09:12 |
jhutchins | slyfox: If you were to do ftp name.of.site from a console, would it work? | 09:12 |
slyfox | jhutchins: actually you are right. It works | 09:13 |
jhutchins | Cool. | 09:13 |
slyfox | HymnToLife: yeah it works, thanks | 09:13 |
jhutchins | I think the full format is ftp://user:password@host | 09:13 |
xenol | plz i want to install kubuntu at friend PC | 09:13 |
xenol | and he has got 20 GB free on 150 GB win partition | 09:14 |
xenol | if kubuntu isntaller resize that disk is there any chance to lose to data ? | 09:14 |
Frost^ | Hello. | 09:15 |
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PFA | what's the name of the KDE theme thing? (if i want to run it from command line) | 09:16 |
Frost^ | I'm having a problem with Amarok - it fails to index my collection (It was able to do so on my previous distro). It says something about taglib might being broken. Does anyone know anything about it? | 09:16 |
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jhutchins | Frost^: You might check #amarok | 09:23 |
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SSJ_GZ | PFA:What do you mean by "KDE theme thing" ?:) | 09:23 |
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marwan | jhutchins: Thanks I will try to startx | 09:24 |
Frost^ | jhutchins: Ok, thanks. | 09:24 |
sittisal_ | impressive... | 09:24 |
sittisal_ | come back to kde after years of gnome | 09:24 |
sittisal_ | back home... | 09:25 |
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NightBird | heh | 09:25 |
sittisal_ | still need a bit of polish... | 09:25 |
sittisal_ | but it's faast | 09:25 |
jhutchins | Yeah, major clean-up a couple of releases ago. | 09:26 |
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sittisal_ | yes... but i think that also kubuntu did a great job on cleaning something | 09:26 |
fignew | who woulda though that ktorrent gets unstable when downloading 200 torrents at once... | 09:26 |
sittisal_ | fignew: 200 torrents??? | 09:27 |
fignew | yep :) | 09:27 |
jhutchins | torrenting takes a lot of cpu among other things. | 09:27 |
sittisal_ | doesn't saturate the internet connection? | 09:27 |
fignew | I'm on a 100mbit line | 09:27 |
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sittisal_ | fuxxxx | 09:27 |
sittisal_ | :-) | 09:28 |
fignew | jhutchins: true: load avg. of 10 | 09:28 |
sittisal_ | a lot of tcp ports open, a lot of cpu usage | 09:28 |
fignew | maybe turning off DHT will help | 09:28 |
blue|palm | I have a problem with fstab and usb hdds... everytime i insert a new usb hdd, it gets added to fstab. Then if the entry is still in /etc/fstab when i restart, and the usb hdd is still in, kubuntu refuses to boot! If i remove the usb hdd (with the entry in fstab still) then kubuntu boots. If i have no entry for that usb hdd in fstab (in other words i remove it from fstab after its automatically added) then kubuntu boots fine with the hdd | 09:28 |
blue|palm | in. Is there anyway i can fix this since i boot with 2 external data storage harddrives all the time? | 09:28 |
jhutchins | fignew: it'll spike occasionally. You'll notice it if you're doing something else like transcoding at the same time. | 09:28 |
jhutchins | Also that's a lot of I/O, and the instability might come from caching. | 09:29 |
fignew | it was actually complaining about too many files open at the same time | 09:29 |
fignew | never knew there was a limit | 09:29 |
blue|palm | So that i dont have to remove them each time i want to boot? | 09:29 |
jhutchins | blue|palm: Always disconnect the usb drive before you reboot. | 09:30 |
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blue|palm | jhutchins: I know that fixes the problem, but Its a bit irritating :( | 09:30 |
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jhutchins | blue|palm: There are a lot of things that haven't been worked out on that system yet. | 09:30 |
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blue|palm | jhutchins: oh... is it just ubuntu/kubuntu or linux in general | 09:30 |
jhutchins | blue|palm: for instance, you _should_ be able to specify what happens to a device when it connects by using it's USB ID codes, but it's very difficult to do so. | 09:30 |
jhutchins | blue|palm: Linux in general, the whole udev thing. | 09:31 |
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blue|palm | jhutchins: ive been troubleshooting too much lately :( i think ill let this one slide and live with it | 09:31 |
sittisal_ | jhutchins: but the manual fstab configuration should solve the problem...? | 09:31 |
jhutchins | blue|palm: Different distros implement it a little bit differently, so some things work here, some thnigs work elsewhere. | 09:31 |
blue|palm | jhutchins: ive tried | 09:31 |
blue|palm | jhutchins: manually configuring fstab makes no difference | 09:31 |
jhutchins | sittisal_: I don't think so. | 09:31 |
blue|palm | jhutchins: the autoconfig does it correctly anyway | 09:31 |
jhutchins | My problem is that it wants to do the same thing with my camera, my ipod, and my usb drive. | 09:32 |
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blue|palm | jhutchins: my one recognizes and differentiates between my ipod and my usb hdd :) | 09:33 |
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tdn | In Krita, how do I make a marquee/selection that is exactly 1400x1050 (or some other specified values), and then rotate it? I need this so I can make the horizon horizontal on some photographs where it is skewed a few degrees. | 09:42 |
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jhutchins | tdn: Sizing is usually done with either "Crop" or "Scale", rotation is usually seperate. | 09:49 |
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jhutchins | tdn: You probably want to rotate first, then crop or scale. | 09:49 |
scooter | hello has anyone ever dealt with vmplayer virtual machine in ubuntu edgy eft | 09:50 |
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scooter | i am looking to learn anything everything i can about the virtual machine and how it operates can anyone please help me | 09:52 |
tdn | jhutchins, ok. | 09:52 |
BluesKaj | !VMware | 09:53 |
ubotu | VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware | 09:53 |
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scooter | thank you so very much | 09:53 |
teulz | bonsoir j'ai un problem avec adept | 09:54 |
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BluesKaj | ! fr | teulz | 09:54 |
ubotu | teulz: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 09:54 |
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vesku | hi | 10:09 |
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vesku | happy Valentines Day! | 10:11 |
fabrizio | hi, i need the server ubuntu-it | 10:11 |
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fabrizio | vorrei entrare nel canale italiano di ubuntu | 10:13 |
osiris1 | I have a quick question. Can anyone help me with the following : I have a asus nvidia 6600 with 2 outputs XP sees this and can post video signal to each monitor ... But kubuntu crashes when i try to boot any ideas | 10:13 |
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vesku | im strugling with same kind of problem than you osiris1 | 10:14 |
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osiris1 | yea xp has no problem | 10:15 |
osiris1 | but when i load in to kubuntu. I get the weirdest video grabage then I have to reset | 10:15 |
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osiris1 | I unplug the other monitor on the analog output and it works fine | 10:15 |
osiris1 | Strange | 10:15 |
osiris1 | im also having some issues with the wireless card issue but I am updating right now | 10:16 |
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vesku | i have hp pavilion and i would like to view my videos from TV but xubuntu shows me only black screen :| | 10:16 |
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vesku | same here with wireless :D | 10:16 |
osiris1 | i looked on the formus | 10:17 |
osiris1 | they say to do a big update.. which im doing now | 10:17 |
osiris1 | should fix it | 10:17 |
vesku | can you give some link to forum? | 10:17 |
osiris1 | there is another used wireless manager that I am going to try if this sys update doesnt work | 10:17 |
osiris1 | yea for sure let me search again | 10:17 |
vesku | thanks | 10:17 |
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osiris1 | http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=13668.0 | 10:18 |
osiris1 | its on the main edgy foum.. | 10:18 |
osiris1 | I am going to reboot soon so Ill be back and tell u if the update worked :)) | 10:18 |
vesku | okey | 10:18 |
=== osiris1 will brb | ||
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jerrad | hello | 10:20 |
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vesku | hi | 10:21 |
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kristjan_ | is there an utility that let's me set cpu frequency? | 10:21 |
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Frost^- | Is there a good guide somewhere for creating ubuntu packages? | 10:22 |
kristjan_ | it can scale between 800MHz and 1.73GHz; I would like to lock it on 1GHz to test something | 10:22 |
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faLUCE | Hi. i have compiled a simple kernel module and generated the .o file. now, how can I insert it? kernel version is 2.6.17-10-generic | 10:24 |
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K`zan | faLUCE: modprobe modulename | 10:26 |
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faLUCE | K`zan: | 10:27 |
faLUCE | paolo@paolo-laptop:~/provekernel$ sudo modprobe simple1.o | 10:27 |
faLUCE | FATAL: Module simple1.o not found. | 10:27 |
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K`zan | faLUCE: Hummm, that is about the extent of my knowledge on the subject. Perhaps modprobe pathto/modulename | 10:29 |
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tarelerulz | I download firefox for i368 and It runs for where I extracted ,but how to you install it like normal | 10:33 |
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LjL | tarelerulz: uh, why would you "download" firefox and run it from the home dir? firefox is in the repositories... | 10:34 |
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tarelerulz | Well, I try to get it useing add and remore program and it did not find anything | 10:34 |
gnomefreak | !info firefox | 10:35 |
ubotu | firefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 8992 kB, installed size 28580 kB | 10:35 |
vesku | apt-get... | 10:35 |
gnomefreak | tarelerulz: its in main repo make sure your using the net repos instead of the cd rom repo | 10:35 |
tarelerulz | I feel dumb I just found it | 10:36 |
tarelerulz | How would I go about getting mplayer and firefox plugin | 10:36 |
vesku | Can anybody help with wlan... how do i connect to wlan? | 10:37 |
LjL | tarelerulz: "apt-cache search firefox mplayer" or somesuch. | 10:37 |
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tarelerulz | I feel you vesku I try the wlan at my library and I could not get connected | 10:37 |
LjL | !info mozilla-mplayer | 10:38 |
LjL | !packages | 10:38 |
ubotu | mozilla-mplayer: MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.31-1 (edgy), package size 467 kB, installed size 1616 kB | 10:38 |
ubotu | You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways! | 10:38 |
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tarelerulz | ok I found mplayer and its plugin with apt how do I install in the gui one | 10:41 |
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LjL | tarelerulz, i haven't the slightest idea, i use command line. | 10:41 |
LjL | if it were me, i'd just type "sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer". | 10:41 |
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tarelerulz | That ljl | 10:42 |
tarelerulz | Thanks man | 10:42 |
HymnToLife | tarelerulz, a GUI For what ? | 10:42 |
HymnToLife | oh, forget it | 10:42 |
tarelerulz | the gui for the the packet and program installer | 10:42 |
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fairman | Hi, why i can not upgrade amarok from 1.4.3 to version 1.4.5 and the command apt-get upgrade writes "Following pack will be handed in actually version.... Amarok" why?? | 10:49 |
BluesKaj | tarelerulz, http://mplayerplug-in.sourceforge.net/ | 10:49 |
BluesKaj | the above is the FF plugin | 10:50 |
pc_ | 6 | 10:50 |
Tm_T | fairman: How about pasting full apt-get output to pastebin? | 10:50 |
Tm_T | !pate | 10:50 |
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Tm_T | Agh! | 10:50 |
LjL | !pat | 10:50 |
Tm_T | !paste | 10:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pate - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:50 |
BluesKaj | !pastebin | 10:50 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:50 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 10:50 |
gnunez | hi | 10:50 |
Tm_T | LjL: I could hate you, easily, but I wont. | 10:50 |
LjL | *g* | 10:51 |
tarelerulz | apt-get says it can't get mplayer and it dep | 10:51 |
Tm_T | No matter how hard you keep trying. ;) | 10:51 |
marwan | Happy Valantine day everyone | 10:51 |
BluesKaj | tarelerulz, http://mplayerplug-in.sourceforge.net/ | 10:51 |
tarelerulz | thanks I well get the souce it would seem | 10:51 |
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fairman | Tm_T: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5820/ - my apt-get output | 10:53 |
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marwan | I can not increase the display resolution, I have intel 82845G/GL graphic card. Any suggestion? | 10:54 |
tarelerulz | How do you get past apt-get saying it will not get the dep for mplayer and so on | 10:54 |
mike_ | @marvan: Try to add the resolution you want to /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 10:55 |
Tm_T | fairman: Try apt-get install for amarok etc | 10:55 |
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Tm_T | Time to get some sleep so remember to behave and have fun! -> | 10:56 |
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fairman | Tm_T: yes, it seems good, thank you | 10:56 |
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marwan | mike: the resolution is already in the xorg.config file, but I can not imcrease the res than 640x840 | 10:57 |
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fairman | Question for everybody, why the command apt-get upgrade is not able to upgrade amarok and kopete, but he is able to upgrade the other KDE software....? I have to do throught install command | 10:58 |
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main2 | i lost the journal of my ext3 drive some how? :S | 11:02 |
main2 | it shows up as ext2 now in gparted :S | 11:02 |
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main2 | can i get it back easily? | 11:02 |
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marwan | Bye everyone | 11:04 |
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bxnp | my god i am so proud of my newly build desktop system | 11:12 |
bxnp | found some cool icons aswell | 11:13 |
TheDebugger | I always have problems with adept... | 11:14 |
TheDebugger | Sometimes, it just doesn't run | 11:14 |
bxnp | just use apt-get | 11:15 |
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TheDebugger | bxnp: That's what i'm doing :/ | 11:17 |
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bxnp | and what is the message you get | 11:17 |
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esaym | do you have to be root in order to stop and start programs in init.d? | 11:25 |
duckdown | Hey all. I am trying to tail a file but filter out only the things I want to see.. This is the syntax I am trying: "tail -f /var/log/messages| awk '{print $3,$6,$10,$19,$11,$20}' /var/log/messages |grep DROP" however, any time a new message appears it just goes back to the prompt. Can someone correct this for me | 11:25 |
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bxnp | duckdown: there is a awk channel on the server #awk | 11:27 |
sparr | i officially hate bash wildcard expansion now. "rm *(2)*" seems straightforward enough... | 11:27 |
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duckdown | thanks | 11:29 |
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SolidSource | !samba | 11:32 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 11:32 |
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bxnp | http://www.postproductie.nl/burningman/images.html my new kubuntu installation | 11:35 |
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SolidSource | anyone testing feisty? | 11:36 |
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xenol | i need help plz | 11:43 |
xenol | can someone tell me which package i need for dapper? it is for my modem vigor318 | 11:43 |
xenol | http://search.belnet.be/packages/ubuntu/ubuntu/pool/main/f/flex/ | 11:43 |
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bxnp | your modem | 11:46 |
SolidSource | probably one of these....if those are for your modem: flex_2.5.31-38ubuntu1_amd64.deb or flex_2.5.31-38ubuntu1_i386.deb | 11:47 |
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riz_ | ciao cragazzi | 11:49 |
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riz_ | qualcuno sa come mai la stampante su kubuntu da' problemi? | 11:50 |
Xero | che stampante? | 11:50 |
riz_ | lexmark | 11:50 |
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michele | hi | 11:50 |
Xero | uhm, buh, modello? e che tipo di problemi? | 11:50 |
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Roey | hi! :) | 11:50 |
Xero | hi | 11:50 |
ninHer | just english riz | 11:51 |
Xero | ook | 11:51 |
Xero | he would to know something about problems with his printer | 11:51 |
Xero | a lexmark printer | 11:51 |
riz_ | me la riconosce ma al momento di stampare inizia la procedura ma poi niente scompare tutto | 11:52 |
Xero | in inglese? :P | 11:52 |
ninHer | yes please | 11:52 |
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Xero | he says that the printer is recognized by the system, but when he prints something nothing appens | 11:52 |
riz_ | ok........ | 11:53 |
Xero | it seems to be that he does not clicked anything | 11:53 |
Roey | I'm on Feisty Fawn; I am trying to get it to be able to connect with this D-Link DWL-AG650 pcmcia card and although I can /see/ wifi networks out there with Kismet, I can't seem to successfully connect to them. Can anyone help? | 11:53 |
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raylu | Roey, I assume you've used the wlan assistant? | 11:54 |
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riz_ | grazie xero.....prima o poi capiro' | 11:54 |
Xero | lol | 11:54 |
Xero | ma cavolo, sei italiano? :P | 11:54 |
Roey | raylu: yes I have. | 11:54 |
raylu | !es | riz_ | 11:54 |
ubotu | riz_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 11:54 |
raylu | and what does it do? | 11:54 |
Roey | kwifimanager, kde network manager, wlassisatnt | 11:54 |
Xero | ah si scusa, | 11:55 |
Xero | :P | 11:55 |
riz_ | si perche'? | 11:55 |
Xero | no niente, avevo sbagliato utente | 11:55 |
riz_ | ok...scusa | 11:55 |
Roey | ah, molto bene! | 11:55 |
Xero | hey roes, let's speek english, otherwise "so cazzi amari" aghag | 11:55 |
Roey | raylu, it just times out. | 11:56 |
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bxnp | Roey: kdenetworkmanager rocks | 11:56 |
Roey | Xero: heh ok | 11:56 |
raylu | Were you able to connect on Windows? | 11:56 |
riz_ | scusate ho fatto confusione | 11:56 |
bxnp | just do apt-get install knetworkmanager | 11:56 |
bxnp | and up you go | 11:56 |
Roey | bxnp BUT I can't set the timeout to >60s in knetworkmanager | 11:56 |
Roey | bxnp: no... it doesn't connect either. | 11:56 |
bxnp | the timeout for 60 seconds | 11:56 |
Roey | I don't get it. I *have* the madwifi drivers loaded | 11:56 |
bxnp | is your card supported anyway | 11:56 |
Roey | I can /see/ networks | 11:56 |
Roey | er | 11:56 |
bxnp | oh oke | 11:56 |
bxnp | wait | 11:56 |
Roey | the network I am trying to connect to | 11:56 |
Roey | hmm? | 11:57 |
Roey | if it is supported? I've seen posts hinting both ways. | 11:57 |
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JoshH2k | Howdy ho, neighborinos. I'm trying to install the Valve Steam server software, but, for some reason, bash keeps telling me that permission is denied, even though my user has rwx on the mount, directory, and binary - I'm even denied permission when I sudo the binary | 12:00 |
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Xero | bye guy, see you soon..i hope :P | 12:02 |
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raylu | JoshH2k, are you using the HLDS update tool? | 12:03 |
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x04ty29er | It hates you | 12:03 |
raylu | coming from the person who got it fully working... | 12:03 |
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tarelerulz | I am going to compile mplayer and am wonding if I do this will the mplayer plugin see that ? | 12:04 |
Branded_Atom | why do you want to compile? | 12:05 |
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tarelerulz | mplayer from ubuntu does not have win32 in it | 12:06 |
Branded_Atom | why not get it with adept or synaptic | 12:06 |
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tarelerulz | uless I am missing way to have it install that | 12:06 |
Branded_Atom | but thats just codec pack | 12:06 |
tarelerulz | Well, That is the whole reason for getting mplayer | 12:07 |
tarelerulz | that is part if it to me | 12:07 |
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Branded_Atom | can i suggest just getting the codec pack? | 12:08 |
tarelerulz | That is the whole reason I got mplayer | 12:08 |
tarelerulz | say I get the coded pack how to get mplayer to use it | 12:08 |
tarelerulz | that is what I would like to know | 12:08 |
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Branded_Atom | you put the files in the codec folder | 12:09 |
tarelerulz | I had mplayer installed before and I just thougtht if I did apt-get it might fix some of the bugs I had been having | 12:09 |
tarelerulz | I had just copy all the files over from other system | 12:10 |
Slynderdale | !svn | 12:10 |
ubotu | svn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/ | 12:10 |
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JoshH2k | <raylu> JoshH2k, are you using the HLDS update tool? << Sorry, yes I am. | 12:10 |
raylu | ok | 12:11 |
Branded_Atom | just get the win32 codecs pack and untar them to /usr/lib/codecs | 12:11 |
raylu | So you can't even download the files? | 12:11 |
JoshH2k | I try to execute it from the shell as ./hldsupdatetool.bin, and bash informs that I don't have permission | 12:11 |
tarelerulz | That may sound dumb ,but you ever click on the web link for cvc | 12:11 |
Slynderdale | Hmm, where do I get the SVN command in Kubuntu? | 12:11 |
raylu | Hm...one second, JoshH2k | 12:11 |
tarelerulz | I had the files there before | 12:11 |
tarelerulz | win32 | 12:11 |
tarelerulz | the new install did not see them | 12:11 |
Branded_Atom | did you untar all the files out... | 12:12 |
Branded_Atom | or just leave the pack intact? | 12:12 |
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tarelerulz | I mean am I missing something | 12:12 |
Minataku | !svn | 12:12 |
ubotu | svn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/ | 12:12 |
raylu | did you give the tool +x? | 12:12 |
tarelerulz | I thought do apt-get to install it would do all that | 12:12 |
Branded_Atom | nope | 12:13 |
Minataku | Hm | 12:13 |
Minataku | !find svn | 12:13 |
ubotu | Found: libapache2-svn, libsvn-core-perl, libsvn-doc, libsvn-javahl, libsvn-ruby (and 27 others) | 12:13 |
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raylu | JoshH2k, did you give HLDSupdatetool +x? | 12:13 |
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JoshH2k | raylu - I've tried 755 and 777 | 12:13 |
Minataku | Bleh | 12:13 |
Minataku | lol | 12:13 |
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raylu | Er...those only modify owner, group, and user | 12:13 |
raylu | chmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin | 12:13 |
Slynderdale | Minataku: Yea, Wasn't that helpful when I tried | 12:13 |
xenol | plz i need deb for amd64 kubuntu dapper for vigor318 modem can i use deb from debian? | 12:13 |
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Minataku | Slynderdale: Heh | 12:14 |
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JoshH2k | Doesn't that simply add execute permissions to owner, group, and others? | 12:14 |
tarelerulz | is there an easy how-to for cvs | 12:14 |
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Minataku | At least you're learning how to use things XD | 12:14 |
raylu | Yes. Which is what you need to do, right? | 12:14 |
JoshH2k | Right; and 755 would give everyone at least read & execute | 12:14 |
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JoshH2k | I'll try it, though | 12:14 |
Minataku | Hm | 12:15 |
Minataku | !help | 12:15 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 12:15 |
JoshH2k | raylu: -bash: ./hldsupdatetool.bin: Permission denied | 12:15 |
raylu | I thought 755 only gave read and write | 12:15 |
Minataku | Sorry, I got a goofy response in PM related to that | 12:15 |
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raylu | Hm...strange. I just did it and it worked | 12:15 |
Minataku | It does | 12:15 |
JoshH2k | 5 would be 101 - r-x | 12:15 |
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Minataku | The goofy response came when I asked it "help find" | 12:16 |
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